Astm E11 20

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Designation: E11 − 20

Standard Specification for

Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test Sieves1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E11; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript
epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope* C430 Test Method for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by the

1.1 This document specifies the technical requirements for; 45-µm (No. 325) Sieve
the woven wire test sieve cloth (sieve cloth) used in test sieves, E161 Specification for Electroformed Material and Test
the construction of test sieves, standard and non-standard test Sieves
sieve frame sizes, and test procedures used to inspect sieve E323 Specification for Perforated-Plate Sieves for Testing
cloth and the test sieves. This specification applies to test sieves Purposes
manufactured with sieve cloth having a nominal aperture size E1638 Terminology Relating to Sieves, Sieving Methods,
ranging from 125 millimetres (mm) down to 20 micrometres and Screening Media
(µm). E2016 Specification for Industrial Woven Wire Cloth
1.2 Additional reference information can be found in Speci- E2427 Test Method for Acceptance by Performance Testing
fications E161, E323, E2016, and in Test Methods C430 and for Sieves
2.2 ASTM Manual:2
iTeh Standards
1.3 The values stated in SI units shall be considered Manual 32 Test Sieving Methods: Guidelines for Establish-
standard for the dimensions of the sieve cloth openings and the ing Sieve Analysis Procedures; 5th Edition
wire diameters used in the sieve cloth. The values stated in
inch-pound units shall be considered standard with regard to
2.3 Federal Standard:3
Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)
the sieve frames, pans, and covers.
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1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
2.4 Military Standard:3
MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish
ASTMappro-E11-202.5 ISO Standard:
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- ISO 3310-1 Test Sieves—Technical Requirements and Test-
the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. ing – Part 1: Test Sieves of Metal Wire Cloth
1.5 This international standard was developed in accor-
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- 3. Terminology
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the 3.1 Definitions—Additional terms can be found in Termi-
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
nology E1638.
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. 3.1.1 aperture, n—the dimension defining an opening in a
screening surface.
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.2 backing cloth, n—a wire mesh support layer used
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 directly under the sieve cloth with an opening coarser than the
sieve designation.

This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E29 on Particle
and Spray Characterization and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E29.01 3
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, DODSSP, Bldg. 4,
on Sieves, Sieving Methods, and Screening Media. Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098, http://
Current edition approved April 1, 2020. Published April 2020. Originally
approved in 1925. Last previous edition approved in 2017 as E11 – 17. DOI: 4
Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
10.1520/E0011-20. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

TABLE 1 Nominal Dimensions and Permissible Variations for Sieve Cloth and Compliance, Inspection and Calibration Test Sieves
(1) (2a) (2b) (3)A (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)B, C (10) (11)B, C (12) (13) (14) (15)
Permissible Average
Sieve Designation ±Y +X Resulting Compliance Sieves Inspection Sieves Calibration Sieves
Nominal Typical Wire Diameter
Variation Maximum Maximum
Sieve Sample Maximum Sample Maximum Sample Maximum Wire
U.S. Supplementary for Average Variation Individual
Standard Opening Openings Standard Openings Standard Openings Standard Diameter Min Max
Alternative Size Opening for Opening Opening
per 100 ft2 Deviation per Sieve Deviation per Sieve Deviation
mm mm in. mm mm mm mm
125 5 in. 5.00 3.30 4.06 129.06 20 – all – all – 8.00 6.8 9.2
112 4.41 2.96 3.74 115.74 20 – all – all – 8.00 6.8 9.2
106 4.24 in. 4.24 2.80 3.59 109.59 20 – all – all – 6.30 5.4 7.2
100 4 in. 4.00 2.65 3.44 103.44 20 – all – all – 6.30 5.4 7.2
90 31⁄2 in. 3.50 2.39 3.18 93.18 20 – all – all – 6.30 5.4 7.2
80 3.15 2.13 2.91 82.91 20 – all – all – 6.30 5.4 7.2
75 3 in. 3.00 2.00 2.78 77.78 20 – all – all – 6.30 5.4 7.2
71 2.80 1.89 2.67 73.67 20 – all – all – 5.60 4.8 6.4
63 21⁄2 in. 2.50 1.69 2.44 65.44 20 – all – all – 5.60 4.8 6.4
56 2.20 1.50 2.24 58.24 20 – all – all – 5.00 4.3 5.8
53 2.12 in. 2.12 1.42 2.15 55.15 20 – all – all – 5.00 4.3 5.8
50 2 in. 2.00 1.34 2.06 52.06 20 – all – all – 5.00 4.3 5.8
45 13⁄4 in. 1.75 1.21 1.91 46.91 20 – all – all – 4.50 3.8 5.2
40 1.57 1.08 1.75 41.75 20 – all – all – 4.50 3.8 5.2
37.5 11⁄2 in. 1.50 1.01 1.67 39.17 20 1.103 all – all – 4.50 3.8 5.2
35.5 1.40 0.961 1.60 37.10 20 1.035 all – all – 4.00 3.4 4.6
31.5 11⁄4 in. 1.25 0.855 1.47 32.97 20 0.907 all – all – 4.00 3.4 4.6
28 1.10 0.762 1.35 29.35 20 0.802 all – all – 3.55 3.0 4.1
26.5 1.06 in. 1.06 0.722 1.29 27.79 20 0.758 all – all – 3.55 3.0 4.1
25 1.00 in. 1.00 0.682 1.24 26.24 20 0.715 all – all – 3.55 3.0 4.1
22.4 7⁄8 in. 0.875 0.613 1.14 23.54 150 0.641 15 0.431 30 0.460 3.55 3.0 4.1

