Electro Polishing of Surfaces Theory and Applications
Electro Polishing of Surfaces Theory and Applications
Electro Polishing of Surfaces Theory and Applications
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To cite this article: G. Yang, B. Wang, K. Tawfiq, H. Wei, S. Zhou & G. Chen (2016):
Electropolishing of surfaces: theory and applications, Surface Engineering, DOI:
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Electropolishing of surfaces: theory and
G. Yang1, B. Wang2, K. Tawfiq2, H. Wei3, S. Zhou1 and G. Chen∗ 2
Electropolishing is the electrochemical process to remove the metallic material from the workpiece,
in order to obtain a smoother metal surface. It has found vast engineering applications in many
fields, such as food, medical, pharmaceutical and semiconductor industries. This review is
aimed to provide the readership with insightful understanding of the electropolishing process,
from the fundamental aspects as well as from the application aspects. The general aspects of
electropolishing, including its definition, the classic setup, the fundamentals behind it and
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methods used to evaluate the electropolishing finishes are reviewed here. Various
electropolishing theories, be them quantitative or qualitative are briefly discussed. Based on
those theories, important parameters evolved in the electropolishing process are enumerated.
Many microscopic technologies are used to evaluate the electropolishing surface finishes. This
includes optical microscope, electron microscope and atomic force microscope. Some key
features of electropolishing are briefly outlined in the end.
Keywords: Electropolishing, Surface phenomena, Theory, Evaluation methods, Features
Fundamentals of electropolishing current (DC) power supply with the negative terminal
Electropolishing refers to the electrochemical process that being attached to the cathode.2 The piece is then
removes material from a metallic workpiece to polish, immersed into a bath comprised of a specially formulated,
passivate and deburr the metal parts.1–4 As the reverse temperature-controlled electrolytic solution. The acti-
of electroplating, electropolishing is also known as elec- vation of the power supply produces an electrical current
trochemical polishing or electrolytic polishing.5 Readers that passes from the anode to the cathode, resulting in the
can find useful information on the insightful fundamental oxidation of the metal surface and the removal of surface
mechanisms of electropolishing in D. Landolt’s early impurities and irregularities, which are dissolved in the
review (see Landolt1). To the best of our knowledge, how- electrolyte and diffuses through the film to the cathode
ever, a comprehensive review on electropolishing is still at a controlled rate.7,8 At the cathode, a reduction reac-
lacking. This review seeks to fill in this blank, and provide tion occurs, which normally produces hydrogen.1 The
the readers a more comprehensive understanding on the amount of metal removed depends on the specific bath,
electrochemical polishing fundamental mechanisms, the- temperature, current density and the particular metallic
ory development, surface finishes evaluation methods workpiece being electropolished.9 Usually, current and
and applications in various fields. Some most recent pro- time are the two variables that can be controlled to
gress in electropolishing will also be briefly reviewed here. reach the reproducible surface finish.10 Electropolishing
can be described by the Faraday’s laws of electrolysis.
Faraday’s first law of electrolysis and Faraday’s second
Chemistry basis of electropolishing law of electrolysis state that the amount of a material
Chemically speaking, electropolishing is a specific type of deposited on an electrode is proportional to the amount
electrolysis that involves a direct electric current passing of electricity used and the amount of different substances
through an electrolyte in an electrolytic cell (Fig. 1).6 liberated by a given quantity of electricity is proportional
The metal piece to be electropolished serves as the to their electrochemical equivalent (or chemical equival-
anode and is connected to a positive terminal of a direct ent weight).11,12
Electrolytes used for electropolishing are most often
Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, FAMU-FSU College concentrated acid solutions having a high viscosity, such
of Engineering, Florida State University, 2525 Pottsdamer Street, Tallahas- as mixtures of sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid.13,14
see, FL 32310, USA Other electropolishing electrolytes reported in the litera-
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, FAMU-FSU College
of Engineering, Florida State University, 2525 Pottsdamer Street, Tallahas- ture include mixtures of perchlorates with acetic anhy-
see, FL 32310, USA
dride and methanolic solutions of sulphuric acid.
State Key Laboratory Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Insti-
tute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan
Electropolishing has many applications in the metal fin-
430071, People’s Republic of China ishing industry because of its simplicity and that it can
Corresponding author, email [email protected]
be applied to objects of complex shape.15 Typical
Positively charged cations always move towards the cath- Therefore, the value of the limiting current would be lar-
ode and negatively charged anions move away from it. In ger over the protrusion compared to that over the valley,
the Electropolishing setup, the anode is positive and the resulting in the metal surface being levelled out as electro-
cathode is negative.33 polishing proceeds.31 Mass transport control has been
The electrolyte is the substance that produces an electri- established as the reason behind electropolishing, which
cally conducting solution when dissolved in a polar sol- is associated with the voltage range and is characterised
vent, such as water.4 The dissolved electrolyte separates by a constant current density, independent of the voltage
into cations and anions, which disperse uniformly through applied.1,40
the solvent. During electropolishing, the cations of the
solution would be drawn to the electrode that has an
abundance of electrons, while the anions would be Relation between anode potential and anode
drawn to the electrode that has a deficit of electrons.8 current density
The movement of anions and cations in opposite direc- Faraday’s laws provide the theoretical basis of electrode
tions within the solution amounts to a current. Different potential and current density.11,41 However, in a real
metals may need different types of electrolyte. The com- application, many factors influence the eletropolishing
position and properties of the electrolyte is very important quantity and quality. Faraday’s laws state that the amount
for the electropolishing quality.1 In addition to metal of chemical charge at an electrode is exactly proportional
salts, Electropolishing electrolytes usually contain a num- to the total quantity of the electricity. However, side reac-
ber of additives for various purposes. Some agents are tions may consume the product if taking place simul-
used to increase electrolyte conductivity (supporting elec- taneously at the electrode.42 Therefore, inefficiencies
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trolytes). Others may be used for increasing bath stability may arise from the side reactions other than the intended
(stabilisers), activating the surface (surfactants or wetting reaction takes place at the electrodes. In electropolishing,
agents), improving levelling or metal distribution (level- sufficient voltage should be provided by the power source.
