Artigo 6
Artigo 6
Artigo 6
activity on cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiovascular risk in premenopausal and postmenopausal women: a systematic review of
randomized controlled trials. Menopause 29(10) : 1222-1229 (2022). | DOI: 10.1097/GME.0000000000002037 . © 2022 Wolters
Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Physical Activity on Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Cardiovascular Risk in Pre‐ and Post‐
menopausal Women: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Department of Physical Education and Sport. Faculty of Education and Sport‐Physical Activity
and Sport Sciences Section. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Vitoria‐Gasteiz.
GIzartea, Kirola eta Ariketa Fisikoa Ikerkuntza Taldea (GIKAFIT). Society, Sports, and Physical
Exercise Research Group. Department of Physical Education and Sport. Faculty of Education and
Sport‐ Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Section. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).
Bioaraba Health Research Institute. Physical Activity, Exercise, and Health group. Vitoria‐
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or
not‐for‐profit sectors
No conflict of interest
Sport. Faculty of Education and Sport‐Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Section.
Importance: The apparent cardioprotective effects of endogenous estrogens to prevent
cardiovascular disease in pre‐menopausal women are reduced with the loss of hormonal
effects. Cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiovascular risk factors are closely related to
physical activity levels.
Objective: This study conducted a critical assessment of studies for health prevention
that analyze the effects of physical activity programs on cardiorespiratory fitness and
cardiovascular risk factors in women, comparing pre‐and post‐menopausal states,
through a systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
Findings: Fourteen scientific articles met the inclusion criteria. Great variability was
found in physical activity variables. All the studies found an improvement in at least one
variable. The risk of bias was high, with all the articles obtaining a low methodological
quality, except two with high methodological quality. Only one article considered the
differences in the menopausal state observing the effects of physical activity
intervention, and highlighting the importance of physical activity in both states
Conclusions and Relevance: To strengthen the evidence for the benefits of physical
activity programs in women, and to observe the effects depending on their menopausal
state, there is an ongoing need for more rigorous randomized controlled trials of
appropriate length and dose, with individualized exercise intensity.
Key Points
Findings: The fourteen scientific articles included showed great variability in physical
activity intervention, with a high risk of bias. Exercising for at least three months was
beneficial in improving cardiorespiratory fitness and reducing cardiovascular risk factors
in pre‐ and post‐menopausal women.
Meaning: Based on the results of the systematic review, physical activity improves
cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiovascular risk factors in women. However, studies
with differentiation in the menopausal state are needed to apply the results to clinical
The fact that higher cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and physical activity (PA)
patterns are inversely associated with CVD mortality is well documented.4 Thus, CRF is
promoted as a clinical vital sign, and therefore the need for its assessment.4 This
assertion highlights the potential impact on the survival of PA intervention,.5 meeting
the international guidelines on PA (i.e., 150‐300 min/week of moderate‐intensity, or 75‐
150 min/week of vigorous‐intensity, or an equivalent combination of both intensities,
plus muscle‐strengthening activities).6 It has recently been stated that regular exercise,
especially at high intensity, leads to higher CRF, which is associated with a better
lipoprotein particle profile in perimenopausal and late postmenopausal women.7
However, the effect of menopause is still understudied, under‐recognized,
underdiagnosed, and undertreated globally.1 Therefore, knowing the relevance of
lowering cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) and increasing CRF to prevent the onset of
CVD and the role of PA in this sense,8‐12 a manuscript is needed that analyzes the results
found in studies on this issue specifically in women. In addition, it seems necessary to
distinguish the menopausal state when analyzing the effects of PA due to hormonal
differences.13 Therefore, this systematic review aimed to analyze the effects of PA
programs on CRF and CVRF in women by comparing pre‐and post‐menopausal states.
review was registered in PROSPERO, the international prospective register of systematic
reviews (CRD42021282525). A comprehensive search of the following online databases
was systematically performed up to December 28, 2021: PubMed MEDLINE, Cochrane,
Scopus (Elsevier), SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science. The search strategy comprised the
following Medical Subject Headings or keywords: “women” AND “menopausal state”
AND “cardiorespiratory fitness” OR “cardiovascular risk” AND (exercise OR physical
activity) AND (“randomized controlled trials” OR “clinical trials” OR “experimental
trials”) NOT (animal OR rat).
