MATATAG Mathematics Quarter 1 Week 6 Day 1
MATATAG Mathematics Quarter 1 Week 6 Day 1
MATATAG Mathematics Quarter 1 Week 6 Day 1
School 1
10 Curriculum Level
Weekly Lesson Name of Learning Mathematic
Log Teacher Area s
Dates Quarter 1 – Week 6
and Time
A. Content The learner should have knowledge and understanding of
Standards whole numbers up to 100.
B. Performance Standards By the end of the quarter, the learner should be able to count,
read, write, recognize, and represent whole numbers up to
C. Learning Competencies The learners should be able to;
compose and decompose numbers up to 10 using
concrete materials (e.g., 5 is 5 and 0; 4 and 1; 3 and
2; 2 and 3; 1 and 4; 0 and 5).
D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
compose numbers up to 10 using concrete
materials (e.g., 5 is 5 and 0; 4 and 1; 3 and 2; 2
and 3; 1 and 4; 0 and 5).
Lesson Language Practice Introduce key terms such combine, put together, make,
During the Lesson/Lesson Proper
Reading the Key Idea/Stem Read and understand the story.
Leo the Lion loves building things using colorful blocks.
Today, he wants to make a tall tower, but he only has 2 blue
blocks. He looked around and saw Maya the Monkey with 3
red blocks. “May I borrow your blocks, Maya” Leo asked.
“Sure!” chirped Maya. They put their blocks together, and
guess what? Leo had enough for a tower of 5 blocks.
- Who loves building things using colorful blocks?
- What did he decide to do one day?
- How many blocks did he have?
- What is the color of his blocks?
- Was he able to build a tower with his blocks? Explain
your answer.
- What did he do?
- How many blocks did Maya the Monkey have?
- What is the color of her blocks?
- How did Leo the Lion ask for Maya the Monkey’s help?
Developing Understanding Ask: How many blue blocks did Leo the Lion start with?
of Key Idea/ Stem (Show real objects. Let the pupils count)
He wanted a tall tower, was the 2 blocks enough? Why?
What could he do?
Maya also had blocks. How many red blocks does Maya
have? (Show real objects. Let the pupils count).
Let us count all the blocks together. Leo has 2 blue and
Maya has 3 red blocks. If they put them together how many
blocks do, they have in all?
Say: We call putting smaller number or group of things
together to make a bigger group “composing” a number.
In our story, 2 and 3 make the bigger number 5. I have here
other blue and red blocks. Can you think of other ways we
can combine the blue and red blocks to make 5?
Number: _______________
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
1. Textbook
Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning