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17232 A Part Nos. 60112522 - 60112526 2015-07-08

Steel, property class 10.9
Y 1000-4, colour silver
Small widths across flats
Normal thread lengths, except for part Nos. 984662, 984835


Steel, property class 10.9 STD 7121,11.

Surface treatment
Treated Y 1000-4 colour silver STD 121-0003.
No electrolytic surface treatment.

Thread tolerance class 6e.
Wrenching height and corner fill of hexagon STD 7121,23.
Max. surface discontinuities STD 7121,13.
Geometrical tolerances STD 7121,221.
Marked acc. to STD 7121,11.
Symbols, designations and general drawing methods STD 101-0005.

Document Title
The copying, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the
communication of its contents to others without expressed authorization FLANGE SCREW
is prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for payment of damages. All
rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or
ornamental design registration.
Document Type
EDM-W 1999-11-08

Owner Domain:Document Prefix

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1058579 020 1 (7)


Thread run-out dimensions for fully threaded screw Dimensions for under head fillet for
and flange. partially threaded screw.

1)  thread pitch diameter

2) Top of the head may alternatively be recessed
3) Measured at dw min as per table
4) Diameter of bearing surface

Document Title
Document Type
Document No Issue Index Volume No Page No

1058579 020 2 (7)

Thread d M8

P pitch 1,25
ds max 8
min 7,78
c 1) min 1,2
da max 9,2
lf max 2,1
dc max 17
dw 2) min 14,9
e min 10,95
k max 8,5
r1 min R0,4
r2 max R0,5
s max 10
min 9,78
L Ls Lg Part No.
(js 15)
nom min max min max
60 59,4 60,6 31,75 38 984662 P02

1) Measured at dw min as per table.

2) Diameter of bearing surface.

Document Title
Document Type
Document No Issue Index Volume No Page No

1058579 020 3 (7)

Thread d M10 M12

P pitch 1,5 1,75

ds max 10 12
min 9,78 11,73
c 1) min 1,5 1,8
da max 11,2 13,7
lf max 2,1 2,1
dc max 20,8 24,7
dw 2) min 18,7 22,5
e min 14,26 16,5
k max 9,7 12,1
r1 min R0,4 R0,6
r2 max R0,6 R0,7
s max 13 15
min 12,73 14,73
L Ls Lg Part No. Ls Lg Part No.
(js 15)
nom min max min max min max
12 11,65 12,35 - 4,5 60112522 P01
(14) 13,65 14,35 - 4,5 994393 P02
16 15,65 16,35 - 4,5 984751 P03 - 5,3 60112524 P01
20 19,58 20,42 - 4,5 984752 P03 - 5,3 984813 P03
(22) 21,58 22,42 - 4,5 994394 P02
25 24,58 25,42 - 4,5 984753 P03 - 5,3 984814 P03
30 29,6 30,4 - 4,5 990861 P03 - 5,3 984815 P03
35 34,5 35,5 - 4,5 984754 P03 - 5,3 990809 P03
40 39,5 40,5 6,5 14 984755 P04 - 5,3 984816 P03
45 44,5 45,5 11,5 19 990862 P03 6,25 15 990810 P03
50 49,5 50,5 16,5 24 984756 P03 11,25 20 984850 P03
55 54,4 55,6 21,5 29 994208 P02 16,25 25 990811 P03
60 59,4 60,6 26,5 34 984757 P03 21,25 30 984817 P03
65 64,4 65,6 31,5 39 994395 P02 26,25 35 990812 P03
70 69,4 70,6 36,5 44 984758 P03 31,25 40 990813 P03
(75) 74,4 75,6 41,5 49 994396 P02 36,25 45 990814 P03
80 79,4 80,6 46,5 54 984759 P03 41,25 50 984818 P03
(85) 84,3 85,7 46,25 55 994399 P02
90 89,3 90,7 56,5 64 984760 P03 51,25 60 984819 P03
100 99,3 100,7 66,5 74 984761 P03 61,25 70 984820 P03
110 109,3 110,7 76,5 84 984762 P03 71,25 80 984821 P03
120 119,3 120,7 86,5 94 984763 P03 81,25 90 984822 P03
130 129,2 130,8 90,5 98 984764 P03 85,25 94 984823 P03
140 139,2 140,8 100,5 108 984765 P03 95,25 104 984824 P03

1) Measured at dw min as per table.

