The Last Prayer
The Last Prayer
The Last Prayer
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M, F/F, Multi
Fandom: Naruto
Relationships: Uzumaki Naruto/Yamanaka Ino, Uzumaki Naruto/Yuuhi Kurenai,
Haruno Sakura/Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto,
Tenten/Uzumaki Naruto, Temari/Uzumaki Naruto, Mabui/Uzumaki
Naruto, Haruno Sakura/Yamanaka Ino, Naruto/Multi
Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Yamanaka Ino, Yuuhi Kurenai, future Uzumaki Naruto,
Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, Hyuuga Hinata, Akimichi Chouji, Nara
Shikamaru, Hatake Kakashi, Sarutobi Asuma, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Inuzuka
Kiba, Aburame Shino, Mitarashi Anko, Umino Iruka, Haku (Naruto),
Momochi Zabuza, Maito Gai | Might Guy, Tenten (Naruto), Rock Lee,
Hyuuga Neji, Shiranui Genma, Yamanaka Ino's Mother, Yamanaka
Inoichi, Akimichi Chouza, Akimichi Chouji's Mother, Haruno Sakura's
Parents, Terumi Mei, Mabui (Naruto), Samui (Naruto), Atsui (Naruto)
Additional Tags: Canon Divergence, will of fire, Slow Build, Explicit Sexual Content,
Aged-Up Character(s), Time Travel Fix-It, Shinigami Beads,
Worldbuilding, Konohagakure | Hidden Leaf Village, Character Study,
Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Harem
Language: English
Collections: Naruto Wonderland, Sexy Steamy Stories, SakurAlpha's Fic Rec of Pure
Sometimes, all it takes is the right voice to help you realize the greatness within and conquer
the painful evil without. Uzumaki Naruto's voice of promise just so happens to be his own...
from the future.
A Will of Fire
Chapter Notes
Hello all.
There are a few things I want to mention right off the bat. One, I'm a big fan of Naruto,
not to say I love every aspect of the manga/show, but it's one of my favorite stories and
Naruto's one of my favorite characters. As such, I'll be sticking to the manga and non-
filler anime. I may take something from the movies but as of this moment, that's not
Two: This fanfic came about after I put a hold on my initial fanfic, From Ruin. I was just
writing for writing's sake, not necessarily thinking about where the story or characters
were going. It turns out, I like it. I've written three chapters so far and I thought I'd post
it just to see what people think of it. This also means that I have no idea where this story
is going, so, updates may vary.
Three: I've aged up the characters but not the events. So Team 7 has just been formed,
but everyone is starting at 16 years of age. I did that because there's sex in this fic and
even if they're cartoons, I don't want to think about 13 yr olds having sex. That ain't my
thing. Though I should mention that I rarely say their age so you may not even notice
the age-up since everything else is the same.
Four: This is a mature fanfic. Please do not read if sex is not something you like to read
in a story. Speaking of, my current mindset is that of relationship between Naruto and
multiple women. Relationship, not sex for the hell of it. Anyone who didn't like Naruto
when the manga started isn't going to like him in my fic. Multi may turn into Harem
later, but only if it happens in a way that makes sense.
Lastly, this is the first time I've ever written multiple perspective, so, that was
P.S. For those who are reading my first fic, From Ruin, please know that I have not
abandoned. I will get back to it. I'm taking time to think of resolutions.
At first, it was just a hum; the kind one might annoyingly swat away, absolutely sure a fat fly
was buzzing far to close to the ear.
Mere weeks later and for quite some time, the sound morphed into distant chatter; hazy, like
the final incoherent echoes of conversation. It had made, then, potential graduate student,
Uzumaki Naruto constantly swivel his head like a whip, dead intent on locating this elusive
chatter. He heard it everywhere; in the middle of class, walking through the markets, training
in the woods, relaxing in his apartment, and his frustration grew every time he couldn't locate
its source. Presently, however, as he drags his feet away from Konoha's hospital, the last
thing on his mind was some annoying chattering sound he couldn't identify.
The day was bright and the pure white clouds were large and puffy against the baby blue of
the sky. Certainly, a joyous day for many in the nation of Fire, unless you were Naruto and
Umino Iruka. The thoughtful and caring chūnin-sensei had selflessly saved his life from the
traitor, Mizuki, just days before, using his body to stop a large shuriken that was meant for
him. For his troubles, Naruto's favorite academy sensei is now paralyzed from the chest
Walking that long sorrowful path toward nothing and no one, the only voice in Naruto's head
was the list of injuries the nurse was adamant the young genin had caused that night by
needlessly moving Iruka-sensei in a panicked rush to get the injured chūnin-sensei to the
“Because of your carelessness,” the nurse yelled, “his spine, spinal nerve roots, intercostal
nerves, ribs, and lungs were extraneously damaged. Because of you, he'll never have a career
as an active Konoha shinobi again! He'll be lucky if he can ever walk again. Now, get out! He
doesn't want to see you!”
Truthfully, Naruto didn't understand most of what she said. It all sounded terrible, but the part
that struck him the most, the thing he blames himself so utterly over, is being the reason
Iruka-Sensei can never be a shinobi again.
Before he knew the extent of his sensei's injuries, Naruto was supremely confident the
scarred sensei would be fine in a couple of days. Naruto himself recalls being stabbed before
and he was always fine in a day or two. He had been so excited to visit the chūnin to show off
his brand new hitai-ate, to regale him with how they passed Kakashi-sensei's bell test, only to
be yelled that Iruka-sensei doesn't want to see him. The difference in walks to and from the
hospital is like a moonless night and a pleasant day.
‘Why wouldn't he be fine? He was supposed to be,’ Naruto can't help but think. ‘That
shouldn't happen to good people.’
Lamenting over the grievous injury of his single mentor—his fourth special person after Ji-
chan, Teuchi-jiji, and Ayame-nee—he unknowingly found himself on the best spot
overlooking all of Konoha. Admiring the robust village, now cognizant of why the majority
hate him and the thing inside him, it only fueled his need to make things right again, to
desperately fight this horrible feeling in his chest from festering. Jiji had taught him long ago
that nothing changes if you stay unhappy about it.
‘If I became the best shinobi in the village, and then the best Hokage of all time, I just know
Iruka-sensei would be happy,’ Naruto mentally declares as if combating the guilt within with
his sheer determination. He may not be the smartest shinobi in class, but even he knows the
steps to take Jiji's white hat; work harder than anyone and protect your village. ‘I couldn't
stop Mizuki-teme from hurting Iruka-sensei, but I won't let anything bad happen to sensei
again! I know it!’
‘Na.. rut..o.’
Naruto whipped around, hopping on his feet, looking for whoever called his name. It was
faint, wispy really, but he's certain he heard it. “Hello!” he cautiously calls. “Who's there?”
There's no response. After a few seconds of silence, Naruto straightens up from his guarded
stance. Confident it must've been his imagination, he hops off of the Yondaime's stone visage
to train; To make Iruka-sensei proud. Team seven's first meeting as an official Konoha squad
isn't until next week, and with clenched fists, he's determined to be the best one in it.
‘It won't be for nothing Iruka-sensei! Just you watch,’ he mentally pumps himself up as he
dashes to his favorite training ground: Training Ground 28.
It's a small thing compared to the better newer training grounds, or the older revered ones
nearer to the center of town, but it's less likely to have any shinobi already training in it.
Using rotting, weathered targets hanging from various branches of several trees for his
shuriken and kunai practice, he concentrates on attempting six simultaneous shuriken throws.
He's gotten fairly good at throwing two shiruken per hand with decent accuracy, but three per
hand is frustrating him to get right. As he's just about to release the spinning missiles, he
hears it again.
It's louder, seizing his muscles for a split second and breaking his concentration, scattering
his precious few throwing stars everywhere but on target.
“Uah, wh-wh-wh-who's there!” Naruto yells out, searching desperately around, in shadows,
in the canopy above or bushes below, extending his senses for any sound that's not of nature.
“Whoever it is better come out now or I swear I'll make you eat dirt!” he adamantly yells
with a pointed finger. No one comes out. It was silent, unnerving, and he was still and rigid
for a solid five minutes. He nearly relaxes his guard when he heard it again.
Naruto begins to wonder if he's going crazy because it was starting to sound more like this
unrecognizable male voice was in his head rather than somewhere around him where
unrecognizable voices ought to be.
“W-w-wh-who,” Naruto stammers, asking aloud but dreading a response... very much so
dreading it.
‘I can... ear you,’ the voice said, and Naruto runs. Like a bolt out of a bow, he sprints
full out with no real direction in mind other than away. ‘How's… that,’ the voice asks. ‘That
‘I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy...’ Naruto mentally repeats, casually
noticing the voice feels even clear despite sprinting away from it. Feeling nothing but
adrenaline in his legs, he runs flat out, making the trees look like a blurry paste around him.
‘You're no... going crazy,’ the young but deep voice states, interjecting his reply in Naruto's
Suddenly, Naruto ends his panicked sprint with a bit of a slide, ninja sandals ripping earth
until he comes to a stop, shouting, “wait a' minute!” Looking around the forest again, he asks,
“is this a prank? That you Konohamaru? ...Sasuke-teme? ...Kakashi-sensei? Whoever it is,
you better believe I won't rest until I get you back ten times worse!”
‘It's not... a prank,’ the voice says. ‘Though that'd be a... pretty awesome prank.’
“AAHH,” Naruto groans in startling surprise, bringing up his fingers nails to be nervously
gnawed on by his teeth. “This is genjutsu! Some kinda crazy illusion... trying to- to make me
do something stupid, like steal women’s panties or eat vegetables. I won't do it!”
‘This isn't genjutsu, Naruto,’ the voice says with a chuckle. ‘Kami, it feels so weird calling
you that.’
“Why would that be weird, you weirdo. It's my name! How do you even know my name!?”
Naruto tosses back strongly, walking around bushes and behind trees, doing his best to locate
a physical person nearby who's responsible for this jutsu, and yet he finds no one.
‘I know it's your name,’ the voice says, still seemingly sounding amused. ‘Because it's also
my name.’
But for a couple of skeptical blinks, his entire body freezes as his patience momentarily
yields and reboots. “....this- this may be a wicked prank, but I'm still not falling for it!”
Naruto yells. “I'm the one and only, future Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto! Now get out here so I
can kick the crap out you!”
‘Well, listen up, Uzumaki Naruto: the Next Hokage,’ Naruto starts, lightly mocking the
boy's use of his full name and aspiration. ‘What I’m about to tell you is going to be hard to
believe, but you and I share the same name because we're actually the same person. I'm
the you from the future.’
Two more blinks at the unexpectedly ludicrous revelation and an exhale of admiration, and
Naruto can't help but think with a small measure of respect, ‘Uwwaaahh, even I wouldn't
have thought of a prank like that.’
‘Thanks, but since I'm you, technically you did, or will... No, I mean, this isn't a prank,’
the voice mentally replies to Naruto's thought.
“You can read my mind!?” Naruto calls out, nearly falling from the branch he was using to
scale a tree in search of the hidden prankster. After regaining his balance, he hops to the
ground, beginning to entertain the notion that there's no one to find because there was no one
‘Oh, this is going to take a while... time we don't have,’ the voice couldn't help but exhale.
‘Look, I really am you from the future and I can prove it. You should be Genin by this
point, at least that's what I was aiming for. Our- your Jōnin-sensei is Hatake Kakashi, and
your teammates are Haruno Sakura-chan and Uchiha Sasuke.’
“Beh! That doesn't prove anything,” Naruto quickly retorts, still looking around. “They
announced it in class. Everyone heard.”
‘Fair enough,’ the young deeper voice concedes. ‘How about something only we- you
would know? Like the first time you had Ichiraku's Ramen. We- you were eight-years-old
and Teuchi-jiji found you unconscious in the alley where he dumps his trash. You were
scared but he was kind, and let you sit in his stand. Ayame-nee bandaged you up while
Teuchi-jiji made you a bowl of pork and beef ramen. We knew instantly, outside of Ji-chan,
he was one of the few safe adults in the village. And Ayame-nee was just as awesome. Who
else could know that but us?’
Naruto doesn't respond for a few moments, absorbing the nature and the truth of the voice's
accurate claims. He did meet Teuchi-jiji and his daughter when he was eight. The civilian
adults stopped attacking him long before that but teenage bullies were another matter entirely
and would chase him down every time they spotted him. It's true no one would know what
Teuchi-jiji and Ayame-nee did...
“Wait,” Naruto sluggishly speculates aloud. “They would know. Jiji and Nee-chan could've
told you.”
‘I mean I doubt they ever would, but fine,’ the voice states. ‘We're low on time so I'll name
a few things quickly; stuff only we know. We- first developed the Oiroke no
Jutsu(Sexy Technique) because you noticed how girls are treated better and how much
more attention they’d get. You found a box of Barely Legal and Raw Kunoichi magazines
in the dump, peeped on girls in the bath houses, and finished the jutsu in six months.’
Though wide-eyed in shock and red in the face, Naruto refutes nothing as the voice
continues, ‘you found your green goggles in the park by the academy. You stayed there for
nearly three hours waiting to see if anyone would come back for them. When no one did,
you kept it on your head in hopes someone might recognize them. You found a fat toad in
that pond by the Hyūga compound. You became best friends and named him Gama-chan.’
Naruto can hear the levity in his voice all but disappear when he continues, ‘we were really
sad when some of the Hyūga kids killed him. That was a hard month, but while you were
scavenging the dump, you found a toad wallet that reminded you of Gama-chan and kept
it. Your shinobi tools were mostly scavenged from corpses in Training Ground 44.
Everything else in your apartment is a hand-me-down, clearance sale, or found in the
dump because nearly all the shops in the village make you pay more. You sent a letter to
yourself when you first learned how to write because you never got any mail and you
wanted to know what it felt like-’
“Okay,” Naruto finally said, calling an end to the voice's rather depressing tirade of his life.
“Uh... whatever, I still don't think you're me from the future, but, I'll hear you out. Start by
telling me how awesome I become. How fast do I become Hokage?”
‘First,’ the voice interrupts, cutting off some of Naruto's excitement. ‘You have to know I
won't always be with you like this—speaking to you like this isn't a constant thing. What
I'm doing takes a lot of effort and concentration to keep up. I'll explain what that is next
time. As we speak, it's getting harder and harder to stay, so until I can get a better handle
on this, for now, I can only talk for minutes at a time, maybe twenty if I really try.’
‘Not enough time,’ the voice says. ‘I'll be back, though—once I've rested—but for these
last few minutes, I just want to explain a bit of why I'm here. The short version is, there's a
fourth great shinobi war, and basically, we lose. Lots of people we know will die, and the
rest are trapped in a never-ending, unbreakable genjutsu. I'll explain more next time but,
the reason we lost is because I wasn't strong enough. Team seven, our friends, our village,
the entire shinobi world is a slave to this really bad guy because we weren't strong enough
to stop him. It was all too easy to manipulate us—the nations, I mean—because we were
all too busy hating each other and fighting amongst ourselves to stop and think. In the end,
we couldn't stop this cycle of hate, which meant, we couldn't stop him.’
‘Hehe, yeah, I guess that would be hard for anyone to accept,’ the voice admits. ‘But it's
true. There's something else, and this is going to be really important. You already know
Kage Bunshin, right?’
‘Good,’ the voice affirms. ‘What you probably don't know—or won't know until years later
for some odd reason—is that any knowledge or experience your bunshin experiences,
you'll learn as well after it's dispelled. T-Try this... if you don't... believe me.’
“Oi, oi, Naru-nii, you okay?” Naruto asks uneasily, sensing the struggle in the Voice's speech.
‘I only have... seconds,’ Naru-nii barely manages to get out. ‘Make... a Kage-Bunshin.
Make... it... talk... to Teuchi-jiji... or Iruka-sensei... somebody. Then... dispel it. You'll...
learn... e.. e.. every... thing.... it.... learnned.’
Quiet fills Naruto’s expectation of further conversation. After several moments of silence,
Naruto can't help but call out, “Neh, Naru-nii? Naru-nii, you still there?” Other than the wind
breezing through grass, leaves, and branches, and the birds singing, Naruto is met with
Head tilting to the side, Naruto scratches his smooth hairless chin, pondering everything
that's happened. He questions the merits of this complicated prank... if he can even call it a
prank. Humming inquisitively against the rustling sounds of blowing trees, he slowly reflects
on the voice and how it knew things about him that no one else could know. Naruto was
fairly sure if the voice continued, it would've only mentioned more anecdotes about his
outcast of a life, so, it's either the most elaborate prank in the history of pranks, or...
“Meh!” Naruto shrugs forming the hand seals for the Kage Bunshin. He's always been a
practical guy, not that he wouldn't love the brains to think his way through problems but the
academy pointed out to him a long time ago he just wasn't smart enough for that kind of
rational approach. What's more, he isn't really doing anything dangerous, or suspect, like how
Mizuki tricked him into stealing the Scroll of Seals.
“Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!” From a quickly evaporating puff of white smoke, nine shadow
clones of himself pop into existence. “He said one... but whatever,” Naruto mumbles, taking a
commanding step in front of his troops. “Alright, listen up. I want three of you to go...
somewhere. Ah! One goes to Ayame-nee, one to Ji-chan, and one to... Iruka-sensei. Break
into his room if you have. Just see him. You can dispel after that.”
With little more than a quick look between the nine, three immediately break off. How those
three knew they were the ones, the original didn't know, nor care. “What about us,” one clone
“The rest of you go to look for the shuriken I threw earlier. When you find one, leave it there
and dispel. I guess I'll learn where it is.”
“Yosh!” The rest of the clones call, fists in the air, and Naruto watches them rush off to get to
work, all the while shrinking a bit at what he's heard. It's not every day you're told the fate of
the entire shinobi world rests on your shoulders, much less failed when it mattered. Lives of
families, friends, strangers, ninja, civilian, and everything in between somehow are
depending on him and he doesn't know why. Ji-chan is the strongest person he knows. Why
wouldn't they rely on him instead?
If for some absolutely insane reason, everything Naru-nii said turns out to be true, he can't
help but compare it to Iruka-sensei. He failed to keep his sensei safe, even ended up hurting
him worse in his great panic, and that was only one person. What Naru-nii is talking about is
for the fate of everyone; Ji-chan, Teuchi-jiji, Ayame-nee, Iruka-sensei, Sakura-chan, maybe
even the people that hate him. Naruto can't see how everyone could depend on him like that.
Wouldn't he just fail to keep everyone safe as he had his favorite sensei? Naruto felt restless,
like he's been sitting for too long and itching to get up. All these questions he has no answers
for is making him doubt himself.
“This has to be a prank!” Naruto calls out. ‘How could it not be?’ He thinks, when suddenly
information, a memory, knowledge he didn't have of a lost shiruken he tossed somewhere in
the woods, pops into his mind. It feels like a little strained pulling, like someone quickly
ripping a single strand of hair from his head. As he takes in the entire memory, he questions
how true it is, how real this is. His first step to fetch his newly recalled shuriken is interrupted
with another flash-memory, leaping into his mind, cause the ache on his brain to momentarily
sharpen. Before too long, Naruto learns where all six of his shuriken went and has a headache
similar to prolonged brain freeze for his efforts. The concentrated, lethargic pricks of pain
don't last long—a couple minutes or so—and it's not nearly the worst pain he's ever
experienced. However, it's an effect he makes a note of nonetheless.
With all his worn throwing stars in his pouch, the first of his shadow's conversations floods
his mind. Naruto squints his eyes at the pinch to his brain as a whole conversation with
Ayame-nee plays out in his mind. It was a simple conversation. Nothing of note or relevance
other than the usual, ‘hey, Ayame-nee,’ and, ‘how's it going?’ Though she had finished their
short conversation with a phrase she's often directed at him. “Nothing but the freshest
ingredients for our favorite customer.”
No sooner had he thought that sounds just like her, did another memory materialize in his
mind. He was in the Hokage tower. He tried to see Ji-chan but his secretary had informed him
that the Hogake was in a council meeting.
“That should be easy to double check,” Naruto says to himself. Whether the voice knew
about the meeting or not didn't matter. He himself didn't know about the meeting, so if there
is, in fact, a meeting, the Voice will have told him something about this jutsu that neither
Kakashi-sensei or Ji-chan informed him of. He's not angry with them, but he certainly doesn't
understand why they wouldn't mention this neat little trick. If he wasn't a serious shinobi of
the Leaf, he would certainly be planning the biggest chronicle of pranks for the year.
The final memory he received on the path home. It was a hurried memory. His clone had
been found trying to get past the entrance, and they chased after him. The majority of the
staff may be talented in saving lives but he's been chased for most of his. He managed to hold
them off until he finally found Iruka-sensei. He was asleep, propped up on his bed with at
least five pillows and a harness around his torso, keeping him up. It was the last image before
his clone ended its existence, but it was enough consolation just to see Iruka-sensei.
‘He didn't look great,’ mentally Naruto admits and if he were honest with himself, he's
having a hard time keeping the guilt from assuming control. So much so, in fact, he stops his
journey back home in favor of returning to Training Ground 28 to continue training. He may
or may not have spoken to his future self... he may or may not have been duped... but he
wasn't going to waste any time on his path to get stronger. If everything Naru-nii said turns
out to actually be true, he will not fail again, just like he won't fail Iruka-sensei again.
“Thank you very much for granting me audience, Hyūga-dono,” Kurenai clearly and evenly
tells the Hyūga Clan Head, her palms placed daintily on the floor in an upside down V as she
bows her head respectfully. The large receiving chamber in the main branch's home of the
Hyūga compound was as traditional as every other resident on the large property. Despite the
antiquated style of the sitting room, the hardwood furnishing, the tatami mats, the gold and
silver trim lining the beams, counters, and zaisu, was immaculate. It gave the impression of
wealth within tradition. The sliding doors were closed for privacy and despite there being no
windows the well-lit room was not stuffy.
Hyūga Hiashi sat rigid, kneeling on an elevated platform ahead of the bowing kunoichi, while
Kurenai sat kneeling ten paces away, her lush ebony hair flowered the sides of her bowed
head. Such deference to a man that wasn't her Hokage was unfavorable to her, but sadly
unavoidable. The beautiful kunoichi was taught well and studied hard.
Though coming from very little, she had unassailable drive; a drive to make her father proud,
a drive to prove her mother wrong, a drive to exalt the reverence of Konoha's Will of Fire.
She worked hard to be the best genjutsu master in all of Konohagakure, as much for herself
as for her deceased father, but what made her most proud, is that every ounce of hard-earned
skill and knowledge gained is in profound service of future generations. Their distinguished
gains as shinobi of the Leaf is her greatest honor. In mind, body, and soul, her goal is to help
the youths in her charge in any and every way she can, so they might pass on their Will of
Fire to the students in their time.
Determined, Kurenai knows she needed to be respectful to Hyūga Hiashi for her goal, far
more than she would otherwise be. In truth, she doesn't approve of the Hyūga system, but for
her charge, she'll bow and give reverence to the arrogant slave owner, even if she'd much
rather trap him in a hellish never-ending nightmare for the rest of his miserable life.
“You’ve declared this meeting was in regard to Hinata,” Hiashi stated in a deep, belittling
tone nearly to the point of offensive. “Speak.” The man had little eyes of steel, the kind that
would express the same amount of emotion to an infant as an enemy. He peered over her,
exhuming nothing but vain misogynistic pride.
Now that he's spoken to her, Kurenai raises her head to meet his brass gaze and address him.
“As you are no doubt aware, I am your daughter's Jonin Sensei.”
“You are not who I would've chosen were I given the honor of petitioning for
recommendations,” Hiashi easily explained, as if his callous judgment on the choice of his
daughter’s sensei was beneficial to how Kurenai viewed herself.
For her part, Kurenai didn't betray her ultimate goal for the growing ire toward the Hyūga
head. Instead, she continued as if no insult was given. “It is because of my inexperience that I
wished to speak with you. It is why I've also spoken with the Aburame and Inuzuka Clans.”
“Continue,” Hiashi commanded like he would another of his servants.
Putting great effort in keeping her face neutral of any animosity swirling within her ample
bosom, Kurenai continues, no less bothered than by a sunny day. “I would not wish to violate
any clan's laws, inadvertent or not, as I educate your heir. If there are any subject matters with
regard to confidential Hyūga affairs you would prefer I avoid, I'd like to be aware of those
boundaries beforehand so I can make the appropriate adjustments to my training regiment. I
would also be grateful for any input you can offer me with regard to Hinata-san's training
thus far and your hopes for her future progress. I wish to make up any lack of experience with
a great amount of preparation, determination, and humility should outside counsel be
“I see,” the Hyūga Head states with spiritless interest. “Your willingness to make up your
shortcomings is admirable, no doubt serving you well in your short career, however, it is
unnecessary and a waste of your efforts.”
A twitch of the skin between her brows is the only indication that she's taken aback by his
words. “May I inquire as to why that is?”
“I have no doubt you'll soon learn Hinata has no talent as a kunoichi and is sorely lacking as
the heiress to the Hyūga clan,” Hiashi easily answers the beautiful Jōnin-sensei. “As a
veteran shinobi and her father I can say, with regret, Hinata is a disappointment as a daughter,
an heir to our great clan, and as you'll soon learn, as a kunoichi. I offer you words of caution,
as a token for the appropriate respect shown here. Conserve your time, skill, and effort where
my daughter is concerned. Save your consideration for the students who have real need of it.”
Before the death of Kurenai's father in the Kyuubi attack, he instilled in her the foundation
her every decision, her every act, her every ambition draws strength from. Kurenai believes
that the Will of Fire passed along to the rising youths of today is more vital to the village than
the role of Hokage—after all, the Hokage is only one man. The Will of Fire is an immortal
ideal that's lived on from generation to generation since the founding of the village. It was her
absolute imperative to serve her village, her home, by instilling this value in those shinobi of
the Leaf that need it—Anko being a prime example of that. When everyone else shunned her,
feared her, reviled her very name for her association with Orochimaru, Kurenai extended a
friendly hand and honest friendship. A decision she’s been happy with every day since.
For the Hyūga clan head to disregard his own flesh and blood, and disrespect the future of
this village to such an extent, Kurenai had to bite the inside of her red lips hard enough to
draw blood to keep from losing decorum and failing her mission. She still had need of formal
civility, and more than anything, she won't allow him his way.
“I understand your position, Hyūga-dono,” Kurenai starts evenly if not slightly more sweetly
than earlier. “However I've had the opportunity to witness her abilities and I am confident she
can make a great addition to Konoha's forces. I am most grateful and honored for your
advice, however, I have faith that Hinata-san will flourish in the future as a kunoichi, and if I
may be so bold, as the Hyūga clan's heir.”
“Your confidence gives me pause for concern,” the pompous clan head drolls. “If you've
indeed witnessed Hinata's skill level and still claim that she will make a fine kunoichi of the
Leaf, than I question your competence. Hanabi has defeated her in every exchange. Not only
does Hinata lack the acumen to master our Clan's techniques and fighting style, but she has
no resolve, no tenacity. Her spine is weak and her mind brittle.”
How the arrogant, high-born scum can say that about his firstborn daughter with a straight
face, Kurenai will never know, nor care to understand. It's very clear to her this man has
given up on Hinata's future. From everything she's heard, what she's been told, as well as
watching Hinata herself, Kurenai certainly expected a domineering figure, imposing in his
reproachful role as a founding clan of the village, but this goes far beyond Hinata's timid
selflessness. Kurenai would bet everything she owns that this man hates his daughter, or at
the very least, holds a deep grudge against her. She's certain there's a reason, an explanation
of sorts, but at the moment, the why isn't important. Her decision is clear. She must take
Hinata away from this man's clear psychological abuse if Hinata ever has a chance of
reaching her potential and gain her Will of Fire.
“Soon, Hanabi will enter the academy, and exemplify the true strength of the Hyūga clan,”
Hiashi proudly states with even a hint of affection. “As for your request, Hinata is capable
enough to keep clan affairs to herself. You need no summary of her training thus far. It will
not change her grade nor her fate. You may leave.”
Kurenai wasn't leaving. She was practically vibrating with conviction and with resolve,
stating, “I wish to make a request, if you would do me the honor of listening to my
He remained still as a statue, however, the rumbling groan she can hear from within his chest
gave away his irritation. After some tense moments of stretched silence, his tense jaw
responds, “speak.”
“I wish to take Hinata-san as my live-in ward,” Kurenai promptly responds with all the
steadfast tenacity she could possibly imbue in her tone.
“She doesn't lack parental care,” Hiashi grounds out, his ire quite clear in his tone. “She does
not need your custody.”
Regardless of the Hyūga's desire to end discourse, Kurenai is driven to continue. He father
taught her to fight hard when it matters, as he did when the village was attacked by that
detestable demon, so too will she against this one. “I do not ask to foster her as a parent-less
child, but to develop her capabilities and confidence in our shared profession as shinobi of
Konohagakure. I firmly believe she is still more than capable of improvement and I have
great faith she can make her clan and village proud.” She may have put too much emphasis
on 'can,' but maybe he needs to hear Hinata is not beyond hope as much as she needs to hear
it—that there is somebody in this village who believes in her. And Kurenai is going to make
sure Hinata knows she has all the support she needs in her sensei.
“As her sensei,” Kurenai continues. “It would be unsatisfactory if I could not perform the
duties requested of me by our Hokage to the best of my ability and raise a valuable kunoichi
for our great village.”
“Enough!” Hiashi bellows, certainly hearing his own failings in her own doctrine. Kurenai
flinches at the boom of his voice, slightly jerking her head and lush dark locks to the right.
It's not that she was scared or startled by the man's outburst; quite the opposite in fact. She
saw an opportunity, a strategy only women can employ. It's been her daily experience that
men find her attractive—even among other beautiful women—and unbeknown to most men
in the village, they are beguiled or pacified by her charms. In this case, her flinch and slight
jerk bounced the buoyancy of her ample breasts, showing a full view of exposed cream
colored cleavage he could easily view from his elevated position.
She can already see him calming down, but does not smile, lest he feels mocked for his
gender. Even if the little show didn't outright lure him from his convictions, it assisted
enough as he continued. “You dare presume I've failed in my duties as clan head and as her
father. I will not hear it! I know what is right for this clan along with this village. For you to
say otherwise is an egregious offense to the hitai-ate you wear over your brow.”
“I do not presume anything of the sort,” Kurenai calmly returns, thinking how much worse
his response could've been. “I only wish to suggest a perspective not previously available.
Consider, Hinata may respond more advantageously under the guidance of another kunoichi.
As a woman, I may better understand her mindset, her needs, and address them to the benefit
of her growth.”
The seconds tick on in silence. Kurenai is certain the pompous man is weighing his options
against his disinterest against his public image. That's exactly the position Kurenai wanted to
back him in. If she's truly too far gone and he's given up on her than her request shouldn't
matter. And should he deny her request, it's more clear than ever how much contempt he
holds for her. Furthermore, the Hyūga's image could not possibly appear weak. The Hyūga
are too proud to accept any outside assistance with one of their members, much less the
heiress. She's fortunate that's not an issue here since Kurenai is already her assigned sensei.
The tense silence seems to stretch on forever until Hiashi finally addresses her. “You play a
dangerous game Yūhi-san. Your attitude towards me is not as well hidden as you believe, not
from my eyes; for no one can see better than the Hyūga. Regardless of your childish beliefs,
you have a duty as her sensei. If it is professional prerogative that Hinata needs
supplementary lessons, I will allow you to take a vested interest in her growth. As the head of
this great clan and her father, I am not so proud that I would deny my daughter additional aid,
no matter how misplaced it may be. However, if I see no significant form of improvement by
the end of the Chūnin exams, Hanabi will succeed her as heiress.”
He didn't have to say the rest for Kurenai to understand what's at stake. The Hyūga clan needs
only one heir. Like Hizashi before her, born only seconds after Hiashi, Hinata too will be
branded with the clan's cursed seal, despite being born of the main family branch, a fate no
better than slavery by many accounts.
“You paint a lofty picture of my daughter,” the man continued almost snidely. “Let it not be
said that I did not give you the opportunity to realize such passionate claims.”
It would be an undue waste to challenge the time stipulation, but she won't simply take such a
concession lying down. She's never been the type to roll over and show her belly; not since
her father. No, for her students, she'd slit the man's throat without hesitation. With just as
much tenacity as she's demonstrated thus far, Kurenai continues, “to further aid her progress,
I request she stay with me in my home. It is a simple three bedroom home in the Shinobi
District with all the amenities necessary for training.”
Almost with a tooth-grinding growl, he responds, “you may house her for the week at your
own expense. As for the weekends, unless she is training or on a mission, she stays with her
Kurenai promptly bows, the cool steel of her forehead protector touching the back of her
hands placed firmly on the floor. “Thank you for your time and consideration, Hyūga-dono.”
Waiting patiently behind a wood bean within the large traditional home of the Akimichi clan,
Chōji watches his mother speaking with Nara Yoshino-san by the doorway. Spying on the
two woman laugh with such gusto every few minutes was a bitter reminder of how much he
wanted that kind of friendship, not that Shikamaru wasn't great. The Nara heir was like the
brother he always wanted, and if their parents were anything to go by, they always will be. It
made Chōji glad to know that he would have a best friend in Shikamaru for life.
It's the third member of their newly formed cell he's hoping will emulate the friendship and
partnership their parents seem to effortlessly have. So far, Yamanaka Ino's been demanding,
vain, and just shy of outright abusive towards her teammates, and while he agrees with her
that Asuma-sensei's smoking is bad for them, he certainly does not care if Uchiha-kun would
think her skin is splotchy and sickly because of it. Shikamaru explained that's just how girls
are but, Chōji's seen how their parents interact, so that can't always be the case.
He'd spent a whole night making Welcome-to-The-Team dango, three different flavored
sticks for each of them. Asuma-sensei and Shikamaru accepted theirs gratefully, not quite as
happily as he would've preferred, but certainly much better than Ino, who flat out rejected his
gesture, yelling at him about her strict diet and how Uchiha-kun wouldn't appreciate a…
fat… girl. He knew she didn't mean to call him fat, but it didn't hurt any less than when other
kids said it. In fact, now that they were teammates, it easily dashed his hopes of forming the
type of bond their parents easily share.
Even Chōji can see how pretty Ino is, and her figure is more feminine than the other girls, so
he couldn't see how a few sticks of dango could really hurt. Watching the mothers in front of
him conversing joyfully, he wondered if that could happen soon between himself, Shikamaru,
and Ino. His mother suddenly lets out a boisterous laugh and hops on dexterous toes toward
the product room connected to their large red-brick kitchen.
Chōji follows her down the clean halls of their large house and can't help but ask his mother,
“Okaa-san, what does Yoshino-san want? Is it about the celebration barbecue?”
His mother slightly tilts her head towards him as she continues to walk forward, answering,
“no sweetie, that won't be until this weekend. Yoshi-chan just needed to pick up a pill is all.”
Walking through the large brick kitchen, feeling the wall of heat before a single step was
taken, Chōji generously asks, “do you need any help? I can carry it for Yoshino-san.”
“That's sweet of you to offer, but she'll be fine,” his mother happily tells him, a bit of pride
slipping in her tone.
“Not too unlike his father that one,” she answers as she moves to the safe in the product
room. Chōji never really took note of the safe, nor was he ever curious of the contents within.
When his mother opened the steel security box, she watches his mother pull out a pill, unlike
the three colored pills he's familiar with. It was slightly larger than even the red pill, but he
couldn't help asking his mother, “why is it blue? I've never seen that pill before.”
Closing the safe, and spinning the levers until it clicked, his mother stands at her full height.
Eying the blue pill cautiously, she hums like she does when she's considering her words. The
Akimichi clan aren't like the Nara clan. They have a much less elegant way with words and
can sometimes take a moment to gather their thoughts.
“Ahh, well, this is a special pill, so ninja boys and girls can be... friendly with each other,”
she answers as she picks up the pace on her way back. “Don't worry your beautiful little head
about it. I'll, uh, have your father speak to you about it later, okay sweetie?”
Chōji watched her scurry off, all the while thinking, questioning really, the possible existence
of a ‘friendship pill?’ Chōji wondered about such a pill and the secrecy behind it long and
hard. Clearly, this was a clan secret, after all, why keep it in a safe if it wasn't? But for his
clan to need an actual friendship pill, can only mean it's harder for his clan to make friends
than others. So difficult in fact, they needed a special chakra pill for it. Chōji would not take
this responsibility lightly. He loved his parents and would never want to disappoint them.
Without even being told, he knows he'll keep this secret for them and the clan, because,
despite the teasing, shaming, and hazing, he was proud to be an Akimichi. With designs
slowly forming in his mind, he looks for a post-lunch, pre-dinner snack, as he considers the
details of how this might help his newly formed team.
It was the biggest gamble of his life, the hardest loneliness of his, but they'll do it for
their friends, because they have to.
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes
It didn't take long for Naruto to utilize his clones in his training. He was repeatedly knocked
flat on his back by them, however, since he would spar with no less than three clones at a
time. It was impossible to fight off an uncoordinated taijutsu attack by three clones no matter
how little technique and strategy they used, so he hit the floor often, but Naruto didn’t have it
in him to give up here—not with so much on the line. He hadn't made any progress all
afternoon, as all three clones looked down on him relatively clean and amused. It annoyed
him but he wouldn't have it any other way.
It was the Voice—Naru-nii for lack of a better name—that helped finally knock one of his
clones on their back. Facing off against the clone in front of him, doing his best to match,
block, or parry strikes, but leaving his back wide open to attack, he hears a, ‘hey,’ that
seemed to be behind him. Naruto blocks the clone in front with a tense forearm, while
sending a blind kick behind him. At the solid contact, Naruto counters the clone in front of
him in a grapple before dispersing all three clones.
“Naru-nii?” Naruto calls out slightly out of breath to his surroundings, before recalling that
the Voice is in his head. Still, to the energetic blond, it feels far more normal talking aloud
than it does thinking conversation between himself and his future self. “You back?”
‘Haha, Naru-nii, huh?’ the voice in his head laughs. Now that Naruto hears it, the Voice's
voice does ring fairly close to his own. It's deeper, more mature, yet with a hint of
playfulness. ‘So I take it you believe me?’
“Nope,” Naruto flat out states. “But I don't think you want to hurt me, and I wanna know
more jutsu and stuff. So, what else ya' got?”
‘Haha, I can get behind that,’ Naru-nii remarks, no less amused. ‘We don't have a lot of
time, so I'll explain your training first. After that, if there’s enough time, I'll tell you more
about what happened.’
“Mn-hmn,” Naruto sounds in complete approval. “This is going to be sweet! I can't wait to
burn Sasuke-teme to a crisp with fire-jutsu! The look on his face,” Naruto calls out laughing
at the pranksters vivid imagination.
‘Huh, I can almost see it,’ Naru-nii comments. ‘Well, listen up because every second
‘The most important thing you’ll ever learn is chakra control,’ Naru-nii asserts. ‘Now
before you start complaining, you need to understand that this is like the backbone of every
awesome jutsu you use. Think about Ramen without the delicious broth—it's like that.
Kakashi-sensei is going to teach you chakra control in... let's see... have you guys started
your first D-rank mission yet?’
“No,” Naruto answers. “After we passed the bell test, he said we'll start in a week, so mnn,”
quickly checking his fingers, “six days from now.”
‘Than he won't actually start teaching you guys chakra control for a little over two
months,’ Naru-nii states with an annoyed huff. ‘This is vital stuff, man. Now that I think
about it, Kakashi-sensei should've known you could learn this a lot faster than Sasuke.’
‘Hey, now, I may not be using my ears to hear you but that still hurts.’
‘We're going to be using a training method a lot of other shinobi don't try because they
either don't have the chakra reserves for it, or they die.’ Naruto's neck stiffens and his
eyebrows shoot up as Naru-nii continues. ‘The reason why it'll be okay for us is because we
have large reserves, and on top of that, we heal really fast, so our brain won't pop.’ Naruto
lets out a sigh of relief and Naru-nii continues to explain. ‘Yosh, are you near a tree?’
At Naru-nii's behest, they move to a secluded spot deeper in the forest to train as the future
Naruto explains the idea behind chakra control and how he can learn tree walking faster than
anyone due to his Kage Bunshin. ‘Well, not everyone,’ he corrects himself. ‘Sakura-chan got
it on her first try. She's got scary good chakra control.’
“Alright Sakura-chan,” Naruto bellows, taking a break as his clones kept trying to climb the
tree, with very little success. “I always knew she was special. She even beat the teme!”
‘Yeah, she's got the best chakra control out of all of us,’ Naru-nii fondly replies before
seriously stating, ‘you know, we're going to have to help her out. She may have wicked
chakra control but her reserves are pretty low, and more than that, she told me a bunch of
times how she wished she trained more seriously when she was younger.’
“Yosh!” Naruto quickly agrees with him. “This is going to be great! When she sees how
much stronger I am, she's definitely going to forget about that teme and go on a date with me!
I'm fired up!”
‘I don't think we can help her like that,’ Naru-nii sadly tells the blond boy.
“Huh? Why not?” Naruto can only tilt his head up since technically there's no one to turn to.
“Tch!” Naruto spits his answer, both of them acutely aware of the black-haired, self-
proclaimed, avenger. “That's only because she doesn't know any better.”
‘Whether she has good reasons or not, it’s still her choice to make. Just like no one can tell
you who to love, no one can tell her who to love,’ Naru-nii slowly expresses.
“But- That's not fair,” Naruto calls out. “He doesn't even like her! All throughout the
academy, he barely looked at her! How can she be okay with that? He thinks he's soo much
better than everyone because he’s an Uchiha and a little better at some things, but he's not.”
‘Listen, Naruto, I want to ask you something else and I want you to answer me honestly,’
Naru-nii maintains. ‘Do you love Sakura-chan?’
“Damn right I do!” the boy quickly answers without a moment's hesitation. “She's the best
and the smartest and even though she's not from a ninja clan, that didn't stop her from being
the top kunoichi in our class.”
‘What's her favorite color?’ Naru-nii asks, pulling Naruto up short. When he couldn't answer
Naru-nii continues, ‘I guarantee you it's whatever color Sasuke likes. Her favorite food is
probably whatever Sasuke likes. From her style to what she eats, everything about what she
does has Sasuke in mind.’ Naruto turns contemplative and uncharacteristically silent; they
both are, but Naru-nii is the first one to grow anxious enough to ask, ‘you still there?’
“...Mnn. Why are you telling me this?” Naruto whines. “It's really bumming me out here.”
‘Sorry,’ Naru-nii sympathetically expresses. ‘But the reason why I asked if you love her was
because I already know you do-’ “Then why-” Naruto interrupts but is quickly interrupted
himself. ‘Because I'm going to ask you to do something you won't like but will be better for
‘Naruto, I want you to love her enough to help her get strong rather than trying to impress
her to be your girlfriend or go on dates. Right now, she doesn't know how strong she can
really be because she's doing everything for Sasuke. It's like trying to study when you can
only think about ramen.’
“Ahh!” Naruto quickly understands. “It's impossible to learn anything like that.”
‘Right now, she barely trains, spends most of her time on her looks, or studying topics she
thinks Sasuke would like. It would be better if she were training to get strong so she can
protect those she cares about, but she's just not there yet, so we have to help her realize
that quicker. Trust me. You think she's the best now, wait till you see her destroy a cliff with
her fist!’
“Uwwahhhh, that sounds absolutely perfect! She already has a wicked strong punch,” Naruto
happily says. “So how do we get her there?”
‘I have a plan, but it all depends on you not pushing her with dates and stuff. I know that'll
be hard since we've always loved Sakura-chan, but I promise you it's going to make her
better. And later, when you see how proud she is of how awesome she is, you'll be happy
you did this for her.’
“...If it's for Sakura-chan, I think I can do it,” Naruto confidently states. “If it'll make her
strong, I'll do anything.”
‘Hell yeah we will,’ the voice eagerly agrees. ‘Alright, now let's get back to training. We got
a long way to go and I don't have much time left.’
“Can you at least tell me how you're talking to me from the future?” Naruto asks.
“No! I just... want to hear your explanation, is all,” Naruto slowly reasons.
‘Fine, but remember to keep this to yourself,’ Naru-nii ardently suggests. ‘You go telling
people you're talking to a voice in your head that’s from the future, they'll call you crazy
and commit you to the insane ward... if you're lucky.’
“Got it,” Naruto nods apprehensively. “They probably wouldn't believe me anyway.”
‘Well, remember the unbreakable genjutsu I mentioned before?’ Naru-nii asks to which
Naruto tilts his head to try and recall. ‘You know, the one that has everyone trapped? It's
called Infinite Tsukuyomi and it enslaves everyone in the entire world in a dream-state,
feeding off their chakra.’
Naruto's face crunches as if tasking something horrible before asking, “so why aren't you
trapped in the genjutsu too?”
‘It's not enough to close your eyes or cover your ears. If your body receives any sensory
information—sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, than that the illusion has you. I'm pretty
good at Fūinjutsu and I trapped myself in a sealed expanse—a dimensional pocket—
completely cut off from the outside world,’ he explains. Though Naruto doesn’t completely
get it, Naru-nii continues. ‘Where I am now, everything is white and I can move around but
I can't get out. I spent... well, I don't know how long it's been, but I tried to figure out a
way to stop the Infinite Tsukuyomi before I get myself out of this seal, but I couldn't think
of anything. That's how I started looking into traveling back in time. I felt confident I
could do it but that equation is so complex, I could inscribe it on the white floor perfectly
for a whole year and it still wouldn't be enough. Not to mention I probably wouldn't have
the chakra necessary to actually power something like that.’
“So how'd you do it,” Naruto can't help but ask, as he watches his clones struggle with the
first three steps of the bark. “How did you get your voice to travel back?”
‘Mnn, I didn't... well, not really,’ Naru-nii quasi-answers. ‘Kurama and I figured-”
‘A friend keeping me from going insane,’ he easily answers before moving on. ‘We figure
the only ones who were probably not affected by the Infinite Tsukuyomi, or heck, even
time, was Kami-sama himself.’
“Are you Kami-sama!” Naruto whirls around asking to no one around. “Am I going to be
‘No!’ Naru-nii quickly calls. ‘Will you just listen, sheesh. I'm not Kami and I wouldn't
know where to begin to try and find one to even ask for help. But it didn't have to just be
Kami. We figured it could be a shinigami as well, and I knew exactly how to get close to
one. Our family has a really nasty sealing jutsu that calls on a shinigami. It has this tanto
in its jaws, two red horns popping out of its long white hair, and prayer beads in its left
hand. The problem with using this nasty technique is that you have to sacrifice your life
for it.’
‘It takes a hell of a lot more than a Shinigami to kill me, don't ya know,’ he asserts with
glee. ‘I sort of tricked it, actually. If the Shinigami isn't affected by the illusion, and more
than likely time because they're eternal, chances were good I could figure out some way to
ask for help. But the more we thought about it, the less confident I was that we could
convince it. But you know what? You and I have prayed occasionally, usually for amazing
stuff like more ramen and fancy shinobi tools. Other people pray for all sorts of things.
That's when I realized shinigami's prayer beads might be able to hear all prayer and if the
prayer beads receive wishes from people, than it might also be able to send as well. It was
the biggest gamble of my life and I don’t care for gambling, but I went for it, and here I
am. I summoned him, I stole his prayer beads, and told shinigami-sama I'd give it back to
him after I was done using it.’
“You pranked the shinigami?!” Naruto yells. “Uwaahhh, he must've been pissed at you. Wait!
Does that mean he’s pissed at me too! You’ve doomed my soul to hell!”
‘Calm down, you’re not doomed. He wasn’t really all that pissed, actually,’ Naru-nii
chuckles as he said. ‘He agreed and I've been struggling to use this thing ever since. Like I
said when we first talked, it takes all of my concentration and effort. That's why I can only
do this for twenty or so minutes a day... or at least until I get better it.’
“Wow,” Naruto says. “You're crazy man... awesome, but definitely crazy.”
‘Yosh! Lets master tree walking,’ Naru-nii challenges good-naturedly. ‘I’m thinking we can
get to water walking before you meet Team Seven next week!’
By day's end and several hours into the night, Naruto lay panting, sweat soaked through his
favorite blue and bright-orange jumpsuit, with a splitting headache, but he was making
progress. He and his ten clones can already make it halfway up a tree before they exert too
much chakra and are blown off. After dispelling his first clone, a day's worth of training
nearly knocked him out, easily getting the headache started. By the fifth, for some reason, his
mind felt strained, hollow-like, and chalky. After dispelling the final clone, he had a
pounding headache, his bones felt hotter than the surrounding muscle, and his overtaxed
chakra, for lack of a better word, felt like it was choking to move.
He needed to rest before he can make his way home. Even the way the night wind pulled at
his hair hurt, but the pain cascading throughout his body was worth it—not that he expected
it to last much longer. Injuries never seem to last long with him. Despite the labored breath of
his comatose body, he felt happy. This was hard work. It's days like this that are the currency
he needs to make his dreams of being the greatest Hokage ever come true. He just knew it.
Tomorrow he would train even harder, Naru-nii will tell him more about his plan for Sakura-
chan, and he'll be water-walking by next week.
Sakura was leaving one of the vendors her father's trade caravan is closely affiliated with
carrying her prize securely in her grasp. So precious was this treasure, she couldn't risk
leaving it in her bag. It will remain in her protective hands the entire walk home. Sakura was
euphoric as she realizes nothing could stop her in her quest now, not with this absolute
treasure. Armed with this fragrant weapon, she was sure to reach Sasuke-kun's heart now.
Sakura wasn't from a wealthy home and certainly didn't own property like many of the clans
in the village, but her father came across all sorts of valuable items traveling through his trade
routes, and her mother always ensured some form of commission for their family from her
seat on the civilian council. Her father came across the latest silks, tools, wardrobe, and other
odds and ends he finds throughout the country, and now, clutched in her strong grip, the most
sought after bottle of perfume in all the elemental nations. Every kunoichi or civilian girl
with a man in her pure heart has read about its amorous properties in one or all the beauty
magazines. It's the nearest to a guarantee a budding girl with prospects of love in her heart
could have... ‘and it was all mine!’
And if Kami-sama hasn't smiled down wonders on her enough, walking towards her now is
none other than her eternal rival and strongest competitor for Sasuke's affection; the only girl
who doesn't seem to know when she's lost.
“Well, would you look at that,” the platinum blond with pupil-less blue eyes starts mocking.
“Wonders never cease. Somehow all the flies in the village managed to avoid hitting that
gigantic forehead of yours,” Ino hurtles. “Shooting stars happen less often than that.”
Sakura was impervious today. The platinum blond’s biting jab did nothing against the
strength of her alluring weapon. Sakura allows a wide mischievous grin to spread her cheeks
till they hurt, actually causing the beautiful blond to become cautious. Slowly, and quite
deliberately, Sakura raises the incredibly distinctive, highly sought after expensive bottle of
perfume with the showmanship of her delicate hand. It was a tiny thing she could easily hold
between her thumb and index fingers, but the effect was as immediate as it was glorious.
Ino knew instantly what the pink-haired girl had and while Sakura is quite sure the Yamanaka
clan have far more in their coffers than they need to purchase Ino a bottle, she doubted their
clan head, her father, would shell out such an unreasonable amount of ryo for such a small
bottle of liquid gold, especially when its only purpose is to make his daughter more attractive
to boys.
Ino turns irate, before denial mars her beautiful face, then becomes angry again. Before Ino
can even utter a syllable of righteous indignation, Sakura starts laughing heartily as she walks
triumphantly passed her arch rival. Sakura didn’t have to speak, her weapon was that strong
and this battle is won. It's Sakura's victory.
“Enjoy it while it lasts!” Sakura hears the platinum blond beauty yell at her through the busy
market street. “I- I'll get an even better bottle! You'll see!”
Other than having Naruto-baka on her team, absolutely everything was working out in her
favor. Sakura hadn't seen Sasuke-kun since they passed Kakashi-sensei's bell test last week,
so she was more than looking forward to seeing the perfection of his beautiful face and the
amazement of his Kami-given ninja talent tomorrow. In her eyes, it was a foregone
conclusion that he was a once-in-a-lifetime shinobi and no one could ever top him. She just
had to make sure she looked perfect for him. After the tragedy he's been through, it's what he
deserves after all.
Eagerly running home she couldn't wait until tomorrow. She absolutely needed to prepare and
the more time she had the better the results will be. She had thought to spend some time
training and honing her skills—after all, she was the top kunoichi of their class—but one look
at her hair and she knew it didn't shine quite as vibrant as she knows Sasuke would like. One
look at her nails, and though her profession as a kunoichi kept her from adding any color to
them, she could still make sure they were perfectly manicured, not that she knew if Sasuke
liked properly maintained fingernails, but she couldn't risk disappointing him if it indeed
mattered. Add to all of that, her new premium fragrance in hand and there was no way he
could ignore her tomorrow.
Last week flew by in a hurried blur of training, strength training, eating ramen, hurting all
over, sleeping, training some more, then repeat, repeat, repeat. It was the hardest week of
training Naruto had ever experienced in his life, more so than his entire six years in the
Academy. It wasn't to say that he didn't try as hard in his school days, but the bits of progress
he was making under Naru-nii was different than the scraps he could scrounge together from
hard-hearted sensei who didn't seem to care about his education in the least.
In his youth, when his school texts were stolen, they would never give him another one.
When he didn't understand something, the sensei's were always too busy to help him. He was
even banned from the library. If Naru-nii ever turned out to be a fake, Naruto couldn't see
himself becoming terribly upset about it. Naru-nii was teaching him in earnest, even if it was
for only twenty to thirty minutes a day.
The training was even tailored made for him. Every day of the past week he spent most of the
morning—when he managed to wake up before noon—practicing his taijutsu against three to
four clones as another four or five would be practicing chakra control. After he managed tree-
walking, he had four days to master water-walking, and though it was much harder, by the
end of last night's training, he and his clones were lightly jogging on the small lake in
Training Ground 3. Soon after the throbbing head pain of dispelling his clones abated, he was
giddy the entire trek back to his apartment.
Naru-nii pushed him, not cruelly but because he cared, and it was worth it. Even when Naru-
nii was resting from using the prayer beads and couldn't coach him, Naruto gave it his all. He
may not have experienced the things his older counterpart had, but thinking about Iruka-
sensei, it wasn't hard to imagine. By the end of the week, Naruto definitely believed Naru-nii.
He believed that this was his future-self talking to him, training him, as well as the story he
told. It also meant that something stronger than even his future-self would be coming in a few
years, and he absolutely needed to be the one to stop it.
It wasn't all doom, however. Naru-nii would tell him other interesting things; how he has
really high chakra reserves, tenketsu points that were larger than normal, followed promptly
by what tenketsus points are, his elemental affinity type and how it's used. As a physical
learner, Naruto has yet to fully grasp most of the information explained to him, but Naru-nii
doesn't seem to have a problem repeating something or trying to make it easier to understand.
‘A heck of a lot longer than you’ll like,’ the older version answers. ‘Have you been
dismissed yet?’
Tilting his head to look at his Jōnin-sensei reading his little orange book, Naruto mentally
answers, ‘nearly.’
‘I won't,’ Naruto sternly declares. ‘If it involves tricking people, I'm pretty good at that.
Though, usually it's to get back at someone or make myself laugh.’
‘Now we use that talent for a little bit of good,’ Naru-nii happily asserts.
‘Yeah, yeah,’ Naruto groans, unhappily about the plan, and physically shrugging. ‘Hey, how
come you didn't tell me Kakashi-sensei was going to be three hours late!’
“That's not cool man!” Naruto yells at him, looking and pointing upward.
“Na, Naruto?” Kakashi calls curiously. “What's not cool? And who are you talking to?”
Naruto whirled around in panic before quickly trying to school his features, failing miserably
at it. “Aha... well, uh, I only meant, if we're done for the day, that- that stupid cat scratched us
up pretty good, right?” Sasuke and Naruto did most of the engagement, while Kakashi
coordinated, and Sakura provided support. But since Sasuke doesn't heal as fast as Naruto,
Sasuke was the only one with plenty of red claw marks on his arms and face.
“I'm going to shave that stupid cat's hair off and skin him alive,” Sakura angrily announces.
“No one does that to Sasuke-kun and gets away with it!”
“So,” she hurls back at the blond before moving to Sasuke's side.
“I think we're done for the day,” Kakashi tells his team. “You all did fine work. We'll meet
tomorrow by the bridge, seven am. Don't be late.”
“That goes double for you!” Naruto yells at his sensei but Kakashi had already shinshin'ed
away. ‘Don't worry, I got something you can do while you wait,’ Naru-nii tells his younger
self. ‘And it's totally going blow his mind when he sees.’
‘Cool,’ Naruto responds, almost missing Sakura ask Sasuke if he wanted to train, or eat, or
take a stroll, or shop together, all of which he ignored with a barely concealed scowl as he
started walking toward his home. Sakura stood deflated sniffing her wrists, asking herself,
“maybe I didn't use enough?”
Besides smelling really nice, and admiring her long pretty pink hair, Naruto didn't know what
to make of her efforts in relation to what he was prepared to do for her. It's not every day you
give up the girl of your dreams so she can grow strong and in exchange for your sacrifice, she
likely ends up with another man. It's a lopsided sinking feeling that drags his feet and slumps
his shoulder, but, he wanted—more than anything—for her to be happy and strong, and Naru-
nii did tell him they'd be really good friends in the future and even better teammates, so that
was a positive in his book.
“If you even think of asking me out on a date, I'll hit you so hard you'll land on the other side
of the village!” Sakura's murderous green eyes and lethal tone made Naruto take a cautious
step back, putting his palms up to show he's not a threat.
She spins around to head home when Naru-nii tells him, ‘I know it's hard but, remember,
you're doing this for her—for the girl we both love.’ Taking a moment to gather up some
courage, he runs after her, calling out, “Sakura-chan!” She hadn't gotten very far but as she
turned to the call of her name, she's already raising a fist to carry through on her threat.
“Wait! Wait! I'm not trying to ask you out!”
Her fist still up and clearly in a bad mood, she hollers back, “than what?!”
Splitting his attention between her clenched fist and her beautiful green eyes, he nervously
answers, “I- …I want to help you.”
She stares suspiciously for several long seconds before finally lowering her fist and irately
asking, “how?”
Taking in a quick breath, and relaxing some of the tension in his shoulder, he clarifies for her
precisely how he and Naru-nii had planned it the last two days. “I thought of a good idea to
h-help you... get closer to... Sasuke-teme.” That was far harder to say than Naruto was
expecting—he spent many grueling hours obsessing over it—and somehow the stomach
churning and choking chest feels worse than he imagined. Worse still, his knees felt weak,
and his eyes started to grow hot with prickly moisture.
This was the love of his life he was helping set up with not just another boy, but his eternal
rival. The aching strain in his chest was partially ignored in favor of answering her question.
“What? What do you mean? How?” She took a step forward, forgetting her earlier agitation
for the possibility this could mean for the future she imagined with her love. She was fully
expecting to be a snarky brat for the day and drive her parents crazy after the perfume seemed
to fail, but maybe there was hope of turning her day around... even if Naruto-baka was the
reason for it.
“Okay, first,” Naruto started, rushing to get this day over with. He's already planning on a full
contact brawl fest against as many clones as he can make. He even makes a mental note to
give them clear instructions to beat him to a bloody pulp, certain that no matter how badly he
was beaten or broken, it wouldn’t hurt as much as this. “Do you know what Chakra Control
“Of course, you idiot,” she tells him, using her near eidetic memory to recount to him, “it's
the ability to sufficiently control and conserve your chakra. They taught us that in the
“That's because you're an idiot who can barely remember what side of the kunai is sharp,”
she hurtles back.
“Ha, ha, you didn't have to say all that,” he weakly tells her, covering the sting of her verbal
jab with a weak smile, though she doesn't seem to care. Eager to move on, he continues,
“yeah, well, I know you're the top kunoichi of our year so you must have really good chakra
control. In fact, I bet it's perfect!”
Sakura eyes him wearily, never one to particularly like his compliments or advances but she
couldn't really say otherwise. “Maybe,” she simply states. “I've been told I have good control
over my chakra, but aside from the leaf concentration training we hardly use any jutsu in the
academy, so I can't be sure. Why? And what does this have to do with Sasuke-kun?”
“Everything,” he says with a strained smile, doing everything he can to appear happy to help
her even though he was dying inside. “I got the perfect way for you to put your hands all over
him, and the best part is, he'll be happy you did!”
Sakura was visibly vibrating with excitement, thinking, ‘if what he's saying is true, than I'll
be able to touch my Sasuke-kun whenever I wants, and then he'll be happy I did, and then we
could probably start dating, and then we could maybe even possibly... kiss.’ Sakura's entire
body swoons at the thought, turning beet red, her half-lidded eyes were dilated, and her heart
and stomach were swapping from warm to fluttery.
This could be a big win for her. Even though she used an entire life's supply of luck to be on
Sasuke's team, that wouldn't stop Ino form trying to gain his attention. Hell, Ino might not
even stop if Sasuke and herself started dating. With Ino’s admittedly mature beauty and
charm as her enemy, it wasn’t enough that Sakura and Sasuke were on the same team. Sakura
couldn’t get complacent. She needed to do anything and everything possible to be with
Sasuke because she’s certain there isn’t another Kunoichi alive who would treat him right.
Whatever Naruto thought of—if his claim panned out—would be for the amazing future she
planned to have with Sasuke-kun.
“Sakura-chan... Saaaakura-chan,” Naruto kept calling for three minutes before she finally
regained her senses.
“Tell me!” she demanded, rushing him a little with clenched fists. He startled, taking a step
back as she insists on knowing, “what's the idea?”
Smiling somewhat happily to see her enthusiastic reaction, though still hurting by the reason
why, he tells her, “you become an Iryō-nin!”
Sakura continued to peer suspiciously throughout his entire explanation, though the reason
changed from, ‘how idiotic his idea sounded,’ to, ‘Naruto-baka thought all of that after their
first official meeting together?’
“Besides think of all the cool things they can do, like healing people who are hurt and saving
lives. With your control, you could be, like the best healer in all of Konoha. Plus, I'm sure
they have some really famous Iryō-nin too,” Naruto explains. Naru-nii was very adamant
about how he said, ‘some really famous Iryō-nin too,’ because he was pretty sure Sakura-
chan would automatically think of the village’s most famous Iryō-nin, since a lot of kunoichi
look up to her.
Both Narutos keenly understand that in any good prank, the more the person getting pranked
thinks on their own to agree with you, the better the result will be. And looking at the
realization dawn on her face at the mention of ‘famous Iryō-nin,’ he was pretty sure she
remembered the one Naru-nii briefly talked about.
After a few seconds of deep thought—if her pondering expression is anything to go by—she
finally speaks up, “I- there's no way... I- I couldn't-”
“You could!” Naruto passionately interrupts her. “And I can prove it!”
Now completely flabbergasted by the annoying blond, Sakura can’t help but gripe, “how?”
“Come on,” he calls as he runs over to the nearest tree. After she catches up to him, he tells
her, “I bet you anything you can Tree-Walk on your first try. That would definitely tell you if
you can do it!”
“I don't know how to Tree-Walk, Naruto,” she returns genuinely. “Kakashi-sensei hasn't
taught us that. He hasn’t taught us anything yet.”
“Even if he didn't teach you, I still think you can do it,” Naruto returns his enthusiasm for
training driving the point home. “All you have to do is focus a steady amount of chakra to the
bottom of your feet and use that to stick to the tree so you can climb. If you use too little,
you'll slide off. If you use too much, you'll get shoved off, and break the tree. Think of it like
a magnet. Come on, give it a try. Remember, this isn't just for the team... it's also for...
Sasuke-teme.” He sighs at the anguish, but she doesn't seem to notice.
With a determined look on her face, she nods and turns to the tree. Generally, Sakura's
accustomed to learning new techniques with the direction of a sensei, and not an idiot like the
one beside her, but for Sasuke-kun she's more than willing to try this at least. Because if this
was as possible as Naruto seems sure it is, than maybe she could use this to get closer to
Sasuke-kun than any other kunoichi could, especially her rival, Ino-pig. Molding her chakra
has always been as easy as stretching and she effortlessly manipulates the flow of energy to
her feet. Her first step is a tentative one.
She did have to admit, however, that a small part of her liked the prospect of moving in a
direction similar to Tsunade-sama of the Legendary Sannin. Like many Kunoichi in the
village, Tsunade-sama was a heroine of hers. She grew up hearing stories of her strength, her
legendary healing ability, and her beauty. So many girls in the academy aspired to be her,
whenever students had to create a report of their favorite shinobi, a good eighty percent of the
girls chose Tsunade-sama.
So when her first step stuck, easily, followed by her second step—also as easily—Sakura
began to wonder how well she may actually be able to do. With her third step, she was
completely parallel to the ground but felt no danger of falling. She was in complete control,
and honestly, a part of her couldn't believe it.
Another part of her couldn't believe Naruto was the one who led her here. He's not a sensei,
nor is he smart, or talented; he's the Dead Last of their class, and yet he urged her to Tree-
Walk before anyone else. When she made it to the top of the tall tree, she was a little winded,
but funny enough, she was proud. Not that this was anything to be proud of. She knows this
is only a first step many shinobi can easily do, but, to know she was now among them, gave
her a small sense of pride.
Reaching the ground, Naruto couldn't help the huge grin on his face as he proclaims, “I knew
you could do it! On your first try too! That's so badass!”
“Yeah...” she huffs, winded but mildly enjoying the praise, even if it is from the baka. She
leans against the tree to rest some.
“Are you okay,” he asks with a heavy amount of concern in voice. ‘She had small chakra
reserves in the beginning,’ Naru-nii answers him as Sakura just waves him off to say she's
“You probably have low chakra reserves,” Naruto sagely repeats to her, making Naru-nii
laugh a little. Sakura looks at him questioningly as Naru-nii tells him, ‘I think she's on
board. Now you have to talk to Ji-chan.’
‘I'll probably disappear before your done so let me just explain what you're going to do
every time Kakashi is late, which sucks to say, will happen all the time.’
‘Do you know why that is?’ Naruto asks. ‘I mean, why he shows up late?’
‘I do, but I can't really get into that now,’ Naru-nii proclaims. ‘Next time.’
“Uuuawwwhh,” Naruto moans, salivating at the thought, and finishes with, “I want!”
“Want... what?” Sakura slowly asks from the tree, before pushing off to walk to him.
“Nothing!” he quickly tells her remembering he's not alone. “I think we should start walking
to Hokage Tower.”
“What? Why?” She gasps, not at all expecting Naruto to say that.
“Cuz, I think Ji-chan can help us,” Naruto earnestly responds to his pink-haired teammate.
“Don't worry,” he tells her already starting to walk. “It'll be fine. Besides, you need some
intro stuff to be Iryō-nin.”
“Well, why can't we just get them from Kakashi-sensei,” she asks, running after him.
“He's not here and I don't know where he lives,” Naruto naturally tells her. “Do you?” She
just shakes her head, her beautiful long pink hair flowing easily with every shake of her head
as they walk toward the tower they had left only twenty or thirty minutes ago.
‘So,’ Naru-nii starts as the teammates walk in silence. ‘The exercise goes like this; you take
a leaf, any leaf will do, place it flat on your left palm, cover it with your right palm than try
to cut the leaf in half using just your chakra.’
‘Hell yeah you can and so much more,’ Naru-nii answers with complete confidence. ‘When
you're trying to cut through it, that's when you're manipulating Fūton natured chakra
through your hand. Try to think of it like making your chakra as thin and as sharp as
possible. Don't worry if you don't get it right away, it took me a while and I had thousands
of clones doing it at the same time.’
‘Mnn, sounds tough, but it wouldn't be worth it if it wasn't,’ Naruto reasons. ‘So do this when
Kakashi is late? Should I make clones while I do it too?’
‘Mnnn, not yet,’ he answers. ‘I want you doing something before he eventually shows up.
Though, you probably oughta make some clones in the morning and have them practice
Water-Walking while you wait. Dispel them when sensei shows up so you're not dead on
your feet for your missions.’
‘Urrggh,’ Naruto mentally groans. ‘All our D-Missions had better not be like this, or I'm
going to snap at some point.’
‘Hahaha, yeah. I'm just about out,’ Naru-nii states. ‘Tell me how it goes tomorrow.’
‘Mnn! Will do, Naru-nii,’ Naruto mentally returns but with a very real smile.
“What are you smiling about?” Sakura asks suspiciously with a hint of disgust.
“Uahhh,” Naruto groans, fidgeting a step before awkwardly answering, “the real question is
why aren't you smiling? I mean our team just got a whole lot stronger with an Iryō-nin.”
“Baka,” Sakura calls back, though lacking the same heat she might have if he had insulted
Sasuke. “I'm not an Iryō-nin yet. I don't even know how you plan on getting me material
from Hokage Tower. We may be genin, but they don't just see anyone.”
“Well, I don’t know about others but we’re going to see Ji-chan,” Naruto informs her. “I don't
usually have a problem with seeing him, though sometimes he’s pretty busy.”
Sakura is skeptical of her blond companion, but sure enough, Naruto, without being
prompted to by the Chūnin secretary, without being summoned by the Hokage himself,
without even hesitation to second-guess himself, simply grabs the doors handle and walks
right in, as if he were walking into his house.
Slack-jawed, Sakura can't believe Naruto-baka would call the leader of their entire village,
the strongest shinobi, ‘Ji-chan,’ as if they were related. No, not even if they were related
because even blood relatives to the Hokage would show more respect than that. ‘He really is
an idiot!’ she couldn't help but think, ready to drag him to the floor, to bow and beg for
forgiveness, that is until the Hokage just chuckles.
“Back so soon Naruto-kun?” the pleasant elder asks the grinning blond. “Eager for another
D-Rank mission?”
The Hokage couldn't help an aged belly full of slow laughter. It truly was a nostalgic pleasure
to see the young repeat the same experiences he had when he was a genin. “What can an old
man help you with today,” the Sandaime asks, then peers to the pink haired girl still standing
by the door with quite the look of surprise on her face. “Isn't this your teammate?”
“Mnn!” Naruto happily hums, turning from the Hokage to Sakura, then back.
“Ah, forgive me, Hokage-sama,” Sakura starts stepping in and bowing respectfully. “I’m
Haruno Sakura, member of Team 7.”
“Yes, I recall,” the Sandaime easily says, taking out his pipe and prepping for a good puff.
‘It's always an interesting break when Naruto shows up,’ he thinks. “What can I do for you?”
“Na, Ji-chan, do you have any scrolls or something that can help Sakura-chan do Iryō-
ninjutsu. She's got wicked perfect chakra control, and it would be super cool if our team had
an Iryō-nin in it.”
“Mnnn,” he hums in sheer amusement, aged eyelids lifting with genuine curiosity. For this
Naruto to ask for such a thing was the best surprise of a rather taxing week. “I agree having
an Iryō-nin on the team would be quite advantageous, but Naruto-kun, how do you know
“What do you mean?” Naruto asks quirking a brow. “Once we become genin, we have more
access in the library. I was looking for cool jutsu but I found one about chakra control. Since
Sakura-chan has perfect control, that means she'd make a great Iryō-nin, right Ji-chan?”
“It most assuredly helps, greatly in some cases,” the Hokage answers, looking at them both.
“Why come to me, then; instead of your Jōnin-sensei?”
“It's not like I didn't think he'd help, but he left after our mission and I don't know where he
lives, so I can't ask him,” Naruto explains. “Besides, we just need something for Sakura-chan
to start with. She's got like a perfect memory, so I bet she can remember things better than I
can,” he finishes with a smile.
“Oh, I don't know Naruto-kun, you can remember a lot, it seems,” the elder tells him. Getting
up, the Hokage moves toward the far wall, with several long shelves filled with many scrolls
topping many more. “Mnn, I happen to have a collection of scrolls on Iryō-ninjutsu that
spans from beginner to intermediate.” Looking through his many scrolls, he finally pulls two
out, then turns to a nervous Sakura. “Now, these are very precious to me, so you have to
promise to be careful with them. They were gifted to me by one of my students so you'll have
to return them when you're done, understand?”
“Yes! Of course Hokage-sama,” Sakura quickly conveys. “This is such an honor, I'll be extra
careful with them, I promise.” She cautiously takes the scrolls with both hands supporting
each end as if she were holding a sickly baby.
“Alright,” Naruto calls from his seat. “I knew you could help, Ji-chan!”
“So, how's your training coming along Naruto-kun,” the elder asks retaking his large seat.
“I'm going to be the greatest Hokage ever!” Naruto bellows proudly. “So my training is top
secret right now... but, what I can tell you is I'm working on my chakra control. Neh, Ji-chan,
did you know I have high chakra reserves, which is why I can make a lot of Kage Bunshin
and be okay after?”
“My, my Naruto-kun, you are growing before my weary eyes,” the older man smiles. “Yes, I
suspected that could be the case. You should continue to train on your control, so you can
finally take my job.”
“Speaking of, I should get back to work,” the sagely elder tells them. “Thank you for
entertaining an old man for a few minutes at least.”
“Any time,” Naruto calls and they start to leave, but Naruto has to pause at the door. Turning
to his first ever friend, Naruto asks, “Neh, Ji-chan, do you know if Iruka-sensei is okay? They
won't tell me anything. They won't even let me see him.”
“I'm afraid I can't release his medical information, however, I can tell you he will live. And if
they won't let you see him, just remember, you're ninja, and ninja always find a way.”
Thinking of his future counterpart, Naruto can't help but agree with a sad smile and a nod
before leaving. Meeting Sakura just by the outside entrance, still carrying the scrolls like
precious treasure, he immediately recalls how all this started by trying to help her win
Sasuke's attention. On top of Iruka-sensei's injury, and now effectively giving Sakura-chan to
another man, Naruto was not having a good day.
He grumpily dumps his hands in his pockets as she cautiously walks up to him, half her
attention on the scrolls and the other half on him. “I thought you left?”
“I did. I am,” she huffs. “I just wanted to ask you… are you- you're not related to Sandaime-
sama, are you?”
“You were calling our Hokage, Ji-chan,” She adamantly states as if it’s the most obvious
thing. “That is so disrespectful! He's the leader of our village and a very powerful political
figure,” she loudly retorts as if he only needed to be told louder for him to get it.
“I've always called him Ji-chan,” Naruto returns with a non-committal shrug. “That's just... I
don't know, that's how I normally talk to him.”
Further confused, she follows up asking, “how often do you talk to the Hokage?”
“Mnnnn,” he hums, tilting his head up to the bright blue sky, thinking back. “More so when I
was younger but I'd say at least twice a week, now. Sometimes once every two weeks if he's
really busy.”
“Wha- Am not!” He defends, his brows furrowing in disbelief rather than anger. He can stand
a lot but he doesn't think his own teammate should call him a liar. “I wouldn't lie about that!”
“You have to be!” she throws back. “He's the Hokage and you're nothing but a Dead-Last
The shock could not be clearer on his face, one that quickly transforms into sad resignation.
That's just another layer to the type of day he's having. He woke up late for the meeting but
his own sensei was over three hours late. Then there was that Kami awful D-Rank mission,
followed by this gut-wrenching plan to help the love of his life win the heart of another man,
and now this. The girl of his dreams thinking so little of him, she couldn't even recall being in
the Hokage's room not five minutes before while he chatted with the old man like he always
does. The idea of crawling in the earth and dying seems nearly as appealing as training…
nearly. The silence between them is stifling for several moments before he says, “if I'm going
to give you a lot of practice healing the teme, I better go train.”
And train he did. While his clones worked on his chakra control, Naruto runs, trains his
muscles, then runs some more, and repeats. Hours and hours of it, until his stomach had
twisted itself into a tight not and threatened to eat itself if he didn't get some ramen. The last
thing he did before going to sleep, was leave a cup of instant ramen on the nightstand of
Iruka-sensei's room. Naruto didn't expect him to be awake, but he hoped with everything he
had that his favorite sensei would see and know that he was thinking of him.
I hope you enjoyed the read. I don't read too much Naruto fanfiction(not enough time
sadly) so I wasn't sure if anyone thought of this idea to use Shinigami-sama's prayer
beads to talk to a past self. Please let me know if anyone has. I'd love to read their take
on it.
I just to quickly add that I may push particular qualities from the manga/anime that
stand out the most to me, for instance, I know Sakura was nice to Naruto in the
beginning but not all the time and especially not before the Escort Mission to Wave.
These characters can sometimes feel like caricatures of their canon counterpart but I
don't think I would go OOC.
Also, I'm not Sasuke's biggest fan but I won't outright bash him. I just never really
bought the lengths Naruto went to for a person that was shown to be at best
cold/indifferent to him. Made no sense to me. Maybe if Kishimoto made them running
buddies--cruising the streets of Konoha--when they were kids, before the Uchiha
massacre, I'd have an easier time believing how far Naruto went for Sasuke, but oh well.
That's why Fanfiction exists I guess. I do have plans for Sasuke but they won't happen
anytime soon, so expect an asshole for now.
As always, please let me know your thoughts, and have a great one,
Dango Blues
Chapter Summary
Lines are discovered, they are questioned, and they are crossed... repeatedly.
Chapter Notes
Despite the tickle of concern in the back of her mind, Kurenai is leisurely waiting in her
favorite tea shop. It was his idea, which made her suspect, if anything, that he wanted her in a
good mood. The question of why he wants her in an amiable mood doesn’t fill her with a
wonderful feeling. If she listens to her minor feeling of dread, it tells her clearly, ‘he’s trying
to soften the blow,’ which, at times, makes Kurenai hate her psychology training.
She's been working with her genin team—Hinata in particular—for a week now and though
there hasn't been many setbacks, she hasn’t witnessed any progress beyond what one might
expect of heirs of great clans. Hinata, herself, barely speaks and when she does it's always
clipped and hyper-formal. Even with the beautiful girl staying in her home, it's hard to get her
to open up about much of anything.
The gruff, broad-shouldered Asuma arrives then, expressing minimal remorse in his usual
non-cavalier manner. “Sorry I'm late.”
The way his large frame casually settles for comfort rather than proper posture makes her
smile as she comments, “so long as I don't see you reading a little orange book next time, I
think I can forgive you.”
He chuckles at the ludicrous insinuation before he orders the finest tea in the shop, something
of a warning sign in her eyes, but she only smiles. He then tells her, “I just came from
Hokage Tower. Princess Tomoko will be visiting the village.”
Kurenai listens intently but her mind is moving a mile a minute. Being the son of the Hokage,
who's also closely acquainted with the nation's Daimyo, the Lord of Fire country naturally
entertained the notion of joining their families to strengthen their power; the Hokage's son
with one of his daughters, princesses of Fire country.
It's the reason Asuma never truly connected with her, or at least that's what he told her. He
wanted to spare her the unavoidable heartache should the whimsical Daimyo ever decide to
follow through with his ideas of union-through-marriage. Kurenai told herself it made sense,
and he informed her early on when they first started dating. It hadn’t stopped him from being
with other women but Kurenai was the only one that earned the heart of the truth from him.
Though Asuma ended it before they had become too serious, Kurenai always held out hope
that the gruff Sarutobi heir would finally be free to lead his own romantic life. So it hurt her
every time she heard about one of his notable escapades or saw him with a loveless beauty of
the night.
Never being one for a purely physical relationship with a man, Kurenai herself had tried to
date others, shinobi and civilian alike. Unlike her dear friend Anko, Kurenai found it hard to
connect emotionally as well as intellectually with anyone she may be seeing. She just
couldn't help thinking about Asuma—couldn’t help comparing whoever she was with to the
smoking Jōnin. Couldn’t help thinking, ‘what was he doing? What would he think? Would it
hurt him to see or hear about me with another man as much as it does her when she sees or
hears about his relations?’
With her looks, Kurenai comes across many interested men. That was never the problem. She
tried to focus on their positives and if the sex was good, the relationship would last longer.
But after some time, she would always find faults with them, then fixate on that like a blaring
red warning sign signaling the doom to come before ending it. It was almost like she was
ending things with others so as to not hurt them in the same manner Asuma does in his
relations. When she realized that, Kurenai had to stop. Consequently, the last time she had
sex was a solid year ago, the exact time she decided to simply put forth all her abundant
energy into being promoted to Jōnin.
More often than not, marriages among the elite were generally based on alliances for
monetary gain or political maneuvering to avoid war. Marriage for love is a distant concern,
if at all addressed. Happiness was not a reason to get married. And now a beautiful princess
of Fire country is coming to the village, in all likelihood to meet her future husband, the same
man that’s already claimed Kurenai’s heart. At Asuma’s comment, Kurenai said nothing,
raising her fragrant and scintillating tea to her lips for a sip.
“I'll be honest,” Asuma continues. “By the end of her visit, I'll know more or less what my
future looks like. Kurenai, I know this isn't fair, but I hope you'll be apart of my life no matter
what way this thing lands. You know I'll do my duty if I have to, but if it doesn't have to
come to that... I think… I feel that would make me happy,” he tells her with his gruff smirk.
She almost returned a smile, but if this didn't pan out the way they both want, that would lead
to a hope that would hurt worse than any other time before. “Why don't we just enjoy our tea
and catch up,” she says, preferring to wait and see instead of diving into what ifs. “We've
been so busy, it's been a spell since I've seen you. How's your team? Please tell me you’re not
smoking around them.”
“If you saw what I was dealing with, you'd light one up too,” he returns with a small measure
of exasperation. “Not a single one is motivated to train. Shikamaru only cares about napping
and sky gazing. It's like he skipped adolescence, adulthood, and went straight into elderly. Ino
only cares about her figure and the Uchiha brat—bossy as hell too. Choji's a sweet kid—
made us all celebration dango to celebrate forming the team—but even his own clan might
think he eats too much and he lets Ino walk all over him.”
“Sounds like you got your hands full,” she mentions sympathetically.
“Better than Kakashi's, but yeah, they're a pain,” he responds. “Still, I like ‘em well enough
to train ‘em good. Plus, they saved me from having to go to the Daimyo's palace. Can't
exactly take the brats with me, can I?”
Kurenai didn't want to ask but she couldn't not know, “is that why she's coming here?” Every
little bit of information aids her constantly active mind in forecasting what the likely future
might be.
“Otou-sama made it clear to the Daimyo that training shinobi for the good of the country
supersedes something that may or may not happen, so he extended an invitation for her to
come here.” Kurenai just nods before he asks, “how's your team? You haven't been Jōnin for
more than three months and now your training genin. Nervous?”
She can tell he's teasing and smiles as she tells him, “I haven't had them long, obviously. It's
only been a week, but I'm reasonably optimistic. Shino-kun is diligent. Kiba-kun is
impulsive; type A personality with a lot of energy. Hinata-chan is very shy but very caring.
I'm working with her the most. I think she can be an amazing kunoichi if I can just find the
right incentive to get her moving.”
“I'm sure you'll figure something out,” he responds. “You've always cared like that,” he states
meaningfully and Kurenai can’t help but wonder if he means in general, like any sensei or as
a possible mother someday in the future they would both be happy with.
‘We want to learn Rasengan in two months,’ Naru-nii explains to his past-self-student. ‘It
took the fourth three years to master this technique. Divide three years by the two months
I'm giving you to learn this and you'll need no less than twenty clones while you train.’
‘I'm learning a technique made by the fourth Hokage?!’ Naruto gasps with twinkling
amazement. ‘Finally! Not that I don't appreciate you teaching me, but I was starting to get
sick of all the control exercises. I like being able to fight on top of water, but nothing beats
ninjutsu, ya know?’
‘You’d be surprised,’ Naru-nii hints as he sometimes does about things he never has the time
to fully explain. ‘Beyond the border there’s a pretty big world out there with a lot of weird
ninja who can do some crazy stuff that beat ninjutsu.’
‘Anyway, this is an A-Rank technique. It’s an offensive, short range jutsu. You ready?’
“Hell yeah!” Naruto yells in his mind as much as the outside world.
‘Alright, are you deep in the forest? Near a water supply? Far enough away so no one
stumbles in on your training?’
‘Yeah,’ Naruto responds, recalling the strength training to get to a secluded area. ‘Three hours
deep, and a stream nearby, just like you said.’
‘And you brought a bag of balloons and rubber balls?’ Naru-nii asks.
“In my bag,” Naruto answers patting his travel backpack filled with the items requested, a lot
of ramen, and some camping gear.
‘Good. To start, make five clones and have them use half the bag to make water balloons.’
Naruto does as instructed, and Naru-nii spends the remainder of his time explaining the first
step of learning Rasengan: Rotation. Even with all the tips Naru-nii gave him, it's a lot harder
than he expected but giving up has never been his style. Along with his clones, Naruto spends
the rest of the day trying to churn the water's rotation in different directions using nothing but
his chakra. He didn't notice it was nightfall until he fell flat on his back, exhausted to sickness
from the hours of chakra use. Deciding he didn't have it in him to trek the three hours back to
his apartment, he prepares several cups of instant ramen as he slowly dispels one clone at a
time, ending his day knocking out in his sleeping bag.
To warm up, Naruto spends the morning training his body with strength training and close
quarter taijutsu against his clones. After lunch, he again focuses on the first stage of
Rasengan. Hours later, he hadn't been able to pop the water balloon, but instead of spending
another day in the forest, he figured he could practice in his apartment, plus he didn't have the
discipline to stretch out his ten remaining cups of ramen for more than a day.
Dirty, smelly, grimy, hungry, covered in twigs and petals of flora, Naruto drags his feet out of
the forest. Finally closing in on the village, Naruto doesn't notice the purple and white
Starling bird dive down with great speed toward his head, pulling up at the last second to
scare the blond into jumping back and tumbling to the dirt floor.
“What th-” He calls but the bird swipes at him again. Naruto runs away covering his head
with his arms the entire time but the purple and white bird doesn't relent, chasing after him.
The frustration makes him swipe and miss as he yells, “leave me alone, bird-chan!”
It seems to have it out for him until he finally manages a lucky hit and knocks it to the
ground. He felt relief for the briefest of moments until he realizes the pretty bird isn't moving,
then crippling remorse floods his entire aching system. Though panicked, he gently picks the
injured bird up and rushes to the village.
“Uwah!” Ino gasps, clutching her head as she sits up in her bed. “That baka!” she yells,
tensing her entire body down to her curled toes, waiting for the throbbing ache in her head
and the spinning sensation in her realigning body to subside. The worst of it passes after
twenty minutes, but it's only the worst, and Ino fully expects to sport a headache throughout
the rest of her day. Allowing herself to fall back into her pillow, heavily panting—as if she
just sprinted for an hour straight—she recalls the last few moments before being forcibly
ejected from her jutsu.
Not long after her father taught her their family's Shintenshin no Jutsu(Mind Transfer Jutsu)
Ino would use it as often as she could. Though it counted as training, her main point of
attraction was transferring her consciousness into the minds of animals, mostly pretty birds so
she could thrill at the majesty of flying high in the sky with the entire world below her. It
made her feel small compared to the size of the land, yet empowering for having the sight to
take in in the first place.
Recalling the shock to her system when that idiot landed a lucky hit reminds her of the very
nasty downside to the jutsu. There is a lot of pain that comes with being forced out of the
mind transfer. Despite the throbbing anguish in her head—going so far as to make her
forehead and neck sweat—she immediately sits up again, focusing deeper on one detail of her
out-of-body attack on the Dead Last. It's a dull growth of monumental realization as she
slowly leaves her spacious bedroom, and ends up running by the time she reaches her father's
study. The room is normally only used by him but it has all their books on botany, from roots
to poisons and all the various ways they can be used.
With her pounding headache, Ino has to put great effort into focusing as she quickly skims
through various books and scrolls. After some time, she finally comes upon several specific
books that might help her remember why that distinct petal stuck to Naruto's disgusting
jumper is so important. It must've been years ago, but she knows that petal came from an
orchid. Fifteen minutes of searching and Ino wonders if she’s made a mistake with the book
currently in hand and has to read through all the books to find out why this is so important.
Make no mistake, Ino knows it's important, she just couldn’t say why yet. That is until she
finally finds it on the highest row, the fourth-to-last book.
“Rarest Flowers in the World,” she breathes, and the image of the petal on Naruto's back,
under the white flap, begins encouraging bits of information she'd long stored away when she
first read this book. Flipping through the pages, Ino surely finds the target of her query.
“The Fire Slipper Orchid,” she reads aloud, slowly moving to her father's comfortable chair
behind his desk. With the photo alone, she instantly confirms the petals from the book and the
one stuck on Naruto's jumpsuit were the same. “One of the rarest orchids in the five nations;
characterized by its red stripes and long side petals. Primary area of growth is forests within
elevated areas from 950ft to 1300ft above sea level. Not only is the flower rare, but it can
take up to fifteen years to blossom!” Ino broke eye contact with the book in great surprise,
easily understanding why the orchid was so rare. Returning her attention to the reading, she
learns exactly why her spectacular mind was so fixated on the petal. “Because it's so difficult
to find much less grow within a controlled environment, this orchid species has a high market
value where it is sold for as much as seven hundred and fifty thousand ryo per stem!”
Eyes wide, Ino leans back in utter shock at its value, the compounding aches in her brain
doing little to slow down thinking of all the possibilities. Her most immediate concern being
that bottle of perfume she absolutely begged her parents to get. She has an allowance and was
more than ready to use it all if it were enough. She tried everything, but her parents wouldn't
give her the remainder, they wouldn't give her an advance, and they wouldn't even give her
extra shifts at the flower shop since it would cut other employee hours.
Ino needs that bottle and whatever else would give her an edge. She's already losing more
ground to the Forehead than she’ll willingly admit to—lest she stumbles into a great ice-
cream filled depression. For the thousandth time, she wondered why she couldn't be teamed
up with Sasuke-kun instead of Team 10. And for the thousandth time, her brain told her it
was because of her father's partnership with Shikamaru and Choji's dads. She felt the
injustice constrain her chest every time she thought of it. It was wrong to assume she would
make a good team with the lazy-ass and the fat-ass simply because the three clans grew up
It's not that she hated her teammates but they definitely stood in her way, blocking Sasuke-
kun from view, and letting the Forehead that much closer to her man. She'll be the first to
admit she didn't need to be irrationally angry with her teammates; she knows it's not really
their fault but she just can't help it. It gets to her every time the Lazy-ass just wants to sleep,
or the Fat-ass just wants to eat, which happens all the time. The constant crunching of salty
chips slowly drives her mad until she can't help but snap at them. It's not how she wants to
spend her days and they—including her smoke-stack of a sensei—don't even seem to care.
Ever since the team assignments, she's been having one miserable day after another, ‘but
this,’ she thinks, looking at the picture of the beautiful orchid. “This changes everything,” she
comments to herself, smiling all the while. She hadn't felt very pretty in a while but the
possibility of finding the rare, expensive flower is rejuvenating. Doing the calculations in her
head, her eyes go wide. “That's at least an A-Rank mission without the hard work or splitting
it with the team!”
Quickly standing to her feet, hugging the book happily, she realizes aloud, “and if there's
more than one stem, that's… way over S-Class pay... just for me!” Her mind is a cloud of
euphoria for seemingly hours until one unpleasant thought bursts that intoxicating bubble of
happiness... Naruto.
Groaning in pain, she rushes back to her room. Rather than changing into her typical shinobi
gear, she merely hops into a white mini skirt and her purple halter top that shows off her taut
stomach and rushes out the door in search of the orange idiot, praying the entire time, “I hope
that idiot didn't destroy it.” If the red and black stripped petal was stuck on his back, than
clearly, he must've landed on one. Ino prays to Kami that the rare, highly-valuable flower
wasn't too badly damaged, or that there's at least one more stem out there.
Finally finding him in the market, exiting a food stand with a disgustingly distended belly—
looking just as filthy as she remembered from her time in the Starling—she rushes straight at
“Naruto,” she calls the orange-clad boy, suddenly feeling the physical exertion of running
around the village for over an hour with dull throbbing head pain. It hurts so bad, she
wonders if her swollen head is as bid as Sakura’s. With her hands on her knees as her strained
and hot lungs painfully catch her chalky breath, she notes the golden-blond idiot is clearly
curious about her sudden appearance. ‘And why wouldn't he be,’ she imagines. Ino knows this
the first time she's ever sought him out, much less this desperately.
“Hey…uh, you okay?” he asks with a clear note of concern in his voice.
She puts up a single finger, hoping he understands she wants him to wait. After a minute, she
grabs him by the shoulder. “Hey- What the-” he complains as she pulls the red stripped petal
that was stuck on him; caught under the white turtle neck of his atrocious jacket. Examining
the soft, colorful, fine-haired petal. It was indeed the extremely valuable plant from the book
of rare flowers. Turning to him she demands to know, “where did you get this?”
The startled agitation was clear on his face, and his eyes squint with suspicion, but he looks
at the petal in her hand and answers, “what is it?”
Her eyebrow twitches but Ino valiantly holds in her frustration. Taking a deep calming breath
she looks around and notices all the faces, some looking at her with lewd gazes, but some
looking—well, glaring—at the boy next to her. The worry in her mind, however, isn't in how
much thigh or stomach she's showing, or even in how innately Naruto seems to annoy
everyone. It's in the idea that someone in this busy market place might know the value of
what she's holding in her hand.
Without a second thought, she commands him, “come on,” as she grabs him by the collar of
his filthy jumpsuit, pulling him along with her. After twenty minutes of marching, they're in a
small deserted park, and she turns to him, staying as close to his sweaty musk as she can
stand so he doesn’t grate her patience too much. Normally she would've said something by
now, but this is too important to risk.
“Naruto,” she starts. “I need to know where you came across this flower.”
“You sure that's a flower?” he asks peering at the flattened petal. “Doesn't look like one.”
“That's because you-” Ino cuts herself off and takes a breath. The last thing she wants to do is
make this unnecessarily harder by insulting him too much. “Look, this is a flower petal from
an orchid that I'm looking for. I think it was stuck to your back because you fell on it. So I
really need you to tell me where you've seen a flower with this kind of petal.”
Naruto hums in deep thought for several seconds before answering, “I'm not sure. I don't
really pay attention to flowers, especially when I'm training.”
“Is that what you were doing today,” she asks excitedly, scanning his rough and sweaty
exterior. “Where! Where were you training?”
“Uhh, well,” he starts nervously. “I... I can't say,” he weakly finishes, but she's not taking no
for an answer.
“Naruto, please,” she pleads, her bewitching face instantly forming an adorable charming
look she uses on her father when she really wants something. She even bends her knees so
she's looking up at him, using the psychology that says men normally prefer to look down
into a girl's eyes than up. She's also quite aware that he ought to be able to see a bit of
cleavage, not to say she's the most abundant in that area, but she's certainly ahead of many
kunoichi, developing quicker than most. She can easily tell it's working by the way he
flusters and tries to avoid looking too far down. “I really, really need this,” she whines
prettily. “Won't you help me?”
“Ah, ano,” Naruto fumbles, looking at her chest a moment before clearing his throat and
looking at her pupil-less blue eyes. “Uh, sure!” Not completely for effect, she jumps up
happily with a giggle. “I... I'll help, but, you absolutely cannot tell anybody where I'm taking
you; it's my secret training spot.”
“I guess. Where is it?” she asks curiously. ‘How could any training ground in Konoha be
secret?’ she mentally asks. ‘All active shinobi use them, you idiot.’
“It's in the forest, about three hours north of the Hokage monument,” he answers.
“It's secret training that's going to make me the strongest ninja in Konoha!” he happily tells
her. Though she doesn't believe for a second that the Dead Last in their class can beat anyone,
let alone be the strongest anything, she says nothing, content to play along until she has her
treasure secure in her hands. He continues to say, “that also means I can't show you what I'm
doing. I don't mind taking you where I was, but you can't see my training. Sorry,” he
awkwardly tells her as if she cared.
She may have completed a step in her journey, but now she has to travel three hours through
a dense forest without any assurances that the flower is there or still intact if it is. “You're
sure you don't remember seeing it,” she asks again, moving the petal closer to his face.
“Sorry, Ino-chan,” he replies. She ignores the chan as he continues, “I more or less remember
where I was, so I can take you there, but I was too focused on my training to remember any
He chuckles at his own idiocy and it annoys her, but she moves on. “I have a team meeting
tomorrow morning. It shouldn't be anything serious, like training,” she clarifies. “He just
wants to tell us something important, so I can meet you afterward; by the Hokage
And with that he was off, leaving her in delicious anticipation of better days to come.
“Finally,” she yells. Ino felt she needed something good, and for it to happen as soon as
tomorrow, was thrilling. Ino walked home content and ready for good fortune to take her.
Meeting at their usual tea shop, Asuma-sensei took a single drag of his cigarette prompting
her to yell, “either put that out or tell us what this is about, sensei. That's horrible for my skin,
you know!”
“I actually agree with her,” Shikamaru tells his sensei. “This is our day off and it's really
“It's nine am,” Asuma corrects the lazy boy with a smirk.
“…These three,” Asuma mutters to himself before explaining why he called their meeting. “I
called you all here because Konoha will be hosting one of the Fire Daimyo's daughters,
Tomoko-hime. During her stay here, I'll be her escort, so I won't be able to stay with you for
most of the day like we've been doing. That doesn't mean I want any of you to slack off.”
“Maybe,” Asuma answers after taking a sip of his tea. “You're my students after all. That's
pretty much it. Any questions?”
“Are we still doing D-ranks?” Choji asks between a handful of chips, his constant, audible
chewing annoying Ino to no end.
“We'll do a few for sure, but maybe not every day,” Asuma answers the Akimichi. “Anything
else? No? Alright, dismissed?”
Asuma is already lighting his cigarette as he leaves his genin team and exits the shop. Before
Ino can get more than a step away, Choji calls out to her. “Ino-chan wait!”
“What is it,” she throws out, annoyed, though making a small note of how weirdly Shikamaru
is looking at his fat-ass of a friend.
“I know you didn't like the celebration dango I made for us becoming a team,” he starts to
explain as he takes a container out of his pack where he keeps his potato ships. “I thought I'd
make one special for you though.” He opens the container to show a single stick of a yellow,
a red, and a blue dango. “This one is super low calorie, barely any carbs, no sugar, no salt and
fat-free. It's basically little better than water.”
He presents the special dango to her and instantly she feels bad for some of the horribly
insulting thoughts she had of him. Regardless of how everything turned out, she knows none
of it was their fault, and since she’s going on a long hike, she decides to take the stick of
dango. “Thanks Choji. That was really nice of you.”
The smile on his face surprised her. It wasn't so serious a thing he needed to be overjoyed
over. ‘Maybe he worked really hard on this,’ she thought as she ate the first two with delight.
‘And I did throw away that last one he made.’
“Maybe we can hang out since we have the day off,” Choji suggests with a hopeful vigor,
turning to Shikamaru. “What do you say Shikamaru? We can go to the park and play, or if
you want to shop, Ino, we could do that too.”
“Sorry,” she starts, ripping the last blue dango from the long pick, before throwing the slim
piece of wood into Choji's bag. “I actually got plans today. Maybe next time.”
“What are you doing,” Shikamaru asks with bored suspicion. To the pineapple-headed boy,
she seems slightly more chipper and less bossy than normal.
“No way,” Ino mocks him in fake shock, before adding, “is that genuine interest I hear?” She
smiles broadly at them before turning and leaving. She manages to hear the pineapple head,
mutter, “troublesome,” before she's out of earshot and on her way to the Hokage monument.
Luckily it's not more than fifteen minutes away from her team meeting spot.
Rolling her eyes at the chan he adds to her name, she returns a glum, “no time for chit chat.
Three hours there, three hours back, and I don't know how long it's going to take to find it;
we don't have any time to waste, so let's go!”
With a weak chuckle he turns around and they begin their hike at a run.
It starts five minutes in. For some reason, Ino grows warm, very warm, nearly flushed. As
they jog over through leaf invested grassy floors and over large tree roots, Ino begins to
wonder about her physical well being. The Dead Last isn’t going any faster than she can
handle but the excessive warmth is beginning to pool primarily to her lower back, hips, and
thighs, though it doesn’t exempt her neck, cheeks, and bouncing breasts.
Ino tries to ignore it as her fogging mind reasons it was something she ate, however, soon, the
salivating warmth invites a certain weakness to her feverish muscles. It was as if her well-
conditioned control had been sucked out of her body, replaced by this tingling allergy
spreading from her irritably stuffy pelvis down her humid thighs, up the flat of her toned
abdomen, the swell of her torrid breasts and her languid red neck.
Ino had to stop jogging. Her uncooperative leg muscles were twitching and the sweat
between her vibrating legs felt sticky. She didn’t even realize how long she’d stopped for
until Naruto is standing right in front of her—not even breathing heavily—expressing, “it's
going to take us longer to get there if you don't hurry up.”
Jumping at the chance to utilize the heat of her anger rather than the oddly sensitive heat of
her body, she musters enough airy voice to shout back, “Sh-Shut... up.” It’s the weakest
comeback she’s ever felt. “Just keep jogging,” she finishes. Naruto shrugs before taking off
Following after the golden-blond, Ino couldn’t understand why her body was reacting this
way and what makes her start to panic is it’s only getting worse. With every step she took,
Ino felt her breasts and the apex of her inner thighs getting hotter and hotter. A sensitive heat
that continues its invasion to odd places she never really thought to feel before, like her ears,
the back of her knees, between her toes, her ass cheeks, and even—to her horror—her
sphincter. She can feel it twitch with a growing itch.
Ino was soon walking again, breathing heavily despite only jogging for five or ten minutes.
She brings out her canteen of water, desperate for it’s cooling relief but only finds the clear
liquid can do nothing to bate this demanding heat growing within her. In fact, the trickles of
water that splash away from her cherry red lips, and stream down chin and neck, seem to
ignite her sensitive skin further.
Nearly an hour in and she's sweating shamefully profusely. The way her fishnet stalkings and
white bindings stick to her sodden skin, and her damp purple top wrapping desperately
around her tender C-cup breasts and pebbled teats only fuels how incredibly obscene she
feels at the moment. The raunchy Royal-Purple rags of her typical outfit cling to her,
stretching and pulling with every dragging step ahead, but that's not where her attention is
drawn. No, all of Ino's focus is on the incredibly heat gathering in her core and her stone hard
Though embarrassed, the fog of her mind and the special kunoichi training help her avoid
reacting on those shameful feelings, lest she turn back and end her mission for coming out
here in the first place. It also helps Naruto is always leading them and can’t see her, which is
a relief as even the gentlest of breezes hazes her mind euphorically as it plays with her
tingling body. ‘It’s odd,’ she thinks when her forgetful mind questions why she’s following
the hypnotic orange of the blond’s jumpsuit.
As Ino wonders if they’re playing a game of slow tag, her hand drops to the tender junction
between her legs and the slightest of contact nearly takes her knees out, electrifying her with
the most pleasure she’s ever felt. So unaware of her surroundings, she didn't even realize the
moan that she heard came out of her mouth until Naruto was right in front of her. She can
barely make out how concerned he looks over the simple recognition of his maleness.
“Neh, are you okay,” he asks, putting his warm hand on her shoulder. Ino bursts at the
contact. She couldn't understand how a hand touching her bald, fleshy, sweaty shoulder can
feel so deliciously thrilling. Ino simply couldn’t think but for the urging of her basic needs
and lurches forward, sending them both to the grassy floor.
On his back with Ino landing on top of him, her hips react without consent, or in Ino’s cloudy
mind, without awareness, grinding her sodden crotch against his thigh, moaning freely of her
ever-building pleasure. Ino becomes a being of continuous amazing sensation, lamely
reasoning the strong muscle pressing against her needy crotch is contracting more pleasurable
feelings with every single thrust. She isn’t even aware of the blond boy the strong thigh
muscle is connected to as her hungry hips beg for more titillating stimulation, unconsciously
grinding her leaking core against it repeatedly.
Naruto had no sense of what to do. He didn't know what Ino was doing. He didn’t know why
she was doing it—or why his thigh was growing more and more wet. But the fact of the
matter is, Ino—one of the prettiest girls in the village—was straddled his left leg. ‘Squishy,’
his mind sums it up. The purple flaps of her skirt gathered out of the way so he can clearly
see her moist bandaged crotch rub itself vigorously against him. Her C-cup breast bounce
inches away from his wide eyes and her constant weeping moans are regularly exhaled across
his face.
‘This is… This is like sex,’ his mind yells, feeling the friction from his leg build to his crotch,
stretching his pants. Looking at the mesmerizing way Ino ride his leg, Naruto can’t help the
bulge growing any more than he can say, “so hot.”
The act itself was familiar, if not exactly like how he had researched. Naruto easily
remembers pictures of girls riding boys but he didn't understand why Ino was doing that with
him. From all his research into sexiness for his jutsu, he learned that having actual sex should
be with someone you love… unless you pay for it, in which case, there’s no love in that.
But Ino kept on doing it. Rubbing her lower part on his thigh, moaning and whimpering
loudly, inching closer and closer to his raging erection. Naruto notices the bandages loosen a
moment before her sudden scream cuts through the serenity of the forest. Then, as if her
voice shorted, her head snaps back, alarming him as her pelvis slides up his thigh and press
against is his steel erection. She shivers and shakes uncontrollably, and the pained look on her
face would worry him more if the tight warmth of their thighs squeezing against his dick
didn’t feel so good. She stays static and spams for at least twenty seconds before she
collapses on her back, her legs going limp straddled over his lap.
To Naruto, there’s a lot going on from moment to moment that’s more captivating than the
next, but also none more so than the other. Her feverish red cheeks on her erotically satisfied
face is no better or worse than the delightful groans of pleasure humming from her saliva
covered mouth. Nor was the drenched, softness of her girl part pressing against his rock hard
rod between them any better or worse than the way one of her hands begins roughly rubbing
her breast. He couldn't reason how this was happening, but he’s never been one to shy away
from asking.
Leaning forward, her legs flop like jelly, spread open and Naruto inspects the flush and
heavily breathing girl as he crawls over her prone form a bit to reach her head. “Na, Ino, why
did you- MNN!” Naruto is physically silenced when Ino tilts forward to wrap her arms
around his neck and drag him down for a fierce kiss. She presses her full and soft lips
hungrily against his. Naruto was stunned yet again when she opens her mouth to snake her
tongue deep into his mouth and blend saliva.
At her upward thrust, Naruto regains enough sense of mind to pull back, quickly asking, “I-
Ino, a-are you alright?”
Ino’s benumbed mind didn’t understand his question or his reluctance simply voicing her
womanly needs. “Fill me up, Naruto! Make me feel good Naruto. Make me feel good!” she
moans as she starts sucking on his neck while she pinches and pulls on one of her peaking
“You want me to-” he tries but he’s losing focus, asking, “how- Are you sure-”
“Just fuck me, Naruto!” she yells, losing control of her hips as the try to connect to any stiff
surface of his. “Please,” she mewls. “I’m hurting! It hurts soo much without your dick!” She
yells before forcibly taking his lips again.
Naruto was harder than he's ever felt in his life—to the point his dick hurts from the
constriction—and Ino was kissing him like her life depended on it. Without thought, Naruto’s
pelvis juts forward, pressing an impossibly constrained erection into the fleshy wet heat
between her legs. A needy Ino moans into his mouth at the contact before she immediately
pushes him up enough to pull her purple top off, her platinum blond hair whipping back with
it. Naruto’s pelvis thrusts into her again and again, reveling in the pleasure of the wet warmth
as she removes the safety pins of her binding. She couldn’t peel it all off but that wasn’t the
immediate need.
Feeling his perfect and constant thrusts, she moans weakly as she nearly rips off the
strangling ribbons and that sound spurned him on. Years of training in reading body cues to
understand an opponent is telling him she’s desperate for this. He can hear her want in her
animal cries and feel her need in her impulsive plunge back.
“Ino,” he gasps his question, losing his ability to articulate the thought, ‘what do you mean?’
“Take off your fucking pants, already!” she yells as she finally frees enough of the white
trapping to liberate her gleaming, pulsing pussy to the open, forest air. It tingled enough to
make her moan and she began exploring the sexual organ bringing her amazing pleasure with
both hands. It wasn't until she heard the zipper being drawn down like a chainsaw, that she
came back to some form of minor awareness and realized this was Naruto on top of her.
Naruto was the one making her feel good, but she couldn’t think as to why that would be bad.
Naruto was wildly stimulated and his thoughts didn't stretch further than the most immediate
and sustained pleasure, which couldn’t be bothered to completely take off his pants or even
think to remove his jacket and undershirt. He didn't waste any time liberating his rock hard
rod from the tight confines of his boxer; showcasing to Ino the thick length of his want for
Looking down at it, Ino couldn't really compare him to anyone since she hadn't ever done this
before and most of the pictures she's seen were diagrams for educational purposes. Naruto
was long, thick, with throbbing veins and round golden-pube balls, but what really surprised
her was how shapely the head of his dick was. Her hands instinctively reach for his hot meat
stick. Despite it’s aggressive posture, it’s smoother than she expected. She wonders if it
should be so hot until she feels it pulse in her hand and hears him groan in satisfaction above
To Naruto, he felt cold and he only had a mind to be inside hot wetness. Ino felt hollow
enough she might disappear and needed him to feel full again. She lined him to the entrance
of her aroused canal, pressing his eager shaft against her swollen lips before he promptly
thrusts into her. The two teens groan in unison, each feeling different sensations but equal in
immense satisfaction. Ino’s legs quake as all energy is sucked out of them.
‘He’s splitting me,’ Ino’s mind yells with clenched teeth, easily feeling Naruto’s veined
member plunged to the end of her soaking snatch pulsing impatiently. Naruto pulls out slowly
with a wet ‘shloop’, dragging out a deep groan from Ino before stuffing her sloshing pleasure
cavity. Instinctive for more, he pounds away into her, lost to anything but the pure pleasure in
this gorgeous once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The size of him forces pain to register in her
mind, but her drug-addled mind needed too much pleasure to tell him to slow down, or Kami
help her, to stop.
The new, intrusive experience didn't hurt much, if at all. She was vaguely aware that it was
supposed to; not that her hymen was intact. The majority of kunoichi lose that barrier of flesh
through rigorous exercise and training. In Ino’s mind-numbing arousal, it isn’t long after he
first stuffed her to the brim with his meat that she’s moaning loudly by his relentless thrusts,
filling her with unbearable satisfaction in spite of how much he was stretching her to
accommodate his girth. With the amount of fluids flooding her love channel, it didn't take
Naruto more than four or five thrusts to completely sheath himself inside of her. “You- Kami,
Ino, you feel sooo good,” Naruto hotly groans between grunts. “It’s so tight! Hot! Wet!”
With ever etch of her pleasure membrane deliciously being pulled by the thick head and
veined girth of his member, Ino moaned continuously. With every thrust, Ino's hazy mind
bursts with long echoing pleasure broadcasting to every inch of her body. It seemed like no
time at all before Naruto was pounding his thick meat with fluid ease and she was moaning
for more.
“MNN, yes, Naruto! More!” Ino gasps. “Pl-Please, harder! I’m- I’m- I’m almost-” she
begged, as his bulbous head would tongue her cervix with fluid ease, pulling fantastically at
her squeezing walls on its way out before his entire shaft would fill her sponge-tunnel
completely again ripping an “AHHNN!” out of her every time.
Ino was lost in a whirlpool of pleasure as a result of Naruto's devastating rod and her moist
vagina squeezes his sensitive shaft hungrily, begging for its nourishment. “Ino!” Naruto calls,
feeling like he’s getting close to deliciously breaking apart. Naruto knows he’s close and he
knows it’ll be great when without warning, the frothy walls of her vagina snap shut, clamping
on his sensitive dick, sending him over a peak that feels explosive in pleasure. Naruto buries
himself with one final thrust burying himself in her quaking hole to his balls and empty
weeks worth of gelatinous cum inside of her.
Feeling the molten semen filling her small cavity triggers a second more powerful orgasm
and Ino’s eyes roll into her head, her toes curl intensely like they’ve grown a fourth joint to
bend further and she clings to Naruto’s dick as she blacks out from the sheer waves of
euphoria drowning her sweaty body. As her body held and squeezed a groaning Naruto, he
wasn’t aware that she had passed out.
As he fills Ino’s sanctuary with line after line of his thick ejaculate, what Naruto couldn’t be
told is unusual about how he cums was that penises do not swell at the base to twice their
girth. That’s an animalistic characteristic not found in normal humans but as Ino was
unconscious for her first ever creampie, she would have to tell him after the second round.
“Oh,” she hears him grunt lewdly in tandem with a repeated wet smacking noise. “Ssso good
Ino-chan! You feel soo goood,” Ino hears, slowly opening her glossy eyes to the hypnotic
rocking of the tall trees above and the boy eagerly fucking her. Ino’s boneless legs were
wrapped securely around the cunt-humping blond and she was flush against him with his
head beside hers. The pleasure all rushes back to her like growing pains and very quickly, Ino
automatically returns his amorous affection without question. Fucking him just is and her
cerebellum is immediately rushed with an overpowering amount of mind-numbing pleasure,
triggering miniature quakes up and down her arched spine and throughout her sweaty body.
“You're so beautiful!” The half-naked blond praises her between a long series of flesh-
smacking thrusts. “So beautiful!”
Ino met him eagerly thrust for thrust and she couldn't fathom as to how. He felt so much
stronger than her, bigger, hotter, impossibly perfect inside of her. His grip, his thrust, the
molten steel pounding inside her, reach her upper walls easily to that lovely spot that seems
to shoot unimpaired jolts of lightning throughout her entire body, forcing her to arching her
lower back deeply and spread her legs as far as she can to give him all the access he wants.
He was unrelenting and she accepted the pure bliss of submitting to him unashamed. The
tension in her lower stomach builds faster than she's ready for, adding that extra bit of
concern for her sanity.
“Keep going! Keep! Fuckin’! My little cunt!” she happily yells, letting the waves of
mounting pleasure roll over and over her into a higher precipice. “Whatever you do, don't,
AHHN! Don’t s-s-s-stop.Ahn, ahn, it's- It's coming again,” She yells deeply and freely. “I'm
cumming, I'm cumming, I'm CUMMMINGGGGGG!” She moans greatly, hoarsely as the
astounding pressure within explodes with pleasure, short-circuiting all brain function but for
the eternal satisfaction of squeezing his hot, thick dick as she cums endlessly.
With the quick shifts and jerks of her furnace-like gyrating hips, Naruto couldn't overcome
how pleasurable her canal hosting him felt. With a final grunting thrust, he buried himself as
deep as physically possible and discharged copious helpings of his thick seed inside her
quaking meat sheath. With his most delicious waterfall being squeezed into her, Ino oddly
wonders why his dick is swelling so much—an isolated thought that didn’t last.
As if her orgasm triggering his orgasm wasn’t enough, feeling the boiling pool filling her so
deeply, extending her walls and etching into sensitive fold, Ino saw white as her head shoots
back and her scorching body is wracked with another wave as mighty as the first burst,
quaking and spasming mini contractions throughout her weakened constitution. She simply
held on with taunt arms and her stuffed pussy, feeling more attached to him than Ino could’ve
ever thought possible. Her plugged pussy quaked continuously, holding a copious amount of
his spunk as her fevered body squeezes his spitting rock hard appendage like a vice as if
trying to memorize every vein and curve of his impressive manhood.
Naruto’s weight dropped on her like a sack of crushing water but as even the roots of her
platinum-blond scalp feels amazing, so too does the pressure of his weight on her. Time was
meaningless as the warm mesh of perpetual pleasure rendered the lovers motionless.
The last vestiges of restraint, of ration, of any lucidity, had long abandoned her—both of
them, in truth. They've long since given up trying to explain the why of losing their virginity
to each other. It couldn’t matter when there was so much ecstasy to be had. Ino’s hazy mind
can’t even process the connection of losing her virginity to someone she doesn't love—the
Dead Last of their year, of all people—nor that it was little more than wild animals rutting
savagely in the open forest floor.
They stopped for the sake of resting their highly trained lethal bodies, however as ninjas, they
didn’t need much. With Naruto’s boundless stamina and Ino’s abnormal addiction to pleasure,
both teenagers give in to their primal and unquenchable urges, satisfying each other again and
again as if nothing else existed. Her mind was silent of any doubt or plan or consequence.
The singular thoughts forming loudly in her loopy head is of submission, and in an odd way,
In their momentary rest, he works his tongue and lips down her body, to the swollen center of
her love-tunnel. Naruto ate her out and she came so hard she squirted. He lapped it up,
spouting something about ramen broth, and to her dull astonishment, Ino happily returns the
It was odd being faced with the appendage responsible for all her pleasure; from a boy she
never—even in her wildest dreams—ever thought she would let in her mouth let alone her
body. And yet here she is, too high on the wonders of bliss and the source of it all to care
about taking a firm, possessive hold of his base and licking the bulbous head. Her tongue
brushes the underside of his thick shaft, and instead of disgust, she relished in the obscenity
of their combined taste—a frothy nectar made of her pussy juice mixing with his scrubbed
cum. Ino lapped it up, cleaning his shaft thoroughly before taking him in her mouth, very
much to his great pleasure.
She never expected to like taking a man in her mouth. It's not a topic of conversation among
the girls her age but she's heard from other clan members. The older kunoichi would seem to
repel at the way men expect this act and so Ino always thought it was strictly a man’s
pleasure at the woman's expense. But when Naruto groans loudly, almost feebly, it gives her
such a rush that she can control him like this, that she sucked him off like delicious candy.
She can almost play him like a puppet, and it made her wet.
“That feels- that feels… so great, Ino!” he would moan, both hands on her head. “You- Your
mouth… is amazing!” And it always thrilled her to hear. When he came, she didn't expect to
like his tight, strong, and needy grip on her head as he groans to the high heavens. She also
didn’t expect to like his thick spunk being pumped down her throat. But more than anything,
she didn’t expect the cum-pumping cock in her mouth to swell at the base to nearly twice its
‘That’s different,’ is her only scrutiny on the impossible reaction as she swallows load after
load like sucking on a baby bottle. It was satisfying in a primal way to be used so desperately
for his pleasure and Ino craves more. Flipping him on his back so she can straddle his waist,
his thick manhood was stirring her pleasure sensitive sex seconds later. The afternoon sun
soaked the wanton lovers as she rode him, her long silky hair, undone and catching the
lowering light and Naruto couldn't believe how beautiful she looked.
Despite the eagerness of her gyrating hips, lifting and grinding down on his meat pole, his
sky blue eyes never left her erotic face contorted in absolute pleasure. When her pupil-less
powder blue eyes lock on his intense gaze, she felt penetrated in a way she wasn't expecting.
By now, she wouldn't bat an eyelash at the bliss of taking his large cock in her or even
releasing his wonderfully hot load in her young womb, but the eyes are the window to the
soul, a part of her that was more vulnerable than even her body.
Riding him felt different then, bigger, not simply in the act of intercourse but in the meaning
behind him. He was looking at her like there were no tomorrows, like she was the world and
time stood still. What they were doing was larger in that sense, and through the electric haze
clouding her mind, she was compelled to turn away. Looking at the sky as tears stroll down
her cheeks, Ino knows they don't love each other. They don't even know one another; not
He sits up adding a delicious angle of penetration, finding a spot that sent shivers up her
spine as he wraps her clammy torso in his strong arms, calling her attention back to him.
“Don't, please,” he pleads, his eyes expressing far more than his words. “Let me see you. I
just want...” he groans as she meets his upward thrusts. “...To see you... your beautiful...
gorgeous... wonderful... face...”
His beautiful blue eyes relay a wealth of information that wouldn't allow her to look away.
He was giving her the best of his everything, and that courage, to be so free and trusting with
himself, with her... the thrill impulsively forces her body to clamp down on his greedy
appendage. They both groaned deeply at the sudden tightness, only allowing themselves a
moment to enjoy it before he snaked his arms around her back and kept thrusting into her, all
the while staring deeply into her vulnerability.
The face she shows him—this euphorically pained face that no one's ever seen—and the way
he craves for her the same way she craves for him, the tightly wound, massive coil in the core
of her stomach snaps, seizing her entire body with gigantic crippling shocks and aftershocks.
Her scream is loud and hoarse, as her body contorts and contracts wildly. With one final
thrust, he buries himself to the balls and brilliantly coats her thirsty walls with whatever he
has left, transferring even more powerful aftershock battering her exhausted and spent body
before he plugs her with his unique cock.
After the massive inferno of pleasure is reduced to a humming simmer, she falls forward as
his back finds the mushed grass. Both gasping for breath, Naruto holds her against him
indulging in the feel of her soft breasts and hot moist skin against his. Ino can almost feel his
smile as she rests her head by the side of his. When his now softened penis slips out, he
groans almost sad about it. With the exception of swallowing one of his loads, Naruto
preferred to finish inside of her.
‘It must've felt great for him,’ her lucid thoughts suggests. She couldn't know that he really
likes the connection, the closeness, the affection, the way she squeezes him hungrily for
every ounce he has to offer. She just couldn't know what this means to him because to her, his
reputation was enough to avoid learning any more about him.
At the first attempt to leave, Ino barely reached for her purple top before Naruto was on her
again. Holding herself against the trunk of a tree, he fucked her from behind, her legs spread
wide enough for his ease of relentlessly deep pumping. Ino couldn't hold herself for long and
kept sliding down the smooth bark. It was only due to Naruto's tight hold on her shapely hips
that kept her remotely upright, until her taut core of pleasurable snaps with concussive force,
and yet again, an explosion of mind-numbing pleasure rips through her spine and up her
cranium, overloading her entire existence with unabated pleasure.
As she rides wave after wave of unceasing pleasure, her spasming meat pocket holds onto
Naruto for dear life, causing him to break his spunk-bank yet again to deposit a frothy
helping of his thick cum. Gathering the super-heated pool of his man-milk in her filling
uterus triggers her ascension to a realm made entirely of intense bliss and Ino succumbs to a
litany repeated orgasms.
After much needed rest, they try again to leave, with either of them mindlessly voicing, “… I
think… we should…” And they move to reach for their clothes only for Ino wind up on all
fours with Naruto gripping her hips and probing the wrong hole. “Wai… wait… Naruto.”
“That’s so hot,” Naruto states, seemingly of the belief that she’s as okay with this as she is
with everything.
Ino finds the more she relaxes her bowl and ass muscles the more satisfying it becomes.
Though she prefers he stuffs her pussy, she finds she delights in anal play as well. The
steadily increasing rhythm of his hooking bulbous head scratches her buzzing itch so
deliciously, Ino is moaning just the same as if he was assaulting in her soaking pussy. The
way his balls hits her clit with every moist smack of their crotch was like being choked with
pleasure until she couldn’t breathe and died in ravenous euphoria. At the feeling of his thick
pole filling her bowls, Ino passes out again from the intensity of the body-breaking feeling.
After each intermission to catch their breath they would try again to leave—to go back to the
village—but every time would end in failure. After hours of sex, Ino's not ashamed to admit
she absolutely loves the feeling of his molten man-milk being vigorously pumped into her
ass, pussy or mouth. The rolling hills of bliss crashing lethally against her weakened body
seemed to her like the only joy that could exist, and Naruto always seemed ready and eager to
give it, knocking her out time and time again, to then wake to him devouring her breast or
eating her out. Despite their growing exhaustion, the lovers find oblivion in each other until
they both collapse.
This was the first sex scene I've ever written. It's part of the reason why I started this fic.
I wanted to practice that. This was also the main reason why I aged up the characters,
though some may have noticed I don't mention their age much.
When a mind might scream at the injustice, or a heart might cry in anguish, a kunoichi
dawns on her mask, and continues forward.
Chapter Notes
Hey guys,
I think by now, it's pretty fair to say there's explicit content in this fic. If that makes
some of you uncomfortable, I totally get that. I hope you find a fic more to your tastes.
My fic will have story, characterization, motivation, but it will also have sexual relations
with Naruto and I must warn you, none of the girls he sleeps with will do it out of love...
at least initially. That's the story/challenge I want to play with.
So, I have decided to do a multi turn harem fic--basically more than three who grow to
love him. I'm motivated by gray area decisions and unforeseen circumstance to generate
story. I just want to make it make as much sense as possible. That's it. Enjoy.
It was well into the night when Ino walked into her home on unsteady legs, dragging her
travel pack on the floor behind her.
“Honey is that you,” Ino hears her mother call from the other room. Ino absentmindedly
deduced her mother was in the kitchen, likely putting away any leftover food. At the sweet
sound of her mother's voice, Ino wants to cry. A great pang of unholy contamination is
crammed into her chest as her vision fills with fat globs of tears that don’t shed. Unable to
trust her voice not to share her inconceivably horrid ordeal, Ino clamps a desperate hand over
her mouth, shaking the globules of tears to rush down her cheeks and hand, as she just hums,
To Ino, it felt like the entire story of her raw grief and debauchery could easily be detected in
her tone alone. Despite how utterly filthy she feels, she wants to run to her pure mother for
her solid protection and be told that everything was going to be alright. But she also wants to
hide with just as much desire—to never let her mother know exactly how unclean her
daughter has become. Her mother easily responds, “okay. Your father and I are going to
sleep. If you take a shower, keep it down. There's food in the fridge if you're hungry.”
Ino hears faint feet walk away, then silence. Crunching her appealing face in misery, the
painful quiet of her home only aids the loud memories of her day, continually flooding her
mind's eye and shaming her tears to fall faster down her semen-stained cheeks, dirty fingers,
and button chin. She can already tell from the heat drowning her eyes, that she won’t stop
crying anytime soon.
Ino slowly makes her way to her bathroom, eager to wash off the crusty lust-covered insanity
of the day. No matter how many hours it takes, she doesn't plan on leaving until the job is
thoroughly done. Though deep down she knows no amount of water or anti-bacterial body
wash will ever erase what’s been done to her once innocent temple, it won’t stop her from
trying. With never-ending memories of her acting like a corner whore as her fuel, how could
she not scrub and scrub until she bleeds?
In the bathroom and turned away from the mirror, Ino was struck with indecision. After
everything she and Naruto did—how completely they satisfied their every animalistic desire
—she’s determined to decontaminate every millimeter of her well-used body, however, where
to begin? Everywhere is her goal because he sucked, licked, or coated white every inch of her
with such musky vigor, scrubbing one area of her anatomy meant not disinfecting another,
and she just wanted it all off. Ino wants to feel new again—pure and innocent—but she isn’t
anymore and she never will be again; birthing a fresh batch of tears.
It was taking every bit of her clan’s mental training to keep from breaking down. A daunting
task when she simply considers the magnitude of losing her virginity at such a young age. It’s
an impossible task when she further considers how she also lost her anal cherry to the same
idiot. In fact, any which way she’s heard a woman can pleasure a man, Ino did it with
Naruto… of all people.
‘Oh Kami, I sucked him off!’ Her mind yells, effortlessly reliving the greedy blowjob she
gave him both in her mind and on the lingering sensation of her swollen lips. Giving Naruto
her first kiss would’ve been bad enough but kissing, and licking, and sucking his fluid
covered cock just didn’t make any sense to her. The buzzing of her cock-experienced lips
tells the story of how she returned the favor—happily and willingly—stunning her
perpetually, asking herself, ‘how? How could I have done that? With him? I’m not that girl.
I’m not…’
Worse than her vivid recollections, her body is still humming with residual delight at the
physical memory of him against her—of him in her. Ino's mind could not think of anything
else. ‘He fucked me. He fucked me like a dog… and I loved it… who am I?’ Her mind asks,
and her tears answer, ‘you’re sad.’
Tears mix with the water as she simply decides to start. She would have to wash everything
his hands, mouth, and dick invaded, rubbed, sucked and pinched, thoroughly and repeatedly.
She can easily feel the most tender parts of her body, and would deal with them, but the most
sensitive issue is the copious buildup of sappy fluid still inside of her. He not only licked,
sucked, and fucked her pussy, he erupted—deliciously she hates to admit—several large
loads inside of her.
For the trek back she had to use her filthy bindings to keep the pool of man milk from
constantly leaking down her legs. If anyone saw her walking with trails of semen running
down her thighs, Ino wouldn’t survive the shame. It made walking back extra challenging as
she felt the shifting weight of semen if she swayed too much. Sadly it was nearly impossible
not to as her legs were terribly weak, and the natural grace of her walk already adds a racy
sway to her eye-catching hips—a favorite feature of hers that now has finger bruising from
his strong grip.
Gripping the banister, she tries to stop thinking about all the vivacious activity that involved
her nether region, already feeling herself growing warmer. “Stop it Ino,” she warns herself,
her tone almost pleading, but she can't; all the while wondering how her body can still feel so
responsive after nearly eight hours of full-on intercourse, oral stimulation, anal play, or
massaging exploration.
When she feels the heat of her tender folds grow slick with wanton anticipation, she rushes to
the shower, turns the cold tap to full blast and stands under the shower head. The shock of its
icy pain cascades through her system, doing what she doesn't seem capable of doing on her
own; cooling down. The day started with so much hope and promise. Ino had not expected it
to end with her crying under the loud shower head, wailing so loud she's certain her parents
or at least her mother would rush in and check on her. No one does and there she stays.
“Ne, Naru-nii, why didn't you tell me I was going to have sex with Ino-chan?”
‘WH-Wait, what? ..What? ...What?’ Naru-nii garbled as if coughing and choking at the same
time. Naru-nii was coughing so hard, Naruto actually worries the prayer would cut off. With
his hands clasped at the back of his blond head, the de-virgenized genin walks to the
unpopular training area to continue his chakra control training. He finds it much easier to talk
aloud than in his head, and continues. “Is this like when I asked if you knew who my- our
parents are, and you said yes but there's a good reason you wouldn't tell me?”
‘I never said I wouldn't tell you,’ Naru-nii returns with a somewhat raspier voice. ‘I said it's
for the best if the only thing you know right now is how bad-ass they were. I said I'd tell
you if you kept all this stuff about me and the future a secret.’
“I have!” Naruto throws back to no one in particular, as he's the only one traveling down the
dirt road.
Humored, Naru-nii continues, ‘I'll tell you after you learn Fūton Rasengan, but trust me,
it's just like keeping the Kyūbi a secret, the less people know the better. Now... what the hell
is this about Ino?’
Twisting his face curiously, Naruto asks, “didn't you have sex with her too?”
‘No!’ he bellows. ‘No! I haven't had sex with anyone! Plus, I only have eyes for Sakura-
chan.... not that I didn't notice how some of the other girls were... ‘developing,’ but still,
you’re saying you had- actually had sex with Ino? Yamanaka Ino? Long blond hair,
blue eyes, curvy, always wears a purple skirt and top? That Ino?’
Naruto was nodding his head with a big smile the entire time, finally finishing with, “yup!”
“Wait, how come you haven’t?” Naruto asks, believing they must share the same experience
if Naru-nii is from the future. Even someone as dense as Naruto knows that much. “You're
supposed to be the Me from the future. Doesn't that mean that you know everything that's
going on now, like, in the past?”
‘No! Er, at least I don't think so,’ Naru-nii slowly comments, as if trying to gather his
thoughts at that moment. ‘I'm in a complete seal, remember. I'm cut off from everything. It
was the only way to ensure I could have an uninterrupted chance of fixing everything. I
have the memories I came in with, but I don't know how different things are since talking
to you. I mean, you’re learning stuff faster so I gotta imagine that’ll change things... but
damn man, that’s a hell of a change.’
“Oh,” Naruto gripes, before nervously adding, “that sucks… for you, I mean.”
‘SHEUUT UPP,’ Naru-nii yaps, easily recognizing his own smugness in his past
counterpart. ‘Wh-what about Sakura-chan?’ the older Naruto asks.
“Ugghh,” Naruto groans griping his heart, nearly tripping over in guilt. “I know, I know! I'm
worthless! I'm shit! How could I say she's the love of my life, then turn around and have sex
with another girl? I couldn't sleep at all last night. I couldn't even look at her today!” Naruto
yells up at the skies.
‘Hey, now, don't beat yourself up too much,’ he mildly puts. It’s a generalization with a
hesitant tone that spoke to how out of his depth Older Naruto is in this conversation. ‘And
Ino... I'm sure she likes you just as much as you like Sakura-chan.’
“I thought you knew me?!” Naruto bellows. “I don't just like Sakura-chan. I love her!”
‘I know,’ Naru-nii sympathetically agrees. ‘I couldn't even picture my life without her in it.
Even now, the only reason why I pushing on is because she's one of my precious people
I'm trying to save, and I won't let her down. It helps me, knowing training you protects her
and keeps her safe. But, none of that means she'll love us like we do her, you know? Nor
does it mean that Ino couldn't love us- well, you, like you love Sakura-chan.’
“But Ino doesn't love me!” Naruto returns still looking around as if there's someone there.
Sulking at the memory, he plunges his hands in his pockets and kicks at stones while he
‘What?’ Naru-nii asks clear confusion in his tone. ‘Uh… I don’t get it.’
“She told me so,” Naruto asserts. “When we- ...after we, uh, finished, she shoved me with an
Academy Double-Palm, yelled at me, told me she'd kill me with poison ramen if I ever told
anyone, and then she left. Even though it was hard for her to walk she wouldn't even let me
help her home. She yelled at me to stay away.” Naruto can't help feeling like he'd done
something wrong, or why else would she be mad?
‘Okay, I need more details,’ Naru-nii responded. ‘Start from the beginning because this
isn't making sense,’ he said before quickly adding, ‘if there isn’t enough time left to help
you train, than keep working on the first step. Now, what happened?’
The younger of the blonds explained to the older how she asked him to help her find a plant,
how they met near the monument, how weird she was acting, then how she essentially
jumped him. With a fair bit of trepidation, an embarrassed Naruto even admits he didn’t do a
good enough job stopping her, simply submitting to her demands.
‘Wow,’ Naru-nii gasps absolutely stunned before Naruto further explains, “I was kinda scared
at first and tried to stop it, but… you know, she's Ino-chan, and she looks like she does, and-
and it looked like she was hurting! I swear, it was like she needed my help… like, with her p-
privates, which is totally bonkers, but I... I did it…” Naruto trails off lost in memory for a
moment before exhaling a deep sigh then continuing. “When I realized she wanted to do that
adult stuff, well, she's so pretty and Kami, did it feel good.... uggh, but that shouldn’t matter,
should it?! I'm horrible, aren't I? I'm a sick pervert.”
‘You're neither a sick pervert or horrible,’ future-Naruto responds. ‘I honestly don't know
how to explain that situation. It doesn't sound like you did anything to start it, but she
seemed pretty upset at the end… I just don't know. That’s a tough one.’
“Should I... tell Sakura-chan?” Naruto weakly asks, his face crumbling and on the verge of
tears. “Uwah, I just feel terrible! I think about how much I liked doing that with Ino-chan,
then I think about how I betrayed Sakura-chan, and I get so confused! It's crazy! It was wrong
because I love Sakura-chan, but it felt so right, and that means- it means-”
‘Stop!’ Naru-nii commands, getting his younger self to stop. ‘Listen carefully, because I
only have a few more minutes. I don't think you should tell Sakura-chan. And I only say
that because, well, she doesn't really see us that way... at the moment. It’s super easy to feel
how guilty you are over what you did with Ino, even when you have someone else you’re in
love with, but I think telling Sakura-chan is less about her, and more about you punishing
yourself. And in our experience, we both know that never solves anything. The only thing I
can say is try and focus on what you can control.’
“What do you mean,” he asks, clearing the corners of his eyes of budding tears.
‘I mean, you'd still protect Sakura-chan and even Ino-chan if you had to, right?’
‘Of course you would, because they're still your comrades as shinobi of the Leaf. Despite
everything, at least you can say you always want them to be safe. How about their
happiness? Do you want them to be happy?’
‘There you go. That's another connection you share, right? They're still people that know
you, and who recognize you. That's important. It means you can also, at the very least, be a
good friend to either of them, because a good friend would want them to be happy. I can't
tell you what's up with Ino, since that's way beyond my expertise, but if she's not acting
normally, what do you think a good friend would do?’
Thanks to years of not knowing the answer to questions asked of him in the Academy, Naruto
immediately responds with his go-to answer, “I don’t know.” Hearing Naru-nii’s sigh makes
Naruto take a moment to actually ponder the honest answer asked of him. “I guess… I guess
I'd ask her if she's doing okay? No, I… I'd make sure she was okay, and that I didn't do
anything bad I shouldn't have.”
‘If that's how you truly feel, than I'm sure you'll figure it out,’ Naru-nii pleasantly tells his
younger counterpart.
‘Sorry, I can honestly tell you this is way outside of my wheelhouse,’ his future self admit
with a bit of a chuckle. ‘Maybe find someone you can trust who knows more about that
kind of stuff. I mean, I still can't really believe it. You and Ino. That’s insane.’
“Yeah,” Naruto nods several times in agreement. “Me neither. I use Kai or pinch myself like
forty times a day just to make sure I'm real and that it happened.”
‘No doubt,’ he says, though Naruto can hear his tone is fading. ‘Just remember, whatever
happens, you know in your heart you'll always protect them.’
“Damn right,” Naruto returns, but his future counterpart was already gone. Feeling a little
better, Naruto spends nearly three hours running around the village, looking for Ino while his
clones practice the first step of Rasengan in his apartment.
He spent the entire week looking for her without success. His disappointment even masked
all the positives that week had produced. Sakura-chan actually came up to him… to talk! He
wasn't thrilled about the topic, as she only wondered if he might be a little more forceful in
his spars with Sasuke so she can treat him; any excuse to touch him apparently. He didn't
know if she was progressing well, but she seemed ecstatic about her study.
Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke-teme remained as distant as usual, but he was starting to surprise
them with his taijutsu. Suddenly it wasn't quite as easy for Sasuke to beat him when they
sparred. Hell, his high spirits couldn't be denied when he finally got a chance to talk to Iruka-
He snuck into his room after visiting hours and fortunately for the young genin, his favorite
sensei was still awake. He didn't say much since he was still recuperating and very tired, but
the older man made sure to tell him he didn't blame him for what happened before sleep took
him. Naruto stayed in the darkroom for what felt like hours and would've stayed longer if a
nurse didn't need to check the monitoring equipment.
His most vital success was finally completing the first stage of learning Rasengan. Naru-nii
happily congratulated him, wishing he could be there to give him a celebratory Popsicle.
Naruto didn't understand it, but he knows he would've liked that. Having only just succeeded
in bursting the water balloon, he felt it was perfect timing as it would give him an
uninterrupted weekend to start on the second stage of the amazing technique: Power.
It had been one of the best weeks of his life, but it always paled when his thoughts migrated
to Ino-chan. Naruto had to make sure she was okay, and if possible, talk about what
happened. So every day, he'd search for hours. He ran into several people multiple times,
including Team 8 and their sensei, but never Ino. Despite running into the team three times,
she was never with them.
He immediately wanted to ask about her, but an image of her yelling at him, angry for asking
about her frustratingly kept him from taking the direct approach to learning what he wanted
to know. So, he ignored the impulse to ask them directly… until the third time he ran into to
them looking for her. After days with no luck, he instead—in his roundabout way of trying to
learn where's she been—jokingly asks, “Ino-chan finally got tired of dealing with you two?”
Chōji immediately defends his teammate, spouting back, “no! She's just sick!”
“Oh,” Naruto returns, genuinely unhappy to hear. “Sorry, I didn't know. Hey, do you guys
want to train? I've been working on some killer new moves!”
They naturally turned him down, as he expected they would, and the moment he was far
enough away, he raced to the Yamanaka compound. Having already explored most of
Konoha as a neglected orphan, he knew exactly where he was going, and how to scout out
the clan home. It wasn't as large as some of the other clan residences, like the Hyūga, Nara,
Inuzuka, or Aburame. Aside from their large greenhouse, the Yamanaka didn't need quite so
much space.
After thirty minutes of covertly surveying the perimeter, he couldn't spot her through any
windows, balcony, or in their flower shop, leading him to debated his next move. It isn't that
he couldn't think of a way. He was just worried about the fallout as it could easily lead to
issues if he was found out. It had only been five days since their shared experience and
everyday Naruto grew more and more worried, and so, after an agonizing over the pros and
cons for several minutes, Naruto just shrugs and henge's into Shikamaru. The spiky-haired
lazy-ass wasn't hard to imitate and as Ino’s team member, it wouldn't be odd if he showed up
to check on her.
Knocking on the main house door, a woman he wasn't sure was Ino's mother—as she didn't
have blond hair or blue eyes and seemed very rigid—opened the door. Still, in a sweet voice,
rich with familiarity, she instantly recognizes the bored expression of her daughter's
teammate. “Shikamaru-kun, what a surprise. I had no idea you were stopping by.”
After showing the perfect imitation of Shikamaru's unenthusiastic exhale, Naruto calmly
responds, “I wasn't going to. I was just close by and wondered how Ino-ch- Ino was doing.”
“Oh, isn't that sweet of you,” she says, either ignoring the slip or not drawing attention to it.
“That must be your mother's influence. I could never see Shika ever showing that level of
concern. ‘Too Troublesome,’ he'd say. Unfortunately, dear, she's still unwell. Here, wait
inside, and I'll see if she's up for a visit.” she states, naturally moving aside and waving him
in. Naruto nervously enters and Ino-chan's mom verbalizes her daughter's need to always
look presentable. “I know the importance of always presenting your best face, but teammates
and strangers are two different things, I feel.”
Naruto only hums a bored agreement as the madam of the house retreats to her daughter's
room. After five minutes, she returns with an apologetic face, and seconds later, he leaves
their home. Deflated, Naruto returns to his apartment in failure. He spends that night
wondering how he can see her without causing too much ruckus. Of course, he could break
in, like he's been doing to see Iruka-sensei, but he didn't think that would turn out well on
Clan property. It was the next day, with Naru-nii's help, that Naruto figures out what he can
Ino sat in her bed, legs bent under her so that her butt rests on her feet, staring forlornly at a
pictured frame in her hand. The picture within the regularly polished oak frame was of her
graduating class—after they had passed the exam but before team assignments. There were
twenty students in the picture but Ino was only staring at one: the raven-haired, onyx eyes of
Uchiha Sasuke. Gazing at the pale imitation of his likeness, her mind is a mess of thoughts
about him, about her, about what happened, about it all. Deep down, Ino knows she's destined
to be with him, though it always irks her no one else could neither see or accept that. Not that
it mattered. In the end, she knew they would end up together. Simply put, she had a critical
Unlike his other simple fans, she was heiress to one of the Noble clan's of Konoha. She
couldn't claim to be the only heiress in their class, but that was yet another sign that fate
favored her inevitable union with Sasuke-kun since Hinata-chan, the Hyūga heiress, was
perpetually shy and showed no interest in the Rookie of the Year to begin with. No, out of all
the girls that could be with him, she was the only one with the pedigree to be by his side, a
fact Forehead always ignored.
On top of that, much like all the girls rate all the boys by looks—Sasuke-kun being the clear
victor—Ino was officially voted most beautiful girl in their class. She may have just missed
out becoming top kunoichi but that's always been more academic than practical. With beauty
and clan alone, it was obvious she was the clear choice for Sasuke-kun's affection. And still,
she had more to offer him.
Ino will admit she lacks the expertise to properly treat his trauma—no matter what form that
took—but she knew Sasuke-kun needed her more than anyone to help him heal from his
suffering. She was the only one that could understand him, that could save him. They were
made for each other. That's why it brakes her heart every time her memory wanders to the
event that took place last week. She's meant to be with Sasuke-kun, to help him, to be his
strength, and yet, she thoroughly debased herself with another boy; the weakest, loudest,
Dead Last of their class, and worse yet, she was out of her mind in bliss for every second of
Thank Kami, the idiot wasn't in the photo she was desperately clutching at. He hadn't passed
the final exam, and despite the oddity of him showing up to team assignments, no one cared.
However, after what happened—what they had done—Ino didn't need his photo to accurately
picture him. It had been seven days to the day, and she can still picture everything about his
strong body so perfectly. Just thinking about him, undressed and on top of her made her chest
tight and her mouth water as much as her loins.
Biting down hard on her plump lower lip, this was the burden she'd been dealing with all
week. Thinking about him lights a fierce fire inside her and since her debauchery, it’s been a
constant penalty Ino was frightened would last the rest of her life. She would wake up in the
middle of the night to heart-pounding wet dreams, her sheets soaked with sweat and vaginal
fluid, and more often than not, her practically useless fingers between her perspiring legs.
Her body quite simply craved him, to feel his thickness inside her, to feel his steaming man-
milk flood her… To Ino, it was the very definition of a drug. A schedule I Stimulant she was
forcing herself to quit cold-turkey by taking it upon herself to relieve her body’s frequent
cravings. If she didn’t orgasm several times a day, she was afraid her fragile resolve to avoid
him would break and she’d run to the loser for a full night of being gutted and buggered by
his weird dick.
After much thought and a lot of memory diving, Ino knows the way his penis ejaculates is
most certainly not normal. It’s not even common among humans. It’s not even a medical
condition to have. What Ino does know, is it’s an extra layer of spice to her depressing shame.
Somehow the penis that deflowered her—that ruined her—has a bulbous gland at the base
that expands during ejaculation… ‘exactly like a dog!’ her mind screams.
‘Why would he have that?’ she would always yell in her mind. ‘Is he part dog?’ Ino is fairly
well informed by many of the older kunoichi in the bathhouse and the workers in the
Yamanaka shop. If the Inuzuka clan had a feature like that, she would’ve heard about it
months if not years ago. The fact that she, Yamanaka Ino, heiress to their clan was knotted
like a bitch by a blond idiot dog-boy is the greatest shame in her young life. ‘Why did he do
this to me?’ she mentally whines.
Ino knew she was supposed to be with Sasuke-kun, but her body can't seem to forget Naruto.
It's why she stayed in bed, cried often, and shut the world out. Her parents were obviously
worried. Her mother, in particular, tried to connect with her detached daughter, guilting Ino
into lying to them, assuring them that she’s just sick and will feel better soon. She’s not sure
they buy it. She knew her team was worried as well. Asuma-sensei and even Shikamaru have
come by to see her, but she didn't want to see anyone; she couldn't.
Somehow, in the back of her mind, she expected them to know the moment they took one
look at her. She somehow believed they would see his thick semen caked on her face and
know it was from Naruto—which she’s aware enough to admit was idiotic. Clearly, if her
own mother couldn't see how excessively deflowered her only daughter now is, then Ino
doubts anyone else will. It may be an irrational fear, but still, how could she just return to the
world as if nothing had happened?
‘A woman always has at least two masks,’ Ino recalls her mother telling her some time ago as
they were arranging bouquets. It was an extension of the lessons given only to kunoichi in
preparation for the specific dangers women face as well as methods of coping; in other
words, how to compartmentalize.
‘Some women need more than two, but one mask is for the world, and the other, if you're
lucky, is for the one who accepts all of you.’ At such a young age and with more spirit than
most, Ino never liked that concept. Masks were meant to hide, and Ino felt far too pretty to be
hidden. ‘You wouldn't hide a flower,’ her mind at the time reasoned. Ino understands far more
It's another layer of her week's torment, as Ino's nearly certain Naruto has seen both her faces.
She can't be sure, but every time she remembers his words, pleading to let him see her, to
connect with her, she's fairly certain she had allowed what has to be her greatest moment of
weakness. Through their eyes, souls connected and it was the highest peak of pleasure Ino's
ever felt, more still, the strongest orgasm her body won't allow her to forget.
At the perfect recollection of his infinite sky-blue eyes peering into her very soul, her breath
becomes shallow and quick. She grips the frame harder as she feels her body heat up with a
searing focus between her legs, and her hardening nipples. She can feel moisture begin to
dampen her panties and she clenches her teeth to fight it. After a full week of this, none of
this is new, but fortunately, with every episode, she has an easier time managing the urges
than the day before, to the point she doesn't need to masturbate in order relieve her of her
spontaneous lust.
Eventually relaxing, her eyes slowly open to the photo in her hand, looking at herself beside
Sasuke-kun, happy and proud. It feels like a lifetime ago, and she longs to return to that time,
but slowly she's coming to the disheartening conclusion she'll never be the girl she was in
that photo, beside her love, posing beautifully for the camera. It's a depressing thought. Her
innocence is gone. It was enthusiastically taken from her repeatedly, and she'll never get it
‘No,’ she hates to admit. ‘It wasn't taken. I gave it away.’ Ino would honestly blame that
Dead Last idiot if he wasn't so stupid, or more specifically if she hadn't been the one to
initiate it... to push for it. She's not so horrible as to accuse him of rape simply because she
momentarily went crazy for him and he eventually became very willing. Additionally, it
would only cause her irreparable shame if it became public knowledge. How could she show
her face once everyone learns who her first time was with?
‘No, he wouldn’t,’ she honestly answers. Ino knows the only way forward with the boy of her
future is to put last week permanently behind her, and ensure not a soul ever finds out. That
starts by returning to her routine, acting normal, meeting her team—her new mask—then
finding the right time and public place to make sure that idiot takes this secret to his grave.
Naruto may have lavished in her most intimate constitution, physically and spiritually, but
that doesn't mean she won't kill him if he breathes a word of it to anyone. It'll be hard to look
at him when they do meet, but she has to make sure he's aware that his life is forfeit if he ever
‘Hell, even if he inadvertently draws any unwarranted attention, I may just kill him,’ she
mentally declares, enthusiastic for his murder.
“Ino!” she hears her mother call fearfully urgent from downstairs. “Come down here, now!”
Quirking a suspicious brow, the platinum-blond didn't want to leave the sanctuary of her
room, but her mother's tone was frantic and was soon followed by her father’s with just as
much alarm. “Ino! Get down here!”
Making a silent prayer to her raven-haired love in the photo for strength, Ino sets the frame
back on her nightstand, before moving to her bedroom door. Ino grabs her silk robe on her
way out because she knows her father doesn't appreciate her love of short-shorts and tight
tops. Making her way downstairs, she calls out, “where are you?”
Huddled outside the front entrance of their estate is her father, mother, and two of her distant
cousins—likely on their community watch patrol. They were bunched around a large chunk
of dug up earth the size of a large picnic basket, easily poking at her curiosity. Apparently, the
large, heavy looking square of freshly cut out earth with its roots sticking out the bottom, was
left for them to discover. While certainly unexpected, she couldn't understand why call her so
frantically or why her father was leaning over and inspecting the top.
Ino began to wonder about enemies the Yamanaka clan may have incurred when her mother
turns to her, absolutely thrilled by the large box of dirt with vibrant green grass on the top.
Her father was inspecting something on the top as her mother joyously tells her, “Oh! My,
beautiful, wonderful, amazing girl! Someone out there is extraordinarily worried for you!”
Ino is exceptionally confused until she steps around her father next to eager mother and her
pupil-less blue eyes bulge. Her father confirms what she instantly knows. “It's a genuine Fire
Slipper Orchid,” he chuckles in disbelief, then turns to his daughter.
“Here,” her mother says, holding out a simple white paper board one might use to get an
actor's autograph. “It came with this!” she finished exclaiming. Ino understood all three of
them knew what the orchid was worth, but she didn't understand her mother's excitement
until she read the note in surprisingly uniform characters.
Though normally very reserved, her mother is sashaying from one foot to the other, before
asking her daughter the pertinent question that seems to be on all their minds. “Soooo, who's
it from?”
“Yes,” Inoichi added, clearly uneasy about the gift and dreading what it could mean for his
little girl growing too fast for his liking. “Please, tell us his name. I'd love to know who'd
bring you quite the gift.”
“To thank him,” her mother exclaims, looking at her father warningly. “Not interrogate him.”
Her father’s face grimaces, ready to argue yet, wisely picking his battles and remaining silent.
“What makes you think it's from a boy?” Ino hotly asks, quirking her brow in suspicion at her
father as his overbearing fatherly instincts are already triggered.
“Honey,” he plainly returns. “That block weighs at least fifty pounds and this type of orchid
doesn't grow anywhere nearby. Someone quite strong carried this a great distance to bring it
here. So...”
Ignoring the pleasurable pulse between her legs as her body agrees Naruto is quite strong, Ino
can’t help but think, ‘I'm going to kill him.’ In front of the man that raised her, his all-seeing
eye staring at her, Ino falters desperately for a believable explanation, as the anger of her
mind and arousal of her hot body interrupts her ability to lie. She wants to ease her father's
suspicions, but lying to him has always been difficult; nearly impossible. It’s why Ino
generally speaks her mind because if lying doesn’t work, than it’s a waste of time to try. But
she can’t exactly tell him, ‘Daddy, this is definitely a thank you gift from Uzumaki Naruto,
you know, the worst student in our class, because I fucked him every which way I could for
hours.’ It’s likely to give him a heart attack.
An errant thought in her mind wonders if this gift makes her a prostitute, a terrible yet
somehow thrilling idea that awkwardly makes her blush at the worst possible time.
Her father’s eyes easily picks up on her blush and judging by how his shoulders tense and
how deeply he inhales, he didn't like it. Her mother mewls happily in her throat, then quickly
rotates the teen by her shoulders, forcing her to march forward and away from a protesting
head of their clan. Her mother leads them away as she tells her husband, “Ichi, be a dear and
store the orchid in the greenhouse. I'll examine it tomorrow.”
Being bypassed didn't help his fatherly anxiety as he calls out, “Wha- wait! Ino, I demand
you tell me who's it from?”
His demand had no real heat to it and her mother easily returns, “if you can clear the table
and do the dishes, I'd appreciate that,” before they make their way up to Ino's room. “Now,”
she starts once they've both settled on her bed. “Ino, I know this is a... meaningful time in
your life. You're just starting your career as a kunoichi, you're growing into a very beautiful
woman, and making sense of the balance between the two will be challenging. So, even if
you don't tell me everything, I'd rather you not lie, okay? Say what you can.”
‘I'm going to kill him,’ Ino thinks, nodding her head since she didn’t trust her voice at the
moment. It's the only thought she could agree on as her mind desperately tried to think of a
way out of this.
“I won't ask too much, because I want you to feel you can trust me with anything. But I do
have to know, did a boy send you this?”
Recalling several countermeasures ninjas can use when engaging in duplicity, Ino felt the
best way out of this was mixing omission with truth and letting her mother form her own
opinions, because after all, there's no way they would believe the truth without sufficient time
and proof. Ino takes a deep breath and asserts, “you know I have my heart set on Sasuke-
As much as Ino wanted to sing to the high heavens, ‘yes,’ if her parents—especially her
intelligence gathering father—ever decide to investigate her claim, that lie could make things
far worse for her down the road. Ino shakes her head no, her long blond hair flowing freely
with her sway. “I... don't want to say who, mainly because the person who sent the orchid,
just isn't my type, like at all! My heart is set on Sasuke-kun, so, in the end, whatever he was
hoping for by bringing it here was for nothing.”
“Oh, I don't know if it was for nothing, sweetheart. What does psychology tell us about this
gesture?” Her mother asks. As a former psychologist, she's highly observant of behaviors,
beliefs, feelings, relationship concerns, and even somatic responses. It's a very good reason,
Ino's always felt more mature than many of the other girls from the Academy, though
Forehead always manages to make her act like a child. “Come on, Ino. We may not be
geniuses like some of those Nara men, but we know the mind rather well, and there's quite a
bit of information we can deduce here. His card, for instance?”
Ino's shoulders slouch at having to suffer through this because of that idiot. “...I don't know,
he has neat handwriting.”
“Well, that's true,” her mothers agrees, looking it over again. “Someone who possibly deals
with seals on a regular basis?” Ino can tell her mother's fishing, so just shakes her head to
deny the suspicion. “Can't blame a mother for trying. Anyway, let's consider the message. All
he wrote was, ‘I hope you feel better.’ No elaboration, not even his name, which denotes
caution to reveal too much, but concern enough to go this far for you. There's also the
possibility he doesn't care about credit. He used, Ino-chan, which implies informality due
either to his upbringing or he's simply that close to you. He's more than likely an engaging
person, which is reinforced by the fifty-pound block of dirt he carried-”
“We don't know if he carried it all the way here,” Ino interrupts. “He could've used a cart or
“No,” she returns. “You don't know he carried it all the way here. Had you checked
underneath, you would've seen hand prints. A young person’s hand print, likely around your
Trying to give nothing away, Ino stays quiet long enough for her mother to say, “Listen,
sweetheart, I don't want you to think I'm pressuring you into telling me something you'd
prefer to keep to yourself—so long as you're not in any danger, of course. You've always
been a headstrong girl, and your decisions, good or bad, have been your own for a long time
now. I just don't want you to dismiss facts because they don't align with your beliefs. I know
how you feel about the Uchiha boy, but life is full of unexpected challenges and it's always
worth the time to consider if these challenges are hazardous traps or fortunate opportunity.
You know your father and I'll support whatever makes you happy.”
Ino stays quiet, unsure of how to think about her mother's caring words. They make a lot of
sense, making her feel proud to have a mother like her, but of course, the older woman has no
idea who the boy is or what they've done together. Maybe in another situation, she'd devote a
fair amount of thought in the advice, but in this case, it's Naruto and there's no need for
further reflection.
“Do you want to tell me more or would you like to be alone?” her mother gently asks.
“I'll think about it for a while, thanks, mom. I'll let you know if I do anything.”
“Okay, goodnight.”
“Night,” Ino says, offering her mother a decently sized smile, while mentally thinking, ‘he's
“How long have you known him for?” Kurenai asks her student and ward. The dishes were
clean and put away and they were settling down on Kurenai’s living room's couch sharing a
portion-healthy tub of orange sherbert ice cream—Hinata's choice, to Kurenai's unexpected
delight. Hinata avoids any eye contact as she tries to burrow deeper into the couch cushions.
“Hinata-chan,” Kurenai starts with a small smile. “In this house and with me, you never have
to worry about what you say. You're safe to express yourself however you like here. I won't
judge or belittle you for it and it will never be shared with anyone; from your father to the
Hokage himself.”
The girl nervously asks, “w-why are y-you asking me a-about Naruto-kun?”
“Well, I noticed how you reacted when we ran into him,” Kurenai easily points out. “As a
woman and your sensei, I could see that you're more aware of Uzumaki-kun than any other
Kurenai didn't think it was possible for the girl's cheeks to get redder but they blush another
shade brighter as she quietly answers, “I-I wouldn't s-s-say I k-know him. H-he.... we w-w-
were in the same c-class.”
Kurenai could easily detect the omission in the girl's averted eyes, tone of voice, and
flustered face. She was too easy to read, yet another part of her skills they needed to work on.
Having lived with the heiress for over two weeks now, running into Uzumaki-kun is about
the only time Hinata-chan reacted differently. They had run into him as their team exited
Hokage Tower, and while Hinata blushed stunningly from face to neck as the orange-clad
ninja greeted them, Kurenai noticed the girl's beautiful white eyes focus unlike any time she'd
ever seen. They were sharp, sure, assertive.
The raven-haried kunoichi isn’t sure why, but it was clear the girl had a crush on him. She
easily recalls looking over the other team's profiles, discovering like everyone else, that the
young blond was the Dead Last of the class. Furthermore, he was an orphan with no
exceptional talent. While she heard he defeated the traitor Mizuki with Kage Bunshin, she
also heard he can't produce a single Bunshin, leading most to the conclusion that it must’ve
been sheer dumb luck the boy brought down the traitorous Chūnin.
Still, it's more than possible Hinata's interest in the blond stretches beyond clan or talent. It's
feasible there's something that Kurenai is missing that could be a key driving force for the
shy girl's future. Kurenai needs to learn if Naruto-kun is something she could utilize to help
drive her ward, or if it's another dead end. Honestly, Kurenai hoped this panned out. She was
eager to prove Hiashi wrong, but more than anything, she didn't want to fail Hinata-chan.
As things stand, the Hyūga heiress was timid to a fault. While manners, kindness, and
consideration of others were good traits to have, Hinata-chan takes it to a detrimental level,
adversely impacting her own growth simply to avoid any kind of confrontation, a fact Kiba-
kun is starting to take notice of and unfortunately, enable. Kurenai needed to break her
meekness, and if possible, light a fire under the girl's belly.
Testing a theory, Kurenai gently asks, “he was the Dead Last of your year, wasn't he?”
Kurenai was happy, no, thrilled to see that it had the desired effect when Hinata-chan looks
directly into her red eyes and somewhat sternly tells her, “T-that wasn't his fault. The
instructors were mean to him.” As quickly as the girl's confidence appeared, it had departed.
Slowly sliding a moderate helping of ice cream passed her red lips to her lapping tongue,
Kurenai can't help but be happy by the small bit of progress. It wasn't much, but it was
something, and like the fragile light of an ember, she'll slowly coax it into a grand fire. Eager,
yet gentle with her young ward, Kurenai follows up by asking, “what do you mean it wasn't
his fault? He did the work, didn't he?”
Kurenai didn't really care to know one way or another, knowing what the boy contained
within him always made her recall how her father died that night. However, for her ward, her
student, she would happily hear about Uzumaki-kun's educational ineptitude.
Again, the girl's determination was back, making Kurenai feel a swell of triumph in her chest,
as Hinata-chan answered, “he- he did do the work, b-but you can't blame him for his results.
Many of the assignments th-that he did turn in deserved passing grades, but every sensei
besides Iruka-sensei, failed him. He was never treated fairly by nearly all the staff, but even
still, he kept on trying. He didn't quit. Even though he failed many times...” Hinata seemed to
realize how much she said in that short moment, as did Kurenai. It's the most she's ever heard
the timid girl speak at one time.
“How did you know his answers were correct?” Kurenai is genuinely curious to know.
“…B-Byakugan,” Hinata answers ashamed for how she abused her clan's unique talent, and
Kurenai smiles inside.
If this girl is willing to use her clan's ability for this boy, than chances were good he would be
a vital part in helping Hinata. It's quite clear by now, Naruto is the key to motivating this girl,
and with that revelation, Kurenai only needed to figure the method by which to take
advantage of that. “So you mean to say ‘Dead Last’ is not an accurate assessment of his
ability.” Hinata-chan nods. “That would make sense. Being made Genin despite most of the
sensei's treating you unfairly… he doesn't give up easily, does he?”
“Is that why you like him?” Kurenai gently asks. She doesn't want to push the girl too much
but it's already been two weeks and there were little other options. Hinata turns bright red,
and Kurenai could feel the warmth emanating from her. “It's okay, you don't have to answer,”
quickly easing the indigo-haired girl’s anxiety. “Do you know why I asked to be your
temporary guardian, Hinata-chan?” The light-eyed kunoichi shook her head, no. “One of the
hardest decisions life will constantly challenge you on, is choosing to walk away, or try
harder. We're not so different, you and I, and you even remind me of myself when I was
younger. The point is, I believe in you Hinata-chan, and I'm going to help you see that too, so
the both of us can always choose to try harder.”
Hinata nods one strong time, and Kurenai can easily see the tear at the corner of her eyes.
“One of the first things I'd like to remedy is your reaction to Uzumaki-kun,” Kurenai tells the
girl, who squeaks at the prospect. “How would you like to act normally around him?”
It would've been cute to Kurenai if it wasn't a set back for their ultimate goal. Still, it's in the
right direction and Kurenai just needs to continue pushing on. “Let me ask you a simple yes,
or no, question. Would you like to act normally around Uzumaki-kun?” Not trusting herself
to speak, Hinata shuts her eyes and just nods her head vehemently. “Than that means you can.
Don't worry, Hinata-chan, and trust your sensei. I think I know a way to help.”
One thing I really want to say is I DO like Choji. It sucks that I made him do something
dumb but, that's how I thought of it. I don't plan on using drugging again.
Like I said, this will be with multiple women. I'm starting with Ino and Kurenai first,
and I'll add as I go along. At the moment I'm thinking, Sakura, Tenten, Hinata, Temari,
and Mabui(and that's only because she dies in canon! Which is wrong! She's too hot to
die!). I personally think 7 is more than enough but if someone makes an interesting case
for a 8th, I may work it in. Mei is a good possibility but I still want her to be Kage in the
future so maybe not.
Kurenai and Sakura have plans that Naruto and Ino are not on board with.
Chapter Notes
Great news everyone, I was horribly sick this past week :) Which means I couldn't work
in the restaurant. Flem, sneezing and coughing just isn't a good look around other
people's food, so I was sent home which gave me a lot of time to write ideas and
outlines. I just finished this chapter and I have most of the next one done. I just need to
go over that update a couple more times and it'll be ready, so expect another update
The gorgeous Jōnin-sensei exits the bustling streets of Konaha’s Market District and into the
decently-populated Jōnin bar, Elite Spirits. Her goal is simple: find Kakashi. While Kurenai
was eager to implement her plan for Uzumaki-kun, the first challenge she believes will posse
an issue would be informing the genin’s assigned Jōnin-sensei, and getting his express
permission to interact with his student.
Kurenai can understand the significance behind the obscure rule of one sensei to a triplet of
students. At such an impressionable time in their education of a very dangerous profession, a
single sensei can better map out a timeline for growth and skill traits design for each student.
A single sensei is integral to the development of their, hopefully, long careers, thus
understands where the genin ninja is in their education and where they should go over a long
period of time.
Even if the student receives lessons from another Sensei, it usually means the primary sensei
doesn’t match well with the student’s clear talents, or simply is too inept to care. For
example, a close-range taijutsu fighter would not be a good match for Kurenai’s long-range,
genjutsu instruction. Unfortunately, Kakashi is the furthest you can get from inept, and he
seems to be a suitable match for Uzumaki, so any leeway Kurenai might’ve had for
borrowing the blond won’t apply to this.
Fortunately, Kurenai doesn’t have to traverse the entire village looking for the shameless
porno reading Jōnin. After leaving the cemetery, she finds the silver-haired Jōnin in their
group's usual section of their bar. Walking through the moderately crowded, off-duty Jōnin
and turning down two invitations for drinks, Kurenai sits across from her fellow sensei. Even
if Kurenai’s relatively certain her subtle tricks will work on the non-too-discreet pervert, she
decided early on she wouldn’t need to use her feminine wiles on a friend and senior Jōnin. It
would be underhanded and there’s always the possibility he takes the care of his students as
seriously as she does.
After quick pleasantries and a firm demand from her to put his orange-covered filth away,
Kurenai informs him, “I wanted to make you aware that I'll be using one of your students.”
Asserting confidence that she will have the thing she wants, even if it depends entirely on
someone else has a better chance of success than simply asking, which is a sure way to hear
“Uzumaki-kun,” she casually answer before adding, “and the reason is of a personal nature,
but what I can tell you is it's to help one of my students.”
Kurenai gives a head tilt and look of disbelief, answering, “no, nothing like that.” Kurenai
understands some shinobi—particularly those in clans—use younger or weaker ninja as little
more than punching bags for a prized pupil in order to instill confidence in the favorite,
which goes against everything she believes in. Kurenai wants all her students to succeed
honestly; to learn and grow on the merits of their hard work and not on a fabricated sense of
confidence. “I would never do that nor would I ever condone that behavior.”
For Kakashi’s part, he simply nods once, but he doesn’t speak of her friendly appeal to use
his student. A quiet moment or two passes between them before he simply hums, “...hmmm.”
“What's the problem?” Kurenai asks, hoping to convince him there isn’t a problem and his
student’s growth will not be hindered in any way.
Kakashi leans in a little and tilts his head as he asks, “have you approached him before
informing me?”
She wasn’t expecting that and answers, “no, I know the procedure.” And he should know her
well enough to not even bother asking, prompting her to ask, “why?”
He falls back again, shrugging once, conveying, “lately, he isn't acting like I expect, is all.
Will you be instructing him in any way as a shinobi?”
“No,” she quickly asserts. Truthfully, while she may want the blond to succeed and inherit the
Will of Fire, she would prefer not to be tasked with that assignment. As challenging as
Hinata-chan is, she can’t imagine trying to mentor that blond failure as well.
“Will you be attempting to sabotage his development in any way,” he follows up and before
she can answer, he quickly adds, “and so we're clear, that has everything to do with your
“No, Kakashi!” she says with a little more heat than necessary. She doesn’t talk about her
father much. When all her friends have terrible stories of their own, it’s just accepted that
while it may drive the shinobi, it doesn’t have to be spoken aloud. When she does speak
about her father, it’s only with her closest friends. While she’s never told Kakashi, she’s not
surprised he knows. It’s his job to know psychological triggers of ranking Jōnin, and during
the mental eval to become Jōnin, she abruptly learned how much her father has shaped the
Kunoichi she is today. “I require Uzumaki-kun’s assistance for a simple function that will not
impair his training in any way while simultaneously helping my student.”
“Fine,” he easily answers as if she asked him to pass the salt. He then wonders aloud, “are
you staying?”
Kurenai smiles for her little victory and for the invitation, answering, “no, I need to get a
move on this.” A little giddy, she teases, “why? Will you miss me?”
As always, unless Kurenai was sex written out on the page of a dirty book, the silver-haired
Jōnin doesn’t seem interested as he casually shakes his head, ‘no,’ before nudging his chin
toward the door. When Kurenai tilts her head to the right, in walks Asuma with Princess
Tomoko by his side.
With the princess’ delicate white-gloved hand resting on his strong, outstretched forearm, it
looks like a delicate rose growing on a thick log. Kurenai's internal organs seize at the sight
of them. Tomoko-hime is clearly beautiful and immaculate. He’s well-groomed down to his
beard which is neatly trimmed, lining his masculine jaw in such an appealing and powerful
way, it makes her ache to see him. His uniform is brand new wrapped impressively around
his wide shoulders and Kurenai can't help but recall the last time she had her arms wrapped
around them, holding on desperately as they made passionate love. It seemed too long ago.
Kurenai breaks out of her daze the moment Asuma's eyes sync with hers. Brown and red
irises locked together as they are, she can’t help the way her mind thinks of him; his smell,
his touch, his gruff laugh, his passion for her, the love they share. There's a lot in his eyes and
she’s relatively sure he sees a lot in hers until he abruptly turns away from her in favor of
speaking with the gazing princess. As the princess’ guide, Asuma was clearly explaining the
establishment and its elite clientele but Kurenai can't deny that hurt. It hurt like a kick in her
“You okay?” she suddenly hears Kakashi ask, bringing her out of her heart-thoughts.
Schooling her features like many kunoichi have been taught—extensively—she answers in
her calm voice, “fine,” before walking around the gathering and leaving.
Walking up the final flight of stairs, Naruto can hear before he sees someone knocking on his
door. He had just finished some intense training with his clones, so he was sore, tired, dirty,
just getting over his migraine, and his chakra coils felt chalky, like fire-damaged, but
checking out the curvy figure knocking on his door, oddly enough, made him feel much
better. His eyes land on the bubble of her butt before eventually moving up to her lustrous
mane of ebony hair.
She noticed him as he approached and he recognized her as Team 8's sensei. Even under the
ugly glow of the old flickering fluorescent lights of the hall, he can still see how extremely
gorgeous she is. He's suddenly very mindful of his appearance in front of such a stunning
beauty, but as he's just come back from training, there's really nothing he could do about it.
“You're Team 8’s sensei,” Naruto absentmindedly comments, stopping just in front of her,
when suddenly, he realizes he doesn't know her name.
Forgetting his exhaustion for the polite beauty before him, he smiles as he returns, “I’m
Uzumaki Naruto, future Konoha Hokage!” It’s not very often he meets others who don’t
immediately look irritated or disgusted to see him. So he wants to impress her with his best
‘Arrogant,’ Kurenai mentally asserts. Easily recalling his Academy grades, she just can’t see
how anyone could boast about a future when all evidence says otherwise. That sort of
delusion is a pitiful pitfall she’s trying to help Kiba-kun steer clear of—though in Kiba’s case,
he does possess credible ability and his clan has always been headstrong, so Kurenai isn’t
sure how much success she’ll have with the Inuzuka. Uzumaki-kun, however, isn’t her
student and doesn’t care nearly as much. Still, Kurenai does need his help, so she presents
him with a tight smile, asking, “can we speak inside?”
She regretted it as soon as he opened the door. His residence was a complete mess. She felt
stricken by the clutter, trash, unwashed clothes, and he didn't even seem to notice. The old,
rancid, musky odor is so overwhelming, Kurenai’s eyes water as they feel infected. Realizing
her uniform will more than likely retain the infectious smell forever, she plans on throwing it
away later. Her worry graduates to her skin and hair, to which she makes a mental note to buy
several bottles of odor neutralizing conditioner and pray it’ll work. ‘How is he not
embarrassed,’ her mind yells.
After moving the only chair in the small space to the filthy couch, and taking a seat he waits
for her. She isn’t sure why he doesn’t remove the old ramen cups, the clutter of papers, an
adult magazine off the old stain couch for her to sit—not that she would—as it would be the
hospitable thing to do when she remembers he’s an orphan and probably doesn’t know any
better. Refusing to sit anywhere, and eager to leave, she forgoes setting him at ease with
polite conversation and jumps straight into the purpose at hand. “I would like you to help a
student of mine. Do you know Hyūga Hinata?”
Tapping his chin, he hums, “Mnnnn, yeah,” guessing himself, “dark hair, white eyes?”
“Yes, that's her,” Kurenai politely confirms, though wonders how he can be so oblivious
about a girl he attended school with for four years. “This might be tricky to understand but
don't be afraid to ask me any questions when you don't understand something.”
Inhaling in disbelief, she slowly answers, “it means confident. I want Hinata to be more
confident.” After he nods she continues. “This is where I feel you can help. She's noticed
how confident you are, and I believe if you were to talk with her, than she will learn to be
more confident as well.”
He’s really testing her patience, but in order to keep him comfortable, she corrects herself.
“Naruto-kun, the thing that's difficult for Hinata is that she's very very shy, which is why
she’s never talked to you before. Now, before you say anything, my plan is to convince her
that she's only talking to a genjutsu version of you. If she believes it’s only a genjutsu that
she’s talking to, I believe she'll eventually feel safe enough to talk to you in person and grow
more confident because of it.”
“Soooo, you want to trick her,” Naruto simplifies as only the best pranksters can.
With a tighter smile, Kurenai digs deep to answer, “...I wouldn't use those words exactly, but
if it'll help you better understand, than yes. A simple play to help ease her anxiety.”
With squinted eyes, deep in thought, he asks, “and you know how to use genjutsu?” It
sounded like fantasy the first time he heard of the discipline, and he’s been told many times
he doesn’t have the head for it.
“Yes, Naruto-kun, I do,” she answers tightly, doubting her reputation as the best for a
moment. “Now, would you assist me in helping her?” She didn't need to tilt her head and
look at him with soft eyes, but she wanted him to agree quickly so she can leave. Asuma had
already annoyed her enough today. Add to that she’s standing in front of the seal containing
within the cause of her father’s death on top of the gagging odor of this apartment, and her
annoyance is rapidly eating away at her patience.
Even with a slightly pleading look on her attractive face, Naruto answers, “I don't know. How
long will this be for? I have a lot of training to do.” Normally Naruto is all for helping,
however, he’s dedicating every waking moment to his training with Naru-nii. Knowing what
some of the future will bring and those it’ll hurt is a powerful driving force, and Naruto is
making progress he doesn’t want to slow down for anything… unless it’s for Sakura-chan…
or Ino-chan.
‘Maybe he’s too dense for that type of subtle play,’ she wonders before speaking, “evenings
would be best, every day until she's better. I’ve already asked your Jōnin-sensei and he’s
approved, so any training Kakashi has you doing can wait.”
Quirking his brow low in agitation, Naruto nearly laughs when he asserts, “I didn't mean
Kakashi-sensei's training. All he ever teaches us is team drills. We spar in the mornings
before we do D-rank missions and that’s it!” Crossing his arms confidently, he smirks as he
proclaims, “I meant my own training. It's super important and I can't waste any time.”
Though mildly glad he seems to take independent training seriously, Kurenai has her mission
and for Hinata’s sake, she will have her way. “Surely helping out a fellow genin is important
to you.”
“Yeah, it is,” he answers, adding, “but so is my training. There are no shortcuts to becoming
the greatest Hokage ever, which means I have to train hard every day.”
With a bit more genuine a smile, she replies, “that's admirable, but Naruto-kun this is also for
the village. I can see how much you want to be Hokage, and strong, powerful leaders always
put their village first. Help Hinata. You may even make a friend out of it.” Desperate to leave,
Kurenai lowers herself to his eye level, so her chest swings forward some and he can see a bit
of cleavage before sweetly asking, “can I count on you, Naruto-kun.”
Eyes wide by her forward posture, he hesitates for half-a-second before aggressively nodding
with slack lips and declaring, “okay!”
“Good,” she quickly states, standing straight again and already leaving. She can't stay for
another second. On her way out she makes sure he meets her at the Hokage tower at six
sharp… right in the middle of his training time.
Usually, after missions he tends to have six or so hours to train, but this help Kurenai-sensei
needs for Hinata will cut right in the middle of that. Still, he wants to help Hinata since he
doesn’t recall ever having any problems with her, and so decides to leave clones in his
apartment training while he helps Hinata. He doesn’t get why she’s so shy that she won’t talk
to him, but hopefully, it won’t take her long to become confident.
The young genin learns the very next day that Naru-nii is a big fan of this plan.
‘That sounds great,’ Naru-nii chimes. ‘That means things are working out well over there.
Hinata-chan is one of the strongest kunoichi Konoha will ever have. Since she was always
so quiet and shy, I never knew how badass she actually was. Trust me, if she can get rid of
that early, than it'll definitely be better.’
“No. A clone saw that she's back with her team,” he states, taking one of Naruto’s suggestion
to use a clone for surveillance and reconnaissance. “She looks fine, almost like nothing
happened. I figure I’ll try and talk to her when she's alone.”
“She's too busy healing every little scratch on Sasuke-teme to notice me!” he says angrily,
blaming Naru-nii for his constant agony of witnessing his teammates. “And I'm the one that
gets hit the most when we spar! You would think she can spare a bit of Iryō-jutsu for me!”
‘I really wish I could see you to help with your taijutsu,’ Naru-nii comments yet again.
Prayer beads are for voices and if it does include a visual connection, then Naru-nii hasn’t
figured it out yet. ‘I learned a lot of good stuff I wish I can show you. You should ask
Kakashi-sensei if he has any scrolls or something that can help.’
‘You have to remember to focus and retain until the final second,’ Naru-nii reminds him.
‘Don't worry, I think you're doing great so I'm sure you'll get it soon.’
Naruto is waiting at the Hokage tower when Kurenai arrives promptly at six. He didn’t trust
himself to be on time and so arrived ten minutes earlier. Though he was lamenting not
training, the mesmerizing sight of her approach made him feel better about it. As attractive as
she is, Naruto would still prefer training which is why he has teams of clones training in his
place. A team of ten are in his apartment working on the second stage of Rasengan while
another team of ten are in the forest working on chakra control, so it’s not a complete loss.
Kurenai explains how this play was going to go. “I've already explained to Hinata that she
will be seeing a genjutsu version of you, but she will not know that it’s actually you. For this
to work, it's imperative-”
Exhaling deeply, she corrects, “for this to be effective, it's important that she continue to
think the entire scenario is genjutsu and not the real you.”
In hopes of probably getting out of this, Naruto asks, “why not just make an actual genjutsu
of me?”
“Because, I don't actually know you and the ‘you’ that she sees needs to be as authentic as
possible for this to cover any and all unforeseen variables. Also, if you see me materialize out
of nowhere, you cannot react to me in any way. If you react to me, it may tip her off that
you're the actual Uzumaki-kun and then we fail.”
“I prefer Uzumaki-kun,” she returns a little chilly. “Do you understand how this is going to
go? Can you repeat everything I explained to you.”
As the pranking king of Konoha, he feels insulted but humors her nonetheless. “I’m going to
pretend I’m a genjutsu you created to talk with Hinata-chan. And if I ever look at you, she’ll
figure us out.”
“Close enough,” the raven-haired Jōnin mutters before they prepare for the play. Expertly
hidden by Kurenai-sensei, Naruto watches Kurenai-sensei enter the kitchen where Hinata is
washing the dishes. Kurenai asks, “are you ready Hinata-chan?”
Shocked, nervous and red in the face, Hinata asks, “Wh-wh-wh-what? Now?”
“No time like the present,” Kurenai easily states while mentally thinking of showing up the
girl’s asshole of a father. “Now, remember, it's only an illusion, but it will feel very real. And
don't use your Byakugan.” Kurenai doesn't expect the girl to see through her genjutsu but she
wanted to make certain the girl didn't spot Naruto from where he's hidden.
“S-se-sensei,” Hinata nervously starts. “D-d-don't you n-n-need a good understanding of Na-
Na- of the person you'll be m-m-making an illusion of?”
“You shouldn't underestimate your sensei, Hinata-chan” Kurenai confidently yet playfully
relays. “I’m very good at what I do. Now, are you ready?” Hinata takes a few deep breathes
before nodding. “Okay, you can keep cleaning if your hands need to keep busy, and keep in
mind you can do no wrong here.”
When he got the signal, Kurenai disappeared and he walked into the kitchen, casually
greeting her, “Hey, Hinata-chan.”
Her eyes round to near perfect circles under raised eyebrows and her cheeks blush a deep
shade of red. “Na-Na-Na-,” she tries and her pupils roll back into her skull as she passes out.
“Hinata!” he calls as he quickly catches her. Whipping his head around in search of Kurenai-
sensei, he yells, “is she okay?” Kurenai reappears beside them, checking on the young girl.
“What happened? Did I do something wrong?”
“Kami, what are we going to do with you?” Kurenai slowly comments of her ward, ignoring
Naruto's concern in favor of checking her pupil. “She's fine. Go and hide and we'll try it
Hesitantly, Naruto gently lays her down and returns to his hiding space. It takes Kurenai a
few minutes to gently coax the girl to consciousness. Confused as to why she's lying on the
floor with her Sensei over her, gently stroking her hair, Hinata asks, “Sensei,” when it all
returns. Hinata can't help but turn away ashamed of her failure. It wasn't even a real Naruto
and she passed out from his close proximity.
“It's okay, Hinata,” Kurenai reassures the embarrassed girl. “This is a good first attempt. You
have nothing to be ashamed of.”
“…I passed out,” Hinata weakly counters, clearly alleging it’s something to ashamed of.
“This time, maybe,” Kurenai asserts. “But the next time maybe not. Don't worry about how
you react because the only way you can fail is if you quit and I will not let you quit. Now, do
you think you can try again?” With a slight sniff, Hinata nods her head, yes. “Okay, how
about I keep him silent? He'll just stand there so you can get used to it. That's all this is,
Hinata-chan, practice.” The girl nods again and they get off the floor. After a quick moment
to gather her expectation, Hinata nods at Kurenai.
“Okay, here we go,” Kurenai says, giving him the signal before she disappears like a mirage
in the desert; a jutsu of beauty in Naruto's opinion.
Naruto steps into the kitchen, and immediately forgets he isn’t supposed to speak. “Hey
Hinata-chan!” he says with a bright smile, causing the girl to squeak and hop back.
Looking around, Hinata can't help but ask, “I-I-I-I- th-th-thought h-he wasn't g-g-going to-”
“He wasn't,” Kurenai says from nowhere with a little more force than she intended, and
quickly covers for the blond's slip up. “I only wanted to shock you a little, by doing
something you didn't expect. And look, you haven't passed out, so you're getting better
already.” Hinata can barely look at Naruto, her index fingers poking each other nervously, but
it's true. At least she's conscious. “He'll stay quiet now, if you want to walk around him.”
Hinata takes her time, moving close to him, always avoiding eye contact but at least trying to
look directly at him. After several minutes of Hinata observing from several paces away,
Kurenai can see Naruto start to fidget. He never struck her as a patient person, and she can
see he's starting to become antsy. Hoping to avoid another blunder from the boy, Kurenai
suggests, “why don't you do some housework together. That might make it feel more
For the next two hours, Hinata and Naruto do chores while Kurenai observes her pupil under
the unseen cloak of her genjutsu. Though Naruto wanted to help Hinata-chan, he couldn't
help but feel this is a complete waste of his time. He's big enough to admit he doesn't
understand much more than tricking Hinata into thinking he's a fake-Naruto when he's
actually real, but he can't believe this is the only way to cure the girl of her shyness.
‘Maybe Kurenai-sensei hasn't tried everything,’ he thinks, ‘because this is barely better than
a D-Rank mission.’ He hopes there’s something else Kurenai can do because he can't see
himself just doing housework for two whole hours with a girl who can barely look at him
every single day. ‘Better than the glares,’ another part of him mentally admits. As previously
discussed, Kurenai alerts Naruto to be ready for a quick and stealthy exit. The Raven-haired
sensei had already left the door open for him so he can wait outside for her before Kurenai's
voice ends the session.
“I think that's enough for tonight,” the beautiful sensei announces, materializing out of thin
air. “Hinata-chan, before I dispel Uzumaki-kun, would you like to say anything to him?
Remember, he's only an illusion.”
Hinata looks from her sensei to the general vicinity of her long-time crush. She opens her
mouth to bid him goodnight, but little more comes out than, “g-g-g dd n-n-n-ni t-t.”
She takes a breath, exhausted for some reason as Naruto-kun smiles at her, replying, “Night,
The girl’s sensei places a gentle hand on her shoulder and has a proud smile on her caring
face. It reminds Hinata too much of how her late mother would be with her and overcome
with emotions of gratitude, acknowledgment, and affection, the indigo-haired kunoichi
couldn't help but hug her sensei dearly; for what she did, for what she's doing, and for
believing in her when no one else does.
Hinata feels as if she’s discovered someone who seems to genuinely care about her,
regardless of her clan or ability. It's as if her sensei sees more in her than she can in herself
and Hinata hasn't felt anything like that since her mother's death. Until now, she hadn't known
how much she missed that feeling. Holding her sensei tighter, as if to make sure the feeling
doesn't disappear, Hinata is comforted by the woman’s warmth. It's slightly scary, but Hinata
feels as long as her sensei is a part of her life, she could amount to something even she would
be proud of.
‘This is why it's all worth it,’ Kurenai thinks as she holds her brave pupil. Dealing with the
arrogant Hiashi, the Kyūbi container, even having to bear witness to Asuma escorting
Princess Tomoko by his manly arm. At this moment, nothing mattered but the compassionate
girl giving her one of the most appreciative hugs the red-eyed Jōnin's ever felt. Kurenai felt
euphoric gratification by helping a girl who was in desperate need of it, by the good that may
come of her growth in the future, and by the next generation that might inherit her Will of
Fire. ‘Yes, everything is worth this,’ the devoted sensei easily determines as she lets out a
comforting exhale. After a few more minutes of embrace, Kurenai pats the girl on her
shoulder, suggesting, “why don't you get ready for bed. We have an early day tomorrow.”
Stepping away, Hinata bows respectfully. However, before she leaves, she shyly asks, “will
we be doing more of these training sessions?”
Kurenai smiles at the girls reddening cheeks, neck, and forehead, and answers, “yes. Every
day until you see that there's nothing to fret over.” With a final nod, the girl goes to get ready
for bed, while Kurenai quietly slips out the door.
The impatient blond was on the porch, restlessly waiting with his arms crossed and fingers
tapping his clothed bicep. “What-”
Kurenai quickly put her hand over his mouth, lifting an index finger over her full cherry red
lips, silently telling him to be quieter. Ignoring his question, she whispers to the blond genin,
“be by Hokage Tower same time tomorrow and I'll come get you when I can.”
“Isn't there another way,” he quickly asks. “This is boring! And I have a lot of training that I
have to do.”
“No, this is the best way,” Kurenai quickly shuts him down. The last thing she wants is to
lose a handle on him when Hinata made more progress in two hours than the past two weeks
with her. “You're doing okay, just try to pay more attention next time. Good night.” And with
that, she turns and leaves him.
Upset, angry, annoyed, Naruto felt each one of these emotions until he returned to the
excessive mess of his apartment. The exhausted-looking clones were still working on trying
to pop the rubber ball and Naruto became even more upset that he couldn’t be here with
them. Naruto felt the first stage was very difficult, but attempting to amplify the volume and
density on chakra spinning in multiple directions immediately sounded impossible. Even with
Naru-nii's tips, it doesn't look like there's been any progress, but as he grabs a rubber ball and
moves to the last spacious area in his one bedroom apartment, he’s determined to take the
challenge on, even if he has to work on it throughout the night.
Sakura happily walks the moderately busy streets of Konoha, holding a birdcage with the
purple starling Naruto-baka had brought to her. The idiot knows she only just started training
in medical ninjutsu, yet for some odd reason, he thought she could heal the bird's injured
wing—not that she minded all that much. It was a beautiful bird, but the goal of her training
was her team, more specifically Sasuke-kun—if she was being honest with herself—not
healing birds.
It's the reason Sakura has been so happy this week. She finally managed to heal a few cuts on
his arms, three bruises on his back and bicep from when Kakashi-sensei sparred with them
and the most marvelous one of all was the small cut on his cheek. She had been so nervous,
yet so thrilled to be so close to him—to feel his body heat—her hands were shaking from
sheer joy and womanly thrill.
Her absolute jubilation is the only reason she's taking the mostly healed Starling across town
to the idiot's apartment. Her parents do well and they have a two story house in some of the
better civilian blocks while Naruto's one bedroom is somewhere between the civilian markets
and bars. She didn't recognize the area as she's never stepped foot in this part of the village.
It’s easily one of the seediest parts of Konoha most are warned to stay out of.
She noticed a few rougher necks standing or passing by would either monitor her as a mark
or just plain ogle the roundness of her sixteen-year-old posterior. Like every kunoichi in the
village, Sakura had to take special classes on the affects women can have on men, so she
understands—as repulsive as it makes her feel—their carnal gaze of her body is in part due to
her being a ninja—a very popular fantasy among civilians, she's been told—as well as the
positive physical affects daily chakra use and physical conditioning can have on a body.
Molding spirit energy with physical energy as Kunoichi often do, they develop slightly faster
than civilians her own age. Her breast may not have grown much as of yet, but her derriere
was developing nicely. With her long lustrous pink hair, hips, butt, and toned legs, Sakura
appreciates what she has, and judging by the attention she receives, others do as well.
In stark contrast to her attractive features—her long pink hair being the most noteworthy—it
seemed like everyone in the area was ugly, dirty, poor, and or unsavory in some other way.
Dirty laundry hangs outside on laundry pins, garbage littered much of the area, some of the
streets were muddy, and the smell of raw meat from the market permeated the air. She
actually spotted a dirty broken toilet on the road. Sakura made a vow when she neared
Naruto's four-story apartment that she would never visit him again.
“That idiot better be grateful,” Sakura spits out as she makes her way to the top floor.
Fortunately, his is the only occupied apartment on the top floor, and once outside his
browning red door, she kicks it a few times, rather than mar her knuckles on the rusty surface.
She hears a, “coming,” a few seconds before the door opens.
Naruto, in his abhorrent orange jumpsuit, instantly smiles at the unexpected visit, “Sakura-
chan! Hey!” It should feel nice to see someone regard you this happily, but Sakura can't stand
him. ‘He's just so clueless... well, aside from his suggestion I study Iryō-ninjutsu.’ “Come in!
Come in!” He happily beckons.
“No,” she tells him. “I'm not staying. I just came to give you this.” She raises the birdcage
with the purple Sterling keeping perfect balance on its swinging perch. “I wouldn't even have
come here today but okaa-san is making me. Tou-san's allergic to the feathers, so, here.” She
shoves it forward and he automatically takes it.
“Uh, well, thanks,” Naruto says. “It's so cool you managed to heal her, really, but I think I'm
just going to let her go.”
“Baka, that's the first thing I did,” she responds. “She leaves and then she comes right back.”
“Okay,” he tells her. “I was heading out, actually. I could walk you home if-”
“No way,” Sakura returns. “Thanks, but I can't let someone see us together without our
teammates. They might think we're friends or something worse,” she says making a queasy
face that sort of hurt Naruto to see. It sort of reminded him of the face Ino-chan made after
the last round of sex. He hadn't seen her at all during the week, and thus far he was beginning
to think the flower she was looking for didn't work as well as he'd hoped.
Since that amazing experience with Ino, Sakura-chan's constant scorn, and Kurenai's cold
attitude toward him, Naruto is starting to wonder what it is about him that women don't seem
to like. Outside of Ayame-neesan, he didn't have much interaction with women, but even then
talking with Ayame-nee is only ever for a few minutes when she has a break from work.
He just doesn't understand what woman want from him, and on top of that, he doesn't
understand how Sasuke-teme can be the object of their affection when he acts like he doesn't
even care about them. Sure he's the last Uchiha, and he seems to have a face girls like, but he
never smiles, or cracks jokes, or plays pranks. Naruto was so excited to be on the same team
with Sakura-chan, and even after he gave up pursuing his love for her growth, she's still
treating him as if nothing's changed.
Still, she did bring the pretty bird all the way here, and if he was ever given the option of
being friends or not, he'd always pick friendship. So, Naruto smiles as best he can, which
barely pushes at his cheek and offers an olive branch. “Well, maybe next time. I have an old
camera that prints out the photos right away, if you want to keep a picture of her. You can
even name her if you want.”
Sakura pauses for a moment, considering the offer. She did love the way the purple shines,
and starlings are one of her favorite birds. Sakura nods, saying, “make it quick though. I want
to get out of here as fast as possible.” Running inside, Naruto quickly grabs his old camera
and his last cartridge and takes a picture of the pretty bird. Handing it to Sakura, she reminds
him, “and don't feed it Ramen, or you'll end up killing her after I went through all the trouble
of healing her. Get bird food, please.”
“Mhn!” he sounds in the affirmative. “Do you think they have ramen flavored bird food?”
With a shrug, Naruto reenters his home and sets the bird cage up in a nice spot near the
window and opens the cage door, just in case the bird wants to fly.
The week had been a test of wills for Ino. She hadn't given much thought to how difficult
keeping up appearances would be. The days were unremarkable, and her routine could be as
normal as any other day, but the moment it feels her deflowering was truly well in her past,
something would jolt her back to that day, to that reality, and sadly, the physical response that
came with it.
Her walk to meet her team could be peaceful, until she saw two dogs, or cats rutting
desperately for that release, and instantly her mind returned to Naruto taking her doggystyle
just as desperately, spreading her just as deliciously until she came, knotting her like she was
his bitch. And until Ino can return home to relieve herself, the rest of her day is a constant
battle against the rousing desire of her moistening quim.
A conversation with her mother about clothes could be as normal as it ever was, until she
grips anything cylindrical with a curve, testing the firmness of a cucumber or banana,
anything with sausage links, or sucking on a Popsicle, then Ino would immediately excuse
herself. Couples with blond hair, stretching in a provocative fashion, or even bathing can all
trigger a physical response. Ino found herself getting horny a minimum of five times a day.
So she threw herself into training, finding the exhaustive focus a good remedy for her
arousing thoughts of blue-eyed blonds.
She, of course, kept her ‘old Ino’ mask on with her team as much as her parents, but she
couldn't quite be as domineering as she used to be. So much mattered far less than it did a
couple of weeks ago. Her figure was still important, but the innocence she was saving for
Sasuke-kun is gone now, so how pure could that gift for the man she loves really be; she'll
always know what she did. She makes certain to chastise and heavily critique her teammates
and sensei when she felt they didn't meet her expectation, but again, she lost her virginity to
their class's Dead Last; a bigger idiot than Kiba. And she did it happily, with a hunger
comparable to Chōji and his chips. How can she expect from them when she’s failed her own
She knows her mask is creating the image she needs to present, but it's also a constant
reminder of why she needs it in the first place: Naruto. The boy who's apartment she’s
currently walking toward under a knee-length cloak. Ino wouldn't willingly search the blond
subject of her trepidation but she was given little option. If she wanted the money form the
orchid, than she needed to see him.
It was so simple for her parents to wonder if they now had the only Red Slipper in Konoha,
or if there were more. Her parents explained if there were indeed more of the expensive
orchid, than they would sell the orchid on her behalf and give her all the money, but if not,
than the best option for the clan would be to try and cultivate more. It would take years but
ninja are patient and planned for the future wherever possible. It would be well worth the
wait if, in fact, they were the only clan or business with the ultra-valuable flower. But of
course, they needed to ask the source who found it in the first place, and she wasn't going to
ever disclose his identity to her parents, ever, which meant she needed to ask him in person.
She concealed herself under a heavy travel cloak with the hood up and he lived alone, which
was fortunate as the fewer people that spot her there, the better. However Ino's luck as of late
was not a thing to rely on and as Ino spots Sakura walking toward her, she was certain fate is
against her as well. If Ino had only kept still, Sakura may not have noticed her, but the knee-
jerk reaction of turning away caught the pinkette's attention and the green-eyed kunoichi was
on her in moments.
“Ino-Pig,” Sakura says with a smile that's too self-assured. More than anyone, Ino knows
how insecure Sakura can be. Even in her strongest moments the pinkette was always
doubting herself. It's the safety net Ino always relied on when fighting over Sasuke-kun. Ino
always knew that Sakura felt undeserving when it really mattered, and that's why she never
truly worried about Sakura's advances. The pink-haired kunoichi was her own worst enemy,
thus never really a contender for the beautiful Uchiha's affections.
But the victorious smile plastered on her face informed Ino otherwise. Her rival for Sasuke’s
heart was very happy, too happy, as if in a few short weeks, life had generously handed the
pinkette a large home, a beautiful husband, and a prized career. It didn't look good on her
face. A month ago was the last time Ino saw her rival, and even with that majestic perfume,
Sakura never looked this happy. Ino was getting a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach.
“It's been soo long,” she says, her tone with an annoying level of levity. “We really should
catch up. I'll go first. Sasuke-kun is mine and I'm going to be a medic-nin possibly as talented
as the legendary sannin herself. How are you?”
Forehead’s interest in how she’s doing is so clearly fake, Ino needn't bother answering. Her
anger however focused squarely on the only statement that mattered. “You know, living out
your delusions is indicative of a psychological break, a severe medical condition by all
accounts. But allow me to help you on your path to recovery. Sasuke-kun is NOT yours!”
“Oh, well, I can understand how you might think that,” she mocks, her cunning smile
broadening as she flicks her long pink hair back. “It has been a while, after all. But, now that
I'm the teams medic, I get to touch Sasuke-kun every time he's injured. The tiniest scratch
mars his beautiful body, and I'm there, my hands all over him. I've touched his arms, his back,
his chest, which felt amazing, his face, which is it’s own heaven, and pretty soon, he's going
to invite me, the only girl he's ever really cared about, to his home, so I can touch him some
Ino had no idea Sakura was training to become a medical ninja. It would be a brilliant move
if not for her rival advancing so much further than herself. ‘That Forehead’s touching him?’
Ino's mind torments her with. Every female with any sense for seduction knows that skin
contact is very influential in getting what you want. She's heard so many stories from her
mother, female clan members, or the woman in the bathhouses, that Ino's regards its use as
practically a jutsu. ‘And now Forehead’s taken an amazing step forward to take my man!’
“Just think,” Sakura continues, relishes in how silent the most confident girl she's ever met is.
Sakura knows how devastating this revelation is. She herself would be utterly crushed if the
tables were turned, but for the first time since they announced their rivalry for Sasuke-kun's
traumatized heart, Sakura finally feels well and truly ahead of Ino. The blond heiress always
had so much going for her after all—beauty, confidence, intelligence, perhaps not of her
level, but she wasn't stupid either, and is an heiress of a prominent clan of Konoha. It just
wasn't fair. Now, however, nothing her platinum- blond, former-friend could do would ever
compare, and Sakura couldn't help but twist the knife just a little bit harder.
Moving closer than necessary to the Yamanaka flower, Sakura practically sings near her ear,
“Sasuke-kun and I have only been teammates for a month and I already get to touch him
practically anytime I want. Who knows what might happen when it's just the two of us… by
ourselves… sweaty and hot-blooded from intense training… in his comfortable home… so
near a bed.”
For the first time since her newfound outlook, Ino's mask broke. Her hands move of their
own accord, pushing a surprised Sakura back, not enough to fall, but more than enough to
extend her hands ahead of her, directly at the heart of the pink-haired demon. The action was
faster than they can rationally explain, or properly counter. Ino only reacted like a wounded
animal desperate to survive against a predator toying with their prey. Maybe two weeks ago,
the news would've only stunned her, if not ruined her day, but now, after everything she's lost
to the worst person to lose it too, after fighting her daily carnivorous desires for more, Ino
couldn't take any more beatings her life's been taking.
Her hands move fast, not with her explicit authority, but not without her consent either, as she
forms her clan's signature hand seals. “Shintenshin no Jutsu,” she declares like a strong war
Ino's body dropped to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut as Sakura, now under Ino's
control, assesses the pinkette's body movement and hand grip. Not a second after she used
her family's technique on a former-friend and now eternal adversary, Ino-Sakura picks up her
unconscious body and continues her trek as she was originally doing, all the while
mercilessly forming the plan to make all the hurting stop.
Kicking at Naruto's door, Ino-Sakura calculates how much time she has before she'll have to
dispel when she thankfully hears, “just a second!”
Ino-in-Sakura’s-body was very worried her blond defiler wasn’t home and would have to do
something less effective, but at least in this, things are working out. Calling through the door,
Ino yells, “Naruto, it's me Ino.”
“Ino-chan!” she hears him yell through the rough metal door. She places her foot on the door
just as he tries to open it, stopping him from ruining her plan. She didn't exactly have time to
explain to him why she looks like Sakura and is hold a body that looks like Ino. She yells
back, “Look, I don't have a lot of time to explain, so you need to do everything I say, okay?”
“Naruto!” She yells back, already anticipating the chakra exhaustion if she doesn't finish in
time. “Unlock the door, go to your bedroom, find something to tightly cover your eyes and sit
on the bed.”
“Uhh, really?” he asks from the other side of the metal door
“If you don't do it now, I'm going to leave and never come back,” Ino-Sakura throws back,
and within a matter of seconds, the door's three locks click unbolted and the sound of
footsteps running away is heard.
Ino-Sakura quickly gets inside and places her body gently on the old ratty looking sofa. It's
the first time she's been in Naruto's room and other than coming to the conclusion that it's
utterly disgusting, she ignored it. Lucky Sakura's sense of smell isn't as developed as hers,
not to say she didn't detect the sharp tang of garbage among other moldy odors, but Sakura's
sense of smell dulled it more than her own body would've detected. Moving to his bedroom,
she leans against the door frame, calling out, “you're blindfolded right?”
The moment he replies, “uh, no,” she notices an insta-camera. “What? Why not?”
The dolt surprises her some by asking, “how do I know it's you and not some trick?”
“Fine,” she states, admitting that made sense, but she was on the clock and went with the
most obvious proof. “You and I had... sex… two weeks ago in the forest… a lot of it,” she
adds, feeling Sakura's cheeks heat with blush. She grabs the camera as he tells her he's ready.
Walking in with purpose, she's quickly on her knees in front of Naruto's seated position on
the edge of his unkempt bed. His blindfold seems intact and unlikely to see Sakura's notable
features. Her original plan was to fool Naruto into thinking that it was Ino in the henge form
of Sakura, but that would've involved more complications than she can plan for in the heat of
the moment. Ino also wants this to be uniquely Sakura's penance, and with the old camera, it
completed her plan neatly. That is to say, a perfect plan after she gave the boy a blowjob.
She hates that she’s both dreading it and looking forward to it. It's not as if she hasn't had him
in her mouth before, but she's been working hard to quash her craving for that feeling he gave
her two weeks ago. It was a daily struggle, sometimes hours long to refuse that longing, and
she was getting better as time went on, but now her hands are on his strong thighs, moving up
to the ambrosia that gave her a taste of pure bliss. She wasn't sure what would happen
afterward, how hard her fight would become, but if it meant Sakura's mutual destruction, it
would be worth it.
Set in her task, she sets Naruto at ease. He doesn’t seems to know what to expect and is
nervous. “Naruto, I can't stop thinking about what we did, and I want to do some more now,
but I'm really nervous, which is why I asked you to put the blindfold on.”
“I guess I can understand that,” he casually mentions. “But what did you want to do?”
She moves closer—between his legs—and begins to unbuckle his trousers, fettering with the
zipper before bringing it down. The sound is deafening, nearly causing Ino to second-guess
herself, but she squares her shoulders, reaches for his toad covered boxers. “Lift your hips,”
she asks, and she slides both trousers and boxers to his ankles.
It's smaller than she remembered, but as she moved closer, the heat of her exhale and
proximity sent a thrill through Naruto that had him hardening in no time at all. Of course, he
also had his memory of the girl he gave his virginity to, which he masturbated to at least
seven times a day.
Ino was very surprised by the size of his erection, now wondering how the hell something
this big fit inside her little slit. The physical echo of how it thrust into her to the hilt made her
—within Sakura's body—wet... very wet. Juicy enough to make the girl ponder her rival's
physical health, that is until Ino feels her chakra slip. She wonders if Sakura is fighting it as
she leans down and licks the tip of his hard manhood.
He moans to the touch, adding a little thrill to her already soaking center. It all comes back to
Ino, and in no time at all, she's licking the underside of his throbbing pole. Ino grips the base
of his veined member with her right hand, wondering about his bulbous membrane as her
left-hand massages his balls. She sucks on his head as she strokes him and Ino can feel
herself get into it. Hearing the groans escaping his throat tells her she’s doing good, but she
doesn’t have much time. Ino needs the money-shot.
With a final suck of his thick crown, Ino’s promptly wraps Sakura’s open mouth around his
cock. Taking him in her small mouth a tentative inch at a time, Ino barely remembers the
camera, grabbing it in annoyance before returning to the saliva covered meat in front of her.
Bobbing her head up and down as he groans in blissful satisfaction, Ino is more enthused
than she originally planned and squeezes his balls for the fun of his pleasured growl. When
he thighs tense from a particularly hard suck, her mind reminds her for the second time of the
camera. Knowing instinctively how the photo would look from the perspective of the old
camera, she angles her bobbing head as she wantonly tries to take him in her throat—noting
he has too much meat for it. A click and a hum later has the thick paper falling to the ground,
clearly showing a still capture of Haruno Sakura, on her knees, sucking Uzumaki Naruto's
long, thick cock, and best of all, loving it.
Ino-as-Sakura took another photo of her managing to take a little over half his thick length
down to her small throat. Naruto couldn't last much longer, but Ino didn’t know that as he
didn’t warn her and blew his boiling load, hard, like a water pistol, in her mouth, cheek and
pink hair. The smell of his cream was instantly in her nostrils as much as numerous shots
were in her mouth, and Ino missed the feeling. She honest to Kami, felt numb with tingling
Some of the cum Ino-Sakura swallowed, some she left nestled between Sakura's teeth and
tongue like runny yogurt. Ino made sure there was plenty enough white cream on her rival’s
face and hair, and it was exactly what Ino needed to take Sakura down. When he stays hard,
Ino feels such a rush of excitement ripple through her. Nipples like pebbles, Sakura’s panties
and shorts were soaked from Ino’s recollections and the heat vibrating from Sakura’s core
nearly makes her discard the plan for a night of orgasms. It took all her will to pull away.
While the boy caught his breath, Ino gathered the photos, but rather than check them, she
hurries to leave as she can feel her jutsu ready to dispel. “You better not mention this to
anyone,” she says closing the bedroom door behind her. As she picks up her body, she can
hear Naruto redressing himself as he calls to her, “wait!”
Ino-Sakura moves fast as she replies, “you better not even think of coming after me! I still-”
Ino cuts herself off, concerned that finishing that sentence might imply she's unsure if she
wants to be with him, and that simply can't be possible since Sasuke-kun is the only man for
her. Managing to just close the apartment door before he can see them, she tries again to keep
him from coming after her. “You're still not-” she pauses again, as the thought of him not
being good enough made her falter. Unsure why, she continues, “you don't make me feel
good at all!” she lies, and quickly adds a low blow to keep him away. “You don't even know
what you're doing, so, so-” Cut from finishing, Ino-Sakura rushes to the dirty and tatted
stairwell, lays her actual body down and puts the photos in Ino's pock just as the last of her
jutsu gave away.
Sakura's vision slowly takes in the grungy, pale yellows and greens of a stairwell with a
flickering light above. Palming the ache of her head, Sakura didn't know how she got there,
but she knew the setting disgusted her. Rubbing her forehead a few times, she's puzzled by a
thick fluid on her skin. Bringing a bit of it to her green eyes, she rubs it between her fingers
and it reminds her a bit of the face cream she uses. When Sakura begins to question the slimy
liquid in her mouth and teeth, Ino groans awake. At the sight of her rival, Sakura’s memory
rushes to tell her that they were on the street only moments before.
Getting to her feet, Sakura is about to question the platinum-blond kunoichi when she feels a
foreign substance slide down her throat. Curious still, Sakura wonders why her jaw and throat
ached, which shouldn't be the case. Sakura is further mystified when she pulls a blond hair
from between her lip and teeth. It's at that moment Sakura remembers her former-friend using
some sort of jutsu on her; a jutsu she can only assume was taught to her by her Jōnin-sensei
or her clan.
“Ino-” Sakura tries than quickly rubs her jaw, before continuing, “what did you do?!” Ino
slowly rises to her feet, ignoring the question for the gold content in her pocket. “Using jutsu
on a fellow shinobi is vile even for you, Ino-Pig,” Sakura screams, still working her jaw,
spitting out what she could and swallowing some of the salty substance too far back to spit.
Vaguely observing her quiet rival as she spits, Sakura doesn't grasp the blonde's interest on
the cards in her hand, but at the moment, she's too angry to care.
“You think it's okay to overreact like that just because you lost Sasuke-kun to me? What you
did is a punishable offense! And you can bet your ass I'll tell the Hokage about this. You'll be
lucky if you're still a ninja after this.” Having to take a break, Sakura finally feels something
is more wrong than she can understand. Ino should be scared, she should be apologizing, she
should be on her knees groveling. Instead, she's smirking, or outright laughing depending on
which card she looks at. Ino shuffles from one to another, questioning each one as if trying to
decide which is the best, and Sakura finally asks, “w-what are those?”
“Oh, these,” Ino finally speaks as if every threat Sakura declared on the blond was never
spoken. “They're pictures, Forehead. I thought even you would be smart enough to see that.”
Sakura couldn't see the front of the pictures but she dreaded what they might depict without
fully comprehending why. “What did you do?” Touching her face at the drying substance,
Sakura fearfully asks, “what is this?” Several seconds pass as Ino shifts her sights between
two photos she seems to be deciding over. “INO!” Sakura tearfully yells, feeling arrested
“Mnn?” Ino playfully returns looking at the cum covered, pink-haired girl who's ready to cry.
Ino smiles wickedly. ‘This girl thought she had the upper hand,’ the blond's thoughts happily
express. “You're not going to tell Hokage-sama, or anyone for that matter-”
“The hell I'm not-” Sakura tries to interrupt but is cut off by a louder Ino.
“And you're going to stop all attempts to be anything more than Sasuke-kun's teammate.”
That stunned Sakura even as Ino continues. “Outside of trying to be the best teammate
possible, nothing else is permitted; no more asking for dates, no more trying to seduce him,
no more gifts, no more special treatment. Unless it’s something that you do for your other
teammates, it’s not allowed. Hell, if I ever find out you dreamed about him, well, I won't be
very happy.”
“How dare you!” Sakura screeches. “Who gives two shits about your happiness! Nothing you
say will ever keep me from being with Sasuke-kun!”
“No, not what I say,” Ino plays. “But I bet this picture of you sucking Naruto's dick will,” Ino
states as she extends a photo of a girl with pink hair sucking Naruto's dick, happily,
cheerfully. The absolute, dumbfounded expression of unsettling shock on her pink-haired
rival’s face was like a quick release of all the pent up stress and anguish Ino's suffered these
past few weeks, like a radiating tingle running up and down every part of her chakra
exhausted body.
Sakura was speechless as she glared at her clear visage with a large penis in her mouth,
cheeks caved in as she sucks at his man meat like trying to suck the grease out of a sausage.
No matter how much Sakura stared at it, unable to believe it with her heart of hearts, but
undeniable to her sharp mind, all she could see was her face wantonly sucking Naruto-baka's
dick. ‘His dick!’ Her mind yells.
“I also got a money shot,” Ino tells her, casually overlaying the petrifying polaroid with
another stunner of said blond-bushed penis firing white goo all over her face. In a fraction of
a second, Sakura knows the fluid substance she felt on her face, hair, and in her mouth... that
she swallowed…
The irrefutable truth Sakura's mind slowly spelled out was that she, under control of Ino,
gave the worst loser of their class, a boy she didn't even like, let alone love, a blowjob, but
sinking her deeper in despair was that she can taste his seed, thick and slimy, as her mind
automatically tries to break it down to her great disgust. However unlikely, Sakura could
sense the foreign secretion traveling down her throat and her stomach lurches, as if trying to
jump out of her mouth. Sakura immediately doubles over and starts vomiting, heavily. It was
unattractive, to say the least, as if a large quantity of bile was being forced through a throat
too small. Though it'll do nothing to help her forget the taste of it, she’d welcome the burst of
acidic burn her mouth and the putrid smell if it burned away Naruto's semen.
“Not bad, right?” Ino sarcastically asks after the worst of her retching ceases. “I'll assume
you already know what these ten pictures mean, what with being the top kunoichi in our class
after all. You know what I can do with these if you upset me, or who I can show them to if
you don't do as I say.”
After some dry heaving, having already expelled the content of her stomach on the disgusting
floor, Sakura tearfully asks- yells, “Why?! How could you do that?”
“Well, I can't say I liked it,” Ino lies. “But he was nearby and I was really working on the fly.
If we were somewhere else, I might’ve done something else instead.”
“Something else? …You- You raped me!” Sakura screams, eyes filled with running tears and
“And you were being a bitch!” Ino furiously returns, gripping the rails as a dizzy spell hits
her. “Equal only to how piss-poor of a kunoichi you are! ‘Sasuke-kun this and Sasuke-kun
that,’ like a dumb little lamb, lucky enough to be oblivious to anything or anyone else. You
were innocent, Forehead, but now you know how easily everything can change... Now you
know how easily it could all be taken away,” Ino trails off, fighting back her own tears from a
drained body. Forcing fervor she didn't feel, Ino continues, “forget about what you want. All
is fair in love and war, so unless you want Sasuke-kun to see these pictures of you sucking
the Dead Last’s dick, you're going to be the smart Forehead I know you are and do as you're
Sakura said nothing. Even as Ino left, Sakura could not utter a sound of protest. Her
resistance died along with her hopes for the raven-haired boy in her heart.
For Sakura Fans out there, I just want to say that I AM a fan of hers as well, but I think
we can all agree, in the beginning Sakura was... lacking personality wise. I want her to
be hella strong in my fic... a girl who wouldn't pick a man who tried to kill her twice to
marry... and this is a necessary step to break that.
For those who brought up the knotting thing, I get why it's distasteful(minor beasting
and such) but there's a reason I thought of which I liked that will be explained in the
future. For now, just know it's not something that I even bring up all the time.
WindyCitySlayer1 over on FFNet had a great suggestion I try for 9 partners for Naruto. I
like the symbolism and I'll try it but if it doesn't make sense why a girl may somehow be
with him--that is to say organically-- than I'm not going to do it. I want to write this but I
also want it to be as grounded as possible.
Chapter Notes
Hey everyone,
This chapter is sort of like a 1 of 2. I wrote one big chapter which I decided to just split
in two. I hope I'll be able to update the 2nd part tomorrow, but if not, it'll likely be the
day after. So this is one of my shorter chapters because it's half of another.
I would like to reiterate this is a mature fanfic not simply because of the lemons, but also
because of the moral ambiguity and gray area decisions. I want to keep the characters as
close to canon as I can while I weave this story. It's the reason why everyone either
disregards or dislikes Naruto in the beginning. Like canon, I don't think that will really
start to change in my fic until the wave mission, which I've started outlining(I can't wait
to get to Haku :)
Naruto never made it to that night's session with Hinata-chan. Though Naruto isn't an expert
in picking up on subtly, even he can see they're making decent progress, despite how boring
all the housework was. Hinata-chan was almost looking directly at him for two seconds
before she turns away. She can also say, ‘hi,’ and, ‘bye,’ to him without fidgeting much. As
she is very shy, Naruto handles the bulk of the talking, not that he minds, since she seems
content to listen and in less than two sessions, he finds it's actually nice talking to someone
who's willing to listen. If this wasn't orchestrated by Hinata-chan's sensei, he'd be happy to be
friends with the shy girl outside of all Kurenai-sensei's rules.
The beautiful sensei had a lot of rules and sometimes they were hard to remember when he
gets caught up in a story. It forces him to repeat her guidelines over and over in his head:
‘Don't ask or mention her clan. Don't talk about specific events from school. Don't be too
personal or ask her too many questions. If you run into her, act as you did before the
sessions.’ And on and on. After every session, Kurenai-sensei would critique how he engaged
the meek Hyūga heiress, reciting some of the comments she doesn't approve of verbatim—
even he didn't remember everything he said in the session—adding more to his opinion of the
adult kunoichi.
For a sensei, she was beautiful, smelled really nice, and he liked the way she would lean over
sometimes, but she was very controlling over every part of the sessions, even governing the
way he talks. Apparently, she thinks he's too cocky, but he's fairly sure she just doesn't like
him much. She hasn't done anything outright to express her hatred of him, not like many of
the villagers had when he was younger, but with every interaction, he felt more and more
convinced she didn't see him as anything more than a tool.
Still, Naru-nii had already told Naruto how incredibly strong Hinata-chan can and will be.
Hastening her training so she can be that much stronger is definitely better, which is why
Naruto feels bad about missing the session the day Ino came over. After the unexpected turn
of events, one orgasm wasn't enough to settle him and he couldn't leave without taking care
of his raging hard-on. His hand helped but a cold shower worked better, however under the
bone-deep cut of freezing water, he couldn't stop replaying Ino-chan's words in his head...
‘You don't make me feel good at all!’ he recalls Ino trumpeting endlessly. A painfully
sobering recollection rivaled only by a sentence equally as destructive, ‘You don't even know
what you're doing!’
Her words struck him as deeply as being seen as a failure does because in this case, it’s
actually true. He didn't know what he was doing. In fact, he didn't even think about making
her feel good at all, focused solely as he was on the immense pleasure he was feeling. If he
were painfully honest with himself, he wasn't thinking of anything but satisfying the lust of
his ravenous hunger. ‘Why wouldn't Ino stay away from me when I couldn't even make sure
she felt good too?’ On top of his guilt over his betrayal of Sakura-chan, it pained him to
realize he was using Ino-chan to satisfy himself, and he never noticed until she had to yell to
get it through his thick skull.
He was selfish, and when he'd thought about the heedless way he'd rush into anything, it's
demoralizing to realize he'd failed Ino-chan. If his mind loved training, and his stomach loved
Ramen, than his body, apparently, loved sex. It was like discovering a whole new world of
joy, with untold but truly amazing kinship, and Naruto was desperate for more exploration.
He's been eager for that feeling since that day, but unlike training, he had no guide of
reference, or, more importantly, a girl to ‘train’ with. After all, he may be able to relieve
himself every morning and night, but the connection he craves can't be done alone.
Throughout his life, loneliness has been his constant companion, and though he'd never admit
how much it bothered him, he could feel the solitude even in crowds. Training, ramen,
pranks, all helped stifle the constant heartache of alienation. This new world he fortuitously
discovered with Ino-chan, could not be explored by himself like his other favorite activities.
He absolutely needed someone else. Though it would be a dream come true if it were Sakura-
chan, he knows pursuing her as he did would only get in the way of her self-discovery.
Naruto made this monumental discovery with Ino-chan, a very beautiful girl in her own right,
and likely more popular with the boys than Sakura-chan. The Yamanaka may not have his
heart the way Sakura-chan does, but he did make a connection with her, if only for that
afternoon. Aside from sex that day and the blowjob the day before, Naruto knows next to
nothing about the pretty blond. If Naruto wants to explore this new amazing branch of
activity, he has to be good for her as much as she is for him.
Sadly he doesn't know what that means or entails, thus he stayed up well into the night
torturing his mind for a solution to this complicated dilemma. He didn't even train, which
only highlights the plight of his impasse as losing several hours of training actually amounts
to days when he uses his clones. On top of the remorse of missing the session, he was feeling
guilty he hadn't trained, especially with the knowledge of what's at stake, but fortunately, he's
given the chance to catch up lost time.
“Listen up my cute genin,” Kakashi begins abruptly, showing up in a swirling circle of leave
after being two hours late. “I'm sad to report Sakura-chan has fallen ill, so she won't be
joining us today.”
“Is she going to be okay,” Naruto fretfully asks, worried straight away about Sakura-chan.
“How bad is it? Is she in the hospital? Are we going to visit her?”
“Ma, ma,” Kakashi starts, waving a free palm to calm the blond down. “Her mother said it
was just a cold. She's resting in her home, so we shouldn't interrupt her recuperation.”
“It's just a cold, dobe,” Sasuke calmly points out. “Unless her existence is too weak for this
world, it shouldn’t kill her.”
“She's not weak,” Naruto throws back angrily. How anyone could love this pompous,
emotional Shut-In is beyond him, but Naruto’s animosity has more to do than Sasuke’s
indifference. “She's our teammate, teme! And you better start treating her like one or I'll-”
Naruto angrily slams his right fist into his left palm. “Kick your ass!”
“I'd like to see you try, Dead Last,” a scowling Sasuke challenges.
“Hey, now, where did our teamwork go,” Kakashi easily states stepping between the two.
“Sasuke, Naruto's right. You should treat your teammates better. And Naruto, just because
you don't agree with your teammate, doesn't mean you fight them. Now, since the third genin
of this team is out, I'm willing to give you a three day weekend, but I want you both to
continue training and conditioning. We may not have missions but maximizing the strength
of your body and skill never takes a break.”
“Ne, ne, Kakashi-sensei,” Naruto eagerly chimes. “I need you to look over my training too!”
“If I have some time, sure,” Kakashi replies, taking some of the wind out of the blond's sail.
“How's that task Kurenai-sensei wanted going?”
“What task?” Sasuke quickly asks. “Is another Jōnin-sensei training the dobe as well?”
Sasuke is clearly irritated by that notion.
“Relax, I'm the only instructor for all the members of Team 7,” Kakashi tells the raven-haired
avenger, who crosses his arms. “Naruto?”
“It's fine, I guess,” Naruto tells him, recalling another of Kurenai-sensei's rules explicitly
forbidding him from telling others how he's helping Hinata-chan. “It's super boring though.”
“Alright then, dismissed,” Kakashi announces, and Naruto is off, hell bent on making up lost
training time. His thoughts couldn't be more apparent if he said it aloud...
‘I'm going to get the second stage of that damn jutsu down today even if it kills me!’
Naruto's only break of the day came in the form of Ramen, then he would sprint back into
training deep in the forest, keeping well away from unexpected witnesses. When Naru-nii
joins him for thirty minutes, Naruto goes all out trying to master this stage of the Rasengan.
‘You have to work through the pain,’ Naru-nii would explain, though it was impossible for
him to judge his progress since he couldn’t see Naruto’s progress. ‘And focus as much
chakra into that point as you can. Use the pain as a gauge. The more it hurts, the more
force you infuse in the chakra. That's how you blow that stupid ball up!’ Naru-nii
exuberantly calls, firing Naruto up.
With nineteen clones, all twenty Narutos spend the day trying to burst the rubber ball,
pushing meeting Kurenai-sensei as far as he possibly could until he couldn't afford to train
another minute without being late. Naruto decided to rush back and let his clones continue
training. He was nearly back in the village when his mind warped painfully, like someone
tried to squeeze a huge influx of nineteen individual memories and experiences in the small
jar that is his brain. Before everything went black, he singles out the cause. Somehow one of
the clones managed to burst the rubber ball to such a degree that all the clones were dispelled,
knocking Naruto unconscious.
He woke up in the morning on the forest floor not fifty yards from the top of the Hokage
monument. Fortunately, his head aches with minimal throbbing, which is surprising
considering how fast he heals. Heading home, his guilt for missing yet another session
contends with his joy for completing the second stage of Rasengan. Triumphant joy won out
and he simply commits to apologizing to Kurenai-sensei before that night's session.
“Hey, babe, you're ruining the dango for me,” Anko tells her best and only girlfriend.
The red-eyed beauty says nothing, knowing any reply she gives will only make it clear how
much of her mind is full of stress. Kurenai’s daily routines pale in comparison to the two
positive pillars in her life at the moment; two faces at the forefront of her thoughts, one with
indigo hair, looking disappointed that her sensei failed her, and the other face looks at her
apathetically, as if he doesn't even care enough to hate her.
“I know this whole thing with the Daimyo's daughter sucks but you gotta keep it together,”
Anko continues after swallowing her green dango with delight. “You can't ever be sure how
these things'll turn out, you know. There could be an engagement until minutes before the
wedding when it's called off because some other Daimyo or prince needs some kind of
alliance. And even if Asuma marries her, it's not like it's for love.”
“You're not very good at cheering people up,” Kurenai deadpans, pushing her red, white, and
green dango away for her tea.
“I usually rely on a lot of alcohol to do the heavy lifting,” Anko happily states as she grabs
her friends uneaten dango. “Look, your little lamb is with her family for the weekend, I have
sometime before tonight's interrogation, let's get some drinks and have fun, yeah? Make a
couple cute guys drool?”
“And please get laid,” the busty kunoichi adds, quickly provoking a friendly glare from the
red-eyed beauty. “What? It's been ages already, and enough is enough. You’ve been all
business since you got your brats and I’m telling you, you can’t keep going without a bit of
dick every once in a while. You might not have another opportunity to cut loose.”
“You know it’s not like I’m opposed to some overnight company,” Kurenai levels. “It’s
just...” Kurenai trails off, an image of Asuma appears bright and impressive in her mind and
heart. As much fun as a night of non-committed pleasure with a stranger can be, it's a paltry
substitute to being with someone you genuinely love. If anything, it just means she has more
of an emotional expectation from a partner that Anko didn't seem to care for.
“I know,” Anko says sympathetically. “We both have men in our lives we can't forget, though
in my case it's because I want to murder him… brutally. It's why I keep it strictly physical,
“I would if I could,” Kurenai freely admits with a smirk. “Kami how much easier life would
“It's heaven,” Anko returns with a broad smile. “For now anyway. I'm sure it'll change
eventually—way down the line if I'm lucky.”
Kurenai and Anko understand how change is inevitable. It's one of the many principles taught
to every shinobi of the Leaf; in their line of work, they can't allow that moment of being
stupefied if something doesn't go as planned. Plans often fail, and that failure can cost lives,
so they both know in order to survive, they must be able to adapt. Being adaptable means
surviving longer and they all want to survive.
After a moment of silence, Anko admits to her dearest friend, “personally, I think this is the
moment for you guys, but whatever happens, at least you'll know where you stand with him.
That sounds better than all this stress and anxiety.”
“No one can endure when love is in the mix,” Anko easily replies. “Field Shinobi have no
value if they chose loved ones over the mission and village. It's why Anbu literally conceal
their persona from society, always detached, simply so the mission always stays first. If for
some fucked up reason you and Asuma don't work out, at least I can expect to see one hell of
a Team Eight for the Chūnin exams,” she jests with a wide grin.
“I don't need that kind of motivation to create the best team for the exams,” Kurenai returns a
little more forcefully than she intended. Kurenai brings her cup to her ruby red lips, unable to
shake the image of Hinata-chan's beautiful face breaking from sadness after being told for the
second night in a row that they won't be having a session. The kind-hearted girl tried to be
accepting of her sensei's decision but she couldn’t hide the abundance of sadness pouring
from the girl. The young Hyūga was making so much progress, it broke her heart in an
entirely different way from Asuma to have to stop. It made Kurenai eager to find Uzumaki-
kun and yell at him for his part in what her dear student is going through. Unable to find the
boy only added to her already high levels of agitation.
“Yeah, yeah,” Anko says, easily batting away Kurenai's frustrations as nothing more than a
girlfriend having a bad day. “I got some reports to finish up. I'll see you tonight.”
Kurenai searched for the blue-eyed blond menace for some time before giving up and
heading home to ready herself some for the night. She didn't need her S-Rank level of dress
for casual drinks among friends at the usual Jōnin only bar, but it's always a bit of a thrill to
look sexy enough to catch a man completely off-guard. Wearing comfortable shorts that
showed plenty of leg and a tight red top, she meets the others at Elite Spirits.
It was gratifying spending time with Anko and catching up with Genma, Guy, Yūgao,
Hayate, and Kakashi. Despite how early in the evening it was, Kurenai had already earned
her intoxicated buzz. That's not to imply she drinks heavily, quite the opposite; she's a very
modest drinker, however, her typical strategy when out with Anko was to drink early and
taper off for most of the night, so that a usually intoxicated Anko rarely notices. It also has
the extra added bonus of no hangover the following day.
“Kakashi,” Kurenai speaks up, taking a seat next to the Copy Ninja, “would you care to
explain to me where your student is hiding?”
Playing with a saucer of clear liquid, the elite Jōnin asks, “I assume we're talking about
Nodding stiffly, she states, non-too-happily, “he's missed two meetings. These delays are
Sensing her clear agitation he chuckles lightly, hoping to ease the tension a bit. “Mah, well,
that kid is a ball of energy, you know. He doesn't do boring well.”
“He told you what I wanted help with?” Her eyes widen, getting more upset than surprised.
“No,” Kakashi quickly tells the brunette. “He just said it was boring. He's generally out most
of the day but the best places to find him are Ichiraku's or his apartment. I suggest trying
Ichiraku's first. It smells better.”
Content with the info, she simply tells him, “as his sensei, you're ultimately responsible for
his faults, so I expect you to buy my drinks to make up for it.” Genma and Hayate laugh and
without a response from the famous ninja, she simply leaves and returns to Anko's side,
momentarily relishing in getting one over Asuma's friend.
Neither Anko or Kurenai expected Asuma to enter the bar, a muscular arm entwined with the
delicate arm of princess Tomoko, only she wasn't dressed as royalty of the Fire Nation.
Instead of the large ornamental gown, pristine in its cleanliness as it was complex in its
appearance, she was wearing a tasteful, yet alluring royal red dress, cut a few inches above
her knee so when she sits most of her thigh will show. Her hair was loose, silky in its
buoyancy, and long, reaching her lower back. Her face and neck were elegantly longer than
Kurenai first observed, which only made her look that much nobler. It was with great
tribulation and heartache that Kurenai kept drinking more than she should.
It was explained to them—because naturally, Asuma would bring her to their table—that the
princess wanted a break from her perfect life to congregate below her station. Kurenai
listened to every word, memorized every gesture between them, but the phenomenon that
made her heart sink into her stomach was the way Asuma would only look at her red-irises
when it was due in polite conversation. It clearly demonstrated that Kurenai was no more or
less important than anyone at the table. It hadn't stung immediately but the longer it
simmered, the worse that realization became, and with her growing anxiety, so too did her
drinking grow.
When Anko eventually realized that Kurenai had consumed far more sake than she should've,
she gathers her highly inebriated friend and bids them all good night. With her girlfriend's
arm wrapped around her neck, it took Anko ages to reach Kurenai's house, all the while
listening to Kurenai's tearful apology for her behavior.
“I'm sso sssorry, Anko,” Kurenai slurs a remorseful apology. “I let it get under my skin. I let
her... ugh-”
“It's okay,” Anko kindly returns as she lays the beauty on her couch. “If she wasn't a princess
of our country, I’d’ve kicked that bitch’s ass for you.”
Looking up at her friend dearly, Kurenai couldn't stop the tears any more than she could stop
the smile that spread her sad face. “Thank you! I wanted... I was beside myself with anger!
Not even at her, but, just… at everything!”
“That's what rough sex is for, babe,” Anko comments, but Kurenai is too in her head to hear
it. Worried, Anko's concern compelled her to ask, “do you need me to stay? I can get
someone else to torture my prisoner for me.”
Pulling out of her thoughts, Kurenai simply shakes her head, “no. No, thank you, Anko. It's
inappropriate to shirk your responsibilities. I'll- I’ll be fine. Plus I know how much you love
their screams.”
“I do,” Anko grins. “Okay, I'll check on you tomorrow,” she declares before leaving her.
Kurenai stumbles into her kitchen, swaying heavily toward the cabinet. Pilfering through the
contents of the top shelf, her hand finally lands on the bottle of sake she stored for occasions
such as emergencies or celebrations. She hugged her sake, taking it with her to the backyard,
where Kurenai drank directly from the bottle as she envisioned the princess on one of the
target’s she has set up thirty yards away.
Launching a kunai, she misses the imaginary forehead for the imaginary ear. She pictured
Asuma on another target and missed just as badly. In between swigs, she imagined many
faces; the Hokage, for allowing this, Hiashi, for Hinata-chan's predicament, her mother, for
leaving, her father, for dying, Uzumaki, for being content as the vessel for that monster that
took her father, Anko, for not torturing the princess, Hinata-chan for being so weak-willed,
and clearer than all their faces, herself, for all her failures. Every face was spared a kunai to
the forehead, all except her own, which she shot with deadly accuracy.
“Helloooooo,” a loud familiar call sounds from the front of her home. ‘Why do I know that
voice?’ Her mind sluggishly asks as her sloppy feet shuffle to the front door. Halfway there
and the person wouldn't stop knocking, irking her enough to yell, “alright! I'm coming!”
Slowly, Kurenai takes in the sight of a tan boy with blond spiky hair and deep baby-blue
eyes. ‘You…’ her irately mind narrows in on. He missed sessions when he had no right to.
He’s at her front door when he has no right to. He smiles at her when he has no right to. With
angered fueled recognition, she allows herself a moment of selfishness; a moment of release
of the poisonous anger her character and virtues always keeps in check. Looking at Naruto,
remembering Hinata-chan dismay for canceling the last two sessions, thinking of her father, it
was easy—too easy—to let go of the anxious rage bubbling within her.
“Yo!” Naruto calls with half a smile, and Kurenai felt body move, as if detached from her
will, with a single-minded purpose to attack and destroy the source of her scorn. With the
speed of a first-rate Jōnin, Kurenai punched the unsuspecting boy, hard, in the nose. She felt
the satisfying crunch of a broken nose as she sent him back several feet. It was the only
sound in the cold night of her neighborhood. Landing hard, his hands are already covering his
bleeding nose as he rolls to a stop.
She walks calmly toward him, devoid of sympathy, regret, or hesitation, as he awkwardly
yells, “whaa da phluck!” As he gets up, Kurenai kicks him with all her considerable strength
in the stomach, knocking all the oxygen out of his lungs as he flies through her picket fence
onto the hard deserted street. He rolls to a stop and his desperate hands feebly fixates on
painful wounds no amount of rubbing would ease.
Still walking towards him, patient as the setting sun, she watches him gasping for air through
his bloodied mouth clutching at his stomach with both arms until he finally notices her
approach—her face, in particular. Naruto forces his feet under him and decides to run rather
than fight. Like a bolt from an arrow, he dashes away as fast as he can until he feels an
immensely sharp pain rapidly spreading from the back his thigh throughout his body, making
him trip than tumble through the dirt floor.
Adrenaline gathers his baring and when he awkwardly looks to the back of his left thigh, he
sees a kunai sticking out. Turning to the fierce Jōnin, still calmly walking toward him, still
making that face, he grits his teeth, grabs the kunai's handle and yanks it out before fleeing.
Thankfully she doesn't pursue him, and Naruto doesn't stop running until he reaches his
apartment. Unsure of what to make of what happened, he throws himself into bed and
burrows himself in his sheets.
Kurenai returns to her home, to the sake bottle on the kitchen counter, and drinks the night
and her worries away.
It's Sunday, and Ino is cheerfully making her way through the market with a bag of syrup-
coated anko dumplings. Her elation is so effortless, she barely feels the need to dawn her
mask that reveals nothing to the world of her worries or struggles. It amazes her how easy it
is to hide her strong cravings for an inferior boy she doesn't like when she has relative control
over the rival for the boy she does love.
But Ino's wise enough to understand she really only has the illusion of control over Sakura,
and not unquestioned control. Ino knows Sakura would much prefer those photos never saw
the light of day, but if Ino backed Sakura too hard into a corner, the pinkette could do
something radical that might bring everything into the light. They were ninja, after all.
Secrets came with the territory, but also how to manage them. Ino needed to be tough but fair.
Establish the rules, follow through, and punish if Sakura challenges the order of things.
Sakura's family live in the civilian sector just past the markets. It's a nice two-story home for
a successful tradesman and elected official, and unlike her clan home, Sakura’s home has
modern architecture. A design Ino remembers loving when she visited as a little girl.
Knocking on the door of the Haruno residence, Ino meets Sakura's blond-haired mother.
“Morning, Mebuki-san,” Ino cheerfully announces with a smile.
“Ino-chan?” Mebuki calls in question. “Oh my, what a lovely surprise. I haven't seen you in
so long. My, look how beautiful you've grown!” Mrs. Haruno exclaims examining the
beautiful flower in front of her from top to bottom.
Ino shyly poses, thrilled by the older woman's rave adoration. “Thank you, Mebuki-san. It's
great to see you again. It really has been too long.”
“Much, but, you're here now,” Mebuki asserts. “I take it you've come by to see how Sakura is
doing? Her sensei has come by and one of her teammates, but she wasn't up to seeing
“Which teammate?” Ino cautiously asks, hoping to Kami Sasuke-kun didn’t care.
“The blond one,” Mebuki replies with a crinkle of her nose, as if smelling a foul odor,
allowing Ino to release a relieved breath she didn't know she was holding in.
“Well, I know I haven't been by in a while but I think maybe a female friend will do the
trick,” Ino alleges with a bright smile. Mebuki returns the smile and allows Ino in before
going upstairs. As Ino had anticipated, Sakura was ‘well enough’ to see her, and a few
minutes later, Mebuki leaves a tray of tea and biscuits on Sakura's desk. “I can handle that
Mebuki-san,” Ino tells the older blond, taking the kettle and pouring two cups.
“If you need anything else, I'll be in the kitchen,” the mother tells them as she leaves.
The silence in the room is staggering, but it doesn't bother Ino in the slightest. She takes the
cups and extends one to Sakura. This is a basic test Ino uses to gauge where to begin, and
Sakura is smart enough to know taking the cup isn't just polite but to some extent,
submissive. While not a rule anyone should simply assume, it is a decent indication where
they both stand. One of them will be the submissive, the unresistant, the tame, and the other
will be the dominant, the assertive, the lead, because if they're both assertive about their
positions, the probability of things spiraling out of control is high. With the pictures in Ino's
possession, Sakura's predicament can easily turn into something worse; something the green-
eyed beauty would never be able to live down...
...Hence Sakura begrudgingly takes the offered cup, and Ino smiles a little.
Watching Sakura’ defeated manner from the seat by the bed, Ino can't help but remember
when she was bedridden, though the shock of what she went through immobilized her for a
whole week. Comfortable in her position, Ino takes a sip of her tea, enjoying the slightly
sweet and fragrant beverage when Sakura finally asks, “how could you?”
“That's what you want to start with?” Ino returns. Sakura's defiant stare is answer enough and
for the prosperity of her power over the pinkette, Ino chooses to answer honestly, “to tell you
the truth, you caught me on a bad day. We haven't been friends for a while so you wouldn't
know, but I've been having a bad time of it lately, and that day, you were definitely the
tipping point.”
“Because I was talking about Sasuke-kun,” Sakura reasons aloud.
Ino nods as she answers, “I snapped.” Play-snapping her manicured fingers for effect.
“So because you were PMS-ing, you took out all your bullshit on me?!” Sakura angrily
Taking an insta-photo from her pocket, Ino calmly states, “I don't know if you want to give
your mother a reason to come up here, but, it wouldn't go well for you if she did.”
Sakura struggles to force herself to calm down. They stay silent a few moments making sure
Mebuki hadn't heard her daughter yell and was on her way. Once they were sure, Sakura
asks, “so, I expect you’ll be going after Sasuke-kun now. B-But, you should know I won’t
just sit by and let him end up with a cruel, manipulative, rapist bitch like you!”
Forcing down her own insulting rebuttal, Ino can't help but feel uncertainty, hesitation, when
she entertains thoughts of her and Sasuke-kun now. She loves him and more than anything
wants to be with him, but the daydreams of their first kiss, their first date, their first time,
their first child.... they've become no more than ash. With the exception of her first child,
there aren't many significant firsts that she hadn't already given to that blond idiot.
Ino is still very much within the powerful orbit of her womanizing and the partner who
helped find her was Naruto. Even now, she wakes up at least once a night to a frenzy of
feather-light, micro orgasms erupting throughout her sweaty body from the most erotic,
Naruto-centered fantasies. Worse still, she's already used the pictures of herself as Sakura
enthusiastically sucking Naruto's penis to get herself off three times.
No, thoughts of Sasuke-kun aren't as pure or perfect as they used to be, and Ino isn't sure how
to deal with that. Fortunately, her love for him isn't challenged every day since genin teams
usually don't interact in the first few months. In fact, she hasn't seen Sasuke-kun since the
“We're not here to talk about me,” Ino responds, brushing aside Sakura's concern for the boy
they both love. “You should worry more about yourself, since I'm here to make sure you
understand the rules.”
“Oh, Forehead, you didn't think I'd make you figure that out on your own, did you,” Ino
chides, fanning herself with the photograph; its backside facing Sakura so she can't see what
it depicts. “I'm sure I don't have to tell you what'll happen if you break one of these rules-”
“And I'm sure I don't have to tell you what'll happen to you if I tell the Hokage what you did
to me,” she hastily returns. “Using family jutsu on me, raping me, blackmailing me! Those
are all crimes!”
“They certainly are, but Sakura, I'm the heiress of the noble Yamanaka Clan; one of the four
honored clans of Konoha. Obviously, my family wouldn’t allow me to be sent to prison. If
you consider the fact that you and I are fairly inexperienced ‘‘brats’’ prone to making bad
choices in our youthful age, I feel confident I'll be okay; confident enough to take the risk.
You, on the other hand, will have to live with the very public shame of being the girl who
sucked off the Dead Last of our year; a boy everyone hates. I have no doubt that stigma will
stick with you for a long time. Maybe other guys will try to get some of that action for
themselves because they think you're easy, and don't think you won't consider it either since I
doubt Sasuke-kun will ever be with a woman who was with that idiot. Team Seven will
probably disband after-”
“It was your mouth,” the platinum-blond returns. It was not lost on Ino how she, in actuality,
is the one carrying that shame of being with Naruto, and the daily urges that come with it, but
much like Sakura, she doesn't want anyone to know either. “As it clearly shows in all the
photos.” Ino shows her the photo of Sakura on her knees, her pink hair a mess, taking Naruto
deep enough that the tip of her nose was rubbing his blond pubes.
Sakura turns away, disgusted by just the flash of it. This reaction works well for Ino as her
original plan was to give Sakura a copy for her to always carry around, but after inspecting
how hungry Ino—in Sakura's body—looked as she devoured his thick prick, the platinum-
blond decided it might be too easy for Sakura to notice and possibly deduce Ino's wanton
shame. Sakura looks defeated, exactly where Ino wants her.
“The rules,” Ino curtly picks up. “As I said before, you're going to stop all advances toward
Sasuke-kun. No dates, no presents, no walks alone, I don't even want you to sit by him. No
makeup, no perfume, or skin creams; you won't need any of that since you're no longer trying
to impress him. If there's anything else I'm forgetting, don't try that either. There is no
loophole to this rule, and you will follow it, not only to the letter, but in its spirit as well. Do
we understand each other?” Slowly, dejectedly, with a grimace on her face, Sakura nods
Ino continues, “I realize you're teammates and since there's nothing I can do about that, rule
two is you have to hang out with Naruto more.” The flames of indignation race back to
Sakura's jade green eyes. The furious kunoichi tightened her shoulders and clenched her fists
ready to punch Ino's nose through the back of her head. It took all of Ino's considerable effort
to mask her startled panic and subsequent fear for her physical well-being, remaining as still
as possible. It took several moments for a fist-raised Sakura to stop huffing her seething
outrage and forcibly unclench her fists.
When Ino was sure Sakura was calm enough, she continues, “I'm not saying you have to date
the idiot, honest. Even I wouldn't be so cruel, but I do want you to train with him-”
“I can't,” Sakura growls, holding back her anger. “I just can't! I know the moment I see him,
I’ll feel this overwhelming urge to kill him! Literally, kill him!”
“Makes sense, but if you do, he won't know why,” Ino comments.
Baffled, though through rage filled eyes, Sakura demands to know, “what do you mean? He's
in the picture. Obviously, he was a willing participant in raping me!”
“No, actually, he didn't even know it was you,” Ino says as she displays the photo again.
“You know it’s Naruto because of his pants, his hands, the jacket, his mouth, chin, and a few
of his birthmarks, but what you can barely see is the edge of the photo is a blindfold I made
him wear. Now, I didn't really need to blindfold him, but it helped with this neat little jutsu
Daddy taught me. By the end, I made Naruto forget the last ten minutes and he went straight
to sleep.”
“Or he thinks it was a dream,” Ino suggests, easily enforcing the lie to a willing Sakura. It’s
clear she doesn’t want anyone to know, and it also helps her plans if Sakura doesn’t do
anything reckless. “But again, the blindfold helped make the jutsu possible since he didn't
actually see anything. I doubt he even remembers you walking into his gross apartment,
telling him how much you loved him instead of Sasuke-kun, getting on your knees, ripping
down his pants-”
“He doesn't know, or else he would've been knocking on your window every hour since then
to see you,” Ino reasons, impregnating the lie. “Rule two; spend more time with Naruto. In
fact, you're going to join him every single time he trains, without fail.”
“Ino-pi- Ino, please,” Sakura pleads. “If Sasu- if the others, anybody really, sees me spending
so much time with that Baka, they'll think I like him.”
“Maybe, maybe not,” Ino shrugs callously. “I don't care either way, but unfortunately for
Sasuke-kun, he’s stuck with the two of you, and I will not have either of you slowing him
down, or causing him injury because you're both too stupid and weak. I want Sasuke-kun to
stay safe from enemies and incompetent team members, so, keep learning Iryō-ninjutsu, but
from now on, you're training with Naruto as well. Is that understood?”
“Rule three,” Ino continues. “I expect a report every two weeks, obviously written by you, on
certain topics.”
“What topics?” Sakura curiously asks, more surprised by the rule than the curiosity of the
“Whatever I choose,” Ino answers. “I could ask for a report on the best ways to give a blow
job and you'll do it.” Sakura blushed, though angered by her reaction and the memory of her
trauma. Ino pays her little mind as she continues, “I want objective, comprehensive reports
using your own experiences as examples. The first topic is on obsession, specifically on love
obsession. If you finish early, start on the next topic, superficial love. If you finish with that
one, start on the third topic, what is real love? Provide examples with a minor comparison to
obsessive love; all due two weeks from each other.”
Sakura actually looks surprised by this rule, and can't help but ask, “why?”
“Are you kidding me,” Ino asks with a mild look of disgust on her face. “You're like the
poster child for obsessive love. I've been telling you for ages that you’re love for Sasuke-kun
isn’t real, but you always brushed it aside thinking that I was trying to trick you. I bet you
never once considered that the Yamanaka clan are students of the mind, of society, and that
I've been exposed to more social/behavioral sciences than you ever have. If you don't want to
believe me, fine. I'll make sure you read how perfectly you fit the definition of superficial and
obsessive love.”
“You won't change my mind,” Sakura asserts. “I love Sasuke-kun no matter what you make
me read.”
“I actually wanted to help back then,” Ino explains truthfully. “But you don't even realize
because you have no frame of reference. If he was a murderer or a rapist, would you still love
him? All you cling to is this, ‘I love him no matter what,’ bullshite! But you don’t have the
self-respect necessary for love! Now you have no choice. If you want to stay ignorant after a
couple dozen reports, fine. At that point, I’d say you’re beyond medical treatment, though for
your sake, I hope you’re lucky and decide to grow and learn.”
“Is that all,” Sakura practically spits. “I'm getting really sick of seeing you spout your utter
horse crap.”
Getting up and moving to put back her empty cup of tea, Ino answers, “you break any of
these rules, Sasuke-kun sees them first, then your parents, and so on.”
“What guarantees do I have you won't just show him on a whim, or to prove some point?”
Sakura angrily asks after the retreating blond. “What if you find out that he loves me just as
much as I love him? Are you going to poison our love just because you had a bad fucking
“I don't know,” Ino easily states. “I suppose I'll ask him why he thinks he loves you, after, of
course, we give him a full medical work up to make sure he's not being controlled somehow,”
she says with a winning smile. “As for your guarantee, you don't have one. It's not like I'm
asking you to do anything heinous here; just train, and read. Pretty easy compared to the
damage I can do, so just be a good girl and do as your Ino-hime commands.”
Sakura says nothing as Ino drops a white bag on her bed, tell her to, “enjoy the dumplings,”
before she leaves.
Short, I know, but like I said, this is like a part 1 of 2 and the other half shouldn't take
me too long to go over.
I loved the idea of using Sakura's obsession(because that's my opinion of her love for
him) for Sasuke to force her to train harder. It made me laugh.
So, I have pretty solid plans for Kurenai, Ino, Sakura, Hinata, Tenten, Temari, and
Mabui. As for the last two spots, I've been getting a lot of requests for Samui and Mei.
Like I said, I'll try but if I can't EASILY think of a grounded way it'll happen than I
won't do it. Sorry. This a leisure writing project for me, so I don't want to wrack my
brain trying to hard to force it.
Thanks again,
Why Bother
Chapter Summary
Sometimes life is too loud, too demanding... too unfair, and a break is needed.
Chapter Notes
Hey everyone,
As I stated in the previous update, this is part 2 of 2. I think both chapters totaled out to
16K words which is why I split it up. I feel pride, ya'll. I mean I did it while I was sick.
Granted it wasn't like a terrible, "I'm dying!" type of sickness but still, that's a lot for me.
Thank you all for your comments and opinions. I found them enjoyable and informative
to read.
Warning: Lemons.
‘Alright,’ Naru-nii’s voice calls. ‘Great job learning the second stage so fast.’ Naruto
chuckles happily. Learning the second stage of Rasengan has really been the past week's only
saving grace. More than ever, Naruto was eagerly training with several clones on the second
stage until Naru-nii returned. Naru-nii then asks his younger self, ‘you ready for the last
“You bet!”
‘Alright!’ Naru-nii then passionately explains, ‘the third stage is containment, and it's even
harder than the last two stages. Obviously, I'll give you every tip I can, but your body is
going to have to learn it. Blow a balloon to the same size as the rubber ball-’
“Another balloon?!”
‘Why do you think I had you buy those as well?’ Naru-nii gently asks thinking it should’ve
been obvious.
“I thought they were celebration balloons,” Naruto admits. “You know, to celebrate when I
learn this technique.”
Naruto can’t see Naru-nii shake his head but he can hear his long exhale. ‘Like I said, you
want the air balloon to be the same size as the rubber ball. This is to help you visualize the
shape. You're going to combine a hundred percent of the first two stages—rotation and
power—but contain it in a sphere. So if you pop the balloon, you fail. If the balloon even
wiggles a little, you fail.’
“That... sounds impossible,” Naruto can't help but gasp, completely shocked.
‘Man, I really wish I was there to show you, but you're me, and this is for our special
people, so I know you'll get it.’
At the mention of special people, Naruto can’t help but wonder about his own, or lack
thereof. Academy graduate and a ranked member of Konoha’s Shinobi forces, and he’s still
getting assaulted by ninja. Everyone still thinks he’s not worth their time. Naruto feels like
he’s getting stronger but nothing’s changed. “...Hey, Naru-nii?”
Thinking about his most recent attack by the Jōnin-sensei he was helping, Naruto asks, “do
people still hate me in the future?”
‘...mmm, I don't think my teammates started looking at me differently until after our first
real mission. The other genin probably looked at me differently after the Chūnin exams,
and the villagers, not until years later. Why?’
‘Loads of people have beaten me up,’ Naru-nii isn’t afraid to admit. ‘But you know, instead
of letting them get to me, I put my everything into proving them wrong, showing them and
myself, that I'm not what they think I am; that I'm worth more. And you know what else?’
Listening intently to the best thing that’s ever happened to him, Naruto eagerly asks, “what?”
‘It'll take some time, but hard work is the only way of making your dreams come true. You
wouldn't give up on being Hokage just like you wouldn't give up on Sakura-chan,
Kakashi-sensei, Iruka-sensei, Ji-chan, Teuchi-jiji and Ayame-neesan, even the teme. Oh,
and I can't forget the one and only Ino-chan... that still blows my mind… Ino…’
“You and me both,” Naruto laughs.
“Actually, she came by the apartment,” Naruto chuckles like a gleeful maniac at the memory
of her lips wrapped around his dick, then his mood sours when he recalls the sting of her
departing words. “I think she’s having a hard time, like she’s not sure if she likes me or not.”
‘Can’t really help much there, mini-me. Sorry,’ Naru-nii says, lamenting having so few
answers for his past self. ‘If there were some way to train for that, believe me, I would tell
“I know. It's okay. Thanks anyway, Naru-nii,” Naruto happily tells the future voice. “Now
let's get cracking! I want to master Rasengan by next week!”
‘Ha! Don't look down on the technique created by the Fourth!’ Naru-nii warns good-
naturedly. ‘This is an A-class jutsu for a reason.’
Naru-nii gave him every tip he had learned before he couldn't remain any longer. Naruto
spent all the afternoon and part of the early evening in the forest training; until a dinner break
made him return to his apartment. He would've loved to dine in Ichiraku's but the weekends
were hectic for the friendly uncle and his daughter, so Naruto thought of his instant cup of
Ramen fondly, until he stepped on the fourth floor of his building to find someone waiting for
Waking up on the kitchen floor, in a puddle of dried vomit is the unsightly result of a long
night of heavy drinking. Her hangover was massive, and painful, to the point she almost
didn't want to move from the vomit covered floor. Just thinking of how pathetic she is made
her head throb. It didn't all come back to her right away. Under crisis, Kurenai's mind worked
one step at a time, and the current step was gathering enough resolve to remove herself from
the repugnant stench of vomit mixed sake.
For the first hour, Kurenai thought of nothing but swearing off alcohol as fatigue, nausea,
migraine, and dehydration stunt all her movements; from taking a cold shower, to changing
into comfortable clothes, she forces herself through it all; even cleaning her kitchen of the
drowning stench of ammonia and vomit. It is as Kurenai is thoroughly disinfecting her tile
floor that her higher reasoning—the method by which she governs her entire life—begins to
process everything that happened.
“Oh, Kami,” she swears, rubbing her throbbing temples soothingly as flashes of last night
start to filter through the splintering pounding of her poisoned mind. Kurenai suffered every-
which-way she could feel misery, however, proper agony is reserved for those she interacted
with. Not only had she made a fool of herself in front of her friends, respective peers, and
forced Anko to drag her home, but she violently attacked a weeks-old genin.
“Kami, I threw a kunai at him as he ran away,” Kurenai shamefully voices as her memories
clearly replays the entire incident. As terrible as she felt about attacking a weak unguarded
boy nearly half her age, she was more worried about Hinata-chan. For whatever reason, the
girl absolutely adores the Jinchūriki and he, above anyone else, can help her the fastest.
Kurenai stopped cleaning and reached for the sake bottle on its side, hoping for a little bit left
to ease the magnitude of her fuck up. ‘What the fuck is wrong with me!’ she states in alarm,
tipping the bottle over her lips and finding no dampening relief in the empty bottle. A flash of
a saddened Hinata-chan with the Caged Bird Seal on her forehead feels prophetic, making her
feel powerless to stop it. Growing increasingly anxious, Kurenai felt like she was panicking
more than she could control and rushed to the nearest seat.
Taking deep and even breaths, Kurenai tried to slow her thoughts and clear her mind of self-
deprecating reflection. Her shinobi training for torture situations tells her not to endure pain
necessarily, but to consider one's life as the duty of the village. The concept that a ninja is
more than a body, but a nation, keeps the mind sound through turmoil, and in this case, serves
her well as she voices, “Yūhi Kurenai. Kunoichi of Konohagakure. Rank, Jōnin. Registration
number 010881.” As she speaks, thoughts of Asuma didn't seem quite so disparaging.
“Yūhi Kurenai. Kunoichi of Konohagakure. Rank, Jōnin. Registration number 010881,” she
repeats and thought's of Hinata-chan with the cursed seal on her forehead didn't seem so
“Yūhi Kurenai. Kunoichi of Konohagakure. Rank, Jōnin. Registration number 010881,” and
again, thoughts of her father didn't seem so disappointed in her failure. She repeats the coping
method several times before she calms down, and focuses on what she does best, critical
thinking and planning. As there is little she can do about Asuma, and any focus on him only
increases her agitation, Kurenai reflects on Hinata-chan, and how to get her training back on
The indigo-haired genin is making so much progress in her team training, even smiling more.
In one week, with hard work and unwavering diligence, the beautiful kunoichi was starting to
come out of her shell. Missing the last two sessions—the sadness in Hinata-chan's eyes
because of it—Kurenai felt shame for snapping the way she did on Uzumaki-kun. She knows
it wasn't right, but for Hinata-chan's future, she'll have to fix her error somehow.
She spends the rest of the afternoon re-hydrating as she cleans, all the while trying to
anticipate the boy's needs for the possibility of bribing him. The ideal situation would be if he
understood that she was far too drunk and angry to make good decisions. ‘Certainly, he must
know alcohol inhibits thought of consequences making it easier to make bad decisions… Who
wouldn’t know that?’ If he does, than she can finesse a way for him to return to the sessions,
but the critical analysis part of her mind felt the likelihood of that happening was very low.
At dusk, she does a moderately intense work out to increase blood flow and ease tense
muscles before showering and searching for the boy.
Armed with Kakashi's intelligence, her first stop was the ramen shop as it was closer than his
apartment. Asking the busy girl if she's seen Uzumaki-kun, the girl informed her he generally
doesn't come by on the weekends. After thanking the waitress, and coasting the market
toward his apartment, Kurenai was praying it wouldn't take long to find him. Fortune must've
been paying attention because barely a moment after knocking on his rusting door, Uzumaki-
kun steps off the stairs onto his floor.
The panic on his face is immediate, throwing out a rash finger and yelling, “stay back!”
Kurenai expected a reaction but not to this degree. She can see him inspect his surrounding,
prompting her to raise her hand in surrender as she states, “Um, Uzu- Naruto-kun-” is all she
gets out before he hops on the wall of the apartment, and to her surprise runs up the wall
toward the roof.
‘Kakashi's already teaching them tree-climbing chakra control?’ is her only consideration
before she realizes she now has to chase after him; a task that she's heard many times in the
Chūnin bars is very annoying. Hopping on the wall, she gives chase. They leap from rooftop
to rooftop, and to her great displeasure, he’s making her work for it. The boy was smart
enough to travel toward the market before jumping and landing down in the streets to try and
lose her in the crowd.
Kurenai keeps the high ground, for the inevitability that he would disguise himself to move
with the crowd. Unfortunately for him, villagers and people as a whole project easily if you
pay enough attention. She can separate a crowd of routine everyday destinations from subtle
yet cautious attempts to blend. Red irises scan the throng of villagers like a hawk and soon
enough, she spots her prey casually looking around before walking again. It was a good
disguise, she notes, but he’s obviously lacking experience in body language.
Kurenai retains a safe distance above as she tails him. When the genin is confident he'd lost
her, he enters an alley to cut across to the next street and that’s when she drops in front of
him. “Relax!” she starts quickly putting empty hands up. “I'm not here to hurt you.”
“Maybe not this time!” He throws back, jumping in the academy standard fighting stance.
“But who knows when you’ll be in a mood to beat on a Genin again!”
‘He wasn’t wrong,’ Kurenai guiltily thought, adding, ‘but this isn’t getting us anywhere.’
“Naruto-kun, I came to apologize for what happened last night-”
“Oh, you mean apologize for stabbing me in the leg with a kunai!” he yells drawing some
attention from the passerby.
Realizing they should talk in private, she suggests, “how about we go somewhere else. We're
not too far from my home.” They’re actually very far from her home, but Kurenai didn’t want
to have this conversation around anyone with even decent abilities in surveillance and
reconnaissance. This may be a military village but attacking active shinobi, lower rank or not,
is taken very serious. Not only is it possible the walk could cool him down but her home is
private. He looked warily at her offer, as if about to say no when she adds, “please. I'd really
like the chance to make it up to you.”
Very reluctantly, he agrees, but he stays behind her the entire walk to her home, giving her
the unsavory opportunity to add a little more sway to her hips to break down some of his
justified anger. For the setting, Kurenai picks the comfortable couches and gestures for him to
have a seat so she can strategically sit across from him to cross her legs whenever needed.
She didn't like the idea of using her wiles on someone so full of teenage hormones to
manipulate him, but this was too important to leave to his immature process of assessment
and resolution. She’ll offer him what she needs to in order to reestablish his help, but she
needs to be sure he’s not too emotional to say no.
She expected the normally talkative boy to yell at her straight away, but he says nothing, and
many seconds pass in painful silence. Within those seconds she analyzes his appearance and
overall demeanor. He's clearly suspicious of her and not at all shy about showing anger. He's
very dirty—training being the most obvious reason—but with dried sweat, bits of blood, dirt,
grime, grass and mud stains littering his body, he looks as if he's been thrown to the ground
for hours.
Finally, she offers, “how about you wash up a bit and I'll make us some tea. You remember
where the bathroom is,” she states, moving toward the kitchen without his compliance.
Before she takes more than three steps he interrupts, “can't you just say what you wanna say
so I can get out of here?”
“It'll only take a second,” she counters. “Go on, wash up and I promise I won't keep you
long.” She exits into the kitchen and is relieved to hear him get up and head to the bathroom.
‘Come on water, cool him down,’ she mentally hopes. Though he was grumbling the entire
way, it's definitely positive that he's following her suggestions. Settled exactly as they were
moments later, his cleaner face still blatantly mistrustful, he impatiently started tapping the
floor with a shaky leg.
‘I guess not,’ she thinks, recognizing no difference in his attitude. In hopes of breaking the
ice with a compliment, she happily comments, “I had no idea Kakashi-sensei started training
your team on the Tree-Walking exercise. You did it quite naturally.”
“He didn't,” Naruto answers hotly. “I'm going to leave, and I'll fight you this time if you try to
stop me, or you can say whatever the hell you want to say, so I can get back to my training.”
‘A dog with a bone worse than Akamaru,’ Kurenai thinks before gracefully jumping right in.
“Naruto-kun, I sincerely apologize for what I did to you.”
“You know, I expect that from stupid civilians, or retired shinobi, but not Jōnin sensei.”
It's understandable how many react to the sight of the blond. She too, will occasionally see
the rampaging monster over the boy. But rather than let this be some emotional tirade, she
replies, “you’re right. I should’ve known better and I am sorry. I was upset and took it out on
you when I shouldn’t have, but, part of it was due to you missing our last two sessions.
Hinata-chan was doing really well and you may have hindered all the progress we’ve made.”
“I wasn't trying to skip out,” Naruto irately returns. But as he couldn't exactly bring up Ino’s
blowjob nor his longest lasting boner ever, he simply said, “something came up,” without
going into more detail.
“Look,” Kurenai starts. “Why don't we forget this happened, start fresh, and you can come by
tomorrow for another session.”
“No way,” he quickly puts down. She can tell from his eyes alone how dauntless and
unwavering he is. ‘Not shy to authority at all,’ she mentally recognizes.
“Naruto-kun,” she slowly says as she sensually crosses her long creamy legs. She catches
him sneaking a healthy look as she continues, “I understand you're upset and again, I am
sorry, but think about Hinata-chan. You're helping her exactly like I'd expect a Hokage
“I'm not upset, I'm pissed,” he loudly returns. “And Ji-chan always talks about ignoring crazy
people who’re trying to take advantage of you. So you can forget it, sensei. Figure out
another way to help Hinata-chan cuz I don’t want to work with you again.”
Kurenai allows the silence to linger as long as she dares, to give the boy some time to cool
off. She expected some resistance, but her hopes for a submissive response from the blond
dwindle to non-existent. She can't outright force him and negotiating with an altruistic
motivation seems like a weak leg to stand on, leaving the beautiful kunoichi with bartering.
There isn't a person alive who doesn't want something, and boys his age want all the latest
ninja equipment, ninjutsu, or maybe just money.
Remembering the state of his door, and the area he lives in, money might be the best option,
prompting her to say, “I prefer this method of helping Hinata-chan. But if working with me
feels that difficult for you, how about I offer you some ryo for your assistance? Buying
yourself something nice simply for talking to a girl doesn’t sound bad, does it?”
Naruto looks at her dumbfounded, a reaction that Kurenai finds unexpected. On the outside,
her smile remains just as pleasant, her posture is perfect, swelling out her breasts further with
her hands clasp together on the top thigh of her crossed legs, not for a moment betraying her
thoughts as he says, “you shouldn't pay people to be friends with your student. That just
sounds wrong.” Kurenai had not expected that level of integrity from him and she's silent
long enough for him to add, “Hinata’s nice and I want her to get strong, but I've got a lot of
training to do too you know.”
When Naruto stands to leave, Kurenai hastens to offer, “I'll help you with your training.” If
the blond was a master negotiator, she's certain he would've noticed the weakness in her
bartering position.
Instead, he turns and looks at her suspiciously, responding, “Kakashi-sensei said I'm not
supposed to train with other sensei. He says it could throw off our teamwork if we have more
than one sensei at a time.”
Stalling for time to consider the boy's other interests, she voices the cannon fodder, “Naruto-
kun, this is very important. All you have to do is be yourself, I don't see what the problem is.”
“That's because you don't care about me,” he hotly returns, thinking of how often he's
mistreated and is rarely given the chance to speak about it. With Naru-nii and the fate of the
future dangling in the forefront of his mind, he seriously asks her, “you think you're the only
one with stuff to deal with? I've got plenty of troubling stuff too, and your stab-happy ass is
definitely not helping!”
“Okay, then let me help you,” Kurenai quickly hops on the opportunity. “If you're really
going through troubling issues, I feel we can work something out that can help us both. If you
continue helping me with Hinata-chan’s sessions, I'll help you with whatever I can.” Noting
his pause to ponder the offer, she can’t help but mentally exhale and think, ‘finally, progress.’
Kurenai didn't know about Naru-nii, the prediction of the future, Naruto’s training to prevent
that, or the absolute secrecy he swore to his future-self he would keep. Kurenai was also
unaware of Naruto’s dependence on those now forty minutes a day with Naru-nii, when he
can talk to someone who cares about him like family, helps and guides like Iruka-sensei, and
most importantly, completely believes there’s something great in him. Naruto would never
reveal that secret to anyone he didn't trust, so he certainly won’t be discussing that with her,
but that wasn’t his only problem.
Kurenai didn't know how sexually conscious Naruto has become. She couldn't see him
pondering about training and mastering an area of his young life he or Naru-nii knew very
little about. Of course, Ino-chan's words play across his mind like a brass winded instrument
blaring in his head, “You don't make me feel good at all!” he recalls Ino yell from beyond the
barrier of his front door. And of course, “You don't even know what you're doing!”
Naruto really didn't know what he was doing. Naru-nii couldn't help and some of the books
he's looked through are more story based than instructional. Naruto needed an ultimate guide
to the female body and how to manipulate it like he does his chakra. He needed a sensei for
sex. Kurenai didn't know any of this, but felt a little nudge would move her closer to what she
wants. As Naruto ponders whether he should ask—if it's even proper to ask—she challenges
his hesitation by inquiring, “do we have a deal? We'll even shake on it so neither one of us
backs out of it, okay?”
‘She is a woman, and really hot,’ Naruto thinks. ‘Since she’s older, she should know more…
unless she’s virgin,’ Naruto grimaces, then shakes his head. ‘A woman this beautiful is
probably beating them off with a stick… or kunai,’ his mind reminds him. “Well,” Naruto
hesitantly begins, cheeks turning a tough pink. “There is something I need to learn more
“Alright then,” Kurenai says with a smile, bringing her index and middle finger up to her
chest, as if activating ninjutsu, than extends her paired fingers out in harmony. “On the
Konoha honor of reconciliation, we’ll promise to help each other out.”
Naruto easily recalls the Seal of Reconciliation from Iruka-sensei's classes, but can't help a
nagging uncertainty about the differences between each of their needs. “You don't even know
what I need help with.”
Keeping her hand extended, Kurenai confidently replies, “we're simply agreeing to help each
other if it's at all possible. Obviously I won't steal, kill, or abuse someone with jutsu for you.
And I can't teach you something if I have no experience with it.” Tilting her head with her
winning smile, Naruto guardedly joins his paired fingers with hers in amiable harmony.
“Good,” Kurenai happily states. “I'll see you tomorrow, same time. This is important, so
please be there.”
Moving back to the couches for a celebratory tea, Kurenai asks, “so, what would you like me
to help you with?”
Naruto grows incredibly nervous fast, enough so for the beautiful kunoichi to notice. His
cheeks grow warm as he looks away from her and scratches his head. “Mnn, haha, well, I uh,
...n- hel… mak- um, gir ls- f-feel-… gd.”
Despite his garbled response, Kurenai honed in on the last three words and slowly, very
reminiscent of when she attacked him, walks to him. “Uzumaki-kun, I didn't quite catch that.
As a self-respecting and very dangerous woman, I suggest you choose your next words
“...I,” he balks a moment at the intensity of her antagonistic red irises, but gritting his teeth,
he bravely returns, “I need to learn how to make girls feel good!”
She grabs him by the dirty collar of his jacket and forcefully hoists him up.
“Do I look like some sort of harlot to you!?” Kurenai growls. “Put me do-” he tries but she
cuts him off. “Or that I would prostitute myself to you for your perverse fantasies?!” He
struggles, as he yells, “let go,” but she doesn't. “I always knew you weren't very bright, but I
never thought you were this stupid!”
“You're choking... me!” She drops him like a sack of potatoes before Naruto angrily whirls on
the woman who physically assaulted him for a second time now. “Fine, jeez! You don't want
to help me, I get it! Just don't expect me to help you either!”
“I'm not the one backing out!” he hurls back, rubbing his throat.
“Fine!” Naruto yells. “It's not like I'm forcing you too. I- I just... don't know a lot about...
that, and you said you'd help as long as I don't ask you to kill or steal, or use jutsu on people.
And we shook, so, well, that's what I need!” It's silent for a long time, and Naruto mutters,
“whatever,” before walking to the door.
His hand on the door’s knob, he opens the door half way before Kurenai’s extended hand
slams it closed from behind him, sullenly compromising by countering with, “... I can get you
“Oh, wasn't I too stupid for you a minute ago?” he sarcastically asks. “I can't say I've tried all
the books but I've read some and they're not- …they don't say what I need to know.”
“You're worse than Kakashi,” Kurenai mutters exasperatedly. She turns and walks a few
paces down the hall before facing him again, pinching the bridge of her nose. “What exactly
is it that you're asking?”
“Uh… I can't say exactly what,” he slowly struggles to reason aloud. Keeping in honesty of
reconciliation, he continues, “it's like I need to learn what to do when I'm with a girl so she
doesn't... regret being with me. I want her to feel really good, so- so, if you can show me how
to do that, than I'll definitely help you!”
Her analytical mind tries to separate her desire to kill the blond from the ultimate goal.
Despite the weight of the choice ahead of her, the mission is Hinata. Naruto's a boy. It’s
common for young boys to be curious about the female body. Kurenai knows at a planned
point in the future, a shinobi-sensei will take his young pupil—if he’s single and willing—to
Redlight Alley in Konoha or a gambling town in the nation, to properly shed the vestiges of
his innocence, but that isn’t for several years if she remembers correctly. It's almost
unbearable to Kurenai that Uzumaki-kun—the Jinchūriki—would want this of her. ‘But the
final step is just beyond this,’ she thinks. Hinata's fate—the village’s next generation—is
resting on her shoulders. If she hadn’t fucked up maybe she wouldn’t be here suffering for it.
Naruto shrugs, completely fine with that stipulation, stating, “as long as I learn what I need
to, that's fine.”
“Why do you need to know this?” she asks. “You're still so young.”
“I don't live with Kakashi-sensei,” he snaps, clearly pointing out Hinata seems to mean more
than her other students.
“I have my reasons,” Kurenai returns irately, wondering why this conversation feels so one-
“Are you dating anyone?” Kurenai asks, changing tact. “Because this is the kind of thing you
both learn together... a very long time from now.”
“I'm not dating,” Naruto answers glumly, instantly picturing Sakura-chan's face, followed by
Ino-chan’s. “I want to know because I want to be the best. Isn't that enough?”
“I... will attempt to figure out a decent way of helping you, but if that's not enough for you,
tough. It's all I'm offering.”
“Sweet! Ne, can we start tonight? Please? Please?” Naruto begs with a sparkle in his
perfectly blue eyes. “I've been dying to know what a girl is supposed to feel like when a boy
puts his thing inside of her.”
In that very moment, Kurenai realizes she drank her last bottle of sake and there's nothing
else in her home that could possibly make this bearable. “H-How about you let me gather the
material... to teach you and- and we'll start tomorrow.” His suspicion is apparent in his
squinting eyes, but after a moment he shrugs and agrees.
Lying awake in her bed, Hinata stares at the dark oak of her ceiling wondering when she’ll
have another one of her special lessons with Kurenai-sensei. The Hyūga heiress wasn’t sure
about the genjutsu in the beginning, far too nervous to see a fake Naruto-kun, but after that
first time, Hinata slowly began to learn, if anything, it’s slightly better than her dreams. In her
mind at rest, Hinata is strong, brave, assertive, and more than anything, always by Naruto’s
side; helping him, supporting him.
She may have difficulties within her clan, but at least she’s given a first-rate education, a
warm place to sleep, food, training, a beautiful sister, and despite how cold her father is
toward her, she would much rather have him in her life than not. She loves her family and
would willingly give her life for theirs. Given what can happen to her, should the seal be
placed on her forehead, Hinata is always comforted knowing that her little sister will be
spared that fate. So long as Hanabi is safe, Hinata knows she can endure.
Hers is not a terrible life and she only has that perspective because of Naruto-kun. Using her
perceptive eyes, she knows with absolute certainty that nearly the entire village hates him, or
is completely indifferent to his existence. Naruto-kun is treated like vermin since he was a
child, and yet he doesn’t give up. He doesn’t even look sad. He always tries, always smiles,
and with a strength that completely baffles her, refuses to ever accept their fate for him. He
fights. Always fights. And she loves him for it. Despite the fact that Kurenai is using genjutsu
to help treat her crippling insecurity, the genjutsu-Naruto-kun feels so real, she can’t help
falling for the illusion.
Thinking of the depth Kurenai is willing to go for her, Hinata is so grateful to have her as a
sensei, making her want to try harder all the more to move past her fears. For the goal of
being able to talk to Naruto-kun properly, in real life, Hinata will do the best she can. ‘I just
hope we can keep doing the special training session,’ she mentally huffs before finally
succumbing to sleep.
The balance of power between them shifted with every turn. Naruto did well in the next
session, very well in fact. To Kurenai, it almost seemed like he can project warmth and
happiness because Hinata-chan never smiled more. It certainly embarrassed the young Hyūga
to smile in front of him, but Hinata couldn't help pay so much attention to Uzumaki and
would forget her shyness from time to time. It was one of the best sessions yet, and in that
singular moment, watching her student's honest smile, Kurenai couldn't be more relieved.
Later that night, her every step toward Uzumaki's residence filled her with dread. With the
manuals in hand, the knowledge she was about to impart on a boy eight years her junior,
made her stomach turn. Knocking on the rusted, faded-red door, she wished she drank
another saucer of sake before coming here. When Naruto excitedly opens the door, she was
absolutely relieved to see his apartment was filthy.
There were several full trash bags in the corner along with oddly organized piles of trash.
‘Recycling,’ she thought, noticing several tall stacks of ramen cups nearly as tall as Uzumaki.
Clothes in a pile on the floor, dust, and for some odd reason, partly-cut leaves were littered
everywhere. The smell was just as bad as the sight, and Kurenai knew this was her best way
out of this uncomfortable situation… at least for a few days.
“I refuse to spend one minute in this squalor of a room,” she told him. He tried to argue that
he could clean it all if she gave him fifteen minutes but rather than watch him shove
everything into a closet, she tells him, “I will point out everything that needs deep and
thorough cleaning as well as washing before I leave. Consider this your first lesson; girls like
a clean man.” The single charming point in that entire apartment was the beautiful, majestic
purple Starling he kept by the window with its cage door open. She noted it didn't leave and
figured it must enjoy being there, though why that could be, she'll never know.
Despite the filth and stench of the room pressuring her to flee, she quickly told him there
wasn't a single spot that didn't need cleaning. She made sure he understood that sweeping
something to the side or dusting wasn't enough and he needed to disinfect absolutely
everything, as well as promising that she'll never teach him anything in such a polluted
That didn't work out well the following session when Uzumaki was noticeably upset
throughout the entire two hours with Hinata. He was quieter than normal, sullen, clearly
upset, and Hinata-chan thought it was her fault. Kurenai could literally see the girl retreat into
her shell. Moments after Kurenai ‘dispelled’ her ‘genjutsu,’ she managed to convince Hinata-
chan that his behavior was simply a test to see how she might act to an upset Naruto even
though she did nothing wrong and further explained how the girl could remedy the situation
in the future.
By nightfall, she was pounding on Uzumaki's door. Walking in, she was momentarily stunned
by how clean the entire apartment was. The floors were clear, swept, and actually shone. The
walls were unblemished of the trickle down stains she saw the night prior. The stove, counter-
top, table, and chair seem sterile and uncluttered. Even the smell is a mix of disinfectant,
lemon, and freshness. It was shocking to see and realize he had done it in a day when she was
expecting it to take at least three. Still, her purpose did not waver and she demanded to know
why he acted that way.
“I- I'm almost sure you just wanted to leave yesterday,” he told her with an edge of
uncertainty, but still adamant. “I told you I could clean it fast. We even could’ve gone to the
roof, but you wouldn't even listen. So excuse me for being angry with you.”
“Uzumaki-kun, you have to understand that this isn't easy for me,” Kurenai tries.
“You think this is easy for me? How am I ever going to learn what I need to know if someone
won't teach me?!”
“Because this is the kind of thing you learn with a girl who likes you as much as you like
“Girls don't like...” Naruto cuts himself off to avoid feeling depressed. “We shook, right? You
said you would, so either do or don't, because I have other things I could be training on.”
With a disgruntled huff, a much too sober Kurenai stressfully explains in painfully blunt
detail the many points of anatomy for both female and male genitalia, as well as the
numerous pleasure zones for each with a few scientific diagrams. It was terrible for her and
only made worse by his many questions. It was clear he didn't understand the difference
between locating and exploring a girl's erogenous zones, from just sticking it in and out. He
had far too many questions for the hour allotted to explain this incredibly uncomfortable
But Uzumaki did much better the following session with Hinata-chan. There didn't seem to
be noticeable progress on Hinata-chan's end but there wasn't a decline either. With enough
liquid courage for the following sex lesson, Kurenai was able to feel a little less perturbed by
the whole affair and answer more of his awkward questions; ‘why do we orgasm? What’s the
difference between girl orgasms and boy orgasms? How do I make sure she orgasms? Are
you supposed to make sure you fit your entire dick inside her or is part of it okay? What if
you can’t? I heard it feels good for a girl in her ass?’ And on, and on, and on.
With every session she eventually learns two shots of sake is best for the hour long session
though in her inebriated state it worries her when she thinks the way his whiskered cheeks
redden is cute. If the topic for the night is particularly stressful, Kurenai will ingest three
His constant and often repeated questions showed her he couldn't mentally rehearse with
knowledge and theory alone. By their third night, she realized at some point this wasn't going
to be enough. She's been around him long enough to realize he's a more practical learner, and
sure enough, the next day he nervously asks, “can you, please, um, show me, please?”
“The pictures are enough,” she flatly puts him down. He lets it go until the next day, when he
again asks, “can't you please just show me? Just to see how- how a girl looks when s-she...
cums. Please!”
“No, Uzumaki-kun!” Kurenai asserts forcefully. “Use the diagrams and visualize according to
the information!”
He asked again the following night and her response did not change.
Though it was the weekend and Kurenai didn’t have Hinata, it would've been very easy to
argue fairness—trading sessions for sessions—to get out of ‘coaching,’ however he's slowly
but steadily growing despondent. She can almost feel him withdrawing as she left his
apartment, dispirited. So, in order to show the genin her dedication as an instructor, she came
by Saturday night. Though she had to turn down his request, yet again, she promises to come
by the following night as well to prove her participation and keep him from backing out.
Sitting at the bar, alone, is difficult for Kurenai. Not only is the sight of a woman sitting by
herself good incentive for bachelors to approach and offer one's company, but Kurenai is one
of the most beautiful kunoichi in Konoha. She was turning away company left and right since
she was already planning on heading to Uzumaki's shortly. She also wanted the time alone to
Kurenai was considering adding rubber models to the lesson plan and if worse comes to
worst, actual genjutsu to make him see examples of what is being discussed. Taking this
humiliating endeavor so seriously isn’t something she’s comfortable with because Kurenai
never wants this to become a normal thing she does, but the faster she teaches him what he
needs to know, the faster she can be done with it, so going further may actually end this
“No, thank-” Kurenai begins to say before turning and recognizing Genma complete with his
toothpick. “Oh, hey,” she says offering a small smile. “Thanks for the offer but three's more
than enough.” ‘Enough to teach a young boy about sex,’ she mentally adds, downing her last
“Just as well,” he says, before taking the seat next to her and leaning over. “Listen, I went
ahead of the others just to make sure you weren't here.”
Furrowing her brow curiously, she asks, “what are you talking about?”
“The princess,” he starts, taking a breath before explaining, “wanted to take another break
from nobility and come back here, tonight. I- well, we just thought it would be better if you
weren't here to see them.”
‘To see them,’ her mind quickly repeats three times. Suddenly short of breath while her heart
tightens as she mentally adds with repetition, ‘to see them,’ as in, ‘a couple,’ as in, ‘to see
them as a couple.’ Kurenai’s lungs deflate but her chest feels incredibly tight as a burning
prickling sensation breaks throughout her skin. For some reason, she feels the warmth of the
sake in her system, but cold in her weakened bones.
As the rejection and hurt start to settle in, Kurenai throws up two fingers for another couple
of shots as Genma continues, “I get that this isn't ideal but I don’t think she'll be here much
longer. Nothing's been announced and who knows what might happen even there were an
Kurenai can't comment in any way about them or the situation—preferring instead to avoid
more heartache—as she throws back both shots in quick succession, and simply asks Genma,
“can you cover this. I'll pay you back,” she adds as she leaves the bar. She takes no more than
four steps outside when Asuma and princess Tomoko in fine, yet civilian clothes, are walking
towards her. Kurenai freezes and is about to at least wish them good night, but Asuma,
escorting the princess, walks around her with a simple, “Yūhi-san,” before clearly ignoring
her very presence.
Kurenai could have stood there all night trying to understand what exactly happened. She
could have replayed that series of motions over and over in her mind and never understand it.
She could have run inside and demanded an explanation but she already knows. She already
knows because this was exactly what he warned her about; why he, as the son of the Hokage
stayed an arm's length away from anyone. It didn't stop the tremendous hurt, but it did
provide some heart-weeping clarity.
Kurenai stopped at the convenience store for a bottle of sake on her way to Naruto's—saving
it for when she returned home—but Sunday night in Uzumaki's neighborhood, the locals
weren't exactly shy about heavy forms of public displays of affection and half the bottle was
already gone by the time she reached Uzumaki's ugly door.
He let her in and they take their usual seats at the dining table. She can tell he noticed how
different she was speaking and acting but didn't comment otherwise. After thirty minutes of
horribly disjointed explanation, Naruto again asks, “ne, ne Kurenai-sensei, can't you please
just show me what it looks like, so I know she felt good? You said it's harder for girls, right?
So how would I know unless you show me!”
“Please, please, please, just once,” he begs her with prayer’s hands. “Just this one time and I
know I'll understand more if you do! Please!”
“I try ssso hard... for my v-village, my ssstudents...” she glumly says, disinterested and
dejected with images of Asuma and his beautiful princess replaying in her mind as she
mentally adds, ‘why?’
“I'm your student,” Naruto pleads, suddenly next to her, breaking through her fog of dismay.
“I'll try hard for you!”
‘Yūhi-san,’ she hears him echo in her mind.
‘Why?’ Her mind repeats in a tired defeated fashion. ‘Why bother…’ and she mentally checks
out. Kurenai slowly gets up and on uncoordinated legs walks to his bedroom, exciting him to
no end. Skipping happily, he eagerly follows her into his thankfully clean bedroom and
commands the blond to, “ssshut off the lights. Leave… the door open.”
Slowly moving to the light switch, he comments, “I won't be able to see if I shut off the
Her fingers fumble with the button of her white shorts as she responds, “thasss why I sssaid
keep the door open. The light from the living room’ll be enough.” She'd prefer to remove as
much of her sense of sight as possible. Though the absurdity of this thoughtless decision
hasn't sunk in as well as the sake has, she still feels some embarrassment for someone seeing
her well-maintained nether regions.
She hasn't been with anyone in over a year and judging by Asuma’s cold shoulder, it would
appear her bed will remain devoid of love for the foreseeable future. Lying on the edge of
Uzumaki’s bed as she untangles her shorts from her feet, her uncoordinated weight nearly
tilts her forward. When she realizes Uzumaki is kneeling a few inches away from her knees,
Kurenai easily observes his breathing has quickened and his eyes are laser focused.
“Uzumaki-kun, girlsss can easily become nervous if a boy ssstares too much,” she slurs as
she removes her black lace underwear, though her long toned legs remain closed.
“But I want to see,” Naruto whined. It's been so long since Ino-chan, he’s finding it
incredibly difficult to control his excitement. “Since it's you training me, it's alright, right?”
“Training... “ she slowly repeats. “... I...” With the constant image of a princess and son of the
Hokage walking together in her mind, her arguments, her worries, her rationality, her
soberness, her sense of caring, all fall silent and absent. For this singular moment, nothing
matters. Nothing. “....don't care.”
Kurenai spreads her legs and allows Uzumaki full view of her vagina. “Thisss isss my pussy,”
she crudely says.
“It looks way better than the pictures,” Naruto says inching closer and closer between her
legs to take in as much of her pretty pink slit and clear white skin.
Kurenai barely registers his radiating warmth but can certainly feel his breath on her skin.
Despite the close-up underage audience, Kurenai starts touching herself; using her middle
and index to circle the petals of her pussy. “I ssstart by ssstimulating my labia, or pussy lips,”
she explains to him what she's doing and why. She further explains, “it doesssn’t have to be
excessive clitoral stimulation…” but her mind slips the longer she continues to play with
Her juices are leaking down the underside of her spread legs and Kurenai falls back in the
bed, eyes closed as one hand searches for much needed release while her other hand snakes to
her aching breasts, massaging the hard nub of her nipples and the ample bosom of her chest.
She pulls and twists her hard nipple through her top, moaning, “Mnnn… Aahhnn… mmn,
ysss…” Kurenai forgets about a lot on her back and in the dark: Asuma, the princess, her
deceased father, her precious ward, and her genin team, but most importantly, she forgets
about Uzumaki.
Naruto is inches away from her soaked and digging digits when Kurenai groans a loud moan,
plunging two fingers in her cunt while her thumb massages her erect clit. Her pelvis bucks
madly when she cums as concentrated pleasure shocks her quaking body, filling her with
stress relieving bliss much like her moans and whimpers fill the dark room. In her blissful
ignorance, Kurenai didn't expect, at all, for Uzumaki to launch his head forward, tongue
leading the charge as his mouth engulfs her twitching cunt, eagerly licking and swallowing as
much of her pleasure juices as possible.
His unexpectedly rough tongue was a shocking reminder that she was not alone, but in her
inebriated, pleasure-flooded mind, little thought was spent explaining the presence of an
eager tongue in her weeping cunt. She just saw a black ceiling and felt pleasure coursing.
Pondering who simply didn’t matter to Kurenai as the digging, muscular organ lapped up her
expelling essence, its bumps scraping at her clit in the most delicious way while her only
thoughts were on how much she missed this feeling.
He was eating her out for every ounce of nectar, like a man whose thirst is days old from an
inordinately long drought. She grabs his blond silk mane and presses him further into her
drenched crotch, crying out, “deeper!”
Abruptly, restless fingers begin to probe her throbbing, pink pleasure hole as a moist hot
mouth latched onto her fun button, sucking and prodding her clit with gleeful abandon.
Naruto couldn’t believe how hot her wet pussy felt, how hard she clenched or how much she
spasmed. Her cunt was like the best glove ever and he wanted to put more and more inside.
Learning with his body had always been the best way for Naruto to become better. Though he
was incredibly excited, he'd listened to her moans and mewling, feels her twitch or grip and
tried to detect which spots made her moan the loudest. He wasn’t sure what he was doing or
if he was any good, but he loved it.
As she feels the build of another intense orgasm approach her high edge, her hands grip his
hair as she uses his face to roll her throbbing labia for more surface contact. The heat of his
face only complimented the way his tongue played with her ultra-sensitive nub, as his warm
fingers would thrust and curl in and out of her sopping wet love tunnel.
She lost track of time, of location, of her identity as the strong meat coil at the pleasure pit of
her stomach would continue to wind with his every attack of affection. Tongue, fingers,
sucking, the heat of it all making her excited and lightheaded. Naruto found her womanly
body amazing and like a third helping of Ramen, it wasn’t enough. She was tight, warm, wet,
and her ever-growing mewls and moans were the best sounds he’d ever heard.
“I’m… I’mmmmnnn, your tongue, yes… ahn, ahn, yesss,” her voice would tickle his ears.
“I’m almost… suck me off- MMn, yes! Suck me!”
Moments after realizes how close to oblivion she was, the grand wet coil of amassing
pleasure snaps with the concussive power of a canon, rolling waves upon waves of shocking
pleasure throughout her delicate body. Her arching back snaps up and down as sweaty black
locks shoot back with the snap of her marvelously moaning head. Her toes curl and every
muscle in her body twitches repeatedly in a delicious frenzy; even her eyelids prickle with
minute pops pleasure. She holds an eager Uzumaki against her crotch as he licks and sucks
every fluid jetting out of her, gripping her gyrating hips to keep her as steady as possible.
Her legs abruptly fall limp over the edge of his bed, her body boneless as she’s singularly
aware of the constant rolling pleasure of her long coming orgasm. In her elated euphoria, her
eyes were closed so as to enjoy the happy buzz travel up and down her taut body. Judging by
the pulling joints at her hips, Kurenai couldn't understand how her legs spread wider, nor
could she see what an inviting sight her dripping pleasure hole was for a desire-heightened
blond with a thick dick. Gripping her hips, she only felt the head against her opening a
moment before Naruto thrust his thick manhood to the hilt, earning a grunting moan from
Her mind is as dark and hazy as the room, filled with animalistic pleasure as the two sweaty
bodies began rutting against each other. Kurenai didn't need a face or rational thinking; she
just needed to forget and a good hard fuck and Naruto was all too eager to relish in the wet
furnace of Kurenai's gripping center. Feeling her rolling walls grip and suck at him in
desperate wanting, her moans, her hands stroking the pebble nubs of her breasts, her long
strong legs easily wrapped around his waist… it all aroused him to paranormal heights. He
didn't last long, but he didn't soften either. Naruto would thrust into her soft folds even as he
ejaculated into her flooded depths. He was starving for her delicacy as much as he starved for
his ramen, and just like his favorite food, one helping wasn't nearly enough.
Naruto pumped his raging hard on into her quaking quim for a length of time that just felt
insufficient. They moaned together with his every energetic thrust moving closer and closer
to the fantastic end. The smack of skin, moans of ecstasy fill the room as much as the
creaking of Naruto’s old bed.
He reaches his height again before Kurenai joined him, both gyrating against each other,
vibrating intensely as they came together and it's the first break his thrusting hips take. Yet he
only spends it sucking and kneading Kurenai's perfect C-cup breast, extending her pleasure
with continuous micro orgasms while the knot at base expands to plug her stuffed cunt.
Kurenai didn’t know what the additional pressure was but it pulsed snugly against all her
spots at once and her mind couldn’t cope. A little scared, Kurenai simply held on to the hard
body on top of her enjoying the magnitude of her overflowing bliss.
His energy, his passion, his rapture was intoxicating and Kurenai lost herself to the moment;
to anything her mind would consider meaningful, purposeful, respectable. All that mattered
was the trance exaltation. Within those parameters, it didn't matter that she moans, begged,
and screamed for more. It didn't matter whether she was on her hands and knees as he took
her from the back, slapped his ass for more, or that she forced him on his back while she rode
his thick, meat pole. It didn't matter that he filled her womb with his virile seed, knotted her
to mindless orgasms, or that she begged for more. The only thing that mattered was the lush
delirium that took her away from all her responsibilities, and it's subsequent hardships. All
that mattered was a paradise of dick and mind-numbing, body-crumbling orgasms.
The room was filled with the stench of sex and fluids as they would chase their cosmic
orgasms repeatedly, often reaching that bliss together. Though in the early hours of the
morning, Kurenai's orgasms would simply erupt continuously, one after the other until she
passed out.
I don't know how many of you guys know this but Kurenai is noted on the data books
and in anime as being an evening drinker(honey wine if I remember). She's always
enjoyed a drink. Obviously I pushed it pretty far here but my one excuse is she's young.
How many of us--who are legally allowed to drink--haven't pushed it that far a time or
I know some have voiced concerns about the dubious decisions of these characters and I
just have to say, given the right circumstances, I personally believe anyone is capable of
anything. I read a book on the great depression and a line that always stuck with me
was, "Starvation and despair turned men into monsters." If that makes no sense to you,
consider than that maybe you've lived a better life than most.
I also want you all to know that just because a character starts off with undesirable
characteristics does not mean that's how they stay. I love making my characters go
through a transformative journey. If my character is the same in the beginning, middle,
and end, than I personally feel like I've failed as a writer. So I hope that helps.
I'm still trying to get the flow of writing a sex scene. It's certainly a lot harder than I
thought. I'll have to practice some more until I find a tempo I'm comfortable with.
Weaknesses and bad decisions don't make you a bad person, because the next step
forward needed that pivot to advance to a new existence.
Chapter Notes
Hey guys,
This one is a short update. It just kind of wrote itself. I have to say, there's little to no
time spent sitting in front of the screen and just staring. This fic just writes itself. It's
probably because I'm a bigger fan of Naruto than I am Harry Potter, but I love them both
Warning: Lemon.
Years of training as a shinobi disciplines the body into an effective, efficient and powerful
weapon, so like many shinobi in the Hidden Leaf, Kurenai's body has developed a natural
internal alarm clock, always armed to wake her well before dawn. With busy days fulfilling
the many duties requested of a shinobi, early morning or late in the evening are a shinobi’s
best times for personal training and her steadfast alarm is no different this morning. However,
Kurenai is slow to learn exactly how far a cry from normal the present actually is.
Kurenai awoke with a splitting headache. Her head throbbed so bad, her vision blurs slightly
with every painful beat. The gorgeous kunoichi groans miserably, bringing a shaky hand to
her sweaty, throbbing temple. Her mind slowly begins interpreting feelings and sensations
she absorbs from her senses. She was on her side, her mop head of hair resting on a pillow
and she was closely hugging what feels like the best body pillow in the world or a radiating
sack of comforting warmth.
The warmth paired well with the delectable aches, circulating randomly throughout her hips
and lower spine. The warmth between her legs held the most tremors, making her mind focus
on the pleasure of her nether region rather than the dry pain of her throbbing head. It was not
difficult to focus on the hard-fought sated peace warming her from core to spine; the type of
warm after-aches one can only experience after a night of numerous orgasms. Squeezing and
stretching against her body pillow surprisingly encourages the warm pillow to hug and
squeeze her back, fearfully hastening her rational faculties and memories.
As the memories of the previous night's depravity floods her mind, she feels ticklish
breathing and wet lips on her chest. Further confirmation of the ravages of last night was not
needed, yet even still, looking down is the most shameful proof of her moral descent. She is
completely entwined with the young blond genin. Uzumaki has his strong arms wrapped
around her, under her own arms, with her traitorous legs wrapped over his waist, locking his
thinner pelvis perfectly together with her own. An errant thought of how well the blond fits
against her is quickly throttled and dumped to the side as tears well to her eyelids before they
overflow and roll down the sides of her head.
‘I'm never drinking again,’ she mentally asserts, wondering how her tribulations can be so
suffocating that she’d be desperate for anything, be it alcohol or pleasure, to overwhelm her
As if nothing more could be as humiliating, his hip jerks as he sleeps, making her clench,
informing her in the most embarrassing way that his flaccid penis is still inside of her. As if
thinking about the soft penis head just past her entrance, her pussy grips at his appendage,
unnecessarily confirming what she can already feel. His hips jerk again, though this time, she
can feel him growing steadily bigger.
Trying to move the blond away by his shoulders, he instinctively grips at her body tighter as
he quickly grows much larger. Without her consent, her body grows warmer than it should—
intimately so—as if her body didn't understand immoral pleasure isn't supposed to make her
feel good. Instead, she frantically grips the sides of his head and pulls him to face her stern
red irises, calling, “Uzumaki-kun! Wake up- Mnn,” an unauthorized moan interrupt her call
to the slumbering boy lightly jerking between her legs massaging her insides.
He thrusts his semi-erect penis further into her moistening love tunnel and her body overlays
the present pleasant sensations with the blissful aches of last night. The rush wakes him,
groggy though he looks and his next thrust is more confident, burrowing himself halfway into
her semen lubricated, tight, meat tunnel.
“U-Uzumaki!” she calls, repressing the tandem combination of lasts night's pleasures and the
current dopey tramping. “Stop... this instant.”
“Mnn,” he mumbles questionably, before becoming more aware. “Yes, again!” he calls as he
moves away from her.
“No-” she starts but then he lifts her resistant leg to get out. She almost felt embarrassed by
her body's want to keep him there until he lifted her leg higher, so the inside of her thigh was
resting flush against his chest. One leg pointed to the ceiling, the other between his, he's lined
perfectly with her still on her side.
“Wait- Uzumaki-kun, stop,” she calls as she fights her unbelievably palpable urge to
continue. It's as confusing as this entire situation, when he returns, “why? You said this one-”
he thrusts his hips forward, reaching the kiss of her womb to her great delight. “Is,” he pulls
out. “One,” thrust forward again. “Of,” pulls out and thrusts back in. “Your… favorite…
Positions.” he finishes, punctuating each word with a pull-out and push-in for deep
‘When..’d I ssayy tha’,’ her creaming mind wonders as she tries to hold down her pleasure
filled moans. The position always brushed her G-spot in the most delicious way, and no
longer than a few minutes of energetic pounding and she was already moaning with every
impact against her spine-arching weak spot. Her legs weakened considerable, which is apart
of the reason she enjoys the one leg against his chest. He can wrap his arms around the
boneless limb and keep pounding away.
“MMn… MM… MMnn… MNN! No- AAHN! You ha-ha- MMn, AHH! Have to- stop,” she
weakly expresses between moans barely above a whisper, repeating as best she can. For
who's benefit, she couldn't say. She couldn't understand why his cock felt so good, and soon
she couldn't care. She was debased and moaning for more. “Mmnn, ahn, ahn, aah, yes!
Hearing the wet ‘shlurp’ with his every plunging, ‘smack!’ and knowing it was the mixture of
his underage cock in her dripping pussy, excited an immoral pleasure she didn’t know she
possessed. Close to release, she sped her finger play against her swollen clit, expanding and
unbearably tight coil set to be the death of her when detonated. Naruto could feel the way her
ribbed walls were sucking him in with his every motion to pull out. The moist heat was the
most wonderful feeling he can think to feel, but the way he felt when her body wanted him,
was the most erotic thing ever.
“Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,” she kept repeating despite her hands working her hard
nipples, and sensitive clit. Naruto would've been confused by her words if her actions weren’t
saying something else, but he couldn't stop his hips even if he tried. Holding her in this
position as he pounds her slick walls flushed, he's mesmerized, unable to do anything more
but relish in his rising bliss.
“I'm cumming- I'm cumming- I’m cumming- I’m CUMMMMM-,” Kurenai screams as the
great coil of bliss erupted and her vision blurs to a mesh to a surreal mess of colors and light.
Her entire body flooded with spasms of electric ecstasy, curling her toes, gyrating her taut
hips and tight butt, sending rivulets of unceasing pleasure up her spine and into her cranium.
For many moments, Kurenai was nothing if not the rolling waves of buzzing euphoria. Her
jaw slacks and her red oval lips trumpet her heavy breathy moans until she felt her entire
pelvis lift off the soaked sheets, confusing her.
Naruto lifts her by the sweaty, muscular thigh still wrapped in his arms and buries himself as
deep as he can go. Kurenai has enough mind to wonder why the boy's phallus expands until
she feels molten man juice shoot load after load deep into her fertile womb. She saw white at
the feel of such a massive ejaculation of hot thick semen pressing into quaking rupture of her
accepting tunnel.
She regains awareness moments later, and thankfully a sweaty Uzumaki-kun is resting face
down next to her, breathing heavily through his huge grin—very nearly making her smile by
how elated he looks... but not near enough.
She takes the opportunity to move off the bed and away from him. He's not a threat by any
stretch of the imagination, but Kurenai is not feeling like herself and her body is more
sensitive than she ever remembers feeling before. Her usually strong legs, weak from the
long night of pleasurable exertion, tremble to hold her weight. Taking a step away from the
bed, a large—much too large—amount of thick semen oozes down her legs.
“I need to shower,” she groans with embarrassment as she rushes to the bathroom. Twisting
the nozzle for heated water, she vaguely notes the pearl-white glutinous ejaculate is flowing
past her knees. Impatient for a hot shower, she touches the water to learn it's still freezing
cold. Confused she tries the cold nozzle, but it changes nothing. Assuming he has no hot
water, Kurenai, simply jumps in, violently snuffing out all the warmth, lust, and throbbing
from her sensitive body. It was the shock that she needed as she feels more semen stream
down her shapely legs.
Kurenai unintentionally analyzes the sheer amount and concludes the blond must've climaxed
several times inside her. Aware most grown men ejaculate at most four to five times in a day,
she can only assume teenagers are much more zealous, restoring there vigor faster than
normal. ‘Or it's possible Uzumaki is unique,’ she considers as she recalls the plugging
Anko has mentioned running across truly unique sexual partners either on vacation or
missions. Kurenai has heard of all sorts of abnormalities from Anko; odd bumps, subdermal
implants, three testicles, and a really odd one who urinated his ejaculate. Kurenai recalls the
busty kunoichi’s tale of discovering a chubby civilian—not the seductress’s usual target—
with a birth defect of two penises. In her sheer excitement, Anko actually kidnapped him for
the longest weekend of double stuffed debauchery that ranks in her top five. Anko was
saddened when she learned his experience with her resulted in a phobia of women, ruining
his ability to get aroused by women.
As for Uzumaki, he seems to be able to swell at the base of his penis when he ejaculates, but
Kurenai is sure that it doesn’t happen every time. The raven-haired beauty has also heard
Uzumaki has very high stamina levels. Flashes of intense memories that prove the statement
true makes her blush, despite the ice raining down her humming body. As she washes her
dark locks, she shakes her head of vulgar thoughts. None of what happened last night
should've happened, but now that it did, Kurenai considers this new predicament. Though
parts of her just want to wallow in sorrow, she compartmentalizes her emotions as any well-
trained shinobi can, and considers her options as rationally as possible.
Kurenai can't kill him. If he wasn't so important to the village, she would consider it, but as a
Jinchūriki, he sadly must remain alive, which means the arrogant blond can talk. He can tell
anybody he wants that he lost his virginity to one of the more popular kunoichi in all of
Hidden Leaf.
While her reputation to her peers and the civilians of her village is very important to her,
Hinata-chan's opinion is far more important. If Hinata-chan ever found out her sensei—the
person she’s supposed to trust her future to—had sex with the love of her young life, it would
crush her to nothing. Kurenai can't even picture the indigo-haired Hyūga ever recovering.
Kurenai needs to make sure Uzumaki stays quiet. More importantly, Uzumaki-kun is vital to
her plans to encourage and empower Hinata-chan.
‘How the hell did this boy become such an important piece in my plans?’ she mentally
bemoans. As much as she’s dreading it, it's more than likely—especially after what they did
last night—that the price for his help will go up. She hates the rational threat assessment but
he's a hormonal boy, after all. She's not expecting an abundance of self-control. He'll want
more, ‘but will I pay it?’
Stepping out of the shower she notices her clothes horribly folded on the bathroom counter.
Despite the cold, she feels mildly better as she changes. Stepping out of the bathroom, she
finds Uzumaki-kun in his boxers waiting for her with a broad smile. Though fully clothed,
she feels completely naked under his intense gaze.
“Do not call me Nai-chan,” she yells at him, hopping back a step. He tenses in surprise by her
outburst. Without preamble, she points to the shower, and he cautiously enters for a shower
of his own. When Naruto exits the bathroom, he finds her behind the dining table. She points
to the only dining chair he owns, commanding him to, “have a seat.”
“Are you okay?” he tentatively asks, doing as she asks as his deep blue eyes stare straight
into her large red ones. “What's the matter? Did- did I do it wrong?”
“Uzumaki...” Kurenai couldn't even properly express her chaotic thoughts. So much about
this was wrong, not least of which was how vigorous she participated in their coupling. She
would be furious with him if not for her own part in allowing it to happen in the first place.
“Uh, I can do better,” Naruto tries to cut her off. “I promise, I'll do better next time! Just give
me one more chance!”
With a long exhale, she continues, “last night shouldn't have happened nor will there be any
more nights like it again. Not only am I an adult eight years your senior, but I outrank you.
And while I can't entirely lay the blame on you, it'll be a mutual mistake that will never
happen again.”
“Wha- but it wasn't a mistake!” Naruto argues, getting to his feet. “It was great! The best!
There's nothing wrong with that.”
“Of course there is!” Kurenai can't help but snap back. Obviously, there's little chance a
young boy going through puberty is going to turn down the opportunity to lose his virginity,
especially to a woman who is as well-received as Kurenai is, but it didn't mean that he
couldn't have stopped it. If he wasn't so insistent, if she wasn't so... woefully dejected,
suffering the deep sting of rejection from the only man she truly loves, if she wasn't drunk, if
her world hadn’t tilted last night… than everything would've remained as it was.
“You don't realize how wrong it is because you're a child who doesn't know any better,”
Kurenai asserts.
“Wha- Well, if you're such an adult, than why was it okay last night,” Naruto returns. “You
liked it then, right? You came just like you said girls do. That means you liked it! And I may
be young but I'm a ninja first!”
She lets out another long sigh, then warily says, “Uzumaki-kun, Ramen is your favorite food,
right?” She asks, trying a different tactic as he nods vehemently. “If I purchased an extra
large bowl exactly how you like it, and threw it on the ground, how would you feel?”
“Tha- You can't! That's so wrong, it'd break my heart. I'd probably fight you, or just get really
mad,” he easily answers letting the mental picture spur his ardent words.
“What if it made me feel really good to do that? I'd buy several bowls exactly how you like it
just to throw it all in the dirt,” she continues to ask.
Eyes wide with fear, he easily asserts, “than I'd definitely kick your ass! You can't do that! If
you're not going to eat it, don't buy it!”
“There are no rules saying I can't do whatever makes me feel good after I've purchased the
ramen with my money,” Kurenai argues, seeing his growing confusion, she clarifies. “What
I'm trying to say is, just because something feels good doesn't mean you have the freedom to
do it. Even though there isn’t a rule against it, everyone agrees buying food only to throw it
away is wasteful and wrong. There are certain expectations in a civilized village that
everyone should follow, for example, don't waste; eat what you buy. Don’t murder, don’t
rape, don’t vandalize, are more examples even though there are rules about those. In this
case, you don't sleep with a person eight years younger than you! If you weren't a genin, this
would've been illegal and I would've gone to prison.”
“What!?” Naruto blurts out. “But this isn't murder or any of that bad stuff!”
“What I'm trying to convey is, simply because something feels good for you, doesn't make it
right to society. We should not have done what we did.”
She can easily see the wheels of his mind spinning before he asks, “but- but, I'm a genin,
right? So- So, that means it’s okay, then,” Naruto reasons.
“It's still not okay!” Kurenai maintains. “You're not supposed to do that with an adult!”
“I don't care about what I'm supposed to do,” Naruto yells back. “If all I ever did was what
I'm ‘supposed to do’ than I wouldn't even be a ninja! I wouldn't have pushed Ji-chan to
emanc- imantipat... to make me an adult so I can live on my own. I'd probably still be in the
orphanage, getting hurt, and I wouldn't even think about being the absolute best Hokage ever!
I don't let people I don't know—who don't even care about me—tell me what I can and can't
Kurenai couldn't help pick up on a few key phrases in his emotional retort. An emancipated
adult, being hurt while living in the orphanage, and a small question of who this Ji-chan that
helped him become emancipated sparked her curiosity. It was a very revealing speech, and it
certainly gave Kurenai’s analytical mind more insight as to why the loud obnoxious blond
was the way he was. It would almost be admirable if he had any skill or ability to show for it.
It also led her to ponder his view on what they had done. ‘This is just training for him. At the
most, training with a partner,’ she mentally hypothesizes. Willing to test her theory, she asks,
“Uzumaki-kun, do you love me?”
Taken aback by the question, he comically ponders the question a moment, his cheeks stain
red before he answers with a question of his own, “is that like a precious person? Like Ji-
chan, Teuchi-jiji, Ayame-nee, or Iruka-sensei?”
‘He doesn't completely grasp love it appears,’ Kurenai reasons before responding, “no, I
mean like a romantic love; a girl for instance?”
“Mnn, I... don't know. I mean, I'm super psyched you're helping me, and you feel really really
good.” Kurenai can't help but blush at the quick flashes of physical and mental memories the
boy invokes. Judging by his reddening cheeks and the shifting from side to side, it's easy to
interpret he's recalling last night as well. “I would definitely protect you, no question, but...
but I still think about Sakura-chan, a lot... even though I know I can’t ever be with her...” he
says despondently. Oddly enough, Kurenai understands that completely. “But I think, as long
as she's happy and strong, I'll be okay. Plus, I can still protect her if she needs it.”
As a rule for his sessions with Hinata-chan, Uzumaki isn’t allowed to speak about other girls,
so Kurenai's never heard any of this before. It's slightly surprising to Kurenai that he actually
has this side to him and even though she's fairly certain he sees their coupling as little more
than training, she tells him, “listen, we can't ever do this again. It wouldn't be good if anyone
found out. Lots of terrible repercussions can happen to you, to me, to my students if others
learned about this and I don't ever want that to happen.”
Naruto tilts his head curiously as he asks, “so, you want to keep it a secret?”
“Yes,” Kurenai asserts. “A very important secret. Absolutely no one must ever find out.”
“Well I'm really good at keeping secrets,” he tells her with a vibrant grin. “I'm even keeping
my training super secret!”
“So that means we can keep training as long as no one knows,” he asks.
Kurenai can feel the land mines ahead, yet answers, “no. No, we can't. We can't ever do that
again. It's not proper for many reasons.”
“But I learned so much,” Naruto proclaims. “How do you expect me to go back to books and
pictures after that?”
“Uzumaki-kun, I don't think I can keep helping you with... with what I've been helping you
with. I think we should end this here,” she softly voices, but to Naruto, it may as well
sounded like a canon. He's stunned until he hears her moving to leave.
“Wait, wait,” he rushes after her, getting in front. “You promised! You said you'd help!”
He follows her desperately. “But- but, it was good, right? You liked it, right? Please, I'll do
better! You don't have to leave me,” he pleads, wrapping his arms around her waist, trying to
keep her from leaving... to keep another connection he’s made from abandoning him.
“It's fine if no one knows, right? I won't say anything, so- so- so, just stay,” he tries with a
trembling voice. “Or I'll be a Jōnin too, if that's what you want. Then it'll be fine since we're
the same rank! That works perfect, ne?”
“Uzumaki-kun, let me go, please,” she somberly asks, and after some hesitation, he slowly
lets her go.
She walks around him to the door as he continues to plead his case with pitiful claims. “I
already know a B-Rank jutsu and I'm learning an A-rank right now! It won't be long before I
make it an S-rank jutsu. It won't take long, I promise it won't... Please, Nai-chan.”
Opening the door, she debates reassuring him, threatening him, explaining why it has nothing
to do with rank, clarifying what has to happen and why, but instead she leaves, closing the
door on him behind her.
Naruto sat on the grass Indian-position, well away from his teammates, with a leaf in his left
palm, and his right hand covering it. The entire time he waited for his Jōnin-sensei, he
pondered about another. The night before had been the most amazing thing he's ever felt;
possibly second to his afternoon with Ino-chan. Without allowing himself to recall the events
for fear of popping a tent in front a distant Sakura-chan, he wonders how waking up could be
that marvelous but less than an hour later, he drove another person away. He was starting to
wonder if he was cursed somehow. Sakura-chan doesn't want anything to do with him, Ino-
chan is just as distant, and now Kurenai-chan literally closed the door in his face.
Naruto had never been so quiet around his team, but they don't seem to mind. Though he
can't help how miserable he feels, he's happy to see Sakura-chan again, healthy and best of
all, standing far away from the teme. Sakura-chan might not want to stand by Naruto, or look
at him apparently, but at least she's not by Sasuke-teme. He made sure she knew he was glad
she was feeling better but again, she refused to look at him and only mumbled something he
couldn't understand.
Like himself, she's also working on her talents. He can tell she's looking over a scroll on Iryō-
ninjutsu, but he can't tell what specifically it is. Kakashi-sensei had been really surprised
when she asked for more reading material on medical ninjutsu, or as surprised as a man with
only one visible facial feature can be. It stung Naruto when she didn't give him the credit for
her new direction, but their sensei had been supportive and supplied her with several scrolls
for her to go over. Naruto would've surely loved it if she gave him the credit for the idea, but
at least she's learning. So, instead of pestering and interrupting her, he tries to enhance his
focus on his own training. He's still trying to cut the leaf using his chakra while he has three
pairs of clones working on the final stage of the Rasengan a decent distance in the forest.
This would've been the first morning in a long time he would've preferred to stay home and
wallow, but, he couldn't last more than ten minutes before dark thoughts started to materialize
in his brain. Like many times before, he told himself all would be different once he became
Hokage, and just like before, he started training. Though his thoughts constantly strayed to
Kurenai-chan, he continues to push past the things he couldn't control for a better tomorrow.
It's not the only drive sustaining him, but it's the best one he has.
When Kakashi-sensei shows up three and a half hours after the scheduled meeting time, he
allows the uncut leaf to fall to the floor and begins dispelling his clones one at a time.
It's more difficult to look at the blond idiot than she had anticipated. Part of her wanted
nothing more than to beat the boy's teeth into his brain then rip his dick off with her bare
hand and stuff it in his mouth, but sheer will held her at bay.
Team 7 was quieter than normal. All throughout team drill training and the two D-Rank
missions they had done, there was little more conversation than what was absolutely
necessary. It unnerved her already ragged nerves. Sakura was simply too accustomed to
hearing him yell, laugh, loudly slurp his disgusting noodles, ask her out on a date, bother
Kakashi-sensei about training, challenge Sasuke-kun, or shout about becoming Hokage. It
was actually strange to go without hearing the Baka say anything.
A fearful side of her wondered if he knows, and he's simply being quiet about it. The reckless
side of her reasoning wonders if he's just scared that she'll tell someone, so he's staying
distant. Maybe both Ino-pig and Naruto-baka were in on it to get between her and Sasuke-
kun. Ino-pig would get to be with Sasuke-kun and Sakura would be blackmailed to be with
Naruto-baka. ‘It had merit,’ her mind told her, but it's not like he was avoiding her. Even if
she ignored him, he had told her he was glad she was better, and he didn't really seem
nervous or scared, just introspective or focused on that stupid leaf... again.
The rational side of her mind reasoned that his uncommon behavior had nothing to do with
her because it just wasn't in Naruto-baka's nature to avoid things. He's too simple to not talk
to her about it. He didn't bring up what they had done—what she was forced to do—because
he truly didn’t know and that, at the very least, told her that Ino-Pig was telling the truth
about him being unaware—which only disgusted her more. Sakura still can't understand how
Ino-pig could be so jealous of her that she would go so far as to take that idiot's cock in her
mouth... it was gag-inducing.
“Sakura-chan,” Kakashi softly calls, interrupting her thoughts. “You're looking a little green.
Are you sure you're feeling better?” She smiles weakly at her sensei's concern.
“Are you alright Sakura-chan, don't push yourself too hard,” Naruto quickly adds. She
ignores Naruto-baka.
Sakura eyes the raven-haired avenger in hopes of hearing a comment of concern for her
health from him but when none was forthcoming, Sakura reassures her sensei, “I'm better.
And thank you for checking on me.”
She turned away, and his heart broke as Kakashi calls out, “alright my cute little genin, you're
dismissed. See you all bright and early tomorrow.” He disappears and Sasuke-kun promptly
turns toward his family's compound. Sakura felt her body’s great urge to follow, going so far
as to begin moving along with the beautiful boy, as if pulled by some invisible string, eager to
ask if she can accompany him, but she doesn't make it more than two steps before she
remembers the photos; the life ruining photos in Ino-pig's possession that she won't hesitate
to show Sasuke-kun or her parents if she disobeyed.
Her head was swimming and her stomach felt like upending its content, which hasn't been
much lately. Turning around she spots Naruto walking away as well. She urges herself
forward, to follow the blond for the sake of her love, but knowing how she now has to spend
her time off—and with who—is more than enough incentive to root her to the ground. Sakura
can't follow Naruto. ‘Doesn't Ino-pig get that he disgusts me,’ her mind yells, further adding,
‘and now that I’ve done what Ino forced me to do, I’m disgusted with myself as well!’
Her breathing deepens but she's short of breath. Unable to stand, unable to follow one boy,
forced to ignore the other, Sakura simply runs. She runs home to the comfort of her room and
the safety of her own bed, to the picture of her love on the bedside table, but as she turns into
her street, Sakura runs into a smiling Ino-pig.
“I can't do it!” Sakura pleads the tears already rolling down her cheeks. “I feel like I'm going
to die!”
“You couldn't possibly be more pathetic than you are right now,” Ino says looking at her with
disgust. “Lucky for you, I won't let you cry your way out of this one, so, stop being such a
dry cooch, because you're making the rest of us real kunoichi look bad.”
“Please, Ino-chan- Ino-sama,” she begs, using a more affectionate honorific. “Anything but
being around him!”
“Ino-chan is fine, and do you think this is some sort of vacation I’m forcing you on? Just a
lovely time at the hot springs?” Ino asks looking at the green-eyed girl with disgust. “It's not
supposed to be easy! Now, since you've disobeyed a directive, I'll have to punish you.”
“No please, don't show him,” Sakura begs. “I- I'll do it! Okay? Please, Ino-chan, I'll- I'll be
around the baka. Just don't show Sasuke-kun!”
“Come on,” is all Ino commands as she steps around the pinkette.
“No, Ino-chan please,” Sakura pleads. “Anywhere but there,” she begs with her old friend,
rival, and current blackmailer.
With little option, Sakura reluctantly follows. Though her tears dry during the trek, she only
starts feeling a little better when she realizes they're not walking toward the Uchiha district.
They travel through some of the less active, much older training grounds, further than she's
ever gone. Reaching Training Ground 28, Ino finally finds their target, oddly enough, sitting
on the grass, legs crossed, hands on his knees like the perfect picture of meditation. What
they couldn't see were the five pairs of clones much deeper in the forest practicing the third
stage of the Rasengan on some unfortunate trees.
“Well, there he is,” Ino tells the frightened girl. “Go. Now.” Resigned to her fate, Sakura
drags her feet as Ino continues to say, “you train as long as he does then you go home and
work on your Iryō jutsu or the report that's due in two weeks.”
“Will you at least tell me,” Sakura gravely asks. “If you do ever decide to show that, will you
at least warn me?”
“I’ll promise you I won't ever show Sasuke-kun or your parents, or anyone, really, unless you
give me a reason to. What happens is up to you, Forehead. As punishment for today's
infraction, you get a final warning and a picture.” Ino takes one of the polaroids out and
hands it to Sakura, who quickly takes and hides it. “Don't throw it away,” Ino instructs. “It's
to remind you when you need it, so always keep it on you. I might randomly ask to see it one
day and I'm sure you can guess what'll happen if you don't have it.”
‘Long black hair, kinda shaggy, red eyes, pretty, very sexy,’ Naru-nii, lists off still heavily
“Even I wonder sometimes, but it’s true,” Naruto states, taking a step back from the hurt of
the door she closed on his face to realize that he had sex with an absolute stunner of a
‘… … I never thought she would help like that,’ Naru-nii gasps. ‘I mean, I’ve heard about
infiltration specialists learning a ton about sex and using it for missions… but… Kurenai-
sensei? She actually went that far? Are you sure you're my younger self? You look like me
right? Blond spiky hair, blue eyes, whiskers on your cheeks?’
‘That’s insane,’ Naru-nii huffs. ‘I didn’t think it could get any more insane than Ino-chan!’
‘I already said I hadn't slept with anyone,’ Naru-nii answers still in awe. ‘I didn't know if
anyone liked me like that, you know?’
“That's the thing,” Naruto ponderously comments. “I thought they liked me, but then they
leave afterward totally pissed. Ino-chan threatened me if I didn't stay away and Kurenai-chan
even said what we did was a mistake.”
Naruto can hear the curiosity in his future-self’s voice as he asks, ‘then why would she have
sex with you if it was a mistake?’
“Maybe,” Naruto wonders aloud. “Unlike Ino-chan, Kurenai-chan didn't specifically say
she’d kill me if I didn’t stay away.”
‘Alright,’ Naru-nii states. ‘Let's save that for later. We should get back to training.’
“…I don't think I can,” Naruto weakly admits. “I want to train, really, I do, but I can't stop
thinking about last night.”
‘Mnn, well, I can see that even if I don’t get it,’ Naru-nii sympathizes. ‘Don’t worry though.
We can always go over some more plans,’ he suggests.
‘Well, I'd love it if we could do summons, but that can't happen until you meet your
Godfather,’ Naru-nii thinks aloud.
Annoyed by the information Naru-nii withholds, Naruto asks, yet again, “why can't you just
tell me who he is?”
‘He'll be in Konoha soon, don't worry,’ Naru-nii reassures him. ‘I've already told you he's
really strong, and a pervert, but I'll make sure you know more before he gets there.
Anyway, he's the one who teaches you to summon.’
“Fine,” Naruto lets it go for the umpteenth time. “What other plans do you have?”
‘A bunch of stuff really,’ Naru-nii states generally. ‘Sage Arts, Fūinjutsu, Fūton-ninjutsu,
but those won't be for a while,’ Naru-nii voices. ‘Right now though there’s one thing you
can do that'll help you out a ton.’
“Really! Really! What? What is it?” Naruto rushes excited to focus on something that wasn’t
about last night.
“Kurama?” Naruto quizzically repeats. “Didn't you mention him before? You said he's a
“No problem!” Naruto calls, easily accepting the hard work of it. “If you say he's a good
friend and help me get stronger, I'm in! Where is he? Where can I find him?”
‘He's in your stomach,’ Naru-nii reveals, to Naruto’s “Huh?” Naru-nii continues, ‘he's the
Nine-Tails in your seal.’
“You want me to be friends with the Kyūbi?”
‘Yup! Now, I know what you're thinking, ’ Naru-nii starts with a serious voice, prompting
Naruto to listen carefully. ‘But it's not like how the others say it is. All that nonsense about
him being the epitome of evil and nothing but pure hatred is wrong. I'm going to tell you
another secret so keep it to yourself or Ji-chan will be forced to detain you until you
explain how you know things you shouldn't.’
Nary-nii explains Kurama's background, specifically how he was used like tool by a bad guy
as well as the amount of hate he has for everyone who simply treated him like a monster.
Throughout the explanation, Naruto understood all too well how it feels to be treated like a
vile pest and followed Naru-nii's instructions on how to reach him.
‘You don't need to try hard, just concentrate on a cold, scary feeling, and follow it. It'll be
unsettling at first but you'll get used to it the more times you visit the seal. I gotta go now,
but remember, this is just a meet and greet. Unless they absolutely have to, friends don't
keep secrets from each other so if you want to tell Kurama about me, go ahead, or if you
just want to curse him out, I get that too, but if you try understanding him I think it’ll go
better. It took me a while to truly understand his pain so don’t worry if you guys aren’t
friends right away.’
‘Got it! If you say he’s your friend than I feel like he can be my friend too. See ya, Naru-nii,’
Naruto thinks as he focuses on making his way to the seal. He can't tell if he's doing a good
job until he feels that cold despair Naru-nii had mentioned. He had no idea how long he
followed that feeling; even less when the pitch black of his focus faded into a low-lite dank
sewer. Despite the creepy unease, Naruto continues until he enters a huge cavern with just as
large dull golden gates on the other end of the grand expanse.
Fat water droplets dripping in shallow waters is the only sound in the room, and for some
reason it carries, adding to the gloom of the devouring feeling creeping up his spine. Far too
uncomfortable, Naruto can't help but call out, “Hello!” as loud as he can. “Any demons
home?!” he adds walking further into the room.
Two large eyes slowly open displaying large feral red irises with the vertical pupils of a
predator. “You will regret coming here, boy.”
“Huge!” Naruto can't help but say looking at the giant beast behind the gold bars.
Baring white teeth larger than Naruto himself, a low growl slowly reverberates throughout
the chamber. It's sinister red eyes glare down at Naruto, who had forgotten to expect it and is
wondering why he’s even there. Despite the strong creepy killer intent, he held just firm
enough not to back away.
After several moments, the Nine-tails growls words. “Come closer boy.”
Slowly, Naruto moves toward the large gates with the seal in the middle, calling out with a
shaky voice, “h-h-hey! You don't scare me! I know all about you!”
“You know nothing brat!” The large feral monster bellows so loud it shakes the room and
rattles Naruto’s teeth.
But Naruto doesn’t relent, shouting back against the enormous monster ahead as well as the
creeping fear within. “I know your name! Not the Kyūbi but your real name! I know you
were forced to attack the village! And I know you miss your father!”
The room settles enough where Naruto feels like he can breathe again as the large beast
pauses. “....” Before asking in a single long drawn out word, “”
“I was told,” Naruto answers honestly, staring unflinchingly into large red eyes. “Listen up
you dumb fox! I want to be your friend, so- so, my name is Uzumaki Naruto! Greatest
Hokage there’ll ever be!”
“Friend?!” Kyūbi laughs. “A detestable human will never be friends with the strongest of the
tailed beasts! You will tell me who told you!”
Naruto smiles, confidently, throwing off the fierce intimidation of the demon fox. “I'll tell
you.... as long as we come to an understanding.”
“You let me use as much of your chakra as I want, whenever I want, and I'll tell you.”
“A deal with a demon… you have the guts of a doomed fool,” the Nine-Tailed Beasts
declares. “While my teeth may long to make a bloody mess of you, I accept.”
Feeling more courageous, Naruto asks, “ne, can you tell me your name?”
“Are you so foolish you would lie to me?” the Nine-Tails challenges. “You claimed to
already know it!”
“No, no, I do. I know it,” Naruto reassures the grand chakra beast. “I just want you to tell me
like friends do. Come on, you can call me Naruto if you want.”
“Tell me what I wish to know and I'll consider it,” the large fox responds.
Nodding, Naruto tells the large fox everything Naru-nii told him thus far. Naru-nii said it was
okay and mentioned how they became partners, and Naruto wanted that as well, so he left
nothing out; the group Akatsuki, Tobi, who is an Uchiha working for Madara, taking the
other bijū, the Ten-Tails, The God Tree, and Infinite Tsukuyomi. Naruto finished by
explaining what Naru-nii did to speak with his past self and by the end, the largest mass of
dark chakra was silent... very silent… silent enough that Naruto missed the creepy fear up his
spine from earlier. Kurama didn't even purr angrily. He held his silence so long, in fact,
Naruto starts to fidget and quickly asks, “ne, are you alright?”
When Naruto awoke he smiled to himself. His body resists movement but he gets up and
stretches nonetheless. He can't say exactly how long he'd been sitting, but he can feel that it
must've been for a few hours. Turning around, he's completely floored by the pink haired girl
sitting in the shade against a tree, reading.
“Sakura-chan?” Naruto curiously calls. The girl's shoulders deflate but she looks at him. The
resigned expression on her face makes him wonder if she's sad, but his excitement begs the
question, “what are you doing here?” She had the hardest time looking at him. It would've
reminded him of Hinata-chan if it weren't for the constant scowling.
Eyes wide and light as air, he hops over to her with eager happiness. “Really! Really, really!
You really want to train together?”
“It's just training okay!” She throws back, allowing her anger to look directly at him without
wavering. “Nothing else! We're just teammates training, nothing more, nothing less, got it?!”
“Yeah, sure,” Naruto eagerly responds, absolutely thrilled Sakura-chan actually wants to train
with him. ‘Maybe the day isn't a total bust,’ he thought as he was already making plans to ask
Naru-nii for any training tips for Sakura-chan. “What do you want to do first?!”
“I'm the team's medic so I have a lot of reading to do,” she states and he seemed to deflate.
“But, Kakashi-sensei said if I'm ever in the field, I need to be able to protect myself just as
much as I need to heal others, so, I should also work on getting stronger.”
Naruto quickly agrees, and they start with the physical training taught by the academy and
the regiment Kakashi-sensei had taught them. They had planned to spar for the rest of the
afternoon but Sakura was so physically drained that she lost focus easily and would get
tagged by the simplest attacks. Laying sprawled on the grass, limbs spread and panting
heavily, Sakura-chan can't help but ask, “how… are you... not tired?”
Naruto simply gave her a non-commutable mumble of, “I don't know,” whilst shrugging his
shoulders. He proceeded to make four clones to fight against while she rested. Eventually, she
joined in, raising the odds to five against one.
Like a general, Sakura took demanding control of the clones. With her superior analytical
intelligence, Naruto quickly learns her unexpected strategies continuously take him down.
The pinkette uses timing to easily make his clones open Naruto’s blind-spots for perfectly
synchronized attacks, forcing him to really pay attention to his weaksides. From the
memories he receives later, Sakura-chan is so enthusiastic about beating him to a pulp, she
actually yelled at any clone who utters a word concern for their boss.
By evening, Naruto called the training to a halt, much to her extreme gratitude. Though the
clones did most of the work, after every round she only grew more and more tired. If Sakura-
chan's exhausted body hadn’t practically ran home, he would've felt weird ending such rare
quality time with Sakura-chan just so he can see Kurenai-nee. It was an odd feeling, loving
one girl who didn't love him and trying to get the attention of another who may like him.
Standing by Hokage tower, he was rubbing his temple to sooth the headache from dispelling
his clones. Unfortunately, mastery of Rasengan still evades him. After an hour and a half, he
assumes she's not coming, and after another hour, he's certain of it. Rather than letting his
disappointment drag him down, he helps himself to several extra large bowls of his favorite
dish in the world, then returns to the forest for a late night training session.
The following day was a great surprise. Instead of following Sasuke-teme after being
dismissed, Sakura-chan came up to him and asked when he was going to train. Though she
was strict and standoffish, he was happy she wanted to train with him.
“Now?!” she bellows. ‘We just finished team duties for the day and he immediately wants to
train afterward,’ her inner self yells.
He nods fervently. “Sure, why not? The more training we get in, the stronger we’ll get.”
Praying to Kami for a small number, Sakura can't help but ask him, “how many hours a day
do you train?”
Naruto tilts his head to the side, squinting his eyes to think on a reply. “Mnnn... well, when
I'm not eating, sleeping, or with our team, I’m usually training. So, on the weekdays it’s more
than six, but no more than ten hours. Weekends is pretty much all day.”
Choking on her gasp, she eventually asks, “how is that possible? You train all that time with
nothing to show for it?”
“Hey, that's not true,” he defends himself. “I'm working on a wicked cool move right now!”
“I can't say,” he defends even if he feels she won’t believe him. “It's a secret until I've
mastered it.”
Pushing him to break and admit his lie, she says, “you might as well tell me since I'm going
to be training with you.”
“I,” she sighs. “I don't know. A while... I guess. But it's just training!”
Also, Haku will be a boy even though I totally agree that he looks like a girl. Sorry to all
you FemHaku fans. Not an easy decision to weigh story wise. I debated with myself for
a solid day before deciding to keep him canon gender.
As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts and have a great one,
P.S. I have not abandoned From Ruin. It's just I got Naruto fever and I'm trying to sweat
it out :)
The Line
Chapter Summary
The curtain is drawn on denied hopes of love and Kurenai opens herself to something
Chapter Notes
Hey guys,
This is definitely one of my bigger chapters but it's not complex. I was just answering
questions and writing revelations so it ballooned fairly easily.
“The name I was honored with is Kurama,” the Kyuubi begrudgingly tells the little blond.
“Yes,” Kurama snarls. “It would seem you do,” the large jailed beast snarls and grumbles,
clearly not enjoying their interaction.
“So... how do we keep all that crap from happening?” Naruto bluntly asks. “I don't want to let
that guy control us any more than I want him controlling you.”
“No one controls me! I am the greatest of the nine Tailed Beasts,” Kurama proudly informs
the uncaring boy. “However, that fucking Uchiha with his wretched eyes is not to be
underestimated. It is the only reason I will help you. So, remember boy, I hate you and all
your kind!”
“Alright!” Naruto yells, ignoring the present jab for the future possibility of friendship. Naru-
nii has never lied to him so if he says they become awesome partners than Naruto has faith
that they will someday.
“Did you not hear what I said, filthy human?” Kurama exclaims. “I only wish to ensure my
own survival. If your future counterpart is trapped within an inescapable seal, than my future
self is also trapped and that is unacceptable!”
“I get it,” Naruto proclaims jovially. “I get why you don't like us, and I can't say I blame you;
always alone, thought of as a monster, or used like a tool. I mean, no one even bothered to
learn your name! Naru-nii says your hate is your right, but I don’t have to hate you and you're
one of my teammates now. Maybe soon we can be real friends, so let's do our best!”
“I have it on good authority that it will,” Naruto confidently jests with a wicked grin.
Naruto snickers at his ability to get under this powerful creature's skin before straightening
his hands up in peace. “Alright alright, don't be mad, okay? I'll be good. How do you want to
“…At the moment,” Kurama growls irritably. “This seal allows for you to draw from my
chakra however that trickle of strength will not be enough to defeat our enemies. You will
have to become mentally more adept to handle my chakra.”
“Naru-nii said that it’ll always be hard until we both find peace. He said uniting against a
common enemy is good, but we should try to understand each other so we can truly be strong
and I think that sounds better.”
‘Learn what true strength is,’ Kurama recalls his father saying, making the large beast falter.
“I… I will always hate your kind.”
“That sucks,” Naruto pouts. “Well, I don’t hate you and I’ll definitely make sure all your
brothers and sisters are okay!” Naruto extends his fist, just like Naru-nii told him, so Kurama
can feel his honesty.
Kurama feels a drop in his malice for a proportionate rise in melancholy, silently
contemplating his jailer’s extended fist. After several moments, he lays his head on his front
paws, clearing his throat before he mundanely replies, “…maybe. For the moment I’ll freely
give my chakra. The more you use, the better you'll be at handling it both mentally and
physically. With your own growth, so too will my power steadily rise to my former glory, so
you must continue to train for I will not accept subjugation.”
Naruto simply smiles as he drops his fist and responds, “hmm, maybe with more chakra I can
make more clones and learn jutsu faster. That’s pretty sweet. I’ll start today!”
Before Naruto leaves, Kurama starts, “…One other thing,” then pauses for a long time.
“ did something some time ago. Something that was far more... contrary than the few
moments I’ve sensed your pain.”
Naruto looks at the giant fox confused. When his mind comes up with nothing, Naruto
simply states, “...I don't get it.”
“Within this seal, I can only grasp extreme sensations; sorrow, agony and the rare moments
of gaiety. Sensations of sorrow is the more common one, but recently, what I’ve sensed may
have been what the opposite of pain is. It was, possibly, this peace you speak of. It happened
another time as well. Not as recent. Time is unnecessary to a timeless creature such as I, but,
I’d say it happened many moons ago. Do you know what I'm talking about?”
“You're trying my patience, boy,” the large demon growls angrily. “Have you not done
anything new recently, during the day, or at night, which felt decidedly… enjoyable?”
“....Something that felt enjoyable?” he mutters, then the image of Kurenai-sensei and Ino-
chan pop in his mind. “Oh! You mean sex! That's what I was doing a few nights ago, and
again in the morning. You felt that?”
After an awkward clearing of his throat, the great and somewhat shy Bijū answers, “I sensed
it,” to which Naruto mumbles, ‘perv.’ “I sensed it with my previous wardens as well, but
their filthy arrogance would not allow them to speak with me as I do you. You will tell me
“Really,” Naruto asks, slightly skeptical a divine chakra beast would want to know about sex.
“What do you want to know?”
“Everything,” Kurama says leaning forward and resting his large head on his front paws.
Happy to talk to someone about his experiences, Naruto tells Kurama everything he learned
and a lot of what Kurenai taught him. The the Bijū simply listens. Despite the topic, Naruto
felt a sort of ease to the conversation and wondered if this was the peace Naru-nii was talking
about. By the end, Kurama can't help but say, “as the container of the strongest Tailed-Beasts,
I order you to amass more mates.”
“What?” Naruto gasps. “I don't even know how it happened to begin with!”
‘It's ridiculous. He's ridiculous! Who the fuck trains so hard?’
It only takes Sakura three days to realize Naruto is a training fiend, and somehow, more
capable than he lets on. His training regiment was as shocking as when she discovered his
personal relationship to Hokage-sama. Suffering under the intensity of his training, she
learned Naruto can already walk, run and fight on water just as well as on land. Even with her
perfect chakra control, it took her all day to walk comfortably on water, and unlike the blond
ball of energy, she can't stay on water for longer than twenty minutes.
Sakura also thought creating corporal clones of himself was impressive enough on its own—
after all she recalls how he failed the final exam in the Academy—until he revealed the secret
to how Kage Bunshin helps him train. Despite, the fact that it would kill a normal shinobi,
regardless of rank, clone-learning came across as the biggest cheat she’s ever heard of. It
explained why she had to continuously adjust her strategy when she and his clones would
attack Naruto, which only annoyed her more.
He still wouldn't tell her why he was playing with a balloon just yet, but after watching the
way it pops with a massive swirl of wind, she's fairly sure he's working on some form of
chakra manipulation. ‘That isn’t normal,’ her stunned brain reasons. Ninja don’t learn chakra
manipulation at all if they can help it, and when they do, it isn’t for years and years in the
future. ‘How is that idiot doing that when we’ve only JUST graduated!?’
Sakura learns fast that she can't even keep up with him. Not only does she take more breaks
than he does, but his breaks are much shorter. It's little wonder why Sasuke-kun is usually
tired by the end of their spars, ‘not that Naruto-baka could actually match Sasuke-kun.’ But
it’s apparent that the blond is able to simply outlast him.
‘This is ridiculous! For that Baka to train like this, how does no one know!’
It’s just so easy to ignore or hate him, Sakura wonders who would believe her if she even told
anyone. ‘No one,’ her mind answers.
It would appear that Kurenai needs more than a week to forget about her monumental
mistake. It would be an easier thing to do if Hinata-chan didn't ask every night to train with
“Did-did I do something wrong?” she asks on the fifth night. “Is that why you don't want to
train me with genjutsu?”
For the fifth time this week, Kurenai was tempted to simply create a genjutsu of Naruto, but
as close and knowledgeable to the boy as she’s become, she didn't truly understand him and
didn't want to risk Hinata possibly recognizing a difference, lest the young Hyūga feels
betrayed and all their progress comes undone.
“No, of course not,” Kurenai softly starts. “Why would you think that?”
Hinata looks Kurenai in the eyes with a great strength she wasn’t capable of weeks ago.
“You- ...We haven't trained with genjutsu-Naruto-kun at all this week, and all you'll say is
that we need to take a break. I just thought I must’ve-”
“No, you didn’t,” Kurenai cuts her off. Despite the immoral lengths the raven-haired Jōnin
had to go through for her young ward to reach this level of confidence, she’s thrilled about
the progress the girl's making, however, now that she's finding her voice, perhaps the
beautiful princess needs more of an explanation. “Hinata-chan, how long have you been
“And wouldn't you agree we've grown comfortable with each other?”
“I know the training we've been performing has certainly helped, but it's all been in a
controlled environment, hasn’t it?” Kurenai gives the indigo-haired girl a moment to try and
grasp what she's saying, so hopefully, Kurenai never has to ask Uzumaki-kun for help
again… or even see him if she’s being honest with herself. “When you're comfortable, like
you feel here with the genjutsu version of Uzumaki-kun, it's far too ideal than what you can
expect out in public. Which is why I think you need to attempt befriending the real Uzumaki-
“Eeeep!” Hinata yips. “I-I-I-I-I c-c-c-c-ouldn't,” she stutters, completely bumming the
beautiful Jōnin to see.
“Hinata-chan, I stopped because I believe in you. I know you can do this,” Kurenai conveys
with genuine heart. “Start with whatever makes you comfortable; a simple hello, or ask him
how he's doing; however you feel most at ease. I did a fairly good job representing him, so I
don't think he'll embarrass you in any way.”
“Y-y-y-you...” she takes a calming breath. “D-do you really think so?”
“I know so,” Kurenai smiles at her young ward and for the first time that day, she’s happy.
Happy for what her charming pupil is courageous enough to do as well as for the blond genin
Kurenai is all too happy to avoid.
Hinata-chan has to return to the Hyūga compound in another hour or so but, she'll be back
first thing next week. The beautiful Hyūga is the only true bright spot in her week and while
it gets sadder and sadder every time her cherished student leaves, Kurenai is uplifted to know
she'll be back. With every passing week, Kurenai finds she wants Hinata-chan to come back
with more fondness.
Weighed down by her own reprehensible actions with a boy—the Jinchūriki, of all people—
not just for her lapse in judgment but also for how fondly she recalls the memories, it was as
if her naturally analytical mind was pushing to study the experience, evaluate every orgasm
and even compare it to her past lovers. The fact that the boy even rates close to the top only
makes her mind want to evaluate the boy’s performance even more. Morbid curiosity and a
strong sense of shame have been her constant companion this past week and she makes sure
she keeps as busy as humanly possible to avoid thinking about it.
As if personal disgrace wasn't difficult enough to suffer through on a daily basis, Kurenai
tries as hard as she can to tune out the constant speculation many villagers and shinobi seem
to have about the fate of the Hokage's son. Marriages have always been well received in
Konohagakure, and everyone is eagerly looking forward to the good news so they can
prepare for a week-long festive celebration in their honor.
It wouldn't be so rampant if the princess wasn't returning to the capitol so within the week.
Her departure Saturday morning is why Kurenai decided to stay in and read in the quiet of
her home rather than join the rest of the village in bidding the princess farewell. On the couch
with a scroll in hand, she hadn't expected a knock at her door. She hadn’t expected a red-
faced and sweaty Hinata-chan behind her door, and she certainly hadn’t expected Uzumaki-
kun behind her.
“Hinata-chan?” Kurenai oddly calls, observing her treasured student with the biggest mistake
of her twenty-four years of life behind her. “…What are you doing here?”
Kurenai can easily see the deep pleading in the girls eyes and despite never wanting to see the
blond again, she instantly wants to help her student, offhandedly voicing, “why don't you
come in...” Ignoring the cheers in the distance for the princess and taking a second to look at
a very eager Uzumaki-kun, she has little choice but to add, “the both of you.”
Settling in the living room, Kurenai is at least happy to see Uzumaki-kun look around as if
he's never been in her home. “Nice home, sensei. Smells real nice.”
Masking her trepidation, Kurenai fains a polite smile, responding, “thank you, Uzumaki-
Playing along, he asks in a surprised tone, “you know who I am?” It offers her some relief
when she thinks, ‘at least he’s good at this.’
“You're Kakashi-sensei's student,” Kurenai returns. “I know the members of every newly
formed genin team.” Naruto nods with a hum, and Kurenai turns to Hinata, asking, “Hinata-
chan, will you help me with the tea?”
“Make yourself at home, Uzumaki-kun,” Kurenai states before sensei and student walk into
the kitchen. As Kurenai begins to fill the kettle, she turns to Hinata-chan, eying the girl to
“Ano,” a very submissive looking Hinata starts and Kurenai didn’t like the girl’s slumped
shoulder, the near tearful look in her eyes, and her nervous twiddling fingers. It makes
Kurenai relax a little as Hinata explains, “I was at the farewell mass f-f-for princess
Tomoko… and s-so was N-N-Naruto-kun.”
Considering that Hinata knows nothing about what she’d done with the young Hyūga’s life-
long crush, Kurenai asks a gently as possible, “Hinata-chan, why would you ever think to
bring him here without my permission?”
Looking wounded, Hinata stutters, “I-I-I-I know, this was a bad idea sensei!” Hinata bows
twice before Kurenai can place a comforting hand on her shoulder. Still, Hinata adds, “I'm
sorry! I’m s-so sorry! I wasn't thinking.”
“Hinata-chan,” Kurenai starts, staring intently in the girl's eyes. “Breath. You haven’t killed
anyone. I’m just curious. Please, explain yourself.”
As Kurenai sets the water to boil, Hinata calms herself before stating, “I saw him, and-and I
said h-hello, and he-he was exactly like in our training. I was so happy that I hadn't fainted,
and I asked if he was hungry, like we’d done in the sessions. I was sooo nervous, Sensei, but
he-he said, yes! But there were so many people and I felt like my heart was going to explode,
so-so-so I thought we could have lunch here, b-because I thought of what you said sensei, ‘do
it however I'm most comfortable.’ So I thought… here… Please, sensei, please?”
Kurenai felt the double edge of her words cut her as she mumbles, “Hinata-chan...”
“N-no more than lunch, then we'll go,” Hinata-chan pleads with her big lavender-white eyes.
Unable to disappoint those beautiful pleading eyes, Kurenai sighs, “fine. But only for lunch. I
want you to feel comfortable here but next time ask before you invite someone over,
understand,” she states the question, giving no room for misinterpretation.
“Yes, yes, oh yes! Thank you sensei,” Hinata happily cheers. “Can-can you tell him I have to
use the washroom,” she nervously asks, wiping off the nervous sweat form her forehead and
Kurenai just nods.
Walking into the sitting room, his eyes snap onto her entering form. His face starts turning
bright red as he stares, wide-eyed, drinking her in and it’s only then Kurenai becomes aware
she’s in her comfortable, yet form revealing house wear: white summer shorts that showcase
a lot of toned thigh and a red, spaghetti string halter top. Her lustrous dark hair was down and
she can easily imagine what a sight she is in his hormonal clear blue eyes. He almost didn't
notice he was automatically walking toward her until she put her hand up.
Snapping out of it, Naruto at least has the decency to look abashed. “Sorry,” he says and his
first question to her is obviously, “will you come back, please?”
“Uzumaki-kun,” Kurenai cautiously warns. “I hope for your sake you're not using Hinata-
chan as a way to get closer to me.”
“I don't use friends,” he confidently proclaims. “But she invited me, and I wanted to come an
say I'm sorry if... if I didn't do it right, or if you're angry with me. So, um, can't you please
come by tonight? I haven't told anyone, and I won't, so, so, you'll come by right?”
“You're still thinking of this like it's training when that isn't how it should be,” she tells him,
keeping a tracking ear on Hinata in the bathroom upstairs. “How can you not see this isn't
good for either of us? For our futures? No, I cannot in good conscious encourage this any
“Than explain it to me,” Naruto asks, desperate for clarity. “Why was it okay that night but
not the next morning?”
Hearing signs of Hinata finishing, Kurenai attempts to make a deal with him. “If I explain
why it happened and why it can’t again, will you stop this?”
“You don’t have to hear it first. You can just agree,” Kurenai states with mild frustration.
“But what if I hear it and I still don’t stop,” Naruto genuinely asks. “I don’t want to lie and
say I will when I won’t know for sure until I hear it.”
Expelling frustrated air from her tight chest, Kurenai simply agrees, “...Fine.” ‘Anything to
end this,’ she thinks. “But I'm not going to your apartment. Just come back here after you
walk Hinata-chan home.”
He happily nods before Hinata-chan returns and they have a light lunch, though Naruto is just
as hungry after they finish their small bowl of salad. Kurenai and Naruto kept most of the
conversation going but Hinata-chan smiled often and spoke twice. It almost seemed worth it
just to see the girl be so brave against her reinforced and chronic insecurities.
For herself though, being around him, smelling him, catching him lusting over her, Kurenai
couldn't help the warmth continuing to grow in her center. He even had to nerve to brush by
her close enough to take in her scent. Her traitorous body easily recalls how this boy
manhandled her and physically responds with rising sensitivity, radiating heat, and pooling
moistness. Aroused, her body yearned for attention, though luckily for her, it didn’t have to
be with him.
Excusing himself to use the restroom before they leave, Kurenai wonders how much to tell
the boy when he comes back. As the two genin exit her home and clear her white fence, she
wonders if he would understand the yielding combination of being deeply hurt, being
reckless and inebriated… How much she just wanted to forget her upsetting troubles… how
much he helped her forget. ‘Could he accept that as the reason she degraded herself enough
to have so much sex with him?’
Even if he sprints, an aroused Kurenai doesn't expect him back for another thirty minutes,
and rather than a shower to cool herself down, she walks upstairs to her room and pulls out
her vibrator. On her bed with a pillow under her waist for elevation, she closes her eyes and
opens her legs. Spread and comfortable as she was, Kurenai works her electric phallus in and
out of her wet snatch with practiced ease. The loud buzzing in the air is ignored and her mind
takes her back to her most recent sexual encounter. She lets her naturally analytical mind
replay each moment, each position, each orgasm, easily soaking her pleasure-aid in her sleek
juices as she feels the pleasure coil of her body grow more and more tense, threatening to
snap in pure euphoria should she continue.
“Mnnn… ahnn… uh, uh,” she mewls, coating the length of the vibrator as she fucks herself to
that starving release. Kurenai can feel it won't be the best climax, but it'll more than take the
edge off before he returns. Stuffing herself repeatedly she somehow recalls his smell more
clearly, helping her transport sensations back to the time she was on her back and a thick,
blond-bushed cock was fucking her like a wild animal. Feeling herself right on the edge, she
stuffs the vibrator in deep when her walls clamp down, sending shocks of pleasure up her
spine and brain.
“Oouuuuuughghhghgh,” she moans loudly, releasing her toy to massage her stiff nipples and
breasts and revel in the waves of pleasant sensation… that is until Kurenai bolts upright at the
foreign feel of a rough tongue lap up her expelling juices from her quaking cunny. Quickly
understanding who the blond head of hair between her legs belongs to, and the pleasure from
his enthusiastic licking and sucking, she can only gasp, “wait!” before another wave of
pleasure has her strong grip ripping at the sheets of her bed. “MMMMMMnnnnnnn, Oh, oh,
oh, oh uhnnn,” she moans as his clumsy tongue slowly allows her decent orgasm to subside.
Though Kurenai is reeling in gratifying pleasure, she has enough sense to try and force away
Uzumaki-kun's eager tongue.
“U-Uzumaki,” she calls but as she tries to force him away, he's far too impassioned and
pushes forward, either intentionally or accidentally, plunging his long muscular organ inside
her sodden center. “Mnnnfff,” Kurenai cries as the blond’s mouth eagerly covers nearly all of
her snatch, licking within and sucking without in tandem, making her arms weak and forcing
another spiral of pleasure to build and coil in the base of her ecstasy.
“MMMNNNNN!” she feels the boy's voice vibrate her already sensitive petals, ripping out a
deep moan of her own. “mmmmmnnnnn!”
As she grips his hair, she vaguely wonders why she hasn't stopped him, but the way her quim
dilates with expanding bliss only just manages to delay any need for an immediate answer.
She'll figure it out later. “Just,” she gasps, as her mind says the rest, ‘finish!’
With ‘finishing’ being her body's sole concern now, Kurenai plays with her left breast,
pinching and pulling her pert pink nipple as her right-hand circles and rubs her clit exactly as
she likes it. ‘His tongue is weird,’ her mind yells lovingly, and she focuses on his unique
pleasure inducing organ. With his constant rough-tongue lapping at her quivering sensitive
wall, and his mouth sucking and drinking everything she expels, it doesn't take her long to
reach the edge of another immense drop.
“I'm almost... MMNN... I'm almost, cumminnnn-” Kurenai snaps her head back, her spine
arching tight with blissful rapture, sending waves of pleasure throughout every humming cell
in her hot and sweating body. Her thighs twitching is delightful as her pelvis gyrates
uncontrollably against the boy's face. Her second orgasm is larger and more intense than the
first, and she sees white for several moments as her body quivers and trembles deliciously,
soaking in the velvety delight of oblivion.
Barely coming down from exotic devastation, she realizes Uzumaki is still lapping and
sucking at her opening, desperate for more and keeping her in a constant state of euphoria.
Still, with more clarity now, she pushes his head away with as much force as her twitching
muscles can, which she hates to admit isn't much. Pushing Uzumaki's head away, she rolls
from him and off the side of the bed onto very shaky legs. She actually has to brace herself
on the dresser by the window.
“Nai-chan,” she hears him call as she calms her breathing, quickly collecting her higher
reasoning while looking to the blue sky out the window.
When she hears him step closer—without looking at him—she points and calls out, “wait!”
He stops but only for a second, then actually hears his pants shuffling down. “Just stop
Uzumaki,” she calls one more time.
“Please, sensei,” he weakly implores, voice thick with hunger. “Please, I need you so much. I
just-” he stops and she hears more rubbing.
“No,” she cuts him off, and yet again he takes another step forward. It's like he's incapable of
thinking, so she calls louder, “stop-”
“Please! One more time,” Naruto states, taking his painfully hard cock in his hand and
jerking it for any stimulation. He quickly realizes it's not good enough. Only she can sate his
hunger. His lust filled eyes are pained as he expresses a great need. “Just need to be inside
one more time-”
“Uzumaki,” she calls, turning around to look at him. His eyes are still dilated, almost black
with desire. His cheeks and neck are inflamed and he isn't even looking at her face as he
pleads. He only has eyes for her feminine treasures. Clenching her fist, she's ready to punch
him to his senses when she hears loud popping behind her outside. Turning to the window,
she can see streamers, balloons, confetti floating up in the distance. The loud popping of
fireworks from that location in the sky informs her it’s Main Street and happy Konoha
villagers are bidding farewell to one of their country’s beautiful princesses; no doubt hoping
for an optimistic announcement in the near future.
An announcement that in many ways eradicates promises at the heart of Kurenai; her body's
womanly yearning, her dearest male friend and possible life-partner, and her devotion to the
future she felt on a daily basis. Until that moment, she expected the beautiful future would’ve
eventually happened—some way, somehow, her and Asuma would get there. Despite her
ardor, she trusted in a benevolent future only to learn it was a child's fairytale. The festive
party in the distance for their country’s beautiful princess and the Sarutobi heir is bluntly
telling her she's wrong.
Without her verbal tell off, Uzumaki's face dives into the wet hot pocket of her nether region
between her round cheeks and taut thighs. His hands grip her hips and pull hard, mashing his
mouth and tongue against her delicate folds, covering as much moist honey-hole with his
cheeks and mouth as possible.
“Mnnnfff,” Kurenai moans at his energetic push. “Uzumaki...” she tries, but her eyes won't let
go of the view outside her window. Kurenai suddenly feels trapped by the vision before her,
hurting her by denying her simple wants, and the pleasures between her legs born of indecent
“Uzumaki, if you don't stop... mmmnn,” she gasps as he sucks and laps her delicate nether
lips. ‘Why stop? The princess is finally leaving but that isn’t what matters.’ She knew the
truth the moment he completely ignored her—the moment he walked around her—it’s how
Asuma is. The gruff man had told her without uttering a word, and that thick, heavy pain
resting in her chest sentenced her emotional convictions to death. The wishes of her village
outside had become all too real in her heart, and it broke her.
The warmth of a rough tongue is removed from her sensitive quim for cool air, a curiosity
that is quickly met with a stiff answer. “Uuggghhnnnn, haaah,” she moans when he stuffs his
bulbous crown into her sodden snatch. Her knees shake with the sudden spread of her wet
walls, lowering her even more despite her grip on her dresser.
Her voice is silent as she ponders the escape being offered by the blond… the simple way to
deflect the core crushing hurt from her broken love. Spying on the festivities through the
window for the last time, she slowly closes the curtain, closing that little bit of pain along
with it. If she couldn't be happy in her heart, than shouldn't she, at the very least, be allowed
the joys of the body. Uzumaki-kun isn't ideal, but it’s just one more time and no one has to
know. For the moment, she’ll forget about her staggering loss and lose herself in pleasure.
The only real issue is Hinata-chan's crush on the boy. Even if Hinata were made to be a
branch member, her family would never agree to such a union, much less marriage. In the
long run, Uzumaki-kun and Hinata-chan can never be together and that ought to matter the
most if only by a little. Kurenai can steer her beautiful ward in a direction with a higher
chance of actual happiness... not unlike herself.
‘Yes,’ she manages to think and feel as he spreads her deeper. ‘Better I should guide Hinata-
chan to find love elsewhere.’ Her mild cognitive ability is interrupted by a pang of bliss from
a strong dick nearly striking her g-spot, sending a strong jolt up her spine. Pumping away
eagerly for more of her rich honey, she strives to guide him. “Ahn... ahn, ahn, MMNN, a
little- little to the- ahhn, the left- ahn, to the left, ye- yesss... mnn, yes, there, right there,” she
moans loudly squeezing her moist hot walls that much harder as he enthusiastically hits home
with every thrust.
Meeting his heavy thrust, she notes it's not his technique that's making her so aroused, it's the
staying power of his intense pounding. His determination is like a feral animal, with enough
muscle and excessive stamina to plow her sensitive walls and sexual discipline asunder.
She can tell the lust-filled blond is relishing in her reactionary squeezing and it only spurns
him further, harder, faster, spreading her good and hard, over and over while their crotch and
thighs are drenched in their frothy fuck. “AAHNN, ahhn, aha, haaah, m-make me forget!
That's- yes! Mnn, Mnn, Mnn! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck-Mmnn!”
The loud constant wet smacking of sweaty flesh, the smell of his sexual musk mixing in her
nose with her own, his desperate grip on her hip muscles… His absolute youthful vigor is
enough to push her further and further to that inevitable explosion of mind-numbing pleasure.
She moans gutturally with his every thrust, over and over, feeling his insatiable need to break
his peak inside her hot center. His raw vigor more than makes up for his lack of technique,
and Kurenai is happy with that... for now.
“Nai-chan! Nai-chan!” he whimpers, as his thrusts speed up. Kurenai can hardly believe how
depraved her saliva mixed moans are as he pounds into her with powerful strokes.
cries as the strong beautiful kunoichi’s mind starts to melt.
She's right on the edge of shattering when without warning, he slams in as deep as he can go,
and blasts his thick man milk into her boiling cunnie. Not unlike before, it's a tremendous
amount and possibly even hotter than she remembered, easily pushing her over the edge and
detonating a third powerful orgasm. His sweltering body hugs her tightly as her jittery walls
clamp down on his thick erupting member, sucking and pulling him in as deep as she can
while he floods her vaginal canal with his baby batter. Her mind dumbs as her body shakes
and tumbles with his. All her thoughts and awareness cease to exist, leaving only waves upon
waves of boundless pleasure while he fills her with a copious amount of his seed.
Eventually they slump haphazardly to the floor like two boneless sacks of hot water; one
blissfully spent, the other, waiting a moment before his second wind kicks in. It wasn't a long
wait. He has eyes after all. Pressed against him, soft and slick with body-cooling moisture, is
one of the fittest and most beautiful women he'd ever seen, panting and trembling happily
with his dick still snug inside her. The irregular jittering and shaking of her slush walls easily
keep him from softening and the thought that he had flooded her insides with his thick cum is
more than enough motivation for Naruto to forget all about his body's exhaustion. Naruto
wraps an arm around her waist, elevating her some, happy to gut her again.
“MMnn,” she moans, as she's unexpectedly lifted, causing her already sensitive sex to grip
him that much harder. Witless with dizzying pleasure, Kurenai can only muster enough
coherence to tell the eager blond, “Ughh, w-wait, Uzu- Uzumaki-”
“Call me Naruto,” he interrupts, as he slides out of her with a loud slurp, causing her to groan
at the sudden loss. She turns over with his assistance, holding the dresser for much-needed
“I'm still sensitvvVV- Ahhn,” she’s mush on her knees with her face against the dresser as he
thrusts into her again, taking a moment to appreciate the hot snug muscle, before sliding back
out, enjoying the friction of his head deliciously dragging the ribs of her sensitive, cum-
covered sex. He thrusts in again with just as much want, with even more depth, reaching the
furthest part of her soaping cunt. Kurenai moans through the absolutely blissful pounding of
her hungry insides, until they cum together and to her surprise, feeling his knot expand and
lock them together as he stretches her uterus with pudgy spunk.
Eventually, they end up naked on her large comfortable bed. It's the first time he has a clear
view of her entire nude figure and he’s easily transfixed. Kurenai, with her long, matted dark
lock, full red lips and matching eyes, and her athletic hour-glass curves, was a kunoichi of the
sexiest caliber and Naruto couldn't help but feel like an utter failure at his paltry attempts of
his sexy jutsu. No one could possibly be sexier than her. It takes him several moments to get
over his enthralled shock, and only after she called his name, before instantly becoming
glutinous for her womanly perfection.
The exciting view spurs on a whole new marathon of energy and he's stuffing his steel cock
inside the beautiful kunoichi with all he has. In the superheated bedroom, his eyes take in the
sensual curve and sublime arch of her glistening spine, the way her drenched raven locks
stick to her flush skin, as if she only just stepped out of a hot shower. Of course the almost
pained expressions of her flushed face, from the wide O of her lushes cherry lips to the near-
catatonic look when she has an eye-crossing, toe-curling orgasm. Her moans during her rise
to great peaks, her panting pleas for a respite, and the way she pleads his name to go harder,
faster; it all adds the indescribable bliss he feels being connected to her, inside and out.
Everything about her turns him on, mindlessly.
He's heard of drugs and their effects on people, but until this moment, Naruto never fully
grasped what it really meant to be addicted to something. Whether slamming into her slick,
buttery-hot goodness, sucking and fondling her large breasts, or simply drinking everything
that comes out of her, he absorbs it all habitually, as if her luscious body is a warm basket of
perpetual sunshine and happiness. Naruto’s only hope of coping with the incredible surge of
aroused energy is by putting it all inside of her; using it all on her. He doesn't know how he
reaches that conclusion. Whether it's to honor her, to thank her, to conquer her, he couldn't
say, but he knows giving her everything is the only way to feel peace.
In the moist musk and heat of Kurenai’s bedroom, they stay together in one form or another
for hours, whether directly plugged into one another or his mouth and hands licking, sucking,
kneading, or massaging her; all to her extreme disbelief. She knows this is a whole new
experience for him and boys tend to be much more energetic than adults but Uzumaki doesn't
seem to fit the mold. He isn't quick—energetic, certainly—but he stays active for as long as
she does and they often find themselves gushing together.
He busted his sack no less than nine times, knotting her four times, and though she would've
preferred if he finished outside, most of his thick spunk finds it's home in her fertile walls. No
matter how many times she warns him to cum on her rather than in her, he'll be too lost in his
own pleasure to acquiesce to her pleas, hugging her tightly as he unleashes endless rivulets of
semen. Unable to muster more than mild protest, toward the end, she simply makes a mental
note to talk to him about it later. Fortunately, all active kunoichi are on the pill for one simple
yet horrible reason. After hours of vigorous copulating between resting, they naturally fall
asleep on her ravaged and cum stained sheets. Despite the radiating heat, Naruto holds her
tight and with some embarrassing honesty, she admits to herself it’s not terrible.
Kurenai is the first of the pair to wake, aware that the delicious ache sparkling throughout her
satisfied body is because of the blond ball of energy laying on top of her. Snug between her
strong legs, he holds her tightly with his head resting comfortably between the mounds of her
breasts. Aside the wonderful, floating ache, Kurenai appraises the gently slumbering boy atop
of her. Once again, it's difficult for the red-eyed Jōnin to come to terms with what she's
done…again. Not impossible, but difficult. She doesn't love the boy—that much is certain—
but she can honestly say he more than meets her physical needs; though she can't help but
wonder if it's simply him, his knotting uniqueness, or if her dry spell has just been that long.
‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder,’ she thinks, before correcting herself. ‘Or in this case,
the lust.’ An unrelated thought of how nice he smells despite the reek of sex and sweat in the
room, makes her mumble, “I'll need to air out the room soon.”
Even if Kurenai knows it's morally wrong, at least it wasn't illegal, and truthfully, no one
needs to know. It was simply training him, as payment for helping her with Hinata-chan...
which sounds absolutely horrible to her. ‘…Fuck!’ Her mind curses. ‘This is wrong,’ she
knows, ‘but, it can be okay so long as no one feels unfairly treated.’
As the adult, Kurenai understands she's the one most responsible here, for both the good and
bad. She knows the young genin only needs to allude to abuse, and she'll easily go down for
it. So, in the unlikely event this ‘arrangement’ ever comes out, as long as he doesn't testify to
being taken advantage of, then in the eyes of the shinobi council, it'll simply be two
consenting adults engaging in legal private affairs. Though she’s certain that’s not how the
civilian council will see it, she also knows they have no real sway over her career. Barring
any extreme demands from him, if she can keep him content, then she shouldn't have much to
worry about.
His stomach growls loudly, surprising her out of her thoughts. She can't help but giggle at his
pained expression as he snuggles even closer against her humming body, giving her a
pleasant sensation from their warm skin-to-skin contact; sticky and grimy though they are, it
only seems to add a thrill to the pleasant glow she feels everywhere.
The low lighting of the room informs Kurenai it's early evening, and after hearing Uzumaki’s
growling stomach, she's much more aware of her own hunger. Hoping she doesn't wake him,
she attempts to extricate herself from him but as she moves, he only holds on tighter, easily
making her feel like some sort of security blanket. Recalling reports of his living conditions
does explains why he’s so attention-starved and pulls pranks. Living alone for so long can
make anyone crave physical contact like hugs, pats on the head or shoulders, or even the
tussling of hair.
“Well, he has to wake up at some point,” she mumbles to herself before running her fingers
through his silky blond scalp, calling, “Uzumaki-kun? Uzumaki-kun?” Slowly, a smile
spreads his cheeks and he mushes his chubby cheeks into her soft valley, tickling a giggle out
of her as he exhales on her stiffening nipple. ‘Kami, giggling this much, I must be swimming
in oxytocin and endorphins.’ Looking at his pleased face makes her aware of her own smile.
Content to favor him, she runs her fingers through the silky spikes of his golden-blond hair;
that is until her stomach interrupts her with a very audible grumble.
“Uzumaki-kun!” she calls louder, grabbing the sides of his head and lifting him up. “It's time
to get up.”
“Hahn?” he sounds through a slack jaw, one eye closed the other half open. “Nai-chan?”
‘That name...’ she mentally chides. A slow deep inhale is calming, but for that pen name, she
needs two deep breaths before she continues. “Uzumaki-kun, I need you to let go.” Instinct
makes him tighten a bit before softening his grip as she adds, “I need a shower. We both do. I
also have to prepare dinner.”
“Oh,” he calls happily at the mention of food. He moves a bit away from her, enough to see
her nude form under him, and Kurenai can actually see his eyes glaze over, as if falling under
some slave genjutsu simply by the sight of her.
Though it’s thrilling to her warm fuzzy center to witness, she quickly moves away from him
before he loses any more mental control. Nabbing a pillow to cover herself, Kurenai easily
advises him, “calm down. Take a breath. I think we've had enough of that for one day.”
Looking at his semi-hard penis she points to the bathroom, commanding him, “actually, go
take a shower now. A cold one.”
Red in the face with embarrassment, he starts moving when he's struck with a thought he
voices, “since this is your house, shouldn't you use the bathroom first?”
“It's the other way around. As your host, I offer you first turn,” she tells him, to which he
nods in acceptance. “Please take a shower and get dressed.” She didn't want to tell him it was
going to take her some time to get his insane amount of cum out of her. Now that she's
standing, she can already feel it oozing out of her and drag down the inside of her toned
thighs. Even if she ran to Hinata-chan's bathroom down the hall, she was certain she wouldn't
get there fast enough to avoid leaving a trail of white globs on the wood floor.
‘He put soo much in me,’ she mentally marvels, feeling it leak out with a jovial thrill. It's
fortunate that her own juices thinned the concentration of his semen, but it's still a large
quantity he seems to enjoy sowing as deep within her as he can. Since a vagina is the second
most natural place for semen to be, she isn't worried about getting it all out, as her body will
do that on its own, but with this much, she’ll have to take most of it out herself.
Once showered, dried and dressed in unflattering flannel pants and red camisole top, she
makes her way to the kitchen. Setting her hair up and in a towel to dry, she finds Uzumaki
sitting on a stool spinning on it's swiveling cushion. With her entrance, his smile broadens
drastically, his clear blue eyes drinking her in with the thirst of a man dying of dehydration—
the length of her fine neck, the exposed cleavage of her larger than average bust, and the
flannel that cannot hide her perfect posterior. His clear desire for her after everything they've
done throughout the afternoon is the only reason for her blush—to think he's eager for more
is, to her mounting disbelief, flattering.
Kurenai simply isn't used to such raw, lavish attention from someone she's been sexually
active with. There are plenty of shinobi or villagers that undress her with their want-filled
eyes, but unlike the baby blue eyes gazing hungrily at her now, they haven't seen her naked—
they haven’t fucked her to a mindless stupor—so there’s always a buffer between her and
them. Uzumaki-kun has seen, tasted and fucked all of her. When he gazes at her hungrily, it's
more profound. Immoral or not, to Kurenai, his eyes will forever be different.