20 0.787 0.548 1.05 21.05 150 0.575 15 0.387 30 0.413 3.15 2.7 3.6
19 34 ⁄ in. 0.750 0.522 1.01 20.01 150 0.548 15 0.368 30 0.393 3.15 2.7 3.6

ASTM E11-20
18 0.709 0.495 0.97 18.97 150 0.521 15 0.350 30 0.374 3.15 2.7 3.6
16 58 ⁄ in. 0.625 0.441 0.89 16.89 150 0.467 15 0.314 30 0.335 3.15 2.7 3.6
E11 − 20

14 0.551 0.387 0.81 14.81 150 0.414 15 0.278 30 0.297 2.80 2.4 3.2
13.2 0.530 in. 0.530 0.365 0.78 13.98 150 0.393 15 0.264 30 0.282 2.80 2.4 3.2
12.5 1⁄2 in. 0.500 0.346 0.75 13.25 150 0.374 15 0.251 30 0.268 2.50 2.1 2.9
11.2 7⁄16 in. 0.438 0.311 0.69 11.89 iTeh Standards
150 0.340 15 0.229 30 0.244 2.50 2.1 2.9
10 0.394 0.279 0.64 10.64 150 0.308 15 0.207 30 0.221 2.50 2.1 2.9
9.5 38 ⁄ in. 0.375 0.265 0.61 10.11 150 0.294 15 0.198 30 0.211 2.24 1.9 2.6

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9 0.354 0.251 0.59 9.59 150 0.281 15 0.189 30 0.202 2.24 1.9 2.6
8 5 16
⁄ in. 0.312 0.224 0.54 8.54 150 0.254 15 0.171 30 0.182 2.00 1.7 2.3
7.1 0.280 0.200 0.50 7.60 150 0.230 15 0.155 30 0.165 1.80 1.5 2.1
6.7 0.265 in. 0.265 0.189 0.48 7.18 150 0.219 15 0.147 30 0.157 1.80 1.5 2.1
6.3 1⁄4 in. 0.250 0.178 0.46 6.76 150 0.208 15 0.140 30 0.149 1.80 1.5 2.1
5.6 No. 31⁄2 0.223 0.159 0.42 6.02 150 0.189 15 0.127 30 0.136 1.60 1.3 1.9
5 0.197 0.142 0.39 5.39 150 0.172 15 0.116 30 0.123 1.60 1.3 1.9
4.75 No. 4 0.187 0.135 0.37 5.12 150 0.165 15 0.111 30 0.118 1.60 1.3 1.9
4.5 0.177 0.128 0.36 4.86 150 0.158 15 0.106 30 0.113 1.40 1.2 1.7
4 No. 5 0.157 0.114 0.33 4.33 150 0.143 15 0.096 30 0.103 1.40 1.2 1.7
3.55 0.140 0.102 0.30 3.85 200 0.130 20 0.092 40 0.097 1.25 1.06 1.50
3.35 No. 6 0.132 0.096 0.29 3.64 200 0.125 20 0.088 40 0.093 1.25 1.06 1.50
3.15 0.124 0.091 0.28 3.43 200 0.119 20 0.084 40 0.089 1.25 1.06 1.50
2.8 No. 7 0.110 0.081 0.26 3.06 200 0.108 20 0.076 40 0.081 1.12 0.95 1.30
2.5 0.0984 0.073 0.24 2.74 200 0.099 20 0.070 40 0.074 1.00 0.85 1.15

