Sample 3 Assignment 3
Sample 3 Assignment 3
Sample 3 Assignment 3
Project Proposal
Development and Implementation of a
Financial Procedures Manual
Prepared For: ,
Strategic Finance Manager,
Statewide Services & Primary Health Care
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary 5
2. Background
Organisation 6
Problems/Opportunities 6
Outline of Project 7
4. Project Objectives 10
5. Project Outcomes 11
Project Schedule 14
7. Resources
Resource List 15
Division of Labour 15
Estimates of Resources 15
Management of Resources 16
Budget 16
8. Risk
Potential Project Risks 17
Risk Management Plan 17
9. Recommendation / Conclusion 18
10. Appendices
A. Treasurers’ Instructions 11 19
B. Risk 20
Risk by Category Table 20
Priority Score Table 21
Risk Management Plan 23
C. Estimated Resources & Project Budget 25
D. Treasurers’ Instruction 11 Jan 2009 Report 27
E. Extract from Proposed Questionnaire 29
F. Stakeholder Analysis 30
G. Sample Flow Chart 31
H. Work Breakdown Structure 32
I. Gantt Chart 33
J. Network Diagram 34
K. Responsibility Matrix 35
L. Milestones 36
1. Executive Summary
This project proposal is the first step towards the achievement of a Financial
Procedures Manual which will provide invaluable assistance and support to SA Dental
Service managers. The primary objective is to produce a user friendly manual which will
be used as a reference point and an ongoing source of information. There are many
potential benefits to be gained from the project and ultimately this tool. It will highlight
deficiencies in knowledge and skills and provide for a consolidated approach to
ensuring that user needs and requirements will be met. It is hoped that with this support
the frequency of resubmissions to Shared Services SA will decrease which in turn will
lead to some cost benefits for the organisation.
A clear and precise scope will be achieved after extensive liaison with key stakeholders
and potential users. An extract of the planned questionnaire is included in the
appendices. This will be used to determine the extent of knowledge in the processes
that currently exist. Discussions will be held with representatives of both SA Dental
Services and Shared Services SA which will also help in establishing the content of the
manual. It is envisaged that these initial communications will help to gain the
commitment and understanding that is required to create a highly motivated team.
It is proposed that the project will commence at the beginning of April 2009 and be
ready for closure by the end of July, a total duration of approximately 4 months. Both
project managers will be active participants on the project during this time. The
estimated cost of the project will be approximately $20,000 with a contingency built in
for costs based on an additional 4 weeks.
A detailed risk management plan has been included in the proposal which highlights the
risks and their potential impact on the project. It also includes contingency actions
should any such risks occur during the project. Control and monitoring of performance
will be achieved by progress reports at the completion of each milestone. This will aid in
keeping the lines of communication open between all key stakeholders.
2. Background
The South Australian Dental Service is a public sector department that provides a range of
dental services for children and eligible adults at clinics throughout Adelaide and major
country regional centres (SA Dental Service website, 2009). The South Australian Dental
Service has a corporate services division, of which Finance is one of the key support
teams. The Finance Department includes the Accounts Payable (AP) and Accounts
Receivable (AR) services which process all incoming and outgoing payments.
On October 2007 the South Australian Cabinet approved the Shared Services model put
forward by the Department of Treasury and Finance on the transition of the three priority
services, payroll, accounts payable and accounts receivable. Shared Services SA (SSSA)
aims to implement corporate and business services to be shared by all departments of the
South Australian Public Sector (Shared Services SA website, 2009). On the 19 January
2009 the SA Dental Service AP and AR teams transitioned to Shared Services SA at
Westpac House, Adelaide.
Problems / Opportunities
The Service Agreement that SSSA has with agencies such as SA Dental Service outlines
the provision of a purely processing service, that is, documentation submitted to SSSA
must be complete and ready for processing. If not, the documentation will be returned to its
source at the agency for correction. The Service Agreements outlines that SSSA will
charge the agency on a transactional basis; therefore each payment submission will incur a
charge, the more submissions to SSSA due to errors or incomplete documentation, the
more the agency will be charged.