Randomized controlled trials published in English and those with the following
PICOS (Participant, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Study design) question were
considered. In this approach: P: women up to 18 years old; I: PA intervention; C: pre‐ vs.
post‐menopausal state and/or control group comparator; O: at least one proxy of CRF
and/or CVRF; and S: randomized controlled trials. The exclusion criteria were as follows:
women with significant medical conditions including but not limited to, chronic or
recurrent neurological or psychiatric conditions, immunodeficiency diseases, bleeding
disorders, chronic thrombotic disorder, malignancies in the past 5 years; men or mixed
sample in the study; women in primary prevention; animals; there was no PA
Review selection
Quality Appraisal
To quantify the methodological quality of the included studies, the
Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale and Oxford’s Evidence levels were
used.15 The PEDro scale rates RCT on a scale from 0 (low quality) to 11 (high quality)
related to scientific rigor. Given that the assessors are rarely blinded, and that it is
impossible to blind the participants and investigators in supervised PA interventions the
items related to blinding (5–7) were removed from the scale. For this reason, the
maximum result on the modified PEDro 8‐point scale was 7 (highest score), as the first
item is not included in the total score. The qualitative ratings were adjusted to those
used in previous exercise‐related systematic reviews as follows: 6–7 = “excellent”; 5 =
“good”; 4 = “moderate”; and, 0–3 = “poor”. Oxford’s Evidence levels range from 1 to 5,
with 1a being systematic reviews of high‐quality RCT, 1b individual RCT with a narrow
confidence interval, 2a systematic review of cohort studies, 2b individual cohort study,
3a systematic review of a case‐control study, 3b individual case‐control study, 4 case‐
series, and 5 being expert opinions.15 Two researchers (S.M.‐M. and M.R.–R.) rated the
methodological quality of each study independently. When there was a discrepancy, this
was resolved by discussion until consensus was reached. The rates were not blinded to
the study authors’ place of publications and results.
Figure 1 shows the outline of our systematic review in which the search of all
databases yielded a total of 3875 articles: 522 from PubMed, 2780 in Cochrane, 0 in
Scopus, 97 in SPORTDiscus, and 476 in Web of Science. After removing duplicates and
screening the titles and abstracts, 3847 articles were removed so that 28 articles were
assessed for eligibility. Of these, 17 were eliminated because of wrong population, study
design, or publication type. Three additional articles were identified through references
to previously identified articles. Consequently, 14 articles were finally selected in the
systematic review (Table 1). The 14 included articles were published between 1999 and
2021 (mean 2010) and all of them showed benefits in at least CRF or CVRF after PA
Table 1 shows the main features of the scientific articles of RCT included in this
systematic review. First, we would like to highlight that no great variability (generally all
participants were inactive or sedentary adult women with overweight/obesity, and not
on hormone therapy) was seen in the populations because of the reduced sample size.8‐
Concerning the type of PA assessed, it was generally observed that nearly all the
scientific articles included traditional training in their interventions such as aerobic
training,16 resistance exercises,8 High‐Intensity Interval Training (HIIT),22 treadmill
walking,9,18 Zumba fitness,23 Tai Chi,21 or concurrent training (Table 1).17,19
Regarding the frequency and time spent doing PA, there was great variability in
the scientific articles included (Table 1). First, the frequency varied from two to three
days per week to most days of the week, with ranges always provided, since the RCT
included in these scientific articles did not always use the same duration. Secondly, the
period used to assess a change in CRF or CVRF ranged from 8 to 76 weeks, that is, one
year and two months. Finally, after PA intervention, CRF11,12,21‐23 and CVRF8‐13,16‐23 (i.e.
all of those related to lipid and glycemic metabolism, body composition, blood pressure,
inflammatory index, and autonomic responses) improved significantly in most of the
studies, with positive changes also found in behavioral and psychosocial variables
leading to emotional well‐being.18,20,21,23 It is important to note that in all the analyzed
articles,8‐13,16‐23 except one,13 women of different ages were considered, from the
youngest (≈18 years old) to the oldest age (≈77 years old), but they did not carry out an
analysis of the effects of PA according to the menopausal status of the women, to assess
whether there were differences between the two periods (pre‐ vs post‐menopause).
