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PBL Engineering Survey

Group 19

Date of Submission 20/6/2024

Lecturer Dr Zamri Bin Bujang
1. Ong Wen Jing (100739)
Group members 2. Glenda Renes Anak James Tephon (99044)
3. Muhammad Nur Hakimi Bin Ratino (99972)
















Surveying deals primarily with geometric measurements on the earth's surface, the
computation of derived quantities, e.g. coordinates, areas etc., and the representation of these
numerical data in graphical form, such as in plans or maps (Kahmen & Faig, 1988). Land surveying
in civil engineering often entails measuring horizontal and vertical distances between sites. It also
offers detailed descriptions of the land structure and surface characteristics. Surveying is also the
process of establishing points using specified angular and linear measurements. The size and
volume of a certain piece of land can be estimated using surveying's plans, sections, and maps.

Based on the data provided, several methods can be used to calculate the necessary
information, with the first method being the traverse survey. Traverse survey is a method of
establishing control points and the distances between the control points is measured to determine
the positions of any point and the angles subtended at the various stations by their neighbouring
stations (Schofield & Breach, 2007). Traverse surveying is conducted to determine the latitude and
departure of every station. It involves a framework made up of interconnected survey lines whose
directions and lengths are measured using angle measuring devices. This method uses a total
station to measure the angles between the lines immediately. Prism or reflectorless technology can
be employed for these measurements. In the prism method, the total station emits invisible infrared
radiation reflected by the prism, typically mounted on a pole. The total station calculates the
prism's location or coordinates by measuring its position and knowing the exact angle and distance
to it. In contrast, the reflectorless approach uses a visible red laser beam to measure points on any
surface capable of reflecting it, with a range of 400 to 2000 meters. The surveying sector often
faces challenges in collecting data from remote locations, but the development of reflectorless total
stations has made it possible to survey previously unreachable places. This implies this method
can be done in areas not safe for surveyors to access directly.

To determine the coordinate and reduced level of the telecommunication tower, the
triangulation method is the most suitable approach. Triangulation is typically associated with
research methods and designs. However, there are several other variations on the term.
Triangulation may be the use of multiple theories, data sources, methods or investigators within
the study of a single phenomenon (Heale & Forbes, 2013). This method involves measuring the
angles formed by three survey control points in a triangle. The other distances in the triangle are
determined using trigonometry and the measured length of only one side. Triangulation is used to
provide precise control points for large-area planes and geodetic surveys. It is essential for
conducting photogrammetric surveys over vast regions, where accurate ground control points must
be established.

The final survey method to be used is levelling, specifically trigonometric levelling.

Levelling is the process of determining the relative elevations of different objects or points on the
surface of earth by taking measurements in the vertical plane (Gopi, 2009). Trigonometric levelling
is a form of surveying that uses vertical angle measurements and known distances to determine
the vertical distance between two points. This approach is used to calculate the tower's height and
the reduced level at the top, providing the necessary data for accurate mapping and construction


The objectives for this survey are:

1. To determine the coordinate of the telecommunication tower.

2. To determine the height telecommunication tower.
3. To determine the reduced level at the top of the tower.


During this survey, there are 4 types of method used to determine height, coordinate and
reduced level which is traverse survey, levelling survey, reflectorless method and triangulation.

Firstly, to obtain the coordinate for each station, from station N19 to N10, we have
conducted a traverse survey where the coordinate of station N19 was assumed to be
(520000.000N, 2020000.000E). This method uses theodolite to obtain bearing and distances
from one control point to another control point. So, we can calculate the latitude and departure
for each station by using the bearing and distances obtained. Besides, all this information was
recorded in a booking form and the objective which is gaining coordinates for each station
achieved. The type of surveying used in this method is a close survey.

Secondly, to obtain the bearing and distances of station N20 and station N21 to the
telecommunication tower, we have conducted a reflectorless method. The distance of the station
must be in the range of 350m to 400m. This method is using a visible red laser beam instead of
using prism that enable the user to measure a point from any reflectible surface.

