NHCM Quality-Audit

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2020 – 2021





2020 – 2021



Eco Energime Engineers LLP Mobile: +91 9449 777 000

# 14, S-1, 3rd Main, 14th Cross +91 8050 387 500
AECS Layout, B – Block Email: [email protected]
Singasandra Web: www.eeellp.com
Bangalore–560 068



 Mr. A Govindaraj M.Tech., M.S., - EA 5212

 Ms. M Kayalvizhi M.Tech
 Ms. V Samhita M.E


 Mr. Prabu Das M.Tech

 Ms. Aparna Reddy B.Arch., MBA


We are thankful to the management of New Horizon College, Bengaluru, for the
support, guidance and, giving us the opportunity to be involved in this very interesting
and challenging assignment.

We would be happy to provide any further clarifications, if required, to facilitate the

implementation of the recommendations.

We received full co-operation and support from the concerned personnel/ staff members
of the college. They took key interest and gave valuable inputs during the course of
study. We would like to thank:

Chairman – New Horizon Educational Institutions, Bangalore

And other Staff in personnel who have given full co-operation and support. They took a
keen interest and gave valuable inputs during the course of study.

Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru
Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru
Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3

2. Pre – Audit Phase ...................................................................................................... 7

2.1. Audit Schedule .................................................................................................... 8

3. On-Site Audit Phase .................................................................................................. 9

3.1. Scope / Target Areas of Quality Auditing .......................................................... 9

3.1.1. Water Audit.............................................................................................. 9

3.1.2. Energy Audit ............................................................................................ 9

3.1.3. Waste Management Audit ........................................................................ 9

3.1.4. Green Campus Management Audit ........................................................... 9

3.1.5. Environment Audit ................................................................................... 9

3.2. Audit Methodology and Approach ....................................................................... 9

3.2.1. Review of Document and Records .......................................................... 10

3.2.2. Review of Policies .................................................................................. 10

3.2.3. Review of various measures implemented .............................................. 14

3.2.4. Site Walk through .................................................................................. 16

3.2.5. Inventory Collection ............................................................................... 17

3.2.6. Interviews .............................................................................................. 17

4. Water Audit ............................................................................................................. 20

4.1. Facility description ............................................................................................ 20

4.1.1. Raw Water System ................................................................................. 22

4.1.2. Drinking Water System .......................................................................... 25

Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

4.1.3. Hot Water System .................................................................................. 28

4.1.4. Rain Water System ................................................................................. 32

4.1.5. Sewage Water System ............................................................................ 33

4.2. Best Practices Implemented for Water Conservation .......................................... 36

4.2.1. Water Flow Meter .................................................................................. 36

4.2.2. Dual water piping system for wash rooms ............................................... 37

4.2.3. Low flow taps ........................................................................................ 38

4.2.4. Water less urinals ................................................................................... 39

4.2.5. Rain water harvesting ............................................................................. 40

4.2.6. Regular testing of water quality .............................................................. 41

4.2.7. Sewage Treatment Plant ......................................................................... 44

4.2.8. Maintenance Team ................................................................................. 45

4.2.9. Other measures implemented for water conservation .............................. 47

4.3. Recommendations for Water Audit .................................................................... 48

5. Energy Audit ........................................................................................................... 49

5.1. Facility Description............................................................................................ 49

5.1.1. Tariff Structure....................................................................................... 52

5.1.2. Electricity Consumption Data ................................................................. 53

5.1.3. SRTPV (Solar Roof Top Photo Voltaic) system ...................................... 54

5.2. Measurements & Observations ........................................................................... 55

5.3. Best Practices Implemented for Energy Conservation......................................... 58

5.3.1. Day-light Integration: ............................................................................. 58

5.3.2. Installation of LED lights ....................................................................... 59

5.3.3. Installation of VRV and Inverter AC Systems ......................................... 60

Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

5.3.4. Installation of SRTPV system................................................................. 62
5.3.5. Installation of Solar Water Heater........................................................... 63

