Newsletter 1.13.12
Newsletter 1.13.12
Newsletter 1.13.12
A: When we returned from Christmas break, the students were placed into new reading circles. Each group has a new name (Monkeys, Giraffes, Zebras, and Penguins), and some of the groups have new members. We still have four reading circles, and I try very hard to spend quality time reading with each group every day! This week, we began our study of long vowel sounds and have been practicing marking short vowels in words with only one vowel with a Smile and long vowels in words with more than one vowel with a stick and a slash. We say the smiles remind us the vowel says its short sound and vowels with sticks say their names while the vowels with slashes silently walk away! It is a tricky concept to understand, but we are making progress! I appreciate your willingness to read at home with your child and want to encourage you to keep up the hard work!
A: I SO appreciate ALL the many individuals who continually ask this question! So here are a few, simple ways you can help here at ACA! We collect Box Tops for Education as well as Campbell Soup labels, and we will also begin a penny drive here at school in February to help support new students who might not otherwise be able to attend! Also, if you would be willing to provide snacks for a week, or if you happen to see cheap, little prizes for the treasure chest, we would welcome any contributions! THANKS!
A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week Joseph in Prison - (Genesis 39:1 - 40:23) Joseph is thrown in prison even though he did nothing wrong, but he is used by god to give the meaning of the dreams of two men in prison with him. Though life can be difficult, we need to be alert and prepared to serve the Lord in whatever way He calls us to honor Him! Review of previous lesson. Chapel review and extension. Joseph Before Pharoah (Gen. 41:1-57) Joseph is invited to appear before Pharoah after the men Joseph met in prison tell Pharoah that they know someone who can give the meaning of his dreams. Joseph gives the correct meaning and warns Pharoah to set aside food because a famine is coming. Like Joseph, we must also be faithful in serving the Lord in the little things of life and trust Him to help us. Review of previous lesson.
Upcoming Lessons and Skills Joseph; Letter F Bible verse - name; words and sentences - Famous Americans - unit wrap-up - Number families (10 - 90); telling time to the hour; pennies and dimes; identifying/solving twin addition equations; write addition equations - sight words (was, have); reading and writing sentences; AlphaTales book B
Quick Glimpse Calendar Chapel - Theme: kindness; Show and Tell; Visitation Day Letter F Bible Verse Quiz - Early dismissal - 12:00 due to teacher in-service