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Estimating Costing Civil 5

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Estimating and Costing

IV B. Tech I semester (JNTUH-R13)


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S.No. Topic Page No.

01. Introduction to the subject 1 - 3

02. Measurement of Materials & Works 4 - 12

03. Types of Estimates 13 - 21

04. Detail & Abstract Estimates of Buildings 22 - 55

05. Analysis of Rates 56 - 73

06. Estimation of Quantities of Steel & RCC 74 - 80

07. Earth Work Calculations 81 - 95

08. Detailed Estimates 96 - 108

09. Appendix 09 - 115

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1 Estimation and Costing


Estimating is the technique of calculating or Computing the
various quantities and the expected Expenditure to be incurred on a
particular work or project.
In case the funds avilable are less than the estimated cost the work
is done in part or by reducing it or specifications are altered, the
following require-ment are necessary for preparing an estimate.
a) Drawings like plan, elevation and sections of important points.
b) Detailed specifications about workmenship & properties of materials etc.
c) Standard schedule of rates of the current year.
1. Estimate give an idea of the cost of the work and hence its
feasibility can be determined i..e whether the project could be
taken up with in the funds available or not.
2. Estimate gives an idea of time required for the completion of the work.
3. Estimate is required to invite the tenders and Quotations and to
arange contract.
4. Estimate is also required to control the expenditure during the
execution of work.
5. Estimate decides whether the proposed plan matches the funds
available or not.

Estimating involves the following operations

1. Preparing detailed Estimate.
2. Calculating the rate of each unit of work
3. Preparing abstract of estimate
1. Drawings i.e.plans, elevations, sections etc.
2. Specifications.
3. Rates.

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Introduction to the Subject 2

If the drawings are not clear and without complete dimensions the
prepa-ration of estimation become very difficult. So, It is very essential
before prepar-ing an estimate.
a) General Specifications: This gives the nature, quality, class and
work and materials in general terms to be used in various parts of
wok. It helps no form a general idea of building.
b) Detailed Specifications: These gives the detailed description of the
vari-ous items of work laying down the Quantities and qualities of
materials, their proportions, the method of preparation
workmanship and execution of work.
For preparing the estimate the unit rates of each item of work are
1. For arriving at the unit rates of each item.
2. The rates of various materials to be used in the construction.
3. The cost of transport materials.
4. The wages of labour, skilled or unskilled of masons, carpenters,
Mazdoor, etc.,
Most of people think that the estimate of a structure includes cost of land,
cost of materials and labour, But many other direct and indirect costs included
and is shown below. The Complete Estimate

Cost of land P.s.and Legal expenses Cost of Structure

contingencies between owner
at 5% and contractor

Actual Cost of Cost of Brochorage Cost of Permit fees for

cost of Surveying Verification if any labour constrution water,
land of deeds and electricity from
execution of concerned autorities
cost of Consulting
materials Engineers

cost for Cost of

preparation supervision
of plan,
and design

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3 Estimation and Costing

While preparing an estimate, it is not possible to workout in detail
in case of petty items. Items other than civil engineering such items are
called lumpsum items or simply L.S.Items.
The following are some of L.S. Items in the estimate.
1. Water supply and sanitary arrangements.
2. Electrical installations like meter, motor, etc.,
3. Architectural features.
4. Contingencies and unforeseen items.
In general, certain percentage on the cost of estimation is allotted
for the above L.S.Items
Even if subestimates prepared or at the end of execution of work, the
actual cost should not exceed the L.S.amounts provided in the main estimate.
During the construction of a project considerable number of skilled
su-pervisors, work assistance, watch men etc., are employed on temporary
basis. The salaries of these persons are drawn from the L.S. amount alloted
towards the work charged establishment. that is, establishment which is
charged directly to work. an L.S.amount of 1½ to 2% of the estimated cost
is provided towards the work charged establishment.

Short Answer Questions
1. State the requirements of an estimate?
2. Briefly Explain need for estimation?
3. What is work charged establishment?