As a result there is financial incentive for SA Dental Service to get the documentation
submitted to SSSA right the first time. SA Dental Service managers who authorise all
invoices and claims need to ensure that the documentation is filled out correctly and cease
reliance on the previous AP and AR staff to correct errors.
Outline of Project
In order to ensure SA Dental Service managers are able to complete the appropriate
documentation and include all the requirements necessary, a Financial Procedures Manual
will be developed and distributed to all managers.
The client also requires that the Treasurers’ Instruction 11 result, a key performance
indicator reported to the Department of Treasury and Finance on a monthly basis, increase
to the target level of 90% in 12 months. See appendix A for further detail on the Treasurers’
Instruction 11 report.
2. Overall Aim and Purpose
Project Scope:
To develop and distribute a financial procedures manual for managers in the South
Australian Dental Service within the agreed budget and timeline.
The aim of this project is to provide a useful tool for local managers, which will ensure that
consistent processes are being followed in relation to financial services. It is also a way to
assist managers in gaining a greater understanding of the reasons such processes are
necessary and is hoped that it will give them greater insight into the importance of correct
procedures in the ‘big picture’. It is a way of ensuring that these processes will be continued
even in the event of managers taking leave or resigning. It consolidates the information into
a user-friendly manual, which will be kept up-to-date with the most current information
It is assumed that the designated timeline will be adequate to complete the tool within the
estimated cost and resource allocations. It is also assumed that the tool will be of a high
quality and will be kept up-to-date with current information, forms etc to ensure the
continued integrity of work processes. It is assumed that the tool will be used on a regular
basis with all users having an effective understanding of the processes and language
included in the manual. It is also expected that all users will be committed to using the tool
on a regular basis and that the relevant managers will advise us when additional people will
require access to the tool.
4. Project Objectives
1. Develop a high quality and easy to use Financial Procedures Manual for SA
Dental Services managers within the agreed timeframes.
2. The manual will be distributed in a manner that will provide the users with a
knowledge that the procedures within the manual are supported by the
executive of the organisation and therefore are recommended for use.
3. The costs incurred in producing and distributing the manual will be within the
agreed budget.
4. Once the manual has been implemented the Treasury Instruction 11 results
for SA Dental Service will increase to 80% in 6 months and 90% in 12 months
then remain constant (see appendix D for January 2009 TI11 Report).
These objectives have been formulated through a consultative approach with the
Operational Management Group (OMG) of SA Dental Service. OMG is a group of high-level
managers within SA Dental Services clinical and administrative divisions. To enable the
successful implementation of the procedures manual it is imperative to have the support of
this group. Once approval and support is given by OMG, the work practices contained
within the manual will become the preferred practices within the organisational.
The objectives presented here are consistent with the corporate direction of the
organisation and the government department in which it exists.
- 10 -
5. Project Outcomes
1. Meet the needs of the intended users by defining the content of the manual
through a needs analysis process (questionnaire) and through consultation
with other stakeholders.
3. The organisation will reduce the processing time and costs by reducing
submission returns from Shared Services SA.
4. Managers will reduce time spent reviewing and correcting submission returns
therefore allowing them to spend more time managing their core business.
