Radiol 2021203153
Radiol 2021203153
Radiol 2021203153
Authors: Xiaoyu Han1,2*, MD,PhD, Yanqing Fan3*, MD, Osamah Alwalid 1,2
, MD, PhD, Na
Li1,2, MD, Xi Jia1,2, MD, Mei Yuan1,2, MD, Yumin Li1,2, MD, PhD, Yukun Cao1,2, MD, Jin Gu1,2,
MD, PhD, Hanping Wu4, MD, PhD, Heshui Shi1,2, MD, PhD.
of Science and Technology, 1277 Jiefang Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei Province 430022, The
Hubei Province Key Laboratory of Molecular Imaging, Wuhan 430022, The People’s
Republic of China
District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province 430022, The People’s Republic of China
Na Li- [email protected]
Xi Jia- [email protected]
This copy is for personal use only. To order printed copies, contact [email protected]
Mei yuan- [email protected]
Jin Gu – [email protected]
Corresponding Author:
Heshui Shi: [email protected]
We would like to thank all colleagues for helping us during the current study and all the selfless
volunteers who participated in the study. We highly appreciate Dr. Hongwei Jiang, PhD
(Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) for his
assistance in statistical analysis. We also very grateful to many members of the frontline
medical staff for their selfless dedication and heroic dedication in the face of this outbreak,
despite the potential threat to their own lives and the lives of their families.
None declare.
This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant
numbers: 82071921), Zhejiang University special scientific research fund for COVID-19
prevention and control, and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Availability of data and material
The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the
This study had ethics approval of the Ethics Commission of Wuhan Jin Yin-tan Hospital and
Wuhan Union Hospital. All participants remained anonymous, and written informed content
was acquired.
Not applicable
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing non-financial/financial interests.
See also the editorial by Wells, Devaraj, and Desai.
This prospective longitudinal study found that approximately one-third of participants showed
chest CT findings with pulmonary fibrosis-like changes within 6 months after recovery from
Key Results
1. Approximately one third of participants (40/114, 35%) recovered from severe COVID-19
2. Older age (>50 years old), acute respiratory distress syndrome and higher baseline CT lung
involvement score (≥18 out of a possible score of 25) were associated with lung fibrotic-
like changes.
3. Twenty-seven of 104(26%) patients had an abnormal DLCO at 6-month follow up, which
more frequently occurred in patients with lung fibrotic-like changes than in patients without
fibrotic-like changes.
Background: Little is known about the long-term lung radiographic changes in convalescent
Purpose: To prospectively assess pulmonary sequelae and explore the risk factors for lung
Materials and Methods: 114 patients (80[70%] men; mean age, 54±12 years) were studied
prospectively. Initial and follow-up CT scans were obtained on 17±11 days and 175±20 days
respectively after symptom onset. Lung changes (opacification, consolidation, reticulation, and
fibrotic-like changes) and CT extent scores (score per lobe, 0-5; maximum score, 25) were
recorded. Patients were divided into two groups: group#1 presence and group#2 absence of CT
evidence of fibrotic-like changes (traction bronchiectasis, parenchymal bands, and/or
assessed by Fisher’s exact test, two-sample t-test or Mann-Whitney U test. Multiple logistic
regression analyses were performed to identify the independent predictive factors of fibrotic-
like changes.
Results: On follow-up CT, evidence of fibrotic-like changes was observed in 40/114 (35%) of
patients (group#1), while the remaining 74/114 (65%) patients (group#2) showed either
interstitial thickening (31/114, 27%). Multivariable analysis identified age >50 years (odds ratio
p=.04), duration of in-hospital stay ≥17 days (OR:5.5, 95%CI:1.5-21, p=.01), and acute
respiratory distress syndrome (OR:13, 95%CI:3.3-55, p<.001), non-invasive mechanical
ventilation (OR:6.3, 95%CI:1.3-30, p=.02) and total CT score ≥18 (OR:4.2, 95%CI:1.2-14,
Conclusions: Six-month follow-up CT showed lung fibrotic-like changes in more than one-
third of patients who survived severe COVID-19 pneumonia. These changes were associated
with an older age, acute respiratory distress syndrome, longer in-hospital stays, tachycardia,
non-invasive mechanical ventilation and higher initial chest CT score.