Other than that, we conducted a triangulation method. By measuring the length of one
side of each triangle and estimating the angles and lengths of the other two sides by observation
from this baseline, triangulation surveying involves tracing and measuring a series or network of
triangles to determine distances and relative positions of points spread over an area. We have
conducted at three points which is telecommunication tower, N20, and N21. Interior angles were
counted and the coordinates of the
telecommunication tower can be calculated using the bearing and the distances from selected
stations. The height of the telecommunication tower can be obtained by adding both H1 and H2.

Last but not least, to obtain the reduced level of the telecommunication tower, we have
conducted a levelling method. Levelling is a process of taking the measurement of the level of
the ground in the vertical plane. The rise and fall method used for the calculation and it starts at
BM100 and ends at BM 100.



Measures horizontal and vertical angles, and

slope distance to objects, combining a
theodolite with an electronic distance
measurement (EDM) device.

Total Station

Reflects signals from EDM devices like total

stations to ensure accurate distance


Provides a stable support for surveying

equipment, including theodolites, total
stations, levels, and transits.


Marks the centre position for total stations and
prisms and denotes specific points on the


Drives pegs into the ground at survey points,

ensuring secure placement.


Establishes or verifies points in the same

horizontal plane during leveling, used with a
leveling staff to determine relative heights.

Automatic level

A graduated rod used with a leveling

instrument to measure height differences
between points or elevations above a datum.

Levelling staff


Traverse survey:

1. 9 points are marked throughout the survey location and labelled as N18, N19, N20, N21,
N22, N23, N12, N11 and N10 respectively.
2. A total station is plumbed over N19 and accurately levelled. Prisms are plumber over N18
and N20.
3. N18 is sighted on face left by the total station to set the required horizontal angle. The
reading is recorded.
4. N20 is sighted on face left by the total station and the horizontal angle is recorded.
5. The total station is set to face right and the reading to N18 is taken again.
6. N20 is sighted on face right by the total station and the reading is taken.
7. To measure the distance, centre of prism at N20 is collimated. The reading is recorded.
8. The total station is moved over to the tripod plumbed over N20 and prisms are plumbed
over N19 and N21. N19 is sighted on face left with total station set to the reading taken
from step 4 above.
9. N21 is sighted on face left and the horizontal angle is recorded.
10. The total station is set to face right and N19 is sighted again, then N20 is sighted and the
reading is recorded.
11. The centre of the prism is collimated at N21 and the distance is recorded.
12. Step 8 to 11 is repeated until the final position is at N10.

Reflectorless method:

1. Reflectorless mode was set in the total station.

2. Following the same procedure as the traverse survey, at control point N20 a total station
was placed.
3. The number of stations intended for a specific location in the tower used can be seen by a
red laser beam that allows the user to determine or measure a point from any reflective
4. The number of stations is then transferred to control point N21.
5. Based on point N21, the total station is then targeted to the same location where it has been
previously aimed at the tower.
6. All bearings and distances between the tower and each control point were recorded.
7. Aiming at the top and bottom of the tower yields its vertical angle. The tower’s vertical
angle was recorded.
8. Another measurement and recording are made of the height between the point and the total

Triangulation method:

1. Points N20, N21, and the telecommunication tower are used in this method.
2. The horizontal distance between the tower to the control point N20 and N21 was calculated
by using the sine rule.
3. The coordinates and height of the tower were calculated based on the bearing and distances
of the selected station that has distances to the tower in the range of 350 to 400m and the
interior angles from selected station respectively.
4. H1 and H2 were calculated using the tan rule with interior angles, and distances of selected
5. The height of the tower, HT was calculated by computing H1 and H2.
6. All the data were recorded.

