First Term Crs Year 9
First Term Crs Year 9
First Term Crs Year 9
28 minutes read
Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Lessons for JSS3 (Basic 9) First Term –
The Promise of The Holy Spirit (John 14: 15-28, 16: 5-16, Acts 1: 3-5)
The Holy Spirit is the third personality of the Trinity. Before the ascension of Jesus, He promised to send
the Holy Spirit to His disciples. He told them that when they are filled with the Holy Spirit they would be
empowered and the Holy Spirit would teach them everything. Jesus prayed to God to give them the
Spirit to make them continue in faith and He left them with the Great Commission of preaching the
gospel around the nations of the world in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
He ordered them not to leave Jerusalem until the arrival of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes
they would be filled with power to witness in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the
Who is the Holy Spirit?
At Mount Olive, after Jesus had promised the disciples of the coming of the Holy Spirit, He ascended into
heaven. The heaven opened and Jesus was taken up into heaven. The disciples were filled with awe
watching Him going to heaven until He was covered by the cloud. After that they returned to Jerusalem
waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus Christ.
The presence of the Holy Spirit creates awareness that man cannot go far with God without the power
of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit becomes the source of all provision to any man who wants to walk with God.
The Holy Spirit is man’s vehicle of inspiration for guiding man into all truth.
The Holy Spirit is the facilitator of evangelism, the spread of the message of God.
The Holy Spirit is the one that propels man to thirst and hunger after God.
Highlight five things Holy Spirit will not do in the lives of believers.
Christian Religious knowledge for JSS BK 3,by T.N.O Quarcoopome et al. Chapter 1, pages 19-23
The Holy Spirit is the (a) first person of the Trinity (b) spirit that controls man (c) third personality of
the Trinity (d) falling spirit of God
Which of these is not a function of the Holy Spirit (a) advocating for man (b) counseling man (c)
parading man (d) teaching man
The first set of people to experience the Holy Spirit are the (a) Gentiles (b) disciples (c) Jews (d)
Which of the following precedes power that Jesus promised the disciples (a) temptation (b) Holy Ghost
(c) feast of Passover (d) meeting in the upper room
Jesus last speech to His disciples was at Mount (a) Horeb (b) Sinai (c) Olive (d) Carmel
Discuss the essence of the Great Commission. lessons
On the day of Pentecost, the disciples of Jesus Christ were in the upper room in Jerusalem praying when
the Holy Ghost came upon them. While they were together praying, a sound suddenly came from
heaven like the rush of a mighty wind and filled the house. Then the Holy Spirit descended like a tongue
of fire and rested on each of them. Consequently, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to
speak in different languages.
At that time, the Jews and many other people from various culture, countries and languages were living
in Jerusalem. Each of these people was able to hear the disciples speaking his own language. Some were
amazed and mistook the disciples for drunkards. They were amazed about how the disciples who were
Galileans could be speaking in so many languages including the languages of the Parthians, Medes,
Elemites, Phrygia, Egypt and parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene. These were all visitors from Rome, Crete
and Arabia who were undoubtedly overwhelmed and were marveled at the wonderful work of God.
The coming of the Holy Spirit greatly influenced the disciples who were now called the apostles. They
gained boldness and were filled with extraordinary power and courage to witness Jesus Christ without
fear and trembling. Peter was the first to address the people. He explained to them that the apostles
were not drunk and that it was just the third hour of the day. He went further by saying that what they
saw was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Prophet Joel.
Peter thereafter preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and about three thousand people gave their lives to
Christ and became members of the church.
Explain the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost as it occurred in stages.
Discus the changes that occurred in the lives of the apostles after the coming of the Holy Spirit.
The coming of the Holy Spirit changed the perspectives of the apostles about their believe.
He came to power, credibility and relevance to the church of Jesus Christ in the collective relationship
with God.
The coming of the Holy Spirit marked the beginning of the Church of Jesus Christ.
Discuss the relevance of the Pentecost and the feast of Passover to the early believers.
How did the non-believers react to the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost?
1. Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 3,by T.N.O Quarcoopome et al. Chapter 1 pages 21-23.