Aware of the ‘cuddle hormone’ still coursing her system, Kurenai isn’t so alarmed when she
feels a giddy heat in her stomach, a little hop in her step, her straighter posture, driving out
her enticing C-cups that much more forward; even her scalp tingles affectionately, making
her lush dark locks feel more vibrant. ‘Post coital bliss,’ she mentally identifies the
affectionate playfulness as she walks over to the pantry. Overlooking her blushing feelings,
she can't help but comment, “I thought you’d be halfway to your beloved ramen stand by
Half looking away and blushing madly, he shyly questions more than says, “I thought... I was
hoping, maybe, we could eat together?”
‘Is he trying to be cute, or are the elevated hormones just making me more amiable to his
mannerism?’ She mentally asks bringing out some red potatoes. Kurenai isn't sure he should
stay, but, she's certain nothing more will happen. Add to that they need to talk about this
unexpected development, and she says, “I suppose that's fine.”
“Please don't call me that,” she quickly cuts him off. “Kurenai-sensei, sensei, or even Yūhi-
san is fine.”
“I prefer to keep our association professional at all times,” she responds. Ever since her
father, she’s always felt more comfortable keeping that distance with everyone. “Which is
why neither of us needs to address each other so personally.”
“But we’re alone,” he points out before asking, “why keep it professional now?”
“We have to be careful with how we act around one another, more specifically in public,” she
explains as she opens her fridge. Absolutely certain he’s unaware of how hungrily he’s eying
her, she squats down to gather the ingredients for her salad rather than bend over and give
him an enticing view. “If you call me cutesy personal names in private, there's a higher
chance you might accidentally give that information away in public. I know we don't have
much cause to interact in public but you can never be too careful. It's not unlike your field
prep class at the academy for away-missions.”
“Uh, well, I missed a bunch of stuff because, um, I'd always get sent home,” he returns with a
bit of a chuckle. “It wasn't until Iruka-sensei got there that I actually got to stay and learn as
much as I could.”
Kurenai looks at him oddly, somewhat curious as to how he managed to become genin if he
missed many school days. Leaving it to ponder another day, she continues in an educational
tone. “Part of field preparation for a mission involves leaving behind any unessential personal
items, so no rings, pictures, or anything of sentimental value. The reason being, if you're
captured by an enemy, they won’t be able to use the things or people you hold dear to break
“Huh, that makes sense,” Naruto nods, before thinking a step further and wondering aloud, “I
don't get what that has to do with us.”
‘Us?’ she thinks. ‘Really?’ With a sigh, she answers, “while the village is not our enemy, you
and I now... share something personal that neither of us want anyone to learn of. If anyone
found out, they could try to use it for their own advantage, or could simply tell Hokage-sama
to get us in trouble. So, no more ‘Nai-chan,’ Uzumaki-kun. Kurenai-sensei, sensei, or Yūhi-
san are acceptable.”
“Ku-sensei?” he tries.
Letting out a breath of disbelief she whirls around to the sunny blond, telling him with
authority, “no. Not that either.”
“Kurenai-nee?” he counters.
“I'm starting to lose my patience,” Kurenai warns him. He gulps and chuckles nervously as
he responds, “Kurenai-sensei, what are you making for dinner?”
“Dark greens and spinach salad with a side of asparagus, sliced almonds, and red potatoes,
with a vinaigrette…” she answers before pausing. His queasy, disenchanted face makes her
roll her eyes.
“Ne,” he starts. “Is there any possibility of eating meat with it? ...or just eating meat?”
“I only eat meat when I have no other option,” she informs him rather offbeat.
“Um, do you mind if I go get some and come right back? I just... salads are just... they don’t
fill me up at all!” he bellows. “I've been suuuuper hungry since lunch.”
Evaluating how needy he is for a more hearty meal, she huffs and moves to the freezer. “I
have some steaks I can make.” She hears him whoop as she fondly looks over the large
packaged steaks; sorely recalling the gruff Jōnin she had bought them for. “They're thick cuts.
Some of Akimichi's best,” she warns him. “Will you be able to eat that much?”
He gives her the most confident chuckle before answering, “not a problem.”
Nodding, she fixates on preparing dinner all while he fixates on her. It's silent between them
as the sizzling of the steak crisps and crackles and the room is filled with its tasty scent but
it’s not uncomfortable. Nearly done, Kurenai catches Naruto rubbing his temple instead of
gazing at her, as if trying to ease the pain of a headache.
“Dinner's nearly ready,” Kurenai says, unable to grasp how such a domestic scene is taking
place in her home with Uzumaki Naruto, of all people. “Set the table,” she adds trying to
temper her fear-inducing wonder.
He does as instructed but as she's setting their meal down, he still looks to be in a bit of pain.
Preferring to wait until they've eaten and are comfortable before having the ‘big talk’ on how
they move forward, Kurenai breaks the silence. As he's already mentioned a number of
bizarre remarks, it's easy to engage in light conversation. The most pressing query she needs
him to clarify for her, however, is, “how did you manage to escort Hinata-chan home and
return so quickly? You were in my room less than seven minutes after I let you out, and I
know for a fact she lives nearly an hour away. Please tell me you did not blow her off so you
could come back here.”
“I didn't, I wouldn't,” he quickly reacts. “I- well, I made a clone when I went to the bathroom
and my clone walked her home. It dispelled right afterward so I know she made it back
“Your clone?” Kurenai quirks her brow confused, thinking of a number of rebuttals.
Curiosity drives her to ask, “how? Kage Bunshin is Jōnin level jutsu, and I recall you failed
the final's Bunshin no Jutsu three times.”
After swallowing a good chunk of delicious meat he can't help but say, “this is soo gooood!
Hmm, I was told that I have large chakra reserves and ten- tekn- ...large chakra holes.”
“Tenketsus,” she corrects. “The nodes on your body by which chakra is released.”
“Yeah, that,” he happily agrees. “So, it makes it harder for me to use jutsu that only need a
little bit of chakra, like Bunshin no Jutsu. It's why I've been working super hard on my chakra
control all this time.”
“I had no idea Kakashi-sensei was so dutiful with his team,” Kurenai surprisingly muses,
having heard from Asuma of the silver-haired Jōnin’s burdens. Maybe it really was a good
idea they all went behind Kakashi's back to have the Hokage order the strong shinobi to
become a sensei. It's not that shinobi don't understand his loss and grief, but it was becoming
clear to his friends that Kakashi wasn't moving on from the deaths of Obito and Rin, years
after the fact. “When I heard he'd been privately instructing Uchiha-kun, I was worried
Kakashi-sensei was being unfair but I'm glad-”
“WHAT-” Naruto starts but immediately chokes on a nice chunk of beef. After beating on his
chest a few times, the chunk of half-chewed meat is dislodged from throat to plate. Though
repulsed, Kurenai can't help but wonder about the strong reaction as a teary-eyed Naruto
yells, “he's been teaching Sasuke-teme on the side?! How come? For how long? What about
me and Sakura-chan?”
His wide eyes of disbelief and angered brows easily tells Kurenai he had no idea his sensei
was providing extra training to one of them and tries to clarify, “didn't you just say… wasn't
Kakashi-sensei the one who told about your chakra reserves and your tenketsus?”
“No!” Naruto bellows. “I had to find that out on my own! What the hell? I ask him all the
time to train me outside of team stuff, and he never does. It’s always like, ‘if I have time,’ but
he never has time. I never knew he was training Sasuke-teme. This sucks!”
Rather surprised by the unexpected outburst, Kurenai searches for the best words to ease the
irate genin. Knowing Kakashi's bloody history, Kurenai understands the senior Jōnin is likely
experiencing some form of shame-birthed debt toward the last Uchiha. Deep regret over his
fallen teammate, Obito, which Kakashi likely feels he can only atone for through personally
training and guiding Uchiha-kun. While there may be an understandable reason, Kurenai
can't help but feel for Naruto. In the boy's eyes, it just looks like favoritism toward his class's
Rookie of the Year.
“Well, Naruto,” she starts, deliberately using his name to calm him a bit. “It seems to me like
you're going in the right direction. Mastering chakra control is absolutely key to becoming a
great shinobi. There isn't a great warrior alive who has terrible chakra control.” She adds an
easy smile but it barely phases the upset blond, so she continues, “also, I bet Uchiha-kun can't
use Kage Bunshin. It's a difficult technique to learn, not to mention very dangerous.”
“Huh?” Naruto abruptly questions coaxing him a little out of agitation. “Dangerous how?”
Kurenai pauses again, wondering if this blond oddity is actually using a technique without
knowledge of its harmful disadvantages. “The physical ramifications of dispelling your
clones.” At his blank stare she continues to further explain, “after the amount of information
or experiences is transferred back to the original, it affects you physically in harmful or
potentially lethal ways. It can easily be too much for the mind to handle. Many shinobi have
gone insane, destroyed their chakra circulation system, or become brain dead from overuse.
Some have even died. It's why Kage Bunshin is a forbidden jutsu and any shinobi that can
use it are warned to never keep it active for longer than ten to fifteen minutes.”
“How could you not know the side effects of such a dangerous jutsu? Didn't Kakashi-sensei
warn you how overuse could kill you?”
“Mnn, now that I think about it, I don't remember him ever telling me about that,” Naruto
ponderously feeds back. “But then again, I keep my clones out for way longer than fifteen
minutes, so I never bothered to ask him.”
Setting aside Kakashi’s potentially fatal negligence, she focuses on his declaration of, ‘way
longer than fifteen minutes.’ “...How much longer?” she asks, growing more and more vexed
by this conversation. It's either an extreme lack of guidance and responsibility on Kakashi's
part, or this blue-eyed blond is a baffling fool.
“It varies really,” he starts, garishly chewing on his steak with a happy hum. “But generally
for several hours, like five or six, I guess,” he easily answers.
“That's not possible,” Kurenai staggers to say, eyes wide with healthy skepticism. “You've
would've long been brain dead, if not dead-dead after half an hour!”
“Uh, I don't know about all that but I always have clones training,” Naruto tells her. “Even
before we... you know, I sent out twenty clones to train and only dispelled them a couple
minutes ago.”
Kurenai had long since put her utensils down, in awe at the tremendous discovery she
stumbled upon, but now she has to get up and pace, only stopping to make absolutely certain.
“You're sure?”
Frustrated, she answers, “that you can keep your clones activated for more than five hours!”
She paces again but remembering her hunger she picks up her plate of salad for the ride and
eats as she paces. “Do you still have a headache?”
“Amazing,” she gasps, ignoring his happy chuckles. His body must be highly abnormal to be
able to deal with such drastic side effects. The only theory she can think of thtat might
provide an answer is the power of the Kyūbi, but she doesn't know nearly enough about that
to make any educated conclusions. “This means that any experience or knowledge your
clone... Kami,” she gasp in awe. “With enough clones you could learn techniques that
normally require years of training in a matter of weeks.”
“Yup,” Naruto calmly answers, focusing more on his steak than Kurenai's amazement.
Recalling their chase from his apartment, she asks for confirmation’s sake, “have you learned
“I fight against my clones on water all the time,” he responds with a smile. “It's better than
hitting the ground but man, am I tired afterward.”
“Amazing,” she answers letting out a huff of air. “So, what are you working on now?” It's the
first time Kurenai has ever felt excited talking to Naruto. She just couldn’t deny the
ambitious sensei within was enthusiastic to hear his response.
A look of hesitant nervousness blooms across his face. “Sorry, Nai-ch- er, Kurenai-chan,” she
rolls her eyes at his slip as he continues to say, “it's sort of a secret right now, but, I can tell
you it's really awesome!”
“…Naruto,” she easily concedes, interested only in advancing the conversation. “With proper
guidance, you could be one of the strongest shinobi in the nation.” As a sensei and strong
inheritor of the Will of Fire, it's not hard, by any stretch of the word, to marvel at his potential
and envision his future.
“That's the plan,” he exclaims with glee. “Watch, I'm going to be the greatest Hokage ever!”
‘…Holy shit!’ her mind explodes. It's been soo easy to ignore his thoughtless boasting as
delusional wish-fulfillment, but at the moment, there's a real possibility he may, in fact, be
able to achieve his dream ‘…with training, of course. How can that idiot Kakashi ignore
this?’ To ignore or not see something this massive, Kurenai has to wonder if the silver-haired
elite even cares about their village at all. She's big enough to admit she never cared for the
boy, but it's not like he's been shy or hiding his desire to learn. It only took her a few
questions to see his potential. ‘And Kakashi’s had so much more time and opportunity to ask!’
Kurenai is already making plans to talk with the copy-ninja when her earlier intent to make
sure Uzumaki-kun stays content pops to the forefront of her mind. The blond would
obviously feel more grateful, possibly even indebted to her if she helped train him where his
own sensei has failed. Though there is a well practiced, yet unwritten rule that states, unless
the primary sensei asks for the assistance, then another sensei approaching the student is
widely considered unacceptable. It wouldn't be a good situation for Kurenai if her training
Naruto ever came to light, but it's not any worse than what they've already done in the dark.
As long as everything remains secret, there shouldn't be any issues.
As she paces the room, automatically eating her salad, she's struck with the ultimate deciding
factor. If Uzumaki-kun does ever make it to Hokage level, that may be the ultimate service
she can provide the village. Her Will of Fire has always been about guiding the future shinobi
of the village—it's why she's trying so hard for Hinata-chan. Helping Uzumaki-kun is such an
obvious extension of that drive, it only makes sense to guide him; unwritten rule be damned.
Turning to the boy as he finishes the last ounce of the once-large-steak with a satisfied smile
on his face and sauce on the corners of his mouth, she's momentarily stunned. She hasn't even
finished her salad yet. “Someone was hungry,” she comments, before moving on. “Uzu-
Naruto-kun, if- …would you like it if I helped you?”
“You're already helping me,” he inquisitively tilts his head, then his cheeks redden as he
quietly adds, “and I probably like it more than ramen! …probably.”
A light blush coats her cheeks at the memory of their activities but she moves forward. “I
meant with your training. You said you'd like to keep your current training a secret for the
moment, but if I promise you I wouldn't reveal it to anyone, would you like me to help you?”
He's stunned speechless, almost laughably so. His eyes widen, his jaw slacks just enough for
his mouth to open and his shoulders slump as he drops his fork. “Come now,” she says with a
small smile. “It's not so shocking that a sensei would like to help a genin become stronger.”
He tries to laugh, but it's a pitiful sound as he shuts his eye-lids, squeezing out a small bit of
moisture as he says with a croaky voice, “yeah, you're right.” He tries to hide how he wipes
his eyes with the cloth napkin that wipes his mouth, but she easily spots it, making her
wonder just how alone the blond bundle of energy has been. “Um, let me think about it and
I'll get back to you.”
She nods and grabs her dish and glass to take to the sink as she asks him over her shoulder,
“if you're done, can you bring me your plate and cup?” “Mnn,” she hears him hum as he
grabs his dirty tableware.
Walking up behind her, Naruto can't help but admire the gorgeous ebony-haired beauty who's
taking such an interest in him. To Naruto, who has so few precious people whom care about
him, it was furthermore unbelievable simply because it was a woman. Ji-chan, Teuchi-jiji,
Iruka-sensei were all males he could completely be himself around. With the exception of
Ayame-nee-chan, Kurenai was the only female who doesn't seem to mind being with him. He
was beginning to believe that he’s actually gained another precious person; someone
beautiful, strong, clean, who talks smarter than almost everyone he knows.
Further focusing his gaze to the lithe gesture of her spine as it travels down to her round rump
that no thin pajamas could ever hide, Naruto’s gaze locks on the perfect roundness of her rear
cheeks, making his pants feel much tighter as he quickly stiffens. He sets his plate and cutlery
on the counter as she starts washing, and then hugs her from behind, quickly taking in the
alluring scent of her long moist hair, and sexy softness of her body. As the top of his head
only reaches her nose, his arms easily belt around the underside of her breasts, lifting them so
they rest lusciously on his forearms.
“Uzumaki-kun,” she gasps, bracing herself on the counter as she easily feels his rigid
hardness grind just under her bubble bottom.
Taking a moment to absorb the weight of his confident claim, she simply responds, “let's both
do our best.” When she feels his grinding become more impassioned, his hands cup her
breasts and gentle lips on the skin of her back, she has to pull away, but he holds on. The
moisture rising between her legs forces her to half turn in his embrace. She puts a hand on his
shoulder, telling him, “wait.” He doesn't let go but he stops grinding his thick erection against
her, looking straight up at her, pupils dilated and unmistakable hungry for her.
“We got a little sidetracked,” she tells him, not pushing him away but ensuring he doesn't
progress anymore. “But, we still have to talk about how things between us are going to go
moving forward.”
“You... you're still going to train me right?” Naruto nervously asks, obviously dreading a
horrible response.
‘Does he always wear his emotions on his sleeve?’ she thinks as she feels him tighten his grip
a little. ‘Oh well, there are worst things,’ she mentally sighs with reason before responding,
“short answer... … … …yes. I... Oh, Kami, I can't believe I'm saying this,” and struggles to
add, “I'm... willing… to continue… what we're doing.”
His face lights up with the biggest smile she's ever seen from him, and just as he's about to
cheer, hug her, or possibly, fuck her to death, she loudly adds, “However, I want to be clear
here. If we move ahead with this... arrangement, there will be no confusion about where the
lines are drawn. We have to have boundaries or it's just shameful depravity. The only way I'm
willing to continue is if we establish rules, so, take a seat and we'll discuss them after I finish
He looks like he doesn't want to let go but eventually does, crosses the index and middle
fingers of each hand and speaks, “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.” Three exact clones of himself pop
into existence from a cloud of white smoke. Naruto takes her hand and heads into the sitting
room as he tells his copies, “clean up in here and dispel after. Thanks!”
“You got it, boss,” she hears one call out as she allows Uzumaki-kun to lead her away, but
only until she realizes his destination is upstairs, after which she halts his pull. Stopping
before reaching a single step, she pulls him back and brings him to the couch in the sitting
room instead. Due to the open curtains, it's less private than her room which means he'll have
to behave.
He looks disappointed but since he might be a sex fiend for her, she isn’t worried. “The
rules,” she starts. “At its essence, you asked me to teach you how to be a good or better lover,
so that's what this will continue to be; a course of study with practical experience. That
means I'm your sensei, and you are my student. I'll lay out how each session will go and what
you'll be learning. So, first rule is always do as your sensei tells you. If I tell you to stop, you
stop. Will that be a problem for you?”
“Um, I don't think so,” he comments as he tries to think ahead. “Will you still feel good, and
will you tell me if I'm making you feel good? I really like...” Kurenai notes how easy it is for
him to get aroused as he swallows and continues saying, “how you look and feel when- when
you c-cum.”
A blush grows hot on her own cheeks and the not-so-gentle reminders of all her orgasms this
afternoon begins to dampen the panties between her tense legs. He catches her legs tighten
together before she crosses them. Even though she's in her pajamas, he's seen her nubile body
and she can easily see her clothes hide nothing from his eager eyes. Palming his hot cheek to
raise his eyes to look directly into hers, she answers his question. “I don't think you have to
worry about whether I'll feel good or not. I don't, um, foresee a problem there. And yes, I will
be more... informative about the whys and hows of what you do and how it might make a girl
“Um,” he bemoans as he tries to counter. “But, it feels really really good this way.”
“I don't care,” she easily tells him. “I may be on the pill but there's always a one percent
chance I could get pregnant, and with the sheer quantity of your ejaculation, I'd rather not
take that risk. As for the feeling, I'm sure it'll feel just as good. This is a deal breaker for me
so without a condom, nothing happens, got it?”
“Third rule. This very intimate and physical thing we're doing, is not, I repeat, not about
love,” she declares. “At least not romantic love. We can respect one another, protect one
another, maybe in the future become good friends, but we will never be a romantic couple.
Even though we have sex or kiss, or do many other intimate things, that does not mean we’ll
go on dates, get married, or anything like that. I'm teaching you the art of pleasure so you can
use these skills either for the good of the village, such as on missions or for the special girl
you one day decide to marry. Does all of that make sense to you? I don't want to break your
heart because you were hoping we might become romantic one day.”
He looks dejected throughout her explanation, but also thoughtful, as if he's truly trying to
puzzle out what she needs him to understand. After several moments of deep thought, he asks
her, “will you be okay?”
“What do you mean,” she asks genuinely confused, hoping he’s not cocky enough to suggest
she’d fall in love with him.
“I uh, have a girl I really really like, who would make me the happiest guy in the world if she
liked me back… but she doesn't. If we weren't teammates I think she might actually hate me,
so, I'm definitely happy that I have this with you. But, what about your love? I don't want you
to miss out on the love of your life any more than I'd want to miss out on mine… if she was
actually interested I mean.”
‘He doesn't know,’ she thinks as her stomach becomes a little weak. ‘How could he know,’
she questions as her chest constricts and her throat goes dry. ‘The cheers of the world outside
was so easy to ignore until this moment,’ and she wants to cry again, though not simply
because of her recently fractured and sore heart, but because in addition to that, this boy isn't
so possessive as to deny her love for someone else solely to stay with him. Kurenai can't be
absolutely sure he means it but all her psychological training is telling her that he doesn't
seem like the type to hide or be deceptive; hell, even when he can't tell her something, he
doesn't lie to cover it up. He simply tells her he can't say.
Compartmentalizing is easy for Kurenai’s mind and she keeps it together as she tells the blue-
eyed blond, “that's sweet of you to say-”
“I mean it Kurenai-chan,” he tells her firmly, balling his fists. “You're a precious person to
me now, so I want you to be happy too.” He stands on his feet to boldly announce, “I know I
asked for this, but if you ever find someone you can love, than you absolutely have to be with
Kurenai almost snorts and holds back a sad pitiful laugh. ‘How can this boy, with all the
seriousness he can muster tell me that with a straight face?’ she mentally ponders. ‘Because
he doesn't know,’ her mind then easily answers. ‘And it's not like he actually positioned
himself between Asuma and I. A princess accepted that position happily.’ Kurenai realizes
her constant heartache for Asuma shouldn't be placed on Naruto's doorstep. ‘Heartbreaking
hopes with Asuma, too much alcohol and bad decisions led me here. Even now, this boy has
little to do with my heart, but at the very least, he’s opened my eyes to even more I can do in
service to my village.’
She can almost feel great honor in turning the Dead Last of the latest graduates into one of
the strongest shinobi's the village has ever produced, and while this isn't how she would've
ever decided to accomplish that, Kurenai knows her father would say, ‘it is what it is but
more importantly, what we make of it.’ It'll take Kurenai time for her heart to mend, but at
least with Hinata-chan, Team Eight and now Naruto-kun, she won't have much time to obsess
over her gnawing pain.
“Naruto, thank you,” she says with a mild but very real smile. “I believe you, and if I ever
feel I might find happiness with someone, I'll let you know.” He was being sweet and her
smile was genuine until she realized he hasn't sat back down because of the cleavage she was
showing. His eyes look dark and she can practically see his brain function slipping away for
his clear desire of her.
“Naruto, calm down,” she tells him with little success. “As your sensei, you promised to do
as I say, so calm down,” she commands.
Naruto's eyes lighten and clear of its lustful fog, but he looks wounded, and he's still erect.
“I... sorry. I just- I really really want to be inside you again. It's hard just looking at you.”
“I... thank you,” she blushes at how blunt with his desires he is. “I know it feels good but, we
had a lot of sex this afternoon, and a grand majority of woman tend to be sore, or tender
down there after such long and repeated sessions. They need time to heal.” That seemed to do
the trick as he takes a step back worried, asking, “I didn't hurt you, did I? I'm so sorry, Nai-
chan. I didn't know!”
“No, no, you didn't hurt me, but I am quite sore,” she eases him while omitting the pleasant
humming of it. “It's not a bad soreness but we shouldn't do any more today.”
For the briefest moment, she thought of comforting him with her mouth, but quickly shoved
that thought aside. It isn't necessary to his education at the moment, and more than that, he
needs to learn self-control. Still, something is better than nothing, and she gives him a little
hope by telling him, “however, I'll feel better tomorrow and I can teach you more then.”
He hugs her for a long time, eventually taking in the scent of her hair and rubbing her back.
“Clearly you have a lot of energy to burn,” she notes, interrupting his rising arousal by
standing and moving towards the front door. “So I'll make you a bet. You go train, and if you
make any significant progress in your secret training, I'll give you a treat I'm sure you'll really
His eye bulge like saucers and he's out the door in seconds, much to her amusement.
So if you haven't guessed, Kurenai is in. I've mapped out some of the trajectory of this
fic and I feel like the first leg of this thing will be Kurenai and Ino while I slowly work
in the other girls and their perspectives. Sakura and Temari would get the focus after
Kurenai and Ino, followed by Tenten and one other. Hinata won't be until I've made her
more confident and strong. I think adding to the harem two girls at a time will just make
it easier for me to fly right through the writing.
That reminds me, a couple of you asked how I write so much in a short amount of time.
The answer is a note book I always carry around with me, kind of like Bee when he
thinks of a rhyme for his rapping. That's basically the first draft which is a horrid mess.
Re-writing it in the computer cleans it up a bit but not much as I add more. That's draft
two. Draft three trims the fat and finesses the flow of reading--sometimes I say things
over and over. Then I shelve it while I write out the following chapter before I go back
to it, edit it again for grammar and misspellings then i post. Simple.
Next chapter is THE MISSION TO WAVE!! So I thought I'd mention a change that I
lightly touched on in this chapter. To make my job easier, I’m just going to say Naruto is
the Jinchūriki of a steadily powering to the max Kurama. I know Minato had to use the
Reaper Death Seal and that requires two souls—The caster’s and the caster’s target’s
soul—which means half of Kurama and all of Minato, but for this fic I don't think that
part of canon will be necessary. That's not to say I don't like the idea of Minato coming
back but honestly that's such a long way away I just don't see myself going there. As I
don't think I'll be writing myself into a corner, I'm just going to cut that out. If some of
you wanted to see two Kurama's, sorry.
Thanks again and let me know what you think. Have a great one,
Time May Tell
Chapter Summary
There's a time to mend, a time to feel, and a time to grow, and only the passing of it will
tell which is which.
Chapter Notes
I AM SO SORRY, FRIENDS! I know I said the next chapter would be the Escort
Mission to Wave, but some things I initially thought didn't need much explaining,
quickly ballooned to a hefty size and I had to add other things as well and before you
know it, I have an unexpected chapter all its own.
But do not worry, dear readers, because I also wrote the first part of the Escort mission
that I will post tomorrow, so, not a long wait.
Since Game of Thrones is FINALLY coming back, I decided to post these chaps early so
I can properly geek out this Sunday. I even requested out of work which is completely
unprofessional of an AGM, but EFF it! It's Game of Freakin Thrones! Sorry. Rant over.
“Naru-nii!!!” Naruto yells excitedly. ‘Ow,’ Naru-nii yelps as Naruto continues to say, “that’s
gotta be the best technique EVER!”
‘Wait... you mastered it?’ Naru-nii asks with disbelief. ‘You really mastered Rasengan?’
“Damn right I did,” he excitedly claims. “I couldn't sleep—just had way too much energy, so
with Kurama’s chakra I made a ton of clones and we trained all night. I've been blowing
holes in trees all morning! If I ever peg someone with this, they're history!”
‘Great job! Hell, man, I think you learned it a lot faster than I did,’ Naru-nii happily
remarks. ‘Though, I didn't know about the way my clones could help me train until years
after I’d already learned it... which really bums me out, actually.’
“Yeah! I thought Kakashi-sensei might've told me all about Kage Bunshin, but it was
Kurenai-chan that told me about the side effects. Actually, I need to talk to you about her.”
Naruto tells Naru-nii about the day before about how much more involved she'll be in his life
as well as her offer to help him train.
‘…I’ve always been told I was lucky, but I never believed it till now,’ Naru-nii mumbles,
and Naruto even hears a slight sniff.
‘Right, you lucky fox,’ Naru-nii states after clearing his throat and focusing on business.
‘Mnn, from what I remember, Kurenai-sensei was always wicked smart,’ Naru-nii recalls
aloud. ‘She's a genjutsu master, which is really hard to do. Team Eight have always been
pretty strong, so I know she's a good sensei.’
“Pfft,” Naruto's tongue out spits. “Who isn't a good sensei compared to Kakashi?”
‘Trust me, I know how much it sucks that he's training Sasuke-’
“Damn right it does,” Naruto protests. “AND he never told me about Kage Bunshin
training!” Naruto interjects.
‘Yes, yes, AND his not telling you about Kage Bunshin training,’ Naru-nii humors his
younger self. ‘But even still, you're doing crazy good too, way better than me at that age. I
know you want them to acknowledge your strength, but the most important reason for that
strength is to protect your friends, your precious people and most importantly, the love of
your life... Kurenai-sensei-’
“Traitor!” Naruto calls as he hears Naru-nii laughing his ass off. “You know Sakura-chan is
always in my heart!”
‘I know, I know, I'm only teasing,’ he jests with a laugh. ‘It's just... man, I can't believe it!
“I'll forgive you this time,” Naruto admonishes humorously. “And only because I completely
get it. I love Sakura-chan, but Kurenai-chan… that’s a woman!”
‘That, and someone willing to help you get stronger,’ Naru-nii states easing off the playful
banter. ‘She's someone we need to protect, so I'm going to make sure you're strong enough
to protect everyone.’
“Yeah,” Naruto agrees, his tone turning more serious. “It's the promise of a lifetime!”
Naru-nii laughs heartily. ‘Yeah, I bet you do. Um, I don't think it's a bad idea, but I still
think we should be careful. If she starts wondering how you know things you shouldn't, it
might turn out bad for everyone and get in the way of training. You won’t be able to help
anyone if you’re locked in an interrogation cell.’
“Meh, I bet it'll be fine,” Naruto responds confidently. “So, what do I tell her when she asks
how I learned Rasengan?”
Naru-nii is silent. ‘… Damn,’ the future-Naruto curses. ‘Uhh, I'm not sure if you can. It's
not written down in any scrolls and the only two people alive that know it are Ero-sannin
and Kakashi-sensei.’
“So then what do I say when I use it?” Naruto wonders aloud, recalling his many daydreams
of using his new jutsu to save princesses from evil warlords. “When I use it in front of
Kakashi-sensei or if Ji-chan finds out, wouldn't they ask me how I learned it?”
‘...that's a good question,’ Naru-nii slowly admits, seemingly lost in thought. ‘I can't believe
I hadn't thought of that. I was just super focused on training you, I hadn't thought what
others might say, you know?’
‘Hey, why am I doing all the thinking here,’ Naru-nii retorts. ‘You help too. We’re both
pranksters, dattebayo.’
Rolling his eyes, Naruto asks, “mnn, can’t someone have told us?”
‘Hmm, if we said somebody taught us- well, taught you, than we'd have to say who they
are. And we definitely can't say either Ero-sannin or Kakashi taught us cause I'm sure
they’ll deny it if Ji-chan asked them. If we say we learned it from a scroll, I'm sure you'll
have to, if not hand it over, than at least show them proof.’
“Mnn, mmn,” Naruto hums in agreement before asking, “can't I just say I taught myself?”
‘Well, you could,’ Naru-nii skeptically assuages, adding, ‘I doubt they'd believe you,
especially when you consider who the jutsu belongs to...’
‘Exactly,’ Naru-nii confirms before an idea forms in his time-distant head. ‘Now that I think
about it, there might actually be a way to kind of explain this, or at least make it impossible
to prove otherwise.’
Naruto had left her thirty minutes ago after Sakura begged for a two hour break. They'd been
training since she found him in Training Ground 28 at nine in the morning. Even with her
perfect chakra control fueling her attacks in the most efficient way possible, her endurance is
so pitiful, she can never outlast him. She spent the last thirty minutes on the grass, sore,
sweaty, panting, and hungry.
Despite how difficult training with Naruto is, Sakura can’t say she hates it. She's noticed the
differences from day to day, and she can proudly say she’s getting better. Every day she can
do just a little bit more, and after a week of constant training with the idiot, she's not dreading
it as she had in the beginning. She still hates Naruto, but the training, at the very least, is a
clear benefit.
Still, she needs to get up, head home, take a shower, and finish the first report for Ino on
‘Obsessive Love.’ Staying away from Sasuke-kun was an ever-present gnawing pain eating
away at her intestines. While training with Naruto was a constant feeling of failure—not
simply as a woman, but as a kunoichi—the most difficult rule for Sakura to follow is
composing the report Ino expects. With a comprehensive analytical mind, Sakura can’t help
but pick up on patterns and cues, assign memory markers, and compare discrepancies
between her personal experiences and the text she’s reading. For some odd reason, they were
claiming the expression of her love for Sasuke-kun was unhealthy.
It was ridiculous to her. Clearly, they didn’t understand, which made writing the report all the
more difficult. As the Kunoichi of the Year, Sakura has written many reports, all of which
received perfect grades. It was easy with her memory and now that perfect recall has been
tarnished with this poisonous psycho-babble. However, despite her denial, the research Ino is
making her write stayed in her mind, taunting the purity of her emotions. There’s actually a
disorder called Obsessive Love Disorder and Sakura remembers it all:
‘Obsessive Love has addictive qualities, such as speaking extensively about the object of their
love, making repeated advancement toward the object of their love, alienating friends and
family for the sake of the object of their love, self-destructive/self-sacrifice for the object of
their love, a tendency to feel extremely good or extremely bad depending on the attitude of
the object of their love, an inability to focus on one’s social, educational, or familial
responsibilities outside the object of their love.’
Sakura was forced to read, memorize, and even use her own life as examples for each
warning sign, effortlessly forcing her sharp mind to recall exact examples. Sakura remembers
talking to everyone about Sasuke-kun. Her parents, in particular, would never hear the end of
everything she’d seen Sasuke-kun do in the academy that day. She’d always ask Sasuke-kun
if he wanted to go shopping, for a walk, to breakfast, to lunch, to dinner, training, anything
she could think he might say yes to. Likewise, anyone who also loved Sasuke-kun was
naturally her enemy. In addition, anyone who didn’t support her love for Sasuke-kun became
impediments she couldn't allow; this included practically every personal relationship she had
—not that she had many. Sakura recalls ignoring her father when he cautioned her to
concentrate less on a boy and more on her studies.
Naturally, Sakura would sacrifice her life for Sasuke-kun, but can that really be called
obsessive? The Hokage loves the village and everyone knows he would gladly lay down his
life for theirs. How is Sakura any different? If Sasuke-kun hated something, she hated it too.
Sakura heard he liked long hair and she let hers grow out. Naruto, in particular, felt her fists
more times than she can count for his every slight against Sasuke-kun.
Sakura felt miserable—her insides dead and decaying. Day in and day out, she hurt at the
direction her life is being forced to take all because of Ino. Sakura had devised a few plans to
steal the blackmail material, but of course, she couldn’t be sure if she got them all or if Ino
made copies, which meant the risk Sasuke-kun would learn of her shame. She thought of
personally speaking with the Hokage, pleading that he discreetly demand the embarrassing
photos from the Yamanaka. But of course, Ino can lie and say she doesn’t know what they’re
talking about, which would become a she-said-she-said, or Ino could spread the photos
before they’re retaken. There were just too many variables that would end with each plan
breaking her heart.
And that would destroy her ultimate goal; Making sure her love for Sasuke-kun survived. If
Sakura has to spend some time with the blond ball of energy and not ask Sasuke-kun out,
then she’ll do it. As long as there’s a slim chance she can beat this blackmail, her love
remains viable in the long run. For now, Sakura puts all her anxiety and frustrations into
training. It’s the best and only method for coping with this waking nightmare.
As much as she hates to admit it, she is getting something out of this indentured servitude.
And for some reason, she’s actually learning from Naruto. If it wasn’t for him, she wouldn’t
have learned her elemental affinity was Earth with a minor in Water. Having explained his
leaf training, she was actually fascinated. How the Dead Last of their class is training in
nature manipulation years—possibly decades—before it’s feasible is beyond her. Sakura was
sure she wasn’t ready for that kind of training and even pondered if Sasuke-kun is. She
simply didn’t have the reserves or endurance for that kind of intense conditioning, which
actually warmed Sakura to the possibility that Naruto isn’t quite the hopeless idiot she always
assumed he was.
Though she felt like asking him questions, Sakura just couldn’t allow herself to engage with
the blond to that extent. There’s no telling how he’ll take it and the last thing she wants is for
him to constantly hit on her again.
‘Like how you had with Sasuke-kun,’ a stupid voice in her head patiently asks. Squeezing her
eyes shut, Sakura grips her un-conditioned and dirty hair and screeches to the open skies
above. ‘I’m dying,’ she thinks, hating her thoughts, hating her memories, and hating Ino most
of all. ‘This is death!’
Ino slumps pacified into her mattress, burying her head into her pillow to stifle her screams
of pleasure as her second orgasm rocks her quivering sensitivity. ‘OOhhhhhh, that wassss,’
she mentally groans as her fluid thoughts melt into the sugary hum of the tail-end of her
orgasm. Returning to her senses, she unclasps the photo bent out of shape in her tight grip,
adding yet more folds to the image of her-as-Sakura sucking Naruto's dick.
Ino’s grown accustomed to this daily ritual, dutifully performed at the bare minimum, three
times a day—before and after sleep, and at some point in the middle of the day. Initially the
dreams and memory were more than abundant stimulation to reach her gushing peaks,
however, with every passing day, she could feel the potent effect dwindle little by little. It
wasn't until her manipulation of Sakura, when that excitement shot up near the level of the
first week after her deflowering.
She should absolutely hate what she had done with Naruto, and to an extent, she does,
however, it was and wasn’t of her own volition, strange as that sounds. Ino knows she
wouldn’t have ever done that with Naruto, but she did, and only because she felt out of
control with her arousal. So despite knowing she should hate it, her conditioned mind can
never get around the painfully honest fact that she really really wanted it to happen. Not
necessarily with him, but she certainly loved the feeling to rip through her again; shredding
her pleasure centers to white oblivion. Ino couldn’t help wanting to pass out, squeezing a
solid dick so hard it feels like she’s trying to swallow him.
‘Calm down, Ino,’ her mind huffs, already feeling her excitement build at the thought of
Naruto’s dick filling her unprotected womb with his baby-batter. To this day she can't figure
out why that overwhelming feeling of ecstasy struck her, but it had and she forced Naruto to
satisfy her carnal cravings. It's this very fact that keeps her from truly hating him, or what
happened. It's why she now pleasures herself every day.
Ino worries she might be a sexual deviant, a pervert; the very thing all women instinctively
hate about men. This internal revelation disturbed her like nothing else has, forcing her to
constantly wonder, ‘can girls be perverts too?’ Ino knows women gossip and play, sure but
that is not an image for the general public. Unlike men, women respect themselves too much
to catcall, peep, stalk, or steal underwear. And while she doesn’t feel the need to catcall, peep
or stalk Naruto, she knows that somehow he had changed her, possibly opened up a part of
her she never knew existed, or may not have learned existed until much later in her years.
She was a girl before—a ninja as well, extensively trained in the elementary stages of the art
of killing… or catching stupid cats—but now she was a woman; awakened with needs she
didn't know how to completely deal with. She felt much better than the first week after being
with Naruto, but her mind was holding on to those images, those sounds, and those intense
feelings she experienced with him. Her mind was replaying them every night and her body
reacted to them every time. Setting down the bent photo, Ino is starting to wonder what else
might help her explore her salacious curiosity… what more there is to learn about her body…
and how much she may end up liking it…
“I mean it, Anko,” Kurenai adamantly reminds her best friend as they walk the streets of
Konoha’s bar block. Kurenai is wearing her sexy berry-red cocktail mini-dress with bustier-
style cups and narrow shoulder straps. “One drink, and only if Asuma isn't there.”
“Come on, where's the trust,” Anko—wearing a shoulder cutoff leather-up bodycon dress,
showing plenty of cleavage and fishnet stalkings—playfully asks with a sly grin. “Can't two
sexy ass friends just hang out at the bar and make every guy drooling over us tend to our
every alcoholic need?” At Anko’s insistence, they were certainly dressed to kill sobriety and
end marriages.
Kurenai can’t help but smile broadly at her friend. The red-eyed beauty always felt they had
an odd dynamic. Anko’s certainly not someone she ever thought she would be close friends
with, but Kurenai is happy they absolutely are. “I've had my fill of alcohol as of late,”
Kurenai says, pondering the liquid-cause of, and solution to, all her lingering woes. From the
heartache of Asuma to the ecstasy of Naruto, Kurenai asserts, “I think I need to take it easy
for a bit.”
“I don't care if it's one drink or ten; water or sake,” Anko tells her friend confidently. “I just
want to hang with my number one babe. I hadn't seen that perfect ass of yours in weeks and
I'm going through withdrawals.” Anko pinches Kurenai’s round cheek as a group of civilian
men, already drunk on their blundering feet try to holler for a grab themselves. Anko easily
ignores them as she whips out a kunai, spins it in the air like a propeller before effortlessly
grabbing the handle and easily sliding it back in the lacy holster of her inner thigh. The
civilian drunks sober up fast and moved away from the trained killers with purpose.
“I've missed you too,” Kurenai says with a smile, bumping a smirking Anko's shoulder.
Kurenai notices the pause of conversation as Anko studies her, before curiously starting, “you
know,” in a serious, yet light tone. “I was expecting a lot worse.”
Kurenai is certain she means Asuma, though still asks, “in what way?”
“Are you kidding,” Anko snorts incredulously. “I know you were head-over-heels for him. To
a room full of nosy Jōnin, that was never a secret and with this whole escort thing between
him and that bitch-princess, I was expecting an emotional wreck to open the door… if you
opened the door at all! Instead, your house is clean, not a single fucking snot-tissue
anywhere, and if I’m being honest,” Anko continues undeniably checking Kurenai’s assets
out. “You're looking kinda sexy.”
“Anko,” Kurenai calls mildly scandalized as she slaps her friend's shoulder to stop her from
admiring her body. It’s the afterglow she still feels from the tip of her ebony locks to her
dainty toes. Kurenai hadn't realized how relaxed she was walking, possibly even sexy, until
Anko said so.
Anko chuckles and grins hungrily at the raven-haired beauty. “Relax, I'm not hitting on you...
unless you want me to-”
“Alright, alright,” Anko concedes, throwing her palms up in surrender. “Anyway, I was
scared you might be depending on the training, you know? Using a mask, putting on a brave
face while you bottle it all up. We both know how bad that can end up, but I'm not getting
that vibe from you at all.”
“I don't know what to tell you,” Kurenai answers honestly. It's not as if she can confess how
incredibly good her body feels after hours of sex with a genin. She still has trouble accepting
it herself. It’s not that Kurenai is free of her agonizing heartache, or able to stop the thoughts
of Asuma from entering her mind every ten seconds, but she knows it won't conquer her. It's
not unlike drowning for forty seconds and breathing for twenty. Terribly agonizing though it
may be, it won't kill her. “I do hurt, Anko. I am hurting… but I also feel like it won’t last
forever, you know what I mean?”
“Of course,” Anko answers. “It means there's a shelf life on that self-imposed agony and
that’s a relief in and of itself.”
“I have hope it won't last forever,” Kurenai admits, woefully, wondering what that says about
her love. She’s lost herself in the pleasures of the flesh to forget about the suffering ache of
her broken heart. Does tossing aside the pain for pleasure mean she also tossed her ability to
love again? Kurenai feels that’s an answer she won’t learn without time and opportunity. Her
emotions are still a wreck but her body is tingling and that’s all it is for now. “Without that
silver lining, I'd… well, I guess I would be an emotional wreck with a mountain of snot-
tissues all over the place.”
“I'm sorry this happened to you babe,” Anko sympathetically asserts, wrapping her arm
around Kurenai’s slim waist. “But I'm glad you're not off the rails bat-shit crazy. Bitches like
that annoy the fuck out of me. Like they can't survive without their man! Fucking bullshit.”
Kurenai laughs at her friends irks. “Obviously I'm not content with how things are going with
Asuma, but he was clear from the beginning. I just... I overextended I guess.”
“Well,” the busty kunoichi starts, hugging her friend by the hip. “Lucky for you Anko-nee-
sama doesn't buy her friends boxes of tissues.... she gets them boxes of condoms,” she
proclaims, snaking her hand from Kurenai’s hip up to her soft breast for a hefty grip. “Anko!”
Kurenai laughs, trying to hit her evading friend as Anko continues to say with cheer, “so, let's
forget all about that miserable shit and get laid!”
“How about I try to forget, and you handle the rest,” Kurenai counters with a smile, to which
the shorter beauty groans in playful disappointment. “I'm sorry, Anko, but as I've already
said, I still have training plans to do.”
“Kami, they're fucking genin!” Anko states in great disbelief. “You don't need to put so much
effort into their training. They got so much basic shit to learn, their entire first year is just an
idiots guide to, how not to die from Tree-Walking. Just toss 'em a few scrolls and wish em the
best of fucking luck.”
With a humored huff, Kurenai shaking her head in playful disbelief, asserting, “how they ever
overlooked your exemplary skills in educating future shinobi of the Leaf, I will never
Anko nods with viral meaning, stating as fact, “it's like they can't see how easily scorn and
torture build character. My brats would make Hokage for sure.”
The mention of Hokage reminds her of Naruto. It's an odd feeling to know beforehand, to
actually plan on going over to a genin's home for the purpose of guiding sexual exploration.
Kurenai is neither excited nor disgusted by her physical arrangement with Naruto. It just is.
She can't deny it's immoral or loveless, but she can't deny having already enjoyed sex with
him on multiple occasions for several hours. She can't deny how mortified she would be if
anyone found out, but she can't deny how thoroughly she enjoyed losing herself on his thick
shaft. She may have misgivings about the whole affair, but she’s still going to meet him, and
it's more than likely she'll experience many orgasms because of it.
The arrangement she has with the young blond, though unofficial, isn't so different from the
seduction training of elite reconnaissance and undercover work. She's aware Konoha employs
such tactics of information gathering, though not as much as many other villages. She, herself
was offered to serve the village in that capacity. Kurenai turned it down, though she knows
Anko did it for a number of years. It's how the curvaceous kunoichi found her love and talent
for torture.
In the end, Kurenai knows it's not a matter of the heartfelt intimacy, but of guilty cravings of
the flesh. Intellectually, it may be better to go without such carnal hunger, but she's not
hurting anyone, there is a clear benefit to the village, and more importantly, she can forget
about Asuma and her hurt, if only momentarily.
Since Anko knocked on her door earlier, Kurenai's been wondering if she should tell her
voluptuous friend. They keep secrets from each other; there's no way they can't with their
profession. This, however, isn’t a secret for the security of the village. This is personal. It’s
personal and many would say immoral. It has the potential to change their relationship
forever and Kurenai's not sure she's ready for that.
The two beauties enjoy their night out—the men lusting around them, more so. As promised,
Anko took them to one of the larger bars that cohabitate shinobi and civilian alike. They
dance and though they drink, Kurenai has no more than two, no matter how many times
Anko or hopeful bachelors try to persuade her otherwise. It's not long before their friends join
them, and much too soon than she's ready for, Asuma walks through the door to the cheers
and adulation of many of her peers in the bar—minus Anko, Yūgao, Kakashi, and Genma.
Kurenai is easily savvy to his awareness of her, but as the nauseous tightness of her stomach
dreads the thought of actually speaking with him, she informs Anko, “I should get going.”
Anko breaks away from a muscular hunk, protesting after Kurenai, “Aww come on. Just stay
for a little while longer. You're going to have to be around each other eventually.”
Approaching between the sexy kunoichi, Genma asserts, “I'll walk you,” moving to join
Kurenai without her consent.
Aside from his assertiveness, she has no reason to doubt Genma. They’ve all known each
other since they graduated from the Academy. While he’s always been a bit aloof about his
goals, he’s always had her back. Kurenai simply nods, and as they leave the rowdy bar, she
can feel ‘his’ eyes on her back, like a concentrated ray of magnified sunlight. She ignores
him as much as the clenching in her chest, not unlike how he disregarded her as Genma
escorts her from the bar.
They walk to her home because she can’t exactly tell him she’s going to a genin’s apartment
to have copious amounts of sex. It's on the way back, on calmer streets, that he finally says,
“he's being an idiot.”
Asuma, Genma, Gai, Kakashi, Hayate, Yūgao, Anko and herself are not only peers but also
friends which means that just because Asuma isn’t there, doesn’t mean his agent isn’t and the
raven-haired beauty truly doesn’t want to deal with this right now. ‘Genma is supposed to be
my friend too,’ Kurenai thinks with growing irritation, asking with a little heat, “are you here
to speak for him?”
“I won't deny there are a few things he wants you to know,” Genma simply states. “And as
one of his more sociable friends, I suppose I fill that role.”
“I don't...” she starts but only sighs the end of her comment. Rethinking her reactive need to
be defensive, she rather says, “It's unnecessary, Genma. You shouldn't have to.”
“If it's all the same to you,” she says with more heat in her tone. “I'd rather enjoy my night.”
“I want you to know because... Because,” he huffs a bit of laughter. “I guess I'm selfish in the
end.” She looks at him confused. He sets his eyes and takes her hand, ending their walk. As
delicately as their calloused hands can, he holds her fingers rather than her whole hand before
revealing, “he isn't going to marry the princess.”
She's shocked, suddenly feeling the cold of the night as goosebumps spread throughout her
irresistible body but he continues to say, “he told me himself.”
“Genma… I…” ‘don’t know,’ she thinks as her emotions destabilize feeling more than she
can process as he continues.
“But I don't think you should be with him,” Genma tells her straightforwardly. “I want what's
best for you, Kurenai, and though I care for you both, your happiness means more to me. I
know him and I can say with confidence, he'll be fine if the two of you aren’t an item. That’s
just the way he is. You are one of a kind, beautiful in every way. I know this is sudden, but
you amaze me. We lead dangerous, often short, lives and a future with him may not be worth
it. All I ask is you consider the possibility someone else can love and cherish you the way
you deserve.”
He raises her hands to his warm lips and imparts a deep kiss on the back of each hand. As
one of his long-time friends, Kurenai doesn't want to say anything she'd regret later, and so
says nothing. As a kunoichi, she doesn't recoil from the non-threatening, flattering gesture but
as a woman with an aching heart to protect, she’s stunned by his affection. With all her
intelligence, Kurenai can honestly say she wasn’t expecting a confession from Genma. Even
when he raises his warm hand to her cool left cheek. She says and does nothing as he turns
and leaves.
Kurenai's sharp mind replays his words as her feet continue walking. Learning about Asuma's
non-marriage was shocking enough but in the same minute, Genma pronounces his romantic
interest in her. It consumes her mind as she automatically walks home, and is surprised to
find Anko leaning against the front door.
Walking up to her friend, she can tell she's inebriated by the blush in her cheeks and her
unfocused eyes. “Anko? What are you doing here?”
“I juss wanted to make ssure my best babe was okay,” she says with a slur.
Before Kurenai can say more, Hinata-chan walks out with a glass of water and extends it to
Anko. Having lied to her own father about training, the indigo-haired kunoichi arrived a day
early, much to her welcome surprise. “Sensei, welcome back.”
“Thank you Hinata-chan,” Kurenai tells her student. “Go get ready for bed. I won't be back
till late.” With a short bow, Hinata-chan leaves and Kurenai nods to Anko to go.
“Thanks, kid,” Anko says and slowly follows Kurenai. “So?” Anko asks as they slowly walk
to Anko's apartment.
“I can't think about this right now,” Kurenai states, having been attempting to make sense of
the ways this is either right or wrong, exhausting or empowering, inconsequential or
significant. Kurenai’s emotions simply feel too raw, inflamed with aggravation, and her
propensity to use her mind even on matters of the heart is failing her massively. It’s just too
overwhelming, and it’s unlikely she can make the right decision like that, so Kurenai just
breathes and walks.
“What'd he say,” Anko asks with a bit of a snicker, adding, “not that I can't guess. No matter
how cool he thinks he is, it's soo obvious to these chocolate eyes.”
In a detached tone, Kurenai replays Genma's words verbatim as if she were reading a report
rather than recounting a personal experience. “I recall having heard he had a crush on me
when we were fourteen but nothing came of it. I suppose I can't say I'm entirely surprised by
his affection,” Kurenai figures aloud. “But his timing leaves a lot to be desired.”
“Like an STD,” Anko groans. “Cropping up at the worst time. But, you know, early bird does
get the worm, and he's been wanting to feed off yours for years now.”
“Kami, Anko,” Kurenai huffs with mild humor. “Do you have to paint such a vivid picture?”
“I'm nothing if not creative,” Anko chuckles happily, Kurenai laughing with her. “And yet,
he's not wrong about the job. Any mission could be our last.”
“He also said Asuma isn’t marrying the princess,” Kurenai states. “Though I have no reason
to doubt him, I just find it hard to believe.”
“What a shitty asshole,” Anko bellows incredulous. “What's his fucking deal, chucking all
that shit on you? Just say the word babe, and I'll forsake all men with you... for a solid month.
Sorry, but going without dick for any more than that and I'll likely rape someone.”
Kurenai smiles despite her preoccupied mind. “Don't ever change Anko.”
“Not a chance, babe,” Anko states as they near Anko’s rough accommodations. Anko could
find a better home but her past is not easily forgotten among the village. While not neighbors,
Naruto doesn’t live far from Anko, making Kurenai ponder if she’s just a sucker for the
shunned. “You want to come in?” Anko asks. “I’m pretty sure I still got a bottle of the good
“Come on, you told the kid, you'd be back late and everything,” Anko protests, taking her
friend's hand.
“I'm just going to train a bit,” Kurenai assuages, squeezing Anko’s hand as she discerns how
different their definition of ‘training’ is. “Take my mind off of things for a while.”
Anko gives Kurenai a quick peck on the lips, “alrighty. Night babe.”
Stepping in front of a disgusting red door, Kurenai wonders why Naruto lives here when it’s
leagues worse than Anko’s place and he should be able to afford something better. Barely
tapping twice, the door swings open. The golden-haired resident gives her the widest grin
before he rushes forward and wraps her in a strong hug, planting his face between her lovely
neck and shoulder. Her body shudders to feel his radiating warmth and toned muscles of his
shinobi-body. Her sexy dress doing nothing to dampen the impregnating feel of him as she
tells him, “wait, wait. Inside, inside, Naruto.”
Rather than letting her free, he easily picks her up—to her humored surprise—and carries her
in. “I'm so happy you came,” he expresses jovially into her neck and ebony locks, forgetting
the door as he walks into his apartment.
She closes the door with her free hand as she tells him, “I can see that. While there's nothing
wrong with enthusiasm, this is still inappropriate.”
Chuckling, he lowers her to solid footing but he doesn't let her go. He's beaming with a great
smile as he immediately wants to know, “so, what's my treat? You said if I did good in my
training, you'd give me a treat. What is it?”
The warmth of being so adoringly held doesn't outweigh how improper it is, so she reaches
around her and unfastens his hands to pull away from his hug. Still, holding his hand, she
leads him into the much cleaner apartment towards his old ratty couch—wondering what his
personal attachment to the overly worn furniture might be before asking him, “does that
mean you'd like me to help you train?”
“Sure! But you should probably know...” Naruto trails off after she plops him on the couch
while she sits on the coffee table in front of him. Still wearing her berry-red, cocktail mini
dress from her night out, the hem of the lace fabric rides up, nearly reaching the apex of her
gorgeously crossed legs, showcasing a tremendous amount of toned thigh. Naruto's eyes
grow incredibly dark, dilated pupils brazenly declaring his base want as he gazes at her
beautifully crossed legs. Momentarily lost in need, they're close enough for Naruto to reach
over, eager to touch her.
Kurenai grabs his hand as she sighs. ‘This boy,’ she mentally utters. “Naruto, remember to
control yourself.”
He shakes his head but it does little to regain his control. “I... You just look so beautiful and
sexy... it's hard. This is three hundred times worse than waiting for Ramen.” Gazing at her
with pleading eyes, he craves to know, “can- can we start now?”
Fixing her lustrous pitch-black mane behind her ear, Kurenai can't deny how flattering being
wanted to this degree is, though she doesn't appreciate how disruptive it can be when they
need to talk. Letting out another sigh, Kurenai stands—sashaying the hem of her skirt to
cover as much thigh as she can—she answers, “we can't start just yet, but thank you for the
compliment.” Kurenai then takes him by the shoulders and rotates him in his seat, positioning
him to face away from her before she sits on the couch behind him. “For now, let's talk like
this. You were saying?”
Thrown off by how odd it is to be looking at his blank wall all the while talking to her,
Naruto asks, “what?”
“Mnn, oh yeah,” he exclaims. “Lately Sakura-chan's been training with me, so I don't know if
that'll be a problem or not. We're still keeping this secret, right?” He asks the wall.
“Yes. Yes, we very much are, yes,” she tells the back of the blond's head. “In fact, unless I
say otherwise, don't ever reveal or even admit to what we're doing to anyone. If you do come
across anyone who suspects, deny it and tell me right away, understand?”
“Got it,” he answers. “…It's kinda weird talking to you like this.”
“Whose fault is that,” Kurenai returns. “Haruno-chan was the Kunoichi of the Year... how
often does she train with you?”
“Hmm, before this week, we only ever trained during team meetings, but now we train
together every day.”
Thinking about the possibilities of the girl’s change of attitude towards Naruto, Kurenai asks,
“do you think she might be using training to spend more time with you?” Kurenai already
knows Haruno-chan is of the same beliefs as most of the village when it comes to the
Jinchūriki. It's possible the pink-haired girl isn't aware of a growing attraction.
“I don't think so,” Naruto answers. “She tells me every day it's only about getting stronger
and how much she loves Sasuke-teme,” he says with a gag. Kurenai wonders about Naruto’s
love. From Kiba-kun, Kurenai knows about the Uchiha’s popularity among kunoichi, and
having seen his photo, she can understand the attraction. The future of Naruto’s love seems
destined for heartache. “I think she just wants to get stronger,” he sullenly concludes.
“I don't feel that'll be much of a problem, then,” Kurenai asserts. “Does she know about your
secret training?”
She can hear his smile when he answers, “for the most part. She knows about my clone
training and I told her I was working on shape manipulation, but she doesn't know what jutsu
it is.”
‘Chakra shape manipulation?’ Kurenai focuses on before curiously asking, “what jutsu is
Forgetting why his back was to her, he abruptly turns around in sheer excitement, and eagerly
exclaims, “it's the coolest jutsu ever! It's so awesome!” His fists are clenched from bubbling
energy when his blue eyes are stunned by her sitting form. She's very seductively sat with her
legs crossed, facing him with her elbow propped on the top of the couch and her head resting
on the palm. With her other hand flat on the cushion between them, her breasts are more
pronounced and he can't tear his eyes away. Her beautiful midnight black hair frames her
gorgeous face and he swallows a large lump stuck in his throat. “It's- it's so awesome, it- it
might be worth two- er, three treats,” he nervously tells her as his eyes feed on her alluring
Kurenai rolls her eyes at having to deal with his arousal again but allows him to remain
facing her. She snaps her fingers and gestures for him to look her in the eyes, repeating the
interesting bit of his explanation. “Chakra shape manipulation? As in changing the form and
movement of chakra?” Still aroused he nods before she continues. “Though I hadn’t expected
you to be learning that quite so soon, I think one reward will more than cover any progress
you may have made last night-”
“I mastered it,” he quickly tells her, then clarifies, “well, I mean I can do the jutsu, it's just
not quite battle ready yet- Ah! But that's more because I've never been in battle. But yeah, I
mastered it! And it's really really good! You'll be so amazed, I'm sure of it,” says Naruto as he
shuffles a little closer to her. “So, um, can we do... you know, something extra?”
It's painfully obvious what Naruto wants; to the point she's half amused and half annoyed.
Kurenai takes a brave metaphorical step toward amused, and inquires, “does the jutsu have a
name?” He nods vehemently. “Do you know it's rank? Because if it's anything less than a B,
you can forget this whole-”
“It's an A-Rank, but honestly, it should be S-Rank,” he interrupts inching closer to her.
Feeling his radiating heat in tandem with his growing arousal, she again wonders about his
body. ‘No one should feel so warm,’ she thinks as she allows his eyes to trail up and down her
tightly clad body.
Rather than move away from his growing lust, she instead looks at him suspiciously, curious
about the details behind this A-rank jutsu he’s mastered, especially since she very much
doubts Kakashi had anything to do with it. It’s possible that someone else is teaching
Kakashi’s student but even that seems unlikely. After she considers his reward proposal, she
responds, “if—and that's a big if—if this jutsu is something spectacular, I'll consider a more
appropriate reward. Now, what did you master?”
“I'm your sensei,” she responds, ignoring the nature of the study. “Sensei's don't lie to their
With a huge grin on his face, Naruto hops away from her and around the coffee table.
Looking around his clean apartment, he explains, “I'm not going to use it on anything in here,
but believe me, it's crazy destructive.”
“That's fine,” she answers with an amused huff, as if she needed to actually see property
damage as validity. “I know nearly all of Konoha's and even some enemy A-Rank jutsu.”
Lost as to the need for a clone, Kurenai watches on as, without any further hand seals,
Naruto, with as serious an expression she’s seen on any ninja mastering their skill, extends
his palm forward. The clone seems like he’s scratching the air above it, when—to her great
surprise—blue wisps of visible chakra quickly grows into a solid sphere of spinning spirit
energy. She can feel the extreme refinement of the dense chakra ball as he wills it into a
perfect ball of energy. It nearly makes the hairs on the back of her neck stand up when he
calls, “Rasengan!”
Her bewilderment at the miracle in front of her couldn't last long enough. No matter how
long she stared, it wasn’t until Naruto allowed it to fizzle out did she snap out of her face-
stricken awe. She hadn't even realized she was standing so close to him until he canceled the
highest form of shape transformation there is. Though she's never seen the incredible jutsu
developed by the Yellow Flash himself, it's fame is nearly as widespread as his Hiraishin no
Jutsu. She'd even heard of Rasengan from Genma when he was part of the Fourth's guard
platoon along with Raidō, and Iwashi.
The toothy blond chuckles good-naturedly as he steps in to wrap his arms around her yielding
waist, “pretty sweet huh?”
She rips his arms from around her waist and drags him to the couch, making him sit as she
kneels down in front of him. It's easily an arousing sight for Naruto as she's effectively
between his legs and he can easily picture her mouth wrapped around his member like in
some of the pictures she showed him to satisfy his semi-hard erection. But her face is nearly
in panic and he can't understand why she's so frantic, which has the effect of keeping him
calm enough.
“You don't understand,” she frantically starts. “Do you have any idea who created that jutsu?”
“Exactly!” she calls looking him directly in his unenthusiastic eyes. “And it took him three
years to master it! That's not a jutsu anyone can just do, much less a genin fresh out of the
Academy. Hokage-sama might be the only one in the entire village who can possibly do it.
Naruto, this is a big deal. You have to tell me how you learned that technique.”
Naruto didn't expect such a reaction but, fortunately, Naru-nii came up with something he can
make work. “...well, I'm not sure I can say.”
“No, it's... jeez, um, I mean it could be forbidden,” he tries and she tilts her head and sharpens
her eyes confused. Naruto slowly pats his stomach, looking away from her and tentatively
asks, “you know about it, don't you?” When she looks down at where he pats, she
understands. “That it’s illegal to talk about it? I just don't want you to get in trouble.”
“I understand,” Kurenai claims, grasping what Naruto means. “For argument sake, what does
that have to do with the technique?”
Naruto hums a second before answering, “sometimes, I'm in my head or, I guess it's the seal,
and uh, I don't know... it's really hard to describe, but, it's like a maze in there, and I met
Her stomach tightens at the flash of her father’s smiling memory as she asks, “you met... it?”
“No,” he lies, though he hates himself for it. “I met someone else, well, it was more like a
voice than an actual person I could see. Anyway, it warned me about the seal and taught me
Rasengan.” Kurenai is speechless and without thinking, she rests her extended forearms flat
on his thighs. Naruto feels the perfect softness of her large breasts graze against his knees,
but rather than be swayed by her incredible allure, Naruto has to ask, “ne, was I not supposed
to do this? Did I do something wrong?”
Kurenai looks up to him and can easily read how worried he is, or to be more precise, how
worried she's making him. She reaches forward with her right hand and lightly pats him
square in the chest. With a smile, she reassures him, “hey, it's okay. You didn't do anything
wrong. I'm only surprised. Have you told anyone else? Kakashi-sensei?”
“Pfft,” is his reply. “I would've if he gave a damn. Even though you attacked me, you're still a
way better sensei than him.”
Her face winces a bit as she recalls her shameful assault on him. “Well, I can understand your
point of view but always remember he's one of the strongest shinobi in the village, and he's
gone through a lot.” Naruto says nothing more on that, and when she notices his eyes travel
down to her cleavage, she's quickly aware of her position; on her knees, between his own,
leaning over so even her breasts slightly grazes his thighs. She spots his thick erection
bulging against the restraints of his pants and easily recalls their deal.
‘Kami, he learned thee Rasengan,’ she mentally calls out in disbelief. ‘What does a reward
for that look like?’
‘I suppose I'm already on my knees,’ she points out, grabbing the waist of his flannel pants
and boxers. She shimmies them down slowly all the while watching his pained face. Popping
free of his cotton restraint, she's almost concerned by how hard and throbbing his veiny
member is. Actually seeing him up close, her first impression is quite simply, ‘yes.’ Her
second is, ‘fuck me.’ Like the potential she can see in his future, she can feel to the point of
humming the potential for many orgasm-filled nights.
The purple crown of his cock is perfectly carved to slurp her insides with every thrust and
drag. The shaft is thick and his base is faintly ringed with what she can only assume is the
knotting muscle. Taking in fleshy musk of the upward curve phallus, her mouths waters. It
pulses desperately for attention and Naruto cries again, “Nai-chan, please.”
Taking his hot base firmly in her right hand, she gives him a sympathetic smile before leaning
down and assuredly licking the head of his angry crown, coating it in her flowing saliva. He
groans happily when she sucks at his bulbous head, unconsciously shirking his hips forward.
Kurenai leans her weight on his thighs to keep him still, pressing more of her soft breasts
against him as her mouth laps and sucks him off. With her lips sealed around his thick cock
keeping the pressure taunt as she slurps up and down his meat, she isn’t surprised when his
hands dive into her raven-mane gripping her head as she bobs up and down his.
Though not exactly enthusiastic about giving him a blowjob, Kurenai does enjoy the sexual
act as she takes his sizable balls in her free hand and massaging them. Naruto, in particular, is
enjoyable to tease. She enjoys hearing his pained gasps, the way he scrunches his eyes shut,
his legs spasms and how he grits his teeth as she starts taking as much of him in her small
mouth as she can.
Taking the cock out of her mouth, Kurenai, informs him, “cum whenever you want Naruto.
Just let me know,” she adds before dragging her tongue along the double-ridged underside of
his thick shaft when she feels two hands grip her raised bubble bottom. She whips around to
see another Naruto. His clone from earlier smiles at her before focusing all his fascinated
efforts on kneading and massaging her firm posterior.
Kurenai isn't sure how she feels about this, sandwiched between two Narutos… but the
possibilities it conjures up… Kurenai grows sodden.
The tight material of her cocktail dress is peeled over the rest of her ass giving the clone a
most beautiful view of her thonged ass. He can see the sheen of liquid coating the inside of
her thighs and without much delay, he moves the thin silk out of the way and dives in face
“Mnnn,” Kurenai moans around his saliva-coated cock. Feeling Naruto's hands all but force
her on his shaft, she returns her attention to the meat pole in her grasp.
As the clone enjoys his meal, Kurenai devours hers to the throat, bobbing up and down his
thick meat all the while sucking and swirling her tongue around him. When she feels two
fingers explore her moist cavern, and his mouth sucks on the protruding bundle of nerves, she
moans gutterly around Naruto's rod as she squeezes till he yowls.
“Nai- Nai-chan, I'm almos...” she hears but she's having some difficulty understanding since
she's starting to get close herself. Doing the hard thing, she pulls away from both Naruto's.
Though still jerking the original, she turns to the clone and asks for, “tissues. Or a towel.”
The clone quickly returns with a towel and Kurenai is amazed by the amount Naruto cums all
over it. The pungent tang probes her nostrils, arousing other centers of her impure brain,
alerting her body to grow hotter and wetter and ready for more. She gives the towel to a
disgusted clone before sitting on the edge of the couch. His warm hand is immediately
pressing against her lower back, clawing at her mini-dress attempting to remove it. Though
Kurenai still feels her frustration beg for release, she prefers finishing their conversation and
so grips his eager hands and moves away.
“Naruto, we still need to talk,” she says, though his eyes are so dilated she can barely see any
blue left as her drinks her near nubile form in. The lust on his face unequivocally says he’s
overwhelmed with need and she sternly states, “you need to listen to your sensei. Calm down
and regain control.”
He doesn’t. At least not initially. Still fully erect, he grips himself as he pleads with her, “I
don’t like this. Can’t we just- I really want to just-”
“I know, but you have to control your urges,” Kurenai explains as she readjusts herself in her
mini dress. “Impulse control will help you be even better as a shinobi and a lover.” Kurenai
watches him calm down mentally—looking utterly heartbroken in the process—but
physically, still fully erect. Sighing sympathetically, Kurenai walks over to him, takes him by
the hand and leads him to his bedroom. Without the light on, closing the door behind them
renders the room pitch-black.
“Woman are sensual creatures,” Kurenai explains. “We want to feel an emotional connection
to the person we’re physical with.”
“I get that,” Naruto admits, constantly looking for anyone that can acknowledge him. If he
didn’t have Ji-chan, Teuchi-jiji, Ayame-nee-chan, and Iruka-sensei, he knows he’d go insane.
Not wanting to travel down that gloom, Naruto asks, “you don’t…” Naruto turns around,
enjoying the slide and settle of her fluffy soft breasts against his chest, and only barely
managing to make out her eyes. “You don’t love me, right?”
Allowing the change of position to stand, despite the stiff hot rod pressing heat against her
pelvis, Kurenai answers, “I’ve already explained that we won’t be romantic-”
“But that’s my point,” Naruto interjects, leaning in flush against her, his head in the crook of
her neck, pelvis-to-pelvis, chest-to-chest and both growing warmer. “I know you don’t think
about me like how I think about Sakura-chan, but I still feel really really good when I’m with
you. That might not be the same but you’re super important to me.”
“It’s better with the person you love,” Kurenai upholds, talking to the naked blond in his bed
while thinking of a coal-haired Jōnin escorting a princess.
“The person I love doesn’t love me back,” Naruto answers flatly, angling his aching erection
so its hard, curved length can hook up the moist apex of her legs in closer. “Doesn’t that
mean if I can’t have that connection, all I can hope for is techniques to… you know, help me
make sure no one ever regrets being with me?”
“I’m sure no one will regret being with you,” Kurenai alleges, feeling him pepper her chest
with kisses, often sucking hard enough to pull the skin, sending a delectable sensation
throughout her body that makes her tighten her legs around his throbbing member.
“You did,” he absentmindedly points out as he takes her hardening nipple in his mouth and
starts sucking. His suction moves her supple flesh in his mouth delighting in the soft feel and
her gentle whimpers.
“Tha- ahn, Naruto…” Kurenai tries, feeling his eager hips press forward enough to spread
her leaking lips against it. “That wasss mnn, different.”
The bed is creaking loudly in tandem with the wet smacking noise of the growing hot room.
Desperate flesh hunting for euphoric release rut against each other, Kurenai moaning in bliss
from his unrelenting dick-digging, splitting her sodden center repeatedly in force for the
steadily approaching point of no return.
As her mind slowly ascends to bliss, Kurenai feels as much as thinks that knowledge is half
the battle and as he pumps furiously at her fluttering walls in a hungry rhythm, she concludes
that there’s more to Naruto than meets the eye. Putting the conflict and ache in her heart and
mind to the side for the moment, Kurenai squeezes Naruto’s pounding pleasure pole, forcing
his head to snap back as he groans loudly. His hips don’t relent doubling the intensity of their
pleasure. The sweaty ebony haired moaned louder just as she’s about to reach her peak when
Naruto buries himself balls deep, tonguing her cervix and groaning as his own release fills
her sodden quim to the brim.
At the pressured rush of steaming man-milk bulging her uterus, her entire sex spasms and
clamps around him as her entire body erupts in volley after volley of mind-numbing, toe-
curling orgasms. Her cunt sucks him in as she holds on to his flush body for dear life, barely
withstanding the reverberating bliss of miniature aftershocks.
Though calming down leads to its own surprise when Naruto slides up against her to bring
needy lips to hers. Though she felt his inexperience, she also felt his passion, his
appreciation, his happiness and rather than reject his emotions outright she returns as much as
assists, holding firm his head and tilting for optimum effect. They kissed until her lips felt
swollen and in no time at all, his battering-ram was eager for more.
They rutted together in various positions to mindless orgasms for the rest of the night and the
tree times his cock knotted her up, were the three times she collapsed from the extreme
euphoria. Kurenai didn’t leave until the early hours of the morning and though her entire
body felt sore and ached, she hummed deliciously, like half her body was an erogenous zone.
With the practical way he learns, he just needed to see her reaction and he would eventually
exploit that sexual weak spot until she was gushing and begging him for rest.
Slowly walking back in her little red dress, Kurenai couldn’t help the smile on her face. Not
simply because her body was aglow with lively delight, but because she felt content in her
decision to give her heart time to mend, to feel, to grow again. Asuma hurt her and though
she hadn’t counted on the blond bundle of energy to provide such a distraction, she can’t
simply forget that so soon. If Genma is right, than Asuma will truly be fine and if not, she’ll
eventually discover so. For now, Kurenai will take care of her students, her village, and let
the loud blond genin to take care of her from time to time.
Chapter End Notes
The stuff that I didn't think I was going to write about was Sakura and Ino's
perspectives, Kurenai learning about Asuma, Genma's interest, and Kurenai and Naruto
wasn't supposed to be so long, which is why I thought I would be in Land of Wave in
this chap, but imagine my surprise when I did add all that and the chap was like nearly
10K. Like I said, after I go over Chap 11 one more time, I'll post tomorrow.
Somebody asked me how Naruto was going to explain learning the Rasengan and I hope
my answer was satisfactory.
That stuff about Obsessive love is actually real. I looked it up and it's no joke.
I want to say that I've always liked Anko, but I'm still not sold on her yet. I know she
and Naruto have a lot of parallels, but there's something about how easy it would be
that's off putting. I know I want to make it easy for myself but it feels different
somehow. I can't explain it 100% as of yet, but I'll go with my gut for now.
After writing some of Wave, I want to say I think I have an idea for both Samui and
Mei, but just remember, they aren't going to be for a while. I still want to dive deeper
into Sakura and I haven't even brought in Tenten yet. So for the moment, I'll be
operating like I have my nine, though, if I think of something better, I will change it.
Sorry. I know that's indecisive, but whatevs.
As always, please let me know your thoughts, and have a great one,
PS Game of Thrones!!
Tools of The Trade
Chapter Summary
What we do repeatedly reinforces the measure of who we are or who we pretend to be,
therefore, to be truly strong is not an act, but a habit.
Chapter Notes
Sorry, friends. I know this update was supposed to be out yesterday. All I can say is life
and work said no.
I've seen a huge uptick in support for Anko, so I'm feeling like I don't want to leave her
hanging. There is more to Anko and I've always liked her, so I'll try to figure something
else out. Maybe she can be his bodyguard or something. Who knows! The fanfic world
is only limited by imagination and bad grammar.
AGE: Undetermined*²
HEIGHT: Confidential*³
WEIGHT: Confidential*⁴
According to the latest reproductive organ study published in the Journal of Medicine, the
average length of an adult’s genitalia is 5.6 inches(14.2cm) long with a circumference of 4.8
inches(12.2cm) when erect. The margin of physical variation does not exceed .7
inches(1.7cm). Fifteen percent of the male population is over 7 inches(17.78cm) and only
three percent are over 8 inches(20.32cm).
According to the Journal of Urology, the average size of an adult testicle is measured at
4x3x2 cm and the average measure of semen per ejaculation is one teaspoon. It’s noted that
younger males ejaculate two or three more times than older males, however, it’s only a
Subject: Summer Fox—from here on will be referred to as SF—has been measured at 7.4
inches(18.8cm) in length when erect. Circumference measurements from tip to base when
erect are as follows: Crown; 5.5 inches (13.97cm), Neck; 5.2 inches(13.02cm), Shaft; 5.6
inches(14.22cm), and Bulbous Gland(his knot); 5.1 inches(12.95cm).
The spherical erectile tissue at the base of his penis is not larger than the crown or even the
widest part of his shaft nor is it always triggered. Further study is required at this point,
however, the sensation it creates is so singular, it effectively aids physical sensation upon
SF has irregularly high levels of stamina and staying power. Personality and living conditions
play a significant role in framing his style of intercourse; typically observed as long in
duration and unyielding in intensity.
The vagina SF regularly engages in sexual intercourse is measured at 3.4 inches—average for
a woman of my height and weight. However, as the vagina is made for birthing babies, it’s
exceedingly elastic and can expand up to 200% when aroused, correcting the vaginal length
of SF’s partner when sexually aroused to 6.8 inches(17.2cm). Given the angle of entry, SF
regularly fills to maximum capacity.
SF’s crown is pronounced and the thickness of his shaft works in tandem with the crown to
induce—with every stroke—a highly pleasurable dragging against the soft barbs of the
vaginal wall. Considering the stage or round of intercourse, effects can range from delicious
friction to mind-numbing pleasure and possible catatonia.
SF sexual appetite is ravenous and his lust is on a hair trigger, however, he always asks for
some form of consent, whether it be vocal or physical. SF will need extensive training in self-
restraint. Once SF is in the throes of passion, all lucidity and technique are discarded for the
sake of reaching climax. While naturally-endowed advantages ensures partner’s satisfaction,
SF will require prolonged instructive discipline to expand his sexual ability to that of
To begin with, areas of training will include massage training, nipple and breast play, and
kissing. Future education will feature oral sex and—at SF’s repeated request—anal sex*⁵.
Personal Notes:
I may be starting this observational journal now, however, the bargain struck between
Summer Fox and I—which has progressed to consensual sexual congress—began nearly two
months ago. I will not be going over the events that’s lead a woman of my standing to this
unexpected point in my life. Truthfully, I still have notable reservations about the entire
affair, however, I’ve come to realize that this ever-present concern stems more from the
condemnation of society as well as reaping the disappointment of my friends and colleagues,
than it does with SF himself. He’s a singularity, and if this relation wasn’t with him, I’m
certain it would NOT have happened with anyone of his standing.
I now look to the future; as I always have. In that respect, SF has boundless potential; both in
and out of the bedroom. Due to behavioral constraints imposed by our governing
organization, I am hampered by how much I can influence his training as a shinobi. Taking
into account that he can be in multiple places at once, I’ve decided to use this ability to
expand his knowledge base. It’s unlikely either of us would be punished if I recommended a
scroll for him to read. However, without even handing him the first scroll, I know this will be
a challenge for the hyperactive male. Fortunately, this is the purpose by which I live my life
*¹For the purposes of anonymity, SF’s Full Name will not be documented.
*⁵I am not looking forward to anal sex. Not with his size. Toys and preparation may be
Observational Log: W:01 D:03 03/?…
…Personal Notes:
SF has the kind of penis most woman wish were on taller, hotter men. Even calling it a penis
feels insufficient. It truly is a cock. No other way around it. And Kami does it do the job.
While Summer Fox is certainly not perfect or highly skilled, and tends to forget when he’s
too excited, I can’t fault him too much without noting my own shortcomings. I sort of lose
my own head; not as much as he does in the beginning of our session, but after round four or
five, I’m mindless. It’s so bad sometimes I don’t even notice we’ve started another round
without a condom… kami, the creampies…
I have a theory. It’s been brought to my attention through the comments of my colleagues and
though I hadn’t anticipated it, it does explain the buoyant joy of it all. While the term
Honeymoon Phase is generally reserved for newly formed romantic pairings due to the
feelings of perfection in discovering each other, at its essence, the phrase is simply a union
that shares a wildly acceptable biological experience throughout the initial stages of their
coupling. While SF and I are not a pairing in any conventional way of the word—that is to
say romantic in nature—we do share a bond, a connection, that’s deeply gratifying and dare I
say, addictive. As an emotional relationship, the honeymoon phase wouldn’t apply to us, but
as an honest physical union, it most certainly does.
As the most responsible of the two, I should begin to move us past this bubble of bliss. The
bargain struck between SF and I centers around guidance, sexual enlightenment, and self-
improvement, not numerous cream-pies, mindless orgasms, and nestled slumber*¹.
As for his knowledge base, I decided to start him with various scrolls on different Taijutsu
styles. With my own team to manage and develop, I can’t dedicate as much time on SF’s
training as I would like but it’s my hope I can slowly slip in Genjutsu or Fūinjutsu theory and
begin to round him out as a shinobi.
*¹Every time I wake up in his horrible bed—either before or after a round of coitus—SF is
always holding me. Always! While it feels comforting and nice more often than not, I’m
beginning to ponder the depth of this behavior. How alone was he?
…Personal Notes:
If I have to wash off the copious amount of dried up evidence in his freezing cold shower
again, I’m going to burn that building to the ground!
Lastly, the Honeymoon phase seems to still be in effect. Having learned SF is the only
occupied apartment on his floor, I’ve become noticeably more vocal in my more mindless
moments of bliss. I’ve instituted a day-on, day-off rule. Hopefully meeting every other day
will ease the cravings.
According to the latest orthodontic study in the Journal of Medicine, the average length of an
adult tongue for a male is measured at 3.3 inches(8.5cm).
In addition to the canine trait on his sexual organ(his knot) SF also has a long tongue with
observable nodules that produce above average friction when licking. SF tongue is measured
above average at 4 inches(10.16 cm) in length.
SF is enthusiastic with regard to licking and sucking my vagina. The exterior of his tongue
provides a wonderful amount of friction. However, SF lacks awareness when picking up his
partner’s cues. As a result, SF has little sense of how to build toward an intense climax.
Instruction should focus on pacing, the inclusion of simultaneous stimulation—nipple play,
hair pull, or muscle massage—and combinations.
As his instructor, I’ve also explained the complexities of kissing properly: Compromising
with your partner, of leading and following, of biting and sucking, of erogenous zones like
the neck, earlobe, collar bone, of bringing the whole body in closer, whether it be hands on
the face, neck, lower back, or my personal favorite, in my hair.
Despite obvious inexperience and repeated instruction, SF was enthusiastic throughout and
eventually found a rhythm that worked well with me. Further practical experience and
guidance are required.
Personal Notes:
He’s noticed kissing is another one of my weak spots. There’s just something about two, hot,
saliva coated tongues squirming inside my mouth, against the roof or teeth, at the same time
my pussy is writhing as he drills me... Without thought, my body just clamps down on his
thick length and I orgasm that much harder because of it.
As such, we’ve spent a fair amount of time on the subject of kissing. I’ve revealed three
personal thrills during kissing that make my knees tremble; gripping and tugging my hair,
allowing me to suck his tongue as he drills me, and tasting my own juices on his tongue and
lips. Unsurprisingly, our make-out sessions end with my cunt squeezing the cum out of his
It’s unfortunate I’ve only spent a week with him before his team was assigned an escort
mission. It was shocking to learn how they had received said mission. While I begrudge low-
rank missions as much as every shinobi in the village, I would never raise my voice and
demand better missions from our Hokage. I was sure SF would be reprimanded in some way
shape or form, however, I’ve learned—after the fact—that SF seems to have a working
relationship with Hokage-sama. It makes sense considering certain details.*¹
Of course, I refused to engage in our usual activity the night before his mission. As a general
rule, shinobi tend to not engage in rigorous sexual activity before missions. However, I
utilized the time to go over strategy and his gear, and was upset upon discovering everything
he owned was worn and or old. He explained that it’s all he could afford which didn’t make
sense. As I had plenty to spare, I gifted him a standard shinobi field pack, complete with
Kunai, Shuriken, Makibishi spikes, Exploding Notes, Cable Wire, a couple Flash and Smoke
Bombs, Emergency Food Pills, and an empty Sealing Scroll.
SF was through the moon, to say the least. He used the day and many clones to present me
with a gift of his own, an unusual flower; dirty because of all the earth still attached, but
pretty and thoughtful nonetheless*². Though he was worried about how things might change
when he returned, I reassured him that I would still be here when he got back and I had no
intention of breaking our arrangement.
*¹For the purposes of anonymity many details of SF’s relations will be restricted.
*²Our bargain shouldn’t have room for gifts, however, I allowed it given his insistence it was
special, though he didn’t know how. Will check with a specialist.
It took Ino half a day before she simply decided to do it. Due to her age and her clan’s
prominence in the village, buying one made her nervous. It would certainly get around if
people found out the heiress to the Yamanaka Clan, Yamanaka Ino bought a vibrator to
pleasure herself at sixteen. Ino listens to enough gossip and bathhouse rumors to know that
would definitely be talked about at length. Her clan would also be looked down upon. But
according to her body, her fingers weren’t enough to reproduce the high of pleasure she
achieved with Naruto.
As a ninja, Ino found out she had nothing to worry about. She was in her bed that evening
with a vibrating dildo the length and girth that most reminded her of Naruto. While acquiring
the sex toy was all too easy, using it seemed to be a problem. For some reason, it didn’t fit,
and Ino isn’t sure why. She was plenty wet. After sucking Naruto off as Sakura, she has a
fairly accurate idea of his size, and yet something wasn’t quite the same. Ino tried putting it in
until it hurt and had to stop.
To ease her frustrations, Ino’s been making do with the vibration against her clit and training
harder with her team, but it’s been the most confusing issue of her week. Not the only
confusing occurrence. Recalling her conversation with Sakura when she dropped off her
report before Team 7’s mission, Ino is growing more and more confused about Naruto.
Sitting at the register of her families empty flower shop gives Ino plenty of time to try and
make sense of Sakura’s evaluation.
“How’s your training coming,” Ino had asked an annoyed looking Sakura. The Yamanaka
was absolutely thrilled by how disheveled the pink-haired kunoichi looks. Un-moisturized,
unconditioned, un-beautified, Sakura looks like she went through an obstacle course in the
densest part of the forest. Ino smiled with obvious satisfaction, clearly angering the pinkette
as she adds, “I don’t want either of you two slowing Sasuke-kun down.”
“…I hate you,” Sakura plainly spits. Though the vitriol was plain as day, Ino shrugs it off.
“Do you have any idea how much that baka trains?! It’s practically attempted murder!”
Narrowing hateful eyes on the long-haired platinum-blond, Sakura simply growls, “have you
water-walked yet?”
Unsure of what Sakura is implying but unwilling to appear unaware, Ino shrugs with her
response, “we’ll be starting tree-walking this week actually. I’m sure we’ll be water-walking
in no time. Why? Have you?”
Smugness is the only other emotion the pink-haired girl showed that day as she told her,
“well when you start tree-walking, you’re going to feel proud when you can hold it for thirty
minutes, and you should. As a student of Iryō-ninjutsu, I can tell you that’s above average for
ninja our age. Do you want to know how he trains… What lunacy you forced me to be apart
of? That idiot fights Kage Bunshin of himself on water for hours! Everything he does is
jacked up to insanity and it’s killing me! It’s a personal best if I only pass out once.”
Ino didn’t believe it. Not that Naruto. Not the Dead Last of their class. How could she? He
was the most hopeless case the Academy had ever seen. If he wasn’t an orphan, Ino was sure
his parents would’ve taken him out after failing the second time. Ino even asked Asuma-
sensei what’s the average length of time one can hold tree or water walking. His response of,
“hours,” also came with a caveat.
“Just because a thing is unlikely, doesn’t mean it’s impossible,” the gruff Jōnin-sensei told
them. “This world is filled with odd and unexpected shinobi. The Nara technique of Shadow
Binding is as unique as the Yamanaka techniques mind-walkers and the Akimichi techniques
of body weight and size manipulation. Then there are Kekkei Genkai which is a different
league of weird. You never know what you may face out there which is why teams are the
most effective way to fight—to cover each other’s back.”
It suddenly didn’t seem so impossible, though that doesn’t explain why Naruto was so
horrible in school. Clowning around is fine and all, but when it came time to actually doing
the work, Naruto was always a failure. The blond loud-mouth was a paradox Ino couldn’t
ignore because she knew her mind simply wanted to think about the biggest event in her
young life since graduating from the Academy. The event that turned her from a girl to a
woman now made Ino hyper-aware of Naruto, despite how pathetic he is… ‘or appears?’ she
It almost made Ino happy when Asuma informed them he wouldn’t be marrying Princess
Tomoko. Not because she hadn’t liked the princess when she got to meet her—Tomoko-hime
even said she looked like a family member. Like many in the village, Ino was impressed by
the grandeur of the royal daughter and was looking forward to the announcement of a
wedding; partly because it would be such a momentous event the entire village would
celebrate and also because she would get to buy a new dress.
No, Ino was happy because the news of it was more distracting than thinking about her urges.
More so when she learned that Asuma apparently has a sweetheart within the village. He had
come into the shop after the princess left to buy roses. Red roses. As a student of botany and
flower arranging, Ino knows what red roses mean. They’re the unmistakable expression of
deep emotion, whether it be love, respect, admiration, devotion, heartfelt regret, and sorrow.
And any florist worth their petal knows twelve roses mean ‘be mine,’ or ‘I love you.’
Considering the princess was gone, it wasn’t hard for Ino to deduce Asuma-sensei had a
special someone in Konoha. Initially, it made her wonder about honor and duty to one’s
village. She never thought Asuma-sensei would prefer not to marry the princess until she saw
his face as he purchased the roses; which could only mean he’d do it out of duty. Simply put,
it was expected of him. He clearly loved whoever this woman was far more than his face
expressed for Princess Tomoko. It was a salacious thrill that thankfully had nothing to do
with Naruto. This distraction made Ino feel like she could breathe, and the Yamanaka heiress
was desperate to know who this woman was.
Ino doesn’t recall anything from the bathhouse talk or from some of the older girls working
for her Clan. She had even asked Shikamaru. The pineapple-head was too bored to care but
when Ino promised to wake him up every time he tried to go to sleep, he deduced Asuma’s
sweetheart was either a Jōnin-sensei or a Special Jōnin. When Ino asked her mother, she
mentioned how reserved Asuma is about his private life, primarily due to being the son of the
Hokage and that meant most of the woman seen with him never lasted.
Despite her curiosity to know the identity of this kunoichi, what was more interesting was the
fact that he came back three days later and then four days after that to buy a dozen red roses,
which told her he either had multiple women, or he was really really sorry to one who wasn’t
having it. She wished him luck the latest time he came in to purchase a dozen long stem
Sitting alone in the shop waiting for any customer to come in and distract her from her
medical scroll on ‘Basics of Water Release,’ and her unsuccessful exploration of her sexual
awakening. Ino plans to try her vibrator again once her mother returns when the bell above
the door finally rings, automatically making her sit up, close the scroll, and speak with
practiced cheer, “welcome to Yamanaka’s Flower Shop.”
Ino’s happy to see her mother return, though she’s talking about orders with a woman she’s
never met—likely a potential client—which means she’ll have to wait a little longer before
she can run to her bed and relieve some pent up stress.
“I’ll only be a few minutes sweetie,” her mother calls as the pair head into the hallway
leading toward the greenhouse. Assuming the potential client simply wants to see their wears,
Ino guesses her mother will be five minutes tops as she starts removing her apron. As it often
happens when Ino is ready to leave, the chime above the door rings again, automatically
prompting Ino to cheer, “welcome to Yamanaka’s Flower Shop,” while at the same time
hoping this won’t take long.
Tying her apron back in place, Ino immediately recalls the beautiful kunoichi as Team Eight’s
sensei. Ino’s only seen the ebony-haired sensei in passing around Hokage tower and
remembers thinking, ‘with her long dark locks, large red eyes, and shapely athletic body,
that’s a woman who stands out.’ Women like her make Ino, along with other girls, wish she
can grow up faster to have a body like that. “Ah, Yūhi-sensei, how can I…” Ino greets with a
smile that quickly sours.
“Afternoon, Yamanaka-chan,” Kurenai smiles her greeting. Before Kurenai even makes it to
the register, she notices how frightened the young blond is, frozen in panic at the sight of the
exotic flower in her hand. So terrified was the girl, that Kurenai began to wonder if the potted
flower was a poisonous plant she was unaware of. “Ino-chan?” Kurenai calls, dispensing with
the honorifics.
Ino’s head snaps up to the beautiful sensei. The question of why she has a Fire Slipper
Orchid, one of the rarest flowers in the world, in her possession is on the tip of her tongue
when she hears her mother call out from the back. “I’m nearly done, sweetie.”
Instantly Ino thinks about the deal she made with her parents; keep the profit of the rare
orchid’s sale or allow the Clan to try and cultivate more; which of course will take no less
than fifteen years. Ino had decided not to ask Naruto if there were more orchids. She didn’t
want to see him. She didn’t want to feel urges. She didn’t want to lose control… at least not
with the Dead Last. For the thousandth time, Ino thinks how much easier this would all be if
her deflowering happened with Sasuke-kun rather than Naruto. Clearly, there were more Fire
Slipper Orchids, and for some unholy reason, Kurenai-sensei had one.
“Where did you get that… sensei?” Ino nearly snaps, only barely recalling Kurenai-sensei is
her superior and respect is due. Hearing her mother return with the potential client, Ino
knows she doesn’t want her mother to see the orchid. It would raise questions of who
discovered this ‘golden’ garden that Ino didn’t want to be answered. She didn’t want anyone
to know Naruto gave her the orchid all those weeks ago. And now, to her dread, Kurenai-
sensei may answer those questions for her.
“Pl- Please, sensei,” Ino begs, moving around the counter and extending her hand. “Please,
please, please, can you come with me? I- we- can’t…” Kurenai-sensei is clearly confused but
trusts her and takes her hand. Exiting the shop with haste, Ino is shouting behind her
shoulder, “mom, I’m heading out! I’ll be back soon!”
Despite her panic as they rush through the market’s street, Ino happens to note the ebony-
haired sensei’s calloused palm and couldn’t help but be envious. Ino wonders how much
training it would take to create so many callouses when the young sensei stops her cold.
“I feel this is far enough, Yamanaka-chan,” Kurenai states, stopping between buildings at the
edge of the street. “Can you tell me why we had to rush out of there in such a hurry?”
Ino looks around nervously a moment before responding, “I can… but, can you please tell me
where you got that orchid?”
Kurenai eyes the girl skeptically. Clearly, there’s a story here and the young Yamanaka is
agitated. Still, she answers, “it was a gift, though I’m unaware of this particular orchid. Now,
would you care to answer my question?”
Ino isn’t sure what kind of cover-story she can come up with that would be convincing when
she hears a squeal. Ino and Kurenai both turn to Ino’s elated mother. She’d found them and
the way Ino’s stomach tightened up felt like she was kicked in the gut. “Ka-san-”
“Another one!” The normally calm brunette Yamanaka exclaims. Moving closer to the rare
orchid, the Yamanaka matriarch looks from Ino to Kurenai and back before stating, “I’m
fairly certain the Fire Slipper Orchid my daughter had received was from a boy. Why my
daughter didn’t think I would find her rushing off strange, I do not know, but I’m curious,
Kurenai-sensei, are you perhaps delivering this orchid on his behalf? Would that mean you
know his identity? I know my Ino-chan has reservations about the boy-”
“Ka-san!” Ino hisses.
“Ino, recall your manners,” her mother warns, returning to her normally calm and collected
demeanor. Ino calms down as her mother continues. “As I was saying, I realize this can feel
embarrassing for all involved, however, as a mother and florist, I can’t ignore such
extravagant gifts.”
Kurenai smiles politely before stating, “I’m unaware of the details surrounding this plant-”
“I’ll explain it to you,” Ino interjects. “If we can go to lunch?” One look at her mother and
Ino adds, “alone please.”
“Please,” Ino begs her mother with both hands clasped together.
“…Fine,” Ino’s mother replies, before turning to Kurenai. “However you must tell me who
this boy is- Not as a mother, but as a florist. Clearly, he’s discovered a gold mine.”
“Well, Yamanaka-san,” Kurenai begins. “If anything, I can assure you this boy does not know
it’s value. He simply thought it was pretty. With your permission, I’d like to take Ino-chan to
Using her mask to perfection, Ino’s mother nods her acceptance, however, Ino knows she
wants answers and it seems like she won’t let it go. Turning to her daughter, she extends her
hand, sternly asking her curious daughter, “the key to the register? You left with it.” Sure
enough, wrapped around Ino’s elbow is the key to the cash register and the realization that
she had to suffer all this because of a small bit of metal annoys Ino to no end.
Once the pair have settled in a nearby tea shop with the apparently valuable Orchid on the
table between the kunoichi, Kurenai states, “I feel I’ve been patient enough, Ino-chan. How
about you start with the orchid.”
With a huff, Ino slowly answers, “it’s one of the rarest orchids in the five nations. Taking
fifteen years to bloom, the market value is as high as seven-hundred and fifty thousand ryo
per stem.”
Kurenai could not keep the shock from her face. ‘Seven-hundred and fifty thousand ryo per
stem!’ Kurenai wonders if she’ll ever stop being surprised by the boy. First, his chakra
reserves, then Rasengan, to then learn of his nature manipulation training and of course the
sex. To Kurenai, the surprise isn’t simply the orchid with such an astounding value but also
because Ino seems to be the girl Naruto wanted the lessons for to begin with. He’d always
mention his teammate Sakura, but never once did he bring up the heiress to the Yamanaka
For some reason, the obviously beautiful platinum-blond sitting before her seems to want to
keep Naruto a secret from her family. If nothing happened why would such a secret need to
be kept? Unless the girl doesn’t want to acknowledge unexpected feelings for Naruto. It’s
understandable. Kunoichi of late seem ravenous over the Uchiha or the Hyūga boys. Most
boys seem to dislike Uchiha-kun primarily because he has the tragedy, the wealth, a face, and
natural ability that receives all the female attention. Kiba-kun, in particular, will go off on
such a tirade if the Uchiha is brought up.
The two are silent long enough for the tea to arrive. In that time, Kurenai wonders what Ino
and Naruto’s relationship is, and so asks, “why don’t you want your parents to learn about
Ino gags in response, which seems like an exaggeration in Kurenai’s opinion, but then again,
Kurenai is aware and often reminded of how effortless Naruto brings out negative reactions
out of people. Kurenai is really starting to wonder what kind of life the blue-eyed boy has
led. The sensei has heard and seen too much extreme behavior not to satisfy some of her
growing curiosity. “You know, if you have feelings for Naru-”
“I don’t have feelings for him,” Ino cuts her off, adding, “who would? He’s the worst in just
about every way you can think of!”
‘That’s definitely not true,’ Kurenai thinks with a tingling tightness of her legs before
imagining Ino yelling that very rebuttal to Naruto. It would certainly explain why he’d want
to gain more experience with girls… though, the sex doesn’t make sense. He would’ve asked,
‘how to date,’ not, ‘how to make girls feel good.’ Unless the pair have done some physically
romantic activity which Ino is extremely embarrassed and ashamed about. ‘Possibly a
moment of weakness?’ Kurenai wonders, before asking, “how would he know to bring you
this orchid?”
Again, the girl seemed dejected to answer, “a couple of months ago, he was coming back
from his training in the forest and I noticed a petal of the orchid stuck on that disgusting
jacket of his.”
‘Yes, that jacket is absolutely horrendous,’ Kurenai can’t help but agree.
“I never told him how valuable it was but you can probably guess how much I wanted to
know every detail,” Ino finishes.
‘That must’ve been when they first started being aware of one another in a setting that wasn’t
the Academy,’ Kurenai thought. Understanding the lengths Naruto goes to for his dreams,
Kurenai wonders if Ino is apart of that future he sees so clearly. ‘Maybe he’s using Ino to get
over Sakura,’ Kurenai wonders, though quickly coming to the conclusion that isn’t the type
of impression Naruto reflects. “And you haven’t seen him since,” Kurenai wonders aloud.
“Kami, no,” Ino answers with such ire, it mildly annoys Kurenai. “You’re not going to tell
my parents are you?”
“I’m not certain,” Kurenai answers honestly. “How difficult is it to tend to this orchid?”
“Which means it would likely die under my care,” Kurenai reasons. “I need a specialist to
avoid killing it. Would you prefer I deal with another florist? As a shinobi, I don’t feel your
parents would appreciate my taking such a rare prize to their civilian competitor.”
“Again, I would need a florist for their connections,” Kurenai responds. “Unless you’d like
me to stand in the market place trying to convince someone to spend seven-hundred and fifty
thousand ryo on an orchid. Do you know what you can buy with that amount?”
“Then…” Ino grasps for ideas a couple of seconds before suggesting, “then give it to me and
I’ll sell it for you. Just please don’t tell my parents about that baka.”
Again, Kurenai is irked by the casual way Naruto is disregarded, and so assuages the blond.
“I will not tell your parents, however, I will not lie to them either.”
“I also have two conditions you must adhere to,” Kurenai adds surprising the girl. With her
silent nod, Kurenai declares, “one, you will take and tend to the orchid until I decide whether
to sell it or not. I will, of course, pay you for the work.” Though it was a gift from him,
Kurenai should talk to Naruto about it. It’s a very expensive gift after all and he might have
different ideas for it if he knew the price. “For my second condition, you will join me for a
little reconnaissance work.”
“I have questions that need answering,” Kurenai simply states, taking a sip of her tea.
“About that idiot?” Ino asks. “What’s there to know that you haven’t already heard? There
are all sorts of rumors about him, like, stealing, rape, and murder, but, I’m not so stupid to
believe that kind of fear mongering. I only believe what I see, which is the stupid pranks he
does, he’s talentless, which is only worse because he’s so loud and annoying about becoming
Having heard all of that and more, Kurenai expresses her dissatisfaction. “Well, I wonder
about all of that.”
“Why?” Ino can’t help but ask the beautiful kunoichi. “How do you even know Naruto, if
you don’t mind my asking? You’re Team 8’s sensei, so why would you care about that idiot
more than Kakashi-sensei?”
“You shouldn’t speculate on Kakashi-sensei’s diligence toward his students,” Kurenai quickly
asserts before adding, “Uzumaki-kun has been assisting me for several weeks now.
Interacting with him has led me to wonder about a number of things I would like clarification
“Like what?” Ino follows up, not at all expecting the idiot to be helpful to such a beautiful
woman, but then wondering about what Sakura said of him. Ino’s mind is curious and her
body is pushing to delve deeper into his world.
As Ino mentally repeats, ‘it has nothing to do with him and everything to do with the deal,’
Ino states in a huff, “okay.”
‘I’m just happy it’s not another stinkin’ D-Rank mission,’ Naruto thinks as he walks with his
team in formation around Tazuna-jiji. ‘Besides, I have way too much energy,’ Naruto adds.
‘Yeesh, maybe it was a good thing I never had sex…,’ Naru-nii comments more to himself
before really thinking about it.
The way Naru-nii trails off, Naruto adds, ‘how amped up I’m feeling, I’d say you were right,
if you weren’t so wrong Nii-san.’
Naru-nii laughs before offering, ‘relax. You’ve got clones training right now. Dispel them
when you want to feel tired.’
‘That helps, but it’s more physical energy than chakra energy. Nai-chan wouldn’t even budge
the night before I left. Like, that’s so mean! And now we’re walking suuuper slow when I feel
like I can run all day!’
‘Well, putting the smoking hot sex aside, I get having too much energy. Which is good
because you’re going to need it for this mission. Actually, there was something that I
wanted to talk to you about.’
‘What’s up?’
‘You remember how I said we have to be careful with some stuff? Like, if we change too
much, I won’t know how things play out before they happen to you?’
‘What about the future?’ Naruto’s concern asks, trying to calm down his energetic
muscles.‘You said it could be dangerous to change stuff.’
‘I can still help in other ways; like with training and info on shinobi to watch out for,’
Naru-nii assures him. ‘Besides, I think we can both agree you’re already doing stuff I’ve
never done.’
‘Okay,’ Naruto agrees with a shrug. ‘So what do you want to change?’
‘There’s a person I want you to try and save,’ Naru-nii expresses. ‘His name is Haku.
You’ll know it’s him because he looks like a girl and he’s got long dark hair. He also
pretends to be a hunter-nin.’
‘Haku is one of those shinobi who’s had it as bad or worse than us. He lost his parents too
and he was alone until he met Zabuza.’
‘Kiri Jōnin. Crazy strong. You’ll have to be extra careful around him. He thinks he’s a
monster, and to some extent he is. He knows a lot about the dark side of the shinobi world
but he’s wrong about the things that matter.’
‘What’s that?’
‘Friends aren’t tools. Ninja’s have feelings. And we’re not just fighting machines for the
highest bidder.’
‘Because to Haku, Zabuza is like Iruka-sensei or Ji-chan. Zabuza was the first person to
care for Haku and Haku will die to protect him.’
Naruto nods in understanding, making Sasuke look at him oddly. ‘So how can I help him? I
can’t imagine anyone would ever make me change my mind about Ji-chan or Iruka-sensei.’
‘You have to convince Haku that his existence DOES matter, and you have to convince
Zabuza that shinobi CAN be more than tools or killing machines.’
‘You’ll figure it out,’ Naru-nii simply states. ‘You’re me after all. I have faith in you.’
With a lot of mirth in his voice, a humored Naru-nii asks, ‘what’s weird about it?’
‘I don’t know,’ Naruto responds. ‘I guess it’s just weird to see a puddle all of a sudden.’
Hearing Naru-nii chuckle a bit, he then advises, ‘well since you’re on mission, you should
definitely keep your eyes open, just in case.’
With too much energy to just wait and see, Naruto simply takes out a shuriken and tosses it
with deft accuracy at the puddle. To Naruto’s great surprise, a clawed hand shoots out of the
dematerializing water, ‘clanging’ against Naruto’s blocked shuriken.
‘…Huh,’ Naruto thought to which Naru-nii laughs and says, ‘have fun using up that
Naruto didn’t know what to expect from his first battle, but he’s full of energy and he’d been
sparring against multiple clones with Sakura’s accurate tactics for weeks, making him rather
calm. Despite the power aching to be released as a pair of ninja sprint toward them with
deadly intent, Naruto thinks, ‘thank Kami.’ Without even acknowledging his team or sensei,
Naruto crosses the middle and index of each hand and shouts, “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.”
Ten clones appear surrounded by thick smoke. In the distraction of the extra bodies and
smoke, the sharp claws of the gauntlets cut in from the left and the right. Two clones are
popped instantly, one by each attacker, yet Naruto only needed the physical extension of their
weaponized hands for a couple of well-timed clones to grab each gauntlet, holding them inert
for simultaneous strikes from the remaining Narutos to the body and face of both attackers.
Naruto, himself felt such gratification driving the knuckles of his energized fist into the
temple of one of the assassins, he wanted to do it again.
After Naruto had absorbed Sakura’s pinpoint timing of attack from the clones she always
commands, Naru-nii helped Naruto to quickly pick up on the trick to fighting multiple
attackers at once: focus on his own openings while using his ears more than your eyes to read
an attack. Shinobi ears can hear the shifting of dirt, splitting of air, metallic humming and
even note the distance and timing by how fast sound reaches the ear. It’s how Naruto fights
all his clones two or three at a time. With Naru-nii’s experienced guidance, Naruto eventually
recognized a few of his own openings and learned to expect attacks and focus there.
Having experienced multiple times how a liver shot can incapacitate, the would-be assassins
are shocked to stillness long enough for more cloned kunai to be brought up to their necks,
threatening them with execution via severing the jugular.
With pressure firmly kept on the kunai in their liver, the assassins aren’t in any immediate
danger of bleeding out or a quick death as Kakashi calmly walks up to them, impassively
congratulating his genin student. “Well done, Naruto,” Kakashi says as he walks around the
black-haired assassins. “Gōzu and Meizu, the Demon Brothers. Chūnin from Kirigakure.”
‘What did you guys do with the Demon Brothers?’ Naruto asks, Naru-nii.
‘Ya took care of them already,’ Naru-nii asks more out of surprise. ‘Man, I wish I could
figure out how to see with this thing.’
‘We just tied them to a tree,’ Naru-nii recalls. ‘I assume they were arrested since we never
saw them again. Still, you should ask them who they’re working for.’
In the deepest voice he could muster, Naruto asks, “who are you working for,” while Kakashi
and an irate Sasuke-teme are disarming and securing them.
“What makes you think they’re working for anyone,” Tazuna stiffly asks.
“Because they would’ve let us by if we weren’t a target,” Kakashi answers. “I think it’s time
you were open with us, Tazuna-san.”
Tazuna, of course, explains the real circumstances of the mission. Team Seven were told of
the destitute living conditions the people of Land of Wave is suffering due to the greed of a
shipping magnate named Gatō and how he uses Gatō Company as a front for illegal dealings.
“Gatō’s effectively bankrupted our country with his company’s monopoly on shipping and
the only way to revitalize our economy is to build a bridge to the mainland.”
“Naturally he wouldn’t want this bridge to be built,” Kakashi easily interprets. “Ma, ma, what
to do… this is easily an A-Rank mission… It’s likely to only get harder from here on out…”
After all the help Naru-nii’s given Naruto, helping Haku has been the only request he’s ever
made, and truthfully, after hearing a bit about the supposedly girl-looking boy, Naruto
would’ve helped him regardless of Naru-nii’s request. So, Naruto shoulders his pack and
easily chimes in, “we’re wasting time, Kakashi-sensei. The faster we get there the faster we
can help these people!”
Ino was upset. No, she was angry. Outraged even. Kurenai-sensei and Ino had just left the
second most popular grocery in the market—the same grocery she shops in, her clan shops
in, most villagers shop in at least once or twice. While the number one grocer in the market
has more product, they can be overpriced, which is why the number two spot will always
have business. The number two grocer, Mitsuwa’s, is also run by a retired shinobi which
means active military receive discounts.
Kurenai explained the reconnaissance was a twofold plan, though she would only share the
first, which was walking in the blond idiot’s shoes. Ino didn’t see the point, however, Kurenai
mentioned Naruto—despite only earning genin rank pay—doesn’t have the type of expenses
that would keep him perpetually poor. So, Kurenai had entered the most popular of the grocer
separately to observe, while Ino, henge’d as Naruto, shops for basics. Before Ino can get one
thing in the basket, she’s chased out with a broomstick… ‘a broomstick, of all things!’
In the second grocer, Mr. Mitsuwa took over the tender from one of their cashiers and
proceeded to charge Ino-in-Naruto’s guise, four hundred and eighty ryo for a single candy bar
when the price tag clearly says ten ryo. At the first word of outrage, Ino got Naruto banned
from the grocery store for life.
Both Kurenai and Ino were shocked and regretful for getting Naruto banned. “Let’s try not to
ban him from the weapons shops,” Kurenai says as they walk the crowded markets.
“Well, that asshole overcharged me by over four thousand percent for a stupid candy bar!”
Ino yells, feeling an absolute need to defend herself. She hadn’t even done anything wrong.
More than that, Ino had done so much to avoid the blond blue-eyed boy, and now she’s
literally disguised as him. Ino was stressed enough. “I could buy premium steak for that
They walk the market toward their next destination. No longer disguised as Naruto, Kurenai
explains to Ino as they walk, “it’s critical shinobi fuel their body for maximum performance.
I had wondered why instant ramen—a meal lacking many essential vitamins and minerals—
seemed to be the only thing he eats. Now we know.”
“I still don’t see why this matters,” Ino shamelessly admits. Sure she wasn’t expecting to be
treated like that but Naruto must’ve deserved it somehow. “For all we know, he probably
pulled a prank on Mr. Mitsuwa,” Ino reasons.
“That’s a possibility,” Kurenai agrees. “We’re investigating because I want to know how
much Uzumaki-kun is accountable for. Imagine what happened to you at Mitsuwa’s
happening to him all the time for no reason.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” Ino comments. “No one can be that mean for no reason. I’m
certain Naruto’s done something.”
Kurenai enters the familiar shinobi weapons shop, ‘Ten Out of Ten,’ a few minutes before
Ino, henge’d as Naruto, strolls in as she imagines he does. Kurenai is greeted warmly by the
man in Chinese garb. The shop's owner, Dānyī-san, is enthusiastically helping Kurenai, while
Ino waits. Like Ino in her clan’s flower shop, Dānyī-san’s daughter also works in the
weapons shop but the bun-haired girl refuses to help Ino-Naruto. Ino even calls to the girl,
who only replies she’s busy stocking.
Dānyī-san excuses himself from Kurenai, saying, “I’ll only be but a moment, Yūhi-dono. I
must deal with such a rude customer.” The older man didn’t have to walk far to tell Ino-
Naruto, “I have nothing for you this month, so leave, boy!”
Unsure what the arrangement might be, Ino keeps it moving for Kurenai’s reconnaissance,
replying, “but I need to buy a field pack.”
“Boy,” the old Chinese man warns, heightening himself to tower over Ino-Naruto. “You
should consider yourself lucky I’m even letting you buy our secondhand inventory. Without
me, you’d be fishing through the recycling center for the broken and useless.”
“B-But I’m a shinobi,” Ino-Naruto returns. She’s never heard of a shinobi weapons dealer
refusing to sell to a shinobi. “I have ryo, I can buy your best!”
“These weapons are for true shinobi, not some demon Dead Last!” the man profanes. “Now
get out of here before I ban you like all the other shops!”
Sure enough, every other weapons shop had violently reminded Ino-Naruto that he was
banned. Throughout the day, they learned that it was not just the weapons shops but the
wears, accessory, and armory shops as well. Restaurants were worse and even furniture stores
were hostile. Ino couldn’t believe it, yelling out in sheer frustration, “what the hell!” As they
walk into Naruto’s building, Ino also has to yell, “And why are we here?”
Kurenai was deep in thought, compiling a report of the day in her head as she passively
answers, “the only other person he could ask to take care of Tori-chan is in the hospital, so he
asked if I would feed her.”
“A beautiful royal purple Sterling,” Kurenai answers, thinking of the best feature inside his
apartment, excluding the boy himself. As they ascend to the top floor, they both wonder why
the hallway lights aren’t on. Entering Naruto’s apartment, they quickly learn the electricity is
out, then eventually discover the water and power to the entire building is gone.
Even in the dark room, the Sterling wouldn’t leave as Ino irately comments, “you know, it
wouldn’t surprise me if the landlord’s charging him as much as a clan home to live in this
“I’ll figure out what’s going on later,” Kurenai conveys, hoping it’s not what her brain is
suggesting it is. “In the meantime, I think we gathered enough intel to move onto the second
leg of the mission.”
“Gathered enough aggravation you mean,” Ino totes. “Kami, I was ready to kill someone!
How could anyone who has the honor of selling clothes ever treat another human being like
that? Fashion is beautiful and that idiot needs it more than anyone!”
“At least we’re more aware of why he has so many jumpers,” Kurenai adds. “The only place
that would sell him an outfit has boxes of unsaleable merchandise.”
“That orange garbage shouldn’t exist in this world and he’s selling it one at a time for as
much as premium shinobi linen! How does Naruto not murder someone? And did everyone
get together and just agree to call him a demon? ‘Demon this,’ and, ‘Demon that…’ It’s…
“Keep in mind this is more difficult for you because you’re accustomed to a significantly
different mode of address,” Kurenai reminds the platinum-blond. “You’re the heiress of the
Yamanaka Clan and he’s just an orphan no one likes. Obviously, they would treat you with
more respect. Remember, he’s accustomed to this… even if he shouldn’t be.”
“…I guess, but still,” Ino argues. “That doesn’t explain everything.”
“Well, hopefully Iruka-sensei can help fill in some of the gaps,” Kurenai tells the girl as they
begin to leave.
“Aside from this ‘Ji-chan’ of his, Iruka-sensei is the only other person that seems to know
him,” Kurenai affirms. “I’ll meet you at the hospital next Sunday, visiting hours.”
‘Are you in Land of Wave yet?’ Naru-nii wonders. ‘I’m almost gone here.’
‘Not bad,’ Naruto hesitantly answers. ‘He can be pretty stingy but he had a pretty good idea I
wanted to run by you.’
‘What’s up?’
‘Yeah, I guess I am,’ Naruto admits. ‘I mean I don’t want to lose it or anything.’
‘I get that, but remember, he’s angry because everyone thought of him as some mindless
monster only capable of hate,’ Naru-nii explains. ‘But I can tell you he’s not terrible and
his chakra’s not terrible. It’s up to you, though. He’s your partner after all.’
‘Yeah,’ Naruto affirms as their group slowly advances in their little boat under the cloak of
thick fog. ‘I guess I just wanted to talk about it. I feel better now, thanks.’
‘Anytime,’ Naru-nii voices. ‘I won’t be there when you meet Zabuza and Haku. Remember,
just because I told you what happened to me, doesn’t mean it’ll happen the same to you, so
keep your eyes and ears open. Haku will be the one in a mask pretending to be a Hunter-
nin. If you see any white rabbits, be ready.’
“There!” Sasuke calls as he throws a shuriken into the bushes, startling a few birds to take off
in the air.
After checking the shrubbery, Naruto yells, “Ah! You killed a rabbit!” With big balls of tears
in his saddened eyes, he quickly cradles the motionless rabbit in his arms. He looks from
Sasuke to the bleeding rabbit, continuing to yell, “how could you be so cruel!”
“Oh! Thank Kami,” Naruto interrupts. “Usagi-chan’s still alive!” Rushing over to Sakura,
Naruto presents the injured furry animal, asking, “could you?”
“What am I, your vet,” Sakura asks though taking the bleeding animal and working her best
to heal its injury, after which, Kakashi yells, “get down!”
They all get down just before a giant sword spins lethally overhead like a tossed shuriken,
filling their ears with a deafening metallic hum until it lodges itself halfway through a tree
ahead. Feet land on the long handle of the large sword and the Demon Jōnin they belong too
amplifies his awesome killing intent.
Despite the suffocating killing intent, Naruto moves into place with as much stealth as
possible. It wasn’t until Kakashi-sensei cleared the mist and told his team he would never
allow his comrades to die that Naruto recalls the summit Naru-nii has him climbing toward,
of the training he’s killing himself over every day, and then he remembers who has worse
Killing Intent than Zabuza… Kurama. Staring down the Demon Jōnin after staring down the
Demon Fox suddenly didn’t feel so challenging.
“Ne, you should give up now,” Naruto calls out to the unmistakably strong Jōnin. “Because
you’re looking at the greatest Hokage there’ll ever be!”
“You’re acting big, wearing that headband like you’re a ninja,” Zabuza slowly, evilly,
chuckles. “But a real ninja is someone who hovers between life and death numerous times.
Only those in my Bingo book deserve to be called Ninja. Guys like you, can’t-”
“So, all I have to do is beat you to deserve being called a ninja?” Naruto interrupts.
“You should have been a comedian brat,” Zabuza spits. “You would’ve lived longer.”
“How about this,” Naruto irately yells back. “How about I let you have the old man behind
me,” he bargains as he points to the old builder, “if you beat me. But if I beat you, I get your
“Naruto, enough!” Kakashi admonishes even as his stern red and black eyes remain fixed on
Zabuza. Though Naruto feels it in his body to listen to his sensei, he also knows—through no
fault on sensei’s part—that Kakashi doesn’t know everything.
Again, Zabuza laughs before bringing up his index and middle, activating jutsu. “A clone is
more than enough for you,” Zabuza states as a water clone emerges. “Kakashi, if you
interfere, I’ll kill the brats and the old man behind you.”
“Kakashi-sensei,” Sakura warily calls but isn’t sure what she wants to ask. Whether it’s about
Naruto, them, or the mission, this is all dangerous territory and it’s looking closer and closer
like one of them wasn’t going to survive it. While her duty kept her by Tazuna-san, she
worried more about Sasuke-kun and her team.
Naruto moves away from the safety of his battle-ready Jōnin-sensei—who’s stuck between
the mission behind him and the assassin in front—to the clearing beside them, all the while
the water-clone is eying him. Naruto takes out prepped kunai for each hand, spinning them in
the air before gripping them in a fighting pose. The water-clone rushes to the blond, and as a
taller faster adult, he was on Naruto in a second, bringing down the clone of his large sword
with scary speed. Naruto smiles as the sword slices down for the kill before speaking,
Both Naruto and Zabuza’s water clone explode, surprising some longer than others. Kakashi
and Zabuza were able to sense the kunai being thrown from the bushes at the original Demon
of Hidden Mist, and when Zabuza blocks it, Kakashi and his Sharingan are on him. Though
Zabuza stops Kakashi’s kunai to the neck with his bare hand, a couple of shurikens thrown
low and from Zabuza’s blind spot are embedded in his leg.
“It’s over,” Kakashi harshly states as he locks Zabuza’s injured arm in an arm grapple before
expertly breaking it at the elbow then immediately follows up with a strike to the rogue Kiri-
nin’s nose. Despite a broken nose, the Kiri-nin rolls back with the force, attempting to gain
some distance, but Kakashi is far more mobile, never letting up on the constantly retreating
Kiri-nin until the half-naked ninja is leaning heavily against a tree, visibly exhausted with a
kunai deep in each limb.
Before Kakashi can execute the killing blow, two senbon stick the eyebrow-less assassin in
the neck instead. Turning to the direction of the senbon, the mostly stunned group find a
masked ninja with long black hair standing calmly on the long branch of a tree. Naruto
emerges from the bushes as Kakashi checks Zabuza’s body, asserting, “definitely dead.”
“Thank you very much,” said the sweet voice of the hunter-nin. “I’ve been waiting for the
right moment to kill Zabuza.”
“Uwah,” Naruto bemoans, looking at the senbon and thinking, ‘so, this is Haku.’ “That’s a
hell of a shot.”
“He’s a Tracker-Nin, from Hidden Mist,” Kakashi mildly states, happy his blond student isn’t
irrationally outraged by the impressive skill of someone who could be as young as Naruto
Naruto and Naru-nii had discussed how to handle the situation enough to realize they needed
more time. Neither one could come up with a plan that could readily convince Haku to not
sacrifice himself for Zabuza, so they decided to just go with ignorance for the moment and
taking the time to ask as many questions as they could in the hopes that a plan will form. So,
Naruto takes the large sword from Zabuza’s back and examines it as he asks, “do you think
he had anyone he cared about? Someone who might be sad he’s gone?”
“Zabuza Momochi killed over a hundred Academy students before becoming a member of
the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist,” Haku calmly states from behind his mask. “He’s
murdered too many since then to have anyone he cares about.”
“I doubt that,” Naruto returns, knowing the truth and slowly lifting the sword. “I bet even
Zabuza had someone he cared about. We’re not just killing machines after all. We all have
people we want to protect.”
The quiet that followed is broken by a scoff from Sasuke. “Don’t pretend that was protecting
us, Dobe. I don’t need your protection!”
“Ninja are tools,” Haku tells Naruto. “They are the highly tuned instruments of death for the
use of a village or a benefactor paying for their services.”
“Nope!” Naruto calls loudly. “Friends aren’t tools. We have purpose and it’s got nothing to
do with just killing.”
“If you ever felt any loss at all, you’d know how stupid you sound,” Sasuke retorts. “You
think being an orphan means you know loss!” Though Naruto’s angry enough to attack the
last Uchiha, Kakashi deals with him instead.
“Sasuke!” Kakashi barks, grabbing Sasuke by the shoulder, though the avenger simply shrugs
his Sensei’s hand away before walking away.
As Naruto glares at the angered Uchiha, Haku walks to Zabuza, lifting the large adult by the
injured arm. Naruto walks to the masked Haku and extends the handle of Kubikiribōchō.
“For the person he cared about. Tell ‘em Zabuza fought hard!”
“Naruto,” Kakashi calls. “That weapon can earn you a lot of ryo if you keep it.”
Though he wavers a little at the prospect of ryo and all the ramen it can buy, Naruto asserts,
“this matters more than ryo, sensei. And besides, shinobi are more than tools.”
Haku pauses for several moments, staring Naruto in his confident baby-blue eyes before
eventually taking it. As Haku leaves, Naruto knows he’ll see them again. Though he was
really hoping to help Haku here and now, thoughts of Ji-chan and Iruka-sensei tell Naruto it’ll
take more than that. Still, Naruto is happy he told the masked boy the truth.
Lowering his headband, Kakashi wobbles on his feet before he drops to one knee. “Kakashi-
sensei!” Sakura calls, running to check on him. Sasuke returns as Kakashi explains, “I used…
my Sharingan… carelessly.”
“We should go,” Sakura states as she does her best to ease her sensei’s physical exhaustion,
though, Sakura feels like it’s not nearly enough.
“Oi!” Naruto calls, and from out the trees at the other side of the clearing with the scorched
radius from the clone’s explosive notes, six Narutos and Tazuna-san walk toward them.
Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke turn to the Tazuna-san next to them, who promptly grins before
popping into white smoke. A clone of Naruto appears in its place before it dispels as well. As
Naruto receives a small cache of memories, he notes no pain at all.
‘It must be easier when there’s not a whole day’s worth of training to send back,’ he guesses
with a shrug. As a prankster, Naruto loves getting away with a hoax and smiles as he answers
his team's bewildered looks. “You didn’t think I’d actually risk the real old man in that little
bet, did you?”
“Before Kakashi-sensei cleared the fog,” Naruto answers, thinking how helpful Naru-nii’s
been with details of what’s supposed to happen on top of all the training he helps guide. With
the help of his clones, Team Seven make it to Tazuna’s home with their chakra exhausted
In a small clearing next to a river, Haku dresses the last of his precious person’s wounds.
With thoughts of the ninja team who did this to Zabuza’s immaculate body flashing in his
mind—none more than the golden-blond, blue-eyed boy—Haku can’t help but think, ‘that
was unexpected.’
While Zabuza is a powerful shinobi, attacking without an exit plan is a sure way to die in
their world and this was too close. The Konoha shinobi almost killed his special person.
Turning to Zabuza’s Kubikiribōchō, Haku knows he’s no different than that finely crafted
tool for murder… ‘I am his tool.’
Returning his eyes on his injured owner, Haku mentally asks, ‘what would I do without you?’
With his wounds and his hyper-extended elbow, Zabuza will be down for a minimum of two
weeks, but he needs medicine now. Understanding why they need the ryo, Haku sighs before
sorrowfully asking an unconscious Zabuza, “will you be alright next time?”
I didn't feel like repeating every part about canon's mission so I just stuck to the parts I
changed due to my Naruto's growth and meeting Kurama early. Which is why I
interlaced it with Kurenai and Ino. I want to start bringing Ino back. I know many of you
have been missing her and I agree.
FYI. That info about the flowers is real. There are orchids that sell for 250K in dollars
which translates to tens of millions in Yen which when considering currency in the edo
period is about 750K. Yay for research :)
If life is pain than a special person is measured by how much agony one is willing to
suffer for them.
Chapter Notes
Hey everyone,
I'm still glowing after that GOT episode--not that the ep showed a ton but it was enough
for me--a good appetizer. I could watch Arya and Jon hug forever :) ...not in a shipping
I didn't think I was going to have a chance to get to this chap for a while but on top of
having the day off, I had so much creative energy buzzing in my system, I spent a few
solo hours writing and editing. Thus, I give you an impromptu update. Please don't
expect this sort of update speed moving forward. It's just I'd already written part of it
since it's connected to the last chap and I had the time to finish and edit.
I also want to reiterate the points of focus for this fic and it's not because of flames or
mean comments. It's because we're already 100K in and what it was in the beginning is
refined more after that many words. This fic will have some light moments but it will
also have dark moments. The dark moments can be gut wrenching but that's because
these characters are going through an arc and it's not always nice, pretty, or fast. There is
a future where everyone loves and accepts Naruto-that's why I'm writing this-but it won't
come easily or right away. I operate on a grounded reality, so naturally that's how I
write.There is a journey and it'll be dark before we get to thoroughly enjoy the light.
Please Enjoy.
Looking down at a cane-leaning Kakashi-sensei, the blond genin answers his surprised
sensei, “I’ve been tree-walking for two months now. Why?”
“Well, I never taught you that, did I,” Kakashi returns looking up a tall tree to the branch
Naruto is hanging from the bottom of using solely his chakra to stick. Turning to Sakura,
calmly tree-walking up a different, yet just as tall, tree, he adds, “I never taught either of
you.” Understanding the type of validation Sasuke needs to keep from losing mental and
emotional balance, Kakashi tries to keep it light and inconsequential.
“Hmph! Sakura-chan is the smartest Kunoichi in our class and I’m not so dumb I can’t pick
up a scroll to figure out tree-walking,” he proudly calls, though he would avoid scrolls if he
can be told instead. “Maybe you’d notice your other students a bit more if you weren’t giving
Sasuke-teme private lessons!”
Surprised to hear the claim, Sakura asks her sensei, “what lessons,” before realizing that it
shouldn’t matter to her if Sensei favors Sasuke-kun. ‘Everyone should,’ she thinks. ‘He’s the
best!’ Though, at the outraged face of Sasuke-kun, Sakura suddenly doesn’t feel right about
learning an ability he clearly hasn’t yet and begins to walk back down to the forest floor.
Something in her brain didn’t feel right about that rationality and Sakura didn’t like it.
‘Sasuke-kun should be up here with us,’ she mentally yells.
“Sakura is doing very well with her Iryō-ninjutsu and I’ve noticed your training as well,
Naruto,” Kakashi comments avoiding compliments to keep the third genin from seething.
Truthfully, after he’d heard Sasuke’s ambition to, ‘kill a certain man,’ Kakashi knew he had
to keep a closer eye on the Uchiha than his others and felt the three genins worked out
favorably for the avenger. If Naruto continued his growth beneath Sasuke and Sakura remains
supportive, than chances were good Sasuke could turn out relatively balanced with time, and
the Uchiha clan wouldn’t die out.
“Whatever,” Naruto calls back, sliding down the tree and meeting his team on the forest floor.
“Since only one of us needs training, I guess I’ll keep an eye on Tazuna-Jiji.”
Noticing Sasuke fuming for feeling so left behind, Sakura can only think to say, “I’m sure
Sasuke-kun will get it in no time,” while Kakashi tells Naruto, “if you’ve mastered Tree-
walking, we should at least try water-walking.”
Naruto turns to Sakura, expressing, “it took me a week to learn tree-walking and even if it
takes the teme less, I bet you he won’t get it on his first try.”
“Hardly anyone can get tree-walking on their first try,” Kakashi states looking to relieve the
tension, only for Sakura to flinch and Naruto to add even more tension by replying, “Sakura-
chan got it on her first try, and I learned how to walk on water a week after I learned to walk
on trees.”
“Don’t be so fucking full of yourself you idiot!” Sasuke yells. “You think I care you learned
one thing all shinobi have to learn?! I don’t! Because no matter how many lifetimes you train
for, you’ll never gain the power of the Sharingan!”
“Yeah well, when you do finally decide to get your pink eye you can copy this,” Naruto yells
as he gives Sasuke the middle finger. Naruto walks away as Kakashi holds an absolutely
fuming Sasuke back.
Though Sakura would much rather stay with Sasuke-kun, to cheer and support him—to be
his strength—Sakura doesn’t want to risk Ino’s retaliation should the platinum blond
inadvertently learn from Naruto that she stayed with Sasuke when she didn’t have to. With a
muscle-tearing hurt in her chest, Sakura glumly tells Kakashi, “Sensei, I’ll stay with
Tsunami-san.” She turns to an absolutely seething Sasuke-kun and tells him with pitiful
cheer, “I know you can do it Sasuke-kun-”
From behind Haku, Gatō and his two guards enter the moderately room unannounced, though
the Kiri-nin heard them well before they reached the room. Zabuza is laying in bed while
Haku tends to his wounds.
“You Kiri-nin must be worthless,” Gatō spits. “I’m not paying you to lay about.”
Walking up to the bed like he’s in no danger, Gatō is about to place his hand on Zabuza.
Sensing the kunai in his master's hand, Haku takes it upon himself to act angered and irate for
the Zabuza’s injured state, grabbing and breaking Gatō’s hand. Haku not only wanted to keep
Zabuza from aggravating his injuries further, but he also wanted to keep his master from
brashly jeopardizing their future plans for the Fourth Mizukage with the money they’ll earn
“You have a week,” Gatō yells, holding his trembling injured hand. They talk of their target’s
family as they leave, but Haku is more concerned with his special person. He can’t care about
a family he’s never met more than the person resting before him. His special person is
suffering. Grabbing a basket after a quick change, Haku heads into the forest.
“Oh, nee-chan, you woke me,” Naruto mumbles. He rubs his eyes of sleep as he informs her,
“ne, you shouldn’t be out here by yourself. It could be dangerous.”
“What about you?” Looking at his headband, Haku gently asks, “are you perhaps a ninja?”
Far more awake, Naruto smiles greatly as he adjusts his forehead protector. “Sure am! I’m
going to be the greatest Hokage ever!”
“Oh,” Haku smiles at the cheerful blond. “Is that why you’re out here? Training?”
“Yup! There aren’t any shortcuts so I need to become super super strong if I want to be the
greatest Hokage.”
“Mnnn, but why?” The question makes Naruto tilt his head and Haku adds, “you already
seem very strong.”
Naruto shakes his head at the pretty girl, vocalizing with passion, “no, no, no. I need to be
super strong! I have precious people I need to protect.”
“Do you believe you can only be truly strong when you have a precious person to protect?”
“Mmm,” Naruto hums questioningly, thinking about Naru-nii. Certainly, he didn’t know
everyone he’s protecting but his precious people are among everyone. “I don’t completely
know,” Naruto admits before he clarifies. “I’d definitely do everything in my power to
protect my precious people, so yes, but there are also friends I haven’t met yet, right? Just
because I haven’t met them yet doesn’t mean I wouldn’t protect them too… right? I don’t
know. Like, I just met you today but we could totally be friends. We could be the best of
“Maybe we could,” Haku smiles prettily, making Naruto blush a bit and miss Kurenai a lot.
“We definitely would,” Naruto states, extending his hand. “I’m Uzumaki Naruto!”
Humored by the very upfront attitude, a smiling Haku takes Naruto’s hand as he introduces
himself, “I’m Haku.”
‘No way!’ Naruto mentally screams, expression of shock clear on his face. “Haku!”
“Uh, yes,” Haku states slightly apprehensively and on alert. “Is there something wrong?”
“Eh? Oh, no,” Naruto tries to recover. “I was just surprised is all. You’re way cute!”
Haku actually blushes as he looks to the ground and recalls why he was out there. “I have to
collect some medical herbs.”
“Can I help?” Naruto asks, wondering how to help Haku. “I’m actually pretty good at picking
plants. Just show me what it looks like.” After Haku shows him the plant, they both begin
searching and picking all the while Naruto tries to wrack his brain for a plan to help Haku.
“Ne, can we meet tomorrow,” Naruto asks. “Same time and place?”
Surprised, Haku simply nods before leaving.
Guarding and assisting Tsunami-san was going well until she courteously comments, “you
must be very strong if you don’t need to practice with your other teammate, Sakura-chan.”
It irked Sakura that she immediately pictured Sasuke-kun rather than Naruto, but as Sasuke is
the only one who can’t tree-walk yet, the Rookie of the Year is the only one in training while
Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura are on guard duty.
Tsunami-san continues, “it’s rather lovely to see someone so pretty who is also ninja.”
“I’ve heard from father your teammate has defeated all the attackers you met along the way
here. Naruto-kun must also be very strong.”
Internally, Sakura heaves as she makes a mental note to switch with Naruto tomorrow and
weakly mentions, “we’re all very strong.”
Ino is running to meet the beautiful Jōnin-sensei at the entrance of the Hospital. Kurenai
smirks as the girl isn’t running because she’s late, but because she wants to be right on time,
and Kurenai is amused by that. Ino stops before her at eleven on the dot, before she bids her
good morning and they walk to the recovery ward. After the nurse confirms with Iruka that
he’s up for visitors, the kunoichi walk into his room.
Kurenai and Ino had already heard the lower half of his body is paralyzed, though knowing it
and seeing it are two completely different things. It was hard for them to see. For Kurenai,
this is a fellow sensei and comrade who was injured protecting a student from a traitorous
sensei. And for Ino, the nice Chūnin had been her teacher for years. To see a man who taught
her the principles, the foundations, of what it means to be a Konoha ninja, so broken was
Though the bed is the standard hospital bed, soft shapes are placed around his form to keep
him upright with his limbs properly bent. Iruka smiles at their entrance as he raises the back
of the bed to make facing them easier. “To be visited by one of my best pupils and the
Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha,” Iruka sings. “How did I get so lucky to see such beautiful
ladies today?”
“That’s kind of you to say Umino-sensei,” Kurenai starts while Ino smiles mournfully at the
“Please, Iruka is fine,” he asserts with a wave. “Have a seat. What can I do for you?”
After moving seats close to his bed, Kurenai explains from the beginning. “Some weeks
back, I enlisted the help of Uzumaki Naruto. It was a mundane task but I’ve since had many
chances to speak with him and he’s mentioned you a number of times.” Iruka chuckles with a
wide grin as Kurenai adds, “to hear him talk, you were the only sensei in the Academy.”
“Yeah, well, he’s was a troublesome one, but I was happy to learn he has a good heart,” Iruka
happily expresses.
“Iruka,” he repeats.
“Iruka-san,” Kurenai corrects with a small smile. “He’s mentioned some things that don’t
make sense.”
“His education is of special interest to me, or the lack thereof,” Kurenai begins. “I’ve come to
learn that not long after he graduated, he can tree-walk, water-walk, perform A-Rank jutsu,
and he seems to have an absurd amount of chakra. His Kage Bunshin, in particular, can last
far longer than what would normally be life-threatening to the majority of shinobi, and he
seems to have an unfathomable potential to learn, which completely contradicts his class
“You’re kidding,” Iruka gasps, taking each remark about his favored student with more and
more brow-raising astonishment. “Are you sure we’re talking about the same Naruto? Blond
spiky hair, blue eyes, whisker birthmarks?”
The raven-haired beauty nods and adds, “somehow, he learned on his own the reason he
couldn’t do the Bunshin no Jutsu is because on top of having large chakra reserves, he has
large Tenketsu and I don’t have to tell you how exceedingly difficult it would be for him to
attempt justsu that only requires a minimal amount of chakra.”
“No, yes,” Iruka hums in deep contemplation. “Like trying to accurately tip a full barrel of
water into a teaspoon without spilling. He’d have an easier time learning S-Rank jutsu than
A monumentally bewildered Ino tries to make sense of this information, crunching her face
confused as she asks, “excuse me, sensei, but are you trying to say that Naruto is actually
strong? Like he’s been strong this whole time even though he failed to graduate three times
and is the Dead Last of our class?”
“Oh, how I hate that title,” Iruka mumbles. Despite having used it many times herself,
Kurenai is growing more and more tired of hearing it as well, especially to describe Naruto.
Iruka then explains to the platinum-blond genin, “Ino-chan, rather than thinking of the
Academy’s final test as the ultimate authority on the intelligence or ability of every single
student, wonder instead if standardized tests only work with standard shinobi.”
“Um,” Ino hums trying to understand, then asking, “you mean to say that Naruto isn’t
normal. Like Kurenai-sensei said, his tenketsus are apparently larger, meaning he would have
a hard time utilizing low chakra techniques.”
“Yes,” he agrees with a proud smile, and adds, “but more than that, more than Naruto’s
specific example. If the final test was instead the Nara’s Shadow Bind, how well do you think
others would perform then? What if the final test was water-walking? How well do you think
Naruto-kun would do? It’s not unlike judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree. Why
wouldn’t everyone in the class, including the fish, not believe it has no talent after failing
such a simple test?”
“All students can learn and succeed, Ino-chan, but not all at the same time and in the same
ways,” Kurenai reinforces, happy to know there are some instructors out there who are
genuinely passionate about teaching.
“I guess, but he still did poorly in class,” Ino cautiously points out. She’s smart enough to see
both these sensei have positive opinions of Naruto despite the mountain of evidence, or
maybe a hill of evidence at this point, that says otherwise.
“Is there any credibility to the grading of his tests?” Kurenai asks, recalling Hinata’s claims
of unfairness when grading his tests. “I’ve been informed that despite answering questions
correctly, he still receives zeros.”
“Ah,” Iruka says with clear embarrassment. “While I wouldn’t say he answers everything
correctly, I can, in fact, confirm that behavior among the staff.”
“All of them,” Iruka sadly states. “Any sensei that can use tests to reinforce their bias of him,
did so repeatedly. What’s more is if his text manuals were ever lost or stolen, he would not be
issued another one.”
Still irate by her experience in his sandals at the market, to only hear about how he was
apparently treated in school, Ino couldn’t help but ask, “so then how-”
“He used to break into the Academy’s library late at night,” Iruka sadly mentions. “I caught
him once,” Iruka adds with a smile. “I’m sure that’s how he started breaking into places.”
“It’s that systemic…” Kurenai wishes she can say she’s surprised but at this point the picture
of Naruto’s life is clear. Any way or method Naruto could be screwed over, he was. Ino
couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She was so sure he was just an idiot, but now two
intelligent adults are saying different, and after playing as Naruto for a day, she couldn’t
completely deny it.
“I- …okay,” Ino speaks, clearing her troubled mind. “Not that I don’t believe you, and truth
be told, the way he acts out makes even more sense now, but this is hard to accept, mainly
because I don’t get why everyone hates him so much. How could so many people hate one
boy for no other reason than being an orphan? It just doesn’t add up.”
“You’re right Ino-chan,” Iruka glumly states, weakly slamming his head against his pillow.
“It saddens me to say when I first met him, not only did I not understand him, but I didn’t
want to. I had my own personal reasons for refuting him, you see.” Kurenai didn’t need to
hear why but it’s forbidden to talk about so Ino can’t completely understand. “While it’s
surprising he’s learning that much in such a short period of time, his enthusiasm isn’t. In my
personal experience, I was happy to learn the one thing about Naruto you can always count
“That boy never gives up,” Iruka asserts with a smile. “Orphaned from birth, a child of
poverty, nearly all his sensei belittle his intelligence, hated by everyone, mistreated by most,
attacked and beaten by some; you would think someone going through all that for years and
years would simply give up or turn to hate and violence. But not Naruto. He fights that much
harder, like something I’ve never seen before. He gives me hope… that this world can be a
better place and it’s why I’ll defend him with my very life.”
The strength of his eyes as both women felt his conviction was palpable. Laying paralyzed
only aided the truth of his words, and more than Kurenai, Ino was in awe that someone would
actually go so far for Naruto of all people. One of her favorite sensei’s positive opinion of
him made her uncomfortable as she thought of all her insulting thoughts, taunts or abuse of
him. Kurenai simply felt impressively pleased to know more about the loud blond and finds
herself hoping he’ll come back soon.
The remainder of the visit was reformed to pleasantries while both kunoichi nest deep in
thought about a blond genin they thought they knew.
It would’ve been a fun couple of days if not for a few things.
One, Naruto keeps creaming his pants after constant wet dreams. The reality of Naruto’s
morning generally finds him in the washroom cleaning his boxers of a heaping quantity of
spunk before anyone else is awake, wishing over and over to get back to Kurenai soon. It
doesn’t help that Tsunami-nee is really pretty and bends over often. She may be a mother, but
she still has an attractive figure. This has been a constant problem he attempts to remedy
through excessive training.
Two, Sasuke refuses to acknowledge Sakura, which Naruto can see hurts her. The fact that it
hurts her, means it hurts Naruto and he just wants to punch Sasuke for not realizing how
amazing their pink-haired teammate is, repeatedly making him wonder, ‘what does she even
see in that asshole!’
Living together in close proximity like they all are, sharing the washroom, the dining table,
and chores, Naruto can’t help but see the introverted attitude the Teme seems to have with
them is ever-present. For some odd reason, Naruto always imagined that once he returned to
his home, he would relax and smile more or something to that effect. Witnessing how wrong
he is, Naruto can’t help but wonder why Sakura-chan would prefer someone so mean to her
over someone who actually cares about her.
Lastly, neither Narutos have yet to figure out how to help Haku. Naruto and Haku talk every
day for an hour in the forest and it’s been one of the best times he’s ever had with another boy
near his age. At two years apart, the eighteen-year-old brunette is super nice and funny, and
though it unnerves him how girly he looks, he’s super thrilled to have met him. With every
new piece of information the Narutos learn, they wonder if a plan might form that would
actually work considering who Haku’s special someone is.
A big part of the problem is, and isn’t, Zabuza. If Zabuza dies at their hands, Haku may not
want to be friends anymore, or even come to Konoha with them. If Zabuza lives, the Narutos
don’t think Haku would leave him to live a different life. Naruto himself wouldn’t leave Ji-
chan or Iruka-sensei, so how could they expect Haku to leave Zabuza? The Narutos are stuck
on this point, however, they’re currently content to hang around with the Hunter-nin.
“You don’t have to guard me,” Tsunami tells Naruto. He and seven clones are sitting at the
dinner table trying to cut a leaf with chakra alone. It’s been going well. After weeks of trying
he’s finally seeing some real progress. Naruto turns to the pretty mother as she explains, “I
know how much father enjoyed having you with him. He said you and your clones helped
construction move thirty-seven percent faster, which is incredible.”
Naruto chuckles as he responds, “yeah, I have a lot of energy and I wanted to help.”
“Ah, to be young again,” she says whimsically with a smile. “I think it’s a nice… to see that
side of a ninja.”
“Naruto-kun,” Tsunami calls. “Is it true you changed into my father on your journey here?”
“That’s just so unbelievable,” Tsunami states with a giggle. Naruto puts his fingers together
and henges into her father, to her joyful surprise. “Oh my! You look exactly like him.”
Naruto hunches his back like Tazuna does, pretends to look around the room in confusion and
mimics his voice, saying, “Tsunami, be a dear and help me find my glasses.” As they’re
already on Naruto-Tazuna’s face, Tsunami laughs at the dead-on impersonation. “Why I can’t
find those blasted things anywhere!”
When Naruto changes back to himself, Tsunami claps for the performance and even the
clones join in. The next morning, Kakashi-sensei rotates their assignments again as it seems
Sasuke finally learned tree-walking. He certainly did it faster but Naruto didn’t care about
Kurama was irate, displeased, frustrated, and anxious. After establishing a connection
through the seal to communicate with his container, the puny blond no bigger than his nail
runs up to the damn gate. The sight of his grin annoyed Kurama further, forcing the great
chakra beast to pace to alleviate his aggravation.
In the dark dankness of his seal, Naruto noted, “it’s pretty rare for you to call me down.
What’s up?”
Kurama used to live for the land gifted to him by his father; the peace and tranquility his
father’s land provided him. Even now it aches to think of that loss. Kurama did not want to
be sealed, however, he did not want to be controlled even more. The loss of his father, then
siblings, and then even his land to then be controlled and hated by so many, the only source
of comfort, of peace in all this is the few moments his brat container has with his mate. And
now he’s been cut off. Pacing angrily within the large cavern beyond the gold prison bars,
Kurama demands to know, “why has it been so long?”
Naruto tilts his head confused, angering the chakra beast further. To Naruto, they’ve only had
a handful of conversations since they first exchanged names and the Kyūbi has been surly in
every one. Their conversations don’t even feature much more than Naruto’s pathetic
development in tapping into his chakra. Naru-nii confirmed there are several transformations
that happen depending on the amount of Kyūbi chakra he takes in, but he hasn’t been able to
reach the first transformation yet. Though that has more to do with time constraints then
ability—his team, Kurenai, and Naru-nii’s training take up most of his waking hours.
With squinted eyes, Naruto asks the bristling Kyūbi, “why is ‘what’ taking so long?”
“YOu…” Kurama cuts himself off, angrily grumbling as he moves to the gate and settles
comfortably on his front paws to closer inspect the blond. “I thought you were a human of
your word.”
“Than why haven’t you mated,” Kurama surly asks. Seeing the shocked confusion on his
face, Kurama raises himself to look down on the puny brat. “You said you reached a deal
with your mate that guaranteed carnal satisfaction. I’m so disgusted with myself for believing
you, a human!”
“Wha- Ne, Kurama,” Naruto sputters, completely thrown off by this weird topic of
conversation. “You know I’m on mission, right?”
“And?” Kurama retorts. “I’m the strongest of the tailed beasts! I shouldn’t have to wait to
feel something other than this dark abyss!”
“Well, I mean,” Naruto tries, unsure how to respond. “There’s not really much I can do until I
get back. Trust me, after the week I’ve been having, I want to get back as much as you do!”
“As the container of the greatest tailed-beasts, I demand you mate with your teammate!”
“What?” a shocked Naruto hollers, though he blushes profusely, nearly making Kurama
laugh. “I can’t just sleep with Sakura-chan!”
Pulling up short, Naruto mumbles, “well, no, but- BUT I don’t need to ask her, you big
dummy! She doesn’t even love me!”
“That explains nothing,” Kurama shrugs off. “Why should I deem you worthy of my chakra
when you’re unable to even mate regularly?”
“Hey now,” Naruto tries to reason with the oddly bratty Nine-Tails. “Come on, cut me some
slack, will ya? It’s pretty amazing that I even have Nai-chan training me-”
“More!” Kurama interjects. Naruto looks confused and exhausted as Kurama adds, “you must
gain more power to attract more mates. You will continue training with my chakra and when
you are as great as I, you will acquire more mates.”
“You remember we’re supposed to be stopping that masked dude from taking all the Bijuu
right? Your brothers and sisters?”
“An impossible task since you can’t even handle the strength of a single one of my tails!”
Kurama verbally jabs and Naruto’s shoulders sag. “You must train harder. It’s clear to me, the
more power and attention you receive, the easier it will be to attain willing mates.”
“…I guess,” Naruto questions. “But I’m kinda hoping to marry just one, so how about I just
have a lot of sex with one. I mean it’s not like you can tell who I’m having sex with, so why
would I need multiple women?”
“…I suppose that would also work,” Kurama agrees. “That will be your price, brat. For my
continued support against Madara’s plans, you will acquire a life-long mate designated for
frequent copulation… or multiple mates. As long as you don’t lose to the other Jinchūriki, I
don’t care which.”
Naruto throws his head back rolling his eyes before he says, “how about we just keep training
on using more of your chakra without losing my mind and we’ll worry about who I have sex
with later?”
“More, brat,” Kurama reminds him with hard eyes and growl. “Moooooorrreee.”
With a deep exhale of air, Naruto nods, “I got it, I got it. I know it’s not fun here and I really
want us to be like Naru-nii and future-Kurama, so for the both of us, I’ll definitely try. We’re
teammates after all.”
Kurama says nothing as Naruto leaves, unsure of how to react to the brat’s assertions. Truly,
he’s is different than his previous wardens… different than many humans, however, that
shouldn’t matter. ‘It doesn’t,’ Kurama stubbornly thinks as he lays down for a nap.
After talking with Kurama, Naruto had been waiting for Haku to show up all morning.
Unsure why his friend is late, Naruto leaves a clone just in case he shows up and returns to
Tazuna’s residence to find a crying Tsunami on a large brown-haired man’s lap being fondled
over her clothes. Try as she might to resist the man with a tattoo on his left shoulder and
bicep groping her, she’s clearly more concerned with her son who’s on the floor being kicked
by another man with bluish-white hair and black eyes. They’re both laughing until Naruto
The bigger of the two is reaching for his sword while the smaller had drawn it, but neither is
faster than Naruto’s rage-filled speed, slicing the neck of the one beating on Inari before
throwing that same kunai at the larger one’s head, killing them both. Helping both Tsunami
and Inari while his clones drag out the corpses, Naruto asks, “what happened? Where’s
Sasuke and Kakashi?”
“They- They said my father’s already dead,” Tsunami wails. “And that Inari would be next if
I- if I didn’t-”
“It’s okay,” Naruto states, putting his hand on her shoulders. “They won’t hurt you again.”
“I’ll leave a few clones,” Naruto tells them before rushing out of their home.
When he gets to the bridge, he finds Sasuke fighting Haku with his mask on while Kakashi
and Zabuza fight it out some distance away. Sakura is fighting several of Gatō’s mercenaries
by herself, effectively keeping them from killing Tazuna. Sakura needs his help, he wants to
make sure Haku is alright and he can’t let Kakashi kill Zabuza. Naruto simply wants them all
to stop. Then he spots Gatō at the end of the nearly complete bridge, laughing as he watches
on from the safety of a group of large and imposing men.
For one man to cause so much chaos, to hurt so many lives and laugh all the while? Naruto
was sure this is why he works so hard to be strong; to stop men like this; to stop men
threatening the lives of innocent people, in the present and in the future.
“Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!” Thirty puffs of white smoke reveal thirty angry clones of Naruto.
It’s more than he uses for training but as he knows they won’t exist for too long, he’s positive
they won’t be too draining. Naruto sends fifteen to aid Sakura, confident she’ll manage his
clones to perfection since he always has the hardest time when she leads them in their
sparring sessions. Ten attack Gatō’s men from the front while the other five jump over the
bridge to travel under it.
Wondering if the dome is the same one Naru-nii described, Naruto jumps inside the cage
made of ice-mirrors and finds Sasuke’s cut up and bleeding but noting no severe injuries as
his raven-haired teammate yells, “you idiot! Why would you jump inside?! What kind of
shinobi are you!?”
Irked at being yelled at for trying to help, Naruto throws back, “wha- one who can water-
walk! Which is a hell of a lot more than I can say about you!”
“Tch,” Sasuke coughs, before turning to the ice mirrors and yelling, “Katon: Gōkakyū no
Jutsu!” Sasuke’s fireball may be large but it doesn’t damage the mirrors, to which Haku
notes, “they won’t melt with that level of firepower.”
“You shouldn’t have come here,” the hunter-nin tells Naruto before all the mirrors light up
and fire senbon after senbon at the pair of Konoha ninjas. They prick and cut all over but the
attacks are shallow and non-lethal, and thanks to Naru-nii, Naruto knows why. Haku doesn’t
want to kill. Haku’s not a killer. It hurts Haku to do this, and from what Naru-nii said, Zabuza
knows this as well.
When the onslaught of long needles finally subsides, both Naruto and Sasuke are thrown
roughly on their backs. Though he feels like he’s got a thousand little cuts aching all over his
body Naruto stands, calling out to the mirrors, “I had to come Hunter-nin! Zabuza owes me
his stupid sword!”
Though Zabuza and Kakashi only focus on each other, Zabuza responds amused, “Oh, the
comedian is back.”
“Uzumaki Naruto, the ninja who beat you!” Naruto yells proudly, muzzling most of the
action on the bridge. “Get it right!”
“Whine all you like, boy, but you beat nothing,” Zabuza claims. “A pathetic brat like you
could never take Kubikiribōchō from me. You’ll die right where you are.”
“We’ll see about that,” Naruto calls before turning to the masked Haku. “Ne, Hunter-nin,
you’ll learn soon enough, but I won’t die until I become the greatest Hokage ever!” Snapping
his fingers together, Naruto cries from the pit of his stomach, building not only his vocal
outcry but his profuse reserve of chakra. Like the second stage of Rasengan—power—Naruto
increases the volume and output of his spirit energy, forcing his abundant reserves to the
precipice of his large tenketsus and holding the buildup there until the pain cascades
throughout his entire muscle system. If he could see himself, he’d know, like the others
watching him, how awash he is with blue luminescent power shrouding his crouched form.
A mountain’s worth of white smoke puffs before the entire mirror dome fills with Narutos.
While some escape and break the mirrors from the outside, some attack from the inside,
smashing one mirror after another until Haku flies out of his Ice jutsu. Though reeling from
the burst of energy, Naruto rushes the much faster boy. The speed of Haku’s fist snap against
Naruto’s face, stomach or any opening the Hunter-nin could easily land, but Naruto is
Despite losing in taijutsu, sharp pain is no reason to stop or slow. He takes as much pain as
Haku can dish, battling to absurd ends for this brunette boy and his future counterpart.
Naruto’s clones disperse one at a time, causing constant smoke as both boys trade blow for
blow, converting a loss of footing into a strike at distance, parrying one punch into an
effortless counter, and though it appears one-sided, Naruto doesn’t relent, putting his all into
more… into feeling more truth. Naruto is learning who he is fighting a newly found friend
and he won’t stop; not until Haku gives him a reason too.
Despite lacking in skill, the more Naruto fights on, the more his body adapts and the more he
sees. Then, as sudden as the next sharp inhale, Naruto moves faster than he’s ever felt,
stopping and evading more than he had before—countering and deflecting more—until
Naruto finally feels it. That hesitation. The physical conversation between them, tells Naruto
that Haku doesn’t want to do this. Naruto can somehow feel that Haku’s fists ache to hit him,
and they don’t want to anymore. It’s all Naruto needed to clearly see the oncoming strike,
palm it in his strong grip, keeping a huffing Haku in place while Naruto rears back his own
fist, drawing energy not just from the rotation of his entire body, but with the strength of his
convictions… of what this means to win.
Like a tight spring snapping free, Naruto slams his unwavering fist directly into Haku’s mask
with an impossibly heavy ‘thrack!’ The Hunter-nin is launched a great distance away, hitting
the ground with a hard thud before rolling farther. If Naruto didn’t have legitimate reasons
behind this fight, it would’ve hurt him even more to do that to someone he cares about, and
that horrible anguish rises violently from his taut stomach.
Zabuza immediately breaks away from Kakashi at break-neck speed, shouting at the blond
ninja, “you want it, brat? You got it!” Zabuza was truly a monster and he was on Naruto in
seconds, bringing down his enormous sword with great stone cutting speed. A kunai in each
hand and chakra constantly flowing from each foot, all Naruto could manage was evading or
blocking, getting cut no matter what. Even if Naruto blocks a direct assault, the concussive
force alone is enough to rattle his skull, deafen his ears, and send him flying—chakra suction
or not—all the while Zabuza laughs.
“You need to do better than that if you want to beat the Demon of Hidden Mist,” Zabuza yells
as he toys with Naruto, confidently digging in little cuts every so often, not only feeding his
blade, but his own blood-lust.
Naruto uses everything, every technique he knows, every clone available, every tool in his
pouch and nothing could stop Zabuza from having his way—kicking Naruto harder than he’s
ever felt, punching him with the force of a sledgehammer, cutting into aching muscle with his
sword—drawing more and more blood from the red-stained blond.
“Congratulations, brat!” Zabuza yells, as he parries Naruto’s kunai strike with his leg before
kicking him in the face. “I officially recognize you as a shinobi,” Zabuza adds before
finishing his combo with a kick to the stomach, sanding Naruto far enough for Zabuza to
jump in the air and prepare a downward cut. “Now you can die like one!”
Gleefully, Zabuza brings down a lethal cut, strong enough to howl in the severed wind as the
assassin attempts to cleave Naruto in two. Naruto barely manages to bring up both kunai,
creating a V to catch the razor-edge of the legendary blade. But even still, with the force of
his technique, Naruto instantly drops to one knee, slamming chakra-infused bone and
cartilage into cracking concrete as inches of the blade digs into his trapezius muscle,
sprouting blood up the side of his jumpsuit’s collar and his face.
“Naruto!” the blond ninja hears Sakura call, but his blurry attention can only focus on the
madness of Zabuza’s cold face.
‘Oi! You dumb Fox,’ Naruto’s mind calls as all strength in him fluctuates and sputters as
much as his free-flowing blood. ‘Get off your ass, I could use a little help here!’
A large red eye pulses within him and like a second heart, bigger than his head, pumps more
disgusting power into Naruto’s small body than he’s ever felt in training. Everyone
begrudgingly witnessing the fight is suddenly stunned to see red chakra surround his body
and steam the air around. Not a second later, his wounds begin to heal faster than is medically
possible and Naruto is left with more power than he knows what to do with…
The animalistic blond heaves the great sword up with super strength from is already healing
trapezius wound, and rolls forward towards the mercenary, sniping both the assassin’s set feet
with his kunai. Zabuza growls in the pain at the kunai embed through his feet and into the
stone below as Naruto’s left hand grips the assassin’s right wrist. While a clone lands next to
Naruto, Zabuza tries to pull away but the blond’s insane chakra-covered grip is unyielding,
until he resorts to striking Naruto in the face to let go—a hit that would’ve normally knocked
him out is ignored and healed in seconds—all the while Naruto and his clone are shaping a
glowing ball of chakra in his right hand.
“You think you know what it means to truly be strong,” a bloody Naruto bellows passionately
at the assassin, though all on the bridge clearly hear. “I’ll show you how the greatest Hokage
there’ll ever be protects his friends!” Growling fiercely, Naruto focuses on condensing the
great ball of rotating power until it’s perfect. Leaning in, the blond, bloody and beaten ninja
slams the destructive ball of chakra straight into Zabuza’s gut, roaring for all to hear,
No matter the perspective of the explosive attack; from Kakashi’s, Sakura’s, Sasuke’s,
Haku’s, none could accept a small bloodied blond genin smashing a condensed tornado of
chakra into a former Kiri-Anbu’s gut and rocket the seasoned shinobi thirty yards away,
spinning the taller mass like a propeller all the while. The hard, bone-breaking landing looked
like mercy as it seemed like Zabuza would go on forever.
In the infinite quiet of the bridge, a heaving Naruto sends two clones to get him as he slowly
walks over to a stunned and held down Haku whose mask is in pieces on the floor. The
clones keeping Haku from interfering dispel and upon realizing he kept Haku back while he
beat the beautiful boy’s special person, Naruto grows very nervous. He can’t imagine Haku
would be happy about that and immediately apologizes, “ah, Haku, I’m so sorry! I didn’t
mean to beat your special person! But I had to prove to him that friends aren’t tools. You-
He-… I mean, if there was another way-”
“That the person you met in the forest and the Hunter-nin by Zabuza’s side were one and the
Anxious about Haku, Naruto ignores the statement to ask, “Ne, Zabuza-jiji, instead of your
sword, can Haku come with me to Konoha?” Though everyone is surprised, Naruto ignores
them to add, “I promise I’ll protect him with everything I got,” while heavily smashing his
fist in his palm.
“No,” Haku gasps, wincing in pain. “Do not ask this Naruto-kun! I won’t leave Zabuza-
“Why not?” Naruto counters, looking from Zabuza to Haku. “Zabuza-jiji isn’t the only one
who cares about you.”
“I’m his tool,” Haku calls back. “I’m meant for nothing more than to kill anything he
“That’s not true,” Naruto calls back. “I heard you! During our fight, I could tell every punch
you landed, every kick you tagged me with, you didn’t want to kill me. You didn’t even want
to hurt me!” Haku is stunned to hear the admission but Naruto turns to the sprawled Zabuza
and states with a pointed finger. “I bet you even he knows friends aren’t tools. Shinobi aren’t
murdering machines. We build! And we protect! That’s my Nindō!”
Haku tries to argue, “well you’re wrong!” But, like his fists striking his blond friend, the
beautiful boy doesn’t feel complete conviction.
“No, Zabuza-sama,” Haku pleads, tears streaming down his swollen face. “Please let me
remain by your side!”
“Sakura-chan,” Naruto calls, turning to his teammate. “Can’t you help him?”
Sakura’s face has been set in perpetual surprise for the past five minutes and is stunned into
awareness by Naruto’s direct question. Thinking past her reservations, she turns to Kakashi
for his directive when Sasuke proclaims, “he’s our enemy! You can’t heal our enemy!”
“No, he’s not!” Naruto defends Zabuza against his teammate. “He was only doing it for the
money and that was taken care of like five minutes ago.” He points over to where Gatō
should be, and when they all look they see a group of mercenary looting Gatō’s dead body for
anything of worth. “No payment means no job, which means he’s not our enemy!”
With a stiff nod from a moderately wounded Kakashi, Sakura tries her best to heal their once-
enemy. Naruto turns to Haku, pleading, “I wish I could’ve met you first, really, I do, but I’m
meeting you now and that has to count for something, right? Please, Haku, won’t you be my
friend?” Haku looks pained in a way that has nothing to do with his wounds as tears flow
Even with Naruto’s help, it takes Tazuna another week to finish the bridge. To Naruto’s
immense despair, Haku doesn’t talk to him but for, “excuse me,” or, “I’d like to be alone,
please.” Naruto tries to give him space but every day, every hour, he’s hoping Haku would
search him out so they can talk like they did in the forest. Even Naru-nii’s enthusiasm and
jovial gratitude for helping Haku didn’t truly break his melancholy. ‘Naru-nii was right,’
Naruto thought. ‘Haku is a person to be remembered… and now he hates me.’
Naruto was expecting worse the morning they found out Zabuza had left in the middle of the
night, leaving Kubikiribōchō behind. Though the people of the city threw a huge celebration
for Team Seven’s departure, even naming the bridge after him, Naruto couldn’t truly feel joy.
Even though he genuinely felt happy, he nearly felt obligated to smile and laugh along with
the others. His mind was always empathetic to his long-haired friend and how it’s his fault
Haku was separated from his special person.
It was a rather sullen journey back to Konoha, but at least it was faster as they ran most of the
way back. As per the conditions of Konoha’s security, Team Seven walk the last five miles
toward the village, absentmindedly understanding they’re being observed and reported on
just as everyone else is when journeying to the hidden village. Just before the group reaches
the large gate, Team Seven can see Anbu guards waiting for them.
“Naruto-kun,” Haku calls in his lovely voice. Surprised to hear from him, Naruto doubts he
even heard properly. The others move to meet security as the pair remain and Haku
continues, “I’m sorry I’ve been so distant. I know you didn’t deserve that but I had to sort out
my thoughts and feelings.” Taking Kubikiribōchō from his back, Haku extends the large
heavy sword and presents it to Naruto. “Zabuza-sama would like you to hold on to
Kubikiribōchō… as would I.”
Surprised by it all, Naruto slowly nods and takes the very heavy blade, instantly accepting
that he wouldn’t ever be proficient with a sword bigger than he was. Looking at a mournfully
smiling Haku, Naruto simply states, “thanks Haku.”
“He wanted me to tell you he’ll take it back at your rematch,” Haku adds with a friendly face,
though Naruto’s face pales as white as a ghost when they hear Kakashi call, “come on you
As they walk, Naruto asks for clarity sake, “does this mean we’re friends again?”
Haku’s smile is more genuine when the beautiful brunette asserts, “I left the person who
means the world to me to be here… with you. You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.”
“Really,” Naruto asks happily, feeling his energy spark once again. “Really, really!”
“Before he left, Zabuza-san told me, if the world had more men like you, they wouldn’t need
men like him. He ordered me to keep your dream alive. And I’m happy to do so.”
Naruto has to hop to reach enough height to bury the tip of the massive cleaver into the dirt
so his hands would be free to give Haku a big bear hug.
In front of a stern Sandaime, with Anbu surrounding five shinobi, four are at attention while
Naruto is struggling to lean the large sword in the corner of the Hokage’s office. He tried
using the metal wire like Haku said to keep it at his back but it was so annoying. Naruto felt
carrying it or leaning it against him was easier.
After finishing a quick overview of Team Seven’s mission, the Sandaime sternly asks, “your
preliminary report states this Kiri-nin, Haku, along with known associate, the Demon of
Hidden Mist, Momochi Zabuza, were an enemy combatant during your mission. And it’s
only because their contract was terminated that Haku decided to emigrate to Konoha.”
“Ne, Ji-chan,” Naruto starts, giving Kakashi stressfully harder heart-palpitations as Naruto’s
informal response to the strongest ninja in their village flabbergasts everyone but Sakura.
“Since we’re friends, can Haku live with me?”
“Naruto-kun,” the Sandaime begins to reply. “You must remember when to show my office
the respect it deserves if you’re ever going to take my hat.”
“Hai!” Naruto straightens. “Hokage-sama, can Haku please stay with me?”
“We will submit her application of asylum,” Sandaime states. Having yet to be informed
about Haku’s gender, the older man continues, “it will be reviewed by both the civilian and
shinobi council, however, this will be a military decision. Should everything run smoothly, I
don’t foresee any issues. However, while her application is pending, I would prefer if you
both stayed in different quarters. Call me old fashioned but with the exception of marriage, I
believe girls and boys should not share one room.”
“Ji-chan,” Naruto starts, completely forgetting his earlier formality toward the office he
covets. “Haku’s a boy.”
“No way!” Sandaime calls flummoxed, looking at Haku’s beautifully feminine, smiling face.
“I know, right,” Naruto sternly adds, groaning philosophically. “This world is full of
“Yes, even at my age, wonders never cease,” Sandaime agrees in a wise tone, nodding with
his eyes closed. After the room is forced to accept this monumental break of decorum without
explanation, the Sandaime rolls the scroll up, calling out, “job well done, Team Seven. For
representing your village with exemplary bravery, your mission will be upgraded to A-Rank.
All but Kakashi and Naruto are dismissed.”
When it’s just the three of them in one of the most secure buildings, in the most secure rooms
in all of Konoha, the Hokage announces with authority, “S-Class Security protocol. Sarutobi,
Hiruzen, 000261, Kage.”
Immediately the once bright office hums to life as the windows are darkened and thousands
of previously unseen Fūinjutsu characters glow blue along the walls and floors. Naruto hears
at least ten locks but he doesn’t know from where. The now dark room is lit by lamps as
neither Kakashi or the Sandaime react to the overly hostile changes. After a second of utter
silence, the Hokage states, “for the moment, this will remain an S-class secret. The report
concerning this technique will be redacted to further reflect how vital this information is.”
Turning to Naruto, the strongest shinobi in Konoha demands to know, “Naruto-kun, how is it
that you learned the technique known as Rasengan?”
Growing less nervous, Naruto answers, “um, well, I don’t know how best to explain it, but,
um, when I fought Mizuki-sensei, I went into the seal… at least I think that’s what it was. It
was dark and weird. I was in this giant room when I heard a voice. It told me not to pull the
seal and then told me I should get stronger. It gave me three tasks that turned out to be the
three steps to learning Rasengan.”
Hiruzen eyes Kakashi for a split second before his analytical observation focuses on Naruto
again to ask, “this voice, did you see the face it belonged too?”
“Hell yeah,” Naruto admits. “A bigass gate with a huge red fox behind it… who’s a bit of a
“Yeah,” Naruto answers. “But like I said, total dick. ‘Wretched humans this,’ ‘Greatest of the
bijū that.’ I just tune him out.”
“And it was responsible for the red chakra witnessed,” Hiruzen asks.
“Do I look like a charity, Ji-chan? His chakra’s the rent he owes me for staying in my body,”
Naruto proclaims.
Hiruzen turns to the head Jōnin and commands, “Kakashi, make sure your students are aware
to never reveal anything about his red chakra shroud. This mission and its details are never to
be spoken of again.”
“Hai, Hokage-sama,” Kakashi confirms.
Turning to Naruto, Hiruzen asks with more softness in his voice, “is there anything else the
voice told you?”
“Mmnnn,” Naruto hums, scratching his smooth chin. On the way back from their mission, the
future and present Narutos had discussed the likely outcome of using Rasengan in public.
Naru-nii agreed it was the right call to use the technique so they set their minds to trying to
answer what they thought the likely questions would be. They agreed to use the same idea
they used with Kurenai on others, but Naru-nii thought there could be an opportunity for
‘More what,’ Naruto asked his older self as Team Seven plus Haku travel through the trees
from branch to branch.
‘Well, you’re getting closer to the second part of mastering your nature manipulation and I
learned it using the help of another shinobi named Yamato, but I can’t think of a way you
could meet him and ask for his help without causing a ruckus.’
‘Who knows,’ Naru-nii freely admitted. ‘I suppose if they know that you’re ready for that,
they might ask him. Since I had to learn it in days with thousands of clones, Kakashi felt
he needed Yamato-taichou because he can do Wood-Release jutsu and that helps negate
Kurama’s influence over us. You have more time to take it slower so maybe they won’t need
‘Kurama mentioned once how much he hates wood-release,’ Naruto mentally chuckled,
thinking how pleased The Demon Fox was with ‘his human’ when Naruto told him they were
headed back to Konoha.
‘Yeah,’ Naru-nii agreed. ‘Let’s just go for it and see what happens. Even if we don’t get to
meet Yamato-taichou, we’ll figure out another way.’
In the now fully secure office of the Hokage, facing the esteemed God of Shinobi, Naruto
snaps his fingers and goes for it. “Oh, the voice mentioned something about perfecting it.”
Taken aback, the Hokage repeats, “perfecting it? You mean to say the Rasengan is an
incomplete jutsu?”
“Uh, I guess,” Naruto shrugs. “I’m still working on it so I can’t say for sure.”
“How,” the Hokage asks, keenly interested. “How are you trying to perfect it?”
“Duh, with more training,” Naruto states. “I learned I have an affinity for Fūton chakra, so I
thought I’d combine them.”
“Kakashi,” Hiruzen sternly commands.
“Oh, now you want to train me,” Naruto bellows incredulously. “Are you sure your precious
Uchiha can spare you?”
“Naruto,” Hiruzen calls sternly and Naruto buckles, hardly ever hearing Ji-chan talk to him
like that. “This is important! It’s simply amazing one so young would learn the Rasengan, a
technique that took the fourth Hokage years to master. Adding to that, it’s also an incomplete
jutsu that somehow you intend to add Fūton chakra to is simply astounding! For the good of
this village, this is a top priority.”
Crossing his arms, Naruto grumbles under the old man’s stern admonishing.
“You don’t seem surprised,” Kakashi points out, looking closely at Naruto. “This is a
technique developed by the fourth Hokage and that doesn’t excite you as I would have
The Hokage stands at his full height, looking down at Naruto and sternly asking, “did you
The Narutos hadn’t planned on this. Panicking for more seconds then he felt allowed, Naruto
goes with the only explanation he can think of, “yeah, well… K-Kurenai-sensei told me.”
Both men are surprised by the admission. While the Third Hokage commands no one visible,
“bring Yūhi Kurenai here at once,” as Kakashi asks, “you showed her?” Though the Hokage
seems more interested in another point, asking the elite Jōnin, “why does Kurenai-kun know
more of your student’s techniques than you do, Kakashi?”
“Hey, let’s get one thing straight here,” Naruto calls out over both adults. He turns and points
to Kakashi, stating, “you were too busy with the teme to help me, so, while I was helping
Kurenai-chan, I asked if she could teach me some stuff. She said she wasn’t supposed to
because of some stupid rules I don’t remember, but she was still nice enough to give me some
cool scrolls and even a field pack since my gear was so old. So, yeah, I showed her. That’s
when she told me it was the Fourth’s technique.”
Both men are silenced until the Kage—knowing the blond rather well—warily inquires, “and
did you tell her how you learned it?”
Nervously, a wilting Naruto answers with a pitiful chuckle, “… Well, she asked…”
“She’s not in trouble, Naruto,” Hiruzen says with a smile. “However she needs to be made
aware of her Hokage’s position on this information. And as her commander, I need to be
absolutely certain she understands what’s expected of her.”
“She does!” Naruto continues to defend. “She totally told me not to tell anyone. I only used it
on Zabuza because he was crazy strong and I couldn’t beat him without it!”
Kurenai wished to Kami she was anywhere but here, at a dango shop with Anko, Ino, Genma,
and Asuma.
In their pursuit of intelligence gathering, Ino and Kurenai had inadvertently banned Naruto
from two of the last few critical shops that would sell to him. Add to that, Kurenai’s scare
tactic to get his landlord to fix the hot water apparently scared the lard of a man to simply run
off with all the tenants’ rent. Having skipped out on loan payments, property taxes, utilities,
among other expenses, the village immediately shut off the electricity and water and if the
delinquent account isn’t settled in the next forty-six days, everyone who hasn’t left yet will be
evicted and the complex foreclosed.
Kurenai only wanted to meet Ino before Anko arrived to tell her to sell the Fire Slipper
Orchid. She may not know what Naruto wants to do with it, but she’s certain he’ll need funds
soon. To her surprise, Ino showed up with Asuma. As her sensei, it’s not unusual for Asuma
to be with Ino, but Kurenai sent a note to talk about the intelligence they’ve gathered, and
that’s a topic Kurenai doesn’t want to discuss around Asuma. It just felt too odd for her. Even
as the pair approach her, seated cross-legged at a table for three, her stomach tightens and her
skin itches.
“Kurenai,” Asuma states taking a seat. “First Naruto-kun, and now Ino-chan. As her sensei, I
didn’t want to pressure her too much to learn what you needed from her, so I thought I’d tag
along and ask you in person.”
‘He needed a reason to come see me,’ Kurenai’s mind wonders as she takes a regal sip of her
tea. “I’m sorry I wasted your time,” Kurenai asserts. “I was gifted a unique flower recently
and I simply wanted to tell Ino-chan to sell it on my behalf.” Turning to Ino, she requests,
“please let me know what fee the Yamanaka Clan require to facilitate the sale.” Ino simply
nods, and Kurenai can tell the clever girl detects the underlying history between the Jōnin-
senseis. Kurenai can’t be sure her own red eyes were as apathetic to the love of her life as she
would like them to be, but Asuma hadn’t looked anywhere else besides her which was a dead
“That’s private Asuma,” Kurenai asserts with a tone that left no arguments.
Taking out and lighting up a cigarette, Asuma replies, “must be some flower.”
Ino can tell this is thee kunoichi she’d been looking for; the one that Asuma is in love with. It
was simply too obvious to her trained pupil-less eyes, and so she asks Kurenai, “just out of
curiosity, would your favorite flower be red roses?”
Slightly taken by the question, Kurenai answers honestly, “yes they are,” to which the girl
squeals and turns hopeful eyes on Asuma. Kurenai wants to roll her eyes but her mask of
indifference is set.
Clearing his throat, Asuma asks, “should I assume you’re the reason why Ino-chan’s been on
our asses lately about training more?”
“I believe Ino-chan to be a very capable and intelligent kunoichi,” Kurenai tells Asuma,
making Ino blush at the unabashed compliment. “Does she need a reason for her desire to be
stronger?” Though Kurenai is certain Ino’s sudden motivation to improve has everything to
do with hearing about Naruto’s impressive progress.
“Oh thank Kami he’s here too,” Anko’s overly relieved voice calls out. “Now I don’t feel so
bad for picking up a stray.”
“I’m not some lost puppy, Anko,” Genma responds as they both walk up to the table for
“Anko,” Asuma starts before addressing Genma with a bit of an edge, “Genma.”
Genma simply nods with his usual indifference. “Kurenai… and little Ino-chan. What are you
doing here?”
“She was invited,” Kurenai bluntly states, growing more anxious. Turning to Anko, Kurenai
silently asks with her eyes, ‘why?’ Anko lightly shrugs, responding with a roll of her eyes,
‘no helping it,’ as she drags a chair next to her best friend.
“Since you’re here Yamanaka-chan, hows your inventory lookin’ on red roses,” Genma asks,
stunning Ino as she’s brought in the middle of all this. “Hope there’s still some left for the
rest of us.”
Kurenai knows how much Anko enjoys drama. As soon as the dango arrive, the buxom
midnight-haired kunoichi will be in heaven. Though taken at first, Ino has always had a force
of personality that easily helps her navigate any social situation, including the two bulls eying
their red target and so answers, “of course Genma-san. It’s our most popular purchase. Please
come in whenever you like. I can even show you a few cards your mother may enjoy.”
Anko snorts along with Asuma. Though a genin, her pupil-less blue eyes dare Genma to say
anything. It’s clear the girl wholly supports her sensei, but Kurenai couldn’t enjoy this any
more than Genma did. Even looking at Asuma now, laughing his big-bear-laugh shoots a
melancholy ache through her chest. Her heart is still mending and this isn’t helping. She
simply wants to leave.
“At least now I can scratch you off the list,” Asuma asserts.
“She hasn’t told you,” Asuma casually inquired. Kurenai deflates a bit when Anko shakes her
head. ‘What could I say? Anko, look at this flower a genin gave me. She would wonder why
the hell I would even bring it up,’ which Kurenai needs even less. Before Asuma can dig up
any more clues, Kurenai ends his round-about expedition by asserting, “Anko, would I be a
horrible friend if I didn’t tell you about a flower I received that I’m now asking Yamanaka-
chan to sell for me?”
“I’d like you a hell of a lot less if you wasted my time on hot garbage like that,” Anko
All while looking at Asuma, Kurenai responds, “good to know.” Though Anko had said that,
Kurenai is fairly certain Anko is actually interested who gave it to her, but in front of the
men, she wouldn’t sell out ‘her babe.’
Before any more can be said, two Anbu immediately appear in a flurry of leaves. “Jōnin-
sensei, Yūhi Kurenai,” the masked shinobi starts. “Hokage-sama requests your immediate
presence in his office.” Looking toward the others, she can tell they judged the urgency of the
tone as well, but all Kurenai can think is, ‘thank kami.’
I actually had a one-off lemon between Naruto and Tsunami but I decided to cut it out
for the betterment of my writing sanity. I like the part about Ninja building though and
thought it could be added to my Naruto's nindo.
Sorry folks. Haku is a boy. I know some wanted girl Haku and I was really debating it,
but I decided to stick to canon on that point.
I know a few have pointed out that my Naruto isn't very bright, and this is why. I went to
a public school in the kind of area where the teachers just pass you regardless if you
earned it or not. Just too many students and not enough money. Imagine my surprise
when I entered the work force :) I'm not blaming anyone but if that doesn't make sense
to you, consider you've probably lived a better life than others.
I want to make something clear as far as the conflict Naruto faces. In my fic, characters
are flesh and blood, which means they should have limitations. Sometimes I think
Kishimoto ignores the reality he started with for artistry of huge epics, and though that’s
completely understandable, ultimately it’s not how I write. So, I will NOT be exploring
some overly convoluted power boosts(that is to say the power boosts themselves will be
within reason), crazy ocular powers like Izanami and possibly even Susanoo(undecided
at this point), Zetsu and Kaguya(unless I’m inspired to some how), Reaper Release
Mask(cause that’s confusing to think about), and definitely no reincarnation of Indra and
Ashura. No deus ex machina as well as stuff that contradicts other previously stated
stuff, for example, M.Sharingan not blinding people when it’s supposed to. Lastly this
world peace that Naruto is supposed to have achieved by the end of the series meant
there should be no Boruto. Uniting the 5 nations is more believable because world peace
just isn’t possible if there are enough humans who want things more than someone else.
Lastly, the character traits about Sasuke I’m drawing from the most are his relation with
Itachi and restoring his clan. I’m not saying canon-Sasuke didn’t have his nice moments
as a teammate, like training/fighting as a team and Sasuke saving Naruto in the Wave
mission, but when the chips are down, in my opinion, Sasuke is all about Itachi and his
own ideals. With that in mind, just because Sasuke has some nice moments doesn’t
mean that’s enough to earn this outrageous devotion from Naruto and Sakura. Empathy
is not friendship. A human can feel empathy for another, sure, but that doesn’t mean
they’re best friends. Naruto shouldn’t have to defend a straight up murdering villain to
his actual friends just because he understands Sasuke’s pain. Empathy could be a
foundation for friendship but you’re supposed to build up from there and as Sasuke left
Konoha, I never saw any build up of friendship that warrants going so easy on him. But
I put this more on Kishimoto’s time constraints rather than the characters/story.
As always I'd love to hear your thoughts. Have a great Game of Thrones Season.
Underneath It All
Chapter Summary
Any mission can go south at the drop of a hat. It's why we love more... because death is
always around the corner.
Chapter Notes
Hey guys,
This chap is a little on the short side, but as I'm going to be busy the next couple of days,
I thought I'd update today.
Warning: Lemons
Running at top speed from rooftop to rooftop, Kurenai had no concrete idea what to expect
when she was suddenly summoned to the Hokage’s office. They sprinted so fast, Kurenai’s
certain she broke her personal record, reaching Hokage tower in a minute, fourteen seconds.
Though winded, she didn’t let it show, employing the shinobi taught Continuous Circular
Breathing technique to constantly supply her brain and lungs with oxygen. Seconds later,
Kurenai drops into Hokage-sama’s secure black room for sensitive material with not only
Kakashi, but Naruto.
‘He’s back,’ she thinks amused, happy to see that despite some blood on his torn jumpsuit, he
seems uninjured. To her surprise, a warm thrill flutters from her heating center. Given the
amount of amazing sex they had before the blond’s departure, Kurenai expected to have a
hard time coping without, but after every passing week, she felt further satisfied somehow.
While every night her morally-unrestrained subconscious dreamed of their next night
together, her physical desire was manageable, especially after accelerating her own team's
Now in the Hokage’s secured office, one look at Naruto, and despite the darkness of the
room, she can see his pupil dilate as they grow hungry for her. Oddly enough, her body is
roused awake, transitioning her toned-tense muscles to grow soft as a cushion for his
pounding pleasure. Before they can be found out by two of the sharpest shinobi’s in all of
Konoha, Kurenai steps forward at attention, “Hokage-sama.”
Taking a seat, Hiruzen proceeds to inform her, “I’ve been told a number of things concerning
your relationship with Naruto-kun. You’ve been summoned to explain yourself as well as
hear my inclination on this affair.”
‘He found out,’ is Kurenai’s first gut-wrenching thoughtless response, but as her brain
frantically dissects everything, she realizes his tone seems off; not of a man who found out a
Jōnin-sensei with a previous romantic entanglement with his son is currently sleeping with a
fresh out of the Academy genin… regularly.
Fortunately, Naruto both assists and completely stuns her with utter surprise as he sternly
maintains, “Ji-chan, you said she wasn’t in trouble. You’re making it sound like a court-
“Naruto-kun this is important,” the Hokage huffs, as Kurenai wonders why Naruto isn’t being
yelled at for calling the leader and most respected shinobi in their village… ‘Ji-chan, like it’s
the most natural thing in the world! Not even Asuma calls him anything near so personal a
name,’ she realizes. Nearly instantly, she then recalls Naruto mentioning a Ji-chan often and
finds that shocking revelation impossible to keep from her perfectly symmetric face.
Whipping her head from her leader to the blond genin and back, her singular thought
shockingly yells, ‘How the hell is the God of Shinobi his Ji-chan!?’ The only way her mind
alleviates her anxiety is when she registers this isn’t about their sexual encounters.
The Hokage’s stern voice continues. “Kurenai-kun, in the past few minutes, Naruto has told
us-” “Only because I don’t want to lie to you,” Naruto interjects in a low voice. The
Sandaime sighs before continuing, “he’s shown you the technique known as Rasengan,
“Hai, Hokage-sama,” Kurenai promptly answers. “A little over a week before he left for his
“And do you also know how he came to learn this technique,” her leader demands to know,
and in his presence, her urge to satisfy his curiosity is so strong she’s certain she would
answer any question he may have, even, to her dread, her sexual relation with the blond.
“Hai, Hokage-sama,” Kurenai responds. “As he did not want me to violate your edict, he
refused to elaborate, however, I understood what he was attempting to explain.”
“Is there anything else you can tell us,” her Hokage asks of her, and despite her earlier
assertion she would be truthful in all things, Kurenai answers, “simply that he trains
“Hmm,” her Hokage accepts and Kurenai is slightly relieved. “For the moment, this will
remain an S-Class secret. Is that understood?”
“Hai, Hokage-sama,” Kurenai responds.
“Did you explain to Naruto-kun the hierarchy by which genin disclose their techniques,” the
strong elder asks of her. “As well as the common practices of a Konoha team dynamic.”
“Now wait a minute-” Naruto starts to cut in when Kurenai quickly answers, “Hai, Hokage-
“And he still showed you,” Hiruzen thoughtfully says, more to himself than anyone.
The Third takes a long drag of his pipe, momentarily in deep consideration when the elder
finally expresses, “thank you Kurenai-sensei,” taking her by surprise even if she didn’t show
it. “I’ve always known how dedicated you were to the future generations of this village, but
never more so than now. I feel proud and fortunate to have you within our ranks.” Dazzled,
Kurenai wanted to cry as her devotion to her home has never felt so venerated.
Hiruzen turns to Kakashi and asserts, “Kakashi-kun, from this moment forward I expect
“Naruto-kun, your training will be strictly monitored from here on out,” Hiruzen tells the
“Why? I’ve been doing pretty awesome on my own,” Naruto points out.
“…Things like you’re an important shinobi to this village,” the older man says
compassionately, adding, “And I have to protect the future Hokage after all.”
Trying to keep the grin from his face and failing, Naruto grumbles, “fine. What’s going to
happen to Haku? He’s a really good person who had a lot of bad crap happen to him.”
“I do not object to a neighborly association or even a social one,” the Third evenly states. “He
may utilize any of the vacant rooms on your floor, however, he will be on probation for a
number of years, the strict guidelines of which will be explained to him. He’s not the first
asylum-seeker this village has ever seen and if it is truly his wish to stay, he will abide by our
rules until we are satisfied. As such he will not be able to leave this village for quite some
time, which means, for the moment, he cannot be a field-shinobi, if he’s ever a shinobi.”
“Only if it’s supervised,” Sandaime answers. “Speaking of… Kakashi, Kurenai, we cannot be
so blind to progress by what we think we know. More than any, I understand the magnitude
of the bond between a student and his sensei. To my very core, I believe no other significant
perspective of tutelage should interfere with that development, that relationship. Many
successful shinobi have been produced in this manner, however, so too has it contributed to
our failures… my own included. And so, Naruto-kun’s development will now be two-fold
with Kakashi as lead architect. Kurenai-kun, I understand you have your own team, as such, I
only ask for any assistance you can manage without hindering the progress of your own
students. I mean it. You’re no use to me if you burn yourself out.”
“Hokage-sama, that will not be necessary,” Kakashi begins to explain with the smallest
measure of shame in his voice. “My shortcomings are clear to me now. You have my word I
will do better.”
“Kakashi-kun,” Hiruzen starts, softer in tone than his authority. “You are by far one of the
most brilliant shinobi I’ve ever had the privilege of witnessing, but there are simply some
tasks better managed together, as a team, as a village.”
When Kakashi nods in understanding, Kurenai bids her leader, “if I may, Hokage-sama?” At
his eye blink, Kurenai turns to the silver-maned shinobi, asking, “Kakashi-sensei, you live in
a one bedroom apartment correct?” Unless shinobi are part of a clan, work in a military
position that sees no combat, or their family are civilians with homes, most shinobi tend to
keep a simple apartment. Death is too constant of a companion to plan for a home so
Kakashi’s answer of, “…that’s correct,” is no surprise.
“That’s what I thought,” Kurenai responds then turns to Naruto. Before his eyes dilate and lid
even further, Kurenai declares, “Uzumaki-kun, I’m sorry to have to be the bearer of bad
news, but your building’s landlord has fled Konoha with all the funds meant for business
expenses, which means your apartment currently doesn’t have running water or power, and in
another forty or so days, all tenants will be evicted.”
His squinted eyes are doing the math. “… … Wait, are you saying I’m homeless?” he voices
before loudly crying out, “Ah! What about Haku? I said he can stay with me. Mmn, no,
Zabuza-jiji’s not going to like this…”
“With the Hokage’s permission,” Kurenai begins to suggest. “My home has three bedrooms
and a study that could be converted-”
“I’d rather ask Sasuke-kun,” Kakashi interjects. “It would be advantageous if two of my
students lived under one roof. And he has more than enough space.”
“Ha!” Naruto laughs at the suggestion. “Not with that huge head of his.”
“Naruto-kun, he’s your teammate. It wouldn’t hurt you to be a little more empathetic
considering you know why his home is empty,” Kakashi tries when the Third Hokage calls
out, “enough! Kurenai-kun, I appreciate your offer however I would feel more comfortable if
Uchiha-kun is asked first. If he disagrees, try other avenues. Kurenai-kun’s offer is the last
resort, understood?”
The senseis nod, though a part of Kurenai is beginning to realize how much more difficult
it’ll be to meet her blond bed-mate now. She informs the shinobi elder, “Hokage-sama, while
possible outcomes are currently unclear, Uzumaki-kun has found a very rare plant that he
gifted to me with a market value of seven hundred and fifty thousand ryo.” They all repeat
the amount under their gasping breaths as she continues, “I realize apartment buildings range
in the millions, but-”
“I’ll have a list of possible properties sent to you,” the Third cuts in. “I will expect progress
reports. Dismissed.”
Kurenai’s mind disobeys her moral’s will to stop thinking about how hampered her sex-life
now is. Her intellect is rebellious in its tremendous desire to locate suitable alternatives for
their lessons to what now appears to have been the heaven that was his apartment. Her mind
can’t help but yell, ‘he literally had the entire top floor to himself!’ With Hinata-chan and her
all-seeing Byakugan living in her home during the week, and this Haku boy living with
Naruto every day, the difficulty of keeping their lessons secret went from an E-rank to an A-
‘A new location means a new routine which means a higher risk of discovery and all with the
same Naruto.’ This is the math Kurenai’s mind is incessantly trying to solve as they walk out
into the hall. Kurenai spots a beautiful girl waiting and finds it odd when Kakashi walks up to
her, disclosing something she couldn’t hear.
Kurenai’s assumptions about the pair don’t travel far as she hears, “careful, Nai-chan.”
Turning around Naruto is leaning the weight of a sword longer than he is against his shoulder
and has to lower himself for the tip of the immense blade to clear the doorway. His
immediate question after he got her attention is, “uh, um, when do you think we can-”
Kurenai cuts him off just as her own rising core temperature moistens, asking instead, “where
did you get such a… actually, why does this sword look so familiar?”
“Zabuza… Momochi, Zabuza?” Kurenai gasps as Kakashi and Haku walk over. “As in the
‘Demon of the Hidden Mist?’ He’s one of Kiri’s Seven Swordsman! That's- Don’t tell me
that’s actually Kubikiribōchō?” Kurenai asks, looking over the large sword.
Now Kurenai is wondering why this beautiful girl is next to Naruto when the ever-surprising
blond states, “Kurenai-chan, this is Haku. Haku, this is Kurenai-cha-”
“Yūhi Kurenai,” the raven-haired Jōnin-sensei clarifies and she wonders how it’s possible
this bowing boy could look more beautiful than many other actual girls.
“We should get going,” Kakashi states, taking the lead toward the Uchiha compound.
As the four begin to walk, Kurenai makes certain Naruto is in front of her while Haku stays
beside her, and requests of anyone, “maybe someone can tell me how a legendary sword like
Kubikiribōchō, came to be in your possession when its previous owner is a notorious
“Naruto-kun made a wager with Zabuza-sama,” Haku begins to explain to her in a positively
enchanting voice. ‘He even sounds like a girl,’ Kurenai mentally gasps as Haku states, “if he
defeated him, than Kubikiribōchō would be his prize.”
Kurenai didn’t mean to laugh in disbelief, especially not in such an unladylike manner—deep
from her toned gut. Without a single denial from Kakashi and at Naruto’s hurt expression,
Kurenai couldn’t help the, “no! He- He was one of Kiri’s highest ranking shinobi; having
graduating their Academy at the age of nine by single-handedly killing all their students.”
Kurenai has to work hard not to make it seem like a lovers spat as she evenly states, “I’m
sorry, Uzumaki-kun, I didn’t mean to doubt you, it’s just, the odds of a skilled shinobi
defeating Momochi Zabuza is nearly 700 to 1, whereas a genin defeating him…” Kurenai
trails off as it seems like Naruto is ruffled by her rational objection. Despite being analytical
by nature, Kurenai ignores the statistics and simply states what’s underneath it all. “I’m
happy you’re back Naruto-kun.” ‘More so now than ever,’ she mentally adds, gasping like
she only just dodged a strike to the heart.
With his, “Mnn,” and his wide grin, she can tell that’s all he wanted to hear as Haku explains
what happened. Halfway to the Uchiha compound, they all hear a loud shriek that they
discover belongs to one of Guy-sensei’s students. The black-haired kunoichi with two
Chinese buns in a qipao-style blouse breaks from her team and rushes straight to Naruto, or
rather the massive sword he’s carrying over his shoulder.
“Kubikiribōchō! Kubikiribōchō!” she repeats in total amazement. The pretty girl is beside
herself as Kurenai recalls her from the weapons shop, ‘Ten Out of Ten.’ Snapping away heart-
shaped eyes from the sword to the blond genin, she has to ask, “where? Why? When?
“If it isn’t my most beloved rival, Kakashi of the Sharingan,” Guy calls triumphantly, causing
Kakashi to slink deflated.
“Oooohhh,” Guy yells with pumped up fists. “That’s what I hate about you, my fierce rival!
You’re too cool! Kurenai-sensei, you’re youthful radiance is as bright as the springtime sun!”
He laughs proudly while Kurenai can barely chuckle politely.
“So this is Guy-sensei’s eternal rival,” Lee observes with bright, star-filled eyes before
whipping around to Neji, likely itching to challenge the genius Hyūga again. Neji simply
sighs before walking away.
“Na, Guy,” Kakashi starts. “We have an important matter to attend to, so… bye.”
“Wait,” Tenten calls to Kakashi before turning to Naruto. “My family collect rare and
valuable ninja tools from across all the nations. Kubikiribōchō is one of the legendary Seven
Swords of Kiri with the ability to regenerate itself using the iron from its victim's blood!
What do you want for it?! How about a discount on shinobi gear for life?!”
“I remember you from, Ten Out of Ten,” Kurenai says moving between a senbon-armed
Haku and an unaware Tenten. “Regardless of any offers made by your family, your father
will, I repeat, WILL stop treating Naruto-kun like a second-class citizen. You can also tell
Dānyī-san from now on Naruto’s ryo is just as good as anyone else’s. Is that understood?”
Though Tenten had a difficult time looking away from the sword, she nods once before
informing the blond, “please don’t do anything until we talk again!” then rushes away. When
the group continues toward Uchiha compound, Kakashi walks up beside her and asks, “care
to explain.”
Surprised by the question, Kurenai actually cranes her neck in disbelief as she asks, “aren’t
you aware of how poorly your student is consistently being treated in the village; not just by
civilians, but shinobi as well?”
Kurenai can’t tell if he is or isn’t aware because she suddenly realizes the mistake she made
by leading their walk after telling Tenten off… Naruto and Haku are now behind her and
Kakashi. Despite the growing humidity preparing her womanhood for some very aggressive
snuggling, Kurenai tries to walk as mechanically as possible, hoping the blond behind her
doesn’t lose his head over the swaying of her hips or perky rear.
Naruto had no idea how long he’d been staring at Kurenai’s ass for—vividly imagining
gripping and massaging the round flesh as he mindlessly drills her hot honey-pot—until
Haku elbowed him hard enough to break his yearning reverie. When Naruto reads the
knowing smirk on the beautiful boy’s face, Naruto immediately blushes down to his neck.
Turning away from the chuckling boy, Naruto tries his best to control his pangs of lust while
they walk, though, looking at the sway and swing of graspable flesh her every step incurs, his
desire is continuously testing his weakening control.
“Ne, Naruto-kun,” Kakashi calls from behind his little orange book, bringing Naruto out of
his daze.
“Mn? Yeah?”
“If you let me do all the talking, I promise to treat you to ramen at Ichiraku’s,” Kakashi
bargains as the walk the empty main street leading to the largest residence.
“Really?!” Naruto eagerly hoots before his mind considers further possibilities. “Wait a
minute, shouldn’t you treat us for completing the mission anyway?”
“That does sound fairly standard,” Kurenai adds with a bit of a smirk.
His shoulders deflate a bit but he agrees as they enter the grandness of the once populated
Uchiha mansion. Naruto had never entered the Uchiha compound and was astounded to see
how grand it was. Despite how deserted the old traditionally designed buildings are, it all
looks regularly maintained. Naruto and company just pass the third gate entrance when they
meet Sasuke-teme in the open courtyard before the main mansion, wearing an informal
yukata with the Uchiha crest on it. Kakashi takes the lead as Sasuke-teme eyes each of them.
“Kakashi-sensei,” the raven-haired avenger returns. “You know I don’t like unannounced
“We’re here because your teammate would like your help,” Kakashi starts but before Naruto
could energetically correct him, he continues to add, “I know it’s difficult for the two of you
to accept one another, but I believe that’s only because you’re more alike than you realize.
You both know pain and more importantly, you’re teammates. The conflicts you face together
means something and Naruto-kun would help you just like I know Sasuke-kun would help
you,” the elite Jōnin tells each boy. “In the world we live in, you don’t have to like each other
to completely trust in one another. So, Sasuke-kun, the situation is Naruto-kun is now without
a home. As his teammate, we thought you would like to help him.”
When Uchiha-kun grumbles his agreement, Kurenai begins wondering how easy it would be
to sneak into the large compound. ‘Maybe Naruto can sneak out?’ she immorally wonders
when Sasuke adds, “in return, I want my Sharingan Kakashi-sensei. You promised and I
won’t wait any longer.”
Before any more can happen, Sasuke also stipulates, “I may have a responsibility to the Dobe
but I don’t have one to a Kiri traitor.” With onyx eyes of steel, he tells Haku, “call me crazy
but I don’t trust you.”
“Not fine!” Naruto breaks the bargain previously struck, saying, “Haku’s my friend and I’m
not just going to let him live on the street!”
“We’ll find him another place to live,” Kakashi promises, adding, “think of how much
stronger our team will be if you and Sasuke-kun took this opportunity to make peace with
each other.”
“Sasuke-teme doesn’t want Haku to stay, that’s fine,” Naruto agrees. “It’s his house, but I
wouldn’t feel right about it. So, thanks Teme but Haku and I’ll find somewhere else to live.”
“Naruto,” Kakashi attempts. “Try to be reasonable. You have my word Haku-kun will be fine
and Sasuke-kun is your teammate.”
Naruto knows that makes sense and struggles to sort his thoughts. Despite how much Sasuke-
teme annoys the hell out of him, the spiky-haired blond does understand certain sides of the
avenger. Kakashi’s right, they both know loss and Naruto understands that to his core. But,
what he can’t understand is how someone who is so loved by everyone around him—who is
so gifted—can act like a complete douche to everyone! While Naruto struggles for every
friend, Sasuke-teme only needs to walk outside and nearly the entire village would love to be
with him.
‘Then there’s Sakura-chan,’ his mind angrily thinks. Though Naruto is supremely happy
Sakura-chan is training with him now, and can’t help but push himself that much harder
because she’s there, the pink-haired love of his life is, instead, in love with this arrogant ass
for no discernible reason. It’s the strongest reason for their rivalry. ‘A now this extra pearly
ass-wipe of a teammate wants to separate him and Haku? Not happening!’ “I get that we’re
teammates Kakashi-sensei. We’re shinobi of the Leaf so we have to work together, but we’re
different because I do trust Haku.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you when he stabs you in the back,” Sasuke retorts.
Naruto didn’t see Haku’s fist tighten as he proudly declares, “he wouldn’t!”
The silence that follows is filled with stern glares, ended only when Kurenai turns to the elite
Jōnin-sensei. “Kakashi-”
“There are more options than two boys living with you.”
“I don’t even want to know what you’re insinuating,” Kurenai naturally responds, though
flooded with guilt. “But I believe I have a viable alternative.”
“Of course,” Iruka-sensei tells the group after a tearful Naruto hugged his favored Sensei,
sweetly blubbering his apologies before they explained the situation. As simple as those two
words, an excited Naruto and the ever-serene Haku have a place to stay.
The Umino residence was in the more economical section of the shinobi sector, clearly left to
the devoted Chūnin from his deceased parents. It was a one-story three bed, two bath—not
nearly as large as Kurenai’s two-story home but the unkempt and wooded backyard was more
than large enough for the boys to train in. The interior of the home was clearly a workaholics
cave with stacks of books, scrolls of essays and student development sheets.
The Umino residence was also far from the main populous of Konoha, and as much as
Kurenai tries to deny it, it’s much closer to her house than Naruto’s apartment. ‘That’s
something, at least,’ Kurenai muses. She was silent as the boys picked between two equally
small rooms, nearly reflecting the equal war within herself. Like an unbiased observer, she
observed a mental war between her body’s yearning for sexual release with Naruto, and her
moral integrity willing her to uphold decency and civic responsibility.
While Naruto was away on his escort mission, her mind ran the longest marathon on this
single topic, going round and round looking for an answer she can live with, because while
sex with Naruto is unbelievably marvelous, she still can’t bring herself to tell her best friend
—who’s a sex goddess in her own right. It means deep down, Kurenai knows it’s wrong and
she just can’t keep this moral burden up any longer. No matter how good it feels, she knows
it’s not right and while Kurenai still wanted several nights with him, it was beginning to feel
like her nocturnal time with Naruto was numbered.
That was until her mental gymnastics is thrown for a loop with another point of contention:
Naruto nearly died at the hands of Zabuza Momochi. With a highly intellectual, visually vivid
mind, Kurenai can easily form mental simulations of what it must’ve been like for a genin,
fresh out of the Academy, to face a seasoned black-list target in their bingo book… and her
chest constricts her breathing at all the ways her bedmate could’ve died. ‘He could’ve died…
thirty-eight different ways I can think of…’ and that thought makes her stressed and anxious.
It’s simply ludicrous he survived and it’s left her in an agonizing state of doom to the point
that simply acknowledging his well-being with her eyes wasn’t enough. Sometimes
knowledge is a scary thing and Kurenai just needed an anchor, something to steady her.
Wrong though it may be, right now, the raven-haired Jōnin needed to touch him… to feel his
breath… his pulse… his heart.
Despite the circumstances, Kurenai had given herself permission to be free with this boy. She
let him in, and to her grand astonishment, she’s grown comfortable doing so. Her body
needed to feel he’s actually safe, and yet, she can’t. For the foreseeable future, Haku will
likely be in close proximity to Naruto and Kakashi has been mandated by the Hokage to take
a more vested interest in Naruto’s training. Sadly, the observation, ‘he doesn’t live alone
anymore and he’ll always have company,’ feels like she’s being sentenced to prison.
As the big-dick blond in question creates clones to retrieve the few belongings from his
apartment, Kakashi lazily calls, “Haku-kun, I’ll be back in a moment. I need to speak with
Kurenai-sensei.” Slightly confused, Kurenai follows the elite Jōnin outside to the unkempt
wilderness that is the front lawn. When they were alone, he cuts straight to the point.
“Whether it was your intention or not, you’ve undermined my authority as Team 7’s sensei.”
Kurenai expected this and respectfully explains to her senior Jōnin, “it was never my
intention to weaken your place as their sensei and team-lead. This simply played out within
our blind spot; yours as much as mine.”
Though silent a moment, it’s not tense before Kakashi points out, “with regard to Naruto, the
third feels the way he does because of what he couldn’t see in Orochimaru.” Though unsure
why he would bring it up, Kurenai agrees with a nod nonetheless. “But Naruto isn’t
Orochimaru. I’ve checked on that kid a number of times and despite his solitude, I felt
comfortable he wouldn’t turn to his hate.”
“Is that why you’re dedicating more time with Uchiha-kun,” Kurenai asks, though she’s sure
Obito fits in there somewhere. “To curve his hatred?”
“If my team is going to maintain its unity,” Kakashi begins to say, ignoring her question. “I
can’t wait to raise Sasuke’s skill level.”
Kurenai understands what that truly means, and though she’s aware Uchiha’s introverted
personality type is necessary within their ranks and have their uses, she’s not sure how
sustainable that model is with someone like Naruto on the team. “You want Uchiha-kun to be
the captain…” Kurenai accuses the elite Jōnin. “…as a counterbalance to the dominance of
his unstable feelings. You’re using Naruto-kun and Haruno-chan to taper off his hatred of
Itachi and his trauma.”
“You need to think of another way,” Kurenai tries to impress upon the elite Jōnin. “That’s
avoidance and no matter how much better it would be if Uchiha-kun was the best, Naruto-
kun isn’t going to stop growing.”
Kakashi disregards her concerns and simply reports, “Naruto and Sakura are more than
capable of completing D-Rank missions on their own. You don’t need to supervise. Just sign
off as sensei. I’ll also have either Guy or Asuma check in-”
After a moment, Kakashi casually states, “it’s not my place to butt-in, but he told us Tomoko-
hime is a petty and spiteful person. As the third born daughter, she has little prospects in the
way of any significant power or marriage, so she's very rebellious and has no respect for
shinobi or her own family. He ignored you because if she learned how much he cares about
you, or you him, she would've delayed her return that much longer simply to feed off of your
pain. Apparently, she even prefers more feminine boys; you know, the frail, hairless, pretty
… … Kurenai silences her mind for seconds allowing that revelation to sink in and test the
fragile waters of her loving heart and honestly, it only made her angry. It’s such an Asuma
thing to do, protect her from pain as best he can. ‘And what? Now it’s okay for me to be with
him? After the perfect way he brushed us off?’ Her mind recalls Genma’s words, ‘he’ll be
okay,’ and she can’t but wonder if that’s truer now more than ever. Despite the context, the
agony continues to drown her chest with heavy hurt.
‘No,’ she thinks. ‘This wasn’t just that. This was a fear.’
Though Kurenai loves Asuma for how much of a man he is, her village places a lot of
importance on teamwork and even a friend would’ve been treated better than she was.
Kakashi was told, and more than likely so was Genma, which is likely why Genma feels he’s
better for her than Asuma-kun. ‘What was he waiting for? Commitment for shinobi who are
so often near death can be harder or easier, but could that be the reason why he hesitated?
Why he thought it’d be better if I went through that?’ She can feel her heart harden as she
flatly tells Kakashi, “he may have overextended himself trying to avoid hurting me. As
you’re the leader of Team Seven, I’ll respect any choice you make.”
Kakashi just nods as they both reenter Iruka’s house to find it empty. The Jōnin-sensei find
the boys in the backyard and Haku is showing Naruto how to throw senbon when Kakashi
interrupts. “Haku, we should go.”
“Wait!” Naruto calls confused, and for once, Kurenai feels the same.
For a moment she entertained the notion that maybe Kakashi preferred boys until the elite
Jōnin answers, “Naruto, part of receiving asylum in Konoha is a mandatory interrogation.”
“Really?” Naruto calls with a hint of worry. “For how long? Can it wait? We were going to
Ichiraku’s for some ramen.”
“It’ll take as long as it takes and it has to be now,” Kakashi mundanely states. “Just don’t
freak out if Haku’s not back in two days or three days. The more information they have to go
through the longer it’ll take. Team meeting tomorrow; seven, sharp.”
With a respectful bow to Kurenai and a hug from Naruto, Haku departs with Kakashi, leaving
the sexy Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha and a sexually starved blond boy with a big dick and
mountains of energy alone in an empty residence. Kurenai manages a gulping swallow before
her thin waist is captured by strong, hungry arms, pulling her softness to him like he’s trying
to fuse them together.
She can feel his heat and muscle as he moans repeatedly, “Nai-chan,” exciting her nipples to
hear such need for her.
“W-wait…” Kurenai tries, feeling slightly short of breath with an amorous rumbling in her
chest. His arousal was easily pressing against her round rump and within the orbit of his
radiating warmth, her body grows softer, like a hot cushion with zealous lubrication. Without
her consent, her ass rubs against his steel rod and like recalling hunger, her appetite grows
rapidly to uncontrollable heights. ‘Cock,’ her mind bids as Naruto absentmindedly begins
dry-humping against her, moaning, “Nai-chan!”
“N-Naruto… wait,” Kurenai tries, even though it thrills her to the bone at the thought of him
deep inside her, spreading her slick walls repeatedly until she cums hard enough to pass out.
“Not… here,” she manages as the last vestiges of reason slip away.
Holding her so comfortably tight that she can feel his racing heartbeat, he simply lifts her off
her feet and her flexible legs bend back and wrap around him at the knees, fixing herself
deliciously against his raging hard-on as he walks inside the house. With every step, her
weight presses down on his rock hard rod, growing overly wet with an itching need. She can
feel the pulsing shape of his head pressing between her soft cheeks until he just clears the
threshold, then she’s on the floor, on all fours, with a magnificently hard phallus eager to
rearrange her insides. The realization triggers a massive rush of blood toward her already
twitching wet cunt.
Naruto whimpers as he shoves the mesh armor blouse up and over her bandaged thighs and
pelvis. Groaning like a wounded animal, Naruto, without thought or permission, unsheathes a
kunai, spins it in his grasp and expertly cuts through a binding, unraveling the complex
impediment. “Naruto!” he hears and is immediately remorseful… until he sees her pulsing
peach, sodden and swollen for him and he forgets everything, including his own appendage
to stuff his hungry face in her sensitive womanhood.
“MMN!” Kurenai groans deeply from her tight core. ‘Yes!’ her mind screams, feeling his long
tongue lap her never-ending stream of honey. Feeling shackled in her clothes, Kurenai
struggles to take off her blouse, but when he dips his long slippery organ in her twitching
snatch to get at the richer fluid deep within, Kurenai’s mind blanks out as she groans loudly.
She drops midway through taking off her blouse as the tension cable of her impending
orgasm tightens frightfully fast. It’s been too long, he wants her too much, and after what
Kakashi told her, the ever-present ache in her heart needs this just as bad.
“Ahhh! Haahh! Mmmnn! Na-Naruto! I’m- I’mmmnn, almost!” she moans. The building
ecstasy churns her cunt-connected sanity madly and she bangs her heavily aroused head
against the tatami mat. Her mouth salivating profusely, spilling down her chin and neck as the
unyielding coil filled with unbridled ecstasy is ripped to shreds when his mouth finds her
engorged clitoris and sucks. “CUMMMMM-” She screams, her lower back arching with full
body spasms as her strong legs try to snap together, though it’s not enough to keep his hungry
tongue out of her spewing snatch. Kurenai screams from within her white and red blouse as
her entire body erupts continuously for nearly a minute. All the while he laps and sucks at all
the juices erupting from her radiating pleasure center.
Kurenai finally sinks to the floor, boneless in a haze of euphoria. Suffocating in her blouse,
she weakly removes the moist cloth and vaguely learns Naruto is naked behind her. She
becomes more alert when he lifts her waist to his pleasure weapon’s level.
Weak and losing control fast, Kurenai doesn’t respond, concentrating instead on the delicious
friction he sparks within her as he pulls out and quickly plunges back in to a wet ‘shloop!’
‘Wai- I’m still aahhnn…Ahhn! Ahhn! Sensitivvvvvv,’ Kurenai panics but her voice is gone as
he pulls out and pumps his massive hardness back in, ripping a, “Cuummmmiiinnnnnnnggg,”
scream from her throat. Curling her back and toes as she full-body spasms in repetitive
rupturing pleasure, her twitching cunt grips and pulls him in, jonesing for his man milk.
Naruto moans loudly, happily, by her clamping sucking grip and isn’t far behind. After a
minute of a full-body orgasm, Kurenai sinks to the mat below, sweating and breathing
heavily. Naruto flips her over to see her thoroughly debased and debouched appearance. Her
pink nipples on her large breasts stand stiffly at attention, her hair is a mess, shiny and stuck
to her feverish skin, her ruby red lips moaning and rubbing against each other and her half-
lidded eyes are unfocused and heavily dilated. Inflamed by the splayed evidence of his lust,
Naruto slopes against her sweating body, hungry mouth to flushing chest as he uses his knees,
feet, and pelvis to pump his engorged need in and out of her sopping mess.
“Haah! HAhnn… Ahn… ahhh… Na- Na- I’mmmmmmnn,” Kurenai tries, instinctively
wrapping her legs around his pumping ass and her arms around his nipple-sucking blond
head. Over and over his unyielding speed is maddening, fucking her like tomorrow is the end.
‘The end,’ her heart clenches at the thought of his near death. ‘He could’ve died,’ it hurts her
to realize and Kurenai fucks him that much harder, quickly closing in on a grand third
orgasm. “Fuck me Naruto! My pussy’s aching! Fill me up!”
“Nai-chan! I can’t- You’re so-” The horny blond starts to say before forgetting his words and
takes enough of her pert breast in his mouth she can feel his teeth as he hungrily sucks and
fucks, Kurenai’s eyes roll back as another body-shattering climax ruptures her every pleasure
nerve in her body, only this time, Naruto slams in, to his balls, and dumps stockpiles of cum
into her quaking cunnie. If the pumping liquid filling her quaking cavity wasn’t so thick, she
would’ve feared he was urinating a day's worth of pressurized piss. At the gelatinous
flooding of molten man-milk in her quaking center, Kurenai cums continuously, losing her
mind in the process and ascending past all problems into pure bliss.
“Nai-chan! I can’t get enough!” Naruto bemoans from the pain of so much pleasure. Despite
milking him dry, he hasn’t softened and in her frenzied euphoria, she couldn’t do anything
but let him have his way with her. He brings both her knees to her chest before going balls
deep with another round of hot beef injections. Her breast swing trapped between her raised
legs as he beats on her gushing walls, continuously keeping Kurenai in the high heavens,
triggering orgasm after orgasm up and down her squirming body until his balls tighten and he
unloads shot after shot of his hot cream. Kurenai sees white for an indiscernible amount of
time, feeling only heavily vibrating bliss.
When she comes to, Kurenai realizes she’s in a bed, it’s dark outside, making it darker inside
and more than anything, Naruto is resting on top of her, his head nestled between her soft
breasts and his groin firmly against her own. At the feel of his hot hard body on top of her, a
humming pleasure makes its presence known along with half his flaccid penis still inside her.
Kurenai enjoys the tranquilizing feel of him against her as her body celebrates the refreshing
feel of a good, hard fucking. It certainly wasn’t the longest of their sessions. The need
between them just propelled it to another level of sensitivity all its own.
With Naruto between her breasts, hugging her with a fear she may flee, Kurenai rubs the top
of his silky blond hair, enjoying everything about the moment. She doesn’t tend to hug him
back when she wakes up like this, but she can’t forget he nearly died. Every ninja in the
village knows any mission can go bad at the drop of a hat. There are no guarantees in their
profession, but still, with Kakashi in the lead of a C-Rank mission, she had no doubt
everything would be okay.
‘He not only survived what was changed to an A-Rank mission, but he fought Momochi
Zabuza and actually won!’ Her chest aches with the statistical possibilities of his death. It’s
very possible Team Seven could’ve returned with the announcement that the blond trouble-
maker, who shouts to all who will listen, how he’ll one day be the greatest Hokage ever, is
Though Kurenai never really returns his desperate hugs, she holds him dearly now. Her rising
body temperature triggers her cooling sudor and she leans down to pepper the top of his head
with ardent kisses. Pleased within his slumber, he hums and she starts to feel him grow within
“Naruto…” Kurenai softly calls as she massages his fine scalp. It takes several more calls to
finally rouse him out of slumber, all the while his penis steadily spreads her sticky and white
walls. Sleep addled, he looks directly at her a moment before a wide smile breaks across his
“How are you feeling,” Naruto manages to ask before more sensations register. She can
clearly read on his face when it registers that he’s on top of her and growing semi-hard inside
of her. His piercing blue eyes dilate and are lidded as his cheeks blush for an overall
expression of lust-filled hunger. Before he gets too ahead of himself, Kurenai rolls them on
the bed so she’s on top.
Leaning up as she saddles his groin, Naruto has the most amazing look of a naked goddess,
hard nipples on perky C-cup breasts, long, black, fuck-me-hair of a mess framed around her
beautiful face, elegant neck, and toned shoulders. Feeling her weight on his groin with her
knees and toned legs bracketing his torso was its own majesty. Naruto was instantly hard at
the drug inducing sight of her and instinctively bucks his hips up. But even if he had the
leverage to dive in deeper, Kurenai lifts herself just high enough to remove his curved meat
rod from her soaking quim.
Feeling the copious amount of semen in her begin to ooze downward, Kurenai places a gentle
palm on his chest stopping him. Sitting on his engorged arousal, rubbing herself against him
as she explains, “Naruto, do you remember what this position is called?”
“I- ah, you’re rubbing,” Naruto tries to say, enjoying the way she slowly grinds her pussy
lips, lubricating the underside of his throbbing erection.
“Naruto, I’m not going to allow you inside me unless you tell me what this position is
called,” Kurenai promises, growing wickedly fond of the pained face he’s making as she
rides his thick log, coating it with her juices and his dribbling cum. “Come on. I taught you
this, remember?”
“I- mmn, don’t remember?” Naruto calls between gasps, gripping her thighs as he tries to
thrust for more friction.
Kurenai takes his hands and fixes them above his aroused head, giving him a much close
view of her swinging breasts. “Come on, I know how smart you are.” Kurenai dangles her tits
so they barely brush against his hot chest as she continues, “I’m riding you. What are girls
called when they ride a stallion?”
Kurenai releases his hands so she can sit up straight. Taking his pulsing cock in one hand she
slowly lifts herself and aligns his pleasure rod with her dripping love tunnel. They both groan
in satisfaction as she impales herself with his beating sex. In this position, women have much
more control and Kurenai easily navigates his thick-headed trajectory with her angling,
squeezing him all the way to their mutual satisfaction.
Fully stuffed, Kurenai remains still, slowly asking the groaning blond, “Naruto, why did you
think you could beat Zabuza?” Naruto’s response was to grip her thighs and try to fuck her.
She dashes his hopes when she grabs his hands and plants them over his head again, leaning
in closer to look him straight in the glazed eyes. Her face is inches away and despite being
wrapped so euphorically inside of her, her face and red eyes are serious. “Why did you think
you could beat Zabuza?” she asks again.
Regaining some clarity, Naruto realizes she’s asking him a serious question; one he didn’t
have much of an answer for. He isn’t sure what to think, though the silence is interrupted
when she continues. “Ninja survive because we take careful stock of our opponent and use
that knowledge to develop a strategy to defeat them or if the option is available, run. What
was your strategy against the Demon of Hidden Mist?”
Again, Naruto couldn’t think of words to answer but could see her growing concern. She
almost looks in pain to him when she continues, “were you really willing to throw your life
away over a sword? There are people who care about you, Naruto. Iruka-san would be
devastated if he learned you died trying to fight someone as strong as Zabuza. Your ‘Ji-chan
—,’ which, don’t think you’re getting out of explaining that one to me—our Hokage cares
about you and would’ve been saddened to learn of your death. I-” Kurenai pulls up short,
though her cum-filled womanhood squeezes him hard. They both moan as she wonders if it
would be a lie to say she cares for him nearly to the point of love. Her love for Asuma clearly
shows the difference between the two but it would most assuredly hurt her if Naruto died.
She couldn’t help think how his death would taint her life, make her a bit spiritless… lose her
“I think of you as a special person in my life,” Kurenai concludes. “It would’ve hurt us to
learn of your death. So why would you be so reckless?”
Naruto is stunned—dick-in-pussy-forgotten stunned. ‘She was worried about me?’ His mind
asks. Being worried he could die is not something anyone has ever expressed to him, except
maybe Iruka-sensei when he fought Mizuki. But this beautiful, strong kunoichi actually cares
about him like Iruka-sensei does. It actually excites him to learn he’s made another friend;
another special person he would do everything to defend. And he swiftly realizes that’s
always been his answer.
“Nai-chan,” Naruto starts looking completely in her worried red eyes. “I mean it when I say
I’m going to be the greatest Hokage but that means there are super strong ninja out there I
have to fight. No matter what they want, they’ll hurt anyone just to get it and I need to be
even stronger than I am to make sure they can’t ever hurt the people that mean the most to
me. The Hokage always protects his people.” Naruto’s hands move out of her grip to cup her
beautiful face in his palms. “I didn’t care about the sword, I cared about Haku. And I didn’t
think I could beat Zabuza, but, I just had to. I’m sorry I scared you, Nai-chan. I didn’t… I
didn’t think that I could do that… to you.”
‘This fucking boy,’ Kurenai’s mind yells with affectionate aggravation. Rather than tell him
anything, she leans down and kisses him. She rarely instigates this type of affection. For the
sake of maintaining their emotional boundaries, her mind simply won’t allow her to cross
those boundaries. While Kurenai understands kissing can be a part of sex, she prefers to kiss
someone she’s in love with.
Swirling her dainty tongue deeply around his large rougher organ, the feeling overwhelming
her isn’t simply sexual or loving, but of gratification, praise, adoration, and triumphant.
While she may have her reservations on the morality of their relationship, there’s little doubt
this boy—this shinobi—will be someone great. He may have a long way to go to surpass the
four before him, but the foundation is there. She can see it. And that deserves this kiss.
‘He risks his life because he cares,’ is her answer. ‘He still cares despite it all,’ she thinks
recalling everything she learned of his daily life. Her awe of him is enough for a make-out
session. It’s as simple as that. As uncomplicated as his needy upward thrusts, and as natural
as her responding downward grind, it’s the first time they’ve ever have slow simmering sex.
On top, Kurenai takes the lead, rolling her hips and angling his rock hard cock to churn her
insides in all the right places. Her red eyes flutter with his every sparkling pull and quivering
push against her gripping walls. Her red lips constantly moan and she nearly loses all
awareness every time he rouses her melting g-spot. He grips her strong thighs, massaging
them as she rides his cock closer and closer to their peaks.
“Naruto, I’m… ahhn… going to help- AH!.. make your dream com- ah! Ahnn! Cum! True!”
Kurenai moans with her eyes closed, tweaking her nipples as she nears the greatest drop.
“I’m almost-” Naruto groans, tightening his grip on her. Leaning her hot and wet body
forward, Kurenai picks up her tempo when she felt her massive end only a few hard thrusts
away, and Naruto didn’t disappoint. He grips her hair-matted face and crushes her moaning
red lips against his, sliding his tongue into her mouth to suck on hers as his final thrust busts
his balls and Kurenai’s mind explodes with ecstasy.
He moans along with her as her lower back snaps to an arch, quaking and jerking powerfully
with mind-rippling pleasure as her quivering cock-pocket clamps and swallows hungrily
around his entire length. Kurenai’s buzzing mind only wants to pull as much of him in her as
she can, milking him for all she’s worth until she’s brimming with his hot seed. At the feel of
his knot expanding at her entrance, plugging her up while he shoots stream after stream of his
hot white goo, the Konoha beauty falls forward, thinking along the lines of, ‘he’s going to get
me pregnant,’ as she surrenders to unconsciousness on top of him.
When they wake to the aches and pains of satisfaction, they dovetail the previous session
with another round of slow, deeply intimate sex and for the first time ever, Naruto has enough
presence of mind to play with her clitoris. With her direction, the eager blond combines that
stimulation with the sensitive spots within her he knows hugs his cock the hardest until she’s
squirting her orgasms and screaming his name.
Yay! Iruka saves the day again! He's always been a favorite of mine.
Ino is definitely coming around in the next chapter. I actually had some time to figure
out where she's going and how the chapter plays out, I just need to go over it a few more
I'd also like to mention, I don't dislike Asuma in any way. I didn't want to make him a
villain but he did brush her off and I wanted to make it clear why. I'll figure out a way to
do right by him eventually. It just won't happen for some time.
There's a reason why Sasuke is living in his clan home and not in that hotel residence we
saw in canon. It's a small change but one I thought about for Sasuke's arc.
We're also getting closer to more story and training for Naruto(like two maybe three
chapters away). For those readers who raised legitimate concerns about the amount of
explicit lemons, I want to say that direction of this fic was done on purpose. Time travel
fic and Harem fics has a lot of well established tropes. THe reasoning behind my fic is,
we've already read many time travel fics that have all the variation of his training as well
as Harem fics that have a lot of drama/story. Now, it's not that drama and training isn't
exciting to write by themselves, but in their singular way, it's been done and done well in
some cases. So, instead of writing in explicit detail about Naruto learning all the stuff
everyone already knows he learns: Rasengan, Futon training, RasenShuriken, Sage
training... I decided to focus on the drama/lemons part while his canon training happens
around the Harem. Once we get closer to the new techniques and stuff I want him to
learn, Harem lemons will share the screen time more fairly.
As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts and have a great one,
Chapter Summary
Self-discovery after self-destruction, revelations are revealed and healing can soon
Chapter Notes
Hey guys,
That being said, I'll have time to write since I finally get to take my vaca now, yay! I'll
try to write as much as I can before Summer. Though I should warn you. My hours jump
to around 75 per week during the summer session, which makes it next to impossible to
write. So, expect the break in updates.
A different hunger forces Naruto and Kurenai from his thoroughly soiled bed and into the
kitchen. As everything in Iruka’s kitchen is mostly expired, they decide having dinner in her
house would be best. Fortunately, it’s Saturday and Hinata is staying in her compound.
Though Kurenai is thrilled by the idea of shower-sex, her vibrating body needs rest and thus
after separate showers, they walk to her house.
Along the way, Kurenai senses it’s safe to ask the blond, “Naruto, why is it that you never
mentioned Ino-chan before?” The boy leaps a few feet in the air in clear panic, groaning
nervously before Kurenai adds, “I was able to speak with her recently, is why I’m asking.
You always mention your teammate Sakura-chan, but you’ve never mentioned Ino-chan.”
Relaxing some, Naruto nervously answers, “did she say it was okay? To talk about it?
Because she sooo didn’t want me to bring it up… to anyone! Said she’d kill me if I ever did.”
Kurenai can sense the disconnect. Clearly, he’s referring to something specific, whereas Ino-
chan felt like she was abhorrent to the idea of their pairing… ‘or was that it?’ she wonders,
leading her to ask Naruto, “is she why you wanted me to teach you how to make girls feel
good? Because you didn’t make Ino-chan feel good?”
“I guess,” Naruto admits, growing confused. “I can’t really say, you know? I didn’t know
what I was doing and she… she was just so… I don’t know. I thought we both liked it at the
time, but then she said she didn’t, so I was super confused.”
Kurenai can’t quite believe what he’s alluding to without explicitly saying it and so tries, “the
“The kissing, normal sex, anal sex; everything,” he plainly admits. Kurenai is absolutely
stunned as he continues. “She was my first, you know? I think I was her first too… even
though I’m pretty sure she loves Sasuke-teme just as much as all the other girls do. I just
don’t get why she picked me and then said she hated it after,” he glumly admits.
“She…” Kurenai didn’t know where to begin, mentally gasping when she realizes this boy is
just a bottomless pit of surprises. ‘The heiress of the Yamanaka clan… wow,’ she mentally
gasps before finally communicating, “Naruto, as a woman I might be able to better
understand her if I could ask you a few more questions.”
“Really?” Naruto asks. “Oh, yeah, you totally could! Ask away!”
“Tell me about the time before it happened,” Kurenai starts. “Essentially everything leading
up to it.” Naruto then explains the flower petal and Ino’s desire to look for the flower;
meeting her and walking through the forest; suddenly being jumped by her and her begging
him to have sex.
“We did it for a while,” Naruto explains fondly. “And at the end, she yells at me to never tell
anyone and that she’d kill me if I did, which is why I’m super relieved she told you. This’s
been bugging me for a while,” he tells her with a smile, and Kurenai feels a twinge of
remorse for tricking this monumental secret from him. But she also worries others may learn
of her secret just as easily. “So can you tell me why she was so upset? Did- Did I do
something wrong?”
Kurenai couldn’t answer him. She needed more information, especially since Ino-chan was
acting suspiciously. “You know Naruto, if Ino-chan felt she made a mistake, she may not
want to think about it, and being around you would have the opposite effect; it would make
her think about it more. I don’t mean to say you are a mistake, but if Ino-chan was sure she
wanted to be with you one minute and then unsure the next, she would want to take some
time for herself to understand why she did what she did. I feel she may have yelled at you so
she could have some space to properly sort out her feelings.”
“So, does that mean she hates me,” Naruto gently asks.
“I personally don’t believe so,” Kurenai tries. “She could’ve made some horrible claims if
she actually hated you, but you may need to ask her to be sure. I would say wait until she
approaches you.”
“Has that ever happened to you?” He adds, “being confused about your feelings, I mean?”
At the unexpected query, she turns to him stunted in response for a few moments. Before she
can answer, she spots Asuma waiting at the very end of the street in front of her home. At the
sight of him, Kurenai feels less confused but more than that, she feels a great need to do what
he couldn’t and be honest. “Naruto… I’m sorry, but I tricked you. Ino didn’t actually tell me
about the two of you.”
Kurenai steps in front of him. “After meeting you both, I could tell there was something but I
didn’t know what exactly,” she tells the betrayed and scared boy. As Asuma starts walking
toward them as Kurenai continues to tell Naruto, “listen, I know what I did was wrong—I
know that—and I do feel bad about it, but as a sensei, I also want this to be a learning
experience for you. Those closest to us are in the best position to hurt us.” She can sense she
still has time before Asuma reaches them and adds, “I personally say, ‘it’s good to trust, but it
never hurts to test.’ I understand if you don’t like me very much. I just don’t want you to
regret trusting someone one shouldn’t. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”
“I- I don’t hate you,” he slowly responds as his mind floods with images of a crying Ino. “But
what about Ino-chan?”
“I’ll take full responsibility,” Kurenai says as Asuma closes in. “Besides, I have to talk to her
“I know, Naruto, but in this case, something just isn’t right. This is suspicious,” Kurenai
answers him. “Don’t worry, this isn’t your fault. Trust me, I’ll fix this and... and I think
you’re going to like how I make it up to you. You have my word.” Pink-cheeked with a wild
imagination, Naruto slowly nods as soon as Asuma shows up.
Distracted with fantasies of how the beautiful woman might make it up to him, Naruto simply
answers, “…hey Asuma-nii.”
Curious by the personal name, Kurenai turns to the gruff Jōnin who answers with a shrug,
“I’ve seen him around Otou-sama’s office often enough.”
Shaking her head astounded at the ease by which Naruto knows the Hokage, she turns to
Naruto and relays, “you can head in first, Naruto-kun. I’ll only be a moment.”
“Actually,” Asuma calls. “If we’re talking dinner, I wouldn’t mind joining you. Kakashi
talked to me about lending a hand. It seems Naruto-kun and I are both Fūton users.” Naruto is
still upset about outing Ino, but is enthused enough to smile as Asuma adds, “why don’t I
show you some stuff later.”
“…Okay,” Naruto agrees before turning to Kurenai. “I’ll eat at Ichiraku’s Kurenai-chan. See
After Naruto disappears, Asuma asks with a bit of a smirk, “Kurenai-chan?” Kurenai rolls her
eyes and thanks Kami he hadn’t said, ‘Nai-chan.’ “Never thought I’d see the day you’d be so
casual with Genin.”
“How did that even happen,” Kurenai can’t help but ask him, even though she’s worried
about falling into easy conversation with him. Her heart both hums and aches at the idea of
talking to him again. Fortunately, her recuperating body’s too exhausted to do more than buzz
in the glow of some great fucking.
Instantly recalling what Kakashi told her, she grows annoyed enough to sharply ask, “can’t or
His shoulders tense a moment and Kurenai knows he wants to smoke, but he won’t. He
knows she’s never liked it and he wants to be on her good side. With half a smile, the gruff
man admits, “I should’ve been the one to tell you.”
‘When?’ is right on the tip of her tongue, but with a great effort, she holds from continuing
this argument. It’s pointless and changes nothing. “What’s it matter,” she tells him, beginning
to walk around him.
“Kurenai,” he speaks, taking her hand as she passes. “Genma was supposed to… It all sounds
like excuses now, but please give me one chance. Just one. Nothing will get in the way
Kurenai takes her hand away. “I already am, Asuma. I’m sorting myself out. Have a good
night,” she bids before returning to her home.
‘That doesn’t sound too bad,’ Naru-nii answers his younger-self.
After informing Naru-nii about everything that’s happened today, including a single, short
sentence in reference to getting some alone time with Kurenai-chan—Naru-nii couldn’t hear
more than that—Naruto finishes his sixth bowl of Miso Chashu Pork Ramen with less
enthusiasm than he tends to have. The reason for his melancholy is simply put, Ino.
‘I betrayed her,’ Naruto thinks. ‘I promised her I wouldn’t tell anyone and I totally broke my
word.’ Naruto doesn’t usually come by Ichiraku’s Saturday nights. It’s their busiest night and
he feels bad when he drives away business just by sitting there. Though Teuchi-jiji and
Ayame-nee are always happy when he visits. While six bowls is moderate for him, he decides
to help them and himself by leaving.
He had a lot on his mind and like Kurenai-chan likes to say, ‘sort it out by thinking it
through.’ Luckily, Naru-nii will always listen to him when he has enough energy to use the
prayer beads. Though Naruto was with Kurenai-chan when Naru-nii had prayed earlier, he
said he’d try again when he wasn’t so busy.
‘That’s always a possibility,’ Naru-nii slowly explains. ‘I’ve messed up loads of times. I
made a promise to someone we both really care about, a promise I still haven’t been able to
keep,’ he says with heavy sadness and a sigh. ‘But you know, I won’t give up. I can’t.’
‘Take it head on!’ Naru-nii champions, and Naruto can just imagine the fist pump, which
brings a little smile on his face. ‘We may not be super smart but even when we mess up, we
can still be damn good friends.’
‘Of course we do,’ Naru-nii chuckles. ‘I’m almost out but remember-’
‘Keep practicing on the leaf,’ Naruto recalls. ‘I know. This thing’s been kicking my ass for so
long, I got nearly a hundred clones with Kurama’s chakra on it most of the day now. You
know how long it takes to dispel that many?’
‘I’m telling you, once you get halfway, the rest is easier- well, smoother,’ Naru-nii reminds
him. ‘Also, if Kurenai brings up Fūinjutsu, run with it, or better yet, try to trade all the
reading you’ll have to do for sparing with Hinata-chan.’
‘How come,’ Naruto wonders, thinking about the kind, quiet and nice girl.
‘Dude, I told you she’s badass,’ Naru-nii happily promotes. ‘I know she seems quiet and
stuff in the beginning but that’s mostly because her family treats her like crap. It’s
basically like how the villagers treat us, only she’s getting it from her family.’
“Really!” Naruto actually calls aloud, drawing in a few glares from passing villagers. ‘How
could her own family be so mean to her? She’s like super nice and sweet!’
‘I know,’ Naru-nii calls from his future. ‘Wait till you meet Neji. It’s crazy, but it’s exactly
why Kurenai-sensei wanted to help her so much. Trust me, try to get some sparring
sessions if you can.’
As Ino walks back to her home, she’s making mental plans on how to best help Asuma-sensei
reach Kurenai-sensei’s heart. Ino knows it won’t be easy. Having spent time with the
beautiful kunoichi before learning of her connection to Asuma-sensei, Ino would’ve never
guessed the woman is either broken-hearted due to princess Tomoko interference, or in love
with her Jōnin-sensei. After a few inquiries with her father, Ino learned how smart and driven
the raven-haired woman is, so it’s likely her mask is just that strong.
Still, Ino is adamant. She wants Asuma-sensei to regain his love. Maybe if she can get them
together, she might feel a little better about the state of her own love life with Sasuke-kun.
Near her home, she’s intercepted by the most irritating boy of late. Holding Cow Parsley
flowers, Inuzuka Kiba has been pestering her ever since her mother discovered the second
orchid. Her mother’s logic led her to believe Kurenai-sensei was helping one of her students
and since the Aburame clan flat out told her parents it wasn’t them, that only left the Inuzuka.
In Ino’s eyes, the canine clan must’ve jumped at the opportunity because Kiba has been
hounding her non-stop since, and the worst part about it is how primitive his attention to her
In front of Ino, Kiba is even more boastful than she remembers him being as he calls, “hey
Ino-chan. You’re looking extra sexy today.” He extends the whitish parsley with his K-9
partner adding a bark from within his jacket. “You smell super good too.”
With an especially long sigh, Ino states, “for the last time, I don’t want to go out with you.”
He just smirks, as if pleased to hear her response. “That’s just because you’re a strong
woman. Maybe I wasn’t clear before when I said only the strong make perfect partners, but I
like strong women. Unlike other guys, I still want you to be strong when you become my
Ino isn’t sure if he’s aware how chauvinistic he sounds. Though recalling Tsume-san refer to
a relationship as a possessive, ‘my man,’ Ino feels it’s a clan thing more than anything
intentionally disrespectful. Ino also wonders if someone is coaching him because it seems
after every exchange where one of her responses stumps him, he returns with some form of
counter-argument for that same point. It feels like bartering, like he’s haggling to lower her
patience, like a lower price, in hopes of wearing her down enough she finally feels too tired
to say no.
With clear annoyance, she yells, “I’m not going to be your woman! I don’t know who put
you up to this but I don’t love you. I don’t even like you. How do you not understand that
Sasuke-kun is the only one I love!” And to her great dismay, an image of Naruto looking
deep into her eyes pops in her mind, tightening her chest. ‘That’s not the same,’ her mind
yells at the mental image. ‘That’s just new and physical and really good!’
Her resistance feels even weaker when Kiba replies, “Sasuke-kun doesn’t have to be the only
one you love.”
With squinted eyes and at a complete loss, Ino asks, “W-what does that even mean?”
“It means you can love me too,” he emphatically states, beating his chest. “You can love us
both and then I’ll prove to you I’m better than he is!”
Rolling her eyes, Ino retorts, “that’s ridiculous! You can’t love more than one person.”
“So you’d rather young widows just give up after their man dies?” He hollers back with a bit
of a smirk. Ino wasn’t expecting that kind of insight from Kiba which truly makes her wonder
who’s helping him. “I know for a fact you can love more than one person! And besides,
Sasuke didn’t send you flowers!”
Unwilling to debate this and growing more frustrated, she simply argues. “You didn’t send
me those flowers either!”
“So,” Kiba cackles waving the Cow Parsley. “Who’s this other guy then? You think about
him too?”
“That’s none of your business,” Ino shouts trying not to think about Naruto.
“Afraid Sasuke’ll learn you don’t love him as much,” Kiba arrogantly suggests taking a
confident step forward. “You know why this other guy wouldn’t matter to me, Ino-chan?
Because you’re super hot. Other guys are supposed to want you. Luckily, I’m an alpha and
I’ll kick anyone’s ass who thinks they deserve you more than me,” Kiba states with the
assertion of a pack leader.
Ino hates that she can’t control her thoughts and force Naruto’s face out of Kiba’s point of
view, responding, “look, I’m just not into you… like at all. So please, stop.” Ino walks
around him.
“Wait,” he calls as he runs right back in front of her. “Come on, I get you want a strong man,
but you know, the Chūnin exams are coming up. Kurenai-sensei has been working us really
hard for it… like to the bone… like I’m a little scared of training with her right now.”
“So, you probably need it,” Ino replies, wondering if it had to do with Naruto. After all, Ino’s
been pushing her team to try harder so as to not be left behind. On top of that, it’s
empowering to know Kurenai-sensei believes in her future.
“So,” he says with a wide grin. “If you need proof of how much better I am, fine. I’m a
hundred percent sure Akamaru and I can beat anyone we face in the exam, which means I’ll
be the first one in our class to be Chūnin, and when you see me in my flat-jacket, you’ll
definitely want to be my woman then. I’m only saying we can start now and skip all that
because I don’t want you to feel like you missed out, is all.”
With simmering anger as her driving force, Ino dubiously asks, “you actually think that’s
what I care about—who has the biggest muscles or the most chakra? How shallow do you
think I am?”
“Oh get off your high horse,” Kiba calls incredulously. “With a straight face, you’re telling
me if Sasuke was the Dead Last and failed everything three times, you’d still be into him?”
Again, her mind flashes all sorts of images of the ultra-confusing Naruto. Stunned in silence,
Kiba chuckles as he continues. “Even I’m not dumb enough to fall for that, but it’s okay.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting the strongest, and when I beat everyone in the exams,
you’ll definitely want me too.”
He extends the most unromantic flowers she could think of, repulsed not by them or even
Kiba’s arrogant advances, but by the question of her love for Sasuke-kun. The raven-haired
Uchiha has always been so singular among everyone, she never really imagined him as
common. ‘Would I still love him if he was like Naruto?’ Her mind is silent, wavering in a
response that some months ago would’ve been a resounding, ‘yes!’ It makes her question
why it is we love who we love. ‘If I didn’t love Naruto, why did I have so many intense
orgasms with him? Why was that experience still an amazing memory?’ she quickly wonders.
Even now, her body automatically responds at the mere recollection of him.
Ino glumly walks around Kiba, finally returning home. After having a light dinner, she
ascends to her bedroom, but rather than spend the time with her thoughts, Ino retrieves her
vibrator. It’s taken her some practice, but Ino’s learning more about how to use the large toy
to excite and satisfy her. Just recently she learned how simply grinding against it as she sped
the tempo of her rolling waist up or down could bring her to an intense orgasm.
When she’s sure her parents have gone to sleep, Ino turns on her large vibrating dildo.
Having learned she likes being on her knees, raising her ass off the bed to let her juices
trickle down her thighs, Ino’s already growing excited. Her heart’s beating fast and her skin
feels hot when she begins to gently rub and tug her hardening pink nipple with one hand
while simultaneously rubbing the head of the low shaking phallus up and down her leaking
labia. She learned how much better it feels when everything is slick. With her face planted on
the bed, a low moan escapes her open mouth as Ino slides the thick orange toy up and down
the pink slit of her raised ass.
Feeling a good build to a fantastic orgasm, Ino raises the vibration as she speeds her phallus
massage. When she’s ready to slide her orange partner in her wet folds, a slight knock is
heard against her door. Ino immediately shuts the vibrator off. While her mother hasn’t found
her toy yet, Ino’s had enough near misses with the observant woman that makes her think it’s
only a matter of time until they have an awkward conversation. Fortunately, her mother is a
trained psychologist and is likely to handle it well. Still, Ino remains motionless, just in case
the sound was nothing.
It wasn’t.
Another gentle knock on her door frustrates Ino like nothing else as she retorts, “One
second!” Ino slides her wet toy under her pillow and pulls up her hotpants. She towels her
face, arms, thighs, and cleavage with her silk robe as she rushes to her bedroom door.
“What-” is all she manages to get out as a hand clamps over her mouth and she’s shoved into
her room by Naruto.
At his force of intrusion, Ino is instantly outraged. Despite feeling she could kill him, in the
middle of what she was doing, she can’t help feeling excited as well. This is the boy who
turned her into a woman… now in her room… covering her mouth with his hot hand… ‘so
he can have his way with my horny little body,’ Ino thinks as her cheeks and neck flush with
blush. Inflamed by her imagination, his impregnating presence, and at his hot hand covering
her small mouth, Ino’s heart is hammering in her chest. Her pleasure center throbs with a
prickling heat, picking up where she left off with her vibrating dildo as her juices trickle
down her thighs.
Though her knees buckle and her muscles flutter with excitement, her mind is still rational
enough to be pissed. She grabs his forearm as he nudges the door closed with his foot. He
moves in close and she feels his radiating body heat as her nostrils are filled with his male
scent. He whispers, “I’m sorry I showed up like this. You have every right to scream but, I
had to tell you- I felt you deserved to know… Ino-chan, I fucked up.”
Despite her heaving chest, accelerated heart-beat, and her beckoning pussy, Ino can recognize
the remorse in his tone. Her limited brain power can also reason he wouldn’t dare be here
unless something significant happened. Ino dreads what he has to say but she doesn’t move
away as she slides his hand down her lips to ask, “what? Why are you here?”
He looks pained to say, “Kurenai-sensei… I… I told her… about us.” Ino feels like the world
stopped and went silent. Even though she knows he’s continuing to say, “I’m sorry! I’m
sorry! You can hate me, you can kick me and beat me-” she can’t hear him as she grabs him
by the collar and punches him in the face.
The greatest shame in her young beautiful life is now known by a third person. Ino punches
him again as she realizes she can never look at Kurenai-sensei without feeling ugly in her
stunning red eyes. He doesn’t defend himself as she hits him again when she realizes that it’s
only a matter of time before the respectable Jōnin-sensei tells her mother. She hits him again
when she imagines the disappointment in her father’s eyes. Ino whirls the boy so that he falls
on the bed—the floor would make too much noise and she doesn’t want anyone to interrupt.
Jumping atop his torso, he doesn’t defend himself as her rage strikes him in the nose, temple,
jaw, and mouth. Her fists grow stained with blood and still, he doesn’t stop her in any way as
she attempts to break through his thick skull for every friend or family her mind tells her will
soon be happily sharing opinions about her shame.
‘Even that braggart Kiba wouldn’t want her after he learns what she’s done,’ and that
thought makes her want to cry. Her whole life is turning upside down and everything is being
dislodged from their perfect place as shaky, bloodstained knuckles stop punching so she can
cover her crying eyes.
Through her hand-covered face and sobs, she weakly asks, “why? How could you… destroy
my life like this?”
“…Because… I’m stupid,” Naruto pitifully responds, like it’s the title to his autobiography.
However, that fires off a cluster of brain cells that knows that’s not true. She’s been made
aware of the truth by Kurenai’s reconnaissance work, backed up by a few discreet questions
to her parents. Ino simply couldn’t understand why everyone hated him so much and her
mother’s basic answer of, ‘transference. To many citizens, he simply represents one of the
worst days in our village’s history,’ was the only explanation that made the most sense.
“No,” Ino sobs as her tears lessen. “You’re not stupid. Tell me exactly why you told her!”
Even with his moderately swelling face, she can tell he was surprised by her assertion of his
intelligence. ‘He really does think he’s stupid,’ her mind recognizes as he begins to explain
how Kurenai-sensei will be assisting with his training and how the Jōnin-sensei asked about
her. Though by the end it sounded as if Kurenai might’ve tricked him, the most important
thing she needed clarity on was, “you’re sure she said something was suspicious?”
“That’s what she said,” Naruto asserts. Not only is Ino curious by what that could mean, but
by the way his face seems to be recuperating despite being slightly swollen only moments
ago. Her thoughts are quickly kicked out in place for her sensations when he places his warm
hands on her straddling, bare thighs. “Ino-chan, I’m sorry. I know I said I wouldn’t tell
anyone and I totally blew it. You have every right to hate me but if I can make it up to you,
you have to let me try. Please.”
Though Ino listened to every word, her moist labia is pressed against the furnace of his
stomach and her legs are wrapped around his expanding and deflating chest. She heard every
word but her mind isn’t thinking about a verbal response. ‘He’ll do anything you want,’ her
body feels and when his hands tighten on her feverish thighs, Ino couldn’t help but answer
with an instinctual quick buck of her hips. The slight dig of friction ripples pleasantly up her
spine, like a tease of what more there is to feel if she does it again.
‘No,’ her mind thinks, hoping Naruto didn’t feel that, however, his eyes widen—or at least
one does—telling her he did. She then watches his gaze drink in her form; her young yet
curvaceous body in purple hotpants and a white tank top, with her long platinum-blond hair
down and around her beautiful face.
Even though he can feel humidity from her lady parts, Naruto says, “I know I’m not who
your heart thinks about. I bet you’re confused, like, in your feelings. I get that. After
everything, even I don’t know if I’m good enough for Sakura-chan anymore. I just mean that
I get it if you only want us to have-”
Ino grabs her pillow and mushes it over Naruto’s face, unnerved by his insinuation. “You
think I want to have sex with you?!”
“I can’t breath!” his muffled voice yells and she lifts the pillow so only his gasping mouth is
visible. “I don’t know! I… I just don’t want you to hate me.”
‘Like everyone does,’ her mind fills in for him. All the tension in her body is suddenly
exhaled. In a more relaxed state, she can feel him again; his heat, his scent, his muscles
between her legs. Despite herself, straddling him is exciting and arousing, and at the sight of
her orange vibrator visible where her pillow used to be, her body reacts on its own; steeling
her pink teats, buzzing under her bum and softening her pink flesh. Her body is honest to a
degree Ino can’t fully control.
“S-Stay still,” Ino commands. Bracing herself with her arms, Ino slides her crotch down his
waist to his hips until she feels his tent. ‘He’s hard,’ Ino’s mind shouts as she closes her eyes.
‘My body made him hard,’ her mind moans, growing thrilled in her grinding against his thick
hardness. Without authority from her brain, her lower body awakens to a mind of its own,
picking up the pace for more friction—more satisfaction. The slick slide down shoots a thrill
down her legs while the grind up escalates sparks of pleasant tingling up her spine and into
her brain. Her flush body overrides everything, taking charge as she steadily rolls her wet
crotch against his.
The friction is delicious and it isn’t until she feels his hands on her arms that her eyes snap
open, surprising her as she yells, “no! This- This isn’t sex. I don’t- mmn… ahhn!” Her denials
and disapprovals would sound more authentic if she weren’t moaning whilst trying to split
herself riding his thick tent.
“I know,” Naruto claims as his hands slide up her arms. His strong, hot hands coursing over
her skin feels like electric fire sliding up her arms, sucking the inhibition from every bit of
skin and replacing it with delight. ‘He’s going sooo slow,’ her mind yells with hot excitement
as they trace her bicep and round her feverish shoulders, then descend. She grinds down
harder, faster, getting closer to something more powerful than she ever felt with her vibrator.
‘Yes!’ She thinks when she realizes where his slow-moving hands lighting up her feverish
skin are heading. It feels like the tension of pleasure tightening in her wet core will be
triggered when his hands reach their pink and pert destination. He cups her soft hand-filling
breasts, pressing them against her grinding form before pulling. ‘My nipples! Ahhn! My
nipples! I’m- Ahn! I’m cumming! I’m Cumming! I’m cumming!” The moment she realizes
she was actually being vocal, he suddenly grips her blood hardened peaks and squeezes
painful pleasure out of them the moment her clitoris is kneaded against his strained cock;
shocking her clenched pussy with back-breaking spasms as her whole body climaxes on top
of Naruto.
Ino’s entire body shutters violently. The delicious pulse rippling up and down her every nerve
as a tsunami of joy drowns her altered brain. Falling forward so she can map his torso with
her buzzing sweaty breasts, her head is right under his chin as she moans and hums in
delight. The gleeful shivers are prolonged as his strong hands massage her ass over her
hotpants. Without his sight, Naruto relishes kneading and pulling her sensitive twin orbs,
making her buck and moan pleasantly on top of him. He’s happy to note she has sensitive and
playfully round ass.
Though the pillow still partially covers his face, his own thrusts against her sensitive pleasure
button keeps her in a haze, so, she puts up no resistance when he flips her over, nor when he
slides her ass to the edge of the bed. She doesn’t truly sober up until he slides her purple short
shorts down her vibrating legs. ‘I should stop this,’ her mind yells, yet her body doesn’t heed
her command. ‘Ino, stop it,’ her pounding heart warns. Propping herself on her elbow, she’s
in time to see his long tongue lap her sensitive pussy lips. “Ahhh!” she moans at the rough
tongue digs out a large flare of pleasure from her raptured body.
“Ino?” the platinum-blond hears from outside her door, shattering her pleasant haze for pure
panic. Thank goodness even Naruto has enough sense to stop, though, neither of them moves
as Ino answers, slightly breathless, “y-yes?”
“I… am,” Ino states, trying to sound like she didn’t just have an amazing orgasm.
“It’s just that… I heard you,” Ino’s mother states in a knowing manner.
Ino can read the tone and is supremely embarrassed when she knows there’s only one reply
she can say that would keep her mother away. Her frustrated hands grip and pull at her
sweaty blond locks as she begrudgingly answers, “I’m… I’m masturbating.”
Ino takes the pillow and tries to suffocate herself as her mother clears her throat and slowly
replies, “I see. That’s quite normal. Um… if-if you feel you may be overly vocal… use a
pillow… for your father’s sake.”
“… mmkay,” Ino weakly responds and her mother's footfalls reduce in volume until Ino can’t
hear her anymore. Suddenly feeling the weight of it all; the loss of her innocence in her
mother’s eyes, in Kurenai-sensei’s eyes, succumbing to her urges with the same boy again,
the possibility that it’s only a matter of time before everyone knows… before Sasuke-kun
knows… Ino cries. With her face covered by her pillow, Ino simply wails into it, muffling the
worst of it. She doesn’t feel Naruto pull her pants in place nor even as he covers her in her
bed covers. Ino cries herself to sleep.
‘How could he ask me to do such a thing?’ Hinata’s thoughts worry, ‘why would Kiba-kun
ask me to help him like this?’
Hinata has always felt she would do anything in her power to help her teammates when they
needed it, but spying on Ino-chan feels wrong.
“Think of it like recon,” Kiba-kun had argued yesterday. “That’s our team's specialty;
tracking and recon! Please, Hinata, you’re the only one I can rely on… and Shino already
said no.”
“But isn’t she entitled to her private life?” Hinata had tried to counter.
“All’s fair in love and war,” Kiba cried out. “It’s like what I always tell you. You have to get
after the things you want.”
“… Why- why don’t you t-track her, then,” Hinata had actually managed to ask him.
Proud of himself, he smiled broadly as he said, “I’m so glad you asked Hinata. Because I’m
being mature! If I tracked her and uncovered this guy’s identity, depending on who it is, I
might get angry and blow it with Ino. As team captain, I want you to learn who it is because,
I know you’re responsible and I’ll only want you to tell me if it’s someone bad, like any
“I- I can’t believe Ino-chan would be… like ‘that’ with an adult,” Hinata had responded.
Kiba explained, “Okaa-san said the flower this guy got her sells for a lot of ryo. Who would
do that unless it was an adult? On top of that, Ino hasn’t even told her parents. Don’t you
think that sounds pretty suspicious?”
Though Hinata felt wrong about invading Ino-chan’s private life, she didn’t want to let her
teammate down. Kiba-kun has been so caring and always tries to encourage her. Hinata
couldn’t not help him in return, even if it felt awful to invade someone else's privacy—‘a
fellow classmate no less.’ That isn’t to say that Hinata and Ino-chan were close. In truth, they
were slightly better than acquaintances, but as Konoha ninja, there are firm ground rules
about using jutsu on fellow shinobi: ‘If you do it, don’t get caught.’
As such, Hinata finds herself following Ino-chan when she leaves her clan’s compound. With
her Byakugan, she can see her target from rooftop fifty meters away and not have to worry
about Ino spotting her using reflections. Though, Hinata almost lost her footing—nearly
falling several stories to a horrible injury—when Ino meets Naruto-kun in the market. Hinata
can’t hear their conversation but she can tell from their body language that Ino’s upset and
Naruto-kun is trying to appease her.
Hinata wonders if Naruto-kun could possibly be the boy who gave Ino-chan this flower
before immediately wondering if he likes her now. She had observed him ask Sakura-chan
out almost every day when they were in the Academy. ‘What changed,’ her mind asks as she
follows them through the market. Ino-chan seems anxious as she physically forces Naruto-
kun forward, leaving Hinata to wonder if she’s wrong. Of all the places Hinata thought they
might go, Kurenai-sensei’s house wasn’t one of them.
Hinata watches them sit in her living room and talk. The conversation seems on edge and for
a moment Hinata wonders if she should listen in until she realizes Ino-chan is meeting with
her sensei and this has nothing to do with what Kiba-kun wanted to know. Kurenai-sensei has
helped her far too much to invade her privacy like this. Hinata was actually able to invite
Naruto to lunch once and that was only possible because of Kurenai-sensei. Even now, it’s so
unbelievably astounding to her she actually asked.
So when Naruto leaves the two kunoichi to walk outside, Hinata ignores the foreign lodging
in her throat, the insane heart-beat drowning her ears, and the horrible familial voices in her
head detailing how this will all go wrong for her, to bravely walk up to the blond boy of her
“I did trick Naruto,” Kurenai first tells Ino as the three of them settle in Kurenai’s living room
—Kurenai sits on the sofa with Ino while Naruto takes the farthest chair. Last night, Naruto
had woken her by knocking on her bedroom window, and it was no surprise to her when he
confessed to telling Ino-chan how she learned of them.
With hard saddened eyes he asks if he can stay with her, to which she had responded, “I know
you feel ashamed but that isn’t a good idea. That’s not what we have.”
“I’m used to being by myself so it’s no big deal if you want me to go,” he replied. “I just
thought, maybe, being with you would be better.”
“I suspect we’re a good distraction for one another,” Kurenai had told him. “But maybe
that’s not always for the best. Go train, Naruto,” she had commanded him. He looked upset
until she adds, “train for as long as it takes to feel better, then you come back here to rest.
After your team meeting, you, Ino-chan and I will talk this out.”
He trained through seven hours of the night and when he returned, he was cold, covered in
dirt and leaves, with dried blood on his already healed knuckles, lip, and temple. She helped
wash his worn and tired body in her large bath and despite covering herself with a towel, she
still had to give his excitable membrane some of her best head to settle him. With his arms
holding her close, they slept comfortably in her soft bed until he left for his meeting.
Her living room is tense and Ino-chan hadn’t made more than fleeting eye contact so far,
letting the raven-haired kunoichi know she’s supremely ashamed and embarrassed. It must be
odd for the young kunoichi to sit beside someone who knows their most intimate secret. With
as much empathy and encouragement as Kurenai can express, she tells Ino, “I tricked Naruto
as much for his education as yours Ino-chan.” Surprised, blue pupil-less eyes snap to her red
irises before she answers, “if you had reacted normally when we met in your family’s shop, it
wouldn’t have mattered that I knew who gave you the orchid. Naruto hadn’t given me the
slightest hint he was involved with anyone until I met you.”
To hear such a critical observation from someone Ino has grown to admire is disparaging, and
Ino’s shoulders sag at her physical assault of Naruto when it seems like she is mostly to
blame. Kurenai continues, “I realize that we are in the safety of our village, but we are still
ninja. Keeping secrets that affect the world is part of the job, always, and neither of you
should be tricked so easily. The both of you must do better with protecting information,
Both Ino and Naruto nod their head. A moment later Ino shakes her shoulders and bravely
asks, “you told Naruto you thought something was suspicious. Can you please tell me what it
“First I’d like to ask you about that day,” Kurenai replies.
“I don't need to-” Naruto starts already getting up when Kurenai puts her hand out, indicating
he should stop and answers Ino, “I want him here to make certain every detail from his
perspective aligns with your own. For now, don’t pay him any mind and focus on me.”
Exasperated, Ino simply huffs and explains, “that day… that day was like any other with the
exception of meeting Naruto. I met my team in our usual spot for a meeting. After that, I met
Naruto at the Hokage monument and thirty minutes to fifty minutes later, I started feeling…”
Her entire face burns bright red and she looks away.
“Ino-chan,” Kurenai prompts and it isn’t until she places her hand on Ino’s shoulder that the
Yamanaka heir returns her attention. “You have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.
I’m certainly not judging you in any way, but I would like to understand every detail before I
convey my thoughts.”
Ino nods and weakly explains, “I felt… hot… especially down there, and- and …wet… and
then I- I begged him… actually begged…”
Ino stops there and Kurenai ignores Naruto shifting in his seat to ask, “before you met with
Naruto that day, did you ever harbor any romantic feelings for him- and please be nice.”
“…No,” Ino forcefully answer, though she feels like she didn’t need to be told to be nice.
Even if she did beat him the night before, she regrets it now, and more than anything, it’s
unlikely she’ll ever think of Naruto the same way again.
“Have you had those feelings with any other boy,” Kurenai asks.
“I… well, I love Sasuke-kun but I can’t say I’ve had that type of reaction when I think of
“So the afternoon you had with Naruto was more of a physical urge than an emotional one? A
strong one?”
“Yes, definitely,” Ino heaves like she’s finally dislodged something heavy from her shoulders.
Rather abruptly, Kurenai cautiously postulates, “I suspect you may have been drugged.” The
girl reacts exactly as the raven-haired Jōnin expected of a young smart ninja. Her blue eyes
well up, but they don’t spill. Her biceps tense as much as her jaw but she remains still.
Unclenching her tight fists, Ino-chan rubs her welled-up stern eyes with the butt of her hands.
Though sniffing through her cute red nose, Ino nods, ready to hear the rest. “It would explain
your behavior despite having no romantic inclinations toward Naruto.”
“How could that be,” Ino asks with a trembling voice. “Before I met with Naruto, all I had
was tea and a stick of dango with my team.”
“Any sudden pricks to the skin; needle marks you may have noticed,” Kurenai asks.
“You didn’t see the tea prepared,” Kurenai guesses. “Did it taste any different? Sweeter?”
“No, but you and I both know that drugs can be made to be tasteless and odorless,” Ino
“Yes, but it’s no easy thing to do,” Kurenai counters. “You also have to consider the motive to
go to such lengths. Purchasing or making that kind of odorless and tasteless drug costs a lot.
And all for what? Sex with a genin? Seems a bit of a stretch.”
Ino turns suspicious eyes to a confused Naruto. It takes her a second to realize it couldn’t
possibly be him to which Kurenai easily reads and asserts, “that’s rather obvious, isn’t it?”
‘True,’ Ino mentally admits, before recalling his very smart teammate. “Sakura,” Ino speaks
with conviction.
“Hmm?” Naruto perks up as Kurenai asks, “why do you think it may have been Haruno-
“I hate to admit it but she’s pretty smart, maybe even smarter than me,” Ino begins. “She’s
studying Iryō-ninjutsu and we’re both competing for Sasuke-kun’s attention. If I was out of
the picture, she’d have a much easier chance of being with him.”
“Naruto, did you tell Sakura you were meeting Ino-chan,” Kurenai asks him.
“No,” he calls feeling grim about what they’re implying. “But Sakura-chan wouldn’t do what
you’re talking about.”
“Always remember it’s the ones we think we know the most who are in the best position to
betray us,” Kurenai cautiously advises the genin.
“If Sakura-chan wanted to hurt anyone she’d just walk right up to you and punch you in the
head,” Naruto shouts mimicking one of Sakura’s many punches. “She just wouldn’t do what
you’re talking about.”
“Why, because you love her,” Ino accuses feeling an ache in her chest. “For the life of me, I
can’t even understand what it is you see in her.”
“She’s super smart and pretty and honest and strong,” Naruto quickly asserts. Both kunoichi
ignore a sudden feeling of drawing parallels with the one girl in his heart compared with the
sexual relations he’s had with them. In their heart of hearts, no girl wants to feel less special
to someone they’ve been intimate with, but neither Kurenai or Ino want to consider the
romantic attraction necessary toward Naruto to feel inferior to Sakura.
So, while Ino asserts, “she’s not that pretty,” Kurenai asks Ino, “what about the dango? Did
they taste any different than when you normally have them?”
“I don’t eat dango,” Ino admits. At Kurenai’s curious eyes, Ino adds, “they’re terrible for
your figure. I only ate dango that day because I knew I was going to need the energy and
Chōji made them especially for me.” When Kurenai raises her eyebrows, Ino feels a need to
completely explain the situation. “He had made some before then when the team first formed
and he just didn’t get why I wouldn’t eat them. That’s why he made these special dango for
Ino slowly answers as she wonders why she’s breathing harder, “low calorie, low carbs. Zero
fat. They tasted fine enough,” she asserts before recalling, “the blue one was a little chalky
“Blue,” Kurenai repeats with the final click of missing information. The Raven-haired beauty
has had enough dango with Anko to know every stand in Konoha sells pink, white and green
dango, and a chalky taste makes no sense. Kurenai’s mind correlates the keywords blue,
Akimichi, and chalky to hypothesize, with near certainty, what Ino-chan ate was not dango.
Ino’s been quiet for several moments and clearly, she’s trying to understand what she likely
hasn’t been told of. The blue pill isn’t exactly commonplace talk among unmarried couples,
but the blue medicine is a sweet insult she’s heard a time or two. Kurenai eases Ino into her
theory by asking, “you’re aware the Akimichi clan produce most of our military ration pills?”
“The Akimichi also have special medicine pills,” Kurenai continues to explain. “Three are
used specifically for their clan in combat situations and one can be used by others—normally
married adults—specifically for sexual situations. That pill is blue and artificially stimulates
sexual excitement. Depending on the amount ingested, it can produce a great amount of
sexual arousal within a person.”
Ino is stunned still as an even tone escapes her parted pink lips. “I… You’re saying… Chōji
drugged me?”
Tentatively, Kurenai answers, “I’ll have to verify…” and doesn’t add, ‘but, yes.’
“…My own teammate,” Ino, mumbles looking as if her own parents had struck her. Kurenai
turns to an angry, though thankfully silent Naruto, understanding they were all classmates so
it isn’t hard to imagine their confusion and outrage. Kurenai whispers to Naruto, “give us a
minute. And don’t do anything to Chōji-kun. We don’t know what Ino-chan wants to do.”
Taking one last look at a stunned Ino, Naruto nods before leaving. Kurenai shuffles right next
to the girl, and though she was strong earlier, Kurenai can easily imagine the weight of the
hardships she’s been suffering for months now, only to find out it was all because of her
teammate; one shinobi she is supposed to trust more than any other. When Kurenai places a
comforting hand on the beautiful girl, she shutters, then trembles. Sorrow breaks the artistry
of her elegant face, adding creases her tears flood over. The girl turns and wraps her arms
around Kurenai’s waist, holding her just as desperately as Naruto tends to and wails in her
Feeling the strong sound waves from the crying girl vibrate her very ribs, Kurenai holds her
just as dearly. Kurenai leans against the sofa as she holds her, softly singing, “it’s okay, Ino.
Cry as much as you want. I have you. I have you.” She cries for so long, her tears run out and
she falls asleep.
Naruto walks out of Kurenai’s house, unsure of how he feels about what he’s learned. He
recalls playing with Chōji, Shikamaru, Kiba—before Kiba turned into a dick—and of their
group, Chōji was always the kindest. It simply didn’t make any sense that such a nice guy
would drug his own teammate. It makes him angry enough to want to hit the boy, but more
than that, Naruto wants to know why. ‘How could he do that?’
Naruto is happily surprised when he notices Hinata tentatively walk over to him and calls to
her, “hey Hinata-chan!”
Her entire face blushes in her surprise but she stutters, “he-he-hello, N-N-Naruto-kun.”
Naruto smiles at her, loving the way she tries even though she’s so shy. “Are you here to see
Kurenai-chan? She’s kind of busy right now.” The indigo-haired Hyūga twiddles her index
fingers in front of her lips before shaking her head no. “Hey, do you have some time? Maybe
we can hang out?”
The midnight-blue haired girl visibly shakes to spend time with him. Unable to recall her
ability to speak, Hinata-chan nods her head, ‘yes.’
“Sweet!” Naruto calls. “Come on, I don’t live too far from here.” On the way to Iruka’s,
Naruto wonders about his sensei, about Naru-nii’s assertion of Hinata-chan, of Chōji
drugging Ino which led to Ino doing something she never wanted to do with him. ‘It’s so
weird how things happen,’ he thinks before asking Hinata-chan, “hey, why do you think
someone who’s usually good might do something bad? You know, like hurt other people.”
Hinata-chan’s whitish lilac eyes grow in surprise by the question and though her throat dries
and shrivels, she answers him. She only had the strength to do so because he seems so
uncharacteristically serious about wanting to know, and she wanted to help him in any and all
ways. Thinking about Kiba’s request of invading Ino’s privacy, Hinata answers, “mn, m-
maybe th-they d-didn’t mean to-to do something bad.” Thinking about her own clan, she
adds, “s-s-sometimes it isn’t s-so simple.”
Naruto thinks about Iruka. Whether he meant to or not, it was his fault Iruka is hurt the way
he is, and like it always does, Naruto’s guilt riles him up to try harder, to be better, so he can
protect his friends. He promises, with Hinata-chan as his witness, “because of me, Iruka-
sensei is in the hospital. Because I was too weak, he got hurt. I definitely won’t let that
happen again.” He clenches his fist and closes his eyes when he feels his eyes moisten.
Unbeknownst to Naruto, Hinata is in awe of him. If the sun could be a person, her life would
start and end with Naruto. She’s never seen anyone fight as hard as he does against everyone,
every day and never quit. It’s unbelievable to her, but in his presence, she feels like she can
accomplish anything. “I b-believe in you,” Hinata finds herself faintly saying, and completely
turns beet red when she realizes she said it aloud.
Naruto turns to her, surprised, not simply by her faith in him, but also by the cute way she
crouches down till her butt sits on her heels and hides her embarrassed face with her dainty
hands. Naruto’s heart beats warmly at the sight of her. Regardless of Naru-nii’s promotion of
the Hyūga’s abilities, Naruto would be happy simply to have her in his life. He crouches in
front of her, gently calling, “ne, Hinata-chan.” She only spreads her middle and ring finger so
a bit of her left eye looks at him. Smiling he expresses, “I believe in you too. Let’s get
stronger together.”
He stands and extends his hand to help her up. After routinely being forsaken by her own
family, deemed expendable by her own father, deemed inferior to by her little sister, hated by
her hurting cousin, Hinata is amazed anyone besides her sensei could believe in her. For
those words to be spoken by someone as strong-willed as Naruto, is the most amazing dream
she could ever be lucky enough to live. She doesn’t know why she has the strength to take his
strong hand, but she nervously does. Promising all the while not to let him down… ever.
They visit Iruka, giving their Academy sensei flowers Hinata-chan picked on the way. Naruto
tells them all about his training, about taking care of Tori-chan and his concern over Haku’s
wellbeing. When Hinata suggested they throw Haku a welcoming celebration, Naruto is so
excited he loses his head and hugs Hinata-chan until she goes limp; unconscious.
Ino wakes from a troubled slumber but on a comfortably soft pillow. She nudges deeper when
she feels caring fingers massage her scalp. Her immediate thought is of spiky blond hair and
sky-blue eyes, forcing Ino to snap awake, learning the soft headrest she was laying on is
actually Kurenai-sensei’s chest. Ino hops off of her and the couch they were laying on,
apologizing through several deep bows. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry Kurenai-sensei. I didn’t
mean to fall asleep like that.”
Leaning up, Kurenai shakes her lustrous mane, reassuring the frantic girl, “it’s alright, Ino-
chan. You were understandably upset.”
At the mention of what led to this in the first place, it all returns to Ino, and initially, she’s
upset. However, when she feels like she doesn’t have tears enough to shed, she’s quickly
seething. ‘This entire time… I’ve been suffering this entire time because of that fat idiot!’
“I’m going to kill him,” Ino voices with a tone detached of any humanity.
Kurenai stands to face the furious girl, and in a commanding voice asks, “Yamanaka-chan, I
need you to enter your operational space.”
Surprised to hear about Shinobi mission management by the suddenly stern sensei, Ino tries
to ask, “but sensei, that fat pervert-”
“Genin,” the Jōnin-sensei interjects. At her commanding voice and stern eyes, Ino naturally
straightens her posture and is more receptive when her superior kunoichi continues. “This is a
mission scenario that will require a set of interactions which will lead to multiple outcomes. I
need to know you can hear the options?”
“Options? You mean whether his funeral should be open casket or not,” Ino honestly
answers. “He drugged me, sensei, which led to my rape under the influence!”
“You have every right to confront him if that is your true goal-”
“More than keeping the loss of your innocence secret?” Inu pulls up short at the question, so
Kurenai continues, “putting aside actual murder, let's use mission management to follow the
threads. If we are open and honest about this, considering your families history, Chōji’s
parents will no doubt want to make amends to your parents. Assuming your parent’s anger
involves the Yamanaka clan, we would no doubt have to involve the Hokage to keep
everything as peaceful as possible. I can’t currently predict how this will completely affect
the village, however, it’s certain very much would change. This thread’s outcome will likely
lead to some form of justice for you. You may even feel better but I doubt you’ll ever be
‘seen’ as the girl you were.”
“I don’t know if I can let this go sensei,” Ino freely admits. Like every genin—likely with the
exception of Naruto—she knows about mission management; weighing the variables to lead
to the best possible outcome for completing the mission. That lazy Shikamaru is actually a
genius in this field of reasoning and it never failed to surprise her that her teammate could
very well be the Hokage’s right-hand man one day.
Still, Ino thinks about the first time she sees Chōji—smiling or eating as he does—and her
anger makes her blood boil with a great need to kill him. Slam her fists against his fat face for
hours until it’s an ever-widening pool of blood, ground up meat and bits of bone. Ino shakes
her head, clearing it of the over-powering anger within her.
“That fat-ass drugged- …he made me have sex- …Kami!” Ino curses taking a deep breath.
“I’m no longer the innocent girl my mother thinks I am!” Ino painfully admits to the beautiful
sensei, feeling her hyperventilating burden lighten the more she speaks. “Do you know how
often I m-masturbate now? How often I think about sucking Naruto’s sweet, thick cock? And
drink everything that comes out? We even had anal sex, sensei… And I can’t even say I hated
it! I’m scared of who I am now! This isn’t the girl I ever thought I’d be! I’m corrupted and
it’s all because of him!”
Ino couldn’t physically cry anymore, but the agony is clear on her pain-cracked face. Kurenai
takes the girl in a fierce hug, trying as much as she can to transfer all her warmth and
understanding to the young blond. The distraught girl hugs the beautiful kunoichi back just as
desperately and in a comforting voice, Kurenai orates, “self-discovery is one of the greatest
challenges life has to offer. Self-understanding is such a daunting task, most would rather not
know their true selves, choosing instead to rely on external objects and superficial emotions
to feel fulfilled, but that will never be enough, Ino. It’s perfectly normal to feel fear when
uncovering parts about your identity you never thought you’d feel favorable towards, but that
doesn’t mean you’re damaged, or less than what you were, much less corrupted.”
Kurenai pulls back to look into the young Yamanaka’s pupil-less blue eyes. Thinking about
her own reality with another blond-hair blue-eyed genin, Kurenai confesses, “I’m fairly
adventurous in the bedroom, Ino-chan. I have my own kinks and I’m even willing to try
different things I may not have considered before. I know women who actually prefer anal
sex, and I don’t dislike it myself. The point is, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you.
You were forced to confront a lot of revelations in a short span of time, and I think you’re
handling it amazingly well.”
Feeling absolutely grateful, Ino hugs the beautiful Jōnin-sensei, enjoying the comforting
warmth and her vanilla and walnut scent. Normally, shinobi use odor canceling shampoo and
conditioner to avoid being tracked, but Ino thinks no amount of bathing would ever remove
such a lovely scent and more than ever, Ino feels like she has to get Kurenai-sensei and
Asuma-sensei together.
“Come on,” Kurenai tells the girl. “Let's make some lunch while we talk some more.” As
they prepare a late afternoon meal, Kurenai asks Ino, “did you ever think Chōji might be
capable of doing something like that?”
“Never in a million years,” Ino answers. “Personality-wise, he’s too soft for that. Total
nurturer mindset. He leans on Shikamaru for practically… no…” Ino gasps her racing mind
speculating on both her teammates being in on her drugging. “Now that I think about it, Chōji
wanted to hang out afterward! Kami, if it wasn’t Naruto, it may have been those two idiots,
or if I was strong enough to run away, some random villager.”
Rather than comment on her suspicion, Kurenai asks, “since that one day, have you ever been
made to feel the same way you did with Naruto? Simply put, do you think they, or Chōji, may
have dosed you again?”
“So it’s possible they or Chōji only did it that one time.”
“How exactly,” Kurenai asks, graciously looking away to help Ino feel more comfortable.
“I… you won’t tell,” Ino asks blushing down to her neck.
With a long exhale, Ino answers, “I still get… excited, like really excited. Every time I think
about him… what we did… I get so hot, and aroused, all I can think about is getting back to
my bed so I can… take care of myself.”
The blond indication clear to them both, Ino responds with a nod, “…just… I mean it felt so
so good! Better than anything I’ve ever felt. That can’t be normal. It has to be the drug’s
effects, right?”
“Possibly,” Kurenai tells the girl. “I don’t know the specifics of what’s used to make the blue
pill, however sex feels very good even without it. Power, money, sex, love, are four of the
most common driving force in all of humanity, and you know, woman love sex just as much
as men. We’re just not as flagrant about it.”
“I’ve heard women talk about their first time before,” Ino starts feeling more and more
comfortable with the raven-haired kunoichi. “In the bathhouse or at the compound. Most say
it hurts too much to really enjoy it. Some girls even prefer to touch themselves instead of
letting their boyfriend get them off.”
“While true, there could be many factors to that on both sides,” Kurenai explains. “The
woman may have a difficult time achieving orgasm, the man may be too sexually
inexperienced to bring her to orgasm, lack of communication between partners, confidence
issues, anxiety, and many more reasons.”
“…yeah,” Ino mutters, wondering if somehow Naruto wasn’t the worst first partner she
could’ve had. When she thinks about what could’ve happened when she was hit with the
pill’s effect in the village, she shudders.
“Mission scenario number two,” Kurenai continues. “You secretly beat Chōji within an inch
of his life. He won’t know why, nor will anyone else… except maybe Naruto. If the resulting
investigation leads nowhere, this may bring you a small measure of justice and it’s possible
you’ll move on. After all, when you’re in the field, if you don’t trust your team, you’re as
good as dead.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad,” Ino snaps viciously cutting through the lettuce.
“The problem there is, I absolutely have to make sure he hasn’t done this to someone else,”
Kurenai says. “Which leads to the third thread. While keeping your identity completely
anonymous, I bring him in front of his parents and make him aware of what he’s done and
how it’s hurt someone. If his reasons have no malice in them, I’ll end it there and make
certain he knows never to reveal your identity to anyone for the rest of his life. I’m sorry Ino-
chan. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but I can’t allow him to do that again.”
“…I want to be there,” Ino states, agreeing with the beautiful sensei. “I need to see.”
“I can do that,” the Genjutsu mistress of Konoha guarantees, happy to use her skills to help
Ino. “How’s today sound?”
More Ino to come! I may have been too subtle about what happened to Ino in the
beginning chapters. I don't like spoon feeding my audience so I'm glad I got to explain
that within the story and have it move the plot forward. I want Ino to put that stuff
behind her so she can begin to change for the better.
I'm sorry I hit Naruto again, but he's tough and Ino really lost her equilibrium. Currently
I have no further plans to have any of the other girls beat on Naruto... that I know of.
As for Kiba, I never liked how he laughed with all the other kids at Naruto in part I, but
I did like how he turned around after he lost their match. I say that because my Kiba
hasn't been beaten yet, so he knows nothing... yet.
I can't wait to get to the Chuunin exams and write Gaara and all the other stuff I want to
introduce. I feel like that'll be great fun.
As always, I'd love to know your thoughts and have a great one,
Chapter Summary
The world may very well be scary through unobstructed eyes, but it will also be
complete freedom.
Chapter Notes
Hey guys,
Writing when you don't have to work is so much fun. It's like I finally have time to write
my ideas down. Some of you may know that I carry a little notebook with me while I
work so I can quickly jot any idea that pops into my head. That note book has ideas well
into the chūnin exams. Like all the way into the little tournament to narrow down the
3rd part of the exam. And I finally get to write them down! So, I'll write as much as I
can, this I promise :)
Warning: Kissing.
“Again, thank you for granting my selfish request,” Kurenai sternly says, bowing respectfully
to the heads of one of the four honored clans in Konoha, Chōza and Chiharu Akimichi.
Chōza nods but is clearly confused about her insistence to speak with them as soon as
humanly available as well by the disguised person sitting next to the Jōnin-sensei. The four
are in the traditionally styled seating room of the main house of the Akimichi compound with
the clan heads seated across Kurenai and a black cloaked, masked figure.
“As I mentioned this is a very delicate situation and may not begin to make sense until the
end,” Kurenai speaks. “Furthermore, the identity of the person next to me will never be
revealed.” Despite having to look up at the large Akimichi, Kurenai doesn’t blink, buckle, or
dwindle in any way.
Chōza stares into the serious red eyes of the Jōnin and can easily read how deadly serious she
is. The tall figurehead grumbles but nods nonetheless, adding, “then please speak, Kurenai-
“I’d like to ask Chōji-kun a few questions; in your presence, of course,” Kurenai starts and
quicker than a heartbeat, the clan heads grow tense at the mention of their son and heir.
Though easily detecting a clout of paternal energy emanating from them, the raven-haired
Jōnin continues calmly as if she felt no hostility. “I will also ask for one of your blue pills, as
that item is at the center of this entire event.”
In addition to tense shoulders and upright posture, the two heads grow confused. Chōza
states, “we’d, very much, like to know what you plan to ask Chōji.”
Kurenai places her hand on Ino’s shoulder though it looks as if she’s comforting nothing but
air. “You have to understand Chōza-dono, Chiharu-dono, this person has suffered in ways no
girl should due to either foul-play or negligence. You know the purpose of your stimulant
pill. It shouldn’t be difficult to imagine.”
“You’re saying… Chōji…” Chiharu starts her mind racing. “He would never! He couldn’t!”
“I’ve only ever heard positive things about Chōji-kun,” Kurenai admits. “Without the
personality needed to carry out such intentions, it’s clear there’s a piece missing. I only wish
to ask him if he knows what the pill is and if he gave it to anyone.” Chōza’s hard face nods,
and Kurenai adds, “please allow me to ask him myself.”
They place the blue pill on the table between them and summon Chōji. Stern parents on one
side and the pretty Jōnin Ino had talked about on the other side is the sight Chōji faces when
he enters the seating room.
“Otou-san, Okaa-san,” Chōji calls for clarity. “Kurenai-sensei,” he greets with a short bow.
“Please have a seat, Chōji-kun,” Kurenai gestures. Slowly, he does as she asks. Spotting the
blue pill in the middle of the table, a twin of one he had taken, Chōji automatically grows
nervous. He hadn’t liked taking the pill, but he was happy that Ino had become much
friendlier within the team, so he can’t feel all that bad. “Chōji-kun,” Kurenai delicately starts.
Despite his parents stern energy, the pretty sensei’s smile puts him at ease. “If you could help
us out, there are a few questions I’d like to ask you. Now be honest, do you know what this
Chōji looks at the blue pill Kurenai-sensei is pointing to and feels very much like he’s in
trouble. Though his first instinct is to deny it, Kurenai-sensei is a Jōnin, his parents are here,
and he’s been taught better than to lie, so, he slowly nods as he answers, “…Okaa-san said it
was a special pill shinobi and kunoichi take so they can be friendly.” As if experiencing
terrible stomach pains, his mother drops her head with wide eyes.
Chōji wonders why his mother’s looks so sad when Kurenai-sensei continues to ask,
“friendly how, Chōji-kun?”
Slowly eying his freaked out parents, Chōji nervously answers, “so they can be nicer to each
other, like best friends are.”
Chōza’s gulp is as audible as his knuckles cracking from a tight fist when Kurenai then asks,
“and did you happen to give this pill to someone you wanted to be better friends with?” Chōji
slowly nods his head, beginning to answer, “I gave it to-”
“Chōji-kun, please don’t say her name,” Kurenai interjects, lifting her hand seal ready to
silence him if need be. While Chōji’s mother seems devastated, Chōza is a stone, immobile
and just as imposing.
“Who?” Chōza demands of Kurenai, who only answers, “she wishes to remain anonymous,
Chōza-dono. She has plans and goals, like any other, and wants to put this entire episode
behind her in order to move forward with her life. Revealing her identity would only
accomplish the same end a great deal of time after everyone has already assumed an
unwarranted bias and personal opinion of her.”
“…H-how old,” Chiharu tearfully asks. Kurenai knows that many of the clan mothers are
members of the Allied Mothers Force and suspects it’s hurting Chiharu to realize what’s
happened to someone’s daughter.
Kurenai turns to a confused, angry, agonized young Ino before answering Chiharu, “too
young.” Her response pained Chiharu to the point of silent tears.
“…Otou-san,” Chōji tries again, reacting nervously to the mood of the room.
“I told you to talk to him,” Chiharu blurts to Chōza, dabbing the edges of her eyes. “I told
you he asked- I told you!”
Stern yet ashamed, Chōza shifts himself to face his terribly confused son. His small eyes are
full of sadness and disappointment as he explains, “Chōji, that pill… is not what you think it
“What is it,” Chōji quickly asks, desperate to understand the heavy and unspoken thing
everyone else seems to know.
“We’ve talked to you about our clan’s medicines,” Chōza states getting a nod from his son.
“And you’ve been educated on love and sex by us as well as the Academy.” Chōji’s chubby
cheeks glow red, flickering guilty eyes in Kurenai’s direction before nodding. “You know a
sexual relationship should only be done between two people who love each other and are
married.” Again, a pink-cheeked Chōji nods. “When you reach a certain age, older adults
simply don’t have the energy to be loving like they were when they were young.” Chōza
indicates to the blue pill on the table, explaining, “this pill is special because it provides older
married couples the energy they need to engage in physical love.”
Chōji sits up straighter flustered by what his father is explaining, in the presence of Kurenai-
sensei no less. “W-what do you mean? How,” Chōji gravely asks.
“Think of the reactions from our Chakra pills,” Chōza painfully details. “The three colored
pills forcibly converts fat reserves to chakra for tremendous power. This blue pill creates a
chemical reaction within the body that forces a person to feel a tremendous physical urge to
have sexual relations… and if the person takes enough, he or she will want to have sex even
if it’s with a stranger,” Chōza fiercely answers.
“But… But-” Chōji gets to his feet, and whips to his mother. “It’s for being better friends!
Okaa-san, you said-”
“You were wrong Chōji!” Chōza’s powerful voice thunders in the room. “…We were wrong.
The girl- the far too young girl you gave this pill to suffered terribly because of you and this
Chōji looks horror-stricken, clearly thinking of his blond teammate having sex with someone
she doesn’t love. “But that- that wasn’t why I gave it to-”
“Chōji-kun,” Kurenai yells lifting her genjutsu seal to her chest but doesn’t silence him. “She
is the victim here! The guilt you feel, the shame your parents must feel only comes second to
her suffering, so do not speak her name. If her identity is revealed, your parents and her
parents will have to be involved, which will then involve the Hokage. And despite any justice
she may see, everyone will know what happened to her. This will define her in the eyes of her
peers, her village, and to some extent, her parents, possibly for years. That is not what she
wants. You will never—I repeat, NEVER—reveal the identity of the person you gave that pill
After ordering the teary-eyed genin, Kurenai turns to the parents. “It’s very possible you may
come to learn the identity of this person. In the event that you do, she only asks three things
of you. One, you attempt to shoulder your shame so she may have a brighter future without
the stigma of being a victim of sexual impropriety. Two, if you must appease your conscious,
you give her sufficient time to speak and prepare her parents. And three, she punches your
Before Kurenai finishes the sentence, an invisible Ino spins Chōji around and strikes him
harder than she’s ever punched anyone in her life. Her fist didn’t even feel human as her
suffering condenses her muscle, tendon, and bone to the unyielding density of a diamond.
Driven by extensive mental and emotional anguish, her killer right straight impacts Chōji’s
nose with such force, he’s sent flying into the table behind him. Despite feeling a crunch at
the end of her fist, Ino feels no sense of satisfaction and rather than hit him again, and
possibly lose herself to homicidal mania, Ino snags the blue pill that’s rolled on the floor,
jumps on top of Chōji, and shoves the extra-strength sexual stimulant down his throat.
More than content with the one easily aroused boy in her life, Kurenai prepares to leave,
informing Chōza, “despite the suffering Chōji-kun is responsible for, I do not believe your
son had any ill-intention.” Chiharu is helping her son while Chōza remains still. “If you can
assure me he will be thoroughly informed of what’s expected of him moving forward, I will
accept that and maybe some of us can move on from this.”
Both knuckles pressed into the floor, Chōza bows deeply, stating with grim authority, “ you
have it.” He turns to where Ino may be and bows again, “you have our deepest sympathy for
the pain my son, our clan, has put you through.” Chiharu bows as well while Chōji looks
around, both hands holding his broken nose.
Kurenai can see Ino steel her posture, likely putting on a brave face under the mask before
she turns and leaves. After a bow, Kurenai follows and when they reach the safety of
Kurenai’s home, the genjutsu over Ino is removed along with the cloak and mask.
“Considering all involved, as a ranking officer in our military force, I will have to hand our
Hokage a Black Scroll about this.”
“What’s a Black Scroll,” Ino asks before realizing, “and you promised me you wouldn’t tell
“I’m not telling our Hokage what happened,” Kurenai states, calming the girl some. “Well,
not exactly. A Black Scroll is a detailed report of what happened to you and all involved, so
in that sense, yes I am. However, it is sealed and only opened in the event a blood feud arises
between prominent members of those involved; in this case, should the Yamanaka clan claim
a blood feud against the Akimichi clan. If two of the four honored clans in Konoha begin to
feud, our Hokage will need to intervene. Opening the scroll then, and only then, will equip
him with the facts he’ll need to help avoid any bloodshed.”
“…I know this can’t remain a secret forever,” Ino rationally admits. “I just don’t want to be
the gossip of the village; portraying me behind my back like some slut, or helpless victim.”
“I know,” Kurenai hugs the girl. “But remember, no matter what others say about you, they
don’t define you. You’re the only one who can do that. For the moment, we’ve bought
ourselves some time for you to make a name for yourself that has nothing to do with who you
slept with. Use it wisely.”
Earnestly, Ino nods before hugging the beautiful woman appreciatively. “Pretty sure we saved
him too,” Ino says into Kurenai’s mane with a chuckle. “People hate him so much they’d
probably figure out a way to blame the whole thing on him.”
“It wouldn’t surprise me,” Kurenai admits, pulling back to look at the girl.
“Thank you sensei,” Ino gratefully expresses, kissing the gorgeous kunoichi in the cheek, to
Kurenai’s pleasant surprise. “Would it be okay if I talked to you sometime, you know, about
my… strong feelings?”
“If you want to talk about specifics you can’t or won’t share with your mother, than I’d be
happy to.”
Sakura was surprised to hear her mother call her down. Her family had just finished dinner
and Sakura was getting ready for tomorrow. She sighed when she realized it would be a
Sasuke-less tomorrow. Earlier that morning, Kakashi-sensei had explained to Naruto and
herself that he would be taking Sasuke-kun to a specialized training trip. While she was
thrilled Sasuke-kun was getting the recognition he deserves, as well as the famed Sharingan,
she was also sad and frustrated that she was being left behind.
‘Physically left behind by Sasuke-kun and Kakashi-sensei, and left behind in terms of skill by
Naruto,’ she thinks, repeating for the hundredth time since the miracle event. ‘He beat a
Jōnin! Zabuza was giving Kakashi-sensei a hard time,’ Sakura recalls. ‘And Naruto beat
that!’ Sakura felt abandoned on multiple fronts.
She was certain about that feeling of abandonment, as it’s been an on again and off again
companion for most of her life. Sakura easily recalls the first time her father left to travel
with the slow-moving caravan along trade routes throughout the countries. Young as she was,
she couldn’t understand this was how he supported their family. All she knew was that he
was leaving and feared he may never come back. Sakura can vividly recall her younger self
waiting at the corner of their street for hours, hoping to see his figure walking back to her that
night, but he never did. It wouldn’t be until many weeks later when he finally returned, and
though Sakura was happy to see him again, she still had those lingering feelings of
inadequacy as a daughter.
After leaving the Konoha forces, her mother joined the civilian council which took up most
of her time and energy, leaving Sakura with a great drive to prove her existence to her
somewhat vacant parents. So, rather than mentally reciting the protocol for treating
subarachnoid hemorrhage with Iryō-ninjutsu, her mind is filled with her depression over
Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke-kun’s departure and her feelings of inadequacy within her home
and team.
A despondent Sakura slinks downstairs at the call of her mother and at the sight of her late-
night guest, Sakura is instantly simmering with anger. Ino waves happily at Sakura and after
explaining to Mebuki she already had dinner, both girls relocate to Sakura’s room. Sakura
takes a seat on her puffy white and pink bed, glaring at Ino as she moves around the bed and
lays down on the other side, letting out a sigh of content. Ino pats the bed, a clear indication,
and Sakura lays down as well without much fuss.
Both girls lay on Sakura’s bed, looking up at the ceiling for several moments until Ino states,
“you were right about the Tree-walking and Water-walking.” Sakura swivels her head to look
at the blond as she continues, “you guys were gone for a month and a half and our team just
started water walking last week. I may have to see Naruto train because it’s pretty hard to
believe he can hold that constant flow of chakra for longer than twenty minutes.”
Thinking of her confusing orange-clad teammate, Sakura lets out a sharp exhale like quick
laughter before she answers, “you’re more than welcome to take my place training with him.
I don’t want to be around him any longer then I have to.”
“I doubt that,” Ino casually replies. At Sakura’s confused quirk of her eyebrow, Ino responds,
“don’t think I don’t know when you’re bluffing.”
“Let’s be true kunoichi, Sakura,” Ino cuts in, confusing Sakura further. It’s always a red flag
when Ino uses her name, but the pinkette couldn’t know how amazed Ino is with Kurenai-
sensei, nor how much lighter the beautiful Yamanaka felt after that afternoon. Knowing the
truth has eased her in a way she hadn’t expected, like there is hope after all, and with clear
satisfaction, Ino tells Sakura, “I’m getting a better picture of the type of kunoichi- well, the
type of woman I want to be.”
Ino snorts. “I get why you’re angry with me but you should really read the mood better,” Ino
points out, brushing the sting of the pinkette’s words aside. “I’m in a good mood so naturally
that makes you angry, because why should I be in a good mood when you’re suffering, right?
But if you hadn’t snapped you would’ve heard me offer to give you one of the photos.”
“Okay I’m sorry,” Sakura tries rolling on her side to face Ino with desperation. “Look, it’s not
so much you. Kakashi-sensei told us this morning he would be taking Sasuke-kun on a
personal training mission. They’re going to be gone for a whole month, leaving me with
Naruto, so, yeah, I’m upset. Please, Ino… I didn’t mean the cold-hearted part,” Sakura
weakly fumbles to apologize.
“If the sandal fits,” Sakura hotly returns, rolling back to look at the ceiling. Though she
expected some form of backlash, Ino simply snickers and Sakura can see it more clearly now.
Ino does look lighter—more cheerful perhaps.
The Yamanaka smirks and nods before asking, “so what are you and Naruto going to do
while they’re gone.”
With another sigh, Sakura answers, “Kakashi-sensei has me working with the Iryō Butai and
per your demands, I’ll keep training with Naruto around my medic training.”
Ino turns to her and happily answers, “I bet you anything Kakashi-sensei is trying to help
“Because Asuma-sensei is in love with Kurenai-sensei!” Ino squeals before explaining to her
Asuma’s duty as the Hokage’s son, the princess’ stay in Konoha, and how the nearly-
arranged marriage intervened in Asuma and Kurenai’s love. “You should see how many roses
he’s buying just to win her back, uahh, it’s so romantic! There’s even this other cocky Jōnin
totally trying to make a play for her. I just know Kakashi-sensei is trying to help Asuma-
“That’s so sweet of Kakashi-sensei to do,” Sakura had to admit, feeling better about her
sensei leaving.
“She’s so beautiful,” Sakura admits, recalling the strong Jōnin-sensei. “I love her red eyes.
They remind me of the Sharingan.”
Turning to the pinkette, Ino says, “since Sasuke-kun’s gone, you wouldn’t have been able to
earn that photo anyway. I was going to make you talk to him.” Sakura listens saddened and
perplexed as Ino continues, “the woman I want to be doesn’t use blackmail to solve her
“We’re still ninja,” Ino sternly tells the green-eyed girl. “Just because we’re in the safety of
the village doesn’t mean we should be lax. You were careless, and more than that, I don’t
believe your love for Sasuke-kun is healthy.”
“You’re just jealous because I’m the closest one to Sasuke-kun’s heart,” Sakura automatically
counters before her well educated mind tortures her with specific exerts of the reports Ino
made her do on obsessive love; specifically on her compulsion to assume without any
concrete facts and argue with anyone who doesn’t wholly support her love.
Soured, Sakura sighs when Ino states, “let me be clear here, I don’t care if you love Sasuke-
“You have photos in your possession that say otherwise,” Sakura retorts.
“In spite of how I got those photos, I’m only going to use them to help one person,” Ino
states, adding before Sakura could retort her obvious response, “a lot of people run from self-
discovery. Despite how pathetic you are, I’m going to hold up a mirror and make absolutely
certain you see the ugly truth about yourself whether you like it or not.”
“What I’ve been saying this entire time, Forehead,” Ino returns. “Obsession is not love!” Ino
gets up out of the bed and walks to the foot of it before turning to Sakura. “Your hair’s
messier now without your constant brushing and conditioning—the style looks a little like
Kurenai-sensei’s actually.” Sitting up, Sakura was going to counter nastily until she
mentioned the pretty Jōnin-sensei. “Your arms have more definition, your neck looks
stronger, your thighs have more tone, your butt pops out more, and you have sharper eyes,
like you see more. You’re starting to look more like a proper kunoichi but your mind still
needs work.”
“Memorizing text isn’t what I’m talking about,” Ino returns. “There’s a boy in your head
where you should be, so, in an effort to be the kunoichi I want to be, I’m going to offer you
the chance to earn all the photos a lot sooner than I had originally planned.”
Before walking to the door, all Ino says is, “by proving to me just how much you love
Sasuke-kun of course.” Ino opens the door, informing Sakura, “we’re having a sleepover at
my place, tomorrow, 8PM,” before leaving.
The day turned out to be far more interesting than Naruto had anticipated…
…Not that he could think in the cold darkness of pre-dawn. Naruto didn’t really wake up
until his acute grogginess met with the reality of meeting Kurenai and Sakura at the crack of
dawn. To his left is the pink-haired green-eyed love of his life, and to his right is a beautiful
woman he actually has the supreme fortune of learning how to have sex with. He grew very
anxious then, and slightly aroused at the sight of the one woman he has sex with and one he
hopes to on the night of their wedding.
Standing before two of the most important kunoichi in his life promotes a never-ending
sinking feeling at the pit of his stomach, like a queasy pulling of his intestines. Maybe if he
wasn’t such a slow learner he would’ve figured out everything there is to know about making
a girl feel good—or at least not regret being with him—then he wouldn’t feel like he’s
betraying his love for Sakura-chan. But how could he know the world of sex would be so
large and complex?
He’s gaining steady experience with Nai-chan, happily so—near to the point of addiction—
enough to think maybe he could make Ino-chan feel good a few days ago, but clearly she
hadn’t liked what he did. Hopefully, he’ll have the opportunity to ask her about Ino.
Noticing how beautiful both women look in the morning, it’s enough to get his blood rushing,
waking him up as Kurenai promptly starts as soon as she arrives. “Good morning, Team
Seven,” and Naruto effortlessly recalls her moans, sending more blood to his third leg. “I
know it’s early, but as I’ll be with my team for most of the day, I wanted to connect with you
both to explain how things are going to proceed while your Jōnin-sensei and teammate are
“Sensei,” Sakura-chan begins to say as she looks around. “Shouldn’t we wait for Asuma-
sensei? Kakashi-sensei said he would be assisting as well.”
With a short smile, Kurenai tells them, “Asuma-sensei will be assisting in a specific area of
Naruto-kun’s training. So he doesn’t need to be here at this time.” When Sakura nods,
Kurenai continues. “I want you both to know that much of your day will not change. With or
without a Jōnin-sensei, you will continue to train yourselves diligently. Kakashi-sensei has
arranged for the Iryō Butai to assist you, Haruno-chan, in your medic training. Having looked
over Kakashi-sensei’s notes, I’m very excited to see your progress.”
“Sakura-chan’s the smartest one on the team,” Naruto professes. “I know she’s going to be
the best Iryō-nin ever!” Sakura sighs and Kurenai’s jaw tightens despite her smile.
“I’m impressed by your progress as well, Naruto-kun,” Kurenai says, and his heart beats even
faster before aching in the presence of Sakura.
“He’s just a training freak, sensei,” Sakura-chan easily asserts. “No need to waste too much
effort on him.”
Naruto chuckles lightly when Kurenai tells the two, “I rather disagree, Haruno-chan.
Kakashi-sensei’s notes mentioned Naruto-kun learned quite a few techniques before his
teammates, and even recognized your potential as an Iryō-nin. Not to mention, as a Jōnin-
sensei, I can tell you his current training is years ahead of his time. As I’m only a stand-in for
your sensei, I wouldn’t presume to tell you how to feel about your teammate, however, I
would advise against allowing your opinion to obstruct your perception of clear facts.”
Naruto didn’t know how he felt or what to say. Sakura looked hurt, and it seemed to be by
Kurenai. Instinctively, he wants to defend Sakura but Kurenai is one of the best sensei’s he’s
ever had and he doesn’t want to ruin that. It feels like he’s being forced to choose between the
love in his heart and love of a special person, splitting him right down the middle. Taking a
stand Naruto begins to say, “ne sensei-”
“And Naruto-kun,” Kurenai cuts him off. “There is nothing wrong with standing up for
yourself. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how terribly others treat you. You are a valuable
shinobi of the Leaf, you both are, and in my presence, I want you to treat each other as such.
Do I make myself clear?”
Both Naruto and Sakura looked at each other a moment before nodding and speaking in
unison, “hai, sensei.”
“Good,” Kurenai smiles warmly at them both. “Mission central opens in two hours. Before
the day’s end, I want Team 7 to complete three D-ranks-” Kurenai is cut off by Naruto’s
bemoaned groan. “I would now like Team 7 to do four D-ranks- and if you complain further
I’ll add another.” Aside from the audible gulp, Naruto remains silent. “Four D-Ranks for me
to sign. I also want you alternating the leadership position on your missions. Two missions
will have Haruno-chan in charge and the other two will have Naruto-kun in charge. After
each, I want you to talk about what you did right and what you could’ve done better. After
missions, you will continue with your special training. Naruto, you’ll see me after. In the next
few days, we’ll discuss each of your training schedules for the month but that’s all for now.
Any questions?”
“Ah,” Naruto hollers, recalling what he wanted to ask her the night before. “Kurenai-chan-”
“Don’t use chan to address our sensei, Naruto,” Sakura interjects. “That’s disrespectful.”
“But I’m not trying to be disrespectful,” Naruto genuinely replies. “It means we’re close,
“You say it when you actually have a personal connection, like a friend or family member,”
Sakura sternly informs him. “Kurenai-sensei probably doesn’t want to hear that from you.”
“While I prefer to keep conversation professional, I’ve made a special exception in Naruto-
kun’s case,” Kurenai tells Sakura before turning to Naruto and asking, “though, I wouldn’t be
opposed to learning a little more about your relationship to the Sandaime.” Naruto looks
confused so Kurenai simplifies it, “why do you call our Hokage, Ji-chan?” Sakura turns to
Naruto as well, very interested in what her blond teammate may reveal.
With a patient smile, Kurenai asks, “can you be a little more specific?”
Naruto squints his eyes looking deep in thought before answering, “Well, when I was just a
kid, I met him in the forest. I was training—you know, hitting targets with rocks—and
hunting for ninja tools-”
“Why would you look for shinobi gear in the forest?” a perplexed Sakura asks. “I hope you
didn’t think shinobi just leave their important equipment for anyone to find.”
“I-” Naruto starts, only to stop himself and consider his words. It’s not something he does
often, but he doesn’t want his teammate thinking he’s weird by telling her the truth.
“Naruto,” Kurenai softly speaks. “I’ve done a fair amount of research, and I know you’ve had
a tough life. It’s okay to tell me the truth.”
Naruto automatically thinks about how she tricked him into telling her about Ino and smirks
before saying, “I’m not falling for that again. If you know so much, you tell me.”
Kurenai smirks cheekily before turning to a confused Sakura, explaining, “ as an orphan, ryo
is always a problem. There’s a village issued allowance, however, that barely covered food,
much less all the equipment needed to be a ninja. Without the funds to buy gear, Naruto-kun
must’ve realized at some point that ninja die in some of the training grounds; Training
Ground 44 for example. You went into the Forest of Death to scavenge for tools from shinobi
who’ll no longer be using them.”
“You stole from dead bodies,” Sakura cries in disgust. The tone of disgust alone made him
want to cry, but her deep denial, like no one ‘normal’ could ever do such a thing, made him
want to crawl in a hole and take a suicide pill.
Kurenai immediately tells Sakura with authority, “Haruno-chan, it seems you don’t quite
understand the predicament your teammate lived through. While I don’t begrudge you for
having a stable home and fortunate finances, perhaps it’s too difficult for you to understand
since every material desire you’ve needed was more than likely met. Please recognize the fact
that many other shinobi in this village, young and old, are not so lucky. Had my parents not
left me a sizable savings upon their death, nor had I inherited my home, I can assure you I
would’ve done the same thing Naruto-kun had.”
Sakura looked stung, again, and this time Naruto was going to stand up for her. “Sensei, I’m
not like that anymore, so it’s okay. And you’re right. That’s how I met Ji-chan. I didn’t know
who he was. He was just Ji-chan. We camped, ate together, and talked—he told the best
stories—and he… he was really good to me… the first one to really be good to me. We’ve
been friends ever since. That’s pretty much it.”
“You make it sound like afternoon tea,” Kurenai mumbles, mentally scratching that curiosity
from her list before asking, “what did you want to ask me?”
“Ah, yeah, um, will you come to a Welcome to the Village party I’m throwing for Haku?”
Naruto asks, surprising her with the unexpected question. “So far it’s me, Hinata-chan, Haku,
Sakura-chan, and if I can sneak out Iruka-sensei-”
“Naruto, do not take Iruka-san out of the hospital. He’s a post-acute inpatient care, which
means until they clear him, he remains where they can monitor him, understand?”
Glumly, he nods and Sakura tells him, “don’t include me without even asking first.”
“Sorry,” Naruto chuckles. “I just thought you’d say yes. Come on, you like Haku right?”
With a shrug, Sakura just nods. Naruto turns to Kurenai then, with large, sparkling, hopeful,
clear blue eyes, his has clasp together like in prayer. Kurenai very nearly regrets all her
decisions up to this point when she feels a great pang of affectionate submission under such a
cute onslaught. ‘Ugh, really?’ her emotion-driven mind groan. It’s just hard not to care about
someone who cares so much. Add to that he’s still spending time with Hinata-chan despite
ending her genjutsu training with her ward. Kurenai rolls her red irises a bit before nodding
with a small smile, which grew when he fist pumps in unrestrained glee.
Kurenai grabs a handful of leaves and turns to him. “Naruto-kun, I want a clone for this
many. You know what to do.”
“What?” Naruto complained, thinking about Ino and all the questions he has about why
everything happened to her. He never got a chance to last night since she never came over.
“But I was hoping-”
“Naruto,” Kurenai says with such warmth in her voice and eyes, it’s stunning. “I know you
can do it. I believe in you.”
Naruto feels like he found something he lost. Though he can’t forget how important his
training is, he knows he can get distracted, especially when it comes to Kurenai or the people
he’s hurt with his mistakes. He’s literally standing in front of two of the most important
people in his life and unlike them, he knows something bad is coming to try and take them
away. All slumber and arousal are forgotten as he puts his fingers together and speaks, “Kage
Bunshin no Jutsu.”
Naruto had never spoken so much to Sakura before. They’ve communicated necessary
information before but never did they have long-running dialog. She was still a little sharp
with her critiques of his style as mission leader but she also pointed out what he did well.
Their missions were mundane but talking to Sakura calmly was fun. Naruto is looking for
Kurenai to sign off on their fourth mission when he runs into Team Ten.
“Yo!” Naruto calls cheerfully, trying to act as natural as Ino seems to be. “Have you guys
seen Kurenai-sensei? We need her to sign our mission scroll.”
“‘Fraid not,” Asuma answers. “Try training ground four. Found her team using the lake there
“Cool,” Naruto calls. It takes him a moment to break down and finally ask, “…where’s
Chōji?” Ino gives him a cold stare for a second before returning to a neutral look. Naruto was
told to not do anything but he still wanted to talk with the boy he thought he knew. Certainly,
Ino-chan looked fine but he was still worried.
“Sensei,” Ino calls out. “If you want to help Naruto find her, we can turn in the mission
Asuma looks at a smirking Ino who chuckles a bit before saying, “that might not be a bad
“Ah!” Naruto yelps surprising Team Ten. He turns around as if sensing the location. “Never
mind, I found her.” Naruto quickly turns and runs opposite the training grounds. A clone of
Naruto’s spotted Kurenai and Hinata walking out of the Konoha library, and it only took him
ten minutes to find them walking toward the training grounds. After getting her signature,
Naruto creates a clone to take the scroll back to Hokage Tower, asking them, “what time do I
come over?”
“Before dinner is fine,” Kurenai tells him all the while observing a slightly pink-cheeked
Hinata keep her cool. That would’ve been impossible two months ago and Kurenai is
supremely happy with the girl’s progress. To keep Naruto around a little longer, she asks him,
“Naruto, if you had the option, would you prefer to learn Genjutsu or Fūinjutsu?”
“Mmnn,” Naruto hums, thinking about Naru-nii’s suggestion. Playing it with a distasteful
expression on his face, Naruto responds, “don’t you need to read a lot for both?”
“Anything that’s worth doing requires a lot of practice and research, whether it’s in a training
ground or in a library,” Kurenai informs him.
“Well, if I had to pick, I guess Fūinjutsu,” Naruto admits before adding, “does that mean you
want me to learn Fūinjutsu while I’m training?”
“As you have the option to do so without injuring yourself, yes, that’s exactly what I want,”
Kurenai affirms. “It’d mean a lot to this village and to your future to learn as much as you
“It’s still a lot of reading,” Naruto bemoans. “If I’m supposed to learn what my clone
understands, it’s not going to be much if he’s staring at a scroll all day.”
“Trust me,” Kurenai asserts with a sweet smile. “I have a full-proof method of making sure
your clone retains what it reads.”
“Hm,” Naruto hums as if considering a new idea that he’s already discussed with Naru-nii.
“How about I learn Fūinjutsu if I can spar with Hinata-chan? I bet you have some wicked
moves,” he eagerly tells the indigo-haired girl.
Hinata is shocked by the proposition and instinctively hops back a step, twiddling her
thumbs. “I-I c-c-couldn’t!”
Naruto wonders if maybe it’s too much, alluding, “I guess you’d rather not spar with me. It’s
okay, I just thought-”
“N-N-No!” Hinata hops forward, eyes wide and fearful like accidentally stepping on a dog’s
tail. “T-th-that’s n-not it, N-Naruto-kun. I-I would like to… I-I’m just n-not g-g-good.”
“So,” Naruto points out. “That’s why we train! So we can get super strong. So we can spar,
right? Right?”
Hinata seems trapped and looks to her sensei for help. An easy smile on Kurenai’s
symmetrical face tells Hinata she won’t get out of this and so, despite the tremendously rapid
beating of her heart, Hinata nods, ‘yes.’
“Leave a clone with me so I can get you started while you train,” Kurenai tells him, who
salutes her command before creating a clone.
Naruto is shaking off the worst of the throbbing teeth-clenching head pain. Having to dispel
ninety-three clones with hours worth of training took an hour to do safely, and yet it still had
him spinning. Laying down on Kurenai’s couch as the raven-haired beauty and Hinata-chan
prepare dinner, Naruto recalls his eye-opening conversation with Naru-nii.
‘Fūinjutsu is so much more than sealing,’ Naru-nii explained during Naruto’s break from
his physical conditioning. While ninety clones try desperately to finally complete this stage
of the leaf-cutting training, Naru-nii told him, ‘think of sealing, whether it’s all sorts of
objects, living beings, and or chakra, like the first stage of Rasengan; it’s just the entry
level of Fūinjutsu. It can be tough, sure, but there are even tougher levels after that, like
using Fūinjutsu to create extra-dimensional pockets for all sorts of purposes. It’s what I’m
doing now. Then there’s what I did to commune with Shinigami-sama or contract with
super strong summons from other realms to help you fight. Then, putting all that
knowledge together, you can do some super sweet stuff like Fūinjutsu that can manipulate
space-time to teleport yourself anywhere you want in less than a second!’
‘That sounds INSANE,’ an achy and sweaty Naruto gasps, his large blue eyes shining brightly
at the world his older counter-part just described. Though, it’s also painfully sobering for
Naruto to think about. If Naru-nii knows how to do all that and still couldn’t stop the danger
that’s coming for the entire shinobi world, what’s he supposed to do? It easily paints, with
such clarity, how much farther behind Naruto truly is.
Moving past some of the bias and antagonism constantly leveled toward him, the energetic
blond actually felt like he was getting stronger. He felt proud that the villagers and classmates
who ridiculed him were all wrong; that he does matter; that he can be as great as he
envisions… but Naru-nii’s predicament can very easily be Naruto’s future if he doesn’t get
stronger as fast as he can.
Naru-nii had then listed off the levels to mastery: ‘History, Calligraphy and Inscription,
Chakra Mechanics within Fūinjutsu, Seal Safety and Modifications, Seal detection and
Identification, Seal Design, MPBC, which stands for Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and
Chemistry, Seal Disarming and Security, and Innovation.’ Naru-nii also described some
useful skills for a Fūinjutsu Master to have. ‘If you want, I’d start with tailoring, you know,
like stitching and stuff, that way you can create seals within the clothes you wear.
Forewarning, that takes a LOT of practice to get good. Blacksmithing and woodworking
would be cool too. Kenjutsu also helps with hand strength.’
‘…How,’ Naruto gasps. ‘How am I supposed to learn all of that in a short amount of time? I
feel like my head’s going to explode right now.’
‘Well, first, I’m definitely helping you out,’ Naru-nii asserts. ‘This is all stuff I wish I had
help with so you can bet your ass I ain’t going anywhere until you’re the absolute best,
unless I’m dead… and maybe not even then. Second, we have some time. We’ll do as much
as we can and hope for the best. And third, it’s in your blood.’
‘What do you mean,’ Naruto asks.
‘I already told you our family’s crazy good with Fūinjutsu,’ Naru-nii simply answers.
‘Yeah, but just because kaa-chan and tou-chan are good at something, doesn’t mean I’m
automatically going to be as good at the same thing,’ Naruto points out, thinking about his
demoralizing Academy days.
‘True, but this is somewhere between the Uchiha’s Sharingan and the Nara’s Shadow
Bind,’ Naru-nii explains. ‘Not quite kekkei genkai but a little more than hiden techniques.
It’s just our clan’s jutsu.’
‘Yup! And we were wicked awesome too!’ Naru-nii energetically asserts, and Naruto can just
feel the fist pump. ‘It’s sad, but, most of our clan were killed and the ones who survived
disappeared a long time ago. I always wanted to reinstate the Uzumaki clan in Konoha but,
well, with the war and all, I never got around to it.’
‘Oh… do you think I could,’ Naruto cautiously asks, hesitantly fantasizing about being part of
a clan in Konoha—just like the other clans—so he’d never be alone again.
‘I hope so, Little-Me,’ Naru-nii asserts. ‘I’d definitely like to know more about Kaa-chan’s
‘Now I definitely have to be a Fūinjutsu master,’ Naruto exclaims. ‘So I can help the rest of
our clan!’
‘Hell yeah!’ Naru-nii calls. ‘And to be a Fūinjutsu master, you have to know how
incredibly flexible it is. The thing I think a lot of practitioners get hung up on—besides
how much easier it is compared to the other levels—is Fūinjutsu means sealing arts, so
they just think in terms of containing something, when they should be thinking in terms of
extreme chakra programming. Sealing is a task. It’s a simple framework for chakra to
perform. If you create other tasks and frame them properly, Fūinjutsu will do those tasks
just as easily as sealing. Like I said before, with enough time and chakra, I could’ve used
Fūinjutsu to go back in time but that wasn’t an option.’
It’s why Naruto pushed himself so much harder; training all afternoon and even using more
of Kurama’s chakra than normal. He was so close to cutting a leaf with chakra alone, it felt
hours away from happening, making his bones hum deliciously with anticipation. He even
created another three clones to help the one he created for Kurenai to study Fūinjutsu in
Iruka-sensei’s home. Pushing himself with so many clones training and studying, it left him
half-dead on Kurenai’s couch and useless to help Hinata and Kurenai.
Near dinner time, Naruto hops in the shower. The blond genin was surprised he remembered
everything he read on Fūinjutsu as clear as if he had been told. Kurenai had his clone copy
the text repeatedly on Sealing Lore in order to help him memorize it but Naruto felt like that
was completely unnecessary; he just took to Fūinjutsu like a fish in water. Simply put, his
brain felt naturally engaged by the knowledge and he wanted to soak up every bit of
information he could get his hands on. Honestly, it shocked as much as surprised him.
After his shower, a refreshed Naruto walks down to the dining table with a mild headache
that’ll likely be gone in the next thirty minutes and to his surprise, Asuma-nii is sitting at the
dinner table while Hinata and Kurenai are setting the table with a nice spread. At the sight of
them, Naruto is even further startled when his throat clogs up and his eyes heat with prickling
moisture. The three people he’ll be having dinner with is such a nice scene to not only see,
but be a part of…
‘Dinner in a nice home, at a clean table, with three people who don’t hate me!’ Naruto felt
choked up and wondered how much longer Haku’s going to be to further complete his happy
home. It’s been two days and he’s missing his friend very much.
“Have a seat Naruto,” Kurenai curtly states, feeling odd by the company.
The blond ball of energy hops into his seat across a shy Hinata, and though pink-cheeked,
looking away from Naruto every once in a while, she’s smiling the entire time. Asuma
casually nods at Naruto with his bearded chin to which Naruto returns, “what’s up Asuma-
“Since we’re both Fūton users and Kakashi asked me to help your training out, so, I thought
I’d come over,” Asuma informs him. Kurenai walks over from the stove top to place a
medium-done steak on Naruto’s plate before finally taking her own seat across from her
fellow, yet, curious, Jōnin.
“Are we training after dinner,” Naruto asks, smiling at Kurenai for the perfectly delicious
looking steak. Turning to Asuma’s plate Naruto then asks a more important question. “Don’t
you like steak?”
“As I had no prior knowledge he would be here at this time, yours was the only one I made
Naruto,” Kurenai answers as she and Hinata load their plate with salad, nuts, and fruit.
Crestfallen, Naruto painfully offers Asuma, “um… I guess… you can- we can split mine… if
you want.”
“It’s okay, Naruto,” Asuma states with a mild chuckle, and Naruto heaves an exhale of relief.
“Salad’s good to have at least once a day.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Naruto mutters as he starts cutting up his thick cut of well-cooked meat.
Naruto moans in delight when that sweet cut of juicy meat aggressively delights his taste-
buds, disqualifying him from proper dinner manners. “So, good.”
Hinata laughs a pretty joyful sound, happily telling Naruto, “Naruto-kun, that’s bad
“Ah,” Naruto hollers, turning to Kurenai. “It’s really good Kurenai-chan. Thanks.”
Considering how easy of a slip it is, Kurenai smiles and thanks Kami every time he doesn’t
say, ‘Nai-chan.’ Kurenai shakes her head good-natured, responding, “thank you and you’re
“We won’t have a full training session,” Asuma starts telling Naruto as he assaults his steak.
“I’d like to see where you’re at in your training so I can know how to direct you from there.”
“Sweet,” Naruto says between bites. “With your help, I’m sure I’ll be using Fūton jutsu in no
“Hey, now, I wouldn’t say quite that fast,” Asuma says eating his salad easily enough. “But I
promise we’ll make some headway before Kakashi’s return.”
“What? I want to be done before Kakashi-sensei gets back,” a worried Naruto tells Asuma,
feeling like he’s making too much progress to slow down now.
“Naruto, you should know this isn’t so simple,” Asuma asserts. “It wouldn’t be good for you
to rush. You could end up making a costly mistake when you’re in the field. Proper training
in Fūton chakra is so you don’t get yourself killed, and proper training takes time.”
Finding the exchange curious, Kurenai wonders aloud, “has Kakashi mentioned the rate by
which he learns?”
“Just said he’s a Fūton user starting nature manip and could use some pointers,” Asuma
“And that’s it,” Kurenai sharply asks. While she’s big enough to admit Naruto could benefit
from a Fūton user’s one-on-one instruction, she can tell—due to Kakashi’s help—Asuma will
likely split his attention between Naruto and using this as a legitimate opportunity for them to
talk more.
She’ll admit a part of her wants to go back to the way it was when it was just them, when it
was simple. At the time, being a ninja was what a strong female did before marriage, after
which a life at home taking care of the children was always where the path led to and Kurenai
was happy to have that with him. But that’s no longer the case. Since their last separation, she
became the Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha and a Jōnin-sensei. Not to say her achievements
completely derail where she thought her life would end up—she cared too much about the
future of the village to not have little shinobi of her own—but with two very important pupils
sitting on either side of her, and her genin team to guide, she’s not ready to settle down just
‘Maybe in time,’ she mentally asserts. ‘But definitely not now.’
When Asuma answers, “unless it’s a mission, you know he’s not much on details,” Kurenai
gets up, walks outside to grab a leaf and returns to the dinner table. She hands Naruto the
leaf, asking, “how close are you?”
Naruto smiles broadly, super excited to show Kurenai the fruits of his labor. He takes the leaf
and places it between his palms and at the errant thought Kurenai might reward him in some
ultra-amazing mind-blowing way, Naruto concentrates as he’s done hundreds of thousands of
times, converting his chakra into his elemental nature and cuts completely through the leaf.
He’s a little more tired than he usually is but there’s still plenty of steak to nourish him, so he
grabs his fork as he casually hands Kurenai the cut leaf.
Naruto didn’t notice Asuma’s stunned expression or Hinata’s prideful smile as Kurenai takes
the leaf and shoots Asuma a, ‘well?’ sort of raised brow. Hinata sweetly asks with only a
small amount of stutter, “S-Sensei, is that why you t-tested us on our elemental natures?”
“I was aware Naruto was beginning his training on nature manipulation,” Kurenai begins to
explain to her ward. “However, I don’t expect my students to rush their training to catch up to
anyone. You have your own strengths and rate of progression. Learning your elemental
natures is simply so I can integrate and customize your training to best prepare you.”
“Mn, fire is weak against water but strong against wind,” Asuma starts explaining to the
genin like the sensei he is. “Lightning is weak against wind but strong against earth. Water is
weak against earth, strong against fire. And wind is weak against fire but strong against
lightning, which means, if all things are equal, your wind won’t hold up against her fire.”
Kurenai would’ve preferred if Asuma had more tact as she absolutely hates how upset Hinata
withers to hear the elemental weaknesses. Kurenai understands Hinata is simply sensitive to
needless competition, preferring instead if everyone got along, however the crimson-eyed
Jōnin couldn’t know that Naru-nii had explained to Naruto both of his teammates elemental
natures and despite eating, Naruto casually repeats as he was told by his future counterpart, “I
thought Wind made Fire stronger?”
Kurenai’s chest swelled with pride for a quick breath, absolutely thrilled by his effortless
response as the energetic blond puts the color and smile back on Hinata’s face. Despite years
of hate and assault in his own village due to what’s inside the boy, Naruto continues to prove
to her just how much he’s inherited the Will of Fire.
It’s wondrously stirring and though she initially felt weird having dinner with the beloved
man, currently causing the ache in her heart, sitting next to the blond genin, causing the
multiple orgasms in her bed, she’s feeling more and more like seeing the blond tonight.
Sitting across from Asuma’s observant eyes, she has the most wicked thrill rush through her
when she wonders if she should do some anal play with Naruto. Her lower body tingles,
making her press her toned legs tighter together and her cheeks visibly color.
Ino opened the door to her room, letting Sakura in after the pinkette greeted her parents. The
Yamanaka has a plan. She’s thought about it for a full day and became resolute when she saw
Naruto earlier on. Though he acted perfectly normal, she could see his concern for her behind
his casual eyes. After discovering why her life took such a drastic turn, Ino found it
interesting to realize she didn’t actually hate her fellow blond, blue-eyed genin. Naruto was
simply in the wrong place and time… or maybe in the right place and time if she considers
how lucky he got.
“Here, change into this,” Ino orders, enjoying the stunned and curious look on Sakura’s face
when she tossed her some skimpy nightwear.
Though nervous about her plan for Sakura, Ino felt the clock now. Someday in the future, her
mother is going to learn what happened to her. Her father will likely go ballistic. The
Yamanaka and Akimichi may no longer be close friends or even allies afterward, and where
would that put the Nara clan? Ino’s certain it’ll happen one day and she’s determined to make
a name for herself before it does. She will not be known or talked about as the slut who slept
with the Dead Last because neither description fit them.
Using Kurenai-sensei as her guiding star, Ino is determined to be a respectable kunoichi and
that begins with getting rid of the photos. However, she can’t simply give them to Sakura.
Despite everything they’ve been through, Ino still cares about the pink-haired girl and she
can’t imagine her former friend will ever wake up if she didn’t help her now, regardless of
how hard she’s shoving. If her plan didn’t work, then she’ll live with that, but Ino has to try.
In her short purple hotpants and tight white tank, Ino walks out of her walk-in closet to find
Sakura dressed similarly. While Ino may fill out the tank more than Sakura’s B-cups, Sakura
clearly has the rounder derrière as evidenced by the white cheeks she’s attempting to
completely cover.
“Don’t you have anything less slutty?” Sakura asks, squirming to cover her round posterior.
Ino pats the bed and they both sit facing each other cross-legged. While Sakura’s sensuality
isn’t on Kurenai’s level, Sakura does have her charm, and Ino appreciates that this won’t be
as hard as she was imagining it would be. ‘I might even enjoy it,’ Ino thought without fear of
what that says about her. After her conversations with Kurenai-sensei, Ino doesn’t feel so
corrupt about her odder quirks, and slowly, she’s happily learning how empowering it is to be
accepting of one’s self. “As I said earlier,” Ino starts. “I’m willing to give you all the photos
earlier than originally planned.”
“It is!” Sakura cuts in. “You just can’t see it because you’re too jealous.”
“And you can’t see how wrong you are because you think nothing else matters as long as
your love is indisputable, which is wrong!”
“Maybe, maybe not, but after this month, I think we’re both going to understand more.”
“What do you want?” Sakura tersely asks, “what do you want me to do? What’s this master
plan of yours?”
“You can keep the first one I gave you, which means I have nine photos left,” Ino says taking
one out. “Sporadically, I’ll give you the option of earning one. I could offer you one this
week, four the following week, none the week after that, or all in one day, but regardless of
my giving you a photo, you and I are going to be meeting every day. And your earning a
photo is completely dependent on my mood. Do you understand?”
“You also have the option of backing out any time you want-”
“And prove you’re right? Is that it? You’re just going to make me do awful embarrassing
things, making it worse and worse after each time until I give up? And this is the better
kunoichi you want to be?”
“If you were a better kunoichi, you wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place,” Ino returns.
“But you’re lucky it was me and not someone else.”
“… wait, what?”
‘No, I’m definitely all about dick,’ Ino mentally sings, thinking of how great it feels when
Naruto stuffed her wide and flooded her full. After a calming breath, Ino answers, “no, I
prefer men.”
“If you don’t want to that’s fine. Only now you don’t get a photo at the end,” Ino coldly
deals, forcing the pinkette to quickly understand that her options will only ever go from bad
to worse. “This is how it’s going to be from now on, Forehead.”
“I,” Sakura tries, feeling stunted. “I don’t want my first kiss to be with you!”
“No, you want it to be with Sasuke-kun but unfortunately for girls everywhere, Naruto stole
his first kiss, so what’s it matter?”
“No shit,” Ino hurls back. “You think I’m just going to ask you to brush my hair or sharpen
my kunai for a photo?”
“Why not?” Ino simply shrugs. “I’m presenting you with the option to end this nightmare so
you can once again chase after Sasuke-kun. One month, nine photos and when Sasuke-kun
comes back, you’ll actually be able to flaunt about him of your own free will. But of course,
if you don’t actually love him- Mnn!” Verbalizing her goading ended in success when Sakura
pitches forward, smashing puckered lips and against Ino’s. The platinum-blond engages her
core muscles so as to not fall backward as Sakura merely presses her lips against Ino’s.
‘This is pathetic,’ Ino’s first thought judges. From her ordeal with Naruto, at least Ino has
enough experience with impassioned—if not sloppy—kissing to know this is basically like
shaking hands but with lips. Ino grabs both of the pinkette’s shoulders and pushes her back.
After wiping her red lips, Ino comments, “if that’s what Sasuke-kun has to look forward to,
don’t be surprised if he breaks up with you a second later.”
“You think love is necessary to be a good kisser?” Ino sharply asks before sarcastically
retorting, “no, sure, because everyone knows you can’t love your parents, friends, or teachers
unless you can kiss them properly.”
“One final touch and this is non-negotiable,” Ino states, placing her left index and middle in
the palm of her right. “Henge!” And out of the smoke, still straddling Sakura’s waist is the
exact physical features of Uzumaki Naruto. Ino, disguised as Naruto, stares contentiously,
daring Sakura to complain further.
“Hehe,” Ino perfectly mimics Naruto’s voice and mannerism. “Because I’m willing to bet I
love you more than you love Sasuke-kun.”
Ino leans down slowly, so as to not startle Sakura but to also give her time to decide. Rather
than retreat, Sakura closes her eyes, and Ino’s fine with that. Less than an inch away from
Sakura’s face, Ino-Naruto’s holds there, gazing at the green-eyed girl's features.
‘Sakura really is pretty in a unique sort of way,’ Ino-Naruto thinks, then feels her face flush at
Sakura’s warm exhale. Ino’s lips gently brush against Sakura’s, endeavoring all she can to be
soft and non-invasive.
In order for her plan to work, Ino needs Sakura’s mind to feel Naruto’s constant
proclamations, even if it’s only a disguise. Ino would’ve used someone else but since Naruto
is the only boy who so brazenly shouts his love for Sakura, it only makes sense to use his
likeness and let Sakura’s mind connect the boy’s ardent words with Ino’s affection. The
platinum blond has planned many activities for the month that will sadly get her blood
rushing, but, as long as Sakura questions what her love actually means in the end, then it’ll be
worth it.
Ino slightly puckers her lips and pecks Sakura’s soft skin cushions, pressing in a bit and
enjoying the warmth of them. Noting Sakura’s face is nearly the same, Ino presses her
affection more wholly across her former friend's lips, clipping Sakura’s spongy pink flesh so
Ino can suck and pull a bit. The disguised Yamanaka pulls and kisses Sakura’s lips trying to
coax more reaction from the girl. For several minutes, none is forthcoming, but Ino’s patient.
Slowly, Ino lowers herself on top of Sakura’s supple twin mounds as she’s kissing and licking
Sakura’s lips. Weight pinning the pink-haired beauty, Ino shuffles forward, drawing delicious
friction against the girl below her. Being pressed so fully against someone who’s soft and
warm felt pleasantly inviting and Ino slowly moves her warm weight up and down Sakura’s
warm softness. The pinkette’s breath hitches and her mouth opens a bit, to which Ino quickly
takes advantage, sliding her saliva-covered tongue inside the moaning girls mouth.
Ino moans into hot swirling saliva because she mentally admits, ‘kissing her feels good,’
igniting not only a warm tingling sensation between her legs, but her memories of a certain
blond boy who repeatedly brought her to mind-erupting pleasure. At the recollection of
feeling him fully inside her, pumping hot semen into her depths, her inner thighs quiver
against Sakura waist.
Ino’s efforts are rewarded when she feels Sakura’s nipple harden to stiff points poking at Ino-
Naruto’s chest. She continues her down-pressing grinding when she feels Sakura open her
mouth further. Though she should feel happy with the progress, her thoughts weren’t about
how easy or successful her plan appears. It was about furthering the sensation that’s
beginning to be all that mattered. She sinks her hands into Sakura’s mellow pink tresses and
tilts her head to have more access to Sakura’s warm mouth. Moaning in delight, Sakura cups
her jaw and returns the heated kiss with more energy until they both needed to break apart for
Sakura slowly opens her eyes and is immediately disturbed to see Naruto over her. She looks
away and Ino swears the pinkette is going to cry. Sakura does cry and Ino dispels the
disguise. Despite feeling hot between her legs, Ino shuts off the light and goes to bed with
Sakura lightly whimpering beside her. If not for her own growing arousal, Ino felt this was a
good first step.
‘Only twenty-nine more days to go,’ Ino mentally states, dreading the break down of her own
will. She doesn’t want to have sex with Naruto again—it scares her sanity to think about.
Knowing he can give her the total satisfaction her body craves for, how many more nights
with Sakura is going to leave her hot and aching for mind-numbing relief? How many more
nights can she endure before she’s knocking on his door? How many more nights before
she’s begging him to mercilessly scratch the itch away? Ino doesn’t sleep much that night as
she dreads the answers to those questions.
So, I really wanted to highlight how I view Fūinjutsu. This is going to be a substantial
portion of Naruto's education moving ahead. On top of that, I've always thought it was
weird that whole countries banded together to destroy Uzushiogakure because they
feared their power, and Konoha just let that slide, like, "okay, I guess we were too late to
help. Lets just move on with our lives." Like really? That's something I'm definitely
going to address with my fic.
This chapter was a little slow in terms of activity, but it's set up for the month before the
Chūnin exam. Lots of stuff will happen with my characters and I want it all to make as
much sense as I can relay.
Chapter Notes
Hey guys,
Warning: Lemons.
Ever since dinner, Kurenai’s body has been growing hot, yearning for attention. Despite her
mind’s imposing fortitude to regulate her arousal, her body’s desire found cooperation in her
intense heartfelt appreciation of Naruto. After Naruto and Asuma left, Kurenai had the most
wonderful conversation with Hinata about her future and how she wants to train even harder
so she can be strong like Naruto. It filled Kurenai with such a sensational glow of hope, that
she grew wet with eagerness to repay the blond genin.
Hinata went to sleep early and Kurenai didn’t hesitate to go to her walk-in closet and fashion
herself into the sexiest black and blood-red lingerie she owned; a lace floral patterned bra,
matching garter and ultra-low G-string with thigh high black stockings. Moist red lipstick, a
hint of powder blue eyeliner, a couple of dabs of perfume she rarely wears, herbal oil in her
lush dark locks and a black choker to complete the hypnotic appearance underneath her large
travel cloak. Before leaving, she pockets a tube of Anko’s favorite lube and locks the house
behind her.
By the time she reached Iruka’s, her walls were slick and her glutinous quim was aching to be
fed with load after load of hot cum. Her nipples were hard and even her sphincter puckered,
itching to be scratched. Despite the cold air, the anticipation in her wet core made her hot as
she picked the lock, walked in and found Naruto in the living room. But for the one lamp
next to the love-chair he’s sitting in, the room is dark. He’s wearing a simple black t-shirt,
sleeping shorts, and his funny sleeping cap with round eyes and buck-teeth. He’s reading a
scroll and her heart aches with pride by the fascinated look on his face. In a trance, three
gentle strides lead her to him.
Startled, his blue eyes snap to her as she slowly undoes her large cloak. He couldn’t get a
word out before she drops the concealing outwear and steps forward with more sway of her
hips. He large breasts jiggle in her lacy bra as her arms rise and rustle the majority of her long
lustrous locks to her left shoulder, not bothering to eye him seductively just yet. ‘Let him
enjoy the show,’ she mentally hums as he drinks her form in. ‘Let him warm up to the idea
that tonight will be one of the most memorable nights of his life,’ she adds making her smile
wider before she kills him with her own hungry red eyes.
At the sound of the scroll hitting the wood floor, Kurenai’s sharp eyes find him stunned,
wide-eyed, heavy of breath, and most importantly, fully erect. With the single lamp-light
above him, his spiky hair draws long shadows over his forehead and his eyes are cavernous
patches of darkness, carnivorously transfixed on her erotic, nearly nubile body. Enjoying her
effect on him, Kurenai teases him by sweetly bringing up, “if you’re too tired, I understand-”
Kurenai was fairly certain he used chakra to stick to the ground for more leverage to rocket
off the love-chair and tightly snatch her around her pelvis. He has her by her middle and she
grips his shoulders to stay upright and before she knows anything else, he’s slammed her
against the wall, edging her closer to sexual frenzy at the delicious thought of rough,
passioned sex.
‘I’m going to hurt tomorrow,’ her mind delectably revels with a smile as his gripping strength
squeezes more womanly nectar down her thigh-high black stockings. Physically raising her
up the wall makes his target clear as she uses chakra on her hands to lift her honey hole to his
hungry mouth and his rough tongue is instinctively lapping up her sweet juices before she
even realizes. “Ahh!” she moans as her mind yells, ‘hot!’ She was already hot and bothered
before walking into his home, but with his desperate tongue frantically voracious for her
honey, spikes of pleasure shoot up her arched spine and heating her core to nearly an
unbearable degree.
“Naruto! MMNnn!”
Her flushed face moans at the dragging contact of his eager tongue. He rips the thong to the
side and probes her quivering honey pot, licking and sucking in an unrelenting frenzy,
breaking all her focus on her chakra as she slides down the wall. His tight grip won’t release
her waist until he’s had his fill so her head and shoulders are on the ground against the wall
as her soaking womanhood is dined upon by a hyper-aroused boy.
“Mmmnn!” Kurenai moans as her aroused mind feels like it’s being oral sucked on as much
as her snatch is. Her jittery pelvis bucks as she moans, “yes! MMnnn! Hah! Yes! Right there!
Just like I taught- Mm!”
All Kurenai can do is moan, watch, sweat, and spasm in repeated tremors of pleasure as his
long honey-coated tongue digs out as much pungent juice from her melting vagina as
possible. She shudders when his swirling tongue drags against one of her erogenous spots,
breaking any strength in her legs and vastly accelerates her first big gushing drop of the
night. Squeezing her eyes shut, she kneads her soft pliant breasts, pinching at her swollen
teats and when her wet mind ponders how many orgasms she’ll likely surrender to tonight,
her cushy chamber of arousal seizes ferociously at the double-digit number.
Fear of pleasure makes her grip his ankles for stability while her entire body convulses in
mind-shattering ecstasy, moaning loud and deeply as her quim quakes rivulets of her gushing
essence directly into his gulping maw.
It was only the first one and it was powerful enough to scare her about the rest of her night.
As if on cue, he drags his soaked mouth over her puckered labia to the little death button
saluting him and sucks on her throbbing clitoris. He grips her boneless body tightly as she
spasms in the pleasurable fit of a second springing orgasm. Streams of her vaginal juices run
down her ass-crack and perspiring back.
Heaving and mindless, Kurenai didn’t understand why she was dropped to the floor until her
legs are drawn back so her knees are pressed into her shoulders, her breasts balloon between
her sticky thighs, and her throbbing quim is bare before him. Naruto could only suffer a
second to marvel at the raven-haired goddess below him; Panting and whimpering, sweaty
and hot to the touch, in super sexy lingerie, black choker, and black thigh-high stocking. At
the sight of her luscious, red lips, Naruto wanted nothing more than to hear her moan loudly
and continually for all of eternity. He aligned his thick pulsing rod at her beating center and
effortlessly plunged his entire length into her soaking hot core.
“OOOOHHH,” Kurenai moans, banging her aroused head against the tatami mat as a mini-
orgasm seized and ruptures up and down her dripping body. Naruto took that as an invitation,
leaning forward and taking her stiff nipple in his mouth.
Deep inside her hot wetness, Naruto feels like he’s going to melt as her spasming lower
mouth sucks him in. Sensitive as he is, pulling out—to their mutual groans—nearly did him
in, but slamming back down with a loud ‘shloop’ sent both their fragile minds into mild
catatonia where only erupting pleasure existed. Every ounce of man-milk Naruto hoarded to
excess was pressure-poured into Kurenai’s pink furnace, flooding her uterus with potent cum
and crossing her red eyes. Such liquid heat filling her so impassioned, Kurenai’s rolls into her
head as she’s racked with wave after wave of a mighty orgasm.
She regains a bare minimum of awareness after an undetermined amount of time, feeling
right away, hot, wet and repeatedly stuffed. Kurenai’s in ecstasy at the mounting perfection of
friction as she’s being fucked and opens her eyes to find Naruto, dripping with sweat, rutting
on top of her with the most satisfied strain of his face. They’re still on the floor, though
without the wall bending her at the neck and shoulders, and her legs are wrapped around his
waist. Naruto doesn’t cease his mad pumping, grunting with every thrust as Kurenai
continuously moans ecstatically in tandem with the wet smacking of their aroused groins
filling the sex-stenched living room with musk.
Less impatience in their passion, Naruto and Kurenai tighten that throbbing pleasure coil
tighter and tighter with every slow thrust of his cock, rub of her body, squeeze of her tits,
suck of her nipples, quickly building to their monstrous release.
“Yes! AHHN! Fuck me Naruto! Ahn! Ahnn! Do it,” Kurenai commands. “Do it! Mnn! Fill-
Ahnn! Fill me, mmnn! I’m- I’m Ahmm! Cummmmmnnnn!” Naruto stuffs her down to her
cervix and breaks his balls deep inside, adding to the overflow of his white batter. His knot
swells at her entrance linking them together and plugging any escape of his overflowing
semen. Kurenai shudders in heavily vibrating pleasure riding the massive wave of her own
earth-shattering climax.
High on the aftershocks of their descending bliss, they remain melded to one another, despite
how stuffy the room is, until their incredible immersion settles to humming satisfaction.
Kurenai knows it won’t last long, he's flush against her soft body and still conscious. She
knows it won’t be long until he’s hard again, and snatching the initiative, Kurenai runs her
hands through his sweaty, now brownish-blond locks. His head is under her chin and so
rotates his resting head to look at her.
The second his eyes land on her, she didn’t expect him to kiss her, but she kisses him back
with all the appreciation she could give a lover. As they make out, she thrills over the taste of
her vagina on his mouth while he kneads and massages her sensitive mounds and perky teats,
until she feels him stiffen from within her. She pulls away, breaking their kiss and confusing
him before she speaks with a mildly husky voice. “I need to thank you, Naruto,” she says
softly as her slippery pink center grips his tender pleasure stick amorously.
“This is a little hard to explain,” Kurenai starts, feeling a tickle of nervousness at the pit of
her stuffed stomach. “For many little reasons, I’ve grown content with you in my life. I want
you to become strong; to become Hokage. One day, it would make me very happy to call you
Hokage-sama, and I-” Kurenai is interrupted at the feel of his cock swell and steel faster than
she ever felt before. “Wait, Naruto- Mnn!” Kurenai whimpers as her cunnie squeezes his
exquisitely carved head. “The- The bed- Ahn! Th- bed!”
They groan when he pulls out of her. Grabbing the squeeze container of lube from her cloak,
she can feel the thick globs of his semen run down her leg as they hastily move to Naruto’s
room. Kurenai hops on the bed, and on all fours, she arches her spine as she injects the nozzle
into the entrance of her anal cavity and squeezes the entire contents of the tingling lubricant
into her bowls. It’s Anko’s favorite anal lube, and judging by the fast acting tingle and
relaxation of her anal cavity, Kurenai can understand why.
“Mnn, remember what I told you about anal, Naruto,” she conveys with an appetizing wiggle
of her luscious full cheeks. Eying him warily, she gulps audibly at his ravenous stare. Tossing
the empty container aside she rests her head on the bed and spreads her ass-raising legs for
him. His cum slowly dribbling out of her sex, she reminds him, “I enjoy getting fucked in my
ass but start slow,” she informs as she relaxes her colon and ass as much as she can.
Every cell in his body heard her say, ‘fuck my ass,’ and nothing else. Further inspiration
wasn’t necessary as Naruto’s greedy hands spread her warm buttocks to gaze lovingly at her
lubricated pulsating bunghole. Gripping his honey-soaked cock, his heart is beating rapidly as
he aligns himself before he slowly inserts his diamond-hard erection into the Jōnin’s very
tight anus.
“Uaahhh,” Naruto groans as goosebumps breakout across her sweaty skin when his head
plugs her pouty bung and spreads her luscious cheeks. Her head bangs against the pillow and
Naruto immediately loves the way his cock stretches such a small pulsing hole as her anal
muscles squeezes the tingling lube coating his meat.
Kurenai bites her lower lip as he penetrates her slippery tight orifice bit by bit. With his girth
sliding in her tiny hole, the lubrication is a Godsend as he stretches her rectum wider than
anything she’s every expelled. As his steel girth pushes her cum-filled uterus out of the way,
her every inhale made him feel twice as big the more he slowly sheaths his entire length in
her lubricated ass. Stuffed so completely, it’s like Kurenai can feel him in her throat,
somehow making her mouth produce more saliva than she can contain and stream out her
mouth. Even her lungs vibrate when he yells, “it’s so tight! Hot! Your ass feels so good! The
While Kurenai would never choose ass over pussy, she can’t say she doesn’t enjoy getting
plugged. For the raven-haired Jōnin, it’s the delicious way her barely separated vagina
flounders around every thrust. It sets her skin ablaze, feeling the dizzying lurch when he pulls
out, jerking her sensitive vagina back in place before his next thrust rolls her sex organ like a
massage. Kurenai squeezed her crimson red eyes shut as Naruto relished building a slow and
steady rhythm. His large and shapely knob continuously rubs so completely against the split-
ends of the pleasure nerves of her satisfied sex, it doesn’t take Kurenai long to vigorously
meet his ass-stuffing thrusts, focusing on losing herself more and more to the monstrous
sensation building within her.
Her moaning grows louder the more they soak the sheets and smog the room with the sweet
stench of vigorous sex. To her wonderful surprise, Naruto grips a fistful of her luscious locks
and tugs at her hot and sensitive scalp, sending delicious shocks down her neck to his thick
thrusts at her spine’s base. Her whole body trembles weakly as she bites her drooling red lips
at the crackling tingle of energy overloading her nerves. “MMmmmn! Oh! I’m almost- I’m
almost- Keep pullinnnnnnn!”
“Nai-chan! Nai-chan,” Naruto yells, ending the build before the strong drop.
“Anh! Uggh! Ohhh, yess, yesss, yess,” Kurenai vocalizes. “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!
Fuck me! Fuck me! FuuaAAHHH!” Kurenai crows, feeling him complete encase his thick
shaft in her twitching rectum before blasting a steaming flash-flood of semen in her quaking
bowels. Feeling thick man-milk fill her from the bottom up, her head snaps back as shock
after earth-shattering shock racks her body with unmitigated pleasure. Cumming together,
Kurenai tears at the pillow she’s face-first in just as Naruto grips her hips to adhere her
rectum to his jutting crotch. When his heaving body falls on top of her sweaty buzzing form,
she twists her torso with him still inside her and kisses him. Tongues swirl, lick and play
amorously for several long minutes until they’re both calmer and satisfied.
Now soft, he pops out before they rest comfortably. Though winded, she relays, “you did…
mmnn… very good starting slow… building a rhythm. Always remember… the anus can’t
lubricate like the vagina can, so while it can still feel pleasurable, it can hurt without the
proper preparation.”
Catching his own breath, Naruto simply nods when a spark of thought has him ask, “um…
Did I hurt Ino-chan? I mean, I don’t remember having that?”
“Well, she was drugged so it’s a little different in her case,” Kurenai tells him.
“Did Chōji really do that,” Naruto asks with a pained expression. “I just can’t see him doing
something like that to anyone, much less his own teammate.”
“Chōji-kun didn’t know,” Kurenai reassures him. “He misunderstood how the medicine
would actually affect Ino-chan. He gave it to her believing it would make them better friends
and had no idea she would respond the way she did.”
“So…” Naruto stays quiet long enough that Kurenai wonders if he’ll speak again. After
nearly two minutes, he reasons aloud, “so she never wanted to do that with me.”
“…I’m afraid not,” Kurenai empathetically states. “You were, quite simply, the person with
her when she couldn’t stand it any longer.”
“Does…” Naruto shifts around so he’s closer to her face. Earnestly staring into her red irises,
he asks, “does that mean you want to stop? I mean, I was- I thought of this because of Ino-
chan. She made- …”
His hesitation alone is curious enough, and with great interest, asks, “she what?”
“…She made me start to think… differently,” Naruto struggles to say. “It’s always been
Sakura-chan that made my heart… but I could be nineteen and she still wouldn’t give me a
‘Naru-nii does,’ Naruto thinks as he responds, “that’s what it feels like. After everything that
happened with Ino-chan, getting shot down by Sakura-chan felt a bit more final; it had more
weight, so I didn’t try quite so hard. It was even easier not asking her out all the time. I
started thinking maybe… maybe Ino-chan… m-might like me.” He shakes his head and
chuckles, adding, “but I guess… it’s obvious she’d never, huh? I was just-”
Kurenai rolls him on his back and straddles his waist, but rather than initiating anything
sexual, she wraps her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Stunned, Naruto needs only
a moment to feel her genuine empathy and support flush against him, and he hugs her right
back, letting silent tears stream out the corner of his eyes as they hold each other.
‘He grew so accustomed to solitude,’ Kurenai thinks, easily understanding how daunting
trusting a new bond can be for someone who’s been hated on for long. ‘It’s probably why he
latched on to Haku,’ she mentally muses. As she comforts him, she’s surprised by how
pleasantly good it makes her feel as well, forcing her to wonder, ‘maybe I needed a hug
too…’ and they hold each other.
After a while, Kurenai leans back up, still straddling his waist and unhooks her shuffled-up,
lace bra as she assuages, “our deal had nothing to do with Ino-chan.” His eyes zone into her
the pillow mounds of her gorgeous chest, compelling his heart to beat harder. She continues,
“as I understand it, our bargain only ends when one of us feels it’ll betray someone we want
to enter into a relationship with.” His hands run up and down her toned thighs, massaging the
inner muscle of her legs as she leans behind her to stroke his essence-coated pleasure pole. “I
don’t want to stop, Naruto. Do you?” Despite the emphatic way he shakes his head, his erect
thickness is all the answer she needs before she raises her moist cunny and once again
spreads her slick, sensitive folds with his puffed-out knob and thick shaft.
“MMNNnnn!” Kurenai moans as she expertly rides his thick rod all while he kneads,
massages and sucks her swinging tits. Minutes collect and grow as they slam their wet,
pungent sexes repeatedly, moaning, grunting and groaning, all the while building to that
fantastic peak. As connected and sensitive as they lovemaking is, it isn’t long until Kurenai
hoarsely screams as a groaning Naruto shoots another massive amount of thick semen into
the quaking suction of her dripping glory. Heaving hot and sweaty, they hold each other until
sleep takes them.
It’s well into the night when Kurenai wakes up and rather than succumbing to slumber in his
warm embrace, Kurenai extricates herself from his softened cock, only half waking him in
the process. She gently peppers his slumbering face with kisses, coaxing him back to sleep
before putting on her bra and exiting his sex-scented room. To her surprise, it’s a lot colder in
the hallway than she remembers, and to her utter dread, Kurenai finds her cloak folded neatly
on the table in the living room. The lamp Naruto was using earlier lights with a click and
seated in the same seat is a serenely smiling Haku.
The hackles on Kurenai’s neck stand frightened as if an invisible hand seizes her pumping
heart and squeezed. Her brain feels deprived of oxygen and her first instinct isn’t to flee, but
to kill. Kurenai’s education springs to life and her training effortlessly instructs her to silence
the witness. She regains her wits when Haku addresses her with, “good morning Kurenai-
Instantly, the Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha rips out hand signs to disappear from his view.
“Ah, wait,” Haku gently says, weakly standing on his feet and looking around the now empty
room. “Please, don’t misunderstand.”
Her mind rushes from one plan to another in the few moments of silence. Watching the pretty,
yet exhausted looking boy scan the room for her, Kurenai eventually asks from nowhere he
can see, “misunderstand what?”
“With the thin walls and the open door, I heard everything-”
“If your train of thought is leading you anywhere near blackmail-” “Kurenai-san please-” a
tired Haku tries, pleadingly but without vulnerability. “It will not end well for you,” Kurenai
Abruptly, Haku bows, asserting with a strained voice, “I have no such intention.”
“Convince me.”
Haku lets out a long humorous exhale, conveying, “for nearly three days, that’s been your
Torture and Interrogations Departments sole mission. I will tell you honestly, as I told them. I
am Zabuza-sama’s tool and he bid me to stay by Naruto-kun’s side to bring about the better
world he envisions. Even if that takes the rest of my life, I will serve this nindō.”
Kurenai has no idea if he’s telling the truth. She could ask Anko what she learned from him
but he could cause enough damage with one conversation to the right person. Holding him
against his will seems like the best solution. ‘Naruto hasn’t seen him yet,’ her mind reasons,
and she only needs to ascertain if he’s being honest. After that, she can bring him back before
Naruto notices.
“I want to thank you, Kurenai-san,” Haku states still bowing and breaking her out of her
threat assessment and mission management. “In a short amount of time, I’ve been able to
learn more about Naruto-kun from your conversation then I expected.”
Rounding beside the bowing boy to see his reaction, though asking as if her voice was
coming from the far end of the room, she grills him. “Is that how you satisfy your perverse
urges? Is the village aware of your voyeuristic impulses?”
His expression did not change as he answers, “while Zabuza-sama was apathetic to my
presence when he fornicated in our room, I’m not a voyeur. I slipped in silently so as to not
wake Naruto-kun, and despite being made to stay awake for three days, I was unable to sleep
and heard everything”
‘You could’ve left when you realized what he was doing!’ Her mind yells before she considers
what mild and prolonged torture Haku might’ve suffered for three long days. He’s sweating
feverishly, he has dark bags under his eyes… he looks horrendous in the most beautiful way
possible as she states, “…The interrogation team had to be certain.”
“They are.”
“I can’t make you trust me, Kurenai-san,” Haku softly states in his strained voice, standing
straight as he continues. “But even if I didn’t hear about the understandable incident or your
resulting bargain, I did hear your proclamation to Naruto-kun. Like myself, you also believe
in his dream for the future. It must be difficult for you. After walking with you and Kakashi-
san, I know your relationship with Naruto-kun isn’t public knowledge.”
“…No, it isn’t,” Kurenai confirms. “And I will make certain it stays that way. Do we
understand each other?”
A pasty Haku nods, expressing further, “ordering me, his tool, to stay with Naruto-kun is the
best gift Zabuza-sama was capable of giving me. I will not ruin that in any way by betraying
either of them. You have my word, on Zabuza-sama, on Naruto-kun, I will not speak of this
to anyone.”
Though uneasy about a stranger learning of her jeopardizing relationship with Naruto,
Kurenai observes his sincerity and demurely accepts his promise. She dawns on her cloak
before dispelling her genjutsu, materializing again as she warns him, “if you ever do betray-”
“I’d sooner take my own life,” the feminine boy interrupts with a genuine smile, before
adding, “however, I’m well aware how genjutsu can trap a person’s mind in an infinite
nightmare from which there is no escape. I understand, Kurenai-san.”
Tying her cloak tight, Kurenai nods, then notices all the evidence on the floor has been wiped
clean. ‘He aired out the room and cleaned the cum stains,’ she uncomfortably notes as she
takes several moments to ease into the uneasy feeling that another person finally knows of
her clandestine bedmate. Feeling her body’s sudden drop in energy, the raven-haired Jōnin
simply shrugs, telling Haku, “you should know there are many in the village, civilian and
shinobi alike, who deeply dislike Naruto.”
“I’m aware,” Haku sadly responds. “They used his history in an effort to shake my devotion
to him.”
“Something along the lines of, ‘why waste your time holding such conviction for the Dead
Last of the village?’” Kurenai ponders aloud.
“Exactly,” Haku confirms the tactic. “Despite their assertions or what some slip of paper says
about him, I’ve witnessed Naruto-kun, armed with his convictions, battle—not fight; truly
battle—Zabuza-sama twice, besting him on his own the second time. I’ll trust my eyes.”
Nodding in agreement, Kurenai then informs him, “the interrogation of your interaction with
him has more than likely been redacted, so be careful of what you say.” Her pause lasts a
second as she tries to explain in the simplest way possible why that is. “He’s special that
“He would have to be,” Haku agrees with a lovely smile. “Or Zabuza-sama wouldn’t have
done as he did.”
Kurenai actually smiles with him, finally feeling a bit of security in her abrupt assessment of
the long-haired brunette. Moving toward the door, Kurenai asks, “before I go, may I ask what
you intend on doing now that you’re a probational resident of the village?”
“In our travels, I’ve often sold medicine I prepared myself for ryo, food, and or shelter,”
Haku explains. “I’ve always enjoyed that work.”
It’s been one of the best five days of her life. Though considerably toucher, her mornings of
training with her team and afternoons of missions hadn’t changed, however, evenings and
dinners with Haku-san, Naruto-kun, and Kurenai-sensei were enchanting. Hinata felt like
they were her personal branch family, only made of spare parts no one wanted.
On her way to the hospital, every time Hinata recalls her sparring sessions with Naruto, she’d
feel like a walking puddle of love and joy, as rainbows would burst from her singing heart.
Though skipping and humming happily now, Hinata needed a lot of motivation and
assurances in the beginning. She was certain he’d hate her if she struck him and the first time
she tagged him clean against his liver, Hinata was sure the popping sound in her chest was
her heart exploding. Reminiscing on it now, Hinata’s sure she’ll never live down the
embarrassment of bursting into tears in front of Naruto-kun, Haku-san, and Kurenai-sensei…
…Though, when he comforted her by brushing the top of her head with gentle pats, her
stomach did back-flips before bursting into thousands of fluttering butterflies. Amazingly the
sun didn’t explode, the earth didn’t shatter, and Naruto was happy. That’s all Hinata wanted;
was for him to be happy.
At first, it was obvious her taijutsu was far superior to his Academy makeshift mix of close
quarter combat. Initially, Naruto didn’t grasp that her Jūken inflicts internal damage, and
while she wasn’t using her Byakugan to target his tenketsus, she doesn’t even have to try
hard to target his organs. Terrified as she was every time she landed a mildly strong hit,
Hinata loved how Naruto wouldn’t give up, wouldn’t stay down, and ask for another round.
The beautiful boy certainly threw her off. From his spars with Naruto, Hinata learned the
beautiful brunette was a highly skilled shinobi. Yet, in a world where the best killers gain the
most notoriety and monetary income, Haku—exceptionally trained in the killing arts—chose
to heal rather than kill and that greatly touched her. Naruto also never mentioned how
absolutely gorgeous he looked—but after a couple of hesitant interactions, Hinata’s eyes
could easily see his sincere loyalty.
It was as if their connection to Naruto made them fast friends and Hinata grew to enjoy her
conversations with Haku-san nearly as much as her time with Naruto-kun, Kurenai-sensei,
and her team. Their connection was so clear, Haku may say to her, ‘I never thought I could
embrace my purpose to this degree,’ Hinata was certain he meant to say, ‘I’ve never been so
happy.’ Naruto’s heart and never-quit attitude amazed them both—in Hinata’s case,
sometimes to tears—and she was further happy to have a partner in their love of Naruto.
Wearing her standard white and gray jacket and navy blue pants she makes her way to
Konoha Hospital before Haku’s welcome party. At Naruto’s jovial invitation, Hinata happily
accepted to see her favorite sensei and it warmed her heart to see how much Iruka-sensei and
Naruto-kun cared about each other.
It was the very relationship she wanted with her father, and yet at the thought of her family,
old familiar wounds rooted deep within her soul ached. It wasn’t every hour that she thought
of her family. It was hard to when she’s constantly surrounded by her teammates, her
motherly sensei, Haku-san, and Naruto-kun. They just wouldn’t give her many moments to
dwell on that ache, and though she felt guilty about it, she was happy to be away. Not that she
would ever abandon her little sister, but at the very least, she knows Hanabi will remain safe
as the favorite daughter.
“The best five days,” Hinata whispers to herself, praying to kami she didn’t jinx herself
somehow. Her one regret was she hadn’t learned if Ino-chan was seeing anyone. Aside from
meeting Sakura-chan regularly, Hinata hadn’t seen anything out of the ordinary. She hopes
Kiba-kun doesn’t do anything too reckless at the party. Above everything else, she just
wanted Haku to feel welcomed.
“You train very hard, Naruto-kun,” Haku mentions to Naruto after hearing all his clones grunt
in unison. They are both having breakfast on top of the newly created water-fall Kurenai-san
managed to set up for Naruto-kun. His welcoming party wasn’t until noon and they still
needed to meet Hinata-chan to visit Iruka-san before welcoming everyone who is attending
the celebration. While clones of Naruto are attempting to split the heavy rush of water with
chakra alone, Haku marvels at his life now.
After Naruto slurps his noodles, he answers his friend, “I have to.”
“Why,” Haku curiously asks. “I know you want to build a better world, but to nearly kill
yourself every day to be Hokage… I wonder if there’s more to your plan for the future.”
“I wouldn’t say more,” “But it’s a big world, you know, and I’m not really ready.”
“What is it you expect might happen that you feel such need to be strong for,”
“The five nations,” he answers and Haku feels lacking, as if he truly doesn’t understand the
scale Naruto-kun is operating on. Naruto continues, “I’ve been hated for as long as I can
remember, but not a single one of those people ever took the time to understand me, and the
ones that did, didn’t hate me anymore: Ji-chan, Teuchi-jiji, Ayame-neesan, Iruka-sensei,
Kurenai-sensei, Kakashi-sensei, Sakura-chan, even the teme. And if you still hate someone
after you understand them, then maybe you should fight. I mean, I learned everything I
needed about you when we fought. I knew you were kind, and strong, and someone I could
really care about. For some reason, I don’t think it’s any different with the five nations. We
should all have that chance to understand each other like friends do.”
Muling over Naruto-kun’s philosophy, Haku asks, “and you would do this through strength?”
“I don’t want to force them,” Naruto answers. “Honestly, I don’t know how I’ll manage it,
but I feel like if something really bad ever happens, all shinobi would come together to stop
it. I want everyone to choose love and peace, instead of hate and war, so we can all make it.”
“I know, but we’re friends, so I know it can work,” Naruto smiles. “I just have to be strong
enough to show everyone that it’s okay… to not fight? Which sounds weird I know, but…
that’s what I think.”
“You do?”
“There’s a saying in the Land of Water,” Haku starts. “When Shinigami-sama whispers in
your ear, ‘you’re not strong enough to withstand the storm,’ you whisper back, ‘I am the
storm.’” Haku enjoys Naruto’s smile, claiming, “You’re the storm, Naruto-kun.”
With a chuckle that turns into a smile, Naruto clarifies, “I want everyone to tell death that.”
Haku nods as the blond finishes, “and I’ll protect those that can’t.”
“So you wish to fight death on behalf of the world,” Haku states with a small hint of jest. “As
fierce as this world is, you’ll have to be quite strong to be heard by so many. Fortunately you
have me, Kakashi-san, Hinata-chan and of course, your precious Nai-chan.” Naruto laughs
with Haku before the girlish boy asks, “do you think the both of you might become a
“Uh, I doubt it,” Naruto answers, thinking how happy he is to be able to talk to someone
about this. Naru-nii, unfortunately, doesn’t have the time for a lengthy conversation, which
makes having Haku that much appreciated. “She pretty much said no matter what we do, that
won’t ever happen, so…”
“I see. I like Hinata-chan,” Haku slowly tells Naruto inspecting his every physical cue.
Naruto smiles and agrees, “Mn, I like her too. Her Taijutsu is crazy good. She’s showing me
so much.”
“I think she’d make a good wife someday,” Haku states inspecting Naruto closely.
Naruto tilts his head before his mouth spreads to a big grin. “Haku! Kami, are you in love
with Hinata-chan?”
Haku deflates at Naruto’s obliviousness, clearly not grasping the unasked question. Haku
simply shakes his head answers, “no, Naruto-kun. She’s a sweet girl but ultimately, not my
“Oh,” Naruto states with a shrug. “Well, you gotta tell me when you find a girl you love so I
can root for you.”
“…Thank you,” Haku smiles. “As your tool-” “Friend,” Naruto cuts in while Haku continues.
“I want you to find love as well.”
Naruto smiles broadly while his thoughts not only projects Sakura’s smiling face, but Ino’s,
Kurenai’s, and even Hinata. Naruto knows there are many types of love so he doesn’t
understand, but it’s his hope everything becomes clear soon.
Walking up the stairs of the nearly empty residence of the Haruno home, Ino smiles wickedly.
The pair of kunoichi had decided to meet up Saturday before going to Iruka-sensei’s house,
and she was early… an hour early. Entering Sakura’s room, she’s thrilled to hear the shower
running in the connected bathroom. Ino removes her purple, lace-up crop top, matching wrap
skort and thigh high black stocking. After removing her lace underwear, Ino henge’s into
Naruto and sneaks into the hissing and humid bathroom.
When Sakura senses a disturbance in the foggy atmosphere, it’s too late. Ino snakes her arms
under Sakura’s to snatch up the Pinkettes lathered up breasts. “Too slow Sakura-chan,” Ino in
Naruto’s face and voice calls.
“Ino! Mnn-” Sakura is cut off when Ino tweaks her hardening twin peaks between ample
“Ino-chan?” Ino-as-Naruto questions, letting the shower wash over both their bodies as she
expertly massages the pink-haired girl’s soft B-cups. “Where? Does she want to watch?” Ino
plays as one hand sneaks down Sakura’s taut stomach and just past her pink wisp of hair
toward her warming sanctuary. At Sakura’s ‘MMMN!’ Ino plays, “does she want to join?”
“S-St-Stop, Ahn!” Sakura tries as she takes a step to move away. For the past week, Sakura
and Ino—in Naruto’s guise—make out, lick and suck each other. Sakura would always
protest, Ino would always stop and ask if she wanted to stop. However Sakura only needed a
few moments to recall what’s at stake, and as if to prove to herself her feelings for Sasuke-
kun are stronger, she would initiate kissing, licking and sucking all on her own. Exactly like
in this moment, with Ino’s Naruto-fingers pumping and probing Sakura’s soaking sex. For the
past five days, they’ve explored their sexuality, learning what Sakura feels the most, what
doesn’t work as much, all in Ino’s attempts to make the pinkette cum as many times as
“Who’s touching you right now, Sakura-chan,” Ino in Naruto’s voice asks. Ino had
surrendered a photo for Sakura to call her Naruto when they make out. Now, no matter what
they do, she must call her Naruto… no matter how much that sexually frustrates the
Yamanaka. Ino moves the pinkette front-forward against the slick tile wall of the shower,
lightly pressing Sakura’s face against it as she continues her ministrations of her budding
pink nipple and wet pussy lips.
Sakura likes it a bit forceful, thrusting into the girl as her digits piston in and out of the pink-
bushed girl. It was killer on the muscles of Ino’s forearms, but hearing Sakura grunt
grotesquely as she squirts her orgasm is always worth the burning lactic acid. Sakura ruts
back into her hand and Ino knows she getting close, so she slows down as she roughly tweaks
the girl's stiff nipple, asking again, “who’s touching you, Sakura-chan?”
“Mnn! Please, ahh, I… mmn…” Ino slows down further and she can hear Sakura whimper a
bit before whispering, “…Naruto. AHH!”
Sakura yelps at the tight pinch and pull as Ino relays, “I can’t hear you-”
“Naruto! Naruto! Naruto! MMNNN!” Sakura moans as Ino presses her own body against the
bucking girl, resuming her intrusive pleasure.