- 11 -
6. Approach and Methodology
Scheduling Phase
Develop and distribute a broad schedule for completion of the manual to key
stakeholders (see appendix I for Gantt Chart)
Develop and distribute a more detailed schedule to the project team
Finalise responsibility for each task (see appendix K for Responsibility Matrix)
Schedule regular meetings and communication throughout project
- 12 -
Implementation Phase
Commence writing manual in accordance with schedule
Regular progress meetings
Distribute first draft and review feedback to ensure it is technically sound
Distribute second draft to selected users for trial use and feedback
Final draft submitted to Operational Management Group for approval and support
Construct Manual
Closure Phase
Roll out to managers and administration staff
Monitoring the success measures
Project Team
Melanie Broadbent (Business Manager, Adelaide Dental Hospital) & Diane
McGuinness (Business Manager, Statewide Dental Services) are joint project
managers and the project team
Key stakeholders
South Australia Dental Service
Central Northern Adelaide Health Service (CNAHS) / Financial Services
Shared Services South Australia – Treasury and Finance
Business Managers – Statewide Services and Primary Health Care
Executive Staff – General Managers, Directors and Support Staff
Regional Managers (ROMS / RDs) and Support Staff
Local Managers (LOMS / HUMS)
Senior Dental Assistants
- 13 -
Stakeholder Analysis – see appendix F
Project Schedule
The project start date is the 2/4/2009 and the end date is 30/7/2009. The project will last for
a minimum of 16 weeks with a contingency of up to 4 weeks to be included if necessary.
The project team members will work 2 days per week on the project, at this stage
Thursdays and Fridays.
Project Professional 2007 project management software has been utilised to estimate tasks
and duration. The schedule will be reviewed regularly and modified where appropriate. If at
anytime the schedule indicates that the project will exceed the current timeframes the
project managers will inform the project sponsor to negotiate utilizing part or all of the
contingency period.
Below is a summary from Project Professional 2007 of the timeframes of the critical tasks.
The critical tasks are the milestones of the project. A critical task can not be commenced
without the
The work breakdown structure (appendix H), milestones (appendix L) and Network
Diagram (appendix J) are available in the appendices.
- 14 -
7. Resources
Resource List
Human Resources – xxx, Adelaide Dental Hospital Business Manager and xxx
Statewide Dental Services Business Manager.
Printing and Stationery to produce 60 Manuals
Division of Labour
Tasks will be distributed evenly to both project team members in the work breakdown
structure. Some flexibility in the allocation of workloads will eventuate during the project
however the intention from the outset is that there will be equal contribution by both
team members.
Estimates of Resources
Estimates for the human resource costs and the manual production costs are available
in the appendix C.
A summary of these estimates based on a 4 month project life cycle are as follows;
A contingency of 4 weeks adds a further $4,875 to the expenditure of the project, which
gives a possible total project cost of $24,815 (see the appendix C for estimates
including the contingency).
- 15 -
Management of Resources
The suggested human resources allocation for this project is 2 days per week for each
project team member, for 4 months. Some reallocation of project team members
existing workload will be managed during this time. Any additional time required to
continue the project after the project’s end date will be negotiated with project sponsor
at that time.
Project Managers have the delegated authority to spend up to $500 in regards to the
materials to produce the manual and shall seek approval from Project Sponsor if costs
are beyond this.
A budget has been prepared based on the employment of the above resources and is
available in the appendix C.
A contingency budget based on a further 4 weeks of the project team has also been
included in the appendix C.
- 16 -
8. Risk
The most highly rated risks for this project are as follows:
1. Other work priorities for project team impact on the project schedule
2. The deliverable becomes redundant as its content is not kept not up-to-date
3. The schedule does not provide enough time to complete the project
4. Project issues are not resolved within an appropriate timeframe
5. Loss of key project team member
6. Lack of support and commitment from stakeholders to provide feedback and advice
- 17 -
9. Conclusion
A process will be put in place, which will commence at the end of the project, to review the
content of the manual and update as necessary to maintain its relevance. The manual will
reduce resubmission rates and increase the results of the organisations Treasurers’
Instruction 11 KPI.
Risks to the project have been analysed and although there is potential for the schedule
and the resources to be exceeded, a number of actions have been identified that will either
avoid or mitigate these risks. These risks listed in this proposal are acceptable considering
the benefits the project will afford the organisation.
