Handout Word Group4 Profed102
Handout Word Group4 Profed102
Handout Word Group4 Profed102
● Developmental Disorder
● Learning Disabilities
● Kinds of Learning Disabilities
● Communication Disorder
● Autism Spectrum Disorder
● Other Health Conditions
● Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
● Developmental Coordination Disorder
● Treatments for Development Disorder
● Physical Disability
● Causes of Physical Disability
● Different types of Physical Disabilities
● Regular Education Vs. Special Education
b) Enumerate the types of disorders that can have an impact on a student's learning ability;
c) Develop an understanding of the types of disorders or disabilities that can affect the learning
capabilities of a student.
❖ Developmental Disorder
Developmental disorder is a group of Psychiatrist conditions originating in childhood that involve serious
impairment in different areas.
-Stress in early childhood
❖ Learning Disabilities
Learning disabilities are disorder that affect one’s ability to understand of use spoken or
written language, do mathematics, calculations, coordinate movements or direct attention.
Not all learning problems fall into the category of learning disabilities. Many children are simply slower in
developing certain skills.
is a reading and language-based learning disabilities, with this problem l, a child may not understand
is a term for problems with writing when an older child may not form letters correctly and there is
difficulty writing a certain space.
disorders related to a person's ability to use the information that they take in through their senses- seeing,
hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching.
❖ Communication Disorder
Core problems
-difficulty with socialization and communication
-odd interests and behavior; and finally
-problems with attention and self- regulation.
❖ Muscular dystrophy
a group of inherited genetic conditions that gradually cause the muscles to weaken.
❖ Down’s syndrome
a genetic condition that typically causes a learning disability and a range of physical features.
❖ Cerebral Palsy
conditions that affect the brain and nervous system, causing problems with movement and
❖ Infantile spasms
a type of epilepsy that develops while a child is still very young (usually before they’re one year old).
❖ Neurofibromatosis
a number of genetic conditions that cause tumors to grow along the nerves (the main types are
neurofibromatosis type 1 and neurofibromatosis type 2).
is a behavioral condition that makes focusing on everyday requests and routines challenging. People
with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder typically have trouble getting organized, staying focused, making
realistic plans and thinking before acting. They may be fidgety, noisy and unable to adapt to changing
situations. Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder can be defiant, socially inept or aggressive.
Also known as developmental dyspraxia is a chronic neurological Disorder beginning in childhood that
can affect planning of movements and coordination as a result of brain messages not being accurately
transmitted to the body.
■ Treatment approaches
■ Clinical therapies
■ Complementary therapies
■ Biomedical Treatment
■ Family support
■ Service delivery models
❖ Impairment
-any loss abnormality of psychology, physiological or anatomical structure or function.
❖ Disability
-any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal
human being.
❖ Handicap
-a disadvantage for a given individual that limits or prevents the fulfillment of a role that is normal.
❖ Physical Disability
Incapacity to function normally, caused by a bodily deficiency or injury. Any type of physical condition
that significantly impacts one's major life.
-before and after conception.
(Genes, Chromosome’s aberrations, infection, malnutrition, drug abuse, irradiation).
-during the period of birth
Birth injuries, difficult, hemorrhage
-after birth
(Infections, fractures and dislocation, tuberculosis of the bones, arthritis, rheumatism).
❖ Cerebral Palsy
-cerebral (Brain) palsy (weakness in a person’s movement)
-a non-progressive neurological disorder.
-Affects communication between the brain and the muscle.
❖ Spina Bifida
birth defects called neural tube defects. The neutral tube is the embryonic structure that eventually
develops into the baby’s brain and spinal cord and the tissues that enclose them.
❖ Muscular dystrophy
inherited disorder in which there is a gradual deterioration and weakening of the muscles in the body.
❖ Inclusive Education
is a learning environment where children with and without disabilities are taught together, as an equal.
■ Salient Features
In the classroom…
Partial Mainstreaming
- children who have moderate or severe forms of disability are mainstreamed in regular classes in a specific
■ Seating Arrangement
■ Make sure your student Is looking at you when you are giving instructions.
Anuradha. (2021, July 6). What is the Difference Between Special Education and General Education.
Retrieved from PEDIAA: https://pediaa.com/what-is-the-difference-between-special-education-and-
Davis, M. (2016, July 3). Developmental Disorder. Retrieved from Slideshare:
Developmental Disabilities. (n.d.). Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control:
Difference Between Regular Education And Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved from IPL:
Learning disabilities. (n.d.). Retrieved from Mental Health Foundation:
Sulkes, S. B. (2020, May). Definition of Developmental Disorders. Retrieved from MSD Manual:
Tamayo, A. U. (2015, September 12). Exceptional Development Report-Child and Adolescent Dev't.
Retrieved from Slideshare: https://www.slideshare.net/ricanice16/exceptional-development-