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The units of measurements are mainly categorised for their nature,
shape and size and for making payments to the contractor and also. The
principle of units of measurements normally consists the following:
a) Single units work like doors, windows, trusses etc., are
expressed in numbers.
b) Works consists linear measurements involve length like
cornice, fencing, hand rail, bands of specified width etc., are
expressed in running metres (RM)
c) Works consists areal surface measurements involve area like
plastering, white washing, partitions of specified thickness
etc., are expressed in square meters (m )
d) Works consists cubical contents which involve volume like earth
work, cement concrete, Masonry etc are expressed in Cubic metres.

Sl. Particulas of item Units of Units of

No. Measurement payment
I Earth work:
1. Earth work in Excavation cum Per%cum
2. Earthwork in fillingin founda- cum Per%cum
tion trenches
3. Earth work in filling in plinth cum Per%cum
II Concrete:
1. Lime concretre in foundation cum percum
2. Cement concrete in Lintels cum percum
3. R.C.C.in slab cum percum
4. C.C. or R.C.C. Chujja, Sun- cum percum
5. L.C. in roof terracing sqm persqm
(thickness specified)

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5 Estimation and Costing

6. Cement concrete bed cum per cum
7. R.C. Sunshade (Specified cum 1rm
Width & Hight
III Damp ProofCource (D.P.C)
(Thickness should be men- sqm persqm
IV Brick work:
1. Brickwork in foundation cum percum
2. Brick work in plinth cum percum
3. Brick work in super struc- cum percum
4. Thin partition walls sqm percum
5. Brick work in arches cum percum
6. Reinforced brick work cum percum
V Stone Work:
Stone masonry cum percum
VI Wood work:
1. Door sand windows frames cum percum
or chowkhats, rafters
2. Shutters of doors and win- sqm persqm
dows (thickness specified)
3. Doors and windows fittings Number per number
(like hinges, tower bolts,
sliding bolts, handles)
VII Steel work
1. Steel reinforcement bars Quintal per quintal
etc in R.C.C. and
R.B.work. quintal
2. Bending, binding of steel Quintal per quintal
3. Rivets, bolts, & nuts, An- Quintal per quintal
chor bolts, Lewis bolts,
Holding down bolts.
4. Iron hold fasts Quintal per quintal
5. Iron railing (height and Quintal per quintal
types specified)
6. Iron grills sqm per sqm

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Measurement of Materials and Works 6

VIII Roofing
1. R.C.C. and R.B.Slab roof
(excluding steel) cum per cum
2. L.C. roof over and inclusive
of tiles or brick or stone slab sqm per sqm
etc (thickness specified)
3. Centering and shuttering sqm per sqm
form work
4. A.C.Sheet roofing sqm per sqm
IX Plastering, points&finishing
1. Plastering-Cement or Lime sqm per sqm
Mortar (thickness and pro-
portion specified)
2. Pointing sqm per sqm
3. White washing, colour sqm per sqm
washing, cement wash
(number of coats specified)
4. Distempering (number of sqm per sqm
coats specified)
5. Painting, varnishing (number sqm per sqm
of coats specified)
X Flooring
1. 25mm cement concrete sqm per sqm
over 75mm lime concrete
floor (including L.C.)
2. 25mm or 40mm C.C. floor sqm per sqm
3. Doors and window sills sqm per sqm
(C.C. or cement mortar
XI Rain water pipe /Plain pipe 1RM per RM
XII Steel wooden trusses 1No per 1No
XIII Glass pannels(supply) sqm per sqm
XIV Fixing of glass panels or No per no.

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7 Estimation and Costing

The rules for measurement of each item are invaribly described in
IS-1200. However some of the general rules are listed below.
1. Measurement shall be made for finished item of work and
description of each item shall include materials, transport, labour,
fabrication tools and plant and all types of overheads for finishing
the work in required shape, size and specification.
2. In booking, the order shall be in sequence of length, breadth and
height or thickness.
3. All works shall be measured subject to the following tolerances.
i) Linear measurement shall be measured to the nearest 0.01m.
ii) Areas shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 sq.m
iii) Cubic contents shall be worked-out to the nearest 0.01 cum
4. Same type of work under different conditions and nature shall be
measured separately under separate items.
5. The bill of quantities shall fully describe the materials, proportions,
workmanships and accurately represent the work to be executed.
6. In case of masonary (stone or brick) or structural concrete, the categories
shall be measured separately and the heights shall be described:
a) from foundation to plinth level
b) from plinth level to First floor level
c) from Fist floor to Second floor level and so on.
The quantities like earth work, foundation concrete, brickwork in plinth
and super structure etc., canbe workout by any of following two methods:
a) Long wall - short wall method
b) Centre line method.
c) Partly centre line and short wall method.
a) Long wall-short wall method:
In this method, the wall along the length of room is considered to be long
wall while the wall perpendicular to long wall is said to be short wall. To get the

