Healthy Habits
Healthy Habits
Healthy Habits
with Katrina Sequenzia, RN, CHC
Health Coach
Get ready! You're about to receive the info, inspiration, & motivation you need
Kick-Start your goals and make this your healthiest ever!
Get Healthy!
Lose Weight!
Get Your Energy Back!
Day 1 of the challenge starts the day after you sign up. Early each day of the challenge
you will receive an email from me. In the email, there will be a link to that day’s video,
instructions to complete that day’s challenge, as well as a daily Bible verse & devotional
to empower and encourage you during your day.
Each day of the Challenge, we will be adding one super-simple, healthy habit to your
morning. These 5 habits will become your healthy free life morning routine and will set
you up for success for the rest of the day. All 5 habits, when completed together, will
only take 10 minutes. That’s it! Anyone can do this.
Watch the Welcome Video (linked in Welcome email)
Mark the challenge dates on your Calendar (Day 1 starts tomorrow!)
Complete the Welcome Video Homework (see page 3)
H e a l t h y F r e e L i f e ©️ · h e a l t h y f r e e l i f e . c o m
Know a friend or family
2. Pray & Commit this journey to the Lord. member that could use
Psalms 37:5 says, “Commit everything you do to the this challenge? Then be
Lord. Trust him and he will help you.”
sure to share it! Links to
Over the coming days, I would like for you to be in
share are found in your
prayer about your health & the challenge. You can find
Welcome email. Thanks!
a prayer on page 4 to guide you.
H e a l t h y F r e e L i f e ©️ · h e a l t h y f r e e l i f e . c o m
Prayer of Commitment
H e a l t h y F r e e L i f e ©️ · h e a l t h y f r e e l i f e . c o m
The first step to a healthy, free life is to assess your health in the 7 habits.
Pick one answer for each habit. Enter points for each section in the box. Total points.
I sleep
A. Less than 6 hours/day and/or poor quality (0 points) Sleep
B. A minimum of 6 hours/day (3 points) Points
H e a l t h y F r e e L i f e ©️ · h e a l t h y f r e e l i f e . c o m
I move my body
A. I don't consistently move daily. I am sedentary. Move
Less than 3,000 steps (0 points) Points
B. A minimum of 3,000 steps/day (3 points)
C. A minimum of 5,000 steps/day (5 points)
D. A minimum of 5,000 steps/day AND stand up and move around
frequently throughout the day (8 points)
E. 7 , 0 0 0 - 1 0 , 0 0 0 + s t e p s / d a y A N D s t a n d u p a n d m o v e a r o u n d f r eq u en t l y
throughout the day (10 points)
I exercise consistently
A. I don't consistently exercise (0 points) Exercise
B. 10+ minutes at least 2x/week (3 points) Points
Bonus Points. Check all that apply. 5 points each check. Add up for bonus total.
I take a weekly sabbath rest. BONUS
I don't drink calories (juice, alcohol, soda, creamers, etc). Points