“Who’s going to make you cum?” Ino-Naruto whispers in Sakura’s ears, pumping soaking
digits faster until her forearm feels like it’s melting.
Rutting, trying to pull away but also wanting more, Sakura loudly groans, “Naruto!
MMnnaruto! AHn! Narutooooohhhh!” She yells loudly in her climax, gushing her love nectar
all over Ino’s hand as her quaking spine arches and her toes curl. Pressing her spasming head
against Naruto’s, Sakura shivers and quakes cutely against the disguised Yamanaka, who
happily spins the girl around and kisses her, tonguing her with wide maw until they’re both
“Naruto,” Sakura moans in her pleasure haze and though Ino feels a sense of
accomplishment, she also feels a tremendous amount of heat in her crotch and an overflow of
her own throbbing sex. The heat of the water, steaming bathroom and her humid core is
making her feel dizzy as once again, bone aching frustration sets in like an itch too deep for
fingers to scratch.
Ino learned early on that her plan of enlightening Sakura was a double edge sword as the past
five days seemed to be Sakura receiving orgasms, Ino being left unattended, frustrated, and
thinking about Naruto, then feeling angry for feeling frustrated. Looking like Naruto, hearing
Sakura call out Naruto’s name never failed to force Ino to continually think about her own
mind-bending, cum-gushing experience with the blond and Ino’s biting her lower lip to
control herself.
Yesterday was the first time Ino had ever given another girl cunnilingus. At first, she tried to
emulate what Naruto had done to her, only to realize she was drugged at the time, so
technically, anything he did would’ve felt good—as evidenced by her regular anal fantasies.
Not only did she find out she didn’t mind Sakura’s pretty pink pussy, but she was pretty good
at it.
However, despite giving Sakura several orgasms, Ino couldn’t risk her strategy of horrible
awareness by asking Sakura to return the favor. If Sakura is ever going to gain a comparative
point of view between her love of Sasuke-kun and the loving affection she can still feel with
someone else, Ino can’t ask for pleasure to be reciprocated. Ino needs to shake the girl’s
obsession and see what comes loose, and so suspects the second their activity becomes about
Ino’s growing need, Sakura will use that as an emotional escape, rending all her efforts
Still, the only way Ino may get lucky enough to feel a plunging organ in her sex would be if
Sakura asked to so of her own accord, which won’t happen. It forced Ino to find her own
ruptured bliss, only to then feel the ache of grief when she compares it to her time with
Naruto. After she had eaten Sakura’s pink goodness, a buzzed Pinkette then told Ino about
Naruto’s welcome party for Haku.
“Naruto made a friend when we were on our mission,” Sakura hums laying in bed with Ino
before explaining what she’s allowed to of what transpired on their Land of Wave Mission.
“He’s a very strong shinobi with a kekkei genkai, but you won’t believe how beautiful he is. I
don’t mean beautiful for a man either. I mean he looks more beautiful than a lot of girls!”
“Well…” Sakura grumbles to her self a moment before asserting, “look, I don’t care if you go
or anything, but if you do, maybe Asuma-sensei will too. I thought that would give him an
opportunity to talk with Kurenai-sensei.” When Ino-Naruto and Sakura aren’t snogging for a
long time, they stick to topics they have in common because talking about Sasuke-kun always
ends in stubborn shouting. Safe topics such as their parents, flowers, medicine, and their
agreement that Kurenai-sensei and Asuma-sensei deserve each other can sometimes even
make them forget why they’re spending time together.
Confused, Ino asks, “I thought- wait, doesn’t he see her every time he helps Naruto?”
“I don’t think so,” Sakura shakes her head. “Asuma-sensei really only gives Naruto tips and
since your team is on hold, he only meets Naruto in the morning when Kurenai-sensei isn’t
“Men,” Ino curses rolling her pupil-less eyes. “He doesn’t tell us anything. Alright, I’ll make
sure we’re there.” At the thought of being in close proximity to Naruto, Ino distracted herself
by eating Sakura out vigorously.
Oddly enough, Ino is in Iruka-sensei’s home, where Naruto’s been living… with a former
Kiri-nin. ‘Uwah…Sakura wasn’t kidding! Haku may actually be prettier than me!’ What’s
more unexpected is the gathering in their former sensei’s home. If Chōji and Sasuke-kun
were present, the entire Rookie 9 would be in Iruka-sensei’s home. It put her in a melancholy
mood and she happily signed Iruka-sensei’s Get Well Soon card. Ino found it sweet that
Naruto would make a card for the caring Academy instructor… far too sweet.
After threatening Kiba with castration if he acted as anything more than an acquittance, she
stayed clear of him and the only other blond in the room. However, despite keeping her hands
busy preparing lunch with Hinata-chan and Kurenai-sensei, the lower half of her mind and
body are completely locked on Naruto. His voice carried to her ears effortlessly, her eyes
always saw him with such accuracy she felt like she had the Byakugan, and his infectious
scent was everywhere. Ino felt a week’s worth of heavy of frustration coursing hot through
her veins, making her fear the second he touches her, her will might snap.
“How are you doing,” Kurenai whispers close to her, cutting cucumbers as Hinata-chan
walks over to Sakura and Haku to inquire about portion and preferences. Kiba and Shikamaru
argue with Naruto about training while Asuma and Genma converse quietly. “He’s stayed
away,” Kurenai adds.
“I’m feeling…” Ino instantly wants to withhold, as she’s trained to do, however, Kurenai-
sensei already knows everything and more than that, she trusts the raven-haired sensei. “I
feel… hot, sensei, like too hot,” she exhales deeply. Though Ino won’t mention all her
frustrating sessions with Sakura, she does admit, “it’s more than the memories I can’t stop
thinking about. I feel sensations i-inside, echoing all over and it’s driving me crazy!”
“Given the amount you ingested, that’s perfectly understandable,” Kurenai speaks directly
into her ear. “Remember, Naruto is essentially a psychological stimulus, triggering, in vivid
detail, those feelings from your experience with him. You’re doing a great job controlling
those urges.”
‘…Blowjob,’ Ino’s mind misheard, evoking vivid memories of bobbing Naruto’s thick meat
in her wet, sucking mouth when she was in Sakura’s body. Ino’s mouth salivates before she
shakes her head of the images.
“Why don’t you take a walk,” Kurenai suggests. “There are a few things we need from my
home; Iruka-san doesn’t have enough dishes and utensils. If you can get them-”
“Sure,” Ino quickly asserts, quickly wiping her hands before she sneaks away. When Ino is a
safe distance away, she slows her frantic pace to a brisk walk. She’s near Kurenai’s home
when she hears from behind her, “Um, Ino-chan?”
Whipping around, he’s walking toward her and her eyes take in every inch of him; slightly
winded, tan skin, golden-blond hair, the clearest sky-blue eyes she’s ever seen, and the
shifting of his crotch. “Hey,” he says stepping to her. “I just wanted to make sure you were
okay.” She can taste his skin by his musk alone and Ino audibly gulps. “I may not deserve it,
but I’m really hoping we can be friends after… you know,” he nervously raises his brows.
“Feel what?” Naruto asks, shocking Ino to realize she said that last comment aloud.
“I- I- …” Ino takes a few deep, calming breaths, but with one look at him, she turns away and
walks to Kurenai’s front door. Though she hears his footfalls follow her, she can’t tell him off
while her body’s grand urges and her mind’s self-respect battle for her ability to speak. His
male voice then thrusts into her ear, like a thick cock up her quaking quim, “Ino-chan? Are
you okay?”
“I… I…” Ino states, still trying to escape as she grabs the handle to the door. Though turning
the handle and stepping inside is what she expected to happen, the knob didn’t turn and she
didn’t step inside, because it was locked, making a dazed Ino run into the wood barrier before
Naruto bumps well into Ino. She felt the pressure of his strong chest against her back, his
face—but more importantly—the rubber of his lips against her hair, and above everything
else, his cock-housing-pelvis press just enough into the middle of her humid crack.
“Mnn!” She moans as everything jiggled deliciously and her nipples instantly stiffen. He
steps back with a quick apology she didn’t hear. Aroused, Ino’s fragile voice softly calls,
“Naruto…” Her body squirms under his radiating eyes and she tries to ask for anything but
the very thick thing she craves. “Can- can you-” ‘fill me up! Just say it!’
“Ah,” Naruto calls, snapping his fingers. “Of course,” he happily says, exciting her with
anticipation that softens her knees and moistens her center. He moves right beside her and she
can smell him like no other scent existed. She doesn’t even question why it is his chakra can
unlock Kurenai-sensei’s Fūinjutsu security as he opens the door for her and states, “there you
go. Do you need anything else?”
Ino’s mind gives up as her body grabs his sleeve and shoves him inside, closing the door
behind her. She leans heavily against the door while he looks at her confused. The throbbing
is so bad, her hands slowly move up to her platinum-blond ponytail and she releases a
cascade of long silky hair so it drapes over her bare shoulders and partially covers half her
flush face. Legs pressed together as she begins untying the strings of her lace-up crop top,
asking in a breathy moan, “do you think I’m pretty, Naruto?”
Gazing at the sensual way she sways her hips and bends her sexy assets, Naruto had no
answer but the feel of his cock thickening.
The flaps of her untied crop top fall and shows just a bit of her pink, stiff nipples. Her hand
caresses her bare stomach before she starts at the knot at the left hip for her miniskirt wrap.
“Am I pretty, Naruto,” she moans. “Am I… do you think I’m pretty?” Her voice is breathy
and she closes her eyes as her hypersensitive pussy builds to a large orgasm on arousal alone.
She opens her eyes when she feels his radiating heat wash over her pushing her to within
mere moments of glorious relief.
He’s an inch away, obviously horny, yet has the presence of mind to ask, “did- did someone
drug you again?”
Feeling pained, Ino grabs him by his ugly jacket and pulls him against her as she yells, “no,
you idiot!” She’s so close. Her quivering pussy is drenched, streaming continuously down her
thighs and thigh-high nylons. She rubs her fleshy chest against him as she tells him, “I just
need- I just need… Just fuck me Naruto!”
Cupping her jaw to force her to look at him makes her whimper as he asks, “but- but you
don’t love me, right?”
“I don’t care about that!” Ino calls as she grinds her pelvis against him and though she can
feel his raging erection, she can’t reach the explosive state of nirvana she craves. “I- For now,
Naruto,” her voice and eyes plead. “Just help me with this for now, and I promise, we’ll talk
The look of sheer concern on his face, in his beautiful blue eyes, is so strong she nearly
sobers up from her lunacy, until he leans in and kisses her. All thoughts immediately
evaporate as her vibrating body comes alive with his warm lips and massaging hands. His
kiss took her by surprise. He seems so much more confident than she remembered, the sure
way he leans and presses but doesn’t push or dampen the building feel… she happily lets him
have his way in her submissive mouth. Deep-tissue kneading continuously stimulates and
prod an ever-tightening knot of giga-pleasure at the wet root of her womanhood.
He abruptly pulls away and she whimpers, leaning forward to kiss more when he softly tells
her, “move your panties to the side.” One hand leaves her round ass cheek to unzip his fly
and the concussive sound of his zipper caused her to panic. Ino realized she wasn’t going to
live through this when his other hand effortlessly moved her feverish pelvis closer to his. Her
heart is racing in her chest, her skin is hotter than he is as he aligns his massive cock with her
drenching, pulsing slit. Leaning against the door, her shaky hand moves the bit of flimsy
material out of his way as the electric current crackles up and down her system in
‘I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die-’ her mind constant assertions is dearly
interrupted when he stuffs his entire steel rod in her pleasure sauna. Her neck snaps back,
prying a strangled cry from her small throat as her body is flooded with rupturing euphoria,
repeatedly ripping through her from end-to-end with the most mind-blowing orgasm she’s
ever felt.
“Kami, your pussy!” Naruto grunts as he holds her shuttering body to him. “So tight! It feels-
MNn! You feel- Amazing!” Her quaking pussy is a vice around his thick cock, sucking him in
for more as her climax conquers all her senses for minutes.
When she finally feels like she may be coming down, Naruto’s shapely cock head drags
along the quaking walls of her love membrane as he slowly pulls out, unearthing more
rippling pockets of pleasure the curl her toes and hug him tightly. He gives her a second, then
slams back in. All strength evacuates her melting muscle as she climaxes, hard, for a second
Naruto pulls out before diving back in, and soon, he builds a steady rhythm, pumping in and
out of her hot dripping cunnie as Ino moans, whimpers and shrieks in his ear.
“Ahhn, ahh, mmnn, yeess, you’re so great, yes, yes, yes!” he was thrilled to hear.
Holding her legs up by her thighs and using his weight fully to pin her against the door felt
delicious all on its own as Ino suffers happily through effortlessly earth-shattering orgasms.
With his head resting delightfully against hers, he softly asks, “can I cum inside? Will ya let-
I need-”
Her legs weakly wrap around his ass. “St-Stay,” she manages between uncontrollable
moaning. “Just- AAHH! Just- OOHH! Stay inside!”
Gripping her right where her ass meets her thighs, Naruto pumps his rock-hard cock
relentlessly inside her incredibly lubricated love tunnel, hitting a pleasure mine in her sex she
didn’t know she had and rockets to the high heavens. “I-Ino-chan!” was his only warning
before molten liquid gushes through her cervix like a geyser, triggering within her yet another
powerful orgasm and snapping what last shred of lucidity she had left.
Naruto whips around to look at Haku’s knowing smirk. They’re outside in Iruka’s backyard,
testing the accuracy between a senbon, a kunai, or a shiruken while Sakura and Hinata are
setting the table. Championing the shiruken, Asuma had taken Shikamaru to guide his student
in the same manner Genma had taken Kiba to help his weapon, the kunai, win some sort of
contest between the men. Haku and Naruto stand well away from them when Haku continues
saying, “did she forgive you?”
Since Naruto defended him against a teammate as well as took him into his confidence when
the blond filled in the details of what had happened with both Ino and Kurenai, Haku didn’t
need a party to feel welcomed. It’s yet another reason Haku finds Naruto to be so singular.
Rather than treating these woman like many men would, as just another notch on his bedpost,
Naruto worries about their friendship, about their bond with him far more. Haku knows with
complete certainty Naruto wouldn’t be upset if the kunoichi decided to be friends rather than
sexual partners and that tells Haku a great deal about Naruto’s character, making him thank
Kami and Zabuza-sama all the more.
“Um,” Naruto tries to answer without being confused by sudden sex with Ino. “She said we
can talk later, so I think that’s good, but I don’t know. She still seems off. I thought someone
drugged her again but Kurenai-chan said that wasn’t it. I hope she’s okay.”
“Me too,” Haku adds. “And the qipao girl?” Haku is not a fan of the intrusive girl hounding
Naruto-kun with ever increasing offers to purchase Kubikiribōchō, as if Zabuza-sama’s
sword were some collectible to be mounted on the wall of a wealthy person. ‘Naruto-kun may
not have the height to wield Kubikiribōchō properly, but Zabuza-sama entrusted it to him,
and with Naruto-kun is where it will stay,’ Haku mentally asserts.
“Tenten?” Naruto asks. “Yeesh, talk about obsessed. But you know? I think she finally gets
it’s not just a sword to me. It means more than selling it.” Haku smiles with satisfaction
before striking the target dead in the center with his senbon, impressing the other four
shinobi. “Told you,” Naruto happily brags. “Haku’s a damn surgeon with those things.”
“I’m surprised you even know the word surgeon,” Kiba laughs.
“Keep it up Dog Breath and you’re going to need one when I get done with ya,” Naruto
hollers and Haku laughs, yet again, marveling at the absurdity of his life now.
Sometime later, Ino woke up to Kurenai-sensei staring down at her. Ino felt like she was on a
bed before realizing she must be in sensei’s room. When she recalls what happened, the
sensations flood her brain with a delicious buzzing, letting out an audible, “mmnn.”
“No one but me found you, so that’s one less thing to worry about,” Kurenai begins to
explain before asking, “how are you feeling?”
“The self-loathing hasn’t kicked in yet,” Ino answers with a small smile, feeling her scalp,
breasts, nipples, back, thighs, toes, ass, pussy, and everything in between tingle with
satisfaction. Not a moment later, her eyes snap wide open and she sits up in stark surprise.
“Ah! I’m so sorry, sensei! Doing such a thing in your own home- I’m the worst- I’m so
“It’s okay, Ino-chan,” Kurenai assures the girl taking her frantic hands in her own and
rubbing them. “I know you wouldn’t have if you were in your right state of mind.”
With a long exhale, she looks around before asking, “where’s Naruto?”
“At the party,” Kurenai answers. “I told him to tell the others we’d be along shortly… that is
of course if you're up for it.”
Finally feeling the shame and guilt mount her riding remorse, Ino weakly agrees with a
resigned huff, “I know.”
“I’m aware you take care of yourself,” Kurenai gently states, and Ino blushes at the mention
of her masturbation. “What I need to know is—to the best of your knowledge—do you think
you can control your urges without needing, for lack of a better term, ‘a fix?’”
Though slightly offended, hating having to think the sentence, ‘I’m not a junkie for Naruto’s
dick,’ Ino can see how Kurenai-sensei might use addiction in this case, but the intelligent
sensei is wrong. If it wasn’t for the mounting frustration of dealing with Sakura, Ino knows
for certain she wouldn’t have needed a thorough pounding. However, Ino is too ashamed to
tell Kurenai about her dealings with Sakura, making her wonder if her frustrations might get
worse as the month progresses. After a single week of messing with Sakura, Ino was
throbbing simply at the sight of Naruto… ‘could I manage for another three weeks without
another mind-blowing release?’
Turning away from the kunoichi she greatly admires, Ino begrudgingly admits, “I… don’t
think I can… yet.” Kurenai lets out a long, patient sigh and Ino feels pain in her chest at the
thought of disappointing this beautiful sensei who’s helped her so much, as if a woman of her
caliber would never make such decisions.
Kurenai picks the blond’s chin up, turning Ino to look into the woman’s red irises before she
responds, “it’s okay, I understand. I know how difficult it is to be honest about our personal
lapses in judgment but that’s where we have to start if we ever wish to change ourselves.”
Ino feels such relief to hear her says so and asks, “so, what are you thinking sensei?”
“I’m thinking I’d like you to try and control your urges,” Kurenai answers. “Our options at
that point are you struggle to hold out until the strength of the trigger eventually lessens, or
you act on those impulses. If you’re absolutely sure you may act…” Kurenai asks Ino with
her eyes if that sentiment is still accurate. When Ino begrudgingly nods her head, Kurenai
continues, “then, reclaiming complete control over yourself would mean making you stop
with gradually declining increments; like weaning you off. That brings us to an important
question.” Ino waits before Kurenai asks, “are you truly okay involving Naruto?”
That is not what Ino was expecting to hear. Confused, Ino answers simply, “well, yeah. I
mean, I’d rather not, but Sasuke-kun isn’t ready for a relationship and, well, you know,
Naruto’s the trigger for my... urges, so it would have to be him, right?”
Kurenai nods before stating, “I ask because he’s not quite as impersonal when it comes to
connections with others. At the very least, it’s unlikely he’ll be as clinical about this as you
“So?” Ino blankly wonders. “He gets to have sex a couple- a few more times with—and I’m
not being arrogant here—thee hottest kunoichi in our year… no strings attached. You know
how many guys would kill for that opportunity? I can’t see him having a problem with this.”
“Do you know why he had sex with you today,” Kurenai patiently asks. When Ino tilts her
head as if to say, ‘shouldn’t that be obvious?’ Kurenai shakes her head, ‘no,’ and answers,
“he said you asked for help. He told me you said, ‘help me now, talk later.’ What do we know
about him, Ino-chan?”
“And continues to do so,” she corrects before quickly asking, “how many people genuinely
cared about him?”
“Not many.”
“Despite an entire village of people, a classroom of fellow students, he had two maybe four
people who cared about him… all adults.”
“So he’s lonely,” Ino agrees with a huff. “I get it, but if anything, that should make him more
okay with this-”
“Not necessarily,” Kurenai states. “Do you think someone like him would want a meaningful
or a meaningless bond with someone?”
“He knows two things about you,” Kurenai interrupts. “One, you don’t love him, and two,
you were drugged when you were with him, which to him, is the equivalent of being tricked.
Before he learned the truth, he hoped that you might actually have feelings for him,” Kurenai
shares with the surprised blond.
Ino has long since lost all barring when it comes to Naruto. She doesn’t hate him or even
dislike him as she used to. He seems to be a good, strong person, Kurenai seems to have a
good opinion of him, and add to that he can make her feel really really good, it leaves Ino
with deep and prolonged confusion. She never thought she would ever think of Naruto in a
romantic way, but he’s giving her less and less reasons not to.
‘Plus more sex,’ her vagina happily thinks as Kurenai continues. “When I explained to him
you didn’t have romantic feelings for him, he was genuinely hurt. Bonds matter a great deal
to him and it hurts him that much more when he learns a connection he thought he made was
actually a trick. When you were with Naruto earlier, if you had said you wanted to stop, no
matter how aroused he was, do you believe he would’ve?”
“Despite what led to it, you both shared something incredibly personal. Asking him to be that
level of intimate with you, someone he cares about, while telling him his feelings will not be
returned… I don’t like that any more than what happened to you.”
“So…” Ino can’t believe she’s asking this. “So, what? You want me to date him? Even
though I don’t love him?”
Ino recalls how he asked if she was drugged despite her lecherous display and she becomes
morose at the thought that he might say no. Voted as the sexiest kunoichi of their class, Ino
finds it so incredibly backward that she’s actually wondering, ‘how do I make sure the not-so-
dead-last of our class agrees to have sex with me… me!’ Ino snorts, mentally yelling, ‘It’s
ridiculous! He should be on his knees begging to convince me!’
But the Clan training within her can’t discount his emotional scars. As the Yamanaka heir,
she was made to study and discuss, at length, mind walking. She hadn’t minded one bit at the
time, as she had never-ending questions about Sasuke-kun’s state of mind and learned a great
Ino ponders on the primary difference between Naruto and Sasuke-kun’s past. Sasuke-kun
felt the love of family for a number of years before it was horribly ripped away. Naruto had
nothing but hate and loneliness for the grand majority of his life until he found a few
tentative bonds of affection. Ino couldn’t answer who had it worse; having it and losing it, or
never having it at all, but she knows it’s terrible in either case.
Ino knew if the tables were turned and it was Sasuke-kun asking her for meaningless help,
she didn’t think she could do it and not fall in love. Maybe she is asking too much, though
Kurenai interrupts her thoughts, saying, “come on. You don’t need to answer right now.”
“Tou-san,” Tenten exhaustively calls. “I’m telling you, I asked! I literally said. ‘name your
price.’ He could’ve asked for a billion and I would’ve said yes, but he said the same thing he
always does, ‘sorry, Tenten-chan, I can’t sell it to you.’”
“There has to be something, Ten,” her flustered father snaps. “I just heard from a former
colleague in Tanigakure. The current market price for Kubikiribōchō is nearly nine hundred
million ryo! With that much, we’d be in the top one percent of Konoha instantly!”
“Kami, that’s a lot,” Tenten gasps, before shaking her head of the money. Begging, she asks,
“do we really have to sell it? It’s a legendary sword, Tou-san! It might take me a while, but in
time, I’m sure I could master wielding it.”
While Tenten understands the importance of ryo as well as their family struggles, in her
mind, this was too special of a sword to simply sell. The thought of selling it after they take
ownership hurts to her very soul. ‘I get how much the money would help us, but I want to be
remembered as one of the strongest kunoichi this village has ever seen, and a legendary
sword would definitely help!’
“There are others,” Dānyī easily dismisses his daughter’s passionate plea to keep the sword.
“But this one’s here now,” Tenten bemoans to counter. “I know we’re destined to have
Kubikiribōchō, just like I know I’ll be one of the best kunoichi ever. Don’t you think the
reputation that would bring us would help us more in the long run than the ryo will now?”
Dānyī lets out a disappointed sigh, eying his daughter sympathetically, before informing her
with absolute certainty, “ryo is power, Ten; a clear tangible unit of power. The more you
have, the more power you wield. Who is more powerful, the Hokage or the Daimyō? And if
you’re so naive to think the Hokage, simply because he’s a shinobi, than remember, daughter,
he serves at the pleasure of our Daimyō.”
“But the Daimyō can’t be the Daimyō without the Hokage,” Tenten tries to point out.
“Violence is paid with Ryo to maintain power,” Dānyī exasperatedly tells his daughter. “I
thought I taught you better than this. Violence is always used to protect sources of money.
Remember this well because I don’t want to keep repeating myself: this world is not built on
the backs of shinobi, but on trade. Ryo can make people disappear or it can build great things.
The Hokage represents violence, nothing more, so please, stop. Is that understood?” Slowly,
with clear sadness, Tenten nods to her father before he continues. “Now, rather than your
reeducation, we need to discuss what to do about the Demon-Boy. There has to be something
he wants.”
Though upset by her father’s staunch views on the world, Tenten sets her frustrations aside
for the target range later, and focuses on trying to acquire Kubikiribōchō now. “It would have
to be something big like giving him the store-”
“Please do not joke at a time like this,” Dānyī huffs. “My old friend has a line on a potential
buyer and is willing to facilitate the sale for us at a neutral location for only 12.5 percent,
which is an absolute steal! All we have to do is give it to him and he gives us the ryo.
“I think I should do more recon on Naruto-kun,” Tenten suggests. Even if the subject matter,
in this case, is weak and boring, Tenten has always loved investigating. She easily recalls
angering Neji when she uncovered, not only his seal, but the circumstances around it. No
matter how many times she apologized, he didn’t talk to her for a whole month and even
now, two years later, he can still be very chilly towards her.
“We should also consider an alternate plan of action should he be unwilling to part with
Kubikiribōchō amicably.”
Tenten’s eyebrows raise surprised as she cautiously asks, “what kind of backup plan?”
“There’s no scenario in which that sword doesn’t end up in our ownership,” her father asserts
with cold eyes. “I prefer the easy way, but it’s not the only way.”
“Tou-san!” Tenten whispers her yell, looking at him as if he’s lost his mind. “He’s a shinobi
of the Leaf-”
“Retired!” Tenten corrects him. “He may be a genin but he’s active shinobi. We can’t attack
him without getting in trouble ourselves and we definitely won’t get Kubikiribōchō if we’re
fined to our eyeballs or in prison.”
“Listen, you don’t know this but that demon’s been attacked multiple times throughout his
life and no one has ever been fined or sent to prison… though some have died,” her father
casually asserts. “We’ll be fine. But I’m serious about drastic measures if he won’t part with
“Tou-san… I…” Tenten isn’t comfortable with this degree of ambition; it feels like a line that
shouldn’t be crossed. Certainly, she’s never thought anything of him but he’s a fellow
Konoha ninja, after all, and Tenten isn’t sure she’s willing to hurt him simply to take his
famed property. Tenten has a sinking feeling it would be best for everyone if she figures out a
way to get Kubikiribōchō from Naruto-kun. “I’ll get it for sure. Just give me two weeks!”
Eying her warily, he simply nods, informing her, “I’ll tell my friend the negotiation is still
ongoing, however, I know that old mule. He’ll simply say maybe he should be talking with
the actual owner. After that, I’ll be forced to respond that we’re in possession of
Kubikiribōchō whether we have it or not, or else, he may actually make his way here. You
have two weeks. After that…”
Tenten isn’t sure what her father would do, but she knows she doesn’t want to give him the
chance, mentally cursing as her father leaves. ‘I swear he’d lose the business if it wasn’t for
Kurenai is inching closer to the big decision. There should be a little less lemon with her
since Ino's going to partake. Though I don't think she'll do so well. Naruto learned a lot
from Nai-chan after all. We'll see.
That's pretty much it. Thank you all for the support and your comments. I truly do
appreciate them. As always, I'd love to hear from you all and have a great one,
Thick Comforts
Chapter Summary
Being touched in a way that is more than the physical, but emotional, is the ultimate
comfort in life.
Chapter Notes
Hey guys,
I meant to get this update out much faster but with Mother's Day and my vacation fun-
time, it was difficult, so for that I apologize. My best guess for the future updates is two
more chapters before our summer slaving begins. I'll try hard guys. Happy belated
Mother's Day to all that applies.
Just so you guys are aware, I'm not going to focus too heavily on yuri, that is to say,
you'll know Sakura and Ino do stuff but I won't dwell too heavily on it... at least not until
Naruto is in the middle :D
11.5K Enjoy!
‘I think it’s time for some stories,’ Naru-nii tells an exhausted Naruto one afternoon.
Sakura looked it up. There’s no way her curious mind wouldn’t research this after
experiencing so many.
‘The Human Orgasm,’ she recites in her mind. ‘There’s a gradual increase in all the regions
of the brain leading up to orgasm. When climax is reached the brains light up like a fireworks
festival. When sexual activity is initiated, genital stimulation sends a signal to your limbic
system—the emotional control center of the brain—and hippocampus—which is responsible
for memory and fantasies. Steadily increasing pleasure activate the anterior cingulate cortex
and the insular cortex during sex, inhibiting pain sensations—though there is a lot of
research supporting that profound orgasms can even be achieved through pain. Steadily
increasing pleasure activate your cerebellum which is responsible for increased muscle
tension, making strange contorted faces and curling toes under persistent sexual stimulation.
‘All the sexual activity builds to a grand crescendo. During orgasm, the brain releases
oxytocin, a hormone, and neurotransmitter produced by the hypothalamus. In many women,
oxytocin can trigger strong uterine contractions that pulse along with their orgasms;
suggesting an evolutionary imperative that makes the vagina suck in the penis and semen to
produce offspring.
‘The hypothalamus and nucleus accumbens produce the grand explosion(s) of rippling
sensations across the system. The heart is racing, pupils are dilated, breathing is taxing, and
like a full sponge, the vagina wrings itself in majestic bodily fluids; Cumming. Meanwhile,
the nucleus accumbens or the reward center of the brain rewards the body for all the sex with
a flash-flood of sweet mind altering dopamine. This area, activated by many addictive things,
such as chocolate, drugs, caffeine, or nicotine, and makes the body crave sex more to repeat
the brain’s reward system.
‘It’s biology,’ Sakura continues to think, though physically breathless. ‘Oxytocin is the
‘bonding hormone’ or the ‘cuddle hormone.’ Research doesn't show that the hormone
produces emotional feelings, so I don’t actually love this Naruto-looking-Ino. It’s simply an
effect of many orgasms.’ Of which Sakura has been experiencing bountiful waves of.
Laying down in her bed, trying to catch her breath after an intense orgasm, Sakura is vaguely
aware of Ino in Naruto’s disguise checking her vibrator. Sakura isn’t sure if she broke it or it
just ran out of battery but she didn’t care. All she cared about were those photos. Again, her
heart aches at the thought of her love, like something within her is that much closer to
breaking, but she has no idea what it is.
She just knows the more of this she does with Ino-henge’d-Naruto, the worse it feels. Still,
Ino’s already given her two photos so far, and if Sakura has any hope of ever being with
Sasuke-kun again, she has to earn the rest and put them to flame so she can finally put this all
behind her… as well as some revenge on Ino. ‘It’s all that matters,’ Sakura reminds herself.
‘It’ll all be worth it at the end.’
When Ino grunts in frustration, Sakura returns her sharpening attention on the blond-
disguised-blond. Sakura watches as Ino dispel the henge and stuffs her hand in her hotpants.
The pinkette’s mind begins to ask, ‘is she…’ when it dons on her. Ino is masturbating in her
bedroom, and like a ton of bricks falling on her, Sakura realizes Ino must be frustrated.
Recalling the week and a half they’ve been fooling around, Sakura doesn’t recall a single
time Ino had her own orgasm. ‘She must be super horny.’
Sakura may have thought to return the favor, however, she had a rational suspicion the next
task for a photo is taking the large vibrator in her vagina and Sakura felt her world be
tarnished that much more by her former friend and rival. So rather than help her out, Sakura
states, “okaa-san’s going to be here any minute so, if you can leave, I’d appreciate it.”
Sakura couldn’t help the smile on her face at the despondent look on Ino’s face. She looks
crushed, not that it lasted for longer than a second as Sakura knows Ino has too much pride to
appear weak. Ino simply stands and grabs her things as she casually states, “of course.
Tomorrow at mines. Kaa-san’s closing so be there at five. That should give us plenty of
time,” Ino tells her devilishly and despite her one true love, Sakura’s body pulses warmly at
the thought of continuing this. She’s had one of the best orgasms ever, and she can feel
herself heat up for more.
Ino Henge’s into Naruto again and Sakura feels it’s so stupid. ‘Does she really think I can’t
separate her in a disguise from the real thing?’ Sakura will admit, in the beginning, training
with the real Naruto after kissing the Ino version of him, was difficult. She was so distracted
he landing any strike he wanted with ease. It was on the third day when her teammate helped
her separate the two Narutos in her life. He was just so clueless. He may be a very strong
shinobi of the Leaf, but he couldn’t possibly know how to please a woman. It made her laugh
at how dumb she’s been acting and became normal around him again.
Still, laying flat on the bed, Sakura simply allows In disguised as Naruto to bend over, cup
her jaw, and tongue her deeply for a long languid kiss. Ino departs quickly after, leaving a
hot, sweaty, breathless Sakura laying in bed, bending and flexing her tingling toes.
Ino rushes over to Kurenai’s home, more than ready to have that talk with Naruto, and finds
the beautiful Jōnin-sensei and Hinata-chan having dinner instead. At Kurenai’s request, Ino
tried to hold out, but she just used the last of her batteries to give Sakura multiple orgasms,
leaving Ino in wanton wanting and why suffer when she doesn’t have to. It’s not like she’ll be
this horny after her time with Sakura is up. ‘This is just for now,’ Ino’s mind reasons, fully
supported by her throbbing womanhood.
“Come in,” Kurenai tells the girl at her door.
Rather than enter the comfortable home, Ino simply blurts, “I was hoping we could talk?” Ino
hadn’t thought of how mortifying it is to appear like a junkie in front of someone she admires
a great deal.
It’s evident to the trained Jōnin-sensei what Ino is talking about. ‘Four days,’ Kurenai’s mind
notes as the girl’s tolerance. “We can talk after dinner. Come in. There’s plenty.”
Ino doesn’t hear any room for negotiation and weakly nods before entering.
Ino returns a weak smile as she takes her seat, returning, “hey, Hinata-chan.” Ino did her best
to appear normal but the stubborn throbbing never left. Still, it was quite pleasant to be
around a kunoichi she isn’t blackmailing. The shinobi world may have women in it but it’s
predominantly male; her teammates are male, her sensei is male, it’s the same for Sakura and
many other teams. Hinata-chan is the only team that has a second female in it and it makes
her wonder why the minority shouldn’t get together more often.
“Sorry for borrowing your sensei, Hinata-chan,” Ino genuinely says at the door and.
Hinata just shakes her head, affirming, “it’s okay. I have a lot of reading I would like to do.”
“It’s good you’re training so hard,” Ino tells her, enjoying the idea of more strong kunoichi.
Ino enjoys how deep her creamy skin blushes as she nervously bows and thanks her. “I’m
sure it won’t take long Hinata-chan,” Kurenai tells her ward before they leave.
“Take your time,” Hinata-chan conveys before locking the door behind her with a blue flash
of previously invisible Fūinjutsu seals. Ino finds it an odd thing to have as not many clans use
Fūinjutsu for home security anymore; too much upkeep and not enough specialists.
Hinata felt the choice creep up her spine like a sickness. On the one hand, this would be a
good opportunity to help Kiba and learn who Ino-chan may be involved in. On the other, she
would be betraying her sensei’s trust and a good friend in Ino-chan. ‘Sorry, Kiba-kun.’
Turning around she mentally apologizes to Kiba-kun and heads to the study to read on Iryō-
ninjutsu through the use of a Dōjutsu, like her Byakugan.
Walking toward Iruka’s is a quiet affair and Ino feels like she’s letting Kurenai-sensei down,
but that’s only because she can’t explain the real situation. Kurenai herself seems calm, but
that may simply be a mask as Ino can’t imagine this would be an easy thing for a respectable
Jōnin to facilitate.
‘A Jōnin-sensei assisting two genin, who don’t even love each other, in sex before marriage,’
Ino muses with mild trepidation. ‘If it ever got out, we’d easily be the talk of Konaha for
After knocking on Iruka’s door, the ever beautiful Haku opens the door wearing a pink and
blue yukata and a pink and black apron to great effect. ‘Aww,’ Ino’s mind coos at how
adorable he looks. Ino almost wished Haku was Naruto’s wife… then immediately blushes at
the thought of asking this fantasy female-Haku if she can borrow Naruto to have copious
amounts of sex with.
“Kurenai-san, Ino-chan, good evening,” Haku greets, to which they return before asking for
Naruto. “He hasn’t come home yet,” Haku tells them with a bit of worry. “I even made his
favorite,” the older boy sighs, but Ino only sees the fantasy female-Haku and coos, ‘Awwww!’
“He must still be training,” Kurenai quickly asserts to which Haku asks, “may I join you? I’d
like to bring him a bento.”
The understanding between student and sensei is to talk to Naruto in private, so Ino freaks
when Kurenai answers, “that’s fine.”
When Haku excuses himself to prepare the food for eating out, Ino turns to Kurenai and
quietly asks, “sensei, we could’ve brought Naruto his food. Haku-san doesn’t need to come
with us.”
“I agree,” Kurenai returns. “This may not be more than a hunch but rather than ask us to
deliver it or have one of the clones deliver it, he asked to come along and that bugs me a
Kurenai opens the door and inside, Ino is stunned to find ten clones of Naruto all spread
about the small home, studying books and scrolls or writing out seals. One clone is comically
nervous as it practices stitching a quilt. “I hadn’t learned about this until a few days ago,”
Kurenai tells the flabbergasted Yamanaka. “To my umpteenth surprise, he’s—apparently—
practically prodigious when it comes to Fūinjutsu.”
“You’re kidding!” Ino gasps, immediately thinking about the academy. “But he was- …the
instructors’ bias… After being told so many times he had no talent, he believed it.”
“I had the strongest urge to hunt every single one of his instructors and torture their minds
with never-ending horror for what they did to him,” Kurenai murderously fumes, staring into
the void and imagining making them pay. Snapping out of it, she adds, “for what they did as a
Slowly, Ino nods, adding, “I think I feel the same. How are they even allowed to continue
“Naruto was the only one to receive this treatment, and,” she sighs before finishing, “the
Hokage believes the dye has long been cast. They’ve all received a letter of censure on their
Feeling murderous herself, Ino quietly voices with vitriol, “well, he should.” Ino’s anger
shakes off the shock of witnessing hyper-aggressive learning. They all seem so focus and it
truly makes her wonder what may have been if only one or two sensei were as nice to him as
they were to her.
‘I may have even developed a crush on him instead,’ Ino happily muses, before realizing
she’s in a room with a lot of Narutos, and imagines all of them directing all their focus on
some part of her body, touching her over and over, until she cums so hard she passes out. Hot
and flushed, Ino rushes out of the room and house to inhale cool calming air and regains
control of her hormones. She’s mentally cursing Sakura when Kurenai steps close and asks,
“would you consider speaking to a clinical professional?”
“No!” Ino shouts before regretting it. “Sorry. I mean, I know I’ll be fine. I just need some
“Okay,” Kurenai agrees and soon the three find themselves walking through the dark forest
toward Naruto’s training location. The trek is worse for Ino as they travel to the forest beyond
Hokage monument, a fact that constantly reminds her about the first time she had sex with
Naruto. Haku must’ve noticed how flush she looks because he cools the air around her with
his kekkei genkai. After a grateful smile from Ino, it’s not long until they find an odd
The rapid cascade of plunging water is two stories tall and a quarter mile long with a wood
platform at the middle for a line of Narutos. On the wood beam are a bunch of half-naked and
wet Narutos double palming the rushing wall of water. Gazing at his wet muscular back… his
glistening lower back… his moist, tense, powerful, lower back, and Ino immediately knows
no amount of cold air from Haku is going to cool the aroused heat in her loins.
“…I think I should wait here,” Ino cautiously tells an understanding Kurenai. Ino holds the
food while Sensei and Haku meet the real Naruto. She can tell they’re talking about
something before Haku leaves, then Sensei and a dripping, half-naked Naruto walk over to
her. None of the clones disperse as Naruto greets her with a wide grin, “hey, Ino-chan.”
‘Fuck,’ Ino’s horny mind cracks in gate-dropping surrender. Looking at his tan toned muscles
glistening in the moonlight, a glazed-eyed Ino doesn’t even bother averting her pupil-less
eyes from visually drinking in his tight wet body, capitulating to her suffocating desire to
fuck Uzumaki Naruto to death; that is until Kurenai snaps her fingers in front of Ino’s face
and asks with some amusement, “do I need to hose you down?”
Madly embarrassed, Ino shakes her head and gives Naruto his food before she begins.
“Naruto, I need to ask a favor.”
He’s already slurping his flavor heavy ramen out of the extra-large container when he stops
and replies, “sure, what is it?”
Kurenai remains near and quiet as Ino responds, “um, first, you need to think about it before
you answer, okay?” He nods while he inhales his salty noodles. “What I want you to help me
with is something that’s normally done with someone you love…” Ino pauses to move past
an especially maddening pang of lust. “And… and what I’m asking for can be a bad thing
because I think about Sasuke-kun, and you think about Sakura. But I’m asking anyway,
because… Because, for the moment, sometimes it’s hard to get past what Choji did to me,
physically I mean, and when that happens… when I get very very excited, you’re the only
person that can help me get through it.”
Setting his plastic bowl to the side, Naruto curiously asks, “is that what happened Saturday?”
Blushing at the memory of the second time they’ve had sex, Ino hotly nods, answering, “uh,
“So, you want to keep doing that… with me,” he seriously asks. “Even though you don’t love
me?” Nervously, Ino looks from a reserved Kurenai to curious Naruto before nodding, ‘yes.’
“Are you sure that’s what you want? Wouldn’t you rather be with someone you care about?”
“Of course I would,” Ino answers with a bit of an edge, not exactly comfortable asking a guy
to have sex with her as it goes against everything she believes in. However, she takes a breath
and explains further, “love isn’t really what this is about, though. It’s basically asking a friend
for help, only the thing I need help with isn’t exactly decent. Not that it doesn’t happen! Have
you ever heard the term sex-friend?”
“Ino,” Kurenai finally speaks, and she quickly realizes she’s trying to sell him on the idea,
which was discussed previously she would not do. Though unknown to Ino, Kurenai had
already spoken to Naruto about the specifics of Ino’s situation, and along with his worries for
Ino’s wellbeing, was his concern for his Nai-chan. Kurenai felt flattered he’d worry about her
as well, however, she assured him this was only to help Ino, after which things would
continue as before.
With a sigh, Ino continues, “look, Naruto, I don’t hate you. I can’t say I like you but that’s
only because I truly don’t know you. The one thing about all of this I’m sure of is you aren’t
the sleazy sort of pervert who’d take advantage of me. You’re a good person, and I don’t
know if we’ll ever be real friends in the future, but… I do feel safe asking this of you. I feel
like I can rely on you… which is more than I can say about a lot of people, so, if you say no,
I’ll understand-”
“Naruto,” Kurenai calls. ‘I only just told you three days ago,’ she thinks as she verbally tells
him, “you may want to think about this a little more. Sex comes with a lot of responsibility.
As much as you may think it’s strictly physical, there’s always…” Kurenai shorts,
momentarily dazed before she exhales and calmly finishes, “there’s always the risk of
incompatible personalities becoming emotionally attached to one another.”
The blond genin regard one another before Naruto admits, “well, I can’t say I know about all
that.” He chuckles as he adds, “I mean, you’re both a hell of a lot smarter than me-”
Naruto chuckles. “I only mean, I do want to be friends, Ino-chan; real friends, forever if it’s
possible. And you’re asking me for help.” He grows pink in the cheeks as he adds, “I get this
is more than just hanging out and laughing, and our emotions can make things confusing, but,
I’m sure if we’re really really honest with each other, it’ll be okay. Oh, it’s like in Fūinjutsu,
you gotta plan a seal by breaking it down to smaller and smaller jobs with correlating
redundancies, then connect the right numeral ciphers with the right arrays so the whole thing
works out right, you know?”
Ino couldn’t believe she isn’t smart enough to understand what Uzumaki Naruto just said.
‘Uzumaki Naruto!’ her mind yells. ‘It’s like learning about Shikamaru all over again!’
“As in, the key to dealing with risk in missions, is honest communication,” Kurenai
simplifies with a smile. “The flashy moves aside, true ninja don’t hope for the best. Success
in every likely scenario is only possible if we communicate honestly about the good and the
“Damn, right,” Naruto whoops. “Ninja don’t run from problems. No matter how hard it is, we
figure it out. So, yeah, if I can help, of course I will.”
Ino smiles at the ludicrous correlation between a field mission and sex. Humored, she
remarks, “well… it may be proper etiquette for me to say thanks, but I think we can all agree
you’re the lucky one here.”
With a tight smile, Kurenai informs them, “and Ino-chan will, of course, try to minimize the
number of times you meet… so as to not risk any emotional complications.”
“Hey, it’s not like I’m the pervert here,” Ino defends herself, acutely discovering just how
weird this conversation is for her delicate views of real romance. “I’m only going to ask
when I can’t handle the urge. I’m sure I’ll be fine once the month is out.”
“Okay,” Kurenai states with a nod. “If that’s everything, I’m sure Naruto wants to get back to
his training.”
“Um,” Ino interjects nervously, finding it extremely uncomfortable asking, “Is- is it okay…
can we just… there’s time, right?”
More mortified than angry, a beet red blushing Ino lunges at him, repeatedly slapping his
raised naked shoulders as he laughs. “Naruto-baka, I’m not a pervert! I’m suffering, there’s a
Naruto laughs under her frail onslaught of embarrassed smacks and after a few moments, he
expertly grips her descending wrist, twists her joint to force her into a spin and lock her
movements while his free arm easily wraps around her soft chest, pressing her firmly into
him. With one arm pinned behind her, rolling his semi-hard groin between her round twin
cheeks, he whispers, hot in her ear, “and you need me to make it all better?”
Ino’s entire body unexpectedly shudders at such an assertive move from him. Against his hot
body, at his mercy to do with as he desired, he was less the blundering Naruto she remembers
in the Academy and more the man who can bring her to a screaming orgasm. Her heart
pumps blood outrageously fast and her sopping vagina was engorged with oven-hot arousal,
twitching for him. Despite the Jōnin kunoichi she admires in front of them, Ino whimpered as
her pert ass bucks against his rod on its own.
“Hey!” the three heard Haku’s voice call from the tree line. The former Kiri-nin is walking
toward them dragging a tied up Tenten behind him and Ino tenses.
“Until, we know more, I’m going to hide you both,” the Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha states
before expertly using her highly tuned craft to hide Ino and Naruto from any senses of
detection. Haku can see them disappear but as Tenten is being dragged, she couldn’t and so
asks Kurenai for effect, “where did they go?”
“Naruto’s still training, and Ino-chan went home,” Kurenai answers Haku despite visibly
seeing Naruto still holding Ino-chan—she can tell he’s rolling his forearm to massage Ino’s
ample bust. Kurenai isn’t sure how she feels about this situation and that alone concerns her
since she shouldn’t be confused. She’s already talked to Naruto about helping Ino in this
capacity and she’s seen plenty worse on missions, but the fact that this is Naruto with a
younger girl is… confusing. The present anxiety comes from feeling like her head, heart, and
loins are battling for supremacy of all future decisions.
‘I can’t have romantic feelings for Naruto,’ she mentally asserts before hesitantly considering
the perspectives of that certainty. ‘I’m… not emotionally ready for a romantic relationship.
What we have is physical. Naruto is… available and… exceedingly effective at satisfying me,
so it would be inefficient to find a strictly physical relationship with another man since I
already have him. That’s all. He’s comforting… he’s my thick comfort,’ a selfish side her mind
A part of her analytical mind reasons if she were younger or he were older, there wouldn’t be
a problem, meaning the only real issue she has with him is his age and that makes her realize
how far she’s come. Several months ago, he would be too young, simple, and immature to
even be considered as a possible first date, let alone love him. Now, he’s just too young, and
she gives him much more than a first date. It scares her how much further she may go with
the boy.
As if exhausted by this continuous back and worth, her moral mind pitifully battles back,
weakly yelling, ‘he’s too young!’ However, Kurenai entertains the possibility that the more
time she spends with Naruto, the more he seems to impress her.
‘He just keeps surprising me,’ her mind argues, as if it’s not her fault she’s feeling confused.
How could she know he would take to Fūinjutsu the way he did? How could she know his
drive to learn was ravenous, and with his clones, he’s finishing scrolls faster than she can
supply them. The Fūinjutsu he practiced on her home security impressed her every time she
or Hinata came home. Even she couldn’t completely grasp some of the seal arrangements he
used and it infuriated her to no end how Naruto may have discovered this talent for such a
monumental craft if only one of his Academy instructors didn’t simply fail him on purpose.
Now Naruto is pleasuring another kunoichi in front of her, and Kurenai hates to admit, ‘this
bugs me. It shouldn’t and I truly care for Ino-chan, but this bugs me.’
“Tenten,” Kurenai calls to give her mind something else to focus on. Some of her talks with
Naruto have been about Tenten’s fixation on trying to buy Kubikiribōchō and so she asks,
“can I assume this is about Kubikiribōchō?”
“Can you please untie me,” Tenten gripes at Haku. “The wires are starting to dig into my
Kurenai nods and Haku simply flicks his wrist to undo the ninja cables as she asks, “do I
need to speak with Guy-sensei about this?”
“No!” Tenten calls getting on her feet and brushing the dirt and grass stains from her perky
bottom. Though focused on the bun-haired genin, Kurenai notices Naruto still hasn’t let Ino-
chan go and her pupil-less blue eyes are closed as she slowly grinds her ass against Naruto’s
crotch. ‘Oh, Kami please not here…’ Kurenai mentally begs. Despite seeing him every day,
it’s been three days since they’ve had a sex lesson and she’s getting more and more restless.
To now witness Naruto use his cock to remedy another girl’s needs will only juice-up her
own frustrations.
“I didn’t-” Tenten tries before lamenting. “…Yes, it’s about Kubikiribōchō, but I was only
trying to gather more intel so I can come back with a better offer.”
“Zabuza-sama has come across many trying to purchase Kubikiribōchō from him,” an
annoyed Haku explains. “They offered him millions of ryo, a harem of women, land and
castles, and no matter how destitute we were, he never sold it. Just like Zabuza-sama, Naruto-
kun will never sell, so please stop bothering us.”
While Haku crudely chastises Tenten, Kurenai glimpses a somewhat forward bent Ino
covering her mouth with both hands as Naruto’s hand is under her purple skirt. Kurenai’s
nipples begin to harden when she realizes Naruto’s fingering Ino in front of her.
Kurenai voices, “I’m afraid Haku is correct, Tenten,” while trying to avoid staring directly at
Ino’s lustfully flushed face and lip-biting mouth. To Kurenai, teaching is the single greatest
profession. After all, Jōnin know the true Hokage of the village are the future generations that
will one day lead it, however, Kurenai had never thought she would feel a tentative thrill
watching Naruto use sexual techniques she enjoyed teaching him on Ino-chan. Her relation
with Naruto aside, it’s her techniques putting that mindless vision of pleasure on Ino’s face.
As a direct result of her sex lessons with Naruto, it’s not a far leap for Kurenai to think,
‘Kami, I put that pleasured smile and unfocused eyes on her face.’ Kurenai felt her pussy
grow humid as she continues. “You cannot continue to harass him like this. There isn’t a
price Naruto would willingly part Kubikiribōchō with.”
“Please,” Tenten calls. “Look, I know it’s not just a sword to him, but it’s not just a sword for
me either. I’m a weapons specialist. I want to collect many of the most legendary weapons in
all the five nations.”
“While I sympathize, this is one weapon you will have to go without,” Kurenai states as Ino
moans gutturally deeply from behind her clamped hands as her powerful orgasm saps all the
energy from her buckling legs. Naruto gently lays her down, whispering if she feels better, to
which Ino lazily nods.
“Would he- Do you think he might let me train with it sometimes,” Tenten tentatively asks
making Kurenai absurdly wonder if Tenten wanted to train with Naruto’s cock before
realizing how unfocused she is. ‘Calm down,’ Kurenai mentally commands herself.
“I’m quite certain he wouldn’t have a problem with that,” Haku states before adding, “but I
would. I’d rather keep you from the temptation.”
“He has a point,” Kurenai admits before unexpectedly locking eyes with a very aroused and
hard Naruto. She knows what those eyes mean and her heart races as her mouth salivates in
thrilling anticipation. “It’s fairly clear you only want his sword-” Kurenai snaps her head
away from Naruto’s round bulge and clears her throat as she continues. She ignores Haku’s
smirk as she clears her throat and tells Tenten, “if we catch you again-”
“Zabuza-sama happily accepted those,” Haku states fondly. “Any excuse to cut someone
“You want to challenge him for the sword,” Kurenai clarifies. The Jōnin-sensei draws in her
beautifully arranged brows when Naruto takes Ino’s hand and leads the trembling Yamanaka
flower around Kurenai until they’re directly behind her. As she can’t see them nor can she
move, Kurenai is curious about his plan until she hears his zipper clear as day. ‘Wait! Wait!’
Kurenai hears Ino whisper behind her. ‘No one can see us,’ Naruto responds to which Ino
quickly refutes, ‘Kurenai-sensei can still- Mnn!’ “Ohh!” Naruto groans deeply, paired well
with Ino’s hand covered moan.
‘Younger, smaller, she must be tighter than me,’ Kurenai sadly admits right before she hears a
dragging wet suction noise as Naruto pulls out. Kurenai feels her own love canal lubricate
profusely as Naruto slams back in. “AHHHNN!!” Ino moans before clapping her hands over
her mouth.
Kurenai clearly hears muffled grunts and moaning in tandem with flesh smacking pumping as
Tenten nods, answering, “if I win, I get Kubikiribōchō.”
“Just out of curiosity what does he get if he wins,” Kurenai asks, simply to ask anything. She
can practically feel his rapid thrusts sloshing sharply in and out of Ino’s tight drenched cunt.
“Ahnn! Mnn! Mmm, mmm, mmmn,” a rutting Ino moans despite the hands over her mouth.
“Amazing! Amazing, ugh, ugh, mnng!” Naruto grunts right behind her as well as in her vivid
“I…” Tenten pauses and it’s evident that the girl hasn’t thought this through. “May I talk to
tou-san first?”
“If you really want him to accept the challenge, it would have to be a very good incentive,”
Haku states. “Do you own any spare houses?” “MMNN!” Ino moans loudly, losing any sense
to stay silent. “That’s… your spot, Ino-chan… You squeeze me so tight… when… I… hit…
right… there!” “Ahh! AHHH! Ohh! Kami, Kami, Kami!” Ino continuously moans, escalating
Kurenai’s dripping yearning for her own deep tissue bruising.
Unaware of fornicating genin behind Kurenai, Tenten answers Haku, “aside from the
apartment above the shop, we don’t own any other property. But maybe my father can put up
something good to offer! Please, just let me ask him first.”
“While Zabuza-sama would be quite homicidal if Naruto-kun sold it, I don’t think he’d mind
if Naruto-kun accepted a challenge,” Haku explains as Kurenai’s ears are filled with Ino
moaning and yelping in the throes of pleasure-smacking passion, “I’m going to- Ahn! I’m
gonna! I’m gonna! Ahn! I’m cumming! I’m cumming! Cumming!” Kurenai gasps a bit,
feeling her own wet sex tighten with Ino’s own powerful release.
Sensing Naruto pounding away throughout Ino’s full-body release to reach his own climax,
Kurenai’s incredibly aroused mind and sex rush to tell Tenten, “speak with your father and
I’ll do the same with Naruto. Haku-kun if you can make sure she makes it back to the village,
I’d appreciate it.”
“Of course, Kurenai-san,” Haku says and Tenten bows before leaving. With one final grunt,
Naruto unloads his first load of piping semen, dragging out another long orgasm Ino’s feeble
quaking form.
When Haku and Tenten are gone, Kurenai turns around to find Ino’s face flat against the
ground, knees spread and under her so her twitching and spunk-coated ass is raised enough
for Naruto to take her deeply. Naruto is pulling his large, glistening cock from her sopping
wet snatch, creating sticky webs connecting the blonds until he stands up, then eyes her
carnally with hooded glazed over eyes. Kurenai’s knees buckle under his starving hunger,
happily asserting, ‘once isn’t going to be enough for him.’
Kurenai stares back with what she can only imagine is the same hunger. Activating genjutsu
to block a barely lucid Ino from hearing them, Kurenai still whispers, “I’ll return Ino-chan
home.” Kurenai’s eyes drop down to his throbbing, cum-covered cock and casually orders
him, “don’t wash off.” Despite feeling extremely lewd, Kurenai couldn’t bring herself to
actually admit she wanted to lick their combined juices from the entire length of his thick
meat pole. “You have twenty minutes to make your room completely sound-proof so I can
scream as loud as I want while you fuck me into the mattress.”
Both mutually driven for passionate satisfaction, they act like one mind. Naruto creates a
clone—complete with raging boner—before dispelling it, sending the message to the clones
at Iruka’s to start on silencing the room. Kurenai cancels her genjutsu and helps Ino to her
feet before cradling her princess style and sprints from the clearing.
Along the way, Ino, holding her twitching legs together and her trembling arms around
Kurenai’s neck, regretfully expresses, “I’m sorry sensei… first in your home and now doing
that right behind you. I feel like I’m always apologizing to you for something.”
“It was not very considerate of you both,” Kurenai says with no animosity as she sprints
through the forest. “But I’ll forgive you this time. How are you feeling?”
“…too good,” Ino blushes as she admits. Ino adds, “I feel like I’m floating and the world is
made of flowers, chocolate, and puppies,” making Kurenai feel bizarrely proud to hear—as
proud as witnessing the achievements of any of her students. “I didn’t think he would be
“…so?” Kurenai tentatively asks, wondering if this is a train of thought she should really
explore. Ino exhales cuddling deeper into Kurenai’s warm embrace. The Jōnin-sensei reminds
Ino, “this is the communication we probably shouldn’t ignore.”
“…Do you think it’s possible to be in love with one person, but enjoy being with another?”
“‘Being with another,’ doesn’t usually mean having sex with that person,” Kurenai
offhandedly mentions.
“I know, but,” Ino starts then pauses before clarifying, “it’s still a time and activity I’m
enjoying that has nothing to do with the person I love.”
Kurenai tentatively asks, “does it feel strange enjoying something so intimate that isn’t with
the person you love?”
“I guess so,” Ino admits. “It could be the way Naruto triggers me, but…”
“If you and Uchiha-kun were in a relationship, then I’d say you need to have a frank
discussion about where you are as a couple,” Kurenai advises. “I do not, nor will I ever
condone cheating. There is no excuse for betraying someone’s emotional confidence.”
“…But Sasuke-kun and I aren’t together yet,” Ino slowly admits. “And he may not be ready
for a relationship like that for some time yet.”
“I can’t answer that question for you Ino-chan,” Kurenai admits, thinking about her own
situation in the same circumstance. “Acceptable loss and gains are different for everyone and
only you can decide what you’re willing to live with. Just think it through… even if it takes
They’re close enough to the Yamanaka compound for Ino to walk the rest of the way and
Kurenai sets her down. Before leaving, Ino admits to her in a low voice, “he’s not bad, is
he?” Kurenai looks at her curiously. “Naruto. He’s not a bad guy at all.”
“No,” Kurenai agrees from deep in her own thoughts. “I don’t believe he is.” Ino is about to
leave when Kurenai tells the girl, “write a diary, or log, or letter for your parents and seal it.”
At Ino’s confusion, Kurenai clarifies, “should select people find out, he’s going to catch hate
faster than anyone in this situation. I’d rather he not be killed.”
“Like a Black Scroll for my parents,” Ino comments. Kurenai nods and they split up. She
makes it to her home in record time, shamefully gives Hinata an excuse about a headache and
going to sleep early, before grabbing a bottle of lubricant and escaping out from her bedroom.
Rushing through Iruka’s front door, Kurenai bids Haku a good night before closing Naruto’s
door behind her.
Kurenai finds him laying on his bed on his back, rubbing his temples. He must’ve dispelled
either all or most of his clones. He had at least ninety training for half a day or longer. ‘He
must be in tremendous pain,’ she thinks. Rather than dispelling them one at a time, he did it
in twenty minutes… ‘for me.’
Kurenai walks up to him and he only notices her when she sits on the bed next to by his
waist. Red irises admiring his clean, whiskered face, in his pain, Kurenai smiles
sympathetically, a gesture he weakly returns, compelling her to lean down and kiss him for
his efforts. Instead, she twists leans over his crotch and unfastens his orange pants as she
softly urges, “just relax Naruto. Your sensei’s going to make you feel all better.”
A weak smile barely spreads his cheeks but his hand slowly reaches for the wall. He
summons his chakra and activates the black Fūinjutsu seals he carefully painted on each wall
of the small room. Blue seals flare in the darkness of the room, stunning her in awe.
However, Kurenai wonders about the seal’s effectiveness when she clearly hears Haku walk
up and knock on the door, asking if everything was okay. Naruto, then, deactivates his wall
covered seal and weakly tells Haku, “it’s just the seal. It masks us.”
Rubbing his aching head, Naruto weakly answers, “yeah. Just in case…”
Amazed by his forethought, she mentally gasps, admitting to herself, ‘it’s like I can’t fuck him
enough.’ She slides down his pants and boxers, freeing her favorite organ of bliss from its
confines. Kurenai then takes off her own red fitted, long sleeve tee and her athletic white
shorts, finishing her strip at her sexy seamless thong and bra.
Naruto is never flaccid when she’s between his legs and half-naked, but considering the pain
he’s in, it’s understandable. Kurenai takes his semen-dried phallus in her hand and tenderly
tells him, “you know, Naruto, the reason I didn’t want you to clean up, was because when I
put your cock in my mouth, I want to taste Ino’s cum when I lick you clean and suck you
off.” His young giant swells in her hand and Kurenai massages his hardening member as she
asks, “do you remember when I explained how Dirty Talk is a great skill to have between
partners, whether to instigate sex or during it?”
“Uh,” he groans rubbing his temple. Kurenai feels his pain and continues rubbing his half
erect penis with carefully measured strokes, targeting the sensitive meat flaps of his crown in
hopes of making him forget the pain for the pleasure she’s oh so eager to give him. “Um, you
said we’d talk about it later, but I don’t think we did.”
“I think this is the perfect opportunity to practice,” Kurenai tells him before taking his gentle
hardness in her mouth. She sucks on his the shapely crown a few times before holding the
pressure and licking his spongy head. Swirling her strong tongue around him she takes him
deeper into her warm moist mouth. Her excited mind registers the perverse mix of Naruto
and Ino’s dried cum and laps his rigidness up for several moments until he’s risen to the
typical majesty he always satisfies her with. With one final popping suck, Kurenai strokes his
clean saliva covered hardness as she explains, “most stay quiet in bed because they’re afraid
of saying something that’ll make them look foolish, but as you know, it’s good to
communicate during sex so both partners can feel present, in the moment, and connected to
one another.”
Naruto smirks a moment before asking, “you don’t mean like how you always moan, or beg,
or say, ‘more,’ and, ‘yes,’ and, ‘you’re the best,’ do you?”
He can’t laugh at his soft verbal poke due to the pain, but he smiles weakly and though she
doesn’t wholly agree with his eye-rolling playful taunt, she just squeezes his moderately hard
penis for a second, calling him a, “brat. But yes, it’s more than that example. Dirty talk is a
different form of connection that’s very personal.”
Rubbing his temple with his eyes closed, he asks, “so, what’s the best way to talk dirty?”
“Above all else,” Kurenai starts, circularly thumbing between the main two hardening muscle
of the underside of his shaft; just playing with his appendage at this point. “We have to feel
comfortable, no matter what we say. As an example, I could say I’m your Hokage now, and
you must address me as Hokage-sama.” Kurenai is happy to feel him get harder at that. She
rewards his crown with lusty licks before sucking his head to a wet pop. “Mnn…Or you
could make me beg for permission to cum. ‘Naruto-sama, I can’t hold it any longer! Please,
won’t you let me cum? You make me want to cum so bad!’”
Though his brow is still drawn together, his smile is wider now as he asks, “can I call you a
dirty name?”
Kurenai stops and turns to him, the length of his meaty thickness pressed against her
perfectly attractive face. “Do you think I’m a slut?”
“Naruto,” she calmly says with a smirk. “This isn’t about being shy or apprehensive- er,
afraid. Those feelings have no place when talking dirty. You have to be just as confident as
when you tell people you’re going to be the Hokage-”
“Best Hokage, ever,” he clarifies to her wide smile and she’s happy to see he’s starting to feel
“Exactly,” Kurenai happily acknowledges. “This is about being risky and accepting of one
another’s imagination. It’s fantasy, like when you henge. We both know I’m not a slut, but in
the moment, when we’re both incredibly aroused and high on sex, it can be extra thrilling to
imagine that I am your cock-hungry slut, who can’t live without your cum. Or you’re my pet
who does what I want, when I want, how I want.”
“…Fantasy,” he mutters looking deep in thought, as if the word sparked something in his
memory banks.
Naruto takes his shirt off. Moving away, she watches him arrange the pillows before laying
back, so he’s elevated enough to see her without having to strain his neck. Though his head
still ached with obvious discomfort, Naruto’s face changes as his voice commands, “Nai-
chan, come here.” A little taken by his calm yet staunch directive, an amused Kurenai slowly
advances, making certain her breast dragged from thigh to chest. When her head is an inch
above his, he commands her, “you’re not naked enough, Nai-chan.”
At the sight of his thick mast rearing to go, Kurenai smiles and plays along, slowly removing
her seamless panties and bra before straddling his crotch.
“Where does my cock go, Nai-chan,” he confidently dares her. Smiling wider, her humid
palm takes his extremely hard shaft by the base and she lines him perfectly with her sodden
snatch. His countenance is half pained and half aroused as he gazes her beautifully nubile
body slowly descend on his long thickness, spreading her slick line into a wide oval. Kurenai
shuts her eyes tight as his striking crown kisses her cervix, and still, there’s more length to his
girth. Naruto takes her forearms and pulls her to him, bending her at the waist while she
tightens deliciously around him.
“Mnnnn,” Kurenai moans as his left hand massages her reactive scalp while his right traces
her jawline, caressing her cheek and neck. They so close when she thinks to kiss him, he
roguishly asks her, “when I was all the way inside of Ino-chan, like how I’m deep inside you
now, I did what you taught me.”
Smiling despite half her focus on his pulsing and jerking prick, she dares him to be perfect at
talking dirty on his first try by asking a daring question. It isn’t the first time she expects him
to be perfect right at the beginning because Kurenai understands this is how he learns. He
makes mistakes once maybe twice before he gets better, and though it may not be romantic,
it’s fortunate for them this relationship doesn’t depend on romance. With a bit of a pout, she
asks, “was she better than me?”
To her surprise, he smiles but he doesn’t answer right away. Instead, he rolls her over so he’s
on top of her before gripping the underside of her knees and raising them, gradually adding to
the moist tightness, then hooking her long toned legs over his shoulders. Deep inside her
tight, sodden, hot, center, he flexes his raging hardness, and as if by some command, her
moaning body softens even further, taking the rest of him in as Kurenai groans loudly
through clenched lips.
Face to face, the tip of Naruto’s nose presses against Kurenai’s when he finally answers,
“that’s the wrong question.”
“Mnn…” Kurenai moans feeling the vibrations of his words as her eyelids flutter open. With
her legs flush over his shoulders, his hands have free reign to massage and knead her pliant
round orbs, manipulating her soft tissue to add to the pleasure of his intimate stuffing. ‘Kami,
I’m so fucking wet,’ she mentally yells as she fights his bone-deep heat and her heightening
arousal. Kurenai asks in a breathy and shaky voice, “then- mmnn, w-what’s- the ummnn, right
Rolling her stiff pink nipples between his middle and index fingers as he massages her fleshy
chest languidly, he softly asks, “you want to know?” And she can feel his breath on her flush
cheek, eliciting goosebumps to travel down her neck and back.
“MMn-hhmm,” she moans, eyes closed and rubbing her face against his, adding clearly,
He moves his face away, withdrawing his thick rod as he gazes at her flush figure below him
and demands her to, “beg.”
“Please, Naruto- AAH!” Kurenai groans as Naruto slams back into her with ease, stuffing her
“Please,” Kurenai tries again as he starts zeroing out of her before completely filling her
creamy nook again. “Naruto-sama, ahn, haah, MMN! Tell me- uhn, teach me what the ahn!
Right question isszz!”
Picking up his pace, Naruto can feel himself become mindless to the hyper-pleasant feeling
taking over as the ledge of his penis-head vibrates incredibly against the slick ribs of her hot
tightness. His abs and inner thighs tingle as he nears release, yelling out, “such a good girl,
“Aahhn, aahn, ahhh! I’m your good girl, Naruto-sama,” Kurenai moans as her hands find his
nipples and playfully rubs at his hard nips.
“The question,” he starts as he builds the buzzing pleasure of wet hot friction. “You should be
asking… is was her pussy… made for me?” He struggles to speak as he pounds deep into her
amazingly wet center with long angled strokes, moving closer to forgetting this lesson in
favor of happily releasing his eager man milk inside her.
“AHH, Naruto!” Kurenai moans loudly as the power of his thrust increase, making her once
again marvel at his crazy staying power. Pulsing powerfully, her muscle tense and quiver as
she meets his every thrust eagerly. Neck, jaw, trapezius muscles begin to spasm up and the
taunt curvature of her back and down her toned legs burn in anticipation.
Losing his higher brain function, Naruto can barely demand, “ask- haah! Ask me- uooh, if
her pussy was made for me!”
“MMn! Was her tiny pussy- Ahn! Made for your- Ahhnn! AAhhnn! AAhhn- Magnificent cock-
Kami! Naruto-sama!?” Kurenai feels her leaking walls shaking and her toes start to curl
under the monumental anticipation of a powerful release. “Was her pretty pussy AHH, made
for you?!”
“Not yet!” he grunts. “My pretty little Nai-chan… needs to teach her how to please me!
Kurenai recites her own prayer before her kingdom cums. “I’m almost- AH! Naruto-sama,
I’m almost-”
He yells, “say no one wants my dick more than you!” as he feels the fuse has been lite.
Naruto is witless as he rushes to his monumental climax.
Kurenai feels like she’s going to suffocate in pleasure as she bangs her sweaty head against
the pillow, screaming, “no one wants your dick more than meeeeeee!”
Th- Thi- thhiisssss pussssy be- belongs to- to- ah! You!”
“Say… my cum… belongs in your cunt!” Naruto slams forward diving in as deep as he could
go before his balls lurch tightly before rupturing monstrously inside her.
Kurenai tries, “your cummmmm AAHN belongs in- in my cunnnnnnt,” before her enormous
pleasure coil snaps. “CUMMM, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMMMMMIEE!” Feeling
his massive amount of molten baby cream hasten to fill and drown her pink cavern, her loud
wails chokes to silence with her wide tongue-out mouth in raptured pleasure and her
midnight mane is matted to the sweaty feverish skin of her pleasure contorted face. As her
quaking quim wraps and pulls in his massive semen spewing shaft, their bodies, wrecked
with waves upon waves of mind-altering euphoria hold each other for dear life.
It takes them many minutes to finally come down from their amazing high to which a huffing
Naruto can only comment, “wow!”
“That… haah, was a very good start,” answers with a satisfied grin as she catches her breath.
“The research I tried to do before you agreed to teach me was more like that,” Naruto admits.
“There’s a lot of that bossy kind of stuff in those books I read. I guess they came in handy
after all.”
‘Kami I hope it wasn’t a little orange book,’ Kurenai thinks, preferring not to ask. “Well,
don’t be afraid to push it further. Remember, it’s only a fantasy between two consenting
“Fantasy,” he repeats with a soft chuckle. At her curious red eye, he takes her in his strong
arms, brings her even closer and answers her silent query, “Nai-chan, you’re the hottest,
smartest, most caring woman I get to have sex with… I get to cum inside of… I get to kiss
and hold. Who cares about fantasy when real life is a thousand times better!”
Touched to the point of being tongue-tied, Kurenai struggles to say, “…Thank you…
“No,” Kurenai abruptly declares, staring deeply into his baby-blue eyes. “Thank you for not
being a horrible person… for being a wonderful student, for asking me to be your sensei. I
know this isn’t love, but every day I grow just a little more… blessed, I guess, to have this
with you.”
Though his lips rush to meet hers, his haste was only to close the distance. Once his nose is
beside hers, Naruto slows to just before their pillowy soft flesh meet. Kurenai can feel his
presence like a second skin; his heat, his breath, his sweaty musk mixing with her own. He
was suffocating and when his moist lips finally pressed fully against her, the emotions behind
them felt like she could breathe. He opened his mouth against hers, pushing all the while until
she rolled to her back, opening her mouth to happily surrender all the moist access he wanted.
In that moment, she gave him everything, but Kurenai also returned just as much affection,
just as much tongue, just as much heart all the while his right hand found a home in her lush
ebony locks, massaging and gripping, pulling her head in or tilting her the way he wanted
with a slow yet vigorous need for more. His left hand ran up and down her body, kneading
and massaging her breast to her mewling delight as her own hands’ massage and hold him
flush to her. Her toned legs spread and wrap around his ass, ensuring he doesn’t leave her.
Though he was rock hard and throbbing against her protruding love button, the lovers were
content to build this affection with the deep kissing and skin-to-skin adhesion. Kurenai can
feel how different this union was than all the others. It felt more intense with emotional
vulnerability. The intimacy was more than just physical and she knew how much more when
he breaks their slow kiss to gaze affectionately in her red irises. He didn’t break eye contact
for even a moment as his hand descends, takes hold of himself and slowly guides it to her
sodden entrance.
Naruto was so slow and so wholly connected to her, Kurenai grew scared—his eyes felt like
looking directly at a sun made of affection. Kurenai was scared and when he slowly spread
her tight sex, she shuddered, like expelling a cold breath on a hot day. Her eyes prickled with
moist heat as his thick rod slowly spread her small sodden closure wide. Kurenai gasps
breathlessly as he rearranged her quivering insides, and despite being fully inside her, they
never break eye contact, even when tears flow down the sides of her face. He looked so
fascinated to see her, and in defiance of her fear, she couldn’t look away.
Pulling out added to the building emotional pleasure. His throbbing manhood already brings
out the highest peak of physical satisfaction, and now, Naruto—the person—is within range
of her sensitive heart. It’s beginning to feel like more…
“Na- Naruto… AHH! AHNN! I’m about cum! AHn! You’re going to make me cum!
“Let- Let me see…” Naruto asks, gripping her sweaty face with both hands while his hips
continued his languid pumping. He gazes at her lovingly, begging softly, “let me see,” as his
contorted face confesses his own raw pleasure. It was his clear, sky-blue eyes staring deeply
in her red eyes that did her in and he was right there with her. Her convulsing vaginal walls
snapped around his fully sheathed shaft as they climax powerfully together, rocking and
jerking as they desperately hold one another. Impossibly, it was new heights of euphoria
made all the more perfect when she feels him unload his enormous load of hot semen in her
quaking womb.
They rest in satisfied embrace until their breathing evens and then longer than that when they
hear a knock at the door. Neither move, though they pay attention as Haku exits his room and
opens the front door of Iruka’s home. Kurenai isn’t as surprised as Naruto is when they hear
Haku lead Tenten into the living room.
“Naruto-kun hasn’t decided whether to accept your challenge or not,” Haku interrupts.
“Well, I wanted him to know as soon as possible,” Tenten starts with a passion. “My father
and I are offering to be his personal shopper for all his market needs. So rather than going to
shops who overcharge him, I’ll do all his shopping for him, and we’ll even cover fifteen
percent of the cost.”
“Hey now,” Tenten calls. “You can’t expect us to cover seventy-five percent of all his market
expenses for the rest of his life over one wager.”
“In fact I can Tenten-chan,” Haku says. “The only way Zabuza-sama accepted a challenge is
if the challengers, or the proxy they paid to fight in their place, put their life on the line. In
that way, he could delight in feeding Kubikiribōchō their still-warm blood. Naruto-kun will
likely be opposed to killing you, and since he’s not a materialistic person, there’s very little
you can offer him that he would truly need. So, seventy-five percent.”
Tenten is silent for several long seconds, long enough Kurenai and Naruto hear Haku move to
the door when the bun-haired kunoichi calls out, “fine! Seventy-five percent! But if I win,
Kubikiribōchō is mine!”
“I will pass along your challenge and stakes to Naruto-kun,” Haku politely tells the clearly
irate girl. “If that is all…” After Naruto and Kurenai hear Tenten leave, Haku stops just
outside of Naruto’s door. Naruto deactivates his Fūinjutsu and they clearly hear Haku ask
through the door, “if she soured your time together in any way, we can make her pay.”
As if recalling what they were doing before Tenten’s arrival, Kurenai can feel Naruto’s cum
coated cock stiffen from within her as Naruto calls out, “she didn’t.”
Kurenai holds in her moan as Naruto’s incredible cock swells magnificently, stretching her
sensitive and slick walls to her golden limit while Haku asks, “will you be accepting her
“Mmnn,” Naruto hums in thought as leans up. “Naruto, mmn!” Kurenai’s whisper is cut off
when Naruto pulls out of her. He sits on the bed and pulls her to straddle his soaked crotch as
he asks, “when Zabuza-jiji comes back, won’t he just fight whoever has his sword?”
Leaning up as he props himself up on his arms, Naruto has a wonderful view of a glistening,
sexy, thoroughly debauched Kurenai straddling his hard dick. Her knees are bent against the
mattress, allowing her to lift her round ass and impale herself on his pulsing member if she
wanted, but until the seal is reactivated, she won’t do it. Naruto engages his core muscles to
steady himself so he can take her soft breasts in his hands and mouth as Haku answers, “yes,
I’m sure he will.”
Kurenai’s hands hold his shoulders, unsure if she wants to push him away so he can finish his
conversation with Haku, or stay quiet while allowing the pleasure of his sucking and
thorough ministrations to continue. Naruto’s mouth pulls her breast with the strength of his
suction alone until there’s a wet pop as the pressure seal of his lips unfastens around her
stiffly throbbing teat and her perfectly shaped mammary jiggles back into its perky place.
Naruto asks around Kurenai’s withheld moan, “and probably kill them?”
Naruto considers what that would mean for anyone possessing Kubikiribōchō as his hands
continue to lavishly massage the silent Kurenai’s soft, pliant globes, until he finally answers,
“I guess I’ll accept the challenge, but rather then the shopping stuff, I’d prefer she never
challenge me for the sword again. I don’t know if I’ll win but I definitely don’t like the idea
of her facing off against Zabuza-jiji.”
Naruto pinches Kurenai nipple making her shut her eyes tightly and hold in her moan as
Haku returns with clear amusement, “your decision isn’t surprising. I understand. Have a
good night Naruto-kun, Kurenai-san.”
“Night Haku,” Naruto calls, drawing chakra to his free palm, but before he activates the seal,
he looks at a silently heaving Kurenai. Naruto tilts his head toward the door, as if to say, ‘say
good night too.’
Kurenai rolls her eyes before capitulating. “Good nigh-KYAAHH!” she shrieks after Naruto
pinches and pushes in her pert nipple, jiggling her whole breast in tandem with the pinch just
like she taught him.
Incredibly embarrassed, a much more girly Kurenai cries, “Naruto!” she calls smacking him
in his defensively raised shoulders as he laughs. “ Don’t! Embarrass! Your- Kyahh!” she
screams as he pinches her perfect butt.
“The great Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha can ‘Kyahh,’ just like all the other gorgeous girls,”
he playfully mocks as he laughs during their playfully battle in bed.
In her soft ire, Kurenai bemoans cutely, “Moh! Don’t expect me to forgive you for thi-” she’s
cut off when he grips by her elegant neck and lowers her to his happy lips. “Mnnff!” she
moans, and he doesn’t let up until she sinks farther and farther into the sweetness of it all,
kissing him back just as happily.
At some point, he activates the Fūinjutsu around the room and she hopes it was before he
started thrusting into her, ripping out loud moans as she rode his wild cock. Kurenai was
happy to spend the rest of the night rutting on her back, on her knees, and against the wall,
filling her spectacularly in either rectum or womb to more and more orgasms. However, in
spite of the copious amount of semen inside her, Kurenai eventually leaves Naruto’s bed,
feeling lighter than she’s felt in some time. It was more than a physical bliss. There was
serenity as well. What she has with Naruto may not be accepted, but it gave her peace and
that’s worth defending.
“Well,” Dānyī asks as his daughter settles down next to him at their workbench.
“He’ll tell him,” Tenten tells her father as she takes a shuriken from the bin ahead of them
and helps sharpen them to practiced perfection.
“But…” she pauses when he stops. Tenten can already feel his disappointment when she
takes a deep calming breath before informing him, “I know you said don’t go higher than
thirty-five percent, but I had to, or Haku-san wouldn’t take it to Naruto-”
“How much?” He cuts her off, setting the sharp object down.
“Seventy-five!” Dānyī yells, pushing off his stool to move away from his daughter. He whirls
around, calling in disbelief, “Ten! How could you do something so stupid!”
“Tou-san,” Tenten tries, standing to meet her disappointed father. “We aren’t in an optimum
position to bargain. They know they don’t have to trade with us, which means we have to do
whatever we can to bring them to the table. If Naruto accepts the challenge, all I need to do is
win, and we get Kubikiribōchō free and clear.”
“You better,” her father warns. “Because I have no intention of honoring such blatant theft,
especially with that fucking demon!”
“I’ll win,” Tenten emphasizes with a hint of desperation. “You’ll see. Guy-sensei believes
we’re ready for the Chūnin exams and I have a year over him. I think I can beat a genin a few
months out of the Academy.”
Dānyī turns to his daughter and for the first time ever, unleashes his killing intent on her,
asking with seething hate, “can you kill him?”
Despite eying her father, a shaking Tenten takes a step back, voicing through the stunting
fear, “I- Tou-san… I… hah… don’t… need to kill him.”
Seemingly satisfied, Dānyī lowers his long-unused killing spirit, stating, “this is your last
week, Ten. All that time you spent investigating, did you happen to learn why he has
Breathing a little easier, Tenten slowly answers, “no. The log for that day showed seven
teams entering the Hokage tower but only six missions were logged for public record. Which
of course doesn’t make sense since all missions are logged, whether successful or not.”
Looking out the window, Dānyī roughly replies, “that simply means something happened that
we don’t know about.”
“If it did, it was more than likely because of Uchiha-kun,” Tenten argues. “I know that
Kakashi-sensei and Uchiha-kun left for some special training. If I had to guess, it has
something to do with his eyes.”
Turning to face her daughter, with hard eyes Dānyī rigidly asks, “then why does the demon
brat have Kubikiribōchō?”
Feeling slightly crushed under the displeasure of her father’s little eyes, Tenten weakly
postulates, “the only thing I can think of that makes any sense is Uzumaki and Haku stole it,
but without asking them, it’s only a guess.”
“We’ve struggled every day since the Kyūbi attack. Rather than stay, and put in the hard work
it takes to rebuild our destroyed business from the ground up, she left. Your mother left
because she’d rather live the easy life.” Dānyī eyes her with such vitriol, Tenten wonders if
he even sees his own daughter before him. Dānyī warns her, “don’t do the easy thing and
hesitate, Ten.” His eyes are hard and she can’t shake the feeling that he’s suffering in some
way because of her. “I don’t care if you kill him, just don’t hesitate for a second,” he finishes.
“I- I won’t,” she replies earnestly and he leaves her to finish sharpening the boxes of the
shuriken on her own. Alone with her thoughts, a placid Tenten doesn’t think about her woes.
It’s because she’s spent a year with her three impressive teammates, that she discovered her
one true concern, and it had nothing to do with her mother, her father, and the business.
It wasn’t her mother. Tenten had already spent a good amount of her youth shooting at targets
thinking of the woman who birthed then left her. However, after learning of Neji’s family, she
eventually came to the conclusion that this woman who apparently looks like her, quite
simply ran away with another man, and as callous as it may sound, the fact is, her mother
wasn’t coming back. After learning of Neji’s family, Tenten couldn’t help but ask herself,
‘why dwell on a woman’s who’s not coming back?’ The bun-haired brunette didn’t need to
consider more than that rationality to move on.
Tenten doesn’t think about her father; not truly. Stress and anxiety in the body throws off her
pinpoint accuracy, which she will not allow. While it’s upsetting that he’s so upset with her,
she also knows everything will be alright after she wins Kubikiribōchō. So, since it’s
pointless to waste energy on useless, round-about what-if scenarios, she focuses on winning.
Attaining that sword is the only solution she will give any thought to.
Tenten wasn’t worried about the challenge either. Though she’s very curious how he managed
to gain the legendary weapon, Tenten doesn’t spend much contemplation on Naruto-kun’s
skill level. He’s a rookie genin and she’s sparred dozens of times against Lee-kun, Neji, and
Guy-sensei by this point. ‘He’s a close-range fighter who’s probably never dealt with a long-
range type before.’ At least not a long range of her caliber.
As she sharpens the shurikens to perfection, she instead wonders, as she often does, about her
place, not only within her team but within her village as well. It’s the constant and
reoccurring source of wonderment for her. Despite not having any ability in ninjutsu, Lee-
kun knows exactly what his goal is and works harder than anyone she’s ever seen to reach it.
Though dour, Neji is simply a genius who obviously doesn’t share her concerns. Even her
sensei is a major threat. Tenten is so different from her team, from her village, it’s often left
her wondering if she’s trying hard enough, or worse, if she’s even good enough.
She’ll never admit how childish her dreams of rescuing whole villages or kidnapped Daimyō
with her impressing skills as a kunoichi are. It’s not that she isn’t confident in her ability, but
she can’t help but feel the reality of her skills don’t align with her fantasy, and that very
concern is always at the forefront of her mind. Every day, among her teammates, she can’t
help but wonder, ‘am I good enough?’ Kubikiribōchō can change that. Kubikiribōchō can
change her. To be better—to be the best—is all she wants; for her team, village, father but
more importantly, for herself. It’s the very reason why she won’t hesitate to beat Uzumaki-
Emotionally, Kurenai is closer. Ino is behind her but following in the same direction.
As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thank you so much for all your support and
comments. Have a great one,
PS. I didn't want to mention this at the beginning of my notes but another reason for the
delay is Game of Thrones really gutted me. I was all about Season 8, ready to proclaim
to all how amazing the season finale was... now I feel so sad and horribly depressed. I
couldn't even write. If you still love it, I think that's great and I'm jealous, but I just can't
The Month-Long Cost
Chapter Summary
Chapter Notes
Hey guys,
This chapter gets us to within a few days of the Chuunin exams. I blocked out my ideas
on Scrivner and I've written some of it. There's still a lot to write, but I feel confident I
can get out two more updates before the summer demands all of my time. I'll definitely
do my best to get at least to the second task of the exam.
I want to thank you all for supporting this fic and taking the time to comment. I truly do
appreciate your point of views and they truly do help me become better, so thank you.
Warning: Lemons.
This chapter took a while to get right. It's 12.4K words. Enjoy!
…Personal Notes:
I can’t say that it’s entirely due to Summer Fox’s request, but I’ve been having a lot of anal
sex. At first, it was simply about instructing him on the finer points of having safe and
pleasurable anal intercourse, since then, it’s morphed into… more. I can’t blame him too
much. I’ve always liked getting stuffed from the back and he’s a good student; always eager.
I may have to repeat instructions at times, but once he gets it, he does it to perfection… and
of course, the thing that he’s doing to perfection is making me cum from taking it in the ass.
Now we both enjoy it when he floods my ass with no less than two loads of his hot cum. He
knows how to play with my sphincter during vaginal intercourse, how I like my ass cheeks
kneaded and pulled, how to angle his thrusts so it rolls the thinly veiled neighbor that is my
sexual organ as his cock draws out the best friction, how to man-handle my body by the neck,
ass cheeks, or using my arms for leverage when he’s pounding my rectum into the mattress;
how to tug on my hair until my entire body just feels like a gigantic erogenous zone made for
his pleasure. So, yeah, I really can’t blame him for teaching him how I loved to be fucked.
Of course, I explained to him the importance of lubrication and the one I use not only aids in
preventing tearing and other injuries from the rapid pumping, but also eliminates infections. I
made sure he understood the different types of lubricant and that anal sex should only be
done after proper preparation or the risk of injury and infection is high.
His knowledge base on sex is also getting better… It’s getting to the point where I’m just…
it’s not quite practice, nor is it quite lovemaking, or even just fucking… I feel like he sees me
now… intimately. Kami, how did I get here?
It’s Saturday morning and despite having to face Tenten for Zabuza’s Kubikiribōchō later in
the evening, Naruto crosses his paired index and middle fingers before him, concentrating on
amassing every ounce of Chakra he can feel within him and bringing it to the precipice of his
tenketsus. As he builds the acidic influx of raw power to painful heights, he holds his raging
spirit-energy there. Crouched as he was crying out gutturally in Iruka-sensei’s backyard until
he couldn’t stand the pain any longer, he emphatically activates, “Tajū Kage Bunshin no
Nearly the entirety of the large back yard and even parts of the roof erupt into a massive puff
of thick white smoke. There’s so much puffy white gas it takes nearly two minutes for it to
clear with the wind, unveiling at least two hundred clones of Naruto. Though proud, a weak
and depleted Naruto lets out a gasp. Since he distributed all his chakra equally, he knows he’s
not actually out of chakra, but it still feels far less than what he’s accustomed to. Like every
morning since Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke-teme left, the large group of Narutos all search the
seal within for the power of Kurama’s chakra.
While not an exact science, splitting his entire reserve with this many clones makes Naruto
feel like thin glass, easily broken with a single punch. However, when he calls on Kurama’s
outrageous amount of chakra to replenish twice what he used, he and his nearly two hundred
clones feel twice as strong as his base level. Though he still hasn’t seen this red tail of chakra
Naru-nii told him about, Naruto does take a moment to enjoy the morning, feeling excited by
his training regiment and the results he sees every day. Looking around, he spots a few clones
with red eyes and fierce whiskers, but not a single clone loses himself to the chakra.
“All right,” Naruto calls out once he’s fully reinvigorated. “Everybody on this side, head to
the waterfall. You know what to do and good luck!” There’s a slurry of shouts and, “ossu!”
before two-thirds of his clones all take to the trees.
“Now, I want all of you over here to keep studying Fūinjutsu. I opened all the scrolls about
Fūinjutsu in Iruka-sensei’s house, so if you don’t have a scroll to study, head over to the
library.” Normally, telling any Naruto to read would prompt a disgusted look on his face,
however, Fūinjutsu was different. It didn’t feel like reading. It felt like remembering
something he’d simply forgotten. He just understood it like nothing else and couldn’t get
enough of it.
“Mnn,” Naruto hums looking at the remaining twenty-five. “Ten of you get to that sweatshop
in the civilian sector and keep learning how to be a pro tailor.” “Ossu!” they cry before
rushing toward the fashion district of the civilian sector. “Don’t forget to henge as a civilian!”
Naruto shouts at the ten versions of himself rushing away before turning to the remaining
“The rest of you, we gotta work those jobs we got if we ever want to buy a pair of Asuma-
nii’s chakra blades. While Sakura and I do D-ranks, one of you go back to the janitor job at
the theater, three to the three restaurant jobs we got as a dishwasher. I know they suck but
after a few months of that, we could be promoted to server—don’t forget to tell them where
the best ramen in Konoha is. Ah, and that one gig collecting garbage. The rest of you look for
more work. With the Chūnin Exams coming up, a whole bunch of shops are looking to hire
for the rush of people coming in. You already know cash jobs are the best so make me
Alone in the early morning sunlight of Iruka’s wooded backyard, Naruto chuckles at the idea
of commanding his clones like the Hokage commands his shinobi, then settles to a serious
demeanor. While the clones can transfer back physical experience, like muscle memory, they
can’t transfer back physical strength gained in the repetitive experience. Naruto has to gain
physical strength on his own, and so, despite facing Tenten later in the day, Naruto starts his
physical conditioning.
Like Sakura expected, Ino—henge’d as Naruto—used her large orange toy to bring her to
orgasm, though the size took some getting used to. Sakura had asked Ino why she bought
such a large vibrator, going so far as to even cite a few studies she’s read on her newly found
sexual awakening that points out how little size matters. “Penis size doesn’t necessarily affect
sexual function like orgasms or sexual drive. It’s the expectation’s of penis size that drives
anxiety and dissatisfaction more than physical function.” Ino may have agreed but she gave
no clear answer as to why she bought a vibrator that’s on the larger side.
Even with a kunoichi’s mastery over their body’s flexibility, it took Sakura a week to become
accustomed to the size before she can enjoy it as much as everything else Ino’s done. It’s not
that Sakura enjoys this activity with Ino-Naruto, but what else can she do without the photos.
She’s earned five and in the two weeks before Sasuke-kun’s return, there’s only four more to
go. Sakura knows Ino’s whole plan is to make her feel so good she’ll admit that she doesn’t
need her love for Sasuke-kun to feel good. Sakura knows Ino is diluting her love for the last
Uchiha using Naruto’s face, but it won’t work.
Though Sakura has to compartmentalize quite a bit to separate the Naruto Ino henges as with
the Naruto she trains with, she’s intelligent enough to do it. It helps that training with Naruto
is so grueling, making it nearly impossible to combine her teammate Naruto, with the Naruto
she moans with every orgasm. She will admit it’s a little tougher not to think about the sexual
activity she’s done with his look-a-like when he’s sweating and heaving.
‘It can’t be helped,’ her mind comments. On top of Ino using his face and making her say his
name when she orgasms, Sakura trains with him every day. They’ve been training together
for months now and in that time, Sakura is happy to learn that she doesn’t hate him, or even
dislikes him. He’s so focused on becoming stronger and getting better every day, she can’t
help but admire that about him.
‘He beat a Jōnin,’ her mind constantly reminds her in disbelief. No matter how it happened,
that felt like the most unexpected moment in shinobi history. How can Sakura see her
teammate and hate him as she once had after the Wave mission? He can set her off sometimes
but training with Naruto has become such a normal part of her life and she doesn’t mind it
one bit. It’s even easier when Kurenai-sensei is around.
It’s clear to Sakura that Kurenai-sensei isn’t put off by Naruto in any way; even when he asks
dumb questions. Sakura had tried to apologize once on his behalf, but when the beautiful
sensei responded, ‘why would he need to apologize, Haruno-chan? I’m a sensei and he’s a
student. Obviously, I want to answer anything he’s unsure of so he, and his team can always
return home safely.’ Sakura was blown away by something so simple. To Kurenai-sensei,
Naruto was just a fellow leaf nin; not someone annoying who is an impediment to her love.
Just a ninja like everyone else. Kurenai-sensei simply wants Naruto to be his best. ‘No, she
wants everyone to be their best. And that’s all that matters to her.’
As the raven-haired Jōnin is more verbose in her attention to them, Sakura has really enjoyed
the moments Kurenai-sensei is with them. Unlike Kakashi-sensei who allows Team 7 to
make mistakes before he voices how they should change it, Kurenai-sensei asks for their
thoughts during missions, actions or decisions before suggesting other possible choices and
how they might develop. She also talks about the history of techniques and how they’ve
evolved through the years as well as what techniques to expect from specific regions. Sakura
always knew the shinobi world was large, but reading it in a text manual and hearing it from
a first-rate Jōnin were two entirely different things.
Sakura now understands why Ino admires this woman so much. Aside from being beautiful,
Kurenai-sensei is a strong positive role model who genuinely believes in the future
generation that will inherit Konoha’s Will of Fire. After two weeks with Kurenai-sensei,
Sakura earnestly enjoyed identifying with a woman so much stronger than her. It’s why
nearly all the kunoichi look up to Tsunade-sama of the Legendary Sannin. In such a male-
driven world, it can be amazing to witness proof that kunoichi can be just as strong if not
stronger than shinobi. Tsunade-sama may not be in the village, but it’s also wonderful to look
up to Kurenai-sensei.
It makes Sakura more attentive and train to her limits every day, which is never hard with a
teammate like Naruto.
Before they split up for their specialized training, Sakura asks Naruto, “are you going to use
that technique on Tenten-chan? I get why you don’t want her to have Kubikiribōchō but
please tell me you can win without shredding her muscle fibers like you did with Zabuza’s.”
Naruto turns to her as they walk down the dirt path toward the market. It’s a beautiful day as
he gazes at the blue sky and answers, “hopefully I won’t have to but I won’t know until we
fight. I’ve gotten pretty good at making it stronger or weaker though.”
“I suppose it’ll be fine with Kurenai-sensei there,” Sakura mentions before asking, “you
spend time at her house, right?”
Naruto tilts his head like he does when he’s thinking before answering, “in the beginning,
sure. He had dinner with us once—that was pretty nice—but he hasn’t been over since.
“Um,” Sakura voices, before wondering if she should inform Naruto of her’s and Ino’s
intention of getting Asuma-sensei and Kurenai-sensei together. ‘It might be beneficial to
include Naruto if he’s always over Kurenai-sensei’s house,’ her mind points out. “Never
mind. It’s nothing,” she tells him, realizing he would probably ruin such a delicate situation
“If you want to come over, I can always ask,” Naruto suggests with hopeful glee.
Though tempted, she shakes her head, “maybe next time.” To her surprise, he just leaves it at
that and when they split up, she meets Ino in her home. Though she didn’t leave with a photo,
she did leave with a wide smile and a nice tingle throughout her perky form. Sakura has taken
to returning some of Ino-Naruto’s attention just to frustrate Ino further. Leaving Ino hot and
bothered is her only avenue of rebellion and she does it every day now.
Even if it was slower, running through the forest was easier than the chakra concentration
necessary to hop from tree branch to tree branch, but an aroused Ino finally made it to the
half-mile-long waterfall. As she expected, she found a bunch of half-naked Narutos training
in a way that was never explained to her. She can clearly see a splash of water every time
they all cry out in unison but in her horny state, she cares very little about his training and
more about his sexual organ.
Ino walks on the water’s edge before nervously calling out, “uh, hey! Naruto? I mean the real
one,” she clarifies looking from the left of the Naruto buffet line to the right. One calls out,
“Ino-chan?” Then her name migrates from one clone to the next until finally, one Naruto
jumps down, naked but for his shorts with his wet muscles gleaming in the afternoon sun.
The rushing sound of the waterfall is as hypnotic a sound as the sight of his bare-chested
tanned body, making frustrated Ino throb between her legs.
“Hey, Ino-chan,” Naruto starts with a bright smile. Ignoring her state of arousal, he
comments, “I heard your team is back together,” and Ino sobers some at the mention of her
team. After nearly two weeks away, Chōji rejoined Team 10 a week ago. Despite how much
he tried to act as if nothing had changed—despite his credible clan-related excuses for his
long absence—he couldn’t fool Shikamaru, Asuma-sensei, or her. He was far more aware to
resemble that lovable fatass he once was. He looked like he survived a traumatic experience
and the world just wasn’t what it was anymore… a feeling she can easily relate to. While
Asuma shrugged it off, it clearly bothered Skikamaru.
Ino had her mask so she wasn’t worried about giving anything away, and the way he was
acting, it didn’t seem like he would say anything either. It took a few days, but when they
were finally alone, he immediately begged—hands, knees, and forehead on the ground,
begged—for her forgiveness.
“I didn’t think- You have to believe I never wanted something like that to happen… never to
you,” Chōji cried. “You’re like family to me and I… I just… I’m so so sorry Ino-chan! From
the bottom of my heart, I’m so sorry!”
Ino wanted to cry along with him, but thanks to Kurenai-sensei, she truly felt past it. Kurenai-
sensei helped her get better, so she told the crying prostrating boy to get up. “I’m not sure
when I’ll forgive you, Chōji, but I don’t hate you-”
“I hate myself,” Chōji interjected but Ino quickly responded, “well, you’re not allowed to!
I’m the one who was hurt, and I refuse to add a teammate who hates himself on top of that. If
you want to do right by me then train. Train hard and don’t let this happen again.”
“It’ll never happen again,” Chōji assured her. “You have my word.”
“Are you okay,” Naruto asks, bringing her out of her thoughts to see he was worried about
Though he didn’t need to, she still thought it was nice of him to ask, and answers, “I’m okay,
“If you want to talk about it, I’d listen,” Naruto offers, moving a step closer for emphasis, and
making her recall why she came out here in the first place. Though the urge had dulled, Ino
reasoned there was still enough; ‘plus, I already ran all the way out here. It wouldn’t make
sense to go back just because I’m a little calmer.’
“Thanks but I’d rather not,” Ino tells him with a reassuring smile. “I just want to move on
with my life.”
“Yeah, I totally agree,” Naruto happily conveys. “You can’t ever let bad stuff keep you down,
you know? Or else they win.”
“Is that how you got through it? All the bad stuff, I mean,” Ino asks, thinking of all the hate
he sees every day.
“Mnn,” he hums with a nod as he adds, “that, Ji-chan, Teuchi-jiji and Ayame-nee-chan,
Iruka-sensei and training.”
Looking up at all the clones erupting splashes of water from the rushing cascade of water, Ino
asks, “is that what all this is? Training?”
“Yeah. He’s been helping me with my training. I thought he might’ve told your team.”
“No, I knew he was helping, I just didn’t know you called him Asuma-nii,” Ino explains.
“Oh, yeah,” Naruto says with a shrug. “I’m really glad you came by. Um, do you think it
would be okay if I came to see you sometime, like at the flower shop or somewhere else?”
Smiling, Ino easily detects an opportunity to play and asks, “Naruto-kun, are you asking me
out on a date?”
“Wha? No,” Naruto stutters, unsure if he should or shouldn’t. “No, I mean- not that I
wouldn’t- Well, I uh, was thinking-”
“Because as a rule, I generally expect the men who ask me out to bring flowers and or
chocolate, and be fully dressed,” Ino jokingly stipulates. With sad brows and a pout, she asks,
“don’t you think I deserve flowers and chocolates?”
“I,” Naruto tries to backpedal, searching his brain for reassuring words. “I, yes! I mean, of
course, you deserve men- I mean, flowers! And chocolates!” Ino holds in her bubbling
laughter as he nervously adds, “I was only- because you remember we liked it- friends, I
mean. I mean, we would like it if we were friends!”
Ino lets her laughter free and a fatigued Naruto lets out an overly worn exhale, mumbling,
“Sorry, sorry,” Ino says, clear the corner of her eye. “I was only teasing. Yeah, we can hang
“Really!” Naruto lights up. She nods with a satisfied smirk, to which he adds, “Sweet! I’m
training right now but maybe I could ask Kurenai-sensei if you can come over for dinner. Or
you can come over when Haku and I have dinner! We eat together all the time since he likes
to make my favorite-”
“Are you guys ever going to kiss!” Both blonds hear yelled over rushing water from the
wood ramp above. All the clones stand huddled, spying, and one clone yells, “we’re tired of
Ino is suddenly aware of the audience as Naruto yells with a pointed finger, “who said any of
you can take a break!”
“Ah, come on boss! Don’t be so stingy and show us how it’s done!” They yell and laugh.
Turning to Ino, Naruto says, “here, follow me.” Without a word, she follows him as they run
over the water, getting wet for several minutes by the waterfall’s splash-back. In that time it
made her remember the last time they were together in which she was following him. ‘He
was fully naked by the end of that trip,’ she thinks, and quite forcefully, those memories along
with her earlier sexual frustration re-ignite her sex. ‘We were both completely naked,’ she
vividly recalls, picturing him plowing her walls and painting them white.
When he stops suddenly, she nearly runs into him. If her hand hadn’t gripped his shoulder,
her sensitive chest would’ve definitely pressed wonderfully against his strong back. Instead,
one of his arms takes her around the back while the other scoops her up by her knees and
she’s suddenly held against his warm strong chest, princess style, before he jumps through
the rushing wall of water. Panicking, Ino wraps her arms around his neck with the
expectation they would hit a solid wall, however, they splash through the torrent of water and
he lands confidently in the moderately sized cavern behind the waterfall. Ino opens her eyes
to the privacy of the simple circular cave that looks like it’s been scooped out by a large ladle.
Behind the rushing waterfall, in a darker cavern, a hot and hard Naruto is half-naked and
holding her to him like a princess…
‘Yeah, I’m triggered… I’m triggering… fuck,’ her hazy mind states as her body heats up,
softens and lubricates. Ino can’t think but for the vivid memories of their amazing times of
incredible pleasure, growing more aroused. ‘I know this scent,’ she recalls his intoxicating
aroma along with the pounding motion that mixed their secretions. Alone, in his arms, hot
and wet, she looks at him dazed, and dumbly reveals, “you made me wet.”
It’s as if Naruto only realized then that jumping through the waterfall would make her wet.
His profuse apology is on the tip of his tongue until he notices her flush cheeks, lidded eyes,
her bitting her plump, lower lip, and her relaxed squirming. Naruto felt his dick twitch and
swell. He can feel her heartbeat and the way she tightens her legs, he answers instead, “I
know how to fix that.”
‘Oh, Kami does he,’ her body screams. Suddenly feeling flush and soft, Ino holds him tighter,
pressing her face beside his, wondering, ‘he’s so warm.’ Feeling her juices trail back to her
bottom cheeks, rather than voice what her nether region is aching for, Ino simply nods, ‘yes,’
against his face as she breathes him in.
Naruto walks further away from the rushing water to the rounded end of the cavern. He sets
her down but he doesn’t let her paper-thin knees fold as he holds her against him. His hands
keep her steady as they run hungrily up and down the silhouette of her figure. Her nipples
stiffen to stone teats as her lean presses her bosom against his hard chest.
The heat and hunger of his strong hands cull all the stress in the arc of her lower back and
love handles and patiently spreads a hyper-pleasant tingle up her spine and down her
trembling legs as she answers, “y-yeah?”
When his hands skillfully drag and distorts the firm bubble of her butt before grabbing her
cheeks, pulling her flush against him, feeling his raging hard-on against her humid crotch,
Naruto kneads her pliant cheeks over her skin-tight shorts as he asks, “don’t you normally
wear leg bindings under your purple skirt?”
With his grip, he easily grinds himself against her rapidly drenching vagina as she mindlessly
mumbles, “mm-hhmnn.”
She knew why she wore her white, elastic fit, athletic shorts and clearly he does as well as he
whispers in her ear, “these are much easier to take off.” His impregnating words in her ear is
all her mind and sex need to flood her hot contracting quim with excessive lubrication. Ino
was burning for him now, and couldn’t help the whimpered moan before she pleads,
“Naruto… I need…”
“Ino…” He moans as his hand dips inside her elastic white shorts. Just feeling his hot hand
cup her dilating labia and erect clitoris, her knees buckle and her arousal rockets to fearful
heights. Driven by vivid memories of the past and certainty of how this will end as well, all
reason is lost and her wet need was as great as it was near at hand. “Narutooooo….” Ino
moaned fearfully, wondering if she might survive the rupture of her ever tightening pleasure
Naruto wanted to taste her juicy snatch but she was blushing humidly, breathing quickly and
he couldn’t resist the nearly painful look on her beautiful face. She holds on his shoulders as
he peels her white shorts enjoying the sight of her juices glazing the entirety of her inner
thighs. She trembled when she felt his large head press against her sodden center, ready to
spread her wet pink line into a wide dripping O.
“I missed you Ino-chan,” Naruto whispers into her ear, gently peppering the side of her face
with kisses in hopes of calming her down as he slowly slides into the buttery warmth of her
juicy love glove. Though he wanted to calm her down some, when he whispers hotly in her
ear, “I missed my Ino-hime,” her brain melts as she instinctively squeezes his meat in. Ino
moans gutturally as his imposing crown feels like it’s burrowing in every one of her pleasure
zones at once, beautifully stuffing her wet heat deeper than she felt space for until he was
fully inside her tightness.
“My pretty little Ino-hime is so tight for me,” Naruto moans in her pregnable ear and her
trembling arms squeeze his neck tighter as he slowly withdrew every inch of thick meat from
her sensitive snatch, making her head swim in euphoria and eyes cry. Ino shakes her head no,
as he stops at her entrance, thinking, ‘I’m not going to make it, I’m not going to make it, I’m
not going to mak-’ “KUH!” Her head snaps back at his full thrust, stuffing himself
completely as her quivering quim snaps shut around him. Her mind explodes with undiluted
euphoria, seizing and shocking her entire body in boundless pleasure. She’s vaguely aware
her climax squirting on Naruto as she suffers happily in his embrace.
Ino wasn’t sure how long she came for but other than her buzzing fatigue, nothing changed
when she regained awareness. They were still inside the round cavern behind the waterfall,
Naruto was still throbbing hard and he was still inside her. Glazed eyes turn to his
affectionate face, looking at her adoringly before he takes her pink lips. He kisses her deeply
and her giddy mind returns it just as happily.
‘He’s so good,’ she thinks as he plays masterfully with her mouth, sucking and biting
perfectly to entice but never crossing the line of too much. It amazed her before she saddens
when he pulls away.
She only had time to pout before he asks, “can I finish inside my beautiful Ino-hime?”
His brows are knitted in withheld pleasure and she can tell he’s been enduring it this entire
time, reflexively squeezing him a bit. She leans in and though scared for her sanity, she
fearfully rewards him as she whispers, “fuck me Naruto- AAHH!” she yelps, cut off by his
deep thrust. Leaning back to balance their combined weight and for more leverage, he pumps
into her repeatedly ripping a mewling moan from her hoarse throat with every thrust. The
pleasure ring at the pit of her stomach expanded frightfully fast and before she could tame her
expectations, her taut tank of pure bliss ruptures, over-saturating her entire system with
electric ecstasy.
Despite her moaning bliss, Naruto keeps pumping his large fiddling member, keeping her in
euphoric paradise until the mercy of his climax plunged her into cognitive darkness,
illuminating it to pure white. Ino only felt the moment a massive amount of his hot seed
flooded her quaking walls before her pupil-less blue eyes roll back and she passes out.
Eventually opening her eyes, a tingling Ino feels warm and safe. She’s still clothed in her
purple high neck crop-top blouse and purple apron skirt but her white shorts were around one
ankle and she’s resting comfortably atop of Naruto, her head cozily under his and on his
chest. Despite the now oddly falling cold water beside them, she was toasty warm against
him, feeling completely at ease in the world. She could go back to sleep but knew she needed
to get back. With great effort she extricates herself, waking him up, but rushing away with a
quick goodbye kiss, she’s jumping through the unevenly falling water. Looking behind her in
her sprint away, the water looks like it’s being broken apart somehow by the clones.
With an easy smile and consenting bow, Haku leaves the helpful silver-haired boy to meet
Kurenai-san. It hasn’t been long since his welcome party and Haku is in awe of his life now.
He’s meeting with Kurenai-san in the market to buy a few ingredients for dinner with their
endearing blue-eyed blond and they’re nearly done when a relaxed-looking shinobi with
brown hair under his bandanna, brown eyes, and a small senbon between his lips walks up to
Kurenai-san. Though the man was very subtle, Haku didn’t like the way he gazes at her.
‘This is Naruto-kun’s lover,’ Haku mentally asserts as Kurenai introduced him as Shiranui
Genma. Haku inclined his head slightly before taking a territorial step closer toward Kurenai-
san, a move both jōnin notice. When Kurenai-san asked for a few minutes and to go ahead
without her, Haku simply states, “I’ll wait for you just up ahead, Kurenai-chan,” eying the
ever collected Genma before he leaves.
It isn’t until they’re both in the privacy of Kurenai’s home, putting away the groceries before
preparing dinner, that Kurenai asks him, “what was that?”
Haku doesn’t turn to her as he takes Naruto’s steak out of the freezer to thaw before asking,
“what do you mean?”
“Don’t even try that on me, Haku-kun,” Kurenai sternly tells him. When the beautifully
feminine boy turns to her, she asks, “please, explain yourself.”
Haku sheepishly admits, “at first it was simply for diversionary purposes. If others assumed I
was interested in you, they would be less inclined to believe you were spending time with
Naruto-kun. And if you deny anything going on between us, you wouldn’t be lying to your
Stern red eyes never waver as Kurenai nods before responding, “at first?”
“We are not anything more than what we are,” Kurenai quickly responds. “It isn’t one thing
or another. It just is.”
Haku eyes her just as genially as he is enchanting before asking, “then, would you be
opposed if he dated Hinata-chan?” At her surprised look, Haku adds, “it’s quite clear the girl
is in love with him, near the point of worship, which I approve of, and with some more
emotional maturity, I’m sure he may grow to love her as well.”
“Haku-kun…” she groans with mild agitation. Kurenai rubs the bridge of her nose as she
explains, “that can’t happen.” Kurenai briefly explains the Hyūga clan and the hard situation
Hinata-chan was born into. “The clan, especially her pig of a father, would never allow their
union. I’m asking you not to do anything that would hurt her needlessly. Facing the truth at
some point in the future will be horrible enough; giving her too much hope for feelings that
will never be will only hurt her that much more.”
“I see,” Haku solemnly states. “To be clear, I simply want Naruto-kun to be happy. At the
moment, you bring him the most joy, as he seems to bring out the same in you.” Kurenai
doesn’t say more and Haku hopes she’s replaying his words in her mind… but the boy
couldn’t be more amused when the subject of their conversation runs into Kurenai’s home.
Well before dinner, an obviously aroused Naruto rushes into the kitchen and when Haku
assures Naruto he can handle dinner preparations alone, Naruto carries a blushing and weakly
protesting Kurenai-san upstairs. The rhythmic creaking coming from Kurenai’s bedroom
brings a smile to Haku’s face as well as a boy with round glasses to his mind. Having seen
the lengths Naruto trains for those he deems his precious people, Haku knows he can’t fail
him. Because failing Naruto-kun means also failing Zabuza-sama. And that he will not do.
While laying on Kurenai’s couch, Naruto dispels his clones three at a time, thirty seconds
apart and uses that entire time to listen to another one of Naru-nii’s stories. For the past few
weeks, his future counterpart would recount some of his missions or talk about the things he
missed the most, his Godfather, his teammates, and his friends. Shikamaru was a complete
surprise to Naruto, and it was weird to hear Naru-nii describe someone Naruto knows as the
laziest person in the world, as a genius and a very caring person.
He’s heard a bit about how amazing his friends are—Sakura’s crazy training, Kakashi-
sensei’s wicked eye, how unbeatable Sasuke becomes—a bit about Kakashi’s old teammates,
but Naruto has also heard some about the deaths Naru-nii wasn’t strong enough to prevent.
He already knows exactly how Haku was supposed to die, alongside Zabuza-jiji. Learning
how Ji-chan died at the hands of a former student nearly did Naruto in with panic, followed
by extremely reckless training. He was only comforted by Naru-nii reminding him it hasn’t
happened, and things are changing so there’s no reason to think that it will either.
‘Then you do what you always have, get even stronger so you can stop it next time, because
trust me, there will always be a next time. You become the strongest so you can protect
those you love with everything you have.’
Naruto couldn’t understand how anyone could be so evil as to kill Ji-chan and it took Naru-
nii several days of thirty to forty-minute sessions to explain his thoughts on evil.
‘It took me a while to learn how to look underneath the underneath,’ Naru-nii admitted.
‘Kakashi-sensei says that all the time,’ Naruto mournfully points out.
‘Well, he’s right,’ the older Naruto chuckles. ‘Every time I come up against someone really
crazy strong, and learn why they’re being so inhuman to others, it’s always because of
something sad, like they lost someone they really loved, or a family, a clan, and they
couldn’t bear it. Like us, they got really strong because of it, but unlike us, they wanted to
make others feel their pain; to make them pay. The problem with that is innocent people
have nothing to do with it, and it’s like they’re in the way of the things these bad people
desire, so they just remove or kill them, which breeds more hate and pain, pushing more
people to do really horrible stuff and that cycle just continues.’
It’s how Naruto currently finds himself, laying on Kurenai’s couch as his clones dispel a
triplet at a time while Haku and Kurenai prepare dinner. Focusing on Naru-nii’s voice instead
of the headache, he listens to the third part of a long story: The Pain and Loss of the Uchiha
Clan, along with the details of the noble clan’s downfall.
Naru-nii told him about the suspicion that befell the Uchiha after an enslaved Kurama was
forced to attack Konoha; About the planned coup d'état to overthrow Ji-chan; About Itachi,
Shisui, and Shimura Danzō’s part—Danzō, in particular, seems like the person who wanted
all of this to happen. With care and respect, Naru-nii explained Itachi’s sacrifice and deal to
make sure his little brother would always remain safe. He explained Sasuke’s misdirected
desire to kill Itachi. And all of it took Naru-nii nearly three sessions to finish explaining it.
Unclear, Naruto asks, ‘why did Tobi tell you all that, then just leave?’
‘He thought he was defending all the bad stuff Sasuke was doing,’ Naru-nii replies. ‘Like I
would understand Sasuke more if he explained how little Sasuke is actually in control of
his destiny.’
During many of these story sessions, Naruto understands Naru-nii like he understands
Fūinjutsu, so he’s more confident when he picked out what mattered most to Sasuke—
mattered like the way Nai-chan, Ji-chan, and Iruka-sensei do. Even if he and Sasuke clash
and rival, Naruto always felt the avenger’s loss, so with reasonable certainty, Naruto
mentions, ‘…he loved his brother more than anything.’
‘Exactly,’ Naru-nii chuckles. ‘I know you want to be the one to reach Sasuke, just like
Sakura-chan and Kakashi-sensei want to be the one to reach him; to save him from his
hatred… but I learned the hard way that there’s only one person who can reach him, and
that’s his brother, Uchiha Itachi.’
‘Tobi gave up,’ Naruto thinks in blocks, like building a seal one segment at a time.
‘So, he only sees through the eyes of someone who’s given up,’ Naruto continues.
‘But we don’t give up,’ Naruto adds with a small though genuine smile.
‘Hell no,’ Naru-nii emphasizes. ‘We don’t run and we don’t go back on our word.’
‘Damn right,’ Naru-nii proclaims. ‘I’m almost out. We’ll pick this up next time.’
‘Sure thing Naru-nii,’ Naruto bids before quickly thinking of tonight. ‘Real quick, how do
you think I should fight Tenten-chan?’
‘Hehe,’ Naru-nii laughs. ‘I have faith in you,’ is all he answers before leaving and Naruto
smiles. He didn’t need more than that. No accurate fortune could possibly be better than
feeling Naru-nii’s faith in him. The way Naru-nii just gets him, is patient, and always
believes in him, fills him with confidence. There’s no better inspiration and Naruto strives
every day to get to that point faster… to make Naru-nii proud.
After an immensely satisfying dinner with three people he cherishes, Naruto gets ready to
meet Tenten-chan, her father and her sensei in Training Ground 3. Though reeling from
dispelling so many clones, some time to heal and food helped to reduce his head pain to a
mild headache that’s gradually going away.
“Here comes a worthy opponent, Tenten-chan!” Until that moment, Naruto had forgotten how
weird her sensei was, but Naruto couldn’t say he disliked the man. He just had too much
positive energy not to like. “We haven’t formally been introduced, Naruto-kun. I am
Konoha’s Sublime Green Beast of Prey, Maito Gai!”
‘Huge eyebrows!’ Naruto mentally yells, before calling out his own, “my name is Uzumaki
Naruto, the future and greatest Hokage there’ll ever be!”
“Oh!” Guy calls with tight explosive fists as he shouts to the night sky, “let the power of our
youthful lives explode!”
Kurenai greets her fellow Jōnin-sensei, laying out the rules of the challenge. “Should Genin
Tenten win, Kubikiribōchō will be hers. Should genin Naruto win, Tenten is to be his
personal shopper covering seventy-five percent of all his market needs-” Kurenai puts her
hand up, cutting Naruto off before he can assert how little he cares about that. “However,
rather than covering his market expenses, Naruto would prefer you never challenge him for
Kubikiribōchō again. He’s explained his reasons and I find them to be sound.”
“What reasons!” Dānyī calls, eying Naruto with a curled lip of disgust. Though Tenten seems
mildly startled, she smiles and shrugs as if fine with the amendment while her father
continues, “my apologies, Kurenai-san, but I find it incredibly unprofessional to change the
wager after it was agreed upon. This is unacceptable and an affront to good business
“I see,” Kurenai coldly states, taking a firm stance over the shorter weapons merchant. “Well,
as Naruto doesn’t even want this to happen, you are more than welcome to leave.”
Dānyī then asserts, “if we leave it’s because he broke the rules of the wager and should forfeit
Kubikiribōchō as recompense.”
“You have two Jōnin who would disagree with you,” Kurenai counters with an edge without
actually confirming with Guy-sensei. “And if you truly feel slighted, you are more than
welcome to take it up with Hokage-sama, as the civilian council will have no say in this
wager between active Konoha shinobi. So what’ll it be, Dānyī-san?”
Dānyī huffs and turns in acceptance. Unsealing the great buster sword from a flashy orange
and blue scroll, Naruto hands Kubikiribōchō to Guy-sensei before he and Tenten-chan walk
to the middle of the field.
“You know if you want to practice with it, I don’t mind,” Naruto begins to express to her
when they are alone in the middle of the grass field. The night air whips around them and
Naruto adds, “but I can’t let you have it.”
Smirking, she responds, “that’s nice of you, but once I beat you, I’ll practice with it whenever
I want.”
“End it quick, Ten,” they hear Dānyī yell, before Guy-sensei calls out, “begin!”
Tenten hops back a fair distance as he hears the rubbing metal of shuriken, making Naruto
hear Kurenai’s voice in his head asking him what she’s been trying to beat in his head for the
past three weeks, ‘did you analyze? Is the attacker long range or short-to-mid range? Does
the attacker want to trick you?’
‘Long range,’ Naruto thinks as he dodges shuriken she accurately shoots to keep him from
closing the distance. When she lands many paces away, she immediately takes out two
scrolls. Unfurling them so they spin around her, she unseals a multitude of projectile weapons
—to his evident surprise—before sniping him with pinpoint accuracy. Whipping out his
kunai, Naruto dodges and parries a hail of sharp weapons being perfectly shot at his chest.
Even as he runs to the side, she’s perfectly marking him and going all out from the very
beginning. Without the time for Kage Bunshin, Naruto sprints for the nearest tree while
parrying her attacks with his kunai.
Ducking behind a tree that’s quickly stuffed with the puncturing ‘taps’ of at least twenty
weapons, he calls out, “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!” and fifty clones armed with kunai billow
out from behind the tree, sprinting around to catch her from multiple angles.
Though not necessarily surprised by his shadow clones, having already seen them on the
waterfall, watching them try to outflank her from the left and the right all with kunai felt very
different. Feeling the pressure, Tenten pops a squad of clones automatically as she easily
punctures them repeatedly with her pinpoint accuracy. Though she questions why his clones
haven’t sniped her with their kunai.
One clone unseals a Fūma shuriken and tosses it to another clone right before she pops him.
In one motion, the Naruto clone catches and throws the larger shuriken perfectly at Tenten-
chan before that clone is popped as well. Tenten smiles as she dodges the large weapon while
simultaneously decimating his clones, calling out, “you’re going to have to do a lot better
than that-” until she hears a pop behind her. Rotating her head to the extent of her neck’s
range, she’s surprised to see the Fūma shuriken was a henge of another clone before it
launches a non-lethal kunai strike right to her thigh.
It cries out, “gotcha!” making her smile confidently as she narrowly avoids a major injury.
Though the kunai cuts into her leg a bit, it’s not deep enough to hinder her attack and she
pops that clone as well before returning her lethal focus to the original…
…Who she had no idea was thrown in the air by his remaining clones and coming down on
her, fist cocked, just as her face turns to him. Naruto lands a powerful, gravity-assisted punch
across her lovely cheek, spinning her whole body twice before she hits the grass floor face
first. Tenten-chan is knocked out with one, brain-rattling, punch before landing sprawled on
the floor.
“Dānyī-san, calm yourself,” Kurenai orders him as Guy checks on his student.
“Why!” He yells, “he obviously can’t be trusted! There’s no way he could’ve won!”
“Regardless of your daughter’s impressive mastery over weapons, Naruto located and
exploited her weakness of multiple fronts of attack,” Kurenai states. “He did not cheat.”
“I agree,” Guy states as he carries Tenten over to them with Naruto beside them.
“She’s crazy accurate,” Naruto proclaims, extending his arms to look at his torn jumpsuit.
“You fought splendidly,” Guy notes as Tenten-chan starts to come around. She winces when
she tries to talk and realizes she’s been struck in the face nearly as hard as Lee-kun does.
“Wha-” “Be calm, Tenten-chan,” her sensei tells her. “We can talk about your strategy later,
however, Naruto is the victor of this wager, but you shouldn’t feel ashamed! Your amazing
and beautiful sensei has also lost many battles in his youth, but I never gave up and neither
should you.”
“No,” Tenten bemoans through her sore jaw, turning to her father. “Tou-chan…”
He simply shakes his head in undeniable disappointment before turning away from her. The
weapons dealer observes Haku sealing Kubikiribōchō in the orange and blue scroll before
leaving his daughter behind. Tenten hides her face in her sensei’s shoulder. Naruto stomps
forward to yell at her asshole of a father for making her feel sad but Kurenai puts her hand on
his shoulder and he refrains from chasing the man and punching him.
“If she needs a place to stay, please bring her to my home,” Kurenai offers.
As her father wouldn’t allow her to enter her home with the shame of her loss, Guy-sensei
did bring Tenten to Kurenai’s house that night. Though Naruto couldn’t spend the night, he
was happy Nai-chan cared enough to help Tenten.
Despite how much stronger Naruto felt, he was still nearly done in by her impressive
accuracy, so rather than go to bed right away, Naruto and eleven clones practice the next step
of creating the Rasen-shuriken. He wanted to know who his parents are and more than
anything, he wanted to be strong enough to fight against the worst out there, because Naru-
nii, said the ninja world is big and there’s a lot of weird fighters out there.
“You’re welcome to stay here for as long as you need,” Kurenai tells a glum Tenten with a
bandage over her cheek. Tenten enters the spare bedroom without a word. “If you need
anything, I’ll be down the hall.”
Finally setting her duffel bag down, she asks, “ why does he have Kubikiribōchō?”
“I’m sorry Tenten-chan,” Kurenai starts. “I’m not at liberty to discuss that. It may be hard,
but trust in your sensei-”
“Please,” Tenten calls emphatically. “I lost to a genin fresh out of the Academy. What has this
whole year and a half meant if I can lose so easily… I…” her voice fades when Tenten
realizes Kurenai-sensei has no reason to answer her; to help her make sense of her loss.
But Tenten didn’t know Kurenai’s a strong inheritor of Konoha’s Will of Fire and leans
against the door frame as the beautiful Jōnin states, “this has less to do about Naruto and
more to do with you. It seems to me you expect a lot of yourself and while that’s not a bad
driving force to have, it can lead to adverse effects if you rely too heavily on it. The only
thing you are responsible for is training every single day to extend your limits.”
“But I do,” Tenten replies. “It’s impossible not to with a Sensei like Guy.”
“I can’t fault you there,” Kurenai muses before stating, “maybe ask Guy-sensei on ways to
round out your abilities. I wouldn’t be the Genjutsu Mistress if I only knew how to
manipulate one of our five senses. I need all five perspectives to be masterful and you are
more than one thing. Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, Fūinjutsu, Iryō Ninjutsu, and on, and on.
The shinobi world is large and as Guy ultimately means to say, never give up, because Naruto
surely doesn’t.”
Sex, lovemaking, fucking; Naruto is a lot better than she ever expected him to be and he
consistently makes her pass out from mind-bending pleasure. His kisses, the way he whispers
in her ear, the way he holds her, his all-around impressive manhood and the way he uses it on
her… ‘either he’s a natural at sex or my psychosomatic trigger is working overtime to
suffocate me in raw pleasure. Maybe it’s a bit of both?’ her mind reasons.
Since they made their deal, she’s had sex with Uzumaki Naruto at least twice a week, and
every time, she’s only able to make it to his first orgasm before passing out. They generally
tend to have sex in that ever-widening cave behind the waterfall, but they’ve also had sex in
her room when he visited her, his room in Iruka-sensei’s home, and even in his old apartment.
The only time she ever survived two of his orgasms was when he fucked her in the ass first.
‘It’s so humiliating,’ Ino mentally groans, as she’s always taken delight in her effect on men.
Certainly, it can be annoying when some men don’t understand when she’s not interested, but
at the end of the day, she’d rather have the attention than not. After all, it isn’t the flower’s
fault for being so magnetic.
Naruto is not the most attractive man she’s ever seen; especially standing next to Sasuke-kun
or Hyūga Neji. Naruto’s slightly above average in looks but nothing to write pages about. ‘I
should be dominating him,’ her mind yells. ‘Wrapping him around my little finger. Under
normal circumstances, if I even gave him a chance to date me, he should be thanking me for
spending time with him!’ And yet, Ino’s knees automatically wobble whenever she sees him.
Her breath quickens, her nipples stiffen, her womanhood steadily grows drenched, and her
memories stuff her deep into heavy arousal.
Certainly, Sakura hasn’t helped the irregular acuity of her arousal in any way. Since the
pinkette’s been returning the attention every day, Ino always finds herself debating finding
Naruto to relieve her heavy ache or not. There’s so much that goes into that decision; many
questions that all center around her fear of why Naruto makes her feel so good when she
doesn’t love him like she does Sasuke-kun. Yet, every time Ino leaves Naruto, she’s thinking
about him, about herself, about possibilities, and about what she thinks she knows about real
love. Her mother had once confessed she preferred the phrase, ‘life-partner.’
‘While romance is most certainly an important part of love, it’s not the only part that matters,
nor is it the most important part if you want to have a long loving relationship,’ her mother
once told her. ‘Your father, the love of my life, is also my very best friend, and there are many
times when a friend matters more than romance.’ Young as Ino was—with her fantasy life as
Sasuke-kun’s future wife—she easily disregarded her mother’s thoughtless comment, but Ino
isn’t so innocent anymore.
With Sasuke-kun returning in a few days, Ino’s finally ready to end this plan for Sakura and
possibly think of something more honest with Naruto… a friendship… maybe more?
‘I must be going crazy,’ Ino mentally groans as she roughly rubs her symmetric face in
frustration for her Naruto Sasuke-kun dilemma. While it’s true Naruto isn’t who she
originally thought he was, sometimes he still feels like it. In many ways, he’s still the same as
she remembers, but in a lot of other ways, he’s more…
The knock on her bedroom door brings her out of her thoughts as she hops out of bed. In her
purple hotpants and tight top, Ino opens the door for Sakura and though she smells clean, Ino
can see her pink-haired former friend and rival looks exhausted.
‘In one study or another, she probably trains all day now,’ Ino thinks as she comments, “you
look nice.”
Ino hops on her bed and sits with her legs spread before patting the bed and adding, “come
here.” Sakura removes her outerwear for her red hotpants and tight pink and white tank
underneath. It’s not the pinkette’s favorite style of clothes but Ino traded a photo for her to
wear it for the entire year and it was the easiest photo she ever earned. Sakura takes a seat
between Ino’s legs before the platinum blond begins giving her a much-needed massage.
Sakura doesn’t even care when she moans in delight.
“So, with Sasuke-kun coming back in a few days, I thought I may as well tell you how to
earn the last two photos. As you can imagine, it’ll be harder than vibrator-sex with yours
“Let me guess,” Sakura starts, dreading to say aloud, “you want me to… have sex with
“Who’s my smart little girl,” Ino jokes. “When did you figure out that’s how this ends?”
“When you asked if I could henge into someone else…” Ino recalls. “I assume you thought I
was preparing you mentally for him, so it’d be easier…”
“It’s not going to work, Ino,” Sakura heatedly returns and Ino feels the pinkette’s muscles
tense. “You can force me to be raped by anyone and I’m still going to love Sasuke-kun no
matter what!”
“Since I know how much you love to declare, ‘no matter what, no matter what,’ we’re
putting that theory to the test. You’re going to have sex with Naruto and as always you are
more than welcome to back out, even though you’ve already had sex with me multiple
“Fuck, Ino!” Sakura nearly yells, trying to move away from Ino, but the Yamanaka wraps her
arms around the pink-haired girl and doesn’t let go. Frustrated Sakura weakly adds, “I- … I
was really starting to not hate you again. Then you do shit like this!”
“It’s why I’m the one willing to hold up the mirror,” Ino responds. “Because no one else
“And Naruto?” she asks. “I didn’t think it was possible but we’re in a pretty good place. He
can be annoying sometimes but I actually have a good opinion of him. Whether you can
believe it or not, I like being his teammate. Having sex with him is going to ruin all that.”
Ino can believe it but it’s not as if they talk about Naruto a lot and so she answers, “first,
remember you don’t have to do it-”
Fed up with that empty platitude, Sakura asks in frustration, “why do you keep saying that
like this isn’t blackmail? You always say that and guess what? It doesn’t make it any less
“You do have a choice you idiot,” Ino calls, feeling her own edge. “And I may want you to
have sex with him, but I want you to do it in a specific way.”
“Yeah I got that, but I don’t understand how you want me to-”
“Listen,” Ino interrupts. “I want you to tell him- no, to convince him that you can’t, nor will
you ever, return his feelings, but you would like to give him something special in return.
Make him understand that this is so you can both move on. You know you’ll hurt him by
rejecting his feelings, but because he’s going to be a part of your life, it’s only fair you give
him something special.”
“Keyword, Sakura: Convince,” Ino points out, regardless of how much sense it makes. “If he
believes this is what you truly want, regardless of what you actually believe, then why would
he doubt it?”
“Try!” A frustrated Ino pointedly asks, “Kami, how many times have you rejected him? How
many Sakura?”
“How many times have you hit him, and he keeps asking you out,” Ino then asks, to which
Sakura shamefully answers, “…a lot-”
“That’s my point,” Ino argues. “It’s not exactly normal behavior. I’d almost say he’s
obsessed,” Ino says, though she knows it’s not as severe as Sakura’s obsession. “Even if you
tell him it’s over, how likely is it that he’ll believe you more now, then before?”
“Don’t pretend I didn’t claim that land before him,” Ino asserts. “Remind Naruto that the
earlier he begins to accept it’ll never happen between you two, the quicker he’ll eventually
start noticing other girls.” Ino’s heart beats a little faster at that. Despite, noting how much
this plays in her favor, Ino convinces herself it has everything to do with Sakura shedding the
last vestiges of innocence in hopes that what’s left will react better to the final prong of her
plan. Almost thinking aloud, Ino then asks, “what if Naruto misses out on the real love of his
life because he’s pinning after you the entire time?”
Her face crunches in confusion as Sakura asks, “why the hell do you even care about his love
Shaking her head at the crisis before her, Sakura shakes her head in abhorrence, citing, “for
days, I watched Naruto thinking this has been your plan all along… To force me to fuck the
person Sasuke-kun hates the most. Even if you promise not to tell Sasuke-kun, and of course,
I deny it to my grave, what’s to stop Naruto from telling everyone?”
“Just make him promise not to,” Ino answers. “He takes those pretty seriously.”
“I was with Kurenai-sensei when she talked with Iruka-sensei about Naruto,” Ino answers
“What are you forcing me to do for the last photo,” Sakura sadly asks.
“I want you to ask Sasuke-kun a question for me,” Ino plainly answers before they both go
over various possibilities of how to go about convincing Naruto.
‘You cut the entire waterfall in half and you’re already practicing Rasenshuriken?’ Naru-
nii awes, as he asserts, ‘it hasn’t even been that long!’
‘What can I say,’ Naruto hums in happiness before adding, ‘I’m just too awesome.’ Naruto is
atop the waterfall, taking a lunch break with Haku as his clones continue to practice below.
He’s seated crossed legged with his eyes close, seemingly meditating, so Haku doesn’t find it
‘Yeah, yeah, mister Awesome,’ Naru-nii chuckles to hear himself. ‘Yeesh, I really can be like
that. Tell me how the new technique feels and where it might be tough.’
‘Ne, before that can you tell me who my parents are and who my Godfather is?’
‘Well, I said after you learn Rasenshuriken,’ Naru-nii hums to himself. ‘…but you have
been doing super amazing so how about I tell you half?’
‘Yeah,’ his older self answers. ‘And I’ll tell you the other half after you learn Rasen-
shuriken. Deal?’
‘Cool. So, our surname name, Uzumaki, comes from kaa-chan’s side of the family, as well
as our clan.’
“Uzumaki Clan,” Naruto mumbles and he realizes he spoke aloud when the more patient
eater, Haku, asks, “what was that, Naruto-kun?”
“Ah!” Naruto coughs with an artificial smile. “Nothing. Just thinking about… about starting
my clan, actually. Don’t mind me.” Once Naruto closes his eyes, he asks Naru-nii, ‘sorry,
Uzumaki clan, huh?’
‘Yeah,’ Naru-nii answers, happy to hear Haku in Naruto’s mind-echo. ‘Kaa-chan’s name is
Uzumaki Kushina, and we’re a lot like her, except she has long tomato-red hair.’
‘Uzumaki Kushina…’ Naruto mentally repeats, trying to hold in his emotions and keep from
tearing up. ‘I bet she’s a total badass!’
‘And tou-chan?’
‘Sorry, Mini-me,’ Naru-nii cuts him off there. ‘After you learn Rasenshuriken. But, your
Godfather’s name is Jiraiya. He’s like a super strong legendary shinobi, but he’s also a
super legendary pervert! He should be in Konoha after the second stage of the Chūnin
‘Jiraiya-jiji,’ Naruto mentally laughs. ‘Sweet! I can’t wait to meet him. This is like the best
day ever!’
Sakura and Ino rehearsed for far longer than Sakura felt was necessary. For nearly two hours
they planned for different responses but Sakura felt the blond idiot gets to have sex with her.
‘It’s the luckiest day of his life,’ she weakly thought. Ino pointed out to her he probably
wouldn’t understand it as being lucky enough to have sex with the love of his life and further
explained he prioritizes emotional bonds over his own physical gratification. Sakura couldn’t
understand why Ino was so certain but it never hurt to be prepared.
After a very deep exhale, Sakura knocks on Iruka-sensei’s front door and after a few
moments, the ever shockingly beautiful Haku opens the door. With a warm smile, Haku tilts
around a bit and calls, “it’s Sakura-chan,” before they both hear a yelping, “Sakura-chan!”
“We were just having dinner,” Haku asserts, and Sakura blushes, wondering if the beautiful
boy knows how adoringly domestic he sounds.
Rushing to the door, Naruto adds, “you want to have dinner with us?”
Smiling weakly, she simply shakes her head, but thanks them before adding, “Naruto, can we
After his quick, “of course,” Sakura leads him to his old apartment. The building is dark and
for the most part abandoned, however, between floors two and three, Naruto actually had to
kick out some thugs who were harassing one of the last remaining, elder tenants. “Don’t let
me catch you back here again!” Naruto yelled to the stumbling half beaten thugs. The
unexpected one-sided fight between Team 7 and the four thugs actually put her in a slightly
better mood, until they reach his old apartment. Once inside, Sakura was surprised to see how
clean it all was.
Fortunately his couch, and after she checked, his bed are still there as Naruto asks, “why are
we here?”
After much thought, Ino and Sakura had decided on his apartment because it was the last
remaining solution to all her stipulations. To mentally get through having sex with Naruto—a
thought that sent an unpleasant shiver down her spine—she couldn’t do it in the privacy of
her own bedroom because she’ll always be reminded of it every time she’s there; or in Iruka’s
home, because not only is it wrong, she doesn’t want to remember that if she ever has to go to
Iruka-sensei’s. A hotel room wasn’t an option either because she didn’t want to pay in any
way for this, nor did she want to risk the possibility of being detected either going to or
coming from a hotel. And lastly, it’s highly possible the building will be razed to the ground,
removing the location of this event forever.
Luckily it’s dark enough she doesn’t have to clearly see him if she doesn’t focus her eyes, and
hears him respond, “you’re acting kinda strange. Is everything okay? Is it…”
“Well, I know Sasuke’ll be back soon,” he sullenly states, making her wonder when he
stopped using ‘teme’ to refer to Sasuke. “I can tell you’ve gotten stronger so I was thinking…
well, I thought maybe you didn’t want to train with me anymore.” It’s a sad expression on his
face that makes her focus.
‘…That’s right!’ Sakura’s mind yells in realization. The entirety of her mind was so eclipsed
with mental preparations to get this heinous act over with as fast as she can in order to forget
and return to her Sasuke-kun, that not having to train with Naruto escaped her notice. Aside
from the buzzing satisfaction of her many orgasms with Ino, training with Naruto was the
most positive aspect throughout this entire enslavement.
“Well, maybe it’ll be good for us to switch it up a bit,” Sakura responds. At his weak smile,
she tries to cheer him up by pointing out, “come on, we’ll still be teammates, Naruto. Team 7
is finally reuniting. That’s a good thing.”
“Yeah,” Naruto states with a larger smile. “You’re right. Was that all you wanted to talk
about? We didn’t have to come all the way out here for that… even though I do kinda miss
this place,” he adds looking around happily.
Growing nervous, anxious, and combative at the same time, Sakura clears her throat before
saying, “no actually. There’s something really important I want to say.”
“What’s up?”
“… I know you love me,” Sakura starts shocking the rapidly blushing Naruto.
“Save it,” Sakura calls. “It’s pretty obvious. I already know, so, you don’t have to pretend,
but it’s like I said, Team 7 is finally reuniting, and we’re here because I don’t want you to
have those feelings for me anymore.”
Naruto shifts from one foot to the other, before he nervously asks, “uh, do you really know?”
Shocked, Sakura asks, “did you actually think you were hiding it?”
He slumps before slowly asking, “I… uh, don’t get it… I stopped asking you out and
everything, so it’s fine.”
“It’s not fine, Naruto,” Sakura asserts. She takes a deep breath before communicating, “I
actually like training with you, but I don’t want to if you’re going to continue harboring
romantic feelings for me. I just want to be friends and teammates and nothing more.”
She can see him swallow and step away. His fingers flex as he claims, “but- but we can
totally be friends and teammates and I don’t have to-”
“But you want more,” she challenges him and he balks. “I know you’re in love with me, and
since we’re teammates spending every day together, it’ll be hard to outright reject you…
so… I- I thought of a solution.” His confused eyes make her gulp nervously. “Come morning,
you have to stop loving me. It’ll be hard, but you have to start and really try getting over me.”
“You will,” she insists before adding, “and I’ll give you my virginity.” That completely takes
him by surprise, so much so it’s nearly comical how much his eyes bulge. “Don’t think of it
as a trade,” she tries, defending the idea from his outright rejection. “Even though I know
that’s how it sounds like, it really isn’t. I don’t know what I’d do if someone asked me to stop
loving Sasuke-kun, but that’s what I’m asking you to do, so, because you do matter to me, I
want to give you two things.”
“One,” Sakura continues, cutting him off. “Is something precious to me that I only want to
share with someone I care about, and two, the emotional freedom for you to move on. In this
way, after tonight, I think we can move forward.”
“I can’t,” Naruto plainly states, slowly shaking his head and stepping away.
“You can,” Sakura asserts, grabbing his hand to keep him from leaving. When he tries to say,
“you don’t have to-” she cuts him off, staring into his night eyes. “I’m doing this for myself
as much as for you. I’ll feel… content giving you something I’ll never be able to give anyone
else. Let me give you this one night, then we can move on and our team will be better for it.
Sex isn’t love, so, I won’t feel bad when Sasuke-kun and I eventually get together, and you’ll
be free to fall in love with a girl who’ll actually love you back.”
“This isn’t you!” Naruto yells. “Who are you and where’s the real Sakura-chan?”
“Prove it!”
“…You only told me, Haku-san, and Kurenai-sensei where the real Kubikiribōchō is.”
Sakura interrupts, “I know you used a special technique and chakra we’re not supposed to
talk about during our Escort Mission to Wave.” Close as they are she saw in his eyes that did
it. Sakura takes the bold step of ending this by moving toward the bedroom, but he stops her
just before entering the door.
“… I don’t get it,” Naruto pleads, though he doesn’t outright yank his hand free from hers.
“Why?” He asks, “why do this?”
“I’ve already explained why,” Sakura asserts. “This is the only way.”
“That doesn’t tell me anything!” Naruto calls. He takes a step closer as he hollers with
conviction, “those sound like excuses to me!”
Hoping to put him on the defense despite how accurate she feels he is, Sakura asserts in her
fiery way, “well excuse me if how I feel isn’t genuine enough for you!”
“Sakura-chan,” he calls with desperate attention. “I can’t stop loving you… I won’t. Not until
you make me understand this.”
“How many times have I said I won’t go out with you,” Sakura accuses. “How many times
have I hit you? And you still don’t get it?” She doesn’t let him respond as his wide eyes try to
realize where he might’ve erred. “Naruto, this is what I want to happen and like always,
you’re not using your head.”
“That’s because my heart isn’t in my head,” He casually responds before his face crunches in
pain. “What you’re asking me to do hurts…”
Gulping in horror of the hurt on his face, Sakura fights the prickling heat in her eyes that lead
before the tears and states, “fine, but understand this… if you don’t do this… I will hate
“But-But that makes even less sense!” Naruto calls. “How can you hate me for not making
love with you.”
“I’ll… hate you,” Sakura repeats, ignoring the way her voice croaks as she mentally curses
Ino to the seven levels of hell.
“We don’t have to do this,” Naruto assures her. “I can wait- I’ll wait! Even if it’s for the rest
of my life! I’ll wait!”
Instead of allowing himself to be led into the bedroom, Naruto pulls her to him for a fierce
hug. Feeling broken, he just hugs her and cries. ‘He really loves me,’ she weakly cries
herself, “Naruto…” ‘Oh Kami, if you cry, I’m going to cry too.’
“Please, Sakura-chan… Please, don’t ask me to stop loving you…” he begs, hugging her
When she thinks of how Ino is hurting them both, a tear streams down her cheek. When she
thinks about the month-long cost of her love, more tears stream down her face. Naruto can be
annoying, but she never wanted to hurt him, and yet here she is, forced to break his heart so
her love can live. “I’m sorry, Naruto.” Sakura wonders why this has to happen as she
mechanically continues, “I’m sorry I couldn’t love you the way you love me.” Her hollow
voice adds, “I wish I did, but sharing this with you is important. It’s the end, and it’s what we
both need.”
After many moments of painful silence and sniffing, his voice is so detached when he asks
“will you give me some time?” It actually startles Sakura how lifeless he sounded. She feels
like she gutted him and there’s nothing left. “An hour,” she tells him before moving into the
bedroom. “I’ll wait for you here.”
The story time Naru-nii referred to in the beginning of the previous chapter was a lot of
what happened to the future Naruto that the past Naruto needs to know about for the
upcoming Chuunin arc.
I believe Naruto's love for Sakura--while not as bad as Sakura's obsession for Sasuke--is
a mix between infatuation and rivalry. Kishimoto couldn't be convinced to evolve his
character until a movie at the end of the series, that's fine, but I'm breaking his heart now
Ino does still have a final step to her plan and you'll see what in the next chapter. If you
guys feel she crossed a line again, I totally get that and I assure you she knows as well.
I'll write her character as so. But I, as the author, literally could not see another plausible
way Naruto, who constantly asks Sakura out, even though she regularly hits him, would
give up chasing her... unless, she gives him a hollow version of the thing he truly wants.
Game of Throne Season 8 taught me when something you thought would be amazing,
isn't, the disillusion can help you let go pretty quick. At least we still have the books.
Haku is phenomenal and I'm going to have so much fun writing him. Also, I needed to
have Choji apologize to Ino. He's a teddy bear.
Naruto is progressing with his training right on schedule and he's really starting to
branch out with his clones. There's some other stuff I set up as well.
As always, I'd love to hear from you all and have a great one,
The Burden
Chapter Summary
Love is like the sun we journey toward, casting and ever-lengthening shadow of burden
behind us.
Chapter Notes
Hey guys,
This is the chapter I tend to have 90% done and waiting before a final edit and post. My
usual process is finish a chapter and shelve it for however long it takes for me to write
the following chapter, then, go back and re-edit for the final draft before publishing.
Taking my mind away from the chapter helps me come up with a fresh perspective later
when I go over it again. However, at the moment, I don't have a lot of time and I want to
get one more chapter out in the five days before my oh so crippling "Endless Summer of
Entertainment" starts at my job. So, in order to minimize the stress later, I'm just posting
this one now. This means I can do one more before a two to three month gap. I know
that sucks but, such is life.
Warning: Lemons
This is one of my more larger chapters, but I don't think it drags. 15.7K Enjoy!
In his old apartment, in the dark, Naruto and Sakura face each other in his nearly empty and
cold bedroom. They don’t need more than moonlight streaming through the window to see
each other. Naruto’s sad eyes don’t detect any doubt in Sakura’s stern determination.
“You want me to touch you everywhere?” Hoping she might back down in order to retain a
shred of his innocent heart for her, Naruto adds for unnecessary clarity, “your breasts, your
ass, your pussy?”
Thinking of her month-long training with Ino henge’d as Naruto is the only reason she’s not
panicking. Sakura couldn’t believe she actually gained practical experience in kissing Naruto
as she confidently answers, “I’d kiss you back, obviously.”
“…That’s why we’re doing this,” Sakura voices delicately. “For a better tomorrow, a better
team, I want you to have this one night. Tonight will be y- our one lifetime…”
Fighting the log lodging in his throat, Naruto weakly concludes, “…and then… it’s over.”
“Then it’s over,” Sakura repeats, finding it hard to stomach the hurt projected on his baby
Naruto’s feet move with reserved purpose and he enters Sakura’s personal space. His right
foot lands between her feet so she can feel his hot thigh between hers and his right-hand rests
on her waist while his left-hand digs into his pocket to retrieve an item. Naruto hears
Kurenai’s voice in his mind guiding him not to rush stimulation and to allow his partner to
become used to the idea for a better connection, a better engagement, and overall results.
Sakura stopped breathing for a couple seconds as she hadn’t expected him to be so assertive.
Considering everything she’s done with Ino and how hurt he is, Sakura was expecting to hold
his hand throughout what her analytical mind calculates to be a short two, maybe three pump
‘He feels really warm,’ her nervous mind notes before realizing, ‘I’m actually letting him
touch me! …What’s that,’ her mind finishes as Naruto pulls a moderately sized squeeze tube
from his pocket.
“There’s no running water so I brought a bucket of water and a washcloth for cleaning,”
Naruto informs her as he shamefully delights in the warm sensation of her against him,
despite the grand insufferable ache in his breaking heart. “I want you to use this,” he states
showing her the squeeze tube he purchased. It’s the level above the one Nai-chan likes to use.
This version has a relaxing agent for first time anal players.
“What is it,” Sakura curiously asks tilting her head to read, ‘Oil-Based,’ and, ‘Bottom Butter.’
“Lubricant,” Naruto answers. Still hoping she might back out, he adds, “for your butt.”
Humored, Sakura wryly informs him, “Naruto, I don’t know if you know this but that’s not
where you have sex. It’s actually more toward the front- You know? Don’t worry, I’ll show
Naruto blandly assures her, “I know where it is. This is for your ass because I don’t want it to
hurt if we have anal sex too.” Naruto was bluffing of course. If she asked for it, he would, of
course, oblige, but, if anal sex doesn’t scare her into stopping, he isn’t sure anything will.
Sakura thought being so close to each other with his firm hand on her waist and his leg
between hers was shocking, but her green eyes bulge at his mention of anal sex. “You- you
want to put it in my ass?”
Staring achingly at the spoiling love of his life, Naruto answers, “you said you’d give me
your virginity.”
Aghast with clear shock, Sakura yells back, “yeah, the front, not the back! That’s- That’s
“I don’t want to stop in the middle if we go that far, Sakura,” he states, squeezing her waist
for emphasis, making her breath hitch.
“Wha-” Sakura grasps at any coherent thought in her brain and attempts to ask, “I- really,
Naruto? That?”
Naruto shrugs, offering her a way out, “or we don’t have to do this.”
Sakura’s jaw tightens as she sternly stares at his sad eyes. Thinking of her photo, her Sasuke-
kun, she tries, “but in the butt? Are you some kind of pervert?”
Naruto can’t muster more than a non-committal shrug before expressing, “the only thing I
want you to do is be vocal. Tell me if I do something you like, tell me if I do something you
don’t like, and ask if you want me to do something, including anal. That’s it.”
Turning his neck to look out the window, Naruto wonders if this will truly be their entire
lifetime… one night to love and lose Sakura-chan. If this is truly what she wants, then this is
all the time he’ll ever have to express his love for her, and so he tells her, “we don’t have a lot
of time.”
“It’s not even that late,” Sakura mentions just to say something normal that had nothing to do
with fucking her in the ass. “Midnight isn’t for another three hours.” ‘That should be more
than enough time for him to get two maybe three shots before she can go home, shower, and
be one photo away from finally returning to how it was,’ she thinks.
Sakura can’t believe she’s actually pressing the nozzle into her sphincter and squeezing
nearly half of the tube’s cold gel into her rectum. ‘This is weird! Of course he’d make even
this difficult! Kami, his tiny prick better be a quick shot!’
Sakura faintly recalls the photos she’s burned that show Naruto’s penis may actually be the
length of her face. Sakura never got a better look than what Ino showed her and she burned
all the ones she earned immediately without looking, but she’s fairly certain he’s not actually
small. ‘Or it was just the perspective! She took the photo at an angle that made it look bigger
than it actually is.’
In her white and pink bra and panties, Sakura walks out of the bathroom to find Naruto,
naked but for his boxers, walking up to her. ‘Uwwha we’re both naked,” she nervously thinks
and voices at the same time.
Naruto actually chuckles as he walks up to her and takes her hand. “Nervous?”
Swallowing after taking a deep breath, she answers, “no,” as she allows him to lead her
toward the bed.
Naruto yet again, offers, “the second you want to stop, no matter what, we will.”
“I won’t, Naruto,” she resides herself. Sakura’s prepared. Though she won’t be as pure for
Sasuke-kun as she would like, at least she’ll be with him.
“I was thinking,” Naruto begins to express. “The least I can do is make sure your first time is
really good.”
Sakura chuckles softly before saying, “thanks, but that’s not necessary. This is about you.”
Dubiously, Naruto points out, “if this is really about me, then making you feel great is
necessary.” Again, they’re both reminded that this isn’t how it’s supposed to be and Naruto
tells her, “lay down, please.”
Green eyes widen soberly at the worn bed next to them as her heart hammers painfully in her
chest and her nerves force Sakura to ask, “why,” simply to think about anything other than
the fact she was going to have sex with Uzumaki Naruto.
Sitting her on the sheeted mattress, Naruto escorts her placement on the bed with his gentle
hand as he answers, “this isn’t going to feel great if we’re both tense and uncomfortable, so I
want to give you a massage. On your stomach.”
Sakura nervously shuffles until she’s lying face down on the mattress. Despite all the times
she’s seen Ino henge’d as Naruto on top of her, kissing her, licking her, this wasn’t some
minor genjutsu. This was the real deal and Sakura can only just manage not getting up and
running away. ‘At least I won’t have to see anything,’ her mind desperately grasps at; though
she can still hear him.
Naruto starts, and at his first touch, Sakura automatically tenses, yet, he doesn’t remove his
hand. Instead, the entirety of his palm lightly runs up and down her spine and body of strong
muscle surrounding it, pressing and rotating his thumbs into her shoulder blades and
connecting shoulders, rubbing her trapezius muscles, stroking her neck and just below her
cranium, before kneading her and forearms. The resulting blood flow felt better than she had
anticipated and she had no complaints when his warm and strong hands traversed her bottom
half, massaging just as thoroughly the ball, arch, and heel of her feet, the full length of her
Achilles tendon, her calves, the back of her knees, her warming hamstrings, and to her great
surprise, her buttocks.
Naruto spent more time on her round rear than any other muscle group and to her unexpected
surprise, her body feels joy at his ministrations. The pleasant kneading and rubbing of her
round cheeks somehow made her slippery sphincter itch and pulse. Sakura is confused by the
tickling sensation a few inches deep into her rectum and attributed the grating feeling to the
lubricant he gave her.
In the forty-minute deep-tissue rubbing session, Sakura became accustomed to the idea of
Naruto touching her and applying the perfect pressure to all her nervous and unduly strained
muscles—of which there were many—manipulating them everywhere he caressed to soften
and hum warmly.
‘How does he know how to do that,’ she weakly thinks as he slowly relieves all the stress in
her body and improves blood circulation. Sakura sighed happily after he concluded with her
backside, and didn’t even mind when he unclasped her bra. What was therapeutic and warm
slowly morphed to pleasurable and heat. The way he kneads and subdues her tight muscles
felt unexpectedly like magic.
When Naruto gently turns Sakura around, she can see him start to work on her thighs,
however, she hadn’t expected him to start talking. “The first time I saw you,” he starts. “I was
nine and it was springtime. You know how everyone likes to go to that one park by Yoshino’s
to look at the pink trees?” Despite the question, he was in a trance as he kept up the
pleasurable massage and slowly recounts his train of memory to a confused Sakura. “I was
running around, looking at all the trees when I saw you, well, I saw your hair first. I was
confused because I thought a bunch of petals fell on your head. I mean, how could anyone
have hair so pretty?” Though he asked, Sakura’s throat closed tight during his melancholy
“Anyway, you fell and skinned your knee, so your dad picked you up and put you on his
shoulders while your mom looked you over. She had blond hair just like me. The way your
parents cared for you… that amazed me to see, and I thought, ‘I want that.’ Then we were in
the academy together, but you liked Sasuke and I felt like I had to fight for you if I wanted
that feeling of family.”
A mute Sakura wished she didn’t have to see that clear ache on his face or the blank haze in
his lost eyes as he gazes into the past of the seed of his love for her. ‘Damn, you Ino!’
“I remember the first time you rejected me,” Naruto’s hollow voice continues. “I thought I
was going to die,” he chuckles as he describes going to the Hokage’s office and laying down
in the corner, weeping. “When I cried to Ji-chan about what happened, he said I shouldn’t
give up. That girls like someone who doesn’t quit. He told me he never would’ve been lucky
enough to marry the love of his life if he quit the first time she said no… a Hokage never
quits, he said.” Naruto mournfully states.
Before Sakura can ask him to stop hurting her resolve, he adds, “I’m going to massage your
breasts now.” Sakura wasn’t aware of how relaxed she was until his destination tenses her up
again. When Naruto removes her unclasped bra, she looks away, blushing profusely. “You
look beautiful,” he confesses before moving past his own feelings to continue. “Maybe, Ji-
chan was wrong. I didn’t… I guess that’s not the right way to love someone. Competing like
Closing her eyes, she feels his warm hands massage her full pert breasts and to her surprise,
it’s as warm and nice as everything else he’s done. No pulling or pinching like Ino likes to do,
just interesting, pleasurable, and enticing rubbing. Sakura grows embarrassed when her
nipples harden and her sex grows humid despite her partner, growing more sensitive and
receptive to how his hot hands knead her graspable bosom.
Sakura is hyper-aware of his right hand slowly move down her toned abdomen to the apex of
her legs and begins to rub her over her panties. Along with the pleasantness of his breast
massage, his hands create a tingling current sparking up and down her legs and up her spine
to the base of her skull. As he massages from one breast to the other, he’s also rubbing up and
down the sensitive petals of her leaking flower for many minutes, until she’s breathing heavy
and soaked through her thin garment. Sakura’s pumping heart accelerates as her blood flows
effortlessly to her dilating quim.
As unexpected as everything else he’s done, Naruto begins playing with her nipples as his
other hand slides underneath her flimsy panties. His thick fingers touch her directly and for
some reason, Sakura’s body doesn’t hate it. ‘Mnnn, Kami, I can hear it,’ her rapidly hazing
mind notes the squishing noise his fingers produce against her soaking sex. ‘Why isn’t he
terrible,’ Sakura’s melting mind thinks to ask the moment before his fingers plunge inside
her slick folds.
Unable to keep from letting it out, Sakura moans, “ahn,” and somehow, he’s not overjoyed at
drawing a moan from her. Sakura can’t quite grasp why he’s so calm, until she realizes he’s
heartbroken. ‘Of course he wouldn’t be happy,’ she thinks despite the physical activity
they’re doing. Soon, however, the sensations insist on dominating her mind as his fingers
feel, massage, and stir her hot pleasure folds.
“Sakura,” she vaguely hears him as she tries to fight the tightening rise of pleasure. Moving
his fingers even deeper in her, breaking her silence as she moans, “AHHN!” He calls again,
“Mnn,” she hums with closed eyes when her hips start tensing and mewling.
“Remember, you have to tell me where you like it,” Naruto softly says and it’s not at all
within her intelligence to comprehend as a finger brushes against a wonderful patch of
pleasure, making her moan loader and squeeze his thick slick digit.
The welcome discovery didn’t go unnoticed by either of them and her body rewards his
rubbing and curling fingers with a rising flood of pleasure. Sakura’s womanhood somehow
vibrates even softer, weaker, as his enthusiasm gnaws at her sanity and elevates her arousal
that much further. Despite her embarrassment, Sakura takes comfort in that he isn’t his
normal boisterous self, and moans a little more freely as she slowly spreading her jittery legs.
Along with her mollified mind, the way his fingers and palm play with her nipple and breast
while his other hand pumps his fingers her sensitive pink slit repeatedly tightens a grand coil
of bliss at her leaking center. Then his thumb finds her sensitivity-engorged clitoris.
“Ahhh!” Sakura moans as her legs shake when he strokes her body-mushing button. ‘I’m
close!’ “Mmmm, AH! N-Naruto!” ‘He’s doing it! He’s doing it! He’s doing it!’ her mind
repeats as her humming body rushes closer to her impending orgasm. “Naruto! I’m going to!
It’s happening, it’s happening, it’s happening-”
“Cum whenever you want Sakura,” Naruto softly tells her, and she wants to fight her
rapturous end that much harder, until his hot mouth descends on her pert pink nipple, sucking
on her pink teat powerfully. Her hips buck as his fingers quickly curl and massage her weak-
spot in tandem with her clitoral and nipple stimulation. Crunching her green eyes closed, a
perspiring Sakura couldn’t withstand it and her mind explodes in reverberating white bliss.
“AHHHNNN!” Sakura’s spine arches the same range of curvature as her stretched toes as her
mighty pleasure sponge wrapped around his fingers contracts powerfully, squeezing out jets
of her slick juices and drenching the bed beneath. Dopamine floods her quaking system from
head-to-toe and back, repeatedly, making her vibrate deliciously as she rides her spectacular
Naruto removes her panties along with his tight boxers. Hoping to kiss her at some point,
Naruto decides not to eat her out just in case she doesn’t like tasting herself, or the kiss. For
her benefit, he also rolls her onto her stomach, mournfully assuming she wouldn’t want to
look at him when they have sex.
Recalling the doggy style position from sex with Ino, as well as her research, Sakura heaves
her silent approval. The shift in weight scares her as much as his heat lightly prodding her
vulnerable and aroused womanhood. When Naruto rubs her moist and sensitive cunnie with
long strokes of his pleasure pole, Sakura’s mind would simply repeat, ‘it’s only Ino, it’s only
Ino, it’s only Ino,’ but when his mushroom crown kisses her contracting cock-pocket, her
thoughts immediately correct themselves, ‘that’s not Ino, that’s not Ino, that’s not Ino!’
The duet groan together in serene pleasure with his first thrust into the juicy marrow of her
center. Sakura’s neck extends out at being stuffed and stretched so wide before she drops her
sweaty pink-haired head against the pillow, silently thanking Ino’s vibrator for preparing her
for the veiny dick that feels like her forearm.
“You feel amazing,” Naruto voices, delighting in simply savoring the way her wet, ribbed
nodules twitch in her tight grip of his cock head. Her hot honey-hole feels more than
lubricated enough to push in deeper, however, Naruto pulls back to her entrance, gives her a
second, then thrusts right back in. Gripping and massaging her athletic love-handles, Naruto
keeps a slow and steady rhythm, feeling her out and enjoying the pleasant song of her
moaning whimpers.
‘I can’t believe I’m fucking Naruto,’ her mind yells as he inches closer to something she feels
is dangerous. ‘Someone I don’t love,’ she mentally cries as she buries her perspiring face into
the sweat-soaked pillow as she thrills in back-arching delight. ‘Who am I,’ her mind asks a
few pumps before Naruto finds her cluster of body-quashing pleasure, and her hyper-
analytical mind shorts as her love tunnel snaps with her loud, “AAHHH!”
Sakura’s mind hazes under the quick bolt of pure ecstasy, barely questioning, ‘what was that,’
as Naruto voices, “there you are.” Naruto switches gears and speeds his pussy-displacing
cock to always dig against that area, and Sakura’s mind evaporated under his euphoric
assault. “Ahh! Ahn! AHH! OH! Kami! Kami! AHH!” Sakura would moan with each
slamming thrust and the only awareness her dazed mind is conscious of is the monumental
orgasm building at the very center of her. His perfect thrusts set a fear in her she might not
survive the explosion only moments away.
“Na- AHH! Naruto! MN! Please! Please!” Sakura yells, beginning to lose all control over her
shuttering body, but she didn’t even know what to ask. “I’m cumming, I’m cummmmm
AAAHHHH! AAAHHH! AAAHHHH!” Sakura’s quaking quim seizes as her erupting walls
clutch his thick meat wantonly. The sheets she clutches strongly tear from tensing muscle and
her whole body arches in explosive pleasure. Engaging his own muscles, Naruto held on to
her strong, sheen-covered body as her passions erupted violently, gazing lovingly at the
curvature of he feverish back and the matting of her sweaty pink locks as she quakes and
Naruto was still hard and when he spotted the way her lubed sphincter twitched and pulsed.
Hoping to calm her down some to continue, he unexpectedly plunged in thumb in her
lubricated rectum. His bodily desire wanted to keep going, but he didn’t want her to pass out,
and so, pistons his thumb in and out of her puckered bunghole, but when she offered no
protest, he switched his thumb to his middle and ring fingers and applied firmer friction. Her
moaning and humming body just kept sporadically twitching greatly as he tells her, “Sakura,
my fingers are in your ass.” However, Naruto couldn’t know that Ino offered a photo to
finger Sakura’s ass once, nor that Sakura found she wasn’t as revolted by it as she thought
she’d be.
Naruto presses down with his fingers as he flexes his cock up and Sakura moans between
deep gasping breaths, prolonging her after-climax haze that much longer. It takes a few
minutes until he begins fucking her again, starting with a slow rhythm before moving deeper
and faster. Naruto loved how hot her cushy wetness grips him, how she moans mindlessly,
suffering orgasm after orgasm, until he’s finally pistoning her full depth and he grunts, “so
Clinging to her athletically firm hip with one hand, and the top of her twitching thigh with the
other, Naruto thrusts into Sakura’s drenching meat-intake over and over again, hunting for his
own climax while she’s lobotomized by the multitude of hers. Naruto rubs his moist hand up
Sakura’s rutting sensitive spine to the back of her neck and firmly grips the base of her
stimulated nape using the sensitive muscle as leverage to thrust harder. In the fever high of
incoming oblivion, Sakura revels in the way his commanding hand presses her face into the
pillow as his thick pleasure stick ushers her into the upper echelon of euphoria, uninhibitedly
screaming, “MNN! Yess! Yess! FUck! Me!”
Naruto grunted repeatedly until he buries the length of his probing organ into her wet, hot
velvety nook, and groans when his balls brace as he pressure-shoots load after load of his
thick man-milk directly into her thirsty uterus, drowning her quaking insides with hot
gelatinous spunk.
Tongue out, chin drenched in saliva, mewling nonsensically, Sakura saw white as the
overdose of bliss is more than her mind can handle and passes out as her body contracts and
shudders ceaselessly, instinctively gripping him in with all her primal unconscious might.
Naruto himself loved unloading hot into hot and shuddered happily throughout.
As Sakura came to, she felt a wave of peace with the universe, voicing her love of all the
wonderful feelings tingling up and down from scalp to toe-nails and hurting Naruto in the
process. Hearing a hazy Sakura say Sasuke’s name put the final nail in this coffin housing
what remained of the innocence of his first love.
Her face against the mattress, Naruto felt the urge to take out his loss on her, to wake her up
by stuffing her virgin anus with his thick meat and making her feel him, Uzumaki Naruto, is
the one inside her and making her pass out from pleasure. He wanted to dominate her for
willfully hurting him like this... But he learned long ago, even if others choose to hurt or
belittle him, he doesn’t have to choose revenge no matter how good it felt.
Naruto knows the outcome wouldn’t be honest. Naruto wanted everyone to acknowledge and
respect him because they realized it through his convictions, not his vengeance. He’s pranked
enough people to know teaching others a schoolyard-lesson isn’t as lasting as truly
understanding one another is, so rather than paying the hurt forward, Naruto exhales that
anger with a long calming breath and flips her compliant blushing body over, so she’s on her
back, then lifts her onto him as he sits.
Sakura is flush against his chest, her legs spread and straddling his pelvis while she comes to.
‘Why am I sitting on Naruto’s lap,’ her groggy mind wonders before she feels his hard rod
hooked between her soaked legs and flush against her riveting sex, beating hotly against her.
Her green eyes focus more when he asks, “you ready to go again?”
“Hah… Again?”
His answer is taking her thin waist with his arm and lifting her while his left-hand grips and
guides his meat missile toward her dripping target, before lowering her sensitive sex until
she’s fully impaled. Naruto savors the sight of her beautiful face contort in blissful rapture
and the guttural sound of her moan as she slowly filled to brimming with pulsing meat.
Though they are face to face when he tells her, “go ahead, Sakura. Show me how much this is
for me.” Naruto pulls her close so her head is beside his and they can’t see the dejection in
their eyes. While Sakura seemingly decides to voluntarily ride his hot, thick, shapely cock,
her breast and hard nipples press wonderfully into his chest as he rubs and kneads her
sensitive ass for many moments waiting on her.
Loose in the head and craving more in her sex, Sakura begins rocking her hips slowly. It isn’t
long before she craves more friction and quickly picks up the pace. Not only did she enjoy
the stability of his rock hard body, the way her soft breasts and hard nipples pressed against
his in the motion of her bucking hips, the control of riding his thrilling pussy-stuffer at her
leisure, but she also enjoyed the itch her rectum percolated with as he kneaded her plump
split rear.
Sakura’s round butt humped his glistening cock repeatedly all the while he whispered in her
ear how amazing she feels; “Your pussy feels so great,” and, “I love how wet you are,” and,
“keep- mmn squeezing me Sakura. Just like that,” and, “your pussy’s going to make me cum,
Sakura. I’m going to cum in your pussy.” On and on as she rode him madly, until Naruto
slapped her white sweet-cheeks and the itch in her ass and the pleasure coil in her cunt
snapped. Sakura impaled herself to her rupturing depth, hugging him for vital stability as she
moans and cums powerfully. Her soaking climax pushed him over and he breaks his balls
letting flood after flood inside of her, sending her over against at the molten seed filling her
birthing chamber yet again.
For a moment, Sakura lost all awareness of time and inhibition as she weakly leans back in
the radiating oven that is his embrace. Naruto moves a bit of her sweaty pink hair matted to
her forehead, delicately cupping her face as he woefully admits, “you look so… beautiful.”
Though he should be overjoyed to be doing such an intimate act with her, his first love, his
eyes and brows strain mournfully, like the abrupt loss of a life-long comfort, and despite the
way her body sings, that saddens her. ‘I did that,’ Sakura’s groggy mind accuses. Regardless
of what Ino made her do, she went through with it, and Sakura hates the way that makes her
feel. Rather than suffer this ugly truth, however, Sakura leans down and kisses Naruto. Her
lips dance with his, deeply, openly until their tongues meet and Sakura actively seeks to
forget her offense, her shame, her love, and just be.
Though it wasn’t a representation of mutual love, Sakura and Naruto have fevered passionate
sex throughout the night, steaming the room with their pungent fluids. Sakura was so
mindless, she even asked Naruto to scratch the horrible itch in her ass, and though she meant
with his fingers, Sakura came so hard from his cock-pistoned thrusting and ultimate climax,
that she passed out from the exhaustive pleasure. Her need to forget and his need to accept
what will never be, drive them to share this one comfort. If they could think, they might
regret it, but it simply felt better to escape into ecstasy, if only for the night.
Despite having to wait for her to regain consciousness after nearly every one of his orgasms,
a scorned Naruto came in or on her twelve times before morning, knotting her five times. He
did eat her sweet honey-hole, he did cum in her rectum, he made her cum repeatedly, and by
the end, the demented grin on her face made him proud of his clear skill, yet, hurt him at the
same. This was nothing more than base sex with someone he truly wanted to marry at one
point. Now, however, he knows things between them will never be the same.
The room is bathed in morning sunlight and Naruto just zips up his orange jacket while
gazing a slumber Sakura covered in bed. Thinking of his future counter-part and what
might’ve been with Sakura, he admits to himself, “I wanted an answer.” Naruto sighs as the
ache sets in, sorrowfully adding, “but I didn’t want it now…”
Naruto leaves her in bed, and in the coming days, skips team meetings and practices, though
it took Haku, Hinata-chan, or Kurenai no time at all to notice his mournfully dour depression.
“…Oh, sweet Kami,” Sakura moans after another tremor, repeatedly recalling that Uzumaki
Naruto made her cum so hard she passed out, multiple times.
Sakura’s in her bedroom, on her bed, showered, yet unable to remove the Bottom Butter
lubricant in her ass, and changed into comfortable home wear, reminiscing. She’d been
hugging her stuffed bunny, reflecting on the most monumental physical milestone in any
young girl’s life. Sakura was a woman now. Sakura didn’t really talk to other girls beside Ino,
and never about sex when she did, so the pink-haired girl can’t be sure how the experience is
for everyone, however, she’s fairly certain, the first time isn’t usually so mind-blowing. ‘I
asked him to scratch my ass and didn’t care he did it with his dick!’ her flabbergasted mind
yells in disbelief.
Surprised, Sakura shrieks as her green eyes snap on Ino like a whip, unsettling her and asking
on reflex, “what are you doing here?”
Upon seeing the confusion on Sakura’s face, Ino answers, “you’ve been in a blushing daze
since this morning, mumbling, ‘sweet Kami,’ like every thirty minutes. You told me to give
you a minute nearly four hours ago!” At Sakura’s shocked, blushing face, Ino huffs in
complete understanding, noting the obvious. “…Guess he rocked your world, huh?”
“N-no,” Sakura pitifully tries to lie and feeling her face flush with warm blood. “He d-
didn’t… he couldn’t!” Sakura felt defensive in front of Ino. She couldn’t allow her rival to
see her vulnerable truths… her reality of self-doubt.
“You know I can tell you’re lying, right,” Ino points out. “How good was he?”
“He wasn’t!”
“Oh, my,” Ino humorously chants, taunting the pinkette. “It couldn’t be… you’re not scared
Naruto might affect your feelings for Sasuke-kun, are you?”
“…You’re so childish Ino,” Sakura answers without her usual fervor, still feeling the waves
of him inside her sex and ass, drilling her walls until she erupted in gushing bliss. Sakura’s
body just couldn’t shake Naruto off, however, her mind was her own and she weakly
responds, “you like to think you’re so smart because of your parents, but you’re really just
pretending; spouting stupid nonsense until something finally sticks. Did you really think sex,
no matter how amaz-… no matter how satisfying it may have been, could change what I feel
in my heart?”
Sakura felt hollow in her defense, but she certainly wasn’t expecting Ino to laugh horribly
amused, to the point Sakura questions the blond’s sanity. “No, actually,” Ino eventually
answers, reading the pinkette perfectly, and at Sakura’s confused face, she verbalizes, “then
why have you fuck Naruto, you’re wondering… Easy. This was never about Naruto,” Ino
states with authority. “He was just the best option to prove my point-”
“That I wouldn’t love Sasuke as much just because Naruto so happens to be good- because
he’s not the worst in bed?” Sakura never likes when confident Ino targets her. The girl’s
certainty can be unnerving, and in panic, Sakura also asks, “how pathetic is that?”
“It had nothing to do with how he was in bed either,” Ino answers. “But that’s a surprise to
hear,” Ino effortlessly lies.
“Then what!” Sakura yells in clear agitation, feeling fragile in fear of the answer. “What?
What was all this about!”
“Kami, how can you be so blind,” Ino huffs with sheer disbelief. “This has always been about
you! Not Naruto, not me, not Sasuke-kun, but you! In all your witless declaration of your
supposed love, you actually convinced yourself that having sex with me, having sex with
Naruto, was the only way to prove your love for Sasuke-kun; as if it was some hard-fought
victory! ‘Here, look at how much I suffered to validate Sasuke-kun’s the only one for me,’ like
a simpleton. Only weak-minded people who lack any self-respect fall for stupid shit like that.
How is Sasuke-kun supposed to love someone who thinks so little of their own self-worth?”
“I…” she pauses when she feels her eyes grow humid and prickly. Swallowing she yells
through the horribly mounting ache, “I do respect… myself!”
“You respect yourself but you also had sex with Naruto,” Ino questions as obviously
ludicrous. “Someone you don’t even love-”
“Because of you!”
“I always gave you a choice,” Ino further bullets as Sakura’s mind recalls all the times Ino
gave her the option to back out and even the chances Naruto gave her to back out. ‘But I
couldn’t,’ Sakura’s mind yells in defense. ‘Not if it meant losing Sasuke-kun!’
With fear-inducing accuracy, Ino continues, “but you never took it, did you, because you
were all to happy too throw away your self-respect, your dignity, if it meant you wouldn’t
lose your precious Sasuke-kun.” Sakura couldn’t keep her surprised brows from rising or
shocked eyes from shaking as Ino adds, “it’s because you have no respect for yourself that
you can’t see Sasuke-kun could never love a doormat like you.”
All her research on obsessive love plague her mind like a virus and her cum filled stomach
sinks as Ino adds, “I bet Sasuke-kun could beat you, could try to kill you, could try to kill
your parents, your teammates, or even everyone in this village and you would still ‘love’
him,” Ino declares with such confidence. “Do you think that’s normal? Do you? Because that
sounds like the delusional fantasy of what some anti-social man thinks a woman’s love is.”
“…Sasuke-kun wouldn’t… He’d never… How could you say something like that!” Her mind
hops on the nearest branch of sanity, yelling, “this just proves you don’t love him!”
But Ino is just as stern, just as defiant, just as confident as Sakura always remembered her to
be when she refutes, “I never want him to feel so much hurt he would descend to that level of
darkness. It’s actually my biggest fear and it would break me to hear how much his hatred has
consumed him, but no, Sakura, it proves I’m not blind to the lengths his pain and suffering
would take him. I see him, and I won’t ignore what his vengeance is capable of just because I
love him! You don’t have to believe me, but it’s okay. I’ll help you get your own answer.”
Ino takes out the last photo; a good shot of Sakura licking Naruto’s third leg before Ino
explains, “this last photo is for that conversation I originally wanted you to have with Sasuke-
kun. You’ll meet me after to take this last one when you ask him what his vengeance is
worth: you, his teammates, our village, our country. Ask him if…” Ino pauses to keep the
tears at bay as her voice fights to finish asking, “if we got in the way, what does he feel in his
heart of hearts he would do?”
Kakashi looks at him and Sasuke truly attempts to suppress from his face the urge to beat
some sense into his blond teammate. For the past month, a ferocious Sasuke has thought of
nothing but Itachi and the Dobe, which isn’t right in any conceivable measure. For his
complete betrayal, Itachi has earned Sasuke’s murderous thoughts. The Dobe on the other
hand, shouldn’t even be a point of serious thought, but for how much of an idiot the blond is.
Brash, loud, talentless…
‘How!’ Sasuke gravely asks himself. ‘How did that idiot defeat a former Anbu? Where did
that power come from?’
Even though Sasuke recalls Kakashi’s explanation: ‘mmn, what he did is a first-rate example
of why you should never underestimate your opponent. You didn’t expect it as much as every
other person on that bridge, which meant not a single one of us could’ve guessed he had a
trump card he could successfully land. That’s how Naruto-kun won. It’s why we always look
underneath the underneath.’
Despite knowing the specifics of how the Dobe defeated the former Kiri Anbu, Zabuza, it
doesn’t explain away the embarrassment of his arrogance, as if it’s okay for him—a nobody
and an idiot—to act strong. The world will not tolerate it. ‘I will not tolerate it!’ For if the
Dobe can be strong, then what does that say about himself? What does that say about his own
chances of killing his treacherous brother, the clan-killer? Or returning the Uchiha name to its
former glory? Sasuke simply doesn’t have the time to waste putting his blond teammate in his
place. He needs to concentrate all his energy on hating the only person who deserves it.
Currently, in Iruka-sensei’s mildly forested backyard, Kakashi is observing a very down and
depressed Naruto, and even Sasuke will admit it’s unnatural to witness as their sensei says,
“ma, maybe next time, Sasuke-kun. We all just reunited after all.”
The Dobe was late to their meeting on the bridge near training ground 13; So late, in fact,
Kakashi-sensei showed up first. After it seemed apparent the Dobe wasn’t going to show,
they all went to Iruka-sensei’s house. Kakashi had to drag their blond teammate out of bed
and that’s where they all find themselves; in Iruka-sensei’s wooded backyard with a listless
Dobe in his pajamas and a Kiri traitor serving all but Sakura, tea.
“A month has passed,” Sasuke returns, tightening his fist. “If you’ve already entered our
team into the Chūnin Exams, we should reassess our skill level.”
Kakashi looks him over before sighing and calling, “Naruto-kun, Sakura-chan, let’s see how
you’ve progressed.” Naruto flinches but mournfully moves to the center of Iruka’s grassy
backyard while Sakura slowly removes her navy-blue utility rig around her thigh to keep
their spar even.
‘Even Sakura looks like she just crawled out of the grave,’ Sasuke thinks as they begin their
pathetic spar. ‘What the hell is wrong with these two?’ As Sasuke watches the worst taijutsu
exchange he’s ever seen in his young life, he actually questions if this is reality or a genjutsu
illusion. He’s seen that stupid cat they’ve chased on a few D-Rank missions move faster than
this. ‘Are they trying to fool me with this pathetic display?’
Kakashi stops the weak match when Naruto is knocked flat on his back and doesn’t move to
get back up. Sasuke can clearly see the blond isn’t hurt but is stumped as to why he’s not
getting up. Sakura’s punch didn’t even look like it had any muscle behind it. Sasuke mentally
yells, ‘Is he fucking sky gazing?’ before actually yelling, “what the fuck is going on?”
“Sasuke,” Kakashi warns before he turns to the other two and asks, “what is going on here?”
The Dobe looks to Sakura pained, heartbroken even. Something tells Sasuke she knows what
this mystery is since she doesn’t even return eye contact. ‘Did someone die,’ Sasuke wonders.
Kakashi sighs before suggesting, “maybe we shouldn’t enter the Chūnin Exams.”
“Tch,” Sasuke angrily sucks his teeth while Sakura whirls around to her sensei and asserts,
“no, sensei. It’s fine. We can.”
Kakashi simply shakes his head, addressing his genin students, “if we can’t come together as
a team, then there’s no place for us in the exams. It’s as simple as that.”
Sasuke didn’t think he could get angrier. His thought pattern mirrors his elevating frustration
and aggressively questions, ‘why can’t they see they’re holding me back? You’re all in my
Sakura moves to Naruto, who sat up, though still looks away, and pleads, “Naruto, come on,
it’s okay, right? Tell sensei, we’re okay to participate.”
Sakura’s concern for Sasuke is clear as she looks from the Uchiha to Naruto, and again, he
looks heartbroken. It wasn’t until Sakura looks away saddened that he finally understood, and
couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that erupted from his belly. Drawing all their attention,
Sasuke eventually says, “that’s what this is about? A loser like you is dragging me down
because your pathetic feelings got hurt? You should’ve known this is exactly how it was
going to end! Love means you’ve lost, Dobe. It’s a weakness, like cancer, and you should be
grateful her rejection finally cut it out!”
It’s the first time the blond idiot looked more alive; angry to be sure, but alive, as he
idiotically states, “I don’t regret loving Sakura. Even though it hurts worse than anything I’ve
felt before, that doesn’t mean I hate her or regret loving her.”
The image of the way Itachi smiled when he’d flick a young Sasuke’s forehead drives Sasuke
to shout, “then you never loved at all! Or you’d know that pain isn’t worth it!”
“It hurts like crazy, yeah, but that doesn’t mean you give up you idiot!” Naruto states, blue-
eying Sasuke with every ounce of conviction he has.
Sasuke saw red and hopped high and far on the nearest tree, sticking perfectly as his hands
rapidly transition from Monkey, to Dragon, to Rat, to Bird, Ox, Snake, Dog, Tiger, and
finally Monkey seal before he channels a high concentration of Raiton chakra to his left hand,
yelling, “in this world, strength is all that matters!” Though Sasuke’s current limit is only one
a day for forty seconds, he’s only barely learned Chidori from Kakashi-sensei before they had
to return from their training trip. He’s certain with more training her could manage two a day
for at least a minute.
“Sasuke, that’s enough,” Kakashi calmly calls. “Chidori was created to protect friends and
“You also said it was stronger than his technique,” Sasuke yells to them below, before
singling out his blond teammate. “So, let’s see it Dobe! Let’s see who’s right and who’s
Kakashi moves perfectly between the genin to block Sasuke’s path, asserting, “Sasuke, use
your head. He’s is your teammate-”
“Kage Bunshin no Jutsu,” Naruto quietly calls and a single clone pops next to him, looking
just as angered.
“Naruto,” Kakashi warns, removing his hands from his pockets, the most threatening gesture
Kakashi could make that wasn’t lifting his headband, and both boys instinctively knew what
would happen next if they didn’t stop.
Sasuke smirks in satisfaction to see Naruto ignore their sensei in favor of making his ball of
chakra. He can still hold Chidori for another thirty seconds before he runs out of chakra,
which is more than enough time. Sasuke notes the blond has gotten faster at forming the
dense sphere of blue chakra and was eager to test his strength against the technique that
defeated the former Anbu Zabuza…
…But he couldn’t just yet. For whatever reason, Naruto continued to feed more of his chakra
over his open palm, vibrating the surrounding air as the wind seemed to funnel and circulate
around the still growing ball of chakra. Raising his open palm above the waving blond hair of
his head, the size of his technique continued to grow, stunning them all, until it was the size
of his entire torso.
It was so massive, Sakura had taken many steps back and Sasuke couldn’t understand the
hows or whys of Naruto possessing so much power. They were all staring in stunned
disbelief, so long, in fact, Sasuke ran out of chakra to support Chidori and it extinguished
painfully from his hand. When a worn Sasuke had to return to the grassy earth, Naruto slowly
reduced his massive spherical cyclone of chakra to the size Sasuke remembered before it
fizzles out.
Naruto wasn’t even breathing heavy as the blond’s hard blue eyes turn from Sasuke to
Kakashi and tells him, “I do want to enter the Chūnin Exams, sensei. I just need some time.”
Despite Naruto’s aching heart, none of them could know that he wanted to meet Gaara and
create another bond Naru-nii described as life-long kinship. Naruto looks at Sasuke and what
angers the self-proclaimed avenger was the look of understanding on the blue-eyed blonds
stupid face. ‘As if he can understand my pain!’ But Naruto simply walks back into Iruka’s
Kakashi dismissed his team soon after Naruto’s unbelievable chakra display and Sasuke-kun
had immediately left. She could tell he was upset, though it’s understandable. She doesn’t
think any of them expected Naruto could do that with his chakra. ‘It was stunning,’ she
thought. ‘Kakashi-sensei was right. He really is the most unpredictable ninja… Especially in
bed,’ an errant thought unconsciously adds, making her repeat for the thousandth time, ‘I’m a
woman now. Naruto made me a woman.’
Sakura shakes her head of the second most prevalent thought in her young life. Since their
night together, Sakura can’t help wondering why she felt so good, marvel at his sexual ability,
and daydream of the possibility of reproducing those sensations. Of course, no matter how
good she has to admit he was, she never will again and the reason why is multifaceted. The
hurt on his face is not something she likes or wants to see, and she absolutely hates her part in
putting that pain there. Sakura also hates how great sex can effortlessly cast a confusing
shadow of doubt in what was previously bright and unshakable.
Seeing Naruto, feeling him, unsettled what was once grand and majestic, and if Sakura is
ever going to return to that beautiful existence, she’ll need that last photo; a photo that
requires her to have a conversation with Sasuke-kun. Sakura was tired of questioning the
nature of her awkward emotions and just wanted to return to some semblance of comfort.
Sakura simply wants to love again, however, their team won’t meet again until the exams,
forcing Sakura’s hand. This is her moment. Her best opportunity to speak with the love of her
life and set her back on the right path. “Sasuke-kun, wait, please!”
A miffed Sasuke stops and turns to her, asking with clear aggravation in his voice, “what?”
Sinking further in annoyance, Sasuke turns and continues walking until Sakura cuts in front
of him, stopping him. “Please. wait.” Stoically, he says nothing, but he doesn’t leave either. “I
want to ask you something, and I promise, I won’t get mad. I just want to hear the truth or
your truth-”
“…What is your vengeance worth?” Her question makes him blink before his brows come
together in irritation. “I know you want to kill a certain man,” Sakura continues. “But what if
you lose your soul because of it? I can’t imagine you would hurt others just to satisfy your-”
Sasuke promptly challenges her with irate black eyes and a hard voice. “What could you
possibly know about my vengeance? Rather than wasting my time asking me useless
questions, you should be training. Honestly, you’re even weaker than the Dobe,” Sasuke
finishes before walking around her.
Despite the tumorous lump lodged in her dry throat and her hot moist green eyes, Sakura
turns and calls out, “wait, please Sasuke-kun! I just want to be useful to you. Just… just help
me to understand-”
Whipping around to face her, he declares, “how could you, Sakura? With all your intellect,
how could you possibly understand me when your house has parents still breathing?”
Thinking of that disgusting look of empathy Naruto directed at him… that look of complete
understanding, Sasuke nearly yells, “you can’t! Not a single one of you can! And it only
pisses me off when you try!”
Blobs of tears well around her green eyes as Sakura tries, “b-but I want to-”
“Then kill your parents,” Sasuke commands. She couldn’t believe how small and clear his
black eyes were when he then tilts his head, as if reconceptualizes. Sasuke moves close to her
like a predator as he states, “better yet, the bothersome way you’d hang all over me, reminds
me of how stupid I used to be.” As delicate as the entire raven-haired-scope of her world is,
rather than fix what feels fracturing within her, Sasuke-kun flicks her forehead… her
insecurity… sharply, shattering something vital within her. She flinches at his flick under his
striking eyes as he asks, “what if I killed your parents, Sakura? Would you still call me your
Sasuke-kun then? Would you still be so blissfully ignorant about how completely irrelevant
your understanding is to me?”
“Sa-Sasssuke-kun,” she weakly tries as hot tears finally spill over when she shudders. Her
voice croaks as she wills herself to say, “don’t… you-you’re not like that… You can’t be…”
Sasuke snorts at her blind, dewy-eyed innocence, before his demanding eyes labels her with
the most disheartening pitiable regard she’s ever felt. “All I have is my hate- No, all I want is
my hate. Someone as naive as you will never understand that. Outside of team duties, leave
me alone,” he easily demands, then silently leaves. Sakura doesn’t follow.
On autopilot, Sakura’s sandaled feet shuffle to the field of flowers near the Academy. The
walk felt like the longest and shortest trip she’s ever made, and before she knows it, she’s
standing in front of a quiet and sympathetic Ino.
Sakura’s wide eyes finally focus on Ino, and though she feels like she should be angry at the
platinum blond, or raging in defense of her love for Sasuke… she, in fact, feels nothing.
Sakura is in such a state of limbo, she has to question something she never thought would be
an issue. To her horror, Sakura actually contemplates if she’s more shocked about the fact he
threatened her parent’s lives, or how he claims she could never understand him while her
parents still live… and that made her sick to her stomach… that she would weigh the
possibility of her own parent’s deaths— their murder—simply to better understand this boy.
At the smiling faces of the mother that birthed her and the father that loves her
unconditionally, under the full bloom of Sakura trees Naruto had reminded her of, Sakura felt
For the first time in her life, Sakura was scared of this dominating feeling she has for Sasuke.
Thinking evil, morbid thoughts against her own family in order to understand the boy in her
heart is ‘wrong… It’s wrong! Something about this is wrong! My love is…’
Sakura’s tears are flowing before she’s even aware of them. The moment her confused mind
feels the fat globs of salty liquid racing down her pink cheeks, Sakura begins to wail in
agonizing sadness. Both kunoichi end up on the grass with Sakura wrapped in the
Yamanaka’s arms. Ino doesn’t simply hug the wailing girl for comfort, she holds Sakura
together, to keep her once best friend from breaking, periodically whispering, “it’ll be okay,”
and, “I have you, Sakura. I have you.”
Sakura wanted to respond, ‘it’ll never be okay,’ and, ‘I hate you,’ but she couldn’t stop crying
and Ino was the only life-sustaining warmth in that very cold day. They stay in the field of
flowers, where a crying Sakura and an understanding Ino first became friends until late into
the night.
If it wasn’t for Naru-nii, Haku, and Kurenai’s unyielding support, Naruto couldn’t imagine
walking beside a morose Sakura and a rigid Sasuke up to the exam room a mere five days
since his night with his pink-haired teammate. Though Kurenai refused to have sex,
advocating an emotional imbalance could ruin what they have, she at least slept with him
every night until the early morning, before leaving for team duties. Naru-nii would talk to
him about good times with many new friends Naruto is still looking forward to making, and
after convincing Haku not to murder Sakura, his brunette friend would simply be there for
him. No matter the time of day, Haku would simply be there.
After a wave to Tenten and a fist bump to a confused Rock Lee, Naruto waits beside the
entrance doors of room 301 for Sasuke to lose to Guy-sensei’s smaller younger doppelgänger.
During Naru-nii’s story times, he’d already heard how strong Rock Lee is and the amazing
grit the shinobi possesses to overcome his shortcomings. ‘He’s the epitome of hard work
defeating geniuses who don’t work hard,’ Naru-nii had said, which Naruto immediately
“Shouldn’t you be with your teammates,” Naruto hears Kakashi ask from behind him. In the
hallway, Kakashi is by the doors of the exam room while Naruto leans against the wall.
“They’ll be here soon,” Naruto dully states, not bothering to turn to the legendary Copy-
“You’ve certainly grown, Naruto-kun,” Kakashi slowly voices over his little orange book.
“Far more than I ever anticipated.”
Despite everyone from Ji-chan to Naru-nii endorsing Kakashi as one of the strongest shinobi
in their village, an aggrieved and miffed Naruto responds, “yeah, well, Kurenai-sensei is
pretty great.” It didn’t take him more than a second to realize that response came from a bad
emotional place and he regretted saying it. “Sorry, Kakashi-sensei. I shouldn’t have said that.
It just sucks sometimes; you spending so much more time with Sasuke than me or Sakura. I
mean, don’t we matter too?”
“It’s fine, and though it may not seem like it, yes, you do. You both do,” Kakashi calmly
states, unoffended. “It’s true, I haven’t been fair with my time to you and Sakura-chan. As
Jōnin-sensei for all three of you, that isn’t how it should be, but life is rarely fair. It’s better to
learn that bitter lesson early.”
“I’m pretty sure I learn that lesson every time I go outside,” Naruto huffs, though thinking of
Kurenai-chan and Ino-chan, he lazily wonders if there is some form of cosmic balance.
“I suppose you do,” Kakashi sheepishly admits, mono-eying the less jovial Naruto. “And
here you stand, one of the strongest genin to come out of the Academy. Despite all your
opposition and hardships, you overcome. I’m not excusing them, but isn’t that a valuable trait
to learn about yourself? It means you’re a survivor.”
Snorting, a glum Naruto simply asks, “you think it’d be asking too much to be a survivor
with friends, family, and or a sensei who doesn’t favor one student?”
“…No,” Kakashi admits, considering his own history a moment. Realizing that Naruto is
heartbroken on top of consistently brushed aside, Kakashi tries to balance the other end of
this state of rejection. “Listen, it’s not like Sasuke-kun and I are eating ice-cream or going to
the hot springs to relax. Whether you believe me or not, Sasuke-kun needs more help, and I
just so happen to be in the best position to do that.”
‘No, you’re not,’ Naruto thinks, wondering if he can run into Itachi sooner than Naru-nii had.
“I get it. He can be an obnoxious ass, but I want to help him too.”
“Focus on your training,” Kakashi tells him. “You’re already cutting the leaf with your Fūton
chakra. Training in the waterfall is going to be even harder.”
“Yeah, well, it’s not enough,” Naruto despondently states, not bothering to correct his sensei
on the progress he’s recently made as thoughts of Naru-nii’s warnings and aches of a broken
heart cloud his mind horribly.
Kakashi states, “you don’t have the frame of reference, but trust me, the way you’re going is
an amazing achievement.”
“It’s going to take a hell of a lot more than Fūton chakra to protect everyone,” Naruto returns
all the while thinking how pitifully small that feat is compared to how Naru-nii is trying to
protect the entire world. One Fūton user isn’t going to be anywhere near enough.
“You have time, Naruto-kun,” Kakashi states to which Naruto nearly chuckles. “Don’t be in
such a rush to be Hokage. You keep going like this and I have no doubt it’ll happen before
you know it.” Naruto doesn’t say more as he waves to Team Guy when they walk by and
enter the exam room—of the three, Lee was the only one to wave back, putting a small smile
on Naruto’s face. Sasuke and Sakura eventually join him and though Sasuke looked like he
got a good kick to the chin, Naruto only wondered why Sakura wasn’t healing him.
Kakashi informs his genin, “I’m glad each one of you decided to take the exams. I know
things are strained right now, but you’re still Team 7. Remember, those who break the rules
are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum. Stick together and make
me proud.”
When they finally enter room 301 and the large classroom is full of grungy, older, odorless
genin, all stern of eyes and threatening of posture. Even the daylight streaming in the room
doesn’t dull their drab aura of homicidal intent. Naruto does find it humorous that he can
smell the old wood of the large room more than the ninety or a hundred hardened genin
filling it.
Naruto ignores her question in favor of looking for red hair and a sand guard in the large
gathering when he hears Ino call, “Sasuke-kun!” before hopping to encircle his neck with her
arms. “You’re late,” she moans. “It feels like forever since I last saw you.”
‘First Sakura, now Ino…’ Naruto didn’t think his inside could squirm and wither any worse.
The heartbroken blond stays quiet as Kiba calls out exactly what he felt, “get away from Ino-
chan, Sasuke-kun. That’s my woman you’re- …you’re letting hang all over ya!” Akamaru
barks for added punctuation despite a vexed Sasuke clearly doing nothing to instigate the
aggressive hugging.
“Ino…” Sakura says, lacking her usual fervor as she eyes the Yamanaka expectantly. Sakura
hates this platinum blond bombshell. She can feel the hate within her every time she looks at
a stoic Sasuke and recalls the potential depths of his disgusting darkness. Looking at Sasuke
now, Sakura doesn’t see her future as his wife and mother of his many Uchiha children. She
sees someone who’s capable of both incredible good and incredible bad, who needs help, and
worse yet, she sees her own emotional disorder, like a recovering alcoholic gazing at his
demons in the bottle.
Ino has made Sakura see the lengths of her fixation on a boy who needs psychological
treatment more than a girlfriend, and Sakura hates Ino for it. Life has been hard, dark, and
colorless without the basket of sunshine that was her eternal love for Sasuke. And to make
matters worse, Ino has hurt Naruto. ‘No, not completely. I treated him horribly at every turn.’
It’s hard to imagine how things within Team 7 might’ve been if she continued to love Sasuke
as much as Naruto continued to love her, but she would hate to think the blinders were
removed too late.
Though Sakura blames all of this on Ino, it feels like hating her parents for making her eat
her vegetables. It’s not about the taste, it’s about personal growth, and somehow, Sakura feels
like one day she’ll look back on this time and possibly be grateful for suffering through this
bleak, agonizing, and love-calloused existence.
“Forehead,” Ino happily calls, stepping away from Sasuke and mildly surprising some by
hugging Sakura close and around her neck, purposely pressing the fleshy breasts together.
Though she hears Kiba proudly tell Shino, ‘did’ ya see that? She got off him,’ Ino ignores the
Inuzuka to happily insult Sakura with no real heat. “Love what you haven’t done with your
“Oh, Ino-pig,” Sakura returns, clearly faking happiness despite allowing the warm hug. “As
usual, if you don’t keep your mouth shut, all your stupidity will leak out.” Despite all their
drama, their ‘insults’ feel like hello and they both smile softly as Sakura whispers, “I still
hate you…”
“As long as I get to see how strong you get, I don’t care,” Ino whispers back and Sakura
smiles a little as Shikamaru, alongside Chōji walk to the gathering rookies.
“We heard you guys were taking the exam as well,” Shikamaru states, looking around the
gathering of the Rookie Nine with a somewhat reserved Chōji by his side eating from a bag
of potato chips. “This is such a drag,” Shikamaru huffs.
“I wonder which one of us’ll make Chūnin first,” Kiba eagerly calls with a confident smirk.
‘Shikamaru,’ Naruto off-handedly answers in his mind as he continues to look around the
room and Kiba adds, “I bet our sensei’s been training us harder than yours, Sasuke. This isn’t
going to be like in the Academy. I’ll show you the true strength of a man!” Kiba looks at Ino,
blushing a bit at the sight of her. Sasuke returns a simple grunt and arrogant smirk.
“I hope you’re not all bark, Kiba,” Chōji declares. “Because our team is stronger than ever.”
‘He’s not wrong,’ Ino thinks. Chōji’s attitude has changed quite a bit and Ino’s heard his
home life is far more strict on him.
“I think as long as we try our best, we’ll be happy with our results,” Hinata unexpectedly
shares with her former classmates, whom did not know how to respond to the usually quiet
‘Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chōji, Yamanaka Ino, Inuzuka Kiba and Akamaru, Aburame
Shino, and Hyūga Hinata… They all have their quirks, but they’re all good people Naru-nii
becomes close friends with,’ Naruto thinks as he looks throughout the large room of
murderous faces for any redhead at this point. ‘Why the hell can’t I spot a redhead in this
grungy-ass crowd?’
“Are- are you okay, Naruto-kun,” Hinata-chan asks from behind him. Naruto recalls how
worried about him she’s been since their last dinner together.
It was really nice of her, so he nods and gives her a genuine, if not large, smile as he
responds, “hey, Hinata-chan. Yeah, I’m doing okay, I guess. Thanks for asking,” he answers
as he wonders if it would be wrong to ask her to use her Byakugan to find Gaara. Shaking his
head at the thought, he returns to his search, looking farther back in the long room.
“What’s up with him,” Shikamaru asks Sasuke as the Nara ponders the change in the
generally loud blond.
“He’s probably scared shitless,” Kiba laughs, however Sakura and Sasuke know that isn’t the
“Oh! Letting a girl fight your battles now, Dead Last,” Kiba snorts.
Ino smacks him in the shoulder, adding, “don’t call him that.” Though Kiba is surprised by
Ino’s reaction, they’re all interrupted.
“Hey, you guys should be a little quieter,” says a silver-haired boy with round glasses Naruto
has already met. Walking up to them with a friendly smile he adds, “as the nine rookies
taking the exam, you’re all a little too cute to leave alone in a room full of more experienced
“And who are you supposed to be,” Ino asks, eying his Konoha forehead protector.
“Yakushi Kabuto,” he answers. He turns to Naruto and nods with a genial smile, greeting
him, “hello again, Naruto-kun,” before turning to the others and adding, “you should all
probably take a look around.”
Rather than look around with the other rookies, Naruto mentally ponders, ‘is Kabuto really a
spy? He seemed so nice when Haku introduced him.’
Before Naru-nii had a chance to explain a bit about the part Kabuto plays in the future, the
silver-haired spy had apparently made friends with Haku. Naruto was introduced to him
when Kabuto had come by to drop off some medical ingredients Haku uses to make his
medicine. Though Haku brushed it off as two healers comparing notes and expertise, Haku
was smiling in a way Naruto hadn’t seen before… even when he’d talk about Zabuza-jiji.
‘There’s no way I’m letting the guy who’s helping Orochimaru kill Ji-chan, take Haku,’
Naruto mentally asserts. Kabuto catches Naruto gravely staring at him and gives a gentle
wave. Naru-nii had told him how he met Kabuto in his timeline and assumed this alteration in
events was due to the fact they saved Haku’s life. Naru-nii also thought Haku was exactly the
type of shinobi that interests Kabuto’s boss, Orochimaru, a collector of Kekkei Genkai.
Due to his older counterpart and their story-time, Naruto knew how bad things were going to
get; Kabuto is a spy, a disguised Orochimaru is in the Chūnin exam, Suna’s betrayal, Gaara’s
past and his horrible part in the invasion, and Ji-chan’s death. The events ahead prompted
Naruto and Naru-nii to use their past week’s sessions to brainstorm possible solutions to avert
all that befalls the village without outing Naruto’s connection to the fracturing future.
“Those hot-tempered genin behind you are from Amegakure,” Kabuto continues. “Everyone
is tense before the exam so I thought I’d warn you guys. I’m sure none of you want to have
an ‘accident’ before the exam starts. Not that it can be helped. You’re rookies after all…”
As Kabuto explains more about the Chūnin Exams, Naruto finally spots the red hair he’s
looking for, but is then aggravated when it turns out to be a girl with glasses. ‘What the hell?
Is he late? Hey Kurama, can you sense where your little brother is?’ ‘I’m napping,’ is all
Kurama grumbles to which Naruto immediately thinks back, ‘you know, this would be a
really good time to start caring more!’ When the red-headed girl with glasses spots Naruto
looking at her, he abruptly smiles and waves only for her to quickly turn away.
“I want to know about Sabaku no Gaara, and Rock Lee,” Sasuke asks. Hearing about Gaara’s
B-rank mission and returning unharmed made Naruto humorously recall Naru-nii’s
explanation of the Suna-nin’s sand armor. As a prankster, Naruto always gets a thrill out of
knowing something others don’t. Kabuto is about to look up Rock Lee when Naruto asks,
“actually before that, can you point out where Gaara is?”
“…Why,” Kabuto curiously asks.
“It’s okay, Haruno-chan,” Kabuto states before turning leaning closer to an aggravated
Naruto. “I realize how important you are to Haku-san, Naruto-kun, and I want you to know
I’m not trying to replace you in any way. I promised him I’d do all I can to make certain you
remain safe.”
“That’s a lie,” Naruto flat-out states with hard blue eyes. Naruto may not have come up with
a plausible way of outing the spy without explaining his knowledge of the future, nor does he
understand why Haku appears to like Kabuto, but he knows Haku would never think him so
weak he’d ask someone else to protect him.
Though Kabuto seems surprised by the confident assertion, Naruto cuts any reply he may
have had by jumping on top of the nearest desk, the noise of which grabs the attention of
many. He’d wondered if maybe Gaara’s too short to be seen, and on top of the desk, he has a
better view as he yells out, “listen up you Grungy-Ass Senpai! My name is Uzumaki Naruto
and I’m looking for a Sabaku no Gaara!” The second he waits for a response is filled with
murderous glares and the sound of multiple metal instruments of death unsheathing before
Naruto continues. “…Sabaku no Gaara! Come on, don’t be shy! Uzumaki Naruto is looking
for yo-”
Naruto is dragged back by Ino who promptly yells, “what the hell are you doing? Didn’t you
hear what Kabuto-san said? He’s dangerous!”
Looking so closely at her with an odd mix of mournful confidence, Naruto assertively relays,
“it’s okay, Ino-chan. I’m not going to lose to anyone here.” Ino is taken as she recalls Iruka-
sensei’s assertion, ‘that boy never gives up,’ and her eyes soften at his proclamation and his
close proximity to her.
‘Except to Orochimaru,’ Kurama chuckles from the seal. ‘Lazy freeloaders get to keep their
comments to themselves!’ Naruto mentally returns, though enjoys their little banter. Now that
they have a better connection, Kurama can respond so long as both parties want to. Luckily
the great Chakra beast naps more often than not. Naru-nii explained that a part of their brain
unconsciously echos what is being said which is why Kurama can hear what Naruto is saying
even if he’s within the seal.
With this sort of mental echo, Naru-nii had explained to both of them how Orochimaru was
the biggest threat in that room, followed by Gaara, Kabuto, and the Sound-nin, however, even
knowing this didn’t produce much of a plan that wouldn’t affect the final round of the Chūnin
exam. It’s already bad enough that Haku met with Kabuto and Naruto completely missed
meeting Gaara with Sasuke—though, it was nice of Sakura to defend Konohamaru. Naru-nii
didn’t think exposing their scheme would stop Orochimaru from trying to kill Ji-chan some
other way.
‘That snake-bastard doesn’t quit easily,’ Naru-nii had explained. ‘So I bet you he’d try
something else to get at the old man, only this time I won’t know what it is.’
‘You also said sealing him with Fūinjutsu would be hard,’ Naruto pointed out.
‘Hard only because you have to catch him,’ Naru-nii points out. ‘He’s a strong slippery
bastard and we’re not fast enough just yet. I mean, I know you’re crazy fast now, especially
with Kurama’s chakra, but this guy can go toe-to-toe with Ji-chan.’
‘Oh, for sure he’d lose,’ Naru-nii naturally agreed before he added, ‘if it was a fair fight.
But that asshole doesn’t do fair.’
‘The thing about this is, we need to tip them off before the invasion, but the intel has to be
credible. For example, Gaara’s dad isn’t dead yet and nothing’s happened that can be
explained without mentioning me. It’s like this whole intelligence analysis thing
Shikamaru told me about one time. Konoha has a whole department just for rating the
credibility of any intel they receive. If it passes their tests, then they tag it as Reliable-
Actionable. Unless you personally tell Ji-chan why you know what you know, they may not
believe it and we could mess things up even further.’
‘Why don’t we just tell Ji-chan then,’ Naruto asks—not for the first time. ‘I’m sure he’d
believe us.’
‘Hey now,’ Naru-nii chimes. ‘You know I’d think he’d believe us too, and honestly, I don’t
mind, but we still have time to think of another way, and more than anything, I need to
pass on what I know to you first. It’s a lot of information and I’d rather not waste the time
answering other people’s questions.’ Naru-nii had paused for a few seconds before he truly
scared Naruto when he relayed, ‘Now, don’t freak out but, I don’t know how much longer I
can keep this up for. Every time I stop to rest, it’s possible I won’t be able to use it
‘You know that never works on me!’ Naruto thought back in frantic haste. ‘Are you going to
be okay? What can I do? Whatever it is, tell me and I’ll do it! Just don’t leave.’
‘Hey now, you know I don’t go down so easy… most of the time, anyway,’ Naru-nii stated.
‘This may not be the case, but if I never get to talk to you again, I need to completely
prepare you before we even consider telling others. I don’t want them cutting into our time
until it’s absolutely necessary. And all I need from you is for you to do your best.’
“This has become even more bothersome,” Shikamaru grumbles warily as the many shinobi
ahead of the rookies part to the side, making a path from the back to the front of the older
genin. “I hate loud midgets like you the most,” Naruto hears a boy wearing an all black
jumper and face paint states.
“Ah,” Kanakuro clears his throat, before addressing the red-head. “Gaara, just let your
brother handle this-”
“If you don’t stop getting in the way of my prey, I’ll kill you.” Gaara is revealed when
Kankuro shuffles out of the way, stuttering, “O-Okay, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Just then, Naruto senses the Sound-nin group make their move. Naruto didn’t mind one bit if
they attacked Kabuto but one murderous glare from a nearby Gaara and the three genin stop
before causing any ruckus. The sound-nin eye the Suna genin before they slowly retreat into
the crowd. Naruto knows their boss is disguised as genin from a different village, but Naru-
nii couldn’t recall what village they’re from. So Naruto keeps his eyes open for a shinobi
with long black hair and a ridiculously long tongue.
‘So that’s Gaara,’ Naruto thinks, noting the red hair and sand guard as he steps closer to his
fellow Jinchūriki. Recalling the circumstances of Gaara’s life from Naru-nii’s story session’s,
Naruto is intuitively aware of the painful loneliness and constant betrayal that broke the
weaponized sand-nin. Spotting the Love tattoo on his forehead, the lack of sleep around his
eyes, Naruto can’t help but recall his own broken heart, and the long sleepless nights in
Kurenai’s arms.
Baby-blue eyes water with fat salty tears and Naruto groans before the sand siblings,
declaring, “ugh, love’s a bitch, ain’t it?” Though those surrounding them didn’t quite
comprehend the first thing Naruto says to this dangerous looking shinobi, many are too
perplexed by it to feel embarrassed. Gaara remains stern of countenance as Naruto says, “I
think we totally get each other,” then extends his fist, expressing, “let’s be friends!”
“What? How come?” Naruto asks as he tries to follow when Temari steps in between her
brother and Naruto.
“You heard him; stay away,” Temari warns with a knowing smirk. “Or Gaara can’t be held
responsible for ending your life.”
Naruto chuckles, eying her confidently as he tells her, “he can’t kill me.”
Recognizing Naruto’s assertion as a challenge to his existence and opportunity for blood,
Gaara stops and slowly turns to the blond. His light blue eyes are impossibly smaller and his
mouth widens menacingly showing teeth.
“H-hey, Gaara, it’s f-fine,” Kankuro tries as Temari adds, “please, remember why we’re
“Oh, I get it,” Naruto notes aloud drawing the Suna sibling’s attention. “You need proof that
I’m serious, right? We can get some Ramen after this and talk!” Ignoring the rising homicidal
look in Gaara’s expression, Naruto quizzically asks, “you like Ramen, right?”
Kankuro’s thoughts of, ‘he’s dead,’ mirror Temari’s, ‘if he’s too stupid to recognize mortal
danger, he shouldn’t live anyway.’ Sakura, along with the others watch but unlike the others,
she’s not overly worried. It actually surprises her how much faith she has in Naruto’s
strength, and doesn’t even worry when Ino asks Sakura to, “stop him before he gets himself
killed!” The pinkette even enjoys smiling confidently and confusing her blond quasi-friend.
Gaara raises his hand as if to activate jutsu to his siblings fear when a large puff of smoke
catches everyone’s attention before a hard voice yells, “quiet down you worthless bastards!”
A group of proctors stand behind a tall scarred man.
‘Morino Ibiki,’ Naruto mentally comments. After warning the Sound and Sand ninjas—along
with the entire room—about fighting, the participants peacefully turn in their registration for
their numbers and just like Naru-nii’s experience, he got to sit next to Hinata-chan. Though
Naruto knew what was going to happen, it was still pretty intense to actually sit through. Ibiki
was a real shinobi who survived the worst, and it was impossible not to get sucked into the
bloody-minded world he clearly painted with his appearance and the gravitas of his words.
Naruto was so taken he nearly forgot he would, and has, put his life on the line. Even in this
very moment, his future self is putting everything on the line to save the entire shinobi world
and it’s deeply upsetting to look at the uncertainty around the room.
‘They’re raising their hands!’ Naruto observes as genin after genin raise their shaky palm and
quit, hurting their teammates in the process. Naruto momentarily forgot his tortured heart to
raise his own hand, high, before slamming it down hard on the desk, making the connected
desks around him creak and crack from the force as he arrests the entire rooms attention.
“Don’t underestimate me! I won’t run! I’ll take your damn question! Even if I’m a genin
forever, I’ll still become Hokage!”
“I’ll ask you again,” Ibiki calmly yet strictly states. “This is your last chance. Your life is
riding on this decision.”
Thinking of Naru-nii, of Iruka-sensei, of his team, of Kurenai and Haku, of Gaara and all the
other shinobi of this world, Naruto confidently asserts the single greatest fact of his entire
existence, “I don’t quit. Not now, not ever!” Words that echo profoundly for many in the
room, but more with Ino as this wasn’t the first time she’s cognizant of that frame of his
mind. Ino’s heart pumped a little faster by his rather public conviction and she grows a little
warm, tightening her crossed legs at the repeatedly verified thoughts of his virility.
Sakura can’t help but smile affectionately, thinking with fondness, ‘that’s just like you.’ If it’s
possible, Hinata didn’t think she could admire him any more than that moment. Sitting next
to him as he shouted his nindō to a seasoned Jōnin shinobi—who’s daring her blond love to
quit now or lose the very thing he loves forever—Naruto would not bend, nor go back on his
words. ‘Kami…’ is all Hinata mentally gasps as her heart beats incredibly fast.
After looking around the room, a stern Ibiki calls out, “congratulations on passing…” but
rather than listen any more to Ibiki’s explanation, Naruto is looking around the room. He
confuses the red-haired girl with glasses looking at him for Gaara again before he locks eyes
with Gaara and uses hand signs to ask, ‘do you want to grab lunch after this?’ To which
Gaara squints confused before looking away.
Naruto hears Ibiki finish with, “those who can’t put their destinies on the line, who cling to
the uncertain future of ‘there’s always next year,’ and walk away from their chance… those
pieces of trash who can only make such cowardly choices don’t have the right to become
It’s then that Anko makes her flamboyant entrance just like Naru-nii had chuckled about.
Naruto’s heard a little of her history as well and found it just as sad as many of the other
tragic characters. Naru-nii didn’t know the details around Anko’s story but he did mention
that she was Orochimaru’s student and was marked with the same curse Sasuke gets, though
Sasuke’s is supposed to be much stronger.
Rather than be put off by her odd, theatrical entrance, Naruto claps in part because he’s
empathetic, but also because he appreciates showmanship. He calls out as he claps, “whoo!
Sweet entrance! It’s bad timing, but I’ll definitely remember it!”
With a basket of lunch in his grasp, Haku waits for Naruto outside of the Academy. It’s
slightly surprising when the long-haired brunette recognizes the buxom kunoichi lugging a
large, rolled up black screen over her shoulder. Haku bows respectfully as one of his
interrogators stops to greet him.
“Haku-kun,” Anko hollers. “I hope you’re keeping your pretty little nose clean. We may have
accepted your asylum, but I’m sure I don’t have to remind you what’ll happen if you break
any of the conditions of your probationary residence.”
“You waiting for your blond brat to get out,” Anko asks, turning to the Academy behind her.
“Yes,” Haku answers sweetly. “I thought I’d bring him lunch, since he’s always ready to eat,”
he says as he lifts the cloth wrapped bento for Anko to see.
Anko chuckles, verbally adding, “aren’t you just the cutest little housewife. I doubt he’d pass
the first task, but if by some miracle he does, he’ll have, like, maybe an hour before the
second task.”
“The first examiner is Ibiki,” Anko happily prods Haku’s confidence with. “You remember
him, right?”
Haku’s pleasant mask doesn’t break and he nods, answering, “I do. How lucky of Ibiki-san to
finally have this opportunity to witness how amazing Naruto-kun is… and how wrong he
Anko chuckles knowingly before changing the topic and directly stating, “I could tell what
team you play for, but, what I don’t get is why you wanted to rile up Genma by steppin’
beside Kurenai.” Looking at the beautiful unflinching face smile in answer, Anko’s grin
widens before she shrugs, saying, “not that it matters. Truth be told, I thought it was
hilarious, but she’s my babe, Haku-kun, so I’ll tell you this now. I don’t know what you’re
playing at, but if she gets hurt, in any way, the kid-gloves come off and I show you what real
torture is. Got me?”
“Of course, Anko-san,” Haku calmly states, bending his head with respect. “I have the utmost
respect for Kurenai-san. She’s shown me nothing but kindness since I’ve come to Konoha.”
Though clearly suspicious, Anko nods, stating, “yeah, she’s pretty amazing… worth killing
others brutally over, if you get my drift.”
“Loud and clear,” Haku says smiling at the clear death threat should anything happen to
Anko quickly nods then rushes away to the adjacent building. From Haku’s vantage point, he
can barely see Anko rolling herself in the large black curtain, then hurling herself from one
building to the Academy, smashing through the window in the process.
Wide-eyed by the woman’s Naruto-ish antics, Haku is yet again marveled at the difference
between his past and current life, bringing a smile to his womanly face. Though he misses
Zabuza-sama terribly and thinks about him every day, Haku is immensely content by
Naruto’s side. Not simply because the young blond was such a positive force in this dark and
bleak world, but because being here was Zabuza-sama’s gift to him. ‘And it’s the best gift I
could ever hope to receive,’ Haku thinks with a content smile.
As if thinking about the amazing shinobi he’s aligned his allegiance to, the blond potential
Chūnin exits the building. Haku waves at Naruto, and though his smile isn’t as bright as he’d
like it, it’s better than the tears four days ago. Fortunately for her well-being, his pink-haired
teammate is dragged away by Ino-chan as Naruto rushes to him.
“Hey, Haku,” Naruto greets happily, thinking how amazing it feels to have someone waiting
for him after getting out of the Academy. Naruto realizes he’s no longer a student, but, having
always watched on from his lonely swing how many families reunite at the end of a school
day always added a deeper gash to his lonely life. Though his heart is aching, Haku being
here, waiting for him, refined his perspective to something a little more positive.
“How did you do,” Haku confidently asks, as if there’s only one clear answer.
“I totally killed it,” Naruto says with a smirk before they hear behind him, “Naruto-kun was
Kabuto walks up to them as he praises, “he completely blasted away the mental challenge of
the proctor’s plan.”
“…I don’t like suck-ups,” Naruto flatly states, frustrated by his inability to think of a
believable way of handling the spy without exposing Naru-nii and the future. If worst comes
to worst, he’ll tell Ji-chan regardless of what happens, but the Narutos know any great plan
only needs one thing to fall into place and get everything going.
Haku places a gentle palm on Naruto’s shoulder and smiles before apologizing. “Forgive him,
Kabuto-san. He- well, we’re both connected by the strongest of bonds.”
“I understand,” Kabuto says. “I think it’s wonderful you both have each other.”
“May I speak with Naruto-kun alone,” Haku asks, squeezing Naruto’s shoulder before he
could object to asking permission.
“Of course,” Kabuto says before shyly asking, “do you think we can see each other again?”
Naruto hates the blush on Haku’s cheek as the beautiful boy responds, “I’d like that.” After
Kabuto leaves, Haku quickly asks, “is there anywhere we can talk in private?”
Naruto grumbles, “there’s a place on the way, since I don’t have a lot of time.”
After dragging Sakura away from the other rookies, the kunoichi find a secluded area in the
field behind their Academy, near the tree line and under the shade of a tree.
“What do you want?” Sakura finally asks before focusing on what really matters. “Did you
see Naruto? I may not completely hate you for what you did to me, but I most certainly hate
you for what you did to him.” Sakura hadn’t seen Ino since that day. Sakura had fallen asleep
in Ino’s embrace and hadn’t woken up until the following morning, weak, tired, and dry.
“I know,” Ino agrees as she takes out her lunch. “Come on. We only have an hour and I want
to tell you what I never got a chance to say before.” Ino begins eating her bento while she
waits for her pink-haired former friend and rival.
With a huff, Sakura settles in the grass to eat her own lunch, demanding, “so?”
“Because of us,” Ino corrects. “Or are you telling me he wouldn’t eventually be hurting when
you reject him- truly reject him at some point down the line. You were going to break his
heart anyway.”
“I may not want to date him, but I wouldn’t have hurt him like that,” Sakura retorts.
“Look I don’t want him to have a broken heart either,” Ino states, mentally finishing, ‘but I
maybe, sort of want to date him and I don’t want to compete with you again!’ But rather than
being brutally honest with Sakura, a cowardly Ino moves on. “The thing I wanted to tell you
before is, I think Sasuke needs help more than a relationship, so I’m not going after him
anymore.” Dropping her dumpling, Sakura is clearly surprised as Ino continues, “regardless
of how much more conscious you are, I don’t know if you want to continue pursuing him or
not, but if you do, I won’t get in the way.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m giving up on him,” Ino states, thinking of the evolution of her definition
of love, and all that she’s learned throughout the past five months. “Sasuke’s my first love,
and he’ll always be someone special in my heart, but, he’s a person first, and his needs as a
person are more important than my fantasy.”
Feeling a little closer to the raven-haired genjutsu mistress Ino greatly admires, she smiles
and tells Sakura, “I know the type of kunoichi and woman I want to be. No matter how
challenging and uncomfortable it is for anyone and everyone to accept, myself included, I
don’t want to run from who I am.”
They remain silent for the remainder of their lunch, both thinking about the questions and
answers of who they are and who they want to be, but one also thinking about all the
possibilities blond boy presents.
Seated on the top of the Fourth’s monument, overlooking all of Konoha, Naruto is inhaling
his delicious, home-made ramen as he hears Haku ask, “why don’t you like Kabuto-san?”
Rolling his eyes, Naruto states with a huff, “…I just don’t trust him,” and feels a strong tug of
guilt pull at his heart for not sharing why. “He’s… he’s… nice? I don’t even know. It’s
nothing specific I guess, and I know that’s unfair. I don’t want to dislike any friends you
make, but with him, I just can’t help it.” ‘Yet,’ Naruto thinks. Eventually, it’ll come out, but
until then, he’ll keep up appearances.
“I… I never told you how we met,” Haku starts overlooking the wonderfully sunny view of
Konoha and the bustling streets below. The vast village is picturesque in his eyes as Haku
recalls aloud, “I was searching the market for any drugstores or medicine shops that might
purchase from an independent source and as I was walking into a store, Kabuto-san was
exiting. I’ve gotten into the habit of never letting my guard down, however, in that rather
abrupt moment our eyes met, and I witnessed something real… something he wasn’t
expecting to show me… something I recognized.”
Haku returns his attention on Naruto, answering, “due to my own experience wearing a mask,
there’s a slight burden when you uncover your self to the world. When I saw Kabuto-san, I
detected the subtle shift when he raised his guard of a friendly mask, and I knew then, what I
saw was his true self, uncomposed, vulnerable, and lost. From that moment on, I’ve had
fairly regular contact with him and I haven’t seen his true face again.” Naruto was silent,
unsure how to process that occurrence when Haku adds, “you have good instincts Naruto-
kun. Whether it’s fortunate or not, I’ve seen his real eyes, and ever since then, he’s been
hiding his self from me, despite…”
“Despite what,” Naruto asks.
“Despite… nothing tangible at the moment,” Haku answers with his serene smile.
Naruto struggles to understand any of this and asks, “so, if you think he’s bad-”
“I don’t know what to think,” Haku points out. “It’s why I’ll be careful while I wait and see.”
“I don’t want to lose you, Haku,” Naruto states. He may have saved him from dying in the
Land of Waves, but that doesn’t mean Haku won’t die some other way. Only this time, Naru-
nii won’t be able to warn him about it beforehand. It worries Naruto immensely, especially
after how Haku stayed with him the past five days.
“Nor I you-” Haku started to state when he’s interrupted. They both feel a gentle tug of their
naval and know exactly what the first of a three-step alarm means. Since they both know
Naruto has to go to Training Ground 44, Haku states, “I’ll handle it.”
Sakura had always struck me as someone with little to no self respect when her love is
in the picture. That is to say, when she's just Sakura and has nothing to do or say about
Sasuke, she's cool, I get her and I like her. When Sasuke's in the picture, it's basically
like she throws out all her principles and dignity out the window for this homicidal
introvert. It boggles my mind that a normal girl(as Kishimoto likes to describe her) is
nearly murdered, twice, by the love of her life and she still wants his babies at the end!
A NORMAL girl! Do you guys realize that Sasuke had to shake the hand of the father
whose daughter he attempted to kill, TWICE?! Sasuke had to bow to Sakura's father
after Mr. Haruno said, "please take care of my daughter," before their wedding. I could
easily imagine Sasuke would never tell her parents that Sasuke tried to kill her for fear
they wouldn't accept him as her husband, but even then, they know he was a criminal
which meant Sakura very likely had to convince her parents that Sasuke is good now.
The more thought I give the more it sounds utterly ridiculous to me, borderline
disgusting, and I won't have it in my fic.
Ino's plan to drag out this ugly side of Sakura was harsh and immoral and didn't make
her look good, but after what she made Sakura reflect on, I, personally, can't see Sakura
acting like she had, and that will ultimately help her personal growth. Setting Sakura on
the right path is exactly what Ino wants, regardless of how horrid it made her look. Sure,
Ino could've simply given Sakura the pictures and begged for forgiveness, and I could've
figured out another way to bring Sakura into the Harem, but then Naruto AND Sakura
would've remained blind. This is literally one stone, three birds.
Kakashi... I feel comfortable where he's at in the story. Nothing significant will change
for him until I bring in another character. Then I can focus on him more.
I hope Naruto isn't too depressed for you guys. I tried to balance it with story
progression so as to avoid being all emo. Like in the Wave mission, I just focused on the
parts I changed.
As always, thank you all for your continued support and taking the time to comment. I
really do appreciate it.
You must choose the Heaven and Earth within yourself and resist the placement your
enemies wish you to travel.
Chapter Notes
Work is insane and it's only just started! Definitely don't expect another update till after
summer. It's just too much. Even finishing this chapter was a mission.
One thing I want to mention: I know team 7 had the Heaven scroll in the 2nd task before
they lost it to Orochi. I'm going to charge a tiny amount of my creative license to change
that to the Earth Scroll.
“Well, team, we’ve got our work cut out for us and it’s a ton of stuff to do, but there’s no way
in hell we’re takin’ five days to do it,” Naruto shouts out to the dozen spiky-haired blonds in
front of him. “Luckily for us, we can be in a lot of places at once,” Naruto continues pacing
with his hands behind his back like a general. Just inside of Gate 12, two members of Team 7
are waiting on the third and his dozen clones before beginning their treacherous journey to
the tower at the center of the Forest of Death.
“Yeah!” The platoon of Narutos holler back as Sasuke and Sakura are forced to watch from
several paces away. Though Sasuke wanted to rush right in, Naruto insisted they wait so he
can set up several safeguards. Even without Sakura’s vote of support, Sasuke seems to
begrudgingly agree.
“Even though we’ve decided not to change too much,” Naruto continues, confident Sasuke
and Sakura wouldn’t understand what that truly meant. “We’re definitely not going to let
those evil bastards take whatever they want. We aren’t letting the worst happen!”
“Damn right we aren’t, boss!” one Naruto calls and they all holler in exuberant unity.
“I know we know all this already,” Naruto asserts with his dozen clones. “I have to stay with
my teammates, but, we all got our tasks. Keep an eye on Gaara. I don’t think he’s far from
our gate. Hopefully, we can learn something that might help us show him how genuine we
“I still don’t get why we don’t just tell him we’re One & Nine,” a Naruto asks to the annoyed
groans of others. The exchange makes Naruto wonder why his clones can act like different
parts of himself at the same time.
“Are you almost done,” Sasuke calls irately, to which one of Naruto’s clones yells back, “hey,
we’re having a conversation here, teme!” “So rude,” another clone adds and they all hum in
agreement, annoying Sasuke to no end.
The real Naruto turns to his waiting teammates a few paces away and informs them, “just
gimme a minute.” Turning back to his platoon of clones, Naruto reminds them of Naru-nii’s
justification. “Nii-chan said true friends don’t need excuses. Gaara’ll believe us when he sees
we really mean it and I agree. We’re the type to prove our words through action and that’s
what we’re going to do!”
“Naruto,” Sakura calls. “We should really get moving. I already heard screaming.”
Her voice is the deep cutting reminder of their heart’s unyielding pain and all the Narutos
groan or grip the ache at their chest. One even yells, “this is the worst pain ever! Someone
pop me!” When another asks, “can we leave, boss? We already know what to do,” Naruto
answers with a nod, adding, “yeah, sure. Watch out for the other Konoha teams as well as
Kabuto. The second any of you see a snake, you know what to do. Let’s make Nii-chan
“Ossu!” they all yell before all but one clone leaves.
Drinking her tea while Kakashi, Genma, Asuma, Yūgao, and Hayate discuss likely outcomes
of the second test, Kurenai can’t help but wonder about her genin and Naruto. The Jōnin were
waiting in noshery on the seventh floor of the tower at the center of Training Ground 44. The
Jōnin-sensei of other teams also wait for any word of their students; whether positive or
negative. It goes without saying, any Jōnin-sensei asked to leave before the completion of the
second test means their students have failed or died, and urges her thoughts to repeatedly
hover around Naruto.
‘He’s been so down,’ Kurenai mentally observes for the hundredth time since Haruno-chan’s
final rejection of him. ‘And why wouldn’t he be,’ she mentally asserts, recalling their
consoling nights sleeping in each other’s arms without actual intercourse. He didn’t mention
the details, but Kurenai acutely understands his depression and couldn’t help holding him
physically and emotionally, constantly assuring him everything was going to be alright.
Kurenai has long admitted to herself that Naruto has many positive qualities that she easily
responds to and he’s impressed her multiple times, which has led to her constant thoughts of
him, but to see him so hollow hurt her. Kurenai wanted nothing more than to take the pain
away, but she had to be careful. Emotions can run high and entangle easily, for both of them,
and Kurenai is certain what they have is not the romantic love a fair majority of woman
expect when considering a life partner.
She hadn’t met Naruto, who isn’t her type, somewhere where he charmed her into a date with
his nice smile and obvious intellect. Truthfully, they don’t have much in common. An
evening drink together while listening to classical music is out of the question. They can’t
have a playfully intellectual conversation while passively observing each other interesting
interpretation of their truths. They haven’t even seen a movie together, and yet, what they do
have in common makes all the difference in the world; their Will of Fire, their love of
Konoha, their hunger to learn, their hunger for each other.
She’s certain this is not a conventional love, but she can’t be certain her feelings for him isn’t
an unconventional something. With a sigh, Kurenai mournfully prays, ‘I hope he’s okay.’
Catching her melancholy mood, her friend Yūgao asks, “are you okay?”
Following his team through the forest, Naruto is vigilant and cautious. Naru-nii had
instructed him to just mock Anko a bit, and sure enough, she threw a kunai at him. After
which, Naruto saw the tall boy with the disgustingly long tongue Orochimaru is pretending to
be. Now Naruto knows who to look out for.
Though he had mentioned to Anko that he didn’t like the Grass nin, Anko only chuckled
evilly and responded, “there are worst predators in the forest.” Having been in the forest
when he was younger, he knows that to be false. The bears, tigers, blood-sucking leeches,
insects, and other crazy animals certainly suck, but Naruto knows Orochimaru is the biggest
threat in the forest.
The embodiment of the Narutos combined plan was about information; when they learn it
and how fast it’s disseminated, so, at Naru-nii’s suggestion, Naruto knows all his clones will
use Kurama’s chakra if they need it and to create and dispel a clone to relay information to
the rest of the platoon. It’s a fluid sort of plan that already helps when, to Naruto’s surprise,
two of his backup clones are already forcibly dispelled by a huge cyclone of wind barreling
through the forest, easily separating any team within the range of that half-mile-long attack.
“Sakura! Sasuke!” Naruto calls a second before the large cyclone attack barrels through trees
and Team 7. The dynamite of gale force wind tears at bark and branches, launching pink,
black and blond hair in differing directions. But for the force of the wind, it didn’t hurt too
terribly, but landing hard on the forest floor, rolling until a large tree root roughly ends his
momentum, Naruto wonders more about his teammates. Wincing a bit, Naruto eventually
rights himself before creating a clone and dispelling it to update the batch of clones running
within the forest.
“Crap, that really was a crazy technique,” he mumbles as he looks around for his teammates.
“This is when Naru-nii said he came up against a- Shit! That’s a huuuge snake!” Naruto yells
as his eyes bulge at the size of the giant summon slowly rears back his mushroom head,
bending his body like a tense coil. The snake attacks incredibly fast with a heavy tail swipe.
Getting some information on Sasuke, a momentarily distracted Naruto has only enough time
to take out one of his specially prepared kunai before the tail bats him away with tremendous
strength. His brain fritzes at the impact, but in the air, he manages to ask Kurama for chakra
before sticking the landing on the side of a tree. The snake slithers only a moment before the
explosive tag on the kunai he stabbed into the thick scale of its tail explodes. With the
amazing boost in power, Naruto creates three clones, all stuck on the side of the tree. One
immediately dispels to inform the others and initiate his plan for the clone that remained by
gate 12. The other two clones help him create an incomplete Rasen-Shuriken. Truthfully, it’s
more Rasengan than Fūton Rasengan, but it feels like more than enough to deal with this
over-grown fanged cucumber.
The snake is writhing from the horrible burn of its tail when Naruto runs higher up the tree
while the two remaining clones create a large Rasengan and drop to the forest floor. Kurama
powered clones easily track and dodge its desperate swipes until the Rasengan-less clone
sacrifices itself to allow the clone with the large Rasengan to hit it square in the middle of its
body. The hurricane-strength ball of chakra propels the large snake like a rotating festival
streamer, with its head and tail flailing as its spinning body rockets. The length of the
summon impacts a large tree and coils feebly around it as Naruto drops down with his Fūton
Rasengan. Connecting his attack with the snake’s scales stings his own hand like acid but it’s
manageable as he tears the snake apart until it pops away.
Grossed out by all the snake blood still on him, Naruto turns to the clones, and since he
already knows about Sasuke, he asks them, “does anyone have eyes on Sakura?” They dispel,
transmitting the message across his clone network and Naruto rushes to the tree top in hopes
of catching up with his teammates.
Anko is just sitting down with her party-sized box of dango when she spots Kakashi’s blond
brat sprinting toward her. Though there’s no rule stating leaving the training ground will
disqualify a team, she didn’t think anyone would try. ‘Maybe one of Kakashi’s brats died?’
she thinks as he stops in front of her and shocks her so deeply with his words she has to ask
him to repeat himself, blaring, “wait, say the fuck what again?”
“I said,” Naruto’s clone begins to repeat the cover-story. “There’s this crazy snake-looking
nin attacking us. He said his name’s Orochimaru and I’m pretty sure he’s like a criminal or
“Where?!” Anko demands, on her feet, letting the party pack of dango drop to the floor.
“Um, we’re around five, maybe six hours in from Gate 12,” Naruto answers.
“Just so you know, in that snake-shit’s case, alerting us is way more important than sticking
with your team, so don’t ever feel shitty about that,” Anko asserts as she hurries toward Gate
12 with grave purpose. “Do me a favor and warn the Hokage.”
“I’m actually a clone,” Naruto returns affronted and to her surprise. “Team 7 is still fighting
him now. But, yeah, I’ll get Ji-chan.”
So stricken by her savior’s beauty, she was completely taken by surprise to hear behind her,
“jeez, he couldn’t even check to make sure she’s okay.” As a sensor-type, it’s the biggest
lapse in her ability as the redhead whirls around to face the blond behind her. She
immediately recognizes him from his singularly loud display in the exam room. He’s looking
off toward the direction his teammate has left before turning to her and asking, “are you
The startled red-headed girl with glasses who just survived a monstrous bear attack, hides her
scroll, sputtering, “you…”
“Oh, hey, don’t worry,” Naruto delicately chimes waving both his open palms. “I’m not
trying to take your scroll or anything.”
Getting her agitation under control, she reads his chakra as honest, making her relax a
smidgen as she comments, “…you’re that boy’s teammate.”
“Yeah,” Naruto calls returning his attention to the long gone Sasuke. “Which reminds me,”
he adds, before creating a clone to then dispel so the others receive the information that
Sasuke’s on his way back.
Finding it strange his clone dispelled so quickly, she asks, “can’t you hold a clone for long?”
“I can,” Naruto answers her, then thinks to join the backup squad of their platoon. “I should
get going-”
“Wait,” the red-headed girl yells before he leaps away. He stops and is receptive for a
response. “…Your last name… is it really, Uzumaki?”
“Mn,” he hums with a nod before quirking his brow. “Wait, when did I tell you that?”
The girl looks at him in disbelief, voicing, “you shouted your name to everyone in the exam
room. It’s pretty easy to learn someone’s name when it’s shouted out like that.”
“Oh, yeah,” Naruto chuckles. “Yeah, that’s me. Uzumaki Naruto, future and greatest Hokage
there’ll ever be!”
Shrugging away the Hokage comment, she asks what she’s extremely curious to know. “And
are you from Uzushiogakure?”
Getting new information streaming into his head about a fight going on with a huge fucking
snake, Naruto nearly misses the question. “Huh? Oh, uh, no. I was born in Konoha,” he
answers as he figures the clone by Gate 12 is hopping the fence to alert the proctors of
Orochimaru now.
“Well, that doesn’t have to mean anything,” she mumbles to herself before she implores him,
“but your family name. It’s one of the prominent clans from Uzushiogakure.”
“Really,” Naruto asks then recalls Naru-nii mentioning his clan. “Well, I was named after
kaa-chan’s family, Uzumaki Kushina.”
“Uh, no,” Naruto slowly assures her. “I wouldn’t joke about that.”
“Uzumaki Kushina,” she pronounces slowly in thought. “She’s apart of the most honored
family in Uzushiogakure! Your whole family were so masterful at Fūinjutsu, it was
practically the village’s Kekkai Genkai!” Realization widens as she outwardly verbalizes her
running thoughts. “Kami… your mother, and I think one of your grandmothers, were sacred
members of service.”
With squinted eyes, Naruto asks, “how do you know so much about my clan?”
“Your clan?” the red-haired girls retorts before realizing, “I suppose you do have a better
claim than me… oh well, at least I look like an Uzumaki,” she answers him with a smirk with
a flick of her vibrant red hair. At his confusion, she informs him, “my name is Uzumaki
Karin. I’m-well, my mother, actually, was one of the branch members of the Uzumaki clan.”
“REALLY!” Naruto yells in a tall dark forest filled with many predators hunting for easy
prey. She looks around nervously as she fearfully shushes his excited, “we’re family!?
Really! Really!”
Karin couldn’t understand his level of exuberance, but she was reading a wonderful energy
radiating from his chakra, and it’s not like she dislikes the idea of discovering family, even if
they are only second cousins.
“My mother was a survivor of the Last Days,” Karin tells him.
“The Last Days…” Naruto repeats mournfully. “Is that what they call it?”
“No,” Karin answers. “That’s just how she’d always refer to it. ‘In those last days,’ she
would often say. Her mind lived in the past pretty often.”
“She used to,” Karin answers with a nod. “She… passed away.”
“Oh,” Naruto mouths with sympathetic eyes. “I’m sorry. My parents passed too,” he admits
to her, and Naruto only then realizes he’s never really admitted that aloud. Though already
down, he’s happy to confess as much to family.
“So, we’re the Last of the Last Days,” Karin morbidly jokes.
“Maybe,” Naruto softly tells her. “But maybe not! I was thinking of restarting the Uzumaki
clan in Konoha, and with a stupid name like the Last Days, I definitely will now. The
Uzumaki clan is not gone, and now you have family and home here, Karin-chan!”
Trying to decipher between simple excitement and genuine offer, Karin asks, “wait, are you
asking me to live in Konoha?”
“Hell yeah I am,” he exclaims. “We’re blood! Aside from being Hokage, family means
everything to me!”
Though his chakra feels like ocean waves of honesty, she can’t truly believe it, offhandedly
commenting, “your village would never allow it.”
“They will!” He readily assures her with clenched fists and stern eyes. “And Ji-chan’ll help. I
know he will.”
“…I need to think about this,” Karin weakly answers. With her past, he’s simply offering her
too much hope for her to easily accept.
Tilting his blond head curiously, he genuinely asks, “what’s there to think about?”
“You’re asking me to leave everything I know to come to a strange place,” Karin reasons.
“That’s not such a simple thing people immediately say yes to.”
“Hehe, I guess you’re right,” Naruto chuckles as he agrees. “We should definitely get some
ramen and talk some more. I can show you how amazing Konoha is and I just know you’ll
love it.”
“Haku’s ramen is the next best right after Ichiraku’s,” Naruto happily informs her before
wondering, “do you think all Uzumaki’s love ramen?”
“No, not at all,” Karin flatly states, shaking her head. “I just love it because it’s cheap and my
mother hated it. Ramen is actually pretty bad for you.”
“You take that back!” Naruto gripes affronted. “Ramen is Kami’s gift to humankind!”
Karin laughs before stating, “my mother would’ve definitely smacked some sense into you,
but only because she loved serving the main branch. She was a primary caregiver and
would’ve hunted you like a yōkai if she learned a member of the main family was shortening
their lifespan like that.”
Karin looks at him in amused surprise, listing for him, “you might get away with making
homemade ramen healthier but that instant stuff lacks fiber, protein, and other crucial
vitamins and minerals. Not to mention the high sodium content negatively impacts your
“…We were doing so well, Karin-chan,” Naruto mumbles with disingenuous disappointment.
“Oh well, I still love you.”
“Y-You don’t even know me,” Karin retorts, shocked by how fast he seems to be accepting
her. Ignoring her as he happily hums, “I have family, I have family,” Karin calls out, “hey,
will you listen to me-” She’s cut off when they both hear screams, and in her case, familiar
“Shigeri!” Karin calls, searching for his chakra. When Naruto asks if he’s her teammate, she
nods and they both sprint toward the source of her teammate’s cry.
“Hey,” Naruto drops in behind Team 8, startling them. “… uh, are you guys okay?”
“Idiot,” an irate Kiba calls, settling a shaking Akamaru down. “Obviously we’re okay.”
“Why aren’t you with your team,” Shino’s monotone voice asks.
“I am,” Naruto answers Shino before smiling at Hinata-chan. “Hey, Hinata-chan. I bet your
Byakugan is super useful here huh? You can probably even see what scroll they have without
having to get close!”
Hinata smiles through her brilliant blush before she answers, “my Byakugan helps.”
“No doubt,” Naruto states, nodding assertively before asking Kurenai’s team, “do you guys
want any help getting the scroll you need?”
“Is that some sort of joke,” Kiba responds, eying the dead last in humored disbelief. “Thanks,
but no thanks. You’d only slow us down.”
Facing the Inuzuka, an annoyed Naruto calls, “what the hell, Dog Breath? I just asked if you
wanted help.”
Snorting, he retorts, “help from the Dead Last? We might as well hand ‘em our scroll now,”
Kiba assumes.
“Whatever,” Naruto mutters rolling his eyes. “Later Hinata-chan.” Turning to the horrid mess
of blood-tainted sand past the bushes, Naruto gasps, asking, “Yeesh! What the hell happened
“That was the red-haired sand-nin you tried to be besties with-” Kiba starts to explain.
“Gaara!” Naruto hops before further asking, “he was here? When? Which way did he go?”
“It’s cool you guys,” Naruto waves them off. “I bet he’s just a big softy when you get to
know him. Which way?” Kiba mechanically points and Naruto calls out, “I’ll see you guys at
the tower!” as he rushes after the elusive future-friend.
“He really is an idiot,” Kiba comments as the blond speeds away. “Rest in peace,” the
Inuzuka adds and Hinata can only stomach her apprehension due to knowing it’s only one of
Naruto’s clones. Still, she hopes with all her heart his clone will stay alright.
Naruto and Karin land high on a tree branch. From their vantage point, they spot her heavily
injured teammate, Shigeri holding out his shaking sword in his trembling hand. Shigeri is
hemorrhaging from multiple wounds with Masashi, the third member of Karin’s team, lying
unconscious on the grass behind him, with even more injuries. In the small clearing
surrounded by enormous trees, Shigeri and Masashi’s attackers are two shinobi with forehead
protectors from Land of Grass, wearing straw hats, and thick, purple, sacred rope tied around
their waist tied in a large bow at their back, however, Naruto knows their true allegiance.
“Karin,” Naruto whispers keeping his sky-blue eyes locked on them, wondering how close he
can get before they can react. When she turns to him, he seriously asks, “do you want me to
handle them or do you want to help?”
“Wha- No, you can’t- Those guys aren’t normal genin,” she whispers back, sensing their
chakra is far more sinister than any genin’s should be.
“No, actually,” Karin responds in a low voice, quirking a brow. “Now is very possibly the
absolute worst time to trust you,” Karin whispers with clear aggravation he simply smiles
away which only makes her more annoyed... annoyed as only family can do.
“Come on,” Naruto states, returning his attention to the serious shinobi toying with their prey.
“They’re your teammates. All I need you to do is jump in front of your team and offer those
guys your scroll. If you can fake it, cry loudly. That’ll be a great distraction.”
‘Sight and sound,’ Karin thinks with a small smirk before she, with unexpected and great
effort, agrees. Moments later, Karin lands in front of her beaten and bloodied teammates,
crying horridly loud, complete with fat tears as she wails, “please, please, please don’t kill
my ultra precious teammates! Please! Here’s our scroll! I readily offer it in the face of such
strength! Take it, and spare our worthless lives!”
She was offensively more theatrical than Naruto expected and he wanted to laugh so hard at
how terrible her acting is, but these were the two genin with the disguised Orochimaru, which
meant they were far more dangerous than they appeared.
“Kami be damned, will you just kill them already,” the one with the straw hat orders to the
one with the skin-like mask. “Her wailing is getting on my nerves.”
“Yeah, yeah,” the murderous genin calls over Karin’s loud crying.
His first step toward her scared Karin, and for a moment, she doubted the sudden amount of
Narutos surrounding them would save her. Though she can sense them, they feel weaker than
these shinobi, and suddenly, in the presence of her mortality, she doubted his sincerity along
with his claims. Breath hitching, that sliver of doubt made Karin certain she would die
trusting another Uzumaki for a final time…
…until two kunai are launched from behind her toward the fake genin and as expected both
shinobi block them with their own kunai. A still wailing Karin barely thinks to ask, ‘two
kunai? Really?’ When unbeknownst to these disguised genin, the attack from the front
distracted them from the very fast, stealth attack at their back.
“Rasengan!” Two red-eyed Narutos call as they simultaneously slam incredibly condensed
balls of spinning chakra center mass against their spine. The murderers scream in ear-
shattering pain as they are rocketed forward by their spinning pelvis at tremendous speed.
One spinning mass of flesh is unlucky enough to have a tree stop him with a bone-shattering
‘thwack’ while the other flies farther than she can see before hearing a distant grunting
“Oh, man,” a brightly smiling Naruto calls as the other five clones rush to them. “The way
you fake crying was so awful, I wanted to laugh so hard!”
“Tch,” she sucks her teeth, too embarrassed to confess she actually likes her acting. “It
worked didn’t it-”
“Where the fuck were you, you stupid cunt,” a trembling Shigeri yells at Karin before eying
Naruto. Naruto’s chakra immediately feels defensive to Karin, but restrained. Naruto raises
his hands in peace as Shigeri can barely manage to sheath his jittery sword before returning
his glare at his red-haired teammate. “If you had been here when we needed you, Masashi
wouldn’t be dead!” Karin can’t even explain herself before Shigeri spits blood and a cracked
tooth, spouting, “nevermind! We’re already disqualified. Gimme your arm.”
Karin hesitates to do so in front of Naruto as she’s never liked her ability. Not only was it
responsible for her mother’s death, but it’s the very job she inherited in order to survive.
Now, being bitten painfully hard in front of her kin suddenly didn’t feel right.
“Karin, give me your fucking arm!” Shigeri yells as he jerks her left arm to his mouth, but
before her teammate can add another scar to the collection, Naruto grips Shigeri by his throat,
making him choke as her blond cousin pulls him away.
“I don’t get what’s going on,” a confused and irate Naruto states. “But I’m pretty sure he was
going to bite you.” Looking from Karin to Shigeri and back, he curiously asks, “are you sure
he’s your teammate?”
Though Shigeri tries to break free, Naruto tightens his enhanced grip, interrupting the
bleeding boy from answering or yelling. Even without her sensory abilities, Karin can tell
Naruto is far stronger even if her teammate wasn’t so heavily wounded. Feeling hollow from
her sorrowful memories, Karin tries to explain to Naruto, “I…” However, flashing memories
of how she allowed herself to be used just like her pathetic mother had, keeps Karin from
deliberately tainting her cousin’s opinion of her with the biggest shame of her young life.
“Well, it’s cool if you don’t want to say,” Naruto states as he shoves the wounded Shigeri to
his clones and two of them lock the boy’s wrist joints and drop him to his knees as a third
clone presses a kunai at his throat. “But I’m not letting some weirdo hurt my family… or bite
“I want to though,” Naruto returns. “I’m going to restart the Uzumaki clan, Karin-chan. Not
only do I want to protect them, but I also want to get to know all the family I have left in this
‘Urgh,’ Karin mentally grunts at his emotionally honest kick to her gut. “…Oh, whatever,”
Karin states repressively happy. “There was nothing left for me in Kusagakure anyway.”
“Uzumaki, you traitor,” Shigeri yells, despite the kunai at his neck. “The village will hear
about this! We looked after you! We took care of you-”
“The village killed my mother, you abusive asshole,” she yells at him. “And the village was
going to do the same to me!”
“She’s a member of my clan now,” Naruto gravely tells the weak and bleeding boy. “You
come after her, and you’ll have to deal with me.” Naruto waves to the clones and they let the
exhausted Shigeri go. “Since you’re disqualified, the exit’s straight that way,” he tells him
pointing to his eight o’clock. “You can let yourself out.”
Once Shigeri is thirty yards away, Karin asks, “you really think it was a good idea to let him
go? I mean, countries banded together to destroy Uzushiogakure because our existence was
that much of a threat. Who’s to say they won’t do it again?”
Unimpressed, Naruto shrugs, admitting, “he’ll have to survive first, and I just sent him
toward the biggest nest of Konoha’s Jumping Leeches in the forest. Just one of those
bloodsuckers snags his skin for more than five minutes, and the only place he’ll be reaching
is the next world. But if you want to tell him not to go that way-”
“No,” Karin exclaims, easily sensing how low on chakra her former teammate is. Watching
Shigeri labor just to leave, possibly to his death, Karin apprehensively expresses to her family
her decision. “My mother and I… we have special chakra that heals anyone who, uh, bite us.
It’s why Shigeri wanted my arm,” she confesses, raising up her left arm so he can clearly see
all the disfiguring bite marks. Thus far, she’s managed to keep all the scaring to her left arm,
but it was still humiliating and shameful to display.
“After the destruction of Uzushiogakure, we took refuge in Kusagakure under the condition
my mother heals everyone who gets injured,” Karin continues. “That’s how she ensured we
survived, but by the end, she had so many scars, her skin looked more like mangled chewing
gum. After a surprise attack on our village, she… she exhausted her chakra supply healing
everyone that was injured… and died.”
Ignoring Naruto and the warm tear rolling down her cheek for her lost mother, Karin simply
watches her long departed teammate as her croaky voice continues. “Her body wasn’t even
cold before they forced me to take her place. I hated her for protecting me until it killed her, I
hated them for murdering her so they would live, and I hate myself for letting them do the
same to me. So, no, Naruto. I don’t care to warn Shigeri where he’s going. He’s the son of
our village’s leader and I can’t think of a more fitting punishment than getting leeched to
death. I hope Shigeri thinks of me when sharp teeth latch onto his skin and sucks the life
from his body!”
After clearing her moist cheeks of tears, Karin turns to Naruto and hadn’t expected him or his
clones to be tearing up and holding it back. Some of the clones were even hanging off each
other’s shoulder for support, covering their eyes with their forearms.
“Uuuugggg… That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard,” Naruto bemoans mournfully before
he rushes her in a full hug. “Someone pop after the Boss’ fight,” he wails, and a second later,
all the remaining Narutos are hugging her. At the palpable feel of his empathy and the aura of
his sympathetic chakra, Karin couldn’t help her own tears from streaming before she’s
holding Naruto just as hard and crying freely.
‘That… look,’ she shudders to think, recalling her very death in that long-haired nin’s slit-
eyes. Sakura could’ve sworn his kunai was lodged into the brain matter in her skull. Despite
her shaky breath, Sakura concentrated on healing her self-inflicted stab wound while Sasuke
finished applying the disinfectant cream she gave him before wrapping up his self-inflicted
wound in gauze.
“I just…” Sakura starts. Still feeling her supreme terror, Sakura shakes her head a bit then
finishes, “I’ll treat you in a minute-”
“We don’t have the time,” Sasuke quickly whispers. With his Sharingan activated, he ignores
her while he frantically surveys the dark and quiet forest for any hint of danger. “Finish
healing yourself so we can get out of here!”
“Sasuke…” she mutters, never witnessing this much panic from him. His panic inspires her
own fears as she thinks, ‘he’s probably right.’ Their attacker is leagues above them. Sakura
was only proud of the fact that she wasn’t crying and shaking like a leaf when she barely
managed to stab herself out of her fear-induced stupor with a shuriken. She’s not even done
closing her wound when a snake slithers down from the tree branch above.
“Sasuke!” She hollers and they both instantly leap in opposite directions, however, the large
snake follows her teammate.
Yelling, “get away!” Sasuke kills the serpent with a reckless amount of kunai and shuriken,
pinning it to a large branch.
‘He’s just as scared as I am,’ Sakura oddly notes, as evidenced by his missing the snake
sneaking up on them despite his Sharingan being activated.
Extricating himself out of the bloody and slimy snakeskin, like shedding its husk, this
monster speaks in a scratchy and rancorous voice, “neither of you should relax for even a
moment. Prey should always try their best to run away…” It wasn’t until this monster’s
hideous eyes targets their very souls that he adds with a wicked grin, “…in the presence of a
predator, that is.”
Without warning, the half villain, half snake slithers around the tree branch toward a frozen
Sasuke. Before Sakura can heave her kunai, before Sasuke can bring out his own to defend
himself, three shurikens and a kunai dart deep into cracking wood. It isn’t until a feral red-
eyed Naruto lands next to her that they all notice the note-wrapped kunai smoke in front of
the monstrous ninja.
“Sasuke!” Naruto calls as he grabs Sakura and they all leap away from the destructive
explosion. Landing on the forest floor, Team 7 survey the area a moment before Naruto
relays to his teammates, “I sent word about that guy. We just need to last until reinforcements
The forest floor vibrated horribly as the sound of rupturing tree roots interrupts him. The
shaking earth they’re standing on, sinks before exploding outward and Team 7 lands safely
thirty yards away from the slowly rising long-haired genin. Their heads tilt back as
Orochimaru continues to rise out of the whole on atop the extremely large head of a gigantic
“I still want to know the full extent of your powers, Sasuke-kun,” his scratchy voice
humorously declares. The snake large tongue hisses their death sentence and Sakura is at a
loss of what to do. In the presence of such a large summon, what are three genin to do.
Feeling defeated, Sakura’s mind reminds her, ‘even Kakashi-sensei never made them run a
mission scenario involving a summon.’ Sakura simply can’t tactically imagine their escape
without sacrificing at least two members, an impossible choice for her.
The large snake bares its large fangs as Orochimaru spreads his stance in preparation to
attack when the large beast hisses painfully loud, as if wounded. Naruto carries Sakura
princess style and leaps away, calling out, “Sasuke!” as she witnesses dozens of Naruto’s
clones descending from the trees with a large version of his chakra ball technique, peppering
the large snake’s body with a barrage of scale drilling strikes.
However, before the three can get far, their impossibly strong adversary lands in front of
them. Naruto sets her down as the long-haired shinobi, chuckles, “ku ku ku, very amusing,
Naruto-kun. I never expected you to have such an impressive technique.”
“He’s forcing us to make our stand,” Sasuke quietly tells his teammates.
“Correct,” Orochimaru agrees with a wide smile. “Fear not, younglings. I will grant you a
moment to safely strategize, but I warn you. When you come at me, intend to kill me like
predators… or you will die my prey,” he finishes with his psychotic grin and chuckle.
“Naruto,” Sasuke states, taking a step forward. “You cover my six. Sakura, stay behind.”
“He’s better than a one-on-one,” Naruto tells his Sasuke. “We need to triple team him. I flank
his left, you take his right and Sakura supports from the rear.”
“It doesn’t matter if he’s better,” Sasuke chimes. “You said we only need to hold him off. I
can hold him off longer by myself-”
“Times up,” Orochimaru sings much to close to them, splitting the team with a split kick to
Naruto and Sasuke, and a third against the side of Sakura’s head. The pinkette only manages
to guard with her forearm, however, she’s still sent flying as her brain dazes and ears ring
from the heavy impact. Sakura hits the ground and only manages to roll onto her feet when
the blur of Orochimaru appears before her, affirming, “the weakest first, I think.” No time for
any jutsu, Sakura can barely reach her kunai before his can attack is mercifully intercepted by
a red-eyed Naruto and red-eyed Sasuke, striking at Orochimaru from either side.
Sakura leaps to a safe distance as Orochimaru confidently faces off against both Naruto and
Sasuke in high-speed taijutsu. A quartet of air-cutting jabs from Naruto are parried by their
enemy, who lands a kick, inviting Sasuke to lead his own combination of strikes from behind
before Orochimaru effortlessly dodges, parries, and counters his attacks as well. The three
shinobi trade quick combination attacks with amazing speed all the while always focusing on
any blindspot. When Naruto goes low, Sasuke aims high, trying to take their elusive
antagonist simultaneously from both back and front as Sakura covers her teammates as best
she can from the rear.
However, Orochimaru keeps them moving through the dense forest, making it impossible for
her teammates to tag him with a single or her to provide much cover. ‘He’s too powerful,’
Sakura’s mind yells as she tries to follow her team dynamic. They’re in the treetops, and
Sakura surfs the moss covered branches for any opening or cover when either Naruto or
Sasuke need it. Analyzing the fight in her head, she tries as best she can to inconvenience
Orochimaru with carefully intercepting shuriken, because as she painfully realizes, it’s all
she’s capable of doing.
“Sasuke,” Naruto yells as he lands on his feet from a kick he guarded against. “We- we need
to go! Now!”
As Sasuke takes on their enemy with the same genius he always shows, Sakura can tell by
looking at the villain’s center of gravity while defending against two taijutsu attacks that this
ninja is on a whole other level. She agrees with Naruto, her mind yelling as much, ‘we need
to run.’ It’s no surprise Orochimaru is laughing in joy, but it’s incredibly demoralizing and
inspires a feeling of defeat within her that’s hard to shake off, as he calls out, “it would seem
your brother inherited all the talent in the Uchiha clan, Sasuke.”
Infuriated, Sasuke breaks the fragile balance between himself and Naruto to lead the attack.
To Sakura’s horror, the snake-nin exploits their lapse in combination attacks, landing a knee
and kick against Naruto, rocketing him away as he and Sasuke fight. Naruto hits the
scrapping bark of a tree with a loud thud and grunt, and before he free-falls, a perfectly aimed
kunai is exactly where it needs to be for him to grip. Nodding to Sakura, they both rush to
back up Sasuke as Orochimaru leads the fight where he wants.
“I can see,” a red-eyed Sasuke excitedly calls out, happy to be able to track this powerfully
fast ninja with his eyes before hitting him with a raging stream of fire. Sakura returns to
witness Sasuke fight the powerful shinobi and despite Sasuke’s Sharingan activated attacks,
Orochimaru evades, blocks, or parries all his attacks, easily returning strikes of his own to his
face, gut, or legs with a smile on his face.
“Sakura!” Naruto yells as he hops as far away as he can. “Back Sasuke up! Hurry!”
Instantly leaping away, her thoughts are a grateful, ‘thank you, Naruto!’
Landing on a branch, the sight before her shocks her to see. Sasuke is on the ground,
unmoving while that horrible Orochimaru is over him. Sakura is about to defend her
teammate when both she and the monster are taken by surprise when a small explosion jolts
Orochimaru’s back.
Sasuke twists waist and quick feet spin to leap out of the snake nin’s range before hurling
three wire-guided Fūma Shuriken that quickly wraps Orochimaru tightly to the trunk of the
“Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu,” Sasuke yells through wire-bitten teeth and an explosion of fierce
fire rides the metal wire like a missile, striking Orochimaru square in the chest and through
the other end of the tree, roasting the screaming man alive. Landing beside the raven-haired
avenger, Before a relieved Sakura can tend Sasuke’s wounds, they both hear an evil sound
from what should be a lifeless body.
“Kukukuku,” Orochimaru cackles. “You really are brothers, Sasuke-kun.” Sakura brings out
her kunai but before either herself or Sasuke can do anything, he uses some form of jutsu that
immobilizes them. “I sense power in your eyes that surpasses Itachi.”
“Who the hell are you!” Sasuke yells. “What do you know about Itachi!?”
Orochimaru turns toward the direction of Naruto’s fight and chuckles evilly, muttering, “so
that’s the Kyūbi brat.” ‘Kyūbi?’ Sakura mentally repeats and the monster returns his
predatory attention to them, using a hand sign she’s never seen before.
“My name is Orochimaru,” he tells them. Sasuke and Sakura fight whatever paralyzed them
and only then does the pinkette detect a slight sugary scent in the air, deducing he released a
gas agent to immobilize them when his head extends horribly long from this monster’s body.
“Here is a gift. Come to me if you wish to have power!”
Neither Sakura or Sasuke can move for several moments when Orochimaru’s fangs are nearly
on Sasuke. Sakura knows he would’ve hurt him if not for a red chakra covered Naruto, with a
red chakra tail, nearly striking him in the face.
“You’re becoming quite the nuisance boy,” Orochimaru states as his neck retracts to its
proper length. Orochimaru vanishes in his absurd sprint, landing right next to her and smiling
down at her evilly. Helpless to his immense strength, her stunned form could do nothing as he
grabs hold of her uniform and hurls her high and far. Before Sakura’s paralyzed body hits the
tree, she’s caught by Naruto.
With his red eyes but no red chakra shroud, Sakura doesn’t believe the blond who caught her
is the real Naruto, and assumes the red-chakra-tailed Naruto fighting against Orochimaru is
the real one. Naruto moves faster than she can see with her own eyes and worse yet,
Orochimaru seems to be able to move just as fast.
“…Naruto,” Sakura gasps, unable to comprehend how her goofy, loud teammate can be this
strong. Staring in awe of the real Naruto fight, she hears the one holding her ask, “are you
okay?” Before she can answer, another Naruto holding Sasuke lands beside them. To her
surprise, the clones carry them away.
“The Boss can take care of himself,” the clone carrying her states while the other adds, “we
need to get away before Orochimaru gets serious.”
As they spring from branch to branch, Sasuke yells, “set me down!” At Sasuke’s insistence,
the Narutos land in a small clearing between the giant trees.
“Are you guys okay,” Naruto asks as the other clone checks the perimeter, communicating,
“we can’t stay long.”
“I’m not running while the Dobe fights my battle,” Sasuke hotly declares.
“Shh,” Sakura shushes him, very much to her own surprise. She quickly adds, “I don’t want
to leave Naruto either, but we shouldn’t draw attention to ourselves.”
When their paralysis wears off Sasuke moves toward the direction they came from when both
clones step in front of him.
“Who the fuck do you think you are!” Sasuke yells. “Don’t get so full of yourself you think
you can order me around!”
“Hey, shut up will ya,” the second clone calls when out of the bushes, three familiar genin
trudge through. “Well, isn’t this a complex situation,” Ino voices, as her teammates walk up
beside her. With Team 10’s arrival, the Narutos look at each other with a little more
apprehension. They both know the boss doesn’t want more people for Orochimaru to hurt.
“We can’t stay-” Naruto starts to tell the arrivals when Sasuke kicks him in the face at the
same time he strikes the other clone with a kunai, dispelling both of them.
“Doesn’t look like you grasp the meaning of teamwork, Sasuke-kun,” Shikamaru lazily
points out.
“Where’s Naruto,” Ino asks looking around for the real one.
“We have to help him,” Sakura declares to her former friend and rival.
“What? Did the leeches get him,” Chōji jokes. “Or the bears?”
“He probably fell into a trap,” Shikamaru ponders aloud. “He’s definitely not the main
character type.”
“No,” Sasuke orders Sakura with stern red eyes. He’s so emphatic about his stance, Sakura
wouldn’t be surprised if he attacked her to keep anyone else from interfering. “They’d only
get in the way,” he adds.
However, Naruto’s smiling face flashes in the forefront of her worried mind and she can’t
help but yell back, “he’s our teammate and that monster is stronger than all of us. We’re
going to need all the help we can get.”
“What monster,” Ino startles, her heart starting to beat faster. “What happened to Naruto?
Sakura, tell me,” Ino demands.
“I- Naruto stayed behind to fight this unbelievably strong missing-nin so we could-”
“We don’t have time for this,” Sasuke calls out. He turns to Team 10 and tells them, “without
our third member, our team is shot and Sakura will only get in my way. Watch out for her and
I promise to help you get whichever scroll you need before the deadline ends.” Sasuke
doesn’t wait for a response before he leaps into the trees and travels back to the fight.
“Troublesome,” Shikamaru notes beside Chōji. Sakura is upset, offended, and unnerved by
Sasuke’s opinion of her and allows Ino’s hand to squeeze her shoulder in comforting
Naruto is aware of the fights going on and though he wants to join them to make sure
everyone stays safe, he has his own job to do. Running through the treetops with his own
clones spread out, but near enough, Naruto stops when he senses something. Hearing a
mechanically muffled, “lucky,” Naruto spots three genin from Amegakure wearing light
yellow jumpsuits stitched up at the middle, with rebreathers fixed to their mouths. Feeling
Kurama evaporate their mind-slip genjutsu every time they try to place it on him, Naruto
smiles as he creates a clone that quickly dispels, alerting his nearby backup to power up and
help take them out.
Four Narutos, each with one tail of Kurama’s power, surround a crouched and amused
Orochimaru. Though Naruto felt more powerful than ever before, he couldn’t comprehend or
apprehend the missing-nin. With all four chakra-covered Naruto’s attacking him, the best he
can manage is narrowly avoiding being struck in the stomach with some five-fingered seal
and keep the missing-nin from chasing after Sasuke. Even taking the legendary shinobi four
to one, Orochimaru’s foresight in taijutsu was better, Naruto can barely avoid his devastating
snake ninjutsu, and he had a strategy for every one of Naruto’s surprises. After the snake
sannin grossly slithered out the mouth of two bodies, it’s now even more difficult to hit him
with a Rasengan, or catch him with his red chakra despite his four to one advantage.
“You had better prepare a hundred sacrifices for summoning me,” the giant snake spoke.
“Of course, Manda-sama,” Orochimaru states before leaping away. “A moment is all I
Staring up in sheer awe of the king of snakes, Naruto mumbles, “Nii-chan was right. That
snake-bastard really is the worst.” Naruto contemplates asking Kurama for a second tail when
the large snake is attacked by the proctor of the second task, Mitarashi Anko.
“I got this,” Anko shouts, sniping the nake’s high head with six Fūma Shuriken she not only
ignites in flames, but quickly clones into twelve projectile weapons, then twenty-four with,
“Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!”
With Anko distracting it and leading it away, Naruto utilizes the moment of respite to create a
large Rasengan with Kyūbi chakra. He then follows the large snake as it attacks Anko,
waiting for the perfect opportunity, until he pulls up short. Stopping on top of a half-downed
thick branch, Naruto receives the memories of Sasuke forcibly dispelling his clones, and he
can’t help but curse, “that idiot!”
Naruto is about to leave Anko with his single tailed clone when the woman shrieks before
gripping desperately between shoulder and neck. It’s an opening Manda easily takes
advantage of to feed, opening its hissing mouth wide for its small meal only to choke and
shriek its own cry of pain as Naruto slams his large Rasengan into the grand summon’s
slithering spine. Despite the thick scales of its hide Naruto is effectively drilling through, the
blond keeps up the intensity until it dispels.
As the thick smoke evaporates, a heaving Naruto regresses to his feral, red-eyed strength as
he leaps to Anko’s side. Though she’s on her knees in tremendous pain, gripping at her curse
mark while holding in her scream, Naruto has to get to Sasuke before Orochimaru does or
he’ll suffer the same curse. Naruto sends his remaining single-tailed clone to try and find
Orochimaru or Sasuke to either fight off or save, respectively.
Naruto is growing more tired, not that he would consider resting, but he wanted to stay alert
until they’ve finished the second test and a steadily building fatigue won’t help him. Carrying
Anko in his arms bridal style, moved his forearm too near her seal, so he had to carry her
piggyback style as he raced through the air, retracing his clones direction.
‘Hey, Naru-nii,’ Naruto thinks as he jumps from branch to branch. While he’s relaying some
of what he knows to his future counterpart, a cache of memories interrupts his thoughts, and
Naruto curses, “fuck!”
“…We’re too late,” Naruto sorrowfully tells them. After traveling for another twenty
minutes, they find Sasuke unconscious with the seal on the back base of his neck.
‘Hey, listen,’ Naru-nii slowly starts. ‘I’ll save my strength so we can talk later but,
remember, we only wanted to try and spare him the pain of it. He’ll survive this, so don’t
beat yourself up about it.’
The single-tailed clone reverts to red eyes and feral blond hair before lifting Sasuke’s
unconscious body onto his shoulders, wrapping his arms securely around Sasuke’s dangling
right arm and leg. After, they travel the high thick branches of the enormous trees until they
come across Team 10 and Sakura in a small clearing.
Sakura rushes up to the Naruto carrying Sasuke as Anko orders for the Uchiha to be laid
down. The Narutos lower their cursed individuals down and Sakura and Anko check Sasuke
over while Ino rushes over to a very tired Naruto. He drops to a knee when Ino’s hands grip
his shoulders prompting her to take out her canteen in a frenzy, before helping him drink.
Though he’s heaving, sweating profusely, stained with splashes of blood and grime, his teeth
are still white when he smiles broadly, expressing his gratitude. “Thanks, Ino-chan.”
“Are you okay,” a concerned Ino asks, looking him over for any life-threatening wounds.
Letting out a whining exhale, he hoarsely answers, “if I never see another snake again, it’ll be
too soon, but I’m okay,” he smiles before drinking some more water.
“Sorry, Team 7 but I’m going to have to disqualify you,” Anko states as she looks over a
wincing Sasuke’s cursed mark.
Naruto gasps, choking on water and Sakura asks in quick succession, “what? But why?”
Anko’s pained and heaving face explains, “I have to take Uchiha-kun with me, and I can’t
exactly let Team 7 continue with only two members, can I.” After taking a few deep breaths,
Anko sympathizes, “I get that it sucks, but-”
“Wait!” Naruto yells, cutting her off. “Let me at least check how many scrolls we have. If we
have both, just let us race to the tower and complete it today. Please,” Naruto adds.
“What do you mean?” Sakura asks before checking Sasuke’s pocket. She takes out their
scroll as she confirms, “we only have the earth scroll.” Naruto turns to his clone who dispels
to inform what’s left of his platoon that the battle is over and ask they report how many
scrolls they may have acquired.
“Well, we have the heaven scroll,” Ino suggests, looking from Sakura to Naruto.
“Oh, boy,” Shikamaru sighs as Chōji asks, “you’re not suggesting we give them our scroll?”
Ino eyes him sternly, and the infinite amount of penance is clear between them. Chōji says
nothing more as Shikamaru irately scratches his head as he curses, “troublesome.”
“If they’re willing to hand over their scroll, I’ll allow it,” Anko states. “But I need to know
“Ah,” Naruto calls as the memories start flooding in. Half his original platoon is gone, but of
course, those remaining can create their own clones. “Mnn, the Hokage is on his way…
Hinata-chan is alright… we have two earth scrolls… and one heaven scroll! So we’re good.
Thanks, Ino-chan. You can have one of our earth scrolls if you want.”
“How do you…” Shikamaru starts and both he and Chōji stare at Naruto confused,
wondering if he’s lying to bide his time, or if he’s lying to bluff the proctor. In either instance,
they’re both sure Naruto isn’t the long-range sensor type and are justified when Naruto starts
tearing up and mewls pathetically, holding in his want to cry.
Sakura rushes to him, checking him over with her Iryō-ninjutsu as she asks, “what is it?” And
Ino asks, “what’s wrong?”
Naruto whimpers his answer, “uuuuhh, Karin-chan’s family and they bit her mother to
Pressed and understanding the specifics of Kage Bunshin as well as knowing the details
behind Mizuki’s defeat, Anko’s certain Naruto is telling her the truth. “We need to go,” she
tells the genin before turning to Naruto. “Tell your clones to meet us at the tower.” After
creating and dispelling a clone, they sprint through the trees for nearly three and a half hours
in the night until they finally reach the tower.
The group of exhausted ninja break the seal of one of the tower’s many double doors and
enter a large lit entrance chamber. The two-story expanse has two overhead walkways made
of concrete with a framed banner hanging on the wood and concrete wall. Reading the words
on the banner is a familiar orange-clad blond and an unknown redhead with glasses.
Shikamaru, Chōji, Sakura and especially Ino are stunned when Naruto breaks away from
them and rushes across the room to the red-headed girl with glasses standing next to a Naruto
clone with three scrolls in his hands, and lifts her entire frame in a big bear hug.
“Uh, Naruto,” Ino starts, wondering to herself why there always has to be a rival. ‘I’m not
even sure about him yet and there’s already another girl in the way!’ her thoughts yell,
mirroring her bewilderment. Ino attempts to ask as politely as possible, “who is that?”
“Ah,” Naruto calls out setting Karin down. “Ji-chan, Kakashi-sensei, and Asuma-sensei are
here,” Naruto informs them.
Naruto’s clone hands Shikamaru an earth scroll when a team of Anbu, Kakashi, Asuma, and
the Hokage rush into the room. Anko picks up an unconscious Sasuke, telling Sakura, “you
did good keeping his temperature down and assist his healing. We’ll take it from here.”
Anko leaves through the hallway at the end of the room with the Anbu tailing her. Kakashi
turns to his remaining students, and though noting the red-haired girl next to his blond
student, he commends his soldiers as much as Asuma does to his team.
“Later,” Kakashi tells her. Moving toward the same hallway Anko took Sasuke, Kakashi
informs his team, “you’ll have to remain here until the test is complete but there’s a lounge,
cafeteria, library, training center, and you’ll have your own rooms. I’ll find you both when I
can,” then disappears after the third genin of their team.
Asuma remains by his genin students while Hiruzen steps up to his Leaf-nin and states with
grandfatherly pride, “you no longer have to open your scrolls. On behalf of the Chūnin tasked
with receiving you, congratulations. Team 7, Team 10, you’ve passed the second test.”
“Was there ever a doubt!” Naruto yells, startling the other genin and widening Hiruzen’s
smile. The boisterous blond then surprises everyone, by immediately looking crestfallen.
Turning to Karin, Naruto winces as he apologizes. “Sorry, Karin-chan.”
Looking away from the leader of their village—possibly her leader as well—Karin tells her
cousin, “it’s okay.” She didn’t think she would be this close to their famed leader so soon and
finds it odd when the Hokage casually asks her blond cousin, “and who might this be,
Naruto-kun? That headband identifies you as a kunoichi from Kusagakure.”
As Karin realizes she hasn’t taken off her headband, Naruto happily answers in the most
unexpected way. “Ah! This is Uzumaki Karin! She’s my family! She was Kusa, but she wants
to emigrate to Konoha. She can stay right, Ji-chan? I kind of already said she can,” he adds
with a bit of a nervous chuckle.
‘How in Kami’s name is he not bowing and begging forgiveness for speaking in such a casual
way to his leader, the leader of Konoha’s Hidden Leaf Village?!’ Karin thinks as she takes
charge and formally bows to the famous leader. “Hokage-sama of Konohagakure! As Naruto
stated, my name is Uzumaki Karin. Upon discovering each other in the forest, he graciously
offered me residency here. No, more than that. He offered me a home. I know that I am a
stranger to you, but with your permission, I would like to accept Naruto-kun’s offer and
humbly request citizenship.”
Ino felt such a rush of relief at the word family, she covertly lets out an anxious breath
buildup stress as the Hokage hums a second before he agrees with his comforting smile.
“Yatta!” Naruto calls out with a hop in the air. Despite failing to protect Sasuke from
Orochimaru’s seal, he’s ecstatic to have a blood-related family member and cannot wait to
tell Naru-nii. “Ne, she can stay with me right, Ji-chan?”
“I’ll inform your sensei and I’m certain everything will be sorted,” Hiruzen communicates
before turning to the stunned faces of Asuma’s genin. It amuses the elder shinobi to no end
when others witness his interactions with Naruto-kun and he laughs on the inside.
Becoming serious, Hiruzen recites in a commanding voice, “if you lack heaven, seek wisdom
and be prepared. If you lack earth, run in the fields and seek advantages. If you have both
heaven and earth, you can succeed even in the most dangerous of missions. These rules will
guide a person’s extremes.” Hiruzen didn’t need to read the words above the genin in order to
repeat them as he adds, “As Chūnin captains, you have a responsibility to guide your team
with mind and body in all your duties. That is the Chūnin motto and I wish you all luck with
the rest of your exam.”
There was a lot of action in this chapter. I feel like I'm going to have to practice that
more since the whole tournament/invasion is coming up. This one was nice, but I feel I
can do better. This also means that I have to get a list together of ninjutsu I want to use
in battle. There wasn't really much here and I want to incorporate ninjutsu whenever
Speaking of, I feel like if Orochimaru can handle 1 four-tailed Naruto with busted arms,
then he should be able to handle 4 one-tailed Narutos at peak performance. Which
means Naruto was always going to lose. Obviously that won't always be the case.
Naruto will only get stronger and stronger, but for now, I needed Naruto to go up against
someone crazy strong. It'll help with other stuff later on.
This will also help Sakura. The best she can manage against orochi is stabbing herself,
and running around. She'll get stronger as well, but it'll take more time for her. That
being said, Naruto was never going to stop Sasuke from getting the seal. Team 7 just
can't handle pre-botched arms Orochimaru. He's too powerful and they're only lucky he
didn't want to cause to big a scene or they would be dead.
Speaking of Orochimaru. I really love that villain. He's so selfish, but he doesn't covet
power, per se. He covets immortality and to conquer death. He uses anything and
anyone to secure his own agenda and only really kills for that purpose. He's pretty
fascinating so I do want to use him more, I just don't know how yet... apart from canon I
KARIN! Ugh, I felt for her. Her village sucks a fat one and Shigeri's definitely dead. I
hated her teammates, the way they just grabbed her arm, like they're entitled to it or her
chakra... always pissed me off! If I had a spot in the chapter for her to watch Shigeri get
sucked dry, I definitely would've written it. I have ideas and plans for Karin. I don't
know if you guys know or not, but I couldn't find any evidence in canon that Naruto
knows Karin is or isn't his kin. I find that weird, especially if she was in the room for the
exam when he literally yells at everyone his full name, and the fact that he wasn't going
to lose to any of them. I know Kishimoto only thought of her after the fact, but a little
explanation would've been nice.
There was a line in canon from Shikamaru about Naruto not being the protagonist of a
story, and at the time, I thought it was BS, but lo and behold, emo-Sasuke was
Kishimoto's flavor the entire time. Still, I had to put that line back in because this is
fanfiction and wrongs must be righted.
As always, thank you very much for your support and comments. I truly do appreciate
them. It sucks I won't be writing for a while, but I still have my pen and paper. I keep
writing down the story
Chapter Notes
Hey guys. First a foremost, I apologize for taking so long with this update. I didn't mean
to. Life has just been SO extra for a long time now. I'm wondering if it's ever going to
easy up or am I just at the precipice of major change. Time will tell. Thank you for your
patience. I find writing is very soothing and it's a joy in my life to share it with you
Nerd Alert: This chapter will require a decent grasp of Time Dilation and General
Relativity. If you don't know what that is, I've explained it to the best of my ability
within the narrative. If it still doesn't make sense, I recommend watching a Youtube
video on the topic. It's pretty cool stuff.
“Does she really have to go,” Naruto begs to know, looking at Kakashi with worried eyes.
“We haven’t even gotten a chance to talk,” he finishes.
“You know the rules, Naruto-kun,” Kakashi answers. “As far as timing goes the earlier the
better and you have to stay here for the next four days anyway. Might as well be now.”
From beside Kakashi, Karin says, “it’s okay, Naruto. It’ll be fine.” She then gives Sakura and
Sasuke a short bow before departing. Arms crossed, Sasuke is brooding against the wall of
the hallway and she has to try hard not staring at his beautifully stoic face. She grabs her
cousin’s forearm comfortingly before adding, “I’ll see you once the second test concludes,”
then exits through the door behind them.
Sakura is standing beside Naruto as the blond asks Kakashi, “why do we even have to stay
here if we already passed,” Naruto asks and before they can tell him again, he answers his
question. “Yeah, yeah, to avoid interference between the villages-”
Watching his sole family in the world leave, Naruto can’t help but yell, “this still sucks!”
“Noted,” Kakashi casually comments before informing his team, “remember, aside from
physical conditioning, no training. All competitors are monitored heavily to avoid setting up
traps or other forms of advantage which also means this is the best place to spy on the
‘I guess I wouldn’t need to spy since I have Naru-nii,’ Naruto thinks as he glumly watches
Kakashi leave to take Karin to her interrogation.
“She’ll be fine,” Sakura reassures Naruto, though her presence and voice without the violence
and survival to distract him, reminds him of the hollowness of what should’ve been a magical
night and the resulting agony in his heart. Turning to her teammates, Sakura proposes with an
upbeat tone, “why don’t we have breakfast together?”
Though it’s surprising to Naruto that Sakura would want him to join her and Sasuke, Sasuke’s
reaction isn’t. After glaring at Naruto, Sasuke leaves without a word, engulfing the pair in
painfully awkward silence.
Their night together rushes quickly to the forefront of their minds hurting and exciting them
both at the same time, and though they won’t speak about it, Sakura can vividly recall every
moment and sensation as well as Naruto can. With their memories arresting their voices, the
teammates slowly make their painfully silent way toward the cafeteria. Upon entering the
large room, Ino rushes up to them, loudly bidding them a good morning.
Desperate, Naruto hastily asks, “do you want to have breakfast with us?”
“Or she could have it with her team,” an irate Sakura suggests, glaring at Ino.
Ino simply smiles serenely and tells Naruto, “how about we have lunch together instead? I
actually need to talk to Forehead,” she tells him with a sweet smile.
Though content to see Ino—especially with how weird Sakura is making him feel—Naruto
grows confused by the kunoichi’s relationship when Sakura quickly asserts, “well, I don’t
want to talk to you,” because Ino doesn’t seem upset at all. The blond simply grabs Sakura’s
hand and begins dragging her away as she repeatedly states, “it’s okay, it’s okay, it’ll be
quick.” Though Sakura resists, it’s weightless as Ino succeeds in dragging the pinkette away,
calling out behind her, “see you later, Naruto!”
Fortunately, Naruto spots Gaara’s siblings in the cafeteria as well. With trays in their hands,
Kankurō and Temari are exiting the large room. They each have two trays of breakfast and on
his sprint toward them, Naruto can make out Nai-chan’s favorite section of food groups; kale,
broccoli, with beans, berries, cantaloupe, and seaweed.
Landing ahead of them, he greets them with, “morning,” before asking as he looks around,
“hey, where’s Gaara?”
With astonished derision, Kankurō gripes, “how the hell is a midget like you still alive?”
Looking at the Suna-nin’s expanded middle, Naruto easily retorts just snidely, “same way you
are, tubby.”
“Tch,” Kankurō sucks his teeth, ready to set down his trays of breakfast. “I’m not fat! It’s the
clothes-” he manages to state before Temari genuinely asks, “do you have a death wish or
something? Why do you want to speak with Gaara so badly?”
“Let’s go,” Kankurō tells his sister as he starts walking around Naruto. “Baki-sensei doesn’t
want us talking to them.”
Naruto runs around them, cutting their lead again as he states, “wait, I just think we can be
friends. What’s so bad about that?”
“I don’t know how you can tell what anything is with all that eyeliner on,” Naruto mouths
with an insolent and raised chin.
“Tch! It’s war paint,” Kankurō quickly yells when Temari steps in front of her younger
brother and tells Naruto, “you should stay away from Gaara.”
“Thanks, but I’m sure it’ll be fine,” he shrugs happily. “I mean, think about it. What if we’re
all friends in the future? Wouldn’t that be awesome,” Naruto asks, and though he offers them
his best smile, they walk away from him unaffected. “Wait, can we at least eat together?”
“Kankurō, Temari,” Baki calls as he walks up to them and takes special note of Naruto.
“Hey, I’m Uzumaki Naruto, future Hokage,” he casually greets. “You’re Gaara’s sensei,
right? You must be pretty strong.”
Baki eyes the boy intensely, harshly stating, “I’ll tell you this now, Konoha genin. On paper,
our villages may be allies, but, we are in competition, which means you engaging us is
“Oh, that’s okay,” Naruto shrugs. “I’m not worried about competing. I was just telling them
it’d be pretty cool if me and Gaara were friends. You said we’re allies right? So why don’t
we… um, meet and stuff? You know, like how allies do?”
“It’s war paint,” Kankurō yells as Baki informs him, “Gaara, Kankurō, and Temari will not
associate with you. Heed my warning. Gaara is the most dangerous genin here and our
village will bear no responsibility should he kill you.”
Considering Baki’s words, Naruto isn’t sure if they understand that that stuff doesn’t matter
more than friendship and asks, “so… as long as I say it’s not your fault, then it’s fine if we
hang out?”
“Not that it matters much,” Naruto grumbles. “He can’t kill me, anyway.”
“Let’s go,” Baki commands them and they turn to leave. Naruto doesn’t follow and decides to
eat breakfast. After eating by himself, he begins exploring the tower when he happily hears
Naru-nii’s, ‘yo!’
When Temari exits Gaara’s room, a pensive Kankurō asks her, “do you think he can’t die?”
Baki hands Temari her tray of breakfast as he asks Kankurō, “what are you referring to?”
“That blond kid,” Temari easily answers, taking her tray and snacking on broccoli.
“He seems pretty sure Gaara can’t beat him,” Kankurō points out as the three walk next door.
Baki nods for them to enter Kankurō’s room. As they settle down, casually eating their
breakfast, Baki asks Kankurō, “what are you thinking?”
“Good luck with that,” Temari quips with a smirk. “I don’t think your sunny personality won
him over.”
“Temari,” Baki calls, before ordering her, “see if there’s anything there.”
Aghast, Temari eyes her sensei unhappily as she asks, “what? Why me?” Pointing at her
brother, she adds, “he’s the one who wants to investigate.”
“As you said, Kankurō will likely make him defensive and uncooperative,” Baki points out.
“You’re also a kunoichi and he’s a boy.”
“You know I hate shit like that, Baki,” the daughter of the Kazekage effortlessly speaks her
mind to her superior.
“And you also know how effective appeal can be… regardless of gender,” Baki returns.
“More often than not, savvy women have an easier time directly engaging the more primitive
desire-driven part of the male brain. It’s all too common for men to fool themselves into
thinking they have a chance if women let them believe they’re interested. It’s not sexism,
Temari, it’s tactics. I’m not asking you to seduce him to the full scope of the word, however,
if he’s comfortable-”
“Alright, I get it!” she heaves exasperated. “He’ll be less guarded and more inclined to
share.” Entirely fed up with this apparently universal notion that her sex is her only
substantial advantage, she grabs her tray of food and practically stomps toward the door,
irately pointing out, “you know, I’m one of the smartest and deadliest kunoichi in the
village,” before sarcastically asking, “but what’s skill and intelligence matter when you have
a pair of tits, right?”
After she slams the door behind her, the two men let out a relieved breath before Baki orders
Kankurō, “you to talk to his teammates. We have four full days of free time. Let’s see if
there’s anything worth learning. Despite the imminent goals being finalized for the future,
you three are Kazekage-sama’s legacy and need to represent our village as a decisive force to
be reckoned with.”
Ino had several nightmares last night and didn’t get much sleep. Every nightmare had a boy
dying in it, whether it was a blond-haired boy dying at the hands of some monster, or a raven-
haired boy dying on an operating table, and come morning, she tracked Team 7 simply to see
with her very eyes how crazy she’s acting. Spotting Sakura and Naruto, Ino can immediately
read the horribly awkward mood between them.
‘They’re broken pretty bad,’ Ino calmly observes and she knows quite well she was the one
leading them there. Two of her most important relations and they can barely look at each
other. Feeling the need to correct her persistent errors, Ino greets them with charm before
forcibly dragging Sakura away. By the weak resistance Ino felt, she’s fairly certain she’s
rescuing Sakura.
Yet, in her assigned room, Sakura venomously asserts, “you know I don’t want to talk to
“Yes, yes, yes, I know, okay,” Ino quickly rebuttals, flimsily waving the pinkette’s venom
aside. “I understand what I did crossed lines. I saw you both. I’m not blind. Maybe I’ll never
be able to earn your forgiveness, but I’m telling you now, I won’t stop trying to do just that.”
“It’ll never work,” Sakura claims, eying her former friend and former rival sternly. “The day
Naruto stops hurting from a broken heart is the only day I’ll consider possibly forgiving you.
Do you know how guilty I feel? Not only is it agonizing to think about Sasuke now—to truly
see him—but it’s even worse every time I see Naruto. There was no need to hurt him like that
and it’s all your fault!”
“Let’s not be over-dramatic, Forehead,” Ino returns with a raised voice. “You might be in a
rush to forget how fanatically obsessed you were, but I certainly remember you were more
than fine breaking his heart as long as you got your photo back.” Sakura winces to hear and
Ino inhales deeply before exhaling to avoid blaming one another. “Look, before we devolve
into the usual shouting match, can we please talk a little first?”
“No,” Sakura answers. “I still don’t want to talk to you,” the pinkette finishes as she moves
toward the door.
However, Ino takes ahold of her hand, stopping Sakura as she tries to say, “It’s…” Ino heaves
finding this to be extremely hard to put into words. “It’s…”
“Ino? My hand,” Sakura points out, but Ino doesn’t let go. “If this is about Sasuke, you saw
him. He’s fine now.”
“It’s not about Sasuke,” Ino tells her, but though it’s on the tip of her tongue, she can’t quite
say the words, ‘I think I like Naruto,’ as it feels like jumping off a cliff.
Forcibly removing her hand from Ino’s weak grasp, Sakura hurries to ask, “then what is it?”
Beginning to pace in her room, Ino nervously combs her blond bangs with her fingers as she
often does before simply asking, “nothing is set in stone, right? We were living like death
wasn’t as nearby when we were taught better than that, right? You remember those classes
they made us take on Death and Perspective?”
Though thoroughly confused, Sakura’s mind effortlessly recalls the syllabus for that course,
perfectly reciting, “some degree of our behavior is generated by an unconscious fear of death
and this fear generates deep anxiety and unease. It’s very common for us to try and offset this
anxiety with behavior such as status-seeking—marital or professional—becoming more
materialistic, or blindly defending the values of our culture. We feel threatened by death, so,
we seek security and significance to defend ourselves from it.”
With a small smirk, Ino happily remarks, “I know I have a good memory but yours is
something else-”
“I mean it,” Ino assures the suspicious pinkette. “Look, it’s true I did horrible stuff to you—
the crazy you anyway—but what’s also indisputable is why I did it. Unless you think it was
easy for me to do that to someone I actually care about.”
“Tch! Only in the beginning,” Ino hesitates to refute adding, “when I didn’t recognize the
obsessed monster walking around in my best friend’s face,” Ino yells back. “My memory
may not be like yours, but the things I remember with crystal clarity are the people I care
about and all the times we’ve shared; good and bad! I remember what we may have done on
any given day, what you were wearing at the time, what we talked about, who we saw, what
we ate, what we liked. That’s my knowledge base. Yet I stood back and witnessed you
growing up warped because all that mattered was Sasuke. I accept my part in that as well, so,
as hard as it is for you to believe, yes, Sakura, I care about you.”
With a knowing smirk, Ino quickly retorts, “because I’m made of sterner stuff,” though after
a serious breath, the beautiful blond adds, “and why would it stop me when I knew what you
could be? Ever since that perfect summer day I met you, I… I always knew, Sakura,” Ino
replies and feeling a great boost of pride. ‘I feel like Kurenai-sensei.’
Reluctantly, Sakura walks past Ino and takes a seat on the bed, which is progress in Ino’s
pupil-less blue eyes, but the pinkette says, “don’t think that just because I’m willing to listen,
I forgive you. Regardless of who shares the most blame, Naruto is my teammate, a good
person, and he was left heartbroken because of us.”
“You forgot to add, ‘and a stud in the sack,’” Ino jokingly mocks, but Sakura remains stern of
countenance, hard green eyes staring intensely into pupil-less blue on for several breathless
seconds, unblinking… until eventually, Sakura loses the battle of wills by blushing fiercely at
the persistent mental bombardment of her night with Naruto. Ino even catches the pinkette
shudder from her pelvis.
With a huff, a blushing Sakura rearranges herself and leans against the headboard of the bed.
Looking away from a smirking Ino as she asks, “so, what is it?”
Ino doesn’t continue to metaphorically tug on Sakura’s pigtails as she instead says, “I brought
up that Death Prep class because I’ve had a lot of time to reflect and I think we took it the
wrong way. We thought we should love more right away and go after the things we wanted
because any mission, any day, could be our last, but lately, that’s not how I think of it. I’m
wondering if we may not know the full extent of who we truly are without powerful
experiences to test and shape us.”
Confused by this existential topic and cognizant of her death-inviting weaknesses after facing
a terribly strong shinobi, Sakura can’t help but ask, “what are you talking about?” Though
ordered not to speak about Orochimaru, Sakura’s shortcomings as a kunoichi have never been
so clear to her, yet she knows Ino’s never had to face one of the legendary Sannin and
responds, “I know we just survived the Forest of Death but I’m fairly sure your team didn’t
have it so hard you’d question your own mortality.”
“It’s not about the forest…” Ino starts but thoughts of two boys nearly dying amends her
statement. “Well, it’s not completely about that. It’s…” ‘Arrgh, just say it!’ Ino’s mind yells.
The welling ache in her chest demands, ‘SAY YOU WANT TO DATE NARUTO!’ Playing with
the ends of her platinum-blond bangs, Ino’s clogged throat struggles to release the thick
words, “I just… want to… explore… new avenues… I might not have ever considered…
before.” Once a blushing Ino finishes, she feels out of breath and slightly feverish.
Sakura’s brows are strewn together and her green eyes are squinting trying to see underneath
the underneath until her brain click pieces into place and her green eyes pop wide open in
wild surprise. “Ino! Really? I thought you… Kami… Um, I’m flattered, r-really, but, uh,
regardless of everything we did this past month, I still prefer men.”
Locking her eyes on Sakura’s, Ino yells, “No! No! That’s not what I meant, Forehead! I still
prefer men too!”
Skeptical of Ino’s denial, Sakura asks for clarity, “are you sure? I mean, I don’t really care if
that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Yes, yes, I’m sure,” Ino retorts with a montage of Naruto’s sexual prowess devouring her
flashes of memory.
Sighing in frustration, Sakura warns her, “I’m leaving in the next ten seconds if you don’t
start making sense.”
Somehow, nine silent seconds pass in what feels like one before a flummoxed Ino sputters,
“how- how was it?”
“You- you’re a woman now,” Ino points our and immediately Sakura blushes. “In spite of
how it happened, you’re the first out of our class to have sex with a boy.” If the pink-cheeked
Sakura noticed the pause in Ino’s false assertion, she didn’t comment on it as Ino continues,
“not only that, but the glassy-eyed state you were in? It was so obvious you liked it. So, how
was it?”
Sakura is blushing deeply questioning, “w-why are you b-bringing that up?”
“Oh, come on,” Ino gasps. “We absolutely need to talk about this! I want to know
everything!” Ino quickly asks, “was he good, bad,” however, Ino already knows the answer to
that and without giving Sakura a second to respond, Ino immediately follows with, “who took
the lead? You or him,” but she could guess that answer as well. The thing Ino really wanted
to know was, “what did you do? Like, how good were you?”
Overwhelmed with memory-driven embarrassment, Sakura hotly declares through her very
pouty, cute blush, “I… I don’t want to talk about this with you.”
“Who else are you going to talk to about this?” Ino continues to ask, heavy-handedly
attempting to convince the pinkette. “Your teammates, your sensei, your parents? I know
Mebuki-san was fairly rebellious in her youth but-”
Horribly disturbed, Sakura calls, “please don’t bring my mother into this.” She’s heard
snippets of how wild her mother was in her youth and more than ever before, Sakura worries
how much of her mother’s eccentricities she’s inherited.
If Ino does have sex with Naruto again, and the odds are very high that she will—she blushes
when she imagines it might happen as boyfriend and girlfriend—she wants to be able to last
as long as he does. They’ve had sex many times now and she’s failed to outlast him every
time and tiring him out has now become a point of pride for her.
Ino even fantasizes about a fully nude and satisfied Naruto waking up beside her and asking,
‘did your earth-shattering prowess as a sex-goddess make me pass out again? You’re just too
good Ino-hime.’
Ino takes a deep and calming breath and focuses on the task at hand; extracting useful
information from Sakura, for there’s a possibility the pinkette may have done something she
hadn’t thought of. But Ino couldn’t know Sakura had been repressing that experience to the
best of her meager ability.
To begin with, forgetting random information is generally hard for Sakura. Forgetting the
first time she had sex—the loss of her precious virginity—is impossible with her mental
acuity. Forgetting all the mind-numbing, knockout orgasms is infinitely more impossible as it
feels like the experience has been recorded into the DNA of her marrow, muscle, and mind.
She had even lost enough sense that night to ask him to scratch the itch in her ass, which, to
her great surprise, felt wonderfully thrilling. Throughout her time with Naruto, Sakura passed
out five times from the overwhelming torrential bliss plundering her mind, and the blush
currently on Sakura’s face spoke volumes.
Ino couldn’t help but ask the silent girl, “were you bad?”
“I knew it,” Ino huffs with disappointment. “You were bad, weren’t you?”
“Shut it Ino-pig,” Sakura curses, defending herself with, “I wasn’t bad! And how’s that even
possible? I’m the girl. It’s the boy’s job to do everything.”
Wide-eyed and befuddled, Ino cautiously asks, “you… you’re joking right?” Sakura is silent
long enough for Ino to assert, “that couldn’t be more wrong! How outdated are you?”
“Without me, he’d still be a virgin,” Sakura yells. “He was even lucky I went along with his
crazy demands-”
“Demands? What demands?” Ino gasps, pondering how far her once friend went with the
same boy she’s had sex with. It was incredibly odd for Ino to think about how they’ve both
lost their virginity to the same boy, and though Ino knows Sakura’s night with Naruto wasn’t
going to be a reoccurring thing, the platinum-blond found she didn’t exactly hate that it
happened. Ino may even conclude it’s exciting to think that the same dick was inside both of
them, engorging their sensitive sex organ until they burst in mind-numbing pleasure. Ino
pauses a moment to close her eyes and calm her breathing to keep from triggering.
Ino also appreciated that this oddly comforting, quasi-sororal connection between them
wasn’t because Naruto seduced them behind their back. He isn’t a player or the horn-dog
women in the bathhouse often lament about. If anything, they were the ones to initiate sex
with him and that felt empowering in an odd and unexpected sort of way. Ino would prefer to
be chased by a tall, strong, and handsome man—as any budding young woman would—but
Naruto wasn’t a dog, and despite social convention, taking what she wanted because she
wanted it, wasn’t a bad feeling.
“I- I’m not telling,” Sakura reiterates. “He- He put it in and things happened and that’s all
you need to know… virgin.”
Her eye twitching, Ino felt the swelling fire in the pit of her stomach want to yell she was the
one who became a woman first and she’s had way more sex than her rival has, but instead,
Ino calmly asks, “so you didn’t like being with him?”
“I wouldn’t say…” Thinking better of it, Sakura instead asks defensively, “why do you want
to know?”
“Why not,” Ino returns with a shrug. “How long are you going to keep this to yourself? You
had sex, for Kami’s sake!”
“Shhhhhh,” Sakura shushes hotly with her index finger against her lips.
Looking around the empty room confused, Ino reminds her madly blushing friend, “it’s just
us, you loon.” Ignoring the glaring hypocrisy, Ino asks, “wouldn’t you want to know
everything if I was the one who had sex?”
“Maybe,” Sakura slowly admits. Then adds, “if we were actually friends.”
With a long sigh, Sakura answers, “you may have made me realize Sasuke wouldn’t feel
anything if he murdered me or my parents but that doesn’t mean I can forgive you for how
hurt Naruto ended up. Every time I think about it, my insides lurch… It shouldn’t have
happened like that.”
Turning her gaze away, Ino slowly mentions, “maybe I can make it up to him too.”
“…O-one thing at a time,” Ino quickly chickens out. “So… did you like being with him?”
Rolling her eyes, Sakura tries to pronounce, “he was… I uh, had no real complaints.”
Ino bobs her head with the acceptable answer before she asks for clarity’s sake, “and you’re
sure you don’t want to date him?”
“Look, I’ve taken a few steps back from Sasuke, but it’s not like I’m apathetic toward him
now.” Ignoring the flashes of memory of nearly dying at the hands of Orochimaru, she adds,
“and honestly, I could use this time to enhance my current training. If Sasuke and I don’t
happen for a long time to come, that’s… that’s fine, but no, I don’t want to date Naruto.”
“This is why I brought up our Death Perspective class,” Ino replies. “They laid out why we
should try and balance living in the moment a little more than planning too far ahead, but we
didn’t listen. I thought it was Sasuke or death and spent every day working hard to make him
fall in love with me because that, more than anything, would make life worth it.”
Thinking about her mother’s words and Kurenai’s admirable character, however, Ino admits
to Sakura, “but as ninjas, the only thing we’re sure of is the present, and if it was the last day
we had on this earth, I know I wouldn’t waste an extra second of it on a boy who doesn’t
want to spend it with me.” With thoughts of Naruto flashing through her mind’s eye, Ino
nervously adds, “I just feel like giving… things I hadn’t considered before a try.”
Falling back in bed, Ino smothers her face with a pillow as she struggles to courageously say,
“I mean… like… possibly, maybe, asking Naruto to be my boyfriend.”
With pure embarrassment, Ino gradually tightens the pillow over her red face after confessing
her most delicate secret. At first, Sakura didn’t understand what Ino said, and the exponential
silence in the room was electric for several seconds before a flabbergasted Sakura finally
yells, “INO!”
It took nearly half-an-hour before Sakura could settle her monumental shock and ask an
ungodly hail of probing questions, not that the blond answered any of them. Ino simply held a
pillow over her head out of utter embarrassment. Sometimes Ino would murmur an answer in
her pillow but Sakura could never decipher and Ino wouldn’t repeat it. Though Sakura
could’ve left after hour two, she simply could not let this go. To get her answers, she would
sleep there if she had to.
Sakura rapid fires, “how? Why? Since when? Who knows? What about Sasuke?”
Putting up five fingers, Ino counts down with each weepy answer. “I don’t know. I really
don’t know. At some point in the last month. Just you. And you said it yourself, Sasuke needs
a steady relationship with a counselor, not a girlfriend.”
“It sounds like you’ve given up on him,” Sakura thinks aloud before quickly adding, “not that
I mind.”
“I’m not planning on marrying Naruto here,” Ino asserts. “It’s just… Kaa-san’s told me a
bunch of times how Tou-san is both the love of her life and her best friend, and lately, I’m
realizing that those are not the same things, you know? Like a boy could be the love of your
life, but he may not be a good friend, or he can be a great friend and not the love of your life.
Kaa-san has both and truthfully, I’m sort of envious. A lover who’s also your best friend
sounds perfect and impossible, but, I look at my parents and I know it can happen.”
“Shows how much you know about your teammate. Believe it or not, we’ve actually hung
out several times,” Ino confesses with a smirk, though she won’t admit many of those
meetups ended with mind-blowing sex.
“Why didn’t you tell me,” Sakura demands to know, before realizing, “wait, why didn’t he
tell me!”
Ino simply asks, “you mean, why didn’t he tell you between all the times you hit him or
flaunt all over Sasuke that he’s hanging out with your ex-best friend?”
“I haven’t done either of those for weeks now,” Sakura asserts pridefully. “I thought we were
in a good place… well, before that night, I mean.”
“What do you actually know about his life,” Ino curiously asks. “Have you ever bothered to
ask him his likes, his dislikes, who he knows, where he’s been? I got to learn a lot about him
when I was helping Kurenai-sensei and I talk with him. He loves stories with happy endings,
he hates ghosts, he enjoys watering his plants and feeding Tori-chan. He’s strong, and not just
physically either, but mentally. He’s funny, like mischievous funny—which I like. He’s cute,
he’s smart, he has such a wonderful heart, and you don’t seem to have complaints about his
performance in bed… even though, apparently, you just lie there like a dead fish.”
Feeling a little convinced herself, Sakura is happy to huff, “I do not,” to feel anger rather than
confusion. “We did a bunch of stuff-” Sakura cuts herself off, and as Ino expected, she won’t
say more.
Moving on, Ino admits, “I just can’t stop thinking about him, and every day, I catch myself
asking, ‘why not? Why couldn’t we?’” Hugging her pillow with a slyly growing grin, Ino
adds, “so, yeah, I think I’d really like it if Naruto were my boyfriend.”
The pair fall into silence as the young women process the deep implications behind their
entire conversation and sift for every morsel of reflection. Aligned with the fact that Sakura
had sex with Naruto, it was hard for the pinkette to believe Ino wants to be Naruto’s
girlfriend and takes the rest of the morning to mull it over. ‘Ino wants to be the girlfriend of a
boy I had sex with.’ It just seems so odd to Sakura that Ino would be okay with the fact that,
no matter what, she took Naruto’s first time. It just seems less pure that way. ‘How does that
not bother you? It has to,’ she wonders.
Sakura realizes if Naruto and Ino get married, then Ino and herself would have both slept
with the same man. Sakura doesn’t know why but she can’t decide how she feels about this.
A sequence of motion pictures play in vivid detail how shockingly overwhelming Naruto
commands over her pleasure center and to know Ino is going to experience the same thing…
it’s so illicit, her entire body simply reacts. As she quickly walks to her assigned room for
some self relief, she simply tells herself, ‘it’s biology and thrilling and nothing more.’
He was the first boy she’d ever been with and he was better than she ever thought the act of
sex could possibly be. Sakura believes a healthy sex drive is part of a healthy lifestyle and
since her night with Naruto, she won’t deny her body’s completely natural needs. Her
arousing fantasies staring her blond-haired blue-eyed teammate were frequent and not of her
control, but Ino was right.
‘I’m a woman now,’ she tells herself as she enters her room. Removing her shorts before
hopping into her bed and under her covers, her mind always yields to the other extreme
experience in her young life. The other reason why she won’t deny herself this pleasure is
that, ‘I almost died… easily.’
By lunch when the three teams of genin—Team 7, Team 10, and Suna’s team—were joined
by a slightly worn Team Guy. Though Ino acted normally, Sakura noticed the Yamanaka
making subtle glances between Naruto and Sasuke and couldn’t help thinking, ‘Kami, she’s
really looking at him…’
Ino liking Naruto was blowing her mind and Sakura is grateful for the distraction as Sasuke
has been silently fuming all day. The self-proclaimed avenger has been ignoring, as well as,
not ignoring, Naruto and it would’ve made lunch a very tense experience had it not been for
Naruto insisting Konoha teams eat together. Ino was the first to lead Shikamaru, Chōji into
joining Team 7. Rock Lee followed by Tenten had joined the group after, and though Neji sat
with his teammates, it became clear he only cared to ask Sasuke one thing. “How is it your
team manage to make it here before ours?”
That seemed to annoy Sasuke further; a deeper hole in his psyche that Sakura imagines has to
do with his hate and his rivalry with Naruto. She’s really seeing him now and though it
doesn’t feel good to witness that darkness and be powerless to help him, she is thankful that
it’s clear to her now. Though she won’t thank Ino any time in the foreseeable future, she
wouldn’t be surprised if she thanked the blond heiress at some point.
Sakura knows the handsome Hyūga was Rookie of the Year before Sasuke, but that didn’t
matter to Naruto as he brashly responds, “obviously because our team is way stronger than
Neji turned as stoic as Sasuke but Sakura found it funny to watch Rock Lee and Naruto
comically rage against who had the stronger team, escalating their bets with every assertion
before Ino’s indignantly declares that her team was the strongest and Shikamaru mumbles
how troublesome it all is.
As Tenten was calming Lee down, Naruto looks from Sakura to Ino and back, drawing their
attention before he makes up his mind and asks Ino, “could I ask you for a favor, Ino-chan?”
Though momentarily feeling slighted by her teammate not asking her instead of Ino, Sakura’s
analytical and diagnostic eyes immediately identifies the slight blush on the Yamanaka’s
cheeks, unconscious wetting of her lips, focus in her eyes, a quicker intake of air and a slight
increase in her respiratory rate. Again, Sakura’s mind marvels at the thought, ‘I can’t believe
it’s true!’
“If it’s helping you get a new wardrobe, the answer is a hundred times yes,” Ino plays but
most assuredly means.
Chuckling, Naruto effortlessly tells her, “I’ll switch outfits when the dress code is the
Hokage’s uniform.”
“I’m going to be stuck in my room for the next four days, maybe even up to when the task
finishes,” Naruto tells her, furrowing Ino and Sakura’s brows in confusion as he finishes,
“can you bring my meals for me, please?”
Blushing at the erotic possibilities, Ino startles as she answers, “well, I- yeah, sure. Yeah, I
can do… that.” After a brief moment, however, Ino isn’t sure why he’d go to such lengths.
She has a hard time lasting more than thirty minutes under his sexual stimulation. Four days
is just overkill. Tightening her crossed legs, a blushing Ino ignores Sakura’s perceptive eyes
as she asks, “why are you staying in your room for four days?”
Sakura notices Sasuke also pay attention to the question, but if Naruto noticed he didn’t seem
to care as he earnestly answers, “Kakashi-sensei said we’re not allowed to train but I can still
work on my Fūinjutsu.”
“Sure do,” Naruto answers him with a smile, adding, “and it’s wicked awesome stuff!”
Sakura notices Tenten-chan also pay more attention as Ino comments, “I still don’t
understand why that would keep you in your room for four straight days.”
Surprisingly, Naruto’s usually happy expression yields to one of solemn heartfelt contentment
and his small smile of serenity calmly claims, “sorry, Ino-chan. It’s a clan secret.”
Shikamaru and Chōji doubt Naruto capable of learning Fūinjutsu and Lee wants to know,
“what clan?” Tenten, Ino, and Sakura want to know why he refuses to reveal more. Neji and
Sasuke simply leave once they’ve finished their lunch.
After saying bye to his cousin, Karin, Naruto finished eating his breakfast when Naru-nii
contacted him. Naruto was too busy the previous day to talk, and though he was glum after
parting with Karin and eating alone, he was happy to relay everything that happened to his
future-counter part.
‘Well, awesome job holding your own against Orochimaru until backup arrived. It’s
actually embarrassing to admit, but I was knocked out, like, in no time at all after coming
up against that slithering ass.’
‘Embarrassed? Are you kidding? Didn’t you only have Kage Bunshin to fight with,’ Naruto
scoffs, easily adding, ‘I mean, you didn’t have the best sensei like I do,’ Naruto happily
Naru-nii chuckles a bit before responding, ‘thanks. And since you did pull off one
Rasenshuriken, I finally get to tell you who our father… … … hmm…’
Naruto leaps from his seated position in his room as he asks, “hello? Naru-nii, the suspense is
killing me here,” he concludes as he passes the moderate-sized room. After barely a moment
of silence, Naruto’s energy couldn’t contain his voice, quickly calling, “Naru-nii, speak to
‘Ow, calm down, will ya,’ Naru-nii calls. ‘I just got a better idea, is all.’
Naruto can hear the glee in Naru-nii’s voice when he asks, ‘how would you like to meet tou-
san instead?’
‘WHAT!’ Naruto mentally yells so loud, Kurama yells back, ‘I’m napping!’ Lowering his
mental voice, Naruto asks, ‘how? You said he was-’
‘He is,’ Naru-nii immediately clarifies. ‘But he sealed a bit of his chakra in you before he
died. It’s how I got to talk to him once and it’s how you can talk to him too.’
‘Wow,’ Naruto gasps, growing more nervous by the second. ‘I- I’m so blown away, I don’t
even know what to think. This is next level! I mean, I definitely want to. I just never thought it
was possible…’
‘Then, let’s make it a little easier for you,’ Naru-nii tells his younger counter-part. ‘Our
father’s name is Namikaze Minato, but you probably know him best as the Fourth
‘Nope,’ Naru-nii yips happily. ‘You never noticed how alike you both look?’
‘I… I guess, yeah, but I just thought if that was really the case, I’d be treated a lot better. I
mean, at least as good as Asuma-nii or Konohamaru are treated. Plus, all the Academy
sensei said he had no children, so it couldn’t be true-’
‘No matter how much you wanted it to be,’ Naru-nii interjects with complete understand and
empathy. ‘Yeah, I know. But it’s definitely true, Chibi-Me. You- well, we are the son of the
fourth Hokage.’
‘How do I meet him,’ Naruto eagerly asks. ‘I really want to meet him!’
‘Yeah, I kinda did the same,’ Naru-nii sheepishly admits. ‘But you know, I want you to do
something I never did.’
‘What’s that?’
‘Tou-chan and I didn’t have a lot of time together, but since you already know everything
he’s going to tell you, you can ask him a question I’ve been dying to know.’
“I don’t want to see him,” Kurama huffs to an eye-rolling Naruto as soon as the blond enters
the large chamber. “I will never forgive him for sealing my power.”
“Aww, come on,” Naruto contends. “Naru-nii said if it’s possible to learn it, then this would
totally help us against a lot of really strong bad guys.”
“I know what the future brat said,” Kurama growls. Getting up, he prowls in a circle as he
adds, “I still hate the yondaime.”
“Are you going to give me eight tales or not,” Naruto plainly puts. “I only need it for a
second,” the blond adds, however, Kurama isn’t convinced. It isn’t until Naruto mentions,
“this could also help me possibly get a girlfriend,” blushing a bit at the thought. Though
Naruto may not blush quite so easily when it comes to physical intimacy with a girl, talk of
girlfriends and matters of the heart can still rush the blood to his cheeks easily. “I mean, the
Fourth is still like, really really popular; what with the way he took out entire armies by
himself and such. And I look a lot like him. It would only make sense if I were to become
just as popular with the same technique-”
“What! Two?” Naruto questions incredulously before sternly arguing, “you know this isn’t
like ordering at a restaurant, right? You can’t just say ‘I’ll take two of those.’”
“Why not,” Kurama argues, moving closer to the gate. “If the Yondaime is as popular as you
claim, that would mean multiple females are willing to be his mate. Just accept all of them.”
“That’s not how love works!” Naruto contends. “It’s supposed to be between two people.”
Kurama tilts his large head with a measure of confusion before he asks, “and you’re an expert
on how this love works?”
Pulling up short with halting thoughts of Sakura, Naruto fumbles as he responds, “well, no…
I guess not.” Shaking his head he hotly contests, “but neither are you!”
“I’m not human,” Kurama plainly states. “Also, my father never spoke of this subject…”
Kurama fell silent and Naruto wonders if he’s thinking about his father, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo;
especially since Naruto is moments away from meeting his own. Naruto reasons all this talk
about fathers might make anyone miss their own. Naru-nii often mentions the more they got
along, the better it’ll be and Naruto really wants to be Kurama’s friend, so, with a long
exhale, he tells the giant tailed beast, “I’ll ask.” When Kurama focuses on Naruto again,
Naruto elaborates, “I’ll ask Nai-chan if multiple, uh, people relationships is possible. But I
swear to Kami if she ends our sessions because of this, that’s on you!”
Kurama smiles before he cautiously amends his demand. “Ask someone else then. No need to
risk the willing mates we already own.” ‘We? Own?’ a wide-eyed Naruto curiously notes
when Kurama continues, “I demand you dress in his style as well,” Kurama asserts. “If that
miserable pest’s reputation can attract more females, we must take advantage of that and look
the part.”
“I don’t necessarily mind dressing like a badass,” Naruto asserts. “But would it kill you to
ask for things normally?”
“Yes,” Kurama easily answers before asking, “have you secured the room?”
“Yeah,” Naruto states, recalling twenty separate memories of his clones completely sealing
his assigned room within the tower. It was Naru-nii’s idea since the output of so much of
Kurama’s power will be felt tens of miles away. Still, Naruto thoughtfully claims, “I don’t
think it’ll be enough to hide your chakra from being sensed.”
“It’ll only be for a couple of seconds,” Kurama declares. “That won’t be enough time for
them to do anything more than question it.”
“Since I’m cooperating, that should be an issue. Ready brat,” Kurama calls, raising himself
on all fours while his many tails whisk and sweep excitedly behind him. Naruto lowers his
center of gravity and stands ready before nodding to his partner.
Kurama’s red chakra quickly seeps under the tall gates and surrounds Naruto, building and
rising so as to give him immediate access to the raw mind-deforming power behind eight
tails. With a nod from Kurama, Naruto’s hand touches the violently fluctuating energy and
instantly his mind burns, his vision darkens and his stomach is replaced by agony.
A pat on the shoulder snaps Naruto out of his painful daze, allowing him to witness Kurama’s
sinister chakra receding from his weary body and into the room behind the large golden gate.
Naruto feels like he’s been running all day with a sword through his stomach but his mental
senses are shoved into clearer awareness after a growling Kurama angrily retorts, “you!”
Naruto focuses on the other, taller, blue-eyed blond in the room, wearing a standard Jōnin’s
uniform with a high-collard white cloak with red flames at the hem. A shocked Naruto into
stating like a question, “you…you’re really the fourth.”
Minato smiles at his son as he begins to explain, “the seal is set so if eight tails are released,
I’ll appear within youUMPH!” Minato grunts when Naruto punches him in the stomach.
“HAHAHAHAHA,” Kurama laughs loudly snapping his head back happily. “Serves you
right, Yondaime,” Kurama happily asserts, eventually adding, “hit him again, hit him again,”
as Naruto wipes the tears beginning to trail down his cheeks.
Though his tearing eyes are covered by his forearm, Naruto tearfully bemoans to the chakra
image of his father, “I already know all that! I know I’m your son, so, so, you don’t have to
say it. And before you ask, I’m sixteen… Nnn-nnmmh,” his crying voice murmurs sadly.
“Wow, sixteen,” Minato empathizes with quiet comfort. “You must’ve gone through a lot.”
Clearing his cheeks of moisture, Naruto shrugs, adding, “whatever. I’m an Uzumaki and a
Namikaze. I can take it.”
“I know,” Naruto says with a sniff. “I know you are, but we don’t have time for all that.
Listen, I already know about the masked man who controlled Kurama-”
Naruto thumbs in the direction behind him toward the very large and snarling Kurama glaring
at the fourth Hokage, asking, “you didn’t think his name was actually Demon Fox did you?”
Blinking wide eyes between Naruto and the now widely grinning Kurama above his son,
Minato starts, “he… well… I see. You seem to have the situation well in hand.”
“Not really,” Naruto responds, shaking his head. “Tobi, the masked guy, is still out there, so I
was hoping there was enough time for you to teach me the Flying Thunder God technique.”
Blinking wide eyes again, Minato doesn’t need long to think as he replies, “I… no, of course.
Of course I will, son, but, it’ll have to be fast, and, I won’t be able to write it all out. I can
already feel my chakra begin to deplete, so I’ll only write out the segments you can’t find in
“I may as well bear witness just in case the brat forgets something,” Kurama adds from
behind Naruto.
Eyes flickering from Kurama to his son, Minato seems skeptical until Naruto adds, “I doubt
I’ll forget, but, it’s okay, tou-chan. Me and Kurama are teammates.”
Minato nods toward Kurama before he turns about and begins scribing Fūin characters the
air. “The Thunder God tech is actually a combination of Ninjutsu and Fūinjutsu. In order to
perform the seal-less ninjutsu of, quote-unquote, teleporting, you must first create a seal
contract that stipulates the mechanics behind it.”
Naruto’s blue eyes light up as he instantly shifts into his familial specialty, quickly asking,
“how many metric character arrays?”
“A massive amount. It’ll take days to properly write out,” Minato happily answers,
recognizing the curiosity in the Uzumaki’s eyes. As Minato continues to align character after
characters, he informs his son, “the Fūin contract utilizes Space/Time jutsu coupled with
directional signatures that allows the user to create a dynamic conversion. Now, I’ll write out
the Fūin contract’s centralized arrays in detail and explain all correlating functions, but you’ll
need to study and understand it before you create your own scroll.”
An energetic Naruto hums appreciatively as his father continues to rapidly illustrating
characters in the air. “There are three necessary pillars to the entire contract. We’ll start with
the Space/Time array, which is written like this…” Naruto marvels at the speed by which
Minato writes out the characters. “This seal was gifted to me by your mother upon our
marriage. She made me swear we’d only pass it along to our children when they were wise
enough to wield it.”
“Can’t imagine Naruto fits that criteria,” Kurama chuckles. “You’re a hundred years too early
for that,” he adds with laughter.
“Tch!” Naruto grunts, whirling on his red giant partner. “Not being the wisest worked out
great for you though, didn’t it?” Naruto calls out before mockingly adding, “since you finally
managed to make friends with a human!”
“You take that back!” a wounded Kurama snarls, raising on his legs and eying Naruto like
prey. “As if the greatest Tailed Beast would ever be friends with a brat!”
“Settle down you two,” a mildly amused Minato tells the bickering teammates, adding, “this
is a very complex contract to arrange, so focus up.”
Smirking, Naruto closely examines the pillars design style of the contract his father is
forming and recognizes it, voicing as much, “you’re using a borate chain to hexangularly link
and group each array like each leg of a tripod atop another tripod; simple, elegant, and strong.
Uwwaahh, this really is going to take a massive amount of logic arrays, isn’t it?”
“…You truly are an Uzumaki,” Minato laughs and Naruto smiles sheepishly. “Yes, it is; a
very intricately structured pyramid of many tripods. Each of the three components will
require many arrays which can always be added to a borate chain and remain stable.”
Carefully analyzes the section of the contract designated for the Space/Time array, Naruto
asks, “the first leg is the contract, the second is the Space/Time Jutsu, and the third?”
“The third is the dynamic link in the form of a personal signature, which you can put on an
object, like a kunai for instance,” Minato answers at the same time he flawlessly writes. “As
the Space/Time jutsu is the only array passed on from word of mouth, I’ll write that out in its
entirety. Most of the other arrays can be found in scrolls or books, so I’ll only note what you
need and you can write out those subsets on your own.”
Naruto’s eyes widen as his father continues writing the details of the Space/Time jutsu,
offhandedly commenting, “the mechanics behind this Space/Time array looks crazy
complicated. I don’t even get the theory behind it.”
As he writes, Minato voices, “the thing you have to understand about Space—as in an area or
expanse—and Time—as in the passing from moment to moment—is that the two are
intimately connected to one another. You cannot affect one without affecting the other, which
is why it’s written out together as Space/Time. The theory goes, the faster you move through
physical space—let’s say the distance from Konoha to Kumo—the slower time actually is.
Simply put, time can, in fact, be slowed down.”
Eyes squinted and confused, Naruto isn’t sure about something he’s never noticed or was told
about and asks, “uh, okay, but how?”
“Because the natural laws that govern our universe saw fit to make Time relative to the
observer,” Minato happily answer. “For example, imagine you’re running away from a large
clock tower at the speed of light, which is about three hundred thousand kilometers per
second. From your perspective, the clock’s hands would look frozen. Time will have,
effectively, stopped for you. But just because time has stopped from your perspective doesn’t
mean it has stopped. No matter how fast you’re running, from the clock’s stationary
perspective, time continues normally.”
“Most serious, son,” Minato answers as he continues writing the infinitesimal numerical
assignments of the Space/Time function. “The Uzumaki clan calls this phenomenon Time
Dilation and this array simply states that time is a rubbery thing that stretches and contracts
relative to the position being observed, whether that something is as small as a fly or as large
as the sun.”
“The math in this formula looks a hell of a lot bigger than the sun,” Naruto wonders aloud,
turning to his father for confirmation.
Minato nods, relaying, “your mother explained to me how, long ago, an Uzumaki by the
name of Amaterasu, an expert in the study of the sun, light, and our universe, discovered
mass also plays a part in Time Dilation. Amaterasu theorized the larger the mass of an object,
the faster it pulls everything around its space to it. Since space is interwoven with time, that
means time dramatically slows down around large spinning masses as well. The important
point here is that time can, in fact, be altered, and if it can be altered-”
“Fūin seals can utilizing it in jutsu,” Naruto says within an astonished exhale of air. “Extreme
chakra programming,” Naruto recalls Naru-nii saying.
“Correct,” Minato states. “However, this Space/Time equation isn’t enough to create and
utilize the Thunder God Technique. It’s just the seal scheme your chakra maneuvers to
perform the ninjutsu,” Minato states, flawlessly continuing to write out character after
character while Naruto absorbs it all.
“The directional signatures,” Naruto recalls from the earliest writing on the long wall of seal
schemes. “They’re linked to the Space/Time jutsu, which means something like a kunai is the
focal point of the time Dilation, and since it’s contracted to you, you’re the only one the
slowing of time affects.”
“Nearly there son,” Minato states with a prideful grin. “The setback to activating the
Space/Time array is the calculated mass of influence stipulated within the contract creates a
very strong gravitational pull.”
“And that’s how you move inside,” Naruto hums as he reads. It’s jarringly amazing how new
and old this information feels in his mind. “Mnn, but how do you stop?” he asks himself,
carefully analyzing his father’s script before quickly answering as if recalling himself, “with
Shaking his head at how proud he feels, Minato states, “using your muscles to orient yourself
to land properly or attack immediately is nearly impossible under such a strong force. The
human body isn’t meant to move at such speed around such mass. I mean the force relative to
my perspective even allows my body to pass through matter; a home, a tree, or person for
example. That’s fine for long-distance travel, but it’s much too fast for close quarter combat,
so, the directional seals—which I wrote on a special kunai I made—also double as a way to
fight the gravitational pull thereby slowing your velocity or re-orient yourself for attack or
“So these special kunai not only anchor the stretching of time but also the speed of travel
between you and the kunai.”
“Or a network of chakra pathways; just in case you have multiple kunai in use,” Minato adds.
“So, within the pathway, you expel your chakra just like you do in chakra training, and that’s
how you slow down or turn, or do anything really. Imagine being deep in the ocean and
swimming as fast as a fish without your arms or legs; just your chakra.”
“That sounds way harder than walking on water,” Naruto fearfully comments.
“Practice a great deal, son,” Minato advises. “I first practiced expelling chakra from my
tenketsu deep underwater. The Hyūga are experts at releasing chakra from their tenketsu so if
you know anyone that can give you tips, that’ll help quite a bit.”
“One of my friends is a Hyūga,” Naruto remarks with thoughts of the sweet Hinata. “Maybe
she can give me some pointers,” Naruto affirms with an amused hum as Minato continues to
Naruto observes carefully, then widens his eyes before he calls out, “holy crap… Since the
Space/Time jutsu is linked to the chakra pathways—er, you and the kunai, I mean—that’s
where the pull on space, time, and gravity is the strongest, but, that’s still only from your
perspective… which means, from your perspective, you’re not moving fast at all! Anything
outside the link only thinks you’re moving fast because the speed of time relative to their
perspective isn’t anywhere near as fast as yours!”
Minato laughs happily as his son reads excitedly over his shoulder. “Everyone likes to think
the technique is instantaneous teleportation, and to protect the jutsu, I let them think that, but
technically, I’m not physically moving any faster or slower than they are. At its simplest
form, Space/Time jutsu just enables us to experience the passing of time differently. As long
as I use my chakra to control the velocity toward the signature, I see everything—the
animals, the terrain, my enemies—as if time has stopped.”
Smiling fondly, he answers, “outside the pathway, all they see is a yellow flash.”
Naruto laughs mischievously as he comments, “I can’t believe you’re not moving fast at all!
That’s hilarious!” Minato laughs along with his son, both enjoying the ultra precious moment
for how painfully finite it is. Clearing his throat, Naruto strains to move on and ask his father,
“the Space/Time jutsu is infinitesimal, so how much can you push the conversion rate?”
“Even though it’s instantaneous from their perspective, “Minato starts to answer. “Depending
on how much chakra I use to slow myself down, I can make it last a second or hours.”
“Correct,” Minato happily voices. “In heavy combat situations, it affords me ample time to
read the terrain and strategize. However, if you use it in long-distance travel, it can be taxing
to use so much chakra to prevent terminal velocity. It’s why I use it sparingly. The dynamic
signature and the Space/Time array are two of the legs,” Minato lectures, filling out more
segments of the Fūin contract.
“Connecting it all together is the third leg which is the Fūin contract itself,” Naruto answers.
“Correct, son,” Minato answers happily. “It’s due to the Fūin contract, that the signature—
which can be any phrase or word you like—is attached to the function of the Space/Time
array. The Fūin contract converts any form connected to the signature into a dynamic link
between matching patterns, activating that pathway like a conduit.”
“The three legs,” Naruto views aloud. “Space/Time to alter time experience and distance
traveled in a microsecond, the signature for dynamically linking destinations, and the Seal
Contract of bond between the signature and Space/Time jutsu that carefully stipulates the
manner of conversion.”
“Correct again, however, there’s still much more that’s needed,” Minato claims, writing so
close to the grand chamber’s wall that the Yondaime begins curving the paper-thin wall of
glowing characters. “As you noted, this contract from your mother’s clan is expressed using a
borate chain to dynamically add logic, but-”
“That function can technically work with two arrays of direction, but it needs way more logic
than that if you want it to work properly in any condition,” Naruto finishes, adding, “I totally
get it.”
“I suppose it’s impossible for the apple to fall far from the center of the orchard,” Minato
huffs happily. “That’s exactly right. The Fūin contract bonds not only your signature with the
Space/Time, but your self as well. We’ll need to postulate all the pattern matching as well as
all the variables we want the technique to be able to deal with. So, between the Ha characters
of each array, you’ll write your signature, and as you said, we still have to apply a lot more
logic to make sure it all works right,” his father says as he continues writing line after line of
“I’ve seen some versions of this array studying Fūinjutsu contracts, but nowhere near this
good,” Naruto admits. “Let me guess, with three logic arrays: the signature, the Space/Time
array, and the chakra pattern, then you close, it’ll work, but only work on the signature; not
whatever it’s attached to. That’s why it’ll take days to write out. You have to link more logic
arrays to the chain to allow more variables. That way if you draw your signature on any
surface and it’ll work.”
“Or if you use your chakra to mark chakra, it’ll still work,” Minato states with a grin,
accepting he’s simply going to continue smiling proudly. “We have to add more logic arrays
to encapsulate an almost infinite amount of possibilities because the last thing you want to
happen is the jutsu malfunctioning in a pinch. So, you have to add all letters, all numbers—
use infinity just in case—all chemical elements, all elemental releases, yin and yang release,
sage arrays, proximity alerts, trauma alerts, orientation logic, spatial awareness array, and the
echo array so you can navigate between multiple signatures. Please practice a great deal
before you use it in battle.”
Naruto smirks, feeling fairly confident if chakra control is key, then his clones can help him
speed up the training process. He continues reading the squiggly characters like a picture in
his mind before voicing in awe, “you can even match individual people, or animals to the
logic within the expression, couldn’t you?”
Minato can’t help his smile before answer, “that you can, son. You’ll also need to sanitize the
seal to make it impossible for anyone you don’t want to hop on the link, for example, if they
grab you while you ‘teleport.’”
“Lastly, and this is quite an extraordinary measure,” Minato states, finally stepping away
from the very long curved wall of characters to admire it with his son. “The entirety of this
contract will need to be inscribed with your blood and chakra.”
Naruto’s eyes widen and he nearly chokes as he looks past his father and over the very long
wall of glowing seal arrays, many of which are not even written out to save time. He can’t
help but yell, “you’re kidding!”
Minato shakes his head. “Just like the Space/Time array, this stipulation isn’t written down to
safeguard this amazing power. As you no doubt noticed, there are many measures in place to
prevent the wrong sort from abusing this technique. One of the properties of this contract-
based seal design is the blood and chakra necessary to create it, so even if someone stole the
contract, and could actually understand it, they wouldn’t be able to alter or activate the
“But it’s going to take days to completely write all this out perfectly,” Naruto gasps. “I don’t
have that much blood!”
“That’s part of the reason why the Uzumaki were a clan to be feared, son,” Minato states,
patting his son comfortably on his shoulder. Naruto doesn’t notice his father’s hand beginning
to fade as Minato continues, “they have strong bodies, special chakra, and techniques that can
mitigate the loss of chakra and blood. If it wasn’t for your mother helping me, it would’ve
been impossible for me to survive composing the contract. It was the most taxing technique I
ever learned, but it served me and my loved ones greatly.”
“And you think I can,” Naruto asks.
“I do,” Minato answers. “You may look like me but you are Uzumaki strong. The clan I
married into, your clan, has the greatest anthology of Fūinjutsu seals and they all required a
strong life-force and chakra to function, making it nearly impossible for their work to be
stolen without an Uzumaki to facilitate the task.” When Minato’s arm disappears to the
elbow, Naruto frantically examines the rest of his father’s state before fearfully realizing the
only time in his sixteen years of life that he’s ever spent with his father is moments away
from coming to an end.
“From the very first moment I saw you, I knew you were your mother’s son, Naruto,” Minato
softly professes. “And she was the strongest person I knew.”
For the first and final time, matching blue eyes of father and son gaze respectfully,
affectionately, and pridefully at one other, and when Naruto tries to voice all the things he’s
always wanted to say to his father, his quaking voice struggles to be heard. “Tou-chan…”
“When you’re done, you should place the Fūin scroll somewhere where no one will get to it,”
Minato says. “I buried mine on Mount Myōboku. Don’t worry if you don’t get to go there.”
“Tou-chan, I…” Naruto tries but his throat closes as his clear blue eyes begin to water.
“Remember, I utilize attacks that don’t require performing seals, for even if it takes you less
than a second to create all the necessary hand-seals for a jutsu, a faster shinobi will stop it,
and possibly kill you. So, please, son… please be careful… Live a full life, find love, and
have many children.”
Naruto can’t say it all—a solid decade of questions and confessions—but with his father
nearly gone, Naruto declares the most important sentiment he’s always wanted to say. Letting
the tears fall where they may, he confesses, “I love you, tou-chan!”
And when Minato fully evaporates, an emotional Naruto allows the unheard, “thank you, tou-
chan,” escape his lips.
Kurama witnessed his jailer heartfelt farewell and couldn’t help drawing unwanted parallels
by recalling thoroughly recycled memories of his own father and feeling that exact loss. As
Kurama silently watches Naruto exit his room to collect a few books and triple-sized scroll
for comprehensive Fūinjutsu designs, he loathes feeling empathy for the blond. He may hate
humans, hate being controlled by them, and disapprove of his current container, but that
doesn’t mean they don’t share similarities.
Kurama can always recall cherished memories of his father; talking to him, learning from
him, being blessed with a gift of so much peaceful land to live on. He loved his father more
than anything, but, his father died. This brat never experienced that joy, and for him to try as
hard as he can for as long as he can… Kurama couldn’t help but believe with near certainty
that his father would like and approve of Naruto.
‘If my own father may look favorably on the brat, shouldn’t I?”
“Who are you,” Sasuke yells from his defensive kneel. “How did you get in here?”
“I am one of the greatest shinobi ever,” Orochimaru touts. “A mere door cannot keep me
from what I desire, no matter the security, ”
“Oh, how you wound me, Sasuke-kun,” Orochimaru’s scratchy voice playfully vocalizes.
“How could you forget me after I bestowed upon you such a beautiful gift,” he asks, baring
his wicked smile.
“Like a windmill that isn’t turning, the world is still, my boy,” Orochimaru begins. “Nothing
is changed; nothing moves, and living feels like very much like choking. You feel it too,
don’t you? There are some who may find this lifeless tranquility beautiful, but they are
complacent, easily pleased, and often end up prey to predators.”
“And you haven’t alerted your sensei, as I have no doubt Kakashi-kun would’ve set up such
an alarm,” Orochimaru states looking at the wall very near Sasuke’s hand. Looking around
the dark room, Orochimaru happily notes, “I find it fitting we first meet in the Forest of
Death and then again in pure darkness; but we see the best in death and darkness, do we not.
It’s where mankind create their finest accomplishments. When everything that you know and
love is taken away from you so harshly, all you can think about is anger, hatred, revenge—the
darkness—and no one can save you.”
“And I’m just supposed to trust you will give me power without something in return,” Sasuke
skeptically reasons. “I’ll ask you one last time, what do you want?”
“But I’ve already told you, my dear boy,” the smiling missing-nin asserts. “The world is still
and I but want it to move. Bringing about your own gain will bring about my gain as well.”
Orochimaru laughs greatly. “Ku ku ku, has your hate made you delusional? Do you truly
believe you stand any chance of defeating Itachi as you are? Your teammate would fair better,
I would imagine,” Orochimaru expresses with clear glee, angering Sasuke near to the point of
recklessly attacking the legendary ninja, however, clenching his fists, Sasuke manages to
restrain himself. “I’ll ask you this one time, Sasuke-kun. Do you desire to remain as you are;
attain friends, find love, create a family, like the complacent dead… perfectly still?”
Orochimaru takes out a vial of small medicine pills and outstretches it toward Sasuke as he
continues to ask, “or do you crave the power to remodel the world as you see fit?”
And Sasuke looks from the amused and confident eyes of a legendary nin, to the small vial of
pills and removes his hand from the alarm switch Kakashi had installed by his bed.
Despite the restrictions placed on him, Haku had been planning for the past three days to
severely attack a well-established citizen and retired shinobi of Konoha. Since the initial
warning alert from Naruto’s Fūinjutsu security during their lunch after the first test of the
Chūnin exam, the beautiful former hunter-nin has been playing possum throughout his day,
acting as gentle bait to draw out the would-be thief. Haku’s strategy was simple, carry
Kubikiribōchō in the open and practice with the great executioner’s blade before sealing it in
a flashy orange and blue sealing scroll. Haku will then visit Iruka-san in the hospital and end
his day by picking herbs in the vast fields and forests of Konoha before mixing medicine
alone in the Umino residence.
On the fourth day of subtly surveilling his surroundings for the thief, Haku is pleasantly
surprised to find Kakashi-san waiting by Iruka-san’s front door. Leaning heavily against the
house wall is an exhausted red-haired girl with glasses. While a lovely and vibrant color, the
girl’s hair is haggard, her shoulders sag, and she looks like she hasn’t slept in days. It all
makes sense when Kakashi explains about the girl’s time with the Torture and Interrogation
department, but what’s deeply shocking about her emigration to Konoha, is her relation to
“Pleasure to meet you,” Karin states with an exhausted bow. “I’m Uzumaki Karin.”
Haku bows as well, returning the greeting and introducing himself before inviting them in
and taking a seat at the dining table. While Haku prepares an herbal remedy to help Karin
with the dehydration, malnutrition, and accumulated anxiety, Kakashi explains how this state
of affairs came to happen. As Naruto is the only person Karin-chan knows and feels safe
with, she naturally wanted to stay with her cousin, and it doesn’t surprise Haku one bit
Naruto offered Karin a home.
Haku serves them both as Kakashi-san further explains to them, “as I told you, Haku-kun,
this village is not without its black-ops. I still believe they wouldn’t attempt to recruit you
until you’ve established your allegiance to Konoha to their satisfaction, but Karin, with your
unique chakra, they might make an exception. So, be careful,” he warns her.
Rubbing her throbbing temple, Karin nods lazily, informing them, “I have no intention of
joining any shadow organizations. I’m going to help Naruto restart our clan in Konoha and
that’s it.”
Kakashi simply nods before stating, “you may want to look into the requirements. From my
understanding, Uzushio and Konoha were close allies, much like Suna and Konoha are allies,
only closer, but I don’t know if Uzumaki can simply apply for clan status in the same way
other clans already residing within Konoha can. For example, a clan from Suna wouldn’t
simply be able to restart their clan in Konoha, but, Suna is still around. It’ll be tricky, to say
the least.”
“Since Naruto-kun is a member of this village,” Haku points out before asking, “can you say
if it’ll be easier or harder for him to establish his clan in Konoha?”
“Will you be assisting the Uzumaki,” Kakashi first asks Haku, who answers, “of course. I am
Naruto’s tool to bring about the world he wishes.”
Though her face is set to perpetual exhaustion, Karin curiously asks, “his tool?”
Though Haku answers the redhead with a clear nod, Kakashi clarifies, “Naruto would use the
word friend rather than tool. I can’t imagine you will experience too much difficulty, but
you’ll want to consult with an expert. From my knowledge, I know you need to meet certain
requirements as well as the seal of approval from our Hokage, our Daimyō, the civilian
council, and endorsement from an honored or major clan; for example, the Hyūga, the
Aburame, the Akimichi, the Nara, and the Yamanaka.”
“Would they dislike the idea of more clans within the village,” Haku asks, wondering what
the political landscape my look like, and if his plan to catch, maim, or kill Dānyī-san would
hurt Naruto.
“The Hyūga are the only clan I can think of who would disapprove of your application,”
Kakashi answers.
“Something to think about, at least,” Karin says as her head wobbles and drops a bit, sliding
her red-rimmed glasses down the bridge of her nose. “I think the tea is kicking in.”
Standing from the table, Haku tells Karin, “I’ll prepare a futon for you.”
Haku gives Karin his room and mentally plans to sleep in Naruto’s until he returns. Dressed
for bed, Karin asks Haku to tell her about Naruto, not only to learn some more about her
cousin, but to hear a comforting voice to ease her torture-provoked anxiety, however, Haku
didn’t finish his first sentence before peaceful sleep finally takes Karin.
Recalling his night after being release, Haku stays with Karin. It was a great help to hear
Naruto and Kurenai-san after many days of torture. Their conversations, their lovemaking,
and even cleaning after them, greatly grounded Haku when his mind felt scattered and in
constant turmoil. Haku was able to focus and return to normal because something of comfort
was nearby, and he wants to be of comfort to Karin-chan.
His thoughts then hovered around the possible obstacles Naruto may face reinstating his clan
within Konoha. The most pressing issue Kakashi-san stated was the civilian council’s
approval because Haku can’t imagine that going over very well. From the very beginning of
his life in Konoha, he was constantly introduced to the extent of the village’s hatred toward
Naruto-kun. In addition to civilian approval, the Hyūga feel like another obstacle. Any
further thought is interrupted when he finally senses it.
With Karin sleeping ill at ease in the futon before Haku, it’s the worst possible time for
Iruka’s home to be broken into. As the villain searches the living room, Haku abhors the idea
of leaving Karin alone when she’s so fretful. Judging ten minutes to be more than enough
time to deal with the would-be thief, Haku utilizes a variant of the seals Naruto taught him
and creates an ice clone of himself to watch over Karin before exiting the room through the
ceiling. Haku creates enough noise to draw the intruder outside to the large forested
Removing a senbon from his sleeve, Haku calmly waits as the larger man opens the backyard
door. But for the man’s eyes, his entire body is completely covered in dated black and gray
armor, yet, brandishes brand new twin long blades in each hand, Haku recalls is generally
referred to as a butterfly sword. Haku is happy the man came prepared for battle, as it would
be much easier to prove to the authorities that Haku isn’t, in any way, at fault. Tenten’s father
is clearly here for Kubikiribōchō and Haku pulls out the blue and orange scroll from within
his yukata, displaying it.
“The mistake is a magnificent weapon like Kubikiribōchō being in the hands of children,”
Dānyī-san retorts. “Hand it over and I promise not to kill you.”
“Not only is it not mine to give,” Haku simply begins, “but you are far too weak to wield it. It
would wither under your ownership.”
“I tried to be civil about this,” Dānyī-san claims with an aggravated huff. “I even offered that
demon ryo, but I’m out of time and you’re in the way. If you don’t hand it over now, your
death will be on that boy’s conscious,” Dānyī-san declares, however, before he can even take
a step, a completely silent long sword effortlessly moves from behind Dānyī-san’s and
around the man’s neck in nearly an instant.
The man suddenly behind Dānyī-san is unrecognizable to the unsuspecting eye; wearing a
black hospital face mask, his black hair is longer, slick back and under a monk’s hat, larger
eyebrows over pale-blue eyes and wearing a traveling monk’s disguise with many beads
around his neck, but Haku saw through it all in an instant. By the man’s height, his shoulder
to hip ratio, skin tone, and even fingernails, Haku can recognize the Demon of Hidden Mist,
Momochi Zabuza anywhere.
“Causing trouble, Haku,” Zabuza casually asks in his deep voice. Zabuza’s large hand grips
Dānyī’s shoulder and squeezes painfully hard until Dānyī drops his swords. “You know that’s
always been my job.”
“Wh-wh-who are you,” Dānyī-san asks before Haku sends two high-velocity senbons into the
man’s throat, temporarily paralyzing him and knocking him unconscious.
“Still haven’t crossed that line, I see,” Zabuza claims. “Not that there’s any opportunity too in
such a boring country.”
“I would prefer to question him, Zabuza-sama,” Haku claims, stepping up to the unconscious
body on the grass. “He mentioned being out of time and I’d like to know what that meant.”
“He’s probably referring to the group I traveled with,” Zabuza tells his long-time companion.
Kicking the body on the floor, Zabuza informs Haku, “apparently this trash reached out to a
friend of his; told him he was in possession of Kubikiribōchō and wanted to sell. Mei heard
about it through little Chōjūrō and considering the war she’s waging against Karatachi, she
thought having another of the seven swords in her forces would give her an extra boost.”
“Mei-san is here,” Haku repeats with clear surprise in his lovely voice.
“Along with three from Kumo,” Zabuza adds. “They’re around your age, maybe older.
Except for the busty blond, the other two are fodder; Chūnin, at best.”
“And they’re all here for Kubikiribōchō,” a concerned Haku realizes aloud. Recalling the
open challenge between Naruto and Zabuza, Haku cautiously asks his seemingly recovered
special person, “should Naruto-kun be worried?” However, what he meant to ask is, ‘should I
be worried?’
Understanding the question in Haku’s heart, the Demon of Hidden Mist smiles sinisterly
before he asks, “I’m here, aren’t I? Of course he should.”
When I first started writing, I always knew Naruto was going to get the technique and
that I didn’t want it to just be instantaneous teleportation. That presented problems for
my grounded/rational/pragmatic mind. It’s obviously an incredibly powerful/useful
technique to have, so, among many other thoughts, my weird brain wonders, "why
doesn’t everyone have it?" I assumed it was because it’s ultra difficult to use, or he’d be
using it everywhere. If they can teleport a whole damn army in canon, I imagine a
surprise attack against any village would be so easy to plan and execute. Danzo would
have a field day with this technique. SO obviously this tech needs restrictions, chakra
being the most obvious, but it needed to be more than that or else anyone with high
chakra can use it.
Kishimoto said its space time jutsu, so, as a huge fan of Einstein and the movie
Interstellar, I thought I’d dive deeper into the mechanics of how the Flying Thunder God
jutsu might work by applying physics, general relativity, and time dilation. That was
easier said than done. I really really wanted to get this right but I am NOT a physicist.
Still, figuring out the mechanics of time dilation gave me several good restrictions I can
add to the jutsu, making it perfectly reasonable why it’s not constantly spammed.
I'm bringing in more of an altered Universe now and I can't wait to get to it, BUT, I may
not be able to update for two or so weeks. I do apologize for that. Usual life stuff. As
always, thank you for your support, for your patience, and taking the time to read.
Please, let me know what you think. I'm always happy to read your comments.
With my imagination, there's no limit to its use. If I kept it as is, there would be too
many plot holes. Nearly any situation can be fixed with Hiraishin in some way, shape, or
capacity, and I find that boring.
First, the user of the jutsu is NOT traveling at the speed of light or near it. He's moving
faster because the contract seal uses space/time calculations to create/program time
dilation. It just so happens that time is connected to space which incorporates mass
which of course incorporates gravity. And it's the gravitational force that propels the
user through the link.
This of course can't happen in real life. The gravitational force alone would pull a person
so hard they'd stretch like spaghetti. I figure since this universe has chakra and chakra
can do just about anything, I don't see why it couldn't withstand the gravitational force.
Speaking of, the use of chakra within the link is the brakes, so the user doesn't go too
Also, I'm not planning on using the jutsu for anything more than transporting from one
location to another. So, he will not be punching someone at near the speed of
light/within the activated link. I understand that amount of energy would destroy the
Lastly, I'm not done explaining the jutsu. Naruto still has to train with it and that's going
to shed more light on the rules than one short conversation with his father had. I try to
explain as best I can within the narrative. I don't spoon feed information.
It's called space/time in canon so I just went that direction. I think wormholes can
definitely work but it has its own issues as well. It would teleport the user or
items/people/armies, but Tobimara has a sword attack using the hiraishin. How does that
work? Also, part of the problem that canon doesn't even bring up is the mental
disorientation from beating an entire army with the hiraishin. Also wormholes are purely
theoretical. Time dilation is proven. Also, just because it wasn't shown, doesn't mean
someone can't grab a user as they teleport.
At times, we challenge one another, not simply to keep people at a distance, but to see
who cares enough to fight for friendship.
Chapter Notes
Hey Friends,
First, my deepest apologies for the delay. "Life," is the general shoulder shrug answer I'd
give because I usually feel a reader is here to read the story, not so much to hear what's
going on with the author. However, considering what's going on and the alterations to
my life I will now have to make, I decided to create some social media accounts. These
methods of contact will be for more than just explaining the loss of my job, but also for
fanfic support, discussion, updating you guys about what I'm writing, delays, etc. That
being said I'll leave that info after the story.
This chapter is 11.4K and I wrote several versions for 3 reasons. 1)It was difficult to
organize the POV's. 2)I wanted to get Gaara and the flow just right. 3)My laptop crashed
to high hell and I lost most of my info.
Under the forest’s shade of the early morning sun, walking away from the tall tower at the
center of Training Ground 44 where the preliminary matches will take place, a distracted
Kabuto couldn’t keep his highly efficient mind from replay his exchange with Naruto-kun. So
focused on his disturbing recollection, the silver-haired ‘genin’ felt more comfortable
walking than traveling through the trees.
“You’re quitting!?” Naruto asked, despite the three-man lines of genin around them.
“Sadly, I’m out of chakra, Naruto-kun,” Kabuto regretfully said, ignoring the attention the
blond headache tends to draw with his loud voice.
“And?” the blond immediately questioned. Kabuto could easily sense Naruto-kun’s urgency
as if trying to reconcile two conflicting halves of himself. Whatever the talk Haku had with
the boy, Kabuto’s instincts tell him that Naruto is trying to reach out despite his clear
reservations. “Your hands and feet work,” Naruto continued. “And you still have weapons.
You can still fight.”
Smiling his perfected smile, Kabuto maintains, “from a logical standpoint, it’s best if I don’t
risk my safety for false validation.”
When Naruto-kun seems disappointed, Kabuto felt he was finally starting to make some
progress with the blond headache. If he was ever going to secure a place for Haku in Sound,
Naruto-kun would either need to be with them or dead… whether Orochimaru-sama
approves Haku-kun or not.
‘No,’ he mentally assured himself. ‘I’ll make Orochimaru-sama see Haku’s value.’
Thoughts of picturesque brunette always lead to a chaotic mind for Kabuto, and though he
won’t admit to himself that anything is wrong, when Naruto says, “I don’t know what Haku
sees in you,” Kabuto felt the first painful stabs of a deeper meaning behind the very beautiful
boy. In a balanced world, Haku should not affect him so, and yet Kabuto’s priorities felt
incredibly conflicted by the mere thought of him.
Naruto adds wind to fire when he continued. “Whatever he sees, I doubt it’s this gutless
stranger in front of me.” Though his teammate Haruno-chan admonishes him for being rude,
Naruto adds the final cutting word. “You want to know why I don’t trust you around Haku?
It’s because I can’t see you. I don’t know what you stand for. You could betray Haku just as
easily as you could care about him and I won’t ever let you hurt my friend.”
Traveling over the grass, a subtle snap unlike grass bringing his attentive eyes down to a
beautiful flower he’s stepped on and Kabuto’s deviant mind repeats Naruto-kun’s cutting
words without his consent.
By the time he exits Death Forest all he wonders over and over is, ‘who am I? Does Haku
know? Does Orochimaru-sama know?’
With a superior like Orochimaru-sama, Kabuto can feel how these dangerous thoughts raise
his anxiety level, and more than anything, he needs to stop it. Orochimaru-sama is counting
on him and everything needs to go according to his plans, but deep deep down, he can feel
his need for Haku to endure the devastation that’s to come.
“This exam is a replacement for war,” Hiruzen continues to announce to the remaining seven
teams for the Chūnin exam. “The strength of a country is the strength of its village, the
strength of a village is the strength of its shinobi, and a shinobi’s true strength is born only
through life-risking battle. That is the true meaning behind taking the exams together.”
“I don’t care about the true meaning of this exam,” Gaara calmly states, though Temari can
feel the underlying blood-lust in his voice. “Hurry up and tell us what this life-risking battle
“Hello everyone,” a sickly proctor steps forward. With dark bags under his eyes and a
persistent cough, he informs everyone, “I’m Gekkō Hayate, your proctor for the preliminary
test to decide who among you will advance to the third test.”
Subtly observing the remaining genin with an analytical eye, only one shinobi decided to quit
and the loud blond seemed to take real offense to it, going so far as to call the silver-haired
boy with glasses a coward. Temari didn’t understand the situation but she was simply happy
the blond disappeared for the past four days and she didn’t have to engage in ridiculously
flirtatious conversation with the loud-mouth.
“There are basically no rules,” Hayate tells the genin after some coughing. “No matter what,
the fight continues until one of you admits defeat, is knocked out, or dies. Now, if there are
no-” The sickly proctor pauses to cough for a few moments, making many worry about his
health. “If there are no questions, the first match will be…”
As the electronic score-board continuously beeps with every name change, Temari had a
funny wish for that blond to match up with Gaara. She found it funny he would finally get his
wish to meet her youngest brother, only to finally see how utterly outmatched he is… ‘as they
all are against him,’ she thinks.
Blond brows raise and Naruto’s countenance is completely taken by the first match up. His
baby-blue eyes widen at the names and his mouth absentmindedly comments, “well that’s
definitely different…”
On the large screen high on the wall for all to read, Uchiha Sasuke vs Uzumaki Naruto is
displayed. As Sound’s Jōnin-sensei grins wickedly, Sasuke focuses his confident onyx-eyes
on his blond teammate, grateful for the match-up, but also, optimistically invigorated in a
way Naruto hasn’t seen before, like when a far-fetched plan works out perfectly.
For Naruto’s part, he had expected to fight Kiba, as Naru-nii had, however, he’s fully aware
that his past decisions and their resulting outcomes have already diverged from his future
counterpart’s experiences. It’s why Naruto thought he might fight Gaara, Rock Lee, or maybe
Neji. Clearly, Naruto has changed too much for things to go precisely as Naru-nii had told
him, which means, moving forward, he’ll always need to be ready for the unexpected.
‘And now I have to fight Sasuke,’ Naruto thinks, wondering how different this fight might be
from the fight Naru-nii and future Sasuke had at the Valley of the End.
Recalling their month-long story session, Naru-nii had explained, ‘I let my selfishness get
the better of me.’
At the time, Naruto was laying on Kurenai’s couch, waiting on dinner as his headache
subsided when he thought back, ‘what do you mean?’
‘At first, I truly didn’t think he’d ever abandon his friends, his teammates, his village,’
Naru-nii softly voices, as if vividly recalling the very moment. ‘But Sasuke was serious—
dead serious—and it wasn’t until he plunged his hand through my chest that I realized I’m
going to have to fight him for real.’
‘…He tried to kill you,’ Naruto couldn’t help but ask, dumbfounded to learn Sasuke would
fall so far as to try and kill him.
‘Yeah, and can you believe I still wanted to bring him back,’ Naru-nii presses. ‘I never gave
up hope he could return, but instead of just summoning Gamabunta to help me stop him,
like I could’ve done, I selfishly wanted to fight him, match him, beat him.’
‘To prove that you matter,’ Naruto asks in the affirmative, thinking of his dwindling rivalry
with the raven-haired genius.
‘Yeah,’ Naru-nii regretfully agrees. ‘He wasn’t just a brother to me, he was the bar I always
thought I had to clear to turn around all the bad stuff, so rather then do everything in my
power to keep him from being corrupted by his hate, I unconsciously used that moment to
prove a point to myself; that I had value, that I was strong, that everyone was wrong about
me… which is why I failed. Ever since then, I trained as hard as I could, every day, for
another chance to fix my mistake.’
‘But eventually you learned keeping Sasuke from his hate wasn’t your job,’ Naruto connects
the dots from their month-long story-time.
‘Sasuke already had a brother helping him and it wasn’t me,’ Naru-nii agrees. ‘Had I
known of the true villains out there, I might’ve spent less time worrying about Sasuke and
more time training because it shouldn’t have taken me so long to get this strong. Things
might’ve gone completely different if I wasn’t so selfishly stubborn.’
‘Well, if the Valley of the End happens this time around and I brawl it out with Sasuke,’
Naruto states in a light and energetic voice, hoping to break Naru-nii of his funk. ‘I’m just
going to kick his narrow ass,’ and Naruto felt content to hear Naru-nii snicker and approve
before their mystic prayer ended.
The sickly proctor, Hayate, turns to the surprised Hokage before Hiruzen turns from the
scoreboard to a masked shinobi beside him. The man then disappears as Asuma and Kurenai,
along with their students walk toward Kakashi as he walks to his team. Guy-sensei is nearby
as well, with Hyūga Neji taking enough of an interest to move closer to the gathering Konoha
“What freaking luck, eh, Sasuke,” Kiba laughs, though Sasuke hadn’t taken his menacing
eyes off Naruto. Shikamaru and Chōji agree with their own corroborative comments, Chōji
going so far as to yowl, “aww man, Naruto-kun was the one person I wanted to match up
The Jōnin Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, and Guy all stare at the Hokage as Kurenai tells
Kakashi, “that shouldn’t have happened.”
Turning away from her teammates, Sakura says in a questioning tone, “Kakashi-sensei,”
while giving Ino a knowing sideways glance. This match-up means a great deal for Sakura as
Sasuke is a never-ending source of turmoil between her heart and her mind, and Naruto is a
good person who’s always treated her with loving care; even when she didn’t deserve it.
‘And now they have to fight,’ her concerned mind states. Regardless of how obvious it is she
ought to be cheering for Naruto, she simply can’t. Her aching heart can’t cheer for Naruto,
her miserable mind can’t cheer on Sasuke, and yet, she still feels lucky compared to Ino.
Ino ignores Sakura’s aware green eyes as they both understand this isn’t a simple fight
between teammates. For years, Sasuke was the most dominant affection in her young heart,
but, after all the unexpected perspective she’s recently gained, she’s not the same girl she was
when she graduated, and her love for the beautiful Uchiha has waned significantly. Sasuke
has the crown for longest love of her life, but Naruto is the unexpected, can’t-quite-believe,
quality feeling making Ino’s heart throb now.
‘And now the most disregarded boy in the village, who I like, has to fight our class’s strongest
genin that everyone loves,’ Ino thinks glumly. Ino felt like this colliding engagement was a
deciding moment for her heart and mind. ‘It’s put up or shut up,’ she harshly thinks, and so,
her pupil-less blue eyes spy on Kurenai-sensei for strength, wisdom, or just any sign that it’ll
be alright. Ino only sees unexpected concern in the beautiful woman’s ruby-red irises.
“The electronic match-up board may be random,” Kakashi informs the gathering of genin.
“But it shouldn’t pair genin within the same team.”
Adding a little more detail for the gathered teens, Kurenai states, “that could easily be viewed
as duplicitous. Like Hokage-sama said, this selection process involves prospective clients,
which then involves trade, ryo, and a village’s prosperity. In this case, if two Sand or two
Sound nin fought each other, that would lower their chances of reaching the finals with more
participants and attracting business without any Konoha genin needing to fight them. It’s a
clear advantage for us which is why the scoreboard is programmed to randomly generate one
genin from each team.”
“In short,” Asuma adds moving to stand next to Kurenai and cross his large arms. “If you
want to avoid a diplomatic nightmare, it’s better if everything remains as fair and above-
board as possible.”
The masked shinobi that had disappeared returns beside the Hokage and whispers
information before the Hokage turns to the gathering, announcing to all, “my apologies to our
Chūnin candidates and their Jōnin-sensei. While the match-ups are indeed selected at
random, for the purposes of balance, it has been programmed not to pair teammates. If no one
has any objection, we will run the generator again-”
Hiruzen is interrupted when Sasuke purposefully walks to the center of the stone ring, telling
the Hokage, “I object,” then turns to eye Naruto, calm in his bold move as he awaits the
blond thorn in his side.
“I object as well,” the smiling Jōnin-sensei from the Hidden Village of Sound announces.
Baki-sensei from Sunagakure also objects, prompting Hiruzen to assert it will not be changed
should their genin teammates have to fight each other. Naruto notes Gaara eying Sasuke
before moving with his teammates toward the stairs to the upper walkway. Like with Haku,
Naruto is certain he’ll also be good friends with Gaara, and though he can’t be sure how the
future will play out, if there’s a chance Gaara can see that Naruto is, in fact, worth the
redhead’s time, then maybe the pair of Jinchūriki can bridge the gap a little faster.
“Don’t be discouraged, Naruto-kun,” Lee calls with a clenched fist and fiery eyes, bringing
Naruto out of his thoughts. “Amidst the truly strong exist the genius types and the hard-
working types. Sasuke-kun may be a genius type, but those who work hard and never give up
can truly be strong too!”
“OHHHH!!” Guy-sensei calls, also with clenched fists and fiery eyes. “Well said, my
beautiful student! That is what youth is all about!”
Naruto can see why Naru-nii likes them so much as Hinata walks up to him, despite being
observed by her sensei, teammates, and peers, and wishes him, “g-good luck, Naruto-kun.”
With a smile and a strong nod, Naruto replies, “thanks, Hinata-chan,” bringing out different
measures of envy in a raven and blond-haired kunoichi watching.
Turning at a very troubled and baneful avenger, Naruto decides not to wait for Valley of the
End. As his Konoha peers move up to the second-floor walkway, Naruto walks to the stone
stage as their sickly proctor gestures Naruto and Sasuke in opposing positions. With a small
smile, Sasuke voices, “it’s about time, dumbass.”
As Naruto took his place, from the walkway above, Kiba calls, “two thousand ryo says
Naruto loses in under two minutes.”
“Make it three thousand and you got yourself a deal,” Chōji counters between the loudly
chewing of his potato chips.
“This can’t seriously be allowed,” Ino calls looking between Kurenai and Asuma. “They’re
teammates! Is the Hokage really going to allow this?”
“Why do you even care,” Kiba asks from a few paces ahead. “It’s the Dead-Last. If Sasuke-
kun even thinks about losing to anyone, it’s going to be me.”
“Kiba-kun,” Kurenai coldly voices. “I’m sure I’ve expressed my distaste for belittling fellow
shinobi. More importantly, I’ve taught you better than to underestimate an opponent and
you’ve failed to properly assess Naruto-kun’s abilities.”
Kiba is visibly shocked by the sharp ruby eyes behind his sensei’s retort, shaking his hooded
head before doubling down and assuring his sensei, “even if Naruto’s gotten stronger,
Sasuke’s the real deal.” Puffing out his chest he boldly claims, “and only another genius can
beat him,” with a knowing grin.
“I guess we can look forward to Sasuke-kun vs Neji-kun in the finals then,” Tenten says from
beside Rock Lee.
Removing his unlit cigarette, Asuma turns to Kakashi and asks, “they’re your students… who
do you think’ll win?”
The only answer Kakashi offers is his hand raising his eye-concealing bandanna so the Copy-
Ninja’s Sharingan won’t miss a thing. Observing as much felt sobering of group’s levity and
all of them pay more attention to the boys at the center of the stage.
Growing far too nervous, Hinata disregards what may be improper and quickly performs her
clan’s signature eleven hand seals ending with her index and middle parallel to her nose as
she calls, “Byakugan.” It surprised many around her, especially her cousin who reluctantly
follows suit.
On the opposite observation deck, Kankurō couldn’t help smiling as he says, “Kami, I hope
that midget gets pounded into the dirt,” then turns to his sister before adding, “I bet you’re
happy you didn’t have to use those wiles you hate so much.”
“Yes, Kankurō, I’m quite happy I didn’t have to whore myself out for information,” Temari
flatly answers.
“Quiet,” Gaara commands his older siblings, ending any further conversation.
Arms crossed, the Jōnin-sensei behind the sound genin watches on, smiling in anticipation,
eager to see how Sasuke enjoys the gifts he’s given him. ‘Show me, Sasuke-kun,’ he
humorously thinks.
Hayate starts, “the two participants in the first fight are,” only to pause to cough. “Uchiha
Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto. Are you ready?”
“This won’t be a friendly spar,” Sasuke warns. Thinking about their near-spar after his and
Kakashi’s return, the Uchiha adds, “don’t expect them to stop it because it’s a little
dangerous. I’ve already awakened, Dobe,” Sasuke calmly states as he drops into his clan’s
stance. “Come at me with everything you have so I can show you why it’ll never be enough!”
On top of being belittled by the hate-filled Uchiha, Naruto notices Sasuke hasn’t activated his
Sharingan. Setting his own stance before his rival, Naruto can easily understand why Naru-
nii wanted to use this moment to prove to himself that everyone was wrong about him. He
could feel that powerful life-long urge unconsciously energize his fists, however, with the
blond’s inability to forget the trouble that will befall so many people he holds dear—
including the friends he’s yet to make and the future for all that’s at stake—Naruto can see
well beyond this fight.