The coming of the Holy Spirit was on day of (a) Passover (b) Papacy (c) Pentecost (d) Power
The apostles spoke in different tongues because (a) they were with filled the joy of the coming of the
Holy Spirit (b) they were filled with the Holy tongues (c) they were filled with Holy Spirit (d) they were
filled with new Spirit
How many days after the feast of Passover was the Pentecost? (a) 40 (b) 50 (c) 60 (d) 12
How many disciples were in the upper room? (a) 12 (b) 11 (c) about 120 (d) 500
Most of the apostles were from city of (a) Galilee (b) Cyrene (c) Greece (d) Judea
Highlight five things the Holy Spirit can do in the life of a Christian.
How does the Holy Spirit help Christians to overpower the devil? lessons
The Effects of The Holy Spirit on The Early disciples (Acts 3: 1-11)
Moral Lessons
The presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the early disciples was so significant that it was impossible
for people to deny the power of God. The followings were so glaring that generations after the disciples
are still referring to them as points of reference.
The disciples were empowered to speak in new tongues. This had never happened before, so people
were amazed and critical about it.
The apostles became so bold in defending the gospel even to the point of death.
Signs and miracles began to follow them. The healing of the lame man at the beautiful gate was the first
demonstration of the power of God by the apostles.
Death and authority could no longer scare them. The trial and death of Stephen was a major
confirmation of this. Stephen was one of the seven deacons that were ordained by the apostles to take
care of the sharing of foods and other items among the believers. He was full of power and wisdom of
God and he performed many miracles. He was summoned before the high priest and was condemned to
death. He was stoned to death, yet he prayed for his accusers.
The Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to continue in faith and their service to God in the midst of stiff
opposition and severe persecution. This religion (Christianity) would have died if not for the backing of
the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit empowered them with different spiritual gifts to enabled to carry on with the divine
The Holy Spirit increased them in number. People began to give their lives to Jesus and became
members of the church.
Holy Spirit made provision for them. And there was love, peace and unity among them.
Discuss what would have been the experience of the disciples if Holy Spirit did not assist
Mention any other effects of the Holy Spirit on the disciples that were not mentioned above.
Christians should learn from these effects that if they repent of their sins and allow the Holy Spirit to
work in them, God can do the same things in their lives as He did in the lives of the apostles.
The Scriptures identify the Holy Spirit as third Divine Personality in the Godhead or the Trinity. So we
must see the Holy Spirit as God dwelling In the midst of men.
God’s promise is very certain, Christians must be rest assured whenever God promise of a thing that He
will surely fulfil it. God is not a man that He should lie, whatever He says, He will do.
Christians must strive to appreciate the significance of the ascension of Jesus Christ and the presence of
the Holy Spirit.
Christians should the Holy Spirit knowing fully that Holy Spirit is backing them up just the same way He
assisted the early disciples.
State two reasons why the Holy Spirit is still dwelling among the believers now.
Mention three works the Holy Spirit can do in the lives of believers now.
What is the relationship between the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the early disciples and the
Christians nowadays?
Does Limitations exist in the realm of the spirit? Support your answers with points.
Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 3,by T.N.O Quarcoopome et al. Chapter 1 page 22.
Fundamental of Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 3, by Adeyinka. et al. Chapter 1 page 3.
The Holy Spirit is not one of the following to the early disciples (a) comforter (b) teacher (c) adviser
(d) prayer warrior.
The first miracle by the apostles was done by (a) James (b) Peter (c) Paul (d) John
The first miracle by the apostles was done on the ………. man at the beautiful gate (a) lame (b) blind (c)
deaf (d) epileptic
Which of these is not an effect of the Holy Spirit on the early disciples (a) boldness (b) eloquence (c)
courage (d) power
The Holy Spirit did not appear as one of the following on the Pentecost day (a) tongue (b) wind (c)
water (d) fire
What are the things that stop Holy Spirit from working among the believers. lessons
Jesus Christ established the church while He was here earth during His three and half years ministry on
earth. Peter became the leader of the church and he was assisted by other apostles. The early believers
stayed together as a family, praying and doing things together. The whole church devoted themselves to
the teaching of the apostles on the kingdom of God. The communal living and strong fellowship was
such that torched every area of their lives and interests. As a result of these they had everything in
common. This meant that nobody claimed ownership of anything, it was a collective ownership of
everything. Those that were rich ensured that nobody lacked food and necessities of life. The Bible says
that they were increasing day by day.
What lessons are in the communal life of the early church for Christians to learn?
What are the forbidding attitudes among the early Christians?
How can Christians nowadays imbibe the communal lifestyle of the early disciples?
Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 3,by T.N.O Quarcoopome et al.Chapter2, page 30.
