Enable HCM Redwood Pages and Flows
Enable HCM Redwood Pages and Flows
Enable HCM Redwood Pages and Flows
September 2024
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Confidential: Public
This document provides an overview of HCM pages or flows. It includes steps to take
before enabling Redwood pages, including how to enable Oracle Search. Once you’re
ready to enable individual pages and flows, refer to the HCM Redwood Profile
Options spreadsheet that lists all pages and flows organized by product and release.
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Due to the nature of the product architecture, it may not be possible to safely include
all features described in this document without risking significant destabilization of
the code.
Redwood is the new user experience in Oracle HCM applications. Many pages and flows have been recreated in the
Redwood toolset Visual Builder Studio (VBS) to improve the user experience by having the pages and flows be more
connected. The pages and flows identified in this document have not been through a full redesign, but they have been
modified, to look and act like the Redwood pages and flows to help create cohesiveness through the application. Many
pages and flows identified in this document have been turned on by default, as we believe that these pages would enrich the
user experience. However, some pages and flows, we have not turned on by default, because depending on your
implementation the new pages or flows may not make sense. In these cases, you may turn on the profile option in your non-
production environments to see the impacts. If there are no impacts and you would like to use the new pages, you may
enable the profile option on your production environment.
Note: Redwood features are enabled by default only on new environments provisioned on Release 24A with HCM. For those
with new sites provisioned on Release 24A, you’re still required to perform the steps listed in: Fusion HCM: Redwood
Required Steps for Environment Provisioned on Release 24A – MOS Document – 2997123.1
Redwood flows require Oracle Search to be enabled. Setup includes setting profile options, creating indices and configuring
access control lists-based data security. Follow the steps below to enable Oracle Search for Redwood flows.
Note: If you have previously enabled Oracle Search-based features, some of these steps may have already been completed
in your environment.
First you need to enable the following Oracle Search profile options.
To enable profile options, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area:
1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
2. Search for and select the profile options you are enabling from the table below.
3. Depending on the required Redwood features, you may need to set the following profile options too:
Profile Option Code Profile Display Name Application Module Profile Profile
Level Value
ORA_HWM_ELASTIC_SEARCH HWM Enable Oracle Search Workforce Workforce Site Yes
_ENABLED Management Management
CH_ENABLED Management Management
ORA_PER_CHK_ORACLE_SEA Oracle Search Index for Journeys Enabled Global Human Allocated Site Y
RCH_INDEX_ENABLED Resources Checklists
ORA_PER_CHK_ORACLE_SEA Direct Uptake of Data for Oracle Search in Global Human Allocated Site Y
RCH_DIRECT_INGEST_ENABL Journeys Enabled Resources Checklists
The ESS job must be run only for the HCM products that are or will be implemented in the environment. Below is the list of
the indexes across HCM products that require initial data ingestion process to be run:
HCM Product Indexes names
General search infrastructure • fa-hcm-acl
• fa-hcm-savedsearch
Learning • fa-hcm-learningitem
• fa-hcm-learn-acl
• fa-hcm-learningrecord
• fa-hcm-learningrecommendation
• fa-hcm-learningbooking
Recruiting • fa-hcm-requisition
• fa-hcm-irc-hiring-events
Journeys • fa-hcm-workerjourney
• fa-hcm-workerjourneytask
Note: Do not schedule the initial data ingestion process and run it only as recommended.
If you are using the predefined roles, no action is necessary. However, if you are using custom versions of these roles and you
use contextual journeys, you must add the appropriate privileges to your custom roles. See the Release 13 Oracle Human
Capital Management Cloud Security Upgrade Guide on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2023523.1) for instructions about
implementing new functions in existing roles.
For information about existing security privileges, refer to the Security Reference for Common Features guide on the Oracle
Help Center.
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