Part 3 - Digital RNAseq Data Analysis
Part 3 - Digital RNAseq Data Analysis
Part 3 - Digital RNAseq Data Analysis
Sample to Insight
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Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 2
Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq:
Data Analysis Tutorial
Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D.
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 3
Today’s Agenda
Why use Targeted Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) to study gene expression?
Targeted Enrichment
QIAseq Targeted RNA Panels
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 4
Outline of a RNAseq Experiment
■ Have 96 samples
■ Investigate 500 genes
■ Only have a limited amount of total RNA
■ Budget per sample is $100
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 5
Gene Expression Profiling
PCR-based Limited sample & assay throughput
Requires a lot of RNA
Throughput power
Whole transcriptome sequencing (WTS) Expensive
Complex data
Easy data analysis
High background noise
Requires a lot of RNA
Limited dynamic range
Manageable data
Traditional targeted RNA sequencing Low per-sample cost
Amplification bias
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 6
QIAseq Targeted RNA: High Throughput Digital NGS
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 7
QIAseq Targeted RNA Workflow: from Sample to Insight
Sample Insight
Molecular Barcode Assignment MiSeq Primary Analysis for MT count Ingenuity Pathway
Purification NextSeq QIAseq RNA Quantification Portal Analysis (IPA)
Gene Specific PCR Ion Torrent Secondary Analysis for
Purification Platform Agnostic Normalization
Target Enrichment and Index Assignment
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 8
QIAseq Targeted RNA Library Construction Schematic
MT: 12-base unique barcode
RNA Sample
GSP1, GSP2: Gene-specific primers
RS2, FS2: Universal PCR primers
cDNA Synthesis
Molecular Barcoded
forward gene-specific primer
Primer Extension
and Molecular Barcoding GSP1
GSP1 and GSP2
never see each other,
Double QIAseq Bead Cleanup thereby minimizing primer dimers
Library Quantification
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 9
QIAseq Targeted RNA Panels
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 10
QIAseq Targeted RNA Data Primary Analysis Web Portal
■ FREE Complete and Easy to use Data Analysis with Web-based Software can be found at:
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 11
QIAseq Targeted RNA Data Analysis Upload Files Interface
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 12
QIAseq Targeted RNA Data Analysis File Management Interface
• Delete/Manage Files
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 13
QIAseq Targeted RNA Data Analysis RNA Quantification Interface
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 14
QIAseq Targeted RNA Data Analysis Quantification Interface
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 15
QIAseq Targeted RNA Data Analysis Quantification Interface
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 16
QIAseq Targeted RNA Data Analysis Quantification Interface
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 17
QIAseq Targeted RNA Data Analysis Quantification Interface
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 18
QIAseq Targeted RNA Data Analysis Quantification Interface
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 19
Data Analysis for QIAseq Targeted RNA Sequencing
Adaptor Read
Trimming Mapping
■ Adaptor Trimming
□ Remove the adaptor sequences from the reads
■ Read Mapping
□ Identify the possible position of the read within the reference
□ Align the read sequence to reference sequences
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 20
Read Mapping
Reads that are less than 55 bp in length after adapter trimming are likely oligo dimers and
are dropped.
The first 12 bp are removed from each read as they are the Molecular Tag (MT) sequence.
Append the MT sequence to the read identifier.
Using STAR RNA read mapper, reads are aligned to GRCh38 reference genome.
STAR uses Gencode transcript models to aid in aligning reads that cross introns.
Reads that do not map well are dropped.
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 21
Process Read Alignments
□ At least 60 bp of the reads must align otherwise the reads are dropped.
□ As most oligos are less than 30 bp, this ensures that at least 30 bp of the endogenous
RNA sequence is present in the read.
□ Drop reads that are generated by off-target or unintended priming by identifying the 5’
primer at the start of the read.
□ If the genome alignment at the primer start site is not very good then these reads are
dropped as the boundary between the MT region and the primer region of the read is
ambiguous. Hence dropping these reads improves MT counting accuracy.
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 22
Count Molecular Tags
For each amplicon, cluster together the 12 bp read sequences from the MT region that have
low edit distance from each other. Reads in a cluster putatively originated from the same
MT priming event.
All of the above reads have the same MT ( ) although there are five replicates of one
Transcript they have a MT Count of one.
All of the above reads have different MTs and are five unique MTs for one
Transcript they have a MT Count of five.