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Measurement of Materials and Works 8

length of long wall or short wall, calculate first the centre line lengths of
individual walls. Then the length of long wall, (out to out) may be calculated
after adding half breadth at each end to its centre line length. Thus the length of
short wall measured into in and may be found by deducting half breadth from
its centre line length at each end. The length of long wall usually decreases
from earth work to brick work in super structure while the short wall increases.
These lengths are multiplied by breadth and depth to get quantities.
b) Centre line method:
This method is suitable for walls of similar cross sections. Here the total
centre line length is multiplied by breadth and depth of respective item to get the
total quantity at a time. When cross walls or partitions or verandah walls join with
mainall, the centre line length gets reduced by half of breadth for each junction.
such junction or joints are studied caefully while calculating total centre line
length.The estimates prepared by this method are most accurate and quick.
c) Partly centre line and partly cross wall method:
This method is adopted when external (i.e., alround the building)
wall is of one thickness and the internal walls having different thicknesses.
In such cases, centre line method is applied to external walls and long wall-
short wall method is used to internal walls. This method suits for different
thicknesses walls and diffeent level of foundations. Because of this reason,
all Engineering departments are practicing this method.

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9 Estimation and Costing

P.B.-1: From the Drawing given below determine (a) Earth work
exca-vation (b) CC (1:5:10) Bed (c) R.R.Masonry in C.M.
(1:6) (d) Brick Work in C.M.(1:6).

Single Roomed Building (Load Bearing type structure)

Note: All Dimensions are in 'M'

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Measurement of Materials and Works 10

Long wall - Short wall Method

S.No. Particulars of Items No. L B H Q Explanation

1. Earth Work excava tion

for foundation
a) Long walls 2 6.2 0.9 1.4 15.264 L=5.3+.45+.45 =6.2
D= 0.3+0.5+0.6 = 1.4
b) Short walls 2 3.4 0.9 1.4 8.568 L= 4.3-0.45-0.45= 3.4
Total 24.192 m3

2. C.C.(1:4:8) bed for

a) Long walls 2 6.2 0.9 0.3 3.348
b) Short walls 2 3.4 0.9 0.3 1.836
Total 5.184 m3
3. R.R.Masonry in CM
(1:6) for
a) Footings
i) Long walls 2 5.9 0.6 0.5 3.54 L= 5.3+0.3+0.3=5.9
ii) Short walls 2 3.7 0.6 0.5 2.22 L=4.3-0.3-0.3 = 3.7
Total 5.76 m3
b) Basement
i) Long walls 2 5.75 0.45 0.6 3.105 L= 5.3+0.225+0.225= 5.75
ii) Short walls 2 3.85 0.45 0.6 2.079 L= 4.3-0.225-0.225 =3.85
Total 5.184 m3
Total R.R. Masonry for footings and Basement
= 5.76+5.184 = 10.94 m 3
4. Brick masonary with CM
(1:6) for super structure
a ) Long Wall 2 5.6 0.30 3.00 10.08 L=5.3+0.15+0.15=5.6
b) Short walls 2 4.0 0.30 3.00 7.20 L=4.3-0.15-0.15=4.0
Total 17.28 m3

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11 Estimation and Costing

Centre Line Method

S.No. Particulars of Items No. L B H Q Explanation

1. Earth Work excav ation 3

for foundation 1 19.2 0.9 1.4 24.192 m
5.3 L=2(5.3+4.3)=19.2

2. C.C.(1:4:8) bed for 1 19.2 0.9 0.3 5.184 m3


3. R.R.Masonry in
CM (1:6) for
a) Footings 1 19.2 0.6 0.5 5.76
b) Basement 1 19.2 0.45 0.6 5.184
Total 10.944 m

4. Brick masany wit h

CM (1:6) for super structure1 19.2 0.3 0.3 17.28 m3

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Measurement of Materials and Works 12