2.36 No. 8 0.0937 0.069 0.23 2.59 200 0.095 20 0.067 40 0.071 1.00 0.85 1.15
2.24 0.0882 0.065 0.22 2.46 200 0.091 20 0.064 40 0.068 0.90 0.77 1.04
2 No. 10 0.0787 0.059 0.20 2.20 250 0.083 25 0.060 50 0.064 0.90 0.77 1.04
1.8 0.0709 0.053 0.19 1.99 250 0.077 25 0.056 50 0.059 0.80 0.68 0.92
1.7 No. 12 0.0661 0.050 0.18 1.88 250 0.074 25 0.054 50 0.057 0.80 0.68 0.92
TABLE 1 Continued
(1) (2a) (2b) (3)A (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)B, C (10) (11)B, C (12) (13) (14) (15)
Permissible Average
Sieve Designation ±Y +X Resulting Compliance Sieves Inspection Sieves Calibration Sieves
Nominal Typical Wire Diameter
Variation Maximum Maximum
Sieve Sample Maximum Sample Maximum Sample Maximum Wire
U.S. Supplementary for Average Variation Individual
Standard Opening Openings Standard Openings Standard Openings Standard Diameter Min Max
Alternative Size Opening for Opening Opening
per 100 ft2 Deviation per Sieve Deviation per Sieve Deviation
1.6 0.0630 0.047 0.17 1.77 250 0.070 25 0.051 50 0.054 0.80 0.68 0.92
1.4 No. 14 0.0555 0.042 0.16 1.56 400 0.064 40 0.050 80 0.052 0.71 0.60 0.82
1.25 0.0492 0.038 0.15 1.40 400 0.058 40 0.045 80 0.047 0.63 0.54 0.72
1.18 No. 16 0.0469 0.036 0.14 1.32 400 0.056 40 0.043 80 0.045 0.63 0.54 0.72
1.12 0.0441 0.034 0.14 1.26 400 0.054 40 0.042 80 0.044 0.56 0.48 0.64
1 No. 18 0.0394 0.030 0.13 1.13 400 0.050 40 0.039 80 0.040 0.56 0.48 0.64
µm µm in. µm µm µm mm
900 0.0354 27.6 118 1018 400 45.51 40 35.22 80 36.74 0.500 0.43 0.58
850 No. 20 0.0331 26.2 114 964 400 43.66 40 33.79 80 35.25 0.500 0.43 0.58
800 0.0315 24.8 109 909 400 41.79 40 32.34 80 33.74 0.450 0.38 0.52
710 No. 25 0.0278 22.2 101 811 500 38.36 50 30.43 100 31.62 0.450 0.38 0.52
630 0.0248 19.9 93 723 500 35.23 50 27.95 100 29.04 0.400 0.34 0.46
600 No. 30 0.0234 19.0 91 691 500 34.04 50 27.00 100 28.06 0.400 0.34 0.46
560 0.0220 17.9 87 647 500 32.43 50 25.73 100 26.73 0.355 0.30 0.41
500 No. 35 0.0197 16.2 80 580 600 29.96 60 24.21 120 25.09 0.315 0.27 0.36
450 0.0177 14.7 75 525 600 27.86 60 22.51 120 23.32 0.280 0.24 0.32
425 No. 40 0.0165 14.0 73 498 600 26.79 60 21.65 120 22.43 0.280 0.24 0.32
400 0.0157 13.3 70 470 600 25.71 60 20.78 120 21.52 0.250 0.21 0.29
355 No. 45 0.0139 12.0 65 420 800 23.72 80 19.68 160 20.30 0.224 0.19 0.26
315 0.0124 10.8 60 375 800 21.90 80 18.17 160 18.75 0.200 0.17 0.23
300 No. 50 0.0117 10.4 58 358 800 21.20 80 17.59 160 18.15 0.200 0.17 0.23
280 0.0110 9.8 56 336 800 20.26 80 16.81 160 17.34 0.180 0.15 0.21

250 No. 60 0.0098 8.9 52 302 800 18.82 80 15.61 160 16.11 0.160 0.13 0.19
224 0.0088 8.1 49 273 800 17.53 80 14.54 160 15.01 0.160 0.13 0.19