Levelling survey

1. The levelling staff is placed on the benchmark (BM), which has a determined reduced level
(RL) of 30.000 m.
2. The automatic level is set up as the benchmark (BM) can be seen.
3. The reading from the levelling staff is taken when it is held vertically. This point is taken
as backsight (BS).
4. The levelling staff is moved to N23, and the reading is taken. This reading is recorded as
intermediate sight (IS).
5. Another levelling staff is moved to another point that have the same distance as the
automatic level with initial point. This point is the first change point (CP1), and the reading
is taken. The reading is recorded as foresight (FS). The levelling staff remained still to
make sure that the point is maintain at the same level.
6. The auto level is set up at another point with the same distance as before with CP1. The
levelling staff on CP1 is carefully turned so that it faces the auto level, and the reading is
taken. The reading is recorded as BS.
7. The levelling staff is moved to point N22, and the reading is taken. The reading is recorded
as IS.
8. The levelling staff is then moved to another change point (CP2) and the reading is taken.
The reading is recorded as FS because after the reading is taken, the automatic level is
moved to a new position and the levelling staff is left at CP2.
9. Step 6 to 8 is repeated until the final staff position is returned to the starting point which is
the benchmark.

Trigonometric levelling

1. A total station is plumbed over the nearest control point to the tower with known reduced
level after conducting levelling.
2. The total station is sighted to the base of the tower and the vertical angle is taken.
3. The total station is then sighted to the top of the tower and the vertical angle is recorded.


Traverse Survey

Table 1.0 below is the Traverse Booking Form. The coordinates of station N19 is 520000.000N,
2020000.000E and the bearing and distance of each station is stated in the table.

Station Latitude Departure Coordinates

Bearing Distance

From To N+ S- W+ E- N E
N19 520000.000 2020000.000
N20 246° 30'20'' 115.333m 45.979 105.772 519954.021 2019894.228
N21 292°45’10’’ 149.675m 57.888 138.028 520011.909 2019756.200
N22 312°20’30’’ 162.931m 109.742 120.429 520121.651 2019635.771
N23 333°04’40’’ 120.553m 107.488 54.584 520229.139 2019581.187
N12 274°55’00’’ 178.025m 15.258 177.370 520244.397 2019403.817
N11 251°40’10’’ 196.987m 61.952 186.991 520182.445 2019216.826
N10 275°30’50’’ 225.818m 21.698 224.773 520204.143 2018992.053
Table 1 Traverse Booking Form

Assume the coordinate of N19 (520000.000 m, 2020000.000m).

ΔN = L cos θ
Equation above is used to calculate the latitude.
Where L is the distance and θ is the bearing.

ΔE = L sin θ
Equation above is used to calculate the departure.
Where L is the distance and θ is the bearing.

From station N19 to N20,
Latitude, Δ LN19/N20 = 115.333 cos (246°30’20”) = - 45.979
Departure, Δ DN19/N20 = 115.333 sin (246°30’20”) = - 105.772
ΔN = 520000.000 - 45.979
= 519954.021
ΔE = 2020000.000 - 105.772
= 2019894.228
Coordinate of N20 (519954.021m,2019894.228m)

From station N20 to N21,

Latitude, Δ LN20/N21 = 149.675m cos (292°45’10”) = 57.888m
Departure, Δ DN20/N21 = 149.675m sin (292°45’10”) = - 138.028m

ΔN = 519954.021 + 57.888
= 520011.909
ΔE = 2019894.228 - 138.028
= 2019756.200
Coordinate N21(520011.909m,2019756.200m)

From station N21 to N22,

Latitude, Δ LN21/N22 = 162.931m cos (312°20’30”) = 109.742m
Departure, Δ DN21/N22 = 162.931m sin (312°20’30”) = - 120.429m

ΔN = 520011.909 + 109.742
= 520121.651
ΔE = 2019756.200 - 120.429
= 2019635.771
Coordinate of N22(520121.651m,2019635.771m)