I. Short Answer Questions
1. List the difference between centre line method and long wall-short
wall method of taking out measurements.
2. What are the rules to be followed while taking the mesurements?
3. Mension the units for the following items.
a) flooring b) R.R.Masonry c) Plastering for pointing d) Damp
proof course e) R.C. sunshade (Sepcified width and thickness)
II. Essay type questions
1. From the Drawing given below determine (a) Earth work
excavation (b) CC (1:5:10) Bed (c) R.R.Masonry in C.M. (1:6) (d)
Brick Work in C.M.(1:6). by
(a) longwall - short wall method
(b) Centre line Method

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13 Estimation and Costing


The preparation of detailed estimate consists of working out
quantities of various items of work and then determine the cost of each
item. This is prepared in two stages.
i) Details of measurements and calculation of quantities:
The complete work is divided into various items of work such as
earth work concreting, brick work, R.C.C. Plastering etc., The details of
measure-ments are taken from drawings and entered in respective columns
of prescribed proforma. the quantities are calculated by multiplying the
values that are in num-bers column to Depth column as shown below:
Details of measurements form
Length Breadth Depth/
S.No. Description No (L) (B) Height Quantity Explanatory
of Item m m (D/H)m Notes

ii) Abstract of Estimated Cost :

The cost of each item of work is worked out from the quantities
that already computed in the detals measurement form at workable rate.
But the total cost is worked out in the prescribed form is known as
abstract of estimated form. 4%of estimated Cost is allowed for Petty
Supervision, contingencies and Unforeseen items.

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Types of Estimates 14
Item No. Description/ Quantity Unit Rate Per Amount
Particulars (Unit)

The detailed estimate should accompained with

i) Report
ii) Specification
iii) Drawings (plans, elevation, sections)
iv) Design charts and calculations
v) Standard schedule of rates.
3.1.1.Factors to be consisdered While Preparing Detailed
i) Quantity and transportation of materials: For bigger project, the
re-quirement of materials is more. such bulk volume of mateials will
be pur-chased and transported definitely at cheaper rate.
ii) Location of site: The site of work is selected, such that it should reduce
damage or in transit during loading, unloading, stocking of mateirals.
iii) Local labour charges: The skill, suitability and wages of local
laboures are consideed while preparing the detailed estimate.
The process of working out the cost or rate per unit of each item is
called as Data. In preparation of Data, the rates of materials and labour
are obtained from current standard scheduled of rates and while the
quantities of materials and labour required for one unit of item are taken
from Standard Data Book (S.D.B)

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15 Estimation and Costing

3.2.1 Fixing of Rate per Unit of an Item:
The rate per unit of an item includes the following:
1) Quantity of materials & cost: The requirement of mateials are taken
strictly in accordance with standard data book(S.D.B). The cost of
these includes first cost, freight, insurance and transportation charges.
ii) Cost of labour: The exact number of labourers required for unit of work
and the multiplied by the wages/ day to get of labour for unit item work.
iii) Cost of equipment (T&P): Some works need special type of
equip-ment, tools and plant. In such case, an amount of 1 to 2% of
estimated cost is provided.
iv) Overhead charges: To meet expenses of office rent, depreciation
of equipment salaries of staff postage, lighting an amount of 4% of
estimate cost is allocated.
Preliminary or approximate estimate is required for studies of various as-
pects of work of project and for its administrative approval. It can decide, in
case of commercial projects, whether the net income earned justifies the
amount invested or not. The approximate estimate is prepared from the
practical knowl-edge and cost of similar works. The estimate is accompanied
by a report duely explaining necessity and utility of the project and with a site
or layout plan. A percentage 5 to 10% is allowed for contingencies. The
following are the meth-ods used for preparation of approximate estimates.
a) Plinth area method
b) Cubical contents methods
c) Unit base method.
a) Plinth area method: The cost of construction is determined by multiplying
plinth area with plinth area rate. The area is obtained by multiplying length and
breadth (outer dimensions of building). In fixing the plinth area rate, carefull
observation and necessary enquiries are made in respect of quality and quantity
aspect of materials and labour, type of foundation, hight of building, roof, wood
work, fixtures, number of storeys etc.,
As per IS 3861-1966, the following areas include while calculating
the plinth area of building.