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has become a global pandemic. By November 19, 2020, this
disease has been found in more than 200 countries with 55,659,785 confirmed cases and has
caused 1,338,769 deaths(1). Pathological studies (2, 3) have shown that COVID-19 causes
injuries in multiple organs and tissues with extensive pulmonary involvement which is similar
to the pathology found in other coronavirus infections (i.e. severe acute respiratory syndrome
Chest CT plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with COVID-19
pneumonia. Numerous studies have documented radiographic changes in the acute course of
COVID-19, which range from mild to severe cases (4-7). Recent publications (8,9) have found
that approximately 94% of hospitalized patients have persistent lung parenchymal findings on
their discharge CT scans at. In addition, Liu et al (10) reported that lung opacities in 53.0% of
mild COVID-19 cases resolved with no adverse sequelae within 3 weeks after discharge. Data
from previous coronavirus infections (SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV) suggested that there may
known about the long-term lung changes after COVID-19 infection. The purpose of this study
was to evaluate pulmonary changes on six-month follow-up Chest CT scans and to explore the
risk factors for lung fibrotic-like changes in patients who recovered from severe COVID-19
This prospective study obtained ethical approval from the Ethics Commission of Wuhan Jin
Yin-tan Hospital and Wuhan Union Hospital. All participants remained anonymous, and written
informed content was acquired. This trial was registered with the Chinese Clinical Trial
Registry, ChiCTR2000038609.
We prospectively enrolled 114 severe COVID-19 patients who had been discharged from the
hospital after treatment for COVID-19 as inpatients between December 25, 2019 and February
20, 2020 at our institutions (Wuhan Jin Yin-tan Hospital, n= 69; Wuhan Union Hospital, n=45,
Figure 1).Throat swab samples were collected for confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR
(Sansure Biotech Inc., Changsha, China) as previously described (14, 15). The World Health
Organization’s (WHO) interim guidance diagnostic criteria for adults with severe COVID-19
pneumonia were used(16). The discharge criteria were based on the sixth edition of the
“Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for New Coronavirus Infection” in China (17).
The medical records of each participant were reviewed by one of four physicians (YML, XYH,
NL, and XJ, with 7, 5, 4 and 3 years of experience in thoracic radiology, respectively). Age,
sex, underlying comorbidities, onset of symptoms, peak acute phase laboratory results and the
treatments received by individual patients were recorded. The durations from the onset of
disease to hospital admission and chest CT scan were reviewed. The Berlin definition of acute
The initial CT scans of each participant were done at admission. Within 1 week of the follow-
up CT scans, 104 patients underwent standard pulmonary function testing (PFT) for
maximum vital capacity (VCmax%), forced expiratory volume in 1s (FEV1%), forced vital
capacity (FVC%), diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO), and DLCO
divided by the alveolar volume (DLCO/VA) measured in a single breath test. The results were
compared with age- and sex-matched control subjects and reported as percentages of predicted
values. Pulmonary diffusion was regarded as abnormal when DLCO was < 80% of the predicted
The initial CT examinations were performed in the supine position using one of two CT
scanners: SOMATOM Definition AS+ or SOMATOM Perspective (Siemens Healthineers,
Forchheim, Germany). Non-contrast Chest CTs were performed with the acquisition from the
thoracic inlet to the diaphragm. The following parameters were used: detector collimation
widths of 64×0.6 mm or 128×0.6 mm; and a tube voltage of 120 kV. The tube current was
regulated by an automatic exposure control system (CARE Dose 4D; Siemens Healthineers).