ling agents), or optimising the chemical, physical or tech- The voltage–current relationship follows the Ohm’s law,
nology properties of the surface.34,35 These properties i.e. the current is driven by a potential difference, or vol-
include corrosion resistance, brightness or reflectivity, tage through the conducting medium, either electrolytic
hardness, mechanical strength, ductility, internal stress, or metallic. The local current density is a very important
wear resistance or solderability.36,37 The properties of variable in electroplating operations and affects the char-
electrolyte are usually characterised by electrolytic con- acter of the electropolishing. The local current density on
ductance, which is different from electrical conductance an electrode, defined as the current in amperes per unit
in metal. Both inorganic and organic salts, acids and area of the electrode, is a function of the position on the
alkalis can be used to increase the electrolytic conduc- electrode surface and the current passing through the elec-
tance. The conductivity of an electrolyte is a function of trode that accomplishes the desired electropolishing is
the degree of dissociation, the mobility of the individual expressed in terms of current efficiency.40,43 The current
ions, the temperature and viscosity, and the electrolyte distribution over an electrode surface is complicated and
composition.31 tends to concentrate at edges and points, and unless the
During Electropolishing, a viscous layer on the work- resistance of the solution is very low, the current will
piece is formed.5,38 The non-uniform thickness of the vis- flow to the workpieces near the opposite electrode more
cous layer over the material surface results in a different readily than to the more distant workpieces. It is desired
ohmic resistance from the cathode to the anode, which to operate processes with uniform current distribution,
causes greater dissolution of the protruded parts com- i.e. the current density is the same at all points on the elec-
pared to the depressed part, thus creating a uniform sur- trode surface.44
face profile.39 A varying concentration gradient of the When the workpieces are immersed into a solution,
dissolved metal ions over the protrusions and valleys equilibrium is reached between the tendency of the
occurs (Fig. 3). The thickness of the diffusion layer over metal to enter solution as ions and the opposing tendency
the protrusion is smaller than the value over the valley. of the ions to lose their charge and deposit on the cathode.
The equilibrium is dynamic with metal being ionised and
discharged as well as being deposited and reduced. These
two effects cancel each other and there is no net change in
the system. For the realisation of metal deposition at the
cathode and metal dissolution at the anode, the equili-
brium is broken by an external potential, which makes
the electrode reactions take place at a practical rate. The
extra energy needed to force the electrode reaction to pro-
ceed at a required rate (or its equivalent current density) is
quantified in terms of overpotential or electrode polaris-
ation, the difference in the electrode potential of an elec-
trode between its equilibrium potential and its operating
potential when a current is flowing.45 The operating
potential of an anode is always more positive than its
equilibrium potential, while the operating potential of a
cathode is always more negative than its equilibrium
potential.46 The value of the overpotential depends on
3 Schematic cartoon indicating the concentration gradient the inherent speed of the electrode reaction, which
difference over protrusions and valleys on the anode increases with increasing current density. A slow reaction
(with small exchange current density) will require a larger odour, limited cathode time and the electrolyte being dif-
overpotential for a given current density than a fast reac- ficult to maintain and expensive to replace, even under
tion (with large exchange current density). Since an elec- active chilling conditions during the production tails for
trode reaction commonly occurs in more than one deburring automotive parts in an ethylene glycol electro-
elementary step, there is an overpotential associated lyte with ammonium salt.59,60
with each step. Even for the simplest case, the overpoten- The second contribution to the increasing electrolyte
tial is the sum of the concentration overpotential and the resistance comes from the limited diffusion process on
activation overpotential. The terms overpotential is some- the cathodic surface. As has been mentioned before, the
times called overvoltage, the difference between the cell diffusion layer thickness increases with the electrolyte vis-
voltage (with a current flowing) and the open-circuit vol- cosity.31 Jacquet reported that the optimum region for
tage.47 Consequently, the cell voltage of the electrolytic electropolishing is the current limited plateau in the polar-
cell is always more than its open-circuit voltage. The over- isation curve.61 Later, Wagner studied the ‘microprofile’
voltage is the sum of the over potentials of the two electro- levelling under mass transport limited conditions for the
des of the cell and the ohmic loss of the cell.48,49 case of large diffusion layers.26 The reasons for the
For electropolishing, the current source is a power build-up of the diffusion limitations are due to the limited
source in the form of a battery or rectifier that converts diffusion of the dissolved metal ions away from the
alternating current electricity to regulated low-voltage polished workpiece surface62 and/or the limited diffusion
DC current. The geometric shape and contour of a work- of an ‘acceptor ion’ from the bulk electrolyte to the
piece to be polished affect the quality of the eletropolish- polished surface.39 These diffusion limitations further
ing. The DC current flows more densely to sharp edges increased the electrolyte resistance, thus hindering the
Downloaded by [Florida State University], [Gang Chen] at 11:43 13 July 2016
than to the less accessible recessed areas, making electro- electropolishing process.1
polishing possible. In other words, the current distribution Another issue brought by continuous DC electropolish-