- 18 -
10. Appendices
A. Treasurers’ Instruction 11
The South Australian Dental Service is subject to the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987,
which prescribes that a public authority must adhere to the Treasurer’s Instructions issued
by the Department of Treasury and Finance. Treasurers’ Instruction 11 (TI11) gives
direction on the payment of creditors’ accounts. In para 11.7.3 it states that “for all
undisputed invoices or claims, payment should be made within thirty days of the date of the
GST compliant invoice or the date the GST compliant invoice is first received by the public
Each month the public authority is required to forward to the Under Treasurer a report
showing the number and value of creditors’ accounts paid. The Instructions goes on to
advise, “Where a public authority has paid less than 90% of its accounts in accordance with
this Instruction, the Chief Executive shall include in the report an explanation of why the
public authority has not met the requirements of this Instruction.”
Therefore it is a requirement of the SA Dental Service that a level of 90% of all creditors
invoices paid within 30 days of receiving the invoice is reached and maintained.
The TI 11 Report consists of the number and the amount of invoices paid by due date, paid
late by within 30 days and paid late over 30 days. The target is to get the percentage of
invoices paid by due date and paid late but within 30 days to a total of 90%. As of January
2009 the percentage between these categories was 65% (see appendix D).
A realistic target for this key performance indicator as a result of this project is to reach
80% in 6 months after manual implementation and 90% in 12 months. The Operational
Management Group has set this target.
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B. Risk
The Risk by Category Table below lists the foreseeable potential risks that could eventuate
during this project. Further risks than anticipated could arise during the course of the
project therefore it is imperative to monitor and review the Risk Plan throughout the project.
- 20 -
Priority Score Table
ID Likelihood Impact Priority Score Rating
1.1 60 40 50 Medium
1.2 40 40 40 Low
2.1 60 80 70 High
2.2 100 100 100 Very High
3.1 40 60 50 Medium
4.1 40 80 60 Medium
4.2 80 100 90 Very High
5.1 40 60 50 Medium
6.1 100 60 80 High
7.1 20 80 50 Medium
7.2 80 20 50 Medium
7.3 80 20 50 Medium
8.1 60 60 60 Medium
9.1 40 100 70 High
10.1 40 80 60 Medium
10.2 60 100 80 High
- 21 -
Risk Management Plan
Rating ID Preventative Actions Action Action Date Contingent Actions Action Action
Resources Resources Date
Very High 2.2 Detailed work breakdown structure and Project From start to Seek permission to come Project Manager From Start
close monitoring of actual progress to Manager finish off-line from daily work load to Finish
planned activity by scheduling regular to concentrate on project
progress meetings, providing clear lines of work
responsibility, checklists, schedule and
dedicated time during work hours for
project work
Very High 4.2 Give responsibility for master copy to be Project Continues after Scheduled review of manual Project Manager Once per
adjusted when new information comes to Manager project with key stakeholders every Nominee year
hand. Key stakeholders to advise of Nominee conclusion year.
changes so that updates can be put in the
manual and distributed. Meetings every 6
months for formal discussion.
High 2.1 As with ID 2.2. Project Ongoing Review schedule Project Manager Ongoing
Build some flexibility into the project Manager throughout throughout project to ensure throughout
schedule with existing work commitments project it remains realistic project
in mind and some contingency for
unforeseen commitments.
High 6.1 Keep communication lines open and clear. Project team Appeal to project sponsor to
To exercise an appropriate level of members exercise influence to aid
persistence and determination to achieve resolution of unresolved
resolution of issues. issues.
- 23 -
High 9.1 Ensure replacements are fully briefed on Project team If no replacement possible
the project, its status and the new project member would need to consider
members role and responsibility in the project schedule would
project. need to be modified to
accommodate loss of
project member
High 10.2 Ensure communications with stakeholders Dedicate time to gather the
express that the provision of their support information required via
will increase quality of the deliverable. face-to-face meeting or
Forewarn stakeholders where possible of individual discussions.
the timeframes and deadlines.