From station N22 to N23,
Latitude, Δ LN22/N23 = 120.553m cos (333°04’40”) = 107.488m
Departure, Δ DN22/N23 = 120.553m sin (333°04’40”) = - 54.584m

ΔN = 520121.651 + 107.488
= 520229.139
ΔE = 2019635.771 - 54.584
= 2019581.187
Coordinate of N23(520229.139m,2019581.187m)

From station N23 to N12,

Latitude, Δ LN23/N12 = 178.025m cos (274°55’00”) = 15.258m
Departure, Δ DN23/N12 = 178.025m sin (274°55’00”) = - 177.370m

ΔN = 520229.139 + 15.258
= 520244.397
ΔE = 2019581.187 - 177.370
= 2019403.817
Coordinate of N12(520244.397m, 2019403.817m)

From station N12 to N11,

Latitude, Δ LN12/N11 = 196.987m cos (251°40’10”) = - 61.952m
Departure, Δ DN12/N11 = 196.987m sin (251°40’10”) = - 186.991m

ΔN = 520244.397 - 61.952
= 520182.445
ΔE = 2019403.817 - 186.991
= 2019216.826
Coordinate of N11(520182.445m, 2019216.826m)

From station N11 to N10,
Latitude, Δ LN11/N10 = 225.818m cos (275°30’50”) = 21.698m
Departure, Δ DN11/N10 = 225.818m sin (275°30’50”) = - 224.773m

ΔN = 520182.445 - 61.952
= 520204.143
ΔE = 2019216.826 - 186.991
= 2018992.053
Coordinate of N10(520204.143m, 2018992.053m)

Reflectorless Method
The distance between the control station and the telecommunication tower will be
calculated using control stations N20 and N21. This is due to the fact that control stations N20 and
N21 are the ones that have the smallest distance to the telecommunication tower than the rest of
the control points. Moreover, the 350 to 400m distance between the total station and the
telecommunication tower will be utilized in further calculations. Table 1 displays the results of
traverse survey calculations, which indicate that the bearing from station N20 to N21 is
292°45’10’'. The N20 and N21 control station bearing can be determined to the telecommunication
tower by the use of non-reflective methods. The bearing control station N20 to the
telecommunication tower is 232 ° 20’ 20’’ and the bearing control station to N21 to the
telecommunication tower is 211° 20’ 20’’, according to the non-reflective approach.

Figure 1 Shows the bearing of N20 to N21 to the telecommunication tower


Figure 2 Location of N20, N21 and tower

The interior angle of each point is calculated as follow:

β= 211°20’20’’ - 112°45’10’’
= 98°35’10’’

α= 292°45’10’’ - 232°20’20’’
= 60°24’50’’

γ = 180°- 60°24’50’’ - 98°35’10’’

= 21°00’00’’

By using sine rule formula, the distance between N20 and N21 to the tower is calculated as below.

Figure 3 Sine Rule

Distance N21 to the tower: Distance N20 to the tower:

149.675 𝐴 149.675 𝐵
= 𝑠𝑖𝑛 60°24′ 50′′ = 𝑠𝑖𝑛 98°35′ 10′′
sin21°00′ 00′′ 𝑠𝑖𝑛 21°00′ 00′′

A = 363.201m B = 412.976m

The coordinate of tower where N20 as reference,

N = N20 + ΔN Tower
= 519954.021 + 412.976 COS 232°20’20’’
= 519701.697

E = E20 + ΔE Tower
= 2019894.228 + 412.976 sin 232°20’20’’
= 2019567.300

The coordinate of tower where N21 as reference,

N = N21 + ΔN Tower
= 520011.909 + 363.201 cos 211°20’20’’
= 519701.697

E = E21 + ΔE Tower
= 2019756.200 + 363.201 sin 211°20’20’’
= 2019567.300

Hence, there is no misclosure and the coordinate of the tower is 519701.697N, 2019567.300E.