is not uniform. Therefore, a judicial placement of the ing is the uneven striping of the anodic metal from the sur-
anode(s) as well as modifications of the current density face. This will lead to a rougher surface.59 The reason is
is required to obtain quality eletropolishing results.50,51 stated as follows. A passive oxide film usually grows on
the anode surface during electropolishing process, as
Effect of pulsed current can be described by
The conventional electropolishing is normally performed M + xH2 O M(Ox ) + 2xH+ + 2xe− (1)
in media with high viscosity and/or low conductivity such
as concentrated acid (phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid and The continuous DC current supply preferably creates
their mixtures or in perchloric acid-acetic acid solutions) high current density areas and low current density areas
and non-aqueous solutions (ethylene glycol, methanol- on anodic surface. As time goes on, some anodic surface
sulphuric acid).1 Sometimes methanol, instead of water would be blocked by thus generated oxidative film (on
is used as a solvent.13,14,52 In the last century late fifties high current density areas) whereas the striping is still
and early sixties, the development of electrochemical occurring on areas that has not been blocked, thus gener-
machining showed that fast dissolution of metals in natu- ating uneven anode surfaces.59
ral electrolytes under vigorous convection conditions may
lead to electropolished surfaces,53 with the controlling Pulse/pulse reverse current in electropolishing process
factors being convective mass transfer.54,55 Soon after, it The pulse/pulse reverse current has been vastly used in
was found that the electropolishing in neutral salt sol- electrodeposition process,63–65 in which the potential or
utions could be reached at relatively low average current current is alternated fast between two different levels.
densities and flow rates if pulse current with high density This leads to a series voltage or current pulses of nearly
was utilised.56 More tables and electropolishing electro- equal amplitude, duration and polarity (Pulse-se),66 segre-
lytes for various metals can be obtained in the books by gated by reference current (usually zero). Each pulse is
W. J. McTegart5 and P. V. Shigolev.57 composed of an ON-time (ton) at which the potential or
current is applied and an OFF-time (toff) during which
Motivation of using pulse current in electropolishing the potential or current is kept zero (shown in Fig. 4).
As has been mentioned in earlier sections, the asperities The pulse reverse technique67 plating current is inter-
on the metal surface are preferentially removed during rupted by a striping time, instead of the zero-current
an electropolishing process. In order to focus the electric time in pulse electrodeposition process (i.e. the OFF-
field on surface asperities, low conductivity electrolytes time in Fig. 4 is replaced by a negative current on time)
of high viscosity, such as ethylene glycol may be resorted
to.1,5 In this way, the voltage gradient between the asperi-
ties and the recesses becomes bigger along with the
increase of the electrolyte resistance, so that the asperities
are preferentially removed. Despite the merits of applying
low conductivity electrolytes in electropolishing process,
excessive heating of the electrolyte was often observed
during the process, due to the greatly increased electrolyte
resistance.58 Thus, a chilling process should be performed
during electropolishing. However, even with a chilling
process, the excessive heat issue could still not be fully
avoided. For instance, Ford Motor Co. reported that the
excessive heating resulted in an unacceptable ammonia 4 Schematic illustration of a typical pulse current waveform
are acids (e.g. perchloric, sulphuric, phosphoric, etc.) or The influence of temperature
their mixtures in a certain solvent, such as water, alcohol
and acetic acid. In order to increase the solution viscosity, The temperature was important for electropolishing. For
glycerol, butyl glycol or urea, etc. are usually added.43,73 example, in Ashwini Chandra’s work on electropolishing
Copper is one of the most intensively studied workpieces of Niobium, the plateau current density in the current–
for electropolishing system. Many types of electrolytes32,75 voltage curve was found increasing with temperature.29
or electrolytes mixtures61,76–80 meet the requirement in pol- The second example of the temperature effect comes
ishing copper. Some of the previous work, under which from the stainless steel electropolishing in an electrolyte
conditions the electropolishing process was performed composed of 65%H3PO4+20%H2SO4+15%H2O per-
has been summarised in Table 1. formed at 25, 50 and 70°C by D. Landolt, et al. 92 It
Another type of metal that is a good raw model to illus- was found that the limiting current density, as reflected
trate the importance of the electropolishing condition by the current plateau in the polarisation curves increased
optimising is the stainless steel. Stainless steel has found as the temperature went up.
vast applications in nowadays society. However, their The temperature effect is explained as that the diffusion
standard colour-light grey does not always fit in the sur- coefficient of the rate limiting species in the electropolish-
roundings where they are applied. Surface treatments, in ing bath is affected by95
this sense, are crucial to their versatility. Before the surface Qa
treatments executed, a surface polishing step is a must.83 D = D0 exp − (3)
Among many surface polishing methods, such as mechan-
ical polishing or grind, chemical polishing and electropol- in which Do is the exponential pre-factor, Qa is the acti-
ishing, the latter method has many advantages versus its vation energy for diffusion, R is the gas constant and T
counterparts.84,85 For example, the dissolution rate of is the absolute temperature.
the metallic surface can be removed at a significantly The limiting current density of a specie in electropolish-
increased rate compared with chemical polishing, with ing bath can be described as96
an enhanced-quality of the metal surface finish.