Who was the founder of the church? (a) Peter (b) Jesus (c) Paul (d) apostles
Who was the head of the early church? (a) Peter (b) Paul (c) James (d) apostles
What was the requisite for joining members of the early church? (a) righteousness (b) salvation (c)
humility (d) patience
How many souls were added to the church after Peter’s speech on Pentecost day (a) 2000 (b) 3000 (c)
500 (d) 120
On Pentecost day, the disciples attracted people because they were (a) praying aloud (b) speaking in
tongues (c) conversing with God (d) willing to show love to people.
What were the reactions of the authority to gospel of Jesus by the apostles? lessons
Fraud in the Church (Acts 5: 1-11)
There’s no human organisation without shortcomings, hence the early church had its challenges. There
were people who wanted to take advantages of others because of the collective ownership of
everything. In the early church the human errors and weaknesses shook the unity and peace of the
church. But the apostles were able to manage the situations very well. The problems that confronted
the early church include: dishonesty, falsehood, lack of commitment, deceit, fraud and household
conspiracy, but the damage was quickly and decisively halted by the apostles.
The case of Ananias and Sapphira was an example of this problem. The couple, Ananias and Sapphira
were anxious to receive honour but were not ready to give what it takes. They sold their land but unlike
other donors, they conspired to keep to themselves part of the money and brought a part of it to the
apostles. They pretended as if had they donated everything. But Peter gull of the Holy Spirit confronted
Ananias for his dishonesty to the Holy Spirit. Peter rebuked him strongly for defrauding and deceiving
them. Out of fear and shock, Ananias collapsed and died. Some members buried him instantly. Later his
wife came in, not knowing what had happened to her husband, she also confirmed to the lie of her
husband. She too fell down and died immediately and was buried beside her husband. The aftermath of
this was fear among the believers, they became so afraid of the power of the Holy Spirit and were living
in honesty among one another.
Analyse the issue that led to the death of Ananias and Sapphira.
The next challenge that confronted the early church was that of inequitable distribution of food items.
This was brought about by nepotism and favouritism on the part of the officers of the church charged
with the responsibility of distributing food items. This accusation got to the apostles that some of the
ethnic groups among the believers were agitating and murmuring against the Hebrews. They
complained that the widows among the Greeks and their foreign counterparts were neglected in the
daily distribution also got to the apostles.
The apostles took the matter very seriously. Consequently, they called a meeting of the community
elders to resolve the issues decisively. This led to the appointment of seven deacons namely:
These men were full of faith and the Holy Spirit and were fit for job they were appointed for. They were
presented to the apostles who prayed and laid hands on them and commissioned them for the task.
After this the church made progress because the problems of partiality, favouritism and nepotism were
A deacon is expected to be a strong believer in God and Jesus Christ the Son of God.
The person must not be questionable in areas of money, sex and other social issues.
The person must be fully engaged in prayer, evangelism, church services and missions.
Explain the circumstance that led to the death of Ananias and Sapphira.
Mention five habits that are not expected from the deacons.
Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 3,by T.N.O Quarcoopome et al. Chapter 2, pages 30-32
Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 3 by al. Chapter 2, pages 9-11.
Which of the following was not a deacon? (a) Stephen (b) Peter (c) Parmenas (d) Philip
One of the following was not a feature for selecting the deacons. (a) faith (b) virtue (c) eloquence (d)
The most prominent among the deacons was (a) Stephen (b) Philip (c) Timon (d) Parmenas
The sin of Ananias and Sapphira was (a) disobedience (b) lie and deceit (c) over confidence (d)
The accusation in the early church was directed against the (a) Greek (b) Hebrew (c) Gentile (d)
What are the lessons for the modern Christians from the story of Ananias and Sapphira?
What are the differences between deacons appointed by the apostles and the present day deacons? lessons
Meaning of Persecution
Persecution is an act of treating people in a cruel and unfair way especially because of their religion,
race or political beliefs. In the case of the early church, persecution was the stiff opposition to the gospel
of Christ in a severe manner to stop the propagation of the gospel. There were several acts of
persecution against the early church. One of such was the killing of Stephen, a vibrant deacon in the
days of the apostles. This persecution was basically from the religious class who were majorly the upper
class in the society to stop the disciples from spreading the gospel. This religious class constitute the
priests and the scribes who didn’t want to lose their reputation and relevance in the society. Saul, one of
the major persecutors was a scribe and he was the one who supervised the killing of Stephen. The
disciples experienced terrible persecution in the early days of the church, some died and some had to
run away from Jerusalem. Some were arrested and detained in prison, some were beaten mercilessly
and left half dead. But to the glory of God they survived this and were able to pass Christianity to next
The religious and political leaders in Jerusalem did not want to lose their reputation and relevance in the
The Elites wanted to maintain status quo in their religious and political settings.