Levelling Survey (Rise and Fall Method)

Figure 4 The figure shows the location of each change point


(+) (-) RL RL
1.237 30.000 0.000 30.000 BM100
1.336 0.099 29.901 -0.002 29.899 N23
1.301 1.112 0.224 30.125 -0.002 30.123 CP1
1.496 0.195 29.930 -0.003 29.927 N22
0.889 2.040 0.544 29.386 -0.003 29.383 CP2
1.253 1.306 0.417 28.969 -0.005 28.964 CP3
0.906 0.347 29.316 -0.006 29.310 N21
1.191 0.285 29.031 -0.006 29.025 N20
0.880 0.311 29.342 -0.006 29.336 N19
1.254 0.251 0.629 29.971 -0.006 29.965 CP4
1.387 0.828 0.426 30.397 -0.008 30.389 CP5
0.886 1.721 0.334 30.063 -0.009 30.054 CP6
1.085 1.097 0.211 29.852 -0.011 29.841 CP7
0.925 0.160 30.012 -0.012 30.000 BM100
Σ𝐵𝑆=9.292 Σ𝐹𝑆=9.280 Σ𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠=2.097 Σ𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑠=2.085

Table 2 Rise and Fall Levelling Booking


The error of misclosure which is arithmetic checking is calculated using the formula as follows:

Σ𝐵𝑆 − Σ𝐹𝑆 = Σ𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 − Σ𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑠 = 𝐿𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑅𝐿 − 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑅𝐿

The allowable misclosure for levelling is determined and calculated using this formula:

𝐶 = ±10√𝑛


C= the allowable misclosure

𝑛=the number of station setup or the total number of backsight (BS)

The Calculation of Initial Reduced Level:

1. BM100 to N23 8. N20 to N19

1.237 - 1.336 = -0.099 1.191 - 0.880 = +0.311
Reduced Level Reduced Level
= 30.000 - 0.099 = 29.031 + 0.311
= 29.901 = 29.342

2. N23 to CP1 9. N19 to CP4

1.336 - 1.112 = +0.224 0.880 - 0.251 = +0.629
Reduced Level Reduced Level
= 29.901 + 0.224 = 29.342 + 0.629
= 30.125 = 29.971

3. CP1 to N22 10. CP4 to CP5
1.301 - 1.496 = -0.195 1.254 - 0.828 = +0.426
Reduced Level Reduced Level
= 30.125 - 0.195 = 29.971 + 0.426
= 29.930 = 30.397

4. N22 to CP2 11. CP5 to CP6

1.496 - 2.040 = -0.544 1.387 - 1.721 = -0.334
Reduced Level Reduced Level
= 30.125 - 0.544 = 30.397 - 0.334
= 29.386 = 30.063

5. CP2 to CP3 12. CP6 to CP7

0.889 - 1.306 = -0.417 0.886 - 1.097 = -0.211
Reduced Level Reduced Level
= 29.386 - 0.417 = 29.342 - 0.211
= 28.969 = 29.852

6. CP3 to N21 13. CP7 to BM100

1.253 - 0.906 = +0.347 1.085 - 0.925 = +0.160
Reduced Level Reduced Level
= 28.969 + 0.347 = 29.852 + 0.160
= 29.316 = 30.012

7. N21 to N20
0.906 - 1.191 = -0.285
Reduced Level
= 29.316 - 0.285
= 29.031

The total of back sight (BS), Foresight (FS), and Rise and Fall:

Σ𝐵𝑆 = 9.292 Σ𝐹𝑆 = 9.280 Σ𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑒 = 2.097 Σ𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 2.085

The Checking:

Σ𝐵𝑆 − Σ𝐹𝑆 = Σ𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 − Σ𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑠 = 𝐿𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑅𝐿 − 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑅𝐿


= 9.292 − 9.280

= 0. 012 𝑚

Σ𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 − Σ𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑠

