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Royal Private English School, Fujairah

IGCSE Term 1 - Academic Planner 2024-25

Mr. Samson
Subject: Grade: 7 HoD
English Joseph
Collins Lower Secondary
Textbooks Teacher in-
English Student Book and Number of Lesson Per Week: 6 Ms. Hanan
Prescribed charge
Workbook Hussain
No of Textbook Assessment Examinati
Dates Period Chapter/Unit Topic Objectives
reference Technique on
1. Discuss greetings
1. Speaking - Greetings
levels of formality and
2. Reading-Focus on ICT-
Student's book p. language spoken. Peer
Unit 1 -Language An introduction to social
August Aug 26 to 8-9,13,14,15 2. Identify key assessment UT 1
6 of media for students
24 30 Workbook p. 5-9 information in a Self Term 1
communication 3. Listening-
Worksheets 1A-1B text. assessment
Communicating without
3. To communicate
using sign language
1. Identify and use
1. Usage of English-
pronouns and
Indefinite and reciprocal Graphic
Student's book p. reciprocal pronouns.
pronouns prganizers
Unit 1 &Unit 2- 11,12 19 2. Identify and use
2.Usage of English-simple Peer UT 1
Sep 2 to 6 6 Shops and Workbook p. 10- simple present and
present and present assessment Term 1
shopping 14 present continuous
continuous tense Self
Worksheets 1A-1B tense.
3. Vocabulary -Words in assessment
Septemb 3. Recognize words in
er 24 context.
1.Write a dialogue
1.Writing- Dialogue Diagonostic
Student's book p- including opinions
Sep 9 to Unit-1-Language writing test
9,40,41,42 about language
13-GELA of 2. Reading- Dragons: Fact Peer UT 1
6 Workbook p-20- learning.
ASSESSME communication& or fiction? assessment Term 1
24 2. Read for details.
NT 4-Dragons 2.Vocabulary-Words in Self
Worksheets 1A-1B 3. To use dictionary
context assessment
1.Use a range of
1.Usage of English-
Student's book P-
Unit-1&2- Quantifiers
13,19,24,25,43 2.Identify and use Peer
Language of 2. Usage of English-
Sep 16 to Workbook p 10 - present perfect tense assessment UT 1
6 communication Present perfect tense
20 14 for the recent past. Self Term 1
Shops and 3. Reading-Focus on the
Worksheets 2A-2 3.Identify the main assessment
shopping world -Markets:three of
B ideas and specific
the best
information in short
1.Identify the main
ideas in short listening
1. Listening -Shopping based
2.Interact with others
conversations assessment
in a role play.
Unit-2&4-Shops 2. Speaking -Role play Student book- Project based
Sep 23 to 3.Identify the source UT 1
6 and shopping, 3. Reading-Focus on page- assessment
27 and the purpose of a Term 1
Dragons Literature-Folk tales 21,22,26,46,47 Peer
4. Project -Shopping assessment
4.Analyse the
experiences Self
advantages and
disadvantages of types
of shops-Project
Oct 1 to 4 6 Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision
Unit Test
Unit Test 1. Extract key
October Oct 7 to Unit-4-Dragons Unit Test information from a Summative
24 11-UNIT 6 Unit Test 1. Speaking-Animal facts Student book-Pg- text and speak about assessment Term--1
TEST 2. Writing-An animal web 44 animal fact file. Unit Test
page 2. Writing an animal
web page
1. Use an increasing
range of abstract
1. Usage of English-
nouns and compound
Abstract and compound Student book pg- topic test
Unit-5&6-Art, nouns 56,57,58,59,72 Peer
Oct 14 to 2. Identify a painting
6 Adventure 2. Listening -Describing a Work book pg-25- assessment Term--1
18 by listening to a
Sports painting 29 Self
3. Reading -Focus on Art- 30-34 assessment
3. Identify key
Art of Ancient Africa
information from a
1. Use a range of
1. Usage of English-Future 2. Identify the main
forms points and specific
2. Listening-An interview information in a Rubric
Unit6& 7- recorded
3. Speaking-Presentation Student book pg- assessment
Oct 21 to on adventure 64,68,69,78 interview. Peer
6 sports,The Term--1
25 sports Work book pg- 3. Prepare a short assessment
future of
4.Reading-Focus on the 35-39 presentation on Self
world-Where can you adventure assessment
fight to music?or find a sports.
ball with handles?
4. Identify the main
points and specific
information in a
descriptive text.
1. Generate ideas,
plan, draft, edit and Performance
Oct 28 to revise a short based
Unit 6&9- 1.Writing- Descriptive Student book-
Nov 1- description of an assessment
Adventure writing page-67,100,104
EDUCATI 6 adventure sport. Peer Term--1
sports,Wild life 2.Listening-A talk Work book pg-47-
ONALTRI 2. Identify the key assessment
under Threat 3. Speaking-Role play 51
P information while Self
listening to a talk. assessment
3. Interact successfully
with peers in a
roleplay meeting.

1.Use noun phrases

to make complex Exit slip
1.Usage of English-Noun
sentences. Peer
Unit-9-Wild life phrases Student book pg-
Nov 4 to 8 6 2. Read and analyze assessment Term--1
under Threat 2.Reading-Focus on 103,106,107
the principles of Self
animal classification assessment
in focus on science.
1.Use words in context.
2. Create a Project based
1.Vocabulary-Words in
presentation about a learning
Unit-5&6-Art, context Student book-Pg-
Nov 11 to work of art or craft,in a Peer
6 Adventure 2.Project-A work of art 54,60,63,76,77F14 Term--1
15 project. assessment
Novemb Sports 3. Reading-Green :F17
3. Extract information Self
er 24 cars
from an infographic assessment
1. Speaking -
Transport:old and new Identify the main
Unit 7&9-The assessment
2. Reading-Focus on
Nov 18 to future of Student book pg- points and specific Peer
6 Geography-Urbanisation Term--1
22 transport, Wild 74,78,80,81 information in a assessment
and traffic management
life under Threat descriptive text. Self
3. Vocabulary-Words in
Nov 25 to
6 Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision
Dec 2 to 6-
Term 1
TERM-1- 6 Term 1 Exam Term 1 Exam Term 1 Exam Term 1 Exam Term 1 Exam
Decemb Exam
er 24
Term 1
Dec 9 to 13 6 Term 1 Exam Term 1 Exam Term 1 Exam Term 1 Exam Term 1 Exam

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