Digestive System CPT
Digestive System CPT
Digestive System CPT
The human dipstive system consists of the pstrointestinal tract plus the accessory orpns of
diaestion (the tonaue, salivary &lands, pancreas, liver, and pllbladder). Diaestion involves the
breakdown of food into smaller and smaller components, until they can be absorbed and
assimilated into the body.
Sul'Jlal procedures performed on the dtpsttv• system
• Ups, Mouth, Palate and uvula
• Salivary 1land and ducts
• Pharynx, adenoids, and tonsils
· Esophaaus
(-,) Stomach
(el lntnttnes
• Appendix
• lwctum,Anus
• Uver, Btltary Tract, PancrNS, Gallbladder
• Abdomen, peritoneum, and omentum
❖ Strodure of CPT rode and d~ptioo
❖ F.sophagosoopy
❖ F.sopbagogastroduodromcopy
-❖ Hernia repair
Difference between Diagnostic vs Surgical procedure
43200 Esophagoscopy, flexible, transoral; diagnostic, including collection of
specimen(s) by brushina or washina, when performed (separate procedure)
Ex. The patient was experiencina difficulty in swallowina and fellina somethina
struck in throat. The physician has the doubt of foreian body in throat. He order
and done the Esophaaoscopy. No foreian body found in esophaaoscopy and fofliQn OC>,ICI ESOC)haOus
everything is normal.
Ans:43200 I
Ex. The patient came for foreian body removal from throat. The physician was
removed the coin (Foreian body) by usina Esophaaoscopy.
❖ Esophagoscopy
Trans-oral Trans-nasal
Ex. The patient was feelin1 somethln1 struck In throat. The physician was examined
the esopha1us by usin1 flexible esophqoscopy throuah transoral. Two Custard apple
seeds was found in esopha1us.
❖ Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
Ex. The patient was feelina abdominal pain. The physician was examined esophaps,
stomach, but unable to see the duodenum due to stomach ulcer. The procedure was
stopped at stomach. How you report this services?
Ans: 43235 - 52
Normal Ulcer
❖ ERCP (Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)
[ ERCP ]
J i
Balloon Dilation Stent
43274 with placement of endoscopic stent into biliary or pancreatic duct, each stent
43277 with trans -endoscopic balloon dilation of biliary or pancreatic duct, each duct
Ex-1. The patient was present for stent placement at riaht and left hepatic duct. The
physician was placed the stent successfully. How you report this services?
43274 with placement of endoscopic stent into biliary or pancreatic duct, each stent
43277 with trans -endoscopic balloon dilation of biliary or pancreatic duct, each duct
Ex-2. The patient was present for balloon dilation and stent placement at ri1ht
hepatic duct. The physician was done balloon dilation and placed the stent
successfully. How you report this services?
Ex-3. The patient was present for balloon dilation at pancreatic duct and stent
placement at ri1ht hepatic duct. The physician was done balloon dilation and placed
the stent successfully. How you report this services?
Coch Rangn 40,000 S.rl•s - 10 Qjlntlons
❖ Transplant Transplant
(e.g. Liver, Pancreas )
Cadaver Living
~ 713~ [ 47140 - 47142 L
47143 - 47147 1 ◄7135 1
❖ Transplant Transplant
(e.g. Liver, Pancreas)
Cadaver Living
Ex. The patient is here for liver transplant due to liver failure. The suraeon was prepared the patient for liver transplantation
where the patient liver was removed completely, followed by the cadaver liver was transplanted to the patient successfully.
How you report this services?
❖ Surgical vs Scopy
<•·•· 5urwtcal ~ o m y I ~ o m y by ustna laparoscopy) Surgical
44950 Appendectomy;
+ 44955 when done for indicated purpose at time of other major procedure
Ex. The patient has Appendicitis. The surseon removed the appendix
(Appendectomy) by usin1 laparoscopy.
Ans: 44970
❖ Hernia repair
Hernia repair
rw,po,t i~opy through stoma t44380, 44381, 44382. 44384) fo, f'ndoscopic examination of 1
pet~t who h1s an lleostomy. ~ Chipter 8 for the detalls.
4S303 Proctoslpnoidoscopy, rigJd; with dilation (f'I, balloon, guide- wire. bout~)
i .
• Control of bleeding is not separately billable: it's included in biopsy and most
other endoscopic procedures except when the patient presented with a GI
bleed and the physician performs the procedure to control bleeding.
• Polyps of various sizes can be removed using different techniques and also by
different method of removal (ex. Hot bx, cold bx, cold forceps, snare etc.)
a) Multiple polyps removed by the same technique, code only once.
b) 2 separate polyps: if one polyp is removed using cold forceps biopsy and a
separate polyp is removed by code snare technique, then you code both
with modifier 59 attached to the biopsy code.
c) 1 polyps removed by both cold biopsy and snare technique, code it as
snare polypectomy.
• 43209 Esophagoscopy, rigid or flexible, diagnosis
• 43235 EGO, diagnostic
- - - -
Findings: A few semi sessile polyps }Nith no bleedings and no stigmata of recent
bleeding were found in t he gastric body; not manipulated.
The duodenal bulb, second portion of the duodenum and major papilla were
normal. How would you code this procedure?
CPT 43235 Diagnostic EGO
R13.1O Oysphagia, unspecified
K21.9 GERO, unspecified
K3 +.7 Polyp of stomach