Backeljau 1984 Africa Tervuren 30 75
Backeljau 1984 Africa Tervuren 30 75
Backeljau 1984 Africa Tervuren 30 75
Thierry B A C K E L J A U (i)
(1) Laboratorium voor Algemene Dierkunde, Rijksuniversitair Centrum, Groenenborgerlaan, 171 2020 Antwerpen.
Figure 1 : Some land operculate species of the Comoros (families Cyclophoridae and
Pomatiasidae). (Photo J. Terryn)
number represents unquestionably lecting live tropical Conidae.
Mangroves and brackish a very limited part of the local Around the Comoros, two common
water areas fauna. More reliable are the figures species can be harmful : Conus t u l i -
given by Orr-Maes (1967). She repor- p a and C. s t r i a t u s .
ted 504 species from the Cocos Kee- Of course, the marine mollusc
These biotopes are poorly repre- ling islands and 543 species from fauna also contains several bivalve
sented on the Comoros. Neverthe- the Maldives. I expect comparable species. The most conspicuous are
less, there occur two families typical numbers for the Comoros. undoubtedly the giant Tridacnidae
of brackish conditions : TheAssimi- (Figure 4.). Some species in this
neidae with three species and the A first important group of mari-
ne snails is the family Neritidae. On family may attain lenghts of 1.0 to
Ellobiidae with at least 15 species 1.5 m and such specimens may weigh
(Figure 3). Both are difficult groups the rocky shores of the Comoros,
these gastropods outnumber all several hundred kg!
which need profound investigations.
other molluscs. The most abundant
species here, are N e r i t a p l i c a t a and Conclusion
N . a l b i c i l l a (see illustration in the
Marine molluscs paper by Jocque in this volume).
Both are very common throughout I estimate the new material to
the Indian Ocean (Orr-Maes 1967; contain between 200 and 250 species
This group comprizes many Tantanasiriwong, 1978). altogether. Hence the collection con-
species. For two reasons, however it stitutes an incomplete sample for
is difficult to give an approximation Shell collectors are usually the Comoros. Nevertheless, for the
of the real number of species. First more interested in "attractive" fami- reasons outlined above, it will contri-
there is the problem of delimiting lies such as the Cypraeidae, Co- bute to the knowledge of the malaco-
the geographical and bathymetrical nidae and Muricidae. The former fauna of the archipelago. Especially
area in which molluscs may live in two are relatively well represented the land molluscs are in this respect
order to consider them as being part among the new material. Common noteworthy. Although their study is
of the malacofauna of the Comoros. species around the Comoros : Co- still in its initial phase, it can
Secondly, there is the lack of recent n u s r a t t u s , C. m i l i a r i s , C. ebraeus, C. already be said that several Moheli-
papers on the marine molluscs of the c h a l d e u s , C. tessulatus and C. m i l e s samples contain most interesting
archipelago. Estimates can there- (Plate VII) Conidae are quite noto- records.
fore only be deduced from compari- rious because of their venom. The
sons with other islands in the In- sting of the harpoonlike radula of In conclusion I would like to
dian Ocean. De Brouwer (1980) for some species may sometimes even thank the staff of the Tervuren-
instance, reported 176 species from be fatal to humans! Therefore, one Museum for giving me the opportu-
Mauritius (Mascarenes), but this should always be careful when col- nity to study this collection.
Comoros 2.170 13
Reunion 2.512 10
Mauritius 1.865 12
Mascarenes ( t o t a l for M a u r i t i u s ,
Madagascar 595.790 25
Azores 2.304 6
Figure 3 : Some types of Ellobiidae. (Photo J. Terryn)
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TANTANASIRIWONG, R. 1978. An illustrated checklist of marine
MORELET, A. 1879. Recolte de M. Bewsher a Tile d'Anjouan shelled gastropods from Phuked island, adjacent mainland
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MORELET, A. 1881. Malacologie des Comores. I. Recolte de M.
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MORELET, A. 1882, Malacologie des Comores. II. Recolte de M.
Marie a Hie de Mayotte. J, Conchyl. 30 : 185 - 200. VAN BRUGGEN, A.C. 1967. An introduction to the pulmonate
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MORELET, A. 1883. Malacologie des Comores. III. Recolte de M.
Marie a I'Tle de Mayotte. J. Conchyl. 31 : 189 - 216. VAN BRUGGEN, A.C. 1980. A preliminary checklist of terrestrial
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MORELET, A. 1885. Malacologie des Comores. IV. Recolte de M.
Humblot a la Grande Comore. J. Conchyl. 33 : 288 - 301. VAN BRUGGEN, A.C. 1982. Some reflections, mainly biogeogra-
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Inleiding tot de malacofauna Introduction a la faune malacologique des
van de Comoren. Ties Comores.
Hoewel de Comoren op malacologisch vlak Bien que les Comores ont ete, du point de vue
reeds relatief goed onderzocht werden, betekent de malacologique, relativement bien etudies, la nou-
nieuwe collectie mollusken (land, zoetwater en velle collection de mollusques terrestres, dulcicoles
marien) een belangrijke aanwinst. Inderdaad, veel et marins estassez importante puisqu'elle comprend
materiaal is met name afkomstig van het eiland bon nombred'echanti lions provenant de I'Tle Moheli;
Moheli, dat door vroegere onderzoekers stiefmoe- une Tie jusqu'a present negligee par les malacolo-
derlijk werd behandeld. Bovendien, is hetvoorzover gistes. En outre, pour autant que Ton sache, ce fut la
we weten, de eerste keer dat uitgebreide verzame- premierefois qu'une collection d'une telle envergure
lingen mariene soorten van deze eilanden werden de mollusques marins fut etablie dans ces Ties.
Les premieres importantes contributions concer-
De eerste belangrijke bijdragen over de land- en nant les mollusques terrestres et dulcicoles des
zoetwater- mollusken van de Comoren verschenen Comoressont de Morelet. Apres cefurent Simroth et
reeds in de vorige eeuw, toen Morelet een reeks Haas qui completerent les travaux de Morelet. Enfin,
artikelen hierover publiceerde. Zijn werk werd aan- des publications de Fischer-Piette, Vukadinovic et
gevuld met studies van o.a. Simroth en Haas. De Starmulhner parurent au cours de ces dernieres
laatste tien jaar werden nog belangrijke studies decennies. Concernant les mollusques marins des
gepubliceerd door Fischer-Piette, Vukadinovic en Comores aucune publication specifique nous est
Starmuhlner. Over de mariene mollusken van de connue.
Comoren zijn ons geen specifieke publicaties be-
kend. La faune malacologique des Comores com-
prend a peu pres 150 especes de mollusques terres-
De malacofauna van deze eilanden omvat op dit tres, 13 d'eau douce, 15 des eaux saumatres et pro-
ogenblik een 150 soorten landslakken, 13 soorten uit bablement plusieurs centaines d'especes marines.
zoetwater, 15 brakwatervormen en wellicht verschil- Comme exemple, cet article mentionne quelques
lende honderden mariene soorten. In hetartikel wor- families de mollusques communs et frappants des
den bij wijze van voorbeeld enkele opvallende en Comores.
algemene molluskenfamilies van de Comoren
Plaat VIII .Sternotomus (Ultiolemus) pupieri, door ons "goudschoentje" gedoopt, een ende-
mische kever van Moheli. (Foto M. Herremans)
Planche VIII : Sternotomus (Ultiolemus) pupieri, nomme "Soulier d'or" par nous, un Coleoptere
endemique de Moheli. (Photo M. Herremans)