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International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice 2018; 1(1): 22-24

E-ISSN: 2663-0435
P-ISSN: 2663-0427
IJMNP 2018; 1(1): 22-24 A study to assess the effectiveness of structured
Received: 19-04-2018
Accepted: 23-05-2018 teaching programme on knowledge regarding risk
Karth R
status of coronary artery disease among diabetic
Associate Professor and HOD,
Department of MSN, E.S.
patients at E.S. Hospital, Villupuram, Tamil Nadu
College of Nursing,
Villupuram, Tamil Nadu,
India Karth R, Kumudhavalli D, Malarvizhi, Suryakanth H and Inigo Sherlin Joy G
Kumudhavalli D Abstract
Nursing Tutor, Department of
Background: Diabetes mellitus is predicted to become to leading cause of morbidity and death in the
COM, E.S. College of Nursing,
Villupuram, Tamil Nadu,
coming decade. India has a high prevalence of Diabetes mellitus & the numbers are increasing at
India alarming rate. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common type of cardiovascular disease and
accounts for the majority of these deaths. Atherosclerosis is the major cause of CAD. The incidence of
Malarvizhi CAD is 2-4 times greater among persons who have diabetes, even those with well controlled blood
M.Sc. Nursing, Department of glucose levels, than the general population.
MSN, E.S. College of Nursing, Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge regarding risk status of CAD among diabetic patients before
Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, and after structured teaching programme. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of STP on knowledge
India regarding risk status of CAD among diabetic patients.3.To associate post test knowledge on risk status
of CAD among diabetic patients with their selected demographic variables.
Suryakanth H Method: A pre-experimental design one group pre-test post test research design was adopted. 30
B.Sc. Nursing, E.S. College of diabetic patients were selected by using purposive sampling technique.
Nursing, Villupuram, Tamil Result: The study concluded that there is increased level of knowledge diabetic patients after
Nadu, India
administering structured teaching programme.
Inigo Sherlin Joy G Keywords: structured teaching programme, knowledge, risk status, coronary artery disease
B.Sc. Nursing, E.S. College of
Nursing, Villupuram, Tamil
Nadu, India Introduction
Happiness is nothing more than good health.
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic medical condition which means it can last a lifetime.
According to the WHO India had 32 million diabetic subjects in the year 2000 and this
number would increase to 80 million by the year 2030 [1]. The international diabetic
federation also reported that the total number of diabetic subjects in India was 41 million in
2006 and that this would risk to 70 million by the year 2025. Diabetes mellitus is predicted
to become to leading cause of morbidity and death in the coming decade. India has a high
prevalence of Diabetes mellitus & the numbers are increasing at alarming rate [2]. Health care
workers have more responsibility to create awareness regarding DM & control its prevalence.
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic multisystem disease related to abnormal insulin production,
impaired insulin utilization, or both. The longterm complications of diabetes are what make
it such a devastating disease. Diabetes is the leading cause of adult blindness end- stage renal
disease (ESRD) and non traumatic lower limb amputations. It is also major contributing
factor for heart disease and stroke. Adults with diabetes have heart disease death rates 2 to 4
times higher than adults without diabetes [3].
Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of death in the world. Coronary artery disease
(CAD) is the most common type of cardiovascular disease and accounts for the majority of
these deaths. Patients with CAD can be asymptomatic or develop chronic stable angina.
Atherosclerosis is the major cause of CAD. Inflammation and endothelial injury plan a
central male in the development of atherosclerosis. Endothelial lining can be injured as a
Correspondence result of tobacco use, hyperlipidemia, hypertension and diabetes [4].
Karth R
Associate Professor and HOD, Need for the study
Department of MSN, E.S.
College of Nursing,
Diabetes is reaching epidemic proportions in both the western and developing worlds.
Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, Currently it affects nearly 5% and the adult population in the U.K. Due to the increasing
India prevalence of obesity the incidence and vascular complications of diabetes will continue to