The stainless steel surface smoothness also plays a key iL = (4)
role for some biomedical applications. For example, it is d
known that the substrate roughness affects the adhesion where n is the molar of the total charge of ion involved, F
of the bacteria.86–88 With a careful electropolishing process, is the Faraday constant, C is the saturation concentration
Phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid and 304 30 to 70°C 0.5 to 1 A/cm2 Not specified Tai-Chou Lee
glycerol mixture et al. 43
Phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid and 304 5 to 80°C 0.5 to 1 A/cm2 Not specified Chi-chang Hu
glycerol mixture et al. 91
Phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid and water Fe13Cr 25 to 70°C 0.01 to −0.81 to 1.45 V D. Landolt,
solution 0.225 A/cm2 et al. 92
Four electrolytes (Mixtures of sulphuric 316L 50 to 80°C Not specified Voltage scanning Herzog, Grégoire
acid, phosphoric acid and glycerol) rate 5 mV/s et al. 93
Mixtures of Sulphuric acid, phosphoric 316L 50 ± 95°C 0.5 to 2.5 A/ Not specified Y. F. Chen, et al. 90
acid and water with/without glycerine cm2
Mixtures of sulphuric acid, phosphoric 316L 65 to 70°C Not specified 2.5 to 10 V Sasha Omanovic
acid, water and glycerol et at.94
of metal ions in the solution and δ is the thickness of the forced stirring of the electrolyte during electropolishing
anodic diffusion layer. of niobium led to an increase in the limiting current den-
Substituting Equation 3 to 4 yields sity at 22°C.
Downloaded by [Florida State University], [Gang Chen] at 11:43 13 July 2016
Elmore further concluded that the ratio could be with the anodic metal. In this framework, the basic elec-
defined as tropolishing mechanism is one of the migration of ‘accep-
tors’ to the anode instead of the diffusion of metallic ions
r= (7) in the opposite direction. Accordingly, the limiting factor
i0 t1/2
0 Cm AF (pD)
of the current density is related to a maximum concen-
where io is the applied current, to is the transition time to tration gradient when almost all the acceptors approach
build the polishing conditions, Cm is the solubility of the anode and react with the surface metallic ions on
metal in the electrolyte, A is the surface area of the the anode. Due to the continuous consumption of the
anode, F is the Faraday constant and D is the diffusion acceptors on the anode surface, the acceptor concen-
coefficient of dissolved metal (constant). It is worth noting tration is much lower around the electrode than that in
that, the ratio in Equation (7) was developed based upon the bulk solution.
Smuluchowski’s equation115correlating the motion of Later, Carl Wagner26 used the acceptor theory to math-
charged species to the surrounding media viscosity. And ematically analyse an ideal electropolishing process. He
it does not consider the diffusion rate decrease resulted assumed that the electrode surface could be best described
from the viscosity increase. Thus, Elmore’s theory has by a sing wave profile, as described below
its own limitation, considering the viscosity is capable of y = b sin (2px/a) (8)
answering: (a) why many polishing baths are viscous
liquids; (b) why the character of polishing increases with where a is the wavelength, b is the amplitude, y is the dis-
viscosity78; and (c) why dilution or increase in tempera- tance from the ‘average surface plane’ of the anode and x
ture hinder the polishing of copper in orthophosphoric
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Thus, the loss of metal per unit area, Δm/A could be interval of time when a slow rise of anodic single potential
calculated as showed up, followed by a large rapid one at its end right
before polishing happened. They compared the phenom-
Dm/A = ar[Ln(b0 /b)]/2p (12) ena with those established by Muller for the onset of the
where ρ is the density of the metal. passivity of nickel, iron and other metals in less concen-
Using a 2-dimmensional Laplace equation inside the trated sulphuric acid,122 and postulated that the rapid
electrolyte, the local potential gradient could be written as rise of potential at the onset of electropolishing was due
to the similar formation of a compact oxide film on the
∂f ∂f 2pb metal surface to the anodic passivation. However, this
1+ sin(2px/a) if
∂y y=b sin (2px/a) ∂y ave a film dissolved as fast as it was formed anodically from
the metal.99
b ,, a and a ,, d Direct experimental observations on the existence of
(13) the oxide film at the onset of electropolishing was given
by Hoar and Farthing.116 An electropolishing system
The local potential gradient, (∂w/∂y)is linearly related
composed of copper and α-brass anodes, the orthophoric
to the local current density by Ohm’s law. Through the
acid/water bath (50/50 by volume) and a cathode with
set of formulae (from Equation 9 to 13), Carl Wagner
holes was used in their study. Mercury was dropped
mathematically solved the profiles for the decrease of sur-
onto the copper or α-brass anodes through the holes on
face roughness as a function of the recess of the average
cathode, and wetted the anodic surface immediately,
surface, amount of metal dissolved per unit surface
and then spread over it, if the passive film had not formed
Downloaded by [Florida State University], [Gang Chen] at 11:43 13 July 2016
be chlorides of the metals. In this case, the possibility of Improperly or inadequately cleaned parts are a frequent
oxide films due to dissolved oxygen was ruled out by the source of rejects. Chemical rinsing can remove any oil,
experiments in hydrogen and by the experiments in grease, shop dirt, fingerprints or similar films left on the
which polishing could occur at temperatures well above parts after manufacture. Surface contaminants present
those at which oxide could survive. He also made the on the parts during electropolishing can lower the quality
comment on Hoar and Farthing study,116 that the non- of the resulting finish, particularly for critical applications
adhesive of mercury droplet to the copper anode was such as medical, pharmaceutical and semiconductor pro-
not due to the formation of the anodic oxide film, but ducts. Once the parts are removed from the cleaner, care
to the failure to establish a contact-adsorbed film of mer- should be taken to avoid unnecessary contact with the
cury at higher current density than required by hands or process equipment. Alkaline cleaning proceeds
electropolishing. by a combination of chemical and physical reactions
Later, Darmois and others126 presented a theory of pol- involving displacement, flotation, penetration, wetting,
ishing which involves the adsorption on the anode of the emulsification and saponification of the contaminants.