ASTM E11-20
212 No. 70 0.0083 7.8 47 259 800 16.93 80 14.05 160 14.49 0.140 0.12 0.17
200 0.0079 7.4 45 245 800 16.32 80 13.54 160 13.97 0.140 0.12 0.17
E11 − 20

180 No. 80 0.0070 6.8 43 223 1000 15.27 100 12.91 200 13.28 0.125 0.106 0.150
160 0.0063 6.3 40 200 1000 14.20 100 12.00 200 12.34 0.112 0.095 0.130
150 No. 100 0.0059 6.0 38 188 1000 13.65 100 11.53 200 11.86 0.100 0.085 0.115
140 0.0055 5.7 37 177 iTeh Standards
1000 13.09 100 11.06 200 11.38 0.100 0.085 0.115
125 No. 120 0.0049 5.2 34 159 1000 12.23 100 10.33 200 10.63 0.090 0.077 0.104
112 0.0044 4.8 32 144 1000 11.46 100 9.68 200 9.96 0.080 0.068 0.092

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106 No. 140 0.0041 4.7 31 137 1000 11.10 100 9.38 200 9.65 0.071 0.060 0.082
100 0.0039 4.5 30 130 1000 10.73 100 9.07 200 9.33 0.071 0.060 0.082
90 No. 170 0.0035 4.2 29 119 1000 10.10 100 8.53 200 8.78 0.063 0.054 0.072
80 0.0031 3.9 27 107 1000 9.45 100 7.99 250 8.33 0.056 0.048 0.064
75 No. 200 0.0029 3.7 26 101 1000 9.12 100 7.70 250 8.04 0.050 0.043 0.058
71 0.0028 3.6 25 96 1000 8.85 100 7.48 250 7.80 0.050 0.043 0.058
63 No. 230 0.0025 3.4 24 87 1000 8.29 100 7.01 250 7.31 0.045 0.038 0.052
56 0.0022 3.2 22 78 1000 7.79 100 6.58 250 6.87 0.040 0.034 0.046
53 No. 270 0.0021 3.1 21 74 1000 7.56 100 6.39 250 6.67 0.036 0.031 0.041
50 0.0020 3.0 21 71 1000 7.34 100 6.20 250 6.47 0.036 0.031 0.041
45 No. 325 0.0017 2.8 20 65 1000 6.95 100 5.87 250 6.13 0.032 0.027 0.037
40 0.0016 2.7 19 59 1000 6.55 100 5.54 300 5.83 0.032 0.027 0.037
38 No. 400 0.0015 2.6 18 56 1000 6.38 100 5.39 300 5.69 0.030 0.024 0.035
36 0.0014 2.6 18 54 1000 6.22 100 5.26 300 5.54 0.030 0.024 0.035
32 No. 450 0.0012 2.4 17 49 1000 5.87 100 4.96 300 5.23 0.028 0.023 0.033