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International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice

rise (the foresight report estimates that by 2015, 64% of  The study period of data collection is only one week.
adults aged 21 to 60 in the UK will be obese and by 2025  The sample size is 30 diabetic patients only.
this will rise to 83%) Nearly 80% of patients with diabetes
suffer from cardiovascular illness with CAD representing Materials and Methods
the major component of this disease [5]. Approximately 10- Research approach: Quantitative approach is selected for
15% of patients admitted to hospital suffering from a heart this study.
attack (MI) and 20% of patients dying form CAD have
diabetes as a contributing factor. Therefore diabetes is Research design: pre-experimental design one group pre-
placing a large burden on our health care system, both test, post-test design.
directly and indirectly [6].
The incidence of CAD is 2-4 times greater among persons Study setting
who have diabetes, even those with well controlled blood The study was conducted at E.S. Hospital, Villupuram.
glucose levels, than the general population. The patient with
diabetes manifests CAD not only more frequently but also at Population
an earlier age. There is no age difference between male or The population of this study was diabetic patients who are
female patients with diabetes in the onset of manifestations admitted in E.S. Hospital, Villupuram.
of CAD. Diabetes virtually eliminates the lower incidence
of CAD in premenopausal women. Diabetic women have 5- Sample
7 times higher risk for CAD than non diabetic women. The sample consisted of 30 diabetic patients admitted in
Undiagnosed diabetes is frequently discovered at the time of E.S. Hospital.
MI. Because the person with diabetes has an increased
tendency towards connective tissue regeneration and Sample technique
endothelial dysfunction [7]. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling, 30
A study was conducted in Himachal Pradesh, India to assess samples are taken as the subjects of the study.
the prevalence of CHD in rural population. Eight hundred
twelve patients were examine mean age was 47.44+/-12.2 Description of the tool
year 399 were males and 413 were females. Thirty three Section-I: It deals with diabetic patients such as age,
patients were found to have coronary heart disease, giving religion, occupation& Income of the family.
the prevalence of 4.06%. 26 of 399 males had CHD (6.9%) Section-II: It deals with assessment of knowledge on risk
and 26 of 413 females had CHD. Seventeen of these CHD status of CAD among diabetes patients.
patients were Hypertensive, two were diabetic and 10
patients had family history of CHD. The study concluded Table: Score interpretation
that the prevalence of CHD was low in rural population of S. No Level of Knowledge Score
Himachal Pradesh, being around 4%, more in males than in 1. Inadequate knowledge 1-7
females [8]. 2. Moderate adequate Knowledge 8-14
3. Adequate knowledge 15-20
Statement of the Problem
A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching Results and Discussion
programme on knowledge regarding risk status of coronary
artery disease among diabetic patients at E.S. Hospital, Table 1: Frequency distribution and percentage of level of
Villupuram. knowledge regarding risk status of coronary artery disease. (N=30)
Pre-test Post-test
Objectives S. No Level of Knowledge
(F) (%) (F) (%)
1. To assess the knowledge regarding risk status of CAD 1. Inadequate knowledge 7 23.33% - -
among diabetic patients before and after structured 2. Moderate knowledge 19 63.33% 4 13.33%
teaching programme. 3. Adequate knowledge 4 13.33% 26 86.67%
2. To evaluate the effectiveness of STP on knowledge
regarding risk status of CAD among diabetic patients.
3. To associate post test knowledge on risk status of CAD
among diabetic patients with their selected
demographic variables.

H1: There will be a significant difference between pre test
and post test knowledge score among diabetic patients
regarding risk status of coronary artery disease after
H2: There will be a significant association between post
test knowledge of diabetic patient regarding risk status
with their selected demographic variables.
Fig 1: Frequency and percentage distribution of level of
Delimitations knowledge among diabetes patients regarding risk status of
 The study is limited to the diabetic patient in E.S. coronary artery diseases.
hospital only.

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International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice

Table 2: Comparison of pre test and post test level of knowledge

regarding risk status of coronary artery disease among diabetes
patients. (N=30)
S. No. Test Mean Standard Deviation DF “t” Value
1 Pre-test 9.866 2.94 10.71
2. Post-test 16.3 3.94 29 S*
* Significant (p<0.05 level)

Major Finding of the Study

 The study reveals that level of knowledge in pre test,
7(23.33%) had inadequate knowledge, 19(63.33%) had
moderate knowledge and 4(1.33%) had adequate
knowledge and in post-test no one had inadequate
knowledge, 4(13.33%) had moderate knowledge and
26(8.67%) had adequate knowledge.
 The mean score of risk status of CAD among diabetic
patients in pre-test was 9.866 and standard deviation
was 2.94 and the mean score of post-test was 16.3 and
standard deviation 3.94 and estimated “t” value was
10.71 which was highly significant at P< 0.05 level.
Hence the research hypothesis H1 Is accepted.

The study implies that structured teaching programme on
risk status of Coronary Artery Disease among diabetic
patients was very effective to gain knowledge about risk of
Coronary Artery Disease.

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