Vital Signs Chicklist
Vital Signs Chicklist
Vital Signs Chicklist
Assessing respiration
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Item 0 1 2 comment
1.Purposes: (at least 3 points are required)
a. Determine the systolic and diastolic pressure of the
client during admission in order to compare his
current status with normal range.
b. Acquire base line data for compression with
subsequent changes that may occur during the care
of the client.
c. Assist in evaluating the status of the client's blood
volume, cardiac output, and vascular system.
d. Evaluate the client response to changes in his
medical conditions as a result of treatment with
fluids or medications.
2. Equipment:
a. Stethoscope.
b. Sphygmomanometer.
c. Blood pressure cuff of appropriate size. The bladder
should encircle at least 80% of the upper arm.
d. Paper, pencil or pen.
e. Alcohol swap.
3. Assessment : (at least 3 points are required)
a. Determine best site for BP assessment.
b. Determine previous baseline BP from patient’s
c. Assess if patient doing exercise or smoking and let
him to rest for 30 minutes before assessment of BP
d. Assess patient’s risk factors for BP alterations:
history of cardiovascular diseases, renal diseases,
e. Assess the patient for signs and symptoms of blood
pressure alterations, e.g.: headache, nosebleed, pale,
cool skin…etc
4. Wash hands\ Apply Disposable
gloves(optional)\ Identify the patient/ Explain
procedure to patient\ Provide privacy
5. Ask patient not to speak while BP is measured.