Nhóm 13 Unit 8 New Way To Learn
Nhóm 13 Unit 8 New Way To Learn
Nhóm 13 Unit 8 New Way To Learn
Period: ……
Period 5: Listening
I. Class Description
1. Grade: 10
2. Number of students: 30
1. Knowledge:
- Define words related to the use of electronic devices and the new ways to learn
- Recognize the use of electronic devices for theirlearning and the new ways to learn
2. Skill:
- Use the lexical items and dicuss related to the topic of the new ways to learn
Subject: English
- Listen for specific information from a conversation about new ways to learn
- Develop specific listening skills and work in pairs/group.
3. Attitude:
Unit 8: New ways to learn
- Be well aware of new ways to learn.
Instructor: Vũ Thị Thanh Huệ
- Be encouraged to attend activities organized to use new ways to learn.
III. Time: 45 minutes Pre-service teacher : Trần Thu Hương
IV. Assumed knowledge and Skills: Trần Minh Cương
- Some vocabulary, synonyms related to the new ways to learn
Hà Ngọc Diệp
- Listening skills
your choice.
( 10 minutes) question.
- Provides help with new words covered in
the lesson.
*New words: - Students note the new words in their
+ Population map (n): Bản đồ dân số notebooks.
+ Materials (n): Vật liệu - Work individually, listen the
+ Mindmap (n): Sơ đồ tư duy recording and take notes.
+ Population growth (n) Sự gia tăng dân
số - Share answer with tablemate
+ Information (n): Thông tin
+ Folder (n): Thư mục
- Listen to the teacher feedback and
- Play recording for the first time and write answer down notebook.
repeat again. - Work individually, read the instruc-
While Teaching tions carefully and the sentences 1-5.
opinion, give feedback and explain more - Do the task individually, then
the flow chart
details. work in pairs to compare
Expected answers:
Trần Thu Hương, Hà Ngọc Diệp, Trần Minh Cương Lesson plan - English 10
1. Homework
2. Take notes
3. (more) Information
4. Discuss
5. Email
Post-teaching - Help ss know the pro and - Show Criteria of Blended Learning and - Listen to the teacher and look in the
cons of blended learning and Tradtional Learning. slide show
traditional learning
4. Work In Group
-Work in group
1. Consolidation:
2. Homework:
- List some common contradictions between traditional learning methods and blended methods