Ic7 Marine
Ic7 Marine
Ic7 Marine
Open up a new dimension •
Unrivaled power density
Modular control architecture
in maritime performance •
Integrated Industrial IoT security
Streamlined system integration
• Efficient cooling management
• Integrated functional safety
Embark on a new voyage of Building on this foundation, iC7-Marine • Precision motor control
opportunity with the versatile and is equipped with a world-class IIoT • Ultra-low harmonic current
intelligent iC7-Marine, optimized security approach that enables you distortion THDi
for both ocean-going and inland to future-proof your system for the • Supported by DrivePro® services
waterway vessels. Featuring a new decades ahead.
dimension of power density and Over 50 years in pioneering power
motor control accuracy, even the most electronics and 25 years in marine-
challenging of applications as diverse Applications optimized drives prepares us well to
as propulsion, thrusters, winches, and Choose the optimal application for innovate for tomorrow
more can be successfully navigated. your process, to open a new dimension
in system performance:
iC7-Marine gives you the edge on • Propulsion, optimized for high-
competitors with a whole new performance marine applications
level of modular control, industry
benchmark thermal management, Choose additional hardware
and unparalleled ease of system functionalities to tailor the drive to
competitive new
integration. your application needs: marine performance
• Active Front End (AFE) levels, with scalable
This drive series supports your business and ultra-compact
with the highest quality and reliability
standard available on the planet – At a glance
thanks to a development approach • Voltage rating:
based on unmatched expertise, the 3 x 525-690 V AC -15%/+10%
latest simulation techniques, and • Output current: 170-6400 A
exhaustive testing. • Protection rating:IP00
(IP55 electronics housing)
Scalable and flexible control More built-in sensors The ‘halo’ status indicator ensures the
Enjoy a new level of performance for improved control status of the drive is easy to recognize
thanks to the rapid-response control The iC7 drive has an increased number from a distance. An NFC chip enables
of iC7 drives. of sensors for optimized control. This readout of basic data, as well as transfer
enables improved control performance, of specific settings.
The control capability is scalable and increased protection of application and
equipped with Ethernet-based fieldbus drive, and capability to support
and STO inputs as standard. Add Industrial IoT solutions. Supported by MyDrive® tools
more I/Os as needed, to match your You can use MyDrive® tools on the
applications. The iC7 drive delivers superior control device of your choice, supporting the
performance, which supports the entire lifecycle of the iC7 drive; from
A optional basic I/O board offers typical highest dynamics and accuracy with a selection and dimensioning, through
basic I/O connectivity, and if more is minimum of tuning in both open and programming and commissioning,
needed then you can add up to 10 closed loop applications. to maintenance and support during
options. operation.
Condition-based monitoring and
predictions of possible abnormal
Options fact sheet MyDrive® Insight fact sheet
operational conditions make it
possible to plan and conduct
Configure fieldbus protocol from the maintenance before a failure occurs.
factory: Modbus TCP, PROFINET 1], Engineering support
Ethernet/IP or EtherCAT 1] a simple Danfoss provides an extensive selection
Motor Control fact sheet
change of protocol is also possible in of support material and tools to help in
the field, thanks to the modular control engineering, such as:
structure. • Dimensioning tools, such as MyDrive®
Functional safety Select, MyDrive® Harmonics and
Connect to a computer via the extra to match your needs MyDrive® ecoSmart™
Ethernet port, enabling you to use STO SIL3, Ple with STO feedback is • EPLAN P8 macros
MyDrive® commissioning or service always included. A scalable offering • Dimensional and electrical drawings
tools. allows addition of functional safety via
fieldbus, and added functional safety
The control unit has an integrated real- features (Stop, Speed, Brake) with and Quality in focus
time clock with battery backup. without sensor feedback. Reliable and predictable operation
has been a key driver. With an IATF
16949-compliant quality system and
Functional Safety fact sheet
Secure-by-design use of 6-Sigma principles, quality and
Your drive is equipped with market- reliability are at absolute market-lead-
leading hardware-based protection ing standards.
against unauthorized access with a Filters and accessories
built-in crypto chip on the control unit. For a complete installation, a range of Reliability is assured by design with
A built-in microSD card allows you filter options are available, covering features such as minimized airflow
to copy settings, log data, download LCL filter, LC filter, dU/dt filter and through the control board section.
software and activate licenses – all common-mode filters.
protected by the crypto chip. The finished drives are 100% full-load
tested ensuring reliability before
Options fact sheet
leaving the factory.
Security fact sheet
User interfaces
A new range of user interfaces inte-
grate well-known features and func-
tionality with full connectivity to hand-
Awaiting certification held devices over Wi-Fi. Integration of
features in MyDrive® tools is supported.
1 Winch
2 Crane
3 Generator
4 Shaft generator
5 Main thruster
6 Tunnel thruster
3 5
Upcoming type approvals, subject to validation
Some functionalities listed in this fact sheet are for future implementation