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Nama-Nama Warna (Colours) : Contoh Kalimat menggunakan Colors

1. red : merah  The color of the sky is blue

2. blue : biru  The color of banana is yellow
3. green : hijau  The color of grass is green
4. yellow : kuning  The color of apple is red
5. purple : ungu  The color of milk is white
6. black : Hitam  The color of chocolate is brown
7. white : putih  The color of flamingo is pink
8. brown : coklat  The color of carrot is orange
9. orange : oranye  The color of my shirt is purple
10. grey : abu-abu  The color of Indonesian hair is blac
11. pink : merah muda

Contoh :
1. red tomato = tomat merah (tomat yang berwarna merah)
2. blue sky = biru langit (langit yang berwarna biru)
3. green avocado = alpukat hijau (alpukat yang berwarna hijau)
4. yellow banana = pisang kuning (pisang yang berwarna kuning)
5. purple grapes = anggur ungu (anggur yang berwarna ungu)
6. black shoes = sepatu hitam (sepatu yang berwarna hitam)
7. white cow = sapi putih (sapi yang berwarna putih)
8. brown horse = kuda coklat (kuda yang berwarna coklat)
9. orange carrot = wortel oranye (wortel yang berwarna oranye)
10. grey elephant = gajah abu-abu (gajah yang berwarna abu-abu)
11. pink doll = boneka merah muda (boneka yang berwarna merah muda)
Contoh :
1. five red balloons = lima balon merah
2. seven blue balloons = tujuh balon biru
3. two green balloons = dua balon hijau
4. six yellow balloons = enam balon kuning
5. nine purple balloons = sembilan balon ungu
6. ten black balloons = sepuluh balon hitam
7. four white balloons = empat balon putih
8. one brown balloon = satu balon coklat
9. three orange balloons = tiga balon oranye
10. eight grey balloons = enam balon abu-abu
11. nine pink balloons = sembilan balon merah muda
Write in English!
1. tiga boneka hijau
2. tujuh boneka kuning Read carefully and answer the questions below.
3. sembilan boneka putih What is the color of sea? The color of sea hair is blue
4. lima boneka merah 1. What is the color of the sky
5. enam boneka putih 2. What is the color of leaf?
Jawaban : 3. What is the color of cloud?
1. three green dolls 4. What is the color of carrot?
2. seven yellow dolls 5. What is the color of orange?
3. nine white dolls 6. What is the color of cotton?
4. five red dolls 7. What is the color of grapes?
5. six white dolls 8. What is the color of milk?
9. What is the color of banana?
10. What is the color of apple?

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