Khieu 2020 R Minus G
Khieu 2020 R Minus G
Khieu 2020 R Minus G
Hoang Khieu(a)1
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
We investigate the e¤ects of the gap between the rate of return on wealth and
the growth rate, r g, on wealth inequality using a small open economy model
featuring heterogeneity in labour income and in the death rate. The heterogeneity
in the death rate implies di¤erent health types, which imply type dependence and
of the death rate features good-health types and if r g is su¢ ciently larger than a
positive threshold, which is increasing the dispersion of labour income. The share
of good-health types and the r g’s threshold in the Survey of Consumer Finances
consumption growth.
1 Introduction
[Motivation] Wealth inequality in most countries around the world is increasing and this rising
trend greatly concerns policy makers and scientists. It is probably fair to say that the recent
rise in scientists’interest in wealth inequality is due to the enormous public success of Piketty’s
(2014) book on “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”. Many outstanding economists were
Gutenburg School of Management and Economics, Jakob-Welder-Weg 4, 55131 Mainz, Germany, fax +
49.6131.39-25588, phone + 49.6131.39-22078, email [email protected]. I would like to thank Klaus Wälde
and seminar participants at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz for comments and discussions.
inspired by this success and reviewed the book focusing on various aspects of its …ndings
(e.g. Acemoglu and Robinson 2015; Mankiw 2015; Krusell and Smith 2015; Blume and Durlauf
It seems generally accepted that wealth inequality and its increase is driven by many factors
ranging from e.g. wage inequality and heterogeneity in interest rates and not ending with tax
and transfer policies (Card and Dinardo 2002; Benhabib, Bisin and Zhu 2011; Hubmer et
al. 2019). One hypothesis put forth by Piketty (2014, 2015a,b), which received particular in-
terest, is that a higher gap between the rate of return on wealth r and the growth rate g of
an economy “will tend to greatly amplify the steady-state inequality of a wealth distribution”
(Piketty 2015a, p. 49). The widely accepted intuition behind this conjecture is that higher
r g implies a higher growth rate of wealth relative to labour income, which results in in-
creasing wealth inequality, at least between capitalists and workers. The measure of wealth
the hypothesis comes from Piketty and Zucman (2015, ch. 15.5.4) who study the e¤ect in a
stochastic framework yielding a Pareto distribution. They …nd that “for a given variance of
shocks, steady-state wealth concentration is always a rising function of r g”(p. 1355). Their
analysis exploits the property that multiplicative random shocks generate Pareto distributions.2
Hubmer, Krusell, and Smith (2019) however argue that Piketty’s hypothesis “mostly applies for
the very richest”and that “to understand the bulk and other side of the wealth distribution”,
earnings heterogeneity is important. Acemoglu and Robinson (2015) exploit the panel data on
[The open questions] Most theoretical analyses so far have investigated the e¤ects of r g on
that the right tail of empirical wealth distributions obeys a Pareto tail, one well-known issue
Benhabib, Bisin and Zhu (2011) and Benhabib and Bisin (2018) also provide detailed background on Pareto
distributions generated from a model featuring multiplicative shocks.
(discussed e.g. by Atkinson (2017) in the context of income distribution) is where to …x the start
and the end of the right tail. For instance, only top 10% wealth share of the wealth distribution
Thus, it seems to be unclear at this point whether the e¤ect of the gap between r and g
Does “r minus g”also play a role in more general setups than those usually employed to obtain
Pareto distributions? And in such general frameworks, under which conditions does “r minus
[The objectives] It is the objective of this paper to provide a framework that allows to
study how the rate of return on wealth and the growth rate are related to the level of wealth
inequality. We want to work with a simple but ‡exible model that features distributions of
wealth (and labour income) which at the same time allows for obtaining analytically tractable
and empirically meaningful conditions for the e¤ect of r minus g (and other determinants) on
wealth inequality. This will help to formulate clearer predictions about conditions under which
[The setup] We consider a small open economy with free capital ‡ows and free trade. Time
is continuous. Firms produce a …nal good employing capital and labour. The price of capital
is given by a constant international interest rate. The domestic wage is given by the marginal
productivity of labour. Households supply labour inelastically and save according to the inter-
nationally given interest rate. There is ex-ante heterogeneity in wealth endowment and labour
productivity. Households draw their initial levels of wealth and labour productivity from given
implies labour income heterogeneity. There is ex-post uncertainty in the time of death. That
is, at any instant of time households face a constant instantaneous probability of death (a death
rate). Households independently draw the instantaneous probability of death from some dis-
tribution before becoming economically active. This captures ex-ante heterogeneity in health
condition (heath type hereafter). We then study an optimal consumption-saving problem con-
ditional on wealth endowment, labour productivity, and the draw of the death rate. Despite its
simplicity (or maybe because of it), this framework yields very sharp and empirically testable
predictions about when and with which strength the gap between the rate of return on wealth
and the growth rate matters for an increase in wealth inequality. We describe wealth inequality
[Findings] We analyze the e¤ects of the gap between the rate of return on wealth and the
growth rate, r g, on wealth inequality in a general framework that features any distributions
of wealth and labour income. Our …ndings on wealth inequality are therefore applicable for not
only Pareto distributions but also any empirical distributions. Our main contribution lies in
the demonstration of the important role of labour income heterogeneity for the e¤ects of the
In addition to the heterogeneity in labour income, the health types are crucial for the e¤ects
of r g on long run wealth inequality. They are de…ned by the death rate. Bad-health types
draw death rates higher than a threshold while the death rates of good-health types are below
the threshold. The death rate of the average-health type is equal to the threshold, which
implies consumption growth is equal to output growth. The higher the death rate, the lower
the growth rate of consumption. The bad-health types thus experience consumption growth
lower than output growth while consumption growth of the good-health types exceeds output
growth. Given a distribution of health types with a certain fraction of the good-health types,
long run wealth inequality is a U-shaped function of r g. Speci…cally, long run inequality …rst
an increase in r g causes long run wealth inequality to rise. Labour income heterogeneity
is important for the threshold of r g. In particular, the r g’s threshold increases in the
dispersion of labour income. This implies when labour income distribution is more dispersed,
long run wealth inequality reaches its minimum at a higher value of r g. In the absence of
labour income heterogeneity, long run wealth inequality is always a rising function of r g
Thus, an increase in the gap r g leads to increasing wealth inequality in the long run
under two conditions. First, the di¤erence r g is su¢ ciently larger than a positive threshold,
which is increasing the dispersion of labour income. Second, there exist good-health types that
experience consumption growth greater than output growth. The presence of good-health types
also helps to explain a stylized fact that most OECD countries experience consumption growth
higher than output growth over the long run (see Section 2). In addition to the dispersion
of labour income, the r g’s threshold also depends on the dispersion of wealth and on the
covariance between wealth and labour income. It is increasing in the covariance between wealth
and labour income if initial wealth is more equally distributed than initial labour income. When
initial wealth is more unequally distributed than initial labour income, the threshold falls as
the covariance between wealth and labour income rises. In particular, the covariance between
wealth and labour income is irrelevant for the threshold when initial wealth and initial labour
income imply an identical coe¢ cient of variation. Using the data on wealth and labour income
from the Survey of Consumer Finances 1989-2016, we …nd that the r g’s threshold is 4:4% on
average, which is empirically plausible. The mean rate of returns to wealth with capital gains
in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics for the years 1984, 1989, and 1994 is 7:92% (Cao and
Luo 2017). When taking into account the average growth rate of 2:6%, the di¤erence r g in
the data would be around a value of 5:32%. We calibrate the distribution of health types to
match the evolution of wealth inequality over the period 1989-2016 and …nd that the share of
In addition to the di¤erence between the rate of return on wealth and the growth rate, the
share of the best-health type is crucial for long run inequality. The best-health type draws the
smallest death rate and experiences the greatest growth rate of wealth (and consumption). In
the long run, the wealth share owned by this health type dominates the wealth share held by
other health types. Hence, the smaller the share of the best-health type, the greater the level of
long run inequality. We …nd that the share of the best-health type in the Survey of Consumer
Finances is 6:2%. This …nding is somewhat surprising, but there is a fact that about 64:6%
of total wealth are owned by top 5% wealth holders and that their wealth share is increasing
[Related literature] There has been a heated debate on the “r minus g hypothesis” that is
fueled by three main research approaches. First, from a theoretical perspective, many authors
have discussed the e¤ect of “r minus g”, mainly in neoclassical growth frameworks or in models
generating Pareto distributions. Mankiw (2015) questions the usefulness of Piketty’s proposal
to tax wealth. Mankiw employs an optimal growth model with capitalists and workers and
shows that in a steady state r > g “arises naturally” (p. 45) where r is the (before -tax) rate
of return on capital, and g is the rate of labor-augmenting technological change and thus the
steady-state growth rate. In such a steady state, a certain level of inequality arises but this level
is stable. He continues by showing that a positive tax on wealth would generally not increase
consumption of workers.
Jones (2014, 2015) nicely contrasts this …nding by pointing to the fact that “r minus g” is
not obviously linked to inequality in a neoclassical growth model. By contrast, models yielding
Pareto distributions are much more suitable to appreciate the “r minus g”e¤ect. He develops a
model economy in which there is no labour income and heterogeneity emerges through a birth-
death process. He shows that such an economy displays a steady-state Pareto distribution of
wealth whose Pareto measure of inequality rises in “r minus g”, where r is the rate of return on
capital and g is the growth rate of capital per person in steady state. It is fair to say, however,
that even in such an economy with a Pareto distribution, long run inequality is stable.
