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Southeast Wisconsin
Southeast Wisconsin
Place your ad 24/7 @
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Southeast Wisconsin 2005 Legal Notices 2005 Legal Notices 2005 Legal Notices 2005 Legal Notices 2005 Legal Notices 2005 Legal Notices
City Hall, 174 E Wiscon- Clerk's Office at City that the plaintiff named a- ment against you for the ty may not be withdrawn
sin Ave, Oconomowoc Hall, 174 E Wisconsin bove has filed a lawsuit ––––––––––––– award of money or other for a period of 60 days
WI 53066 no later than Ave, Oconomowoc WI or other legal action a- Case No. 24CV28 legal action requested in after the Bid Deadline.
11AM Thurs, Feb 29, 53066 no later than gainst you. Foreclosure of Mortgage the Complaint, and you Bid security will be
2024 at which time they 11:30AM Thurs, Feb 29, Within 40 days after STATE OF WISCONSIN may lose your right to ob- retained if the Bidder is
will be publicly opened & 2024 at which time they February 15th 2024, you CIRCUIT COURT ject to anything that is or awarded the work & fails
read aloud in Conf Rm 3, will be opened & read must respond with a writ- DODGE COUNTY may be incorrect in the to execute the Agreement
CASE 23SC3660 permit from the Wiscon- no later than 1PM Thurs, SUMMONS
STATE OF WISCONSIN sin DNR to treat up to 5.0 Feb 29, 2024 at which 2nd floor of City Hall. Bids aloud in Conf Rm 3, 2nd ten demand for a copy Complaint. A judgment & furnish 100%
shall be enclosed in a floor of City Hall. Bids of the complaint. The de- JESSICA JACOBS may be enforced as pro- Performance & Payment
CIRCUIT COURT acres of water in time they will be publicly 1492 BLUEBIRD DRIVE
WAUKESHA COUNTY Tamarack Lake with a- opened & read aloud in sealed envelope & shall be enclosed in a mand must be sent or vided by law. A judgment Bonds. This project is
marked "2024 Concrete sealed envelope & delivered to the court, OCONOMOWOC, WI awarding money may funded in part by financial
Notice of Hearing quatic pesticides to con- Conf Room 3, 2nd floor of 53066
James Baietto trol aquatic vegetation. City Hall. Bids shall be Sidewalk Replacement marked "Crack Sealing whose address is United become a lien against assistance from Local
Program". Bidding docu- Project 2024". Bidding States District Court Plaintiff, any real estate you own Road Improvements
W375N6838 Pheasant The treatments would enclosed in a sealed vs.
Run take place between April envelope & marked "2024 ments available at documents are available Eastern District of Wis- now or in the future, & Program (LRIP). A proof, ref- at, consin, 517 E. Wiscon- MICHAEL J. POUCHERT may also be enforced by of responsibility (pre-
Oconomowoc, WI 53066 30, 2024 & Oct 31, 2024. Pickleball Courts Project". 694 SUMMIT AVE
Plaintiff, The Association will con- Bidding documents are erence Quest #8968569. reference Quest sin Ave - Room 362, Mil- garnishment or seizure of qualification) form availa-
To be considered a plan #8968570. To be consi- waukee, WI 53202, and OCONOMOWOC, WI property. ble with the bid docu-
vs. duct a public information- available at 53066
Cindy Lamprecht al meeting on the pro-, ref- holder, register with dered a plan holder, reg- to Larry A. Johnson, and BENDER, LARSON, ments for this contract for a free ister with Connor J. Clegg, Plain- Defendant. CHIDLEY, KOPPES & must be delivered to the
411 Summit Ave posed treatment if five or erence Quest #8974966. THE STATE OF WIS-
Oconomowoc, WI 53066 more individuals, organi- To be considered a plan regular membership & for a free Regular mem- tiff's attorneys, whose ASSOCIATES, S. C. City of Oconomowoc not
download the bidding bership & download the address is Hawks Quin- CONSIN: 138 Hospital Dr, Suite 100 later than March 7, 2024
Defendant, zations, special units of holder, register with To the persons named a-
Plaintiff is suing Defen- government, or local units for a free documents for $22. bidding documents for del, S.C., 5150 North Watertown, WI 53098 & shall show sufficient
Downloading the docu- $22. Downloading the Port Washington Road, bove as Defendant: Telephone: (920) 261-7626 ability, equipment & ex-
dant for Restitution for of government request Regular membership & You are hereby noti-
late rent, late fees and one. The meeting will give download the bidding ments & becoming a plan documents & becoming a Suite 243, Milwaukee, Publish: 2/22, 2/29, 3/7 perience to properly per-
holder is recommended plan holder is recom- WI 53217. You may fied that the Plaintiff WNAXLP form the contract. The
damages. The court citizens a chance to learn documents for $22.