Images of 62/114 (54%) patients were reconstructed with a slice thickness of 5mm and an
interval of 5 mm. Images in 52/114 (46%) patients were reconstructed with a slice thickness of
1mm and an interval of 1mm. Images were reconstructed with a pulmonary B70F kernel and a
mediastinal B30f kernel (SOMATOM Definition AS+), or pulmonary B80s kernel and a
All 114 patients underwent follow-up CT examinations using the same scanners as the initial
CT scans. Images of all patients were reconstructed with a slice thickness of 1mm and an
interval of 1 mm. Prior to the prospectively planned 6-month follow up scan, 83 of 114 patients
(73%) had CT scans at 3 months after symptom onset to monitor the evolution of their lung
All CT images were reviewed in random order by three senior cardiothoracic radiologists (HSS,
YQF, and JG, with 31, 13 and 10 years of experience in thoracic radiology, respectively) who
were not aware of any clinical and laboratory findings or patient outcomes. The readers
independently assessed the CT features using axial and multiplanar reconstructed images. The
mediastinal window (center, 50; width, 350) and lung window (center, -600; width, 1200) were
obtained from the picture archiving and communication system (Vue PACS, version
consensus resolved any disagreement. For each severe pneumonia patient, the predominant CT
patterns according to the Fleischner Society glossary (19) were enumerated as follows: ground-
glass opacities (GGO), consolidation, reticulation, emphysema, thickening of the adjacent
interlobar pleural traction (retraction of the interlobar pleura toward the lesions). The CT
evidence of fibrotic-like changes was defined as the presence of traction bronchiectasis,
reticulation and fibrotic-like changes), a semiquantitative CT score (21) was assigned on the
basis of the area involved in each of the five lung lobes: 0, no involvement; 1, < 5% 2, 5%-
25%; 3, 26%-49%; 4, 50%-75%; and 5, >75%. The total CT severity score was calculated by
summing the individual lobar scores (possible scores range from 0 to 25).
Statistical analysis
The analyses were performed using SAS software (SAS, version 9.4, SAS Institute, Cary, NC,
USA). The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used to assess the normality of continuous data.
Normally and non-normally distributed data, and categorical variables are presented as the
means (SD) and the medians (IQR), and numbers (%), respectively. Between-group differences
in categorical variables were assessed using by Fisher’s exact test, and continuous variables
with normally and non-normally distributed data were assessed using the two-sample t-test or
Mann-Whitney U test, respectively. P-values for multiple univariate testing on acute phase data
were adjusted by using the Benjamini and Hochberg method. A cutoff CT score value of 18 was
selected as suggested by a recent investigation (22), which indicated that chest CT score ≥ 18
was correlated with the disease severity and increased mortality risk in patients with COVID-
19 pneumonia. Multiple logistic regression analyses were performed to identify the independent
predictive factors of fibrotic-like changes. The final model was determined using stepwise
logistic regression, with significance level for selection set at p=.05. Factors associated with
the CT score of fibrotic-like changes were analyzed by calculating the Spearman’s correlation
coefficient. Statistical significance was considered at a p value < .05 (two-tailed).
One hundred fourteen patients (80 men, 34 women; mean age, 54±12 years; age range, 24–82
years) were included (Table 1). The initial and follow-up scans were obtained on 17±11 days
and 175 ±20 days after disease onset, respectively. Evidence of fibrotic-like changes was
observed in 40/114 (35%) patients (group 1) on follow-up CT scans (Figure 3), of which the
proportion of patients with de novo fibrotic abnormalities was 38/40 (95%). The remaining
74/114 (65%) patients (group 2) showed either complete radiological resolution (43/114, 38%,
Figure 4), or residual GGO or interstitial thickening (31/114, 27%, Figure 5).
