Broadband Branchline Hybrid, 90 0 Hybrid, Multisection Fig. 1: Microstripline
Branchline Coupler, SONNET PLANAR TOOLS
Microstrip employs a flat strip conductor suspended above a
I. Planar Tools ground plane by a low-loss dielectric material. The size of the
All of today’s commercial planar tools can be divided into two circuit can be reduced through judicious use of a dielectric constant
groups: shielded and open. Shielded environment tools analyze some 2-10 times that of free space (or air), with a penalty that the
planar circuits in an enclosing rectangular box.These tools include existence of two different dielectric constants (below and above the
Sonnet, AWR EMSight, and Eagleware EMPOWER. Open strip) makes the circuit difficult to analyze in closed form (and also
environment tools have dielectric substrates going to infinity in introduces a variability of propagation velocity with frequency
all horizontal directions. These tools include Agilent Momentum, that can be a limitation on some applications). The advantages
Zeland IE3D, and Ansoft Ensemble. Both approaches involve of microstrip have been well established, and it is a convenient
trade offs. The informed designer can select the appropriate tool form of transmission line structure for probe measurements of
based on design requirements. voltage, current and waves. Microstrip structures are also used
in integrated semiconductor form, directly interconnected in
II. 3-D Planar High Frequency EM Software microwave integrated circuits.
Sonnet’s suites of high-frequency electromagnetic (EM) Software
are aimed at today’s demanding design challenges involving B. Microstrip Branchline Coupler
predominantly planar (3D planar) circuits and antennas. Generally branch-line couplers are 3dB, four ports directional
Predominantly planar circuits include microstrip, stripline, couplers having a 90° phase difference between its two output
coplanar waveguide, PCB (single and multiple layers) and ports named through and coupled arms. Branch-line couplers (also
combinations with vias, vertical metal sheets (z-directed strips), named as Quadrature Hybrid) are often made in microstrip or
and any number of layers of metal traces embedded in stratified stripline form. Fig 2, shows branchline coupler in microstripline
dielectric material. form.
The Sonnet® Suites™ develop precise RF models (S-, Y-,
Z-parameters or extracted SPICE model) for planar circuits and
antennas. The software requires a physical description of your
circuit (arbitrary layout and material properties for metal and
dielectrics), and employs a rigorous Method-of-Moments EM
analysis based on Maxwell’s equations that includes all parasitic,
cross-coupling, enclosure and package resonance effects.
Sonnet maintains a single, dedicated focus on providing the
industry’s most accurate and reliable high frequency planar EM
software. Our aim is to make it easy for our customers to either
develop and analyze designs within our software, or to incorporate Fig. 2: Microstrip Branchline Coupler
our tools into their existing design processes and frameworks.
Customers need never commit to a proprietary framework in order It has a high degree of symmetry since any port can be used as
to get the best in planar EM analysis. the input port, with output ports always being on the opposite
side of the junction from the input port, and the isolated port
III. Structures remaining on the same side as the input port. The 900 phase
I have analysed microstrip branchline coupler. difference alters over ±50 for a 10% change in frequency around
the center frequency .
A. Microstripline A coupled line configuration can be used instead to achieve a
As circuits have been reduced in size with integrated semiconductor higher bandwidth over a multi section branchline hybrid, but these
electron devices, a transmission structure was required that was are difficult to be actualized if Microwave Monolithic Integrated
According to the impedance choice of the series and stub microstrip Fig. 5:
transmission lines we can calculate the w/d ratios of the those lines
in microstrip form by using the following formulas:
1. Given εr and Z0
50 ohm characteristic impedance Fig. 6:
90 degree phase shift at 2.5 GHz
Substrate thickness d =0.127 cm
Dielectric constant =2.20
Using formulas
Fig. 7:
Fig. 3: From Fig. 5, it can be clearly observed that the input coefficient
reflection is at -5 dB in the beginning where the frequency is 8 Ghz
and it decreases to -20 dB at approximately 10.5 Ghz and again
becomes better by rising to -17 dB at frequency of 12 GHz. At 10.5
GHz, -4 dB of coupling is achieved and the through port is almost
-2.6 dB at this frequency. The isolation port follows the pattern of
input port with some significant changes near 10.5 GHz.
Fig. 4:
Fig. 8:
Fig. 9:
2. Microstrip Analysis
I have designed Microstripline on SONNETLITE with specified
parameters as shown in fig. 10. EM structure i.e. 3D view of fig. 10 Fig. 12: Current Response
is shown in fig. 4. The structure has been analysed over frequency
range of 2 GHz to 3 GHz. Current response has been shown in
fig. 12. S parameter response has been shown in fig. 13.