Environmental Education and Sustainability
Environmental Education and Sustainability
Environmental Education and Sustainability
The survival of human beings is solely depending upon the nature. Thus, threats to the environment directly impact
on existence and health of humans as well as other species. Depletion of natural resources and degradation of
ecosystems is accelerated due to the growth in industrial development, population growth, and overall growth in
production demand. To address these environmental issues, awareness and participation of individuals as well as
society is necessary. Environmental education and sustainability provide an integrated, and interdisciplinary
approach to study the environmental systems and sustainability approach to the diploma engineers.
1. FA-TH represents average of two class tests of 30 marks each conducted during the semester.
2. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in FA-PR of any course then the candidate shall be declared
as "Detained" in that semester.
3. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in SLA of any course then the candidate shall be declared
as fail and will have to repeat and resubmit SLA work.
4. Notional Learning hours for the semester are (CL+LL+TL+SL)hrs.* 15 Weeks
5. 1 credit is equivalent to 30 Notional hrs.
6. * Self learning hours shall not be reflected in the Time Table.
7. * Self learning includes micro project / assignment / other activities.
Suggest the steps to implement (or improve the implementation) of the 5R policy in your home/institute stating your
Draft an article on India’s Strategies to progress across the Sustainable Development Goals
Make a chart of Renewable and non-renewable energy sources mentioning the advantages and disadvantages of each
Conduct the SWOT analysis of biodiversity hotspot in India
Prepare a mind-mapping for the zero carbon footprint process of your field
Prepare a chart showing sources of pollution (air/water/ soil), its effect on human beings, and remedial actions
Any other assignment on relevant topic related to the course suggested by the facilitator
UNICEF Certification(s)
Students may complete the self-paced course launched by Youth Leadership for climate Exchange under UNICEF
program on portal www.mahayouthnet.in . The course encompasses five Modules in the form of Units as given below:
Unit 1: Living with climate change
Unit 2 : Water Management and Climate Action
Unit 3: Energy Management and Climate Action
Unit 4 : Waste Management and Climate Action
Unit 5 : Bio-cultural Diversity and Climate Action
If students complete all the five Units they are not required to undertake any other assignment /Microproject/activities
specified in the course. These units will suffice to their evaluations under SLA component
Micro project
Prepare a report on the working and functions of the PUC Center machines and its relavance in pollution control.
Prepare and analyse a case study on any polluted city of India
Prepare a note based on the field visit to the solid waste management department of the municipal corporation / local
Record the biodiversity of your institute/garden in your city mentioning types of vegetation and their numbers
Visit any functional hall/cultural hall /community hall to study the disposal techniques of kitchen waste and prepare a
report suggesting sustainable waste management tool
Watch a video related to air pollution in India and present the summary
Any other assignment on relevant topic related to the course suggested by the facilitator
Note :
Above is just a suggestive list of microprojects and assignments; faculty must prepare their own bank of
microprojects, assignments, and activities in a similar way.
The faculty must allocate judicial mix of tasks, considering the weaknesses and / strengths of the student in
acquiring the desired skills.
If a microproject is assigned, it is expected to be completed as a group activity.
SLA marks shall be awarded as per the continuous assessment record.
If the course does not have associated SLA component, above suggestive listings is applicable to Tutorials
and maybe considered for FA-PR evaluations.
Teachers are requested to check the creative common license status/financial implications of the suggested
online educational resources before use by the students