After correction for multiple comparisons (Table 1), compared with group 2, patients in group
1 were significantly older (60±12 years vs 51±11 years, p=.003), had a higher heart rate at
admission (HR, 96±16 bpm vs 87±12 bpm, p=.03) and greater incidence of acute respiratory
distress syndrome (ARDS, 63% vs 8.1%, p<.001) and other comorbidities (73% vs 41%,
p=.01), particularly chronic pulmonary disease (28% vs 6.8%, p=.02). The hospital stay was
longer for patients in group 1 than patients in group 2 (27 days [IQR, 26] vs 15 days [IQR, 8]),
glucocorticosteroids (53% vs 20%, p=.01) and non-invasive mechanical ventilation (45% vs
Comparison of peak laboratory findings
After correction for multiple comparisons (Table 2), the laboratory findings showed
significantly higher peak levels of hypersensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP, 80 mg/L [IQR,
124] vs 26 mg/L [IQR, 76], p=.03) and D-dimer (8.7 mg/L [IQR, 33] vs 1.0 mg/L [IQR, 1.5],
The initial CT scans were obtained on 17±11 days after the onset of symptoms, with no
difference between the two groups (19±11 days vs 16±11 days, p=1.00, Table 3). The overall
median total CT score was 15 [IQR, 9]. After correction for multiple comparisons (Table 3),
patients in group 1 had significantly higher scores for total lesions (20 [IQR, 5.5] vs 13[IQR,
7], p<.001), GGO (16 [IQR, 10] vs 10 [IQR, 8], p=.02) than patients in group 2. Thickening of
the adjacent pleura (55% vs 24%, p=.02, Figure 2) was more common in group 1.
The multivariable analysis identified an age>50 years (OR:8.5, 95% CI: 1.9-38 p=.01),
HR>100bpm at admission (OR: 5.6, 95% CI: 1.1-29, p=.04), hospital stay ≥ 17 days (OR:5.5,
95% CI: 1.5-21, p=.01), ARDS (OR:13, 95% CI: 3.3-55, p<.001), noninvasive mechanical
ventilation (OR: 6.3, 95% CI: 1.3-30, p=.02) and total CT score ≥ 18 (OR: 4.2 95% CI: 1.2-14,
p=.02) on initial CT scans as independent predictors of lung fibrotic-like changes (Table 4).
According to the Spearman’s correlation analysis (Table E1 [Appendix E1]), the score for
fibrotic-like changes was correlated with age (r=0.32, p<.001), HR at admission (r=0.24,
p=0.01), hospital stay (r=0.49, p<.001), ARDS (r=0.57, p<.001), peak hsCRP level (r=0.37,
p<.001), peak D-dimer level (r=0.59, p<.001), noninvasive mechanical ventilation (r=0.49,
p<.001), total CT score (r=0.47, p<.001), and CT score for GGO (r=0.38, p<.001). Compared
with the initial CT, a significant increase in the CT score for fibrotic-like changes (median, 0;
range, 0-4; [IQR, 0] vs median, 0; range, 0-18; [IQR,4], p<.001) was observed in all patients
on 6 months follow-up CT (Table E2 [Appendix E1]). In addition, the median score for fibrotic-
like changes in patients in group 1 on 6 months follow-up CT was 6; range, 2-18; [IQR, 5].
Significant decrease in the CT scores for total lesions (p<.001), GGO (p<.001), and
consolidation (p<.001) were observed in all patients (Table E2 [Appendix E1]). Compared with
the initial CT scans, the incidence rate of nodules or masses (17% vs 1.8%, p<.001), interlobar
pleural traction (17% vs 7.9%, p=.04, Figure 6), pulmonary atelectasis (11% vs 3.5%, p=.02,
Figure E1 [Appendix E1]) and bronchiectasis (24% vs 7.0%, p<.001) were significantly higher
in the follow-up scans, while pleural effusion was completely resorbed (0 vs 6.1%, p=.01).
In group 1, of 40 patients who exhibited lung fibrotic-like changes, 2/40 (5%) showed the
fibrotic-like changes on initial CT scans, 17/37 (46%) patients who presented for follow up
showed fibrotic-like changes at 3 months, and 22/40 (55%) showed these changes at 6 months
abnormalities, 20/43 (47%) patients who presented for follow up showed resolution at 3
months, and the remaining 23/43 (53%) showed resolution at the 6-month follow-up (Table E3
[Appendix E1]).
