Annexure 3

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PROJECT WORK / Practice School Rubrics for B.

Tech Programs

Assessment Excellent Good Acceptable Unacceptable

(E) (G) (A) (U)
Above 90% 70-89% 40-69% Less than 40%
Theoretical A Thorough A good Shows a poor Theoretical
Knowledge understanding of understanding of understanding of knowledge is very
theoretical theoretical theoretical poor and lacks
knowledge is knowledge is knowledge but learning attitude.
evident throughout evident throughout eager to learn when
the students work. the students work. needed.
Design & Innovative & Division of problem Division of problem Partial division of
Development modular design into modules and into modules but problem into
approach good selection of inappropriate modules and
Division of problem computing selection of inappropriate
into modules and framework computing selection of
good selection of Design Framework computing
computing methodology not Design framework
framework properly justified methodology not Design
Appropriate design defined properly methodology not
methodology and defined properly
properly justified.
Results & Full set of Full set of Partial Incomplete set of
Discussion results/solutions results/solutions Results/solution results generated.
generated and generated and generated. Very limited
exactly close to almost close to Results/solution discussion of
expected results. expected results. generated are not results.
Results/solution Full set of properly discussed No evidence of
generated are results/solution & justified. discussion of
critically discussed generated. solutions to
and analyzed in the Results/solution limitations.
context of generated are
published works. critically discussed
Extensions to and analyzed.
defined work are Extensions to
included. defined work are
not included
Presentation Excellent Good presentation Moderate Poor presentation
Skill presentation in in terms of slides, presentation in in terms of slides,
terms of slides, preparation, terms of slides, preparation,
preparation, content & delivery. preparation, content & delivery.
content & delivery. content & delivery. Lacks confidence.
Highly confident Confident and able Lacks confidence.
and able to to articulate well. Presentation time is
articulate very well. Presentation time is somewhat
Presentation time is somewhat managed.
properly managed. managed.
Report Writing Report uses a A clear, substantial, Disappointing Completely
& Preparation professional format fluent report which overall, with only unsatisfactory.
that is clear, is correctly about half the areas No literature
substantial, fluent, organized, adequately treated. review is carried
correctly organized, convincing and with Similarity index is out.
and convincing and no omissions. within accepted Referencing section
with no omissions. Reports clearly threshold level. is in the
Reports clearly mentions about all Learning outcomes unacceptable
mentions about all the learning are not reflected format.
the learning outcomes in the properly in the
outcomes in the conclusion page. report.
conclusion page. Similarity index as Group & Individual
Similarity index as per Turnitin report contributions are
per Turnitin report is within accepted not clearly
is within accepted threshold level. mentioned in the
threshold level. Group & Individual report.
Group & Individual contributions are Referencing is not
contributions are not clearly as per the standard
clearly mentioned mentioned in the style & very few of
in the report. report. the references are
Referencing is Referencing is very recent.
provided as per the provided as per the
standard style & standard style &
most of the few of the
references are very references are very
recent. recent.
Project Fully planned Fully planned Student required a Completely
Management autonomous. Limited guidance. substantial amount unsatisfactory.
Self-regulated, with Self-regulated, with of management or *Lacks team
critical evaluations critical evaluations guidance. working skill
at each stage. at each stage. Reports are
Each stage of Each stage of submitted on time
project is well project is defined but needs
defined and meets and meets the reminders. Poor
the deadlines & deadlines & communication
milestones with the milestones. with stake holders.
implementation of Reports are *Sometimes work
extensions. submitted on timely with the team to
Reports are basis. complete the work.
submitted on timely Communicates
Communicates very effectively with all
effectively with all stake holders.
stake holders. *works well with
*Works well with the team.
the team.

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