Benhabib and Bisin (2018) provide a comprehensive overview of both historical background
and modern economic mechanisms that allow to understand why wealth distributions are skewed
and have an upper thick tail. They only brie‡y mention the determinants of inequality and
the relation to r: Benhabib, Bisin, and Zhu (2011) analytically study the e¤ect of taxes on the
power tail of the wealth distribution. They show that higher taxes reduce wealth inequality as
From a quantitative perspective, there have been a number of papers that quantitatively
analyze the determinants of wealth inequality (Benhabib, Bisin and Luo 2017; Cao and Luo
2017; Khieu and Wälde 2018; Hubmer, Krusell, and Smith 2019). Khieu and Wälde (2018)
employ a framework featuring idiosyncratic risks to capital and labour income to match (almost
perfectly) the evolution of the wealth distribution of the NLSY79 cohort. They show that the
close-to-perfect …t is mainly attributed to the variations in capital returns. In line with this
…nding, Hubmer, Krusell, and Smith (2019) …nd that the observed variations in asset returns
are crucial for accounting for the observed U-shape of wealth inequality in the US over the
period 1967-2012. In connection with Piketty’s r g theory, these two papers share a view that
the growth rate g is less important than the rate of return r for explaining wealth inequality,
Third, from an empirical perspective, Acemoglu and Robinson (2015) exploit the cross-
country data for OECD countries to run a regression on inequality measured by top 1 percent
share of national income and …nd no clear correlation between r g and inequality. They
assume that all capital markets are open and all of the countries in the sample have the same
The major di¤erence between our approach and those in the existing literature consists in
our simplicity and generality. We work with a small open economy model in which the interest
rate is exogenously …xed. There is ex-ante uncertainty and ex-post probability of death. This is
a simplest possible framework that can feature wealth and income distributions. Our generality
…rst lies in the fact that our framework can feature not only Pareto distributions but also any
empirical distributions of wealth and labour income. Second, we analyze the e¤ects of the rate
of return on wealth and the growth rate on the entire distribution of wealth rather than focus
on speci…c moments. Third, we allow for idiosyncratic risks to labour income though these
[Structure of the paper] Section 2 presents stylized facts about consumption growth and
output growth in OECD countries followed by Section 3 presenting a growth model for a small
open economy that can explain these facts. The model features labour income heterogeneity,
health types, r g, and wealth inequality. Section 4 discusses the distribution of wealth and how
long run wealth inequality. Section 6 presents empirical evidence that supports the theoretical
2 Stylized facts
In this section, using the OECD database, we present two important stylized facts about
consumption growth and output growth. We acquire these data from the online database of
the organization. The time span is 1980-2018. We then compute the di¤erence between average
consumption growth and average output growth for various time sub-periods ending in 2018
and starting from 1980. The data reveal the following stylized facts.
2.1 Unequal consumption and output growth
Figure 1 below shows the di¤erence between average consumption growth and average output
growth for various time periods ending in 2018 (see …g. 6 in app. I for periods starting from
1980)3 . In periods that start from the 1980s and the 1990s, the sample size reduces due to
data availability. For example, there are 37 observations in period 2005-2018 while there are
10 observations in period 1980-2018. It can be seen from the …gure that the di¤erence between
consumption growth and output growth in periods 1980-2018, 1985-2018, and 1990-2018 is less
than 1%, whereas the di¤erence in periods 1995-2018, 2000-2018, and 2005-2018 is greater than
1980-2018 GBR
1985-2018 NOR GBR
0.5 CAN
0.5 CAN
-0.5 -0.5
-0.5 -0.5
2000-2018 NOR
2005-2018 NOR
-1 SVK
Figure 1 Di¤erence between average consumption growth and average output growth in
2.2 Consumption growth exceeds output growth over the long run
When we consider the average over all OECD countries, Figure 1 shows that average consump-
tion growth is greater than average output growth in all periods except short periods 2005-2018
and 1980-1990 (see …g. 6 in app. I). There are two possible reasons for the fact that consump-
tion growth exceeds output growth on average over all OECD countries. First, there are a few
dominant countries with a big gap between consumption growth and output growth. Second,
consumption grows faster than output in the majority of the country members. In order to
better understand this, we compute the fraction of countries experiencing consumption growth
higher than output growth fo each time period. Figure 2 shows that the fraction is increasing
in the length of time periods. For example, consumption grows faster than output in less than
half of the countries in periods 1980-1990, 1980-1995, 1980-2000, 2005-2018, and 2000-2018. In
longer periods 1980-2010, 1980-2015, 1980-2018, and 1985-2018, consumption growth is bigger
than output growth in approximately 70%-80% of the OECD countries. We therefore conclude
that most OECD countries experience consumption growth exceeding output growth over the
long run.
0.7 0.8
00 8
95 8
90 8
85 8
80 8
80 0
80 5
80 0
80 5
80 0
20 201
19 201
19 201
19 201
19 201
19 199
19 199
19 200
19 200
19 201
Figure 2 Fraction of OECD countries experiencing consumption growth higher than output
growth for various time periods ending in 2018 (left panel) and starting from 1980 (right
3 The model
is endowed with hi e¢ ciency units of labour that are supplied inelastically. There are free capital
and goods ‡ows across borders, but labour is immobile. Firms act under perfect competition
and employ capital in an international capital market. The rate of return on capital is given
by r. Time is continuous.
The representative …rm produces a …nal good Y (t) employing capital K (t) and total e¢ ciency
units of labour L = i=1 hi according to a Cobb-Douglas production function
where total factor productivity A (t) deterministically grows at a rate of gA > 0 according to4
The initial level of total factor productivity A0 is positively given. The …nal good is freely
traded across countries and its price is normalized to one. The …rm’s pro…t maximization
problem implies that the marginal productivity of capital is equal to the internationally given
rate of return r
K (t)
r = A (t) : (3)
See app. B for an extension in which we allow for knowledge spillovers.
The equilibrium wage is equal to the marginal productivity of labour
K (t)
wL (t) = (1 ) A (t) : (4)
As capital returns are constant, Equation (3) implies that the optimal domestic capital-
labour ratio evolves according to the evolution of total factor productivity A(t). This in turn
implies that the evolution of the equilibrium wage given by (4) is determined by changes in
total factor productivity A(t). The equilibrium wage rate and output therefore grow at the
1 1
where g = 1
; Y0 = r
A01 L and w0L = (1 ) A01 r
3.2 Households
Households own (save in) capital. Let us now consider one household and therefore suppress
the index i for convenience. A household supplies h e¢ ciency units of labour inelastically and
thereby receives a ‡ow of labour income w(t) = wL (t) h. The household draws the e¢ ciency
units of labour h from a distribution before she becomes economically active. Once drawn, h
The budget constraint of a household therefore describes the change in wealth (i.e. savings)
as the sum of capital income and labour income, ra (t) + w (t), minus consumption, c (t),
Adding a no-Ponzi game condition, we can write the corresponding intertemporal budget con-
Z 1 Z 1
rt (r g)t
e c(t)dt = a0 + w0 e dt; (9)
0 0
where a0 and w0 = w0L h are initial wealth and initial labour income, respectively. The intertem-
poral budget constraint (9) shows that the present value of lifetime consumption must be equal
to initial wealth plus the present value of lifetime labour income. The household draws a0 from
a distribution before she becomes economically active. This captures the ex-ante heterogeneity
in …nancial background of parents. It can also be interpreted as the idiosyncratic risk to wealth
endowment. The distribution of initial wealth a0 can admit any cross-sectional distribution
of wealth. As the household draws the e¢ ciency units of labour h from a distribution, initial
labour income w0 obeys a distribution as well. This captures the ex-ante heterogeneity in la-
bour productivity/income or the idiosyncratic risk to initial labour income. We assume that
a household who draws a high level of initial wealth a0 is likely to draw a high level of labour
productivity h and therefore a high level of initial labour income w0 . This captures the fact that
children born in wealthy families are relatively more educated and therefore are more likely to
…nd high-paying jobs. Beyond ex-ante uncertainty in initial wealth and labour income, there
is also ex-post uncertainty in the time of death as in the perpetual youth model of Blanchard
(1985) building on Yaari (1965). Death is a Poisson process with an arrival rate > 0. The
time. We assume the death rate is drawn from some distribution before the household be-
comes economically active; this captures the ex-ante heterogeneity in health condition. Once
drawn, the death rate remains constant over the household’s life cycle.
Our model therefore di¤ers from that in Jones (2015) in three directions. First, we allow
for growing labour income. Second, our heterogeneity stems from the initial distributions while
Jones (2015) assumes heterogeneity through a birth-death process and redistribution. Third,
we allow for the heterogeneity in labour income and in the death rate. We di¤er from Piketty
and Zucman (2015) in the second and third direction. These deviations allow us to be very
‡exible and general. In particular, our framework allows for understanding the e¤ect of “r
minus g”on wealth inequality under any distributions of wealth and labour income.
The probability that the household is still alive at time t conditional on being alive at time
t = 0 is given by
p(t) = e : (10)
The household downweighs the utility she receives by this probability of being alive. The
Z 1
(~+ )t
U (0) = e u (c(t)) dt; (11)
where ~ > 0 is the time preference rate. Denote := ~ + as the e¤ective time preference rate,
which shows that the household discounts the future more strongly in the presence of death
substitution with a parameter
< c(t)
1 1
; > 0; 6= 1;
u(c (t)) = (12)
:ln(c(t)); = 1:
3.2.1 Optimal behaviour
The household chooses consumption after endowment (a0 ; w0 ) and the death rate have real-
ized to maximize the intertemporal utility (11) taking into account the equilibrium wage (7)
and the budget constraint (8). This implies a deterministic maximization problem with the
(1 )r w (t)
c (t) = a (t) + : (13)
r g
Consumption is a constant share of the sum of …nancial wealth and the present value of labour
This equation makes economic sense if we make the following assumptions. First, we expect
a non-negative present value of labour income. This requires the interest rate to be greater
r > g: (14)
This is actually a boundedness condition for the intertemporal budget constraint to deliver a
…nite present value of labour income. Second, we also expect that consumption is increasing in
>1 : (15)
This condition shows that when the intertemporal elasticity of substitution is greater than one,
i.e. > 1, the e¤ective time preference rate must be su¢ ciently high compared to the
interest rate r. When the intertemporal elasticity of substitution is less than or equal to one,
i.e. 1, this condition always holds. Third, we expect a positive value of consumption,
and we …nd the following natural borrowing constraint (Aiyagari 1994) for any t 0;
w (t)
a (t) > anat : (16)
r g
The optimal growth rate of consumption which is resulted from this maximization problem,
and which is consistent with the solution from (13), is given by the Keynes-Ramsey rule
c_ (t) r
= gc: (17)
c (t)
Given optimal consumption from (13), the evolution of wealth can be determined by solving
the dynamic budget constraint (8). Wealth a (t) for any t is given by (see app. E for derivation)
w0 g c ]t c
a(t) = a0 + 1 e[g eg t : (18)
r g
Initial endowment a0 and w0 in addition to the rate of return and the growth processes of the
wage and consumption …x the wealth level of the household for future point t in time.
