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34 C H A P T E R 2     D E S I G N M E T H O D S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S

When the strength design method is used, the comparison of provided strength with
required strength (i.e., axial force, shear, or bending moment, caused by factored loads)
does not imply that any material “yields” or “fails” under service load conditions. In fact,
at service loads, the behavior of the structure is essentially elastic. The use of the term
“imminent failure” under factored loads is only a mechanism for establishing adequate
safety parameters.

Comments on Strength Design Methods

Historically, “ultimate” strength was the earliest approach to design, since the failure load
could be measured by tests without knowledge of the magnitude or distribution of internal
stresses. With the interest in and understanding of the elastic methods of analysis in the
early 1900s, the elastic working stress method was adopted almost universally by codes
as the best for design. As more detailed understanding of the actual behavior of reinforced
concrete structures subjected to loads in excess of the service loads developed, adjustments
in the theory and in the design procedures were made.
The first modification of the elastic working stress method resulted from the study of
axially loaded columns in the early 1930s. By 1940, the design of axially loaded columns
was based on ultimate strength. Next, the working stress method was modified to account
for creep of concrete in beams with compression steel and in eccentrically loaded columns.
The early history of the ACI Code has been summarized by Kerekes and Reid [2.2]. An
excellent discussion of what is involved in writing the ACI Code is given by Siess [2.3].
The 1956 ACI Code was the first that officially recognized and permitted the strength
design method, the result of work by ACI-​ASCE Committee 327 [2.4]. The 1963 ACI Code
treated the working stress method and the strength design method on an equal basis; but,
actually, the major portion of the working stress method was based on strength. With the
relegation of the working stress method to a small section referred to as the “alternate
method,” the 1971 ACI Code entirely accepted the strength design method. Between 1971
and 1999, the ACI Code had the “alternate design method” in an appendix, but it was
removed from the 2002 and subsequent editions of the ACI Code.


Structures and structural members must always be designed to carry some reserve load
above what is expected under normal use. Such reserve capacity is provided to account
for a variety of factors, which may be grouped into two general categories: factors relat-
ing to overload and factors relating to understrength (i.e., less strength than computed by
acceptable calculating procedures). Overloads may arise from changing the use for which
the structure was designed, from underestimation of the effects of loads by oversimpli-
fication in calculation procedures, and from effects of construction sequence and meth-
ods. Understrength may result from adverse variations in material strength, workmanship,
dimensions, control, and degree of supervision, even though individually these items are
within required tolerances.
Conventionally, the term “safety factor” has been used in working stress design to desig-
nate the ratio between the yield stress (real, as for steel; nominally defined, as for concrete)
and the allowable working stress. Such use has resulted in structures and structural elements
having the same “safety factor” but considerably different variance in their strength to ser­
vice load ratio. Thus the term “safety factor” as conventionally applied has little meaning
with respect to the prediction of strength.
The variability in the ratio of the strength to service load in the working stress method
was an important reason for the change to the strength design method. To distinguish
between the term “safety factor,” as used in working stress design, and the ratio of strength
to service load, the term “load factor” was adopted for the latter.
The purpose of a safety provision is to limit the probability of failure and yet permit
economical structures. Obviously, if cost is no object, it is easy to design a structure whose

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