- 24 -
Name Class Rate/Hour Rate/Week Rate/Project On-Costs Costs
xx ASO501 $31.34 $470.10 $7,521.60 2 $9,025.92
xxx ASO601 $36.31 $544.65 $8,714.40 8 $10,457.28
Total Employee Related Expenses $19,483.20
- 25 -
Total Employee Related Expenses (rounded up) $19,500.00
Total Printing and Stationery Expenses (rounded up) $440.00
Total Project Expenses $19,940.00
Contingency (based on an additional 4 weeks) $4,875.00
Total Project Expenses $24,815.00
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D. Treasurers’ Instruction 11 Report
- 27 -
1. Do you understand the difference between Accounts Payable (A/P) and Accounts Receivable (A/R)?
Yes / No
- 29 -
F. Stakeholder Analysis
- 30 -
G. SAMPLE FLOW CHART - Invoice from External Supplier
Ensure signature of
- 31 - authorising officer is
written on voucher
H. Work Breakdown Structure
Establish Content Meet with Project Write First Draft of Distribute Manual Obtain Technical Print & Bind Roll-out Manual
Questionnaire Specifications Sponsor Manual for Feedback User Trials Feedback Final Approval Manual to Users Project Closure
Agree on Questions and Accompanying memo on Collect information on Payroll Write Payroll Services Final Meeting of Project
Format Questionnaire purpose Services Section Collate Responses Collate Responses Make Adjustments Final Draft Complete Burn CDs Distribution Complete Managers with Sponsor
Summary of Project
Discussions with Shared Combine Sections into Construct Evaluation and Ongoing
Services SA Main Document Edit Draft Manual Second Edit of Manual Third Draft Complete Manual Processes
Project Complete
- 32 -
I. Gantt Chart
- 33 -
J. Network Diagram
Fina ncial Procedures Manual - S A Dental Ques tionaire E stablish Content S pec ifications Meet with Proj ect Spons or
Start: 2/04/09 ID: 0 Start: 2/04/09 ID: 1 Start: 16/04/09 ID: 10 Start: 23/04/09 ID: 16
Finish: 26/06/09 Dur: 24.5 days Finish: 16/04/09 Dur: 3.9 days Finish: 23/04/09 Dur: 1.63 days Finish: 23/04/09 Dur: 0.27 days
Comp: 0% Comp: 0% Comp: 0% Comp: 0%
Write First Draft of Manual Dis tribute ma nua l for fe edback User Trials Obtain Technical Fee dba ck
Start: 23/04/09 ID: 19 Start: 8/05/09 ID: 25 Start: 22/05/09 ID: 31 Start: 4/06/09 ID: 36
Finish: 8/05/09 Dur: 4.8 days Finish: 22/05/09 Dur: 3.5 days Finish: 4/06/09 Dur: 3.63 days Finish: 12/06/09 Dur: 3 days
Comp: 0% Comp: 0% Comp: 0% Comp: 0%
Fina l Approv a l P rint & Bind Manual Roll-out manual to Use rs P roj ec t Closure
Start: 12/06/09 ID: 41 Start: 19/06/09 ID: 45 Start: 19/06/09 ID: 51 Start: 25/06/09 ID: 55
Finish: 19/06/09 Dur: 1.6 days Finish: 19/06/09 Dur: 0.53 days Finish: 25/06/09 Dur: 0.57 days Finish: 26/06/09 Dur: 1.07 days
Comp: 0% Comp: 0% Comp: 0% Comp: 0%
- 34 -
K. Responsibility Matrix
- 35 -
L. Milestones
- 36 -
11. Reference List:
South Australian Dental Service, Government of South Australia website, 2009,
viewed 29th January 2009
TechRepublic Inc, 2006, “Use a responsibility matrix to show who does what in your project”
projects/0,130056675,139240327,00.htm, viewed 15th February 2009
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