Given initial wealth a0 , (18) shows that there are two e¤ects of the growth processes on
wealth at any point t in time: additive e¤ect and scale e¤ect. Speci…cally, initial wealth is
w0 g c ]t
…rst added up by r g
1 e[g . Second, initial wealth plus the additive e¤ect is scaled
by the ratio of consumption at time t to initial consumption, i.e. c(t)=c0 eg t . Thus, the
additive e¤ect depends on the di¤erence between wage growth and consumption growth while
the scale e¤ect is determined by consumption growth only. When g = g c holds, the additive
e¤ect vanishes. When g > g c holds, the “additive e¤ect” becomes negative. When g c > g
holds, (18) can be rewritten as
w0 1 g c ]t c
a(t) = a0 + 1 e[g (g c g) eg t : (19)
r g gc g
R1 g c ]t
As 0
1 e[g (g c g) dt = 1 holds, (19) shows that the size of the additive e¤ect is equal
g c ]t
to a certain fraction, 1 e[g (g c g), of lifetime labour income adjusted by the inverse of
w0 1
the di¤erence between consumption growth and output growth, r g gc g
The dynamics of consumption and wealth depend on the household’s health type, which is
determined by the death rate relative to the rate of return, output growth, and preferences.
Our household …nds themself as a bad-health type when the death rate is su¢ ciently high so
that it satis…es5
>r (~ + g) ; (20)
which is equivalent to r < (~ + ) + g. As the interest rate is lower than the growth-adjusted
time preference rate, the household dissaves. Wealth and therefore consumption decrease over
time, which justi…es the negative “additive e¤ect”mentioned above. The condition (20) implies
that consumption growth of a bad-health-type household is lower than output growth, i.e.
g c < g.
The household is considered as the average-health type when the death rate is as high as
=r (~ + g) . (21)
In this case, the interest rate is equal to the growth-adjusted time preference rate, i.e. r =
e¤ect on wealth is equal to zero.
Our household …nds themself as a good-health type when the death rate is as low as
<r (~ + g) ; (22)
which is equivalent to r > (~ + ) + g.6 In this case, the hosuehold has an incentive to save
since the interest rate is higher than the growth-adjusted time preference rate. Wealth increases
due to both additive e¤ect and scale e¤ect. Condition (22) implies that consumption growth
The health types can therefore help to explain the stylized facts presented in Section 2. In
a model featuring a su¢ ciently large share of good-health types that experience consumption
growth higher than output growth, the growth rate of aggregate consumption would be greater
than the growth rate of output. Obviously, in the absence of good-health types, aggregate
consumption growth does not exceed output growth. This however does not mean that balanced
consumption and output growth implies the non-existence of good-health types. When the
share of good-health types is su¢ ciently small, aggregate consumption growth and output
growth might be identical. This demonstrates the ‡exibility of the model in explaining the
We are now in a position to understand the evolution of the distribution of wealth. When a0 ,
h, and in (18) are drawn from a distribution, then a (t) obeys a distribution as well.7 There
This condition implies an “exploding regime” of interest rate as described in Benhabib and Bisin’s (2018).
This exploding regime is crucial for producing a fat right tail of the wealth distribution.
The death rate and labour productivity h appear in the evolution of wealth through consumption growth
gc = r ( ~+ ) and labour income w0 = hw0L , respectively.
are two interpretations one can give to this distribution of a (t). First, it is the distribution of
wealth of a household for some future point t in time when the household has not yet drawn her
endowment (a0 ; h) and the death rate : Second, when there are many households that draw
(a0 ; h) and independently from some initial distribution, then the distribution of a (t) is the
cross-sectional distribution of wealth for households in t. We adopt the second view here.8
Let us now assume that the realizations of the death rate can be either 1, 2, 3 ,..., or M,
1 < M < 1, with corresponding probabilities 1, 2, 3 ,..., or M, where j < j+1 for any
j 2 Hn fM g f1; :::; M g n fM g and j=1 j = 1. We may write the expected wealth and the
E [a(t)] = E [a(t)j = j] j, (23)
var [a (t)] = var [a(t)j = j] j + var [E [a(t)j ]] , (24)
where the …rst term of the right hand side of (24) captures uncertainty in wealth endowment
and labour productivity while the second term captures randomness in the death rate. The
e[g gjc ]t
w0 c
E [a(t)j = j] = a0 + 1 egj t , (25)
r g
2 2
e[g gj ]t e[g gjc ]t
w0 c a0 w 0 c
var [a(t)j = j] = 2
a0 + 2 1 +2 1 e2gj t , (26)
(r g) r g
2 !2 3
2 X M X
w0 c c
var [E [a(t)j ]] = a0 + 4 e2gj t j egj t j
5, (27)
r g j=1 j=1
2 2
where a0 Ea0 , w0 Ew0 , a0 vara0 , w0 varw0 , a0 w 0 cov(a0 ; w0 ) > 0, and gjc
r (~+ j)
. The covariance between initial wealth and initial labour income a0 w 0 is positive as
Bayer, Rendall, and Wälde (2019) made the …rst attempt to provide an interpretation to the wealth distri-
bution of an individual as a cross-sectional distribution of wealth for a small open economy.
See app. F for the derivation of var[E [a(t)j ]].
it is assumed that a household that draws a high value of initial wealth a0 is likely to draw
verify that g1c > g2c >; :::; > gM . The …rst moment of our cross-sectional distribution of wealth
e[g gjc ]t
w0 c
a (t) = a0 + 1 egj t j , (28a)
r g
where a (t) E [a (t)]. As most of the empirical cross-sectional distributions of wealth and
labour income have positive mean, we assume a0 > 0, w0 > 0, and a (t) > 0 for any t > 0.
Average wealth is determined by average initial wealth and average initial income plus the
growth rates g and gjc plus the interest rate plus the distribution of the death rate. Similarly,
M 2 2
e[g gjc ]t
e[g gjc ]t
w0 a0 w 0 c
a (t) = 2
a0 + 2 1 +2 1 e2gj t j
(r g) r g
2 !2 3
2 XM
+ a0 + 4 e2gj t j egj t j
r g j=1 j=1
where a (t) var[a (t)]. The coe¢ cient of variation for our distribution of wealth is given by
u P
u M 2 2
e[g gjc ]t
e[g gjc ]t c
u j=1 2
a0 + w0
2 1 +2 a0 w0
1 e2gj t j
u (r g) r g
t 2 PM c PM c 2
p + a0 + w0
j=1 e2gj t j j=1 egj t j
var [a (t)] r g
CVa (t) = PM h i :
E [a (t)]
j=1 a0 + w0
r g
1 e[g gjc ]t
egjc t
Given the distributions of initial wealth, initial labour income, and the death rate, a change
in the coe¢ cient of variation is due to changes in both the standard deviation and the mean.
In particular, when the standard deviation rises relative to the mean, the coe¢ cient of vari-
ation rises. Hence, we measure wealth inequality by the coe¢ cient of variation.10 One typical
wealth of all individuals grows at a same rate. As the mean of the distribution of wealth at
We now study the e¤ect of the interest rate r; the growth rate g, the di¤erence r g, and
initial conditions on long run wealth inequality. The long run in our setup is when time goes
to in…nity. The coe¢ cient of variation (28b) shows that wealth inequality arises due to three
death rate (or health condition). In order to gain a better intuition for the …nal results, we
proceed by adding up every source of heterogeneity. We start with the heterogeneity in the
When households draw wealth endowment and labour productivity from (univariate) degenerate
2 2
distributions, i.e. a0 = 0, w0 = 0, and a0 w 0 = 0, the coe¢ cient of variation from (28b)
collapses to r
PM 2gj t c PM c
gj t
a0 + r g j=1 e j j=1 e j
CVa (t) = PM h i c : (29)
e[g gj ]t egj t j
w0 c
j=1 a0 + r g
The following proposition provides the level of wealth inequality in the long run and shows how
there exists a k, 1<k M , such that gkc = g. (i) There exists a stationary coe¢ cient of
See Allison (1978) for discussion of other measures of inequality.
variation in the long run, i.e.
1 1
lim CVa (t) = : (30)
t!1 1
(ii) Inequality measured by the coe¢ cient of variation is decreasing in 1 but is independent of
r g.
Good-health types experience positive additive e¤ect and therefore accumulate wealth over
time. Bad-health types dissave as they experience negative additive e¤ect. Among good-health-
type households, the households that draw the smallest death rate experience the greatest scale
e¤ect on wealth and therefore accumulate wealth fastest. This health type is considered as the
best-health type. In the long run, the wealth share owned by this best-health type dominates
the wealth share of the other health types. Thus, long run wealth inequality is determined by
the share of the best-health type, 1, relative to the share of the other health types, 1 1,
as shown in (30). The lower the share of the best-health type, the higher the level of long run
wealth inequality.