The only article that analyzes pre‐and post‐menopausal women showed significant
decreases in total and low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations in both
groups, while only the post‐menopausal women decreased significantly in triglycerides
after PA intervention (Table 1).13
Table 2 summarizes the PEDro scale and Oxford’s Evidence levels for scientific
articles included in this systematic review. The overall quality of included articles was
critically low. It is noteworthy that all the included articles positively defined the PICOS
question correctly, and all the publications, except two,8,23 maintained the groups at
baseline. By contrast, included articles assessed by the PEDro scale showed bias
regarding no concealed allocation, and at least one measurement did not obtain more
than 85%. For the menopausal state, only one13 out of 14 publications made a
comparison between pre‐and post‐menopausal women. However, none of the 13
manuscripts reported adequate information about the effect of PA intervention in CRF
or CVR in pre and postmenopausal women.
Overview of the results from this systematic review indicates that regardless of
the frequency, intensity, time, and type of PA performed, there are improvements in
CRF and CVRF in both pre‐ and post‐menopausal women. However, there was low‐to‐
moderate heterogeneity of effects for all outcomes among randomized controlled trials.
body composition, but not on body mass change.11 FurtherIn addition, it has also been
shown that resistance exercise may increase average glucose concentrations, while
aerobic exercise, on the contrary, may lower them in pre‐and post‐menopausal
women.13 However, a combination of both endurance and resistance exercise (i.e.,
concurrent training) is needed to reduce visceral fat and maintain or increase muscle
mass, as well as to improve the atherogenic index of plasma, C‐reactive protein, and
low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations.17,19 Some of the present results have
shown improvements in aerobic capacity after PA intervention, which can sometimes
be associated with weight loss.11 Women experienced increases in maximum oxygen
consumption,16,20,23 peak oxygen consumption,17,19 flexibility,23 strength,11,23 and aerobic
endurance11,19,22,23 after PA programs. Other studies have shown that it is possible to
reduce fatigue, which may be helpful to work at higher intensities.18,21 In fact, it has been
demonstrated that the more intensive the program is, the greater the increases in
endurance and strength that are achieved.11 Thus, vigorous aerobic exercise resulted in
significantly greater lean tissue preservation than normal lifestyle activity did.16 On the
other hand, only practicing 30 minutes of moderate lifestyle activity in short bouts per
day most days of the week, has been shown to improve both CRF and CVRF in women
with obesity, so even small lifestyle changes may be relevant in terms of decreasing
metabolic risk and being able to tolerate effort better in PA.16
comparing both menopausal states concluded that the type of exercise is more
important for post‐menopausal than pre‐menopausal women, with aerobic exercise
having a greater effect on the CVRF.13 Taking into account the aforementioned results,
it seems to be a paucity of studies analyzing the effect of exercise differentiating the
menopausal state of women, and compare whether there are differences between the
two states (pre‐ vs. post‐menopausal).
The current review has two main strengths: 1) the developed research question
since it is important to know which clinical options, based on PA, decrease CVRF or
improve CRF, to advise participants who have high‐to‐normal values, 2) the study design
based on randomized controlled trials with a high level of evidence, providing that it has
been properly conducted by applying the PEDro scale and Oxford’s Evidence levels.15
The main limitation of this systematic review is the lack of publications regarding
the effects of a PA intervention in pre‐and post‐menopausal women. It is also possible
that other articles met our eligibility criteria but were not in the electronic databases
mentioned above. In addition, most of the included articles had low methodological
quality, which makes the transfer of the results to clinical practice difficult.
Concerning clinical practice and considering the results together with the quality
of the publications, it was shown that for women with at least one CVRF or with low CRF,
there is strong scientific evidence to recommend many types of activities such as Zumba,
concurrent training, endurance or resistance training, Tai Chi, or HIIT.8‐13,16‐23 The
aforementioned PA programs can be practiced by participants of all ages and improve,
consequently, at least one variable over a period between 8 weeks to 1 year. All
activities can be performed outdoors or indoors, and in groups, to increase adherence.
Finally, the review should be strengthened, improving the peer‐review process, which is
a key point for the scientific validity of a work. Additionally, the process should be critical
of manuscripts that have already been published, applying tools like the PEDro scale or
Oxford’s Evidence levels.15
All the studies analyzed underline the importance and beneficial effects of PA
regardless the menopausal state of women. However, there is great variability
concerning the FITT principle (frequency, intensity, type, and time‐volume) with only
two studies showing good quality. To strengthen the evidence for the benefits of PA
programs in women, and to observe the effects depending on their menopausal state,
there is an ongoing need for more rigorous randomized controlled trials of appropriate
length and dose, with individualized exercise intensity.
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