anions from the electrolyte. As a specific example,127 in All of these reactions are sensitive to both time and temp-
the case of aceto-perchloric baths, the anode was pro- erature; therefore, care should be taken to make sure the
posed to become covered with a thin layer of ClO− 4 ions cleaning conditions fit the properties of the oil to be
that were capable of establishing an electrostatic field removed. Some soils may require little or no alkaline
intense enough to screen the metal ions. The authors soaking; others may require substantially higher tempera-
also eliminated any mechanism which involved the for- tures, soaking times and chemical concentrations to
mation of an oxide film. achieve cleanliness.
Downloaded by [Florida State University], [Gang Chen] at 11:43 13 July 2016
microscope was used intensively to display the metal sur- further brought down to sub-nanometre range. For
face finishes after electropolishing.61,76 Most recently, instance, an electron microscope equipped with a 5 KeV
most publications related to the stainless steel electropol- electron source is capable to produce the electron
ishing use either scanning electron microscope (SEM) or irradiation of 0.248 nm. Atomic-resolution image could
atomic force microscope (AFM) or both to evaluate the even be generated with a sub-50 pm electro probe.135
surface finishes. Microscope technique is an indispensable Two types of electron microscopes are often used in elec-
diagnostic tool to evaluate the surface finishes of the tropolishing finishes evaluation. The first one is TEM,
specimen after electropolishing. This review will be the using which the high energy electron beam transmits
first of its kind, to provide the readership the overview through a thin specimen that is partially transparent to
of the microscopic evaluation on electropolishing tech- electron beam. The electron beam carrying the specimen
nique. The macroscopic smooth and the microscopic structural information, and the spatial variation of the
smooth of electropolishing, the two very important sample structural information can be viewed by either a
types of smooth that the electropolishing technique can fluorescent viewing screen or recorded by a charge-
provide are discussed. coupled device (CCD) camera.136 The second type of
electron microscope is scanning electron microscopy,
Optical microscope often abbreviated as SEM. It produces the images by
probing the specimen with a focused electron beam
In order to characterise and evaluate the surface mor-
which scans across a rectangular area on top of the
phology before/after the electropolishing process, many
sample surface, and it has been vastly applied to charac-
microscope techniques have been utilised. Optical micro-
terising the nanometre surface morphology.137–140
Downloaded by [Florida State University], [Gang Chen] at 11:43 13 July 2016
scopes are the oldest design among its category, and has
TEM has become a key tool to correlate the nature of
been intensively used to observe the electropolishing sur-
the microstructure of metals and the alloys directly with
face finishes. For example, in some of the Jacquet’s pio-
their important physical and chemical properties. The
neer electropolishing work,61,76 optical microscope was
metal specimen for TEM has to be delicately prepared
employed to show the surface brightness and crystal
in order to make it thin enough to let the electron transmit
grains of the copper anode (using polarised light source)
through.133 The thin metal foils are usually of a thickness
after electropolishing process.