With confident eyes matching his assured tone, Naruto proclaims to his troubled opponent,
“I’m telling you here and now, even though I totally get your whacked-out anger issues, it’s
not my priority. You are not my priority. I won’t be the one to truly help you… but we’re
teammates, so, after I smash your delicate little face in, I’ll definitely get the person you
Though the boys’ gazes are intense, Sasuke’s onyx eyes are far angrier. The room and its
spectators vanish from their tunneling their vision—focusing instead on simply detecting the
sheer determination of one another—and in the blink of an eye, both boys spring from their
positions, meeting each other center-stage in no time at all. They catch each other’s heavy
punch, and though they both want to simply hit the other as hard as they can, they
acknowledge each other’s speed before spring-boarding into a back and forth trade of fast-
paced blows.
Maneuvering effortlessly, Sasuke dodges a three strike combination before countering into a
four strike combo that Naruto evades, guards, and counters himself. The sound of snapping
wind and heavy muscle thudding flood their ears. The pair dance and somersault around each
other, each of their fists chasing for that elusive flaw in the other’s defense, however, after
nearly a minute of sliding, leaping, and sidestepping between repeatedly speeding punches,
elbows, knees, and kicks, neither boy relents.
Creatively fluid in his strikes, Sasuke proves yet again he is a genius combat specialist,
however, Naruto’s work ethic cannot be overlooked. Regularly sparing against multiple
clones, against Sakura’s intelligence, against Hinata’s technique, and against Haku’s speed
and experience, Naruto is keeping pace with the genius…
Suddenly, Naruto feels like he’s fighting against air. None of his attacks are landing. Instead,
Naruto is being countered, effortlessly struck painfully hard in the stomach, chest, and face
before Sasuke buries a roundhouse kick into his teammate’s stomach, rocketing him back. A
grunting and hurt Naruto hits the stone floor hard, rolling several times before sliding onto
his feet. The blood-red dōjutsu of Sasuke’s three tomoe Sharingan stares amused as Naruto
winces from the rolling pain of the perfectly countered hit.
Naru-nii had warned him Sasuke’s eyes can predict what he’s going to do, but he also said,
‘there’s predicting it and then there’s actually dodging it.’
From above, when Hinata voices, “Sasuke-kun activated his Sharingan,” Kiba calls, “that’s it.
It’s over. I win.”
Crossing his index and middle fingers, Naruto yells, “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!” With half-a-
dozen puffs of smoke, six clones charge after Sasuke’s sides and Naruto runs straight for him,
surprising Kiba, Shikamaru, Chōji, Neji and Rock Lee while the Jōnin watch on impassively
as Naruto uses numbers to overwhelm the genius Uchiha.
‘This idiot went through similar pain,’ Naruto’s mind yells, jumping in the air as his clones
surround and assist him as he descends. Looking for any blind spot or weak guard, seven
Narutos attack with carefully practiced precision with the goal of learning a better timing to
Sasuke’s attacks, but the raven-haired avenger continues to demonstrate why he’s a genius,
swatting away predicted attacks or combining offense and defense to smoothly elude and
attack at the same time.
‘We became teammates under one of the strongest shinobi in the village, and instead of
letting anyone in, he’d rather stay this way,’ Naruto’s mind hotly remarks. Catching Sasuke’s
smirk, Naruto may be hit, he may be parried and brushed to the side, but his insides are
rapidly boiling. Naruto’s angry. Angry that this fight has to even happen when both of them
could be uniting their significant efforts to stop Obito and his boss, Madara.
‘SASUKE!’ Naruto’s mind yells, and crossing fast fists with his rival, hearing sharp inhales,
grunts, tight skidding of sandals against stone, high-speed swishing of clothes, the meaty
smack of muscle covered bone and cartilage. It was like a conversation through their fists
identical to when he fought Haku, and Naruto could understand his opponent more simply by
crossing unrelenting fists with the Uchiha.
Sasuke’s leaping windmill kicks allows for evasion, leg sweeps, and counters to the face or
body of Naruto’s clones as the Uchiha’s precognitive eyes helps him land intercepting strike
after strike on clone after clone, and still, Naruto’s fighting limbs won’t stop targeting
Sasuke. Mentally seeing a flash of a very young Sasuke sadly sitting alone on a wooden dock
of the lake, Naruto knows with the certainty of the dawn that he can’t stop.
No matter the sharp throbbing pain to his body, Naruto’s indomitable will only thrives as the
impassioned blond mentally yells, ‘you were alone like me!’
The pair continue to trade meat-grinding blow after blow, each trying to attain the better
offensive position to land something truly devastating when Naruto swears he hears Sasuke’s
voice say, ‘you can’t stop me. I’m nothing like you!’
Absolutely aching to show Sasuke who he really is, Naruto’s driven heart demands his body
move faster, and with each clone dispelled, his multiple perspectives pick up on more of the
Uchiha’s rhythm. With all his clones dispersed, Naruto can’t completely dodge Sasuke’s
painful attacks, but he’s blocking more… an irritation Sasuke can’t stand.
Naruto’s ears then distinctly pick up the unmistakable sound of cold steel sliding sharply
against leather as Sasuke pulls out a kunai, spinning it before slashing down to take Naruto’s
eye. Opening his fist to open-palm strikes, as Hinata has often shown him, Naruto redirects
and continuously parries Sasuke’s repeated kunai slash until Naruto’s first available chance to
withdraw his kunai.
“That’s…” a surprised Rock Lee starts to say before turning to Neji. The sight of Naruto
incorporating Hyūga clan taijutsu prompts him to turn a sharp pale eye on a blushing Hinata.
No one noticed Kurenai smirking proudly.
The boy’s kunai clang against each other, sparking loudly until Sasuke’s Sharingan sights an
opening and Naruto takes a foot to the stomach. With a grunt, Uzumaki flies back from the
inhuman kick, giving Sasuke more than ample time to string six seals in rapid succession
before yelling, “Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!” And launches a great fireball directly at his floor-
skipping teammate.
Skidding to a chakra-assisted stop, Naruto leaps high and fast, reaching and sticking to the
ceiling of the large room as the fireball scorches the stone floor below, however, Sasuke had
already launched two more balls of fire, and without answers for them, Naruto springs back
down to the ground, exactly where Sasuke’s eyes foresaw. Naruto launches a line of shuriken
to intercept the raven-haired avenger, landing on the floor just as Sasuke breaks through his
guard with the hardest kick he’s felt yet. Naruto is launched back farther than the room would
allow and hits the wall, radially fracturing the stone around him before landing hard on the
One look at the black flame-like markings across Sasuke’s skin, and it became clear why
Sasuke was suddenly much more powerful. Naruto’s insides felt like boiling soup and his
vision goes in and out of focus as the sweaty blond slowly rises to his feet, however, ever the
tactician, Sasuke won’t allow him to do any more than that. He attacks with a combination of
speed, power, and perception Naruto has never faced before, giving him no chance to make
clones or use Rasengan.
“Uh, aren’t they going kind of fast,” Kiba asks struggling to keep up with the boys from
Team 7, and Chōji adds, “what’s that black stuff on Sasuke-kun’s skin?” Watching the way
the inexplicably tattooed Sasuke is savagely beating Naruto bloody, Shikamaru poses
critically, “oi, oi, isn’t this getting a little out of hand?”
With a heel-palm to the face, Naruto feels his vision’s haze worsen, his nose clog, and he can
taste a river of copper travel both out of his mouth and down his throat before Sasuke’s
lightning covered hand thrusts straight through ribs eight, nine, and ten, through part of his
stomach, and punctures with a red splash out his back.
Doubling over from the gut, as if horrifically struck through their own bodies, a repulsed
Hinata is dead-frozen, paralyzed, and a woefully distressed Kurenai mentally yells what a
gutted Ino actually screams, “NARUTO!”
The agonizing pain blinds Naruto’s entire body from sensing anything other than excruciating
stabbing. His outstretched mouth screams piercingly loud, reverberating throughout the
room. His body twitches as electrical signal involuntarily spam odd parts of his body. With
his vision nearly blacking out, he hears someone yell his name but he can barely perceive it
over the rod of spikes sawing through his bloody torso.
Along with Kiba and the other genin, Sakura eyes a fearful Ino. The sheer worry on the
Yamanaka’s face was more than her own love for Sasuke, after all, Sakura’s learned that a
girl could care about her crush for a boy more than the boy himself, and what Ino’s pupil-less
blue eyes are telling her, is her former best friend and rival is terrified for the impaled Naruto.
Sakura feels gutted herself, not simply because her blond teammate was just grievously
injured by her other teammate, nor because Sasuke has just forcefully ripped away Naruto’s
chances of ever becoming Hokage, but because she’s actually witnessing the depths Sasuke’s
hatred can lead him toward. It was easy for Sakura’s mind to overlap Naruto’s pain-curdling
scream with her parents screaming and the pinkette grips the railing that much harder to stay
upright on her drastically weakened knees.
Overlaying her knowledge of the human anatomy, she analytically understands Sasuke’s
Chidori punched right through the false ribs eight, nine, and ten, and part of Naruto’s
stomach. Sakura gravely notes the specks and splatter of red on the floor, thinking, ‘that’s a
lot of blood.’
Distastefully astonished, Kiba mutters what the other genin are thinking, “damn, Sasuke…”
“His own teammate,” Chōji slowly voices in horrid awe, never in a million years thinking a
teammate could do that to another.
Though Kurenai hides her rapidly devolving turmoil behind her glazed mask, her heart is
beating painfully fast, and at the reverberating sound of Naruto’s scream, she’s stopped
breathing. Her body overheats, her knees feel paper-thin, and her toned gut tightened to steel
as she mentally screams, ‘nonononononono!’ Despite being a kunoichi who believes in
village unity, especially among countrymen, her angry red eyes land on Kakashi, mentally
yelling, ‘you let this happen!’
After redirecting what would’ve been a strike to the heart, Naruto’s weakened hand
desperately grips Sasuke’s bloody forearm as he screams till he’s out of breath. With a face of
unbridled anguish, his sweaty blond head falls forward, locking piercing blue eyes with
Sasuke’s three-tomoe Sharingan.
Through the salting spikes of pain drills continuously down to his twitching toes, Naruto’s
blood leaking mouth gasps, “you… really…”
“It’s over,” a stern-eyed Sasuke calmly asserts, roughly removing his arm from the bloody
hole he created. He grips Naruto’s neck as he comments, “you may have deflected my attack
but you can no longer- NGGH!” Sasuke grunts as Naruto’s jittery hand grips Sasuke’s wrist
before doubling then tripling in strength.
Within the dank depth of Naruto’s seal, in the dark room of the flooded grand chamber, and
before the tower-tall shoddy gates, Naruto grimly stares up at an impressively irate and
growling Kurama. Feeling just as insanely provoked, Naruto extends two fingers to his
orange-furry partner and Kurama chuckles. Red chakra then flows forward with purpose,
enveloping a very willing Naruto in the seal as it does in the dueling chamber.
Kurenai was contemplating beating an apology out Kakashi when the atmosphere in the room
suddenly spiked violently, nearly instantly fluctuating the displaced molecules in the air so
hard the entire room forcefully heats with an odd blueish-white glow.
The audience is unprepared, shocked, and confused, however, none more so than Sasuke. The
energy in the room quickly grows dark, poisonous, sinister, and before Sasuke could react,
Naruto punches him meters away harder than he’s ever been hit before, to the point Sasuke
ignores the skin-scrapping pain of his body skidding on the ground tearing at his shirt, as well
as hitting the wall, for the terrifying sensation radiating from his face, like his fractured skull
and torn facial muscles were melting off.
Through his disorientation, Sasuke unleashes the full power of his cursed seal, turning his
pale skin dark-gray, his ebony hair long light-blue, adding a black four-pointed star on the
bridge of his nose, and sprouting wings in the shape of a hand. He hasn’t practiced entering
the third stage of the cursed seal, but Orochimaru explained enough for Sasuke’s mind to
figure it out on the fly. Fortunately, the throbbing pain to his face diminishes as more power
swells within him, infusing more chakra into his shocked Sharingan as he beholds a slant-
standing Naruto.
Naruto’s blond hair whips ferally as the gaping red wound just below his left pectoral heals
impossibly fast. The room’s spectators all view Sasuke’s blond and bloody opponent reform
muscle mapped bone before searing skin sizzles and bubbles into place in seconds. All the
while, chakra energy rushes around him so forcibly, it rips the zipper of his jacket open,
revealing the wire body mesh underneath.
Recognizing the chakra, Kurenai along with the other Jōnin prepare to intervene before it’s
too late when their Hokage waves them off with a single raised palm. Kurenai isn’t sure why
her Hokage would allow this unnecessary risk to everyone in the room but her fear for Naruto
immediately doubles.
“…I don’t understand,” Ino bemoans with a clear sniff, clearing the rolling tears streaming
down the corner of her eyes. Looking from the suddenly demon-like Sasuke with wings
clutching his wincing face, to Naruto as red chakra envelops every part of him, Ino asks
anyone, “how…”
“What’s going on,” Shikamaru slowly asks his sensei in disbelief only to take note that
Asuma has his chakra blades out sharpened with his blue chakra as he keeps his eyes focused
on the stage. It’s then that Shikamaru notices his sensei, Guy-sensei, and Kakashi-sensei are
all in a defensive stance. Even the other Jōnin and the Hokage are positioned in high alert, as
if expecting to enter the fight themselves.
Naruto hunches over as his power multiplies exponentially, visibly layering his form in red
chakra, and unlike the previous occasion on the bridge against Zabuza, the shroud bubbles a
long red tail as well. The tail whips hypnotically as his thrashing chakra super-charges the
atmospheric pressure violently, disrupting the air, stone, dust, and ninja in the room with
painful waves of itchy energy. The pressure in the atmosphere burns hotter around the feral
blond, nearly making him glow as the floor and walls rattle, only becoming worse when a
second tail begins to bubble and form, nearly suffocating those nearby.
“What’s with this creepy feeling,” Chōji yells, staring at his hands as he feels the oppressive
oily energy pushing on his skin.
Watching Naruto with two tails and elongated ears made entirely of chakra, Ino commands to
know from Sakura, “what’s going on with Naruto?” There is no response Sakura can give as
the gathered genin simply stare in unacceptable disbelief.
The black slits within Naruto’s red eyes glare mercilessly at the further enhanced Uchiha.
Through clenched, sharper canine teeth, a feral chakra-covered Naruto growls a long-drawn-
out sound, and though he’s nearly delirious with the staggering amount of power surging
ferociously through his system, his mind and focus are clear.
Naruto throws out a large red arm, causing a shock-wave too large for the small room,
shoving everyone back. Sasuke jumps over the angry red hand. Not expecting another arm to
shoot out from the previous extension, Sasuke’s meaty wings flap him out of the way, only to
be grabbed by the feet by another red hand before Naruto whirls him through the air like a
ball at the end of a string and slams his teammate into the stone floor at the other end of the
room, fracturing a three-foot radius of stone around Sasuke’s battered body.
With an ear-piercing roar, the large room shudders in the unrelenting hot density waves
bombarding everyone. Naruto pulls on the red chakra hand, explosively drawing Sasuke to
him with all the abundant strength in him. The gray skin of Sasuke’s bleeding face flaps like
paper in a tornado before contorting around Naruto’s iron fist as he’s punched so hard, the
last Uchiha rockets through the wood and stone wall to the room beyond.
After hearing a meaty crunch and snap in the same breath as heavy stone falling to the
ground, and rolling rubble, the room stills. For many moments, all that can be heard from the
stage below is the sizzling of Naruto’s chakra heating the air and his low snarl.
For all who remember Naruto’s antics, Naruto’s grades, Naruto’s thoughtless boasting… the
chakra-covered genin below was such an impossible sight to witness. It was unthinkable to
see the blond Dead Last of their class stand tall and dominant against the rookie of the year,
the genius Uchiha Sasuke, yet, to deny it would be to deny reality and descend into delusion.
For most, it was like the game they’ve all been playing since their Academy day was
suddenly outdated and boring, especially when Rock Lee asks his sensei, “Guy-sensei, are
your sure Naruto-kun was the Dead Last of their class?”
Naruto huffs in mild amusement when Sasuke’s shaky gray hand grips the broken stone wall
and he slowly staggers through the hole and over rubble. He’s hemorrhaging from his nose,
mouth, swollen left eye, and unswollen right eye, sweating profusely, dirty, and his heavy
breathing causes some twitching of his torso, likely from broken ribs. Naruto wonders if his
teammate has a punctured lung but with three slow hand-seals, lighting erupts from Sasuke’s
left hand along with the sound Chidori is described after.
Naruto sprints faster than an exhausted Sasuke can physically react, cracking the stone floor
with his every sprinted step and embeds his body-launching, overpowered fist into Sasuke’s
gut, instantly snatching Sasuke’s left arm to keep the boy from flying away. Like a running
dog chained to a stake, Sasuke grunts loudly as his withheld arm is dislocated by the
explosive motion of his catapulted body.
Grunting loudly, the Uchiha grips his dislocated shoulder as his disheveled hair begins to
return to its coal-black color, his gray dirty skin to its pale tone, and his single visible
Sharingan deactivates. When Sasuke feebly tries to remove his arm, Naruto doesn’t let go,
and instead squeezes his forearm that much tighter, drawing a wincing grunt from the last
“I don’t expect you to do a complete one-eighty and change the way you think just because
you lost once,” Naruto tells Sasuke. “But you better start getting it through your thick skull
you aren’t the only one suffering.”
Naruto lets a heaving and bleeding Sasuke go and the raven-haired avenger drops to a knee
so near to passing out if not for his sheer will to refuse to. Instead, he vaguely hears Kiba
gasp, “I don’t believe it,” before the proctor calls,
As attendants begin rushing to clean the war-ravaged stage of blood and debris, Naruto hops
and sticks to the railing in front of a provoked Gaara, eying him sternly as he expresses, “I’m
being serious about becoming friends, you know,” as his red chakra-tails ebb and flow
Gaara’s icy blue eyes—eyes of death and hatred that long for absolute strength—glare at the
latest and clearest threat to his very existence. If his father ever hired this blond boy to try and
kill him, Gaara hates to admit he may succeed and it only makes the redhead want to kill
Naruto more.
“I still am,” Naruto adds. Looking at the tattoo of love on his forehead, Naruto can’t help but
explain, “I think we have a lot in common, like, I’m sure we’ve both had a tough life, but, I
know we can get along if we give it a try.”
Relishing in the thought of destroying yet another one of life’s plans to end his life, Gaara
heartlessly shares, “loneliness is the only companionship that exists, so I have no need of
“Are you a fortune-teller,” Naruto asks with a smirk. “Can you see the future? If not, I can’t
imagine how you would know if you don’t need a friend.”
Like his ultimate defense, Gaara’s cold face is impassive as he reveals, “I fight only for my
sake and I live to love no one but myself. A soul needs a purpose to live and I’ve come to
learn my purpose is to kill everyone besides myself. It’s how I feel alive.”
“Well, I don’t believe that, like, at all,” Naruto emphasizes, a little surprised by the redhead’s
bitter enmity. From Naru-nii’s stories, Naruto knows they’ve gone through the same
challenges in life, and while one-by-one, Naruto gained Teuchi-jiji, Ayame-neechan, Iruka-
sensei, and Ji-chan, followed by Nai-chan, Haku, Ino-chan, Hinata-chan, and his teammates,
Gaara only met betrayal after betrayal from his village and even his family. It took no effort
at all for Naruto to imagine that large, dark, chasm of loathing hatred if he didn’t have his
loved ones.
So with a great longing to help the murderous boy in front of him, Naruto declares, “friends
and family are what help you feel alive. You probably just need the right friend and I’m going
to show you exactly that.”
Assuming his intentions to be threatening, Gaara leans forward, primed to attack as he coldly
avows, “I will not cease to exist. Your bitter corpse's crimson tears will flow and mingle with
the endless sand, feeding the chaos within me, making me stronger. Your bloody death, will
make me stronger.” The cork from the gourd wiggles free, prompting Temari and Kankurō to
take several steps back from their young brother as they look to Baki.
Overflowing with Kurama’s chakra, Naruto isn’t worried. What’s important to him is that he
doesn’t blink. He stares down Gaara’s icy blue eyes, determined to show his fellow Jinchūriki
that no matter how much he fights or doubts, someone will stand by his side. If there’s
anyone in this world who can understand him, it’s Naruto, and just like Haku, he won’t give
up on the potential for another great friend. So, with two chakra tails whipping behind him,
Naruto’s intense slitted red eyes confidently assert his defiance in the face of Gaara’s hatred.
“Naruto-kun,” he hears Kakashi call from the wrecked stage below. Immediately the
tenseness in the air dissipates as he momentarily glances to his sensei below. Returning his
attention to the triplet of sand-nin he’s hoping to one day be close with, Naruto sends
Kankurō a snide, “hmph,” Gaara one last hopeful look, and Temari a smile before hopping
down to the damaged first floor to meet his serene sensei.
Due to Kakashi’s curious eye, Naruto realizes his red chakra cloak is still active and calmly
allows Kurama’s chakra to return to its owner.
“That was unexpected,” Kakashi casually comments, and a less feral Naruto can sense the
underlying question regarding Kurama’s chakra.
However, since his amped body is still feeling hot contention from his ridiculous and
unexpected fight with Sasuke, with squinted eyes, Naruto scratches his head as he asks, “oh,
you mean when Sasuke used a technique you taught him to skewer me through the chest?
Yeah, who could’ve seen that coming?”
As the attendants behind them rush to reset the stage for the next fight, Kakashi momentarily
eyes the Iryō-nin—followed by a team of Anbu—rushing an unconscious Sasuke away
before he asserts, “I’ll be speaking with Sasuke-kun as soon as he’s able. Your control over
the red chakra has gotten better. Care to explain how that happened?”
“It happened the same way everything else I can do has,” Naruto states, thinking of Naru-nii.
Though the agitated side of himself wanted to answer, ‘without you,’ he lamely concludes,
“with training.”
With a single nod, Kakashi states, “so long as you’re in control,” and Naruto watches his
jōnin-sensei shunshin to Ji-chan’s side to whisper the information, then shunshin away; likely
to check on Sasuke’s condition.
Without Kakashi blocking his view, Naruto finally notices the observation deck above full of
his shocked peers all staring down at him. Looking around the room, Naruto is alarmed when
he realizes all of the genin and Jōnin are highly observant of him.
Turning to the sound ninja who Naruto guesses is Orochimaru in disguise, he, yet again,
wants nothing more than to take care of him here and now, however, he’s been told that
would be a tall order. Naru-nii had explained how Orochimaru fought and killed Ji-chan,
fought Tsunade-baachan without working arms and survived, fought a four-tails cloaked
Naru-nii without properly working arms and survived, and even came back from the dead.
Naru-nii suggested they wait and set the ultimate prank, and after hearing all of that, Naruto
wholeheartedly agrees. So he quickly returns his attention to his ponderous comrades.
Except for Sakura and Kakashi, none of them have ever seen him fight to such lengths
before. He’s trained under Kurenai-chan, fought Tenten-chan, sparred with Hinata-chan,
spoken about his training with Ino-chan, but they’ve never seen him battle with his life on the
line. The others either only remember him from how he was in the Academy or have never
heard of him. Sakura is the only one who’s even seen him fight with a tail and now that
they’ve all seen him beat Sasuke with two, Naruto is at a loss as to how he should react.
The first thing the blond shinobi wonders is, ‘have they guessed my secret?’
His whole body was covered in red chakra, and he had two tails and long ears made out of
Kurama’s chakra. The fact that he’s a Jinchūriki wouldn’t be a hard leap to make, especially
for someone with deductive reasoning like Shikamaru. ‘Would they hate me now? Like all the
Judging by their glare, the two from Kabuto’s team seem to. Looking at the circumspect faces
of Shikamaru, Chōji, Kiba, Lee, and Tenten, Naruto can’t imagine they’d ever want to hang
out now. However, looking at Sakura, Hinata, Ino, and Kurenai’s mournful, agitated alarm, he
soon realizes there’s something more important to worry about.
His relationship with Kurenai has taught him how others might feel if he died or was
seriously injured. That night with her made a deep impression on him that cannot be
removed, and due to that reflection, he knows Hinata-chan and Kurenai-chan will have been
worried about him; possibly even Ino-chan. Kurenai has grown to be just as irreplaceable as
Iruka-sensei, Ji-chan, Naru-nii, and because of the raven-haired jōnin, Naruto can imagine
they might feel the same about him.
‘Another reason to help Gaara,’ Naruto thinks as he walks the length of the stage toward the
stairs. ‘So he can feel that love as well.’
Thinking along those lines, he can’t imagine Kurenai, Ino, Hinata, and possibly Sakura felt
good about witnessing him be impaled. Walking up the stairs, he wonders if they might’ve
felt like the time when he was helpless to watch Iruka-sensei protect him by taking a Fuma
Shuriken to the spine. Being forced to watch someone he cares about be grievously injured
was devastated for Naruto, and even if Kurenai, Ino, and Hinata don’t care about him to the
same degree, he doesn’t want them to worry about him any more than they need to.
Traversing the final step to the walkway, Naruto takes his blood-smeared jacket off and wraps
it around his waist knotting it by the sleeves. There’s still a reddish hole in the wire-mesh
armored shirt but his tan skin is clear and without a mark. The thoughtful blond reasons, ‘if
they see I’m not hurt,then that’d obviously make them feel better.’
Nearly to the stunned group, the electric board begins bleeping as it runs through random
names, and a widely smiling Naruto calls out to his fellow Konoha ninja, “yo!”
His face was cheerful, his posture was upbeat, and his hand waved to them, but he doesn’t
receive quite the reception he was hoping for. Shikamaru, Chōji, Kiba, Tenten, and Lee were
staring at him in disbelief, lost for words. Neji’s sharp eyes are practically glaring at him.
Kurenai and the jōnin were unreadable, Ino-chan and Sakura were a mix of relief and doubt,
and Hinata was blushing, reserved, and eerily still.
Fortunately, the electronic board chooses another pair of names to duel. Kiba and another
Konoha shinobi named Yoroi begin their walk to the newly swept stage below. Upon passing
the Inuzuka, Naruto notices Kiba’s small pupils, made worse by widened eyes, parted mouth,
and drawn brows at him.
Rather than force himself within their circle, Naruto simply leans on the railing several paces
away as Kiba and Yoroi take their place, however, he’s surprised when Ino-chan leans against
the railing beside him. She’s so close to him, her shoulder touches his, and while her focus
remains on the match below, he notices the red hue on her cheeks as she tells him, “you
scared me.”
He marvels by her warmth and willingness to be beside him and absentmindedly answers,
“I’m sorry.”
Giving his shoulder an affectionate shove as her pupil-less blue eyes remain on the stage as
she tells him, “don’t think you’re getting out of making this up to me.”
Smiling with growing relief, he confidently tells her, “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Her cheeks
redden and even her neck grows passionately colorful when he’s further surprised by a
blushing Hinata-chan slowly, yet bravely, taking the space at his other side and shyly tells
him, “Co-Congratulations, Naruto-kun.”
“Thanks, Hinata-chan,” he happily replies, overjoyed she doesn’t seem afraid to be near him.
Sakura stands next to Ino-chan and watches the match below before Kurenai-chan leans
against the wall behind him. Shino stands beside Hinata-chan but Naruto assumes it’s to
stand beside his team.
Twisting his body to see the sexy Jōnin, Naruto ignores the beautiful mask of her impassive
face for the arduous soul behind her ruby-red eyes and effortlessly recognizes longing just
below the surface. He was right to be concerned about those close to him. He feels she was
indeed scared for him, and oddly enough, that makes him happy; so happy he couldn’t help
expressing to her his own feelings with an uncharacteristically tranquil and grateful smile.
‘I’ll make it up to you too,’ his mind promises and effortlessly communicates with his
confident blue eyes. With her slight ruby-red smirk, Naruto returns his attention to the pair
down below.
Asuma stands beside Kurenai, followed by his genin, Rock Lee, Tenten, and Guy-sensei. Neji
was the furthest away but he still moved closer, and Naruto couldn’t believe how surrounded
he is by friends and fellow ninja. It made him happy, grateful, and giddy; so much so, he eyes
Gaara at the very opposite end of the battleground before them, staring right back at him, and
Naruto makes a promise to help him.
“Umm… Now, we will… begin the second match,” Hayate eventually says through his
coughing. “Please begin.”
Though Naruto had been told of the matches, it was interesting to see Kiba best Yoroi, Shino
best the sound nin Zaku, and Gaara’s brother, Kankurō best Misumi.
For the fifth match, the scoreboard matched Hyūga Hinata versus Haruno Sakura, and Hinata
could only be happier if her opponent was Uchiha Sasuke himself; not that she expected to
win against the raven-haired genius—she wasn’t so confident in her skills. Simply put,
Hinata was aching for an outlet to vent her frustrations, and the only way the opportunity to
do just that could’ve been more proper is if it was with the Uchiha himself.
Venting isn’t like her. Hinata is not an angry person. Even after her dearly beloved mother
passed away, Hinata has never wished ill-will on others or sought to assault anyone out in
anger or retribution. The only resentment Hinata could ever claim to feel was in herself, for
her many weaknesses, her meekness, and the shame she burdens upon everyone around her.
More than anything, Hinata wants for everyone to understand and love one another amidst a
lasting life of peace and laughter for all she holds dear—her hurting cousin, Neji, her
beautiful sister, Hanabi, her strong father, Hiashi, but, none more than Naruto-kun, her north
…And only minutes ago, Hinata witnessed, with her hyper perceptive eyes, her most
cherished person nearly die… very nearly murdered in the most horrific way… at the bloody
hand of his teammate… for no other reason than refusing to be a stepping stone for the very
person Hinata knows, for a fact, Sakura-chan has loved since their Academy days: Uchiha
‘Sakura-chan loves Sasuke-kun,’ Hinata’s mind blares, clearing from coast-to-coast any other
thought in her mind. The sight of Naruto’s blood still staining the stone floor below made her
feel anger unlike anything she’s ever experienced. It made her chest tighten every time she
recalled the raven-haired Uchiha burying his arm to the elbow inside of Naruto’s torso… it
made her heart beat furiously when her eyes focused in on Sasuke-kun’s satisfied grin… it
made her blood rush hot when her omnidirectional vision closed-in on the horrid pain on
Naruto-kun’s screaming face… and turning her pale eyes accusingly at Sakura-chan, her
mind screamed, ‘she loves the shinobi that nearly killed the person I admire most in the
After Naruto’s victory, Hinata hadn’t known what to do with her horribly displacing,
irritatingly dark, and fear-inducing memories of Naruto nearly dying at Sasuke’s hand—even
seeing Naruto miraculously well didn’t alleviate this tsunami of energy—until she saw her
name match up with Haruno Sakura.
All her cherished memories of dinners with Naruto, sparring with Naruto, talking to Haku-
san about Naruto… to so nearly lose all that, the Hyūga heiress’ Byakugan activated on its
own and her only target was Sakura. When Sakura joins her in the stage below, Hinata drops
in her gentle fist stance, absolutely eager for the proctor to begin their match.
‘Sakura-chan loves Sasuke-kun, and Sasuke-kun nearly killed the love of my life,’ Hinata’s
pained and angered mind yells right before Hayate coughs, then says, “please begin.”
Sakura may have been stronger, sturdier, and more intelligent than the indigo-haired heiress,
but after one painful bout of close-quarter taijutsu, her strategy quickly shifted to doing
everything in her power to keep her internal organs away from Hinata’s Gentle Fist. Without
the ability to set traps, Sakura’s ranged attacks were as ineffective against the Byakugan as
her close-range attacks.
Ultimately, the frightfully angry Hyūga heiress closed the distance, and though Sakura’s
taijutsu could block or evade the indigo-haired girl, she couldn’t safeguard her internal organs
or her chakra circulatory system from Hinata’s large and imposing veined eyes coupled with
superior taijutsu. With every painful strike, Sakura felt herself becoming weaker and slower
until she took a palm to the liver, the electric shock, of which, dropped the bruised pinkette to
her knees.
Worse than being unable to think of a strategy through the suffocating pain, Sakura couldn’t
even get up. Fighting back embarrassing tears, Sakura couldn’t help but once again, acutely
feel the harshness of her grand weaknesses. This quite heiress isn’t anywhere near
Orochimaru’s league, yet Sakura is still losing to her, embarrassingly bad. It spoke volumes
about her lack of significant training, her lack of grit… her lack of heart; the fighting spirit
she’s heard of that keep a ninja going when everything says the battle is lost. Weakly, with
tears flooding her green eyes, her thoughts weep, ‘Naruto has it… Sasuke has it… Why don’t
When she hears, “COME ON SAKURA-CHAN,” yelled from the pathways above, Sakura
struggles to tilt her head enough to see an angry Naruto gripping the rails as he yells, “GET
For no reason that mattered, it pissed her off that Naruto would yell for her to try harder. ‘Of
course I want to get up, you idiot!’ And with that anger, she slowly struggles to her feet, not
that it mattered to the match. In the end, she may have stood when she thought she couldn’t,
but the match was over. Mercifully, Hinata avoided her torso and attacked her legs to bring
her down before a perfect aimed fist knocking her out.
Naruto rushes to the stairs as Hinata takes the final step, calling out, “I didn’t want you to
lose!” Hinata only has time enough to blush and express surprise before Naruto continues. “I
didn’t want either of you to lose… which I get isn’t possible. I guess I mean, it didn’t matter
who won as long as you both did your best.”
To his joy, she smiles her sweet, red-cheeked smile and softly explains, “I know, Naruto-kun.
I- I know… you’re…” her blush doubles as she takes a deep breath. “I know… you’re a ca-
caring person. I know, more than anything… you would’ve done the same for me, if I was in
the same position.”
“Damn right I would,” Naruto assures her with a clenched fist. Confident in his friend’s
words, Naruto smiles as he congratulates her. “You were awesome! Your taijutsu was as
devastating as ever- Oh! Did you see when I used some of the techniques you taught me?
Speaking of, do you think we can talk later. I’m hoping you can help me with some chakra
control training.”
Naruto and Hinata allow her to pass, wishing her luck before they return to the others. Tenten
lost to Temari nearly exactly as Naru-nii had described, however, Tenten had managed to
unseal electricity from a scroll and connect it to wired weapons as she attacked from a
distance. It surprised Temari, however, not enough to affect the outcome.
Naruto was amused watching Shikamaru best Kin, however, no matter how much he
screamed from the rafters, Ino had lost to Neji. Though Neji didn’t appreciate all his yelling,
but Naruto expressed his mind by saluting the Hyūga his stiff middle finger.
When the next match is announced, a resolute Naruto walks over to Guy-sensei and sternly
whispers in the man’s ear, “Gaara is like me. Lee could open five gates and it wouldn’t be
enough to beat Gaara.” Fortunately the man was too shocked about the threat to his student
to ask how Naruto might know of the inner gates.
Before the test, Naruto had debated whether he would intervene or not. In his mind, it always
came down to whether sparing him some pain now will help his future, or hurt him in some
way Naru-nii couldn’t predict. After all, Naru-nii explained that Lee eventually makes a full
recovery. In the end, he decided to leave the choice with the person who knows him best;
To everyone’s grand amazement and awe, Lee’s fight against Gaara was the most astonishing
testament to guts they’ve ever seen. His disadvantages, the weights, the speed, the strength of
the inner gates, it was pivotal; no moment more so than when Gaara’s sand seized Lee’s left
arm and leg, however, before the future can repeat itself as Naru-nii had described, Guy-
sensei leaps like a cannonball shot out of a cannon and blows away the crippling sand, staring
menacingly at an unstable Gaara.
The match is called in Gaara’s favor due to outside interference, and though Lee wanted to
argue, he could hardly stand without great exertion. Naruto knows Lee feels deprived by his
sensei’s intervention, but Guy whispers something to his student, who glumly nods before
passing out. Gaara may have beaten Lee, but for his guts, inner gates, and raw tenacity,
everyone gained a new appreciation for the black bobbed genin.
For the last match, Naruto thinks as he watches the boy struggle to get up, ‘what’s important
is you tried your best, Chōji.’
“If you look at the scoreboard,” Hayate begins to explain to the remaining genin. “You will
see your match in the final task of the exam.”
The board reads Naruto and his opponent Gaara, Neji and his opponent Hinata, Shino and his
opponent Kankurō, Temari and her opponent Shikamaru, and lastly, Dosu and his opponent
With the Hokage and the Jōnin-sensei behind the sickly proctor, he announces, to the
candidates, “you all have a month to prepare as best you can for your matches. Good luck,”
he finishes before Ji-chan dismisses them.
After being dismissed, Gaara watches the blond try to approach him with a smile that eerily
reminds him of Yashamura, to which he feels a searing pain on his forehead. Rather than face
him, rather than kill him, Gaara’s sand flows around him before he shunshins away and the
voice in his head laughs at his weakness; that he would flee rather than kill. Gaara becomes
more agitated with every second.
‘Heeeheeeheehehehe,’ an errant voice screams more than laughs… ‘or is it my voice,’ Gaara
asks himself as he flies through the air and out of the training ground on his sand. ‘You run,
but where’s your fight!’
Never quite asleep nor awake, Gaara struggles with his thoughts throughout his return to the
main populous of the village. His loopy logic eventually offers a debilitated sense for why he
would run rather than kill the blue-eyed leaf-nin. His tired and strained mind easily realized
the blond shinobi was special, more so than that Uchiha, which clearly meant he needed to
die in the most singular manner. This blond, like his uncle’s explosive demise, needed to die
with a smile on his face. This leaf-nin’s death needed to be significant to truly exemplify his
existence in this cold and spiteful world.
‘Your existence will be erased,’ a grueling and exhaustive thought gripped his worn pale
body. ‘You will not survive him! Heeeheeeheeeheeheeheehehehe!’
Looking out the window of their domicile into a very bright day, onto a picturesque village,
and down on all of the villager’s content faces, Gaara’s worn and warped mind plans how to
completely destroy the smiling, lying, blond as he waits for his siblings to return to their
assigned villa.
‘He smiles just like Yashamura,’ the voice probes… or Gaara thinks. He can’t be sure, but
he’s long past caring. Gaara needs quiet, but he can’t rest, not until he kills him. When his
blood-sacks finally enter the villa, Gaara immediately calls, “Temari,” making her and the
others tense. Disgusted by such a carefree village, Gaara asserts without actually looking at
them, “a quick death will not be enough for him.”
Temari looks from her distant youngest brother to the others before asking, “enough for
Without clarifying, Gaara answers, “I want to see him suffer before I kill him. He must suffer,
as I have suffered.”
Gaara turns to them, and at the thought of the smiling blond liar, his cold eyes widen madly
as he exhales an unsettling, “Himmmmmm.” He’s practically glaring at them when he
specifies, “that blond.”
Kankurō, Temari, and Baki all grow more tense, dreading the possibility of another one of
Gaara’s manic episodes. They’ve gone through this before, but unlike being in Suna, they
can’t send him on a mission to sate his blood-lust, and so, they try their best to accommodate
their homicidal little brother; their village’s weapon.
Kankurō swallows audibly before asking, “uh, what did you have in mind?”
Recalling an unsavory comment she made earlier, Gaara eyes his eldest blood-sack like a tool
rather than a human being—much less family—and demands of her, “you will gain his
loyalty and complete trust.”
She’s unsure of what her little brother means, but rather than question the directive, she
assures him, “…he won’t trust me.”
“We only have a month before the third test,” Kankurō remarks. “That’s not enough time to
establish that level of trust-”
“Don’t bother me with how you do it. Your only value is to see this done,” Gaara coldly tells
her. “Use your heart, your mind, your body to manipulate him. I don’t care what you do or
how degrading it is, so long as he completely trusts you.”
Aghast by what he was asking, Temari couldn’t keep her silence and questions, “why?”
Recalling images of Yashamaru looking at him, smiling at him, as he conveys how his
mother always hated him sparks a pang of pain in Gaara’s head. Wincing as he grips at his
love-tattooed skull, the huffing redhead declares, “the moment his trust—his heart—shatters
upon witnessing your betrayal, I will kill him. And with his dying breath, he will know love
is the worst death of all.”
“I don’t think anything of either of you,” Gaara coldly informs them. “If you get in my way, I
will kill you.”
From within the gourd, they can hear the sand whirling around, as if agitated, and his cold
blue eyes say as much as his voice relays. “Family? You’re just lumps of meat linked by
hatred and murderous intent. I am alone. I won’t believe in anyone, I won’t love anyone, and
you will do this or you have no further value to me.”
Temari and Kankurō turn to Baki, but as expected, their glorified babysitter does nothing.
Gaara retires to his room and rather than plan how they’re going to make this outrageous
demand happen, Temari calmly walks into her room.
“Tou-chan,” Tenten calls out with a hint of curiosity as she enters her father’s shop. At first,
she didn’t understand why the shop was closed, and then she’s further bewildered by the dark
room. She turns on the light before she walks through the shop into the back and up the stairs
to their apartment above. All the while she can’t help but constantly replay the fight between
Sasuke-kun and Naruto-kun.
Absentmindedly, she recalls her team meeting around Lee’s bed. He was awake, however,
having used the Inner Gates, he’ll be bedridden for at least a week. The only two questions
the three of them had was why he stopped Lee’s match and about Naruto-kun. Having fought
the loud blond herself, never in her wildest imagination could she have predicted such an
absurd amount of strength. Guy-sensei wouldn’t completely reveal why Naruto-kun was so
powerful but he assured his team it’s not too unlike Lee’s gates.
“He can call upon power when he truly needs it, very much like that young Gaara-kun,” Guy-
sensei told a bedridden Lee. “I’m sorry Lee-kun. One of life’s greatest difficulties is no one
ninja is capable of defeating everyone they come across.”
Focusing on herself and Neji-kun, Guy-sensei adds, “none of you are. No one shinobi that
can beat everyone. If Konoha expected as much out of its ninja, our village would surely be
weak indeed. We fight as a team because this world and its monsters are much larger than any
one man.”
Turning to Lee, their sensei tells him, “if I allowed the match to continue, I feel confident he
could’ve ended your career as a shinobi.”
Lee was dejected to hear such disheartening news, as was Tenten, because it means Naruto
went easy on her. She thought it was impressive that he could create so many clones of
himself, but that didn’t even scratch the surface of his full capabilities…
‘I’m not good enough to bring out his best,’ she loathes to accept.
With a sigh, she enters the living space of their two-bedroom apartment to the startling shock
of seeing her father tied and gagged to a chair. Before she can even utter a syllable, the very
long blade of Kubikiribōchō advances from behind her, passing the side of her head so the
corner of her vision can see an ill-defined reflection of her entire face against the flat of the
blade. The edge was pointed to the floor, and if whoever was wielding the blade brought it
down, it would cut through her trapezius muscle, her collar bone, her ribs, lungs, liver, and
she’d surely die.
“Far too lax,” a deep and dark voice calls from behind her. The hairs on the back of her neck
stand, however, she manages to control her breathing as he continues. “Your life hasn’t
hovered near death enough, girl. You’re no ninja.”
“Your trash of a father made a grave error when he tried to sell my sword,” the ominous
voice imparts.
With wide eyes, a shaky Tenten realizes aloud, “you- you’re Momochi Zabuza…”
1st, as I said, my laptop crashed and I lost most of the chapter, which really hurt my
soul, if I'm honest. I've now set my settings to back up EVERY SECOND! I went over
this chap often but if I missed anything, please let me know.
2nd, I don't want to hear anything about Sakura losing to Hinata . Chūnin-Sakura vs
Chūnin-Hinata? Hinata would totally stomp on Sakura with her taijutsu alone. If you're a
logical person, it's a fairly accurate conclusion to reach. But this will ultimately help
Sakura. I feel like both Hinata and Sakura are in a good place for more attention.
3rd, The way Naru-nii was preparing Naruto could be considered covert changes to
history because it was just him training in his little pocket of the world. But now,
everyone saw him. Orochimaru saw him, Baki saw him, Gaara, and everyone in the
room from Konoha really and truly saw him in a visceral way they couldn't have at this
stage in canon.
For example, in canon, if Sakura actually saw Sasuke skewer Naruto through the chest,
would she still feel the same? Probably, but the image/memory would be very powerful,
and something that would be difficult for her to forget, especially with her memory.
In my fic, Naruto and Sasuke's fight means a lot to the various stages the girls are in. It
will be a moment that I think will stay with them for some time to come. It hit Hinata
right away. I know she's not typically an angry person and when she fought Pain in
canon, it was mostly to protect Naruto, but with my version of Hinata, I like to think she
was, at least, a little bit angry to see that with her vision.
6th, just a reminder: Kurenai and Ino are the closest, Sakura close, Tenten and Temari
need more story, and I still need to fully introduce Mei, Samui, and Mabui more than
that soft intro. And Hinata, of course. Those are the girls currently in my head, and with
relation to Naruto, they're all in various stages of forming a relationship with him.
Lastly, I'm not a fan of FFNet's comment section(which has the most traffic for this fic)
only because it doesn't let you guys see my responses to many of your questions. I wish
it was a little more like AO3 but whatever. If any of you would like to contact me or
read answers to rather commonly asked questions for either From Ruin or The Last
Prayer, my social media contact is below.
Reddit: GraeFoxx_
Thank you for your support. I'd love to hear your thoughts and as always, have a great
Everyone is confronted with two options, make progress or make excuses, regardless of
the hardship of the threshold.
Chapter Notes
Hey everyone :)
Sorry for the delay, but of course, I've been slacking in that department. I thought I was
going to write a chapter a week like I used to but it hasn't been working out that way.
Truth be told, the reason this chapter took so long and is so long, is because there are a
lot of moving parts, new characters, additional training, and story threads that needed
closing. So organizing all of that to something more streamline was very challenging
since I didn’t want to forget anything or anyone along with character motivations and
how canon is changing. It was a lot. That being said, I managed to block out a good
pathway ahead and I’ve written stuff for 3 chapters, so writing should be easier moving
If you don’t know military time, I apologize. I just figure since they are soldiers, they
use that.
This fat sucker is 15.8 K words and it's a mix of the aftermath, expanding characters,
and set up for the month before the Final Test.
‘Naruto-kun and Sakura-chan may not contribute to the village as much as Sasuke can, but
that’s okay,’ he thought. Kakashi knew he could still form a team around Sasuke. The last
Uchiha would elevate his teammates, in turn, they will do their absolute best to keep up. If
one died in the process, such is the life of a ninja. If not, they will always grow stronger with
Sasuke as the bar.
Considering Naruto is at the heart of this matter, Kakashi saw fit to bring a clone for this
meeting, if only to offer his opinion. Watching the clone lazily stand next to Hiruzen’s chair,
Kakashi couldn’t figure out how the amiable blond completely blindsided him. The bored
blue-eyed blond may be his sensei’s son, but, it was evident early on he was no ninja; not in
the truest sense of the dark word. Naruto was simply too bright, too optimistic, too good for
the heinous deeds a ninja is meant to do.
Many children hear stories of saving princesses or protecting towns, however, Kakashi knew
that was the shallow end of their world, and for most of his life, he’s operated in the deep,
dark, murky depths of death and survival. Rather than saving lives, ninja serve countries
better by taking lives; politicians, merchant princes, tycoons, feudal lords, warlords…
innocent or not.
Naruto does not represent the full depth a ninja must struggle with. For this deeply damaging
way-of-life, a shinobi must be a little dead inside and Kakashi was content with Naruto not
embodying that motto. If it meant preserving that ray of hope within the boy for as long as
possible, he’s certain his peaceful and caring sensei would approve.
‘Because even if Naruto can’t bear the worst of a shinobi’s struggles, the world still need
ninjas like him,’ Kakashi believes. Shinobi like Naruto and Sakura are the future dark-horses
like Kakashi and Sasuke will protect. It’s the best way broken shinobi like them can
Still, as the contemplative Hiruzen turns from the heedful window in his office, and takes a
seat, Kakashi thinks, yet again, ‘I fucked up.’
As Sarutobi observes the five Jōnin-sensei standing at attention before him with elbows on
his paper stacked desk and hands fastened together by interlaced fingers, Hiruzen doesn’t
initiate security protocol just yet. Guy, Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, and Yari all await their
Kage’s directive over Naruto’s red chakra cloak witnessed not more than two and a half hours
“Appearance only regulates mere scraps of what is truly underneath,” Hiruzen’s wise and airy
voice starts. As he continues, however, the sudden shift to a commanding tone is quickly
evident to every Jōnin in the room. “It is why we teach our own to always search underneath
the underneath, so we are never unduly surprised.”
Despite the clone of Naruto yawning, Hiruzen’s piercing eyes land sternly on Kakashi, and
ignoring the urge to swallow his embarrassment as a Jōnin-sensei, he, yet again, thinks to
himself, ‘I really fucked up.’
“As you all may have guessed,” Hiruzen addresses his captains of education. “I risked
everyone’s lives to answer one question; Could Naruto-kun retain control under extreme
distress? I agree the answer to that question shouldn’t have such high potential for loss,
however, I’ve been blessed with the fortune of observing this young man beside me grow up
since his birth.”
Kakashi notices Naruto pay more attention as the Sandaime resumes saying, “regardless of
the very real risks to you, your students, my countrymen, and warriors, I wanted to believe in
Naruto-kun…” Hiruzen turns to the surprised clone and finishes, “and this very old man is
proud to witness his trust has not been misplaced.”
With closed eyes, Naruto couldn’t help a chuckle through his bright smile, and again,
Kakashi feels that boy is the future he needs to protect. ‘It may be too late for Sasuke-kun, but
Naruto can still remain clean of the sickening darkness of the shinobi world.’
Hiruzen tells the line of Jōnin-sensei, “your students will doubtlessly have questions. As their
sensei, it is understandable if you’re inclined to satisfy their curiosity.”
“I want to tell them,” Naruto states from beside their Hokage. “They’re going to figure it out
eventually. Why not now?”
Hiruzen takes a moment to consider his words. Leaning back in his chair he takes a slow drag
of his pipe before informing the gathered Jōnin, “under my authority, I will allow you to
inform your students only vague details.” Sitting up straight, he orders the sensei, “reveal
nothing by name. The general narrative should imply since Naruto’s birth, he’s had two
chakras. Nothing more-”
“Aw, come on, Ji-chan,” Naruto bellows and it still marvels a the long veteran Kakashi that a
subordinate—no matter the relation—can be that casual with the strongest shinobi in their
village. “There’s no reason not to tell them everything. If Konoha ever gets attacked, trust
me, I’m going to use all of my strength to defend it. It only makes sense they know what to
“I appreciate your forethought, Naruto-kun,” Hiruzen tells the blond genin. “But until I am
confident this will not blowback on you, we will proceed with caution.”
“Without getting into too much detail, the village’s trust in you is tentative,” Sarutobi tells the
blond, and Kakashi knows what exactly what he means. The village will turn on the Fourth’s
son much easier than they would thank him for his service.
“There isn’t an adult within these walls that have forgotten that day,” Hiruzen explains to
Naruto. “If we’re going to ensure the village fully trusts you with preserving their safety,
accidents mustn’t ever happen. For now, we will give the genin half-truths.” Turning to the
Jōnin-sensei, he dismisses them. As Kakashi expected, his leader calls, “Kakashi.”
“Thank you, Kurenai-kun, but that will not be necessary,” he smiles as he responds to her. “If
there’s a manner by which you can be of assistance, I will not hesitate to ask it of you.”
Though Kakashi finds it odd she can’t simply wait till tomorrow, he watches their Hokage
nod his consent and Naruto make a clone of himself that follows Kurenai-sensei out. When
the three are alone in his office, Hiruzen activates the Kage’s security protocol. Once the
windows are blacked-out, the walls illuminate with glowing blue Fūin seals, and the lamps at
the corners of the office light, the Hokage speaks to Kakashi.
“Despite Sasuke-kun breaking no rules in his match with Naruto-kun,” the elder slowly
voices. “He nevertheless attempted to kill his teammate with an assassination technique you
taught him.”
Kakashi says nothing. He had no defense against the obvious and so simply responds with all
the shame and regret he currently feels, “hai… Hokage-sama.”
The elder takes a deep breath and leans back against his chair before he swivels to Naruto and
asks, “how do you feel about Sasuke-kun’s actions against you?”
Comically tilting his head with squinting his eyes, Naruto takes a moment to gather his words
before answering, “well, I was pretty pissed at the time, but, like I told Sasuke, I get his
whacked-out anger issues. So, while I don’t like the way he is right now, like, at all, I know
he needs help more than anything else.”
“You never cease to surprise,” Hiruzen gaffs, and Kakashi feels the same, strengthening his
desire to always protect that light, even if he has to keep his distance to do so. “The life of a
shinobi may very well be a dangerous profession, to the mind as much as the body, but we
train hard every day, as individuals as much as teammates, to defy death’s grasp. I still
believe Sasuke-kun can be an asset to this village. It’s possible I’m simply an old fool who
believes in even the most troubled youths…”
Hiruzen’s pause easily signals to Kakashi the elder’s travel in the far back memory banks of
his regrets, but soon begins again. “The method by which we guide Sasuke-kun is a more
daunting task than previously expected, however, I have not yet reached the conclusion that
he is a lost cause-”
“He isn’t,” Naruto casually states, leading Kakashi to wonder why his young student seems
so confident, then appreciating his sensei’s son for his positive life force in the face of
Sasuke’s darkness. “I’m not sure how just yet, but I think I know how to help him.”
A curious Kakashi asks his student, “what makes you think that?”
“Nobody knows the truth,” Naruto tells the older men, confusing both of them. “Honestly, I
don’t know how just yet, but I’m working on it. I’ll let you know when I have something
more solid.”
Hiruzen nods, showing Kakashi the trust the elder seems to place in his young genin. “Until
then,” the Sandaime continues, turning to Kakashi. “When Sasuke-kun recovers, I want a full
report on the cursed seal, along with everything he’s done to achieve that level of capability.”
“Until we learn otherwise, we have to assume Orochimaru was involved, which alludes to
some level of participation from Sasuke-kun. Kakashi, from this moment forward, he is to
remain in your vicinity at all times, and if the young Uchiha doesn’t approve, remind him
there are other preventative measures that are much less accommodating.”
Though he doesn’t show it, Kakashi is surprised by the Sandaime’s directive. Some part of
him felt for sure he would be reassigned to a task more suited to his lethal strengths. Instead,
it seems Sarutobi Hiruzen will not allow him to quit, and so Kakashi proclaims, “I request all
my students live under the same roof.”
“What?” Naruto yells. “But I like living at Iruka-sensei’s and he’s nearly out of the hospital.
Who’s going to help him out if I’m not around?”
“Naruto-kun may stay in his current residence,” the Hokage declares. “You may offer
Haruno-chan the option of staying with you, or if she would prefer, with Kurenai-sensei. I
want Team 7 insulated. Understood?”
“Now,” Hiruzen continues, turning to the young blond. “Naruto-kun, as I said, I was quite
impressed by your control over the Kyūbi’s chakra, but I would like to know how you
managed to gain that level of command. You said you trained, but how?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say I command it or anything like that,” Naruto states, though Kakashi
feels like it’s an evasion. “I asked and he gave it to me.”
‘He’s holding back,’ Kakashi, and no doubt Hiruzen, instantly think as Kakashi asks, “just
like that? It didn’t attempt to take over your mind?”
“Nope,” Naruto answers before he explains to his Hokage and sensei, “though, at the time,
we were both pretty pissed so I probably could’ve asked for more and he would’ve given it to
“…So you speak to it,” Hiruzen mumbles more than asks, likely noting Naruto’s use of the
word ‘he,’ as if it’s a person. At the rather casual relation between Naruto and the Kyūbi,
Kakashi feels a small seed of nervousness at the pit of his stomach.
“Mnn,” Naruto hums his affirmative answer, adding, “like four or five times.”
“…girls,” both men repeat, surprised to hear any interest to the demon beast, let alone girls.
However, with red cheeks, both highly observant males can effortlessly picture how any
angle of a seductive and shapely woman holds the power to easily break down seemingly
insurmountable barriers.
“…Yeah,” Naruto slowly answers, staring curiously at the deeply pensive adults. “But that’s
private so I don’t want to say anymore.”
Clearing his throat and his thoughts, Sarutobi asks, “is it possible you could tame the beast?”
Though Kakashi understands how beneficial to the village having a Jinchūriki on the
capability of Killer Bee can be, he can only imagine a much darker path for Naruto than he
would like.
Naruto quickly asserts, “nope! I mean, no more than you can tame a person.”
“Is it possible you can convince it to cooperative with Konoha,” Hiruzen then asks.
“I don’t know, I never asked,” Naruto shrugs as if he doesn’t even care to. “It doesn’t really
feel right to push like that. I don’t want him to think I’m just using him for his chakra.”
“I can’t even describe how thoroughly impressed I am, Naruto-kun,” Hiruzen proclaims.
“None of your formidable predecessors have ever conversed with the Kyūbi, let alone made
use of its chakra in a combat situation.”
“Yeah, well, you never know what tomorrow will bring,” Naruto tells them. “You have to be
ready for anything, right Ji-chan?”
“Very wise words,” the elder agrees with a proud smile. “I think I’ve learned all I needed,
Naruto-kun. I’d appreciate it if you spoke with me or your sensei after any future
conversations you might have with the Kyūbi.”
“Sure,” Naruto answers before the clone dispels in a thick puff of white smoke.
Hiruzen’s very strong and disapproving eyes finally land on a very rigid Kakashi. The elder’s
stern and powerful voice asserts, “since you were a boy, you’ve never failed an assignment
within reason. You may have erred, as we all have, but never failed in a thing you’ve set your
mind and considerable talents to. You are a man, grown, Kakashi-kun, and now you are
failing. At this very moment, you are failing your students, you’re failing yourself, and
you’re failing me, which means you are failing your village.”
Shamed to the point he can’t take a breath as his chest is so tight, an ashamed Kakashi
weakly responds, “Hai… Hokage-sama.”
“This is a first for us both, as I never expected to have a conversation such as this with you,”
Hiruzen sadly observes. “However, these missteps do not have to mean our defeat. You must
do things differently, Kakashi-kun, beginning with a closer association to the living. I
understand why your mind and heart remain in the past, but, the many sins we must atone for
lay in the future, not in the heavy shackles of our shameful past. We need you, Kakashi-kun.
For yourself as much as your village, do not fail me again.”
“…Hai, Hokage-sama.”
Exiting the Hokage’s office and keeping the clone in front of her, Kurenai finds Asuma
waiting for her down the empty hall.
“I haven’t had a chance to say, congratulations,” Asuma begins to say upon reaching him.
“Your entire team… that’s quite an accomplishment for a fresh Jōnin-sensei, but I can hardly
be surprised.”
“Oh, yeah,” Naruto thoughtfully recalls beaming at her. He usually doesn’t think much of
Shino and often prefers not to think about Kiba, but he knows how passionate Kurenai is
about teaching, and so still can’t believe it slipped his mind. This would obviously be an
amazing achievement for her and he praises her as much. “That’s awesome, Kurenai-sensei!
“Don’t forget you’re my student as well,” Kurenai gratefully tells him. Turning to Asuma,
she congratulates the tall man as well, adding, “Shikamaru-kun has impressive deductive
reasoning and critical thinking ability.”
The gruff Jōnin chuckles before mentioning, “can’t really take credit for that one.”
“Still, he’s learning from you,” Kurenai tells him. “You’re clearly a good influence on him.”
An errant thought of Asuma as a positive father figure to their child wiggled its way to the
forefront of Kurenai’s mind, and rather than bring shame, doubt, and impropriety along with
it for her current relationship with Naruto, she’s amazed by how far she’s come without even
realizing it. Here she stands with her manly ex in front of her, her blond passion beside her,
and there’s a clear separation of what once was and what currently is.
Even in his presence, her relationship with Naruto no longer feels wrong, just different.
Standing between these men, she can discern that it’s not supposed to feel better or worse, but
her current state of affairs is simply a more honest understanding of who she is and what
these men represent to her.
Kurenai could, very well, be that fantasy mother she imagines with a dutiful and loving
husband, taking care of their beautiful child in a charming home. That desire for her future is
still there, but, the husband she has her child with isn’t as clear as it used to be. And that’s
okay. At the opposite spectrum, not only does Kurenai love teaching the future of the village,
she also enjoys the day-to-day fulfillment of working her students to the bone, picturing how
their hard work will one day be to the benefit of the village. And that is also okay.
What her mind seems to effortlessly map out is, opening herself to Asuma again feels like it
wouldn’t be long before she’s discharged from active duty, her students would be reassigned,
she’d be left home most days to tend to the house and her growing belly, eventually joining
the Allied Mother’s Force, and completely giving up her influence over the true Hokage of
the future.
Though she wouldn’t be opposed to such a future, Kurenai can also continue on her current
path as a strong kunoichi sensei who adores her team, cherishes the profession of guiding the
youths of tomorrow, and absolutely loves mind-blowing sex with the most surprising,
resilient, and amazing boy she’s ever met. Aside from the thrill of standing between two of
the most prominent avenues her young life is more than capable of traveling, she also feels
solace by her acceptance of it all, and ultimately, is in no hurry to change a thing.
Kurenai is so staggered by this monumental self-revelation, she nearly misses Asuma ask,
“how about we celebrate? I don’t have to meet my team until later. How about a celebratory
Surprised by the proximity of her former boyfriend asking her out as her bored lover watches
patiently, Kurenai says in a slightly elevated tone, “uh, actually, I need to speak with Naruto,
so, now isn’t ideal for me.”
“It’ll take some time,” Kurenai explains, feeling her armpits prickle in rising body heat. “I
wouldn’t want to keep you.”
“I’ve got nothing better to do,” Asuma voices assuredly. “It’s one drink. It’ll help distract me
from a celebratory smoke.”
“I only mean to say, if you did have something else, I wouldn’t want to keep you,” Kurenai
clumsily tries to kindly rebuff his invitation, an action she never thought she’d ever do to
“Yeesh, it’s one drink, Kurenai-chan,” a clueless Naruto phrases with a bored look upon his
face, as if he’s completely unaware of her personal romantic history with Asuma. ‘Which of
course, he doesn’t know,’ she thinks with inward agitation as Naruto adds, “the man’s
practically begging.”
Slightly embarrassed, Asuma huffs, “I wouldn’t say begging,” as Kurenai weakly answers,
“okay,” with a roll of her eyes. Any more dismissals and it would’ve been awkward.
Additionally, it isn’t as if they don’t need to have a frank conversation in the not-so-distant
future. Life couldn’t have given her a clearer sign to pick an avenue.
“Meet you at the usual spot,” Asuma states, nodding at Naruto before he leaves.
Turning to his gorgeous sensei, Naruto casually asks, “so, what’d you want to talk about?”
Shaking her head by the unplanned turn of events, Kurenai mundanely tells Naruto, “come
with me.”
With a happy nod from the blond, they walk the much more crowded streets of Konoha. The
open shops are buzzing with chatty activity, discount signs hang in every available cord or
post, featured services for the month were being yelled out around the street, or services are
being hung or merchandise carts where traversing the streets due to the welcome influx of
travelers, families, out-of-country traders, and journeymen from distant countries.
When they enter the nearest tea shop, it’s far too lively to have a private conversation. The
intelligent kunoichi didn’t need more than a second to simply make her way up the side of the
wall to the roof with the blond following right behind. Judging Naruto’s old apartment to be
the closest privacy she could hope for, they sprint for nearly fifteen minutes, but before they
could rest, the pair had to rid the abandoned building of a bunch of gangsters and thugs trying
to set up their base.
Once in the living room of Naruto’s old room, Kurenai comments, “I heard about Karin-chan.
I can’t tell you how happy I am you found some family in this world. It’s truly an amazing
gift.” The blank white room lost all its furnishing and with no place to sit, Kurenai leans
against the wall near the balcony door.
“Thanks,” Naruto says, opening the sliding door to look out into the beautiful day of their
village. “She’s gone through a lot already, so I definitely want her to find a home here and
know I’ll be there for her from now on.”
“I’m certain she will,” Kurenai assures him with a small yet confident smile.
“Uh, I’ve been wondering,” he starts, and Kurenai easily notes the blushing rising in his
cheeks. Humored, she isn’t surprised when he continues, “if I’m your student too, doesn’t
that mean we ought to celebrate too?” The double meaning in his voice is unmistakable to
Kurenai and her body responds with blushing excitement. Turning to her, he asks with a
bratty smirk, “not just ‘one drink’ though?” Though she tried, she couldn’t restrain her broad
smile as he adds, “maybe nine or ten rounds of ‘drinks?’ I mean, I’m parched here, sensei.
Feels like I’ll die if I don’t drink something soon.”
Kurenai’s panties met with a flood of lubricating discharge she’d be more than happy if he
licked up. Her heart began pounding and her face felt flush from the rush of hot blood
flaming her neck and cheeks. Even beating up the thugs didn’t get her this flushed as her
thighs tightened at the clear intention in his clear baby-blue eyes of ravishing her body all
night long.
It’s been over two weeks since their last lesson, and in that time, her dildo has done a less and
less adequate job of satisfying her active libido and the orange vibrator she purchased only
helps with the worst pangs of her tireless lust or vivid fantasies. Her fierce hunger has grown
to a fever pitch in that time. Her disciplined mind finds it better left ignored, fore if she thinks
about how much she misses their deeply satisfying and intimate connection, she’d do
something drastic like break into the room he was sleeping in before the preliminaries.
‘That was before I witnessed his destructive strength and near-death,’ she thought.
Even though she can see he’s fine, her ribs still feel hollow simply by the memory of Uchiha-
kun’s vicious attack. Looking at him now, she wants to touch him, to feel him, but in the
vulnerable open air, she hates that she has to control herself as she answers, “I’ve missed
you… more than either of us imagined.” Inhaling his unique scent of sunshine and forest, she
notes, “so much has happened, I don’t know what I want to do more; talk about it all or
celebrate in a dark room for several hours.”
“I don’t see why both can’t be an option. It’s called pillow-talk for a reason, Nai-chan,” he
says with a wicked grin.
Rolling her red eyes with a luscious smile, Kurenai informs him, “I’ll be having a proper
celebration with my team tonight. Afterward, Hinata will return to her family for the
weekend. I know you’d like to spend time with Karin-chan, but-”
“I do,” Naruto’s clone claims. He asserts, “the boss definitely wants to get to know Karin-
chan better—we’re starting our clan, after all—but, going any longer without seeing you feels
like I’m going to be sick. This growing feeling reminds me a lot of when you’re on an away-
mission for too long.” She observes the need in his expressive blue eyes equals her own when
he achingly confesses, “it’s like you’re my village, and every day, I want to go back more and
more, like I’m starving to come home-”
Despite the open view of the balcony doors, she abruptly places a finger to his lips. An
aroused Kurenai feels so wet, if he said one more heartfelt word, she’d take the clone home
and make do with him till he popped. Her heart is pumping hot life-sustaining blood
throughout her body but no organ was more engorged with liquid life than her soaping sex.
She’s moist enough to drench her panties and release her aroma in the air, though retains
enough control to desire the real thing, and tells the clone, “I need you, Naruto, like a flower
tolerates the nightly loss of the sun. I’m never more alive than when I’m with you, feeling all
of your passion gushing inside of me. Expect the very moment you and I are finally free to be
alone, I’m going to lap you up, suck you off, and squeeze every ounce of your white, hot,
cum into me until I’m overflowing and leaking rivers. So, how much longer are you going to
make your Nai-chan wait?”
Acting with pure horny instinct, a shocked clone whips out a clone kunai and committed
harakiri right then and there. Watching the puff of round white smoke quickly fade, Kurenai
smiles to the village she loves so much with giddy anticipation in her heart and wet
excitement in her core.
Sitting in front of her custom and proficient desk with extended surface space for large print
or book placement, elevated shelves for her color-coordinated pens, markers, brushes, and
inks, and cabinets on either side of her, Sakura is chewing on a pen as she forms her training
regiment. Creating goals, charts, and schedules have always come easy to her, however, at the
moment, she’s having difficulty with one part.
There have been two absolutely dominating forces occupying all of her available conscious
thought: her weakness and her womanhood. Sakura was deflowered, thoroughly. She’d had
sex with a boy—many times—enjoying it far more than she’ll ever admit because it still
baffles her that Uzumaki Naruto was not only her first sexual partner but phenomenally good
at it. Sakura was a woman now and Uzumaki Naruto made her so. She’s a woman now but
with the wrong man and in the wrong circumstance.
Likewise, she’s thriving in her studies but how has that helped her? She couldn’t answer.
Much like her days in the academy, she’s nearly prodigious when it comes to soaking in all
the challenging information of Iryō-ninjutsu and performing to an impressive degree. Since
graduation, Sakura has done plenty to be proud of, and yet, it all meant nothing in the face of
true combat ability.
‘Hinata-chan beat me,’ she can’t help but glumly repeat over and over. Orochimaru of the
Sanin exceeds the Hyūga heiress’s skills by miles, ‘but I still lost to someone who is painfully
shy and reserved?’
Only one member from Team 7 is proceeding to the third test, and even if Hinata-chan’s
entire team is advancing, Sakura couldn’t blame her shortcomings on Kakashi-sensei. If not
for the scoreboard glitching, she’s certain Naruto and Sasuke would’ve made it to the finals.
Though Kakashi is not the best sensei and can benefit from being more efficient, when it
comes to their actual instruction, his style always brings the best out of them.
‘And Hinata-chan still beat you,’ her mind reminds her as her frustrated heart compels her to
yell aloud, “Hinata-chan!” Staring dejectedly at the open scroll before her, she begins, again,
to reevaluate her time and energy.
Daily Schedule
22:30-05:00 AM Sleep.
Hour Breakdown
Under the designation Study, I’ve allotted myself a total of 7.5 hours.
Under the designation Training, I’ve allotted myself a total of 7.5 hours.
Under the designation Meal, I’ve allotted myself a total of 1.5 hours.
Study Breakdown
Training Breakdown
Strength: to progressively overload a ranged motion, allowing the body to adapt and get
stronger in relation to the movement being performed.
Hypertrophy: Efficiency in muscle growth. Focus weight and work to individualized muscle
Metabolic: Causing burning fatigue to individualized muscle groups. Pushing to, and
through, the burn.
Total Body: Performing a series of conjoined exercises that incorporates a variation of push,
pull, leap, and press. Four sets of eight exercises, alternating days between lower body, upper
body, and core to allow for optimal recuperation time.
Ninjutsu: Hand-seal speed, Chakra Control, Yang Release, Chakra scalpel, and Double and
Single Palm Chakra Transfer.
Meal Breakdown
Dinner: Salmon and Stir Fry Vegetables, Mapo Tofu, or Soba Noodle Salad.
Recreational Breakdown
Tapping underneath the Recreational Breakdown again, Sakura becomes more and more
frustrated. Not too long ago, every available minute that wasn’t her study time or her team
meetings would’ve been dedicated to maximizing her chances of securing her place as
Sasuke-kun’s girlfriend and future as his dutiful wife. She thought about her raven-haired
avenger all the time, loved him—the man of her dreams—with all her heart and she had
never wanted anything more, but, like the changing of the seasons, times have grown colder,
In the mind of her heart, her love for Sasuke is now like an important question going
unanswered, a peace ended by war, a spectrum of color reduced to drab gray-scale; her life
has become emotional anguish without the beauty of her pure love all because she believes
him when he said he’d kill her, her parents, their village, all for revenge. No matter how her
mind tried to reconcile that setback, Sakura couldn’t manage to deny how wrong that is.
Now, she has no idea how to spend that time. She likes trivia games but with all the training
and studying she’ll be doing daily, that alone won’t be enough. A worthwhile recreational
break is a pivotal hour of the day or it’s likely her nervous system will release a flood of
stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, keeping her body in a continuous emergency
state. Sakura knows the human body isn’t meant to stay stressed for too long or it will
negatively impact her productivity.
Without spending every available minute perfecting herself for Sasuke, it’s left her with a
gaping hole in need of filling, an odd choice of thought that returns her mind’s eye to the
vivid memory of her night with Naruto. Like a switch, her body temperature rises as she
recalls how he spread and rubbed her sloppy snatch as he drilled her from behind. Her strong
legs tighten when her very muscles recall the thrilling spasms of her quaking quim. Her
heart-rate skyrockets as her hand begins to descend to her humid crotch when she hears a,
“yo,” from the window behind her.
Sitting painfully straight before Sakura snaps around, she sees out of her window, “Kakashi-
sensei.” Slowly rolling the scroll up to give herself plenty of time to calm down, she
eventually makes her way to her window and opens it. Per usual, he doesn’t enter, which
she’s more than fine with at the moment.
“That’s good,” Sakura nods with a fake smile over an out-of-sorts face.
“…Not too long ago, his condition would’ve been the only thing you asked me about.”
Thinking of her weakness, Sakura can’t help but feel saddened to hear that from her sensei.
Even Kakashi could sense her melancholy and expresses, “it’s alright to lose when the only
thing at stake is your pride. As a medical ninja, you’ll see that there are often far worse
“I just…” Though Sakura knows what she wants to say, she doesn’t truly want to voice it
aloud, ‘how could Hinata-chan beat me?’
“You didn’t expect it,” Kakashi easily guesses, as if he’s aware of that look. Ashamed, Sakura
only nods. Humming a moment, Kakashi calmly states, “elite or not, it can happen to any of
us.” Having heard of her sensei’s numerous accolades, a doubtful Sakura is about to argue
when Kakashi reminds her, “Momochi Zabuza is as elite a ninja as they come, and he lost to
a genin fresh out of the Academy because he didn’t expect what Naruto-kun did.”
“I don’t think any of us expected that,” Sakura jokes, recalling his fight Sasuke.
Nodding, Kakashi asks, “and whose fault is that? Zabuza for his lack of awareness, or Naruto
for fighting despite the odds? Always be wary of a shinobi with conviction, Sakura-chan.
Like Zabuza, you fought Hinata-chan as if it was any other match-up, but like Naruto,
Hinata-chan gave me the impression it meant more to her. That’s all.”
Easily recalling Naruto’s determination to protect his team against the Demon of Hidden
Mist, Sakura wondered why it mattered more to Hinata-chan. Deciding then and there to train
later, she asks a question she wasn’t sure was appropriate earlier in the day. “Are we going to
celebrate Naruto making it into the third test?” Sakura simply can’t imagine Sasuke attending
that gathering.
“Of course,” Kakashi answers. “We’re a team. We celebrate our accomplishments and our
defeats together.” Sakura isn’t confident that’s going to go as well as her sensei seems to
imagine when she hears him add, “speaking of our team, as a precautionary measure, I want
Team 7 to stay together.”
Drawing her brows close in curiosity, Sakura asks, “precaution against what?”
“…Orochimaru,” Sakura easily guesses. As the only threat in her team’s lives, the legendary
missing-nin is the only answer that makes sense. Recalling Sasuke’s fiendish transformation,
she remarks, “I saw where those dark marks on Sasuke originated from. It’s the same location
Orochimaru bit him.”
“I’ll let you know when I decide where we’ll be staying,” Kakashi continues, subtly
informing her that’s all he’ll say about that at the moment.
Curious about a certain point, Sakura asks, “is Haku coming as well? I can’t imagine Naruto
agreed to leave without him; and I guess, even Karin-chan.”
Her sensei casually answers, “he’ll be fine on his own,” instantly reaffirming her disparaging
“It’s not advisable,” he says with a head tilt. “Until we’re certain there is no threat, strength in
numbers would be for the best which is why I’d feel more comfortable if you remain with
active shinobi. If she consents, you’re welcome to stay with Kurenai-sensei.”
‘Hinata-chan stays there,’ Sakura thinks. Not liking either option, Sakura asks, “can I ask
someone else?”
“I see,” her father states eying both his daughter and nephew. “Regardless of who the victor
is between you, you will both represent the Hyūga clan with strength and distinction.”
Turning to Neji, he commands, “leave us.”
When they are alone, her father frankly tells her, “six months ago, I could never have
predicted you would secure a place in the finals of the Chūnin exams. Even now, I can’t be
certain if you earned it through your own efforts or the competition this year has grown lax.
In either case, I will be in attendance and with my own eyes, bear witness what your true
worth to this clan is. It would be in your interest to do all you can to please me, fore your
future will be decided upon the outcome of your match.”
Hinata barely heard anything her father said, only half paying attention. Everything that
happened in that room of the prelims was still freshly replaying in her mind; from Naruto’s
reaction to Kabuto-san, to Naruto’s fight with Sasuke, the grievous injury she always tries not
to recall, Ino-chan’s screaming of Naruto’s name, Naruto’s red chakra, her unexpected anger
throughout her fight with Sakura, her entire team reaching the final test, and the favor Naruto
asked of her.
Returning her full attention to the dire present, Hinata blushes with embarrassment as she
stands and bows, but before she leaves, she recalls with vivid clarity the favor Naruto had
asked her.
After being dismissed by Hokage-sama, to be called by Naruto made her heart hammer into
her ribcage as he runs over to her.
She nearly passed out as he leaned in to whisper, “do you know how to release chakra out of
all your tenketsu’s? I need some help with that sort of chakra control training.”
A beet-red blushing Hinata had never wanted to learn a thing so much in her life and it
crushed her heart to have to tell him, “I-I’m so-sorry, Na-Naruto-kun,” and shakes her head
when she couldn’t finish her sentence, hoping he understood she was letting him down and
praying he didn’t hate her for it.
To her immense joy, he simply smiled and shrugged, saying, “that’s okay. I’ll figure
“But I’ll learn it for- for- for-” A red-faced Hinata swallows her overbearing stress to edge
out her nervousness so she can finish, “for you.”
His sensei had called him then, but he happily extended his fist for a bump. Hinata struggled
to meet his skin, but did so through tremendous grit and effort, and thanked Kami Kurenai-
sensei showed up and kept her from fainting with a comforting palm on her shoulder. Naruto
said goodbye to them both before rushing to meet his sensei and Hinata knew she wanted to
be better for him.
Naruto had asked for her help and she’s never felt so much motivation to improve. So it’s
with great ease that Hinata returns to her seated position and bows to her stoic and curious
father as she ardently speaks, “Otou-sama, as you’ve always noticed, I lack training. I
humbly request to be instructed in the ways of the Eight Trigram Palms Kaiten.”
“No. You’re not strong enough,” her father simply states, and Hinata easily hears, ‘not strong
enough to defeat your younger sister, not strong enough to defeat your cousin from the
branch family, not strong enough to be the heir of this clan.’
With thoughts of what this means for Naruto, for how proud she wants to make him and her
sensei, Hinata maintains with love-guided determination, “if I am not strong enough, then I
must become strong enough. I must, Otou-sama, and there is room for nothing else.”
She only heard her father hum deeply which all but told her she’ll be able to help Naruto.
Laying in bed, repeatedly counting the wood beam and flat paneled ceiling, Temari
concentrates on nothing but her breathing and her counting. It’s a coping mechanism that was
taught to her for dealing with stressful thoughts or being in agitating situations. She’s nearly
certain there are a total of seven hundred and thirty-four hairline fractures on the ceiling when
a knock on the door completely disrupted her tranquil train of thought.
Suddenly she remembers where she is, why she’s there, and what she’ll likely be ordered to
do. When they wouldn’t stop knocking, she yells to the ceiling, “what?” She doesn’t turn to
him as she hears him enter without permission, to which she declares, “Kankurō, I don’t want
to talk.”
Eyes still on the ceiling, she can almost hear the hope in his voice, as if the world were black
and white and good triumphed over evil. But he doesn’t know or doesn’t want to see how
gray the world is because solutions to problems are rarely neat, moral, or fair.
‘That’s not how a country stays in power,’ her mind hears her father repeat. ‘By any means
necessary.’ Temari recalls her father’s lessons before and after her mother died. ‘Power is
shaped by concepts and ideas for the express purpose of solving problems, whether selfish or
selfless, and it is man that give meaning to ideas and concepts,’ he would coldly tell them,
post her mother’s death.
Having thought of all relevant variables, Temari knows her orders before Baki even left to
message a request of authorization from her father, and glumly asks her younger brother,
“what’s it matter? I already know the answer.”
“You don’t know that,” Kankurō retorts, but he can’t question her intelligence. “Tou-sama
will tell Gaara no. He could get Gaara to change his mind and kill that brat another way.”
“No. Otou-sama wouldn’t even if he wanted to,” Temari assures her little brother, having
already thought of that possibility. “You don’t remember how much destruction is involved
trying to change Gaara’s mind because it hasn’t happened for a long time. He may be older
now but if Gaara wants something, Otou-sama and the council have learned to just give it to
him. They’re lucky he only ever asked to be left alone.”
Hesitant grumbles from his throat tell her he wants to argue, to fight, to resist, like in those
stories he liked to read when he was younger, but, as always, her sweet little brother is caught
up playing the protector. It’s why his optimism can feel like thorns wrapped around her heart
when Kankurō states, “I know you understand why they had to keep us apart a lot, but that
doesn’t mean Tou-sama doesn’t regret it. He wants us all to be a family and he’ll stop it
because he knows this is going too far.”
Still ignoring her brother for the drab white paneled and wood ceiling, Temari asks, “will
he?” Clenching her fist at the thought of their shameful past, she retorts, “our father ordered
our uncle to kill our brother. He’s ordered shinobi and kunoichi alike to try and kill him, and
Gaara always survives without a scratch. Rock Lee is the only time I’ve ever seen Gaara
wounded, and if they didn’t concede the match, I’m sure he would’ve died. Otou-sama
doesn’t care about my virtue so long as the plan remains secure.”
“The plan can remain viable without you needing to do this,” Kankurō insists.
“That’s where you’re wrong,” she flatly maintains. “Or at least, it’s not how they’ll see it. In
their eyes, Gaara’s completely focused on one goal that benefits them. Not only will their
greatest weapon be easier to deal with, but his killing intent is now solely focused on the very
sudden and most dangerous wildcard.”
“I’ll admit that brat surprised the hell out of me,” Kankurō hates to say. “But ‘most dangerous
wildcard’ is a bit of a stretch.”
“You need to start paying better attention,” Temari huffs with irritation. “Recall the way the
leaf Jōnin reacted—I’m certain Baki noticed their battle-readiness and reported as much.
Recall the chakra ears and tails on Uzumaki. Recall his words. He’s been trying to make
friends with Gaara since the beginning because, as he put it, they have a lot in common. It’s a
fair bet Uzumaki Naruto is the Jinchūriki of the Two-Tails, and I think that detail wasn’t
something they planned for. From a strategic standpoint, that makes Uzumaki Naruto
incredibly dangerous.”
“That they’ll tell us,” Kankurō points out, knowing full well they don’t have the security
clearance necessary for top-secret information.
Temari will admit it’s only due to their status of the Kage’s children they know as much as
they do and responds, “we may not be completely in the loop, as of yet, but this is precisely
why I told you to talk to Chiyo-baasama and Ebizō-jiisama about more than just
puppeteering. They’re a wealth of strategic information and profiling that can help you avoid
diplomatic disadvantageous.”
Annoyed by the conversation and her apparent interest in the ceiling, he looks up as he asks,
“what are you doing?”
“Getting used to the view on my back,” she glumly answers. Guessing how much that would
bother her brother to hear, she immediately regrets it, but before Kankurō can get even more
worked up, Baki silently steps into the room.
Kankurō quickly asks what only seems so obvious to her, “what did tou-sama say?”
Turning to Temari still laying in bed, on her back, and counting the dots on the ceiling, their
sensei answers, “Temari, for the security of Suna’s future goals-”
Baki at least has the decency to exhale as if exhausted by it all. “Considering what Uzumaki
Naruto is, for the success of the mission, it’s been decided that Gaara must absolutely kill
him. He may be the only one from our forces who can, which means, your involvement is
vital for the good of the village. Additionally, it would be a demoralizing blow if it was done
during their match, so, you have a month to… gain his trust and manipulate his emotions.”
“No!” Kankurō yells. “You can’t ask that! Tou-sama wouldn’t allow-”
“But if Gaara’s the only one that can beat him, then it’s too dangerous to send her alone,”
Kankurō argues.
“Remember yourself, Kankurō-san,” Baki calls. “You’re shinobi of the Sand; our entire way
of life is fraught with danger. We survive the harshest environment because we let our pain
neither define us nor defeat us. It is our pain which strengthens us and this will make Temari
“Then you do it,” Kankurō yells at his commanding officer with all the authority of the
Kage’s son. “What you’re ordering her to do isn’t even necessary, let alone right! How could
Baki tries to reason with the Kage’s son. “If Uzumaki suffers emotional instability right
before his fight, it offers us the highest chance of completing our mission-”
Swallowing, Baki slowly speaks, “…the Kazekage bid me ensure you’re instructed on the
best methods of completing this sort of-”
“Baki, if you don’t get the fuck out of my room this instant, the next veil you’ll be wearing
will be in your coffin covering your entire face.”
She held back until they left before allowing the tears to stream down the sides of her face.
Her face doesn’t contort in emotional anguish nor does she make a sound. If it wasn’t for the
warm tears streaming down her stone face, it would be difficult to guess Temari was, in fact,
sad. Tame though her crying is, in her mind, she simply needed to let her tears out now—
needed her heart to feel despair—so it wouldn’t happen at all during her mission.
After being dismissed and leaving a clone for Kakashi-sensei, Naruto rushes from the tower
straight to Iruka’s and is fortunate enough to speak with Naru-nii along the way. Despite how
difficult it is for Naruto to navigate the busy streets of Konoha, Naruto had explained
everything that happened earlier.
‘Holy hell,’ Naru-nii gasp. ‘I can’t believe you beat him- and he speared you through the
chest too!’
It isn’t until he enters the shinobi residential area that walking with elbow room became
easier and Naruto thinks back, ‘I know! I totally didn’t think that would happen. I was so
pissed, he was lucky I didn’t go three-tails on his ass.’
‘No doubt,’ Naru-nii hums. ‘Oh, hey, I know we don’t have a lot of time left, but would you
mind repeating the Fūin contract tou-chan told you?’
‘Of course not,’ Naruto happily tells him. ‘After everything you’ve taught me, I feel like I owe
you for the rest of my life!’
‘Sheuut up,’ Naru-nii calls back good-naturedly. ‘You’re already helping the future so you
don’t owe me a thing.’
‘You’re wrong,’ Naruto sounds back through their divine link. ‘We both know how long it
would’ve taken me to learn what I know now. Without you, it would’ve been years until I
learned what Kage Bunshin can do. I would’ve hated being ignored for so long when I can
learn things so much faster than other ninjas. You’re wrong, because of the people in my life,
the strength I’m gaining, the future I’m helping is all because of you. I owe you everything,
‘Shesheshe, now you’re just embarrassing me,’ Naru-nii sheepishly sings. ‘Thanks but,
we’re a team. Your success is our success. So, let’s keep the train rolling and tell me how
the Hiraishin Fūin scheme structured. I might be able to improve it…’
They didn’t have a lot of time left and explaining it without the visuals took longer than
anticipated, so by the end of their prayer, the Narutos realize it’ll take a few sessions to
completely relay the length of the contract.
Palming the Fūin security on the door’s frame of Iruka’s home with a chakra covered hand,
Naruto rushes in to find Karin writing at the dining table covered with a large number of
scrolls and books. Wearing a purple skirt with a green shirt, her vibrant red hair is tied back
and out of her concentrated eyes. In his casual light pink yukata with the sleeves rolled up
and tied to the shoulders, Haku is in the kitchen mixing what smells like another one of his
herbal remedies when they both turn to his entrance.
“Karin-chan,” Naruto yells before rushing over and taking her in a great big hug.
“Ugh, again,” she says though she still hugs him back. Missing his friend a great deal, Naruto
hugs Haku immediately after.
“Oh man!” Naruto hollers as he steps away from them. “Who’s down for Ichiraku’s? There’s
so much I want to tell you guys.”
Instead, Haku asks, “would dining-in be okay with everyone? There are a few things I’d like
to discuss and I feel it would be better if we spoke in private.”
“I don’t mind staying in,” Karin states sliding her glasses back up the bridge of her bonny
nose. “Your cooking is fantastic.”
“Isn’t it,” Naruto happily agrees with Karin. Naruto can’t help rejoicing in the wonderful
feeling of having family related to him by blood. He loves so many people; Ji-chan, Iruka-
sensei, Nai-chan, his team, his village, but there’s a subtle difference loving someone who is
blood-related. To know he has that kind of family connection now—no matter the horrors
that befall them—is a joy he never thought he’d ever have the joy of experiencing. Having
met his father, Naruto tears up in front of them, and before they can ask a question, he pulls
them both in an impassioned hug.
“Naruto,” Karin calls, though looks at Haku questioningly. Haku simply shrugs and hugs him
right back.
“Sorry,” Naruto calls stepping away roughly rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.
“Yeah, we can do anything. As long as we’re together, I don’t care.”
The three settle comfortably in Iruka’s and talk while Haku begins their early dinner. They
decide Naruto and Haku will now bunk together while Karin takes Haku’s room. They plan
to meet Iruka during visiting hours the following day so Naruto can personally tell him the
great news. They talk about each candidate and their matches, swap some light stories about
festivals and favorite foods, and generally enjoy the pleasant simplicity of their
companionship. All three have had a difficult upbringing and to simply talk about mundane
interests and hobbies makes a world of difference to each of them.
With their giant bowls of ramen before them, Naruto laughed hard when Karin admitted she
only insisted that she and Haku shower together because nobody told her that Haku was a
“I mean, look at him! How was I supposed to know,” Karin long-windedly calls out. “I’m
really sorry Haku-kun.”
Shaking his endearing head to dismiss any need for an apology, Haku states, “I’ve already
said an apology is unnecessary. It happens quite often and you’ve more than made up it.”
“Karin-chan is quite good with administrative work and research,” Haku explains. “She’s
gathered all of Iruka’s books on the subject of Clans and is already exploring the details
around establishing your clan here in Konoha.”
“Really,” Naruto beams at Karin before correcting Haku, “and it’s our clan.”
“So,” Naruto answers with a shrug. “You’re still apart of our clan.”
“Agreed,” Karin tells the beautiful boy, then continues to explain, “I’ve only just started, so
there’s still more to research, but I read a section on members of clans. To be a lawful
member—that is to say legitimate in the eyes of the clan and the village—the person must be
blood-related, married to a member, adopted by a member, or concubine of a prominent
member, like the Head or heir. Though concubinage seems to be one of the lowest ranks of a
“What are the other ranks of a low member,” Haku asks, wondering if this’ll work out.
Knowing Naruto, he’s not going to care about some law and simply declare Haku a member.
“A slave,” Karin answers and despite the noodles in his mouth, Naruto is clearly disgusted to
hear it. “Not to be confused with an indentured servant, who merely works for the clan,”
Karin continues. “Slavery isn’t really around anymore, which leads me to believe I read an
out-dated book, but when it was more common, a slave was considered the property of the
clan, thus, technically members but in the worst possible way.”
“This should go without say, but when we make our rules, absolutely no slavery of any kind
is allowed,” Naruto tells them. Thinking of Hinata, he also adds, “even if one of our members
marries a slave or low-rank member of another clan.”
“Are you thinking about Hinata-chan,” Haku asks, happy to see Naruto’s cheeks blush.
“Ooooooohhhh,” Karin sounds, scooting closer to the table as Naruto denies it. “Who’s
Hinata-chan? Is she your girlfriend?”
“No,” an embarrassed Naruto calls back to Karin. “I don’t have a girlfriend. Unfortunately,
your cousin isn’t exactly popular with the girls.”
Haku actually snorts, and Karin practically bounces in her chair, asking Haku, “I want to
know everything!”
As Haku starts, “well, Hinata-chan is just the sweetest girl and she looks like a princess, Ino-
chan is stunning, a bit abrasive, but her heart’s in the right place, then there’s Sakura-chan…
so far, I don’t approve…”
Something sparks in Naruto’s brain when Karin said she wanted to know everything. Sitting
at a dining table, eating an awesome meal with loved ones, he suddenly realizes he has
secrets that he doesn’t want to keep from them but must. However, it’s also true Karin and
Haku aren’t normal people so it should be okay to tell them, but Kurenai’s voice tells him,
‘those closest to us are in the best position to betray us, even if they don’t want to.’
Shaking his head, Naruto calls, “um, guys,” interrupting gossip chatter. “I… don’t want to lie
to either of you. You both mean so much to me—I know I only just met you, Karin-chan, but
you do too and we’ll only get closer. Anyway, I have secrets, three of them, actually, and I
don’t want to keep them from you, but for now, it feels better that I do.”
Thinking of his role as a Jinchūriki as well as Naru-nii’s existence, Naruto explains, “it’s very
dangerous and or very heavy information.” As Kurenai strictly forbade him from telling
anyone about them, Naruto won’t disclose that as much as Naru-nii or being Kurama’s
Jinchūriki, but he’d rather explain how much he dislikes keeping said secrets than continuing
to lie by omission. “That’s really all I can say for now, but, I promise, the second I’m able to
be completely honest, I’ll tell you both everything.”
“Please don’t feel any undue stress over telling me, Naruto-kun,” Haku serenely declares. “I
already know everything about your character I need to. Anything else is pleasantly
“Um, well, I don’t know if I want to know dangerous secrets just yet,” Karin confesses.
Being new to an entire way of living, she’d rather take it a day at a time. “Let’s get to know
each other a little more first, then we can go from there.”
Curious if speaking in front of Karin about a specific topic is acceptable or not, Haku asks
Naruto, “would what happened in the country of Wave be one of those secrets?”
Smiling, Haku cheerfully answers, “because I’ve been meaning to tell you that Zabuza-sama
has finally returned and is in Konoha right now.”
Content and nodding, Haku adds, “and he’d like to speak with you.”
Karin asks, “who’s Zabuza and why the honorific?” Naruto and Haku then explain the broad
strokes of what happened on his Land of Wave mission, to which Karin stands up, slamming
her palms on the table as she yells, “you beat a former Kirigakure Anbu, now hired assassin!
Are you insane!”
With an overly exhausted exhale, a resigned Naruto answered in a tuckered out voice,
“maybe I should just start answering yes to that question. It’s like it’s the only logical reason
for fighting Zabuza-jiji, as if Haku wasn’t worth it.”
“Or like I’m going to let the Head of our clan die from his wounds,” Karin adds. “I may not
be much of a fighter but I’ll heal any injury you take.”
Heart-hammering happy not to say more, a jovial Naruto instead asks Karin, “I thought you
were going to be the Head?”
“Hey, wait,” Naruto calls out feeling the conversation run away from him. “Why me? I don’t
know the first thing about running a clan.”
“And you think running a village is going to be easier than running a clan,” Karin asks.
“Being Hokage isn’t just fighting the toughest threats, you know. Like, eighty percent of the
time, it’s all sorts of meetings and a ton of paperwork and that’s exactly what the head of the
clan does.”
Though Naruto looks nauseous at the thought of paperwork and meetings, Haku adds, “if you
truly wish to become Hokage, this would be a fantastic opportunity to gain valuable
“Besides, you’re from the main branch of the Uzumaki bloodline,” Karin points out. “It only
makes sense that it’s you… Naruto-sama.”
“Well, if there’s any chance of me accepting, then we’re definitely not doing the whole -sama
thing. No one’s ever called me -san before. To go straight to -sama… that’s too weird.”
“Fine. Let’s table this until after your coronation, Cousin-dono,” Karin smirks. Before Naruto
can dispute that honorific, Karin continues, “so Zabuza-san is in Konoha. Isn’t that bad for
you, Haku-kun? I know they told you to report meeting anyone from your past.”
“They did,” Haku confirms with no sense of fear for the repercussions. It’s fairly evident
Haku won’t reveal Zabuza’s presence in Konoha to the authorities. “He wouldn’t be a master
of silent killing if he wasn’t also an infiltration specialist.”
“If he already has Kubikiribōchō,” Naruto starts. “Why doesn’t he just take it? I wasn’t going
to use it anyway.”
“That’s not Zabuza-sama’s way,” Haku explains. “Despite his vices, he has a strict code of
honor. He must defeat you to properly reclaim Kubikiribōchō, and he won’t let it go until he’s
done so.”
Grumbling uneasily, Naruto hoarsely asks, “so when does he want to fight?”
“Fine,” Naruto states, thinking, ‘as long as it’s talking and nothing else.’ Turning from a
happier Haku to Karin, Naruto asks, “do you want to come, Karin-chan?”
“Sure,” she answers with a shrug. Pressing her glasses back, she comments, “anything to do
with you is basically clan business.”
Karin smirks as she then attests, “also, if this is round two, I should be there in case you need
some healing.”
Despite imagining being cleaved in two by a heinously evil and laughing Zabuza, Naruto
shakes his head of the sickening thoughts and tells Karin, “I’ve been meaning to tell you, I
don’t like the idea of anyone taking advantage of you for your chakra. Only heal the people
you want to, and if anyone gives you crap about it, you send them straight to me.”
Trying and failing to hold in her joyful grin, Karin avows, “of course… Cousin-sama.”
Naruto rolls his eyes when the memory of his clone’s arousing conversation with Kurenai
perforated his memory banks. He whole-heartedly thanked kami he was sitting with a table
blocking Karin and Haku’s view of his towering steel erection. With the pressure of his balls
directing his very next action, Naruto crosses his fingers and calls, “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu,”
perplexing the other two.
The blond then hastens to tell the clone, “head to the library, check to see if they have that
new scroll we’ve been waiting for, then head over to sensei’s house to study.” Due to Karin’s
presence, Naruto didn’t voice the rest, but he didn’t have to. His clone knows to alert him the
moment Nai-chan returns home from her team’s celebration so he can race right over.
“You got it, Boss-dono,” the clones calls before he rushes out of the room, making Naruto
groan at the honorific now being used by his clones.
Watching the clone leave, a very concerned Haku asks Naruto, “you won’t contact the
authorities, will you?”
“Of course not,” Naruto answers his friend. He knows Zabuza isn’t here to hurt anyone but
him, and also comments, “I know what he means to you.” When Karin asks what he’s
studying, Naruto answers, “our clan’s specialty; Fūinjutsu.”
Fighting through her sudden timidness, a huffing Karin asks, “w-would you be open to t-
teaching me?”
“Of course,” Naruto confirms, allaying her fears. “Everyone in our clan gets to learn
whatever they want.”
“Don’t forget to add her to the Fūin security,” Haku starts, however, when the beautiful boy
continues, “we’ll meet Zabuza-sama near midnight and it’ll be best if she can enter Iruka’s
home on her own,” Naruto panics. With swollen testicles and thoughts of an achingly aroused
Nai-chan in his mind, she’s the only person he wants to meet that late in the night.
With a hopeful tone, a pink-cheeked Naruto bids to know, “any chance we can meet
tomorrow?” Thinking about how backed up he is and where he wants to unload it all, he
adds, “like, in the afternoon? I mean, it’s the weekend. Who fights on the weekends, right?”
“I think the sooner the better,” Haku serenely answers. “He wasn’t a fan of Dānyī-san’s
attempts to steal Kubikiribōchō and has decided to stay there in the meantime. I believe he’ll
stay there until it’s dangerous to do so or this matter is concluded.”
“Wait, Tenten-chan’s dad,” a curious Naruto calls as he recalls the man. “What about Tenten-
“He wanted me to let you know he’ll kill them both if you do not show,” Haku calmly
Slamming shocked hands on the table as he stands, an act he can only do because the
imminent threat to fellow Konoha ninja is an effective boner killer, Naruto loudly asks, “and
you’re just telling me now?”
Haku shakes his delicate head, reassuringly waving his palm as he confidently declares, “it’s
okay, Naruto-sama. I can assure you he will only kill them if they try to kill him first.”
Rolling his eyes by Haku’s extreme and incomparable logic, Naruto tells him, “forget about
waiting until tonight. We need to go now.”
“Shouldn’t you rest first,” Haku tells him. “It’s barely been half a day since your fight with
“I can’t relax knowing Tenten-chan is being held hostage,” Naruto returns as he rushes to his
room to change into his usual orange jumpsuit and gather his combat gear. Exiting his room,
Karin and Haku are waiting for him.
Moving in front of him, Karin extends her left arm in front of his face, “go ahead. My chakra
will revitalize you.”
Naruto shakes his head as he gently takes her hand and lowers it to her side. “Thanks, Karin-
chan, but I’m not going to hurt you so I can feel better. Besides, I’m good to go.”
As Naruto adds Karin’s chakra to the security, the vibrant redhead half-jokingly points out,
“didn’t think I’d be meeting a notorious Kiri missing-nin today.”
At the dinner table, picking at her light meal, Ino couldn’t stop thinking about the
preliminaries. Everything about her during that monumental moment was… pitiful. Naruto
nearly died and she was so pathetic she couldn’t hug him as she wanted. She hadn’t even
wished him luck before his match because she was so confused by Sasuke’s part in it. And
the most she could manage was bumping his shoulder and acting cold toward him.
That’s unlike her, but she’ll admit she’s never been tested in such a way. Before Naruto,
having only one love made her priorities and responses easier. Additionally, publicly chasing
after Sasuke during their academy days almost seemed like a right of passage for every young
kunoichi. It was easy to proclaim to all her love when everyone could easily understand why.
‘Liking Naruto publicly takes a lot more courage than I realized,’ she mentally sighs. ‘And I
She didn’t think she’d be so pathetic she couldn’t hug the person she liked just because he
wasn’t popular. It was one of the now many moments in her life where she didn’t feel like
herself. She shouldn’t care who’s watching and what they might then say, but it’s also true
that Naruto is a very personal spot in her heart, in her life. When he walked up those stairs
she wanted to hug him right away, but instead, she grew nervous and scared by the feeling.
‘I need to be me,’ her mind yells and when her parents bring her out of her deep thoughts by
asking, “when are you meeting your team-”
Eying them both, she interrupts them by admitting, “the boy who gave me the Fire Slipper
Orchid was Uzumaki Naruto.”
The shock on their faces is acute as they both set their eating hand down. Taken aback not
only by their daughter’s sudden admission but also by the one boy they hadn’t expected, it
takes them several silent seconds to process the information. Their daughter’s eyes are
serious but her eyebrows are drawn together, nervous, and her lips are pressed thin pulled to
the corner of one side showing a hint of a dimple.
Her father clears his throat, then decides to eat rather than speak as her mother slowly voices,
“I can’t say I was expecting that…”
Ino feels more in line with her center—direct and fearless—and delves to further admit, “and
I want him to be my boyfriend.”
“Boyfri-” Inoichi manages before his throat forcibly ejects the nourishment half-way into his
throat. “KOFF! CRUGHGH! Uuhhh… Uhhhh…”
“…Breath, sweetie,” her mother reminds her father as she pats his hand. Turning to Ino, her
mother comments, “you’ve certainly given us a lot to think about.”
Just then, the entrance bell sounds, to which Inoichi gasps, “oh, thank Kami.” Still clearing
his bung-up throat, he hoarsely asserts, “I’ll get it.”
After her father rushes out of the room, her mother remarks, “you’re going to send your
father into an early grave if you don’t ease him into information like this.”
“Sorry,” Ino says, though she can’t help but feel a little better about speaking her truth. “I
wasn’t thinking, plus, I wanted you both to know.”
“Well, I’m happy you finally told us,” her mother responds. “What changed your mind?”
“You did,” Ino admits. “I feel lucky to have parents like you and tou-san.”
Mother reaches for her daughter’s hand and gives her a grateful squeeze when they hear
Inoichi call, “Ino, it’s for you.”
Unexpectedly following her father is Sakura, and Ino asks her parents, “may I be excused?”
“Actually,” Sakura starts, turning to the head of the Yamanaka clan. “If I may, I have a favor
to ask of you, Inoichi-san.”
The very edge of Kubikiribōchō bit across the length of Dānyī’s less than muscular chest,
drawing blood and feeding the legendary sword. For as much as his daughter as his pride, the
tied down retired shinobi does not allow more than a groan out of his throat upon the slow
and long laceration of his skin and flabby muscle. The bleeding wound wasn’t deep enough
to kill or maim, but an agitated Tenten pulls at her binding at the horrible sight, trying
desperately to free herself to help her groaning father.
“Alright,” Tenten yells, looking from her restrained father to the Kiri madman. “Alright, ask
me whatever you want! Just leave him alone!”
Though Zabuza stops slicing millimeter by millimeter into the seated and restrained older
man’s pectoral flesh, he doesn’t remove the blade either. Zabuza simply holds the large heavy
blade cutting into her father’s flesh with a single extended arm as if it weighed no more than
paper. Her sweating father’s breathing is shallow so as to not inflate his chest. The large blade
doesn’t allow a single trickle of blood to leak down his torso as it fed on him.
“Tell me about the blond ninja you were trying to steal Kubikiribōchō from,” Zabuza
demanded from a distressed and tied up Tenten.
“I don’t steal,” Dānyī hollers at the Kiri assassin through shallow breaths. “It’s not stealing
when you and that demon brat are the filth beneath the heel of society!”
Trying to keep her father from aggravating the situation, Tenten hisses, “Otou-san,” pulling
on her restraints as she leans forward.
Turning his curious attention from Dānyī to Tenten, Zabuza quizzically repeats, “demon
“It’s- It’s what a lot of the villagers call Naruto-kun,” Tenten quickly answers the assassin’s
small curious brows.
Wide-mouthed and head back, Zabuza laughs greatly from his thin gut, and to Tenten, there
was nothing joyful about the cruel mocking sound. The Kiri-nin eventually rubs his eyes as
he comments, “of course he’d be a demon.”
Unsure if she was being brave or foolish, a very nervous Tenten fights the vibrant paralyzing
mucilage coursing through her motor functions to ask, “how- how d-did he get
“Ten,” her angry and wounded father calls, impressing her he could be so angry under such
killing intensity. No one in that room is under any delusion; Zabuza can kill them both before
their brains can even grasp the end of their life has been reached. Along with her wounded
father, Tenten doesn’t have her team, the skills, or the diplomacy to survive this tall pale man,
and under such a state, the most her training and strength can conjure is avoiding weeping
tears of doom. Even speaking to this known killer is taking great effort for a kunoichi who’s
never been so near to death.
Dryly, Zabuza asks, “you want to know how he claimed Kubikiribōchō?” His small eyes
glare into her stressed brown eyes, and though feeling like her insides are ready to
spontaneously combust, she can only manage not looking away. Watching him lean back in
his chair, uninterested, Tenten knows instinctively she’s nothing to him and feels further
dismissed when he shrugs and says, “it’d be a waste to tell you? You’re the furthest thing
from a ninja there is.”
Taking a deep breath, she adds a courageous amount of heat behind her words, replying, “I- I
am not!”
“Ooohh,” Zabuza mildly smirks, humored, as her father calls, “Ten- Ugh!” Her father’s
words are cut off when Zabuza digs Kubikiribōchō just a little deeper, cutting a good inch
into the elder man’s loosened muscle.
“I’ve killed your type more times than I can count,” Zabuza retorts with disgust. “You
delusional-type talk because it’s all you’re capable of and because you’re an obedient little
sheep that follows.”
Though his sweating and wincing head lulls some, Tenten’s father calls out, “as if there’s
something wrong with following the laws and regulations of the land! That’s how proper
civilization runs you degenerate bastard- UGGHH!”
“Rather chatty for a thief with a big ass sword cutting across your chest,” Zabuza amusingly
comments, delighting in the pain he’s causing the ryo grubbing thief. “Kubikiribōchō
appreciates the grub though.” Turning back to a highly worried and moist-eyed Tenten,
Zabuza continues, “fuck society. One of the best lessons I ever learned was that people are
nothing but sheep.” Removing Kubikiribōchō from Dānyī hemorrhaging chest, the long
wound finally bleeds red trails down his round torso as Zabuza moves closer to Tenten.
Dānyī yells, “stay away from my daughter-” and is cut off with a cry of pain when Zabuza
slices a fresh gash against the tied man’s stomach. The thin trails dribbling from the pulsing
red wound at his chest reach Kubikiribōchō edging into her father’s stomach, feeding the
starving blade yet again.
“Say one more word and you’re not going to like what I do next,” Zabuza warns the helpless
father. Returning his small devilish eyes on Tenten, he tells her, “my father was the monk of
the only temple in our village. I was five years old at the time, a young demon even then, and
one day, before he spoke to the gathering of followers, he pulled me aside and told me, ‘son,
this is wherefore the function of a Ninsō shall at each moment always be superior to that of a
lowly shinobi.’”
Zabuza took a moment to let out a heated, anger-restrained exhale, tickling his vocal cords to
produce a low growl and send a frightfully cold paralysis down Tenten’s spine. Cornered and
captured mentally as much as physically, Tenten can’t even stop listening if she wanted to as
he demoralizes and deconstructs something previously safe within her.
“In an effort to teach me the strength of his position, he gave me a horn big as I was that I
was to blow in every seven minutes during his sermon. He was a weak and petty man, so I
didn’t care, but I did it anyway. The first time I sounded that horn, he stopped preaching,
dropped to one knee for two silent seconds, then got back up and continued yapping.
Everyone there naturally thought it was odd; looking around like idiots. I thought he’d lost it,
myself, but the second time I sounded that fucking horn, two followers dropped to their knee
along with him; for two seconds before standing back up again. The third time, a dozen
worshipers took a knee with him before standing. The fourth time, they all took a fucking
knee. Not out of obligation. He didn’t order them or even make mention that he was going to
act that way. They simply followed blindly, and to this day, with all the murders and slayings
I’ve committed, that’s still the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen in my life!”
Gripping Dānyī’s entire face with a painfully tight grasp, the angry assassin glares directly in
the choking arms dealer’s eyes and practically yells, “it’s when I learned that none of you
mattered more than nourishment for the strong. Your sheep-daughter was born to warm my
bed and you were meant to feed my sword, you thieving cow.”
Turning back to back to Tenten, he grips her by the throat, gripping her thin anatomy
shocking hard as he stares into her shaking eyes and states, “I see the same quit in your eyes,
“N-no,” a hollow and tearful Tenten manages.
“Ten,” her father weakly voices. “He’s g-goading you. There’s nothing wrong… with b-bein
a fol-lower. We all follow!”
“If you don’t die now,” he starts shaking her thin but strong neck. “You will, peacefully, in
your own bed from old age. And no one but your pathetic, fatherless offspring will know
your name,” Zabuza assures her with all the certainty of his decades as an elite ninja.
“Sheep like you will never amount to anything,” cutting her deeper than his sword ever could
when a distant fist knocking against wood sounds throughout the room. The grip at her throat
tightens but it didn’t matter to Tenten; she already felt lifeless. As the man’s senses traveled
well beyond her home and business, Tenten wanted to find a hole, crawl in it and die. Instead,
Zabuza cut her binding with his short fingernails, and with her father as a hostage, he orders
her to open the shop’s door.
Spiritless, Ten drags her feet down the stairs to the door, and the closer she moved to the
freedom beyond the doorway, the more she hoped and prayed for the person knocking to be
the answer to this madman. With her father held to his sword’s edge should she disobey, she
does as instructed and unlocks the door to allow Ōyashiro Izumo to enter the store.
He was a tall skinny man with long beige hair, a trim cut goatee, hazel eyes, and milk-white
skin. He wore a baggy brown tunic over a teal long-sleeve shirt and pale green pants. Tenten
doesn’t recall meeting the man, but she’s heard of him often enough from her father and
immediately looks for and finds the pink bangle around his right wrist, a trade-mark
accessory of the Ōyashiro family.
“Upstairs,” Zabuza orders from the back of the store though it sounds as if he’s right next to
On their way, Tenten whispers to the tall and stern man in a tunic, “get help. He’ll kill us.”
“My dear,” Ōyashiro sweetly calls from beside her as they walk to the back of the store. “I
remember your mother when she was younger and you are even more radiant than she. Time
and death certainly have a wonderful feature of showing us what truly matters, do they not?
Though I would not like you to think less of me, I must be who I am and explain that despite
knowing your father and your mother for some time, my business comes first, followed by
my safety, and if at all possible, I’ll certainly help those in need, for a small fee, of course.”
In the seconds it takes Tenten and Ōyashiro to travel from the front door to the apartment
upstairs, Tenten hopelessly acknowledges that this man is cut from the same clothe as her
bleeding father, faithful servants of the almighty ryo. With Zabuza at the far end of the room,
casually leaning against the dining table, Tenten moves beside her tied up and now gagged
Observing the sweating, bleeding, and pale Dānyī, Ōyashiro callously begins, “I’d wondered
why my old colleague failed to meet me at the scheduled time.” Turning to the tall assassin
with the executioner blade, the veteran dealer continues, “when Terumī-dono introduced you
as a traveling monk of her acquaintance, I believed her—you were quite convincing, after all
—however, I’d have to be blind not to recognize Momochi Zabuza, the previous owner of
“You should leave, Ōyashiro,” Zabuza orders, confident the merchant isn’t going to draw
attention, considering the ninjas he’s smuggled into the village.
“I certainly intend to do so,” Ōyashiro kindly states. “As soon as my business in Konoha has
“Then get out while you can,” Zabuza warns the old merchant. “Because if you think your
business has anything to do with Kubikiribōchō, then you’ve wasted a trip.”
With a short bow, the merchant calmly speaks, “with all due respect, Momochi-dono, I don’t
believe it is.”
Kicking the chair Dānyī is tied up to with his long leg, the Demon of Hidden Mist tells him,
“don’t blame me because you trusted this filth enough to sell you smoke.”
“Then I ask, why are you here,” Ōyashiro almost ponders to himself rather than ask Zabuza.
“The executioner blade is already in your possession. Why not flee? Whatever more could be
keeping you here, I wonder.”
“…I don’t see how that’s any business of yours,” Zabuza cautiously comments.
“But I believe it is,” Ōyashiro continues. “As you know, I have two legitimate buyers for the
legendary Kubikiribōchō, one hailing from your very country, the other from parts I will not
disclose. How slighted do you believe this other party would feel toward you, Terumī-dono,
and your country, for not only wasting their time and resources, but additionally taking away
their opportunity to at least bid on such a magnificent weapon?”
“I can’t tell you how excited that makes me,” Zabuza happily expresses. “To think they might
come after me… mnn! There’s nothing better in this world than feeding Kubikiribōchō still-
warm blood from hacked and butchered bodies.”
Barely coping with Zabuza’s growing tension, Tenten wanted to yell to Ōyashiro to get help,
but she’s also amazed that such a slight and weak old man would be unshrinking in the face
of such a monster. Tenten attributes such gall to his many years navigating perilous
negotiations with villains from every corner of this world.
“If I may ask my old colleague,” Ōyashiro says as he takes a step to Tenten’s father, however,
Zabuza effortlessly levels the heavy-sounding Kubikiribōchō right against Ōyashiro’s neck,
stopping him from speaking with the gagged man.
“I see,” Ōyashiro smoothly admits. “That’s wonderful, Momochi-dono. May I assume it will
occur through a challenge of some sort?” Zabuza’s stern silence is answer enough for
Ōyashiro, and the merchant continues, “I see. Might I know the date and time of the match so
that I may bear witness? You have my word I only wish to observe the outcome.”
“There’s only one way it’ll end,” Zabuza confidently claims. “Kubikiribōchō will be mine
once again.”
“And if it isn’t, would you give me your word you will not interfere in the sale-”
Ōyashiro is halted when Zabuza presses his giant sword against his pale skin, mastering the
weapon to irritate the skin red rather than cut into it. Amused, Zabuza heralds, “you have a
pair on you, Ōyashiro. Perhaps I should feed Kubikiribōchō your blood. My blade is starving
for more.”
The moment drags on in painful and tense silence until there is a patterned combination of
knocks on the door downstairs.
“It’s your lucky day,” Zabuza remarks to the tradesman, removing the blade and settling it on
his back. “Be a good sheep and get the door.” Despite being called sheep, Ōyashiro bows
before he exits the apartment.
When this nightmare will end doesn’t concern Tenten nearly as much as how it ends. Bandits,
thieves, protection detail, fighting other genin, lawn work, runaway cats, other mundane tasks
have all been her ninja experience up to that point, but she’s never come across an enemy
shinobi of this strength. This was an assassin who wouldn’t spare a second thought about
killing them for attempting to take his sword, and still, her mind wonders how such a weapon
could’ve possibly ended in Naruto’s possession.
The blond was such a mystery to her she was beginning to hear his voice say odd things like,
“who are you?” Her frazzled mind’s mental slip corrects itself when she realizes that came
from downstairs. “Where’s Tenten-chan,” she hears yelled, so grateful to recognize the loud
voice, she’s near to tears.
Tenten had been amazed by Ōyashiro’s bravery despite Zabuza’s clear strength, but she was
absolutely dumbfounded when the blond oddity rushes upstairs, takes one look at her and
yells at the Kiri assassin, “what the hell Zabuza-jiji!” Naruto rushes to her despite the
constant threat Kubikiribōchō poses in the hands of a former Anbu and suddenly her vision is
filled with the worried, blue-eyed countenance of one Uzumaki Naruto.
The blues of his eyes search her over for any wounds as he asks, “ne, are you okay, Tenten-
chan?” He then spots her heaving, pale, sweating, bleeding father and calls out, “ah, uh, Haku
could you make sure he’s okay?”
“When did that brat upgrade to -sama,” a lazy Zabuza asks and Haku plainly tells him as he
walks to Dānyī, “he’s the head of his clan now. It’s unofficial, though, not for long.”
But Naruto only cares to yell at the assassin, “what gives? Why didn’t you just come to me?
You didn’t have to involve them.”
“Ah-ah, shut it,” Zabuza yowls with mild irritation. “I didn’t touch Buns and that trash had it
coming. Trying to steal Kubikiribōchō is a crime punishable by death.”
For some reason, Tenten couldn’t let go of his orange sleeve and she didn’t understand why.
She wasn’t hurt, nor does death seem as likely anymore. Holding his sleeve like a lost little
girl was humiliating, and yet, she simply can’t make her tight hand let go.
“Might I hazard a guess and say you’re the owner of Kubikiribōchō,” Ōyashiro asks Naruto
from behind him.
“Who cares about that,” Naruto tells the merchant. “Come on Haku, let’s get him to the
“He’ll be fine,” Zabuza calls, effortlessly bringing Kubikiribōchō to Naruto’s neck, and to
Tenten’s immense surprise, Naruto just shoves the blade away, as if it was nothing more than
an annoying twig. Smirking, Zabuza reminds the blond, “we still need to settle our
showdown, brat.”
“It’s Naruto,” her fellow genin calls back, gently patting Tenten’s hand. It was an unexpected
comfort she was immediately grateful for, and to her relief, it helped. She felt control in her
hand once again, yet, she chose to hold on for just a little longer. “You’d think you’d
remember the name of the ninja that beat you.”
Quickly setting his shoulders for a fight, Zabuza growls, “you fucking- I’m not even thirty
“Now that I think about it,” Haku comments aloud as he looks at Zabuza. “You’ve never once
told me your age.”
With eerily calm confidence, Zabuza growls, “I’m going to kill you,” raising his killer intent
to the point Tenten feels like she can’t inhale a decent breath of fresh air. She grips his sleeve
tighter, yet, to her amazement, Naruto doesn’t buckle.
Naruto simply glares defiantly as he asks, “why are you here? I thought you’d still be
“Obviously, I’m here to kill you so Kubikiribōchō will once again be mine.”
“Hmph!” Naruto calmly rebuffs. “ You’re not going to kill me so you might as well forget
about that right now.”
Staring daggers at the daring blond, Zabuza growls, “I can’t wait to see the look in your eyes
when it finally sinks in tonight’ll be the last night you breath.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Naruto bemoans, cleaning his ears much to Zabuza’s growing annoyance.
“Let’s just get this over with.”
“It feels like you’re not taking me seriously here,” Zabuza notes. “Not that I care, but from
one demon to another, only the last one breathing keeps Kubikiribōchō.”
“I don’t want Kubikiribōchō,” Naruto responds. “That sword doesn’t fit with my fighting
Stepping closer to the blond, Haku suggests, “Naruto-sama, this would be a good opportunity
to try diplomacy. You’re going to have to learn to settle things with other strong and angry
men without resorting to violence.”
“There’s only one way this is getting settled,” Zabuza tells Haku.
As Naruto tilts his head in deep thought, Haku responds to Zabuza, “it doesn’t hurt to try.”
“How’s this for diplomacy,” Zabuza irately tells them. “When I win, not only will I take
Kubikiribōchō, but I’m killing the thief and taking his daughter. Of course, Haku will be my
weapon again.”
Tenten freezes at the plausible turn of her fate. Haku remains serene as ever, unbothered by
the possibility of murderous change while a confused Karin asks Haku, “uh, are you okay
with that?”
“Of course,” Haku serenly answers. “As a tool, I love both these men more than life itself. If
one dies whether by the other’s hand or not, I will mourn him while following the other.”
“You’re a special cookie, aren’t ya,” Karin mumbles, though Haku only smiles merrily.
Naruto was quiet throughout the exchange, staring sternly into Zabuza’s eyes. After another
moment of silence, Naruto tells the tall Kiri-nin, “that won’t work, but, it doesn’t matter
because I’m going to win. And you’re not going to die because I’m not going to kill Haku’s
special person. So, when I win, I’m lending you Kubikiribōchō and you have to stop doing
bad stuff like kidnapping people and hurting them for no reason.”
“Counter-proposal,” Zabuza insists. “I kill you and everything else falls into place like I
expect, but if for some ungodly reason you manage to pull off another little miracle, I’ll…
borrow Kubikiribōchō and I’ll give you the option of keeping Haku or the Bun Head.”
Zabuza threatens, “we both know if I say the word, Haku will come right back to me.”
“You can’t do that,” Naruto asserts, glaring at the much taller assassin.
However, Zabuza gravely reasons, “if you can’t choose Haku over everyone, then you don’t
deserve him.”
As he sets Kubikiribōchō comfortably on his back before Zabuza raises a hand seal to his
chest as he asserts, “then prove it, Naruto.” Chakra created mist swirls around the tall Kiri-
nin, shrouding the man, his scratchy voice rings out, “Haku knows where to go. If you don’t
show, I’ll kill the thief and his daughter,” before the Demon of Hidden Mist disappears.
I was having the hardest time trying to put Naruto in multiple places and have it all
make sense when it suddenly hit me, he CAN be in multiple places at once. I felt like
such a moron, lol!
I hope all that talk didn't bore you guys, but trust me, I only kept what I needed to move
the plot forward. Like I said, this was a lot of set up and expansion on characters. The
next several chapters will have more Action, LEMON-Y LEMONS, Training, and good
closure. Again, sorry about the lack of lemons, but, seriously, next chap!
I know some of you may have wanted more of a punishment for Kakashi than that grim
warning, but I just couldn't stop thinking about how amazing a younger kakashi must've
been. He probably rarely failed. True Sasuke nearly killed Naruto and that's crazy bad,
but they're ninjas in a dog-eat-dog world and Naruto is fine. Any other time, any other
person, for sure, victim is dead and attacker and likely teacher are jailed. Reasonable
stuff like that just doesn't quite mesh well with my Naruto. It could be just me. I
certainly don't like Naruto having a hard life, but such is the path of the hero.
If you didn't figure it out, Sakura asked Inoichi if she can stay with them. More on that
next chap.
I do sort of feel bad for Temari. Someone mentioned in the comments why Gaara would
even know about sex if he's always alone. I assume he's not an idiot, that he's also a
male, that he also reads books, and he didn't specifically tell Temari to have sex with
Naruto. He wanted her to use her body or mind to make Naruto fall in love with her.
Subtle difference.
Chapter Summary
Dark as any person has the potential to become, they can always scrounge enough light
in their hearts for that special person.
Chapter Notes
I did not think I was going to update today. For those that follow me on social media,
you know that I nearly lost this entire chapter. I was in the final stages of editing when
the computer crapped out and corrupted the file. Because my google drive auto syncs
and saves, it then saved the corrupted file. With u/NarutoNamimaki and
u/Cannibalisticapple help on reddit, I found an older version, before it corrupted, that I
was able to work from and finish this 18K chap. So, a very grateful thank you to them!
This chapter is quite large and it technically could have been two chapters but
everything felt better together. Plus, I still have a lot planned for the chapters ahead so
this is a nice clean break before the next update.
18K. Enjoy!
After her father happily agreed to help her pink-haired former friend, former rival, and
current undetermined relation, Sakura follows Ino into the blond heiress’s bedroom before
closing the door behind her. Ino doesn’t find it strange at all for Sakura to once again be in
her room, let alone ask her clan for assistance. Their bond was strong that way.
With concern, Ino asks, “do you really think you’re in danger?”
“Kakashi-sensei is just being cautious,” Sakura answers as she stands in the middle of the
clean and fragrant room with her luggage over her shoulder. To bring her luggage with her to
ask, Sakura must’ve assumed they would say yes, making Ino smirk at the audacity.
“I’ll make sure tou-san knows to beef up the night patrols,” Ino comments as she moves to
her walk-in closet. “Our cousins always ask for extra hours anyway.”
“Thanks,” Sakura mentions, looking around awkwardly before slowly asking, “um, I’m not
staying in here, am I?”
“Of course you are,” Ino states loudly from within her closet, visibly looking through a long
line of cool colored outfits.
Sakura’s shoulders slump and her heavy bag slips off as she asks, “why? Your home has, like,
five empty bedrooms.”
“Why not,” Ino casually asks as she walks out with a neatly hung royal purple mini skirt, a
white long sleeve crop top, a purple scarf, and black thigh-high leggings. “We’re not having
sex again, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“No, I’m not worried about that,” Sakura huffs with pink cheeks, wondering how Ino can be
so casual when bringing up sex. “I thought you liked your personal space. I mean, I could be
here for weeks or even a month.”
“I don’t care,” Ino tells the pinkette with a shrug as she begins changing. Sakura promptly
turns around as Ino asks, “do you want the bed?”
“I-In another room? Yes,” she asserts before queerly stating, “and you should care. I didn’t
think I should come here after everything that’s happened between us, but you’re offering me
your bed like it’s just another sleepover. How do you not care?”
“I’m not forgetting everything we’ve been through,” Ino mentions as she zips up her mini
skirt, checking over her skirt and bra form in the full-length mirror. “I wouldn’t dare forget,
as if I did nothing wrong.”
Turning to the womanly figure of the Yamanaka clan’s most prized flower, Sakura wants to
know, “then how can you be so calm about this?”
“We may not be best friends, or friends, exactly, but we’re no longer rivals,” Ino begins,
taking a moment to don on her long sleeve crop top before continuing. “We have history, a lot
in common, most notably boys, and hell, we were even beaten by Hyūgas.”
Recalling those chillingly veined white eyes seeking her our to destroy, Sakura shivers as she
mouths, “ugh, don’t even mention their name.” Gripping her tummy, she adds, “my stomach
still shudders at the thought.”
On her bed and slowly slipping on her black thigh high leggings, Ino chuckles as she claims,
“I actually feel lucky matching up against Neji-kun. I was so weak, he didn’t even use his
Byakugan on me.”
Nodding in clear understanding, Sakura asks a content Ino, “so, are you being nice or casual
about this because you feel you owe me?”
“No,” Ino asserts, standing in front of the mirror again to make sure the threading of her
legging is straight and isn’t pulling unduly anywhere.
“Well, then I don’t understand,” Sakura heaves, roughly setting down her large backpack.
“You raped me, then blackmailed me, repeatedly…” Sakura pauses as her mind quickly
evaluates the cause and effect of everything that’s happened to her in the past couple of
months, mostly how it relates to Naruto and Sasuke; her positive opinion of Naruto rising in
equal proportion to her hard realization of Sasuke.
‘He’d kill me or my parents as easily as he nearly did Naruto,’ her mind repeats for the
thousandth time as a mostly dressed Ino takes Sakura’s bag and drags the heavy pack beside
the desk.
Moving to sit on the bed, an objective Sakura comments, “look, I hate being this aware of
this reality, but I can’t say I don’t prefer the brutal truth, no matter how colorless, tasteless,
loveless… bleak… challenging… grotesque-”
“Alright, I get it,” Ino calls out with a smirk as she drags the desk’s chair in front of Sakura
and takes a seat, crossing her toned legs.
“It would be so much easier if you were evil about it all… but the truth matters,” Sakura
huffs, recalling her role in it all. “You did something horrible to me, but I was doing
something horrible to myself. I hated you for what you did, but… if I wasn’t so…”
“I get it,” Ino speaks. In her perfect posture, Ino enjoys the serenity clarity tends to offer.
She’s grown confident because she has the answers Kurenai-sensei helped her to learn and it
shows. Content in herself and her environment, Ino light-heartedly affirms, “neither one of us
was in the right mindset. Kind of like being in a pit we, not only, couldn’t get out of but
didn’t even know we were in. Thoughts and emotion dictate our actions and if we only ever
thought of Sasuke-kun in a world where any mission could be our last, our actions would fall
in line. Everyone told us we were acting boy-crazy, but we couldn’t listen because we hadn’t
woken up enough to listen. I mean, how often did your short term goals matter compared to
your long term when it involved the last Uchiha?”
Recalling her Optimal Plan, Sakura can easily tell Ino, “every spare second I had was
dedicated to Sasuke.”
Nodding, Ino adds, “we should’ve been training instead of worrying about our hair and nails.
In my case, nothing else mattered, and from that standpoint, the decisions I made for myself
weren’t healthy ones. All that said, I’m aware that despite the reason, despite my own lunacy
for Sasuke, I know what I did to you and I know what that makes me. We were best friends
but I raped you. I want to see you succeed but I blackmailed you. Rivals to roommates, yet,
evil nevertheless.”
“No,” Sakura quickly interjects, staring at the most confident girl she’s ever met with
confusion. “Maybe if you look at individual actions, people can do evil. Forcibly taking
another person’s life is inherently evil, but if that person is a terrible criminal, we can all live
with it.” Her thoughts strayed to Sasuke as she quietly adds, “I’m only now realizing that the
world isn’t so black and white, just a lot of variations of gray.”
“That’s what I mean,” Ino points out. “A lot of my dark gray is directed toward you-”
“Uh, don’t forget braking Naruto’s heart,” Sakura quickly points out.
“Oh, don’t even,” Ino expresses. “At some point in a month, year, or decade, he was going to
seriously ask you out, and the only course of action you were going to take was to seriously
break his heart. Don’t blame me just because I sped up the natural course of events. And
don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy yourself. I can’t remember the last time I ever saw you so
dazed and euphoric. You weren’t even like that when we had sex-”
“SHHHH,” an incredibly embarrassed and tomato-red Sakura shushes with angry green eyes.
Looking at Sakura dumbfounded before gesturing to the warm and empty room, “we’re
alone, you loon.”
Feeling exhausted, Sakura falls back in the bed, bemoaning, “ugh, Kami, I shouldn’t have
come here.”
“It’s not surprising that you did,” Ino informs her standing up and moving the chair back to
her desk. “You probably feel what’s taken me a while to figure out.”
Propping half her body on her elbows, a confused and curious Sakura asks Ino, “what? That I
must be out of my mind for coming here or that my life is so messed up right now that you
were the best option?”
“Neither,” Ino answers, voicing further as she takes a kunai, and as many kunoichi do, straps
it to her thigh underneath her mini skirt, “like I said, I was thinking deeply about why go so
far for and against you?” Ino then walks over to Sakura and extends her hand, which Sakura
hesitantly takes before lifting the pinkette to her feet.
They’re close enough to feel each other’s exhale and Ino continues, “out of all the other
kunoichi in our class, after everything I did, why you? Thinking, thinking, thinking, I finally
figured it’s more than just love when we were little girls and more than just rivalry when we
grew up. I was so relieved when I figured out that there’s a unique bond between us that I
don’t feel with anyone else. You challenge me, infuriate me, inspire me, all while loving you
just as much as I can hate you.”
Beside Ino’s bed in the purple and personal room, the blond beauty takes Sakura’s other hand
and holds it comfortably firm as she continues. “The only word I could think of that fully
encapsulates all of that, is sisters. Obviously, we’re not blood-related and much more
tenderhearted sisters exist, but, you’re the sister I chose before I even knew I had, and I’m the
sister you chose, and I know, no matter what, I’m always going to love you, even when I hate
you. I’m always going to be there to call you a brat when you need it or a genius when you’re
being absolutely brilliant. I’ll always cheer for you, protect you, console you and everything
in between for as long as we live because I love you, Forehead.”
Ino takes a tearful Sakura into a firm, warm, and comforting hug before whispering, “I have
to go meet my team, but I’m sorry I used my jutsu on you. I’m sorry I did those horrible
things to you, and I’ll never do it again.” Ino takes an emotional Sakura’s docile head gently
by her jaw and presses her cushion pink lips against the girl’s forehead. Ino then clears the
single tear streaming down her cheek before leaving the pinkette in her sanctuary.
The walk to their home was silent but comfortable. Kurenai is relishing in her team’s
excitement earlier that evening and though Kiba and Shino asked many questions about
Naruto, Kurenai used the moment as a training lesson to make certain her students know
never to make assumptions based off of third party information. Kurenai was proud of Shino
when he noted Hinata’s apt comprehension of the Naruto their class only thought they knew.
Even after drinks with Asuma, Kurenai’s night with her team was a validating celebration for
every member of Team 8.
As they enter their home. Kurenai’s senses pick up on a figure in her bedroom, however, her
keen senses didn’t detect anything malicious or suspicious. Add to that the only person with
Fūin access to her home, other than herself and Hinata, is Naruto. Knowing she’s only
moments away from finally connecting with him made her warm between her legs.
Daydreaming about how hard he’ll take her and pound his rock hard meat into her made her
aroused mind work out a detailed plan on how they’ll sneak out after Hinata falls asleep.
“Kurenai-sensei,” Hinata starts, drawing the stunning woman’s attention. Taking a deep
breath to prepare herself, Hinata, with stern lilac eyes, informs her sensei, “I’ve only returned
to grab a few things.”
Nervousness doesn’t show on the girl’s beautiful face, however, Kurenai was wondering if
her pupil sensed the man in her bed as well as deduced that the only person it could be was
Naruto. Hinata seems too assertive for that to be the case, and casually asks, “what do you
Hinata answers, “I’ve decided to return home to undergo special training until the month is
out. Father has agreed to train me and I feel that I need it.”
“Oh,” Kurenai sounds, managing not to let her disappointment show. With the addition of
Hinata’s decision, that makes the set now. Toward the end of their night out, the Aburame and
the Inuzuka clan heads show up to thank her for her diligent tutelage but also to take this
opportunity to train their children in clan techniques to better prepare them for the final test.
If she considers that her genin may face each other in the finals, it makes sense that they are
trained separately, however, Kurenai hadn’t expected Hinata would also ask to return to her
home for clan training.
As any dutiful sensei, Kurenai responds, “well, I’m certain this will be beneficial to your
“I know it will,” Hinata clearly states with more confidence than she’s seen in the girl. The
conviction didn’t last long, however, as the indigo-haired princess lightly blushes before
affirming, “but I still need your training as well. I made certain father knew I couldn’t have
made it to the final test without you. So, I was h-hoping… W-we… c-c-could…” A steadily
blushing Hinata takes a deep breath before finishing, “there was one t-tr-training m-me-
method… I… Y-you… C-c-confi ence tr-t-t-t-train- ing.”
“Hinata,” Kurenai clearly voices with authority, drawing more attention from the overly
blushing beauty. “Breath. Remember, you’re always safe to speak your mind with me and are
encouraged to express yourself without judgment. No matter what others might think or say,
you always have the right to speak your mind, especially in our home.”
Nodding, the red-faced girl gathers her courage to speak, “I wou-would like t-to continue our
c-confidence tr-training.”
“Confidence training,” Kurenai wonders aloud, trying to recall such a training when the
blushing cheeks make it click into place. “Ah, you mean Genjutsu training.” When Hinata
nods, Kurenai asks for clarity, “I thought you were getting along well with Naruto-kun. He
even used some of the techniques you taught him.” Much to Kurenai’s amusement, Hinata
blushes red hot at that.
“W-we do,” Hinata stutters, restraining her innocent smile. “But, I- Iwanted… Hug-hugging
At the girl’s crippling physiological reaction to the thought of physically embracing Naruto,
Kurenai became frightened Hinata might actually pass out. Though her precious student’s
love for the blond that Kurenai is physically intimate with should feel odd, Kurenai can’t say
no to such a courageous face. It’s a mild unease, at best, so easily sidelined that Kurenai,
instead, focuses on the warming pride she feels to know Naruto gives this beautiful girl so
much strength.
She happily tells her student, “of course. Practicing physical contact, like hugging is a great
way to become more comfortable, not only with that person but with yourself. And the more
comfortable you are with yourself, the more confident you can be in anything you do.”
Hinata nods in complete agreement, determination once again returning to the girl’s eyes as
Kurenai conveys, “just give me some time to properly prepare, then we can start right away.”
“Thank you sensei,” Hinata calls out as she hugs her, and with a happy heart, Kurenai hugs
her back just as hard.
Thinking about her blond lover, Kurenai becomes both excited and scared as she answers her
student, “you’re always welcome, Hinata-chan.”
“Sorry, Haku…” Naruto starts, staring at the now-vacant space the Demon of Hidden Mist
disappeared from. “But Zabuza-jiji is such a dick!”
In the apartment above Ten Out of Ten, as Karin notes with certainty, “he’s not far; probably
watching us from… forty-five meters away,” Haku just smiles with acceptance of his special
person before asking, “would you like to leave now?”
“We have to take Tenten’s dad to the hospital first,” Naruto says turning to the bleeding
weapon’s merchant.
“We can’t,” Tenten tells him. “Zabuza stuck one of out exploding notes on his back—the type
only Zabuza’s chakra can disarm—and told us if we stepped out of the shop, he’d die.”
“That monster is going to kill me anyway,” Dānyī voices from the floor.
“I believe it, old friend,” Ōyashiro consoles with a slow nod of his head.
“You’re no friend of mine,” Dānyī retorts. “You, who’d sell your own mother for an exotic
“You always throw that in my face,” Ōyashiro huffs with outstretched palms that highlight
his long skinny fingers. “I bought her back,” the dealer whines.
“Karin-chan is correct,” Haku tells Naruto. “Zabuza-sama will be watching us. As it’s your
decision, what would you like to do?”
“If I may,” Ōyashiro directs at Naruto gaining everyone’s attention. “I’d be very eager to
witness your match and promise to stay well out of the way.”
Looking oddly at the man, Naruto consents with a nod before turning to his cousin. “Karin-
chan, you stay here with Tenten-chan and her dad-”
“I want to come too,” Tenten quickly states, regretting how unnecessarily meek her tone was.
Cautiously, Naruto asks the bun-haired girl, “don’t you want to stay with your dad?”
“I do…” Tenten expresses, looking from her angry father to Naruto. However, the questions
she has about this blond are burning inside her. She needs to know why Zabuza treats him
differently and proclaims, “but I need to see this.”
“I’ll make certain she remains safe,” Haku offers.
Walking down to the store’s steps to the weapon’s inventory, Naruto notices the very weapon
he’s been saving his ryo for. Though he still can’t afford the pair, he turns to the frazzled
brunette and asks her, “hey, Tenten-chan, you mind if I buy one of them? I promise to give
you the ryo for it tomorrow. Ah, and I’ll eventually buy the other one.”
“Here you are,” Ōyashiro states dropping a roll of Ryo on the counter before taking and
handing Naruto both of the lightweight, black, knuckle blades. The young blond knew he
loved the weapons the moment Asuma let him use his. They were so ideal, he hardly felt
them, but like an extension of his body, he simply knew they were there.
“I can front you the money, no interest,” Ōyashiro continues, adding, “if you would but grant
me an audience after your match.”
“You don’t have to,” Naruto responds, finding the man a bit weird. “I can pay… for one.”
“Consider it a bet, if you will, on future events,” Ōyashiro replies. “Ryo is of little concern
when one has more than half the country, however, where people place their value has always
been a great source of enjoyment. I’d be very interested in witnessing this second miracle
Momochi-dono spoke of.”
Naruto hands him one of the chakra blades back, informing the arms merchant, “I don’t mind
talking after, but I can only afford one right now, so I’ll give you the money for it later.”
“Very well, Uzumaki-dono,” Ōyashiro says with a smile and a slight bow before denoting,
“I’ll hold on to this one, in the meantime.”
“Gimme,” Tenten demands, extending her hand to Naruto, who is confused. Answering his
confusion, she explains, “if you’re going to use a weapon, I can get you something better
than that. That’s a chakra blade. It’s not fully sharpened, and on top of that, you need to be
able to manipulate the nature of your chakra to use it properly.”
“I know,” he confirms. Having continued his Futon chakra control even after he learned the
Rasenshuriken, and practiced with Asuma’s chakra blades, Naruto effortlessly creates a long
blue blade out of his wind-natured chakra, very much to her dumbfounded surprise.
Wide-eyed shock clear on her face, Tenten can’t help but immediately ask, “are you ANBU
or something?”
After his smirk, the group exit Ten Out of Ten and together with Ōyashiro’s blond bodyguard,
who the merchant vouched for, they sprint the tops of buildings and scale walls for forty
minutes before hopping over the tall fence of the Forest of Death.
Naruto glumly mouths, “of course he’d want to fight here. How’s he even know about 44?”
“I told him you were taking a test in the forest of death,” Haku mentions. “He seemed to like
the sound of the training ground. He has a surprising flair for the dramatic.”
“I’ll wait here,” Ōyashiro states as his pretty and quiet bodyguard sets the man down. She has
sharp blue eyes that Naruto can’t help but appreciate; very observant, which he notes must be
a good trait to have for a bodyguard. Also, his brain likes the fact that his father, Ino-chan,
and himself all have blue eyes and blond hair.
Sensing a palpable danger heighten deep in the thick forest vegetation, many in the group can
even feel animals moving away from the monstrous predator as Naruto tells Tenten, “I think
everyone should wait here too.”
As if to answer that proper precaution, the forest begins filling with a thick mist, slowly
swallowing every moss infested tree, bush, and stone. Without preamble, and to Tenten’s
surprise, Naruto simply rushes into the thicket of mist. His eyesight becomes a varying
degree of gray and white and little else.
Naruto puts his fingers together and calls, “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.” A duplicate of himself
pops into existence before calling, “henge,” and the clone transforms into a Fuma Shuriken.
Gripped firmly by Naruto, he hops on the nearest tree fog-covered and sprints to the very top.
Fortunately, Kubikiribōchō is large and heavy, and though Zabuza can use it silently, it’s that
very silence Haku had explained gives it away. So when Naruto’s trained ears suddenly detect
a slight dip in the ambient noise of the Forest of Death, he knew Kubikiribōchō—in the
hands of the silent killer—was cutting through the molecules in the forest air before it’s edge
finds tree bark where Naruto’s neck was previously.
The blond couldn’t even detect Zabuza strike or disappear, hindering Naruto’s ability to
counter, and though Naruto dodged Zabuza’s first strike, the genin can tell the veteran shinobi
was only testing him; not that counter-attacking mattered. Continuing his mad sprint up the
fog-shrouded tree, Naruto knows he can’t fight in this fog and Kakashi-sensei always tells
him the terrain in a battle often determines victory or defeat, which Kurenai later translated
plainly to, ‘make the battle-field more comfortable for you to fight in.’
Naruto narrowly evades Zabuza’s attack four more times before the blond reaches the top of
the giant tree. The visibility wasn’t clear of fog even at that height—it was everywhere—but
Naruto didn’t need it to be clear there. With the charged Chakra coursing his muscles, the
blond shinobi leaps hard off the last stable branch, reaching a couple dozen feet into the air
before he throws his Fuma Shuriken even higher into the night sky. Falling back, he nearly
missed his landing due to extremely low visibility.
Naruto brings his chakra blade before him and it amazes him how odorless, inaudible,
invisible, imperceptible Zabuza is in a fragrant and noisy forest even when he clearly speaks
as if beside Naruto’s ear, “I don’t know what that was supposed to accomplish but it won’t
work. The one clone turning into twelve clones and landing in the thickest part of my mist
won’t do anything.”
“Hmph,” Naruto defiantly sounds, maintain all his heightened senses to detect the invisible
man. “I don’t want to hear that from the guy who lost to me once already.”
“You know what the worst part for you is about that day,” Zabuza menacingly asks. “It’s your
one trick that won’t ever work on me again.”
“It’s got nothing to do with that,” Naruto voices into the great swirling white and gray mist as
he begins feeling the wind pick up
“What are they-” Zabuza starts to voice when he realizes there’s now a rapidly growing
cyclone swallowing the Kiri-nin’s chakra created mist.
Naruto smiles as the wind becomes more violent, slowly clearing his sight of the fog as he
tells the veteran ninja, “you’re going to lose because it takes more strength to protect than it
does to destroy.”
Sprinting toward the center of the cyclone, Naruto begins to receive bits of memories of his
clones being sliced up and lands in the fog-scattered field just as his last clone is forcibly
dispelled. Using twelve powered up first-stage Rasengans near enough to each other in a
circle to create a huge cyclone is something he’s always wanted to do, though he isn’t sure
why the vortex of wind didn’t continue when, almost immediately, he realizes Zabuza
dispelled twelve clones with stage one Rasengans in the tens of seconds it took him to reach
the clearing.
The fog may have cleared, however, it’s still dark with little moonlight reaching the small
grassy field. In the dark fogless field, lugging his massive blade on his shoulder, Zabuza turns
to Naruto as he lands in a small clearing between many tall trees. Their eyes adjust to the
darkness while his feet feel cold covered by the moist mist settling just a few inches above
the grass.
With a more balanced playing field, the pair of shinobi stare at each other, knowing no words
or pleas were going to prevent the battle of conviction that lays ahead. Zabuza is a renowned
assassin extremely capable of killing Naruto, however, the young genin knows the veteran is
wrong. And more than anything, Naruto doesn’t want Haku to bury either one of them,
despite how possible it may seem with a shinobi like the Demon of Hidden Mist.
In an instant, they both rush at each other, clashing their weapons in the middle of the field to
very bright sparks, illuminating their focused faces and the nearby vegetation. Large, strong,
and brutal, Zabuza battles Naruto with all the rage of a demon, effectively using the
momentum of the bright clash to follow with another wide swipe. The large man and his
imposing weapon are louder in Naruto’s ears, nearly deafening as he expects and parries
Zabuza’s following strike with his chakra covered knuckle blade.
Suspiciously accustomed to Zabuza’a style, Naruto isn’t surprised when the veteran buries
the tip of his blade into the dirt after missing his head and uses the motion to lead into a short
combination of punches and kicks. He then tapers his body’s rotation by recovering his large
blade and attacking all over again. It’s as if ninja and weapon take turns rotating attacks, like
two tops spinning in turns. As he had against Haku, Naruto has an easier time with the
slender man’s fists and kicks, however, the size and weight of the weapon bats Naruto back,
violently shaking his guard painfully down to his entire body’s marrow.
Undeterred, Naruto evades or blocks each fatal strike, however, even when Naruto blocks the
long sharp sword, meeting it head-on still clips Naruto in the shoulder, thigh, or other
unguarded muscle groups, drawing a mist of blood out of his tense and chakra-filled body.
Yet, in defiance of the stinging pain, Naruto’s resolve holds firm. In his combat state, he’s
aware of these movements, and despite feeling Zabuza’s overwhelming experience and battle
savagery, Naruto’s confidence in himself keeps him on his feet and his conviction for the
future he’s trying to forge ahead strengthen his fists.
‘They need to see what else is possible,’ Naruto’s mind yells as he counters Zabuza’s sword
with his chakra covered blade, vibrating his bones to his clenching teeth. Naruto knows
there’s another way, and it boils his blood that so many shinobi, including the vicious one
he’s battling, can’t see it.
When the elite ninja isn’t actively trying to concuss Naruto’s brain with bludgeoning shots,
the blond expects the slicing swipes to any one of eight choices; liver, lungs, spine,
subclavian vein, jugular vein, kidneys, heart, brain. Even when Naruto evades, the strike is so
near to his skin it deafens his ears and cold-burns his skin. With the weight and momentum
for hard unstoppable hits, it forced Naruto to jump with the strike, getting sent back dozens of
feet to avoid standing his ground against the worst of it.
Their fist-pistoning attacks are so fast they create a whistling noise from forcibly displacing
the molecules in the air, however, Naruto doesn’t have the same reach, leading him to stay
low and direct his strikes toward Zabuza’s legs. Yet even then, dodging left to be kicked by
the right sent a stunned and bleeding Naruto flying while Zabuza makes four rapid hand seals
before calling out, “Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu.”
After a deep inhale, Zabuza exhales a laser beam of a large quantity of water at Naruto.
Narrowly dodging the first beam of water rips at his right sleeve. Upon the follow up water-
based attack, Naruto focuses spinning chakra to the very center of his left hand and thrusts
the strong rotating energy forward. It wasn’t the Rasengan, but the first and second stages of
the powerful technique meets the water lance head-on, and though a grunting Naruto felt the
impact nearly shatter the bones in his hand, pushing him back in the process, the whirlwind
of futon chakra spins and spreads the water lance like a spinning drill breaking through the
tough earth.
Zabuza didn’t let up, however, adding more and more fury to the high-pressure laserjet of
water that a yelling Naruto matches. The water is cut and redirected like rays of sunlight
hitting a ball of mirrors, only in this case, the stream of water cuts through branches, gouges
tree trunks, shrubbery, and skins the surface of stones.
The left sleeve of his orange two-piece jumpsuit is shredded off by the time Zabuza finally
relents, and only then does Naruto realize there was so much water created by Zabuza’s fierce
attack, the level reaches his thighs.
Elevating himself to the surface of the water with his chakra, Naruto takes a knee on the
waving pond created as he inhales in deep breaths while Zabuza looks on. The tall ninja with
his blade on his back seems angry in his thoughtfulness before he mouths, “Haku…”
Shaking his head of any further words, Zabuza quickly begins another series of hand seals
and he’s already on his thirteenth seal when Naruto realizes what his next attack will be.
Rather than stopping the elite Kiri-nin forty feet away, the blond instead claps his hands
together and through an extended cry, gathers all the chakra within him, going so far as to
even ask, ‘Kurama, hold your chakra back for a little bit.’
‘Don’t wanna,’ Kurama returns from within his seal. It takes a lot of Naruto’s chakra to
perfectly maintain his energy’s balance along with Kurama’s. His chakra coils grow larger as
a result and Naruto rarely, if ever, has full access to all his chakra. Much of it mingles with
Kurama’s in order to maintain their equilibrium, giving the Demon fox a connection to the
outside world. So, Naruto understands when the Demon Fox says, ‘I feel nearly nothing
when that happens.’
Focusing as much of his spirit energy to his core before Zabuza finishes his forty-four seal
technique, Naruto tells his partner, ‘it won’t be for long.’
‘Yeah! Yeah! Fine,’ Naruto mentally yells as Zabuza calls, “Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu.”
From the expansive waving pond they were standing on, as well as, the invisible thinness of
the air, small globules of water all rush together to form a twenty-foot serpent of water with
the head of a dragon. Like being in a storm, the heavily displaced water the crouched Naruto
is standing on waves toward the kinetic energy expelling out of the monster. Tree trunks
rumble, tree branches shake and most of the water is either blown away or sucked into the
chakra serpent.
Ignoring the sting of needle-like water striking him on powerful gusts of wind, a drenched
Naruto focuses on his staggering rise of strength feeding his aching muscles until it bursts
from the tenketsus of his physical form, not unlike Kurama’s chakra shroud. All his aches
disappear and the response of his physical strength feels as if he can lift a mountain. As his
skin tingles with electric goosebumps, he quantifies the strength currently rushing through in
him at one tail of Kurama’s chakra, so despite Zabuza’s giant aquatic monster screeching
before it attacks, Naruto yells, “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!”
Though two hundred clones are created, a score of them is immediately destroyed as the
water serpent barrels through the throng of clones. Though Zabuza notes many of them leap
out of the way and into the forest, the small muddy field between the trees is chaos of
storming water and advancing clones attacking the large water dragon in vain. Zabuza then
takes note of a few clones creating that blue ball of chakra that had surprised him on the
bridge before and attacking him.
Smiling, Zabuza confidently shouts, “it’s like I told you before,” bringing out his gigantic
sword with every intention of showing the blond his one trick won’t catch him unawares
again. Sprinting directly to the barrage of Rasengan carrying Naruto’s he yells, “that’s not
going to work on me again!”
True to his word, Zabuza makes light of the weaker Narutos, dodging deftly and countering
perfectly. After four incredibly fast hand seals, the elite demon is shooting dense, armor-
piercing water bullets from his mouth as his water dragon wrecks trees, uproots trunks, and
destroys as many clones as possible.
Chakra blade extended as far out as a normal sword, Naruto attacks Zabuza from the front,
yelling, “and I told you-” before they clash and Naruto’s blade chips into Kubikiribōchō,
sending sparks out as both shinobi glare into each other’s eyes. It was the first sense from
Zabuza; a sense of someone afraid to fail. To fail what, Naruto couldn’t discern, but it was
honest, and it spurned Naruto to fight even harder then he currently felt capable.
“That true strength comes from the will to protect,” Naruto triumphantly chants, and as if to
prove his point, from the very top of the tall trees, one clone followed by two others are
plummeting at a tremendous velocity with the clone in the lead spearheading a
Rasenshuriken in hand, before slamming the destructive technique into the spine of the
distracted water-beast.
A large shock-wave of extreme pressure from the expanding spirit energy vaporizes the water
and forceful steam explodes outward, as a gigantic dome of a countless microscopic wind
blades shred the aquatic dragon, dirt, muddy grass, and stone into nothingness. The way the
water catches the light gives the entire murder dome a soft bluish-white glow as Zabuza and
Naruto are blown away along with any remaining clones.
Mentally out of it with a horrible ringing in his ears, a sluggish Zabuza slowly makes it to his
feet and witnesses an incredibly large and sizzling hole at the very center of the small field.
Trees are bent, broken, or blasted away. Branches, stone pieces, and dirt are scattered across
the even forest floor. The only thought to pass through a snickering Zabuza’s mind was,
‘fucker could kill me if I’m not careful.’
A groan to Zabuza’s right alerts him to the blond shinobi benching a large branch off his
chest, however, a glint to his left from moonlight catching sharpened metal helps him locate
Kubikiribōchō stuck halfway into a tree trunk. Before he can take a single step toward his
weapon, one of the blond’s clones lands on the handle, leveling his chakra blade in front and
ready to fight. Looking around, another three clones appear and already begin to make his
signature technique in defense of the weapon.
Feeling winded himself, Zabuza’s mind couldn’t help but ask, ‘how the hell does this brat
have so much power?’
Upright and breathing heavily, a muddy, bleeding, and soggy Naruto is holding his right side
in clear pain, but in the moonlight, Zabuza can see the blond’s eyes are slitted near to that of a
predator and knows this shinobi won’t quit. Quitting isn’t in him, and the older man can’t
help but smile at that before asking, “Haku taught you my style didn’t he? It’s the only way
you could know how to survive all of my tricks.”
“We sparred… almost every day,” a heavily breathing Naruto admits. “But I didn’t know…
that’s why he fought… that way,” Naruto claimed, wincing from a stabbing pain his mind is
attempting to block as his body tries to heal; tries to press on. “But you still… don’t get it.
Haku’s will to protect… is stronger than this fight.”
“You’re counting your chickens before they hatch,” Zabuza claims before lowering his stance
to combat readiness. “I’m still standing.”
Naruto smirks, realizing aloud, “Haku is protecting us both,” before charging after the taller
ninja. Zabuza fights an armed Naruto bare-handed and with his skill, size, and experience
manages to just barely maintain the advantage, but no matter the slip, the punch, the kick,
Naruto evades, counters, and keeps on coming until, the experienced ninja accepts Naruto’s
bladed strike, catching the sharp metal through his left palm before twisting and redirecting it
to the surprised Naruto’s chest.
Though Naruto stops adding Fūton chakra to the blade, the dull material of the knuckle knife
penetrates the muscle of his own left hand, a defensive catch that only allows an inch of
metal to pierce his chest. Both their hands skewered and bleeding on one another, Naruto and
Zabuza glare at each other like raging lions until the genin’s right hand lets go of his chakra
blade to grip the assassin’s left elbow for what’s to come.
Without even looking the pair know what the powerful howling of a large broadsword
spinning thrown toward them by a clone is without looking. Naruto’s baby-blue, slitted eyes
glare at Zabuza in open challenge, setting his feet wide and holding firmly in place for the
large butcher’s blade to dismember them both, however, Zabuza isn’t worried and only
smiles demonically. Just before the loud spinning blade reaches them, the elite Zabuza leaps
high enough for the spinning blade to harmlessly drive-by underneath him. Holding firm
himself to keep Naruto in place to be severed in half, Naruto easily read Zabuza’s eyes as
they say, ‘not good enough.’
Zabuza hadn’t expected the large sword to burst into a puff of white smoke and be replaced
by a clone with a Rasengan already formed. Though the clone’s attack would’ve missed
Zabuza still mid-leap, Naruto drops to his knees sinking the midair Zabuza low enough for
the clone to hit the tall shinobi right in the gut.
So long as the equilibrium of the spinning spirit energy remains in check, the spinning ball of
chakra is an effective kill technique. However, Naruto doesn’t want to kill Zabuza and allows
the compact hurricane to explode forcefully upon contact rather than maintain its shredding
spin, rocketing the former Kiri ANBU forty feet away, scrapping skin against the ground with
every bounce until he hits one of the large trees still standing with a loud ‘thwack!’
When Zabuza awakens, his once peaceful mind is immediately bombarded by volleys of
sheer agony from the number of broken bones and shredded muscle. He then realizes he can’t
move; not due to being restrained in any way, but because his fevered and dirty limbs feel
heavier than he currently has the energy to lift.
With busted blood vessels filling the whites of his eyes with red and wincing from the intense
pain, Zabuza looks to the dark forest above sinking in his sight at a snail’s pace. It’s when his
slow mind realizes he’s being carried before eventually discovering he’s being carried on the
shoulders of six clones, almost as if he were a casket being taken to his gravesite.
“If Haku…” Zabuza grunts in pain but ignores it, as he’s been trained to do. “If Haku…
hadn’t shown you my style… you’d be dead.”
Tilting his view to the seventh Naruto, who’s left arm is in a splint made out of the remains of
his orange jacket, limping on his right foot, dirty, sweaty, bleeding from multiple lacerations
nowhere more severely than his swollen left hand and injured pectoral. Even half-dead, the
boy still has enough strength to lug Kubikiribōchō over his right shoulder.
With a concussed brain and, likely, a fractured skull, thinking hurts the elite ninja, however,
after a moment, Zabuza recalls aloud, “the red… chakra.”
Feeling a great wave of laughter from his torn gut, Zabuza only chokes out blood onto the
blond hair of the nearest clone, prompting the clone to angrily communicate, “watch where
you’re spitting Jiji,” at the same time the real Naruto mumbles, “easy, easy-”
“You didn’t… even… use your ugh! full power,” Zabuza yells, immensely amused, half
choking out more red liquid, half laughing.
Rolling his eyes at the bleeding psycho, Naruto reiterates, “I told you… we didn’t need to-”
“Yeah… we did,” Zabuza heaves. “Now I know… the only way… to kill you… is… the most
boring way.”
Frustrated, Naruto spits red saliva from his muddy and bloody mouth before berating the elite
ninja. “Will you stop trying to make Haku sad!”
“Haku knows… who I am,” Zabuza returns. “Don’t worry… when I do kill you… it’ll be an
end… befitting of a true… shinobi.”
“Urgh… I don’t even want to know what that means,” Naruto groans. “But I’ll take you on…
anytime. And for Haku… I’ll kick your ass… and make sure we both survive… because…
he’d be sad… if one of us died.”
“Guess I’ll take… the bun-haired brat,” Zabuza voices pityingly, as if Tenten is a consolation
prize, going so far as to add, “might be able to… make a decent weapon out of her.”
“You’re not taking Tenten-chan,” Naruto huffs with bored finality as if he understands more
who Zabuza is.
“I said pick, didn’t I,” Zabuza reminds the blond. “Haku… should be more important… than
some chick… or even, your village. Unless you don’t think… I’ll really take Haku with me.”
With dizzy thoughts of future Sasuke, Naruto angrily retorts, “trying to force someone to
stay… when they really want to leave doesn’t work, you idiot. It’s not my place to decide for
Haku. If he ever wanted to leave… I know I’d hate it. I’d probably beg for him to stay… but
I won’t physically try to stop him. As long as Haku knows he can always rely on me… that
I’ll always be there for him… then that’s all that matters.”
“…Ugh, shut up,” Zabuza bellows. “You’re making me feel worse than I already do.”
“That’s called your feelings,” Naruto hums. “Because you’re such a loving and caring Jiji.”
“SHUT UP,” Zabuza nearly yells, then immediately regrets it, turning silent as the throbbing
agony nearly knocks him out.
“You’re taking Kubikiribōchō back,” Naruto declares with authority. “And you’re going to
stop doing bad things to good and innocent people.”
“…I’m… not,” Zabuza stubbornly returns. “I work… for the highest bidder. As long as they
pay… I do whatever they want… whether that’s killing women and children… assassinating
a Kage… or planting damn trees.”
“Kubikiribōchō is yours,” Zabuza cuts him off, wincing in pain for his efforts. “So… if…
you’re …willing to let me earn it back… I’ll work for your clan… when it’s up and running.”
Naruto’s aching mind takes several moments to realize what Zabuza is offering, and calls out,
“oh… yeah sure.”
“Having said that,” Zabuza voices between his raspy breathing. “You still have to pay me.”
“What,” Naruto yells then winces. “But I barely have any ryo as it is!”
Growling, Zabuza yells at the blond, “do that and I’ll definitely get it back and kill you with
“Sheshesheshe- owww… oww… ugh, Kami,” Naruto moans from compounding pain
radiating throughout his body. “Whatever, Jiji.”
“Zabuza-sama,” Haku calls, landing in front of them from the high branches above. “Naruto-
sama,” an unsettled Haku adds, immediately looking over both men before beginning to treat
them. As the clones gently set the tall man down, Haku takes a scroll of Naruto’s design and
unseals several vials of green and white liquids and pills. Handing Naruto a few, Haku then
takes the initiative to pour the medicinal contents between Zabuza’s lips.
Falling from the trees above, Tenten yells, “Naruto!” Landing near the bleeding blond, Tenten
simply looks at her fellow ninja in sheer amazement, forgetting everything but the simple fact
that the genin Uzumaki Naruto beat the elite Momochi Zabuza.
“Hey, your dad’s fine now,” he tells her befuddled expression. Despite her clear shock and
silence, Naruto heaves the legendary broadsword from his sore shoulder and extends it to the
young weapon’s specialist, asking, “mind holding this for me?”
With a lazy shrug, he stipulates, “as long as you promise not to run off with it-”
“I won’t,” Tenten quickly interjects. “I wouldn’t! Not after…” Tenten trails off, turning her
view to a concentrating Haku treating Zabuza before noting each and every one of Naruto’s
visible injuries. “I can’t believe you actually beat the Demon of Hidden Mist… after
everything my father said and did… I didn’t even defend you-” which voicing aloud only
made her realize, with widening eyes, she’s exactly as Zabuza had identified her, ‘sheep,’
saddening her beyond belief.
“Uh, it’s fine,” Naruto claims, pressing the large blade forward, disrupting her train of
thought and process of shame. “I’ve heard worse and I don’t think you’re a bad person, so
will you hold it for me? It’s kinda heavy.”
“Of course,” Tenten states, mentally chastising herself for not aiding him as much as she can.
As Tenten takes Kubikiribōchō with one arm and rests the hunk of metal over her smaller, yet
strong shoulder, she asserts, “we need to get you to the hospital!”
“Naruto-sama,” Haku calls. “If I can use your clones to bring him somewhere safe?”
“Yeah,” a dog-tired Naruto nods before telling one of his clones, “let Karin-chan know she
can take Tenten-chan’s dad to the hospital, then make sure she gets home alright.”
As Haku, Zabuza, and the clones leave, an exuberant Ōyashiro steps forward, addressing
Naruto happily as, “Uzumaki-dono. A moment of your time before you tend to your
wounds.” Extending the other, much cleaner, chakra blade, the weapons merchant articulates,
“a gift.”
“Wait a minute,” Tenten interjects, careful not to hit anyone with Kubikiribōchō over her
shoulder. Staring angrily at her father’s merchant friend, she declares, “Ōyashiro-san knows
he needs to be more specific about the reason behind gifting, so all parties know there haven’t
been any violations.”
“Why, yes, of course,” Ōyashiro slowly agrees. “Konoha does have laws like that, don’t they.
My mistake.” Turning to Naruto, the arms vendor states, “I freely offer Uzumaki Naruto-
dono a gift, a single chakra blade, as a show of good faith, without any special conditions or
restrictions or obligations expected from him.”
As he looks on at the partner of his chakra blade, a weary Naruto can’t think much more than
knowing the politics of sales is confusing and turns to Tenten. The blond at least trusts that
Tenten knows about these things and after her stiff nod, he to shrugs and takes the weapon,
citing, “thanks. I’ll get you the ryo for the other one tomorrow.”
Nodding, Ōyashiro states, “would you be opposed to speaking when next we meet?”
Glancing to the man’s expressionless bodyguard a moment before looking at the elder
merchant, Naruto asks, “uh, what was your name again?”
“Where are my manners,” the merchant claims with a smile before bowing. “We haven’t been
formally introduced. My name is Ōyashiro Izumo, from Ōyashiro’s Global Services. As a
merchant clan, we manage a far and wide network of trading, rather successfully, I might add,
and it’s through my contact here in Konohagakure that I was able to learn of Kubikiribōchō’s
Naruto’s eyes suddenly focus on the curvy blond bodyguard eying Kubikiribōchō on Tenten’s
shoulder. For the briefest of moments, he has the impression she was going to steal it when
another presence makes itself known from the shadows in the trees above. Naruto didn’t
know who it was, but, the blond woman takes a step back when the merchant quickly bids
Naruto and Tenten, “goodnight and be well, Uzumaki-dono.”
Turning to the blond woman insistently, she easily picks up the elderly man before leaping
into the tree branches above. Watching them go, a slanting Naruto felt ready to pass out then
and there. He’s slept in the dangerous forest many times before and has no qualms about
doing so now, however, Tenten pats him on the shoulder, telling him with a smile on her face
and a large sword over her shoulder, “let me help you.”
Tenten takes out a scroll from her pouch and stores Kubikiribōchō within it then gives it to
Naruto. As he stuffs it in his pouch next to his chakra blades, Tenten turns her back to him,
kneels, and offers her back for a piggyback ride.
“Of course,” Tenten calls out. “It’ll be faster this way.” Straddling her hips with his one good
arm around her neck, Tenten uses her chakra to bolster her muscles and leaps into the
branches above before sprinting out of the forest of death.
Disaster only struck the pair after they reached the field outside of the perimeter of Training
Ground 44. Once in the middle of the cool, moonlit field, sprinting fluidly through the
swaying tall grass, the clone Naruto sent to Kurenai’s house had dispelled, and aside from
happily meeting a stunning green-eyed, tan-skinned, and silver-haired woman interested in
Fūinjutsu in the library, the immensely sexy sight of Kurenai tongue-kissing him before
seductively telling him, ‘Naruto, I need you in me,’ while stroking his groin gave him an
erection then and there.
Despite his blood loss, his raging boner dug into Tenten’s lower back, who jolted at the
feeling as Naruto instinctively tried to move his lower self away, causing them both to fall to
the ground. After rolling and sliding to a stop, a dusted Tenten rushes over to make certain
Naruto isn’t worse for wear only to notice the large tent popping from his crotch. Blushing
madly, Tenten turns around as a modest Naruto tries turns away from her.
Though a blushing Tenten made many octaves of sounds spill from her mouth, it couldn’t be
described as words, to which Naruto asks, “uh, Tenten-chan? Why don’t you head over to the
hospital, check on your dad, and I’ll just meet you there.”
“Uh, but, wait, no,” Tenten starts to respond. “I can’t leave you like this-” And at the sight of
him keeping his obvious arousal away from her, amends her statement. “I mean, injured! I
can’t leave you injured. Not… uh, your-”
“Thanks,” Naruto interrupts in a high-pitched tone. “But I’ll be fine, I promise. I’ll be there
before you know it.”
“Thank you,” the grateful brunette expresses, trying hard not to look below his neck. “For
saving us.”
“Please don’t brush what you did off,” Tenten calls out, taking a step forward in spite of his
obvious state. “I thought I was going to die, and… and we were horrible to you. You didn’t
have to help us, but you did anyway, and I’ll always be grateful to you because of it.”
“Well, that’s nice of you… to say, I mean,” he awkwardly says with a nervous chuckle. “I’m
just glad you’re okay.” When she doesn’t move, he continues, “really, Tenten-chan. We’re
Konoha shinobi. You would’ve done the same for me.”
With a stern nod, Tenten leaves Naruto. Though the mentally congested, horribly fevered,
bloody, and dirty blond is still fiercely hurting, he’s no longer hemorrhaging freely and only
feels throbbing pangs of extensive pain rather than throbbing pangs of extensive agony.
Under the night’s whitish-blue moonlight, Naruto travels as best he can through the lamp-lit
lights of Konoha’s dark streets but with his injuries, it does take more time than he’d like.
Finally reaching Kurenai’s home, rather than press his chakra to the Fūin security platform,
Naruto knocks on the door before using the wood barrier to ease himself to the floor. Pressing
his back against the solid entrance to keep himself upright, looking out to the pleasant
tranquility of the night and happy to finally be home, a content Naruto smiles with relaxing
Awake in bed, staring at the ceiling, Kurenai felt vulnerable, discarded, weak, tricked, and
foolish. What was supposed to be an occasion of celebration, did not end as she had hoped.
Hot and frustrated, Kurenai turns in her bed as she counts down the positives that unfairly
warped to negatives.
All three of her students made it to the final test of the Chūnin exam, and yet, now she must
stand aside while others continue their education. Her opportunity to be honest with Asuma
went from one drink to three and no closer to telling him her feelings regarding them. Her
groping tongue-kiss of Naruto’s clone, and expectation to see him soon, turned into over an
hour of waiting and an absent bed-partner. Kurenai isn’t angry by the turn of events, just
horny and frustrated. Evidently, the day is refusing to treat her kindly.
Socially meeting Asuma at the crowded Jōnin bar, Elite Spirits, easily reminded Kurenai why
she fell in love with him in the first place. She reverted to all their old patterns with the
ruggedly handsome man, and not only was it easy to go back to that and play along, but it
was also a comforting role, like an old favorite dress that still fits. Laughing with Asuma in
their favorite booth in their bar, her insightfully imaginary brain used probability to navigate
that future-line with him and it felt a bit lacking… less impactful… less fateful.
In her bed, tightening her warm legs together, Kurenai reasoned Asuma was no longer her
only favorite dress. She’s gained a newfound adoration to an orange dress she hadn’t expect
to love wearing rather often. Her newer, favorite dress, to put it aptly made the world and her
influence in events much larger. The power of sex, her beliefs, her team, her missions; her
future-line with Naruto was everything a strong independent person could want.
And Kurenai’s need to see her blond lover only grew when she learned her time with her
team will be cut down to a third of what it once was; essentially team meetings and drills.
Though she didn’t let it show, it was depressing for the Inuzuka, Aburame, and Hyūga clan
heads to take their children for special clan training.
Kurenai knows she’s being a little dramatic, however, after watching Naruto’s near death,
losing her students, and gaining more objectivity with Asuma, all in one day, she felt out-of-
sorts and vulnerable and couldn’t help the irrationally reoccurring thought, ‘my students are
leaving me…’
So, after finding Naruto’s clone reading on her bed, she walked right up to him, grips him
desperately by the hair and jaw and kisses him deeply, drilling her tongue deep in his oral
cavity and greedily siphoning as much of his saliva as she could before eventually pulling
away. Stroking his groin through his pants, she wantonly expresses, “Naruto… I need you in
After the dazzled blond came to his senses, he popped away instantly, and at the latest,
Kurenai expected the real Naruto to burst through her bedroom door in fifteen minutes. She
fantasized he’d be ripping off her clothes in under ten minutes and ramming inside her
seconds later, however, laying in bed, hot and bothered, she felt foolish and desperate when
she looks to her clock and counts aloud, “an hour and twenty-three minutes.”
Too restless for sleep, Kurenai considers pleasuring herself with her orange toy when she
hears a slow yet powerful knock at the door. The only people she would ever expect at that
time of night can enter without knocking. Unsure who could be visiting her at such an hour,
Kurenai slips on some underwear, black silk pajamas, and her red robe before making her
way downstairs. Her expanding senses reassures her there’s no observable threat to her for a
mile, though she picks up on a person sitting against her door. Disarming the Fūin security
and unlocking the entrance to her home, a bloodied Naruto’s upper half slides back and lands
flat on his back.
Dropping to her knees, her alarmed mind can’t even begin to assess his major injuries from
his minor ones with all the dried blood, dirt, mud, and grime caked on him. His filthy and
torn jacket is being used as a splint for his left arm, the swollen hand of which has dirt and
dried blood over a sealing gash. That same dirty arm is redder than the skin tone of his body
from severe irritation. Additionally, his chest is caked with dried blood from a pectoral
puncture, the skin around his right eye is purple, and under his nose and mouth is dried blood.
His breathing hitches and his right ankle also looks swollen.
“What happened,” Kurenai calls, leaning closer to inspect every inch of him. Kurenai knows
a few rudimentary healing jutsu and places her palm over his chest. But before her green
chakra can begin to diagnose his wounds, Naruto’s hand reaches her face, palming it
His blue eyes are a well of happiness she can easily become lost in when he tells her, “you
always say honesty in communication is important.” Taking a deep breath, he admits, “don’t
freak out, but I just came from fighting Zabuza-jiji-”
“What! How! Why!” Kurenai immediately responds, before hastily dropping that line of
inquiry and concentrating her green-covered hands on healing what she can, stating,
“nevermind! I’ll get you to the hospital and alert ANBU on the way-”
“Don’t,” Naruto slowly tells her, softly pinching her cheek. “We just had a disagreement, is
all. It’s fine now.”
“That may be the case,” she starts, feeling a wave of adoration for the way he pinched her
cheek. “But he’s a missing-nin from our Bingo Book who’s within the village. I’m obligated
“I know,” Naruto replies, nodding as best he can. “I know, but, I’m asking you not to… for
“You’re putting me in a terrible position,” she hates to admit, moving away from his warm
and dirty palm.
“Yeah,” Naruto states with a soft smile, letting his palm drop heavily. “Trust me, Nai-chan. I
do mean only for now and I’ll tell Ji-chan. Plus, Zabuza-jiji can’t even get up right now. He
won’t hurt anyone.”
Letting out an exhaustive breath of air, her hand caresses his face as she responds, “for now,
I’ll keep it to myself… however, I will inform Sandaime-sama as soon as you’re okay.”
When he nods with his beautifully warm smile, she moves on, saying, “we have to get you-”
“It’s fine. I just need some sleep and I’ll be fine,” his softly admits. “More importantly…
Nai-chan… I’m home.”
Snorting before a pained smile graces her red lips. She hooks as much of her falling midnight
hair behind one ear, leans down, and kisses his stained lips. Though she can tell how weak he
is from her meager Iryō-ninjutsu connection, he had strength enough in his lips to make her
feel safe, weightless, relieved, and happy. When she pulls back, she softly and happily tells
him, “welcome home.”
“Uh, did you just kiss a damn kid,” Anko’s voice travels from the pathway leading to the
open door of her home. Kurenai freezes, chastising herself for losing so much focus she
couldn’t detect another person, ‘ten paces away,’ her mind counts. Her closest friend
witnessed her kiss a boy eight years her junior. Never having been in a situation like this,
Kurenai’s mind and heart become septic with panic and short-circuits.
“Uh, don’t hate me,” Naruto voices as his head begins to lull, weakly adding, “but, I’m going
to pass out now.” With his eyes traveling to the back of his head, he finally yields his
consciousness to the pain-relieving darkness of deep recuperative sleep.
Due to noninvasively torturing Haku-kun and Karin-chan for any relevant information or
confirmations Konoha has in their foreign intelligence records, Anko knows Uzumaki
Naruto-kun lives in the Chūnin-sensei, Umino Iruka’s home. Given the late hour, she had
expected him to be home, however, when she’s certain no one was home, the curvaceous
kunoichi left.
Unfortunately, Naruto’s living situation is all she knows about the blond boy’s day-to-day.
Aside from being the Jinchūriki, his favorite food stall, and declarations of becoming
Hokage, she doesn’t know his hangouts or preferences, which makes finding him on a
random night difficult. Walking the path from Iruka’s residence through the shinobi’s
residential area, Anko decides to postpone her search for the boy for the rare opportunity to
see her babe, who lives nearby.
Being a proctor for the Chūnin exams on top of her work as a special Jōnin for T.I.F. she
hasn’t had much time for anything of late, let alone nights out with her beautiful friend. They
had chatted in the tower during the second test, however, it was never long conversations
before one of them needed to be somewhere. As such, Anko’s steps are upbeat at the thought
of surprising her best friend.
At the same time, she grows more and more concerned when she detects uncoordinated mud-
skidding footmarks and the small smears of blood on the floor that seem to lead to Kurenai’s
house. Seeing blood in a ninja village is nothing new, however, Anko held her breath at the
sight of indistinct bloody sandal-prints trailing into her dearest friend’s open door. Anko
rushes up the pathway only to stop dead in her tracks at the sight of her twenty-four-year-old
raven-haired friend full-on kiss the bloodied blond subject she’d been searching for.
A good interrogator always has questions. They can question anything, however, at that
moment, a wide-eyed Anko was bombarded with so many of them, she simply could think to
speak until her beautiful friends pulls away and warmly welcomes the boy home with a
tenderness that absolutely blew the special Jōnin’s mind. At that point, in an extreme effort to
understand the alien evidence of love and affection in front of her, Anko first needed to
ascertain, “uh, did you just kiss a damn kid?”
Though the blond passed out, Anko’s acute attention was on Kurenai’s wide red eyes, tight
jaws, tense shoulders, and rapid breathing. Even her long hair seemed to stand up in shock.
Kurenai’s physical tells couldn’t scream louder that she got caught than if she actually used
her voice to scream so.
Smiling, broadly, a giddy Anko hops over on her tippy toes, light as air, swinging her arms
merrily, and sweetly asks, “oh, no, Kure-neechee-ahhnn,” she starts, cutely emphasizing the
suffix. “What happened to him?”
One of the sweetest interrogations for Anko to take part in is when everyone in the room,
especially the criminal, knows the guilty party is caught, but rather than go straight for the
confession, the interrogator takes their time, talks about other subjects, really pressures the
guilty party with mundane affairs until the growing itch of truth begs to be scratched and they
can’t take it anymore. In most cases, if the interrogator is good, they don’t even need to ask
before the criminal confesses simply to end the subtle mind torture. In this case, a wide
knowing smile and happy hungry eyes for an explanation is all Anko needs.
However, Yūhi Kurenai is not a simple person and Anko can see the shock on her gorgeous
friend’s face recede to neutrality as the trained Jōnin dons on her emotion-concealing mask.
Clearing her throat, the gorgeous kunoichi starts, “he fought… someone dangerous.”
“Oh,” Anko gleefully voices, dragging the sound out before kneeling beside the boy opposite
Kurenai. Her body’s swaying motions were wide and deliberate as Anko asks, “and did the
cuuute Uzumaki-kun win?”
Staring straight-faced, Kurenai breaths for several moments before slowly explaining, “…I
wasn’t, uh, there, but I suppose- yes, he won.”
The double meaning clear to both women, a tense Kurenai curtly says, “just grab his legs,
Beginning the joy of her gentle probing, Anko grabs the blond’s ankles as she comments in a
lively tone, “oh, my, what big feet he has. My, finding sandals that fit must be hard, don’t you
think, Kure-neechiaahhnn.”
To a trained interrogator, Anko can learn a lot solely from silence or physical reaction. With
more comments came more scope and in this astonishing case, the potential was all too
titillating. Traveling upstairs in silence with a body between them, Kurenai ignores the
gleefully smiling Anko when the busty tokubetsu jōnin notes, “I notice we’re going to your
bedroom… where sleep, among other things, happen.”
“Accelerated you say,” Anko sings as they carefully handle the boy while entering Kurenai’s
large bedroom. “So he doesn’t stay down for long, huh? Fast recovery means he can go again
and again, huuuh?” Anko notices that her high-pitched humming-like laughter after each
question makes Kurenai take a deep breath as they enter her bathroom. Looking at the tub,
Anko notes, “oh, my, what a large tub. You could fit two people in there… with plenty of
room to move around in, huh?”
Whether Kurenai broke her neutrality to deny whatever their relationship is or she remained
silent about the obvious elephant in the room, possibly suggesting how far they’ve gone,
Anko was giddy with either outcome. With more and more comments or questions, the
implication of which could either be telling or continues the torture show, it all has Anko
laughing like a maniac within her troubled mind.
Though Kurenai can tell Anko is nearly maniacal trying to restrain her urge to laugh out loud,
she disregards the interrogator’s game to state in a detached tone, “remove his clothes while I
get my med kit.”
Magically sliding her kunai out of the sleeve of her brown coat into her nimble fingers, Anko
carefully, yet expertly, cuts into the unconscious blond’s clothes as she wonders aloud, “I
hope he doesn’t mind if I’m the one removing his clothes.”
Once she removed the slant that is his jacket, wire-mesh shirt, and pants, Anko sobers up a
little as Kurenai returns with all her supplies. Uzumaki had a fair amount of injuries, and it
was especially interesting to see the gash at his chest and the hole through his left hand
slowly close up upon being properly cleaned. Preserving the silence as her friend worked,
Anko stood by as Kurenai cleaned every wound on the blond with a sponge, disinfected his
wounds, and carefully wrapped up the injured area in gauze. She still had a million questions
but she could wait. There was an injured Konoha shinobi that needed tending to first.
Observing her friend gave Anko plenty of time to recall Kurenai’s behavior as of late. Like
many of their friends, and to Genma’s dread, they all assumed Kurenai and Asuma would be
an item again after the Bitch-Princess from hell left. That was six months ago and even if it
took Kurenai a few moons to forgive Asuma for shutting her out like that, she had expected
to see the happy couple together by now. They all had and it affected Anko when they hadn’t.
Anko didn’t know why she needed them together, exactly, but Kurenai’s happiness somehow
felt connected to her own, as if allowing the tainted and disgraced special Jōnin to live the
best of both worlds; the happiness of commitment vicariously through Kurenai, as well as
independently with the occasional romp whenever she wanted. After all, it wasn’t as if she
could find that on her own after Orochimaru.
In the end, Asuma and Kurenai hadn’t gotten together, and for the past three months, Anko
hasn’t felt content even with some of her favorite men. It was as if Kurenai’s lack of the
perfect romance somehow sucked away the joy of her casual sex flings. It’s fortunate
preparing for the exams kept her too busy for nights out or hookups, and as she watches
Kurenai gently lay the slumbering half-naked boy in her bed—tucking him in—Anko finds
herself absolutely salivating to hear this story.
Opening the bedroom door for Kurenai, the beautiful pair find themselves in her kitchen;
lights on and a glass of honey wine between them. ‘Another change,’ Anko’s mind notes as
she leans forward with her strong abdomen pressed against the counter of the kitchen island.
In her low-cut red silk robe, Kurenai was leaning against the counter by the stove while Anko
eyed the glass when she answered Anko’s curiosity toward the wine. “I stopped stocking
liquor in the house.”
“Is he the reason why,” Anko casually asks, nudging her chin at the ceiling to the blond in her
bed. Kurenai doesn’t answer and Anko grins wickedly. Respecting Kurenai’s mind and her
ability to use it, Anko breaks first, like that itchy criminal and openly confesses, “this is
INSANE!” Laughing as Kurenai shushes her, worried the boy might wake up. “Not that I
care you’re robbing the cradle-”
“He’s sixteen,” Kurenai interjects before quickly adding, “please, Anko, this is going to be
hard enough as it is without exaggerations and miscommunication.”
Nodding her head with closed eyes and a huge amused grin, Anko agrees, “yeah, of course.”
Turning a little more serious, she starts, “before anything, there’s just a few things I need to
get out of the way. And just because I ask these questions doesn’t mean I don’t know who
you are. This is just sooo not you… I’m in chaotic need of a realignment here.”
“He’s not blackmailing me,” Kurenai answers before adding, “nor is he using some mind-
controlling jutsu on me.”
“Alright,” Anko responds, holding up a palm. Cautiously, she then asks, “are you using him
to get over Asuma?”
Kurenai’s face morphed with her words, from an affronted, “no…” to a doubtful, “not
really…” then finally, a guilty, “not anymore.” Clearly, there’s a story there as Kurenai
weakly requests, “please don’t judge me.”
“I’m offended,” Anko humorously claims. “You know I’m not judgy like that.” They pause
as Kurenai takes another long swig of her sweet-red. Scratching her neck, Anko then tries for
the big question, “is this, like… love… or something?”
Kurenai starts with, “I…” then, seemingly out of words to answer such a basic question,
decides to drink her entire glass of wine instead.
Anko couldn’t help her large eyes and loud groan. “Wooooooow,” Anko gasps, taking a sip
of her wine out of courtesy as she’s not much of a wine drinker.
“He just snuck up on me,” a blushing Kurenai tries to justify as she refills her glass.
Anko laughs out loud, guttural and joyously as she holds herself up on the counter to keep
from falling, then jokingly asserts, “your fucking shadow ain’t even that sneaky!”
Weakly waving in surrender, the amused and relieved Anko takes many moments to settle
down before apologizing, then continuing, “right, right, you’re right. Hah… I guess the real
question is, why didn’t you tell me? I mean, we are girl-friends, right? I’m not wrong about
that, am I?”
“No, no, you’re not,” Kurenai quickly allays. “Yes, Anko, we are, and you’re right. I
should’ve told you at some point.”
“…I didn’t say anything… for a few reasons,” Kurenai slowly answers to the best of her
ability, again, alluding to a series of events behind all this. “At first,” Kurenai continues. “It
started as this unbelievably insane mistake, followed by another one, then another-”
“Woooow,” a blinking Anko sounds in sheer disbelief, taking a sip herself before asking,
“and you’re sure this has nothing to do with Asuma?”
“That’s like asking if I like the color orange because I’m trying to forget the color blue… I
don’t know,” Kurenai answers. “Everything is sort of mixed in, isn’t it?”
“Wait,” Anko states, waving her hands. “How long has this been going on- Wait, how far
have you gone with him- Wait,” Anko keeps interrupting herself when she recalls how sexy
and glowing Kurenai has been looking and asks with the widest eyes of shock and certainty,
“you’ve had sex with him, haven’t you?”
After involuntarily licking her lips, Kurenai slowly voices, “…let me just start from the
beginning,” and Anko screams with giddy joy. After Kurenai pelts Anko with some napkins,
the curvaceous torture specialist settles down. Taking the bottle with them, they move to the
comfortable sofa in the living room and Anko listens to a story that will be ingrained in her
memory for as long as she lives.
Anko only interrupted her beautifully embarrassed friend three times, asking, “you actually
attacked him with kunai?” Then again with, “wait, how big is he?” And the final time with a
surreptitious, “bitch, his dick does WHAT?”
Sliding lower on her comfortable sofa, an emotionally exhausted Kurenai finishes the hour-
long story with, “and suddenly, he’s this utterly surprising young man I just can’t stop
thinking about.”
“Kami, so much makes sense now,” Anko remarks. Scooting closer to her confused and
emotional friend, Anko tells her in her most comforting voice, “I can understand some of
that- actually, I can understand a lot of it; especially the drinking. But at the heart of it all, I
get the options.”
“Tsume-san is probably the only kunoichi I know who’s a leader, still involved in the village,
and has children,” Kurenai remarks. “Even Yūgao-chan has expressed concerns about the
role her gender is viewed to serve to the village.”
“Well, she has an easier chance of getting Hayate-kun to stay home and mind the children,”
Anko comments about the chronically sick man, to which Kurenai sluggishly nods. “You
know I always thought it was disgusting how women were expected to stay home while the
men fight.” “I do,” Kurenai mumbles, lazily sipping her wine, before Anko continues, “as if I
didn’t want to be out there defending my home right next to em, not that I don’t understand it.
They can’t pop out babies to refill the armies.”
“Whether I’m out in the field or educating the shinobi of tomorrow,” Kurenai begins to share.
“I’m not sure that I want my baby to be the only contribution to the future of this village. A
stay at home mother after all that training? I just don’t know.”
“I can’t imagine that would be an easy adjustment,” Anko reasons. “Especially when you
think about how easy it is for us to kick the bucket. You and Asuma could have a little brat of
your own when one bad mission ends yours or his life. People die young in our world; no
way around that. Which means we either train like crazy to live as long as we can or live
from moment to moment, like a lot tend to do.”
“Getting with Asuma feels like trading away the village for the person, not to imply it’s any
less meaningful,” Kurenai huffs. “But with Naruto, I can continue to serve my village, the sex
is utterly fantastic, he’s amazing; in an intriguing sort of way… I just can’t help delaying the
probability with Asuma. I keep telling myself, ‘just a little while longer.’”
“He’s sleeping in your bed right now, babe,” Anko notes, sensing movement. “You won’t
even tell me who he fought. It’s pretty clear he’s more than just some good dicking… Shit!”
“What,” Kurenai asks, straightening her posture and turning to her friend.
“Mnn, I came here to see you,” Anko starts, murmuring a bit with uncertainty. “But I was
also going to as if you know Uzumaki’s usual haunts.”
“Didn’t you read the report,” Anko calls out happily. “He not only covered my six when I
was fighting that summon, but he held back that snake-fucker all on his own! I was going to
offer him a BJ, maybe even pop his cherry, but, I guess that’s off the table, huh? …That is off
the table, right-”
“Yes,” Kurenai responds, too buzzed to think about crossing such boundaries.
“Right, right,” Anko hums. “…I mean, I’ve never heard you gush about a guy deep-dicking
“Anko,” Kurenai admonishes, feeling more heat in her cheeks, certain she’s blushing madly.
Anko didn’t bring up how her sense of smell is easily picking up how aroused the raven-
haired beauty is, and simply raises her palms in humored surrender as she responds, “alright,
alright. I probably wouldn’t have anyway. I… uh, haven’t actually had sex in a month and a
half… to be lying; in two months.”
“That’s- I see,” Kurenai slowly processes before asking, “is everything okay?”
“Honestly, not sure,” Anko shrugs. “I’ve wanted to talk about it—part of the reason why I
came over—but, we’ve been busy. A lot’s been on my mind and the only times I can stop
thinking is when I’m torturing someone. Then that snake-shit came back… I don’t know. I’m
just feeling… off.”
“Well, I think that’s okay, Anko,” Kurenai softly admits. “Our senses are highly tuned to our
distress, whether internal or external. Take your time. There’s nothing wrong with properly
working out your thoughts and emotion. I know I haven’t been the best of friends recently,
but I’ll always be here for you.”
Hugging her friend for several minutes, Anko eventually says, “I’m going to get going.”
“Yeah, I do,” Anko states with a wide sly grin. “Your boyfriend is awake.”
Kurenai blushes as she corrects, “he’s my student… and… he’ll go back to sleep.”
“Instead of going to the hospital, he came straight here,” Anko points out as she gets up.
Following Anko to the front door, Kurenai justifies Naruto’s decision by remarking, “it’s
likely he wouldn’t have received fair treatment, which explains why he came here.”
“Oh girl, you are deeeep in denial,” Anko chuckles before kissing the red-eyed beauty on the
lips. “Thank him for me,” Anko mentions, adding, “four or five rounds ought to do it.”
“Moh, Anko,” Kurenai bemoans as the busty blue-tinted ebony-haired Jōnin declares, “night,
In the silence of her own home, a buzzed and warm Kurenai grows nervous as she secures the
door and arms her Fūin security. Her senses tell her Naruto’s cardiac rhythm has elevated to
that of a conscious person. Turning around to look at the staircase leading to the second floor,
to her bedroom, to her bed, and the blond stud in her bed waiting patiently for her elevates
her heart rate and amplifies the erotic synergy crackling throughout her body.
Before she realizes it, she’s closing the door to her bedroom and leaning against it. Lying in
bed, nearly as she left him, only looking directly at her with his deep blue eyes, Kurenai feels
her nipples harden as she flatly asks, “how do you feel?”
As Naruto does away with his covers, his large pure eyes focus solely on her, as if he wasn’t
capable of seeing anything else, and with a slight limp, walks over to her.
Captivated by his eyes and heart-pounding, Kurenai tries to remind Naruto as much as
herself, “you should stay in bed.” However, he remains silent as he presses his shinobi’s body
comfortably against her as Kurenai tries, “you… you’re… still injured-”
Head-to-head, Naruto takes the clean line of her elegant jaw with his good hand and meets
her red full lips with the heat of his. Tilting his head, pressing the side of his nose to hers,
deepening their soft fleshy connection with every eternal-second that passes until her entire
body tingles in delight. Kurenai felt so light, hot, and loved, she returns the passionate kiss
just as ardently, taking his jaw to press in as much as her need for him demands.
Pulling back, Naruto caresses her face as his first words to her expresses his gratitude in a
hoarse voice and couldn’t believe how much she loved to hear his scratchy throat vocalize,
“thank you for taking care of me.”
His husky voice sent a thrilling tingle down her stirring body as she slowly runs her fingers
through his silky blond hair and mindlessly mutters, “of course.”
To her immense joy, the pressure of his warm and strong body pressing into her soft and
pliant physique, somehow sucking the popping energy from her legs and paper-thin knees as
he hoarsely asks, “is… everything okay with your friend? Anko-chan, right? She was the
proctor for the second test.”
“It is… no thanks to you,” she jokes, wondering why his voice is making her extra sensitive.
Pressed so close together, with the building heat from his body and breath on top of his
unique scent filling her nose, it takes her a moment to settle down to explain, “we talked. I…
never doubt she would support me, but it feels different now that she knows.”
“…I’m going to need some time to figure that out,” Kurenai finally answers. With a wicked
smile, she slowly adds, “but I don’t believe it’s anything that would prevent me from being
your very proud sensei.”
Still pressed against her soft warm body, Naruto slowly lowers his body by his knees,
creating dragging friction that made her think he was going down on her until his hands hook
the back of her strong thighs right under her bubble butt, and despite his healing injuries, he
lifts her off her feet. Surprised, Kurenai yelps as she automatically wraps her toned legs
around his hips, marveling at the engulfing heat radiating from the strong muscles of his hot
“Good,” Naruto tells her with his hoarse voice and she can’t help but squeeze his waist
tighter and sex leak further. Hugging his neck, her instinct-driven crotch slowly grinds
against his throbbing rod.
Still, her buzzed mind won’t relinquish full control of her actions as she maintains, “we…
shouldn’t.” Leaning her head low so their foreheads are touching and her arms are around his
neck, she mentally berates herself as she feels little control of the way her body is grinding
against his. Though, she weakly adds, “you’re still recuperating.”
Inhaling her bewitching scent, Naruto sways rhythmically with every step to the side of her
large bed so her long, shaggy, onyx hair wisps against his content face and neck. The aroused
blond gruffly tells her, “Nai-chan, I need you way more than I need rest.”
Like the opposite poles of two magnetic fields, Kurenai’s soft needy lips felt the pull and
automatically snap full-on to his. She actually moaned to feel his raw emotional need through
his hungry lips and her tongue yields to his rough organ as he nourishes her hunger long-
awaited hunger for him. Buzzed, aroused and all but lost to her impassioned body, a hot
Kurenai unconsciously rocks and rolls her dripping venus on his throbbing champion. Arms
wrap tightly around his neck and head as his hands knead her sensitive thighs, they make-out
passionately until oxygen becomes an immediate priority.
It was only a break for Kurenai, who happily wanted to continue such an arousing kiss,
however, she hadn’t expected Naruto to toss her on the soft bed, shrieks happily in surprise as
she lands gazing at him. Her breasts jiggle invitingly underneath her nightie and he quickly
drops his useless boxers, standing before her ready, hungry, bandaged, but at full mast and
His blue eyes zone in on her arousing sexy body and Naruto’s cock twitched at the mere
thought of being so completely enveloped by her wet, hot, hole. Vividly recalling the feeling
of being embraced by her soaking sex, pounding his hot rod inside her until she milks him for
every ounce of thick man milk in him while staring deep into her captivating scarlet eyes
makes his heart race and his determination to stay inside her forever soar.
Fog-minded with lust, Kurenai was scared by how sensitive her hot body is for him. After
weeks of going without, after her time with her students has been reduced, after arresting
what could be with Asuma, after recounting to Anko the events of just how far she’s come to
this very moment with an amazing, strong, virile blond gazing carnally with determined
fascination, she nearly has a mini-orgasm from her building anticipation under his gaze alone.
Even so, they are starving for more, like nothing else mattered.
He wasn’t gentle when he lifts her knees to his shoulder and she didn’t worry when she used
the leverage to lift her pelvis off the bed, making him wince from the injury to his left arm
and chest. Wanting her desperately, he removed her silk pajama shorts, but he grunted as he
ripped off her wet panties. Kurenai only grew unbelievably horny when the impassioned
blond drags her closer to the edge of the bed and only hooks her left knee over his right
shoulder as she eagerly spreads her left leg out.
‘I taught him how to fuck my brains out,’ her hazy mind screams in excitement as he slowly
drags his bulbous crown along her glistening labia. Torturing her with his slow dig of the
entrance of her pleasure pocket, her mind yells, ‘he should know I’m ready! I’ve been patient
long enough!’ Her stomach flexes trying to gain more reach but when it doesn’t work,
Kurenai pleads, “Moh! Naruto just fuck me already!”
The galling mind games she taught him, he smiles as he continues on, and her melting mind
moans, ‘he’s grinning. The motherfucker's grinning at me.’
As much as she hated it, she couldn’t deny how unbelievably hot it was and just when her
horny delirium is dead set on yelling at him, he grips that curving spot she loves between her
waist, ass cheek, and high hip of her hooked leg before he sharply thrust his entire love
muscle deep into the core of her yearning womanhood, stretching her quivering quim like she
couldn’t remember him ever doing.
“MMMnnnmMMnnnnnn, MMMnnnnn, AAAHnnnn,” her wet voice wails out, her tight body
cumming a little as she shakes and quivers sporadically from her squeezing core. Both overly
wired for this very moment, when a fully submerged Naruto comes alive to Kurenai’s hot
sopping sex as she grips him merciless, they both groan loudly from the excruciating passion.
Overjoyed together, it’s exactly the powerful force the lovers have been lacking in their lives
and were in great need of.
Knowing how absolutely soaked she is for him is arousing enough, but on top of that, his
precum-leaking crown feels more sensitive than usual. Though he felt he wouldn’t last long,
Naruto had the presence of mind to calm down a whit before leisurely pulling out of her
sopping wet suction, to her continued moaning delight. Gripping her by the bend at her hip
with her left knee hooking over his shoulder, Naruto slams back into her spread legs, hard,
treasuring the rich pink honey pot only a second before pulling back out with a loud,
Her entire body was crackling energy, rupturing sporadically and with every pounding thrust,
vibrated with every fold her beef curtain tangle on his prominent crown, and Kurenai was
mindless. Hers was a constantly quivering cock-socket as she tries, with every thick meat-
filling to latch onto his pounding shaft, but with the overflow of her lubricating walls, her
dilating pussy could never hold him in; generating shocks exploding through her flushed
body as his thick head churned her buttery insides. Her rocking body grips the sheets, nearly
ripping them. Her toes contort, stretch, and cross. Her saliva dribbles out of her moaning
open maw and the room was a hotbed of smacking meat, guttural moans, and a creaking bed.
“Yes, mmnn, yeeesss, Kami! Ahn! AHHn! Mmnn! I’ve Haah AHhn! Missed this,” she
mindlessly moans out to the steaming room, arcing her elegant and flexible neck back, and
with a practiced hand, Naruto leans forward, steeping his cunt-spreading thrusts deeper as he
grips her windpipe just below her jaw, exciting her to a frightful glee. Happy with just the
right amount of aggression, of passion, Kurenai was in euphoric love with the boy fucking
her to a stupor.
Cushion soft and gripping his cock like a hot vice, Naruto, groans in his husky voice. He
keeps a slow rhythm because any more speed, any more friction, any more of her exciting
sounds, or insane pleasure from her cock-cleaner, and he’ll unload his brimming sack in a
second. In the furnace heat of their union, his only saving grace is the pain he still feels from
his battle with Zabuza. However, in her favorite position, he knows her entire pleasure zone
expanded to her entire being, making her velvet pleasure organ spasm deliciously with every
thrust, bringing him closer and closer to his edge.
With his every body-rocking thrust, Kurenai couldn’t refrain from moaning in eye-crossing
pleasure. She felt like she was experiencing mini-orgasms while simultaneously building to
one massive climax, losing further control of her quivering motor functions to the point her
fanning eyelashes flutter from his thick pounding.
Everything was adding up to a truly tremendous explosion and she wasn’t sure she would
survive it; the length of time going without him, feeling his great need for her, feeling her
great need of him, what it means to be with him instead of Asuma, coming clean with Anko,
planning to have her darling Hinata-chan embrace the real Naruto when likely have raw sex
after… numerous creampies… possibly being impregnated… every thought was so hot,
anything could set off her. Then she heard his deeply husky voice fuck her ears to sugary
“Your pussy’s perfect! You’re perfect for me, Nai-chan! Nai-chan! I’m- Mnn!
CUmmmmmniNNG!” A wincing Naruto grunts with his hoarse voice, and unbeknownst to
him, that burning tone shoots pure ecstasy into her brain.
Engorge with as much imminent lust as his pistoning cock, the thick coil of pleasure building
at the gate of Kurenai’s entire being ruptures. Naruto slams deep into her cunnie, stuffing
himself to the balls exactly as her pleasure-snatch clamps shut around his erupting pleasure
pump. Sharp pleasure detonates from her core and his hot cum as the nerve-racking waves
pop and crackle up and down her gorgeous form, tickling her scalp joyously, moaning from
the wide O of her red lips, electrifying her nipples and thighs, and twisting her toes.
With the first burst of the injured Naruto’s long-awaited thick semen, his legs give out.
Though their sex organs welded together, Kurenai was in heaven and couldn’t make sense of
being dragged over the edge of her bed, pulling slick sheets with her. Her jittery crotch will
not let go of his as he falls on his ass and the kinetic energy pushes up deeper into her
swallowing love tunnel.
With her quivering leg slides down to his right elbow, pressed between their sweating bodies,
he unloads weeks worth of pent-up man-milk, and as she expected, it was a massive quantity.
Moaning and shuttering on his lap, his cock simply kept ejaculating hot rivers of baby-batter,
expanding her contracting chamber with ounces of his hot cream. Despite the fireworks going
off in his nearly catatonic mind, her jiggling breasts and erect nipples danced in his face and
Naruto instinctively latches on to her right nipple while massaging her spasming hip muscles,
prolonging her sensation of mind-altering multiple orgasms.
As concentrated hot cum was pumped into her hot sucking cunt, Kurenai couldn’t do more
than react. The delay of their union was too long, the heavenly gratification was too perfect
and she held him like her only solace while she drenched his cock and balls in her lady
honey. As her shuddering meat glove sucked him in greedily, her shaking limbs held on to
him, taking shelter in his solid embrace from her mind-eroding pleasure.
With his constant oral and palming ministrations, her series of orgasms lasted for nearly nine
minutes. Her raven locks were plastered to her sweaty skin, her honey pot was brimming
with cum and she was so happy she couldn’t help taking possession of his jaw and kissing
him deeply, only pulling away to weakly admit, “it’s scary… how good you make me feel,”
before kissing him again.
Chuckling with his husky voice, he remarks, “you took the words right out of my mouth.”
Removing her knee from over his arm, she wraps her legs around his waist as they have
another long make-out session basking in the sweaty heat of their union. His hands massage
her neck and scalp before pulling away and his rough voice confesses, “there’s nothing like
looking into your eyes when you cum around my cock.”
Chest-to-chest with her arms around his neck, Kurenai starts, “yours is the only cock I want
to…” However, gazing into his hypnotic blue eyes, seemingly into his densely bright soul,
she’s lost for words. His happy face so close to hers, Kurenai instinctively knows she will be
loved by this amazing young man possibly for the rest of their lives. Their connection feels
that deep—life-long—and considering where they started, her treatment of him, it amazes her
that she’s so open to sharing her heart with him.
Matters of her heart have been gravitating toward the blond stud more frequently, and though
she isn’t bothered by the prospect of being more with him, her convictions won’t cross that
line unless she’s certain not to cause Hinata-chan any undue anxiety and betrayal. That would
go against everything she stands for as a sensei and mentor to the future leaders of their
Be that as it may, at the moment, with boneless arms possessively around his neck, Kurenai
leans in and slowly shares an open-mouth tongue exchange with more heart and need than
she typically allows; a kiss that felt more like forever rather than in the moment. A make-out
session so deep, slow, and heavy, it left them both breathless and dazed for more.
However, with Naruto still inside her, she can feel he isn’t recovering as fast as he normally
does. She also notes his heavy breathing and droopy eyes, and can only imagine how
exhausted he must be. Despite his otherworldly vitality, everyone has their limits.
‘Survived nearly dying fighting his teammate early in the morning, and Momochi Zabuza
later on in the same day,’ she mentally gasps. ‘It’s amazing he could get it up let alone give
me a fucking marathon of orgasms.’
So rather than trying for another round, a deeply satiated Kurenai kisses his forehead before
standing on shaky legs. Immediately she can feel the monster quantity of frothy ejaculate
streaming down the length of her ravished womanhood. Ignoring it, she takes his good hand
and smacks the other when he tries to reach for her perfect C-cup breasts.
“None of that until you recuperate,” Kurenai sternly tells him as she helps him up.
She drags him into bed as he groans in disapproval, reminding her, “but we’re celebrating,
aren’t we? One time isn’t a celebration.”
Ignoring his bratty argument, Kurenai makes him lay down before tucking him in as she
asserts, “when you feel better, I’m not going to say no to more celebrating. But for now, I
really do want you to rest.”
Rather than argue her care of him, Naruto yields, though, after she freshens up, he enjoys
cuddling with the raven-haired beauty. Cuddling wasn’t anything new with them, but going to
sleep with her head resting on his shoulder and half her body holding him felt different. He
tends to hold her when they sleep together, but this time she was holding him, which made
him feel warm and loved.
Atop her man, Kurenai went to sleep happy… and awoke an hour later when Naruto was
beside himself with arousal. Momentarily stunned by the sudden development, she doesn’t
pay attention to what’s happening until he is nestled between her legs and lapping up her
sensitive cunnie. His tongue is already long and rough, so to start with a wider surface
dragging achingly slow up her love petals, Kurenai was hot and leaking in no time.
He kept his slow pace regardless of her pleas for more until she bucked her hips for more
friction. Pulling away from her pink slit, his rough tongue and mouth then focus on her love
button as his fingers shallow probe her dilating quim. As a sensei, she marvels at how well
she taught him, thrilling her immensely in the process, while he steadily builds her orgasm to
a hip bucking climax, quaking her love juices into his gulping mouth.
Though he lets her rest, she can feel his steel hardness press against her blissful core, happily
reminding her that his passion for her hasn’t ceased. No sooner did she think how much she
missed him did he finally give her the stuffing she craved, moaning just as happily as he
does. Considering their experiences, missionary is a fairly tame position to be churning her
inside with, however, there’s no better position to gaze into each other’s eyes when he
ruptures deep in her quaking baby-chamber and she wrings him out for every drop. Holding
each other blissfully, they fall fast asleep… until his vitality demands, once again, to ravish
her sweet sex until their mutual completion.
His insatiable eagerness pushed between her yielding pink lips several times the entire night,
resting for an hour or so between session, upon which, Naruto would, once again, take her
firmly by the hips, align his shapely knob to the entrance of her hot moist sex, and groan
together when he penetrates her tight squishy sex. It wasn’t until early morning when they
finally slept for longer than an hour, and yet even then, before they even have breakfast
together, she’s filling his mouth with her soft breast while he’s repeatedly filling her lower
velvet mouth with his rock hard cock.
After, with thoughts toward Karin-chan, a mostly recovered Naruto tells Kurenai he should
check on his cousin, however, they agree to meet later that night to discuss Hinata’s genjutsu
training before continuing their celebration. Walking away from his second home, Naruto
didn’t notice Anko rush into Kurenai’s house to demand all the glorious details.
Turning to the familiar chakra leaping through the cascading rush of water and into the little
carved-out room behind the waterfall, Haku bows as he greets a former acquaintance. “Mei-
Observing the empty round terra-room—absent of any light to avoid detection—behind the
oddly placed waterfall, a drenched Mei notes, “Konoha certainly has some strange
landscapes.” Turning to the beautiful boy stand in front of a cot a deathly Zabuza is resting
on, a wet Mei greets, “Haku-kun,” before lamenting with an obvious sigh. “If only you were
more masculine… and straight. What a union we could’ve made.”
The tall, shapely woman with a large bust, thin waist, and perfect hips steps forward like a
model, wearing a mesh insert, long-sleeve blue crop-top, bodice dress, the hem of which
reaches above her knees and is double slitted up to her hips so her legs were not restrained
even if her mesh-legging thighs were enticingly visible. Unannounced in foreign territory, it
wouldn’t make sense for her to bring her white belt and pouch, though she still wore her
white, high-heel, knee-length sandals with shin-guards.
With fair, unblemished skin, seductive green eyes, vibrant auburn hair down to her thighs was
accented with a top-knot and short bangs fetchingly framing her model face and covering her
right eye. The woman was the most stunning example of a seductress. A perfect woman even
the man she’s in the process of murdering couldn’t hate.
Smiling politely, an impassive Haku simply replies, “if only,” before quickly asserting,
“before you continue, I know you came to purchase Kubikiribōchō as a means to attract
Zabuza-sama and myself to your cause, but as you recall, we did not agree with your
diplomatic methods of rebelling against Karatachi Yagura then, and nothing has changed
“As I recall, Zabuza-san is the one who didn’t agree with my methods,” Mei reminds him.
“You merely followed him.”
“Correct,” Haku doesn’t disagree. “I empathize with your situation, with all of Hidden Mist,
however, my stance has not changed any more than Zabuza-sama’s directive dictates. I only
follow Zabuza-sama… and most recently, Naruto-sama.”
“Traveling from Kiri,” Mei begins, looking over the vials and materials Haku is employing to
nurse Zabuza. “I simply couldn’t believe Chōjūrō-kun when he alerted me of Kubikiribōchō.
It would certainly be beneficial to have the executioner’s in our forces, however, it was
difficult to imagine just how it came to be on the black market without the Demon’s demise.
For surely Momochi Zabuza would not part with Kubikiribōchō unless it was taken upon his
death.” Turning to Zabuza and impassively observing his prone, yet muscular form, Mei
adds, “when I came upon him on our journey here, he, naturally, wouldn’t confess to me what
had happened no matter how much I asked. Honestly, Haku-kun, I don’t know how you
travel with such a sourpuss.”
Shaking her head with clear remorse, Mei sadly states, “why are all the honest and loyal ones
taken… or gay?”
“Such a sourpuss,” Mei sighs, closing her eyes on the slender man like closing a
disappointing book. “After witnessing his fight with the blond, Uzumaki-kun, it’s
understandable why Kubikiribōchō became available. For quite a young shinobi, he’s
certainly strong. It’s understandable why you would follow him, Haku-kun.”
Walking back to the water-rushing mouth of the room, Mei turns and addresses them of the
loud waterfall. “I want you both to be apart of this movement I’m gathering: to unite the
villages and rebuild diplomatic relations within Kiri and all the other nations. Zabuza-san,
Haku-kun, help me end this reign of chaos and murder behind Yagura’s leadership. Align
your strengths to our mutual cause and to start,” her piercing green eyes lock on Zabuza as
she promises, “I will make certain Kubikiribōchō is back in your possession.” Turning to
Haku, the beautiful enchantress continues, “when our new, peaceful reign begins, Zabuza-san
will have a place in my government, which also means you will finally have a home as well.”
“It’s not Konoha,” Mei assures him. “I’d be surprised if you weren’t currently being
monitored in some way for the first year of your life here, to make certain you’re not a spy or
saboteur. At this very moment, the owner of that weapon shop is reporting the Demon of
Hidden Mist nearly killed him, your known associate, Haku-kun. I imagine you know this,
which is why you brought him here instead of the home you reside in. I understand you care
about Uzumaki-kun, however, he is a Konohagakure shinobi, thus unable to assist you when
they come for you. And they will come.”
Zabuza’s scratchy voice asks, “that it? I thought you were going to say something worth a
“I can secure passage out of Konoha right now,” Mei continues, not bothered by Zabuza’s
aggression. “Ōyashiro has a safe-site nearby that you both can hide in until Zabuza-san is
well again. In the meantime, I’ll recover Kubikiribōchō. Then we can take our country back
from the bloody clutches of a tyrannical Kage.”
Haku turns to Zabuza, ready to accept any decision he declares. Being Zabuza’s weapon for
so many years, assisting him, watching him, healing him, Haku knows everything about the
wonderful man. Regardless of how brash he would like to be, Haku knows him, so when the
deathly pale-skinned man grumbles, the beautiful boy realizes Zabuza’s train of thought is
running against his own interests.
It makes Haku smile fondly and it’s no surprise when Zabuza states, “I work for the kid now.
I’ll stay at the black-site, but if you want my sword, the kid has to sign off on it.”
“I didn’t explain myself earlier, Mei-san,” Haku happily begins to explain to the captivating
woman with the most seductive poker face. “When I said, ‘I have a home,’ I didn’t mean a
place; I meant Zabuza-sama and Naruto-sama. They are my home.” Haku then admits to the
seductress, “Zabuza-sama has tasked me to make Naruto-sama’s dream come true and I have
every intention of sacrificing my life for his, if need be, in order to make his dream a reality.”
“And what is the dream of such a captivating boy,” Mei slowly asks, momentarily making
Haku alert. Mei-san may be very civil and fair, but like Zabuza-sama, she graduated Kiri’s
academy by murdering all the other potential ninjas in her class, and with her lineage, has
only grown stronger since then. Zabuza-sama himself had once admitted the stunning
kunoichi was born with the potential to surpass any within their nation and possibly without.
It almost unnerves Haku to be peered at by Mei’s sharp green eye and he cautiously answers,
“though Naruto-sama might say, ‘to be the greatest Hokage in existence,’ such a dream is too
small for his potential.”
“I’m intrigued,” Mei voices with a wicked grin she somehow manages to make charming. In
front of such a devastating allure, Haku is grateful to be immune to her spell. “Then what
would you claim his potential is capable of?”
“His is the strength of unity upon the world,” Haku voices, though primarily to himself to
affirm the truth within his heart. Focusing his chocolate eyes on a sharp green one, Haku
simply states, “to unite the five nations.”
“Mmmm,” Mei hums, her smile growing wider. “Such a man… perhaps it would be in all our
interests if I simply persuade Uzumaki-kun to join our cause.”
A sudden wave of panic rushes through Haku, who quickly implores, “I’d appreciate it if you
did not attempt to marry him.”
For those that don't recall, Karatachi Yagura is the Fourth Mizukage, the jinchūriki of
the Three-Tails and was being controlled by Obito/Tobi. He was a big reason why
Hidden Mist became known as the Bloody Mist.
I think we can all agree Ino and Sakura have a sisterly sort of friendship. I have sisters
and I've seen them fight and cheer each other and everything in between.
YAY! Anko knows! I had so much fun writing that scene, lol! She'll be back.
Mei! I have some interesting stuff planned for her. And just for clarity, Ōyashiro's blond
bodyguard is not his actually bodyguard. She was just pretending in order to tag along.
One guess who the bodyguard as well as the green-eyed, silver haired woman are.
I hope you guys enjoyed Naruto's fight with Zabuza. I specifically did not use KCM
because I know some feel it takes away from Naruto's strength. I do want to let you
know that I don't believe that. I like KCM and when he uses it. Still there is merit in
being able to win without such a significant power boost and I wanted to try that with
this fight.
I also hope you enjoyed the lemon. This may be the last detailed Naruto/Kurenai lemon
for a while. If I do bring it up again, I don't believe it will be so in depth. Moving ahead,
the other girls are going to be featured more prominently.
I'm so glad I was able to recover all this. I really wanted you guys to read it. I hope you
enjoyed the update and as always, I would love to know your thoughts, suggestions, or
any misspelling/grammar stuff I missed(which is easy to do with this many words).
Have a great one.
The Monster Study
Chapter Summary
We make our own monsters, then fear them for what they show us about ourselves.
Chapter Notes
Hey guys. This one was a fun/interesting chapter to write. Could've had it done faster
but I was helping my mom with a church youth program. Little do they know the sinful
words I write, Mmwwhahahahahahah!
11K. Enjoy!
Mabui’s first impression upon reading the Raikage’s classified report was disgust, horror, and
a mixture of overwhelming protection and sympathy. The team she was assigned to left
Kumo promptly after her first read-through; leading to a cordial Mabui to observe her team
lead and her fellow Chūnin throughout their entire travel. The second time she read the
report, their team was waiting in the designated area within the forest to enter Konoha under
Ōyashiro-san’s credentials as an authorized out-of-country merchant and Mabui could barely
reconcile how such obvious villainy would go unpunished, going so far as to even question
the yondaime’s judgment toward the Nosekai clan.
After entering the village and settling in her shared bedroom within their safe-site, Mabui
decides to read the report once again while her team lead and Ōyashiro-san meet the contact
in possession of Kubikiribōchō. Adding chakra to her finger, Mabui presses one of thirty
seals on her storage clipboard, popping into existence the classified missive she was given.
She reads the cover page…
Primary Investigator:
Seventeen years ago, married scientists Nosekai Kōrudo and Nosekai Hotto from Kumo’s
University were commissioned by the Sandaime Raikage to experiment on the importance of
positive reinforcement for the development of a healthy self. The pair of scientists and their
team selected 20 eight-year-old orphans and split them randomly into two groups. The goal
of the study was to research treatment methods to better assist traumatized youths from war-
torn villages, and as the architects of this study, all experiments and conclusions were
conceived by the Nosekais.
Though the Nosekais were parents as well, they were scientists first and included their
children in the study. Each of the two groups had eleven children in it, however, like their
daughter, Samui(8), both groups had children with some form of speech impediment; a
stutter, mutism, hesitancy, or any irregularity with self-expression. Both groups were given
tasks to complete and how they were treated during and proceeding the tasks was supposed to
yield clinical results.
The group with the Nosekai’s daughter, referred to as the Cold Group, were belittled for
every little mistake they made in the process of a task. These children were constantly
chastised by the Nosekais and their staff, and even the children in this group who didn’t have
speech impediments started to develop stutters and selective muteness as a result of all the
negative conditioning.
The group the Nosekais placed their son, Atsui(7), in, referred to as the Hot Group, received
positive affirmation throughout and the progress in all their tasks was publicly highlighted
and complimented every step of the way. This greatly affected their confidence and even
children with stutters began to speak freely and more fluently. Children in the Hot Group
performed admirably under positive affirmation and participated regularly and
There was a point in the experiment when the psychological therapy was scheduled to be
reversed and the children from Cold Group—who were constantly belittled—were supposed
to begin gaining praise and attention for their work on a task. Likewise, the Hot Group—who
were always praised regardless of performance—were supposed to receive the opposite
conditioning. However, the Nosekai’s could not bring themselves to hamper their son’s clear
confidence. Placing their hope for the future on their son, they decided to continue the study
as is.
Sadly, not all the tasks were of a simple nature such as shape and number recognition, but
behavioral training. Of the seventeen tasks that the twenty-two children were made to take
part in, there are seven tasks in total that can be considered highly unethical. I’ve highlighted
three of the worst tasks each group was forced to perform in the summary below.
Task: Obedience.
The objective was obedience to authority despite the immorality of orders. The task asked the
children to sit in front of a machine that raises the voltage of an electric chair. A prisoner
from Kumo’s prison system is placed in the electric chair and the authoritative figure—
usually the Nosekais—would ask the prisoners interrogative questions with controlled wrong
answers. When the prisoner naturally answered questions incorrectly, the interrogator would
administer shocks through the machine and to the electric chair.
As stated, the questions were not meant to be answered correctly and the Nosekais asked the
children to increase the voltage of the shock after each question was incorrectly answered.
Despite the horrifying screams of the tortured human sitting not more than two feet from
them, the Cold Group children would be chastised harshly if they expressed any form of
conscience objection, asked moral questions, cried, or defied the authority figure of said
command in any way. In stark contrast, the Hot Group was praised for the very same
objections. Complete report on page 6.
Task: Midnight Climax.
The Nosekais took both Cold and Hot groups to the nearby brothel, Midnight Climax, where
they were ordered to administer drugs to recently ‘acquired’ defiant and resistant prostitutes
near their age to make them more compliant. The task was designed to mimic field decisions
under deplorable and inhumane conditions. Samui(9) and the Cold Group were scolded or
reprimanded at the slightest concern for the adolescent or teenage female’s declining health
or tearful pleas, while Atsui(8) and the Hot Group were commended and applauded
regardless if they dosed the young prostitutes or not. Complete report on page 11.
The Nosekais were curious to see if all the children in their study would make the same facial
expressions as a response to the same stimulus. Rather than trusting the subjects to make the
facial expression upon command, they decided to induce the expressions of pain, disgust,
fear, sadness, and various other negative emotions from authentic actions. The young subjects
would be made to submerge their entire arm inside buckets brimming with disgusting content
such as feces, vomit, or roaches. They would receive electric shocks, or worst yet, given a
puppy they would then have to behead with their bare hands.
Young as they were, it was unlikely that any of them had the arm strength to remove a skull
from its spine, so when Samui(10) and the other children in Cold Group couldn’t or wouldn’t
behead the innocent animal, they would be scolded and criticized tyrannically for their
“failure,” then made to watch as the Nosekais removed the head of the animal in front of
them. Atsui(9) and the Hot Group were complimented and applauded whether they attempted
to behead the animal or not; most did try. Complete report on page 18.
The Tasks beyond this summary are arranged in order of date performed. The remaining four
unethical tasks are detailed at length on pages 2, 5, 14, and 21.
What started as a method to aid traumatized children with speech impairments became
something twisted and grotesque as only the worst of mankind is capable of. Not long after
the Sandaime’s heroic end and the Raikage’s ceremonial cap changed heads, the Nosekais
presented their study’s findings to the new A-sama for continued military funding. Disgusted
to learn what had transpired under his father’s command, Yondaime-sama immediately halted
the program.
Due to the Nosekai clan’s substantial power, popularity, and influence within Kumogakure,
they had not faced any legal ramifications over the considerable mental abuse of the orphans
or their children. In order to keep Samui(11) and Atsui(10) away from their parent’s notable
field of influence, Yondaime-sama ordered Samui to be enrolled in the intelligence-gathering
program of the military with an eventual major in seduction training while Atsui was enrolled
in the Special Forces program with a focus on field command and operations.
Though Samui’s beauty was acutely apparent at a young age and Atsui showed great
confidence in himself as a leader, they both completely failed these programs within two
years. As a direct result of their traumatic experiences, a quiet and reserved Samui(13) could
not produce the necessary facial expressions, or even emotions, required to properly seduce
and manipulate prospective targets. Atsui(12) was overconfident to the point of arrogance;
overstating his skills and abilities, underestimating the complexity of a problem, and
becoming ignorant of any need for self-improvement.
Under Tsuyoi Dodai’s recommendation, Samui(14) was enrolled in Special Forces, and
though beginning behind all the students in the program, she unexpectedly thrived. To our
excitement, she was a natural talent greater than all of her classmates, and in the following
six years, she consistently advanced from academy student to that of Jōnin. Atsui(13)
rejected enrollment in intelligence gathering, viewing the recommendation as beneath him,
and was relocated to the infantry forces. Though he’s taken the Jōnin’s exam four times, he’s
failed every time and remains a Chūnin.
Your Directive:
In the fifteen years after The Monster Study’s conclusion, the siblings have improved to
varying degrees, however, they continue to struggle mentally. While exceptionally talented,
Samui does not speak more than to communicate only the most vital of instructions, often
confusing her less than exemplary subordinates. Atsui’s overconfidence is a detriment to
himself and his teammates.
Mabui, you are my best Operations Manager, and to the benefit of our village, we function
efficiently together. You are aware I do not want to reassign you, however, you have a
background in psychological and behavioral science. In addition to your task of approving
the funds for Kubikiribōchō, you’re in an opportune position to assist them. If you’re able to
help, Samui in particular, I will allow you to take the Jōnin’s exam and approve any
assignment you desire.
Yondaime Raikage, A.
Rolling up her Raikage’s classified missive, Mabui is sickened, yet again, and near to tears.
With a chakra-covered finger, she seals the report Dodai had given her in her elaborate
storage clipboard before rubbing the excessive moisture from the corner of her sea-green
eyes. This makes the third time she’s read the report, and with it, her feelings of inadequacy
have all but disappeared. At twenty-six, Mabui is a Chūnin still hoping, like many in her
rank, to become Jōnin, while a twenty-five-year-old Samui had become Jōnin when she was
twenty. Beautiful, confident, talented, intelligent, younger…
‘How could one person be so fortunate,’ Mabui recalls thinking when they first met to take
part in this mission. Part of her extinguished jealousy extended from the fact that this young
beautiful Jōnin worked closely with Dodai-san, the Raikage, and specifically, Darui-san.
Traversing the tallest tower of their village for one thing or another, Mabui is often forced to
hear how well Darui and Samui work together as well as hopes they might one day become
an item.
Despite Darui’s assurances, Mabui naturally couldn’t help but feel inferior when compared to
such a perfect kunoichi. In spite of Samui’s established family, her beauty, and her popularity
among the men in the village, the gorgeous blond’s stoic and off-putting appearance has not
earned her any friends among the kunoichi in the locker rooms. To learn it’s only because no
one understands what she’s gone through brings up an incredible amount of guilt and
empathy within Mabui.
‘Little did I know,’ she mentally chastises herself as she stares at her gray clipboard. ‘The
Monster Study… fucking awful!’
With her background in psychology, Mabui is acutely able to comprehend Samui’s quiet,
traumatized persona to a painful degree as well as the days-upon-years she must’ve suffered
since then. She knows childhood trauma often result in severe and long-lasting effect, and if
it remains unresolved, that emotional and psychological disturbance carries over into
adulthood, keeping a person from making meaningful connections with others. To know
Samui isn’t truly capable of interacting with others to the standard of social convention
disgusts Mabui to her core and Mabui vows to help her.
The Monster Study also explains why Atsui will not stop flirting with her. To her great
annoyance, she has to force herself to be patient with an overbearing man who can’t
understand ‘no’ is an answer. Any general greeting or kind rejection from her only seems to
motivate his delusion of them as a couple; as if she’s simply playing coy and hard to get. It
leads her to wonder if it’s even possible for her to help him. It’s clear to her, Atsui needs a
strong male figure he respects to guide his behavior.
Despite Atsui’s behavior, her position as Kumogakure’s Chief Operational Manager does
align well with this mission and her personal goals. On top of closely engaging with Samui
and Atsui, she’s intimately familiar with Kumo’s finances and operations. Killer Bee may
want Kubikiribōchō, and A may want to gift him the legendary executioner’s blade, but
neither of the bulls spare a second thought to the financial balance sheets. Samui is the team’s
leader and Mabui is in charge of approving the sale on behalf of the Raikage.
Noting the time, Mabui wonders if she should come clean to her blond team leader about her
personal reason for joining this mission. Opening her intricately organized storage clipboard,
Mabui’s chakra-covered finger unseals the very personal reason for her interest in joining this
mission. Overlooking six pages of complex Fūinjutsu, the silver-haired kunoichi is hopeful
she’ll be able to decipher the Heavenly Transfer Technique with the help of one of Konoha’s
manuals on Fūinjutsu.
Wearing a black, knee-length skirt with a narrow cut at the waist and a high-collard, light-
gray, long-sleeved dress shirt, a stylish Mabui files her sheets of Fūinjutsu in her clipboard.
Recalling the platform she had received with the ancient texts of the Tensō no Jutsu, she
hasn’t had much luck decrypting the older Fūin characters. Mabui then secures her silky
silver mane in a tight bun, though, allowing long bangs to frame either side of her beguiling
tan face before she exits her room.
Upon which, the tall and shoulder-broad Atsui immediately steps right in front of her,
ignorant of how deeply he’s invading her personal space and smirking perversely. Her
nostrils are filled with his musk as Atsui’s square jaw grins, brashly voicing his urges.
“Looking scorching hot today, as usual,” he says, his gaze plainly lingering on her shapely
form as she sneaks around and away from him. “You’re going to burn my eyes if you keep
dressing this sexy,” he adds moving close to her retreating form.
“Atsui-kun,” Mabui calmly tells him, putting her hand out to halt him. “You’re being
inappropriate again.” With sufficient distance between them, she continues, “remember, this
unwanted—unwanted—sexual advancement that I don’t want… I don’t want… Please,
“Kami be good,” he happily hums. “It’s the hottest thing in the world when you play hard to
get,” fondly expresses and Mabui has to take a deep breath to keep from hitting him.
Rather than encouraging that misbehavior by disapproving it, Mabui explains in a direct and
clipped tone, “I need to survey the security of the library. I’ll be back before dinner.”
“Actually, we’ll be back before dinner,” Atsui corrects before adding with a shrug, “or not.
We could do something else—something hot and sweaty—just the two of us,” he suggests,
obviously ogling at her fit, yet curvaceous hips in her formal and form-fitted attire. She isn’t
dressed scandalously or showing much skin, however, she’s quite aware of the secretary
fantasy many men have. Her fiance had admitted as much.
“Again,” Mabui tries, ignoring how offended she feels while raising her clipboard to cover
her large breasts. “Atsui-kun, listen to my words. I do not want to date you. I do not want to
sleep with you. I don’t ever want to marry you. I can’t stress any of those points enough.”
“Don’t worry, my little hot-pocket,” he confidently grins, and Mabui’s shoulder tightens, her
arm flexes, and her hand clenches into a fist ready to dislocate his smug square jaw. She just
manages to withhold her reactionary attack as he adds, “even though you’re older, my parents
approve and they’re going to take good care of us. We’ll live like royalty and all they want is
at least four grandchildren, but I’m sure we can hit six as long as you keep that scorching
figure of yours.”
Inhaling deeply for as much air as patience, her eerie voice tries, “…Atsui-kun…” then
stagnates is sheer disbelief.
Rather than continue to point out what he doesn’t seem to grasp, Mabui tries another tactic.
Taking a step back, she patiently asks, “if you spoke that way to your mother, would she
Aghast, he responds, “she’s my mom,” as if the notion sickens him. “I’d never say that to her.
She’s fat, ugly, and weak.”
“How about your father,” Mabui asks, ignoring his odd choice of defense.
“Are you nuts,” he winces, looking at her with clear confusion. “Why would I ever say that to
my dad… unless, how kinky are you? I’ve heard some stories, like daddy-issues-”
“Atsui-kun!” she yells, netting his attention. “The point is, there are reasons why you
wouldn’t speak that way to your parents. Did you know that there are also reasons why you
shouldn’t speak that way to me?”
Looking at her with squinted eyes, evidently unable to grasp her meaning as he asks, “uh,
that a trick question? Obviously, it’s different when two sexy-ass people are in love.”
“No, it isn’t,” Mabui voices painfully patient. “We’re not in love, we won’t ever be, and I
don’t want you to speak that way to me because you’re hurting my feelings.”
Smirking, Atsui waves aside her assertion as he gripes, “come on, hot-cake-”
“ATSUI-KUN,” the silver-haired beauty blares, adding just as loudly, “when you don’t listen
to me, you hurt my feelings!” In the small room, her voice easily reverberates, however, an
authoritative voice subconsciously assists in regulating rebellious instincts for subjugating
responses. Like the sharp cry of a predator, her loud voice cuts through him as she yells, “I
feel sad being around you-”
“Yo, wait, babe,” he tries, attempting to calm her down with open palms. “There’s no need to
feel like that. I got it. I can listen.”
“Good,” Mabui quickly asserts. “First, when you talk to me, pretend you’re talking to your
father. If you make me sad again, I will stop speaking to you. Understand?” She can tell by
his quirking eye he’s trying to keep up and so she stomps the ground and asks hurriedly
again, “do you understand? Do you understand? Do you understand?”
“Yes, yes-”
“Good,” she interjects, not giving him the chance to revert to his comfortable way of being.
“Second, I don’t need you to babysit me. We may be in a foreign country but I can take care
of myself.”
Standing straighter, Atsui replies, “listen, babe- Uh, look, sis ordered me to be your
bodyguard, so, wherever you go, I go.”
Knowing full well she can’t disregard that directive, Mabui continues, “as I said, I’m going to
the village’s library to gather intel on their security. If you must come, you absolutely cannot
draw attention to yourself.”
Pressing his lips to a line as he shakes his head in disbelief, flowing his long straw-colored
hair. Smacking his chest with his palm, he reassures her, “I think I know how to infiltrate a
stupid library.”
It would appear Atsui does not know how to infiltrate a Fūinjutsu protected library. Mabui
stayed clear of Atsui as he tripped the alarm attempting to enter the building from the roof.
Fortunately, his blunder gave her a clearer indication of how complex the security is and how
fast Konoha’s Chūnin respond as they chase after a fleeing, and thankfully, disguised Atsui.
With Atsui’s unintentional help, Mabui reasoned the best flaw to exploit is the human factor.
It didn’t take the sexy secretary more than forty minutes to locate the most bored and easily
aroused Chūnin, pretend to be a ditzy kunoichi who sheepishly forgot the protocol to enter
the library, effortlessly manipulating the aroused young man into giving her access up to
Chūnin level knowledge, and gather a few scrolls to begin reading. Though she’s aware, the
Chūnin level material is unlikely to assist her, she still needs to verify as much and makes
plans to recon a few more days before securing Jōnin level clearance.
Mabui made mental notes of every person she observed in the library as she arranged the
study the material in front of her. Sat at a table near the quiet Fūinjutsu section, the eight men
and women at their personal tables were the typical studious type; silent with heavy
prescription glasses and hyper-focused attention. Even in her form-fitting mode of dress, the
few around were all focused on their work rather than her, which spoke to either a lack of
awareness or their work mattered more than the possibility of infiltration.
It’s how Mabui decided to leave her destitute village and apathetic parents as a little girl or
how she worked to her first degree as a sociologist and then her second degree as a
psychiatrist. If it wasn’t for the death of her fiance and former professor, she would’ve
continued her life as an academic. Even still, after joining Kumo’s military might, her
organization was second to none and when it was eventually discovered that it was her ideas
that were radically improving efficiency and effectiveness, Dodai-san immediately promoted
Organizing her scrolls, writing utensils, references, examples, the key material she’ll be
attempting to decipher, Mabui can’t help but wonder if she may have been too enthusiastic
when accepting A-sama’s offer to be his Chief Operations Management officer. The position,
while appreciated, meant that she reached her ceiling, and that simply made no sense for
someone as ambitious as herself. Though she’s happy to have met Darui, the listless man was
as content to be with her as not, generally depressing her self-esteem every time she thought
about how little interest he seemed to have for her.
Lifting her fountain pen to begin the next stage of her goal toward Jōnin, Mabui’s highly
organized mind fully commits to the task at hand, and to her surprise, the information in the
manuals appear to be leading her in the right direction. Noting the similar characters and their
page number in her reference sheet, it’s clear it’ll take her quite some time to locate the
modern characters that may be connected to her duplicated pages before reverse-engineering
the ancient Fūinjutsu’s meaning.
“Ooooh, that looks interesting,” a voice in the path beside her table states.
Destructively breaking her out of her focused mind, a shocked Mabui quickly sits up,
bumping and shaking the desk as she narrows her sharp green sight on a blond-haired, blue-
eyed boy wearing a horribly bright orange two-piece jumpsuit. He was staring at the
complicated Fūin scribed in her example stack closer to the right of the study desk, and to her
grand surprise, he tilts his head as he reads, “Tensō… no Jutsu. Heavenly Transfer? What’s it
Like a girl discovering her boyfriend reading her diary, Mabui roughly drags all the sheets
toward her ample bosom, stopping the startled boy from reading any further. Embarrassed by
her frantic reaction, Mabui didn’t even know where to start, simply sounding out, “How- I-
“Oh,” the boy calls apologetically, taking a step away from her desk. He smacks his head
with regret as he sheepishly explains, “my bad, nee-san. I was just passing by and saw you
had the book I was waiting for. I spotted a bit of what you’re working on, but I promise I
wasn’t trying to be nosy. Sorry,” he voices before turning away to leave.
“Wait,” Mabui calls and immediately is shushed by the few nearby. Getting up to move closer
to him, she notices a few glaring at the blond as he turns to her. Whispering, she asks, “you
can read this?”
“Uh, some of it,” the boy answers. “It’s a little wonky… or old,” he adds and it’s very rare for
Mabui to be genuinely dumbfounded. Her fiance was the only man who could do that and his
intellect made sense given his decades of experience. The blond-haired boy in front of her
couldn’t be more than sixteen or seventeen years of age, likely a genin, and yet, he read the
title that took her a solid two weeks to translate with a single glance.
“Wait,” Mabui calls again, and again is shushed with a loud, “SHHHHH!”
Bowing slightly in apology to those she’s interrupted, Mabui whispers to the blond, “can we
speak?” Looking around she spots a nearby aisle that led to some of the more intermediary
Fūinjutsu. Curious about the potential here, she points and voices “over there?”
“Um, I was on my way out,” Naruto mumbles with a hum. “Will it take long?”
Taking his warm hand in both of hers she gives him a nice squeeze and sweetly assures him,
“it won’t. Please?”
“Okay,” he smiles brightly, before adding, “but I have to head to my sensei’s after so I can’t
stay long.”
“I understand,” she nods, wondering about his warm hand while simultaneously appreciating
a diligent bond between student and sensei. With thoughts of her deceased sensei and fiance,
she mentions, “I wouldn’t want to keep you from your sensei.” After sealing her pages in her
clipboard, Mabui and the blond conundrum walk over to the empty aisles of the more
secluded Fūinjutsu section. Certain of privacy between the tall stacks of tomes or scrolls,
Mabui begins with a simple query. “I’m curious, do you by chance study the discipline
“Yeah,” the boy easily responds, looking around the many books with a familiarity she was
hoping for.
Mabui grabs a random book and opens it up to a framework she hardly recognizes before
showing it to him and asking, “is this something you can understand?”
“Mmm, that’s a detection array for general-purpose Fūin schemes,” he effortlessly answers
after a glance. “The jutsu executed depends on the functionality of the arrangement. This
tests that- well, it’s one of many tests for that,” and judges it as, “super basic stuff.”
Amazed, Mabui looks around for a more complicated book. Grabbing the nearest one, she
flips toward the end to a section she has no clue what it means. Showing it to him, she asks,
“and this?”
After a glance, the blond immediately answers, “that’s a section of a kinetic feedback array.
It’s a little tricky to write out but it allows anything with chakra access to produce a defined
kinetic motion. In this case…” he pauses a moment to look at the specific section of the
complicated seal, before finishing, “vibration.”
“Amazing,” Mabui softly gasps, wondering if he’s accurate or mistaken. “And, earlier, when
you glimpsed the jutsu I was working on. You weren’t confused by what you read?”
Tilting his head in obvious thought, he answers, “mnn, like I said, it’s a bit wonky, but not
“Wonky,” Mabui cautiously repeats. After a solid week of attempting to translate the item and
scroll she inherited, she realized that it was an old jutsu that used outdated Fūin seals.
Curious for his, apparently, prodigious understanding of Fūinjutsu, she asks, “can you
“Hmm, like it looked familiar but different at the same time,” he responds.
“And you weren’t confused,” she repeats before quickly explaining, “I’m only curious due to
the numerous reasons why Fūin characters are a challenge to understand; mostly due to the
difference between heuristic human reasoning and the starkly literal nature of Fūinjutsu
instructions.” Feeling excited about discovering this boy, Mabui continues, “some studies
highlight one reason, in particular, is practitioners tend to misunderstand arrangement,
meaning the characters seem like they should be doing one thing, when in fact they’re
actually doing something else.”
“Uh, I guess,” he says with a shrug. “I’ve never had that problem. I just sort of understand it,
like how people see a picture and know what it is.”
Growing more intrigued, Mabui asks, “are you the most advanced in your class?”
“I don’t have a class,” he admits. “Only a hand-full of people even know I study Fūinjutsu,
and they don’t get it, so I don’t really talk about it.”
Applying a moderate amount of appeal to her mannerism, Mabui sweetly asks, “would you
be interested in talking to me about it?”
“Yes, very much. I’ve been studying it for a few years now,” she lies. Having only started
studying Fūinjutsu when she inherited the platform and scroll from her deceased parents
three months ago. Acting cute in her embarrassment, she adds, “and to be honest, it’s still
quite challenging.”
“It sounds as if you have a gift for it,” she denotes with a smile. Leaning in a little with a hint
of seduction to go along with her inviting question. “Would you, by chance, be interested in
meeting me tomorrow? I’d love to learn more.”
“Really?” he genuinely seems to ask, as if it’s the first time anyone’s taken any interest in
him. “Sure!”
“Wonderful,” Mabui calls, straightening her posture. “And if you have any advanced scrolls
or books, I’d love to see them.”
“I do have some good stuff,” he assures her with a smirk. “We can talk about array designs-
Oh! Maybe some of the more inventive stuff, like creating dimensional pockets, or contracts
with super-strong summons from other realms, or even, wicked stuff like manipulating space-
Mabui’s elegant face was a fixture of delight, however, internally, she was stricken by how
confused and out-of-place she felt. She wanted to understand what the ancient platform and
matching scroll the last of her family left her are, as well as how this unique jutsu might help
her attain the rank of Jōnin, but this eager young man is talking about creating pocket
dimensions, summoning contracts, and manipulating space-time as if it was some casual
‘…this boy might be a prodigy,’ her mind reasons. Only when the boy hurries off to meet his
sensei did she realize she was too distracted to introduce herself or learn his name. ‘No
matter. I’ll see him tomorrow.’
Though determined to help Samui before her own success, such a discovery was a god-send
to Mabui. Meeting a person that can potentially speed up her time table by days if not weeks
garners an intense physical response as much as mental, like sprightly energy deliciously
dancing up and down her lower body. The thought of deciphering the entire jutsu before they
even leave Konoha made her tighten her quivering legs and warming core. With deep
calming breaths, Mabui returns to her table.
After studying for another couple of hours, including vaguely realizing that the young man
was correct about the kinetic Fūin seal, Mabui decides to leave before making any significant
progress. At this stage, she’d prefer establishing a pattern of attendance within the library,
rather than optimizing the amount of work completed by staying longer. Anything to make
her feel commonplace.
Returning to the safe-site, Atsui informs her that Samui has yet to return, and though that’s
alarming, she appreciates how worried he is for his sister. Given the way he normally acts,
it’s a refreshing surprise to see that he genuinely cared more about his sister than his
arrogance. In her observation, Atsui never seemed to be jealous of Samui’s obvious skill as a
ninja nor did he lash out as one might expect from someone suffering from narcissistic
overconfidence. For his biased miscalibration to not affect his relationship with his sister is
an interesting anomaly.
The pair of Chūnin remain armed and vigilant of any unexpected scenarios when Samui
finally signals the first sequence of coded knocks, the delay, then final sequence before
entering their two-bedroom lodging behind the fabric dyeing textile factory. Though relieved
to see their beautiful team-lead alive and well, Samui’s very short explanation of what
happened left both Atsui and Mabui confused. In fact, Mabui had to ask more questions than
Samui even spoke to understand what happened.
“So, let’s just steal it when the other buyer isn’t around,” Atsui suggests. “It wouldn’t be a hot
look if I went back as a failure; not with such an easy A-Rank mission. The kid’s half-dead,
right? It’ll be like taking candy from a newborn.”
“The second buyer is strong,” is all Samui reveals, to which Atsui and Mabui interpret as,
stronger than her, likely meaning it wouldn’t be a good idea to implement. It’s a long journey
back to Kumogakure and a strong opponent might catch up to them and take what they paid
“He asked for time,” is all Samui states, and again, Mabui has to interpret that to mean there’s
only a possibility that the veteran merchant can secure Kubikiribōchō from the blond owner.
“And if he can’t,” Mabui asks, elaborating, “can we approach this Uzumaki-kun? …After he
heals, I guess.”
The blond woman then stands and retires to the room she shares with Mabui. After quickly
bidding Atsui a good night, Mabui enters their room as Samui is undressing. It wasn’t the
first time Mabui has seen Samui undress, however, every time she did, she couldn’t help how
impressed she gets by such a figure. Very fair-skinned with an athletic hourglass figure and
silky blond hair. Her vanilla breasts with rose-pink nipples, in particular, were large, round
with wight, looked invitingly soft, and seem to defy gravity in the most natural way. Long
strong legs, shapely calves, and dainty feet, Mabui felt her envy clash sharply against the
knowledge of the horrors the gorgeous blond went through as a child.
Removing her heeled sandals, business skirt, and blouse before undoing her hair and letting
the silver length fall to mid-back, Mabui asks, “Samui-san?”
“Taichou,” Samui casually interjects as she rolls out her sleeping sleeve.
Living in a military village, a strict mode of address is normal, however, it has little place
when attempting to form a personal connection. “I certainly recognize you as our team leader,
Samui-taichou, however, when we’re alone and not discussing the mission, would you be
opposed to a personal designation?” Mabui doesn’t hear a response, which she’s learned is
not a no.
With the guiding principle of serve and return—a genuine interaction to help build trust and
communication—Mabui begins reaching Samui by asking, “would you like to be friends?”
Though Mabui would never condone a personal relationship when treating a patient, she’s
more than aware that a good relationship is the key to healing trauma. Mabui also knows
Samui doesn’t respond to active therapy in a professional setting. If the tranquil beauty
performs best on missions, then that is the best environment to establish a bond. Additionally,
they’re both nearly naked, a physical show of trust.
When Mabui doesn’t hear more than a body delicately laying down, she continues, “I’d like it
if I could talk to someone about things. Would it be okay if I spoke with you about my life?”
“Correct,” Mabui agrees with a more authoritative constitution, spreading out her sleeping
bag. Hoping to establish a safe connection, Mabui affirms, “I don’t want to make you
uncomfortable, but ever since I met you, I’ve been interested in getting to know you more.
Would you be okay with that?”
Mabui felt the small victory of Samui’s silence be snatched away when Samui answers, “no.
Please go to sleep.”
Mabui didn’t take offense nor will she push it. Pushing never works. It’s a momentary
setback at most. Instead, she returns to a professional demeanor as she voices, “earlier this
afternoon, I infiltrated Konoha’s Library.”
“Understood,” Samui responds. Without another directive, Mabui assumes she’s approved to
Observing his student in a white room through the one-way mirror in a secured underground
section of the hospital, Kakashi observes Sasuke remorsefully answer Inoichi, “yes. I know
what I did was wrong. I know where that emotionally based decision stems from and I feel
dishonored and ashamed. Despite killing being allowed, I know I went too far, Yamanaka-
The white room was padded and the bandaged Sasuke and Inoichi were seated with a metal
table between them. His raven-haired student has been questioned extensively about his
interaction with Orochimaru as well as his willingness to accept anything Orochimaru offers.
Some of Sasuke’s answers seem disingenuous to Kakashi, and no doubt the Sandaime also in
attendance observing. It was a lengthy session that started at seven in the morning, however,
Inoichi does his job diligently and it’s nearly noon when the mind-walker exits the room.
“He’s saying everything I want to hear,” Inoichi easily relays before soberly adding, “if I only
wanted to believe that he simply lost his temper and made a mistake due to his past and
unresolved anger issues.”
“But you don’t believe that,” Kakashi reasons what they can all agree on.
“If he were hiding red flags, that would be a good indication that he’s lying, but he’s smart
enough to speak honestly, if flawed,” Inoichi explains. “He learned from the psych evals after
the massacre. By the end of those sessions he wasn’t fidgeting, he made clear eye contact,
expressed himself convincingly through his gestures and did everything else any educated
psychiatrist would gauge as progress.” Focusing on Sasuke through the one-way mirror, he
reports, “he’s admitting it to me because he needs to be patient and play along or he won’t get
released. In my professional opinion, he’ll wait until we’re convinced. When we then let him
go, he’ll go revert to the way he was.”
It’s as clear to Kakashi as it is to all the men who’ve seen that same corrosive anger in many
soldiers who’ve lost more than they can bear. Against so much rage and anguish, the mind
has to find a manner by which to regain control or risk insanity. To ease the pain, some men
turn to the bottle, others to women, and if they’re lucky, regain a semblance of control. The
majority turn to violence and vengeance. Staring at the remorseful black eyes on the Uchiha’s
face, Kakashi’s not fooled. He can see it clearly; the path of revenge.
“No matter how many of his thorns prick us,” Hiruzen starts. “I cannot remove a shinobi of
his potential from our ranks.”
“Nor should you,” Inoichi advises. “To him, his entire existence is dependent upon seeking
revenge. At this stage, Uchiha-kun doesn’t have the mindset to listen—at least, not truly—
and if he doesn’t listen, nothing anyone says will get through to him. I recommend he stay
active because if he wasn’t a Konoha shinobi, it wouldn’t surprise me if he left the village to
seek his revenge.”
“He’s using us,” Hiruzen remarks before asking, “do you believe his loss against his
teammate might’ve assisted in humbling him?”
“It’s possible,” Inoichi answers with a deep exhale. “Or it could’ve only made him that much
more willful. It’s a single defeat versus the massacre of his entire family and clan by his
brother. I’m afraid I can’t see how one loss would rewire the entirety of his mental makeup.”
“Uzumaki Naruto mentioned he may know of a way to help Sasuke-kun,” Hiruzen remarks to
Inoichi. “Any idea what he could mean?”
“Did… uh, did he mention anything else,” a slightly startled Inoichi asks. Though Kakashi
noted the hesitance, he couldn’t know Inoichi needed a moment to mentally separate the
blond boy from beside his blond daughter.
“Hmm, nothing comes to mind,” Inoichi comments ignoring the dread of his beautiful
daughter shattering her innocence by eventually dating, marrying, and having children of her
own. Driven by aching thoughts of his beautiful child, Inoichi sadly reasons, “but then again,
Uzumaki-kun is a very surprising ninja.”
Unaware of Inoichi’s turmoil, Hiruzen laughs his slow elderly laugh before he agrees, “that is
certainly true. You can never tell how he’ll do a thing, but you can be sure he will and with
great enthusiasm.”
Kakashi wonders why Inoichi seems to be in pain, clutching at his chest, when he asks his
Hokage, “your orders?”
“Continue Uchiha-kun’s mental therapy,” the Sandaime tells them. “I don’t care if he fakes it.
We have experience. Let’s use it and try our hardest to show him his quest for vengeance is
Taking one last look at his onyx-haired student, acting perfectly distraught, Kakashi wonders
what, if anything, he can do, when he hears from behind him, “Kakashi-san…”
The long-haired clan head before him looked uncharacteristically nervous as he asks, “would
you say… Is Uzumaki Naruto a good person?”
Kakashi’s single eye blinks in surprise before he eventually nods, adding, “Mnn, I think he’s
a very good person.”
The aging straw-haired man with a distracted look in his eyes nods once before turning and
leaving. Returning his concern on the avenger, Kakashi enters the secure white room holding
his student, all the while wondering if Naruto really knows of a way to help him. Though
Kakashi scolded him and lectured him, though Sasuke acted ashamed and repentant, they
both knew nothing positive would come out of it. As representatives of the darkest night
within the shinobi world, they know it’s not in them to change so easily… the lengths they
are able to care is just too debilitating.
It took Tenten a second to realize the gorgeous girl waking her up is actually a boy named
Haku. It’s the first morning after the eventful night she survived Zabuza thanks to Naruto.
Confused, Tenten sits up to ask Haku how the beautiful boy managed to enter the secure
room when she notices a heavily bandaged Zabuza leaning against the wall beside her
father’s bed. Quickly standing, Tenten yells, “h-how did you get in here?”
His small eyes feel like shards of glass on her skin as he roughly communicates, “the hidden
leaf is too lax. This village forgot nothing dulls a weapon’s blade faster than peace.”
“Calm down, Tenten-chan,” Ōyashiro states from the closed doorway. “They deactivated the
security so that I may visit my friend.”
Stepping away from Haku and acknowledging every body in the room, Tenten angrily
returns, “you’re no friend of his-”
“Relax, sheep,” a sickly looking Zabuza croaks, rubbing his temple in obvious pain. “I’m
only here for him,” Zabuza states, nodding toward her father.
“No,” she calls, rushing to her father’s bedside and taking out her kunai to protect him
against the tall and heavily bandaged madman. “I thought-”
“What,” Zabuza cuts her off, not at all bothered by her kunai. “That I’d stop being a paid
assassin because I lost a fight?” Zabuza laughs but she can tell he’s still in pain when he cuts
himself off and holds in a groan. “People don’t go against their nature so easily.”
“Please don’t kill him,” Tenten pleads, wondering if backup might help her. “He’s lost so
“Keep your mouth shut,” Zabuza tells her, pressing off the wall to stand in front of her.
“What happens to him will now depend on you.”
“Momochi-dono,” Ōyashiro calls, asking to explain with his eyes. At Zabuza’s nod, Ōyashiro
starts, “now, Tenten-chan. The thing that you must understand is that not only did my old
friend lead me here under false pretenses, risking my reputation with my clientele—which I
am willing to forgive so long as I attain Kubikiribōchō—but, he also attempted to take
possession of property that did not belong to him and sell it to me. The consequences he must
now suffer are of his own making, however, that does not mean his death.”
Even Tenten can understand how bad her father screwed them and with a shameful sense of
betrayal, as if she wasn’t being a good daughter, she slowly asks, “what… do you mean?”
“Naruto-sama would never condone your father’s death,” Haku tells a cautious Tenten.
Zabuza adds, “and I’m not without so much honor that’d deny I owe him, but, I also don’t
want your piece-of-shit father anywhere near my sword.”
“He won’t-” Tenten tries to proclaim when Ōyashiro cuts her off.
“I proposed to Momochi-dono that Dānyī-san work off his debt to me in Land of Hot Water,”
Ōyashiro’s voice redirects. “He’ll love it,” he tries to reassure Tenten. “We’re even building a
resort around the hot springs there.”
“No,” Tenten calls to the room before hesitantly suggesting, “no! I’ll work it off! Take me
“I wouldn’t dream of taking an active Konohagakure shinobi,” Ōyashiro asserts, shaking his
head as if she was mad. “Too much business to lose for minimal gain.”
“Plus you’ve got your own penance to suffer,” Zabuza states, easily grabbing her by the
throat and pressing her to the nearby wall despite being armed. “I won’t kill him. You can
thank the brat for that. As for your crime of being sheep impersonating a ninja; from now on,
you belong to Haku, as his pet or his weapon, I don’t care, but his. His!” He growls and
squeezes her neck for emphasis, springing her instinct to attempt and stab him in the neck but
Zabuza easily swats it away.
“You better pray he’s good enough to beat the genes of that thieving father of yours out of
you,” Zabuza continues, glaring at her mercilessly. “Because I’ll be checking in. And if Haku
ever tells me you maneuvered against me, you snitched to anyone, you even looked at my
sword the wrong way, nothing’s going to stop me from gutting your daddy to death. Got it?”
Ashamed by the building moisture in the corner of her stern brown eyes, Tenten nods as best
she can within his strong grip as Ōyashiro calmly says, “fear not, Tenten-chan. Your father
will not like his new life, but he will be alive and in my company to complain about it.”
And with that, Tenten is knocked out. When she regains consciousness, her father is gone, the
bed is cold, and in his place is the deed of Ten Out of Ten transferred to her name and
notarized. Much like her absent mother, Tenten has no idea when she’ll see her father again
and rather than risk her father’s life by telling the Chūnin about Haku, Zabuza, and Ōyashiro,
a lifeless Tenten provides a false report.
‘Ask, ask, ask,’ Kurama repeats. Though Naruto is physically in Iruka’s kitchen with nine
cups of ramen in front of him, waiting for the heated water to soften the hard noodles, his
consciousness in within the seal, in the large, dark, and dank room housing the greatest bijuu.
From behind the tall metal gates, Kurama is prowling in a circle, agitated as he continues to
chastise Naruto. ‘You said you would! … and to think I restrained all of my chakra for your
‘It wasn’t about proving something,’ Naruto calls back. ‘That fight just didn’t have anything
to do with you. Do you want me to just use your chakra for everything?’
‘Yes,’ Kurama calls back. ‘Do you know how devoid I was of any sensation during your fight?
It felt worse than being in this cage, as if I ceased to exist; as if one as great as I didn’t
matter! I felt cold and dead and I shouldn’t need to go through that!’
‘…I wasn’t trying to make you feel that way,’ Naruto slowly responds, realizing he never
actually thought how Kurama might feel. Naruto knows all too well what that feeling is like
and says as much. ‘I get how horrible feeling like you don’t exist is… which means, I
should’ve known better. I’m sorry I made you go through that.’
Kurama grumbles for several moments as he continues his agitated pacing, before asserting,
‘it’s intolerable.’ Moving before the gates, Kurama lays down and places his head over his
front paws as he relays, ‘…it’s only because you were not defeated that I’ll ignore it this
Moving closer to the gate, Naruto smiles at the large beast, offering his gratitude before
adding, ‘we’re partners, Kurama, and I really do want you to feel like you can trust me.’
‘I will, I will,’ Naruto skittishly responds, anxiously clapping both his hands over the sides of
his face. ‘I’m just nervous. I’ve never heard of such a thing. Ji-chan and Teuchi-jiji always
talk about how the right one for me is out there. Aren’t I being greedy by being with multiple
Rolling his eyes at Kurama’s bias, Naruto then asks, ‘what if I take someone else’s one?’
‘So,’ Kurama flatly responds. ‘You make it sound like thievery. It’s there decision as much as
yours, yes?’
‘I guess,’ Naruto wonders aloud, before asking, ‘how’s it possible to love more than one
‘Ask someone with experience that isn’t our primary mate,’ Kurama maintains. ‘If it’s
possible, then we can’t delay learning how it is achieved.’
‘Will you stop calling Nai-chan my primary mate,’ Naruto tells his friend.
‘To date, she’s the most willing,’ Kurama informs the blond before propping itself on his front
legs. ‘It’s been some time since your second and third mates. Make more time to breed with
‘They’re not my second and third; it wasn’t even about the sex,’ Naruto defends. ‘I was only
helping Ino-chan, and Sakura was a one-time thing.’
‘All the more reason to ask about multiple mates,’ Kurama champions. ‘If there’s a procedure
by which they can all concede to mating with us, we need to know what it is.’
‘You should know it’s extra weird when you say us,’ Naruto tells the large chakra-beast with
squinted eyes.
Rolling his eyes, Naruto sighs as he wonders who might be the best candidate to ask; from Ji-
chan to Teuchi-jiji, to Ayame-neesan, to Iruka-sensei or Kakashi-sensei, or the newly aware
Anko. He quickly dismisses Anko, however. ‘Anko-chan might tell Nai-chan,’ he mentally
reasons. ‘Ugh, this is-’
“Hey, Cousin-sama,” Karin calls as she enters the kitchen, crimson eyes instantly spotting the
nine cups of instant ramen her cousin is waiting for. Sadly, Karin can’t help but ask, “Haku
still not back?”
“No,” Naruto sadly mumbles, taking a cup and handing it to her. From within his seal,
Kurama yells, ‘we’re talking here!’ To which Naruto responds, ‘yeah, yeah. Just give me a
Karin gladly takes the cup and chopsticks from the drawer and digs in as quickly as her blond
kin. After swallowing a mouthful, Karin notes, “I know I’m new here, but, I have this feeling
like we’re going to be entirely useless without Haku.” Naruto laughs around munching on his
slippery noodles as Karin asks, “do you have time to talk about some clan business?”
‘No,’ Kurama yells. ‘You’re speaking with the greatest of the Tailed Beasts!’
With a low long growl, an annoyed Kurama sounds, ‘yyyooouuuu…’ before Naruto abruptly
asks Karin, “have you ever heard of a marriage with more than two people, or a relationship
with more than two people in it? Oh, and they still love each other?”
“What? Where did that come-” Karin calls out wide-eyed in surprise as she sets her sticks in
her nearly empty cup. Suspicious of his regard, Karin asks, “do you mean for our clan?”
“No, no,” Naruto tries, shaking his head as he sets down his empty cup. “I don’t want it to
seem like it’s for that. I just mean, I’ve never heard of a marriage-type of love between three
or more people and I was wondering if you have.”
“Uh, I haven’t,” Karin evenly states, finishing her cup. She takes another cup he offers as she
asserts, “I know we’re not a big clan anymore, but we don’t have to rush-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Naruto expresses. “Sorry, I’m not explaining this right. I just don’t
think you can love more than one person, like that, at the same time.”
“Well, marriage tends to be between two people,” Karin comments. “But I don’t really know
enough about that to be of any help. I’ve only just recently- uh, …I don’t have any
experience that might help you. Sorry.”
“That’s okay,” Naruto waves her off, blowing into his third cup. “I just thought I’d ask.”
“What I can do is help get our clan established here,” Karin offers. “Do you have time today?
It’s a lot of stuff.”
“Are you kidding,” Naruto eagerly asks. “Let’s do it!” However, thoughts of the plans in
place led Naruto to yell, “aah, but first,” before he rushes outside. Once in the middle of
Iruka’s forested backyard, Naruto concentrates on a majority of his spirit energy, crosses
paired fingers into a cross and voices, “Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!” Karin is by the door
watching curiously when nearly five hundred clones of her blond cousin manifest with
popping bursts of puffy white smoke, filling her vision with white.
After the large gaseous cloud dissipates, Karin’s eyes bulge at the sheer number of clones all
over the yard, up many nearby tree trunks and branches, and all over the roof of the house.
With her keen senses, she can tell Naruto and his clones are a tenth of a tenth of what his
strength generally is. The sight of her exhausted cousin taking in deep audible breaths
worries her, and yet, her worry was unnecessary when, unexpectedly, all of their chakra seem
to signal a gradual increase in strength, as if they were immediately being replenished. The
phenomena threw her off and Karin couldn’t understand why that would happen or why it felt
much more sinister than the warm chakra Naruto normally gives off.
Taking a deep breath, Naruto uses his arms to visually segment a third of his clones, shouting,
“alright! This side, let’s find that old pervert. Search everywhere,” he yells and the third of
clones all sprint or leap away. He then points to a single clone, directing it to, “head over to
the library and meet up with that Nee-chan we met.” As the single clone departs, Naruto turns
to the rest and commands, “the rest of you, chakra blades training, fūton chakra control, and
Ku-” Aware of his cousin, Naruto alters the name of the training to, “uh, K chakra training.
Let’s get to four tails!”
They all uproariously agree before sprinting away. When Naruto reaches his cousin, he grins
as she asks, “four tails? What’s K chakra training and who’s the old pervert? Does he come
by here? Is he one of those sickos who steal girls underwear?”
“K, uh, C training is just a special training I can do,” Naruto hesitates to answer. Though
Kurama doesn’t want anyone to address him by his given name, Naruto explains, “I’ll tell
you more when I can. And the old pervert is someone I’ve been told to expect. He’s supposed
to train me. I’ll introduce you as soon as I find him.”
Scrunching her face as if smelling something horrible, Karin professes, “I’m fine not meeting
some old pervert.”
Naruto snickers at the thought of telling her Ero-sannin is his Godfather, thus part of her
family as well. Following Karin back inside, Naruto takes a seat at the dining table with his
last two cups of ramen as Karin moves around several tomes and scrolls as well as papers
she’s written her notes on.
His red-haired cousin presses her glasses back as she begins explaining from her notes, “so,
to be a clan we need to meet certain qualifications; three main ones but each one has their
own hurdles as well. So, first, we need territory. As of the latest volume of, Critical to Clans
by Kingsfun, we don’t need to have lived at a property for decades like it used to be; though I
still need to go over the Land Use and Development Regulation Law. Generally, so long as
we have the deed under our clan’s charter, that seems to be what’s most important.”
Looking at all the stacked tomes, scrolls and papers with incredulity, Naruto asks between
mouthfuls, “how long have you been at this?”
“A couple of days,” Karin casually waves him off with a shoulder-swipe of her red hair. “I
just like to keep my mind busy.” Disliking staying still, Naruto nods his head in
understanding when Karin asks, “so, I’ve been wondering. Did your parents leave you any
With wide eyes, Naruto momentarily considers the question before answering, “I don’t think
so. Ji-chan never mentioned anything like that to me, and he’s the only person that would
“I still can’t believe you call him…” Suddenly growing curious in her expression, Karin asks,
“are you related to Sarutobi Hiruzen?” After Naruto quickly explains his friendship with the
leader of their village, Karin huffs in surprise and acceptance before asking, “so, why would
he be the only one who knows?”
“Well, he’s not the only one but, the only one I talk to who knows,” Naruto answers. “But
now that I think about it, it is kind of weird he never told me about them. For the longest
time, I never asked because I thought, you know, ‘why would he know my parents?’ Now
though, I think it’s supposed to be a secret to protect me… maybe.”
“To protect you…” a head-tilting Karin mumbles, struggling to make sense of why Naruto
would need such a layer of protection. However, it’s only confusing until she considers their
surname and the fact that her mother prayed to Kami every day that they were never found by
their enemies. “Well, I guess nations did destroy our village. Okay, so that’s a no on land,”
she states as she notes it down on a sheet.
Naruto nods pondering how they’re supposed to acquire land when Karin continues asking,
“do you know if they might have left you any ryo? Maybe the Hokage is waiting until you’re
older to give it to you?”
“…I don’t know,” Naruto mumbles with large bug-eyes, realizing he hasn’t asked Ji-chan
much about his family. “But I’ll definitely ask him if my parents left me anything and let you
know what he says. What’s next?”
“Next is… uh,” she voices, taking out different sheets of notes and reading through a bit
before calling out, “oh! We need to submit a doctrine of how we run our clan. Not to imply
they—the village—have any say in how we run our clan, but, how we govern ourselves and
treat other citizens and clans must be approved. Basically, they won’t approve of us if we’re a
clan of murderers who love murdering. Our doctrine must also have a hierarchy, or system, in
place to interact with leaders, other clans heads, the Hokage, and the Daimyō. And in case
you’re wondering, that’s you, Naruto-sama-”
Ignoring him with a teasing smile, Karin continues. “Clan secrets will, of course, remain clan
secrets. No one outside of the clan has any rights to that information no matter what it is. We
might be able to claim any Uzumaki clan techniques or customs already out there—whether
stolen or given—but we’ll have to check on that. Next, and this is very important,” she
voices, only pausing to find the right page to read from. “In some cases, it can make or break
the process of clanship.”
Reading down to the section she needed to explain, Karin hums before reading, “we’ll need
to be recognized as a clan, not simply by other clans within the village, but also by the
civilian population.”
With fond condolences, a reminiscent Naruto sincerely offers, “well, it was a nice dream
while it lasted.”
“Wait a minute,” Karin states laying her palms on the table and leaning on the table to stare at
him over the rim of her glasses. “I’ve already heard how unwelcome you are from Kakashi-
sensei, Haku-kun, and even my interrogators, but we don’t need all the civilians or even the
civilians per se. We need to be able to have business transactions with them, which means
they have to accept us—our clan—to do that. So, the quote-unquote, ‘accepted by the civilian
population,’ is basically being accepted by free trade or consumerism.”
Naruto appears confused as Karin digs around her papers before snatching a scroll and
reading through before stating, “the manual said that a lot of money can pass through a clan,
but our services do not need to be directed to everyone in the village. If we target specific
consumers, like other clans with businesses, I think that may be enough… I’ll have to check
Thoroughly confused, Naruto simply nods as he passively voices, “if you say so.”
“We just need to be able to provide a service that is then accepted by the village or parts of
the village,” Karin tries to make clear. “Because if all the businesses—civilians slash
consumers—decide not to acknowledge our clan by trading with us, then the civilian council
may not approve us, which means we may not be approved by the Hokage or the Daimyō.
There are also tax breaks that come with civilian approval but I still have to look up what
those are.”
“Wouldn’t they just not recognize our clan to get back at me?”
“That’s why we have to find the consumers who won’t do that, like other clans or shinobis,”
Karin expresses. “Ryo is ryo and every business wants to thrive, so they should be interested
in a new clan so long as we present a friendly front.”
“Mnn, so we need to offer a service that’s accepted by at least some of Konoha to make our
clan legit, like, from a business standpoint.”
“Exactly,” Karin confirms with a nod. “If businesses accept us, then everyone accepts us.”
“Yeah, I’ll let you handle most of that,” Naruto reasons, never enjoying calculations unless it
had to do with Fūinjutsu.
Her shoulders sink in defeat as she claims with outstretched hands, “I’m already handling
“I- …Yeah,” Naruto sheepishly admits, looking at all her work on the dinner table. He then
asserts with conviction, “I can do the leg work. It’s just—I’m telling you—the villagers really
don’t like me.”
“…I guess it wouldn’t make sense to irritate them just by showing up,” Karin mumbles
before narrowing her crimson eyes sternly on her cousin and declaring, “but as clan head, you
need to fix that or the Uzumaki Clan won’t last long.”
“I’ll change their minds one day,” Naruto promises, clear in his tone as he is in his goal. “I’m
going to be the greatest Hokage ever, which means they have to recognize me as worthy
enough to protect them. Like you and Haku said, clan head is like being Hokage, so, I’ll
definitely do it.” After she nods with a smirk, Naruto asks, “what else?”
“The last part is pretty easy, actually,” Karin notes, turning to a page within a book. “We
simply submit a letter to the Hokage and Daimyō requesting membership. We outline our
clan, it’s members, our doctrine, our revenue stream, and land. Then, so long as we support
and preserve the village and country’s rule of law to maintain peace, they approve it- us- our
clan… I guess. I’m still not sure about that.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Naruto proclaims with a strong tone of confidence. “Haku wasn’t
kidding when he said you’re good at this. You’re doing great! ”
Blushing at the praise, Karin smiles as she says, “it’d be easier to just ask a clan head. Do you
know any?”
“Uh, besides Ji-chan, not really,” Naruto casually admits. “I could ask but I don’t want to bug
him too much.”
“If we can find one, that would be a big help,” Karin states as she takes a seat. Relaxing she
assures her cousin with a wide grin, “if everything goes smoothly, we’ll be an official clan of
Konohagakure by the end of the month.”
“Holy shit,” Naruto gasps in amazement. His eyes nearly sparkle with giddy anticipation as
he yells, “when do we start!”
Karin rolls her eyes at his exuberance, though smiling happily all the while. “I was thinking
we can ask Iruka-san when we visit. Since these are his books, I thought he might know more
that can help.”
As she grabs her notes and stacks them neatly, she adds, “and the more people we ask, the
better handle we can get on this.”
As Karin leaves to change, Naruto wonders how many people he can ask about his parents.
Though he found it odd he never truly researched more than what he was told, he recalls the
very moment he accepted that they weren’t going to rise from the dead and be his family. He
wasn’t going to have that family-life no matter how much he wanted it… he wasn’t going to
be like everyone else, however, that didn’t mean he couldn’t be happy without them; which
he learned was easier said than done.
Curious, Naruto closes his eyes as he dives deep into his mind and into the seal to ask his
partner, ‘hey, Kurama? Do you know what my parents were like? Didn’t you mention you
could sense my mom and, uh, the first Jinchūriki?’
‘I don’t know,’ he grumbles before raising his neck and head. ‘They dared to speak to me with
distaste, as if I was the burden on them… When it was clearly the other way around!’
Even without his snarling, his disgust for humans is clear in his tone alone, and yet, Naruto
offers his apology. ‘I’m sorry you were treated like that,’ Naruto solemnly states. ‘They
misunderstood you and didn’t get to know you. But I’m sure if they did, they’d realize how
cool you are.’ Looking thoughtful, Kurama remained silent, so Naruto states, ‘don’t worry.
I’ll ask about multiple girls stuff. If such a thing is possible, I’ll try. Sound good partner?’
Staring at each other for several silent moments, Kurama notes Naruto’s earnestness before
laying his head on his front paws and sounding, ‘mmn.’
A knock at the door sounds throughout the living room, bringing Naruto back to his
surroundings. He walks to the door as Karin is exiting her room dressed and ready to go.
Opening the entrance to the sight of the blond-haired, blue-eyed Yamanaka, Naruto happily
calls out, “Ino-chan!”
All those experiments are real. I did not make them up. If you look up behavioral
science experiments, there's a top tens on youtube. It's pretty crazy what the heinous
stuff people have done to others in the name of science.
I originally had Mabui and Samui as friends similar to Kurenai and Anko, but when I
looked up some behavioral experiments that might explain why Samui is quiet and
reserved, I saw an opportunity to do something interesting with them. It opened up a
world I really want to explore which then made me want to help Samui so much. Mabui
is going to play a big part in that healing, but you know Naruto is definitely going to as
well :)
I don't know the precise aging diff between the yondaime Raikage, his father's death,
Mabui and Samui, so I just took creative license there. As long as A is old and
Mabui/Samui are young, that's all I care about.
The theme of this chapter revolves around being wronged which is why it starts with
Mabui/Samui, continues with Sasuke/Kakashi and Tenten. That would've been the end
of it but I added Naruto's clan stuff because next chapter is going to heavily feature Ino
so I wanted to have enough space for that chapter.
Thank you again to all my wonderful supporters. I just finished my first rough draft of
my original novel. It's about 30K at the moment. I feel it'll end at 60K when I'm done
and I'm going to try and have it done before the year is out.
As always I'd love to know your thoughts and suggestions. Have a great one,
The Dining Table
Chapter Summary
A man who can dominate at the dining table can surely dominate the world.
Chapter Notes
So I've practically given up on trying to update once a week. Despite having more free
time, it's almost like I have less time to dedicate to this. So, until... whenever, expect 1
chapter every 2 weeks. This chapter took longer than normal because it was a mission to
get right. It took more nuance, which took more detail, which took more research. I'm
just going to say, thank God I like writing, or I would've stopped here.
This chapter is 13K and takes place immediately after the last chapter(ch25). Enjoy!
“Yeah, Karin and I are going over some clan stuff,” Naruto explains before asking, “what’s
He pauses at the sight of the beautiful blond in her casual royal purple thigh-high skirt that
matches her purple, wide-strapped, buttoned crop top that meshed with her long white gloves.
He instantly understood, ‘easy to take off,’ however, her face wasn’t blushing like she usually
does with impromptu visits. Nor was she looking at him with hungry, sensual eyes.
Naruto’s obvious gazing was interrupted with Ino’s embarrassed, “what are you looking at?”
It’s such a simple answer but adding to it his bold blue eyes and self-assured posture and a
blushing Ino twists a little in place. She can feel her body soften under his gaze and shakes
her head when the physical memory of their arousing time together raises her heart rate. After
a few weeks without him and carefully managing her cravings with her toy, Ino felt confident
these flashes of sexual arousal wouldn’t happen, but here she is, getting wet just by being in
his presence. It’s humiliating for someone with her mental fortitude, but that only adds to her
Shaking her head to physically clear away the sex-provoking thoughts she contends, “I’m
here to see my friend, not my… I thought you might want to hang out.” Spotting the red hair
coming up behind him, she responds before he can, “but I can see you’re busy.”
Peering Karin over his shoulder, Naruto waves away Ino’s reservation. “It’s okay. We were
just waiting for visiting hours before we see Iruka-sensei. Do you want to come? He should
be out any day now.”
Smiling seems to only enhance Ino’s beauty as she nods before saying, “I’d love to.”
“Hi,” Karin says from behind Naruto, adding with a bow, “I’m Uzumaki Karin, which you’d
know if my cousin had any manners.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Naruto expresses with a chuckling grin. “Karin-chan, this is Yamanaka Ino.”
“Hi, it’s nice to officially meet you and welcome to Konoha,” Ino responds, returning her
own bow. Karin expresses her gratitude before Ino asks, “I hope I’m not intruding?”
“No, of course not,” Karin returns shaking her head. “Except for Naruto and Haku, I don’t
really know anyone here.”
“If it’s alright with you, I’d love to take you shopping,” Ino proposes with an easy smile
before adding, “I know all the best spots with the cutest outfits.”
“Really,” Karin gasps happily, though, after a second she realizes she has no funds here, nor
does her cousin seem to make much. Naruto and Haku seem to pool their income to support
themselves. Haku has even told her that Naruto works several jobs to make enough to buy
ninja gear. Considering the amount of funds their clan needs to become official, Karin smiles
weakly as she admits, “um, well, I’d love to, but, there’s still so much to do. Would it be okay
if we go at a later date?”
“Of course,”
Turning to her with a curiously quirked brow, Naruto asks, “but don’t you need to buy
Karin squints her eyes while she smiles a fake smile as she wraps a stiff arm around Naruto’s
neck and tells the beautiful blond girl, “just give us a second.” Karin pulls Naruto back inside
a few steps as she whispers to Naruto, “did you forget we have to spend a lot of ryō—that we
don’t have—on buying property? I have everything I need, so I don’t need to go shopping.”
“But if there’s something you want, I can pay for you,” Naruto argues. “I want you to be
comfortable here.”
“I am,” Karin responds. “Being here is already a hundred times better than where I came
from. And when we establish our clan, it’ll be even better.”
“…Alright,” Naruto concedes. “But don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything. We’re family,
which means we’re in it together.”
Returning to an inquisitive Ino, the Uzumakis apologize for stepping away, to which Ino asks,
“is everything alright?”
After they assure her it is, the triplet take a leisure walk to Konoha’s Hospital to visit a good
man. Iruka is cheerful to see his former students and Karin again and it made them all happy
to see him maneuver himself onto his wheelchair without assistance. As Naruto drives the
wheelchair, the sensei is amazed to hear everything that happened during the Chūnin exams.
From Ino and Karen’s experience to Naruto’s victory over Sasuke.
“Why? Karin-chan and I didn’t even make it into the final test,” Ino argues.
“But you tried your best, which is all we can ask for,” Iruka argues. “Don’t forget, Neji-kun is
a taijutsu specialist, a year older than you and the Rookie of the Year. Consider this moment a
great learning experience that can help you locate areas of your training you can focus on.”
“There’s no short cut if you want to be the best,” Naruto advocates, to which Iruka whole-
heartedly agrees.
“I think I have enough to focus on with our clan,” Karin casually admits. “Speaking of,”
Karin voices stepping ahead of the pace to turn, and while walking backward, ask the man, “I
was hoping I can ask you a bit about how we can establish our clan? I read some of your
books, but I could use a little more focus. It’s a lot of information.”
Adding a slant to his neck, Iruka answers, “I know some of what’s involved, so I’m certain I
can help, but I’m curious. Have you spoken to any clans about this?”
“Uh, like me,” Ino interjects raising her hand. Turning to Naruto, Ino asks, “why didn’t you
ask me? I can always ask tou-chan if I don’t know something.”
“Really,” Karin asks, before turning to Naruto. “I thought you didn’t know any clans.”
Feeling blitzed by the questions directed at him, Naruto tries, “I- wait,” before pausing and
recounting to Karin, “you asked if I knew any clan heads, which I don’t… other than Ji-
Karin slinks her shoulders wearily while Ino proclaims, “I can still help.” Moving to bump
Naruto’s shoulder, Ino suggests, “how about you, Karin-chan, and Haku-kun have dinner at
my place tonight? You can ask tou-chan anything you want.”
“Thanks, Ino-chan,” Naruto warmly expresses, and she can feel his appreciation. The rest of
the visit was spent convincing Naruto not to sneak Iruka out of the hospital for the dinner as
well as answering a few of Karin’s questions.
“You know,” “I was so happy meeting you yesterday, I never introduced myself.” Infiltration
at its essence is simply fitting in within a community. Every aspect of fitting in is important
to the overall success, and in this case, their shared interest in Fūinjutsu will help guide her
decisions. So rather than remain formal, the beautiful secretary offers a friendlier mode of
address. “Please, call me Mabui.”
Mabui’s mind fritzes at his name as he asks, “I’ve never seen you around here, and if I had,
I’m sure I’d remember.”
Smiling at the compliment, Mabui focuses on his name, asking, “may I know your surname?”
Mabui is thrown for a loop, shocked and confused, wondering how it’s possible this blond
boy can be the same one that fought Momochi Zabuza just last night. Aside from looking
completely fine, he has Kubikiribōchō. Mabui has never felt so fortuitous in her life. Not only
is he a valuable tool to decipher the jutsu in her possession, but he’s also in possession of the
weapon they traveled to Konohagakure to purchase.
‘Or is he,’ she wonders. He doesn’t look like he’s been in a fierce contest that’s left him near
to the point of death. Two of her three mission objectives seem to have converged, however,
she needs to verify he is the right person before formulating scenarios that will best complete
her mission.
With a concerned voice and a forward gesture, Mabui leans over the desk to place her hand
on his forehead, careful to make certain he can see enough cleavage as she asks, “are you
well, Naruto-kun? You seem feverish. Did you sleep well?”
Mabui catches his gaze linger for a second shorter than she expected. With an underbust of
thirty inches and a full bust of thirty-six inches, the caramel beauty expected more of a
hypnotized gaze rather than his mere glance as she notes how toasty warm he feels.
Naruto’s vision has less of the library backdrop and more of the tanned-skin, silver-haired
beauty with a stirring set of knockers. He enjoys her scent and proximity as he blandly
answers, “no. I feel fine.”
“Oh,” she voices as she leans back in her seat. Rather than push for certainty, Mabui decides
to be patient for an opportune moment or speak with Samui later. The silver-haired Chūnin
certainly has a better understanding of why it’s so difficult to work with Samui. If the brilliant
Jōnin didn’t have such a hesitation to speak, Mabui would’ve made the connection last night
that the boy she met in the library was the same one who fought Zabuza… ‘and won,’ her
mind reminds her.
Though it’s difficult to see how this young man can be so formidable, Mabui sets her mind to
working him, starting with, “good. I wouldn’t want you to get ill; not after we’ve only just
met.” He smiles happily before she asks, “would it be okay if we learned a bit about each
other before we start? So we’re more comfortable with each other?”
Nodding her, ‘thank you,’ she starts by saying, “well, I’ve been into academics since I was a
little girl, but recently, I’ve been more curious about Fūinjutsu.” Playing at sad, she
comments, “so even though I’m so old, I’m still a beginner in the Sealing Arts.”
Mabui understands how most men are evolutionarily predisposed to acting as a protector,
instinctively feeling an urge to come to the aid of the opposite sex or someone they’re
attracted to. It’s why it’s no surprise to hear an incredulous Naruto respond, “what are you
talking about? You’re so young though! What are you? Twenty? Twenty-one?” Though
Mabui plays the flattered girl—dainty and cute as she tucks a strand of snowy hair behind her
tan ear—for her goals, she would’ve preferred if he gushed about her looks a little more in
order to gauge how susceptible he is to suggestion. Naruto, however, simply tells her, “don’t
let your age be a factor in learning something. My sensei always tells me if you’re
determined to learn, then nothing can stop you and she’s one of the smartest people I know.”
Considering how this boy figuratively fell on her lap when she needed to decipher the Fūin
seals of her jutsu, Mabui couldn’t agree more, answering, “I couldn’t agree more.” Allowing
a frame of her deceased fiance to flash in her mind, she adds, “I absolutely love intelligence.
And thank you for saying that. What about you?”
“Not much to say,” Naruto bemoans. “I’m going to be the best Hokage in the history of
Kages and nothing’s going to stop me.”
“Yup,” he says with a smile and a nod, before finishing, “other than that, I love my friends
and training, so, pretty normal I’d say.”
“What about your aptitude for Fūinjutsu,” Mabui wonders aloud. “That seems beyond
“Mmn,” he hums before answering, “I didn’t really know about that until recently. Like I
said, I just get it.”
“It’s quite rare to, ‘just get,’ a skill like that,” she comments with a smile. “Speaking of,
where would you like to start?”
Mabui couldn’t keep up where Naruto started and asked if they can look at something easier
than recreating electromagnetic induction powerful enough to light entire city blocks. When
he wondered if she might like to retrace complex Fūin modules that link multiple Fūin
matrices, she, again, asked for something a little easier. When he suggests elemental seals,
she balks by how little she knows while begrudgingly asking, “how do… beginners start
learning Fūinjutsu?”
With his head tilted in thought, and his eyes squinted in introspection, Mabui’s mind yells in
disbelief, ‘he actually has to think about it!’ Embarrassed, Mabui tries to recall the last time
she felt so stupid; made all the more humiliating by how young he is. She’s been an academic
all her life, and even with two degrees, she can’t even keep up with what he’s saying. It was
too humbling and Mabui worries what that could mean for her goals going forward.
Though the cheery blond seems as content as ever, she wonders if he’ll eventually become
bored with her clear lack of knowledge on this subject. It’s supposed to be an intellectual
back-and-forth, however, she has little to add. It makes Mabui feel as if she’s not contributing
enough, and that, she cannot allow, especially when he suggests the most basic, sealing
designs and mechanics.
“You certainly know your stuff,” she comments with a smile. “I hope I’m not boring you.”
“No way,” Naruto assures her. “I’ve never taught anyone before, so it’s pretty fun.”
She sets aside thoughts of her old professor and finds his response lacking enthusiasm,
leading her to ask, “would it be okay if we sit next to each other? So I can show you if I’m
working out the methodology correctly?”
“Sure,” he voices and when the boy sits in the armchair next to her, she crosses her legs so
that she can bump his when she thinks she’s losing his interest. As they work on some sealing
frameworks, Mabui wonders when the best time to secure his assistance in deciphering the
Heavenly Transfer technique. It’ll be a delicate process with her chief concern being if he’ll
tell anyone. The easiest way to make certain he keeps her confidence is to build a rapport
he’ll be faithful too.
Spending some time and effort to make sure her seal design for large inanimate objects was
impressively perfect, Mabui sweetly calls, “Naruto-kun?” Sky-blue eyes turn to her as she
scoots closer to him, feeling her bust jiggle in her fitted white blouse as her foot
‘accidentally’ touches his leg. She then asks, “would you look this over for me?”
Though she was proud of her flawless work, the way he hums through his examination makes
her feel like a fifteen-year-old freshman again, waiting for her sensei’s approval. Eventually,
he says, “it’ll work, but, uh, it’s pretty… flat.”
“…Flat,” Mabui repeats with spooked eyes, trying not to feel so small.
“Um, like,” Naruto mumbles as he grabs his black-inked brush, however, Mabui swiftly
hands him a red marker. He takes it and highlights fourteen different areas of her design
while imparting, “don’t be afraid of being creative with Fūinjutsu. It isn’t like a lot of the
crap you read in scrolls. It’s way more fluid than that and can be formed in a lot of ways. I
mean, you don’t even know how many times I’ve rolled my eyes at some of the crap I read,”
he rasps with irritation. “Anyway, what you have here is a bit stiff and, uh, excessive, but you
can easily compound several of these arrays into one command with only a couple additions
of characters; here, here, and here, written out like this,” he slowly voices as he writes.
At the sight of his many red changes all over her work, Mabui mostly forgot about her
humiliating inadequacy and simply grew amazed by how his simple alterations somehow
make the entire seal compact, dynamic, yet stronger. Reading his corrections made Mabui
conclude that this blond-haired blue-eyed boy was not only on another level, but was going to
be far better for her time-table than any book will be. With that understanding, she redoubles
her determination to do everything in her power to make certain he’s in favor of helping her.
“If there’s anything I can help you with, you have to ask me,” Mabui offers. “You’re helping
me with this and I want to help you as well.”
Politely waving away her offer, he relays, “it’s okay. You don’t-”
Mabui interrupts, “no, I do, Naruto-kun,” taking his warm hand in hers as she adds, “I mean
it. If there’s anything I can help you with, I’d appreciate you allowing me the opportunity to
Naruto seems taken aback a moment before lowering his gaze on their joined hands. She lets
go with a sheepish smile and he turns pensive for several long moments, clearly mulling over
a thought. She pretends to go over her work while he goes back and forth in his mind when
he finally says, “nee-san…”
“Yes,” she sweetly replies. He still looks hesitant, facing the table as he debates with himself.
With a proactive attitude, Mabui takes the arms of his chair and rotates the young man into
facing her. Her smile is reassuring as she takes her seat, rotated to face him, and waits.
He shrugs jovially enough before speaking, “there is something I want to know more about,
but I’m not sure if it’s okay to ask.”
“I see,” Mabui hums before asserting, “we may not know each other well, but I can assure
you, you don’t need to be afraid of asking me; sometimes it’s easier to ask a stranger than a
friend. So, please, ask.”
Nodding happily, Naruto asks, “do you know a lot about love and relationships?”
Happy to hear the topic, Mabui sits up, smiling as she answers, “I do, actually.” Hoping to
add another pillar by which to build a rapport upon, she admits, “I may not look it but I have
a background in psychology and sociology, so, I have a very good understanding of those
types of human connections.”
“Wow,” Naruto lets out with relief. “Sweet. What I want to know is, can a marriage, or a
relationship, or I guess, just romantic love be between more than two people? Like a group?”
Though she hadn’t expected that to come from such an earnest attitude, Mabui doesn’t let it
show on her captivating caramel features as she asks him without a hint of judgment, “you
mean polyamory? More commonly known as polygamy, however, the umbrella term is
“Uh, I guess,” Naruto answers, having never heard of the term. He further explains, “I’ve
never heard of such a thing, but my friend wants to know if it’s possible. He thinks that if
multiple girls love you, then you should just be with all of them, but, is that right? Isn’t love
supposed to be with one person? That’s what everyone says, so, I thought I’d ask to see if
being with more than one is a thing.”
His blue eyes are looking at her innocently for answers but Mabui felt conflicted. She
naturally wants to support monogamy, however, she also wants to ensure he subscribes to her
in all things. Adding to her conflict is her lack of experience. She’s only ever had one
exemplary love in her life and he died of a heart attack. Her only other relationship is with
Darui and it’s so secret, her well-educated mind is telling her she’s being used.
Though the Jōnin is an impressive figure, he doesn’t seem to care one way or another, serving
to either frustrate her for caring too much or forcing her to care as little as he does. How is
she supposed to tell Naruto about how she suspects her indifferent-boyfriend cheats on her
and likely thinks nothing of it? Mabui naturally wants to support monogamy, however, she
can’t claim to honor decency when her current relationship feels strictly physical and her
deceased fiance was thirty years her senior.
Regardless, even if Mabui felt like she didn’t have a leg to stand on, she still knew that a
relationship based on love was between two people. Her best guess is Naruto can’t decide
between two girls he’s attracted to and his ‘‘friend’’ selfishly and callously reasoned, ‘why
not both?’ To Mabui, this felt like monogamy versus the mission; the truth and possible
failure versus the lie and further trust.
In a split second and with plenty of guilt, Mabui sacrifices whoever these girls are to
shamelessly stroke the intolerable typical male fantasy for the aid Naruto may provide,
asking, “first, are you including harems in your query?”
“Harems?” Naruto starts to ask before he remembers some of the study material he
researched before Kurenai began teaching him. “No. I don’t think the girls love each other in
a harem.”
Mabui isn’t sure if that’s better or worse, however, she comments, “well, it’s interesting you
should mention that because a core value of non-monogamous relationships is their belief
that sexual and relational exclusivity—basically a relationship strictly between two people—
is unnecessary to have a deep, committed, and loving relationship.”
“Indeed, it’s not very common,” Mabui claims. “However, I should preface this by saying
this is a very nuanced topic with a lot of overlap between the types. Since polyamorous
relationships can vary from person-to-person or group-to-group, I’ll focus on the three basic
styles. There’s the Dining Table. In this category, all members, whether you number three or
ten, are so comfortable with each other, they can all meet—for example, around the dining
table—and connect as well as friends and family can.”
Shaking his head in disbelief, Naruto slowly asks, “ten people? In one relationship? Like
with love and sex and everything?”
Feeling a little sick in her stomach, Mabui nods her head, ‘yes’ to each of his questions
before stating, “they can spend holidays and activities together, like one big family.”
“Hmm… That doesn’t sound too bad,” a wide-eyed Naruto comments with gasping disbelief.
“I’ve always wanted a big family.”
To his credit, Mabui will admit, ‘at least he doesn’t appear to be a pig about this,’ before
asking Naruto, “are you a single child?”
“Until until last week, I didn’t have any family, at all,” Naruto happily tells her. “But then I
was lucky enough to find my cousin! Can you believe it? It’s been great.”
“Oh, Naruto… I’m so happy to hear that,” Mabui genuinely remarks, sparing a conflicted
thought for her deceased parents; the last of her family. “Congratulations.”
Mabui then continues. “The second style is known as Parallel Poly. Within this polycule,
there are individual relationships that know of one another but don’t all date one another. For
example, you date girl A and girl B but girl A and B prefer not to date or meet each other.”
“It’s up to them,” Mabui notes. “Each group is different because everyone is comfortable
with different things. Maybe girls A and B are okay with sharing you because they have time
constraints. For example, if they have goals that don’t allow them enough time to dedicate to
a relationship.”
“Mmmn,” Naruto hums. “I guess that makes sense, but, I’d prefer if people were friends.
They can support and help each other. That’s what family and friends are for.”
Spotting an opportunity, Mabui asks, “do you help your friends, Naruto?”
“Always,” Naruto champions before adding a caveat with a smile. “Well, if I can anyway.”
“I feel the same,” Mabui sweetly responds. “Even now, I’m enjoying helping you with this.”
It’s exactly the energy she’s looking for as she continues. “The third style is the Solo. In this
bracket, the individual—you, for example—has multiple romantic relations, whether sexual
or not, without the urge to live with any one partner.”
“Yes and no,” Mabui responds. “It’s not that they prefer to be alone. It’s more like they don’t
believe in the natural progression of exclusivity. So, going from dating to engagement, to
marriage, to children, is a natural progression they don’t support, even within a polyamorous
“If I had the option, I’m definitely a Dining Table kind of guy,” Naruto admits.
Though she loathes to motivate him, Mabui adds, “I believe so too. Remember, if you do get
the option, don’t force your partners to be more than they’re comfortable with.” He accepts
her couching without remorse, thanking her for the tip and Mabui only feels terrible for the
girls he’ll try to swindle in this trial of futility. “After you select what style you prefer, each
member of your polycule will then have to figure out how you interact, your values, personal
boundaries, domesticity, and future outlook.”
“If you’re not in it for the right reasons, it can be,” Mabui sagely imparts.
“The right reason is love for each other,” Naruto proclaims, surprising Mabui before she nods
in agreement.
Opening the door for Karin and Naruto, and Ino immediately appreciates them wearing a
black shirt with an orange spiral within a circle at the center. The red-haired Uzumaki wore
her black shorts and matching thigh-high leggings while Naruto remained in his orange
combat slacks. Though she wonders why they’d choose the same symbol as the one on
Konoha's flak jackets, she’s more pleased to see how nervous Naruto seems. Ino can’t
imagine it was Naruto’s idea to dress for the evening and appreciates Karin’s effort.
After welcoming them in, Ino’s content to grab his forearm and pull him before her parents
and formally introduce them. At the sight of her rigid father greeting them, Ino empathizes
with what he must be feeling as a father, however, she can’t deny she’s thrilled by such a
mundane worry. After the ordeal she went through nearly six months ago, it’s a miracle to her
she can still be her parent’s little girl, if only in their eyes.
Per the dining etiquette, Inoichi sits at the head of the rectangular table with the guest of
honor, Naruto, to his right, then herself beside him, her mother at the southern end of the
table, followed by Karin and Sakura. Ino asked a few of her cousins if they’d like to earn
some quick ryō serving the family, to her parent’s surprise, so they can all remain seated
while they’re served.
In the close proximity of their dining table, Ino feels like her worlds—her masks—are
crashing together. He should fell agitated, but that’s not the case. Despite the boy she’s had
sex with sitting next to her father, despite how exciting it is to know that Sakura, her mother,
and her father are all keeping her crush on Naruto to themselves, despite what she knows in
her heart she must do later, Ino wasn’t nervous, shy, or scared. She was happy he was there
because if this was the last time this happened, she was going to enjoy it to the fullest.
“Thanks for having us,” Naruto tells Inoichi, however, her blank-faced father seems to be
deep in his thoughts, to which her mother gently calls, “sweetie,” from across the table.
Blinking back to reality, Inoichi stumbles through, “hmm? Oh, yes.” Turning to Naruto, he
conveys, “of course, we’re happy to- The Yamanaka Clan is happy… to have you.”
“Ino tells us you had some questions regarding the restoration of your clan,” Ino’s mother
dictates to Karin next to her.
With a bit of a sobering shakeup, Ino asks “restoration? There was an Uzumaki Clan in
“Not in Konoha,” the brunette mother states before asking her daughter, “haven’t you noticed
the emblem on their shirts is the same one on Konoha's flak jacket?”
“Yeah,” Ino answers looking ahead at Karin’s shirt before asking, “is that the crest of the
Uzumaki Clan?”
“It is,” Inoichi answers and the young ones turn to him as he adds, “as an eternal symbol of
friendship between our villages.”
“I think I remember that,” Sakura slowly voices, tilting her head a bit in thought. “But rather
than the Uzumaki Clan, they said the name of the village; Uzo- Uzusho-”
“You think there might be some more in Konoha,” Karin asks her blond cousin.
“Maybe,” Naruto answers. “It’s another reason to establish our clan. If descendants hear
about the Uzumaki Clan’s return, they might come here.”
“I’m fairly certain there’ll be a vetting process, so, be prepared for that,” Inoichi claims.
“Konoha is a fairly open village, but, they’ll be meticulous with anyone who wants to live
“Maybe a DNA test,” Sakura suggests. “To make sure they’re actually of Uzumaki descent.”
“The Yamanaka clan knows why you’re here,” Ino’s mother starts, looking from her daughter
to Naruto. “And we want you to know we can certainly help.”
“Karin and I are Uzumakis,” Naruto begins before asking one of his chief concerns. “But we
also want Haku to be apart of our clan. That wouldn’t be a problem, right?”
Inoichi takes a moment to consider the question before answering, “within Konoha’s laws,
the only legal ways Haku can gain the surname Uzumaki is if he marries into the clan, or, as a
parent-less minor, the clan head adopts. But as Haku is an adult, by law, he can only be a
member in all but name. The Yamanaka Clan, as well as all the other clans, have members
that do not hold the main family’s surname. Just as we do, Haku can be a member who will
be better than a clan’s sworn retainer, but lower than a relative.”
“Hear that, Naruto-sama,” Karin calls over with a smirk. “Haku may not have the surname
but he can still be a member of the family,” she reasons to which the blond shrugs
“Wait,” Sakura gasps, turning from Karin to Naruto. “Naruto is clan head?”
“I know, right,” a smiling Naruto voices to his pink-haired friend, who nods. “It was weird
for me too, but then Haku and Karin convinced me this’ll be like being Hokage. Which
means I’ve got to be great at it!”
Staring at him in disbelief, Ino can tell a strange and perverted thought popped in Sakura’s
mind when the pinkette slowly comments, “I don’t know if I can call you Naruto… sama.”
Looking around with a blushing face, she remarks, “it sounds weird just saying it.”
“Naruto-sama,” Ino happily tries. “Naruto-sama… I don’t know. I kinda like it.” Sakura’s
green eyes widen, a smirking Karin sits up straight—looking between Naruto and Ino—and a
red-faced Inoichi struggles to hold in the food he wants to choke out. A slight nudge of her
foot from under the table is all Ino needs to know her mother is saying, ‘please think of your
Clearing her throat, Karin tells the table, “before you can be the best clan head, we still need
property, which won’t be easy, as well as a foothold in some part of Konoha’s markets. Is
there any advice or direction you can give us for that, Inoichi-san?”
Setting down his glass of water, a frazzled father eyes the Yamanaka matriarch, having one of
their silent conversations before Inoichi turns to Naruto and says, “the primary reasons why
establishing a clan is difficult—nearly to the point of ‘why bother’—is because of the initial
money involved. It’s a lot; in some cases, more than what a person may make in their entire
life. And Haku-kun and Karin-chan are correct. A lot of the Hokage’s responsibilities is
managing the financial life-line of his people. As a leader, you’ll need to know your
enterprise inside and out, your clan’s P & I, which is purchase and import, and you’ll have to
be meticulous about everything, which means every invoice, every commission, every
contract. Your paperwork has to be perfect.”
Naruto, Karin, Sakura, and Ino are silent as they take in the information when Ino’s mother
asks Naruto, “may I assume that your current income is the standard E-7 or 8 for Genins?”
However, Sakura interjects, “actually, Hanaya-san, our team was bumped up to E-9 after the
A-Rank mission we completed.”
Naruto nods his head in agreement as the brunette Yamanaka adds, “very good. At a
minimum, you’ll need a hundred times that amount to start. That includes land deeds, filing,
village incentives and permits, and miscellaneous fees you won’t see coming.”
“Then of course,” Inoichi begins to follow up. “There’s the cost of any business your clan
chooses to incorporate into Konoha’s economy-”
“Wait,” a wide-eyed Ino calls, exasperated by the administration behind every clan, before
turning to Karin. She’s nearly disgusted with herself at the thought, voicing, “is that… That’s
why you passed on shopping. Oh, Kami, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking-”
“No, please,” Karin says, pumping both palms in solidarity. “It was nice of you to offer. I was
happy you did. It’s just, right now, Haku and Naruto are the only ones bringing in ryō, so
every coin counts.”
“I’m sure it’ll work out,” Naruto assures the table, especially Karin.
“Naruto,” Sakura speaks. “This is serious. It sounds like it’s going to take a lot of ryō and
Inoichi then explains to the guest of honor seated next to him, “as clan head, you have a duty
to be aware of the changes you can and can’t make for the good of all those you are
responsible for. Trust me, they will look to you for safety, not only from physical harm but
from financial harm as well.”
“Mn, yeah,” Naruto agrees with the experienced clan head. “I just mean, I can’t see a single
thing stopping me from taking care of Karin or Haku or any other Uzumaki we find. So why
worry about it? Ryō, land, business… I get that it’ll take more than what I have now, but
that’s fine, because I know I’ll do my absolute best for the people I care about, no matter how
long it takes.”
“Spoken like a true clan head,” Hanaya shares, though happily eying her husband as if to say,
‘go ahead.’
“Uzumaki-kun,” Inoichi starts to which Naruto interjects, “you can call me Naruto.”
“Naruto-sama,” Hanaya speaks. “What my husband will eventually come around to telling
you is that we had two stems of the Fire Slipper Orchid. We know you gifted them, however,
Kurenai-sensei has asked us to sell hers on your behalf.”
“Whaat,” Naruto calls. “But I told her she didn’t have to.”
“And me,” Ino smiles at her pink-haired roommate, earning another kick from her mother,
reminding her of her dejected father.
“Kurenai-sensei didn’t feel taking such an extravagant gift was proper and I agree with her,”
Hanaya tells Naruto. “You are more than welcome to gift her something else, but she was
quite clear, all the ryō the orchid was sold for would be given to you.”
Naruto mumbles unfavorably, “I don’t know how I feel about this,” before Karin curiously
asks the Yamanakas, “uh, are flowers worth a lot?”
“Apparently it was quite the bid, but Naruto’s Fire Slipper Orchid sold for a record-setting
one-point-one million ryō,” Inoichi slowly admits, his voice still pained by the blond boy
clearly in his daughter’s heart and Ino, Sakura, Karin, and Naruto bolted up in their seats
absolutely flabbergasted to hear such shocking news.
“And don’t think we’re selling yours, honey,” Inoichi informs his stunned daughter. Ino and
Sakura are silent as their stunned faces turn to Naruto for an explanation, however, he’s as
befuddled as they are.
“It’s fair to say the Uzumaki clan will have sufficient funds to get started,” Hanaya comments
in amusement. The unexpected news stunted the rest of dinner and it wasn’t until Hanaya
suggested dessert that Ino asked if they wanted to get popsicles.
The four of them walk the busy streets of Konoha’s main market square. Though it’s evening,
there are many villagers out and hardly anyone glares at Naruto. That alone was enough for
Naruto to be happy, but he was also out with three of his good friends, which doubled his
elation. His happiness was so astounding, he didn’t even want to think about how much
money his clan now has.
Walking between Ino and Sakura, who’s talking to Karin, Naruto couldn’t be happier, until,
slowly and unexpectedly, Ino slides the tips of her fingers down the inner side of his forearm
before effortlessly slipping into his warm palm and interlacing their fingers. It was so
unexpected, Naruto tilts his entire head, staring with large saucer eyes at such a blatantly
public display of affection.
Naruto didn’t even register the act of hold hands under moon-mixed street lighting and
surrounded by a bustling crowd for several moments. Her warm, soft palm was so staggering
Naruto looked around for witnesses and immediately spots a few glances; none more
noticeably surprised than a blushing Sakura and Karin. Ignoring their giggling, Naruto is
even more shocked when his blue eyes land on Ino’s. Exception for her blushing cheeks, she
was calm, serene, no more or less jovial than before she held his hand, as if being personal
with him—of all people—in public didn’t affect her.
‘It’s like she doesn’t care who sees,’ his thrilled mind gasps.
Not even Nai-chan has breached the public domain of intimacy and Naruto nearly couldn’t
function. Something as simple as purchasing four popsicles from the vendor was a
formidable task for his brain to execute. Naruto simply couldn’t think past the warm, pretty,
caring hand he was happily holding in public. His heart was beating a mile a minute. With
Ino’s help, they each had a popsicle to suck on while enjoying the night walk.
After Karin suspiciously mentioned how tired she felt, Naruto made a shadow clone to escort
her home. Sakura, Ino, and Naruto continued their walk for another twenty minutes, even
running into Kiba and his sister. At the sight of the blonds holding hands, Kiba surprisingly
didn’t challenge him. After making certain Naruto knew he was going to win the tournament,
he along with his sister, Hana, and their canine partners left.
After Ino has a quick word Naruto couldn’t hear with Sakura, his teammate felt tired and left
soon after with a clone as well. With a comfortable pace, Ino leads them to an unspecified
destination, all the while they talk about mundane things like pranking, being a leader, and
how she’s lived as the heiress of one of the honored clans. He was so engrossed, he was
mildly surprised to be in front of his old apartment complex.
His old home was never beautiful to look at, however, it may as well have been a palace
compared to what it looks like now. Windows are broken, there appears to be fire damage,
it’s dirty, and worst of all, it’s surrounded by hoodlums. Cracking their knuckles, Naruto and
Ino work their way up to the fourth floor, effortlessly decimating the large and armed group
of gangsters, and before Naruto enters his old apartment, he creates several clones to go
room-by-room to make sure all the thugs were gone.
“Well that was exciting,” Ino huffs.
Walking up behind her, Naruto wraps his arms around her midsection, relaying, “I can think
of something much more exciting than that.”
Inhaling deeply to remain calm, Ino is dazed by how effortlessly his body seems to warm her
entire being up as if switching on the light. Her arms wrap over his as she leans back into his
buzzing presence. She’s only shocked out of her arousing stupor when she hears him whisper
by her ear, “will you be my girlfriend?”
She felt her womanhood quiver and grow moist while her heart hammered with excitement.
“I’d love to,” she answers, however, her mind reminded her of her mission. Of her character,
and what it dictates she must do for the person she loves. “But I have to tell you something
first,” she whispers, feeling her fingers shake.
“It can wait,” Naruto happily sings, turning her around to look him.
“Sorry,” Ino responds, using the opportunity to step away. The move clearly confused him as
she says, “but it can’t. What I have to say might… will make you change your mind about
“Uh, I doubt that,” he laughs as he takes a step toward her. When she takes a step back, he’s
further perplexed, asking, “ Ino…”
“What I have to say will be hard enough,” she voices, stomping down on the urge to put more
distance between them. She reminds herself, ‘I’m not a coward,’ before she voices, “but
please let me finish.”
To his surprise, she kneels, placing her forehead to the floor and triangle-shaped palms on the
floor above her crown as well. He abruptly takes a step forward, asserting, “you don’t have to
“Please,” Ino calls loudly, hating how weak she feels about what she must do, however, if she
looks at him, she knows his adorably trusting face would make her not want to say it. ‘And he
deserves the truth,’ her mind declares as her voice bids, “let me say it like this, or I won’t be
able to.”
Exhaling a lung-full, Ino speaks. “Before that day that bound us together, I lived in this world
I created; second-best kunoichi in our class, most beautiful, smart, confident, in love with the
best man, with designs to be his wife one day. In that box I created, everything made sense,
and the world was right. After what happened to me with Chōji’s dango… the world I had
created blew apart. I wasn’t the same girl because so much of what made me was gone. I
don’t want to make excuses but I felt mutated, ugly, and I was so so angry and I couldn’t do
anything about it because I didn’t understand what had happened.”
“I’m sorry, Ino,” Naruto regretfully admits. “I get that you didn’t actually want to do that
with me. Had I known, I would’ve stopped it. I was stupid and but it’s different now.”
“It is,” Ino agrees. “For both of us. That’s why I have to be completely honest with you. You
deserve to know how horrible I can be-”
“You’re not horrible,” Naruto interjects, shifting forward. “No more than I am-”
“I raped Sakura,” Ino flatly confesses, silencing Naruto down to his breathing. “At my worst,
it wasn’t so much her words that I couldn’t take, but the new reality behind them. I felt like I
had lost everything and I let my anger take over. I used my jutsu on her and took
compromising photos of her. Then I blackmailed her for the photos by making her…” “ahem,
by making her have sex with me and… and even making her have s-sex with you. I’ve long
since learned what I did was horrible, and wrong, and evil, and there’s no excuse for it. I
understand if you never want to see me again, but you should know I will always cherish you
and the times we shared.”
Naruto’s mind struggles to make sense of the meaning behind her words. They just don’t
connect with the girl before her in any way as he tries to vocalize the thing that doesn’t make
sense. “I don’t- You couldn’t- Ino, tell me- But Sakura’s your-”
“I’m so, so, so, sorry, Naruto,” Ino interjects, pressing her forehead as hard as she can into the
board of the floor. She wants the pain, she needs the pain to get through it as she apologizes.
“I won’t ever stop being sorry. Till I die, this will be the worst shame of my life.”
Naruto takes her hand and pulls her up to see her face. Her face would surely tell the truth,
but she looks away, ashamed. “You’re lying,” he yells with hope that she is. “You couldn’t do
Weak in his grip, Ino uses all her strength to look in his beautiful eyes as she affirms, “I wish
I were lying… but it’s the truth.”
Letting her go, Naruto steps back, mouthing, “I don’t believe it. I can’t! Not of you!”
Smiling with red-rimmed eyes refusing to cry, Ino asserts with confidence, “I have no doubt I
would’ve fallen in love you before long.” She back-steps toward the door, leaving him with,
“your trust, love, and warmth altered my world for the better, Naruto, and I’ll always be
grateful to you. I’m sorry,” she finishes, exiting the shell of his old apartment and leaving him
to his betrayed thoughts.
When Sakura finally hears Ino enter her bedroom, the pink-haired kunoichi grips the instant-
photo tightly in her grasp and walks out of her room. Though Ino wanted them to share
rooms, Sakura reminded her blond sister that she will be doing a lot of studying and needs
peace to fully concentrate. Sliding the last photo she hadn’t destroyed in her nighty’s pocket,
Sakura couldn’t believe how blatant Ino was being with her affections toward Naruto.
‘They held hands in public,’ Sakura’s mind screams yet again, as her blushing body feels
electric. ‘Even Kiba saw them!’
After leaving Naruto and Ino earlier, all Sakura could think about on her walk back to the
Yamanaka compound was her night with Naruto, and how Ino would eventually feel the same
elation she had felt. Sakura couldn’t explain why Ino starting a relationship with a boy she’s
had sex with excited her so much. She fantasized about it every night since and has already
masturbated three times to the last photo of herself giving Naruto’s erupting cock one long
The closest the pink-haired genin understood about the photographic evidence, was how the
connection it displayed excited her. It was her body in the photo, but Ino was the one licking
Naruto’s large phallus, and now her blond sister wants the date the boy she had sex with. The
connection was titillating to think about, all the more when she realizes Ino was right about
their bond.
Standing in front of Ino’s door, Sakura doesn’t even knock before entering the heiress’s room.
It was rude, but not without purpose. Sakura may agree with Ino’s opinion of their familial
relation, but, that doesn’t mean she won’t demand what she needs. ‘Sisters,’ Sakura’s mind
repeats. It was odd how much she agreed with their bond, and realizing how close the girls
are—and will always be—made Sakura all the more confident she will have what she wants.
Ino is walking out of her closet in silk purple shorts and top when Sakura enters her room
without permission. Sakura finds it odd she would just ignore her and watches Ino walk to
her dresser and pick up her brush. The silence between them grows as Ino simply brushes her
lustrous blond hair. Setting her resolve, Sakura walks over to Ino, takes the brush from her
hand and takes over titivating Ino’s golden mane.
Looking at the straight-faced Ino through the mirror, Sakura couldn’t get a read on her sister.
Still, she says, “I have a problem you’re going to help me with.” Other than her pupil-less
attention, Ino doesn’t react any other way. It almost unnerves Sakura from continuing, but,
when she thinks about why she has to stay with other ninja’s while Naruto can walk around
free as he wants, Sakura holds firm.
“When I told you about my training you said I was crazy to train so much and one hour
wasn’t going to make a dent against all that fatigue,” Sakura continues, though delicately
brushing Ino’s blond hair. “And you were right. Boardgames weren’t going to keep me from
going crazy, but you can.” Eying the girl she remarks, “or to be more precise, Naruto can.”
Again there’s no reaction and Sakura can’t help but wonder, ‘what’s wrong?’
Pushing through, the blushing girl continues, “even though you’re Naruto’s girlfriend now,
you’re going to convince him that you approve of me and him having sex! That’s right! I
want to have sex with your b-boyfriend, but let’s be clear here, it has nothing to do with love
and everything to do with your debt to me and assisting me with my training.”
Ino takes in a deep breath and seems ready to protest, provoking Sakura to take out the photo
as she moves in front of the beautiful heiress, and yell, “and if you don’t like that, this should
help you realize why you have no choice. I’ll tell Naruto what his new girlfriend did to me!”
Breathing heavily, Sakura did not expect Ino to break down and start crying; not a light
whimpering or mild shedding of tears. No, the beautiful girl looked pained with fat globs of
tears gushed out of her squinting eyes, and her mewling shocked Sakura’s heart into racing
with worry. Forgetting the picture, Sakura takes her wailing sister in her arms and holds her
tightly. Though Sakura tries to ask Ino what was wrong, the wailing girl wouldn’t respond.
Ino wouldn’t even answer to her mother when the matriarch entered the room. In the end,
Sakura stayed with Ino all night, holding her as she cried and slept and cried again.
Naruto should be happy to receive the memories of his clones training progress, as well as his
clone’s talk with Mabui, but he wasn’t very content. The silver-haired woman was incredibly
attractive, smart, and interested in what he had to say but after the revelation Ino had
smacked him with, Naruto couldn’t think or feel much of anything else. Seated at the dining
table in Iruka’s home beside Karin and in front of Ōyashiro-san, he hoped to feel better
tomorrow. He wants to be cheerful when he meets the caramel-skinned beauty again.
“I apologize for the late hour, Naruto-dono, Karin-dono, but thank you for meeting me,”
Ōyashiro speaks. He takes a sip of their tea and compliments Iruka’s cozy home. There were
many scrolls from Karin’s research neatly stacked to the side, but as a whole, the entire house
was very clean.
“Well, I still have to give you the ryō for the chakra blades,” Naruto comments before Karin
asks, “how can we help you?”
“I’ll get right to the point,” Ōyashiro claims. “I want to be of service to you. I want to be able
to facilitate a need of yours in equal measure to the item I’d like in return.”
Looking from Naruto to the veteran tradesman, Karin asks, “what item?”
“I see,” Ōyashiro easily responds, however, undeterred, he continues. “You must have a
sentimental attachment to the weapon- Oh, better yet, I imagine you want to use it to become
a legendary swordsman yourself. Legendary swordsman Uzumaki Naruto. It has a nice ring, I
must admit.”
“Actually, I’m not planning on using it,” Naruto tells the man. “It’s too big and I’d rather rely
on taijutsu than kenjutsu.”
“That would explain the chakra knuckle-blades,” Ōyashiro mumbles to himself loud enough
for the Uzumakis to hear. “So, if not to become a swordsman, then sentimental reasons?”
“No,” Naruto callously replies. “I mean, I won it but I don’t care about it one way or
“Well then, might I ask why not sell it to me,” Ōyashiro asks, quickly adding, “I’ll pay
generously for it.”
Even Karin looks at her down cousin curiously when he answers, “I told Zabuza-jiji he can
work for it.”
“I see,” Ōyashiro nods as he responds. “Well, played, Naruto-dono. If I’m understanding you
correctly, if Momochi-dono didn’t mind you selling Kubikiribōchō, you wouldn’t be opposed
to selling it to me?”
With a confident voice, Ōyashiro then asks, “and if I offer you triple the retail amount, would
your reconsider selling it to me now?”
“Four hundred and sixty-six million ryō,” Ōyashiro answers all the while staring at the
listless Naruto to gauge his response.
Karin gasps, stunned with wide-eyes, but after what Ino admitted to him, Naruto is numb to
expression. Ryō isn’t everything and he doesn’t like the idea of lying, so he answers, “sorry. I
wish I could but, I gave Zabuza-jiji my word.”
“No need to apologize, Naruto-dono,” Ōyashiro says, shaking his head. “It’s quite admirable
of you. Our word is our bond, after all, and for the moment, I’m quite content with the
knowledge of your position.”
After they let him out, Karin gasps aloud, “four hundred and sixty-six million! That means
the retail for Kubikiribōchō is a hundred and… fifty-five point three something or other! Do
you know what we can do with that amount? We’d be one of the richest clans in the village!”
“It’s just ryō,” Naruto glumly states, before telling Karin, “I’m going for a walk. Will you be
“I’m fine,” he responds with a weak smile, happy she didn’t ask him about Ino. “I just have a
lot on my mind.”
It wasn’t long before he found himself in Kurenai’s bed. Though they discussed Hinata, she
could tell he was distracted. When he eventually opened up, he didn’t explain more than his
dashed hopes of nearly having a girlfriend, and worse than that, how he feels about the
horrible mistakes of an intimately close friend. He nearly feels betrayed. The beautiful
Jōnin’s words were as comforting as her presence, but even as they sleep together, he doesn’t
feel quite right.
“So he is the same boy,” Mabui gasps after Samui gave a detailed description of the Uzumaki
who fought and defeated Momochi Zabuza. It was baffling to the silver-haired stunner that a
sixteen-year-old genin can be stronger than the Demon of Hidden Mist and prodigious in
Fūinjutsu. She can’t help but gasp to her teammates, “he didn’t even look injured!”
Seated around their small dining table in the middle of their empty living quarters, Atsui
seemed pensive, seemingly trying to make sense of the same thing she is. It just didn’t seem
believable, and if it wasn’t for Samui’s first-hand account, they wouldn’t believe it. The
symmetrically beautiful leader is stone-faced, however, and Mabui easily imagines she’s
reflecting on her lack of communication, as any leader might in such a situation. If Samui
would’ve spoken more, Mabui could’ve made the connection earlier and they could’ve
planned to use Mabui’s connection with Uzumaki to secure his favor, if not outright steal the
blade from him.
“Ōyashiro asked for more time,” Samui tells her subordinates, forcing Mabui and Atsui to
assume that’s still the primary course of their mission. Rather than explain to her
subordinates if there are any backup plans, Samui stands and retires into their shared
Mabui follows and isn’t surprised to see Samui is already in her sleeping bag. Her leader
wasn’t sleeping, so Mabui speaks as she begins to change. “Thank you for telling us
Uzumaki’s description. With that, I’ll try to charm him to our side.”
Rather than retain the silence, Mabui asks direct questions to encourage the beautiful leader
to speak more, starting with, “is there a specific tactic you would like me to incorporate?”
“Fūinjutsu and…” Mabui hesitates to finish. On a mission, Mabui is fine flirting and
seducing others if it’s safe to do so, however, she draws the line on going the extra mile,
especially all so Bee-sama can have a new sword.
Though she doesn’t want to be ordered to do anything she would be uncomfortable doing,
Mabui answers her commanding officer, “he asked me about women and love.”
“Do what you must,” Samui states from her resting place in her sleeping bag.
“Understood,” Mabui responds. Though she could’ve ended it there, Mabui’s psyche training
tells her to speak about her day with the blond prodigy. As Mabui recounts her interaction
with Uzumaki Naruto, she hopes to get through to Samui and breakdown, if only a little,
some of the girl’s fear.
Opening the rear access door of Tent Out of Ten, Tenten asks, “what do you want?”
Without being permission, Haku enters the merchandise bay of the weapons shop. Though
Tenten tried to stand in front of him, she can’t help but think of her father and weakly allows
the beautiful shinobi in as he answers, “I’m here to assess the quality of my weapon.”
Haku stops walking toward the stairs that lead to the apartment above and turns to leave,
commenting, “very well. I’ll let Zabuza-sama know-”
“Wait!” Tenten yells as she reaches for Haku’s dark green tunic. “Wait! Are you crazy?!
Don’t-” Haku’s calm dark eyes relay Tenten’s clear options, to which the bun-haired belle
slowly asks to know, “…how could you be okay with this? If I don’t do what you say, Zabuza
kills my father!”
Eyes widening incredulously, Tenten rebuffs, “what I just said already means I lost!”
Calm as ever, the beautiful boy asks, “how? Your father is still alive and will remain so. And
all I’m going to ask of you is train to be a weapon even Zabuza-sama would be proud of.
Neither of which feels like losing to me.”
“You belong to me, Tenten,” Haku reiterates. “But you also belong to Zabuza-sama’s and
Naruto-sama’s because what’s mine is theirs. That being said, you’re so pitiful as a ninja, it
would embarrass me to present you to them.”
Ruffled by the observation and hating herself for being unable to confidently dispute it, she
instead returns, “I don’t need you to present me to anybody-”
Turning again to the door to leave, Haku repeats, “I’ll alert Zabuza you do not wish to
“Fine,” Tenten yells, grabbing the sleeve of his dark green tunic. “Fine. Just- …what do you
Nodding, Haku begins walking again, heading toward the stairs as he asks, “when was the
last time you murdered someone?”
Tenten is taken aback at the questions as they walk up the stairs and is slow to honestly
respond, “…I’ve never killed anyone.”
“Hmm,” Haku lazily hums before abruptly deducing, “I suppose we can find a homeless man
for you to kill.” At Tenten’s yelping cry, Haku turns to the girl as they enter the apartment
and relays, “it’s fine, Tenten-chan. I won’t turn you in to the authorities-”
“It’s not about getting caught,” she boldly asserts. “I’m not killing some random person!
What is wrong with you?”
“I certainly can’t claim to be… normal,” Haku sheepishly admits with the sweetest smile
before purposely pointing out, “however, I am also not weak.”
“Neither am I-”
Haku interrupts by asking, “shall we put that to the test?” Tenten stiffens as Haku continues
his leisure pace around the living room. “If you beat me, you will no longer be my tool and
I’ll make certain your father does not die by Zabuza’s hand, directly or indirectly.”
“And if I lose?”
It didn’t take Tenten too long to answer with conviction, “fine! After I win, you promise no
harm will come to my father?”
They traveled to the roof for their match and though the space was small, it was equally so. It
didn’t take long for Tenten to feel that quicksand. She couldn’t even manage to make Haku
use his jutsu, let alone his weapons. His speed alone outmatched her, the foreign boy parried
everything, and she felt the pressure like she was drowning in it. In the end, Haku didn’t
break a sweat, Tenten never landed a strike, and she couldn’t stop disparaging thoughts
repeatedly asking, ‘how can I be so weak?’
Crouching beside the huffing Tenten, Haku asks, “do you understand now?”
“…No,” Tenten growls. “Why are you so good? Why is Naruto? And Neji-kun, Lee, and
Guy-sensei? And everybody, but me!”
“I can’t speak for your teammates or ‘everybody,’” Haku calmly voices. “However, I can tell
you why Naruto-sama is strong.”
Sitting up, Tenten demands, “tell me. How did he beat Zabuza?”
Taking this conversation indoors, Haku and Tenten settle around the dining table before they
speak. Tenten has a bag of ice against her bruised cheek as Haku articulates, “it’s not about
the strategy Naruto-sama used to beat Zabuza-sama. It’s about his mental fortitude.” At
Tenten’s drawn in eyebrows, Haku answers, “Naruto-sama has an innate understanding of
who he is and isn’t afraid of his capabilities.”
She sarcastically asks, “why would he be? Why would anyone be scared of
being that strong?”
“Our deepest fears are not rooted in our inadequacy,” Haku wise counsels, “humankind’s
deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. Most people you come across in life are
content to simply have a place in society. They are content to conform and with good reason.
To do so is much easier to live with; it’s accepting, sociable, and comfortable-”
A tired and hurt Tenten accidentally let slip from her lips, “sheep,” surprising and scaring her
at the same time.
Haku has the decency to let it slide as he continues explaining from across the table. “But
playing small doesn’t serve the world. It serves the interests of others at the expense of your
self and your dreams. Zabuza-sama and Naruto-sama may be polar opposites, but neither men
have such fears. They don’t accept conformity. They are daring, and without hesitation,
would fight death itself for what matters to them. That is the key to their strength.”
Tenten takes a minute to consider Haku’s words before asking, “and you can make me that
“I can only show you the way,” the boy responds. “You must be the one to walk it, and
crucially, without fear.”
Tenten sags her shoulders and with deep resignation, answers, “…well, it’s not as if I have a
“Good,” Haku voices before declaring, “your first task is to kill a homeless-”
“I’m not killing a homeless person,” Tenten calls out. “Why do you keep saying that?”
“Tenten-chan,” Haku patiently starts. “The largest area of improvement isn’t your body, but
your mind. You have too much fear, and if you’re going to be a weapon worthy of the
strongest opponents, you need to change your mindset.”
“After I killed my father who had killed my mother before trying to kill me, I didn’t adhere to
it as readily as others might have.” Tenten looks at Haku’s serene face, and couldn’t believe
such a calm and beautiful face would say something so horrible. Her own father may value
money over many things but even he would attempt to kill his own daughter.
“Still,” Haku continues. “That event did brake me enough for Zabuza-sama to mold me into
his weapon. Both Naruto-sama and Zabuza-sama have gone through mental barriers I doubt
you’ve ever neared, hence why I suggest murder. No one will miss a homeless person-”
“I’m not killing anyone,” Tenten calls, already feeling sick to her stomach at the way Haku
wants to train her. Tenten then asks, “is there another barrier that doesn’t involve murder?”
Tenten can’t help but be jealous of the beautiful boy as he quirks his neat brow in thought.
She couldn’t believe how unfair his beauty is as the boy mutters to himself,
“you’re so innocent, there should be something… oh!” Haku then happily asks, “have you
had- wait, do you have a boyfriend?”
Continuing to his invasive questioning, he asks, “do you have someone you love?”
“Wait, wait,” she calls before he even gets up. Nervously, she blushes to admit, “I… sort
of like someone… but… he doesn’t feel the same.”
“I see,” Haku mumbles. After a moment of deep thought, Haku nods and merrily tells Tenten,
“well, if you’re opposed to murder, then having sex with Naruto-sama is your only other
Dropping the bag of ice, Tenten slams her palms on the dining table, shaking the wood, as
she sits up, the movement of which knocks the chair back, and yells, “WHAT! HOW DO
Standing himself, Haku raises an easing palm to settle the pretty girl’s shocked countenance
as he explains, “I am not holding your hand through this, Tenten-chan, nor will I explain this
multiple times. I’ll say this once and give you the week to think it over.” He waits several
moments for her to object, but the only sound from her is heavy breathing.
“Sex is something intimate,” Haku starts. “It’s a social bond you share with a significant
person you relate well with. In some respects, it’s the very vulnerable heart of you as an
individual… that level of sensitivity will kill you in battle. As you are, you are all about your
feelings; your fears, your insecurities. All of that needs to be dialed back a substantial amount
so you can stop thinking about how you feel and instead concentrate on the outcome
that must happen. The burden of murder would be a good dampener, but loveless sex works
well enough.”
Visibly upset, Tenten struggles to swallow her pride to utter, “…Even if you believe that’s
what I need, why Naruto-kun? W-why n-not… y-y-you?”
Shrugging the little her question actually matters, Haku answers the wildly blushing girl,
“you’re not my preference. Also, Naruto’s the only person I know in Konoha, we live
together, and as his tool, I obviously serve him in any way I can.”
With gravitas that cut through her reservations, Haku palpably vocalizes, “you want to
change but you don’t want to sacrifice. Zabuza-sama, Naruto-sama, myself, and many other
strong warriors had to sacrifice who they were to become who they are. I guarantee you no
legend you met was born that way. They were made into being; forged into being. I can
understand your hesitance to murder someone, but if you’re unwilling to sacrifice even this in
order to cross beyond your comfortable boundaries, then I don’t know how to train you. You
have a week, then I will expect an answer.”
Though Tenten expected Haku to leave after clearly explaining his position, the confusing
boy sits back down. Confused, Tenten looks at the boy with a curiosity that clearly says,
‘what more is there to discuss?’ Answering as if it was the most obvious thing in the world,
Haku asks, “how do you expect to run your shop, alone, while simultaneously continuing
your career as a kunoichi without assistance?”
The second Naruto opened his door, he was surprised to see Sakura waiting for him. He’s
supposed to meet her along with Kakashi and Sasuke at their spot on the bridge and he wasn’t
looking forward to it. He hadn’t seen Sasuke since their match two days ago and now he
knows what happened to Sakura by Ino’s hands. Looking at her tired, angry, yet lovely face,
Naruto isn’t sure what to expect but they say their farewell to a studious Karin before leaving.
Fifteen minutes into their walk, Sakura sighs before asking a nervous Naruto, “do you know
what I was doing all last night?” He doesn’t speak, however, he shakes his head, ‘no,’ to
which she responds, “I was comforting an uncharacteristically distraught and weeping
Yamanaka Ino.”
Though the day is bright and perfect, Naruto mournfully responds, “…she told me.”
“I know,” the lethargic Sakura yells. The streets they walk are lamely populated with
stragglers as Sakura continues. “The second I threatened to do horrible violence to you, she
finally tells me she confessed everything to you and to leave you alone.”
Stopping in their tracks, Naruto turns to her and admits his confusion. “I don’t understand
Sakura. Why are you at her house? Why are you still her friend? Is she still blackmailing-”
Raising her fist and prime to strike him, Sakura seemingly changes her mind and sighs as she
lowers her deadly fists. “No, baka,” she calmly answers. Resuming their walk, she listlessly
informs him, “listen… I was a bitch, like, a true-to-life bitch. And Ino was even colder. It
wasn’t right what she did and I won’t say otherwise, but, I can’t say there wasn’t a clear
“…I was- I learned I was obsessed,” she starts, slowly turning to him as she adds, “with
Sasuke. I don’t know how this happened, but I convinced myself that he was the best thing in
this world and I wanted to be his everything. With those photos, Ino forced me to read
a lot about obsession… even now, I still hate her for it,” she adds with a small smile. “I
learned, desire creates paradoxical effects, like, the more you want something, the more you
chase after the very thing that eludes you.”
“That sounds pretty familiar,” Naruto repentantly admits to her. Her green eyes say she
understands he’s talking about himself because she chuckles and affectionately shoulder-
checks him. Her cheeks blush a pretty shade of pink, contrasting alluringly with her green
eyes under pink eye-lashes.
“Anyway,” she continues. “Another effect is the more interest you show, the more you repel
the very object you desire. You know, that same book also said that my approach was so
strong, it likely had the effect of making Sasuke uncomfortable. Can you imagine, Sasuke,
“Yeah,” Naruto chuckles to mentally picture, adding, “oh, man! It’d be like telling the broody
bastard the food he’s eating was made with love!”
Sakura and Naruto laugh together as they leisurely walk the serene path to meet their
teammates. Eventually, Sakura continues, adding, “out of all the books Ino made me read,
one said showing contempt and disdain is the prerogative of the king. It makes people want
to seek your approval. Where the king’s eyes turn, what he decides to see, becomes reality;
what he ignores and turns his back on is as good as dead.” Wondering about his own
obsessed chase of Sakura, the pink-haired girl adds, “I remember thinking that’s exactly what
it felt like if Sasuke didn’t look at me, didn’t pay attention to me, like I’d die.”
Nodding in understanding, Naruto asks with some amazement, “Ino made you read all that?”
Naruto’s mind couldn’t help but think that seemed like a benefit. What happened also helped
him get over his obsession with Sakura, to which Naruto comments, without embarrassment,
“but she also made you have sex with me.”
“Now that I think about it,” Sakura voices as her brain analyzes the situation with that
parameter. “I think she did that because she wanted you to stop chasing me on top of showing
me how little I valued myself; sort of like a two-for-one.” He nods at the objective
assessment when Sakura asks, “you remember asking me if I wanted to stop several times?
Well, she also gave me the option to stop or say no, but like Sasuke’s attention, I didn’t want
to feel the ‘‘death’’ of losing him, so I always did it. All those experiences helped me realize
how far I strayed from the girl I used to be… the one in the park by Yoshino’s on her daddy’s
shoulders watching the Sakura trees bloom.”
“I hate that it took so much to make me see things differently,” Sakura admits to him though
enjoying the birds flying above. “I still have a lot of self-reflection to do, and training on top
of that, but I wouldn’t be in a position to do so if it wasn’t for Ino.” Sakura steps in front of
Naruto and softly explains, as if defeated, “I don’t know how you feel about Ino—I mean she
did something immoral and criminal—but I still trust her… crazy as that sounds.”
“So, you’re okay,” Naruto slowly asks. Taking a step closer to really look at her, he
emphasizes, “I mean, really, are you okay?”
Smiling the sweetest smile he’d seen in a long time, Sakura answers, “yeah, Naruto. I am.”
He nods and they walk in silence until they see their teammates, both of them-
Naruto enjoys hearing Sakura laugh, and their talk, more than Kurenai’s arms holding onto
him, made him feel okay about it all. There’s more to consider between Ino and himself,
however, he feels confident that time will heal this wound.
Sakura brings him out of his thoughts when she tells him, “you know how I know you’re
going to be okay too?” Quirking his blond brow, he shakes his head, and she responds,
“Sasuke tried to kill you and you don’t seem to hate him, in fact, you still want to help him.
On the bridge, Zabuza nearly killed you, and yet, you didn’t hesitate to ask me to help him.
Neither one of us hates Kakashi-sensei for neglecting us in favor of Sasuke. This entire
village practically hated you and yet, you still want to protect them.” Sakura becomes pensive
for a moment, a slight smile under her pink cheeks as she jests, “you might be too good for
us, Naruto.”
Snorting, an embarrassed Naruto chuckles, “nope! Definitely not.”
Sweaty yet under her covers, Ino’s mind was on a vicious loop. She couldn’t process
anything but the repeating memory of her self-harming confession. It’s night time and she
barely remembers admitting to Sakura what happened with Naruto. She barely recalls her
mother bringing her food and sadly repeating how it was all her fault. She doesn’t remember
eating, going to the bathroom, or washing. Ino simply stayed in bed with a mess of tissues
scattered all around her.
It even took Ino several minutes before she realized a tapping noise was coming from
somewhere, then several minutes after that to turn to the irritating noise. To her horrid shock,
Naruto is sticking on the wall outside her window, looking at her.
Immediately, Ino’s mind catalogs everything about her appearance that’s not up to her
standards of public viewing. She could feel her nose is red and stuffy, her eyes were puffy
and irritated from all her crying, her usually silky hair was a clumped mess, her skin felt oily
and lifeless, and she smelled… horribly. Nothing about her was attractive and her immediate
reaction is to throw the covers over herself.
With her trained ears, it’s ridiculously easy for her to hear him enter her room and walk to her
bed. She can barely breathe and much too soon, he’s right beside her. He sits on the bed
before placing his hand on her shoulder and she can feel his warmth like she never knew how
cold the world actually is. Ino immediately felt his comfort and was aching for more until he
slowly tries to draw the comforter off her.
When Ino holds tight, Naruto lets go and slowly voices, “if you hadn’t told me, I never
would’ve known.” Ino is all too aware of that fact; much to her emotional agony, however,
she says nothing as he softly continues. “Despite what you did, I still think you’re a good
person, Ino… or you never would’ve told me.”
Drawing courage from thoughts of his smile and Kurenai’s approval, Ino responds, “if I was
a good person, I wouldn’t have done that in the first place.”
“Maybe,” Naruto responds. “But Sakura seems okay with it, and if she can move past it—if
she can trust you—then I want to as well.” Ino’s sure he can feel her heart beating a mile a
minute. It’s suffocating under the think sheet making her sweat worse, but, she didn’t care as
long as she can hear him.
“I came here because I don’t want to lose you,” he voices and an overly mortified, excited,
sad, and happy Ino feels him try to remove the thick blanket again, and Kami help her, she
lets him. She allows him to see her vulnerable face—mask-less—in all her unappealing
emotions. Rather than be disgusted by what must be a laughter-inducing appearance, he
smiles his genuinely sweet smile, and it breaks her heart when he confesses, “it won’t be as
easy as before but I think that’s fine. I still want you in my life, Ino.”
Rather than voice the immensity of the solace revitalizing her tired veins and withered
muscles, Ino just wraps her arms around his strong neck and embraces him as hard as she can
for as long as she can until. She hates herself for sobbing in happiness, but she can’t stop how
she feels. She holds him while he rubs her back, and eventually, she succumbs to slumber
from sheer exhaustion.
Yay! There will be more Ino and Naruto in the future but they're in a better place than
ever before. They now have a steady foundation to build upon. I always knew that my
Ino would eventually confess what she did. She knows it was wrong, and to keep it from
Naruto would only propagate how wrong it was to a whole new level. I hope this wasn't
too melodramatic, but I needed this to happen so the road will be much smoother
between them.
I'll highlight more of Sakura's reasoning later, however, all the ingredients are already
there. Sakura needs something, Ino owes her big time, she's already lost her virginity,
and there's a hold button on her quest for Sasuke.
A long long time ago, I had one thought for Tenten. "It's be funny is a weapon specialist
became a weapon." Stupid I know, but, I still get a childish kick out of it. I also thought
it was funny she'd rather Haku do the dirty deed, lol. Anyway, I'm glad she's under
Haku's tutelage. I want her to get strong and I think Haku will do a great job. Also, how
boss is Haku?! Effing Best Wing-man Ever! More on Tenten later.
Mabui is chipping away at Samui a bit at a time, trying to get at the center of the poor
girl, and I'm slowly working them to the deep drill that is Naruto. I can't wait to focus
more on them
Temari is coming up next. I'm salivating to get her in the harem! And I haven't forgotten
about Jiraiya! He's coming soon. Lots of very interesting stuff coming guys!
Lastly, Happy Halloween! I am dressing like BBC's Luther and my girl is going to be
Alice because we're nuts for each other.
As always, please let me know what you think and have a great one,
Chapter Summary
Finding a good partner is the key to success in anything, whether the marriage is
arranged or not.
Chapter Notes
I'm sorry if some felt I'd abandoned, especially since I haven't updated From Ruin yet,
but, I won't. Speaking of... forewarning, my next update will be From Ruin's chapter 25,
then I'll update Last Prayer again after that.
12.6K Enjoy!
Walking the bustling and hectic streets of Konoha to his mandatory counseling
session with Yamanaka-san, Sasuke only registers a person is walking right beside him when
the chilling voice speaks, “such a disappointment, Sasuke-kun.”
To his credit, Sasuke continues his leisure pace with his hands in his pockets despite
the gut-wrenching alarm going off in his gut. The young avenger didn’t need to turn to know
the elderly woman walking next to him was Orochimaru in a disguise. He’s more concerned
with how fatally distracted he’s been for the past three days and mentally chastises himself
for his slip. Still, he couldn’t deny what Naruto had said shook him to his roots.
“My, my, my,” the scratchy voice hums in amusement. Looking straight ahead,
Orochimaru notes, “nine babysitters just for you. It’s almost as if Sarutobi-sensei doesn’t trust
what you’ll do.”
“Ambition frightens the weak,” the legendary shinobi huskily returns. “Are you
frightened, Sasuke-kun? Has the impotent weight of the ordinary horrified and robbed you of
your ambitions?”
Again, Sasuke recalls Naruto’s words during their team meeting three days ago, and
again, he’s never been so confused. He recalls the oddity of Sakura and Naruto arriving at the
meeting spot together, their laughter and how much their serenity annoyed him. The moment
it seemed to Sasuke like the Dobe was happier than he had any right to be, it instantly made
him think it’s due to a false sense of smug superiority because of his one win. Sasuke wanted
to fight Naruto right then and there, however, his body tenses at the recollection of the
blond’s unexplainable power. His teammate may be an idiot, but his strength is genuine.
When the team united, Kakashi started, “alright, team.” It was the first time they’ve
been together since the prelims of the exam and Sasuke recalls constantly having to keep his
anger in check. Though the air between them is tense, their oblivious sensei continued
saying, “first, let’s congratulate Naruto for making it to the third round. Congratulations,
“Congratulations,” Sakura yells with a bright smile, matching his as he coyly averts
his embarrassed gaze. Sasuke remained silent as Naruto thanked them. Their sensei then
added, “since you’ll be facing Gaara, I want us all to train you for your match with him since
he seems to be the likely dark horse.”
“Yeah,” their pink-haired teammate calls out, agreeing with Kakashi. It wasn’t the
first time he wondered why she was acting so differently toward him and Naruto, but Sasuke
didn’t care as she asserted, “we’ll make sure you’re at your best.”
The team became curious when Naruto turned to Kakashi and explained, “well, I
thought you were going to train Sasuke so I made training plans of my own.”
Though angered by his insinuation, Sasuke was more interested in his plans, promptly
asking the Dobe, “what training?” He may have lost once, but he wasn’t going to allow a
second loss to occur. He’d sooner die than let Uzumaki Naruto think he was better than him.
“What I usually do,” Naruto answered Sasuke with a non-committal shrug. “Plus
whatever my Godfather’s teaching me.”
“Godfather,” Sakura repeated curiously as Sasuke asked, “who?”
“Just this old pervert I know,” Naruto told them. “He stays outside of the village for
years, so I’ve never seen him, but he’ll be here soon.”
“…I see,” Kakashi slowly says in thought, making Sasuke wonder if he knows the
identity of this sudden Godfather. Kakashi all but confirmed his suspicion when the Jōnin
asked, “is he really going to train you?”
“Yup!” Naruto beams as he added, “team 7 can still train together, though. Like in the
mornings maybe. But I think you should focus on Sasuke and Sakura.” Hearing his positive
tone with his upbeat attitude is always enough to make Sasuke ignore him, but, when Naruto
presumes to know what’s best for him, Sasuke can’t help but want to place the loud idiot in
his place. He remembered yelling in his mind, ‘how does he not know he means nothing in
this world! Why isn’t he died! Why aren’t they all dead! Why is it only my family…’
“Who is he,” Sasuke demanded to know. Turning to Kakashi, he points out, “I thought
you were supposed to be our only sensei. Does he get special treatment? Does this mean I can
search for my own sensei?”
“Sasuke,” Kakashi voices. “Calm down. I am your only sensei, unless I approve and
the Hokage allows for a second, or even a third.”
Rather than waste more time and effort on that query, Sasuke asks what’s at the heart
of his anger. Turning to Naruto, he demands to know, “why do you have so much power?
You’re not a better fighter than me, you’re an idiot most of the time, and your chakra control
is wasteful. There’s no way you should’ve beaten me so how did you!?”
“I beat you because I had to,” Naruto heatedly retorted. “Simple as that. Even now
you’re still acting so stupid about this. I told you before you aren’t the only one suffering, so
quit acting like it.”
Sasuke hurled back, “why should I?” Kakashi steps close enough between them to
alert them both he’ll stop anything that goes too far, nevertheless, Sasuke yelled at the blond,
“I don’t care about anyone else! Why would you even think it makes any fucking sense to
care about others when everyone in this damn village is so content to forget the murder of my
great clan? Why should I care one ounce about anyone else’s suffering when they’re too
weak to do anything about it for themselves?”
Standing firm and confident, Naruto returned just as fervently, “to make sure others
don’t suffer the same pain you did, you idiot! Instead of crying about your tragedy like it’s
your only damn option or like it’s going to change anything, you should be more focused on
fighting what’s out there.”
With a calming palm on a huffing Naruto’s tense shoulder, Sakura hopes to defuse the
heated exchange by asking, “what do you mean, what’s out there?” Sasuke had wondered as
well but was too angry to care then.
“Kakashi-sensei’ll tell ya,” Naruto answered her while eying Sasuke. “There are all
sorts of super-strong shinobi out there, way stronger than me, you, Kakashi-sensei, or even
Ji-chan. And they’ll do anything they can to destroy our village and everyone in it. They
might even have good reason to, not that it’s right.” Specifically focusing on Sasuke, Naruto
relayed, “and you’re foaming at the mouth just to fight me? Wake up already! The world
doesn’t revolve around you and your revenge.”
Eying the sky-blue of Naruto’s stern eyes, Sasuke callously proclaimed, “if this world
ignores my pain, my revenge, then it shouldn’t exist.”
Shrugging, Naruto casually reasserted, “then I’ll just kick your ass again, you broody
“Anytime,” Sasuke hurled when Naruto voiced the confusing, “not that I need to.
You’re not my priority but that doesn’t mean I don’t get where you’re coming from. We’re
teammates, so, I’ll still help you.”
“I don’t want your help,” Sasuke proclaims, hating the blond’s sanctimonious
preaching, mentally finishing, ‘as if he understands!’
Sasuke challenged the blond on the spot before being held back by Kakashi. The
Avenger argued, laughed, and outright dismissed Naruto, however, deep down, he wondered
how serious the confident blond was. He’d been wonder about that ever since then. Though
they celebrated Naruto’s win and trained the two days after that, Sasuke stayed in his mind,
quietly turning over all the possibilities of Naruto’s assertion. Walking beside the disguised
Orochimaru now, Sasuke still wonders if Naruto can capture his brother.
“Far more than I can explain in the fifteen steps I have left,” Orochimaru hums
clocking the shinobi following Sasuke rearranging their formation. “I’ll only offer you this
chance once, my dear boy, and I’ll expect an answer the next time we meet. Join me and all
the power you will ever need to seek your own forbidden knowledge will be yours.”
“If you want me to join you you’ll have to tell me first,” Sasuke retorts, however,
Orochimaru simply grins his wide and wicked smile as he jests, “and where would the fun be
in that? Ku ku ku.”
With that, Orochimaru disappears smoother than air, to the level of skill Sasuke even
doubted the snake-nin was there to begin with. With Sasuke’s sixteenth step a masked shinobi
lands in front of him and directly asks, “was there a woman walking beside you?”
Looking around at all the colorful people scrambling through the bustling streets,
Sasuke honestly answers, “yes.” It’s not as if they have the power to do anything against the
Kage-level missing-nin as he adds, “though there are many villagers all around us.”
“No,” Sasuke honestly answers. It’s true Orochimaru withholds as much as possible,
but in an unorthodox way, that’s not suspicious. It’s as if you can trust that you can’t trust him
and that’s a welcomed comfort to Sasuke. His masked guard seemed satisfied and allowed
Sasuke to continue to his sham of a therapy session.
Sitting beside Naruto on the oak coffee table in her low-lit living room, Kurenai waits
patiently until he finishes retelling everything that’s happened in the last three days. Though
they’ve been meeting to help Hinata, among other satisfying activities, Naruto had only
recently had a frank conversation with Ino earlier in the day and completing that convoluted
series of events. It troubled Kurenai to hear what Ino had done, and by the end, she softly
asks, “so, you’re just friends?”
“For now, I think so,” Naruto answers just as softly. “Ino wants our friendship to be
the top priority; which I agreed with because I definitely don’t want to lose a friend if I don’t
have to. She knows what she did to Sakura is a hard thing to move past but she’s willing to
wait as long as it takes for us to be comfortable again.”
Pondering their arrangement, Kurenai asks with a hint of apprehension, “do you think
it might take you a long time to become comfortable again? Maybe something more?”
Fortunately, Naruto didn’t notice the hint of longing in her tone as he casually shrugs
his answer of, “not sure… but I get what she did and that’s a good place to start.”
“Smart girl,” Kurenai quietly remarks with a smirk. At the start of his tale, Kurenai
was ready to say goodbye to the physical side of their immensely satisfying relationship, but
she couldn’t help but feel relieved by the end. She was also a little angry at Ino’s poor
choices. Though being a capable manipulator is an advantage in life as it is in their
profession, she couldn’t agree with manipulating Sakura and Naruto into having sex with
each other. The only reason she couldn’t be furious with the beautiful Yamanaka is because
of the intent and the outcome. Kurenai could agree with treating obsessive attraction—as
both Naruto and Sakura clearly had—but not with Ino’s method.
“As a woman and mentor, I’m disappointed in her,” Kurenai admits, continuing to
keep her voice low. “But given what she went through, I can sympathize. Because she
confessed of her own volition, I can believe she simply made poor choices. However, as a
ranking kunoichi, I would’ve reported her immediately after you told me.”
“What,” Naruto quietly calls out. “I get it was illegal, but, it was a mistake and she
apologized. Even Sakura doesn’t mind now.”
“Think about it and tell me,” Kurenai challenges him. Challenging Naruto to think as
often as she does, it makes her happy when he doesn’t fight her on it anymore. As Naruto
takes a moment to think about Ino and Sakura, she finds it more important now that he’s
going to be his clan’s leader.
It’s obvious Ino would have the most to lose, but so too would her clan’s reputation,
to which Naruto moans, “oh. Because the Hokage would hear about what happened to Ino
with that blue pill, which might make her clan feud with the Akimichi, which would suck.”
“Yes, it would,” Kurenai mentions. The enchanting sensei scans the couch before
them from end-to-end as she nearly whispers, “I’ll add it to my black scroll.”
She can feel Naruto eying the perfect posture of her fit frame, her crossed legs in red
silk pajama-shorts, her long, shiny, layered mess of ebony hair for a few moments before he
slides up against her. His warm furnace of a body instantly penetrates her skin, warming her
to her core as he asks, “so, are you happy?”
Though she enjoys his warmth like the evening sun, Kurenai grows suspicious as she
rotates to him and curiously asks, “happy in what way?”
Naruto moves away just enough to rotate his strong frame so as to bring and lay his
leg on the length of the coffee table, take hold of her athletically slim waist and press her
right side against his torso and pelvis. Though she could’ve stopped him any time, especially
with her student on the couch in front of them, it seems incredibly likely that their days
together are nearly at an end… as she always knew it would be. Though she played coy to his
obvious arousal, she enjoys the way his fingers comb through her ebony locks as he clarifies,
“happy you still have me all to yourself.”
“Oh, Kami,” she gripes in amused disbelief. With his left hand in her hair, sweeping it
over her shoulder, lightly pulling at the strong root behind her sensitive ears in a way that
reminds her of some of her best orgasms with his hand in her hair. Her sexy frame begins to
tingle and softened, warming and priming for him despite the wrong situation for it.
“You, me, and Hinata-chan,” he comments looking at the unconscious girl lying
peacefully on Kurenai’s couch. As his right-hand grips her mostly naked thigh, slowly
massaging her hot inner leg muscle, he leans in to whisper, “what do you think?”
“I think you’ve been talking to Anko,” Kurenai responds feeling her heart pump
blood faster to her steadily soaking sex. Though she allows his hands to tempt and tease her,
she entertains herself by playing hard to get.
She can feel his chest jostle against her arm as he soundlessly laughs. His left-hand
massages her long neck as he explains, “it’s not like I go looking for her.” Taking control of
her nape just under her jaw, he applies a soft yet dominating grip reminiscent to more
amazing orgasms. Kurenai can’t help but feel ashamed as she spreads her legs just a little bit
wider as he voices, “she just pops up when I’m alone and makes me treat her to dango.”
His left-hand leaves her neck to grab her arm and wrap it around his back, further
entwining their cozy cohesion as she leans against his frame. Naruto’s lips begin nibbling on
her neck as Kurenai tries, “can we not,” all the while monitoring when Hinata might wake
Kurenai inhales deeply when his left-hand massages her back with a focus on her
lower flesh and his right-hand slides under the waistband of her flimsy silk pajama short-
shorts. His hot strong digits stroke her lubricating lips with practiced ease as he cups her
mound, whispering in her ear, “why are you avoiding the question, Nai-chan?”
Regardless of past fantasies, she shouldn’t be doing this in front of her unconscious
student; not when that student is so pure in her love for the very boy she whole-heartedly
enjoys fucking. However, as he slowly strokes her pulsing pink lips, she asserts, “I’m not
avoiding anything.”
“Let’s not pretend,” Naruto voices in her hair by her ear. Pressed against him, legs
spread and leaking at the apex, he couldn’t be more accurate as he affirms, “I can feel how
much you want it. You’re soaking my fingers,” he slowly adds as he slowly inserts a finger in
her hot love lane.
“You’re mistaken-” She tries closing her eyes as his left-hand wraps around to take
hold of her erect nipple and supple breast.
“My sexy sex-sensei is hot and wet,” his voice breeds into her ear. “Tell me how bad
you need my cock.”
“N-Naruto…” Kurenai tries through her fogging attention that’s splitting between his
lips sucking on the sensitive skin behind her ear, his hands massaging and fingering her, and
her unaware student. “Hinata is right… there. Please, show some r-respect.”
“I am,” he insists. Adding a second finger curling inside her moist love muscle, he
denotes, “can’t you feel how much respect I’m showing your wet pussy?”
Closing her eyes to the steadily growing pleasure coil at her womanhood, Kurenai
weakly moans, “Naruto…”
He whispers, “I heard you fantasize about getting fucked in front of your students,”
stunning her.
“Fucking Ankoooo- Mnn!” she utters before a pang of ecstasy interrupts her.
He’s stroking just under the quiver center of her G-spot as he observes, “you’re
getting tighter… Tell me,” he commands pulling her nipple in tandem with his curl stroking
fingers. “Do you want to be watched while being fucked?”
“Mnnn,” Hinata moans and Kurenai snaps her crimson-red eyes open at the alarming
“Better say it now, Nai-chan,” he calmly voices right next to her hair-covered ear. “Or
your precious student is going to see us.”
Clapping her hands together to begin changing the scent of sex in the air to normal
cloth and wood odors with her genjutsu, Kurenai admits, “yes, yes! Now stop- Mnn!”
Kurenai looks down as Naruto removes his toasty hand and she feels a thin piece of cloth
against her sensitive and leaking quim. “What was that?”
“Just a little something I made,” Naruto voices as Kurenai continues to add her
sensory-altering chakra to the air, amending what would normally smell of sex to the normal
scents of her living room and concealing her rock- hard nipple, her stained silk pajama
bottoms, and Naruto’s presence.
“It’s okay Hinata,” Kurenai voices as Naruto raises his paired fingers to his chest
activating the cloth clinging to her juicy honey-hole. Kurenai inhaled deeply when she felt
the cloth begin to vibrate, instantly thinking of his prodigious genius in Fūinjutsu. ‘This is
what he’s using his talent for,’ she mentally yells as he controls the intensity and direction of
the vibration.
“I didn’t even last a second,” Hinata sadly realizes, hesitating to recall, “I… I b-barely
felt his w-w-warm hands and s-strong arms around m-me b-before I passed out! I’m
“Nn, no you’re not,” a squirrelly Kurenai insists. Shifting closer to her student, the
aroused sensei instantly regrets it when the pleasure makes her knees buckle. The blushing
Kurenai maintains, “progress may be slow, but it’s s-still pr-ogress. You couldn’t even
handle… knowing what was coming ah-and now you can hug him for a second. You’re
getting better, t-trust me.”
Kurenai doesn’t let her panic show when Hinata leans forward in concern, asking,
“are you okay, Sensei? You’re red… and you’re breathing heavily. Do you want to stop?”
“No,” Kurenai answers. Kurenai crosses her legs as she takes Hinata’s hand and
assures the beautiful girl, “no, I’m fine. We can continue. Are you ready?”
Nodding, Hinata replies, “just give me five minutes,” to which Kurenai tenses as she
acknowledges her student with a sexed-up, “mnn.” Until Hinata was ready for ‘genjutsu-
Naruto’ to ‘return,’ Kurenai had to wait hundreds of agonizing seconds with Naruto’s
Fūinjutsu vibrator making her sex and legs shiver with micro tremors of pleasure. When the
Hyūga princess was finally ready, the genin performed the scripted act of congratulating each
other on making it to the finals before Naruto hugs her. Hinata lasts slightly longer than a
second before glowing red and passing out. Naruto gently lays Hinata on the couch before
turning to her.
Kurenai was on the coffee table again, suffering muscle-weakening pleasure coursing
through her. His eyes were a darker blue and a blind man could see how much he desired her.
Mindlessly, Kurenai opens her legs for him, only to realize how wrong the situation is for
that. Naruto’s between her fevered limbs before she can close her legs, taking her head by her
shiny black hair and tilting it back as if to take her plump red lips with his. She expected his
lips—wanted his lips—but instead, his hands massage her neck and scalp as he whispers,
“you didn’t answer my question.”
Closing her eyes to highlight the tingling of her sensitive scalp and vibrating sex, she
utters, “Naruto, this isn’t funny-”
Naruto leans the last little bit to take ownership of her slack maw. Her pink lips split
wide for his rough probing tongue, tilting her head to allow him as much access as he
desired. By now, it was all too easy for Kurenai to feel his want, his heat, his lips and hands,
and returns it kindly; to the point she’s disappointed when he pulls away just enough to
contend, “laughter isn’t the sound I want coming out of your mouth, Nai-chan.”
“Naruto- Mnnff,” she sounds when he raises the potency of the vibrating Fūin cloth
against her sex and clitoris. In front of her unconscious student elevating close to a powerful
orgasm, Kurenai rests her sweating forehead against his six-pack as her plump bottom
trembles in anticipation.
“There’s my sexy-sensei,” Naruto voices from above her as he continues to massage
her neck and head. Lowering himself to kneel in front of her, he massages her shuddering
thighs as he says, “I won’t stop until you’re honest with me.”
“I am… Mmmn,” Kurenai moans, bending down to rest her hot forehead against his.
She opens of lust-filled crimson eyes to gaze into his, feeling so close to the pleasure
exploding in her as she proclaims, “I said it! I said it already! It’s an old fantasy!”
“I didn’t mean about your fantasy,” Naruto softly voices, licking a bit of saliva at the
corner of her open pink lips. “I want to know if you’re happy about us not having to stop.”
His strong hands slide to her back before gripping her fleshy buns. “I want to know if you’re
happy to keep cumming around my cock,” he professes as he swiftly pulls her off the coffee
table to land on his cock-restrained lap. Her legs on either side of him slows down her
descent but can’t stop her pleasure-riddled love pocket from plowing against his pitched tent.
With Hinata laying down just in front of her, Kurenai refused to answer and they stayed that
way, gyrating, cuddling, and massaging until Hinata regained consciousness.
Naruto never allowed her to orgasm for the rest of the hour, keeping her close to the
edge until the end of Hinata’s special training where she bid her student a goodnight then
dragged Naruto upstairs and rode him to one of the most cosmically satisfying orgasms she’s
ever had. It was only after she came down from her euphoric high that she realized two
things; Naruto hadn’t cummed yet and he made clones of her students. In front of three
clones henge’d and acting like her students like Hinata, Kiba, and Shino, Kurenai felt wrong,
dirty, excited, shameful, and fantastic as she lived out an old fantasy to a night of amazingly
fringe orgasms.
“FINALLY!” Naruto yells, wind whipping through his blond hair and blaring in his
ears as he lands on the wide back of a tall, broad-shouldered shinobi with a bloom of spiky
white hair that reaches down to his waist. He wore a red haori with yellow circles on each
side over an outdated shinobi uniform, hand-guards, and wooden sandals. Naruto yells, “I
found you!”
“Wha tha-” a crouched Jiraiya hollers, slamming his hand against the wooden barrier
separating him from his bathing research to keep from hitting it face-first. Leaping to his feet,
the white-haired man twists around to reach the blond stuck on his back, bellowing, “who are
you! Get off!”
“Quit hanging all over me, brat!” At the ruckus created around the woman’s outdoor
bath, it was inevitable screams and cries of peeping interrupt them. Laughing throughout the
ride, Naruto doesn’t let go as Jiraiya speeds away. The elder shinobi sprints with the vigor of
a youthful man as he escapes the bath’s security through the busy streets of Konoha, leaping
from building to building with practiced ease. Once they were safe in a nearby park hidden
by a thicket of trees, Jiraiya finally manages to pull Naruto off and hold him up by the white
collar of his orange jumpsuit.
It’s the first time Naruto’s seen his father’s sensei up close and thinks the red lines
under his eyes that extend down his face like blood-tears is really cool. Naruto expected the
horned-forehead protector to be etched with the Konoha leaf symbol rather than the word, oil.
Overjoyed to see him, Naruto happily caterwauls, “you owe us a looooot of presents!”
“See what you’ve done… whoever you are,” Jiraiya yowls at the blond. “You’ve
jeopardized my valuable research!”
Laughing, Naruto corrects, “you mean your peeping? I can’t believe you really do
“Can’t believe-” Jiraiya starts to repeat when he realizes a more important thread to
argue. “That’s a complete misrepresentation of my art!”
Hanging by his collar, the jovial Naruto remarks, “your art is going to put you on a
watch-list if you don’t stop.”
“Ooh, is that so,” Jiraiya mewls skeptically, scratching his chin. The elder walks
around Naruto, inspecting the blond from top to bottom before sharing, “if that’s true, then
you’ve no doubt had the honor of discovering my amazing contribution to the world.” He
hops back, landing on one foot that produces an unexpected loud clacking noise with his
wood-sandals. Sinking his hand into his red haori but doesn’t pull it out right away as he yells
like the ringleader of a carnival, “behold young one! All my diligent research has empowered
me, Jiraiya the Gallant, to scribe the most accurate novel known to man, far and wide, the
great, the amazing… Icha Icha Paradaisu!!!”
The orange book he pops out in his triumphant pose is instantly familiar to Naruto
who yells with a pointed finger, “Ahh! I read that!”
“How-” Jiraiya gasps before realizing, “ho, ho! Young you may be, but you possess
the energy of masculinity in you!”
“I didn’t know that was your book,” Naruto huffs, recalling the book in Kakashi’s
hands as well as the time he skimmed through it before Kurenai agreed to teach him.
Striking out his open palm, Jiraiya announces, “your adulation is unnecessary,
shōnen!” Bringing his hands proudly on his hips, the elder specialist proclaims, “the long
hours of research, the late nights filled with sake, gambling, and women; it’s my divine
calling to have all that fun for men everywhere! Looking in your eyes, I can see how amazed
by my masterpiece you are-”
“Wha,” Naruto startles to sound, retorting, “it’s not my fault your book doesn’t work.”
Waving away the blond critique, Jiraiya practically spits, “Bah! What would a child
Happy to take offense, Naruto calls back, “shut up! I know a lot!”
Shaking his head at the young, innocent, inexperienced child with a hint of sadness,
Jiraiya pats Naruto on his shoulder, comforting him as consoles, “it’s okay, shōnen, all men
must begin somewhere. First, you’re happy to discover your appetite for the elusive female
temple, then reading about them further wets that gnawing hunger. Soon, you barricade
yourself in your room, beating your tadpole all the way into your twenties. It happens to the
best of us; nothing to be ashamed of.”
Grossed, Naruto shrugs off the elder’s hand, calling back, “tch, I don’t need to do
“Nonsense,” Jiraiya asserts with confidence. “Everyone knows if you don’t blow your
bank every once in a while, you’ll get so backed up, your ball-sack explodes.”
“Is too-”
“Genin Uzumaki Naruto,” they hear before a masked shinobi lands on the grass
before them. Naruto can tell he’s Ji-chan’s guard as his masked teammates land behind him.
Relaying their directive, the lead orders, “your presence has been requested by Sandaime-
Slumping his shoulders in defeat, he asks, “can it wait?” Glancing at the white-haired
sage, Naruto groans to the team, “I just found my Godfather.”
Shocked, Jiraiya yells, “Godfather?!” Naruto wonders how long the old pervert is
going to play this charade as the man retorts, “who said I was your Godfather?” Naruto
snickers as he panics and spouts, “whoever she is, she’s lying!”
“Uzumaki-kun,” the masked Jōnin repeats with more authority, to which Naruto asks
Jiraiya, “can’t you come with me, Ero-sennin?”
“Ero!” The petulant adult crosses his arms as he huffs, “brats these days have no
respect for their elders. You’re welcome to take him, shinobi-san.”
“Oh, come on,” Naruto groans. “You can peep on women later so, so, won’t you come
with me now?”
“Genin, Uzumaki,” the masked Jōnin repeats louder before adding, “our Hokage has
requested your presence.”
Struck with an obvious idea, Naruto crosses his fingers and calls out, “Kage Bunshin
no Jutsu!” Twenty clones pop into existence before eighteen immediately dispel. When two
Narutos remain, the one near the Anbu tells the clone, “you stay with Ero-sennin and make
sure you don’t lose him.” The Anbu however, don’t fall for it and strike the one who hasn’t
moved from beside Jiraiya. When his clone burst, Naruto whirls on the elite guard, yelling,
“ahh! What the hell!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Naruto chimes, waving him off before turning to the tall pervert and
commanding him, “don’t go anywhere!” His stern pointing lasts as long as he’s able before
Naruto leaps away with the team of elite guards. When Naruto leaves with the Anbu, a green
frog on Jiraiya’s scroll, hidden underneath his long spiky hair, hops off the rolled-up paper
and pops back into a smirking Naruto. Turning to his godfather, Naruto remarks, “thanks for
not telling them.”
“I didn’t do it for you,” Jiraiya asserts. “I only thought to ask you a question and they
were interrupting, is all.”
Hands on his hips, Jiraiya eyes Naruto skeptically as he replies, “you don’t even know
what I was going to ask.”
With a shrug, Naruto responds, “meh, I’m sure whatever it is, the answer’ll be yes.”
Counting with his fingers, Naruto asks and answers, “do I know who you are? Yes. Do I
know who my parents are and that you taught my dad? Yes and yes. Do I know about my
other chakra? Yes. Do I know how to use Rasengan? Yes. Do I know you’re a Toad
Summoner and you’re going to teach me Kuchiyose no Jutsu so I can learn Sage Arts just
like tou-chan? That’s a fat hell yeah!”
Stunned slack-jawed, Jiraiya’s eyebrows are high under his forehead protector and his
mouth is stuck open, as if to ask, ‘how,’ but couldn’t sound more than the H noise. At
Naruto’s innocent smile, Jiraiya finally bursts in sheer gut-busting laughter, eventually
affirming, “you… you’re something else, kid! Now I feel embarrassed,” he adds, scratching
the back of his head. Naruto is elated to hear as Jiraiya admits, “I wasn’t sure how meeting
you would go but I never could’ve predicted this.”
Though it’s great to meet family, Naruto recalls Naru-nii explain the details around
learning summoning and sage arts. In hopes of becoming stronger and faster than his future
counterpart, Naruto quickly bids, “Sweet! Now teach me!”
“Hold your horses,” his elder responds pumping out a palm. “First, tell me who told
you all that. I spoke with the Sandaime about you, so I know it wasn’t him.”
“Uaahh,” the blond bemoans, slinking at his crushed haste. “Can’t we just start? I
want to get to Mount Myōboku already.”
Snorting, Jiraiya muses aloud, “don’t kid yourself. You may know far more than I
expected but there’s no way you’re making it to Myōboku anytime soon. So, come on. Spill
“Don’t underestimate me, Ero-sennin,” the blond declares with a fist pump.
“Will you knock it off with the Ero-sennin-” Jiraiya tries to say as Naruto cuts in,
“I’m a lot stronger than I look.”
“I’ll be the judge of that,” the elder sage is happy to remark. “Since you’ve gathered
all this intel, I guess it only makes sense I teach you Kuchiyose, but, forget about Myōboku
for now. I’ll give you to the end of the week to summon anything stronger than a tadpole. If
you can’t do that, you tell me everything.”
After all the insight and chakra-control training Naru-nii’s given him, Naruto knows
in his mind, body, and chakra that it takes about half-a-tail of chakra to summon the Toad
Boss, so Naruto chimes back, “when I summon Gamabunta on the third try, you’re going to
give me and Karin every present you’ve missed out on.”
Quirking his white brow in confusion, Jiraiya asks, “Karin? Who the hell is Karin?”
“Uzumaki Karin, my cousin,” Naruto answers. “She did the math—she’s good at that
stuff—and was nice enough to skip the first five years since we’d be too young. So, let’s
see… ages six to sixteen, thirteen holidays and two birthdays per year, times ten years, at an
average of about twenty-seven hundred ryō per present… you owe us four hundred and
eighty-six thousand ryō in missed gifts.”
Raising his long arms in a huge X over his head, Jiraiya yells, “get out of here! Even
if you were foolish enough to think I owed you, why would you ever think I owe her
One of Naruto’s best fantasies has always been getting a present on his birthday and
giving others a present on theirs. Simple though it may be, he’s never had that. Casually
answering as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, Naruto returns, “because we’re
family and we love each other and we give the people we love presents.” Aside from
grumbling, Jiraiya remained quiet against that logic, to which Naruto adds, “plus, you’re part
of our clan.”
Quirking his brow, Jiraiya returns, “since when did I agree to that?” Naruto simply
smiles as if it was a foregone conclusion. Shaking his head, Jiraiya grumbles, “ugh, you
turned out to be such a cheeky brat. Fine.”
“Sweet,” Naruto hollers before asking, “where’s the contract? Let me sign it?”
“One thing at a time,” the strong elder tells him. “Let’s move somewhere more
remote,” and they shunshin out of the little park.