hearing has been set for more about the proposed Downloading the docu- as plan holders receive mended as plan holders have an attorney help or named above has filed a
lawsuit against you. The
––––––––––––– City of Oconomowoc's
Waukesha County Court- treatment based on infor- ments & becoming a plan automatic notice of receive automatic notice represent you. AD FOR BIDS-2024 decision as to qualifica-
addenda & bid updates. of addenda & bid up- If you do not demand a Complaint, which is also Street Maintenance: tions shall be final. Own-
house, 515 W More- mation provided to the cit- holder is recommended served upon you, states
land Blvd, Waukesha WI izens attending the meet- as plan holders receive Interested parties may dates. Interested parties copy of the complaint The City of Oconomowoc er reserves the right to
view the bidding docu- may view the bidding within 40 days, the court the nature and basis of is requesting bids for the reject any or all bids & to
53188. ing. automatic notice of the legal action.
March 25, 2024 at 9:00 Any request for a pub- addenda & bid updates. ments at no cost prior to documents at no cost may grant judgment a- 2024 Street Maintenance waive informalities in any
deciding to become a prior to deciding to be- gainst you for the award Within twenty (20) days Projects in the City. bid. Bidding documents
AM, Room C263 lic meeting on this pro- Interested parties may of receiving this
If the defendant is con- posed treatment must view the bidding docu- plan holder. Contact come a plan holder. Con- of money or other legal Sealed bids will be re- available at www.
QuestCDN Customer tact QuestCDN Custom- action requested in the Summons, or within forty- ceived by the Clerk's of-, reference
testing this amount, a be made within five days ments at no cost prior to five (45) days if the
written answer outlining of this published notice. deciding to become a Support at 952-233-1632 er Support at 952-233- complaint, and you may fice at City Hall, 174 E Quest #8968572. To be
or Support@- 1632 or Support@ lose your right to object Defendant is the State of Wisconsin Ave until 11 considered a plan holder
the reasons why he/she The request must speci- plan holder. Contact Wisconsin, you must re-
is contesting the amount fy the topics to be dis- QuestCDN Customer for assis- for assis- to anything that is or am on March 7, 2024 at register with QuestCDN.
tance in membership tance in membership may be incorrect in the spond with a written An- which time they will be com for a free regular
must be filed with the cussed, including pro- Support at 952-233-1632 swer, as that term is
Court with a copy to the blems and alternatives, or Support@- registration & download- registration & download- complaint. A judgment publicly opened & read membership & download
ing digital bidding docu- ing digital bidding docu- may be enforced as pro- used in Chapter 802 of aloud in Room 3, 2nd the bidding documents
plaintiff ON OR BE- and must be sent in writ- for assis- the Wisconsin Statutes,
FORE the above court ing to the Tamarack tance in membership ments. The City of Ocon- ments. The City of Ocon- vided by law. A judg- floor of City Hall. Project for $22. Downloading the
omowoc reserves the omowoc reserves the ment awarding money to the Complaint. The consists of pulverize & documents & becoming a
date. Failure to timely Lake Association, N64 registration & download- Court may reject or disre-
file an answer may re- W35332 Rolefson Rd., ing digital bidding docu- right to select any firm's right to select any firm's may become a lien a- overlay of 32,000 SY of plan holder is recom-
proposal it deems the Bid it deems the most gainst any real estate gard an Answer that asphalt roadway; remove mended as plan holders
sult in judgment being Oconomowoc, WI 53066 ments. The City of Ocon- does not follow the re-
granted to the plaintiff and copied to Heidi omowoc reserves the most advantageous & advantageous & serves in you own now or in the fu- & replace 7,500 SY of receive automatic notice