of a few hundred nanometres or less.141,142 In addition,
In a study on the mechanism of electropolishing,
the successful TEM analysis highly depends on the qual-
Edwards made a copper composite anode with projec-
ity of the thin metal foils prepared. Although pure mech-
tions and recesses on the surface which were isolated
anical polishing technique exists to make the TEM thin
with each other. By using a binocular optical microscope,
specimen, the sample quality usually is hard to be fully
he could observe the smoothing effect preferably on the
controlled.143,144 Intensive studies have demonstrated
projections during electropolishing process, thus being
that an electropolishing step is necessary for TEM sample
able to quantitatively evaluate the electropolishing
preparation.133,143,145,146 Normally, the preparation of the
smooth efficiency.39
thin TEM specimen is composed of three steps, (a)
The optical microscope is also an important tool to esti-
obtaining a sample piece less than 2 mm thick, (b)
mate the sample quality used for more advanced electron
mechanically thinning the sample down to about
microscope. For instance, R. D. Schoone et al. develop an
0.2 mm and (c) further decreasing the sample thickness
electropolishing unit for preparing the thin metal speci-
down to nanometre range so that sufficient electron
mens for transmission electron microscope (TEM). The
beam penetration can occur.147
electropolishing finishes were evaluated using optical
The key factors of electropolishing, including voltage,
microscope. It was determined in their study that, under
current density, temperature, electropolishing duration
certain electropolishing conditions, the dislocations and
and convective flow rate need to be carefully optimised
stacking fault in pure cobalt existed, whereas fine metallic
in order for one to obtain an ideal TEM sample for repro-
grain structure was observed for Fe–Ni alloy.133
ducible observation. Necip148 prepared high quality pure
Despite the intensive employment of optical micro-
aluminium TEM samples through a double-jet electropol-
scope, its resolution is limited by the interference of the
ishing technique. Some useful hints to obtain the least fail-
visible light, which is about one half of the minimum vis-
ures in preparing the TEM specimen with optimum
ible light wavelength (200 nm).134 Thus, microsmoothing
electropolishing parameters were given in his study.
surface finishes after electropolishing process cannot be
Besides pure metal, the alloy microstructures are criti-
effectively evaluated by solely the optical microscope.
cally important for insight understanding of their mech-
Thus, other techniques should be resorted to if one
anical properties. For example, two phase TiAl alloy has
needs to perform characterisation on the microelectropol-
a great potential for aerospace applications due to its
ishing finishes below 200 nm.
excellent specific mechanical properties.149 Considerable
research effort has been dedicated to detailed characteris-
Electron microscope ation of TiAl on the microstructure-related mechanical
Restricted to light diffraction issue, traditional optical properties. A. Couret et al. 150 used a jet electropolishing
microscope could not be used to evaluate the surface fea- technique with a polishing solution composed of perchlo-
ture smaller than the light diffraction limit. However, if ric acid and methanol to prepare the TEM thin specimen.
the light source is changed by something with much A quantitative TEM analysis of the lamellar microstruc-
higher energy, the irradiation wavelength should be ture in the TiAl alloy could be performed due to the deli-
decreased accordingly. Based on this point, electron cate electropolishing specimen preparation process. Using
microscope became to play an important role in detecting a range of advanced methods combined with region
structures much smaller than light diffraction limit.134 specific replication entails and the electropolishing
With improved beam energy, the wavelength can be method, S. Sulaiman et al. 151 prepared TEM replica
specimens of P91 steel and carried out quantitative micro- One of many important applications of AFM in evalu-
analysis on the P91 steel specimen. ating the electropolishing metal surface is to directly offer
Despite its versatility in determining the thin specimen the information of the sample surface roughness, which
microstructure, TEM cannot be used to determine the cannot be fulfilled by electron microscopes. For example,
sample surface morphology. Thus, in order to determine Chi-Chang Hu et al. 91 studied the factors that affect the
the surface morphology after electropolishing, other tech- surface roughness (Ra) of 304 stainless steel (304 SS) elec-
niques should be used. SEM is such a tool, which utilises a tropolished in a mixture of phosphoric acid, sulphuric
high energy electron bean to scan the sample surface. acid and glycerol. The factor Ra was characterised by
After interaction with the sample, the electrons which using AFM height profile on the electropolished 304 SS
carry sample structural information are probed by elec- surface. They found that the bath temperature and polish-
tron detectors. As such, the sample surface structure can ing time were two key factors that affect the 304SS Ra. In
be revealed. a sister study of the same group, they found that the sur-
Didier Pribat et al. 152 used SEM to evaluate the electro- face roughness of 304 SS could be tuned from 7 to 45 nm
polishing effect on copper foil in H3PO4 bath at elevated by controlling electropolishing variables in glycerol-con-
temperature. The surface of the electropolishing finishes taining baths. The surface roughness, again was deter-
was analysed by a JEOL JSM-7600F field emission mined by the AFM height profile.43 T.M. Dahy et al. 153
SEM. The copper grain size on the specimen surface adjusted current density, duration, temperature and vis-
was analysed by the electron backscattering diffraction cosity in electropolishing process on commercialised cop-
(EBSD) images. They found that the copper foil electro- per foil, in order to remove the tarnishing and roughness.
polished at a small window near 65°C in 2.17 M H3PO4 The surface roughness of the electropolished copper foil
Downloaded by [Florida State University], [Gang Chen] at 11:43 13 July 2016
bath, exhibited a larger grain size than samples obtained was characterised by using AFM height images. Jerzy
under other conditions. In a similar study, T.M. Dahy Zak et al. 156 studied the electropolishing conditions on
et al. 153 removed the tarnishing and roughness of copper NiTi alloy. The quantity of the electropolishing ally sur-
surface with electropolishing treatment. The copper foil face was evaluated by AFM.