We now allow for labour income heterogeneity and assume initial wealth is drawn from a
univariate degenerate distribution, i.e. a0 = 0. The covariance between wealth and labour
income is therefore equal to zero, i.e. a0 w 0 = 0. The coe¢ cient of variation is given by
PM 2 2 2 PM PM 2
e[g gjc ]t c c c
j=1 (r g)2 1 e2gj t j + a0 + r g
j=1 e2gj t j j=1 egj t j
CVa (t) = PM h i ;
e[g gjc ]t c
j=1 a0 + r g
1 egj t j
which shows that wealth inequality arises due to the heterogeneity in labour income and in
the death rate. Long run wealth inequality and its determinants are revealed in the following
there exists a k, 1<k M , such that gkc = g. (i) There exists a stationary coe¢ cient of
u 2
u w0
1 1
u (r g)2 1
lim CVa (t) = t 2 + : (32)
t!1 w0 1 1
a0 + r g
Compared to the level of long run wealth inequality from (30), wealth inequality given
by (32) is further ampli…ed due to the heterogeneity in labour income. As discussed above,
long run wealth inequality is characterized by the best-health type, which experiences positive
additive e¤ect and the greatest scale e¤ect on wealth accumulation. Since the best-health-type
households all draw the smallest death rate, they experience identical scale e¤ect. Therefore,
it is the additive e¤ect on wealth accumulation that determines long run wealth inequality
The size of the additive e¤ect in the long run is equal to the present value of lifetime labour
income w0 =(r g). An increase in r g leads to decreasing additive e¤ect on wealth across
households. This simultaneously causes both the average wealth and the variance of wealth in
the long run to fall. When initial wealth is positive, the decreasing e¤ect of r g is weaker on
long run average wealth than on the standard deviation of wealth in the long run. This results
in decreasing wealth inequality in the long run. The following corollary provides the level of
Corollary 1 Assume initial wealth is equal to zero. (i) The coe¢ cient of variation in the long
run reads
w0 1 1 1
lim CVa (t) = + : (33)
t!1 w0 1 1
In this case, the decreasing e¤ects of r g on the average wealth and on the standard
deviation of wealth are of equal size. The e¤ects of r g on long run inequality are therefore
neutralized. Hence, heterogeneity in labour income alone is not su¢ cient to translate the e¤ects
of r g on long run wealth inequality. Positive initial wealth is necessary. The following corollary
provides the mechanism through which increasing the di¤erence r g leads to decreasing wealth
Corollary 2 An increase in the di¤erence between the rate of return on wealth and the growth
rate leads to decreasing wealth inequality in the long run due to the heterogeneity in labour
Increasing the gap r g tends to shift the wealth distribution to the left due to decreasing
additive e¤ect on wealth accumulation. This tends to lower the average wealth as a result.
As the additive e¤ect di¤ers across households due to labour income heterogeneity, households
earning high labour income experience stronger (decreasing) e¤ect than those earning low labour
income. This produces a decreasing e¤ect on the standard deviation of wealth. When wealth
endowment is zero, these two e¤ects are cancelled out as shown in Corollary 1, leaving long
run wealth inequality unchanged. When households are endowed with positive wealth, this
increases the average wealth but has no e¤ect on the variance of wealth since wealth endowment
is deterministic. In e¤ect, the decreasing e¤ect of the di¤erence r g is stronger on the standard
deviation of wealth than on the average wealth. The e¤ect of r g on wealth inequality through
the scale e¤ect is neutralized since wealth inequality is measured by the coe¢ cient of variation.
Overall, wealth inequality in the long run falls due to decreasing additive e¤ect.
Lemma 1 The greater the dispersion index of labour income, w0 = w0 , the stronger the de-
Proposition 1 shows that the di¤erence r g has no e¤ect on long run inequality in the
absence of heterogeneity in labour income and in wealth endowment. In the presence of la-
bour income heterogeneity, Proposition 2 shows that r g has a decreasing e¤ect on long run
inequality. A direct implication therefore is the more households di¤er in labour income, the
stronger the decreasing e¤ect of r g on long run inequality. The degree of heterogeneity can
When we allow for heterogeneity in wealth endowment and abstract from labour income het-
PM c
2 2gj t
2 PM c PM c 2
j=1 a0 e j + a0 + w0
r g j=1 e2gj t j j=1 egj t j
which shows that wealth inequality arises due to the heterogeneity in wealth endowment and
in the death rate. The following proposition pins down long run wealth inequality and its
there exists a k, 1<k M , such that gkc = g. (i) There exists a stationary coe¢ cient of
u 2
1 1
lim CVa (t) = u a0 1
t 2 + : (35)
t!1 w0 1 1
a0 + r g
(ii) Inequality measured by the coe¢ cient of variation is increasing in r g.
As discussed in Section 5.2, it is the best-health type that characterizes wealth inequality
in the long run. Since the best-health type experiences identical scale e¤ect, the additive e¤ect
on wealth accumulation matters for long run wealth inequality. Increasing the di¤erence r g
causes the average wealth to decrease as the additive e¤ect is weaker. Since the additive e¤ect is
identical across households (due to identical labour income), this leaves the variance of wealth
unchanged. The coe¢ cient of variation declines as a result. The following corollary shows how
Corollary 3 Assume labour income is zero. (i) The coe¢ cient of variation in the long run
a0 1 1 1
lim CVa (t) = + : (36)
t!1 a0 1 1
When labour income is zero, the additive e¤ect is zero. This switches o¤ the e¤ect of r g
on the wealth distribution in the long run. Thus, heterogeneity in wealth endowment alone is
not su¢ cient to translate the e¤ects of r g on long run wealth inequality. Positive labour
income is necessary.
Corollary 4 An increase in the di¤erence between the rate of return on wealth and the growth
rate leads to increasing wealth inequality in the long run due to the heterogeneity in wealth
Corollary 3 shows that the di¤erence r g has no e¤ect on long run wealth inequality in
the absence of labour income as the additive e¤ect on wealth accumulation disappears. When
labour income is in place, so is the additive e¤ect. An increase in r g tends to shift the wealth
distribution to the left since the additive e¤ect decreases. As the additive e¤ect is identical
across households, this tends to lower the average wealth but leaves the variance of wealth
unchanged. Since wealth inequality is measured by the coe¢ cient of variation, the e¤ect of
r g on the wealth distribution through the scale e¤ect is neutralized. In e¤ect, long run
Lemma 2 The higher the dispersion index of wealth endowment, a0 = a0 , the stronger the
In the absence of heterogeneity in wealth endowment and in labour income, long run inequal-
in wealth endowment is in place, Proposition 3 shows that long run inequality is increasing in
We now allow for all sources of heterogeneity but assume independence between wealth and
u PM
u 2 2
e[g gjc ]t c
u j=1
a0 + w0
2 1 e2gj t j
u (r g)
t 2 PM c PM c 2
+ a0 + w0
r g j=1 e2gj t j j=1 egj t j
CVa (t) = PM h i : (37)
j=1 a0 + w0
r g
1 e[g gjc ]t
e gjc t
At any point t in time, wealth inequality is determined by the heterogeneity in wealth endow-
ment, labour income, and the death rate, and by all the primitive parameters. The following
proposition provides the level of wealth inequality and its determinants in the long run.
Proposition 4 Consider a small open economy populated by M 2 health types. Assume
there exists a k, 1<k M , such that gkc = g. (i) There exists a stationary coe¢ cient of
u 2
u 2 + w0
1 1
u a0 (r g)2 1
lim CVa (t) = t 2 + : (38)
t!1 w0 1 1
a0 + r g
(ii) Long run wealth inequality measured by the coe¢ cient of variation rises in r g if the gap
d w0 = w0
lim CVa (t) > 0 , r g> 2
: (39)
d (r g) t!1 a0 = a0
r g< : (40)
The distributions of initial wealth and labour income, the share of the best-health type, and
the di¤erence between the rate of return on wealth and the growth rate …x the level of wealth
inequality in the long run. One can easily verify that long run wealth inequality from (38) is
Section 5.1 shows that the di¤erence between the rate of return on wealth and the growth
rate has no e¤ect on long run wealth inequality in the absence of heterogeneity in wealth
endowment and in labour income. In Section 5.2, when labour income heterogeneity is allowed
for, the di¤erence r g produces decreasing e¤ect on long run wealth inequality. The more
dispersed the distribution of labour income, the stronger the (decreasing) e¤ect of r g on
long run inequality. In Section 5.3, when labour income heterogeneity is abstracted and the
heterogeneity in wealth endowment is in place, an increase in the di¤erence r g leads to rising
long run wealth inequality. The more dispersed the distribution of initial wealth, the stronger
An increase in the di¤erence r g therefore has two opposite e¤ects on long run wealth
inequality when all sources of heterogeneity are in place. First, it causes long run inequality to
decrease through the heterogeneity in labour income. Second, it leads to rising inequality in
the long run through the heterogeneity in wealth endowment. These two opposite e¤ects imply
a threshold of r g above which increasing the di¤erence r g leads to rising wealth inequality,
and below which long run wealth inequality falls as the gap r g gets larger. A higher (lower)
threshold means the …rst e¤ect is relatively stronger (weaker) than the second one because
the range within which long run inequality is decreasing in r g is larger (smaller). Such a
threshold of r g therefore increases in the dispersion of labour income since the more dispersed
the distribution of labour income, the stronger the …rst e¤ect. The threshold is decreasing in
the dispersion of initial wealth since the more dispersed the distribution of initial wealth, the
We now turn to the full model to have a full picture of the conjectured relationship between
r g and long run wealth inequality. The evolution of wealth and the coe¢ cient of variation
in the full model are respectively given by (18) and (28b). To obtain meaningful results, we
Assumption 1 The dispersion index of the initial wealth distribution is greater than that of
2 2
a0 w0
> :
a0 w0
Assumption 2 The dispersion index of the initial wealth distribution is greater than the ratio
of the covariance between initial wealth and initial labour income to the average initial labour
income, i.e.
a0 a0 w 0
> :
a0 w0
These assumptions are strongly supported by the empirical evidence that wealth distribu-
tions are more dispersed than labour income distributions (see section 6.1). The following
proposition provides the level of long run wealth inequality and its determinants.
there exists a k, 1<k M , such that gkc = g. (i) There exists a stationary coe¢ cient of
u 2
u 2 + w0
+2 a0 w0
1 1
u a0 (r g)2 r g 1
lim CVa (t) = t 2 + : (41)
t!1 w0 1 1
a0 + r g
(ii) Long run wealth inequality measured by the coe¢ cient of variation rises in r g if the gap
d w0 = w0 a0 w 0 = a0
lim CVa (t) > 0 , r g> 2
: (42)
d (r g) t!1 a0 = a0 a0 w 0 = w 0
r g< : (43)
The distributions of initial wealth and labour income, their covariance, the share of the
best-health-type households, and the gap r g …x long run wealth inequality. Similar to the
case of independence between wealth and labour income, there are two opposite e¤ects of r g
on long run wealth inequality given by the coe¢ cient of variation (41): the …rst e¤ect causes
long run inequality to decrease through the heterogeneity in labour income while the second
e¤ect leads to rising long run inequality through the heterogeneity in wealth endowment. When
the di¤erence r g is greater than the threshold , the …rst e¤ect is dominated, leading to
the di¤erence r g is less than the threshold . A higher dispersion index of labour income
strengthens the …rst e¤ect while the second e¤ect is stronger as wealth endowment is more
dispersed. This justi…es why the r g’s threshold, , is increasing in the dispersion of labour
2 2
income, w0 = w0 , but decreasing in the dispersion of wealth endowment, a0 = a0 .