Three of the Sandaime’s elite guards land in the semi-circular office with an orange-
clad blond boy between them and Temari already hates him and his outlandish clothes. Even
if she’s dressed in her usual purple kimono that ends mid-thigh with a red slash keeping her
light armor tight to her bodice, it’s all new and presentable. Her sandy blond hair may still be
in four ponytails but it’s clean and lustrous. As she expected, she senses the guards remain
near, hidden behind the panels of the walls as the Hokage waves Naruto over and purposely
points to the space beside his chair.
‘The old man doesn’t trust us,’ Temari thought as Naruto takes his place beside his
Hokage. ‘Of course he wouldn’t. I wouldn’t either. Not when it comes to the village’s strongest
weapon.’ Despite her observant thoughts, Temari still feels all the necessary pieces are in
place to make her plan succeed. Initially, she was baffled by the task demanded of her and
didn’t know how she could manage such a convincing con-job within the time frame given,
however, she honestly surprised herself. ‘It makes sense and there’s no way they can
rationally decline.’
“Hey, Ji-chan,” Naruto casually calls, surprising her as the blond takes notice of them.
She can feel Kankurō’s curiosity at the relationship between the Jinchūriki and the Hokage,
however, she remains focused. Naruto greets them, “hey Temari-chan, Face-Paint,” irking
Kankurō effortlessly. Temari is happy he doesn’t rise to the provocation as Naruto asks,
“what’s up? Hey, is Gaara coming too?”
“You can call me Naruto,” he tells them with a smile. It bothers Temari how he can
just smile like that, as if he didn’t have a monster inside of him.
“Naruto-kun,” Hiruzen begins with his slower yet alert voice. “Had you known
Temari-san, Kankurō-kun, and Gaara-kun from before?”
‘Vague question, intentionally singling out my name with the -san suffix,’ Temari
immediately picks out. ‘Had Uzumaki spoken with Sandaime-sama about them? Is this just a
show for their benefit? Why single me out using -san rather than -chan? What does he know?
Could he have received a report about our official royal hawk sending a message and
receiving a rapid response from father? What has Hiruzen-san guessed?’ Temari’s mind was
a flurry of tactical questions she’d assign probability percentages to. Most of her immediate
concerns have a low percentage of possibility, but none are zero. ‘Even if the elder suspects
Suna’s sudden interest in Uzumaki is because we’ve guessed the orphan is their Jinchūriki,
that doesn’t mean he knows how perfect my plan is for the annoying blond is and how it’ll
doom their dominating village.’
“Nope,” Naruto easily answers, sweeping her out of her thoughts. “I just heard about
“Really,” Naruto asks, eyes growing large as he turns to the Sand siblings in genuine
surprise. Temari has long felt Uzumaki-kun is honest to a fault. It seems impossible for him
to hide his emotions in sudden situations and she truly believes he hadn’t known of their
lineage. “Sweet, so, Gaara’s the son of a Kage?”
“Yeah, I get that. I just thought it was cool,” Naruto lips with a melancholy smirk. For
some reason, Temari felt as if the thoughtful blond was withholding a tidbit of intel. She’s
always been good at reading people Uzumaki-kun is nothing exceptional. The blond
continues to ask, “if Gaara’s not showing up, what’s going on? I was in the middle of meeting
“I’m sure you’ll see him again,” Hiruzen conveys to the boy. “I called you here for an
important matter. That is to say, Temari-san has requested your attendance in this diplomatic
meeting. She’s invited her brother, Kankurō-kun, and Jōnin-sensei, Baki-san, to be her
witnesses. It’s also why Mitokado Himura and Utatane Koharu from Konoha’s Council are
here as well.”
The blond turns to the elders seated in opposing seats at the side of the warm room,
seemingly cut off from the main group. Seemingly acceptable, Naruto slowly mouths, “okay.
What’s up Temari-chan?”
“I’d first like to say, thank you very much,” she begins with a bow that her brother
and sensei emulate. “All of you, for taking the time to meet with us and indulge my selfish
“It’s our pleasure to have you,” Hiruzen voices with his genial smile. “Like wind and
fire, Sunagakure and Konoha are allies and I consider Rasa-san to be a friend. What would
you like to discuss?”
Clearing her throat, Temari fakes a bit of blush to her cheeks as she reveals, “I’d also
like to apologize. This will be a personal and deeply embarrassing request.”
Nodding, Temari asks Hiruzen and by extension, the room, “I’m curious if you’re
familiar with the custom of Omiai? If I recall correctly, the trend was abandoned by your
nation’s code of civil conduct.”
“Mnn, it’s been quite some time since I’ve heard that term,” Hiruzen slowly voices,
tilting his head as if eying into the past of all his out-of-date knowledge. “In my youth, the
practice had only just been removed from common circulation. While not illegal today, peace
between clans, villages, and nations made the practice unnecessary for many decades now.”
From the side of the oval office, Koharu voices to the room, “Land of Wind has also
ended its practices of arranged marriage.”
Whipping his blond head to his Hokage, Uzumaki seems shocked to hear that.
Though it’s an official diplomatic meeting, a wide-eyed Uzumaki seems to have no qualms
repeating loudly to his superior, “arranged marriage?”
“Not quite,” Temari voices. “That’s a common misrepresentation. Omiai is more aptly
a meeting opportunity or series of meetings with serious considerations for the possibility of
marriage; not forced marriage. Basically, a man and a woman are introduced to each other to
consider the process of courtship. But many think of it as arranged marriage because Omiai
has more to do with the family or businesses involved than actual love.”
“It’s matchmaking,” Kankurō dismally adds. Though enthusiasm for the plan would
be appreciated, it works in their favor if Kankurō appears very much against it.
“Currently, 6.2% of marriages in our nation are still being arranged via Omiai,” the
glasses-wearing Himura adds from his seated place at the fringes of the room.
Everyone else seems to understand her direction as Hiruzen voices with a tone of
consideration, “I see. Rasa-san is interested in a transnational marriage between his daughter
and Naruto-kun.”
“Wait, what,” a stunned Naruto blurts out as the elder Koharu speaks, “Kazekage-
sama is quite bold.”
“Too bold,” Himura adds before the Sandaime—while patting Naruto’s shoulder in
solace—voices his displeasure, “Himura.” The glasses-wearing elder remains quiet as
Hiruzen continues, “I was unaware your father believed in such a custom, and while I would
not pass judgment on his authority to lead to the best of his ability, in this matter, I cannot
agree with his request. Not only do we not practice Omiai in Konoha, but Naruto-kun is also
very special to me and I would not make such a demand of him, even to further cement our
friendly relations.”
Considering Naruto’s lack of knowledge on this, Temari nods and fully explains, “as
you may or may not know, our nation is a major power among the five due to increased
capital per worker, advancement in puppeteering labor, a highly skilled and educated
workforce, supportive policies by our Kage, and most importantly, a good world trade
environment.” Though all of that helps Suna and their nation, all of that pales in comparison
to her father’s magnet release fishing for gold deposits deep within the sand, however,
Konoha doesn’t need to know that state secret.
“It’s no secret most of our land is unsuitable for agriculture,” Temari continues,
displeased by admitting to their enemies one of Suna’s many disadvantages. Temari feels an
urge to hit Uzumaki for looking at her empathetically, as if his sympathy had any value to a
proud ninja of the Sand. “Because Land of Wind lacks many raw materials and farm goods
needed for industry and energy, our honored father must make mutually beneficial alliances
and positive relations with others; trade enterprises, prosperous villages or clans, and if the
circumstances are ideal, even other nations.”
‘You mean when your economy isn’t suffocating our own very nearly to our demise,’
Temari mentally berates the elder. “And Sunagakure is incredibly grateful,” Temari
thankfully responds with a bow her bother and sensei imitate. She continues to explain to the
room, though more for Uzumaki’s benefit, “in order to strengthen our position, our honored
father covers our deficits-trades with our surplus-trades, as many nations and villages do, and
for the good of the village, Kazekage-sama would utilize the practice of Omiai to secure a
suitable match for the only daughter of the Land of Wind’s Kazekage.”
“And you’re cool with that,” Naruto gasps to ask, quickly following it with the
obvious, “what if you don’t love who your tou-chan picks?”
Temari finds it disturbingly funny the blond would ask that when her mission is to
guarantee he falls in love with her by fucking him like a common whore. Showing a hint of
sadness, even using melancholy thoughts of Daimaru-kun to make it feel genuine, Temari
answers, “I will do my duty to our village.”
“As it should be,” Koharu slowly voices from the side of the room.
Naruto seems oblivious of her importance as he quickly asserts, “not when it comes to
who you marry, baa-chan. That’s insane,” he huffs and rather than being reprimanded by the
council, they simply sigh as the Hokage agrees with a humming nod. To Temari, it’s yet more
proof of how important Uzumaki-kun is to them as well as how much more vital her success
needs to be.
Speaking directly to Naruto, Temari expresses, “deep down, I’d very much like to
love who I marry.”
“Then tell that to your tou-chan,” Naruto points out. “You’re his daughter, which
means you’re super important to him. If you explain it to him, I bet he’ll support you.”
Kankurō snorts and Temari quickly responds, “it would be… ideal if that were the
case, Naruto-kun. However, our honored father, and by extension, his children, must do
what’s best for the village. The people we protect must always come first.”
“Your father must be very proud,” Hiruzen voices, patting Uzumaki before he can
protest uselessly again.
“I like to believe so,” Temari voices before adding, “but he is also considerate. It’s
why I’m here.” Forcing blood to rush to her cheeks in hopes of appearing embarrassed, the
sandy-blond kunoichi continues, “you see, despite the needs of the village and the candidates
that achieve that end, he has honored me with the option of entering a candidate of my
Trying to move him along, Temari explains with more patience than necessary, “in an
omiai process, the participants chosen for the potential to be married to me are called
candidates. Kazekage-sama will serve as my omiai’s Nakōdo and he already has a candidate
that would greatly help the village.”
Naruto’s confused face alerted her before his voice asks, “Nakōdo?”
“The Nakōdo serves as the go-between between myself and the candidates, assisting
in research, introduction, and the details behind the final decision,” she answers him to his
satisfaction. “With his wide range of influence and intelligence, my honored father will
research and choose the candidates for me, however, because he does care for me, he was
gracious enough to allow me to offer a candidate of my own for his approval.”
Turning to the flummoxed Naruto with a bemused smirk, Hiruzen asks Temari, “and
you would like Naruto-kun to be your candidate?”
Trying to add as much blush to her cheeks and neck, Temari nervously professes,
“yes, I would, Hokage-sama.”
“In time, I may fall in love with you,” Temari interjects. As this is the riskiest part of
her plan, she delicately explains, “I want to submit Naruto-kun because, aside from Gaara,
he’s the strongest genin I’ve ever seen and strength is important, not only to me but to my
honored father, the Nakōdo for my Omiai and Kazekage. Submitting Naruto will allow me to
get to know him as a person and if he shows his strength to the crowd during the final test of
the exams, my father may delay or end the process with his candidate.”
Temari bows deeply and her voice has as much sorrow and hope as she can artificially
muster. “I know I’ve professed to do my duty for my village, for our people, and I would like
to believe that I will, however, if at all possible, I’d like to avoid that inevitable union with a
stranger for as long as I can. I apologize, Hokage-sama, Naruto-kun, I know I’m abusing
your kindness and using you—I must seem so selfish to ask this—but until I saw Naruto fight
his teammate in the prelims, I fully expected to be married off immediately after the Chūnin
exams. After he defeated Uchiha-kun, I knew it had to be him.”
“Would your Kazekage not see this as a betrayal,” Koharu asks, looking directly at
At Temari’s nod, Baki extends an official scroll to no one when a masked guard of the
Hokage appears from the ceiling and takes the scroll before disappearing again. After five
seconds the masked shinobi appears beside Hiruzen and presents the secured scroll. The wait
as Hiruzen applies his chakra to reveal the formal letter her father personally wrote.
“My honored father approves,” Temari answers. “In that letter, Hokage-sama, you’ll
find his words explain how he would rather I marry who I choose, if not outright love,
however, due to the pressures of his office by the council and the future of our village, he
must marry me to the son of a wealthy merchant if I cannot find someone suitable.” Though
every bit of the story is a lie, it’s an official lie backed-up and signed by the authority of
Suna’s leaders, a document she can’t wait to burn after the success of their surprise attack.
As Hiruzen reads the letter Temari had convinced her father would secure her plan,
Temari adds for Naruto’s benefit, “I’m not pressing you to marry me anytime soon, Naruto-
kun. It’s true we don’t know each other, but, if we can agree to the process of Omiai and my
father convinces the elders that this is to the village’s benefit, we can remain engaged for
years and at least get to know each other and each other’s family.”
“Really,” Naruto asks and she can easily pick up a hint of interest in his voice.
“I don’t believe Naruto-kun currently has a girlfriend,” Hiruzen begins, adding,
“however, if he found someone he loves-”
“If he does, that’s fine,” Temari assures them, figuring that’s where the elder was
heading. “I don’t want to shackle Naruto-kun in any way. We can be friends or date or
whatever feels comfortable and still call it off at any point.”
“That won’t be necessary, Hokage-sama,” Temari assures them. “So long as the
necessary people know, that’s all that matters.”
The room then suffocates in apprehensive silence. Kankurō is very stern, nearly
angry, Naruto is looking over the letter her father wrote, and the Third Hokage is
introspective, turning in his chair before standing to look out of the wide window. This is the
brittle moment of truth for Temari. She’s laid out a reasonable need they can easily facilitate
without difficulty. She can then use the last three weeks of the month to get close to Uzumaki
without Konoha’s interference and manipulate him for their combined demise.
Though she worries in many different, yet, equally disturbing ways that the orphan,
and possibly pervert, Uzumaki Naruto will be her first sexual partner, she can’t think about
that at the moment. This moment needs to fall in her father’s favor before she can allow
herself to stress about prostituting herself.
The room is tense and everyone seems to be waiting on the pensive Kage and genin,
however, no one expected a gigantic summon to explode into existence via white puffy
smoke in the far off distance. Looking out of the large window, Temari’s moss-green eyes
widen in surprise at the sight of a rusty-red toad wearing a large blue happi vest in the distant
forest. The mountain-sized amphibian with a dosu blade at its hip towers over the tall forest
surrounding Konoha and the ninjas in the office can feel the tail-end of the earthquake it
must’ve caused. Despite the far range, Temari can see the giant toad blow out a large cloud of
smoke from its kiseru pipe as well as an orange and yellow dot moving around on its head.
From where Temari stands, however, she can’t tell what the dot is.
Hiruzen laughs his slow repetitive laugh, turning to Uzumaki who steps beside the
elder to see before snorting, “ha! I knew it!”
“Isn’t that an interesting development,” the Hokage voices before the toad disappears
in an enormous puff of white smoke.
Temari was nervous before the giant toad appeared and now she’s confused. Feeling
like she’s lost her grip on the direction of the dialog, she reiterates in hopes she hasn’t messed
up her odds, “as the Kazekage’s only daughter, my father has allowed me to submit my own
candidate into the preliminary list. The selection process includes an investigation phase of
the candidate that requires I get to know Uzumaki Naruto, which is important because I wish
to submit him as soon as possible. It has not escaped my notice that he is unique—important
to Konoha—and I do not want to cause any undue anxiety between our allied nations.”
“You’re here to ask my permission,” Hiruzen states returning to his seat with an
elated Naruto next to him.
“I am, Hokage-sama,” Temari concedes. “I came to make my intention clear. I’d like
to spend time with Uzumaki-kun and get to know him. It isn’t an engagement, however,
should everything proceed without incident, I would like Naruto to be my husband.” Naruto’s
eyes couldn’t get any larger. He even forgot to breathe until Sarutobi pats his back to get him
functioning again. After an awkward moment, Temari nervously offers, “I’d be happy to
answer any questions you may have…”
Hiruzen turns the option to respond to a perpetually stunned Naruto and decides to
ask instead, “would you be opposed to a chaperon?” She would be opposed to it, however,
that might tip them to an ulterior motive. When Temari assures the elder leader she wouldn’t,
Hiruzen turns to Naruto and responds, “if you’re truly to become a clan head and leader of
people, I feel this would be a good opportunity for you to learn weighing the options of a
situation; the advantages and disadvantages. So, I leave this decision to you.”
“That is a mistake,” Koharu voices from the side. “This decision is a political one and
must be made by the Hokage.”
“He is too young to see the future ramifications of presently benign decisions,”
Himura adds.
Seemingly snapping out of his stupor, Naruto tells them, “I am not. I know Suna and
Konoha will always be allies, I just… I didn’t expect this, is all.” Though Temari mentally
scoffed at his comment, when he turned his attention on her again, she felt the decisive
weight of the moment. With her critical reservations of being a whore for her village
compartmentalized in an impenetrable box, the prosperity of her village—of her father’s
ambition—is what mattered to Temari and she felt they would rejoice when Naruto says, “I
uh, guess. I mean I’m not really thinking about marriage and stuff. There’s a lot I have to do
before any of that.”
“I feel the same way,” Temari voices, hoping against hope she can get away with just
giving him hand-jobs or, at worst, blow-jobs.
“But,” Naruto voices appearing as if it’s difficult for him to think, reaffirming her
belief that she can never be attracted to someone with a sub-par intelligence. Still, he seems
to be expressing second thoughts as he voices, “uh, if I can help…” Her hopes soon began to
dash when he eventually says, “actually, I don’t really know what I’d be helping you with. I
mean, all that stuff you said about Omiai and your tou-chan makes sense, but, what I don’t
get is you. I mean, I got the feeling you liked really smart guys.”
Temari hadn’t expected him to make such an astute observation about her and rushes
to admit, “I can’t say for certain why I like you.” Though a part of her easily sees Daimaru-
kun in him. His brash, no-fear attitude toward the world. Her childhood crush didn’t have
enough sense to feel threatened by her father or brother… ‘or too much courage.’ Shifting
thoughts of her deceased affection, Temari blushes to publicly confess, “you’re different,
Naruto-kun. Different from all the other boys I’ve met. And all I can say to you is, I hope
getting to know each other will help us discover how much we can mean to one another.”
Hiruzen tells Naruto, “it wouldn’t be too different from what my son, Asuma, did for
Tomoko-hime when she came to visit Konoha some months back.” It doesn’t take Temari
more than a second to realize how that works in her favor as the elder continued. “Asuma
was tasked with representing the village as the princess’ personal escort, however, nothing
happened that wasn’t meant to happen.”
“I’m sure we can be friends even if this doesn’t work out,” Temari voices. “And of
course, I’ll still be grateful for your help. So, would it be okay if I send my father a favorable
“Well, I’m all for hanging out and being friends,” Naruto honestly tells her. “As for
that other stuff, I still think you should be allowed to marry who you want, when you want.”
“That’s kind of you to say,” Temari voices. “If you like, we can talk some more over
Turning to his Hokage, the elder nods his consent before Naruto tells her, “sure. Just
let me check to see if the boss is available.”
As he crosses his fingers, that statement nor the clone he creates make any sense to
Temari. Additionally, the clone disappears almost immediately after he created it, prompting
Kankurō to look at her for a hint of comprehension. Silence and confusion grow from the
Suna-nin in the room for many long moments until Naruto startles and blinks like he’s been
pinched. This blond boy continues to surprise her as he sadly voices, “aw man. He definitely
wants to meet but he’s not in our dimension anymore.”
The news with Temari was surprising, however, as Naruto traverses through the
elevated majesty of Mount Myōboku, he was more enchanted than he had ever expected to
be. Naru-nii did say no amount of detail he recounted could ever be better than seeing it for
himself, and as ever, Naruto could only agree with his future-self. Walking in front of a
bewildered Jiraiya but behind the hopping sages Shima and Fukasaku, Ma and Pa
respectively, with the orange Gamakichi riding on his head and the yellow Gamatatsu in his
arms, Naruto is in a daze trekking through the oily-warm lushness of the Land of Toads.
The colorful floral of the tropical wilderness project every shade of green with
colorful petals and can be as small as a pebble or as tall a building. Abundant fountains and
waterfalls disperse folds of featherlight mist in the atmosphere, watering the vegetation and
keeping his skin cool. The earthy scent is even stronger than the forests around Konoha and
the gentle breeze distributes murky mist and pollen alike. Heart-shaped green leaves shade
their trail from the beautiful spring sun, creating greenish-yellow rays or rainbows that make
the land of the Toads seem magical. As the young and energetic Gamakichi and Gamatatsu
comment on the history of many of the large and small toad statues they pass, Naruto is
stunned by the jungle beauty of it all.
While Naruto is falling in love with the beautiful landscape, Jiraiya had to interrupt
the younglings to ask, “na, ma, pa, we’re nearly to the temple. Can’t you just tell me what
this is about?” Turning his attention to Naruto, Jiraiya comments, “and you, Naruto! Don’t
think you’ve gotten out of explaining to me how you managed to summon Gamabunta on
your third attempt. Gamakichi and Gamatatsu I can understand, but the chief Toad? Not even
your father, the best student I’ve ever had, could achieve such a feat so quickly.”
Chuckling, Naruto returns with a smile, “I told you not to underestimate me.”
“We don’t know much more than you Jiraiya-jo,” Pa croaks. “Ōjiji-sama only told us
to expect you and pick up Naruto-jo the moment he summoned Bunta-kun.”
“You should be honored, boy,” Ma tells Naruto. “Many before you have had to wait
months or years to hear Ōjiji-sama prophecy.”
“A destiny has never been so clear,” Pa adds and soon the group, absent Gamakichi
and Gamatatsu, find themselves inside a large circular temple in the presence of the great
toad sage. Mostly brown with a faded white belly, the elder sage is as tall as a building with a
professor’s hat with tassels on his head and a necklace with an orb that has the word for oil
on it. He sits on a pillow and the grand circular room is filled with small and large Fūinjutsu
When Ma and Pa take their place either side of their respected elder, the wrinkly old
toad leans forward, seemingly to look at the group through his squinted eyes. “Today, I have
called you for… Who are you again?”
Naruto looks from Jiraiya back to the giant elder toad as Ma answers, “this is
Uzumaki Naruto. You summoned him, Ōjiji-sama.”
“Ho ho… of course,” the frozen-faced toad laughs. Slowly, he turns his squinted
focus on Jiraiya before rotating to Naruto, and telling the blond, “in my dream… there’s a
voice in your head… that is and is not yours.”
Ma, Pa, and Jiraiya quirk their brow at the divination while Naruto is surprised the old
super-sized toad knew about Naru-nii. For the past week, Naruto’s been relaying the details
of the Thunder God technique line by line. Thirty or so minutes a day without seeing
Fūinjutsu is taking longer than they thought, but, it won’t be long now.
Gamamaru continues to slowly voice, “I have also seen… you will meet an octopus.”
“Huh? An octopus,” Naruto repeats, wondering if it’s the same octopus Naru-nii told
him about.
“The vision is cloudy… but I’m sure they are… octopus tentacles,” the tall elderly
toad hums in agreement. His aged voice then adds, “and a raccoon… a cat… a turtle… an
ape… a horse… a slug… and a beetle.”
“Uuuuh, okay,” Naruto groans in confusion. Naruto repeats the animals in his head
when Jiraiya steps forward, and with a high volume, respectfully asks, “ne, Ōgama Sennin,
are you well?”
“All things make sense… under the right perspective,” the elder sagely explains to
them. He perplexes his young toad sages further when he reveals to Naruto, “in my dream,
you will battle many eyes… blue eyes I’ve long since seen… but red eyes as well… all with
the power capable… of destroying the world.”
‘Naru-nii wasn’t kidding,’ Naruto mentally remarks. Not that he felt he was, however,
to hear it from this old sage just makes it feel real. Up to this moment, Zabuza, Sasuke, and
Orochimaru have been the strongest opponents he’s ever had to fight, and he couldn’t even
pin Orochimaru down. Naruto knows about Itachi, Obito, Pain and all of the Akatsuki, and
Madara are still out there. He knows about the war to come and the lives that will be lost, and
as anxious as that makes him, he can feel support in Naru-nii, in Jiraiya, in his senseis, his
friends, and in himself. This is what being Hokage means and he’s been preparing for this his
entire life.
“Do you understand, Uzumaki Naruto,” the elder great sage says, interrupting his
Tilting stern and confident blue eyes on Gamamaru-sennin, Naruto firmly replies,
“Do you really,” Jiraiya spouts, bending at the waist to look up at Naruto sideways.
“Care to explain that to us? You know far more than you should, you’re summoning like a
pro; there’s far too much that’s gone unexplained.”
Simply nodding at the revered toad, Jiraiya turns to Naruto and expresses, “I know I
haven’t been around like I should’ve. I can blame it on my destiny, on my writing, on my
assignment for the village, but more than all of that, I blame my fear. I’ve messed up a lot,
Naruto, and I don’t have much of a right to ask this, but, will you tell how you went from
Dead Last to holding your own against Orochimaru?”
Out of curiosity, Naruto asks, “Ji-chan tell you all that?” His Godfather nods. While
he hates that he had to be horribly alone when he was younger, especially when he did have
family who could’ve been in his life, he forcibly shoves those aching feelings to the side.
They’ve never helped him before, and that hate won’t help him now. Taking a deep calming
breath, Naruto instead smiles as he’s always done. He remembers the people currently in his
life and the people that will one day be in his life, and Ero-sennin is someone he’s been eager
to meet since Naru-nii first mentioned him.
Jiraiya isn’t sure what to make of the boy’s smile before Naruto begins to explain,
“I’ve been wanting to tell you since I first heard about you.” Turning to his toad instructors,
Naruto shares, “I don’t mind telling you guys either, but you all have to swear you won’t tell
a soul about this. I mean it. This is probably the biggest secret you’ll ever hear.”
Standing up straight and nodding to Naruto like an equal, Jiraiya affirms, “I promise,”
as do the toad sages.
Fukasaku hops over to the wall and activates one of the best Fūinjutsu privacy seals
Naruto has ever seen. The alignment and distribution of tasks were incredibly efficient and
multi-layered similarly to a double helix. He was so impressed with the glowing seals on the
walls, Naruto nearly forgot what he was going to disclose. Jiraiya clears his throat before
Naruto then explains the key points about Naru-nii, the future that was described to him, the
villains that will cause it, and the training he needed to learn to defend the world from that
outcome. Most of his story is simply the broad strokes, however, Naruto is more delicate
when he reveals how Jiraiya dies and by whose hand.
“I know it’s a lot,” Naruto continues. “I’ve had months to get used to it, but so far,
everything Naru-nii told me—everything I was able to change because of him—has been
“Ho, ho, ho,” Gamamaru slowly laughs. “Even at my age… I can still feel humbled.”
“Don’t be,” Naruto tells the great toad. “It’s not like I can actually predict the future
or anything. I just got the best cheat array.” Turning to Jiraiya as he processes the magnitude
of everything Naruto confessed, the blond continues, “part of the reason why we wanted to
tell you isn’t just because you’re family and we want to protect you. Naru-nii and I also want
you to do something.” It was part of their brainstorming sessions. Neither Narutos like it but
they can’t deny it makes a lot of sense.
When Jiraiya’s eyes seem to return to the present, Naruto tells him, “we think you
should talk to Nagato. I’ll talk to him too, no doubt, but I can’t right now. On top of that,
Nagato doesn’t know me, he hasn’t killed you, and I haven’t beat him. None of what
happened before has happened yet, so I can’t be sure I’ll change his mind unless I tell him
about Naru-nii.”
Jiraiya’s voice is strong, nearly desperate when he finally orders Naruto, “no one must
know about this connection you have.”
“Agreed,” Pa seconds with Ma’s firm nod.
“You must never tell anyone about your insight into the future,” Jiraiya further adds.
“And I’ll see Nagato. I have to.” At the deep concern on Naruto’s face, the white-haired elder
pats him on his blond head as he assures his Godson, “don’t worry about me. Now that I
know Pain’s fighting capabilities, it’s less likely he can defeat me-”
“Kill,” Naruto interjects. “He killed you. I may not know you as well as my future self
got to, but just like Haku, I already know I don’t want to lose you. Believe me, I’d be on my
way to Amegakure if it wouldn’t cause a ruckus with everyone here.”
Comprehending the dilemma, Jiraiya remarks, “you know more because of your
Naru-nii, but you’re also restricted by what can and can’t reasonably explain.” The stoically
worried Naruto doesn’t care about that though and Jiraiya huffs in amusement. “I promise
you, Naruto, I’ll come back. I’m done making mistakes, and, you need a reasonable line of
intelligence you can blame the things you know on. Stay here, learn sage mode and protect
Konoha during Suna’s invasion.”
“Gerotora,” the great elder sage calls. Naruto didn’t know who the giant toad was
talking to until Jiraiya claps his hands together and summons a long black and orange toad
with dark markings under its eyes and around its mouth. Its abdomen seems to be a scroll
until the scroll-toad shrinks to a dog-sized amphibian. Gamamaru explains to the group, “I
have foreseen… your transfer to Naruto as well.”
With that, no other objections were raised and Gerotora extends his abdomen before
unrolling the contract key to Naruto’s seal. As Naruto walks up to the unfurled scroll, coating
his fingers in his blue chakra, Jiraiya explained the Yondaime’s intent to eventually give
Naruto free access to the key and stresses caution. Nodding to his Godfather, Naruto taps his
five fingers against the squared-off chakra segment of the Fūin contract before the unsavory
frog then struggles to squeeze its way down his throat. They spend the next hour detailing a
decent plan for the coming weeks before Ma and Pa show Naruto where his father had buried
his Hiraishin no Jutsu Fūin scroll.
Beside a spiral column, under a tall statue of a frog no different than the other statues
he’s seen, rests the only thing of his father’s he knows exists. Naruto had the great pang of
longing and his hands were on the statue, ready to hoist it out of the way and dig for his
father’s legacy but he stops himself at the last minute. Holding onto the statue turns into a
hug and he closes his eyes to fondly remember the only conversation he’s ever had with him.
After many mournful minutes, Naruto steps away from the closest thing to a burial plot of his
father he has and claps his hands together.
With Ma, Pa, and Jiraiya respectfully looking on, Naruto prays in silence. He offers
them his gratitude for saving his life. He confesses his deep dismay that they’re not with him.
He recites his adventures with Naru-nii. Finally, he promises to make them proud and do
everything in his power to not only save the shinobi world, but somehow, his divine big-
brother as well.
I've done my research on Mt. Myōboku and though Pa said it can be reached on
foot(through a maze), to me, it's always been treated like another dimension. That's why
Naruto's clone said, "he's in another dimension."
That stuff with Omiai is real. Temari doesn't have a lot of time and she needed one quick
and effective way of freely being around him without causing problems. Since I heard of
matchmaking in Japan, I thought that might work. Suna's down economy also helped.
I guess there wasn't much to unpack. Lots of training, Samui & Mabui, and more Temari
ahead! Thanks to my fantastic fans.. Please let me know what you think and have a great
rest of the day, week, and Thanksgiving!
Hope Vs. Experience
Chapter Summary
Chapter Notes
First, my customary apology. I wanted this chapter out a week and a half ago, however,
family, friends, holiday shenanigans... it was difficult. Additionally, this chapter was a
stubborn one but I got through it.
FYI it's only been a couple days since the Omiai stuff in Hiruzen's office.
Sitting comfortably on Kurenai’s couch, cups of tea and an empty box of dango on the coffee
table, Kurenai just finished explaining last night’s dinner with Naruto, Karin, and Hinata.
Kurenai remained silent, waiting on her pensive friend.
The choice to remain silent was finally broken with a short snicker. Slumping her shoulders,
Kurenai exhales as her dearest friend gradually chuckles louder. The erotic kunoichi manages
to yell, “are you fucking shittin’ me?!” before laughing out loud. The dark-haired woman
leans back, holding her gut as she laughs for several long minutes, till she’s leaking from her
eyes and hurting from her jaw and abdomen.
“It’s not funny,” Kurenai groans around rubbing her frustrated face. “And it’s not the same-”
“You have to tell him,” Anko interjects rubbing the laughing-tears from the corners of her
leaking eyes.
Shaking her head with some confusion, Kurenai asks, “tell who what?”
Leading Kurenai to interject, “I didn’t say you were but don’t just assume-”
“You’re falling for him! For Naruto,” Anko yells, silencing Kurenai. “Why else would this
bother you enough to tell me? Because you’re like, really and properly falling-”
“I’m not-”
“You are,” Anko maintains. “You are, and stop bullshitting a bullshitter.”
Kurenai begins to say, “I…” however, can’t quite separate her thoughts from her emotions
and it’s unclear to her what she wants. It still amazes her that Naruto can matter this much to
her; that she’s truly considering a public and committed relationship with him. But it’s not
what’s expected of her. What if it doesn’t work? Would her father approve? Would her
Hokage approve? Is their relationship fine as it is? Kurenai is bombarded with questions she
can’t answer without some perspective. It’s why she immediately called Anko. Exhaling,
Kurenai simply talks to her friend.
“Anko, I know for sure I love parts of him and really really like all of him,” Kurenai begins.
“He’s just amazing, plain and simple. Someone who’s suffered so much for so long and still
cares that much about his village is almost impossible to imagine in our world, but I see it in
him every day. He’s handsome and strong… really strong. In fact, I’m fairly certain he can be
promoted to a special-Jōnin on his Fūinjutsu acumen alone.”
“That’s hilarious,” Anko quips with a snort. Having read the genin’s jacket, Anko knows a
great deal about the blond and comments, “Uzumaki Naruto, the dead last of his class being
bumped up to the brain sect with all the other geniuses. Kami, who would’ve thought, eh?”
“He’s just full of surprises,” Kurenai replies. Blushing, she honestly adds, “and the sex… it’s,
well, otherworldly. He’s a beast and I can’t keep up anymore.”
Earnestly, Anko asks her confused friend, “and you don’t feel the same for Naruto?”
Focusing her curious gaze on her friend, Kurenai asks, “what do you mean?”
Anko prefaces her answer by asking a question. “Does that mean you can’t love Naruto or
someone in a different way?” Kurenai isn’t sure how that relates until Anko further explains,
“what you just described when you and Asuma were together is the type of love I hear all
these young bitches gush about like it’s the single most amazing thing in the world. Not that
I’m knocking you for it, but, five, six years ago, you were the same. That’s romanticism and
if that’s the only way to have that long-haul love, then I’ll never find someone because I can’t
stomach shit like that.”
“It’s not the only way to love someone,” Kurenai admits. With considering, the red-eyed
Jōnin states, “your love will be different from my love but that certainly doesn’t say you can’t
wake up every day just thrilled to be alive, in love, and full of hope.”
However, Anko’s face winces as she slowly affirms, “a little too nice.”
Tilting her head so her lush ebony hair slides farther along her shoulder, Kurenai groans,
“No, babe,” Anko protests. With animated hands and a head full of steam, Anko argues, “I
like the sound of that, really, I do, but, rhetorical question here; who’s dick is currently
fucking you into high heaven? Are you going to blame not currently being with Asuma on
timing, circumstance, or your careers? As if things like that are strong enough to erode that
life-long pure joy?” With racing thoughts, Kurenai remains silent and Anko continues to say
her piece. “In my rather humble observation, a long-lasting healthy relationship needs more
than just that frilly love or, by definition, it’s not as strong as it can be. It’s like you tell your
brats, you need more than one skill up your sleeve or you don’t make it in this world. You
love Asuma but as great as your love was, as much joy as you had, you aren’t together. You
guys didn’t have the… whatever else you needed to get that mission success.”
Kurenai felt judged and sidelined, but disregarding her knee-jerk emotions, she listened to the
blunt words for what they were and respond, “I’m not trying to be argumentative about this,
but, I felt like Asuma and I had more than love. We were friends first and have a working
relationship.” Thinking about his life as the Hokage’s son and the string of loveless
relationships he’s had, Kurenai admits, “I knew we were different, but I’m telling you, I felt
we understood enough to make our love work.”
“You’re not alone. We all did,” Anko remarks, shuffling closer to her upset friend. “If you
forgave him for the bitch princess, I’d even say you’d more than likely be together by now,
maybe pop out a kid in a couple of years… or maybe not.”
“I remember how certain I was that my heart belonged to him,” Kurenai sadly recalls, falling
further into her clear memory banks. “Even now, I- my heart still wants him more than
“I know, Babe,” Anko sympathizes, taking ahold of her friend around the shoulder for a firm
supportive hug. “You’ve been distracting yourself with your team and with Naruto, but I
think it’s been long enough. It’s time to put on your big-girl panties and come to terms you
can live with. I mean, when stuff doesn’t work out, most of us want there to be meaning
behind it, but whether there is or isn’t, you gotta figure if this is just a holding pattern, or, is
this the new you.”
“Being precedes essence,” Kurenai softly recites into Anko’s strong nape.
“It’s a concept of existentialism,” Kurnai lazily answers, enjoying the comforting embrace of
her friend. “It boils down to having a choice even when we’re under the illusion that we
“Kami, you’re such a nerd,” Anko happily huffs, easily adding with a pinch of her shirt-
covered nipple, “a super hot nerd.”
Pushing away, Kurenai laughs. “Ever since my father, I’ve always been independent, and
with Asuma, I truly felt in my heart I could finally devote myself to another man again… but
now… after everything Asuma and I have been through… and Naruto… it’s like choosing
between experience and pragmatism or love and hope.”
“Sounds shitty,” a nodding Anko agrees before asking, “how many times have you guys
broken up?”
“Ugh, three times,” Kurenai shamefully admits. “The first one was when he didn’t know how
serious I felt about him. He thought we were just having fun.”
“It’s hard to give up the bachelors’ life,” Anko mumbles her commentary.
“Second time was after our fight about him giving up being a field ninja,” Kurenai stresses
“Oh, yeah,” Anko recalls with a hum. “You wanted him to be the Head of the Sarutobi
“Sandaime-sama wanted it as well,” Kurenai argues, making it clear she wasn’t forcing
Asuma into it. “And it would’ve been safer.”
“That’s true,” Anko chimes, taking a sip of her cool tea. “The third one was… oh, yeah, he
wanted you to stay home; cook, clean, and pump out baby after baby.”
“We both wanted different things,” Kurenai slowly supposes. “To do, and be, more for the
“He just wants me to be safe and happy,” Kurenai affirms. “…he said he’d always protect
me,” she shyly adds with a repressed grin and slightly blushing cheeks.
“Look at you all giddy and girly,” Anko teases, poking at her friend. “Kami, that’s so
disgustingly cute. Making me wish I fucked him first.”
Raising her hands into an X, Anko calls out, “alright, no B.S, no judgment, no one but you
and Naruto. Just brutal, ugly, uncomfortable truth…” Kurenai’s anxiety amped up in the short
pause before Anko asks, “can you love- can you be happy with Naruto?”
For a solid two minutes, Kurenai sat in silence, staring at nothing, deep in thought, and blank
in expression until her cheeks blush red and plops her face in her hands, as if defeated. Anko
was nice enough to withhold her laughter and just smiled broadly.
With his eyes closed, the sound of a falling stream of water splashing into a tranquil pond felt
no different than the flow of natural energy fusing with Naruto’s expanse of chakra. Naruto
felt at peace molding with nature like the purity of serenity. Everything feels in line with how
Naru-nii had described the feeling and he was ready for the substantial increase in his
strength when a horribly rigid club whacks Naruto hard against his skull.
“Oww,” Naruto yells as Pa huffs, “alright,” dripping with sweat. “Break time.”
Wincing while he rubs his head, Naruto complains, “but I can keep going,” as Pa smacks the
five clones Naruto has meditating near the oil into puffs of white smoke.
“Well I most certainly can’t, ma boy,” Pa responds, wiping his brow of sweat. “We’ve been at
it all morning and you’re doing phenomenally well. I assume your future self gave you some
insights as to how it’s supposed to feel.”
“He did,” Naruto replies before adding, “but so did the Kyūbi,” with a smack to his stomach.
Nearly gasping, he asks, “truly?”
“Yup,” Naruto enunciates with a hard P. “He said since all bijū are half nature and half
something else, I’ve been exposed to it for a long time.”
Curious thick and gray brows draw together as Pa asks, “something else?”
“He wouldn’t say,” Naruto asserts with a shrug. “But he said all the bijū have an affinity for
natural energy, which is probably why it doesn’t feel all that impossible for me.”
“There’s some logic there, and if true, that’s quite the benefit for you,” Pa hums. “Let’s grab
some grub. Ma’s cooking the good worms for you today.”
His stomach lurches at the thought of eating more of Ma’s worm soup. Smiling politely,
Naruto shyly admits, “you know, I can just wait for you here- AH!”
“Of course, of course,” Pa chimes with a wave of his webbed feet. “Tell him we say hello and
thank you.”
“Will do,” Naruto responds before taking his mediation pose and mentally greeting, ‘yo!
Perfect timing. I nearly had to eat more of Ma’s cooking!’
Naruto can almost sense his future counterparts need to hurl, sounding, ‘Ugh… the worms,’
across Naruto’s mind. ‘I’m here for ya man,’ Naru-nii sternly promises.
‘Cool,’ Naru-nii comments. ‘It’s weird how other people know about me now.’
‘I know,’ Naruto agrees, shifting in his stone seat. ‘Ero-sennin actually took it pretty hard but
I think he’s better now. I can’t tell if it’s a good thing or not. Makes me wonder about who else
we should tell.’
‘Yeah, same here, but I think coming clean is for the best,’ Naru-nii slowly and objectively
voices. ‘Doing this by ourselves doesn’t feel right, which only means that some people need
to know.’
‘We gotta talk about the Hiraishin,’ Naru-nii proclaims. Naruto perks up as his future self
adds, ‘not sure if we have enough time though, which is pretty funny.’
Naruto chuckles at the irony of not having enough time to talk about a time extending
technique before asking, ‘what’s up?’
‘So, you know the time expansion at the heart of the contract? Not the chakra imitating
gravity part-”
As a bird lands on his shoulder, Naruto mentally asks, ‘the equation? T=To/√1-V²/C²?’
‘Yeah,’ Naru-nii answers before further adding, ‘breaking down the guts of this tech doesn’t
quite fit with how Tou-chan described it.’
‘You know,’ Naruto hums recalling that odd feeling. ‘At the time I was just super stoked to be
talking to Tou-chan so I hadn’t noticed, but when I was repeating it back to you, I did think
something wasn’t adding up. I’m pretty sure I wrote it out right.’
‘Yeah, you did,’ Naru-nii assures him. ‘Looking over it, it should work fine. It’s just how tou-
chan worded it that threw me a bit.’
‘What’cha got?’
‘Nothing too difficult,’ Naru-nii answers. Like a gut instinct, Naruto doesn’t need to really
think when he hears Naru-nii orate with technical accuracy, ‘T, which is time, equals To,
which is the time recorded on earth, over √one minus V², which is velocity-squared, over C².
C is, obviously, the speed of light, which is then squared.’
Nodding in total understanding, Naruto allows his intuition to speak the pictures in his head,
easily plugging in, ‘T is the time I move in relative to others. To is the time recorded of the
people on the earth, which is a relatively slower velocity than me. V is the velocity of the
earth. C is the speed of light.’
‘Right,’ Naru-nii agrees before voicing, ‘so, if I need your speed—T— within the tunnel
created by the gravity function to be faster than everyone else’s—To—outside the tunnel, then
I need to solve for velocity to make the speed you move at—relative to everyone else—closer
to the speed of light so that from your perspective, everyone’ll look like they’re frozen.’
‘Sounds like how I wrote it,’ Naruto thoughtfully points out, easily recalling the formula.
‘There’s also the gravitational function of the Fūin contract which uses my chakra to create a
hole in space-time I can pass through—the tunnel—which is going to take a lot of chakra.’
‘I think that’s the info tou-chan was mixed up on,’ Naru-nii voices with mild concern. ‘Like, I
know he didn’t have a lot of time to explain everything, but he didn’t even mention how you
can make the distance you ‘teleport’ feel shorter by adding more chakra to condense the
tunnel you’re traveling through. Imagine how much easier it’ll be spending minutes inside
the Hiraishin instead of hours to ‘instantly’ ‘teleport’ to Suna or somewhere far.’
‘You think there’s any chance I can see him again,’ Naruto asks before elaborating, ‘you
know, just to tell him?’
‘Kami do I wish there was,’ Naru-nii sadly confesses. A moment of silence passes between
the orphaned blonds before the future Naruto adds, ‘I never say never, but…’
‘…Yeah,’ Naruto agrees with a dour tone. Another bird lands on his shoulder before he moves
away from that sore ache in his heart. ‘Um, yeah, so, that gravity energy part is my chakra
manipulating mass and warping matter around me which lets me pass through solid objects
and space in an ‘instant.’’
‘You got it,’ Naru-nii agrees as if they’re one mind. ‘Basically, the laws of nature say that
Space is a three-dimensional spectrum that provides us with length, width, and height. Time
is the fourth dimension and offers a forward direction to that spectrum, thus a space-time
continuum. Gravity is a curve in space-time, which means gravity can bend time and space,
so according to this Fūin contract, your chakra, acting like gravitational energy, warps
matter around you like a hole.’
‘I wonder what the tunnel’s going to look like,’ Naruto casually muses. ‘I’m imagining one of
those funny mirrors, you know, the warped ones that make everything look twisted or curved
but more circular,’ Naruto postulates, tilting his head so the birds momentarily flap away
before returning.
‘Same here,’ Naru-nii chuckles. ‘It’ll be super heavy moving through that tunnel so you’ll
really need to train your ass off if you don’t want to be crushed to death. The faster you can
get through the tunnel, the less chakra you need to use.’
With serious concern, Naruto exhales through his teeth and flapping lips, sounding, ‘psshhh,
a lot of training is the bare minimum to becoming Hokage, so I got this. But, considering
what I’m up against, I can’t help but feel a bit green, you know?’ Naru-nii hums in agreement
before Naruto adds, ‘we’re less than three weeks from the third task, and even though Ero-
sennin promised to stay for the invasion, Orochimaru is crazy strong.’
Naru-nii pauses a second before doubtlessly asking, ‘is that going to stop you from fighting
Orochimaru or anyone else who’s stronger?’
‘I know,’ Naru-nii calls out, further arguing, ‘it’s how we’re wired. Look, when you get back
to Konoha, ask for help where you need it. There’s nothing we can’t do when it comes to
saving our special people. Definitely ask Hinata-chan for pointers on shooting out chakra
from your tenketsu.’ After Naruto’s agreeable hum, Naru-nii adds, ‘let people help you
because I know you’re going to do everything in your power to stop the invasion, stop Ji-
chan’s death, stop Gaara, and capture Orochimaru.’
‘It sounds insane when you say it out loud,’ Naruto briskly utters.
‘Life of a hero, dattebayo,’ Naru-nii proudly proclaims. ‘I have the utmost faith in myself
which means I have the utmost faith in you. As much as you want to protect Iruka-sensei, Ji-
chan, Team 7, Kurenai-chan, Karin-chan, Haku-kun, on top of all our friends and sensei, they
definitely want to protect you too.’
‘…You’re making me want to train so bad right now,’ Naruto mentally admits feeling hot
moisture form at the corners of his closed eyes.
‘I know the feeling but don’t burn yourself out,’ Naru-nii warns. ‘I’ve passed out a few times
going all out. It wastes more time than saves. Actually, tell me what’s been going on with you.
We’ve been all about the Hiraishin for a while, we haven’t really talked.’
Happy and eager to oblige, Naruto begins by asking, ‘out of curiosity, did Temari-chan ever
say she liked you?’
Naruto can’t hear his future-self smack himself in the head, however, he can imagine it before
the older Naruto wearily challenges, ‘you gotta be shittin’ me… another one?’
Fortunately, Naru-nii hadn’t taken the sudden and astonishing alternative development of
Temari’s Omiai too personally. Naruto had explained signing a document diplomatically
outlining everything they had gone over in Ji-chan’s office and how the relationship is
nothing more or less than what they want it to be. Naruto also told his future ego how he’s
planning on using this opportunity to get closer to Gaara.
‘If we don’t have to fight,’ Naruto mentally reasons, asking, ‘that’d be better, wouldn’t it?’
‘I guess,’ Naru-nii capitulates. ‘So long as you both truly understand each other, then yeah;
that’s all that matters. It sucks about Temari’s dad making her do that though. How’d Ino-
chan or Kurenai-chan react when you told them?’
‘I haven’t had a chance to tell Ino-chan yet,’ Naruto starts before he further reasons, ‘and I
figure, with the invasion coming, there wasn’t much need to tell Nai-chan more than the
escort story.’
‘Same,’ Naruto emphatically agrees, nodding his head and momentarily clearing his head of a
resting bluebird before it lands on his soft hair again.
As previously stated, Naru-nii makes certain that Naruto understands, ‘you know I don’t care
if you tell Kurenai about me, right?’
Naruto answers with a droll certainty, ‘I know.’ Standing from the stone platform bordering
the pond, the blond begins stretching as he explains, ‘I want to, but with her, I think she’d
prefer not to know… unless ordered to. She’s really big on covert intel gathering,
management, and dissemination. I can hear her voice now, telling me how flattered she is
that I trust her so much but how dangerous the information is and how I need to be more
responsible and words, words, words. She’s such an adult,’ he finishes with a roll of his
humored eyes and a small smirk.
Chuckling a bit, Naru-nii comments, ‘that’s funny. Was she cool with the escort thing?’
‘She said she understands,’ Naruto hesitates to admit. Thinking over dinner with Kurenai,
Hinata, and Karin, Naruto felt as if Hinata’s and Kurenai’s reactions were lackluster. Karin
seemed excited, however, recalling Hinata and Kurenai’s tepid feedback, Naruto responds,
‘but it didn’t feel like she was okay with it. Plus, the skin between her brow crinkles when she
thinks too much about something that worries her.’
‘Maybe it does worry her… or doesn’t… I don’t know,’ Naru-nii huffs. ‘You know I’m
clueless about this kind of stuff. Though, I did gain more insight into people when I mastered
Kyūbi Sage mode. Maybe that’ll help you out.’
‘Sounds sweet,’ Naruto happily notes. ‘How long do you think before I master that?’
‘Oh, not anytime soon,’ Naru-nii quickly responds, making Naruto grumble at the loss of
instant gratification. ‘Anyway, I’m about out…’
Lately, it’s been getting harder and harder to leave Naru-nii for the day. The more Naruto
wants to help his important people in his timeline, the more he wants his future self. Even
though the only difference between them is age, Naruto sees him more as a brother than his
future self; always watching out for him like he imagined brothers do. So with a hint of
melancholy, Naruto responds, ‘thanks, Naru-nii. Tomorrow?’
After a quick chat with Kurama, the rest of his training on Mount Myōboku went well.
Naruto felt closer to tapping into the monstrous might of the planet’s spirit energy known as
senjutsu chakra. After Pa called it for the day, Naruto became eager to return to Konoha and
meet his appointments. With the sudden amount of connections in his life, he felt a warm
comfort at the thought meeting Karin to talk clan business, Mabui to talk Fūinjutsu, Ino-chan
to become centered, Temari to learn more about her family, his team for comradery. As it’s
been the past two days, Naruto is returned in a puff of white smoke atop the stone monument
of his father so he can gaze upon the lush wonder of his home. Regardless of the village’s
hostility toward him, he has more than enough people in his life to make this community a
Creating three clones, one heads to meet Karin, another meets Mabui, and the third meets
with Temari while he visits Iruka before meeting his team.
“You continue to impress,” Mabui gushes in genuine amazement. She and Naruto are closing
the numerous scrolls laid out on the table. They’ve been meeting fairly regularly to discuss
and practice Fūinjutsu and though neither of them said it out loud, Mabui has become his
unofficial student. Mabui recognizes his brilliance and can’t help but ask him all sorts of
questions about processes and procedures. With two master’s degrees, the silver-haired model
feels like a student again looking up to her young genius sensei.
Naruto blushes and waves her compliment away, chuckling, “thanks but it’s nothing.”
Watching him seal all his materials in his a single scroll before pocketing it in his back
pounch, Mabui shakes her head, asserting, “it most certainly is not nothing. You could be
instructing the finest Fūinjutsu masters.”
Walking out of the Fūinjutsu section of the library, Naruto chuckles before responding with,
“well, right now, you’re my only… student? Which is beyond weird to think about!”
With her mission always in mind, Mabui tends to stay as close as physically possible when
they study, always leaning toward him when she asks for help and as they exit the library to
the wonderful daylight and busy Konoha streets, she merrily bumps him with her shoulder.
Continuing to tease, Mabui asks as if wounded, “because I’m old?”
“If you’re old then I must still be sperm,” Naruto jokes, making light of the small age
difference between them. They walk to their usual bench in the nearby park. Many kids play
and chase each other and a few of the men openly stare at Mabui’s statuesque form in a fitted
pencil skirt and long sleeve gray blouse. As they take a seat, Naruto explains, “it’s weird
because no one’s ever thought of me like a sensei before.”
“If I may be candid,” she voices in askance. With his nod, she pridefully answers, “in all my
years of study, you are one of the greatest practitioners of Fūinjutsu I’ve ever met, and I used
to rub shoulders with the upper echelon of academics.” Mabui doesn’t mention how hard it
was to be in some of those parties or discussions and remain professional. In fact, she’s
certain her fiance took her to many of these gatherings because he knew she was a
sapiosexual and would be aroused the entire night. While Mabui wouldn’t say intelligence is
her number one desirable trait in a partner—kindness to all and strength also factor in—she
knows how wet she can get when a genius is blowing her mind with phenomenal expertise.
Naruto’s explanations tend to have her warm and moist by the end of their study sessions,
though, fortunately for her, he’s rather young for her. Her fiance may have been thirty years
her senior but there’s something about sexual relations with a boy ten years younger than her
that seems taboo. Even still, she enjoys her time with him as she adds, “so, I find it incredibly
difficult to believe you’re not the most influential name in the field of Fūinjutsu across the
five nations.”
“Wow, I wouldn’t go that far,” Naruto responds with a chuckle. Mabui looks at him in
earnest, to the point a doubtful Naruto has to ask, “…are you being serious?”
“Of course,” Mabui returns, fingers in her hair to keep in place as the wind picks up. Mabui
ignores the few men glancing at her seated, leg crossed, as she readily informs the blond
genius, “I should be calling you Naruto-sensei.”
“Stop it,” he lamely gaffs. Looking at her as if she were crazy, Naruto admits, “I may know a
little more than you, but you’re learning really fast. You’re nearly at the intermediate stuff
and it’s only been a week since we met.” When Mabui thinks about how many months she’s
spent attempting to decipher a single Fūinjutsu, his comment doesn’t feel as flattering. She
quickly becomes a mixture of aroused and scared when he finishes, “I’m a hundred percent
sure you’ll figure out that secret project you keep showing me in no time.”
Surprised he could tell she’s been sneaking segments of the old Fūin scroll she inherited,
Mabui’s face braces as she hesitates to ask, “you could tell?”
“Yeah,” Naruto easily replies. She feels defeated when he adds, “you’ve only snuck in three
segments of the initial array but it’s pretty obvious they come from the same jutsu.”
Cautiously, Mabui asks, “does it bother you that I’m keeping it a secret?”
“No,” he quickly assures her and it just touches her heart when he reassures her, “I only want
to help.”
“Funny,” Mabui enjoys saying, adding, “that’s exactly what a sensei would say.” Naruto rolls
his head back exhaustively and Mabui smiles as she tells him, “I’d like to help you too. That
is to say, I don’t want you to think I’m only using you for your intelligence.”
“Add that to the list of things no one’s ever said to me before,” Naruto blurts
“Well then, it’s my honor to be your first,” Mabui teases, tightening her thighs together at the
titillating thought of taking the virginity of a genius. “Maybe if I know I’ve helped you,
maybe with your love life, then I’ll feel more comfortable trusting you with my family’s
Fūinjutsu. Have you asked either one of those girls about… You didn’t ask, did you?” The
sour look washing over his face was answer enough.
With a spirit of failure, he huffs, “well… it’s not an easy thing to ask! How would you feel if
your boyfriend asked you to be in a polyamorous relationship with another girl?”
A sequenced flicker of reflected light tells Mabui that Samui is nearby observing. With the
stoic beauty near, Mabui knew there was only one answer to that question. Despite her
aversion toward the poly lifestyle, Mabui knew she had to say whatever she needed to for the
desired outcome. Adopting a cute disposition, Mabui bashfully answers, “I’m currently not
dating anyone, but—and this is a big but—if the right man asked me and the other girl turned
out to be someone I can truly care for, yeah, I’d consider it.”
With squinted eyes, Naruto’s jaw drops. Surprised throughout, he asks, “really? Wait, you
don’t have a boyfriend?! But you’re so gorgeous! How’s that possible?”
“First, thank you. That’s sweet of you to say,” Mabui genuinely responds. Pushing the mental
image of the confusion Darui brings her, she articulates, “but yes, I’m currently single, and to
answer your question, selecting someone on the basis of appearance is superficial and doesn’t
last long when conversation happens. Beauty can easily lead to sex but that’s no guarantee of
building a meaningful relationship, and on many occasions, it doesn’t.”
Mabui couldn’t help but wonder about Darui. The green-eyed beauty recalls their
conversations perfectly and very little of the dialog has to do with anything meaningful such
as interests, philosophy, politics, or future goals. Darui’s very confident and forthright about
his assertions, however, her intuition tells her he’s treating her exactly like any other girl.
Mabui doesn’t feel special, and what’s worse about feeling ordinary, is her opinion of Darui.
If her fiance were alive right now, Mabui knows she’d drop Darui in an instant. Her first love
is the new gauge by which all men are now stacked against, and though Darui is the highest
thus far, he doesn’t measure up.
Realizing she’s never spoken about this aloud, Mabui tentatively takes a minuscule moment
for herself to enjoy the sun in the shade among a lively village before she unburdens just a
small portion of the baggage she’s been carrying about the man she’s been secretly seeing.
Sincerely, she voices, “more often than not, a physical match doesn’t equate to an emotional
one.” Looking out into the park with parents or villagers on the streets, Mabui proclaims,
“when you consider the majority of people are average looking, just because an exceptional
shape and size of a human can make us weak in the knees doesn’t mean the other less
symmetrical or less fit are any less ideal. It’s why it’s valuable to look beyond the physical.”
Though feels like a hypocrite, Naruto nods in agreement as he adds, “my sensei says that
being really pretty can also be a problem because their looks can make it hard for the average
guy to approach them.”
“Your sensei’s right,” Mabui wholly agrees. “On many occasions, the only men that approach
me are the players. Unfortunately, what they want is so base and superficial and obvious, it’s
a complete turn off for me. In truth, I often find myself remaining single for long periods.”
Naruto nods in understanding before adding the opposite end of the same dilemma. “But you
can’t be too approachable because the guy who can only date you like that might get jealous
easily and my sensei thinks that’s the most unattractive quality.”
“Your sensei seems very wise,” Mabui comments, appreciating how attentive and studious
Naruto is. In addition to identifying with sapiosexuality, Mabui has also been affected but the
student and sensei relationship. She’s always felt a strong bond with them. As an adolescent
girl escaping the dregs of her poverty-stricken family and village, she understood that the role
of a sensei is to provide her with all the tools she needs to ascend to a better state of living.
When she had nothing, her sensei taught her to save herself, especially her late fiance.
Forcing away those sad thoughts, Mabui adds, “being somewhat unapproachable helps to
avoid insecure, clingy, controlling, and overly protective men that I may otherwise date. So,
yes, there is a balance and it can be hard to navigate. Too sociable and you’re just the girl of
the night. Too reserved and you’re alone a lot.”
“That must be tough for you,” Naruto sympathizes. “What’s your type… or, I guess what I
mean to ask is, what kind of guy would you be with that might make you say yes to
“Mnn,” Mabui sounds, tilting her head a bit to think before answering. “I… this is a little
embarrassing to admit but I’m attracted to men like y- uh, men with many of your qualities.”
Nodding her head to his quirking brow, she lists off, “handsome, funny, and above everything
else intelligent. I absolutely idolize intelligence.”
“I don’t see why that’s embarrassing,” Naruto wonders aloud. “Aren’t there a lot of
handsome, funny and intelligent men out there?”
“I suppose that’s a bit broad,” Mabui admits. “However, I can’t really prescribe what might
make me say yes. A man can have those qualities in abundance and I could still say no, or
yes. I guess it depends on their character. I may come around to the idea of being in a
polyamorous relationship but the only way I can see that happening is if the man at the center
is worth it. I know it’s not a definite answer but that lifestyle is not something that just
anybody can do. I suppose the key component is a confident personality.”
Curiously, Naruto tries to understand the sort of confidence needed by asking, “like how I
know I’m going to be the best Hokage of all time?”
“Precisely,” Mabui agrees, wondering how likely it is he’ll become Konoha’s strongest
leader. “Just like that.”
He ponders in thought a moment before he surprises her by asking, “can you think of a way I
might be able to practice this? So I can feel more positive about asking a girl I’m interested
in? I’m more of a hands-on type of learner.”
Mabui marvels at how innocent he appears despite genuinely asking how to practice
polyamory, as if he wasn’t perfectly setting her up for a way to subtly earn his favor and
complete the mission. After spending some time with him, she’s certain Fūinjutsu is the only
area he truly excels at. As she’s never seen him fight and only has Samui’s short description
of his victory of the Demon of Hidden Mist, she can only say with some degree of certainty
that he’s likely a very good combat specialist as well. Other than those two positives, he’s
kind, respectful, and trusting—a little too trusting. It’s this blind spot of his that tells her he
truly wants a way to practice polyamorous relations and not outright inviting her.
Still, this is to her advantage and Mabui responds, “well, I don’t see why not. I’ll have to
brainstorm ideas that have the highest possibility of success. But I have to ask, is this a
lifestyle you want to pursue?”
“Well,” Naruto hums, creasing his brows in deep thought. “I think I’d be fine with one girl,
but… well, to put it mildly, I’ve met plenty of girls, but not one girlfriend, if that makes
sense. I can be everything a boyfriend can be, but for one reason or another, no one wants me
like that. I don’t know if it’s me, but, lately, I’m getting the impression that there is no one.”
“Seems like there’s a story there,” Mabui teases while wondering about his experiences.
Mabui makes a mental note to closely observe any girl he interacts with as she assures
Naruto, “it’s fine, you don’t have to tell me, but, if you ever do, I’d be happy to listen.”
She smiles as she assures him, “I want to help you, so, I’ll let you know what I come up
“You’re welcome,” Mabui returns. Mabui stands from the bench, making a point to arc and
pivot seductively before she turns to him and brightly asks, “same time tomorrow?”
“Sure,” Naruto replies with his bright smile before he leaves.
For the surveillance she isn’t sure is watching her, Mabui walks the third strategically
planned route back to base. It takes her an additional thirty minutes to reach their new
hideout, however, she knows Samui is observing her every step until she’s finally in their
second, extended-stay, safe house.
After Ōyashiro had told them he can no longer facilitate an aboveboard deal for them, the
least he could provide was a small home near the farming fields of Konoha. It’s an old
wooden cottage with one bedroom for Mabui and Samui, a single bathroom, and a kitchen
that doubles as the living room for Atsui to sleep in. The shabby rooms had minimal
furnishings—an old stove, a small fridge, a creaky bed, a dining table, and four chairs—and
part of the deal was Atsui had to help the farmer with labor on the fields. Luckily there was
only a minimal amount of mold growth that they were able to completely remove.
Once Mabui bypasses the safeguards in place, she enters the dreary and vacant cabin and
begins preparing the evening’s meal. Eventually, Atsui returns from working the fields and
Mabui is forced to hear the blond man whine about his degrading assignment, oblivious to
the fact that her assignment is prostitution. Though the temptation to punch him in the mouth
never ceased, the silver-haired beauty refrained. The Monster Report gave her all the patience
she needed with him, thin though it may be. So even if her assignment in this team is to
prostitute herself for a big sword, she doesn’t compare their tasks.
The meal is ready when Samui finally returns. As they take a seat around the small and
splintered dining table, the gorgeous blond takes out a small roll of paper that was no doubt
delivered via messenger hawk and tells her team, “orders from A-sama.” Placing the paper on
the table, Samui recites from memory, “if Mabui cannot secure Kubikiribōchō through
seduction, we are to take it-”
“Then let’s just take it,” Atsui hastily and passionately interrupts his sister. His voice is loud
enough to concern Mabui as he continues to say, “we don’t have to make my Mabui-chan do
shit with that brat! That snot-nosed punk doesn’t even deserve her attention! This ain’t hot,
sis! This ain’t hot.” Mabui can’t disagree more with Atsui. Naruto is the key to figuring out
the Heavenly Transfer Technique and hopefully, gaining the rank of Jōnin. Though Naruto is
too young for her, at the very least, he’s caring, helpful, and once in a lifetime genius.
Without explaining more, Samui answers her little brother, “we’re not equipped for that
Mabui has been around the stoic woman long enough to eventually understand that the ‘we’
Samui is referring to is the two Chūnin on the three-man team. As their exit strategy in the
heart of enemy territory would be more important than the actual theft, Mabui can’t imagine
a village as strong at Konoha would have any difficulty catching up to and capturing lower
rank ninja like herself or Atsui. It’s clear Samui would consider that a failure, as would their
Raikage. Additionally, Mabui understands if Samui was teamed with other Jōnin, the
situation would be different, which means her role seducing Naruto is still their best strategy.
Just then, a disturbing detail dons on Mabui, chilling her spine when she suddenly recalls
how missions are discussed with A-sama’s most trusted advisers, Dodai and Darui. Her green
eyes widen at the thought Darui might know she has to seduce another man and her
instinctual reaction felt vindictive.
However, she quickly ceased feeding those darker thoughts for a higher self-worth. Even if
her relationship with Darui is secret and rocky, it’s still a relationship. He’s a person with
feelings and she doesn’t want to betray another person’s emotional trust. She didn’t want to
be the sort of person that would enjoy causing someone else emotional pain.
“He makes his own decisions,” Samui simply answers, to Mabui’s relief, until the blond
bombshell casually adds, “however, Darui-san and Dodai-san advise when available.”
“Were they,” Mabui quickly asks, clarifying, “were they available to advise?”
“That’s unimportant,” Samui replies as she offhandedly destroys the missive with a flash of
fire. “We have our orders. Atsui, reconn options of retreat. I’ll set traps. Mabui, seduce
Uzumaki.” Atsui’s eye twitches as he holds in his immense displeasure. Samui ignores him to
further instruct Mabui, “if he’s uncooperative, we’ll lure him to the ambush. Dismissed.”
There’s so much detail missing from that plan, Mabui can’t help but mentally scream, ‘how?’
Rather than vocalize that, however, she asks, “ah, Samui-taichou, may I speak with you in
“If it has to do with the mission, I should hear too,” Atsui protests.
Samui instructs her brother to leave with a single word. “Atsui,” she voices and with a loud
huff, her offended brother leaves them before she turns to her.
“I feel it’s important… for the mission, to know how far I’ve been ordered to seduce
Uzumaki,” Mabui begins.
Mabui proactively asks, “none?” The beautiful blond Jōnin would’ve answered if there was
an answer to give, prompting Mabui to then ask, “and if it goes as far as sex? Is he- are they
okay with that?” Again, Samui remains silent, to which Mabui interprets to mean if there was
a limit, Samui would say as much.
The woman’s silence felt like a blunt reality check, of sorts, for Mabui on the status of her
relationship with Darui. It’s similar to third-hand information, not all reliable but not to be
discounted either. It tells her that Darui didn’t succeed in setting a limit to how far she should
go, or if he cared at all. It’s not proof that Darui isn’t serious about their relationship, but it’s
also not proof that he is either.
Samui turns to leave when Mabui quickly asks, “Samui-taichou, may I know- may I hear
directly from you, my commanding officer, how far you would like me to go with Uzumaki-
kun? I know how important Kubikiribōchō is to A-sama, but in your professional opinion,
how far do you think I should go for a weapon?”
Walking the crowded streets of Konoha under a bright sun and clear blue skies toward their
meeting spot, Temari is in deep thought. To avoid the bustling crowds she takes alleys and
outlining streets, and even then, there are a lot of shoppers, families, friends, ninja,
tradesmen, dogs, cats, birds to fill the senses. Dressed in her usual short-sleeved purple
kimono with slits in the skirt and a more revealing neckline, Temari ignores the crow as she
repeatedly recalls her conversation with Baki-sensei.
“Are these the photos,” Baki asks, accepting Temari’s sealed scroll after returning from a
tour with Naruto.
“Photo,” Temari corrects, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall of their living
room. It’s just her and Baki in their shared three-bedroom apartment as she adds, “his cousin
seems to be the only family he has, though a third or fourth person lives in the house with
him. I haven’t met the others.”
“Already in his home and near his family,” Baki pensively comments. “He always struck me
as an open individual.”
“Is it?” Baki’s question instantly makes Temari’s rapid mind ponder alternative explanations
as her half-faced sensei continues. “It’ll be that much harder for you.”
With their goal in mind, Temari reasons aloud, “because he’s easy… which means visiting his
home is nothing significant.”
“Precisely,” Baki tells her. “He may have shown you around his village and home, and you
may have met his cousin, however, it seems he would do that with anyone, which means
you’re not special to him.”
After signing diplomatic documents for liability and prosperity, Naruto had shown her
around the village. They went to his favorite spots and eventually ending the tour at his home
where she met his only family, Karin-chan. Though she felt it was progress, she suddenly
realizes it’s not and bemoans, “it’s only been one day.”
“You have less than three weeks to make him fall in love with you,” Baki reminds her. “Your
opening stroke was brilliant. It’s allowed you in the door, now you have to make an
The worst thing about that exchange is the perspective it provides. Temari feels as if she will
have to be drastic with her advancement. Walking the slightly more familiar streets of
Konoha, Temari mentally prepares to interact with Naruto again by recalling ever exchange
of dialog she had with Naruto and his cousin to practice witty and cutesy responses. Temari
will admit she’s never seduced a man before in her life, however, she’s taken a mandatory
class on employing seduction techniques to gather vital intelligence. In hindsight, she
currently feels she shouldn’t have used her status as the Kage’s daughter to skip most of the
Luckily, she’s interacted with Naruto enough times prior to this prostitution that it would be
strange if she was suddenly cute and whorish, so she commits to being attentive and
supportive of him and his ideas. At many stages in their tour the day before, Temari mentally
tallies all points of note. So far, she’s still certain she can manipulate him. He’s strong but
seems dull and easily pleased. Learning how the orphans are attempting to establish their clan
in Konoha was a good burden to help them with, however, Temari knew it wouldn’t be
enough. Walking up the street to the Uzumaki’s home, the straw-colored blond knew what
she needed was something more singular; something that screamed ‘must marry’ not
‘property developer.’
She abruptly hears, “hey Temari-chan,” from behind her, stunning her spine straight and
freezing her heart still for a fraction of a second. She lets out a settling breath as she turns to
the smiling Naruto in his beaten and worn orange jumpsuit. “Sorry.”
Shaking her head as if there’s no need to apologize, she asks, “how was your day?”
“Pretty good,” Naruto answers. “I got a lot of training in but not a lot of results… yet.”
Smiling at his confidence, her inquisitive mind wants to know, “what sort of training?”
Though Temari is eager for any new intel to pass on, she disappointed to hear him glumly
answer, “mostly meditation stuff. Trying to be really still is hard for me since I have so much
It sounded like mental discipline training and nothing special, however, she kindly replies, “I
can imagine. So what would you like to do today?”
“I’m just a clone but I’m down for anything,” he tells her, to her disappointment.
Though Temari appreciates him saying as much, she feels insulted that it’s a clone and not the
real body. It sends the message that she’s not a priority and that won’t do, not with so much at
stake and so many depending on her. ‘Earn his trust, earn his trust, earn his trust,’ her mind
yells in repetition as her voice asks, “may I know where the real Naruto is?”
“He’s training with the Team right now,” the clone replies.
“No offense, but can we wait for him nearby,” Temari softly asks. “You and I can still talk,
but I was hoping to tell him something personal.”
Deciding talking to the clone will suffice, for now, they make their way as Temari asks, “I
can imagine this whole thing with me and the Omiai must be pretty weird for you.”
“Well… a little,” Naruto gruffly answers, lazily seesawing a flat palm. “Isn’t it weird for
you? I mean, your tou-chan wants you to marry someone you don’t know? That would do my
head in.”
“Yes and no,” she answers after a long exhale. “Obviously, I’d prefer to marry someone I
love, but I doubt I’m the kind of girl that falls in love at first sight. What I value in a man
isn’t something you can see on the surface.”
“What’s that-” Naruto halts his curiosity when his brain answers faster. “Oh! Let me guess.
Surprised, she turns to his smirking face and answers with an amused tone, “yes, actually. I
didn’t think I was that transparent.”
Snickering, Naruto reassures her, “you’re not,” adding with a melancholy smile, “I’ve just
heard that before.”
Immediately, Temari wonders about other women in his life who may have told him that. The
fact that he remembered suggests she’s important or a sensei. Temari’s original strategy
involved removing any female attention in Naruto’s life, however, considering how all of
Konoha no longer have a future at the end of the month, any kunoichi attracted to Naruto will
continue to take things slow. Besides, any kunoichi Naruto is attracted to will evaporate from
his mind as much as his heart when he feels what she’ll do to him.
“Uh, well, I thought I knew what I liked but I’ve learned a lot in the past few months so now
I’m not sure. Right now, I know for sure I like honest and pretty girls.”
‘Possible rejection,’ Temari mentally catalogs, thinking how that heartache works in her
favor. “To answer your earlier question, this isn’t all that weird to me because the thing I like
most about a partner takes time. So I have to get to know a person before I date them anyway.
What makes the Omiai bad is it has less to do with my needs and more to do with the needs
of the village.”
“What does Gaara think about that,” Naruto asks. “You’re brother and sister. He can’t be
okay with this.”
With a heightened curiosity about his mental train of thought, Temari bluntly answers, “my
little brother doesn’t care.”
“Well he should,” Naruto angrily asserts. “I get that he’s had a tough life but you’re family!”
Again, the connection Naruto seems to have with her brother seems to stem from a shared
predicament. Cautiously, Temari asks, “why do you think he’s had a hard life? He’s the son of
a Kage.”
Turning to her, Naruto leans forward so as his eyes stare more prominently at her as he
gravely answers, “it’s in the eyes.” Stepping back, he amusingly adds, “plus he always talks
about killing people.”
Impulsively, Temari snorts at the blasé manner Naruto accepts Gaara’s homicidal
declarations. She feared he would think she was a morbid for laughing at his comment,
however, to her great relief, he simply smiles.
“My little brother has certainly gone through a lot in his life,” she admits. Rather than change
the subject away from her brother, she allows Naruto to indulge in the topic, offering, “maybe
we can have dinner one day.”
She’s certain Naruto would be the only boy who’d happily answer, “that would be great.”
His excitement to have dinner with her brother has Temari hoping Naruto is secretly a
homosexual. Though that doesn’t change what she has to do and it’s a little off-putting if her
first is gay, her mind effortlessly plays out a scenario in which he’s unable to get an erection
and she comforts him, thereby earning his trust.
‘Kami, let that be the case,’ her mind praises as she informs him, “I’ll let you know what he
Throughout the rest of their walk, they talk about mild subjects like interests and dislikes.
Temari always allows him to go first to feed his ego and to gauge whether she should agree
or disagree with his replies. They speak for nearly three hours when the real Naruto spots
them. The clone says his farewell before popping away. His team seems odd. Naruto is
holding up his pink-haired worn and exhausted pink-haired teammate. Their sensei is openly
reading the same filth Baki gave her to research from. And the handsome Uchiha continues
walking with little more than a sideways glance at her as he leaves.
“Hey, Temari-chan,” Naruto greets before creating a clone to pick up an exhausted Haruno,
princess style, and leaping away.
Temari smiles at the blond before bowing to his sensei, greeting him, “hello, Kakashi-sensei.”
“Temari-chan,” Kakashi greets. He then tells them, “I was asked to chaperon whenever
possible, but.” Turning to Naruto, he asks, “if you’re fine on your own…”
“See you tomorrow,” the legendary Copy-ninja states before nodding to, “Temari-chan.”
As Team 7 split between Kakashi trailing Sasuke and Naruto carrying Sakura, Naruto can’t
help but apologize to Temari. “Sorry about my team. Ever since the second task, Sakura’s
been training like hell to get better and Sasuke’s just a moody booty.”
Again, without a thought, she snorts at his quip while he smiles. Shaking her head, she
casually replies, “no apologies necessary.”
Naruto returns his attention to the Suna heiress to ask, “so you wanted to talk about
something personal?”
“Sure,” he returns looking around the wide trail leading to the training grounds. He hums a
moment before snapping his fingers and proclaiming, “there’s a place close by I like to go
to.” Temari and Naruto walk into the forest talking about their day and some of the best
meals they’ve ever had. By the time they reach an out of place waterfall in a field surrounded
by forest, Temari is certain Naruto is addicted to ramen.
The sound of rushing water intensifies the closer they get and soon Temari can feel a light
mist of moisture on her skin. There are a total of three hidden waterfalls near Sunagakura,
none are as large, loud, or spectacular as this. When they stop at the ravine, Temari wonders
around the straight branch stretching the length of the falling water at the halfway point.
“This way,” Naruto calls out, leaping on the water. She follows him as he searches for
something specific. When he stops, she doesn’t understand why he tells her, “hold on,”
before he scoops her up and jumps straight at the waterfall. Holding him around his neck, her
brain tells her not to worry before they break the rushing wall of water and land inside a cave.
He sets her down before walking to some towels. Handing her one, she scans the room for
any threats before taking stock of the simple furnishing in the mildly large room. There’s a
coffee table a few two sleeping bags and a carousel heater. It would be a square room if not
for the rounded walls.
As Naruto asks, “how’s this?” Temari is thrilled by the very wide whitish-blue wall of water.
“Aside from being wet,” Temari begins, toweling herself off. “It’s beautiful… and certainly
private. Thank you.”
He waves her off before asking over the rushing sound of the nearby waterfall, “so what’s
Releasing her wet pigtails, Temari is drying her hair as she hesitates to begin. “Um, can I be
honest with you?”
“Because I don’t know what’s going to happen with this Omiai, I’m nervous,” she restlessly
admits. Walking around the room and sitting on the padding opposite him at the table, she
tells him, “I generally enjoy engaging my mind with random experiments like probability
statistics or card games. It feels nice when I assess all the relevant variables to a given
situation then accurately predict a future outcome. It’s one of my strengths and I’m proud of
it, but, I don’t know how this—between us—will end. It’s a lot.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty bonkers,” Naruto agrees, then adds, “but, if it makes you feel better, I know
how it’ll end.”
With a tilt of her wet head and suspiciously amused eyes, she responds, “oh?”
“Yup,” he returns with his signature smile before answering, “it’ll end how we want it to. As
long as we understand one another, I think it’ll be alright.”
“Then I think we should talk about that,” Temari says, leading him to her planned topic.
“We’ve spoken in front of our respective leaders and officials, but it’s just us now, and I feel
we should discover what this means without the politics.”
Nodding, Naruto says, “yeah, I like that,” quickly asserting, “I don’t know about you but I
definitely want to be friends, no matter what.”
“I’d like that too,” Temari forces herself to lie. In her heart she couldn’t care less if she were
friends or not, however, she hates the deception. She’s already noticed that he’s a nice and
open person and the more he continues to be that way the more she wishes he was an asshole.
As he is, she feels like she’s leading a lovably peaceful cow to the slaughterhouse. Her
emotional training taught her that this feeling is just the humanity within her desiring to
preserve the sanctity of life, however, she can’t listen to that part of her now. Her mission is
as hard as it is clear.
Temari then asks Naruto, “have you ever heard of a Love Map?” Shaking his blond locks, no,
he leans his elbows on the table as she answers, “when you share your life with someone, I
think it’s important to show how much you care. Think of it as training. Rather than just
saying you train every day, you physically show it. Little things, like hugs or notes, to big
things like goals or anniversaries; it’s nice to feel how much you’re cared for and loved.”
Looking at her in wonder, as if picturing that kind of life, Naruto warmly expresses, “that
sounds nice.”
“Yeah, right?” Temari agrees before continuing. “So this meticulous attention to showing
how important someone is, rather than saying it, is called a Love Map. Being able to write
down the map of your partner’s likes, dislikes, hobbies, goals, and habits. It’s important to
any strong relationship.”
“Yeah, I think so too,” Naruto offers, recalling his own examples of this attention. “Like how
I know when my sensei is worried about something without her saying anything, or when
Sakura is about to quote a book or when Ichraku’s is out of pork noodles by how many
people are outside of the stand.”
“Uh… yes,” Temari agrees with reluctance. In her mind, she’s just happy he understands the
concept. “Though I was referring specifically to romantic partnerships, the theory is
essentially the same. All of those examples, however, need one thing to survive, time. It takes
time to know those small details but when you take the time and patience to do this, it can
lead any couple to become… emotionally intelligent, which is vital to a long-lasting
“Cool,” Naruto answers. “A Love Map makes a lot of sense now,” he adds with wonder and
deep thought. “Can you use this with anyone you know or does it have to be with the person
you’re dating?”
“Uh, I don’t see why it couldn’t work with your friends,” she presumes.
“Cool,” he replies. “I used to spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to make friends but
I never heard about mapping out that stuff.”
“Happy to help,” she quips. Looking out into the mesmerizing fuzz of rushing water, she
voices over the cold water, “so, I’m saying all this because I… and this is really embarrassing
to admit, but, I want to experience growing such a connection to someone. Not just anyone
either. I want to learn about my Love Map with a partner of my choosing.”
“I’ll probably be married before I ever have a boyfriend and I doubt I’ll have much of an
option as to who I marry,” Temari assertively remarks. “But I did choose you, and despite the
odds, Otou-sama agreed. So, since we’re here, rather than be down about it, why not make
the most of it and build a Love Map of my own? If you and I don’t work out months later,
that’s fine, but right now… I know you said you want to be friends, and so do I, but-” Temari
clears her throat and can already feel her cheeks blushing as she struggles to say, “I want to
experience things with someone I chose… rather than someone my father has me marry.”
“Things like what?” Though he cuts himself off to pointedly assert, “I still think you should
talk to your dad. How can he not understand? He’s your dad,” he exclaims with extended and
open palms.
“Thanks,” Temari genuinely appreciates, then immediately recalls how much she wants him
to be an asshole instead. Clearing her throat, she replies, “you don’t know him. A small part
of him is my father but when you’re the leader of a village, the majority of him is the
Kazekage. He can’t be like normal fathers just like I can’t be a normal daughter.”
“Then he needs to change that,” Naruto immediately claims. “When I become Hokage, I’m
definitely not going to do something like that.”
“You have my vote,” she quips. “So, things like what, you asked. If you’re not against it, I’d
like to do things a little differently.” With a blank look on his face, he simply nods before she
continues. “I’d like to reverse our roles.” Confusion settles on his face before she elaborates.
“Normally the man tends to initiate things like being the one to approach a girl, asking her
out, essentially making the first move.”
Naruto easily understands, asserting, “Oh, yeah, my sensei says that comes from the very old
way of doing things. Years and years ago, women handled the subtle jobs like running the
day-to-day of a home, healing, or raising children while the men handled the more extreme
jobs like hunting, building, fighting, all that kind of stuff. So, the strong and confident guys
would ask the girl out, but the women would feel if he can do all the things that’ll give her a
good life. And that’s how it would go, generation after generation until it became normal.”
“The only reason that worked was because both parties knew the specific things they needed
to survive and that system helped facilitate it,” Temari comments, actually enjoying the
insightful conversation. “Men wanted sex and someone to take care of their offspring.
Women wanted to be protected from the elements, physical assault, or poverty as they raise
their young.” Naruto agrees with a nod before she continues, “fortunately, society isn’t so
primitive anymore, which is why I think I’ll enjoy switching the roles a bit.”
Again, his eyes squint in confusion before he cautiously asks, “so, you want to ask me out?”
“If it’s okay with you, I’d like to initiate the first move,” Temari purports. It’s a bit of a
gamble because she doesn’t want it to seem like she’s threatening his masculinity. He can be
slow at times but he’s always struck her as confident, and confident people don’t depend on
others to make their decisions. Temari makes certain he understands, “I don’t mean I want to
make all the decisions or take the lead. I’d simply like it if, for instance, we were out together
and I want to hold your hand, rather than waiting until you do it, I’d like to know it’s okay
with you if I do it.”
Temari can’t help like she’s betraying all independent women everywhere, along with Naruto.
The daughter of the Kazekage, highly instructed in the ways of the killing arts, top of her
class, a strong kunoichi like her shouldn’t need to ask permission to be assertive. But she
can’t take the risk he’d be intimidated by an assertive girl, not when she has no other option
but to make it work with him.
To her delight, he reacts as if her worry was ludicrous to begin with, crunching his facial
features together as he scoffs, “yeah, I don’t mind. But I definitely don’t want you to do
anything you’re not comfortable with. The great thing about being friends is as long as we’re
honest, you don’t have to be anyone but yourself.”
‘Again with the friendship,’ Temari mentally tallies. ‘It’s like he’s testing me.’ She might
consider that possibility if he were a little more cunning, however, he seems too
straightforward for that type of thinking, and answers him, “that’s good to hear, because, if
I’m being honest, I’m a little excited to experience this to the fullest. I want you to enjoy
yourself too. And who knows, maybe in a couple of months we may develop a really strong
“You know the future?” Temari teases before asking, “what makes you so confident? I mean
it’s not like we really know each other. You already know how much I detest squid, but you
like it. What if there’s something about me you won’t like?”
“I don’t know about all that,” Naruto replies. He rubs the table of the bit of dust on it,
thinking a moment until he states, “mnn, well, I know Gaara is a handful, but you still care
about him, which means you love your family. We have that in common.” Smiling, he adds,
“you’re smart, strong, pretty, and you love your family… I mean, it’s a fair bet we’ll get
With the orange sun beginning to set, radiating a warm glow through the whitish-blue rush of
water, a hesitant and nervous Temari inhales before leaning over the table and giving him a
quick kiss on his lips. As far as kisses go, it was over too quick to feel good. Temari suddenly
felt so dumb and mortified and unattractive, that she blushes deep red before spontaneously
covering her beet-red face in her hands and face-planting forward on the table. Temari’s mind
is rarely so chaotic and hectic. Her mind is racing with negative and critical thoughts of her
pathetic attempt to be charming.
She’s trying to catch her breath when she hears Naruto ask over her heavy breathing and
waterfall, “are you okay?” It only made Temari feel more embarrassed that she’s making him
worry over her. She’s nearly sure she failed when he hesitates to ask, “uh, do you want to be
my girlfriend?
Recalling how she prepared for that question, she takes several moments to regain calm down
enough to recite from memory, “that doesn’t matter to me. That title is so other people know
what we mean to each other. Right now, I’m not worried about other people. I just want to see
what you can mean to me.”
“Oh,” Naruto hums with amazement, giving her a desperate boost of confidence. “So… uh,
we’re… whatever?”
Raising the edge of his brow, Naruto cautiously asks, “and kissing?”
Again, Temari’s panic checks her in the gut as she voices with complete certainty, “you hated
it, didn’t you?” Even as he waves his hands, she continues, “I don’t have a lot of experience-”
“No, no, no, I didn’t…” Patiently Temari waits for his meaning and though he only paused
for a moment, it may as well been an hour before he clarifies, “I uh, barely felt it- ah! But not
because it was bad or anything. It was just over so quickly. I swear.” With her higher
reasoning assuring her that makes sense, Temari nods before he asks her, “but you’re okay
kissing me?”
“I… I’m a girl!” she asserts like that’s neglected information. Temari knows she always
wants to present a strong and intelligent front, but that shouldn’t mean she can’t be feminine
either. She rightly argues, “I feel things other girls feel-” “Oh, yeah, I’m not saying-” Naruto
tries to interject but she cuts him off to embarrassingly proclaim, “and it’s not like I don’t find
you attractive. So, yes, k-kissing is… I’d like to try that…”
“Oh, okay,” Naruto easily accepts with a shrug and a nod. Standing, he takes his cushion and
places it on the table before asking her, “come here.” He pats the cushion as he asks, “have
you ever kissed anyone?”
Taking control of her emotions, Temari stands as she answers, “I… you won’t tell anyone
Tilting his head with plain eyes as if to physically ask, ‘really,’ she sits on the cushion on the
table. He steps in front of her and widens his stance so her head is leveled with his chest as he
assures her, “believe me, I can keep a secret.”
Feeling the first traces of his body heat, she clears her throat as she voices, “that’s good. Um,
I’ve kissed one boy.”
Looking down at her darker blond and damp hair, Naruto moves in closer as he inquires,
“didn’t it work out with him?”
“…No,” she answers, willing her muscles to not react to his close proximity. Though her
thoughts recovered memories of the hyper Daimaru, she didn’t want to sour the mood by
mentioning his death. “He left the village.” Awkwardly, he apologizes, but she shakes her
head before moving on to ask, “have you kissed anyone?”
“Yup,” Naruto enunciates with a pop. She’s sitting on the table, her closed legs underneath
his wider stance, and inches away from his chest. His body heat washes over her, making her
realize she was cold before as he commands her to, “close your eyes.” She tries to ask why
when he interjects, “come on. I know you’ll like it.”
This felt like a pivotal moment for Temari. She never wanted to compromise her safety by
trusting him in such a vulnerable position. Though he doesn’t act like her brother, Naruto and
Gaara are the same and Temari’s never forgotten how dangerous he is. Half smirking, he
looks at her with his large sky-blue eyes, never once showing any signs of duplicity. With a
deep breath, she mentally says a last prayer before yielding and shutting her eyes.
With her sense of sight obstructed, Temari redoubles her efforts to remain as calm as
possible. Calling on all her mental training, she concentrates on how the foreign sound of
water falling rapidly becomes much more clearer. She can acutely feel his presence when she
hears Naruto softly say, “I want you to relax, Temari. Relax and concentrate on your
breathing. Like you do in training. Inhale deeply. Exhale steadily. And with every breath you
take, try and feel it in your body how at peace you are.”
Despite the present possibility of danger, it was easy to fall on her training and slowly relax
with the exotic sound of water rushing in the background. With another full breath, Temari
can feel a bubble of toasty body heat around Naruto and herself defend them against the cool
atmosphere of the spacious cave behind the waterfall. She hears Naruto shift slightly before
feeling his warm hands land on her shoulders. She couldn’t help but tense up.
“Stay loose and relaxed,” Naruto softly voices. “Breathe, Temari. Breathe.”
When her shoulders feel like warm butter again, Naruto begins massaging her deltoids. His
grips hold her muscle firmly, near to the point of tight as he commands her to keep breathing
deeply. Soon she relaxes and she can feel tension she didn’t know she had left her shoulders.
He then begins to draw the softened muscle up with gentle and constant pressure. With her
eyes closed, surrounded by the unnatural warmth of his body, feeling put under by the
hypnotizing sound of rushing water, loosening to his firm touch as he expertly kneads,
caresses, and rubs out all the tension and stress in her shoulders.
Naruto worked her shoulders then traps till she was on the verge of sleep when she suddenly
feels warm pillow-soft lips against her own. Her eyes snap open when she realizes he’s
kissing her full on the lips. The surprise lingers when his warm, strong hands slide up her
graceful neck to cup her jaw before tilting his head so their noses are side by side. Opening
his lips pressed against hers wider, Temari is easily overwhelmed. Her mind froze for several
moments, however, the soft and gentle way he moved and played with her lips made her
wonder if he enjoys kissing her, if she’s doing a good job, if she feels good and just then, the
setting, the warmth, and the affection helped her to relax.
Temari kissed him back and recalling some unknown origin of knowledge, she mirrors what
he does with just as much affection and patience. She doesn’t have much experience doing
this or anything beyond kissing, but she was surprised by the combinations of soft natural lips
with just a little bit of tongue. It was as if he knew thirty ways of kissing and Temari was lost.
Naruto swept her up and to her surprise, she wanted more.
Her arms shot out of their own accord and wrap around his neck, dragging him in, or so she
thought. Temari was pleased when his arms descended around her bodice and lifted her off
the table and her feet. She took control then and he amazingly allowed her to lead, swivel and
dip their stretched, pressed, and wet lips. Temari couldn’t believe how amazing kissing could
feel and enjoys every second of their combined taste, smell, heat, moans, and desire. They
were present in the hot feeling and it felt like it could last for hours.
It’s when her foggy and lethargic mind finally registers his strong chest pressed flat against
her womanly bust that she feels a world beyond kissing. To her great astonishment, the core
of her womanhood reflexed with juicy desire and her inner thighs tensed like an electric
shock struck through them. It was a wake-up call. Temari felt like she was put under genjutsu
and very little made sense anymore.
Naruto was still holding her to him when she suddenly breaks their kissing session. Panting,
Temari notes her right leg is wrapped around his left leg, her arms are around his neck, her
lips feel hot and swollen, her eyes are lidded, and on top of smiling, his expression seems just
as captivated.
“You’re a really good kisser,” he happily tells her and she could feel her face flush with more
rushing blood.
Ignoring how embarrassing her beet-red face must appear to him, an elated and weightless
Temari clears her throat to thank him, but instead sounds, “wow.” Mortified, Temari slumps
her head on his shoulder, never having felt so awkward in her life. She knew she didn’t have
a lot of experience, but as long as she remembered what she read, she always felt she would
be alright. She never expected Naruto to be one of the best kissers in existence. ‘He may only
be the second man I’ve ever kissed, but, Naruto must be in the top percentile,’ her mind
Hopping back, Temari shakes her head as she doesn’t want to speak. Turning her attention to
the waterfall, she hastens to the rushing wall of water and dunks her head in. The rapid cold
did wonders to wake her from her thrilling haze. With a deep exhale she turns to him,
dripping water as she smiles and says, “that was… it felt really good.”
“Oh, cool,” he casually replies before asking, “again?”
She felt her legs wanting to move, however, looking at him, she suddenly struggled with her
mission. This must be what they referred to by saying don’t get too close. ‘Always remain
detached,’ she recalls her sensei lecturing. She also recalls her sensei teach, ‘if you do get
attached, then you should not pull back because they will feel it. You simply need to take more
time before the moment when the mark’s usefulness comes to an end. That is the time to be
heartless and complete your mission.’
Temari never thought she would be in this position but looking at Naruto, she’s uncertain of
how she’ll react, and that scares her. She’s tempted to take a step back, but not only could
that send the wrong message, she recognized that hesitation, that fear, so with great
trepidation and uncertainty, Temari takes a step forward and nods. The rest of the evening
was dedicated to his lips and hands. Temari was in such a daze she didn’t even realize how
she made it back to her room until she closed the door behind her.
A knock came then before she hears her sensei’s voice through the wood asking, “anything to
‘He’s the Kami of Kissing,’ Temari’s mind answers. She shakes her head before she answers,
“some progress was made. Nothing more.” When she hears him leave, Temari abruptly asks,
“where’s Gaara?”
She had thought to talk to him but knew it was impossible now. Her baby brother is craving a
kill. And in three weeks, she’ll be feeding her monster-possessed brother Naruto… whether
she wants to or not.
Returning late to her home after hanging out with Naruto’s clone, Ino eagerly rushes up the
stairs and into Sakura’s room to gush about their night. It was a friendly affair, but it’s the
best night yet. Though Ino wishes painfully to her bones things were different between
Naruto and her—that she hadn’t made so grave mistakes—she’s simply happy that they’re
working on being trusting friends again.
Though Ino hadn’t expected Naruto would tell Kurenai-sensei, she’s glad he did. Ino respects
Kurenai a great deal and it hurt deeply when the beautiful sensei explained how disappointed
she was in her. Ino didn’t even want to touch her tea, her stomach was in such knots.
However, the beautiful woman understood the situation and while she didn’t approve, she
didn’t see any malice in her heart.
“You were hurting and lashed out,” Kurenai-sensei said. “You’re not the first person that’s
happened to and you won’t be the last. Your effort to make amends is encouraging and I still
support you, Ino-chan.”
It was a fabulous start to her day and astonishingly enough, she hung out with Naruto for
hours. More than anyone, she wanted to share it with her sister. Unfortunately, the pink-
haired girl was passed out in her bed. It’s been like this since the second task. Ino hardly sees
her and when she does, the girl is frustrated, studying, or sleeping.
Ino’s too excited to leave Sakura be, however, rather than waking her up Ino showers,
changes, and slips into bed with Sakura. The blond whispers her hopes for the future, her
apologies for the past, and her gratitude for the present before going to sleep with her dear
Walking out onto the stone path of the courtyard of his clan’s estate, Sasuke asks the shinobi
hidden in the shadows of the moonlight, “what are you doing here, Kakashi-sensei?”
Stepping out of the shadows created by the hip and gabled roof of the ancestral home,
Kakashi casually answers his student. “There’s been an incident.” Sasuke crosses his arms as
he stretches his senses to detect as much as he can. He’s certain the three-man team of Jōnin
are watching him when Kakashi adds, “one of the finalists has died.”
Kakashi explains, “there’s been a lot of deliberation behind my being here. Your absence was
of great disappointment to certain groups interested in the Uchiha name; the last true
Sharingan user. As such, rather than arrange the current contenders in an uneven tournament,
Hokage-sama has approved offering you the opportunity to enter the tournament-”
“Easy now,” Kakashi tries to placate his student. “Before you do, you should be aware…
there’s a caveat.”
Drawing his brows together in some confusion, Sasuke asks, “what do you mean?”
Looking up at the night sky, Kakashi explains, “while it’s true you’re one of the top genin in
our forces, and even stronger than some of the participants currently in the third task, you did
lose in the preliminary.” Sasuke scowls a moment, ashamed by his loss to Naruto. “So even if
you beat every contender in the third task, you will not be promoted. Your participation in the
tournament is strict to appease interested groups.”
Sasuke’s goal in life never strays far from his thoughts. The memories littering his clan’s
home always reminds him of the love that’s been stolen from him. Itachi’s death is his only
goal and gaining promotions matter for the opportunity they offer to teach him more.
‘Teach me... like Orochimaru is offering to,’ Sasuke thinks. Sasuke vaguely wonders if the
incident that happened tonight has to do with him. ‘It doesn’t matter,’ he thinks. ‘My decision
is clear.’
Wow, this chapter kicked my ass, lol. I don't know what it was but nothing seemed to
click and it felt all over the place. Sadly, I just had to post it because three weeks on one
chapter is unacceptable to me. Though as I said, holidays with family and friends took a
lot of my time.
Just FYI, Polygamy is based on marriage. So, more than one wife or husband.
Polyamory is the practice of having more than one loving relationship at a time where
all parties involved are aware of the each other. Also, love is the emphasis here, so sex
doesn't have to be included.
As always I'd love to know your thoughts, comments, observations. Every little bit helps
me be better. For example, a fan mentioned to me how the physics I used as the
blueprint of Hiraishin didn't make sense. Now, I'm no physicist, but when I realized they
were right, I fixed it as I progressed the story forward. I don't go back, if that makes
sense. It's a mentality/philosophy thing for me not to go back.
Next update will be my Harry Potter fic, From Ruin, however, I'm going to give myself
a couple days to enjoy Christmas then New Years, so a rough release date: 3 weeks. I'll
push for less tho.
Have a great one, a great Holidays, and a Happy New Year, from a most grateful author,
The Mission
Chapter Summary
Chapter Notes
Hey all,
Happy Valentines Day. To quote someone, Love is just a word until someone gives it
meaning, so Happy Hump day
Sorry for the delay but this was an unexpectedly large chapter. 15K in two weeks is a lot
for me but with my Mamba Mentality, I got it done. Thank you to my amazing fans! I’m
still blown away by your support.
Warning: Kissing.
Early Wednesday morning, well before the day’s trading can commence, Haku knocks on the
rear entrance to the minor weapons shop. After five strong raps against the metal door,
Tenten cracks open a sliver to the beautiful face of her new and sad predicament. Raising his
delicate eyebrows expectantly, Tenten sighs before completely opening the door for Haku.
She’s wearing her favored pink, sleeveless, qipao-style blouse and dark green pants, and as
he follows her through the stockroom to the apartment upstairs, Haku notices her sluggish
shoulders, the pungent unventilated scent of metal, distilled white vinegar, lemon juice, and
baking soda. He also notes clutter on tabletops, a trash can full of take-out containers, and
delivery dates circled in red on a calendar. It’s clear to Haku, Tenten has been running the
shop for the past two weeks without much assistance—if any—and around her duties as a
Konoha kunoichi.
Haku would’ve spoken to Tenten a week earlier—as she said she would—however, he
couldn’t leave Zabuza until he was certain he only needed rest. The entire time Haku tended
to Zabuza, he was consistently amazed by how content he felt with such amazing men in his
life. Momochi Zabuza; who taught him how to survive the brutality in this world, and
Uzumaki Naruto; who’s teaching the love of a friend. Tending to Zabuza’s wounds, he never
felt happier, and looking at a slightly worn Tenten, Haku felt an urge to reciprocate that
kindness toward the bun-haired girl. After all, Haku can’t understand why amazing shinobis
like Zabuza and Naruto would care about a broken person like him but they do. Now that
Zabuza has given him a weapon of his own to mold, Haku can’t let either men down.
The state of the two-bedroom apartment was well-lit, spacious, and mostly clean; as if the
girl always has to rush to clean as much as she can. Tenten herself seems tired. Her chocolate
eyes aren’t alert, the buns of her brunette hair sag as much as her shoulders, and right away,
she lazily takes a seat at the dining table rather than offer or make tea. Haku imagines
numerous mental tasks an adult is responsible for could be taking a mental toll on the young
girl. Haku knows Tenten dreams of becoming an S-rank Kunoichi one day and can imagine
how frustrating it is to be hindered by her daily training and the responsibilities of running a
business by herself. Haku knows it’s not impossible to do both, however, it’s clear that Tenten
is unaccustomed to such a lifestyle change.
Sitting in the chair across the casually dressed girl, Haku first asks Tenten, “well?”
Haku answers with zen-like patience, “do you accept your place as my weapon?” Tenten
balks as he adds, “and by extension Zabuza-sama and Naruto-sama’s weapon?”
Twiddling with her fingers, Tenten sags in her chair as she questions, “ugh, do I have to agree
to be their weapon too?”
“What’s mine is theirs,” Haku plainly answers. “However, I plan on training you to be as
strong as possible, so, if you grow strong enough to beat them, I don’t see why you couldn’t
win your independence.” Haku cuts any response Tenten might have by reminding her,
“please keep in mind I’m not here to debate this. You’ve had ample time to consider your
pledge to me. I’m here for your answer and nothing more.”
Understanding she’s worried about her father—despite how terrible the man is—Haku waits
several silent moments watching Tenten torture herself with indecision before she finally
bellows, “…Fi- Fine! I’ll be your weapon! Happy!”
Haku ignores the girl’s saddened shiver to answer, “good. First thing’s first-” Haku is
interrupted when Tenten’s head slinks, forehead first, into the table. ‘She’s not going to make
this easy for me,’ Haku thinks as he tells the defeated girl, “my weapon damages others, not
“You’re my weapon, my tool,” Haku retorts, though absent any hostility. “A highly tuned
instrument of death to use as I see fit.”
Whirling her unfocused brown eyes, she asks with clear concern, “what does that mean, ‘how
you see fit?’ I mean, how do I know you’re not going to force me to assassinate some
innocent person or sabotage my village?”
Nodding his head, Haku replies, “your fear is understandable, but you’re only concerned
because you don’t know nothing more about me than the little you’ve seen or heard. I freely
admit to you that if Zabuza-sama was the only master I served, you’d certainly be expected to
do disagreeable—certainly illegal—tasks. He’s ordered me to cheat, steal, lie, and kill on
many occasions.” Haku can visually see Tenten fall into despair before continuing.
“However, even if I couldn’t take the life of the person he ordered me to, lie to the innocent,
steal despite having the funds, or deceive the considerate, he didn’t discard me. He always
kept his weapon.”
A suspicious Tenten asks, “you didn’t do what he told you to? Even though you practically
worship him?”
Nodding his head, Haku explains, “he’d say I still had value to him.” With a gentle and
affectionate smile, Haku happily claims, “but I know it’s more significant than he’s willing to
admit. He knows me to my broken core, and whether I stain my soul for him or not, he
accepts me as I am. Zabuza-sama has indirectly taught me his code and I’ve wholeheartedly
embraced it. We don’t know who you are yet, Tenten-chan, so expect that I will push you to
your limits and beyond; physically, to be sure, but more importantly, mentally. Discovering
that maturation will be uncomfortable for you, but not unlike myself, you will learn what you
can and cannot do, and like Zabuza-sama, I will continue to push you until who you are is
undoubtedly clear.”
Tenten mulled over his words for a moment before clarifying, “you said if Zabuza was your
only master. What did you mean by that?”
“For ryo, Zabuza-sama would certainly order you to kill, cheat, and everything in between,”
Haku begins to casually answer. “However, Zabuza-sama is not my only master. The reason
why I won’t order you to betray your comrades or kill unnecessarily is because Naruto-sama
would undoubtedly be disappointed in me if I did. It’s not his way, which means it’s not my
Shaking her head in disbelief, Tenten asks, “how’s that possible? I mean, Naruto and Zabuza
are polar opposites. How can you possibly balance what they both want from you?”
With all his heart, Haku warmly answers, “it’s possible because I love both men, and to my
everlasting joy, they care about me enough to be… considerate. Or I’m just really lucky.”
Seated opposite from him, Tenten doesn’t feel fortunate with her masters, shrugging as she
mumbles, “yeah…”
Extended a proverbial olive branch, Haku affirms, “your father’s actions may be the reason
you’re in this situation, but you shouldn’t believe he’ll die if you don’t do as I command.”
She looks him in the eye as he incidentally adds, “he’ll only die if you attempt to go back on
your word. I’ll be demanding everything of you and I expect you to do everything you’re
capable of. Keywords; capable of. As in, what’s in you to do. We’ll learn who you are. Of
that, I have no doubt. Do you understand?”
Tenten slowly nods in resignation before asking, “how will I have time for everything? What
about my team, my missions, and the store? I have to close in the mornings as it is just to do
missions, then I spend the rest of the day here trying to earn enough to keep the lights on and
afford food-”
“I suppose,” Haku agrees, looking around the part living room, part kitchen. “Have a little
more faith in your master, Tenten-chan. I’ve given the logistics of this situation a fair amount
of thought. First, I will be moving here with you-”
Blushing from neck to forehead, Tenten points out the widely questionable, “b-but you’re a
“And your master,” he responds, adding, “who’s interested in nothing more than your success
as my tool.” Losing her modesty, Tenten tried not to take offense to that as he explains, “I’d
rather not leave Naruto-sama’s side, especially with his precious person coming home from
the hospital today and his clan coming together, but shaping you into a proper tool is for the
best. I’ll have to commute every meal period to prepare their meals so be prepared to join me
if the situation arises; dinners for instance.”
“If you have to go back so often, you might as well stay there,” Tenten argues. “Otou-san
taught me everything I need to know so I’ll be fine. I’m just saying I don’t have a lot of time,
is all.”
“Staying here will also allow me to watch the store when you’re away, as well as give me a
base to sell my herbal medicines from,” Haku reveals. “Additionally, with Iruka-san returning
home and Karin-chan living there, Naruto-sama will likely have more privacy here.”
Flushing red once again, Tenten groans, “ugh, you mean- him and me-” With the heavy
thought of sex widening her browns, she asserts, “I- I don’t think I can-”
Haku leans forward, looking into the girl’s large brown eyes as he softly states, “Tenten-chan,
I’ve already said this’ll be uncomfortable for you and that I’ll still demand it anyway. The
next time you feel the need to protest, honestly ask yourself, ‘would I commit seppuku to
escape the shame of my immoral actions?’ If the answer is no, keep the complaint to
“Then I expect you to carry out your intent,” Haku easily responds. “As my tool, we don’t do
half-measures and we don’t go back on our word.”
“Fine,” she huffs. “So when are you forcing me to h-have s-sex with… with…”
Looking at the girl with a bit of disappointment, Haku asks, “you can’t even say it?”
“It’s embarrassing!” Slapping her hands on the table, she vehemently asserts, “I’ve never
even kissed a guy before and you expect me to just have sex! With someone I don’t even
love! That’s just too much!”
“That’s reasonable,” Haku agrees. “We’ll start with full-body massages then. You’ll be
training a lot more with me so receiving massages from him will be beneficial to your muscle
recovery. I’ll speak to Naruto-sama later today-”
“What are you going to tell him,” she interjects before pointedly noting, “and how’s he okay
with all of this? Does he approve of raping-”
“For the last time, Tenten, your selfish actions put you here,” Haku quickly retorts, standing
sharply to his feet. He’s not an angry person by nature, but he will not allow her to vilify
Naruto. Looking down at a surprised Tenten, Haku maintains, “I won’t allow you to escape
your responsibilities by claiming to Naruto-sama you had no hand in this. Of course, I can
tell him every single detail about the deal you agreed to, and knowing him as I do—how
good he is—he would never participate in any sexual acts with you. Naruto-sama would
undoubtedly try to help you in some way, leading to a strong possibility of fighting Zabuza-
sama again. I would not like that. It wouldn’t be ideal, but, that’s simply who Naruto-sama is.
Zabuza-sama, on the other hand, wouldn’t appreciate you going back on your word and
considering the agreement you made with him-”
Sitting back down after a moment of silence, Haku discloses to the bun-haired beauty, “I
chose Naruto-sama to be your first for several reasons; he spared me and Zabuza-sama, he
saved you and your father, he’s kind, caring, strong, funny, and handsome. He’ll be Hokage
one day and likely enact many great changes to our world. You can do so much worse for
your first time; I know I did. You simply can’t see that because you’re overly emotional about
idealistic comforts. But remember this, life doesn’t owe you anything, much less a fantasy, so
stop focusing on how things ought to be.”
Though she looks defeated to Haku, he appreciates her simple nod. Before he leaves, they
then discuss the costs of her living situation and business expenses. Tenten barely squeaks by
with the tenders she makes after her missions and what she makes as a kunoichi is her
savings. Like many teams in Konoha, Team Guy meet in the mornings for training before
working missions until noon, after which, the rest of the day is for self-improvement. Haku
takes the spare keys to Ten Out of Ten and the apartment upstairs before leaving to meet
Naruto at the hospital.
It didn’t take long for Naruto, Karin, Iruka, and Haku to leave the hospital with the Chūnin
sensei. Wheeling Iruka’s wheelchair, Naruto’s excitement could not be tamed and Haku
wouldn’t have it any other way. Making their way home, the ecstatic blond talked a mile a
minute, all the while, Haku simply enjoyed the feeling of having genuine bonds and a home
to walk to. However, the pleasantness of their peaceful walk made him worry about the
turmoil in the future.
Haku wondered about Mei and what her plans to uproot their life might entail, because sure
as her love for Naruto and Zabuza, he had no doubt she was planning something. Though the
former hunter-nin is alert, he’s never been deft at predicting that woman’s movements, and
despite Haku’s implicit trust in Naruto, he’s worried. Mei may make a move soon and Haku
has to have faith Naruto won’t be swayed by her.
Thoughts on how best to preserve Naruto’s way of living are interrupted when Sakura and
Ino meet them on the way to Iruka’s. They present their happily embarrassed sensei with a
bouquet of wildflowers along with congratulations and well wishes. Naruto had invited them,
along with all the other rookies and their sensei, to lunch. Many agreed to come and those
training for the final task of the Chūnin exam said they’d pass by. Sakura and Ino, however,
want to borrow Karin before joining them at Iruka’s.
Walking under the sunny blue sky blessing the bustling village of Konoha, Kurenai enjoys
her peaceful stroll to Iruka’s house. The homes in this residential area are strictly for shinobi
—mostly those of a non-combative, clerical, or educational position—and once she passing
the last of the homes with tall thatched gates, it’s no more than a twenty-minute walk to
Iruka’s home. Like the others Naruto invited, she happily accepted the invitation to Iruka’s
Welcome Back luncheon and is helping Haku prepare the meal. The Chūnin sensei has been
in the hospital for nearly six months after his spinal injury, and absent any blood-family, it
warms her heart that Naruto will be there to help care for the teacher.
Walking the nearly empty path of the rural neighborhood, Kurenai’s thoughts, once again,
stray to Naruto, adding an audible sigh to the numerous insects clicking and birds chirping
around her. Her blond lover is currently escorting the daughter of someone important, just as
Asuma had, and she couldn’t for the life of her understand why this is happening to her again.
It nearly feels deliberate, as if she’s at the center of a cosmic comedy and the joke’s on her.
Worst of all, she feels as if history will only repeat itself if she doesn’t find her balance in
‘No,’ she mentally contradicts. ‘Nothing will change unless I stop hesitating.’
She just doesn’t know why she’s hesitating. With her well-trained mind and honest heart,
Kurenai knows two things with absolute certainty; she loves both Asuma and Naruto—if in
different ways—and she knows that some intangible thing is stopping her from making a
clear and confident choice, leaving her hesitant, indecisive, and standing still. The dilemma is
so preoccupying, Kurenai asked Naruto for some space and relieved him of his assistance
with Hinata’s training; using an actual genjutsu of him to train her. She needed time to think,
though another part of her self is accusing her of simply running away, as she did with
Asuma. Her heart and mind were in such repeating conflict, she’s relieved to sense her friend
before the busty beauty lands smoothly beside her.
Sliding her hands in the large front pockets of her brown coat, Anko curiously asks, “aren’t
you a bit early?”
Playfully bumping shoulders, ‘hello,’ a smirking Kurenai answers, “I’m surprised. No new
notes on how I ought to defile Naruto next?”
“Oh, babe,” Anko huff with a smirk. “I’ve got notes for days. But I’m willing to wait until I
see how you both smash your pissers. I won’t know how to help my babies if I don’t know
where they’re at.”
“For the last time, I’m not letting you watch,” Kurenai snorts, groaning in amusement. “I
wanted to get an early start before they get there. I’m not sure how many are staying for
lunch so I want to be sure there’s enough.”
“With two weeks before the finals, these brats got a lot of last-minute training to get in,”
Anko comments. “I can’t stay so that’s one less mouth to feed.”
With concern, the raven-haired beauty asks, “is everything alright? Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m still in a weird place but it’s fine.” Anko shrugs before clearing her throat and
considerately voicing, “I actually need to ask you something… and I’m not sure how much I
should say.”
As ninjas deal with sensitive material on a daily basis, Kurenai isn’t bothered by her friend’s
hesitation and relays as much. “If it’s work-related, you know you don’t have to tell me
anything compromising.”
“Yeah, I know,” Anko hums with a small smile. It’s clear to her that Anko is uniquely
bothered by this information as she slowly explains, “it’s work-related, for sure, and I was
brought in, but, it’s the intel that sucks here.”
“Okay,” Kurenai gently words with a nod. It’s not uncommon for ninjas to work without the
complete story and she asks, “what do you want to ask?”
Turning her pupil-less brown eyes on her friend as they walk, Anko asks, “can you check-in
on Yūgao? Like, often?”
Nearing Iruka’s, Kurenai’s ebony mane flows over her shoulder and collar bone as she turns a
suspicious gaze on Anko, answering all the while, “…I can, of course. Why?”
“That’s the complicated part,” Anko half-heartedly smirks. Hiding what appears to be
sadness, a cheerless beauty express, “you and me are her closest friends and she’s going to
need her friends now more than ever.”
Feeling the sun suddenly get hotter, Kurenai’s concern grows as she apprehensively asks,
Joylessly, Anko finishes, “just like Kakashi needed his friends after Obito and Rin.”
It’s enough of a blunt hint to stop Kurenai in her tracks, gripping her stomach at the rancid
thought of Yūgao suffering the loss of her life. ‘Hayate is dead,’ her mind realizes as she asks
her friend, “how?”
“Sorry, babe,” Anko replied. “I’m sure you’ll hear everything later. I just can’t right now.”
Kurenai wanted a distraction, just not one quite so devastating. Hayate was always such a
calm and composed shinobi, retaining his gentle spirit despite the dangerous and dark duty of
a ninja. ‘And he was so in love with Yūgao,’ her mind recounts. Anko, Kurenai, Asuma,
Kakashi, Guy, Raidō, and Genma all bore witness to the pair’s initial meeting, their eventual
partnership, their perfect union, their undeniable love. Despite his illness, their love remained
strong and true, ‘now he’s gone and she’s alone,’ Kurenai’s mind finishes.
After Anko left, Kurenai had to use her mask of composure throughout the entire luncheon.
Temari-chan showing up with her brother and partaking in the festivities right beside Naruto
didn’t even bother her. The only reprieve she received was when her Hokage asked her to
escort him outside with Jiraiya-sama.
Just outside Iruka’s small fence, Hiruzen stops to say, “I’m aware your students are currently
undergoing special training with their respective clans.” Standing at attention, Kurenai nods
and confirms his assertion before asking, “am I correct in assuming you have time to spare?”
With her, “hai, Hokage-sama,” Hiruzen asks in his gentle voice, “I would like to add you to
my protective detail along with Asuma-kun. I think it’s unnecessary however my student here
can be quite stubborn.”
Momentarily turning to a smirking Jiraiya, Kurenai nods once again and asserts, “of course,
Hokage-sama. It would be my honor.”
“You have shown tremendous integrity and excellence in your duties, Kurenai-kun,” her
leader praises. “It is I who would be honored to have you.”
To her great surprise, Jiraiya-sama of the legendary Sannin steps forward and bows—‘he’s
actually bowing… to me!’—before saying, “for the care you’ve shown Naruto in my
unforgivable absence, thank you. Sensei and Naruto speak very highly of you and Iruka and
I’m eternally grateful.”
“I- no. It was no trouble at all,” Kurenai fumbles to say, trying not to think about how much
she enjoyed taking care of Naruto. After their departure, Kurenai was delighted to receive
such praise and mourning in the tragic news of Hayate’s death and Yūgao’s anguish.
Konoha’s hospital is strategically located close to the center of the circular high gates
protecting the metropolis; meaning it’s not terribly far from any point within the walls of
Konoha. Iruka’s home on the outskirts of the residential area is no exception, so it’s not a
major issue when Ino asks, “can we borrow Karin-chan for twenty minutes? There’s a place
we’d like to show her.”
“We won’t be late to lunch, promise,” Sakura slowly adds. Two weeks into the training
regiment the pink-haired beauty told her about is clearly getting to the her. It would kind of
Karin to merely say she looks haggard. Her lovely pink hair is messy, her posture is tired, her
eyes are unfocused, and her chakra is pale and unenergetic.
Eying his pink-haired teammate with deep concern, Naruto hastens as he asks, “are you okay,
Sakura? You look tired.”
Through her chakra, Karin can tell the girl is more tired than her response of, “of course I am.
Strong as an ox,” she adds, flexing her bicep. The way her chakra fluctuates with lethargic
potency told Karin the girl had a masterful control of her chakra but also that she’s been
pushing it and herself to the limit, likely every day. Though Naruto still seemed worried
about her, Sakura’s clear desire to keep her fatigue to herself kept Karin from revealing
Still, standing in front of such beautiful potential friends requesting to show her something
excited Karin. Currently, she’s only had a few chances to talk with the girls, and though
making new connections makes her nervous, she feels very hopeful Ino and Sakura will be
good friends to have. The red-headed Uzumaki turns to her cousin, who only smiles brightly
and gives her an encouraging thumbs-up. Karin then asks the girls, “where is it?”
Along with Iruka’s encouragement, they separate, and to make certain to be on time to Iruka’s
‘Welcome Back’ lunch, they sprint through the village from rooftop to rooftop. Though Ino
and Karin had to match Sakura’s decelerating speed, it didn’t take them too long to reach the
seedier part of Konoha. As she had no reason to, Karin had never been to this part of the
village. From their height, it wasn’t hard to spot pieces of trash, broken glass, and rubbish
accumulated around the base of many old buildings. All windows and doors, regardless of
damage, were fitted with iron bars and the paint that wasn’t tagged with graffiti was old,
pealing, and worn. As the three sprint from building-top to building-top, Karin knows
precisely why the motley of villagers meandering about the streets below seem resigned to
such destitution.
Recalling the one-bedroom shack Kusagakure assigned to her and her mother, Karin can
easily recognize the signs of a slum area. Her mind can effortlessly overlap the impoverished
neighbors of her old home to the motley residents of this neighborhood and knows with near
certainty this state of living is the result of social, legal, and economic pressures; for no
village is without it’s lower class. It’s all too common. Developers who prefer to cater their
businesses to the wealthier avoid investing in these areas; families who have lost their
breadwinner have nowhere else to live; gambles that didn’t pay off; disabled veterans; low-
income jobs; and addicts all help to create what Karin is observing. These people look about
as miserable as the neighbors she remembers.
‘Misery loves company,’ her mind reminds her. Taking in the neighborhood as they race
through it very much reminds her of the depressive dismay of her old life; of the hard life her
mother accepted for them and of her mother’s death. A hard pang of regret, anger,
resentment, and revulsion unsettles Karin’s gut, heart, and tear ducts. As the three land in
front of a seedy four-story apartment building, Karin tries to ignore the likelihood of a mother
in the neighborhood sacrificing nearly everything to keep her ungrateful daughter alive.
The four-story, rundown, squalid apartment complex with the foreclosed poster on the door is
boarded up, tatted with graffiti and trashed, and mold but for some reason, they were here.
Karin wonders why, thinking, ‘this can’t be what they wanted to show me.’
Karin is debating offering an out-of-breath Sakura her arm to revitalize her when the pink-
haired kunoichi informs them, “we can’t stay long… if we want to get back in time to help
with lunch.”
“When we get back, the only way you’re helping is by sitting down and resting,” Ino hotly
“Wait,” Karin calls, halting the two girls from entering the building. Aside from sensing a
dozen weak chakra signatures inside, she asks with a pointed finger, “this is where you
wanted to take me?”
Pressing her pink lips together like she’s wincing, Ino admits, “I know, it doesn’t look like
much.” Turning to the rundown mess of a building, she remarks, “but looks aren’t
“Come on,” Sakura calls, cracking her knuckles. “There’s rubble that needs clearing.”
“Wait,” Karin calls, stopping the girls once again. Somewhat worried about Sakura, she
informs them, “there are twelve men in there.”
Karin nods before evaluating aloud, “five grouped together on the east wing of the first floor,
two on the west side of the second, three on the third, three on the top. The three on the top
are the strongest.”
Surprised, Ino asks, “did you even have to mold chakra to sense them?”
Karin shakes her head, no, adding, “I’ve always been a pretty good sensor-type,” to which
Ino smirks with a nod.
Eying Karin with pupil-less blue eyes, Ino notes, “impressive,” before Sakura declares,
“come on.” She loosens her shoulder by rotating her arm as she says, “I’m going to be pissed
if we don’t clear them out in a minute.”
Though Karin can defend herself well enough with her taijutsu, it’s never been her strong
suit. Healing and sensing are her niches and she’s happy with that. Still, with Sakura’s
surprising one-hit knockouts and Ino’s quick counters, the three kunoichi easily dispatched of
all twelve gang members, sending the conscious ones running. On the rooftop, looking out to
the iconic stone monument in the distance, Sakura was the only one that seemed tired,
however, that had nothing to do with fighting the hoodlums.
Ino is primping her lustrous platinum-blond hair when she asks Karin, “so, what do you
At a loss, Karin nervously answers, “uh, I don’t get it? Think of what?”
Nodding, Ino begins recounting, “yesterday, we had Sakura’s family over for dinner. Sakura’s
mother, Mebuki-san, works in the civilian council and she’s been having a really hard time
with this property. Apparently, any cash buyers or investors who seem interested in the place
are scared off. As the price of the building and area continues to drop, the village bleeds ryo,
causing a lot of headaches on the council.”
“…Okay,” Karin hums deep in thought before offhandedly asking, “you’re suggesting our
clan invest in real estate?”
Nodding, Ino reveals, “this used to be Naruto’s apartment before he moved to Iruka’s. It’s
seen better days, which is saying something, because full disclosure, it wasn’t much before.”
“It may not be much to look at but it’s got potential,” Sakura admits. “Since your clan has ryo
to invest in a business, we thought this might be a good option. If you think it’s an option you
might pursue, I can ask kaa-san for more details.”
“But please, no pressure,” Ino quickly informs her. “There’s no obligation to do anything
other than what you and Naruto want to. It’s not our intention to overstep. We just want to
help in any way we can.”
Looking around the cluttered streets below as well as other shabby buildings on the street,
Karin felt even closer to her caring cousin as she absentmindedly asks, “Naruto used to live
here?” Karin didn’t mean to ask her rhetorical question aloud, but they answered anyway.
Inspecting the similar living she apparently shared with her blond cousin, she notes, “the
neighborhood looks horrible too,”
The beautiful kunoichi look at each other nervously before Ino voices, “…Yeah.”
Karin wanted to put her all into building the Uzumaki clan with Naruto but standing on that
rooftop, she felt something profound blossom within her. A connection to her selfless mother
and what it could mean to help here; like a motherly smile from the heavens above. Fighting
back melancholy tears, Karin boldly proclaims, “I like it.”
“It’s shit, but that’s fine,” Karin honestly conveys to them. “Hope doesn’t survive long in
places like this but that just means there’s a lot of opportunity. We can buy low, fix it up,
improve the neighborhood and other businesses in the area. So you’re damn right I like it!”
Touched by the redhead’s conviction—that oddly reminds them of Naruto—Ino and Sakura
look on for a moment in reflective silence before the three sprint back to Iruka’s. They were
late but not by much, and as ordered, Sakura was forced to sit and relax as Haku, Ino, Karin,
and Kurenai prepare lunch. Hinata was kind enough to give Sakura a much-needed massage
while stories were shared around the table. The Hokage attended but only stayed at the
luncheon long enough to greet the recovering Chūnin and his ninja.
Following the renowned leader to Kami knows where is the perverted, and somehow equally
caring, Jiraiya. When Naruto introduced them, Karin was happy to add another member to
their family, however, she was less thrilled by his pervertedness. The tall, broad-shouldered
elder with his long, spiky, white hair toed the line between full-on deviant and eccentric elder
perfectly, leaving Karin to both love and hate the man depending on the situation.
Many of the Konoha ninja couldn’t stay. So close to the final exam, those participating in the
tournament—Hinata, Shino, Kiba, Shikamaru, and to everyone’s surprise, Sasuke—had to
continue training, taking their sensei and or teammates with them. Though it was explained
Sasuke’s participation was merely to round out the tournament, Karin wondered if there was
more to it. The last Uchiha was brought up often in Kusagakure’s threat assessment. Out of
all of the genin participating, Uchiha Sasuke was an opponent ranked in the top one percent.
It would be in the best interest of other countries if he didn’t participate in the finals, so Karin
can’t imagine how much political strings must’ve been pulled to authorize re-entry into the
public tournament despite having already lost in the private one. Far too embarrassed with
dirty thoughts about the handsome boy, Karin didn’t approach him to ask.
The only ones to stay and have lunch with Iruka are Rock Lee, Haku, Sakura, Temari, and her
brother, Kankurō. The Sand siblings were another source of wonder for Karin. Though polite
and friendly, their chakras felt restrained and alert, as if they didn’t genuinely mean what they
were saying or how they were acting. When she brought it up to her cousin, he assured her it
was fine but it still bothered her. Regardless, the lunch was fun and full of interesting
classroom stories about Naruto and people she didn’t know. Such an enjoyable lunch felt like
fuel to Karin, and she couldn’t wait to pitch her idea of helping Naruto’s old neighborhood to
Naruto feels close.
‘Focus,’ he tells himself. A dozen of his clones have been at it all day and he joined them on
Mount Myōboku right after lunch.
Days ago, Pa had taken Naruto to an otherworldly landscape on the Toad mountain that was
made primarily of jagged limestone formations, like a forest of stone spikes anywhere from
fifty to a hundred feet tall. On the very tip of these tall spears, Pa has ordered Naruto and his
clones to sit on a square stone plate, become perfectly still, and accept natural chakra into his
chakra system. In the beginning, it seemed impossible without the oil and it took Naruto
nearly all day to ignore the cold wind, stop thinking about falling, and most importantly, to
stop wobbling. Two days and hundreds of clones later, Naruto is nearly balanced on the
unforgiving stone slab, moments away from being perfectly still and molding natural energy.
Sitting crossed leg on the stone square, he’s just about balanced on the very tip of the
harpoon-like rock when he abruptly hears from below, “NARUTOOOOOOHHH!” The
scream was powerful and desperate and the sudden earthquake sadly tips him over. Angling
his free-falling body in the rushing air to spin, slide and hop from stone tower to stone tower,
Naruto barely lands on his sandaled feet before his tall, broad-shouldered godfather grips him
in a painful bear-hug.
With giddy eyes and a great big smile, Jiraiya yells, “you lucky noodle!”
“Wha-” Naruto tries to ask the excited elder but the hug is too tight. With his sandaled feet
dangling around Jiraiya’s shins, Naruto groans, “argg, what!”
Quick as a whip and without dropping the blond, Jiraiya goes from hugging the boy to
holding him out enough by his shoulders to look him proudly in eyes. The man was beaming
as he emotionally expresses, “now I know we’re alike, you and I! You make me so proud!”
Gritting his teeth and lamenting the loss of his progress, Naruto bellows, “what the hell, Ero-
sennin? I almost had it-”
Shaking his head so his long spiky flails, Jiraiya asserts, “who cares about that!” However,
the other clones now dragging the stone slabs back up the stone lances curse the old man.
Jiraiya ignores them as he begs to know, “why didn’t you tell me!?”
Completely lost, Naruto huffs as he inquires, “tell you what? What are you talking about-”
“Temari-chan…” Skeptical of the topic, Naruto squints as he asks, “what about her?”
Snickering like a loon, Jiraiya whimsically moans, “you two have gotten close, haven’t you?”
Still being held off his feet by the powerful old man, Naruto rolls his eyes as the excited
Jiraiya preaches, “while some may see her actions to get close to you as a preemptive attack
to neutralize your strength before their coordinated invasion of our home, the manly spirit
within us clearly recognizes her cuteness is worth the risk!”
Shaking off the man’s iron grip, Naruto casually lands on his feet as he declares, “that’s not,
at all, what I was thinking!”
Thrusting his square jaw out with his powerful hands on his hips, the old deviant contends,
“you don’t have to lie to me, son. Others may think you foolish for risking the village over a
beauty, but I one-hundred-percent support you! So what if it might get you killed! Women
have a natural affinity to be as beautiful as they are deadly.” Laughing loudly, he adds, “and
the more deadly they are, the more loving they can be, HAHAhAHA!”
Naruto pleads with the laughing man, “are you even listening? I said that’s not what’s going
Leaning down, Jiraiya interrupts the blond to know, “how far have you gone? Come now, you
can tell me! I’m your Godfather! Have you held hands? Petted? K-kissed?”
Waving his hand in Jiraiya’s happy and blushing face, Naruto exclaims, “will you calm down
and let me explain!”
Slapping the air as if he hitting any excuse out of the way, Jiraiya asserts, “bah! What’s there
to explain? You saw an opportunity to lose your virginity and you took it like any man in
your position would. She’s clearly on a mission to get close to you. Trust me,” he laughs,
slapping his knee. “I recognize that move a mile away with my eyes closed. There’s little
better treats in this world than an enemy country sending a gorgeous assassin after you. Let
me tell you, it’s some of the best times I’ve ever had!”
Rounded eyes of pure disbelief graced Naruto’s countenance as he skeptically asks, “what
was tou-chan thinking making you my Godfather?”
“Never question Minato-kun’s brilliance,” Jiraiya insists. “Before you were even born, he
clearly understood how much you’d need my guidance in life. Now, as your Godfather, I
need you to listen to me and listen closely. Don’t ever feel guilty for accepting the bounty of
what’s sure to be Temari-chan’s delicious treats. She’s already trying to deceive you; you’ve
earned a bit of fun for the deception. It’s only fair!”
‘Mnn, that makes perfect sense,’ Kurama reasons from his seal. Naruto rolls his eyes as the
big red-orange fox generously adds, ‘finally, a reasonable human.’
Yelling, “will you listen,” to both the perverts in his life, Naruto professes his true intentions.
“I want to learn more about Gaara! Yeah, I thought maybe Temari was faking-”
“There’s no maybe about it,” Jiraiya imposes. “This close to the invasion, she has to be
working you. Hiruzen-sensei can’t see it because he doesn’t know what’s coming, but after
observing every inch of- ahm, of the way she was acting at lunch today, it’s clear to me she’s
not being genuine. The fact that she has an official dossier from the Kazekage himself only
shows how far they’re willing to go.”
“Even if that’s the case, they’re the ones being manipulated, not me,” Naruto returns.
Scratching his blond head, he explains, “if I go to Ji-chan and out Suna now, whatever
changes after that may not be the same as Naru-nii’s timeline. If I want some of the good
things from the invasion to happen, then some of the bad parts have to happen too.”
Scratching his chin, the elders slowly asks, “hmm, you mean they won’t feel guilt or regret
unless they wholeheartedly fail in their attempt first?”
“More like we’re getting the chance to truly understand each other, but instead of using our
words, we’re using our fists,” Naruto explains. “It’s dangerous, for sure, but it’s also more…
“Naru-nii said no civilians died,” Naruto counters. “Which not only means we did a good job
protecting the villagers but that Suna’s only focused on fighting ninja, not destroying the
village. Suna and Konoha become even better friends afterward, so if anything, that’s what
I’m fighting for.”
“Mnn, if we out their plan of invading us without any concrete proof, they can simply deny
any such intentions,” Jiraiya reasons out loud like a thoughtful and proper shinobi. “There’s
the possibility they’d simply try again later and the mistrust between our nations would
continue.” Turning his attention to his godson, he proposes, “if we do it your way, it’s like
forcing your enemy to quit; which isn’t the same as losing. There’s no cowardice or failure in
clearing the mind by quitting a fight they were manipulated into starting. And Temari-chan?”
“Whether she’s working me or not isn’t important, because I’m not going to let anything
happen to Ji-chan, Konoha, or Suna.”
Turning to the clones who are once again training, Jiraiya asks, “you know the only reason
they’d target you is because of your performance in the preliminary matches, right?”
Returning his attention to the ever-stronger young blond, he adds, “it means they know
you’re the Jinchūriki and while I doubt Temari-chan believes she can kill you, poison will
slow you down… She could also stab you… maybe use explosive tags-”
“Yeah, fine, she could do all or any of that,” Naruto shrugs those possibilities off. “But… …
okay, this isn’t going to make much sense, but, I have to believe in her and Gaara and all of
Observing his godson with a considerate and critical eye, Jiraiya concludes, “…Because you
want to be more than allies?”
Nodding, he explains, “I get nations watching out for themselves and their interests. There’s
nothing wrong with that but that’s not going to solve the problem. It’s so easy to trick
countries because we’re all so divided. I want to unite the five nations way before the great
war and the only way to do that before then is by understanding each other with our fists. So,
yeah, I don’t like that Suna is planning on invading us or that they’re working with
Orochimaru but we’re not really friends if we can’t accept them making a mistake.”
Smiling, Jiraiya chimes, “look at you. You’re Minato’s kid alright.”
“Thanks,” an embarrassed Naruto gushes. “I wish I got to know them, especially kaa-chan.”
Patting his shoulder for comfort, the older man offers, “I may not know everything but I’ll
tell you what I can.”
“And,” Jiraiya loudly calls. “I have the first of your many obligatory presents.”
Rolling his eyes, the toad hermit voices, “one at a time, one at a time, yeesh. I’ll get her
something too.”
Jiraiya stands rigidly straight, stroking his chin like a long beard existed there and he asks
himself, “Mnnn, what to do?” Groaning some more and extending the delay, the mischievous
elder baits Naruto by mentioning, “I was planning on giving this to you before the exam, but,
if you want it now…”
Grabbing the old man’s red haori, Naruto begs, “that’s two whole weeks away! Just give it to
me now!”
Playing at extended thoughtfulness, Jiraiya calmly claims, “I’m sure you can hold out for two
whole weeks, but, if you really want it now…” Naruto nods and hops repeatedly before the
elder finishes, “… … …you have to tell me when you’re meeting Temari-chan again.”
Gripped his chest like a wounded heart, Jiraiya protests, “how could you be so cruel? We’re
Mabui straightens her high-collar, gray dress shirt and perfectly fitted pencil-skirt in the
mirror before walking out of the bedroom she shares with Samui. Nothing was too tight
against her athletically curvy figure, however, she had no doubt she would be turning heads.
After all, it didn’t take the team long to realize there are hardly and white-haired, caramel-
skinned people in Konoha. Along with her green eyes and symmetrical face, she was an
exotic figure that drew plenty of attention; not a great quality when infiltrating an enemy
country. Fortunately, Ōyashiro’s documents have helped allay all suspicion thus far.
Mabui was ready to step out of the old door of their old shack to meet Naruto when her
team’s captain voices from behind her, “meeting outside of the library is the opportunity
we’ve been waiting for. You must succeed.”
Turning to the fit and beautiful blond, Mabui wonders why Samui waited until Atsui left to
speak up… or even speak at all. She never speaks unless she has to and Mabui tries engaging
the reserved woman as often as naturally possible; detailing her reports regarding Naruto,
asking Samui for clarification, and peppering in emotive anecdotes. Though Mabui would
rather not push her captain, it’s still her desire to see Samui make progress. The Monster
Report is the stuff of nightmares and before she took her oath to her village and Kage, she
took an oath to serve the benefit of the public health first. Atsui may be beyond her ability to
help, but she has faith she can get through to Samui.
In their one-bedroom hideout at the edge of one of Konoha’s many farms, Samui is sitting on
the small table in the middle of the room, writing a message that will no doubt be express-
delivered to the Raikage. Since Ōyashiro’s departure, Samui has been sending and receiving
messages every other day; which is odd in itself. With the frequency of messages, so too was
the possibility of discovery, however, that didn’t seem to concern Samui, Dodai, or A-sama.
She always knew Bee-sama desired Kubikiribōchō and to placate his brotherly partner as
well as keep him in the village, A-sama agreed to get it for him. It must mean a lot to the
Raikage that she facilitates a relationship with Naruto, the owner of Kubikiribōchō…
however, something about the mission felt different now. Mabui can’t be sure what it is.
There’s nothing tangible to suggest perfidy but something in her intellect was telling her that
the top brass want her to seduce Naruto more than what seemed reasonable… as if they were
either testing her dedication or the prize was something more than a sword.
“Do what you must,” the beautiful blond orders and though Mabui is glad Samui is talking
more, she isn’t thrilled by dialog. She deflates at the significance of ‘do what you must.’
Mabui genuinely wants to help Samui, however, she finds it frustrating when the stoic
woman casually orders her to use her body, if need be, to swindle a sixteen-year-old boy out
of his property. Mabui won’t deny she gets aroused when Naruto assertively reveals to her
which professional authors are blatantly wrong and boldly demonstrates a far more effective
and clever way of executing a technique. It thrills her from scalp to toes in all the right places
when he showcases his astounding brilliance. Just picturing stuffy, sixty-year-old men, so
sure in their knowledge, balking at the genius of a sixteen-year-old makes her warm and
Still, the metal bounty behind their deception is so frustrating, Mabui can’t help but ask
Samui, “for a sword?”
Turning from her thin strip of written paper, Samui calmly replies, “for the mission.”
Staring at the oddly located, lengthy, and secluded waterfall, Mabui asks the blond beside her
“are we jumping through the water?” She had asked for privacy to show him the special
Fūinjutsu her parents left behind, however, she wasn’t expecting this. She thought a room
somewhere without windows or crawl spaces for eavesdropping would be sagacious. She
could then do as ordered and seduce the genius whilst fighting herself to not feel orgasmic at
the prospect of having sex with one of the most brilliant minds she’s ever met.
Naruto turns to her with his unique smile, popping the P sound as he responds, “yup! Just
follow right behind me and you won’t hit anything.”
Though Mabui can sense with subtle sight and sound the entrance behind the rushing water
and jumping herself isn’t impossible, wearing a fitted gray pencil-skirt that hinders leaping
seems to benefit the mission. Samui’s voice of ‘for the mission,’ forces Mabui to ask, “would
you mind carrying me? I didn’t wear the right outfit for this.”
Suddenly realizing his lack of consideration, Naruto winces, “my bad, Mabui-chan. I
should’ve- It’s just when you said you wanted some privacy, I immediately thought of here.”
Mentally tallying, ‘getting wet,’ to the benefit of the mission, Mabui asks, “no one knows
about your hideout?”
“Only a few people, but no one should be around,” Naruto answers her.
Moving just shy of touching his furnace-like body, Mabui wraps her arms around his strong
neck. She avoids being overly sexual, seductive, or even forward by paying more attention to
the waterfall than him as she casually asks, “what do you do here anyway?”
To her quasi-delight, he hesitates when she presses her pliant breasts against him. Clearing
his throat and wrapping an arm around her back and under her thighs, he answers, “I, uh,
train… mostly.”
He lifted her like she weighed nothing and though she leans in, she remains aloof to the
affectionate closeness of such an embrace. Despite a mission-first mentality, Mabui does
wonder why his body is so warm, like wearing clothes straight out of the dryer; toasty.
Leaping through the rushing water and hidden hole in the granite was effortless for the strong
blond and Mabui held on tightly until he set her down. It was a little disheartening he didn’t
blush as much as she was expecting.
‘There’s no way he didn’t feel my breasts,’ her thoughts manifest. Despite being able to see
through her wet blouse, his cheeks had a little blush to them and his baby-blue eyes didn’t
wander or glaze. Mabui even let her soaked hair down, clinging to her wet caramel skin, and
yet his lacking reaction makes her wonder if she’s his type. A hormonal boy would be great
for the mission, but deep down, Mabui is a little more excited Naruto has the mental fortitude
to remain in control.
As Naruto stepped away to grab a towel, she observed the room to be larger than the shack
she and her team reside in. The walls are uneven and seemed to have been carved out by a
rounded chisel. Coming from a farming village, she’s surprised she couldn’t identify the tool
Naruto must’ve used to carve out this sizable room. Toweling herself off, she observes a
simple cot against the wall with an orange and black quilt over it, a lantern on a table in the
middle of the room, two chairs, and a fern near the entrance.
With sufficient light streaming from the cavern’s watery entryway, she unseals and sets up
her materials on the small table as Naruto casually explains how he spends his time here.
Mabui repeats, “sewing?” She can understand training in taijutsu or ninjutsu, but learning the
trade of a tailor was unexpected.
Both seated at the table, towels around their necks, with the ultra-large scroll in question
between them, Mabui takes a deep breath before she sheepishly admits, “…I’m nervous.”
This old scroll before her means a lot to her future. She’s gambling she’ll make Jōnin on this
jutsu so if it turns out to be nothing, she’ll have wasted months of her time on a worthless
dud. She needs this to pan out.
“I can tell,” Naruto replies with his smile. “You don’t have to be, but, I’d rather prove you
can trust me.”
“I want to trust you with this,” Mabui returns, delicately placing her hand over the worn and
old scroll. “I just don’t know so much about Fūinjutsu, it’s rare for me to feel this
“I get it,” he states, hoping it’s comforting. “It always comes down to honesty with me. I like
saying what I want, when I want, because so many people you meet will try to put you down
and tell you not to say this or don’t do that. Sometimes there’s not even a good reason for it.
So, every time I speak my mind, it’s like I’m fighting against what others want me to be. I’m
being me. Or at least that’s how I see. If you want to show me your family’s Fūinjutsu, great.
I’m not going to betray that trust. And if you don’t, that’s fine too. We’ll still be friends, so
just be who you want to be.”
“Who I want to be…” she casually repeats. Eying her future in the scroll in front of her, she
adds, “you make it seem so easy.”
“That’s only cause I like jumpin’ right in,” he proclaims with a grin. “Most of the times
things tend to turn out alright.”
After a deep breath and several nods that shake loose a few strands of her grayish damp hair,
the beautiful woman agrees, “okay.” Alluringly tucking her hair behind her ear, she
continues, “even though we haven’t known each other all that long and I’m nervous, I feel
like I’d rather trust you than not.”
Mabui unrolls the ultra-large and dated scroll on the table. The height of the scroll takes up
most of the tabletop and the length of it means she’ll have to unroll it on one side of the table
and roll it up on the other side as he reads section by section. Mabui thought all the bending
over would give the genius blond plenty of chances to see her moist bosom, but to her
secretly thrilling enjoyment, Naruto’s focus remained strictly on the ancient Fūin characters.
In spite of her rising anxiety, Mabui takes a moment to simply admire the fascination in
Naruto’s large eyes as he reads the complicated arrays of old characters. She can practically
feel the knowledge being ripped from the page and swallowed by his brain. It’s a predatory
intellect that was making her heart race and her core heat.
Licking her plump lips, the silver-haired beauty was nearly drawn into an erotic daydream
when the blond finally voices, “it’s a transportation jutsu.” Standing straighter and ignoring
her turned on womanhood, she continues to help unroll the scroll as he sporadically adds,
“range is unclear… or unspecified.” From right beside him, Mabui leans in as he points to a
numerical calculation she can’t understand, thoroughly impressing her when he explains,
“hmm, it uses this symbol set here to modify matter structures… but I can’t see for what yet.
Keep unrolling.” She unrolls the large scroll until he moans, “oooh, that’s interesting.”
She moves to his side, pressing her soft flesh against him as she eagerly asks, “what?”
“You can transfer stuff almost anywhere on the planet,” he answers with an impressed tone.
Without even looking at her, he asks, “did this come with a stage or ring, or something to
stand on?”
“Y-yes, actually,” she staggers to answer. The fact that he’s so casually dismantling the
intricately complex jutsu makes her heart race faster as she doesn’t hesitate to offer, “a three-
leveled stone platform. You can tell that?”
“Yeah,” he hums whilst reading. He then educates her. To her kinky delight, a sixteen-year-
old prodigy is educating her—a dual doctorate sensei—and could feel herself grow aroused
and wet as he orates, “the destination of the transfer depends on the platform, as well, though
I can’t see how yet. Keep unrolling. Reading over the key parameters of the Fūin formula
here… and judging by the reduction in matter before effective transfer, I’d say it wouldn’t be
a good idea to transfer anything living. The compression of matter capacity and speed of
transfer would rip any living thing apart.”
Mabui is breathing heavily, half focusing on his brilliance and half focusing on the miniature
tremors titillating her leaking sex; nearly moaning, “mnn, that’s good… uhm, good to know.”
Mabui hasn’t felt such arousal since her departed fiance classes. Effortlessly, her stimulated
mind recalls how by the end of his lectures, more often than not, she’d have to dart the
bathroom to relieve herself. She’s only spent a few weeks with Naruto, but his knowledge is
once-in-a-century and to be in witness of it in action is exhilarating to someone with her
sexual fetish.
He reads in silence for another twenty minutes—giving her a respite to gather herself—
before he voices, “oh, hey, the instruction on activating the jutsu. Huh, it’s not much, actually.
Once you’ve encoded the contract with your chakra… mnn, between the Ha characters
here… it’s just the Ram seal and the necessary amount chakra. Then you can teleport
anything inanimate, anywhere. Easy enough.”
With a thrilled smile, Mabui felt too good; not only in the moment but for her future as well.
Being able to transfer anything to any part of the world is definitely a valuable jutsu; ‘worthy
of promotion,’ her mind sings.
Naruto’s voice then expresses, “they even use the extra space here to write…”
The odd was he tilts his head and focuses on the last bit of the scroll has Mabui asking, “to
write?” But Naruto doesn’t respond for several moments; time enough for her to grow
concerned. “Naruto?”
Turning a sad gaze on her is unexpected enough without him slowly explaining, “this
Fūinjutsu was a present… from Uzumaki Ashina to his daughter Kushiinada. This jutsu
originally belonged to the Uzumaki clan… my clan.”
Forgetting about her arousal and promotion, she mentally yells, ‘fuck,’ as her sharp mind
senses the anxiety in his voice and eyes. Attempting to stabilize an already deteriorating
situation, Mabui tries to point out, “but- wait, it doesn’t say Uzumaki anywhere on here.”
“It’s a cipher,” Naruto retorts. Pointing to the section in question, Naruto explains, “these
aren’t Fūin characters. Sometimes, practitioners hide messages using geometric symbols you
sub for letters.”
Taken aback by this unexpected turn of events, she can hardly say, “Naruto, how do you
know-,” before he gets up and moves away from her.
Pacing, he bluntly states, “I just do.” Before she can ask for details, he hastens to ask, “where
did you get this? I thought you said it was your family’s jutsu.”
“But it isn’t,” he counters, becoming more animated. “Look, right there,” he orders, point at
the swirl inside of a circle symbol. “That’s my family’s crest; my clan’s symbol. I don’t know
who this Ashina guy is but my mom’s name is Kushina so there’s gotta be a close relation.”
This is all news to her, and without more information, Mabui leans toward honesty. To avoid
subconsciously challenging him, she remains still and seated as she tells him, “I don’t know
what to say, Naruto. I didn’t know about any of this, I swear. After my parents died, they left
me what little they owned and this just happened to be among their possessions.”
Though he’s trying to remain calm, she can tell this is bothering him as he implores, “and
they never told you how they ended up with a jutsu that belongs to my clan?” Her, “no,” was
quickly curtailed with his, “no mention of the Uzumaki clan? Of Uzushiogakure?” Shaking
her head multiple times, he returns to pacing as he tries to wrap his mind around this startling
discovery. “You just took it? Like, like, didn’t you wonder where it came from? Why your
parents had it?”
Rather than allow him to continue to question her sincerity, Mabui uses her training in
psychology to calmly speak, “Naruto, I hear what you’re saying. I do, but, I’m missing some
information. Please, take your time, speak your mind, and tell me, why this is bothering
She got what she wanted when he yells, “my clan was targeted and destroyed! All those
people I could’ve gotten to know-” Fortunately, he takes a breath before heatedly lamenting,
“I’m the orphaned son of orphaned parents of a murdered people, and now this!” Mabui
understands Naruto isn’t an angry person by nature. She can see the signs of sadness and
confusion when he woefully explains, “you said yourself you’re not originally from Konoha.
How do I know your parents weren’t involved in destroying my clan?”
With her green eyes glued to his blue ones, a composed Mabui nods as she clearly
communicates, “I understand, Naruto. You have every right to feel the way you do. I’m not at
all saying you’re wrong, but I swear to you, I didn’t know-” however, in that instant, she
recalls the Uzumaki name spoken before somewhere in Kumo.
Whether he spotted the shift in her almond eyes, Naruto breaks eye contact, blurting as he
leaves, “I… I gotta go.”
“Wait,” she calls, jumping to her feet. Mabui manages, “you don’t have to-” before he jumps
out of the watery entrance. “…leave.”
Walking through the door of their tiny base, a dry Mabui was dreading her report. Sure
enough, Samui is waiting behind the table, and though Mabui can’t tell what she’s thinking, it
feels as if Samui already knows; as if her emotionless ice-blue eyes somehow knows she
risked the mission to crack a jutsu for a promotion, eventually blowing her relationship with
the target. Atsui is leaning against the wall, chewing his nails and obviously dreading what
Mabui has to say, as if she was going to recount every second of her sexual interlude with
Naruto. The cabin feels more confining and Mabui groans by the number of blue-eyed blonds
agitating her today.
Without much choice, Mabui sits opposite Samui and takes a page out of her team leader’s
book. As minimally informative as possible, Mabui reports, “there was a set back-” an
emotional Atsui heaves a loud sigh of relief quicker than Mabui can continue to say, “but, I
promise, I can turn this around. I’ll make things right.”
Samui sighs before she takes out the latest missive from their Raikage, ordering her brother
in the process, “Atsui, give us the room.”
Affronted, Atsui turns to her sister and calls out, “what? Oh, come on, sis-”
“…Fine,” he huffs, clearly upset until the door closes behind him.
“…All the way out,” she calls out. After several silent moments, Samui is satisfied with her
brother’s distance and states, “I know why you’re hesitating to complete the mission.”
The silver-haired beauty can’t deny she’s been reluctant to seduce a boy ten years her junior,
however, Mabui is strenuously more curious about what Samui referring to and cautiously
asks, “you do?”
The exotic beauty was stunned to hear the theory behind her hesitation has nothing to do with
prostituting herself for a sword when Samui explains, “you’re hesitating because of your
relationship with Darui-sempai.”
With a detached sense of confidence, Samui explains, “you’re distressed. Anxiety over
betraying him is hindering you from doing all that’s required to complete the mission.”
Mabui tries to respond, “that…” when her throat clogs and closes up with palpable disbelief.
As fast as she wanted to vehemently deny her captain, her mind goes blank, leaving her
stunned and without words. Mabui wanted to know everything in that moment—who knew
what, when, and why—then Samui slides over the table’s surface a thin slip of parchment
with Darui’s sloppy handwriting on it.
As Mabui reads the coded parchment. Mabui reread the slip five times in the time it takes
Samui to recite, “Darui-sempai has given you his blessing to do everything in your power to
seduce Uzumaki Naruto. Please fulfill your duty without concern.”
‘As if Darui was the only distressing me about seducing an impressionable sixteen-year-old
boy!’ Her mind yells at Samui, ‘I don’t want sex to be a transaction! I don’t want to look at
A-sama and my superiors like my pimps, forcing me to prostitute myself for a slab of metal
that isn’t even for me! …I don’t want to hurt a young man—a genius who may allow hate in
his heart because of my betrayal. Uzumaki Naruto’s name will live on for centuries in his
innovations and the history books… and I have to break his heart for a fucking sword?’
Mabui isn’t sure where to begin voicing her misgivings and groans in annoyance before she
attempts, “I’m sorry, I don’t- I don’t,” before finally huffing, “why?”
She didn’t feel right about any of this, but she quickly felt stuck when the strong and capable
Samui gently voices, “as team leader, it’s my duty to assure the mission’s success. In addition
to requesting a rendezvous team to secure our exit, I had expressed concern about your
hesitation. It was then Darui-sempai made clear your arrangement with him-”
“Sex,” Samui casually answers with a straight face, provoking an embarrassed Mabui to
repeat under her breath, “my arrangement?”
“Sempai explained it’s casual,” Samui voices before telling the shocked Mabui, “it’s why
he’s approved.”
A slow strong pull of her intestines forces Mabui to lean forward in nauseating sickness,
fixating on the keywords, “Darui… Approved… As if I needed his fucking-” Sick to her
stomach, Mabui felt this was the worst day of any mission she’s ever been on.
When it seemed like Mabui wasn’t going to say more, Samui flatly orders, “please, continue
your objective. It’s not infidelity if he doesn’t care.”
Mabui’s flaring emotions felt demanding, wresting control from her orderly mind to mentally
yell, ‘bitch!’ Mabui knows it isn’t right to take out her frustrations on Samui. She knows
Samui’s ethos is unsound due to her traumatized past and is incapable of navigating
numerous social interactions. She knows if Samui truly understood what was in her heart, the
gorgeous blond would not act as though everything is fine now. Mabui knows all of this but
she can’t think around how annoyed, upset, and angry she currently feels.
‘And for a fucking sword!’ her mind repeatedly yells. For her nation, she has to hurt Naruto—
hurting her self in the process—yet A-sama, Darui, and Samui live on peacefully as if the
mission is of no consequence. ‘No,’ Mabui’s mind answers as this new emotional outlook
fuels the spark to a solution. Returning clearer and focused green eyes on the busty blond,
Mabui patiently communicates, “I have a plan, Samui-taichou.” The expressionless look on
Samui’s model face makes Mabui smile as she adds, “but, it’ll require your assistance.”
“What are you doing, Kabuto-san,” said the Anbu mask of a cat-like nose and mouth, and
three red swipe marks on each side of the forehead. It’s the dead of night and the silver-haired
spy is leaning against the corner of a shop neighboring across the street from Ten Out of Ten.
Though Kabuto didn’t take his eyes off the motionless apartment above the weapon’s shop,
he knew the person behind him was Root. With the boy’s pale-white skin and short black
hair, Kabuto didn’t need anything else to know with certainty, “you’re new.”
“Danzo-sama offers you his well-wishes,” the pale-skinned boy flatly expresses.
“How kind of him,” Kabuto replies with his fake smile. “Please relay my gratitude in kind.”
The pale-skinned Root member disappears with a bit of an artistic flare. It was enough of a
warning for Kabuto to understand Danzo has staked a claim on Haku, which means he’ll
have to inform Orochimaru. He can already feel conflicting feelings rousing within him.
Entering the Chūnin exam for years, Kabuto’s recruited nearly a hundred ninja for
Orochimaru, however, such a system is only possible due to the shaky truce between the
immoral leaders. With their shared past of inhumane acts, the two titans command enough
damaging information about one another, it assures them they can go about their business
without interruption. To avoid mutually assured disadvantage, Danzo turns a blind eye to
Orochimaru’s experimentations and Orochimaru remains benign to Danzo’s quest for power.
It’s the only reason Kabuto has operated in Konoha for so long without harassment from his
former one-eyed commander.
Looking at the dark apartment window above the shop, Ten Out of Ten, Kabuto recalls his
history with Root. With intimate knowledge of Root’s surveillance network, he’s certain
Danzo knows enough about the open communication between Suna and Oto nin, which
means he’s only allowing it because he met with Orochimaru. Kabuto may not have been at
the meeting, but he has no doubt one took place between them. The greatness of Konoha the
old war-hawk prattles on about only ever means the greatness of his Konoha, which makes
targets like Sarutobi Hiruzen an enemy. At the meeting Kabuto is certain must’ve taken place,
he has no doubt someone as crafty as Orochimaru dangled the intention of removing the
current Hokage; an option that would be too alluring to resist. Whether Danzo guessed the
invasion or not, Kabuto couldn’t say, however, he was certain the man wouldn’t mind so long
as the aftermath gave him more power.
Retreating from his vantage point, it’s clear to Kabuto he’s treading a line that’s
uncomfortable for Danzo. Orochimaru wants him to recruit Haku for the same reason Danzo
undoubtedly wants for himself; Haku’s kekkei genkai. But a growing, disconcerting desire
within Kabuto strongly wants to deny them both. Kabuto can’t explain how he feels about the
beautiful boy, however, he can’t help but feel for Haku. He’s different as if he somehow
possesses answers Kabuto’s been searching for since the orphanage.
‘It’s in his smile,’ Kabuto thinks, wishing the kind Haku a good night. With this warning from
Danzo, he won’t be able to see Haku tonight, and this close to the invasion, he can’t risk
destabilizing the long-standing arrangement between the conniving leaders.
It was late into the night when Temari gently taps on Iruka’s front door. Like they had agreed
to earlier in the day, Naruto quietly exits his home to avoid waking his mentor. Though the
luncheon was good progress, the invasion was only fourteen days away and she needed to
take more drastic steps if she has any hope of creating a love strong enough to destabilize the
blond when she betrays him. Under the pressure of her time-limit, Temari takes the initiative
to ask for a secluded area with a lake or body of water. “Somewhere we can swim,” she
explains, adding, “there aren’t many lakes in the desert.”
After his smirk, he leads her to Training Ground 3. Though she was curious about the three
logs protruding from the ground, she’s happy to see the wide river not far past the stumps.
With the grass crunching under their feet, the bobs and dips of the flowing surface water
catch the moonlight, dancing along with the distorted reflection of gray clouds under the
starry sky above.
“It’s beautiful,” Temari notes, enjoying the wet sound of gently flowing water.
“This is the Training Ground Team 7 met at,” Naruto happily tells her. Snickering, he pointed
to the stump in the middle and recalls for her amusement, “I got tied to that pole right there!”
“I didn’t want to say it,” Temari offers. “But yeah.” Looking out at the wide river, her plan
makes her a little nervous. Her mind knows what has to happen, but her heart is uneasy about
her first time. She isn’t sure how she will feel before, during, and after her union with Naruto.
Kissing him is already better than she ever expected it to feel, and now, she plans to let him
inside her; let him thrust his pole in her most intimate of place. Temari’s face is burning just
thinking about it.
“Come on,” Temari calls, rushing through her nerves as she takes off her clothes. For the
occasion, she bought her very first bikini. She never bothered with such an outfit before as
she never thought she’d be on a mission like this. She mentally laughs when she recalls
telling herself, ‘a true kunoichi didn’t need such a tool.’
With her sandals and red sash off, she’s removing her long-sleeved purple dress when Naruto
nervously chimes, “whoa, what uh, what are you doing there, Temari-chan?”
With wide eyes, he observes, “looks like you’re taking your clothes off,” to her amusement.
“I don’t want to get them wet,” she responds. Though she rather be taken seriously for her
ability and intellect, she’s still proud of her foxy physique. Plenty of boys and men look, not
that any would try anything with the daughter of the Kazekage. Arching her lower back to
straighten her posture accentuates her round bottom and pert breasts in her two-piece triangle
bikini. Enjoying the coolness of the air as she checks the position of her bottoms, she asks,
“are you coming?”
With a shrug and a smile, Naruto quickly removes his jumper suit until he’s in his boxers.
She’s letting her hair down when she’s suddenly lifted off her feet, shrieking in delight when
he hops into the cool river. She was surprised he would be so bold but felt that was good
progress. She enjoys the water so much, it’s moments like these when Temari forgets she’s
even on a mission. They play fight, race, and dive. By the end, Temari was on his back with
her arms are wrapped around his neck, enjoying the toasty warmth of his body as he swam in
the cool water.
Lethargically comfortable, Temari lazily asks, “can I ask you?” With his nod, she asks, “your
godfather, is he thee Jiraiya of the Sannin?” His casual nod and, “mnn,” surprised Temari and
prompted her to press her breasts further into his back so she can lean in more and ask,
“really? Why didn’t you tell me? He’s a legend even in Suna.”
“Uuuh, I don’t know,” Naruto finally answers. The motion of his breaststroke adds more
rocking back and forth to her back hug as Naruto admits, “I only met him a couple weeks
ago. I’m still getting to know him.”
‘Ugh,’ Temari mentally groans. Though she knows Konoha’s fate, it doesn’t mean she likes
hearing about a family member the orphan has only just met. “Well, it’s nice that he’s in your
life now.”
“Yeah, it’s been pretty great,” Naruto chimes. “I mean, he’s a huge pervert, but it’s still fun.”
He stops swimming to turn and face her, loosening her embrace so her forearms rest on his
traps. Placing his hands on her hips, he asks, “can I ask you about Gaara?”
“It’s fine,” he says with a shrug. “I can tell he has a hard time trusting people but I know I
can help.”
“That’s kind of you, really,” she begins. “But, with Gaara, you sort of have to let him be. He’s
not in a place to accept others.” Before he can twist the guilt-knife in any deeper with offers
of helping her family, Temari asks, “can we not talk about Gaara right now?”
“I know,” Temari acknowledges. She may not be convinced Naruto loves her, but, she is sure
the blond wants to help her homicidal baby brother. “And that’s sweet of you,” she conveys
with a quick kiss. At his smile, she adds, “really, really, sweet of you,” before hugging him
closer and dragging him down to kiss him underwater. Though the sharp contrast between his
warm lips and strong body, and the cold wetness enveloping them was a uniquely pleasant
sensation to feel, Temari quickly discovered the challenge of keeping water out of windpipes.
Pulling away and rising to the surface, Temari coughs before croaking, “underwater
kissing… isn’t nearly as romantic as I thought it’d be!”
Coughing himself, Naruto managed to agree, sputtering, “water went down my windpipe!”
“Ugh, that felt like being water-boarded,” Temari exaggerates and they both grunt a tired
laugh. It isn’t until several moments later when they’ve both recovered that she remarks, “at
least I can scratch that off the list.”
Temari plays her angle, drawing out an, “…uh,” before answering, “okay, this is going to be
really embarrassing, but, uh, I made a list… of things I want to do.”
“Oh,” he hums in amusement before asking, “kissing underwater was one of them?”
“Don’t laugh,” she huffs, playfully splashing him with some water. “It’s something every girl
wants to try out.”
“Aw, come on,” he gaily gripes. “I won’t laugh and I won’t tell anyone, promise. So…”
Pausing for a few moments, she relents, “I guess. It’s not like I have much of a choice
anyway.” At his curious look, she flirtatiously confesses, “some- well, a lot of the stuff on the
list are activities I’d like to do… with you.”
“Like what?”
At the rushing thoughts of hot wet sexes thrusting repeatedly against each other, Temari feels
her face heat up with hot blushing. Spinning around in the water, she whines, “don’t make me
He asks, “are you sure,” but it doesn’t have the confident, yet playful tone she was hoping
for, prompting her to turn around. With serious blue eyes observing her, she can tell he’s
grown serious. She’s certain when he asks, “what if you don’t like me later? I don’t want you
to regret doing any of your firsts with me.”
With deep attention to a future she’s certain he won’t have, Naruto asks, “and if you do regret
it?” It’s as if he’s asking if she’ll regret what she and her village have to do to Konoha and it’s
disheartening because she’s only following orders. Her hesitation allows him to add, “look, I
get that you don’t want to regret anything but we can’t know what the future might bring. I’ll
treat you right no matter what, so even if we’re just friends, I’d be happy with that.”
“This is so strange,” Temari carelessly voices before gathering herself. With a weak smile,
she tells him, “it’s just surprising that you’re saying no. Most boys wouldn’t.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m saying no,” Naruto shyly admits. “I just don’t want you to rush into
anything if you think you might regret it later. It’s important to me that whatever we do is
from the heart, you know?”
“You’re a surprising person, Naruto,” Temari admits with a huff, adding, “and I think you’re
right. I have been thinking of myself, haven’t I? It’s only right that I be more honest with
you.” Slowly embracing him again, they tread water as she explains, “I suppose I’ve been
preoccupied with my predicament. If we don’t… if the Omiai between us doesn’t work, then
I have no other option but to marry someone for the good of the village. I feel like I’m
embracing this steamy behavior with you because it may be the last time I have a choice.”
“No,” she says, gently shaking her head. Combing his wet golden-blond hair with her fingers,
she adds, “the options are choose the village and damn myself, or, choose myself and damn
the village. And that’s no choice, at all. I’ll choose my village—my family—every single
time. Which, of course, also means everything I do with the husband my father selects for me
won’t truly be of my choosing; not like you anyway. That’s the truth. So you’re right. You and
I are not in love, but I really really like you. You have this goodness… about you, that’s-
well, it’s very moving.”
Holding her tighter, Naruto expresses, “I think you’re a good person too, Temari-chan.”
“It’s true,” she insists, squeezing for emphasis. “I can see it- actually, I can feel it.”
“You’re totally twisting my words,” he defends. “I just mean… I like kissing you.”
Temari battles back with, “only like, huh?” Naruto’s gladsome groan makes her laugh as she
assures him, “I’m teasing. I enjoy our time together too, kissing or not.” Leaning in, she
kisses him for several warm seconds before pulling away enough to huff, “but definitely
when we’re kissing.” Pressing her body flush against his, she deepens their intimate kiss.
Because he knows she likes it, he allows her to dominate his lips and mouth as the strong
fingers of his formidable hands drag down the toned flesh of her back, slowly tenderizing
either side of her spine until they grip the taut muscles of her shapely love handles. The way
he focuses his impressively confident ministrations on her lower back sparks a warm desire
growing from the core of her loins.
Her cloudy mind reminds her, ‘he’s doing it again,’ as her sex becomes more aroused and
demanding. Despite her duty, Temari couldn’t have anticipated how talented Naruto would
be. Some nights he would leave her feeling glittery, hot, bothered, and antsy for more.
Bobbing in the water, pressed flush against their nearly naked bodies, this make-out session
feels even hotter than the others. Without thought or consent from her brain, her hand
automatically descends low under the water, rubbing down from his strong chest and abs to
his erect thickness popping out his boxers. Gripping his hot meat-stick is the only thing to
snap her out of her euphoric haze, pulling back in surprise and separating their swollen lips.
His gentle, “do you want to stop?” made her recall her mission and she shakes her head. But
when he says, “you don’t have to force yourself,” it almost felt like he was daring her; urging
her competitive spirit within to break through her fears.
Temari gives him a quick kiss before ordering him, “come on.”
She pulls away and swims to the riverbank. Once on dry land, he asks, “where are we
In preparation for the inevitable, Temari allocated a second suite on the top level of their
hotel. One located well away from where her brothers or Baki could possibly hear her. So as
she tosses him his clothes, she answers, “my room.” The words felt so final leaving her
mouth, Temari felt scared, excited, and a little sick. Her heart reminds her this isn’t how she
imagined losing her virginity, however, she made peace with her decision and won’t stop it
“Wait,” Naruto’s voice cuts right through her momentum. “We can’t.”
Turning to the blond, he hasn’t put his clothes on. Temari genuinely admits to him, “I don’t
understand,” as she mentally adds, ‘I’m throwing myself at you!’ Tentatively, she fears the
answer to her question, “am I not… good enough?”
“No, it’s nothing like that,” Naruto quickly assures her, rushing to stand in front of her. “I
think you’re beautiful and hot and I definitely would… with you. But, I have to tell you
something, and I think it would wrong if I told you after we, uh, do anything in your room.”
“Okay,” Temari slowly chimes. Though she’s concerned, she doesn’t let it show as she asks,
“what is it?”
“There’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to say it,” he proclaims. “Oh, and I’ve
been told any reaction you have is perfectly normal.” Temari grows nervous by the amount of
set up and clears her mind lingering arousal as she nods. “I have someone I’ve grown to love.
Someone important to me I’d like to be with.”
Her sharp mind immediately asks, ‘then why did you agree to Omiai if-’ but she uncovers the
answer right away, asking him, rather than bluntly stating, “does she love you back?”
Smiling, he admits, “she’s flat out told me not to fall in love with her because nothing could
ever happen between us and she didn’t want to break my heart.” Though Temari appreciates
his honesty, his unrequited love won’t stop her. She’s about to say as much when he
continues, “but, she said that when we first met and I agreed to it because I didn’t love her
either; I didn’t even know her. Anyway, I’m saying all this because even if you and I become
a couple, at some point in the future, I’m going to ask her if she’d also be my girlfriend too.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Temari has to laugh as she says, “are you saying… I don’t think I heard
you right because it sounds like you’re saying you want to have multiple girlfriends.” Her
laughter doesn’t last long against Naruto’s serious countenance and finally, she asks, “you-
you’re serious?” With his quick nod, Temari momentarily forgets the mission for her knee-
jerk hatred of all cheaters, players, and womanizers, and heatedly asks him, “you want me to
be okay with you cheating on me!”
Though his stance puckers up by her sudden ire, he dauntlessly shakes his head as he
responds, “no, no, definitely not. The very first thing I’d want you to be is comfortable, then,
if you can find it in your heart to also be in a relationship with her, the three of us would be
in one relationship. It’s called polyamory; it’s basically one big family-”
Temari struggles to retain control of herself, like a weakened dam trying to restrain the rising
pressure of a flooding reservoir. But after holding in what her little brother and father are
forcing her to do, after losing her mother, after losing what could have been with Daimaru,
after being rejected by a boy who then wants her to accept consensual affairs, Temari firmly
voices, “no! That’s not what that basically is! You only care to sleep around with as many
women as you want; with my approval, no less! I-”
“You’re right,” Naruto interjects with a weak and understanding smile, raising his hands in
surrender. “How you feel is right and I respect it. Since you’re not into that—which, again, is
okay—we shouldn’t go any further, right? It would be wrong.” With that, he steps away from
her and Temari’s mind instantly remembers herself and the mission and properly curses,
‘fuck.’ As he puts his clothes on, he adds, “even if we have different preferences in
relationships, I still want us to be friends, so don’t worry, we can still pretend for your tou-
chan if you want.”
Naruto zips up his jacket as he finishes, “I hope you don’t regret kissing me. Night, Temari-
chan.” She wants to stop him but she’s panicking and she’s disciplined enough to know any
decision in that state of mind is bound to be a bad one. The whiplash of such a turnaround has
her reach out to him as he turns away from her and silent as he leaps away.
Temari’s mind was in a confusing daze all the way to her bed, replaying every word or
gesture that led to such an unexpected failure. The entirety of her night was a carousel of
thoughts; from what her father will say, to what Gaara will do, to the effect this may have on
the invasion, to even her views on relationships and polyamory. She felt her anger is
completely justifiable but in terms of the mission, she regrets her emotional response because
it didn’t have to end that way. She was so caught up in her own beliefs that she completely
forgot about the archaic Code of Hammurabi during The Warring States period; allowing for
multiple spouses. She wasn’t sure it was still legal but there was precedence she could’ve
worked with. If there was ever a moment to make Naruto fall for her, flipping that moment
around would’ve been it.
So, a lot of set up went into this chapter… set up that will bare fruit in the next update.
We’re getting really close to the invasion and I can’t wait! It’s going to be so much fun
breaking that chapter(s) down.
This chapter had it’s main focus(Naruto, Mabui, Temari) but I also wanted to catch up
with some of the characters. Kurenai, Anko, Yūgao(not that she’ll be featured heavily),
Karin, Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Haku, Kabuto, and even a little insight into Danzo and
Orochimaru. I always planned for Mabui’s jutsu to originate from the Uzumaki Clan and
I have a fun direction for Mabui to take with regard to Samui. I’ll explain the Code of
Hammurabi in more depth soon; that’s a real code of law dating back to ancient
Mesopotamia. And just in case you didn’t get why Naruto would ruin his chance with
Temari by bringing up Polyamory, I’ll explain that in the next chapter.
I can’t really think right now because I’ve been up most of the night trying to finish this
, so I’ll just say thank you guys, again, for your support and comments. They
really do help me guys so keep em coming. Happy Valentines Day and have a great one,
The Right Exceptions
Chapter Summary
There's always an exception to the rule. In the right cases, it's many exceptions.
Chapter Notes
Hey friends,
I gave myself two weeks to finish this chapter and I'm happy I kept my deadline! Yay! It
takes place immediately after ch29.
This monster is a whopping 23K words. 23K!! Take your time. No rush. But if you guys
would like to time yourselves and tell me how long it took you to read that much, I'd
love to hear the answers. I'm a slow reader myself, so a chapter of this size would take
me 2 - 3 hours at least.
WARNING: LEMONS! No joke people. The details are real. Also, mild profanity.
Sprinting through the trail leading away from Training Ground 3, Naruto leaps onto the first
available rooftop to leap from building to building his home. Normally he would’ve walked
her home to make certain she was safe, but after revealing something about himself that’s
practically taboo, he opted to flee and leave a clone to cover her back. Though he does like
the vision of a large loving family, he knows he didn’t confess to her his preference in hopes
she would agree. He used it against her but it was for her own good, huffing, “dodged that
‘You lied to me,’ Kurama growls from deep within his seal.
“Wha,” Naruto sounds before mentally asking his furry partner, ‘how’d I lie? I said I didn’t
want to use her.’
‘You agreed with Jiraiya’s wisdom,’ Kurama retorts with his husky voice. ‘You said you
‘First, no, I didn’t,’ Naruto responds, letting his body naturally sprint as his mind converses
with the Nine-Tails. Looking through the high golden gate, Naruto shows the prowling beast
his counting fingers. ‘Second, I don’t want Gaara to hate me for hurting his sister. Third, I
don’t want to ruin whatever friendship Temari-chan and I could have. Since I know what
they’re planning, it wouldn’t be right to take advantage of her like that.’
‘I don’t like you right now,’ the destructive chakra beast flatly declares.
Kurama stops prowling to testify to the blond, ‘first, our primary mate refused us, then the
crafty blond, then the teammate, and now you reject a willing mate! You enjoy claiming
we’re partners, yet you make all the decisions!’
‘Partners don’t ask friends to deliberately trick and hurt other people’s feelings,’ Naruto
hollers back as if it’s obvious. ‘You wouldn’t like it if someone asked me to take advantage of
you- Oh, actually, I seem to remember Ji-chan asking me if I could control you, and what did
I say? It’s not right to do that to a friend!’
Slumping his shoulders, Naruto returns, ‘I was respecting the fact that you don’t want them
knowing too much about you or I would’ve said friend.’ Walking closer to the golden gates,
Naruto reminds the great beast, ‘and Nai-chan only said she needed a break. If anything’s
wrong, I know she’ll tell me.’
‘That was too long ago,’ Kurama complains, taking a seat and resting his head on his paws
inches from the gate.
‘Don’t pretend you’re not restless,’ Kurama accuses the blond. Naruto avoids Kurama’s eye
as the chakra beast continues to say, ‘I can’t imagine you’d make so much progress in your
Sage training if you didn’t have a plethora of pent up energy.’
‘Yeah, well, I didn’t think I’d be so… wired,’ Naruto sheepishly admits before insisting, ‘even
still! That’s no reason to take advantage of Temari-chan.’
‘I can’t trust anything you say,’ he angrily retorts. ‘Rectify the situation. Seek the advice of
a professional if you must.’
‘Fine, I’ll…’ Naruto pauses for a moment, thinking about a professional sociologist who can
help; an awesome person who didn’t deserve his backlash. ‘You know, I should probably see
Mabui-chan again. It wasn’t fair of me to just walk out on her like that. Plus, it really looked
like she didn’t know.’
Pointing a stern index finger at Kurama’s large red eyes, he bellows, ‘I’m not asking Ero-
sennin about Nai-chan!’
Leaping on all fours, Kurama bares fangs as he contends, ‘you see! There you go again,
making all the decisions! And now we’re absent any mates to sex with!’
Lulling his heavy head lower than slumped shoulders, Naruto groans, ‘ugh, will you please
stop talking like that…’
Mabui wasn’t surprised to see the orange-clad blond looking through the aisle, likely
searching for her. She’d been at their table for nearly an hour before getting up to look for
him. Walking back from the entrance, she assumes she must’ve missed him, but he sees her
now and walks directly to her. Mabui was surprised that he was alone. Possessing an item
that belongs to a lost clan was a risk. Naruto could’ve gone to his Hokage and she would’ve
met a squad of Anbu, rather than her handsome genius.
After they greet each other, it feels slightly tense and stuffy, prompting Mabui to suggest they
go outside. After collecting her things, she takes him to a restaurant that immediately refuses
Naruto service. Though Mabui wanted to argue, her alluring hair, skin tone, and appearance
already draw more attention than a spy would like. Offering to treat her to ramen, Naruto
creates a clone to bring their order from Ichiraku’s while they make their way to his old
apartment. Though he mentioned his cousin, Karin showing an interest in redeveloping the
area, Mabui didn’t press him for more details.
They’re in his old room twenty minutes later. With scattered trash, empty needles, burned
wood from a small fire, and tatted walls, the one-bedroom, one-bath has clearly housed
squatters since Naruto’s departure.
Happy about the privacy, Mabui places her hands behind her back—accentuating her
voluptuous breasts—before leaning against the wall. She gazes at him with a small smile as
she confesses, “I’m glad you came today.”
Observing her watch him brings a small smile to his face before he humbly offers, “I’m sorry
I blew up on you. That bugged me way more than I expected.”
Shaking her head, no, sways her silver bangs as she assures him, “I understand. It’s your
family; your lineage. I wasn’t expecting that, and please believe me when I say I had no
intention of upsetting you.”
He’s five paces away and silent for several moments. He seems deep in thought, in a way
only lost family—lost possibilities—can ever do. Having lost her parents only months ago,
Mabui softly asks, “would you like to talk about them? Your family?”
“Uh, I don’t mind, but there’s not much to say,” Naruto reasons. “I only found out I had a
clan a couple months back, so, I don’t know much. Apparently, they were destroyed by an
alliance of other villages, but I don’t know who yet.”
Recognizing the possibilities for revenge, Mabui cautiously asks, “do you plan on pursuing
“When I have more time, sure,” he shrugs, not quite inspiring a lot of malevolence. As if
proving to her he’s not a vindictive person, he simply adds, “I’m pretty busy at the moment.”
“I see,” Mabui evenly states. Her parents died of natural causes, yet she still felt angry. His
entire clan was apparently targeted and destroyed, yet he has better things to do. His heart is
inspiring, giving her the strength to voice, “well, then allow me to share what I know.” He
takes a step closer to listen as she begins. “The first thing you have to understand is I left my
family when I was very young.”
“How old?”
“Nine,” she winces to admit. Immediately she comments, “I know, I know, very risky but I
knew I couldn’t stay with my parents. They were farmers, not ninja.” Looking at the smoke
damaged ceiling, Mabui recounts for Naruto as much for herself, “they inherited a plot of
land from my deceased grandparents, and if they wanted the farm to survive, they would need
a son or marry me to a strong man so he can help with the workload. Even at a young age, I
knew I couldn’t be like them. I was too curious about the world with all its mysteries waiting
for me. I always had questions; questions they couldn’t answer. So, as horrible as this makes
me, I left. I left them. I regretted it every day—especially when I was starving, lost, hurt,
scared, or a million of things out of my capability—but not once did I turn and run back.”
“I know what that’s like; being on your own,” Naruto sadly muses. “Only in my case, it was
the orphanage that I left. I was nearly six when I started living on my own. How’d you
Her shoulders sway in line with her rotating head shake as she answers, “I stole a little, did
odd jobs, but before it got too bad, I tested into a boarding school. My parents were not
educated. They could work the land well enough, but, philosophy, literature, fūinjutsu,
ninjutsu, math, science, a number of studies I wanted to know about went right over their
heads. As much as I loved them, that place was suffocating for someone as curious as me.”
Smiling, she brags, “in the top percentile for logistics, memory, and clinical & social
dynamics, and in the top ten percent for chakra use and control.” Impressed, Naruto whistles
before Mabui curtsies with a smile and continues. “As interesting as being a kunoichi
sounded—and they really pushed me toward it—I didn’t have high chakra reserves.
Ultimately, I decided the pen was mightier than the sword and joined the academic world
instead of the shinobi one.”
“You must’ve trained a little,” Naruto questions. “You don’t feel weak at all.”
Mabui easily avoids that land mine by asking, “have you been feeling me up without my
knowledge, Naruto?”
“That’s not what I mean,” he bellows affronted yet with a small smile. “I’m just saying, I can
sense you’re at least a strong genin level.”
“Well thank you,” Mabui cutely bows. “Practicing Fūinjutsu helps but I also do a daily
workout regiment that an old boyfriend taught me. It includes several chakra control
exercises. And I was taught from a young age that you shouldn’t neglect the body or chakra
to train the brain. They’re symbiotic and you need to train them rigorously to be the best.”
Naruto’s smile flattens as he thinks to cautiously ask, “did you ever see your parents again?”
Inhaling deeply, she crosses her arms as she answers, “I did.” Feeling a pang of regret,
longing, loss, her voice sours as she elaborates, “after I graduated, I went back a few times…
sent them ryō every month. They were… cordial, for the most part, but, it wasn’t hard to
sense how betrayed they felt.”
Sensing her distress, Naruto takes another step forward as he gently asks, “did they ever
forgive you?”
Rather than trust her voice to answers, a misty-eyed Mabui simply shakes her head, ‘no.’
Mabui couldn’t ignore the benefit to the mission hugging Naruto for support is, but deeper
than that, she simply wanted a hug. His strong arms wrap around her body, making her feel
safe and warm. Resting her head beside his, she softly voices, “the last family I had died
resenting me… and that was the price I paid to be who I am today.”
“…We all pay a price,” Naruto voices into her light-gray hair.
After several moments of warm embrace Mabui takes a step back, leaning on the wall as she
continues to inform the blond, “the only other thing I remember about my family is my
father’s brother; I never liked him. My uncle was a shinobi but I don’t know where. He
visited a couple of times a year until he died. If anything he’s the likely culprit for how that
jutsu ended up with my parents. I can only assume he found or stole the jutsu since he was
never a big name.”
“If I knew more, believe me, I would tell you,” Mabui assures him. Having already pondered
this conversation, a hopeful Mabui asks, “what would you like to do with your family scroll?
I won’t lie to you and say I wouldn’t like to keep it, but, I know it belongs to you.”
“I’ll have to talk to my cousin about this,” Naruto responds. “I’ll let you know what we
Though Mabui didn’t like his response, it’s to be expected. She can only work to convince
him in the future, which is why she’s planned for this, calling out, “oh! There was another
reason I was happy you came.”
Mabui pushes off the wall and slowly walks around the curious blond, adding more sway to
her hips and keeping her hands clasped behind her back as she slyly asks, “do you remember
how I said I’d try and come up with a helpful strategy for you to be a little more confident
and polished with the polyamory lifestyle?”
“No way,” Naruto gasps, turning in place to keeps his large eyes on her. “You came up with
something?” Her beautifully symmetrical face nods with a proud smile on her pink lips.
“That’s great! I actually just told a girl about it and that did not go well, at all.”
Though it’s surprising he’d try, the result isn’t. Quite fortunately for the blond, this mission,
Samui, and especially Darui pissed her off. She wasn’t normally a vindictive person, but this
whole situation was a lose-lose scenario and she was going to share the wealth. “That’s to be
expected,” Mabui answers him, lining up her plan. “This lifestyle isn’t for everyone. It takes
a special acceptance a lot of people can’t approve of on an emotional level.”
Nearly hopping in place, his closed hands are in front of him as he rapid-fire asks, “so what is
it? Do you have time? Can you tell me now?”
“Yes, yes, and the strategy is very simple,” she assures him. “It’s called, practice.”
His expression flattens before he quirks his brow and skeptically sounds, “huh?”
“Obviously, the big challenge with this lifestyle is how unpopular it is and the stigma behind
it,” Mabui orates like a sensei. “To many looking in, you would appear as little more than a
playboy who only wants to sleep around with many women and is afraid of commitment.
This means that you have to know—deep down—why this is the lifestyle for you, and that’s
not going to happen without some good ol’ trial and error.”
“Okay, that makes sense,” Naruto agrees before requesting, “but what’s the strategy
Pulling on his loose orange sleeve, Mabui looks affronted by his attire as she asks, “do you
own other clothes- nice clothes?” Quickly adding, “I mean something dressy.”
Looking down at his beloved orange and blue jumpsuit, Naruto hesitates to answer, “I… I’m
going to say no. Why?”
Considering what he likes to wear, she can’t imagine his fashion sense has matured enough to
dress appropriately for her plans and mentally decides to help him find an outfit as she
answers, “because, tomorrow night, you and I are going out on the town.”
After telling Naruto he can enter, her blond stud walks into her room, instantly making her
remember the last time he was there and how he forgave her; wrenching a little more
happiness to her day. They greet each other casually as Ino stands from her desk and when
she settles the wrinkles from her purple mini-skirt and crop top, she notices him sneak a
quick look. Fortunately, she always dresses to captivate the eyes, so it’s not as if she was
trying to seduce him, but she appreciates his quick gaze to her naked midsection. She unfurls
her ponytail to give him a better look before taking a seat on the floor ahead of the short table
at the center of her room. Taking a seat opposite her, Naruto asks, “what’s up?”
Without the third party member of her plan, Ino instead asks, “did you talk to Karin yet?”
“Yeah and thanks,” Naruto replies with a broad smile. “She’s pretty excited about the whole
“You don’t have to thank me,” Ino assures him with a shrug that sways her platinum blond
bang. “That’s what friends are for. What’d you tell her?”
Leaning back on his arms, Naruto recounts, “I told her it sounded great and she can do
whatever she wants.”
Grinning, she jests, “well aren’t you just the most amazing clan head ever?”
Palming the table with energy, he implores, “are you kidding? I made sure she knows to bring
me in on everything that comes up; I don’t care how small. Even now, I got one clone in line
at the Council’s Housing and Building Safety Department, one waiting in the Area Planning
Commission for Wood District, one in Power and Water, and since she said we need a
contractor to talk repairs, estimates, and… what did she call it… appraise! We need a
contractor to appraise it, I sent a clone to a builder I know in Wave. Hopefully, he can help.”
“Wow, you’re a one-man army,” Ino deputizes, adding, “property developers beware.” Enjoy
his snicker, she then asks, “what’s Karin-chan doing?”
Naruto immediately laughs, making her increasingly curious until he finally explains,
“Karin’s super pissed right now!”
Absorbing his fun energy, she leans in as she jovially asks, “why?”
“I got a clone with her too,” Naruto starts. “They first went to the Civilian Council building
to ask about buying a foreclosed business. Someone there told them they had to go to the
auction house that the Council outsources to. When they get there, someone tells em the
auction house doesn’t accept any bids on property without proof of funds. So, they had to run
to the bank and open an account for our clan then transfer the ryō into. After running back to
the auction house, their files said that the apartment we want to bid on is listed as an REO,
which means—get this—that it’s owned by the village! So they had to race back to where
they first started! The last I checked in, Karin was banging her head against the wall while
waiting in line.”
Ino covers her mouth to hold in her snickering, then shakes her head remorsefully as she
expresses, “I’m sorry, that’s not funny.”
Restrain his smile to a weak grin, Naruto admits, “it’s a little funny.”
“Maybe,” she timidly admits. Shaking her head and lovely silk hair, Ino hastily orders, “but
get her something nice for all her hard work.”
“Since you’re basically the Hokage of Helping, I’d like yours, if you please- that is, I hope
you’ll help. You don’t have to if you don’t want to-”
“I want to, Ino,” he assures her with that honest face she loves to see. Just for them, he adds,
“we’ve come a long way, so, lay it on me.”
“How’s she doing?”
Disgruntled, Ino sags as she honestly answers, “ready to collapse any day now if she doesn’t
“Yeah, she’s pushing herself harder than I’ve ever seen,” Naruto glumly voices. “But she’s
getting really good with her Iryō-ninjutsu. Ji-chan let her make a copy of one of an advanced
text, so she’s learning a lot.”
“Good,” Ino replies. “That’s good. It’s not like I want her to stop. I’m thrilled she’s getting
stronger, but, she can’t keep going like this; not without some relief. Something’s gotta give.”
“All that stress, building day after day,” Ino voices. “I think she’ll be fine if we help her vent
a little. She needs a good, solid break to recharge or she’s going to hurt herself.” At Naruto’s
mellow chuckle, a curious Ino asks, “what?”
“Nothing,” he assures her with a smile before explaining, “it’s just, you two used to fight
ALL the time in the Academy; like, every day, non-stop. And now, you’re super worried
about her.”
“Always have been,” Ino replies with a smirk before affirming, “I’m sure I can speak for the
both of us when I say we’ve grown a lot since then.”
“You,” she quickly answers with her casual confidence, making him sound, “huh?” The front
door downstairs opens and Ino smiles as she answers his curious gaze, “hold that thought.
She’s finally back.”
Looking at her suspiciously, Naruto deepens his voice to rumbling as he asks, “Ino?”
Lifting her palms submissively, Ino admits, “I want to help and I don’t want to go behind her
back to do it, honest. When it comes to the two of you, I want to be as open as possible, so I
invited her too.”
Walking in without knocking, Sakura listlessly communicates, “sorry, I’m late-” before
realizing her teammate is also in the room. “Naruto?”
Lethargically, Sakura plops down in the space west of Ino and Naruto’s north and south as
she asks, “what’s going on?”
“Not sure,” Naruto replies lean back on both hands as he adds, “this is Ino’s show.”
With tired eyes lazily landing on Ino, Sakura asks, “why? I’m fine-”
“You’re not fine,” Ino interrupts. “You’re overworking yourself, but that’s fine. I didn’t ask
you here to stop or even slow you down.” Sakura seems happy to hear that before Ino
confesses, “both of you know I did terrible, unforgivable things-”
“Stop worrying about that,” a tired Sakura gripes. “I already told you lets just move forward.”
But Ino can’t forgive herself just yet, replying, “regardless, I won’t forget. What I did was
immoral and my remorse has entitled me with the responsibility of helping you both
whenever I can. It may always be like this so get used to it.”
“Soooo,” Naruto slowly voices, looking from Sakura to Ino and back. “Basically, you’re
saying we’re friends,” he finishes.
But she’s interrupted when Sakura tells Naruto, “that’s what it sounds like to me.”
Naruto casually interrupts to tell Sakura, “she took a long time to say something that’s so
“That’s Ino for you,” Sakura replies. “Always over-thinking things.” Amused by them,
annoyed by them, and amused by how annoyed she is by them, Ino simply smiles in gratitude
at the playful teammates until Sakura eventually asks, “so this was about helping me
“This is about giving you that thing you wanted,” Ino cheekily returns.
“I’m sure you remember, what with your memory,” Ino casually remarks, enjoying the
anticipation before her bomb. “It was a few weeks back, the night I told Naruto everything.”
“The night…” Suddenly Sakura’s eyes popped wide in surprise. “Ino! No!”
Ino starts to tell him, “Well, Sakura demanded I let her have se-” But Sakura rushes over the
table to clap her hand over Ino’s smiling mouth.
“It’s nothing, it’s nothing. Don’t listen to her,” Sakura desperately insists of Naruto. With
rough hands over her lips, Ino simply eyes the pinkette with all the confidence of a queen.
The self-proclaimed sisters have long since been able to communicate with eye contact alone,
and looking at Ino’s pupil-less blue eyes, Sakura just knows, asking, “you’re going to tell him
anyway, aren’t you?”
With her ability to speak incapacitated, Ino nods once. Sakura groans and huffs loudly as she
slumps back into her cushioned floor. The pinkette begins to blush and fixes her gaze
downward, avoiding either blond.
“Sorry,” Ino brightly calls with a pretty smile. “As I was saying, Sakura’s working hard and I
feel that qualifies her to play hard too; really hard.”
“The only thing that’s changed is Naruto isn’t my boyfriend,” Ino hates to admit. “But even if
he was, I’d still ask for you.”
“But nothing,” Ino heatedly cuts her off. “You need to relax! Time for leisure is in the
schedule you wrote for yourself. But if you can think of something better than that-” she asks,
pointing a casual thumb at a bewildered Naruto, finishing, “I won’t ask him for you.”
“I… He…” Sakura blushes profusely and Ino understands why. Masturbation feels good and
it’s efficient; sex, in general, feels good and though she’s never been with anyone else, she’s
sure she’ll enjoy it. After all, she loves talking to the older women in the bathhouses and her
more experienced cousins, and the topic generally always revolves around clothes, men, and
sex. Asking them discrete questions about the average performance is how Ino knows sex
with the blond stamina-freak is on another level.
Proudly, bluntly, Ino assertively decrees, “I want you to have sex with Sakura.”
Sakura’s entire body glows red with capitol embarrassment as Naruto looks from Ino to
Sakura, to Ino and Sakura again before he admits in a daze, “…I’m even more confused
Rolling her eyes, she huffs, “Kami, Naruto, what’s the confusion?” Using her hands to create
simple visual aids, she conveys, “you put the P in the V until she O’s. It’s nothing you
haven’t done before.”
“That’s not what I-” Naruto cuts himself off to then try by asking, “how are you okay with
this? It’s not- Isn’t this like… a thing girls don’t do?”
In support of her teammate, Sakura yells as well, “yeah, you! I thought you-” But when she
catches Naruto’s clear blue eyes, the blushing girl quickly turns away as if physically pained
in her stomach to be observed.
Not bothered by their curiosity, Ino casually answers, “I’m okay with this because—not to
sound too sentimental here—I love you both. Naruto means as much to me as Sakura does,
and after everything the three of us have been through, this sort of just became okay.”
Turning to Sakura, she explains, “you’re the sister I found—the sister I hurt—so, as long as
it’s you, then having Naruto go balls deep in you doesn’t bother me.”
Returning her regard to the conversation, a wide-eyed Sakura looks between Ino and a
flabbergasted Naruto. It’s clear to Ino that the pinkette is thinking emotionally when she asks
her, “but, what about you and Naruto?”
Turning her gaze on Naruto for a moment, Ino then answers Sakura, “I’m still in my self-
imposed dog-house. I can’t worry about that right now. I just want to help. You need some
much-needed relief and I’m sure Naruto’s been frustrated having to go without for so long.”
Looking at Naruto, she adds, “in the future, if it feels right, I’m going to ask you out
regardless of who you’re sleeping with.”
“If he says yes,” Sakura begins to ask. “You’d still be okay with me and him…” Sakura
blushes furiously as she avoids eye contact with a lightly blushing Naruto.
“If you’re afraid of rejection, then you’ve already lost,” Ino flatly and casually announces.
“So, here’s the logistics. Sakura’s training regiment gives her an hour a day for recreational
activity; to decompress from the buildup of the day’s fatigue. Naruto—for her recovery—I
want you to smash in her guts real good for every second of that hour-” In sheer
embarrassment, Sakura groans, “for the love of Kami,” as Ino finishes, “till she’s gushing out
globs of your baby-gravy. You guys can decide when the best time for yourselves is. Any
“Sakura,” Naruto softly voices, gently calling the pinkette’s attention. “Is this what you really
want? I thought you didn’t… want a relationship with me.”
Sakura couldn’t look him in the eyes for long and turns away as she struggles to say, “I… I’m
not the same girl I used to be. I’m not saying I love you romantically, but, you’re my
teammate and I like to think we’ve grown really close.”
“I think so too,” Naruto proclaims with a small smile. “I love being your teammate and I
know you’ll get even stronger. Hell, you even heal me now instead of just Sasuke.”
Sakura quickly snorts before taking a deep breath and admitting to Naruto, “I did ask Ino if
we… if you and I could… have sex again… regardless if you were her boyfriend.”
“Ino!” Getting up, Sakura calls out, “that’s it, I’m leaving! I’m way too tired to survive this
degree of embarrassment-”
“Wait,” Naruto quickly beckons, holding out his palms in hopes she’ll stop. She’s halfway to
the door but she doesn’t leave. Naruto turns to Ino and asks, “I’m assuming your asking
because Sakura wouldn’t?”
Naruto then asks, “would you care if either one of us said no?”
“Not at all,” Ino honestly assures them. “This is just me trying to be helpful.”
For ultra-precise clarity, Naruto finishes by asking, “helpful like this because Sakura and I
have already had sex?”
“As in, I’d never set Sakura up with some rando,” Ino assures him. “I’m only presenting this
option because you two have already done the deed and still care about each other.” Though
he didn’t need to, he nods to her and she can tell he’s not doing so because of the sex, but the
respect. Ino wasn’t thinking in terms of moves or angles, but simply helping a friend, wild
though the suggestion may be.
Turning to his pink-haired teammate, Naruto asks, “first, you have nothing to be embarrassed
about. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable talking about this but I’m more worried that
you’re being pressured in some way.”
Sakura is rosy pink, but she doesn’t leave and Ino can see a tremendous struggle raging
within her. Not unsurprisingly, the pinkette turns her tortured gaze on Ino and she knows
precisely why. It’s the same reason she thinks of Kurenai when she’s conflicted; a sense of
comfort and realization that leads to a decision. A decision Ino can tell Sakura made when
her beautiful green eyes get a little braver before telling Naruto, “you don’t have to worry
about that. I’m not being forced into anything. I did think about having sex again, but, I
quickly concluded that if I don’t have the time in my schedule for a loving relationship, then
it’s just about sex. And the idea of starting something so important with someone just for that
“Yeah,” Sakura projects. “If sex is as important as love then it should mean more. And
without someone like that, I just decided to focus on my training.”
Naruto nods before he asks, “am I… can you see me like that? I know it’s not love, like in
love, but, would you really be okay with me?”
Sakura turned her beautifully hot face away as she answers the blond, “I… did enjoy it. So,
To Ino’s surprise, Naruto becomes pensive. It’s unexpected that he would take so long to
think about this. But when her thoughts recite the pros, ‘sex, Sakura, no strings attached-’
she suddenly realizes why he, of all boys, would hesitate to agree. Kurenai-sensei already
told her Naruto values bonds over meaningless or artificial relationships.
Sakura is getting antsy by the length of silence when Ino interjects, “Naruto, you helped me
when we didn’t have a friendship and I’ve grown to really value what we have. Sakura’s your
friend and teammate; if you help her with this, I don’t think it’ll harm your relationship. If
anything, as long as you’re both honest with each other, I think it’ll bring you closer.”
Sakura’s green eyes have always been a joy for Ino to see. Since they were little girls, Ino’s
always wanted Sakura to look at her like they do now, in subtle awe and admiration.
“Okay,” Naruto agrees. “As long as everyone doesn’t feel left out or taken advantage of, I’d
be happy to help.”
Sakura smiles for a split second before hiding it and declaring, “as you should be!” Ino
smirks as the pinkette mirrors the same reaction she had when she asked Naruto for help. Ino
holds in her amusement to a smile as Sakura tries to retain some dignity by declaring to the
room, “Kami, I can’t believe how backward this is. Where has the romance gone?”
Ino smiles even wider when Naruto takes Sakura’s hand and pulls her to him so she’s flat
against him, torso to torso, pelvis to pelvis. A surprised Sakura can only yelp before he grips
her toned hips and effortlessly lifts her off her feet so she’s looking down into his fearless
blue eyes before assuring her, “don’t worry, Sakura. I may only be helping, but for that hour,
you’re my one and only hime-sama.”
Ino hasn’t felt such a sharp spike of arousal since the night she confessed her misdeeds to
Naruto. She thought that stirring, craving, yearning feeling was gone, but watching Naruto
take charge of Sakura’s fit body sent a thrill through her. She was hot at the sight of Sakura
blushing and both Kunoichi tightened their hot legs together.
Leaving Ino’s home, Naruto leaped from building to building and Kurama was thrilled by the
turn of events, laughing his large furry head high to the dark ceiling and the consciousness
Annoyed, Naruto’s voice reverberates throughout the chamber. ‘You know, it’s super
distracting having your commentary in my ear while I’m trying to have a conversation.’
Not bothered, Kurama returns with just as much annoyance, ‘do you know how infuriating it
is to listen to you reject a perfectly willing mate? You should be grateful I didn’t try to rip
this cage open.’
‘You and I need to have a serious talk about boundaries,’ Naruto replies.
After opening the back access door of the Ten Out of Ten weapons shop for the blond, Haku
leads the personable Naruto to the apartment upstairs. Spotting Tenten seated at the table,
Naruto calls out to her, “yo,” before looking around the two-bedroom apartment. Tenten
knows her simple furniture and decor isn’t much but he seems impressed. Rather than reply
to the man she’ll be intimate with, she gives him a short nod before focusing on the hot tea in
front of her.
Looking around, Naruto comments to Haku, “I can’t believe you’re living here now.”
As Haku grabs the teapot from the center of the table and pours Naruto a cup, he replies, “if
I’m going to help Tenten, this is for the best.”
The entire time, Tenten is staring at her steaming beverage, she’s wondering about the blond;
all the rumors the other shops spread, his hard upbringing, beating a monster like Zabuza, and
still finding it within his heart to rescue her and her father. It isn’t difficult to admire someone
like that, but it conflicts with a boy who approves of Haku. Tenten doesn’t know what it is
about beautiful boys who treat her so frivolously, but she’s starting to dislike it.
Tenten was so deep in thought, she missed Naruto taking a seat in front of her and asking,
“Tenten-chan? Are you okay?”
Sitting up straighter, she nods weakly while answering, “I… yeah.”
Haku takes his seat at the table as he begins saying, “I know you’re busy with your training,
but I was hoping you could spare some time to help me train Tenten.”
“No problem,” he quickly replied. “Just let me know when you want to spar.”
Tenten tries not to take offense when Haku replies, “that won’t be necessary right now. I’d
like you to help in another way.”
“As you already know,” Haku begins. “Traveling with Zabuza-sama since boyhood, I came
across many types of shinobi. Some fearsome, some frightfully strong, others inept, and in
your case, surprising and steadfast ninjas. Due to these encounters, I’ve been able to
extrapolate a baseline of what the proper mindset might be to reach a superior level of
success. I’d like you to help Tenten reach that mental fortitude.”
Hearing Haku explain it like that in front of Naruto somehow feels a little different than when
he explained to her when they were alone; Tenten nearly believed it had nothing to do with
pimping her out. Naruto’s puzzled countenance ends when he asks the bun-haired brunette,
“is it like building up your confidence? Because I’ve helped with training like that.”
“Even I don’t know what this is,” Tenten answered, which isn’t completely true, but Tenten
wants to hear what more Haku will say in front of their supposed master.
“I don’t know if you’ve observed this yourselves,” Haku continues. “But I’ve come to
believe that much of the education a shinobi gains comes well before they first pick up a
kunai or mold chakra. It’s hard truths. In many, if not all, of my encounters with strong
shinobi, the painful education one receives from life’s negative experiences, often leads them
down the path of greatness, whether good or bad. My childhood was far from ideal, as was
Zabuza-sama’s, and Naruto-sama’s, and many other exemplary shinobi.”
Feeling blindsided, a confused Tenten demands to know, “that’s what you’re basing this on?”
Even if she didn’t know all the shinobi in the village, she knew of one eternally youthful
shinobi who’s exceptionally strong. With fierce brown eyes, Tenten declares, “my sensei
didn’t have a horrible past and he’s one of the strongest shinobi in all of Konoha, rivaling
Kakashi-sensei. There! Your ‘observation’ is wrong!”
Haku didn’t seem bothered. Instead, he was surprised and that bothered Tenten before he
asks, “you’re his student and yet you don’t know his past?”
“Your sensei may be flamingly optimistic, but his past is no exception to my theory,” Haku
calmly claims. “Sometime after the Third Shinobi World War, the Seven Swordsmen of the
time, Fuguki Suikazan, Jinin Akebino, Kushimaru Kuriarare, Raiga Kurosuki, Jūzō Biwa,
and two others, cornered a Konoha team in the forest; your sensei among them. A young
Might Guy and his team were rescued by Might Duy—his father—who fought all seven
swordsmen by himself using an unknown, yet substantially powerful technique. Out of seven,
only Fuguki, Jūzō, and Raiga survived and not without heavy injures.”
“While Guy-sensei and his team ran, his father fought to protect them and died,” Haku
educates Tenten.
“Before Zabuza-sama,” Haku starts. “Kubikiribōchō belonged to Jūzō Biwa, who suffered
lasting damage from his battle with Might Duy. Before Jūzō lost his sword and his life to
Zabuza-sama, he confessed what had happened and the name of the lone man, with steaming
red aura, who nearly wiped out the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. It’s not hard to imagine
what leaving your father to die while you flee for your life might feel like, Tenten; how that
might push a person like the eternally spirited Might Guy.”
Tenten takes several moments to absorb this revelation, absentmindedly asking for the sake
of speaking, “have you told Guy-sensei?”
“I’ve been debating if I should,” Haku muses. “I wouldn’t want to cause him needless pain.”
“I think you should,” Naruto proposes. “If it was my tou-chan, I know I’d want to hear it.”
The sheer measure of empathy Tenten feels for her sensei only adds weight to Haku’s point
and Tenten isn’t sure how she feels about that. Not only because she can’t measure up in that
category but also because she can’t think of another strong shinobi who hasn’t experienced
horribly traumatic experiences. Defensively, she asks Haku, “is that really the same as being
forced to kill your parents or practically being enslaved by your own family, or being an
orphan in a village that hates you, or the orphaned survivor of a massacred clan?”
“To each their terrors,” Haku plainly replies. “I can’t say without speaking to Guy-sensei, but
I wouldn’t be surprised if his father meant the world to him. Nor have I spoken with Hyūga
Neji or Uchiha Sasuke about their pasts but I’m certain they’ve matured drastically due to
their experiences. In your case, your father’s an idiot, but he’s still alive. I cannot say
anything about your mother, but even if I knew her story, I don’t believe it’s a driving force
for you.”
“Maybe,” Naruto hums in deep thought. “I can’t say my past doesn’t push me every day to
prove everyone wrong but it’s a tough thing to prove.”
“I’m certain there are exceptions,” Haku acknowledges. “Geniuses and truly talented shinobi
may not need a traumatizing inciting incident to drive them. My theory is ongoing but I’ve
yet to meet someone who disproves it.”
“Well, it’s hard to live in our world without tragedy,” Naruto proposes with a shrug, making
Tenten wonder how true that is and if she qualifies. Naruto continues, “I still don’t
understand how I can help Tenten-chan.”
“Misfortunes are owed in large part to the inexperience and naivety of youth,” Haku begins
to answer the both of them. “Trained in challenging truths, laborious grit, and the hard work
we put into the day, even Tenten-chan can learn the theory of success. To put it simply, I feel
Tenten would benefit from stoic maturity. So, while I train her in her physical abilities in
every way I know, I’d like you to help her experience that maturation.”
Looking stunned and amused, Naruto asks with disbelief, “help with maturity? From me?
That’s a new one, but, okay. How do you guys want to do this?”
Hesitantly, Tenten struggles to answer, “…doing… a-adult… stuff.” She can already feel her
body temperature rise to prickly hot around her armpits, neck, and forehead.
Squinting his sky-blue eyes suspiciously, Naruto repeats, “adult stuff,” before asking, “like
Swallowing audibly, a fidgety Tenten blushes as she hesitates to answer, “full… bodied…
massages… would be nice.”
With a tone that’s thick with accusation, Naruto asks, “Haku?” Tenten feels a spot of hope
when Naruto questions, “why’s it sound like Tenten’s not up for this?”
Without a hint of guilt or culpability, Haku offers, “I suggested murdering a few homeless
people, but she refused-”
Turning to Tenten, Naruto begs, “I know you want to get strong, but please don’t murder
Calmly, Haku remarks to the blond, “Naruto-sama, you already know I don’t care for killing.
I simply want to train Tenten-chan to the best of my ability.”
“I’m sure there are,” Haku voices as calmly as ever. “But I can’t guarantee Tenten the true
strength she herself desires using those passive methods.”
Seemingly frustrated with Haku, Naruto turns to the bun-haired maiden and assures her,
“Tenten-chan, don’t do anything you don’t want to.”
To which Haku casually comments, “yes, because the path to greatness never encounters
anything you don’t want to do.”
Through a thick cloud of denial, Tenten can’t completely disagree with Haku. If she truly
wants to be strong, he makes too many possible points to completely disregard. But she never
imagined giving up that part of her to gain the strength. To then watch Naruto—someone
who’s also suffered—come to her defense suddenly, and unexpectedly felt galling. When
Naruto proclaims, “she can choose but it doesn’t mean I’m going to help do something she
obviously doesn’t want to,” it provoked her. Like she needed protecting… again.
The image of Zabuza holding his butcher’s blade to her neck, accusing her of being sheep,
immediately made her mortified that she’d make such a fuss for something she’ll eventually
do in her life anyway. Her thoughts debate, ‘like Neji says, only fate determines who the best
will be.’ However looking at Naruto, the Dead-Last of his class, she remains confused. To
her, they’re all incredibly strong; ‘even Lee, who was born with a demoralizing handicap.’
Neji, Naruto, Rock Lee, Guy-sensei, Kakashi-sensei, Tsunade-sama, and so many other
strong shinobi; all with traumatizing pasts. ‘And those without?’ Her deductive mind registers
Sakura, Ino, Chōji, and many of the ninjas in her class, and beyond. This reality was crushing
to her dream of being praised by grateful villagers for her ability and of men, including Neji,
falling over themselves for a date with her.
As honest as ever, Haku assures Naruto, “I’ve said my piece, Naruto-sama. And were you to
help or not, the request was never mine to make.”
Naruto turns to her, assuring her, “don’t listen to Haku. In his way, he means well but there
are other ways of getting strong. You just keep training, and I’m sure you’ll get-”
Abruptly, Tenten stands up, pushing her chair back to loudly scratch the wood floor. The boys
look on expectantly, however, she remains quiet, deep in thought. She wonders who she is,
who she wants to be, and the price it’ll take to get there. The destination is clear but the road
isn’t, and before Haku’s challenge, she’s never once said, ‘she’d do anything,’ and truly
meant it. She’s fought Haku and lost, Naruto and lost, her teammates always beat her, and she
wouldn’t even dream of challenging Zabuza.
Looking at Naruto, she knows Zabuza would never call him sheep and that twists her face in
anger. It’s a scary and uncertain step, but it’s a step she’s forcing herself to make for the
future she wants. Additionally, she trusts Naruto, vividly remembering how she reached for
him when she was afraid Zabuza would kill her. If Haku’s theory turns out to be sound, and
he’s offering her Naruto to help, she feels just a tiny bit braver.
Taking a deep breath, she tells the blue-eyed blond, “yes, I’m nervous as hell, and scared.”
Her throat is so dry Tenten has to pause and swallow. “I’m new to all this and thought I’d be
married when… it’s a lot to ask, but… I won’t be sheep! I’m willing to do what it takes to be
strong. So, if you can help me with this… Naruto… I’ll be grateful… like, later in life. Right
now, I can’t think past my anxiety.”
“Don’t,” Tenten earnestly pleads, planting her palms on the table. “I know we’re
inexperienced and that’s scary, but it has to be you, please.”
Pausing for several moments, Naruto voices, “you have to promise me you’ll tell me the
moment you want to stop. I want you to be sure.”
“I will and I am,” Tenten nervously answers.
“And you have to promise me you’ll always be honest with me, even if it’s not something I
want to hear,” Naruto sternly adds.
It’s a little shocking and uplifting to her that he would take this so seriously. With a stern nod,
she answers, “I promise.”
With a clear eye toward the bun-haired beauty, Haku adds, “because we don’t go back on our
Rolling his eyes, Naruto retorts, ‘it’s not two! It’s just massages!’
Mabui used the day to recon the appropriate venue to execute her plan. She needed a place
with a spacious enough dance floor, as well as booths for a bit of privacy. Additionally, she
wanted a nightclub no ninja frequent. The last thing Mabui needs is an interruption by a
Konoha shinobi, especially one who recognizes Naruto.
So close to the final contest of the Chūnin exam, the streets are packed with travelers,
villagers, tourists, and general nomads. With her tight light-gray dress, Mabui takes a
rickshaw to the club she picked and arranged a booth in. It’s a tight fit with the other
pedestrians, rickshaws, and carts, but she eventually spots the golden-blond hair of the spiky-
headed boy waiting for her across the street from the civilian nightclub. The line to enter is
long and curves around the building.
Stopping in front of Naruto, the blond’s eye saucer as he hollers, “wow! …Mabui-chan…”
Astonished blue eyes soak in every inch of her from top to bottom as she steps off the
transportation. With her silky light-gray hair down over her honey-toned skin, Mabui chose a
light-gray, thin strap, bodycon dress that stops three inches from the apex of her legs to keep
the allure of a two-tone contrasting visual. Mabui was blessed with winning proportions so as
long as her tight mini dress showed plenty of her amber cleavage and thighs, her curves
would be all the seduction she needed fro her plan.
“Insanely gorgeous doesn’t even come close to how amazing you look,” he praises, adding,
“I mean really… talk about a knockout.”
“Why thank you, Naruto,” Mabui hums, gratefully appreciating the compliment. In the
crowded road, she instantly draws a lot of attention but she ignores them to shyly tell Naruto,
“you’re looking exceptionally dashing yourself. Very good fit.”
Though it took her some time to convince him muted orange was better than bright orange,
she’s glad that she did. The spice-orange athletic dress-shirt that shows off his strong
shoulders was a fine color to pair with his black slacks, shoes, and vest. Mabui hates herself
for doing so, but looking at such an alluring genius, she can’t help but compare Naruto to her
deceased fiance. Tensai’s intellect was all she needed to love and adore him physically, but
not only was he twenty years her senior, as a pure academic, his body was unhealthy and on
the heftier side. He’d tire before long and they couldn’t try many positions. The current
genius arousing her womanhood is as fit as an alpha male can be, filling out and thinning his
attire in all the right places.
“Thanks, but I feel naked without my Hitai-ate,” Naruto laments, rubbing his bare forehead.
“Plus, I don’t normally think about what I wear. Though, I did like that orange and black one
we found in the first store.”
“As I said,” Mabui starts, recalling the tactical black and orange jacket and pants. “For our
mission, an outfit like that wouldn’t work in a scene like this. If you like it for casual wear,
you should go back and buy it.”
“I think I will,” he replies. Turning to the popular nightclub in front of them, Naruto asks,
He candidly points out, “we bought clothes and then you said to meet you here but you
haven’t explained the strategy.”
“There’s not much to it,” she admits with a shrug, causing her fleshy mounds to jiggle in her
tight mini-dress. “You and I are going to pretend to be a couple-”
Rounding blue eyes snap to her as he sputters, “wait, what? You didn’t mention that!”
With a grin and a shrug, Mabui lightly claims, “I didn’t think that’d be a problem. Unless…
you mean I’m not your type-”
“Don’t even go there,” Naruto calls, waving her comment away. “There isn’t a guy on this
planet who wouldn’t be drooling at the sight of you. I just- Are you okay with me? Acting
like a couple means we have to be intimate, like, physically.”
“I know,” she easily answers, lazily twisting her body in place. “I give you permission to treat
me like your girlfriend, and if I ever feel uncomfortable, I’ll let you know.”
He shakes his startled expression away quickly before playfully returning, “what if I like it?”
With a light humming-laughter, Mabui happily responds, “do whatever feels natural. If I
don’t say anything, assume I’m fine with it. Just don’t hesitate.”
Taken aback by her permission to be intimate, Naruto has to question, “just like that?”
“Just like that,” she answers, adding, “you’re a fine man, Naruto. This may be an act but
we’re both single and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with enjoying this.”
“Wow,” he moans. “Doing this for me… when you don’t have to. I feel incredibly lucky.
Thank you.”
Though in the middle of a deceptive mission, Mabui is thankful she doesn’t have to be
dishonest when she tells him, “it’s nice to know I can return the sentiment. Since the
beginning, I’ve felt like the lucky one to have met you.”
Naruto matches her smile before turning to the bustling nightclub in front of them and asking,
“so, what do we do?”
“First, we’re going to enjoy ourselves,” she insists. “You’re too young to drink and I won’t
have any so that just leaves dancing. Can you dance?”
“Mnn, I’ve seen other people do it,” he replies without embarrassment.
“It’s easy,” she assures him. “All you have to do is feel the music and move with it.”
“Just move from side-to-side to the beat,” Mabui instructs. “We’ll be dancing together so I’ll
help out. Just trust me, I’ll make sure you enjoy it.”
“As a sociologist,” the silver-haired scholar begins to explain. “I’m trained to understand
human behavior by recognizing social cues and interactions. So while we’re having a good
time, I’ll be searching the room for someone I estimate may be open to your- or for the
purpose of this plan, I guess our lifestyle, and will hear us out.”
“Then I talk to them? Like, how? I’ve never picked up girls before.”
As if resolving a difficult mental problem, he nods as he determines, “well, this feels like
training, so, why not?”
“Training with help,” she corrects. “I may be playing your girlfriend but I’ll also coach you in
real-time or steer the conversation when needed.”
Ignoring the men staring at Mabui, Naruto turns to her and asks, “so we’re really doing this?”
“We are,” she says, taking his hand in hers. Enjoying the warmth and strength of his fingers,
she reassures him, “and don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work out. However they react is
perfectly fine and we can always try again another night.”
If Mabui hadn’t purchased a booth and bottle service the day before, she and Naruto
would’ve had to wait in line with the others outside due to the influx of people packing the
village and resulting businesses. The nightclub Mabui and Samui located was closer to the
heart of civilian sectors and more upscale than she would like. Though more expensive than a
casual club, it did a better job of ensuring concealment and anonymity. The club had three
levels with bars, booths, and a dance floor on each. All the rooms were dimly lit with many
sources of low light; a decorative light bulb at the center of the table, glow-lights at the edges
of the booth, warm lighting on the walls with lasers, strobes, and spotlights illuminating the
dance floor, bars, and small tables.
As they were led to their booth, Mabui ignored the attention she easily drew in to enjoy the
spectacle with Naruto. He didn’t seem to pay any mind to the lascivious attention she was
garnering, so either the male attention didn’t bother him because he was confident or
ignorant. Holding his hand as they’re led to the second floor, Mabui then realizes he’s likely
enjoying the night for what it is; educational training.
Still, Mabui enjoyed the attention from the men and women, whether positive, negative,
envious, horny, or lovestruck. She’s especially giddy when she thinks of how brilliant the
man whose arm she’s holding is compared to everyone in the room. Having had wet-dreams
of being with Naruto, this club play is so near to one of her many fantasies, the impact of it
being real was irresistible, titillating, and arousing to the white-haired beauty.
Finally to their table on the second floor, overseeing the dance floor, Mabui purposefully
accentuated her shuffle into the booth, jiggling her cleavage to get to the center. Though she
played it like she didn’t notice, she can sense Naruto was stunned until she looked at him to
join her. He wasn’t the only one to enjoy her dainty body-shifts in a tight and alluring dress,
but he was the only allowed to join her. The way Mabui was enjoying herself with the blond
genius made her reflect on her past and how different her life would’ve been had her fiance
survived his heart attack.
Quickly stifling long lost hopes, Mabui decides to simply enjoy the night, starting by
dragging Naruto onto the dance floor. Two men tried to greet her on the way but with quick
apologies, they soon find themselves in the bumping heart of the music. Mabui fastens his
arms around her slim waist, effectively pulling them together before she wraps hers around
his neck. The moderately fast-paced and upbeat music was so loud she needed to yell, “just
relax,” for him to hear her.
With her guidance and his control over his body, it wasn’t long before they found a rhythm
that worked for them. Mabui made certain to sway to the beat against his strong body
effortlessly and repeatedly fondling each other with their hot and flexing bodies. To her
surprise, his firm hands would massage her lower back and hips, and she was not against the
delightfully feeling at all. Dancing soon turned from instructive to fun and from the ceiling,
the nightclub occasionally expelled thick plums of white gas, intensifying the lasers to the
ecstasy of everyone on the dance floor.
From track to track, the dancing couple remained sealed to one another. The moisture in the
air added a sheen to their skin and hair as their athletic, gyrating bodies canoodle to the
pumping excitement of the music. Through the thin material of their outfits, the hypnotic
Mabui easily felt his passion stirring between his legs and didn’t know what to make of it.
She could tell he was only semi-hard, but the circumference rubbing against her cheeks felt
wider than she anticipated. When her mental alarm told her to expect Samui, Mabui was
shocked forty minutes had gone by.
Sure enough, the blond bombshell entering the second level of the club was a bright beckon
of beauty in the dim room of the homely, effortlessly drawing in the sight of anyone with a
visible eyeline. Mabui easily stood out, with her body tight dress that showcased ninety
percent of her caramel thighs, luminescent white hair splaying over her bare shoulders, and
her exposed cleavage. Samui toped even her. The Kumo women had chosen a long-sleeved
midnight black mini dress with a plunging neckline that put her robust cleavage and inner-
side breasts on full display. Her short, silky blond hair and sharp, blue eyes made her feel like
a force only the truly cocksure could survive. Even witnessing the stunning woman walk was
a dazzling sight in itself.
Using their pre-existing encounter, the plan was simple; get Naruto near Samui. To test the
blond genius in her arms, Mabui turns him around, and like many in the club, points to Samui
gracefully walking toward the bar. As Mabui asks Naruto what he thinks, she finds it funny
how many men fight to buy the stoic beauty a drink.
The expressionless Samui effortlessly ignores every male advancement until the allotted time
the Kumo kunoichi planned passes. After Mabui asks to rest, they return to their booth and
talk about possible candidates in the room. As per their plan, Naruto and Mabui talk to a
small pool of girls; quick compliments, followed by introductions, and a quick inquiry.
Mabui makes certain none of them pan out, and eventually, she asks Naruto for a glass of
cranberry juice while she visits the washroom.
Waiting behind a column for her cue, Mabui wonders how Samui is going to shake off the
group of playboys around her. Fortunately, it’s as easy as stepping on someone’s foot,
pretending to lose her balance and bumping into Naruto. Mabui’s grateful his reflexes doesn’t
allow her cranberry juice to spill. Despite the men accusing Naruto of being careless, he
apologizes with a few bows before leaving. Samui then flat-out rejects all the playboys before
following Naruto.
Naruto is by their booth when Samui taps his shoulder and admits over the loud music, “I
know you.”
After his initial surprise, Naruto’s face questions hers before he orates, “actually, you look
It was all the dialog they needed before Mabui lands right beside Naruto. Leaving no
question that they’re a couple, she wraps her left arm around his right arm—pressing her
breast into the clear muscle groups of his arm—and in a playful voice, says, “I leave you for
one minute and you’re already talking to another girl.”
Sliding his right hand around her waist forces her left arm around his neck as the jovial
Naruto asserts, “I was not- well, not like that.”
Without the accompanied facial expression, Samui’s, “I’m sorry,” didn’t feel as genuine as it
should. The bombshell then curtly asks, “is he your boyfriend?”
Playing off of the girl’s straight face, Mabui asks, “are you sure? You’re so gorgeous, I’d be
tempted to let you.”
Naruto’s head whips back a little as his surprised eyes turn on her, asking, “Ma-chan?”
Surprised herself, she asks him, “Ma-chan?”
Shaking her smiling head of silver mane, she bows to Samui and introduces them. “I’m
Mabui and this is my boyfriend, Naruto.”
The popular blond beauty bows before very plainly returning, “Samui.”
Mabui then asks, “would you like to join us, Samui-san? We have plenty of space. Or are you
already here with friends?”
“No, friends,” Samui candidly answers, just as stiffly adding, “I would like to join you.”
“Well then…” Mabui calls out with a happy grin. “Let’s get on the dance floor; just a little
longer.” Wrapping her arms around Naruto’s right arm presses her supple breasts into his
shoulders as she asks, “one more time… please?”
Naruto turns to Samui who nods her approval before he answers, “sure.”
“I’ll join you shortly,” Samui says before leaving for the restroom.
“Great,” Mabui calls, leading Naruto hand in hand to the dance floor. It’s all apart of the plan,
even pressing herself closer against him to dance. Silver and gold hair mesh together as their
heads relaxed against each other. Her plush lips brush against his ear as she communicates, “I
know some of the other girls haven’t panned out, but I think it’s a good sign that Samui-san
accepted sitting and dancing with us.”
Mabui loves the way his hand caresses up her graceful neck, combing her silky white hair
with his strong fingers and massaging her scalp before he voices in her ear, “how come?”
They’re slowly swaying to the music as she explains, “that little joke I made about letting her
steal you didn’t make her uncomfortable, which doesn’t say much by itself, but of all the
ways to react to that joke, hers seems promising.”
As envisioned, Samui joins them and starts awkwardly to prompt Mabui to help her. For
Naruto’s benefit, the girls dance together as Mabui says over the loud music, “just listen to
the tempo of the music; that’s your timing to move.” Mabui’s dancing was nothing advanced
or choreographed, but fortunately, ninjas are masters of their body and timing, and Samui is
no different. “Good, just do what I’m doing,” Mabui voices while dancing with Samui. “Start
with the feet, add the knee movements, then sway your hips… here, lean on Naruto. It’ll be
Every straight male with a clear view, near or from afar, is furious at the sight of the luckiest
blond boy in the world dancing with the top two beauties in the popular nightclub. Samui is
leaning against Naruto—her head pressing against the side of his—as she sways and rocks
her voluptuous body on the man while Mabui tops the Samui-sandwich, holding Samui’s
hands throughout her close up dance.
Using her attention to detail, Mabui observes how aroused Naruto is. With Samui’s back
leaning low against his chest, it’s impossible not to see down her exposed and freely swaying
cleavage, and with Mabui dancing in front of Samui, Naruto’s dilated vision is filled with two
voluptuous and lust-provoking women very nearly dry-humping him. Feeling Samui’s apple-
bottom rubbing down to up against his crotch, Naruto’s face quickly turns panicked and
strained, as if he’s trying very hard not to blow in his pants.
Taking pity on him, Mabui suggests they sit. After Naruto slides in their low-lit booth, Mabui
sits right beside him before swinging her toned and glossy legs over his lap, leaning forward
so she can rest her head against his shoulder. Samui takes his other side, though not as close.
Having caught Naruto eying Samui, Mabui asks, “Naruto?” They’re very close and when he
turns to her, his clean, handsome face fills her vision when she playfully says, “I know she’s
beautiful but it’s rude to stare.”
“Sorry,” Naruto abashedly replies. Turning to Samui, he explains, “it’s just… I know you
from somewhere and it’s driving me crazy.”
“That’s right,” Naruto huffs in relief. “You were there when I fought Zabuza-jiji.”
Crossing her fit legs, Samui nods before asking, “what happened to him?”
“Zabuza?” With a shrug, he answers, “not sure. Haven’t seen him since. How about
Ōyashiro? I felt bad I couldn’t sell him the sword.”
It was planned for Samui to appear sad or troubled when she responds, “he fired me as his
bodyguard before leaving Konoha.” Instead, she seems indifferent to being fired and left
behind. Mabui’s mind gripes, ‘how am I supposed to work with that?’
Fortunately, Naruto responds, “that sucks! What an asshole! Why would he do that?”
“I don’t know,” Samui plainly states. Mabui blinks in morse code, ‘elaborate.’ Samui then
adds, “he left me here… and I’ve been alone ever since.”
Internally Mabui sighs at Samui’s blunt discourse, however, Naruto seemed fine as he
responds, “well you’re not alone anymore.”
The three engage in general small talk about Konoha’s weather, jobs, and hobbies before
Samui asks how they met. After Mabui explains their chance encounter in the library, she
curls closer to Naruto as she confesses to Samui, “you see, I absolutely love intelligent men;
to the point that it’s a fetish for me.”
Leaning up, Mabui places her soft, juicy lips against the hot skin of his neck, imagining the
arteries sending oxygen-rich blood cells to his mammoth of a brain. He leans into her warm
kiss before she repositions her full lips to suck on his skin a moment. When she pulls away,
he’s caressing her legs over his lap as she answers Mabui, “they excite me more than
“You must be quite intelligent, Naruto,” Samui manages to hum with surprise.
“I don’t know about that,” Naruto bashfully admits. “I’m a little better than most at Fūinjutsu
but that’s about it.”
“No,” Samui disagrees without animosity. “I was present when you defeated a renowned
missing-nin from Kiri. You’re strong as well.”
Snug against Naruto, Mabui asks, “what about you? Any man in your life? Maybe back
Though Mabui’s mind prays that Samui is tactful in her phrasing, the blond beauty answers,
“I’ve experienced sexual activity on nine separate occasions.”
In an unexpected moment, however, Samui shares in a genuine way, “thus far, the experience
isn’t… how I’ve heard others describe.”
Mabui’s training instantly kicks in, narrowing her green eyes and closing in on the moment
by asking, “what were you expecting?” It’s a small deviation from the plan, but one Samui is
going to have to accept, because as the blond captain likes to say, ‘it’s for the mission.’
“Emotionally?” Rather than answer, Samui simply nods. Mabui then professes, “emotional
connection can be a very difficult thing for some people. Is there anyone you love? It doesn’t
have to be romantic.”
Naruto leans into Mabui, apparently touched as the silver-haired beauty continues to orate,
“as humans, we place an intensely high value on love. It’s easy to believe that love makes us
fundamentally human, but for those that have a harder time feeling and expressing love, it
can make us feel anxious or alien, like we’re not normal. All because we believe we’re not
experiencing love the way we ‘‘ought’’ to.”
Without asking, Samui speaks of her own accord, detailing, “I’ve been told in order to be a
decent person, I should be in a sexual relationship and constantly thrilled to be with the other
“Very true,” Mabui chimes before adding, “plenty of people focus far more on idealized love
than they should, because without that, it can feel like they’re not decent, sane, or normal,
which is, of course, incorrect. That’s only one of three basic aspects of love; each with their
own virtues and seasons that can powerfully extend our sense of what love can mean. Eros,
Philia, and Agape. Eros is the powerful attraction we feel at the beginning of a relationship.
Popular romantic love says that your entire relationship should be sustained by Eros, but
that’s not practical. Like all things, that sexual intensity wains over time, and at that point, a
relationship can either die or evolve into Philia. Philia is a warm, loyal, friendship type of
love.” Tilting her head up to Naruto, Mabui sneaks in, “that’s what our polyamory is heavily
based on.”
Mabui waves it away as she continues, “Philia is a great foundation to base marriages on. It’s
a touching nuance to a union, like a partnership. Essentially, being in love without having to
constantly validate the relationship. Sadly, many Eros-based relationships don’t reach this
point and vice versa. The final type is Agape and that’s the kind of love one might have for
the flaws and weaknesses in all of us. Basically, compassion and forgiveness for others even
if they’ve wronged you.”
Thoroughly impressed, Naruto squeezes her athletic calf muscles with pleasurable finesse as
he compliments, “jeez, intelligence really is sexy.”
Looking affectionately into his kindly sky-blue eyes, it feels completely natural to Mabui, the
way they lean into each other and experience their very first kiss. He isn’t overly aggressive
or wet or uncoordinated and his warm lips knew how to suck, press, and tilt in perfect
synergy with her; even his nose seemed to caress hers. Feeling the command and confidence
behind his lips impresses Mabui more than she expected for someone so young. The honey-
skinned beauty is actually disappointed when he pulls away, forcing her to remember where
they are and what she’s doing.
Mabui’s warm and tingling when Samui admits, “you are both sexy. And polyamorists?”
Concerned, Naruto turns to Mabui to answer, however, this moment was his and she nods for
him to take the lead. He chuckles nervously before admitting to the blond bombshell, “as you
can see, I have a gorgeous girlfriend. She’s wicked smart and really kind and I’d be happy
every day if it’s just us, but, if we were lucky enough to find another person to we’d both
love, we can be a bigger family. So even though I’d be happy with a two-person relationship,
I think we’d be even happier with a three or four-person relationship in which we all love
each other.” Naruto turns to Mabui with questioning eyes and she responds with a smile and
nod of her lovely head.
“So, as an example,” Samui dispassionately voices, “if I were in a relationship with you, I
would also be in a loving relationship with Mabui-san?”
“Yeah,” Naruto answers. “And like Ma-chan said, it could be Eros, Philia, or Agape. I get
that it’s not for everyone-”
“You’re right, it isn’t,” Samui interrupts, and Mabui can feel Naruto tense under her legs.
“However, I’m not against it.” With Naruto’s surprise, the silence stretches long enough that
Mabui morse code’s, ‘more.’ Taking a breath, Samui adds, “if love is indeed more than
romantic gestures… If an emotional connection can be built on loyalty and friendship… it
appears that is something I can offer.”
“That’s good. Don’t ever believe you have to act a certain way to be in love,” Mabui voices
before asking the titular question. “Do you think a polyamorous relationship is something
you’d be interested in?”
Mabui can feel Naruto’s body heat heighten as Samui considers her response before
answering, “with others, no. With you both… yes.” Though it’s mostly part of the plan,
Samui feels genuine to Mabui. She can only assume it’s because of the honesty the stoic
beauty shared with them rather than any true agreement. Still, the three are silent so long,
Samui asks, “did I say something wrong?”
“No,” both Naruto and Mabui quickly answer. Mabui takes the lead to assert, “I was simply
thinking that tea at my place would be a better setting to talk. I mean, it’s not as if any of us
are drinking or eating here.”
“That’s true,” Naruto hastens to add. “Dancing’s fun but I’d rather train or eat.”
Without hesitation, Samui comments, “I like training as well.” Turning to Mabui, Samui asks,
“should I get my coat?”
With a nod, Mabui answers, “we’ll settle the bill and meet you out front.”
The minute Samui is out of earshot, a perplexed Naruto groans in genuine disbelief as he
asks, “uuwwaahhhh! Ma-chan, did she really just agree to this?”
Lost, he asks, “…so …what do we do?” Mabui moans an uncertain sound for a moment
before Naruto blurts out, “I didn’t think this would actually work!”
“Okay, okay,” Mabui replies, settling him with her hands massaging his strong shoulders.
“We could tell her the truth, but, I won’t lie to you, I’m not a fan of that. If she seemed
more… sound-of-mind, I’d tell her the truth. Unless she’s always like that, it looks like it’s
taking her a lot of courage to be here.”
“Either she has the best poker-face in the world or she’s really nervous,” Naruto chimes.
“If we reject her now,” Mabui continues her play. “She might not have the courage to be this
open again.”
“…Maybe,” Naruto thoughtfully admits. “But I don’t want her to hate us later for lying to her
Going in for her best argument, Mabui claims, “I know we said this would practice and she
doesn’t know that, but that’s not much of a lie if she’s essentially doing the same thing.”
Befuddled, he starts to ask, “how do you know she’s doing the same-” Cutting himself off, he
seems to have come to the answer she was hoping for. “Oh, because she’s not from Konoha.”
“If she’s not from here, she may not have any intention of staying,” Mabui points out. “This
could be just as much of a passing opportunity for her as it is for us. On top of that, she’s
positively stunning and seems genuinely interested, if not curious, about the polyamorous
“Well, I did say I’d help,” Mabui replies, humming a moment before adding, “and personally,
I’m neither for or against it… as long as it’s with the right people.”
“Wait, really-”
“We can’t stand here and debate this forever or she’ll begin to worry,” she points out.
“Looking at her, my professional opinion is telling me she’s not ready for this. So how about
we keep going, and when she backs down, we just talk over tea or part ways.”
Naruto hums a moment before answering, “sounds good.” Mabui turns to leave when Naruto
halts by taking her hand and calling, “and Ma-chan?” Her silky-light gray whips around her
caramel shoulders as she turns to him and is surprised when his sly smile confesses, “this
might be the cranberry juice talking but you’re a hell of a kisser.”
Mabui couldn’t keep the broad smirk from her face and abruptly decides to kiss him. It’s
unnecessary but his lips are warm and somehow adept at making her feel a shooting thrill up
her core. Kissing him makes her wonder if the amazing feeling is her fetish for geniuses
supplying the additional fervor or they’re more compatible than she previously realized.
Feeling herself succumbing to excessive arousal, Mabui pulls away with a moist ‘chu’ and
prances happily away without looking back.
As per Samui’s timetable, the three make it to the small studio room they quickly rented for
Mabui within the margin of error. The building they found is in the civilian sector for the
moderate to low income villagers. It’s not the worst area to walk through, but nor is it
wonderful. With its plain off-white walls, the cozy little room uses every available space. The
right wall stations the small bathroom next to the small stove, sink, and refrigerator. The
opposite wall is fixed with the only window in the room and the closet with combined
shelves for books, materials, and scrolls. Mabui has her futon and plush comforter on the
tatami floor against the farthest wall.
The cozy third-floor corner room with a half kitchen and bathroom wouldn’t appear
appealing to most visitors and that’s the point. Mabui living in luxury would contradict with
Naruto’s upbringing and her training assures her that his consideration strongly gravitates
toward the downtrodden due to his unpleasant past. In addition to the sympathy he’d likely
feel for her, there’s also no hiding in the single room. If anything happens, it’ll be in full view
of the other.
For privacy, Mabui, Samui, and a disgruntled Atsui spent the morning sound-proofing the
room, so when Mabui freely speaks, “welcome to my humble home,” she’s not worried about
neighbors listening in. The silver-haired beauty then asks Naruto to set the foldout table in
the middle of the room while she puts their coats away.
“Every time I come here, it reminds me of where I used to live,” Naruto remarks, reminding
Mabui about how he used to live while simultaneously acting the boyfriend.
Looking around, an apathetic Samui surmises, “this room is optimal for someone unwed and
without children.”
Preparing the kettle, Mabui wonders if that’s supposed to be a compliment as she weakly
replies, “…thanks.” Fortunately, Naruto seems to be entertained by Samui’s indifferent
After the table is set in the middle, Naruto’s unexpected manliness surprises Mabui by
gliding up behind her, sliding his fingertips across her sensitive sides and stomach into a full-
on hug from behind as he softly asks, “need any help?”
Truly starting to wonder about his level of experience, a thrilled Mabui returns the affection.
Bending her knees, she playfully arches her butt into his crotch as she answers, “get the cups
and sit down, you. We have company, so behave.”
He grabs the three teacups atop the small refrigerator and sets them on the table as he asks
Samui about her training. Mabui is content to let them discuss different training strategies
until the green tea is ready. Taking her place beside Naruto, her tight bodycon dress would
only allow her to lean against his chest—resting her silky-haired head against his nape—
while her long caramel legs pressed together to the side. Mabui asks from the premeditated
script, “so how long will you be in Konoha, Samui-san?”
With a blank expression, Samui answers, “I don’t know. I’m attempting to save for my return
trip home, but I’ve been forced to leave my current hotel.”
“Why,” Naruto asks as he plants his palms on the floor behind him to lean back so Mabui can
rest easier against his chest.
“In my first hotel,” she starts recounting. “Someone broke in while I was away and stole my
belongings. In this latest one, the owner allowed me to stay three days, free of charge, before
attempting to trade my continued stay for sexual favors.”
Naruto is naturally upset and ready to ask about the fictional owner when Mabui pushes on to
ask, “wait, so where are you staying tonight?”
“I still have some ryō left,” Samui starts. “I can afford a short-stay hotel while I figure out my
next steps.”
“That’s terrible,” Mabui soulfully expresses. She doesn’t even turn to Naruto before deciding,
“I won’t have it! You’re staying here with me, Samui-san. Until you can get your affairs in
Tilting his head and extending his neck so he can see the side of her honey-toned face, Naruto
asks, “Ma-chan?” She tilts her head to look up at him as he asks, “are you sure?”
“Of course,” Mabui claims. “I have a knack for people and I can tell Samui-san is a good
“I mean, I think so too, but, you just met,” Naruto hesitates to point out.
“He’s correct,” Samui flatly concurs, dully stating, “I’m also a trained assassin. However,
having witnessed your fight against Zabuza, I would never think of incurring your wrath by
killing your love.”
Bowing, Samui coolly asserts, “for your kindness, I promise no harm will come to you.”
“Well, thank you, but I can take care of myself,” Mabui hotly informs the strong blonds
before merrily adding, “and don’t take him too seriously Samui-san. Naruto’s just sad we’ll
have to go to his place now.”
Naruto chuckles and drops his sound argument. If they truly had been dating, Mabui would
certainly appreciate Naruto watching out for her safety, but Mabui can’t have him thinking
too much about this. To distract him, Samui continues the script by telling them, “I don’t
Mabui and Naruto catch each other’s eye for a moment before turning to Samui and asking in
unison, “don’t mind what?”
“If you have sex while I’m here,” Samui passively answers and it still amazes Mabui that
Samui can say something like that without expressing any emotion.
“As you can tell, I’m not very emotive,” Samui admits. “While that has disadvantages, it also
means I’m a decisive person.”
“So you’d truly be fine if, let’s say, I was kissing Naruto in front of you,” Mabui asks with
full knowledge of the answer.
“Sorry, Samui-san,” Mabui continues. “This is just new to us. As in you’re the first girl we’ve
met who’s ever expressed an interest in polyamory.”
“I understand,” she responds. They planned this crucial moment for Samui to take the lead.
As Naruto isn’t a player or experienced, Mabui expected he’d be hesitant to initiate anything
with women who’s attractiveness can be intimidating. Mabui made certain Samui knew that
she would have to be the one to push them over the edge. So, as planned, Samui asks, “would
you be opposed if I kissed you, Mabui-san?”
Mabui pretends to be surprised then flattered. While Samui is the initiator, Mabui has to be
the one to show Naruto it’s okay. She eyes Naruto for several moments, as if truly
considering it, before smiling softly and nodding to Samui; much to his continued surprise.
Purposely sitting on the other side of Naruto—leaning toward him so their dresses don’t hike
past their nether region—Mabui and Samui lean in, assuring he has the best view of the
gorgeous women pressing their moist plump lips together.
‘Soft,’ Mabui thinks as she tentatively kisses the stoic woman. Though Samui’s lips are
sweetly gentle, the blond stunner is clearly the passive type, letting Mabui take the lead.
When they were planning this portion of the plan, Mabui instructed her captain to try and
follow her cues, so when she prompts Samui to open her mouth a bit, or tilt her symmetric
head, or follow her in-and-out rhythm, Samui obeys.
Samui must’ve been keeping track of the time because Mabui is surprised when she pulls
away, forcing Mabui to ponder the depth of her rising arousal as a thin trail of saliva stretches
and breaks between them. Breathing heavy, both women gaze into each other’s half-lidded
eyes and Mabui won’t deny she liked it. She’s only kissed one other woman in her life and
that was for the visual benefit of her older fiance. She felt nothing then, but she also wasn’t as
sexually charged as she feels now. Flickering her eyes down, she can tell Naruto is aroused as
she is.
The gorgeous woman then turns to a blushing Naruto and asks, “may I kiss you?”
Three aroused and impassioned faces are inches away from each other as a blushing Naruto
looks out of his peripheral for approval or consent. Either way, Mabui nods and Naruto kisses
Samui. It’s Mabui’s turn to watch Naruto take command of Samui’s supple lips. His hand
clasps just under her jawline as he tilts their merged lips and pulls her in so their noses are
side by side. In the process, Samui’s godly chest is pressed against his, making the oblated
bubble of side-boob look erotically appetizing. Mabui clamps her hot caramel thighs together,
feeling her frustrated womanhood dampen and yearn for attention as she observes her genius
completely take her captain’s lips. He wasn’t being forceful, Samui was simply that
submissive, and Mabui was getting wet with anticipation.
The plan is for Samui to next place her hand on his erection but Mabui is growing impatient.
Watching them, the amped woman licks her lips in heighten anticipation. She wasn’t sure if
she was expecting a short kiss or if Samui is simply dedicated, but it took much longer than
she expected. Mabui is pondering jumping in the kiss herself when Samui finally proceeds to
the next step of the plan. The moment her blond captain slides her hand up his thigh toward
his tightly constrained erection, he breaks away just as Mabui asserts, “wait!”
Naruto acted as Samui predicted and continues the play, raising a palm apologetically as she
tells the blonds, “sorry, I didn’t mean to yell.” Placing her hand protectively on Naruto’s
strong thigh, she adds, “it’s just, where your hand was going made me feel territorial for a
“I understand,” Samui plainly states, and without the appropriate facial expression, Naruto
and Mabui are forced to take her word for it.
“Maybe we should just get ready for bed, instead,” a bothered Mabui suggests without any
intention of sleeping. Naruto looks pained to hear it as Mabui tells Samui, “there are clothes
in the bathroom if you’d like to shower and change into something more comfortable.”
Peeling away her large breasts from his chest, the blond replies, “thank you,” before leaving
the pair.
They wait until they hear the shower running before a shocked and aroused Naruto whispers,
Placing her palm over his pounding heart, Mabui asks, “first, did I cross a line?”
“I’m shocked her lips were so soft,” Mabui nearly moans to say. Naruto’s widened eyes has
her add with a hint of embarrassment, “ah, but yes, I’m fine. Would you mind staying a bit
longer? I don’t think anything is going to happen but I’d feel safer with you here.”
It was her hope he’d offer to stay, however, he says, “I don’t mind, but if you’re not
comfortable then we should ask her-”
“No, no, I’m fine, really,” Mabui insists, leaning in as she eyes his lips and blurts, “maybe I
just want to kiss you again.” He leaned in with animalistic instinct before retaining control in
the last second and backing away again. In front of a hot woman with a raging hard-on; she’d
be impressed with his restraint if she didn’t need him to break it.
“Kami, what am I say,” Mabui giggles with head-shaking embarrassment. “I feel giddy. But
that’s-” Taking a breath she whispers, “I’m sorry. It’s just… it’s been soo long since the last
time I’ve… and I’m single… and you have such an amazing brain…”
Curious, Naruto softly asks, “is that a real thing? You said it was called-”
“Sapiosexual,” Mabui sheepishly answers. “Someone who finds intelligence and the human
mind to be the most sexually attractive feature for a potential sexual relationship.” Naruto’s
long whistle of disbelief makes her shoulder shove him, groaning with embarrassment.
“Moh, Naruto. This isn’t something I can help.”
“Hey, I’m fine with it,” Naruto answers with a wry grin. Hugging her tightly, Naruto asks,
“so how does that turn you on? Like what’s specifically arousing about it?”
Growing mortified, Mabui calls out, “this is embarrassing, you know.” He shushes her for
fear of Samui hearing, then Mabui answers, “things like… when you explain ideas you have
with Fūinjutsu.”
“Really,” he whispers in her ear, making her feel his hot voice down to her toes as he
elaborates. “Like if I explain how I can use Fūinjutsu to create accelerated healing seals that
can heal a person from almost any physical injury by designing a system of arrays that can
convert chakra into a fibrous connective protein. That holds the cells together while turning
the injured area into stem cells that can differentiate and divide everything from skin and
bone to muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. You mean like that?”
Her beautiful green eyes were large by the end of his intellectual pussy-stroke. His every
whispered word tickled her into a bundle of frenzy until Mabui giggles excitedly as she
snuggles up to him, answering breathlessly, “yes! Kami, yes. How do you know that?”
Snickering, Naruto honestly answers, “I have no idea. It’s like when I think about a problem
and then I think about Fūinjutsu, an answer just pops into my head.”
Pressing her soft pliant body against his muscular frame, Mabui excitedly asks, “do you
understand all of it; the details? Like, that fibrous connective protein you mention is collagen.
A third of our bodies is made of it.”
“Unless it has to do with the seal,” Naruto stipulates before finishing, “not really. I just know
it’ll work.”
Pressing the bridge of her cute nose under his jawline and the concave of her closed eye into
his hot neck while inhaling his brilliant scent, Mabui pleads for more. “What else? What else
do you just know?” She used to be this demanding with her fiance and become just as
aroused. It turned her on so much she didn’t care how short sex with him was. His brain
made it feel fantastic.
Smiling, he continues to edify her throbbing sensibilities. “Besides other body augmentation
seals, like to enhance vision, hearing, smell and other senses, there’s energy manipulation
seals. With Fūinjutsu, I know I can create a seal that fuses light atoms into one. Since the
total mass of the new atom is less than that of the two that formed it, and as described by the
equation E=mc², the ‘missing’ mass is given off as energy. There’s enough energy to could
power whole villages.”
Rubbing her soft vibrating body against him, Mabui corrects him. “You! You could power
whole villages… mmn, with that big, thick brain of yours…” Lightly mewling into his
pulsing neck, a wanton Mabui didn’t need any more to jump him. Her hot body was buzzing
from head to toe in sparkling euphoria.
She was already wet and yearning to be churned, but the toasty warm body of Naruto holds
her tighter as he whispers, “one of the ideas I like to play with is Space/Time Seals; gravity
manipulation, dimensional pockets, and something you saw me crack in a few minutes,
teleportation seals like the Heavenly Transfer technique.” Eyes fluttering open, Mabui holds
her breath as he whispers in her sensitive ear, “from memory, I figured out the teleportation
station you place an object on is a matter tweezer that traps atoms. The platform works with
the contract and your chakra to create a statically charged chakra vacuum that compresses
and transmits anything you want anywhere on this planet.”
Mabui tilts her dilated orbs to look up into his confident blue eyes and acting on pure instinct
alone, she locks her hungry mouth to his like a magnet, fusing their lips together. There’s
little point thinking about the plan now because Mabui can’t think beyond the word, ‘SEX.’
Her tongue was in his mouth and her hot-blooded womanhood was pulsing for thick friction.
Without breaking their locked lips, Mabui slides and shifts onto his lap, forcing her bodycon
dress to ride up her grinding hips and toned waist. On his lap, swallowing his mouth from
above him, the enraptured beauty could only react innately to her fetish: She wanted his cock.
She needed him inside her. She wanted to breed.
When they part for much-needed oxygen, Naruto huffs, “as long as you know we can stop
After enough air, Mabui takes his lips again, wrapping her arms around his neck and
incessantly caressing his silky blond scalp with her fingertips. Back and forth, their hungry
tongues dive into each other’s open maw sucking and massaging each other, however, it
wasn’t sloppy. Somehow, Naruto knew how to direct her need so their locked mouths and
tongue danced sensually; without too much saliva or teeth. It was perfect.
Upon their next break for air, Naruto heaves in between asking, “and… we can talk after-”
“Yes, yes,” Mabui interrupts, thinking of nothing more than chasing that hot throbbing
feeling. “Now shut up and kiss me!”
He complied as quickly as the thrill building in her humping crotch was building. Burning
with need, she’s certain her love nectar has seeped through the tent of his pants, but she can’t
think past how hard he is. Moaning, she rode his restrained erection as she made out with him
moving closer to a grand release when her carnal spell is finally broken with Samui’s, “I
apologize for the interruption.”
Clean, citrus-scented, and in a gray and white hooded sweater that barely restrains her large
breasts or covers her privates, Mabui didn’t sense her captain until she was speaking right
next to them. In looking at the picturesque blond, Mabui finally found a benefit to her
expressionless face; she didn’t have to see a sassy expression essentially accusing her of
having too much fun. Instead, she evenly explains, “I tried calling out.”
Getting up, Mabui’s heavily-lidded eyes watch Naruto as she slowly shifts her dress to cover
her thonged womanhood. The way he gazes hungrily at the honey leaking down her toned
caramel thighs unquestionably clinches her determination to squeeze every ounce of genius
juice from his throbbing pleasure-stick. She doesn’t even have to pretend to want him for
Kage and country and orders her blond captain, “keep him warm for me,” as she rushes to the
Gripping the sink tightly, Mabui tries to calm her lust while her mind yells, ‘why the hell was
I fighting this! Thank you, Kubikiribōchō!’ To Mabui, this is kismet. Samui ordered her to
prostitute herself, Darui and A-sama endorsed it, and now Mabui wants to indulge more than
they would be comfortable with.
The plan was for her to take a shower to give Naruto enough time with Samui, but Mabui
was too hot to wait. She felt fevered; having gone too long without a genius inside her and
she prays to Kami the boy will last longer than her fiance could.
Slipping out of her dress, thong, and bra, Mabui splashes cool water on her fevered face to
soothe the rough pangs of desire stimulating all her pleasure zones. She then slides on
nothing more than her gray silk lingerie nightgown; the easiest thing to hike up or rip off. She
dots a bit of peach perfume on her neck and runs her fingers through her silver mane to add
just the right amount of volume before exiting the small washroom to the scene of Samui
making out with Naruto while straddling his lap.
‘She’s not even grinding against his erection,’ Mabui’s salacious mind points out. With an
abrupt clarity, Mabui remembers the stoic beauty’s difficulty with intimacy and decides to
help Samui first while she still has the presence of mind to do so—‘because if he says one
more astonishing revelation about Fūinjutsu, I’m going to fucking lose it!’ Walking behind
the straddling blond woman, Mabui knows Samui wasn’t wearing anything under the hooded
Recognizing the possibilities of triggers, Mabui softly voices, “Samui-san,” before physically
touching her back. Looking down on them, Samui lazily pulls away from Naruto as Mabui
rubs her shoulder blades and traps. “Don’t you think we should help Naruto out of his
Samui stands up before helping Naruto to his feet. His whiskered cheeks were flaming and
his eyes were black with unbridled desire, yet Mabui can tell he was going to speak more
unnecessary words. Shaking her head—smoothly shifting the bangs of her silk mane over her
face—she presses a finger to his lips as Samui takes her position behind him. Mabui kept
constant eye contact with him as she lowers herself to her knees, teasing the waistband of his
slacks with her delicate fingers. Subtly like that seems to escape Samui as she smoothly and
efficiently unbuttons his black vest and spice-orange dress shirt before sliding them off his
arms, breaking any allure Mabui may have been building. With a sigh, Mabui hopes Samui
is, at least, pressing her large breasts against his back.
Without eye contact, Mabui resigns herself to taking off his black slacks—an effort in itself
with his erection—and is completely shocked when his thick, nearly eight-inch cock is set
free. ‘Fuck me,’ her mind gasps. After all the times she’s been pressing her round ass cheeks
against him, she surmised he was above average, but seeing his monster member spring up in
front of her face, her mouth flooded as much as her lower mouth did.
“Oh, he’s quite big,” Samui’s voice from over his shoulder interrupts her stupor. ‘Far bigger
than Tensai’s penis,’ Mabui’s mind adds. ‘Naruto may not have the most alluring looks, but
he certainly won this lottery!’
In front of her face, her senses are bombarded with the heat of his thick appendage. The sight
of it throbbing and leaking pre-cum from his prominent crown, the tasty pheromones of his
meat… Mabui mindlessly leans in, taking the base of his pulsing manhood with her hand
before dragging her saliva-covered tongue up the underside to the very tip, tasting his leaking
‘…the tangy taste of a genius,’ her fetish-fragile mind reminds her before she rushes in for
Her lips varnish his knob as her saliva-covered tongue licks his tip to his audible delight. His
groans only seem to make her hungrier and she massages his base and balls with her hands as
her vacuum-mouth feasts on more dick than she could’ve anticipated. Sinking her sliver head
until he’s against the back of her throat, she couldn’t believe how many inches of bloated
shaft was left. She guesses she can take four inches but she wants all of it. Pulling away, she
barely gets a glimpse of Samui making out with Naruto up top before she fills her oral cavity
with his cock once again. She’s determined to take as much of his meat as she could, sucking
and licking his shaft with unreserved glee. Soon, Mabui is bobbing her head on his hot cock
with reckless abandon.
The slurping, humming, and moaning only excited her, and Mabui was happy to suck on his
cock forever. When her jaw began to ache, she felt his hands run through her hair before
gripping it tightly.
He moans, “Ma-chan,” and the quick pull of her hair made her glutinous for more. She
wanted her creamy prize and was sucking him in whilst massaging his large balls.
Gripping her head tight, he gasps before ejaculating a thick stream of gelatinous seed into her
starving throat. Load after load of his thick cum shot to the back of her throat, more than
what she could handle and she pulls away as more ejaculate splatters her gorgeous face and
‘…So much,’ Mabui’s mind moaned in ecstasy. To her surprise, he was still fully erect and
throbbing, only more excited to continue. ‘Sorry Tensai, Darui, I’m going to enjoy this too
much,’ Mabui’s dazed and entranced mind diagnoses.
Samui takes off her hoodie as Mabui gathers the creamy treasure off of her face with a finger
and swallows it. Between the buoyant bounce of the nude Samui’s double D-sized breasts
and a high Mabui lapping his cum from her fingers, Naruto’s love muscle thickened even
It isn’t the first time Mabui has seen Samui naked, but her large round breasts, toned abs
leading down her low hip flare, strong thighs and calves, and gorgeous face… Mabui didn’t
blame Naruto for diving in. In seconds, Mabui washes her face before returning to assist
Surprised yet again, Naruto seems adept at being intimate. He moved without hesitation,
slowly massaging her large breasts in rotation as his mouth sucked and nibbling the V-line of
her lower abs and hip bones. Though she was absent facial expression, somehow he can still
read Samui’s enjoyment from her body’s slight twitches. His strong hands knead and pull her
breasts just shy of painful before returning to a more delicate touch.
Samui didn’t know what to think when his mouth began descending to her sex mound. Her
mind didn’t know what to do. If he hadn’t assured her he’d take care of her, she wouldn’t
know to do more than simply putting him inside her until he came. Though she’s felt orgasms
before, it seemed to be a troubling thing for her partner at the time to achieve and never did
so again. The blond’s tongue is closing in on her vagina and she may not have thought
anything of it before. But with his practiced hands relieving so more stress from her breasts
working in tandem with his oddly rough tongue, Samui couldn’t ignore the growing warmth
building in her womanhood.
Mabui takes charge of Samui’s large, soft, weighty breasts. Whilst massaging her large chest,
flattening and pulling her pert nipples, Mabui also makes out with Samui’s open mouth.
Between Samui’s spread legs, Naruto slowly laps up her moist love-petals with the long flat
of his tongue while massaging the twitching muscles of her inner thighs. Deliberately
dragging the brillowy nodules of his flat tongue slowly up her moistening snatch tends to
spark gentle bouts of electrical pleasure through women. When her breath quickens and her
hot thighs around his head spasm, Naruto knows the expressionless Samui is no different. He
plunges his long tongue into her dilated vulva, searching the leaking woman’s pink pleasure
lane for that area of peak stimulation.
For what feels like an hour, Samui suffers an onslaught of sexual attention she’s never
experienced before. Between the two of them, they gently nibble of her lobs while running
fingers through her hair; massage, kiss, and suck on her delicate neck, fleshy dough-breast,
hard pink nipples, inner thighs, legs, and her ass.
Samui would’ve been satisfied with this until she feels a sudden shock of pleasure rush
through her, managing a small, “ahn,” from her lips. As if her small moan was a loud battle
cry, Mabui and Naruto redouble their efforts to bring the gorgeous blond to thrashing
completeness. Mabui sucks and massages Samui’s collar bone, large fleshy breast, and hard
pink nipples while Naruto continues eating her sloppy cunt out. Without any instruction from
her mind, Samui’s body softens and becomes more sensitive to their attention.
Without the usual sounds and expressions to go off of, Naruto had to judge how ready for
more Samui was when she involuntarily thrusts of her hips. Smiling, he laps up and sucks on
her clit as he slides two fingers inside her wet blooming flower. Sucking on her love bud,
Samui’s pleasure quickly felt dangerously powerful, wresting sweet groans and moans from
her drooling lips.
“Ahhn… mmn… hah,” Samui sounds as she involuntarily shakes and thrusts her hips as he
fingers her pussy in that spot that curls her toes and arches her lower back. She was making
mewling sounds she never makes while Naruto and Mabui inch her closer to the edge. When
he abruptly curls his fingers, brushing that lethal spot, Samui detonated.
Strong thighs clamp around Naruto head, keeping him in her wet place as her mind goes
white. Her body involuntarily convulses in electric pleasure as the explosion of pleasure
reverberates up and down her taut muscles and bundled nerves. The strongest wave of bliss
she’s ever felt drowns her mind and body for what feels like half an hour. Eventually, her
boneless legs slump to the floor as her heaving body did.
It was the most erotic thing Mabui has ever seen. ‘He made her cum,’ her mind repeats in
disbelief. ‘Hard,’ she adds and her body wants him. However, they weren’t done.
Naruto might’ve given the heavily breathing Samui more time to recover if he wasn’t so
turned on. Jonesing to be inside of a woman again, he grips the crook between thigh and hip,
rubs his rock hard cock down her juicy hot pussy, and slowly pushes into her spasming
Mabui plays with the woman’s nipples as she whispers in her ear, “he’s going to fuck you
now, Sa-chan.” She continues to knead the woman’s large breasts while watching Naruto
slowly build a rhythm. Though her mind questions how he would know to start slow, it
disappears from her mind as easily as he buries his monster cock in her captain. Naruto pulls
out before finally burying his full length and girth to the very depths of her hot canal.
“Ahn,” a sweating Samui moans, feeling absurdly stuffed; as if he were pushing her intestines
and stomach out of the way. And even then, her slippery love tunnel grips him in more.
“OOOOOOHHHHHH,” Naruto elatedly hums, savoring the sporadic spasms of her love-
glove squeezing his entire shaft tighter.
Without meaning to, a sweating Samui moans when he drags his hot meat-ram out of her and
gasps sharply when he thrusts back in. When he starts pumping in and out of her, Naruto tries
to be gentle at first but with Samui’s gorgeous legs spread wide for him, the sexy Mabui
sucking mouthful of Samui’s fun bags, and her usually expressionless face now biting her
lower lip in a bit of fear, it’s far too much for him, and soon, he’s slamming into her. Having
already found the pleasure barbs of her g-spot, he constantly drags the displacing ridge of his
cock-head there, forcing her to squeeze as he repeatedly plunges balls deep.
Mabui is fingering Samui’s clit in addition to massaging and sucking both of Samui’s
mammoth breasts. Before long, Samui feels the coil in the pit of her stomach begin to tighten
once again. As the hot room fills with humidity and the sounds of wet skin smacking, grunts,
and moans, Naruto and Mabui continue their sexual assault, spurring Samui into a frenzy of
bliss. The pleasure coil shaking to shatter feels even larger than the last one and if they didn’t
stop, she was going to burst any second.
“I’m… ahn,” she tries to say, feeling right at the dizzying edge.
But Naruto can already feel her jerking body beginning that weightless second before the
drop. Lifting her hips, he pumps into her harder, hitting her wet hole in just the right spot
before her strong legs snap around his waist with her explosive orgasm.
As the pleasure reverberated throughout the stunning woman’s system, Mabui’s surprised,
Naruto slowly rocked their joined bodies as he massaged her ass, thighs, hips, and waist.
Unless he was a prodigy of sex, she couldn’t understand how he’d know to extend her
orgasm, ‘unless this wasn’t his first time,’ she muses. Immediately, Mabui didn’t care when
his half-lidded eyes bore on her like hot spot-lights. He left no doubt in her mind; ‘I’m next,’
she thinks, feeling her mouth water and her pussy quiver.
As he pulls out of Samui’s quaking quim, he drags strings of stretchy juices, broken only by
the powerful spring of his horniness when he fully exits her. Standing, he moves his pulsing,
glistening cock to her face and without being prompted, she gladly cleans his genius shaft off.
Taking his balls and base in her, her tongue laps up the essence of another woman, making
the hot-blooded Mabui mewl with excitement.
She sucks him off until he’s fully clean. Not a moment later, she was on her feet making out
with Naruto. As his rough tongue plunged in her mouth, his hands tuck under her soft round
rear before lifting her. Her legs wrap high around his back as he turns and flattens her against
the wall. Pressing her firmly into the wall, one hand travels to her chest and nipple while the
other lines himself with her flooding pink slit. He grips her neck and ass-cheek before
thrusting deep into her.
Unlike Samui, Mabui was a one-pump stuffing, snapping their chins up as they both groan
loudly, happily. To be fused together by such lubricated heat, pressure, and pleasure, they
already felt close to climaxing; Naruto because of the obvious sex and blowjob he’s had thus
far and Mabui because her fetish has completely corrupted her mind and body. His hot body
pressing her into the wall, breathing on her flush skin, fully stretching her tight pussy, feeling
his heart and cock pulse, everything about him was driving her crazy. And when her thoughts
reasoned the monster cock throbbing inside her was a direct connection to his monster brain,
the reality of that felt like her whole body was melting, like she couldn’t hold on, like she
couldn’t breathe.
‘She’s out of this world,’ Naruto’s mind delightfully sings, treasuring the wet, hot feel of
driving his meat pole deep in and out of her velvety soft love-glove.
The misty room is thick with the scent of sweat and flooding bodily fluid as Mabui’s sweet
voice continues to moan with every powerful thrust. Feeling everything, she mewls adorably
in his ear as he fucks her into the sturdy wall, curling and spreading her toes as her knees lock
around him. Only a minute in and she isn’t sure she can take another. Her supersensitive body
has never felt this soft, this yielding, this euphoric to a genius before. Holding him for dear
life as he pounds her gushing pussy to the shape of his massive cock is all she can do for him.
“Ma-chan… I’m almost,” Naruto groans, indulging in the wet friction against the gripping
ribs of her tight crevice.
“In! AHH, AHHN, MMNN,” she hollars. “In! MMm, Meee! MMN!”
His guided thrusts sharpen and speed up, suffocating Mabui with delirious with pleasure. She
started on the edge to begin with, so when Naruto stuffs his full length to the balls and fires a
heaping load of thick semen into her love core, Mabui’s mind goes white as her body’s
ravaged with never-ending convulsions of peak pleasure. Her only shred of sense was
measuring the increasing amount of semen being pumped into her gleeful womb.
With an arched spine, Naruto felt like he was emptying all of him inside her hot, wet essence.
He was buzzing, cumming into a cock pocket milking him dry. When he finally gains some
higher function, the breathless Naruto slowly realizes Mabui is experiencing multiple
orgasms, frequently spasming against him. He also comes to realize he’s still hard inside her
quaking quim and wants more. Lethargically, he turns to Samui and is amused by her
expressionless observation of them.
Samui moves aside to allow Naruto to place the grinning caramel beauty on the futon.
Removing his cock, Samui follows Mabui’s example. He can’t even get up before she takes
his hardness by the base and guides it into her mouth. Unfortunately, absent Mabui’s
impassioned skill, Samui wasn’t the same and now isn’t the time for instruction.
With Samui on all fours, ass in the air as she sucks him off, he lost reason once again and
pulls her onto his lap, bringing her lips to his. Her soft body flush against him, they’re
making out as one hand is massaging and kneading her large sensitive breast while the other
is treating her lower back much the same. His long hard cock is at the wet juncture between
her shaky legs, pressing hard against her aroused and leaking slit. He knows she’s ready
when her hand cups his neck to pull him in for more. Breaking away after dominating her
small oral cavity, Naruto turns Samui around and has her fall on all fours over Mabui.
“Kiss her,” Naruto commands as he begins fingering them. Samui immediately complies,
pressing her breasts into Mabui’s. The silver-haired beauty moans into Samui’s mouth as
Naruto rubs her mound with the base of his palm as two fingers pump and curl inside her.
Naruto couldn’t believe how response Mabui felt. It heavily reminded him of Ino which also
excited him. Anything he does just seems to get Mabui going and while his hands keep her in
an elevated state of bliss, Naruto lines his cock with Samui’s slit before ramming deep into
her luscious pink folds.
“Ahhn,” Samui sweetly mews, making Naruto want to ravage the cute blond.
“OOhhh, Kami, yes,” Naruto groans in raw pleasure. Her tight, sloppy love chamber is just
the perfect amount of tight friction. Pistoning his solid meat repeatedly inside Samui’s tight
twat from behind gives him the best view of the two women making out. As his bulbous
crown displaces her free-flowing love juices, it’s not often the world ceases to exist around
him. It happened with Ino, Kurenai, Sakura, so he recognizes it here and now. Nothing
mattered but their pleasure and in this small humid room with these beautiful women, he was
going to drill for every well euphoria within them.
Exploring Samui’s G-spot in tandem with Mabui’s tongue suckling massage of her breasts
and nipples soon makes Samui’s muscles twitch in tandem cunt tighten. Gripping Samui’s ass
cheeks, the wet smacking intensifies as a sweating Naruto repeatedly buries himself to the
hilt, rocking both of the horny women. When Samui begins to moan as her dripping pussy
begins sucking him in, he rears his hand back before smacking her seductively athletic ass.
“MMNN,” Samui wails from her open saliva-covered mouth. So sweet are her hoarse moans
in the small room that he’s taken by surprise when her cunt snaps around him like a vice as
her arms give out. Mabui’s holding the twitching beauty as she orgasms, sending him over
the edge and groaning loudly as he cums buckets inside of her thirsty womb. Through the
statically-charged bliss ripping through her, Samui’s quaking stomach warms over several
degrees as Naruto floods her womb with his gelatinous baby-batter.
A huffing Naruto finally feels himself soften before he uncorks her cum loaded chalice and
falls back on his ass. Hot, heaving, and sweating, Naruto gives himself a moment to catch his
breath when, before long, Mabui crawls over to him. Her half-lidded green eyes gaze at him
hungrily before she leans down and takes his softened, cum-covered member in her mouth.
“AAHHHHH,” Naruto moans at her impressive oral skill. He’s still very sensitive, but she
continues to suck him off for many moments before he finally regains his thick vigor. She
finishes her blow job with an audible pop before standing and straddling his waist. Lining her
throbbing love petals to impale herself on, Mabui slowly lowers herself on his beefy meat-
“AAAAHHHHH… MMMnnn… Kami, yes,” Mabui moans as she becomes one with her
genius. He thoroughly enjoys the honey-skinned view and feeling of her stuffing her soaked
pleasure-zone to the brim. Inch by inch, Mabui savors how his head stirs her ribbed walls up,
closing her eyes as he spreads and rubs her sensitive love muscle to electric bliss. Fully
sheathed, she instantly forgets herself the moment she senses a short road to another mind-
bending, body-crumpling orgasm. Her bent legs on either side of his body, Mabui rides his
veiny pole to frenetic bliss, erupting and reverberating multitudes of pleasure pockets
throughout her arching and sweaty body.
The humid room is already stifling with the scent of sex, supplementing to their ecstasy.
However, it’s entirely unfair of Naruto to grip her hips, massage them as he edifies, “you’re
so beautiful- mnn, Ma-chan… I want to use life-force manipulation seals to link our
sensations… so you can feel…uhnn, how amazing… haah, you make me feel-”
To hear his brain educating her while she’s fucking him, Mabui’s slopping love glove
instinctively tries to aspirate the entirety of his thick pleasure-pole. Gripping her bouncing
hips tighter, Naruto leverages from his back to pump into her harder as she leans her flexible
body over, resting her feverish forehead and sweaty tresses on his muscular chest.
Aside from the wet smack noise bouncing around the sex room, a cross-eyed Mabui manages
between frightened moans, “N-Naruto- AAHN! …N-Naruto! Ifff… mmn, ahn, if you keep-
I’m goin’ to- I’mmMMN!!’
Taking her sweaty head in hit hot palms, he continues pumping as he leans forward enough to
whisper in her ear, “it’s called a mirror-touch synesthesia array… a-and I can link our
sensations- mnn… so- so you can feel… exactly how amazing cumming inside you is!”
Mabui’s eyes roll to the back of her head. Losing control of her motor functions, her elated
body quakes catastrophically when her succulent orgasm bursts. The pressure from her vice-
like grip squeezes him to his own orgasm, pressure pissing his nut-spunk deep into her
already stuffed womb. Wailing in jubilation, Mabui orgasmed in mind, body, and spirit for
minutes, passing out on top of Naruto.
Rubbing her hot, micro-spasming back, Naruto enjoys her soft weight on him when he hears
a soft voice ask, “why did she pass out?”
Combing Mabui’s clumped-together hair to the side, Naruto tilts his neck to answer Samui, “I
might’ve gone a little overboard with the stimulation.”
“I didn’t know that could happen,” Samui comments, helping Naruto lay Mabui down on the
cum-stained futon.
“It’s rare,” Naruto remarks, gently laying Mabui’s head on the small pillow. “But it happens.”
Turning to the lightly blushing blond kneeling with both feet under her, Naruto asks, “how do
you feel?”
Naked and alluring, her nipples harden as she wiggles in her seated position and simply
answers, “good.” Without Mabui, however, Samui can’t be sure her reply is enough. For
good measure, she adds, “impressively so.”
Despite her expressionless countenance, Naruto couldn’t deny the woman seated in perfect
posture was incredibly arousing. Standing, she maintains eye contact with his meaty erection
until he circles and sits behind her. Snaking his arms under hers, his hands grip and massage
her impressive mammaries, lifting the supple flesh until the warmth contorts around his
fingers. When she feels the carving crown of his erection probe her ass-crack, she lifts herself
high enough for him to slide his pawing pleasure-pump up and down her leaking labia. As he
continues to caress her love petals, lubricating his veiny member, Naruto whispers in her ear,
“would you like to continue feeling good… Impressively so?”
Though expressionless, she answers with a cute little nod before Naruto has her lay on her
chest beside an unconscious Mabui. He keeps her legs closed tightly together and places a
pillow under her to elevated her strong, round butt. Naruto massages her hamstring muscles
until she feels soft and tender, then moves his ministrations to her plump posterior. It isn’t
long before her lower back extends and contracts with adorable yearning.
‘So cute,’ he thinks as he spreads her cheeks and labia before plunging his love muscle deep
in her honey-hole. Gripping her toned handles, Naruto begins churning her buttery love
tunnel to their prolonged delight. The additional tightness of her closed thighs and angle of
his targeted thrusts manages a few sweet moans before he feels her pink chasm spasm under
“MMNnn!”, she yowls, as her butt and body shake under him.
‘Already?’ Naruto’s euphoric mind lethargically wonders. Turning her over, Naruto is
enthralled with her blushing face, half-lidded blue eyes, and the saliva streaming down her
open maw. He brings her knees to her shoulders before reinserting himself and letting her
toned legs rest on his shoulder. Naruto fucks her furiously for many long minutes, ripping out
more involuntary moans from her expressionless face. Her eyes close tightly when he kneads
her pillowy chest and sucks on her sensitive nipples until both blonds orgasm at the same
time; exchanging hot bodily fluids under critical pressure.
The blond pair happily endure their long-lasting euphoric high when the semiconscious
Mabui nestles over against Samui’s hot sweaty body. She lazily opens her green eyes to the
sight of Samui with her legs over Naruto’s shoulders as they ride the tail-end of their seismic
climax together.
Feeling high and desperate for more, Mabui maneuvers to her knees beside Naruto. Pressing
her wanton body against his and Samui’s thigh, she takes his face for the hungriest kiss she’s
ever felt. Feeling her soft mocha-skin breasts press against his fevered arm and Samui’s leg
as their tongues lap and play with each other made Naruto recovers in very little time,
expanding inside of Samui’s tight cream canal. Naruto’s hips automatically begin pumping
into the sensitive blond and in starting their third consecutive round with little rest between,
Samui finally feels like she’s losing her mind.
‘Too much,’ is all her mind yells as Naruto effortlessly locates the most sensitive ridges and
fins of her pink slickness and wrests gallons of delight from within her like she’s a drenched
sponge in his squeezing hand. He simply hits her spasming spots over and over again, driving
her closer and closer to blessed insanity with alarming efficiency. The moment she thought
she had to admire his skillful efficiency, Samui feels the love spring of her intoxicated core
tighten incredibly fast, threatening to snap. The moment came, as she did, when Mabui drops
her hand down to the woman’s engorged clitoris, whisking the sensitive bundle of nerves
until the beautiful blond detonated.
Though Mabui cherishes Samui’s long and rich moan, she knew Naruto hadn’t climaxed and
she was aching to have his brain-connected-cock inside her again. Naruto laid Mabui beside
the glowing Samui and a moment later they were groaning in the soaping bliss of being
rejoined again. Thrusting atop of her, Naruto is only inches away from her lovely, enraptured
face. Breath to breath, he gazes deep in her moss-green eyes and regardless of the passion of
his body-rocking thrusts, they maintain eye contact.
Just as he’s experienced before, he needed to ‘see’ her; break, crumble, trust, vulnerable. He
thrusts harder to see that moment. Her brow furrows, her pink lips are wide open, and her
eyes are gazing into his as they rise to that ultimate euphoric fall. His thrust increase in speed
and power, her legs wrap around his waist and she can’t stop moaning with his every blissful
plunge. Connected as they are, when her soaking womanhood begins contracting and quaking
around his rod, Naruto hurries his pace to reach his eruption at the same time.
“Let me, haah,” he huffs, when he feels like she’s moments away. “Let me uhn, see.”
As if eager to follow his command, Mabui’s womanhood clamps on him, swallowing him in
as her taut body explodes with reverberating pleasure. Her mouth is open but her moan is
silent as Naruto blows his load in the same moment, pumping his pressurized man-milk into
her fertile womb. More importantly, they watch each other collapse and shake from pure joy.
It’s as amazing as every other time he’s done this. The pure ecstasy, the delight, the trust, the
connection was the most intoxicating feeling Naruto has ever felt. Enjoying the rush of his
thick fluids filling her holy chamber, Naruto leans down and kisses her with all the gratitude
his immense heart can produce.
‘Thank you, Ma-chan,’ his mind voices and he hopes she can hear it. If it wasn’t for her, he
would’ve missed on so much and he certainly wouldn’t have hope for Kurenai, Ino, and
possibly one other.
Naruto kisses Mabui with everything in him, and to his ever-lasting delight, she returns the
sentiment. Flush against each other, they kiss with tongues and hearts for several minutes
until they’re interrupted. To their surprise, Samui wants to kiss as well and she makes out
with Naruto, then Mabui, and then with Naruto and Mabui.
Naruto is eventually lying on his back while the beauties lick and suck every inch of his
towering cock and loaded balls together. Holding their heads as they wantonly suck him off,
Naruto notices Mabui enjoys ordering Samui around and though it’s hard to tell, the blond
beauty doesn’t seem to mind being dominated. Though, Mabui did seem disappointed when
Samui managed to deep-throat his entire length. The mocha-model’s cute pout as Samui
learns to suck him down to his base… Naruto cums right away, filling Samui’s stomach with
his thick man-sauce before they share his load and clean each other’s faces of his cum.
Throughout the night, Naruto takes turns filling each of them with his baby-gravy in as many
positions as he can, until finally, he can go no more. He fills their flesh caverns eighteen
times in total—eleven loads in Samui and seven in Mabui; a record for him—until their sexes
overflow with spunk.
Morning soon came, and though he’d rather stay in bed, resting between the sexy body’s of
two insanely gorgeous women, watching Samui drag herself out of bed to train, excited him
to do the same. They both kissed the slumbering Mabui before leaving for the day.
As Temari approaches Iruka’s home, she’s taken aback and pleased to see Naruto walking out
of the front door. He looks tired, as if he hadn’t slept much, but his smile widens as it ever
does at the sight of her.
“Temari-chan!” Naruto calls out before asking, “what are you doing here?”
He stands before her, no different than he ever is, as if nothing happened, but she knows
that’s not true. She thought long and hard for a full day since the night he revealed to her his
preference and she can’t fail; not her father, her brother, her village, and in doing so, herself.
“I’ve thought about it,” she starts. His curious brow urges her to answer, “…polyamory?”
He’s taken aback as Temari continues. “You said it was like one big family, and not only did I
ignore that, I ignored you. If I hadn’t… reacted as I did, I would’ve remembered that you’re
trying to build your clan; much like the shinobi of old did in the Warring States Period.”
“Temari-chan,” Naruto interjects. “You’re allowed to feel the way you feel. I wasn’t trying to
change your mind.”
“Well, you ought to,” Temari asserts. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting a large, loving
family environment. I know that’s it’s not common but you should fight for the things you
believe in.” Naruto is startled by her suddenness to argue for his preference and that’s exactly
what she wants; a bit of control.
Recalling himself, Naruto protests, “I do! Maybe not on everything I believe in, but,
definitely on the important things.”
Challenging him, she asks, “really? So, who’s this woman you want to introduce into our
relationship? Better yet, does she know you support polyamory? Does she even know how
you feel about her?”
Temari waits several seconds for him to stutter, “I- uh… it’s not so… There’s a lot going on
right now-”
“I understand,” Temari interrupts, intentionally relieving the pressure. She doesn’t want to
antagonize him; just unsettle him before she avails him of the hassle. “The life of a shinobi is
very straight forward. Daily exposure to life and death easily outweighs silly little romantic
dramas. It’s why we’re so sure about who we love and stick to it because we all know our day
is due.” Happy that Naruto is simply listening to her, Temari smiles as she reveals her move
to salvage the mission.
“I thought long and hard about what you said,” Temari begins. “And I’ve come to two
conclusions. The first is I’d like to hear you out and learn more. And the second, is, if it’s the
right person, I think I’d be open to a polyamorous relationship.”
“I’ve sent word to Otou-sama and your Hokage to amend the Omiai to include multiple
spouses,” Temari orates over him. With the limited time she had, she can’t be certain of the
numbers she looked up, however, Temari won’t let him escape again. “If you didn’t know,
hundreds of years of polyamory has actually left a mark on our genomes. Over time, such a
pattern will spawn more genetic differences on the X chromosome than Y chromosomes. It’s
easy to recognize because women have two copies of the X, while men only one. And that
signature-mark tells us that a small number of males—likely the strongest or powerful—were
mating with many females. In other words, diversity arises because some men don’t get to
pass on their genes, while most women do.”
“Okay,” Naruto voices. “I can’t say I knew all of that but, I’m not into polyamory to sleep
“I know,” Temari agrees, regardless of her disbelief. “I’m only saying as much because I’ve
calculated a minimum number necessary to boost the growth of your clan in a short period of
time and added that number to the amendment of the Omiai.”
“…really?” After her nod, he asks out of sheer curiosity, “what’s the number?”
This chapter was very hard to structure and edit. I knew more or less the characters
involved and what needed to go down, but arranging it in an organic way took some
extra effort on my part. Speaking of, I apologies for any mistakes you find. It's a fairly
large chapter and I'm only one man with public school education.
In regards to Haku, I want to say that even though he's incredibly loyal and will take the
death blow for his master, that does not mean he's a puppet. He does what he thinks is in
the best interest of his master, and they may not always be what the master likes. I've
also noticed that damn near all the strong shinobi in Naruto have some sort of tragedy in
their past, which makes sense considering the world, but those that don't, like Sakura,
Ino, Tenten, Choji, to some extent Shikamaru, Kiba, and a few others, tend to not elevate
to that higher level of skill/power. I know everyone can't be super strong and that's fine,
but it's still fairly accurate and lends credence to Haku's argument.
Mabui's reactions may have been over the top but I'd always think what it must feel like
to be soo stimulated in mind and body. On top of that, Naruto is really good now.
The tenses were kicking my ass in this chapter. It's always been a challenge for me but
with the sheer volume of editing involved, it was even harder to keep track of it. Some
days I felt present tense, other days I felt past tense and it's tough for me. But I'm getting
better I think.
The next chapter will lead into the finals of the Chūnin exam. I haven't decided if I
should just get to that before returning to From Ruin or just jump into FR now. In either
case, the next chapter will, for sure, focus on Sakura, Ino, Mabui, Samui, and Tenten. I
feel like Kurenai will be in it and Hinata but I'm not sure yet. Maybe Mei. I don't know!
There's a lot of writing to do for sure.
As always, I'd love to hear from you guys! Let me know how long it takes you to read
this much(i'm really proud I managed this in two weeks).
Chapter Notes
Thank you to my amazing fans! Your support only fuels my inexhaustible drive to
create! Just a heads up. I decided to finish the Chūnin/invasion arc before jumping back
to From Ruin.
WARNING: Lemon light(That is to say that the lemons won't be very detailed), Course
I offer a moment of respite from the craziness of the world. Please enjoy :)
Konoha’s towering gates were open for the color and luxurious palanquins of nobles, lords,
dignitaries, and industry moguls to pass through to the delighted cheers of a gathered village.
It was a bright sunny day over Konoha and all, from villagers to ninja, cheered for every
high-class coterie traveling directly to the main arena. In the distance, standing atop the
tallest of the three viewing towers of the coliseum where the final exam will be taking place,
Konoha’s Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen gazes upon the multitude of people, domestic,
foreign, common, or elite, as they slowly fill the three large viewing towers.
The amphitheater isn’t the largest in the world, however, it can hold nearly five thousand
people. Of the three eminent viewing towers overlooking the lightly forested battlefield, the
tallest seating in the center tower is for the Kages viewing. The next level down for all three
towers are luxury viewpoints for the nobles and capitalists and the remaining seats are for the
villagers, veteran shinobi, and most shinobi from every discipline able to attend. Should those
in the farthest seats be unable to see, there are a few small screens with decent picture quality
from which they can view the action.
The fateful day of the Chūnin final exam feels unforgiving to Hiruzen. He’s been too busy
reading mountains of reports to oversee the security of this final event; from court
proceedings to nominations for vacant positions and foreign policy incident reports. He’s also
writing reports for each of his departments, setting priorities for the councils, regulating
missions and compensation, and ratifying agreements with his Daimyō. With so much to read
and do in a single day, Hiruzen was grateful to Jiraiya for spearheading the security measures
for the final exam. With Chūnin and Jōnin stationed like a net at many crucial points around
the many entry points and levels of the arena, Hiruzen was impressed by his pupil’s
Hiruzen is standing in front of his seat, scanning the throng of people for the arrival of the
Kazekage. It wasn’t until a small bug landed on the shoulder of one of the Anbu bodyguards,
that he finally took his seat, softly voicing, “finally.” Ten minutes later, the Kazekage, flanked
by his bodyguards, walks toward his seat. Turning to his younger peer, Hiruzen smiles as he
calls upon the taller man, “well, well, Kazakage-dono. I’m glad you could make it. We’re
moments away.” In full view of the audience, an announcer walks to the center of the grass
and dirt field as Hiruzen comments, “you must be tired from the journey.”
“Not at all,” a hard voice replies from under the Kazekage’s white mask. “It’s better it’s held
here this time. Were it in Kumo, I fear the trip may be too much for you, Hokage-sama.
Maybe it’s time to select a Godaime Hokage?”
“Haha, I still have time left, I feel. But I’ve witnessed much hope for our future,” Hiruzen
replied. He then stands and addresses the excited masses. After welcoming everyone to
Hidden Leaf’s Chūnin Exam, he officially begins the main tournament and presents Shiranui
Genma to introduce the ten participants who made it through the preliminary round. The
crowd booms in confetti, streamers, and excitement.
From the noble’s floor in the right tower, a tall, athletically slender woman with long auburn-
haired is being treated like a precious and rare jewel by the upper echelon of social class,
each flabby or frail man eager to have her by their side like a status trophy. When a seductive
woman appears the type to strap a man down and whip him into submission, infiltrating the
upper-class of society is rather mundane. Their security are certainly suspicious, however, the
gullible minds of the rich always wave them away.
Though the pompous and frail men ignore the Hokage’s speech, Mei does not. She’s close
enough to the Kages to wonder if she should or shouldn’t allow the invasion to play out.
Spying on the Suna and Leaf leaders, Mei feels the tingle of intrigue in the pit of her toned
stomach. After her conversation with Naruto two nights ago, she can’t help but wonder what
the blond has up his bright orange sleeve.
Mei was glad she didn’t have to wait long before Naruto left the Cloud-nin’s tiny studio.
Suppressing her chakra, she follows him the entire way to the Hokage monument. They were
the only two atop of the high monument, overlooking the bright village under the starry night
sky, and if she weren’t bringing dire news—and Naruto was a little taller than her—this
enchanting view would be the setting of a romantic fantasy she’d love to turn into reality. Mei
makes herself known when she casually leans on the railing next to him, turning his head and
striking him with her alluring presence. It’s a look she’s seen often and still enjoyed after so
many years.
Mei was a late bloomer; gangly with knobby knees, a small face, and large teeth. It took her
many years and a lot of training to grow into the beauty she is today. Model tall with a large
bust, athletically slender with captivating hips that add a curvaceous sway to her apple-
bottom. She wore a blue, long-sleeved crop-top with mesh insert. It was a bodice dress, the
hem of which reaches above her knees and is double-slit up to her hips so her legs were
unrestrained even if her mesh-legging thighs were enticingly visible. Contrasting the blue of
her outfit was her white, high-heel, knee-length sandals with shin-guards and white belt.
Her most noticeable feature, however, was her long auburn hair that went past her round butt
and accented with a top-knot. Long gone were the days her richly dignified hair was roughly
and unevenly cut nearly to the scalp. She had two bangs that frame her model face and
another that falls to the side, covering her whole right eye and leaving the left eye visible.
With fair, unblemished skin, seductive green eyes, the woman grew to be seductively
stunning. At twenty, she couldn’t turn a head, now at twenty-six, she knows men have
murdered to win a beauty like her.
Alone atop Konoha’s famed monument, she enjoyed why he’d be surprised by her close
proximity to him. And if Mei is honest, her looks never hurt when she’s negotiating for
something she needs.
“I bet a lot on you,” the woman casually said from beside him.
Looking around to be certain she’s talking to him, he sounded, “uhh, who are you?”
Chuckling weakly, Naruto grumbled, “haha… that doesn’t surprise me. So you actually bet
on me?”
“How could I not,” she answered, thinking, ‘especially with how much I know about your
abilities.’ As they watch the bright city under the night sky, Mei orates, “the whole world is
in the mind, you know. Any decision you make can be the death of you.”
Wondering if this is a pep-talk so she doesn’t lose her bet, he asked, “uh, you mean in the
“I mean in shogi,” she winningly answered. “…as in life. That Hitai-ate on your forehead, for
example. It’s the symbol of your life as a shinobi and demands total concentration or the very
worst is allowed to happen. Have you been forced to the brink of certain death?”
“Uh, yeah,” he casually answered, all the while eying her skeptically. In his mind, except for
Mabui and Samui, beautiful women don’t just enter his life for no reason and he asked as
much. “Is there a reason why you’re here?”
Broadening her charming moist-red lips into a smile, Mei returned, “do I need a reason to?”
“That’s because I’m not from Konoha,” she easily explained before continuing with her
death-related inquiry. “Did you change after being brought so close to death, or were you the
same as before?”
Dissatisfied with how lost he is, he asked to know, “where are you from?”
His eyes widen as his brows heighten in mild shock. Naruto quickly asked, “really? What are
you doing out here?”
With pouty red lips, Mei laments responding, “I’d hoped to meet the man of my dreams but I
fear I may have been stood up.” It didn’t tell him much and she asked, “so, were you?”
“About the death thing?” With her nod, he answered, “I… well, yeah, I stayed the same,
more or less.”
Lightly taken aback, she leans forward slightly over the waist-high rails and twists to look at
him as she asked, “truly?”
Naruto tried not to stare at the way her full breasts sway with her forward movement while he
answered, “y-yeah. But I wasn’t fighting just to fight. I had something to prove.”
Still leaning forward with part of auburn hair falling over her bare shoulder and seemingly
oblivious to the allure her gently swaying breasts is affecting him, she continued asking, “and
did you? Prove it?”
Leaning back with perfect posture again, she admitted, “I met death early in life, as many of
us in Kiri have,” and she felt Naruto pay more attention to her. “Constant violence,
competition, and deceit have an unparalleled way of shaping a boy or girl graduating the
Academy, but in doing so, that person’s heart, mind, and soul are on the same page; the most
direct route to power. It’s on their quest for dominion that they adopt the worst and most
callous actions, because in Kiri, only the strong survive, and worst yet, only the strongest
She can tell he’s not sure what to make of her as he deflects by asking, “uh, were you
supposed to meet this guy here? I can help with directions if you need.”
Turning around, Mei leans on the railing, straightening her posture so her chest juts out more
as she asked with playful concern, “ara, I’m not being a bother, am I?”
“No, no,” Naruto tries to reassure her. “No bother. I like meeting new people. I met a couple
from Kiri too. One’s my best friend.”
“A best friend from Kiri… that’s uplifting to hear,” Mei admits with a sweet smile. She
suddenly felt different then. Unless he’s a spectacular liar, she can tell he’s being honest. It
makes her want to be a little more open as she orates, “you know, strength and power may
move a man in the physical world but I believe Karma is the law of the spiritual world. When
you inevitably cross into the eternal lands, I don’t believe you can absolve your sins in this
life by claiming, ‘I was ordered to do that,’ or, ‘they threatened to kill me if I didn’t,’ or,
‘being virtuous was inconvenient.’ Your actions, and thus, your soul is in your keeping and
yours alone. Do you understand?”
“Yeah, I do,” Naruto thoughtfully answered. “I mean, I never put it as well as that but, yeah,
that makes sense.”
“What a pleasant feeling,” Mei sounded with content. “To know there are others who can
understand that, even if we’re not from the same country.”
“I don’t think we’re as alone as we think we are,” Naruto tells her with a mental smile for
Naru-nii and Kurama. “There are a lot of friends out there from places you’d never expected
to make them. I’m sure a nee-chan as pretty as you will meet loads who’ll understand you.”
“Mmn, how sweet of you to say,” Mei remarks with a sultry tone and seductive eyes that
bluntly stunned Naruto into recalling how captivating this woman is. “Sadly, I fear the
position of leadership is a lonely road.” Looking at her ring finger, she bemoaned, “even
though I long for the ring… for my country, I must choose the hat.”
Thinking it odd to bring up wardrobe challenges, Naruto simply suggests, “I know I just met
you, but as long as you’re not hurting anybody, I don’t see anything wrong with wearing a
ring with a hat.”
Rather than pointing out she meant the Kage’s hat, Mei simply laughs silently to herself;
incidentally jiggling her chest and shoulders for Naruto’s visual benefit. Even if she cleared
the confusion, she has little doubt his response would change. “Having already met Kiri-nin,
I’m certain you can see how villainous they can seem, especially with a nickname like the
Bloody Mist.”
“Haku’s weird, sure, but he’s not bad, like at all,” Naruto tells her. “And Zabuza… well, he’s
not all bad,” he tries without completely believing it.
Standing upright again and turning to the Hidden Leaf village, Mei proclaims, “that you
would admit as much confirms what I’ve longed believed. Kiri can be saved. It’s why I
chose, unlike many of my countrymen, to fight senseless violence, corruption, and betrayal;
to be an agent of life and order rather than death and destruction. So, I suppose I’m fighting
to prove something as well, Uzumaki-dono; to end the dark days of my village.”
His suspicion grows enough to be alarming and asks, “…are you really in Konoha to meet
someone or this a trick?”
“No, no,” Mei asserts with a slight shake of her head, swaying her beautiful auburn bangs.
“No trick. It wouldn’t do to spoil what could be between us by starting our first meeting with
deceit. However, I am guilty of omission.” With a sensual grin that makes him wish he hadn’t
left Mabui and Samui, Mei admitted, “the person I’m here to meet… is you.”
With flat lines for eyes, Naruto plainly states, “I’m going to need you to start making sense
here or I’m jumping down to Hokage Tower and telling them you’re from Kiri.”
Secure in herself, she answered with a confident smile, “as you wish, Uzumaki-dono. I
originally came here to purchase Kubikiribōchō, then I spoke with Zabuza and Haku, and
now I’m standing here overlooking your enchanting home because you’re someone that I
simply had to meet.”
“In a word: diplomacy,” she answered. “As citizens of Kiri, I’d like Haku and Zabuza to help
me quell the large-scale and on-going violence in our village, but, as they are both in your
employ—which I must admit is very impressive for one so young—I cannot do that without
your help.”
Taken aback by the information, Naruto asked with disbelief, “you want to take Haku back to
She duly noted, “I realize how much you mean to each other, and I understand I’m asking a
lot of you but I don’t mean to take without giving.”
In all her years as a leader of battle-hardened shinobi, it would be impossible for Mei to be in
the high position she is without the skill to debate with many stern, wrathful, or outdated
figures of power, which meant maneuvering Naruto was no challenge at all. She wasn’t
surprised when he curiously asked, “what for?”
“So you can warn him of an imminent attack,” Mei offered with her smile.
Drawing his brows together, he returned, “what are you talking about?”
‘Perhaps I’m leading too much,’ she thought before explaining, “I came across information
that heavily suggests Konoha is about to be attacked by Otogakure and your ally,
Sunagakure. I realize that may be difficult to believe, but if we can speak with your Hokage, I
can show him the location of the Sound garrison hidden just beyond your village’s
kekkaijutsu.” Mei understands the positive image that’ll give Naruto and explained, “you’ll
look like a hero to your peers and leaders and all I ask in return is that we have a discussion
about the various ways you’d allow Haku and Zabuza to assist me in Kiri.”
Naruto seems skeptical about her intel but Mei knew that so long as he believed even a small
degree of her claims, she can’t imagine he’d refuse. It’s not as if she’s asking for much, to
begin with, but Mei became confused when he responded, “no, that’s okay. I don’t mind
talking later but all that extra stuff’s unnecessary.”
Mei couldn’t know her show of good faith would get in the way of Naruto’s plan, and though
he’s not reacting as she’d expected, feeling less strength in her position doesn’t mean she’s
one to panic. She assured him, “I’m not lying, Uzumaki-dono. I wouldn’t do so when the
ultimate goal is for mutual trust.”
“You can call me Naruto,” the blond offered with a broad smile. “And I know you’re not.
That’s not what this is about, but I can’t explain it to you. So… sorry.”
Taking less than a second to think, she countered, “do you mean to say Konoha is already
aware? …And they’re allowing it?” Naruto’s silence seems enough for her to say, “I see. I
hadn’t expected Hokage-dono to risk the lives of his villagers like this-”
“That’s not what’s happening,” Naruto assured her with stern eyes. “Look, I really can’t
explain it, and more than that, I don’t know you. You have my word we can talk about Haku
and your village later but we can’t right now. You should leave the village for tomorrow, or
stay with the villagers. You’ll be safe with them.”
If he hadn’t said that, Mei might suspect he’s in the process of betraying his village,
especially when she considered how many nights he’s been spending with those kunoichi
from Kumo. Though she doesn’t like the fact Naruto would sell out his home, such an
outcome would be to her benefit. Still, it’s all highly unlikely. Everything she can see about
him says he’s not the type to betray others, or Zabuza would never have given Haku up to
“How about I remain with Haku instead,” she proposed. “I assure you I can take care of
myself and it would be in my best interest if he remained safe as well.”
Returning his attention to the seductive Mei, Naruto warily answers her proposition. “…I
guess that’s fine,” before warning her, “just so you know, this would be a real show of faith.
If you try anything-”
“I won’t,” she insisted, happily turning to overlook the village. “You have my word, because,
among equals, our word is our only bond,” she tells him before leaving him to his peace.
With a small microphone by his mouth, Genma welcomes the viewing masses before
establishing the very limited rules; the match continues until submission, the moderator calls
it, or death. “I’ll now bring out our Genin candidates by order of match. First, from
Sunagakure: Kankurō.” With his hands in his pockets and a long toothpick in his mouth, the
Jōnin doesn’t look to his right from which the Kazakage’s second-born son enters.
To the cheer of the crowd, Kankurō enters the arena in his black baggy puppeteer’s costume,
hood with cat-like ears, and his wrapped puppet on his back. Walking into the open dirt and
grass field, Kankurō observes the battlefield with every step, memorizing the terrain for any
possible advantage until he reaches the spot Genma indicates he stand on. Looking up at the
Kage’s balcony, Kankurō wonders why his father didn’t meet them earlier in the morning as
they planned on; even Baki couldn’t explain the delay. As Kankurō wonders why his father is
wearing a white veil cloth over most of his face, Genma’s voice is broadcasted throughout the
festive arena.
Leaving the wide access tunnel all the other opposition wait in, wearing his dark sunglasses,
light gray jacket with a high, upturned collar, Shino walks out onto the spacious field. He
ignores the ovation to recite his sensei and clan’s battle strategy in his mind, though he does
spare some thought to where Naruto might be. After his display during the preliminaries and
his sensei’s explanation of having two chakras, he’s been on all the rookies’ minds. Standing
a few paces away from Kankurō, Genma continues with the participants of the following
“With our second contest,” Genma orates. “From Sunagakure: Temari,” and along with
whistling cat-calls, the crowd cheers for the beautiful Sand princess.
However, Temari ignores the adulation. Having never felt so torn, Temari has come to dread
this day. Turning around, the sandy-blond kunoichi feels great concern for her little brother
and the absent Naruto. Observing how on edge a disturbed Gaara is, it’s her hope Naruto ran
away, because no matter how cowardly that would make him, at least he’ll still be alive. With
a strong intake of air, she says a small prayer for a fortunate outcome—no matter how that
might look—before exiting the tall cement access hallway toward the center of the makeshift
landscape. With her every step, her mind recalls with vibrant detail the past two weeks of her
mission surrounding, ‘Naruto.’
After Temari assured him that nine spouses or concubines would allow him and future
Uzumakis to marry and produce more heirs and clan members without the fear of genetic
deformities, Naruto still seemed confused by her proposition. Whether it’s due to her
unexpectedly quick turn-around on polyamory or the possibility he sensed her disapproval of
what she simply labels as consensual infidelity, she couldn’t say, however, her research is
sound and she offered it to show him as well her amendment to their Omiai.
To get him back on board, she acquiesced, “fine.” Turning around she called, “follow me.”
“Actually, yeah,” Naruto honestly admitted. Her mind immediately makes plans for later in
the day when he responds, “but I can start it with clones and catch up later. Let’s go.”
After making a clone, Temari takes him straight to their suite at one of Konoha’s fanciest
hotels, all the while he explains how a three or four-member polycule was more his train of
thought. Naruto is amazed by the opulence of the rooms as Temari explained nine members is
simply the lowest number necessary to avoid deformities or weaknesses should he want his
clan’s blood to remain as pure as possible. As she led him to Gaara’s room, he replied how
little something like that mattered to him. Without preamble, she knocks sharply on the heavy
A slow hissing, like running sand, could be heard behind the door and instantly Temari
reacted with agitated alertness. The door opened slowly and with the darkness of the room
behind him contrasting with his pale skin, blood-red hair, and light-green eyes rimmed by
dark sleepless lines, he appeared as if out of a nightmare. With his short-sleeved black body-
suit and white sash across his chest, Gaara was silent as he stared at them.
With tremendous effort, Temari clears her throat and introduced the boys. “Gaara, this is
Uzumaki Naruto, my fiancé-”
Temari hastened to get this over with and finished, “Naruto, my little brother Gaara.”
“Yo,” he merrily called out, surprising Temari to hold her breath. When Naruto extended his
fist for a bump, she was sure Gaara would take that as a sign of aggression and engage them,
but he simply stared at the fist as Naruto finished, “how’s it going?”
Turning his icy green eyes on Naruto, Gaara only asked, “do you feel it?”
Internally, Temari was shocked to hear that. Externally she was still holding her breath. Her
technically-accurate-fiancé just claimed to love her in front of her brother and somehow it
suddenly felt more substantial. The hallway seems hotter to her and she pondered whether
that made her happy or sad to hear.
“The best way to destroy a person is to fill them with love, then take it away,” Gaara
professed. With wide, hungry eyes, her homicidal little brother declared, “next we meet, I’m
going to relish mixing your still warm blood with the endless sand; proving my existence to
the world.”
Before Naruto could say anymore, Gaara slammed the door behind on them. Her blond target
tried to yell through the door but Temari convinced him to save it for another day. She then
took him to her suite on the opposite side of the top level. The one question Temari wanted to
ask Naruto in the privacy of her suite was at what point did he fall in love with her when it
suddenly dawned on her.
She claps her hand over her forehead for her lapse in logic when she voiced, “of course…
you meant your love for this other woman, didn’t you?”
Momentarily distracted by the gold and navy blue layout, tall curtained windows, and opulent
furnishing of the beautiful room, Naruto hummed, “huh?” Then realized, “oh, yeah. I have a
lot of important people in my life, but yeah, I love her.”
Feeling rejected, the daughter of the Kazekage hotly contested, “and somehow, you actually
believe you could love me too? Equally?”
“It’s not like it’s a competition,” Naruto assured her. “If you met her… well, it’s like being
introduced to another person you could love just as much as you could love me. The three of
us would just love each other and we could build something together, but, it’s super important
to be honest with each other. If that’s something you think you can do, great, but if not, we
can still be best of friends-”
“Then let’s be honest,” Temari interrupted, eager to stop feeling rejected as a woman or a
failure as a kunoichi. With stern determination, Temari brings it down to reality, callously
citing, “before sister-wives, marriages, engagements, or even girlfriends; before any of that
very challenging concept, I’m- …I’m scared you’re going to die. How’s that for honesty? I’m
truly terrified that my little brother is going to kill you.”
Almost with a bored face, Naruto assured her, “he’s not going to kill me.”
“You don’t know that,” she heatedly argues, asking with aggravation, “how many people
have you killed?”
It wasn’t a stretch of the imagination for Temari to guess, “you were trying to incapacitate
them, right? I can easily imagine those two or three shinobi you killed likely died from their
injuries and not because you maliciously ripped them apart to bathe in their blood?”
“Gaara has killed scores of men and he doesn’t do it to incapacitate.” She tries desperately to
make him realize, “he butchers them for fun. As much as we like to predict what might
happen, no one knows the future! You or I could die any day, but between the two of us,
you’re the one that has to face my brother, which means the chances that’s it’s you is
exponentially higher.” In that moment, it’s strangely sinking in. What was ordered of her was
suddenly feeling like an outcome she doesn’t want. “…we’re two weeks away from the exam
and I’m only now realizing he could very well kill you-”
“Hey,” he called, standing closer to her, filling her vision with his whiskered face. “He’s not
going to kill me,” he reiterated, but the look on her face read she didn’t believe him. “Let’s be
honest, then. I like you Temari, you’re wicked smart and beautiful and fun and I like your
family too. Even the one that wears makeup-”
Chuckling, Naruto smiled as he nodded before continuing, “I know you think I’m crazy for
trying to reach out to Gaara but I know we’re alike. Hell, I could’ve been just like him…
which also means he could be like me… if he had someone like I did. I just have to show him
that and he won’t be that crazy murderer you’re afraid of. He could be someone great.
Someone amazing. Maybe your Kazekage one day.”
That, more than anything else shook her to her core. For her village, that’s lived in such fear
of him for so long, to somehow get over that to accept him as a person and Kazekage… The
clarity and faith in Naruto’s eyes were unwavering and Temari can’t help but gasp before
slowly asking, “…you really think that, don’t you?”
With his cocky smile, he asserted, “damn right I do,” and Temari kissed him then and there.
The energy in her kiss was made of bountiful gratitude and a bit of hope, as if she wanted to
believe him. He kissed her back with just as much energy, and for some reason, he felt
honest, comforting, and trusting, which then slowed them down. Their locked lips suddenly
became gentle, patient, softer as their faces relaxed against one another. She felt her heart
pounding in her ears, and placing her hand on his chest, she could feel his heart thundering as
well. The feel of his hot chest was more doubt that one day his beating heart would stop and
her brother would be the cause. In that singular moment, without her village in mind, Temari
felt like she didn’t want Naruto to die. Her roused body wanted him alive and she snatched
his white collar, pulling him in for a much deeper kiss.
Cupping her jawline while snagging her waist, Naruto’s matured passion pulled her in like
gravity she couldn’t withstand, connecting them at the waist as her soft breasts pressed
against his hard chest. She matched his passion, if not his experience, and they made out for
several minutes. He led her head tilts and shifts and she happily followed as their hot saliva-
covered tongues caress each other, muffled by locked lips.
The way he kissed her felt as if he wanted something honest and real with her but that only
made her heart ache more. To detract from her mission of deception, Temari unzips his
jacket, snaked her hands under his shirt and caressed his hot skin while pulling him
desperately to her bedroom. His own hands were massaging the back of her elegant neck and
the arch of her lower back and the blonds were only escalating as they neared her large soft
bed, but Naruto also felt the danger.
Temari was ready to give herself to him and feel anything but the gnawing ache in her heart
but she couldn’t know that Naruto wouldn’t allow her to sacrifice that ultimate line on a lie. It
wouldn’t be right, so as much as Temari was ready to commit to his sexual gratification in
any position he desired, Naruto pulled away.
Breathing heavily, she was shocked and didn’t understand why he stopped. She remembered
thinking, ‘is he rejecting me again?’
Catching his breath, Naruto huffed, “after.” Her curious eyes made him elaborate, “I’d be
happy to go all the way with you after the finals.” Before Temari can repeat her same point of
contention, he told her, “and if Gaara kills me, then at least you can experience your first time
with someone lucky enough to be loved by you.”
That struck Temari as more mature than he lets on. It’s highly unlikely that other boys or men
would pass up such an opportunity with her and yet, this loud and enthusiastic blond is
showing restraint and integrity well beyond his years; as if he had no rush to lose his
virginity. It’s astounding to her that this boy she mistook for a complete buffoon seems to
genuinely care for her brother and her virtue. From an emotional place within her, Temari
was burning to respond, “…you’re lucky enough… If you really mean that-”
“Of course I mean it,” he responded, adding with a cocky smirk, “look who you’re talking
A blushing Temari wanted to believe he’s lying; as a shinobi couldn’t be this good. But her
teal-colored eyes are telling her he’s not, making her genuinely express, “I don’t want to
regret… not being with you any more than I already-”
“Temari,” Naruto huffs, softly caressing her rosy cheek and elegant neck. “Just because I
won’t go all the way right now, doesn’t mean we can’t do other stuff.” Naruto bent his knees
enough so his hands could take a firm grip of her round rear-end and rhythmically paw the
strong cheeks together, thoroughly stunting her thought process. She blushes furiously at his
boldness as he massages her strong malleable posterior, telling her, “after the exams, we can
explore more, but for now, we can do everything else… if you want, I mean.”
His hands move to remove her red sash, followed by her long-sleeved purple tactical blouse.
Though he told her to say when she’d like to stop, she never did. Soon enough, she was in her
black, lace underwear and suddenly wished she thought to put on something sexier; luckily,
his enamored eyes and dopey grin seemed to say he doesn’t mind. Temari blushed furiously.
Maintaining eye contact, he easily lifts her by her butt and lets her fall back on the fluffy
queen-sized bed.
Temari couldn’t know that Naruto was doing what he and Kurenai always had a problem
practicing: foreplay. The teacher and student had done many activities that preceded sex, but
once they were ready mentally as much as physically, Kurenai and Naruto always indulged in
deep interior stuffing. With Temari, there’s a limited border by which she and Naruto could
play in but he was confident he could make her feel good. Of everything Kurenai taught him,
Naruto gave Temari the very best experience from combination play and he loved exploring
her body.
He found she responded well to the common erogenous zones, her lips, neck—especially
around the base of her skull—her B-cup breasts, her strong round glutes, her thighs, behind
her knees, her calves, and her slippery sex. He learned she loves light nail-scratching of her
sensitive scalp so much it makes her left leg kick; a good finisher, he noted. He learned how
excitable she became when he played with her asshole; a good stimulant, he tallied.
Armed with a good finisher and stimulant, Naruto played Temari’s sensitive zones like a
fiddle, arousing her most stimulating sexual responses with practiced hands and stoking a
passionate fire in her she never knew existed. Temari didn’t know. She didn’t know how
much she would respond to his nimble fingers, strong hands, and rough tongue. She didn’t
even know she had so many areas that could cull so much stimulation. Her heart rate sped up
when he began massaging her feet or head because she knows he’s going to make his way to
her wet center. Her breast swelled when he expertly massaged and played with her nipples.
Her toes curled when he massaged her inner thigh or above her crotch where her hips hinge
toward her sex.
And when he first ate her out, rubbing the rich nerve endings of her pubic mound whilst
licking and sucking on her labia, clitoris, and beyond with his strong course tongue, she
didn’t know he could make her reach her peak frequently. When his plunging fingers found
her g-spot as his tongue slide up and down her sensitive love bud, Temari ripped the sheets
her clenched grip from her explosive orgasm. Nearly every day after, he would bring her to
ecstasy seven or eight times in one session and Temari felt her body belonged to his skill. He
especially enjoyed when she tried to fight the steady building of pleasure. The challenge
always made him want to make her beg for it by denying her orgasms just before eruption.
For two weeks, they’d hung-out and converse around all the heavy foreplay. He’d thoroughly
satisfy her with his hands, mouth, played with her ass, used a toy vibrator and his Fūinjutsu
Ero-tags. He’s seen her completely nude, made her cum dozens of times, even took a nap
together, yet they’ve never had sex.
In the beginning, she imagined he would break at some point, but he never did, and when she
attempted to push him into it, he would always pull away. He’d remind her that the best time
for them to go all the way was when it was their choice and not because she’s scared he’ll
die. With the few days they had left, Temari just couldn’t argue against that.
Though Temari was supposed to stand next to Shino in the wide-open area, she stands beside
her little brother. For someone as confident and as intelligent as her, she was having difficulty
determining if she succeeded or failed in her mission. It nearly felt as if she didn’t deserve the
boisterous adoration of the crowd. Still, the day of reckoning is here and she made decisions
she will have to find a way to live with. Looking up at her father’s oddly covered face, she
thought, ‘today’s the end.’
Genma didn’t care enough about where Temari stood to make a stink about it, and instead
introduces, “her opponent, from Konohagakure: Nara Shikamaru.”
Wearing his short-sleeved gray jacket over his wire-mesh shirt and brown pants, the bored
Nara genius leaves the darker hallway for the wide-open and sunny field ahead. He pays
more attention to the clouds moving at a snail’s pace above than the annoying loud shouting
from the stands or his opponent as he takes his spot beside Shino.
Sitting between Chōji and Sakura, Ino watches her teammate take the dirt stage. Though
she’s worried about the lazy pineapple-head, she can’t help but think he’ll be alright. Of all
the contestants in this tournament, the only one that causes her any fear is Sabaku no Gaara.
From behind them, Chōji, Ino, and Sakura can also hear villagers jabbering about things they
don’t understand.
They hear, “I’m looking forward to seeing Uchiha Sasuke win the finals. I put fifty thousand
on him.”
“What? No way,” a second villager calls out. “Not over Hyūga Neji. You should’ve just given
your ryō to me.”
“Hey, hey,” a third villager announces. “Did you two forget Sabaku no Gaara is the
Kazekage’s son. He’s definitely been receiving Kage level training all his life! Don’t be
surprised if he kills it today!”
Ino’s heart hardens and her lungs feel like they’re drowning in poisonous gas. For comfort,
she takes Sakura’s hand and fondly recalls her night with Naruto to settle her rising
Three days before the Chūnin exam, rather than spend the recreational hour in Sakura’s room
in the Yamanaka home, or her room in her parent’s house, or the cave at the waterfall, or
Naruto’s room at Iruka’s, Naruto was messaged to meet Sakura in Ino’s room. And Sakura
wasn’t alone. Ino was there as well, at her desk.
Confused, Naruto looked at Sakura curiously as she puts away her scrolls and materials, and
returned, “hey?”
Standing, Sakura stretches her arms outward, announcing to the room, “I’m going to get us
some drinks.” As Sakura left the room, Ino packed away her study materials as well.
“Judging by the way she specifically demanded I be here,” Ino began to answer. “I’m
guessing she’s trying to set us up.”
Nodding in amused disbelief, Ino answered, “for a smart girl, she can be pretty simple
sometimes,” and Naruto snickered.
Ino wasn’t sure how she felt about Sakura’s plan. She loves Naruto and wants to be with him,
but the stigma of what she did makes her feel criminal, guilty, and unworthy. If she gave him
her everything and he eventually realized that she wasn’t worth as much as she boasted, she’s
certain it would break her. She loves being confident and gaining the admiration behind it,
but with someone as good as Naruto, she can still worry. In her mind, it all came down to, ‘I
made horrible mistakes, he’s a good guy, so how could it ever work?’
As things stand, he was her first, she met a mentor in Kurenai because of him, and he still
wants to be friends. Though that should be enough for Ino, Sakura is springing this horribly
thought out opportunity and in her heart of hearts, she wants so desperately to take it. Feeling
her mind give her probabilities as she playfully asked, “do you want to do something fun?”
Her cocksure eyes makes him observe her with a mix of wary amusement. He walked to her
bed and sits before cautiously inquiring, “like what?”
Grinning that he didn’t outright dismiss her, she pointed out, “she still thinks I’m a virgin.”
“…Okay,” Naruto sounded before asking, “are you going to tell her?”
“One day,” Ino answered with a shrug. She scanned her door before visually mapping a
trajectory to the seated Naruto. As part of her plan, she gripped his shoulders and moved the
confused boy closer to the halfway point of her bed as she explained, “right now that doesn’t
really matter. What does is this plan of hers that I’d absolutely love to turn on its head if
you’re game.” His suspicious look is all the question she needed before answering, “I bet you
anything she’ll lose it if I watch you guys.”
Something like that might’ve raised his blond eyebrows before, but after Mabui and Samui,
Naruto simply hums aloud, feigning deep thought before playfully guessing, “it sounds more
like you just want to watch.”
Without even denying it, Ino quickly replied, “of course I want to watch, but hand-to-heart, I
assure you that has almost nothing to do with it…”
“Knowing her, I’m sure she’d get off on it,” Ino continued. “She’s kinkier than she lets on,”
Steamy memories of eight or so sessions with his teammate, Naruto nodded vehemently as he
agreed, “Oh, I know! Talk about a shocker. It’s like there’s another girl in there sometimes.”
Naruto can’t help but feed off of Ino’s mischievous personality. Looking at her, it’s as if she
has no doubt she’ll have her way. So much so he’d almost be scared if she set her eyes on
becoming Hokage. Smiling, Naruto said, “I’d be willing to play with the idea, but, if she’s
When Sakura returned, she set the tray down as Ino sat next to Naruto and poured two cups
of green tea while explaining, “I hate to leave you both but I forgot I had to do something
with kaa-san.” Ino and Naruto’s blue eyes connect for a split second as Sakura continued. “I
know I made you come all the way here so maybe you and Ino can chat. We’ve all been so
busy training, it’s almost impossible to see each other. You guys should definitely use this
opportunity to catch up.”
Playfully acting concerned, Ino asked, “what about your recreational time? I wouldn’t want
to get in the way.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Sakura replied waving her concern away. “This close to the finals, it’s for
the best if Naruto rests his body.”
“Of course,” she answered. “Planned rest, a.k.a. the Art of Tapering. Due to your training,
your body and chakra are used to a certain level of activity and fatigue, so, before any
physically demanding event, you can optimize your performance by resting for a day or two.
As you taper and rest before the event, the mind, body, and chakra become restless and you
feel more energy than you know what to do with.”
“Hmm, good to know,” Naruto remarked with a smile. His mind reasoned it would give him
extra time to plant stacks of seals around the village.
“Still, that’s two days away and Naruto tends to have way more energy to begin with,” Ino
pointed out. Turning to Sakura, she added with a thoughtful hum, “I wouldn’t feel right about
taking your time.”
“It’s no problem, Ino,” Sakura stated. “Just keep him company for me and I’ll be happy with
“Well, I’m not really doing much, but of course,” the pink-haired girl remarked, warmly
adding, “we’re sisters after all.”
“Aww, I think it’s great you two are so close,” Naruto couldn’t help but say, knowing full
well Ino’s smiling on the inside. “I’ve missed talking to you, Ino… but I feel bad for backing
out of Sakura’s time.”
“Maybe we could just hang-out; the three of us,” Naruto suggested, and Ino hums internally
with delight.
“Yeah,” Ino boasted. “That’d be much better. Come on Sakura. I see you around but it’s
usually in passing and you’re always busy training and studying, you barely eat with us.”
“Perfect,” Ino called. Hopping to her feet, Ino takes Sakura’s hand and rushes back to the
bed. She’d already timed and aimed so that the pair of beauties crashed perfectly into Naruto,
making Sakura yelp, “Ino!” Ino landed on Naruto’s left, pulling her pink-haired friend to land
flat on his right as his hands smoothly snake around both of their backs. Catching them, they
settle on the bed.
“Moh, Ino,” Sakura bemoaned, pressed snugly against Naruto. “What are you-”
Sakura is interrupted when Ino began kissing Naruto, widening her green eyes. It stunned her
to be inches away from their heated make out. With effort, Ino pulled away to turn to a
blushing Sakura and innocently asked, “are you okay?” Ino’s hand slides down to his crotch
and began rubbing him over his clothes as they wait for Sakura’s reply.
The calm way they’re acting and with half of her body is laying on Naruto, Sakura had to
ask, “wha…what are you two doing?”
Tilting her head curiously, Ino sweetly asked, “what do you mean? I’m getting my boyfriend
ready for my sister.” Sakura suddenly felt very hot.
Rubbing her ass with his hand, Naruto asked, “weren’t you the one who wanted to have sex
with me even if Ino was my girlfriend?”
“How could I not be with two gorgeous kunoichis in my arms,” Naruto replied.
Ino watched him knead and massage Sakura’s round ass cheeks over her white short-shorts,
making the girl spread her legs a little more every so often. With her eyes closed, Sakura was
silent while Ino stroked Naruto, looking from the blonds to his popped out groin and deep in
thought. With minimal strength, Naruto easily slides Sakura over him, straddling his hard-on
while he continued to massage her bubble-butt.
“I can tell you want it… you’re soaking for it,” he added when his fingers felt her dampness
soak her white shorts as he slowly thrusts up, drawing out the weighted soft-on-hard contact.
Sliding into a position behind Sakura, both girls are straddling his aroused groin and strong
thighs as Ino singed, “she likes it rough, right?” Ino knows—likely as Naruto learned—
Sakura’s body quite well. The beautiful blond unbuttons Sakura’s shorts before sliding her
hand down her panties and their pink-haired plaything leans forward, resting her hand on
Naruto’s chest with eyes clenched closed. “I bet she’s going to cum all over my bed,” Ino
assured Naruto, fingering her horny sister as Naruto massaged her pert breasts while lightly
bumping his restrained hardness against Sakura’s soaked pussy. Ino whispered in her ear,
“this is where I sleep Sakura. Is a pretty little cum-slut like you going to gush all over my
Ino surprised Sakura by kissing her. As Naruto watched them making-out, he knew this
wasn’t going to be like Mabui and Samui. Ino would need to confess to Sakura that’s she’s
not a virgin, and likely the circumstances around it. So when Naruto commanded Sakura to
unzip him, he knew his pink-haired teammate was going to be the only one partaking, but Ino
would contribute heavily.
From behind, Ino played with Sakura’s breast and nipple as she stroked Sakura’s mound. She
slid in two fingers breaking Sakura’s concentration as she attempted to remove Naruto’s
pants. Ino remembered exactly where Sakura felt the juiciest pleasure and curls her fingers
around her sensitive folds and grooves. Between the two blonds, Sakura is mindlessly
aroused and wet, exciting Ino so much she shoves Sakura to her side, her back on the bed
before she slides the pinkette’s white shorts down enough to comfortably returning to her
gushing center.
Feeling her walls twitch, Ino moans beside her ear, “are you going to cum already, Sakura?”
Naruto removed Sakura’s shorts and panties before bringing her hot legs vertically against his
chest. He’s massaging her inner thighs as Ino inches her closer to her first orgasm.
“WaiT- Ahnn… Mmnn… I-Ino…. Ahn, Na-Naruto,” Sakura moaned. When Ino sucked on
her nipple and rubbed her clit, Sakura broke, moaning, “AH!… mmmmnnnn… HAA!”
“There’s my girl,” Ino whispered proudly. “She’s ready for you,” she told Naruto before
kissing the moaning Sakura once again. Rock-hard, Naruto eagerly slides his head in before
gripping her hips then thrusts just as hard as Sakura likes it, reaching her dripping cervix in
the first thrust.
“AAHHHH!!” Sakura moans before rupturing in bouts of spasms from the vibrating ecstasy.
“Wa- Wait! I’m- Ahh… st-still- Ahhn! Mmmnnn… sensi-sitive!”
“My boyfriend hasn’t even gotten started, sis,” Ino whispered. “Show me that beautiful O-
face, Sakura. Let me see how much you love it.”
Naruto humped her spread vanilla legs, pounding her tight pink richness with everything he
has. Ino then straddles Sakura’s stomach, giving Naruto an arousing view of her kissing and
kneading his teammate’s sensitive breasts to Sakura’s second orgasm. Her soaked love
muscle clenched him tightly as she quakes and spasms erotically under Ino. Her juices
dribble onto the bed and floor as she settled enough for Naruto to begin again. With Ino on
top of her, rocking with his thrusts, Sakura is wrecked with two more massive orgasms before
Naruto finally empties his balls deep inside her.
They flip her around and for the remainder of the hour, Ino helped Sakura topple over her
pleasure peak nearly twice as much as normal. Sakura was so aroused by receiving double
the amount of attention from people who knew her body, she reached her fevered O early and
often. Naruto didn’t even need to go hard, and by the end, Sakura is naked, faced down, and
twitching on the bed as she revels in the pleasant aftermath of reaching her bliss so many
As it was all about Sakura, Ino never had to take her top and shorts off, but still followed
Naruto into the bathroom when he said he needed to clean up. Watching Sakura nap on her
bed before closing the bathroom door, Ino asked him, “that didn’t go like she planned, did
Chuckling, he answered, “I don’t think she minds.” He splashes his face with water before
turning to her. She was happy to note he looked her over. She couldn’t exactly blame him.
After all of that intense and arousing assisting, Ino was left incredibly horny. She recalled her
womanhood being pushed by his thrust and pushing back herself as he fucked Sakura. Her
heart was pumping blood to her sensitive body and she was feeling dizzy with want.
Observing her curiously, Naruto cautiously asked, “Ino, are you alright?”
“Honestly,” Ino heaved, swallowing before shaking her head. “…I’m not. But I don’t want to
ruin anything by asking…” They’re alone now and she wants him.
Moving closer to her did not make her feel better as he asked, “are you… excited?”
Squeezing her eyes shut was the only way she can resist her urges, but her body nodded. He
moved just inches from her as he explained, “I really do feel like we’ve come a long way…”
That was consent enough for her and she’s ready to take off her honey-soaked clothes until he
said, “but, there’s something I have to tell you and I don’t think you’re going to like it.”
Gaining a bit of apprehensive clarity, Ino realized what he meant. What she thought about
their chances was accurate after all. ‘Of course, he’d be too good for a manipulator like me,’
her mind screamed as she tried to put on a brave face. “I- no, I understand,” she struggled to
say. “I wouldn’t date me after what I did either-”
“Ino, stop it,” Naruto vehemently proclaimed. “That’s not it at all! I have such strong feelings
for you… and I can’t call it like it is because the way I think about love changed. What’s
important to me is our trust in each other, our friendship, and our honesty and it’s because
you mean so much to me that I have to be honest… I have to tell you… I… I’m p-
polyamorous, which, I know how selfish that sounds-”
“Wait,” Ino called, shaking her head as if to try and make sense of it. Half of her arousal
forgotten, Ino’s mind begs for more information. ‘He can’t mean what I think he means,’ her
mind tried to reason as she asked, “you’re… you want to be in multiple relationships?”
“No,” Naruto quickly replied. “I want to be in one. It just happens to have more than two
people in it.”
Thrown for an unstable loop, a dizzy Ino gasped as she asked in sheer disbelief, “more than
two… how’s that even work?”
“Honestly, I have no idea,” Naruto emphatically stated with wide eyes. She wanted to
demand, ‘how could you not know about such an outrageous thing,’ when he pointed out
with his chin toward her occupied bed, “it’s like whatever happened in that room.” He
shrugged as he said, “it just is. Believe me, I’d be happy with a normal two-person
relationship, but, if, for example, you and I were a couple and you wanted more with
“We can have more of that without the three of being in one relationship,” Ino tried to protest.
“And how honest would that be,” Naruto returned. He scrunched his brow to ask, “if we were
a couple, how fair would that be to Sakura’s love life? How fair would it be to hold her back
like that or hell, put that on- …on anyone she dates.”
“You mean Sasuke,” she guessed out loud.
“She still has feelings for him,” Naruto told her. “And it feels wrong to hide things that make
us happy. If you want something, you say it out loud, and if you can’t, then… maybe it’s not
“No,” she hotly called. “He tried to kill you! He’s too… Until he has a major breakthrough in
his life, he’s a danger in my eyes and Sakura would be infinitely better without him.”
“I’m working on it,” Naruto said with a small grin. “For now, if you and I were in a
relationship, I’d be more than happy to share our love—our everyday life together—with
Sakura and receive her love as well. But it’s not something to be ashamed of where were
keep it a secret.” He takes a step back and scratches the back of her neck as he confesses,
“because that’s what this means to me… more love from people we love.”
Aside from being angry and horny, Ino didn’t know how she felt about his shocking
revelation. Though she doesn’t know much about the lifestyle, with her family, she’s heard of
the social study. Polyamorous relationships come across as something unpractical, unrealistic,
taboo, and selfish. She can easily think about the number of men who have cheated on a girl
simply because the opportunity arose. It’s not something to condone… ‘but can this be
considered any of that? It’s not like Naruto is the average guy?’
She looks at his nervous and apprehensive face, red with perspiration from sex with Sakura
and she listened to what he said. ‘He doesn’t know how he’s polyamorous,’ she thought. He
only knows he’s happy to be her boyfriend as well as have sex with Sakura… ‘as any man
would,’ she thought. ‘But it’s not like I’m against him having sex with her either.’ Ino felt
deep in her heart she was fine with Naruto and Sakura having sex, even if she were Naruto’s
girlfriend. ‘Wouldn’t that mean I’m also polyamorous,’ Ino’s mind questioned. She knows
she’s not trying to cheat on Naruto by also being with Sakura. In Ino’s mind, her relationship
with both of them feels acceptable because, to put it simply, it’s Naruto and Sakura. Naruto
seems to be taking the brave step of just admitting it aloud. ‘Braver than me,’ she thought.
Before Naruto could leave or finish his sentence, Ino grabbed his sleeve and asked, “if I were
fine with that… what would your honest feelings toward me be?”
“I can say I love you, Ino,” Naruto effortlessly admitted, and Ino’s knees weakened. His eyes
were so compassionate, if she wasn’t leaning against the door, she’s certain she would’ve
buckled. ‘He loves me,’ her mind sings as her chest swell. Ino would cry if she didn’t think it
would make her look overly emotional. Naruto then explained, “but because I love you, I
can’t ask you to be something you’re not.”
And she understood then. Naruto’s intention can’t be measured by other men. She knows
who he is, she loves who he is, and even though she also loves Sakura, she explained to him,
“I need some time, but, however I land on all of that… I’ll think about it after.”
Ino kissed him deeply, and like a sponge soaking in water, her womanhood absorbed him; his
scent, his feel, his heat, his strength, his love. Her legs tightened as she pulled him to press
her flat against the door. Ino felt cushy soft and gushing with ecstasy. Its been so long, like
falling off the wagon, she was rapidly falling for her drug of choice.
When they finally pull away after seven breathless minutes of making out, he asked, “are you
sure? I don’t want to-”
“Just shut up and fuck me,” she demanded in a trance before grabbing his face and taking his
lips again.
When his strong unyielding hand ripped open the flimsy material of her shorts and panties,
Naruto was out of his pants with his shapely knob pressed against her soaking entrance a
second later. She had that second to feel everything; pressed against the door, the dead silence
of the world around them, soaking around his thick crown, overly sensitive with vivid
memories of always succumbing to the pleasure of his thick member.
His cock slams her wet depth with one thrust, shooting her head up as she moaned,
“MMMMNNNNnnn… Kami, it’s been too long!” Her entire hormonal body is like a
twitching vice around his throbbing rod and she can feel him twitch up to her mouth.
Pressing his head to the side of hers as he groans, “oouuuuuuhhhh, this is the sweet pussy
I’ve missed.” Naruto then kissed her—kissed her like he loves her—and Ino’s mind white-
washes as bliss drowns her. “I’ve missed you Ino. So much…”
Ino felt like a run-on of many miniature orgasms as he continued fucking her into the door,
but somehow, her gushing body also builds to a massive orgasm. Naruto gripped her fleshy
ass as he slammed into her hot wet depth repeatedly, taking her higher and higher to that
massive drop. His teeth nibbled at her neck before kissing her and sucking on her tongue,
slamming balls deep into her until he finally unloaded an enormous quantity of thick semen
in her womb. Ino saw white before her massive orgasm shattered her soft and sweaty body,
drowning her in trembling ecstasy for never-ending minutes.
With Sakura likely to wake up any moment, they couldn’t go for more than one session, but it
was the sweetest reunion for them.
Returning her smile, Sakura recalls her time with the other blond staple in her life.
The very next day after Naruto agreed to help with her stress and fatigue relief, he was
nervous and concerned when they met again. Alone in her silent room, they both were, with
reason. Sex with a friend and teammate while Sakura has confusing feelings about their other
teammate had great potential to go very badly and neither one of them wanted that. When
Naruto simply offered a full-body deep-tissue massage, she accepted, thinking they can ease
into anything else if it felt right. However, Sakura had forgotten how effective his hands were
and her body readily remembered the feeling he brought out in her the night they had sex and
was dripping of arousal after thirty-minutes.
It still amazed Sakura that of all the men in the village she could have a consensual sexual
relationship with, Uzumaki Naruto is the one deep dicking her to her repeated and prolonged
satisfaction. Her mind questioned it often and it took some mental gymnastics to be
teammates out of the bedroom, but sex bunnies as soon as the door was closed. But she
couldn’t deny how much she gripped him tightly when he pumped into her, that she wanted
more, or that she loved the feeling of his thick load pooling heavy and hot in her womb.
Not only was it exciting how hard he could give it to her, how talented he seemed to be at
stoking the sexual fire within her, but to know Ino loves Naruto, and he might feel the same,
added a surreal thrill to it all. Sakura was fucking the man Ino loves, her sister’s love, and she
couldn’t help demanding more. The pinkette wanted to do everything with him because she
wanted it nearly as much as she wasn’t supposed to. It was like there was another part of her
that loved to be this wanton.
She was also his first love and Sakura felt some of those lingering feelings are still there.
Sometimes he enjoyed squeezing and kneading her rump and massaging her B-cup breasts
far more than needed. He enjoyed going down on her, servicing her pink slit with his rough
tongue and lapping up the overflow of her sweet essence. Sakura was one of those girls that
creates an inordinate amount of lubrication. Add to that her tight, hot, cushy cock-socket and
Naruto is always able to stuff her with more brimming meat than she can take. No matter
how tight her wet folds clung to his veiny meat-pole, she was so slick he could pound away
as hard and as fast as she wanted without concern of tearing or pulling.
From their first time together, Sakura had an inclination that she loved it rough and their time
together only validated that hypothesis. She was very vocal when they grease glands, often
yelling, “harder!” or, “break me!” “Come on, Naruto, pound the shit out of me!”
As Sakura didn’t know his sexual history, she couldn’t know she was more enthusiastic in
bed than any of the girls he’s been with. Ino and Mabui were overly sensitive to him and
crumbled without much effort. Samui was very submissive, and as Mabui explained to him,
her sexual needs didn’t extend past her dom’s will. Kurenai was a mixture of all of them; she
had her moments when she’d like it soft or submissive but other times when they were so
aroused, she wanted it hard and dominating.
Naruto not only learned that Sakura wanted her whole body to rock as he pounded her into
the mattress but she has a unique preference for arousal. In the beginning, it was difficult for
Naruto to understand why she wanted it so rough, so dominating. Guided by his training with
Kurenai, he naturally asked Sakura for open communication. “Is this a fetish or a fantasy?
Can you tell me more about what you want me to do?”
Sakura was as much surprised by his candid thoughtfulness as she was embarrassed. She
didn’t even want to share, but yet again, to her surprise, he can be more mature than he lets
on, reassuring her repeatedly that she had his respect, his discretion, and his empathy. For
thirty minutes he explained that there was nothing wrong with her or her sexual preferences
because he knows who she is and the hour was nearly up before a blushing Sakura agreed to
open up to him.
Extremely shyly, Sakura hesitated to admit, “it’s not like I want to be treated badly or
humiliated… but… I don’t know! I just get so turned-on b-by… fighting you t-to dominate
me or being treated like your property, or- or… being c-called a… w-whore- WHICH I’M
Without Sakura’s knowledge, Naruto had little information about the workings of this sexual
preference, other than learning sex-talk with Kurenai. Unable to talk with Kurenai, he asked
Mabui during their Fūinjutsu study time why a strong-minded girl like Samui might be
submissive or ask to be demeaned.
Setting down her fine-tipped brush, the gorgeous psychologist took several moments to
gather her thoughts before answering, “being submissive to a man can be a major turn-on,
not to say they have to be docile or submissive outside the bedroom. Think about it like this:
outside of the bedroom, a strong-willed woman has to be self-disciplined, responsible, and or
perfect to succeed in a male-dominated world. She has goals and works hard every single
minute of the day to be taken seriously. Inside the bedroom, that same strong-willed woman
can feel sexually powerful when they opt to lose their image, their responsibilities, their ‘
power .’ They feel a certain thrill to lose everything that makes them who they are to be
something so debased. So it has less to do with degrading them and more to do with shedding
the stressful veneer of their day-to-day.”
“So, to people who don’t know that…” Naruto takes a moment to think about what it appears
to be, eventually adding, “submissive sex looks like an excuse for a woman like Samui to be
treated like crap because she sees herself like crap, like she’s insecure or something?”
“Exactly, and that couldn’t be further from the truth,” Mabui explained to him. “Samui is
quite strong, but at its roots, the desire to be forcibly ‘ taken ’ or, ‘ dominated ’ is actually
about having the highest form of a trigger over a man. Being held down or thrown in bed can
make a girl feel like her partner can’t control his desire for her; that is to say, she’s so sexy
and desirable that he can’t help but ravage her.”
Without Sakura having to explain more about what she liked or why she liked it, by the very
next session Naruto just seemed to get it. He somehow seemed to know she wanted to feel
like she had that much control over a man that his lust would overtake him and he’d
dominate her.
After they came to a clear understanding that it’s all consensual in addition to a safe word, he
ravaged her and it didn’t take much for her to respond. He’d whisper in her ear how she
drives him insane as he pounded her into the wall; he’d call her his whore near the peak of
her climax and it was so wrong, so contradictory, that it would set her off with mind-numbing
orgasms; he’d cum on her face and hair or—to their mutual surprise—slap her in the face
with his throbbing manhood. It was surreal abject detraction for them both, but for ten
recreational hours spanning across two weeks, Sakura found it easier and easier to be
dominated her blond-haired teammate to a disheveled and shuddering mess.
By the end, she felt heavenly snuggled up against him, with her clumped pink hair matted to
her sweaty skin, lightly bouncing her perfect breasts with heavy breathing, arching her spine
with thick cum leaking out of the apex of her flushed legs as she micro-spasms from the
aftermath of a destructive orgasm. Despite this new ‘identity’ about her self, at the end of
every hour together, Naruto would softly and gently kiss her goodnight, as if to signal the end
of their masochistic sex and that made her feel more under control. It was like he was
balancing her unorthodox preference with her orthodox way of being, and she appreciated
him for it.
From beside Haku, Tenten watches her fair-skinned, long-haired teammate take the field and
can feel her attitude toward him was odd now as opposed to two weeks ago. Thinking about
the past two weeks, she understands, more or less, what Haku has been pushing her toward
and it’s not something the Academy is particularly good training for.
Naruto’s clone met Tenten at her apartment like they’ve been doing for nearly two weeks.
Massaging Tenten twice a day started as innocently as can be and never required more than a
clone to manage but it escalated sharply in the thirteen days since they started.
In their first session on Tenten’s bed, she wore leggings and a sports bra and despite the
awkwardness of a boy in her room touching her, it went well. She enjoyed it when he
massaged her arms and was especially sensitive when he massaged her hands. She felt better
after the innocent massage—neither hating or regretting it—and they laughed when they
realized how simple of a thing the physical activity can be.
Four days and eight sessions later and Tenten is in her underwear, and with more oiled skin
contact, came more sensuality. She tried not to moan, but when she truly couldn’t stop it from
escaping her throat, Naruto made sure she didn’t feel mocked or embarrassed. “It’s okay
Tenten. You can be as vocal as you like. I’m not going to judge or anything.”
And he didn’t, no matter how much she moaned, though, it soon started feeling erotic. Hot,
oiled, strong hands caressing, stroking, and kneading her body’s sensitive muscles; Tenten
was moaning or mewling more consistently without even realizing it. Naruto seemed to know
what made her feel good, focusing on her hands, neck, scalp, trapezius, B-cup breasts, hip
muscles and inner taper, lower back, her annular butt, back and inner thighs, calves, and feet.
Like Kurenai taught him, he kept the flow of energy moving within her, and she couldn’t help
lending airy moans to her constant tingling of teasing pleasure.
Another four days, sixteen total sessions later, Tenten was naked under a small towel. Though
she was pink in the face, Naruto didn’t bring up her options again. Having mentioned them so
many times, she knows she can stop whenever she likes. She simply prefers not to.
‘And why would I,’ she thought. ‘It feels good and it’s not like we’re having sex.’
Though, Tenten frets about how often she’s been touching herself lately. In the privacy of her
shower, she’d often fiddle with her love bud and a finger until she came. In their physical
intimacy, Tenten isn’t sure how much of it was Naruto, how much of it was this whole
situation of being his tool, or how much of it was just her growing curiosity as a young
woman that made her want to explore more.
Tenten couldn’t know about his experience and how nearly all of the massages Kurenai
taught Naruto often led to sex, so he’s heard women who enjoy his ministrations ask, “can
you… focus… more there?”
His strong hot hands rubbed her oiled thighs just under her bubble butt, focusing on the
direction and squeezing of her reactive muscle fibers. Naruto’s familiarity with Tenten’s
energy flow came down to the heat of her skin and the relaxation of her muscles. It’s how he
knew she was growing aroused by his thorough rubdown. She wanted more and his clone
Another four days, twenty-four total sessions since they started, there was no longer a towel
and Naruto focused heavily on her nimble hands and fingers, pert breasts, round ass, and pink
slit. She couldn’t believe it when she asked him to focus more on her pooling slit. His fingers
and his attention to her reactions surprised her as much as the pleasure he seemed to flare out
of her hot and soaking sex.
Feeling his thick fingers pumping inside of her, coated with her buttery juices as he curled
around her sex-roaring spots, Naruto got her to the very edge before he’d rub her hooded
clitoris and knocked her over the edge. Her body ripped and roared in euphoric waves
crashing her every nerve-endings to gushing happiness. And when he made her cum once, it
was absurdly easy to make her fogged mind climax again. In their final session before his
planned tapering, he even sucked on her nipples as he brought her to toe-curling, body-
shocking orgasm. The foreign feeling of having her nipples sucked and lightly bitten by a boy
she wasn’t in love with was so taboo she couldn’t help her growing sensitivity and came
multiple times.
They’ve never had sex—it was never about the sex—it was about maturity. Walking with her
team, or coming across other kunoichi her age in the halls of Hokage Tower, she felt
different; older. The first boy to ever touch her—the first boy she’ll likely have sex with—
was someone she doesn’t love and the world wasn’t coming to an end. It was grounding
when no one even seemed to notice a difference in her, as if that rose-colored view she had of
the world lost its magic and all that’s left is something harder, darker, real.
In light of such a separation, it meant she wasn’t as she was and made her want to take things
a little more seriously… though she almost regretted it. Once Haku realized that Guy’s
training method was more than adequate to condition her body, he effectively changed to
teaching Tenten beneficial techniques in addition to spontaneously attacking her throughout
her day with an ice clone. Haku even set traps and used silent killing techniques to catch
Tenten unawares. When Tenten wasn’t with her team or busy with a customer, she was on
high alert, and thus far, she’s “died” thirty-seven times in two weeks.
Tenten holds in her breath as she imagines Hinata fighting Neji. Tenten will admit she hasn’t
gained much in the way of strength in two weeks but she’s gained more perspective, enough
to know her teammate may not have the control to hold back against a main house member.
Though she’d never really visualized Hinata as anything more than a main house member,
Tenten felt differently about the Hyūga heiress now and it didn’t take much either.
After helping Neji all morning with his defense, he leaves for the stadium rather than help her
collect the dozens of weapons she deployed from her scrolls. Though she understood he
needed to be in the arena, it wasn’t for another hour and a half. He could’ve stayed and
helped a little; locate some of the harder to spot weapons or pick up a few in the clearing.
Instead, with a single-minded focus, he leaves. A few weeks ago, the bun-haired beauty
would be upset with him for not helping. Now, she’s more upset with herself for not securing
his help beforehand.
It was while Tenten gathered her weapons that she heard, “do you need some help?”
The soft question from the Hyūga heiress startled her, and turning on her heel, Tenten is
approached by Hinata, Kiba, and Shino. Though Kiba claimed there wasn’t enough time to
pick up all the weapons and Shino claimed it would look poorly on their sensei and clans if
they were late, Hinata shook her head and told them, “it won’t take much time if we all help.”
It was odd that someone would be so touching after everything Tenten has been through.
Aside from Naruto, no one knows how close to death she came or the quasi-beneficial
servitude she now lives. Watching Hinata and her teammates help collect her gear, Tenten
can’t help but feel those events gave her a better appreciation.
From beside her, watching Neji settle next to the other genin, Haku gravely voices, “stay
ready, Tenten,” bringing her back to the present.
The night before the Chūnin Exam, in Ten Out of Ten by the check-out desk, Haku is
balancing the day’s numbers before subtracting the day’s profit when Naruto’s clone walks
from the back of the store. He was pink in the cheeks and Haku recalled hearing moaning.
“She doesn’t hate us yet,” Naruto groans as if it’s only an inevitability. “So I want to say
“If she develops any hatred toward someone,” Haku began to reply. “It’ll be me, Naruto-
sama… with reason, might I add.”
“Well, I don’t want her to hate either of us,” Naruto returned, tilting over to look at the
“She knows she can stop anytime,” Haku voiced, continuing his calculations. “She needed
something to get her going and now that she has that mental progress, this really has become
her show.”
Turning to Haku, Naruto said, “before I go, I wanted to ask you about Kabuto.”
Without hesitation, Haku swiftly puts down his pen and asked, “what would you like to
“I haven’t seen him around, and I doubt I would,” Naruto commented. “Do you know
anything about him or maybe something he wants? I don’t want to pry but this could be
“…I was told Kabuto’s a spy for Orochimaru,” Naruto replied, stunning Haku even if he
doesn’t look it. He added, “and his boss likes to kidnap all sorts of talented shinobi, so I
thought he might try to take you too.”
“I see,” Haku voiced, taking the moment to recall his last interaction with the silver-haired
glasses boy. “Kabuto-san snuck into my room three nights ago and warned me to be on high
alert during the finals.” Haku wasn’t sure how much of this would be beneficial to Naruto,
but he nearly hesitated to add, “he also said… he’d be there for me.”
“He’s not the only one,” Naruto retorted, making Haku smile. He still has a hard time
grasping how he can be loved by others; it always fills him with peaceful joy. “In that case,”
Naruto continued, warning him as seriously as he’s ever seen the blond. “I really want you to
be on guard during the exams. We can’t be sure what to expect.”
With his usual smile, he answered, “stay safe, protect the innocent.”
After Neji takes his place beside Shikamaru, Genma’s casual voice booms directly to the
exhilarated fans through the many speakers in the coliseum. “His opponent, from
Konohagakure: Hyūga Hinata.”
Despite the cheers from the present villagers, Hiashi’s eyes hardened at the observation of his
first-born walking to the center of the arena. Regardless of his feelings for his daughters, he
must place the clan’s well-being above them. It’s why he disinherited Hinata, it’s why he
pushes Hanabi to be the best, it’s why he made his stipulation with Kurenai-sensei and gave
her this deadline for any changes. It’s why he ultimately decided to assist Hinata in her
tutelage. Not necessarily because he believed in her, but because it would serve the Hyūga
clan in the eyes of the village if his daughter performed admirably even in certain defeat.
Turning his attention on his youngest, the dutiful Hanabi, by his side, he’s certain he made
the right decision, regardless of his feelings.
Watching from her post by the railing, Kurenai also remembers the arrangement she made
with the Hyūga clan Head. Though she’s nervous for all of her students, Hinata in particular,
she’s proud of her team’s progress. She’s invited her team to her home many times to assist
their strategies, so Kurenai knows Hinata has worked hard to learn her clan’s proprietary
In addition to the confidence training, Kurenai had never seen Hinata so poised. There’s still
some reservation, but it feels more like quiet peace rather than timidness. Training with
Naruto has turned this nearly detrimentally shy girl into a more composed and open kunoichi.
Hinata had drive now and that was due to his influence on her… which almost makes her
body recall his effect on her. Even now, she can’t help but wonder if she made the right
decision in opening up to him… in ending it with him.
After Naruto palmed the Fūin security with a chakra-covered hand, Kurenai called for him
from the kitchen. He gazed fondly up the stairs leading to her bedroom before walking
through her warm living room to her warmly lit kitchen, all the while missing the steady
comfort she became for him. Moisture prickled his eyes when he saw her turn around, as if
the world slowed down to the sight of her. Naruto smiled often, but he never felt
dumbfounded to look upon someone he deeply cared about and connected with.
Kurenai’s return smile was not as wide or happy and she could tell that caused Naruto great
concern. His smile faltered under her tepid consternation. They hadn’t spoken much in the
past three weeks and if it wasn’t for all the preparation going into the security for this exam,
she’d likely be feeling more loneliness and heartache after the first week of no contact.
“Hi,” Kurenai responded, trying to move quickly through this. Like ripping off a band-aid,
she continued, “sorry, but, I don’t have a lot of time.” He finally noticed her tactical gear is
spread out on the kitchen island and there are several chairs spread out in the room. The
kettle is also on the stove with teacups near each chair. “The security team is meeting here to
rehearse and further prepare for tomorrow,” she explained.
Nodding as he takes a seat across from her in front of the kitchen island, he assured her, “I
didn’t think I’d hear from you at all so it’s cool. I’m glad you did though.”
“Sorry,” she apologized again. “I know I’ve been distant for the past… wow, three weeks.
Time flies when you’re busy.”
Her dry laugh lacked any humor but Naruto nods anyway as he responded, “yeah, I get it.
I’ve been preparing too; damn near had a factory of clones making Fūinjutsu tags. So, what’s
She hesitated to start and had to shake her head which sashays her shiny black hair before
explaining, “I know it’s been a while and I probably should’ve done this sooner…” Feeling
an emotional boulder lodged in her throat, Kurenai pauses to cough.
She clears her throat a few times before a concerned Naruto asked, “Nai-chan?”
Feeling an intimate pull at the nickname, her eyes already moisten as she sadly advised, “I
think it’s for the best if you stop calling me that.” Her nose felt hot as she dourly admitted,
“there’s a reason why I needed a break from us, and I’ll be honest with you… I grew
confused about us and what we could mean for one another. And trust me, I know I’m the
one always talking about no feelings and remaining purely platonic in our intimacy, but… it
hasn’t… I haven’t…”
With her deep sigh, Naruto bravely guessed, “do you… have feelings for me?”
Her widened eyes and drawn in brows answered everything for him, and at Naruto’s great big
smile, Kurenai immediately urges him to, “listen! Just listen, please.” Nodding, he pressed
his lips together to try and hide his smile but it went away on its own when she confessed,
“before you and I met—before our arrangement—I was in love with a man. Who he is isn’t
important, but, at that time, I very much felt I was going to marry him, raise a child with him,
die of old age with him.”
With a strained face, Naruto’s heart clenched so hard he couldn’t breathe as he tried to
convey, “Oh… I didn’t… Well, I’m… sure you’ll- you’ll both be very happy toge-”
“Wait,” she called, putting her palm up. “Just, let me finish.” After his nod and a deep breath,
she continued. “The views by which he and I lived our lives got in the way of that dream.
Then you barged into my life—very much to my great delight—and I’ve been in this holding
pattern ever since.” She sighed, grumbling to herself, “Kami, this is difficult.”
“Nai-chan, no matter what you say, you mean so much to me, I’m always going to be here for
you.” Thinking about everything in store for the exam, Naruto assuredly promised, “I don’t
ever want to lose you.”
“You won’t,” she returned with her voice as much as her eyes. “What I feel for you every day
is far more…” but her tentative words halt there. She’s certain the hesitation is clear on her
face, and how troubled she is by this. After a sigh, she continued saying, “after you and I
made our arrangement, I didn’t have to think about him, or our ruined dreams, or my faults—
plus, you were an exceptional student I enjoyed teaching—and that was enough… until I
started feeling more… lo- love for you…” Naruto’s eyes widen in clear surprise and shock.
Flushed, a brave and embarrassed Kurenai forced herself to continue. “But as much as I put
our breakup on him, part of the reason that man and I didn’t work out was because I wasn’t
ready; not truly. The truth is, a small part of me always felt hesitant committing completely to
him, and you, when the moment came… but I never knew why until recently.”
His flabbergasted expression would’ve made her laugh if she weren’t about to break his
heart. With wide eyes and a look of disbelief, Naruto could only think to ask, “what
Mournfully, Kurenai answered, “a dear friend of mine lost the person she loves.”
She nodded her thanks before continuing, “it shocked me to my core and not because I was
surprised, but because I always knew that’s what awaits us. When I was young, my father
died.” Kurenai’s throat constricted again and she took her time to add, “he was the world to
me and I loved him more than anything, even my own mother. Of course, I knew people died,
but before his death, I never truly believed my father would be one of them. My mind
accepted, like the sun, that he was simply too strong or important to die.”
Kurenai scoffs humorously as she plays in the memories of her youth, recounting
lightheartedly, but also sadly, “he wanted me to make him proud—told me all the time—and I
felt the strongest drive to do that for him like nothing else mattered. I remember wanting him
to watch me become a strong and proud kunoichi… dreamed of him walking me down the
aisle on my wedding day, and one day, holding his first grandchild in his arms… he would’ve
been so so happy.” As quickly as her brightness came, she just as easily became dour as she
flatly stated, “but he died. He left me. And I couldn’t make him proud, or have him walk me
down the aisle, or give him his first grandchild… no dreams, no nothing. My sun died.”
The tears in her eyes were all but pouring down her face when he stood to hug her, voicing,
She puts her palm up to stop him. “I’m saying all of this because I want you to understand
why I can’t be with you, or anyone for that matter. Whether it’s you or any man, until I come
to terms with this, my heart will always feel this fear.” Wiping her beautiful crimson eyes
clear of tears, she added, “I’ll still help you whenever I’m able, but I can’t give you more
than that. It simply wouldn’t be fair to either of us.”
Dozens of silent seconds pass in the still room, the kettle nearly to boiling when Naruto
finally managed, “I don’t know what to say. That’s a lot I didn’t know about you.”
“Don’t rush. Like anything else, take it in a bit at a time,” she casually instructed.
Smiling, Naruto jests, “ever the sensei,” bringing out a lovely grin she eventually smothering
it by pressing her lips to a dejected line. “I’ll take my time with this,” he told her, however his
smile returned when he admitted, “but to be honest, I’m just pretty stoked I can be someone
that important to you.”
With a dry huff, she told him, “Naruto, stop. You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever… fallen
for.” Kurenai can’t believe she’s admitting all this only to break up with him. It feels
polarizing and backward, yet, a part of her feels relief knowing she won’t be decimated in the
future, as she was when her father died. However, another part of her hates herself for hurting
someone she’s in love with. Her heart aches, her head and neck are prickling hot, and it’s
hard to breathe.
With a smile that shouldn’t be on his face, Naruto walked around the kitchen island as he
asked, “fallen for? Like, you’ve fallen in love with me?”
“Naruto,” Kurenai groans in amusement as she matched stepping away with his every patient
approach. Having gone without him for so long, it’s like going through withdrawals for
Kurenai and she swears he can feel the strong gravity of her desire for him. Whether
fortunate or not, she sensed Asuma land in the backyard while some of the team landed in the
front of her home. Asuma looked through the window and knocked. Kurenai raised a palm to
indicate she’ll be with him in a second.
“Times up,” she told Naruto as Asuma moved away to smoke one last cigarette. She walked
to the kitchen door to let Naruto out as she griped, “and by the way, your Godfather is
running us ragged with all his unnecessary security protocols.”
Naruto assured her, “it’s not unnecessary,” to which she turned to him curiously as he added,
“stay ready.”
But for their plan tomorrow, he simply answered with a smile, “I know I won’t let you
down.” Fortunately, Asuma’s attention is turned as he smokes and Naruto had no hang-ups
about confessing to this astonishing beauty, “and I know I won’t let anything bad happen to
you because I love you too, Nai-chan.” Though her immediate concern is smoking with his
back to them, her stomach flutters and her heart beats fast. Completely vulnerable to one
another, they gaze tenderly and honestly at the feelings they share.
He then said with a great big smile, “sorry I never said it before, but you did sort of say I
wasn’t allowed to.”
Unable to say much more with Asuma in the backyard nearby just outside her kitchen,
Kurenai sniffed as she wished him, “good luck tomorrow.”
From Kurenai’s place by the railing of arena seating section A, she can see Asuma leave his
post out of the corner of her eye and approach her. They were partnered for this section so
he’s soon next to her to ask, “Kurenai-”
However, she won’t have this discussion now and interrupts him with, “now’s not the time,
Asuma. Please return to your post and remain vigilant.” She didn’t know how he put it
together but she’s certain Naurto’s blissful smile couldn’t have helped.
“We will talk about this,” he firmly promises before returning to his post. His face was stern
and hyper-focused on her. With his hunched neck and squared shoulders, she knows he’s in
clear distress, but she can’t satisfy his curiosity now. Kurenai then focuses all her attention on
her student, who’s practically a daughter to her, walks to the center of the field with
Standing beside her cousin Neji, Hinata was focused. After all, she conquered her most
difficult challenge yet just that morning. She couldn’t do so in practice with Kurenai-sensei,
but she somehow managed with the real Naruto.
Hinata was supposed to meet her team at Training Ground 3 before walking to the arena
together, however, she came early. Her mind felt like it was going to explode with anxiety
and her fears only stem from one place; disappointing those who believe in her. From her
father to her sister, to Neji and her teammates… to Kurenai-sensei and Naruto-kun; she didn’t
want to disappoint them the most. She trained so hard not to, but Neji is a genius who works
hard every day. Against that type of opponent, wouldn’t she ultimately embarrass herself?
It’s when she spotted him. The embodiment of her love and admiration, her warm and
constant sun, was sitting cross-legged on the top of the middle stump. He was as still and
strong as the nature around him, yet deep in thought. He hadn’t even noticed her approach
and that concerned her. Unlike Neji, Gaara has a blood-lust; she’s seen first-hand how his
sand destroys a human body. ‘And Naruto has to face that,’ Hinata thought. ‘Would he be
Her worry for his well-being urged her to softly voice, “Naruto-kun?”
Snapping out of it before looking down toward the sweet voice below, Naruto smiled as he
greets, “hey, Hinata.” Hopping down from the tall stump, Naruto is quick to encourage her
with, “good luck today. I know you’ll do great!”
“I… don’t know,” Hinata honestly admitted to the person she admires the most.
Like the abundance of confidence he exhumes, he assured her, “well, I do.” Fist over his
chest, he added, “trust me, I think you’re really strong.”
Even still, reality is forcing her to admit, “…but I may lose,” and it pained her to see Naruto
hum and nod dejectedly. She almost feels like she broke him, however, Hinata couldn’t know
how much was relying on him, how many lives he currently held in his hands. To many, it’s
about a tournament to become Chūnin. To him, it’s a battle to keep everyone from dying.
Because only Jiraiya and the toads know about the wager he’s going to make with the
Glumly, he admitted, “you know, I feel like that too sometimes. Like, what happens if I
lose…” ‘someone… everyone,’ Naruto mentally finished. ‘Because I know about the
invasion, their deaths will be my fault. I’d be a failure.’ Feeling just as he did on the stump,
Naruto hated looking so uncool in front of anyone, especially Hinata, but he can’t help it.
“B-but you don’t give up,” Hinata bravely pointed out. ‘No,’ her mind called. ‘I have to fix
this.’ “I think we can change, even a little, when the right person shows us the way. So- so…
w-when I look at you, I feel like- like I can be a little stronger… than before… and t-that
makes me like myself more.”
His expressionless face made her hold her breath until he finally smiled a little then asked,
“do you think so? I mean, I don’t know so much and I’m not that smart and I mess up a lot…
do you really think I can do it even if I’m not ready?”
“Mnn,” Hinata sternly hummed. It’s practically her nature affinity to recall all of Naruto’s
many virtues and strengths, helping her to proclaim, “because even when you mess up,
you’re never ashamed of it… and moments like that… impacts my heart the most. It’s your
strength to rise that always inspires me because that’s what I think true strength is.”
It’s the clearest Hinata’s ever spoken to him, with such conviction and she couldn’t be
happier with herself. She’s progressed so much, from the days she could only blush and pass
out, to being able to speak her mind so clearly without suffocating nervousness. It meant
everything to see his bright smile again as he happily relayed, “thanks Hinata.” Stretching off
the rust of depression, Naruto jovially explained, “I was feeling pretty heavy-hearted, but
now I feel like myself again. You’re a life-saver.”
He turned to walk away when Hinata felt it… the moment she’d been training for.
Despite her stuttering, “N-N-Na- Naruto!” As if her limbs were made of lead, she struggles to
outstretch her arms. She shut her eyes as her crunched and blushing face couldn’t say
anything but he didn’t need her to. He knew exactly what she worked hard for. Quicker than
she can react, Naruto takes Hinata in his arms and gives her a firm but gentle hug. Even
better than his words, hugging him gave her a sense of tranquility that comforted her troubled
mind. She felt warm and soft against him, but more than anything, she admires herself more
than ever, making her believe her dreams can come true.
After they separated—having held her breath the entire time—Naruto told her, “I can’t wait
to see you kick Neji’s ass.”
She’s a mixture of extreme excitement and embarrassment and can do nothing more than
nod, but her lilac pupil-less eyes were as strong as she was starting to feel.
Though Hinata expected Naruto in the large cement access hallway with the rest of them, she
has faith he’ll be here because she knows he doesn’t ever run from a fight.
Genma announces, “for your fourth contest, from Konohagakure: Inuzuka Kiba.”
With Akamaru in his jacket, Kiba waves happily to the crowds and along with cheers, there’s
also a lot of dogs howling.
After eying the red-haired Suna-nin, Sasuke vaguely wonders where Naruto is. Wearing his
black one-piece outfit with belts wrapped around his left arm, Sasuke turns toward the arena
and the battles that await. Recalling last night, he wonders about his decision. Gaining his
vengeance on Itachi is all that matters, but his choices in the present must be the one that gets
him to his brother the fastest.
In the training yard of his clan’s mansion, an exhausted and sweating Sasuke smashed a fifth
Chidori against a half-destroyed eight-feet tall boulder. He landed on balanced feet but
dropped to his knee as his vision began to blur. Pushing himself past Kakashi’s warnings, he
wondered, ‘how much more do I need?’ To ruin Naruto, to annihilate his brother, all he
wanted was more power.
Nothing else mattered and irregardless of the number of times Kakashi has told him to
abandon his quest for revenge—to put his life on a that won’t end the Uchiha clan for good—
Sasuke knows in his heart of hearts, he’s nothing and no one until Itachi is dead. It didn’t
matter how much Kakashi or anyone understood his pain. He won’t stop until his clan has
been avenged and Itachi felt abominable pain before dying by his hand.
Pondering pushing past his exhaustion, he’s not surprised to hear a scratchy voice ask, “what
is your purpose, Sasuke-kun?”
He could picture the cruel smile before he even turned to spot the legendary Snake-nin
behind him. Leaning against a column, he’s hidden in the shadow of the outdoor walkway
and smiling as Sasuke asked, “how did you get-”
“There isn’t a place in Konoha that could deny me entry,” he mused with his wide grin.
“Don’t worry. Your caretakers are sleeping. I wouldn’t want Hiruzen to remove you from
tomorrow’s festivities, after all.” Stepping off the elevated walkway to the training ground,
Orochimaru proclaimed, “I’ve come for your answer. What is your purpose?”
Thinking about Kakashi and Sakura, Sasuke confirmed, “I’m not like them and I’ll never be,
because I’m only alive to kill Itachi.” Annoyed at the crushing thought of Naruto, he
confessed, “we have different paths and I know the steps I must take. After I destroy Naruto
tomorrow, I’ll cut ties with this sham of a life and you will teach me everything you know.
You will give me the power you promised.”
“Splendid,” Orochimaru sings. “I’m certain you’ve made the right decision, and after the
exams, you’ll be certain as well.”
Sasuke didn’t know what that meant but he knew if he couldn’t even beat the Dobe in a
match, then he’ll never be a match for Itachi. Walking the open battleground, Sasuke ignores
the wild clamoring from the mindless villagers and stands beside Kiba.
“For our final match-up of the first round,” Genma communicates. “I introduce to you from
Sunagakure: Sabaku no Gaara.”
The Kazekage stands from his seat and walks closer to the railing to inspect the red-headed
Jinchūriki many meters below, all the while recalling the unique wager he made less than an
hour ago.
Jiraiya and the Kazekage—followed by two Suna bodyguards and the Konoha security-escort
team Jiraiya assembled—cleared the Leaf’s large gate. Naruto is standing several yards away
from them off to the side of the wide walkway, and for the briefest moment, he wondered if
the Kage and the entire group, including his cousin, are fakes. The legendary Snake-nin is
certainly capable of that kind of deception, however, he doubts very highly Orochimaru could
avoid Karin’s sensing ability on top of an informed Jiraiya.
Naruto smiled at the winded Karin—wearing a lavender jacket with the Uzumaki swirl over
her heart, black shorts and thigh high stockings. She’s catching her breath beside her personal
protection detail, Kurenai and Asuma, and Naruto recalled how nervous he felt when Jiraiya
recommended to Ji-chan that Karin join the escort team. It was worrying enough knowing
Kurenai was going but Karin couldn’t fight as well as the Jōnins. If Jiraiya hadn’t promised
her complete safety, Naruto wouldn’t have agreed. His relief for her safety has him make a
clone to escort her to the arena.
The entire time Naruto was waiting, Jiraiya had been talking to the Kazekage in private,
requesting a private audience on Naruto’s behalf. The stern Sand leader in his white robe and
hat turned to Naruto, observing the young blond a moment before ordering his guards to stay.
His godfather then orders the security team to stay as well—confusing Kurenai and Asuma—
before Rasa and Jiraiya walked several yards toward Naruto.
Naruto felt anxiousness facing the ruthless and strict Kage since he only had Temari’s short
description to go on. Naru-nii never met him and only knew that he died around the Chūnin
exam, though he wasn’t sure when. It was Jiraiya who thought they should try to stop
however Orochimaru planned on killing him, thus preventing the snake-nin from being close
to Ji-chan in the first place. For the Narutos, helping Gaara and his siblings keep their father
was reason enough.
The Kazekage had a hard appearance; stern small eyes under furrowed brows and short
auburn hair. His jaw was clenched tight and even his posture seem intimidating in the
generally soothing attire of a Kage. To the blond genin, the imposing man in the Kage’s white
robe looked as if he’s never had children, family, or even felt love before. Desperate to break
the tension, Naruto couldn’t help but smile and wave at Gaara and Temari’s father.
Well away from the Jōnin escorts, Rasa asked Jiraiya while glaring at Naruto, “this boy is
who you wish for me to speak to.”
Casually, Jiraiya rotated his shoulders as he plainly answered, “you mean in return for saving
your life today? Yeah, that’s him.” Seeing his Godfather relaxed as he talked to the village
leader, also helped Naruto relax.
Tilting his head, Rasa sternly commanded of the legendary sennin, “don’t act as if you know
the outcome-”
“With all due respect, Kazekage,” Jiraiya nonchalantly interjected. “You may not have sensed
the ambush before they were on you but we did. And if I’m a challenge for you by myself,
Orochimaru and his kill-squad most definitely are.”
“Four masked youths,” Rasa corrected with murderous eyes and Naruto wondered if Rasa
meant the Sound Four or not. Jiraiya had assumed any ambush meant for a Kage would have
to be a feint for a second more discreet attack because it didn’t make sense to him for
Orochimaru to kill a Kage so easily and then make it to Konoha to fight Ji-chan in the same
Additionally, no Kage is allowed to simply walk into another country’s hidden village
whenever they like. Rasa would’ve had to give prior notice when he’d arrive so Konoha can
prepare for him. Jiraiya assumed in transit would be the best opportunity to ambush the Kage,
because a brilliantly placed trap has the capacity to take down anyone not expecting it. It’s
why Karin’s sensing ability was so crucial. She’d be able to sense them without being sensed
herself and alert Jiraiya.
An adamant Rasa continued, “as much as you’d like me to accept those four were somehow
connected to Orochimaru, you lack any evidence to do so. Next time capture one.”
Unfazed, Jiraiya returned, “believe what you like, Kazekage. You’re an astute and practical
man, so I understand if you don’t want to admit to wrongdoing, but, we don’t need you to.
We already know the truth.”
