Healthy Habits

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with Katrina Sequenzia, RN, CHC
Health Coach

Welcome to the 5-Day Healthy Habits Challenge!

Get ready! You're about to receive the info, inspiration, & motivation you need
Kick-Start your goals and make this your healthiest ever!
Get Healthy!
Lose Weight!
Get Your Energy Back!

WHY? So you can...

Be all that God created you to be.
Be free to serve and love others.
Be free to experience more joy and peace.
And be free to live the abundant life that you’ve been promised.

How the challenge works:

Day 1 of the challenge starts the day after you sign up. Early each day of the challenge
you will receive an email from me. In the email, there will be a link to that day’s video,
instructions to complete that day’s challenge, as well as a daily Bible verse & devotional
to empower and encourage you during your day.

Each day of the Challenge, we will be adding one super-simple, healthy habit to your
morning. These 5 habits will become your healthy free life morning routine and will set
you up for success for the rest of the day. All 5 habits, when completed together, will
only take 10 minutes. That’s it! Anyone can do this.

Watch the Welcome Video (linked in Welcome email)
Mark the challenge dates on your Calendar (Day 1 starts tomorrow!)
Complete the Welcome Video Homework (see page 3)

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Take just 5 minutes to complete today's homework.


1. What would a healthy free life make possible?
Watch the WELCOME Video
Complete the Homework

Know a friend or family
2. Pray & Commit this journey to the Lord. member that could use
Psalms 37:5 says, “Commit everything you do to the this challenge? Then be
Lord. Trust him and he will help you.”
sure to share it! Links to
Over the coming days, I would like for you to be in
share are found in your
prayer about your health & the challenge. You can find
Welcome email. Thanks!
a prayer on page 4 to guide you.

3. Take the Body-Mind-Spirit Assessment found on

page 5 - 6.

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Prayer of Commitment

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you so much for loving me and providing everything I

need for life and godliness.

I am sorry for not loving you with my whole heart,

soul, mind, and strength and for not loving well
the temple that you gave me to live in.

I do not treat my body kindly, and I want to! I

want to turn from my unhealthy habits that
reveal my lack of faith in you.

Help me to trust you for everything- my health, my fulfillment,

my joy, my peace, my life. Help me to learn to develop new
habits that will place me in the position to receive your grace
more fully and know you more intimately. Please renew my
mind and restore my body, your temple. When I doubt or
waiver in fear, help me to take captive my thoughts and
submit them to you.

I invite you into this journey I am beginning. Help me

to keep my eyes on you and all that you desire!
Anoint me for your purposes and pleasure so that
I will bring you glory in everything I do and say.

I love you. Amen.

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The first step to a healthy, free life is to assess your health in the 7 habits.
Pick one answer for each habit. Enter points for each section in the box. Total points.

I worship God through intentional acts of prayer, bible reading, meditating on

scripture, singing, dancing, serving others, expressing gratitude, etc.

A. I don't consistently worship God daily (0 points) Worship

B. At least one time per day (3 points)
C. At least two times per day (5 points)
D. At least three times per day (8 points)
E. All throughout the day, I walk in the presence of God (10 points)

I rest by intentionally engaging in rest-based activities such as reading,

napping, connecting with loved ones, hobbies, creating, exploring nature,
journaling, walking leisurely, gardening, cuddling, enjoying spouse, taking a
bath, tea time, being still, etc.

A. I don't consistently rest daily (0 points) Rest

B. At least 15 minutes per day (3 points) Points

C. At least 30 minutes per day (5 points)

D. At least 60 minutes per day (8 points)
E. At least 90 minutes per day (10 points)

I hydrate by consistently drinking pure water

A. I don't consistently drink water (0 points) Hydrate

B. 24 ounces minimum per day (3 points) Points

C. 48 ounces minimum per day (5 points)

D. 64 ounces minimum per day (8 points)
E. 64-100 ounces minimum per day (10 points)

I sleep
A. Less than 6 hours/day and/or poor quality (0 points) Sleep
B. A minimum of 6 hours/day (3 points) Points

C. A minimum of 7 hours/day (5 points)

D. A minimum of 8 hours/day (8 points)
E. 8-9 hours in deep, restorative sleep w/ consistent bed & wake time
(10 points)

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I move my body
A. I don't consistently move daily. I am sedentary. Move
Less than 3,000 steps (0 points) Points
B. A minimum of 3,000 steps/day (3 points)
C. A minimum of 5,000 steps/day (5 points)
D. A minimum of 5,000 steps/day AND stand up and move around
frequently throughout the day (8 points)
E. 7 , 0 0 0 - 1 0 , 0 0 0 + s t e p s / d a y A N D s t a n d u p a n d m o v e a r o u n d f r eq u en t l y
throughout the day (10 points)

I eat God's glorious, nutrient-dense, whole foods:

(Glorious foods are defined as: food from God's creation, according to his
instruction, eaten as close to their original state as possible (not processed))

A. I don't consistently eat healthy (less than 25%) (0 points) Eat

B. For at least 1 meal/day (3 points) Points

C. For at least 2 meals/day (5 points)

D. For at least 3 meals/day (8 points)
E. F o r m o s t a l l m e a l s a n d s n a c k s , a t l e a s t 8 0 - 9 0 % o f t h e t i m e. (1 0 p o i n t s )

I exercise consistently
A. I don't consistently exercise (0 points) Exercise
B. 10+ minutes at least 2x/week (3 points) Points

C. 15-30 minutes at least 3x/week (5 points)

D. 30+ minutes at least 3x/week (8 points)
E. 30+ minutes 4-6 days/week (10 points)

Bonus Points. Check all that apply. 5 points each check. Add up for bonus total.
I take a weekly sabbath rest. BONUS
I don't drink calories (juice, alcohol, soda, creamers, etc). Points

I don't drink beverages w/ artificial sweeteners (i.e. diet drinks)

I d o n ' t u s e s c r e e n s , d e v i c e s , T V s a t l e a s t 2 h o u r s b e f o r e b ed .
I meal plan, grocery shop, and meal prep weekly.
I take a multi-vitamin, omega 3 supplement, and probiotic daily.


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