Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
1. The Role of Nature in Poetry – Analyze how nature is depicted in one of the poems. How does
it influence the mood or message of the poem?
2. The Power of a Single Decision – Focus on a character’s crucial decision in any story and
explore how it shapes their future.
3. Freedom vs. Conformity – Discuss how a character either conforms to or rebels against
societal expectations in any text.
4. A Character's Inner Conflict – Examine a character's inner struggles and how they resolve
them. How does this internal battle drive the plot forward?
5. Symbolism in Literature – Identify and interpret a key symbol in a story or poem. What deeper
meaning does it convey?
6. The Influence of Culture – How does culture shape the identities and choices of characters in
any story or poem from your book?
7. Portrayal of Friendship – Analyze the role of friendship between characters in one text. How
does this relationship impact the plot or theme?
8. The Passage of Time – Explore how the concept of time is presented in a story or poem.
What does time reveal about the characters or events?
9. Moral Dilemmas – Choose a text that presents a moral dilemma and discuss how the
characters handle it. What would you have done in their place?
10. Dreams and Aspirations – How do dreams influence the actions of characters? Discuss how
ambition drives the plot in one text.
11. The Impact of Loss – How does a character cope with loss in any text? Explore how grief
shapes their actions or perceptions.
12. The Quest for Identity – Analyze how a character’s search for identity plays a central role in
the story or poem.
13. Imagery and Emotions – Select a poem and examine how the imagery evokes emotions.
How does this contribute to the overall message?
14. Transformation of a Character – Explore the changes a character goes through over the
course of a story. What drives this transformation?
15. Conflict Between Generations – Discuss how generational differences are portrayed in any
story or poem. What insights does it provide about human relationships?
16. The Role of Fate – Analyze the role of fate or destiny in a story. How does it shape the
characters’ lives and decisions?
17. Love and Sacrifice – Discuss the theme of love and sacrifice in one of the stories or poems.
How are these two concepts intertwined?
18. The Journey Motif – Explore how a physical or emotional journey is central to a story or
poem. What lessons are learned through the journey?
19. Portrayal of Women – Analyze the portrayal of female characters in one text. How do they
reflect or challenge societal norms?
20. The Importance of Hope – How does the theme of hope play a role in any text? What does it
teach about human resilience?
21. The Role of Minor Characters – Choose a minor character and discuss their significance in
advancing the plot or developing a theme.