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Revised English Literature XI-XII With Notified-13-15

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Section 3

Student Learning Outcomes

C1: Appreciation & understanding of literature in English.
Standard 1: All students will understand and appreciate Literature in socio-
cultural Contexts as a means of providing intellectual, emotional and aesthetic delight.
Grade XI Grade XII
Benchmark 1: Benchmark 1:
Discover that reading literary works Appreciate literary works to gain Intellectual
provide intellectual and emotional delight and emotional insight
Student Learning Outcomes
 Know that the purpose of literature is  Ascertain the purpose of literature
to entertain, inform and persuade the through a wide reading of literary texts
reader/audience in diverse ways. to form a close association between
understanding and delight.
 Make connections between one’s own  Discover how these universal emotions
life and the characters, events, are portrayed by writers through their
motives and causes displayed in preferred genre and according to their
literature. socio- cultural context and time period.
 Recognize recurring themes and the  Enhance further development of
existence of universal human recurring themes and the existence of
emotions across literary works. universal human emotions across
 Observe that writers portray these literary works.
universal emotions through their
preferred genre and according to
their socio- cultural c o n t e x t .

C2: Developing critical insight of different literary genres of Literature in English.

Standard 1: All students will know selected major genres in Literature and their
sub-genres for comprehending, analyzing and interpreting literary texts.
Grade XI Grade XII
Benchmark 1: Benchmark 1:
Recognize selected major/principal genres of Analyze selected major/principal genres of
literature and their sub- genres. literature and their sub- genres.
Student Learning Outcomes
 Know characteristic features of selected  Recall selected major/principal genres of
major genres;Poetry, Drama, Short Story, literature and their characteristic features:
Prose and of their sub- genres. Poetry Short Story Prose.
 Search for representative literary works in  Know Novel as a genre of literature and
these genres using resource centers like recognize its characteristic features.
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 Present identical genres (poem, drama,  Extend knowledge of selected sub- genres of
prose) piece by searching. Poetry, P r o s e and their characteristic
features: Poetry: Lyric, ode, Elegy,
Dramatic. Monologue Prose, Essay-
Argumentative and Reflective.
 Search for representative literary works in
these genres using resource centers like
 Present identical genres (poem, drama,
prose) piece by searching.
Standard 2: All students will comprehend and appreciate writer’s craft in regard to
genre-specific literary devices/techniques and stylistic features and their use for varied
literary effects.
Grade XI Grade XII
Benchmark 1: Benchmark 1:
Develop an awareness of the literary Enhance awareness of the literary
conventions of different poetic texts, drama, conventions of different poetic texts, novel,
short story, narrative and descriptive essays. short story, reflective and analytical essays.
Student Learning Outcomes
 Know different forms of poetry(sonnet,
ballad, lyrics, blank verse etc.)
 Comprehend the use of literary  Read, listen to and recall the use of literary
features/techniques of poetry(rhyme, features/techniques of poetry.(rhyme,
rhythm, alliteration) rhythm, alliteration, elegy, dramatic
monologue, heroic couplet, epic, free verse,
figure of speech)
 Listen to and read a given poem with  Listen to and read a given poem with
intonation to comprehend the use of intonation to comprehend the use of sound
sound in poetry; rhyme and rhythm; rise in poetry; rhyme and rhythm; rise and fall,
and fall, syllable stress/unstress. syllable stress/unstress.
 Analyze the context and contents of a  Analyze the context and contents of a poem.
 Practice reading aloud/listening repeatedly  Practice reading aloud/listening repeatedly
to help focus on layers of meaning not to help focus on layers of meaning not
possible in a single reading. possible in a single reading
 Express their spontaneous personal response  Express their spontaneous personal response
to the poem. to the poem.
 Know the elements of short story(plot,  Know the elements of novel (plot,
characters, theme, setting) characters, theme, setting, conflicts, point of
 Present other short story with elements  Analyze the given novel with respect to
based on search/study. various elements
 Know the elements of drama (plot,  Compare and contrast various characters of

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characters, theme, setting, dialogue) the given novel.
 Analyze the given drama with respect to  Express their personal response to the
various elements overall effect of the given literary text.
 Express their personal response to the  Analyze writer’s personal point of view or
overall effect of the given literary text. facts as given in the literary text.
 Identify facts/opinions in the given
literary text.
C3: Reader’s response and critical analysis of literary texts.
Standard 1: All students will demonstrate ability to Comprehend and critically analyze
literary texts, orally and in writing.
Grade XI Grade XII
Benchmark 1: Benchmark 1:
Critically analyze literary texts Critically analyze literary texts
Student Learning Outcomes
 Use pre-reading strategies to predict content  Use pre-reading strategies to predict
of a text. content of a text.
 Use while-reading strategies to apply critical  Use while-reading strategies to apply
thinking, while exploring and interacting with critical thinking, while exploring and
the text. interacting with the text.
 Use post- reading strategies to critically  Use post- reading strategies to critically
evaluate the text and to give a personal evaluate the text and to give a personal
opinion. opinion.
 Analyze how writer has used language and  Analyze and discuss how writer has used
style. literary devices/techniques, language and
 Know that themes are related to and set in  Observe that themes are related to and set
different societies, cultures of different in different societies, cultures of different
times. times.
 Understand that a particular theme may be  Observe that a particular theme may be
presented differently by writers using their presented differently by writers using their
preferred genres and style. preferred genres and style.
 Interpret the literary themes with real life  Interpret the literary themes with real life
situations, social and cultural norms. situations, social and cultural norms.
Benchmark 2: Benchmark 2:
Exhibit power of verbal expression creatively, Exhibit power of verbal expression
critically and analytically to formulate responses creatively, critically and analytically to
to literary texts through oral, performative and formulate responses to literary texts through
written means oral, performative and written means
Student Learning Outcomes
 Role-play to perform different characters  Role-play to perform different characters
given in literary text. given in literary text.
 Express personnel responses to the given  Express personnel responses to the given
literary text through creativity and literary text through creativity and
imagination. imagination.
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