25 No. 500 0.0010 2.2 15 40 1000 5.23 100 4.42 300 4.66 0.025 0.021 0.029
20 No. 635 0.0008 2.1 13 33 1000 4.73 100 4.00 300 4.22 0.020 0.017 0.023
Column 3—These numbers are only approximate but are in use for reference; the sieve shall be identified by the standard designation in millimetres or micrometres.
Columns 9 and 11—See Annex A1, which specifies that all openings will be inspected for test sieves having 15 openings or less.
Columns 9 and 11—These number of sample openings are based on an 8-in. diameter test sieve.
E11 − 20
3.1.3 crimp, n—the corrugation in the warp and shute wire, 3.1.12 twill weave, n—sieve cloth in which the warp wires
or both. The crimp in the wires is formed either during the and shute wires pass over two and under two wires in both
weaving process, or with a crimping machine prior to weaving. directions.
If formed during the weaving process, the tension existing 3.1.13 warp wires, n—the wires running the long way of the
between the warp and shute wires fundamentally determines cloth as woven.
the respective amount or depth of crimp, which locks the wires
in place, and in part establishes the firmness of the sieve cloth. 4. Ordering Information
3.1.4 firmness, n—a subjective term referring to the planar 4.1 Orders for items under this specification should include
rigidity of sieve cloth (as a roll good, not mounted in a test the following information as required:
sieve frame), established by the tensile strength of the material, 4.1.1 Description of item(s) (Test Sieve or Sieve Cloth),
the relationship of the mesh to wire diameters, the type of 4.1.2 ASTM E11 designation and year of issue,
weave, and amount of crimp in the wires. The absence of 4.1.3 Quantity of each item, and
firmness in sieve cloth is termed sleaziness. 4.1.4 Sieve designation (Table 1, Standard Column 1, Al-
3.1.5 matched test sieve, n—a test sieve that reproduces the ternate Column 2).
performance results of another test sieve within user defined Test sieves can be supplied based on different levels
limits for a designated material (for information only and may of confidence as Compliance Sieves, Inspection Sieves, and
not be in compliance with this specification). Calibration Sieves.
3.1.6 mesh, n—the number of wires or openings per linear 4.2 Test sieves in standard circular or nonstandard frame:
inch (25.4 mm) counted from the center of any wire to a point 4.2.1 Nominal sieve frame diameter (see Table 2), and
exactly 1 in. (25.4 mm) distant, including the fractional 4.2.2 Nominal sieve frame height (see Table 2).
distance between either thereof. 4.3 Description of nonstandard sieve.
3.1.7 plain weave, n—sieve cloth in which the warp wires
and shute wires pass over one and under one in both directions. 5. Sieve Cloth Requirements
3.1.8 shute wires, n—the wires running the short way of, or
iTeh Standards
5.1 The sieve cloth used in test sieves shall meet the
across the cloth as woven (also referred to as the shoot, fill, or requirements of Table 1 and shall be designated Specification
weft wires). E11 Sieve Cloth. The number of inspected apertures shall be in
3.1.9 sieve, n—an apparatus for the purpose of sieving,
consisting of a separating media mounted in a frame.
accordance with Table 1 (Column 7). Sieve cloth conforming
to this specification shall be woven from stainless steel, brass,

specification. Document Preview

3.1.10 sieve cloth, n—woven wire cloth conforming to this or bronze. Sieve cloth with openings greater than or equal to 75
micrometres shall be woven using a plain weave. For sieve
cloth with openings equal to or less than 71 micrometres the
3.1.11 test sieve (wire cloth), n—a sieve manufactured by sieve cloth may be supplied using a twill weave. The sieve
mounting sieve cloth in a frame, designed for use in ASTM
cloth shall not be coated or plated.
size analysis by sieving.
5.2 All measurements of openings and wire diameters shall compliance test sieve, n—a test sieve manufactured
be made along the midpoints of the openings as shown in Fig.
using sieve cloth which has been inspected prior to being
mounted in the sieve frame; and that meets the requirements of
Table 1 in part based on the standard deviation of the required
number of sample openings per 100 square feet of sieve cloth
(Column 7) not exceeding the maximum allowable for a TABLE 2 Dimensions of Standard Frames
confidence level of 66 % (Column 8). Nominal Diameter Tolerance, in. (mm) Typical FrameA
Diameter, Nominal Height, inspection test sieve, n—a test sieve manufactured in. Inside at TopB
in. (mm)
using sieve cloth which has been inspected after being mounted
3 3.000 + 0.030 ⁄−0.000 11⁄4 (31.8) FHC
in the sieve frame; and that meets the requirements of Table 1 (76.2 + 0.76 ⁄−0.00) 5⁄8 (15.9) HH

in part based on the standard deviation of the required number

of sample openings in the test sieve (Column 9) not exceeding 6 6.000 + 0.030 ⁄−0.000 13⁄4 (44.5) FH
(152.4 + 0.76 ⁄−0.00) 1 (25.4) HH
the maximum allowable for a confidence level of 99 %
(Column 10). 8 8.000 + 0.030 ⁄−0.000 2 (50.8) FH
(203.2 + 0.76 ⁄−0.00) 1 (25.4) HH calibration test sieve, n—a test sieve manufactured
using sieve cloth which has been inspected after being mounted 10 10.000 + 0.030 ⁄−0.000 3 (76.2) FH
(254 + 0.76 ⁄−0.00) 11⁄2 (38.1) HH
in the sieve frame; and that meets the requirements of Table 1
in part based on the standard deviation of the required number 12 12.000 + 0.030 ⁄−0.000 31⁄4 (82.6) FH
of sample openings in the test sieve (Column 11) not exceeding (304.8 + 0.76 ⁄−0.00) 2 (50.8) IH
15⁄8 (41.3) HH
the maximum allowable for a confidence level of 99.73 %
(Column 12). Frame height measured from top of frame to top of sieve cloth.
Measured 0.2 in. (5 mm) below the top of the frame. Discussion—Calibration sieves have had at least C
FH = full height; HH = half height; IH = intermediate height.
twice as many openings measured as Inspection sieves.

