vocabulary Tiếng Anh kinh doanh

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No. Word Definition Vietnamese meaning
difference in value between a country's imports and
1 Balance of trade cán cân thương mại
cash flow/ flow of
2 the amount of money moving into and out dòng tiền
3 entrepreneur s.o who starts their own business doanh nhân
price at which one currency can buy another/ the rate
4 exchange rate at which the currency of one country can be changed for tỷ giá hối đoái
the currency of another country
general increase in prices / the rate at which prices
5 inflation rate tỷ lệ lạm phát
increase overtime, causing the value of money to fall.
cost of borrowing money/ the percentage amount that
6 interest rate you pay for borrowing money, or get for lending money, lãi suất
for a period of time
7 foreign investment money from overseas đầu tư nước ngoài
gross domestic the total valu of goods and services produced in a
8 tổng sản phẩm quốc nội
product (GDP) country
9 official rules/ regulations/ paperwork thủ tục chính phủ
all the people in a particular country who are of the right
10 labour force age to work, or all the people who work for a particular lực lượng lao động
actions taken by a government to control the amount of
11 monetary policy chính sách tiền tệ
money in an economy and how easily available it is
12 stimulate to make s.t develop or become become more active kích thích
a reduction in taxes that encourages companies or
13 tax incentive ưu đãi thuế
people to do s.t that will help the country's economy
the percentage of people in a country or area who do not
14 unemployment rate tỷ lệ thất nghiệp
have jobs / the percentage of people without jobs


No. Word Definition Vietnamese meaning
15 buy into one's vision believe in one's idea
a group of people who do the main part of a job or piece
16 core team lực lượng nòng cốt
of work
a closely connected group of people, companies, … that
17 network mạng lưới (quan hệ)
exchange information
No. Word Definition Vietnamese meaning
18 damp slight wet, often in a way that is unpleasant ẩm thấp
19 drizzling raining slightly mưa phùn
20 hazy not clear because of haze mù sương
21 humid warm and damp ẩm ướt
22 mild not very cold ấm, mát
23 overcast covered with cloud u ám
24 pouring raining heaveily mưa trút nước
25 roasting so hot that you feel uncomfortable rất nóng
No. Word Definition Vietnamese meaning
a massive interest in a brand or a excessive expectation
1 advertising hype regarding a future launch, created as a the result of a cường điệu quảng cáo
campaign specifically conceived for the purpose.
all the help and information that it provides to customers
2 after-sales service dịch vụ hậu mãi
after they have bought a particular product
the degree to which people are familiar with or prefer a
3 brand awareness nhận diện thương hiệu
particular brand/ how familiar people are with a brand

4 brand image the ideas and beliefs people have about a brand hình ảnh thương hiệu
5 brand loyalty the tendency to always buy a particular brand lòng trung thành thương hiệu
the name given to a product by the company that makes
6 brand name tên thương hiệu
7 brand stretching using an existing name on another type of product mở rộng thương hiệu
customer who buy various competing products rather người hay thay đổi nhiều nhãn
8 brand switcher
than being loyal to a particular brand hàng khác nhau
channel of one of the methods that are used for selling a company's
9 kênh phân phối
distribution products or sevices
10 component one of several parts of which s.t is made bộ phận
11 constitude to be the parts that together form s.t cấu thành
the possibility of paying for a product over an extend
12 credit facilities thấu chi tín dụng
13 down-market lower in quality and cheaper in price thị trường giá rẻ
14 end user the person who actually uses a particular product người tiêu dùng cuối
to make s.t seem larger, more important, better, or worse
15 exaggerate thổi phồng, phóng đại
than it really is
a method of paying for s.t in which the buyer pays part
16 hire purchase of the cost immediately and then makes small regular trả góp
payments until the debt is completely paid
the addition of new products to a product range to make
17 line-filling lấp đầy dòng sản phẩm
it more complete

lengthen a product line by moving either up-market or

18 line-stretching mở rộng dòng sản phẩm
down-market,i.e. making items or higher or lower quality

a group of possible customers who are similar in their

19 market segment đoạn thị trường
needs, age, education…
the sales of a company expressed as percentage of total
20 market share thị phần thấp
sales in a given market
the set of a company expressed as percentage of total
21 marketing mix phối thức marketing
sales in a given market
the approach of the company to market several similar
22 multi-brand strategy and competitive brands of the same company under the chiến lược đa thương hiệu
guise of different brand names
23 niche (market) a small, specialized but profitable segment of a market thị trường ngách
the activity of keeping good relationships between an
24 P.R (public relation) quan hệ công chúng
organization and the general public.
the activity of speaking to people, either directly or on
25 personal selling bán hàng trục tiếp cá nhân
the phone, to try and persuade them to buy s.t

26 product endorsement the use of a well-known person to advertise products quảng cáo qua người nổi tiếng