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 23
QIAseq Targeted RNA Data Analysis Quantification Interface
Job Status
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 24
QIAseq Primary Data Analysis Output
Summary Tab
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 25
QIAseq Primary Data Analysis Output
Summary Tab
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 26
QIAseq Primary Data Analysis Output
Summary Tab
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 27
QIAseq Primary Data Analysis Output
Summary Tab
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 28
QIAseq Primary Data Analysis Output
Summary Tab
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 29
Read Details: Unique Captures per Target Gene Count
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 30
Read Details: Unique Captures per Target Gene Count
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 31
Read Details: Unique Captures per Target Gene Count
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 32
Read Details: Unique Captures per Target Gene Count
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 33
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Setup
■ Found in the GeneGlobe Data Analysis Center
■ Upload Data
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 34
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Setup
■ Analysis Setup
Uploaded Data
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 35
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Setup
■ Analysis Setup
Sample Manager
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 36
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Setup
■ Analysis Setup
Data QC
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 37
Secondary Data Analysis: Normalization Against
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 38
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Setup
■ Analysis Setup
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 39
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Setup
■ Analysis Setup
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 40
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis
■ Analysis
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 41
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Plots and Charts
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 42
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Scatter Plot
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 43
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Volcano Plot
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 44
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Clustergram
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 45
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Export Data
■ Export Data
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 46
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Export Data
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 47
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Export Data
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 48
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Export Data
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 49
QIAseq Targeted RNA Secondary Data Analysis Export Data
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 50
QIASeq Targeted RNA Panel: Sample to Insight workflow
Sample to Insight
Title, Location, Date 51
The QIAGEN Knowledge Base: Content & Content-aware Analytics
• Cancer Scoring
• Hereditary Disease Scoring
• Causal Network Analysis
• Druggable Pathways
• Disease Model-based Analysis
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 52
Introduction to Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA), Interpretation
Gene View, Chem View, and
Disease/Function View
Canonical Pathways/Molecule
Activity Predictor
Upstream Analysis
Upstream Regulators/Mechanistic
Network/Causal Networks
Regulator Effects
Interaction Networks,
Build and Overlay tools
My Findings
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 53
Biological Interpretation of Breast Cancer (using 2 breast cancer cell lines)
• Understanding the transcriptome in these cell lines when TOB1 is knockdown by siRNA
What are the signaling or metabolic pathways involved, are they activated/inhibited? (Canonical
What are the underlying transcriptional programs? (Upstream Analysis)
What biological processes are involved and in what way? (Diseases & Functions)
Identify Isoforms differentially expressed connected to cancer (IsoProfiler)
What hypotheses can be drawn further? (Mechanistic Network, Causal Network, Regulator Effects)
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 54
QIAseq RNA Panels: 2 Breast cancer cell lines
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 55
IPA: Analysis of QIAseq RNA panel of 2 Breast Cancer cell lines
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 56
Canonical Pathways (CP) in BT-549 cell line
Understanding which Canonical Pathways (overlap) are involved and Determining the predicted
activity of this CP (Pathway Activity Analysis)
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 57
Pathway Activity Analysis in BT-549 cell line
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 58
Upstream Analysis in MDA-MB-231 cell line
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 59
TP53-driven network in MDA-MD-231 cell line
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 60
TP53-driven network in MDA-MD-231 cell line
of cells
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 61
CTNNB1-driven Mechanistic Network in MDA-MB-231
CTNNB1 is predicted to be activated and drives a Mechanistic Network along with 18 other
regulators. This Network may explain the pattern of expression of 38 targets downstream (Not
shown here).
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 62
Downstream Effect Analysis of MDA-MD-231 cell line
of tumor
cell lines
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 63
TCEB3 driven Causal Network in MDA-MB-231
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 64
Regulator Effects in MDA-MB-231
Connecting the transcriptional program and the biological processes involved together via the
targets in the dataset.
Diseases and
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 65
IsoProfiler in IPA to discover isoforms that may drive tumor progression
Some VEGF isoforms are identified in the datasets that are specifically connected to EEC.
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 66
Using QIAGEN Bioinformatics Approach
Visualize the differentially expressed genes in the 2 breast cancer cell lines with TOB1 siRNA
Understand which signaling pathways are involved in tumor progression in these cell lines
Discover potential transcriptional program(s) that are induced or repressed in these BrCa cell lines treated with TOB1
Highlight new hypotheses (ready to be tested and validated) that could explain cell invasion
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 67
Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D.
Scientist, NGS Principal Scientist.
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 68
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 69
Sample to Insight
QIAseq RNA Part 3: Molecular Insight into Gene Expression using Digital RNAseq: Data Analysis Tutorial, 03/01/2016, Melanie Hussong, Ph.D. and Jean-Noel Billaud, Ph.D. 70