Follow-up findings
At the six-month follow-up (Table E4 [Appendix E1]), 7/114 (6.1%) of patients were still
complaining of dry cough; 11/114 (10%) had expectoration and 16/114 (14%) experienced
slight exertion dyspnea. Patients in group 1 with lung fibrotic-like changes more commonly
experienced dry cough (p=.03) than patients in group 2. Of the 104 patients who underwent
PFT, 27 (26%) presented with abnormal pulmonary diffusion (DLCO<80% predicted), with
patients in group 1 more frequently presenting diffusion abnormalities than patients in group 2
In our study, 40/114 (35%) of patients who recovered from severe COVID-19 pneumonia
developed lung fibrotic-like changes within 6 months in whom most of the fibrotic-like changes
(55%, 22/40) presented on 6 months follow up CT. Using multivariable analysis, we found that
age > 50 years (odds ratio [OR]: 8.5, 95% CI: 1.9-38 p=.01), heart rate > 100 bpm at admission
(HR, OR: 5.6, 95% CI: 1.1-29, p=.04), duration of in-hospital stay ≥ 17 days(OR: 5.5, 95% CI:
1.5-21, p=.01), and ARDS (OR: 13, 95% CI: 3.3-55, p < .001), non-invasive mechanical
ventilation (OR:6.3, 95% CI: 1.3-30, p=.02) and a total chest CT score ≥ 18 (OR: 4.2, 95% CI:
1.2-14, p=.02) on the initial CT scans were independent predictors of the subsequent
Patients with lung fibrotic-like changes showed a higher incidence of ARDS (63%,25/40),
which was also a predictor of fibrotic-like changes. Previous studies (23, 24) demonstrated that
a substantial proportion of patients who survive ARDS may develop progressive fibrotic-like
changes on CT scans. Nevertheless, it remains uncertain whether the fibrotic-like changes
observed in this study represent true fibrotic lung disease (e.g. at pathology or on longer term
follow-up CT). Whether or not these fibrotic-like changes, found at 6 months, reflect permanent
change in the lung remains to be investigated. Additionally, the high frequency of non-invasive
mechanical ventilation is another risk factor for the development of fibrotic-like changes at 6
months in our study. Based on previously published data (24), mechanical ventilation was
strongly related to fibrotic-like changes observed after ARDS. Likewise, the lung fibrotic-like
changes in our patients may also be associated with ventilator-induced lung injury. The
laboratory results also demonstrated higher D-dimer and hsCRP levels in patients with
inflammatory response has been reported in severe COVID-19 patients (25, 26), which are
associated with disease severity and may also lead to greater damage to the
pulmonary parenchyma.
We found that a higher CT score (≥18) on the initial CT was an independent prognostic factor
for the presence of fibrotic-like changes on the 6 months follow up exam. According to a
previous study on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (27) , CT score was correlated with the degree
of pulmonary fibrosis in pathological specimens. Moreover, a recent publication revealed an
COVID-19 patients (22). Therefore, a greater extent of lung injury in the acute phase may be
associated with a higher mortality rate and more severe pulmonary sequelae in survivors. In
addition, the correlations of scores for fibrotic-like changes with the aforementioned risk factors
At the six-month follow-up, a few patients still complained of ongoing respiratory symptoms,
and 26% of patients had pulmonary diffusion abnormalities, which more frequently occurred
in patients with fibrotic-like changes. Thus, both structural and functional lung
impairments may simultaneously occur in patients who survive severe COVID-19 pneumonia.
On the follow-up CT, significant decreases in CT scores for total lesions, GGO and
consolidation were observed compared with the initial CT. Although the predominant CT
pattern on follow up CT was still GGO, but the densities were visually decreased, which might
follow the “tinted” sign (10) or “melting sugar” sign (28). Two studies (10, 28) reported an
of COVID-19 pneumonia, which may indicate the gradual regression of the inflammation and
re-expansion of the alveoli. GGO in the acute phase of COVID-19 pneumonia may represent
the inflammatory infiltrates, edema or hemorrhaging (2, 3). Moreover, increased D-dimer
levels in the acute phase was associated with pulmonary embolism in COVID-19 patients,
which might also account for GGO appearance on the chest CT (29, 30), however, CT
pulmonary angiography was not routinely performed in our patients to clarify this point. The
pathophysiology underlying GGO in the convalescent phase of COVID-19 pneumonia and the
correlation with fibrosis is worthy of further investigation.
Our study has several limitations. First, sample size was small and only 6 months of follow up.
Patients with fibrotic-like changes require longer follow-up to determine whether the fibrotic-
like changes are permanent, progressive or reversible. Second, the extent of lung fibrotic-like
changes was not quantified by a computer-based analysis as described in previous study (31).