Clearly annoyed by the renowned sage, Rasa nearly snarls as he demanded to know, “and
precisely how is this boy involved?”
“For starters, his name is Uzumaki Naruto and he’s essentially engaged to your daughter,”
Jiraiya answered with an abundance of blushing amusement.
Naruto thought he looked angry before, Rasa was positively glaring as he warned the blond,
“you’re playing a very dangerous game, Uzumaki.”
Despite Rasa’s stern countenance, his Godfather’s casual presence—and his talk with Hinata
—allowed Naruto to feel more like himself. Comfortably, he quirks his brow in confusion
before asking, “how? You’re the ones invading us today.”
Pausing a beat, Rasa then retorted, “and if that were true, you’re allowing it.”
“Only to prove to you we are more than allies; we’re friends,” Naruto responded, gaining
more and more conviction by the second, even wondering why he was so nervous, to begin
Rasa’s nostrils flare as he hotly contested, “don’t you dare interrupt me!”
“I get it,” Naruto interrupted again. He knows it’s not a smart move with someone like this—
and he’s seen plenty of angry people in his time to know the look—however, at the moment,
he only needed to say his piece. “You’re the Kazekage and I respect that, really—I’m going
to be Hokage myself someday—which is why I know this is more important than that. You’re
Gaara’s father and he’s the key to all of this, which is why you’re going to lose today.” Rasa’s
silence enables Naruto to continue proclaiming, “for all his life you guys treated him like he’s
broken or a weapon, or both. You’re family yet Temari and Kankurō are scared of him, and
you tried to kill him-”
“We could’ve told Hokage-sama about your plans with Sound,” Jiraiya inserted. “We
could’ve let Orochimaru and his men kill you and your bodyguards but we didn’t.”
“How do I know this isn’t a trick of the Sandaime,” Rasa voiced in a slightly calmer voice.
“This could very well be a manipulative trap.”
“I’m the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails Demon Fox,” Naruto honestly admitted to the Sand
leader, making him blink widely in surprise. “So I know Gaara is the Jinchūriki of the One-
Tail and we’re even more alike than that. It’s illegal to discuss what’s in me with anyone but I
wouldn’t have told you if I was trying to trick you.”
“You have my word on everything I hold dear,” Jiraiya begins with a slight but respectful
bow that Naruto then imitated. “Naruto and I are the only ones who know about your plans
with Orochimaru.”
Rasa is silently pensive, observing their respectful bows before abruptly contending, “despite
your unproven accusation, I’m obliged to ask why?”
“Like I said, because we’re friends,” Naruto returned turning his attention to the Kage once
again. “Even if you can’t, I can see it just beyond today. We’re doing all this to prove it to
“By beating Gaara and fighting back,” Naruto answered. “It’s the best way for Konoha and
Suna to understand each other; through our fists,” he added, raising his unyielding fist.
“…I see.” Turning to Jiraiya, Rasa inquired, “this is the wager you wanted me to hear.” After
Jiraiya nods, Rasa returned his attention to Naruto and pointed out, “shouldn’t it be easier for
you as the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails to defeat Gaara-”
“I won’t be using the Kyūbi’s power against Gaara,” Naruto assured the stern Kage. “My
own strength’s more than enough.”
Cynically, Rasa probes, “and if Gaara transforms? Will your strength be enough to handle the
monstrous might of the One-Tail?”
“Yup,” Naruto confidently affirmed. “Even if he transforms, I won’t use the Kyūbi’s chakra
against him. I’ll stop Gaara no matter what he does to me, just like Konoha will stop this
invasion no matter what you and Sound do to us.”
“That’s a diplomatic bridge we’ll cross when our villages are, hopefully, more enlightened,”
Jiraiya proposed.
“So give us everything you got,” Naruto demanded of the strong and stern leader. “We can
take it.”
Gazing at the arena and the Hokage Monument in the far distance, Rasa turned to Naruto and
explained, “no matter what happens today, I will alert your Hokage of your prior knowledge
and most reckless gamble.”
“Pfffft, I’m not doing anything I’m ashamed of,” the blond nimbly announced. “You can be in
the room when I tell him myself.”
“If there were such an invasion, how will your naive foolishness explain to your Hokage all
the Konoha deaths you’ve allowed in order to prove this ‘friendship’ to me?” Rasa squares
his shoulders as he antagonistically verbalized, “with every death tallied today, your
culpability increases as well. It would make you a disgrace to your Hitai-ate, your village,
and your leader.”
“Hey, now,” Jiraiya called, standing next to Naruto, reminding the Kage of his presence.
“Let’s not forget whose invasion this belongs to in the first place, Kazekage-dono. This is
unorthodox, sure. It takes a lot of guts to think way outside the box here, but it’s for your
benefit; it’s for all our benefit.”
“It’s fine,” Naruto told Jiraiya. “He’s right. I’m from Konoha and these are my people I’m
risking. Walking around the village, everywhere I looked people were doing something for
themselves, for someone they love, or for the good of the village; living life like they expect
to see into tomorrow. I spent a lot of time thinking about how I might be taking their
tomorrows away, all to prove something to you and Suna. It wasn’t an easy thing to carry and
I agonized over it.”
Without the girls for two days, Naruto had ample time to think about all of his decisions and
plans when he wasn’t talking with Naru-nii. Their plans certainly felt necessary, but weren’t
without risks, and worst yet, he couldn’t take those risks on all by himself. He could do his
best to mitigate the threat to others but if he wasn’t perfect, then someone would die, and if
someone died, that would be on him. He wasn’t sure he could accept being the cause of that
but he wasn’t alone. Hinata believes in him, Naru-nii believes in him, and Jiraiya believes in
him enough to help.
‘This is for everyone,’ Naruto thought, and with fearless blue eyes, he hotly declared with
deafening conviction, “I have a brother in all this and he always reminds me of the most
important thing. This is for the future—our future… and though the price could be high, I
won’t let anyone die! Not today! Not by Suna-nin! No one! And you can bet your ass that’s
the promise of a lifetime!”
They stare at each other for a long time, time enough to make the group of shinobi off to the
side concerned, but armed with his convictions and friends, Naruto has zero doubt and that’s
all he’s ever needed.
“…We shall see,” Rasa replied before signaling his bodyguards over.
As the security team and Suna guards fall in a protective formation around the Kazekage
before walking to the arena, a grinning Jiraiya gave Naruto a big thumbs up before tossing
him his first of many gifts. Naruto caught the folded white garment as Kurenai stepped away
from her detail and walked over to her blond ex. Rather than unfold his very first gift from
his Godfather, Naruto’s mind immediately recalled last night and the raven-haired beauty’s
amazing confession to him.
‘Nai-chan,’ he thought, watching her walk over to him and making his heart pump extremely
fast. Fresh and vibrant memories from last night poured into the forefront of his mind and he
smiled broadly.
Pulling off his veil, the ever stern Rasa looks down at his hard-hearted son and wonders with
a measure of innocent curiosity if Uzumaki could be right. As the leader of their declining
village, it’s a measure of doubt he shouldn’t allow in his mind or his decisions. Even if he
knows Orochimaru tried to betray him, he always knew that risk was there and it’s not as if
he wasn’t planning on killing him later anyway. For the moment, Suna cannot take Konoha
without Oto, but after the Leaf’s destruction, Rasa will kill Orochimaru himself and claim
Otogakure’s resources as well.
“I’ve been meaning to speak with you over your daughter’s Omiai with Naruto-kun,”
Hiruzen naturally brings up, though it causes him much anxiety to think about. He didn’t like
the proposal from the beginning however, he couldn’t see any sensible reason to decline it,
nor did Naruto seem too opposed to the idea.
As Genma begins to announce the final candidate, Kurenai can feel Asuma observing her for
any reaction. Her mask has been up since meeting Naruto at the gate and her ex-boyfriend
has been eying her intently ever since. If they weren’t on duty, she’s certain he’d be
demanding to know everything.
Mabui had a long forty-eight hours with her memory-inspired fantasies, but at the moment,
she had to be careful. The memories of the past two weeks could act like triggers now,
beginning with the morning after her first-ever threesome.
After Samui returned from her morning training regiment, Mabui had just walked out of the
shower with a towel wrapped snug around her firm bodice and feeling like she’s twinkling in
tingling satisfaction. Her body felt sensitive, elated, and she couldn’t help enjoying the
brightness of such an amazing day pouring through her small window. In the morning light,
Mabui didn’t know what to think nor could she read any expression on Samui’s face as to
what she’s thinking but last night was a deep mine of thoughts and revelations.
As Mabui began changing in the small room, Samui stated, “we should return to base and
“Sa-ch- …Samui-taichou,” Mabui eventually said. Worried about the captain’s brother, she
expressed, “I think perhaps it would be for the best if we debrief here and then offer Atsui-
kun a censored version of last night’s events… I mean, he really doesn’t need to know more
than it worked.”
Considering her words with a blank face, Samui proposed, “you wish to spare his feelings
because he has affection for you?”
“And you,” Mabui added. “You’re his sister. Naruto not only had sex with the girl he has a
crush on but his sister as well. That’s not exactly an easy thing for a man to accept. We
should keep his mental state in mind when we speak around him.”
“…Thank you,” Samui sweetly replied, making Mabui want to hold the busty blond. “You…
are knowledgeable.”
Mabui felt a tenderness in the air she happily accepted and conveyed, “of course, and… I’d
always try to help you in any way I can Samui-taichou. I’ve come to care about you very
much.” Samui simply nods then Mabui asked, “how do you feel?”
“Quite content,” Samui admitted, taking a deep breath and flexing her fingers. She takes a
seat on the tatami floor as she detailed, “medically speaking, I seem to have an excessively
positive disposition.”
“That’s likely the oxytocin that’s released during the ‘sex-floods’ of your post-coital body,”
Mabui diagnosed, very much feeling the waves of joy swimming inside her. “The oxytocin
then increases dopamine which is what ultimately leads an individual to desire more
permanent bonds with another person.”
“In your professional opinion, will this positive feeling hinder our mission?”
“If we’re feeling it, I guarantee you he’s feeling it as well,” Mabui stated, taking a seat across
from her captain once she changed. “So I’d say this is to our benefit.”
After a moment of thought, Mabui can’t help but find Samui cute when she asked, “what… is
the appropriate operating procedure to see him again? Must we wait until tonight? Is the
afternoon too early?”
Even though Samui wasn’t expressing any emotion on her face, the way her light-blue eyes
looked away, tilting her silky blond head as she struggled to chart the difficult path of
seduction, the elevated hormones inside of Mabui wanted to kiss Samui right then and there.
However, Mabui hasn’t forgotten for one second how Samui might react to suddenly being
kissed, so instead asked, “Samui-taichou, may I reevaluate your kissing technique? …For the
Though Mabui would prefer not to drop the keywords on Samui, it’s worth it for the slow,
nearly submissive, nod of Samui’s blank consent. The beautiful women lean forward and
Mabui immediately takes her supple pink lips. With the previous night still fresh and tingling
in their bodies’ muscle memory, the pair of beauties make out for a long time. Mabui
dominates Samui’s mouth, taking her tongue in her mouth and rubbing it vigorously against
her own. It was hot and wet, and Mabui loved leading the willing Samui. They only pulled
away when the need for air became too demanding.
“V-very good,” a winded Mabui complimented. “Your lips and tongue taste… kissing is
definitely another one of your advantages.” Rather than respond, Samui just nodded twice,
making Mabui want to kiss her again. However, she bites her lower tongue, holding herself
back to answer her earlier question. “We should wait until tonight. I’m sure I’ll see him at the
library and I’ll invite him over again. I have no doubt he’ll say yes.”
“We should also create a cover story for our day together,” Mabui suggested.
Painfully humbled by the accurate accusation, Mabui crossed her arms as she tried to defend
herself. “I- well, it’s not like… who expected him to be that good? He’s sixteen! Plus, he
knows my weak spots!”
“Precisely what I mean,” Samui simply returned. “It’s our task to ensnare him with our minds
as much as bodies and yours submitted to his completely.”
Jaw dropped, Mabui retorted, “I… Don’t act like you didn’t need to rest!”
Nodding at the recollection of her own performance, Samui admitted, “he did outperform all
my previous partners and engagements. I was unaware a man could ejaculate so many times.”
Using her experience and medical education, Mabui assured her, “they’re not supposed to!
That’s what I’m saying, he’s definitely abnormal… Now that I think about it…” The night
was so heavy and eventful, Mabui only now realized, “I don’t think he’s a virgin.” Then it
hits her as much as her hand smacking her forehead. “What am I saying? OF COURSE HE’S
NOT A VIRGIN! How could I’ve been so stupid! There’s no way someone who’s never been
with a girl could ever be that good!”
“…It’s not so much a missed, per se,” Mabui grumbled before quick-thinking answered, “t-
the lateral orbitofrontal cortex- yes, of course. The lateral orbitofrontal, which is the part of
the brain that governs your reason and behavior, actually shuts down during an orgasm… of
which, I lost count how many I had. In other words, during a state of post-coital bliss, you
might feel emotions that aren’t what you think because your ability to reason has been
dampened by the release of oxytocin and increase in dopamine.”
Nodding before thinking, Samui guessed, “by the night’s end, the orgasms I experienced
seemed to erupt one after the other so it’s difficult to tally… I’d say north of twenty,”
Casually, she then pointed out, “you, of course, passed out.” A huffing Mabui rolled her eyes
before Samui asked, “does that suggest we’re impaired?”
With a sigh, Mabui asked, “how long do we have?” She was suddenly all too cognizant of her
fleeting time with Naruto and wants to spend as much of it with him as possible before their
mission deadline.
Samui casually answered, “it wouldn’t be smart to take him before the Chūnin exam-”
Taken aback by her response, Mabui’s widened as she asked, “take him? What do you mean
take him?”
With a blank face, Samui sighs before mumbling, “it seems I’m much more impaired than I
“When command learned the owner of Kubikiribōchō was an Uzumaki,” Samui started. “Our
team’s directive was amended.”
“As you were faltering in your progress with the target, I felt you needed additional support I
could not provide. It’s why I messaged Dodai-san and Darui-taichou.”
For confirmation, Mabui asked, “and Darui told you why he thought I might be hesitating?”
With Samui’s nod, Mabui then asked, “so why kidnap him?”
“All I know is Uzumakis are high-value targets,” Samui confessed. “I sent Atsui to seduce
Uzumaki Karin. Sadly, he failed immediately. We’ll have to settle with Naruto for the time
Curious for more details, Mabui heatedly asked, “that’s it? They didn’t specify why else?”
“I…” At the time, Mabui wasn’t sure how she felt, and after two weeks, the dilemma within
her was far worse. Her heart ached at how much she’s already lied to him, and continues to
do so, but her mind feared failing Samui and her village. Preferring to distract herself, she
asked, “how are we supposed to take him?”
“After his match—or matches—in the Chūnin Selection Exam would be best,” Samui
explained. “Time-release poison was my initial strategy, however, without knowing precisely
when his match is to start—whether before or after the others—he may become so hindered
during his fight with Sabaku no Gaara, he could die. That would be unacceptable.”
“If we want him to come with us, the easiest and most effective way of doing that without
alerting Konoha is by convincing him to join us. I’ve seen the way this village treats him and
I’m confident you and I are the best thing that’s ever happened to him. If we suggest leaving,
he may feel like following us.”
“We would have to lure him out of the village—possibly with a vacation stay of some sort to
celebrate any achievement he makes in his exam-”
“Or he could escort you ‘home,’” Mabui suggested. Samui nodded before Mabui continued.
“We can hint at being together often and after reaching a good distance, we can ask.”
Both women mull over the plan in the minds before Samui eventually noted, “I feel he’s
unlikely to support our betrayal,”
“You’re right,” Mabui easily agreed. “He’s an honest man who takes his word seriously and
respects others who do so as well.”
Without a good answer, Mabui admitted, “I’ll have to give it some serious thought. However,
for any strategy we devise to succeed, the three of us will have to be together often…” Mabui
felt herself grow warmer with anticipation as she happily added, “every night if need be.”
“I’m fully committed,” Samui blankly affirmed. “You mentioned he’s unlikely a virgin…”
Swallowing excessive saliva, Mabui asked, “you think another woman might keep him from
agreeing to come with us?”
“She may not be in his life anymore,” Mabui told her. “He doesn’t fit the profile of someone
content with emotionless connections, physical or otherwise. Essentially, if she were in his
life, we wouldn’t be in his. I suggest we initiate a soft probe around pillow-talk. Men answer
anything then. If that leads nowhere, we can recon.”
Mabui thought they had plenty of opportunities to get answers to their questions but he would
come over and it was like a switch was flipped; like Samui and Mabui were starving all day
and he brought dinner. There was just little thought for much else. Mabui could be cooking
while Samui cleaned. Mabui would wear her boxer-shorts and tank top camisole while Samui
would wear a sleeveless tank-top dress with lace trim. The moment he’d knock on the door,
Mabui already felt her womanhood begin to heat with buttery slickness.
He should be in their trap, at their mercy, and yet, when he’d walk up behind her, grip her
hips and pull her round rump into his semi-hardness with a little teasing thrust, the arousing
stimulation within her loins would begin to rev up of its own accord, as if her fetish for
geniuses would not allow her any control of her dripping sex. He’d turn her around, kiss her
deeply, and her knees would buckle from the pure bliss of their lip-lock. Samui would then
walk over, press her large, soft chest against them and wait patiently, obediently for her turn.
As he made out with her, all thoughts of cooking vanished from her mind and she’d drop to
her knees to take his thick manliness out of his pants. Mabui would need him deep inside of
her, regardless of orifice.
He’d take turns churning their insides but no one was left wanting. The faster Mabui helped
Samui cum, the faster he could go balls-deep in her again. However, Mabui gained such a
thrill from dominating Samui; ruling over her sexual positions and teasing the woman by
withholding her orgasms until she commanded she can have them. At times, she’d play with
her captain while Naruto simply watched. It was fantastic to her because when he couldn’t
take it anymore, he’d take out his insane lust on their love tunnels repeatedly. This ensured
that both women were spent well before he was.
They’d both suck his thick nut-canon at the same time and quickly learned to work together
to make him erupt his milk in their mouths or on their face. Mabui would, of course, lick his
genius-juice off of Samui’s stunning face before sweetly washing her up. Though Mabui
couldn’t deep-throat him like Samui effortlessly could, Mabui still felt like her experience
and emotional connection with him gave her an edge.
That was until Naruto went from the perfect man to the perfect drug when he created the
Fūinjutsu tag he said he’d make. The constricted tag with the Mirror-Touch Synesthesia array
at its core took him eight clones and half a day to properly write before receding the Fūin
characters into a photo-sized paper.
Mabui was lost climbing the wedded bliss of their heavenly organ grinding when he slaps the
tag hard across her honey-colored ass cheek, producing a loud smacking sound and her
guttural, ‘MMaahhnn!’ Her happy yelp was followed by absolute shock. She suddenly felt an
additional bundle of pleasure growing erect from her clitoris, but looking down, her love-
button is no more distended than before. The influx of a new rippling pleasure network
almost feels like the shape of a long thick penis thrusting delectably into a tight, wet, vagina.
With her limited brain function, as Naruto kept pounding her into submission, she couldn’t
understand why a phantom phallus fucking a pussy felt physiologically connected to her own
wet genitalia.
So close to a thunderous climax, the moment he voiced his Fūinjutsu synced their physical
sensations so she was feeling how amazing his thick dick feels fucking her tight cunt, her
pleasure-drowned mind snapped. Mabui’s green eyes rolled into the back of her head and her
entire body was rocked thunderously with a never-ending cascade of mind-bending orgasms.
She saw white as she melted with pure euphoria.
Samui had to handle Naruto alone for the rest of the night and when Mabui awoke the
following morning, all her beautiful captain could say was, “that was interesting.”
‘Which was ridicules,’ Mabui’s mind would always scream. How can her stoic and strong
taichou not realize how absolutely masterful his Fūinjutsu is? How much of a genius Naruto
For the rest of the day, Mabui had what could possibly be considered a long-running micro-
orgasms. Miniature quakes would rupture from her sensitive quim throughout her whole body
whenever she realized experiencing that insane Fūinjutsu sex-tech in combination with his
own sexual prowess again was only hours or minutes away. To think he could literally fuck
anyone or receive oral from the deep-throating Samui and she would feel the physical
pleasure of their sensation in addition to her own! No, Mabui didn’t think she could survive
Naruto. It scared her how soft and pliable she became by simply thinking about him.
For one more night, she barely survived his Mirror-Touch Tag on her, let alone the second tag
that mirrored Samui’s sensations. Mabui felt her mind-blowing pleasure, the pleasure Naruto
felt as his thick cock fucked her, and Samui’s pleasure from his vibration tag on her cushy
honeyed hot-hole as he fingered her ass. Mabui could feel it all and it was too much for her
sanity, and when she came to, she requested a toned-down version. She was almost glad he
explained his need for a couple of nights off before the Chūnin exam.
Of course, the three of them talked, though, more in their second week of hot sex than the
first. The first week was like drowning in a small room of hot rutting and mountains of toe-
curling orgasms. The second week was when the Kumo women learned he wasn’t a virgin
and that this other, nameless, woman taught him everything he knows. They also learned that
they’re not a couple and while he has strong feelings for her, they can’t be together. They, of
course, took that opportunity to double-team his mind-boggling meat show in an effort to
make him feel loved; with the Mirror-Touch Tags so they can feel his pleasure in addition to
their own.
They also learned that he wanted them to be on high alert for the Chūnin Exams and he
seemed serious enough that Samui authorized arming themselves with daggers to be safe. He
wouldn’t say why he felt something bad might happen but he was visibly worried about them
and that was touching for Mabui to see.
The crowd reacted with a mixture of boos and cheers to the announcement of Naruto’s name,
however, the boos won the day and Mabui couldn’t accept it. She became angry to hear the
man she deeply fears she’s in total love with being booed with downed-thumbs all around her
and she wasn’t the only one. Kurenai, Ino, Sakura, Hinata, Tenten, Samui, and Haku all felt a
growing rage at the pit of their stomachs. To do nothing when they wanted to yell and punch
back any villager who dares to boo and point their thumbs down at their man was
immediately frustrating. The boos did, however, begin to die when the spectators didn’t see
anyone walking from the same access point all the other candidates came from. A few of
them laughed that he was too scared, but the girls knew better and their concern began to
Hiruzen rotated his head a bit and his guard immediately explains no one has seen Naruto.
Rasa watches what he cannot hear out the corner of his eye and wonders what the blond was
up to and if he should sound the signal to commence the invasion much earlier than planned.
Clearing his throat, Genma repeats louder, “Uzumaki Naruto,” and what came next, no one
Watching Nai-chan approach him, Naruto tucked his folded white present under his arm all
the while repressing his bubbling urge to smile broadly. She stepped beside him and they
watched the Kazekage, bodyguards, and security detail leave for the stadium. Despite
watching in silence, Naruto couldn’t help grinning like a loon, wide and very loud to anyone
who saw him. He couldn’t help it; knowing that this absolutely stunning woman next to him
has feelings for him. He had the biggest grin on his face; the kind of grin that could only
mean genuine feelings of love.
“I can’t help it,” he cheerfully cried, pinching his cheeks and rocking cutely from side-to-
Turning to him, Kurenai demanded to know, “you understand I said I can’t be with you,
right? As in, can not.”
“I heard you tell me about your tou-chan and that you love me,” Naruto recites happily. “I
didn’t hear anything about not being together.”
Sulking her head so her beautiful raven hair falls forward, she wearily muttered, “are you
going to make me repeat this to you-”
“Sorry, Nai-chan,” he happily interrupted. “But I can’t stop loving you based on that.”
“That,” she whirled on him to emphasize. “Isn’t something so simple either of us can just
ignore. I’m always going to have this gnawing fear that you or any man I love with all my
heart is going to die and I’m going to be left alone again. My father’s death drove me to who
I am today, but in doing so, a part of me also broke and until I fix it, I don’t want that to
happen again.”
Naruto hummed, practically dancing in place and the corner of her red-eye quirked angrily,
peeved by his constant grinning. She yelled, “you’re still grin- Why the fuck are you still
grinning?! I’m being serious here!”
“I know,” Naruto hopped back a step, raising his palms in submissive peace and dropping his
present from Jiraiya. “I know you are, I do, really, but so am I. I’m super serious when I say
I’m in love with you, Nai-chan, and I’m not going anywhere, dying or otherwise, which
pretty much solves that problem.”
Frustrated and conflicted, Kurenai wanted to say more but felt a familiar shinobi’s chakra
approach. Instead, she exhaled to calm down while picking up the folded white clothing and
returned it to Naruto as the blond called out, “hey Asuma-nii, thanks for watching out for
Karin. I really appreciate it.”
“No sweat,” Asuma responded, adding, “she’s a heck a sensor; helped us out back there.” He
eyes Naruto and Kurenai a moment before asking the blond, “you want to explain what that
conversation with the Kazekage was?”
“Sure,” Naruto responded, slapping away a bit of dust from his folded gift as he casually
explained, “we were mainly talking about Gaara and how Konoha was going to win today.
Tell Ji-chan I’ll tell him everything later tonight or tomorrow if he wants.”
Kurenai wondered out loud, “you actually told the Kazekage that Konoha was going to win
today? Over his own children?”
“It seemed a little more heated than that,” Asuma probed aloud. The gruff man watched the
blond and Kurenai carefully as he asked, “you sure it didn’t involve Temari and the Omiai?”
“Positive,” Naruto answered, sliding the white linen in his orange and blue jacket before
assuring Asuma, “she didn’t come up.”
With a single nod, he replied, “copy that.” Before Naruto leaps away, the broad-shouldered
Jōnin called, “oh, and Naruto.” Though hesitant, he eventually asked, “…were you the one
who gave Kurenai the Fire Slipper Orchid?”
Though initially taken by the question, he nods, “sure did.” Turning to the beautiful genjutsu
mistress, Naruto added, “which the Uzumaki clan is still going to honor you for. Stay ready
guys. Later!” Naruto leaped away as Asuma turned to Kurenai’s expressionless face.
After his talk with Hinata, being open and honest with Rasa, and talking with Nai-chan,
Naruto felt full of energy. He sprints from roof-top to roof-top toward the arena until he finds
a large water tank he can change under. Snickering in delight, he unseals his new gear from a
scroll and quickly puts everything on. He still wore orange pants but the new one isn’t as
baggy on him as his old one. His orange and blue jacket with the high white collar was
gleefully upgraded to an orange and black form-fitting jacket with a black collar that kept his
neck warm and snug. The cloth for his forehead protector was also replaced with a black and
wider one, pushing his spiky bangs higher. His new sandals were black and higher than his
blue ones.
Looking himself over, Naruto was already squealing with overflowing joy. Despite the girlish
squeal, he felt more mature and loved how comfortable easy to move in the fitted tactical
gear was. He strapped his shuriken holster on his right thigh and his chakra blades in the
holster Haku made for him at his lower back. Before slinging on the large scroll for his
reverse summoning over his shoulder however, Naruto unfolds the white cloth. Jiraiya said
he had it specially made and to not tell Ma since she’s making him a red coat.
He raised the sturdy and soft material with both hands gripping the shoulders and it unfolded
to reveal a medium-sleeved coat with a red flame pattern at the hem. It looked so
unbelievably cool, Naruto had stars for eyes and drooled a little. However, he also felt the
threat of tears spilling down his face when he read the words on the back.
Out loud, he reads, “Fourth-” when all too abruptly, Naruto receives a distressing cache of
memories from a forcibly destroyed clone… the clone that was escorting Karin to the
Amongst the throng of festive villagers, the chatting cousins were nearing the stadium when
someone from behind them voiced, “excuse me?”
Stopping beside an alleyway, both Naruto and Karin turn to see a frail-looking old man with
half his face bandaged, saggy black hair, an x-shaped scar on his chin, and walking with a
cane. The old man in a white shirt under a black robe is flanked by two Anbu in white cloaks
and monkey masks creating a wall of men the crowd has to walk around. Within the span of a
heartbeat, an Anbu sprints from the space between the buildings and knocks Karin out before
pulling her into the alleyway. Naruto hollers as he reaches for Karin but with the opening
created by his reaching out, the clone is popped in a puff of smoke.
Bubbling anger Naruto hasn’t felt in years consumed him from his gut and his mind quickly
grasped the threat. Even though he never met the man, he looked exactly like Naru-nii
described; the scar, the bandages, the cane are a dead give-away. ‘That was Danzō,’ his mind
seethed. Naruto knew how dangerous Root was—how dangerous Danzō is—and now they
have his only blood relative; ‘Danzō has Karin…’ Naruto also knew he’d lose her if he didn’t
get her back right away.
Quick as stretching out each arm, the white robe similar to his father’s is on Naruto’s form
before he grabbed the large scroll. He originally planned on using his clone in Mount
Myōboku to feed him more natural energy when he was in a pinch, but this was far more
important. Unrolling the scroll with the fūin seals for the reverse summoning jutsu, he
slapped a chakra-covered palm on the parchment and yelled, “Gyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu!”
His sage-infused clone wearing his original orange and blue outfit pops into existence before
immediately dispelling. The natural energy gathered and balanced by his clone suddenly
permeates and enhances his every infuriated cell. As explained by Pa, Sage Mode is an
empowered state and exponentially increases every attribute of his base. His ninjutsu and
fūinjutsu become more powerful. His strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, durability, and at this
very moment, the most important, his sensory perception, are enhanced significantly.
He knows Karin’s chakra signature and immediately he’s scouring every inch of Konoha for
the feel of her spirit. He can feel the garrisons outside the walls, the cacophony of energy at
the stadium—his loved ones among them—Jiraiya inside Konoha’s wall near the garrison,
and finally, two signatures smoothly moving away from the coliseum, one of which is Karin.
Rather than jumping from the building, he created a senjutsu enhanced clone to grab his hand
before launching him like a bolt out of a crossbow. He launched himself nearly a mile in the
air. The drag force of the atmosphere deafening his ears did little to impede his ballistic
motion, however, when Naruto reached the peak, he created one more clone mid-air to catch
and launch him the rest of the distance toward the target. With his heightened sight, he can
see the pale-skinned boy in an Anbu mask leaping from building to building carrying Karin
over his shoulder.
Though Naruto had never fallen at such a speed from such a height, he was far too angry to
consider any injury. In his mind, he felt powerful enough to destroy whatever building he
landed on, so by the time the masked boy sensed Naruto, it was too late. Like a chucked war-
spear through fragile glass, Naruto landed on the building the kidnapper was going to land
on. The astounding force of his speed and mass transferred powerfully from his feet into the
building and it was more energy than the concrete and wood could handle, loudly rupturing
and destroying most of the roof and floors as he speared through to the street below.
The root kidnapper lost the stability in his run and he tucked Karin into a protective hug
before rolling on the fracturing stone and skidding to a halt just before the crumbling edge of
the destroyed section of the roof. Heavy jagged concrete breaks easily against him, but he
only has attention for his cousin, now two-stories above him on the half-destroyed roof. The
masked boy had no sense of what would cause such impactful damage, the noise of which
left his ears ringing and the dusty, heated air pressure baked his skin.
He laid the red-haired target down before he attempted to sense what the object that
destroyed half the roof was and the moment he turned to peer over the edge, he saw a yellow
flash before he’s kicked in his masked face. The force of the strike was hard enough to
momentarily knock him unconscious, shattering the mask as he skidded off the roof and fell
two floors to the alley below.
When the pale, dark-haired boy came to, he immediately felt fractured bones throughout his
body on top of pained breathing and an agonizing headache. He was hoisted against the wall
and made to look up. Half of his vision is red and blurry, the other half is also blurry, but
observed an angered Uzumaki Naruto holding his unconscious cousin against his chest. The
dizzy and injured boy couldn’t understand why Naruto wore red make-up around his eyes,
but he wouldn’t have a chance to.
Just before the pale boy passed out, Naruto practically growled, “tell Danzō he just made the
biggest mistake of his life.”
Naruto sensed three people inside the building and quickly created clones to make sure
they’re alright and test his accelerated healing fūinjutsu if necessary. Naruto’s fairly certain
he’s late to the arena, but more than anything, he wanted to make sure Karin stayed safe.
With Jiraiya around the perimeter and his Sage Mode lasting no longer than a few more
minutes, Naruto shunshins to the building top before sprinting to the packed arena. Along the
way, Naruto struggled to remain in control. Kurama certainly wanted him to cut loose and
wreck, but today wasn’t the day to deal with Danzō.
Nearing the coliseum, he searches for the person he trusts the most with the last few seconds
of his sage chakra when he’s struck with relief. Karin regained consciousness.
“It’s okay,” he told her. “You’re safe now. Just relax. I won’t let anyone take you,” he
promised her and she wrapped her arms around his trapezius, linking her hands at the back of
his neck.
“Uzumaki Naruto,” Genma called and no one expected what happened next.
Bursting through one of the many guest entrances of Section A, a flash of yellow and white
stains the air over that section of the crowd. Faster than anyone can react, Naruto lands on the
railing next to Kurenai’s post, warping the railing from the pressure and heat of transferred
kinetic motion, and in that moment, the Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha is as confused as the
rest of the ninjas old enough to remember that attire, that hair, and that speed. There isn’t
enough time for their lagging minds to settle with the idea of the Fourth Hokage being alive,
or even be stunned yet.
Kurenai has just enough time to read, ‘Fourth-’ before the Yondaime lookalike turns around
and she notices Karin in Naruto’s arms. Kurenai’s eyes bulge as her melting mind curses,
‘you’re fucking shitting me!’
Rather frantically, he tells a dazed Karin, “stay with Kurenai no matter what. No matter
what!” He turns to a flabbergasted Kurenai and she can barely think about the red
pigmentation around his eyes or the gold irises with horizontal, oblong pupils before he tells
her, “please take care of Karin for me. Don’t let her go with anyone that’s not me or Jiraiya.”
A beat passes, and Kurenai is embarrassed to be so stunned by this revelation that he needs to
repeat, “Kurenai, do you understand?”
Snapping out of it, she takes Karin around the shoulders as she answers, “yes, yes, I- I
“She can fill you in on what happened,” Naruto stated as he hops back on the bent metal
railing. “I mean it, no one but me or Jiraiya, and definitely no Root or Anbu.”
Though that shocked her to hear, nothing shocked her more than when he turns to leap away.
She manages to read the back of his coat. “The Fourth Sun,” she whispered. A warmth deep
within her spreads to every fiber of her being at the metaphorical thought of her sun burning
brightly once again. Kurenai felt a longing to cry as she watches Naruto leap to the center of
the stage next to his teammate. His landing disperses more energy through the dirt floor than
it can tolerate, fracturing radially around him. Letting his coat flap along with his motion, the
blond exhales as the last bit of his sage chakra ebbs from his network.
Naruto hopes he can get a clone to gather natural energy without interruption as he calls out,
“I’m here! I’m here!”
At the sight of Naruto in a white coat, Genma nearly breaks his toothpick under clenched
teeth. From Kurenai and Karin, Asuma, Kakashi, Hiruzen, Rasa, Mei, Mabui, Samui, Atsui,
to the other nine Chūnin hopefuls around him and the entire arena at large; everyone is
staring at Naruto with a wide mixture of shock, disbelief, anger, fear, longing, and hope.
Despite his orange and black two-piece suit, the spiky yellow hair and white coat with the red
flames makes it impossible for everyone old enough not to think of the Yellow Flash of
Konoha; one of the most feared shinobi in the world and the adored Hokage who sacrificed
his life to save the village. For the widely despised orphan, Uzumaki Naruto, to somehow
look exactly like their fallen hero is the greatest shock of all.
The bleachers are so silent, Naruto can hear the cicadas clearly as his retarded imagination
wonders if he landed in the wrong arena despite his teammate standing right next to him.
Rotating around to inspect the ghostly-silent audience gives Genma, the other nine
contenders, and anyone with enhanced vision a chance to read the back of Naruto’s long coat.
Many hundreds of minds echo or whisper the ‘Fourth Sun,’ written on his back as Naruto
walks up to Hinata. Mei, in particular, finds the proverbial significance of his coat extremely
telling. Only those versed in Land of Water myth and legend know of the Fourth House of the
Sun. To see the Fourth Sun on his back brought back difficult memories of lost ones, making
her crack her glass of champagne from the tightened grip of her fingers.
“Ne, Hinata-chan,” Naruto groans, looking around from the audience to Temari, Gaara, and
the other genin around. “I’m in the right place, right?”
Before recalling the microphone, the entire stadium hears the proctor interject, “you’re late.”
For a moment, he’s tempted to say, ‘the son of the Yondaime shouldn’t be late,’ however, he
eventually reasons that it’s not his place to confirm his parentage so publicly. Still, he walks
up to Naruto and inspects the living likeness of Namikaze Minato. Taking the liberty, the
melancholy Jōnin latches the drawstring at sternum level from one flap to the other, ensuring
the coat remains closed. With a satisfied nod, Genma turns about-face toward the village
leaders in the highest seats of the center tower.
“Ho, ho, ho,” Hiruzen laughs his slow elderly laugh, enjoying immensely Naruto’s stunning
With a smile, Hiruzen doesn’t even turn to the Kazekage to answer, “that, is the most
surprising ninja you’ll ever meet.”
I’ve made a couple of changes from canon. Although it was never specified when Rasa,
the Kazekage died, we know it was before the finals. Some would say it was even before
the Chūnin exam started. It varies because of the panel showing the Kazekage being
ambushed and killed by Orochimaru on his was to Konoha, but also another panel that
found Rasa’s body and says he’d been dead for a while. If he has been dead for a while,
Orochimaru would then be disguised as Rasa for over a month(or some idea along that
line), being the Kazekage. I decided not to go that route. So in my fic, Rasa was not
killed before the Chūnin started.
Also, I looked it up. Judging from the picture of the bodies, it looks like they’ve been
dead for 10-20 days. That’s when the body turns purple from active decay and bugs
eating away at you. I figure it’s possible for Rasa to be killed the day of the Chūnin
finals and rot for the length of time it took Konoha to settle negotiations with Suna.
Another thing, in Shippuden, Mei is supposed to be in her mid thirties. I’m aging her
down in my fic to mid twenties. She's still the oldest woman in the harem but not by
This chapter was a terror to structure. I mean, I must've re-written it like four times
before I had something I liked. The issue was the two weeks left before the Chūnin. I
still wanted to show that but I really wanted to get to the invasion and stuff. So I was
trying all sorts of ways to fit it all in while also including Naruto's meet with Rasa and
Mei. This is what I ultimately came up with. I really hope you guys enjoyed it.
Have a great one, and please, please, please stay safe guys. We can beat this thing if we
all watch out for each other.
Chapter Summary
Anyone can resist the invasion of an army, but no one can resist the invasion of ideas
whose time has come.
Chapter Notes
Jeez, where to begin. First and foremost, I hope everyone and their families are safe and
surviving this global crisis. Don't ever feel ashamed to ask for help if you need it,
because there are friends/family that would gladly give it.
Next, I'd like to apologize for the long delay. COVID altered my life to essentially
working, sleeping, and more working. In addition to the stress of catching the virus and
supporting my household, it's been very difficult to get in the mindset to write. But I've
been trying. I write in my notebook, and for the last month, I haven't had to work 75+
Which brings us to this chapter. WARNING: Blood and Violence. It's nearly 21K and
like the wave mission, I didn't linger on events from canon we've already read a
thousand times. So if I don't go into too much detail with a fight, assume it's similar to
I'm happy to be back and a very special thank you to Vincent Liu for keeping me
motivated. Please enjoy
Soldiers young and old remained huddled together for warmth from the early morning chill
and vigilance for the signal. They couldn’t start a fire throughout the entire night for fear their
army will be discovered before the designated time. Come morning, hundreds of shinobi,
from jōnin to even genin, are low and quiet in the forests of Konoha ready to fight, ready to
invade. Huddled together as the cold slowly seeps from their bones, they whisper to each
other to distract themselves and pass the time.
“What’ll you do with your piece of land?”
“They told us no looting but I heard the Sound guys are going to rape, pillage, and plunder. I
don’t care for the raping but how would command know if we took valuables?”
Many Sand shinobi whispered about the possibilities after the invasion and the answers were
the same.
“Get away from the heat and sand. Find a nice spot for my wife and daughter… finally be a
man who can support them.”
“I’d love to invest in a new puppet. But I should really help the family out. Kami knows I
can’t stand them half the times, but it’s family. They’d starve without me. What can you do,
you know?”
“It wouldn’t surprise me. Those Sound-nin have no honor; why would they care? If you want
to take something for your little girl, I don’t see how they could have a problem with that, but
anything more might get you in trouble with the brass. Look, we’re getting the better part of
this alliance. After today, Sunagakure and Wind country will finally be able to prosper. No
more waiting outside HQ for scraps of work that’s just going to go to bills and feeding the
family. Once Konoha is gone, we’ll get all the land and all the jobs.”
Opposite the sore and vehement Sand-nin, the Sound-nin wanted to expand their village and
country to become one of the five dominant nations; only they’re willing to do so by any
means necessary; taking the land, wealth, and jobs by right of conquest. To that end, they will
kill the men and boys of Konoha and gift the corpses to their great leader, Orochimaru, for
his breakthrough experiments. They will rape the women so they give birth to Sound citizens,
and they will kill anyone who stands in their way.
‘Will this boy ever stop surprising me,’ Kurenai can’t help but ask herself, smiling at the sight
of Naruto in the arena below, his white coat billowing in the wind along with his sunny blond
hair. ‘The Fourth Sun,’ the red characters on his back read and Kurenai wondered if, ‘Sun,’ is
intentional or not. Knowing Naruto as intimately as she does, she’s fairly certain it wasn’t and
would even expect him to groan about how it should’ve read ‘Son,’ not, ‘Sun.’ She couldn’t
help but giggle as she could see his mopey reaction so perfectly and it only endeared her to
him; after all, he wasn’t a flashy sort of guy. Kurenai loved him better this way.
She doesn’t subscribe to astrology but she knows many girls who do and recalls the Sign of
the Fourth Sun means home. Looking at her golden boy, like the world fell away and no one
else existed, Kurenai’s whole body tingled with warmth, as if pleasantly thawing from the
cold in front of a comforting fire. It took her breath away when she realized she never knew
how cold she was until now, so much so, she could cry if she weren’t so focused.
‘Fuck,’ Kurenai mentally groans, feeling her dainty nose heat as her heart sings, ‘yeah… I’m
in love.’ It’s the last moment of indulgence she’ll allow from her pure heart, because in her
charge, her love—‘Kami, he really has me… all of me’—left his cousin, his only family, in
her care, and it was pretty clear a delicate event had occurred.
Squeezing the redhead’s shoulder, Kurenai gets Karin’s attention to ask, “what happened?”
Though Karin doesn’t know Kurenai, it’s clear to her Naruto trusts her, which means she can
as well, and begins to tell her everything she can remember.
The rest of the crowd is finally starting to openly doubt, mock, or demand answers. The
rumbling voices from hundreds of spectators slowly increases in hazy volume, as if the mob
didn’t know what to make of this image before them and that confusion annoyed them. The
Yondaime was too heroic and Naruto was just a loud, annoying, hooligan with many horrid
rumors surrounding him. What everyone saw just didn’t feel right.
Ino had long since learned the truth of Naruto’s character, and to look around, it surprised her
how much she’s fallen for him since then. His status in the village had only mattered to how
she thought her parents might react, but after gaining their support, being the village’s pariah
didn’t factor in her love for him at all.
Looking at him now, looking so similar to the Yondaime, wondering if he really is the son of
the Fourth Hokage or not, Ino felt incredibly aroused. She just stared at him, blushing at the
possibility that somehow, Naruto can be even more amazing than she previously thought. It
was enough that they could be great friends and lovers, but seeing him in his new clothes,
wondering if her first time was actually with the, possible, son of a Hokage, Ino was so
excited she was getting wet at the thought of being with him again. Ino squeezed her legs
together, concentrated on her breathing, and tried not to get triggered.
Seated beside the quietly squirming Ino, Sakura observed and questioned as much as
everyone else around her. Though she is curious about his lineage, as a budding healer, she
also noticed an injured and bleeding Karin. Though Sakura hasn’t taken her oath yet, she’s
already memorized it and knows it’s about important ethical interactions between doctors and
patients. Aside from the oath establishing that the practitioner of medicine gives deference to
the creators, senseis, and students of medicine, the oath serves as a contract for doctors to
work towards the benefit of the health of the public.
To Sakura, it means the physician is accountable for their actions should problems arise, so
she takes Ino’s hand—surprising a small moan for her lips—and calls, “come on,” before
heading to a patient in need. With Chōji tagging along, they reach them as Kakashi lands on
the railing beside Kurenai, and before he can ask one thing, a blushing Ino asks to know, “is it
As Asuma walks over to the gathering, Kakashi looks out to the field, observing Naruto
beside Sasuke, then side-steps the young Yamanaka’s question with, “mmn, I wonder.” Ino
groans at the evasion as Kakashi simply turns his single eye to Karin and asks, “more
importantly, what happened?”
“I was knocked out,” Karin repeats to the revered Sensei. “And when I came to, Naruto-sama
had already rescued me and was heading here.”
Kurenai adds, “she recalls seeing an older man; dark hair, half his face covered in bandages
and walking with a cane,” certain that both Kakashi and Asuma have noted the implication.
“I see,” Kakashi hums looking around the stands. He can’t be certain of any suspicious
patterns or irregularities but his intuition is telling him everything is off, even if only by a
little. Returning his attention to Karin, he explains, “I’ll take you to the Tower to debrief-”
“You can’t,” Kurenai asserts, mentally realizing she doesn’t have the authority to give
Kakashi orders.
Kakashi raises a peaceful palm as he reassures Kurenai, “I won’t let anything happen to her.”
“Naruto-” Kurenai cuts herself off to change tactics, stating, “Uzumaki-dono gave strict
instructions that she is to stay with me until he or Jiraiya-sama retrieve her. As he is the Head
of their clan, I can’t let you take her unless Hokage-sama expressly orders me to.”
The moment of silence is the only indication that Kakashi was surprised by Kurenai’s
response. Asuma was observing her as if searching for any shred of evidence, all the while
suspecting the truth underneath and being unable to accept it. Sakura, Ino, and Karin give
each other side glances in that tense moment, though Ino is completely thrilled by Kurenai’s
defiance. Kakashi reminds Kurenai, “I’m his sensei.” He didn’t have to say, ‘and your
superior,’ because she heard it nonetheless.
“Uzumaki-dono trusts you, as we all do,” Kurenai tries diplomacy. “He knows she’ll be fine
with me because I’m certain he would rather speak to you. If the man responsible for this is
who we think it is, Hokage-sama should be made aware.” Kurenai hates Kakashi’s poker
face. With his bored face, she rarely has any way of gauging where her responses stand with
him; whether positive or negative, but she doesn’t flinch either.
“I’ll speak with Naruto,” Kakashi asserts. “Asuma stay with Kurenai and Karin. You three,
back to your-”
“I just want to make sure Karin-chan’s fine,” Sakura declares, asking for permission to check
“Understood,” Kakashi responds, nodding his consent. “Then to your seats… and everyone,
stay alert.”
Kakashi disappears as Sakura begins using her Iryō-ninjutsu to monitor a grateful Karin’s
health. Though Karin feels fine, she feels more comfortable with Sakura, Ino, and Kurenai by
her side.
Under the breezy shade of section D, Mabui, Samui, and Atsui subtly observe the red-headed
girl Naruto had carried in his arms moments before and the group of ninjas around her, while
all around them, people groan and gossip about what they’ve just witnessed. To the Kumo-
nin, it was like being surround by disgruntled noise pollution and a flurry of heated
movements. Mabui and Atsui didn’t understand the uproar and the logic Samui’s mind was
proposing had no intelligence—factual or otherwise—to back it up. Samui quietly confirms
to her team the red-headed girl is Naruto’s cousin, Uzumaki Karin, before ordering them to
remain vigilant.
Two gambling men in front of the Kumo-nin are arguing loudly in half sentences, and to clear
the confusion, Mabui taps a shoulder before calling, “excuse me.” Ignoring their instantly
lecherous eyes, Mabui internally sighs as she asks, “can you tell me why everyone is making
a fuss about that contestant?”
“I’ll tell you anything you want, Sweet Stuff,” the spiky-haired one with facial tattoos coos.
He eyes her up and down as he slyly adding, “over dinner.”
“A girl as hot as you deserves two boyfriends,” the spiky-haired man replies with a grunting
moan. “Not that you have to tell him about me if you don’t want.”
“Excuse me, I meant to say no other man exists in my eyes unless I’m beating them to within
an inch of their life,” Mabui returns, daring him with stern green eyes to say more. Atsui
groans as his body wilts like a limp noodle.
“Alright, alright,” the spiky one grumpily returns. “Can’t a guy show a little interest
anymore?” Before Mabui threatens him again, he points to Naruto in the sunny and spacious
arena below and explains, “the way the kid’s dressed… it’s just messing with peoples’ heads,
is all.”
Drawing her brows together curiously, Mabui asks, “why?”
The man’s eyes shamelessly travel down to the alluring roundness of Mabui’s supple chest as
he slowly asks, “you’re not from around here are you?” It’s almost as if he forgot she
threatened his life.
“That ain’t it,” his heftier companion with round cheeks and small eyes interjects. He also has
a problem looking above her neck, of which Mabui only tolerates so he can explain, “there
are plenty of others who don’t get it either. I’m thinkin’ maybe you’re all too young to’ve
been in the last war.”
The spiky-haired man continues, “those who remember are freakin’ out because he looks way
too much like the Fourth Hokage.”
“Shiiit,” the heftier one calls out. “For a minute, I thought he was the Fourth!”
All three of the Kumo ninjas visibly sit up straighter at the implication, though it’s more of a
confirmation for Samui. Her mind begins making alternate plans as she comments for further
information, “I wasn’t aware the Fourth Hokage had any children.”
It was a statement that had the potential to seriously complicate their amended mission and
made Samui’s team instantly think about the major political repercussions of taking Naruto.
If what everyone seems to be in denial of is true, then taking the son of the Fourth Hokage
would certainly lead to a diplomatic incident, and if enough authority heads wanted it, war
between Kumo and Konoha. This dilemma instantly made Samui believe their simplest and
best course of action was for Naruto to voluntary desert Konoha, which meant they had to
truly make a concerted effort to seduce him. Samui follows up with, “was he hidden from the
Saucer-sized eyes zeroed in on Samui’s terrifically large and ample chest and the heftier man
not-so-silently whispers to his friend, “fuck me, will ya look at the rack on this one?”
Ignoring Atsui’s angry growl, Samui apathetically returns, “I also have the most amazing
boyfriend who exceeds satisfying me in every way.” Atsui looked as if he wanted to throw up
as Samui demands of them, “answer my question.”
The hefty blond man grumbles to his friend, “why are the hottest ones always loyal,” before
glumly answering, “yeah, the Yondaime doesn’t have kids… or at least, that’s the story,
“It’s just another one of his pranks,” the hefty one protests. “It’s gotta be!”
Looking around the chaotic stadium, the spiky one asks, “then why aren’t the Jōnin saying
The two continue arguing amongst themselves, as do the majority of people around them
while the Kumo-nin observe the behavior of Konoha’s shinobi. To Mabui and Samui, it
appears as if the crowd can’t accept the sight of Naruto as the son of the Fourth. There’s
unease and whispers of, ‘it can’t be,’ or, ‘he should be court-martialed,’, or ‘to do something
so disgraceful.’ In the section next to theirs, a disagreement about Naruto’s appearance
breaks out into a fight, and in that moment, Samui and Mabui nod to each other. They realize
the crowd’s hostile reaction is likely indicative of the village’s attitude as a whole and should
aid them in convincing Naruto to defect. They also know they must be extremely careful as
it’s only obvious Konoha’s leadership will not appreciate losing the son of a fallen Hokage to
Kumogakure. It’s too much of an international slap in the face to allow.
Patches of boos around the gossiping masses can be heard. They don’t last longer than a few
moments before opposing voices holler for them to shut up, creating a bit of pandemonium.
Scratching his head, Naruto simply chuckles at the mixed reaction all around him, thankful it
isn’t all booing and heckling. Naruto looks up to the Kages, to Rasa specifically, who’s
glaring at him and simply returns a broad smile.
Irritated by Uzumaki’s aloof attitude, Rasa asks Hiruzen, “is he the son of the Yondaime
With thoughts of Iwa in his calculating mind, Rasa rhetorically asks, “I imagine concealing
his existence was for his own safety?”
“At one point, certainly,” Hiruzen confirms, stroking his chin-beard with a lazy hand.
“Uzumaki seems an ill-suited family name,” Rasa coldly denotes. In a calculated manner,
Rasa probes the Hokage by saying, “I imagine he will adopt his father’s name after today.”
“Hoh hoh hoh,” Hiruzen laughs his slow elderly laugh, adding, “I highly doubt that.” Rasa
turns his curious gaze on Hiruzen, who only returns a lazy glance before answering, “while
it’s fairly evident Naruto has his father’s appearance, he’s his mother’s son through and
through. He’s the type of young man who believes the name you call him doesn’t matter as
he is the one who chooses what he answers to.” Returning a proud sight on the blond in the
wide arena below, Hiruzen proclaims, “and Adversity knows him intimately as Uzumaki
Rasa didn’t sense any deception or hidden awareness in Hiruzen’s responses, forcing the
Kazekage to truly consider that Jiraiya and Uzumaki are being truthful and hadn’t informed
their Hokage of the attack on their village. Rasa stares down at the son of the Fourth who is
getting admonished by the proctor for not standing next to his Uchiha teammate.
“Alright guys, this is the final test,” Genma calls to the ten Chūnin candidates before him.
Genma’s voice is still projected throughout the spectating crowd, silencing the grumbling
chatter as he explains, “the arena is different but the rules are the same; there aren’t any.” The
crowd cheered to hear that through the PA system, then Genma eyes Sasuke a moment before
adding, “you fight until one of you dies or concedes but if I determine the fight is over, I’ll
step in and stop it. Got it?”
In the spacious arena under the warm sun, Temari glances at the other candidates to catalog
their response but her eyes immediately latch onto Naruto. Her mind is a jumble of impatient
curiosity and she just stares at him, wondering more and more about him; his clothes, his
entrance, his power, his doom. Her heart felt torn by the excitement of seeing him again and
the terror of his demise today.
Proctor Genma cuts through her train of thought as he announces, “everyone but Kankurō
and Shino head up to the viewing gallery.”
Before Temari steps away or anyone takes more than one step to leave, Kankurō whispers to
her, “waiting for Gaara’s match is going to take too long. He needs to be on the field by the
target time.”
“I know,” she whispered back all the while observing Naruto in his new, dashing, and
respectable look; he even seemed taller to her. Despite hearing her brother, she had the
greatest urge to ask Naruto about his outfit. She’s seen pictures of all four Hokages but
couldn’t accept the clear evidence that Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Naruto are related
since information like that couldn’t be hidden so easily. More eager to solve this mystery,
Temari tells her brother, “we have time. Just finish him quickly-”
In an instant, Temari is fiercely upset. Even if it was a prudent move toward their father’s
ultimate objective, Temari couldn’t help but mentally curse, ‘fucking Kankurō!’ Even
inflating her chest with a deep breath doesn’t calm her glare.
Confused by his sister’s reaction, Kankurō draws his brows together curiously as he answers
the proctor, “I’m sure.”
The other Chūnin hopefuls observe Kankurō’s unexpected withdrawal with puzzlement. The
ones reexamining their chances at reaching the final match are Sasuke, Neji, Kiba, and Shino.
Naruto and Temari know none of this truly matters, Hinata is simply pleased her teammate is
advancing, and Shikamaru is only interested in the calm breeze keeping him cool and the few
fluffy clouds drifting in the big blue sky above. Of all of them, Gaara is the only one who
never stopped walking to the gallery. Kankurō has never been anything more than a meat-
sack to the homicidal red-head, but in that one moment, he didn’t feel his usual urge to kill
him. Even still, Gaara is all the more eager to validate his existence in excessive blood and
death. It’s been too long and he’s shaking in anticipation of killing someone soon.
“Whatever,” Genma’s amplified voice grumbles louder than the boos of the crowd. In his
mundane way, Genma announces to all through the speakers, “Shino, you advance. Go up
with the others. Temari, Shikamaru, you stay.” Hinata skips over to her teammate and
congratulates him while Kiba whines about how lucky he is.
Neji, Shikamaru, and Team Kurenai walk toward the viewing gallery as a smiling Naruto
calls out, “good luck, Temari-chan, Shikamaru!” Naruto then follows the others to the gallery.
Watching her chance to learn any secrets from Naruto slip away, an annoyed Temari harshly
whispers to Kankurō, “you didn’t have to do that!”
“It’s fine,” Kankurō waves aside her concern. “None of this is going to matter after today.”
Eying their father before looking around for Baki, the face-painted Sand-nin reiterates,
“conserve your chakra and finish him off quickly.”
Kankurō rushes to Gaara’s side before noting how transfixed he is on Naruto. Though his
vicious little brother appears to be in control, Kankurō can tell it won’t last. ‘He’s going to
detonate soon,’ Kankurō estimates, observing Naruto walking beside his teammate with his
hands clasped behind his head.
“Yo, Sasuke, it’s been a while,” Naruto greets. Wearing a black one-piece with white
bandages around his forearms and shins, and a black belt wrapped around his left arm,
Sasuke looks at Naruto dispassionately, as if noticing a fly buzzing annoyingly around him.
Without a response, Naruto goes on to say, “I bet you’ve gotten strong too. I guess Team 7’s
been pretty busy, huh? Anyway, I wanted you to know I haven’t forgotten.” A silent and
annoyed Sasuke glances at the blond, like the buzzing is entering his ear. “I said I’d help you
out, and after today, I’ll have more time to do that.”
“I don’t need nor want your help, Dobe,” Sasuke retorts. Walking ahead and stuffing his
hands in his pockets, he continues, “you’re nothing but a nuisance holding me back so stay
out of my way or I will break you.”
“What the hell,” Naruto hotly returns. Turning around and walking backward to have eye-to-
eye contact with the self-proclaimed avenger, Naruto explains, “I’m not in your way. If you
weren’t such a stubborn ass, you’d see I’m actually trying to be a friend!”
“Then you really are the biggest idiot,” Sasuke growls back. “I don’t need friends. Power and
revenge are the only things I care about, and after today, you’ll only live on in fading
“Yeesh, and you call me an idiot,” Naruto groans in frustration. While Naruto’s concern is
steadfastly focused on the future, talking to Sasuke makes him see how focused on the past
the avenger is, making him think they really are like two sides of the same coin. “Whether
you see it or not, I get why you’re like this,” Naruto replies. “Power and revenge aren’t all
you care about and I know for a damn fact, it isn’t even what matters most to you.” Despite
Sasuke glaring at him, Naruto sternly tells him, “so sit tight, you prissy little drama queen cuz
I’m helping you whether you want it or not.”
Watching Naruto walk ahead of him wearing an overcoat similar to the Yondaime’s—as if
he’s lording over his clan and life—threatening to interfere with his life’s goal. Sasuke grabs
Naruto’s shoulder, pulling hard to turn the blond and maliciously tell him, “don’t even think
about losing until you reach me.” Squeezing his shoulder tight, Sasuke practically spits, “this
is the last time you’ll ever get in my way.” Onyx eyes to clear blue ones, the challenge
between them is clear; there isn’t another person in this tournament that Sasuke wants to fight
more than Naruto.
“Temari versus Shikamaru,” Genma announces as soon as the contestants were ready.
Watching from the observation gallery beside team Kurenai, Naruto wasn’t sure if the same
result Naru-nii had explained to him would happen this time, and if it did, how Shikamaru
would trap Temari without the hole Naru-nii dug when he beat Neji. Like many watching,
Naruto learned Shikamaru truly is a genius.
When he finally got moving, the pineapple-head unloaded all of his shuriken and kunai,
making it appear as if he was desperate to snipe her from afar, however, he only wanted to
distract her from an umbrella kunai he launched in the air in order to extend his shadow-bind.
She saw through the tactic and maneuvered away… exactly where he wanted her. From the
shadow of the wall, Shikamaru used his shadow jutsu to travel around the very edge of the
perimeter of the arena to attempt and capture her from behind. Temari saw through that as
well. The shadow nearly had her and she watched it on the floor struggling to reach for her
but unable to. It made her smile confidently until she turned to finish the match and noticed
the flash bomb he threw in the air. It wasn’t thrown high or ultra-bright, but it detonated
before she can react and the light from the explosion easily stretched her shadow toward the
one that nearly snagged her, ultimately capturing her.
Exhausted after using his jutsu for so long, Shikamaru walks to the center, forcing Temari to
walk there as well, raises his hand, forcing her to do as much, and gives up. After getting
over her shock of the bewildering, intelligent, and lazy shinobi, Temari couldn’t deny she was
impressed with his foresight. It made her wonder about Konoha men in general and their
ability to impress her.
The honest sentiment then made her heart ache because she knew what was expected of her.
She knew many Konoha Shinobi would die today. Walking on the grass toward the viewing
gallery, Temari gazes up between her brothers and Naruto, and in addition to feeling defeated,
she felt nauseated. Every weak step up the stairs to the holding area seemed to threaten her
with a violent urge to vomit. Of course, it didn’t help the moment she cleared the staircase,
Naruto is right in front of her, happy as a clam. Closer to her than he’s been in over two days,
he looks so powerful and feels so strong but he still has his smile. Being forced to crush his
cheerful heart nearly makes her hyperventilate.
“Wow, Temari, your fan is soo awesome,” Naruto beams. “I know you showed it to me
before but I’ve never seen it in action…”
Over his shoulder, Kankurō is standing next to Gaara who’s sinister grin is all the signal she
needs. In that revolting moment, her heart hates her brothers, her father, and her village for
making her do this. It’s a spike of emotional distress that even makes her hate Naruto for
being so amazing, and herself for choosing this vile darkness over love and hope.
Mechanically, Temari walks over to her brothers as Naruto follows to ask, “since we’re both
wind-users, can I hold it?”
Gaara steps in front of Naruto, glaring with his cold dead eyes as he proclaims, “she doesn’t
love you.”
Naruto pulls up, humming, “Hmm?” He examines Gaara a moment before looking between
the Sand siblings. Temari’s remains as silent and still as an emotionless porcelain doll.
“She. Does. Not. Love. You,” Gaara slowly repeats, trying to let each word sink in as he steps
closer to Naruto. Gaara whispers, “all this time, she’s been lying to you. She betrayed you;
betrayed your trust.”
Realizing this is the moment, Naruto hates that this is happening. He always suspected but he
hoped maybe he could’ve changed her mind; even if he knows that would’ve made her a
traitor to her village. Though a small part of Naruto recalls her funny smile—like a girl who
never does it—he can’t help but confidently tell Gaara, “no she didn’t.”
“Of course you’d believe otherwise,” Gaara replied, taking a step back and standing next to
his older sister despite glaring at Naruto the entire time. “Temari,” he commands.
“…He’s right Uzumaki,” Temari hesitates to starts. Recalling the need for eye contact, her
teal eyes snap to his blue ones as she practically growls, “d-didn’t you ever ask yourself how
someone like me possibly fall in love with someone like you? I never l-loved you; no, not
such a weak, ugly, m-monster like you! I faked everything when we were together—my
attraction, my joy, my desire for you, all fake.” Temari takes a heavy breath as she fights to
add, “a-and I laughed! Laughed at you after you left! We all laughed at how pathetic you
are!” Kankurō chuckles from Gaara’s other side as Temari finishes, “someone as pathetic as
you should honestly just d-die!”
Even though Naruto knows Temari is lying, watching the three stand united as someone he
cares about reviles him still hurts to see and hear. Naruto couldn’t even put on a brave smile
even when he’s had a lot of practice throughout his life doing so. She said the words he fears
the most and regardless of how false they were, he’s grown to cherish Temari, her laugh, her
cocky attitude, her intelligence, and her drive to prove herself. To hear her mouth say those
words simply hurt.
“Tell them all,” Gaara commands, and Temari looks surprised to hear the command.
She tightens her jaw before calling out for all of Naruto’s friends to hear, “t-this guy is so
pathetic, so weak, he thought he deserves love.” Temari yells louder, “it was so easy to toy
with him. Show him a little affection, and he became my p-pet; did anything I wanted like a
lost little puppy. I turned him into my bitch. I’m- Uzumaki is a monster… That n-no one
could possibly lo-ve and deserves to d-die.”
Sasuke, Shino, Kiba, Hinata, and Neji all stare at Naruto and the sudden drama unfold.
Though Sasuke and Neji didn’t care much, Shino remained quiet, and Kiba actually looked
offended, Hinata felt anger within her rise higher than even when she fought Sakura. Hinata’s
anger triggered her Byakugan to focus on the sandy-blond kunoichi and what she saw made
her calm down some. Something about her posture and erratic chakra flow told Hinata that
Temari was in turmoil and possibly being dishonest.
Eying the redhead without much reaction, Naruto sadly turns and walks over to the corner of
the observation deck, away from everyone, and leans heavily on the railing. Hinata, Kiba, and
Shino join him to keep him company, though Kiba is still pissed on his behalf, and yells,
“you fucking bitches better pray you don’t meet me in the finals, cuz if I see you in a round,
I’m drilling ya six feet under!”
“Hyūga Neji,” Genma begins to call. “Hyūga Hinata. Please come down.”
Neji ignores everyone as he coldly walks down to the battle arena. After Shino and Kiba give
her their support, Hinata follows Neji’s direction. She’s by the stairs leading down to the
ground floor when Naruto slowly calls her name, missing his usual liveliness. It made Hinata
angry to think people he’s been trying to be friends with would go so far to hurt him and
nearly wish her match was with Temari rather than Neji.
“Hey, Hinata,” Naruto voices drawing her attention. Naruto knows this match will be difficult
for her but she doesn’t seem overly nervous in his estimation. It reminds him of Naru-nii
assertion that she’ll be a top-tier kunoichi in the future and with a small but genuine smile, he
shares, “I wanted to say it properly… thanks for helping me earlier; in the training grounds. I
believe in you too, so, no matter what, give it your all, and I know you’ll be happy in the
Her eyes widened in disbelief. Her face blushes as she gasps, “thank you, Naruto-kun.” With
stern resolve, she adds, “for everything.”
With a tight fist-pump, he encourages her, “show him what you got.”
He expected her to nod and leave, but she stays and asks, “when this is over, can… w-would
you still like my h-help… with ch-chakra control exercises?”
At the thought of mastering the Hiraishin next, Naruto genially answers, “definitely. I’ve
been itching to get to that.”
Though she couldn’t profess to him, ‘please, watch me,’ she does nod and bow before
making her way down. Naruto returns to his fellow Konoha shinobi and spies a glance
toward Temari and Gaara. Gaara is happy to see Naruto’s hurt expression, but Naruto knows
it isn’t for the same reason. Though facing away from him, Naruto can see Temari’s
conflicted and low-spirited appearance in her rigid posture. It was as if someone broke her
instead of him. Sighing in sympathy, Naruto relocates that energy and saves it for his fight
with Gaara, eager to unleash everything he has on him.
As Hinata follows her cousin to the center of the arena below, Kurenai’s mind curses, ‘fuck!’
as her eyes widen in gut-sinking fear. Her knees buckle, her skin heats, and her chest tightens
in shame and agony. With her full sight on Hinata, the Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha has only
just realized that she’s in love with the same boy her most cherished, daughter-like student
‘Oh, fuck… fuck, fuck fuck,’ her mind constantly repeats, panicking over this scenario playing
out in the most obvious way; her absolutely decimating Hinata’s heart. Kurenai wants to rip
her hair out for finding herself in such an absurd predicament. ‘Being in love with Naruto
would obviously mean betraying Hinata,’ her mind painfully addresses.
Watching her uncharacteristically focused and confident student stand opposite her biggest
challenge to date, the choice between her love as a woman and her love as a mother-figure
should be clear. Rationally, there shouldn’t be a debate about this, but her mind is silent. Her
options are simply what needs to happen and what she wants to happen, and it makes the
tortured Kurenai horribly sick to her stomach.
Observing Neji in the center of the battleground, Hinata understands why Neji demands she
forfeit, and even why he arrogantly breaks down her insecurities one by one to the credit of
his irrational gospel; Destiny. The Hyūga heiress knows why Neji firmly believes people
can’t change and that their future has been destined since birth. He had proclaimed that, ‘a
failure will always be a failure,’ but Hinata isn’t that same girl who graduated the Academy
six months ago or even the girl who suddenly learned she’ll be facing her genius cousin a
month ago, or even the girl, who only a few minutes ago, offered to teach Naruto some of her
clan’s extreme chakra control techniques.
Momentarily imagining him calling her, ‘Hinata-sensei,’ her cheeks blush and her whole
body breaks out in electric goosebumps.
Naruto’s faith in her felt as if she were being blessed by the sun itself and she couldn’t even
think of failing him. Feeling Naruto watching her, Hinata knows Neji is wrong, because if her
jaded cousin was right, then the nine-year-old Naruto who rescued her from older bullies
would’ve never thought to protect her or proclaim to one day becoming Hokage; let alone the
greatest of them all. Quitting because of destiny has no sway over a man with conviction, and
if it’s not Naruto’s way, then it’s not hers either.
“You’re wrong, Neji-niisan,” Hinata asserts, setting her stance. “You can choose your destiny.
And it’s because you don’t know this that I will stop you.”
With a snide grin, Neji asks, “do you actually believe you stand any chance of defeating me?”
“Not of defeating you,” she answers, shaking her head. “Of stopping you.”
“Neji versus Hinata,” Genma speaks, booming through the speakers. The wind and birds
around them fell as silent as the crowd before Genma speaks, “begin.”
‘Byakugan,’ both Hyūga members mentally chant, protruding veins around their nearly white
eyes as their all-sight shows their opponent’s chakra network and nothing else. The stands of
spectators disappear from their view and even the proctor becomes irrelevant to them as they
focus solely on proving to the other who is right.
In less than a second, they’re crossing gentle fists with light physical taps but bursting with
perfectly timed chakra out of their tenketsus, aiming to damage the other’s chakra network
and internal organs rather than deal external muscular damage. For no matter how much
chakra an opponent has, if they can’t use their immense power, they’re as vulnerable as an
academy student. Using their wrist and forearms to block or sway strike after strike away
without losing their footing to the other, they seem evenly matched from a layman’s
perspective, but Hinata knows better.
Her cousin is hiding his true speed. He’s toying with her, waiting until she’s confident in his
timing, dropping her guard so he can surgically cut off her chakra flow. It’s a strategy she
might have missed if not for Kurenai’s diligent strategy planning. Neji may have beaten her
completely if they faced each other in the preliminaries. ‘He may even now,’ she thought, but
with time and Kurenai-sensei’s tutelage, she won’t be defeated.
Masters of their style, they each know how to attack and defend, yet Hinata is being pushed
back by his fast strikes. It was difficult to maintain her footing and balance when Neji’s skill
and ability was better than her in nearly every way. ‘He’s faster, stronger, and a genius in
taijutsu,’ she mentally analyzed. ‘But he doesn’t have Kurenai-sensei.’
Kurenai knew that, in general, the Hyūga clan tends to have average chakra reserves and after
testing each of her students, Hinata had above-average chakra capacity. That along with a
strong understanding of the Gentle Fist, Hinata could only see one way of besting him;
chakra endurance.
Neji is moving faster tapping her chakra points one at a time, but rather than let the obvious
continue, Hinata takes an explosive tagged kunai from her pound and flicks it at the ground
between them. The small flash of light igniting has an alert Neji leap back but the tag didn’t
The moment the crowd and Neji realize it’s a feint, they all witness Hinata, her eyes closed
with her index and middle finger together, parallel with the length of her dainty nose and
concentrates on the technique she’s learned from her father. Like he taught her, she envisions
herself within the center of balance between the forces of peace and chaos, love and hate,
offense and defense, and she sees the eight trigrams symbol, and Neji within range.
It also means Hinata is within his range and he recognizes her stance. Smirking cockily, he
raises his arms, inflating his lungs before thrusting his palms in front of him, setting his
resolve. He spreads his stand along with eagle-spreading his arms and tilting his balance
forward. Neji’s mind delighted in showing the main house how wrong they were and still are
as he mentally yells, ‘Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!’
Hinata felt his sliding approach, mentally calling, ‘Shugohakke, Rokujyuu Yonshou!’
Unlike the offensive Hakke Rokujūyon Shō that attacks sixty-four tenketsus within the body
to incapacitate an opponent, Hinata’s Eight Trigram, Sixty-four Palms is a defensive
technique. She can create, strong, flexible, arcing chakra blades that project outwardly,
defending her from his incoming attack from a distance.
Hyūga techniques clashed and as strong as Neji is in his offense, Hinata has just as much
passion for her defense because it won’t hurt him but it will stop him. Though she still can’t
get more than four cross-sectioning blades to protect her, it’s just barely enough to stop Neji’s
chakra covered fingers from shutting down two tenketsus on her torso.
A sizzling flash behind Neji alerts him that there was a second explosive note wrapped
underneath the dud, but whether it was also a feint or not, it was enough of a distraction for
another of Hinata’s four-section cross blades close three of Neji’s tenketsus. Focused solely
on stopping Neji, helping him, proving to him he can break out of his cage, Hinata manages
to two consecutive cross-sections before Neji flips back, snatching the kunai she stuck in the
ground and flicking it at her with enough strength to clang loudly when she deflects it.
Neji flexes his fingers and looks around his arms at the ten closed off tenketsus. It’s not
enough to completely impede his attacks, but a few of his fingers won’t receive chakra… ‘the
embarrassment,’ his mind cruelly whispers. For someone like the meek, weak, and fragile
Hinata to hinder him even this much in front of the whole village, in front of the main branch,
is a disgrace he won’t ever live down. The cage bars of destiny have never felt so cold and
Neji can’t remember the last time he was this angry.
Though Kurenai’s minor panic attack from observing Hinata execute their strategy perfectly
has subsided, she still feels unwell at the sight of her beautiful student trying so hard. Then
Neji resumed his attack and he looked furious even from where she was standing, compelling
her worry for Hinata to triple.
Neji attacked ferociously with his superior speed and strength, but Hinata continued
defending herself with her Eight Trigram defense. He attacked her constantly, and though she
was getting tired from her constant use of chakra, she manages to close a few more of his
tenketsus without even touching him. After several moments of visceral attacks, Neji finally
managed to break through her defense and attack her organs with the few chakra covered
ringers remaining.
Neji beat her internally, striking her liver, stomach, kidneys, and heart, but it was with less
than half his usual strength, and when she fell, it wasn’t enough to satisfy him. She struggled
to her feet but she was within his range and he reignited his Sixty-four Palms. Though he
started with two strikes, then four strikes, followed by eight strikes, and on until he struck her
chakra network with sixty-four strikes, less than half his strikes actually closed her tenketsus.
After his onslaught, Hinata falls to her knees, coughing up blood, but she doesn’t stay there.
She tries to get up again. She looks at him, sweating dripping around lavender-white eyes
brimming with a strength and determination he’s never seen before, making him believe that
destiny is once again showing him his place.
Hinata only shakes her head, causing drops of sweat and blood to drop on the ground as she
struggles to return to her stance. “You can’t know… what you can really do… until you’ve
tried… and failed… and tried again… a thousand times.”
Neji practically teleports in front of her before landing every attack he hits her with, despite
strained inability to stop him. Hinata holds her breath as she tries to push her body beyond
her limits. Despite her best efforts, Neji strikes her liver with minimal chakra, though it was
enough to shock her entire system, and even then, he heal-palms her in the face, sending her
flat on her back several feet away.
Disappointed with his performance, Neji curses as he begins walking back to the observation
deck when the silent crowd gasps in unison. The young genius turns around and to his
staggering disbelief, Hinata is battling just to stand up. Like a new-born baby attempting her
first steps, Hinata’s hands push off the ground onto weak and unbalanced legs.
“You’ve lost already, thus have nothing to prove or gain,” Neji calls to her, feeling his anger
swell in his chest. “If you don’t stay down, I will attempt to kill you.”
“I’ll kill you first,” Naruto’s lone voice yells from a large distance away, making Hinata smile
a bit.
“Your problem… isn’t destiny… Neji-niisan,” Hinata gasps through wheezing breaths.
Sweating profusely, freely bleeding from her nose and mouth, fire in her lungs making her
wince as she pants, “or that… you’re weak… Your problem… is that… you give up…”
Anger rolling off of him, Neji sprints after her. His tenketsus were closed in the most
inappropriate places, weakening his attacks, and forcing him to use Lee’s Iron Fist to combat
Hinata’s smaller weaker body. With closed and angry fists, Neji punches Hinata down to her
knees, and with a clean punch across her temple, he’s certain he’s knocked her out.
Hinata drops to the floor with her blurry vision of her cousin, the sky, and the stadium as
gone as her equilibrium. She sees only darkness surround her with an unstable floor that feels
like sleeping on a rocking boat. Above her is a single ray of light, warm and inviting like a
celebration dinner with family. Hinata doesn’t know how to reach the light, but she knows
she can. She knows she will and unbeknownst to her, she’s standing to reach the light. Hinata
knows nothing else, not the awe of the crowd, the medical observation of the proctor, or the
shock of her father. She stands in the Gentle Fist’s ready stance without being conscious.
Despite lacking consciousness, Hinata’s pure will to never stay down permeated the muscle-
memory of her limbs to move regardless of position or orientation to will herself upright.
Even if she couldn’t consciously feel the pain standing up flared through her ravaged muscles
and chakra network, she wobbled and struggled to lift her open palms to the ready position. It
might have pained Hinata to lose in front of the person she admires most in the world—she
was simply too far behind her dear cousin in nearly every way—but she wasn’t going to
show Naruto the sight of her staying down. More than anything, she will never stay down in
front of him.
Around the silent or gasping crowd, both Kurenai and Naruto couldn’t be prouder of Hinata.
This match was obviously a win for a genius of Neji’s caliber, but for her to push him so
far… for her to stand even beyond consciousness, impacted both Naruto and Kurenai—
everyone in fact—deeply. She may have lost but her character molded a special place in the
hearts of many that will not be forgotten anytime soon.
After Genma declared Neji the winner, Hinata receives a standing ovation for the depths of
her tenacity despite overwhelming odds and it hurt Kurenai to think of Hinata’s future pain
when she learns of her Sensei’s betrayal.
“Go,” Kurenai hears Asuma tell her. “I’ll cover your section.”
Kurenai was hesitant, to say the least. Conflicting feelings of disgrace, shame, pride, and
concern tore at her insides, but mechanically, she takes Karin’s hand and they walk to the
infirmary. Opening the door to Hinata’s room, Hiashi walks away from his daughter’s
bedside and stops before the ebony sensei. Eyes locked on one another, his hard face says
nothing and Kurenai isn’t sure how he’ll address their individual pledge for Hinata; spoken in
what feels like a lifetime ago. The arrogant man does something unexpected to her and bows
After Hiashi leaves, Karin waits in the corner of the room while Kurenai looks over her
bruised and slumbering student. Lamenting discovering both her great love and her great
shame on the same day, Kurenai doesn’t stay long. She didn’t need to be near Hinata longer
than a few seconds to feel the adult decision inside her clash fiercely with the selfish woman
inside. She places a gentle kiss on her daughter-like student’s forehead before exiting the
room and running into Naruto. Kurenai’s heart beats incredibly fast at the sight of him and
for the life of her she can’t understand why she’s blushing; after everything they’ve done
together, she shouldn’t feel so hot and happy to see him.
Curiously, Karin calls to her cousin with the implication of asking why he’s here, “Naruto?”
“If you’re worried about Hinata, she’ll be fine. She’s resting now,” Kurenai relays, managing
to keep her voice neutral but failing to keep a small smile from her face. He was two feet
away from her and the fact that it felt too far, made her want to smile like a complete fool.
Feeling a more relaxed joy settle her anxiety, Kurenai asserts, “you should be focused on
your own match.”
“It’s all good,” Naruto tells them as he moves to the door. “I’m just a clone. Boss-man
wanted me to stay with her, just in case.”
As he walks into the room, Kurenai’s conflicting emotions knots her stomach once again.
Looking at the blank door, her mind recites, ‘we all love each other, even if Naruto doesn’t
love her in the same way, but only one of us can be with him… and it’s obvious who it should
be.’ The painful truth creeps into her heart like giving up the warmth of the sun. ‘Unless I end
my relationship with Naruto, none of this will end well,’ and she hates it; hates it so much she
wants to cry. Compartmentalizing her chaotic emotions, Kurenai and Karin return to the
In the infirmary room next door, Neji is looking over the many tenketsus Hinata managed to
close with sheer frustration. Though two-thirds of his tenketsus are functional, Hinata
managed to close off many of the most important openings utilized best for offense. So
focused on his injuries, he hardly noticed a person walk into the room, who he assumes is a
“Your tenketsus will remain closed for a minimum of an hour,” Hiashi points out. At the sight
of his clan’s Head, Neji quickly lowers his arms and stares at the man indifferently; nearly
glaring at him as Hiashi adds, “you will have to forfeit your next match.”
Long past honorifics and courtesy, Neji bitingly retorts, “what do you want?”
Taking a breath, Hiashi walks around the room as he explains, “soon after Hinata graduated
the Academy, her Jōnin-sensei approached me in a foolish attempt to goad me into allowing
her free range to instruct Hinata. She rightly believed I would seal my daughter for the good
of the clan. Hinata showed no promise and could never best her younger sister—mentally, it
would seem—which is of paramount importance when you become the leader of a clan as
great as the Hyūga, so I paid no mind to Yūhi-sensei’s scheme and permitted her folly.”
Ending his pacing in front of Neji, his clear eyes strong and genuine as he admits, “I had not
expected to see such… tenacity from her.”
“You must be so proud,” Neji retorts hostilely. “Am I supposed to have more sympathy for
your daughter than my father?”
“There is nothing I would not do for our clan,” Hiashi softly admits. “As would my brother-”
“Don’t,” Neji growls before recalling the seal on his forehead. In a much more calmer tone,
he replies, “nothing you say will make up what I’ve lost to the main branch.”
“To think my eyes were blind to your pain as much as my own daughter,” Hiashi sadly states.
“Anyone with a modicum of ability can see she would not have been able to best you and yet
her will… her strength of heart stood her up against a superior opponent regardless of
consciousness.” Turning to Neji, “will you, nephew, continue?”
Neji is surprised when the leader of the Hyūga clan kneels and bows, forehead to the floor
before apologizing for his loss. Hearing the rest of how his father died, Neji stands and walks
to the window, looking up at the birds flying in the sky.
Sasuke and Kiba meet in the battleground, and in full view of their Kage and village, Sasuke
proves yet again why he’s considered a genius shinobi. Kiba may have had Akamaru and his
sharp sense of smell, but Sasuke only needed his Sharingan and taijutsu to defeat the Inuzuka
heir in less than a minute. Though Kiba lost, everyone could see he tried his best and that the
Inuzuka clan are still strong. However, throughout the match, the way Sakura paid extra
attention to Sasuke’s match made Ino worry.
After getting over her initial shock about Naruto, Ino was imagining all the ways she can
tease her blond stud between observing the matches. Hinata’s match moved her the most and
gave her such a sense of resilience, she felt her own blood boil to prove her worth. It’s why
she was so concerned after noting Sakura’s reactions to Sasuke’s match. It was clear that her
pink-haired sister wasn’t completely over the Uchiha. From an intellectual standpoint, Ino
can understand Sakura not being over Sasuke but with all the progress she’s made in her
training and her relationship with herself and Naruto, she had hoped Sasuke was firmly
behind her.
‘Matters of the heart aren’t that simple,’ Ino thought with rising concern, only for a second
voice to declare, ‘but I also love Sakura.’ Considering Naruto’s polyamorous admission, Ino
couldn’t be sure in what manner she loved Sakura, be it the loving sisterhood or the sexual
intimacy she can’t deny she enjoyed—even if it’s not on par with Naruto. Glancing at her
sister beside her, Ino mentally admits, ‘more than sister but not fully into girls.’
Regardless, Ino loves Sakura, and as she watched Sakura cheer for Sasuke, she knew what
was best for her wasn’t Uchiha Sasuke. Observing the cold Sasuke returning to the viewing
gallery as the next match is announced, Ino wonders what she can do to convince Sakura of
that once an for all. Her mind immediately declares any manipulation is off-limits. She’s
learned that lesson quite painfully.
‘I’ll do it… but it has to be honest, like Kurenai-sensei would,’ is her final thought before
noticing the blond love of her life enter the dirt and grass stage below. With his white coat
flapping in the wind, making him look too cool, Ino is smitten. Taking Sakura’s hand, they
both smile as Ino excitedly focuses all her bubbling attention of her dear friend and love.
Gaara body flickers to the center of the arena using his sand-jutsu, kicking up the dirt around
him. Naruto gives the stern and conflicted Tenmari one last look before taking the stairs
down. In passing Sasuke, the raven-haired avenger demands, “you better not lose to him.”
Naruto is a bit taken by the blunt encouragement, until Sasuke clarifies, “it’s going to be you
and me in the end.”
Smirking at Sasuke, Naruto assures him, “heh, no it won’t.” At Sasuke’s confused brow,
Naruto answers, “be ready, Sasuke,” and as he walks down the stairs, Sasuke yells, “for
“For whatever Orochimaru has planned,” Naruto calls back as he walks out into the sunny
arena. All the while Sasuke stares at the blond, wondering what he knows and how he can
possibly come to know it.
From atop of the nine-story, half-completed, construction site that used to be Naruto’s old
apartment, Haku observes the stadium several miles away longingly, wishing he was there to
see Naruto dominate his opponents and show the world the feats of his vast strength. Since
his time in Konoha, he’s learned that much of the village has treated Naruto unjustly, to say
the least. Haku wanted to be there to witness for the first time, on such a large stage, Naruto
finally having the chance to show them all how wrong they were about him.
Despite being alone, Haku still felt fortunate. Not only did he find it amusing he was being
paid to guard Tazuna and his family while they rebuild Naruto’s old apartment bigger and
better than even the most modern building in the village, but he’s also able to listen to the
Chūnin exam’s broadcast over the radio on the floor next to him. Additionally, when he
senses a familiar chakra land right behind him, he feels both better and worse at the same
“They won’t let you in the stadium because they feel you pose too high of a security risk,”
Kabuto explains. He steps beside Haku and they both watch the village landscape as he adds,
“Konoha will never be your home, Haku-kun. They won’t accept you.”
“Home is where the heart is,” Haku tells Kabuto, looking directly at the distant stadium and
imagining Naruto’s smile.
“Don’t you mean, ‘come with us,’” Haku asks, considering the bit Naruto has told him.
“Orochimaru is your master, isn’t he?”
“He’s a great man,” Kabuto defends. “He only asks you to be strong and loyal, and he’ll
ensure you won’t be used and discarded. He would never ask you to betray someone you love
simply because you’ve become a liability. He only wants the strongest soldiers because he
will always be stronger; as any true leader should be. Join us, Haku… and we can be
The moment of silence between them allows the radio to statically inform them that Uzumaki
Naruto is raising quite the uproar over his attire for its similarity to that of the Yondaime’s,
making Haku smile. “I can see you wander the world like a monk on a mission of self-
discovery, Kabuto-san,” the beautiful boy remarks. “But I know who I am and I’m incapable
of abandoning Zabuza-sama and Naruto-sama.”
Recalling Naruto asserting, ‘I can’t see you,’ with irritation makes Kabuto coldly react with,
“and if they died?” Though he instantly regretted it.
“Then the best part of me dies along with them,” Haku returned, turning to the silver-haired
boy. “And sadly, I’d be forced to kill anyone complicit in their deaths, whether that be
someone I love or Kami-sama himself.”
“It doesn’t have to be that way,” Kabuto reinforces, trying to settle his turbulent emotions. “I
can convince Zabuza-san to join us easily enough. Naruto-kun… will take some time, but if
you come with me now, I promise I will bring him over to our side. You have my word.”
“Thank you,” Haku says with a bright smile. “That makes me happy to hear but I cannot
embrace a love that would betray them. I hope you rediscover your center, and more than
anything, I hope you don’t regret the lengths you sacrifice in the process to get there.”
Clenching his fist, Kabuto tells him, “don’t do this, Haku. You don’t know what tomorrow
will bring or how you will need to adapt, and I’m telling you now, after today, you will need
me to survive.”
As they gaze at one another—one in affection and the other in ache—the long silence is only
interrupted with the radio’s continued announcement, “this rookie genin is certainly raising
questions, ladies and gentlemen. Just who is the boy we thought we knew? An orphan,
certainly—one who’s gone ignored or unnoticed for so long—but as if reinvented, it’s
shocking to see the Uzumaki Naruto before us today. As of yet, none of our sources can
confirm his genealogy, but this could very well be a battle between heirs of the Sand and
Leaf, and I feel confident we’ll learn much more in this fight!”
The flat battleground feels wider to Naruto as he walks to the center underneath the big blue
sky. The grass crunches under his foot as the crowd murmurs all around him. Wind wipes up
his coat as he eyes the glaring redhead, feeling the same weight he felt when he faced Haku.
This mattered a great deal to him and it may have only been like this because of Naru-nii, but
that didn’t take away how important this was. Naruto knows Gaara’s pain, and more than
anything, he wants to relieve him of that burden.
Reaching the center of the field with Genma between them, the proctor looks between the
pair as silence descends the spectators. Genma can feel the anticipation in the air; a buzzing
charge like static electricity, makes him pay more attention than with any other fight. From
the stands, everyone is staring intently, unable to gauge an outcome of the match because
even if Gaara is the son of the Kazekage, it appears that Naruto may be the son of the
Yondaime. It was an impossible and unprecedented situation to consider for rational and bias
observers alike and everyone was fully invested in the event.
“Keh keh keh keh,” Gaara insanely laughs to himself which irks Naruto.
After being inspired by Hinata’s match and hating what Temari was forced to do, Naruto
pronounces to Gaara, “you didn’t have to do that to Temari-chan.” Though Naruto was a
mixture of feelings, he felt certain, “she loves you and her village very much and you used
that for nothing. Can’t you see you hurt her?”
The top from Gaara’s sand gourd pops off as he glares at Naruto, professing in the meantime,
“fighting only for oneself, living while only loving oneself, thinking that others exist only to
allow you to experience that feeling of superiority, nothing else matters but that world.”
“Enough,” Genma calls to the boys. “Gaara versus Naruto: Begin.” The majority of the
crowd cheers for the official start of the match for everyone was eager to see physical proof
that Naruto is the Fourth Hokage’s son. But Gaara and Naruto don’t start. Staring each other
down, they reject this show for the crowd because this meant more to them.
Thinking of Temari’s anguish, Naruto demands to know, “why’d you make her do that?”
“One must have a reason to exist,” Gaara growls. His face morphs into something demented
as he maniacally declares, “mine is to kill everyone besides me. Hers is to be of use to me.
But you… I could not simply kill you without destroying your belief that love means
anything more than weakness.”
“You’re wrong,” Naruto retorts, clenching his fist. “Temari loves you. Both your brother and
sister love you-”
Growing irritated with that word, Gaara’s sand explodes out of his gourd. High and wide-
reach sand tendrils shoot out to stab Naruto from multiple directions. The blond was quick on
the uptake, gathering chakra under his feet and avoiding every strike while retreating far
enough away to eye his feral opponent from a distance.
“Come,” Gaara yells. “Or are you too much of a coward to face your death!”
Naruto creates two clones of himself, both of whom rush and hide behind the few trees at the
forested edge of the arena. Only a few in the booing arena can see them sitting and
meditating as Naruto draws out his chakra knuckle blade from his lower back. Naruto easily
adds his Fūton chakra to the blade, creating a longer sharper blade of chakra as he calls out,
“the only coward here is you! Someone who can’t even hear how much other people love
him cuz they’re too scared to feel anything!” Naruto begins walking toward him, growing
more and more confident with every step. “Talking about blood and existence is absolute crap
but I’ll show you you’re not as alone as you think!”
Gaara’s missiles of sand attack fast and precise from above, straight on, and the sides, but
Naruto is much faster and his blade cuts through each tendril of sand he doesn’t dodge as he
rushes the redhead. With his arms crossed, Gaara remains rooted in place as his sand
effortlessly conforms to his great need to kill, attacking Naruto from any angle he can draw
blood but the blond only gets closer. Like sand spears coming from eight different sides,
Naruto easily extends his chakra blade longer, sharper, to cut the sand spears to finally enter
within range of Gaara for a strong punch to the head.
Unconcerned, Gaara’s sand automatically absorbs Naruto’s fist and tries to crush it when the
blond’s chakra blade cuts through the sand and he leaps out of the way. Naruto leaps back,
dodging and cutting sand bullets until he’s far enough. They stare at each other for a moment
before Naruto rotates his shoulders and stretches, twisting his midsection as he tells Gaara,
“not bad. You’re sand’s faster the closer to you it is.” Snickering, Naruto notes, “if anything,
at least your sand loves you.”
Glaring at Naruto, Gaara voices, “is that all I can expect from you? What happened to all that
power I saw? Show me what your words of love mean so I can crush them! Show me!”
Naruto extends his right hand ahead of him, palm facing toward the blue sky. For a moment,
what Naruto is doing is almost imperceptible to the naked eye, but very soon, blue chakra
begins to spin in multiple directions at once. Naruto knows it took his father three years to
master Rasengan, and from Jiraiya, he knows that’s roughly seven thousand hours of pure
training time. In the five months since Naruto’s learned the Rasengan, he estimates he and his
hundreds of clones have logged-in just over seven thousand hours, since in his palm, in front
of hundreds of witnesses, blue spinning chakra brightens and broadens as it forms into a
perfect sphere.
From merchants to villagers to shinobi and everyone in between, none dare blink for fear of
missing a single moment of such an unexpectedly extraordinary event. For many years, the
history that’s always associated with Uzumaki Naruto is that of the rampaging Kyūbi killing
and butchering many loved ones, shinobi and civilian alike. At the moment, no one rational
can deny seeing Naruto as the son of their beloved Fourth Hokage who died protecting their
village. Many had to accept that the boy they’ve hated with all their being for years was in
fact the son of the Fourth, while many others were proud.
Iruka, Hiruzen, Kurenai, Ino, Sakura, Kakashi, Genma, Guy, and many other shinobi who
knew the truth looked on with pride, amazed by the boy’s death-grip on perseverance despite
years of systemic negligence and abuse. Observing Naruto in this moment, who looks so
much like his father, wearing a similar cloak, using his signature technique, was mind-
boggling. Without even being from Konoha, Temari, Mabui, and Samui were entranced by
the display while Mei grows much more intrigued with the blond.
“That’s some defense, I’ll give you that,” Naruto champions with his chakra blade in his left
hand and Rasengan in his right. “How about I just break those walls down!”
Naruto sprints faster than before, narrowly avoiding heat-seeking spears of sharp sand from
piercing his flesh. Juking from side-to-side, cutting away, and dodging sand spears the closer
he gets, Naruto manages to spin from the side into position for his Fūton covered blade to cut
right through his last defense. It was a small break in his sand Naruto used to bury the
miniature tornado into Gaara’s armor-covered gut. His blue Rasengan expands spherically,
carving ceaselessly into a surprised Gaara’s sand until it cracks and breaks before the
redhaired shinobi is launched perfectly vertically through the air. The gourd on his back
reforms into softening sand to alleviate the tremendous force of the impact as Gaara smashes
against the arena’s wall.
The sand was sufficient protection and Gaara remained conscious even if all of the sand
layered over his skin is cracked and crumbling. The sand and clothes over his midsection
were completely gone and his stomach was bleeding from many little scrapes. Gaara coughs
a bit of blood and struggles a moment to glare at Naruto with absolute hatred. The crowd
remains stone silent even as a wounded Gaara lazily pushes away from the arena wall and
claps his hands together.
The sand hisses as it makes its way to it’s weakened master and forms into a sphere made of
sand around him. Naruto knows what that sphere of sand means and looks high to his right,
above the crowd to the Kage’s viewing balcony, directly at Rasa. They hold stern gazes and
Naruto can tell they’re only moments away. Naruto creates a clone that immediately annuls
itself and one of the two clones in the arena disperses, immediately sending all of the sage
chakra it was gathering directly to the original. As he feels the tremendous force of power
flow through him, an orange-red pigmentation around his yellow, toad-like eyes, leaving no
doubt to those viewing that Uzumaki Naruto was the son of the Fourth Hokage.
Naruto rushes to the sphere of sand against the wall and with a clear mastery of sage chakra,
creates a large claw-like hand that bull-dozes and digs through the ground and concrete wall
to lift the sand sphere. Though sand spikes pop out to try to pierce his chakra grip, Naruto
feels no pain, and with his enhanced strength, launches the sand-covered boy miles into the
air. A stadium full of stunned spectators gawk at the sand sphere rocketing far into the forest
beyond the village’s wall with wide eyes and hung mouths. Naruto hops onto the arena’s
wall, turns around to the nearly silent crowd, unironically displaying his white Fourth Sun
cloak. He smiles at his village before leaping high into the sky to follow his fellow Jinchūriki.
Since this turn of events isn’t against any rules, Genma makes to follow the genin when
unbeknownst to Konoha, the village is struck with perfectly synchronized attacks. In the span
of one second, many of the villagers, whether civilian or weaker shinobi, begin losing
consciousness to the power of a sleep-inducing genjutsu. The Sound Four and Orochimaru
move into place and Kabuto detonates an explosion at the protective barrier of the village
powerful enough to cause minor tremors. Even worse is the perfectly timed giant three-
headed snake that’s summoned just outside of the destroyed section of the wall.
Shrugging off the sleep genjutsu, Ino, Sakura, Choji, and Shikamaru stand gaping at the
incredibly large snakes beyond the destroyed wall. They’re never seen a summon the size of
a small mountain and look over to Asuma and Kurenai for directions or clarity of the
situation when more deafening explosions splinter the air with concussive shock waves.
“What’s going on,” Ino asks Sakura when smoke bombs screens are popped off throughout
the stadium to limit visibility. In sage mode, Naruto and Jiraiya can sense an additional three
hundred combined Sand and Sound nins invade the village on top of the hundred or so elite
enemy forces already inside the village.
In the seconds after the explosion, many many Sound and Sand shinobi begin closing in on
those still awake and confused, not giving them a chance to catch up to the situation.
Throughout the main sectors of the village—the wall, the Tower, the Stadium, and main
street—villagers young and old who are asleep are momentarily ignored so the Sound and
Sand nins can focus on killing all the confused, directionless, or situation-assessing Konoha
shinobi they see.
From rumbling explosions to genjutsu’d civilians and gigantic summons, it’s enough of a
stupor for two teams to ambush Kurenai, Karin, and Asuma, for Genma in the arena below to
be rushed by a coordinated team of his own, and for the first Chūnin sentry to fall to the
blood-splattering kunai of an enemy. Within the brief moments of surprise and directionless
engagement, Sound and Sand sprint through the streets and attack without reservation, and
above all, it allows Rasa to slip behind the Leaf’s Kage and spirit Hiruzen to the wide-open
roof above them with a kunai to his throat.
Leaping through the trees rushing directly for Gaara, Naruto can feel the fighting begin and
creates a clone to give everyone in place the signal. The final clone with sage chakra
disperses, infusing Naruto and his clones with the last amount of nature chakra he’ll have
until the end of the invasion. Split between his three clones, Naruto worries how he’ll fight
Gaara or Shukaku when his sage chakra runs out. Promising to fight without Kurama’s power
makes the outcome feel uncertain to him. All he knows is that he won’t stop until he wins or
he’s dead, which feels gravely like the latter without additional power.
‘Bah,’ his mind hurls. ‘Guts is more than enough!’ Speeding from treetop to treetop, Naruto
has faith in his clones and prays they finish as fast as they can.
With the infusion of empowering natural energy, the three Naruto clones that are already with
Jiraiya on the wall, in the stadium covering Hinata, and at the tower with Iruka smile before
they each concentrate on calling forth over two hundred clones each with all the sage chakra
they have.
Hardly any enemy shinobi hears Naruto yell, “Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu,” but they all stop
fighting when hundreds of puffs of white smoke pop into existence all around them. Out of
the dissipating clouds, only spiky-blond clones in a white cloak remain. They puffed into
existence on the barrier all-around Jiraya—stuck on railings, the wall, filling up the space
between shinobi teams—extending out dozens of yards. They popped all around the stadium
—on columns, railings, walls, around other Konoha shinobi—to protect those asleep as well
as Sakura, Ino, Chōji, Shikamaru, and Hinata. They appeared all around the exterior of the
Hokage Tower where Iruka’s talent as a leader was assigned, ready to take orders and assist
civilians. Each clone had its mission and none planned on failing to the likes of Orochimaru
and the Kazekage.
The hundreds of enemies in the stadium and on the perimeter couldn’t believe the sheer
number of clones suddenly appearing to challenge them and matching their numbers,
spreading a wave of unease through their forces like a virus. But the seasoned and desperate
invaders hardened to Naruto’s show of force, because even if the hundreds of shadow clones
looked as strong as the fourth Hokage, logic dictates that this many would be slow and pop
with even the weakest of punches.
Sound and Sand forces continue their attack, and without delay, each clone begins charging
up Kurama’s chakra from the pit of their seal, exponentially amping up each one’s strength,
speed, durability, and jutsu. Suddenly sensing the spike in rising power, the enemy shinobi
focus on attacking any clone they see with ranged weapons and puppets but it’s too little, too
late. They may have popped a few clones with kunai, shuriken, swords, arrows, or puppets,
but with practiced ease, the rest of the army of Narutos gathered enough of Kurama’s
bubbling chakra to form a visible red shroud around their bodies. It’s not one-tail’s worth of
power but they certainly equalize the battlefield.
At the destroyed section of the wall, one clone notices a Sand shinobi swallow hard in
nervousness, making him smile before yelling out fiercely to his brethren, “Yosha! Let’s beat
these bastards back! Charge!” Like a tidal wave of white and blond encased in bubbling red,
the heavily empowered clones attack the enemy forces straight on. In the stadium, the battle
storms with Naruto swarming the enemy, though they seem trained enough to stick together
and fight as a unit.
On the large roof above the stadium, Rasa holds the Hokage hostage while the Sound Four
land at the four widest corners of the large roof and quickly begin erecting their demon
energy barrier. Hiruzen’s bodyguards fight off Rasa’s guards but are unsure of how to
proceed with their leader being held hostage by a powerful Kage and a notorious missing-nin,
Orochimaru, between them. As the barrier finally rises, a four-man team of Narutos yell as
they leap within the inescapable perimeter, locking them in.
“Stop, you fool,” the masked leader of the bodyguards yells. “You’ll get Hokage-sama
The four clones try to rescue Hiruzen when they’re obstructed by a grinning and battle-ready
Orochimaru. “You impress me, Naruto-kun,” the snake-nin quips. “Perhaps I should take you
after all. You can never have too many test subjects after all.” Opening his mouth wide as he
turns his head toward the sky, a snake rises out of his throat for a sword to then ascend out of
the snake’s maw. Though grossed out, each clone takes out their knuckle blade and the team
attack as one, much to Orochimaru’s delight.
One takes him from the front, one from each side, and the fourth trails the first. Though the
fourth clone seems to be focused lining up a following kick, he, in fact, hurls a kunai at Rasa,
hoping to distract the Kazekage long enough for Hiruzen to free himself, but the Sand Kage
simply tilts his head to the side, easily evading the deadly snipe that embeds itself in the
rising shingle of the curved roof.
As they watch Naruto’s clones attempt a multitude of attacks, Hiruzen has to know, “why?”
Through his hard countenance, Rasa asked with genuine curiosity, “did you not know,
Hokage-sama?” Hiruzen tilts his head a bit, then Rasa clarifies, “did that boy truly not tell
Looking over to the remaining three clones try to tag the slippery ninja, Hiruzen asks,
Rasa can’t help but smile at his fortune before asking, “he kept such a thing from you, didn’t
The Kages continue to observe the fast clones of Naruto being systematically dismantled one
at a time with patient efficiency by Orochimaru and his enduring sword. Through the red
shroud of chakra, Hiruzen notes Naruto’s fiercely determined face as he fights in defense of
his Kage and village. The trust in the boy he’s personally witnessed grow into a young man
flows through him easily as he explains, “even if he had told me, I would never believe a
shinobi of your integrity capable of betraying his allies.”
“I respect your faith in a piece of paper, Hokage-sama,” Rasa replies, “But my village cannot
fill their bellies with platitudes or quench their thirst on empty promises. As their leader, they
look to me for growth and prosperity, yet your country denies them a life of fair work for fair
wages… I cannot allow this to continue any longer. You will die today Hokage-sama, and in
deference to your title, I, the Kazekage, will kill you.”
“Rasengan!” Naruto cries, finally hitting Orochimaru in the stomach with an orange-tinted
white ball of densely spinning chakra. However, out of his mouth, another Orochimaru
slithers out to stab the last clone through the back and chest, defeating the last of Naruto’s
clones. Orochimaru’s slimy husk spins like a propeller to the demon barrier before
disintegrating into nothingness. Orochimaru sucks his teeth at the loss of another skin before
promptly turning to Rasa. With a broadening grin, he levels his nearly indestructible sword
point directly at Rasa. Even Hiruzen’s guards outside the barrier were surprised.
Glaring at the Oto leader, Rasa calmly but dangerously states, “first you attempt to
assassinate me and now you betray the terms of our deal.”
With a smile, Orochimaru playfully wonders out loud, “should I dare pretend you didn’t
implement plans of your own to assassinate me?” Unperturbed by Rasa’s murderous glare,
Orochimaru appears as if he’s enjoying himself before pointing out, “with its resources split
among our villages, what’s left of Konoha and most of Fire country can still be yours… or,
you can challenge me on this one insignificant little matter and risk spoiling your people’s
reward. So long as I kill Sarutobi-sensei, I will be satisfied with nothing else. Can you say
killing him will satisfy the dire needs of your village?”
Rasa considers his countrymen, the lives he’s responsible for, and their growing demand for
more work above anything else. With a sigh, Rasa concedes, “as you wish,” clearly choosing
his village’s needs over his duty to his title. Rasa removes the kunai from the elder’s throat
and moves to the side between them, like the third point of a triangle as he expresses, “my
deepest apologies, Sarutobi.”
Orochimaru smiles wider and Hiruzen enters his combat stance, ready to fight.
Laughing from high above the battlefield by the wall, Jiraiya, in his sage form, on the head of
the dual sword-wielding toad, Gamahiro, halt the three-headed snake’s movement by landing
on top of it. Using earth style, Jiraiya creates a swamp to sink it in the earth as Gamahiro
draws steel to cut off two heads at the same time. Leaping off the large toad, Jiraiya drills
through the last head with a large Rasengan, killing the snake summon.
In the forest below, the invading forces outnumber Naruto’s clones two to one, but only
because a third of Naruto’s clones are actually fighting along with Konoha’s first wave of
defense. Some teams of clones are made of all offense, other four-man teams are made of all
Fūinjutsu healers, and the majority of clone teams have two offense and two healing cells.
The teams entirely made of offense deal with the enemy advance along with the many
Chūnin and few Jōnin, confronting the most dangerous poison and puppet attacks. The
platoons of puppeteers and their multitudes of puppets were the worst for Naruto to fight, as
he has no experience with their capabilities and is tricked and surrounded easily. Though he’s
durable enough to survive most attacks, as well as fast and strong enough to fight back, the
longer the battle rages the longer it’ll be before the primary Naruto can use Sage chakra
against Gaara.
The clone teams made of all Fūinjutsu healers are only focused on slapping his pre-made
Fūinjutsu tag over the wounded area and pumping a lot of chakra to stabilize them before
taking them to the hospital. Several clones reply to various shinobi how the tags act like a
cauterizing agent, only it uses chakra to hyper-activate the injured body’s natural healing
process and create more collagen enzymes to heal the afflicted wound as best he can. It takes
a lot of chakra, so much so a single clone is out of chakra by the third injured person healed.
Additionally, it requires focus for Naruto to do this, and in the midst of battle, he’s vulnerable
The clone teams made of both offense and healers, try to assist where ever they can, however,
all the clones find it hard to ignore certain aspects of battle. If he’s healing, he can’t fight. If
he’s carrying someone to safety, he can’t heal or fight. If he’s ambushed and dispelled, that’s
one less defender for Konoha and her people. People are suffering and this is the first time it
feels as if he can’t help everyone. It makes all the clones maintain desperate effort.
In the close proximity of the stadium, short to midrange attacks are to be expected and to
Kurenai’s delight, that was Naruto’s bread and butter. With his knuckle-blade, Rasengan, and
enhanced speed, he can get by all the Chūnin-level invaders and even some of the Jōnin-level
enemy to one-shot them to the wall with his devastating attack, or at the very least, destroy
their weapons. Konoha’s counter-attack didn’t last long, however.
Many of the Oto-nin took notice of Naruto helping the wounded. Kurenai herself thought it
strange he even helped wounded Suna shinobi. That is until the Sound-nin began stabbing the
villagers under the slumber genjutsu and when Naruto would rush to help before they bled
out, he’d immediately be ambushed. The elite enemy forces would do this over and over and
would even do so to other Konoha Jōnin as well; using the villagers as wounded bait to prey
on their compassion.
Kurenai wasn’t just disgusted by the tactic, she was outraged, and that dark side all seasoned
ninjas have is easily tapped. It was as if she shut off her humanity and became an instrument
of death. It wasn’t necessary at the start of the surprise attack, but that was before they started
harming innocent and defenseless civilians. With her elite Jōnin-level skill and mastery of
genjutsu, Kurenai disappeared from the enemy’s senses—just as she had done with Karin in
the beginning—and stealthily stained her kunai wielding hands red with the blood. She runs
on all instinct and pure chakra flow to weaponize her senses, chakra, and body and she isn’t
the only one. Kakashi, Guy, Asuma among other elite Jōnin in the stadium were fighting to
Kurenai only paused her blade when she heard from behind her, “yeesh! Nai-chan, ease up on
the Suna guys.” Turning to the body she had just dropped, she was stunned to see Naruto
healing his neck wound with one of his healing tags while another clone watches his back.
“I don’t care about the Sound guys,” he tells her. “To tell you the truth, they’re really pissing
me off. But for Suna, try to keep it non-lethal if you can. I’ll take care of the rest.”
Despite being in the midst of battle, she’s confused and asks, “why?”
Smirking, he explains as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “it’s about teaching them,
not killing them.” She raises her eyebrows in stunning disbelief as he further adds, “don’t
worry about the wounded. You just be my sexy badass and wreck.”
Kurenai watches the clone pick up the wounded Suna-nin—alive, despite stabbing him in his
neck—and leaps away. That moment of distraction allowed a Sound-nin to appear within
lethal striking range, but before she could guard or he can slit her throat, a fiery clone slams
his Rasengan into the shinobi’s guts, shredding through his abdominal skin, muscles, and
organs underneath, spraying blood radially before Naruto lets the Rasengan go, propelling the
enemy to the wall with a hard thud and wet splat.
Naruto practically growls, “I’m not losing you, Nai-chan.” Turning to her, he adds, “so don’t
go leaving me so easily.”
Despite the heat of battle, that sentiment struck her throughout her entire being—heart, mind,
body, and soul—more completely than anything she’s ever felt… because Kurenai didn’t
want to leave him either, making her want to cry for the lengths she’s willing to sacrifice for
Mabui, Samui, and Atsui are fighting as a unit on the streets outside the stadium. Samui
didn’t want to fight near so many Konoha jōnin as it would only draw unnecessary attention
and questions to them, so she commanded her team to flee at the start of the invasion. They
fought off both Sound and Suna shinobi on their escape of the stadium and into the streets
Without their weapons, they each had to steal a kunai, which still kept them at a
disadvantage. Fortunately, they work well as a team and Samui is as elite as they come. It
almost unnerved Mabui how effortlessly she can kill without a hint of remorse on her blood-
stained and neutral face. Mabui didn’t know why she forgot that Samui could pass the salt or
kiss her as easily as she can stab a person through the heart.
The Kumo-nin rush through the streets to find a safe place to hide when they’re ambushed by
a team of Sound shinobi. Atsui and Mabui are dropped to the ground by a tripwire and snare
snagging their ankle before being ganged upon. “Quick,” one of them yells as Samui, who
managed to avoid the trap, is surrounded by six armed attackers. “Before that red bastard
shows up-”
The leader barely finishes his sentence when he’s suddenly stabbed from behind, pushing the
reddish-orange bladed chakra bursting out of his chest. There’s only one clone but Samui
immediately observes how different this one is from the others she’s seen. The others were
covered in a shroud of red chakra. This one looked far angrier and though also covered in red
chakra, he had a single tail swirling behind him. The squad of Sound-nin noticed the
difference as well.
“If you Oto-nin want to live,” Naruto growled. “Let. Them. Go.”
Nearly all of the Sound-nin focus their killing intent on Naruto, targeting him with raised
swords, tantos, and kunais. Two of the enemy ninja brought kunais against the necks of the
downed Mabui and Atsui but this only angered both Kurama and Naruto more; making
Kurama scream from within his seal. The Sound nin are stunned when their body’s instincts
scream at them to flee as Naruto’s power soars, forming an additional bubbling red tail
behind him.
His angry irises were red split by black slits, his hair along with his whisker-birthmarks was
longer and more feral, and he didn’t hesitate to launch a giant red hand made of pure chakra,
of which a dozen more hands sprang out like missiles to grab all of the frozen Sound-nin by
their entire torso. With all of them in his chakra hands, Naruto yanks his arm back hard,
pulling the hostiles toward him with the spine-bending snap of a powerful rubber band, while
his other hand prepares his chakra knuckle blade. Naruto wanted to dice them up like a chuck
of meat dropped in a blender, however, his sixteen binding-fast slashes only cut them deeply
as their bodies flew past him. They tumble and slide on the hard ground, groaning pain and
bleeding out, but alive.
Throughout the ferocious engagement, Samui understood that if they ever wanted to bring
Naruto to Kumogakure, it could never be by force. He clearly had more raw power than she
did and deduced only Yugito-sama, Bee-sama, possibly Darui-taicho, and the Raikage could
forcibly take Naruto.
In a complete one-eighty, Naruto suddenly rushes to them in grave worry, summoning three
clones without the red chakra shroud as he calls, “are you guys okay?” Each of the clones
were uneasy and anxious as they asked them, “Ma-chan, how’s your leg? Can you walk?” Or,
“Sa-chan, are you injured anywhere? Here, let me clear some of that.” Or, “who are you?”
“His name is Atsui,” Samui answered, allowing Naruto to clean some of the spurts of blood
on her cheek with his sleeve. Atsui was nearly growling as a clone picks up Mabui princess-
style, holding her close with dear concern. Samui tells Naruto, “he’s my brother. He came to
see me and watch the exams.”
“Oh,” Naruto happily hums, turning to a queasy-looking Atsui. “Sweet! Your sister’s said so
many nice things about you, it’s great to finally meet you.”
Naruto nods and his clones use a protective formation around the group as Naruto apologizes
for the invasion. The blond leads them to the nearest civilian shelter, however, surrounding
the shelter are several ambush points set up by the hostiles, and Samui, Atsui, and the clones
have to fight many puppets and shinobi to get through. Once they were safe, Naruto quickly
goes back to clear out the enemy as fast as they can.
Most of the clones are counting the amount of time passing for their boss is fighting a
monster single-handedly and at base level. All the clones throughout the entire battlefield
know that the longer this invasion goes on, the worse it’ll be for their boss.
“I should’ve learned more ninjutsu,” Naruto painfully groans, grasping his sore chest.
Gaara is already in his second transformation, beating Naruto bloody in the forest. Except for
his knees and feet, the red-haired jinchūriki was covered in body-enlarging sand with blue
lines-like tattoos up and down his form with the face of a snarling raccoon-dog. With his light
brown tail waving behind him, Gaara was bigger, stronger, and worst yet, his mania was
emboldened with amazing power.
Bleeding from his forehead, mouth, and forearms, stopping the sand shurikens hurt him more
than anything else. Naruto still refused to use Kurama’s chakra, and as of yet, can’t use Sage
mode but he could still use his knuckle-blade and Rasengan. Down on one knee, breathing
heavily, he frantically thinks of how to prolong this fight past the endpoint of the invasion.
He’s already used all of his exploding tags, shuriken, and kunai, but he needs his clones could
dispel so he can be free to use sage mode.
“You!” Gaara yells, suddenly landing in front of him before sending another volley of tree-
drilling sand shurikens. Naruto managed to cut through two shurikens before one smashes
into his gut, dazing him immediately, and another drills into his shoulder, causing his
Rasengan to dissipate. Naruto lands painfully hard on a large tree branch as Gaara continues
yelling, “you, who is strong! You, who has companions! You, who has ambition! You, who is
like me! Once I kill you, I’ll be the one to have destroyed all of that. Only then can I survive!
Only then can I feel alive!”
Naruto’s entire body is throbbing in pain but several trees away, he can see a bit of Temari’s
hair and groggily thinks, ‘she’s caught in the middle.’ Naruto can’t think very well over the
pain, but he knows she only has two paths, the one where Gaara wins or the one where
Naruto does, ‘and only the one where I win can give her a friend and her brother back.’ No
amount of pain and hurt could ever allow him to forget he has people to protect and a world
to unite. Standing up like the slow beat of a steadily powering drum, Naruto asks the redhead,
“you want to feel alive?”
Gaara watches from his high perch as Naruto struggles to put both his feet under him, but
when he does, Gaara sees nothing but determination in his angry blue eyes. Pointing a finger
at the sinfully mistaken jinchūriki, Naruto intensely returns, “you’re never more alive than
when you’re protecting someone you love. You think loving someone and being loved is
weakness, then give me everything you got! Because some stupid ass reason like that, IS
Naruto summons Rasengan to his right hand quicker than he’s ever done before and leaps
directly at an oncoming Gaara, where their attacks clash violently in mid-air.
Orochimaru didn’t believe in fighting fair. Not only was fairness an illusion used to control,
but it also took the pure joy out of fighting to the death. Only the strongest survive and he
fought as a true shinobi should, using the best techniques to exploit any and all weaknesses.
As such, he didn’t allow his former sensei to summon Enma as he gleefully attacked with his
nearly indestructible sword. The thrill of battle excited his heavily augmented body as
nothing else can and Orochimaru enjoyed swiping to maneuver his opponent and stabbing
any opening with tremendous speed, accuracy, and technique.
Their strikes sound crisp to Rasa as he observes from many yards away, admiring Hiruzen’s
combat prowess even in his old age. A small smile spreads Rasa’s lips as he observes
Hiruzen’s strategy like an intricate game of Go and isn’t surprised when the rotating old man
kicks Orochimaru in the gut before repelling him away with a great force of chakra to avoid
getting his leg cut off. A grunting Orochimaru lands elegantly on his feet several yards away,
allowing Hiruzen enough time to summon Enma. Arms still crossed, Rasa wonders if he’ll
need to intervene now.
With Enma in his staff form, Hiruzen explains to them, “Konoha isn’t just an organization
you can take over. The village is its people, born and raised every year to live, fight, and
protect their home, to their death if need be. Even if we’re not related by blood, those from a
village like ours are my most precious family and I will protect them with my life.”
Stabbing his sword of Kusanagi through the shingle tile of the roof, Orochimaru smiles as he
replies, “I wonder if all Konoha shinobi feel the same, sensei.” With five blurry-fast hand
seals, the legendary sennin calls, “Kuchiyose no jutsu, Edo Tensei.”
Orochimaru uses Edo Tensei technique to call forth out of the rumbling ground the caskets of
the First and Second Hogake. Enma’s staff form extends at lightning speed, slicing through
the air as it targets Orochimaru’s head, only to be stopped by Rasa’s gold sand. Orochimaru
smiles as he begins raising the third casket when the forgotten kunai embedded into the
cracked shingle that was thrown by Naruto’s clone earlier pops from a clear white cloud into
a clone of Naruto.
Desperately fast, the clone throws three kunais with exploding tags at the off guard
Orochimaru, who’s forced to stop the technique and leap away as the three kunai puncture the
wood caskets with three quick taps before exploding mightily. The bodies and caskets where
destroyed to pieces as Naruto then lands beside Hiruzen ready to fight.
Orochimaru glares at Naruto, fists up and ready to defy him, and mirthlessly growls, “you.”
Mei watched from her perch as Haku fought off Sand-nin attacking their group with non-
lethal ice or senbon strikes. From Mei’s high vantage point, Haku is escorting what appears
to be a construction crew, a woman, and a teenager as they made their way to the nearest
shelter. A clone of Naruto lands beside Mei, looking at the three teams of Suna shinobi she
subdued and tied up on the floor.
“It seemed as if you wanted to spare the Suna shinobi,” Mei responded leaping to the next
building to follow Haku. After Naruto makes a few clones to take the Suna-nin to the
detention center Jiraiya had set up, he follows after her. Naruto then spies Haku and Tazuna
as she remarks, “saving Suna shinobi is actually a smart play.”
“Haku is more than capable of taking care of this,” Mei interjects as Naruto looks on. “And
I’m here in case he needs me.” Naruto looks extremely concerned, prompting Mei to ask,
“are you worried?”
Though he has confidence Haku will be alright, Naruto is very worried about Tazuna,
Tsunami, Inari and the small crew that came with them from Wave. Naruto had been
supplying them with dozens of clones to help expedite the restoration of his old apartment.
He told them to take the day off and even had Karin pay Haku a retainer to be their security;
and getting Haku to accept the ryō was a struggle. Before Naruto leaves to assist Haku, he
asks Mei, “will you help? Not just with Haku but with keeping villagers safe and not killing
Suna shinobi?”
“Of course,” Mei answers. “Before you go, I’ve seen a chakra shroud similar to yours. Are
you by chance a jinchūriki?”
With widened eyes, he excitedly responds, “you have?” Though eager to ask who, a voice
that sounds like Kurenai stops him from asking thereby confirming he’s also a jinchūriki,
which is top secret information. The mental red-tape forces him to think about what he wants
to say and what he should say but also what he wants to know from her. This is still the
woman who wants to take Haku back, so Naruto is weary as he asks, “how did you feel about
that person?”
“I’ve come to know two actually,” Mei says as they both hop to the next rooftop. With a
shuriken, Naruto snipes an unsuspecting Sand-nin using a puppet against Haku thirty yards
away as she explains, “one is currently responsible for much of the bloodshed in my country
while the other was a man I thought I could marry. He was tall and handsome, but sadly he
didn’t seem to appreciate my attention and didn’t return my affection. However, I will say
he’s a kind and stoic man.”
Naruto can’t be certain she’s telling the truth, but he also doesn’t like how much energy it
takes to unravel the truth from her words and decides to trust her just enough. “We should
definitely talk some more later. I don’t when just yet; after all of this obviously.”
“Easy,” Naruto remarks. “Suna and Konoha will be even closer than before.”
Looking stunningly surprised, she asks, “even after all this? They’re invading you as we
speak. Many would find any alliance after this to be overly naive.”
“Nah,” Naruto waves her off, preparing to join Haku. “It’ll be fine. Friends can argue and still
be friends afterward.”
Smiling, Mei replies, “I like you.” Naruto nearly slips as he turns to look at her. She finishes,
“in my country, those that have faith in the Fourth Sun, believe in securing their home and
their family. I look forward to building a working relationship with you, Naruto.”
Slapping his hands together, Naruto’s clone calls, “cover me Ji-chan!” He didn’t want to
waste even a modicum of time, not with opponents like Orochimaru and the Kazekage close
enough to dispel him. Focusing on that familiar feeling from deep within his core as Hiruzen
steps defensively ahead of him, the blond genin calls on as much of Kurama’s chakra as he
can handle.
When the enemy leaders feel the insane amount of power radiating in hot waves from Naruto,
they sprint to stop him, shooting kunai and shuriken at the blond and multiplying it with jutsu
before lighting them aflame. But Hiruzen and Enma block or deflect everything until the
they’re on them. The elder shinobi deflects Orochimaru’s sword while simultaneously
extending Enma to block him and uses a series of kicks on Rasa. Orochimaru slithers to the
side to impale Naruto with his serpent sword, only to be stopped inches away from Naruto’s
heart by Hiruzen’s aged hand. It cut into his flesh, making the Sandaime bleed but he held
firm until Enma can counter, punching Rasa away while simultaneously extending the staff to
Orochimaru’s gut and launching him dozens of yards away.
“Such gall, Uzumaki, to lie to a Kage,” Rasa’s thunderous voice accuses, ready to resume
attacking. “Did you not say you wouldn’t use your beast’s power?”
Pausing a moment to answer back, Naruto reminds the Sand leader, “I said I wouldn’t use it
against Gaara.” Feeling Kurama’s immense strength flow and coil throughout his network, he
adds, “I didn’t say anything about you guys.” Two tails quickly bubble and form from the
base of his spine, flowing freely. There must’ve been fewer clones in the field because a third
tail begins to take shape, all the while, Hiruzen floods the battlefield with, “Suiton: Suiryu-
dan!” The water dragon missile attempts to cut both Orochimaru and Rasa while flooding the
first quarter of the rectangular barrier.
Orochimaru uses his own, “Katon: Karyuu Edan,” to incinerate Hiruzen and Naruto with a
stream of napalm as Rasa uses, “Doton: Doryuu Heki,” to create a thick tall wall of mud for
them to stand on. Naruto shoots out a giant red hand made of chakra, smashing through the
great wall before disappearing and fighting against Temari’s father. The Kage and Naruto
fight it out hand-to-hand and at high speed but as Naruto has chakra that can act
independently of his own movements and three tails, the blond’s split-second attacks are
much harder to deal with.
Ignoring the tingling in his wounded hand, Hiruzen focuses his attacks on Orochimaru.
Though he’s worried about Naruto, he knows it’s ultimately a clone, and even if he were
dispelled as long as his young friend lived, being outnumbered wouldn’t be the worst thing.
Hiruzen felt it would be a fitting end even, following a death not too dissimilar to his sensei.
Fighting with Naruto encourages Hiruzen to not only fight Orochimaru for the future, but
stop him once and for all.
While Jiraiya was surrounded by enemies evading and attacking as they try to bring the
legendary sage down with puppets and genjutsu, Naruto’s clones became overwhelmed with
wounded shinobi. All around the village Konoha shinobi defended as best they could to save
the civilians, and in an effort to keep his promise, the grand majority of Naruto’s clones were
curing any injured they came across with his Fūinjutsu healing tags, or transporting them to
the hospital, or defending civilian shelters and bunkers, or healing and detaining Suna
shinobi. And Naruto lost scores of clones because of it.
The enemy seem nearly defeated, running away more often than not when far off into the
distance, a large dome of vibrating sound hits the village like the force of a powerful tidal
wave. An ear-piercing scream from a mountain-sized Shukaku alerted everyone in the village
that the powerful One-tail beast has entered the fray. Aside from the familiar terror of a tailed
beast so near their village, it also gave the remaining Sound and Suna ninjas a boost in
confidence, encouraging them fight that much harder to win.
Naruto has never fought a Kage before and the Kazekage has so many different elemental
jutsus, his experience tends to trick Naruto’s battle strategy, landing several clean punches
and kicks. It’s as if Rasa can see Naruto’s pattern before he does it and Naruto takes a
repeated punches or kicks before Hiruzen interrupts with his extendable staff. Naruto resumes
his assault, slicing along with swirling kicks, and though confident in his speed and power,
the best he can manage is hitting Rasa’s sand with a large Rasengen, shredding away some of
the Kage’s armor.
The four only pause to witness Shukaku erupt out of the forest floor as tall as a mountain and
screaming in the delight of freedom. Clones everywhere automatically fear for their boss.
Hiruzen can barely feel the real Naruto fighting Shukaku from his vantage point, but he can
still feel him and knows the boy is at least still alive.
“Back Naruto up,” the elder commands his bodyguards outside the barrier. Hiruzen ignores
the pain traveling up his arm as Orochimaru uses the moment to explain why Konoha’s
Hokage will die today. This reinvigorates Hiruzen to keep how significant his injury is and
end this as fast as he can.
“The jutsu exchanges ends now,” Hiruzen informs his adversaries. “From here on, it’s going
to be a blood-drenched free-for-all,” and to the three-tailed Naruto, he specifically tells him,
“destroy the barrier.”
Leaning against a tree for support, the real Naruto is bloody and exhausted. Fighting Shukaku
with his Fūton chakra blades, Rasen-shuriken, and his Rasengan is apparently not enough to
bring him down, making him chuckle. He’s trained so hard with Naru-nii for so long and has
reached a level of power he never thought he’d have in only seven months after graduating.
And yet, Naruto can’t help but feel like a failure for not learning more elemental chakras,
techniques, and strategies, instead of relying on Rasengan, speed, and taijutsu.
He feels sand begin to enclose his entire body and he hasn’t an ounce of strength or idea on
how to stop it. He can barely form his Fūton chakra at the end of his chakra knuckle-blade
and only when his eyes are about to be covered does he see Temari racing toward him. She’s
far away and he isn’t sure she can get to him in time, but as the sand obscures his vision, and
then tightens like being submerged meters underwater, he feels a strong force punch, slice,
and kick. Enough of the sand is ripped off of him for Rock Lee to hoist him out of the sand-
coffin and away to safety.
After landing on a nearby branch, Rock Lee tells a coughing Naruto, “don’t worry, Naruto-
kun. The Leaf’s proud green beast is here!” He turns to the mountain-sized monster, voicing,
“you did great. Just leave the rest to me!”
Laying back against a tree, Naruto looks past Lee to the monster raccoon-dog, and internally
asks Kurama, ‘is he still not talk with you?’
‘Why should I have to speak to him!’ Kurama stubbornly returns. ‘That mangy dog should be
grovelling at my feet. And while we’re at it, you should just forget about your stupid promise
and use my power before you die!’
Though annoyed Kurama and Shukaku are being so stubborn about talking, Naruto’s too hurt
to care, chuckling as he asks, ‘you worried about me?’
‘I don’t go back on my word, Kurama,’ Naruto painfully wheezes. ‘You should know that
better than anyone.’
‘…the most stubborn… can’t believe how cursed I am,’ Kurama is so disgruntled, he yells
back, ‘die for all I care!’
Naruto chuckles as Kurama pouts and throws a fit. Before Lee leaps away, he grabs the boy’s
bandaged forearm and tells him, “thanks for the assist, Lee. I owe you.” Standing up, he takes
a deep breath before admitting, “but he’s my opponent. I have to be the one to beat him.”
“I can understand your passionate feelings,” Lee remarks, keeping his attention on the great
beast beginning to move toward them. He adds, “but this isn’t the time to be headstrong.”
Naruto’s body would completely agree if not for the feeling of his clones disappear in vast
numbers. Despite the enemy still in the village, all of the clones were expressly ordered to
disperse by Jiraiya. He hadn’t even given the nearest clone a chance to reply before grabbing
him by the collar and yelling to him, “your number one job now is to stop Shukaku. We’ll
take care of the rest. Now go!”
Among all the clones in the village, one was in his room at Iruka’s calmly gathering and
molding natural energy, so along with a heap of memories streaming into his memory bank,
Naruto rapidly gains an overwhelming flow of tremendous strength. Even Rock Lee suddenly
looks at his stronger and healthier appearance. Everything reaches his senses and Naruto only
feels one clone left fighting alongside Ji-chan with a lot of Kurama’s power. Naruto smiles as
he feels all of nature and the energy around him before telling Lee to get clear of him and
watch his back.
Dragging his thumb over some of his blood, Naruto makes five hand signs before smacking
his palm on the tree branch and shouting, “Kuchiyose no Jutsu!”
Jiraiya and his platoon of summoned warrior toads were happily beating back the resurgence
of spirited Suna and Sound nin. Though injured, though weaponless, the enemy army fought
that much harder at the sight of Shukaku. Still, in Sage mode, Jiraiya smiles as he senses
everything going on in the battlefield. They kept the majority of the army behind the walls
and the other squadrons inside of the village were nearly all taken care of by the strongest of
Konoha’s forces.
“Listen up, my little tadpoles,” Jiraiya trumpets as he dodges and counters four attackers with
ease. “Open your beady little eyes and take a good look who you’re fighting! It’s the
Legendary Sennin, the Great Toad Sage, the undeniably handsome, Jiraiya!”
Morino Ibiki could only smile as he faced off against the remaining Chūnin forces. Though
he didn’t doubt this was Jiraiya’s typical nature, it was also beneficial moral added to their
own Chūnin corps. Additionally, Ibiki didn’t like when Jiraiya ordered all of Naruto’s clones
to dispel, especially not that they have to deal with Shukaku next, but he felt the battle turn in
their favor when everyone witnessed the great summon Gamabunta erupting out of the forest
in front of the One-tail. He smiles wider when he sees the yellow dot of hair on the head of
the boss toad.
Staring at the surprising blond on top of a giant toad, with his arms crossed and his white coat
flapping in the strong gust, Gaara is further angered by his inability to kill this boy and yells,
“who! Who are your protecting so I can destroy them!”
Naruto slams another excessively large Rasengan against the demon barrier while Hiruzen
continues to defend his blond genin and fight off the enemy leaders with a failing left arm.
The earth-shattering impact vibrates the entire structure, fading from strong purple to clear
and back, nearly destroying it. Rasa and Orochimaru then note when more elite Jōnin show
up outside of the barrier; Asuma, Kakashi, Guy, Kurenai—with Karin—and Genma.
When those Konoha shinobi arrive outside of the barrier, that’s how Orochimaru knows most
of their forces are defeated. Moments later, a bleeding and beaten Kabuto lands as near to the
barrier as he dares and yells to his master, “our forces are down or retreated-” With a deep
slash across his chest, Kabuto is suddenly attacked by three Konoha shinobi and has to leap
away to avoid being captured. Despite Gamabunta and Shukaku’s destructive fight, the
invasion is all but lost, and an enraged Orochimaru orders a fleeing Kabuto to take their
remaining troops and retreat. Orochimaru then commands the small snake he had slipped into
Rasa’s clothing to bite him with a terrible venom in order to secure his escape.
Rasa immediately drops to one knee and grips his ankle from where two dots of blood can be
seen after the snake slithers out of his shinguard. “Orochimaru! You! Kuh…” The man
immediately drops face-first on the shingles. Aside from the poison rapidly coursing through
his veins, rage compels the Kage to turn his stiffening neck and promise Orochimaru, “you
had better hope this kills me… for I will never rest… until I end your life!”
Rasa passes out, his face writhing in agony even unconscious. Sweating profusely, Hiruzen
looks over his fellow Kage and demands to know, “what have you done to him?”
“You don’t look so good, sensei,” Orochiaru jests before turning to the Kazekage and
confessing, “he won’t die for at least a month but if you come after me, I will kill him now.”
Looking at the unconscious Kage that betrayed him and his village, Hiruzen asks
Orochimaru, “why would you believe we’d ever care what happens to him? His
circumstances is the product of his own misplaced judgment.”
“And you know all about consequences of bad judgment don’t you,” Orochimaru smiles,
mocking his old teacher over the Uchiha massacre and showing him mercy in the past.
Smiling at Hiruzen’s rising ire, Orochimaru admits, “I may be your fallen student, but I do
know you, and I’d be very much surprised if you kill your misguided ally simply in exchange
for capturing me.” The sound of Naruto finally destroying the barrier assembles the
exhausted Sound Four to their master’s side.
Naruto takes one look at the slender girl with long red hair and wondered if she might be a
descendant of the Uzumaki clan or Uzushiogakure. He rushes to her in less than a second and
grabs her forearm, managing to mark her before intentionally dispelling with her weakly
Glaring at his former student with sheer anger and a hint of disappointment, Hiruzen ordered
his forces to, “stand down. Let him leave.” Orochimaru smiles cockily as Hiruzen growls,
“run, Orochimaru. Run as if your life depended on it, because after today, it surely will.” The
Sound ninja then leap out of view and Hiruzen orders no one in particular, “follow them out
of the country but keep your distance. If the Kazekage’s life is truly on the line, I’d rather not
take the chance… even if he doesn’t deserve it.”
Despite the poison coursing his veins and dizziness, Hiruzen pushes on and orders the
gathering of shinobi around him, “I want all Suna and Sound ninja detained and interrogated.
Bring the Iryō Butai to care for Kazekage… and me. Secure him in our strongest containment
unit with guards stationed in and out of his room. Temari and Kankurō are to be taken as
hostages to a hospitable prison cell and guarded round the clock-”
The feel a mild earthquake when Gamabunta lands in front of Shukaku and Hiruzen orders,
“Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma, Guy, back Naruto up. Take anyone you need.” Kurenai and Karin
are the first to shunshin away. Hiruzen and the remainder of his soldiers watch from a
distance as the large toad summon and Shukaku battle in the forests outside their village,
Sand against Water and Wind. Moments later, Shukaku screams before he’s reduced to
disintegrating dust and Gamabunta explodes out of existence, pushing out immense clouds of
white smoke.
An exhausted, aching, de-saged Naruto is helping an equally exhausted and bleeding Gaara to
his feet. The pair are hobbling back to the village through the ruined forest, one silently
contemplating his loss and sense of self, the other is happy to have gotten through the other’s
painful defenses. It hurt to breathe as much to walk, but Naruto loved the feeling of triumph
uplifting him. He still wasn’t sure if anyone from Konoha or Suna died, but he did his best,
and now he was ready for a well-deserved rest.
Sasuke suddenly lands in front of them and draws a sword he didn’t have before and
immediately demands Naruto to, “tell me what you know about my brother!” Frustrated and
roughed up himself, Sasuke is ten paces away and close enough to attack.
Exhausted with one arm healing from a break and the other supporting Gaara, Naruto is in no
condition to fight. Not that he wouldn’t power up with Kurama’s chakra, but that would take
more time than Sasuke would allow and the avenger was fiercely motivated. Naruto doesn’t
doubt he could easily clear the distance in less than a second.
With a long resigning sigh, Naruto explains, “what you know… about your brother… isn’t
the whole truth. There’s a lot you don’t know.”
“Calm down,” Naruto returns. “I get this is the only thing that matters to you… as much as I
hate that… but I said I’d help… and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”
Snarling, Sasuke takes a few steps forward, pointing his sword at Naruto’s neck as he
demands to know, “is this some sick game to you? Making me wait? Making me beg?”
Taking another few steps, he’s nearly on them as he yells, “do you even know anything?”
Naruto is already asking Kurama for some chakra as he tries to reason, “Sasuke-”
“If the next words out of your mouth isn’t proof you’re not lying,” Sasuke begins to interject.
“I’m going to beat it out of you and kill him for good measure.” Naruto can feel Gaara try to
stand on his own to defend himself.
“Always with the killing, I swear,” Naruto groans. With some more energy and frustration,
Naruto nearly yells, “listen, I don’t know what kind of proof I can offer you but I know
Itachi’s a genius-level shinobi, master of the Sharingan, and loves you and this village very
“Lies,” Sasuke yells. “You’re fucking lying! He doesn’t love me! He doesn’t love anyone but
himself and I won’t hear otherwise!” Naruto and Gaara see it in his eyes, Sasuke is a paragon
his emotions and is primed to attack. Though they try to defend themselves with sand or
evasion, they know it won’t be enough, but Sasuke’s sword only cuts halfway through
Temari’s fan as she leaps in to defend them. She tries to kick him as well, but Sasuke slips the
strike and aims his kunai at Temari’s abdomen. Before it can land bloody home, sand
explodes between them, sending the furious Uchiha several yards back.
Though heaving and sweating profusely, Gaara glares at Sasuke as he proclaims, “attack my
sister again… and I will kill you.”
Temari is so shocked to hear her malevolent little brother call her his sister, and not a ‘Sack of
Meat,’ she loses concentration for a moment… all the time Sasuke needs to attack again.
With his one good arm, Naruto uses his Fūton covered knuckle blade to cut through Sasuke’s
sword as he stands in defense of Temari.
“They’re not enemies, you idiot,” Naruto yells, sweating and panting heavily. “Calm the fuck
down and think for a minute. How do you want to learn what I know? By pissing me off and
attacking my friends? Or taking a fucking breath and meeting me tomorrow to talk? Because
I swear to Kami, if you keep this shit up, I’m just going to help your brother without you.”
Naruto is dead tired but glares at Sasuke nevertheless as he demands to know, “so what’s it
going to be?”
It doesn’t take Sasuke more than a moment to think about his options and stands down. He
promises Naruto, “if I ever find out you lied to me about any of this-”
No longer caring about Sasuke’s threat, Naruto collapses on his back, wanting nothing more
than to rest. “Yeah, yeah,” he groans, looking up at the blurry sky as he adds, “let’s just
wait… for a med-unit.” Tilting his head he notes Temari setting her brother down. “I’m
glad… you’re okay… Temari-chan.”
“I’m not okay Naruto,” she returns, looking over her brother’s wounds. “I don’t know
anything right now.”
Temari has to clear her eye of moisture as she smiles to her baby brother and assures him,
“it’s okay, Gaara. It’s okay.”
It wasn’t long until Kurenai, Karin, Kakashi, and Sakura arrive with Ino and secure the scene.
As Sakura is healing Naruto, he was resting with a smile on his face, promising himself to
train harder and smarter for the real enemies that feel moments away from appearing.
I hope you guys enjoyed that update. I'd love to hear your thoughts because I am overly
critical of this chapter. Maybe it's because it's been so long since I've written, or I'm still
working a lot(I had to do a few all-nighters to finish this). I don't know, it feels like the
bare minimum to me. Please let me know because you guys really help me be better.
There were a lot of perspectives to keep track of at various areas of the village which
was quite the challenge. I essentially focused on the changes I made to canon, so Hinata
and Neji's fight, the speculation surrounding Naruto's father, Kurenai's emotional
revelation, Temari, Haku, Mei, and Team Samui. I also liked the beginning bit, about
what Suna and Oto are fighting for.
I've already started writing a few conversations I've been dying to get to for the next
chapter but I don't have a set time as to when I might update again. The next few
chapters are going to be so much fun because I start addressing how Naruto's harem
starts coming together.
Thank you all again! Please, please, please be safe and let me know what you think.
Have a great one,
Nine Wives
Chapter Summary
Chapter Notes
Hey guys!
First, I hope every one is remaining vigilant, safe, and healthy. It’s a tough time and all
we can do is stick together. Second, I apologize for the delay. Work has not gotten easier.
Anyway, I really hope you guys enjoy this update.
A groggy Naruto regains consciousness long enough to recognize the disinfectant smells of a
hospital and opens his clear blue eyes to the blinding brightness of a white room in strong
daylight. Looking out the window to his left, he can tell it’s morning and beautiful. Heavily
wrapped in white bandages and feeling chronic aches all over, he naturally thought back to
the invasion. Fighting Gaara and Shukaku mostly in base level near to the point of severe
chakra exhaustion was not an engagement he wanted to repeat anytime soon. Simply
recalling the fight gave him phantom pains.
Naruto is checking his restricted mobility when he notices two flowers in a vase on the
bedside table—one red rose and the other a daffodil—along with a Fūinjutsu scroll, a balloon
in the shape of a frog, a cup of noodles, and several get-well cards from his friends and
family. Giddy at the small shrine of well-wishes, he smiles happily at the thought of being
loved. He may have cried if not for a nurse suddenly walking in, and to Naruto’s great
surprise, she looks pleased to see him awake. The bandaged blond doesn’t recognize her nor
does he understand why any hospital staff would be glad to see him, but she cheerfully
saunters over relaying, “Uzumaki-kun, it’s good to see you're finally awake.”
As she checks the monitors whilst writing on her clipboard, Naruto nervously asks, “how
long have I been out?”
“Three days,” she replies with amazement. “I have to alert your healer, but before I go, I just
want to say, thank you.”
“You saved a lot of lives that day,” the brunette nurse answers. “I just… I feel a little safer
knowing you’re protecting us.” Feeling as if she’s said too much, she blushes before leaving
a stunned Naruto in his room alone.
The flabbergasted blond didn’t have a lot of time to ponder such blatant positive feedback
before his healer enters with a different, older nurse. Naruto spots many younger nurses
huddled by the door before it closes. The rudeness of the older doctor and the nurse is an
attitude he’s much more accustomed with and he relaxes a little. Additionally, the doctor
didn’t mind telling Naruto how appalled he was by the Fūinjutsu tags he used to heal others.
The older man instructed Naruto to stop training for a month and he’ll eventually return to
normal. Naruto knew it wouldn’t take more than a could days to return to full strength but he
didn’t argue.
Less than twenty minutes later, a giant toad the height of the hospital lands outside of
Naruto’s windows, rattling the entire building and grounds. Sliding the glass to the side,
Naruto sticks his head out just in time to be hit in the face with folded red, black, and orange
“Get dressed,” the exuberant Jiraiya calls uproariously from atop his armored blue and red
toad. “We’ve been summoned!”
Rolling his humored eyes at his Godfather’s outrageous antics, Naruto quickly dresses in his
orange and black clothes over the medical bandages and takes a few extra minutes to enjoy
modeling the cloak Ma finished for him in front of the mirror. The collarless cloak looked
similar to his father’s white Kage cloak only red with black flames and the name UZUMAKI
written down the back with his clan’s emblem on the left arm. Shining stars for eyes, Naruto
squealed with joy.
Though Naruto didn’t know it, walking from the third floor to the front entrance of the
hospital gave him a sample of what the rest of the village is like. Three days after the
invasion and there are still many wounded soldiers and civilians in the hospital as patients or
waiting loved ones; many of whom take note of him as he passes. They point, whisper, and
openly stare at him, and Naruto finds receiving so much attention without the vitriol in their
eyes odd. It makes him keep his head low and walk faster.
Meeting Jiraiya in the front, the white-haired elder escorts the heavily bandaged boy down
Main Street toward the Hokage’s Tower. Many of the shops are still in business as most of
the buildings hadn’t been damaged. There is a lot of fire damage, however, and in the
distance, Naruto can see a section of the wall is rapidly being repaired under heavy security.
Additionally, the streets are bustling with civilians and Chūnin patrols, all of whom stare at
Naruto as he passes. A few even wave at him, which again, makes Naruto feel very odd
under the attention. Fortunately, Jiraiya easily demands his entire attention by explaining how
they’re on their way to see the Hokage.
Though he shakes his head, Naruto has no idea how Ji-chan will react. On the one hand, he’ll
be happy just knowing he’s alive and well. That was the primary goal for the day, after all.
But on the other hand, they kept Ji-chan out of the wager he made with the Kazekage. Naruto
wanted to tell him, but neither Naru-nii nor Jiraiya could answer if Rasa would accept the
wager if he learned Hiruzen knew of the invasion as well. It’s possible Ji-chan and Rasa’s
deaths was the price for peace in Naru-nii’s time, but Naruto didn’t want that to be the case in
this time-line. The round-a-bout thinking left him confused and without a satisfying choice.
Turning to his Godfather, Naruto asks, “do you think he’ll be mad? I mean, he’s alive, right?
He can’t be too mad once he knows; once I tell him everything.”
Humming loudly, Jiraiya takes a moment before asking a question of his own. “Do you know
why I went along with the plan?”
Quirking a blond brow, Naruto asks, “so Suna and Konoha understand each other better. To
prove to the Kazekage that we’re really allies. Taking him on and beating some sense into
“You’re not wrong,” Jiraiya comments. “But that’s only one side of it. There’s more to it than
“Like what?”
“Come on now,” Jiraiya grouses. “You’re the head of your clan, you know. You’re going to
have to start using that brain of yours if you’re going to be a leader of men.”
“Yeah, but you’re asking me if I know what you’re thinking,” Naruto contests. “I’m not a
Yamanaka. I can’t read minds here.”
Nodding, the old sage replies, “point,” before explaining, “I agreed to this plan because what
happened in the other timeline is an event I feared would happen one day. Just as well I
agreed too, because if I hadn’t, I knew the fault would fall on you.”
“But it does,” Naruto replies, looking at the village he helped defend. Recalling many of his
clones’ memories, he adds, “I remember everyone I saved but I can’t be sure if I missed one.
If I did… they died because of me.”
Slapping a strong yet comforting palm on Naruto’s injured shoulder, Jiraiya sincerely
explains, “the decision to die for your country is a personal conviction you can’t take from
any shinobi. More importantly, when you’re at a bar and you see a fine lady you want to
bring to your room, you can’t be afraid of rejection.”
“Shinobi die,” Jiraiya flatly answers. “Every leader knows at some point, men under their
command will die. Some just don’t make it home; that’s reality.” Before his wager with Rasa,
Naruto never thought about death or risking the lives of other people. Being Hokage simply
meant defending the village from attacks and complaining about paperwork. Now, however,
Naruto often wonders what it really means to be a good leader. Jiraiya underscores his
thoughts by continuing, “nevertheless, a leader must still carry out their mission; no matter
the loss. This plan—this mission—was technically not yours to undertake. Handling big stuff
like invasions is very much the prerogative of a Kage.”
Nodding dejectedly, a dispirited Naruto slowly agrees with, “Yeah… I guess, I really messed
“However,” Jiraiya loudly interrupts, cleaning out his ear with a pinkie finger. “Our Hokage
is also the very reason I decided to do this your way.”
Quirking a blond brow, Naruto turns to him and asks, “wait, what? Weren’t you saying how I
messed up?”
“Technically, you committed treason,” Jiraiya clarifies, adding, “which is more than just,
‘messing up.’”
“However,” the elder shinobi strongly replies. “As much as I love sensei, there are facets of
his leadership that can’t be overlooked. I’ve come across scraps of intel over the years that
led me to side with you over him.”
“Wait, what intel,” Naruto asks. “And I still don’t get why.”
“Gah, use your brain,” Jiraiya retorts, tapping Naruto on the tippy-top of his blond head.
“Think about what it means to be a good leader—in all ways—and really look at what
happened and why.” As they approach Hokage’s Tower, Jiraiya reminds his blond ward,
“remember, I already planned for this so let me do all the talking.”
Following her pink-haired sister from the hospital through the barren path of an abandoned
district, all Ino wanted to do was look for Naruto and it grated on her patience as they neared
Sasuke’s traditional mansion. The day was gorgeous and she was anticipating the moment he
wakes up and sees her there watching over him. They would be thrilled at the sight of one
another and kiss passionately on his bed. Realizing how short and precious life is, they would
soon start dating and eventually figure out a way to convince Sakura to join their relationship,
scandalous as that is.
Since the invasion three days prior, Ino hasn’t stopped thinking about Naruto’s declaration for
polyamory. She’s had fantasies about herself, Naruto, and Sakura all sharing a bed, a house,
and each other for the rest of their lives, however long that may be, and often finds herself
longing for that dream. Being around Sakura as they did simple D-Rank missions together
would always remind her of what could be. The more she thought about the lifestyle, the
more she realized that she didn’t support polyamory unless it involved them. Following her
sister now, however, worried her.
“Sakura,” Ino calls in the empty Uchiha street. “Let’s just find Naruto first then tell Sasuke.”
“If you want to look for him, go ahead,” Sakura replies, leading them. With the house is half-
a-mile away, she reminds Ino, “I promised Sasuke I’d tell him when Naruto woke up.”
Arms crossed as she shakes her head, she asks, “does it have to be now? It’s not like he can’t
wait a few hours.”
Sighing and growing impatient, Sakura questions, “if Sasuke wants to talk to him, why can’t
we all just search together? I don’t get what’s so wrong with that.”
Growing annoyed by her sister’s regard for Sasuke, Ino irately replies, “and I don’t get why
you’re so eager to tell him Naruto’s awake. If he actually cared about Naruto’s well-being, he
would’ve visited.”
Ino interjects, “who impaled his arm through Naruto’s freaking chest!”
Ino’s eyes widen the same moment Sakura stops talking, both girls abhorrently realizing how
that sentence was going to end. Though upset and disappointed, Ino doesn’t voice her
frustration as Sakura takes a few moments to collect herself. It’s as if both girls recognize the
signs of obsession and if they’re not cognizant of it, they might slip.
Sakura clears her throat before admitting, “I don’t know why this is so hard.” The shamed
pinkette looks over to Sasuke’s large home Ino has no doubt Sakura dreamed of living in one
day. “Obviously, rules or no, what Sasuke did was inexcusable. I won’t forget it, and in my
mind, I know what it means. But feeling it…”
She looked so vulnerable Ino can’t help but hug her as she assures her, “No. It just means it’s
tough. But you have me and Naruto.”
Sakura hugs her back with grateful gratitude, enjoying the warmth and support. After many
moments, she’s settled enough to say, “I still want to tell Sasuke,” however, before Ino can
object, she asks, “but will you stay with me, please?”
Smirking happily, Ino sneaks a peck on her lips before answering, “always.”
Hand in hand, the girls walk to the Uchiha compound and eventually meet Sasuke. As
expected he rushes away without so much as a thank you, strengthening Ino’s mission to
show Sakura that this version of Sasuke is no good for her. At the moment, Ino is simply
happy to look for Naruto as the girls visit Karin at the construction site first.
Jiraiya and Naruto stand at attention before their Hokage in his maximum sealed office.
Naruto is partly distracted by the glowing blue seals lining most of the room as he finds them
interesting to read on top of Hiruzen’s bandaged and heavily wrapped left arm. They’re the
only three in the darkened office when their stern leader begins with a simple question; no
welcome back, no update on current affairs, no inquiries on his health. Simply straight to the
Naruto hums, “Uuuh-” before his Godfather interjects, “Sensei, if you would, I request you
unseal Black Scroll, registration number: 318106. I submitted the scroll less than a month ago
precisely for this eventuality.”
Eying his former student, Hiruzen retains his hard expression for several moments, however,
Jiraiya never falters under the intense gaze. The Hokage reaches under his desk with his one
good arm, they hear a gaseous pop, then his old hand lays on the desk a black scroll.
Turning to Hiruzen, Naruto wonders out loud, “you wouldn’t have believed me if I told
Breaking decorum, Jiraiya boldly rebukes, “of course he wouldn’t. You’re a sixteen-years-old
genin fresh out of the academy, not the superstar protagonist from one of my phenomenal
novels. How’s the Hokage supposed to take your word about an invasion by one of our
strongest allies as credible intel?”
Eying his former student oddly, Hiruzen assures Naruto, “if you had shown me whatever
proof you collected, I would have believed you. Even if their betrayal seemed unlikely, I
would’ve placed my trust in you and at least listened to any evidence you had.”
“Exactly,” Jiraiya adds. “As this concerns the safety of the village, our Hokage would’ve sent
shinobi to interrogate and infiltrate anyone or location that may be involved.” Having known
him since he was a child, Hiruzen recognizes when Jiraiya is blowing smoke but can’t
understand the angle as he continues, “I’m sure sensei would’ve kidnapped someone from
Sand or Sound on your say… as long as you had proof-”
“Enough,” Hiruzen commands, eying Jiraiya’s smiling face. The Hokage breaks open the seal
with his chakra before taking a few moments to read over Jiraiya’s words. Hiruzen’s
eyebrows rise seconds before he demands to know, “is this true?”
Looking between the elders in confusion, Naruto asks his Godfather, “is what true?”
Impatient in his curiosity to know what they’re talking about, the blond demands, “will
someone please tell me what’s going on?”
“I want to be clear here,” Hiruzen tells them both. “What you both took upon yourselves to
do—risking the lives of our villagers and armed forces—behind my back is tantamount to
treason. I would be well within my rights to arrest and imprison you.” Naruto swallows what
felt like a rock down his dry throat and he feels stupid for having never thought of that.
Lowering his elderly tone, Hiruzen confesses, “what’s worse is how deeply disappointed I am
in you both, who hold a special place in my heart.”
It’s the first time Naruto’s ever heard those words from his grandfather-like role model. He
didn’t even think disappointing his oldest friend was possible. Even when he stole the Scroll
of Seals for Mizuki, Hiruzen only gave him a stern talking-to about being gullible. While
Naruto did feel he could’ve revealed everything about Naru-nii to his Hokage weeks ago, it
truly didn’t seem significant to him so long as Hiruzen survived and Gaara became his friend.
When Jiraiya agreed with the plan for the invasion, Naruto assumed telling Hiruzen after the
fact wouldn’t be a problem, making him further wonder why his Godfather agreed to the plan
if he knew it would be.
In the everlasting moment of grueling silence, a distressed Naruto is ready to confess to
everything when Hiruzen looks between the black scroll and the blond genin, then sighs
before continuing, “however, I will not ignore the impossible situation you found yourselves
in. I have a contract with a summon as well, and Enma, the Monkey King, can be
uncompromising when confidentiality is required. Being unable to freely speak when the
Toads insist on privacy is understandable when it involves prophecies. Knowing future events
is dangerous information the truly powerful would stop at nothing to gain for themselves and
I agree it would be better if others did not know of their ability.”
Naruto turns to Jiraiya who only glances and smirks at him before tilting his chin forward to
keep listening. “In addition,” Hiruzen continues. “Prophecies being what they are, I can’t be
certain I would’ve categorized the intelligence as actionable. I would’ve believed that you
believe it and I may have been wary, however, suddenly mistrusting a long-time ally, an
honorable person, and fellow Kage on precarious and debatable intel would’ve been…”
Hiruzen pause seemed odd to Naruto, as if he’s struggling in some way.
With a nod and non-committal shrug, Jiraiya adds, “in addition to the Kazekage’s security.
After all, it’s not like we wanted to destroy relations between Suna and Konoha. The
opposite, in fact.”
With a sigh, Hiruzen nods as he orates, “this is a distasteful situation. Two people I care about
withheld vital intelligence from me, your chief commander. Even if you felt I would not have
believed this prophecy, it’s your duty to prove otherwise. On the other hand, you both not
only saved a multitude of Konoha lives, but Suna lives as well, which will aid our peace talks
moving forward. As I see it, you not only deserve punishment, you also deserve reward.”
“Did…” Naruto pauses a moment, scared of the answer, but ignores the fear for his stubborn
courage as he asks, “did anyone die?”
Turning to Naruto, he answers, “yes.” Naruto visibly saddens and Hiruzen adds nothing more
as he looks to the pair of them before asserting, “you will await my judgment while I reflect
on how best to address your actions. For now, I must meet with Rasa-san and his council.”
Shifting his gaze on his wrapped appendage, Hiruzen only answers, “I worry less about it
every day,” before telling them, “you’re dismissed.”
On his way out of Hokage tower, Naruto’s mind is reeling from his memories of the battles,
everything Ji-chan said, why Jiraiya supported the plan, then blamed their knowledge on Old
Toad Gamamaru’s prophecy ability. As Naruto and Jiraiya wave back to a few Chūnin,
Naruto asks, “do the toads know you hung the future stuff on them?”
“Of course,” his Godfather snickers. “No one can know what you know.”
Setting that worry aside, Naruto asks what he’s growing more dire to know. “How many
people do you think died because of me?”
Stepping outside the Tower to the bustling street outside, Naruto insists on knowing, “did
they tell you how many-”
“I only know of Sound-nin deaths,” Jiraiya interjects. “Listen well my little leader, you did a
fantastic job with those tags. If there are any Konoha deaths, I’m sure it’ll either be because
of some unrelated accident or medical error. Don’t stress yourself ragged over it until you
learn more. Afterward, deal with it like the rest of us.”
Staring straight into his godson’s clear blue eyes, he answers, “by training harder than ever so
the next time someone needs you, you won’t fail again.” It was a hard truth Jiraiya has been
talking about that truly added worry to his life dream of being the best Hokage ever.
At the mention of training, Naruto knows exactly what technique he’ll be learning next. Ever
since Naru-nii entered his life, he’s been training hard every day to protect all his special
people. If one person died because he couldn’t protect them, he knows he’ll have to carry the
heavy burden. It’s a reality to his world view that offers a tireless grasp of responsibility.
The pair walk down several streets eying the villagers shouting out to the last of the
remaining Chūnin Exam business left. To his surprise, he spots Inari and Konohamaru
chasing each other around the market. Naruto waves to them as they rush over. The group
then heads to the construction site together. With Inari and Konohamaru well ahead of them,
a different curiosity runs to the forefront of his thoughts, Naruto proceeds to ask, “can you
tell me why you went along with the plan when you knew it was treason, and why we didn’t
just tell Ji-chan the whole truth?”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t like the toads getting credit,” Jiraiya proposes. “They already make
prophecies, so it’s not much of a stretch to say they predicted the invasion.”
“You know I don’t care about credit,” Naruto points out. “But you agreed with the plan when
you knew this would happen.”
“How you didn’t think it was treason only means you got a lot to learn,” Jiraiya humorously
chides, bumping Naruto’s shoulder. “But that’s okay. We all start somewhere. And yeah, I
knew this would happen and agreed anyway.”
Scratching his square jaw, Jiraiya tilts his head as he hums in wondrous pondering. With the
boys running off to meet Inari’s mother, Jiraiya finally voices, “mmnnn… maybe, I wouldn’t
mind telling you… if you put in a good word for me with Tsunami-san.”
“Wait, what-” Turning to the blushing cheeks and perverted glint of his godfather, Naruto
yells, “Oh! No way, you giant pervert! She’s too nice a lady for a loose guy like you!”
Erotic fantasy broken, Jiraiya yells back, “loose!? How dare you speak to your Godfather that
The pair continue their animated quarreling all the way to the construction site. Though
Naruto wanted to help out the crew, Karin, Tsunami, and Tazuna refuse to let him work while
he’s still injured. Aside from informing him Sakura and Ino came by, Karin assures him
construction is coming along nicely and he should go home and rest. Naruto stays a little
longer, catching up with everyone before going home. Upon finding no one at Iruka’s, the
blond decides to walk to Kurenai’s and finds no one home there either. Deciding to wait, he
lays down on her comfortable couch and goes to sleep.
Neither Temari nor her brothers expected to be let out of their guarded accommodations,
however, they were given thirty minutes’ notice to wash and change, and are now on their
way to meet their father. For the past three days, Temari and her brothers have had nothing to
do but think and reflect on all the decisions that lead to being held hostage in a village that
was once their ally. In hindsight, the reasons why they lost seem so obvious, and many from
Suna feel a sense of regret.
Kankurō was very vocal about their mistake in trusting Sound and took it personally. Gaara
kept his thoughts to himself, however, he did nod or comment occasionally, which was an
enormous improvement from his, generally, homicidal personality. He wasn’t suddenly
affectionate or caring toward his siblings, however, they could feel his malice was gone. It
was as if Gaara had faith in hope once again, and slowly but surely, he’s recognizing them as
family and not meat-sacks to be murdered.
While Temari was happy to spend quality time with her youngest brother, her critical mind
has had upwards of eighty hours to think about everything; from the conception of the
invasion to the Chūnin exams, to meeting Naruto, to being forced by her own family and
Kage to Honey-Trap him, to learning how sweet, brave, and virile he is, to regretting
everything, and throughout it all, she couldn’t stop how angry she felt. While Gaara may not
have been in his right mind, her father should’ve never agreed to pimp her out. Her village’s
invasion plan failed, and on top of that pain, she felt so gravely betrayed, she couldn’t stop
exercising to expend the pent up energy.
Upon exiting their comfortable prison, Temari, Kankurō, and Gaara are escorted by a Jōnin
team up many floors until they reach the surface. They’re clearly in the forest around
Konoha, however, she can’t tell where. Walking through the path, there are seven large pens
with many of her countrymen inside, all surrounded by a great portion of Konoha’s Chūnin
force. Many of their compatriots call for them as they pass and seem genuinely happy to see
the Kazekage’s children are safe. Temari is just happy so many of them survived, a reflection
that spurs memories of Naruto healing the very shinobi that invaded his home, reigniting her
shame and anger.
The three don’t walk far and are upon a large red tent guarded by Konoha shinobi shortly. It
looks like a carnival tent big enough to fit two hundred people inside, and upon closer
inspection, Temari notes Fūinjutsu characters etched into the dirt floor all around the tent. It
makes her curious about how well it prevents escape. Inside the tent is cool and sectioned off
with tall screens to create several rooms. They are taken to one of the larger rooms, and after
the guards close the door behind them, the Sand siblings are greeted by Baki, their village’s
council, and their Kazekage. The man with the stern face of her father was seated in the
middle of a round table with an I.V. drip is connected to his arm, and despite his attempt to
appear strong, he looks sickly.
She hasn’t seen him since they were captured. She only knew that he was in the hospital but
stable. He doesn’t stand to greet them as the councilors did and Temari wonders if he’s even
able to stand. Regardless, he points to the three empty chairs in front of him, an invitation for
his children to sit before him. Though the old war dogs take their seats, Temari does not. She
simply glares at her father and crosses her arms. Gaara and Kankurō stand on either side of
her, though Kankurō voices, “I’m sick of sitting down.”
“Why’ve we been called,” Temari begins. Her mind is perceptive enough to know the three
of them would serve no other purpose to the negotiations besides being hostages.
Additionally, it’s only been three days so she’s certain they haven’t concluded the terms to an
accord. Standing in this room with these men wouldn’t make sense unless the siblings were
somehow involved in the settlement, though Temari isn’t sure how.
“He knew,” Rasa gravely voices. In a secure location with half of the Suna Council and his
children, the weakened yet active Kazekage singles out his daughter, eying her staunchly as
he demands to know, “did you tell him?”
Temari snickers in irritated disbelief, realizing this is about culpability as she angrily retorts,
“is that why you’ve summoned us? To assign fault?”
Temari takes a strong step forward, angry he would doubt her word even when all of this was
his fault to begin with, and boldly proclaims, “I didn’t tell him!”
“We’re only attempting to establish the origin of the leak,” councilor Jōseki evenly states.
The clean-shaven old man likes pretending to be civil, however, he’s always treated Gaara as
nothing more than a weapon and Temari has always hated him for it. Analyzing her with cold
hard eyes, Jōseki questions with just enough accusation, “were you even aware of Uzumaki’s
sage training?”
With a heavily bandaged arm in a secure sling, Baki steps forward to voice, “our plan’s
exposure must’ve come from Jiraiya. He’s an infiltration specialist of the highest caliber.
There isn’t much intel he can’t figure out how to access.”
Rasa simply asks his Jōnin, “and not report it to his Hokage?” Baki had no reply as Rasa
continues. “No. I fought Hiruzen. He truly did not know and I can’t imagine Jiraiya wouldn’t
tell him.”
“The sages took this gamble together,” Jōseki takes the liberty to voice, finishing, “and the
only explanation for Jiraiya keeping this information from his Hokage—and former sensei—
is if Uzumaki informed him; not the other way around.” Eying Temari and Gaara stoically
but coldly, he deduces, “that could only happen by sheer luck or he was told.”
Getting more upset by the suspicion and passive accusation, Temari yells back, “it wasn’t
She’s done so much in service of her village and family; things she knows her mother would
never approve of if she were still alive. Temari’s heart is hammering in her chest as they sit
comfortably in their chairs of failure and question her loyalty when she’s prostituted herself
and betrayed her heart and character for nothing. Temari couldn’t help pointing an accusatory
finger at her father as she yells, “you’re the ones who ordered me to be around him; to seduce
“And he seems to have swayed your heart instead,” her father interjects with his powerful
voice, despite his sickly appearance.
“He didn’t-” but Temari pulls up short when she tries to deny being swayed. Her heated heart
then yells, ‘so what?’ Even if she liked Naruto, she didn’t do anything wrong and he never
pressured her in any way. In fact, compared to these old hardened men in front of her, it’s
impossible to not feel affection and respect for someone as good as Naruto. With a
commanding voice, she asserts, “regardless of my opinion of him, otou-sama, I would never
betray my village or family, for anyone. I thought I proved that when you asked me to be a
“Your Kazekage gave you a directive for the success of the village,” Jōseki commented.
“And you failed.”
“In case it’s escaped your notice, Jōseki, I’d say we all failed,” Temari shoots back at the
elder. She was thrilled when Gaara backed her up, glaring at the man enough to clear his
throat and look away. Even without his gourd of sand, Gaara can still be intimidating.
Father and daughter stare at each other unflinching for several silent moments until the
Kazekage tells his advisers, “Temari is not the one,” bewildering her. She couldn’t tell if his
assertion was an olive branch or another tactic but she feels uneasy when he turns to the table
of old men and asks, “what’s our strategy for the Omiai?” Blinking in surprise, Temari had
considered the marriage contract a non-issue, and is again uneasy when he adds, “the
document may have been for the invasion, however, it’s still an officially binding contract.”
“If they demand we fulfill the terms of the contract, we’re not in a position to refuse,” Jōseki
communicates to the room, all of whom murmur and hum. “They could see it as an act of ill-
intent and demand more in other areas we’re unwilling to concede.”
The knowing look in her father’s eyes made Temari clench her fists in anger, pondering if the
Omiai was the point of questioning her character in the first place; as if he didn’t want her to
know this is what he cared about the most. She wouldn’t put such manipulation past him, but
at this point, she’s growing so infuriated, breathing calmly is a challenge.
Then her father asks of her, “do you think you’ll be able to convince Uzumaki to cancel it?”
“You can serve the village in better ways than being a broodmare,” he dispassionately admits.
Without anyone to attack, Temari takes as many moments as she wants to calm her raging
emotions, consciously unclenching her fists so blood can return to her fingertips. She may
have every right to wronged and insulted, but, righteous anger won’t serve her here; not with
these men. Currently, her only goal is to teach her father how wrong he is and has been, to
rebel against him, to throw his stupidity and heartlessness in his face, all while watching him
suffer for it. With a much clearer conscious, calmer demeanor, and hard teal eyes, she eerily
conveys to the stuffy room, “maybe I don’t want to serve the village in better ways, otou-
sama. Maybe I like serving the village this way.”
Frustrated as only a father can, Rasa sags in his chair—praying for patience—before
replying, “this is no time to act a spoiled child, Temari.”
“First a broodmare and now a spoiled child,” Temari practically spits back. “As if a spoiled
child would so easily prostitute herself for her father in the first place!”
“It was-”
“A means to an end,” she cuts him off without fear of penalty. “Yes, I know. I understand
how to callously move people on a board; you taught me quite well in that regard. Since
family seems to mean so little to you, who’s to say I wouldn’t be better joining another one?”
“Enough,” Rasa loudly declares, freezing the old men in the room. “I will name you as our
official ambassador in Konoha. You will meet with Uzumaki and you will convince him to
reject the Omiai-”
“And if I don’t,” Temari challenges just as loudly. “You’ve always taught me to think clearly
and weigh the options. Look me in the eyes and tell me, father… how well do you think you
can move me now?”
Rasa was angry; angry as only a father of a rebelling teenage daughter can be, but a stubborn
and irate Temari won’t budge; not for him. Casting aside her reputation as, The Good
Daughter, she refuses to do anything for him anymore. Not until he gives her a reason to.
With hesitant calm, the Kazekage implores of her, “Temari, think carefully, as I’ve taught
you, and try to see I’m doing this for your own good. We lost three days ago and a critical
portion of our military force are prisoners being fed once a day to keep them weak. With the
small remaining forces defending our borders, Iwagakure could invade our home at any time
and there would be little we could do to stop them. We need Suna and Konoha to return to the
status quo, immediately, and they know that, which means we cannot refuse them. If Konoha
demands it so, our Daimyō will have no other recourse but to sanction this Omiai, and per
your request, it’s been amended to include multiple spouses. Ask yourself if you would truly
live a life like that to spite me?”
Everyone in that room felt in their heart and mind how scorned and furious the statuesque
Temari feels. Her sharp eyes, her tense shoulders, her rigid stance, clearly communicate she
isn’t backing down. She didn’t even have to speak to convey how publicly she would
graciously accept sister-wives to embarrass and shame her father—to be a proud beacon for
all the ways he went wrong—and delightfully retorts, “don’t expect our first child to be
named after you, Otou-sama.”
As Temari marches out of the room, Rasa holds in his ire, his disgrace, his frustration, and
worst of all, his failure as a father and leader. He turns to Kankurō and tells him, “talk with
your sister. You don’t want her to regret this in the future.”
“The only regret I have is going along with the Omiai in the first place,” the second born
“All the more reason to speak to her now,” Rasa points out.
While Kankurō thinks about that, Gaara—arms crossed and just as cold—informs his father,
“it’s her choice. And I think it’s the right one.” Gaara follows Temari’s path out followed by
Kankurō. Temari and her brothers are escorted back to their comfortable cell, all while
fuming every time she pictures her father’s face telling her not to marry Naruto.
From atop a roof two blocks away, Tenten asks her beautiful handler as her focus remains on
their target, “uh, why are we spying on Naruto?”
The pair leap to the next building as Naruto slowly walks the streets of Konoha toward the
residential district, and Haku answers, “I want you to watch him; to learn his movements.”
Though Haku needs less effort to keep track of Naruto in his dashing red and black cloak,
Tenten is still new to tracking and requires most of her focus.
So she doesn’t look away from Naruto as she answers, “even if I learn his movements, I don’t
think I’ll ever be able to beat him. I thought it was amazing that he beat Zabuza, but he
stopped an invasion near enough by himself!”
“Shh,” Haku sounds. Tenten slows down as Naruto walks in the direction of the residences,
to either Kurenai’s house or Iruka’s a little farther. When he stops walking and looks around,
Haku tells Tenten, “we have to go.”
Eying the heavily bandaged blond looking around, Tenten asks, “wha- why-”
“He’s on the verge of sensing us,” Haku responds as he slowly backs away from the edge of
the stone roof.
Turning away to question Haku with her eyes, Tenten points out, “but we’re so far away-”
Commanding Tenten to move with his eyes alone, he assures her, “his senses have improved
after his most recent training.”
They remain on the roof for several minutes all the while Tenten watches Haku for the all
clear. When Haku finally nods the all-clear, Tenten asks, “I don’t get why you want me to
learn this.”
“As my weapon-”
“I’m not your-” The bun-haired brunette stops herself with Haku’s raised eyebrows.
“As my weapon,” Haku restarts. “You are also his weapon. In the event I cannot be by his
side, you must take my place.”
Concerned by the open-ended negativity, Tenten questions, “what does that mean?”
“I’m simply being cautious,” Haku responds, but the suspicious brunette isn’t sure she
believes him.
Flashes of her exploits during the invasion race through her mind. In defense of her fellow
shinobi and civilians, she wounded eight enemy combatants and several of them didn’t even
know she was there until it was too late. She also killed one man using Haku’s silent killing
technique. He would’ve killed a genin if she hadn’t killed him. She was trained in life and
death from the academy and knows some shinobi can feel guilt over sacrificing their morality
or principles for senseless violence, but to actually take life truly made her wonder if this was
the cost to be strong.
Haku had always tried to explain why her perspective was naive, innocent, delusional, and
though her sexual interactions with Naruto helped her understand something about life, it
wasn’t until she killed a man that she learned the other side of that coin; the end comes for
everyone. When she killed that sound nin, for a split second, she saw her dead face in his and
it was such a shock to see, she froze. If it wasn’t for Lee and Naruto’s clones watching her
back, she might’ve been the next dead face on the dirt. It wasn’t until later that night Tenten
realized death wasn’t far from anyone; her father, her teammates, Haku, Naruto, or herself. A
lonely death comes for everyone and that realization cut out a lot of her naive and pointless
thoughts and left her with the only things that matter.
‘Do all you can for the people you love,’ she thought. ‘Because someday you’re going to die
and they’ll be all that’s left of you.’
Her Will of Fire never felt more prevalent. Additionally, her new outlook doesn’t carry as
much reservation over the things she can’t control, which is why she has no trouble
informing Haku, “well, you teach me a lot of stuff my sensei tends to avoid… and I don’t
think you’re a bad person, even if you’re a little off.”
“Less noise,” Tenten quickly answers before elaborating, “if I were a weapon, I guess you
could say I went from a single-edge to a double-edged sword.”
“That’s a weapon you have to handle with more care,” Haku kindly notes.
“Yeah,” Tenten realizes, giving the beautiful boy a half-smile. Shaking her thoughts of
unnecessary thoughts, she asks, “so really, why do you want me to watch Naruto?”
“A weapon must always be ready for any situation,” Haku voices as he looks over to the
large hole in the village’s wall. “I can’t say what the future will bring, but if I’m not around, I
want you to protect Naruto-sama on my behalf.”
“He took on an entire army,” Tenten reminds him. “I don’t think he needs my protection.”
Turning to her, he asks, “how strong is he when he’s fast asleep?” Tenten nods in
understanding as Haku adds, “he’s been in the hospital for days. Who protects him then?”
“But you were watching him while he was in the hospital,” she replies.
“Of course,” Haku states before he walks to the edge of the roof once again. “No matter how
strong someone may be, there is always a way to defeat them. Remember, no one escapes
death’s blade.”
Tenten didn’t have to think long to understand, and answers, “alright, but I still have a lot to
learn if you want me to be his bodyguard.”
“Quite a lot, yes,” Haku returns with almost a tired slant of his head. “Fortunately, Naruto-
sama and I are always happy to train with you.”
“You are Zabuza-sama’s gift to me,” Haku reminds Tenten as a matter of fact. Sagging her
shoulders and rolling her eyes, Tenten is reminded why their dynamic can seem too
frustrating at times as Haku remarks, “any gift he gives me brings me perpetual happiness.”
After a full day of using her genjutsu to assist in interrogating the Suna shinobi, Anko
distracts Asuma so Kurenai can sneak away early from the Torture and Interrogation
department. They’re nearly finished interrogating all of Suna’s forces. Nearly all of them said
nothing and those that did only repeated their name, rank, and registration number. It’s as
expected and with Kurenai’s genjutsu, they manage more information in the short amount of
time they have with each shinobi.
On her way home, Kurenai wonders if Naruto’s woken up yet and debates sneaking into his
room to see him. Since the invasion, no one in Konoha’s forces has had much free time, but
the Jōnin, especially, have been giving the bulk of incoming missions in addition to the task
of back-tracing the movements of key security risks; Kabuto in particularly. Additionally,
Kurenai is on alert for anything that might involve Shimura Danzō and Root. She alerted the
Sandaime on the same day Karin’s near kidnapping happened, however, as of yet, she hasn’t
heard anything about it from him.
As Kurenai enters her home, she wonders if she should speak with the Hokage in the
morning about it when her sensitive ears pick up light snoring. Familiar light snoring.
Snickering in delight, Kurenai walks into her living room and smiles happily to find Naruto
sleeping on her couch. Underneath his new orange and black tactical uniform, he’s still
wrapped in medical bandages to his neck, but over everything is a new red and black cloak
she’s never seen before.
Regardless of their status, Kurenai sits on the edge of the couch by his waist and leans down
to kiss his inert lips. Sending her love through, she’s elated when she feels affection kiss
back. She moves back when he wakes and greets him with a casual, “hey.”
“Oh man,” he groans, sleepy eyes adjusting to the sight before him. Feeling the love in his
smile, Kurenai feels lighter, prettier, and merry while he asks, “how long was I out?”
Comforted by his warmth in her home once again, she answers, “a few hours from what I can
tell.” He sits up and props himself against the armrest of the couch as she asks with clear
concern, “what are you doing here? You should be in the hospital.”
Noting her own injury—a square adhesive bandage on her left thigh where she was tagged
with a shuriken—Naruto rests his hot palm on her thigh as he assures her, “nah, I’m fine.
How are you?”
Happy crackling energy twitches through her at his gentle touch, but Kurenai does her best to
remain composed as she answers, “I’m fine. It’s just a scratch.”
Feeling his hot hand directly on her tingling skin expanded the urge within her. Her thigh
muscle flexed to hold back the pleasure flourishing within her with his one touch. She’s
missed him. Kurenai’s mind clears of everything except for how much she missed his
magnetic touch. Feeling the stirring pleasantness within her ripen into storming desire,
Kurenai bemoans, “Naruto,” but she isn’t sure what she wants him to do, whether remove his
hand or take her upstairs.
His hands remained on her strong thigh as he asks, “are we alone tonight?”
Feeling her blood rush to her crotch, her thighs tense together and Kurenai shakes her head of
dirty thoughts, replying, “no, sir.” She stands from the couch and takes a deep breath before
assuring him, “we are not doing… any of that while you’re still recuperating. I insist.”
“So after I heal,” he softly voices with his knowing smile and intense eyes.
Kurenai had to swallow an excess of saliva at the thought of him satiating her gnawing
hunger with thick meat and seed. She’s gone so long without him, his penetrating gaze on her
figure is already unraveling her determination and doesn’t feel the resolve to wait until he’s
fully healed.
Standing off the couch, he walks up to her but claims, “I’m only teasing.” Disappointed, an
aroused Kurenai doesn’t know what to say until he adds, “actually, I need to tell you
“…Oh,” she despondently replies before taking a deep calming breath. Her logic wrests
control from her arousal and to distract herself, she asks, “we could- uh… dinner?”
Throughout the preparation of their meal, the conversation between them centered around the
village after the invasion, her assignment in the T&I department, his cousin Karin, his clan,
the construction of his apartment complex, and his Godfather. After dinner, Kurenai insists he
not use shadow clones to clean and instructs him to wash up instead.
Nearly done with the dishes, she hears the faintest tap against her kitchen door. Through the
window panes of the door, she identifies Asuma, and it surprises her she hadn’t sensed him
on her property. Avoiding looking up to the faint sound of a running shower, Kurenai dries
her hand and walks to the door all the while dreading what this conversation with Naruto in
her shower. Asuma seems to suspect her relationship with Naruto is crossing boundaries that
shouldn’t be crossed and has been attempting to talk with her for the past three days.
Fortunately, they’ve been too busy securing the village’s security and avoids him whenever
Opening the door, she doesn’t let the gruff man in as she explains, “I was actually on my way
to bed, Asuma. Can we talk tomorrow?”
She notes his eyes flicker behind her, then up as his nose takes a quick whiff before he asks,
“are you alone?”
“First, that’s not any of your business,” Kurenai responds. “And second, I’m exhausted and
want to go to sleep. So if you would…”
Without moving, he insists, “we need to talk, Kurenai. You can’t keep avoiding this.”
“I’m not avoiding anything,” she casually asserts. “And we can talk tomorrow, promise.
Good night.”
After closing the door and securing the property with her Fūinjutsu system, she shuts the
curtains of all the windows in her house. She’s closing the curtains of her bedroom’s window
when Naruto walks out of the shower. Absent bandages and with a head of wet falling locks,
he smiles at the sight of her. Her mind still can’t believe her heart is so in love with him and
she can’t help a small smile of her own. Breaking their intense eye contact, she looks down at
the red and black cloak on the bed. Kurenai picks it up by the shoulders and gives him a
curious eye.
He smiles as he answers, “Ma- uh, one of the Toad Sages, made that for me.”
Nodding, she flips it around as she asks, “and the uh, the white one?”
“She made me that one too,” he answers. “But I like this one better. It’s more me.”
Opening that box of curiosity, the raven-haired beauty asks, “and less your father?” When
Naruto casually nods, Kurenai clarifies, “less Namikaze Minato, the Fourth Hokage.”
Lowering the cloak, the astonished Jōnin gasps, “how do you keep surprising- So, you’re
truly the son of the Fourth Hokage?”
Eying her with a hint of confusion, he slowly answers, “uh, yeah. Doesn’t everyone pretty
much know that now?”
“Everyone suspects, sure, but nothing’s been confirmed,” she informs him.
“I suspected for a while,” he answers with his head tilted. “I mean we practically look alike.
But I didn’t know for sure until the second task of the Chūnin exam.”
Looking at the floor as she recalls all the details of his life, Kurenai heaves, “wow… you’re
the son of the Yondaime Hokage…” Smirking, Naruto shrugs, but Kurenai hadn’t really
thought about what that meant until this moment, asserting with disbelief, “the village should
love you.” He only snorts as she adamantly adds, “I’m serious, Naruto. No one should be
treating you… like they’ve been treating you most of your life!” Clapping her hand over her
mouth, she speaks through, “even me… Kami, now I feel even more shame for attacking
you. I attacked the son of the Yondaime!”
“Hey, come here,” Naruto blurts as he takes her hands and pulls her into a comforting
embrace. Kurenai is now face-to-face with Naruto, enveloped in his warmth and kindness.
“That’s enough of that, Nai-chan. Normally I’d say you can’t change the past, but it’s
probably better to say I rather focus on building a better future… with you.”
Pressed against him with his strong arms around her back, her anxious mind and body soften
around his strong body. So close to him, nothing of the outside world could penetrate the
simplicity of his love for her and her love for him. Leaning in, Kurenai kisses him, taking his
lips with a hungry, yet gentle sweetness. Yearning for more of him, she wraps her arms
around his neck pulling him in deeper as their hot wet tongues taste each other. The lovers
make-out pressed flat against each other growing stimulation until the need for oxygen
became necessary.
Kurenai grants him access to her neck as she slowly asks through a fog of rising bliss, “so
what did you want to talk to me about?”
As if the room was suddenly filled with ice-cold water, Naruto stops necking her nape and
tilts back. After calming down, he lets her go and takes a step back, all of which worried her
tremendously. She feared he was about to reject her after she finally became comfortable with
her love for him.
“Uh, this might upset you,” he starts, alarming her further until he adds, “but let me finish
before you say anything. It might make more sense that way.”
Willing her body to stop feeling arouse, Kurenai takes a measured breath before replying, “of
She did not expect nor could she properly prepare for his very blunt, “I think I’m a
“Yeah,” he replies with a nod. “It’s a loving relationship between multiple people.”
“… … well, then I don’t understand,” Kurenai slowly admits. “How… just, how?”
“Until recently,” he begins. “I thought being in love could only happen between two people,
and if you loved someone else, then it was cheating. It’s why I never cared for other girls
even if they were obviously pretty. Even though I loved Sakura, not being in love with you in
the beginning didn’t make our training feel like cheating… not that Sakura liked me or
anything,” he adds with a whimsical chuckle. “Since then, I’ve grown to love you, Nai-chan;
as a sensei, a friend, and a woman. I love you so much, even if I feel like a polyamorist, I
know I wouldn’t want that if it meant I couldn’t be with you.”
If any man she were seeing would propose a polyamorous relationship, Kurenai wouldn’t
even dignify them with a response and just walk away. A significant other wanting multiple
partners, whether sex is a part of the equation, is wrong. As she deserves to be loved as fully
as she would love a man, she cannot, in good conscience, support such an open union,
however, her mind instantly thinks of one person.
‘Hinata… the girl who’s like a daughter to me may never be with the man she’s loved since
she was a little girl because Naruto is in love with me.’
“The way I see it,” Naruto continues. “Polyamory is about love; more love sharing love. I get
that’s hard to believe, but I promise you, it’s not like I only care to have sex with multiple
women. If you, me, and another girl were in a relationship, I wouldn’t even care about more
or less sex as long as we all love and support each other. This might sound pretty lame, but I
just picture a big kitchen table with you, me, and everyone we love eating and laughing
While she’s physically swooning under his loving gaze, she’s also processing what his words
and what this means for herself and the people she loves the most. For a mind as sharp as
Kurenai’s, it’s effortless to connect the dots—crazy though the dots are. He doesn’t want to
involve anyone else if he can’t be with her, which will cause her sweet Hinata tremendous
pain, and she ultimately reasons either no one gets to be with the person they love, or
everyone does. A longing in her for everything to work out can’t help but play out the
possibilities of such a relationship; the disasters it can cause, the problems it could resolve,
and finally, the freedom she craves to be with the man she loves.
‘Love,’ Kurenai’s befuddled mind sadly repeats. ‘If only it were that simple.’
Normally she would say no, but Uzumaki Naruto wasn’t just anyone. Everyone saw as much,
and Kurenai counts herself thankful to the high heavens to be loved by him. If anything,
Kurenai can’t think. It’s simply too much too fast, and in his presence, so, rather than try and
force an answer, Kurenai kisses him again, deeply. Melting against his loving lips, she
compartmentalizes the poly matter for another day. Tonight, she just wants to be with him.
When he moves them to the bed, she painstakingly resists, adding, “we can’t.” At his
pleading puppy-dog eyes, her resolve weakens but she remains firm. “Don’t give me that
look. You’re still recovering so until you’re a hundred percent, the only activity we’ll be
doing in bed is sleeping.”
Thankfully he agrees, because even if they hold each other in bed, Kurenai didn’t sleep. She
spent the entire night trying to think of a possible way everyone can be happy, but after every
waking hour that passed, she slowly realized more and more that she may have to say
goodbye to her love. Praying for Naruto’s and Hinata’s future happiness, Kurenai curled into
her blond love as much as she could, holding his heat to her cold body all night long. Sadly,
just after dawn, her finite time with him came to an end with a knock at her door.
Standing in a line in the Hokage’s round office as the sun slowly begins to rise outside,
Naruto, Kurenai, Kakashi, and Jiraiya are at attention in front of the Sandaime’s desk. He still
looks weak to Kurenai and wonders what his prognosis is. To either side of Hiruzen stand his
old teammates and councilors, Homura Mitokado, and Koharu Utatane. Though Kurenai
wonders about Danzō’s absence, she’s glad he isn’t in attendance.
Jiraiya is the first to casually speak, asking his sensei, “how goes rebuilding relations?”
“We have a long road to unity ahead of us,” Homura takes the liberty to answer. “We are
currently debating if occupation zones are required.”
“Occupation,” Naruto questions out loud, also unafraid of speaking up in front of the leaders
of the village. “What for? We’re not conquering them. Now’s the time to bury the hatchet and
be allies again.”
“It’s not quite so simple, Naruto,” Hiruzen tells him. “While peace would be preferable to
more war and bloodshed, they’re the ones who pushed us to this.”
“I get that they messed up,” Naruto returns. “But what do you do when a friend makes a
mistake? Give up on them? I don’t like ending friendships so easily.”
“You’re too naive,” Koharu remarks, annoying Kurenai. The woman’s hard views on the
world always makes Kurenai doubt her service to the village.
“Better than being a quitter,” Naruto rebukes, nearly breaking Kurenai’s decorum with a
“That is good to know,” councilor Homura replies. “We may need you to uphold those beliefs
when the time comes.”
As the early sunlight fills the wood room, Hiruzen observes his four shinobi from his chair
and recounts, “the reason I’ve called you all in so early is to discuss a matter that’s arisen
from the peace-talks. The Kazekage and his council have endorsed the Omiai between Naruto
and Temari-chan.”
Wide-eyed with surprise, Kurenai repeats, “an Omiai?” Kurenai knew that Naruto was
escorting Temari-chan around the village but she never heard anything about a marriage
arrangement. Noting Jiraiya and Kakashi’s lack of reaction makes her wonder if they knew or
just don’t care.
“Allow me to explain for those who do not know,” Hiruzen confirms, and Kurenai tries her
best not to look at Naruto for an explanation. “In an attempt to neutralize Naruto for the
invasion, their cover entailed using the marriage contract of an Omiai to spend time with him.
Seduction, poison, ambush, clearly they were unsuccessful. Regardless of their plans,
everyone—myself and the Kazekage included—signed the contract, making it legally
binding. At the time, it seemed unnecessary to announce it because no one, including Naruto,
thought anything would actually come of it.”
“Well,” Naruto hums, tapping his chin. “I did think I might have more chances to talk to
Gaara. I already knew he was like me and I wanted to get to know him and Shukaku.”
Rationally, Kurenai can understand Suna’s scheme, but she doesn’t like it as she slowly
voices, “I see.” She feels sick to her stomach when she realizes if this political marriage goes
through, neither herself nor Hinata will be with the man they love.
“My advisers believe Suna’s endorsement of the Omiai is nothing more than a ploy,” Hiruzen
continues. “Reverse psychology, to have us cancel the contract so they might avoid the
international humiliation of being forced to marry off Temari-chan. My advisers also believe
having the Kazekage’s daughter remain in our village would deter any future attacks.”
“Oh come on,” Naruto rebukes to the elders in disbelief. “If Temari-chan wants to marry me
because she loves me, I could understand that, but there’s no way I’m accepting this as some
sort of political move.” Though it’s a break in decorum, Kurenai couldn’t help but nod, fully
believing marriage should be between people who love each other. “Besides,” Naruto adds. “I
already have someone I love and I don’t want to leave her.”
Kurenai’s stomach unexpectedly flutters with hundreds of butterflies and her toes curl at the
affection crackling up and down her tingling body, and her scalp tingles happily. It’s nearly
impossible for her to hold back her swooning desire for him, but she manages to keep it
together in the presence of her Hokage.
“That may or may not be to her benefit,” Hiruzen replies, confusing Kurenai. “Due to the
unique nature of the Omiai within this political situation, my advisers also suggest… Naruto
marries a woman from Konoha, preferably before Temari-chan so she may be the lead wife.”
Most of the room is stunned into silence. It’s as if many thoughts and ideas start and stop
before they formulate, making them all blank out. Kurenai is the first to snap out of her
stupor by asking, “how’s that possible?”
“At some point,” Koharu begins. “Temari-chan amended the Omiai to include multiple
spouses. We wouldn’t have signed if the Kazekage and his advisers hadn’t done so first.”
“To the victor goes the spoils,” Homura tells the room. “The only power in all the land that
can approve the scope of this marriage is the Daimyō of both Wind and Fire countries, and as
it stands, Wind has lost to Fire. The Daimyō of Wind has no other recourse but to sign off in
order to release their men, resume trade, and quell the mistrust between our nations. Our
Daimyō would of course consent to the Omiai to expedite peace between countries.”
“Naturally, the Kazekage’s daughter would have to live here,” Koharu adds. “Which would
discourage any future attacks if they wish for her and any of her children to remain healthy.”
Instantly cross, Naruto begins to yell, “wait a minute-” when Hiruzen interrupts and tells her,
“that’s unnecessary, Koharu.” Though the short and pale senior doesn’t appear ashamed at
For clarity, Kurenai asks, “you mean to say the Omiai allows Naruto to marry more than one
woman?” When Hiruzen nods, Kurenai’s entire body feels a great flush of relief she wasn’t
expecting; like she can breathe again.
“Just out of curiosity,” Jiraiya starts. “How many wives will he legally be allowed to have?”
Wrinkled eyes closed and cheeks blushing pink as Hiruzen clears his old throat before
answering, “nine.”
“HUGHH,” Jiraiya chokes with bulging eyes before he smacks Naruto hard in the back,
sending the blond to the wood floor and laughing uproariously. He’s clutching his belly with
both hands as he barely speaks out, “you! …You! …YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHA!”
“That’s some Kami level luck,” Kakashi comments as Jiraiya begs Naruto, “let me pick four
of them!”
After closing her stunned jaw, Kurenai’s staggered mind is whirling as she slowly asks, “and
they would approve this?”
“I cannot see Rasa wanting this,” Hiruzen answers. “He’s a hard man, certainly, but deep
down, he loves his family as much as he loves his village. Perhaps if he had Temari-chan
orate her feelings on the matter during the meeting, I’d feel more secure in my pending
decision. I asked you all here—Naruto, his senseis—to hear your thoughts on the matter.”
“What’s there to say,” Jiraiya cheers, still laughing and grabs his godson around the shoulders
before lifting him off his sandaled feet. “Obviously, this lucky devil’s going to say yes!”
Annoyed by that common shallow fantasy, Kurenai reminds the old sage, “a wife is not a
working girl, Jiraiya-sama. A marriage is an intimate relationship between husband and wife
that requires constant communication, honesty, respect, and intelligence. It can be
overwhelming sharing all that you are with just one person. Imagine trying to connect and
please nine wives. Every problem that arises has the potential to annoy two to nine different
women, or Naruto can have two to nine unique problems from each wife that must be
addressed; for as long as they live.”
“Imagine two or more wives pregnant at the same time,” Kakashi gasps, making Jiraiya,
Hiruzen, Naruto, and Homura shudder. Jiraiya deflates, horrified at the image of that kind of
demanding household day in and day out for the rest of his days. “That could be a big family
to support. Not that nine wives is mandatory but the potential is there,” Kakashi adds, making
Jiraiya squeeze Naruto with even more fear.
“Perhaps this may be more than any one man can reasonably manage,” Hiruzen suggests,
pondering if this could double as punishment.
“Will- you- let- go,” Naruto calls out, flexing his way out of his Godfather’s fearful embrace.
Padding down his red and black cloak, Naruto tells the room, “I don’t mind all that, but I
can’t agree to anything until I talk with Temari-chan first.” Turning to Hiruzen, he asks,
“when can I see her and Gaara?”
“But you would,” Kakashi asks, to which Jiraiya adds for clarity, “if Temari-chan wanted to
go through with it?” And Kurenai finishes, “you would?”
“Of course I would,” Naruto effortlessly tells the entire room. “As long as we all love and
respect each other, why wouldn’t I want a big family?”
Imagining a full dining table with loved ones, Kurenai surprises everyone by laughing deeply
from the core of her being. She was unable to sleep all night, worried, horrified, hopeless,
and now she’s hopeful and just relieved. She truly doesn’t know why she worries when it
comes to Naruto. He doesn’t have a selfish bone in his body, and while his inordinate caring
seems to invite the strongest challenges, they bring the greatest rewards as well. Kurenai feels
pride being in love with such a person, which makes her laugh harder than she intended
before ultimately saying, “if it’s Naruto, I think he can do it.” Thinking of Hinata, Kurenai
adds, “he may be the only man who can.”
“I will arrange a time for you to speak with Temari-chan,” Hiruzen mentions. “If she is…
inclined, I will pass the contract on to the Daimyō for their approval under the condition she
is your second wife.”
“Or third,” Jiraiya croaks with laughter. “Or fourth or ninth- Kami! Nine! I need to write this
down! I’ll call it, Icha Icha Palace! This is going to net me billions!”
“Whaaa!” Naruto yells as Kakashi’s cheeks blush and his eye sparkles with hope. “I don’t
want to be in one of your ero-books! I don’t consent,” Naruto asserts.
“Come now, don’t be so cold,” Jiraiya smoothly enunciates, leaning down as he puts his large
arm around the blond’s shoulders. “How about we spend some long-overdue quality time
together… maybe at the hot springs… looking for your number one. How about it, Kakashi-
kun? Care to help our young virgin student find his…” Jiraiya has a hard time restraining his
laughter as he adds, “find his… find his first wife! HAHHHAAHAHA!”
While Naruto argues how he needs to speak with Temari first, Hiruzen turns to a zoned-out
Kurenai and informs her, “Kurenai-kun, if you would stay.”
With little else to contribute, Hiruzen dismisses the men. After Jiraiya and Kakashi drag away
Naruto with them, Homura and Koharu are also excused and Kurenai and her leader are in his
office alone. What the sage elder could want to talk to her about made her nervous, as she
didn’t know what it could be, but was certain it had to do with Naruto.
“I didn’t think Naruto would be so agreeable,” Hiruzen begins. “Up until this point, I was
fairly certain he understood the moral path of monogamy.” Kurenai would agree if it meant
she could be with Naruto without destroying Hinata’s feelings. “I’ll get straight to the point,”
Hiruzen gruffly continues. “Should Temari decide to go through with the Omiai, you already
know we’d prefer she not be his first wife. Depending on how the house is run, the first wife
would likely have first say in many matters that arise, which can cause problems if one
considers how important Naruto may become in the future.”
Pushing aside the image of herself in a wedding dress, Kurenai objectively summarizes, “a
first wife more loyal to the village who could stand up to Temari-chan if need be.” Delicately
withholding her hopes, Kurenai is already planning on setting aside the entire day to relax
with Anko and a glass of wine and talk.
“It’s not that I don’t trust Temari-chan,” Hiruzen mentions. “I’ve had a few precious
opportunities to meet her as a little girl and she was always dutiful and charming.
Additionally, I can’t deny Naruto-kun has a surprising effect on people, so I cannot say I am
overly worried. Even still, in the long run, it may be best if Temari-chan were second chair to
a wife from Konoha.”
Amazed she has to deal with this, Kurenai asks, “what are your orders, Hokage-sama?”
“I can’t be certain of any orders at the moment,” he initially answers. “However, you are the
closest person to Naruto-kun who is not a man and has my trust. I would like your
perspective on Naruto’s romantic options, if any. To date, the only girl I’ve ever heard him
profess any love for is Haruno Sakura, but from what Kakashi has mentioned, his feelings do
not appear to be reciprocated.” Kurenai nods in agreement before he asks the pivotal
question. “Are you aware of any other kunoichi who may be favorable to the idea of a
relationship with him?”
Kurenai’s heart was beating fast, causing her to perspire a bit at the thought of confessing her
love for Naruto, however, she remains silent. She knows this is more than just admitting her
love for him, as she simply remarks to her Kage, “dating and marriage are two very different
“I can’t disagree with you there, I’m afraid.” Hiruzen doesn’t speak for several moments, and
Kurenai can only assume he’s pondering how it’s come to this because she can’t help but
wonder the same. Breaking the silence, Hiruzen admits, “I would rather not assign a kunoichi
to such a life-long mission, for marriage should not be a job.” Hiruzen chuckles to himself
before adding, “even if it may feel like it at times. If you cannot find a girl who might love
Naruto enough to marry him, I may have to consider mandating such a duty. I will schedule a
meeting between Naruto and Temari-chan for tonight, so we’ll know more or less what
course to take by tomorrow. If you can assist me with this, Kurenai-kun, I would be grateful.”
Kurenai swallowed what felt like a rock down her dry throat as the moment. Life was telling
her this was her moment. She loves Naruto more than any man she’s ever been with. He’s her
guy but she hadn’t thought of marriage so soon, especially after his lifestyle admission last
night. They haven’t even properly spoken about their relationship, let alone marriage, let
alone marriage with sister-wives.
‘Kami, he doesn’t do things normally,’ she mentally snorts. The leap is too big for Kurenai to
wrap her mind around at the moment. Additionally, going public meant she’d was going to
have a very uncomfortable conversation with her dear student a lot sooner than she planned.
Revealing to Hinata that her sensei is dating Naruto would certainly damage the sweet girl;
explaining their nuptials to Hinata would likely decimate her.
In a surprising burst of concept, Kurenai, felt at nervous voicing, “th-there is… there may be
one or two options, Hokage-sama.”
He finally found him. On his fourth pass around the construction site, Sasuke observes a fleet
of blond clones working like a swarm of builder ants on remodeling the old apartment
building. He’s been searching the village since the day before, and at the sight of the blond
happily laboring away, Sasuke felt a familiar urge of punching him in the face on the off
chance he wasted his time. Sasuke already promised himself he’d leave Konoha and track
down Orochimaru if hearing Naruto out turned to be a mistake.
Walking around the apartment courtyard and asking for the original, Sasuke’s eventually
directed to the top floor where he finds Jiraiya of the Sannin, Naruto’s cousin Karin, Haku,
and Naruto debating about love and monogamy or some such nonsense. Sasuke does find it
odd that Jiraiya only seems to be scribbling fast notes as they talk.
“But you have to,” Karin declares. “You realize what a boon this can be for the Uzumaki
“It’s got nothing to do with politics,” Naruto tells her. “Marriage should be for love, not
because of some stupid negotiations between nations.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if she agrees,” Haku asserts, but when Naruto asks why, Sasuke
interrupts them.
“Naruto,” Sasuke calls, ignoring the others. “You promised to tell me everything you know.
I’ve been patient long enough.”
Haku stands between Naruto and Sasuke as Jiraiya remarks, “brats these days are so rude.
Can’t you see we’re in the middle of an important conversation.”
Stepping around Haku, Naruto asserts, “it’s okay guys.” At the sight of the surname,
UZUMAKI on the back of his new cloak, Sasuke can feel his irritation grow. “I did promise
we’d talk. I’ll see y’all later.” Turning to Sasuke, he asks, “so, where to?” Sasuke leads him
to the Uchiha compound, to his family’s home; a true symbol of a clan, if it weren’t so
barren. Naruto seemed impressed with the outside, but was amazed by the elegance of the
inside of such a finely built traditional mansion.
As they take a seat in the sitting area his father used to use for guests, Naruto voices in
amazement, “uwah, you have a nice place, man.”
As Sasuke’s mind replies, ‘it was once,’ his voice demands the blond to, “talk.”
“I guess I should start by saying I don’t know everything,” Naruto voices as he casually props
his arms behind him to stay upright. “Part of the reason why I want to talk with your brother
is because something isn’t adding up.”
Sasuke finds he’s too informal in such a prestigious house as he asks, “who’s your source?”
“Can’t tell you,” the blond quickly asserts, annoying Sasuke even more. “Yeah, yeah, I know
you want to know,” Naruto continues. “But it’s a clan secret and I can’t tell you.”
“Then why would I even believe a word you say,” Sasuke retorts.
“Use your head,” Naruto hells him. “Do you really think I’d lie about something this major? I
know what your brother and your clan mean to you, so even if I think you can be a total dick,
I’d punch you in the face before I’d ever use family against you.”
Though his blond teammate can be annoying, Sasuke knows he’s not a liar. “Fine. How
reliable is the source?”
“First-rate,” Naruto asserts. Though doubtful, Sasuke requests Naruto tell him what he
knows. “Your brother did kill a lot of his clan that night,” the blond starts, and Sasuke tries to
keep his hate in check to listen. “But it’s not like he did it on a whim; he’s not crazy. From
what I’ve been told, Itachi was stopping a coup d'état. The Uchiha were, apparently, planning
to take over the village-”
Sasuke’s rage gets the best of him and he yells, “you’re lying!”
“I’m not!”
“You have to be,” Sasuke hotly returns. “I can’t believe my clan would forcibly try to
overthrow command.”
“There aren’t a lot of people who know the truth,” Naruto argues. “And anyone who does
won’t tell us, which is why I want to talk to your brother. There’s a lot about this that’s just
fishy and I get you want to kill him for what he did but don’t you want to know why he did
it? And who helped him?”
Short shakes of his head, a surprised Sasuke asks, “w-what do you mean who helped him?”
Naruto casually explains, “your brother was good, like, take-out-nearly-everyone-good, but
from what I’ve been told, your tou-san was really strong, like Hokage level. I can’t see how
Itachi killed every single one of your clan without help.”
Though that makes sense, Sasuke has a hard time accepting it from Naruto, but asks anyway,
“h-how do you know this?”
“Sorry, my source is a clan secret,” the blond annoyance replies.
“You don’t have a clan,” Sasuke shoots back. “Nothing you do will ever elevate you to the
prominence of the great Uchiha clan.”
“How can someone as smart as you be so delusional,” Naruto hurls back. “Rookie of the Year
must not be worth shit if someone with your eyes can’t see what’s right in front of you-”
“I told you, you’re not the only one who’s suffered,” Naruto blurts. “If you spared a thought
to someone else, you might know the Uzumaki clan was just as prominent as the Uchiha clan.
You probably don’t even know that whole villages banded together to destroy my clan and
villagers. Me and Karin are the last two Uzumaki that we know of. Sound familiar?” Though
Sasuke didn’t know that, it didn’t change anything, even when Naruto adds, “I get what
you’re going through, really I do, but you have to stop with all this hate. It’s not doing
anything to help you.”
“And what’s helping you, I wonder,” Sasuke rebukes, curious about the blond’s, seemingly,
never-ending strength. “Why are you so strong?”
“Obviously because I have people to protect,” he casually responds, grating on the avenger’s
nerves. “Comparing myself to you helped me train hard, sure, but nothing pushes me harder
than becoming strong enough to protect the people I love. That’s the serious juice.”
“You really are an idiot,” Sasuke dejectedly states. Despite the validity of his claims about his
clan and his brother, Naruto will always be a few shuriken shy of a full set. “Do you actually
believe I would buy that?”
“But you’re not telling me the truth either,” Sasuke argues. “I want to know what your power
is! I don’t care about the nonsense you do with it.”
“First, it’s not nonsense,” he asserts with a pointed finger. “Second, if you’re talking about
the red chakra, it’s illegal to talk about it, but since we’re teammates, I’ll tell you the truth.
It’s a genetic mutation that amps up my power the closer I am to death. I may even become
Kami-level strong the moment before I die.”
Looking at him seriously, Sasuke asks, “really?” Naruto couldn’t hold it a second before he’s
laughing, spurring an urge to kill the blond. “You fucking…”
“My bad, my bad,” Naruto conveys. Raising his palms in the air to sue for peace, he explains,
“you were just setting me up so nicely, I couldn’t resist. Love is my power and if you don’t
like it, tough, cuz that’s the truth. You might be able to see that if you weren’t all about your
“As long as he’s dead, I’ll live with it just fine,” Sasuke flatly promises.
“And what if it turns out there’s a lot more to what happened than you know?”
“Then I’ll kill everyone who contributed to the demise of my clan; my family,” the raven-
haired avenger promises just as easily.
“You can always rebuild your clan and make a new family,” the blond foolishly suggests.
“Not that you have to forget what happened, but if you’re ever going to fly, you’re going to
have to let go of all that heavy shit.”
Shaking his head at Naruto’s stupidity, Sasuke asks, “what else do you know?”
Shrugging, he answers by counting down, “mnn… let’s see. Your brother wasn’t trying to end
your clan… he had help-”
“Yup,” he answers. “A guy in a mask with one eyehole. I was told he attacked the village the
night of my birth so, he’s been behind the scenes for a while now.”
Suspicious of the intelligence, Sasuke warns Naruto, “if you’re lying about any o-”
“I’m not lying,” he interjects. “If anything I’m not telling you the whole truth- Clan secret!”
Naruto immediately yells before Sasuke demands to know everything. “If you want to know
why it all went down, you’re going to have to ask your brother.”
“Why do you care- No, why does any of this matter to you?”
“Well, I’m curious about the village,” the blond responds ponderously. “I understand being
hated by the village, but I had Ji-chan and Iruka to help me through it. I want to ask Itachi
about the village’s treatment of the Uchiha because it just seems so weird to me that it went
that far, you know? If I could, I know I would’ve helped.”
Naruto and Sasuke sense someone entering the grand home and though initially curious,
when they realize it’s Kakashi, they settle back down. Naruto then comments, “well, even if
he’s that fast, all I have to do is be faster.”
“Without a Sharingan, you have no hope,” Sasuke bluntly states. Though, thinking of his
current power level, he can’t help but voice his own shortcomings. “But even with one, it’s
still not… I need more power.”
Turning to the door as Kakashi enters the room with his little orange book in hand, Naruto
finishes, “you and me both.”
“Isn’t this nice to see,” Kakashi remarks with a humored tone. “Teammates bonding.”
“You know I don’t like unannounced visits,” Sasuke reminds his whimsical sensei yet again.
“Just came to pass along a note,” the sensei voices before shooting Naruto a folded slip of
His interest peaked, Naruto reads curiously before he excitedly whoops. Hopping to his feet,
Naruto yells, “hell yeah! I gotta go!”
“We’re not done,” Sasuke calls out as the blond hops to the sliding door.
Naruto calls over his shoulder as he leaves, “I pretty much told you everything, but we can
talk more tomorrow!”
Kakashi turns to Sasuke and asks, “care to tell me what you talked about?”
“No,” he replies. Sasuke needs time with the information. He needs to research, however, he
also needs more power and asks, “I’d rather train.”
The sand siblings hear a group of guards approaching before they eventually open the cell
door to allow a beaming Naruto in. He’s dressed in his orange and black uniform, however,
with a red cloak with black flames at the hem. It’s similar to the Hokage’s cloaks, only
without a collar. Temari got over her shock of seeing him in an instant for the merriment of
his presence.
“Temari-chan,” Naruto calls as he rushes to hug her. Despite her brothers around her, Temari
hugs him back in part because it’s the fourth day of isolation and she really missed him. He
lost consciousness after Gaara’s fight and she hadn’t heard anything about him since.
Additionally, it’s far too easy to enjoy his warmth against her.
He then turns to Gaara and he extends a fist with a smile. To Temari’s surprise, her brother
actually smiles. It was a small thing but she hasn’t seen anything so innocent on his face for
years. Temari couldn’t know that the moment the Jinchūriki bump fists, Kurama
telepathically connects with Shukaku and it isn’t long before the chakra brothers begin
bickering. Temari isn’t sure why Naruto rolls his eyes until he comments to Gaara, “children,
am I right?”
“I can hear them,” Gaara gasps in surprise, mildly helping Temari deduce what’s happening.
“I’ve never… experienced this side of that voice.”
“You know, I think you should talk to Shukaku more,” Naruto suggests to her brother, scaring
her to high heaven. “You might discover a good friendship. I know I have.”
“Mnn… it’s hard to say,” Naruto slowly replies with a wondering face. “Haku always says
you can’t become truly strong unless you’re protecting those you love and I believe him. So,
I guess it doesn’t matter if I was a Jinchūriki, or not.” When he says, “I’d still do everything
in my power to protect my special people,” Temari wonders if she’s one of those people.
“Uh, are you saying you’re actually friends with the giant chakra monster inside you,”
Kankurō asks.
“He’s not a monster,” Naruto replies, before telling them, “none of them are. They’re just
misunderstood.” Turning to Gaara, he assures him, “I can help you with Shukaku if you
“I would be… grateful,” Gaara affirms, making Temari appreciate Naruto even more. Not a
single person has ever reached her little brother so profoundly, and she’s all too thrilled it was
someone as kind as Naruto.
“No problem,” he says with a smile. He turns to the three and asks, “so how are they treating
you? I’m not going to lie, I was scared they were torturing you guys for information.”
“As children of the Kazekage, that would be unlikely,” Temari explains, humored.
With a long exhale, he expresses, “good. Listen, they didn’t give me a lot of time and I have
no idea how long this might take-”
“If it’s about the Omiai, I consent to the marriage,” Temari proclaims. The moment he
arrived, she thought that’s was the reason for his visit. Though she can’t claim to know him,
she simply didn’t see him agreeing to the marriage without talking to her first.
Shocked and wide-eyed, Naruto blurts out, “really?” Staring between siblings a brief
moment, Naruto tells Temari, “I don’t understand. Does that mean… you love me?”
“No,” Temari delicately confesses, before elaborating, “at least, not completely. I respect you;
which I value just as much. I think you’re strong, caring, funny, and intriguing. When we
were together, it would’ve been all too easy for you to take advantage of me, but you never
Turning to her brothers, she demands more than asks, “can you give us some space, please?”
Aside from the small bathroom, there isn’t another room in the empty rectangle, meaning
Gaara and Kankurō simply walked to the opposite wall. Leaning against the stone wall,
Temari quietly speaks to her blond betrothed, “I can’t predict the future, Naruto, but I have a
strong suspicion it’ll be better with you in my life than without, and that’s enough for me.”
As she anticipated, he asks, “but what if you regret marrying me months or years from now?”
“I understand we’re practically strangers,” she starts. “But I think I don’t need to know all the
details to glimpse the person you truly are. I can infer your character simply by the way you
treated me, my brother, and enemies who attack your village. I’m sure we’ll have our
disagreements but that’s normal in any relationships and I’m certain we can work it out.”
Taking a moment to collect her courage, she can feel a little blush on her cheeks when she
declares, “you’re the kind of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve, Naruto, and I don’t think
I’ll regret being your wife.”
“…Wow,” he eventually sounds. “First, I definitely wouldn’t mistreat you, but before you
“I can’t let you,” he returns, surprising her some. “Not until you know everything.”
An image of a girl with a blank face pops into her mind, causing Temari to ask, “you mean
the woman you love?” At his nod, she voices, “knowing politics like I do, I’d imagine they
want your first wife to be from Konoha.” Naruto’s raised eyebrows is confirmation enough,
when she adds, “don’t look so shocked. It’s not a hard assumption to make. It’s the smart
He seems resistant to the political landscape to her, and isn’t surprised when he asks, “is it
weird that this seems so wrong? I think you’re amazing and I should be happy to be with you,
but, I don’t know. Maybe I just don’t like how forced it all is.”
Temari smiles and resists a surprising urge to kiss him for his sweetness. “You’re an
honorable person with integrity and values; practically the opposite of a politician. It makes
me happy to see how worried you are for us; the potential wives,” she adds with a joking
mirth to her voice. Naruto smiles as she informs him, “not so long ago, marriages were often
arranged to facilitate political or economical needs more than anything else. Political
marriages go against our more modern beliefs of marrying for love but I know many
examples of arranged marriages leading to great happiness. My parents, actually.”
Nodding, Temari quickly explains, “before my mother died, my parents were very happy
together. So much so I was shocked later when I learned that they had an arranged marriage.
So, even though this is atypical, I know arranged marriages isn’t a restriction on love or
happiness. If anything, it’s just a path less traveled.”
“Like a choice,” Naruto asks, and Temari was getting the impression he has experience
choosing love rather than submitting to feeling all-consuming love. “My sensei… thinks it’s a
choice,” he remarks. “She says if it were just a feeling, it would give us no accountability for
our actions.”
Nodding in agreement, it suddenly dawns on Temari that she’s looking at her future husband
—the man she will be sharing her bed, her home, and her family for the rest of her life. She
recalls a private conversation with her mother. A young girl in two pigtails at the time, she
remembers she couldn’t understand why her father was so cold. As she recalls her precious
mother’s words, Temari recites for Naruto, “‘love is patient and kind. It doesn’t envy, boast,
or pride. It doesn’t dishonor others, it’s not self-seeking, it’s not easily angered, and it keeps
no records of wrongs. Love doesn’t delight in evil, but rejoices in truth. It protects, trusts,
hopes, and always perseveres.’ If that’s not you, Uzumaki Naruto, I don’t know what love
The way his clear blue eyes soften for her, as if he sees to the heart of her, Temari’s heart
beats a lot faster under his admiring gaze. Happily, he communicates, “if that’s how you
really feel… okay.” Then, as if suddenly remembering, he adds, “I say okay, but I have to
talk with my lady first. We actually haven’t spoken about all this yet.”
It’s late in the evening and Kurenai’s kitchen is silent and tense. After a full day of
interrogations, following every lead that might uncover Orochimaru and Kabuto’s network,
Kurenai had very little time to think about this morning or her crazy ideas. She told the
Sandaime about Hinata and Ino, but she failed to submit her own name. She thinks herself
weak for not being brave in the face of such scrutiny, however, she hadn’t planned to reveal
her relationship with Naruto anytime soon, let alone to the leader of her village.
Kurenai doesn’t know what Temari will decide and Kurenai’s mind goes back and forth
between opposing the Omiai or supporting it. At its core, supporting it means they can all be
together, while opposing it means Naruto will choose her, which she would have to reject to
avoid hurting Hinata irrevocably. Her day was all questions and no answers, only to come
home to a man demanding answers from her.
Setting a cup of tea in front of him, Kurenai begins, “so, what did you want to talk about?”
“The truth,” Asuma replies, taking the cup and setting it to the side.
Standing rather than sitting, the casual gesture of placing the beverage to side underlines to
Kurenai how seriously he’s taking this. Not that it was the only indication that he was upset
and barely holding it in. From the moment Kurenai opened the front door for him, his
shoulders were squared, his jaw tense, and his brown eyes seemed hardened and tired. Gone
was the ease and affection of someone in love. Standing before her now is someone on a
“And what truth is that,” Kurenai asks.
“Stop,” Asuma slowly but forcefully says. “No games, no lies, no hiding. I deserve the truth,
and believe me, I get how hypocritical that sounds after keeping you in the dark about the
princess, but it’s been months already. If I mean anything to you, you’ll be honest with me
“Yes,” he readily admits. “Because I still love you. And I want to be with you. I thought you
felt the same until… I saw the way he smiled at you… the way you looked at him. It was like
an epiphany went off in my head, then pieces started coming together. I thought back to all
the times he’s been around, the times you’ve been together, and how long you’ve been so
“I’m not an idiot, Kurenai,” he cuts in. Trying to maintain eye contact, Kurenai employs her
mask of indifference as he continues. “Spending all this time with him, the flower he gave
you, Anko’s shift in attitude; from being worried about you, to suddenly being fine again, as
if… as if you’ve moved on. The way he protected you. It all paints a picture and I’d
appreciate it if you stop lying and tell me the truth.” Though his face is hard with his own
mask, his voice is laced with his pain, and it nearly breaks Kurenai’s mask. “Have you…
Why don’t-” he hesitates to ask but his eyes never waver as he continues. “Are you in love
with someone else?”
Asuma has always been direct in his suave and easy-going demeanor. Though this is hurting
them both, he’s not running away. Not like she did earlier in the Hokage’s office. So Kurenai
takes her stand now, and answers simply, “yes.”
“Is it Naruto?” When Kurenai doesn’t respond, Asuma tightens his fist as he asks louder, “are
you in love with a sixteen-year-old boy?”
The judgment she’s always feared stabs her right in the chest, but she doesn’t let it show as
she tells him, “I’ve moved on, Asuma.”
A crack in his mask, his eyebrows draw closer as he asks, “have you? Or do you only think
you have?”
With a huff, she retorts, “oh, don’t. I’m not deluding myself-”
“I haven’t just been waiting this entire time,” Kurenai slowly responds. Her own mask
cracking, Kurenai nibbles on her lower lip before asserting, “certainly, you made me feel safe
when we were together and we have a lot in common. You’re strong and protective,
handsome, kind, and thoughtful. If nothing changed, I feel like we would’ve married, had a
child, and if you quit fieldwork, grow old together raising our son or daughter. I’m sure I
would’ve been happy.”
Thinking of her old self, Kurenai had no other response but, “no, Asuma. Everything’s
Slowly placing his palms on the kitchen island between them, he leans forward as he argues,
“no, you still love me. I know you do.”
“You’re my first love,” she readily admits. “And will always have a place in my heart, but
I’ve made the choice to move on to a larger picture and I don’t see myself going back
anymore. The world is bigger now, my will is stronger, and I can’t see myself as the same girl
you knew.”
His eyes sharpen and his lips flatten in a terse line before he demands to know, “is it Naruto?”
Asuma realized his own elevated emotions and takes a step back with a deep calming breath.
As he calms down, Kurenai may or may not have answered the question but they both sense
someone walking onto her property. Kurenai’s gut immediately shrivels to the size of a bean
when the individual’s chakra has the clearance to enter her home. Her blond love, looking
dashing in his new look, enters the living space before spotting her and Asuma in the kitchen.
Asuma seems to have lost his composure as he turns to Naruto like a predator does on prey
and Kurenai rushes to move ahead of him, moving between them as she calls out, “Asuma.”
He stops a couple of feet in front of Naruto with Kurenai slightly to the side between them
and asks the blond, “do you know what you’ve done?”
Like a fish out of water, Naruto is looking curiously lost between them as he slowly answers
the stern man, “uh, what’s going on?”
He doesn’t even look at her as he quickly responds, “doesn’t it? Pretty sure it has everything
to do with him.”
“No,” Kurenai answers, her red eyes planted on the gruff Jōnin in warning as she adds,
“Asuma was just leaving.”
Staying put and still ignoring her, Asuma returns, “you had your chance to tell me the truth.
So let’s ask Naruto.”
“Ask me what?”
The immediate silence is deafening. With raised eyebrows, Naruto’s face is stunned into a
panicked and guilty countenance, and it’s all the confirmation Asuma needs. His response is
even less convincing. “Uh, what? N-no,” Naruto tries miserably. “W-what would ever-”
His large chest intakes air sharply and his brows crease angrily as he glares down at the
blond. Losing all patience, Kurenai’s had enough, interjecting, “it’s okay, Naruto.”
In an attempt to cope with the betrayal, he takes out his pack of cigarettes as he asks her, “oh,
is it-”
“Stop,” she interrupts. “You and I have haven’t been official in over a year and have been
completely through seven months ago. Whatever the reason, no matter the circumstances,
I’ve moved on. It’s time you do the same.”
“Woah,” an offended Naruto hollers. “Don’t think for one second this ‘child’ can’t kick your
Returning angry eyes of her own, Kurenai demands he, “please leave.”
Asuma returns his ire on the blond as he asks, “we were going to get married, Naruto. Did
you know that? Did you know we talked about having children and sharing our lives together
in this very house? The house her parents left for her.” Before an alert Naruto can even
answer, Asuma demands to know, “do you really think someone like you—you… a genin, a
child—can give her a better life than I can?”
“No, no, no,” the Jōnin interjects. “Let me hear how you’re going to love and care for her for
the rest of her life. Tell me this isn’t some sort of sad fling between miserable people. I’m
ready to love her, marry her, take care of her and our family for the rest of my life. Can you
tell me the same thing?”
“Yeah, I can,” he declares. Turning to her, he adds, “I don’t think I’ve ever loved a woman
When a softness graces her eyes, Asuma tells her, “you’re a disappointment,” before turning
to Naruto and adding, “both of you.” Before Kurenai can say more he walks around them and
leaves the house, slamming the door behind him. After the walls stop shaking, Kurenai
exhales before plopping her weary form on the couch.
Taking it all in for several seconds, Naruto sits on the coffee table in front of her and simply
waits. She’s leaning back with her hands covering her eyes and nose as she processes the
madness capping her incredibly long day. Aware that Naruto is here for her but not pushing,
Kurenai voices through her fingers, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was with Asuma before
“It’s cool,” she hears and senses that he means it. “I mean it’s shocking, but, it doesn’t change
how I feel about you.”
Removing her hands and leaning forward, leaving only a few inches between their faces. It’s
amazing how happy she instantly begins feeling just at the sight of his strong, expressive, and
support eyes. Kurenai feels comfortable around him, asking with a hopeful innocence, “do
you really love me?”
Looking away a moment to wipe a bit of moisture from her eye, she drags Naruto to sit
beside her on the couch. Once she’s comfortably snug against him, she slowly asks, “and the
She feels him shrug as he asks, “what about it? If you’re not down, then it’s not even an
Feeling at peace with his response, and after this confrontation, she’s sensed her evolution
more acutely than ever before. Kurenai truly does feel apart of something bigger than herself
with Naruto and it excites her to know the future will be brighter in Naruto’s life, than not.
Now that Asuma knows, she has to assume others will find eventually out; Hinata and her
teammates specifically. Kurenai feels like she’s on the clock, and quickly makes plans for
tomorrow. She isn’t sure who Asuma will talk to, she simply hopes she has enough time to
alert those closest to her first.
In the spirit of tomorrow, Kurnai asks a distracted Naruto, “Temari-chan agreed to the Omiai,
hasn’t she?”
Continuing to rub her round rump in a circular motion, Naruto replies, “huh? Oh, yeah.
How’d you know?”
“Because it’s you,” she lightly answers, turning to press her chest more into him. Kurenai’s
sure they haven’t had dinner yet, but nourishment is forgotten in favor of her favorite meat-
stuffing as she adds, “and I’d say yes too.”
Tilting his dazed eyes to look at her directly, he asks for clarity, “really?” With her smiling
nod, Naruto’s foggy brain then asks, “uuuh, does that mean what I think it means?”
Placing her hand on his rapidly arising members, she assures him, “it means I’m all in
Uzumaki Naruto. You, me, and anything life has to offer.”
First, thank you to my fans. Your support encourages me everyday to write through all
the stress at work(8 people got COVID! 8!).
Many of you rightfully pointed out what Naruto did was treason. Of course I thought so
as well. I just figured Jiraiya would cover him because I didn’t think Naruto had the
mental scope to see that. I want Naruto to start thinking like a leader, which means he
needs to mess up a bit so he can learn from it. There will be more on that in the next
So, if it’s not apparent yet, I’m not planning on doing the CRA trope(Clan Restoration
Act), not that I don’t like it. I think it’s an awesome idea and it makes sense. I just
wanted to see if I can do something else that’s a little more grounded. Not that I’m
taking credit for this political marriage aspect I'm introducing. I think I remember a
Naruto/Temari fic that centered around that. So it’s not new, but, I did giggle with
laughter at amending the Omiai to have sister-wives. Considering the Daimyō is the law
of the land, it made sense to me that their seal would approve it. I’ll touch on this more
later since this isn’t new to history.
Kurenai is all in now and there is no going back for her. 😍😎✨ ❤ It took a while, but I
did it. I’ve already started the ground work for the other girls so look forward to that.
I know Naru-nii hasn’t been front and center in a while but he’s still around. I just don’t
write it. He should be coming back soon. Mabui, Samui, and Mei are also coming back
Too much setup to fit in, but soon. Trust that I want the lemon 😙🤗
soon. If not in the next update then the one after. Also, apologies. No lemons in this one.
I also want to apologize for chapter 32. It was a hard and stressful time so the chapter
didn’t meet my usual standards. For instance, Gaara’s fight with Naruto confused people
and I don’t like confusing my readers. At some point I will go back and edit it. Maybe
when this whole pandemic is over and we can return to our normal lives. So, again,
For people who keep asking, no I’m not going to kill off Sasuke, lol. It’s so funny how
many of you want me to do so, but let me adjust his world view a bit before your final
judgment. Kakashi is finally going to start being relevant. And I finally get to tackle
some of the canon story I’ve been dying to get to. YES! I do feel for my boy Asuma.
He's a cool guy but I'm sure this feels like betrayal to him. All I'll say is I have plans.
I think that’s everything. Thank you all again, from the bottom of my writer’s heart. You
guys are my life blood. Please let me know your thoughts or any errors I might’ve made.
It's how I learn. For instance, I wanted to make Naruto more nervous about confessing
his polyamorous views to Kurenai, but, I/he also knew that if it wasn't with her than he
didn't want it, which I think would make him less nervous. Things like that, too
much/too little make me flip flop often and you guys help me find the line. So thank you
again in advance friends ❤
Chapter Notes
Hey friends!
Where to begin. We can't forget that life is what it is, but we can focus on the positive. I
hope everyone and their families/friends/loved ones are doing well. Thank you, you
wonderful readers. You're all angels.
Apologies for those expecting an update on From Ruin. More on that in the bottom
Author's Notes.
I don't want to keep you from the story but good news in the bottom AN.
From atop the hip-gabled, shingled roof of a tall hotel, the long-haired legendary sannin
watched his distant target like a hawk. Jiraiya was dressed in black, dark gray & blue, and his
normally white hair is ebony and tied back. His ears were perked and perceptive to all sounds
carried by the mercy of the conveying wind. Reprogramming his brain so his already sharp
eyes enhance color, and light, Jiraiya waits patiently, silently, until he’s certain his target will
never notice him before he moves again. This mission was that critical.
His blond-haired Godson thought he shook him after leaving the construction site, his
teammate’s compound, and even Temari’s underground cell but Jiraiya was a master of
infiltration and surveillance and he will not let go of this juicy morsel of research. He can feel
his fingertips itching to write his magnum opus, Icha Icha Palace.
Giggling to himself, he thought, ‘you did well, Naruto; checking your surroundings in
intervals, using reflections, blending with the crowd, but you underestimate the importance of
this for men everywhere! OOHHH!’
From a distance, Naruto didn’t seem dejected to the old sage, which may or may not indicate
the direction of his conversation with Temari. Jiraiya assumed if Temari and Naruto rejected
the Omiai, then Naruto would go home to Iruka’s. Instead, he slowly but surely followed
Naruto from Temari’s cell to Kurenai’s home in the residential area for many clerical shinobi.
He can assume Naruto wanted to update one of his sensei, since she’s on the way to Iruka’s.
If it was a short stay, Jiraiya could reason the Omiai was dead in the water. If it was longer—
likely to discuss the institution of marriage—then his research, and thus, his novel was still
Naruto entered without announcing himself, making Jiraiya wonder how many times he’s
been to Kurenai’s home. Moving as close as he dared, he was surprised to note through the
window near the living room that Asuma was also in the two-story house. Crouched on a roof
three houses away, Jiraiya can see the three in the living room, standing close to one another.
After seven minutes, Asuma abruptly leaves and to Jiraiya’s surprise, he angrily slams the
door behind him. Keeping his sense of sound focused on the house, Jiraiya navigates around
Kurenai’s property to the front, landing on the top of a power-pole and is confused at the
sight of a frustrated Asuma, standing in the middle of the street with his shoulders tight and
hunched, staring at the house he just left.
Jiraiya recognizes the look of a man who’s just heard hard information he doesn’t agree with
and is nearly sure it has to do with Naruto, but he wonders if Asuma disagrees with the
Omiai. Jiraiya knows that Asuma considers Naruto to be something akin to a little brother.
Perhaps he doesn’t agree with the political marriage, which is confirmation enough that the
Omiai is still on. Smiling broadly, Jiraiya leaves a toad to watch the house for Naruto’s
departure and follows after Asuma. Landing beside the large man, Jiraiya is calmly aware of
his heightened agitation.
“Fancy running into you ‘round these parts,” Jiraiya starts, and is taken at the gruff man’s
countenance. He looked angry and sad, a stark difference to his usual aloof nature. Even from
when he was young, Jiraiya rarely ever saw Asuma show much sadness or anger; not that he
came around much. Changing tactics, Jiraiya asks, “glad I did, tho. Could use a drinking
Asuma turned to him and for a split second and Jiraiya thought the younger Sarutobi was
going to attack him. Instead, he turns his ire toward the ground and Jiraiya’s mind wonders
what could be going on as he follows the silent Jōnin-sensei to the Jōnin only bar in the
Snug against his hot chest, the side of Kurenai’s enchanting face pressed to the side of
Naruto’s, her frazzled brain can barely think, let alone wonder how long it’s been since
they’ve been together. Inhaling the scent of pine, leather, and his uniquely sweet musk, all
that matters is that the wait is over. She couldn’t press her pliable body close enough to
satisfy her growing need of him, rubbing her nose against his neck before kissing the long hot
muscle of his nape. Feeling his hands dive underneath her red and white tunic, Kurenai
suddenly recalled the danger of being too aroused with a man as sexually dominating as
Pulling back for fear of succumbing too quickly, an aroused Kurenai weakly pushes back as
she struggles to voice, “wait… Naruto… we still have to talk.”
Without removing his hot hands from her sensitive back, he leans back to softly say, “I
know.” His eyes were black pools of arousal and his thick meat tower pressed against her
strong thigh is a few twitches away from ripping out of his pants. It’s no surprise when he
adds, “I want to tell you everything; I mean everything… but it’s been way, way too long and
I need to be deep inside you before we do anything else!”
With desperate energy, Naruto leaps off the couch and lifts her entire body over his shoulder
in one smooth motion, making her yelp, “Naruto!” One hand gripping her butt cheek, he
hastens to her bed upstairs. Tossing her on her cushy mattress, making her heart beat
incredibly fast. She hears him undress and it’s nothing they haven’t done before, but to know
it’s going to happen again, and possibly for the rest of her life, Kurenai feels nervous, shy, yet
incredibly aroused.
To distract herself, she voices into the darkness of the room, “I, uh… mnn going to talk…
with Ho-Hokage-sama tomorrow. Mnn,” she moans when she feels Naruto grip her fevered
hips and pull her to the edge of the bed and perfectly leveled with his erect steel rod. Her red
silk panties are soaked, her inner thighs grow unbearably humid, and her beautiful pink
nipples are stiff and sensitive. “Let mmme… talk to him fir-first,” she tries to communicate as
he expertly removes the white bindings at her thighs.
Lifting her tone legs and resting them against his bare chest, Naruto slowly plucked the edges
of her silk panties, gently shuffling them down just like she taught him. Embarrassed by how
drenched they were, Kurenai blushes down to her chest as she hides her red face behind her
forearms. Feeling his sizzling skin press directly against her leaking center, Naruto lowers her
legs and wraps them around his waist before he lifts her by her arms. He pulls her tunic over
her head, causing her lustrous raven locks to fall around her shoulders, and soon after,
Naruto’s kissing her deeply.
Through their suckled lips, she felt his desire for her and her hunger for him to match. His
starving lips and tongue are the sustenance she’s craved and delighted in the overwhelming
emotion until he pumped the under-length of his love muscle into the moist entrance of her
juicy womanhood. She could feel her cockpit eagerly softening for him and thrust back. The
pair of lovers didn’t even think about foreplay as Naruto lifting her feverish body high
enough to align their sexes without even breaking their kiss. Kurenai wrapped her arms
around his neck, holding on tightly as she felt his thick, dribbling gland at the entrance of her
twitching pinkness. She managed the shortest gasp of breath before he thrust into her full-
weight drop, stuffing her full and wide of his towering hot-rod.
“AAAMMMMMHHHH,” they both blissfully moan, her slippery heat squeezing him to the
base of his rock hard cock. Kurenai took him to his balls and she swore she could feel him in
her throat.
Hold him with weak arms for dear life, Kurenai’s wanton body took over. Rolling her head
forward, she takes his lips aggressively, conquering him like enemy territory. Feeling her
blissful love canal begin to boil in ecstasy, Kurenai felt doomed to a great orgasm, but when
his soulful eyes unexpectedly look deeply into her crimson irises, and wholeheartedly
expresses, “until my last breath, I will always love you.” Kurenai lost all strength to hold
herself up. Her mind, body, heart, and chakra told her she wasn’t going to last the night.
Because she loved him just as much, she realized, making her nose stuffy and eyes water.
Naruto fondled her round ass-cheeks before laying her on the edge of the bed and shoving
himself back home over and over again, provoking a constant song of moaning, panting, and
humming. He was only building a steady rhythm, but the moaning Kurenai’s heavily aroused
quim wasn’t going to last another minute. His deep thrusts were so hungry—so hard and hot
—he nearly sends her tightening love muscle over the edge with every filling. She couldn’t
stop moaning, losing her drowning to the rapidly building pleasure. When Naruto grabs lifts
her left knee to turn her orientation, penetrating her gushing g-spot perfectly, Kurenai doesn’t
last another dozen seconds before she screaming her moan through clenched teeth and
clamping down on his thick dick as her whole body quivers in gushing ecstasy.
“Ugh… Kami… I missed you,” Naruto moans as she squeezes his thick cock, her sweaty
thigh quivering against his chest and her toes flex and tense in surging pleasure. Still hard
inside her, Naruto gives her a few seconds to recover a bit of her awareness before he begins
pumping into her sensitive love lane again. Kurenai quickly comes to the conclusion that she
wouldn’t mind sharing this part of Naruto with a sister-wife because she doesn’t think she
could survive this on her own.
Walking in Elite Spirits, Jiraiya has the sense that whatever this anger in Asuma is, has more
to do with Kurenai than Naruto. Asuma simply grabs a bottle from behind the bar-top and
takes a seat in the empty booth in the back of the black steel and hardwood bar. After Jiraiya
settles with the bartender, he takes a seat in front of the troubled man.
Asuma chugged the brown liquor from the bottle, and Jiraiya’s experience is telling him, ‘no
doubt about it… girl troubles.’ Though he wants to continue surveilling his Godson in hopes
of learning who this love of his is, Asuma is his sensei’s son, and absent the Jōnin’s friends, it
falls on to his shoulders to make sure he’s alright.
“Believe it or not, I’ve been there,” Jiraiya slowly starts. “You know that gaping wound
you’re feeling right now can’t be fixed with sake, right?” Ignoring the old sage, Asuma
swallows another mouth-full. “If you want my personal recommendation,” Jiraiya continues.
“You need sake and ladies! How about we get out of here and find a proper distraction?”
Angered, as if upset the alcohol is taking too long, Asuma demands to know with a razor
edge to his voice, “did you know?”
Unsure if he means Naruto’s Omiai or more than likely something else, Jiraiya casually
replies, “you’re going to have to be specific there, Asuma-kun.”
“I looked up to you, as a child,” Asuma admits to him. “In some ways, I was jealous of the
attention otou-sama preferred to give you.”
Wondering if this is somehow about Hiruzen, Jiraiya asks, “hey, now, what’s all this about?”
“It’s about your fucking Godson!” He yelled so loudly, everyone in the low-lit bar turned to
them. Jiraiya can’t figure out the intel he’s clearly missing, but the possibility of this getting
physical is much higher as Asuma continues yelling, “you owe me the truth! Did you
Taking a sip of his sake, Jiraiya patiently waits out the flare of anger before finally voicing,
“how about we have another drink? Come on, drinks are on me tonight.”
The pair kept on drinking for dozens of minutes in silence and just when Jiraiya wondered
about the toad scout he left at Kurenai’s, Kakashi mercifully walks into the bar along with a
few other Jōnin from the Torture & Interrogation department. With Asuma midway through
his third bottle of sake, Jiraiya stands and rushes over to Kakashi. Wrapping his large arm
around the elite, one-eyed Jōnin, Jiraiya’s alcohol breath made Kakashi heavily tilt his nose
away from the stench.
Jiraiya holds firm as he bids to know, “did Naruto prank Asuma recently?”
Orochimaru’s former protégé stops to listen as Kakashi groans, “mah, not that I’m aware of.
Letting Kakashi go, Jiraiya points to the heavily drinking man in the corner before asserting,
“he’s aiming to drown himself in sake and the only thing he’s mentioned was Naruto.”
“Ah, Anko-chan,” Jiraiya starts suddenly noticing her fishnet stalkings, tight skirt, and mesh
armor over her large breasts under her brown overcoat. Smoothing back his currently stealth-
black hair, Jiraiya suavely asks, “may I have the honor of buying a lovely lady a drink?”
“When one comes in, I don’t see why not,” Anko effortlessly retorts before asking, “now
what about Asuma and Naruto?”
“Bah,” Jiraiya huffs waving her concern and turning to the white-haired Copy-Ninja.
Kakashi answers, “as far as I know, he’s stopped pulling pranks on people… nothing
intentional, anyway. He does play some things close to the vest.”
Standing straighter as if to leave, he replies, “I’ll just have to ask him myself then-”
“It’s fine,” Jiraiya assures her, moving to leave. “I already know where he is… though I’m
surprised he hasn’t left yet. Can’t imagine why he’d still-”
Asuma jumps on Jiraiya’s broad back, yelling, “thiz izz al’your fault! For not teachin’ tha
brat!” Asuma then takes one uncoordinated look at Kakashi and tries miserably to punch the
veteran as he yells, “this iz al’your fault! For not teachin tha thievin’ brat!” Kakashi
effortlessly sidesteps around the wide-swinging punch, but Asuma doesn’t stop lethargically
attacking either Kakashi or Jiraiya, and as the pair do all they can to calm the intoxicated man
down, a dark-violet haired kunoichi slips out of the bar.
With the cold air whipping loudly past her, Anko sprints from rooftop-to-rooftop toward the
residential area at max speed. She runs so fast she barely has time to wonder how Asuma
might’ve learned about Naruto and Kurenai, assuming that’s indeed why Asuma is drinking
his sorrows to oblivion. Part of Anko always knew her best friend’s relationship with Naruto
would get out, however, she also hoped it didn’t blow up in her babe’s face. She cared too
much about Kurenai to see her ridiculed and shamed by the village for daring to love outside
the social norm. After all, she knows all too well how it feels to be treated as substandard by
Konoha’s ‘upstanding’ citizens.
Landing by Kurenai’s front door, Anko looks around the quiet neighborhood as she applies
her chakra to the Fūinjutsu security on the wood frame before stepping in. Detecting familiar
noises upstairs, it took everything in her not to rush upstairs and sneak a peek at this ‘mind-
blowing’ sex her best friend had described. Alternatively, she yells, “babe! I’ma need you to
get off that bucking stallion and get down here! We have a situation.”
Pacing at the foot of the stairs, Anko anticipated Kurenai’s responsibility to kick in and rush
downstairs. Instead, thirty seconds of rustling pass by before she hears the bedroom door
open a crack before her friend’s winded and amorous voice calls out from the second floor,
“wha-what is it-t?”
Anko’s face deadpans as her sharp ears easily pick up the moist suction of faint thrusting
through the door upstairs as well as Kurenai’s, ‘N-Naruto, w-wait- mmmnn, she- she’ll hear-’
Nearly four months without fucking anyone, Anko has no patience for this and yells, “are
you seriously still fuckin’ right now!”
Anko hears back a muffled, “j-huust a minnnute,” before the click of the door closing.
Anko takes a deep calming breath around the faint rustling, panting, and smacking noises in
the master bedroom upstairs. Three restless minutes and a muffled scream later, a flustered
and peeved Anko sights Kurenai—flush red, ebony hair a mess, and alive from vigorous sex
—walking down the steps in her short red robe. Tapping her right foot in grand annoyance,
Anko rolls her pupil-less brown eyes at the small smile Kurenai can’t seem to remove from
her deeply blushing face. Anko’s nose picks up the scent of secretions, semen, and sweat
from her best friend, stirring up a bit of jealously within her. She didn’t regret her decision to
stop her philandering ways, however, she is unnerved by the large void within her created by
the lack of male distractions.
Kurenai has the decency to at least look remorseful as her hoarse voices, “what’s up?”
Ignoring how hot Kurenai’s voice sounds, Anko irately replies, “probably the bottle of sake
Asuma is downing right now.”
Looking up at the ceiling to the man in her bed before turning to Anko and confessing, “yeah,
he uh, found out about me and Naruto.”
With alert eyes, Anko deadpans, “found out that you’re ‘going steady,’ or that you’re locking
legs and swapping gravy?”
Slumping her shoulders, Kurenai huffs, “I wasn’t exactly specific. He just knows.”
“Either way, he’s wasted right now and trying to fight Kakashi and Jiraiya as we speak,”
Anko reports.
“That’s not why I rushed over,” Anko replies. “If Asuma hasn’t already spilled the beans, it’s
only a matter of time before the entire bar knows, and by tomorrow, most of Konoha. Hell,
Jiraiya’s probably on his way here to talk with Naruto.”
When they both hear the window in Kurenai’s bedroom faintly open and close, Kurenai
voices what they’re both thinking, “this isn’t going to end well.”
Kurenai doesn’t immediately answer, giving Anko the impression she’s mentally strategizing.
“…No,” Kurenai eventually replies. “There’s something more important I need to do… and
I’m going to need help.”
“What is it?”
“My favorite,” the busty kunoichi replies. Looking at the door and imagining Naruto running
to deal with Asuma, Anko chuckles, “thank Kami I never said which bar.”
“Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu,” Naruto calls. Nearly a hundred clones emerge to help him
search the streets for whatever bar Asuma might be in. Knowing Konoha as expertly as he
does, all the Narutos spread out to the civilian and non-civilian bars, restaurants, and pubs in
hopes of talking with the heartbroken man.
Sitting up in her bed, Hinata is surprised by her visitor, especially as it’s getting close to
bedtime. It’s been a few days since she was transferred from the hospital to her home to
finish recuperating, but other than her reserved cousins attending her, she hasn’t seen her
teammates or family. So it’s a welcome surprise when her dear cousin Neji slides the door
closed before making his way to her side. She bows from her up-right position in bed and
greets him with a smile.
As he takes a seat beside her, she can tell he’s troubled. Hinata was told of the invasion and
how clones of Naruto protected Neji and herself. She’s nearly certain he wouldn’t like being
protected and wonders if he blames her for closing a few of his more vital tenketsus and
hindering his ability to fight. Though she couldn’t know of the invasion, Hinata empathizes
with his feelings of being unhelpful and blames herself for doing that to him.
The silence lasts so long, she’s ready to apologize when Neji asks, “how are you feeling?”
“Oh, um, much better,” Hinata assuredly answers. “Thank you for asking. How are you?”
Side-stepping her concern, Neji slowly admits to her, “…I came to tell you I still believe in
destiny, and that I wasn’t wrong… but I’ve had a wealth of time for self-reflection and I’ve
also come to believe I wasn’t truly right. I felt so strongly destiny would always remain
unchanged, no matter the person—set from the day of your birth—however, I now know we
do have the potential to change it, if we truly desire it. I had ignored the strength within the
individual because I thought destiny was stronger, and that was the error in my logic. We are
in charge of our own destiny, we simply have to be strong enough to earn it, or it will be as
others decide for us.” Bowing his head to the tatami mat, Neji conveys, “I’m sorry for the
way I’ve treated you, Hinata-sama. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I will be
forever in your debt-”
Helping him up, Hinata professes, “please, you don’t have to apologize. I know how much
you were hurting, so I never took offense.” Sitting back, she adds, “and you’re right. I also
realized I had to harness my strengh and conviction if I ever wanted to be useful to my team,
my village, and my family. I should be thanking you.”
“Please don’t thank me for being that way,” Neji asks but at her serious eyes, he simply nods.
With a small smile, he remarks, “it seems we have more in common than I originally
“As talented as you are, I can only be honored by that,” Hinata humorously bids.
Smirking, Neji informs her, “Hiashi-sama has begun training me. Our first session was earlier
“He’s a very strict instructor,” Neji good-naturedly comments. “But I appreciate his
“I’m glad,” she expresses before offering, “um, if there’s any way I can help, please don’t
hesitate to ask.”
Tilting his head in thought, he admits, “actually, I’d appreciate sparring with you when
you’re able.”
With concern he asks, “how are you feeling? Is there good news?”
“I’m getting better every day,” she reassures him. “Another week or two and I’ll once again
return to full strength.”
“Please, Neji-niisama,” she interjects, shaking her head and forcing her silky hair to follow.
“Because you’re here and we can have a better relationship, I take pride in these injuries. I
regret nothing and neither should you.”
“Even still, as the hand that wanted to… destroy you,” he hates to admit, furrowing his brow.
“I will forever carry that shame and ask if there’s anything I can do to assist you, please let
me know.”
There is a knock on the door before it’s slid open. One of their cousin-servants reveals to
Hinata, “if you’re well, Hinata-sama, your sensei wishes to see. She says it’s urgent.”
“I’ll leave you,” Neji instantly speaks, standing. When Hinata moves to speak, he assuages,
“it’s fine, Hinata-sama. We can speak again tomorrow, if you would like.”
Hinata nods happily as Kurenai enters the room. Neji bows to her before confessing, “thank
you for watching over and instructing Hinata-sama.”
Kurenai is taken aback by the usually cold genius before bowing and thanking him as well.
Hinata can tell she was surprised but is grateful her sensei is respectful to everyone. It’s one
of the things she thoroughly loves about her sensei, to be strong and respectful regardless of
station or wealth. It’s admirable.
Sitting beside her bed, Kurenai asks about her prognosis and when she might start training
again. Hinata secretly enjoyed it when her beautiful sensei would fret over her well-being and
life, just like a mother would. They spend five easy minutes briefly catching up on what’s
been going on and then Kurenai hesitated when she brought up Naruto. The hesitation made
her ask, “sensei?”
“Just out of curiosity,” Kurenai begins to reply. “Did you have any idea Naruto was the son of
the Fourth Hokage?”
Shaking her head and loose silk strands, Hinata replies, “I didn’t but I’m certain he must be
very proud. Even father looked up to the Yondaime Hokage.” When Kurenai still appeared
distracted, as if something weighed heavily on her mind, Hinata asks again, “sensei?”
Smiling to her student, Kurenai voices, “I have something very important to tell you… and
you should know, it has the potential to be very upsetting.”
“I know how much you love Naruto,” Kurenai begins. Instantly, Hinata’s entire face grows
beet red, her eyes widen like saucers, and though she opens her mouth to deny it, no sound
comes out. Raising a calming palm, Kurenai reassures her, “remember your training. You
have a right to express yourself and there’s nothing to be nervous about.”
Taking a deep breath, Hinata is comforted by her memories with Genjutsu Naruto and
Kurenai’s counsel, and repeats to herself, ‘there’s nothing wrong with expressing your
feelings.’ Though she talks to Kurenai about nearly everything in her life, it’s still incredibly
embarrassing to the point of crippling to voice her feelings for Naruto.
When Hinata eventually finds her center and calms down some, Kurenai continues, “I’ve
known for some time and it only makes me that much more proud of you.”
“The village is only now starting to see how amazing Naruto is,” her beautiful sensei begins
to explain. “But you’ve known him and loved him long before that information came out.
When everyone saw an annoying prankster, you saw an honest and hard-working future
shinobi. To my everlasting shame, even I thought nothing of him in the beginning, but
because of you, I got to know him for the truly beautiful person he is.” Hinata felt even hotter
with under such praise, as Kurenai adds, “I never thanked you for that.”
“You don’t have to,” Hinata quickly assures her. First Neji, and now Kurenai, Hinata didn’t
have experience being appreciated to this degree.
“I think I do,” Kurenai tells her. Noting her change in demeanor, Hinata pays close attention
as her sensei articulates, “you see, I… don’t want you to wake up in five, ten, or twenty years
and imagine you missed out on having that love. I would’ve missed this if it wasn’t for you
and I want you to have the same.”
“I believe Naruto can love you just as much as you love him,” Kurenai admits, and smiles at
the feverish blush to overtake a swooning Hinata. “Breathe,” Kurenai commands, and Hinata
follows. “Even if I know it’ll be difficult for you—not unlike standing up to your genius
cousin—I know you will stand and protect your love for him and his potential love for you.”
Swallowing what may as well have been a brick, Hinata deflects by asking, “w-why are we
talking about t-this?”
“Because of what’s happened,” Kurenai softly answers, making Hinata forget her
embarrassment for just a moment to wonder what’s happened. “There are certain politics you
don’t know about and sadly I can’t quite explain it here without upsetting your father or the
Hokage. I just wanted you to know that if you’re presented with the opportunity of being
with Naruto, I know you’ll be honest with yourself and others. You may have the Byakugan
but as a woman who knows love, I have faith in your bravery because I can see your love for
Naruto is just that strong.”
At a soft, ‘tap tap tap,’ against the window behind her, Ino turns from her dresser to the sight
of Anko outside her window. Setting her brush down, she opens her window to allow the
woman in, voicing in curiosity, “Anko-chan?”
“Hey kiddo,” Anko greets, looking merrily around Ino’s white and purple room. Suddenly it
felt too girly for a mature woman like Anko. “Sweet room,” the Jōnin adds.
“Thanks,” Ino tentatively answers, pausing a moment before she asks, “what are you doing
Analyzing the photos of a royal-purple Sterling, of Sakura, of her family, and teammates
around the mirror of her desk, Anko asks without turning to her, “got a question for ya?”
Eying Ino through the mirror, Anko asks, “how much do you love Naruto?” Ino is taken
aback by the woman’s stunning bluntness and barely has a few moments before the dark-
violet haired kunoichi continues to ask, “think you’d be happy with him if you had to share
Donning on her mask to think without being studied, Ino hesitates to answer. She can’t be
sure what Anko knows or who she’s talked with and resigns to ask, “…I… Did Naruto talk to
Ino can’t be sure what’s known and what isn’t, however she isn’t so simple and asks, “why
are you telling me this?”
Smiling, Anko explains, “I’m being legit, here; no tricks.” Ino watches her as she walks
around the room and claims, “I really do want to know how much you love him. After that
little verbal smackdown you gave Genma, I came to help you. Honest.”
Ino examines Anko but can’t derive anything from her exterior, not that was expecting to, and
honestly answers, “…I love him.”
Unsurprised a smiling Anko asks, “would you be willing to share him? Maybe with a little
ol’ girl like me? Maybe another girl?”
Training her mask to show no sign of surprise or worry, Ino calmly asks, “you? Do you…
Are you in love wit-”
“Nah,” Anko quickly affirms, leaning on the edge of her desk and crossing her arms. “I like
him more than most, sure, but that’s mostly because I get where he came from. At the
moment, I’m more into that self-love; just don’t have the room for men.” With a shrug she
admits, “bit cheesy, I know, but such is the way when you feel the winds of change.”
Believing her, Ino shares, “I don’t think it’s cheesy at all. If not for yourself… I don’t see
how this helps me.”
“You haven’t answered my question,” Anko notes before adding, “which is fine. You don’t
need to, but I think you ought to know, if you can’t imagine a guy like him being with any
girl other than you, you should give up on him now-”
“He’s not a cheater,” Ino quickly asserts. Ino may not know what information Anko has, but
if she believes Naruto is just using her or Sakura, Ino will happily correct her mistake.
“Never said he was,” Anko assures her. “But my warning still stands. If you think it’s just
going to be you and him in a big house with a litter of blond little Uzumakis running around,
you should give up on him; go love someone else. Harsh, I know, but, it’ll hurt less in the
long run.” Walking back to the wind, Anko braces the window frame to leap from as she says
with finality, “think about it.”
However, Anko doesn’t know what Ino’s gone through with Naruto and Sakura, her road to
redemption, the way her love for them has grown, and the beautiful Yamanaka stands proudly
as she states, “don’t need to,” halting Anko halfway through the window. “The love I have
for Naruto will happily share him with another girl… as long as she’s right for him… for
Ino hadn’t expected the widest grin on Anko’s faces before she starts chuckling to herself,
communicating, “hahaha, oh Kami, I always knew I liked you. You got spunk.” Before Anko
leaves, she departs with, “if that’s how you really feel, then tomorrow should be really
interesting for ya.”
Though Ino calls, “wait,” Anko doesn’t. Dashing to the window sill as she asks, “what do
you mean, tomorrow?”
Though it didn’t seem as if Anko was trying to extort anything more than a bit of honesty, Ino
was left to wonder if the busty kunoichi knew about her polyamorous intent with Naruto and
Sakura. Though it didn’t seem likely, in a ninja village, anything is possible. Certain Anko
could’ve learned the information without Naruto or Sakura confessing as much, Ino makes
plans to talk to Naruto and Sakura the first chance she gets.
With his hundred clones scouring Konoha’s nightlife, Naruto searches the most popular
sections of bars, stands, and restaurants from both shinobi and civilian sections. Other than
being chased by a few city patrols, the Narutos don’t pick up Asuma’s trail for an hour. When
a clone alerts him to a brawl in the civilian sector, Naruto rushes over to find his clone
helping a tall broad-shouldered blond man he recalls was with Mabui and Samui. The blond
man is drunk and yelling for a clone to let him fight but there’s no one around to fight.
Turning to the approaching Naruto, Atsui slurs, “An- noother one! Hoow many o’ you are
Taking the man’s arm and wrapping it around his neck, his clone disperses as Naruto
answers, “it’s just me. Come on, let’s get you home.”
Thinking of Asuma, Naruto mumbles exasperatedly, “not again,” before asking, “who’s your
Tilting his eyes up to the taller man, a surprised Naruto asks, “wait, really?”
“Weee belonggg together,” Atsui proclaims loudly to the entire village. “We werre happy in
Kumo! And thennn you! You! Cammee… defiled heer… confused hhher… corrupted
Atsui could only keep mumbling and occasionally, vomiting. After an hour of slowly
trekking through the lively streets and then the dark paths of the agricultural section, Naruto
finally manages to get Atsui to the shack at the edge of Nagano’s farm. Setting the large
heavy man down in the futon, Naruto covered him comfortably so that he could, at last,
divert all his attention on the one thing that Atsui said.
Come morning, Naruto is sitting on the tatami mat, leaning against the weathered wooden
wall as still as can be. Every half-hour he delves into Sage mode to sense where anyone he
cares about is in the village. Because he knows the chakra signature of his friends and
teammates, he can tell Iruka is already at the hospital, Karin is at the construction site with
Haku, Sasuke is in his home, Ero-sennin and Kakashi are somewhere Naruto’s never been
before, Kurenai, Hinata, and Ino are with Ji-chan in what seems to be Hokage Tower. Naruto
can also sense Samui and Mabui are two hundred yards away from the shack, likely scouting
for any traps. It isn’t until noon when he finally hears a familiar voice.
Feeling Samui and Mabui move in unison another twenty yards closer, Naruto answers, ‘a lot
actually.’ The most pressing of which has Naruto ask, ‘can I ask… do you ever think about
what it really means to be a leader?’
‘No,’ Naruto interjects, ignoring Atsui’s loud snoring and Mabui and Samui’s synchronized
movements. ‘I don’t mean it like, just protecting everyone, wearing the hat, sitting behind the
desk, complaining about paperwork… I mean really think about leadership. There’s just so
much more to it I hadn’t considered before.’
As Mabui and Samui move closer still, Naruto briefly explains what happened with Ji-chan
and Jiraiya and how it’s made him wonder about the things he doesn’t know about being a
good leader. ‘Honestly, it’s made me feel pretty dumb,’ Naruto finishes.
‘Maybe you don’t have all the pieces yet,’ Naru-nii points out. ‘I’ve always struggled with
trying to understand why people do the bad things they do; why they scheme, cheat, and try
to control others. I mean, why can’t we all just be friends, right?’
‘But,’ Naru-nii sorely continues. ‘I figured a lot of people see something wrong and they try
to find an answer. They can be so sure the answer they figured out is the right one, they do
everything they can to prove that to everyone.’
‘Or us if you think about it,’ Naru-nii responds. ‘There are loads of lost people out there
trying to find their way. It’s why I think you need to know the whole story before you can
make a decision.’
‘No offense, but I think we have to do that a lot faster,’ Naruto wishingly commiserates.
‘Maybe it’ll help to think of it like a prank,’ Naru-nii brainstorms out loud. ‘Yeah… like you
know they’re trying to pull one over on you and you have to figure it out before you fall for
‘Hmm, that makes sense,’ Naruto wholly feels. ‘So what am I missing from this leadership
prank Ero-sennin’s talking about?’
Naruto senses the two beautiful women approaching the front of the shabby shack as he
answers, ‘I’m sure it has to do with Ji-chan, and if it’s a ‘‘prank,’’ then there’s something I’m
not seeing that’ll trip me up if I don’t…’ Samui and Mabui cautiously open the rickety door
to the old shack, letting a plethora of noon sunlight into the single-window room as Naruto
finishes, ‘something… that I think I’m certain about… is actually wrong this entire time…’
The alert girls scan the entire room, note a slumbering, and snoring Atsui in his futon before
eying a seated and very stern Naruto still in sage mode. When it appears Mabui is about to
speak, Naruto puts his finger to his lips, telling her not to speak as Naru-nii voices, ‘well, I
can tell you Ji-chan wasn’t without regrets. I heard him say as much when he was
reanimated; which was pretty sad to hear. I think you’re on the right track. I’d suggest
learning more about the past; most of the time, it’s always about the past.’
‘Thanks, Naru-nii,’ Naruto voices as the girls slowly close the door, suffocating much of the
sunlight. Examining Samui’s blank face, sage Naruto still wonders if she’ll attack as he can’t
tell what she’s thinking; even her chakra is harmonious. Sensing the end of their
conversation, Naruto mentally voices, ‘real quick, before you go. Do you know any other
ninja from Kumo besides Ay, Bee, and that rubber guy?’
‘Mnn… there’s this funny kid Omoi,’ Naru-nii responds. ‘I love getting him going on his
world-ending disaster predictions. He can go from someone randomly sneezing to global
famine! It’s hilarious!’
Though curious about Omoi’s predictions, Naruto remains sober of levity and as he stares at
the silver and blond-haired kunoichi, he asks, ‘anyone else? Any females?’
‘There’s Omoi’s teammate, a redhead named Karui,’ Naru-nii answers. ‘Their team leader…
I forget her name—she didn’t say much—but she’s blond and stacked; can’t forget a girl like
‘Oooohhh, yeah, silver-haired girl, caramel-skinned, super pretty, was Ay’s secretary,’ Naru-
nii reports. ‘Why? Have you met ‘em?’
‘Another change,’ Naur-nii notes. ‘You’ll have to tell me about that one next time, but from
what I can remember, they’re all pretty cool. I still wish I could’ve met the Jinchūriki of the
Two-Tail in person but maybe you can.’
‘Alright, mini-me,’ Naru-nii hails. ‘I gotta get. I think I’m close to figuring out a way to use
tou-chan’s Hiraishin here.’
‘Sweet,’ Naruto exclaims. ‘Let me know. Later.’ Once Samui’s certain Atsui is fine, Naruto
mentions, “he’s sleeping off last night. I found him out on the street, pretty wasted.”
“Thank you for taking care of him,” Samui voices as she stands next to Mabui.
“I’m only going to ask this once,” Naruto starts, eying both girls in front of him. Feeling his
time in sage mode beginning to shorten, he adds, “and I’m really hoping you tell me the truth
here because I don’t want to feel sad for having ever met you.”
Interrupting, sage Naruto stands and asks, “tell me who you really are and why you’re here?”
Mabui’s green eyes flicker to Samui and after several silent and tense seconds, the blond
beauty asks, “may I ask you something first?” At Naruto’s nod, Samui asks, “if we had asked
you to come with us, would you have left Konoha and Fire country?”
“No,” he quickly answers. Naruto couldn’t tell if the silence coming from Samui was a good
thing or not but in sage mode, he can feel their chakra fluctuate and elaborated. “That doesn’t
mean I won’t visit. I have something important to do and I have to visit the other nations to
do it.”
Again, Naruto asks them, “who are you? And where are you from?”
“We didn’t lie about who we are,” Samui begins to voice. Looking from a snoring Atsui to a
stern Naruto, she calmly voices, “however, we didn’t disclose everything. We’re from
Kumogakure and we came with Ōyashiro-san to purchase Kubikiribōchō from you.”
“That was weeks ago,” Naruto retorts. “What are you still doing here- …were you planning
on stealing it?” Turning to Mabui, he questions, “is that why you got close to me?”
“NO,” Mabui vehemently refutes. “No, no, meeting you in the library was a complete
coincidence. I didn’t even know you were the owner of Kubikiribōchō until after I met you.”
Paying close attention to the flow of their chakra, Sage-Naruto asks, “how do I know you’re
telling me the truth?”
“There’s no advantage in lying to you now,” Mabui asserts, and as Naruto senses no change
in her chakra, he can only assume she’s being honest. “We… had planned on stealing it,
however, that was amended to persuading you to join us in Kumo or kidnapping you. I don’t
know why the order changed, but in either event, it became imperative we get close to you.”
A familiar fear flooded his chest as he dared to asks, “…so neither of you actually cared
about me?”
“In the beginning… no,” Mabui slowly voiced. She takes a step forward, flattening her right
palm over her heart as she pleads, “but then I learned more about you and my feelings for you
grew to be genuine.”
“I’ve never been in love,” Samui casually voices. “But I can say I’m very much in favor of
keeping you in my life.”
“I’m so sorry we lied, Naruto,” Mabui genuinely apologizes. “Truly, I am. I know nothing we
say can ever erase the hurt and betrayal you must be feeling right now, but I promise you, the
second I started loving you for who you are, I hated lying to you.”
Even if her chakra feels stable, Naruto can’t help but wonder about her supposed love for him
and nods at Atsui as he asks, “and him?”
Eying Atsui with a quirked brow and confused, squinted eyes, Mabui hesitates to ask, “…
what about him?”
Shaking his head, Naruto reveals, “he said you’re a couple and that the two of you were
going to get married.”
Immediately bug-eyed and upright, sage-mode Naruto is taken aback when Mabui struggles
to yell, “that! He! Ooohh, Kami… Kami, give me patience!” After calming down a bit,
Mabui hotly explains, “that’s a complete fabrication of his infatuation!” Naruto looks at
Samui who nods with closed eyes whilst Mabui continues. “Atsui-kun has an unhealthy crush
on me that I’ve consistently rejected throughout this entire mission! He just doesn’t seem to
get that I don’t share his feelings no matter how many times I reject his advances.”
Striking a little close to home, Naruto nearly chuckles pitifully when he recalls how he used
to be with Sakura. “So you aren’t getting married?”
“No,” Mabui assures him and repeats, “no,” a few more times before summarizing, “he’s a
teammate and nothing more.”
Sensing the relief within himself, Naruto curiously asks, “and you don’t have a boyfriend
back home?” After lamenting in the part he played in unintentionally hurting Asuma, he
didn’t want to inadvertently do the same to another guy.
Mabui shrinks a bit and clears her throat before admitting, “I, uh, thought I did, but I learned
recently that I was just kidding myself. I admit there was a guy but it wasn’t as serious as I
thought it was and it’s over.”
With a deep, accepting exhale, Naruto turns to Samui and asks, “and you?”
“I only have time for missions and training,” Samui casually answers, nearly making Naruto
smile. “Additionally, I thoroughly enjoy our sexual sessions over all my previous partners. To
my surprise, I’m apprehensive at the thought I might never enjoy our time together after this
or ever again.”
Naruto couldn’t be sure of which emotion within him was more dominant, betrayal,
forgiveness, disappointment, or appreciation, Naruto felt like he could easily focus on the
hurt of being lied to and used. It’s happened to him enough that he can see the pattern—like
with Kurenai, Ino, and Temari—and like those past experiences, he could choose to look past
their mission and focus on who they are as people. Thanks to Naru-nii, he at least knew they
were being honest about hailing from Kumogakure. Additionally, now that he’s getting
engaged, this will make it easier for him to end things with them.
“On the one hand,” he starts to say. “I feel like I don’t know either of you. I was just your
target and you tried to trick me, which makes it all worse. On the other hand, I get you were
on a mission. And I do think it would be better for the future if I did get to know you… as
friends… but you can’t ever lie to me again; even if you’re not allowed to tell me something,
at the very least say that.”
“I promise,” Mabui quickly assures him. When Naruto turns to Samui, she simply nods.
Accepting that it’s still possible to be friends with them, Naruto allows the rest of sage mode
to dissipate as he moves on to inform them, “I can’t give you the sword since I promised
Zabuza-jiji he could work for it when he recovered. Are you sure you don’t know why Kumo
wants me?”
“I assumed it had to do with your clan,” Mabui offers. “Your ancestor’s entire village was
decimated for a reason. On top of that, you’re practically God-like when it comes to
Fūinjutsu. It would make sense why Kumo’s interested.”
“You and your cousin rate as high-value targets,” Samui supplies. “Acquiring you both would
be logical.”
“No need to be concerned,” Samui reassures him with an even shake of her head. “She was
only a target if we couldn’t acquire you. Adittionally, Atsui already failed in seducing her.”
Shaking his head in disbelief, he’s happy they told him the truth but equally as upset by how
far they’re willing to go. ‘And I nearly fell for this prank,’ his mind thinks. Leaning heavily
on the fact that nothing happened to Karin, Naruto gruffly asks, “what was your plan for
Mabui happily answers, “invite you to a luxury hot springs to thoroughly and repeatedly
congratulate you on your promotion for two straight days before, eventually, dosing you with
a strong sedative.”
Naruto’s cheeks blush at the thought of the three of them organ grinding for two days straight
before he shakes his head of the temptation. Returning to the task at hand, he voices, “alright,
if we’re going to be friends, this is a problem we need to fix.”
Mabui looks from Samui to Naruto and asks, “what do you propose?”
Naruto wasn’t sure how to work all of this until he remembered Naru-nii’s words. Smiling,
Naruto answers her, “a prank.” At the thought of pranking people, his doubts vanished, his
mind cleared, and suddenly, all sorts of possibilities and outside the box reasoning became
apparent to him. Naruto understood what he needed to do. Turning to both of them, still
smiling, he starts with the obvious, “your team’s mission is to bring me to Kumo, but I’d
already planned on going there anyway.”
Puzzled by his statement, the two girls look at each other before Mabui asks, “why?”
“So we can be allies, if not friends,” Naruto nonchalantly answers, tapping his chin with his
finger as he fine-tunes his plan. “Which isn’t going to happen if you’re caught in Konoha
illegally.” Turning to them, he proclaims, “okay, you guys go back home and talk to Ay-
jiichan. You’re going to tell him about a contract between Fire and Wind nation that
Lightning should also sign.”
Curious, Mabui quirks her whitish eyebrow as she asks, “what sort of contract?”
“It’s an Omiai,” Naruto answers and Samui appears as accepting as everything else while
Mabui looks shocked. He then answers their unasked question. “You guys weren’t the only
ones trying to trick me. Suna went so far as to create an Omiai between me and Temari-
Mabui begins to ask, “why would-” However, Samui’s strategic mind candidly answers, “to
get close and neutralize him before the invasion. Impressive strategy.”
“Except they lost,” Mabui adds in real-time realization. Then her brows scrunch in confusion
as she thinks out loud, “I can understand why Sand has no choice but to accept the Omiai, but
I don’t understand how we would be included in a marriage contract meant for two people.”
“It’s not like I wanted to take advantage of Temari,” Naruto begins to clarify. “She’s smart
and nice, and I wanted to be friends with her and her brothers, so I told her I couldn’t do
anything with her because I’m a polyamorist.”
Mabui snorts when she instantly realizes, “they changed the contract to include multiple
Samui then asks, “are you saying you want us to marry you?”
“No, no,” Naruto tells her. “First, it doesn’t have to be both of you. But using the Omiai as a
way for our nations to meet peacefully could work.”
“There’s a long history of blood between our nations,” Samui voices. “That will be difficult
to overlook.”
“There is also a long history of marriages being used to bridge the mistrust between rivals,”
Mabui remarks toward Samui.
“We won’t actually get married,” Naruto further details. “We can use the time to get to know
each other and I can meet Bee and the jinchūriki of the Two-Tails. I forget her name.” Both
women turn to the sleeping Atsui and Naruto can only assume they’re wondering how much
he revealed. To help a kindred romantic, Naruto explains, “he didn’t tell me all that much. I
know about Bee because of other sources.”
Samui asks, “does your source have something to do with being a jinchūriki yourself?”
Naruto hadn’t expected such a close guess, raising his blond brows. Samui answers, “Bee-
sama and Nii-sama have mentioned speaking with their Tailed Beasts.”
“Ah, well, yeah,” Naruto easily answers. “But I can’t say more than that until I get
permission. If you guys can convince Ay to sign the Omiai, you’ll have to come back here to
talk to Ji-chan. I’ll convince him to go with it and then I can go to Kumo.”
“I don’t think that’s how the Raikage wants us to bring you to Kumo,” Mabui reasonably
“I’m certain Ay-sama wants you to defect to Cloud,” Samui asserts. “Without a promise of
that, I’m not certain he’ll go for this.”
“Well, I’m going there regardless, so it’s either this or something else that won’t make as
much sense,” Naruto argues. Though he’s certain he could come up with another idea to meet
Bee and the jinchūriki of the Two-Tails, the Omiai is the fastest and makes the most sense.
He feels confident when he adds, “you can tell him I know stuff he wants to know or that
Konoha’s jinchūriki needs to talk to the Eight and Two-tails, but whatever you tell him, I am
going to Kumo.”
The girls look at one another and communicate with their eyes before Samui slowly asks him,
“what is it that you know?”
“Sorry, Sa-chan,” Naruto bids. “I can’t say right now, but trust me, it’s important. And if my
saying so isn’t enough for the Raikage, you can tell him I’m sure the Hokage will back me up
on this.”
In the little space of the shack, Samui considers the information for many silent moments
before she ultimately nods with a, “okay.”
With a plan in place, Samui and Mabui immediately collect the few things they have and
Naruto seals it in a seal of his for ease of travel. After waking Atsui up, Naruto escorts them
out of the agricultural sector to the village’s main gate. Naruto waves to the Chūnin at the
gate before Samui shows them their papers. Mabui takes Naruto’s hand and moves to kiss
him, but he steps back.
Answering her hurt expression, he tells her, “I have a girlfriend now.” At her raised
eyebrows, he adds, “since yesterday. It’s still pretty new but I’m happy.”
Taking a moment to let that information marinate in her mind, Mabui then asks, “and she’s
okay with the Omiai to Suna?”
“Yup,” he replies with a nod. “We haven’t talked about the details yet, but unless she backs
out, I think we might actually get married.”
Naruto could tell her happy expression wasn’t genuine as she struggles to say, “wow…
Naruto… that’s…”
“Crazy, I know,” he helps her out. “Ah, but don’t worry. I’m going to insist on a long
engagement to give you and Sa-chan enough time to convince the Raikage. I’ll talk to Nai-
chan and Ji-chan in the meantime, and hopefully, when you guys come back, I can head to
Kumo with you.”
Nodding sadly, Mabui asks, “what are you trying to do?”
Though he wants to say, ‘unite the nations against Madara’s forces,’ he settles with,
“something that’s never been done before.”
Extending her hand, Naruto happily shakes it and the Kumo team leave immediately after.
The blond shinobi watches them leave until they disappear from sight. He makes a mental
note of asking Kakashi or Kurenai for the travel time to Kumo so he can guess how long it’ll
be before he sees them again. He hopes everything goes well with their superiors. It’ll be a
toss-up if they go for it or not, but Naruto knows they shouldn’t wait for war in order to join
Early in the morning, Ino is awoken by her father and told to get ready to meet the Hokage.
She was encouraged to be fast and throughout the entire time it took her to change and sprint
beside her father to the Sandaime’s office, Ino is wondering if this has something to do with
Anko’s visit last night. She couldn’t stop thinking about Naruto and Anko until she
eventually fell asleep, and walking into her commander’s office, she’s surprised to see
Kurenai standing beside the seated Kage, as well as Hyūga Hiashi and Hinata.
Ino and her father greet the other father and daughter in the room before standing beside them
ahead of the Hokage’s wide desk. The elder leader was setting aside papers before signing off
on an official scroll, then handing it to a Chūnin aid. Ino was worried about his bandaged left
arm as it was in a sling and wrapped in Fūinjutsu-scribed gauze. He looked wearier than Ino
has ever seen him and it made Ino wonder if he’ll be alright.
After an Anbu agent appears at the Hokage’s side and whispers something in his ear, the
Hokage orders, “keep searching,” before turning his attention to them. “Thank you all for
coming on such short notice and so early in the morning. I apologize for the delay. I should
begin by confessing that no one here will escape the awkwardness or embarrassment of this
meeting, however I ask you to treat this highly sensitive information with as much aplomb as
you’re capable of.”
“There’s no easy way to say this…” Clearing his throat, their leader eventually voices, “uh…
Even if Kurenai maintained a professional countenance, Ino felt the woman’s amusement as
she explains, “before the invasion of our home by the combined forces of Sunagakure and
Otogakure, they attempted to neutralize a key shinobi they deemed a threat to their plans.”
Confused, Ino isn’t so uncomfortable in the room she won’t ask, “why?”
“If you recall his match against Uchiha Sasuke, you know he’s a very special shinobi,”
Kurenai answers her. Ino recalls Naruto’s red chakra transformation—and Sasuke’s demonic
transformation—as Kurenai voices, “his strength appeared to be something they hadn’t
anticipated, and so, their attempt to disable him needed to appear as legitimate as possible
despite the time constraint.”
Ino noticed both Hiashi and her father stand a little straighter, and Hinata answers her
curiosity by asking, “a marriage contract?”
Standing straighter herself, an uneasy Ino is only slightly relieved when Kurenai answers,
“not quite. It’s more of a courting process with the promise of marriage if both parties are
satisfied. Regardless of the politics presented at the time, Uzumaki Naruto never planned on
getting married, nor did he take the Omiai seriously.”
“Naruto’s a genuine and honest person,” Kurenai happily answers. “His primary goal was to
build a friendship with Temari, and specifically, with Gaara.”
“He’s been trying to be friends with Gaara since the Chūnin Exam began,” Hinata notes. It
felt like decades ago, but Ino recalls as much.
“Naruto sees a kindred spirit in him,” Kurenai explains to the room, but it seemed to Ino the
clan heads were more concerned.
“Seems dangerous,” Hiashi points out, though Ino isn’t sure why.
“And mine,” their leader spoke, and the hard-speaking Hiashi said nothing more.
“With the goal of friendship in mind,” Kurenai continues. “Naruto would not allow Temari to
go far with him—romantically, that is—and in an effort to dissuade her advances, proclaimed
he was polyamorous and couldn’t take advantage of someone who could never accept the
Ino blinked in surprise at the mention of polyamory while her father beside her chuckled
before voicing, “smart. A lie like that would definitely discourage any girl from getting
Without turning to correct her father, Ino recalls Naruto’s confession and knows her blond
love wasn’t lying when he said that. For having the guts to proclaim as much with Temari,
Ino couldn’t help but think, ‘Kurenai-sensei’s right. Naruto is an honest guy.’
Snagging the room’s attention with his harsh voice, Hiashi gravely explains, “perhaps it
would dissuade her, Inoichi-dono, if she weren’t on a mission.”
“Correct,” Kurenai states, making Ino uneasy yet again. “To retain mission-viability, Temari
amended the Omiai to include multiple spouses, which the Kazekage then ratified. Naturally,
we thought it odd, but, it seemed incredibly unlikely the Omiai would produce an actual
marriage and it seemed an easy foreign relations victory for us.”
“Correct,” Kurenai confirms. “This was all before the invasion, of course.”
“Now that they’ve lost,” Hiashi voices. “We would naturally support the Omiai to keep
Temari in the village, however, it would not be wise for Temari to be first wife.” Ino didn’t
like the implication of that, like Temari will only be a hostage, but understood the cold-
hearted politics behind it.
“As you say, Hiashi-dono,” Hiruzen finally voices. The Hokage seems far too tired to Ino as
he continues. “I’ve already spoken with Naruto and I’ve been informed both Naruto and
Temari have agreed to the Omiai.”
Hitting Ino like a ton of bricks, it all makes perfect sense. Anko’s visit last night, her
declaration that if she can’t support Naruto being with another woman, then she should give
up on him. Anko didn’t know anything about her history with Naruto and Sakura. She knew
about the Omiai and truly was trying to warn her. Ino wasn’t a hundred percent sure why
Anko cared to that degree, but she was grateful to not be taken completely by surprise.
“If peace between our nations is truly the goal,” Hiashi continues, interrupting Ino’s thoughts.
“Marriage aids greatly in that respect. Am I to assume you wish for my daughter to be his
first wife?”
Feeling super slow, Ino suddenly remembers Hinata is in the room as well, clearly alluding to
her as a candidate for the position of first wife. Though Hinata may have a pretty face and
bigger chest, Ino feels confident she has better sex appeal. Additionally, Ino feels she’s more
outgoing to the shy Hinata. Ino feels Hinata would likely beat her in a one-on-one matchup,
she also knows ninja ability isn’t the biggest factor to being a wife.
“We would like to offer you both, Hyūga Hinata, Yamanaka Ino, the opportunity to get to
know Naruto,” the third Hokage tells them and Ino resists the urge to look over. “And if all
parties are in agreement, there will be an engagement and marriage at the expense of the
villages. I understand this is a lot to digest. Please take your time-”
Much too tired of being quiet when it comes to Naruto, Ino proudly voices, “I accept,” easily
shocking everyone in the room.
After her father finally understands the bold proclamation came from his own daughter’s
mouth, he loudly declares, “no you do not!”
“It’s my decision-”
“Enough, Ino,” Inoichi strictly voices. “We will talk about this when we get home.” It’s very
rare for Ino to hear that voice and in the presence of the Hokage, she knows well not to be so
“The Hyūga clan will only consider this offer if Uzumaki-kun adapts his family name to
Namikaze,” Hiashi voices, surprising everyone in the room. “He is the son and heir to
Namikaze Minato, the Yondaime Hokage, is he not?”
“While he is the son of the Yondaime,” Hiruzen replies, finally confirming the wide-spread
belief. “I can assure you Naruto isn’t the type to change his name.”
“Then we have nothing further to discuss,” Hiashi purports. Turning to his daughter, he
commands her to, “come Hinata.” It’s then that Ino understands why Hinata is so meek.
Living with a brash and strict father like Hiashi every day, critiquing or commanding her
however he feels, Ino would’ve gone mad. It’s why she’s impressed when Hiashi is nearly to
the door and the Hyūga heiress hasn’t moved. Hiashi turns and sternly calls to his daughter,
The defiance draws all of their attention, until Kurenai gently voices, “Hinata, if you’re
unwilling to speak, we can’t be certain you’ll be able to protect Naruto’s interests and that of
the village’s.”
With a determination Ino rarely sees in Hinata, the lovely girl swallows cutely before voicing,
“I- I don’t know i-if I would be good enough, but i-if you w-would consider me, I’d also like
the opportunity to try.”
Ino watches Kurenai lean beside the Hokage’s ear and whisper council no one else could
hear. With a nod, Hiruzen tells the room, “I will speak with Naruto. In the meantime, take as
much time as you need to consider this. Ino-chan, Hinata-chan, I personally want to thank
you for your service and courage. I know such a formal courtship is unorthodox in this day an
age, and I apologize if this takes away from the romance of it. Please come to Kurenai-sensei
with any of your concerns.” Looking to her father and Hiashi, the Hokage adds, “I am also
available if need be.”
When Naruto walks into the Hokage’s office, Hiruzen is standing by the window looking out
across the village with Jiraiya leaning against the wide desk full of papers and scrolls. They
seemed to be in the middle of a conversation when Naruto walked in and immediately a tired
and haggard-looking Jiraiya laser-focuses pin-drop eyes on Naruto. The blond genin checks
his red and black cloak and uniform for anything that could explain Jiraiya’s outlandish focus
on him. Hiruzen waves Naruto over to the window all the while Jiraiya locks his gaze, slowly
swiveling his head with his Godson’s every sandaled step.
Naruto not only wanted to ask about Asuma but he also wanted to think about the ‘leadership
prank’ in this scenario, however, he forgot all of that when he stood next to his Ji-chan. His
oldest friend looked worse than the day before and his left arm’s bandages now had Fūinjutsu
characters on them. Naruto immediately tried to read them but as the gauze was folded over
with each roll around his arm, he couldn’t. So while he was worried about Asuma, he
remained focused on Hiruzen.
Still gazing out of the very wide window, the Sandaime begins, “just a few hours ago, I told
two leaders of Konoha’s honored clans that if they needed me, I would be here.” Naruto
looked from the comically freaked and focused Jiraiya—becoming certain something is
wrong with his Godfather—back to Hiruzen as he adds, “however, that isn’t strictly true. The
healers have only been about to slow the unique poison coursing its way to my heart. They
have not been able to stop or even remove it.”
Completely forgetting about Jiraiya and everything else, Naruto quickly asks, “how long do
you have?”
“Not long,” he slowly answers. Exhaling, he turns to Naruto as he sternly states, “Genin
Uzumaki Naruto, for your exemplary service to the village amidst great strife, I’m promoting
you to the rank of Jōnin.” Naruto’s blue eyes blink before they become large as saucers in
dumbfounded surprise. “However,” Hiruzen continues. “For omitting information vital to the
security of this village…” Momentarily flicking his gazes at to Jiraiya, he adds, “…
regardless of the understandable circumstances, I’m demoting you to Chūnin.” Though
feeling less enthused overall, Naruto is still happy to be promoted. His friend and leader then
enlightens him by saying, “as unexpected as it is, you already have the talent to become a
Jōnin, but until I see the ability of leadership to match, a Chūnin you will forever remain. Do
you understand?”
“For your first mission,” Hiruzen tells him. “You’re to accompany Jiraiya on his search and
assist him in any way he needs.”
“Searching for what- wait!” His yell surprises the old kage but more so when the blond
voices, “Tsunade-no-baachan!” Hiruzen was speechless a moment before smiling and
nodding. Naruto smiles as he explains, “it makes sense because Ero-sennin would be the one
you send to find her and she could heal your arm!”
“My thoughts precisely,” Hiruzen speaks. “If there’s anyone who could do something about
this, it would be Tsunade.”
“Sweet,” Naruto voices eagerly, adding, “we’ll find her in no time and heal ya right up!”
“I feel comforted already,” the elder voices as he walks over to his seat. Passing Jiraiya,
Hiruzen wonders what’s wrong with his former student and why he keeps staring at Naruto as
if trying to decipher a mystery.
Ignoring Jiraiya, Naruto moves to the front of the Hokage’s desk before asking, “Ji-chan, can
I bring Sakura with me? She’s been studying Iryō-ninjutsu and maybe I could get Tsunade-
baachan to take her on as a student.”
“Mnn, I think that might be a good idea,” Hiruzen sagely admits. “On to other news, I
received word from Kurenai-kun-”
“UHAH,” Jiraiya loudly huffs. With his little pupils and raise eyebrows, the man’s loudly
repeated, “UH-HAH, UH-HAH, UH-HAH,” sounded inauthentic to Naruto, as if he wasn’t
laughing out of anything humorous but because there was no other response. Hiruzen and
Naruto are weirded out by Jiraiya’s loud and monotone laughter, and when the old sage didn’t
explain, a fed-up Hiruzen simply shook his head and continued.
“I’ve signed the Omiai and sent it to our Daimyō,” the Hokage tells his blond Chūnin. “It’s
potentially too late, but, I could send someone to catch up to the messenger if you’re having
any second thoughts.”
“Nah, I’m good,” Naruto answers before being weirded out by Jiraiya whispering to himself,
‘is he? How good, is good?’ Naruto shakes his head before asking Hiruzen, “can I talk with
Temari-chan and Gaara before I leave? I want to make sure they’re okay.”
“I’ll inform the guardsmen to give you free access to their cell,” Hiruzen offers. “But they
will not be released until negotiations between our villages are concluded. As for Gaara-kun,
what can you tell me of his mental stability?”
“Gaara? He’s a puppy,” Naruto merrily expresses. “Sure, he was pretty angry before, but no
more than I would’ve been without you, Iruka-sensei, Teuchi-jichan, and Ayame-neechan.
Now that we’re friends, I’m sure he’ll be cool.”
“I see,” the old man hums. Seemingly satisfied, he then asks, “and the Nine-Tails?”
“He’s been pretty stubborn lately but we’re still good,” Naruto answers before thinking about
visiting the other Jinchūriki. “I want to talk to you about the other bijū but it can wait till I get
you help first.”
“Then I wish you a speedy return,” Hiruzen gratefully replies.
Rather than leave through the door, Naruto leaps out of the window and the second his feet
land on the dirt ground, Jiraiya is right beside him with his arm wrapped around his neck to
bring him close. It was so fast, Naruto didn’t even sense the speed and was as incredibly
impressed as he was jealous.
“Ne, Naruto,” he slowly begins with a low and suspicious voice. “I heard a few things last
night I’m hoping you would provide some clarity on.”
Getting out from under Jiraiya’s broad arm, Naruto asks, “do we have to do this now? Ji-
chan’s sick and he needs us to find Baachan.”
Humming to himself, Jiraiya looked torn for a moment before proclaiming, “I’ll give you
twenty minutes to meet me at the main gate. Then we talk.”
“Twenty minutes! I have to tell people I’m leaving and didn’t you hear Ji-chan when he said
Sakura could come? She has to get ready too!”
Swiping a hand at the irrelevance of that, he cries, “bah! Who cares about all that?! Just tell
me… is it… is it true?”
Rolling his eyes, Naruto crosses each hand’s straightened index and middle fingers and
voices, “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu,” summoning five clones of himself. Naruto informs Jiraiya,
“I’ll meet you at the main gate in an hour,” before all Narutos leap away.
“We’ve made the changes to the first-floor business fronts per Konoha’s regulations,” Tazuna
conveys to Karin and Haku as they walk around the empty space of the newly built sixth
floor. Normally, the floor would be divided into six separate apartments, but the entire floor is
being allocated to the Clan Head. “So everything’s ready to continue there. Floors five and
six have also been approved so we can keep working there too.”
Gazing around the very spacious sixth floor, Karin can’t help but gasp, “what’s Naruto going
to do with all this space? His old apartment was a closet compared to this.”
Tazuna grumbles, “last I talked to him about it, all he rambled on about was making sure you
both had your own rooms, there was a training room, a kitchen with enough space for ramen,
and a personal room to practice his scribbling jutsu.”
Karin mentions, “since Fūinjutsu is going to be our main source of trade, his personal room
should include security measures to protect trade and clan secrets.”
“Yeah, I kinda figured that,” Tazuna lazily responds. “Your shop on the first floor’ll also have
a secure room for these almighty squiggly lines of yours.”
Rolling her eyes at the man’s indifference to Fūinjutsu, Karin turns to the beautiful boy and
asks again, “are you sure you don’t want your own store? It really isn’t a hassle.”
With a short respectful bow, Haku voices, “yes, thank you Karin-dono. I’m doing quite well
operating from Ten Out of Ten. The business is also boosting Tenten-chan’s profits and I
wouldn’t want to ruin that.”
“Well, the offer stands if you ever decide to,” Karin promises to which Haku bows gratefully.
The three turn when they hear a loud, “oi,” and see their blond leader, defender, friend, and
family rushing toward them wearing his now signature red cloak with black flames at the
hem over his orange and black outfit. “I’m glad you’re all here,” Naruto merrily relays. “I
just got a really important mission and have to leave in less than an hour.”
Shocked and saddened to hear, Karin immediately argues, “but our first official meeting is
tomorrow. I got out cloaks and everything.” Karin really liked the black cloaks with the
Uzumaki swirl on the back and shoulder and was eager for herself, Naruto, and Haku to wear
“I know, I know,” Naruto sympathetically voices. “But trust me, this is really important. It’s
time-sensitive too, so the faster I finish it, the better for all of us.”
Groaning unladylike, Karin grumbles, “I guess we can postpone until you get back,” to which
Naruto hugs her in gratitude. Feeling the disappointment wash away in his warm embrace,
Karin caves under his affection and hugs her family back.
“I promise I’ll be back as quick as I can,” he assures her before turning to Haku. “Keep an
eye on her.”
“I can take care of myself, you know,” Karin voices in protest as Haku agrees. It’s not that
she doesn’t appreciate Haku guarding her but it annoys her when her cousin acts as if she’s
completely helpless. “I know I’m not the strongest fighter, but I know what their chakra
signatures feel like. I won’t let them get close again.”
“That’s good,” Naruto voices. “And I know you can protect yourself. Think of Haku like
your teammate and you guys can fight together.”
“Seems pretty dangerous to stay in a place where they’re after the little lady,” Tazuna
“I don’t like it either,” Naruto replies. “But I’m not ignoring Danzō. Staying on alert is
enough to keep him back until I have the time to deal with him.” Looking around the open,
wide, and empty space of the sixth floor, Naruto tells Tazuna, “so it looks like I’m getting
married.” Tazuna’s face breaks in stunned surprise and his small glasses fall off his nose as
Naruto asks, “do you think it would be too hard to add rooms for them?”
While Haku asks, “has she finally confessed her feelings for you?”
Turning to Haku, Karin desperately wants to know, “who? Who has? Why don’t I know?!”
“My girlfriend,” Naruto blushes with the biggest grin on his face.
His body is swooning left and right, clasping his hands together so sweetly it’s nearly
sickening to her, but she loves it and demands to know, “who? Who?”
“I’ll explain everything when I get back,” Naruto starts, stabbing the Dagger of Patience in
Karin’s impatient romantic heart. “Basically, I’m marrying the Kazekage’s daughter for
reasons I can’t get into now, but, I can also marry another girl, and the village would prefer
my first wife be from Konoha.”
“I know all of that,” Karin whines before demanding to know, “who’s this girlfriend of yours
and why didn’t you tell me? Is that why you never made it home last night?” Realizing her
cousin’s absence wasn’t as innocent as she originally thought, Karin squeals loudly as her
face blushes deep red before demanding to know, “what were you doing last night?!”
Chuckling, Naruto easily replies, “a lot happened last night, but I was talking about all this
with my girlfriend, who by the way, only agreed to be my girlfriend… and I guess… fiancé…
last night. So it just happened.” Karin squeals happily at the news making Naruto blush even
“We have to figure out how this will affect the clan,” Karin voices to no one in particular.
Running against a mental snag, the redhead asks her cousin, “is there anyone in the village I
can talk to about this?”
With a genial smile, Haku suggests, “Kurenai-sensei may be a good option,” to which
Naruto’s smile practically reaches his ears. At her cousin’s nervous nod, Karin makes a
mental note to speak with her.
Jiraiya lands swiftly and silently in the shadows of an alley. With his back flat to the stone
wall of the scroll store, he used Henge no Jutsu to transform into one of his many roles, a
short, old, homeless beggar. Yellowing white hair, very tan and wrinkled skin, layered
clothing ripped and dirty, Jiraiya hobbles out of the alley to rattle his tin cup for any spare
ryō. Jiraiya sensed a male presence exit the scroll store, then stop behind him to adjust his leg
With stern gravitas, Jiraiya uses subtle genjutsu to mask his voice as he asks the man behind
him, “what’ve you learned?”
“Nothing yet,” Kakashi voices to his holster, also ignoring the larger man behind him. “She
was busy all morning but I’m meeting her in a few hours.”
“Gyehh,” Jiraiya grumbles, though happy to earn a coin from a passerby. “I won’t be here,”
he explains as he wonders if he can make enough for a shot of sake.
“Mnn,” Jiraiya confirms. “By the way, I’m taking Naruto and Haruno with me.”
“Why Sakura-chan?”
Kakashi remained as calm as ever, but Jiraiya knows the man is just as flummoxed by this
entire earth-shattering revelation, and wasn’t surprised when he starts to ask, “could she also
be involved-”
Heading him off, Jiraiya argues, “I already thought of that. It doesn’t make sense, does it?”
“At this point, nothing is certain,” Kakashi reasons, and Jiraiya couldn’t agree more.
“I’ll talk to Naruto on the road,” Jiraiya informs him, getting another coin ryō. “Go to the
nearby lake with whatever you learn. I’ll leave a toad there for you.”
This deliciously odd situation is simply too bright to ignore, and like helpless moths to a
flame, Jiraiya and Kakashi need answers. As another Good Samaritan drops a charitable two
coins into his tin cup, Jiraiya warns his fellow co-conspirator, “be strong, Kakashi-kun.
Kurenai-chan may be unlikely to admit anything.”
Rushing to the meeting place, Sakura spots Naruto in his dashing red and black cloak with a
small, traveling backpack on. Understanding how prodigious Naruto is with Fūinjutsu, she
wouldn’t be surprised if he had most of his travel gear stored in scrolls rather than carrying it
all. The sight of his clone earlier made her excited to finally see him, but at the sight of the
original, she can’t help but miss their quality time together; not simply the amazing sex, but
all of it. Her time with Naruto is always one of the brighter spots in her otherwise Sasuke-less
world, not that would gladly accept that unhealthy obsession again, but it’s a daily struggle
she compares to addiction.
Walking up to Naruto, she’s grateful for a mission without Sasuke as she calls out, “hey.” It
will offer her a reprieve from constantly thinking about going to visit him.
Considering the bombshell his clone revealed thirty minutes prior, Sakura immediately begs
to know, “please tell me this isn’t a prank. Tsunade-sama’s been my hero since I was a little
“Yeah, I thought you’d get a kick out of it,” Naruto replies before asking, “why didn’t my
clone pop?”
“He wanted to wait to talk with Ino,” she answers him, wondering how long Naruto’s clone
will wait. It seemed so obvious to her Naruto and Ino love each other. She can feel her own
heart begin to beat harder at the memory of what Sakura has done with Naruto in full view of
Ino. It was the most exciting sexual experience she’s had yet. Clearing her throat, Sakura
adds, “she’s been in the conference room with her parents all day so I don’t know how long
he’ll be waiting for.”
“Aaawww,” Sakura cutely coos. He rolls his impossibly blue eyes at her poke, only making
her giggle before responding, “I don’t know what’s going on, but they told me it was clan
business and no one can interrupt.” Happy to tease him more, she asks, “why? You worried
about your girlfriend?”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” he argues, but she won’t be fooled by that. “But, of course I’m
worried. Aren’t you?”
After what they did on Ino’s bed, it’s so obvious Naruto and Ino are together, however, it’s
possible they haven’t cemented their exclusivity, so she asks, “what do you mean she’s not
your girlfriend?”
Shyly, almost remorseful, Naruto explains, “if you’re thinking about the time in Ino’s room,
she said that to make your, uh, recreation time a little more exciting for you.”
Sakura’s fist instantly clenched as she felt completely humiliated, shouting, “that lying pig!”
Crossing her arms, Sakura tries hard to assert, “how could she- Ohh, I hate her!”
“Sheeuut up, no you don’t,” Naruto humorously returns. For fear of losing this righteous
anger, Sakura doesn’t want to listen to any arguments, but when he says, “it’s not like you
were complaining at the time,” Sakura’s kinky side couldn’t agree louder. It was the biggest
thrill of her young life—to fuck Naruto in front of Ino. The orgasms rocking her body were
monumental. She even passed out afterward, and somehow, Ino knew that about her.
Sometimes it unnerved Sakura just how well Ino seemed to get her.
Blushing, Sakura changes the topic by asking, “I- I don’t get why you two aren’t together.
Don’t you love her?”
“Oh,” she hums, feeling a bit rattled by his candor. “You never told me that before… I mean,
I sort of figured, but I never heard you say it out loud.”
“You’ve been busy, Sakura,” he reasons. “I didn’t want to distract you from all the progress
you’re making.”
Clearing her throat, she’s almost scared to ask, “are you going to ask her… to be your
Suddenly feeling great empathy for Ino, Sakura quickly asks, “what? Why?” Turning from
the views of Konoha, he looks at her, and Sakura’s mind quickly travels to the most obvious
and scandalous answer. “It’s not… it’s not because of me… is it?”
“Whaa, no,” he laughs, slightly too hard for Sakura’s liking. “You and me are totally cool
That stung more than she’s willing to admit and mumbles under her breath, “you didn’t have
to deny it so quickly.” Ignoring the confusing flare of slighted emotions, the pink-haired
kunoichi pushes on to say, “if that’s what your clone wants to talk to Ino about, I think maybe
you should tell her in person, you know, after we come back.”
“That’s not what I want to talk to her about,” Naruto admits but doesn’t elaborate, confusing
and slightly annoying her. Sakura used to be able to tell what her blond teammate was
thinking. Now he feels different; the same blond idiot from a distance, but upon closer
inspection, less idiocy and more maturity. So distracted by her thoughts of Naruto and Ino,
Sakura is surprised when Naruto yells, “you’re late!”
Turning, she spots one of the legendary sannin landing lightly on his wood sandals before
them. Chuckling, the large white-haired man calls, “my bad, my bad. My world’s been turned
upside down and I couldn’t navigate the village properly.”
Sakura’s alarmed to hear of Asuma, and then more so when Naruto casually answers, “yeah,
fine. But can we at least run while we talk? I have a good idea where she might be.”
Nodding, the three begin to sprint. Out of the tall gates and on the wide forest trail, Naruto
mentions a gambling town with castles, to which Jiraiya leads them eastbound. They’re
sprinting a solid twenty minutes before the chakra they’re molding to their legs cycles
enough that they can continue running without getting exhausted.
Worried about Ino’s sensei, Sakura asks Jiraiya, “is Asuma-sensei alright?”
“I don’t know, Sakura-chan,” Jiraiya nearly mockingly answers. He then whips his head to
her blond teammate and replies, “why don’t we ask Naruto. Is Asuma-kun okay, Naruto?
Huh? Is he? Is he?”
Sakura is very confused and potentially angry at Naruto as her blond teammate deflates at the
question. Though she’s certain he’s stopped pranking the village, she’s ready to smack him if
he unintentionally hurt Asuma.
When Naruto asks, “what did he say,” Sakura’s sure he pranked the cool sensei.
“Oh, whatever,” Naruto bellows, as if fed up. “Yes, I have a girlfriend, but-”
“HEEEEEEIIII- KOATH,” Jiraiya’s loud squeal is cut short when a bug flies in his wide-
open mouth, tripping and rolling on the dirt floor over and over with the push of his strong
momentum. Sitting up, the large man tries to forcibly cough out the bug as she and Naruto
watching in sympathy. Jiraiya points a strong finger at Naruto and manages to demand, “ex-
KUOHH. Ex- plainn, UGHH.”
It then dawns on Sakura that Naruto admitted to having a girlfriend, but only twenty minutes
ago, he said Ino wasn’t his girlfriend. Sakura’s heart started puttering, her stomach felt
lighter, and her knees weakened at the thought he might be referencing her. She grows
confused when she recalls Naruto already admitted he didn’t feel the same for her only
minutes ago.
She grows further confused when Naruto answers, “you’re going to need to let me finish.
Yes, I have a girlfriend but we only became official last night.”
‘He’s not talking about me,’ Sakura realizes, and again, hates the feelings of inadequacy
creeping into her heart. She then realizes he’s not talking about Ino either and after they begin
sprinting again, Jiraiya asks, “Kurenai-chan?”
Rolling his sky-blue eyes as if he’s over it but also blushing, Naruto answers, “yeah,
Kurenai,” and Jiraiya squeals loudly, reverberating his voice throughout the tall trees of the
forest surrounding Konoha and flushing out dozens of birds.
Though certain his high-pitched squeal could be heard a mile away, Sakura could only
concentrate on her confusion. She isn’t sure how the beautiful sensei is involved with
Naruto’s girlfriend and asks her teammate, “Kurenai, what?”
Ignoring his red-faced and squealing Godfather prancing beside them like a ballerina basking
in the sunshine, Naruto turns to her. With a straight face, gentle eyes, and a soft smile, he
fractures her sound mind to pieces by confessing, “Kurenai’s my girlfriend.”
Sakura’s gut seizes and she loses chakra in her legs, tripping and rolling not unlike Jiraiya
had earlier. After she rolls to a stop, they both check on her but she can only stare at Naruto
wide-eyed shock before voicing, “tha- that’s not funny, Naruto! What’re you thinking?
Joking like that!”
“I’m not joking,” Naruto voices as honestly as she’s ever heard him and Sakura’s wide eyes
turn to the madly blushing and giggling Jiraiya as he writes in a little notebook. Naruto is
seemingly upset by this and calls out, “alright, alright. Look, I get you guys are curious, but
let’s not forget we’re on a mission.” Turning to Jiraiya, Naruto points as he asserts, “this is
for your sensei—my Ji-chan—so I’m going to quickly explain some things, and then we’re
going to run until we find Baachan! Got it?”
Jiraiya body-flickers right in front of Naruto with his notebook out ready to listen and take
notes. Sakura was still on the floor reeling in turbulent mind, body, and chakra from the
craziest most impossible news she’s ever heard, like feeling the waves of the ocean after
already leaving the water. Her gut feels just as kicked in as when she learned he was the son
of the Yondaime. From learning about his insane training regiment to beating Momochi
Zabuza, Sasuke, Sabaku no Gaara, and being the son of a Hokage, she couldn’t help mentally
yelling, ‘how can one person be so surprising!?’
“I met Kurenai a couple of weeks after graduating the Academy,” Naruto begins to quickly
explain. “She wanted help with training stuff, and in return, she taught me a bunch of stuff
like strategy, training, chakra nature. I didn’t know about Asuma-nii and their history until
yesterday, which is also when Kurenai and I decided to officially become a couple. There!
Now can we please continue the mission?”
Recalling her and Ino’s attempts at getting Asuma and Kurenai together—for months—
Sakura blurts out, “how could you not know?! Didn’t you see them?!”
Jiraiya responds, “don’t you ‘there,’ me, like you explained anything! What about all the
juicy stuff?”
“It’s so obvious that Asuma-sensei and Kurenai-sensei love each other,” Sakura adds
Jiraiya begins to rapid-fire question-after-question. “Who made the first move? Was it love at
first sight? How is she okay with this? How are you okay with this? Have you… How far
have you two gone-”
“Enough,” Naruto practically yells. Though she’s heard him raise his voice when he boasts,
he rarely raises his voice in irritation. He continues to sober her up by voicing, “Ji-chan needs
our help! How is my romantic life more important than his health?”
Sakura instantly realizes why they’re looking for Tsunade-sama, and sadly repeats, “the
Hokage is…”
He confirms her suspicion, saying, “that’s why we’re searching for Baachan,” before turning
to them both. “Look, I promise you can ask me all the questions you want when we rest up,
but can we please focus on the mission now?”
Jiraiya walks up to Naruto and stares down at him with intensely focused eyes for several
silent moments. After imagining all sorts of piercing criticism for such an illicit affair, Jiraiya
lands his large and heavy hand on Naruto’s shoulder before seriously telling him, “I’m
dedicating Icha Icha Palace to you.”
Naruto rolls his eyes before he starts running again, and for the next seven silent hours,
Sakura felt like she was in a horrible mind trap. Her inadequacy as a person, her sisterhood
with Ino, her relationship with Naruto, and suddenly learning that he’s possibly in a romantic
relationship with a strong, gorgeous, and respectable woman like Jōnin-sensei Yūhi
Kurenai… it was the biggest mind-fuck she couldn’t stop focusing on. Her heart was so
heavy it felt like she was slowing the team down.
Sakura had too many questions, and at the core of it all, was her false sense of reality.
Recalling her past behavior, if she truly saw Sasuke, if she truly saw herself, or Naruto, she
knows for certain her entire life would be completely different. She feels she wouldn’t be
struggling with her obsessive love for Sasuke if she truly saw reality for what it was and not
only accepted it, but embraced it. At the thought that Naruto could be dating someone as
amazing and respectable as Kurenai-sensei, Sakura never felt so motivated to stop being that
blind girl she was.
Kurenai and Anko walk up to Kakashi, who’s leaning against the wall of a mildly busy
teashop, reading his little orange ero-literature. Kurenai is fairly certain this has to do with
Asuma as Anko had already told her Kakashi was with Asuma last night. Additionally, the
two are friends, so it makes sense that Kakashi knows some things, though not the whole
story. The way their senior Jōnin captain put away his little book as they approached him
made Kurenai thankful she invited Anko.
Turning to Anko, Kakashi closes his eye genially before voicing, “I’d wondered where you
went last night, Anko.”
“Yeah,” Anko casually hum as she looks at the teashop’s menu on the wall. “Just forgot
something I had to do.”
Aware of what this was all about, Kurenai asks, “what’d you want to talk about, Kakashi?”
“Just thought I’d give you the opportunity to tell me your side of things,” he voices,
confirming to both kunoichi that he’s fishing for confirmation rather than knowing outright.
“Kakashi,” a young voice calls out and they all turn to the sight of Sasuke walking up to
them. Oddly, at the same time, the three Jōnin sense a shift in the air; the little hairs on their
skin vibrating at the slightest disturbance in the air pressure due to chakra interference. To
Kurenai, it felt as if a sort of gentle veil was all around them, concealing a sinister chakra… a
lot of chakra. “I just met Naruto’s clone,” Sasuke continues before asking, “is it true?”
“Mah, why don’t we go talk about that,” Kakashi answers his student as they all sense the
large body of chakra body-flicker away. With his single eye, Anko and Kurenai understand
his command and shunshin after the two men while Kakashi first leads the young Uchiha
Anko and Kurenai are surprised by how far they have to sprint to catch up to the two men
walking on a sidewalk beside a wide river. Landing ahead of the pair dressed in black, full-
body traveling cloaks with red clouds designed on them and a high collar, cutting them off.
Both men wore wide straw sun-hats and white neck-covers, but the tall one had a large, thick
sword wrapped in white cloth at his back, while the other appears to have black hair. The well
trained Jōnin immediately begin to cross-reference these markers with any known enemy
combatants they can recall, but it isn’t until the ebony-haired suspect raises the edge of his
straw hat, showing them his eyes, that they have any sense of who they’re dealing with.
Both Anko and Kurenai are startled to see blood-red Sharingan eyes staring back at them.
I hope this isn't too much of a cliffhanger ending. I originally wanted to include half the
fight but after some life-delays, I thought it best to cut it here.
I was planning on updating From Ruin but the ideas weren't flowing as fast as TLP. So I
started just jotting TLP ideas down for posterity and next thing I know, a full chapter. I
have a novel that I would write to warm up with(which I just finished). I think I'm going
to write FR like that. Just a couple hundred words a day. I really do apologize.
Yes, I know. The lemon was very short for my taste, too. I just had too much story to
tell. Speaking of, I haven't forgotten about Mei. I only wanted to introduce her before.
She'll be coming around fairly soon I think.
You know, part of the delay for this chap wasn't just publishing my 2nd novel, but I had
written 8K of this chapter before I realized it wasn't good enough and started over. It
was just too much talking. I love dialogue but my scenes were just people in a room
with no urgency, nothing else going on. It was flat; no bueno. I was also stuck on how to
punish Naruto for keeping the invasion to himself. I didn't want to just keep him as a
genin because he helped out so much, but just promoting seemed insufficient. The
demotion will appear in his record which is a good compromise. I'm glad I started over
though. This is much better I think.
Yay! Naru-nii is back! I'll try to use him more in the future.
The knowledge of Naruto and Kurenai wrecked Sakura. She half doesn't even believe it.
She's in limbo right now until it's confirmed... which will be fun to write.
Thank you again my amazing fans! And as always, please let me know your thoughts.
Reading them helps my focus and drive to bring the best updates I can possibly write.
Really I can't thank you guys enough and I hope I can continue entertaining you ❤
Courage will find a way through paths where sharks fear to prey.
Chapter Notes
This won't be long since I have to go to work soon. This chapter takes place
immediately after the last one.
In the deep dark tunnels of their underground base, a detached Kabuto follows his leader
toward the surface as he asks, “are you certain she’d be able to counteract your poison in
Kabuto knows the questions he needs to ask, the faces he needs to make, the interest he needs
to show, but with every passing day he feels less and less, and the trend worries him, for
Orochimaru doesn’t allow anyone in his service to lessen in any way. Staring at Orochimaru’s
back, Kabuto can’t help but think how thin the man is, yet he follows his leader up the final
step of their base under the heavy vegetation of the dense forest.
As Kabuto activates the entrance’s traps, Orochimaru slowly asserts, “never allow waiting to
become a habit, Kabuto,” making his hands pause. “Moreover,” Orochimaru adds. “There’s
some satisfaction to be had in killing one of Sensei’s precious students before his end. The
wind of change is the only true tyrant of this world and I will outlive it.”
“I think it’s about time we send those four to the leaf,” the snake leader responds, to which
Kabuto listlessly nods. “Sasuke should be ready.”
Suddenly feeling the sun’s heat beat on her more angrily, Kurenai voices what’s on Anko’s
mind as well, “Uchiha Itachi.”
Ignoring any irrelevant information, Kurenai won’t focus on why Itachi has returned, and
instead, both Anko and Kurenai are recalling his abilities and combat prowess; graduated
everything early, became a Chūnin without a team, became Anbu captain at thirteen, and of
course, murdered nearly every member of the formidable Uchiha clan in a single night. He’s
one of the most capable shinobi Konoha has ever produced, and in a situation like this, Anko
and Kurenai have to be perfect if they want to arrest the dangerous Sharingan user without
The sharp-eyed Itachi tosses his straw-hat to the side and unclasps his high collar, revealing
his strikingly composed, yet menacing, countenance, calmly staring at them as the larger man
also removes his circular straw-hat. From the pale blue-skinned man’s hitai-ate and the sketch
in their bingo book, both Kurenai and Anko can guess who the tall man is; a notorious
missing-nin from Hidden Mist on every nation’s wanted list, only adding to their
predicament. Kurenai will count delaying these formidable shinobi until reinforcements
arrive as a success.
“I should introduce myself,” the taller, drab-skinned man starts. His sharp teeth bare down
into a grin as he speaks, “Hoshigaki Kisame. I hope we get along.”
“You’ve got a lot of nerve coming back here,” Kurenai tells Itachi, subtly informing Anko
that delaying them via conversation is their best tactic.
“Yūhi Kurenai, Mitarashi Anko,” Itachi peacefully begins. “I have no intention of killing
you. Nevertheless, if you do not step aside, you will die.”
“That’s rich coming from you,” Anko retorts. “Were the women and children you slaughtered
in their homes and beds ‘in your way’ too?”
Kisame lazily points out, “they’re trying to stall,” before effortlessly smashing the tip of his
wrapped long-sword several inches into the concrete sidewalk, creating a small plum of dust.
“Itachi, this ain’t a reunion. Let’s kill em and go.”
Before the pair of missing-nin react, Anko summons snakes to release from her overcoat as
Kurenai swirls away from view like evaporating mist. Feeling her genjutsu ensnare Itachi and
Kisame, Kurenai materializes out of a tree to stab them with kunai in her hand, ready to stab
Itachi in the neck, but from that second to the very next, she sees his red eyes before finding
herself in her own snare and bound by her tree. Kurenai bites her lower lip hard enough to
draw blood, breaking out of the reverse genjutsu just in time to avoid Itachi’s kunai from
slashing her neck open
Swiping at Anko’s multitude of poisonous snakes, Kisame appears bored. After Kurenai is
kicked far out into the river, Anko uses smoke bombs to distract Kisame, but he swipes at her
head with his large sword, and in ducking the strong stroke of his blade, Anko summons
several dozens of snakes to attack Kisame so she can get to her comrade.
Kurenai is stabilizing herself on the river when she hears behind her, “that’s what’s expected
from you, Kurenai.” She barely turns to the Uchiha casually standing behind her as he
continues. “But-” Only to be interrupted by a familiar voice.
Anko’s snakes did nothing to Kisame as he voices, “Suiton: Suikōdan no Jutsu,” and from the
wide river beside them, a fast swirling spear of water in the shape of a shark whirls out like a
rapid tornado. With Itachi behind Kurenai, she can’t stop Kisame’s attack on her best friend,
however, she trusts Kakashi’s capabilities completely. Mirroring the thin, tree-cutting tornado
of water, a second Kakashi’s Water Shark Bomb collides head-first into the Kisame’s,
violently shattering apart with the strength of a fifty-foot wave hitting rocks.
Kisame smiles as a clone of Kakashi walks beside Anko and identifies, “copy Ninja Hatake
Kakashi. I heard you and Zabuza had it out a few months back; even lost his sword.” Kakashi
simply hums, bringing a smirk to Kisame’s bluish face before confessing, “now here’s
someone who might actually make this worth it.”
Regardless of the kunai the real Kakashi has near Itachi’s neck, the Uchiha prodigy orders,
“stop, Kisame.” The large bluish-skinned man hums curiously to which Itachi explains, “your
method of combat isn’t efficient here. If you go at it with that man, it won’t end without cost.
And if we spend too much time here, more shinobi will arrive.”
Though still under threat, Kurenai is curious to hear Kakashi ask, “what are you after,
Itachi?” The clone of Kakashi beside Anko dispels as the real Jōnin asks, “or should I say
In a dozen nanoseconds, Kurenai felt an elevation of chakra with combined alertness, Itachi
slipping out four shuriken between the fingers of his right hand, and Kakashi leaping back as
four drills made of river-water try to skewer the elite Jōnin. Before the second ends, Kakashi
erects a barrier made of water, spraying out a blinding mist of water as liquid spears clash
against a liquid shield.
Kurenai might find Kakashi’s ability to teach lacking, but as a combat specialist, his talent is
far beyond herself or Anko. She isn’t even surprised when Itachi compliments his analytical
skill as, “great,” only for a clone of Itachi to stab Kakashi in the back. Kurenai couldn’t even
register concern before Kakashi phases into the water clone he is, then splashes to the river
they’re standing on. The kunai, however, flows toward Kurenai just underneath the water’s
Voicing, “nice,” Kurenai takes the sharp weapon from Kakashi and is close enough to Itachi
to inflict a decent amount of damage, however, mid lunge, Kakashi bursts through the river
surface, his shoulder hitting her gut as he wraps an arm around her to leap away. She barely
understood when he yelled, “wait, Kurenai!” just before the Itachi nearest them explodes
powerfully, rapidly heating and expanding the air around them to a blunt, concussive
shockwave that rocks their skull and soft organs.
“Kurenai! Kakashi!” Anko yells before jumping into the wave of heated water and misty air.
With the force of the blast all but evaporated, water rains down on Anko, Kurenai, and a
heavily breathing Kakashi. Kurenai could detect the scent of burned clothing coming from
her Jōnin captain’s back, and despite her ringing headache, she knows he took the worst of
the force for her. With the rain and mist gone, Itachi is visible again, but his stoic presence
seems far more imposing.
“Stay on your toes,” Kakashi orders them. “This guy made ANBU Black Ops chief at
“No,” Kakashi returns. “You don’t. We’ve barely seen what he can do.”
“For a person not born an Uchiha,” Itachi voices, eying Kakashi’s guarded figure. “You
utilize the Sharingan well. But without the body to match, you lack the physical
requirements, and that isn’t something you can copy, Kakashi.” The way Itachi closes his
eyes as he asks, “do you know why the Uchiha clan is so feared?” It felt ominous to Kurenai
as the calm shinobi adds, “I’ll show you what the Sharingan is capable of when it’s wielded
by a true heir of the bloodline.”
Tensing, Kakashi uncharacteristically yells, “close your eyes!” Though the kunoichi couldn’t
help but wonder about their defensive capability against strong shinobi like Itachi and
Kisame without their sight, Anko and Kurenai were both certain this was best for their
survival and followed his command. “Listen up, whatever happens, don’t look into his eyes.
If you meet his gaze, you’re finished.”
“Your abilities always impress,” Itachi voices. “They might even be enough to resist the
Mangekyo Sharingan. But your eye can’t defend against my Tsukuyomi.”
Kurenai hears a faint grunt from Kakashi and a second later, he suddenly drops to one knee
and breathing raggedly. Unable to see anything but darkness, Kurenai senses Kakashi’s
struggle to keep above the river’s surface and wonders about his distorted chakra flow.
“Kakashi,” Anko calls with closed eyes. “Talk to us. Are you alright?”
“Only someone with a blood-limit as strong as the Sharingan can possibly defeat me,”
Itachi’s voice pierces through their ears.
“Mnn,” Kisame hums, humorously enjoying the horribly overcome Konoha shinobi. “After
receiving that, it’s impressive he’s still conscious.”
Gasping loudly, Kakashi laboriously remarks, “you… you’re… after… Naruto… and… there
are… more of you… searching… for Jinchūriki… A group called… Akatsuki.”
Without shock or awe, Itachi immediately orders, “Kisame, I’ll take Kakashi. You erase the
other two.”
Kurenai can hear the small splash of water under Kisame’s feet as the large force sprints
forward without hesitation. Her ears and chakra can sense the taller man moving on them, but
the mode of attack is hazy and they had less than a second to confidently respond. Lowering
her stance as she hears the strain of his sword being wound back, Kurenai suddenly hears,
“Konoha Daisenpū!”
Kisame is kicked back with the strong leg in all of Konoha before Might Guy land on the
rushing river, splashing with swirling water reaching his height.
Kisame is happily taken by the speed the man caught him in and the force of the kick as he
asks, “and who do we have here?”
With his bobbed cut and tight green onesie, he strikes a pose and proudly answers back, “the
Leaf village’s fiercest beast of battle, Might Guy!”
Anko is interrupted when Guy explains, “I know it’ll be difficult, but predict his movements
by focusing on his feet. As long as you don’t look directly into his eyes, you’ll be fine.”
Kurenai truly wonders if she can open her eyes when Kakashi falls forward and begins
sinking into the river. To her immense shock, Guy turns his back on the enemy to lift the
sinking Kakashi out of the water. Hearing Kisame voice to his Uchiha partner, “we can’t
leave without Kakashi,” Guy passes the unconscious Kakashi to Anko and orders her to get
him to safety.
“I know,” Itachi replies, ordering, “kill him quick,” before Kisame immediately rushes Guy,
lowering Samehada to slice upward. As Guy and Kisame meet head-on in a booming sound
of fist meeting fist, Itachi is rushing toward them. Unable to look past his ankles, Kurenai’s
ears pick up a metallic edge cutting through the air and only barely manages to track and
deflect the kunai to her heart. A flash of blinding white followed by stars haze her vision
when she’s suddenly kicked in the face. Absent thought, Kurenai feels her training deep in
her bones and her muscles take over and move with that purpose.
Limberly rolling back with the momentum of the kick, Kurenai ignores the sting of pain to
recover her footing and keep some distance between herself and her enemy. Periodically
calling, ‘Kai,’ in her mind to disrupt her chakra flow and cancel any genjutsu that may be on
her. Only then does she notice that the person who kicked her was Anko, not Itachi, and
whilst holding Kakashi around his waist with her left arm, her sister has yet to repel the
genjutsu on her. Kurenai isn’t even sure when he put them under genjutsu as she begins
defending herself from Anko’s iron snakes and fire-coated shuriken.
While dodging each serpent strike and deflecting repeated shuriken, Kurenai manages to
sneak in close to cancel the illusion only to notice Anko’s normally pupil-less brown eyes
have the Sharingan in them. In that speck of time, Kurenai knew shutting her eyes and biting
her lip to disrupt her chakra flow would leave her open for what could be a critical strike, but
she also knew—instinctively—that it was her only hope of survival. Canceling the chakra
completely to her feet before the rest of her body, Kurenai feels the sharpened edge of metal
brutally bite into her left trapezius muscle as her body sinks into the river’s water. The cold
water immediately amplifies the heat of the hemorrhaging wound biting from the left
shoulder up her neck and jaw.
Reallocating the sensory receptors of the gnawing pain, Kurenai swims up to the surface in
time to witness Itachi stab Anko in the back. Kurenai felt the air kick out of her lungs and
time slow to a standstill as dark blood escapes out the back of Anko’s brown coat. Unable to
even speak, Kurenai kicks high to desperately run out of the running water, praying to Kami
the wound wasn’t fatal or crippling. Running toward her falling friend, Kurenai’s hands flips
through a series of seals before she disappears in swirling flower petals.
Itachi seems to counter her genjutsu and throw Anko’s body into the tornado of petals before
a blur of hand seals and a call of, “Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu.”
Kurenai catches Anko as a ten-foot-tall ball of flames rockets toward them and her mind
instinctively knows the options despite a fraction of a second of thought. ‘Earth-style barrier
on water won’t work. My water style won’t stop or deflect that degree of torrent fire. Death is
certain if I don’t leave Anko,’ yet Kurenai only clutches her friend tighter, trying to use her
chakra as best she can to dive deep enough in the water to avoid. In a second filled with
nothing but fire, the river water boils, steams, and evaporates, and in the painful heat,
whereupon her eyes feel like sand, her vision filled with flaming red, like a man burning.
Only, the white-hot death she was expecting didn’t come.
The great cataract of steel-melting fire is spread in all directions, like the tail of a peacock,
with Naruto cloaked in a densely red chakra at the center, stopping the flame with a large red
hand. For nearly ten full seconds, the intense heat suffocates the air around them so Kurenai
couldn’t even breathe until finally, Itachi halts his flame power. The atmosphere around them
seemed darker than the day, steam and heat emanating from the cooling river water, and three
red chakra tails were curling and flowing lethargically from Naruto’s lower back.
Without even turning to her, a calmly irate Naruto sternly informs Kurenai, “I’ve been
looking for you all day.”
After Boss Naruto created a team of clones to inform Kurenai, Ino, Sakura, Karin, Kakashi,
Iruka, and Haku that he’ll be out of the village for a couple of days, Clone Naruto has been
searching for his mark: Kurenai. Except for his clone brother who’s supposed to talk to
Sakura and Ino, all the other clones have already disappeared. He was debating leaving a note
for her at her house when he hears the loud clap of a distant shock wave coming from Kaizen
river. Curious enough to check it out, Clone Naruto lands on the top of a tree near the
streaming body of water and is surprised to see Rock Lee’s sensei fiercely fighting a big guy
swinging a long sword.
The bluish man only stood out to Naruto because he wore a black traveling cloak with red
clouds on them, reminding him of, “Akatsuki,” he gasps. Whipping his head left and right, he
wondered if he had enough time to get into sage mode when he noticed the very familiar
ebony hair of a woman a dozen yards farther down the river being stabbed near her neck. His
clone heart stopped. Kurenai getting stabbed stopped the earth as far as he’s concerned. She
disappeared under the water, blood mixing with the flowing river, and for the briefest of
moments, Naruto believed with his whole being she was dead. As if stricken, the panic in
him was a blaring alarm Kurama couldn’t ignore.
In the dark and dank seal, Kurama’s growly voice orders him to, ‘take it.’ Though his tone is
as rough and rude as ever, he waits on a frozen Naruto, still staring. ‘She’s going to die if you
don’t get down there,’ Kurama groans. ‘Take my chakra… save our mate.’
Nodding, Naruto didn’t need to specify how many tails. He wanted it all but he couldn’t wait.
Feeling the tremendous power coursing from his core through his chakra network and coat
his muscles and tendons with boundless energy, Naruto shunshin to the thick mast of the tree
before kicking against the wood hard enough to compress the molecules and leave fire tracks
In the split second it takes him to land in front of the torrent of a grand fireball, he had four
tails and a large red chakra hands forbidding death from taking Kurenai. Eventually, the fire
ceases, leaving steam, ominous darkness, and an irate Naruto glaring into Sharingan eyes as
he verbalizes, “I’ve been looking for you all day.”
Across from Naruto, Itachi’s red eyes stare calmly into Naruto’s red eyes, and Naruto’s
surprised by how clear his mind is. He can feel more power than he’s ever felt before, but the
anger and hatred are diminished a great deal. It was as if Kurama and Naruto both wanted the
same thing; to never let Kurenai die.
Smelling the blood hemorrhaging from Kurenai’s wound, Naruto asks without looking, “…
you alright?”
“I’ll live,” Kurenai huffs, checking Anko’s pulse and is relieved to feel a pulse.
Focusing on the Uchiha in front of him, Naruto asserts, “you’re Sasuke’s brother, Itachi.”
“I am,” Itachi slowly answers. “And you’re Uzumaki Naruto.” Tilting his head, as if sensing
an incoming force, Itachi lifts Kakashi out of the water and comfortably sets him on his
shoulder. “For Kakashi’s sake, I’m going to need you to come with us, Naruto.” Leaping out
of the river, Itachi calls for his partner as he lands on the railing of the pathway then takes off,
sprinting away at full speed. At the same time, Naruto quickly creates a clone to take care of
Kurenai and Anko before he chases after Itachi.
The village is whirling by as the shinobi swiftly cut the wind running on the street, then
branch to branch and finally over rooftop. Naruto can’t help but be impressed by Itachi’s
speed from building to building whilst carrying Kakashi on his shoulder, but as they leap to
rooftops, four-tailed Naruto gradually narrows the gap. He’s three body-lengths away and
ready to kick off faster when his body vibrates in blaring warning and he instinctively dodges
Kisame’s powerful sword swipe.
In the process of avoiding the massive sword, he suddenly feels most of his and Kurama’s
chakra disappear from within him, forcing him to lose most of his red chakra shroud and
bestial appearance. Though he still had a shroud, he lost all four of his tails and is shocked by
the sudden loss in strength as Kisame moves beside Itachi. They both then truly speed away.
Naruto keeps his pace up as best he can while drawing more of Kurama’s chakra to boost his
speed. As Naruto tries to catch up, other Chūnin or Jōnin join the chase and quickly fail at
stopping them. More and more Konoha shinobi try to apprehend them but with Kisame’s
chakra-sucking Samehada and Itachi’s awareness-warping Sharingan, it’s nearly impossible.
As the bodies of his fellow ninjas drop off with wounds or disorientation, Naruto feels a
greater urge to stop them before they kill anyone.
Naruto is joined by Guy-sensei and the exuberant man quickly explains, “let them slow them
“They know that,” Guy sternly returns. “But they are capable of slowing them down without
suffering serious injuries so other teams ahead can set up traps.”
Wondering what kind of traps could stop Itachi and Kisame, Naruto admits, “traps aren’t
going to work against them.”
As if accepting that as the likely reality, Guy answers, “we have to believe in our teams,
With that, the pair focus on keeping pace while Konoha shinobi try to slow Akatsuki down.
Itachi and Kisame scale the wall of Konoha’s border before leaping over it and to the forest
beyond. Naruto and Guy follow them over the large barrier and into the wide woodlands. In
the two hours that Naruto and Guy give constant chase, Guy explains how proficient Itachi’s
Sharingan is, which is why they’ve avoided nearly all of the traps.
“Listen carefully,” Guy voices as the last Konoha shinobi team breaks off. “It won’t be long
now before we catch up. While it pains me to risk your youthful future, under no
circumstances must we allow them to take Kakashi, but nor can I fend off enemies like this
and recover Kakashi. I will engage both Itachi and Kisame, and when you see an opening,
grab Kakashi and run.” Leaping from tall forest branch to branch, Naruto tries to protest
when the eccentric Jōnin cuts him off. “Don’t look back and don’t worry about me. As
Konoha’s Sublime Beast, I was born for this!”
“Ne, Guy-sensei,” Naruto calls as they close the distance with Akatsuki. “I think we can take
them on together-”
“That’s noble of you to say,” Guy asserts as he flexes his fingers and prepares for the battle
ahead. “Don’t worry. I will make sure you can escape with Kakashi; whatever it takes.”
Turning his head to look at Naruto, Guy gently asks, “when next you see Lee-kun… if you
can meet with him every once in a while, I think that would be nice.”
“Guy-sensei! I’m just a clone,” Naruto declares. “You should be the one to take Kakashi-
sensei when you get a chance.” Feeling less than a couple of minutes from their targets,
Naruto calls, “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu,” for a single clone to pop into existence and drop to
the forest floor.
“We’re almost on them,” Naruto interjects, wondering which plan the clone he made will
decide to do. Either way, he’ll be ready for him.
Guy then warns Naruto, “at the most, we won’t see any backup for twenty to thirty minutes.”
Naruto simply nods and the Konoha shinobi land in a small clearing surrounded by tall
redwoods and sequoias. The pair of Akatsuki are a dozen yards away with Kakashi’s
unconscious form on the grassy floor beside Itachi. Guy ignores the Sharingan eyes and
Naruto relies on Kurama to dispel any genjutsu placed on him.
“Finally,” Kisame voices. “It’s infuriating being forced to run from weaklings. You ask too
much of me Itachi.”
Itachi hums to his partner as Guy demands, “if you’re after Kakashi’s Sharingan, did you
need to take him? Wouldn’t it have been easier to simply take the eye?”
Naruto hadn’t thought of why they would be interested in Kakashi but thinking of the prank
they could pull on them, Naruto slaps his forehead as he calls out, “ah! They’re after me, not
Kakashi-sensei. They knew I’d follow if they took them.”
Flickering his gaze on Naruto a moment, Guy then asks the enemy, “could it be you were
after Naruto-kun this entire time?”
“While we plan on interrogating Kakashi-senpai,” Itachi begins to muse. “You are correct.
Naruto-kun is indeed our primary objective.”
Not expecting Guy’s tactical duplicity, he acts concerned as he yells to the young blond,
“Naruto, I’ll hold them off while you run!”
Taking a step forward, the chakra covered Naruto calls out to Itachi, “I know for a fact you’re
one of the toughest ninjas ever. It’s why I’ve been training like crazy for the past seven
months… for this moment.”
However, Kisame groans and gripes, “enough talk,” taking steps forward with his hungry
sword comfortably on his shoulder. “Let’s kill the weird one and cut the brat’s legs off. It’ll
be easier to carry him that way.”
With Kakashi’s life at stake on the soft forest floor, silence descends on the clearing for
several tense moments before Naruto’s hand reaches behind him before punching his fist
forward, sending a large red shroud of chakra at Kisame. The bluish-skinned man expectedly
made it disappear with his chakra consuming sword, leaving behind the bundle of exploding
tags in the air, sizzling before exploding violently.
Itachi and Kisame are separated when they leap away with the concussive shock wave and
Naruto yells to Guy, “I’ve got Itachi,” before leaping after the Uchiha.
While Kisame takes advantage of Guy’s momentary distraction, Naruto follows Itachi
through the trees before spotting him in a clearing waiting patiently for him. Thinking of
Naru-nii’s strategy, Naruto reminds Kurama, ‘remember to feed your chakra into mine to
cancel out his genjutsu.’
‘He’s tried four times already,’ Kurama replies. ‘I doubt he’ll use genjutsu to overtake you.’
“It appears you’ve gained some mastery over your Tailed Beast,” Itachi acknowledges.
With everything he knows of the future, Naruto replies, “we have to talk.”
“We will,” the raven-haired shinobi voices as he confidently advances. “Once I’ve captured
“I know you killed your clan to stop them from rebelling,” Naruto loudly interjects, and
Itachi’s eyes narrow as he stops walking. He’s as still as a statue as Naruto continues calling
out, “I know you didn’t even hate your family, but you went that far just to keep the peace.
And if we don’t talk right now, I’m going to tell Sasuke everyth-”
Itachi blitz’s Naruto, clearing the distance as he rockets six shuriken, two directly at Naruto,
two wider so the final two can ricochet off and hit Naruto from the side. Naruto’s red chakra
tail swipes the shuriken to the side as Itachi’s speed brings him within inches of Naruto,
rapid-firing crisp punches to the stomach, solar plexus, and chest before a wincing Naruto
can even begin dodging and blocking the strike to his neck and jaw.
When Naruto’s single tail swipes at Itachi’s feet, the proficient shinobi back-flips away
before calmly relaying, “you shouldn’t speak so freely.”
“That you can see,” Itachi interjects. He pauses as if he wants to say more, but instead
informs, “if you truly wish to talk, defeating me is the only way.”
With no words left to be shared, Itachi and Naruto rush each other. It’s fairly evident to
Naruto that Itachi is not only fast enough to keep up, but skilled enough to predict his
chakra’s random attacks as well. They’re a blur of millisecond punches, kicks, slips, blocks,
and counters with Itachi serving more than he receives. And worse, it doesn’t even seem as if
Itachi is struggling. No matter what Naruto did, Itachi could evade or counter and his face
isn’t unlike Samui’s, empty of intent.
It’s like when he’d spar against Sasuke or Hinata. Their taijutsu style is like they’re playing
chess and he’s playing checkers. Like them, Itachi’s swift moves were so clean, practiced,
and filled with feints. Naruto was more of a brawler, but after Kurenai entered his life and
beat into him to think more, he slowly began to realize often he fell for traps; how much there
is to learn. He studied more with his eyes than he had before, and like pranks, he knows
there’s a story hidden even when fists are talking, and it’s clear Itachi is a master.
Itachi is a master, but Naruto doesn’t give up. He’s struck in the face with palms or kneed in
the stomach but he only invigorates him to reach for more—more strength, speed, insight—to
beat the obstacle in his way. Little by little, Naruto was understanding that image of Itachi,
learning a frame of his self, allowing him to see timing. Naruto was still being pummeled, but
at least he was starting to realize what was a feint and what was a strike.
Catching his elbow meant for his nose, the pause of surprise Itachi noted allowed Naruto
enough time to plant his chakra mark and grip him before his chakra tail tries to swipe at his
head from behind. Itachi ducks his head forward before Naruto knees him in the face. Though
Itachi catches the knee with his hand, the impact travels through. Naruto doesn’t let up. He
attacks ferociously, following a punch with a series of punches and kicks like a spinning top.
Blurringly fast, Itachi can dodge three before he’s hit with the fourth and sent flying.
It’s the first clean hit Naruto landed and he’s about to pour on the offense when he barely
hears a whooshing and dodges a large blunt object from taking his head clean off. Though he
dodged the large sword, Naruto feels incredibly drained. As Kisame lands a couple dozen
yards ahead, near enough to Itachi, not only is his tail gone but so is his chakra shroud. As
Itachi slowly gets to his feet, Naruto’s body feels much heavier, he’s exhausted, sweating, and
After ciphering most of Naruto’s chakra, Kisame smiles smugly while setting his larger
sword comfortably on his shoulder as he bemoans, “that fucking weirdo took off with
Kakashi, but we still got what we came for.” As Itachi calmly walks beside his partner, the
taller man asks a heaving Naruto, “how’s it feel to be abandoned by your comrade?”
“Hehe,” Naruto heaves, happy that at least Guy got Kakashi back. “I’m never alone-” Naruto
blinks into flat surprise to suddenly see himself standing next to Itachi with a large Rasengan
in hand.
It was so instantaneous, Itachi or Kisame don’t notice until the clone voices, “ain’t that the
truth,” right before he slams an easily dispersible Rasengan right into Itachi’s side. The clone
wasn’t trying to kill him, but Naru-nii warned him, ‘you can’t hold back against someone as
strong as Itachi,’ and Naruto didn’t; at least not until the Rasengan connected a second after
he appeared next to Itachi. When Naruto felt the resistance from contact, he allowed the
spinning sphere of chakra to easily unravel, and like attaching a rocket to the Uchiha, Itachi
flew eighty feet like he was a propeller shot out of a canon, rotating from his abdomen with
his limbs flailing from the centrifugal force until he hit the soft grass, rolling another twenty
feet before finally sliding to a stop.
One clone drained of Kurama’s chakra and the other losing the last bit of Sage chakra, the
Narutos were smiling through huffing exhaustion. After the two seconds it takes for Kisame
to realize a clone somehow appeared beside them and blasted his partner a hundred feet away
passes, he’s already swiping his monstrous sword across the clone’s chest, forcibly dispersing
him from existence. Not only does Boss Naruto receive the memories of the dispelled clone,
struggling traveling through the disorienting and suffocating tunnel of warped reality, but so
do the clones.
They’re all fed memories of the clone entering sage mode and deciding on attempting
Hiraishin. Activating the Fūin-Ninjutsu, the entire environment freezes before warping like a
carnival mirror completely around him. In the cylinder of stretched out forest scenery, he
couldn’t move a muscle but for the chakra he expels from his hands and feet. The memories
tell of a nearly hour-long odyssey trying to push his way through the surreal tunnel toward
the marker at the end, nearly dying several times when he’d get too close to the wall. Making
it to the other end nearly drained him of all his chakra, but when he did manage, the second
before the jutsu’s end, when the forest expanded back to its normal reality, he could see a
frozen Itachi, Kisame, and himself in the distance. He felt like he could do anything in that
frozen time, and formed a Rasengan with the last bit of his strength.
Crouched, heaving, and dead-tired in front of a tall and irate Kisame, Clone Naruto receives a
cache of quick memories from Boss Naruto saying, ‘try to bring Itachi where I am and I’ll set
up a room to talk,’ and it made him chuckle and cough.
While staring at the much larger and angry Kisame menacingly approach him, all Clone
Naruto can think is, ‘hehe, stop asking for the impossible.’ It’s also a message for the two
clones still in Konoha to talk to Hinata about tenketsu training as quickly as possible.
Feeling drained of much chakra while Kisame closes in, Naruto couldn’t think of how to nab
Itachi and escape without Kisame interfering. He was ready to pop in a cloud of smoke at any
moment, but instead stands straighter, drawing out his chakra blade and ready to brawl it out.
“I don’t know how you managed to pull one over on him,” Kisame growls. “But it won’t
work on me.”
Kisame brings down the far-reaching and deadly Samehada to meet Naruto’s knuckle blade,
and though he was expecting to dispel, an ear-piercing, bitingly cold pressure jets overhead,
striking Kisame square in the chest. Smaller laser-straight jets of water spread out in all
directions depending upon the ricochet off his body as he’s forcefully shoved destructively
through large chunks of hard earth. As Naruto is blasted back from the shock wave alone, the
amount of force in the thin stream of highly pressured water pushes the missing-nin even
farther than Itachi.
With enough water to fill a small lake slowly seeping into the earth around Naruto, he
wonders about the Suton attack moments before a navy-blue clad woman with long auburn
hair lands into the ankle-deep water right beside him.
“Naruto-dono,” Mei’s voice sweetly greets him. “It’s been too long.” As he gets up off the
ankle-deep flooded forest floor, she adds, “I hope you’ve not been avoiding me.”
Dead on his feet, Naruto half-chuckles, “as if,” while breathing heavily, then adding, “that’s
not going to… stop him.”
“Of course not,” Mei agrees, returning her attention on the distant threat. “Hoshigaki Kisame
is one of the strongest shinobi out of the Mist, on my level or even stronger depending on
how we fight. Speaking of which,” she adds before whirling through a series of hand-seals
then raising one hand above her head. It takes no more than seven seconds for a thick mist to
rise from the flooded forest floor and expand a mile in every direction.
With everything a misty white and gray, even Mei’s voice seems to come from nowhere
specific as she remarks, “I’d love to hear how you ended up squaring off against another of
the Seven Swordsman.”
Barely seeing her silhouette he warily answers, “he works for a group… called Akatsuki.
They’re trying to… capture me.”
“I’ve heard of them,” she relays. “A powerful group of unsavory S-Rank missing-nin for
hire. Why are they after you?”
Needing more energy if he’s ever going to snatch Itachi, Naruto asks Mei, “think you can…
distract him… for three minutes?”
“…Uchiha Itachi,” she repeats mostly for herself before asking, “who’s this Boss of yours?”
Swiveling her head so the silhouette of her hair whirls, she repeats, “a clone? Fighting
Kisame?” before lightly laughing. “You really are a surprising ninja,” she adds mirthfully
before leaping away to battle her countryman.
Naruto sits cross-legged in the thick mist and despite the vibrations he feels in the ground, the
far off cracking of tree bark, and slicing of the air either by water or sword, Naruto remains
focused on gather natural energy. What made it take longer than usual was Kurama.
‘You should just use my chakra,’ the large orange fox growls from behind the gate.
‘You know I can’t,’ a seated Naruto voices on the other side of the gate in the large room. ‘Not
with Kisame’s sword sucking out a ton of your chakra. He can take three tails in one swipe!’
‘You need to fight smarter,’ Kurama retorts, standing as he becomes more irritated. ‘Take
more of my chakra.’
Standing himself, Naruto whirls around and asks his furry friend, ‘why can’t you just combine
your chakra with my sage chakra-’
‘We don’t need that frog grease,’ Kurama interrupts, baring a long jaw of teeth.
‘They’re toads and it’s not toad grease,’ Naruto defends. ‘And it’s natural energy. I thought
you like nature.’
Kurama simply yells back, ‘I’m more than enough to handle anything! You just need to rip
this wretched seal off!’
‘Calm down,’ Naruto returns. ‘Talk to the Boss about the seal, not me. Besides, in this mist, I
need the sensing boost.’
‘Honestly, you annoy me to no end,’ Kurama growls. Settling with his back to the golden
gate, he yells, ‘Fine! Use that toad piss! See if I ever help you again!’
Sighing, Naruto tells him, ‘the Boss is going to have a serious talk with you,’ before sitting
back down.
It takes a minute longer than he wanted but Naruto is finally able to enter sage mode, and
even in the dense vision-impairing mist, he can sense precisely where Itachi, Kisame, and
Mei are. He could tell she wasn’t engaging Kisame directly and something about the mist
Mei used felt different. Not only does it feel heavy, but it burns to keep his eyes open and the
sulfur smell is incredibly disorienting. Despite the sensory handicap, a chakra-covered
Kisame was barreling through whole trees, shooting out large Suton attacks, dissecting all the
vegetation in his warpath, and slashing at anything with reckless abandon in pursuit of an
elusive Mei.
As silently as possible, Naruto sloshes through the flooded floor under the cover of the thick
fog. Their Suton attacks only add to the rising water level as he covertly makes his way
toward Itachi’s unconscious body, all the while worried an unconscious Itachi is face-first in
the water. As he can’t see trees, shrubs, or branches a second before it appears, it takes
several minutes to reach the Uchiha, but when he does, he’s relieved the upper-half of his
body landed on bushes, catching his cloak and keeping his nose and mouth above the heavily
flooded floor.
Looking the body over, Naruto is worried about the blood hemorrhaging from his stomach
but can’t do anything about it at the moment. Lowering Itachi’s hitai-ate over his eyes for
precaution, Naruto ties his hands up before lifting him on his shoulder and heading toward
the Boss’s direction.
Walking over water through thick fog, Naruto is suddenly elevated along with the water, as if
all the water in the area is being pulled toward Kisame’s position. Patches of the fog are
swallowed up by the growing globule of water and the forest begins to return to a clearer
view. Naruto holds his breath when he’s engulfed as he and Itachi are taken into the immense
globe of water. The slowly rising body of water is full of grass, leaves, dirt, bugs, and
branches as they move above the treetops. Naruto can nearly see Kisame two stadiums away
staring Mei down.
Kisame turns to Naruto, smiling manically, and the blond realizes he’s not getting away
without a fight. Floating in the water, he was ready to use his Toad-kata to push out of the
floating lake in the sky and back down to the forest below them. He swims away with the
hemorrhaging Itachi on his shoulder, however, the water seems to move farther away from
Naruto the closer Kisame gets to him. Naruto wonders why the floating lake is moving when
both Kisame and Naruto sense a sudden shift in the water.
Naruto and Kisame turn to Mei, with her Ox hand seal to her chest and the number of
bubbles growing exponentially around her. Whatever she’s doing Naruto can feel how much
lighter it makes the water, and like the water growing in radius of Kisame, Mei’s bubbles
grow radially around her, eating up Kisame’s Suton technique. Naruto is able to kick away
with his sage chakra as the water dissipates around him and he’s finally able to breathe.
In seconds, Mei creates a water clone and both of them expel different color mist from their
mouths. As Kisame runs toward Naruto, the fog swallows miles of the forest in less than a
minute, allowing Naruto to evade Kisame’s approach behind trees and mist. With his sage
senses, Naruto accurately navigates away from Kisame, and many minutes later, the real Mei
lands next to him as her clone continues to hinder Kisame. Mei easily leads Naruto out of the
dense fog and into more forest.
Though it isn’t the time, Naruto entertains the sight of a wet and glistening Mei with her
darker red hair clinging to her like her doused darker blue dress longer than he should. When
she smirks at him, Naruto clears his throat and looks away. As they sprint toward the Boss’s
direction, he senses Mei’s clone use an attack that sends Kisame sprinting in the opposite
direction, prompting him to ask, “what’d you do?”
“I mixed a very strong acid into the mist,” she answers from beside him, slowing down as his
sage chakra finally runs out. “Not that it’d stop someone like him for long, but beating him
wasn’t the goal was it?”
Without sage chakra, Naruto needs more effort carrying Itachi, however, feeling a warmer
wetness on his shoulder, Naruto informs Mei, “we need to stop somewhere soon so I can heal
him with one of my tags.”
Turning to the blood streaming down Naruto’s shoulder, Mei nods before leading them to a
nearby stream. As Naruto sets Itachi down, Mei takes out a roll of gauze from her pouch as
she suggests, “let’s patch him up quick or the blood’ll lead Kisame straight to us.”
Mei quickly cleans Itachi’s large abdominal wound while Naruto summons a clone, leaving
him bone tired and ready to pop at any moment. Waiting for his clone to summon some of
Kurama’s chakra to heal Itachi takes longer than expected, leading a curious Mei to ask,
“what are we waiting for?”
Shaking his head in growing frustration, the clone explains, “he doesn’t want to.”
Exhaling in irritation, Naruto grumbles, “that bratty orange furball… Alright. Let the boss…
deal with him.”
When the clone pops, Naruto falls lazily on the sand while Mei bandages Itachi. She asks,
“what’s going on?”
Scoffing softly, he chuckles, “we’re having some… major teamwork problems.” With a sigh,
Naruto sits up and crosses his legs, preparing to draw in natural energy once again. His blue
eyes connecting with her green ones, Naruto asks Mei, “can you take him… and head west…
for five hours? I promise, I’ll catch up.”
“If you don’t, Kisame will,” Mei warns, tying the gauze around Itachi’s stomach tightly.
“And I’ll be honest with you. Handsome or not, I have no allegiance to an Uchiha.”
“I’ll catch up… no matter what,” Naruto huffs before settling in and gathering natural energy
to mix in with his own spirit energy.
Lifting the tightly bound Itachi over her shoulder, Mei voices under her breath, “I’ve heard
that before,” before leaping onto the nearest tree branch heading west.
Of the last two clones in Konoha, one was tasked with talking to Ino, and the other was in the
hospital waiting for any word of Kurenai or Anko’s condition. However, after a clone brother
barely managed to avoid destroying itself pushing through the surreal tunnel of stretched out
oily light and colors, and land a blunt-force Rasengan to Itachi’s stomach, Bossman Naruto
messaged them to talk with Hinata right away. They both knew that fast training was needed
more than waiting for Kurenai or Ino, so after leaving notes, they immediately rush to the
Hyūga compound. Being of one mind more often than not, they manage to meet in the same
place; the roof of old man Huang’s Eye clinic.
“So how should we do this,” one clone voices as they both scout the compound of a clan born
with the best inherent surveillance system in the village. “Unless you think they’ll just let us
talk with Hinata if we ask nicely.”
“We can’t risk it,” the other Naruto reasons. “A distraction probably gives us a better
Nodding, the other Naruto adds, “we should get in sage mode while we can.”
Sitting on the stone roof cross-legged, both Narutos take nearly three minutes to enter sage
mode before one summons Gama and hops on the back of the large orange toad, and the
other leaps to the street below to begin infiltrating the compound in search of Hinata. With
Naruto stuck firmly on Gama’s back, the elephant-sized amphibian leaps high into the air,
crossing the two-block gap between themselves and the perimeter of the compound. Red coat
flapping int the air, Naruto and Gama land with a heavy thud, cracking a three-foot radius on
the earth below them and shocking nearly all of the Hyūga clan members around them.
Taking in a deep breath, Naruto yells at the top of his enhanced lungs, “I demand to speak
Hyūga Hiashi!” Without giving the shock clansmen time to react, Naruto and Gama leap high
in the air before landing inside their perimeter and repeating the same demand. The kids
would run up to him only to be taken away by their parents as the adults run out to meet
Naruto. Many of the Hyūga try to reason with him, and when they’re unable to, they only call
for more support, drawing attention away from the rear wall as all eyes focus on the chaos
Naruto is creating in the front.
Scaling the wall and sneaking around edifices, Naruto slowly eliminates one chakra signature
after another until he finally finds Hinata’s familiar chakra in the center of the main mansion.
Naruto moves around distracted clansmen and closer to Hinata. He’s looking between the
vent or basement of the mansion when he hears a voice from around the corner.
“Hey… Neji,” Naruto tries to cheerfully say. Even if he’s the only blond in the compound, he
tries to appear like he belongs as he clears his throat and casually says, “it’s good to see
you… Uh, great fight with Hinata! That was pretty epic to watch. You haven’t seen her by
any chance?”
Just as casually, almost humored, Neji asks, “why do you need to see Hinata so badly you’d
cause a distraction and use your sage arts?”
“Chakra control,” Neji interrupts, making Naruto raise his eyebrows. “Emitting a flow of
chakra through all your tenketsus. Secret training that allows a Hyūga to perform our clan’s
secret technique, Hakkeshō Kaiten.”
Caught unawares, Naruto bemoans, “uuuhh… I didn’t know it was secret, and more to the
point, I’m not trying to learn that technique. I just need to be able to push chakra out of my
tenketsus so I can move around-”
“Swim,” Neji interrupts again.
Crossing his arms and leaning against the wall, Neji explains, “Hinata-sama confided in me
your request to help you with your chakra control.” Looking at Naruto he adds, “and as she’s
in no condition to help you train… because of me, I will help you in her stead.”
Nodding, he quickly reminds the blond, “the first stage of chakra control is climbing a tree
without using your hands. The second is walking on water without falling in. The third is
underwater swimming without using your limbs.”
Nodding, Neji elaborates, “as difficult as it is, expelling chakra from our feet or hands comes
much more naturally to any ninja than expelling it from the neck; we have evolution to thank
for that. For shinobi starting their training to expel chakra from all their tenketsus, it’s best to
think of your knees and elbows like your hands and feet, and try to expel chakra from there
while underwater. Once you master knees and elbows it becomes easier trying to expel
chakra from the rest of the leg or arm. Then comes the body, starting with the shoulders, then
hips, abdomen, and lastly, the head, as it’s the hardest tenketsu to feel.”
“Whoa,” Naruto gasps before quickly asking, “can you show me? This is really important.
I’m talking life and death!”
When Neji leads Naruto out of the compound, alerting his distraction he got what he needed,
he explains as they head to the nearest river. Following them, the clone tries to figure out how
many clones it’ll take to learn a level of chakra control well enough to use Hiraishin safely in
minutes. The task at hand is only made harder when both Narutos realize Kurama is suddenly
not cooperating. It left them with no other option but to train under Neji’s supervision with
the chakra they had left before disappearing.
Ignoring Sakura’s periodic staring and Jiraiya’s constant questions as the three continue
sprinting, Naruto is only concerned with the progress of the fight when he suddenly learns
from his clone that Kurama is refusing to cooperate. With the world of grassy fields and
distant trees whirls by him, he recalls from his clone’s memory Kurama’s exact words. ‘You
can die with your precious toads for all I care!’
Coming to a sliding halt, dragging a dirt trail behind him, a fed-up Naruto calls out, “that’s
Though understanding Kurama’s chakra belongs to him, he also knows this has more to do
with selfish arrogance than anything else. Additionally, now isn’t the time to be so
unreasonable. Having Itachi talk to Sasuke is the only way his teammate might abandon his
revenge and change for the better.
Running off the side of the road several yards into a grassy field, Naruto sits cross-legged on
the floor as Jiraiya happily promotes, “oh Kami please tell me we’re resting,” even when
there’s three to four hours of sun left. He adds, “I have so many questions!”
A wide-eyed and blushing Sakura frantically agrees, “same.” Standing on Naruto’s other side
opposite Jiraiya, Sakura confesses, “honestly, I can’t go much longer without some answers. I
mean, we’re talking about the same Kurenai-sensei, right?”
“Not now,” Naruto voices as Jiraiya giggles in delight. As the blond closes his eyes, he
explains, “I’ve got an idiot to knock some sense into.”
In the large, dark, damp cavern, behind the giant golden gate, Kurama is resting on his hind
legs with his back to Naruto. Even when Naruto calls him out, Kurama simply ignores him,
grating at his nerves. Feeling this is beyond a conversation using words, Naruto leaps to the
cage just beside the seal and rips off the seal over the spiral keyhole, catching Kurama’s
‘What are you doing,’ Kurama asks as Naruto lifts his orange and black jacket, showcasing
his own seal. Calling on the Shishu Fūin key ignites a black line traveling down his forearm,
painting a sun in his palm and lighting his fingertips aflame.
Slamming his flame-covered fingertips on the seal of his stomach, he tells the large chakra
beast, ‘isn’t it obvious? You’re either going to trust me or not,’ he calls right before twisting
his wrist and unlocking the large creaky gate.
Landing on his feet, the room suddenly turns white and boundless, but he ignores that and
recalls Naru-nii’s instructions. ‘It’s like Tug of War. Your chakra has to grab hold of his and
pull. Remember, you’re not taking his chakra away, you’re only removing it from his will. I
think that’s when he realized I was still going to be his friend even if his power wasn’t
connected to his anger. I think he realized we didn’t have to be enemies and we could be
friends, cuz I’d never leave him.’
Eying the hill-sized beast before him with his nine tails swaying high behind it, Naruto was
determined to get through to Kurama, even if they have to cross fists to do it. Immediately,
Kurama builds a Beast Bomb over his jaw before swallowing it and belching an energy blast
twice the size of Naruto’s whole body.
Finally feeling Sage chakra enter his network and coat his muscles with crackling energy,
Naruto creates several clones to forcibly move him out of the way and throw him high over
Kurama. From out of his palm, Naruto grows a giant sphere of energy, coming down on the
beast as he yells, ‘Senpo Cho, Odama Rasengan!’
Kurama blocks the grinding attack with his tails before smacking him back. Each of
Kurama’s tails try to impale him and only strike air as the blond dodges them, though
Kurama’s hand crushes him. Still in Sage mode, he didn’t disappear as Kurama asks, ‘do you
really think you can beat me?’
Struggling under the room-sized hand, Naruto responds, ‘I wouldn’t have… removed the
seal… if I didn’t.’ Naruto smiles before he pops out of existence. Kurama couldn’t react
before another Sage Naruto grabs a tail, and with enough strength to casually toss a hotel, he
swings the beast like a ball on a string, slamming him on his back. The offense continues
with an instant Rasenshuriken to Kurama’s chest. As the attack explodes into a spinning ball
shredding at the highly durable chakra beast, Naruto begins pulling at Kurama’s chakra,
separating his immense power from his immense anger.
When Kurama feels what’s happening, though weakened, he attempts to corrupt Naruto with
all the hate he feels; the loneliness, the betrayal, the abandonment, the abuse of being hunted,
and never allowed peace. Naruto feels that dark energy enter him, but it’s quite familiar as he
recalls all the same emotions growing up in Konoha; how he was belittled, ignored, hurt, and
hated. Words he’s said before in the dead of night, cold and alone, ‘why me… What did I do…
I hate them… I’ll get my revenge… I’ll kill them all…’
It’s so gripping, Naruto can’t think of why he’s never killed anyone before. He would be well
within his right to retaliate, to get revenge, or even abandon the village. Kakashi ignoring
him, Jiraiya abandoning him, Ji-chan doing nothing to stop the abuse, Kurenai attacking him
with her fists and stabbing him with a kunai, Ino and Sakura hitting him repeatedly… even
when they use him for their own ends or pleasures, it’s so obvious they hated him throughout.
Naruto is so consumed with rational doubt, he can’t help but give ground to the darkness
within, asking the great void of emptiness, ‘why bother?’
He hadn’t expected to hear a reply. ‘Naruto,’ she said. A thin woman dressed in a green
apron over her white dress with fair-skinned, blue eyes, and long red hair stood before him
with a gentle smile.
Naruto’s mind was so confused, he could barely remember why this woman felt important to
him. She seemed familiar and he spoke under his breath, ‘long… red hair…’
Combing her hair with her fingers, she muses, ‘that’s right. Uh, okay, try to guess who I am-’
Naru-nii had told him, and suddenly Naruto feels so ashamed for forgetting and immediately
hugs her. One of his favorite stories from Naru-nii was when he met their mother. Naruto
loved hearing it so much, Naru-nii repeated it ten times for him. Naruto dreamed of meeting
her, and sobs in their embrace, ‘I’ve always wanted to see you, mom.’
Holding him back just as tightly, and petting his silky blond hair, Kushina smiles as she
gushes, ‘you look a lot like your father.’ Tilting back to see him closely, she adds, ‘but I have
a feeling you take a lot after me.’
Holding both her hands, an ecstatic Naruto bellows, ‘I have so many questions.’
‘Yeah, same. We can take our time and talk,’ she cheerfully returns. Looking off to the side,
as if sensing the Nine-Tails, Kushina suggests, ‘but first, we should take care of the Kyūbi-’
‘Kurama,’ Naruto interrupts with a sniff, wiping his eyes of tears with his forearm.
‘I’m pretty sure it’s a he,’ Naruto casually tells her. ‘But yeah. Actually, I should catch you up
on a lot of stuff.’
‘Uh, okay,’ Kushina slowly accepts. Returning her attention to the Kyūbi outside their realm,
she asserts, ‘just hold that thought.’
Pulling out of Kurama’s negative emotions and hatred with a great, “OOF,” Naruto feels
sudden and sweet extensions shooting out of his body, not unlike his tails when he’s in his
Kyūbi mode. Chains with arrowheads shoot out with the force of a cannonball, causing
repeated and loud clinking noise as the series of chains wrap around all of Kurama’s limbs
and tails before anchoring deep into the ground.
‘These chakra chains,’ Kurama remarks. As he struggles to free himself, he yells, ‘Kushina!’
Seated across from his mother, Naruto is smiling broadly as he voices, ‘I know tou-chan
included your chakra in the sealing ceremony, and man, my mom is really pretty, just like
Naru-nii said.’
Smiling at the compliment, she’s also confused by the rest of what he said, asking. ‘uh, how
do you know that and who is Naru-nii?’
‘Um, well, I know a lot because a version of me from the future told me,’ Naruto bluntly
confesses. ‘Like, I know how you and tou-chan met, how he’s the first man to compliment
your hair, your nickname in the Academy, why you were brought to Konoha, how you were
almost kidnapped, and how tou-chan saved you. It’s honestly my favorite story to hear.’
With raised eyebrows and wide eyes staring at her buoyant son, a stunned Kushina simply
acknowledges, ‘mmm, okay… for the sake of time, I’m just going to accept all of that… and
say my son is very knowledgeable.’ Shaking her head and shrugging the disbelief off, she
adds, ‘which makes me happy,’ leading Naruto to chuckle happily. ‘I bet you don’t know this
Grinning like Naruto tends to, Kushina proclaims, ‘I love you more than anything in the
whole wide world.’
A sharp surge of embarrassing happiness bubbles up from his core to the ends of his being,
and like a great tsunami, fill him with suffocating bliss. In contrast to how bleak and angry he
was moments ago, he feels happier than he ever thought possible, leveling confident eyes at a
restrained Kurama.
Naruto yells, ‘WHHOOAAA,’ as Kurama’s dark hatred recedes from their chakra link.
Naruto feels completely restored as his mother tells him, ‘the chakras I used to control him
won’t last much longer. Now’s your chance to get him.’
‘Right,’ Naruto calls before crossing his fingers. ‘Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.’ A company of
Naruto materialize as Kurama is attempting to rip away Kushina’s strong chains. Dozens
upon dozens of Naruto rush the strongest tailed beast, every single one of them creating a
Rasengan before leaping into the air.
They yell, ‘Rasen Cho Darengan!’ as they try to land a barrage of Rasengans, only for
Kurama to swipe most away with claws and tails. While distracted, Kushina pulls on the
chains around Kurama’s legs, forcing the large chakra monster to fall backward. When
Naruto’s sage mode reactivates, the remaining platoon of clones flying in enlarge their
Rasengans for a Senpo Cho Odama Rasen Daregan. Like getting wrecked with a dozen
meteors, Kurama is blown back, and just as he tries to stand, another Naruto lands in front of
the great beast and slams a Rasen Shuriken in his chest, tearing him apart from his chakra.
‘Pull!’ All the sage Narutos yell as the clone hitting Kurama with the massive Futon
Rasengan forces the physical form of the grand beast away from its chakra.
When all of Kurama’s chakra is forcibly taken from the irate and skinny Kurama, it quickly
drains into Naruto, erupting him into bright firelight and flickering flame. There are swirl
patterns on his shoulders, stomach, and palms connected by squarely shaped lines extending
along his body, two horn-like hairs on his head, and six magatama markings around his neck.
Naruto is in disbelief at how much raw power is coursing through him. Looking at his bright
hand, he can’t even believe the astronomical strength emanating from the limb is truly his to
He’s interrupted when Kurama yells, ‘Naruto! You have angered meeeee!’
Observing someone he’d hoped to be friends with withering into a boney skeleton of himself
as he creates a massive black beast ball above them, Naruto sadly voices toward the tailed
beast, ‘you really are amazing,’ before recalling the Fūin key to his arm and closing the four
symbol seal on his stomach. Red torii gates rocket down from on high to bind every limb and
tail of the angered and sad beast as Kurama is sealed away, cursing Naruto all throughout.
Closing his eyes, Naruto sincerely apologizes, ‘sorry, Kurama. We’ll sort this out, I promise.
Just wait a little longer.’
When he opens his eyes, he’s back in the white room with his mother as she slowly
confesses, ‘now I can finally join Minato.’
Taken aback by that, Naruto breathes, ‘mom,’ as he realizes she’s leaving him again. He
could already feel the surge of sadness bring tears to his eyes, but he holds back.
‘But before I do,’ she brightly says. ‘I need to tell you the truth about your birth-’
‘You don’t, actually,’ Naruto informs her with a weak smile. ‘I already know that too.’
‘Can you instead tell me what happened in Uzushiogakure,’ Naruto asks before energetically
adding, ‘or maybe how to use those sweet chains. Tou-chan taught me Hiraishin when I saw
him. It’d be so sweet if you taught me something too.’
‘Kongō Fūsa, or Adamantine Sealing chain,’ Kushina dutifully recites, as if recalling a long
lost past in fond memory. She then offers Naruto, ‘how about both? If you get a chance to
visit Uzushiogakure, there should be underground safe bunkers only an Uzumaki can access.
I’m not sure how much was destroyed or recovered but I’m sure you’ll find something sealed
away.’ Naruto nods as it makes sense to him. She also expresses, ‘I don’t know what you
might learn, but remember, nothing we do can change the past but everything we do now can
change the future. It’s horribly sad to have lost so much of our history and family—it’s
incalculable—but the future can still be bright as long as we don’t give up.’
‘Yeah, I’ll definitely remember that,’ Naruto promises, solemnly adding, ‘I’ll make you
Placing her hand over his heart, she readily assures him, ‘you already have.’ It took
everything in him not to tears up, and mercifully, she says, ‘as for the sealing chains, training
for that is a little different; very focus heavy.’
‘Similar,’ Kushina admits with a hesitant nod before asking, ‘wait, can you use senjutsu?’
Wide-eyed, she replies, ‘but you’re so young!’ Then suddenly realizing something amiss, she
sadly asks, ‘actually, how old are you? Which is a horrible thing to not know about my own
‘You’re practically a man,’ she fondly comments. Naruto sniffs and harshly rubs his eyes of
the tears threatening to fall when she mercifully marches on. Raising a finger like a teacher
giving a lecture, Kushina explains, ‘right, so, um… I should start with the one thing you
really need to know about the Adamantine Chains; they have less to do with chakra and more
to do with physical energy.’
Her son looks puzzled but eager to hear more. Feeling like a surrogate sensei on the subject
of her clan and mother, the corners of her lips curl as she continued. ‘You already know that
chakra is made by blending physical and spiritual energy.’ At his nod, she further details,
‘Activating the Adamantine Sealing Chains is the result of your everyday, typical chakra
molding, but with refined physical energy.’
With a quirked brow of clear confusion, Naruto repeated, ‘Refined physical energy?’
Nodding, his mother further explained, ‘It’s like how all thumbs are fingers but not all fingers
are thumbs. Everyone has physical energy, but not all physical energy is the same because
not all bodies are the same. Like many unique clans out there, the Uzumaki are also built
different,’ she answered with a cocky grin, which he matched.
‘The physical energy—that is, the energy that comes from the body’s cells—that any shinobi
uses when they mold chakra is actually made up of seven aspects of the body—Sahasrara,
Anja, Vishuddha, Anā-Hata, Manipura, Svadhisthana, and Muladhara. So, for example, the
Uchiha clan’s physical energy are typically more tapped into the Anja energy, or the Third
Eye energy.’
Curious by the name of the energy, Naruto asked, ‘Is that why they get the Sharingan?’
‘There’s more to it than that, but for the purposes of this explanation, we’ll go with yes,’ she
‘Our physical energy is generally more tapped into the Anā-Hata energy, or the Heart,
energy,’ she happily answered. ‘It’s why we have a strong life force and long lifespans.
Absent unnatural deaths or plagues, we can live up to two-hundred years.’
With a smile she continued, ‘Anā-Hata translates to unhurt, unstuck, and unbeaten, and our
energy is closely associated with unconditional love, compassion, empathy, and joy.’
Easily associating those words with his life, Naruto cheerfully remarked, ‘He-he, makes
She snickered before continuing. ‘What’s really unique about the Anā-Hata energy is that it’s
like a bridge between energies.’ At his quirked brow, she elaborated, ‘Try to think about it
like the expression of all living things. Mixing Water and Earth release creates Wood
release? What Anā-Hata does really well is be the bridge—the force or bond—that allows for
the creation of Wood. It’s like the source array in Fūinjutsu.’
Nodding with much more vigor in clear understanding, Naruto asserted, ‘Okay, now that
makes sense. You’re saying it’s kinda like the interactions between forces.’
‘Exactly!’ she happily confirmed. ‘So, how you get the Adamantine Chains is to develop the
Anā-Hata aspect of your physical energy. Then you’ll be able to activate it at will, without
seals or anything.’