serves in the best inter- the best interest of the City. ture, and may also be quirements of the stat- roadway; 6,000 LF of 8" of addenda & bid up-
for the amount of damag- Bunk, WDNR, 141 NW right to select any firm's utes. The Answer must be
es plus costs. Barstow, Rm 180, Wau- proposal it deems the est of the City. Publish: Feb. 15, 22 enforced by garnishment water main replacement; dates. Interested parties
Publish: Feb. 15, 22 WNAXLP or seizure of property. sent or delivered to the 300 LF of 12" water main may view the bidding
If you require reason- kesha, WI 53188. most advantageous &
able accommodations This notice is required serves in the best inter- WNAXLP ––––––––––––– Dated: 02/12/ 2024 Court, whose address is: replacement; 5,700 LF of documents at no cost
due to a disability in or- by Chpt NR 107, Admin- est of the City. ––––––––––––– Case No. 23CV1415 s/Larry A. Johnson Clerk of Courts, Dodge
County Courthouse, 210
sanitary sewer lining & prior to deciding to be-
der to participate in the istrative Code. Publish: Feb. 15, 22 AD FOR BIDS-Crack UNITED STATES Larry A. Johnson, State associated manhole re- come a plan holder. Con-
W. Center St, Juneau, WI
court process, please Publish: Feb. 22 WNAXLP Sealing Various City DISTRICT COURT Bar No.: 1056619
53039 & to Bender,
habilitation; spot replace- tact QuestCDN Custom-
call 262-548-7525 prior WNAXLP ––––––––––––– Streets: The City of EASTERN DISTRICT Connor J. Clegg, State
Larson, Chidley, Koppes
ment of curb & gutter, er Support at 952-233-
to the scheduled court ––––––––––––– AD FOR BIDS-2024 Oconomowoc is request- OF WISCONSIN Bar No.: 1118534
& Associates, S.C., plain-
storm sewer, sidewalk & 1632 or Support@
date. Please note that AD FOR BIDS-2024 Concrete Sidewalk Re- ing bids for crack sealing MILWAUKEE DIVISION Attorneys for Plaintiff
tiff’s attorneys, whose
drainage improvements; for assis-
the court does not pro- Pickleball Courts Pro- placement Program: asphalt street pavement CODY WENDT, Hawks Quindel, S.C.
address is 138 Hospital
& resurface a parking lot. tance in membership
vide transportation. ject: The City of Ocono- The City of Oconomowoc with Hot Pour Rubber- Plaintiff, 5150 North Port Wash-
Dr, Suite 100, Watertown,
A formal pre-bid meeting registration & download-
Publish: 2/22 mowoc is soliciting bids is soliciting bids from ized Joint Sealant. Pro- v. ington Road, Suite 243
WI, 53098. You may have
to examine the site will ing digital bidding docu-
WNAXLP from qualified contractors qualified contractors to posed street sections in- TRIFECTA SOLUTIONS Milwaukee, WI 53217
an attorney help or repre-
not be held. Site may be ments. Bidding docu-
––––––––––––– for the construction of remove & replace ap- clude ongoing mainte- LLC, and Telephone: (414) 271-
sent you.
viewed at the contrac- ments will be available
Notice of Application for pickleball courts at North- prox. 2400 sf of existing nance of streets previ- FRANK D. ALIOTO, De- 8650
If you do not provide a
tor's convenience. A sin- February 22, 2024. Pub-
Aquatic Plant east City Park. Sealed concrete sidewalk ously crack sealed where fendants. Fax: (414) 207-6079
proper Answer within 20
gle prime bid will be re- lished by authority of the
Management Permit Bids are due at the City squares at various loca- crack sealant has failed PUBLICATION E-mail:ljohnson@hq-law.
days, or within 45 days if
ceived for the work. Bids City of Oconomowoc
The Tamarack Lake As- Clerk's Office at City Hall, tions throughout the City. or newly developed SUMMONS com
the Defendant is the
must be accompanied by Publish: Feb. 22, 29
sociation (Association) 174 E Wisconsin Ave, Sealed Bids are due at cracks on new or resur- To each person named [email protected] bid security in the amount WNAXLP
intends to apply for a Oconomowoc WI 53066 the City Clerk's Office at faced streets. Sealed above as a Defendant: Publish: 2/15, 2/22, 2/29 State of Wisconsin, the
Court may grant judg-
of 5% of the maximum bid –––––––––––––
Bids are due at the City You are hereby notified WNAXLP amount. Bid & bid securi-