FS 1 Palomo Kruzza May B. Module 15
FS 1 Palomo Kruzza May B. Module 15
FS 1 Palomo Kruzza May B. Module 15
Observation 1: this activity will require you to stay in school for one school day.
Special arrangement by your faculty should be made for this purpose.
1. Secure permit to observe a quality teacher in the school for one whole class day.
2. Shadow the teacher in the three major responsibilities.
Actual Teaching
Management of Learning
Administrative Work
3. Use the key guide found in the matrix below.
4. Record data observed in your notebook. This will be your artifact.
5. If you missed seeing the evidence to the key guide, you may interview the teacher.
6. Make a narrative or essay of your answer entitled: “A Day in the School Life of a
Quality Teacher”.
7. If permitted, you may include the teacher’s picture in action to your essay.
Note: Observe and record observations on the following aspects as key guide to
Refer to the results of your observation to answer the questions that follow.
1. Which of the three responsibilities shows majority of the indicators being practiced?
A. Actual Teaching?
B. Management of Learning?
C. Administrative Work?
It is the “Actual Teaching” portion to just be fully prepared to step into the role of a
real teacher, you have to be adequately prepared and equipped as a professional
educator. You cannot expect to be capable to advance to the next level of
responsibilities when you not learn how to handle for the effective teaching process.
2. Which demonstrated behavior, do you find in the teacher is worthy of emulation when
you become a teacher? Describe.
3. Which of the major responsibilities does this teacher find difficult to comply with?
What are the reasons?
Administrative work is crucial since the teacher's adaptive capacity and creativity
are challenged while doing his or her profession. A teacher is known for being a
multitasker, thus she or he will need to make several modifications in order to be
effective and successful in his or her profession.
4. From your perspective, would you consider this teacher as quality teacher? Why?
Yes, because she has the qualities of an excellent teacher. Her love for teaching
and competence in imparting her lectures to her students are noticeable. Her constant
advances for herself and her high level of proficiency in teaching demonstrated that she
was a skilled and experienced teacher.
Now, that you have spent one school day to observe this teacher, it would be good for
you to reflect on all your observations by answering reflective questions below.
1. Are you inspired to become a teacher after your observation? If Yes, why? If No,
why not?
Yes, since the school acts as a second home for me, I am inspired to become
one. Teachers and students I met throughout my observation time have impressed
me much because of their emotional support and all of the stories they've shared with
me. I'm even more determined to pursue this profession that I've chosen.
2. When you become a teacher in the future, how else would you do better as a
professional teacher?
I'll constantly learning innovative concepts to enable me become a more
effective and successful teacher. Accepting whatever structural changes or revisions
the teaching and learning process may go through necessitates adaptability,
transparency, and innovation on my part. In short, I need to keep growing as a person
and a teacher.
3. What are some of the concerns that you foresee in the future as a quality teacher?
Do you think you will be ready to address these? Give at least 2 concerns.
Teachers must be technologically savvy, yet they lack access to cutting-edge
instructional tools. To solve these challenges, the institution should organize seminars
or training programs on technological advancements that may be employed in the
teaching-learning process, as well as give enough aid in the form of technical
resources that can be used with their instructions.
4. In what aspects of the teacher’s day, would you like to congratulate the teacher you
observed? Can you show your appreciation to this teacher by sending a Thank you
card? (Include this in your artifact)
I'd want to commend the teacher I observed in class for being well-prepared
and structured. The teacher enters the classroom early, successful in teaching. Her
classes were well-planned and delivered. The classrooms were designed to keep
distractions to a minimal level.
Activity 15.2 The Creation and Management of the New Learning Environment as
a Skill of the 21st Century Quality Teacher
This activity will allow you to develop your sense of creativity and imagination in
designing a classroom for the 21st century and determining how to manage learning in
this classroom.
1. Draw or sketch the current classroom where you are observing.
2. Indicate and label all significant parts and furniture that you find inside including
these but not limited to:
a) Doors, windows
b) Teacher Table, Demonstration table
c) Cabinets, chalkboard, bulletin boards/display boards, etc.
d) Gadgets, equipment
e) Plant boxes, etc.
f) Others not included in the list
3. Draw your vision of a classroom for the 21st century.
Features of the
Present My Vision of the Future Why the similarity?
Classroom Classroom Why the difference?
Based on the task that you made, what challenges await you as a future teacher? How
will you manage learning in the future classroom? How will you prepare yourself to
respond to 21st teaching-learning and become a global teacher?
These are the artifacts that you need to file in this Module.
1. Activity 15.1 Report on the Observation including evidence that go with it.
Activity 15.1 Narrative on the Day in the School Life of the Quality Teacher
2. Activity 15.2 Drawing of the present classroom and Drawing of your Vision of the
Classroom for the 21st Century.
3. Activity 15.2 Narrative on how you will manage teaching-learning in the 21st
Century classroom.
1. Activity 15.1 Report on the Observation including evidence that go with it.
As I have observed, the teacher teaches effectively in her class, and all of her
students actively participated in her discussion. The teacher also has a mastery of her
lesson that she didn't even need any copies like books, or learning modules. Moreover,
the way she delivers or speaks in the class is one of the reasons why her students
aren't intimidated by her presence, bringing in a favorable lesson outcome.
1. Activity 15.1 Narrative on the Day in the School Life of the Quality Teacher.
Prior to the discussion, the teacher posted her visual aids in front of the class, she
involved some colorful designs, texts, and pictures. During the class, she integrates
open-ended questions for her to know to know that her students are listening. Moreover,
she conducted some assessments like short quiz of the topic or lesson. In her
discussion, it is observed that the class are all participative which is an indication that
they are learning and it is also visible that the teacher and the learners are connected
due to the topic that is very timely and relevant which makes the discussion more
The moment where she almost ended her class, she gives an assignment for the
students to work on at home. Along with that, she did a recap for the students to fully
grasp the topic she presented to the class. Finally, she ended her class with a closing
FS 1 – Observations of Teaching – Learning in Actual School Environment Assistantship
“For Nation’s Greater Heights”
2. Activity 15.2 Drawing of the present classroom and Drawing of your Vision of
the Classroom for the 21st Century.
Current Classroom I am Observing
3. Activity 15.2 Narrative on how you will manage teaching-learning in the 21st
Century classroom.
Evaluate Your Work Tank Field Study 1. Episode 15 - Towards Teacher Quality:
Developing a Global Teacher of the 21st Century
Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics, needs and interests of learners from
different developmental levels
Name of FS Student: PALOMO, KRUZZA MAY B. Date Submitted: NOVEMBER 23, 2022
Year & Section: BSED-ENGLISH 4A Course: ENGLISH