Though he understood more, there were areas that Naruto wasn’t clear on, and he asked his
mother, ‘Why does our Anā-Hata energy create Adamantine Chains? Like, I could
understand why a heightened Third-Eye energy would help Uchihas activate their Sharigan-’
‘Or the Hyūga and their Byakugan, the Inuzuka their and enhanced sense of smell, the Nara’s
incredible level of intelligence, and many other examples,’ she elaborated. ‘Remember,
chakra enhances innate abilities within a person, but that person has to have a high level of
affinity for that ability first. And that’s what I’m going to teach you to enhance.’
‘Yeah, but, enhancing our physical Anā-Hata energy makes Sealing Chains? Why? How?’
With a smirk, she answered, ‘Because a long time ago, our clan unlocked the full scope of
Fūinjutsu, so much so, that it’s literally in our blood—I’m talking actually encoded in our
DNA. The chant that I’m about to teach you refines the Anā-Hata of our physical energy,
which, when molded with chakra, will let you activate our Chains at will just like any other
Kekkei Genkai.’
‘Right!’ she quickly agreed. ‘Now hush, we don’t have a lot of time here.’ He smirked before
she continued, ‘Since this is physical energy we’re refining, you can’t use your chakra.’
‘So… what do I do?’ he asked with a befuddled expression. Realizing the magnitude of the
training, he also asked, ‘Wait, if it’s physical energy, I won’t be able to use Shadow Clones?’
‘No, no Shadow Clones, but it’s not like you have to spend hours doing push-ups,’ she
answered. ‘And I said you can’t use your chakra. I never said anything about Natural
Shocked at the amazing revelation, Naruto hotly asked, ‘Are you a sage too?!’
Scrunching her face in disbelief, she hurled back, ‘No! Shinobi can sense natural energy
without being able to use it,’ she quickly asserted.
Closing her eyes with supreme confidence, she boasted, ‘Also, you mom’s so awesome, I was
naturally born with a strong Anā-Hata energy, so I didn’t need the same training others did.’
‘You know it!’ she said with a grin and clench of her fierce fist. ‘Anyway, a man from our clan
by the name of Nichiren developed this mantra that only works because of our blood—well,
more specifically, our cells. It’s like the art of writing Fūinjutsu that deals with sound arrays.’
‘Oooooooh,’ Naruto sounded. ‘I’ve always wanted to play with sound arrays.’
‘Well, in this case, your cells is going to be doing all the writing,’ she remarked. ‘The
frequency of this specific chant vibrates your entire body, down to the marrow in your bones.
If you do it just right, you’ll sweat a lot—I’m talking buckets, so, probably best to wear as
little as possible—and if you really do it right, the patterned chanting activates the vocal
synthesis Fūinjutsu in your blood, which accepts Natural chakra within you.’
‘Oh! And when that happens, the Fūin array within us uses Natural chakra to refine my Anā-
Hata physical energy!’
Nodding with a proud expression, the redhead confirmed, ‘This mantra works with our blood
to essentially speed-up the natural evolution within you. It’s also why we continue to have
such strong vitality and stamina. Our unique life force is a byproduct of this practice.’
‘Woooow,’ Naruto groaned with large glittering eyes. ‘There’s so much I want to learn about
Kushina held back a pang of emotion, and forced a smile as she said, ‘Wish I could be the one
to teach you.’
Naruto felt as much and held back his own swell of sadness and yearning to have her in his
life. He forced his own smile as he said, ‘I have you now…. And it’s more than I ever hoped
‘Me too,’ she voiced, holding back her tears. Thinking better of it, Kushina shook her head,
citing, ‘Ugh! What am I doing? We don’t have much time left.’
Sitting up, he listened intently as she continued. ‘Go visit Eddy. I wouldn’t be surprised if you
find bunkers only Uzumaki can access. Maybe there’s some text that can teach you more.’
‘I couldn’t—not with the Kyūbi in my belly,’ she answered. ‘Anyway, you’re going to find
either a quiet place, or a waterfall. If you pick the waterfall, make sure that you retain proper
posture the entire time.’
Kushina lowered herself to the floor and sat cross-legged, and Naruto imitated her exact way
of sitting. Her back was straight and her hands rested on knees, palms up with the tips of her
thumb and index touching.
‘Close your eyes and center yourself,’ she continued. ‘Take deep, slow breaths, relax your
body, and calm your mind. When you begin chanting, pay attention to pronunciation, pacing,
and rhythm. Be mindful of the vibrations coursing through your body and immerse yourself in
it by visualizing meaningful events in your life—the people you love, who also love you. The
repetitive rhythm, cadence, deep breaths, and slow heart rate of the chanting produces
specific vibrational—and even mental—patterns your blood will be able to read. If you’re
doing it right, you’ll feel light, powerful, and one with nature.’
Considering his sage training, Naruto pointed out, ‘I think I understand what that feels like.’
‘Then you’re halfway there,’ she happily replied. ‘The mantra goes like this: Namu-Myōhō-
She repeated, ‘Namu-Myōhō-Fūin-Renge-Kyō,’ a few times before Naruto joined her. They
continued until he was confident he pronounced it exactly as she did.
Nodding in acceptance of his grasp, she continued explaining, ‘This is a O-daimoku that
means Devotion to the Mystic Law of Fūin. When you get it right, you’ll feel it like an
intuition you never had before. Do you remember what it felt like when I used it within you?’
He nodded. ‘Good. Now, there’s a couple more points you should know.’
‘What our Adamantine Chains can do aren’t all the same,’ she began. ‘Some chains have
properties to them that make them unique. For example, my chains are great at neutralizing
Bijū chakra. But your chains could have a completely different attribute to them.’
Tilting her head in careful thought, Kushina answered, ‘Well, there were only a dozen or so in
the clan I knew could use the chains. I mean, since this is using our blood, all chains are
great for sealing, but on top of that, I knew one cousin who could heal nearly anything.
Another could cancel any ninjutsu, one could absorb chakra, one was great for tracking, and
another amplified the effect of their genjutsu. Any extra abilities in your chains will vary from
Uzumaki to Uzumaki, since it depends on their personality.’
Nearly drooling with stars in his eyes, Naruto yells, ‘EVEN MORE AWESOME!’
Shaking her shoulders, she laughs silently to herself before calmly explaining, ‘The last thing
I want to tell you is probably the most important.’
‘I don’t know the specific reason why our clan, our village, was destroyed,’ she began,
stunning Naruto by the tilt of topic. ‘I mean, not only was the coordinated attack include
multiple villages, but Konoha never gave me a good reason why. Even Minato told me it was
because our Fūinjutsu was feared, but what made me doubt that explanation was the timing
of a breakthrough our clan had.’
‘I received a letter from family,’ she told him. ‘They couldn’t specify what they had figured
out, but they claimed it would alter the power structure throughout the entire world.
Uzushiogakure and the Uzumaki clan would become some of the most powerful shinobi
across the lands. Then, just a few short weeks later, I learn the entirety of my home was
‘You think it had something to do with the Adamantine Chains?’ Naruto curiously asked.
‘No. At least, not completely,’ she answered with a tinge of melancholy in her tone. ‘I think
it’s even more than that—something that would scare Lightning, Water, and even Fire country
into working together to destroy us. I’m telling you this because, if you go to the remains of
Uzushiogakure and uncover anything about what this breakthrough is, I don’t want you to tell
anyone about this that you don’t trust with your life. Ideally, I don’t want you to tell anyone,
but I can already tell that’s not something you’d be comfortable with.’
‘I just don’t like lying to the people I love,’ Naruto empathetically clarified.
‘Also, I’m sort of rebuilding our clan in Konoha,’ he added whimsically. ‘So, our problem
will just be their problem.’
Kushina snorted in amusement before nodding in happy acceptance. Feeling the last vestiges
of her chakra near to the point exhaustion, the red-haired mother sorrowfully remarked,
‘Well… I’m nearly out of time.’
Quickly feeling anxious, Naruto remembers Naru-nii suggesting he think of something to say,
and quickly tells her, ‘uh, um, you and dad… sacrificed your lives for me-’ Clearing his throat
of the large log growing over his vocal cords, he forces himself to say, ‘even if I didn’t feel it,
I know now there was love inside of me way, way before all the hate. So I’m happy.’ Feeling
the tears begin to well up in his eyes, he insists, ‘I’m glad you guys were my parents.’
Tears streaming down her happy face, Kushina struggles to express, ‘thank you for making
me your mother… for making Minato your father… for being born to us… thank you so
much, Naruto, for being my beautiful, beautiful boy.’
It’s the last thing she says to him as she disappears far too quickly. Letting the tears spill
freely from red burning eyes, Naruto returns to the real world feeling robbed yet happy to
have had at least that with her. Opening his eyes to the real world, Naruto says under his
breath, “thank you, mom,” before standing on his feet.
“Jeez, you son of- gah, you scared the hell out of me,” Jiraiya yells. Somehow Naruto is an
unfurnished house when he was originally in a grassy field. Searching the empty room for
Sakura, Jiraiya continues to yell, “I nearly had a heart attack! Ohh, Kami, help me! Don’t let
me die until I finish this book!”
Recalling the whole reason he engaged Kurama, Naruto doesn’t recall any new memories and
surmises, “since they didn’t pop, maybe they’re in sage mode…” Turning to Jiraiya, a red-
nosed misty-eyed Naruto asks, “how much time passed out here? And why are we in a
“You didn’t think I was going to let the Kyūbi roam free in the countryside, did you? You
were bubbling red chakra everywhere! I summoned one of my toads in case we needed to be
reverse summoned to Myōboku.”
Nodding, Jiraiya then answers, “it’s been nearly twenty minutes. Why?”
Posing deep in thought, Naruto figures, “I’ll just tell them to try and see if it works.”
Connecting paired fingers in a cross, he calls, “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.” His clone
immediately dispels after materializing, then Naruto waits a moment before cursing, “shit,
they can’t.” Grabbing his head in disappointing frustration, he grumbles, “it’s probably
because they’re clones of me before I sectioned off Kurama’s chakra…”
Stunned to hear, Jiraiya asks, “you really… are you serious?”
Naruto nods absentmindedly before shaking his head and cursing, “fuck it.” Turning to
Jiraiya, he asks, “where’s the nearest river?”
“What for?”
Looking around incredulously, Jiraiya asks, “now? What about Kurenai-kun- ah, uh, I mean,
what about finding Tsunade?”
Exiting Jiraiya’s summoned Toad building to the slowly lowering sun and clear skies, Naruto
hollers, “I need a big river!” He surprises Sakura who’s been waiting patiently on a stool
beside the toad house.
Putting away the scroll she’s been reading, Sakura rushes to them as she asks, “what’s going
on? What happened in there?”
After Sakura points toward the nearest river, Naruto sprints north for ten minutes before
finding a wide body of streaming water. Looking at the strength of the current, Naruto calls
out, “yosh,” before clapping his hands together and igniting the massive amount of chakra
within him into a raging cauldron of flux. Naruto exhales a loud groaning deep from his gut
as he overloads his network with as much chakra as he can suffer through before finally
yelling, “Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!”
After a massive gas of white smoke clears the entire area around them, Sakura grunts, “geh,”
with wide-eyed shock. After scanning the hundreds of blond clones, she loudly asks, “what
are you going to do with so many clones?”
He orders to his battalion of clones with a bright yell, “yosha! Start powering up! We got
some chakra control to work on asap!”
As the hundreds of clones rush into the water, splashing everywhere and getting half-naked, a
blushing Sakura repeats, “chakra control? Now?”
Digging into his rear pouch, Naruto takes out a kunai and extends it to Sakura, asserting,
“here. Keep this with you, okay?”
Still confused by everything, she mechanically takes the ordinary weapon and curiously
looks it over before spotting and reading the inscription out loud. “My Ninja Way.”
Confused, she turns to him before asking, “what’s this for-”
“I need you guys to keep going,” Naruto tells them, as many of the clones are already being
swept away with the current. “Continue the mission,” he adds, however, Jiraiya is
immediately against it, his big arms crossed together in an X.
“No way,” the Sage nearly weeps to say. “I have soo many questions! No, I refuse to let you
go until my great curiosity as an exemplary man is sufficiently satisfied!”
Smacking his face with his palm, Naruto drags his hand hard down his features as he explains
with as much patience as possible, “I’ll answer them later.” Grabbing his Godfather by his
broad shoulders, he appeals, “please, just keep going. You know where to go and I have to
stay here and train.” Adding as much puppy-love in his big, lovable blue eyes, Naruto pleads,
“… grrrrr, fine!” He yells, throwing his arms up in sadness. He then aims a stern finger at
Naruto as he slowly and methodically stipulates, “but only under the condition we visit a club
soon… that has a private room for dining and drinks… and I get to ask you all the questions I
“Yeah, fine, whatever,” Naruto agrees, pushing the man’s back to force him to start running.
“Later, later.” As Jiraiya and Sakura turn to him, torn by their colossal need to ask him
questions, Naruto waves as he adds, “stay safe.”
Looking east and imagining an unconscious Itachi, Mei, and his weakened clone trying to
travel five hours without falling to Kisame’s blade, Naruto feels weighed down by his urge to
just run and rescue them. All Naruto knows from Naru-nii is that Kisame is so strong and
devout, it took one of Guy-sensei’s strongest attacks to slow him down, and he still
committed suicide simply to keep his enemies from learning anything about Akatsuki.
They’re facing a monster and it feels odd to just train while they’re running for their lives
‘Just give me a couple of hours, guys,’ Naruto mentally voices before powering up just
enough himself and hopping into the strong rushing water to attempt to swimming against the
current without moving his limbs. When he realizes how impossible it is, he does as some of
his clones do and starts in the more shallow end so as to not be swept away.
Mei is sprinting as fast as she can with Itachi on her shoulder all the while sensing for any
trace of Kisame’s approach. Though it would be in her country’s best interest to gain any
information on the mercenary group known as Akatsuki, at the moment, her mission is to
stabilize Itachi and escape Kisame at all cost; for the man is far too dangerous. Knowing him
and his fidelity to protecting information, the chances are high the powerful shinobi wouldn’t
let them abduct a member of their secret group without a fight.
With her senses trained on the slightest hint of Kisame, Mei continues west either leaping
from tree to tree, running over water, or when she couldn’t avoid it, sprinting over the
traceable terrain. For miles, Mei wonders who she’ll sense first, and is eventually let down to
feel Kisame’s ominous approach closing in. Sighing, she groans, “well that’s unfortunate.”
Immediately she begins weighing her options. Mei either continues to help Naruto in the
hopes it will buy her more goodwill with the strong young ninja, or she booby traps Itachi’s
body with explosive tags and tries to take Kisame out. Mei knows she wouldn’t have the
upper hand in a straight-up contest of strength against the Tail-less Tailed-Beast. Despite
having two kekkei genkai, Mei has always been someone who fought with her mind rather
than brute strength; objectively searching for an enemy’s weakness and exploit it. In this
case, however, fighting Kisame would only end in one of their deaths and likely at great cost,
for no real benefit.
Leaping over a nearby stream, Mei wonders if helping Naruto is worth it just to add Zabuza
and Haku to her rebellion to overthrow the Yondaime Mizukage. She may be the illegitimate
daughter of the Sandaime Mizukage, but that was never why she desired her father’s seat
above even her desire for a happily married life. If she craves for her country to change for
the better—as she knows it can— and wish to make that dream a reality, the only way is to
take the Kage’s hat from the tyrannical Karatachi.
Feeling a light scratch on her cheek from ducking under a branch, Mei knows she won’t be
able to change her country for the better if she dies or is heavily wounded today. She asks
herself if this risk is worth it. Feeling her grip on Itachi’s back softening, she makes her
decision as Kisame slowly closes the thirty minutes of distance between them a dozen
seconds at a time.
‘At the pace he’s going, he’ll be on me in less than ten minutes,’ she thinks as she inspects the
terrain around her for the ideal condition to set Kisame up.
Only then does she sense something moving faster than Kisame, quickly meeting him, and
suddenly both Kisame and the serene surge of energy fall off her senses completely. Mei
assumes it’s Naruto in his sage state and prays he knows not to use any attacks in chakra
form, or Samehada will simply absorb it.
Mei runs through the massive forest of Fire Country for another hour before she senses a
strong force tailing her again. Several minutes later, she realizes it’s Kisame. Despondently,
she hopes Naruto’s clone is only delayed and not dispelled because she’s still only two hours
into a five-hour trek west to Kami knows where, and Itachi is not worth going all out against
Kisame. Mei calculates thirty-five, possibly forty minutes before he catches up, and if Naruto
doesn’t catch up in that time, she’s simply going to booby trap Itachi with all her exploding
notes and pray she kills them both.
Pumping her sprinting legs efficiently with chakra—managing Itachi’s weight with her own
to reduce drag—Mei feels it in her bones, she doesn’t want to make the wrong choice here.
Though she never made Naruto a promise, she can’t help but recall how much the blond has
helped her countrymen when they were trying to kill him and his team; in Zabuza’s case,
trying to kill Naruto twice. It seems far too unsavory to honor that integrity by failing to keep
the Uchiha alive, and that irks Mei the most.
It wouldn’t be the first unsavory thing she’s done in her life—not when one grows up in
Kirigakure—but Mei’s grown far too tired of all the bloody compromises. It’s why their
population is so low. She wants to protect life now, as indiscriminately as Naruto seems to,
however, Mei doubts she can take Kisame on head-to-head without sacrificing a limb or her
life. As the minutes’ tick by and more and more sweat slides down her delicate brow, Mei
realizes Naruto’s clone wasn’t going to catch up this time. It’ll be just her against Kisame
with no backup. She has to booby trap Itachi soon or she may not have adequate time to do it
without raising suspicion.
‘Fuck, he’s fast,’ her mind curses when it’s down to mere minutes. ‘It’s now or never,’ she
tells herself. Reaching into her pouch, she feels her body hesitate to grip the exploding notes,
and in the ever-length of that moment, she realizes the difference between the easy choice
and the right one. Closing her green eyes a moment, she wonders if this decision will help
quell some of the screams she hears in her sleep.
Mei holds Itachi tight and continues running for another twenty minutes before Kisame leaps
over her and lands several yards away, cutting off her path. Both Kiri-nins breathe heavily as
Mei slowly sets Itachi down and notices Samehada shivering to shed stone-like scales off bit
by bit. The stone denticles even hit the ground with a heavy thud, making her wonder what
Naruto did to hurt the sentient sword in such a way. Kisame’s sweat bends around his
maniacal grin as Mei steps to the right of Itachi, keeping both Akatsuki members in her field
of vision. After all, she can’t be sure when Itachi might wake up.
Standing confidently straighter, Kisame chuckles as he comments, “this ain’t your style,
So long as it isn’t about the prospect of marriage, Mei isn’t one to lack confidence and stands
just as straight as she remarks, “you know as well as I do defeating me won’t be as easy as
you might imagine.”
“Oh, I hope not,” Kisame cheerfully replies. “You wouldn’t know this but my partner over
there isn’t much for the joys of good bloody battle. We’re opposites like that, so I haven’t
been able to cut loose in Kami knows how long. I’d be all for dusting off as long as it’s the
bloodiest fight I’ve ever been in.”
Recognizing that sort of bravado everywhere in Kiri, Mei has a good understanding of why
most shinobi go that far. Far too many ninjas in Kiri have done too many horrible things, and
accepting the monster within them is the preferred method of coping with those horrible
memories. As she’s done many times before, Mei counsels, “that’s not the strength you think
it is, Kisame.”
“This is the world,” he purports as Samehada sheds another stone scale and replaces it with a
lighter blue one. “You’re either the biggest bad in the water or you’re food. Your father failed
to see that, which is why he’s fertilizer now.”
Despite the deep sting, Mei never shows such vulnerability and calmly replies, “I suppose
there’s nothing left to talk about. Though I will say I hope I’m there the moment you realize
the world isn’t what you think it is.”
“Oh,” he grins snidely. “Then educate me, Terumī. Regale me with one of your poor-man’s
proverbs from your decimated people. Tell me how I got it wrong… what this world’s really
about, like it’s so fucking complicated. Come on, tell me before I kill you.”
Taking out a kunai from her white pouch, Mei effortlessly spins the metal horizontally from
the middle on her fine finger, as if it were a tray, and confidently assures Kisame, “it has, and
always will be, about balance.”
As he brings the nearly ‘healed’ Samehada in front of him, Kisame grins as he proclaims,
“I’m going to enjoy shredding you apart.” Kisame blitzes to full speed, ready to slash Mei in
half and grate inch by inch of her flesh off.
Mei knows her greatest disadvantage against a powerful shinobi like Kisame is speed. He’s
simply faster than she is, however, there are ways of dealing with that disadvantage. Mei
expected his attack, his speed, his power, and she managed six hand-seals in the second it
took him to strike her. He wasn’t surprised when he gutted her midsection, however, when
she turned into an odorous mud, he staggered at the strong acid of her Lava release.
Kisame leaps back, swiping the hurt Samehada to rid it of the acidic mud when Mei attacks
from the high branch of the nearby tree with a laser-straight, stone cutting water. Busting
through his chest and out his back, Kisame then turns to water, compelling Mei to whip her
head behind her, spotting Kisame a second before he brings his large sword down. Raising
her arms, Mei defends with her kunai but unable to withstand the force of the blunt sword,
Mei is rocketed to the earth below.
Landing away from Itachi, Mei watches Kisame land next to his partner, and for a fleeting
moment, she wonders if he’ll simply take the Uchiha and run. Of course, he kept on walking,
confident in the real Mei before him.
“You mean like this,” she asks, as she puts up two fingers.
Behind him, an exploding tag on Itachi’s side begins to sizzle. Kisame leaps to snag it, and
it’s all the decoy she needs to call, “Yōton-” but a sound behind her alerts her senses, and she
only has enough time to turn and receive a kick to the stomach. Mei tumbles back several feet
before collecting herself on skidding feet between two Kisames.
Crushing the paper tag, Kisame smiles as he asks, “you didn’t think I could tell the difference
between a decoy tag?” Hand to heart, he admits, “I’m insulted you’d think I’d fall for that
like some guppy. You’re up against a shark here.”
“Am I?” Mei cheekily asks, dusting her slitted blue dress of dirt. “I thought I was talking a
sad and disillusioned man lost in the world.”
Looking between both Kisames, she doesn’t feel any more or less in danger. She simply
becomes more serious, priming her pool of chakra like boiling water, until steam began
emitting from her every pore. White vapor fresh off her body is dragged away in the passing
wind as the internal pressure created by the steam within her musculature and chakra network
amplifies the force of her strength. Despite feeling her strength double, Mei rarely uses this
Boil Release technique as there are side effects she’ll now have to contend with later.
Her auburn hair flows effortlessly in waves as she conveys, “you have my apology, Kisame.
I’ll take you much more seriously now.”
As both Kisames lung at the same time, gripping Samehada to rip her in three, she can
already feel her chakra depleting. Though worth it as her increased speed allows her to dodge
both swipes and her increased strength easily sent one several feet back with a counter kick,
Mei’s mind knows she has to finish him as fast as possible, or she won’t survive.
Fighting them both with her enhanced taijutsu was like a dance to her. Her footwork is
paramount against a broad sword and slightly easier to counter when she kept one Kisame in
the cutting path of the other. It allowed Mei openings for a punch or kick that now hit with
the strength like a large war-hammer. Her speed was swifter and her intellect was where she
frustrated Kisame. Mei would purposely provoke an opening he would fall for and she’d
easily counter. Juking left to go right, sliding out a kunai to distract his eyes, attacking his
footwork, Kisame was so frustrated by the dance, he sacrificed his clone by slashing through
him to strike her in the gut, sending her back a dozen yards.
Though her durability also increased, she felt that strike, seeing stars in her vision of him
smiling smugly. He tore the midsection of her combat dress and a few of Samehada’s scales
managed to dig out some skin through her wire-mesh body armor cause blood to flow. Mei’s
legs were still strong but Kisame had already blitzed her and though ready to take him, she
didn’t expect the body where Itachi laid to suddenly be behind her. They were attacking her
from both sides and as Mei managed a half-spin to the left, she only saw an orange flash pass
The loudest grunt pierced her ears as the auburn bang over her right eye whips high enough
for her to see the sun, in human form, hit Kisame in the gut hard enough to rocket him back
—perfectly leveled with the forest floor—a hundred yards in a matter of seconds. The large
blue man eventually hits the ground and rolls like an uncoordinated ball of limbs to a
skidding stop. Before Kisame can even get on his feet, the Sun-Man turns, grabs her stunned
figure, followed by Itachi, then somehow, she’s suddenly dropped in a completely different
Taking in the room that appears to be an inn, as well as the pink-haired girl dressed in
nightwear midway through setting out her futon, completely dumbfounded Mei; unable to
explain how she ended up there from one second to the next. The Sun-Man suddenly loses all
his brilliant flames and Naruto is standing before her in his red and black cloak, smiling, as
he often does, at her.
“Sorry it took me so long,” Naruto huffs, wiping his brow of sweat. “That’s a lot harder than I
thought it’d be.”
“…Naruto,” the stunned Mei and pink-haired girl gasp at the same time.
Turning to the girl she recalls is Haruno Sakura, Naruto asks, “would you mind healing
Itachi? I’ll tie him up with a special Fūinjutsu binding- Oh, and where’s Ero-”
“NARUTO!!” They all hear before a large old man with long, spiky, white hair in a purple
robe slides the window open and backflips inside. With blushing cheeks and widely flaring
nostrils, the old man points a strong finger to Mei and yells, “who is this absolutely stunning
bomb-shell?! And why is she with you?!”
Hollering sickeningly, Haruno yells at the perverted sage, “were you by my window while I
was changing?!”
Naruto simply sighs, shaking his head, before a terribly confused Mei lets out the steam and
slumps to the floor, feeling tired enough to go to sleep.
First, thank you guys so much for continuing to support this fic. I really do enjoy
entertaining you guys to the best of my ability. Sadly I wish I had more time. My
schedule hasn't really changed so even though I try to write as much as I can, it's still
looking like 1 chapter every 3-4 weeks. Sorry
This was a very fun chapter to write. I hadn't written action in a while so I was a little
rusty in the beginning. I know I repeated some canon stuff. I didn't completely rush
through it cuz I didn't want to fall in the same mistake I made with the Gaara/Naruto
First, Kisame vs Mei is an interesting fight because in terms of brute strength, Kisame
would win IMO, but I also believe there’s more to a fight than brute strength. I think the
deciding factor would be who has the better strategy. If there are ways around Samehada
and Kisame’s brute strength is marginalized by Mei’s acidic mist(please don’t say he can
dodge mist. It’s not a straight line spray. It encompasses whole areas.) then it’s possible
for Mei to win. All I’m saying is if strategy is taken into account, then I feel Mei is
capable of coming out on top. P.S. that trick Mei did in Kisame's Water Prison is just
separating hydrogen atoms from the oxygen. It's simple science.
Also, I don't know if Mei can use her Boil Release like that. I just know that the 5-Tails
can heat chakra to a boiling point to increase speed and strength. There's nothing saying
she can use this, but there's nothing say she can't and considering she has the goods to be
Mizukage, I just decided to give it to her, however, it does have side effects, which
you'll see in the following chapter.
Next, Samehada is able to absorb visible chakra, like a Jinchūriki chakra shroud, or
through direct physical contact. The sword can’t absorb techniques(elemental
techniques) or ambient chakra which could mean sage chakra. That’s open to
interpretation, I guess. Yes, Samehada sliced through a Katon jutsu, but he didn’t absorb
it, and he doesn’t seem to like fire jutsu. Also, there’s nothing saying that Samehada
uses Nature chakra, so considering it drains regular chakra like characters in the Naruto
world, I figure it might also turn into stone if it tried to suck up Sage Chakra. Since
shark skin can regenerate fairly fast, I had Samehada shed his petrified scales/denticles.
The Kuji-in is real in Buddhist Taoism. The text is called Baopuzi. Yay research! 😊
Well, I gotta get going. Let me know what you think. All reviews help me get better.
They sustain me Please everyone be safe and take care,
Chapter Summary
Chapter Notes
Hey friends.
It's been a while but I'm back. This chap picks up right where we left off.
No warnings.
Jiraiya informed Sakura that Naruto passed out the minute he finished securing Sasuke’s
brother with his Fūin-covered bindings, and though she wanted to stop treating Mei-san to
check on her teammate, Jiraiya explained, “it’s just chakra exhaustion. He won’t die from
that. I’d say he’ll be fine after a full night’s rest. You can check on him when you’re done
Sakura simply nodded. Though she had questions about everything that’s happened since the
start of their mission twelve hours ago, The growing list of Mei’s injuries were causing
Sakura so much anxiety she could barely worry about Naruto. In the bathroom, securing Mei
in a tub of cool water with her baked legs elevated, Sakura needed every ounce of her focus
to diagnose and mend the severely injured Mei.
From her training with the Iryō Butai-Medic Corps and Tsunade’s medical journals, Sakura
knows when a human body is above 41° Celsius/107° Fahrenheit, the body begins to shut
down, chemical processes are affected, the cells in the body begin to deteriorate, and organ
failure is extremely likely. Mei’s oven-hot body temperature was over 47° Celsius and Sakura
didn’t know how the beautiful woman wasn’t cooking alive.
Her skin, flesh, and fat were baked hard and dry of moisture. Even in a tub full of cool water
with ice-packs between her legs and in her armpits, she was suffering from heatstroke and
couldn’t even sweat to relieve the heat because the blood flow to her dried skin stopped. If
her body wasn’t so durable, her heart, brain, liver, and stomach would’ve already cooked
through. The moisture in her skull would’ve violently steamed and vented explosively out of
her eye sockets, easily blinding her for life.
‘She’s lucky she’s so damn durable,’ Sakura barely thought around the relevant medical
journals her brain is reciting. With her chakra-covered hands over Mei’s heart and forehead,
Sakura repeats to herself, ‘as long as I keep her body temperature down, she’ll be fine,’ as
she regulates her body’s temp so organ perfusion can occur properly.
It took Sakura all night to keep Mei stable but somehow she managed, giving her a great
sense of relief and accomplishment. In the early morning, Naruto walked into her room to
check on them and Sakura is so relieved to see him up and about, she instantly leaves Mei’s
side to wrap him in a strong hug. When his strong arms slide closed around her lithe back,
she relaxes into his unearthly warm body, becoming so comfortable, she was ready for much-
needed sleep.
Ignoring her exhaustion, she asks against his chest, “how’re you feeling,” whilst checking his
temperature with her chakra-covered palm to his forehead.
“Still tired,” he admitted, which tells her a lot. “But better. How’s Mei?”
Sakura pulls away some to turn to her patient resting peacefully in her futon to answer,
“she’ll be fine. After a day of rest, she should be able to move around. Her skin will take
longer to heal but the gauze I wrapped her in has a gel full of antioxidants, enzymes,
Vitamins A and C that’ll help rehydrate her skin.” Turning to Naruto, Sakura asks, “I have to
know, how did you suddenly appear in my room?”
“That kunai I gave you,” Naruto casually answers, eying the sleeping beauty before focusing
on Sakura. “You should get some sleep. I can take over.”
Sakura nods in agreement but to ease her running mind, she asks, “how does a kunai make
you suddenly appear with Mei-san and Sasuke’s brother? It’s like you appeared out of thin
“The thing I was training to do was my dad’s technique, the Hiraishin,” Naruto admits.
“The Yondaime’s Hiraishin… that’s unbelievable,” Sakura gasped and excitedly asked,
“how? When?”
Naruto takes her hand and leads her to the closet where they take out another futon and lay it
down for her to sleep in as her blond teammate explained, “mnn, well, I learned the gist of it
the week before the preliminaries of the Chūnin exam-”
“That’s what you were doing in your room the whole week,” Sakura whispered loudly in
realization. “You’ve known how to do the Flying Thunder God Technique for two months
“No, no, no,” Naruto softly voices, pumping open palms to remind her to stay quiet. “I
understood the theory. It’s way way harder in practice. To use it perfectly—I mean, without
draining most of my chakra—I have to be able to shoot chakra out of all of my tenketsu,
which is crazy hard. Most shinobi only release chakra from my hands and feet, don’t they?
It’s the same for me, and even after all that clone training I did yesterday, I can barely release
chakra out of my left elbow.”
Eying him as a nugget of memory has her ask, “aren’t the Hyūga experts at that sort of chakra
“Yeah,” Naruto answered, patting the futon to get Sakura moving. Sakura blushes a little,
slipping into the bed as Naruto continues to say, “Neji gave me some tips, but if I don’t drain
half of my chakra with every jump, it’s going to take a while to perfectly master. Luckily I
know the theory behind it, so I can, at least, manage to travel from spot-to-spot a few times.”
Even laying her head down, and feeling the exhaustion in her bones, Sakura wants to ask,
“how much chakra does it take if it can actually exhaust you?”
“Right now, I can only do it like four or five times a day before I feel like collapsing,” Naruto
admitted, gently sliding his warm palm over her eyes as he softly reassured her, “but I’ll get
better with more practice.”
With eyes closed, Sakura asked, “you promise you’re better now?”
“Yeah,” he hummed pleasantly. “Get some rest. We still have to find Tsunade-baachan.”
Quickly opening her green eyes, she sits up and asks, “what about Mei-san and Itachi-san?
We can’t just leave them. Jiraiya mentioned that Uchiha Itachi is in our Bingo Book’s most
wanted. We’re obligated to either kill or transport him-”
“Ji-chan comes first,” Naruto firmly asserted, impressing her by how steadfast he can be. His
hand on her shoulder encourages her to lay back down as he states, “as much as I want to
deal with them, finding her is more important.”
Sakura only nodded before finally getting some much-needed rest. By noon, Naruto managed
to convince Jiraiya that finding Tsunade comes first by promising to leave behind a litany of
disguised clones and a few surveillance toads. When security at the two-story inn earned
Jiraiya’s approval, the three were off for another day of sprinting.
Trampling dirt and grass in their haste through the country, Sakura couldn’t stop her active
mind from thinking about Mei’s sudden appearance, Itachi as a missing-nin, how he will
affect Sasuke, their mission to bring Tsunade-sama back, Kurenai as a sensei she admires and
somehow Naruto’s girlfriend, whether Ino knows, how much Asuma knows, and how
everything seemed to revolve around Naruto. A few months ago she would’ve been annoyed
by how much trouble he causes. Now she’s always left worried and wanting to know more
about what’s going on around her.
‘How can I know so little about my own teammate,’ her mind asked as the lush green field
they’re sprinting through blurs past them. Luckily no one can see her blush when her mind
adds, ‘so little about the man I have regular sex with…’
‘…had,’ a more aggressive voice inside her corrected. If Sakura wasn’t using circular
breathing and perfect weight balance to speed through the feral land, she would sigh and
slouch in sadness. To miss Naruto in ways she, as his teammate, shouldn’t felt like cruel and
unfair retribution. Looking at his broad back running ahead of her, Sakura realized unlike
ever before just how callous she’s been with him.
Every interest she has in him, whether she’s asking him questions, training with him, or being
physically intimate with him, has always been about how he can help her; about what he
makes her feel. Not once has she ever done an unselfish thing for him. Not once. In the peace
of the blurry landscape they’re sprinting through, Sakura was sad. She feels like she lost
something she didn’t even know she had… and may never get back.
The first thing Mei is cognizant of is how heavy, boiling hot, and stiff she feels. She’s laying
down, her body is wrapped in gauze, and judging by the tingling on her skin, there’s an
ointment over her sandy skin. Mei opens her striking green eyes to the plain wood ceiling
above her. Rotating her head to the left, the blond oddity sets down her tray of warm lunch as
he greets her with a smile.
Her body feels too heavy to sit up, however, Mei presses her bandaged arm to her bandaged
face. Mei can tell the gauze wrapped around most of her body pressed a hydrating gel into
her dehydrated skin. Her internal organs still feel hot and melting, her muscles ache
everywhere, it hurts to keep her dry eyes open, and her brain feels slightly dulled and
intoxicated. She assumes it’s the pain medication since she should be feeling tremendous
“Oh, my,” her voice croaks. Brushing her long hair with her shaky fingers, she jests, “it’s a
grave sin not looking one’s best in front of company.” Naruto lifted the bowl of soup but her
stomach lurched with a resounding no, and Mei shook her head to the offer.
“What are you talking about,” her blond companion retorts with a snort. “You still look crazy
hot.” Looking around the bare room in noon lighting, hearing the sounds of bustling business
outside, Mei gathers it’s just them and his teammates have left. “Sakura said you should be
fine in a day,” he informed her. “So, I’ll watch over you until you’re better.”
Nodding in gratitude, Mei slowly replies, “since I didn’t use my kekkei genkai for long, a day
feels about right.”
Setting the tray to the side, he asks, “what kind do you have? So far, Haku’s, Hinata’s,
Gaara’s, and Sasuke’s are the only ones I’ve seen.”
“That’s a bit personal,” she lightly responded, though she wasn’t so slow she couldn’t
recognize the opportunity to gain some information. She proposes, “in the spirit of trust, how
about we play a game; since we have some free time?”
“It’s simple,” she said with a stoned smile. “We take turns asking each other questions. And
we must be completely honest with one another, otherwise, the game is meaningless.” He
quickly nods before scooting closer so she doesn’t have to completely turn her head to see
him. “So you asked about my kekkei genkai. I have two, actually. The technique that leaves
me in this state stems from my Boil Release. My ninjutsu, taijutsu, strength, speed, durability
become exponentially stronger, however, it strains my muscles and organs. My skin dries,
cracks, and reddens. The longer I use it, the longer I’m bedridden.”
Though Mei would prefer not to disclose the strengths and weaknesses of her kekkei genkai,
she can’t be sure Naruto’s medical teammate didn’t already inform him about her internal
damage, and being caught in a lie wouldn’t endear him to her. Sacrificing some information
is potentially risky, however, her fighting style doesn’t typically include her Boil Release
technique since it’s always a last resort. Additionally, if this small sacrifice allows her to ask
him valuable information in return, it’s worth it.
“Cool,” an impressed Naruto remarked. “I mean the downsides suck but that’s still pretty
“Thank you,” she replied with a smirk before asserting, “my turn. Hmmn… what should I
ask? There’s so much I’d like to know… let’s start with an easy one. How did we end up in
your teammate’s room from the forest in the blink of an eye?”
“Ah, that,” Naruto hums tilting his head in thought. “It’s a technique my dad taught me-”
As it’s the only hazy deduction that makes the most sense—given who his father is—Mei
voices, “Flying Thunder God technique,” hoping her suspicion is correct.
“You got it. Hiraishin no Jutsu,” Naruto confirmed with a small melancholy smile. “How’d
you guess?”
“When the Yondaime Hokage single-handedly dealt Iwa a decisive blow in the Third Shinobi
War, every country that heard of Konoha’s Yellow Flash attempted to reverse engineer that
technique, my own included.”
Mei recalls most of her village feeling a sense of relief when they heard of his passing,
thankful that such a fearsome shinobi was no longer in the living plane. Easily detecting the
hint of sorrow in his big sky blue eyes, however, Mei discerns how important the technique is
to him and the likelihood he might reveal more. The spiky blond seated beside her bed
possesses so much that would benefit her country, it’s yet more evidence why diplomacy
rather than tyrannical force is the best course of action. It hurts Mei to realize she can’t make
the best impression looking the way she does, but she can’t help that.
Still, clearing her extremely dry and pained throat, she continues, “since I know roughly
when your father passed, the fact that you claim he taught you only raises more questions…
but we’ll move on. Your turn.”
“What’s up with Kisame’s sword,” Naruto blurted. “One swipe from that thing and it sucks
out a ton of chakra; it’s ridiculous.”
“Samehada,” Mei hums with a nod. “That’s one weapon I’d very much like to add to my
forces. Sadly, I can’t give you the details of that question. It’s not something Kirigakure
would want other countries knowing about. I will confirm what you already know, however.
It quickly absorbs chakra when either the opponent has a visible aura around them or with
direct physical contact.” Mei gives herself minus points for shutting him down with that
explanation, but as her hands were tied, it’s the best she’s capable of revealing.
“Now that I think about it,” Mei voiced, recalling her fight with Kisame. “You did something
that managed to hurt… mmn, thirty-five percent of Samehada’s surface. It was shedding
stone scales.”
Glad he seems to be feeling playful, she returns the smile as she replies, “what did you do to
wound it?”
“Sorry,” Naruto jovially winces. “As it’s probably not something Konoha would want others
knowing about, I can’t answer the details of that question. I will confirm I’m pretty awesome
Without much energy to do so, Mei lightly laughs at his tongue and cheek, hurting her lungs
and throat. She takes several moments to settle down before nodding in amused defeat.
Feeling the urge to make him flustered, Mei innocently questions, “were those two kunoichi
from Kumo the first girls you’ve been intimate with?” Naruto’s eyes widened as Mei
continues teasing, “I find it odd that they’d ultimately decide to seduce you for
Kubikiribōchō rather than steal, ambush, bribe, or kill you.” Enjoying his raised brows,
saucer-sized blue eyes, and his blushing cheeks, Mei chastely remarked, “you three went at it
quite often.”
Amused by his surprise, Mei responds, “I’ll count that as your question, of which the answer
is, I spied, not watched. There’s a difference.” The incredibly suspicious and accusatory
expression on his tilted face that says, plain as day, ‘are you a pervert,’ has Mei clearing her
throat before making a point to assert, “I wasn’t peeping through the window-”
“I’ve heard other pervs say the same thing,” he calmly orates as if he has the ultimate
measure of her.
“I’m not a pervert-” Mei stops herself before this devolves into a back and forth and explains,
“since I saw from afar—from way away—I only wondered if that was your first experience.
I’ve seduced many men before and I’ve never had to go that far to complete the mission.”
The way he still squints his eyes, as if he wasn’t sure he could believe her, exasperated Mei
as he asks, “how far did you go?”
“I…” she began to say before pausing and remarking, “you still haven’t answered my
Exhaling, he nods before answering, “no, they weren’t the first girls I’ve had sex with.”
Lacking a lot of control over her facial expression, her eyebrows raise on their own in
genuine surprise. She hadn’t expected him to be experienced, not at sixteen; lucky, certainly,
but not experienced. Setting aside the probability of some youthful blunder he may have
experienced with a very curious girl, Mei clears her dry throat and asks, “so… why didn’t
you play into their charms?”
Scoffing in humor, Mei tucks some of her long hair behind her ear as she answers in her
strained voice, “I haven’t had to seduce anyone in years, but when I worked intelligence, I
learned that seduction wasn’t about sex. It’s about arousal. Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, I
could entice all of my targets to imagine very vivid possibilities of the most amazing pleasure
they could experience as long as they just prove their love for me first, which usually
involved them getting me what I needed. I honestly don’t know why they fall for it.”
“I can see why,” Naruto easily alleges, brazenly taking a glance up and down her body.
“Naruto!” Mei voiced with a bit of humor in her tone. “Should I be worried you’re going to
take advantage of me in my vulnerable state?”
“What?” Naruto asked. “It’s not like I’m blind. And don’t be worried. I’m already spoken
“So?” Naruto asked, confused, but only for a second. “Oh, um, I’d already told Zabuza-jiji he
can work to have his sword back, so it didn’t matter what Ma-chan and Sa-chan did. I
couldn’t give it to them. Ah! Not that I knew that’s why they were with me, or else I wouldn’t
have done that with them.”
“You must be a unicorn,” Mei huffed. “I didn’t think a man like you existed; one not easily
swayed by the potent charms of beautiful women, it tells me you’re either too good to be real
or a man of your word… Someone I can count on it if you choose to help me with my
liberation.” The moment it left her lips, Mei instantly regretted it, cursing the mind-numbing
painkillers in her system.
“Um, no offense, but I don’t know that I can,” Naruto replied, as she guessed. Mei attempted
to get her mind focused more as Naruto continues, “I get Zabuza-jiji joining you if I ask, but
Ji-chan- er, my Hokage won’t just let me go to Kiri. And Haku’s in the middle of becoming a
citizen of Konoha so he can’t leave right now or it might cause problems.”
“Even if Haku would be a great aid to freeing our country from Karatachi Yagura’s bloody
reign, I wouldn’t want to be the cause of any problems,” Mei quickly assured him.
“Haku mentioned he’s your Yondaime Mizukage and the jinchūriki of the Three-Tails,” an
intrigued Naruto remarked.
“Correct. He’s a few years younger than me but much harsher when it comes to his beliefs
and our country. If he wasn’t so tyrannical and didn’t look like a child, I’d honestly consider
his potential as a husband.”
“He wasn’t always the way he is now,” Mei admits. She recalls when he was stern in his
beliefs but open-minded and willing to listen to others. It felt like a lifetime ago as she
continues to voice, “maybe a year or two after the Three-tails was sealed in him, he suddenly
changed. He was always strict, but the crueler he became, the more he took upon himself. He
stopped trusting anyone and would brazenly stop anyone who opposed him. Eventually, he
didn’t seem to care if his crimes were discovered.”
“What crimes?”
“That’s a long and bloody list,” Mei sadly muses. “Destroying relations with our neighboring
countries, which lead to many skirmishes and deaths; Stealing funds from the village to pay
for his campaigns, leading to riots from the working class and deaths; And killing anyone
who spoke a word of dissent against his reign, reinforcing our village’s nickname; Bloody
Mist. As our nation’s jinchūriki, he’s the strongest shinobi in our village and it’ll take all the
strength we can gather to stop him.”
Naruto is silent for several moments, respectfully taking it all in before asking, “why you?”
“Why not me?” she returned. “Those that have the privilege to know, have the duty to act.
Even though I’d love nothing more than to get married and start a family, I have a moral
obligation to leave this world in a better state than when I entered it.”
“Wow, you’re pretty awesome too, Mei-chan,” he happily claimed. “Why do you want to get
married so bad?”
“I think I’ve answered enough of your questions,” Mei tells him. “It’s my turn. Haku told me
you want to unite the five nations. Why?”
“I want us to work together if our world and everyone in it is ever threatened,” Naruto
matter-of-factly asserted.
“That’s an odd worry to have,” Mei couldn’t help uttering. She casually wonders what kind
of threat could possibly endanger the world as she asks, “other than Suna, why would any
other nation listen to you?”
“That’s the tough part,” the cute blond admitted with a sigh. “I figure if I was strong enough,
they might listen, but I’ve never led anyone so I don’t really know how to be that front guy. I
want to talk to the five nations and convince them that we should work together but there’s so
much I don’t know about doing that.”
“Hmm, good leadership…” the bed-ridden redhead recites. “How many good leaders have
you been around, your Jōnin-sensei perhaps?”
“Ji-chan is the best, by far. Everyone loves him,” the blond happily praises. “He’s
disappointed in me right now but I know I can make it up to him.”
His eyes screamed redemption, and Mei could tell there was a story there so she asks, “what
do you think makes a good leader?”
He tilts his head in deep thought before answering with a question, “being really smart?”
“I wouldn’t say so,” she tells him. “It certainly helps but it’s more of an entry point, as I see
it. I’ve come across several extremely clever people who have failed as leaders.”
“Mmm, maybe being taught by other really good leaders,” Naruto suggested.
“Also, very helpful,” Mei answered, thinking of her father. “I myself was taught by the
Sandaime Mizukage. That’s a privilege that many don’t have the luxury of experiencing but
that doesn’t mean a great leader can’t come from the lower class.”
“Maybe they’re given the title by someone else,” Naruto humbly offers. “Like the team lead
assigning a secondary lead; like Kakashi-sensei usually has Sasuke be second lead if
anything happens to him.”
“Growing up in my Kiri,” Mei begins looking to the sunny scene outside the window. “I’ve
seen a large number of leads and captains make the absolute worst leaders. Many of them
have a tendency to rely on that title for respect and can’t connect with the men they’re
leading.” Turning to her blond companion, she explains, “that’s the thing Naruto. That I’ve
seen, vision is the common denominator to being an amazing leader. Many of the most
significant events on this planet happens based on emotion. Someone was wronged, a loved
one was murdered, or a group of people are marginalized-”
“And then they take revenge, steal, or start wars,” Naruto interjects, recognizing the cycle
from Naru-nii’s stories.
“Precisely,” she confirmed. “Oftentimes, being intelligent and strong is enough, but if you
want people to truly connect with you, to follow you and enact lasting change, you have to
have a vision they can all aspire to. After all, action without vision is passing time, vision
without action is daydreaming, but vision and action can change the world.”
Sensing how enthralled he was with her every word, Mei feels the energy in her to sit up.
Naruto quickly helps her up and with her hand on his shoulder while he supports her back,
Mei conveys her hope to him, praying he’s open to her request. “It’s why I’d like your help,
Naruto. You already want to unite the five nations and I can see how strong, considerate, and
honest you are. Once I’ve eased my countries burdens, I think we could work really well
“…I would like to go to Kiri,” Naruto slowly admitted, making Mei wonder why exactly.
“But I have to convince Ji-chan somehow, which won’t be easy since he wants me to get
married and stay in Fire Country. It’ll be tough without a good reason.”
Mei wanted to come up with a plan to convince his Ji-chan, but the word marry stunned her
into repeating, “umm, married?” She shakes her head as she tries to figure out, “remaining
within your borders, I can understand, but aren’t you a bit young for marriage?”
Feeling the bubbly excitement of some gossip, Mei quickly replies, “a thing I’d love to hear
“Hmm, how about I tell you why I’m getting married if you tell me why you want to get
In Jiraiya’s room, under the Fūinjutsu security Jiraiya had insisted on, Naruto’s boredom
finally died the moment he hears Itachi voiced, “judging by the way we traveled, I assume
you’ve learned your father’s technique, Uzumaki Naruto.”
Naruto wasn’t allowed to cross the red line dissecting the room in half, however, he moved
close enough to talk to the bound Uchiha sitting in a chair. The dangerous captive’s eyes were
securely covered, his hands are bound and his feet are tied to the front legs of the chair he’s
sitting on. Jiraiya mentioned no amount of security would ever be enough for a talented
shinobi like Uchiha Itachi, however, these restraints should offer them plenty of time to talk.
Grateful his Godfather is allowing this chance to talk with Itachi, Naruto says, “you should
know I’m just a clone and we’re pretty secure, so instead of fighting, how about we talk?”
When the Fūin characters on the cloth wrapping Itachi’s hands began to glow, Naruto yelled,
“ah! Careful with those bindings. They’re meant to tighten around your wrists and fingers if
it senses the release of chakra. It’ll leave deep tissue bruises if not completely cut off
The glow of the Fūin characters dies away and in a rather calm voice, Itachi asks, “where are
“At an inn.”
“I sense a constant flow of chakra around us in the shape of the room,” Itachi noted.
Naruto looks around the darkroom covered in glowing Fūin characters, just like his secure
room at Iruka’s, and answers, “it’s just my Fūinjutsu. For privacy.”
Using his ears to sense the sounds past the walls to the halls and streets outside, Itachi claims,
“no matter how secure you believe it is, it’s not secure enough.”
“Just because you can sense outside doesn’t mean the outside can sense in here,” Naruto
assured him, confident in his glowing work. “If we couldn’t sense what’s going on outside,
we wouldn’t be able to see what’s coming, would we?”
Seemingly paying more attention to Naruto, Itachi reasons, “if you’re a clone, I gather the
real Uzumaki Naruto is with Jiraiya and your teammate, Haruno Sakura.” Naruto nods then
realizes Itachi can’t see him. “If you were going to turn me in,” Itachi continues. “I’d expect
a larger detail than a single clone.”
“I hadn’t planned on turning you in because I know why you’re like this but Ero-sennin
insisted I send a clone back to Konoha,” Naruto admitted. “I can stop my clone any time but I
was hoping we could talk first- No… actually, I want your help.”
“As a Konoha shinobi, you’re not meant to ask a missing-nin for assistance,” Itachi asserted.
“With every Most Wanted entry in the Bingo Book, your task is to eliminate on sight.”
“Yeah, but I know more than the Bingo Book,” Naruto frankly replied before lifting a finger
per point spoken. “Like, how much you love your brother and Konoha, you killing your clan
to stop a coup, and making a deal to spare Sasuke isn’t written in there.”
Itachi was only silent for two seconds, but it was enough to tell Naruto his captive wasn’t
expecting that. “…I can’t imagine anyone sharing that information with you. If it were true, it
would be above top secret. How did you come to know this?”
“I have a friend in high places,” Naruto quipped, sending his Naru-nii a mental wink before
adding, “he’s pretty reliable.”
Calm as ever, Itachi asks, “if you know so much, why speak with me? What could I help you
“What of him?”
“He’s hurting,” Naruto quickly summarized. “He’s been hurting since the massacre, which
how could he not, right? It’s easy for me to put myself in his shoes—even if I wasn’t born
with a family or clan—and it’s like I can tell why he does stupid things, since I did the same
thing. Though I was only pranking people, not stabbing them through the freakin’ chest…
Anyway, I always end up thinking, if he just got the thing he needs a little sooner, he might
be alright… and we might even be real friends.”
Naruto rolls his eyes as he bids, “please take this seriously. That kind of stupid talk really
makes me doubt you can help Sasuke at all.”
Again, Itachi doesn’t respond for two seconds before noting, “you seem to believe
“Like I said, I can empathize,” Naruto insisted, easily visualizing the visceral pain Sasuke
must be in. “I mean, his family and his entire clan were taken from him in one night. His own
village either helped or did nothing to stop it. Then they let him live on with that agony
without telling him the truth, letting him believe the brother he loved so much betrayed him
for no reason.” Shaking his head to relieve some of the anger, Naruto vehemently asserts,
“don’t tell me he needs more hate because there’s no way that’s true.”
“Why would you want to help him,” Itachi asked. “Ours is a clan cursed with a never-ending
cycle of hatred; the source of our greatest forms of power. If Sasuke hasn’t already attempted
to kill you, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. Why waste your time and effort on a lost cause
like him?”
“Everyone’s so quick to accept him at face value but won’t even lift a finger to give him a
chance- a real chance,” Naruto hotly contested. “I get how rational it might be to cut him off
and treat him like he’s some kind of villain in the making—he’s bringing it on himself, right?
—but how can I accept that without even trying to help him first? Even if he does try to hurt
me again, he wouldn’t be the first one. I have a lot of people who love me now that didn’t
before, because in the end, I know the trust and relationship we built from scratch is worth it.
Sasuke’s my teammate, and even if that doesn’t mean much to him, it means a hell of a lot to
me. So, yeah, I’ll help him… which is why I need you.”
Itachi allowed the silence to build for six seconds before eventually asking, “to do what
Though he’s still irritated, Naruto bluntly stated, “I have no idea,” and Itachi recoiled his
blinded face in surprise to hear. Naruto sheepishly admits, “talking to you is as far as my plan
went. I thought I could figure something out once I did. Oh! Maybe you can tell him the truth
so he’ll stop being such an ass.”
“Planning without action leads to futility,” Itachi evenly recites. “Action without planning
leads to fatality.”
“Oh, like you’re doing any better helping him than I am,” Naruto rebuked. “Why don’t you
just tell him the truth?”
“As if he’d listen to me,” Naruto blurted with an impatient whirl of his head. “Not only did I
kick his ass, I kicked his brother’s ass too. No way he’s going to like that, at all,” he said with
a depressed sigh.
“No,” Naruto bemoans over Itachi shaking his head at the image of Sasuke’s reaction. “He’ll
probably want to fight again. No, no, the only person that can get through to him is the one
person who’s been driving him this entire time… you.”
After shaking his head as if to move on, Itachi remarks, “he wants to kill me… with reason.
He won’t listen to me.”
“You chose to be a villain,” Naruto emphasizes. “I know you didn’t want to be, which is
something I’ve been meaning to ask you about for a while now.” Naru-nii had explained all
that happened, but even he couldn’t explain why it did happen and that always made them
curious. “I know your clan was going to commit a coup and I know why you stopped them. I
even know that Danzō wanted the massacre to happen. But I don’t see why all of them had to
die; like, all of them? The women, children, the elderly? Why couldn’t it be stopped?”
Itachi takes in a deep breath before asking in a low voice, “how far are you willing to go to
save Sasuke?”
“I already have a best friend and he’s awesome,” Naruto proclaimed, wondering what Haku
is doing at the moment. “But… I still feel it. In my heart, I know Sasuke could be like a
brother. All that bad stuff drives him but it doesn’t define him and I get that. So no matter
how much of an ass he can be, I’m not the type of ninja that can just stand back and watch a
brother drown.”
With deep consideration, Naruto asks, “why was it your clan versus the village? Didn’t
anyone step in to bridge the gap?”
After an imperceptible nod and an exhale, Itachi declares, “I’ll explain the series of events
that led to Sasuke’s quest for revenge. In return, you reveal how it is you’ve come to know
this information.”
“All leaders are shinobi, but not all shinobi are leaders, and the fate of the Uchiha clan was in
the hands of Uchiha Fugaku, Shimura Danzō, and Sarutobi Hiruzen, not in soldiers like
myself,” Itachi demurely expressed. “Soldiers are given orders, and of the choices presented
to me—to Shisui—I chose the lesser of two evils and murdered my family to preserve some
measure of peace.”
“Massacring an entire clan to preserve peace is something that only makes sense to a
lunatic,” Naruto flatly noted with squinted eyes.
Itachi actually smiles before continuing. “The factor you must accept is the mistrust between
the Uchiha and the village. Mistrust that stems from the warring states period and only grew
when the Nidaime assigned my clan with the role of policing the village. Imagine a group of
people you don’t trust, that you fear the most, suddenly having the authority to investigate
and arrest you under the guise of the law. Many in the village quickly grew to hate my clan,
labeling us as corrupt, prejudicial, or zealously brutal.”
“I know how that is,” Naruto empathized whimsically, recalling the many instances the
village expressed their hatred of him, accusing him of every heinous crime and calling him
every name in the book.
“As the leader of my clan, my father installed me into the shinobi ranks as a spy to inform
him on anything the Konoha leaders were planning,” Itachi continued. “However, since I
didn’t share my clan’s beliefs—my father’s beliefs—I became a spy for Konoha instead,
initially informing Shimura Danzō of my clan’s activities, but eventually, Utatane Koharu,
Mitokado Homura, and the Sandaime. The fear and mistrust was high after the Uchiha were
made Military Police, but the Nine-tails attack on the day of your birth was the beginning of
the end.”
“It’s known that a capable Sharingan user is capable of controlling Bijū,” Itachi addressed.
“Since our clan was ordered to protect civilians by the brass, no one witnessed us help defend
the village against the Kyūbi. Rumors then circulated that the Uchiha was behind the attack
and the grieving villagers were all too happy to have a group to blame their loss on. We were
relocated even farther away from the center of the village and placed under constant
Naruto’s muscles tense in anxiousness with every word as he asks, “who decided that?”
“Whatever Sarutobi Hiruzen is to you, I assure you he fails at being a leader when it matters
the most.” Though Naruto wanted to refute that, Itachi continues voicing, “a friend I admired,
Uchiha Shisui, was also a double agent in favor of peace and the village. Shisui had been
feeding Danzō information on the clan, however, Danzō didn’t relay anything to the
Sandaime. For years, the Third Hokage didn’t pick up on the growing tension and political
conflicts building within the clan because he never cared to.”
“Ji-chan’s not like that. After Iruka-sensei, he’s the most caring person I know,” an irritated
Naruto had to declare. “And what you’re saying makes no sense. Your dad was the leader of
the Uchiha and the Military Police. I know for a fact heads of clans and department heads
have regular meetings with the Hokage. So why wouldn’t your dad meet with Ji-chan? Why
didn’t they just talk it out?”
“Hiruzen may be blind when it comes to dealing with the Uchiha,” Itachi proposed. “Even
after Danzō attempted to assassinate him, the third Hokage continued to trust him and his
Root to mediate the building friction between the Uchiha and the village. Shisui was betrayed
by Danzō, his eye was stolen, and his murder was blamed on me, all without Hiruzen
knowing. Shisui died by Danzō’s hand, Hiruzen did nothing.”
“He had no idea how bad state of affairs had gotten because Danzō kept that from him,”
Itachi solemnly orated. “However, even when the Sandaime was clued into the possibility of
a civil war, he still did nothing. I, personally, fed Hiruzen information on my clan for an
entire year and he never once spoke to my father about the possibility of peace. To this day, I
wonder why he couldn’t think of a single solution with a year’s worth of time available to do
so. I wonder why he thought ignorance was the best strategy.”
Itachi holds his tongue as his breathing becomes heavier. He doesn’t appear noticeably upset,
and if Naruto wasn’t able to hear his heavy breath and the tightening of the bindings, he
wouldn’t think Itachi was upset at all. ‘How could he not be,’ Naruto randomly thought,
making him wonder if he really believes Itachi’s claim. Simply put, this isn’t the kind and
caring Sarutobi Hiruzen he knows, who loves every villager within Konoha and citizen
within Fire Country like his own. Itachi was describing someone who, at the very least was
bad at their job, and at worst, cosigned the deaths of innocent people he was meant to protect.
“Twelve days before that night,” Itachi continued, startling Naruto to attention. “And those
old leaders were scrambling like lost children for a solution to a problem they had ample time
to resolve. Eleven days before that night and they had the nerve to ask me to buy them more
time. Ten days before that night, and only then does Hiruzen mention wanting to talk with my
father to resolve this matter peacefully… but by then, he was far too late. Shisui had given
his life to preserve peace and I became a martyr for the same reason, all because Sarutobi
Hiruzen was an unsuitable and incompetent leader.”
Naruto remained as still as death and just as silent. He couldn’t believe what Itachi was
saying about his smiling, happy, pipe-smoking Ji-chan. He couldn’t picture a time when his
oldest friend didn’t know what to do or what to say to resolve any problem. His Ji-chan just
knew it all. But if what Itachi is claiming is true, this was what Naru-nii didn’t know… what
he couldn’t tell him.
“Discontent as I was toward Danzō and the Third Hokage,” Itachi eventually continued. “The
worst-case scenario became a reality. The only options presented to me, a dutiful soldier, was
allow a civil war to break the village and country apart, which our enemies would no doubt
capitalize on, or, massacre my family, friends, and clansmen to maintain peace within the
village and dominion of our territory.”
“But you didn’t kill Sasuke,” was the only thing Naruto could think to respond.
“No,” Itachi admitted, shaking his head. “To best protect Sasuke and the future of our clan, I
made certain Danzō knew if he ever created plans for my little brother, I’d return and kill him
without hesitation. I then intentionally became the focus of Sasuke’s righteous hatred to make
him strong.”
“…I don’t know what to say,” Naruto said, as if in defeat. He simply hadn’t expected to hear
such an account of one of his favorite people.
“Now,” Itachi said, his voice doing very little to penetrate the mental haze of Naruto’s mind.
“Tell me how you came to learn about the coup and me.”
“Mnn?” Naruto glumly hums. Slowly realizing what was asked, he answers, “oh, um, yeah,
someone from the future told me.”
Exploring the jaw-dropping depth of this enormous cave would take hours. Deep, dark, dank,
and home to the greatest weapon unknown to man. At the center of the enormous cave sits a
demonic mummified statue the size of a small mountain, earth-colored and humanoid,
however, with nine eyes, several large spikes protruding down it’s back, and its wrists are
shackled. On each husky digit of the demonic statue’s shackled hands, ten shadowy figures
stood on ten stone fingers discussing an unexpected setback to their plans.
“I’m having a hard time believing that Itachi was captured by a genin,” says the wispy
shadow with slick back hair and a three-bladed sickle.
Hovering on the stone finger next to him, a man with a high ponytail asked, “oh, yeah,
because this group is all about snatching up average genins, right?”
“Careful, Deidara, before you become my next sacrifice to Jashin,” the shadow with the
sickle coldly retorted.
“You haven’t explained anything, Kisame,” replied a man with spike hair and unique eyes
made of purple concentric circles.
“He must be upset,” a shadow with a face-mask interjected. “Having fought and killed so
many shinobi but couldn’t capture a single genin.”
“A shark without teeth is pretty useless,” the ponytail shadow snidely rebuked.
“Enough,” the spiky-haired shadow commanded to the rest. “Tell us again, Kisame.”
“I told you,” an irritated Kisame angrily voiced. “That brat’s nothing special. Even with his
Bijū’s power, he couldn’t do anything against me. Whatever hit me in the end was something
new. I saw a yellow blur and then nothing. It may not have even been him!”
“I can handle it,” Kisame demandingly asserted. “He’s my prey… and I still need to find
“If he hasn’t responded to our summons, he’s either dead, detained, or a traitor,” the plant-
like shadow rationalized. “In any case, you won’t find him without me.”
“Yeah, let us know if a genin is too much for Kisame,” the shadow with the sickle jests.
“If Uzumaki Naruto requires additional consideration, I’ll take care of him myself,” the
spiky-haired leader ordained. “I’ll sacrifice him to a world of pain and birth a new era of
peace from his suffering.”
The hardships Konoha is facing weighs heavily on Kurenai’s mind. Leaving the hospital on a
cloudy sunny day, her mind is crowded with thoughts of Anko, Itachi & Kisame, Kakashi’s
coma, the Hokage’s deteriorating health, the Raikage’s health, the peace accords between
their villages, Asuma’s disdain for her, Naruto, his mission, his marriage contract, Hinata &
Ino, how the Omiai is supposed to work, and her part in all of it. It was a lot, however,
Kurenai only just manages to remain disciplined. Walking the streets of East Pavilion toward
her meeting, her fellow villages give her strength to resolves these problems so they can all
like happy and healthy lives.
Having left her best friend’s sickbed, she’s grateful, at least, to learn Anko has regained
feeling in her feet. Though she was stabbed in the spine by Itachi’s kunai, her crazy friend
had summoned snakes under her overcoat to take the majority of the blade for her. Her injury
will take some rehab, however, the healers expect her to make a full recovery, easing the hate
and need for revenge filling her heart.
As Kakashi is in a coma and the information on Akatsuki is above her clearance, she doesn’t
know much more than what her Jōnin captain said during their skirmish on the river. ‘They’re
after Naruto,’ her mind voiced, which nearly makes her hyperventilate with worry. The fact
that Guy barely returned with Kakashi said a lot about what two members of this group are
capable of. ‘And they’re after Naruto,’ Kurenai’s frantic mind thinks as she rounds the
avenue that leads directly to the Hyūga compound.
The two clans involved in the Omiai are supposed to get back to her with either more
questions or reached a decision. Walking to the Hyūga main branch mansion, Kurenai hopes
Hinata isn’t crushed should her boorish father rejects her singular love… ‘even if it is
incredibly awkward,’ she mentally groans, thinking how weird this all is. Halting her walk at
the thought of orchestrating the union of the man she loves with the pseudo-daughter she
loves all the while holding on to her own love for him.
‘This is fucking crazy,’ Kurenai mentally cursed, continuing on as many Hyūga stands sell
their goods around her.
Settling on a cushion in front of Hinata and her father, Kurenai studies the father and
daughter like a suspect, attempting to understand why Hinata seemed distraught and Hiashi is
so pleased. Her precious student seemed hollow, looking at the ground rather than her as the
tea is set before the three. Once the servants leave, Hiashi speaks in his domineering voice,
“the Hyūga clan has a long history of appeasing demands made of us for the good of the
village. You may relay to Hokage-sama, in this, the Hyūga cannot. I nor my clan or daughter
will heedlessly sacrifice one of our own for what amounts to little more than a thank you. Our
clan is much too noble for-”
“The likes of the Yondaime’s son,” Kurenai interrupted as her intuition is blaring that he’s
grandstanding in an attempt to gain something and she will not have it. “Please excuse my
impertinence, Hiashi-dono, but you shouldn’t misinterpret an offer for an obligation. The
Hokage is not demanding anything of the Hyūga clan and wishes, more than anything, to
convey no ill-will or resentment regardless of your decision. You are well within your rights
to decline this opportunity, however, I need to hear it from Hinata, not you.”
“Your disrespect will not be tolerated, Kurenai-sensei. Not in my home,” Hiashi griped with a
grating tone. “Interrupt me again and this will not end well for you.”
Without back down, a cool Kurenai confidently returns, “it’s because Hokage-sama has great
respect for the noble clans of Hyūga and Yamanaka, that you and Inoichi were invited to the
meeting, but make no mistake, the leader of our military force was giving his kunoichi the
option to accept this mission. That means this decision is theirs and any answer I hear needs
to come from them.”
Hiashi practically yells, “I don’t care for any suffering or pressures you’re currently dealing
with, Kurenai-sensei. While you’re in my home you will show me the respect I deserve!”
Kurenai’s red irises simply stare at the larger more imposing man. In this bubble of limited
time with Hinata watching in awe, Kurenai didn’t care about Hiashi or his clan’s power. She
wasn’t going to let him throw his weight where it has no place being and her daring silence
was yet another act of defiance.
Scoffing, the clan leader seethed internally as he growled, “I don’t deny my daughter may be
willing—” Hinata’s blushing cheeks is the only sign of life Kurenai has seen from the stoic
girl. “However, after much deliberation, the only way we can consider the Sandaime’s
gracious offer is if you grant us three requests; You rescinded the Yamanaka clan’s invitation,
the Uzumaki clan share any and all clan secrets with the Hyūga main branch, and a sworn
statement from Uzumaki Naruto stating he will never attempt to abolish the Hyūga clan’s
Kurenai stared at the man coldly, masking her disgust as she sarcastically simplifies, “you…
don’t want Naruto eliminating your clan’s cursed seal, yet you want him to divulge any
Uzumaki clan secrets to you.” Hiashi’s audacity always shocks her, leaving her struggling at
times to find the patience to reply respectfully. Inhaling deeply for composure, she explained,
“like many in the village, you witnessed how Naruto pushed the invasion back and saved
many injured lives. How many shinobi did Konoha lose, Hiashi-dono? Of the twelve hundred
plus Konoha villagers & shinobi, how many deaths were reported due to the invasion? 1.2%.
Eighteen citizens lost their lives because we were either too late to help them, the poison
spread too far, or the hospital had more patients than they could feasibly manage. Whether
you acknowledge it or not, every villager knows without Naruto’s efforts, that casualty count
would’ve been exponentially higher.”
Kurenai let that sink in, subtly letting him know he’s not the only shinobi who’s
acknowledging Naruto’s future potential. “I think you need to understand something,” she
continued. “I recommended Hinata to our Hokage because he’s her greatest source of
support; earning her place in the third task, fighting the genius Neji to a standstill. Even if
many may not see it, Hinata is strong,” causing Hinata to sharply suck in air, taken by her
sensei’s unwavering faith in her. “I know it, her team knows it, and Naruto knows it. You
may want to bargain her off like a broodmare, but the decision is not up to you or your
politics. It’s up to the proud genin of the Leaf, Hyūga Hinata. So, reconsider your position
wisely, Hiashi-dono, because not only will Naruto’s name be recognized in the annuls of
time, he’ll make everyone around him great as well.”
“Speaking to you is as irrelevant as I expected,” Hiashi waves indignantly. “I’ll discuss this
further when Uzumaki-kun returns from his mission. Leave the premises.”
“You’re welcome to speak with Uzumaki-dono all you like,” Kurenai corrected. “Before I
go,” she started, focusing on Hinata. “Report to my home by five. That’s an order from your
commanding officer.” Even if she didn’t need to voice her authority to Hinata, Hiashi’s
tightened jaw told her he understood that as long as his daughter was an active kunoichi,
she’s ultimately in charge of Hinata.
“Don’t worry, Hiashi-dono,” Kurenai assured. “I won’t be sending her on any missions.”
Leaving the Hyūga compound, Kurenai wonders what Hinata must be going through with
such a domineering father. It’s only been a day since the Hyūga princess was asked to
participate in the Omiai and it seemed like he opened up all her old psychological wounds.
Kurenai sighed at the setback but was happy to hear her in the end, despite her father not
giving her permission to speak. Hinata remained in her thoughts all the way to the Yamanaka
household, which would only add to her worry.
Ino was beyond relieved when Kurenai came to her house and requested she join her for
dinner. The upfront blond needed a break from her parent’s constant nagging or she was
going to say something she couldn’t take back. Ever since the meeting about the Omiai, her
parents have not stopped arguing against marrying Naruto. Even her mother, who Ino thought
would be on her side, agreed with her father. Ino has been arguing nonstop about how
amazing and caring Naruto is, how she couldn’t think of a better man to be with. She’s talked
up all his good points as well as his sad past, and still, her parents won’t agree.
‘Kami, bless them,’ she thought. ‘But damn can they get on my nerves!’
Jogging up to Kurenai’s house to relieve some stress, Ino buoyantly knocked on the front
entrance before her favorite Jōnin kunoichi opened the door. The beautiful woman stood in a
red and black apron over a white shirt and a red skirt. Her hair was tied back in a low ponytail
and Ino wondered how she always looked so beautiful when she’s cooking.
Walking in, the aroma coming from the kitchen told her they were having salmon but Ino was
surprised to see her competition in the kitchen as well, also wearing a cute white and blue
apron over her white and light blue yakata. Ino returned the quiet girl’s bow, all the while
measuring Hinata up. Ino suddenly realized her competition has a much bigger chest than she
does, even under the yakata; the kind of chest most men worship. Ino’s body proportions is
the perfect golden ratio—a model figure—but if Ino has learned anything from years of
listening to gossip, it’s that men love big breasts. Even if Ino felt her personality matched
well with Naruto, she instantly felt at a disadvantage.
Setting her mind to ‘Victory No Matter What,’ Ino consciously avoided paying any attention
to Hinata’s alluring body and asks Kurenai, “Temari-chan isn’t on her way as well, is she?”
“No,” Kurenai answered. Ino takes a seat at the kitchen island as the beautiful sensei adds, “I
think we can save that meeting for a future date.”
Looking around the kitchen and stretching her senses to the second floor, Ino cautiously asks,
“…is Naruto on the way, by chance?”
Turning to Ino as Hinata takes the bowl of salad to the dinner table, Kurenai asks, “you don’t
know? He’s on a mission right night. No clear ETA but I’m not expecting a long
assignment.” Ino just hums before they continue preparing dinner. It doesn’t take long to
finish the salmon and side dishes before the three are seated at the table.
“Alright, enjoy,” Kurenai proclaims, though Ino doesn’t have an appetite for food.
She’s hungry for information and begins by asking, “how’s the peace talks going?”
“Well enough,” Kurenai relays to the girls as she serves each girl a cut of fish. “It’s fortunate
we all understand what led to their betrayal, and while Suna is committed to making amends,
we’re also recognizing our part in it.”
“Speaking of commitment,” Ino naturally hops in to segue. “Do you mind if I ask why we
were chosen as candidates to be Naruto’s first wife? I mean, I understand why it needs to be a
Konoha kunoichi, but you picked me and Hinata-chan out of all the girls in our class. You
could’ve picked an older girl too, so, I just wondered why.”
Fortunately, Hinata also seemed eager for answers and Kurenai set her utensils down to
answer, “I took into consideration the number of people who looked past his reputation to see
him as a person. As you’re both well aware, that’s not a long list. Before people learned he’s
the Yondaime’s son-”
“Which still throws me for a loop,” Ino interjected, shaking her head in amazed disbelief.
Nodding Kurenai continues, “Before that bombshell, or how impactful he was during the
invasion; before restarting his clan, or even his display of strength during the second task,
you both cared about him the most, admittedly to varying degrees.”
“Reeeaaallllly,” Ino hummed whimsically before turning curiously toward the blushing
Hyūga princess. Ino asked, “Hinata?” The way Hinata blushes is too cute, and Ino wonders if
the shy girl is also more feminine than she is or if Naruto likes that more.
“Hinata was the one who first opened my eyes to the real Naruto,” Kurenai readily answered
in Hinata’s blushing silence. “It’s my belief if he’s going to spend the rest of his life in a
political marriage, I’d, at least, want him to be with someone who cared about him when no
one else did.”
“Before all the fame,” Ino reasoned with an understanding nod. “Makes sense.” Turning to
Hinata, she asks, “what did your tou-chan say? Mine wouldn’t stop badgering me about our
ages. ‘Marriage is a huge responsibility! You’re not ready! You’re too young!’ he’d say over
and over as if I’m thirteen or something.”
“Well it’s not like Naruto has any older options,” Ino returned, to which Kurenai lazily
nodded as she scratched her button nose as if it suddenly irritated her.
Clearing her throat, Kurenai says to them, “I invited you both here because I wanted to offer
you a better picture of what life can be like in a marriage like this.” The sight of Hinata
blushing at the thought of marriage only highlights how different their personalities are, and
makes Ino curious about what Naruto would prefer; a shy and cute girl, or a confident girl
with model-like beauty. “Simply asking you to marry at sixteen is already a demanding
enough situation, but to have sister-wives on top of that, it’s a whole other level.”
Hinata also seemed surprised when Kurenai confirmed, “that’s a strong possibility you
should be prepared for.”
Hinata asked, “do you think somebody else may want to marry Naruto, sensei?”
The heavy silence Kurenai extended concerned Ino, as if there was more information being
withheld from her. “If this were any other shinobi, or any other situation, it’d be unthinkable
to expect a marriage, even a political one, to be with more than one wife, but Naruto’s Omiai
allows for up to nine and neither of you can discount the possibility that this polygamous
relationship may have room for a third, fourth, or even fifth wife.”
“It may be possible but I don’t see how I could want to share Naruto with-” Ino suddenly
realizes she’s already in a situation like that with herself and Sakura.
Kurenai misinterprets Ino’s balking by saying, “that’s right. You’re already sharing him with
Temari, and while I don’t think Naruto is the type to neglect one in favor of the other, you
will have to come to grips with this. Essentially, you won’t just be in a relationship with
Naruto, but with Temari as well, and who can say it’ll end there. Don’t expect a third or
fourth girl, just prepare yourselves for the possibility. Ask yourself if you’d be comfortable
sharing him with Temari or each other, if it came to it… or even me, if I were ordered. That’s
the fickle reality of this affair, and if neither of you can accept that, then this may not be for
Ino isn’t sure why Kurenai is emphasizing interacting with Temari or other potential wives,
but fortunately, Ino already has experience sharing Naruto. Her original goal was to be in an
open relationship with both Naruto and Sakura, and though she doesn’t feel anything for
Temari, Ino knows, at the very least, she can see herself sharing him. Sakura may not be open
to marrying Naruto, but if there’s a possibility, Ino owes it to herself and her best friend to try.
Resolute in herself, Ino confidently voices, “I don’t know Temari. I’ll likely learn more about
her after several meetings, but regardless of what I learn about her, I know who I am… and
more importantly, who Naruto is. That gives me faith that no matter what lies ahead of this
relationship, as long as Naruto is the Head of our clan, we can weather any storm. That’s just
the kind of guy he is, so why would a relationship with him be any different?”
Ino allows the pleasant rush of seeing Kurenai’s smile and nod wash over her. The blond
beauty felt like she could relax a little as the gorgeous sensei then turns to her rival and asks,
“Hinata?” The Hyūga heiress is silently having an internal battle of wills. Hinata seemed so
conflicted to her, giving Ino more confidence that she’ll be Naruto’s first wife.
“Just be honest. Under this roof, you’ll never go wrong expressing yourself,” Kurenai
encourages, mildly upsetting Ino to hear the kunoichi she admires supporting someone else,
however, she understands why.
‘Hinata is her student, after all,’ Ino thought. ‘Why wouldn’t they have a strong bond when
Kurenai is so amazing and mature?’
Hinata takes a deep breath before delicately voicing, “the last thing I want to be is a burden
on anyone-”
“You’re not a burden, Hinata,” Kurenai assured her. “Not to me and certainly not to Naruto.”
“I just feel like it wouldn’t be right to accept the Omiai without considering Naruto’s feelings
first,” Hinata softly argued. “What if… what if he d-doesn’t w-want me- or the Omiai? I
don’t want to add to his troubles.”
“I see,” Kurenai hums, also making Ino begrudgingly award a point to her tender-hearted
rival. “I just naturally assumed he would say yes, but you’re right, we should get his input.
How about the four of us talk when he gets back? For now, I want you both to think about
what we discussed, and try to imagine what marriage with multiple wives will be like. What’s
important here is honesty. If you still believe this is a path you’d like to take, come see me
and we’ll talk more. If not, know that your decision is completely fine and you’re not letting
anyone down. Understood?”
Ino and Hinata both nod as their minds slowly begin to travel down a rabbit hole of
polygamous imagination.
“I’m literally amazed,” Mei hums in humored disbelief. Sitting up to hear his story with her
arms wrapped around her knees and her head resting on her forearms, Mei muses, “I can
understand Suna’s campaign to overthrow Konoha, the need to neutralize you, and using an
Omiai to get close to you in a believable manner—it’s pretty crafty—but for it to backfire
like that…” Mei chuckles lightly before asserting, “goes to show you what could happen if
you don’t think things through. For Suna to lose and then Konoha insist on the Omiai…
there’s a perfect storm if I’ve ever seen one. Are you okay marrying a girl who actively
deceived you to destroy your village?”
“Things might’ve gone down that way but I always understood why,” Naruto pointed out.
Seated with arms behind him propping him up, he assures her, “I know for a fact that Temari
is actually a good person. And even if we’re getting married, it’s not like I said yes for shits
and giggles. I care about her, she cares about me, and the marriage isn’t going to for a while
anyway. We have time to get to know each other, and if it doesn’t work out, we can still be
friends. Easy.”
“Easy…” Mei scoffs, feeling irritated for some reason. He’s young and getting married…
younger than her and getting married… it’s almost like he’s saying she’ll never get married.
Mei turns to him with an evil glare, making him shiver in danger as she declares, “don’t make
me kill you.”
Mei takes a calming breath before hotly educating him. “Easy? As if it’s such a simple thing;
finding someone who’s strikingly handsome, kind as the heavens yet fierce as hell, gentle as
a breeze yet strong as a hurricane, and all-around amazing. To then fall madly in love and
navigate the land mines of melding our personalities to perfection before finally getting
married. Don’t look down the magnitude of such an enigma. No, there’s nothing easy about
With wide and confused eyes, Naruto slowly vocalizes, “mnnn, well, easy is probably a bad
word… how about, comfortable? That’s a better word. I love my friends and family, and I
know I’ll love my wives too… which is something I never thought I’d say,” he admits,
making Mei scoff in irritation. Clearing his throat, he confesses, “you know, one of my sensei
says, as long as you have love, real love, it’ll always work out, even if that means you’re
better off as friends. I’m sure you’ll find that guy for you.”
Suddenly feeling happy, Mei cheerfully exclaims, “I think so too!” Picturing the fairytale life,
she whimsically adds, “what’s he going to be like, how he’ll treat me, how we’ll live
together… mmnn, I picture it all the time.”
Looking at him like he’s insane, she asks, “why wouldn’t you? Living with an amazing
person who loves and cherishes you every day for as long as you both shall live… Someone
you can rely on who you can share your whole heart with… it’s been a fantasy of mine since
I was sixteen.”
“Huh, I thought about that same thing when I was a kid,” Naruto admitted, drawing on Mei’s
curiosity. “Only I was thinking about having parents.”
His words brought about memories of her father and the day he died and the change of heart
that time summoned in her. Whimsically, Mei couldn’t help admitting to the blond boy beside
her, “you know, before then, I never thought about getting married. It’s what my father
always wanted. I thought he just wanted to be rid of me.” Mei snorted at the recollection of
her younger self, adding, “plus, I was a fat girl with chubby cheeks, short for my age, and
flat-chested, so I thought he was just being cruel. I didn’t think anyone could love a girl like
me, so I just beat up all the boys and spoke my mind.”
Mei snickers a bit at herself for opening up far than she had planned to. She thought it
might’ve been a combination of things; his strength, the fight they went through, wanting to
be on his good side so he’d help her, the painkillers still circulating in her system, the
pleasant breeze of the beautifully sunny day, and Naruto’s comforting presence. He’s already
different since he’s not an enemy or a subordinate, allowing Mei to make the conscious effort
to roll the dice on what category Naruto might fall into.
“Sounds like we would’ve been great friends or rivals,” Naruto happily remarked.
“Either one would’ve been good with me,” a smirking Mei assured him.
“Hell yeah,” Naruto agreed. “You can’t have too many friends or rivals.” Mei strongly
nodded in favor of, appreciating the common train of thought. “What changed your mind
about marriage?”
Mei’s thoughts returned to sentimental memories as she slowly answers, “my father passed
away.” Since it seemed like their agreement to be honest with each other extended beyond the
game of trading questions, Mei shared, “…I’m the illegitimate daughter of the Sandaime
Mizukage, so I grew up angrier than most. I acted like I didn’t care but deep down I was
desperate to prove my worth to him and the main family.”
“So your tou-chan was a Kage too,” Naruto noted with a small smile.
“He was,” she returned. “I think you would’ve liked him. He always talked about peace and
finding diplomatic solutions to our problems with Iwa, but peace is harder for Kiri to accept
than war, so my father and his family didn’t last very long. It wasn’t until he was gone that I
saw how much better he was for our country, rich and poor alike. I realized too late that he
was right about a lot of things that I just couldn’t see before.”
The silence between them extended for several minutes and Mei was grateful for the time.
Her mind was putting away those needless memories when Naruto eventually asks, “so…
you want to get married to honor your father?”
Blinking her emerald eyes, she mulls over the question a moment before answering, “in a
way, I suppose you could say that.”
Slowly, as if trying to solve a tough math question in his mind, he asks, “can I ask, are you
looking to marry a guy you genuinely like, or someone you think would make your father
Swallowing with her very dry throat is hard, but she rather that pain than trying to answer
that question. Even if she didn’t talk about him often, Mei couldn’t deny her father rarely
strayed from her thoughts. She simply did too much he would approve of to not think about
“You’re really pretty,” Naruto effortlessly stated, without embarrassment. “And that alone
could get you married in no time at all. I just think your tou-chan would want you to be
happy, even if the guy you marry isn’t some ultra amazing guy you think he’d approve of.”
Huffing in a bit of laughter, Mei leans in a bit and remarks, “my, my… you’re wiser than you
Mei laughs and instantly regrets it when the pain in her torso flares up. “Maybe you have a
point,” she admitted after calming down. “It’s not like I have many friends I can talk to about
“I have allies, acquaintances, subordinates, trusted advisers, bodyguards, but no true friends,”
Mei whimsically claims. “When too many people rely on you for their way of life, the road
of a leader is often a lonely one.”
“Poppycock,” Naruto called out with a stern shake of his head and arms crossed overhead in
an X. “Everyone deserves to have friends. I don’t care if you’re the Hokage or a Jinchūriki,
you need a friend, or else, who do you have fun with?”
“Life isn’t all about fun, Naruto,” Mei replied. “There’s just too much to do… too many lives
to think about.”
“Hey, I get that,” the blond assured her. “Remember, I not only want to save Konoha lives, I
want to save everyone, regardless of country. But you’re still allowed to have some fun. I like
eating Ramen, watering my plants, working on my Fūinjutsu, and hanging out with my
friends and family. It’s true I’m not leading an uprising like you are, but even if I were
Hokage, I don’t think I would stop having friends just because I have a job to do.” Mei can’t
quite deny that logic, however, Konoha and Kiri are very different cultures, so it’s surprising
when Naruto offers, “And even if you can’t have a friend in Kiri, I’ll be your friend. You can
tell me anything and I’ll listen to ya.”
Though touched by his offer, Mei sadly reminds him, “friends from opposite countries don’t
typically work out well.”
“Me and Haku are best friends,” he effortlessly countered. “Gaara, Temari, and Kankurō are
new friends. And I even made friends with Ma-chan and Sa-chan from Kumo.”
“Well aren’t you just a popular guy?” Naruto snickers as Mei then asks, “how are you
supposed to maintain a friendship with those girls from Kumo? Unlike Suna—where you
could visit free of hostility—it’s not like Konoha and Kumo are allies.”
Naruto quickly becomes wide-eyed and beaming as he happily claims, “actually, I thought of
something that could help me and them keep in touch! I could even be invited to go to Kumo
without causing a war!”
“Oh,” Mei hummed curiously, leaning a little closer. “This I have to hear.”
Smirking with confidence, Naruto leaned in as he began, “okay, so, you know my Omiai?”
So, I've had the shittiest two months of the year(nothing to do with politics), which
delayed my writing. I can't imagine how things can get worse which means they can
only get better.
This chapter was one that I wanted to get to because after reading the light novels, I was
really disappointed with Hiruzen as a leader. He really did a terrible job handling that
entire situation. I wanted to highlight that as a way to shake Naruto up, of which you'll
see how later.
I'm moving the girls a little closer this chapter. There's more about Mei that I wanted to
share but I didn't want to front load her one on one with Naruto. They're have more
chances to talk again.
Be safe and let me know your thoughts or if there are mistakes. I'd appreciate it. Thank
you for supporting me and this story.
Chapter Summary
He refuses to be ordinary. He fights and never settles for less than legendary.
Chapter Notes
Hey friends. Apologies. This chapter should've been uploaded on Monday but I hadn't
anticipated a birthday surprise over the weekend which delayed the update.
I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I really hope you enjoy it. I want to thank my
fans. Your support keeps me going :)
Secured in a bare room with his eyes covered and his hands securely bound, all Itachi wanted
to know was, “…someone from the future?”
Itachi has long believed in peace & duty and was never one to put limits on the possibilities
of reality. The world has it’s established rules and altering those rules with the use of chakra
is only limited by time and imagination. Accepting things as they are is why he’s never truly
surprised by the dangers he comes across in battle. It’s that mentality that helps him find the
weakness in anything because everything has a flaw. However, in a world where even the
dead can be summoned, he’s never once come across traveling through time. Itachi assumed
time travel was simply too complex or time-consuming to properly or practically utilize.
Last he learned, the current philosophy on presentism holds that the future and the past exist
only as changes that occurred or will occur to the present, and so have no real existence of
their own. From this perspective, time travel is impossible because there is no future or past
to travel to. On the other hand, he’s also aware of time dilation. Thinking of time travel
through time dilation isn’t truly time travel since that’s little more than one object, like the
planet, moving much faster through time than another object, like a different planet. A round-
trip from planet to planet and back would render the illusion of time travel.
‘So, do I believe him?’ his quick-thinking mind wondered, listening to Naruto fidget where
he sits. For once, Itachi had no answer, so asked again, “someone from the future told you?
Itachi didn’t quite know how to process that. Knowing the future would naturally tempt
anyone, an effective premise for a trap, however, he can’t be sure what kind of trap Naruto
would be setting up. He’s talked to him long enough to get a sense of the boy. He’s earnest,
honest, a little slow, and wears his heart on his sleeve. He has a good heart, which is little
more than a death sentence to a shinobi.
‘Yet, he fights,’ Itachi thought before asking, “what else did this person from the future tell
“Sorry, that wasn’t part of the deal,” Naruto called out to the room. Itachi could see how a
loud rash and blunt shinobi like Naruto could annoy many, but somehow, he found it
refreshing to see someone that wasn’t so cold and calculating. He smirked as he listened to
Naruto finish, “so you believe me?”
“Good enough for me,” a suddenly energetic Naruto responded. Itachi can hear him sitting
more alert as he voiced, “more importantly, we need to figure out how to help Sasuke
because what you’re doing now isn’t working.”
Deciding to acquire every scrap of relevant intelligence, Itachi asks, “did the future person
tell you that?”
“He didn’t need to,” Naruto answered. “But if that’ll get you to help, then yeah.”
“Help how?”
“Tell him the truth, I guess,” Naruto replied, clearly conveying he has no clue. “It’s what he
needs the most.”
Though he admires Naruto’s spirit, he shakes his head at the lack of forethought while
asking, “have you considered what knowing the truth would do?” Naruto’s slow thoughtful
hum is answer enough for Itachi to continue, “with undeniable reason, Sasuke’s current target
is me. When he kills me, he will naturally feel a release from his hate in the form of justice. If
he learns the truth of all involved, his target could very easily shift from me to Konoha-”
Thinking of the lengths of Sasuke’s hate, it suddenly dons on Itachi why someone from the
future would warn Naruto, leading him to ask, “…that’s what happens, isn’t it?”
“Pretty much,” Naruto glumly confirmed. “I was told he leaves Konoha to learn how to kill
you from Orochimaru, he tries to kill the five Kages at a summit meeting, and he actually
kills Danzō.”
“He kills…” Itachi begins to repeat but only stops himself because it seems so obvious that’s
what the hate within Sasuke desire most. Burdened by his failure, the Uchiha asks, “what’s to
stop Sasuke from taking out all his hatred on the village or the country?”
Just as casual, but with absolute certainty, Naruto easily answered, “me.” The fact that he
knows the future adds more weight to his words when the blond adds, “I have friends and
loved ones who hated or really disliked me before they changed their minds. Besides Sasuke,
I have one friend who’s really angry with me right now. He’s ignoring me and everything, but
I won’t stop trying to make up with him… because that’s just what happens when I’m the one
who takes the hate. Even if I get beat and bloodied by Kurama or Sasuke, I know I can
endure better than anyone because that’s what friends do.”
‘A weapon of heart,’ Itachi thought with amusement, absolutely sure Shisui would’ve liked
him. Deciding to think of his own plan, Itachi moved on to another concern and asks, “you
must know why I’m a member of Akatsuki… what our mission is.”
“Mnn,” he hummed in the affirmative, mildly surprising Itachi. Even he doesn’t know the
scope of their mission. The blond then suspiciously questioning, “you’re not going to try and
pump me for info about them, are you? Because we really don’t have time for that.”
“They’re not going to allow me to leave like this,” Itachi pointed out to the young shinobi.
“Kisame, in particular, will not stop chasing me until I’ve returned to the fold with reason or
as a corpse. I know too much.”
“Well… I don’t mind sharing intel,” Naruto eventually asserted, mildly surprising Itachi yet
again. The Uchiha feels he should be more guarded with valuable intelligence. On the other
hand, Naruto would likely know who to tell and who to be wary of. Naruto continues, “but I
want to know you’re going to help Sasuke, first.”
“Yeah, and none of this, ‘from the shadows,’ crap, either,” Naruto returned. “Sasuke needs to
be your top priority. When I see that he’s different, like less angry, maybe even apologizes for
trying to kill me, then I’ll tell you everything I know.”
Sasuke without his hatred, Itachi suddenly felt heavy by the daunting task. Itachi had a mind
for tactics and strategy, a body for the short life of combat and warfare, a soul for peace and
serenity, but he couldn’t claim to have the heart to genuinely move people the way Naruto
seems to. If it was a fight, Itachi was more than capable, but placating Sasuke’s righteous
fury seemed insurmountable.
Itachi’s mind easily acknowledged that he’s currently bound and blinded, however, he won’t
always remain so. Curious if Naruto had considered the simplest way for him to acquire what
he wants to know, Itachi asks, “what if I simply take the information?”
“You can try,” the blond readily replied. “But don’t think I won’t fight you off.” Funnily
enough, he added, “and I’d be really disappointed that Sasuke’s older brother is that kind of
guy. From what I’ve been told, you’re a pretty cool dude.”
His reply only reinforces to Itachi the type of person Uzumaki Naruto is. It made Itachi’s
mind spark with the realization that the best person to truly help Sasuke is the person with the
biggest heart. He tells Naruto, “like every shinobi, I’ve always been prepared to die by my
choices and for my duty. It’s why I’ll leave Sasuke to you, Naruto.”
Itachi could hear the blond boy sit up sharply, demanding to know, “what! Why?”
“It’s for the best if I remain embedded with the enemy and hinder their plans,” Itachi
reasoned. The fewer enemies for Naruto to take on, the better he’ll be to face Sasuke when
the time comes. Of course, what he now knows about Naruto is an enormous liability and
says more to himself, “I’ll make myself forget the past few hours-”
“Will you stop running!” Naruto yelled loud enough for Itachi to feel the vibrations in the air.
Itachi can’t see but he’s certain Naruto’s face is quite upset when he continues to argue, “I’m
telling you staying with Akatsuki is a bust! Why would you want to keep wasting your time
with them instead of helping your own brother?”
Knowing where Naruto’s concern stems from, Itachi returns the honesty by admitting, “the
only real way to help Sasuke is to die by his hand-”
“Then train him to do that!” Naruto yelled, confusing Itachi until he adds, “just don’t leave
him again.”
‘Loneliness,’ he thought. Itachi knows Sasuke feels alone in the world, ‘but that’ll only make
him stronger,’ he concluded.
“What you’re doing right now…” Naruto pauses for several moments to gather his thoughts
before expressing, “what you’re doing isn’t going to make him better or stronger. You’re just
running away and hoping the problem solves itself. How’s that any different than what Ji-
chan did? He didn’t get involved and talk with your tou-chan like he should’ve… and look
what happened. Isn’t that why you hate him? If Sasuke needs to fight someone, fine! He can
fight me! He won’t win, but I’ll be that for you guys if you’d just stop running and be the
brother he needs.”
Itachi remained silent for several minutes, thinking about his actions and how powerful
Naruto’s heart is, then asks, “would you be the bar by which he measures his success? To
fight him to the death if need be?”
“If you mean, ‘will I put my life on the line,’” Naruto clarified in asking before asserting,
“then hell yeah I will.”
Itachi could only snicker at the refreshing ninja before answering, “I’ll think about it.”
“Finally!” Jiraiya exclaimed, throwing out his arms in triumph as they walked through the
East Wall’s gate of the biggest gambling town in Fire Country. The three ninjas were sweaty
and breathing noticeably heavy from a long day of continuous sprinting, but no worse for
wear. Jiraiya quickly led them to the inn he generally stays in whenever he visits the city. In
their haste, the three quickly shower, drop off their gear and traveling cloaks before meeting
out front again.
They wore their usual attire, Jiraiya in his green pants & kimono shirt under a red haori with
two yellow circles on each side and wooden sandals; Sakura in her short-sleeved red qipao
dress with slits along the sides and tight dark bike shorts; and Naruto wearing his orange and
black outfit under his short-sleeved red cloak with a black flame pattern at the hem. Though
the three were hungry for a proper meal, they have a mission of vital importance to complete.
With only a few hours of daylight left, Jiraiya grabs a confused Naruto’s wrist and exclaimed,
“now let’s go talk about the sorcery you pulled out of your ass to win over Kurenai-chan.”
Groaning, Naruto rolls his head back in sheer disbelief while Sakura quickly became torn
between her dream of meeting her idol and very much wanting to learn more about this
unbelievable affair. An indecisive power struggle rages within her as Naruto blurts out to his
Godfather, “but we still have to find her-”
“No, no, no,” Jiraiya huffed with finality. Leaning down and sternly eying the blond, he
points out, “it’s the afternoon! What kind of gambler you know gambles during the day?”
“It could be all of them, for all I know,” Naruto yelled back. “It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t
“Send your clones,” Jiraiya interjected as they start walking. “There’s a lot of ground to
cover, so, the solution is simple. Cancel all the ones you left training and spare a dozen to
search the city while we finally talk!”
Naruto sighed and acquiesced for fear Jiraiya might lose it if he didn’t. As they walk into an
empty alleyway, Sakura agreed this solved her dilemma; his clones can search for Tsunade
while she finally learns a love mystery unlike anything she’s ever heard before. In the empty
alley, Naruto creates a dozen clones that leap away to search the city then dispels the hundred
clones he left training earlier that morning.
With only a squad of clones searching the city and the few keeping Mei and Itachi company,
Naruto’s focus didn’t feel burdened anymore and it was a great relief. He was, however,
dragged through overly loud, rude, and busy streets whilst repetitive memories are painfully
shoved into his brain, forcibly hardwiring strong chemical interactions at the synapse of all
his neurons. Though his head hurts, he’s happy to note he’s become better at release chakra
from both his elbows. It’ll take him a while to master exerting chakra from all of his
tenketsus but he’ll do it if it means using the Hiraishin as much as he wants without passing
out from exhaustion.
Allowing himself to be taken via piggyback on his Godfather’s broad back is uncomfortable.
It’s already sunny, his white hair feel like needles, and his body is too warm, however, Naruto
vaguely realizes he doesn’t object to answering Jiraiya and Sakura’s intense curiosity. It’s
been two days since they learned about his relationship with Kurenai and without much
details or even proof, they’ve been forced to take it at face value.
‘That’s not really fair,’ his hurting brain reasons. There are times when even he’s amazed by
how a woman like Kurenai ended up loving him, of all people. But when Jiraiya made steps
to enter a bar, a concerned Naruto is forced to ask, “uh, where are we going?”
Jiraiya’s answer of, “a nice and private bar to talk-” is immediately cut off by Naruto’s
frustrated reminder, “I’m underage!”
Stopping his clacking feet mid-step, Jiraiya huffs “fine,” before rushing a few streets over,
with Sakura right beside them, as he added, “a nice and private restaurant where we can
finally sit down and talk!”
The first restaurant they enter, Jiraiya scans the lively room for empty tables and booths with
a blasé Naruto hanging apathetically from his back when the elder shinobi is slowly stunned
to see Tsunade and Shizune eating at one of the booths to the left. The blond gambler is
eating a piece of fish when her wandering eye coincidently meets with his. It takes them
several blinks before Jiraiya stomps his right foot forward, points aggressively at his old
teammate, and yelled, “Tsunade!”
Tsunade slams her palms on the counter as she stood up, shaking all the cutlery on the jolted
surface, spits out the bit of fish, and pointed just as sternly before yelling, “Jiraiya!”
Naruto hops off his Godfather’s back, rekindling his energy for the mission as he looks over
to the booth with the two women and a pig. Sakura moves right beside him to see her idol.
Naruto recalls Naru-nii’s description and knows the fair-skinned woman with onyx eyes, jet-
black hair in a long white-trimmed black kimono is Shizune. And the blond-haired, brown-
eyed girl wearing a grass-green haori over a gray kimono-style blouse held closed by a dark
bluish-gray obi that matches her pants is Tsunade. Naruto and Sakura both raise their
eyebrows at the sizable amount of cushy-looking cleavage showing.
For once, Jiraiya didn’t care about the beautifully full shape of Tsunade’s soft-looking bust.
Eyes watering in unbearable defeat, the elder sage is so horribly torn between his mission and
his passion that his shoulders slump low and his collar sags to the side. His duty is to
convince his old teammate to return to Konoha, heal the Hokage, and become the fifth
Hokage, however, his life’s mission is much more sacred. A Jōnin falling in love with a
Genin is the holy grail of his research and all Jiraiya wants to do is ask Naruto about the
impossible hurdles he must’ve surmounted to be in a relationship with Kurenai-sensei.
Eying the curvaceous blond woman who looked like she was in her late twenties, Naruto
mumbles to Sakura, “uuwhhaaa, so that’s her. She really does look young even though she’s
“But it’s true. Just look,” Naruto reiterated in a whisper as Shizune joined them with her pig
in her arms.
Never expecting to judge her idol as anything more than factually amazing, Sakura stutters to
reply, “I- I- …I’m sure she has a really good reason.”
Walking over to her old teammate, Tsunade’s honey-brown eyes grow worried as a pale
Jiraiya mumbles nonsensically to himself, “she’s so gorgeous… but he’s such an idiot…
How? Why? I don’t understand so much about the world…”
Raising a brow, Tsunade asks with concern, “what are you crying on about?”
Raising his hand in firm greeting, Naruto called out, “Tsunade-no-baachan,” stunning
Sakura’s green eyes into the size of saucers. Even Shizune grew scared for Naruto when
Tsunade turned an evil eye on Naruto as he continues, “heard a lot about you; most of it’s
pretty awesome. I’m Uzumaki Naruto, number one Hokage candidate!” As if recalling his
manners, he introduces, “ah, this is Sakura-chan-”
“Haruno Sakura, Tsunade-sama,” Sakura respectfully interjects with a polite bow. “It’s a
great honor to meet you.”
“Why’d we have to find her so fast,” a teary-eyed Jiraiya mumbled to himself. “Is this good
luck? Bad luck? I couldn’t even ask one question…”
Ignoring his Godfather, Naruto buoyantly adds, “she’s read all your journals and she’s going
to be the best medi-nin ever.” Delighted to hear his praise, Sakura avoids eye contact as she
feels her blush heat her neck and cheeks. She shakes her head in embarrassment, amusing
Tsunade’s sharp eyes. “I’m so glad we found you before Orochimaru did,” Naruto voiced
with obvious relief.
With a heavy sigh, Jiraiya digs deep for the courage to be patient in the face of his habitual
joy, and cries to himself, “be strong… keep it together.” Turning to each of the gathered ninja
and pig, he added, “let no one here claim I’m unwilling to make unreasonable and unfair
sacrifices for the greater good! Now, Tsunade… let’s drink and forget our worries.”
“No thanks,” she flatly answered, then turned to Shizune. The ebony-haired woman walked
back to the table to get the check as Tsunade states, “we already finished. And before you
ask, we’re leaving the city tonight so we’ll have to postpone catching up for next time.”
Looking quite confused, Shizune asks, “we are? Didn’t you want to get your revenge on that
gambli-” Tsunade’s stern evil eye stunned Shizune into silence.
Ignoring her bald-faced lie, Jiraiya tells her, “oh, come on! I’m sure you heard what happened
in Konoha last week. We’ve been running non-stop. You can spare us some time before you
go.” Pinning after the gold mine that is Naruto’s love life, Jiraiya whines, “I’ve had to ignore
extremely vital research to be here… even when I have so many questions… is it a jutsu? …
is it love? …It has to be… but how? Or is the jutsu of life, love?”
Staring at him blankly, Tsunade diagnoses, “…I think you’ve finally lost it.”
To his Godfather, an exasperated Naruto wearily emphasizes, “I promise we’ll talk later.” He
then turns to Tsunade and asserts, “we need you to come with us and heal Ji-chan-”
“Is that so,” a serpentine voice said from behind them. They turn to Orochimaru as he
casually walks through the entryway of the restaurant toward them with Kabuto right behind
him. “Oh, I do hope Sensei isn’t too gravely injured.”
“Asshole,” Naruto angrily huffed. Sakura is immediately on high alert as Naruto balled his
fist as he proclaims, “don’t pretend you care when you were the one who hurt him!”
“Naruto,” a serious Jiraiya warned, looking around the restaurant full of people.
“I must thank you for your hard work,” Orochimaru gratefully voiced. “We haven’t been here
long and you led us straight to her.” Jiraiya and Tsunade feel the trap as Orochimaru turns to
them to ask, “this is such a rare opportunity, how about a drink for old times’ sake? It’ll offer
us a chance to reminisce about the olden days.”
The sight of Orochimaru reminds Naruto of all the pain and suffering he’s caused both
Konoha and Suna, of the people that died because he wanted to invade their village, and of
his Ji-chan, looking sick and worn from the poison getting closer to killing him with every
second. At the sight of Kabuto, all Naruto saw was the look of disappointment on Haku’s
face, and before he knew he took a step toward both of them. A strong palm landed on his
shoulder and kept him from moving another inch.
“Wait,” Jiraiya ordered before commanding the blond, “look around you. There are a lot of
innocent people here.”
“You really should pay better attention to your surroundings, Naruto-kun,” Orochimaru sang
in his husky yet old voice. “Kabuto.”
“Hai, Orochimaru-sama,” Kabuto replied as he raises his right hand to his chest, his fingers
formed in a hand seal as if ready to activate a jutsu at any moment. For Jiraiya, Tsunade, and
Shizune, it’s an unknown, yet very real threat they can’t afford to ignore.
Realizing there’s very little to do but play along, Tsunade responds, “I’m fine with drinks, as
long as you’re paying.” She turned to her ward and voiced, “Shizune,” knowing full-well her
companion will focus on saving the lives of everyone in the restaurant.
“Hai,” Shizune submitted with a hard countenance.
Jiraiya ordered Naruto and Sakura, “you two stay here and stick together.” While the pink-
haired kunoichi nodded stiffly, Naruto only glared at Orochimaru and Kabuto. Jiraiya
repeated, “Naruto-”
Pointing at Tsunade, the blond Chūnin asserted, “I’m not letting her out of my sight.”
Tsunade couldn’t help wondering if the boy was prone to emotional recklessness or if he’s
just daring, and snarled, “I really feel like I’m being looked down on.” Turning to Naruto, she
asserts, “hey brat, I don’t need anyone watching my back, much less some snot-nosed rookie
fresh out of the academy!”
Tsunade was mildly amused he kept his attention dead-on Orochimaru as he touted, “maybe
not, but I don’t trust that snake shit for nothing. He put a cursed seal on Sasuke and poisoned
Ji-chan and the Kazekage.”
“Ah, to be young again,” Orochimaru quips with a wide grin. “You’re right not to trust me,
Naruto-kun, but hasn’t it yet crossed your mind that I might use all the lives around you as
hostages? Are you keen enough to sense my little yet very venomous snakes near the
vulnerable ankles of women and children, or perhaps the explosive notes I secured on the
building before walking in here?” Naruto is quiet as he begins to listen and smell for threats
around him. The snake-nin chuckles as he asks, “no? Sometimes power is not as effective as
leverage, boy, but if you’d be so kind as to realize you’re incapable of going against me, it
would save us all time.”
A little girl and her older brother run around them toward their family at the far table as
Kabuto makes clear to Naruto, “remain here and no harm will befall these people.” Turning
to Shizune and Sakura, he adds, “make the slightest move against us and I turn this restaurant
and everyone in it into a crater.”
“I’ll gladly die for Orochimaru-sama,” the silver-haired traitor replied with a humorless
smile. Keeping his hand seal to his chest like a trigger ready to pull, Kabuto moved toward
the both as he asked, “shall we have a seat?”
Before Orochimaru leaves, Naruto sharply asserts, “if you do anything to Tsunade-baachan, I
won’t go easy on you.”
Orochimaru only smiled happily as the legendary sannins leave the restaurant.
Kabuto orders Naruto and Shizune to sit opposite himself and Sakura in the booth Tsunade
was originally sitting in. He even orders them to keep their hands flat on the table. There’s
very little any of them can do with the rowdy room filled with family and friends being used
as hostages, however, that doesn’t stop Naruto from glaring at Kabuto. Sakura is concerned
for the people joyfully dining around them, Shizune tries to think of a plan that would
actually work, and Kabuto simply smiles disingenuously.
“Just so you know, I always knew you weren’t worth a damn,” Naruto couldn’t keep from
asserting. “I’m just pissed you’re stabbing Haku in the back in the process,”
“I didn’t stab him in the back,” Kabuto pleasantly replied. Tilting his head as if remembering
the feminine boy, the silver-haired shinobi remarks, “I’m sure he had a sensed of what I am.
He understands better than most.”
Agreeing with Kabuto makes Naruto more annoyed as he practically spits at the amused boy,
“he liked you! For whatever reason, he had faith you weren’t a bad guy, and I hoped he was
right, but here you are, stabbing Konoha and Haku in the back. How can you be okay with
that? Didn’t he mean anything to you?”
“You’re a compassionate person,” Kabuto noted with a hit of sadness. “Compassion has no
place in our world-”
Leaning forward to eye him more critically, Naruto interjects, “or maybe it has the most
important place.” Kabuto notes Naruto’s hand remain flat on the table as the blond continues,
“you think just because you wear that Hitai-ate and take orders you suddenly stop caring?
You suddenly stop being a person with feelings? Don’t try to sell me on some bullshit about
needing to be dead inside to be a shinobi because that only tells me you’re a coward who
can’t hack it.”
“So virtuous… but I don’t care, Naruto,” he quietly replied. “Be upset, or mad, or
disappointed in me. What your narrow mind fails to understand about this world is not my
concern. The only thing that matters—that has ever mattered—is what you can and what you
can’t do. And at this very moment, you can’t do anything to save these people other than
sitting there, being quiet, and cease testing my patience.”
But Naruto continues regardless of Shizune and Sakura’s valid concerns. Naruto is much
more clear-headed as he bluntly exclaimed, “let me guess, you don’t want to hear how upset
Haku would be to see what you’re doing? He wouldn’t hurt a soul but you’re fine killing a
restaurant full of people, yourself included, for some nutjob. Was Haku wrong having faith in
you?” They stare at each other for a moment, and when it seemed Kabuto had no reply he
wished to share, Naruto honestly expresses, “you’re right. Haku’s one of the smartest people
I know, and do you know what he said about you?” An irritated Kabuto just listens as Naruto
answers, “he said nothing about you is original. He said you’re like the combined product of
everyone you know… which is why you need better people around you. Because then you’ll
be better too.”
In Naruto’s stern blue eyes, Kabuto seemed reflective as he inhales deeply and shifts in his
seat. Naruto extends the smallest of olive branches as he asks with a lukewarm attitude,
“wouldn’t you rather be around people who’d at least care enough about you to see the real
The silver-haired boy seemed more agitated at the question as he hotly retorts, “are you
trying to save me, Naruto? Is that what you think you’re doing?”
Eying the boy unflinching, Naruto replies, “I’m trying to help Haku’s friend-”
“Well don’t!” he yelled, smacking the table with his free hand, making Sakura and Shizune
extremely nervous for the safety of everyone around them. Leaning forward, he continues,
“it’s not your place! And all you’re doing is tempting me to blow this building up just to shut
Kabuto stopped moving his open mouth mid-yell. The lively guests around them no longer
moved an inch. Everything around Naruto froze; from the billowing smoke of meat grilling
to the soy sauce punched out of a stubborn container, to the sounds of a rowdy restaurant
vibrating everywhere in the air. With his chakra activating his Hiraishin Fūinjutsu contract, it
all froze perfectly still and silent for several moments before the three-dimensional reality of
the booth he’s sitting on, the table in front of him, and the people around him all warped
around Naruto, like being at the center of a cylinder.
The beveled tunnel created and maintained with Naruto’s chakra stretched images of Kabuto,
Shizune, and Sakura toward the kunai maker in Sakura’s back pouch. Fortunately, Naruto
didn’t have to travel far, and he had half-a-day of more chakra-control training, so, in
addition to releasing spirit energy out of his hands and feet, he can also propel himself
through the dense vacuum with both elbows. It made orienting himself in the crushing void to
Kabuto’s left much easier.
“Up,” Kabuto finished yelling at a now-empty seat. Leaning back, he suddenly needed a
second to realize Naruto suddenly disappeared. His onyx pupils flick to his right then quickly
to his left just as a spinning mass of blue chakra hits through his hand. As Naruto didn’t want
to kill him, he stopped driving the drilling ball of chakra just above Kabuto’s sternum. The
tremendous force of the spin easily broke and bent every inch of Kabuto’s fingers and hand
like paper. The force of the momentum pulls his forearm in circularly, snapping more bone,
followed by the rest of his arm, and then his entire body is sucked into the great spin of the
miniature tornado.
Kabuto’s traveling clothing is shredded as he’s spun around like a ragdoll caught on a drill
four times before Naruto cancels the jutsu, shooting the flailing body up. The silver-haired
shinobi hits the ceiling, cracking it before falling to the ground, unconscious, with a heavy
thud. From the tip of his right hand all the way up to his shoulder, skin is shredded, bones are
crushed, muscles are torn apart, and he hemorrhages terribly on the floor. There are similar,
though less severe, injuries to the rest of his body, however, Kabuto seems to be alive.
With the same Fūinjutsu-covered bindings he used for Itachi, Naruto ties Kabuto’s broken
and purple limbs. Shizune rushes throughout the entire restaurant sniping every snake she
saw with little needles while Sakura ran outside to clear all the explosive tags off the walls.
The patrons are all watching in curious fascination, unaware of how close they were to being
poisoned or blown up.
When the kunoichi return to Naruto’s side, Sakura remarks, “they couldn’t have gone far.”
However, Naruto shakes his head as he interjects, “not a chance.” Crossing his fingers, he
calls out, “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.” A single clone appears before immediately dispersing,
instructing the clones he originally sent to look for Tsunade to begin tracking the Sannin.
Naruto tells them, “I got my clones looking for them but we should be out there too.”
Sakura asks, “can’t you just teleport to Jiraiya-sama?” A curious Shizune repeats, “teleport?”
to herself as Sakura continues, “didn’t you give him a kunai too?”
“You’re the only person I gave one to,” Naruto answered, making a mental note to give one
to all his loved ones.
“I’m sure Tsunade-sama will make a large enough commotion for your clones to spot,”
Shizune told the young ninjas. “But I want you to promise me you won’t do more than find
their location and tell me. I don’t want either of you to engage in any form of combat. I
understand want to help but these are three of the strongest shinobi in the country. Against an
opponent like Orochimaru, even I wouldn’t be of any aid to Tsunade-sama, do you
“You’re saying we’d hinder them more than help,” Sakura sadly replied.
“Tsunade-sama and Jiraiya-sama can take care of Orochimaru,” Shizune assured them
“…If they don’t need help, I won’t do anything,” Naruto eventually replied, though he
couldn’t stop himself from adding, “but I can’t promise I’ll stand back if they do.”
Orochimaru asks with his slippery voice, “who do you take me for, Tsunade?
It was a quiet walk through the moderately filled streets and alleyways of the gambling city.
Orochimaru led them well away from the restaurant to a quiet, small, and unassuming bar
near the edge of the city. Walking underneath the white flaps the three take a seat at a round
table. Orochimaru orders a bottle of sake but no one drinks. The three are blasé about the
tense animosity hiding just underneath the surface.
Jiraiya and Orochimaru have never truly got along, beginning with a rivalry and evolving to
enemies; a son of Konoha protecting his home while another son wants to destroy it. Tsunade
understood both sides and didn’t want to be apart of either. She’s had enough blood for a
lifetime, however, here she is, sitting between natural archenemies being dragged back into
the world she left.
“I wouldn’t come empty-handed, Tsunade,” Orochimaru continued. “I’m fully aware Jiraiya
would never betray Konoha, and under normal circumstances, neither would you. However,
perhaps if I promised to revive young Nawaki-kun and your beloved Dan… I wonder if that
would entice you to help me subdue Jiraiya and allow our sensei to pass peacefully.”
Orochimaru was having fun gazing at each of them as he spoke and smiled when Tsunade
scoffed at his offer, complimenting him by speaking, “you’ve always been a son-of-a-bitch.”
“Ku, ku, ku, and yet I don’t feel I’m being unreasonable,” Orochimaru voiced in solidarity.
“You know I don’t lie when it matters and you’ve long since left the shinobi world behind,
Tsunade. All I’m asking is you remain as you are, and in gratitude, I’ll revive your long lost
loved ones to reunite with.”
“What he’s leaving out is if you don’t, he’ll try to kill you,” Jiraiya dourly points out.
“Only if you attempt to save Sensei’s life,” Orochimaru argues as if it’s a perfectly reasonable
point. Whimsically, he very nearly complains, “I’ve planned that invasion for years and went
through quite a lot trouble to see that man die. It would be rude of you to interfere with all
my hard work.”
“That disgusting talk is precisely why you never had any friends,” Tsunade bites back, clearly
upset he brought up Nawaki and Dan. As often as she thinks about them and cries or
wallows, the last person she wants to bring them up is Orochimaru. ‘Because it’s too tempting
to ignore,’ a voice in her head thought with the picture of their smiling faces dancing in her
“If I remember correctly, he didn’t need ‘em, right,” Jiraiya sarcastically asked Orochimaru.
“‘Life’s greatest hindrance,’ you said.”
“Oh, how well you know me,” Orochimaru nodded to his former teammate. “All one needs in
this world is talent and skill in supreme abundance. While the pair of you have indulged in
your vices, I’ve spent those years surpassing all human limitations and dismantling any
obstacle in my path. Nothing is out of reach for a mind like mine.” Turning to Tsunade, he
finishes, “…not even reviving those who have died.”
Tsunade may not have reacted, but she desperately wanted to take a drink of sake. Sensing
something of a shift in Tsunade’s silence, Jiraiya quickly asserts, “it’s not nor will it ever be
our place to meddle with the balance of nature. Many have tried, many will continue to try,
and it will always end terribly.”
Smiling at his sanctimonious tirade, Orochimaru returns, “as ever, your narrow-minded
thinking is still the greatest of your many weaknesses, Jiraiya.” Tilting his head to look out
the shop’s entry flaps, Orochimaru voices, “sadly, we don’t have much time.” Jiraiya picked
up on his heedfulness and begins sensing his surroundings as Orochimaru tells Tsunade, “if
you like, I can revive one of your lost loves this very moment and prove to you how effective
my technique is. All I’ll need is a freshly deceased body,” he finished turning his attention
directly to Jiraiya.
“Don’t be fooled, Tsunade,” Jiraiya sharply asks of her. “I know how much you’re hurting
but you can’t kill someone just to bring them back. You know they wouldn’t want that and
you’d hate yourself for the rest of your life.”
“I’m certain they wouldn’t want to be dead either,” Orochimaru casually remarked. “And
with my technique, they don’t have to be. How much do you love them, Tsunade? How much
do they really mean to you?”
Observing Tsunade critically, he admits, “healing sensei isn’t the only reason he sent us. He
also wants you to take over as Konoha’s Godaime Hokage.” Orochimaru snickers to hear that
as Jiraiya adds, “I didn’t want to tell you like this but some asshole wasn’t leaving me much
choice. You know what being Hokage meant to them. Are you sure-”
“Enough,” Tsunade emphatically asserted as she the bottom of her fist through the old wood
table, knocking the ceramic sauces and bottle to the hard floor. Having reached her tolerance
of being a puppet with her emotional strings being pulled, she turns her irate eyes on Jiraya,
she sharply says, “I expect that kind of emotional manipulation from him but not from you.”
Jiraiya looked at her sideways, daftly asking, “since when have I ever been able to convince
you of anything? We’d be married with a liter of brats by now if I had any say about it.” He
can tell the small jest calmed her down some, then adds, “I get you have a choice to make
here, but it only makes sense you be aware of all the details.”
“I’ve grown quite eager to know your answer,” Orochimaru voiced with his cruel smile.
Standing to his feet, he asks her, “shall I send you to meet them in the eternal lands, or shall I
bring one here for you?”
Naruto, Sakura, and Shizune are on the top of the tallest building in the pub area searching
the throng of drunk, passive, or lively people meandering through the streets for any sign of
the legendary Sannin. The three didn’t believe they would find them in the colorful, ever-
shifting crowd but they hoped for the signal Shizune assured them would occur. It’s been
twenty minutes As the sun closes in on the horizon, and Naruto is beginning to imagine the
worst when he receives a quick cache of memories.
On a rooftop at the edge of town, his clone spotted a five-story tall explosion of displaced
earth, grass, and rock a mile or so away into the green valley. His clone squints to see into the
distance, and in the gnarled landscape, he saw small figures fighting one another; a blond
woman in a green tunic fighting a white-haired man in red while a pasty white-skinned man
observed. The Naruto clone quickly created another clone that instantly dispersed, letting the
Boss and all the other clones know their location and how he’s going to rush in to help.
Turning east-south-east, Naruto called out, “they’re three clicks east of the city!” He leaped
off of the tallest roof to the roof one-over. The wind rushes loudly through his cloak,
speeding toward the rooftop below, and when he lands, he takes off at full speed.
“Uzumaki-kun, wait,” Shizune called as she and Sakura jump to catch up to him.
“They’re two, maybe, three miles away,” Naruto called back as the three leap from rooftop to
rooftop. “If we push it we can get there under three minutes!”
“That’s not it,” Shizune voiced from beside him. “I want you to promise me you won’t get in
the way. You could end up making things harder for Tsunade-sama!”
“Right now she’s attacking Ero-sennin,” Naruto called back, hating having to explain as it’s
only delaying them that much longer.
Shizune is a mixture of stunned and curious as she begins to ask, “why would she-”
“It’s fine,” Naruto cut her off. Trusting in Naru-nii’s account of Tsunade as the next Hokage,
the sprinting blond assured them, “I’m sure she has a reason. It’s Orochimaru I’m worried
From straight above him, Tsunade dropped her heal like an ax, and rather than shattering him
into bloody pieces, an alert Jiraiya rolls out of the way, letting the ground take the hit for him.
As expected, the sheer chakra-force released with pin-point accuracy erupts the earth, dirt,
grass, and stone-like a tidal wave, hitting his rolling body as he’s shoved much farther away.
He lands on his feet several yards away, covered in dirt and grass as he eyes a very fierce and
determine Tsunade of the Senju.
Though called the Legendary Sucker, Tsunade is more widely known for her talent in Iryō-
ninjutsu, but the chakra control critical to her prowess as a medical ninja easily translates to
her combat ability. Unlike many shinobi, Tsunade is blessed with large chakra reserves,
intellect, and a durable body. She’s easily frightening to ninety-nine percent of the ninja
population and even after two decades of drinking more regularly than training, she isn’t
going to be stopped. Jiraiya was in the one percent.
Eying the beautiful Slug Princess as the earthy remnant of debris fall around them, the white-
haired shinobi always thought they shared an intrinsic connection. It was as if every
reincarnation in every lifetime whereby they are alive, they’d meet and love each other in
some form. Even if he were a toad and she was a slug, he felt their story couldn’t be told
without the other. Jiraiya still felt that connection as an orphan next to her intimidating
lineage, when he teased her about her flat chest, when she rejected him for Dan, when she
lost her grandparents, her brother, and her lover. Even now, as she was fighting him in earnest
at Orochimaru’s behest, he did not feel betrayed.
Jiraiya prepared himself as Tsunade blitzed him with cold ferocity. The air wisped in pain
with how fast and strong her punches broke through it and Jiraiya either blocks, evades, or
parries four strikes every second. Whether sweeping to attack his footing, erupting the earth
with a punch or ax kick, Jiraiya can weather her offense well enough, however, she managed
to grip his sleeves and flip him several yards away on account of Orochimaru’s interference.
The snake-nin made fighting all the harder for Jiraiya with his continuous faints at the worst
time. The pale shinobi would stalk Jiraiya like a predator and would strike with every
opening in his defense, Orochimaru would attack with his sword of Kusanagi or faint an
attack simply to keep him off balance. After Tsunade’s shoulder throw tossed him several
yards away, Orochimaru is instantly attacking with volleys of fire bullets.
Jiraiya blocked with his wrist guards or dodge as Tsunade maneuvered around him and
attacked just as Orochimaru finished. Jiraiya does his level best not to be outflanked or
overwhelmed as his former teammates continue their combination attack. It wasn’t until
Jiraiya dodged a spear of snakes jutting from Orochimaru’s wide sleeves that Tsunade landed
a kick to his side, knocking the wind out of his lungs and telling him exactly where she stood.
Jiraiya grunts loudly from the hard hit and leaps near Orochimaru’s strike zone. Despite the
flare of pain rushing through his body, a clean hit from Tsunade would’ve broken his ribs and
ruptured his organs. Knocking the wind out of him is her declaration of intent and though
Jiraiya knows he’s in prime position to be attacked by the pale shinobi, he trusts he won’t
meet his end.
Jiraiya shoots Orochimaru with white spikes from his hair as Tsunade leaps in the air and
prepares her attack. Orochimaru slithers around the spikes and attacks in tandem with
Tsunade. The Sannin converge on one point and in a disastrous conclusion, Orochimaru’s
sword is parried by Jiraiya’s wrist guards as Tsunade kicks him solidly in the chest. The
ebony-haired shinobi is sent flying several meters before hitting the ground rolling on dirt
and grass until he eventually skids to a stop. His mouth opens to spit out blood before
opening even wider to spit out an entirely fresh Orochimaru.
Though betrayed, the snake-nin smiles as he ever does, his slitted eyes focusing on Tsunade
beside Jiraiya as he wonders out loud, “I wondered if you were truly on my side. Such a
shame, but it would appear I’ll have to kill both of you.”
More words need not be spoken between the three for a solid second. They measure
themselves and calculate tactics in the moment before Tsunade and Jiraiya attack Orochimaru
together. Jiraiya and Tsunade attack like jutting spears from either side of Orochimaru who
uses his masterful taijutsu and Kusanagi to parry, block, or evade. Orochimaru’s feet are
constantly moving, leaping away before Tsunade destroys the ground like a tidal wave or
positioning himself from getting outflanked by the eight limbs snapping violently fast strikes
at him.
Attacking with his snakes is quickly dealt with by Jiraiya. Defending against Tsunade’s
chakra-enhanced strength always keeps Orochimaru on the defensive, and the snake-nin can
tell if he doesn’t get distance from them, his chances of defeating them would be low.
However, Orochimaru can’t deny he loves the challenge. A few punches or kicks away from
taking serious damage, his blood is pumping in glee. The sweat on his brow, the wisp of air
from the punch he narrowly evades, the needles and Rasengan he narrowly avoids or blocks
with Kusanagi, Orochimaru loved the fierce battle. They wanted to kill him, and he loved the
attempt because he always had a strategy up his sleeve.
Orochimaru can sense ahead and feels Tsunade’s intent to outflank him. The cunning Snake-
nin ignores the move to his back in favor of striking Jiraiya, surprising his old teammate.
Orochimaru parries one of Jiraiya’s guards but is blocked by the second as Tsunade sprints in
for the organ-rupturing punch. A plume of dark-red blood explodes from Orochimaru’s back,
splattering the red viscous liquid all over Tsunade’s ample chest and lovely face.
Everyone stops. Face-to-face with Jiraiya, Orochimaru smiles pridefully as he drops the now
empty blood capsule from his grip. Over Orochimaru’s shoulder, Jiraiya focuses on the large
splatter of blood all over the frozen Tsunade and is immediately concerned for her, her mental
state, and how that vulnerability will alter the direction of this fight. Jiraiya is quicker to react
and instantly grips Orochimaru’s wrist to forcibly toss the man away.
As if rejecting everything going on around her, Tsunade only focuses on the red sight and
heavy feel of blood on her face and chest. Her skin itches and burns as she feels her heart rate
and blood pressure increase uncontrollably, making her breath faster and muscles tense and
tremor. Her blood flow changes, rushing away from her heart, stomach, and intestines to her
limbs, effectively disrupting the chakra flow throughout her body. Her pupils dilate, forcing
her to see the trickling red threat more clearly as well as the memories of her past loved ones
dying bloody deaths, and the imbalance causes Tsunade to drop to her knees when she no
longer felt any energy left in her.
With Tsunade temporarily neutralized, Jiraiya does not allow Orochimaru the opportunity to
attack her, using taijutsu, his hair needles, and earth release to alter the terrain to block the
snake-nin when he’d blitz toward her. The pair go back-and-forth, trading blows and jutsu to
either protect or exploit Tsunade. However, it’s far too easy for Orochimaru to summon
snakes to slither toward Tsunade, forcing Jiraiya to snipe them with shuriken he’d then
multiply with Kage Bunshin.
Though Jiraiya is fighting Orochimaru back, he can’t ignore Tsunade. The smiling defector
won’t let him. Any time it seems as if Jiraiya might plan a counter, Orochimaru would attack
the insensible Tsunade, forcing Jiraiya to give up any plan of attack and become
disadvantaged protecting her. With sword in hand, Orochimaru purposely kept the fight near
her to use her stunned state to his advantage whenever he pleased.
He feinted a slice from a high guard that Jiraiya used to throw Orochimaru farther away from
Tsunade, however, Orochimaru summons a dozen serpents to slither around Jiraiya toward
Tsunade and double. A hundred and forty-four snakes slither venomous fangs toward the
shaken Tsunade. With two flickers of hand seals, Jiraiya held Tiger seal as he called out,
“Doton: Yomi Numa!” The earth ten yards around Tsunade turns to mud which the snakes
quickly sink in as Jiraiya then yells, “Katon: Karyūdan!” He spits scorching fire out of his
mouth heating and hardening the swamp, killing all the snakes, but allowing Orochimaru to
fly toward Tsunade with sword primed.
Using Kawarimi to replace himself with the nearest dead snake to Tsunade, Jiraiya just
manages to slap palms together, catching Orochimaru’s Kusanagi sword meant for Tsunade’s
neck between his hands. Purposely waiting for the counter allowed Orochimaru to land a
clean kick into Jiraiya’s stomach, shooting him into the ground and dusting up grass and earth
as he rolls onto his feet. Jiraiya was desperate to get back to Tsunade, however, Orochimaru
is already on him, thrusting his poisonous sword straight for his heart. Not having expected
his nemesis within point-blank range, Jiraiya instinctively knows he can either die
immediately with a thrust through the heart or sacrifice a limb to continue fighting until the
poison kills him.
Raising his forearm, Kusanagi is about to pierce through his guard and flesh when Naruto
bats the legendary sword away with his chakra covered knuckle blade. In the stillness of that
moment, Orochimaru stares at the unexpected arrival. Orochimaru’s golden irises with slitted
pupils stare into and Naruto’s yellow irides with horizontal bar-like pupils. The reddish-
orange pigmentation around Naruto’s angered eyes only emphasizes the fury flowing within
Naruto had just managed to collect enough natural energy originally meant to pass along to
the Boss when he arrived, however, he couldn’t stand back and let his Godfather sustain a
critical injury. Naruto’s chakra-covered blade clanged against Orochimaru’s sword, forcing
the legendary shinobi to leap back a good distance. Far too close to Tsunade and Jiraiya,
Naruto extended his blade as Jiraiya stood and prepared himself. They both stand defensively
in front of Tsunade.
“Naruto-kun,” Orochimaru evenly began. With the distance between them, Orochimaru
observes the strong boy and doesn’t like what he senses. Somehow this boy continues to
grow every time he sees him. Rather than give in to the irritation Naruto continues to be,
Orochimaru smiles and says, “I thought I eloquently explained what would happen if you
followed us.”
With a strong, ‘HMPH!’ Naruto sarcastically asks, “why the hell would I ever trust the shit
that comes out of your mouth?”
Understanding the implication of Naruto’s eyes and the pigmentation around them,
Orochimaru remarks, “it would seem the reports I read about you achieving sage chakra were
not exaggerations. I’m impressed. I admit, I didn’t think anything of you but it would appear
I may have been too harsh in my assertion.”
“He’s trying to stall,” Jiraiya cuts in, lowering his stance in preparation. “He knows there’s a
time limit to senjutsu.”
Turning to Jiraiya, Orochimaru smiles when his nose and sight note, “oh, I managed a
Naruto then notices Jiraiya’s forearm is bleeding from a shallow sword cut into his forearm.
“That’s more than enough to kill you,” Orochimaru tells them. “Unless you take the antidote,
of course. I can give it to you, Jiraiya. I wouldn’t mind… so long as you leave.” Jiraiya and
Naruto revolted by the offer, even as Orochimaru’s scratchy voice adds, “and there’s no need
to worry about Tsunade. I’ll take special care of her.”
“The nerve of you,” Jiraiya snickers in disgusted disbelief. “Taking a piss and calling it rain.”
“That’s… enough,” Naruto and Jiraiya hear from behind them. They shift their heads a little
to pay attention as she sadly adds, “just leave me.”
With a sigh, Jiraiya stands straighter and turns to Tsunade. He gets down on one knee, getting
closer to her eye level, and palms her shoulder comfortingly. “Naruto,” he voices. “Take care
of him.”
With Sage mode running out, Naruto moves fast, meeting Orochimaru in fractions of a
second and pistoning fists with blurring speed. And yet, Orochimaru can keep up with his
speed. He isn’t smiling anymore and his tactics were clearly superior, but he wasn’t winning
either. The only edge Naruto thinks he has on the snake-nin is his Frog Kata. The blond
Chūnin’s fist narrowly slips by his albino cheek, however, harnessing the natural energy
surrounding him, Naruto manages to tag Orochimaru so hard in the face, he could hear the
Snake-nin’s neck snap as the body flies back ten yards.
Hearing Jiraiya’s, “don’t let up. That’s not going to stop him,” from behind him, Naruto
sprints toward the body as its broken mouth opens wide. Watching another Orochimaru
slither out of its injured body makes Naruto wonder what it’s going to take to actually kill
him. Bringing out his knuckle-dagger, Naruto extends the chakra blade before rushing the
new body of Orochimaru.
Orochimaru can easily read the movement of Naruto’s body for tells, however, he’s not fast
enough to capitalize on any openings. Orochimaru dodges and evades or blocks and counters
Naruto’s hard and fast strikes. He can feel his bones anguish with every block. Even
Kusanagi’s longer reach is barely able to keep Naruto at bay, let alone pierce the blond’s skin.
Orochimaru just needed one scratch and the pair fought hard to end the other.
While Naruto and Orochimaru rage in fierce battle Jiraiya turns to his distraught friend and
asks, “Tsunade, can you do anything about the poison?”
Near the point of crying, a shaking Tsunade sullenly expresses. “just take the brat and go.”
When she looks up to see him, he can see the pain in her eyes, the suffering of her memories
as she pleads, “leave… I’m just too… I…”
Palming her cheek, smearing some of the blood, Jiraiya chuckles and says, “I’m not going
anywhere. This time, I’m staying by your side,” he finished, and empty of responses, Tsunade
only shakes in silence.
Naruto is head-slipping a series of rapid sword thrusts from Orochimaru, gradually losing in
precision timing to the point he might get stabbed through the head. Though he didn’t have
eyes that can keep up like the Sharingan, his body instinctively knew flow and feeling, and
something felt right about falling backward onto his hands and using one swinging leg to
defend while the other lands on Orochimaru’s stomach before kicking off as hard as he could.
The kick’s momentum flips Naruto on his feet and shoots Orochimaru back to a skidding
The snake-nin vomits bile and blood before wiping his mouth and focuses his slitted eyes on
Naruto. “I’m curious, Naruto-kun,” he said. “How many clones can you create while in sage
mode? From my research, I understand it can be very difficult to maintain multiple clones
while concentrating on balancing the flow of energies.”
Naruto doesn’t answer and with the limited amount of sage mode left, Naruto moves to attack
when Orochimaru extends his arms outward. Out of each sleeve, Naruto witnesses
Orochimaru expel a bundled train of greenish-brown snakes in a hurried flow. The snakes hit
the ground before wiggling and squirming in a bunch, merging into two copies of the Snake-
nin. With three Orochimarus side-stepping for a better positional advantage, the clones
quickly ignore Naruto to attack Jiraiya and Tsunade.
The moment Naruto tries to create clones of himself, Orochimaru quickly intervenes,
pressing a continuous attack on Naruto to keep him from protecting Jiraiya and Tsunade.
Jiraiya tries as hard as he can to defend Tsunade from Orochimaru’s clones, mostly blocking
their merry strikes, but it’s more than his poisoned body can deal with. Feeling his chakra
control destabilize, slowing him down and weakening his muscles, Jiraiya purposely took the
punches and kicks as he desperately blocked the sword strikes. Jiraiya is solidly kicked away
from Tsunade and a clone begins kicking her while she’s down. As Naruto was battling to get
away from the original Orochimaru, it was clear to everyone in the rocky valley, the clones
were toying with them.
“I think that’s enough fun,” the real Orochimaru stated once his clone dropped Jiraiya on his
back. The clone put his foot on his neck to keep him firmly in place while slowly raising his
Kusanagi high. Sensing the distance and how much sage chakra he had left, Naruto’s sage
clone dispels, confusing Orochimaru to ask, “perhaps he didn’t want to witness your end? No
matter. Goodbye Jiraiya.”
As Orochimaru’s clone brings his sword down, a trembling Tsunade yells, “NO!” as a blade
punctures explosively through Orochimaru’s chest, offering a sweaty and beaten Jiraiya
enough opportunity to twist away from the deflected strike and narrowly missing his head.
Orochimaru’s snake clone is looking at the large blade made of blue chakra sticking three-
feet out of his chest.
Using the last bit of Sage chakra transferred to him by his clone, the real Naruto grips
Orochimaru by the neck with enough force to snap the muscle-covered spine. He rips his
sword out of the snake-nin and hurls the body toward the other clone like a missile. Tsunade
grips the leg of the clone that was beating her and it slices the clone thrown at him. It’s in the
midst of slicing that body when sage Naruto clears the distance in a fraction of a second, and
just as the first clone is completely cut in two, the second clone’s chest is hit with a senjutsu
Rasengan. Naruto drove the drilling sphere of chakra through its muscle, heart, and spine
until there was little more than snake parts and blood flying everywhere.
Naruto turns to Orochimaru as the last of his sage chakra runs out and they both glare at one
another as Shizune lands beside Tsunade. She quickly snatches her up then leaps toward the
sickly Jiraiya and Sakura. The heaving, white-haired shinobi can’t help but sluggishly
bemoan, “kkuehh… that idiot. He knows… she has a phobia of blood… and he splatters
snake guts all over her…”
Shizune quickly begins cleaning off the snake blood all over Tsunade as Sakura tells the
revered shinobi, “please don’t say that. We were too far and if Naruto hadn’t somehow
reached you in the blink of an eye, you’d likely be dead.”
“Fine, fine,” Jiraiya waved her off with a chuckle. “Good work,” he stated before
commanding, “Sakura… clean off Tsunade. Shizune… help me with this poison? I need you
to… mask the symptoms.”
Turning to Naruto with worry as he walks closer to one of the legendary Sannin, Orochimaru,
Sakura anxiously asks, “shouldn’t we help Naruto?”
Shaking his head groggily, Jiraiya informs her, “helping me and Tsunade… is helping him.”
“Don’t worry,” Jiraiya assures her with more force. “He’s a lot tougher than you know.”
In the field ahead, like looking at a matching from the Chūnin exams, Jiraiya, Sakura, and
Shizune witness Naruto face off against a legendary ninja. As the wind blows kicking up
loose grass blades, all three feel a sense of urgency when they realize Naruto will, for a time,
have to face Orochimaru alone. For the minutes it’ll take to get Jiraiya and Tsunade back to
fighting strength, Naruto will have to hold the renowned shinobi off, defeat him, or likely die
“You never cease to irritate, Naruto-kun,” Orochimaru felt enough humility to acknowledge.
“Perhaps I should dissect you bit by bit to learn if that’s a skill or a curse.”
“It’s definitely a skill,” Naruto snaps back with a fire in his words. “Cuz I’m only irritating to
evil assholes like you.”
Orochimaru snickers before wondering aloud, “but without your senjutsu, how will you fight
me now, I wonder?”
He barely finished uttering his question when Orochimaru quickly launches after Naruto.
Giving Naruto no time to plan is the ultimate compliment Orochimaru can pay him. It says
Naruto is enough of a threat to take seriously, however, without the strength, speed,
endurance, durability boost that comes from his sage chakra, Naruto is woefully outmatched.
He’s kicked in the stomach hard enough to send him thirty yards back and land hard enough
to make him see stars.
Orochimaru didn’t let up. His hand blur through several seals before he voices, “Suiton:
Suiryūdan no Jutsu.” Moisture is sucked out of the air to create a large water dragon. With the
thickness of a tree trunk, the water serpent launches after Naruto like a bolt out of a crossbow.
Despite his slight daze, Naruto senses his water dragon is much stronger than Zabuza’s and is
confident a normal Rasengan will only blow him away.
The blond waits for the most critical millisecond before dodging out of the way. The hard
force of water clips his leg as it rotates unnaturally fast and targets Naruto again. With no
time to do anything else, Naruto creates a large Rasengan to battle the great head of the water
dragon. Naruto leans his entire body into the attack to counter the water dragon’s momentum
when it connects, nearly dislocating his shoulder from the force and splashing water
Remaining where he stands, Orochimaru’s don’t stop connecting seals and follows that
Suiton technique with, “Raiton: Gian.” Destructive lightning in the shape of a spear surges
out of his mouth, crackling and flaring toward the blond wet target. Lacking any techniques
that can directly counter the piercing lightning, Naruto ends his Rasengan and allows the rest
of the water dragon to engulf him just as the lightning spears hit. Most of the fatal current
zips evenly across the surface of the water, however, Naruto is still close enough to feel the
strong discharge of electricity, shocking and paralyzing him.
In the midst of the lightning-covered water washes off of the stunned Naruto, Orochimaru
smoothly connects his lightning technique with, “Doton: Doryūsō.” In a straight line from
Orochimaru to his blond enemy, mud and stone erupt out of the muddy rocky earth floor into
spikes to skewer him. On his hands and knees in a puddle inches deep, spasming from the
stunning aftershocks of the lightning, Naruto has no other option but to grab the most vital
spikes before they can pierce his body.
His shaky hand grips the point of the spike aligned with his heart as well as the one that near
drives into his stomach. He slips the spike that would’ve ripped through his neck and head-
butts the spike aiming for his eye. Though he feels the shock of the painful impact, the spear
did not go through his Hitai-ate. Naruto is cut at his thigh, shoulder, and side. Gripping the
spear tips and hit in the forehead, Naruto is lobbed in the air before landing ten yards away,
mercifully in some soft earth.
Observing his enemy as he walks over to the trembling blond, Orochimaru remarks, “how
disappointing, Naruto-kun.” Bleeding from the cuts, shaking from the electricity, and wet,
Naruto struggles to stand as Orochimaru continues, “I commended your development by
taking you seriously but you can’t even defend against a few elemental techniques.”
“Get him out of there,” Tsunade with a little more strength in her voice. Now that she’s clean
of blood, she turns to Jiraiya and orders, “I’ll take Orochimaru, you get everyone else away.”
Flexing his uncoordinated fingers, he tells her, “just let Naruto handle it-”
“He’s going to get killed,” Sakura practically yelled, watching a bleeding and huffing Naruto
finally stand on his own two feet. “Don’t you care at all?”
“This isn’t the time for training,” Tsunade cautions Jiraiya, assessing how well she can mold
chakra. As she is, she’ll be hobbled against someone like Orochimaru, but it’s better than
letting another boy die in her place; especially one who looks so similar to Nawaki. “He’s
obviously no match.”
Gripping her forearm with a trembling hand, Jiraiya contends, “how much do you want to bet
he is?” Tsunade looks at Jiraiya with fire in her eyes, disappointed in him for betting at a time
like this. “Neither one of us is ready to do anything significant yet,” he tells her eyes. “I know
my Godson. He’s putting his life on the line to get you back to Konoha. The least you can do
is come back and help Konoha if Naruto wins.”
Ripping her arm free from Jiraiya’s grip, Tsunade angrily retorts. “are you really willing to
watch him die so you can get me to go back?”
“And be Hokage?” Jiraiya interjected, before simply answering, “yeah, I am. I’m willing to
sit right here and risk just as much as he is.”
Taking pause by the seriousness in his eyes, Tsunade asks with a desperate need, “why? Why
do you have so much faith in him? In that stupid title?”
Jiraiya understands much about Tsunade. He knows that her fear of blood stems more from
her PTSD than an actual fear of it. He knows that after the tragic loss of Nawaki and Dan,
Tsunade lost faith in the title of Hokage, certain the only thing the hat represented was death.
However, watching Naruto stand in defiance of his old teammate, Jiraiya chuckles as he
proudly answers, “because if there was ever a gutsy brat who’s worth it, it’s Uzumaki
Orochimaru smiles as he taunts a heaving Naruto with, “if I didn’t know any better, I’d say
you’re nothing without your sage or Kyūbi chakra.”
Sweating and dirty, Naruto spits blood from his mouth before he yells back, “whether I know
one thing or ten, I’m still kicking your fucking ass!”
Chuckling, Orochimaru pridefully remarks, “nothing you do will work against me. Even your
red chakra, will never be enough…”
While Orochimaru talked, Naruto centered himself. In a white room, he reached up for the
abundant globule of life energy above him and it stretched down to reach his need. Before the
five ninjas observing, yellow chakra suddenly engulfs Naruto, coating his entire body in
yellow energy reminiscent of flickering flames. A black prominent swirl design manifests
over his stomach and shoulders, and extend various dark lines along their body. His blue eyes
are now orange, two of his bangs point up like horns and six magatama markings form
around their neck and under his cloak.
As Jiraiya smiles, Sakura is the only one to voice what the other three are thinking. “What the
hell is that?”
Fast milliseconds for most ninjas feel like seconds to a faster Naruto and in a flash, he clears
thirty yards to punch Orochimaru in the stomach harder than he’s ever been punched before.
Launched back through the deafening air and hitting terminal velocity in less than a moment,
Orochimaru is unable to move his limbs or recover before hitting the ground and rolling
several times before skidding to a stop on his feet. With his burning stomach feeling like it’s
been gouged out, the snake-nin immediately vomits blood.
Orochimaru immediately brings out Kusanagi within the moment it takes for Naruto to be on
him again. The flaming boy evades or blocks all of Orochimaru’s quick sword strikes and
cuts, and though Orochimaru can evade every slash of Naruto’s knuckle chakra-blade,
blocking a punch or kick nearly fractures his bones and sends him flying. Speed and strength
suddenly became Naruto’s advantage and Orochimaru was smart enough to change the
playing field as quickly as possible.
Kicked far enough away again, the wincing onyx-haired shinobi wets his palm with the blood
letting from his mouth, blurs his hands in a flurry of seals, then yells “Kuchiyose no Jutsu,”
before slamming his bloody hand on the ground. A large gaseous exhaust of white smoke
erupts around Naruto before he’s pushed back by a solid wall. The smoke quickly evaporates
to show Orochimaru escape to a high elevation atop of Manda’s head.
Sensing the tiny opponent in front of him, the largest snake summon demands to know,
“Orochimaru… tell me you did not summon me to eliminate one brat.”
As the great serpent speaks, Orochimaru snaps his head back. His neck cracks and shifts
around before ten white fingers extend out of his widening mouth. The hands grab the
boundary of pale lips before broadening the entire mouth wide enough for a recovered
Orochimaru to hop out of.
“He’s no ordinary boy,” a renewed Orochimaru admitted. “Rather than eliminate, I only need
you to play with him.”
The chakra-covered Naruto looks up the towering snake. It was as tall as a small mountain
and Naruto wondered how he should attack. Its body looked tough and Naruto wouldn’t be
surprised if its protective hide was several feet thick; making his knuckle blade useless.
Jumping to its head or running up its body would leave him open to attack, but staying on the
ground and attacking the body didn’t feel like an option. It dons on Naruto how lackluster his
arsenal is in a situation like this and kicks himself for not learning more.
“Play? You waste my time with this,” Manda asked. “You had better prepare a hundred
sacrifices for me or expect the worst.”
“Then I leave him to you,” Orochimaru called before leaping off its head toward Jiraiya,
Tsunade, Shizune, and Sakura.
With the sight of Kusanagi in hand as the deathly-pale shinobi free falls toward his loved
ones, Naruto immediately tries to leap over the large snake, however, it’s faster than he
anticipated and hits Naruto with a quick coil of its long body. Though it’s the equivalent of
being hit with the side of a brick wall, Naruto doesn’t feel any pain, however, he does feel the
delay. While Orochimaru close in on his targets in a straight line, Naruto has to move around
or leap over grand waves of the snakes twisting and coiling body; taking up precious seconds.
It’s clear to Naruto, Orochimaru decided to ignore him and focus on his mission of killing
Tsunade and likely anyone around her before he can reach them.
Jiraiya, Tsunade, Shizune, and Sakura can see Orochimaru sprinting toward them and prepare
to meet him head-on—taking out their kunais—but it’s clear who his target is. With the
poisonous sword in his right hand, he leaps to stab a moderately shaken Tsunade when Jiraiya
leaps in front of her, arms braced for defense while Shizune and Sakura are on either side of
Sensing Naruto is still far away, Orochimaru laughs, “you can die together,” as he extends
Kusanagi’s blade to reach the pair quicker.
No one, not even Orochimaru could feel the stop in time, but his slitted eyes are suddenly
blunted by a flash of brightness. A yellow chakra-covered Naruto appears out of nowhere to
catch the tip of Orochimaru’s Kusanagi with his left hand, the searing metal easily cutting
through the flesh between his middle and ring fingers as it’s angled away from Jiraiya and
Tsunade. Naruto’s blood coats the length of the blade until the fewer working muscles in his
hand grip the guard and Orochimaru’s hand. Tightening his grasp with his chakra-enhanced
grip, Orochimaru isn’t going anywhere as Naruto forms a Rasengan in his right hand.
Sweating profusely around his broad smirk, a fierce Naruto eyes Orochimaru ferociously as
he chuckled, “hehe, you should really stop underestimating me.” No matter how much
Orochimaru pulls, Naruto slams the giant ball of shredding chakra into his gut, calling out,
Ripping through blood-filled muscle, Orochimaru is shot back sixty yards with a torrential
propeller-like spin for seconds until he slams into a sizable boulder, radially fracturing the
surface of the stone loudly. Half of a bloody body drops to the floor with a wet thud while the
other half is plastered to the rock. Out of that horrendous mess slithers out a white snake
covered in streaks of blood and out of that white snake’s mouth, slithers a whole but
weakened Orochimaru.
Naruto only manages three steps before he loses Kurama’s chakra and drops to a knee,
fizzling out of his yellow cloak. Heaving for air, a sweaty Naruto begins to feel pain travel
from the deep cut on his left hand up his arm to his heart, lungs, and stomach, wresting away
his tentative control over Kurama’s chakra. Rotating his head back, he eyes the bloody blade
of Kusanagi and recalls the poison that handicapped Jiraiya. Naruto feels monstrously sick
and his chakra was horribly unbalanced, like trying to grip water in his hand. Forcing himself
to stand again, he brings up his sharp-enough knuckle-blade as he tries to regain more control
over his haywire chakra-network.
Though exhausted, Orochimaru rises to his feet as Manda slithers around the large boulder to
view him. The evil snake peers down at the foiled Snake-nin and condemns him. “Pitiful,” it
says. “I should kill you now,” it threatened.
Though Orochimaru only focuses on Naruto taking tentative steps toward him and
inexplicably recalls his own, long-passed battle with Hanzō of the Salamander; when he was
a Konoha shinobi. Watching a defiant Naruto standing protectively in front of his former
teammates, his hitai-ate reflecting the last bit of sunlight, Orochimaru felt perplexed,
uncertain, and uneasy, and feeling anything in battle other than excitement bothered him.
Naruto truly bothered him.
“Wait… Manda-sama,” a silver-haired boy with a wrapped stomach calls as Kabuto lands
unsteadily beside Orochimaru. He looked equally exhausted, thoroughly injured with his
entire right arm, shoulder, and chest completely bandaged, in a sling, and many band-aids on
his face, and yet, he was still moving. Naruto wondered why he healed so fast as he pleaded
with the large summon. “If you must kill everyone… please kill them ahead of Orochimaru-
sama… if only… to avoid the embarrassment of killing your own summoner in front of
Manda hisses angrily, “you speak of embarrassment when there’s no greater embarrassment
than being summoned by such a failure! I’d just as well devour all of you before erasing you
from my memory!” Turning to Naruto and the company behind him, Manda finished,
“beginning with you.”
When Manda begins slithering toward Naruto, Kabuto grabs Orochimaru and shunshins
away. As the large towering snake with its menacing eyes approaches them, Naruto tries to
harmonize with Kurama’s chakra, turning from golden-yellow to his normal appearance with
irregularity. Running wasn’t going to work, and without the control necessary, he didn’t trust
he could use Hiraishin to spirit them away safely. His foggy and exhausted mind is trying
desperately to think of a strategy when a hand claps his shoulder firmly.
“Not bad, brat,” Tsunade voiced as she stepped ahead of him. He oddly noted the pressure of
her hand on his shoulder felt strong as she slowly added, “I owe you one. Shizune, take care
of him.”
Landing on his other side, Shizune replies, “hai, Tsunade-sama,” before taking him away.
Tsunade bites her thumb, drawing blood, and though it gives her pause to see the red liquid,
the beaten and bloody boy behind her makes her wonder. To face that Orochimaru and beat
him back, saving her and Shizune in the process, Tsunade is forced to realize that time
washes over all things. Snickering, Tsunade is annoyed at herself for being saved by the boy
behind her.
‘He’s special,’ she thought, ‘not unlike Dan and Nawaki… chasing after that title until he’s
like that.’ Tsunade didn’t like it now any more than she did back then. She didn’t like that one
bit. ‘But… I… can hold the title,’ she realized. As Manda approaches, she feels a measure of
hope at the thought, ‘until he’s ready, I’ll hold that bloody title out of an easy reach and show
everyone the sad sacrifice it takes to wear the hat.’
With conviction, Tsunade slams her palm on the floor and yells, “Kuchiyose no Jutsu!”
A grand waft of smoke erupts from nothing, and out of it, the gentle giant slug Katsuyu
emerges into existence, raising Tsunade and company with into the air. Immediately Katsuyu
splits three smaller versions of itself underneath Naruto & Shizune, Jiraiya, and Sakura, and
quickly begin transporting them off the main body and away from the battle.
Sakura is surprised at the speed of the elephant-sized slug. Her hair whips in her face, they’re
moving so fast. As they get farther and farther away from the large summons battling one
another, Sakura asks over the rushing wind, “shouldn’t we help?”
“Nah,” Jiraiya points out as he lays comfortable on the soft silk body of the rushing slug.
“Katsuyu is nearly impossible to kill,” he pointed out. “Tsunade’s going to drag it out to
make sure we get clear before escaping herself.”
Looking from her slug over to Naruto, Sakura yelled over the loudness of their speedy travel,
“can I help treat him?” However, Shizune does not reply and Sakura can tell why. She’s
focused on saving his life, and for the entire ride back to the city, Sakura wished she was the
one saving his life.
It’s been many hours since Naruto’s clone explained why he would be disappearing. He
didn’t explain exactly what he learned, but Itachi can tell from the sounds of his pacing and
elevated breathing that it was worrisome. Itachi promised to give his answer to the real
Naruto, and though the clone accepted what could very well be a lie, somehow Itachi felt
more burdened than the clone seemed to. It was as if Naruto was water, strong when needed,
generally tranquil most of the time, and can fit any shape. Itachi simply knew that regardless
of what he decides to do, Naruto will act accordingly and in Sasuke’s best interest.
Itachi sighed, sitting alone, free of his bindings and blindfold, and is still uneasy about the
choice ahead of him. He knew himself well enough to know his plan would lead to an
outcome favorable to Sasuke’s continued survival in this world, however, there was clearly a
cost, and Itachi is starting to doubt if it’s worth it.
‘A short and sweet life or a long and lonely one,’ he thought absentmindedly, wondering
which journey would be worth it. A shinobi’s life is generally short. It’s why so many wish to
live a long life. However, from the perspective of a normal civilian, a shorter interesting life
is more appealing than their longer dull life. It made sense to Itachi that Sasuke live a long
life when so many of his family and clansmen have died. No matter the cost, Sasuke should
continue their clan, however, he couldn’t shake from his mind how similarly he’d expect
Sarutobi Hiruzen to act and that was a thought he cannot abide by.
Itachi wasn’t certain, and acting without a plan was foolhardy, but then he heard rushing
footsteps coming from the end of the hall. He then hears a familiar sucking of air through
teeth as well as heavy breathing. Well passed of the glowing Fūinjutsu-covered walls, Itachi
heard his brother’s steps moving from room to room, knocking and listening.
When he finally reaches his room, it’s the moment of truth for Itachi. He can practically see
Sasuke through the door, looking desperately for his brother and he calculates the probability
of his original plan with what he learned about the future. No matter how high the number,
Itachi could only feel doubt. And he knows how doubt can kill any shinobi. He then
calculates the probability of Naruto’s untested road and though the number is low, there’s a
stronger measure of hope and possibility he can sense.
“Hello,” Sasuke yells through the door. “Is anyone in there? Naruto? Sakura?”
As rays of the setting sun slanted into Mei’s empty room, she stares at the parchment of
Fūinjutsu Naruto left her. Since her youth, Mei has been exposed to quite a bit of Fūinjutsu,
enough to be comfortable with many arrays or orders of execution. However, the
multifaceted, somehow interlaced layout made no sense to her. She couldn’t even tell where
the function began and ended. The only section she can read said, ‘miso chāshū ōmori,’ and
she failed to understand the significance of the ramen order. The clone said it was his favorite
phrase, though, miso ramen with roasted pork fillet explained nothing to her.
‘He’s either a genius or a jester,’ she thought, setting the important scroll down.
With a long exhale, Mei takes solace in the fact that he agreed to help her. He gave her his
blessing to use Zabuza and if Haku agreed, he’d travel with him using the Hiraishin.
However, his promise to help her came with the condition that she help him meet and speak
with the Yondaime Mizukage. Mei still didn’t understand what was so important that he
needed to talk with Yagura about but she didn’t get the impression that it would come back to
hurt her cause.
‘Of course, this all means I have to pretend to get married,’ she thought, and a full five
seconds pass before she starts smiling. After another moment, she’s snickering lightly,
shaking her head at the absurdity of the optional plan. The silence of the room once again
descends and Mei is disappointed to be alone after spending so many hours talking with
Naruto. But going to sleep, her dreams were of funny interactions with him and she slept
Jiraiya stuck to the wall of the three-story inn they were residing in. He was dressed in all
black, glued to the wall three stories up, and facing away from the moonlight to blend
flawlessly into the wall’s shadow. His heart rate was dangerously low and his breathing was
so shallow to avoid sound, he doubted a K-9’s ears could hear him. Listening to the night-
time sounds of In the gambling city, Jiraiya listened to the night-time sounds of girls
propositioning, men catcalling, shouts of evening specials, thieving, drinking, and gambling,
all the while feeling tremendously nervous. Jiraiya had far too much riding on this covert
Confident in his stealth, Jiraiya turned his gaze to the intended target room’s window. He
knew he couldn’t touch it yet it was open just a crack to allow cool air to enter. The opening
was impossible for him to fit through, but he was not deterred. Reaching into his black coat,
he pulled out an elderly blue and orange toad and smiled at the brilliance of his plan. Slowly
moving the toad to the window, the bored-looking thing suddenly and unexpectedly croaked
far too loudly, startling Jiraiya so severely, he nearly killed it with a jerking squeeze.
Any sound during this critical mission is unforgivable, and bringing the toad to his eye-level,
he relayed that serious information with the desperation of his murderous eyes alone. The
toad is instantly terrified and nods repeatedly before Jiraiya slipped it through the space of
the ajar window. Jiraiya is reversed summoned to Mt. Myōboku and then again within the
toad’s mouth before it grows in size then lets Jiraiya out into the snore-filled room of one
Uzumaki Naruto.
Jiraiya observed his heavily bandaged Godson sleeping comfortably without a care in the
world. Snarling, he thought, ‘as if I hadn’t been waiting for him to come clean about
everything he’s done with Kurenai-chan!’ Jiraiya mentally cried over the self-restraint he’s
been forced to endure for the mission. With the wait so very nearly over, his wide grin nearly
breaks his face as he mentally cheers, ‘finally! Please, Kami-sama, let it be the best story I’ve
ever heard!!’
With his very first step toward his sleeping, drooling, target, a furious Tsunade kicks the
sliding door to the side hard enough to shake loose dust from the ceiling, and yells at the
stealth Jiraiya, “what the fuck is the matter with you!? Let my patient rest!”
Caught like his life was in grave jeopardy, Jiraiya retorts, “y-y-you’re the one yelling right
now,” as he takes a step toward the window.
A fuming Tsunade grabs him by the ear before he escapes out the window and drags him out
as she yells, “because this is the third fucking time! Now get out and stay out!”
Through expansive forests, green valleys, marshes, rivers, and lakes, to the familiar geysers
and fjords of the home country, the three run non-stop up the mountain Kumogakure rests
upon. Within the range of mountains, there are several access points known only to high
ranking shinobi and though it’s nearly impossible to see through the thick clouds and falling
snow, Samui leads them flawlessly to their designated return entry.
In her traveling cloak, Mabui wasn’t cold, however, there was a chill she couldn’t shake no
matter how much chakra she used to keep herself warm. She casually noticed it when they
were leaving Fire Country, but up in the freezing mountain, the chill is much more prevalent.
During their speedy return, she thought a lot about the mission, the boy she left behind her,
and the boy in front of her. As a psychologist, trained in accepting difficult realizations and
emotions, Mabui had to think the chill she can feel in her chest has a lot to do with the
aftermath of her choices.
Darui may have only thought of her in a casual way, but Mabui shouldn’t expect him to be
completely emotionless about what she’s done or what she’s about to do. Immediately after
entering the secret access point, Team Samui is escorted by security directly to the Raikage’s
office. Mabui, Samui, and Atsui are at attention in front of Ay at his desk, Dodai to his right,
and Darui to his left.
In the large office, Ay slamming the butt of his fist on his sturdy table echoes amazingly well
throughout the hollow chamber. He yells, “where the hell’s my tea!?”
Mabui listens intently for Ay’s nervous secretary as she rushes in a best she can with a tray of
tea clattering in her shaky palms. Mabui wouldn’t have noticed how cute she was if Darui
didn’t take the tray from her and she smiled in gratitude. She bows before leaving and Darui
sets Ay’s tea on the desk.
Somehow Samui knew that was the right time to voice, “team Samui reporting.”
“Mnn,” Ay grunted, though Mabui wasn’t sure if he was acknowledging Samui or happy with
the sip of tea he had.
Without any pleasantries, Dodai clears his throat and begins, “you were tasked with acquiring
Kubikiribōchō by any means necessary. The mission was later amended to securing Konoha
genin Uzumaki Naruto by any means necessary as acquiring him, meant acquiring the sword,
his Uzumaki blood, and his talents in Fūinjutsu.”
Darui looks as bored as ever, though he voices, “you had enough time to figure out a plan.”
Ay sets his steaming tea down to grimly confess, “and it appears you’ve failed to capture a
single genin. I expected more from you, Samui.”
So as to maintain the level of respect the Raikage is always due, Dodai leans closer to his
leader and whispers, “perhaps we should hear them out, Ay-sama.”
Grumbling, the muscular, shirt-less, leader leaned back in his chair, uncaring, as he gruffly
commanded, “speak.”
Mabui and Samui have talked and prepared precisely for this moment. Both of them knew
this plan had a high likelihood of failing and Mabui was happy to know neither of them
wanted that. This was a mission within a mission, because more than anything, Mabui
couldn’t leave Naruto behind. Her body flared hungrily every time she thought of him. It’s
why she dreaded losing him and why she believes the chill won’t go away until she sees him
Sensing Samui beside her, Mabui is also thrilled at the prospect of her joining them. Though
this is strictly limited to the bedroom, Mabui can’t deny she enjoyed dominating the
powerful, yet submissive woman with Naruto. She enjoyed handing her over to Naruto, like a
toy to amuse himself with. Though it’s a double-edged sword, because thinking about
Samui’s submissiveness also makes Mabui recall how much better Samui is at satisfying
Naruto. Mabui internally sighs.
Quietly respecting Samui for her many talents, Mabui listens to the blond begin to report,
“mission success is still pending, Raikage-sama.”
“Explain, thoroughly,” Dodai kindly voiced, knowing Samui’s propensity to be brief. Mabui,
however, grew scared Samui might actually be far more explicit in her report than she’d like.
“First, Uzumaki Naruto,” Samui continued. “No matter how many traps we prepared, direct
combat, whether with Konoha shinobi or Naruto himself, was not an option.”
“Combat within enemy lines is always difficult for a three-man team,” Darui dully voiced.
“And this team wasn’t formed for combat, but he’s still a sixteen-year-old boy fresh out of
the academy. A simple bait & trap would’ve worked.”
Mabui would agree if it were any other sixteen-year-old, and silently agrees with Samui when
she responds, “even I’d be unable to defeat Naruto.”
The three men posture their bodies straighter to hear Samui admit as much, and Dodai asks,
“aren’t you overestimating him a bit too much?”
“Naruto, you say…” the droopy-eyed Darui casually noted. “You seem to have developed a
personal connection with your target.”
Again, Samui’s silence is her confirmation, however, Mabui speaks, “we have.” They turn to
her as she adds, “with reason.”
“Of the two feasible options available, securing an exit and keeping Naruto sedated the entire
journey back to HQ was the least ideal,” Samui reported. “Once Naruto awoke, we would
have to convince him to stay or fight him, and fighting would likely come with a heavy cost.”
“He is,” Mabui answered. She could feel her ire toward Darui rise every time he pointed out
Naruto’s age or rank, and humbled him by conveying, “and also Konoha’s Jinchūriki with
some degree of mastery over his tailed beast.”
“All the more reason he should be next to you now, on the floor in chains if need be,” Ay
called out angrily to Mabui, however, she would not cower before the much larger and more
powerful man.
Holding her ground, she reveals, “and he also excels in Senjutsu.” Darui’s droopy eyes fully
opened, Dodai’s brows drew together in deep thought, and Ay’s broad shoulders flexed
tensely. They remained quiet for several moments in deep thought, reassessing what they
think they know before Mabui adds more for Darui’s benefit, “a genin, perhaps, but he’s
obviously atypical.”
Samui continues, “the overall goal of our mission was to convince Uzumaki Naruto to defect
to Kumogakure, however, he’s a patriot and would never forsake Konoha within the time
frame we had.”
“If you’re thinking of requesting a long-term mission, you can forget it,” Ay immediately
“If you couldn’t do it in a month,” Darui contended, looking at Mabui as he adds, “even with
the lengths you were approved of going, then it wouldn’t matter if you had more time.”
Mabui held her tongue and clenched her fists as Samui agrees. “Correct, however, as
reported, Sunagakure and Otogakure’s joint invasion of Konoha failed, and from that failure,
a unique opportunity presented itself. In an effort to neutralize Naruto prior to the invasion,
he was offered an Omiai by the Kazekage for his daughter in hopes of freely getting close to
him. The document was signed by both Hokage and their Daimyō, making it official, and
allowed the Kazekage’s daughter to get close to him.”
“Clever,” Dodai remarked. “Though I don’t see how that helps us or your mission.”
“That legally binding Omiai Konoha insisted Suna honor was written to include multiple
wives,” Mabui answered as she withheld her smile.
“No way,” Darui snorted, quickly figuring out the scheme. “You can’t be serious.”
“Uzumaki Naruto is a gold mine that we do not own,” Mabui conveyed. “We can either deal
ourselves in to share the wealth, destroy him so no can have him—likely causing a war—or
leave him be and lose out.”
“It’s just as difficult to kill Uzumaki Naruto as it is Bee or Nii-sama,” Mabui dauntlessly said
to her irritable Kage.
“So send me and I’ll kill him,” Darui offered, irking Mabui.
Speaking clearly yet without provocation, Mabui explains to her commanders, “if you sign
the Omiai, Naruto is willing to come here.” Turning to Darui, she added, “then you can see
for yourself what a value he is.”
I hope you enjoyed it. Naruto is getting stronger so that's always fun to write :)
Theory: They say that Tsunade is a descendant of the Senju and don’t flat out say that
her name is Senju Tsunade is because her grandparents—Hashirama Senju and Mito
Uzumaki—had a daughter who married someone with some strong blond genes(since
many Uzumaki’s are redheads). That daughter would obviously take the surname of her
husband, just like their children will. If Hashirama and Mito had a son, I believe their
son would keep the Senju surname and Tsunade would’ve just been stated in canon to be
Tsunade Senju, not Tsunade descendant of the Senju.
I don’t know why I looked it up but the fastest mile(ran downhill) is 3 minutes 23
seconds, which is insane. I currently run 9 minute miles so I was curious how fast
characters with chakra could run within the Naruto world. I personally believe they use
chakra as they run, especially on high-up branches or rooftops, which means they
always have chakra circulating their body, enhancing their muscle’s performance as they
move. If you don’t take the body flicker into account, I’d assume the average shinobi
could run a mile in half the time as our top record, so 1 minute 11.5 seconds. I’ll put
Naruto,(remember, just running) at under a minute, which means he’s running(with
chakra) OVER 60mph/96kph! If he had on KCM, I’d guess 25 seconds per mile; at
KCM II, a single second; and with the Flying Thunder God tech, instantaneous!! I don’t
know why that amazes me :)
For those of you who wonder if Naruto’s Rasenshuriken would seriously damage
Manda, I considered it, and came to the conclusion that it would NOT deal significant
damage due to two key scenes from canon. The 1st is Tsunade stabbing Gamabunta’s
tanto through Manda’s head. Other than Manda being stuck to the ground, he didn’t
seem overly hurt so I wouldn’t call it a critical hit. And the 2nd is when Sasuke
summoned Manda to take shelter in its mouth from Deidara’s massive suicide bomb.
Manda might’ve died, sure, but Sasuke survived by being inside its mouth. That’s some
serious durability. It’s up to you if you think a Rasenshuriken is more destructive and
Deidara’s bomb, but I don’t. A Rasenshuriken may destroy at a cellular level but so does
a nuke-sized bomb. This is why I didn’t have Naruto use Rasenshuriken on Manda. I’m
open to any differing opinions tho.
Oh, apologies if you were hoping for a Manda, Katsuyu/Tsunade fight. It just seemed
irrelevant since Katsuyu isn’t an offensive-heavy summon and nothing Tsunade has was
going to kill Manda. Vice versa, Manda wasn’t going to kill Tsunade or Katsuyu, not
that he can’t, but it seemed unlikely to me since the fight was meaningless once
Orochimaru left. I just didn’t feel the need to write out a couple hundred words that
would only amount to a delay tactic.
I'll update another chapter of A Deathly Contract soon. And I'm still trying to move the
motivation for From Ruin. THANKS AGAIN!!
Let me know your thoughts. If I messed up anywhere, please let me know. Have a great
one and be safe,
Chapter 38
Chapter Summary
While fiction is obliged to stick to the possibilities, the truth doesn't have those
Chapter Notes
Thank you fans for keeping me going and I won't make you wait any longer.
13K. Enjoy!
…Personal Notes:
The person I love the most is getting married to another woman. It’s a political marriage.
Because he’s far more important than I ever could’ve dreamed of. Having little to no say in
who you marry is bad enough, but due to astronomical circumstances, he’s arranged to marry
two women. TWO! And neither of whom are me… well, one could be me. But I can’t walk
down the aisle without at least giving someone I care about a chance. If she says no… well, I
hope she won’t hate me too much.
SF won’t be getting married soon. It’s just a contract at this point, so there’s enough time. But
a marriage will happen months down the line… and I have to figure out the best way to
remain in his life. He’s my boyfriend, which is surreal enough on its own, but my future
husband as well? This really is the most outlandish sequence of events… but honestly,
nothing is set in stone. If progressing our relationship for months continues to prove he’s
every bit the person I’m want to spend the rest of my life with, I don’t see why I wouldn’t
marry him… even if that also comes with sister-wives.
It’s as if we’re creating a community around him; a distinct and private club where we’re all
our own person with our own interests, yet also bonded together because of the gravitational
force of SF. Even the sex isn’t an issue because, in all honesty, he’s already more than I can
handle. I’m fine with 1 or 2 sessions every other night, or 1 big all-nighter once a week.
Going every night with his sex-drive was going to drive me insane. If another girl wants to
pick up the slack, I’ll gladly pencil her in and bed SF every other day. Oh boy…
Observational Log: W:21 D:06. 105 days out of who knows at this point.
…Personal Notes:
Sex with other pretty girls. It’s only natural to feel upset or jealous when your partner has sex
with another person. But I feel like that stems mostly from fear or insecurity; fear you’ll lose
the person you love, and insecurity due to doubts of being good enough. However, neither of
those apply to my relationship with SF because of his upbringing and this marriage. Having
gone so long without love and affection, he isn’t the type to let it go when he’s found some.
He holds on to his relations even if the other person isn’t deserving of it. Additionally, I can’t
lose him to another younger, more beautiful girl because that girl will be in the same
It’s not as if I haven’t prevented him from having sex with other girls. He did it with a girl
right behind me, and at the time, rather than be upset or jealous… it only excited me. I taught
him everything he knows… how to love a woman… how to make a girl squirm, and she
couldn’t even handle it; the way she moaned, screamed, and begged before climaxing… it
was such a rush to know my lessons- the way I educated him made her succumb to him. He
was too much… and I taught him that.
While sex isn’t everything in a relationship, I feel like it’s the icing on a cake; incomplete
without that sweet layer of cream on top. Summer Fox is a big cake with an abundance of
cream and I’ve already come to terms with sharing… so long as the girl fits us. I know what I
mean to him and I’m confident no one can take that away. The trick now is getting the other
girl(s) to feel the same… … … …
A knock on the door ends Kurenai’s journal entry. She looks up to see Hinata open the door
just enough to slip her head through the opening and Kurenai quickly feels more at ease. She
enjoys the way Hinata’s long hair dark captures the light and falls so gracefully, and has the
urge in her hands to brush it. From what Kurenai remembers, neither of her parents ever
brushed her hair, and though she likes her slightly tousled ebony hair, she felt a little sad it
wasn’t straighter.
“So soon?” Kurenai looked at the clock on her desk before noting, “our team isn’t meeting
for another hour.”
“Now that I’ve been cleared, I want the extra time to catch up,” Hinata explained, opening
the door a little wider.
“Oh, okay,” Kurenai replied and as her young student made to leave, the beautiful sensei
stood from her seat. “Actually, before you go…” Kurenai thinks better of the timing and
instead closes her journal, which automatically seals with Fūinjutsu characters that brighten
and dim before disappearing. Kurenai walks around her desk as Hinata meets her in the
middle of the office. “There’s something we need to discuss later tonight, and I want you to
be prepared for it, okay?”
Hinata’s regal face frowns in worry before nodding in understanding, as if the girl already
knows what the topic will be about. ‘Why wouldn’t she?’ Kurenai thought. ‘She’s just barely
learned to hug a boy and now her village is asking her to marry him… I doubt she can think
of anything else.’
“Hinata, I only have your best interest in mind,” Kurenai interjects. “All that matters to me is
you making the best decision for yourself, and for that to happen, you need to know the truth
about… well, everything.”
Hinata looked as if her mind was running her dizzy with everything being asked of her. “I
know I wouldn’t be his… o-only w-w-wife,” she managed as her cheeks flushed with
redness. “I understand the uniqueness of this marriage. I’m just thinking about Naruto-kun,
Temari-chan, Ino-chan, my family. ”
“I know. You’re always considerate of others,” Kurenai agreed with a small smile. “But the
decision to proceed- to take that first step, can’t be about anyone else but you… and I haven’t
told you everything… but I will. Tonight.”
Hinata slowly agrees before leaving and Kurenai instantly feels anxious about finally
revealing the truth to her. The considerate Hyūga has a special place in her heart and the last
thing Kurenai wants to do is let her down.
Bright and early, Karin was led by a pair of masked shinobi and Kakashi through the halls of
Hokage Tower. Thankfully, she’d been notified the night before so she wasn’t overly nervous
and had ample time to make a choice for the future of Konoha. Though she was still nervous
about Root’s interest in her, Naruto said she can trust Kakashi-sensei and the Hokage’s men.
Even though she checked their chakra signatures, she feels comforted Haku is hidden nearby
as an additional precautionary measure.
Karin is led to the Hokage’s round office, however, rather than sitting behind his desk straight
ahead, he’s laying upright in a hospital bed to the right where the couches used to be. The old
man heralded as the Professor looked as if he were on his death bed. In a bright white gown,
he’s hooked up to several machines by his right finger, forearm, and chest. His eyes were
sunk in and discolored, he looked feeble, and worst yet, his left arm has been amputated to
the elbow. Karin didn’t think he’ll survive another night.
On either side of Hiruzen stood Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu, the three stopped
talking politics when Kakashi and Karin stopped at the foot of the Hokage’s bed. Hiruzen
slowly looked up and seemed surprised to see either Kakashi or Karin.
“Karin-chan?” He asked curiously before looking to both of his advisers for an explanation.
He asks them, “why is she here?”
Never one to shy away from unsavory or morally questionable truths, Koharu remarks, “she
has a unique ability that may save your life. It would be foolish not to use every asset
available to-”
Standing beside the ever-calm Kakashi, Karin took some offense to being called an asset as
Hiruzen interrupted with a deeply disappointed tone, “Koharu, Homura.”
Though everyone can tell he was displeased, Homura continues arguing their point. “This is
for your life and the supremacy of our village,” he told his leader. “We must not allow our
neighboring enemies and beyond to believe an invasion could successfully eradicate the very
head of our command structure. It will only make them think we’re weak.”
“Your death will only embolden our enemies to attack us again,” Koharu stated evenly.
“We need only be moral and just to create enemies and the death of an old man is sure to
embolden no one,” Hiruzen tells Koharu. To Homura, the elder explains, “it’s very rare for
any leader, let alone a Kage, to die of old age. Leaders live and protect until their dying
breath. That is the way of things.”
All the high-ranking eyes of the top hierarchy of the village turn to the young seventeen-year-
old, expecting a reply. Karin’s chest tightened as much as her throat, and she had to swallow
before replying to the glasses-wearing elder, “…I p-promised my cousin- er, the Head of our
clan I wouldn’t use my ability like that anymore.” Until she walked into the room, Karin
wasn’t sure she would use her cursed ability again. Turning to the Hokage’s feeble and
weakened state, she cautiously explains, “I don’t… I’m not certain if I’m able to counteract
the poison, but I know how much you mean to Naruto, Hokage-sama. For him, you, and my
new home, I’ll happily help in any way I can.”
It seemed like even smiling was a struggle for the elder, but she can feel his gratefulness
when he spoke, “I’m touched you’d offer to help me, Karin-chan.” He needs to take a breath
before continuing, “however, I know precisely why Naruto-kun asked you not to offer your
gift so freely and I agree with him. While I appreciate your generosity to do this for my sake,
I’d much rather protect you.” He feels like a man of conviction even in the face of death and
not even the elders argue with his decision, so neither does Karin. Taking a deep breath,
Hiruzen tells them all, “there’s no need to worry about me. I have faith Jiraiya and Naruto
will bring Tsunade soon.”
Feeling a need to do something for the considerate elder, Karin steps forward to ask, “is there
anything I can do for you?”
Hiruzen hums for a spell before nodding and saying with a smile, “take care of Naruto,”
however, she didn’t like the way he said it, as if he didn’t think he’ll live to see another day.
“And be kind to Temari,” he added. “She may not be from this village, however, she’ll be
your family soon. Since her birth, I’ve known her as well as I could—through gifts and letters
—and I can say with some confidence she has a good heart. Try not to judge her or her
village on this one mistake. They were led astray and we should not blame them.”
“I will, Hokage-sama,” Karin promised. Thinking of anything that might make feel at ease,
the redhead notes, “the construction of Uzumaki Tower is nearly complete. With your
permission, I can take Temari-san on a tour of Uzumaki’s properties; so she can see where
she’ll be living.”
“I think that’s a wonderful idea,” Hiruzen happily stated. “I’ll have to appoint a protective
detail but if you’re open to it, allow Gaara and Kankurō to join as well. They’ll be your
family soon and should know more about you and Naruto.”
“You want me to talk up Naruto don’t you,” Karin asked, to which Hiruzen only smiled. “I
don’t know what I can say about him. I’m kinda annoyed he left me to do practically
everything. It’s a good thing I’m amazing at infrastructure, business, and management or our
clan would’ve been screwed!”
Karin was happy to see Hiruzen chuckle, even if weakly, and Kakashi-sensei smile, even if
with his eyes.
Looking over Tsunade’s shoulder as she delicately examined Naruto’s left hand, wrist, and
forearm, Sakura couldn’t help but remark in astonishment, “I can’t believe you’re completely
healed after one night.”
Bright and early in Naruto’s room, Tsunade is inspecting Naruto’s injury, Sakura is
observing, and Shizune is putting away all of their futons. As Jiraiya couldn’t be trusted to
allow Naruto to sleep in peace, the three girls had to sleep in the blond shinobi’s room as
well. It was more stressful for Sakura than she expected. After being physical with him,
sleeping next to Naruto now always has the option for more, and all the way to morning, it
frustrated her mind, heart, and body.
Obliviously smirking at his pink-haired teammate, Naruto humbly replies, “not completely.”
He wiggles his fingers, then opens and closes his hand as he informs them, “the wound
might’ve closed up but it still hurts a lot when I move it.”
“The fact that you can move it at all is a small miracle,” Tsunade voiced all while testing the
reaction of his tendons to locate any lingering nerve damage. “The sword cut through muscle,
tendons, and nerves, yet all I had to do was clean the wound. Your body removed the dead
tissue and contaminants all on its own.”
“That’s amazing Naruto-kun,” Shizune voiced from the corner as she finished packing their
traveling gear. Naruto just snickered happily.
Letting go of his arm, Tsunade gave him a clean bill of health before informing the room,
“we’ll get going after we eat breakfast.”
“We’ll need to find Jiraiya-sama first,” Shizune reminded her mentor and companion.
Quirking his brow as he rolled down his sleeve, Naruto asks the three girls, “what do you
mean? He’s not in his room?”
Tsunade huffed in annoyance, crossing her arms, and refused to anger out of aggravation.
Shizune weakly smiled as she shook her head and when Naruto turned to Sakura, the pink-
haired girl slowly answers, “he… was very upset and needed to be alone.”
Naruto didn’t understand even when Tsunade hotly alleged, “knowing him, he’s in a brothel
neck-deep in booze and women.”
“Oh, don’t be a prude Shizune,” a snorting Tsunade replied, waving her hand as if slapping
the modesty out of the room. “I’m sure these two have learned about what men and women
like to do at night.”
“That’s not the point,” Shizune adamantly argued as Sakura couldn’t stop her cheeks from
blushing pink.
Ignoring her devoted assistance, Tsunade turns to Naruto and wonders out loud, “that idiot’s
always been annoyingly outlandish but I don’t get why he’s so obsessed with taking you to a
bar.” ‘I know,’ Sakura thought as Tsunade describe, “He just would not stop last night;
sneaking in here at all hours of the night. I mean relentless! If we hadn’t decided to sleep
here, he would’ve been at it all night. It makes no sense. It’s a new level, even for him.”
Indifferent to her exasperating teammate, Tsunade haughtily declares, “and how much sense
does it make to pay for a room when you’re going to sleep in a ditch?”
“You’d only use the money to gamble anyway,” a snarky Naruto mumbled loud enough for
everyone to hear, making Tsunade glare at him as he falls silent, likely thinking about the
legendary shinobi with growing concern. Sakura appreciates how concerned he is for his
Godfather’s well-being, making her heart beat faster and her stomach flutter for a moment
before immediately clenching her whole body in terror. The pink-haired girl was quickly
denying what she couldn’t even put into words yet as Naruto grabs his travel pack and
informs them, “I should go look for him.”
“More than worrying about him, you need to eat Doctor’s orders,” Tsunade begrudgingly
ordered, putting her hand on his shoulder and squeezing a little harder than she should; giving
Sakura the impression that Tsunade can be immature when she wants to. “Jiraiya won’t die so
easily and I don’t want you running to Konoha on an empty stomach.”
Sakura expected him to argue to get his own way, however, he instead ponders the problem a
moment before asking, “can you reverse-summon into Konoha?” Though Sakura understood
why he asked, she wasn’t expecting him to add, “as long as you get there to heal Ji-chan and
be the next Hokage, it’s mission complete.”
“I can’t imagine Jiraiya sharing that with you,” Tsunade noted, eying Naruto suspiciously,
and turning to Shizune, Sakura could tell that she knew as well. The blond kunoichi asks the
blond shinobi, “how’d you know?”
Shrugging, Naruto casually answers, “I think Ji-chan’s done enough. And you’re pretty
awesome too so I just thought it’d make sense you becoming the next Hokage-” Cutting
himself off, he quickly asserts with vigor, “ah! For a limited time, obviously. I’ll be taking
that hat off ya before you get too comfortable.”
Smirking with approval, Tsunade remarks, “hmmmn, you’ve got more going on in that head
than I thought,”
Shizune asks with a clear concern for her mentor, “will you really become the Fifth Hokage?”
Sakura turned to the legendary kunoichi, excited to hear a favorable answer. Like many
women in the village, Tsunade-sama a paragon of beauty and strength, so Sakura was thrilled
to hear Tsunade confirm, “I wouldn’t have agreed to come back if I wasn’t willing to do that
much.” She turned to a less-impressed Naruto and tapped his forehead as she asserts with
childish esteem, “and keep in mind brat, that hat isn’t coming off my head to anyone who
can’t take it from me. So don’t get your hopes up.”
Eying her with that familiar unbridled confidence, Naruto happily clarifies, “so all I have to
do is beat you? Fine by me.”
With restrained irritation, Tsunade fires back, “careful you don’t want to take me too lightly.
You might lose your life.”
“Bring it on granny!”
Shizune quickly steps between the two, asking in an effort to keep the peace, “why did you
ask about reverse summoning?”
Sakura takes Naruto by the forearm and moves him away as he lamely replies, “I told Ero-
sennin we’d talk as soon as possible but we never could since something was always getting
in the way. I figure the faster you get to Konoha, the faster I can keep my promise to him.”
Curious, Tsunade asks, “what’s so important you need to talk right away?”
Though, Sakura mentally answered, ‘the most absurd and amazing secret ever,’ Naruto
vocally grumbles, “it doesn’t matter if you can’t reverse summon. Can you?”
Almost offended by the question, Tsunade hotly answers, “I can but it’d be pointless. I’d
need an extension of Katsuyu in Konoha to summon me there, which means we’d have to run
there anyway.”
“Hmm,” he hummed a moment before proposing, “what if I just send a clone with your slug?
Then we can relax here a little longer and I can talk with Jiraiya. How’s that sound?”
“That’s over a day’s worth of sprinting,” Shizune remarks. “If your clone is attacked or runs
out of chakra at some point along the way, we’d be starting even later, wasting precious
“My clone’s made longer trips without any problems,” Naruto assured her. “I’ll think of it
like training and get there in half the time!”
“What about us,” Sakura asked, worried she might not have another opportunity to travel
with Tsunade.
“…I suppose,” she responded with lackluster enthusiasm as Tsunade’s curiosity had her ask,
“I still don’t get what’s so important that you two need to talk now.”
“It’s not that I need to,” Naruto told the slug princess. “But Jiraiya’s waited long enough and
I did promise.”
Hoping to be in the vicinity of that conversation, Sakura asks, “why not teleport us back?”
Snapping her fingers, Tsunade asks, “is that what you two need to talk about? I can
understand the urgency if it’s about the Hiraishin. As the next, and possibly greatest
Hokage-” Naruto held his tongue though grumbled at Tsunade’s gall. Sakura smirked at their
competitiveness as Tsunade continues, “I wouldn’t mind knowing how you managed to learn
that technique. It’ll easily double our military power.”
“It’s not that,” Naruto cut Tsunade off. Turning to his pink-haired teammate, Naruto explains,
“I’ve managed to take people sure, but I was pretty desperate at the time. I haven’t
completely mastered the Hiraishin, so I don’t want to risk anyone’s life unless absolutely
necessary. If I’m not focused, it can easily squish you to the size of a grain of sand!”
Shocked, Sakura couldn’t help but yell, “you’ve been using a dangerous technique you
haven’t mastered yet?”
“I… uh, well, yeah,” Naruto confessed, stunning all three kunoichi. Naruto was so bugged by
the silence, he defended his actions by reminding them, “what choice did I have? It was
either use it or people die.”
“Maybe,” he said with a casual shrug, upsetting Sakura in the process. “You know I always
do what I can. I thought I could make it, so I did.”
‘He’s right,’ Sakura thought, but that upset her to admit, as if this is just the life Naruto is
destined to live, always on the edge and against the highest risks. Sakura said nothing and
just worried about him, then grew angry at how much she worried about him.
“Fine, make your clone,” Tsunade voiced. “I’ll give you a shade of Katsuyu and once it’s in
Konoha, I’ll reverse summon there.”
“Sweet,” Naruto called before making his clone. Tsunade summoned a small slug that easily
fit inside Naruto’s pocket, however, it didn’t leave right away. Naruto leaped out of the
window while the clone sat cross-legged. In less than three minutes, the clone of Naruto
entered sage mode then followed the original out of the window. Sakura can see the clone
leaping over buildings when at the crest of a jump, it suddenly flares bright white before
being enshrouded in a yellow cloak of chakra. From a distance, Sakura can tell Naruto looks
a little different but she can’t make out details before it’s gone in the blink of an eye, making
her wonder how fast he’ll get to Konoha.
“Che!” Sakura hears behind her. Turning to her idol, Sakura observes an irked Tsunade
lament, “that brat never even said what this mysterious conversation is about.” Crossing her
arms, she bellows, “now I’m going to be curious about it all day!”
Sakura’s mind suddenly developed a plan in a fraction of a second. Looking at the older more
experienced women, the pink-haired girl knows there’s no way they would resist learning
more about Naruto’s love life. It’s too salacious to ignore, and Sakura couldn’t help blurting
out the bait. “It’s about his girlfriend!”
Bug-eyed, a stunned Tsunade touted, “girlfriend!? Him!? Really?” Looking at Shizune in
amazement, she finishes, “uhwaahh, I never would’ve guessed.”
With a little more pep in her shoulders and a sharper arch in her back, a very interested
Shizune asks, “is he, by chance, popular in Konoha?”
Super eager to follow Naruto and hear the story herself, Sakura sweetened the mystery by
replying, “he isn’t, at all!” They’re shocked and hungry for more. Sakura moves in closer and
the women instantly do so as well until they’re heads nearly bump together, and she adds,
“the reason Jiraiya-sama is so obsessed about talking with Naruto is because… apparently—
that is, if you believe the uncorroborated and circumstantial evidence—not only is Naruto’s
girlfriend among the most beautiful and respected women in the village… but she’s also a
Jōnin eight years older than him!!!”
“UUWWHHHHHAAAAA,” both Tsunade and Shizune sound before clapping their hands to
their mouths, thunderstruck by the revelation. The blond and raven-haired kunoichi look at
each other in surprise before turning to Sakura and demanding, “tell us everything!”
Rather than search every alley, room, and business in the sizable gambling town for his
Godfather, Naruto takes a few minutes to sit perfectly still before entering sage mode on the
roof of the inn they’re staying in. With his heightened senses, he locates his Godfather easily
enough. Stride-leaping eighty steps in a single bound, Naruto rushes past buildings and
streets toward the familiar chakra to a popular park.
Walking under several tall, bright red torii gates to enter Mikane Shrine, known for its
connection to prosperity and wealth, Naruto feels Kurama continuing his silent treatment. As
he walks through the site that attracts a lot of tourists from all over the country hoping to
become rich, Naruto wonders what it’s going to take to make up with him. Naruto walks past
wishing wells and shrines surrounded by people eagerly and desperately lighting incense,
offering food, clanging bells, and making their prayers.
Moving past the shrines and two dozen white lanterns meant to light the path, there is a
wooden bridge that crosses a small lake, and on the middle of the empty bridge is the familiar
chakra signature he was searching for. Naruto allows his sage mode to dissipate as he walks
the creaking wood planks to his pacing Godfather. On the railing in front of the hunched over
elder, Naruto notes several toads lined like an audience. Even though his Godfather’s wooden
sandals clack loudly against the hardwood of the bridge, Naruto can still hear the man
mumbling to himself as the uninterested line of toads wait impassively.
When it feels as though Jiraiya is having a serious conversation with the bored toads, Naruto
approaches cautiously, as if the old man were a beast he didn’t want to spook. The old legend
takes a swig of ale from the drinking gourd in his right hand before he explains in slurred
speech, “legacy… it affects us all.” With pink cheeks, nose, and ears, Jiraiya’s heavily-lidded
eyes turn to the seven colorful toads on the railing and professes, “did’ya know, in our
culture, toads represent the lunar yin… aaaaand is associated with healing and good fortune?
Did ya? Did ya? I bet you didn’t.”
A toad croaks dismally and Jiraiya seemed surprised by the amphibian’s reply, gibbering,
“you did, huh? Well…. that’s your legacy! Of course you’d know that! I thought I understood
my legacy… to beeee the senseiiii of the child of prophecyyyy… who’ll bring about a great
revolution to the world of ninjas! My actions will determine… if that uprising will be for the
world’s salvation… or its destruction… but that… but that… never made sense, did it
The yellow and brown toad named Yoggi seems to have had enough and rolls over, belly up,
as if dead before popping in a cloud of smoke, prompting a drunk Jiraiya to shake his head
and garble, “and then there were six.” Naruto wonders how long Jiraiya’s been speaking and
how many toads were there at the beginning of the speech.
“I used to think my legacy was teaching a single student,” Jiraiya groaned on in winded and
slurred speech. “But maybe… maybe… it’s many students… through the power of words! If
I, the destined one, can unlock the secrets of Naruto’s impossible love life, Ichi Ichi Palace
can be that Child of Prophecy! And help reshaped the world!!”
Naruto rolls his blue eyes then snatches the gourd from the elder’s hand. The six remaining
toads take the miracle opportunity to return to their home and vanish with a puff of smoke as
Jiraiya childishly reaches for his drink with both hands. “That’s enough,” Naruto voiced,
leaping out of the taller man’s reach. Test-sniffing the open gourd, the blond shirks away
from the stench as he asks, “please tell me you weren’t drinking all night?”
“Hmmph,” Jiraiya sounded, crossing his large arms and turning his head away. “Why should
I tell you that when you can’t even be bothered to share your life with your own Godfather! I
may not have been around for most of your life or sent you any gifts, but we’re still family!”
“Alright, alright,” Naruto returns, raising a palm in peace. “Listen, I’m sorry I kept pushing
this back, but seriously, the mission came first.”
“And what’s changed, hmm? I ask you, with the heavens as my witness, what’s changed,”
Jiraiya dramatically requests of the heavens. “We still have a twenty-six-hour sprint ahead of
us. With minimal breaks, that’s another day and a half of more waiting.”
“Jeez,” Naruto growled whilst rubbing the bridge of his nose. Stepping closer, the blond
clearly explains, “I’ve got a clone in KCM Sage rushing back to Konoha with an extension of
Katsuyu. When it gets to Konoha, Tsunade-baachan’s going to reverse-”
Quicker than Naruto expected, Jiraiya is instantly beside him and grabs him around the waist,
yelling, “done! I got it! Save your breath for words that matter!” Looking around, there’s a
secluded treeline past the pond. “Let’s go!” he yells with gusto before rushing to the shaded
When they reach the cool grass under the tree with a wide crown, providing optimum shade,
Jiraiya sits Indian-style on the soft grass with open palms on his bent knees. It appears as if
he’s about to meditate and Naruto can’t help but ask, “what are you doing?”
Without opening his eyes, a serious Ero-sennin responds, “just give me five-no three minutes
to burn the alcohol in my system. Then we can talk!”
Snorting, Naruto simply sits back-to-back with his eccentric and funny Godfather and leans
comfortably into his long white hair. Leaning against the warm back of his Godfather, Naruto
shakes his head while he flexes his healing hand. Eying his hand with thoughts of his fight
against Orochimaru the day before, Naruto thoughtfully contends, “you know, I thought I was
getting stronger… but after that fight—hell, even during that fight—there was still so much I
couldn’t do against him. I mean, I don’t know any other offensive techniques besides
Rasengan and Wind release is the only nature manipulation I can do. Speed and power are
great… but he had technique and strategy. I would’ve lost if he knew everything I can do.”
Stopping his concentration with a sigh, Jiraiya grumbles, “lost? What hot garbage are you on
about? Do you know how many years it would’ve taken you to learn Rasengan like other
shinobi? Or Wind release like other shinobi? Or sage training? Or the Flying Thunder God
technique? Kami, those four things alone would’ve taken over a decade of constant training,
easily, and you’re still in your rookie year!”
“…Maybe,” Naruto was willing to concede that much. “But I’m not worried about the
average or even above-average enemy shinobi. We both know it’s only going to get a lot
harder from here on out and I need to be ready. I think it’s time I spare some clones to learn
other techniques.”
“We all need to be ready,” Jiraiya corrected the boy leaning against his back. “So if you want
me to be in my right mind to put up a halfway decent fight, you’ll stop talking and let me
sober up!” At Jiraiya’s giggling excitement for the story ahead, Naruto snickers and shifts
comfortably into the white hair and enjoys the serenity of being still and at peace.
“Welcome to my humble abode,” Anko told Ino. Ino was happy to escape the smell and
ickiness of the unpleasant hallway. Anko’s apartment building is a few blocks away from
Naruto’s newly constructed building and it reminds Ino of how downtrodden this sector of
Konoha is. Walking into Anko’s small studio apartment, Ino was relieved to see the buxom
Jōnin was cleaner than her appearance would’ve suggested. The was a sweet mintiness in the
air and very little room to move around in.
Opening her wardrobe, Anko pointed inside with a few tilts of her head before saying, “now
hide in the closet.”
Looking from the small space filled with coats, dresses, and what looks to be leather bondage
gear, to a content Anko, Ino hesitates to argue, “I don’t feel comfortable eavesdropping on
“Aww, that’s nice,” Anko remarked with little interest. “In you go.”
Smelling the disinfectant and leather coming from the small space, Ino needed to ask, “why?”
“Cuz I’m rooting for ya, kid,” Anko happily replied, adding jovially, “you got guts.”
Ino didn’t know what she meant, but solemnly admitted, “that’s not the word I’d use.”
Tilting her head, Anko asks, “what would you call it?”
However, Anko only slaps the notion away, proclaiming, “nah, I like guts better.” Watching
the voluptuous Jōnin making room in the closet as she states, “whatever you did or however
wrong it was, you wouldn’t be the first. What matters is you’re not running away from it, are
ya? That alone takes guts.”
‘Running would only make this feel worse,’ Ino thought before asking to know, “you haven’t
told me why you want me to hide in the closet while you talk with Kurenai-sensei.”
“You’ll see,” is all Anko answered before nodding her head toward the cleared space. With a
small sigh, Ino sits inside and brings her knees to her chest. Anko moves some clothes to hide
her a bit better as she advises, “remember your training; feel the surrounding and mimic the
oscillation. And don’t come out until she’s gone.”
“Actually,” Anko interrupts. “Now that I think about it, I might be underestimating the shock
value.” Grabbing the red ball gag, she takes a confused Ino’s right hand and is about to hand
it to her when the blond pulls away in fear. “Wait,” Anko touted. “Anko-san-” Ino tries as the
sexy Jōnin orders, “put this on!”
Anko pauses, sighing before realizing, “what am I thinking… how would you even know
how to put this on-” she sucks her teeth and tries to put the ball gag on for her as she utters,
“here, let me.”
“Do- Do I ha-have to,” Ino argues, fighting off the much stronger woman.
Anko pauses a moment to assure the blond, “trust me, kid, when you hear this, there’s no way
you won’t squeal. So, what’s it going to be?”
Ino quickly reasoned, if it involved Kurenai-sensei, she wanted to know what this all was
about, but to preserve some measure of control, Ino snatches the ball gag from Anko, and
confidently lies, “I know how to put one on, thank you.”
Anko smirks proudly as the blond fumbles to put on the red gag before asserting, “I knew I
liked you.”
With the closet doors closed, Ino hears moving around and rustling as she acclimates herself
to the ambiance inside the closet. She slows her heartbeat and sits as still as possible, attuning
herself to the particles habituating around her. Within minutes, Ino’s presence was masked
relatively well, and not long after, there’s a knock on the door. Even in the dark space of the
closet, without her sight, Ino can tell Anko is pretending to be horribly sick in bed when
Kurenai walks in.
“Anko,” Kurenai cries in worry. The beautiful sensei sets a bag of content on the floor and
sits beside her coughing friend. “I can’t believe you’re so sick; I’ve never seen you sick
“Ugghh, I know,” Anko whined with a clogged nose. “I think my dry spell weakened my
“Kami, Anko,” Kurenai snorts. “I’m sure that’s not it. I brought Congee. Since you’ve never
had to take it before, it’s great for colds. How are you feeling? Do you think you can eat?”
“Mnn…” Anko pines, playing her sickness and amusing Ino. “I… I don’t know… maybe.”
“Here, let me,” Ino hears Kurenai say, then rustling as if Anko was sitting up to eat.
With a pop of a lid removed, Kurenai is feeding her sick friend who asks with a husky voice,
“how’s it going… with the girls? Have you told them… about you and Naruto yet?”
Ino blinked into wide eyes. Her jaw bit down into the ball gag at the implication. ‘No,’ her
thought gasped and she lost synchronicity with the frequency of the inside of the closet. Even
though the rubber of the ball creaked a bit and Ino’s lungs inhaled sharply, it didn’t appear as
if Kurenai noticed her. Ino became like stone and could only listen with bated breath.
“I’m telling Hinata tonight,” Kurenai replied before feeding Anko another spoon.
“…That girl,” Kurenai sighed, as if she were the wild card no one knew what to do with. “If
Hinata decides not to do this, then I’ll tell Ino.”
“Be honest,” Anko’s croaky voice piqued, sounding to Ino like the beginning of girl-talk.
“You’re hoping they both say no, aren’t ya? After everything you and Naruto have been
through, you want him all to yourself, don’t ya?”
With a bit of a snicker, Kurenai answers, “first, I’ll never have him all to myself if this
political marriage to Temari happens.”
‘Why,’ Ino’s mind raced to think as she bites down on the gag. ‘How can she answer as if
that question with that boy wasn’t preposterous?’
Ino’s heart was hammering in her chest as Kurenai continues, “and second, don’t make me
sound so possessive. I love him and I know in every part of my being that he loves me.” To
hear the sensei she admires so much admit and confirm in her own voice her love for the very
boy she loves, Ino’s organs seized so hard she thought something ruptured.
Something felt broken inside her especially when Anko alluded to, “especially your physical
part, huh?”
“The flesh is weak… but the depravity is strong,” Anko proclaims in a dying voice. “If one
or even both of them decide to go through with it, what are you guys going to do?”
“In that incredibly unlikely scenario, we’ll just have to talk it out, won’t we?”
“Five? Oh, Temari,” Kurenai recalls, reminding Ino of the Suna princess as well. “She
seemed pretty determined to marry Naruto, but, there’s a possibility she may change her mind
if three Konoha women decide to marry him. I can’t imagine she wouldn’t feel intimidated
being outnumbered like that for the rest of her life-” Anko snorted at the absurdity and
Kurenai nodded, adding, “I know, this is all so bizarre. Whether it’s me and Naruto; me,
Naruto, and Temari; me, Naruto, Temari, and Hinata; or all five of us, we have to be on the
same page. If we can’t agree on anything, then every day is going to be like a battle and I
don’t want that for Naruto.”
The last comment made Ino feel less strangled and more confused. ‘Because of course, this
isn’t about just me,’ Ino thought, making her recall her selfishness, her mistakes, and the will
to redeem herself. Ino truly felt torn.
“That conversation will have to wait until Naruto returns,” Anko said, bringing Ino back to
the present. The sexy Jōnin summarized, “for now, the girls have to decide for themselves. If
they do agree, they have to be okay with you and Naruto, which is still pretty bonkers.”
‘Bonkers doesn’t even cover it!’ Ino screamed powerfully from the top of a mountain in the
imagination of her mind.
“A lot can happen in a hundred days,” Kurenai simply expressed with a sweetness to her
voice that made Ino curious about how it all started. Her encounter with Naruto also started
over a hundred days ago. The blond kunoichi had so many confliction and emotion-
provoking questions, she absolutely needed clarity for. She couldn’t wait and needed to talk
with Kurenai in private.
“But I just started!” Naruto yelled back, already regretting this despite his comfortable nap
against his Godfather’s back. Seated on the soft grass under the large green crown of the tree,
shade, breeze, and privacy made for the perfect setting to talk.
Dropping his journal on the grass, a blushing Jiraiya grips his chest with both hands as he
bemoans, “my poor heart’s not prepared.”
“Kami help me,” Naruto groaned. “Stop making this weird! And what are you writing? I’m
not telling if you’re going to write it down!”
“Alright, alright,” Jiraiya spouted moving his writing supplies to the side, but doesn't put
them away. Massaging Naruto’s shoulders, he sweetly urges, “don’t make any hasty
decisions. Go on, go on.”
Above them, Tsunade, Shizune, and Sakura are perfectly hidden from the distracted boys and
listening to the story with all the hard-earned ninja skills they possess. Considering his
perverted audience, Naruto leaves out the more erotic aspects of the story and enjoys
reminiscing about his time together with Kurenai.
Walking down the neighborhood street her two-story house resides on, Kurenai’s mind grows
anxious with every step, distracted with thoughts of the various ways Hinata may react to
their talk later. So distracted was the beautiful sensei that she didn’t notice Ino waiting by her
door until she reached the white picket fence. Gripping her groceries tighter in hand, Kurenai
knew instantly that something was off with the blond by the stern and nearly angry
expression on her pretty face.
“Ino,” Kurenai curiously voiced in surprise as she walks to the entrance of her home.
Looking around, she asked, “what are you doing here?”
Ino stared with restrained anger before eventually replying, “I heard,” with hard finality.
The raven-haired sensei was about to ask what she heard, however, the intensity behind Ino’s
pupil-less blue eyes spoke volumes of how serious she was and whatever the subject of her
ire was seemed better spoken of inside. “Come in,” she said before the pair enter her house.
Ino looks around and senses no one. Lifting her groceries a bit, Kurenai regretfully admits,
“I’d invite you to dinner but I have to talk with Hinata-”
Sharp-eyed, Ino hotly contested, “and tell her about you and Naruto?” Kurenai nearly
dropped her bags of ingredients, stunned by the statement but remains poise. An angered and
betrayed Ino didn’t let up as she yells, “I can’t even- How could you! What are you doing?!
What are you doing?!”
Kurenai observes the emotions overwhelming Ino; her anger, her embarrassment, her
confusion, and possibly her disgust, all expressed vividly on her beautifully pained face. It’s
all driving Ino’s outburst and she can tell the young blond is desperate for answers, however,
rather than being embarrassed and answer any of her questions, Kurenai turns away and
walks directly to her kitchen.
Momentarily confused, Ino has no choice but to follow, yelling, “aren’t you going to answer
me!” Kurenai sets down the groceries on the counter when Ino slams her palms on the
kitchen island and asks, “or are you too ashamed to say anything!?”
“I’m waiting for you to calm down,” a composed Kurenai replied as the beautiful sensei
begins separating the ingredients to prepare them for dinner. “You should know I have no
problem answering your questions, but Hinata won’t be long, so if you can’t control yourself
until she arrives, I will ask you to leave without the answers you came here for.”
Shoulders and traps hunched, Ino nearly glared at the audacity of the adult but Kurenai didn’t
flinch. Ino knew the woman to be of her word and if it wasn’t for the answers she’s desperate
for, Ino didn’t think she had the willpower to calm down. Turning away from the attractive
sensei, Ino takes a few moments to settle the raging storm of her emotions.
Returning her glaring eyes on the woman she trusted, Ino practically growls, “Kurenai…
sensei… how could you, an adult, involve yourself with a sixteen-year-old boy?!”
It’s the statement Kurenai had feared the most when her relationship with Naruto first began.
At the time, she was certain it would belittle her standing as a person among her peers and
neighbors as well as undermine her authority as a ranking member of the military. Kurenai
was sure her relationship with a sixteen-year-old would be the only thing people see when
they look at her.
She knows differently now. There’s nothing commonplace about Naruto and anyone with
common sense would see that, making Ino’s fury understandable. Kurenai can’t help but ask,
“are you asking because he’s sixteen or because he’s Naruto?”
“Both,” Ino called out, then clenched her teeth to calm down again.
Understanding the girl’s frustration, Kurenai sighs before washing the potatoes under the
running faucet, and calmly explaining, “at first, I was concerned about our age difference and
the public perception, but eventually, I learned that didn’t matter. Naruto is more than what
you can see at first and our love is a lot like that. He’s the man who captured my heart and
I’m not planning on letting him go.”
The silence that lingered told Kurenai that hit the blond hard. Pushing away from the kitchen
island, Ino paces as she quickly asks, “don’t you have any shame? Any dignity? What about
Asuma-sensei? Or any man your own age?”
“Ino-chan,” Kurenai voiced with a thick layer of authority. Though her eyes were defiant, Ino
got the warning and listens as Kurenai says, “our relationship may be odd and uncommon,
it’s not illegal, so I have nothing to be ashamed about. My dignity is in my honesty and I'd
never trade that for popularity, and Asuma-sensei, or any man my age, isn't your business.
What I feel for Naruto is real, and hard-fought. Just like you, I didn’t feel this in the
“How!?” Kurenai stopped washing the cabbage and raises her eyebrow at the blond, urging
Ino to take a few deep breaths before she asks in a calmer voice, “how did it begin?”
“Not unlike you, actually,” Kurenai admitted, easily contorting the pretty girl’s face in
confusion. “You needed something from him, and like gravity, you got too close and were
swept up. I’m sure it’s upsetting to learn the man you love is also loved by others-”
“Are you kidding,” Ino retorted. “I’m used to girls chasing after the man I love. But adults
stayed well away from Sasuke, so why couldn’t you stay away from Naruto?!” Kurenai
looked at the girl and flatly pointed out, “age is an issue of mind over matter. If I don’t mind,
then it doesn’t matter.”
Ino’s fervor was still there but her reasoning was faltering. With more vulnerability, Ino
weakly asks, “but… why him?” Unexpected competition felt like the crux of all this as the
blond continues, “you- you’re gorgeous, smart, mature, respected, you could have any guy
you want! How could it possibly be Naruto, of all people?”
Kurenai thought Ino was all those things as well, and asks in return, “why not him?”
Kurenai can practically hear the thunderstruck Ino think one word; ‘bitch.’ Still, Kurenai can
sympathize and calmly, yet pointedly, recounts for the blond, “when you rejected him after
your time together, I happen to need his help with a training regiment for Hinata.” Judging by
her woeful expression, Ino didn’t seem to enjoy recalling that version of herself. It made her
more docile as Kurenai continues, “in exchange for helping me, I agreed to teach him about
girls and dating-”
“How can I not? Nothing about this is rational,” Ino hotly insists. “I’m just trying to make
sense of-”
“Then listen,” Kurenai called with some frustration. The beautiful sensei stopped cutting as
she repeated in a more pointed tone, “just… listen.” Ino nodded and a more collected Kurenai
continued. “I had no intention of being anything more than a source of academic information
for him; as you said, I could get any guy. I learned later the only reason he asked me to teach
him was so he can impress you.” Ino bit her lip dejectedly as Kurenai explains, “the more he
helped me with Hinata… the more I learned about him; you remember our fieldwork into his
life. Little by little, something grew where there was once nothing. He went from a name on a
page to a prankster, to a fresh genin, a student, an assistant… then a source of comfort,
someone I can trust with my life, someone I can confide in… someone I can love
unconditionally.” The silence between them stretched for several moments until Kurenai
asks, “is that what you wanted to hear?”
“I need more,” Jiraiya called out fervently, making an X out of his large arms. Unbeknownst
to Naruto, the three kunoichi above readily agreed as well. They need more too.
“All you explained was helping Kurenai-chan with training, being in her house a lot, talking
a bit, and then ‘it’ just happened! As if that tells me anything!” Naruto is rubbing the bridge
of his nose for patience as Jiraiya added, “how do you expect me to sell anything with that!?”
Returning just as much fervor, Naruto yells back, “I don’t expect you to sell any of this! You
said you wouldn’t write it down!”
“Wouldn’t write it down now,” Jiraiya quickly said under his breath before clearing his throat
and loudly demanded to know, “just think about the romantic parts and go from there, hmm?
When did she first start liking you? How did she start liking you? Was it physical, emotional?
When did you start liking her? As a boy, I’m going to assume it was a very physical thing for
you. Who made the first move? What was the first move? What was your first hurdle? Have
you argued? How…h-how far have you two g-gone? Have you- have you… k-kissed? If you
have, when, where, and how'd it feel? Don't skimp on any of the details!!”
A tired Naruto fell back into the soft grass surrounding the tree they’re under. He tilts his
head and focuses his eyes when he thought he saw a hint of pink. Dismissing it as a play of
the light, he whines, “Kami, help me.”
Kurenai covers the salmon and lets it simmer before turning around and exhaustively asking
the blond genin, “do you really need to know if we’ve had sex?”
The blond kunoichi couldn’t get Anko’s, ‘especially your physical part,’ out of her mind. She
needed to know how far they went. Surely an adult would wait until he was older before
sharing that level of intimacy. Somehow, Ino was holding out hope that if she’s gone farther
and done more than the beautiful sensei, then she still had a chance to compete… she
wouldn’t feel like she’s lost as a woman, a kunoichi, and a person.
Ino watches Kurenai’s cheeks and ears blush before she reluctantly admits, “…we’ve been
Ino inhaled so quick, she nearly coughed, but instead, she held it in before asking with a
winded voice, “how far?”
Holding in the pain and humiliation of losing, Ino could barely control herself to ask, “just…
why? Even if I believe you lov- even if I believe what you’re saying, why even bother asking
me or Hinata to marry him if you- …if you’re both… if you say love him? That doesn't make
any sense.”
“That's a matter of perspective,” Kurenai answered. “For lasting peace between us and Suna
to flow more smoothly, Naruto, the son of the Yondaime Hokage, has to marry Temari, the
daughter of the Yondaime Kazekage. That is the course charted by the brass, and whether we
like it or not, I find it fortuitous he’s not limited to a single wife. Any other boy, any other
political marriage, and that’s it; you and I would be out of luck. And trust me, that situation
can be incredibly heart-wrenching.”
Ino’s impressive memory effortlessly tracks down that meaning and asks, “you mean Asuma-
sensei and Tomoko-hime?”
Kurenai slowly nodded with a hint of past pain, then continues, “I recommended you and
Hinata because after years upon years of Naruto living without love and affection, I felt the
kunoichi being considered to be his first wife should at least love him deeply. That's not a
long list.”
“That doesn’t answer my question,” Ino slowly underscored. Though it speaks to the worst
pain of the issue, Ino bravely asks, “why even bother with us when you… when you’re
supposedly with him?”
The silence lingers a moment and Ino can tell Kurenai understands. Taking plates from the
cupboard, the raven-haired beauty sets them on the table as she answers, “I have my reasons
for proposing this to Hinata. As for you… to be perfectly honest, I’ll have to share him
regardless. Any girl who wants to be with him will have to accept that, Ino. If it’s you or
Hinata, I can accept that.”
“You can accept that,” Ino repeats, offended by her genuine approach. “As if you’re the final
say or something?”
“That’s what this is Ino,” Kurenai remarks as she reads the analog clock on the wall. “That’s
how a relationship like this works. We all have a say and any accommodations that can be
made, is made. Any that can’t, that’s it. The relationship has run its course. Naruto hasn’t had
a chance to speak his piece but I know my place in his heart and he knows his place in mine.
If you still want this, you’re going to have to make your peace with that.” Ino stands in
silence, processing everything she’s just learned with everything that’s happened in the last
nine months and everything she wants to happen in the next nine months. Kurenai then
voices, “where is that girl?”
With nothing else to ask at the moment, Ino abruptly turns and leaves the kitchen without
saying farewell. It’s at the front door she sees Hinata, her Byakugan obviously activated yet
freely shedding a stream of tears down her cheeks and chin to droplets on the floor. Without
the wailing to match, the pretty girl’s face was in shock as her eyes wept. Feeling sympathy
for the girl, Ino takes her hand and drags her out of the house, forcing her bag to drop on the
Ino drags her out of Kurenai’s property and down the street until they were far enough away
that she could turn around on the dark indigo-haired girl and bluntly ask, “well, did you hear
her?” Regarding the capability of the veins around Hinata’s eyes, she corrects, “or did you
read our lips?” The sweet girl is in shock, Ino realizes, and voices in sympathy, “I guess you
didn’t know either.” Turning her sights in the direction of Kurenai’s house, Ino realizes she
has a lot to reflect on and tells Hinata, “look, there’s no point in hiding it now. I’ve been with
Naruto too… physically, and apparently so has Kurenai-sensei. You haven’t, and if I’m being
honest, I don’t think you should. You’re too… gentle for all this. And I don’t mean that in a
bad way. If any of this is too much for you, you may as well bow out now.”
Ino feels anxious leaving Hinata alone, but she can’t think of comforting anyone when she’s
so distraught herself.
“I can’t believe it,” Sakura gasps as the three stunned ladies walk side-by-side through the
market. Within their own heads, they can barely focus on where they’re going, though that’s
enough for a ninja. Sakura couldn’t believe so much was going on around her, recalling how
close she’s been with Naruto for months, and still didn’t see it.
Tsunade whirls the lost girl beside her and emphasizes, “you really didn’t know?”
Eying her idol as if she were guilty of a felony, a shamed Sakura blurts out, “how could I?
He’s Naruto!” Flicking her pupils between the skeptical women, she continues to plead,
“everyone back home either tolerated, disliked, or outright hated him! No one could’ve
possibly seen someone like him ending up with someone as popular as Kurenai-sensei!
You’d be labeled crazy to suggest it, for sure!”
Tsunade and Shizune eye each other for a spell after hearing her case. They seem to have a
silent conversation with their eyes before Shizune nods and they continue walking. Sakura
follows them into the nearest tea shop where they sit in the furthest booth for some privacy.
Happy for the soothing properties of her mint chamomile tea, Sakura is warming her hand
with the hot cup as Tsunade notes, “seems to me like no one really saw him.” Shizune nods
as Tsunade sips her tea before continuing. “They couldn’t see how strong he was, how
attractive he can be. They were following the crowd.”
Sakura instantly felt the stab in her heart. ‘Was that directed at me,’ Sakura desperately asked
herself. Sakura hid her distraught face behind the small teacup as her mind whines, ‘bad
enough she’s right, but for it to also come from Tsunade-sama… ugh, this is the worst!’
Shizune piles on as she notes with clinical precision, “he fought off Orochimaru, which is no
small feat, and has a beautiful girlfriend. He suddenly seems cuter, doesn’t he? Very manly.”
Sakura suddenly realizes the most crucial reality of this entire affair, and it truly sinks in then,
making her cough on a sip of tea… ‘Naruto has a beautiful girlfriend.’ What that means
delivers a fresh pang of heartache.
“If only I were younger and he didn’t remind me of Nawaki or Jiraiya,” Tsunade joked,
making Shizune nearly spit out her drink. Turning to the pinkette, Tsunade notes how ghastly
Sakura appears and teases, “I have little doubt they’ve been intimate as well.”
“What,” the elder retorted in her defense all the while observing Sakura like a hawk. “You
could tell by the way he was cutting the story. No one makes a deal like that with a sixteen-
year-old boy, spend all that time together, meet up at night, and enter in a committed
relationship without a bit of organ grinding.”
Sakura claps her cheeks in deadly realization. ‘Is that why he’s so good?!’ The images fall in
line and it all begins making sense. ‘Of course! How else could he possibly be that damn
good!? He’s had training… he wasn’t a virgin!’ In her own world, a baffled Sakura shakes
her head in denial with her hands still fixed to her blushing cheeks, oblivious to how
unsettled she appears to the amused women before her.
Look into the honey-eyes of her idol, Sakura fumbles to reply, “mmm? I…” Pressing her
hand to her aching chest, she finishes, “…I don’t know.”
Tsunade and Shizune share another look before the elder of the two orates, “you know, I’ve
been in love once.” Rather proudly, she assures them, “I had a lot of suitors clamoring for my
hand, too. Sure, part of it was due to my family, but the overwhelming reason why was my
beauty. Even the Daimyō wanted to marry me. Plenty of em were funny, respectful,
successful, or some combination, but Dan was the only one who stood out.” Shizune sat up
straighter as Tsunade adds with a fond smile, “he was the only one I fell for.”
“Obviously he was handsome,” Tsunade answered. “But we also shared a belief, something I
was completely passionate about, and because we advocated for the same things, we slowly
grew to love each other.”
Shizune seems happy to hear that, however, Sakura feels confused and asks, “why are you
telling me this?”
“I don’t know Kurenai-sensei,” Tsunade began, “However, I wouldn’t want you to believe
that a person with a lot of attractive qualities matters more than a person with the right
The pink-haired kunoichi suddenly realizes the women in front of her know more about the
turmoil she’s feeling than she knows herself. Sakura was big enough to admit she drooled
over the amazing sex with him… but does that extend to drooling over him as a person. With
the sudden urge to be better in the presence of someone she admires so much, Sakura’s mind
dares to ask the worst question. ‘Do I have genuine feelings for Naruto?’
“You’re teammates, Sakura,” Tsunade said. “That’s a special bond that even Kurenai can't
The one thing Sakura knows about Naruto, is he wants to be strong and acknowledged by
everyone. She’s already acknowledged him, now she needs to get stronger. As strong as
Tsunade-sama herself. Maybe even stronger.
Setting the cup down hard enough to whip a splash of tea out, a stern and determined Sakura
honestly pleads, “Tsunade-sama… please accept me as your apprentice.”
Even as her idol and God of medicine stares at her intensely, as if searching her mind, heart,
and soul for that special quality necessary for success, the pinkette doesn’t blink. As a
kunoichi and a woman, Sakura needed this.
Haku is standing beside a nervous Karin underneath the red-orange torii gate of Uzumaki
property. They wait patiently in front of the wood plaque that says Uzumaki Tower beside the
symbol of a swirling circle. In the slums of the neighborhood, Naruto’s six-story business and
home appeared strikingly luxurious with its new pillars, elegant street lamps, soft glowing
spotlights, healthy green grass, clean walls, painted black & white with vibrant orange
accents. Like its owner, the aesthetics of the building was loud and made an impression upon
Messing with the stiff hem of his Uzumaki member overcoat, signifying him as a member of
their clan and family, Haku has never felt happier. The Haori Karin ordered for the clan are
black with orange trim and the Uzumaki crest on the back and the Konoha leaf on the
shoulder. It not only felt lovely to wear but it gave Haku an overwhelming sense of pride,
ownership, and unity; like finally finding a home after years of traveling. It nearly brings him
to tears when he thinks about it too much, and every day he praises Zabuza’s name for this
precious gift.
Haku smiled as he thought about how much Zabuza loves him, for he’d be on his way to Kiri
with Zabuza and Mei rather than standing beside Karin if not for him. Haku would’ve gone
to war alongside Mei if Zabuza ordered it, but he didn’t. Zabuza claimed he had a debt to pay,
asserted his skills were more than enough, and left with Mei, leaving Haku to continue
guarding Karin and Naruto’s home.
Just then, Karin takes a deep breath and stood straighter. Haku didn’t sense anything for
several moments, thoroughly impressing him by her sensory skill. Minutes later, Temari,
Gaara, and Kankurō followed by their Jōnin-sensei, Baki, and the security detail surrounded
them meet at the red-orange gate. First, Guy-sensei introduced his team—Neji, Tenten, and
Lee—as well as a council-assigned pale boy around his age that smiled awkwardly, as if
artificial. He said his name was Sai before Temari-san introduced her brothers and sensei.
Karin introduces herself and Haku before providing them with an overview of the six-story
building as they walk.
“The first floor is dedicated to businesses,” Karin nervously spoke. Haku’s fairly certain she
finds talking to future family-members a difficult circumstance to get accustomed to.
“There’ll be a strict vetting process, but so far, we’ll run our Uzumaki Fūinjutsu office from
here and Naruto insisted on a ramen shop he likes.”
“He’s very fond of ramen,” Haku relayed with a smile to help Karin relax some.
Karin takes a deep breath and nods before extending her hand to the middle of the building
and explaining, “floors two through five will be listed for rent; that’s thirty units of studios,
LDKs, and 2LDKs. The entire top floor and the roof is where we’ll be living- you included,
of course.”
“Of course,” Karin eagerly answered. “Each floor of the entire building was designed for
either four 2LDK or eight LDK apartments, so the top floor will have a lot of room. It’ll have
a large kitchen, twelve bedrooms, six bathrooms, a study, a large living room, four empty
rooms we haven’t decided what to do with, and the training room and garden will be on the
roof. For now, it’s just a lot of empty space with no real furnishings, but, there’s a lot of
“Why’s he walk around looking homeless if he obviously comes from money,” Kankurō
remarked, hearing what he heard as he gazes at the tall shiny building in disbelief.
“The saying, ‘you should never judge a book by its cover,’ was invented for Naruto,” Karin
replied. “This building used to be just as rundown as the rest of the dilapidated buildings
around here. This renovation, the restoration of our clan, all happened within the last two
months. Before that, he’s never had money or recognition and had to struggle like a lot of the
people in this neighborhood.”
Temari wonders out loud, “are you planning to redevelop the area?”
Neji turns around and draws everyone’s attention when he voices, “Hinata-sama?”
Haku, along with the others turn and note the somber girl’s presence as she softly replied, “…
Neji walks to his cousin and Haku follows a few paces away. “We’re currently on a mission.
Is there anything you need?
“…No,” Hinata answered her cousin. Haku noticed how long her dejected eyes lingered on
Temari before pulling away and mumbling, “excuse me…”
“Our mission won’t take long if you can wait,” Neji informed her. “I can walk you home
“Why don’t you all go on ahead,” Haku tells Karin and the group. “I’ll wait with her.”
Though Haku may be staying, he knows Karin isn’t in more danger. Not only would it be
disastrous if anyone from Suna did anything to Karin, Naruto already told Haku and Karin
why he trusts in Gaara, Temari, and Kankurō. Haku isn’t expecting anything treacherous
from Suna or Guy-sensei and his team. The only person he doesn’t know is the boy called
Sai. One look to Tenten, and the girl knows this is a test and she needs to keep everyone safe.
Neji nods before the group walk into the lobby of the apartment access.
Hinata deactivates her Byakugan when Haku asks, “is everything alright?” Hinata lowers her
head, deep in thought, and doesn’t respond. “You seem sad,” Haku slowly adds. Again, no
response, and after a long pause, Haku alters his approach. “You don’t have to say anything,
Hinata. Would you mind if I spoke instead?” Hinata nods once and Haku leads her to the
nearby bench. Once seated, they stare up into the evening sky for several quiet moments
before Haku voices, “I was thinking about something earlier… something unexpected. I feel
stronger than ever before.”
“Because we’re always stronger when we have someone to protect,” Haku answered her with
a small smile. “I was too late to protect my mother from my father, even though I remember
loving her very much.” Hinata pays more attention to the unexpected revelation; with reason.
Haku rarely talks about his past, however, he feels a special friendship, connection, with
“I lost everything when I was very young,” Haku continued. “I killed everyone who tried to
kill me, starting with my father, but eventually my friend’s parent and our neighbors. I
became an orphan wandering frozen streets trying my best not to starve or freeze to death,
and every day I thought, ‘how could life be this? How could I be so unnecessary?’ I could die
and not a soul would know or care.”
Haku could sense Hinata pay attention and it added to his gratitude for the life he has now.
“Then I met Zabuza-sama,” Haku continued. “And he asked me to become his weapon.
Suddenly, I was blessed with purpose, but despite giving him my everything, I avoided
killing whenever possible. I expected him to discard me like any other useless tool. Instead,
he kept me by his side and that’s when I first thought, ‘I’ll protect this man with my very life.’
I became truly strong that day.”
Touching his Uzumaki Haori fondly, Haku happily recounted, “then I met Naruto-sama and
he asked me to be his friend, treats me like a brother, gave me a home and a clan… I have so
much more now, I’ve never been more determined to protect him and Karin-chan, you and
this village.”
Haku nods with a gentle smile before adding, “of all the people I’ve met coming here, I feel
like I’ve found a true friendship with you.”
“Because of our love for Naruto-sama,” he easily answered, however, due to her lack of
reaction, Haku asks, “or has that changed?”
He didn’t sense any deception, but wonders about her emotional state, and asks, “does that
make you sad now?”
Hinata tends to have perfect posture in any situation, however, she leans back on the bench
and rests her head on the edge of the backrest. She tells Haku as she stares up at the night sky,
“you said, ‘how could life be this? How could I be so unnecessary?’ That’s how I feel right
now; like I’ve lost and I had no right to expect… anything more.”
Haku slowly asks, “would you like to tell me what happened?” However, Hinata remains
silent. “Hmm, well, I don’t think you’re unnecessary, and I doubt that feeling will last; too
many people love you for that to be the case. And you always have me, Hinata-chan, if you
ever want someone happy to share your troubles with.”
Sitting up, Hinata wipes the moisture building in her eyes, then turns to the androgynous boy
to express, “I came here because I also feel like I can be open with you. I need to ask you…
did you know… a-about Naruto… and Ku-Kurenai-sensei?”
Hinata closes her eyes, like she’s waiting for a pang of heartache to subside. With a deep
inhale and a wipe of her reddening eyes, she then asks, “and Ino?”
Slowly, almost grievously, Haku nods before conveying, “I’m sorry that you’re hurting right
now and for playing a part in that pain. You’re not wrong to feel the way you do so don’t
deny your feelings, whatever they may be, because those who truly love you will also accept
Hinata stands and begins walking away and Haku voices as she does, “ask yourself what
have you lost- no, what have you lost that you can’t get back? When you discover a true
answer, you will know what to do.” Hinata walks under the red-orange torii gate and out of
sight, making Haku worry for her.
There’s a knock on the door and immediately, Samui is out of bed, low to the ground, with a
dagger in hand. Considering they’re in her one-bedroom quarters, Mabui didn’t have the
same urgency and struggled out of bed and as she lived in the mountain with Raikage Tower,
she had little reason to suspect some form of assault; especially one that knocked first. Still, a
sleepy Mabui wonders who would be visiting her at such a late hour.
Dressed in her navy satin shorts and crop top, Mabui tells Samui she’ll see who it is and be
back. Though they should be sleeping in their assigned quarters, it didn’t feel right given the
number of times they slept comfortably together. For nearly two months they shared a bed
and body heat, and for three straight weeks, they slept naked either holding each other or with
Naruto between them. They shared something comforting that made their nights more
perturbed without the other.
‘I suppose I can’t deny Samui presence also makes Naruto feel more present,’ Mabui’s
analytical mind reasoned.
Wearing a sexy off-white spaghetti strap nightgown, Samui nods and stands beside the door’s
frame with her kunai in hand. Opening the door, Mabui is and isn’t confused by Darui’s
presence at her door, however, she is surprised when he casually attempts to enter without an
invitation. Given their relationship before, she should’ve expected this. Mabui blocks his
entrance by placing her hand on the door frame, wondering how she could be so stupid as to
miss the obvious; he only cared for one thing.
Looking up and down the empty hallway, Mabui drowsily notes, “Darui… it’s late.”
“I was busy,” he casually replied. When he notes she’s yet to remove her hand to allow him
in, he looks confused before elaborating, “I would’ve come earlier but we were deliberating.”
It’s not hard to imagine that their interest in Naruto was all they could talk about after Team
Samui was dismissed and Mabui asks, “on how to best capitalize on this opportunity?”
His bored gaze lingers on her body before nodding as he answers, “you’re going to be
promoted, by the way. After reading your detailed report… you took a lot of initiative to set
this option up for us. Tomorrow you’ll be reassigned to managing secretary for the Raikage.
You’ll know nearly everything he knows. Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” she replied with a flat grin. Stepping back, she makes to close the door as she
states, “good night.”
“Wait,” Darui blurted, placing his large hand on the face of the metal door. His normally
bored expression now has one of wonderment before he finally asks, “what’s changed?”
Looking from his hand to his face, Mabui bluntly explains, “I don’t want to do this anymore.
You should’ve known that was a possibility considering the mission I just did.”
With his vast experience as a shinobi, she can understand why he’d ask, “are you saying
you’ve been compromised?” What the mission lacked in a physical challenge, it makes up in
a psychological one. In order for Kumo to retain as many active shinobi as possible, they
consider the mental health of its soldiers.
“If that’s so, then let me in,” he claims. “Post mission protocol dictates you return to your
everyday routine.”
“It does,” Mabui agrees, recalling the book verbatim. “However, you misunderstand me.”
Clapping the door frame to emphasize her decision, she elaborates, “this has nothing to do
with the mission or protocols. I’m not inviting you in because I don’t want to continue that
relationship anymore. It was a mistake before I left and it’s not one I’ll continue now that I’m
Leaning back at the news, his eyes look to the room behind her and Mabui resists the urge to
close it like she’s hiding something. Darui eventually returns his focus on her and asserts, “…
I’m ordering a psych eval. If the results are unfavorable, expect to remain a Chūnin.”
“It’ll be a short session,” Mabui cheerfully assured him. “I can picture it now, sitting on that
couch and explaining to a sympathetic ear, ‘before the mission, I was sleeping with Darui-san
in the vain hope we might become something meaningful. After the mission, I realized he only
cared about one thing; himself.’ I’ll get a pat in the back, and a ‘good day.’” Mabui knew he
couldn’t deny her expertise in that area and assures him, “what we were doing wasn’t a
relationship, Darui.”
“No, you’re just lazy when it comes to caring about others,” she quickly interjected. “It takes
more effort than you’re willing to put in and I’m actually surprised you’re arguing this long
about something that’s obviously over. Good night, Darui-senpai.”
She tries to close the door and again, Darui places his palm on the flat of the door. “I’m a
shinobi first, Mabui,” he sincerely told her. “I won’t apologize for that. I just don’t see the
point of getting so invested only for one of us to die. It’s a waste of time.”
Mabui snickers at how he truly feels but is content he’s finally being honest. She looks to his
hand and he removes it, however, noting, “I hope for your sake this has nothing to do with
that boy.”
That stops Mabui from closing the door. Her heart begins to beat fast and she can feel herself
heat up, however, she forces herself to remain calm, if only on the outside, to casually ask,
“what do you mean?”
“Plans have already been drawn up,” he assures her. “And he won’t survive.”
Mabui was afraid he could hear her heart hammering in her chest as she carefully asks, “what
Thank you for reading friends . I decided to cut the chapter here because if I wrote out
the rest of the plan, it would've left you in a worse cliffhanger. This chapter ties in
closely with the next chapter, so look forward to that.
For those that don't recall, Tomoko-hime is the daughter of the Daimyō and she nearly
married Asuma. It was the catalyst to Kurenai being hurt and sad, and eventually getting
with Naruto.
That's all for now, I guess. The next chapter is going to address a lot, maybe even close
some story threads. I'm not sure yet. I'm still outlining. Be at peace friends and stay safe,
Worlds Collide
Chapter Summary
Chapter Notes
Yay! I’m back! I’m happy to be posting again. I’m going to do a better job posting more
often since I decided to shelve A Deathly Contract. Since I can finally see the finish line
for TLP, I thought I’d focus all my attention on this fic. I took down ADC because I
didn’t want people asking for updates every so often. It will be back, tho. As soon as I
finish The Last Prayer, I’m jumping back to From Ruin and A Deathly Contract.
From her high perch atop the Yondaime’s stone head, Hinata overlooked all of Konoha but
her thoughts didn’t reflect the night-time beauty of her home nor the talking-to she’d receive
for staying out so late. The midnight-haired kunoichi could only focus on what is and what
isn’t. For a long time, Hinata felt lacking, insufficient, as a daughter, a ninja, and even a
friend. She hoped she was wrong and worked hard to prove that feeling of doubt wrong, but
after what she heard hours ago, it was the biggest blow to her progress. Hinata felt as if she
lost her sensei and the man she’s loved all her life in one night and it was demoralizing.
Looking out to the peace of her village and the hope of a better future, she mindlessly asks
the view as much as her aching heart, “don’t I deserve… something more?”
“Hell yeah!”
The loud familiar voice shocked her into twisting about to look at the railing directly behind
her. At the sight of her beloved Naruto, wearing a red and black cloak over his orange and
black uniform, Hinata panicked as he gushes, “I made it in twelve hours!” Focusing on her
ahead, Naruto leaps over the rail to the bust of his father on the Hokage monument and
beside the Hyūga. “Hey, Hinata!”
“…Naruto-kun,” she says absentmindedly. Seeing him up close, Hinata immediately focuses
on his toad-like pupils in the middle of yellow irides and the orange pigmentation around his
eyes. He smiles when he catches her staring and she looks away in blushing embarrassment.
“It’s fine,” Naruto told her. “I like your eyes when you use your Byakugan. They’re super
cool.” His compliment used to be a source of uplifting energy. Now that she knows the truth
about him and her sensei, she doubts he even means it. When it appears as if she won’t
respond, Naruto asks, “what are you doing up here so late?” Before she responds, however,
her blond crush puts his hands together, voicing, “actually… Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.”
Hinata is confused when another Naruto—minus the pigmentation around his eyes—pops
into existence, to which he answers, “sorry, since I’m still on mission, I have to get to Ji-chan
right away, but you can talk with my clone. You won’t believe how badass I got the last few
With a salute, the sage Naruto leaps away into the serenity of the village below them.
Naruto’s clone only grimaces, “tch, just leaving without letting you say a word,” he judged.
“Not that I don’t get it,” he said to Hinata. He then takes a seat and pats the stone flooring as
he asks, “so, what’s going on? How come you’re here this late all by yourself?”
Hesitantly, Hinata politely takes a seat, however, she couldn’t express the turmoil in her heart
and turned her gaze to the village down below as she slowly answered, “thinking.”
“Hmm, about what?” Again, silence, as she couldn’t voice what was disappointing her so
much. Instead, Naruto shared, “you don’t have to say if you don’t want. You wouldn’t believe
the mission the Boss has been on. He actually had to fight off Orochimaru! I don’t know if
you remember him. He’s the one who tried to kill Ji-chan. The boss fought him off practically
by himself! It was pretty awesome. That’s the mission we’re completing now.” Normally,
Hinata is always thrilled when Naruto spoke with her, only now, she can’t help but wonder if
he would prefer to talk to anyone but her.
Feeling like she needed to stop holding him back, Hinata weakly explains, “I… heard about
you… and Kurenai-sensei.”
His eyes widen a moment as he asks, “really? Hmm, I guess she finally told you. Isn’t it
great?” His levity only confirmed what she knew; he was better without her. It was a bitter
pill to swallow as he added, “I never thought I’d find someone who not only cares about me,
but wants to take on life together, like family.”
Certain of the answer, she only continued proving her theory right by asserting, “B-but you
would still feel happy if I weren’t there-”
“Definitely not,” he flatly told her, looking at her as if she were crazy. His genuine expression
as he assures her, “of course I want you there,” perplexed her. “I like how kind and badass
you are. I may not know what’s bugging you—don’t think I can’t tell either—but if it’s
something you can fight, then you definitely should!”
“Of course,” he proclaimed before pointing out to the village below them. “We all fight for
the things we want, right? I want to be Hokage more than anything and I’ll fight anyone who
says otherwise.” Nudging her shoulder with his own he adds, “whatever’s in your heart of
hearts, you should fight for it too. Hell, I’ll help you. Whatever you need, you can count on
Looking at the sincerity in his deep blue eyes rocked her certainty that no one needed her to
the core. She looked away and tried to say, “I wish… I w-wish-”
“Don’t worry about wishing,” he interjected with gusto. “Let’s just fix it! Whatever the
problem, whatever’s bugging you, let’s face it head-on. So, lay it on me. What do you need?”
Hinata stared at a very animated Naruto as she fiercely debating with herself the way she
always does when considering the next step. She wanted him more than anyone she knows or
could think to know, but how could she be so selfish when clearly, she’s not enough. Her
chest inflated and deflated painfully and still, her mind debated speaking the words she’s
always wanted to say.
Clapping each of her cheeks with cupped palms, Naruto bellows, “HI-NA-TA.” Despite
being so close and touched by him, she only focused on his hypnotic eyes and the feeling of
comfort and friendliness he radiated. “Nothing you say is wrong or offensive, so don’t worry
about it. Whatever’s bothering you, I’m on your side. Share it with me.”
As he let her cheeks free, the cold quickly took their place and Hinata wanted to cry right
there. The memories of Kurenai and Ino talking, the unfairness of it all, the one wish she’s
had since she met Naruto as a little girl, they were all on the very tip of her tongue when an
unsettling sound of a flute raises to a volume they can hear, then louder still.
The moment the pair of ninjas question it, they suddenly can’t feel their bodies. The second
panic courses the length of their bodies, Hinata’s special eyes are made to witness a very long
golden arrow drilling explosively through Naruto’s unprotected neck. She saw every
millisecond of the golden point jutting through his neck and the thick red blood slowly yet
violently ejecting out as the metal pole exits the punctured hole. The violent murder lasted
forever in her eyes, as if she saw the man she loves die a thousand deaths before he
mercifully pops into a white puffy cloud of smoke.
“Are you fucking-” Hinata absentmindedly heard from the shadows of the tree line behind
the monument. “Fantastic, a fucking clone,” the same female voice said.
“Yeah, and Kabuto said if we can’t one-shot him with a surprise attack, avoid him at all cost,”
a fourth voice retorted.
“We don’t have a lot of time,” the first voice reminds everyone. “He’s bound to be here in a
few minutes.”
“Take the girl,” the third voice in the shadows ordered. “If he comes chasing, it means he
cares. We can use that.”
The fourth voice asks, “and Sasuke? He’s our main objective.”
“Orochimaru won’t be happy if we return without him,” the second voice warned.
“We still have to find him,” the third voice, who appears to be the leader replied. “We’ll come
up with a plan back at base.”
Hinata heard it all but could do nothing as she’s kept under genjutsu. Finally, out of the
corner of her eye, she observed a large, heavy-set boy leap out of the tree-line beyond the
railing, right to her side on the stone bust. He easily picks her up and lays her on the shoulder
before leaping away, the sight of Konoha, of her home, quickly disappearing from her sight,
and the words she wanted to share with Naruto along with it.
Leaping from one building to the next, Kurenai has yet to stop searching for Hinata. She
wasn’t at the Hyūga compound, at any of the training areas, Iruka’s, her teammates’ homes,
the Hospital, the parks, or ponds. Kurenai’s only clue came from Haku when she checked the
new Uzumaki residence and complex. Though she was upset at Haku for leaving her alone,
Kurenai was more upset with herself for the failure of her plan.
Sensing a familiar chakra land behind her, Kurenai asks Anko, “did you find anything?”
“No sign of her,” Anko answered as they both stretch their senses as far as they’re capable.
“Kinda regretting your plan, huh?”
Kurenai’s gut sinks at the reminder, however, she remains straight-faced as she replies,
“now’s not the time, Anko.”
Without taking offense, Anko nods before assuring her friend, “don’t worry, she’ll be fine.”
Grateful for the latitude Anko’s giving her, Kurenai felt comfortable sharing the unrest in her
chest. “…I only meant for Ino to overhear it like that,” Kurenai insisted.
“I know,” Anko agrees before expressing, “but this isn’t genjutsu. You can’t control
everything. And it’s not like you could’ve told one and not that other. That would’ve been
“What’s unfair is how Hinata must be feeling right now,” Kurenai retorted. “Because of my
“If you ask me, I think it’s better this way,” Anko thoughtfully alleges. “Sure, overhearing it
like that doesn’t fit Hinata’s personality type like it does Ino, but if she can get over this, it’ll
be easier later.”
Shaking her head at the stupidity of her plan, Kurenai longingly expresses, “right now, I just
want to find her.”
“We will,” Anko assures her dearest friend when they both feel a powerful disturbance in the
serenity of the night. It felt so strong, Anko needed to ask, “you feel that?”
Before Kurenai answers, the pair see off in the distance, a yellow flash streak across the night
sky of the Hokage monument. They look at each other a moment before rushing after the
power source.
In the Hokage’s residence, the Naruto clone releases his sage mode as he set Katsuyu down.
He wanted to walk over to his slumbering Ji-chan when he felt his clone being forcibly
dispelled. He quickly alerted Katsuyu that he had to run and to summon Tsunade before
leaping out of the window. Landing on the ground, Naruto was already in his golden-white
chakra cloak, and zeroing in on Hinata. He didn’t know if it was Danzō or something worse,
but just like Karin, he wasn’t going to let anyone take one of his friends.
The golden flash sprinted and leaped over buildings, mountainside, then trees faster than
sound could travel until he felt four sources of negative energy in the forest behind the
monument. Nothing about them gave him the distinct feeling that he would have difficulty
dealing with them. Even if it was four against one, Naruto landed in front of them, cracking
the ground radially as he cut their escape.
The four were dressed the same as Orochimaru and recalled them all from the invasion. One
was dark-skinned, with a black ponytail, and an oddity Naruto’s never seen before; six arms.
He effortlessly recalls the only girl among them, with her slender build, fair skin, and long
red hair, as well as a clone marking her as they escaped with Orochimaru. The one seemingly
leading them was fair-skinned with grayish long hair and what appears to be another head at
his back. The last one was tall, fair-skinned, with three tufts of orange hair on his otherwise
bald head, and he had Hinata on her shoulder.
As Naruto mentally recalls Naru-nii’s description of the Sound Four, Tayuya cursed, “shit
that was fast.”
“If you don’t want to see any harm come to the girl,” Sakon began, and Jirōbō immediately
placed a kunai near Hinata’s neck. “Come quietly.”
Her eyes were open but it didn’t seem like she was conscious, making Naruto wonder what
they did to her, and angering him even more. Looking at their formation, with the girl in the
middle of the other three was perfect for Naruto. As she brings her flute to her lips, he
recalled why he marked her back then despite her being on Ochimaru’s side, and points at her
before asking, “hey, you. Are you an Uzumaki by chance- oh, what am I talking about-”
Time stops for them as the distance between himself and the mark he placed on Tayuya
shrinks to the point of touching, like two worlds colliding and when the flow of time is felt
again, the golden boy of light is no longer in front of them. Naruto appears right beside the
redhead and her eyes manage to widen before he hits her hard enough to send her folded
body flying back thirty yards.
However, even before Tayuya’s flying body touches the grassy floor speeding under her,
Naruto has more than enough time to kick the much taller boy holding Hinata in the back of
the knee, ripping a blood-curdling scream as Naruto drives his knee into the dirt. He couldn’t
hear the crunch over his scream but he could feel it as he gently grabbed Hinata. The one
with the two heads and the other with the six arms splinter away just before Naruto kicks the
orange hair large boy in the back, sending him meters away whilst Hinata remained firmly in
his arms.
“Sakura said they can just test blood,” Naruto finished saying as Tayuya finally stopped
rolling to a stop and the large Jirōbō slams painfully hard into the tough bark of Konoha’s tall
“Jirōbō! Tayuya!” The spider boy yelled while the two-headed leader watches Naruto lay
Hinata down.
“You guys really fucked up,” Naruto coldly told them. He faintly recalls what their abilities
are, however, he’s completely certain he doesn’t care who they are or what they can do
because he’ll stop them at all cost. “Leave now and you’ll have a head start before Konoha
shinobi come after you,” he fumed.
Sakon, followed by Kidōmaru, immediately transforms into his final form resembling an oni.
His skin tone became red, the irises of his eyes turned yellow, his black mouth is torn from
ear to ear and gains canine teeth, his chin elongates, and a single long horn grows on the left
side of his forehead. Kidōmaru quickly evolved into a second then the third stage until he had
horns protruding out of his forehead, fangs, dark brown skin, and light-gray hair.
Sakon yells at Kidōmaru, “keep your distance! Aim at the girl!” And the spider-boy
immediately leaped into the canopy above.
Naruto is about to finish off the leader when a bloodied Jirōbō yells as fully transformed with
glowing track marks spread throughout his heavy-set body, nearly instantly healing his
destroyed knee before charging straight for Naruto. The monstrous red-skinned Jirōbō is now
easily three times Naruto’s size clears the distance in a matter of seconds to punch the
golden-glowing Naruto with a fist the size of a watermelon, however, it may as well have
been an eternity for Naruto. With the speed of a neural impulse, Naruto’s palm extends out
and halts the barreling fist like throwing an egg at a brick wall.
The snapping of multiple bones muffled by layers of muscle fibers is immediately proceeded
by the puncturing of sharp bone through muscle and skin, hemorrhaging blood profusely.
Jirōbō’s momentum bounced him back and only then did he realize his wrist is snapped back,
his shoulder is dislocated, and his bloody radius bone snapped and torn through his forearm.
Naruto gripped Hinata, surrounded her with his chakra, and instantaneously leaped through
space and time to end up right beside the unconscious Tayuya. They were still in the forest,
however, away from imminent danger. Naruto created a clone who immediately entered
KCM, sensed the negative energy, and sprinted off in an instant, leaving behind little more
than a yellow flash.
While his clone handled the arachnid-like boy, Naruto picked Hinata up princess style, held
her tightly against him, then sprinted through the terrain faster than a bolt fired from a
crossbow. The forest was like a blur and his eyes quickly narrowed in on the twin oni demons
in a fraction of a second. Even if Sakon might’ve been capable of catching a speeding arrow
with his bare hands, Naruto’s foot carried far more power behind it.
Without the use of his hands, Naruto’s ungodly speed connected his foot with the leader’s
face, breaking his horn clean off. Ukon could barely register his brother spinning in the air
before hitting the floor when his knee was kicked out with a sickening crunch, dropping him
to his other knee just as the heal of Naruto’s roundhouse kick plowed through his cranium.
Like having a boulder fall on a rubber ball, Ukon’s head didn’t pop like a balloon due to his
enhanced durability, however, a fist may as well have punched him directly in his brain, to
which he promptly passes out.
The only one still moving was Jirōbō, clutching his mangled arm. Sweating profusely, he
glared at Naruto who could easily sense the negative emotions building within him. Naruto
could tell he was moving closer to becoming blind with rage and attacking, despite their
overwhelming difference in strength. Jirōbō moved to get up when Naruto’s clone landed
behind him with Kidōmaru and Tayuya. The large Jirōbō swallowed audibly before settling
back down and letting the fight within dissolve into nothingness.
After telling his clone to wait for reinforcements, he leaped away to the treetops and traveled
leisurely from branch to branch. Naruto allowed his golden cloak to dissipate as he neared the
village, and not long afterward, Hinata slowly comes to. He felt her snuggle in a moment
before opening her eyes to look directly into his, and absent any thought, she hugs him
around his neck tightly.
“Hey,” he softly said as she hugged him, stopping gracefully on a tree branch. “How do you
feel? You’re not hurt are you?” He couldn’t see very well in the darkness and leaps upward
seven branches before reaching the very top of the tree and the light from the moon above.
“I’m sorry,” she said into his neck where she recalls a copy of him be pierced through.
“Wha- hey, don’t apologize,” Naruto assured her as he tilts his head to try and see her. “You
did nothing wrong.”
The memory replays in her mind, compelling her to hug him tighter as she voices, “you came
for me.”
“Without question,” he quickly reassured her. “There’s no way I was going to let anyone take
you.” Hearing his voice seems to calm her so he continues, “you know, this sort of reminds
me of a story kaa-chan told me.”
“Your mother,” Hinata questioned, moving back enough to look him in the eyes. “But I
“Oh, yeah,” Naruto realized with a silly smirk. “She died on the day of my birth but she left
me a message that I got to see recently. When she was around our age, she was kidnapped by
Kumo shinobi, and they would’ve gotten away with it, but my tou-chan found her. He beat
those ninjas to a pulp and saved her all by himself. Isn’t it funny how history repeats?”
Hinata seemed pleased to hear the story but saddened a moment later as she replies, “some
things don’t change, even if you really want them to.”
“Yeah, but it’s funny because you can do anything you want, right? We can train and grow,
and even then things can still repeat. I guess the stuff that matters will always stay around in
one way or another.”
“The stuff that matters?”
“Yeah, like love, honor, integrity, friendship, personal growth,” he answered, before looking
out to the lush green under the bright moonlight. “Even if you think nothing’s changing,
when it comes to the things that matter, you gotta keep trying, right? Never quit.”
Recalling the words that were on her lips before his clone was violently killed, Hinata voices
what she couldn’t before. “…Is it really okay? To- to pursue the thing I w-want… e-even if it
b-bothers others-”
“Hell yeah it is,” Naruto loudly interjects, his voice carrying far in the dead of night. “If
there’s something in your heart you want more than anything, you owe it to yourself to go
after it or nothing you do will make the hard moments in your life worth it. Trust me, it might
be really hard to become Hokage, but I know in my heart all the crap I go through every day
to earn that damn hat will make it all worth it in the end.”
Under moonlight atop one of the tallest trees, Hinata turned silent and remained so for so
long, Naruto was about to continue on, but instead, he enjoys the view with one of his better
friends in his arms. Hinata then shared with him, “aside from your… relationship with…
sensei, I also heard about your Omiai with Temari-san.”
“Really? Isn’t that just bonkers?” He asked with a snicker. “Even now, I don’t totally get why
she said yes to that. I get Kurenai more, but we haven’t even talked about it really.”
“We had met the night before but then a bunch of stuff came up, then the next morning I got
my mission and left, so, even though she knows and agreed, we haven’t talked it all out yet.”
“While you were away, Hokage-sama assigned Kurenai-sensei to manage your Omiai,”
Hinata informed him. “They called in myself and Ino-chan, and asked if either of us would
consider being… your f-first wife.”
“Get the fuck out,” Naruto bawled in abject disbelief. “Really? They asked you and Ino?
Why? Why would Kurenai even do that when she agreed to herself… or I’m pretty sure she
agreed… Damn, me and that girl really need to talk.”
“…I think she did it for me,” Hinata admitted, feeling slightly better for letting this all out
rather than keeping it in.
Staring at the bright moon above, Hinata confesses, “she always looks out for me…”
“Of course, she does,” he quips like that’s nothing new. “You’re like family to her.” After a
quick hum of realization, the blond asks her, “were you upset earlier because they asked you?
Because you can say no, if you want to.”
Hinata suddenly felt hotter in the cold night. Her chest constricted as she felt nearer to
exposing herself. Typically she would remain quiet, as she’s accustomed to doing, however,
seeing his clone disperse nearly felt like the real Naruto dying and she couldn’t keep her true
feelings inside any longer. Hinata shook her head, shuffling her silky strands of black-bluish
hair before slowly admitting, “I was h-happy when they asked me.”
Wide-eyed, Naruto gasps, “really?” Blushing deeply under moonlight, she nods her head
before he asks, “why?”
Gathering all her courage to look him in the eyes, she struggles to ask, “w-would you… h-
hate it… if I… accepted the proposal?” His eyebrows slowly raise higher, raising the black
hem of his hitai-ate bandanna. She hoped deeply with her pale eyes as she continues, “w-
would y-you not want me in your l-life… that way?”
“Wait… …just to be clear… you mean as my wife?” A shocked Naruto could feel her heart
racing and the heat radiating off her skin, and he panicked at the thought of her passing out.
“I, uh, no- no, I wouldn’t hate that… at all,” he tacked on, trying to make sense of this.
Though he didn’t doubt her, he couldn’t understand why she felt that way. Ino, Sakura,
Tenten, Temari, and to some extent, Kurenai were all either mean, abusive, dismissive, or
ignorant of him, and they all wanted something from him first; even Mabui and Samui
specifically targeted him because of the sword he owned. And yet, Hinata doesn’t fit any of
those categories. He couldn’t understand why she would like him enough to marry him if he
doesn’t have anything she wants.
‘Maybe… she doesn’t want anything?’ Naruto’s cautiously postulated. ‘Haku sings her
praises, Nai-chan loves her, and she’s always been kind to me despite the shitty way her
family treats her,’ he realized, then voiced, “I, uh, like you, a lot, actually. You know, now
that I think about it, besides being quiet, you’ve always been nice to me. And some of my
happiest memories is sitting at the dinner table with you.”
“And Kurenai-sensei,” Hinata couldn’t stop herself from saying. She instantly looked at him
in fear of offending him.
“Well, yeah,” he said with a big smile. “But that’s how I see this whole thing with the Omiai.
One big happy family.” Naruto smiled at the thought and Hinata couldn’t help picturing what
living with Naruto and Kurenai as a family could look like, because she undoubtedly loves
both of them. Naruto’s face suddenly sours as he practically yells, “wait, does this mean Nai-
chan doesn’t want to marry me?”
Extending his neck out as far as he could, Naruto looked down to see Kurenai. He beamed
before jumping down to the branch beside her as he calls out, “Nai-chan!” Her tilted head of
tender frustration has the blond chuckle before apologizing, explaining, “it’s been a while.”
Kurenai looks to Hinata in his arms and she asks, “can we talk a moment?”
With a deep breath, she nods, and is then set down by Naruto, who points to a branch as he
tells them, “I’ll just be over there,” before giving them some privacy.
When the two are alone, Kurenai quickly begins saying, “I’m so very sorry, Hinata. I never
intended for you to learn about me and Naruto that way.”
Playing with her silky long hair, Hinata can’t look her sensei in the eyes and struggles to ask,
“you… how long have you known… about my feelings for Naruto?”
A firing of amused air from her nostrils and a smiling Kurenai easily answers, “from the very
first moment you told me about him.”
Hinata’s widening lilac eyes turned on her smiling sensei a moment before she turned away
again. Hinata then asks the heaviest question in her arsenal, “do you… love him?”
Hinata couldn’t deny it hurt to hear. The doubt within her fed off of that truth, as if
reinforcing every negative opinion of herself and she wanted to leave, however, taking notice
of Naruto when she was about to leap away, she remembers there’s something else in her
heart besides her doubt. She’s seen him hurt terribly on two separate occasions and yet he
always pushes forward. In her mind, his voice asking her to fight for what her heart desires,
regardless of who may disapprove, herself included.
Gazing at Naruto creating a clone before dispelling it for strength, she voices to herself, “I’m
“I don’t like how you deceived me,” Hinata interjects. Turning to face Kurenai directly, she
continues expressing, “even if I know you didn’t do it on purpose, even if I know this feeling
sitting on my chest is irrational, I don’t like it.”
“Okay,” Kurenai agreed with a firm nod. “I know this hurts as much as it does because I’m
the cause of that pain but you have to know I never intended… to feel this way.”
“…I love you sensei,” Hinata stated. “I can’t say you’re like a mother to me—because, no
one could ever replace her—but, you still mean so much to me, like the older sister I’ve
always wanted.”
“I feel the same way,” Kurenai reflected, taking a step closer to her student. “And I hate that
I’m the cause of your pain, because when you hurt, so do I.”
Turning to Naruto who’s still creating and dispelling clones, the Hyūga princess softly
declares, “I’m following my heart, sensei… even if that means you have to share the person
you love with me.”
A small smirk graces Kurenai’s beautiful face before she responds, “because it’s you, and I
know how much you love him, I’d be happy to.”
Surprised to hear anyone share the person they love, Hinata whips around to gasp, “really?”
With a shrug and a slow knowing nod, Kurenai simply bemuses, “I’ve already moved past
how strange this all is. So long as I’m with Naruto and you’re happy, then I’m happy too.”
To hear that, Hinata suddenly remembers the nature of a relationship with Naruto and
nervously admits, “I think… if I can be a source of happiness for him, even if it’s a small
amount… I’ll be happy as well.”
The blush on Hinata’s face makes Kurenai smile from ear to ear before she takes one of
Hinata’s hands and squeezes it firmly. She assures her, “then let’s do that.” They both look at
a ponderous Naruto as Kurenai adds, “I’ll teach you everything I know to help you do that.”
Sluggishly walking down the familiar path to the village he grew up in, a beaten, battered,
and bloody Sasuke winces with every arduous step. His left ankle flares with pain at the
slightest bend, he’s clutching his throbbing stomach as it feels likes it’s been gouged out, he’s
heavily bruised, cut, and his jaw aches from repeated counters. However, nothing hurts more
than his memories as Sasuke’s sharp mind replays everything he’s been led to believe as true,
the lies that were readily fed to him, and how his brother enlightened him.
“Hello,” Sasuke yelled through the door of the inn. He was desperate to find his brother, but
he was also concerned about his team. He banged on the door again, asking loudly, “is
anyone there? Naruto? Sakura?”
Sasuke didn’t have to wait before the door opened to reveal the very reason for his current
life of revenge; his brother, Uchiha Itachi. The reveal of Sharingan eyes staring back at him
was so unexpected, Sasuke couldn’t immediately connect to the rage, fury, and vengeance
that’s never far from his heart. At the moment he paused, Itachi opened the door wider to
walk out, and as Sasuke saw it, to walk away from him as if he were nothing but a stranger.
The raven-haired avenger found his rage instantly, and his hand snaked its way to his holster,
drawing a kunai and immediately stabs Itachi in the heart. The impact felt light, however, and
soon afterward, his brother turned to a flock of flying crows. Sasuke looks around the room,
then down the hall, and spots Itachi continuing to walk around the corner.
Then, no matter how fast Sasuke ran, it seemed Itachi was perpetually turning the next
corner, always far out of his reach, until the man he hates more than anything in his life
finally stops in the middle of a clearing in the forest. Sasuke must’ve ran miles—out of the
inn, out of the town, and deep into the forest—to finally face his brother, and only then did he
realize this setting was for the better.
“I wouldn’t want anyone getting in the way either,” a manic-looking Sasuke yelled at his
silent brother, his rage easily activating his three tomoe Sharingan. The way Itachi seemed
hesitant to speak only infuriated him further and could not stop himself from attacking; for
his father, his mother, his clan, and his sanity, Uchiha Itachi had to die.
The old warrior looked around his room in the Hokage’s residence before focusing on his
blond former student. “Tsu- Tsunade-chan,” his grisly and aged voice asked.
“I made it just in the nick of time,” she informed him. Hiruzen was in his hospital bed
connected to monitors, but then, what he took most note of was his amputated left arm. He
stared at the loss as Tsunade points out, “an hour later and that cursed poison would’ve
entered your heart and the only thing I would’ve on time for would be your funeral.”
Lamenting the loss of his arm with a casual shake of his head. He then turned to his student
to lend voice to his gratitude, “thank you, Tsunade.” Tsunade imagines he knows—as she
does—he’s not long for this world and the extra time ahead will be ideal to put all his affairs
in order.
Smiling back at him, she replies, “what kind of student would I be if I let my own sensei
die?” He has enough energy to chuckle once as she continues. “You’re going to be fairly
weak for a couple of days but I don’t foresee any complications. Even still, I’ll stick around
just in case.”
“I can’t thank you enough,” his croaky voice commended. “Seeing you back does me a world
of good. How have you been?”
“I was on the biggest winning streak of my life for a while there,” she remarks, certain he
knew how that worries her. “So that really stressed me out.”
“Mnnn, I suppose you had an inkling of what was to come even before I sent Jiraiya. No
doubt he told you?” Tsunade half shrugged and nodded dispassionately before Hiruzen
officially voiced, “I feel certain I could pass in peace if you, Tsunade of the Senju, succeeded
me as Hokage of Konohagakure.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tsunade grimaced with mild irritation. “I’m not going to stop drinking
Hiruzen simply chuckled before noting, “I never stopped smoking; a habit I’m afraid I passed
on to Asuma.” With a knowing smile, he asks, “so, what do you make of Naruto-kun? I
believe he’s a distant cousin of yours.”
“Is he?”
Tilting his head back as if to search for the long-lost knowledge, Hiruzen hums before
recalling, “your grandmother, Uzumaki Mito, was his mother’s, Uzumaki Kushina’s, great,
great, grandmother.”
“Huh, go figure,” Tsunade casually mumbles. “He’s still a little knucklehead… and
admittedly, one perplexing ninja.” Suddenly recalling, she quickly asks her sensei, “did you
know he could perform his father’s Hiraishin?”
Shaking his head, Hiruzen understands the importance of such a feared technique. “He’s
growing at a remarkable rate.” Turning to her, he claims, “I’ve never seen a shinobi grow as
much as him. Most either take years to developed their talents or are simply born gifted
beyond others. You will have to be careful with him. He’ll always be a topic of foreign
“Yeesh, I just remembered I told him I won’t pass that hat to anyone who can’t beat me.”
Shaking his shoulders in silent laughter, Hiruzen jests, “ho, ho, ho, if he’s not beating down
your door for a fight in a week’s time, I’ll be quite surprised.”
Rolling her eyes like she was a genin again and he her Jōnin-sensei, she reassures him, “trust
me, I’m not. But if I fight him, it’s going to be in front of the Jōnins.”
Recalling the old custom, the elderly professor voiced, “…Ikki-uchi. Challenging and
defeating an opponent in front of his retainers to force his entire unit to retreat or submit. Is
that how you’re planning on cementing your command over Konoha’s forces?”
“I’m tired of so many ninjas losing their lives over something that’s more trouble than it’s
Tsunade is certain he knows who she’s talking about and he pauses a moment before softly
conveying, “so long as a person has a dream, he or she will always risk their life for it. We
must be grateful for those who make it and those who try…” placing his wrinkled hand over
hers, he finishes, “…because they inspire those left behind.”
Tsunade looks in his weary eyes before looking at the hat and taking it. She eyes the
worldwide symbol of leadership a total of ten seconds before Utatane Koharu and Mitokado
Homura enter the room with a scroll with the official wax stamp of the Riakage of
Kumogakure on it.
After spending hours dealing with the reports, debriefs about Orochimaru’s Sound Four
infiltration, and Hyūga Hiashi’s insistence on knowing everything that happened to his
daughter, it was nearly morning. Naruto’s clone had been communicating with the original
regularly by dispersing clones relaying everything. The last of the original’s instructions was
to prepare a marker for their return. Naruto’s clone is in Kurenai’s house etching a special
kunai to act as the final destination while Kurenai and Hinata are in the kitchen preparing
breakfast for six.
Naruto blinks with new knowledge, then calls out, “they’re ready!”
Kurenai and Hinata make their way from the kitchen to the living room. The clone had
cleared out a large enough space by moving the furniture toward the walls and placed the
kunai in the middle of the room. Quite suddenly, where there was empty space, now lands
Naruto, Jiraiya, Sakura, Shizune, and in her arms, Tsunade’s ninja pig, Tonton. Jiraiya
seemed fine with the mode of travel, however, Shizune and Sakura are visibly startled, with
the pinkette groaning, “that was soooo weird!”
Naruto feels drained and then his clone disperses, sending the last bit he didn’t know and
kindling the beginnings of a migraine. Lethargically, his heavy head whips around to the
couch moved against the wall and immediately drags his feet over for much-needed sleep.
“Bah, quit your bellyaching,” Jiraiya expounds, clapping Naruto on his slanting shoulder.
“It’s only a little chakra exhaustion. You got us all here so that’s what matters.” Turning to
the others, a single eye zeroes in on Kurenai as he tells everyone, “I should, uh… get going.”
“Uh…” Looking between Kurenai and Naruto, Jiraiya immediately turns bright red and
giggles. “No, no, I should just, uh-hehehe… I need to leave. Amazing works of art don’t
write themselves.” Sakura is suddenly very conscious of Kurenai as Jiraiya greets the
beautiful Jōnin-sensei. “Kurenai-sensei, always lovely for such weary eyes to gaze upon such
Kurenai is taken aback by Jiraiya’s forward compliment and demeanor, and Naruto’s tired
voice explains for her, “he’s been really weird since I told him about us.” Naruto practically
punches the couch cushions to puff it up as he adds, “kept me up all night asking me stupid
“I see,” Kurenai hesitantly voices before turning to pink Sakura, a stunned Shizune, and then
a grinning Jiraiya. “I’m sure it was very unexpected,” she told the renowned shinobi. Jiraiya
hummed gleefully as he nods his head while Shizune whispers to Sakura, ‘that’s her?’
Sakura nods in disbelief as Kurenai pats Naruto’s back, “get up and eat first, Naruto. Hinata
made it mostly by herself.”
“Hinata,” a tired Naruto cried out as he sits right up. He then rushes straight to her before
asking, “are you sure? Because if you ever feel like it’s too much or- or if you think you
made a mistake-”
“I- I- I haven’t… changed my mind,” Hinata stutters a bit to reassure him, fortifying her new
way of life with, “and I don’t believe I ever will.”
“She must’ve made one hell of a meal,” Jiraiya mumbled to Shizune and Sakura. “Maybe I
should stay… see this happy couple for myself haha… hahahaha…” The large white-haired
man giggles to himself and Sakura can’t deny she wants to witness this first-hand as well.
“I’ll check on Tsunade-sama,” Shizune tells the gathering before greeting Kurenai and
Hinata, then bidding everyone a good day.
Moving to the dining table, it was an awkward breakfast for everyone except Naruto, who
seems oblivious to just how shocking it is for everyone at the table to know about his
incredibly unlikely relationship with the distinguished & beautiful Kurenai. The blond
shinobi only seemed to pay attention to the food.
“Hinata,” he happily praised. “This tastes delicious! I didn’t know you were such an
awesome cook- I mean, I knew you could make salads and stuff, but you know, that’s a salad.
I love miso and rice about as much as anyone, but I never get to have it with tamagoyaki!”
Though everyone else agrees the food was very well prepared, none can truly ignore the
disappointment they’re all secretly harboring; Sakura for being forced to, yet again, realize
just how wrong she was about Naruto, and bemoan the acute loss her stupidity cost her;
Hinata couldn’t stop thinking how everyone correlated Kurenai as Naruto’s girlfriend and is
disappointed in herself for feeling so jealous of her sensei; and Kurenai is disappointed she’s
yet to talk to Naruto about every point of the Omiai, from their feelings about it all to who
else is included.
Above them all, Jiraiya’s disappointment stems from the certainty Kurenai is unlikely to
share with him the very details Naruto left out of his retelling; all the truly salacious content
of her romance with his Godson. There’s a fierce urge in him to know the truth and his
calculating mind is searching through his training and experience to discover a solution to
this problem; whether from a girl-friend of Kurenai’s, her diary, an eye witness, ‘anything!’
his mind yelled.
With a mind wrapped warmly in the goal of a lifetime, Jiraiya casually voices to all, “well, if
you’ll excuse me, I have to get going. Breakfast was delicious Hinata-chan. Your future
husband is a lucky man.”
Naruto’s eyes widen when he suddenly realizes she’s an amazing cook. He then shakes his
head and tells his Godfather, “ah, before I forget. I told Karin we’d have our clan meeting
when I get back. You have to be there.”
“Best save it for tomorrow,” Jiraiya tells him. “Get some rest. And good job, Naruto. Your
father would be damn proud.”
Naruto chuckled in embarrassment as his Godfather leaves and the ladies at the table couldn’t
be happier for Naruto to hear that. They’re far too conscious of how lonely his life has been
and to hear someone with a close relationship to the Yondaime say he’d be proud of his son,
they can tell it was a big deal for the blond.
After Jiraiya leaves, Sakura, Kurenai, and Hinata begin clearing the table as a lethargic and
weary Naruto bemoans, “uuuugh, I feel ready to pass out.”
“Take Hinata’s bed,” Kurenai suggested, shocking the blushing Hyūga to stop washing
dishes. Kurenai smiles at her young ward as she asks, “you don’t mind, right, Hinata?”
“I- uh, mnn,” Hinata struggles nearly avoid Naruto’s tired eyes before telling him, “h-have a
good rest.”
“…Thanks for the meal,” he lamely calls as he shuffles out of the room.
As Naruto nears the front door to go upstairs, someone rings the doorbell, making Naruto
growl in annoyance. He looks from the entrance door to the warm bed waiting for him
upstairs, and after a second ring, Naruto takes a deep breath before moving to answer it.
“Just go upstairs,” Kurenai tells him, walking into the entryway and patting him on the butt.
“I’ll take care of this.”
Eying him seriously with a withheld smirk, the raven-haired beauty reminds him, “not on
Hinata’s bed.”
He smiles at a funny memory and comments, “you didn’t mind when she watched.”
“That was your clone henge’d- And we were in my room!” Pausing a beat she stands firm as
she expresses, “go to bed before I make you sleep on the couch.”
Naruto chuckled drowsily before walking up the steps. He could hear Kurenai answer the
door and speak to someone a quick moment before she calls out, “Naruto!”
“Aaaeeeehhhhh,” the blond growls from the top of the stairs and groans back, “what now?”
Kurenai rushed upstairs in two bounds before informing him, “sorry, I know you’re tired, but,
apparently this can’t wait. Hokage-sama needs to see you right away.”
Shaking her head as if to say that’s not the case, she explains, “they only wanted me to relay
the message if I saw you before they did.”
Though pained by his sense of duty when he was so close to some much-needed sleep,
Naruto nodded in compliance before asserting, “fine, but I’m jogging… lightly.”
Kurenai happily teases with hungry eyes, “the faster you finish the faster I can take that nap
with you.”
“I’ll be back asap,” Naruto yelled as he jumped downstairs, and Kurenai giggles as he ran out
of the house.
Naruto is sprinting through the early morning streets of Konoha, with deliveries taking place
and vendors setting up their stalls or stores when he hears a growly voice echo in his mind,
‘that Hyūga girl seems willing to involve herself with you…’
Naruto nearly loses his footing whipping his head around, as if he thought the sound came
from behind him. ‘Holy shit, Kurama? I didn’t expect to hear from you. I almost tripped.’
‘I need permission from my jailer to talk now,’ he grumbles from deep within the seal.
Rather than appear in the dark and dank space, Naruto continues running as he mentally
responds, ‘no, no, it’s fine. And I’m not your jailer. I just wasn’t expecting to hear from you, is
Naruto hears Kurama grumble before bemoaning, ‘…it’s not that shocking.’
‘I guess,’ Naruto agrees with a smile before asking, ‘what’s up? Oh, Hinata. Uh, yeah, it
seems that way.’
‘Along with Kurenai, the Yamanaka, and that Suna girl,’ Kurama lists. ‘…It would appear
you’re accomplishing what you said you would.’
The blond jinchūriki squints his eyes as if he’s trying to see where Kurama is going with this
line of comments. For clarity’s sake, he attests, ‘I still have to talk with everyone, but for now,
it seems that way at least,’ however, he truly wants to ask, ‘Why? You startin’ to trust me
‘Don’t flatter yourself,’ Kurama quickly returns with much more energy. ‘I’m simply
acknowledging that you’re not a complete liar.’
‘I can feel it, Kurama,’ Naruto gushes. ‘Pretty soon we’re going to be best friends!’
The mighty tailed beast yells loud enough to make Naruto lean away mid-run, nearly making
him lose his footing again. ‘You can feel a Bijūdama down your throat if you don’t shut it!’
Naruto wasn’t phased by the vivid threat, replying, ‘friendship is right around the corner-’
‘Never going to happen,’ he yells before cursing, ‘you can go die now!’
“Ino! Ino! Ino! Ino!” Sakura called out, waving at Ino’s parents in the living room as she
rushes upstairs. Hinata didn’t seem to know much or wouldn’t reveal much when they were
alone and Sakura found it very difficult to ask Kurenai-sensei about her personal life, even if
it involves her teammate. The moment she left Kurenai’s home, she rushed to tell her best
friend everything she’s learned. Sakura bursts through Ino’s door and found the blond laying
on her bed simply staring at the ceiling.
Closing the door behind her, Sakura hops on the foot of the soft bed as she relays, “I have to
tell you something!” Fearing the effects of her news she quickly tacked on, “I should warn
you, this might be difficult to hear.”
Ino’s reaction wasn’t what Sakura expected. The beautiful blond couldn’t appear less
interested in her news. She was unresponsive as she maintains eye contact with the ceiling
and asks in a disillusioned voice, “Naruto and Kurenai? Or the Omiai between Naruto and
Temari of Suna?”
Hearing the right response, an excited Sakura nods mightily, quickly confirming, “Naruto and
Ku- wait, … an OMIAI!” Recalling the outdated word and custom, Sakura’s shocked from
head to toe, unsure about anything anymore. She covered her face with her hands, wondering
all the while about the many twists and turns of Naruto’s life. Absentmindedly, she asks her
non-responsive sister, “what the fuck is going on?”
Patting the bed space beside her, Ino casually bids, “lay down, my dearest babe. I have one
hell of a tale for you.”
Rather than take the front door and go up six levels of stairs, Naruto molding enough chakra
to be noticed by any keen shinobi before rushing up the side of the central tower and entering
the Hokage’s open window. As they could all sense him, none of the hidden security stopped
him. Immediately, Naruto focused on the two shinobi from Kumogakure standing in the
empty space in the middle of the room and ahead of the Hokage’s large desk.
As he hopped into the room, Naruto didn’t recognize the two men standing in front of
Konoha’s Hokage. They were both tanned-skinned like Mabui, with one silver-haired like her
as well and sucking on a lollipop. The taller, more muscular, one had a very bored expression
on his face and fluffy straw-colored hair that gave Naruto the urge to run his hand through it.
Tsunade was right beside her sensei and patient, listening to their guests as intently as
Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura, and Shimura Danzō do to the side.
It’s the first time Naruto’s seeing Ji-chan since he left for his mission, and it’s shocking to see
how ghastly he looks. The skin under his eyes are dark, he leaned back on his chair rather
than sit straight, and his left arm was tightly fixed to the body with bandages. ‘Still,’ Naruto
thought. ‘His eyes look strong; very much alive.’
Everyone takes note of Naruto’s entrance and Hirzuen laughs his slow laugh before
commenting with energy in his voice, “ho, ho, Naruto… I hadn’t expected you to return so
“Yeah, it wasn’t easy but I managed,” he voiced as he moved to stand beside Tsunade.
Without taking her eyes off of their foreign guests, Tsunade casually places her hand over
Naruto’s forehead before gathering green healing chakra to her palm. “It’s nothing serious,”
she mentions. “Just get some rest and you’ll be fine.”
Despite how serious and stuffy the atmosphere in the room seems, Naruto casually asks the
obvious. “So, what’s up?”
“Hey,” Naruto informally greets them before his sluggish mind makes the connection to
Mabui and Samui.
“Uzumaki Naruto,” Darui’s strong voice stated. Naruto turns to the straw-colored afro who
then voices, “my Raikage sent me to tell you he’s in favor of signing the Omiai proposed.”
Every eye in the room flicks over to Naruto to gauge his reaction; whether he’d deny it or
play it tactically. With any other shinobi, the leaders could take a stand and expect others to
follow, however, with Naruto, even if they took a position that was nothing more than
posturing, he would outright deny so. They didn’t want to look foolish in front of Kumo and
so waited for Naruto’s lead, who simply nodded nonchalantly with a casual, “oh, cool.”
Naruto hears Kurama ask from within him, ‘…does he mean those two submissive mates?
The two you so infuriatingly asked to leave?’
In his exhausted state, Naruto exhales as he bids for patience while Hiruzen communicates
with Darui, “if you would excuse us. Your escort will take you anywhere within reason.”
Rolling his eyes, Naruto asks the men leaving, “did Mabui and Samui make it back alright?”
Everyone was shocked to hear Naruto ask about foreign operatives who must’ve infiltrated
Konoha to meet him and many in the room didn’t like how amiable he seemed to be to
potential enemies.
“Why do you care,” the one sucking the lollipop suspiciously asked.
Naruto recalled what Naru-nii had told him about Omoi and chuckled before answering,
“well, I was afraid if I didn’t ask, you might think I didn’t care, and if you told that to Mabui,
she might be sad and throw a rock into the face of the mountain you guys live on. It might
cause an avalanche that could kill thousands, and when the snow melts, it could cause a giant
flood that might kill everyone in the world.”
Nearly everyone couldn’t make heads or tails of the gibberish Naruto was spewing. Tsunade
molded chakra in her hand before checking his forehead again to make certain she hadn’t
missed some form of mental damage.
“Good,” Naruto cheerfully professed, missing them more with every thought. The room is
stunned again when Naruto casually states, “we approve of the Omiai with either Mabui or
“Thank you,” Tsunade voiced louder than Naruto, placing a firm hand on his shoulder and
squeezing. “Darui-san, Omoi-san. If you would give us some time to properly discuss this,
we won’t keep you too long.”
Once they exit the Hokage’s office, Tsunade lets go of Naruto’s shoulder as a tired Hiruzen
slowly asks, “Naruto, if you would catch us up, we can get to the bottom of this quicker.”
Naruto winces as he rotates his aching shoulder. Looking around, he can tell they’re all
expecting an answer, and after a deep exhale, he begins, “man, feels like ages ago.” Eying
Hiruzen, he asks, “you remember when I beat Zabuza-jiji and he gave me Kubikiribōchō?”
The elder nods as the rest listen. “Apparently, it’s a really popular sword and people from all
over wanted to buy it.”
“Yeah, but, I didn’t know that at the time,” Naruto confirmed. “I told them I wasn’t selling
but they stuck around to try and change my mind. They left after Orochimaru’s invasion.”
Hiruzen then asks, “when did you learn of their true origins?”
The elder Koharu demanded to know, “why didn’t you tell us?”
Turning to the rude woman, Naruto hotly answered, “I left the village literally less than an
hour later to go get Tsunade-baachan.”
“But you’re old,” Naruto countered as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Grabbing and pulling his cheeks, an irked Tsunade growled, “I’ll show you how old these
fists are-”
As if asking two children to play nice, Hiruzen pleaded, “Tsunade, please,” before turning to
the blond boy. “Naruto, even if it didn’t amount to anything, you still should’ve told us.”
“Fine,” he grumbled, rubbing his red cheeks. “I might as well tell you someone from Kiri
came for Kubikiribōchō and Haku as well. And before you all get bent out of shape, you
should know she already left a long time ago! She didn’t get Kubikiribōchō nor Haku
because he decided to stay. This is his home now and he’s part of my clan!”
Tsunade turns to Hiruzen and the elders as she asks with genuine curiosity, “do foreign
shinobi just walk in here whenever they want?”
“I know right?” Naruto bellowed, annoyed by their finding the fault in him when it’s obvious
their security is seriously lacking. “And I had to deal with those Sound-nin not five-six hours
ago, too! It’s like a revolving door here.”
“Another thing to fix when I start,” Tsunade called out, making Hiruzen clear his throat with
a hint of embarrassment.
Danzō’s voice immediately agitated Naruto as he asked, “have you come across any other
foreign agents or potential threats to the village?”
“I come across a lot of people,” Naruto snidely challenged the old war hawk. “But no, no one
like that.” Though Naruto wanted to argue that Mabui, Samui, and Mei weren’t any sort of
threat, he didn’t want to speak with Danzō any more than he had to.
“Tell us how these agents learned of your Omiai,” Koharu demanded as if annoyed with this
entire affair.
“That doesn’t matter because I’m totally for them joining,” Naruto proudly professed.
“Actually,” Naruto effortlessly challenged. “The only two people who have any right to
determine that is me and Ji-chan.” The blond waved his finger at the three of them as he
expresses, “so if you guys can leave, I’d really appreciate it.”
“Naruto,” Hiruzen chided. “Speak to them with the respect they’re owed.”
“…Fine,” the blond grumbled, however, he purposely points his thumb at Danzō and assures
the room, “I was mainly talking to him anyway.” Danzō didn’t seem offended as he looked
directly at Naruto. He simply looked past the blond as if he saw nothing at all. “Don’t think I
don’t know you tried to take Karin,” Naruto huffed, feeling anger course his veins. The
recollection of that day, the fact that he hadn’t seen Danzō after that, Naruto’s feet and heart
needed to face the man directly and relay what needed to be said. “Actually, I’m glad you’re
here. I never did get to say this to your face.”
If anyone was about to stop the hot-headed youth, they were all stunned still when Naruto
suddenly bursts into bright orange-yellow flames with six magatama markings around his
neck and a prominent circular swirl design over his stomach. The power emanating off of the
golden boy could be felt on their skin as he antagonistically growls in the face of the old War
Hawk, “you ever come near my family again, if I even think you’re pullin’ some sneaky plan
to snatch her or anyone I care about… I’ll bury you.”
Naruto’s glowing eyes finally got Danzō’s attention and the blond didn’t back down. Despite
what was covered under bandages around his eye and arm, despite how sleepy he was or how
unprepared he was to start a fight at the moment, Naruto was more than willing to throw
down if it meant getting rid of one of the worst evils he’s ever witnessed.
“Naruto!” Hiruzen yells, abruptly standing as he smacks the desk. The exertion was too much
too soon, however, and he slumps back in his seat as he weekly voices, “tha’s …enough.”
“Easy, sensei, you’re still recovering,” Tsunade asserts, molding her healing chakra and
pressing a palm to his chest and forehead. “All of you leave, now. Doctors orders,” she
commands, adding, “not you, Naruto.”
The elders, Koharu, Homura, and Danzō slowly leave the office, observing Naruto in a state
they’ve never seen before; uncertain what to make of it. Once the door clicks closed, Naruto
rushes around the desk in clear concern for his oldest friend. He watches on as Tsunade
alleviates the elder’s pain and weariness.
“How are you?” Naruto quickly asked as the yellowish flames vanish as quickly as they
came. “I didn’t want to ask in front of the guys from Kumo, just in case you wanted to
pretend you were alright.”
“I’m not a hundred percent,” Hiruzen slowly mumbled. “But… I’ll live for a little while
longer at least.”
Tsunade unwraps his bandages before removing the prosthetic left arm. Naruto is shocked
and saddened to see such an awful conclusion. While he knows the elder dies in Naru-nii’s
timeline, Naruto had hoped to use all his strength to keep him alive and in one piece here.
Naruto could stop his lips from voicing the obvious.
“I’m fine… Naruto,” the elder said with a weak grin. “I’ve lived through war and long after.
Trust me when I say this is nothing.” Taking a deep breath, he instead wants to know, “tell me
what you wouldn’t say in front of the others.”
“…We should get Ero-sennin here for this,” a dour Naruto told them. “I gotta tell you
something that’s going to be hard to believe.”
With the Hokage’s nod, Naruto assumed a group of Anbu were out searching for Jiraiya. He
quickly rushed to the couch to take a quick power nap while they searched, but, he barely
closes his blue eyes before there’s a knock on the door and Jiraiya walks in afterward, making
the exhausted blond groan in frustrated annoyance.
“Heard you were looking for me,” Jiraiya voiced. “Lucky for you I was just on my way
Once the door was locked, Hiruzen voices, “S-Class Security protocol. Sarutobi, Hiruzen,
000261, Kage.”
The sun-light office suddenly hums to life as the windows are darkened and thousands of
previously unseen Fūinjutsu characters glow blue along the walls, ceiling, and floors. Ten
heavy locks click loudly and the now black room is lit by lamps with blue flames. No one
reacts to the overly hostile changes, and now that the room is dark, Naruto feels like sleeping
even more.
The blond boy looks to Jiraiya to start, who shakes his head and asserts, “this is your show.
Go on.”
Taking a deep breath, Naruto shuffles in front of Tsunade of the Senju and next Hokage, as
well as Sarutobi Hiruzen the Sandaime, and felt unexpected pressure. They’re ready and
willing to act on the words he relays to them. He felt the need to get it right, to not mess up,
because the future is depending on this. His Naru-nii trained him for this.
Standing straighter, Naruto explains, “I told Mabui and Samui about the Omiai because I
wanted to go to Kumo.”
They allow the silence to drag for several seconds before Hiruzen asks, “for what purpose?”
“There are specific reasons,” Naruto assures them before asserting, “but it all boils down to
me wanting to unite the five nations.” Their necks straighten and eyes widen to hear that.
Clearing his throat, Naruto claims, “there’s an organized group of S-Rank missing-nin who
are trying to kidnap all the Jinchūriki so they can take their Bijū from them.” Again, their
necks straighten and eyes widen at his claims. “They’re called Akatsuki and I fought two of
them on my way to find you.”
“Two of them… searching for you,” Hiruzen repeats, turning his words over in his mind
before asking, “are they the ones who infiltrated Konoha and incapacitated Kakashi-kun?”
Thinking about the unfortunate man and all he’s gone through Naruto assures his leaders, “he
is, but not really.” When they look at him curiously, Naruto explains, “it’s more like he’s
undercover, but he doesn’t report to us. He protects Konoha on his own.”
Growing grimmer, Hiruzen asks with a hard brow, “did he tell you this?”
Feeling something between his sensei and Naruto, Jiraiya interjects, “we secured him in a
room twenty clicks east from here.”
Naruto wobbles his head left and right in uncertainty. “I mean, technically, we did, but, he
wanted to talk with me so it’s more like he let himself stay caught.”
The blond replies, “Why he turned out this way. Why it all turned out that way.”
Sensing something between her sensei and Naruto, Tsunade interjects, “we need to send
Anbu right away.”
“When I was fighting Orochimaru, all my clones dispersed, including the one watching him,”
the blond boy expounds. “You can check if he’s still there but I doubt it. And more to the
point, I don’t think he’s a bad guy.”
The thing in the air they were all sensing is known between Naruto and Hiruzen as
disappointment and reluctance. Disappointment from Naruto for witnessing the man he
admired so much make such a terrible mistake, and Reluctance from Hiruzen, as the elder
didn’t want to call to mind one of his gravest and repeated errors.
“He told me what happened,” Naruto directed at Hiruzen. “He told me why that night
happened when it didn’t have to. It sounds like he was put in an impossible position. For the
life of me… I just don’t get why you didn’t talk to Fugaku.”
Hiruzen remained impassive, like stone, staring at his young blond shinobi for many silent
moments. Naruto stared back unflinching, hoping for an answer it appeared he wouldn’t get.
“Not that it matters,” Naruto voiced. “The Uchiha will still be dead.”
“…Of all the mistakes in my tenure as Hokage,” Hiruzen slowly, laboriously, admitted. “That
is by far my most reprehensible sin. Not a single day goes by I don’t replay my part in all that
bloodshed and ponder what I should’ve done differently.”
“That’s enough,” Tsunade voiced, cutting the thick air between the oldest and youngest.
Jiraiya pats Naruto on the shoulder as if to agree with his former teammate. Tsunade realigns
the conversation, urging Naruto to continue. “You were saying a group of S-Ranked missing-
nin are after you. And that’s why you want to go to Kumo?”
Shaking his head, he clarifies, “they after all the Jinchūriki, me included.”
“Did Itachi explain why,” Hiruzen asked, tacking on, “what their goal might be?”
Though it’s unlikely Itachi will talk with Tsunade or Hiruzen, Naruto doesn’t want to lie and
say they talked about something they hadn’t. Though, he realizes Itachi is smart to cover for
him, he’d rather not take the chance and replies, “that’s a little tricky. Itachi believes they’re
gathering all the Tailed Beasts to make sure no one has more power than them and force
peace between all the countries.”
Tsunade and Hiruzen look at each other before the Hokage asks, “Kurama?”
Wincing at the magnitude of his slip-up, Naruto answers with clear embarrassment, “oh,
um… the Kyūbi.” Unexpectedly, the blond boy then looks to his stomach before blurting,
“sorry, it just slipped out.” The three simply watch as Naruto mumbles to himself, “uggghh,
yeah, fine. I’m doing it, I’m doing it.” He then turned to his leaders and bids, “uuuumm, if
everyone can please not mention his name to anyone or use it, he’d really appreciate it. He’s
trusting you with this. Trust me, that’s a big deal to him. And he’s ultra picky about who’s
allowed to say his name. Ero-sennin, he gave you permission.”
Jiraiya smiles proudly as Tsunade deadpanned, “it can hear us?”
“When he’s not napping, yeah, he can,” Naruto returned with emphasis.
Eager to move on, Naruto answers, “way long ago, before there were nine Tailed Beasts,
there was one giant one. The only reason Kurama can think anyone, let alone S-Ranked
missing-nin, would want to capture all the tailed beasts is to mash them back together and
make a ten-tails.” Far more than anything else they’ve heard from Naruto, Tsunade and
Hiruzen quickly became gravely serious about the possibilities of this situation.
Adding to the gravity of what’s to come, Jiraiya states, “a Jūbi in the control of S-Ranked
Missing-nin. It’s like a kunai at the throat of the world.”
“That’s a lot of bad for everyone, not just Konoha,” Naruto adds.
Tsunade eyes Hiruzen as he ponders what he’s been told. His condition doesn’t seem to slow
his mind as he remarks, “assuming all of this is true, your plan is to go to Kumo to talk with
their Jinchūriki and warn them?”
“I figured the quickest, most legit, way to get there was to use the Omiai,” Naruto explained,
to which Jiraiya nods with esteem.
“So, you have no intention of marrying… is it one or two girls?” Tsunade asked. “You
mentioned two names, so who is it?”
“Mabui and Samui,” he reminded her. Scratching his chin with a quirked brow, he assessed,
“I don’t know who between them decided to be ‘the girl,’ but one of them, yeah.”
The Hokage asks, “did you tell them everything you told us?”
“Then why would they bring this option to the Raikage,” Hiruzen wonders aloud.
“They wanted me to defect to Kumo,” Naruto admits, assuring them, “which I’d never do,
but I still told them I wanted to go. That’s when I told them about the Omiai.”
“Without proof, the Raikage is unlikely to believe you,” Hiruzen advises. “Even if I sent you
with a letter with my official seal, he’d sooner believe you’re trying to deceive him.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried something on route or while you’re there,” Jiraiya added
with his tactical experience.
“I still have to go,” Naruto tells them. “This is way too important to not do just because they
might try to do something to me.”
They were all silent with a large amount of information and the future implications
ruminating in their minds. Konoha could lose Naruto and or the Tailed Beast within him.
Kumo could gain a third Tailed beast. Akatsuki could still gather all the Bijū and either force
the world to submit to them or recreate the Ten-tails and do the same. Almost any decision
they make can lead to catastrophe, making Tsunade bemoan, “well, looks like I got my work
cut out for me.”
“This will take some time to plan,” Hiruzen voiced, clearly growing tired.
His Ji-chan exhales with a bit of a smile before affirming, “I take you seriously, Naruto. So I
will trust you and gather the evidence we need to convince others. If this is really a fight for
the world as we know it, it’s going to take more than us if we want to win it.”
Naruto nodded, smiling back before he warned his Ji-chan and Tsunade, “be careful with
Danzō. He’s a big reason why the Uchiha massacre happened and I wouldn’t be surprised if
he uses this somehow.”
“I’ll bring in Shizune,” Tsunade proclaims, explaining, “I trust her with my life.”
“I need to tell Gaara, at least,” Naruto quickly included. “I’m sure he can keep a secret and
he’s sorta involved anyway. Is he still here? Have we let them go yet?”
“We’ve already concluded the most pressing terms,” Hiruzen’s gravelly voice states.
“Temari-chan, Gaara-kun, Kankurō-kun, their sensei, and a few others have stayed behind.”
Smiling he tells Naruto, “Suna and Konoha are at peace again… so long as this marriage
Shrugging, Naruto sounds, “cool. I’ll talk to him… tomorrow.” Yawning, he shakes his head
to stay awake before telling them, “I need to sleep before I pass out.” Naruto moves to leave
when Hiruzen interjects.
“Before you go,” he says, slanting Naruto’s blond head in defeat. “I should at least tell you…
while you were away, we’ve asked your classmates, Yamanaka Ino and Hyūga Hinata if they
would consider the position as your fiance and first wife.”
“I heard but I don’t get why Ku- …Nevermind,” Naruto stated, realizing that would only
keep him there longer. He asks, “can it wait till later?”
“Saving Hinata seems to have bought you goodwill with the Hyūga,” Hiruzen points out. “So
not only did the Yamanaka clan accept, so too did the Hyūga.” Jiraiya’s jaw drops and his
eyes widen in complete shock at the news. “It seems you have much to think about,” Hiruzen
“Not really,” a tired Naruto returned with a lethargic shrug. Walking to the blackened door, in
the middle of a yawn, he thoughtlessly relays, “it’s not like I’d say no to either of them,”
stunning Tsunade and Hiruzen, and dropping the dumbfounded Jiraiya on his knees. “…
Night guys.”
Walking under the tall entry gate of Konoha village, a Chūnin guardsman was immediately
concerned with the physical state of the limping Sasuke. The blood from his forehead, under
his nose, and around his mouth had long since dried. He could barely feel his ankle anymore,
he was starving, sleep-deprived, and his vision was blurry. Like many in the village, the
guard instantly recognized the popular Uchiha and rushed to the genin’s aid.
“Are you okay,” the Chūnin asked looking over his various injuries. Limping on with a
single-minded purpose, Sasuke only ignores the man, who voices with urgency, “here, let me
The guard tried assisting Sasuke and the moment he moves too close, Sasuke angrily yells
back with a fury, “get away from me!” The Chūnin was so shocked by the young boy’s
ferocious riposte, he stayed in place as Sasuke continued to hobble away, all the while, the
avenger’s mind withdraws into the past; into the only thing keeping him going.
Sasuke coughed as he gasped for air. He’s been fighting in the forest for hours and he’s just
discharged his Chidori for a fourth time on what he was certain was Itachi, however, the tree
bark his chakra-covered hand struck exploded, sending chards and splinters everywhere,
cutting him as well. As usual, Itachi appears twenty yards behind him and Sasuke could only
glare at him, getting more and more angrier.
“Why!” Sasuke yelled before trying to catch his breath. His brother hasn’t retaliated a single
time in the eight hours they’ve been fighting. All he does is evade, defend, or deceive with his
petty and cowardly illusions. Even with his Sharingan, Itachi always manages to trick him
and it’s all just making him feel like such a failure, fueling his rage further. “Why aren’t you
fighting back, you coward!”
“You deserve far worse than this,” Sasuke spits back. “And I won’t be satisfied until you’re
coughing up blood from a Chidori ran through your chest!” The ebony-haired avenger tries
to summon the technique again, thrusting his hand downward, but it only sent a flurry of
electric agony up and down his body, dropping him to his knees.
“Rest Sasuke,” Itachi voices, looking at his struggling brother dispassionately. “You’ll have
another chance soon enough.”
“…Why?” Sasuke asked. “Why… are you playing this sick fucking game!” Taking a deep
breath, he yells, “you deserve to die by my hand for what you did!”
“Correct,” Itachi calmly agreed. “I thought that was the best way to help you, and I’m not
completely certain it isn’t, but I have my doubts now.”
“You… you have… doubts,” Sasuke repeated slowly in disbelief. “Murdering our father…
our mother… our uncles, aunts, cousins, friends, our entire fucking clan! And now you have
doubts! To do what you did, there’s no room for doubt or a sense of humanity! You’re nothing
more than an animal who needs to be put down!”
Itachi remains silent for some moments before admitting, “Uzumaki Naruto made me doubt
what I’ve done and why.”
The name confused Sasuke. He couldn’t understand why his brother would bring up that
idiot. That blond loud-mouth had nothing to do with them, however, he couldn’t deny he
wanted to hear more.
“What you know about that night isn’t the complete truth,” Itachi added on. “Naruto told me
to help, to meet you and explain what our clan was subjected to. But I understand your
feelings well, Sasuke. So I’ll stay here until you’re ready to listen.”
Getting on his feet through sheer force of fury, Sasuke yelled to the skies above, “I DON’T
WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO SAY!” The Avenger’s hate resumed with new
life and chased after his elite target with reckless abandon.
Rushing back through the afternoon streets of Konoha to Kurenai’s home for some much-
needed sleep and snuggling with Kurenai, Naruto hears ‘knock, knock,’ in his head. The
blond nearly trips by the sudden voice in his head but upon recognizing it, he happily cried
out, “NARU-NII!!”
The villagers around Naruto were startled as well, and though he had expected them all to
glare at him like usual, most looked at him in confusion, disinterest, or favorably. Naruto
quickly bows a few times before running up the nearest wall and mentally declaring, ‘it’s
been so long!’
‘Heh heh, yeah,’ Naru-nii voices. ‘Me and Kurama have been breaking down Tou-chan’s
Hiraishin. I don’t have to remind you how insane that system is.’
‘Ugh, I remember all the days it took to write it out,’ Naruto grumbles as he continues
jogging on, only using his chakra when leaping from building to building. ‘Have you tried
using it? It takes a lot of practice to use without draining half your chakra. You have to learn
to expel chakra out of all your tenketsus, then do that with like, perfect chakra control; it’s
insane! Today’s the first time I took three people with me a reeeeeally long distance and it
drained me!’
‘It wasn’t,’ Naruto assured him. ‘I was so scared my focus wouldn’t hold up and I’d
accidentally crush one of them.’
‘But you didn’t and you won’t; not when lives are on the line,’ Naru-nii replies with optimum
Naru-nii asks then, ‘hey, you think you can dig up tou-chan’s scroll?’
‘I guess. Why?’
‘I never wrote a Fūinjutsu contract here,’ Naru-nii begins to explain as Naruto leaps over an
entire street to the next building. ‘If I can figure out a way to mimic tou-chan’s chakra
signature, then I should be able to get out of here by teleporting back to the real world.’
‘I’ve given others my chakra before, which is a lot like imitating their chakra,’ Naru-nii
replied. ‘All you need is a good grasp of their unique signature and you can connect with
them. I’m not a hundred percent sure just yet, but, I feel like there’s an answer in that
Naruto mentally hums in thought, then shrugs when he doesn’t see a reason why that
wouldn’t work. Curious, he asks, ‘does that mean I can give my chakra to others too?’
‘Of course,’ he assures his younger counter-part. ‘You’ll have to be partners with Kurama
first but yeah.’
‘Sweet,’ Naruto cheerfully voiced. ‘Ah, so you need tou-chan’s scroll because it has his
chakra signature… but I don’t see how that’s going to help you if you can’t analyze it
‘Hmm… another problem to solve,’ Naru-nii stated, leaving that conundrum for later.
‘Also, what about the Shinigami?’ Naruto added. ‘How’s he going to react if you up and
‘It’s not like I’m going to leave with his stuff,’ Naru-nii reasoned. ‘I’m sure he’ll be cool with
Knowing him like he knows himself, Naruto asks, ‘you’re hoping he’ll be cool with it, aren’t
After several seconds of silence, Naru-nii moves on. ‘…Anyway, what’s been going on with
Hit with a series of memories, Naruto guffaws as he relays, ‘you were right about Tsunade-
baachan,’ to Naru-nii’s amusement. Naruto continues jogging on rooftops and leaping from
building to building as they talk about everything he’s done on his mission, including beating
back the legendary Orochimaru. Eventually, their conversation had to end and Naruto finally
made it to Kurenai’s bed for a well-deserved slumber.
Under the bright afternoon sun, Sasuke saw him; his blond loud-mouth teammate, yelling
something odd as per usual. Sasuke didn’t understand what a ‘Naru-nii,’ was, however, at
least he seemed embarrassed. Sasuke watched the blond run up a wall and disappear to the
building’s roof but he didn’t follow him. Naruto wasn’t his target. Despite all the questions he
has for Naruto, Sasuke turns his back on his teammate, then drags his weary and chakra-
exhausted body to the far and long-abandoned Uchiha compound. He made his way to his
home and found his brother waiting for him.
Itachi was staring down the hallway that leads to their parents’ room, and it only angered
Sasuke, ripping out of his throat a very angry, “if you’re lying to me…”
Sasuke awoke to a forest drenched in cold darkness. The night was freezing and the canopy
above was shielding the floor of all moonlight. Sasuke looked around and couldn’t see
anything through the veil of darkness until he activated his Sharingan.
“A fire may draw unwanted attention,” Sasuke heard his brother quietly say.
Sasuke quickly turned to the source of the voice and winced at the pain in his stomach where
his brother hit him and knocked him out.
“You need to learn to harness your anger constructively,” Itachi continued. “Or it’ll hinder
your movements.”
Even in his failure, Sasuke remembered what Itachi said. He hated how easily his body
listened to his brother’s words, as if his brother didn’t ruin his life, however, he couldn’t help
wanting to know. “If what you have to say is a waste of time, I’m going to do anything and
everything I can think of to make you regret it.”
In the pitch blackness of the cold forest floor, Sasuke was quickly ready to fight when he saw
the red of his Sharingan, alarming him until Itachi explained it’s only for privacy and visual
purposes. The young avenger then heard and saw everything that was kept from him,
including the masked man that helped murder their clan and even Naruto’s role in convincing
Itachi to try another way.
Every few minutes for the next hour, Sasuke would ask himself, “why?” He was tired, hurt,
cold, his turbulent mind was in tatters and he’d ask himself, ‘why?’ Why Hiruzen, why
Danzō, why the masked man, why his brother, why his family, why his clan, and on, and on.
Finally, an exhausted Sasuke asked to know, “if this is all true, how does Naruto know?”
“That’s for him to divulge, however, his source appears to be legitimate,” Itachi answered,
making Sasuke wonder where his idiot teammate, of all people, acquired this intel.
“I can’t believe you… believe this,” Sasuke’s hollow voice spoke. “It’s too much.”
“Take your time,” Itachi replied, nearly convincing Sasuke that his brother still had a heart.
“I’ll meet you when you’re ready.”
“I won’t lie to you,” Itachi promised his brother while still looking down the hall.
Sasuke was silent until he couldn’t stand the way Itachi seemed to feel anything over what he
did. The younger Uchiha limps over to the living room where he takes out a first aid kit from
the cabinet. He tries not to think about how strange it feels for him and his brother, the man
he’s wanted to kill for years, to be under one roof again. It almost sickens him to think he
hasn’t killed him like he promised his parents he would. However, after using all the time he
spent walking thinking, it appears Sasuke’s been wrong the entire time.
‘No,’ he thought. ‘I’ve been purposely misled,’ making Sasuke ask out, “what’s next?” Itachi
pulls himself away from the hallway to meet his brother in the living room. “How are you
going to make them pay?”
Itachi seemed pensive for several moments before saying, “while there are those in the
village at fault, and they will pay one way or another, there are those who had nothing to do
with it. There are more variables to consider.”
“What variables,” Sasuke demanded, ripping off a piece of tape to keep the binding around
his ankle together. “can’t you see this entire village is at fault!”
“And what would you do, weak as you are,” Itachi bluntly, yet calmly pointed out. “You can’t
even beat your teammate.”
Quickly feeling angry and provoked, Sasuke returns, “n-neither could you!”
“I allowed him to defeat me because I wanted to discover what he knew,” Itachi informed
him. “Though he’s certainly strong, he’s not without weakness.” Sasuke sucked his teeth and
continued treating his various wounds. It’s so much he considered visiting Sakura later. His
brother then told him, “I’ll teach you Sasuke. I’ll stay and we’ll go over everything.”
“Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Shimura Danzō,” Sasuke irately
voiced. Itachi remained quiet as Sasuke added, “those are the names of the truly guilty. The
ones most directly responsible for the fall of our family and clan… they let me believe you
were… a monster.”
“Because they made you that way!” Sasuke couldn’t help but yell back.
Shaking his head in clear disappointment, Itachi warns his younger brother, “throw away
your vengeance, Sasuke. It’s not that I believe such a drive is useless, but, I can see it clearly,
it’s not your strongest drive, thus, it will always fail you.”
In the silence that follows, the quiet of their home only annoys Sasuke with memories of
louder, livelier times and he couldn’t help demanding to know, “how can you just… don’t
you feel anything?”
“Righteous anger will only hinder what we need to do, thus it is useless,” Itachi flatly
denoted. “The only thing that matters to a man like me is results. As such, until our goals are
realized, I will do what needs to be done, even if that includes disassociating from my
emotions.” Though Sasuke understood compartmentalization, he didn’t think he could do so
when it came to the justice his family deserves.
Hope you all enjoyed it. I think a lot happened, and there’s more to come 😊
How dare you all(not literally you all) think that my Kurenai would tell Hinata but not
Ino. She may care for Hinata more but she’s not that unfair. Some clues that pointed to
this was the underlined journal entry: ‘The trick now is getting the other girl(s) to feel
the same.’ Also, if you read that scene again, you’ll notice Kurenai never once asked Ino
how she learned about her relationship with Naruto. Still, I can understand why you
thought Kurenai was being biased. I didn’t specifically write it in during her mental
thoughts. That was because I knew I was splitting this chapter
I’m of the belief that Itachi may have started as a spy but once he contracted his terminal
illness, he changed his goal to simply helping Sasuke deal with his revenge. Even if it’s
stated Itachi was a spy for Konoha, it doesn’t say who he reported to because it wasn’t
Jiraiya or Tsunade. I doubt he would’ve reported to Danzō. Since this area is kinda hazy,
I’m just going to say he was after Tobi because he viewed him as a threat to Sasuke and
Ugh, I’m so upset with Boruto. So upset. I can’t read it anymore. KURAMA!!!
Yay! Naru-nii is back… for limited time only. Don’t worry, he’ll return.
Follow The Sun
Chapter Summary
Chapter Notes
Hey guys. So, a couple of things. My absence/silence for the past 3 or so months was
due to trying to get my financial life back together. I was tired of being broke and
stressing about bills. Anyway, I got a really good job and doing much better now. I
apologize for the long delay.
I am reposting this chapter because before writing chapter 41, I needed to re-read
chapter 40 just to refresh my memory of where I left off. I ended up editing a lot of it
and even added 1.1K more words. If you want to read it, cool, if not, the bulk of it is the
Next, I want to address some of my creative choices. There are two decisions that I
made that was purely an homage to canon. Those are Naruto catching a blade with his
bare hands during the Tsunade retrieval arc, and Sasuke going into Naruto's seal and
disrupting Kurama's chakra. I've always liked those moments and if you enjoyed reading
the nod in my fic, great, but I recognize they didn't quite fit in my fic. And if some of
my readers were jolted out of the story because of that, sorry.
Lastly, I finished the biggest draft of chapter 41 yesterday. It's going to take me another
couple of days to edit and fix a lot of the mistakes. Its a whopping 27K so it's going to
take some time, but I should be posting before the week is done. That's it. Thank you for
you patience, and enjoy.
Hey Friends! I'm happy to be back!
So, apologies are in order. I said I'd have more time to write, but then I finally landed a
really good paying job, like, REALLY good paying job. So, I've been working more,
which is why this chapter took so long.
Just a reminder, LDK means living room, dining room, kitchen. 2LDK is 2 bedrooms
living, dining, kitchen.
Warning: Violence and Language.
After the meeting with Darui and Omoi from Kumogakure, where Naruto assured Tsunade
and Ji-chan he wanted to accept the Raikage’s request, Naruto rushed to Kurenai’s home—
chatting with Naru-nii along the way—and to her bed so he can finally sleep. His mission and
battles accumulated enough weariness and fatigue to enjoy sleeping the rest of the day and
night away, and by morning, he felt perfect again. He half-awoke when he felt the
temperature suddenly drop, as if someone pulled away the covers and a chill licked at his
skin. With slumbering eyes closed, a frustrated hand reaches out for the warmth to return,
only to grab hold and bring Kurenai’s body back to his side.
“Naruto,” Kurenai yelped in surprise, though, she doesn’t fight him off from snuggling up to
her. A sound rings through the bedroom air and Kurenai forcibly extricates herself from his
greedy hands, finally waking him up enough to see the comfort he desired was her and not
her comforter. When she’s out of bed, he wakes up further when he notes her thin, loose,
white tee and red silk short-shorts, showing off her long and toned legs. As the extremely
sexy sensei dons on a silk robe, covering her apple bottom, Naruto suddenly recalls he hadn’t
had deep, dirty, or nasty sex in over a week. She leaves the blond ball of carnal energy in her
room to rush downstairs, and he grows excited by the second for her inevitable return.
He senses she’s talking to someone at the door, and two dreadfully long minutes later, she
returns to find Naruto leaning on the edge of the bed with a massive erection pointing to the
ceiling. He’s as hard as steel and his feet immediately hone in on her like a famished bear
after sweet, sweet honey. The raven-haired beauty gasps in surprise before using her
footwork to maneuver out of the way, calling out, “wait! Wait!”
“If there’s a mission, it can wait,” Naruto proclaimed, using his own footwork to cut off her
Gripping his hands and trying to evade his kiss-seeking lips, she quickly announces, “it was
Karin!” Naruto stills at the mention of his cousin. She can read the concern in his blue eyes
and assures him, “don’t worry, she’s fine. She wanted me to tell you your clan meeting starts
in three hours.”
“Oh,” Naruto hums, feeling good about remarking with a devilish smile, “so we have three
“Wait,” she quickly protests. “She also wants me there; well, an hour after your meeting. She
wants to talk about the Omiai and what that means for your clan.”
Kurenai evaded as she continues to delay his passion to inform him, “I also… told her I’d
bring Temari, Ino, and Hinata, who’s in her room right now, so no funny business until the
girl with eyes that can see through walls is no less than eight hundred meters away.”
Like a kicked puppy, a wounded Naruto cries, “what!” Kurenai claps her hand over his mouth
before using her sense to check if Hinata had awoken. His arms wrap around her thin waist
while they wait and soon after they were sure she wasn’t awake, Naruto begs with large wet
eyes, “she can see eight hundred meters away?”
Nodding, she answers, “which means we’re well within her range.” At Naruto’s sudden
depression, Kurenai assures the cute blond, “it’s only been a week, and she’ll be returning to
the Hyūga tonight.” Caressing his neck and chest, she moans, “come on, you can wait a little
longer, right?”
His face crinkles in pain, as if being kicked in the gut, before grumbling, “I guess.”
Kurenai happily kisses his cheek before grabbing his hand and walking to her bed, voicing,
“besides, we need to talk.”
She sits on the edge of the bed and crosses her legs as Naruto steps before her, his erection
still prominent. Gesturing down to his crotch, he asks, “what am I supposed to do with this?
Can’t she see it right now if she wanted?”
Kurenai peers down at the thick, towering love-meat pitching out of his boxers in longing and
restrained desire. Feeling her resolve begin to crumble, she instead grabs the comforter and
pulls it back, telling him to, “here, sit.” When he does, she quickly throws the comfy blanket
over his jutting erection, disappointing them both.
Shifting his legs wider to soothe the tight strain, Naruto bellows, “what happened?”
“Hinata wanting to marry me,” Naruto started. “You being cool with it? But more than
anything, why ask Hinata and Ino when you and I are already a couple? I mean… I’m
worried there’s something bad I don’t know about, but I get this is the first time we’re
talking, so, I want to hear what you have to say.”
Kurenai nodded her head as he spoke, then takes a few seconds to gather her response.
Tucking strands of her long ebony hair behind her ear, the beautiful woman looks him deep in
his sky-blue eyes before telling him, “first, I love you.” Instantly, Naruto is fighting a smile
creeping on his face. Kurenai felt perfectly at ease to say it out loud and happy to see his
reaction. “I missed you,” she added. “And welcome back.”
“Thanks,” a bashful and blushing Naruto spoke. As if a burdensome weight had been lifted
from his shoulders, he returns her warm gaze and replies, “I love you too.”
He leans in and though Kurenai knows it’s a risk with Hinata in the room down the hall, their
lips meet after far-to-many days away from each other. Radiating, yet tender, heat is the first
thing they register as their warm soft lips bond to one another, and soon afterward, fluffy
emotion fogs their brains so no thought could remain but how amazing this felt. Tilting their
heads, their kiss deepens and intensifies in a matter of seconds, however, the moment she felt
his hand caress the nape of her neck, the electric shudder that traveled up and down her spine
forced her to pull away with a wet suction.
They take a few calming breaths before Kurenai clears her throat and says, “later. Tonight…
“Take a nap today,” a very stirred-up Naruto suggested. “I don’t know how much sleep
you’re going to get tonight.”
Inhaling deeply, Kurenai absentmindedly bit her lower lip, sitting up straighter with sheer
anticipation coursing through her at the thought. Shaking her head of stimulating thoughts,
Kurenai continues, “the, uh, reason… I didn’t say anything to the Hokage about us was
because I wanted to make amends more than I wanted to be forthright.”
“How come?”
Kurenai gazes into his eyes a moment before hesitantly revealing, “…I knew how Hinata felt
about you before we even met, let alone became intimate.” Naruto quirks his brow as she
continues, “she cares about you deeply and for longer than I have. A part of me always felt
bad, like I was stealing something from you both; maybe a love that could’ve blossomed into
a happy marriage & family. It’s not outside the realm of possibility even if it’s unlikely. Not
to imply you’re property to be stolen or anything,” she added with a laughing scoff.
“It’s just, I love her so much, and she loves you, and yet I was the one sleeping with you, her
sensei. I didn’t want her to feel betrayed further when she heard about us and Omiai, even
though she still felt betrayed in the end anyway.” Kurenai sighs before confessing, “I
suggested Hinata because for a long time now, I felt like I, as her sensei and pseudo-sister,
owed her a chance, if nothing else.”
“…And she said yes,” Naruto voices in slight awe. “Which still blows my mind.”
“If you want to understand her feelings, you should talk to her more,” Kurenai happily
“Yeah. I’ll do that,” he mentions before asking, “and Ino? Why recommend her too?”
Huffing with a sense of awe, Kurenai points out, “that girl is a force of nature! I’m certain if I
didn’t add her and she would’ve found out about the Omiai anyway and demanded to be
included.” Naruto chuckles as Kurenai adds, “she said yes right away, literally as soon as
Sandaime-sama finished asking.” Naruto laughs silently at the thought of the brazen girl.
“You like her, right?”
With flashes of fun times and lots of laughter, Naruto smiles fondly as he answered, “I do.”
Kurenai simply nodded sternly, as if his acknowledgment confirmed what she already knew.
Hesitant to address an unnerving thought that’s been nagging him since he and Kurenai
became an official couple, Naruto gently asks, “you did all of this, so I have to think you
approve… but are you really okay with this?” Scooching closer, making them bounce on the
bed a bit, he conveys, “I don’t know a love like I know you, so even if I could care for the
other girls just as much as I care about you, I’m not there yet. If you said the word, I could
say no to all of this. I love the idea of a big family, but no matter what, you need to be in that
family… even if it’s just you and me.”
Kurenai was overcome with a pure fondness for the blond boy sitting next to her. Languidly,
her arms gently wrap around his neck as she leans in and takes his warm lips once again.
Their mouths fasten to one another as their heads tilt left and right for minutes, sucking in air
and making out desperately like it’s been years since rather than days. At the taste of his
rough tongue entering her oral cavity, an aroused Kurenai pulls away again, visibly pained to
do so.
They’re heaving and aroused for several long minutes before Kurenai conveys, “I needed to
hear that more than anything else.”
“Then let me be honest, too,” Kurenai softly voiced back. “So long as I’m in your heart, I’ll
always be in your life.” Naruto smiled to hear her declaration. She then states, “And even if I
couldn’t have predicted this situation in a million years, when I focus on Hinata also being
with the person she loves, I’m happy with that.” Taking the opportunity to air out a concern
of hers, Kurenai asks, “do you have any idea how this might work? You, me, Hinata, Ino, and
Temari? I have some guesses, but nothing that completes a mission of this caliber.”
Tilting his blond head to the side to consider her query, he answered, “I haven’t really had a
lot of time to think about it, if I’m being honest. Mnnn, I guess I always pictured a team;
doing what we can to help each other out.”
“Ninjas are raised with fanatical order and structure so that’s understandable,” Kurenai
articulates thoughtfully. “But for this kind of marriage? It would involve a hierarchy, which
would offer challenges since I don’t think one wife would like to feel inferior to the other.”
“That’s a pretty good idea,” Kurenai noted. “For now, I have to get going. Our team has
training soon.” Naruto’s face warps into pained frustration and at his whining—like a cute
puppy—Kurenai replies, “tonight, Naruto. Tonight. I’ll even clean my ass for you.”
His face lit up, repeating with much more energy, “tonight, tonight!”
“Don’t train too hard,” she asked, suggesting, “save some energy for later.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that,” Naruto assured her with fiercely determined eyes.
“See you at the meeting?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Kurenai assured him with a quick peck on the cheek before getting ready
for the day while Naruto fell back in bed with a flop, lamely waiting for his erection to
After Tsunade reassured him Kakashi-sensei would be fine, Naruto and four hundred clones
train for the next three hours on Mount Myōboku. He thought of the lush mountain when he
needed a river large enough for his hundreds of clones to comfortably train in, however, Pa
reminded him of the benefits of training in secrecy. So, while five clones were etching the
hiraishin marker into the metal handle of his kunais with a hammer and chisel, three hundred
were in the large river swimming against current using only their chakra to propel
themselves. The remaining ninety-five clones were practicing the Kuji-in chant his mother
taught him.
Unexpectedly, Naruto felt more and more at ease every time he repeated the chant, like an old
lullaby sung sweetly before bed. He tried to recall the hot, metallic feeling in his body when
his mother used the chains, but the chant amazed him. He always felt like he had more energy
than he knew what to do with but the chant felt like pouring water into words; something
akin to giving his chakra to the chant.
‘It’s weird… but weirdly comforting,’ he thought before opening his eyes. Leaning back to
rest, the sun’s position made him realize he was going to be late. He hopped high before
landing on his feet and ordered his clones to dispel a section at a time before being reverse-
summoned back to Konoha.
Popping out of a puff of white smoke in the middle of Konoha, the frantic blond rushed
through his village’s bustling streets and avenues as fast as his chakra-filled legs would take
him, all the way to his Clan’s established complex, Uzushio and waved to Tsunami-san, Inari,
and Konohamaru before sprinting up the wall of his apartment building.
In his barren home, Karin was tapping her feet waiting, prompting Naruto to give his cousin
the biggest smile and apology. Though slightly annoyed by his tardiness, she quickly forgave
him by shoving a folded article of clothing into his chest then turning the sweaty boy about
and pushing him toward the bathroom.
In the bathroom, Naruto unfolded what was actually a short robe; his clan’s official black and
orange accented haori. He quickly took a fifty-second shower before lifting the soft, flowy
clan robe up to his shoulders and his eyes sparkled at the dream turning into a genuine reality.
He drooled at the carefully-stitched orange Uzumaki swirl on the back and over the heart, and
the Konoha leaf of the same color on the shoulder of the black haori. Naruto cooed in
unbridled joy as he delicately donned the black robe over his orange shirt and black slacks,
then meets Karin, Haku, and Jiraiya in his office.
It was the only room in their home that he’s had a chance to secure with his best Fūin security
seals, and Jiraiya insisted having meetings in private was a good practice they should get in
the habit of. Naruto immediately notes that he only matched with Karin. Haku’s haori was
navy-blue with orange accents & crests, and Jiraiya’s was the same, only white instead of
blue. With a chakra-covered palm, Naruto activates the security Fūin seals of his office while
Karin explained the hierarchy to their haoris.
“Black and orange means relation by blood or marriage,” Karin began. “Black because we’ll
always mourn the near extinction of our clan. Orange because it’s your favorite color and
you’re the Head. Blue and orange will be for clan members not related by blood or
“But you know I don’t care about stuff like that-” Naruto began, while Karin nodded.
“For distinction,” Jiraiya answered. “Within the clan, we can all care for each other the same,
regardless of blood, marriage, or neither. Outside of the clan, it’s like a badge of leadership
and responsibility. If- …excuse me, when this clan reaches large numbers once again, this
system will be very helpful in maintaining order and promoting respect.”
With the exception of a desk, the room was as bare as the rest of the home leaving more more
than enough space for the four to gather around the only counter in the room. Placing three
hiraishin-etched kunai on the table, the ecstatic blond asks, “is Ero-sennin’s white because of
his hair?”
“No,” Jiraiya caws back with an up-raised jaw. “It means the purity of my heart is
Shrugging his shoulders, Naruto asks everyone, “please take a kunai. Underneath the
wrapping, I etched the hiraishin mark on it so I can teleport to you in case of danger. Or,” he
began to say, creating a visible mark made of chakra on his palm. “If you want, I can mark
your chakra directly but it won’t ever go away.”
Tilting forward to eye him over her red-rimmed glasses, Karin asks in a serious tone, “you
promise to use it only in emergencies?”
“Oh, obviously,” he assured her and she immediately stuck her palm out. Considering she
was nearly kidnapped by Root, Naruto was happy to place the receiving signal on her
outstretched hand. Haku also accepted the mark on his body while Jiraiya simply took a
kunai and slid it in his green kimono.
“Now that that’s out of the way,” Naruto begins. “Let’s get down to business. I’m glad you’re
all here for the first-ever official Uzumaki Clan meeting! It’s going to be the first of many…
Wow… paving the way for the entire future of the Uzumaki clan… nuts.”
Shaking her head good-naturedly, Karin grumbles, “Kami, help us.” Naruto snorts a bit
before Karin voices, “as we all know, Naruto is the Clan Head. As Deputy Head, I’ll be
taking the minutes.” Very professionally, she takes out a pen and a scroll and is ready to do
the task.
Smiling, Karin answers, “you’re listed in our official register as Clan Elder. It’s also why
your haori is white. All clan elders will wear white.”
The white-haired man smiled proudly at that until Naruto added with affection, “but you’ll
always be our Ero-sennin.”
He huffed, “shheeuut up! So disrespectful to your Clan Elder… Is that really what you want
to pass on to future generations?”
“It’s research!”
“Moving on,” Karin loudly interjected. Turning to the unnaturally beautiful boy, Karin
announces, “Haku may be wearing blue but he’s an honorary member of the Uzumaki Clan,
and First Adviser!.” Naruto starts clapping to which they all join in. “We can add levels too,
so different designs mean different ranks, or something,” Karin finished.
“Naruto-sama, Karin-san,” Haku voices with such mirth. “Thank you for allowing someone
like me, with my history, to be a part of your family and home. I can’t say I’ve ever felt like
this before… Zabuza-sama truly is amazing.”
Haku softly replies, “if he hadn’t ordered me to help bring Naruto-sama’s dream to life, I
can’t say I would’ve ever come across a feeling like this.” None of the others are sure how to
respond, except they know they love Haku and his peculiarity.
Naruto turns to his red-haired cousin to ask, “now that we got our titles, what’s next?”
Rather awkwardly, Karin clears her throat before she nervously voicing, “well… the first
thing I wanted to bring up… I propose our clan take out a bank loan.”
Quirking his blond brow with confusion, the clan head asks, “how come?”
Karin takes out another scroll and lays it down next to her meeting’s minutes. On the scroll
were their financials and she explains to the gathering, “it took all the money we had to buy
the property, titles, licenses, completely renovate the building, and add two more floors. The
little that’s left can be saved for emergencies or used for some furnishings, but we certainly
can’t afford new appliances like stoves and refrigerators. Tazuna-san and his men are
repairing and using the old ones for now, but many of them are extremely worn. Not to
mention, we don’t have the nearly six million ryō to furnish our home.”
“Six million,” Naruto hollered. Karin nodded in response before her cousins settles to ask,
“so you want to borrow six million-”
“Nine million ryō, actually,” Karin interjected, making Naruto whistle at the number. “It’s
better to invest in new appliances in the beginning. Less problems later on,” she explained.
“Plus, with our property and our Fūin businesses, we can pay it all back in ten years.” At
Naruto’s raised eyebrows, she quickly adds, “which sounds like a long time but it really
Not thrilled by the financial news, but placidly accepting, Naruto hums, “well, if you think
we should, then that’s what we’ll do.”
Scratching his jaw, Jiraiya closes his eyes and loudly hums, “hhhmmmm,” intentionally
drawing everyone’s attention. “What should I do? What should I do?” he asked himself. They
eye him curiously, as he voices to no one in particular, “it’s true I haven’t been around when I
probably should’ve, but money management is a good lesson for them to learn.” After a five-
second pause, he claps the tabletop, then tells his young family, “ah, what the hell! There’s no
shortage of lessons in life.”
Perplexed by his Godfather’s rambling, Naruto asks, “what are you talking about?”
Jiraiya tries to pacify their large feasting eyes, quickly putting up his large hands and
pumping them as he relays, “relax, relax. I’m only covering the cost of the new appliances
and half of your furnishings; so pick only the necessary rooms. We’ll call it your belated
birthday presents… and graduation present… and promotion present, clan restoration present,
grand opening gift… hmm, what else can I tack on?”
“Who cares,” Naruto blurts with a wide grin. “Tack on whatever you want! We appreciate it,
Widening her crimson eyes wide with sudden recollection, Karin shoots up her hand and calls
out, “wait, wait, wait… would you be able to buy the property behind us instead? Obviously,
I’m only asking out of curiosity, but, a realtor came by and told me it’s also on the market. If
we can buy that, we can expand our clan’s estate.”
Jiraiya doesn’t flatly deny her query. He hums in deep thought, allowing them to raise their
hopes for a moment before answering, “well… despite my rather social lifestyle, I do make
far more than I spend.” When he leans closer, as if to whisper something to them, they lean
closer as well. He then softly suggests, “I’d consider it… if my dear Godson finds it in his
heart to elaborate on the juicy parts I know he’s leaving out!” Naruto drops his blond like a
sack of annoyed potatoes as Jiraiya declares, “this could very easily be the best series I’ve
ever written!”
In utter disbelief, Naruto turns to Karin and replies with absolute conviction, “I guess we’re
going to have to go it alone.”
Karin turns to Haku and asks, “what does our adviser think?”
“Hmm,” Haku hummed a moment before answering, “it wouldn’t be a bad direction to take.”
“AHAH!” Jiraiya cheered. “Another man of vision! I’ve always liked you Haku.”
“On the other hand,” Haku continued. “Purchasing another property when we don’t have the
funds or the source of fund to complete the current project may only add more complications
in the years to come.”
“Like bitting more than we can chew,” Naruto suggested, to which Haku nodded.
Eying Haku with comically large eyes of betrayal and huffing in sadness, Jiraiya notes, “I can
see a great feud between Elders and Advisers, but fine!” With a deep breath, Jiraiya continues
onto another topic. “It’s surely come to your attention now that the land whispers to me. Too
much of life is spent trapped indoors, so like the nomads of old, my manly feet must hike far
& wide to answer the call.”
Mildly amused, Naruto deciphers his Godfather’s talk by assuring him, “if you want to come
and go whenever you want, you can just say that.”
“Whether you’re coming or going, you’re going to need a place to rest when your ‘manly’
feet get arthritis,” Karin tacks on. “What better place than Uzushio?”
“I suppose,” Jiraiya gruffly admits. “At the very least, you can benefit from my network,
which should be easy for us,” he said, motioning toward Naruto. “I’ll send a toad
periodically, let you know what I’m doing, where I’ve been, what I’ve seen.”
With concern, Karin asks the Elder, “you’re not leaving before the grand opening are you?
Because you have to be here.”
“Yeah,” Naruto hotly insists. “You can’t leave until you’ve partied with the clan!”
“I’ll stay for the opening,” the amused elder assured them. “But afterward, I’m off to gather
Haku found this a proper moment to relay, “I’ve received word from Zabuza-sama,” and
Naruto becomes giddy to learn about the mission he gave the Kiri-assassin. “He said they’ve
made contact with many of Yagura’s forces. He’s been at the center of a few skirmishes and
many have died. He seems quite happy. He’ll send us a message when they’ve succeeded.”
“…Uh, okay,” Naruto politely replied, hoping there weren’t too many deaths.
Anxious, Karin turns to her cousin to ask, “do you really have to go to Kiri?”
“Just for a little,” he begrudgingly answered, however, he was quick to reassure her. “Once I
finish talking with Yagura and the three-tails, I’ll come right back. Promise.”
The red-headed Uzumaki was not happy to hear as much, but replies, “…Fine, but I’m noting
on here that I don’t like it. Moving on from plans that could get you killed, we’ve already
started receiving applications to lease our commercial and living spaces.”
Giddy by the news, Naruto quickly asks, “what about Teuchi-jichan? Did he say he’d come
Karin winced a little before delicately answering, “sorry, he decided not to relocate. However,
he did say he’d be happy to open a second location here with Ayame-san running it.”
“Oh… well, that’s good too,” Naruto reasoned with an accepting nod. “So long as they know
the Uzumaki clan will always support them.”
Haku informs the group, “I’ve convinced Tenten-chan that moving her home and business
here would be more cost-effective than where she lives now.”
“Well enough,” Haku laments. “Even with my help, managing the store and home is a lot for
one person who’s also active military. I explained if she came here, the Uzumaki Clan could
potentially offer her more than her current circumstance.”
“Yeah, sure,” Naruto quickly asserts, before turning to Karin. “Can we offer discounts to
“Yes,” Karin hesitates to answer before adding, “but I also want to have regular civilians stay
here as well. Not to wish any ill omen on anyone, but, a ninja’s life is fairly dangerous when
compared to that of a civilian.”
“Makes sense,” Jiraiya touts. “If you’re born, you’ll die eventually, but if you become a ninja,
dying tends to happen much quicker. Field operatives can’t even sign yearly leases since they
spend most of their deployment post-hopping around the country’s borders.”
“We won’t discriminate or enforce a hard line,” Karin assured everyone. “I just think having
some civilians would be good too.”
Looking down at Karin’s financial notes, Naruto asks, “how much space do we have?”
Karin points down on her notes as she answers, “we can accommodate four moderate-sized
businesses or a combination of six different-sized businesses. The Ramen stand, Ten Out of
“I’ll also be supplying my herbal medicines from Tenten’s shop,” Haku affirmed, adding, “no
sense in wasting space.”
Karin continues recounting along with her fingers, “Ichikaru’s, Ten Out of Ten, our Uzu-Fūin
company will also double as the leasing office. That’s three small spaces and one large, so,
depending on size of applicants, we can accept two or three more businesses. As for
residential space—floor’s two through five—that’s thirty units total; four 2LDK’s, ten
LDK’s, and sixteen studios.”
At the aggravating memories of paying rent every month since he was six, Naruto hotly
proclaims, “as long as they’re cheap, I don’t care.”
“You should care,” Karin resolutely informed him before thoroughly explaining herself. “You
should care a lot. If we rent out apartments at, let’s say, ten percent below market value, it’ll
only attract cheap-minded people. I’m not saying we should over-charge, but, a renovated
apartment complex at the price range of other apartments in the same district is already a
steal. I actually think we should charge ten percent more.”
His cousin nodded before detailing, “I want to stimulate growth in Wood district and the most
effective way of doing that is by stimulating this section of Konoha’s economy. If we have
clean homes and nice stores that attract a lot of business, it’ll attract more traffic. With more
traffic, we’ll need more police presence, which also means crime goes down. A safer, cleaner,
neighborhood promotes appreciation, pride, and more importantly, growth. Naturally, other
businesses will want to set their product, their restaurants, their services up in this area as
well, which will bring more people, more opportunity, and before you know it, our district
will be just as lively as main street.” The three remained quiet, in awe of her unexpected
thoughtfulness. Clearing her throat, Karin assures her cousin, “we can still offer discounts to
those who serve. More shinobi here will help maintain order and safety in the area.”
“You really know your stuff,” the thoroughly impressed Naruto happily shared with his
cousin. Mildly pleased, she shrugs before Naruto gratefully states, “let’s do it that way then.
And you can teach me some of the practical ways I can help.” He suddenly recalls. “That
reminds me! I learned this super cool Uzumaki technique I have to teach you! I can teach you
guys too, but it only works with Uzumakis.”
With a swift trip through memory lane, Jiraiya abruptly stands as he voices, “well, that’s my
cue to leave.”
Confused, Naruto holds up his palm as he asks the standing man, “wait, what? Why?”
“I heard Kushina mention her chains before,” he began. “She made it abundantly clear they
were a clan secret only Uzumakis are allowed to know of.”
With much more grace, Haku stands from his seat, prompting Naruto to assure his best
friend, “you don’t have to leave.”
“I know,” Haku affirmed. “But even if I don’t have to, I want to respect your mother’s
customs and wishes. Apart from that, it’s unlikely I’d be able to learn it anyway.” Turning to
the Fūinjutsu-tinted window, Haku tells them before exiting the relatively bare room, “I’ll go
prepare for the others. They should be arriving in half an hour and I’m not sure we’ll have
enough chairs for everyone.”
After Haku’s exit, Jiraiya encourages the dutiful blond, “don’t save for tomorrow what can be
done today. You two go ahead and talk. I mean, how often have you been able to spend time
together without a mission or invasion getting in the way?” He smacks his Godson’s shoulder
lie it’s a travesty as he adds, “I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve spent more time with me than
your own cousin.”
“There you go,” Jiraiya voiced before waving them goodbye and exiting the secure room.
Realizing the truth in Jiraiya’s words, Naruto turns to his cousin and sincerely expresses,
Shaking her head, she quickly assures him, “no, hey, it’s okay. I know you have a lot of
responsibilities that keep you busy.”
“That’s no excuse,” Naruto said more to himself than her. “Especially for someone who can
make clones of himself.”
Leaning forward to look him deeply in his eyes, Karin confessed from her heart, “Naruto, it’s
more than enough that you’ve given me a place to call home, a bed to sleep in, food to
nourish me, and no one here takes advantage of my ability because you stood up for me.” He
silently heard her words and she smiles as she adds, “on top of that, I wake up every morning
with real purpose. What more could I ask for?”
Smiling a bit himself, Naruto admits, “it sounds nice when you put it that way.” However,
taking accountability, the blond purports, “still, I should be around more. You’re my family
and I want the best for you.”
“Spoken like a true Clan Head,” she replied, smiling more broadly. He returns her warm
smile before she voices, “if you really want the best for me, how about starting with the
Adamantine chains. I think I remember Okaa-san mentioning it once before. Since she
couldn’t do it, I assumed I couldn’t either and let it slip my mind.”
Recalling fondly the feeling of chains erupting from his body and holding Kurama down,
Naruto boasts happily, “I’ve seen it in action and it’s pretty freakin’ amazing!” Tapping his
chin with his finger, he mumbles, “let’s see, how did Kaa-chan explain it…”
Raising one hand in confusion while the other rubs the bridge of her nose—momentarily
displacing her glasses—a confused Karin begs to know, “uh, I feel like we’re getting off on
the wrong foot. How’d you see the chains? And more importantly, how’d you meet your
mother? I thought she was…”
“Oh, yeah, she is,” he somberly answered. Clearing his throat, he explains, “tou-chan and
kaa-chan sealed some of their chakra in me before they died, and during the mission, I got to
meet her; in my head. She used the chains to hold back the Kyūbi inside me.”
“You know it!” he confidently asserted. “Okay, so, she said we can activate our Adamantine
Sealing Chains once we mold chakra with, like, a refined version of our physical energy.”
“But physical energy comes from our cells, not chakra training of any kind,” Karin easily
remarked with an expression of deep consideration. “I mean, we’re not working out the
whole day are we?”
“No, no,” Naruto quickly assured her. “There’s like two parts to this. The first is training our
physical energy in a way that enhances our genetic abilities, in this case, the chains. The
second part is how we do that. Within our Uzumaki blood, mixed into our DNA, we have
Fūin coding.”
Surprised to hear as much, Karin gasped, “Really?” When he nodded energetically, she
asked, “How?”
Shrugging, Naruto answered, “I don’t know the details, but apparently one of our ancestors
was a Fūinjutsu super-genius. He made it so we just naturally understand it. I mean, you just
get it too, right?”
“Yeah,” Karin admitted. “I don’t use it as much as you do, but I’m surprised by how easily it
comes to me.”
“Exactly,” Naruto agreed. “So, kaa-chan said that our clan created a mantra that we chant.
This specific frequency—that vibrates throughout our body—activates a Fūin array in our
blood that takes in Natural chakra, and uses it to refine our physical energy!”
“Wow,” Karin gasped, eyes wide as she considers the depth of this knowledge. “So, this
refining is like re-engineering our bodies to better and better states!” At his gleeful nodding,
Karin couldn’t help but asked, “Wait, is that why Uzumaki have unnaturally long life and
strong vitality?”
“Yup!” the excited blond answered. “Once we get our physical energy to the right level,
activating the sealing chains will feel like second nature!”
“Yup,” he agreed proudly. “And it gets better!” At her rapt attention, he continued,
“Apparently, besides sealing, the chains can do different things. Depending on the person,
they can heal, do jutsu better, cancel jutsu, or absorb chakra. It’s pretty wild stuff.”
“….Yeah,” Karin agreed, quickly understanding the full scope of this information. “And
wildly dangerous.” At his curious expression, Karin moved closer to add gravitas to her
words as she said, “Naruto, you can’t tell people about this—any of it. I mean it. I’m not even
going to put it in the minutes.”
“Serious? Why?”
“I never understood why over countries would fear us, but I get it now,” the redhead began.
She unconsciously gripped her heavily scarred arm as she explained, “When you’re too
different, people either fear your strength, or look for ways to enslave you.”
With some thought, Naruto could easily recall all the hate he’d received throughout most of
his life, and understood where she was coming from. He recalled his confusion, frustration,
and anger from being treated so poorly, and hated so much about those times. However,
Naruto also recalled how being so different was the reason why he was with Kurenai, Ino,
Hinata, and Temari. It was how he managed to save Haku and find a best friend in him. It’s
how his future self managed to reach back to his past self and train him.
After several moments of silent thought, Naruto said to his cousin, “You’re not wrong, but, I
feel like, as long as you don’t quit, a lot of really good things can happen too—things that be
different in a good way.”
Chuckling, she asked, “You mean, like, I know know, a marriage to multiple women?”
Cautiously, as if cognizant of the danger, Karin asked, “So, you want to tell others?”
“Well, other Uzumaki, but yeah,” Naruto answered. “This could’ve been a lost art, but after I
tell you, and any other Uzumaki we find, it won’t be lost anymore. And I like that.”
“That’s the purpose I was talking about,” Karin sincerely professed. “Bringing our clan back
from the brink of extinction feels incredibly meaningful. Not that we should dwell on the
past, or anything, but our history is a long one and that massacre is a big part of that. I mean,
we don’t even know details of who or why.”
Naruto thought to tell Karin what his mother mentioned about the Uzumaki breakthrough, but
it wasn’t as if he knew what the discovery was. Until he learned more, he reasoned he’d tell
her when there was something to actually say.
Karin added, “I just think it’s practically criminal to ignore what happened and move on as if
our parent’s home never mattered-”
“Like it’s fine if we forgot them,” Naruto strongly corroborated. “I mean, what kind son
would I be if I inherited all of my parent’s cool jutsu without even bothering to learn anything
about them or the family history, or our native village? It’s kinda cold-hearted.”
Naruto relayed to her, “Kaa-chan did say I should go back to Uzushiogakure. She’s pretty
sure there are some bunkers with scrolls and stuff only Uzumaki can access. We might learn
more if we check.”
“Definitely planning that trip,” Karin adamantly asserted before writing that down in the
minutes. She then assures him, “as soon as things settle down, of course. So, what’s the
Naruto continues, “An ancestor of ours named Nichiren was apparently a genius at sound
arrays and developed this chant. You get in this position…” On his desk, Naruto show his
cousin the exact pose his mother showed him before continuing. “Then you chant, ‘Namu-
Myōhō-Fūin-Renge-Kyō.’” The blond Uzumaki chanted it a few times before saying, “It
means, ‘Devotion to the Mystic Law of Fūin,’ and when you get it right, calling on the chains
will feel it like intuition.”
They repeat the tantric-like chant together dozens of times together. He relayed to her about
how she should breath, how relaxed she should be, and what her thought process should
entail. After a dozen repetitions, Naruto wondered if Karin also feels the pleasant serenity.
Observing his redheaded cousin, Naruto was happy to see how easily Karin seemed to pick
up without making mistakes. He recalled it took him a few times to get it right, however, at
the time, talking to his mother felt much more important. At the fond memory of his flaming
red-haired mother smiling proudly as she taught him their family jutsu, Naruto’s whiskered
cheeks spread with a gentle smile, and his eyes prickled with moisture.
Taking a deep breath to settle the melancholy taking hold of his woeful heart, he moves on to
explain, “Kaa-chan also explained practicing this in a super-secret location. I was planning to
go to Mt. Myōboku. What about you? I can give the training room upstairs top-tier security.”
The Uzumakis exit his bare office to the unfurnished living room, empty hallway, and exit
their bland apartment. They take the elevator down to the lobby to meet the attendees of the
second portion of their first clan meeting. At the sight of the group ahead of them, Naruto
suddenly recalls with teeth-sucking dread something he said he’d do but only just
remembered. and quickly turns around to Karin.
Quickly turning around, he whispered to his cousin so the others wouldn’t hear, “I forgot to
mention! We definitely need to honor Kurenai and Ino’s family! Without them, it would’ve
taken us a lot longer to get to this point.” Haku, Hinata, Kurenai, Ino, Temari, Gaara, and
Kankurō all watch on as Karin nods and writes in her notepad.
“Way ahead of you,” she said. “For the Yamanaka clan, I was thinking of putting their crest
somewhere on our haoris, with their permission, of course.” Straightening his black and
orange haori, Naruto nods with keen approval. “For Kurenai-sensei, I can’t think of anything
perfect but we can brainstorm when they’re not waiting on us!”
“Right,” Naruto nodded before turning and greeting the group with his usual gusto.
Noting Kurenai’s approving smirk, Naruto enjoyed approaching them in his official black and
orange Uzumaki haori. Only then did he come to understand that the seven people standing in
front of him are very much like the family he’s found in life. He couldn’t have a family upon
his birth, but the people around him love him… and he couldn’t help but grin broadly. So
thrilled to be surrounded by family and future family members, he couldn’t even trust his
voice to talk properly. Imagining his parents looking down on him, Naruto barely restrains
the tears of happiness about to burst from his eyes and waves with full swings for everyone to
follow him.
The residential elevator couldn’t comfortably accommodate more than eight, but since
Naruto has a hiraishin marker in his office, he tells them, “ah, uh, everyone get in and I’ll just
meet you upstairs.”
A dead-eyed Gaara coldly asks the adult, “to what end?” Crossing his arms, he gravely adds,
“what are your intention with my sister,” and even without his sand gourd, the blood-redhead
can be quite intimidating.
Without flinching, Kurenai nodded before answering the Kazekage’s son, “we’ll be
discussing pertinent details of the Omiai. If you don’t mind hearing about her marriage,
you’re welcome to join.”
“He does mind, actually,” Temari quickly answered for him, turning to her youngest brother
and emphasize her point with a sharp gaze. “I want to talk with them as well. I’ve gotten a
few reports but nothing more than a line or two of what’s been going on.” Turning to Naruto,
she voices with a small smile, “I heard you were on a mission. I never got a chance to
welcome you back.”
“Thanks,” the blond returns with his trademark smile before telling Kurenai, “I’m cool with
that.” Shoulder-bumping Gaara cheerfully, Naruto tells the group, “I can show the boys
around while you talk. Let’s pick this up in an hour.”
Stepping onto the elevator with the ladies, Karin casually remarks, “I guess I’ll go with
them.” When Kurenai turns curiously to the pretty redhead, Karin readjusts her glasses as she
responds, “what? I’m his blood and Deputy Head,” to which Kurenai nods acceptingly in the
face of truth.
After hearing the lobby’s door open and close behind them, the inquisitive sound of
“Naruto?” draws everyone’s attention. Sakura watches the girls in the elevator—easily noting
Ino in the square space—and the boys outside of it before the elevator doors slide together
with a ding.
Turning to his teammate, he rushes up to her with a greeting wave before asking, “hey, what’s
Watching the closed elevator doors for a moment, the pink-haired kunoichi slowly answers,
“…I was hoping we can talk.”
“Uh, yeah,” he agrees. He waves to the men, calling out, “come on!”
Under Konoha’s typically warm sunny day, Naruto and Sakura trail several paces behind
Haku, Gaara, and Kankurō as they walk around the shoddy neighborhood of Wood District.
Speaking with his teammate in private, Naruto also has the opportunity to view his
neighborhood in a new light. Whereas before, he’d only ever rush through the destitute
district to begin his training. Now, he’s looking around the downtrodden neighborhood for
opportunities he and his clan can help with. He’s sad to note his neighborhood isn’t lacking in
Most of the businesses were dirty, faded, cracked, and or blanketed with graffiti with litter
peppering the base of most buildings. The villagers listlessly meandering the streets wore
either dirty, wrinkled, or ill-suited clothes. Around them, boisterous groups of children or
adults loiter on every slum-like street. Almost every electrical pole had a myriad of bird
droppings. Wild cats, dogs, and smelly garbage were in every alley and the smell in the air
was like inhaling the hairy armpit of a hobo who hasn’t showered in months.
This was the area his family would be living in, and with Karin’s words in his mind, Naruto
suddenly felt driven to do anything he can to develop the area for the better. However,
realizing his teammate has been quiet for some time, seemingly also deep in thought, Naruto
asks, “so what’s up?”
The question shook her into the present, causing her to voice, “…huh? Oh, sorry. I just…”
When his question sunk in, she shakes her head before answering, “it didn’t feel real—you
getting married—to multiple women… not until I saw them.”
Certain he hadn’t told her yet, a curious Naruto asks, “how’d you hear?”
“Oh,” the blond hummed in acceptance. Nodding, he shares, “yeah, it’s pretty nuts, but you
know I’ve always wanted a big family.”
“When people say that, it usually means they want a lot of kids,” Sakura denotes in sheer
disbelief. “Not multiple wives.”
“Kami, stop,” Sakura called out loud enough to turn Haku and Kankurōs head up ahead.
“Hearing something so grownup coming out of your mouth is just too much! I’m not
mentally prepared!”
Chuckling, an amused Naruto simply asks, “what’s up? Why’d you come over?” Pointing
behind him, he innocently inquires, “unless you’re here to join?” Her silky-pink head snaps
to him in deep shock, and at the robust blush coursing up her neck and cheeks, he quickly
clarified, “the meeting! I mean, did ya wanna join the meeting?”
Able to inhale once again, Sakura’s heavy blush recedes as she nods deeply and answers, “n-
no… no. I, uh, actually came because of Sasuke.”
The reason for her visit seems to sober her up of all levity or invitations and she claims with
serious intent, “I think he’s in trouble.” Naruto listens closely as she relays, “he came looking
for me this morning. He had a lot of injuries and wanted me to heal him. It took me over an
hour to treat most of them.”
Slightly dejected, she answers, “he wouldn’t tell me. After I patched him up, he said to mind
my own business, made me promise not to tell anyone, and then he left.”
“Friendly as ever,” Naruto mumbled loud enough for Sakura to hear, though she just shakes
her head of it. He then tells her, “I’ll go talk to him.”
His face crinkles into an expression of regretful apology before speaking, “I don’t know,
Sakura. He wouldn’t tell you when you guys were alone. I don’t think he’d tell me if you
were there.”
Feeling offended, she hotly returns, “why would he talk to you more than me?”
“Cuz I have no problem kicking his ass to get him talking,” Naruto easily answered.
“I can beat him up too,” Sakura harshly vented. Naruto’s expressive face squints, eying her
kindly as if waiting for her to see reason without pointing out the obvious to her. Though it
took a few seconds, Sakura eventually sighs and slumps her shoulders before sadly asserting,
“fine, maybe not! But I can’t just do nothing! He’s my teammate, too! We’re team 7.”
Glumly, she confesses, “I just don’t want to end up being the useless teammate.”
“Wha- hey, you’re not useless! Don’t even say that,” he quickly balks back, hating it when
she loses confidence in herself. “You’re getting better! Everyday! It’s just, well, in this case,
there are some things guys are better at handling themselves. I mean, I’d totally come to you
about medical stuff.”
Rolling her eyes at the pity wafting from him, she flatly asks, “why bother when you heal
from practically anything overnight?”
“It’s okay,” a sullen Sakura assures him with a sigh. “I know I don’t have a lot to offer-”
“That’s not true,” he vehemently disputes. And like a ton of bricks, an idea Naru-nii had
mentioned hits his mind, lending conviction to his voice when he asserts, “there is something
that can make you just as strong as us! Something only you can do!”
Sakura looks at him suspiciously for a moment before informing her blond teammate, “I train
nearly every waking hour of the day. What more could I possibly do to get to your level?”
Smirking, he happily answers, “easy. First, you need to get Tsunade-baachan to accept you as
her apprentice. She has some pretty wicked moves she could teach you, but, there’s one jutsu
she has that you absolutely need to learn. It lets her heal from any physical damage she takes
almost instantly! I don’t know the details, but I’m sure it has something to do with that purple
mark on her forehead.”
Realizing he’s serious, Sakura slowly asks the most important question. “But… why would
she accept me?”
“Why wouldn’t she,” the blond casually returned, stunning the pretty pinkette into thoughtful
silence. He then adds, “things are going to get a lot worse, Sakura; for all of us, not just
Konoha. I want us to be ready for what’s coming, so we need to get back to work and train
our asses off.”
Curious by the ominous assertion, Sakura bids to know, “what does that mean?”
Shaking his head, he answers, “it’s hush-hush right now, but I’ll explain later.”
Doubtful of that, she attests, “oh? Will you? Like how you were going to explain getting
married? To multiple girls? My Ino included!” Frustration mixed with disbelief has her grip
her head with both hands and mush her skin like a rough massage. “Kami, help me! I can’t
believe you’re getting married…”
Eying her suspiciously, he remarks, “you’re acting really weird about this.”
She quickly turns to him, ready to counter but stops herself. Looking deep into his eyes for a
silent moment, she starts, “because…” Sakura turns away from his pure blue eyes and
continues, “it’s- it’s a political marriage to multiple women! Everyone in the village’ll say
there’s no love in that—they might even hate you for it—but you’re acting like it’s just the
“That’s a big steaming pile of horse shit! There’s plenty of love,” he argued. “It’s not the
norm, sure, but none of us are doing anything against our will! We’re doing it because we
want to and I’m sure we can work.”
“How? How can you possibly think all of you are just going to get along like one big happy
family? It’s not like you’re all going to agree on everything that comes up.”
“I’m not saying we won’t have our disagreements,” he reasonably offered. “But all it takes is
wanting the best for each other and being really honest with ourselves about what that
means.” Leaning closer, he expresses with real honesty, “I mean, I’d want the best for you,
even if that, somehow, means your being with Sasuke. Sure, I don’t get it and I used to wish it
was me, but if he makes you the happiest, then I’ll support you to the fullest no matter how
Eager for her—above many—to understand, Naruto steps in front of the thoughtful pinkette,
stopping in the middle of the dusty street so he can assure her, “as long as I’m breathing, I’ll
love them in a way where no one can doubt, no matter what, that I’ll always want what’s best
for them, even if that means there is no marriage. If they feel the same, I can’t see how we’d
ever regret this.”
Naruto couldn’t know this, however, Sakura was very familiar with Naruto’s serious stare.
His conviction was palpable in everything he did and it truly made her think he could do
what was seemingly impossible. ‘He has before,’ her mind reminded her. She sighs before
walking around him and thinking of the differences between Sasuke and Naruto. She couldn’t
deny Naruto has been on her mind far more fondly than Sasuke, and in a moment of honesty,
she confesses, “…He may not be…”
“Sasuke,” she woefully clarified. “He… may not make me as happy as he used to.”
It’s Naruto’s turn to be stunned for several moments before he manages to think to ask, “uh,
are you serious?” With her dour nod, he huffs, “wow… wasn’t expecting that.”
“It’s not so unthinkable,” she defends, starting to walk again. Naruto matches her steps as she
relays, “I still care about him. I simply came to the realization that I may have been
sacrificing a little too much of my sanity to prove to him my love was the best thing he could
ever have. It’s actually a little scary to think about now; just how far I could’ve gone to prove
that…” Shaking her head of how much she was willing to sacrifice for him, she says,
“anyway, after getting a dose of reality shoved down my throat, I can’t see things the same
way again.”
“I’d say so,” Naruto readily agrees before leaning in and boasting, “you’re even cooler now,
Sakura! That’s why I know there’s a great guy out there just itching to be with you.”
With sagging shoulders, a doubtful Sakura lamely responds, “I don’t know about that. I might
go it alone like Tsunade-sama or Shizune-san.” With a wide smirk, the pinkette couldn’t help
nudging Naruto’s shoulder and joking, “you don’t think your wives might lend you out a
couple of nights a month, do you?”
Snorting laughter bellows out of his gullet for a spell before responding with a snicker,
“sorry, Sakura. This tasty treat might be communal, but it’s members only.”
“Tasty treat? Shut up!” a riled-up Sakura huffs moving away from him. Half appalled and
half-amused, she demands, “just tell me what the second thing is. Unless Tsunade-sama’s
technique was all you meant.”
“Mnn? Oh, yeah,” he recalled as he rushes beside her. “You remember when Gai-sensei and
Kakashi-sensei were talking about the Eight Inner Gates? During the prelims? Kakashi said
most shinobi don’t open the Gates because it’s really hard to do-”
“And tears up the body way too much? Yeah,” she replied, noting, “I looked it up. The
downside of the Eight Gates is far too debilitating to be used with any sort of regularity-”
Suddenly struck with the track of his thought, she gasps, “oh! You’re thinking I should
combine the Eight Gates with this ultimate healing technique that Tsunade-sama knows!”
With a comfortable smirk, Naruto nods in agreement before saying, “Lee showed us that
opening the gates can make you strong enough to go toe-to-toe with a Jinchūriki. Imagine
doing that without ripping up your muscles, boiling your organs, or killing you! You’d be
crazy strong!”
Her beautiful green eyes were wide in excitement at the possibilities and she couldn’t help
calling out, “I’m talking to Tsunade-sensei right now!”
“She should be in Ji-chan’s office,” he called out with her, pumping his fist from the feral
passion of training. He also offers her, “and if she gives you a hard time, just remind her she
still owes me.”
“Oh, Naruto, I could leterally kiss you right now,” she cheerfully tells him. Leaning in closer,
she voices with a sensual smirk, “if your wives ever do give you permission, just let me
“If I ever do get a pass, telling you would be the last thing I do,” Naruto humorously assured
her, making her knit together her pink brows in confusion. “Picture this instead,” he told her.
“One day I casually ask you to spar with me. You think it’s nothing more than training, but oh
no, then I overpower you, tie you down, and use your sweet little body however I want for
my own filthy pleasure… then I’d make you love it too.” Sakura’s cheeks blush and she
swallows as he leans in and urges, “wouldn’t that be better?”
Karin leads the curious of kunoichis through her home. Passing open doors to empty rooms,
Ino, Hinata, Temari, and Kurenai observe the wide open and bare space, imagining the
possible decor as they make their way to the large living space where Haku had set up a
makeshift carpenter’s table and nine mismatching chairs. The Uzumaki clan home is the
epitome of a blank canvas these women will have to agree to paint together.
When everyone declined tea until the men returned, Karin considers the nature of the
conversion at hand and wonders if some Fūinjutsu privacy wouldn’t be better. Asking the
ladies their preference. they easily decide on Naruto’s office and file into the moderately-
sized room before Karin activates the Fūinjutsu. The room’s natural light dims as blue Fūin
characters flare brightly before dimming as well; impressing Temari and Hinata.
Kurenai begins the address, “I suppose there’s no point in beating around the bush.” She and
Hinata were on the south side of Naruto’s simple table, Ino stood on the east of the table,
Temari faced opposite Kurenai on the other side of the desk, and Karin stood opposite Ino to
simply observe.
“Before we begin,” Temari voices in her strong tone. She eyes everyone with genuine
sincerity as she expresses, “I’d like to say, on behalf of my family and my village, we deeply
regret our actions against your village. I understand this marriage was born out of that offense
but I am dedicated to doing my part to make amends.”
“Thank you, Temari-chan,” Kurenai replies. “And I’d like you to know that doesn’t mean
anyone has permission to take advantage of you. I know many will see you and this wedding
as nothing more than political pageantry, but I don’t think that means we can’t live together
in harmony, if not love each other.” Temari nods with resigned acceptance, then Kurenai
looks between Hinata and Ino before asking, “are you two certain this is the path you want to
take for better or worse? Because if you even think you might change your mind five, ten,
twenty years-”
“Wait,” Temari quickly pleads, eying Ino and Hinata suspiciously. “Are the two of you- …of
course,” the Sand princess realizes. “It makes sense all the sense in the world that Naruto’s
first wife would be from Konoha, but, I didn’t expect two wives. Can’t have the numbers in
my favor, I’d imagine.”
“Three… actually,” Kurenai admits, raising her hand then realizing that’s unnecessary then
quickly puts it down.
“Maybe even four,” Ino slyly added, half jesting but half not.
“I’m just saying,” the blond beauty asserts. “There’s room for nine, right? Not too long ago, I
thought I was the only girl in his life, let alone marrying him—from Konoha, anyway—when
in fact it’s three!”
Closing her eyes a moment to take a deep breath, Temari then looks between all three
Konoha kunoichi before carefully asking, “all three of you want to marry Naruto?”
“Four… wives,” Karin gasps with wide eyes, her red eyebrows rising even higher than the
frame of her glasses. She then whispers a little too loudly, “our clan’s going to double in one
generation!” When the girls turn their gaze on Karin, the redhead clears her throat before
quickly relaying, “sorry.”
“This is what I wanted to talk about,” Kurenai confesses to Temari. “This… situation
obviously requires more details, but suffice it to say, yes, the three of us want to marry
Stunned, Karin quickly asks, “why?” before clapping her mouth and adding, “sorry. I’ll just
sit here.”
“No, no, that’s a good question,” Temari voices whilst maintaining her attention on the three.
“By all means, let’s hear some of these details. Help me understand why all three of you have
decided to be with him, because you can’t expect me to just casually accept this and move
“We’re not expecting you to accept anything without at least hearing our explanation,”
Kurenai asserted.
“Please don’t speak for me,” Ino voices, drawing Kurenai’s crimson eyes. The beautiful
sensei wasn’t angry or even upset, just surprised. She nods and waits for Ino to speak her
peace, to which the blond eventually abandons her bravado and confirms, “but, yes, it would
be unfair if we expected you to accept it without some background.”
Temari reminds the potential Konoha wives, “in the interest some background, I should
remind you, that of all of us here, I don’t have the option of changing my mind; not to say
that I would. In some ways, the politics behind this makes this the easiest for me because no
matter what happens, I have to make it work. So, to avoid a lot of drama later on, I need to
know why you’re doing this?”
“That’s barely a question,” Ino starts, speaking up and clearly. “Obviously, I want to marry
him because I love him. And more to the point, I like him… a lot. We get on like a field of
flowers on a sunny day and I can’t imagine a better man to be with. I’ll do anything for him;
if that wasn’t evident enough,” she tacks on in subtly reference to sharing him.
Weighing the response in her mind, Karin liked that answer a lot and wondered how Kurenai-
sensei and Hinata will illustrate their feelings for her cousin. Temari nods with reserved
acceptance before turning to Kurenai-sensei and the red-haired Uzumaki was eager to hear
from the most controversial of the three.
Calm and collected, Kurenai confesses, “it took some time for me to realize my feelings for
Naruto, and even more time to accept them.” Glancing in Hinata’s direction, she sincerely
expresses, “I know that everyone who hears about me and Naruto is surprised by how
unexpected or unlikely it is, but, it’s the greatest surprise to me. Before him, I was set with
the best I could hope for and couldn’t imagine feeling more than that.” Eying Hinata directly,
she softly admits, “I didn’t think love could feel this way, so free and unconditional. And now
there is no other man for me.”
Hinata turned to her sensei and even if she didn’t voice her thoughts, her lovely countenance
couldn’t hide her thoughts. The flustered Hyūga was torn and unsure of how to respond
because it was her sensei and it was the boy she’s loved since she was six. Hinata could feel
the familiar doom creep into her heart, as if telling her she wasn’t good enough for Naruto
and certainly not better than Kurenai. However, her mind knows with absolute certainty,
Naruto doesn’t believe that. Hinata has been putting her faith in Naruto and Kurenai, and if
they believe in her, she knows she should believe in herself too.
So amazed by her poise and answer, Karin cooed from her throat and quickly cleared it away
to avoid interrupting this raw and revealing moment. Again, Temari nods with reserved
acceptance before turning to a bashful Hinata and asking, “and you?” However, the gorgeous
Hyūga doesn’t answer right away. Karin couldn’t see how anything she said could top Ino or
Kurenai, but she leans in, eager to listen.
“I’d like to hear that from her,” Temari voiced assertively, like the daughter of a Kage. Karin,
Temari, Kurenai, and Ino wait a few quiet moments as Hinata thought.
Feeling their impatience and doubt in the air, the beautiful midnight-indigo-haired girl
explains to Temari, “…I asked him if he’d have me.” All the girls weren’t quite sure what her
words intended to mean until she finishes, “and he s-said yes.”
Several seconds pass in silence. Expecting more, a perplexed Temari asks, “is that it?”
Hinata looks from Temari to Karin, Ino, and Kurenai before simply nodding. Karin, like the
other three, wasn’t sure how she felt about Hinata’s response. How they feel about entering
this type of marriage is very important, as they’ll all have to get along for years to come,
however, it slowly dawns on the smart women that Naruto’s opinion should be included as
well. Her response nearly makes it seem as if disapproving of her means disapproving of
Naruto’s endorsement, though, Kurenai, Ino, and Karin are certain Hinata didn’t intend
anything so underhanded.
Kurenai felt she needed to explain to Temari, “in my personal opinion, one of the biggest
reasons why we’re all here… is because of Hinata.”
With a quirked brow, a stunned Ino curiously asks, “how’s that?”
The ebony-haired Jōnin-sensei answers, “while the village only cared to hate Naruto, while
you, me, and Temari were busy trying to use him for our own gains… she’s loved him with
all her heart even before entering the Academy.” Hinata blushes furiously before looking
away, making Karin add a point for the girl’s cuteness. “The only reason I began interacting
with Naruto was for Hinata’s sake,” Kurenai continues. “And if he weren’t with me—if he
didn’t learn what he did from me—he likely wouldn’t be as, um… consistent in captivating
us as he currently is.”
Karin couldn’t help but ask, “w-what did you teach him?”
The remaining girls blush just as furiously as Hinata at the swarm of erotic memories
swarming their minds. A feverish Ino clears her throat and challenges Kurenai with, “that’s
While Karin lamented their unwillingness to answer her question with puffed out cheeks,
Kurenai answers Ino, “we don’t need to get into it now. That’s just how I feel.”
Sitting straighter, the blush on Temari’s cheeks lingers as she moves on. “It’d make a lot of
sense for me to contend with one or possibly two of you for my place in this marriage. And I
can’t say I won’t fight to state my opinion, but, I acknowledge there needs to be balance—
give and take—or this won’t work.”
Irked by the remark, Ino asks, “what do you mean, ‘or possibly two of you?’ You think one or
two of us won’t marry him?”
Half nodding, half tilting her head from side-to-side, Temari roughly answers, “I only just
thought of this so I can’t give you solid reasons yet, but, yes, I doubt all three of you will
actually end up marrying him. I just can’t imagine your Hokage or your village—or anyone,
if I’m being honest—simply allowing this. One of you? That’s an obvious yes. Two of you?
Possible, but, unlikely. All three of you? No. Unless you’re a Daimyō, it just doesn’t happen
for shinobi. Not unless you want clans everywhere to adopt the same practice simply to
multiply their numbers.”
The three Konoha women glance at one another as they mull over the probability of their
families, friends, peers, and neighbors happily accepting Uzumaki Naruto’s marriage to two
heiresses of Konoha’s Four Noble Clans along with the very popular Genjutsu Mistress of
Konoha as well as the only daughter of the Kazekage. Using psychology, Kurenai and Ino
can’t imagine that reality sitting well with many men, boys, and mothers. And Hinata didn’t
need to know psychology to expect unfairness to follow Naruto.
Men of every rank and station would be jealous, which could lead to bias treatment. Women
would feel mistreated, which could lead to objections and protests on behalf of women
everywhere. And they would feel that way because everyone is unaware that the three of
them marrying Naruto has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with love. It’s
simply unimaginable to the general populous that three beautiful girls would want to be with
Naruto, and due to Temari-chan, marrying him was the only way they can do that.
Temari continues to say, “I won’t be the first wife; not that that has the kind of significance
many seem to think it does. At the most, there’ll be two of you and one of me, and I’m fine
with that arrangement. All I ask is when there’s a problem or a decision that needs to be made
for the family, you allow me to speak my mind even if you won’t take my counsel.”