However, we have supplied the semi-quantitative scores for the fibrotic-like changes, which
were shown to be correlated with the degree of pulmonary fibrosis in pathological specimens.
Third, the inter and intra reader comparison of CT grading was not performed. Fourth, the years
of smoking was not evaluated in the present study. Fifth, 62/114 (54.4%) patients had a slice
thickness of 5 mm in the initial scan, in which case subtle findings may be occult or overlooked.
However, all follow up CT scans were performed with thin slices of 1 mm to assess the lung
abnormalities. Finally, the lack of a histological correlation is a limitation. Further studies are
In summary, follow-up CT scans obtained within 6 months of disease onset showed lung
fibrotic-like changes in more than one third of patients who survived severe COVID-19
pneumonia. These patients were older and had more severe disease during the acute phase.
However, the long-term lung sequelae of these CT findings are still largely unknown. This
report serves as a basis for new prospective large-scale long-term investigations analyzing these
high-risk patients.
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Figure 2: Chest follow-up CT findings of COVID-19 pneumonia: (a) traction bronchiectasis;
(b) parenchymal bands; (c) honeycombing; (d, e) thickening of the adjacent pleura.
Figure 3: Serial CT scans of a 46-year-old woman with severe COVID-19 pneumonia. (a-c)
The scan obtained on day 32 after symptom onset showed multiple ground-glass opacities
(GGOs) and interstitial thickening with mild cylindrical traction bronchiectasis involving the
middle lobe and lower lobe of the right lung. (d-f) The scan obtained on day 198 showed partial
absorption of the abnormalities, reduced extension, traction bronchiectasis (thin arrows) and
localized “honeycombing” (thick arrow) in the subpleural region of the right middle lobe.
Figure 4: Serial CT scans of a 63-year-old man with emphysema and severe COVID-19
pneumonia. (a) The axial CT scan obtained on day 27 after onset of symptoms showed multiple
ground-glass opacities (GGO) in the subpleural right lung. (b) The scan obtained on day 72
showed obvious absorption of the abnormalities. (c) The scan obtained on day 164 showed
complete resolution.
Figure 5: Serial CT scans of a 57-year-old man with severe COVID-19 pneumonia. (a, b)
Axial and coronal thin-section CT scans obtained on day 9 after the onset of symptoms showed
extensive ground-glass opacities (GGO) and interstitial thickening bilaterally. (c, d) Scans
obtained on day 46 showed evolution to a mixed pattern of ground-glass opacities and
consolidation with almost the same extent of lesions. (e, f) Scans obtained on day 159 showed
a marked decrease in the density of GGO, with a slightly increased extension of the GGO
(“tinted” sign or “melting sugar” sign, which defined as an imaging appearance of increased
Figure 6: Serial CT scans of a 52-year-old man with severe COVID-19 pneumonia. (a) The
axial thin-section CT scan obtained on day 8 after symptom onset showed multiple ground-
glass opacities (GGOs) bilaterally, with a slight traction of the right interlobar pleural (arrow).
(b, c) Scans obtained on days 79 and 149, respectively, showed continuous absorption of
previous opacifications, with the progression of interlobar pleural traction.
Appendix E1
Figure E1: Serial CT scan of a non-smoking 32-year-old woman with severe COVID-19
pneumonia and secondary bacterial infection. (a-c) Axial and sagittal thin-section CT scans
obtained on day 40 after the onset of symptoms showed multiple ground-glass opacities and
consolidations that were predominately located in the anterior region of the left upper lobe and
right middle lobe. The lesions in the left upper lobe showed cystic changes (arrows). (d-f) Scans
at the same level obtained on day 182 showed obvious absorption of previous opacifications.