surface contamination and morphology were analysed In addition to the electropolishing surface roughness
by an SEM equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray evaluation, AFM is also an important tool to characterise
(EDX) spectroscopy. the surface morphology of the electropolished metal sur-
In order to evaluate the corrosion behaviour of the 304 face. For instance, R.M. Metzger et al. 157 created highly
stainless steel at high temperature, hydrogenated water, ordered nanotopographies on aluminium single crystals
Paul C. Sander et al. 154 used SEM to observe the surface by electropolishing method. The ordered nanoscale mor-
nanocrystallinity of the stainless steel oxide layer. They phology on the single Al crystals was studied in details by
found that the stainless steel surface had small size (ran- AFM. Muhammad Aslam et al. 158 use the porous anodic
ging between 10 and 26 nm) chromite-based crystals rela- alumina pretreated by electropolishing process. Under
tive to the machined (i.e. cold worked) process. The different electropolishing voltage, they were able to create
electropolishing process, which removed surface macro- 100–150 nm random features (4–5 nm high) and 50 nm
strain by cold working, as stated by Paul C. Sander ordered nano stripes (1–2 nm high), which was confirmed
et al., exhibited a preferred reference surface condition. by the AFM images.
In another study on AISI-314 stainless steel electropolish-
ing, Sonia R. Biaggio et al. 83 employed the SEM at mag-
nification of 1000× to determine surface structure of the Electropolishing applications
electropolished samples. The surface of the samples, As aforementioned, electropolishing facilitates polishing
which were classified as opaque, semi-bright and bright the metal surface roughness, thus dramatically reducing
exhibited different surface morphology according to the the negative outcomes by the surface metallic dirt or pro-
corresponding SEM sample images. duct residues. For instance, the metal surface irregularities
often serve as the nucleation sites form cracks and
corrosion. Thus, the current stainless steel industry often
Atomic force microscope utilises electropolishing technique to enhance the anticor-
Despite the capability of determining small morphologi- rosion properties of the workpiece.90 Delstar Metal Fin-
cal features, SEM only provides two-dimension (2D) ishing Company is currently applying electropolishing
information of the surface finishes. In order to get through to some of its metallic products to reduce the coefficient
knowledge on the height profile, or roughness of the work- of the friction of metals, which improves the metal work-
piece after electropolishing, AFM is often used. Contrary piece life time. The surface rough irregularities can also be
to optical microscope and SEM, AFM does not use opti- nucleation for the bacterial attachment.89 Therefore, the
cal/electrical lenses or light/electron irritation. Instead, electropolishing on related metallic facility surface is of
the surface morphology information of the sample is great importance to pharmaceutical, food, beverage and
gathered by AFM tip (with the diameter in the order of biomedical industries to reduce the attachment of bac-
10 nm). By scanning on the sample surface, the mechan- teria. As an electrochemical surface finishing technique,
ical interaction between the tip and the sample is new commercial applications of electropolishing will be
converted to electric signal through a piezoelectric constantly found.
element, thus the sample topographical information is
recorded. The resolution of the AFM is not restricted
by light diffraction limit, and can reach the order of Finish
0.1 nm. Therefore, it becomes an important tool to Electropolishing is a reverse plating procedure that entails
study the microsmoothing of the workpiece after the electrochemical removal of metal impurities (includ-
electropolishing.43,155 ing carbon, silica and free iron) from a stainless steel
surface.40 The goal is a smooth surface, devoid of burrs or remove free iron or other foreign matter from the surface
crevices that attract and trap contaminants. During elec- of the metal and to create a chromium rich surface that is
tropolishing, the workpiece is fitted with electrodes, resistant to corrosion. However, passivation is generally
immersed in an electrolyte solution and subjected to a not effective in removing imbedded free iron and contami-
direct electrical current. During this electrolytic process, nants and will not remove heat tint or oxide scale on stain-
the metallic surface of the anodic part is preferentially dis- less steel.8
solved ion by ion, yielding a smooth surface.1 Optimal The electropolishing process dissolves the outer skin of
results depend on careful control over the current density, metal, removing deeply imbedded contamination.160
the precise chemical composition of the electrolytic sol- Heavily contaminated surfaces such as machined parts,
ution, the temperature and agitation of the bath and the welded or brazed assemblies or other components that
duration of current exposure.9 Finally, selected surfaces typically respond poorly to passivation alone, are good
are mechanically buffed to a smooth finish. candidates for electropolishing.161 Unlike passivation,
all stainless alloys including the 400 series and precipitat-
ing grades can be processed without distortion, flash
Corrosion resistance
attack or hydrogen embrittlement. Just as electropolishing
Electropolishing is widely specified to enhance corrosion is used to enhance corrosion resistance on stainless steel, it
resistance on a wide variety of metal alloys.36 Although offers corrosion resistance on other alloys as well. Electro-
most commonly used on stainless steels, electropolishing polishing can be used to delay or retard the corrosion
offers corrosion resistance on other alloys as well.159 properties of copper, brass, aluminium and carbon steels.
Due to the versatility and superior effectiveness, electro- On these and other alloys, the removal of surface skin and
Downloaded by [Florida State University], [Gang Chen] at 11:43 13 July 2016
polishing is fast becoming a replacement process for pas- impurities enhances the corrosion resistant properties of
sivation, a chemical process that has been used for years the component.162
to help restore contaminated stainless steel to original The following figure shows type 303 stainless steel
corrosion specifications. The intent of passivation is to (Fig. 9). After a series of machining operations, the
parts needed to be decontaminated to remove imbedded
steel and other impurities.
