11th Eng Quarterly Model
11th Eng Quarterly Model
11th Eng Quarterly Model
TIME: 3.00 HRS
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Answer all the questions.
Choose the correct synonyms for the underlined words from the options glven. I left.
1. With this prlncev sum and a little more that had been collected from people,
a) kingly b) large c) enough d) anger
Chemists make their fortunes out of the medicines people forget to take.
a) game b) factory c) popularity d) riches
3. There was no sound but a curious smotheradnoise from my friend.
a) strange b) suppressed c) expressed d) great
Choose the correct antonyms for the underlined words from the options gven.
4. They consoled me and audad me on the silver win.
a) blamed b) praised c) added d) removed
5. Memories prevent them from remembering to do such small prosalcthings.
a) boring b) interesting c) poetic d) compelling
6. In order to find a remote place in which to lean against the wall and laugh.
c) near by d) unsafe
a) far off b) inconvenient
7. Select the correct exppansion of "MRI"
a) Magnetic Resonance lmage b) Magnetic Resonance Imaging
c) Magnetic Resonance Interlock d) Magnetic Resonance Inter
8. Choose the sultable option to pair it with the word 'bee' to form a compoundword.
a) hive b) knob c) lashes d) piece
9. Form a derlvative by adding the right surbx to the word 'generoa'.
a) -ance b) -able c) - ful d) - ity
10. Cho0se the meaningg of the forelgn word in the sentences.
The students joined the movement gnmasse
c) brilliant d) as a whole group
a) confident b) punctual
11. Choose the rght definition for the glven term "Xenophobia".
d) Fear of pictures
a) Fear of rain b) Fear of strangers c) Fear of light
12. Add sultable question tag to the following statement.
Nelther of my ho brothers helped me In that situation,
a) haven't they b) shouldn't they c) didn't they d) did they
13. Replace the underlined word with a phrasal verb.
He gscapedfrom the jail.
a) run away b) put away c) look away d) agree away
14. Add a sutable prefix to the root word-"rospect".
a) im b) dis c) un d) i|
15. One who studies reptiles and amphiblans ls called a
a) herpetologist b) psychologist c) pathologist d) physiologist
16. Fill in the blank with the sultable prepositlon.
Thestudents discussOd the problem themselves.
a) into b) between c) among d) upon
17. Choose the clpped form of the word "photograph.
a) photo b) graph c) photogra d) togra
18. Substute the underlined word with the appropriate polite alternative.
He is a fat man.
a) slow learner b) full-figured c) senior citizen d) hair dresser
19. Substtute the phrasal verb in the sentenoe with a single word.
The police officer looked intothe case.
a) examine b) finish c) halt d) postpone
20. Fll in the blank with a suitable relatve pronoun.
The flm ls about a loader Jod the freedom strigle of his country.
a) that b) what c) who d) whose
Part- I|
Tamilnadu Kerala Andra Karnataka
Questions :
A) Which state has the lowest child mortality rate?
B) Which state has the highest child mortality rate?
C) What is the child mortality in Karnataka?
38. Build adialogue of minimum 3exchanges between a book seller and a
39. Describe the process of making lime julce.
40. Complete the proverbs using the words given below.
a. Bare wordsbuy no (barley, homer, thick)
b is worship. (perfect, time, work)
C. Truth triumphs. (empty, iron, alone)
IV. Answer the following : 7*6=35
41. Answer in a paragraph on any one of the following in about 150 words.
a) What does Robert Lynd try to convey in his essay on 'Forgetting'?
b) Why was Mary Kom named the 'Queen of Boxing' and 'Magnificent Mary'?
42. Answer in aparagraph on any one of the folowing in about 150 words.
a) Write an appreciation of the poem "Confessions of a born spectator".
b) Bring out the message of the poem " Lines written in early spring"?
43. Wrte a paragraph (150 words) by developing for the following hints.
Philip- London- saltpen ago- bertie- lucky colncidence- orest- jago and saltpen- demi lion - K.
C.- brown hair-blonde.
Leacock - goes to a studio - The photographer dislikes Leacock's face - passes several
comments -Leacock gets irritated the photo -taken -wants to see the proof -visits the studio
again The photo is edited - help of technology - Leacock upset over the changes - calls it
worthless - leaves in anger.
44. Write a summary or make notes of the folowing passage.
The Chinese were the first to make gun powder, invent the magnetic compass and introduce to
the world the art of making paper. About 2000 years ago, the Chinese made gun powder byy mixing
sulphur and saltpetre. The mixture exploded when set on fire. The Chinese were the first tofind out
the fact that a narrow magnet floating in a bowl of water would always point to the North. This
discovery led to the invention of magnetic compass. The device helped the sailors to find out the
direction when they were out of sight of land. The Chinese also invented the art of making paper
during the 2nd Century. Soon, the art of making paper using vegetable pulp reached Arabia, Spain
and Europe. In course of time, paper factories came into existence. The fourth invention of the
Chinese was the art of printing. Before this invention, books were written by hand. The Chinese
Invented the art of printing with movable types. With this invention, reading and learning became
easy to common people as they were able to print books in large numbers.
45. Read the following advertisement and prepare a blo-data conaldering yourself futfilling the
conditions mentioned.
[Write X000X for your name and YYY for your address]
Qualified supervisor for a multi -speciality hospital, Attractive salary, Flexible working
hours, Age below 30.
Apply to
Post Box No :3210
Clo. The Times of India
Chennai - 600 002.
Nrite a paragraph of 150 words on the advantages and dlsadvantages of "sclence"
48. () Read the following sentences, spot the errors and rewrte the sentences correctly.
a. Helen is junior than me.
b. The elephant is largest living animal on land.
C. Though he is rich but he is unhappy.
d. A bunch of keys were found in my box.
e. He is an unique person.