Kurenai compartmentalizes her doubts about her Hokage allowing all three of them to marry
Naruto to answer the sandy-blonde, “regardless of the numbers walking down the aisle, that’s
not how a relationship like this is going to work. We all have a say and should respect the
other’s point of view no matter what village we hail from. Because you’re right. We will be
family. And that means a lot to Naruto.”
“…It means a lot to me tooTrue,” Temari slowly agrees before adding, “but I imagine there’ll
be times when decisive decisions need to be made.”
“We all want a voice,” Ino tells Temari. “None of us want to be overshadowed by the other,
but unintentional or not, I don’t see how it won’t happen from time to time. We need to plan
of communication for those awkward moments.” At the rational expectation, Karin can’t
imagine how this will work in the long run. It’s difficult enough with two people trying to
make a marriage work, make it last, and remain loving, however, Hinata softly voices the
most crucial piece to this engagement.
“I trust Naruto,” the beautiful girl softly voices. “I think we can all trust Naruto.”
The silence lingers as they all recall their blond fiancé is a specialist when it comes to
thinking outside the norm or succeeding when no one can reasonably expect him to. It’s as if
the social laws of society malfunction when he’s in the mix, which means none of them can
truly know what to expect.
With thoughtful consideration, Temari shares with them, but mostly with Hinata, “in the vast
oceans of sand surrounding my home, getting lost and dying is the most effortless thing to do.
It’s why we teach everyone in the country to rely on a specific star to guide them. Polaris,
always points north and helps everyone find their way home. Everyone from Suna recognizes
and appreciates the value of a fixed point because it provides reference. It can literally save
you.” Turning to the other two, Temari confesses, “in case your- …our Hokage places a limit
on Naruto’s partners, and my opinion is asked, I’m voting for Hinata-chan.”
The three Konoha girls add another thing to contend with to their worries and Karin mentally
whistles at the turbulent gravity of this marriage.
Observing the long the abandoned area of homes and shops, a detached Kankurō voices to
the others, “so, this is the Uchiha compound.” The sun was high in the clear blue sky as
Naruto, Haku, Gaara, and Kankurō run through the long neglected district. Dusty homes and
shops were sadly empty and eerily silent. Birds congregated the tiled roofs, dogs or cats can
be seen around every avenue, and weeds grew from the unkempt roads.
As they made their way through the avenues of bare streets toward Sasuke’s home, the
unfortunate history of this clan easily impacted Naruto. He knows their intimate and tragic
history, and considering he’s on the precipice of restarting his own clan, the responsibility of
that makes the death and loss around him feel more acute. The surrounding makes him hate
Danzō even more for taking so much away from Sasuke and the village.
“Yeah,” Naruto replied as they reached Sasuke’s small mansion. The blond was grateful
Gaara and Kankurō were willing to come with him, however, he’s certain they’d be more
comfortable if they were back with their sister. “Sorry I made you guys come with me,” he
voiced as they walk under the first gate and into the first courtyard of Sasuke’s large,
classical, home. Eying the modest mansion that’s beyond the second gate ahead, the
architecture was very much like the Hyūga clan’s mansion.
“Better than hanging around the girls and talking about wedding crap,” Kankurō grumbled.
Smirking, Naruto poses, “you’re fine missing a chance to talk about makeup?”
Gaara cut off his brother with a soft, “Uchiha.” Naruto, Haku, and Kankurō turn to the
menacing Sasuke who suddenly appeared stepping past the threshold of the inner gate.
Naruto can tell the raven-haired boy was highly strung, staring at them with a cold menace as
he casually walks to them. Stoically, Gaara shares, “he has eyes like I do.”
Sasuke glares at them a moment before demanding to know from his teammate, “why are you
“I just got back yesterday,” the blond boy casually answers. “Thought I’d come and check on
“…Sakura told you,” the avenger reasoned with a shake of his head. “Running to you like a
child and crying my name is exactly the kind of aggravating thing she’d do.”
“You don’t have to talk about her like that,” Naruto hotly protested. “She’s just worried about
“I don’t care,” Sasuke strongly asserted. “But, now that you’re here. We need to talk.”
Turning to the others, he orders, “the rest of you leave.”
Staunchly rejecting the attitude, Naruto promptly pointed a stern finger as he declares, “hey!
You can be an ass to me all you want, but not my friends! You want to talk, be nice to them!”
Naruto notices red eyes flash behind Sasuke before disappearing, and a moment later, he
hears a familiar voice calmly say, “Naruto-kun, Sasuke is trying to say he’d like to have a
private conversation.” At the cool sound of Uchiha Itachi, Naruto quickly scans the area
around them, to which the older Uchiha informs him, “you and Sasuke are the only ones that
can hear me. If you would speak with us, I’d be grateful.”
An annoyed Naruto grumbles for a moment, before touting, “fine… but only because you
asked nicely.” Turning to the others, the blond asks, “you guys mind waiting for me? I
promise I won’t be long and we can head back right after.”
Eying the stern and irate Sasuke closely, Haku’s growing concern prompts him to ask, “are
you sure?”
Nodding, the blond answers, “yeah, I’ll be fine.” He walks under the blue & white gate and
into the main courtyard ahead of the large home. Softly padding on the hardwood floor of the
entrance, Sasuke leads his teammate down the hallway to the elegant living room while
Naruto happily looks around the large house’s decor. Though impressed by the spacious and
traditional architecture, the blond’s a little jealous by all the lavish furnishing. Rather than
dwelling on the luxuries his home is currently lacking, he uses his senses to search for Itachi.
Once they were in a spacious and luxurious living room, Naruto excitedly calls out, “I can’t
believe you’re here! You made the right choice!”
To Naruto’s delight, Itachi appears near the far corner of the room like a hazy mirage
focusing into clarity. The stoic older Uchiha leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. He
still wore a black travel cloak with a high neck, however, it didn’t have red clouds on it.
Naruto moved to greet him when Sasuke steps in the way, as if creating a wall of defense
between them.
An irate Sasuke quickly demands to know, “how? How do you know?” When Naruto present
a confused expression, Sasuke takes hard step forward to specify, “how did you learn about
what happened to my family! …to my clan?! To my brother?!”
Looking from Sasuke to Itachi leaning against the far left corner, Naruto wondered why the
older Uchiha had told the younger. It’s painfully obvious how angry Sasuke is, shoulders
hunched, fists clenched, and Naruto can see he’s barely holding it together, making him
wonder if Itachi revealed anything at all. The wrath in his eyes made Naruto recall one of
Naru-nii’s worst revelations.
Slumping his shoulders as if crushed, Naruto laments asking Sasuke, “you’re not planning on
blaming Konoha for what happened to your family, are you?”
With wide furious eyes, Sasuke loudly retorts, “who else but Konoha!”
Trustrated by the devastating turn, Naruto groans, “well, shit. I was really hoping to avoid
this.” It’s not that Naruto didn’t understand Sasuke’s pain but he was hoping to help his
teammate without him trying to take his anger out on Konoha. Though looking at the irate
boy, Naruto can tell that was always a pipe dream.
“You… were hoping to avoid this,” Sasuke slowly repeats with sheer disgust. “Why?
Because you think what happened to my family and our clan deserves to be ignored and
forgotten!” His fists are shaking with fury as he growls on, “because you think the Uchiha
should be brushed aside and thrown away like garbage so the rest of you can live in
comfortable peace!” Staring deadly in Naruto’s eyes, Sasuke’s Sharingan activated as his
snarling face took a deep breath before yelling, “BECAUSE I DON’T!”
Quick as a whip, Sasuke was suddenly in front of him with an enraged right fist aimed at
Naruto’s smart mouth, only to be caught by the blond’s left hand. The impact felt like
catching the head of a sledgehammer in full swing, making Naruto grit his teeth and bear
with the pain. Blue eyes peer into blood-red and black eyes, and Naruto can see, as much as
physically feel, the deep pain and rage storming within Sasuke. For someone so close to him,
even if only as a teammate, to be hurting this much makes him feel dejected.
Sasuke’s left fist cocks back, ready to smash through his teammate’s face, only to clap loudly,
caught in Naruto’s other hand and angering him further. Naruto doesn’t let go and as they
struggle, he notes the vein popping out of Sasuke’s forehead and can imagine even simply
defying the avenger is more than enough to fuel enrage him further. Still, Naruto won’t let go
or back down.
Unexpectedly, Sasuke’s pure agony forces him to transform directly into the second state of
his cursed seal. His skin turns gray, his hair lengthens past his shoulders, and two hand-like
wings explode out his back—tearing his black Uchiha kimono. The enraged avenger’s
strength and speed increase dramatically, causing Naruto to quickly tap into Kurama’s chakra
to avoid being overwhelmed. His body is suddenly engulfed in a flaming coat of yellow
chakra and six magatama form around his neck along with a black swirl at his stomach.
Having sensed the drastic increase in power emanating from the room, Haku, Gaara, and
Kankurō burst through the front doors and sprint down the hall to witness Sasuke’s demonic
appearance, and Naruto, a sun in human form, linked and struggling at the hands like
elemental creatures locked in a test of will.
“It’s okay,” the golden Naruto called out. Easily sensing their apprehension, he voices out.
“I’m fine! We’re fine!”
Anything that comes out of his mouth only adds fuel to the Avenger’s rage and he yells,
“what part of my family and clan’s murder is fine!”
Naruto looked into his hate-filled eyes and expressed with every ounce of empathy in him,
“what happened to your family was horrible! Terrible! I hate that it happened and I hate how
much you’re hurting because of it, but, this isn’t smart! Whatever your plans are, the last
thing you need right now is Anbu knocking down your door and interrogating both of us!”
Sasuke seemed to waver in his fuming anger and Naruto added, “come on man, you’re
supposed to be the smart one on Team 7, so, calm the fuck down-”
Naruto was suddenly inside of his and Kurama’s spiritual portal, and to his surprise, Sasuke,
with his glowing Sharingan eyes was looking at the glowing source of his additional strength.
Shocked Sasuke could be in this space, observing the large room, Naruto didn’t move when
the Avenger outstretches his hand and completely disrupts Kurama’s chakra as only a
Sharingan user can. The plethora of energy was not gone, but Naruto quickly felt the
devastating imbalance and it effortlessly destabilizes his ratio control of his chakra network.
His golden cloak flickered on and off as Naruto tried his hardest to regain Kurama’s
protective & power-enhancing chakra.
In that very instant, a demoniacal Sasuke—with evil-looking wings flexing up—was far
stronger, faster, and durable. Superior in every way, it was effortless for him to punch Naruto
in the face. With a meaty crunch, the blond is spun in place from the tremendous force,
effortlessly allowing Sasuke to slip his teammate in a headlock. Tightening his grip around
his weaker neck, Sasuke warns Haku, Gaara, and Kankurō with just his glare alone, and
everyone knows with certainty the furious and mutated Sasuke would snap Naruto’s neck in
an instant if they tried anything.
Confused, reeling, and disoriented, a stunned Naruto fumbles to take a weapon out of his leg
strap, but a strong grip from Sasuke has him drop his kunai on the floor by his feet with a
loud metal thud. Bleeding heavily from the nose and mouth, Naruto grits his bloody teeth as
he tries to regain his loopy senses.
Sasuke leans close to his captive’s ear and growls, “how! Do! You! Know! About! My!
Family? Who gave you the right to know these secrets? WHO TOLD YOU!” Naruto’s
constrained windpipe is suddenly forcibly closed as Sasuke yells, “answer me before I snap
your neck like a twig and see if you can heal from that!”
Struggling to speak with his windpipe forcibly half-closed, Naruto pulls at Sasuke’s strong
arm as he squeaks, “yu- yo- yur… frieenndd!”
Observing from ten feet away, Haku and Gaara felt right away that was the wrong answer as
Sasuke seemed to become still with seething wrath. Before sand or senbon could stay the
Uchiha’s homicidal hands, before Sasuke, himself, could snap Naruto’s neck, everything
freezes in place.
Adding more chakra into the Fūin-contract, the room around them warp away first, followed
soon after by Haku & his thrown senbon, Gaara & his fired sand bullets, and Kankurō. The
furniture around Naruto and Sasuke flatten and warp away into a cylindrical wall, followed
by Sasuke himself until everything around Naruto warps away like wallpaper placed on a
circular wall three feet away from him. He was in his tunnel now and exerting chakra from
his hands, feet, elbows, and knees, he easily navigates the short distance from the seething
Uchiha toward the beacon still placed on the calmer Uchiha, still hidden from everyone with
Sasuke’s strong arms are suddenly twisting air rather than flesh and bone. His enhanced eyes
alert him to the senbon and sand bullets he easily catches or dodges. Hearing the rough, loud
sound of wheezing coughing behind him, Sasuke spins to the sight of Naruto gripping his
strained neck as he tries to regain normal breathing. Shocked by how impossible that speed
was, Sasuke demands to know, “how- how did you do that?”
Naruto’s answer is to create a Rasengan in his right hand while his strained voice croaks,
“oh… I’ll be happy… to show you-”
Sasuke blinked and even with his powerful eyes, he couldn’t see a hint of where Naruto went;
as if he were simply gone from existence in an instant. The raven-haired avenger suddenly
registers a large source of spirit energy behind him and barely manages to turn his head
before he feels a force of nature akin to a meteor slam into his back, exploding his spine and
cranium with unbridled pain.
Sasuke’s enhanced sight of the room immediately spins in rapid circles as he’s blown through
the far wall, then through hard cabinets, shelves, and more walls like a human wrecking ball
through seven rooms. He finally lands on the hardwood floor before rolling and skidding to a
stop. Oozing blood from many cuts all over him, Sasuke can barely register the pain from his
chest and face over the pure agony radiating from his spine, as if his back had been gouged
out. In tandem with the throbbing agony, the dramatic loss of power in his body makes him
wonder if he’s paralyzed just before he passes out.
Despite knowing Haku, Gaara, and Kankurō are in the room, a heaving and bloody Naruto
asks no one they can see, “want… ahem! Want me to… bring him to the hospital? I hit him
full on so… I’m sure he’s going to be down for a while.” The other boys watch Naruto pause,
as if listening to a response before roughly replying, “you sure you want to take care of him?”
Again, he waits for a response. “Copy that. Oh, and, uh, sorry.” He wipes the flowing blood
from under his nose with his black sleeve before voicing, “yeah, I think so too. Baby steps,
you know?” Weakly smiling with bloody teeth, Naruto affirms, “I’ll be fine… thanks. See ya
around.” To his friends, he croaks, “let’s go, guys.”
Haku is quickly by Naruto’s side asking with growing worry, “are you okay? Here let me take
a look,” he demands as he tenderly touches his bruising neck, jaw, cheek, and broken nose.
Naruto allows Haku to look him over while he checks on Kurama. Though his furry friend is
embarrassed and annoyed, he seems fine and Naruto allows him to rest in peace.
Gazing from the empty space behind them to Naruto, Kankurō wanted to know, “who were
you talking to?”
As Haku is whipping the blood from under the blond’s nose, Naruto croaks with a bit of a
chuckle, “Sasuke’s… nanny,” hoping Itachi heard.
With deep thought expressed on his pale face, Gaara softly voices, “if only I met you as a
child, I would’ve been better for it.”
Smirking, Naruto cheerfully answers, “without a doubt,” as he wraps his arm around Gaara’s
neck, suddenly scaring Kankurō. When Gaara didn’t seem to mind, the four make their way
back to Uzushio.
At the bloody sight of Naruto entering his large bare living room, pandemonium ensued. He
took a seat at the makeshift carpenter’s table as Kurenai, Karin, Ino, Hinata, and Temari
surrounded him, disturbed and agitated at the beaten and bloody state of his face. Though
Naruto didn’t want to reveal who had done it, an irked Haku was quick to assert, “Sasuke,”
and the girls were instantly wrathful. With wide eyes, Naruto turns to his best friend as if to
ask, ‘what the hell?’ However, Haku didn’t seem to care, raising his chin and closing his eyes
in defense of his action. Naruto then had to assure them he was fine and that he gave far more
than he took. After refusing Karin’s teeth-scarred arm for the third time, the meeting finally
Fortunately, there were enough seats or boxes for everyone to sit on, however, no two seats
were alike and some boxes were taller than others. Naruto was at the north point of the long
table with Karin and Haku on either side of him. Temari, Gaara, and Kankurō were on
Karin’s side while Kurenai, Hinata, and Ino were on Haku’s side.
With a bandage on his face, Naruto begins by saying with a cluttered and strained voice, “so,
I guess I should start by admitting I’m the Jinchūriki of the Nine-tails… for those that didn’t
know.” Only two of the nine were surprised to hear such a confession.
“Uh, I didn’t know that, at all,” Ino gasped. The model blonde looked around the table and it
appeared as if everyone but her and Hinata didn’t know, urging her to ask, “is that what they
meant when they said you have two chakras? Yours and the Kyūbis?”
“Uh, yeah,” Naruto answered, wondering if he had ever told her. Shrugging his shoulder, he
continues, “I think it’s really important that we’re all open and honest since we’re going to be
family. It’s still against the law to talk about the Kyūbi so you’ll have to keep it to yourselves
but I can answer a few questions before we move on.”
“Does it hurt,” Hinata asks with a hint of worry. “Being the Jinchūriki?”
Smiling a lopsided smile, Naruto’s battered mouth answers, “not always, but, the villagers
who knew didn’t treat me well because of it.”
Having endured the same treatment, Gaara comments, “they treated you like a monster.”
The two Jinchūriki easily empathize with each other’s pain and Naruto nods before Ino states,
“for the longest time, I wondered why so many people hated you… I remember my mom
telling me they blame you for one of the worst days in the village, but I didn’t think… I
didn’t think it was that.”
Looking from her youngest brother to Ino, Temari elaborates, “without understanding, the
villagers could only fear them. What they collectively feared, they then summarily judged as
evil, to either be controlled or attacked. Without the strength to succeed in either, they hate
from afar. It’s the sad truth of being a Jinchūriki.”
Naruto could feel their sympathetic gazes on his feverish skin, and though they’re only being
kind, he’s moved beyond that sort of attention. Kurama’s his friend now and nothing anyone
says will convince him to feel ashamed of him. Waving his open palms at them to liven up,
he assures them with the widest smile he can muster, “hey, come on. Everything’s fine now.
Most of the village doesn’t treat me like that anymore and I have a lot of friends, family, and
a clan to raise, so I’m really happy.”
“Don’t expect it to last,” Kankurō speaks up, drawing curious glances from all of them. At
Naruto’s knitted brows, he elaborates, “the institution of marriage takes no prisoners. That
expression, ‘happy wife, happy life,’ it’s more like a threat than a motto… and you’re
marrying my sister-”
With a threatening hint of malice laced in her tone, an eerily calm Temari evenly interrupts,
“Kankurō, it’s not polite to speak out of turn.” Her brother cleared his throat and remained
Feeling oddly playful, Gaara asks Naruto, “would you still have her?” At the unexpected
betrayal, Temari swivels to her youngest brother as he adds, “even if she can be
Temari grumbles, “not you too,” as Naruto chuckles and smiles at Gaara, he nods.
“War between countries if you don’t marry, personal war if you do,” Kankurō chimes to
Naruto while nudging Gaara with his shoulder. If not for the small smile on Gaara’s mostly
expressionless face, Temari would’ve throttled Kankurō. She instead just glares at him and
Naruto continues chuckling, glancing over to Haku, Kurenai, Ino, and Hinata. Though they
didn’t know the Sand siblings well enough to be amused by their family banter, Naruto’s
contagious joy feels like a weight being lifted, giving them permission to smile and enjoy the
moment with him.
Gaara continues to tell Naruto, “Baki informed us you must take a wife from Konoha as
well.” Turning to the kunoichi from Konoha—who stop smiling—he asks, “is that why
you’re here? And why you wanted to speak with Temari earlier? One of you will marry
“Actually, all three of us are marrying Naruto,” Ino flatly interjects, causing Kankurō to
choke on his own spit going down the wrong tube, coughing violently. Though Gaara didn’t
know either, he only raises an eyebrow before turning to Naruto, who confirmed it with
nimble nods.
“Talking to Sakura earlier made me realize I haven’t told you guys,” Naruto began to tell the
group. “I want everyone here to know if this isn’t what you want, for any reason, I want you
guys to know you wouldn’t be hurting my feelings by backing out. I only want…” Feeling
more exposed under the gaze of nine of his closest friends and family, Naruto chuckles
nervously as he fumbles to express, “what I’m trying to say is… I don’t want anyone to
regret this later on. I know what it’s like to be alone, unwanted, and I promised myself if I
ever made a friend, I’d never let them feel that way. So I’ll give you the promise of a lifetime,
even if we don’t become husband and wife, or brothers, we’re still friends, and I’ll do
everything in my power to never let my friends down.”
Ponderous silence descends upon the gathering for several long moments. Everyone had their
own thoughts about Naruto’s life, his future, and their part in it. It was painfully clear to all
he simply wanted the best for them, whether that meant proceeding with or without marriage.
Those that knew him well enough weren’t surprised by his integrity, and those whom didn’t
felt more favorable to him. The bright blond felt as comforting as a warm sunny day, and
even Kankurō had to begrudgingly nod in acceptance to Temari.
Eerily unsettled by the long silence, a nervous Naruto sheepishly asks, “uh, did I say
something wrong?” Karin put her hand on his shoulder, drawing his blue-eyed attention
before she shakes her head, no, with a proud grin.
Standing abruptly, Hinata draws all their eyes and can barely maintain eye contact with each
of them, but drew strength when Naruto’s eyes settle on hers. Taking a deep breath, she
states, “I’d be happy… t-to proceed. And I won’t regret lo- lov- mmn, I won’t regret this.”
Blushing furiously, she quickly sits down.
Proud of her student, Kurenai nods as well before answering, “I’m with Hinata. I won’t regret
marrying you either. Besides, we only just became a couple,” she tacked on with a sinful
Shocked by the admission, a distraught Kankurō whips his head from the gorgeous adult to
Naruto and back before yelling, “are you fucking serious?”
Humored, Kurenai nods in response before the second-born of the Kazekage’s children turns
to Ino. The beautiful blond turns to Naruto and only smirks and winks confidently as if she
didn’t need to restate her position. Kankurō then looked to Temari, asking with his desperate
eyes if this was what she wanted.
“Oh, will you calm down,” she chides her younger brother. “I realize the steps we took to
gather here today but I will not back out now.” Turning to Naruto, she asserts, “despite what I
did, how I lied to you, and everyone here, I want to get to know you better. I want to build
something real… if you’ll have me, of course.”
“Yeah, obviously,” Naruto assures her with his trademark smile. “When we first met, I knew
we’d eventually be really close but I didn’t think we’d be family, which is awesome. I’d be
happy to build a real connection with you, Temari. And I’ve always wanted brothers- Ah!
Haku, you’re my brother too, but, you know, it won’t be by marriage… …unless,” Naruto
ponders aloud before looking at Kankurō.
“He’s not gay,” Temari answered for him, making her brother sit up startle before wondering
herself. “Actually, are you-”
Temari barely restrains a teasing smirk as Haku assures his best friend, “it’s okay, Naruto.
He’s not my type either.”
“What is your type, actually,” Ino asked. “I’ve been dying to know.”
Everyone turns to Haku who pleasantly smiles before answering, “peculiar men.”
“…Well, if that’s not mysterious,” Karin interjects. Turning to the others, she voices, “if
we’re all certain about our decisions, I feel it’s important for everyone to know that our clan
is only just restarting. As you can see, we still have a long way to go before we’re completely
comfortable, but we’re not stopping until our clan returns to our former prominence. To that
end, we owe a great deal of gratitude to Ino-chan’s family and Kurenai-sensei. If not for
them, we wouldn’t have had the position to buy this land with which to restart our clan on.”
Naruto claps for them, prompting everyone else to clap for them as well. He then gestures to
his cousin before announcing, “our deputy-head here has been doing a great job getting us
going, as well.” Everyone claps for Karin before Naruto laments, “makes me wish I’d be
around more. I’ll start leaving clones for you every morning to help out.”
Confused, Karin asks, “wait, what? What do you mean you wish you’d be around more?”
“Uh, that’s the other thing I wanted to mention,” he told her before turning to the others.
Taking a deep breath, he flatly states to them, “there’s something coming. Something we all
need to prepare for.” Recalling his conversation with Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Ji-chan, Naruto
groans as he admits, “I don’t know how much I’m allowed to say just yet, but, I’ll say this
much. There’s a really, really dangerous group of ninjas out there who are planning to do
terrible things to our countries and the entire world. Part of their plan is to capture Bijū, so,
they’re after me, Gaara, and others like us for what’s sealed within us. So, we have to train
hard if we want to stop them.”
The room remains silent for several moments after Naruto finishes and a series of questions
fill their heads. Temari is the first to ask, “what more can you tell us?” Looking at Gaara with
worry, she adds, “this is the first we’re hearing about this.”
“I’ve been ordered to keep it classified for now,” Naruto sadly denotes.
To be certain, a suddenly strict Kurenai asks, “by Sandaime-sama?” Naruto nods in the
affirmative before the raven-haired Jōnin-sensei states for all to hear, “then until you’re given
permission, you shouldn’t say more.”
“I already cleared telling Gaara with Ji-chan, since it involves him,” Naruto affirms. Looking
to the others, he expresses, “sorry, I want to tell you guys, too, but it’s early stages. When I
get the all-clear, I’ll definitely tell you guys more.”
“Mmmn,” the blond hummed before finishing, “not sure. Depends on how fast they come
after us.”
“Can’t you tell us more,” Kankurō protests. “This is our brother we’re talking about.”
“If Gaara knows,” Temari starts, looking at her brother. “That’s enough for me.” Turning to
Naruto and Karin, she asks, “can we visit the Sandaime?” At their questioning looks, Temari
elaborates, “as you know, the civilians of this village and some in this country won’t truly
accept the peace treaty between us until you and I are married, but it hasn’t even been
announced yet. I’d like to begin the process.”
“We have to inform him of our decision first,” Kurenai replies with some trepidation over
how their leader will react to the news.
Looking between Naruto and Kurenai, Temari asks, “is today okay?”
“I was waiting for Naruto to return,” Kurenai pointedly remarks. “It’d be unfair to make this
decision without his input.” Gazing at Naruto for a moment, Kurenai decides, “I feel Ino,
Hinata, and I should inform Hokage-sama that the three of us want to join the Omiai. I’m
certain things will pick up speed from there.”
Facing Kurenai, Ino, and Hinata individually, he asks with his eyes if anyone had objections.
When it didn’t seem like any of them were against it, he then shares with Temari, “Ji-chan is
still recovering so if not today then tomorrow.” With Temari’s nod, Naruto whips his eyes on
Gaara before then asking everyone, “do you guys mind if Gaara and I talk? It’s really
“If it’ll help keep him alive, go for it,” Kankurō asserted, almost as if daring anyone to object
to sharing vital intelligence. “We’ll just stay here.”
Kurenai stands before eying Hinata and Ino, who follow suit, and tells Naruto, “dinner at
mine tonight.” She faces the others and humbly offers, “regardless of how it happened,
you’re all important parts of Naruto’s life now, which means you’re part of mine too. I think
the best foot forward is getting to know each other. So, I’d like to invite you to my home this
evening for dinner.”
Temari stands as well. She observes each of her potential sister-wives before nodding and
answering Kurenai, “thank you. We’d be happy to.”
“Sweet,” an exuberant Naruto called out, hopping off his seat. He grips Gaara’s elbow and
pulls him up before leading him out of the room, calling out over his shoulder, “see you
Naruto takes Gaara to his office and the blond Jinchūriki activates his Fūinjutsu security
measures before hopping on the basic table and sitting cross-legged. There’s enough space
for Gaara to sit in front of him and Naruto pats the smooth space to urge his soon-to-be
brother to sit. The redhead appeared like a fish out of water, nervously looking around,
unsure of how to handle such an extroverted person, but eventually, he hops onto the tabletop
and sits cross-legged in front of Naruto.
What followed was a two-hour-long conversation about their bijū; the truth of their origin,
their names, how to talk to them, and what it could mean to be friends and partners with them
as opposed to adversaries who only feel shackled to one another. He told Gaara about
Akatsuki, their goal of kidnapping all the Jinchūriki and strip their bijū from them, and the
possibility of merging them all back together to create the Jūbi, making them the strongest
group on the planet. It was a very sobering two hours and Gaara appeared more stoic than
ever before.
After two minutes of ponderous silence, Gaara asks, “can I tell my family?”
“Well, I can’t tell you not to,” Naruto weakly professes. “I’ll just say do what you think is
With a strong fist pump, Naruto yells, “Definitely! Oh! You should come with me when we
go to Kumo!”
Sitting at the Hokage’s desk, Tsunade is reading the first page of each stack of paper before
shuffling it to the side for Shizune to organize piles on any available surface area still
available on the desk while also explaining to Darui that both Naruto and the Hokage have
approved the Omiai with Kumogakure. While Hiruzen is resting in his residence, Tsunade
had promised to take care of a few of the important tasks on the day’s agenda. With Nara
Shikaku and Shizune’s help, it wasn’t overly arduous, however, Tsunade was still craving a
Darui only nodded, his bored face never betraying his thoughts, however, when he realizes
she didn’t see him nod, he answers, “understood.” The lowering sun more-easily shining into
the office brightens Tsunade and the desk as she asks who Kumo want Naruto to marry. Darui
answers, “Nosekai Samui, of the Nosekai clan in Kumogakure, one of the founding clans,
and a Jōnin.”
“Okay,” Tsunade dully voiced before assuring the Kumo-nin, “I’ll inform-”
“And Shizen Mabui,” Darui interrupted, before adding, “recently promoted to Jōnin and head
secretary to Raikage-sama.”
Tsunade stops arranging paperwork and both she and Shizune finally pay attention to Dauri
before the next Hokage asks with a confused expression, “excuse me?”
Tsunade was impressed with his poker face but the afro-blond pauses for a break longer than
necessary, making her Tsunade wonder if—like a gambler’s tell—the pause is something she
should pay closer attention to. Clearing his throat, the Kumo-nin seems willing to admit,
“they both want to do this for their country… and they seem fond of him.”
Tsunade glances over to the attentive Shizune, who raises her eyebrows, then back to Darui
before verifying, “both of them?”
“…No,” Tsunade finds herself saying, praying this ploy eventually falls apart. When the
future Hokage mentions, “Naruto is fond of them as well,” she noted Darui’s shoulder tense
enough to hear cracking sounds from his shoulder joints. Other than mentally filing away his
response, she continues to explain, “with bodyguards, Naruto will travel to Kumo to meet the
Raikage no earlier than a week. Though that may change depending on various factors. If
we’re delayed too long, please expect a courier with an explanation.”
“Understood,” Darui lazily voiced, adding, “so long as we have an idea of when to expect
you, so that we may prepare properly for his arrival.” Tsunade didn’t like the sound of that,
however, it could just as easily be nothing than that. She nods in agreement, wishes them safe
travels, and they leave immediately afterward.
It takes several minutes for the sensor-types to sweep the room for any enemy surveillance.
When their specialists guarantee the room’s privacy, Shizune asks, “what team have you
decided will go with Team 7? ”
“It’s highly likely we’ll be sending them into a trap,” Shizune can’t help but point out.
Tsunade only smirks sadly, voicing in a melancholy tone, “such is the life.”
“It’s okay, Shizune,” Tsunade interjects. Disregarding her negative outlook, she states with a
more energetic mood, “I realize it’s very likely a trap, but Naruto knows that too and he’s still
going regardless. He has to. We’ll just have to plan for every event.”
“I understand that,” Shizune voices, easily recalling everything Tsunade divulged to her
earlier. “But no plan survives first contact with the enemy.”
“Dan used to say that,” Tsunade happily recalls, to which Shizune nodded.
The dutiful assistant expresses, “I know Naruto-kun is very strong and unlikely to die, but
I’m worried there may be casualties we can’t prepare for.”
Eying Shizune with grave seriousness, Tsunade evenly states, “that’s the job.”
As evident by her reluctant expression, it’s not what Shizune likes to hear, however, a knock
at the door interrupts them. The secretary states who is there to see her. Both Tsunade and
Shizune grow curious for the visit and allow a stern-looking Sakura to enter the office.
Kurenai, Ino, and Hinata have been waiting in the reception area for nearing ten minutes
when the door to the Hokage’s office finally opens and out walks Sakura carrying a stack of
books from hands to right under her chin. Ino is shocked at the sight of her sister-friend and
rushes to her. Ino notes the seriousness in her green eyes, as if determined to the point of
“Sakura,” she gasps, before running her hand through her roughly cut pink hair. “What
happened to your hair!”
Sakura tried to shrug, but with the books in her arms, it wasn’t effective. Swaying her now
shoulder-length pink hair, she voiced, “Tsunade-sama didn’t think I was serious enough. So I
had to show her how serious I was.”
“Wha- are you serious,” Ino gasps. Looking at the stack of books from hands to chin and her
confident expression, they all realized what Tsunade’s answer was. Excited by the news, Ino
had to ask, “she actually took you as her disciple? Thee one and only Tsunade-sama of the
Senju? Sakura, that’s amazing!”
The pinkette nods to them before telling Ino, “she already gave me a ton to do, so I have to
go study.”
Sakura motions to leave when Ino stops her to say, “ah, before you go, want to come to
dinner at Kurenai-sensei’s tonight? Everyone’s going to be there.”
The pink-haired kunoichi hesitates to answer right away. It’s evident she has a lot on her
mind and eventually voices, “um… if I have time, maybe.” At Ino’s disbelief, Sakura adds,
“sorry, Ino, but if I ever want to catch up to the rest of my team, I have a lot to learn.”
Scrunching her face apologetically, Sakura winces a bit before answering, “I’ll let you know
if I change my mind.”
However, Ino was undeterred and quickly promises, “I’ll make a plate for you, so you better
come and eat before I go get you.”
Snorting a bit with light happiness as she thins her lips to restrain her smile, Sakura jests,
“bossy as ever,” before walking away.
Ino smiles with a measure of pride as she watches Sakura walk away, then yells, “and fix
your hair!”
Ino, Hinata, and Kurenai stand in front of Tsunade of the Senju and are surprised to learn that
she’ll be the next Hokage. After explaining that Hiruzen is resting for the remainder of the
day, Kurenai highlights the key points of the Omiai before then rendering their decision.
Tsunade pans her rounded eyes from the three kunoichi in front of them to the very stunned
Shizune beside her, then back before clarifying, “the three of you?”
First Mabui and Samui, and now Kurenai, Ino, and Hinata, Tsunade leans closer to her dutiful
friend and assistant to whisper, “what is going on here?” Shizune could only shake her head
with just as much uncertainty and bafflement. Clearing her throat, Tsunade sits straighter
before looking to the highest-ranked and most responsible, and speaking, “Kurenai-sensei,
simply put, I’m at a loss. Please explain your decision and keep in mind, if it’s not
satisfactory, I may have to decline this… whatever this is.”
“Hai, Hokage-sama,” Kurenai returned. She glances at the girl at each side of her before
explaining to their leader, “we love him… like no other, and rather than give up on that love,
we’ve decided to marry him.”
Tsunade is more obvious when she whips her head to Shizune, and asks with her eyes alone,
‘what the fuck?’ Shizune shrugs and shakes her head, easily relaying to everyone with eyes,
‘I don’t know.’ Tsunade returns her focus on Kurenai and simply admits, “…I still don’t
understand.” Clearing her throat, she asks, “do you mean love, as in romantic love? Also,
why the three of you? And, why not just his girlfriend?” The final question was directed at
Kurenai and Tsunade could tell it bothered the other two, however, they remained disciplined
in front of the legendary kunoichi and soon-to-be Hokage.
Kurenai states, “I prepared a black scroll for this eventuality, if you’d like to read it. There
are specific events and background that’s led us to this point, however, the details will only
reinforce what we’re telling you now. We fell in love with him before this Omiai. We
understand our duty comes first, of course, however, as people with hearts and minds, we
can’t ignore our feelings. The uniqueness of this situation is simply allowing us to abide by
our duty without giving up on the man we love.”
Stunned and confused, Tsunade had to triple-check by asking, “…the three of you?” In
unison, they reply, “hai, Hokage,” yet again sending Tsunade’s mind for a loop. Everyone’s
astonishment is truly beginning to amuse Ino, however, it wasn’t funny when Tsunade
exhales before telling them, “I have to discuss this with sensei, and if I’m being honest with
you, I don’t see how he can approve this. In either case, you’ll have our answer by end of day
tomorrow. Dismissed.”
40 chapters! Thank you for those who noticed. Happy Birthday to The Last Prayer. 2
Years old and 40 chapters deep!
This chapter wasn't supposed to be so long. The big dinner that I mentioned was
supposed to be in this chap as well, but the more I thought about other characters, what
they know, and what they want to know, the bigger the chapter got. So, the next chapter
will continue right were we left off here.
Also, there will be lemons, dammit! I don't care if it doesn't make sense in the story, I
started this whole thing to write lemons and it's been like 6 or 7 chapters since the last
one! That's like 6 or 7 months ago. Anyway, it's coming soon and a lot of it, so for those
that don't like that kind of stuff, the next chapter may not be your fav.
I harped on the whole moving on from the Uzumaki massacre in canon because it
always irked me that Kishimoto would ignore one of the biggest events in the lineage of
the main character. No, we only have time enough to delve into the Uchiha and their
past… gimme a break.
Any artists out there… Sakura opening the Inner Gates on top of the Hundred Seal. Red
skin, pink hair, the tattoo-like marks, green glow around their skin. Make it happen.
Average cost of furnishing an entire 3bd/2bth home is around $45 K(USD). Convert that
to Yen and it's ¥4.91 Million(JPY). Convert that to Feudal Japan's ryō, and that's 5.94
Million. Little research like this is fun for me.
I'll write as fast as I can but I'm not sure when the next update will be. Thanks a bunch.
Please be safe out there and have a great one,
The Unseen
Chapter Summary
Everything seen has its roots in the unseen world. The form may change, yet the essence
remains the same.
Chapter Notes
Apologies for the long hiatus; had to get my life in order. But, I'm doing better now so I
can get back to writing. I want to thank you all for the well wishes and PM's. I feel
blessed to have caring fans! Thank you!
Please Enjoy!
The dark cavern was enormous. So large, broken stalactites would take a dozen seconds to
reach the dry and stony bed. The resulting crash would echo unendingly throughout the large
cave. Not a drop of water or whirring of insects as nine members gathered upon the
enormous fingertips of two stone hands. The shadowy, wispy figures stood before an
immensely large and demonic statue that was at the heart of their plans. The mummified
giant with wooden-like spikes protruding from its back looked down with its nine closed eyes
at the group discussing their latest inconvenience.
Through the cold stale air, Sasori asks, “any word on Itachi? It’s been days now.”
“He’s either dead or fled,” Deidara cheerfully answered, his smile easily registering with
Kisame couldn’t keep himself from promising the group with aggravated finality, “if he’s not
dead, I’ll kill him myself.”
With an even temperament, Pain asks their expert locater, “have you located him?”
“He’s still in Fire Country,” Zetsu began. “I found his ring, but no body.”
Zetsu begins to inform the group, “our spies haven’t made any mention-” only to be
interrupted by the hunched-over shadow.
“Itachi knows our networks, strategies, and most of our plans,” Sasori said with an
unnaturally mechanical voice. “He must be dealt with.”
Kisame turns to the spiral-eyed shadow with flexed shoulders, making him appear more
imposing, as he snarled, “I made him a promise; if he ever betrayed us—betrayed me—I’d
kill him.” Huffing in restrained anger, he punctuated his oath by exclaiming, “I’m a man of
my word.”
The nefarious Kakuzu chuckled before asking in mocking, “since when have sharks been
With a threatening edge, Kisame returned to the humored undead, “the dead should stay
“Enough,” Pain voiced with more irritation than typical. “Itachi’s absence changes nothing.
He will die soon.” Turning to Kisame, he attests, “there’s a task you’re much more suited to.
A task we’re all much more suited to. Gathering the Jinchūriki.”
“Not soon enough, I say,” the sickle-carrying member confessed with a huff. “All these small
fry make the worst tribute to Jashin.”
Konan couldn’t help reminding the gathering, “we don’t have everything in place. Securing
spies, safe-houses, infrastructure, and equipment throughout the countries requires more
funds than we currently possess. At our current pace, we’re two to three years before
Though silent, none seem contemplative. It’s as if they only seemed more eager to begin, and
Pain echoes this sentiment in the large dark chamber. “A group of this caliber can make do
without a safety net, Konan.”
“Besides,” Deidara chimes in. “Once we have all the weapons, every country’ll be all too
eager to pay our security fees to keep from being annihilated.”
She turned to the young shinobi and hotly contested, “that’s not what Akatsuki stands for-”
But was smoothly interrupted by her long-time friend.
“Konan, enough,” Pain asserted. “We’re accelerating our timetable. Anything else we need,
we’ll acquire on the spot; by force, if need be.” A few chuckle at the comment before Pain
conveys with hefty authority, “gather your assigned Bijū. Hidan, Kakuzu, begin with the
seven-tails. Deidara, Sasori, start with the three-tails. Kisame, you alone will be more than
enough for the five-tails. Tobi, capture the three-tails.”
Slumping his shadowy shoulder, to spiral-masked man bemoans, “Ahh, why do I have to go
Ignoring the flamboyant shinobi’s comment, Pain added, “I’ll travel with you to Kiri. We’ll
split once we’ve entered the border, and I capture the six-tails.”
Sasori asks their leader with his mechanical voice, “and the Nine-Tails?”
“The Kyūbi must be last, or we risk halting our plans,” Konan told him.
“Zetsu, travel to Konoha and gather intel,” Pain continued. “If someone like Uzumaki Naruto
is capable of escaping Kisame, we can no longer take him lightly. Whatever reports we had
on his capabilities are now virtually meaningless.”
Removing the three-bladed sickle from his shoulder, Hidan asks, “and Itachi? I mean, what’s
stopping him from telling everyone our plans? He could seriously get in our way.”
“Kami, why do you think we’re rushing the plan, you idiot,” Kakuzu jowled.
“Itachi is no fool,” Pain told the group. As if thinking several steps ahead with his unique
eyes, he asserts, “he’s aware how quickly word will reach us should he reveal what he knows,
and when he does—because he most certainly will—I’ll eviscerate every trace of Hidden
Leaf and make him watch as I kill his brother in the most painful retribution.”
It was all these elite Missing-nin needed to hear before flickering out of existence one
shadowy wisp at a time.
They were walking up the paved street to Kurenai’s home with their ANBU escort remaining
hidden, talking about aspects of their villages. Despite the ANBU detail following the Sand-
nin from the shadows, everyone seemed to enjoy the moment. Temari, Kankurō, nor Baki
asked Naruto for more details about Akatsuki or his sources. They followed Gaara’s lead. If
the young unsocial, boy who used to hate the world and everyone in it could ignore
impending danger to enjoy a night of frivolities, they’ll happily accommodate him.
Casually placing his chakra-covered palm on the wood frame, the door unlocks as Naruto
finished saying, “you know, a lot of people wouldn’t have stolen their underpants, but I
always figured, if the Hyūga didn’t expect it, how could they see it coming, you know?”
Naruto doesn’t register their focus on his Fūinjutsu security as he opens the door for them. He
calls out, “hello,” as he lets them in.
Entering from the cool breezy night into the warm, savory-scented home was a pleasant
exchange for the Sand-nin. Temari noted the cozy style of furnishing ahead of the dark oak
accents and frames around the golden white walls clearly came from a stylish mind. From the
paintings to potted plants, lamps, and family pictures, everything felt inviting and full of
familial harmony. Stepping with a pep in her step, Kurenai walks around the corner, smiling
as she cleans her hands on her cooking apron.
“Hello,” she started, standing next to Naruto dressed in a long-sleeved red blouse and a white
skirt under her black apron. “Welcome to my home.”
Kankurō shook his head in exasperated disbelief at the sight of such a stunner with Naruto,
while Temari thanked her for inviting them. Temari hands Kurenai a specialty dessert from
Suna called Bakuraba before Kurenai tells them, “the others are setting up in the backyard if
you want to help. Dinner should be ready in twenty.”
The beautiful women walk to the kitchen as Naruto asks with a raised eyebrow, “others?”
Naruto leads Gaara, Kankurō, and Baki to the spacious backyard where Jiraiya and Kakashi
are conversing covertly near the unassembled tables and foldout chairs on the floor. “Ero-
sennin, Kakashi-sensei, what are you guys doing?”
“Eh, oh, you made it,” Jiraiya greeted. Despite the clear blush on his old cheeks, he answers,
“don’t worry about us. Be a good boy and set up the tables for us?”
“They’re curious,” Gaara answered Naruto’s look of confusion while picking up the fold-out
table. “Baki and Kankurō want to know how you did it.”
Naruto helps Gaara extend the legs of the table and set it in place as he asks, “did what?”
“It seems to be a two-pronged obsession with them,” Gaara relayed, crinkling the skin
between his brows as he summons all of his concentrate on this topic. Female attention is not
an area Gaara specializes in, however, he states in his soft, even tone, “their fixation appears
to be about the number and quality of women who want to marry you. Three heiresses, a
Jōnin-sensei, and all pleasing to the eye.”
They each grab foldable chairs and set them up one at a time as Naruto admits, “you know, I
don’t really know myself.”
“Really,” Gaara asked and Naruto nods. Tilting his red head, he can’t help noting, “such a
“I mean, I can give you the play-by-play of what happened,” Naruto told his friend. “But I
can’t really explain it in a way where you could do the same thing and get the same result.”
“The women seem to be the determining factor,” Gaara slowly reasoned as he eyed the space
between two chairs.
“Yeah, I’d say so,” Naruto answered as he aligned his chair with that of Gaara’s. “You know,
a psychologist friend of mine once told me women are the gatekeepers of love and affection,
while men are the gatekeepers of commitment.”
“Ma-chan explained it better, but I think it means I can’t make a girl fall in love with me,” the
blond stated with a slant of his head, as if looking up into his memory banks. “That’s their
territory. As a guy, I just do stuff that makes a commitment with me worth it for them.”
Bringing out the linen for the long table, Gaara asks, “such as?”
“In your sister’s case, I think it’s about duty,” he replied as he takes the other end of the
tablecloth. “Though, I’m really hoping we get along in everything else. Mmmn, for Kurenai,
Ino, and Hinata, well, I’d say they know I belong to them as much as they belong to me; like
balancing chakra, we just work well together.”
“I see,” Gaara evenly stated. Naruto isn’t sure how much he understands, however, he paused
when the redhead replies, “I thought it might’ve been your noble lineage, immense power,
notorious status, or your likelihood of becoming Hokage one day.”
Taken aback, Naruto had to wonder aloud, “I don’t know about that… I mean, they loved me
before any of that, so…”
“Oh, yeah, that’s like super-” Naruto cuts himself off when he registers the voice, turning
abruptly to note Jiraiya, Kakashi, Baki, and Kankurō suddenly behind Gaara, leaning in
eagerly for a response. Naruto yells at them, “really!?” He shakes his head as he walks inside
for cutlery, telling Gaara as he does, “we can talk about this later.”
“And that’s how it’s done, gentlemen,” Jiraiya touted, writing in his little book as he adds,
“little by little, wear ‘em done until you’ve got the entire story, HAHAHAHAHA!”
Naruto and Gaara enter the kitchen and greet Hinata, Ino, Karin, Haku, and Tenten. Along
with Kurenai and Temari, the nine of them make quick work of setting the table with elegant
precision and preparing three dinner options for twelve; Ramen, salad, or oyakodon. Karin
forced Naruto to sit at the head of the table with Temari and those from the Sand on his right,
the Konoha ladies on his left, and Jiraiya and most of the boys at the opposite end.
The dinner was festive, and Naruto cherished every moment. Every ten minutes when
someone did or said something funny, he’d tell himself, ‘I wish Iruka-sensei was here to see
this.’ It’s been so long since he’s been able to relax and talk with his friends, he wished one
of his favorite people was here to complete the picture-perfect moment. However, he’d rather
Iruka have the surgery than not. Lamenting the others who couldn’t come, one of the first
questions he had was answered by Ino.
“Sakura wanted to come,” Ino started. “But now that she’s the student of the one and only
Tsunade-sama, her head’s permanently buried in a thick book.”
“I hope she doesn’t burn herself out,” Naruto commented, recalling the hellish schedule she
made for herself. “Maybe I should take her a plate-”
“Way ahead of you,” Ino easily interjected. “I’m taking one on my way back. So, I’ll be
leaving early.”
With a nod, Naruto then asks, “how are your parents? You know, with the whole marriage
“You’ll know when you meet them,” Jiraiya remarked with a chuckle from across the table.
“Of course you do,” Jiraiya quickly hurled back. “Oh, Kami, I can’t wait till you’re stuck in a
room with that arrogant tight-ass Hiashi. Oh, that’s going to be rich!”
Naruto’s blond head sharply turns to Hinata, hoping with his eyes that that wasn’t the case.
However, she blossomed a fresh wave of anxiety when she turned away, avoiding eye
“I hate to bring this up,” Temari started, drawing Naruto’s panicked attention. “But you’ll
have to meet my father as well.”
“And no clones either,” Kankurō touted with a smirk. “Just you, a father who doesn’t want to
let his precious daughter go, and possibly a knife in his hand,” he added to the vivid
nightmare, making Naruto swallow with a loud dry gulp.
“Don’t listen to him,” Temari assured the nervous blond. “It won’t be anything like that.”
“It’ll probably be worse,” Jiraiya hummed. “At least you can block a knife. You’ll never be
able to block is their expectation of you.”
Naruto slumped back in his chair, letting his blond head fall back so his eyes can see the stars
above. He imagines their disapproving gazes and matching words stab him through the chest.
Hearing them, of all people, say the things he fears the most would be like an endorsement of
sorts, and that scared him. It’s Kurenai’s sweet voice that streams into his ears, voicing, “hey,
you already know that no matter what anyone says, it can’t change what we feel for each
“…You’re not wrong,” Naruto begins, slowly sitting up straight. Minus Kurenai, each of his
fiancés merits a stern gaze as he admits, “but it’s your tou-chans. I want them to accept me.”
“We all do,” Ino assured him. “Seriously, there’s no better guy out there.”
Under his breath, an astounded Kankurō voices, “it’s like they’re brainwashed.”
“This stuff is gold,” Jiraiya hums from the other end of the table.
“For another time,” Karin remarked before momentarily ending that topic in favor of a
delicious meal. Hinata happily informs Naruto about her progressing relationship with her
father and Neji. Though she’s upset she no longer lives with Kurenai, she’s happy her home
life is improving. “Hanabi has been acting out lately, though, I know the situation must be
confusing for her.”
“You know, I have experience dealing with a troubled sister,” Ino began to advise. “So I can
teach you everything you shouldn’t do.” The manner by which she said that annoyed Naruto.
He desperately hopes she’ll forgive herself someday.
While Ino and Hinata conversed about sisterhood, Naruto, Kurenai, and Karin could talk with
Temari and Gaara about the politics of Sunagakure and how the treaty is being accepted and
endorsed by the Sand people.
“It’s certainly tense among my people,” Temari explains. “There are some factions that feel
we gave too much, others think we didn’t give enough, others that want retribution against
Orochimaru, and many many more that simply want everything to return to normal so they
can work and provide for their families.”
Curious, Karin cut in to ask, “and will the treaty help Suna return to a better place?”
“As it was his student that deceived us, the Sandaime shouldered some of the blame,” Temari
commented. “As a result, he was more lenient and offered us fair terms. So, except for one
thing, we can return to better times.”
“The marriage?”
Slowly, with a hint of blush, Temari sweetly nods, appearing more feminine than she
typically shows. To the surprise of the others, Gaara admits, “I support the union as well.”
The Konoha girls eye him with a healthy level of caution without being scared as he softly
adds, “Naruto was the only one capable of showing me… a truth I’d been running from for a
long time. For that, I’d be happy to call him brother.”
“Docile-Gaara’s enough of a reason for the rest of the village to want Naruto around,”
Kankurō joked, earning a murderous eye from his older and more defensive sister. “What,”
the second-born touted back. “He’s changed. He’s not bathing in blood anymore. We’re
“Yes,” Gaara genuinely agreed, looking around the table to readily assure them, “killing
everyone here would no longer bring meaning to my life.” While a few faces showed varying
degrees of concern, Haku smiled and Naruto laughed, lightening the mood considerably.
During dessert, Naruto walked Ino to the door carrying a three-level bento for her. Though
she wanted to stay and talk more, the beautiful Yamanaka was worried about her pink-haired
sister. In addition to assuring him that her father wouldn’t be overly protective, she expresses,
“they’ve already met you, so it won’t be the first time. And they very much like you, if not,
love you. You really have nothing anything to worry about.”
“I know,” she claims, moving close enough to shoulder bump him. “How about I take you
shopping? We can find something more formal for you to wear. When you dress the part, you
feel the part.”
“Yeah, that sounds great,” he answered, enjoying the alluring scent of her. Naruto always
loved how captivating her scent was, making him want to ignore all reason and take her
upstairs. Wanting to keep around a little longer, the blond boy asks, “uh, oh, before you go,
how’s your team?”
Looking at him with a hint of suspicion, she slowly answers with a question of her own. “Do
you want to know how those two knuckleheads are doing, or are you asking me about
Asuma-sensei?” Mentioning Asuma sobered him up from the pleasure of her company.
However, as it came up, he desired to know. Nodding, she answers, “he’s different. Not bad,
but obviously holding it all in, as those types often do.”
“Oh,” Naruto hum, thinking about his part in the pain Asuma must be going through.
“It’s not your fault, Naruto,” Ino quickly stated, catching Naruto’s train of thought.
Naruto nods as he answers, “I know, I know, but still, I don’t like that he’s hurting. I thought
of him as a cool older brother. And now he probably never wants to see me again.”
“I think he’ll be fine… eventually,” Ino offered with care. “If it makes you feel any better, I
saw him shopping with that lady around your apartment. The daughter of the foreman. She
has a son.”
“Don’t get me wrong,” she assured him. “They didn’t look all lovey-dovey or anything. But
seeing him around another girl is progress enough.”
With a slant of his head, he nods in agreement before extending the wrapped bento reserved
for Sakura. She takes the extravagant meal and blushes at the thought of asking him where
he’ll be sleeping tonight, when he, spontaneously leans in and tenderly kisses her appealing
pink lips. Nose-to-nose, the kiss was delicate, simply lips pressed against each other, yet,
there was an underlying hunger between them that extended the sweet contact. Naruto tilts
his head to dive deeper into the kiss, taking more of her lips, and she happily meets his vigor
until they run out of breath and separate. Pressing their warm foreheads together, catching
their breath, neither couldn’t help but want more.
“Haven’t got to do that in a while,” Naruto heavily breathed before telling her, “I missed
“…I missed you too,” she slowly tells him, pressing her forehead against his. “Soon,” she
told him. After a strong warm hug, they reluctantly depart for the night.
Returning to the mingling party in the backyard, Naruto talks to Haku about Kiri, Zabuza,
and Mei when they’re alone. Haku only just finished saying how impressive Mei’s battle
tactics are when a few ANBU show up. They land as stealthy as possible near the tree-line,
however, in a party with Jōnin and Sages, they couldn’t approach undetected. The ANBU
walk toward him, and with every one of their steps, he foresaw another night without Kurenai
in it. He hung his head, ready to chew out Ji-chan when the time they should’ve reached him
came and went. When he looks up, they’ve already walked past him. Turning in surprise,
they stopped in front of Kurenai, who was talking with Temari and Gaara. She nodded her
head before looking at Naruto.
The way her eyes locked with his, as if she were apologizing for another delay, had Naruto
rush up to them and abruptly asks, “what’s up? Everything okay?”
Nodding, the raven-haired beauty smiles as she answers, “everything’s fine. Hokage-sama
summoned me.”
The blond was making a mental note to talk with Ji-chan about his timing when Kurenai asks
with a saucy tone, “wait up for me?”
The slight smirk and focus of her crimson eyes rouse a smirk on his face as he answers, “of
course. We still have to finish what we started this morning.” Her smile took on an especially
devilish look and her cheeks blushed red before turning and leaving with the ANBU. It
wasn’t long before their guests left, and though Karin and Haku stayed to help him clean,
they left without Kurenai returning.
The night sky overhead was dark blue with hints of purple and many twinkling stars around a
silver moon. Looking up at the night sky from the long balcony on the second floor of his
personal home, Hiruzen couldn’t help but feel reflective as Tsunade was checking his vitals.
The frail old man was sitting comfortably in a reclining chair with enough cushioning, it
could double as a bed. Hiruzen was so enchanted by the night sky, he would challenge
anyone to look at it and night find a profound truth about themselves. Tapping Tsunade with
his remaining hand, Hiruzen points at the sky with his chin.
When Tsunade turns toward the beautiful night, Hiruzen asks, “what do you see?”
Tsunade can’t help but sigh at the old man. She turns around and continued administering
medicine as she explains, “nothing up there is going to help you now old man.”
“Only near the end can one realize the true value of life,” the elder slowly reflected.
“You’re not dead yet, Professor,” his once student reminded him. “I still have a lot of
questions. You’re not going to leave without making sure I can do the job, are you?”
“I feel at ease knowing Konoha will be in your hands,” he spoke with such peace. “But
you’re correct. I still have some life left in me. After all, I have to attend a marriage I never
thought I’d see in my lifetime.” Smirking, they talk about Naruto and the marriages of old
when two ANBU and Kurenai land on the railing of the long balcony. The ANBU leave as
Kurenai kneels before her current and future Hokage. Though Kurenai wasn’t sure what their
decision would be, she could easily guess why they wanted to see her. Three girls from
Konoha want to marry Naruto and there are only two slots available.
“I trust your dinner party went well,” the elder man happily remarked. Considering Kurenai’s
very important guests from Suna, it only makes sense the Hokage would be told about their
every move. “Despite the hardships Suna put us through, it’s important to me we show them
our commitment to a brighter future. Everything must go smoothly.”
“Yes, it went as well as can be expected,” Kurenai replied, to which Hiruzen slowly nods
with acceptance.
“We called you here to discuss a developing situation,” Tsunade speaks from beside her
sensei & elder, and Kurenai easily notes the strong energy in her voice was a stark difference
from Hiruzen’s soft lifeless tone. It was so haunting to realize such a great man was soon
departing, she nearly missed the ‘developing situation.’
Kurenai focuses all of her attention on Hiruzen when he tells, “I’ve been told Yamanaka-
chan, Hyūga-chan, and yourself wish to marry Naruto.” Kurenai nods before he continues. “I
first want to know, do you understand why that is unacceptable?” Kurenai’s stomach twists
and sinks at the question as her leader adds, “and this isn’t because of Asuma.”
Fortunately, the man known as the Professor answers her by asking, “how could disappoint
me for making your own decisions? It’s impossible enough ordering honorable men and
women to their possible death. The very last thing I wish to do is preside over the fair affairs
of the heart.”
“…How is he?”
Without mention his name, Hiruzen knows who she means and answers, “he’s smoking more
than I would like; not that I’m one to judge.” Slumping her head forward sways her long
shaggy black hair when the elder conveys with more energy, “he’s an adult, Kurenai-kun, and
my son, besides. He’ll find his way again.”
She nods before returning to his original question. “Before I answer your question, may I ask,
when you say, ‘unacceptable,’ do you mean in society?”
He shakes his head slowly before answering, “no. Unacceptable within the union.”
“Just heavily frowned upon, indecent, and dangerous,” Tsunade interrupted. Crossing her
from beside Hiruzen’s reclining bed-chair, she orates, “I understand that sounds a little harsh
considering this is the path you chose to walk. But not that long ago, during much of the
warring states period, it was common practice for heads of clans to take many wives. More
often than not, a wife or child would die at the hands of another jealous wife, a prospective
wife, or a new clan head.”
Feeling challenged for her choices, yet remaining respectful, Kurenai first asks, “may I speak
freely?” When they allow it, she continues, “with all due respect, Tsunade-sama, that was a
very different time. Even when jealousy happens now, the results aren’t as extreme as they
used to be because everyone knows we live in a society governed by law and order. Unlike
the Warring States period, citizens rich and poor are now more likely to restrain their deeper
impulses for fear of suffering the consequences.”
“You have a point,” Hiruzen remarks. Turning his lingering gaze from the night sky above,
he returns, “however, the reason I deem this type of marriage unacceptable is because of the
physical and emotional welfare of the children you’ll be raising.” Kurenai blinked at the
mention of children. “As you can imagine, the family structure has a tremendous and lifelong
impact on the mental health of a child.”
Kurenai had no sensible idea when she would have children. She hasn’t given herself the
time to properly feel and think it through, but the fact that Naruto will be their father is
something else she’ll have to internalize. It reminded her how fresh and real being with
Naruto can feel. Even something as simple as having his children can feel like a grand affair.
Tsunade interrupted her thoughts to add, “I’ve come across enough studies that conclude
many of those children who grow up in a polygamous or non-traditional family structure
exhibit more aggressive & antisocial behaviors, conduct disorders, communications
difficulties, and adjustment problems. They had a poor self-assessment, higher rates of school
attrition, drug use, sexual activity, and alcoholism.”
“I know many Daimyō, their harems, and the children born from them,” Hiruzen trails in
after her. “It would be a shock to the court if the child actually behaved sensibly, let alone
with honor. When a small number of men control a large number of women, the remaining
men are much more willing to take greater risks and engage in more violence—possibly
homicide—to increase their wealth and status in hopes of gaining the same access to women.
It would be foolish of me, as the leader of our people, not to consider the effect a marriage
like this with a boy like Naruto will have on our village and possibly the country.”
“And as the next in line, you should know I agree with him,” Tsunade finished with finality,
as if there was very little Kurenai could say to change her mind.
The leaders pause to allow Kurenai a rebuttal. She knew what they were saying to be true, as
she’s also read a lot about this type of marriage, however, she also knew well her stance in all
this. After all, it’s not as if they’re telling her anything she hasn’t told herself.
Clenching her fists at her back to deal with the slight nervousness, she tells them with a clear
voice, “that is your duty as Hokage—both of you—and I respect your concerns, however,
while I agree with many, if not all, of your points, I have to ask you both… what does any of
that have to do with Naruto?”
Tsunade and Hiruzen blink in unison as they jolt up straighter. Tsunade quickly wonders if
Kurenai heard everything they said or if she’s blinding herself to these facts while Hiruzen
ponders if the Jōnin-sensei doesn’t care about the obvious consequences. After a moment of
silence, Kurenai slowly asks, “you understand we’re talking about Naruto here, right? Since
when does he do anything normally?”
Hiruzen’s face morphs to one of amusement, supported by all the memories he shares with
the young blond. “Be that as it may,” he gruffly retorts. “I would like to know, beyond any
measure of doubt, why the three of you have decided to enter in wedded union with Naruto.”
Finding the request simple enough to answer, Kurenai returns, “I imagine it’s the same for the
others… No, I know it is.”
“What’s that?”
“He’s the one,” Kurenai reveals. “In my mind, body, and soul, I am his and he is mine.”
“But he’s not yours,” Tsunade points out, clearly regarding sharing him.
“I know it’s difficult to understand,” Kurenai replies. “But Naruto’s belief in family means
I’m connected to Naruto just as much as I’m connected to Hinata or Ino.”
Kurenai prefaces his inquiry by first stating, “I know why Ino and Hinata love him because I
know them. I know little about Temari. Our interactions tonight were more cordial than
anything. She only ever let her guard down around Naruto, which is a good sign to me.
Temari will take some time, but I don’t doubt the eventual result.”
“Which is…”
“She’ll love me as much as I’ll love her,” Kurenai matter-of-factly stated. “That’s the sort of
family Naruto wants. He’s our lead, and I share that desire.”
Hiruzen and Tsunade turn to each other for a moment, and without words, they accept the
conviction of the Jōnin-sensei’s words. Tsunade then notes, “though I still disagree with this
type of union, I can see you’re not taking this lightly. I’ve only just met Naruto, but it’s pretty
clear he’s not the norm.”
“No, he isn’t,” Hiruzen grunts with years of experience dealing with him and his
shenanigans. “Two wives would be more than enough… if this were normal circumstances.”
At the comment, Kurenai quickly recalls what they said earlier, asking, “you mentioned a
developing situation?”
When Hiruzen nods, Tsunade explains, “for the past two days, we’ve been hosts to shinobi
from Kumogakure.”
Kurenai couldn’t help snorting in front of her leaders as she explains with a mixture of
amusement and frustration, “there’s so much going on in that boy’s life, it’s difficult to keep
up. And to be fair, most of it is classified. Staying up to date on your fiancé’s personal life
when you don’t have the clearance is next to impossible.”
“I suppose so,” Tsunade admitted with a considerate nod. “The short of it goes like this;
weeks before the Chūnin finals, Kumo agents infiltrated Konoha. Their mission was to make
Naruto defect.”
Kurenai snorted again, “not likely.” Realizing her break in decorum, she quickly clears her
throat before apologizing.
“No, you’re right,” Tsunade conveys. “Again, I’ve only just met him and even I know Naruto
doesn’t have it in him to defect. Rather than report them, however, he told these kunoichi
about his Omiai with Suna.”
Readily confused and concerned about Naruto casually breaking the rules, Kurenai had to
ask, “why?”
“To go to Kumo,” Hiruzen softly answered. “He knew he’d likely be invited to Kumo if he
did and his goal seems to be to speak with their Jinchūriki.”
“To what end?” It suddenly struck her then, and she calls out, “ah! To ally with them, right?”
Recalling how insane Naruto’s desire to talk to the other Jinchūriki was, Tsunade had to ask,
“he told you?”
“Some time ago, he mentioned wanting to talk with all the Jinchūriki,” Kurenai answered.
“I’m not sure how seriously I took him back then.”
“Talking with their Jinchūriki would be good common ground to start negotiations with,”
Hiruzen points out with a strategic undertone in his voice. “And as it happens, Kumo is in
favor of entering two of their kunoichi into the Omiai-”
Jolting up straighter at the startling news, Kurenai gasps, “two? Why two?” Quickly moving
past her emotional response, her logical mind suddenly realizes how odd this is. Kumogakure
and their Raikage have never been so amiable with Konoha to enter this type of union.
“This… this can’t be legitimate,” she voices. “Knowing the Raikage… this sounds more like
a trap than anything else.”
Overlaying her future husband on the situation, Kurenai easily realizes out loud, “…But
Naruto wants to go anyway.” They nod as the rest of what they’re not telling Kurenai dawns
on her. “So… you’re saying you’ll accept the three of us marrying Naruto if we do this?”
“Not exactly,” Tsunade replied. Kurenai stands straighter as her future Hokage asserts, “for
the duration of this mission, we will publicly accept the three of you as wives because there
must always be more Konoha women. But the moment Kumo’s plans for Naruto fail and they
rescind their participation in the Omiai, one of you must then back out.”
As a woman, Kurenai knows backing out has serious ramifications. “…If it’s either Hinata or
Ino,” she posits. “They’ll have a harder time marrying fitting partners in the future because of
this very public rejection. Ninjas already have a hard time marrying, and suitable suitors
would then wonder why either of them was dismissed.”
Hiruzen turns to the night sky, leaving Tsunade to step forward and gently explain, “you may
not want to hear this, but differences are what keep people apart and between yours and
Naruto… you simply don’t fit.”
Turning to Hiruzen as he voices toward the sky, “I know you care about him.” He then turns
to her before adding, “you love him. And after the tumultuous life he’s led, I want that more
than anything for him.”
“This is just better for everyone,” the elder leader answered. “He’s the son of a Kage, head of
his clan, on the precipice of great fame and wealth, and… he’s nearer to their age.”
‘I’m too old,’ is what Kurenai essentially heard. ‘Eight years isn’t even that big of a
difference,’ her mind yelled, adding, ‘if I were a man, no one would even blink at the gap!’
Though Kurenai generally accepted the differences between men and women, she couldn’t
deny the sting in this particular case. Regardless, she now possessed something that will
always lend her strength when she needed it, no matter the fear, doubt, and uncertainty
leveled her way.
“I understand the natural order of the social fabric,” she tells them. “In the eyes of our
village, we can all agree I’d be more suited to someone like your son, Hokage-sama. There
was a time I accepted these unwritten rules for us and society because they made sense, were
grounded in reality, and were widely accepted by all.”
“But then I fell in love with a boy who fights the rules others place on him with every fiber of
his being,” she eagerly claimed. It’s what it means to be with Naruto; ‘to believe,’ she
thought. “For the things that he wants, the things that are important to him, he puts his life on
the line and never quits. He doesn’t care if it’s unrealistic or unpopular. He doesn’t care who
he has to go through or what he has to accomplish to get it. He’ll only want it that much
more. That’s the man I fell in love with, so, when you say ‘this is better for everyone,’ ask
yourselves… do you really think Naruto cares about that?” She saw the answer in their eyes.
They knew Naruto, and they knew how he’d react. Feeling the power of Naruto’s bullish
conviction empower her, she couldn’t stop herself from asking them, “so why would I?”
But for the rustling tree leaves and howling wind, the long balcony they were standing on
was silent. Neither Tsunade nor Hiruzen could dispute just how dogged Naruto can be, and it
seemed apparent to them Kurenai has inherited much of the blond’s fire.
“Keeping Naruto alive is less of a mission and more of a no-brainer,” Kurenai continues. “So
I’ll accept the mission and relay it to the team.”
Peering up at the majestic night sky, Hiruzen couldn’t help but wonder if this was a profound
truth about life. Tsunade just smirks as Hiruzen tells Kurenai, “we’ll announce the marriage
tomorrow. Prepare yourself.”
“Hai, Hokage-sama,” Kurenai called, before catching the slightest tilt from the revered
blonde medic-nin, clearly asking to speak in private.
Looking up at the night sky from the roof of Kurenai’s home, Naruto lies on his back happily
sky-gazing and counting his many blessings. He’s never had dinner with so many friends,
family, and soon-to-be family, and that was replaying in his mind. Chatting with Neji when
he came to collect Hinata, shooting targets with everyone, hearing hilarious stories from
Jiraiya, even being teased by Haku and Karin as they were leaving. They stayed to help him
clean up, all the while knowing he was sleeping there, and Karin couldn’t stop herself from
teasing him. More than anything, he wanted to remember every second of it to share with
Iruka. The blond wondered if the caring sensei was watching the same sky he was when
someone landed next to him.
He was surprised it was Kurenai, but happy she didn’t take long. Leaping to his feet, he
smiled brightly before asking, “how’d it go? Everything okay?”
“Never mind that,” she said with a bright smile of her own. She felt off to Naruto and he
couldn’t help wondering if she was keeping something from him. When she says, “I have
something for you,” Naruto shook the weird feeling off to ask what it was. Showing empty
palms, she wiggles her fingers with a showman’s flair before magically making a doll with a
Fūinjutsu tag on the forehead appear. The moment he reads the tag, the entire aerial view of
the sparkling night sky from Naruto’s perspective rotated a hundred and eighty degrees with
the worst whiplash. He’s dazed for a second before suddenly looking at his body from outside
his body.
He wondered if this was a prank until Kurenai said, “got you. Shinten Kugutsu Juin no
From within the doll, Naruto quickly gathered this was worse than a prank and yells, “what’s
going on! Who the hell are you!” The entire time, he finds it bizarre that he can’t feel
anything; no wind, no cold, no sounds, or even the warmth and strength of his body.
With no control of the doll he was in, someone forcibly turned Naruto to look upward and the
Kurenai that enters his view pops into a puff of white smoke. In her place emerged a lean
man with fair skin and short black hair. Other than his nose and mouth, the rest of his face is
covered in a mask with built-in glasses, not unlike the members of the Aburame clan.
It’s odd not feeling any stimuli, so it was surprising to hear another voice in his head that
wasn’t Kurama’s. “Your consciousness is now sealed within that puppet, Uzumaki-kun,” the
dour male voice said. “There’s nothing you can do to escape, so just relax and we’ll take you
to your new home shortly.”
Through the button black eyes of the doll, he sees them leap into the air before landing on a
tree branch in the cluster of trees behind Kurenai’s house. They leap from tree branch to tree
branch, Naruto yelling the entire time in vain until they land next to a body leaning slumped
against the base of a tree. Oddly, he observes his own body picking up the comatose shinobi
before he immediately drops it. Both Naruto in doll form and the one holding him watch the
mind-swapped Naruto scream and double over, gripping his stomach in tremendous pain.
Through the mental link, he can hear a third, familiar, and sinister voice demand, ‘who are
“It’s… the Kyūbi,” he gasped. “Its chakra feels like acid! We have to hurrrrrryyyy!”
Naruto’s puppet eyes are quickly covered up as he yells within the mental link, ‘yeah, get em,
Nine!’ The kidnapper then gathers Naruto’s body and that of his teammate’s before leaping to
the treetops. Though Naruto can’t see, he can still hear the mind-invader grunting to hold
back Kurama’s acidic power, yelling, ‘you! …will not break me… devil!’
‘Devil, am I?’ Kurama hums back in humor. ‘Hehehe, I like the sound of-’
‘I wouldn’t say so, no,’ Naruto casually interjected as he attempts to sense where they’re
being taken, however, without the ability to feel speed or direction, the only thing he can do
is count how long they travel. The only thing he knows for certain is he hates feeling so
‘You shut it!’ Kurama’s angered voice hurls back at Naruto. ‘You don’t get a say! The hell are
you doing getting captured so easily!’
Realizing he has no clones or allies to help him, the frustration of being at their mercy has
Naruto snap back, ‘this can totally be avoided if my partner wasn’t so damn stubborn!’
Naruto ignores the constant groaning of the mind-swapper as Naruto tells the demon fox,
‘hurry up and get him out of my body! I can’t do anything here.’
‘Shut up!’
‘I won’t let you… foul beast,’ the mind-swapper declared with dogged stubbornness.
‘Danzō… will have his prize…. Ugh! Even if I must sacrifice my life… to do it!’
‘Humans,’ Kurama croaks with distaste. ‘You’re all the same-’
Drawing up blanks on how to overcome this, Naruto yells, ‘Kami help you, the second I get
out of this I’m going to beat the will to live out of you! You better let me go now! This won’t
hold me forever!’
Naruto can’t feel anything; not the shift of direction, the descent into the earth, the many
twists and turns until they reach a room, however, once there, he can hear a door open and
close, and then a rough clamoring of several items. Something is then tossed on what sounds
like a wood table before a person sits roughly on a chair. From the doll’s nonexistent ears, he
hears his own voice grunt out, “quick, quick!”
A door opens once again and Naruto hears the tapping of a stick against stone and quiet
footfall before a gruff, impatient voice asks, “status.”
“The Kyūbi seems to be fighting Sparrow,” the other man said. “He doesn’t have long.”
“Hurry,” the gruff voice commanded with stern authority. Only then does Naruto recall that
‘Shut up,’ Kurama yelled back as he pushed as much of his chakra on Naruto as possible.
‘I’m trying!’
The black hood is suddenly taken off of the puppet, allowing Naruto to see the one-eyed
despot looking back at him with his sour half-covered face. Within his view, Naruto’s able to
see the room they were in was dark, made of stone, and relatively small. He didn’t think more
than ten people could comfortably fit in the brick cell. There was one door and no windows,
meaning only one way in and out.
More importantly, his stolen body being securely tied to a chair with thick rope. To his
increasing dismay, the glasses-wearing shinobi was tying his wrists, elbows, ankles, knees,
and neck to the metal chair that was also in the middle of a very complicated and circular
Fūinjutsu array. They took his red and black cloak off and his body was also disarmed, his
pouch and kunai holster set on the table next to him.
Naruto demanded to know of the one-eyed war-hawk, ‘what are you doing to me?’ However,
he knew only the mind-swapper could hear him.
Once all the binding were wrapped tightly, the shinobi with the mask calls, “ready.”
Danzō takes the puppet, making Naruto watch as he’s positioned in front of his own writhing
body. Beads of sweat were pouring down Naruto’s face as he struggles to withstand the
poison of Kurama’s chakra. ‘Come on, Nine,’ Naruto calls, looking at himself and realizing
the only chance to escape was fast approaching.
‘It’s your father’s seal!’ Kurama frustratingly yells back, pouring as much of his chakra
through the seal as he can. ‘Don’t you usually have great timing? You do something!’
“This must be timed… perfectly,” the mind-swapper in Naruto’s body coughs out. “They’re
aiming… for the moment I transfer!”
Their one-eyed leader counts, “one,” and Naruto can see Monkey kneel in front of the
circular Fūinjutsu array with chakra covering his hands.
Focusing between his struggling body and the Root member named Monkey kneeling in front
of the array, Naruto repeatedly tells himself, ‘be fast, be fast, be fast.’
Suddenly, his view completely rotated, and Naruto was inside his own body again. Even
more, the overwhelming switch of feeling nothing to feeling everything—sounds, heat,
aches, pain, his heartbeat, his chakra—was momentarily disorienting, and in that micro-
second of confusion, the shinobi named Monkey clapped his hands before moving to slam
them on the array. Naruto began his Flying Thunder God technique, however, with the
imbalance of Kurama’s chakra pressuring his control, Monkey managed to touch the stone
floor just as time was slowing down. The Fūinjutsu array activated, and Naruto quickly felt
no chakra within him. It was as if all his power was erased away.
The sandy-blond-haired man, Sparrow, seated on the floor with his back against the wall,
twitched momentarily before slowly getting to his feet in tandem with Monkey.
“Good job, both of you,” Danzō looked to the glowing character of ‘hei’ now on the floor
where the array used to be and casually voices, “Fūinjutsu: Shishi Heikō… quite impressive.
We must thank our Sand allies for the restitution of forbidden techniques they were forced to
share with us.”
“Danzō you lousy piece of shit,” Naruto began to yell as he pulled on every binding. Feeling
no give from any of the thick ropes, and even choking himself pushing against the rope at his
neck, he continues yelling, “when I get out of here, you better fucking run-”
Standing in front of the struggling blond with both hands on his cane, Danzō calmly tells
Naruto, “allow me to save you the trouble. You cannot escape. Nearly all of your tenketsu
have been forcibly blocked, not that there’s any danger of dying. In case you’re unaware, it
means you cannot expel chakra quite so easily; yours or, the beast inside of you. For all
intents and purposes, you’re as weak as any boy your age. All your great strength has now
been neutered and under my express control.”
“Why are you doing this,” Naruto chokes out, straining his muscles against the bindings until
his sweating head turned as red as a tomato. “You have to know you’ll never keep me here.
I’ll get out, and when I do, I’m ripping you a new one-”
“You are unruly, Uzumaki-kun; childish,” Danzō easily assessed, eying him with his beady
eye. “That character flaw has no place in my Konoha, however, I am content with your
mastery over the Nine-tail’s chakra.”
“They seem to have a close relationship,” Sparrow divulges from behind the fierce leader.
“He calls it, Nine.”
“That thing was destined to be the greatest weapon in all the nations,” he orated. Danzō
leaned forward to catch Naruto’s fierce eyes as he proclaims, “it’s long time you learn your
place so that dream can finally be realized.”
Growing more frustrated and angry, Naruto can only yell back, “he’s not your weapon! And
the only one here who needs to learn their place is the sad cock-gobbler muffin standing in
front of me! D’you take a crusty load in the eye?! Is that why you can’t see?!”
Danzō leaned back and took a deep breath to calm down. After a moment, he patiently tells
the fighting blond, “struggle all you like, Naruto. I’ll give you the night to spend all that
energy. Then we can begin in the morning.”
Danzō turns to leave when Naruto yells after him, “Wait! Tell me what you’re planning! I
demand to know!”
The old war veteran stopped and turned with a slow sway of disbelief, citing, “I thought that
would’ve been obvious. For the good of Konoha and the world, I have every intention of
using you in whatever manner I deem necessary.”
More humored than concerned, Naruto smirks as he hollers, “HA! How could you possibly
know what’s good for the world? You’re like a root telling the tree ‘hey, I got a great idea
about which direction the branches should go,’ when you have no clue! All you know is pain,
misery, and darkness, and somehow you think you can make things better? How delusional is
that? You couldn’t help this world even if you tried!”
Turning and approaching the blond once again, Danzō strikes the foot of his cane hard
against the stone floor. “It would appear it’s fallen to me to do what no one else seems
capable of accomplishing; utterly destroying your childish sentiment.” Though his face
seemed as neutral as a blank mask, his annoyed tone suggested otherwise as he threatens, “no
doubt taking away your privilege of speech will assist in re-educating you.”
“Pfffftt,” Naruto harked back, glaring right back at the old War Hawk. “Good luck with that!
You’re nowhere near strong enough!”
Straighten up and shaking his head, Danzō grimly remarks, “you’ve done so well subduing
the beast sealed within you, I had thought to keep you, if only to continue that purpose.
However, if someone with your sub-par intellect can do it, surely any of my Root can to a far
better degree.” A Root member enters the room and Danzō tells the ebony-haired boy,
“torture him all night—remove an eye—but make certain he doesn’t die. That should help
him become a little more cooperative.”
Quickly, Naruto asked Kurama, ‘would you be able to take over my body or make my eyes
‘I might be able to push enough chakra to make your eyes red… Why?’ Kurama wondered
when he realized what Naruto could be planning. ‘Hehe,’ he chuckled, adding, ‘you really
are a pain in the ass.’
Danzō was nearly out the door when Naruto yells, “wait! No!” only, not in his voice.
Thrashing around so hard the pressure was cutting into his skin and pulling against the
restraints drew in their collective attention. As Naruto appeared to be struggling to remain in
control, they simply observed as the blond Jinchūriki pretended to fight with himself as he
yells with finality, “Don’t! Nine! You… c-can’t trust him!”
Wailing the loose sections of his body upward, as if breaking out of water with a great force,
Naruto’s entire demeanor suddenly changed. He was bleeding from the rope tied around his
neck, his whiskers were more pronounced, his once-blue eyes were now red with a slit for a
pupil. His voice was much gruffer as it touted, “fuck, this hurts.”
‘Suck it up,’ Kurama said from behind his gold cage. ‘Your eyes should be red, but I can’t
hold this for long. Your chakra network feels incredibly congested, making it difficult to push
‘Got it,’ the Naruto within told him as the Naruto from without pretends to sound like
Kurama as he states, “wait. Forget the idiot brat. Make a deal with me and I’ll help you.” The
four men observe the altered more feral Naruto with heavy suspicion. “That’s right, you’re
talking to the Kyūbi right now.”
“I was under the impression you were partners,” Danzō cautiously remarked.
“That’s what I wanted him to believe,” Naruto replied with a touch of amusement in his gruff
voice. “You mention the word friendship and he jumps like a good little puppy.”
“They did seem contentious,” Sparrow noted. “If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say reluctant
“Attempting to make two minds, one body bearable,” Monkey summarized, to which
Sparrow nodded.
Taking a moment to seemingly decide on how to play this turn of events, Danzō eventually
takes a step forward and inquires, “what did you have in mind?”
“I want out of this brat’s body,” Naruto quickly answered, fighting back the tremendous pain
pushing up and down his entire body. “You tell me what you want, get me out of here, and
I’ll make sure it gets done.”
“Any arrangements we may make would, by necessity, begin with you getting me what I
need first,” Danzō effortlessly stipulated. “Only then will I return the favor.”
“I’m willing to accept that,” Naruto growled back with a little more force than he wanted. His
face was sweating as he made a stipulation of his own. “But if you double-cross me, I’ll kill
“Naturally,” Danzō respected. “What assurances do I have that you can manage anything I
may need from within Uzumaki’s body?”
“Just get a seal like this one, that blocks his chakra,” Naruto proposed. “Put it permanently on
his body. I’ll handle the rest.”
Desperate to end this fast, Naruto asks, “then you’ll get me out of here?”
However, as the agony within Naruto doubles-making the veins in his body pop out, Danzō
takes his time to think before asking, “…how confident are you against other Tailed Beasts?”
‘HAHAHhahahah,’ Kurama laughed from within the seal. ‘He’s thinking about
Only the wet floor and breathing heavily, an exhausted Naruto weakly voices, ‘r-really?’
Looking down at his heavily diminished container, Kurama deduces, ‘doing this out of the
blue? Not to mention Kumo is the only place we’re going to soon that has any Bijū. Yeah, this
old coot’s got a plan.’
In the stone-cold room, Naruto moved all his pain into mimicking Kurama’s laughter.
“Hahahaha, this is about Kumo then.”
“That why you did this so unexpectedly,” Naruto asked with a half-smile, the pain making his
facial muscles twitch as more sweat filled the etches of his expression. “Rushing like this
ain’t good tactics.”
“We had little other options,” Danzō admitted. “To have access to Kumo approved by their
Kage offers us a very rare opportunity. I would’ve preferred one of my men join the
delegation, however, my council and request were unwisely rejected. Once again proving the
leaders of this village are far too shortsighted to know what’s best for them.”
Hating that the one-eyed veteran suddenly became chatty, Naruto hastened to ask, “which do
you want?”
“The Two-Tail,” Danzō answered.
“Easy,” Naruto quickly assured him; anything to end this unmitigated agony eating his entire
body. “The other eight combined could never defeat the greatest Tailed-Beast! Bringing back
the Two-Tails won’t even be a challenge!”
‘Damn right,’ Kurama huffed from within Naruto. ‘‘Bout time you realized my power.’
‘Shut… up,’ Naruto weakly huffed back. He was ready to pass out when Danzō suddenly
made less sense.
“Not quite,” Danzō reveals before answering, “if the Two-Tail were extracted from its host
and ultimately discovered to reside in Konoha, that’ll leave no doubt as to who stole the
beast. Even if we claimed otherwise, no one would believe it, which is why I don’t want you
to bring it back to Konoha.”
Understanding the duplicitous devil in Danzō, Naruto realizes out loud, “you want me to
plant the Two-Tails in an enemy country. Can’t imagine what kind of war a thing like that
would start. Sounds like fun. Where? Iwa? Kiri?”
“You don’t need to know just yet,” Danzō replied. “Let us first test your control over the
“Get the seal ready and he won’t be a problem,” Naruto struggles to finish.
With a stiff nod from the old War Hawk, Kurama stops pushing his chakra through the seal
and his blocked pathways. Beside himself for the end of the agony, Naruto pretends to regain
control then continues the charade by weakly bemoaning to the beast within for all to hear,
“wha- Hah, haah… Why… why would you do that! I thought… we- we were friends! How
Danzō orders the only boy with a mask, “bleed him. Allow no more than a liter of blood loss.
Then watch him.”
The inexorable head of Root walks out of the room with his bodyguards in tow as the boy
answers with a bow, “hai, Danzō-sama.”
Despite feeling the vibrating remnants of pain and absolutely no strength, Naruto yelled after
the three men for good measure, “I’m going to wipe out every square inch of this place… if
you don’t leave my family alone! …It’s a promise of a lifetime!”
Relieved the men are gone, Naruto is now alone with a Root member with silky black hair
and pale, nearly translucent skin. Other than his mask, he wore a short black-and-gray jacket
with red straps over a midriff gray shirt that displayed his pale abdomen. His tactical slacks
were the customary black but his black gloves exposed his index and thumb.
The boy takes out his kunai and walks into the Fūinjutsu’s range. Immediately, he can sense
his tenketsu close, however, he can still move. Naruto glares into the emotionless mask as the
boy expertly moves his kunai over Naruto’s forearm.
“The cephalic vein should be good enough,” the boy said before quickly stabbing Naruto in
the arm, ripping a sharp grunt out of the blond and renewing a fresh batch of stabbing pain.
Without Kurama’s chakra or that of his own, the pain felt much more acute. Naruto was soon
hemorrhaging through his clothes, down the chair’s arm, and to the floor. “Don’t worry, if
your life’s in jeopardy, I’ve been permitted to give you a blood pill.”
Despite bleeding out, Naruto struggles to loosen the thick rope until the growing fatigue was
too much to ignore. The boy stares at him the entire time and in between deep breaths,
Naruto asks, “how long… are you going to keep staring at me? …It’s creepy.”
“I’ll call you… Sai then. You look like a Sai,” Naruto heaves with unfocused eyes, suddenly
grateful for the rope around his throat, as it was doing a better job of keeping his head
upright. Half joking, he asks, “I don’t suppose you want to let me go?” Sai gave a very curt
shake of his head, to which Naruto reasons, “figures. Well, then… you should know… that…
you don’t have to be like them… if you don’t want to. I can tell you’re different.”
From behind the mask, without malice, Sai asks, “how can you make such a claim when you
know nothing about me? You sound idiotic.”
“I can… because I know,” a drained Naruto voiced barely above a whisper. “Anyone else
they leave guarding me… wouldn’t have said one word to me… You did… idiot.”
Lowering his head as much as possible to glimpse the bare floor, Naruto attempts to recall the
Fūinjutsu originally there before they activated it. In his mind, he attempts to reconstruct it
with Kurama looking on in the background.
Out of boredom, Kurama lays down with his head on his front paws as he comments, ‘looks
like that miserable old coot wants to start a war.’
‘Yeah,’ Naruto hums, tilting his exhausted head left and right. ‘But I won’t let that happen.’
‘Pretty confident for a guy trapped and bleeding out on a chair,’ Kurama jokes.
Lazily turning his head around, the blond Jinchūriki notes, ‘I’m surprised you’re not tempted
to take Danzō’s deal.’
Kurama snorts before asserting, ‘as if I could trust a lying piece of shit like that. He’d sooner
destroy me than free me if there were no other choice… calling me an It.’
The large, dark, and dank room grew completely quiet for a moment. Naruto was silent so
long, Kurama raised his enormous head in concern when his blond jailer softly asks, ‘but you
like me?’
‘Shuuuut uupp,’ the quickly annoyed chakra beast growled. A slight huff was the only laugh
in Naruto, urging a slightly anxious Kurama to ask, ‘figure anything out?’
‘Still… thinking,’ Naruto voiced, though he was feeling tremendously frail. He lists the
challenges aloud, hoping to spark a solution. ‘The chair’s metal… bolted to the stone floor.
The rope’s… too thick to break… and it’s too tight… to slip through.’
Naruto answers the deep voice behind him, ‘it already… collapsed… into the character…
Feeling more anxious as Naruto falls into further frailty, Kurama stands on all fours as he
asks with more concern than he knows he had, ‘what about before it collapsed? Can you
remember what it looked like?’
‘I don’t know… I’m trying,’ Naruto heaves, wobbling in place. ‘I’m really… tired here, man. I
can barely… think.’
Growing even more annoyed, the large chakra beast prowls back and forth as it glares at the
weakened Naruto and challenges him. ‘Fine! Go back to sleep then! They’ll be back before
you know it and do something worse to control you. Trust me, humans are annoyingly clever
at trapping anything that’s far superior to them. They can’t stand not being the most
dominant. And the very worst human will be back soon to do the same to you.’
‘Not… all of us… are like… that,’ the ailing Naruto feebly argued.
‘To prove that I’m not… a worthless monster!’ Naruto calls out with more energy than he
feels in him to use. ‘To protect… my friends and family! Which… includes you… by the way!’
Kurama isn’t surprised to witness the flare of energy when it comes to what Naruto is
passionate about. Realizing he truly has a good grasp of who this boy is and how much he
cares, Kurama smiles as he prods a little more. ‘Well, I’d say you’ve done a piss-poor job of
that, haven’t you?’
Naruto hated that even now, Kurama still won’t trust him. But more than anything, he hated
how his arrogant friend was right. To be captured so easily and put in a box made him feel
like the powerless little boy he used to be. He had no other recourse but to run from
dangerous situations then; a feeling it surprised him to have forgotten about, which only
angered him more.
‘Yeah… fine… you’re right,’ Naruto was ashamed to admit. ‘I may not be the best… or the
strongest… right now! But fuck! I’m no quitter! You’ll see!’ Naruto crouched and couldn’t see
Kurama smirk with pride.
The determined blond tries to recall the Fūinjutsu array before it collapsed. He focused every
ounce of his brainpower on recalling one of the few things in this world that come naturally
to him. Sadly, it was hazy and he wasn’t certain if the image he recalls was what he saw or if
his mind was filling it in. Another wave of fatigue washed over him and his entire being
wanted nothing more than to be home in bed with Kurenai, Sakura, Ino, Temari, and Hinata.
Naruto couldn’t stop wondering if they were waiting for him; if they even knew he was
missing yet. He wondered what Danzō would do to her, Karin, Haku, Ino, Hinata, Temari,
Sakura, and anyone else he loves. More anger, regret, aggravation, and longing brought out
enough energy to keep trying. Keep thinking. Kurenai always told him, ‘little by little, one
piece at a time.’ He hadn’t needed that advice since he recalled everything about Fūinjutsu so
clearly, however, it was servicing him now.
Little by little, stroke by stroke, Naruto spent pain-staking minutes recalling every square
inch of the array and its subroutines. Filling in what he couldn’t, he eventually saw the chakra
suppression via tenketsu, the chakra types, spirit energy, Kyūbi energy, natural energy, and
even the petajoules limit. He saw nothing that could stop Fūinjutsu contracts like the
Hiraishin or Kuchiyose, however, with his tenketsu blocked, that wouldn’t be possible.
‘That’s like asking how to throw a rock without an arm,’ Kurama quipped.
Sai interrupted his sluggish train of thought when he forcibly fed him a blood pill before
lightly bandaging his wound. Feeling a small sense of relief, Naruto waited a moment to
allow more blood volume into his depleted veins.
“You lost more than a liter,” Sai explained. “I’m not allowed to let you die so easily. That’s
Using the knowledge Naru-nii thankfully bestowed upon him, Naruto confidently asks,
“who’d you lose? …Huh, Sai?”
“My name is not Sai,” the masked boy returned with a little more edge in his tone.
“But you said… you didn’t have a name… and I’ve gotta… call you something,” Naruto
drunkenly reasoned. “Sai’s as good… as any.” Focusing his half-lidded gaze on the raven-
haired boy, Naruto continues prodding. “Are you good… at anything… you’re not supposed
to be? Can you sing? …Write? …Draw?” Sai tilts his head a moment before quickly
returning his gaze to the prisoner who continued to say, “I’m good at training… at
Fūinjutsu… eating ramen… and sex, if I’m being… honest.”
“It would appear you need more training,” Sai threw back. “As for sex, I’m surprised you
even have a dick.”
“Ouch,” Naruto weakly chuckled. Shaking his head, he claps back, “at least I don’t smell…
like a virgin.”
‘I don’t like this kid,’ Kurama growled in Naruto’s mind. ‘Does he think we can attract so
many mates without a superior pleasure horn? How dare this paper-thin personality
‘He doesn’t know any better, Kurama, jeez,’ Naruto mentally shot back. ‘And will you stop
with the mates and talking about my junk! You have to know by now it’s SUPER weird!’
‘Just as you should know by now that your delicate sensibilities has never been my primary
concern,’ Kurama fervently retorted.
With a mental roll of his eyes, Naruto returns his attention to the pondering boy as he
continues explaining, “whatever. My Fūinjutsu is tight… and I’m always training. I can even
train… without moving a muscle.”
The boy didn’t respond or shake his head in disapproval. He was stone-faced and simply
stands and watches as his blond prisoner continues to hemorrhage from his open wound.
Naruto wanted to chuckle as the statuesque boy watches over him, not unlike the many stone
toads had during his training on Mount Myōboku and at this recollection, he wondered if Sai
would turn to stone himself. The thought makes the brain-addled blond humored and sad he
couldn’t show him the statues.
‘I could,’ he lamely thought to himself. ‘With this sage arts suppression, I’d probably still
turn into one.’ “Wouldn’t that be funny?” he thought and carelessly said aloud as he feels
fresh blood supplied by the pill fill him with a small wave of vigor.
The room wasn’t spinning half as much as Naruto half-laughs, half-answers, “I said…
wouldn’t it be funny… if I turned into…”
Feeling slightly better, more in line with his defiant self, Naruto closes his eyes and doesn’t
move a muscle. Slowly, much more slowly than usual, he can begin to feel the earth’s energy
around him. It told him the seal dealt less with the chakra coming in and more with chakra
coming out.
‘…What are you doing?’ Kurama asked when he began to feel natural energy slowly seep
into Naruto’s restrained body. ‘Without the nodes on your chakra pathway, you’ll blow up
into a frog!’
Naruto chuckles as he mentally answers, ‘if I’m lucky… just parts of me.’
From within, Naruto allowed his body, his cells, to feel and accept the potency of natural
energy around him like a cool breeze passing through him. Only rather than balance the
strength as he painstakingly learned to do, the blond sage purposely allowed an imbalance to
form. His body quickly vibrated in warning of how wrong it was feeling, but even so, he
persisted. His stomach turned upside down as he drew in more and more natural energy until
the irresponsibility forced his hands and forearms into very large frog hands.
With the natural energy coursing through his body, the ripping of the thick taut rope from the
increased pressure didn’t hurt Naruto much. Sai was taken aback by Naruto’s sudden large,
webbed, greenish frog hands. The pressure created by the larger hands stretched the rope in
the tough sections and snapped threads in the weaker sections. Even the steel creaked and
bent just enough for Naruto to quickly push the natural energy out of his system and slide his
now normal hands out of the slight give.
It was evident Sai was taken aback by the sight of Naruto’s frog hands as no report anyone
has ever written about Naruto ever mentioned an ability to produce frog hands. The rough
rope scraped off layers of his skin as he removed himself from the wrist restraints just quick
enough to catch the series of shuriken Sai threw at him. Naruto caught the first two and used
them to deflect the remaining five before wiggling his arms out of the elbow bindings.
Without chakra to assist his movements, Naruto had to rely on the pain and adrenaline
coursing through his pumping veins.
The thick ropes at his elbows were never tight and as they relied on the wrists remaining
secure, Naruto could easily slide his arms out of them before cutting the rope at his neck with
his left hand and deflecting non-lethal shots from the dark-haired ANBU with his right hand.
Though Naruto could block most of Sai’s repeated close-ranged attacks, his left shoulder,
right forearm, and left calf were pierced by sharpened steel, embedding shuriken in his flesh.
He grits his teeth and ignores the sharp pain signals bombarding his brain to focus on keeping
his sluggish hands moving.
Rather than leap in and risk losing the assistance of his chakra, Sai determines the best course
of action was to use his jutsu from outside the seal’s range and hope his creations remain
unimpaired. With a short pause for the raven-haired boy to quickly draw on an unrolled
scroll, the blond quickly cuts the remaining bindings and throws the shuriken in his left hand
at his captor, forcing him to deflect it with his brush as Naruto uses the bolted steel chair to
push himself out of the seal’s range.
There’s a flash of light as Naruto’s in the air, and quickly, two large drawings of lions erupt
out of Sai’s scroll. Leading with black-ink-on-paper claws and large fangs, the intent was
clearly to bite into Naruto’s entire torso and detain him until reinforcements arrive.
Fortunately, Naruto had spare shuriken, ripping the ones out of his shoulder and forearm to
hit the lions squarely in the forehead.
Sai had another lion leaping out of his scroll, however, he’d already landed and rolled past
the seal’s threshold. Even as the third lion was in the air making its way to Naruto’s flesh, the
blond’s body came alive with raw undiluted power. With bountiful strength flowing through
him once again, he stared directly into the well-drawn lion’s face as he happily slowed time
down to a crawl.
With his freedom all but certain, Naruto and Kurama were of one course of action:
retribution. They both understood, then and there, there would be no peace with Danzō freely
operating from the shadows. Naruto was wounded, hurting, nearly at that man’s psychotic
mercy, and hates that that feeling of powerlessness can be inflicted on anyone of his family
and friends. There was only one destination that fell in line with what needed to be rectified,
and with a mischievous smirk on his lips, he decided on the tunnel to travel, then disappeared
from the torture room.
Under the blinking lights of the night sky, in one of the few abandoned sectors of Konoha,
two brothers lived in an enormous home. Though old and worn on the exterior, the inside was
well-maintained. Not out of a need to be clean, but out of respect for the life that used to
inhabit the home. The Uchiha compound was harder and more cynical than other parts of
Konoha, however, there were children who still laughed, loves that still blossomed, and
triumphs that were shared.
In the simple and clean bedroom of one of the last remaining Uchiha, Sasuke is seated
upright on his bed while Itachi sits on the edge, redressing his bandages. Sasuke remained
silent as his older brother calmly revealed everything that was kept from him. Though hurt
weak, Sasuke’s mind was absorbing every detail coming out of Itachi’s mouth; all the
players, the places, and the times. Sasuke was silent. His anger kept him from speaking so as
to not interrupt the meal of information he’ll be thinking about and stewing over for some
Itachi still wasn’t certain if such a direct approach was the proper way to deal with everything
that was coming. As he didn’t believe Naruto to be a liar, he was forced to accept that his
original plan was no longer viable. He never considered comfort when coming up with a
plan, but taking on problems head-on in the open was decidedly not his preferred method of
action. Though he respects Naruto for his bullish beliefs, Itachi didn’t think solving his
problems in the light of day suited his predilection, including dealing with Sasuke’s anger.
You couldn’t tell from his face, but Itachi felt a daily measure of peace being in his little
brother’s life again. He didn’t think he deserved forgiveness or acceptance. He’d killed far
too many for anything so miraculous. Itachi can only assume there would be a moment he
can truly atone for his part in the horrors of the past. If everything Naruto told him is true,
which he believes it is, he knows he’ll have an opportunity to do one right thing in the world
he was born in.
As Itachi was fixing the end of the gauze around his forehead with a small metal clip, he’s
orating, “he formed a new organization called Akatsuki and hid in its shadows-” when
suddenly, the space beside him was immediately filled mass, heat, and blood. Uzumaki
Naruto appears out of nothing and falls to one knee, blood seeping a dripping from several
Both Uchiha were up and alert, extending their senses for any possible nearby threats as
Itachi asks, “Naruto… what happened-”
“Danzō,” Naruto quickly interjected as he stands upright once again. Focusing their attention
on the bloodied blond, the brothers are especially curious at the mention of that man’s name
as he growls, “fucking Danzō is what happened!” Itachi kept his arm on Sasuke’s shoulder as
Naruto moves to the most spacious area of the room, crosses his fingers, then winces at the
throbbing pain of his forearm. Momentarily ignoring it, he crosses his fingers and voices,
“Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.”
Three bloodied and pissed-off clones appear around him. Without needing to tell them
anything, one disappears exactly as the original Naruto had appeared while the other two sit
on the wood floor, cross-legged, and begin gathering natural energy. From within the seal,
Naruto turns back to look at a towering Kurama, challenging the smirking fox by asking, ‘so,
how was that?’
The indication was clear to the demon fox. Tied and trapped, the blond escaped without help,
as he promised he would, making Kurama snort, then shake his large smirking head before
gladly answering, ‘that insolent pest ruined my night.’ Leaning down, eying Naruto with
large feral eyes, he demands, ‘rip his fucking guts out!’
Setting the imagery aside, Naruto smirks at his partner. Despite being tired, bleeding, and in
throbbing pain, Naruto enters another section of his mind, outstretches his desire, his reach,
and easily accesses Kurama’s chakra. Sasuke and Itachi bear witness to the young man before
them flicker brightly before flaring into Kurama Chakra Mode.
Sasuke’s eyes flinch and squint at the light and power rolling off of his teammate and he can’t
help the shock, inferiority, and anger swelling his chest. He hadn’t directly seen his idiot
teammate summon so much power before. He could only go by what his brother had shared
with him, however, hearing it, and seeing it was more disheartening than he could’ve
expected. Sasuke could identify the fury within him as the very thing Itachi wants him to let
go, but looking at the golden Naruto’s tremendous strength, he can’t imagine how he could
let that go. Sasuke knew it was the only thing keeping him going.
“Naruto,” Itachi called, stepping forward. Sasuke steps forward while his brother asks, “what
happened, exactly?”
Unable to set aside his righteous fury, Naruto focuses on the Uchihas as he angrily answers,
“I was just kidnapped by Danzō!” Naruto took a deep breath to keep the overwhelming
feeling from destabilizing his focus. “I got away, but I’m heading back right now to burn his
fucking house down. I thought you’d want to tag along.”
Itachi’s answer is to walk over to Sasuke’s leg holster atop his dresser as he asks, “I can get
us in, but even if they haven’t set up additional traps, and it’s unlikely we can get there before
Danzō leaves-”
“My kunai are still there,” Naruto answered, tapping his weaponless thigh as Itachi fastens a
tanto on his lower back. When Sasuke moves to arm himself as well, the elder Uchiha voices,
“not you, Sasuke.”
Dreading his brother would say that, a frustrated Sasuke immediately bites back, “you can’t
go by yourself! And after what they did to us, you can’t expect me to just stay here either!”
Still feeling aches, burning, and weakness throughout his body, Sasuke knew he couldn’t
deny it with any credibility. He blames Naruto for his taxing injuries, however, he blames
himself for not expecting it. Sasuke didn’t know how much stronger Naruto had gotten in
such a short period. Worse yet, he doubts he would’ve believed it even if Itachi had told him
beforehand. Like the vibrating misery aching up and down his spine, accepting reality no
matter how much he disagrees with it was a hard lesson for the young Uchiha to learn.
“You’re not ready to face Root, besides,” Itachi callously finishes, adding insult to injury.
Realizing the golden boy in his room is watching them, Sasuke felt his spin flare with ache &
shame and couldn’t help pointing to Naruto as he yells, “and Naruto is!?”
In an instant, Itachi is on him with his hand on his bandaged head, leaning so close, their
foreheads nearly touch. Look deeply into his young brother’s onyx eyes, he states with a soft
voice, “Sasuke, the painful truth is you’d only get in the way. There’s no shame in
acknowledging the current state of your abilities.”
“You think I care about that?” a frustrated Sasuke whispered back. “I NEED to make them
Itachi smiles a bit with an understanding nod, not humoring or indulging him, but truly
understanding the depth of his hurting desires. The older Uchiha wisely imparts, “when you
find you can’t control the situation, you must challenge yourself to control how you respond
to it, because very often, I find that is generally the best anyone can do.” Itachi bumps their
forehead before backing away and saying, “at the moment, you can’t, but soon, I promise
you, you will. Everything I have in me to teach, I will pass on to you. So, stay, okay?”
Sasuke’s tight fist crack and pop as he tightens them, however, though quite angered, he
sternly nods. Naruto was happy to see such control. Typically, Sasuke led with intelligence
and only lost himself when it came to his brother. To see him favor the smart play, no matter
how much he hates it, gave Naruto hope they could one day be close friends. Despite his
mirth, however, he feels his clones enter sage mode and recalls the vengeful business at hand.
Without a clear subject, Naruto tells Itachi, “I told you who killed him, but I never told you it
took a lot out of him. And he fought with the Mangekyo too, so if it gave him trouble, we
need to be careful.”
Looking between the two curiously, Sasuke repeats, “Mangekyo? You mean the Mangekyo
Sharingan? How do you know about that and who are you talking-”
Interrupting him, Itachi reasons, “if Danzō held his own against a Sharingan of that caliber,
he’d have to possess power on your level or higher, which I don’t believe he does… or have a
Sharingan himself.”
“He can’t,” Sasuke ardently protested. “He’s not Uchiha-”
“You ready?”
After Itachi’s nod, one of Naruto’s clones disperses into a white puff of smoke, breathing new
robust sage chakra into Naruto’s chakra network on top of Kurama’s chakra. With large
tenketsu, Naruto’s body revels in feeling so much potent energy flowing freely through him.
Staring in disbelief, Sasuke backs a step away at the incredible golden sight of Naruto. Itachi
taps Sasuke’s forehead then smiles at his distracted brother before disappearing in a fraction
of a blink of an eye. Sasuke is then left alone with a quiet clone of Naruto sitting cross-legged
on the floor.
An emphatically enhanced Naruto teleports them directly to the kunai holster that’s still on
the table it was placed on when he was first brought there. The stone room is empty now,
with the steel chair still in the middle and pieces of thick rope on the bloodied floor around it.
Pointing with his finger, Naruto quickly explained staying away from the hei seal on the floor
as it suppresses tenketsu as he senses everyone in the base.
The underground multi-leveled base easily felt over two hundred feet deep to the high-
powered blond. He can sense chakra rushing through ten stories of numerous tunnels,
meeting rooms, wells, and passages. Judging by the chakra signatures on the surface, Naruto
figures this underground base is directly under Hokage tower and he can’t imagine how
easily that helps them spy on the Hokage’s meetings. Putting aside the impressive structure of
the base just under the village, Naruto focuses on the movements of every chakra signature
below ground.
It was effortless to pinpoint Danzō’s chakra signature three levels up and fifty feet to the east.
A dozen men surrounded him and Naruto counted another two dozen rushing through the
base. Everyone appears to be on high alert, however, their chakras are relatively calm. Naruto
spots one signature he’s familiar with. The one he thinks is the Sai character Naru-nii told
him about. He’s the one Root member who feels less negative than the others.
The possible-Sai was near Danzō, likely taking orders like everyone else on this base. Orders
that take Konoha less into account. Orders that only serve him and his twisted ends. Orders
that sow chaos and conflict in the world. The type of orders that would kidnap, murder, extol
continuous suffering. It disgusted Naruto more than what he knows about Madara, and rather
than sneaking through corridors, ventilation, or hidden passageways, Naruto’s ever-
increasing agitation erupts a gold-colored chakra arm out of his right forearm. In less than
three seconds, he creates a Rasenshuriken. Itachi steps several paces away, nearly to the
corner of the room as the golden-blond cranks back his arm and immediately hurls the
devastating technique directly toward Danzō.
The compacted hurricane slices & demolishes wall-after-wall up three floors toward its target
and Naruto could sense every soul desperately leap out of the way of the oncoming
technique. He expected everyone was skilled enough to avoid the far-off attack, however, he
was certain none of them expected it to detonate into a massive sphere of annihilation. The
worst of it shakes the underground base for several seconds and the blond imagined them
watching a fifty-yard chunk of their territory being pulverized by an uncountable number of
minuscule wind-blades. He imagined that scared them. He imagined that helped their sense
of survival come to the cold conclusion that they fucked up in the worst way.
Naruto’s fairly sure the best sensors in Konoha detected that, and while unable to see through
the dust and debris obscuring the series of holes, the pair at least have a much clearer path to
their target now. As the dust slowly settles, Itachi steps beside Naruto and extends his weapon
Realizing he forgot to put it on as well as explain why he attacked, he relays, “oh, uh,
Danzō’s that way.”
With an easy nod, Itachi informs him, “they have many sensors in every hall. We were never
going to reach Danzō undetected.”
As he straps on his weapon holster to his thigh, Naruto senses numerous shinobi heading
straight for them and tells Itachi, “they’ll be on us in six seconds.”
“Considering your strength and style are comparable to Kisame, I believe we’ll work well
together,” Itachi noted. “Just do as you like, and I’ll alert you if anything comes up I think
you should know.”
“Roger that,” Naruto hollered before bending down like he’s about to sprint in a race.
A hair-line split of a second later, Naruto leaps through the first hole, and though the first
three to impede his progress to Danzō are intensely trained adults, they’re not nearly as fast
or as strong as Naruto is. Compared to Naruto’s current speed, they may as well be standing
still. Two quick steps on the floor and his fist is embedded in the closest Root’s chest. A half-
step spin, and Naruto’s elbow blows through the next man’s chin. Feeling a familiar chakra
behind him, Naruto ignores the third man, dropping from a stiff strike to the back of the head
from Itachi, to leap through the next hole.
Flying through the hole into the next room, Naruto’s face is inches away from a series of
shuriken and kunai slicing through the air at him. Naruto engulfs his entire arm in Kurama’s
golden chakra, enlarging his limb to easily catch the dozen weapons thrown before hurling
them back. Landing, he enlarges his arm further and rockets the dense chakra like a golden
snake bulldozing two bodies through the wall, grabbing another’s legs and using him as a
club to smash against his comrades. Even as the remaining four regroup to attack Naruto, he
is already leaping through the next hole in the ceiling, leaving the remaining four with the
Sharingan user.
All four men attack Itachi with swords draw from each side. Four sharp blades pierce through
the unmoving man at such speed, their clothes whirl and Itachi’s long hair rises in a circular
fashion. Itachi’s blood-red eyes flash before the Uchiha disappears from the center of the kill-
box, and like an invisible curtain draw, the four men find that they’ve stabbed each other.
Landing in a larger room in a yellow flash, two dozen Root Anbu await Naruto with weapons
draw and clear killing intent. A second later, Itachi lands softly next to him with his
Sharingan activated. Naruto creates two grapefruit-sized Rasengan in each hand when, quite
unexpectedly, all twenty-four men shunshin away. Oddly enough, Naruto and Itachi sense
their escape through the base at incredible speed. Confused, Naruto even senses them reach
the surface as he asks, “uh, did they seriously run away?” For a beat, Itachi is in silent
contemplation as the blond adds, “probably don’t want to end up like their friends.”
“They don’t do friends, Naruto,” Itachi returns. “Their lives are nothing more than a series of
missions, maneuvers, protocols, and tactics. They do nothing unless it serves their agenda.
Danzō’s agenda.”
“Good riddance… is what I’d normally say,” Naruto casually remarks as he eyes the ceiling
as if he’s looking through it. Wondering where the two dozen Root are going, he says, “but
that’d be too dumb, even for me. I’ll keep track of them.”
Naruto creates a clone that automatically pops before candidly answering, “now that you
mention it, I just realized I can check in on Mabui-chan in Kumo from here.”
Itachi raised his brows at the revelation before nodding and noting, “Danzō is just up ahead.”
“Yeah,” Naruto growled, feeling another couple minutes of sage chakra left in him. “He’s got
his bodyguards too.”
Naruto and Itachi leap through the hole in the wall before witnessing the unbridled
destruction of Naruto’s Rasenshuriken. Walls, floors, columns, and brace beams were filed
off in a curve, leaving a lot of dust and rubble in its wake. The cavity to the final room was
too large for any sort of trap to work, leaving Naruto and Itachi to land with Danzō and his
men waiting fifty feet away.
The room itself was very large, able to hold a hundred men easily. It had a very high and
rounded ceiling with walkways fixed three levels up, as if it were a viewing area for the space
below. The room reminded Naruto of a stadium; a cold, dark, suffocating stadium where
winning absent killing your opponent is looked at as a weakness.
Smirking at the old War Hawk, resting his palms on his cane in front of him, Naruto yells out
into the cold air, “I told you I’d wipe this place out.”
Ignoring Naruto, Danzō speaks to Itachi. “This is unexpected. For Uchiha Itachi to return to
my village without my knowledge, your talents haven’t waned one bit.”
“Danzō,” Itachi firmly spoke. “At long last, the time you meet your end has finally come.”
“I beg to differ,” the old veteran returned. Turning to Naruto, he admits, “I’ll concede you’re
more capable than I initially predicted. No matter. Even with all the strength you possess,
neither of you are capable of eliminating Root from the fabric of this village. What we do is
forever bound to Konoha’s way of living, thus, Root is incapable of ending any more than
Konoha can; and as you’ll learn, any more than I can be.”
“I’m sure we can do without all the assassinations, massacres, and kidnappings, you weirdo,”
Naruto shoots back. He can feel his sage chakra leaving, but it was more than fine. His clones
may need the boost more than he imagines he will.
“We do what no one else is willing to,” Danzō edifies. “We remove what does not want to
move for the collective success of all.” The man takes two steps forward before clacking the
heel of his cane against the hard stone floor. “As such, I will offer you both a onetime offer of
“Truce?” Naruto questions with a shocked whirling back of his head. “You’re out of your
fucking mind?”
“This goes against my better nature, Naruto,” Danzō admits with his strong, yet aged voice.
“But, I cannot deny you’re more necessary to my plans than a few nameless orphans. Agree
to my terms and those you love will not be harmed within the next five minutes.”
Naruto and Itachi stiffen coldly to hear that and listen intently as the old War Hawk affirms,
“Itachi knows my methods well. You may have sensed dozens of my men evacuating the
base. If you thought they were attempting to save their lives, I can assure you, you couldn’t
be more wrong.” Naruto targets Danzō’s men with the remaining minute of senjutsu as he
“At this very moment, my men have instructions to track, target, and eliminate every person
you hold dear: Umino Iruka, Yūhi Kurenai, Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura, Hyūga Hinata,
Uchiha Sasuke, Haku, and on, and on. They’ll work their way up from the weakest to the
strongest just to ensure some do, in fact, die tonight… unless, my dear boys, you stand down
this very moment.”
Naruto quickly wonders how Itachi wants to handle this. He was clearly much sharper when
it came to tactics, however, Itachi stayed ponderously still.
“I give you my word I will not attack,” Danzō stated, irritating Naruto to no end. “Not unless
you provoke me.”
Under the twinkling blanket of stars, the village of Konoha is mostly at peace. Certain streets
of bars and clubs cater to the thrill seekers, a few training grounds were occupied, sentries &
other peacekeepers were on duty, but overall, the villagers were either asleep or preparing to
sleep. With no sun out and fewer eyes to view them, no one could see the groups of masked
men dressed like the darkness above speeding through the village.
Firm, fast footfalls were silent for the minutes it takes to get into position. Not more than five
blocks from Hokage tower, a trinity of masked men eye Kurenai from afar. They spy on her
speak with the next Hokage, Tsunade of the Senju, and her dark-haired aid. The men knew
not to engage without authorization, however, it goes without saying, if they have to sacrifice
their lives to kill Yūhi Kurenai, they’ve hardened their resolve for the task ahead.
Another team of masked Root runs farther out to the hospital, where they spy on Karin
sleeping in an armchair beside Iruka’s bed. These men know Iruka has an operation in the
morning, and they’re also aware of how much the Uzumaki clan cares about the Chūnin
sensei. It’s the sort of predictable sentiment assassins can rely on. They watch their targets
and wait for orders, because these two are the first on the hit-list.
Another team of masked men land two buildings away from the Yamanaka compound to
observe Yamanaka Ino sleeping in a bed while Haruno Sakura studies at the desk. The team
of men observe the perimeter and guard routes for when they get authorization. Similarly,
two teams station farther away from the Hyūga compound, ready with the diversion and
infiltration to reach and execute Hyūga Hinata. Another pair of teams land on the nearest
rooftop to the weapons shop, Ten Out of Ten. They’re aware of Haku’s capabilities and
cannot underestimate him should they be given the order.
These specialists of specialists were trained to do what was necessary for the survival of
Konoha, no matter how repulsive or counterintuitive. These men are capable of impressive
feats because they are hyper-focused and they believe in their leader. Root’s commander
needed to epitomize the darkness underground so the village and their families above ground
may thrive for centuries to come.
All the assassins hear the crisp double-click through their radio ear-pieces, and all teams
unsheathe their short-swords.
In the open and cold stadium, not unlike the fighting stage after the second task of the Chūnin
exam, Naruto didn’t dare move. After everything he’s heard about Danzō, he doesn’t have a
doubt in his mind the old bastard would plan something so vile and follow through if he so
chose to. Naruto instead listens to Itachi as he repeats Danzō’s last statement.
“Unless we provoke you,” Itachi repeats before noting, “that’s quite vague. It could mean
anything from mentioning your name to breathing out loud.”
Danzō nods in agreement, but doesn’t clarify the spirit of his meaning. Instead, his cold, hard
voice echoes through the air. “If our opposing views step away from this little skirmish,” he
said. “I promise you here and now to cease pursuing you and those you hold dear. In
exchange, the pair of you will also not impede my plans in the future.”
Disgusted by his audacity, Naruto yells back, “I thought I was part of your plans!”
“I know how to measure risk-to-reward ratio,” the one-eyed veteran explains to the golden
boy. “Other arrangements can be made.”
Eager to irritate, Naruto retorts, “oh, you mean like kidnapping the Two-tails and planting her
in another country to start a war? Other arrangements like that?” Naruto snorted as he shook
his head, ultimately leveling, “that’s the problem with sneaky assholes like you. Can’t trust a
word you say.”
Finally showing signs of irritation—possibly for being tricked into sharing that piece of his
plan, or simply because Naruto seems to be impressive in irritating people—Danzō snarls as
he tries to calm himself whilst hotly cracking back, “regardless! The only other alternative is
we fight to the death, and I’d rather not lose such a fine weapon by killing you-”
“Such a foolish child,” Danzō grimaced. He shook his head as he remarks, “it would seem
you leave me no choice but to shed their blood and bring you the body to make my point.”
Ready to give the order to his bodyguards, Danzō held his hand at the smirk on Naruto’s face.
Having lost the rest of his sage chakra twenty seconds ago and then regained it ten seconds
later, sage Naruto smirks smugly as he asks with a dopey expression, “you really don’t know
much about sage mode, do you?”
After Naruto’s escape to Sasuke’s room, he created three clones; two to gather natural energy
and one to teleport to one of the strongest people he knows he can always rely on for help.
The artificial mass warps space and time before he travels directly to his Godfather. Landing
on a tree branch next to the sage elder, Naruto was ready to explain everything and team up
to stop Danzō from targeting his loved ones when he notes the tall tree is near Kurenai’s
Jiraiya slowly turns to Naruto as the young blond notes that the tree branch they’re standing
on offers a respectable view of Kurenai’s bedroom window. Turning to the large man with
binoculars in his hands, holding his breath, the old pervert’s intention is painfully obvious,
but what hits Naruto like a punch to the gut, is the area they dragged Naruto’s body to isn’t
more than a hundred yards away.
“Really!” Naruto yells, knowing with supreme certainty Jiraiya should’ve noticed. A shocked
Naruto immediately interrupted Jiraiya’s, “now, now-” to yell, “this is where you’ve been
while I was getting kidnapped by Danzō!”
“What? Say again,” Jiraiya called out. “That’s appalling! You okay? We should go right now
and take care of that!”
Realizing the old man was attempting to redirect the conversation, the flabbergasted Naruto
loudly asks, “you were going to peek at your own Godson!?”
“What? Why-” he stutters before declaring with authority, “c-can’t a man sit on a tree
nowadays without being labeled and judged?”
“Your own Godson!” Naruto bellows, to which Jiraiya stumbles for a valid response. The
blond then had to know, “what would tou-chan say?”
“W-Well, obviously, he’d be happy his favorite sensei was keeping such a diligent eye on his
son,” Jiraiya reasons with loud nods of his head. “So what’s this about Danzō-”
“On the one tree outside my girlfriend’s window at midnight,” Naruto gasps with building
“You don’t have to make it sound weird,” Jiraiya said, fighting to preserve the purity of his
devotion. With a brawny hand, he grips the air as he passionately proclaims, “if you truly
wish to continue your mother’s noble clan, it obviously falls on me to ensure you know how
to completely satisfy the missus is an absolute necessity! There was just no other way!”
“Then how could you let your only godson get kidnapped?”
“I only just got here,” the elder touts back. “And you seem to be doing just fine.”
Naruto groans, “Ugh!” Throwing hands up as if giving up on making sense of him. “You’re
“Fine, fine, fine,” the Ero adult repeats, pumping open palms in peace. “How about I make it
up to you, starting with whatever Danzō’s been doing, ne?”
Naruto eyed his broad-smiling godfather suspiciously for many moments before relenting. He
explained what happened to him not thirty yards from where they are, where he was taken to,
all the threats Danzō made, and his eventual escape. He then explained waiting for the next
bout of natural energy so he can track all his friends at once instead of wasting time looking
for them.
Jiraiya flatly refused to use his sage mode and if it weren’t for the tremendous burst of sage
chakra suddenly swelling within him, he would’ve continued arguing with the man. Realizing
the original want everyone to keep watch on the group of Root that left the underground base,
Naruto’s eyes bulged.
The teams of Root were counting down to the kill order. If no word came from command in
the next minute, they were permitted to make a field call. However, the group outside the
hospital, outside the Sandaime’s residence, outside of the Hyūga and Yamanaka compounds,
outside of Ten Out of Ten weapons shop all felt before seeing a single glowing shinobi land
near their target.
A Kurama chakra-covered Naruto landed on the railing next to Kurenai, Tsunade, and
Shizune, before staring directly at the position the Root team is hidden under. Another golden
Naruto landed on the roof above the room Ino and Sakura were in, as well as the roof above
Hinata’s room. A golden clone stood atop of Tenten’s weapon shop, arms crossed, his orange-
yellow overcoat flowing with the wind, and glaring directly at the teams laying wait. Having
sensed him, Haku appears right beside him with Tenten to learn about the situation.
Despite confounding Yamanaka and Hyūga sentries, confusing Karin, and perplexing the
future Hokage, Naruto told them everything that was going on. Due to this development, the
Root members now faced a decision they each had no choice but to make. Either continue the
current mission, despite the obvious risk of failure, or, switch to the contingency plan their
leader had already prepared for.
Staring down the tremendous waves of power rolling off of all the Narutos, each Root
member slowly sheathed their short swords and prepared to run.
“I can sense everyone in this base, everyone that left, even everyone in the village,” Naruto
readily informs the old War Hawk. “I know where your men are going as much as my clones
do; as much as my godfather does. You know, of the legendary Sannin. A sage too, if you
remember.” Though Danzō typically refrained from expressing any level of emotion on his
face, he didn’t stop himself from glaring at a smirking Naruto as he added, “do you really
think I’d come back here to throw down with a snake like you without making sure my
people were covered? I may not be the smartest, but even I’m not that dumb.”
Danzō’s man with the glass asks, “Danzō-sama,” however, the elder knew the moment to
make a decisive decision had not yet arrived. There was still time to salvage some gains from
the face of this setback. Through his many decades of tactical retreats, he knows that even in
loss, there was always a way to win.
“Sage arts is truly a fearsome thing,” the one-eyed elder admitted with no measure of praise.
“But so can proper planning. What you need to know before we battle to the death is, should
I happen to meet an untimely death, my men have instruction to scatter, far and wide, all
across the village, the country, the world, if need be, but only for a time. They’ll live
unassuming lives for weeks, months, or years before they return to avenge me. They may
wait until you’re married or the day you become a father. They can be your tenant, your
assistant, your child’s sensei, your next client, your gardener, any stranger you sit next to
when you eat ramen or pass on a daily basis. I couldn’t say who or when, but I’m certain my
men will accomplish their vengeance, and strike a deadly blow the moment you least expect
it. Of that, you both have my solemn vow.”
Before Naruto can even wonder if he should believe him, Itachi whispers to Naruto, “he’s not
lying. You can’t command a covert black-ops group like Root and not be that methodical. His
contingencies have several levels of contingencies, and he makes sure his men know them.”
Before Naru-nii, Naruto never considered a future other than becoming Hokage. Nothing else
seemed to matter because he simply assumed the rest would fall into place the moment the
entire village acknowledged him. However, like many things in his life, that logic was not
correct. To his delight, he was getting married now, while ferociously trying not to think
about any resulting pregnancies. His clan was growing by the day, and he was preparing for
the real battle to come.
The last thing Naruto needs is a disgruntled whack-job trying to murder him while he’s on the
toilet or waiting for his beloved extra-large miso ramen with extra pork or when he’s on his
way to buy a wedding ring… several wedding rings. He absolutely didn’t need the stress of
not being everywhere at once to ensure his loved ones remain safe.
“If you’re not confident you can protect your children, wives, friends, or even acquaintances
every moment of the day for years to come,” Danzō continued. “I suggest we suspend
hostilities and strive towards mutually beneficial diplomacy.”
Itachi doesn’t turn to his partner to ask in a low voice, “what do you want to do?”
“I don’t doubt he’s that crazy,” Naruto replied loud enough for Danzō to hear. In his heart of
hearts, he believes Danzō capable of such underhanded evil, however, looking at the face of
immoral villainy, he knew something else to be true. This was the man who betrayed his Ji-
chan, who instigated and exploited all the atrocities that befell Sasuke’s life. Naruto simply
couldn’t trust a word he said.
“Yeah, I bet he would be that cowardly,” Naruto yells at the elder. “But I also don’t doubt
he’s two-faced! There’s no guarantee he won’t change his mind later and come after us if we
back down now. After everything he said, I trust someone like Zabuza-jiji more than him.
And honestly… it’s all the more reason to shut his ass down right now.”
Itachi remarks for all in the large stadium to hear, “he has a point.” Boldly taking a kunai out
of his leg holster, he points out, “perhaps we should just kill you now, and deal with the rest
of Root one by one. After all, it’s not as if I’m overly busy. In fact, I’d say I’m especially
skilled at hunting men from the shadows.”
Setting a firm stance to get a good leap off, Naruto happily voices, “I’d be down with that.”
“Would you truly risk their lives like that, Naruto? Would Ino’s or Sakura’s parents forgive
you for the death of their daughter, I wonder?” It turned Naruto’s stomach to keep hearing
him speak of the people he loves like that. That level of callousness is too inconceivable.
“My men can hide for years and the more loved ones you gather around you, the more targets
you create for me. All I need to succeed is one blade to pierce one heart, and you’ll regret this
moment for the rest of your life. Why risk all that innocent blood when, in some way, some
form, this organization will always be a part of this village. For no country can stand the test
of time without occasionally doing what’s necessary.”
Constantly reaching new levels of disbelief, Naruto scoffs as he points out, “you mean like
the Uchiha massacre? Necessary like that?”
“To achieve the greater good, a little evil is necessary more times than we care to admit,”
Danzō candidly educated. “But what we do in the shadows must be done so those above can
live in peace. Itachi knows this. It’s why he did as he did.”
“Kami, how whacked out of your skull are you?” Naruto had to ask in continual disbelief. He
simply couldn’t understand this man’s logic. ‘Evil for the greater good,’ he thought, however,
when he did, he felt that description sounded more like Itachi than Danzō. Though he can’t
confirm it, Naruto believes Itachi hates having been put in the position he was in and had to
carry out deplorable acts, all to minimize the final tally of deaths in the end. He could believe
that because Itachi did everything he could to save Sasuke. And even now, he left Akatsuki
for his brother and Konoha. “I don’t think you even know how off the mark you are,” Naruto
“At best, I agree Root is a necessary evil,” Itachi asserted, slightly perking Naruto’s ears.
“But at worst, it’s an intolerable one. Even if you believe it is necessary, when that necessity
goes away, what are you left with?”
“The answer’s evil, you delusional piece of shit,” Naruto happily yelled back with tight fists.
“You’re a half-measure, Danzō,” Itachi told the old leader. “Without the scope or sense
needed to make the right choice. It’s long time you retire, whether you want to or not.”
“The disease of naivety,” the man said, shaking his head. At a side glance to his bodyguard,
they know to send the authorization as he tells the intruders. “Remember this moment, you
foolish foolish boys, for many deaths in the future will be due directly to the ignorant choices
made here today.”
Like a powerful flash of golden lighting cutting through the moist night sky, Naruto
demolishes the sound barrier as he rockets through thirty yards in less than a second, landing
an unanticipated fist in the stomach of the Root who trapped him in the doll. Like a boneless
sack of liquid, Sparrow is bent in half as he zooms through the air, rear first, for thirty yards
before bouncing off the stone floor then hitting the stadium’s wall with a thunderous crack.
Before the puff of rock dust can even settle, Naruto senses a modicum of movement at his
feet, triggering his legs to leap back as paper claws with the symbol for seal on their paws
pop out of the floor he was standing on. Danzō and Monkey take that opportunity to leap
back to the motionless Sparrow as Sai lands beside them with a large scroll under his arm.
Though he isn’t completely surprised, Naruto looks at the boy with a measure of
disappointment. He’d hoped Sai might read the situation differently. With a sad sigh, he
prepared to attack when a firm hand was placed on his shoulder.
Turning, the blond wondered why Itachi was stopping him. The Uchiha walks past Naruto
and addresses the alert Danzō. “I have a counter-proposal.” Danzō and his men stand down
for a moment. Even Naruto isn’t sure what Itachi will say. “Recall all your men to the
barracks,” Itachi began. “Every single one.”
Eying the golden Naruto for a split second, the old War Hawk asks Itachi, “why?”
“So they can witness a contest to the death,” Itachi answered. “You and I will battle for
leadership of Root, and if you’re the last one standing, Naruto will agree to a ceasefire-”
Whirling his blond head up and then to the extreme side, Naruto blurts with wide eyes, “wait-
Sidestepping Naruto’s surprise, Itachi continues to address Danzō. “Should you be the one to
die, I will replace you as leader of Root. Your men will not die and continue serving Konoha
under my command. How does that sound? Self-sacrifice is the epitome of a shinobi’s duty, is
it not?”
“You recall my creed,” the older man rebuked, while deep in his mind considering the offer.
“It goes without question everything I do is for the glory of Konoha, even if that requires my
life. ‘The unseen ones who support the great tree of Konoha from the depths of the earth,’
must live on. To that end, I’ll agree only on the condition that Sparrow and Monkey, my best
duo, shall inherit should we both perish.”
“That’s not really saying much,” Naruto remarked, cracking his knuckles as Monkey is
helping Sparrow to his unsteady feet. He smirks when the old war vet didn’t reply.
“Hell no, I don’t,” Naruto touted before arguing, “if you both kick it and those two turn out to
be just like him, do you really think this isn’t going to happen again?”
Finally turning to him, looking at the blond with his Sharingan eyes, Itachi expresses, “it’s
fine, Naruto. You’ve already proven they’re not on your level, much less his.”
“It’s not about levels,” Naruto declares. “They got me today, right? It could happen again!
Only they won’t underestimate me the next time.”
“Have a plan that no one knows about,” Itachi suggested, though Naruto only sags his
shoulders as if that isn’t comforting. Huffing in amusement, the Sharingan user confesses
with a small smile, “if it makes you feel better, every fiber of my being has an unyielding
drive to utterly destroy that man here and now.” Knowing everything Danzō is responsible
for, Naruto cannot dispute Itachi’s desire for retribution. “Besides, this isn’t how I die.”
“I know how you die,” Naruto weakly groaned back. “And I’m not letting that happen
either.” Itachi’s smile widens farther than Naruto has ever seen it. He then nods before
stepping forward and asking Monkey and Sparrow, “if Itachi wins, do you have any intention
of following his orders? Aren’t you just going to avenge your master, anyway?”
Looking at the golden blond with a deep measure of disgust, Danzō asserts with a sneer, “this
is why you could never be a leader of real men, Naruto. You’re much too soft and painfully
short-sighted. Too… innocent for the inconsequential lives that must be sacrificed. You
assume because you’re so fickle about who you follow that other, true, shinobi are just as
easily dissuaded. You cannot possibly understand the depth of their devotion to our great
village because you cling so desperately to fairytales and feelings like an infant suckling at
his mother’s teat.”
“As he should,” Itachi hotly voices. “You understand the dark roles we play, as do I. It is why
I did what I did, regardless of my own wants. What you fail to see is that Naruto’s role is that
of our hope and just as vital. So that the group of us who work in the shadows see the
goodness they’re fighting for. If a leaf is to survive, it must follow the light, no matter how
dark the path.” Before Danzō could speak further, Itachi tells his blond comrade, “it’s okay,
Naruto. I believe these men will follow my orders.”
“You have to survive first,” Danzō sneers. “Fu, Torune, recall the men. Authorization: King
Root.” Removing his right arm from within his black kimono, displaying the large metal
braces affixed to his entire bandaged forearm, he declares, “we have an accord.”
“Hai,” Monkey responds before speaking into the radio at his neck. Naruto creates a clone
that bursts and relays the information to his clone network, and by extension, the ninjas near
“Itachi is here!” Tsunade yelled in disbelief. Along with the blond Senju, Kurenai, Shizune,
Jiraiya, and a clone of Naruto are now following the team of Root Anbu. Before Naruto’s
clone mentally received an updated situation, the group had been tracking the Root team that
ran away. The team seemed to specialize in hiding their presence, as neither Jiraiya nor
Tsunade could sense them unless they moved with even a hint of chakra assistance. Now, the
fast sprinting group is leaping from building to building, following the hit-squad back to their
“In Konoha?” Tsunade snapped, feeling the frustration growing, and she hasn’t even worn the
hat a single day yet. It left her wondering how often event-heavy situations arose. ‘It’s a
wonder Sensei wasn’t knocking on death’s door sooner,’ she thought with exasperated
“Yeah, but like I said,” Naruto called back. “He’s on our side.”
Shaking her head as if that changes anything, Tsunade emphatically points out, “he’s still a
wanted criminal, Naruto!”
As their chakra-enhanced legs sprint and leap, almost of their own accord, Naruto nods
weakly, hesitantly affirming, “yeah… but… it’s not like he has to be, exactly.” Tsunade’s
shocked and focused eyes snapped on him, to which Naruto hastens to clarify, “okay, okay,
okay. I’m not excusing what he did. He murdered—murdered—innocent people; women,
children, elderly. No matter how you slice it, that’s all sorts of wrong and should be
punished…” The others observe in silence as Tsunade slowly returns her attention to the team
a quarter-mile away, however, she wasn’t surprised when Naruto adds, “but… I just mean…
it’s not like he wanted to kill his own family. He’s not some blood-thirsty nut-case like
Orochimaru. Itachi was put in that position. A lot of people failed the Uchiha clan way before
Itachi was forced to clean it up.”
Realizing what the blond boy wanted wasn’t difficult. Despite their brief association, she
found it comically easy to read him. ‘He wears his heart on his sleeve,’ she told herself often,
whenever the topic of Naruto would come up. As she leaps through the cold air, listening to
him argue in Itachi’s defense, she sighs internally, hating that she has to remind him, “I can’t
let him walk, Naruto.”
Unnecessarily turning his attention far away, he stammers, “I wasn’t really asking that-”
“Yes, you were,” she quickly affirmed. “I’ve known you long enough to figure you’re good
to a fault.”
Jiraiya’s voice echoes around them as he asks, “why not just kill Danzō?” drawing a
concerned gaze from Tsunade. Her sternly knitted eyebrows seem to ask, ‘what the fuck,’ to
which the sage responds, “what? He already kidnapped Naruto, attempted to kidnap Karin,
and he threatened our lives! Doesn’t that deserve punishment? The man’s incapable of
trusting anything he can’t control, which means if we’re a threat to him now, we’ll always
Landing on the empty street from the building tops, they quickly come to an open manhole
cover. Without moonlight, they were looking at nothing more than a pitch-black circle.
Tsunade turns to Jiraiya and assures him, “you know sensei won’t see it that way. He won’t
agree to this deal between Danzō and Itachi. The council won’t either.”
“Why sensei has allowed that man to continue Root is beyond me,” Jiraiya casually replied
before leaping into the dark hole first. He’s quickly followed by Naruto, Shizune, Tsunade,
and Kurenai. Naruto’s chakra shroud allows them to see several feet in front of them,
however, Jiraiya taps him on the shoulder, and motions to cut the light so as to not give away
their position from a great distance away. In pitch darkness, the stench felt even worse, like a
rat decomposing under their noses. Despite zero visibility, sound and chakra are more than
enough to continue pursuing their target at full speed.
“But you’re practically Hokage right now,” Naruto brought up. “Shouldn’t it be your
“Naruto,” Kurenai voiced echoed from behind him, warning him he could cross a line.
However, Tsunade could recognize Naruto’s steadfast will to fight for what he believed in,
and practically expected it when he cites, “look, I know Itachi can’t be forgiven. That’s not
what I’m asking. I just think, if he wins, wouldn’t he be helping Konoha out? I mean, I can’t
let Danzō walk after what he did, so either we kill him and Root—who are our countrymen
—or Root escapes and tries to murder me and mine when we least expect it, or… Itachi
becomes the leader of Root and we avoid the worst.”
There’s silence for several long moments. As five pairs of feet softly touch the wet metal
under them at fast speeds, the only thing Tsunade agrees with is that she doesn’t like any of it.
It was as if there was no right answer. She couldn’t deny Itachi’s culpability as much as his
complicity. However, did that mean executing Danzō and placing Itachi in command? She
would be the one to deal with him when she becomes Hokage. Tsunade sighed internally yet
Breaking the metallic silence, Jiraiya’s low voice points out, “Root was technically disbanded
after the Uchiha Massacre.” She’d glare at him if he could see her. “We’d only be enforcing
that edict in the most peaceful way possible… that is, if we do it Naruto’s way.”
Tsunade sighed out loud before voicing, “Kami, I’m really starting to hate this job.”
“Better you than me,” Jiraiya guffaws before earning a smack across his head.
No more than three minutes pass before teams of Root Anbu arrive one by one. In sets of
three, they appear anywhere behind Danzō, Monkey, the wounded Sparrow, and Sai, with
weapons drawn. Itachi observes men in dark clothes and plain animal masks in dark clothes,
no better or worse than any other specially trained Jōnin. He can’t help but note the root of
their problem was standing ahead of them.
Soon after, other men, not of Root, arrive. Landing on the elevated railing to the right, a clone
of Naruto, Kakashi, and Guy-sensei peer the scene below them. The clone dispels, sending
the memories of explaining everything to them, before the senseis body-flicker beside Naruto
and Itachi. “So it’s really true,” Guy states before Morino Ibiki and Anko enter the room from
a south entrance and land beside Kakashi. Morino Ibiki takes three steps toward the missing-
nin before Naruto steps between them. Before the tortured Jōnin can assert his authority, the
last of Danzō’s men arrive, completing over three dozen men. Kakashi puts his palm on
Ibiki’s shoulder before Danzō addresses his men.
“No,” Itachi swiftly interrupts. “Loyal is a code phrase to specific members ordering them to
disregard the following command.”
Thrusting a strong accusatory finger at the jaded War Hawk, Naruto yells, “you’re already
trying to trick us!?” Turning to Itachi, he promptly asks, “why even bother with this? We
can’t even trust him to not be an ass!”
“He called them here,” Itachi replied, observing there was not a single shinobi missing. “It’s
better than them being around our loved ones.”
Slowly, absent any remorse, Danzō replies, “my mistake.” He again turns to his men and
commands with his hard tone of voice, “re-execute: Pick up.” Naruto turns to Itachi, who
simply nods as Danzō continues. “My Root Anbu, I consider you to be the very core of this
village. When other shinobi, who believe they are above us, buckle and wane under the
weight of duty, Root remains. We hold strong because we must. Or the Leaf falls.”
Turning to Itachi just as Jiraiya, another Naruto-clone, Tsunade, Shizune, and Kurenai enter
the stadium-like chamber from an access point directly to their right. Naruto’s clone dispels
—also sending Naruto the memories of alerting and guiding them—before the unit land at the
center of the arena below them. Tsunade leads the pack, walking up to Naruto, Kakashi, and
Itachi, specifically eying the latter. She peers into the calm eyes of a genocidal madman and
sees nothing but calm Sharingans staring back at her.
Though she couldn’t be sure, Tsunade got the distinct impression he had nothing he felt the
need to hide. In her long life as a ninja, woman, and gambler, she’s come across every type of
person imaginable. Rarely is she surprised or incorrect in her estimation of a person. Gauging
the silent and open Uchiha, she simply couldn’t be sure. Her mind was telling her, ‘don’t trust
him,’ however, her gut was advising the opposite. Deciding to hold off, she turns to the one-
eyed reason they were all there that night.
Looking around the cold, stone arena, the balconies on either side, and the high ceiling
above, Tsunade asks, “do you typically welcome others by kidnapping them?” Danzō
remains silent a moment before the next Hokage follows with, “is everything I heard true?”
From his very mouth, the old War Hawk proclaims, as if offended, “everything I’ve done
tonight is no different from anything else I’ve done for village and country!” Tsunade stares
dispassionately as he asks her, “are you here to stop this and arrest Uchiha Itachi, as is your
Experienced though the veteran may be, she has several decades of experience as well, and
points out, “you didn’t answer my question, Danzō. But I suppose you don’t have to. Nothing
about you is a good bet.” Taking a few steps toward the cunning man, she adds, “if it’s
between you and Itachi-”
The incredibly instant act of Itachi, the wanted criminal, appearing in front of Tsunade, the
future leader of Konoha, had Jiraiya body flicker just as fast, placing a hand on the Uchiha’s
shoulder, preventing him from any potential attack. On Itachi’s other side, Kakashi casually
has his kunai in hand ready to strike Itachi’s jugular if not for the sun-like Naruto’s powerful
grip holding his sensei’s equally strong forearm. The evidence they couldn’t completely trust
Itachi was in their intent to kill, however, they couldn’t deny much more was at stake when
Itachi accuses of Danzō, “you don’t think I know everything about Shisui’s eye?”
Itachi’s Sharingan glare at Danzō in perfect recognition. Tsunade’s only motion throughout
Itachi’s movement was her looking at Itachi. Jiraiya and Kakashi also focus up as the golden
Naruto informs his senseis, “in this mode, I can sense even more than usual.” The future
Hokage listens to her fellow blond add, “I don’t quite get it but something hostile is coming
from his right eye.”
“It’s a subtle yet powerful mind-controlling dōjutsu,” Itachi confesses, and Jiraiya eventually
removes his hand. “He meant to manipulate you without you even realizing it using a
powerful genjutsu.” Danzō remains stone-faced despite the hostile stares from the other side
of the arena.
As Kakashi re-holsters his kunai, he cheerfully notes toward gold-chakra enhanced Naruto,
“you’ve certainly gotten faster,” who happily smirks at the compliment.
Having had enough of second-guessing herself, Tsunade asserts with clear finality, “I’m not
making my life any more complicated than it needs to be.” Crossing her arms was Jiraiya’s
sign for him to call the other Jōnins. Guy, Shizune, Kurenai, Morino Ibiki, and Anko all land
around Tsunade as Danzō’s three dozen men surround their leader in a protective formation.
She orders the one-eyed War Hawk, “give up peacefully.”
Despite Tsunade’s camp being outnumbered three to one, neither leader can discount
Naruto’s effect in battle, Jiraiya’s legendary prowess, or Itachi and Kakashi’s genius-level
combat ability. Add to that the strongest Taijutsu master, four incredibly proficient Jōnins,
and the best medical ninja in the country, The Legendary Sucker, was confident in their
chances. However, before Danzō responds to her ultimatum, Itachi voices, “Danzō can’t,
Tsunade-sama. In his eyes—in all of their eyes—Root must always exist. They’ll die for
Understanding his argument, she asks, “so you believe you ought to be the one to take over?”
After a moment of reflection, she asks the one thing that’s been causing her the most stress.
“Can I trust you?”
Naruto wanted to interject, taking in a breath to speak when Kurenai was right there to take
his hand in hers and gently shake her head. Despite the words of defense on the very tip of
his tongue, Naruto held them in, squeezing her hand in appreciation.
“That burden is not on me,” Itachi easily responded. “Do or don’t, my mission remains the
“Which is?”
Turning to the source of so much misery, Itachi answers, “kill Danzō. Protect Sasuke and
Tsunade isn’t the only one staring at him and absorbing the sincerity in his response. The
others could believe him just as much as the next Hokage can. Naruto smirks with glee as
Tsunade voices, “very well,” and her command eases their killing intent. From across the
arena, Danzō can see the answer in her honey-brown eyes, and he’s not amused.
His one uncovered eye glares at her as he addresses the loyal men around him. “I’ve recalled
you here to bear witness to this sanctioned contest of leadership between myself… and
Uchiha Itachi. You all know him, studied him. He wore the mask of Anbu and led black-ops
teams. Like us, he’s scorned the sun to live in the shadows.” Turning to his men, he places his
left arm behind his back and paces. “Should I be the victor, our vision may continue
unimpeded,” he waited a brief moment for Tsunade to disagree. When she remained silent, he
smirks before finishing, “should I fall, Uchiha Itachi will attempt a different direction. No
one will interfere.”
Except for Monkey, all of Danzō’s men immediately shunshin to the high viewing balcony to
the left of the stadium. He then removes the three large screws from the three golden braces
binding his arm and gives them to Monkey. Danzō’s bodyguard flickers to the balcony on the
left with the rest of the members of his unit. At the other end of the wide stone arena, a stiff
nod from their beautiful leader sends Guy, Shizune, Ibiki, and Anko to the elevated pathway
on the right of the arena.
At Itachi’s accepting nod, Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Kakashi join the others on the right walkway.
Itachi then turns to Naruto and Kurenai, asking the blond, “can you bring Sasuke here? I want
him to see this?”
“Uh… yeah. I left one with him just in case,” Naruto states before letting go of Kurenai’s
hand and summoning a clone that disperses just as fast. Naruto retakes Kurenai’s hand and
the three wait in silence a moment.
The golden Naruto grins broadly as Kurenai blushes some. Before another word is uttered,
Sasuke appears in the blink of an eye along with a clone of Naruto. The clone disperses as the
real one calls out, “there he is.” Sasuke quickly surveys the area he was teleported to before
being abruptly shoulder-checked by his blond teammate. Sasuke glares at him as Naruto
cheerfully informs him with a point of his thumb, “we’re up there when you’re done.”
Naruto and Kurenai leap to join the others, the blond eagerly ignoring his grinning Godfather.
Anko stands beside her best and only girl-friend as they watch the last Uchiha brothers talk
below. Squeezing her hand, Naruto whispers to his fiance, “you wanted to wait until tonight
and look what happened.” Stunned by his train of thought in such a serious situation, a
flushed Kurenai just shakes her head and tries not to let what they would’ve been doing make
her smile.
“That’s Danzō,” Itachi informed his little brother, instantly making him glare at the man.
“Activate your Sharingan and pay careful attention to everything he does.”
Feeling his unyielding anger tighten his shoulders and clench his fists, Sasuke asks, “are you
going to kill him?”
Flicking his forehead and causing him to flinch in surprise, the elder reminds his brother,
“focus.” Though annoyed to be treated like a child, Sasuke does nothing and listens as it’s
explained to him, “this is not a man you’ll often come across in your life. Study his every
move, for none of us are stronger than in the face of death.”
Itachi returns his stern eyes to the mastermind of so much pain and death in his life and with
nothing else, Sasuke runs to the wall before struggling to walk up the stone barrier. Near the
railing, a good space away from the group, he’s met with an extended hand by Kakashi, who
reluctantly takes it. It leads Naruto to wonder if the ebony-haired avenger would take his
hand if he offered it.
Not that long ago, he certainly would’ve been there offering his hand. He hated to admit it,
but he wanted that validation. He wanted, more than anything, to be recognized by Sasuke.
Naruto has learned a lot since then and it pleases him to note he didn’t need that validation
anymore. He squeezes the feminine hand intertwined with his in gratitude to all that he’s
accomplished since then. He has love & family now, and smiles when he feels her squeeze
‘Still,’ Naruto thought. ‘We are teammates,’ he admits and leans over Ibiki to whispers to
Tsunade, “can you heal him up? He’s hurt. Thanks.” Tsunade whispers to Shizune who then
walks over to Sasuke. Naruto felt content he was helping Sasuke for no other reason than
because he was hurt, and not to seek validation. Unexpectedly, Tsunade gracefully takes his
arm and assists his accelerated healing ability with her Iryō-ninjutsu.
In the moderate square arena below, two shinobi stood facing each other in a contest only one
will walk away from. As Danzō unfurls the white bindings of his right arm, he remarks,
“while I don’t appreciate the audience, I find this to be ideal, Itachi. I can take your
Sharingans and add them to my collection.”
He rolled up the sleeve of his kimono and tied the hem around his shoulder, revealing to
everyone’s surprise that ten Sharingan eyes were implanted in Danzō’s right arm. Itachi only
thought his arm’s chakra color was strange. Now that he knows why, he wonders why his
right shoulder appears odd as well.
With nothing but a kunai in his right hand and piercing Sharingan eyes, he looked as fierce as
if an army was standing behind him. With a kunai in his hand, Danzō makes the seals for
Rabbit, Boar, and Ram, before sprinting to attack. Observing his third step on the stone floor,
Itachi is more than confident his speed far exceeds anything Danzō’s aged body can produce.
Itachi appears right behind the veteran shinobi to attack his blind spot.
Danzō’s experience makes up for his physical shortcomings as he narrowly slips Itachi’s
kunai to the bandaged side of his face and ducks under it, rotating his body so he could stab
the missing-nin in the stomach. Palming the man’s hand, Itachi raises his knees before
kicking Danzō in the chest. Recognizing his openings, Danzō barely manages to put his
forearm between the younger’s foot and his chest, however, the force still sent him back six
feet. Landing on his feet, the elder quickly pressed the attack.
Danzō sneers happily in the passive face of Itachi, until the Uchiha calmly raises his palm,
and with two fingers, very deliberately, points to the left. Rotating his bandaged head in that
direction, he sees the real Itachi stand by calmly watching. The fake Itachi in front of Danzō
turns to a flock of black crows that flap their wings loudly as they fly away.
Danzō glares at the Uchiha until Itachi is suddenly stabbed in the back. His slender build
hops on his toes and his chest pushes forward unnaturally as cold serrated steel is shoved into
his spine. The content War Hawk leans his head forward, over Itachi’s shoulder as he glibly
voices, “don’t take me so lightly because I don’t share your Uchiha blood.” Danzō ignores
the Itachi he just stabbed to turn around to once again view the real Itachi. “My eyes are even
more powerful than yours,” he confidently professes.
“What good is all that power when you’re so blind, Danzō,” Itachi casually tells him.
From the walkways above, everyone is waiting for the battle to begin. After two minutes of
nothing, Naruto couldn’t help remarking, “they aren’t moving at all.”
Confident in the outcome, Danzō spews his venom by claiming with a sinister grin, “you’re
keeping your distance, Itachi; illusions and weapons. Are you so afraid of me?”
Watching the lone figure in the same spot he’s been, the colors of Itachi’s simple kimono and
slacks suddenly inverts. Blacks are white, whites are black, and even stranger, the
surrounding walls are nightmarish red. The ceiling matches the same glaring crimson tone,
and their audience disappears altogether. His gaze returns to attention with a snap when he
realizes Itachi is now standing in front of him. Only they’re no longer face to face. Danzō is
crucified with his feet and hands clamped to the wood cross.
Without a word or expression, Itachi walks up to his nemesis, creating tiny ripples on the now
flooded floor, and using a sword he didn’t have before, Itachi stabs him. Itachi uses his
specialty, Infinite Tsukuyomi on Danzō, stabbing him again and again, regardless of how
much he holds it in, grunts, or screams. Itachi adds a clone of himself with every stab, to
increase the pain, agony, and fear.
“Let me hear you scream, Danzō,” Itachi coldly voiced. “Scream just like my clan did that
The elder shinobi shut his left eye to use his stolen Sharingan to break the ultimate illusion.
Itachi could feel Danzō’s chakra struggle against it, however, he was confident that wouldn’t
work. Instead, the Uchiha happily commits to memory the fourth time he murdered Danzō
and added another crucified Danzō to amplify the torture, when, to his great surprise, the pair
of them were no longer within his infinite illusion.
The room was no longer flooded with still water; the walls were no longer blood red, and
neither Danzō nor Itachi’s color palette were inverted. Everything was at it was, only, Danzō
drops to his knee a moment, gathering his breathing once again. As Itachi observes his
opponent heaving slightly, he only notes only slight differences. His chakra decreased, he’s
slightly more exhausted, and it appears one eye on his arm closed. Standing once again,
Danzō removes the bandages of his head to reveal Shisui’s Sharingan.
“Another Sharingan,” Tsunade exasperated from the walkway. Speaking more to herself than
anyone, she asks aloud, “how’s his body able to withstand the stress of so many Sharingans?”
Observing from beside Sasuke, Kakashi remarks, “without the body of an Uchiha, even one
is difficult enough to manage. Puts me out for days if I use it too much.”
Despite not being completely ready, Danzō presses the attack and practically disappears from
his stationary position, however, Itachi’s eyes have no difficulty tracking him. With his expert
footing, he effortlessly dodges Danzō’s rapid-fire attacks, feints, and counters, all the while
taking the time to inspect Danzō’s right arm.
Aside from the nine open eyes, the chakra looked slightly different from the rest of Danzō’s
chakra. With only a slight curiosity, he aims to take Danzō’s entire right arm off, and as
predicted, he managed to rip off the right sleeve tied to his shoulder. Leaping a safe distance
away, he couldn’t say he was surprised to see another deformity that was likely assisting him
with the Sharingans on his arm.
Disgusted by Danzō’s lack of decency, honor, and morality, Jiraiya didn’t even want to voice
who the face on his shoulder appeared as, only managing, “that’s…”
“Grandfather,” Tsunade coldly finished. Glaring at the man who’d desecrate the cells of her
grandfather, Tsunade gripped the railing with both hands to keep from entering the fight and
killing him herself. “Danzō must be using his cells to sustain all of those Sharingan,” she
informed the others as her intense grip squeezes the steel until they moan and cry into a
smaller circumference.
Mentally speaking, “Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu,” as his hands flicker through six hand seals
in less than a second, Itachi breathes in deeply before breathing out a boulder-sized ball of
intense fire. Immediately he follows that with, “Amaterasu!” Danzō manages to evade the
gigantic fireball, however, is engulfed in black flames by Itachi’s pinpoint accurate dōjutsu.
Or so everyone believed.
Danzō suddenly appears behind Itachi, completely free of flames and bringing down his
razor-sharp kunai with killer intent. Itachi’s quick reflexes spare him from being stabbed in
the neck, however, he’s cut three inches long as he dives into a roll then spins away. Danzō
continues to press the attack as hard as he can, clearly motivated to end this fight as fast as
possible, and keeping Itachi is on his heels without a chance to recover.
“How’d he survive,” Shizune asked her mentor as they watch Danzō smother Itachi with
experienced fists and kunai strikes.
Answering in her stead, Jiraiya states for everyone’s education, “from what I’ve learned, the
black flame only stops once it’s burned everything in its path.”
“And Danzō’s still alive,” Anko added as they all observe Itachi twist out of another kunai
strike into a roll away, and in the middle, launch his kunai at an unsuspecting Danzō, forcing
him to leap out of the way. Having attached a thin string to the kunai, Itachi calls it back after
finally creating a bit of distance between them. Danzō casually appraises his obscene arm
before pressing the attack again.
Taking advantage of the space, Danzō flips through two seals, mentally voicing, “Futon:
Shinku Gyoku,” before firing wind bullets at Itachi.
As he swiftly dodges the shredding wind attacks, Danzō follows it with, “Futon: Shinkuha!”
He exhales a whip of stone slicing wind that nearly decapitates Itachi’s head. Danzō uses the
stone cutting technique again on the floor, generating an immense dust-up, obscuring direct
eye contact.
Leaping back for a third attack as the dust settles, his hand seals are interrupted when Itachi
sends a large ball of fire at the veteran shinobi. Danzō leaps to the side, avoiding the
scorching ball of flames, countering with his Fūton technique. When he breathes in, he’s
suddenly stabbed in the back by Itachi. Though observing from above saw the ball of fire for
the henge’ed feint that it was, allowing the Uchiha to kill from his blind spot. Only, yet again,
the murdered Danzō is no more, and another appears behind Itachi, intent on killing him as
he makes everyone watching above wonder why he’s not dead.
“Futon: Shinku Daigyoku!” From Danzō’s lips, a giant ball of dense compressed air shoots
out at Itachi at the destructive speed of a cannonball. To completely avoid such a large ball of
heavy condensed air wouldn’t be successful. Itachi closed his eyes to the death-dealing
technique, only to open his greatest weapon. At such close proximity, Danzō had to leap back
when his explosive ball of air struck a red chakra-ribcage that suddenly appears around
Itachi, perfectly protecting him from the explosive meteor of air.
With blood streaming down his Mangekyo Sharingans, Itachi’s skeletal form of the imperfect
Susanoo surrounds his entire body and looms large over the backed away Danzō. Those on
the balcony are stunned at an Uchiha technique none of them have ever seen before. The
skeletal being was made of red chakra and had eerie golden-glowing eyes.
“He’s using an unknown technique,” Anko remarks with growing irritation. “He’s gotta be.”
“Unknown to anyone not Uchiha,” Sasuke voiced to them all. “Itachi knows.”
Though Itachi is visibly tired, slacking his posture and taking deeper and deeper breaths, he
forces all of his power into leveling up his Susanoo. Worm-like muscle fibers slither over the
skull and bones, rapidly forming muscle. Skin quickly follows and its dignified face even
grows locks and a Pharaoh’s chin. The entire form is then armored with a helmet that appears
like a long-nosed tengu. More importantly, a flaming shield is in its left hand and a sword is
in its right.
A power they never even considered Itachi or any Uchiha capable of stuns those in
attendance. They watched and cataloged Itachi kill Danzō five times; An impressively fast
thrust from the Susanoo’s Totsuka blade; When Danzō summoned Baku, a gigantic
elephantine chimera large enough to dwarf Itachi’s Susanoo, and used its powerful suction to
kill Itachi. But from within Susanoo, Itachi chokes the summon with a large fireball before
slashing it and Danzō with its flaming blade. Even Danzō’s explosive Fūton attack was
effortlessly repelled by the Yata Mirror, killing its initial wielder. Even with distance, Itachi’s
Susanoo creates shuriken that appear like Matagama from its secondary hands and snipes
Danzō from afar, killing him twice more.
It perfectly combined attack and defense, however, with only one eye remaining, Itachi runs
out of enough chakra to sustain Susanoo. Everyone above had already uncovered how Danzō
was avoiding death so impossibly, and they all wonder if Itachi can last another couple of
minutes as he coughs a dangerous amount of blood from his mouth. Danzō doesn’t hesitate to
charge the Uchiha, intent on killing him with a kunai to the heart.
The worst danger to his little brother’s life was a flash away from killing him and likely
doing the same to Sasuke. As ever, his is the one life he couldn’t bear to neglect by departing
in death then and there. Thus, by sheer necessity, Itachi ignores the exhaustion and
tremendous agony at his chest and grips the oncoming blade with his bare hand before
redirecting it to his right pectoral whilst he stabs Danzō’s chest with his own kunai.
Certain he out-lasted the notorious Uchiha Itachi, Danzō grins madly as he voices, “you were
too soon. One eye is still open.” Itachi was twitching, slowly gulping deep wheezing breaths.
Only when Danzō smugly mocks, “go join… your parents…” does he feel icy dread sink into
his bones like the cold steel still punctured through his chest.
“What’s… happening,” he gasps before couching. The muscle spasms of his coughing tighten
his chest muscle around the sharp blade of Itachi’s kunai, cutting him deeper and intensifying
the agony. Dropping his sight, he didn’t need a Sharingan to see deeply red blood
hemorrhaging from his wound down his clothes. “Why… isn’t… Izanagi working?” Itachi
allows the genjutsu to wear off, showing the old War Hawk the last Sharingan in his arm had
been closed throughout the final exchange. He was ready to deny what his eyes were showing
him when he instead coughs blood from his open mouth.
Standing straighter, a weary Itachi strongly proclaims, “in a battle of eyes.” He tightens his
grip and twists as he finishes, “there are none… who can surpass the Uchiha.”
Holding the older man up by the kunai like it was a handle extending from Danzō’s chest,
Itachi extends four fingers to the monster’s right eye. To Danzō, they looked like claws eager
to pluck out his only remaining source of meaning and he hears Itachi hum, “I’ll take that
back now.”
Feeling the unjust end of all his efforts and plans come so palpably near, like he’s never felt
before, Danzō pulls his head away as he rips open the rest of his bloodied kimono, revealing
for Itachi and those observing above, the reverse four symbol seal. “For the sake of
Konoha… and the safety of the world!” Itachi leaps away as the madman yells, “I’ll take you
with me!”
Activating the Fūinjutsu, four black characters flash brightly before extending incredibly fast
from his body. Faster even than Itachi, however, as the seals merge into a large pitch-black
sphere, he leaps in that last second to escape its range. Immediately after, everything the
black sphere touches is instantly sucked into the condensed bloody meat-marble that is the
corpse of Shimura Danzō.
Falling to the floor on his back, with a kunai two inches into his left pectoral muscle, Sasuke
is the first to land beside the wounded Itachi, followed by Naruto and the others. Itachi can’t
distinguish their voices as more than unfocused noise, however, he could read their blurry
lips and the surprising concern in their eyes. The elder Uchiha couldn’t help but want Naruto
in Sasuke’s life, and if possible, for them to be the best of friends.
“Are you okay?” Sasuke and Naruto ask, however, he doesn’t answer. He’s fairly certain
using his Susanoo for so long with his illness is keeping him from speaking.
Tsunade walks over him and the medic-nin extends her green chakra-covered hand before
asking, “may I?” At Itachi’s nod, Tsunade places both of her palms on his chest. Except for
Itachi, no one notices Tsunade’s subtle surprise. Itachi’s black eyes stare at her and she can
understand without him nodding that he was confirming her diagnosis. Regardless, Tsunade
addresses the stab wound and the internal bleeding from a severed the axillary vein. It doesn’t
take the renowned Iryō-nin more than three minutes to mend the worst of his wounds and
provide him with a little energy.
After Tsunade steps back, she helps him to his feet. The pair decide with their eyes what must
come next and Itachi slowly turns to the Root members still observing from the walkway
above. Some of the three dozen men are eying the crater that was their leader while the rest
observe Itachi surrounded by shinobi who step in the light. His gaze scans each masked man
and gathers slight, imperceptible details tells about their state of mind. That they were all still
present bodes well for him and he was only slightly disappointed when he calls, “to me.”
Three painfully silent seconds with the masked men staring down with uncertainty. Their
leader, whom they thought would never die so abruptly, has died. Adding to the sudden loss
of their north star, had Danzō died a natural death, each of them could be certain he’d have
selected his successor from among Root members. Upon Danzō’s death, they now have to
accept an outsider because that was what was bargained for. Two seconds was all they needed
to accept what was not in their power to control.
Naruto smiled when Sai was the first to land in the trashed arena below and kneel before
Itachi with head bowed. Not long after, the rest joined Sai in the arena of battle and kneeled
to their new leader. Monkey and Sparrow take the lead in their respect of the change and look
up when Itachi addresses them.
“There are many tasks suitable for Root that have nothing to do with toppling villages,
kidnapping children, performing unsanctioned & forbidden experiments, and unilaterally
assassinating key targets. I know, as my predecessor did, that the hardest decisions require the
strongest wills, but unlike Danzō, this era of Root will have a more harmonious relation with
our countrymen in the light. The tree may survive because of its roots, but, a root without a
tree has no purpose. To that end, we will provide the most accurate assessment of any given
situation, and should our Hokage deem our talents necessary, we will facilitate their needs to
the best of our ability. Is that understood?”
“Prepare to notify all our field agents of the change in leadership,” Itachi ordered, adding,
“and have a full damage report ready for me when I return.”
“Hai,” they call through their masks before leaping away to do their leader’s bidding.
Turning to Sasuke’s puzzled expression, Itachi can understand his hesitation. His younger
brother has a deep-seated hatred for the very village Itachi has professed to protect. He wants
to make sense of it but isn’t able to at the moment. Itachi knows he’ll hear about his
reservations later. Turning to Tsunade, Itachi awaits her final decision.
Eying the young Uchiha knowing his diagnosis, Tsunade nods sternly before asserting, “I
guess we need to talk.”
As the masked Root member leaves his new leader to complete his duty, the parasitic
presence implanted in the unsuspecting ANBU is making a mental report of everything he
There are 361 tenketsu on the chakra network. That seal technique doesn't close all 361
tenketsu. It just obstructs/hinders most of them. I personally believe if all 361 were
blocked, that person would die. 99% of chakra users primarily release chakra from their
hands and feet anyway. But I assume that absorbing natural energy can be done
throughout the body and expelled throughout the body even if it's not a technique. It's
not as if they specifically said a ninja takes in natural energy through the hands and feet.
I don't know. Let me what you think.
I wasn't sure I was going to go this route with Danzō and Itachi, but I always liked that
in canon, an Uchiha killed him. Obviously my-Sasuke couldn't do it, so in comes Itachi.
I had a draft that really airs out their laundry; a lot of bad blood between them, but with
all the talking already in it, I had to trim out a lot when I realized Itachi doesn't really
say more than he needs to. I'd be curious to know if you think I'm too lenient on Itachi
or if he should be thrown in jail? Could a jail even hold him? Oh, could a jail protect
him from Kisame coming to keep his promise? That would be interesting.
I hope you enjoyed the update. The next update will have lemons in it. I've already
written the outline so, we're putting a pin on story and character development. Time for
some juicy lemons. Sorry if that's not your thing.
Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. As always let me know your
thoughts. You guys always help me be better. As always, be safe and have a great one,
Ceremonies Part I
Chapter Summary
Ceremonies cement the impression that order, not chaos, reigns over humanity.
Chapter Notes
First and foremost, I want to apologize for the unforgivable delay and thank you for
your amazing patience. I also want to thank my fans and well wishers for reaching out to
make sure I was still alive.
The Delay: I was viciously attack by a plot bunny for a different story. I mean, this thing
was insidious! I would think about it all day, regardless if I had things to do at work,
with family, or at the gym. I nearly ruined my sister’s birthday party because I was so
caught up in the fic. Sometimes, at the gym, in between sets, I’d get attacked by another
plot point, then ten minutes of me just sitting there would pass, ruining my work out. It
was pretty bad, so naturally, whenever I opened up Scrivner to write, this Buffy fic
would completely block out my Naruto fic. It was like when I first thought of The Last
Prayer, so, eventually I just decided to write a outline and shelve it so I can get back to
my life & my main fic. 2 months and 250K words later, I finished the outline, and damn
do I love the story(Coming soon. Titled: Chain of Ascension). Anyway, the evil plot
bunny was the primary reason for the delay.
Let’s not keep you waiting any longer. This one is 19.6K. Warnings: LEMONS! Foul
Peace may have slowly returned to Konoha upon Danzō’s death, however, there was plenty
for Tsunade and Itachi to do for the next day. To avoid confusion among the ranks and
problems within departments later on, the pair delegated assignments and deliveries to
various agents and notable officials within the village or in the field. Kurenai was among
many of the Jōnin tasked with securely relaying top-secret messages back and forth between
Tsunade, Hiruzen, and the Konoha Council: Mitokado Homura & Utatane Koharu. Though
the beautiful genjutsu mistress had been craved to be with Naruto all day, she did her duty
hoping to be dismissed that night.
Naruto and Sasuke were dismissed right after Danzō’s demise, despite their close association
with the night’s events. The Chūnin and Genin were sworn to secrecy, however, Tsunade
recognized their unique associations and warned them of the potential dangers of the
knowledge they have. Naruto already understood how easily the village can be infiltrated and
how close a foreign agent can get to him, so Tsunade’s warning made sense. Sasuke only
cared to talk with his brother.
“We’ll talk later,” Itachi expressed. “The best thing you can do right now is rest. Now, go.”
Sasuke and Naruto left together, leaping from building to building under the bright
moonlight. Despite the monumental shift of power only moments ago, the village seemed
oblivious as it slept on. Sasuke had no intention of resting, and the moment the pair were far,
the youngest Uchiha stopped on a moderately clear rooftop with a railed perimeter and two
tall water tanks. Naruto stopped as well, curious to know if he still wasn’t feeling well despite
Shizune healing him.
In the crisp night air, Naruto cautiously walked toward him, and the second he was close
enough, Sasuke’s quick hands grabbed his collar. He hoisted the clothing up, ready to yell
something he wasn’t able to because Naruto instinctively rotated his body, pressed his back
against Sasuke’s torso while pulling his arm over his shoulder, then flipping the irate avenger
over. The Uchiha’s ingrained training made his body twist in the air, to counter Naruto’s
throw, however, his blond teammate let him go mid-throw, tossing him a few feet away
instead of continuing a series of attacks.
Sasuke landed smoothly on his feet as Naruto looked at him with a bored expression and
begged to know, “why can’t you just use your words?”
“Tell me how you knew about my brother,” Sasuke irately demanded. The skin between his
eyebrows was crinkled and his nostrils were flaring, demonstrating one angry genin.
Unfazed by his teammate’s ire, Naruto simply told him, “change first.” At Sasuke’s confused
expression, Naruto elaborated, “whatever you want to know from me, you won’t get until you
stop being a fucking asshole. I’m telling you right now, I’m not in the mood. I haven’t seen
Nai-chan in weeks, so I don’t need your nonsense right now, and I won’t tolerate it anymore.”
His neck twitched, making Sasuke’s head rotate as his expression changed to mad disbelief.
He asked, “Do you actually believe you can force me-”
“Yes,” Naruto casually interrupted. “Whatever you were going to say, yes. Because you can’t
beat me. I took it easy on you before when I was trying to talk to you. And why wouldn’t I? I
think of you as a teammate, rival, and brother. But if you come at me again, I won’t hold back
anymore, and then Konoha will go back to only having one Uchiha. So quit being such a
whiny baby, grow the fuck up, and start treating the people who care about you with respect!”
When Naruto turned to leave, Sasuke body-flickered in front of him before asserting, “this is
why I’ve always hated you. You have this delusional notion that if you treat others with
respect, they’ll treat you the same in return. That’s just a fantasy of the weak! The truth of
this world is only the strong survive! Only the strong earn power, wealth, compassion, and
everyone else serve the powerful for the scraps the elite leave behind. You, beat me? You
may have won a few skirmishes but I’ll ultimately beat you so bad, you’ll never want to get
back up.”
“And you call me delusional,” Naruto grimaced. “Wake the fuck up, Sasuke. Use your oh-so-
awesome eyes and really see. I’ve grown. And you haven’t.”
Sasuke only looked angrier as he hotly declared, “I won’t let you leave until you tell me how
you knew about my brother. Or this village will go back to having only one Uzumaki in it.”
Still disinterested, Naruto observed the stubborn ninja in front of him and said, “fine. You
want to do this the hard way? Seems to be the only thing that works with you.” Naruto
mumbled, “actually makes me feel bad for Naru-nii. Nobody told him how exhausting this
would be,” as he put his fingers together in a cross before mentally summoning a clone of
himself. A clone popped beside him before the blond told his teammate, “Go ahead and beat
my clone. If you can do that, I’ll consider telling you about your brother.”
“Stop being a selfish ass,” Naruto returned with a frown. “I said I’ll consider it.”
The clone turned to his boss and asked in all seriousness, “how much do you want me to hold
Naruto looked at an irate Sasuke, barely absorbing the audacity of the question, and replied,
“I don’t know. Sasuke, how much do you want him to hold back?”
Sasuke didn’t respond right away. The blond figured it must’ve been demoralizing to realize
there is a difference, even if it’s only for the moment. After all, for a very long time, everyone
was stronger than he was, and he didn’t accept that, so he saw no reason Sasuke would.
True to his expectation, a stern Sasuke voiced, “I don’t need you to hold back.”
“Figured you say that,” Naruto voiced with a slight smirk. Sasuke move to the other end of
the roof as Naruto told his clone, “just end it quick then carry him back to his place.”
Naruto then leaped to the tallest water tank on the roof to gaze at the starry night above. He
sensed Sasuke below start with hand-to-hand combat and heard his clone block everything
until he got punched in the stomach. As he enjoyed the bright moon above and wished he
were enjoying it with his loved ones, Naruto’s mind tallied that Sasuke was likely using his
Sharingan to fight his clone. The blond was aching to hold a hot and sweaty Kurenai flush
against him as he stuffed her insides. Then he felt his clone tap into Kurama’s chakra. In the
second it took Naruto to get a hard-on for his fiancé, Sasuke grunted like he’d been ripped in
half by a punch from the clone and the fight was over.
Naruto got up, waved at his clone as he took the unconscious Sasuke back toward the Uchiha
district, then left to Kurenai’s home in hopes she’d return that night, however, come morning,
his beautiful fiancé was still not back. Annoyed by that, the blond bundle of energy left for
the hospital to wish Iruka luck on his surgery. When his favorite sensei was wheeled into the
operating room, Naruto had nothing to do but wait and imagine when he’d see Kurenai, and
what he’d do to her.
His hormones were done with waiting. Naruto rushed to his office in Uzushio and wrote an
official document for the Hokage’s signature. He reread it a few times, stamped it with his
clan’s official seal, and gave it to one of seven clones. That clone would request the vital
mission from Tsunade, while the other five leaped out of his office with missions of their
own. One went to meet Jiraiya to tell him he needed a couple of days off; one went to
Kakashi to tell him the same thing; and three delivered letters to Ino, Hinata, and Temari,
inviting them to lunch in a couple of days. The last clone was entering sage mode so all the
clones could locate their targets no matter where they were in the village.
When Tsunade received the official mission request from the Uzumaki clan, she couldn’t help
but roll her eyes and chuckle a bit before approving it with the office’s official seal. She then
called Kurenai to her office, and an hour later, the beautiful Jōnin landed before her.
Despite how late it was, Tsunade relayed to her soldier, “first things first, does the council
have any more messages for me?”
Groaning, Tsunade grumbled, “Don’t those old windbags ever sleep?” Kurenai didn’t answer,
then the future Hokage noted, “I’m sure they’ve been keeping you busy, making you run back
and forth all day.”
“Last night changed the landscape of power in the village,” Kurenai recognized. “None of us
can risk a leak at the moment.”
“You can say that again,” Tsunade huffed as she grabbed the mission scroll. “I’ll be passing
along those duties to another ninja. I have an urgent mission for you.”
Noting the difference between a mission for her and a mission for her team, Kurenai quickly
accepted, “hai, Hokage-sama.”
With all honesty, Kurenai replied, “Our duty to Konoha must come first.”
“Agreed, but rest is also important,” the busty blonde asserted, leaning back in her chair.
“And I’m sure Naruto misses you.”
Kurenai tried to contain her blush as she answered, “I’ll rest when the mission is complete.”
“I appreciate your dedication, Kurenai-kun,” she replied, leaning forward again and grabbing
the mission scroll. She lifted it as she claimed, “this is a very important mission that’ll keep
you away for a minimum of two days.”
Focusing on the scroll in the next Hokage’s hand, Kurenai compartmentalized her dread to
leave the village for two full days and dutifully asked, “when do I depart?”
Realizing she won’t see Naruto, Kurenai swallowed her disappointment and asked, “may I
request ten- fifteen minutes to message my team and loved ones of my absence?”
“No need,” Tsunade quickly asserted, extending the scroll. “Take this scroll to the address
inside. The client’s already expecting you. Take good care of him. He’s also important to this
Kurenai respectfully took the document with two hands as she asked, “May I ask what the
mission is?”
“It’s all in the scroll,” Tsunade hastily assured her before returning to the mountain of
paperwork on her desk. “Good luck, Yūhi-san.”
“Hai, Hokage-sama.”
Outside the Hokage’s office, a tired and despondent Kurenai slowly opened the scroll and
skimmed the important sections: the mission’s goal, the ryō involved, and the client’s name.
Immediately, Kurenai was surprised to read, ‘painting,’ as the mission. She looked back to
the Hokage’s door, her lustrous black hair falling over her shoulder and she wondered if there
was a mistake. She kept reading and saw that the money involved was for an A-Rank
mission, but the Hokage waived the standard charge. Kurenai was ready to walk back inside
Tsunade’s office and ask if she had the right mission scroll when she read the client’s name.
‘Uzumaki Naruto, Head of the Uzumaki Clan.’ Kurenai closed her eyes and smiled before she
snorted, then laughed. “Head of his clan a few weeks and already he’s throwing his weight
around,” she bemused.
Kurenai opened the scroll further and saw a security clearance square for a seal. It needed her
chakra to release the sealed content. Curious, she placed her palm on the painted square,
added chakra, and out popped a red and black lace lingerie set, with a garter and crotchless
panties. Blushing bright red, Kurenai grabbed the sexy material and stuffed it in her blouse
before inspecting the hallway. Tsunade’s blushing receptionist and the two young, grinning
Chūnin waiting clearly saw the skimpy fabric. The Genjutsu mistress disappeared from their
view, leaving them to speculate about what they witnessed and why.
The address she was to meet her client was her home, and Kurenai barely stepped inside
before being swept off her feet, making her cry out in surprise. She finally saw her blonde
love and his bright smile and felt the stress accumulated in her body wash away as he closed
the door behind him with a kick. Carrying her princess-style, Naruto relished her light weight
in his arms, her hot warmth against his body, and closed his eyes as he leaned his nose into
her lustrous mane of ebony hair. Inhaling deeply, Naruto recognized her lovely and unique
scent as peaceful, comforting, and tantalizing. He sighed happily as he felt all the anxiety in
his body melt away. Opening his eyes, he gazed into her beautiful red irises.
She looked so impossibly beautiful and Naruto’s feet began walking upstairs as he told her, “I
told everyone not to bother us for two days.”
“Naruto,” she said with a deep blush she cutely tried to restrain. “We can’t… Danzō’s death
left a wide gap in our infrastructure and security. His hands were in a lot of things that we
now have to secure.”
Upon the first step of the second floor, the enamored blond made his way to her room as he
voiced, “all of that sounds really important.”
“Tsunade-baachan and Ji-chan can handle it,” Naruto interrupted. Entering Kurenai’s room,
he walked straight to her bathroom as he added, “I haven’t seen you since I left. I need you.
She was immediately taken by her bathroom. The lights were off, but there were a dozen lit
candles placed around the room, lighting the space in a warm glow. They were scented as
well, and the lavender and spiced cranberry instantly relaxed her. The bath was already filled
with warm water and lavender bubbles. Her nose could smell the essential oil and salts in the
bath as well, and she just knew it would be perfect.
Kurenai felt his desire in his action and his words, and it gifted her entire body with such
tranquility, she only wanted him more. As much as she wanted to be the dutiful soldier and
serve the village she loves, she wanted Naruto more than anything. She observed him as he
set her down on the sink counter and swiftly knelt on one knee and unfastened her lower
bindings. His hot hands grazed her skin as he then removed her dress from the hem over her
head and raised arms. Her raven-colored curls fell buoyantly around her blushing face as she
voiced, “what are you talking about? You saw me last night.”
She was such a sight for sore eyes, and before he could even think to respond, Naruto leaned
in and affixed his lips to hers. Their faces fit together like pieces of a puzzle. The delicious
pressure of her warm lips made him want more, widening his mouth and tilting his head to
dive deeper into the kiss. She returned his need with such fervor and they were making out
for minutes. When they pulled apart to breathe, they were both dizzy and scatterbrained for
Between her naked legs, Naruto voiced in a trance-like state, “No.” Recalling precious
moments when they’re gazing into each other’s dilated eyes as after climaxing intensely
together, he knowingly replied, “I haven’t seen you.” Her blink and blush told him she knew
what he meant. Naruto removed her panties and bra before removing his own clothes. He
then led her into the bath before grabbing the loofah. It was already prepared with scented
water, just like she had taught him so long ago.
Kurenai smiled happily, then reached for the loofah, asserting, “I can-”
“No,” he interjected, taking her hand and pulling her close. “Let me.”
She nodded before stepping into the bath. Kurenai sat in the warm water up to her lovely
neck, and the salts in the bath enveloping her weary form actually made her tingle. The
beautiful woman leaned back and moaned at how amazing it felt. Then Naruto caressed every
inch of her with the spongy, exfoliating her smooth skin of dirt, sweat, and dead skin cells.
After their arousing kiss, the heat and scent of the warm room, Kurenai felt languid, aroused,
and slightly confused.
As Naruto rubbed her back with her head resting against his shoulder, she voiced her
confusion, “I’m actually surprised we’re not in bed right now.”
“I really wanted to,” he replied, massaging her lower back with the soft sponge. “That’s all I
thought about. I couldn’t sleep thinking about when we’d finally be together without some
urgent mission to get to, but then I thought you’d be tired. You’ve been up since yesterday
and running around all day. So, I wanted to take care of you first.”
His words moved Kurenai, and she grabbed the sides of his head before pulling him in for a
deep, languid kiss. Their noses were side by side, and he could feel her wanton desire as her
tongue descended into his mouth. She loved the way his powerful tongue felt eager to mingle
with hers and she no longer cared about the bath or relaxation. Kurenai’s itch could no longer
be ignored.
She pulled away and demanded, “take me, Naruto! As long as you love me- As long as it’s
you, I don’t care if I have to share. ”
Naruto slid into the spacious bathtub behind her and their combined weight displaced the
warm scented water within onto the tile floor. He positioned himself behind her, so her
sensual back pressed into his chest. Feeling his long meaty erection hook between her legs
and over her mound, a dazed and aroused Kurenai lifted herself to ride him reverse when
Naruto held her still, pressing his jutting hot rod against her sensitive sex. She turned to him
and Naruto’s lips sucked and nibbled the sensitive skin of her elegant nape bringing out a
“It’s fine, Nai-chan,” the blond easily voiced as his hands slid under her arms, gripped the
supple flesh of her large breasts, and massaged them with languid sensuality. “We’re not
leaving your room, so we’ve got plenty of time.”
With great effort, Kurenai withstood her building anticipation, building arousal, and the
distracting stimulation from his practiced ministrations to mindlessly ask, “wha-what about…
the painting? I have a mission to complete.”
“Don’t worry,” he whispered in her ear as he pressed and pulled her soft mammaries, making
her moan as he teased her stiffening nipples. “I’m gonna be painting your walls white for
days.” Despite being in the bath, Kurenai felt hot and her sex tightened with growing lust and
the salts. “For now, just relax and let me take care of you.”
The feeling of laying against his firm body, of his hands massaging and caressing all her
curves, his jutting meat-stick throbbing into her aroused love-petals, felt more like torture
with every passing minute. Kurenai didn’t think she could be so aroused until his hand slid
down her tight abdomen to her mound. Without preamble, Naruto’s fingers entered her
sodden womanhood.
“Mnnn,” Kurenai as the building electricity shot up her spine. Kurenai was feeling much
more sensitive than usual and she arched her back as his fingers caressed her sensitive
entrance. She heaved as his other hand caressed her erect clitoris and Kurenai know she
wasn’t going to last long. It’s simply been too long, and she knows how impossibly good he
is. In addition to how patient his pumping fingers were, stroking at the spot in the front that
made her jaw clench, she spread her legs as far as the tub would allow and she felt it more.
Her pelvis pumped on its own, settling his thick cock into her ass crack, and still, the knot
kept building, ready to snap.
“MMM,” she moaned with closed eyes. Her mane pressed into his head as her body squirmed
and she groaned, “Naruto… I’m almost…” He inserted a third finger and pumped faster and
her hands tweaked her nipples. “I’m almost… aahh, Almost! Cu-cumming! I’m…” She was
moments from her final climax when Naruto sucked her nape and sent her over the edge. Her
pussy clamped down on his fingers, pulsing as her entire body arched out of the water and
spasmed in pure bliss.
Naruto let her catch her breath against him for several minutes and her lethargic body felt
hotter than the water. He was curious when she voiced, “No.”
“This won’t be enough-” She turned around to speak to his face, “I need you inside me! It’s
all I can think of right now. Just fuck me!”
Naruto promptly stood up, brought her to her feet, and had her lean forward. She
automatically braced herself against the wall and stuck her ass back as he gripped her shapely
hip, lined his throbbing crown. She felt it in her hot dripping core; this is what she wanted.
Before she had a second to think, Naruto buried his raging erection into her sodden winding
love tunnel in a single thrust.
“AAAHHH,” Kurenai moaned as her knees buckled and her hips shook.
Her arched back trembled as his firm grip kept her in place as their sexes melted into each
other. The supple love folds of her tight sex were gripping him hungrily, as if trying to pull
him deeper into her. He took a deep breath and could almost feel her unravel around him, and
Naruto relished in the long-overdue feel, groaning out, “Kami, I missed you! So good!”
He slowly pulled all the way out, drawing out the magic pleasure ripping through their joined
sexes and doping their fiery bodies with ecstasy. All eight inches of thick sausage slammed
into her gushing womanhood, ripping another deep moan from both of them. In and out,
Naruto began a slow pace for a few moments, until their aroused bodies demanded more.
Naruto pistoned his raging cock over and over again, dragging and attacking her erogenous
zones with his shapely crown.
“Kami, aahh! MMnn! S-ssooo goood,” Kurenai mumbled from a slack jaw as wet clapping
filled the room. “This is- ahhn! This is what… ah! Needed!” Naruto smacked her ass with a
crisp, loud clap, making her cry out, “MMMNNN! YEEESSS! AGAIN!”
Naruto clapped her firm round ass perfectly, earning another yelp and making her tighten
even more around his love muscle. Her slick, tight womanhood made him feel so powerful
and monstrous, he couldn’t stop his hips from thrusting endlessly, making waves against her
sexy butt. Naruto was losing himself a lot like he had in the begging and churned her inside
aggressively. He gripped her beautiful hair and fucked her harder when she felt close.
Her knees buckled and her hips quivered as she gasped, “Naruto! I’m almost! I’m
almmmmostt! I cumming! Cumming, cumming, I’m kuhmmmmmiiinnnnngggg,” she
hollered before clenching her jaw as her entire body tightened and spasmed with crashing
waves of pleasure. Kurenai squeezed his cock, quivering around his sensitive head, and his
knees buckled as he blew his load inside her. They fell into the water, basking in the erupting
bliss of their bodies as he flooded her baby-chamber with his steaming nut sauce. After a
minute of orgasming in mind and body, they crashed back against the tub, splashing more
water out and enjoying the pleasurable buzz running up and down their bodies.
“Mmmnn, you came so much,” Kurenai drunkenly voiced with a bit of a giggle.
“You felt too good,” he lazily explained. Feeling his cock still inside her remain erect, Naruto
voiced, “and it’s been so long…” the blond tilted her head to turn to him and leaned down.
Her blushing, radiant face looked up adoringly, and their hungry lips met. Their wide-open
mouths sealed at their lips, allowing Naruto easy access to her tongue and oral cavity. As they
made out, his cock flexed again, and he felt her tremble, like a ripple in the water. He pulled
away to finish, “once isn’t going to be anywhere near enough, Nai-chan.”
“I’m all yours, Naruto,” she moaned, quickly making out again. Feeling his tongue caress and
wrestle hers, enhanced their wanton lust for each other. Kurenai’s ruby-colored eyes blinked
open at his hands gripping and kneading her sensitive breasts firmly. She only pulled away to
breathe but then need more than just his lips. Kurenai momentarily extricated herself from his
jutting meat-tower to turn and face him before slowly lowering herself to the brim. Her head
of lovely wet hair lulled in coursing pleasure at the feel of such a thick cock pushing into her
Naruto’s hands continued to tease and rouse her sensitive milk-globes and hard pink teats.
She tilted forward to give him more of her delicious bust while she slowly lifted her ass up,
then stuffed her tight hot pocket to bursting bliss. Her hips moved on their own, rising and
falling, churning her dripping sex as much as her brain. The sexy Jōnin moaned freely in the
hot bathroom as she rode Naruto’s cock and the blond boy loved the few.
The slick friction of her hot pink walls gripping and sucking his shaft so tightly in tandem
with the gorgeous view of one of the most beautiful women in Konoha writhing in ecstasy
while riding his cock… Naruto would not last long. Nor did he care. They were finally
together and were going to stay that way for the next two days.
He leaned up to take her breast in his mouth while his right hand descended to their joined
sex and with circular ministrations; he thumbed and fingered her roused pink bud. From tits
to clit, to cunt, the bliss compounded with every second until the building pleasure exploded.
Kurenai frantically wrapped her arms around Naruto’s neck, holding the wet boy close as she
orgasmed around his throbbing cock. Naruto couldn’t hold on any longer and palmed her
shapely hips before pushing her down on his pole as he pumped streams of thick spunk into
her hot quivering core.
“Ther’s sooo much,” a sexually dazed Kurenai lustfully groaned. Her eyes closed to better
sense the hot lake being flooded into the pit of her stomach, and her quivering body didn’t
settle down for minutes.
When she finally hung slack off him, Naruto softly voiced, “it’s not over yet, Nai-chan.”
Suddenly sensing his steel erection still stuffed in her cum chute, she leaned back to stare at
him with unexpected surprise. His cock won’t go down and his hands teased her sensitive
nipples as he confidently professed, “I’m just getting warmed up.”
Kurenai gulped audibly as Naruto felt her tighten around him in carnal anticipation. He stood
up with her still hooked on him, stepped out of the bath, and he took their dripping bodies to
the closed door of the bathroom. The blonde pressed her against the solid surface, and with
her legs wrapped around his waist, Naruto had the leverage to easily pull out of her tight core
then spread her viscous sex once again.
Naruto didn’t just want to pound into her relentlessly until he emptied his large reserves of
semen in her. The blond wanted to hear her moan uncontrollably as he slammed into her. He
wanted her to grip his body for dear life. He knew her pleasure points and angled his cock to
constantly drag against her erogenous zones as he nibbled at her neck. Naruto continued his
merciless onslaught of expert thrusts, making her moan wantonly.
“YES!! THERE!! MMMnn… HAAH… SO GOOOD,” she mewled against the door.
As he’s already cummed twice, the thrusting Naruto knew his third round would take longer.
They were leaking bathwater, pussy juices, and semen on the floor as his long, thick erection
pistoned its entire length in and out of her gushing center. The repeated sounds of clapping
shloops mingled in the air with Kurenai’s whimpering moans and Naruto’s impassioned
grunts. For five straight minutes, Naruto was a beast unleashed, attacking her sensitive sex
until Kurenai couldn’t take it anymore.
“NaAAHH! …NAAruutoo,” the bouncing beauty tried to voice. Her viscous innards were
tightening and twitching as she yelled, “MMn! YOu’re going to AH! Make me!… I’m
cumming-I’m cumming-I’m cumming-I’m!!”
Naruto slammed into her to the balls and groaned along with her silent scream as her cock-
impaled body rocked thunderously against the door. He twisted her head to take her lips and
suck on her tongue as she squeezed and quivered around his love muscle, prolonging her
mind-bending orgasm. However, Naruto hadn’t had nearly enough of her. It scared him to
think he may never have enough of her.
While her mind was fogged with ecstasy, Naruto opened the bathroom door, then laid her wet
body on the soft bed. With her glistening body laying before him, Naruto hooked her
twitching legs on his shoulders, gripped the sensual curves of her hips, and slowly began
pulling himself out of her tight wet slit before splitting her into a wide O once again.
“Wha…Waait!” Kurenai tried, but she was lethargic. “Naruto! I’m still aahh! …I’m still
Naruto picked up the pace, making the wet clapping noise in the room louder and more
frequent. Feeling her legs tremble and tense as he churned her meat curtains to her moaning
satisfaction, he begged her, “Just let me- I’m almost,” as he continued to pound his rod into
her. Naruto leaned forward to deepen the angel and massaged her hips, sides, and breasts,
making her squeeze him tighter.
“MMM! AAh, AAHH, NA-NARUTO!” she moaned. Looking at the wanton desire on his
handsome face, Kurenai could feel the coil of pleasure grow larger and tighter. The degree by
which he need her made her feel ready to burst her love juices any second. She was reaching
the last steps of lucidity before the big drop and she yelled, “I’m almost! I’m almost!”
Naruto’s mind was nothing but a haze of euphoria and he felt seconds away. Grabbing her
legs, he flipped her on her front so her butt was hanging off the bed, gripped her firm bubbled
butt, and kept fucking her sweet tight pussy for another minute until the heat and friction
were too much. He buried himself to the balls and emptied every ounce of his white baby-
gravy into her already full depths. The quivering Kurenai nearly ripped her sheets she’d been
gripping as her orgasm rocked her entire shuddering body and made her see white. As he kept
filling her with hot liquid, she had a few miniature orgasms prolong her catatonic state of
Several minutes later, Naruto finally softened and pulled out of her, and the amount that came
out made a puddle on the floor. An exhausted Kurenai felt like she was relieving herself as
the warmth and buzz of such ferocious lovemaking had her fall right to sleep. Though Naruto
felt like he could keep going in another minute or two, he realized his partner was likely
exhausted. Whilst trying not to get hard, Naruto quickly cleaned her up before going to sleep
snuggled together. It was the most complete embodiment of restful slumber for both of them.
Three hours later, Naruto woke up to a warm and pleasant feeling coming from his genitals.
One lazy eye blinked open when a wave of tingling energy rushed through him and he saw
Kurenai’s gorgeous head bobbing between his legs. Her cheeks were hollowed inward due to
the pressure of her sucking, and her slick red lips remained sealed around his rigid meat pole
as she took him down to her throat. The wet, hot pressure was so intense he groaned and
bucked his hips. She licked down to the balls but always played with his sensitive crown
whilst her hands massaged from sack to stem.
Naruto groaned at her excellent technique, and when it was too much, the blond gripped her
bobbing head and arched his back. Kurenai relaxed her throat, held her breath, and stuffed
her nostrils with his blond bush as he ejaculated shot after shot of his man gravy down her
warm throat. After a minute of his cum taking the quick route to her stomach, he settled back
down, spent, yet eager for more. Kurenai swallowed what was in her mouth before licking his
half-erect cock clean.
“Sorry, I was hungry,” she explained with a blushing smirk.
Kurenai smiled at his zeal and the sight of his hardening cock. She quickly stated, “how
about something different to eat before we continue.”
Naruto shook his head as he pulled her on top of him, loving her warm weight over him,
before he kissed her slowly and deeply. He separated with a wet suction to remind her, “I told
you, we’re not leaving this room for two days.”
“That’s going to be tough to do when we’re starving,” she cutely pointed out. “And I will not
keep swallowing if that’s what you’re thinking.”
Naruto chuckled before shaking his head. He sat up, crossed his fingers, and voiced, “Kage
Bunshin no Jutsu.” When three naked clones appeared, he cursed, “crap. Never mind. Let me
get dressed.” The three dispelled and Naruto quickly put on his shirt and pants before
remaking three clothed clones. He ordered, “two of you make dinner for two, please.”
“No ramen for her then,” Naruto amended with an amused shake of his head.
Two of the clones left the room while the third asked, “and me, boss?”
Naruto turned to the radiant Kurenai, leaning against the bed’s headboard, warmly gazing at
him with admiration. Naruto smiled broadly before jesting, “want me to make a few more
clones for some fun?”
Kurenai giggled and shook her head, making her black untamed hair flow around, before
assuring him, “I can barely handle one of you.”
Naruto smirked as he walked to the closet and brought back a dark wooden box Kurenai
easily recalled. As the blond set the familiar box on the table and Kurenai tightened her toned
legs in anticipation as he opened the large container to reveal the dildos, anal beads,
handcuffs, vibrators, vibrating eggs, and lube she used to teach him all those months ago.
Recalling how long they’ve been together and how it all started made her nostalgic. They’ve
had their trials, but Naruto now feels like an inseparable part of her life.
“Come here,” he softly said, and she felt herself growing wetter by the second in anticipation.
Kurenai took a deep breath before scooting to the edge of the bed. Naruto took a moment to
appreciate her toned body, thin waist, curvy hips, perky c-cup breasts with her shoulder-
length ebony hair. She felt hotter under his admiring eyes when he ordered her to turn around.
Her nipples hardened as she turned around. With her butt facing him and her center was
leaking in gnawing suspense. Naruto gripped her firm apple-bottom with one hand while the
other pressed the center of her back, encouraging her to lean forward.
“I thought I should prepare you,” he started to say as he grabbed the oil-based lube from
within the box. He leaned forward, pressing his erection against the crack of her ass as he
voiced by her ear, “I’m going to fill you up from both ends, Nai-chan, cuz if I don’t put all
my love inside you, I’m gonna lose my mind.”
While massaging the sensitive bend between hip and leg, Naruto began applying an ample
amount of the oil-based lubricant to her sphincter and anal canal, fingering her all the while.
Having prepared the rectal wash bulb, Naruto placed the sausage-like instrument to her
beating sphincter, warned his beautiful fiance, then slowly inserted the rectum cleaner. She
relaxed as she could, but by the time the base was between her cheeks, her arms gave out and
her torso was flat on the bed with her twitching butt sticking out.
“I forgot to mention,” Naruto started as he added chakra to his hand. “I added some fūinjutsu
to the bulb-syringe.” With a hint of panic, she whipped her head around to look at him—
feeling the rubber instrument in her bowels with the slightest movement—as Naruto pressed
his palm to the cleaner. Immediately, it began vibrating and bending as the instrument began
to irrigate her sensitive passage. Kurenai clenched her eyes and jaw at the abrupt vibration
and up & down wavelike bending, like a vibrating snake slithering upward, only the plug at
the sphincter was holding it in place.
“MMMMnnnnn,” Kurenai hummed as the uncanny sensation slowly clouded her mind and
heat her body with a blanket of pleasure.
Pressing his pelvis into her round trembling ass, Naruto massaged her lower back as he
asked, “how’s it feel?” Though she heard him, she couldn’t quite reply over her attempt to
think through the mind-numbing delight. As he massaged the bend between hips and legs, the
blond thrusted once, rocking her softening body forward and ripping a moan from her throat.
“Nai-chan?” Slightly worried, he moved onto the bed to make sure she was okay, but upon
seeing her blushing face, full lips half moaning, eyes half-lidded in rapturous pleasure,
surrounded by unkempt and damp ‘Just Fucked’ hair, the boy was taken by how sexy she
looked. Naruto forgot about any strategy and surrendered to instinct, taking her juicy red lips
for his own.
They made out in bed until the food was brought up to them. It was the fastest Naruto’s ever
eaten, and while she tried to finish her salmon chopped salad, he slowly replaced the
vibrating cleaner with lubed anal beads that also vibrated. Her elbows propped her torso up to
eat as her lower half vibrate over the edge of the bed while he played and explored her anal
pleasure spots. Kurenai marveled at how wet and sensitive she was continuously getting,
dreaded the moment he stuffed her to the brim because she knew she wouldn’t last a minute
of his deep strokes.
Her dripping wet sex did not go unnoticed by her virile fiancé, and he couldn’t help burying
his face in her sex and licking her sensitive love petals with long, languid strokes from his
coarse tongue. Kurenai couldn’t think with the electric buzz shooting up and down her spine.
Her hazy mind was intoxicated and her feverish body was crackling with bouts of
hypersensitivity. With his hands massaging the back of her thighs and bubble butt, his coarse
tongue dragging up her drenching sex, and the vibration of the anal beads, her arching
physique was trembling with the electric buzz of euphoria. It was as if the bulk of her body
was transforming into a giant erogenous zone and the time between stimulation and climax
was shortening to one great explosion.
Feeling the knot of pleasure tighten to the point of snapping, she felt Naruto pull away. She
was about to protest when he bellowed, “sorry, Nai-chan, but I can’t hold back any longer!”
Kurenai curved her spine to look back at him, making her feel the vibrating beads acutely as
Naruto lined his throbbing cock with the pulsing heat of her sodden sex. As he gripped her
curvy hips, she opened her lips to protest when he buried himself to the hilt in a single stroke,
ripping a long-winded groan from both of them. Naruto stood still, preferring to remain fused
in tight wet heat as tiny orgasms sporadically quacked Kurenai’s sweltering form. Naruto
relished the suction and hot trembling of her cunt on top of the vibrations and tightness the
anal beads bring.
When Naruto was ready, he knew exactly how to fuck the radiant beauty under him. He
lowered his pelvis to raise the angle and pressed her love tunnel more into the vibrating
spheres of her lubricated rectum before pulling out. Kurenai groaned like a hefty weight
being emptied out before stuffing it right back in with a wet CLAP.
“AAAHhnn, mmmmnn,” Kurenai moaned to the room. She was beside herself. He’d only just
put it in, and she felt like she was losing her mind. Naruto started pumping in and out of her
and her primal moans only grew in pitch and frequency. “Ahn… MMN… OHH… I’mmmm,”
she tried to say, however, drilling in and out of her, he could easily tell she was seconds away.
Naruto gripped under her trembling left knee and lifted her left leg up, splitting her legs and
compacting the wet friction to an unbearable degree. Naruto slammed to the hilt, her flush ass
cheeks to his pelvis, and her thick coil of pleasure snapped. Her spine arched, her head and
sweaty locks whipped back as her quim clenched him like a vise. A series of mind-bending
orgasms erupted one after the other throughout her entire body, making her shake and juke.
Naruto held her sultry form down as her quivering muscles flexed around his meat tower.
Though his sensitive head and balls wanted to let loose, he held firm for the minutes it took
her to settle down.
When her gloriously hot and wet hole slackened its vice grip, he flipped her slack body over
so he could see her supple breasts bounce as Naruto slowly started building a rhythm again.
Her moaning and the wet clapping of their bodies was music to his ears. The heat and sweat
radiated off them and the smell of sex and sweat filled their noses. He pounded her love
tunnel with a growing frenzy until he stuffed to the root and unloaded globule after globule of
his hot spunk. His mind-numbing orgasm triggered her own and her strong legs wrapped
around his back as her spine arched, lifting her butt off the bed. It was unmitigated bliss for
the pair of lovers as he unloaded everything he had into her quivering quim.
Despite the heat in the room, the sweat on their bodies, the spunk and pussy juice pouring out
of her slit, and the anal beads still vibrating in her ass, they went soundly to sleep. True to
Naruto’s word, they did not leave the room for two days. Food, sex, talking, and sleep were
the only tasks of the day and they did them all repeatedly. Naruto would always wake her up
by eating her out until she orgasmed in his mouth, then he’d enter her sodden sex or ass
repeatedly until he was flooding her insides with his potent seed. In the bathtub, she would
always ride him vivaciously until they climaxed together. Bending her over, raising one or
both legs, every position on the bed, against the wall & door, in the bath, they had sex until
they both orgasmed from one of three orifices.
When they did talk, it was initially about little things, stories, and memories he would gain
from his clones. Naruto always sent out clones to help Karin or Haku in any way they
needed, or be with Iruka. Sometimes they had funny stories Naruto had to relay to Kurenai.
Knowing they would be in Kumo eventually and why, Kurenai couldn’t help the questions in
her mind begging to be asked. They were in bed, facing each other as she recovered from a
barrage of full-bodied orgasms, and she asked, “Naruto? How many girls have you been
Naruto hummed in consideration before answering, “uh… well, a lot I guess.” Kurenai raised
her dark brows at his answer until Naruto listed off names. “You, Karin, Sakura, Tsunami-
neechan, Ayame-neechan-”
“No, not like that,” Kurenai giggled, then clarified, “I mean… I heard about the kunoichi
from Kumo. And I know the lengths infiltration specialists are trained to go in order to
succeed in their missions. Did you sleep with these women?”
“Oh,” Naruto realized before quickly nodding and answering, “Yeah, I did.” Either he didn’t
notice her raise eyebrows or it didn’t bother him as he continued to explain, “I met Ma-chan
at the library, and we kind of hit it off. I didn’t know it at the time, but she and Sa-chan were
trying to get me to defect.”
Old feelings of insecurity rushed to the forefront of her mind, but Kurenai tried to fight it by
cautiously asking her fiancé, “was this before or after we took a break?”
Smirking, Naruto playfully touched the tip of her nose with his before asking a question of
his own. “Did we take a break or did you ask me for space?”
Recalling old circumstances with a previous love, Kurenai moved away as she asked with
some heat, “so you had sex with them to get back at me?”
Naruto sat up, quickly concerned and eager to reply, “what? No! Obviously, no!”
“So why did you sleep with random girls the second we weren’t together?” It’s not the first
time the same outcome had happened in her life and it hurt at the moment as it hurt in the
“I didn’t just sleep with them,” Naruto replied with a quirked brow as if she wasn’t making
sense. She would’ve been angry at him for making her feel like she were crazy to be upset if
he hadn’t followed up with, “I may be marrying one of the hottest girls in all of Konoha but I
can’t say it was because I’m that smooth.” She paused a little at that. “These girls are on your
level. Why would I even think I could get with either of them? Especially when all I had to
do was wait for you to talk to me again.”
That made Kurenai calm down some and even regret her outburst. She moved closer to him
again and intertwined their legs as he continued, “when I learned that Ma-chan was a
psychologist and sociologist, I asked her a bunch of questions about relationships. You
wanted to take a break, and I had no idea why. I thought if I understood more, I could do
something, and since she’s the one who told me about love and polyamory, I thought she
could help me.”
“I see,” Kurenai softly acknowledged, imagining what it would be like to seduce a boy into
defecting. Realizing most of the women in Naruto’s life only came to him for something and
that it’s not the same as any of her past loves, she asked, “so, she used that as an ‘in’ to
seduce you and get you to defect?”
“I don’t know about that,” Naruto easily returned. “There’s no way I’d ever leave Konoha
just because I slept with two girls.”
Caught on his last two words, the curious beauty asked, “did you sleep with both of them at
the same time?”
“And you still didn’t even think of going with them? These really beautiful girls?”
“Hell no. Not even once,” he nonchalantly answered, making her snort at how uncomplicated
he can be. “Anyway, with Ma-chan’s help, I figured out how much I love you.”
Surprised by how good her heart felt to hear him say that, Kurenai restrained her broadening
grin to ask a more important question. “You told her about me?”
“No, I know,” she assured him. “I… do know you, Naruto.” She felt frustrated with herself
for doubting him and genuinely apologized. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so rash with
you. I think I was just… thinking of past experiences.”
He moved closer, resting his warm forehead against hers as he softly asked, “are you okay?”
She nodded weakly, reminding herself, yet again, that Naruto wasn’t like other men. His
powerful arms embraced her nude form closer to his body and relaxed into him as he asked,
“you know I love you, right?”
“Like, for forever,” he emphasized with a broadening grin. “I need to make that absolutely
Lightly giggling in his embrace, she returned his smile as she answered, “yeah, I know.”
“Awe… really?”
Leaning back in disbelief, she asked him, “you’re still…” before focusing on the brighter side
of having sister-wives. “You know, this may be one area I don’t think I’ll mind assistance
with. I mean, how do you have so much energy?”
His throat hummed in tandem with a casual shoulder shrug before confessing, “I get pretty
antsy when I don’t see you for a while,” he sadly admitted, making Kurenai blush and smile.
“You know, Ma-chan also helped me realize I could love you, Ino, Temari, and Hinata
without favoring one over the other. She told me about a type of polyamory where it’s like a
dinner table and we all eat together because everyone loves each other like family, and I
really liked that idea. It sounds so great.”
With a smirk, Kurenai voiced, “well, there’s not much of a choice now.”
“No, Naruto, there isn’t,” she proclaimed. “I know you’d be happy if it were just me, but
breaking the truce agreement with Suna could hurt both of our villages. It’s like lying to a
best friend, and I know neither of us wants to be liars.”
“I get that, but, I can’t do this if you or any of the girls aren’t happy with it,” he voiced with
disgust. “No one should be forced to marry someone just because of politics. That’s not how I
want anyone to love me.”
“I know, I know,” she assured him. “I don’t want to go into it now, but trust me, I am happy
with this because I love you.”
“Okay,” Naruto accepted before kissing her. Though she had more questions, her mind was
quickly swept away by the zealous winds of desire. All too soon, Naruto was thrusting his
throbbing meat tower into her gushing quim with relentless frenzy. Kurenai’s entire body felt
like a love sponge overflowing with ecstasy and he repeatedly buried himself deep in her
quivering pleasure until they were both writhing in quaking bliss.
Eager for rest, an exhausted and sweaty Kurenai hoarsely asked, “are there… any more
women I should know about?” They were both laying on their backs breathing heavily as
thick globules of spunk was leaking from her pink honey-pot.
“Uh… let’s see,” he slowly began, recalling his higher brain function. “Ma-chan, Sa-chan,
you, Ino, Sakura-”
“Around the same time as Mabui and Samui,” Naruto slowly answered. Suddenly fearing he
betrayed his teammate, he asked, “you’re not going to tell anyone, are you? I told you
because I don’t want any secrets between us but I’m not sure if she wants anyone to know.”
“I… uh, yes, no, of course,” Kurenai assured him once the shock settled. “I won’t tell a soul.
It’s just surprising.”
“It was sort of a limited-time thing,” Naruto replied. “We haven’t slept together since
“Mmm,” he hummed, making her wonder how many girls he slept with in the three weeks
they broke up. “I also did a lot of hand and oral stuff with Temari and Tenten, but that’s pretty
much it.”
“They were all pretty happy, too,” Naruto proudly told her, as if he won first place. “So you
did a great job training me.”
Surprisingly, that did make her proud. It was an odd duality for the raven-haired beauty to
reconcile. As an educator, she took pride in all the successes of her students and Naruto was a
star pupil. She taught him how to pleasure women, and taught him well, which is a source of
pride. However, she hadn’t anticipated falling in love with him and feeling territorial about
who he slept with. Though she felt some jealousy, she couldn’t deny it felt good knowing her
man—armed with everything she taught him—made those girls melt around his cock. It was
a bitter-sweet pill to swallow.
Bringing her out her thoughts, Naruto asked, “what about you?”
She blinked and knitted her brow in curiosity before asking, “hmm? What do you mean?”
To her dread, he clarified, “how many men have you been with? Besides Asuma, do I know
any other ones?”
Crunching her nose, she cautiously asked, “uh, do you really want to know?”
Shrugging as if it didn’t matter, the blond Chūnin answered, “mnnn, I don’t really care. But
since you wanted to know who I’ve been with, I thought it was important enough to know
“I see,” she slowly reasoned. Considering it only fair, she answered, “well, I’ve been with
nine men in total. On and off, Asuma was the longest and most recent. A string of nice men
in between, and, I suppose… I’ve also been with one woman-”
Amused by his obvious excitement, she nodded with a smile as she answered, “yes. Anko.”
Naruto continued to chuckle as he asked, “three times? You must’ve really liked it. I might
have to ask her for pointers.”
Far too embarrassed, Kurenai proclaimed, “that’s- It’s because Anko’s really- You know, we
don’t have to talk about this anymore.”
Growing silent and contemplative, Kurenai looked sadder before answering, “we’re not in the
best place, which is to be expected. I understand he’s hurt, but I hope we can be friends again;
one day.” Knowing the loss of a friend, Naruto brought her down so she could lie atop of him
and hold her in comforting warmth. After several moments, Kurenai sadly, yet gratefully
voiced, “thanks for asking. I don’t think most men would care how I get on with my ex.”
“I’m not most men,” Naruto whispered by her ear before kissing her raven-colored locks.
By the end of the second night, an exhausted Kurenai just laid in her soil bed, unable to think
or move. Naruto wasn’t a fan of having sex like that, so he simply took her to the bath to
wash her body while half a dozen clones cleaned and aired out the room. They then slept
soundly until the following morning when Naruto awoke to a wonderful view of Kurenai
watching him with a heartfelt smile.
He instantly grinned, unlikely to ever tire of waking up next to her, then greeted, “morning.”
“Morning,” she returned before kissing him deeply. Their heads swiveled around their joined
lips until Kurenai felt his hard-on against her stomach and pulled away in surprise, asking,
“really? After two days straight days of sex?” Naruto just shrugged. “How about you expend
some of that energy inviting Hinata, Ino, and Temari to lunch. I also want to have dinner with
“You mean like when it was you, me, Hinata, and Haku?” At her smiling nod, he excitedly
asked, “so, we can add Karin, Ero-sennin, Temari, Gaara, Kankurō-”
“Future family and close friends, essentially,” she happily confirmed for him, and he kissed
her before leaving to get ready.
Naruto and Kurenai finally left her house after breakfast and met direct sunlight for the first
time in two days. Naruto lamented not being able to have sex outside. Kurenai just shook her
lovely head, making her sexy black hair wave around her shoulders. The pair left to meet
their respective teams, trained all morning, performed several D-Rank missions with their
respective teams, then met at the market to shop for lunch and dinner. Naruto was happy to
tell her all about how much stronger Sakura was getting due to Tsunade-baachan’s training,
or how Sasuke continues to bother him with challenges.
“I said it was up to Kakashi-sensei,” Naruto explained. They were walking down the
neighborhood toward her house holding bags of groceries as the blond Chūnin added, “but I
told him, I’m not holding back anymore. Sasuke likes to use his Sharingan and cursed seal.
I’m done pulling my punches.”
“Good,” Kurenai huffed, mildly irate with the Uchiha. “I believe he’s been coddled long
“Maybe,” Naruto replied. “He’s getting better, but I still whooped his ass. Didn’t even need
Hiraishin or Sage mode.”
Hinata, Ino, and Temari arrived soon afterward to help prepare lunch. Naruto would’ve
helped, but Kurenai confessed that after two days of his meals, cooking wasn’t his strong
suit. He set the table, and before long, they were all seated with a delicious meal in front of
them. Sitting around the dining table, Naruto couldn’t help feeling choked up by the loved
ones around him. He thought of how they would soon be his clan, his family, and he had to
hold down his urge to tear up as Kurenai briskly explained Mabui, Samui, how they’re
involved in Omiai, and the trip to Kumogakure. Naruto then confessed to the girls why he
wanted to go to Kumo.
“So,” Temari began, asking for clarity, “You’re not marrying them?”
“Marriage?” Ino repeated, eying Temari questioningly. “There’s no way they care anything
about marriage.” Ino emphasized to the table of future family, “this has to be a trap.”
“When I devised the Omiai plan,” Temari began. “It was obviously to immobilize and
capture Naruto, but the contracts were as legally binding as they can be.” Realizing what it
meant for kunoichi from Kumogakure to sign the Omiai, Temari orated, “now, we’re here—
us four—marrying Naruto, despite the original purpose. I’m only saying is it’s possible these
kunoichi could tumble down the same rabbit hole.”
“I don’t know about all that,” Naruto told the girls. “I just want to talk to their Jinchūriki. Ma-
chan and Sa-chan are helping me out there and that’s as far as that goes.”
Kurenai continued explaining, “We’re operating under the assumption that this is a ploy to
either kill or capture Naruto or the Nine-tails. Despite the risk, after careful consideration,
Hokage-sama has determined that talking to their Jinchūriki was worth it, thus the mission.”
The girls take a moment to absorb the distressing mission. If anything goes a slight bit wrong,
it had the potential of causing serious ramifications between Land of Fire and Land of
Lightning, and any number of people could die. Temari cut through the silence by assuredly
asking, “When do we leave?”
Kurenai answered, “We haven’t set an official date yet. There’s a lot for the village to do first.
Tsunade-sama’s inauguration is this week; the Uzumaki’s Clan’s founding ceremony will be
the week after; and we have to prepare the teams who’ll be a part of the mission to Kumo.
The earliest I can see us departing would be two weeks.”
Considering the schedule between their important mission and treaty, Temari asked Kurenai,
“What about the wedding? It’s going to take at least six months to rush such a crucial
wedding between our countries and give people across all classes a chance to travel and
Stunned by the news, Naruto exclaimed, “Six months! Does it really take that long to plan a
All four girls bristled at the term party to describe the most important day of any woman’s
life. Ino shook her head with an empathetic smile as she voiced, “I get that you’re a boy, but
you have to understand, a girl’s wedding day is a huge deal. We all want the day to be
absolutely perfect. And that takes a lot of planning. Six months is the bare minimum to plan
the absolute most amazing wedding ever. It could even take up to two years if the girl is
determined enough.”
“Security for the Kages and Daimyō alone will take weeks to prepare,” Hinata softly voiced.
Naruto raised his brow with a long whistle as he thought about the scheduling problem.
Eventually, he expressed, “I don’t know what our timetable is exactly, but I really don’t want
to delay going to Kumo. It’s super important.”
Nodding, Ino curiously asked, “Can you even show Kumogakure that this engagement is, in
fact, real, without being married to at least two of us first? I mean, I know they’re using the
Omiai for their own gains, but this isn’t a sham or political for me.” Blushing fiercely, Ino
called upon her courage to boldly confess, “I lo-love Naruto and I want to marry him.”
Naruto rushed around the table, yelling, “Aww! I love you too, Ino-chan!” He hugged her
fiercely, and immediately, Ino felt a heat stirring from her core being pressed against him. It’s
been so long since they’re done anything physical that she forgot how amazing the feel of his
hot body and muscular arm was like. She thought her urges were under control, but smelling
him so close, feeling his radiant face pressed against hers, it all came flooding back. This was
the boy who could fuck her unconscious, and her sex vibrated with desire for his cock.
All three girls noticed Ino’s deep blush and fidget in her chair as Naruto returned to his.
Kurenai moved them along by stating, “It would be better if Naruto was married to at least
Temari and one more to add weight to our words when we speak with the Raikage.”
“If we even make it that far,” Temari joked in all seriousness. “The intel we’ve gathered
about him basically says he’s a notoriously difficult man to deal with and an incredibly
powerful shinobi.”
Naruto hummed a moment, not truly enjoying the direction of their upcoming nuptials. He
voiced, “The only reason I’d get married faster is so we can all live together.” Envisioning
what a full house of family would be like, the blond Chūnin gushed at the fantasy as he
added, “We can come home after a long day and it’ll be warm and smell amazing. Then
someone you love, who loves you right back, will welcome you home because they’re happy
to see you. That’s a good reason to get married quick. Other than that, I don’t care what
Kumo thinks.”
“Like he thinks that’s not everybody’s dream,” Temari added with a small smile.
Hinata voiced to Naruto and her sister-wives, “w-with this family—with everyone here—I
think we can have that.”
“I’ve given this some thought and have a possible solution,” Kurenai began to reveal to the
table. “I wonder, would everyone here consent to having two weddings instead of one?”
Quickly picking up on her train of thought, Temari detailed, “You mean a small one we can
have for the moment, which, you could say, would be the legal start of our marriage.”
“And then the large one for everyone else later on.” Ino quickly added.
“It would serve everyone’s needs,” Kurenai noted. “We’d have plenty of time to plan the big
ceremony for the first two to marry Naruto, and for the moment, we can plan a smaller one
that’ll just be for our close friends and family. After, we’ll be able to stand in front of anyone
and confidently tell them we are married to the most amazing man.”
The bashful Naruto gushed, “Stop!” He looked at all of them as he stated, “I think you’re all
amazing, too. And I’m so looking forward to spending the rest of my life loving you as my
family; as my clan.”
All three girls smiled at his sincerity, however, Temari was the one to grimly voice, “then we
better make sure to survive Kumo.”
Kurenai asked the Suna princess, “Does that mean you’re going? Whoever goes is going to
be in substantially more danger and you are the Kazekage’s daughter.”
“I’m not letting my fiancé go without me,” the Suna highborn stated. “I may be marrying
Naruto but I will not waste my hard-earned talents becoming a stay-at-home wife to cook and
clean. I’m afraid I skipped those classes at the Academy.”
“First, I couldn’t care less what he thinks,” Temari hotly contested, clearly harboring a deep
grudge with her father and leader. “And second, no one here is a stranger to the dangers of
the life we chose. I’m a kunoichi and future wife to the Jinchūriki of the Kyūbi, who’ll
eventually become Hokage. I’ll even have sister-wives. I’m not expecting an easy life.”
“But, we can have a peaceful home,” Hinata softly expressed to the group.
With a smile and a nod, Temari agreed and the sensual Ino winked at Naruto as she carnally
inferred, “Hopefully not too peaceful.”
Naruto snorted at her dirty mind before asking the girls, “so, we’re all good with two
weddings? I’ll do everything I can to make sure it turns out great. Plus, Karin’s really good at
planning stuff. Our clan would never have been up so fast if it wasn’t for her.”
“I’m fine with it,” Temari stated. “My brothers wouldn’t mind either. But have you decided
who’s going to be your first wife?”
Naruto blinked at the unexpected question and slowly observed each of the Konoha girls and
their suddenly unreadable expressions. He hadn’t actually thought of the wedding, let alone
who the first wife would be. However, clearly there needed to be one, just like the first person
in line buys the first bowl of ramen. Even if they would’ve liked to know who he’d pick, the
Konoha girls understood his hesitation, and Kurenai voiced, “We still have some time.”
Though the lunch ended and the table was cleared, exiting the warm home was odd for
everyone. Temari, Ino, and Hinata lingered by the front door. It struck Naruto as odd until
Kurenai voiced, “I’ll walk with Hinata, so give her a hug so we can go.” Kurenai winked at
the blushing Ino, recognizing the girl’s desire for Naruto and the beautiful girl smiled back.
Hinata turned beet red and Naruto smiled before he happily wrapped the adorable girl in his
arms. Feeling his warm body press against her front with his face almost nuzzle against hers,
Hinata held on for seven seconds before she felt like passing out. She was dazed when
Kurenai pulled her away. The stunning Jōnin-sensei kissed Naruto in front of the awestruck
girls before asking Ino, “would you be a dear and make sure Naruto’s not late to dinner
tonight? He’s going to be training but you know how easily he loses track of time.”
“That doesn’t happen all the time,” Naruto—eyes squinted—bemoaned with a pressed-up
lower lip.
Ino blushed at the thought of staying with Naruto and nodded a little too fervently before
Temari voiced, “I’ll join you.” The girls turned to her before she answered their curiosity.
“It’s not like we have anything else to do in Konoha.”
“Yeah,” Naruto called happily, oblivious to Ino’s desires. “Bring Gaara and Kankurō. I’ll go
get Haku and we can battle it out!”
Turning to Temari, Kurenai voiced, “if you’ll come with me, we can ask Hokage-sama just to
make certain she’s fine with Gaara and Naruto training together.”
“You can go,” Temari bluntly asserted. She was perceptive enough to understand what was
happening. Looking at Naruto with a smile, she expressed, “I wouldn’t mind staying with
Naruto longer.”
Ino had been aroused since Naruto hugged her. Her panties were wet, and she wanted some
alone time with her future husband, yet Temari wanted to get in the way. Naruto hadn’t
realized the depth of the hidden calamity, however, Kurenai did. She inhaled and told Naruto,
“give them all hugs. I just remembered Karin needed you for clan business. You should head
over to Uzushio.”
“I’ve got a fleet of clones helping with furniture right now,” Naruto answered.
“Right,” Kurenai recalled. “Well, head to the training ground and we’ll join you soon.”
“I just think we girls need to have a quick conversation,” Kurenai sweetly answered.
“Is it about the marriage?” he asked. “Because if it is, I think I should know too.”
“Well, let me ask you this,” Kurenai began to proposition. “If something were going on, what
do you think it is?”
Naruto inspected the girls with a more discerning eye. He initially thought they wanted to
train but couldn’t do so together because of rules. He was also certain Temari felt nervous
because she didn’t want anyone to steal her moves. However, that didn’t feel quite right, or
Kurenai wouldn’t have asked. Then he saw Ino’s blushing face and lightly perspired brow
and it reminded him of another time she looked like that inside of Kurenai’s house. He
wondered if she wanted to have sex and that thought made Naruto want to have sex as well.
He then felt the blush on his face, however, he didn’t want to make Hinata or Temari
“Seems like we’re all on the same page,” an intuitive Kurenai lightly voiced, smiling at
Naruto’s expressive face. Facing everyone, she explained, “Since there’s no real delicate way
to say this, I’ll just say it. We’ll all have different needs at different times. I want us all to
help each other out, but I realize we’re missing context, so how about a change of dinner
plans. Tonight, it’ll just be the future-wives. Naruto, didn’t you say you wanted to take
Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama to Ichiraku’s?”
“Relax,” Ino bolstered, clapping him on the shoulder. “There’s going to be loads of times
when we girls are going to have to figure things out on our own. It doesn’t mean you’re doing
anything wrong.”
“And it might be rough in the beginning,” Temari added. “But when we all get to know one
another, I’m sure it’ll be smoother.”
Naruto observed Hinata nod sternly before nodding himself, then cheerfully declaring,
“alright. I’ll be training if anyone needs me.” Naruto then left them to train, all the while
feeling like there was something more he could’ve done. He wasn’t sure what that something
could be, but he knew there was a better answer. Like when Temari asked him if he decided
on the first wife, he was stuck to answer. His mind drew a blank, but he knew there was a
solution that wouldn’t disappoint anyone.
Naruto trained with Haku, Gaara, Kankurō, and eventually Temari, while Kakashi and Baki
watched on. During training, Kakashi suggested trying to fight without sage mode or
Kurama’s chakra, and it made getting around Gaara’s ultimate defense a fun challenge. They
still weren’t allowed to fight with their Bijū, but Naruto has been coaching Gaara into
fostering a relationship with Shukaku. It was also fun to see Kankurō complain about Haku’s
ice kekkei genkai since he could freeze the inanimate objects, annoying the Suna boy.
Naruto’s Suna fiancé came to train, then left for dinner at Kurenai’s. When he asked what
they would talk about, she bluntly told him, “you, obviously. But I wouldn’t worry too much
about it. We’re all just trying to figure out how this will work.”
Naruto understood because he wanted the same thing. He simply had no one with experience
to advise him. They all had dinner with Karin and Jiraiya at Uzushio after. It was great fun,
and he loved it, however, he always thought about his future wives. He wanted everyone to
be friends, but like Sasuke, he knew it was possible to resist the idea. While he laid in bed in
his new but bare bedroom, Naruto sensed a shadow enter his room through the window.
Before he could question who was there, the shadow leap on him. He instinctively used the
Hiraishin to freeze time and see who it was. A smile spread across his face as he traveled to
his kunai holster on the desk. She immediately landed on an empty bed, and in her confusion,
Naruto wrapped his arms around Ino from behind.
Temari was the last to arrive at dinner in Kurenai’s comforting home, but the four women
quickly prepared the meal, then set up the dining table before taking a seat. Kurenai was
dressed comfortably in tight sweats with a hooded sweater that had the Konoha leaf emblem
on it. She also encouraged the girls to dress more casually to encourage a more relaxed meal.
Ino dressed in a purple sleeveless sundress that cut off mid-thigh with her blonde hair in a
ponytail. Temari continued to wear her purple long-sleeved blouse with a high collar under a
grey top, and a dark blue skirt with a split in the side. Hinata was slightly more surprising to
the girls. Gone was her oversized jacket that hid all of her feminine curves. She now wore a
light lavender, sleeveless kimono-style blouse, tied with a dark purple obi around her waist,
accentuating her large breasts. She wore a pair of short dark navy shorts with thigh-high
stockings. Her eye-catching look was far more form-fitting and much less conservative than
before. With her silky hair, they could all tell how much of a stunner she could be.
‘Guess we know who has the biggest breasts,’ Ino and Temari thought as they sat down. They
were wondering how partial Naruto was to big breasts when the sexy Jōnin began. “So, I
want to start by saying that there’s a reason all of this happened; Why I’m with Naruto,
despite my age; Why you’re all with Naruto, despite your reason- With the exception of
Hinata, of course.”
With a curious brow, Ino had to ask Hinata, “How long have you been in love with him?”
The girl instantly blushed but bravely answered, “s-since I was ten. He saved me from a
group of bullies. They were bigger and older than him, b-but he didn’t care… and fought
them, anyway. He was the bravest boy I’d ever seen.”
“That’s more than I’ve ever heard you say at one time,” Temari pointed out.
Hinata nodded before explaining, “Haku made me realize this was like an exclusive club I’d
be entering; all the people who l-love Naruto. That there was no reason to hold back because
we all want the best for him.”
“Agreed,” Kurenai voiced proudly at her important student. “We all want what’s best for him
and the relationship amongst ourselves will factor greatly in that. I’m sure he’s worried about
us right now.”
“He is,” Temari assured them. “He seemed a bit distracted today.”
“He should be,” Ino pointed out, eying Temari with a hint of a grudge. “I wanted some alone
time, and you clearly wanted to get in the way.”
“Of all of us here, I’ve got to spend the least amount of time with him,” Temari returned.
“Okay, okay,” Kurenai interrupted. “Listen, we all have to be more understanding about what
we can and can’t do from today onward. For example, today, Temari, couldn’t a clone have
sufficed until Ino and Naruto had a bit of time together?”
“…Technically, yes,” Temari hesitated to admit. “But I don’t know how long they would’ve
been. While you’re all doing missions or going around your village, me and my brothers are
essentially stuck in a hotel. We get to go out when we want, certainly, but we don’t know the
village like you do. And when we do go out, many villagers look at us with worry, hate, fear,
or caution. So we stay indoors.”
“With all of us?” Ino interjected. “I mean, we should get to know each other. We’re only
spending the rest of our lives together.”
“I- Yeah,” Temari voiced. “Of course. I probably should’ve reached out. I just… it’s all still
“Naruto and I have talked about having dinners together,” Kurenai told the girls. “Just family
and close friends.”
“‘Naruto and I,’” Ino jovially pointed out. “I’m still jealous you get to spend so much time
with him.”
“I suppose that neatly brings us to the point of this dinner,” Kurenai voiced. “I have spent the
most time with Naruto. There’s a reason for that, but as it involves Ino, I won’t go into too
much detail.”
“You can’t deny you’re a major factor in why this all played out,” Kurenai replied to the
blonde. “But that’s your story to tell, not mine.”
“I really want to know what this story is,” Temari wished, leaning in as she smirked. “You
said it yourself: We’re only spending the rest of our lives together. We’re all going to know
each other intimately, anyway.”
“We will,” Ino agreed. “But this isn’t one of my finer moments, so, you’re just going to have
to wait.”
Ino quickly asked, “No one’s planning on seeing him tonight, right?” Hinata coughed on the
cup of water she was drinking. At Hinata’s reaction, the blonde beauty further asked, “has
anyone else had sex with him?”
“Just you, me, Mabui-san, and Samui-san,” Kurenai told the table. Looking between Temari
and the blushing Hinata, she expressed, “I want to make this clear to the both of you. You are
under no obligation or pressure to sleep with him, whether to ‘catch up’ to us or for any
reason. I think we all know he’s not the type to pressure anyone into anything they don’t want
to do, this marriage included.”
“No, no,” Kurenai returned. “It’s just, this is all happening so fast, he doesn’t want anyone to
regret being with him.”
“True,” Temari said with a bit of a smile. She then recounted how the time Naruto refused to
sleep with her when she was essentially throwing herself at him. “He cared more about how I
would feel in the future than his urges at the moment. I’m sure any other guy would take
advantage of the situation, even if they knew I was faking it.”
“Just another reason why he’s a cut above the rest,” Kurenai spoke.
“Plus, he’s fantastic in the sack,” Ino wickedly shared with the girls, making Hinata turn beet
red. “I’m seeing him tonight, unless…” Ino turned to Kurenai to ask, “he’s not sleeping here,
is he?”
“No,” Kurenai answered, blushing a bit, recalling the days they spent in her bedroom. “I’ve
had my fill for a while.”
“I heard you were with him for two days,” Ino sinfully insinuated.
Kurenai simply smiled before confessing to the girls, “we hadn’t seen each other in a while
since the job kept getting in the way, so…”
“Kami, I wish I can last that long,” Ino sadly bemoaned, recalling how often she passed out
from the unbridled pleasure he generates in her.
“I’m generally fine with three to four times a week,” Kurenai comforted the distraught blond.
“That was just a special occasion. I’m sure you three will also wonder about your moments,
but I have no doubt you’ll all have your special occasions as well. It can wait after marriage
or at any time you feel most secure or comfortable with his and us.”
“C-could,” Hinata hesitated to request. They waited a moment for her to gather her courage
before the Hyūga princess asked, “could you t-teach me. I don’t want him to regret… that
with me.”
Compartmentalizing how odd this might be—teaching Hinata about sex with Naruto—the
Jōnin-sensei only cared about helping her student, and answered, “of course. I’d be willing to
help anyone here.”
“Did’ya skip those classes too,” Ino teased Temari with a knowing smirk.
Temari wrinkled the skin on the bridge of her dainty nose as she lightly snarled at Ino.
Kurenai gave the Yamanaka a stern eye, making Ino roll her pupil-less blue eyes before
Kurenai explained, “I can teach you various techniques and what to expect. Naruto is unlike
many men, to begin with. Then, on top of that, I was the one who taught him how to pleasure
a woman. He took to my instructions like he takes to any other physical training. I’m sure
you’ve all seen him train.”
“To top it off,” Ino began. “He’s got a crazy ridicules amount of stamina, a big dick-” Hinata
nearly passed out and even Temari glowed at the blush rushing her cheeks. “And because of
his background, he’s a real people pleaser, so expect to get your minds blown.”
“If you’re willing,” Kurenai continued. “I’m one of Konoha’s best genjutsu masters. I’m
confident I can create an illusion as close to the real thing as possible. But please keep in
mind, these moments that you’ll share with Naruto are best experienced together. He’d like
that the best and I think you will as well.”
“I got him tonight, though,” Ino told the girls with a beaming smile.
Kurenai toasted her with, “good luck, sister.”
As the Fūinjutsu security of Naruto’s home recognized her chakra, Ino didn’t have to worry
about being blasted back as she slipped through the window of Naruto’s bedroom. The
beautiful Yamanaka was dressed in a black, long-sleeved crop top, a black miniskirt with
zippers on the sides, black stockings, and black gloves that went up to her biceps. She didn’t
bother with underwear, and everything but the stocking and gloves could be taken off within
Slipping into his room, the blushing Ino was fairly certain she had him when she leaped
through the air to land on top of him, however, when her lower body expected a toned
stomach to land on, she instead landed flat on the bouncy mattress. The second it took her to
wonder why there wasn’t a warm body under her, strong arms wrapped around her waist and
pulled her to the edge of the bed.
With just her butt over the bed, Naruto leaned in, pressing his entire front to the sensual girl’s
backside, and whispered by her ear, “sneaking into a man’s bedroom in the dead of night.
What would your parents say, Ino-chan?”
Feeling the heat from his front and the strength of his arms holding her, her heart was already
pumping blood to her sex in eager anticipation. She was already excited on the way to his
bedroom, but to know she was moments away from feeling the bliss he always provided
made her quite wet as she voiced in a sexy voice, “they’d be so disappointed. They didn’t
raise a bad girl. So very bad.”
“We can’t have that,” Naruto happily played along. “Bad girls should be punished.”
“No,” Ino moaned. She weakly tried to push him away in an effort to press her rump more
into his pelvis. “Please, have mercy on me, Nii-chan.”
Pressing his hardened cock against her moist crotch, Naruto held her firm so they can feel
each other’s hot sex. Continuing to play, he questioned, “Nii-chan? I’m your senior officer.
And it’s my responsibility to punish bad girls like you.”
Ino could barely think anymore through her sexed-up haze. Her lower body was rubbing
against his thick meat pole on its own as she tried to continue playing, “oh… no. My boss is
going to… mmn, discipline my- my body- AACKK!”
Naruto spanked her firm bubble-ass, making the round muscle jiggle, and as the sting
vibrated her body deliciously, Ino couldn’t stop the flow of juices dripping down her hot love
canal any more than she could stop the flood of memories he triggered. Her mind could think
of nothing but the first time they had sex, the second time he fucked her, and the times they
did it behind Kurenai or in her house. Ino was becoming so aroused, she feared she wouldn’t
last even one round. With her wet sex soaking through her stocking and dampening their
clothes, Ino unzipped both sides of her miniskirt, allowing for more give, flexibility, and
Naruto lowered his boxers and pressed his throbbing meat tower against her sodden center as
he whispered by her ear, “I hope you’re ready, Ino-chan.” His voice sent shivers up her spine
and she already felt mini quakes of pleasure spreading throughout her critically aroused body.
She knew she would not last when he voiced, “because I’ve missed you so much, I’m not
going to be able to stop at one-” He thrusted his horned pelvis into her, rocking her entire
softening body and making her moan. “Or two-” He thrusted again and her spine arched as
her head looked to the heavens above. “Or three times,” he finished with another thrust,
absolutely enjoying how responsive her body was to him.
Delirious with pleasure, Ino’s hand quickly bunched up her skirt to her middle. Her legs were
split wide with her butt over the edge and she whined, “please punish my pussy, Naruto!
Smash my wet hot pussy to bits! Just fuck me!”
He ripped her stocking at the apex of her legs, aligned the bulbous head against the beating
line of her pink slit, then plunged half his thick length into her. They both moaned through
wide-open mouths in unison. She was tighter than he remembered, and he was everything she
wanted. Ino’s blazing body felt right on the edge of being overwhelmed with mind-bending
ecstasy, but he remained still, letting her calm down and get accustomed to his size. His
hands massaged her thin waist before slipping his hand under her crop top and kneading her
soft breasts. She moaned to the touch and squeezed him that much harder.
After several minutes, he slowly began pulling out. The shapely bulb of his cock head
dragged at the wet nooks of her pleasure cavern, making her quiver to a tiny orgasm. Her
eyes fluttered closed as she savored his slow exit of her drenched womanhood, but they
opened in fear when he slowly repositioned his grip lower on her hips for more leverage. She
knew what was coming and nervously called out, “w-wait, Na-Narutooooooohh.”
She moaned as he stuffed his entire length in her slick folds, setting off mines of popping
pleasure before losing it. Ino arched her back as she lost herself to a monstrous orgasm. Her
whole body shivered and quaked as she was rocked with wave after wave of seamless
pleasure. Her eyes were glazed, hair matted on her sweaty forehead, and saliva was dripping
from her slack jaw. It took the gorgeous girl minutes to finally settle down enough for Naruto
to pull his entire length out, before stuffing his rod back in. He built a steady rhythm, and all
the while, Ino was boneless and limp under him. Her entire sex became an erogenous zone
for Naruto’s express pounding and Ino couldn’t stop the onslaught of ecstasy flooding her
Laying on the bed, Naruto was kissing her as his pelvis pounded into her sweet tight pussy.
Feeling close, he took her hips, lifted her butt off the bed, and jack-hammered into her
convulsing sex with reckless abandon. When she orgasmed once again, the quivering
tightness sent him over the edge and he unloaded a torrent of hot man-gravy in her center,
sending her into a series of orgasms that made her pass out. Smiling, Naruto and a few clones
cleaned her and the bed quickly before he snuggled up to her and went to sleep.
The following morning, afternoon, and night, Ino still couldn’t last longer than his first
ejaculation, and it worried her. She couldn’t help but wonder what kind of wife she would be
if she couldn’t completely satisfy her man. Even if she’s certain Naruto wouldn’t hold a
grudge against her for passing out or going to sleep after, she still preferred if everything was
normal; if she were normal. These were her thoughts throughout Coronation Day.
All of Konoha gathered together to celebrate the promotion of their new Hokage. The
ceremony began with a parade from the main gate of Konoha all the way to Hokage Tower.
Parents were having a hard time keeping their children together as all the villagers lined up
on either side of Main Street to see and cheer their new leader. Separating the Hokage and the
thousands gathered were Chūnin and unassigned genin, and watching from the rooftops were
hyper-vigilant Jōnin and Anbu. As fireworks popped white smoke above, the crowd cheered
and tossed confetti as the Hokage was carried by on a ceremonial palanquin on the shoulders
of eight bearers.
It was a bright sunny day, and Tsunade was dressed in an all-white kimono. The white of her
ceremonial dress signified her pure dedication to the village and went the sun’s light hit her
gown, it made her shine. She had the crest of the Senju on the back and Konoha’s leaf in the
front over her breast. Her hair was down in a bun at Shizune’s insistence and she wasn’t
wearing the Hokage’s hat, as that would be given at the end. The crowd cheered loudly as she
passed, and she waved to them with a confident smile. Half a block from the tower, the
gathered crowd observed as the village’s clan heads bowed their heads, Naruto among them.
Along with her own, Karin just managed to scramble together a ceremonial kimono made for
Naruto to wear for the ceremony. Haku helped him put on the many layers of formal dress—
the juban, under collar, himo, obi, and hakama—finishing with the haori of the Uzumaki crest
in the front and the Konoha leaf on the back. Naruto would’ve preferred to be with his team
on security, however, he couldn’t escape his duty as the head of the Uzumaki clan.
Fortunately, Haku and Karin were behind him and he could stand beside Gaara, Temari, and
Kankurō, who were also dressed in formal wear.
The crowd gathered around the tower as the new Hokage, her security detail, the honored
guests from Suna, then the clan heads walked inside to get to the top platform. Under the
stone monuments of previous Hokages, Tsunade met Hiruzen and Jiraiya at the top and all of
Konoha watched as the Sandaime passed the Hokage’s hat to his successor. The blonde
legend eyed the hat a moment, thinking of her lost loves and what this would mean for them.
She then turned to those gathered around, her former teammate Jiraiya, her dutiful aide,
Shizune, holding Ton-Ton, and the gathered clan heads. At the sight of a beaming and tearing
Naruto, she smiled before taking the hat and placing it on her blonde head.
She turned to the throng of cheering villagers and let them settle before addressing them.
“Hear me, my fellow countrymen. During my lifetime, I have dedicated myself to the
struggles of our forefathers. I have fought against nations who would seek to destroy and
dominate us, and I have fought treacherous countrymen who would do the same. I have
cherished the ideal of a free and just society in which all people can live together in harmony
and equal opportunity. It is an ideal I, a daughter of Konoha, will fight for and achieve. But if
need be, it is an ideal I am prepared to die for.”
The crowd cheered loudly for their new Hokage. After a few moments, she raised her arms,
and they slowly settled and she informed them, “To begin my tenure as your Godaime
Hokage, our village will host a momentous union between the great countries of Fire and
Wind. Whatever our past, Konohagakure and Sunagakure will now be tied together through
the bond of brotherhood and marriage. More will be revealed in the days to come, however,
let us live in the present with hope for a better future. Now, go out and have a great time!”
After the public address, Naruto found himself in a large room with the Godaime, Sandaime,
their aids & security, the other clan heads & their aids, and the civilian tradesmen. Naruto
was annoyed when Jiraiya just left him there, but Karin and Haku were with him. They had
him talk with all the clan heads, and though Naruto was nervous, Karin’s advice of, “just be
yourself,” helped him get through it. Most of the heads seemed to only care about what the
Uzumaki clan will bring to Konoha, but were interested to learn the Fūinjutsu his clan offered
will be unlike any in the village. Haku, Karin, and Temari worked the powerful gathering
while Naruto was happy to hang out with Gaara in a formal setting.
Along with the Sand brothers, Naruto got to talk with Ji-chan and though he didn’t look well,
he was happy to see Naruto in his Uzumaki formal kimono. The blond clan head told him,
“you better stick around to see me become Hokage.”
“Even if I don’t,” Hiruzen slowly spoke. “I have the utmost faith that you will, Naruto. Keep
growing, never stop learning, and never stop loving.”
“Relax, Ji-chan,” Naruto gravely told him, adding, “You’re not going anywhere just yet.”
Hiruzen only smiled and Kankurō mentioned how their father was also beginning to look for
a successor. Hiruzen hoped the Kazekage was doing well, and it didn’t seem like Gaara cared
that much. Hiruzen advised Kankurō and Gaara to treasure their father before he’s gone.
Naruto then became awkward when the formally dressed Asuma-sensei came by with his
date. With the haori of the Sarutobi clan over his black kimono, Asuma greeted his father
before presenting his dark blue-haired date.
Dressed in a formal navy blue kimono with a pink flower pattern, the beautiful woman gave
him a little wave before Asuma introduced, “Tou-sama, this is the girl I told you about,
Tsunami bowed respectfully to the elder, who smiled graciously. “It is an honor to meet you,
“Ho, ho, ho,” Hiruzen laughed in his slow, elderly way. “Hokage no longer. I’m just an old
man now.”
“Everyone in the village knows that ain’t true,” Naruto told his Ji-chan.
“You look very dashing, Naruto,” Tsunami told him with a smile. “Or should I call you
“Obviously, just Naruto,” he cheerfully replied. He modeled his formal kimono as he thanked
her, then introduced, “these are my friends Gaara and Kankurō- ah! Soon to be brothers.”
Tsunami bowed to them, who returned the gesture before noting, “the Godaime mentioned
the wedding. When will she announce you’re the lucky young man getting married?”
“Not sure,” Naruto answered honestly. “She wanted to talk tomorrow, so I guess we’ll go
over the details then.” Looking around, he asked, “is Inari around? I haven’t seen him much.”
“He’s with Konohamaru somewhere,” she answered. “Those two have been inseparable since
Asuma stepped in front of Naruto and asked, “Can I speak to you in private?” The brawny
man immediately walked toward the balcony of the large banquet hall and Naruto stood there
a moment, contemplating if he should. With a deep exhale, Naruto raised a finger to his
friends, indicating he’ll be back in a minute before following Asuma. The blond ninja wasn’t
sure what the larger man was going to say, however, he was fairly certain it involved Kurenai.
The genjutsu mistress and her team were on a security detail amongst the crowd, along with
his team.
On the balcony, Asuma was looking out into the crowd in silence, as if gathering his
thoughts. After several moments, Asuma finally voiced, “I was very angry at you, Naruto. In
fact, I hated you for a little while.” The blond quickly felt guilty for being the source of his
hate, whether he merited the treatment or not. “I think a lot of that had to do with how
unexpected it was. I felt like you both lied to me.”
The larger man took a moment so long, Naruto thought he was supposed to say something.
The blond opened his mouth when Asuma continued, “Then I met Tsunami-san. Konohamaru
and Inari hung out a lot, so I saw her enough. And she eventually helped me to see I was
mostly angry at myself.” He turned to Naruto and clapped his shoulder. “I can’t blame you
for my own mistakes. I took Kurenai for granted and I shouldn’t have. So, even if I don’t
approve of your relationship, I do apologize for my behavior. It was unfair and childish.”
“It goes without saying, if you ever hurt her, it’ll be the last thing you ever do,” Asuma
angrily threatened. “Do we understand each other?”
“Uh, yeah,” the younger man said. “Have you apologized to Nai-chan?”
“Please don’t call her cutesy names in front of me. And that’s none of your business,” Asuma
huffed with some irritation.
“I’m sure she’d like to be friends again,” Naruto insisted. “You should apologize to her, too. I
mean, I don’t care if you were a dick to me, but did she deserve it? I bet the answer’s no.”
Taking out a cigarette, Asuma lit it up before looking out over the festive crowd. He let out a
stream of smoke before uttering, “I can see why she’d like you. It only makes me want to
smoke more.”
“Don’t smoke too much,” Naruto warned. “I know this isn’t easy for you and it’s cool of you
to apologize, but I think maybe Kurenai deserves that more than I do. Just think about it,”
Naruto finished before returning to the elite and boring party. The evening was much more
fun for Naruto and his clan. The village didn’t stop partying until late in the night, and Naruto
spent it with his family, friends, and fiancés.
After meeting their respective teams in the morning for training and debrief, the engaged
fivesome met at Kurenai’s for lunch. Hinata and Kurenai prepared the meal while Temari,
Ino, and Naruto talked about the coronation as they set the table. They prepared a large bowl
of beef and pork ramen for Naruto, Ino & Temari each enjoy a plate of simple curry rice with
beef and vegetables, and Hinata & Kurenai dug into their salmon salad. When they’re all
snacking on the taiyaki Temari brought for dessert, Kurenai reminded everyone of the
meeting with the Hokage in a few hours.
“She’ll likely want to know who should be first wife,” Temari reasoned.
When they all turned to Naruto, he put down his fish-shaped cake before cautiously asking,
“why does that matter?”
“The title of first wife is more for the outside world than anything,” Kurenai answered.
“Yeah, but the first wedding won’t be mine,” Temari pointed out. “It’ll be one of you three.”
Turning to Naruto, she added, “When the citizens of Konoha see who you first marry, they’ll
simply accept her as the lead wife. And they’ll gossip about the others as just maids or filler
With a squinted face, like he smelled a rancid odor, Naruto expressed, “I don’t like that. I
want us all to stand equally in this marriage. Either each one of us matters or none of us do.”
Though the four kunoichi appear to appreciate his viewpoint, they’re also hesitant when it
comes to the village. Temari explained, “Within the marriage, I’d be happy to live that
philosophy, however, that won’t be how the outside world sees it. At best, the few that know
about our union see it as nothing more than a political marriage to quash further fighting. At
worst, they see me as a hostage to be used against Suna.”
“That… really pisses me off,” Naruto slowly voiced with a serious edge of ire.
“Whomever of us have their wedding first is who the villagers will see as the most
important,” Ino begrudgingly claimed. “Then gradually lower their regard with each wife.”
“Seriously now, all of this is just pissing me off,” Naruto hotly scoffed. “Will they really treat
you guys like crap? I don’t care if they do that to me, but not my wives… wow, wives.
From the Kurenai’s left, the generally quiet Hinata softly suggested, “ano, would it be okay if
we all… ma-married at the same time?” They all looked at Hinata in mild wonder that
morphed into stunned realization.
“That’s not a bad idea,” Ino quickly stated as she thought about the possibilities.
“Suna wouldn’t mind,” Temari commented with a tilted head, also thinking of the idea’s
viability. “They already don’t like that I’ll always be second wife.”
Surprised by that, Naruto asked the sandy-blonde, “why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because it’s not a problem,” Temari swiftly answered. “Gaara is in full support of this
marriage and has made that abundantly clear throughout the brass, so everyone’s keeping
their opinions to themselves.”
Smiling at Hinata, Kurenai remarked, “All four of us marrying at the same time would erase
the hierarchical stigma of a polygamous marriage.”
“There can’t be a second wife if it’s a four-way tie for first,” Ino merrily called out. “I’m
Temari added, “And those of a higher authority can’t make disparaging comments if there’s
only one wedding ceremony.”
The girl blushed and smiled as Kurenai asked the table, “Will two weeks be enough time for
everyone to have our more intimate ceremony?”
“Not just yet,” Ino told him. “We can plan the wedding, but you have to help, too. There are
bound to be decisions we won’t agree on and you’ll have to be the deciding factor.”
That made Naruto nervous because he innately wanted them all to be happy. He wondered if
anyone could give him some advice but realized he didn’t know anyone that might help with
this. Not only were a lot of his friends single—Iruka, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Tsunade, or a
widower, like Ji-chan—but no one in the village has a relationship like his. The closest
person he thought might have an answer was Mabui, but she was much too far away, making
the blond really regrets not giving them a seal he can teleport to. Eventually, Naruto realized
he would just have to figure this out on his own.
Naruto, Ino, Hinata, Kurenai, and Temari all stood in front of the Godaime Hokage’s desk for
several minutes. The wide desktop was already stacked with scrolls and towers of papers.
More papers and books were stacked along the wall behind Tsunade as well. Shizune was
doing her best to organize the most pressing matters first using a color coordination system.
They could smell the paper and ink from where they stood.
Wearing his Chūnin vest underneath his short-sleeved red coat with a black flame pattern
around the hem, Naruto wasn’t sure he was going to like this aspect of the job, but Iruka,
Jiraiya, and Karin said that was the bulk job; pushing paper. Naturally, it meant Naruto
wanted it. Tsunade finally slammed down her brush before laying back in the chair and eying
the five at attention in front of her.
She quickly told them, “let’s not take too much time. I want a minute to drink some sake.”
“If I don’t drink something, I won’t be for long,” an irate Tsunade hurled back.
Naruto pointed out, “Ji-chan told me he smoked all the time because there was no other way
to handle the stress of the job.”
“Exactly!” Tsunade happily agreed, and both blonds earned a glare from Shizune.
“We won’t take up your valuable time, Hokage-sama,” Kurenai began. “We realize you held
off on mentioning the participants of the wedding until you knew the order of Naruto’s
Kurenai turned to Naruto, who suddenly realized he was meant to take the lead. He nodded,
then casually told his Baachan, “we wanna get married at the same time… all five of us.”
“No,” Tsunade quickly put down like a heavy hammer, prompting Naruto to demand to know
why. Tsunade rubbed the bridge of her nose for relief and patience that would never be as
good as a bottle of sake. She then answered, “once you do this—all of you—there’s no going
back. You all know that Temari has no choice, but neither do the rest of you. Regardless of
what you believe this marriage to be, to the rest of the world, it’s a political marriage. So if
one of you leaves, it can have political ramifications, which could result in something as
benign as public embarrassment or—and this is a big one—war. It’s unlikely, but the political
landscape could be very different in five or ten years. You can’t exclude it.”
Looking between Tsunade, Shizune, and the girls, Naruto could tell they’re giving it some
thought. It was possible they didn’t want to speak their mind in front of the Hokage, but
Naruto’s never had that problem. Tsunade’s argument made no sense to the blond Chūnin and
so asked, “what does any of that have to do with us getting married? I mean, anyone can start
a war for whatever reason, right? This marriage has nothing to do with anyone else but us and
that’s the way it’s going to stay.”
“I understand that it’s real for you, Naruto,” Tsunade reassured him. “But that’s not the point.
Once you reach a prominent position of power—whether Head of your clan or this very seat
—much of your life will be about compromise, so that the masses can live peacefully. Your
clan is small now, but that won’t always be the case. There will come a time when you have
to make decisions you don’t like because it’s what’s best for those you are responsible for.”
Even Naruto paused at that, recalling all the clan heads and tradesmen he met at the
coronation banquet.
“Now, I am responsible for the safety of this village,” Tsunade continued. “And the
protection of our entire country. The last thing I need is some official from Suna getting
tricked again and using your marriage as an excuse to invalidate our treaty. Any children you
have will then be involved, which adds to the potential of it getting worse.”
Naruto recognized the same rabbit-hole of logic. He’s asked himself what if questions ever
since he was placed as Head of the Uzumaki clan. Then he doubted himself again when his
fiancés wanted to know who would be first wife. He always thought of those that would be
disappointed by his decision and he didn’t like it. But then Karin and Haku helped him out so
much, it made meeting the powerful men and women easier. Then, Hinata thought of the five
of them marrying at the same time, making it easier. Naruto realized at that very moment,
Tsunade was feeling the same way.
He broke decorum, walked up to the Hokage’s desk, slammed his palms hard on the bit of
space, looked her in the eyes, and told her, “that won’t ever happen! Just like you have
Shizune-neechan, Ji-chan, Ero-sennin, and me backing you up in any way you need, I have
Nai-chan, Hinata-chan, Ino-chan, Temari, Gaara, Iruka-sensei, Karin, Haku, and you backing
me up! Just like you, I can’t do this by myself, but we don’t have to. None of us in this room
wants our marriage to fail or be bad for the village, just like we won’t ever give up on our
Hokage. You have my word, I won’t let this marriage fail because we’ll be doing this
together, as a team! That’s the promise of a lifetime!”
Kurenai was the first to kneel on one knee and beg, “please, Hokage-sama.” Hinata, Ino, and
Temari are quick to follow and repeat, “please, Hokage-sama!”
Tsunade fell back in her chair again, eying the deep blue of his confident eyes and feeling
stuck, impressed, and frustrated by them. With a bit of a sigh, she tilted her head to Shizune.
The ebony-haired assistant had a slight smile on her face and shrugged as if to say, ‘what are
you going to do.’ Tsunade told them to get up. “And you get off my desk!” Smirking, Naruto
moved back to stand next to his fiancés. “Fine,” the Hokage reluctantly consented.
“However, if at any point between now and the ceremony, any of you—except for Temari—
change your mind, you have both of our blessings to do so.”
Her direct look at Naruto when she said, ‘both,’ made him crunch his brows in confusion as
he asked, “Why are you looking at me?”
Tsunade quickly answered, “because, while I don’t believe you’re like other men, you’re still
a guy and this would be a fantasy come true for any man, to say the least.”
“What we got is special because they know I wouldn’t love em any less even if we weren’t
together,” Naruto hotly boasted with no genuine anger. “I don’t turn my back on friends just
because they don’t marry me.”
“Or even when they spear you through the chest,” Ino irately recalled, still upset with Sasuke.
“I still won,” an aggrieved Naruto implored, tapping his Chūnin vest underneath his red
Uzumaki coat. “And I’m more firm with him now. I won’t let him do whatever he wants
Kurenai continued telling the busy leader, “We’re all looking forward to being one clan.”
With a long sigh, Tsunade rubbed the bridge of her nose before explaining, “I only mean to
say you all have months to think about this. If at any point between now and your wedding
date, any of you decide to change your mind, that’s fine.”
Kurenai, Temari, Ino, and Hinata turn to Naruto, who recalled explaining, “ah, we also want
to be married in two weeks.”
“Two weeks?” Tsunade sat up to repeat. She added, with authority, “Impossible. Planning the
security alone would take longer than that, and we can’t have a wedding ceremony without
the Daimyō or whoever they send, who’ll take at least three weeks for him and his entourage
to get here.”
“What he means is we’d like to have two ceremonies,” Kurenai diplomatically stated. “The
larger public one we’re expected to have in front of honored guests & countrymen and a
smaller, more intimate one with family and friends. When we go to Kumo, we want to do it
as a family, even if it’s just on paper.”
“Fine,” Tsunade huffed with finality. She turned to Shizune and asked, “can you get the form
for me, please.” Shizune walked over to a smaller stack along the wall and pulled out a
notebook-sized form, then handed it to the Hokage. “Since you’re all so certain,” she began,
making room at the foot of the desk for the legal document. “Go ahead and sign this.” She
placed the legal document in the space she created in front of them as she added, “This is the
special marriage contract made by our legal department for the five of you. Most of the
marriage certificates only have space for a single bride and groom, so we had to draw up a
new one for you.” The five leaned in to scan the contract when Tsunade added, “that’s a
legally binding marriage contract. You don’t need your seal. Your names will suffice.”
They hesitate at the unexpected turn of events, however, the first of them to move was
Hinata. She took the brush from her Hokage and signed her name under the section for Bride.
Temari followed, signing her name, then Ino, Kurenai, and finally, Naruto under the Groom
section. Tsunade took the brush and signed her name as the officiary. Tsunade then took out
the Hokage’s seal and stamped the contract with the bright red emblem of her office.
Returning her honey-brown eyes to the five in front of her, she stated, “there. Now you’ve
done everything within your power to be married. You’ve signed the paper, so technically,
you’re all married. Congratulations.” Tsunade put the marriage certificate in her desk’s safe
and locked it with Fūinjutsu. “However… It’s not been processed yet. And I won’t send it to
our records department until the day of your ceremony.”
Naruto groaned, “you want us to wait all the way until the ceremony to be married?”
“Wait for what?” Tsunade asked the disenchanted boy. “You’re already married, aren’t you?
Didn’t you all sign the paper? Didn’t your Hokage sign it as well? And stamp it?”
Temari was brave enough to challenge the Hokage with, “some might call this a legal
Tsunade shrugged before asserting, “I’m a very busy lady. Here’s the deal. You all want to be
married, fine. Now you are. However, it hasn’t been entered in the public record yet and it
will stay that way until the ceremony many, many months from now. If you truly feel
married, fine, great, this won’t matter. Move in together for all I care. But if you’re not. If this
unexpected turn of events puts you off somehow, if it upsets you, or kills any sort of driving
force or momentum you were feeling, then I want you to seriously think long and hard if this
is truly something you want to do.”
While the others were silent in thought, Temari dared to ask, “Why wouldn’t it be?”
Turning to the Suna princess, Tsunade astutely pointed out, “I read the transcript of
everything that went down during negotiations, including the questions you answered. I
wouldn’t be surprised if you were doing this to get back at your father for essentially
prostituting his own daughter.” Temari tightened her fists and couldn’t get past the sage
experience behind Tsunade’s brown eyes. The Suna daughter remained silent as Tsunade
continued, “If war breaks out just because you two aren’t married, then this treaty wasn’t
going to last, to begin with.”
Respectfully, but a little heated, Kurenai asked, “Are we going to Kumo and lying to the
“But you’re already married,” Tsunade answered her Jōnin. “Plus, I’m fairly certain he
doesn’t care.”
Yes, there is a second part. This section of the story was fairly big because I want to go
to Kumo already, but several things needed to happen first. I kept adding more and more
as I went over it. Eventually, I just decided to split it and by the end of the next part, they
should be on their way to Kumo. There's plenty more to come in the next chapter. It'll be
a fun one.
With this chapter, I feel I can focus more on the other girls. Kurenai is great but, I don't
want the other girls to feel left out any more than they already have. My mind is
working with the ninth spot as vacant. It's getting harder and harder to incorporate
Tenten in a way where it's organic. Sorry, to Tenten fans. I like her too, but I'm not good
enough to shoe-horn her in and have it make sense. That may not always be the case, but
at the moment, that spot is now vacant. Nine girls would be ideal, but I'm not going to
force it anymore.
Just a little bit about Chain of Ascension. When I started writing fanfiction, I always
planned to dive into 3 fandoms: A Harry Potter fic, A Naruto fic, and a Buffy fic. I had
an idea for Buffy before but it never felt right. Then I got attacked by that nasty plot
bunny a few months ago, which completed my initial vision. Now, I have to complete
each project. Also, with CoA, I got beta readers, so that's a first for me. For those who
like a Buffy fic, I hope you enjoy it.
If you have any comments, I'd love to hear them(minus the flames). Or if you spot
mistakes, please let me know. I reread this one several times so I hope it was a smooth
read. With Chain of Ascension mostly dealt with, I don't expect such long delays
anymore. Be well, friends.
Ceremonies Part II
Chapter Summary
Chapter Notes
First, I want to thank you all for your supports and reaching out and asking if everything
is going well. I appreciate your concerns and taking the time to message me. Thank you.
Second, and VERY IMPORTANT... I changed the explanation behind the Adamantine
Chains. That's in chapter 35, when he's talking to his mom; and chapter 40 when he's
explaining it to Karin. I do bring up the Adamantine chains in this chapter, so it will be a
confusing read if you haven't read the changes I made in those chapters. And I do
apologize about that. I just had a really good idea and since I didn't talk about the chains
much(nor was he training to get them yet) I thought it would be fine. Remember, chapter
35 when Kushina tells Naruto how to get them. And chapter 40, when Naruto tells Karin
about the Sealing Chains. Thanks.
Tsunade asked the quiet Naruto, “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”
Suddenly, Naruto looked up, recalling where he was and what had just transpired. He
vocalized his curiosity with a puzzled, “Mnn?”
Kurenai, Hinata, Temari, Ino, and Naruto had all made the unconventional decision to marry
at the same time, planning two ceremonies: an official one within two weeks and another
public celebration months later. Tsunade, however, did not approve. Not because the newly
appointed Hokage didn’t want them married, but because she didn’t want them to rush into
anything they would regret, which was a likely outcome, given the polyamorous nature of
their relationship. Rather than flat out rejection, Tsunade devised a diplomatic solution to all
of their problems without giving them what they wanted.
His prospective wives eyed him expectantly for a response. Tsunade, with brow raised,
repeated, “Is waiting until the appropriate date a problem for you?”
The blond only took a second to consider why it would even matter, before he casually
replied, “Oh, no. That’s fine by me. I’m just surprised, is all. I didn’t think you’d be so good
at this, Baachan.”
Tsunade scoffed, a wry smile playing on her lips as she reminded the young Chūnin, “Tch! Of
course, I am. I’ve led teams, entire hospitals, and even my clan for a time. A leader is a leader
despite the size of their followers.”
Tsunade eyed Naruto more closely as she asked, “So, you’re accepting of my decision?”
“You mean about waiting? Oh, yeah, no doubt,” he easily responded with a shrug,
confounding many in the room.
It appeared as if the prospective wives were trying to prove themselves—their love for
Naruto and a life with him—to their new Hokage, but Naruto’s response seemed to indicate
that didn’t matter. As he continued speaking, his words expressed a deeper understanding and
reasoning behind his lack of interest in their setback.
“Time isn’t going to change the way I feel about them,” Naruto stated with an almost casual
conviction. “So what if we have to wait a week or a year? All I care about is loving them
every single day with everything I got. Hell, I’ll only love them more by then, now that I
think about it. So, the rest is whatever.”
Kurenai, Ino, Temari, and Hinata either smiled or restrained their grins, once again reminded
of their unorthodox fiancé.
Undeterred, Tsunade continued testing his resolve, asking, “And the Raikage?”
“What about him?” He replied with an air of indifference, as if the leader and strongest
shinobi of Kumo didn’t factor in. “I never cared what the Raikage—or anyone—thought of
us to begin with. Our marriage has nothing to do with anyone but us! That’s it!”
That made Tsunade snort a little in disbelief, before nodding and telling them, “Fine. I’ll be
announcing the details of your engagement after your Clan Restoration ceremony. It’ll help
the teams assigned to accompany you to Kumo understand what’s at stake.”
“Kakashi,” the blonde Senju replied. “Should I assume you all want to go?”
After being dismissed, Naruto, Kurenai, Ino, Hinata, and Temari proceeded to Uzushio
Suites. Strolling past outdoor stands with the scent of delicious food wafting in the air, they
discussed whether they were technically married or not. While the marriage contract hadn’t
been filed, it wasn’t as if they could do any more to officially be married. They were stuck
between calling each other husband and wife, or fiancé and fiancée.
Temari suggested they refer to each other as fiancé until the wedding ceremony, reasoning,
“Being married entails moving in and living with your husband. It wouldn’t look good to
both of our villages if they learned we moved in before being publicly recognized as a
Though they all agreed with the idea, Naruto felt like something wasn’t right—a missing
piece. They all just signed the marriage contract, but they’re still not married. Naruto was
sure there was something more he could do to help them feel more together—to let them
know they were in his heart. As they were passing the many outdoor stands, the idea of what
to do struck Naruto like a ton of bricks.
Kurenai offered the Suna princess, “Until then, why don’t you stay with me?”
Temari turned to the beautiful Jōnin, and at the sincerity in her red eyes, she happily agreed.
“And your brothers can stay with me!” Naruto added reassuringly.
When they reached Naruto’s apartment complex, Naruto made an army of clones to help
Karin with the preparation for their Welcome Ceremony. The six-story apartment complex
was nearly ready for its grand opening, with most of the room and business spaces filled.
Aside from Uzu-Fūin’s office, Ten-Ten’s weapons shop, Teuchi-jichan’s ramen stand—which
would be run by Ayame-neesan—they also secured a large grocery shop, a beauty shop, and a
sundry store.
Aside from undertaking the Fūinjutsu security for the entire building’s residents and business,
Naruto was also personally motivated to pick up as much trash around the neighborhood as
he could. He couldn’t get all of it, but everyday, it would be five percent cleaner. He’d also
spend time washing graffiti off walls—anything to help rejuvenate Wood district.
After creating an army of clones, the group entered his newly expanded and remodeled home.
The expansive space wasn’t as plain as it used to be. They now had simple amenities like
couches, chairs, and a long dining table in the dining room. Each of the bedrooms had
comfortable beds, dressers, desks, and night stands. Jiraiya insisted on a mammoth Earth
King-sized bed for Naruto’s room that easily had the space for five people to sleep
comfortably in.
For the moment, none of his fiancées were living with him, but Temari visited every day.
Though she was still Sunagakure’s official liason, she wasn’t a member of Konoha’s military,
thus had less to do than the others. She mostly helped Karin with the running of their home
and business, and truly turning it into a home.
They all settled in at the kitchen table, but when they were finally alone, a moment of silence
lingered. Naruto wasn’t sure if they wanted to do something with him, or if he should do
something with them, and if so, would it be all together, or separate?
‘Would I have to use clones?’ he wondered. ‘Do they have a problem with clones?’
Noticing the girls giggling, Naruto realized they were observing him.
“You don’t have to try so hard, Naruto,” said Ino gently. “During our dinners, we created a
workable shorthand for dealing with our marital network’s wants and needs.”
Kurenai explained, “We ultimately wanted a system that includes schedule, but can also be
flexible to accommodate our other responsibilities.”
“We already have communal times—when we’re all together like this—meal times, training
or other special events,” Ino elaborated. “Then we have individual times—dates and intimate
moments, mostly, but also, miscellaneous stuff like an event for something only one of us is
interested in.”
Temari added, “We’re still tweaking it to best suit our needs, but as it stands, every day, we
each get three communal time points and one individual time point, which roll over to the
following day’s points. For every communal activity we do—like Ino said, breakfast, lunch,
dinner, or training—we subtract a point. If we have one-on-one time with you that day, we
subtract that point as well. If in two days, one of us accumulated let’s say, six communal and
two individual, then we pay more attention to her needs or situation.”
“For example, any of us could be on a mission,” Kurenai noted. “So, obviously they wouldn’t
be around to spend their points.”
Beginning to grasp the idea, Naruto asked, “What if one of you is around, but has nine or
twelve points? Wouldn’t that mean I haven’t seen her for days, even though she’s around?”
Thoughtfully, Temari answered with care, “We could, of course, talk to her—attempt to help
as best we can—but, honestly, we came to the conclusion that the best solution to that
situation would be if you talked to her—to see what could be wrong. You’re our husband—
the center of this family. It’ll mean more coming from you.”
At her sincere words, Naruto couldn’t help but let a wide, irrepressible smile spread across
his face, near to the point of making his cheeks hurt. Most of the time, he could retain control
of his emotions, but every time the realization that he finally has loved ones sinks in, an
overflow of joy surges intensely through him, and can’t help but shy away. Perceptive of their
blond bundle of energy as ever, the girls noticed why he shifted his gaze away. Their smiles
are full of empathy and caring, reflecting not just their love but their support as well.
After a moment, he roughly wipes away at his moist eyes before grinning broadly at them
and asking, “You were saying?”
Smiling lovingly at him, Kurenai added, “If you’d like any of us to help talk with whoever of
us it might be upset about something, we can do that too. This system is more like a guideline
than a hard rule. We can even forgo our day’s points, if, for example, one of us has already
spent a lot of time with you, and wants to be considerate of the others. She can give up her
individual point, communal, or all.”
Hinata chimed in, shyly, “Ano, if it’s ever too much, y-you have to tell us. I mean, I’m sure
you’d like your own private time as well.”
“Are you kidding?” Naruto returned. “I’ve spent enough time by myself for a lifetime. If I
can see you all every single day, I say bring it on! It would… just be… the greatest thing.”
Standing up, Ino walked around the table and hugged Naruto from behind, whispering,
Gathering her courage, Hinata stood up and made her way to her husband. Though blushing
tremendously, she wrapped her arms around him as well. Naruto returned her hug, and after
ten seconds, Hinata passed out.
At the sight of Naruto laying the beautiful Hyūga down on the couch, Temari remarked with
a hint of concern, “When you two finally consummate the marriage, I think we should have a
medic on standby.”
The room that was once Danzō’s realm now hosted Tsunade and Itachi. It was an expansive
and stately space, its walls lined with polished wooden panels and fitted with paper lamps
that provided a soft lighting. The carpet, decorated with a swirling pattern of blue and black,
covered the floor. Along the tall walls stood bookshelves with hundreds of scrolls, books, and
jars of liquid-filled body parts. Behind the desk, the emblem of Konoha hung prominently. A
number of leather chairs were arranged around a long meeting table, and the main desk at the
back end of the office was elegantly crafted wood. The entire room was the sort of space and
decor of a man who always desired power.
Tsunade sat in the large chair behind the desk while Itachi sat opposite her. In her hands was
a scroll she was silently reading through while Itachi waited patiently, like a statue. He
already knew what she was going to say, but he wouldn’t interrupt as she spoke his diagnosis.
Tsunade looked up from her reading to study Itachi, who remained impassive.
“You described how this illness felt like it was eating away at you from the inside,” she
continued. “And you’ve taken a veritable cocktail of medicines simply to remain among the
living.” She looked up to observe him as she added, “No doubt making your illness worse.
Was prolonging your life for Sasuke worth aggravating your condition?”
Once more, Itachi maintained his silence, his reserved demeanor suggesting that this
conversation was more for her benefit rather than his own—as if he had already made peace
with the prognosis. With the gravity of the situation pressing upon her, Tsunade focused
intently, formulating arguments that might persuade him.
She continued reading, “Hemorrhaging from the eyes, coughing up blood, low stamina,
fatigue, shortness of breath, heart seizures, chest pain. After running a body of tests, the
diagnosis is hemoptysis: a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.”
She raised her hazel eyes to meet his black ones, and he responded with nothing more than a
blink. However, she wouldn’t let his stoicism deter her from the goal.
“Lung illnesses can also attribute to heart failure, and of course, low stamina,” she explained.
“Additionally, you’re highly susceptible to pulmonary edema; that’s excess fluid building up
in the lungs which makes it difficult to breathe, and cause shortness of breath. Hemoptysis,
itself, can be attributed to many different diseases—tuberculosis or pneumonia to
cardiovascular issues, lung cancer, or other pulmonary diseases—but I doubt I’ll be able to
pinpoint how you exactly contracted it. Would you happen to know your family’s health
“Of course, not,” she said with a sigh. “Setting hemoptysis aside, I’ve also diagnosed you
have microscopic polyangiitus, which was amplified by your hemoptysis. Essentially, the
reason why your eyes bleed more than usual is because the nerves and blood vessels that
surround your eyes often become inflamed, which can cause vision loss and joint pain. At the
moment, I give you a fifty percent chance of making it three years, and you’ll see kidney
failure before that.”
Itachi's response to such grave news was a composed “I understand,” which frustrated
One of the worst experiences as a medical professional was dealing with patients who had
surrendered their will to live. She simply couldn’t fathom why anyone with decades left to
live would choose to end it all when there were so many vices, goals, or work that could just
as easily end them. Though Itachi seemed to be allowing the job to swing that kunai, she
needed him for far longer than three years. If he was dead in ten years, it would be much too
She tossed the scroll onto the desk, expressing her disbelief at his recent victory. “I honestly
can’t believe you defeated Danzō in this state. Blurry vision and weak limbs would’ve been
amazing enough on its own.”
“I can treat your symptoms,” she offered. “But curing the underlying condition will be a
challenge, even for me.”
Itachi accepted the offer with subdued gratitude. “Treating the symptoms will suffice. Thank
“You know what’ll happen to Root if you die too soon, right?” she asked. They both knew
the current squad of Root still had Danzō loyalists. And they knew they couldn’t exactly be
rid of them too quickly. “You need to secure a new Root before you leave us. Otherwise,
those who still prefer Danzō’s methods of operations will take over.”
Itachi assured her with a nod, “Whatever the case, I’ll leave Root in capable hands, or end it
with mine.”
Both of them thought of the massacre, but yearning for a different future, Tsunade pressed on
to ask, “I want you to consider a possible treatment.”
“The longer you stick around, the better,” Tsunade told him. “Also, Sasuke still needs your
Considering the recent reports he had read, Itachi suddenly felt an odd obligation to take it
upon himself to explain, “…I told him to stop attacking Naruto.”
Taking accountability for another family member felt foreign to Itachi. He hadn’t done so in a
long time. Additionally, he once again acutely felt like a typical older brother, which stirred
something warm within his chest.
“Thank you,” replied Tsunade. “Wouldn’t you rather he use all that energy to continue the
Uchiha clan? There’s only two of you now, and no offense, but you don’t strike me as the
most nurturing father type.”
‘Sasuke as a father,’ Itachi thought, testing with the possibility in his head. Considering how
the village treated the Uchiha in the past, he asked, “Would that even be a good idea?”
“Look, it won’t be easy, I know,” she admitted, fully aware of the history between the Uchiha
and the village. “It’s an effortless thing to be consumed by grief, especially when it’s
justified. But you need to outlast Sasuke’s anger or I don’t see how the Uchiha make it to the
next generation.”
Itachi wondered about that. He hadn’t heard any falsehoods in her argument, but it was
forcing him to consider things he had long put to rest: continuing the Uchiha clan, fighting
his illness for the good of the village, possibly becoming an uncle. Itachi wasn’t sure how to
tackle these new challenges in his life. In fact, it left him feeling inadequate, which was not
something he was used to.
“I know I don’t have to say so,” Tsunade continued. “But I mean it when I say Konoha—and
your brother—need you to live for as long as humanly possible. For better or worse, you’re
now a load-bearing pillar for this village and all its successes moving forward.”
With a sigh—the most emotion he had expressed thus far—Itachi wondered about life’s
unusual twists and turns. He always expected to die at the hands of his little brother and go
down in the records as one of the most heinous criminals in Konoha history. Now, he’s
somehow one of the only shinobi, if not the only one, who can keep a large aspect of the
village from collapsing. It was such a strange twist of fate, that it once again left him
perplexed and certain that plans were never a sure thing.
“Not a what, but who,” Tsunade answered. At his furrowed brow, she elaborated, “Her name
is Karin. Uzumaki Karin.”
“I read about her in Danzō’s files,” Itachi remarked, recalling her profile. “To say he was
eager to have her in his ranks was an understatement.”
Tsunade leaned back in the comfortable chair that once belonged to Danzō, and remarked
with a hint of marvel in her tone, “What she can do with her chakra could be considered a
miracle cure, and would’ve given him more life, and strength.”
Recalling Danzō’s cautionary notes in the report, Itachi said, “I also know Naruto-kun
doesn’t want anyone abusing her unique ability.”
“We’re not abusing anyone; we’re asking them—there’s a difference,” Tsunade replied.
“Naruto likes you, or at the very least sympathizes with you. He might be okay with it. And
she’s already offered her chakra to the Sandiame, so the choice is ultimately hers. She’s a
good kid—very hardworking and caring.”
Itachi’s stoic face and silence was unreadable, so, while grabbing his medical report and
sealing it, she asked, “Just think about it?”
At his nod, she turned to no one in particular and nodded. In the next moment, Kakashi
landed beside them, having dropped from the ceiling. Around Itachi’s wide desk, Tsunade
briefed Kakashi and Itachi on Naruto’s theory on the Akatsuki organization and their mission.
She detailed their objective to revive the Jūbi by ripping every Bijū out of their Jinchūriki and
combining their all of their chakra. Should the cadre of S-Rank missing-nin achieve their
goals, the world as they knew it would be destroyed to make way for their dominion.
“That would make the most sense,” asserted Itachi. “The group was incredibly secretive,
even within its own members. The only one that knew everything was Pain, and the rest of us
just followed orders. The little that I was able to learn was that all wasn’t as they said. They
had a much larger plan. I just never discovered how far it went.”
Tsunade commanded Itachi, “With you here, I’ll need your Root to infiltrate the countries
Naruto won’t be traveling to and prevent Akatsuki from taking their Jinchūriki.”
Relaying the plan, Tsunade informed, “Gaara already knows. Naruto plans to meet the
Jinchūriki of the Nibi and Hachibi in Kumo. He also plans on meeting the Jinchūriki of the
Sanbi through his connections with Terumī Mei and Momochi Zabuza.”
“That leaves Bijū numbers four through seven,” Kakashi noted, having already read the
report on how Naruto met Mei. He then asked, “This is the real purpose behind Naruto’s
Omiai with Kumogakure.”
“And possibly Kirigakure, if need be,” Tsunade confirmed. “Though the hope is Terumī-san
can make significant progress against their Mizukage.”
After a moment of silent thought, Kakashi asked, “How does Naruto know this?”
A stoic Itachi remained silent as Tsunade voiced, “Jiraiya and Sensei confirmed that it was a
prophecy from the great Toad Sage on Mount Myōboku. If we don’t do anything, we might
as well hand the world over to them.”
Acknowledging the seriousness of what was at stake, Itachi and Kakashi nodded before they
began formulating their plans and diving deeper into the critical details.
After Naruto, Gaara, and Kankurō finished bringing their few belongings into one of
Naruto’s guest rooms, the elder Suna brother left with a clone of Naruto for a special project.
Though the Suna brothers wouldn’t be permanent residents of Naruto’s home, staying with
him would be more comfortable than an extended-stay at a hotel.
Naruto and Gaara settled into the spacious living room, where soft light filtering through the
shoji screens that made up one wall. The room was designed with a minimalist approach as
the Uzumakis wanted to stretch every ryō that Jiraiya had gifted them. The bare white walls
reflected the light, enhancing the texture of the simple yet elegant furniture.
Above them, additional lighting was integrated with a grid of dark wooden beams that
matched the oak wood accents of the room. Dark polished wood framed the edges of the
floor, meeting a central expanse of beige tatami mats. Naruto and Gaara sat cross-legged on
the long, low-lying couch, made of a beige upholstery and darker autumn-colored cushions
for comfort, but also facing each other. Beside the couch was a sturdy, dark oak coffee table
with a natural, uneven edge, and it had a few simple, decorative items, such as a small bowl
and a plate with a few pieces of fruit.
A large, textured art piece of The Uzumaki clan’s symbol in a minimalistic frame hung on a
concrete-finished wall, adding a subtle focal point without overwhelming the room’s calm
aesthetic. In the corner, bonsai tree added a touch of greenery from its dark wood base in the
The living room maintained clean lines, created a sense of simple cohesion, and was warm
and inviting. However, despite physically being in the room, Naruto and Gaara were in a dark
and cloudy space with Kurama and Shukaku. Through connected fists, all four shared a
mental expanse to formulate a plan to save their brothers and sisters, along with the
Jinchūrikis. Though, even if they were supposed to be strategizing, Kurama and Shukaku
couldn’t stop bickering with one another.
Around their dick-measuring contest, Gaara was explaining his decision to travel to
Iwagakure to meet their Jinchūriki and explain the danger they were in. Naruto assured him
that they could go together, and though the sand-nin appreciated the genuine way Naruto
cared for a murderer like him, Gaara felt he had to go alone—with Kankurō and Baki.
Clearly disliking the idea of separating, Naruto begged to know, “What about your sister?
Don’t you want to go with her to Kumo?”
“As I have much to make up for, I must do my part,” Gaara informed him. “And I trust you to
take care of her.”
Half nodding, the mildly desperate blond looked up at the bickering bijū, and then asked,
“But shouldn’t you wait until you and Shukaku are full-on partners?”
Indignant, Shukaku let out a “HMPH!” shooting out a concentrated stream of air before
touting, “I refuse to let that happen until he agrees to have a harem of women.” Naruto sighed
once again at the baffling argument the Bijū were having. The One-Tail pointed a stern finger
at a cocky Kurama as he yelled, “I don’t care how many either, just as long as it’s more than
Kurama snarled in sheer amusement before clapping back, “That’ll never happen! You
couldn’t possibly amass the quantity or the quality of our harem!”
Frustrated and annoyed, Naruto yelled at the giant chakra-monsters, “Will you two shut up
about harem this and harem that! I’m not trying to get a harem here! It just happened!”
An irate Shukaku spat back, “It’ll happen for Gaara too!” He then looked at the redhead as he
added, “Or he can forget about getting my cooperation.”
Stomping his foot on the floor, Naruto retorted, “If we all don’t cooperate with each other,
none of us are going to be alive to have any of the things we want!”
Much more calmly, Gaara diplomatically explained to his bijū, “He’s right. We have to work
together to defeat this looming threat. And along the way, we can discuss my marriage after
The One-Tail scoffed before replying, “You think I give two craps about your marriage?! I
just don’t want to lose to that bastard!” He loudly proclaimed, snarling at Kurama.
“I understand the feeling, well,” Gaara responded. “Wanting an outcome so that all you deem
your peers may acknowledge your existence. I can manipulate billions of grains of sand.
Naruto can create hundreds of clones. But if they’re not powerful, then no amount matters.
Quality is more important than quantity. I’m of the opinion that the best quality marriage
partner is more important than the quantity of marriage partners.”
Kurama glared at Gaara, as if insulted by the redhead, and Shukaku appeared pensive—deep
in thought—going so far as to tilt his head up and scratch his enormous belly mindlessly.
“Hmmm,” the engrossed One-Tail hummed. “So, you’re saying if we get the best girl… it’s
our win?”
Incredibly offended by the notion, Kurama yelled to all three, “Our women still love us!”
“What’s this ‘our’ and ‘us?’” Naruto asked his bijū in disbelief. “All you care about is the
sense of peace and freedom they give. I mean, do you even want to talk with them? I bet it’ll
creep ‘em out, but I can introduce you.”
Grinning broadly at the piece of info, Shukaku asked his elder tailed beast, “They haven’t
even met you, yet?” Shaking his head in a taunting manner, he giddily added, “Mnnn,
doomed to fail before it even starts, I’m sure of it.” Turning to Gaara, he acknowledged, “I
see now, boy- No. Gaara. Having a better relationship is something Kurama is clearly
Kurama angrily growled, “In no way will you ever be better than the greatest of the tailed
beasts! Even in this, you’ll fall before my strength!”
“We’ll see about that,” Shukaku happily retorted, only angering Kurama further. “Let’s go,
Gaara. We have to save my siblings and find you a superior quality mate!
“Give up now!” Kurama yelled. “You’ll never equal the power of our mates!”
“Says the nine-tailed chump who can’t even be a partner to his Jinchūriki,” he cackled,
making Kurama snarl.
“Are you sure you absolutely have to go to Iwa by yourself?” Naruto pleaded. At Gaara’s
assertive nod, the blond glumly replied, “Will you at least take one of my kunai? In case you
need some backup?”
Gaara nodded before saying, “We’ll set aside some time before your clan’s restoration
ceremony to prepare for our mission. After that, Kankurō, Baki, and I must leave. Though
we’ll have allies, I fear any plan of success will rely on the strength of Jinchūriki.”
“Even if it came down to one of us, giving up isn’t an option,” Naruto sternly pledged with
steel in his blue eyes. “So we’d better give it our all if we want to save the people we love.”
Gaara spared a small smile of agreement before remarking, “Then you can tell me how to
find a woman to marry.”
His face cracked with a big grin before returning, “Sure thing!”
Opening: This will be the 3rd meeting and take place in Naruto-sama’s secured office. The
meeting was called by the Deputy Head of the Clan, Uzumaki Karin. The 2nd meeting took
place 71.09.17
Attendee’s List: Clan Head Uzumaki Naruto, Deputy Head Uzumaki Karin, and first Adviser
Activities: 1. A fleet of Naruto clones helped with the apartments’ furnishings and installed
the appliances ordered. 2. Six clones secured the Uzu-Fūin office with some of Naruto’s best
security Fūinjutsu. 3. Ordered business cards.
Discussion: The members discussed being invited to the banquet by both Hiruzen-sama and
Tsunade-sama. Though Naruto-sama would prefer to be on the event’s security detail with his
team, Kakashi-sensei gave him special leave to attend to his clan duties. The members
discussed how they would need to market their clan’s second source of income, Uzu-Fūin, to
the business and clan leaders that will be attending the banquet.
Notes: I love Naruto-sama to death, but he isn’t the best when it comes to business and
marketing, which is fine. He’ll protect us from any threat; of that I’m sure of. Additionally,
we all have our strengths and I need to do my part as well. With Haku’s help, I’m sure we can
help Naruto-sama learn everything he needs to know to deal with the economic world. The
Uzumaki clan will rise from the ashes. For our fallen, I’ll make sure of it.
Action Items: The members approved business cards to be made for the occasion.
Opening: This will be the 4th meeting and take place in Naruto-sama’s secured office. The
meeting was called by the Deputy Head of the Clan, Uzumaki Karin. The 3rd meeting took
place 71.09.19.
Attendee’s List: Clan Head Uzumaki Naruto, Deputy Head Uzumaki Karin, and first Adviser
Discussion: The members infiltrated Fūinjutsu as regular customers and asked the available
experts about the market. The members were surprised to learn how lucrative the business
was. The average income earned a year was 10 million ryō. With the skill level of Naruto-
sama’s Fūinjutsu, he could easily make ten times that amount; anywhere from 100 million to
200 million a year. Additionally, clients are also charged for maintenance. Add to that the 15
million in pure profit we can expect from the apartment, and the Uzumaki Clan could become
one of the wealthiest clans in a handful of years.
Notes: We learned a lot about how much money a Fūinjutsu master could earn. The
Godaime’s banquet went better than I expected. Naruto-sama may not have the best strategies
for business, but he’s honest, and there’s value in that. Though he can be a little too trusting,
Haku and I can sniff out the ones with bad intentions.
Action Items: The members approved a business strategy based on research in Fūinjutsu
Adjournment: At 5:00 PM.
Opening: This will be the 5th meeting and taking place in Naruto-sama’s secured office. The
meeting was called by the Deputy Head of the Clan, Uzumaki Karin. The 4th meeting took
place 71.09.21
Attendee’s List: Clan Head Uzumaki Naruto, Deputy Head Uzumaki Karin, and first Adviser
Notes: Naruto wanted me, Karin, to note down having achieved one length of Adamantine
Sealing chains. Apparently, my Anā-Hata was fairly close to the point of Kekkei Genkai. It
was barely visible and didn’t do anything as the focus required was tremendous—so I still
need a lot of practice—but he wanted to celebrate my minor achievement. I insisted we also
celebrate his promotion to Chuunin as Team 7’s schedule hadn’t allowed it yet. Naturally,
Naruto told everyone and far more people than we had food for showed up. It was a very
lively affair. I was surprised Sakura and I became much closer tonight. She seemed
distracted. I find myself hoping she’ll confide in me one day. Oh, what am I doing? This isn’t
a diary.
Opening: This will be the 6th meeting and take place in Naruto-sama’s office. The meeting
was called by the Deputy Head of the Clan, Uzumaki Karin. The 5th meeting took place
Attendee’s List: Clan Head Uzumaki Naruto, Deputy Head Uzumaki Karin, and first Adviser
Activities: 1. Discuss any task that hasn’t been completed and provide a time to complete
Discussion: Simply put, there’s just too much to do. I just thank Kami every day the head of
our clan is a one-man army, or this would simply be impossible.
Notes: Our clan’s ceremony is tomorrow and I’m freaking out. I planned everything as best I
can but I can’t control a crowd. The ceremony begins with a parade from Uzushio Suites to
Hokage Tower, but if hardly any villagers show up, it’ll ruin the entire event before it even
begins. Naruto has been really busy for the past two days, and will Jiraiya-sama really show
up? He said he would, but he’s missed every single meeting so far. This is really stressing me
Just like every morning since Naruto told her about her clan’s kekkei genkai, Karin chanted
the o-daimoku for the Kongō Fūsa, or Adamantine Sealing chains. Aside from sweating a
tremendous amount, her body had never felt so tranquil yet strong. Karin felt close to nature,
as if it was lightly flowing through her. Even if she hadn’t managed a forty link chain, she
eagerly included it into her daily routine just for the benefit of her skincare. Her skin had
never felt softer—even noticed some of her scaring fading a bit.
After her hour of chanting, Karin showered the sweat off her body and quickly changed to
meet Sakura for lunch. Due to her busy schedule, the redhead met the pinkette at the tea shop
across the street from the Yamanaka compound. Approaching the imposing gateway that led
to the main house, Karin was surprised to see Sasuke again. At the open gate, made of
vertical wooden slats, Sakura was speaking to her teammate before he abruptly turned away.
Though the redhead waved at him, Sasuke continued walking with his hands in his pockets.
He didn’t even acknowledge Karin as he approached her, head down, eyes to the horizon.
Karin hadn’t seen her first crush since he saved her during the second task of the Chūnin
exams. He was just as handsome, though clearly injured. He had white patches on his face,
arms, and neck, making Karin want to help him with her chakra. However, she stamped that
emotional desire down. No matter how handsome or powerful he was, Sasuke tried to kill her
cousin, that last bit of family she had left. So she ignored him just as much as he ignored her.
As they walked to have lunch, Karin wondered what Sakura thought about her ebony-haired
teammate. She’d heard through the grapevine—typically Ino, but sometimes Tenten—that
most girls were after Sasuke, and among them, Sakura and Ino were the most bullish. Karin
now knew how Ino felt, but she always wondered how Sakura rationalized Sasuke’s
disturbing, if not homicidal, behavior.
“Is your teammate okay?” Karin asked. “He seemed pretty banged up.”
Eyeing the redhead as if surprised by the question, Sakura eventually answered, “Uh, yeah,
mostly. He’s been training pretty hard and comes to me when he needs to be patched up.”
“He stayed for like five minutes at the barbecue and then left,” Karin noted. “I guess he’s
nothing like I expected.”
“Well, he saved my life in the Forest of Death,” Karin recalled. “And that smile… Mnn! I
was done from there on. Then I had all these fantasies of what he would be like—kind,
loving, funny, and a couple of not so innocent things.” Sakura smiled with a hint of blush.
“Then when I heard what he did to Naruto, I really couldn’t… it felt wrong to feel so much
for someone who would cross that line.”
Nodding, Sakura asked, “So… you no longer like him? Not that I’m digging for answers. I’m
beyond that catty phase now.”
Karin nodded in acknowledgment, appreciating how candid and forthcoming Sakura was
being. It was as if the pink-haired beauty didn’t want the foundation of this relationship to
start off on the wrong foot. So, Karin was just as honest in return.
“Well, he’s certainly ridiculously handsome,” Karin responded with a slanted grin, which
made Sakura smile broadly, nodding in understanding. “But, ultimately, I made a choice. I
chose Naruto and family. As much as I can fantasize about being Mrs. Uchiha, I’d never trade
what I have.”
Sakura remained quiet until they reached the teahouse and grabbed a booth in the back. After
a sip of her tea, the pinkette hesitated to ask, “Uh, I know why those Root members tried to
kidnap you. Ah! I wasn’t prying or anything. I just heard that your chakra is special, and
when I asked Naruto, he said it wasn’t really his place to tell me why. You don’t have to tell
me, either, but I was wondering if you’re also like Naruto.”
Karin’s brows drew inward in curiosity. She tilted her head and squinted her eyes as if trying
to see what Sakura was referring to—whether her chakra’s healing properties or if she was a
Jinchūriki like her cousin.
“I’m not like the forbidden side of Naruto,” Karin answered. “But I’m like him in a lot of
other ways.”
Sakura huffed in amusement, nodding before eating a small biscuit. “I find it so odd you’re
both geniuses of Fūinjutsu, like an actual physical trait that’s passed down,” Sakura queerly
remarked. “Like I’ve never heard of Fūinjutsu being a kekkei genkai.”
“It’s close to it, but not actually,” Karin said. “And even if I get more than most practitioners,
Naruto understands it way better than I do.”
With a certain light in her green eyes, and a soft smile on her lips, Sakura remarked, “He
really is special…”
A great big grin split Karin’s face and she had to ask, “Oh, Kami! Sakura! Are you…?”
Lowering her voice, she finished, “Do you love my cousin?”
Shaking her pink head throughout the question, a slightly blushing Sakura answered, “No.
No, I just… It’s just… He’s come a long way so fast, and I’m adjusting slowly, is all.”
In good fun, Karin teased, “There’s still some spots left on the certificate if you don’t mind
“Kami, Karin, stop!” Sakura exclaimed, fighting her smile. “In all honesty, I want what
Naruto has… but I also need to be stronger. I don’t want to drag my team down anymore than
I already am.”
Karin could tell she really meant it, and once again, she noted how tired Sakura appeared.
She learned from Ino how much Sakura was pushing herself to become better—to not be left
behind by her teammates—but there were limits. Karin honestly felt bad for her. Considering
how she could help, Karin wondered if her chains could alleviate some of Sakura’s fatigue—
maybe replenish her energy levels.
Before she could ask to try it, the Hokage’s Anbu showed up, interrupting their meal. They
asked, “Uzumaki Karin, the Hokage requests your presence.”
Karin looked from the pair of men to Sakura, who raised her eyebrows, as if to ask, ‘What
could this be about?’
Shaking her head, Karin left Sakura to join the men. Though she was nervous, they stayed in
front of her and headed directly to Hokage Tower. To her surprise, she found Naruto in the
Hokage’s office, and no one else, but her senses were telling her that there should be a fourth
person. Her cousin smiled at her as she walked in, easing her anxiety. So long as he was
there, she didn’t have to worry about her safety, but even still, Karin wondered why her
chakra suddenly felt a subtle disturbance.
She looked around the room as she approached her cousin and stood next to him. Karin could
tell Naruto wasn’t sure why they were summoned, but soon, they heard Tsunade say, “S-
Class Security protocol. Senju, Tsunade, 002302, Kage.”
Immediately, the once bright office hummed to life as the wall of windows darkened and
thousands of previously unseen Fūinjutsu characters glowed blue along the walls, ceiling, and
floor. Karin heard at least ten locks, but couldn’t pinpoint the source. The now-darkened
space was lit by four lamps, one at each corner. What Karin found curious was how calm
Naruto was throughout the rather hostile transformation, as if he’d done this many times.
Tsunade began, “What we’re about to discuss is highly classified, but more than anything, it
is just a discussion.”
Tsunade allowed a dark-haired figure stepping forward, seemingly from the darkness, to be
her answer. When the subtle disturbance in her chakra went away, it confirmed the man was
the reason why, pointing to him to call out, “You’re the reason why…”
Karin stopped mid-sentence when she got a good look at him. He was tall—‘So tall,’ she
thought—with a fair complexion. He had black eyes, under which were long, pronounced
tear-troughs, and jet-black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail. His face was beautiful
—delicate but stoically masculine—and framed with center-parted bangs that extended to his
chin. He reminded Karin so much of Sasuke, but if he was older and wiser.
The beautiful man wore a black cloak with a high collar, but unbuttoned down to his chest
where he rested his left arm, rather than in its sleeve. She absorbed every detail, including the
mesh armor underneath his cloak, a necklace that had three silver rings with red gems inside
them, and the moss-green nail polish on his fingers. But her eyes truly widened when she
noted the red and white fan over the heart of the cloak.
Karin felt an unbelievable desire to know who this man was. Fortunately, her cousin was the
emperor of surprises, and casually chimed, “Oh, what’s up, Itachi! How’ya been?”
Karin’s head whipped around from Naruto to Itachi as the man returned, “Naruto. It’s nice to
see you again.”
Naruto grinned broadly before Tsunade continued. “First, Karin, the reason why we’re in top-
level security protocol is because the existence of the man beside me, Uchiha Itachi, is to
remain a strictly confidential. Unless you absolutely have to discuss it with Naruto, you don’t
discuss it—at all. To be abundantly clear: That is an order. Am I understood?”
“Good,” she said with a nod. “I’ll keep this brief. Itachi is not well.”
Concerned, Naruto quickly asked Itachi, “Wha! Is it bad?! Are you going to be okay?!”
For her cousin to react with such concern told her she didn’t have to worry too much. But
when he spread his lips in a small smile of gratitude, Karin worried about the large amount of
butterflies exploding in her stomach. Her heart rate was already increasing and she could
hardly pay attention to anything else but him.
“Relax,” Tsunade replied. “Listen, there is no known cure for his illness.”
Restless with anxious energy, Naruto immediately argued, “But you’re like the best medic-
nin in the whole world! You’re even helping Iruka-sensei walk again, and they said he could
never do that again! Can’t you cure him?!”
Tsunade took a deep breath before exhaling, as if in defeat, and answered, “This is different.
What Itachi has isn’t like an injury sustained in battle. This is more genetic. To that end, we
invited you here because we wanted to know what you thought about trying to, if not cure
him, then help extend his life.”
However, the way Tsunade looked at her, Karin knew what they were asking. The redhead
rolled up her sleeve and told her cousin, “They’re asking to use my ability,” as she showed
him the many bite marks on her arm. Though the Anā-Hata’s O-daimoku chant was slowly
reducing the surface of her many wounds, she still had far too many to ever completely heal.
She held her mangled arm defensively at the flare up of invasive memories of the many times
they snatched her limb and bit into it.
“No,” Naruto immediately said once he understood. Turning to Itachi, he added, “I want to
help, really. After what you’ve been through, it’s one of my top things to do.”
“It’s okay, Naruto,” Itachi said in understanding, already accepting Naruto’s decision.
To Karin, it appeared as if he was fine with his illness, as if he didn’t expect another outcome
besides death. It simultaneously broke Karin’s heart and made her sing to think that he
needed her to not only survive, but to live. He has to cause her pain to survive, but that was
destiny’s way connecting them. Once again, Karin’s heart palpitations were reaching a
dangerous peak, and she needed to look away from the man to calm herself down.
“There isn’t,” Tsunade said, dashing his optimism. Looking at Karin, she said, “If we’re sure
this is the decision…”
“Sorry,” Naruto replied glumly. “I don’t want Karin to go through any more pain than she
already has. But come on, Tsunade-baachan! There has to be something else!”
At Naruto’s defiant certainty, a spark of an idea, almost like a forgotten intuition, came to her
Karin sidestepped Tsunade’s snarling retort of, “Keh! I told you not to call me that!” to ask,
“What if…” They all turned to her, but considering the significance of the information, she
wasn’t sure how much she should say. Shaking her head hastily, Karin grabbed Naruto’s arm
and pulled him to the far end of the dark room. She pulled him down so she could whisper in
his ear, “What if… What if my chains could help?”
Naruto pulled away to gaze at her with cartoonishly round eyes of surprise, and whispered,
“Can they do that?”
She shrugged, answering, “I don’t know. We both heard about one or two of our relatives
being able to heal with theirs, and my chakra can already cure a lot. Maybe my chains can do
this, but we’d have to tell them and Jiraiya said that should be a clan secret.”
“Hmmmmmm,” Naruto hummed for a long while before stating, “Ah, what am I doing? I’m
just a clone. How about I pop and get the boss in here? Let him earn the title,” he replied with
a smirk.
Turning back to the Hokage and the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, Karin cheerfully
said, “There might be something we can do, but I have to talk with Naruto first.” When they
eyed the chuckling blond, Karin added, “The real one.”
In the midst of a lush, green forest, bathed in the soft, early morning light that filtered
through the high canopy above, Naruto—in nothing but his boxers—and eight clones sat in a
meditative pose on a large moss-covered rock. One of the many forests of Mount Myōboku
exuded a serene and peaceful atmosphere, relaxing Naruto and his clones to further connect
with their chanting. The dense forest of the Land of Toads was one of many undisturbed
locations, offering him the perfect sense of solitude and intimacy with nature he needed.
The blond knew they wouldn’t affect his physical energy once they dispersed, but more
vibrations passing through him meant more activation of the Fūin coding in his cells per
session—and excessive sweating—persuading the natural energy around him to unlock the
evolution he was capable of.
The group of Uzumakis chanted in unison, deep from their diaphragm, and the profusely
sweaty Naruto felt the resonating vibrations of the tantric chant course through him. The
deep, rhythmic tones seemed to reverberate through the very core of his being, setting his
every nerve alight with a warm, pulsating energy. Each syllable firmly voiced from their
throats felt like a comforting presence, wrapping him in an almost tangible blanket of
tranquility. With every passing minute, the vibrations grew warmer, unwinding the tightly
coiled strands of tension and worry within his body.
Naruto wasn’t sure how long it would take him to refine his physical energy, but after some
research with Karin, they knew it took a person upwards of fifteen years to replace all of their
cells—blood cells, muscle cells, and bone cells. They had also learned it typically takes six
million years for humankind to evolve their behavioral and physical traits. Since the human
body replaced all its cells, on average, five times before dying of old age, and that it could
take upwards of eighty thousand generations to evolve, the two Uzumaki learned they would
have to regenerate newer stronger cells four hundred thousand times.
Karin was the one brave enough to voice the words, “F-F-Four… million… years!”
It wasn’t until later when they learned that ninjutsu—and likely chakra—had only been
around for a thousand years. Considering the many stages of evolution that clans reached in
that time, the Uzumakis estimated they would be chanting every day for a minimum of one to
four years—depending on where on the evolutionary scale they stood.
As the sonorous chanting drowned Naruto in sweat and stimulating sound waves—oscillating
his physical form down to his marrow—he didn’t mind if it took that long. In the lushness
and peace of the forest, the serenity he felt after every session made it more than worth it.
Within the secluded and beautiful forest, he surrendered himself to the enchanting embrace of
the mantra his mother taught him, committed to mastering the technique of his people. At the
thought of his mother and the legacy she passed down, he chuckled before lightly remarking,
“For you, for us.”
Toward the end of his training, a sweat-drenched Naruto was happily surprised to hear from
‘Naru-nii!’ he called back, wide-eyed with mirth. Grabbing his clothes, his water pouch—of
which he drank greedily from—and walking off with purpose, Naruto eagerly asked, ‘How’s
the Hiraishin training coming? It’s a bitch to learn, ain’t it?’
‘Yeesh, you can say that again,’ Naru-nii agreed. ‘I don’t have a whole lot around me to help
practice, either. But still, I couldn’t have done it without you, so thanks!’
With a quirked brow of disbelief, Naruto returned, ‘Are you kidding me? I never would’ve
been this strong without you! It hasn’t even been a year yet! I owe you way more.’
‘Shesheshe,’ his older counterpart chuckled. ‘Is it getting cold yet?’
‘Not yet, but it won’t be long,’ Naruto answered as he neared a large pond, its water as blue
and beautiful as the rest of the landscape.
‘Man, I miss the seasons,’ Naru-nii groaned whimsically. ‘I miss Ichiraku’s more than
anything, though.’
Now that the Narutos were somewhat closer in power level—the younger still lacking Sage
of Six Paths level—Naruto had wondered about the grand fight ahead of him and the
capability needed to make the difference. Thus, he asked, ‘Have you figured out how to beat
Madara or the Infinite Tsukuyomi yet?’
‘Sasuke could block the illusion because he has the Rinnegan,’ Naru-nii ruefully remarked.
‘As far as I know that’s the only way… unless I, somehow, destroy the moon. Other than that,
I don’t have a solid plan yet.’
Finishing the rest of the water in the pouch, Naruto asked, ‘Do you think Sasuke’s still
fighting Madara?’
‘Don’t know. Maybe. Can’t imagine it would be an easy fight,’ the older Naruto glumly
replied. ‘But if I go outside and he didn’t win, I’ll be stuck in that illusion, and that’s game
over for the world. There’ll be no one left to stop Madara from enslaving the world.’
‘And if he won?’ Naruto wondered in his mind, thinking about his own Sasuke’s abilities.
Now that the Uchiha had his brother back, and was chasing after Naruto’s skill level,
Sasuke’s been getting better faster than before, but Naruto wasn’t sure if he would ever be
good enough for someone of Madara’s strength. If even Naru-nii couldn’t beat him, Naruto
had to wonder who could.
‘If Sasuke won, then I’m so kicking his ass for wanting to fight Madara on his own,’ Naru-nii
hotly contested. ‘Unlike your Sasuke, mine didn’t get Itachi back, so he’s hurting, lost, and
super-stupid about it!’ With a long, frustrated sigh, he added, ‘I’ll whip him into shape,
‘I told my Sasuke I’m done taking it,’ Naruto said. ‘He either realizes we just want the best
for him or the punches are only going to get harder.’
‘Either way, he’s getting his ass kicked!’ Naru-nii boasted, making them both laugh.
When Naruto reached the warm pool of water, he happily jumped in, diving deep before
coming up for air. His head burst out of the water as the older Uzumaki asked, ‘So what have
you been working on?’
A large hemisphere of Naruto’s brain instantly lit up at the question, recalling all the amazing
experiences he had been through.
‘….Yeah, I won’t lie to you,’ Naru-nii began. ‘I don’t know how many more times I can do
Painful panic gripped Naruto as he yelled, ‘What?! No! Are you leaving?! Is it shinigami-
sama?! Because I’ll kick his ass, too!’
With amusement in his voice, Naru-nii replied, ‘No, no, it’s not the shinigami. It’s just… it’s
getting harder and harder to use the beads to talk. It’s taking more time, focus, and chakra, so
I’ve been saving the little jumps I have left for when I figure out a better plan.’
Naruto settled and with wonderment in his tone, asked, ‘What about mimicking tou-chan’s
chakra to jump back to the real world?’
‘Kurama pointed out that even if I managed to do that, unless I figure out how to block the
Infinite Tsukuyomi, I could just get trapped in the illusion there,’ Naru-nii explained. ‘So,
until I have a legit way around that, the smart play is to not waste what little I have left.’
It was what Naruto feared the most, not being able to help the person who had helped him the
most—who had believed in him to the furthest lengths. As he floated on his back, looking up
at the orange-blue sky, he wondered for the umpteenth time how he could help.
‘But I’m sure it’ll be fine! Shesheshe!’ Naru-nii cheerfully boasted, covering the somber
realization with forceful will and optimism.
‘Is there anything I can do?’ Naruto asked. ‘I mean, there has- wait a minute… Maybe…
OH! Yeah! I can teach you Kaa-chan’s Adamantine Chains! Maybe that can do something!’
Surprised at the admission, Naru-nii asked, ‘No shit! You met her?’
Naruto answered, ‘That’s what we didn’t have time to go over last time.’
‘The best!’ Naruto agreed, trying hard not to be overwhelmed with emotion.
Naru-nii asked, ‘So, you got her to teach you the Sealing Chains. That’s pretty cool. How’s it
With a big smile, Naruto boldly replied, ‘You’re going to love this.’
Naruto then dedicated the next several minutes to quickly explain the hows and whys of the
Uzumaki clan’s Adamantine Chains, including meticulously chanting the O-daimoku with
Naru-nii repeatedly. They chanted the sacred mantra that had been developed for refining the
Anā-Hata physical energy until his pronunciation and rhythm resonated flawlessly.
‘Wow!’ Naru-nii gasped by the end. ‘That sounds incredible!’
‘Heh-heh, no doubt,’ Naru-nii chuckled before asking, ‘Do you think they have different
mantras for refining the other physical energies?’
Naruto opened his mental mouth to reply when his mind went blank. Not only had he never
asked his mother about other o-daimoku, but he hadn’t even thought to ask. Considering that
the commands his blood receives through the chanting could be any set of instructions,
Naruto couldn’t think of a single reason they couldn’t refine other physical energies of their
A bewildered Naruto replied. ‘Uh… I don’t know. Maybe…’ At an errant thought, he froze as
the budding stages of an idea blossomed in his mind. ‘You know what?! Give me a couple of
months! Practice the mantra, save your strength, and when you call me back, I promise I’ll
have something for you.’
Curiosity seeped into his voice as Naru-nii asked, ‘What do you mean? How?’
‘I’ll dig up every square inch of Uzushiogakure to find an answer!’ he declared with supreme
confidence. ‘It’s my turn to help you for a change! That’s a promise of a lifetime!’
‘Heh-heh, you’re on, little bro! Let’s do it!’ his voice cheerfully came through until it was
“…For you, for us,” Naruto sagely voiced, before finally jumping out of the natural pool and
getting on with the rest of his day.
There was a lot for Naruto and the Uzumaki clan to think about; from doing what they could
to help Naru-nii and Itachi to traveling to Kumo so Naruto could finally meet the Jinchūriki
of the Eight-Tails and Two-Tails. However, before all of that, the newly approved clan had a
ceremony to complete.
In the middle of getting ready, Karin was immediately relieved that Jiraiya showed up.
However, when she looked out of the window, she was stunned at the sight of such a vibrant
tapestry of colors and buzzing excitement that had gathered outside of their home—stretching
as far as the eye can see.
A stunned Karin gasped, “What the fuck?! Why’re there so many people outside?!”
From beside her, Naruto chuckled before stating, “Come on! Let’s Go!”
The Uzumaki Clan, Naruto and Karin, as well as their advisers, Haku and Jiraiya, stepped out
of Uzushio Suites on a bright, festive day dressed in their formal Uzumaki attire. The men
wore their formal black kimono, the fabric smooth and unblemished, with a wide pleated
hakama skirt that fell to just above their ankles. Their haori were adorned with the Uzumaki
family crest, and the stark white haori-himo, a cord used to fasten the haori, was tied neatly at
the front.
Karin, the sole girl in the clan, wore an exquisite furisode kimono that cascaded down to her
feet, the long, flowing sleeves indicating her unmarried status. The kimono was an elegant
canvas of midnight black, blossoming into a garden of vibrant flowers at the hem, where hues
of pink, red, and violet mingled with touches of gold. The transition from the dark to the light
—from the somber to the vivacious—was like the dawn of spring itself. The obi belt around
her waist was an intricate tapestry of gold and fuchsia, cinched tight and adorned with a
delicate bow at the back. Atop her neatly styled red hair, which was swept up away from her
face in an elegant twist, sat a kanzashi—a hair ornament featuring a spray of pink flowers
that echoed the floral motif of her attire. Her poise and the richness of her garb spoke of a
ceremonial grace, befitting an occasion of celebration and tradition.
In the bustling street of their home, four elegant rickshaws waited for them, complete with
rickshaw pullers dressed in orange. From the streamers, to the fireworks, the Uzumaki and
Konoha flags, the cheering crowds, and even rickshaws, Karin had no idea where they came
from. She hadn’t hired any of these services as they were tight on funds. The redhead was
certain no one would show up to the Welcome Parade, not only because they didn’t have the
ryō, but because Naruto’s popularity was only just beginning to blossom.
Scratching the back of his head with a big grin on his face, Naruto explained, “I knew you
were a bit worried about who’d show up, so I made some clones to help out.”
Her eyes widened in surprise as she asked, “Are all these your clones?”
However, she quickly sensed the answer as he said, shaking his head, “No, no. About a third
are. The rest just probably like a good party.”
Karin smiled at him gratefully, once again cementing how lucky she felt to have met him
when she did. Karin held the black padded certificate holder to her chest and nodded
gratefully, not trusting her voice to crack from underwhelming gratitude. The four boarded
their rickshaws and were pulled through the village all the way to Hokage Tower, where their
official Clan Credential Certificate will be stamped by the Hokage’s Official Seal, cementing
the Uzumaki Clan’s place in the Village of Hidden Leaf.
Naruto’s clones, henge’d to look like civilians and the people of Konoha had claimed every
available inch of space along the sides of the wide boulevards and the rooftops of shops.
Families and friends, standing shoulder to shoulder, cheered and waved eagerly as the
rickshaws passed. The Uzumaki clan passed under banners with their emblem as festive
fireworks popped in the air above them. With a wide grin and boisterous laughter, both
Naruto and Jiraiya festively waved at everyone with both arms, happy to receive their
adulation. Karin was a little more reserved in her waving, but enjoyed the celebration all the
same. And at the sight of Haku, he received so much cheering from both men and women.
It was a day of communal spirit, the kind that wrote itself into the history of the village—the
kind Naruto had often dreamed of when he became Hokage and the village cheered for him.
He spent a long time getting the fireworks and banners ready, though with his clones and his
Fūinjutsu, it didn’t take more than a couple of days.
So caught up in the joy of the parade, they were at the Tower before they knew it and Naruto
led their clan up to their new Hokage. Tsunade, dressed in her station’s ceremonial red robe,
white haori, and her Kage hat, waited for him at the front entrance of the Tower. Behind her
was a large banner with the Konoha emblem. A second banner with the Uzumaki emblem
was already in position for Naruto to stand in front of, and that’s where the two leaders met.
Naruto grinned broadly at Tsunade, and though she shook her head, she grinned proudly.
Karin handed Naruto the black certificate holder while Shizune stepped forward and opened
the red and black box containing the Hokage’s official seal. Naruto presented the Uzumaki
Credential Certificate and the Godaime Hokage stamped it, officially ratifying their clan as
members of Konohagakure and Fire Country. The giddy Naruto held in his chuckle and Karin
wiped away a tear before all four members bow to the Hokage. They shake hands and finally
entered the Tower for a Welcome Celebration.
As it was a government building, the celebration was less of a party and more of a meet and
greet with other prominent members of the village, shinobi and civilian alike. Naruto and
Karin met with many of the clan heads, like Shikamaru, Chōji, Ino, Hinata, Kiba, and Shino’s
parents. He also met with other important civilian leaders, like Sakura’s mother and her
council members. Naruto didn’t know that Sakura’s father was a tradesman and traveled all
around Fire country trading valuable goods and commodities.
What was especially important to this celebration was how many of them asked either Karin
or Naruto how they planned to commercialize their Uzu-Fūin. Many were interested in the
security aspects of their service because that was what most people associated with Fūinjutsu.
However, Naruto happily explained—when prompted by Karin or Haku—what all he could
do with his Fūinjutsu, and many of them were eager to schedule meetings to talk further.
The actual party was later that night on the roof of Uzushio Suite. Karin had prepared the
space for guests, food, colorful lights, and the music station—she even set up an area for
target shooting and a shogi board, at Naruto’s request. At the trickle of guests to arrive—
Iruka, Ebisu, Konohamaru and his friends, Karin expected the evening would end badly, but
after them, Temari, her brothers, and Baki showed up. Kurenai, Anko, and other Jōnin arrived
after them. Guy and Kakashi arrived with more followers, and then Naruto’s class showed up
one after another sporadically for the next hour.
All it took was Naruto dragging Hinata out on the dance floor for many to join in and the
rooftop soon to come alive with the fast-beating pulse of the music. Everyone was clustered
together, drinks or snacks in hand, laughing and talking under a bright moon with a night sky
full of stars. The party was filled with camaraderie and celebration, each person
congratulating them on becoming an official clan, but as many of the shinobi had a meeting
in the morning, the celebration didn’t go well into the night.
Naruto was so overjoyed by the sight of everyone who came to support and congratulate
them, he was bursting at the seams with energy. He felt like he could run to Kumo without
using chakra or stopping. However, it didn’t serve him well, as he was struck with indecision.
He wanted to hangout with Tenten, Haku, and Temari just as much as he wanted to chat with
Karin, Ino, Sakura, or Hinata. However, he also wanted to talk with Anko, Kurenai, Kakashi,
Guy, and Iruka; then there was Konohamaru, his classmates, Inari, Tazuna, and Tsunami.
Even a group like Kiba, Chōji, Shikamaru, and Shino seemed really fun.
Ultimately, Naruto decided to team up with Rock Lee and together, drag Neji and Sasuke to
as many groups as possible. It was so much fun for them to bring the reserved Rookies of the
Years to various groups and force them in conversations. It wasn’t until they reached Karin’s
group that Naruto and Lee lost Neji.
Pulling him and Sasuke into the girl’s lively conversation, Naruto interjected, “Hey my
lovelies, Neji was wondering what you guys do to get your hair so shiny.”
Realizing what Lee and Naruto were doing, they giggled at their antics and Ino happily
replied, “Oh! One of the biggest things is how fragile hair is when wet. I use a wide-tooth
comb to detangle and then apply a heat protection oil to minimize heat damage when I dry
“Oh, that’s such great advice,” Karin merrily remarked. “You know, I’m starting to get more
into the health and natural beauty of my hair.”
Sakura effortlessly jumped in with, “Then you definitely want to nourish your hair with
lightweight oils like argan or jojoba. My dad can get you a shipment, if you’d like.”
Despite himself, Neji hesitated to ask, “Wh-What about straight, black hair?”
Hinata answered, “I’ve always wanted to say, you look like you over-wash your hair, Neji-
neesan. That can remove a lot of the natural oils that keep your hair healthy and shiny.”
All the girls were happy to help Neji, while the uneasy forms of Naruto, Lee, and Sasuke
slowly and quietly backed away, so as to not draw their attention. The three hoped on several
other groups for Sasuke to participate, but the Jōnin preferred to talk shinobi bureaucracy, the
young ones, like Konohamaru and his were complaining about the academy, some—like
Kiba’s sister Hana—were mere acquaintances, and the civilians mainly brought up their
home lives. In the end, Sasuke simply played shogi against Shikamaru—well, kept losing
against Shikamaru—for an hour before leaving.
Haku had noticed Naruto disappearing with Temari for ten minutes, and when they had
returned, Temari’s cheeks were blushing and she walked with a much more relaxed gait. At
another point during the festivities, Karin sensed Naruto and Ino disappear to his room for
fifteen minutes, and gasped once she realized what their oscillating chakra meant. When
Naruto, alone and cheerful, returned, she sensed that Ino was still in his bed, peacefully
asleep with one of Naruto’s clones. Jiraiya wanted to follow Naruto when he volunteered to
escort Kurenai home, but a combined effort from Karin, Haku, and Anko managed to keep
the man from invading their privacy.
Naruto did not come home that night and Karin found herself praying for a little Uzumaki to
swell the family.
Overlooking the cliff face of Hokage Rock, with its carved visages of past leaders, many
shinobi have gathered atop the wide, tiled roof of the Hokage Tower. The sky above was
clear and blue, with a few clouds and the sun shone on each of the deeply etched stone faces
of the monument. The large, towering building, with its distinct round red roof and flat top,
was surrounded by several other circular, pagoda-style buildings with blue and green roofs.
Tsunade, Jiraiya, Shizune, Karin, Haku, Naruto, Kurenai, Hinata, Ino, Temari, Gaara, and
Kankurō stood on one side of the railed platform, facing the giant stone faces. On the other
side—facing the far stretch of the village—stood Baki, Iruka, Anko, the rest of Team 7, Team
8, Team 10, Team Guy, and several masked security, either Anbu or Root. Also invited were
the Heads of the Hyūga, Yamanaka, Nara, Akimichi, Inuzuka, and Aburame clans.
Underneath his typical orange and black outfit, Naruto was dressed in the white haori Jiraiya
had gifted him with the red flames at the hem, the Uzumaki Clan over the heart, and the
Fourth Sun, written down the back. Karin wore her black and orange accented haori with the
Uzumaki and Leaf emblems over her long-sleeve white shirt and black shorts. Haku, with his
hair tied up, wore his navy-blue haori over his light-pink and blue yukata, and Jiraiya chose
to wear his usual attire—green kimono and matching pants, hand guards, wooden sandals,
and his signature red haori with two yellow circles on each side. Though, everyone gathered
was more curious about Kurenai, Temari, Ino, and Hinata’s haori.
The four beautiful women wore a light, flowy, thigh-length jacket over their typical shinobi
gear, however, all four matched. Their haori were muted orange that progressed to a vivid
gold color around their chest and shoulders. The color was sharply contrasted with the black
lining of the edges, a black Hidden Leaf emblem on their shoulders, and a black Uzumaki
clan emblem over their hearts and on the center of their backs. Their mode of dress left most
of the young shinobi wondering if it was mission-related and the older shinobi eager for an
Hyūga Hiashi was dressed in dignified white dress robes while Yamanaka Inoichi, Nara
Shikaku, Akimichi Chōza, Inuzuka Tsume, and Aburame Shibi wore their typical moss green
flak jackets over their typical long-sleeved shirts and slacks. As the heads observed Naruto,
Hinata, Ino, Temari, and Kurenai behind Tsunade, they all more or less knew that this was
about the political wedding. What they didn’t know was which kunoichi from Konoha would
be marrying Naruto. They all had their reservations about the political marriage to begin
with. However, they also understood their duty to their village. Sometimes it could be as
unorthodox as it was difficult.
Hiashi expected that the Hokage would pick Hinata. Though his relationship with her was
less strained, there was nothing more he could do for her. As clan head, this would also keep
Hinata from the seal. Inoichi prayed that it wasn’t his Ino and hoped Tsunade would refuse
her desire to marry. Neither of the fathers knew that their daughters had already signed the
marriage contract.
Looking out at the gathering, Naruto couldn’t deny he felt a little nervous. After all, dinners
with Ino and Hinata’s fathers were scheduled after this, but before leaving for Kumo. There
were people here who he desired would support him and his marriage, namely Iruka,
Kakashi, Asuma, Hiashi, Inoichi, and even Sasuke. Ultimately, Naruto would still marry the
girls if they didn’t approve, but he felt their support would make the event mean all the more.
Jiraiya came of his own accord, and when asked by Karin, he answered with a hearty laugh,
citing, “There’s no way I was going to miss this.”
After elbowing her idiot teammate, Tsunade stepped forward and addressed everyone.
“First and foremost, thank you all for coming,” Tsunade said to the gathered with a stern and
clear voice. “Before we begin, I want everyone here to know they have permission to speak
their minds should they have something to say. I summoned you all to alert you of important
news, however, this is not so formal of a meeting that you’re not allowed to express your
thoughts—cuz trust me, you’ll have some. All I ask is that you conduct yourselves with some
measure or decorum when you speak your piece. Is that clear?”
With the assembled shinobi unanimous, “Hai, Hokage-sama!” Tsunade proceeded with her
address, pausing only to consider how best to articulate a wildly uncomfortable
announcement. After all, this isn’t just any regular political marriage. She was effectively
going to announce Konoha’s first polygamous marriage with some of the most important
kunoichi in their village.
‘This job is going to kill me…’ she despondently thought with a sigh before beginning. “Most
of you attended the Uzumaki clan’s Induction Ceremony yesterday, so you all know they’ve
been accepted by the village as an official clan. But what you may not have known is that the
Uzumaki Clan of Uzushiogakure and the Senju of Konoha share distant blood relations—the
wives of the first and fourth Hokage were Uzumaki—and these clans have always kept strong
ties. After the founding of Konoha, the Senju symbolized the friendship between clans by
adding the Uzumaki clan emblem to the flak jackets many of you are wearing now. We’ve
been close allies for decades, and for them to join our village is a great honor. Now, why is
this important? Why gather all of you here for that?”
Returning her attention to those gathered, Tsunade proclaimed with authority, “We’re all here
because one term of the recent peace treaty between Suna and Konoha was a marriage…
between Temari, the Kazekage’s daughter, and the head of the Uzumaki Clan, Uzumaki
The younger members of the group immediately stand straighter, more attentive to the
information. Many of them—Shikamaru, Sasuke, Neji—simply looked between Naruto and
Temari with mild surprise in their eyes. The others—Rock Lee, Chōji, and Kiba—gasped or
grunted audibly, completely flabbergasted by the news, and mumbled to themselves, ‘Naruto-
kun…’ ‘No way…’ ‘That idiot?’ Sakura and Tenten already knew, thus paid more attention to
everyone else, and Shino didn’t have an expression easily seen.
The older members and higher ranks not only eyed Naruto and Temari, but also Kurenai, Ino,
and Hinata. Their sharp eyes appeared as if they were quickly assembling the pieces of a
whole picture, and judging by their grimaces and concern, they didn’t like the image.
Naruto turned to Iruka-sensei, and their eyes connected. To Naruto, Iruka was like the older
brother he never had, watching over him, teaching him, knocking some sense into him when
he needed it the most. But more than anything, Iruka was one of Naruto’s few pillars of hope.
No matter how bad his life got, how lonely he felt, Naruto knew that Iruka would always
want to see him succeed. That was why it pained Naruto when Iruka didn’t look pleased or
happy. He looked sad.
Like many gathered, Iruka hadn’t expected the news. He’d been so busy with his rehab,
recuperation, trying to regain some semblance of his life, to then prepare himself for surgery
that could return his ability to walk, he simply hadn’t had much time for Naruto. He certainly
thought about him often, or when he heard news about his accolades or his clan, but this was
beyond his imagination. Not long after learning about Naruto’s life, Iruka felt a need to watch
out for the blond, and that was such an unexpected joy. Just like he knew Naruto would give
his life for Konoha, Iruka would give his life for Naruto. That was why when Naruto looked
at him, Iruka felt sadness for missing out on such an important part of his life.
Though, Iruka snapped out of his reprieve when it appeared that Naruto got the wrong
impression. Naruto’s blue eyes downcasted and his lips pressed together, as if holding back
quivering. Iruka rolled his wheelchair over to the blond, and waved his hands in, asking for a
When Naruto leaned down to hug his pseudo-older brother, Iruka said, “Congrats you brat.
I’m so happy for you.”
Chuckling joyously, Naruto rubbed his back as he gratefully replied, “Thanks, Iruka-sensei.”
Kurenai, Temari, Ino, and Hinata, along with Haku and Karin, all smiled happily at the depth
of their bond. Looking between Gaara and a happy Naruto, Shino raised his hand before
asking, “You mean there is a section in the peace treaty that states Naruto and Temari have to
“Why?” Inuzuka Tsume asked with a raised corner of her lips, as if snarling at the idea. “Crap
like political marriages to keep the peace between countries don’t happen anymore.”
Nervousness sets it for the proud daughter of Suna. Temari’s body temperature rose
uncomfortably, and she felt it in her chest, the moment she should voice her part in their
transgression against Konoha. Every detail of this affair up to that point had simply been on
paper. Her father, his advisers, and their remaining military shinobi were forced to bow to the
Hokage and a contingent of their forces before leaving, but none of them had to actually
speak to leaf-nin or provide an explanation for their betrayal. Everyone received the notice
that an agreement had been reached. There was a small ceremony, and that’s it.
Now was Temari’s one chance to voice her transgression, but the anxiousness within her kept
her in place. Temari had always been one to speak her mind, afforded to her by the simple
fact she was the Kazekage’s daughter. However, this was about admitting fault, in front of
those she and her countrymen had hurt. It was difficult to feel the courage that was always
there. She dropped her head a little in anguish and shame, but then recalled the Uzumaki
symbol over her heart.
Assuming the Suna princess wasn’t ready, Tsunade spared her that by replying, “That’s
unnecessary for these proceedings.”
However, at the sight of the emblem, Temari instantly felt she’d regret this later if she didn’t
step forward and publicly admit her folly. Turning to Naruto and wondering how he would
feel if she spoke up, he noticed her and simply smiled. With a huff of amusement, she
realized, ‘Of course. What else would he do but support whatever I decided?’
Temari walked up to the Hokage, thinking to herself how much she enjoyed the freedom of
unwavering support, irrespective of her station. Tsunade nodded and stepped aside. Temari
cleared her throat, straightened her shoulders, and spoke as fearlessly as she could muster.
“Before our… foolish invasion of your village,” Temari began, her voice clear and loud. “I
was tasked with negating Naruto’s obvious strength. Many here will know what infiltration
missions can be like. I needed to get close to him in a convincing manner, so I—along with
my father, the Kazekage—created an official marriage contract that everyone, including the
Hokage, signed.”
Raising his hand, Chōji asked with a small level of disbelief, “And you still want to marry
“More like he wants to marry her!” Kiba joked. “I doubt he’d get a girl otherwise!”
“And you’d be wrong,” Temari easily directed at the smirking Kiba, who was taken aback by
her. She addressed everyone again, stating with genuine sincerity, “I won’t forget the hows
and whys that led me here, but now that I am, I’m happy for it.”
Temari returned to her place beside her sister-wives and Tsunade returned to addressing her
soldiers, saying, “There, now you know.”
Growing more annoyed than he cared to admit—partly because he had a wild theory in his
head, but also because it involved his teammate—Shikamaru had to ask, “Why are all of
them wearing Uzumaki coats?”
After another sigh, Tsunade continued, “Due to political circumstances, but more specifically
because of the unique structure of the marriage contract that Temari had proposed… Naruto
will also be marrying a girl from Konoha.”
The air around the younger and uninformed shinobi was instantly electrified with
astonishment as most of them became rigid with disbelief. Shock flashed across all of their
faces, from Sasuke all the way up to Tsume-san and Iruka-sensei, their stupefied eyes darting
between Naruto and all three Konoha kunoichi, as if trying to grapple with an
inconceivability of such a union—especially with someone like Naruto. Rock Lee, Chōji, and
Kiba were even more visibly shaken than before, trembling with disbelief. Their gasps and
grunts pierced the sudden silence, murmuring—‘Naruto-kun… your youth,’ and ‘That idiot?’
Iruka whipped his head to Naruto, eying the mildly embarrassed blond in sheer shock, of
which Naruto avoided direct eye contact, chuckling sheepishly. Anko was chuckling silently
to herself, thoroughly entertained, while Jiraiya was laughing like a loon, jotting so much of
what he was witnessing in a notebook. Of everyone, only Sakura, Tenten, Kakashi, Shizune,
Hiashi, and Inoichi knew, thus they didn’t react as dramatically.
“Yeah!” Jiraiya loudly added. Turning to Naruto with a twinkling hunger in his eyes, he
demanded, “Tell us every detail!” He raised his pen and notebook, ready to write.
Naruto could only return the most exasperated look of disbelief. Tsunade glared at her idiot
teammate, threatening his well-being with the promise of pain if he didn’t stop. Jiraiya gave
her a tight smile before stepping back, though still keeping his pen and notebook out.
Returning her attention to the group, she answered, “We offered the role of first wife to the
daughters of honored Konoha clans, Hyūga Hinata, and Yamanaka Ino.”
Many turned to them. Neji’s sharp eyes turned to Hiashi, who increasingly furrowed brows,
making the lines around his mouth more pronounced. A smirking Shikaku consoled the
queasy-looking Inoichi with a stiff pat on the shoulder while Choza, grinning with a hint of
sympathy, shoulder-checked him good-naturedly.
“Wait!” Kiba yelled, utterly incapable of remaining calm. He pointed at Naruto again as he
asked his leader, “You’re saying he gets to marry the Kazekage’s daughter AND either Ino-
chan or Hinata?”
At Tsunade’s tired expression, Tsume smacked Kiba’s head before speaking, “Apologies,
Nodding, she continued, “The unique structure of the marriage contract—that was, again,
signed by the leaders of both countries—states that Naruto is permitted to marry multiple
wives—up to nine, if he wished.”
“This is crazy! The Dead Last-” Kiba’s hot criticism was cut short with another whack from
his mother. “Ow! Alright! Alright.”
Shino asked, “And his choice?”
Tsunade inhaled deeply, mumbling to herself with heavy sarcasm, “Ooohh, this is going to be
fun,” before clearing her throat, and proclaiming, “Unbeknownst to everyone at the time,
Naruto had also been seeing Yūhi Kurenai… romantically.”
Apart from Sakura, Kakashi, and those on Naruto’s side, a wave of shock rolled through the
gathered ninja, leaving every pair of eyes wide and fixed on Kurenai. From the stoic Shino to
the venerable Hiashi, there was a collective struggle to comprehend the revelation—as if the
words ‘Naruto,’ ‘Kurenai,’ and ‘romantic’ were causing their brains to short circuit. The idea
that Uzumaki Naruto, a sixteen-year-old Chūnin with a terrible reputation, could be linked
romantically with the stunning Yūhi Kurenai, a woman of such esteem that most men
understood she was out of their league, was inconceivable.
And yet, amid their wide-eyed, incredulous stares, Kurenai stood unshaken. There was no
facade, no emotional barricade needed to protect against their biased perception. Her
demeanor was one of acceptance and serene indifference to their scandalized gazing. Kurenai
easily recalled how she had always dreaded this moment—those very looks—but she had
never once expected that her love for Naruto would also be such a source of courage. Her
relationship with Naruto was stronger than the judgment of her peers and transformed this
once-dreaded moment into a mere footnote in her decision to be with him.
More importantly, she focused on Shino and Kiba. She instantly knew Kiba would doubt
what he had heard before feeling betrayed, and then angry at that. He would act out loudly
with hostility since it didn’t align with his worldview. But she also knew he could forgive and
forget so long as everyone involved was genuinely happy. Shino may be confused for a
moment, curious for another moment, mildly upset at being left out, but ultimately okay with
the situation, so long as all involved put a great deal of thought behind their decision.
Turning to his commanding officer, the woman who led their team, Shino could only think to
ask, “… Kurenai-sensei?”
Far more shocked and appalled, Kiba shouted, “My sensei and my Ino?!”
Stepping forward to address the obvious curiosity they all had in their eyes, Kurenai clearly
asserted, “Only close friends were aware, but yes, Naruto and I began a relationship many
months ago that was initially platonic, but eventually became romantic.”
Shocked by the confirmation, there was groaning and grumbling among the gathered. Sasuke
even eyed Naruto in complete shock, to which Naruto couldn’t help but wink at the Uchiha.
Disoriented by the scandalous news, the gathered mumbled disapproval until Guy spoke up
and asked, “So… is the young Naruto-kun m-marrying K-K-Kurenai?!”
Unable to contain his bubbling joy, they all heard a giddy Jiraiya squeal,
“HHHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!” However, at the intimidating sight of Tsunade glaring at him
with clenched fists, he immediately jumped behind Shizune to hide from the Senju’s growing
With a heavy sigh, Tsunade returned her attention to the group and answered, “I can’t
possibly fathom the perfect storm of events that happened for four different women to meet
in this kind of scenario, but against all odds, all three of the Konoha kunoichi you see in front
of you have agreed to be Naruto’s wives. So… there it is.”
The news landed like a thunderclap, leaving a stunned silence and widened eyes in its wake.
As if on cue, all faces young, old, and everything in between turned to Naruto, eyes bulging
with incredulous and visceral shock. The information shared seemed to push them beyond
reason. From an instinctual level, the absurd revelation seemed to threaten them to their very
core, triggering a primal alarm and a need to fight back. Like anything in nature being
attacked, the gathered—no matter their esteemed station—yelled their righteous indignation.
In a bid to avoid pain, they yelled—even Hiashi—for this union to be terminated
“Settle down and act like adults or so help me I’ll clear this roof!!” Tsunade bellowed.
However, their disfavor couldn’t be so easily dismissed. Nearly all of them were clamoring
for answers to their questions from Tsunade, Kurenai, or Ino, and that irked Naruto to see.
The way the heads of clans surrounded Tsunade, the way Jōnins felt a need to hear Kurenai
explain herself, or the way the other genin were insisting Ino or Hinata answer their
questions… The sight of all of their unanimous calls to dissolve this marriage irritated Naruto
to no end. The blond Uzumaki moved to the forefront, his own temper flaring, ready to yell
back at the tide of objections, but the crowd of important or high-ranking ninja were
relentless and none would listen to him.
“Isn’t this too much, Hinata-sama? How is this not another cage?” Neji asked Hinata.
“Shouldn’t we check them out at the hospital?” Shikamaru asked his father.
“What does he have that I don’t!” Kiba demanded of Ino. “Yeah, he’s a little stronger, but I’ll
get even stronger, eventually!”
Each of them seemed more invested in validating their own disagreement rather than hearing
out the origin of the unfolding drama, and it was only making Naruto furious. His knee-jerk
reaction was to yell at all of them how irrelevant their opinions were, but like a buzzing idea
in his head, he didn’t feel that would be enough for this—not these shinobi, who all have a
personal connection with one of his wives. No, Naruto needed more.
Rather than attempting to shout above the rising cacophony of dissent, he closed his eyes and
retreated into the serene, white sanctuary within him. Here, he reached out his hand toward
the enormous globule of ethereal energy above him. The enormity of Kurama’s pure chakra
flowed toward the extended hand, seeking to be used to its fullest.
As the gathered shinobi pressed their tirade on Tsunade and Naruto’s future wives, the
Jinchūriki tapped into this mammoth amount of power and the sudden explosion of energy
washed over the dissenters like a tsunami, immediately silencing every soul standing on that
roof. Those too close backed away from the blond, staring in awe as massive amounts of
energy continued rolling off of him in waves, pushing incessantly against all of their senses.
None could believe the transformation they were witnessing.
To their amazement, the Uzumaki standing before them was enveloped in a radiant, golden
chakra, illuminating the surrounding area like a grand bonfire. Two locks of Naruto’s golden
hair dramatically rose like horns atop of his head. Around his neck, six black magatama
markings emerged like the collar of a shirt, but most striking was the prominent circular swirl
design that manifested over his stomach, a symbol that resembled the Uzumaki clan. Various
other lines extended along his body—black as the magatama markings—and created a sharp
contrast against the golden glow of his form.
The golden, powerful state of Naruto’s Kurama Chakra Mode—a clear display of
overwhelming strength—didn’t just shut them all up. It made some like Sasuke and Kiba
angry and jealous. It excited others, like Sakura and Tenten. It made a few competitive, like
Rock Lee and Neji. But the sight also made several proud, like Guy, Iruka, and Kakashi.
When Naruto finally had their undivided attention, he asked, with fire in his eyes, “Almost
eight months ago, when I was yelling from the rooftops that I was going to be the best damn
Hokage anyone’s ever seen, did any of you believe me?!”
For several moments, the shinobi gathered were speechless, only focused on their bafflement.
Though Naruto was angry, there was clear composure to his ire. His intense glare swept
across the dissenters, but none truly felt their lives were in jeopardy. Naruto demanded their
attention, and like his usual characteristic flair, the blond boy went over the top to take it.
Moving past the young man’s powerful form, Hiashi began to say, “That’s got nothing to do
“It’s got everything to do with it!” Naruto yelled back. “After seeing what I’ve done in the
exams or in the invasion—everything I worked so hard to be able to do—who thinks I’m
going to be the number one hokage now?”
Looking at the flickering chakra of his golden shroud, none could be sure he wouldn’t reach
such a lofty goal, since the power rolling off of him was already Kage level.
Understanding the meaning behind his words, Inoichi replied, “This isn’t the same thing.”
Slamming his golden fist against his chest, just over his heart, he declared, “I said I was
going to be the best damn Hokage because I knew—in my heart—there was nothing anyone
could say or do that would take that away from me. Nothing!”
Shikamaru’s father asked, “And now what? You think you’re going to be the best hokage and
husband? To four wives?”
“No!” Naruto easily hurled back. “I wouldn’t even know what that looks like. There isn’t a
single example of a relationship like that here. I have no clue how this is going to work. But I
do know this; just like I know I’m going to be the best Hokage this village—this world—has
ever seen… I know I’ll love them with absolutely everything I am. Whether I’m their
husband or not, I’ll always want the best for them. And if I’m lucky enough to be the man
they choose to be with, I’ll make sure they absolutely NEVER regret it.”
A moment of silence descends on the rooftop, a moment to absorb the palpable intensity from
his eyes. Anyone who knew Naruto knew he meant his words with every fiber of his being.
And those that didn’t know were learning that.
Naruto continued, “So if all of you don’t like this—don’t like me—if you want to complain,
if you think this shouldn’t happen, I don’t care! Because I follow my heart! I did it when
none of you believed me, and I’m going to keep doing it now!”
Silence. The only thought any of them could collectively agree on is that Naruto was going to
be Naruto, no matter how upsetting that can be.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kurenai stepped forward and reminded everyone, “I
would just like to add that there’s only one reason why this would not be proper, and that’s if
none of us loved each other. I realize this type of union isn’t common—I also realize we’ll
face many challenges ahead—but don’t think, for one moment, that we’re making this
decision lightly. Each of us has had plenty of time and opportunity to think about this…”
Eying Asuma, Kurenai finished, “And this is what we want.”
Temari stepped forward and added, “While we would appreciate your support, we also
understand if you’re unable to do so. All we ask is that you refrain from belittling or
dismissing us as if we’re crazy, under some form of jutsu, or incapable of loving the same
man, because that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve seen how far Naruto is willing to go
for those he cares about. I know how hard he fights to overcome, and I’ll gladly place my
faith in him.”
Stepping forward, Ino told them, “Anyone from our class knows how many girls were
chasing Uchiha Sasuke.”
As she spoke, several heads turned toward Sasuke, who was both surprised by the subject
matter of the meeting and suddenly being singled out. He naturally ignored everyone
watching him. Sakura, specifically, cast a subtle glance at the onyx-haired avenger,
effortlessly recalling how blindly she once loved him—how infatuated she was. Though she
still felt a strong tether of attachment toward the last Uchiha, she was acutely aware of the
dangers of her obsession, which always upset her to recall.
Ino pressed on, “He’s handsome, strong, the last of a world-renown family, and all the girls
wanted him. If, for whatever reason, there was some way for the last Uchiha to have multiple
wives, would any of you be bitching this hard?! All of you have a problem with Naruto, and I
know that because I used to be the same. But I was wrong! I know better now. I’m lucky
enough to be among the first to see Naruto for who he really is, and accept him, not just as a
shinobi, but as the man I love. You don’t have to like this. Go ahead and hate it if you want,
but you’d only be opposed to something you have no understanding of.”
Hinata took several breaths and looked over to a stern-faced Naruto. As ever, he gave her the
courage to do what she’s never confident to do. Despite how many are gathered, despite her
reserved nature, the princess-like beauty stepped forward as well.
“I knew Naruto was amazing since I was seven-years-old,” she began, her voice carrying a
gentle strength. “He fought three bullies who were bigger and older than us, just to stop them
from hurting me—a stranger to him. After that, every time I witnessed anyone make fun of
him, bully him, or ignore him, he only reinforced what I would come to believe with all my
heart… He’s a good and caring person who’ll never let anything stop him.” She can already
feel the warm tears under her lids warm her white eyes. “He’s so free, not just because he’s
strong, but because he believes in himself, harder than anyone I’ve ever seen. If you shinobi
have ever explained Konoha’s Will of Fire to others, or heard about it from others, there’s no
better example of that than Uzumaki Naruto. No matter what, he won’t quit… and neither
will I.”
As Hinata’s gaze tentatively looked toward Naruto, she found herself locked in his deeply
affectionate stare. The warmth and love radiating from his eyes, the overwhelming tenderness
was so intense that they caught her off guard. Hinata’s emotions burst through her like a
steam explosion and a deep shade of crimson spread from her face down to her toes in a wave
of bashful red.
Flustered by this unexpected and intimate moment, she rushed back to her original spot
beside Ino and tried her best to compose herself, drawing in slow, deep breaths. Attempting
to compose her racing heart and fluttering in the pit of her stomach that Naruto’s loving gaze
ignited within her was a silent battle she prayed others wouldn’t notice.
None could argue that Hinata’s cuteness rolled off her like Naruto’s power rolled off of him.
With a small, mildly impressed smile, Tsunade said, “There you have it. If any of you have
more to say on the topic, save it. I’ve got a packed day of mind-numbing meetings. Team
Guy, Team 7, Team 8, and Team 10—in my office. The rest, you’re dismissed.”
In the sun-drenched circular room, clearly meant for work of vital importance to an entire
village and nation, four teams of four, the Hokage, and her adviser were in a cluttered office
overtaken by paperwork. The sun cast a warm glow on the stacks of documents, scrolls, and
files that covered nearly every surface, teetering on the brink of falling. Cardboard boxes,
likely filled with archives or yet-to-be-sorted materials, were strewn haphazardly around the
room. Even the surface of the large wooden desk near the wall of windows had miniature
mountains of paperwork, save for a desk calendar, a desk organizer that held pens and
brushes, and a solitary flask, probably filled with water—probably.
Tsunade sat at her grand desk, the panorama windows behind her offering a sweeping view of
the village as she signed all documents Shizune placed in front of her. Her soldiers stood at
attention as she said, “You’ve all been selected for a mission of grave importance. Kakashi
will be your mission leader. Kakashi.”
As she returned to signing a never-ending amount of documents, Naruto was once again
reminded of how much he disliked this aspect of the job. However, he expected to get used to
it. He was already learning so much from Karin, Haku, and through running their clan’s
businesses and property.
“Hai, Hokage-sama,” the Copy-Ninja said stepping before the gathered. “Our assignment will
be a diplomatic escort mission to Kumogakure.”
“No client,” Kakashi answered. “At least, not in the traditional sense. We will be escorting
Naruto and his fiancées to meet the Raikage and discuss their desire to join the Omiai.”
In a formal meeting, with the Hokage present, none could easily protest as they had on the
rooftop. Thus, the only sound of disbelief and protest came from Kiba’s cracking knuckles
from tightening his fists.
“It’s not quite as it sounds,” Kakashi reassured the group. “For those that don’t know, before
the Chūnin exams, Team 7 went on an escort mission to Wave. During that assignment,
Naruto fought and defeated Momochi Zabuza—a famous Kiri assassin and member of the
Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.”
Chuckling, Naruto jubilantly raised his hands and waved around peace signs.
“Upon his defeat, Zabuza gave Naruto Kubikiribōchō,” Kakashi continued. “It was that
famous sword that brought interested parties from Kumo here. Upon witnessing Naruto’s
strength, these cloud-nin tried to get him to defect. It didn’t work, but Naruto had the
forethought to tell them about the Omiai.”
“We’re going to Kumo under the guise of discussing the Omiai, but in truth, we need to go
there so that Naruto can make contact with both of their Jinchūriki,” Kakashi answered them.
“Many of you in this room were told that Naruto was special because he was born with two
chakras, but in truth, he’s actually the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tailed Fox.”
Stunned at the news, Kiba easily exclaimed, “That’s why he’s got so much power!”
“Naruto needs as much power to combat the Kyūbi’s strength,” Kurenai informed Kiba.
To her surprise, Kiba didn’t look at her. Kurenai thought he would’ve, but he simply hunched
his shoulders and stared ahead. Kurenai understood and accepted his behavior. She would
accept all of their behavior that wasn’t violent or disrespectful. After hearing such news, it
was their prerogative.
After a thoughtful groan, Asuma asked, “Why the face-to-face with their Jinchūriki?”
“This is categorized as an A-Rank mission,” their team lead answered. “But the potential
danger can exceed that.”
“S-Rank?” Guy gasped, surprised by the designation and thinking of involving genin. “If it’s
so dangerous, why include our cute little genin?”
“It needs to appear legitimate,” Kurenai reasoned. “If Naruto and the Omiai candidates are
surrounded by our top shinobi, it’s as if we’re admitting we don’t trust them. Any little thing
has the potential to provoke a diplomatic incident.”
“Mnnn… Normally, I’d agree with you,” Kakashi replied to the gruff Jōnin as he subtly eyed
both Kurenai and Asuma. “But honestly, there isn’t a single team I can surround Naruto and
Omiai candidates with that would be stronger than Naruto himself. With that in mind, I
thought this would be a good learning experience, even with the high degree of danger.”
“And if Kumo ambushes us with their Jinchūriki?” Asuma asked. “They have their orders. I
can’t imagine they’ll want to stop and have a chat with Naruto.”
“How can you be sure?” Asuma asked, with a slight edge in his voice.
Before the blond can answer, Tsunade voiced from behind stacks of papers, “Classified.”
Asuma and the others had no choice but to accept that was the only answer they were going
to get. Though it was upsetting, they were ninja first, thus accepting their edict.
Kakashi continued, “Your assignments: Asuma, Shikamaru, and Chōji; you guard Ino. Kiba,
Shino, and Sakura; you three guard Hinata. I have Kurenai. Sasuke, you’re on Naruto. And
Team Guy, you guard Temari. My second in command will be Guy. If we’re ambushed and
the threat is substantial, you all take your charge and retreat to specified locations. If escape
is compromised, Naruto, myself, and if need be, Guy will hold them off while the rest
withdraw. In a scenario like that, Asuma will be in charge. Any questions?”
Kiba shot his hand right up, and Kakashi hesitated to call on him since he felt it wasn’t going
to be a pertinent question.
When the Copy-Ninja nodded, Kiba asked, “So, to be clear, Naruto isn’t getting more
“No,” Kakashi answered, causing Kiba to groan in relief. “Any other questions?”
Ino raised her hand, and at Kakashi’s nod, she asked, “Do we know who the Kumo
candidates are?”
“The two-“
“Two!” Kiba gasped, glaring at Naruto with a fiery passion. Naruto simply rolled his blue
eyes in response.
After a long sigh, Kakashi continued, “The two kunoichi they named were Mabui and Samui
—both Jōnin. One is the secretary of the Raikage and the other is the daughter of one of their
noble clans.”
With heavy sarcasm, Ino mumbled to herself, though loud enough for all to hear, “Nothing
but the best, I guess.”
Shikamaru raised his hand, and with Kakashi’s nod, he asked, “In the event that we actually
make it to Kumo, and Naruto talks with their Jinchūriki, if things go south, what’s our exit
strategy in the middle of enemy territory?”
“As this is a diplomatic mission, it wouldn’t be wise for the Raikage to do anything too
severe, as it could dissuade other nations from conducting business with them,” Kakashi
began to explain. “However, as our objective is their Jinchūriki, we can expect the full might
of their military power to come down on us if things break down.”
When Kakashi took several seconds to think of the best answer, Asuma begged to know, “…
So? What’s the protocol in that situation?”
Understanding why Kakashi was hesitating, Tsunade’s voice rose over the stacks of papers to
assert, “It’s a gamble. We need to hope that the confidential conversation Naruto needs to
have with their Jinchūriki will outweigh the Raikage’s immediate and hostile response.”
“This mission is being assigned to each of you and we’re placing a significant amount of trust
in your ability, but if anyone here feels certain they wouldn’t be able to accept, speak now. I
promise you it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
None of the Jōnin-sensei eyed each other or their students, but most of the genin who weren’t
searching within themselves for an answer, were looking around to see who’d quit. Not
unlike the first task of the Chūnin exam, Naruto just smiled confidently and crossed his arms,
as if certain none of them would. After several moments of silence, Kakashi nodded in
“As far as worst-case scenarios,” Kakashi began. “The very second everything starts crashing
down, every genin here, plus Temari-chan, are under strict orders to reach Naruto—no ifs,
ands, or buts.”
“Why? How’s he supposed to get us all out better than our Jōnin-sensei?” Chōji asked.
Recalling one of Naruto’s many abilities, Sakura snorted before answering, “Because he’s the
son of the Fourth.”
Sasuke understood what that meant, but didn’t want to elaborate, and Shikamaru figured it
out quickly. He gasped and looked at Naruto before asking, “Really?”
Naruto grinned with the utmost conviction, but before he could teleport away, likely, to
Ichiraku’s for a bowl of ramen to bring back, Tsunade expected as much, and yelled, “Don’t!”
Mildly annoyed that he couldn’t show off, Naruto asked, “When do we leave?”
“We’ll meet at the North gate in an hour,” Kakashi answered. Team 7 bristled when their
sensei added, “Don’t be late.”
An hour and fifteen minutes later, Naruto, Gaara, and Kankurō were sprinting from rooftop to
rooftop as fast as they can to get to the North gate. Naruto could’ve used his haraishin to get
the three of them there, but they still would’ve been late and he also didn’t want to expend a
large amount of chakra unnecessarily just to bring them to a place they could run in three
When the three landed in front of the sizable gathering of ninja, Sakura yelled, “You’re late!
Even Kakashi-sensei got here before you.”
Under the towering gates of the village’s north exit, Team 7, 8, 10, Team Guy, Temari, Baki,
Karin, and Haku were gathered, waiting on the last member of the mission. As Naruto,
Gaara, and Kankurō met them, the gate’s tall, red double doors were open, showing the dense
forest and mountains that lay beyond.
Like himself, Team 7, 8, 10, Team Guy, and Temari were all dressed in the same tan traveling
cloaks, made to withstand the challenges of every kind of weather. Of everyone, Kiba was the
only one openly glaring at him, the disbelief of the morning’s announcement still on his
mind. Chōji and Shikamaru were observing him strangely, as if they weren’t sure about who
they were looking at—certainly not the Dead Last of their class. Rock Lee and Guy-sensei
greeted him warmly with passionate thumbs-ups, while Neji and Sasuke observed him
Eying her brothers, Temari voiced, “You better have a good reason why you nearly missed
seeing your sister off.”
“Excuse us for helping out your husband!” Kankurō returned, as he handed Naruto the
medium-sized box he’d been carrying.
Though she wanted to maintain an air of eminence—to be taken seriously—the notion that
she had a husband made pleasant emotions blossom within her. Temari was now a married
woman, and she also did adult things during parties with a highly experienced man. At the
vivid memories of Naruto between her legs the previous night, Temari actually scrunched her
face at the blush spreading from her neck to her cheeks. She couldn’t stop the clear happiness
on her face, just like she couldn’t stop Kankurō from annoying her with his taunting grin.
“Shut up!” she hollered back, focusing her attention on her husband.
Curious, Ino eyed the black box as she asked, “What’s that?”
“You remember when we met Baa-chan over a week ago?” Naruto asked her as he set the
box down.
“She’s going to hit you if you don’t stop calling her that,” Sakura remarked as Ino answered,
“Well, it was kinda bugging me that we’re married, but also not at the same time,” Naruto
“I’m going to hurl,” Kiba yelled. “I’m seriously going to throw up my entire stomach-”
“You wouldn’t smell any better, Dog Breath!” Naruto hurled back.
“Can we get a little privacy?” Kurenai asked everyone not involved. “Please,” she added for
Kiba’s benefit.
Though a few in the group seemed irked by the request, many kindly did so, leaving behind
Naruto, Temari, Ino, Hinata, and Kurenai. Eying the five from a distance, the familiar sense
of feeling left out settled into Sakura’s heart. Though she obviously couldn’t join them, she
was still one of the few that had sex with Naruto, and with every day that passes, she can’t
help but miss it… miss him.
“Like I was saying,” Naruto continued. “I thought, I want to feel more connected and then it
hit me!” he finished with a grin. Squatting to open the black box, Naruto explained, “I don’t
know why I hadn’t thought of this before, but even if we’re not all living together yet, I think
this will show how much each of you mean to me.”
After opening the case, he stood up with four smaller boxes—one red, one purple, one white,
and one tan—the size a ring would fit in. Ino gasped immediately. Temari raised her brows in
surprise, while Hinata placed a hand over her heart and tried to remain calm. Kurenai just
smiled happily, content with him and her marriage, despite how unacceptable it may be to
“Um, since we don’t have a lot of ryō just yet- ah! But I’m sure that’ll change soon,” he
hastily added, afraid they might think he wasn’t trying hard enough—not that any of the girls
thought that. “Even though I didn’t have a lot of ryō, I still wanted to get you all something
unique, because even if you’re my wives, you’re not the same. You’re you, and you should
have something that says that, right? So I asked Kankurō for help-“
Smiling, he nodded before saying, “Don’t open them yet.” Naruto extended the red box to
Kurenai, the purple to Ino, the white to Hinata, and the tan to Temari, as he explained, “I
thought, since he’s good at making puppets, he might be good at making rings.”
They each held a box, and Naruto faced Hinata first. Her hands trembled as he opened it to
reveal one of the most beautiful rings they had ever seen. Each girl gasped at the highly
decorative design of the professional setting, and though they all thought the sizable
gemstone at the center was extremely pretty, one girl nearly choked.
Hinata’s engagement ring was elegantly crafted from lustrous white silver. Its band gracefully
arched into an intricate display of lotus petals, each detailed line and curve capturing the
essence of the sacred flower. Nestled at the heart of this pure flower was a captivating pink
gemstone, its cut glinting with a soft, rosy light.
As they all appreciated her ring, Naruto expressed, “Hinata, as I’m getting to know you
better, there’s like one constant thing I think about. You’re just so lovable and pure. You’re
just about the purest person I’ve ever met. So, I went with a whitish ring and Lotus petals.”
Hinata swooned, every inch of her beautiful pale skin, blushing a deep shade of red. Naruto
then opened Temari’s box. The Suna princess’s ring was made of light gold, a hue
reminiscent of the first light of dawn. Sculpted and polished into the gold of the band was
Sunagakure’s Yellow Prickly Pear Cactus Flower, and at its core lay a pink gemstone,
mirroring the hues of the rings desert-like color.
Naruto took that to mean she liked it, and smiled as he expressed, “Temari, you’re from the
desert, but you’re more than just tough enough to survive. When we’re together, I can feel
how caring and devoted you are, to your family as much as your village. So, I asked Kankurō
to use the prettiest flower that grows in the dessert. The Yellow Prickly Pear Flower isn’t just
beautiful, but it’s also strong, and enduring, just like you.”
With eyes so wide, Naruto actually feared Ino might pull a muscle in her face, he cautiously
opened the Yamanaka’s ring box, and she instantly squeaked at the sight of it. Ino’s ring was
lustrous silver, and the band’s lighter hue was etched with an exquisitely crafted array of
feathers that seemed to curl around a pink gemstone—clear and shimmering against the
feathery embrace.
She was speechless as he said with love in his voice, “Ino, you’re one of the most confident
and daring girls I’ve ever met. You love to have fun. You love life, and you never apologize
for it. Sometimes when I look at you, you make me think, ‘Wow, this girl is just awesome!’ I
came up with feathers because of Tora-chan, and just like her, you’re beautiful and free.”
Turning to face one of the most important loves of his life, Naruto opened Kurenai’s red box,
displaying a wedding ring that was made of rose gold, etched with lifelike detail of rose
petals all around the band, as if plucked from a midsummer garden, and at its center—like the
other rings—was a rich pink gemstone that mirrored the hues of the rose gold it was set in.
Looking deep into her eyes, Naruto declared, “Kurenai, more than your love of teaching,
when I look at you, all I can think about is a bright future, of friends, of family, of love.
There’s so much of it that I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you—with each of
you,” he added, turning to them as well.
Shaking her head as she gazed at her enchanting ring, Kurenai gasped, “If we weren’t in
public…” the indication was clear.
“Agreed, agreed, very much agreed,” a blushing Temari added enthusiastically, fanning
Hinata was blushing red, and wobbled on her feet, as if ready to pass out, but nodded.
Of the four, Ino was the only one looking at them like they were crazy. She yelled at the top
Taken aback by her outburst, everyone turned to her, registering her expression of genuine
shock and awe. Some of the other ninja gathered moved closer to hear better or see the rings.
“What happened? She didn’t like it?” a tired Kankurō asked. Irritated in a flash, he quickly
added before anyone could even respond, “You know how hard I worked on those?!”
“Hey! I helped too,” Naruto rebuked. “You would’ve taken a month if not for my Fūinjutsu!”
Turning to the girls, he proudly boasted, “I had to create a heating pad and polishing-
“STOP! STOP! STOP!” Ino yelled, drawing a lot of concern from everyone. “Sakura!”
Though hesitant, Sakura neared her childhood friend, and Ino extended the ring box toward
her. At the sight of the exquisite ring, Sakura swooned, moaning, “Awwwwwe, that’s so-
GUAH!” She grunted once she got a better look at the pink gem. Staring wide-eyed between
the ring and Ino, then the ring and Naruto, Sakura screamed, “Is that…?!”
With a huff, Ino rubbed her forehead as she replied with disbelief, “Kami, I think it is…”
“What is going on?” Temari slowly asked her sister-wife. “You’re not making any sense…
and honestly, kind of ruining the moment.”
Turning to Kurenai, Ino said, “I’m surprised you don’t know. Haven’t you looked at wedding
rings before?”
Eying everyone that had gathered with the exception of Asuma, Kurenai came to the
realization that something was amiss. Returning her attention to Ino, she answered, “I have,
but… well, there was only one man… I didn’t think it was a good idea to rush into anything,
so I didn’t research too deeply. Is a pink gemstone significant?”
Momentarily forgetting about decorum, Sakura argued, “It’s not just a pink gemstone, like
Rose Quartz or, Kami forbid, Pink Spinel.”
With mounting disbelief, Ino turned to Naruto and asked, “Where did you get this? You said
you didn’t have ryō to buy a ring. But even if you just bought the gemstone—a pink
diamond! These stones are like the royalty of the gem world! This shade-”
“Vivid pink with exceptional clarity!” Sakura quickly interjected, the diamond super-up-
close to her eye.
“That’s gotta be worth… at least…” Ino began to speculate, only to pause as she tried to
recall the global market. Everyone was now huddled around, having heard everything Ino had
said. They waited with bated breath until the pinkette gasped.
“F-F-F-Four hundred million ryō!” Sakura gasped, sending a wave of shock and awe through
the group. Karin gasped deeply from her gut and suddenly felt woozy and disoriented.
“Wait, it’s pink,” Temari asserted. “I’ve seen diamonds. The expensive ones are all big and
“Pink diamonds are the rarest in the world,” Ino explained. “You don’t see them in markets
because only the Daimyō, their wives, and wealthiest tradesmen have them.”
Looking at Ino and Sakura with skepticism, as if wondering why kunoichi would be so into
jewelry, the Suna girl asked, “How do you know this?”
“You don’t think we fantasized about what ring Sas- our future husband would propose
with?” Sakura returned, regretting her near slip-up. “Plus, my father is a tradesman. He deals
with all sorts of goods and merchandise.”
Focusing on her husband, Ino asked with some measure of exasperation, “Naruto, where did
you get this diamond?”
Twenty-one pairs of eyes all descend on Naruto for an explanation, who had simply been
trying to absorb the surprising news.
When Naruto details, “All I needed was an example of the electromagnetic properties and
thermal conductivity of a gem—really interesting stuff—so I picked the crystal from
Tsunade-baachan’s necklace. I made a bunch of clones and we ran all around the forest and
mountain, using chakra to enhance the range of the electromagnetic field, so it went super
deep. Then I got a hit. I found a few, but I thought, ‘girls like pink,’ so I went with that and
gave it to Kankurō to cut and stuff.”
Karin smacked her forehead and Haku only smiled proudly as Sakura gripped Naruto’s
shoulder and pleaded to know, “There’s more?!”
At the same time, Temari turned to her brother and quickly asked, “How much is left?!”
Now Kankurō looked fearful, but answered, “Uh, I don’t know. A couple chunks, I guess.
There was enough for seven or so rings.” Suddenly recalling his payment, Kankurō pointed at
Naruto and yelled, “He said I could have some!”
“Mah, now, let’s all take a breath and calm down,” Kakashi cut in. “I’d like to remind you
we’re on a mission.” Turning to Naruto and his wives, he added, “Considering the cover of
this mission, I’ll only permit you to wear them once we reach Kumogakure. Until then, they
stay stored.”
“He’s right. We should get going,” Naruto declared. Turning to the girls, he asked, “But you
do like it, right?”
Ino immediately hugged Naruto, heaving a screeching gasp from Kiba. Temari, Kurenai, and
Hinata quickly followed. “Are you kidding,” Ino replied. “This is actually too much to take!”
“Please keep the rings,” Naruto begged, hugging them back. “I don’t want this to be like that
flower all over again.”
When they pulled apart, Karin stepped forward to ask, “Can you leave a clone? The Uzumaki
clan has to jump on this right now! We need to expand right away!”
“Can you use my dad?” Sakura asked. “He has a ton of contacts that can help you.”
As many of them began walking out of the gate, Naruto hugged Karin and told her, “About
that guy we want to help, you can tell him and Baachan about the chains. I still don’t want
you to offer your arm to anybody, but if the chains can help, we should try.”
Naruto hadn’t expected Karin to hug him tighter, but enjoyed it. He hugged Haku next,
saying, “Take care of our home.”
He created a clone for her before disappearing to his team. Naruto was on a mission to rescue
his fellow Jinchūriki, confront the formidable Madara, and, above all else, save Naru-nii. The
path ahead of him was shrouded in uncertainty. He couldn’t be certain of what he would face
or what truths he would come to discover. However, he had absolute faith he’ll do everything
humanly capable of protecting those he loves, and vowed with every fiber of his being that he
will stop the Infinite Tsukuyomi from ever happening.
Any mistakes, let me know. Unlike COA, I don't have beta readers here. And this was a
big chapter.
Fellow fanfic readers, I must regretfully inform you that The Last Prayer is GOING ON
HIATUS. Sorry. But I feel I left it off in a good spot. The reason for the hiatus is simple
and two-fold. One, I’m tired of being broke. And by broke, I mean I’m one car accident
or serious health issue away from being worried about paying bills. I’m about to reach
middle age and this paycheck to paycheck/trading my finite time for money at a
meaningless job isn’t cutting it anymore. I need to focus on my career, which brings me
to my second reason: I love writing stories, and I have over a dozen good ideas for
original content just sitting there, waiting to be written. I could spend the next two years
just banging those out and maybe begin generating enough income that I can drop down
to a part-time position or stop working all together.
So, I plan to do one of two things. Either I’m going to not write a single chapter of The
Last Prayer or From Ruin for the next two years and pump out as many of my original
ideas as possible(the goal is 8 in two years), or I’m going to write my novels, and in
between each book, I write a chapter of one of my fics. I haven’t decided which option
I’ll take yet, but I like the second idea because the fanfic chapter between novels could
be like a palette cleanser. I can also do some advertising for my work, because the faster
I get to a position where my books are earning serious returns, the more time I’ll have to
finish my fics. I feel like From Ruin has another 250-300K left before I hit that complete
button. And The Last Prayer feels like it has another 300-400K left to go before it’s
done. Guys and gals, I want to finish my fics—I want to finish anything I start in general
—but they would take me no less than two years, and I NEED to set my financial life up
for success, especially now that I’m going to enter the latter half of my life.
Anyway, wish me luck. Once I'm doing decent financially, expect more fanfictions. I
love diving into other worlds. It feels like vacation to me.
Take Care,
Works inspired by this one
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