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Types of Estimates 16
a) Area of walls at floor level.
b) Internal shafts of sanitary installations not exceeding 2.0m , lifts,
airconditionsing ducts etc.,
c) Area of barsati at terrace level:
Barsati means any covered space open on one side constructed on
one side constructed on terraced roof which is used as shelter
during rainy season.
d) Porches of non cantilever type.
Areas which are not to include
a) Area of lofts.
b) Unenclosed balconies.
c) Architectural bands, cornices etc.,
d) Domes, towers projecting above terrace level.
e) Box louvers and vertical sunbreakers.
b) Cubical Contents Method: This method is generally used for multistoreyed
buildings. It is more accurate that the other two methods viz., plinth area method
and unit base method. The cost of a structure is calculated approximately as the
total cubical contents (Volume of buildings) multiplied by Local Cubic Rate. The
volume of building is obtained by Length x breadth x depth or height. The length
and breadth are measured out to out of walls excluding the plinth off set.
The cost of string course, cornice, carbelling etc., is neglected.
The cost of building= volume of buildings x rate/ unit volume.
c) Unit Base Method: According to this method the cost of structure is
deter-mined by multiplying the total number of units with unit rate of
each item. In case schools and colleges, the unit considered to be as 'one
student' and in case of hospital, the unit is 'one bed'. the unit rate is
calculated by dividing the actual expenditure incured or cost of similar
building in the nearby locality by the num-ber of units.

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17 Estimation and Costing

Problems on Plinth Area Method
Example 3.1: Prepare an approximate estimate of building project with
total plinth area of all building is 800 sqm. and from following data.
i) Plinth area rate Rs. 4500 per sqm
ii) Cost of water supply @7½%of cost of building.
iii) Cost of Sanitary andElectrical installations each @ 7½% of
cost of building.
iv) Cost of architectural features @1% of building cost.
v) Cost of roads and lawns @5% of building cost.
vi) Cost of P.S. and contingencies @4% of building
cost. Determine the total cost of building project.
Solution :
Data given:
Plinth area = 800m .
Plinth area rate = Rs. 4500 per Sqm.
∴ Cost of building = 800 x 4500 = Rs. 36,00,000=00
Add the cost of the water supply charges @7½%

= 36,00,000 ×7.5 = 2,70,000 = 00

Add the Cost of Sanitary and electrical installation @ 15%
= = 5,40,000 = 00
Add the cost of archetectural features @1%
36,00,000 ×1
= = 36,000 = 00
36,00,000 ×5
Add the cost of Roads Lawns @ 5%= =1,80,000 = 00
Add the Cost of P.S. and contingencies @ 4%
= =1,44,000 = 00
Total Rs. 47,70,000=00
Assume Add supervision charges 8% on overall cost
= 47,70,000 × 8 = 3,81,600 = 00
Grand Total Rs. 51,51,600=00

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Types of Estimates 18
Example 3.2 : The plinth area of an appartment is 500 sqm. Detemine
the total cost of building from the following data:

a) Rate of construction = Rs.1230/--per m .
b) The height of appartment = 16.25 m
c) Water Supply, Sanitary and Electrical installations each at
6% of building cost.
d) Architectural appearance @ 1% of building cost.
e) Unforeseen item @2% of Building cost.
f) P.S. and contingencies @4% of building.
Solution :
a) The Cost of building = cubic content x cubic rate
= 500 ×16.25 ×1230 = Rs. 99,93,750/-
b) Provision for water supply, sanitary and
Electrical installations water supply and sanitation each @ 6%
= 99,93,750×18 =Rs.17,98,875/−
i.e total percent = 3×6 = 18% building cost

c) Architectural appearance @1%= 99,93,750 ×1 = Rs. 99,937/-


d) Unforeseen items @2% = Rs. 1,99,875/-

e) P.S. and contingenies @4% = Rs. 3,99,750/-

Total = Rs.1,24,92,187/-
Sundries 7,813/-
Total cost of the building project = Grand Total = Rs.1,25,00,000/-

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