What are the e¤ects of the covariance between wealth and labour income on long run
inequality and on the r g’s threshold? Comparing (38) and (41), it can be seen that the
covariance between wealth and labour income further ampli…es long run wealth inequality.
This is because the e¤ect of labour income on wealth accumulation is additive. The correlation
between initial wealth and initial labour income therefore ampli…es the variance of wealth in
To understand the e¤ect of the covariance between wealth and labour income on the r g’s
threshold, one could compare the threshold in the absence of the covariance with that in
presence of the covariance, i.e. compare and . If < holds, then the covariance
between wealth and labour income strengthens the increasing e¤ect of r g. By contrast, if
> holds, then the covariance weakens the increasing e¤ect of r g. If is equal to ,
the covariance between wealth and labour income is irrelevant for the r g’s threshold. The
Proposition 6 (Covariance between wealth and labour income and the r g’s threshold)
(i) If CVa0 > CVw0 holds, the r g’s threshold is strictly positive and smaller than the ratio
of the dispersion index of the initial labour income distribution to that of the initial wealth
2 2
distribution, i.e. 2 0; w0 = w0 = a0 = a0 .
(ii) If CVa0 < CVw0 holds, the r g’s threshold is greater than the ratio of the dispersion
index of the initial labour income distribution to that of the initial wealth distribution, i.e.
w0 = w0
> 2 .
a0 = a0
(iii) If CVa0 = CVw0 holds, the r g’s threshold is equal to the ratio of the dispersion index of
w0 = w0
the initial labour income distribution to that of the initial wealth distribution, i.e. = 2 .
a0 = a0
Thus, the e¤ects of the covariance between initial wealth and initial labour income on the
r g’s threshold depend on the distributions of initial wealth and initial labour income. When
initial wealth is more unequally distributed than initial labour income, i.e. CVa0 > CVw0 , is
less than , i.e. the covariance between initial wealth and initial labour income strengthens
the increasing e¤ect of r g on long run wealth inequality. By contrast, when initial labour
income is more unequally distributed, i.e. CVa0 < CVw0 , the covariance between wealth and
labour income weakens the increasing e¤ect of r g since it increases the r g’s threshold,
i.e. > . When the coe¢ cients of variation of the distributions of initial wealth and initial
labour income are identical, the covariance between wealth and labour income has no in‡uence
That the mechanisms through which the di¤erence r g produces (decreasing and increasing)
e¤ects on long run wealth inequality have been understood, the following proposition provides
conditions under which increasing the di¤erence between the rate of return on wealth and the
(ii) there exist good-health types that experience consumption growth higher than output growth.
The rate of return on wealth r in our setup is perceived as an after-tax rate of return, i.e.
r = r~ , where r~ and are the gross rate of return and the tax rate, respectively. Thus, a
suggests a necessary condition under which a wealth tax produces desirable e¤ects, i.e. reduce
long run inequality. That is the rate of return on wealth must be su¢ ciently higher than the
growth rate.
6 Empirical evidence
Proposition 7 provides two conditions under which increasing the di¤erence between the rate
of return on wealth and the growth rate leads to rising wealth inequality in the long run. In
We compute the r g’s threshold using the data on wealth and labour income extracted from
the Survey of Consumer Finances 1989-2016. Let us …rst check the validity of Assumption 1
and Assumption 2. Figure 3 shows that the dispersion indices of wealth are much higher than
those of labour income and are also much higher than the ratios of the covariance between
wealth and labour income to average labour income. Since the assumptions are validated, the
200 a a
w w
100 /
aw w
19 9
19 2
19 5
20 8
20 1
20 4
20 7
20 0
20 3
Figure 3 The dispersion indices of wealth and labour income in the Survey of Consumer
Finances 1989-2016 (wealth and labour income expressed in million US$ in 2016 prices)
The second row of Table 1 shows that the threshold above which an increase in r g leads to
increasing wealth inequality ranges from 0:8% to 15:4%. The (unweighted) average threshold
is 4:4%.11 Cao and Luo (2017) compute returns to wealth from the Panel Study of Income
Dynamics and report that the mean rates of (annualized) returns on wealth with and without
capital gains are 7:92% and 5:94%, respectively. When we take the rate of return on wealth
with capital gains and the average growth rate of 2:6% (see Table 2) into account, the di¤erence
r g in the data would be around a value of 5:32%. This demonstrates the empirical plausibility
Table 1 The empirical thresholds of r g and the coe¢ cients of variation of wealth and
labour income
1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016
1.3% 0.8% 4.1% 2.8% 1.8% 9.3% 2.4% 15.4% 1.0% 4.7%
1.7% 1.0% 3.5% 2.6% 1.8% 6.2% 2.1% 8.1% 1.1% 3.4%
CVa 4.2 6.2 5.3 5.0 4.4 4.3 4.6 5.9 6.0 5.7
CVw 3.2 4.6 6.4 5.5 4.4 8.0 5.7 12.0 5.3 9.3
Piketty (2014) states that “the central value...” of r g “...observed over the long run is 4 5 percent a
year” (p.143).
Though the dispersion indices of wealth are signigicantly higher than those of labour income,
the coe¢ cients of variation of wealth (the fourth row) are not always greater than those of
labour income (the last row). This is because the dispersion index is scale-dependent while the
coe¢ cient of variation is scale-independent. This justi…es why the r g’s threshold is mostly
larger in the presence of the correlation between wealth and labour income (second row) than
in the absence of it (third row). The covariance between wealth and labour income in the data
Section 2 presented a stylized fact that consumption growth exceeds output growth over the
long run in most OECD countries. Though it su¢ ces to show the existence of good-health
types that experience consumption growth higher than output growth, it is of great interest
to calibrate the share of the good-health types in the Survey of Consumer Finances. Also, as
long run wealth inequality depends on the share of the best-health type, it is natural to ask
how large it is. The health types in the model imply di¤erent growth rates of consumption and
wealth across types and individuals, which then implies type dependence and scale dependence
(Gabaix et al. 2016). In this section, we calibrate the distribution of health types to match
the evolution of wealth inequality in the US measured by the coe¢ cient of variation. In our
The time preference rate ~ and the intertemporal elasticity of substitution are set equal
to 1% and 1, respectively. The growth rate g is set equal to the average annual growth rate based
on the data presented in Section 2. Consumption growth rates of the worst-health type and
the best-health type are set respectively equal to the lowest and highest rates of consumption
growth in the data. We set the rate of return on wealth r to 7:92% as reported by Cao and Luo
Di¤erent health types are de…ned by di¤erent death rates, which imply di¤erent rates of consumption
(2017)13 . We choose the shares of health types (the distribution of health types) to match the
coe¢ cient of variation for wealth in 2016 using the coe¢ cients of variation for wealth and labour
income in 1989 as initial conditions. In e¤ect, we solve the following minimization problem
where CVamodel (2016) is given from (28b) and CVadata (2016) is given from Table 1. We iterate
the calibration exercise for M = 2; 4; :::; 100. In the calibration, we always allow for the average-
health type, bad-health types, and good-health types. When M = 2, there are a good-health
type and the average-health type only. The optimal number of health types is the one that
produces the smallest absolute value of the di¤erence betwen the coe¢ cient of variation in the
Table 2 Parameterization
Intertemporal elasticity of subsitution 1
~ Discount rate 1%
gM Consumption growth rate of the worst-health type 1:3%
With 12 health types (6 bad-health types, 5 good-health types, and the average-health
type), the model …ts the empirical coe¢ cient of variation in 2016 perfectly (see Figure 5 in
This is the annualized rate of return on wealth with capital gains (Cao and Luo 2017 , …g. 1).
app. H for detail)14 . Table 2 shows that the share of the best-health type that dominates the
other health types in the long run is 6:2% (the asterisk in Figure 4). This …nding is somewhat
surprising, but there is empirical evidence that top 5% wealth holders own approximately 64:6%
of total wealth, and that their wealth share is rising (Saez and Zucman 2016). The share of
Figure 4 displays the health types characterized by consumption growth rates and their cor-
responding share. The circle in the graph represents the average-health type that experiences
consumption growth rate of 2:6% (as high as the growth rate). The growth rates of consump-
tion of bad-health types range between 1:3% and 2:6% while good-health types experience
average-health type
share of health types
best-health type
-0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06
health types by consumption growth
This paper uncovers the e¤ects of the di¤erence between the rate of return on wealth and the
growth rate on long run wealth inequality for a small open economy. Households draw initial
wealth and initial labour income from given distributions and face a constant instantaneous
probability of death. The death rate is also drawn from a distribution, which catures ex-ante
This perfect …t is not surprising as the health types imply type dependence and scale dependence that
generate fast transitions (Gabaix et al. 2016).
heterogeneity in health condition. The realized death rate of a bad-health type is lower than a
threshold while a good-health type draws a death rate higher than the threshold. The death
rate of the average-health type is equal to the threshold, which implies consumption growth
equal to output growth. Thus, the bad-health types experience consumption growth lower
than output growth while consumption growth of the good-health types is greater than output
Households accumulate wealth according to two e¤ects: additive e¤ect and scale e¤ect.
The additive e¤ect depends on labour income and therefore di¤ers across households. The
scale e¤ect is related to consumption growth and is identical across households that draw an
identical death rate. The best-health-type households draw the smallest death rate and hence
experience the biggest scale e¤ect on wealth. These households therefore experience fastest
wealth accumulation, and their wealth share dominates the wealth share of other households in
the long run. Thus, long run wealth inequality is characterized by the best-health type. These
households draw the lowest death rate and therefore experience identical scale e¤ect on wealth
coe¢ cient of variation which is scale-independent, only the additive e¤ect matters for long run
wealth inequality.
The additive e¤ect in the long run is equal to the present value of lifetime labour income.