= 2.097 − 2.085

= 0. 012 𝑚

𝐿𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑅𝐿 − 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑅𝐿

= 30.012 − 30.000

= 0. 012 𝑚

Σ𝐵𝑆 − Σ𝐹𝑆 = Σ𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑠 − Σ𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑠 = 𝐿𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑅𝐿 − 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑅𝐿 = 0. 012𝑚

The misclosure is:

𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒

= ±𝑚√𝑛

= ±10√8

= ±28.28𝑚𝑚

= ±0.028𝑚

𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 = 30.012 − 30.000 = 0. 012 𝑚 (Acceptable)

Therefore, the misclosure of 0.012 m is acceptable because it is smaller than the allowable
misclosure, which is ± 0. 028𝑚.

Adjusting the misclosure:

𝐴𝑑𝑗 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑢𝑝 = − = −0.0015𝑚

𝐴𝑑𝑗 1 = 1 × (− ) = −0.002𝑚

𝐴𝑑𝑗 2 = 2 × (− ) = −0.003𝑚

𝐴𝑑𝑗 3 = 3 × (− ) = −0.005𝑚

𝐴𝑑𝑗 4 = 4 × (− ) = −0.006𝑚

𝐴𝑑𝑗 5 = 5 × (− ) = −0.008𝑚

𝐴𝑑𝑗 6 = 6 × (− ) = −0.009𝑚

𝐴𝑑𝑗 7 = 7 × (− ) = −0.011𝑚

𝐴𝑑𝑗 8 = 8 × (− ) = −0.012𝑚

After conducting the levelling survey, the data are as shown in the table above. The
reduced N21 level is 29.310 m.

Calculate the Interior Angles for Top and Bottom of the Tower

By using the reflector less method, vertical angles of the tower from station N21 pointed to the
top and the bottom of the tower were measured using a visible red laser beam. The vertical angle
from station N21 to the top of the tower is 84°39’35”, while the vertical angle from the total
station N21 to the bottom of tower is 93°42’09”.

Figure 5 The figure shoes the vertical angles taken by using reflectorless method from N21
The Calculation of the Interior Angles for Top and Bottom of the Tower:

∠𝑇𝑜𝑝 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑇𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟

= 90°00’00” − 84°39’35”

= 5°20’25”

∠𝐵𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑇𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟

= 93°42’09” − 90°00’00”

= 3°42’09”

Figure 6 The interior angles for both top and bottom of the tower
The tan rule was used to find the top and the bottom height, H1 and H2 of the tower by using the
interior angles that were calculated above. The tan rule equation is displayed at Figure 7 below.

Figure 7 The tan rule equation

The calculation for the height H1(top) and H2(bottom):

Distance from N21 to Telecommunication Tower = 363.201 m

𝐻1 = 363.201 𝑡𝑎𝑛 (5°20’25”)

= 33.951 𝑚

𝐻2 = 363.201 𝑡𝑎𝑛 (3°42’09”)

= 23.503 𝑚

The height of the Telecommunication Tower:

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐻 = 𝐻1 + 𝐻2

= 33.951 + 23. 503

= 57.454 𝑚

From the calculations adobe shows that the height of the telecommunication tower is 57.454 m.

Figure 8 Shows Height of the Tower

Based on the calculation previously, the height of the telecommunication tower has already been
calculated whereas the value is separated into two which is H1 and H2. The height of H1 is 33.951
m and the height of H2 is 23.503 m. To identify the reduced level of the telecommunication tower,
the trigonometric levelling will be used, where the reduced level of the telecommunication tower
base must by calculated first to get the final reduced level of the telecommunication tower.

The Base (H2) of the Telecommunication Tower Reduced Level:

𝑅𝐿𝐵𝐴𝑆𝐸 = Reduced level of N21 – H2

= 29.310 m – 23.503 m

= 5.807 m

The Top (H1) of the Telecommunication Tower Reduced Level:

𝑅𝐿𝑇𝑂𝑃 = Σ Height of Tower + RLBASE

= 57.454 m + 5.807 m

= 63.261 m

Following completion of the necessary calculations for the reduced level, the reduced level for
the top of the telecommunication tower has been determined to be 63.261 m.