The leaders did not believe in Jesus Christ. They knew Him as the son of Joseph the carpenter and they
also knew Mary as the wife of Joseph. To them, both parents were poor and were not significant in the
They were expecting a political and economic leader who would liberate Israel from the oppression of
the mighty nations around them.
They also persecuted the Christians because of the financial gains they have being gaining from their
present political and religious settings.
To maintain the religious dominance of Judaism as the best and accepted religion by God over others.
The number one way to curb persecution is to have the mind of God towards others. To love people just
the way God loves them.
Another way to curb persecution is to pray for the persecutors because the Bible says that we do not
wrestle against blood and flesh.
Highlight five reasons for persecuting the early Christians by the authority.
What two lessons are in the persecution of the early Christians for the present day Christians?
Discuss two issues to prove that persecution is still happening in recent time.
Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 3,by T.N.O Quarcoopome et al. Chapter 3, page 41.
Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 3, by Adeyinka. et al. Chapter 3, page 22,
Persecution of the early Christians took place in (a) Jericho (b) Jerusalem (c) Jordan (d) Joppa
The first martyr of gospel was (a) Peter (b) Jesus (c) Stephen (d) Paul
The most significant person among the persecutors was (a) Saul (b) Pilate (c) Demas Aristophanes
Persecution was against the church for the following reasons except (a) continuation of the egoistic life
of the leaders (b) sanity in the religious setting (c) to put a stop to the spread of the gospel (d) to
continue to exploit the religious people of the land.
Christians need the following to curb persecution except (a) faith (b) money (c) prayer (d) ego
What are the differences between the persecution in the early church and the persecution in the
present day?
Discuss five means Christians can adopt to avoid the spread of persecution. lessons
Philip was the founder of the church in Samaria. His going to Samaria was as a result of the great
persecution of the church in Jerusalem. After the death of Stephen, the members of the early church
were persecuted severely and the church became disorganised. As a result, the members were scattered
to different nations around Jerusalem. Some went to Judea, some to Samaria but the apostles remained
in Jerusalem.
Philip went to Samaria and preached the gospel there, he also worked wonders among the people. He
healed the sick and cast out demons. As a result, many of the people of Samaria accepted the gospel
and were converted. He baptised them in the name of Christ, when the apostles in Jerusalem heard this,
they were happy and sent Peter and John to join Philip in establishing the church. When Peter and John
arrived, they laid hands on the believers and they all received Holy Spirit.
An angel of the Lord appeared unto Philip and instructed him to go south on the road of Jerusalem that
led to Gaza and he did so. On his way, he met an Ethiopian Eunuch, an important official in charge of all
the treasury of Candace, Queen of Ethiopians. The man was just coming from Jerusalem where he had
gone to for worship. He sat in his chariot and was reading the book of Isaiah. The Spirit of the Lord told
Philip to go to that chariot and stay near it. When he got to him, he asked if he understood the book he
was reading. The man answered that he didn’t and that he needed someone to explain to him. Philip
filled this gap and later baptised him. After this the Spirit of the Lord took Philip and he appeared in
Azotus, he travelled about preaching the gospel in all the towns until he got to Caesarea.
Peter the head of the apostle was the founder of the church in Lydda as well as in Joppa. As the
churches in Judea , Galilee and Samaria continued to grow, Peter also continued to move to the
neighbouring towns and villages preaching the good news, converting and healing people. At Lydda,
Peter healed a man called Aeneas who had been paralysed for eight years. As a result of this miracle,
people of Lydda accepted the gospel and were baptised.
Peter again moved forward to the neighbouring town, Joppa. The visit was an invitation of a disciple to
raise a woman who was dead. The disciples believed that if Peter could come the woman would be
raised from dead. Peter came, prayed before the dead body of the woman and said to her “Tabitha rise”
and immediately, Dorcas opened her eyes.
Discuss the problem of the disciples in Joppa that prompted to call for Peter.