An increase in r g reduces the additive e¤ect, which causes two simultaneous e¤ects on long
run wealth inequality. First, it leads to decreasing long run inequality due to the heterogeneity
in labour income. Second, it leads to rising long run inequality due to the heterogeneity in
wealth endowment. The more dispersed the distribution of labour income, the stronger the
…rst e¤ect. A higher dispersion index of the initial wealth distribution strengthens the second
e¤ect. We …nd a positive threshold of r g, above which long run wealth inequality is a rising
function r g. The threshold is increasing the dispersion of labour income but decreasing in
the dispersion of wealth endowment.
In addition to the dispersion indices of labour income and wealth endowment, the r g’s
threshold is a function of the covariance between wealth and labour income. Using the data on
wealth and labour income from the Survey of Consumer Finances 1989-2016 we …nd that the
r g’s threshold is 4:4% on average, which is empirically plausible since the di¤erence r g
We calibrate the distribution of health types to match the evolution of wealth inequality in
Survey of Consumer Finances 1989-2016. Starting from the distributions of wealth and labour
income in 1989, the shares of health types are chosen such that the coe¢ cient of variation
in 2016 in the model …ts that in the data. With 12 health types, the model perfectly …ts
the empirical coe¢ cient of variation in 2016. Of 12 health types, there are 5 good-health
types, which account for 30:5% of population. The share of the best-health type that becomes
a “wealth dictator” in the long run is 6:2%. This …nding is greatly supported by empirical
evidence that top 5% wealth holders account for approximately 64:6% of total wealth and that
growth as she has an incentive to save more than the bad-health-type individual. Though
a health type in our model is de…ned through a death rate, a healthy individual and an un-
healthy individual in a survey can be distinguished e.g. by considering their days of sick leave or
how they report their health condition. Thus, depending on how a healthy individual is de…ned
in a survey, this gives rise to a question: Do healthy individuals save more than unhealthy
individuals? Another prediction by the model is that the smaller the share of the healthiest in-
dividuals, the higher the level of wealth inequality. A question related to this prediction is: Are
higher medical costs associated with rising wealth inequality? A further related question would
be: Does health insurance reduce wealth inequality? These would be interesting questions for
future research.
Labour income inequality is one of the drivers of wealth inequality. Our …nding of the
U-shaped e¤ect further shows that labour income inequality is crucial for understanding the
interest rates and output growth on wealth distributions should not ignore the role of labour
income heterogeneity.
8 Appendix
K (t)
r = A (t) ; (A.1)
K (t)
wL (t) = (1 ) A (t) : (A.2)
The capital-labour ratio K (t) =L given by (A.1) is a function of total factor productivity A(t),
the international interest rate r, and the elasticity of output with respect to capital
K (t) 1 1
= (A (t)) 1 ,t 0: (A.3)
L r
K_ (t) 1 _
K (t) 1 A(t)
= g
The initial capital stock demanded to produce the …nal good at time t = 0 is given by
1 1
K0 = A01 L:
1 1
wL (t) = (1 ) (A (t)) 1 : (A.4)
w_ L (t) 1 _
w (t) 1 A(t)
= g:
This ODE has a solution of a form wL (t) = w0L egt . Given the production function Y (t) =
A(t)K (t) L1 , taking log and deriving with respect to time yields
In the presence of knowledge spillovers, total factor productivity A (t) evolves according to
which captures the fact that an increase in capital stock leads to a higher level of technology
through knowledge spillovers (Arrow 1962; Romer 1986; Romer 1994). The evolution of total
factor productivity (2) also implies that an increase in the total supply of labour lowers the level
of technology. This is because …rms have less incentive to “discover and implement labour-saving
innovations” (Romer 1994). Equation (A.5) therefore captures positive externality of capital
investment and negative externality of growing labour supply. As the e¤ect of an increase in
e¤ect, the exponent measures the private e¤ect of an increase in capital on output. The
…rm chooses capital K and labour L to maximize its pro…t taking into account their private
e¤ects. The …rm’s optimal rule implies the marginal productivity of capital is equal to the
K (t)
r = A (t) : (A.6)
Rewriting (A.6) taking into account the evolution of technology (2) yields
K (t)
r = AegA t ; (A.7)
where = + measures the aggregate e¤ect of an increase in capital. The equilibrium wage
K (t)
wL (t) = (1 ) AegA t : (A.8)
The capital-labour ratio K (t) =L given by (A.7) is a function of, inter alia, the rate of return r
1 1
K (t) 1 1
= AegA t ,t 0: (A.9)
L r
The initial capital stock demanded to produce the …nal good at time t = 0 is therefore given
1 1
K0 = A 1 L:
1 1
L gA t
w (t) = (1 ) Ae : (A.10)
We now compute the growth rates of wage and output. We …rst rewrite the evolution of
1 +
1 1
= AegA t ; (A.11)
K (t) 1 1
= AegA t 1
L r
A(t) 1 +
= gA
A(t) 1
= gA
Wage is given by
wL (t) = (1 ) AegAt 1
Taking log and computing time derivative gives
w_ L (t) gA
= g:
w (t) 1
Solving this simple ODE of wL (t) results in wL (t) = w0L egt , where w0L = (1 ) A1 r
Similarly, taking log and computing time derivative of the capital-labour ratio (A.12) yields
K_ (t) gA
= :
K (t) 1
Given the production function Y (t) = A(t)K (t) L1 , taking log and deriving with respect
to time yields
Solving this simple ODE yields Y (t) = Y0 egt , where Y0 = r
A 1 L.
Multiplying both sides by e gives
rt rt
e [a_ (t) ra (t)] = e [w (t) c (t)] ;
of which the left hand side is dt
e rt a (t). Hence, this equation reads
rt rt
de a (t) = e [w (t) c (t)] dt:
rt rt
de a (t) = e [w (t) c (t)] dt
0 0
rt T rt
e a (t) 0
= e [w (t) c (t)] dt
rT rt
e a (T ) a (0) = e [w (t) c (t)] dt
rT rt
e a (T ) = e [w (t) c (t)] dt + a (0) :
rT rt
lim e a (T ) = lim e [w (t) c (t)] dt + a (0)
T !1 T !1 0
= 0;
which implies
Z 1 Z 1
rt rt
e c (t) dt = a (0) + e w (t) dt
0 0
Z 1
[r g]t
= a (0) + w(0) e dt:
Z 1
U (0) = e u (c(t)) dt (A.13)
fc(t)gt=0 0
subject to
The household chooses a consumption path to maximize her intertemporal utility (A.13) subject
to the law of motion of wage (A.14) and the budget constraint (A.15). Let us denote the value
function by V (a; w) that maps the two dimensional state space (a; w) into real numbers through
a mapping V . The Bellman equation for the household’s problem therefore reads
dV (a(t); w(t))
V (a(t); w(t)) = max u(c(t)) + :
c(t) dt
Computing the di¤erential dV (a(t); w(t)), taking the constraints (A.14) and (A.15) into
1 (a+ 2 w) 3
We guess V (a; w) = 1
, 1 6= 0. Using the …rst order condition (A.17) yields
where 1 . Plugging (A.18) into the Bellman equation (A.16) yields
h 1 i
(a + 2 w) 1 + 1 [(1 )r ]
(1 )r
= ; (A.20)
2 = ; (A.21)
r g
3 = : (A.22)
(1 )r w (t)
c (t) = a (t) + : (A.23)
r g
Inserting the closed form solution (A.23) into the budget constraint (A.15) yields
gc ;
r ( + g)
(r g)
gc t
Multiplying (A.24) by e and integrating gives
gc t w0 (g g c )t
a(t)e = e + k;
g gc
w0 c
a(t) = egt + keg t : (A.25)
r g
Evaluating (A.25) at t = 0 gives k = a0 + r g
. Thus, the evolution of wealth is described
w0 g c ]t c
a(t) = a0 + 1 e[g eg t : (A.26)
r g
Consider a random variable X. We would like to compute E ef (X) and var ef (X) . They are
given by
E ef (X) = ef (xj ) j ;
var ef (X) = E e2f (X) E ef (X)
X X 2
= e2f (xj ) j ef (xj ) j :
gc t
E e = egj t j ;
gc t 2gjc t gjc t
var e = e j e j :
j=1 j=1
We now consider
w0 g c ]t ct
E [a(t)j ] = a0 + 1 e[g eg
r g
w0 ct w0
= a0 + eg egt :
r g r g
w0 ct
var [E [a(t)j ]] = var a0 + eg
r g
w0 c
= a0 + var eg t
r g
2 !2 3
2 X M X
w0 c c
= a0 + 4 e2gj t j egj t j
r g j=1 j=1
G Proofs
PM 2gj t c PM gj t c 2
a0 + r g j=1 e j j=1 e j
lim CVa (t) = lim PM h i c
t!1 t!1
+ r w0g 1 e [g gjc ]t
egj t j
j=1 a0
PM 2gc t PM c 2
2g1c t
a0 + r g
j=1 e
j j=1 egj t j e
= lim PM h i
e[g gjc ]t
e[gj g1c ]t
t!1 w0 c
j=1 a0 + r g
1 j
PM 2[gj c g1c ]t PM [gjc g1c ]t
a0 + r g j=2 e j + 1 j=2 e j + 1
= lim P h i h i
e[g gjc ]t
e[gj g1c ]t
e[g g1c ]t
t!1 M w0 c w0
j=2 a0 + r g
1 j + a0 + r g
1 1
e2[gj g1c ]t
e[gj g1c ]t
w0 c c
a0 + r g j=2 j + 1 j=2 j + 1
= lim P h i h i
t!1 M [gjc g1c ]t w0
c g1c ]t
e[g g1c ]t w0
e[g g1c ]t
j=2 a0 e + r g j + a0 + r g
1 1
As g1c > gjc holds for any j > 1, limt!1 e[gj g1c ]t
= 0. Also, since there exists a k,
k 2 f2; 3; :::; M 1g such that gkc = g holds, g1c > g and therefore limt!1 e[g g1c ]t
= 0
u PM 2 2
e[g gjc ]t c
u j=1 (r g)2
1 e2gj t j
t w0
2 PM 2gj t c PM gj t c 2
+ a0 + r g j=1 e j j=1 e j
lim CVa (t) = lim PM h i
e[g gjc ]t
t!1 t!1 c
j=1 a0 + r g
1 egj t j
u PM 2 2
e[g gjc ]t c
u j=1 (r g)
2 1 e2gj t j
e g1 t u
t 2 PM c PM c 2
+ a0 + w0
r g j=1 e2gj t j j=1 egj t j
= lim PM h i
e[g gjc ]t
t!1 c
e g1c t + w0
1 egj t
j=1 a0 r g j
u PM 2 2
e[g gjc ]t
e2[gj g1c ]t
u w0
1 j
u j=1 (r g)2
t 2 PM PM 2
e2[gj g1c ]t
e[gj g1c ]t
w0 c c
+ a0 + r g j=1 j j=1 j
= lim PM h i
e[g gjc ]t
e[gj g1c ]t
t!1 w0 c
j=1 a0 + r g
1 j
u PM
u 2 2 2 2
e[gj g1c ]t
e[g g1c ]t
e[g g1c ]t
w0 c w0
u j=2 (r g)2 j + 2 1 1
u (r g)
t 2 PM PM 2
e2[gj g1 ]t e[gj g1c ]t
w0 c c c
+ a0 + r g j=2 j + 1 j=2 j + 1
= lim P h i c h i
t!1 M
+ w0
1 e[ g gjc ]t
e[gj g1c ]t
+ + w0
1 e[g g1c ]t
j=2 a0 r g j a0 r g 1
u PM
u 2 2 2 2
e[gj g1c ]t
e[g g1c ]t
e[g g1c ]t
w0 c w0
u j=2 (r g)2 j + (r g)2
1 1
t w0
2 PM 2[gj c g1c ]t PM [gjc g1c ]t
+ a0 + r g j=2 e j + 1 j=2 e j + 1
= lim P h i h i
t!1 M [gjc g1c ]t w0
c g1c ]t
e[g g1c ]t w0
e[g g1c ]t
j=2 a0 e + r g j + a0 + r g
1 1
As g1c > gjc holds for any j > 1, limt!1 e[gj g1c ]t
= 0. Also, since there exists a k,
k 2 f2; 3; :::; M 1g such that gkc = g holds, g1c > g and therefore limt!1 e[g g1c ]t
= 0
u 2
u w0
1 1
u (r g)2 1
lim CVa (t) = t 2 + :
t!1 w0 1 1
a0 + r g
(ii) Deriving the long run coe¢ cient of variation with respect to r g gives
d 1 1 d
lim CVa (t) = [F (r g)] 2 F (r g) ,
d(r g) t!1 2 d (r g)
(r g)2 1 1 1
F (r g) = 2 + :
w0 1 1
a0 + r g
d(r g)
limt!1 CVa (t) < 0 holds if and only if
F (r g) < 0
d (r g)
2 2 2 2
w0 w0
1 (r g) 3 a0 + r g
2 (r wg)0 2 a0 + r g
(r g)2
4 <0
1 w0
a0 + r g
h 2 2 i
w0 1 w0 w0 w0 w0
1 2 a0 + r g (r g)2 (r g) 2 r g a0 + r g
4 <0
1 w0
a0 + r g
a0 < 0;
r g
which always holds.