27 product launch the introduction of a product to the market giới thiệu sản phẩm mới
28 product lifecycle the length of time people continue to buy a product vòng đời sản phẩm
a range of similar products or services that are sold by
29 product line dòng sản phẩm (chiều dọc)
30 product mix a company's items, brands and products consititude it danh mục sản phẩm
quảng cáo sản phẩm qua chương
31 product placement when product are used in films or TV programmes
32 product range the set of products made by a company dòng sản phẩm (chiều ngang)
the fact that something produces or is likely to produce a
33 profitability khả năng sinh lợi
34 promotion activities to advertise something chiêu thị
the attention that a person, product, or organization
35 publicity hoạt động quảng cáo
receives from newspapers, television, etc
36 retail outlet a store that sells goods to the public của hàng bán lẻ
a type of product or service that can only be possessed
37 rival product or consumed by a single user, creating competition and rival product
demand for it
of very high quality and intended to be bought by people
38 up market thị trường giá cao
who are quite rich.
a promise by a manufacturer to repair defective goods
39 warranty bảo hành
during a certain period
No. Word Definition Vietnamese meaning
selected volunteers are given different objects to
examine or samples of food or drink to taste and
40 blind testing khảt sát mù
compare. The identity or brand of the products is kept
A researcher regularly visits s.o's home and looks at the
41 dustbin survey labels of all the products that a household has bought or khảo sát bao bì KH đã sử dụng
used recently
A researcher encourages a group of consumers to
discuss their feelings and attitudes toward different
42 focus group
products. The discussion is secretly observed and often
43 individual interview - phỏng vấn cá nhân
44 online survey - khảo sát trực tuyến
45 perceive to notice or become aware of something thấy, nhận thấy
46 postal survey - khảo sát qua thư tín
47 response a reply or an answer phản hồi
street survey A researcher interviews passers-by and asks them a list
48 khảo sát đường phố
questionnaire of carefully chosen.
(v) - to direct something (especially advertising or a
product) at a particular group of people or a particular (v) – nhắm đến
49 target (v, n)
area (n) – mục tiêu
(n) - a result that you try to achieve
target consumer/ the type of person that a company wants to sell its
50 khách hàng mục tiêu
customer/ buyer products or services to
51 telephone survey - khảo sát qua điện thoại
No. Word Definition Vietnamese meaning
an arrangement, a promise or a contract made with
52 agreement somebody sự thoả thuận
฀ reach an agreement
an agreement made between two sides in which each
53 compromise side gives up some of the things they want so that both sự thoả hiệp
sides are happy at the end
54 consensus an opinion that all members of a group agree with sự đồng lòng, nhất trí
to move away from the main subject you are writing or
55 digress talking about lạc đề
฀ digressive (adj)
a summary or record of what is said or decided at a
56 minutes formal biên bản
doing something at the agreed or correct time and not
57 punctuality sự đúng giờ
being late

No. Word Definition Vietnamese meaning
1 adversarial (adj) involving people opposing or disagreeing with each other đối lập, đối địch
2 agenda (n) a list of items to be discussed at a meeting chương trình nghị sự
3 anticipate (v) to expect something lường trước
1. (v) to express or explain your thoughts or feelings
clearly in words;
4 articulate (v, adj) 2. (adj) good at expressing ideas or feelings clearly in nói rõ ràng
words (person);
3. (adj) clearly expressed or pronounced (speech)
1. (n) an agreement that settles an argument when
people reduce their demands in order to agree;
5 compromise (n, v) 2. (v) to give up some of your demands after a thoả hiệp
disagreement with somebody, in order to reach an
something that is accepted or given up by one side in
6 concession (n) sự nhượng bộ
order to end a disagreement.
7 contention (n) the disagreement that results from opposing arguments sự bất đồng
8 counter-proposal (n) an offer responding to somebody else's offer đề nghị ngược lại
9 deal point (n) an individual item or element in a negotiation điểm thoả thuận
1. (n) an argument or a disagreement between two
10 dispute (v, n) groups or countries; tranh luận, tranh chấp
2. (v) to argue or disagree strongly with somebody about
11 finalize (v) to complete the last part of a plan, trip, project, etc. hoàn tất
begin to do something, give serious attention to
12 get down to sth bắt tay vào làm gì
asking too many questions and trying to find out about
13 inquisitive (adj) tò mò
what other people are doing, etc
14 kick off to start bắt đầu
to delay making (or to forget to make) a decision about
14 leave sth hanging trì hoãn
formal discussion between people who are trying to
15 negotiation (n) đàm phán
reach an agreement
not supporting or helping either side in a disagreement,
16 neutral (adj) trung lập
competition, etc
open-ended question a question that cannot be answered with a "yes" or "no"
17 -
(n) response, or with a static response
fixed limits within which s.th can or must happen or be
18 parameter (n) tham số, thông số
19 perspective (n) a way of thinking about something quan điểm
the act of persuading somebody to do something or to
20 persuasion (n) sự thuyết phục
believe something
something that you think is more important than other
21 priority (n) ưu tiên
things and should be dealt with first
activity that is trying hard to discover the truth about
22 probing (n) thăm dò
23 requirement (n) something that you need or want yêu cầu
24 scenario (n) a description of how things might happen in the future bối cảnh, viễn cảnh
25 set sth aside to temporarily ignore or not think about a particular fact tạm gác lại
26 socialize (v) to meet and spend time with people in a friendly way hoà nhập
27 trade-off (n) an exchange involving giving up one thing to get s.th else sự đánh đổi
28 tip a useful piece of information or advice lời khuyên
No. Word Definition Vietnamese meaning
1. (n) a thing bought for less than the usual price;
1. món hời
28 bargain (n, v) 2. (v) to discuss prices, conditions, etc. with somebody
2. mặc cả
in order to reach an agreement that is acceptable