2) Diameter of bearing surface.
Lengths into brackets are not recommended.

Document Title
Document Type
Document No Issue Index Volume No Page No

1058579 020 4 (7)

Thread d M10 M12

P pitch 1,5 1,75

ds max 10 12
min 9,78 11,73
c 1) min 1,5 1,8
da max 11,2 13,7
lf max 2,1 2,1
dc max 20,8 24,7
dw 2) min 18,7 22,5
e min 14,26 16,5
k max 9,7 12,1
r1 min R0,4 R0,6
r2 max R0,6 R0,7
s max 13 15
min 12,73 14,73
L Ls Lg Part No. Ls Lg Part No.
(js 15)
nom min max min max min max
150 149,2 150,8 110,5 118 984766 P03 105,25 114 984825 P03
160 159,2 160,8 120,5 128 984767 P03 115,25 124 984826 P03
170 169,2 170,8 125,25 134 984827 P03
180 179,2 180,8 135,25 144 984828 P03
(190) 187,7 192,3 150,5 158 994397 P02 145,25 154 994400 P02
200 197,7 202,3 155,25 164 994401 P02
210 207,7 212,3 170,5 178 60112523 P01
(250) 247,7 252,3 197,5 205 994398 P02

1) Measured at dw min as per table.

2) Diameter of bearing surface.
Lengths into brackets are not recommended.

Document Title
Document Type
Document No Issue Index Volume No Page No

1058579 020 5 (7)

Thread d M14 M16

P pitch 2 2
ds max 14 16
min 13,73 15,73
c 1) min 2,1 2,4
da max 15,7 17,7
lf max 2,1 3,2
dc max 28,6 32,8
dw 2) min 26,4 30,6
e min 19,86 23,15
k max 12,9 15,2
r1 min R0,6 R0,6
r2 max R0,9 R1
s max 18 21
min 17,73 20,67
L Ls Lg Part No. Ls Lg Part No.
(js 15)
nom min max min max min max
20 19,58 20,42 - 6 60112525 P01
25 24,58 25,42 - 6 994402 P02
30 29,6 30,4 - 6 984851 P03 - 6 996078 P01
35 34,5 35,5 - 6 984852 P03 - 6 994403 P02
40 39,5 40,5 - 6 984853 P03 - 6 984833 P03
45 44,5 45,5 - 6 984854 P03 - 6 995651 P01
50 49,5 50,5 6 16 984855 P03 - 6 984834 P03
55 54,4 55,6 11 21 984856 P03 7 17 994404 P02
60 59,4 60,6 16 26 984857 P03 - 6 984835 P03
65 64,4 65,6 21 31 984858 P03 17 27 994644 P01
70 69,4 70,6 26 36 984859 P03 22 32 984836 P03
75 74,4 75,6 31 41 984860 P03 27 37 996143 P01
80 79,4 80,6 36 46 984861 P03 32 42 984837 P03
90 89,3 90,7 46 56 984862 P03 42 52 984838 P03
100 99,3 100,7 56 66 984863 P03 52 62 984868 P03
110 109,3 110,7 66 76 984864 P03 62 72 984869 P03
120 119,3 120,7 76 86 984865 P03 72 82 984870 P03
130 129,2 130,8 80 90 984866 P03 76 86 984839 P03
140 139,2 140,8 90 100 984867 P03 86 96 990995 P03
150 149,2 150,8 100 110 992333 P03 96 106 990996 P03
160 159,2 160,8 110 120 984829 P03 106 116 984871 P03
165 164,2 165,8 111 121 994474 P03
170 169,2 170,8 120 130 984830 P03 116 126 984872 P03
180 179,2 180,8 130 140 984831 P03 126 136 984873 P03
190 189,2 190,8 140 150 984832 P03 136 146 984840 P03
195 192,7 197,3 145 155 994465 P01
200 199,1 200,9 146 156 990232 P03
210 209,1 210,9 156 166 60112526 P01
220 219,075 220,925 153 163 984874 P03
240 237,7 242,3 190 200 995039 P01 173 183 995005 P01

1) Measured at dw min as per table.

2) Diameter of bearing surface.

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Document No Issue Index Volume No Page No

1058579 020 6 (7)

The dimensions agree with ISO 15071:1999 with exception of:
- Ls min and Lg max for part No. 984662
- Ls min and Lg max for part No. 984835.

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1058579 020 7 (7)

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