u 2
u w0
1 1
u (r g)2 1
lim CVa (t) = t 2 +
t!1 w0 1 1
a0 + r g
w0 1 1 1
= 2 + (r g) :
((r g) a0 + w0 ) 1 1
w0 1 1 1
lim (r g) = + ;
(r g)!0 w0 1 1
1 1 ~:
lim (r g) =
(r g)!1 1
According to Proposition 2, long run wealth inequality falls from to ~ as the di¤erence r g
decreases faster. In other words, when is bigger, the decreasing e¤ect of r g on (long run
inequality) is stronger. Clearly, a higher dispersion index w0 = w0 implies a higher coe¢ cient
PM c
2 2gj t
2 PM c PM c 2
j=1 a0 e j + a0 + r g
j=1 e2gj t j j=1 egj t j
g1c t
PM c
2 2gj t
2 PM c PM c 2
e j=1 a0 e j + a0 + r g
j=1 e2gj t j j=1 egj t j
= lim PM h i
e[g gjc ]t
t!1 c
e g1c t + w0
1 egj t
j=1 a0 r g j
PM 2 2[gj g1 ]t
2 PM PM 2
e2[gj g1c ]t
e[gj g1c ]t
c c w0 c c
j=1 a0 e j + a0 + r g j=1 j j=1 j
= lim PM h i
e[g gjc ]t
e[gj g1c ]t
t!1 w0 c
j=1 a0 + r g
1 j
u PM 2 2[gjc g1c ]t
u a0 e j + 2
a0 1
u j=2
t 2 PM PM 2
e2[gj g1 ]t e[gj g1c ]t
w0 c c c
+ a0 + r g j=2 j + 1 j=2 j + 1
= lim P h i c h i
t!1 M
+ w0
1 e[ g gjc ]t
e[gj g1c ]t
+ + w0
1 e[g g1c ]t
j=2 a0 r g j a0 r g 1
u PM 2 2[gjc g1c ]t
u a0 e j + 2
a0 1
u j=2
t w0
2 PM 2[gj c g1c ]t PM [gjc g1c ]t
+ a0 + r g j=2 e j + 1 j=2 e j + 1
= lim P h i h i
t!1 M [gjc g1c ]t w0
c g1c ]t
e[g g1c ]t w0
e[g g1c ]t
j=2 a0 e + r g j + a0 + r g
1 1
As g1c > gjc holds for any j > 1, limt!1 e[gj g1c ]t
= 0. Also, since there exists a k,
k 2 f2; 3; :::; M 1g such that gkc = g holds, g1c > g and therefore limt!1 e[g g1c ]t
= 0
u 2
1 1
lim CVa (t) = u a0 1
t 2 + :
t!1 w0 1 1
a0 + r g
(ii) Deriving the long run coe¢ cient of variation with respect to r g gives
d 1 1 d
lim CVa (t) = [P (r g)] 2 P (r g) ,
d(r g) t!1 2 d (r g)
a0 1 1 1
P (r g) = 2 + :
w0 1 1
a0 + r g
d(r g)
limt!1 CVa (t) > 0 holds if and only if
P (r g) > 0
d (r g)
2 w0 w0
1 2 a0 a0 + r g (r g)2
4 > 0;
1 w0
a0 + r g
u 2
1 1
lim CVa (t) = u a0 1
t 2 + (r g) :
t!1 w0 1 1
a0 + r g
1 1 ~;
lim (r g) =
(r g)!0 1
a0 1 1 1
lim (r g) = + :
(r g)!1 a0 1 1
According to Proposition 3, long run wealth inequality rises from ~ to as the di¤erence
(long run inequality) is stronger. Clearly, a higher dispersion index a0 = a0 implies a higher
G.6 Proof of Proposition 4
u PM
u 2 2
e[g gjc ]t c
u j=1
a0 + w0
2 1 e2gj t j
u (r g)
t w0
2 PM 2gj t c PM gj t c 2
+ a0 + r g j=1 e j j=1 e j
lim CVa (t) = lim PM h i
e[g gjc ]t
t!1 t!1 c
j=1 a0 + r g
1 egj t j
u PM
u 2 2
e[g gjc ]t c
u j=1
a0 + w0
2 1 e2gj t j
c u (r g)
e g1 t u
t 2 PM c PM c 2
+ a0 + w0
r g j=1 e2gj t j j=1 egj t j
= lim PM h i
e[g gjc ]t
t!1 c
e g1c t + w0
1 egj t
j=1 a0 r g j
u PM 2 2[gjc g1c ]t
PM 2 2
e[g gjc ]t
e2[gj g1c ]t
u j=1 a0 e j + w0
1 j
u j=1 (r g)2
t 2 PM PM 2
e2[gj g1c ]t
e[gj g1c ]t
w0 c c
+ a0 + r g j=1 j j=1 j
= lim PM h i
e[g gjc ]t
e[gj g1c ]t
t!1 w0 c
j=1 a0 + r g
1 j
u PM 2 2[gc gc ]t
u 2
u j=2 a0 e
j 1
j + a0 1
u P
u 2
[gjc g1c ]t e[g g1c ]t
2 2
[g g1c ]t
u + M w0
j=2 (r g) 2 e j + w0
2 1 e 1
u (r g)
t 2 P
M 2[gjc g1c ]t PM [gc gc ]t 2
+ a0 + r w0g j=2 e j + 1 j=2 e
j 1
j + 1
= lim P h i c c h i
t!1 M w0 [ g gjc ]t [ gj g1 ]t w0 [ g g1c ]t
j=2 a0 + r g 1 e e j + a0 + r g 1 e 1
u PM 2 2[gc gc ]t
u 2
u j=2 a0 e
j 1
j + a0 1
u P
u 2
[gjc g1c ]t e[g g1c ]t
2 2
[g g1c ]t
u + M j=2
2 e j + w0
2 1 e 1
u (r g) (r g)
t 2 P
M 2[gjc g1c ]t PM [gc gc ]t 2
+ a0 + r w0g j=2 e j + 1 j=2 e
j 1
j + 1
= lim P h i h i
t!1 M [gjc g1c ]t w0 [gjc g1c ]t [ g g1c ]t w0 [ g g1c ]t
j=2 a0 e +r g e e j + a0 + r g 1 e 1
As g1c > gjc holds for any j > 1, limt!1 e[gj g1c ]t
= 0. Also, since there exists a k,
k 2 f2; 3; :::; M 1g such that gkc = g holds, g1c > g and therefore limt!1 e[g g1c ]t
= 0
hold. Therefore we obtain
u 2
u 2 + w0
1 1
u a0 (r g)2 1
lim CVa (t) = t 2 + :
t!1 w0 1 1
a0 + r g
(ii) Deriving the long run coe¢ cient of variation with respect to r g gives
d 1 1 d
lim CVa (t) = [G (r g)] 2 G (r g) ,
d(r g) t!1 2 d (r g)
2 w0
a0 + (r g)2 1 1 1
G (r g) = 2 + :
w0 1 1
a0 + r g
d(r g)
limt!1 CVa (t) ? 0 holds if and only if
G (r g) ? 0
d (r g)
2 2 2 2
w0 w0 2 w0 w0 w0
1 (r g) 3 a0 + r g
2 a0 + (r g)2 a0 + r g (r g)2
4 ?0
1 w0
a0 + r g
h 2 2 i
w0 1 2 w0 w0 w0
1 2 a0 + r g (r g)2 a0 + (r g)2 w0 r g a0 + r g
4 ?0
1 w0
a0 + r g
2 2
2 w0 w0 w0
a0 + 2 w0 a0 +
(r g) r g r g
a0 w0
r g
a0 w0 ? w0
r g
w0 = w0
r g? 2
a0 = a0
G.7 Proof of Proposition 5
u P
u M 2 2
e[g gjc ]t
e[g gjc ]t c
u j=1 2
a0 + w0
2 1 +2 a0 w0
1 e2gj t j
u (r g) r g
t 2 PM c PM c 2
+ a0 + r g
j=1 e2gj t j j=1 egj t j
lim CVa (t) = lim PM h i
e[g gjc ]t
t!1 t!1 c
j=1 a0 + w0
r g
1 egj t j
u P
u M 2 2
e[g gjc ]t
e[g gjc ]t c
u j=1 2
a0 + w0
2 1 +2 a0 w0
1 e2gj t j
g1c t u
(r g) r g
e u
t w0
2 PM 2gj t c gj tPM c 2
+ a0 + r g j=1 e j j=1 e j
= lim PM h i c
e[g gj ]t egj t j
t!1 c
e g1c t + w0
j=1 a0 r g
u PM 2 2[gjc g1c ]t
PM 2 2
e[g gjc ]t
e2[gj g1c ]t
u j=1 a0 e j + w0
1 j
u j=1 (r g)2
u PM
e[g gjc ]t
e2[gj g1c ]t
u +2 a0 w0
1 j
u j=1 r g
t w0
2 PM 2[gj c g1c ]t PM [gjc g1c ]t
+ a0 + r g j=1 e j j=1 e j
= lim PM h i
e[g gjc ]t
e[gj g1c ]t
t!1 w0 c
j=1 a0 + r g
1 j
u PM 2 2[gc gc ]t