Marked architectural distortion and pulmonary atelectasis were observed in the anterior region
of the left upper lobe and right middle lobe, with bronchiectasis of some subsegmental bronchi
Table E1: Correlation Coefficient for Fibrotic-like Changes Scores on Follow-up
CT Scans
CT scores of Fibrotic-like changes
Characteristics Spearman’s 95% CI P value
correlation coefficient
Age, years 0.324 0.149-0.479 <.001
Sex 0.036 -0.149-0.218 .71
Heart rate (bpm) 0.235 0.052-0.403 .01
Any comorbidities 0.300 0.122-0.459 .001
Chronic pulmonary disease 0.348 0.168-0.505 <.001
Duration of hospital stay 0.492 0.338-0.620 <.001
ARDS 0.570 0.432-0.683 <.001
Non-invasive mechanical
0.485 0.331-0.614 <.001
Glucocorticosteroids use 0.335 0.159-0.491 <.001
Hyper-sensitive C-reactive
0.369 0.175-0.535 <.001
protein (mg/L)
D-dimer (mg/L) 0.586 0.407-0.722 <.001
Thickening of the adjacent
CT score of total lesions
CT score of GGO
es 0.300
All data were analyzed using spearman correlation. HR, heart rate; ARDS, Acute respiratory distress
syndrome; GGO, ground-glass opacities.
Table E2: Comparison of CT Findings and Scores between Two Serial
Examinations in Convalescent Severe COVID-19 Patients
Characteristics Initial CT scans Follow-up CT scans P value
(n=114) (n=114)
Lung involvement <.001
Normal 0/114 (0) 25/114 (22%)
Unilateral 1/114(0.88%) 5/114 (4.4%)
Bilateral 73/114 (64%) 44/114 (39%)
Predominant CT pattern <.001
Normal 0/114 (0) 25/114 (22%)
GGO 44/114 (39%) 24/114 (21%)
Consolidation 17/114 (15%) 3/114 (2.6%)
Reticulation 13/114 (11%) 22/114 (19%)
Presence of nodule or mass 2/114 (1.8%) 19/114 (17%) <.001
Pleural effusion 7/114 (6.1%) 0/114 (0) .01
Emphysema 2/114 (1.8%) 2/114 (1.8%) .99
Thickening of the adjacent 27/114 (24%) 37/114 (32%) .10
Pulmonary atelectasis
CT score
Total lesions
fibrotic-like changes
Interlobar pleural traction 9/114 (7.9%)
2/114 (1.8%)
4/114 (3.5%)
8/114 (7.0%)
5 (7)
0 (0)
19/114 (17%)
3/114 (2.6%)
13/114 (11%)
27/114 (24%)
0 (4)
Data are presented as medians (interquartile ranges) or n/N (%). p values comparing initial CT scans and
follow-up CT scans are from χ², Fisher’s exact test, independent-samples T test or Mann-Whitney U
test. GGO, ground-glass opacities.
Table E3: Time Points of Presence of Fibrosis or Complete Resolution
Time interval from onset Group 1 Group 2
of symptoms (months) Fibrotic-like lung Complete radiological Residual GGO or interstitial
abnormalities (n=40) resolution(n=43) thickening(n=31)
At initial CT scan 2/40(5%) 0/43(0%) 31/31(100%)
At 3-month CT follow up* 17/37(46%) 20/34(59%) 12/12 (100%)
At 6-month CT follow up 22/40(55%) 23/43(53%) 31/31 (100%)
Data are presented as n/N (%). Group 1, patients with lung fibrotic-like changes; Group 2, patients
without lung fibrotic-like changes. GGO, ground-glass opacification. * 83 CT scans were available
at 3-month after symptoms onset.
Table E4: Comparison of Clinical Characteristics and
Pulmonary Function between Groups after 6-month Follow up
Pulmonary Function
VC max% 106±16 101±18 109±15 .01
FVC% 108±17 102±18 111±15 .01
<80% for predicted
27/104 (26%)
9/68 (13%)
Data are presented as means±SD, medians (interquartile ranges) or n/N (%). p values comparing
patients with lung fibrotic changes (group 1) and patients without lung fibrotic changes (group 2)are
from χ², Fisher’s exact test, independent-samples T test or Mann-Whitney U test. VCmax,
maximum vital capacity; DLCO, carbon monoxide diffusion capacity; FVC, forced vital capacity;
FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1s; diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide; DLCO/VA,
DLCO divided by the alveolar volume.