1. wanting very much to win or be more successful than

29 competitive (adj) other people; cạnh tranh
2. involving competition

involving doing something together or working together

30 co-operative (adj) hợp tác
with others towards a shared aim
31 credibility (n) the fact that someone can be believed or trusted sự tín nhiệm
32 goodwill (n) friendly or helpful feelings towards others thiện chí, lòng tốt
33 haggle (v) to argue with somebody in order to reach an agreement mặc cả, cò kè, cãi nhau
34 hostile (adj) strongly rejecting something phản đối kịch liệt
35 impersonal (adj) not referring to any particular person khách quan
connected with language or the scientific study of
36 linguistic (adj) liên quan đến ngôn ngữ
that you can discuss or change before you make an
37 negotiable (adj) có thể đàm phán được
agreement or a decision
the transmission of signals through a nonverbal platform
38 non-verbal signal (n) such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, tín hiệu phi ngôn ngữ
posture, and the distance between two individuals.
hợp đồng đọc hữu (không có lần
39 one-off contract (n) the contract that happens or is made or done only once
a person that you are playing or fighting against in a
40 opponent (n) game, đối thủ
competition, argument, etc.
41 partnership (n) the state of being a partner in business quan hệ đối tác
a plan of action agreed or chosen by a political party, a
42 policy (n) chính sách
business, etc
connected with the rituals performed as part of a
43 ritualistic (adj) theo nghi thức
44 tactic (n) the particular method you use to achieve something thủ thuật
take sth into
45 account/ take to consider sth cân nhắc
account of sth
46 unscrupulous (adj) without moral principles; not honest or fair vô lương tâm

Unit 4: MONEY
No. Word Definition Vietnamese meaning
a company's possessions or property which can be used
1 assets tài sản
for the payment of debts
a financial statement that provides a snapshot of a
2 balance sheet bảng cân đối kế toán
company's financials as of a particular date
when a person or organization is unable to pay their
3 bankruptcy (n) phá sản
a period of time in financial markets when prices trend
4 bear market
a period of time in financial markets when prices trend
5 bull market
6 consolidate (v) to join things together into one; to be joined into one hợp nhất
- the total profit that is made by all the companies tổng lời
7 consolidated profit belonging to a business group, when all the individual ฀ consolidated profit and loss:
profit is added together tổng lời lỗ
money owed by one person or organization to another
8 debt (n) nợ
person or organization
a part of the profits of a company paid to the owners of
9 dividend (n) cổ tức
EPS – earnings per a company's profits over a particular period divided by lợi nhuận (thu nhập) tính trên 1
share the number of its shares cổ phiếu
1. (n) a description of what is likely to happen in the
11 forecast (n, v) dự báo
2. (v) to say what you think will happen in the future
based on information that you have now
biên lợi nhuận gộp/tỷ suất lợi
nhuận gội
the percentage of revenue that exceeds the cost of goods
12 gross margin (n) (chênh lệch giữa doanh thu và
giá vốn
hàng bán chia cho doanh thu)
lợi nhuận gộp (mức chênh lệch
the total sales of the firm minus the total cost of the
giữa doanh thu và chi phí của
13 gross profit (n) goods
hàng hoá bán ra, chưa trừ đi chi
phí sản xuất của doanh nghiệp)
money which people or organization put into a business
14 investment (n) đầu tư
to make profit
to produce new stamps, coins, shares, etc. for sale to the
15 issue (v) phát hành
16 liabilities financial figures that represent a company's debts nợ phải trả
money a business makes before payment to the
17 pre-tax profits LN trước thuế
profit and loss a financial statement that focuses on the revenue,
báo cáo kết quả hoạt động kinh
18 account/ income expenses, gains, and losses of a company during a
statement particular period
a period of time when business activity decreases
19 recession (n) suy thoái kinh tế
because the economy is doing badly
money in which business receive from selling goods or
20 revenue/turnover (n) doanh thu
21 shareholder (n) an owner of shares in a company or business cổ đông
22 shareholders' equity a financial figure that represent a company's net worth vốn chủ sở hữu
equal parts into which the capital or ownership of a
23 shares cổ phiếu
company is divided
24 stock market (n) a place where the company shares are bought and sold thị trường chứng khoán

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