u 2
j=2 a0 e j + a0 1
j 1
u PM 2 2 2 2
u + w0
e[ gjc g1c ]t
e[ g g1c ]t w0
j + (r g)2 1 e[g g1c ]t
u j=2 (r g)2 1
u hP i
e2[gj g1 ]t e[(g g1 )+(gj g1 )]t j + ra0 wg0 1 e[g g1c ]t
M a0 w0 c c c c c
u +2 j=2 r g 1
u 2 P PM [gc gc ]t 2
t M 2[gjc g1c ]t
+ a0 + r w0g j=2 e j + 1 j=2 e
j 1
j + 1
= lim PM h i h i
e[g gjc ]t
e[gj g1c ]t
e[g g1c ]t
t!1 w0 c w0
j=2 a0 + r g
1 j + a0 + r g
1 1
u PM 2 2[gc gc ]t
u 2
j=2 a0 e j + a0 1
j 1
u P 2 2 2 2
u + M w0 [gjc g1c ]t e[g g1c ]t w0
e[g g1c ]t
u j=2 (r g)2 e j + (r g)2 1 1
u hP i
e2[gj g1 ]t e[(g g1 )+(gj g1 )]t j + ra0 wg0 1 e[g g1c ]t
M a0 w0 c c c c c
u +2 j=2 r g 1
u 2 P PM [gc gc ]t 2
t M 2[gjc g1c ]t
+ a0 + r w0g j=2 e j + 1 j=2 e
j 1
j + 1
= lim P h i h i :
t!1 M [gjc g1c ]t w0
c g1c ]t
e[g g1c ]t w0
e[g g1c ]t
j=2 a0 e + r g j + a0 + r g
1 1
As g1c > gjc holds for any j > 1, limt!1 e[gj g1c ]t
= 0. Also, since there exists a k,
k 2 f2; 3; :::; M 1g such that gkc = g holds, g1c > g and therefore limt!1 e[g g1c ]t
= 0
u 2
u 2 + w0
+2 a0 w0
1 1
u a0 (r g)2 r g 1
lim CVa (t) = t 2 + : (A.28)
t!1 w0 1 1
a0 + r g
(ii) Deriving the long run coe¢ cient of variation with respect to r g gives
d 1 1 d
lim CVa (t) = [Q (r g)] 2 Q (r g) ,
d(r g) t!1 2 d (r g)
2 w0 a0 w0
a0 + (r g)2
+2 r g 1 1 1
Q (r g) = 2 + :
w0 1 1
a0 + r g
d(r g)
limt!1 CVa (t) ? 0 holds if and only if
Q (r g) ? 0
d (r g)
2 2 2
1 2 (r wg)0 3 2 (ra0g)
2 a0 + w0
r g
2 a0 + (r g)2
+2 a0 w0
r g a0 + r g
w0 w0
(r g)2
4 ?0
1 w0
a0 + r g
h 2 2 i
w0 1 2 w0 a0 w0 w0 w0
1 2 a0 + r g (r g)2 a0 + (r g)2
+2 r g w0 r g
+ a0 w0 a0 + r g
4 ?0
1 w0
a0 + r g
2 2
2 w0 a0 w 0 w0 w0
a0 + 2 +2 w0 + a0 w0 a0 +
(r g) r g r g r g
2 w0 a0 w 0 w0
a0 w0 a0 w 0 a0
r g r g
This is equivalent to
a0 a0 w 0 w0
a0 w0 a0 w 0 a0 ? w0
: (A.29)
r g
Under Assumption 2, a0 w0 a0 w 0 a0 > 0 holds. (A.29) is therefore equivalent to
w 0 a0 a0 w 0 w0
r g? 2
a0 w 0 a0 w 0 a0
w0 = w0 a0 w 0 = a0
r g? 2
a0 = a0 a0 w 0 = w 0
2 1 2 1
d a0 = a0 a0 w 0 = w 0 a0 w0 = w0 a0 w 0 = a0 w0
= 2 :
d a0 w 0 2
a0 = a0 a0 w0 = w0
d a0 w0
< 0 holds if and only if
2 2 2 2
w0 = w0 a0 = a0 <0
2 2 2 2
w0 = w0 < a0 = a0
a0 w0
> ;
a0 w0
the limit
w0 = w0 a0 w 0 = a0
lim = lim 2
a0 w0 !0 a0 w0 !0 a0 = a0 a0 w 0 = w 0
w0 = w0
= 2
a0 = a0
w0 = w0
w0 = w0 a0 w 0 = a0 a0 w0
1= a0
lim = lim 2
= lim 2
a0 = a0
a0 w0 !1 a0 w0 !0 a0 = a0 a0 w 0 = w0 a0 w0 !0
1= w0
a0 w0
1= a0 w0
= = > 0:
1= w0 a0
This implies that the threshold is strictly positive and less than the ratio of the disper-
w0 = w0
sion indices, i.e. 2 0; 2 .
a0 = a0
(ii) d a0 w0
> 0 holds if and only if
2 2 2 2
w0 = w0 a0 = a0 >0
2 2 2 2
w0 = w0 > a0 = a0
a0 w0
a0 w0
w0 = w0
lim = 2
a0 w0 !0 a0 = a0
w0 = w0
which implies > 2 .
a0 = a0
2 2
w0 = w0 a0 w 0 = a0 w0 = w0
= 2 2
a0 = a0 a0 w 0 = w 0 a0 = a0
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
w 0 a0 =( w0 a0 ) a0 w 0 a0 = a0 a0 w 0 = ( a0 w0 ) + a0 w 0 w0 = w0
= 2 2
a0 = a0 a0 w 0 = w 0 a0 = a0
2 2 2 2
a0 w 0 w0 = w0 a0 w 0 a0 = a0
= 2 2
a0 = a0 a0 w 0 = w0 a0 = a0
2 2 2 2
a0 w 0 w0 = w0 a0 = a0
= 2 2
a0 = a0 a0 w 0 = w0 a0 = a0
h i2 h i2
w0 a0
a0 w 0 w0 a0
= 2 2
a0 = a0 a0 w 0 = w 0 a0 = a0
w0 = w0
As CVa0 = CVw0 is assumed, this implies = 0 or = = 2 .
a0 = a0
A ^ B =) C, (A.30)
It can be seen that Proposition 5 holds for a small open economy populated by bad-health
types, good-health types, and the average-health type (k < M ) or for a small open economy
populated by good-health types and the average-health type (k = M ). Thus, to show (A.30),
it is su¢ cient to show that Proposition 5 also holds for a small open economy populated by
good-health types only. That is, the proposition holds when gjc > g for all j = 1; 2; :::; M .
u PM 2 2[gc gc ]t
u 2
j=2 a0 e j + a0 1
j 1
u P 2 2 2 2
u + M w0 [gjc g1c ]t e[g g1c ]t w0
e[g g1c ]t
u j=2 (r g)2 e j + (r g)2 1 1
u hP i
e2[gj g1 ]t e[(g g1 )+(gj g1 )]t j + ra0 wg0 1 e[g g1c ]t
M a0 w0 c c c c c
u +2 j=2 r g 1
u 2 P PM [gc gc ]t 2
t M 2[gjc g1c ]t
+ a0 + r w0g j=2 e j + 1 j=2 e
j 1
j + 1
u 2
u 2 + w0
+2 a0 w0
1 1
u a0 (r g)2 r g 1
lim CVa (t) = t 2 + ;
t!1 w0 1 1
a0 + r g
which is identical to A.28). By Proposition 5, long run wealth inequality measured by the
coe¢ cient of variation is a rising function of r g if the di¤erence r g is greater than the
H The empirical …t
where CVamodel (2016) is given from (28b) and CVadata (2016) is given from Table 1. This problem
is numerically solved for M = 2; 4; :::; 100. When M = 12, the di¤erence CVamodel (2016) CVadata (2016)
is smallest. Figure 5 shows that the …t for 1989 is perfect by construction. The …t then becomes
worse for 1992 2013 as these years are not targeted. The …t for 2016 is perfect again.
coefficient of variation
6 model
1980-1990 GRC
0.5 USA
NOR -0.5
-1 KOR
-1 KOR
1980-2010 GBR GRC
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 KOR
Figure 6 Di¤erence between average consumption growth and average output growth in
J Country codes
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