E11 − 20
and the results are given in Table 1 for Compliance sieve
cloth (Column 8). In order to increase the probability or acceptance
confidence level from 66 % at one-sigma to Xσ, specifically
99 % (2.58σ) and 99.73 % (3σ) for Inspection and Calibration
sieves respectively, these maximum standard deviation values
are determined by dividing sigma by a correction or K-factor.
These K-factors are determined based on approximation to a
Chi-square distribution for the sample variance as follows:
K 5 11Xσ/ =2 ~ n 2 1 ! (4) The applicable resulting K-factors (see Appendix

X3) are then applied and the maximum standard deviation
tolerances are determined as follows:
σ x 5 sigma/K (5)
FIG. 1 Aperture Size The resulting tolerances are given in Table 1 for
Inspection Sieves (Column 10) and for Calibration Sieves
(Column 12), and are presented for convenience based on the
5.3 There shall be no punctures or obvious defects in the K-factors per the required minimum number of openings.
sieve cloth.
6.1.6 The actual standard deviation of the openings in the
6. Technical Requirements warp and weft directions, when taken separately, shall not
exceed the values shown in Table 1 for each type. If the number
6.1 Opening Sizes, Tolerances, and Standard Deviation: of sample openings is less than 15, the maximum standard
6.1.1 Four tolerances shall be applied: the variation for
iTeh Standards
deviation is not evaluated. If more than the minimum number
average opening (Y), the maximum variation (X), the maximum of openings are measured, the maximum standard deviation
standard deviation and the average wire diameter. The opening shall be calculated (see Eq 5) based on the corresponding
tolerances apply to the opening sizes, measured on the mid-
point of the opening (see Fig. 1), and applied separately in both
the warp and shute directions.
K-factor calculation (see Eq 4). The population standard deviation σ is obtained by

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6.1.2 The average opening size shall not exceed the sieve
designation by more than 6Y (Table 1, Column 4):
measuring all of the full openings N found in the test sieve and
is calculated from the following equation:

Y5 S27 D
w 0.98
ASTM E11-20
1 1.6 0.9 Œ (1) σ5

( ~ w 2 w̄ !
where Y and w are expressed in micrometres. The sample standard deviation s is calculated from
6.1.3 The maximum opening size measured shall not exceed the measurement of the number of apertures, n as listed in
the nominal opening size w (Table 1, Column 1), by more than Table 1 (Column 8 for Sieve Cloth, Column 10 for Inspection
X (Table 1, Column 5): Sieves, and Column 12 for Calibration Sieve), using the
following equation:
X5 S
2w 0.75
1 4 w 0.25 0.9 (2)

where X and w are expressed in micrometres.

s5 Œ 1
n21 r51

( ~ w 2 w̄ !

6.1.4 The intermediate value Z shall be stated as follows: 6.2 Wire Diameters:
X1Y 6.2.1 The wire diameters given in Table 1, Column 13 are
Z5 (3)
2 typical.
6.1.5 The maximum standard deviation is calculated based 6.2.2 The average wire diameter in a test sieve or sieve cloth
on the Gaussian normal distribution curve, truncated at the left shall fall between the tolerance (d min and d max ) given in
end at 0 and at the right end at w + X. The area under the curve Table 1, Column 14 and 15, respectively. It is recognized that
to the maximum value w + X minus the area under the curve to mechanical deformation of the wire occurs during weaving,
the intermediate value Z, is equal to this critical area between and therefore the diameter measured after weaving may be
(w + Z) and (w + X) not exceeding more than 5 % of the different than the wire diameter before weaving. The average
openings (see Appendix X2). The tolerances for sigma are then wire diameter shall be calculated based on the same number of
calculated based on: sample apertures measured in accordance with Table 1.
6.2.3 The wires shall be crimped in such a manner that the

5 0.05 ~ see Appendix X4!
cloth exhibits firmness, as agreed between the user and the
supplier, as applied to roll goods.