Under 40× magnification using the SEM, the passi-
vated part is actually rougher, due to the chemical attack
of the 303 stainless steel by normal passivation. In con-
trast, the electropolished part is smooth and clean. By
carefully monitoring the amount and rate of metal
removal, electropolishing dissolves the surface skin and
its impurities, including impinged steel flecks and other
Surface improvements
The most noticeable benefit of electropolishing is that it
provides an immediate brightening of a metal finish.1
By eliminating or minimising stains, heat discolouration
and minor scratches, electropolishing can bring out the
metal’s natural shine, which enhances the appearance of
the piece. In addition, electropolishing offers remarkable
ultracleaning capabilities through the removal of rust,
imbedded scale and other foreign debris.163 This can be
accomplished without stressing the piece or negatively
affecting surface hardness and integrity. By removing sur-
face imperfections, electropolishing can increase the
piece’s resistance to corrosion. That is because the elimin-
ation of imperfections can prevent the moisture that leads
to corrosion from accumulation. In fact, some salt spray
tests have indicated that electropolished pieces experience
greater corrosion resistance than passivated and raw
parts. Electropolishing can also effectively remove the
microscopic peaks resulting from processes such as weld-
ing, forming and stamping.164 The reduction of microfin-
ish values and accompanying increases in surface
smoothness can be extremely beneficial in the production
of valves and gears.165 The ability of electropolishing to
remove surface metal from a part makes it extremely
effective in the elimination of edge breaks. That is why
electropolishing is often preferable to vibratory finishing
9 SEM images of the stainless steel Type 303 before (upper or tumbling for use on delicate parts. Because electropol-
panel), during (middle panel) and after (lower panel) elec- ishing creates a smooth, clean surface that promotes
tropolishing process adhesion, it is sometimes used to prepare surfaces for
processes such as e-coating, plating, welding and phenomenon. Based on chronical order, the electropolish-
anodising.166 ing theorem includes Jacquet’s theory (resistance effect),
Conventional mechanical finishing systems tend to Elmore’s theory (diffusion effect), Edwards’ theory
smear, bend, stress and even fracture the crystalline (acceptor theory), Hoar and Farthings’ theory (passiva-
metal surface to achieve smoothness or lustre. Electropol- tion theory) and Darmois’ theory (ionic adsorption
ishing offers the advantages of removing metal from the theory).
surface producing a unidirectional pattern that is both For obtaining a better electropolishing result, the work-
stress- and occlusion-free, microscopically smooth and piece surface usually needs both pre-treatment and post-
often highly reflective. Additionally, improved corrosion treatment. After electropolishing process, the surface
resistance and passivity are achieved on many ferrous finishes can be evaluated by various microscopic tech-
and nonferrous alloys. The process micro- and macro- niques, depending on the surface roughness (i.e. micro-
polishes the metal part and micro-polishing accounts for electropolishing or microelectropolishing) and the needs
the brightness and macro-polishing accounts for the on the scale to be observed. The merits of electropolishing
smoothness of the metal part.167 includes the improvement of the metal surface smooth-
Deburring is accomplished quickly because of the ness, appearances, the surface corrosion resistance,
higher current density on the burr, and because oxygen removal of the contaminations and refinement of the sur-
shields the valleys, enabling the constant exposure of the face oxidation layer. Some of the surface feature of the
tip of the burr. Because the metal part is bathed in oxygen, metallic workpiece cannot be obtained by using tra-
there is no hydrogen embrittlement to the part.168 In fact, ditional mechanical polishing methods. Nowadays, the
electropolishing is like a stress-relieve anneal. It will application of electropolishing is not restricted to the
Downloaded by [Florida State University], [Gang Chen] at 11:43 13 July 2016
remove hydrogen from the surface.169 This is important improvement of the metal surface appearance for decora-
to parts placed under torque. Another benefit is that bac- tion purpose. The merits of electropolishing find much
teria cannot successfully multiply on a surface devoid of broader applications in metallic facility fabrication in
hydrogen, therefore, electropolishing is ideal for medical, food, beverage, pharmaceutic, biomedicine, electronic,
pharmaceutical, semiconductor and food-processing semiconductor, automotive, aerospace and many other
equipment and parts.170 The combination of no direc- industries. As time goes on, the electropolishing will con-
tional lines due to mechanical finishing, plus a surface tinue to play a vitally important role in processing various
relatively devoid of hydrogen, results in a hygienically metal surface finishes.
clean surface where no bacteria or dirt can multiply or
Concluding remarks 1. D. Landolt: ‘Fundamental aspects of electropolishing’,
Electrochim. Acta, 1987, 32, 1–11.
Not new to the field of metal finishing, the electropolish- 2. M. Datta and D. Landolt: ‘Fundamental aspects and applications
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(15), 2535–2558.
used to remove the metal surface rough irregularities. 3. K. Saito: Proc. of the 2003 PAC. 462–466.
Electropolishing theory is easy to follow. However, there 4. K. B. Hensel: ‘Electropolishing’, Metal Finishing, 1999, 97,
are a lot of parameters that affect the workpiece surface 440–448.
current density and the subsequent electropolishing 5. W. Tegart: ‘The electrolytic and chemical polishing of metals’,
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type and amplitude, anode/cathode distance, etc. Those tal aspects and new developments’, Electrochim. Acta, 2003, 48,
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