What led to the dissipation of the disciples in Jerusalem? (a) riot (b) persecution (c) aggression (d)
Which apostle moved to Samaria (a) Peter (b) Paul (c) Philip (d) John
…………… and …………… later joined the disciples in Samaria (a) Paul and Peter (b) Peter and John (c)
Paul and Silas (d) Peter and James
What was the name of the woman that was raised from dead in Joppa (a) Mary (b) Tabitha (c) Demas
(d) Martha
The man that was healed in Lydda was (a) Aeneas (b) Ananias (c) Andrew (d) Peter
THEORY lessons
Peter’s Vision and His Presence in Cornelius’ House (Acts 10: 1-48)
The church in Caesarea started by the invitation Peter got from Cornelius to come to his house and
preach the gospel. Peter was still on mission in Joppa when Cornelius sent for him. Cornelius was a
Roman army officer living in Caesarea, he was a devout religious man and he worshiped God faithfully
with all the members of his household. One day he had a vision in which an angel asked him to send for
Simon Peter who was in Joppa at that time. After the vision, Cornelius sent his servants and soldiers to
look for Peter.
While the messengers of Cornelius were still on their way to Joppa, Peter who was already hungry went
into prayer and fell into trance. The heaven opened and he saw a vision of a vessel descending from
heaven like a sheet and containing various kinds of animals. Then a voice said to him “Peter, kill and eat”
Peter replied, “No Lord, for I have never eaten anything unclean.” The voice cautioned Peter not to call
anything God has done unclean. This happened three times and the sheet disappeared unto heaven.
As Peter’s vision was over, the messenger also arrived Joppa and Peter went down to welcome them. In
obedience to the Holy Spirit Peter and some brethren in Joppa went with them to Cornelius’ house in
Caesarea. In Caesarea crowd was waiting to receive them and Cornelius came out to welcome him and
they both narrated the vision they had. Peter prayed for Cornelius and his household and people that
were present, many accepted Christ and were baptised. Peter laid hands on them and they received the
Holy Spirit.
Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 3,by T.N.O Quarcoopome et al. Chapter 4, pages 48-52
Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 3, by al. Chapter 4, pages 30-34
The invitation for Peter was from ( a) Cornelius’ servants (b) Cornelius’ soldiers (c) Roman authority (d)
Cornelius was a ………. officer (a) political (b) military (c) civil (d) government
Why didn’t Peter kill and eat in that vision? Because he was (a) unclean (b) holy (c) ignorant (d)
meticulous of eating unclean animals
How many times did the voice persuaded Peter? (a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 7
Who instructed Peter to go to Cornelius (a) divine voice (b) Holy Spirit (c) angel (d) Pert himself
THEORY lessons
After the Holy Spirit had descended upon the disciples, they preached the gospel with power and
authority. They performed miracles in the name of Jesus Christ. One of the miracles was the healing of
the lame man at the beautiful gate of the temple. When Peter and John got to the temple to pray the
lame man gazed at them in expectation to receive alms. But Peter looked at him back and said, “Silver
and gold, I have not but what I have I give you.In the name of Jesus stand up and walk.” Peter then grab
the man and pulled him up. Immediately the man got up, limped and began to run.
The people who witnessed this miracle gathered together around Peter and John. Peter quickly used
the opportunity to preach to them in the name of Jesus Christ.The authority got angry at the apostles’
preaching because they were preaching about the resurrection of Jesus. This made the religious leaders
to arrest Peter and John and put them in prison for one night. Many people who received the message
became Christian converts and their number increased to five thousand. The following day Peter and
John were brought into the presence of the elders, the scribes, Annas, the high priest, Caiaphas,
Alexander and members of the high priest family to face the charge brought against them. After serious
questioning, Peter, full of the Holy Spirit, declared publicly that they performed the miracle in the name
of Jesus Christ. The religious council, not knowing what to do and also seeing the man that was healed,
they warned the apostles not to preach in the name of Jesus again. But Peter replied them whether it
right to listen to man instead of God.
Stephen, a man full of the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit was one of the seven deacons appointed
by the apostles to distribute food items and other materials. He preached the gospel with zeal and great
power of God. But this displeased the Sadducees and some religious sectional leaders. They attacked
him verbally but they were not able to silence him. When they could not flaw him, they accused him of
the following:
Declaration that Jesus would destroy the temple in Jerusalem and change the laws of Moses.
In the law of Moses this is punishable and the penalty is death. But Stephen full of the power of God
traced the long history of the Jews to the point of Jesus crucifixion. At this juncture the people became
enraged and furious that they dragged Stephen out of the city and stoned him to death. Stephen
demonstrated exceptional grace here as he prayed to God for the for the forgiveness of his accusers.