σ 6.3 Test Sieve Frames:

E11 − 20
6.3.1 General Requirements—Frames for test sieves shall be test sieve serial number. Inspection and Calibration sieves must
constructed in such a manner to be rigid. The sieve cloth shall also include the date, name and signature of the person
be mounted on a frame without distortion, looseness, or certifying to the test sieve quality.
waviness. The method used to attach the sieve cloth to the 7.2 Test sieves may be supplied as Compliance, Inspection,
frame shall be done so the material being sieved will not or Calibration Sieves.
become caught in the joint between the sieve cloth and the 7.2.1 A Compliance sieve certificate shall state that the test
frame. sieve has been manufactured with sieve cloth that has been
6.3.2 Standard Frames—Sieve frames shall be circular. inspected and found to be in compliance with the requirements
Typical frame sizes are 3 in., 6 in., 8 in., 10 in., and 12 in. of Specification E11. The Certificate does not require any
diameter (or 76, 152, 203, 254, or 305 mm). Tolerances for statistical documentation.
dimensions of test sieve frames are given in Table 2. Frames 7.2.2 An Inspection sieve certificate shall state at a mini-
shall be made of a noncorrosive material such as brass or mum the value for the average aperture size, separately in both
stainless steel. The bottom of the frame shall be constructed so the warp and shute direction of the sieve cloth. A Certificate
as to provide an easy sliding or nesting fit with any sieve frame with this inspection data must be supplied.
of the same nominal diameter conforming to the specified 7.2.3 A Calibration sieve certificate shall state at a minimum
dimensions. the number of apertures and wire diameters measured, the
6.3.3 The joint or fillet at the point where the sieve cloth and average aperture size, standard deviation and average wire
frame meet will provide a minimum clear sieving surface with diameter, separately in both the warp and shute directions of
a diameter equal to the nominal diameter, less 0.5 in. (13 mm) the sieve cloth. A Certificate with this inspection data must be
on up to and including 8 in. frames, and 1.0 in. (25 mm) on supplied.
greater than 8 in. frames.
6.4 Nonstandard Sieves: 8. Marking or Labeling of Test Sieves
6.4.1 Nonstandard Frames—Other sieve frames may be 8.1 Each test sieve supplied shall bear a label marked with
square, rectangular, circular, or non-metal. The frame may the following information:
have the sieve cloth permanently attached, or it may be
iTeh Standards
8.1.1 “Test Sieve,”
designed so the sieve cloth is replaceable. The provisions of 8.1.2 The “ASTM E11” designation,
6.3.1 apply. Nonstandard test sieves may be certified in 8.1.3 Name of the manufacturer or distributor,
accordance with Section 7.
6.4.2 Sieves with Backing Cloth—Backing cloth specifica-
8.1.4 Test sieve designation from Table 1, Column 1, and
8.1.5 Alternate test sieve designation from Table 1, Column

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tions can vary in accordance with the test sieve manufacturer.2 (optional).
The use of a backing cloth will affect the sieve performance. 8.1.6 Each test sieve shall have a unique serial number
Test sieves with a backing cloth can only be supplied as permanently marked onto the sieve frame, skirt, or nameplate.
Compliance Sieves. 8.1.7 The test sieve may also be labeled with the Grade
ASTM E11-20 designation.
7. Test Sieve and Sieve Cloth Documentation and
Certification 9. Keywords
7.1 Documentation of the measurement of the openings in 9.1 aperture; calibration sieve; compliance sieve; inspection
the sieve cloth must assure that the test sieve is traceable and sieve; opening; particle size; sieve; sieve analysis; sieve cloth;
certifiable. All test sieve certificates must be traceable by the sieve designation; test sieve; woven wire test sieve cloth


The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the
contract or order.

S1. Responsibility for Inspection S2. Government Procurement

S1.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase S2.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the material
order, the producer is responsible for the performance of all shall be in packaged in accordance with the suppliers’ standard
inspection and test requirements specified herein. Except as practice that will be acceptable to the carrier at lowest rates.
otherwise specified in the contract or order, the producer may Containers and packing shall comply with the Uniform Freight
use his own or any other suitable facilities for the performance Classification rules or National Motor Classification rules.
of the inspections and tests requirements specified herein, Marking for shipment of such materials shall be in accordance
unless disapproved by the purchaser. The purchaser shall have
with Fed. Std. No. 123 for civil agencies, and MIL-STD-129
the right to perform any of the inspections and tests set forth in
for military agencies.
this specification where such inspections are deemed necessary
to ensure that materials meet the specification.

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