Coordinates were obtained by calculating the variations in latitude and departure between
station locations from N20 to N10 after the traverse survey was completed. The calculated values
for latitude and departure are shown in Table 1.0 of the Traverse Booking Form, along with the
coordinates for each point. Coordinates are determined using the provided equations, beginning at
the initial point at N19, which is given as (520000.000m, 2020000.000m), and then preceding
linearly. The table additionally displays the control point coordinates, departure, latitude and full
calculation from N20 to N10.

The tower’s direction was then determined using a survey that uses the reflectorless method.
By using the closest control stations, N20 and N21, which re both located close to the
telecommunication tower, the bearing and distance of the tower were measured. Then, the distance
is verified using the triangulation method using the sine rule in Figure 3. At 363.201m, which is
within the permissible range of 350m to 400m, control point N21 was found to be the closet
location to the telecommunication tower. The tower’s coordinates were then computed as
519701.697N, 2019567.300E.

In addition, the vertical angle of the tower was measured from the control point N21. The
internal angle was then calculated. The tangent rule serves as the foundation for the calculation
used to calculate the height of the communication towers This computation technique was utilized
to determine the tower’s elevation, which is 57.454m.

Furthermore, BM100 was used as the benchmark for a levelling survey that was carried
out at the control point. The results are shown in Table 2. The levelling process for this survey,
referred as closed-loop levelling, begins and ends at BM100. The measurements were taken using
the Rise and Fall Method. Each point’s reduced level (RL) was calculated by adding the preceding
RL to either the rise or fall value obtained. After that, misclosure was corrected by adjusting the
reduced level. The reduced level of N21 was found to be 29.316m.

Moreover, employing trigonometric levelling enables the calculation of the reduced level
at the tip of the telecommunication tower. Prior to the computing the tower’s reduced level,
important details such as the distance from N21 to the tower, the reduced level of N21 and the
height of the total station must be established. Hence, the reduced level at the top of the
telecommunication tower was 63.261m.

Potential errors and precaution steps in fieldwork

Accuracy is crucial when conducting fieldwork since error can arise, requiring careful
precaution to mitigate their impact. Firstly, environmental conditions and temperature can
affect the performance of total station during traverse survey. In hot climates, overheating of
equipment batteries can lead to prolonged recalibration needs, potentially extending survey
times. Therefore, it is suggested to hover an umbrella above the total station to prevent from
getting direct heat and sunlight. (Mishra, 2017)

Moreover, modern reflectorless method utilizing phase shift or pulse laser modes while
extending measurement ranges significantly, introduce new challenges. Error can occur due to
signal reflection from unintended surfaces along the instrument-target line, such as leaves or
other obstacles. (Key,H,Editor, et al,2023) .To avoid this issue, surveyors have to choose target
surface wisely with good reflectivity.

Furthermore, Singh (2023) states that precise tripod placement is crucial to prevent
disturbance during measuring to avoid inaccuracies in readings. It is suggested that to set up
the tripod at a solid ground rather than soft ground to ensure the tripod is not moved. In addition
to that, another precaution to be noted is to step on the tripod pedal to ensure the tripod steel
feet hooks into the ground.


Based on this survey, we are able to obtain the height, coordinate, location and reduced level
of the telecommunication tower by executing the traversing with prism, traversing with
reflectorless method, triangulation of survey, and trigonometric levelling. The nearest control
station to the telecommunication tower is N21 with distance 363.201m. Besides, the coordinate of
the top of the telecommunication tower is 519701.697N, 2019567.300E while the height of the
tower is 63.261m and the reduced level is 29.310 m.


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Appendix 1 Task distribution


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