3M - 6233P - Articulos
3M - 6233P - Articulos
3M - 6233P - Articulos
Induction or Gas
Fired Heaters
General The cleaning-media working mix shall be maintained clean of
This document provides guidance for the plant application of 3M ™ contaminants by continuous and effective operation of blasting-
Scotchkote 6233P Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coatings. machine scalping and air-wash separators.
Coating materials shall be handled, stored, and applied in Any raised slivers, scabs, laminations or bristles of steel remaining
accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications, or as directed on the newly cleaned surface shall be removed using abrasive
by an authorized representative of the coating manufacturer. All grinders or by hand filing. This cleaning operation must minimize
references to SSPC shall be interpreted as Society for Protective damage to the anchor pattern.
Prior to coating, the cleaned pipe shall be inspected to ensure that
All references to NACE shall be interpreted as National Association all cleaning steps have been adequately performed. Presence of
of Corrosion Engineers. contaminants indicates a malfunction of the cleaning equipment,
which shall be corrected immediately.
Surface Preparation
Prior to blast cleaning, surfaces shall be inspected and pre-cleaned Remove cleaning media or other loose contaminants that may
according to SSPC-SP1 to remove oil, grease and loosely adhering have entered the interior of the pipe. Use clean, dry, oil-free air in
deposits. Visible oil and grease spots shall be removed by solvent a manner that shall not affect the other clean pipe or pipe to be
wiping. Only approved safety solvents which do not leave a residue coated.
shall be used. The cleaned pipe surfaces shall be protected from conditions of
The exterior pipe surface shall be abrasive blast-cleaned to NACE rainfall, or surface moisture. Flash rusting should not occur prior to
No. 2/SSPC-SP10 ISO 8501:1, Grade SA 2 1/2 near-white finish heating the pipe.
using steel grit after pre-heating of pipe to sufficient temperature
Coating Application
to remove all moisture. Nearwhite finish is interpreted to mean that
For normal coating thickness the pipe temperature at the
all metal surfaces shall be blasted to remove all dirt, mill scale, rust
entrance of the coating station is normally between 425°F/218°C
corrosion products, oxides, paint and other foreign matter. Very
and 488°F/253°C. The pre-heat temperature shall not exceed
light shadows, very slight streaks or slight discolorations shall be
500°F/260°C. The heat source shall not leave a residue or
acceptable; however, at least 95% of the surface shall have the
contaminant on the pipe surface. Graduated Tempilstik® crayons
uniform gray appearance of a white-metal blast-cleaned surface.
may be used to measure the temperature. Only a small spot of pipe
The cleaning media shall be selected to achieve an anchor pattern shall be touched with the Tempilstik® crayon. 3M™ Scotchtrak™
profile of no less than 1.5 mils/38 μm or more than 4.0 mils/101 μm. optical pyrometers or equivalent infrared sensing devices may
Standards for comparison shall be made available by the contractor. be used in addition to, or in lieu of, Tempilstik® crayons. Infrared
sensing devices shall be used to monitor the temperature of the
For consistent surface finish, a stabilized working mix of the
applied coating. Do not use on uncoated/bare steel.
cleaning media shall be maintained by frequent small additions
of new grit commensurate with consumption; infrequent large
additions shall be avoided.
3M™ Scotchkote Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating 6233P shall the heat bondable polymeric Scotchkote 226P Hot Melt Patch
be applied to the pipe at the specified thickness using the best Compound shall be applied in small areas to a minimum thickness
commercial practice. A suitable coating cutback shall be provided of 16mils/400 μm in addition to the parent coating. Abrade the area
at each end of the pipe. After application, the Scotchkote coating with sandpaper. A non-contaminating heat source shall be used to
6233P shall be allowed to cure in accordance with the following: heat the area to be repaired to approximately 350°F/177°C. When
the Patch Compound sticks to the hot surface, it is hot enough.
Gel Time (sec)* Cure Time (sec)*
400°F/205°C 450°F/232°C While continuing to heat the cleaned and prepared area, the patch
Scotchkote 6233P 9.5 30 compound shall be applied by rubbing the stick on the area to be
4G repaired in circular motion to achieve a smooth, neat appearing
Scotchkote 6233P 17 60 patch. The patch shall be allowed to cool before handling.
Scotchkote 6233P 30 90 Pipe with major coating defects, such as partially coated joints,
unbonded coating or inadequate film thickness, shall be set aside
Cure by residual heat; extra light wall pipe may require additional
for a decision by Purchaser to accept, repair or reprocess.
cure. See cure charts in figures 2, 3 and 4 for additional detail.
During the period of coating and curing, the pipe shall be handled Storage, Handling and Shipping
so as to avoid damage to the coating. After the coating has cured Pipe shall be handled and stored in a manner to prevent damage to
it shall be cooled with air or water spray to a temperature not to pipe walls, beveled ends and coating. Pipe or coating damaged in
exceed 250°F/121°C for inspection and repair. handling or other operations shall be satisfactorily repaired.
Important Notice
All statements, technical information and recommendations related to 3M Products are based on information believed to be reliable, but the
accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed. Before using the 3M Product, you must evaluate it and determine if it is suitable for your intended
application. Because conditions of Product use are outside of our control and vary widely you assume all risks and liability associated with such
use. Any Product-related statements not contained in current 3M publications, or any contrary statements contained in your purchase order,
shall have no force or effect unless expressly agreed to in writing by an authorized officer of 3M.
Infrastructure Protection Division