What advice will you give to Christians after considering the martyrdom of Stephen?
Critically examine the action of those that stoned Stephen to death.
Over 90% of martyrs were Christians! Why? Back up your points with biblical facts.
Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 3,by T.N.OQuarcoopome et al. Chapter 3 pages 37-39.
Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 3, by Adeyinka. et al. Chapter 3 pages 19-22.
The first Christian martyr was (a) James (b) Peter (c) Stephen (d) Abel
Peter and John were arrested because they were (a) filled with the Holy Spirit (b) healed the lame
man, (c) preached the gospel they so confident (d) disobeyed the laws of the land.
The leader of the church after the death of was (a) James (b) Peter (c) Stephen (d) Paul
Those who killed Stephen gathered cloth at feet of (a) Saul (b) James (c) Annas (d) Alexander
…………… was healed at the beautiful gate (a) A paralytic man (b) A lame man (c) A blind man (d) A
deaf man
State two lessons from the healing of the man at the beautiful.
Persecution of The Church by Saul (Acts 8: 1-3, 9: 1-30)
Saul was a Hebrew youth, adventurous and vibrant, a native of Tarsus, born of Jewish parents of the
tribe of Benjamin. He was highly educated and studied law under Gamaliel, the great Hebrew teacher.
He was also a Roman citizen by birth. He spent most of his life in Jerusalem and was a zealous member
of the strictest Jewish religious party.
Saul was very active in the persecution of Christians in Jerusalem and cities around him. Stephen was
stoned to death in his presence. After the death of Stephen, he moved from house to house forcing the
Christians out of their hiding places and clamping them into prison. During his time, he crippled several
activities of the Christians and caused lots of havoc to the Christian community. As a result of this, many
believers were killed and lots more were insecure in Jerusalem which led to flight of many Christians out
of Jerusalem to other places outside the region. Saul was so zealous to bind all Christians and put them
in prison. This prompted him to obtain permission from the high priest to travel to Damascus to bind the
Christians there and bring them to the council for crucial legal judgement. It was on his way to
Damascus that he had an encounter with Jesus who struck him down. He became blind and this led to
his arrest. On the third after his blindness, God used one of the disciples in Damascus named Ananias to
minister to him. He regained his sight and subsequently was conscripted into the army of the Lord. He
became an apostle who won many nations unto the Lord.
Another thorn in the flesh of the disciples was King Herod (Aggripa 1). He was a Jew by birth and he was
appointed king of the Jews by the Roman authority that governed the Jews at the time. He was one of
the major persecutors of the church. Herod was so violent and aggressive in his opposition to the gospel
and was ready to anything to please the status quo of the religion of the Jews. He arrested and
imprisoned James the brother of John (the sons of Zebedee). To satisfy the desire of his daughter, he
killed James with the sword in a most gruesome manner. He beheaded him and released the head to his
daughter as the birthday gift. He killed James in this manner purposely to intimidate the apostle and
believers and to demonstrate to them the brutal way they would be killed if they continue in their belief.
When Herod saw that, the Jews were happy that he killed James one of the key apostles of the gospel,
he proceeded to arrest Peter and put him in prison. To ensure that Peter would not escape or that his
companions would not rescue him he placed him under the surveillance of four squads of soldiers.
Herod’s intention was to put him on trial before the Jewish authority after the feast of Passover.
Christian Religious knowledge for JSS. BK 3,by T.N.O Quarcoopome et al. Chapter 3, pages 39-40.
Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS. BK 3 by Adeyinka. et al. Chapter 3, pages 21-23
The king who violently dealt with the believers was (a) Augustus (b) Herod (c) Caesar (d) Apollo
The best name to call the Jews is (a) Gentiles (b) Judaists (c) Unbelievers (d) Assailants
What was the offence of James (a) preaching the gospel (b) disobedience to the law (c) causing
confusion in the temple (d) preaching heresy to the Jews
Peter was arrested because Herod wanted to (a) be promoted (b) satisfy the Jews (c) kill all the
believers (d) put him in prison
Saul was on his way to Damascus to arrest all believers (a) from Jerusalem (b) in Damascus (c) in
Jerusalem (d) around Damascus
How will you analyse the faith of Saul before his conversion?
Discuss the position of the believers to the death of James and Stephen.