5.3.6. Procurement of LED/LCD monitors ....................................................... 64

5.3.7. Micro wind mill ..................................................................................... 65

5.3.8. Usage of Sign boards .............................................................................. 66

5.3.9. Complaints and Maintenance Register .................................................... 67

5.4. Recommendations for Energy Audit .................................................................. 68

6. Waste Management Audit ........................................................................................ 69

6.1. Facility Description............................................................................................ 69

6.1.1. Dry Waste Management ......................................................................... 69

6.1.2. Wet Waste Management ......................................................................... 72

6.1.3. Bio- Waste Management ........................................................................ 74

6.2. Best Practices Implemented for Waste management ........................................... 75

6.2.1. Zero Waste Campus Campaigns ............................................................. 75

6.2.2. Color Code Bins ..................................................................................... 76

6.2.3. Installation of Organic Waste Composting Machine ............................... 77

6.2.4. Posters on Plastic Ban ............................................................................ 78

6.2.5. Installation of leaf composter:................................................................. 79

6.2.6. Sewage Treatment Plant for waste water recycling .................................. 80

6.3. Recommendations on Waste Management Audit ................................................ 81

7. Green Campus Management Audit .......................................................................... 82

7.1. Facility Description............................................................................................ 82

7.1.1. Plantations and Lawn ............................................................................. 82

7.2. Best Practices Implemented for Green Campus Management ............................. 90

Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

7.3. Recommendations on Green Campus Management ............................................ 91
8. Environment Audit (Carbon footprint Analysis) ....................................................... 92

8.1. Facility Description............................................................................................ 92

8.2. Best Practices Implemented for Environment Conservation................................ 93

8.2.1. Awareness campaign on environment conservation ................................ 93

8.2.2. Encouraging for usage of electric vehicles .............................................. 94

8.2.3. Color Code Bins ..................................................................................... 95

8.2.4. Posters on Plastic Ban ............................................................................ 96

8.3. Recommendations on Carbon Footprint Analysis ............................................... 97

9. Annexures ............................................................................................................... 98

9.1. Data Collection Questionnaire ........................................................................... 98

9.1.1. General information of the college:......................................................... 99

9.1.2. Water Audit details:.............................................................................. 101

9.1.3. Energy consumption details: ................................................................. 106

9.1.4. Waste management details ................................................................... 107

9.1.5. Green campus management details: ...................................................... 112

9.1.6. Carbon footprint management details: .................................................. 114

9.1.7. Photos required for Audit: .................................................................... 114

Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

Table of Figures
Figure 1-1: Facilities inside the campus for physical wellness ......................................................... 6

Figure 3-1: Safety Policy ................................................................................................................ 10

Figure 3-2: Fire Extinguisher and Fire hydrant system .................................................................. 11

Figure 3-3: ISO Certificate ............................................................................................................. 11

Figure 3-4: Anti-ragging poster ...................................................................................................... 12

Figure 3-5: Quality policy .............................................................................................................. 14

Figure 3-6: List of Holidays ........................................................................................................... 18

Figure 4-1: Schematic of Overall Raw Water Distribution System ............................................... 22

Figure 4-2: Sumps in the campus ................................................................................................... 23

Figure 4-3: Overhead tanks in the campus .................................................................................... 23

Figure 4-4: Schematic of drinking water system in the campus..................................................... 25

Figure 4-5: RO water treatment plant in the campus ...............................................................27

Figure 4-6: RO water treatment plant in the campus ...............................................................27

Figure 4-7: Solar water heater installed in the campus................................................................... 29

Figure 4-8: Electrical water heaters installed in hostels ................................................................. 30

Figure 4-9: Hot water supplied in canteen ..................................................................................... 30

Figure 4-10: Hot water dispenser available in college.................................................................... 31

Figure 4-11: Rain water harvesting system in the campus ............................................................. 32

Figure 4-12: Sewage Treatment Plant ............................................................................................ 34

Figure 4-13: STP Schematic ........................................................................................................... 34

Figure 4-14: STP Block Diagram ................................................................................................... 35

Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

Figure 4-15: Water flow meter installed in the campus ........................................................ 36

Figure 4-16: Dual water piping system installed in the campus ............................................ 37

Figure 4-17: Low flow taps installed in the college .............................................................. 38

Figure 4-18: Water less urinals installed in the college ......................................................... 39

Figure 4-19: Sample procurement bills for rain water harvesting system .............................. 40

Figure 4-20: Sample water testing report ............................................................................. 42

Figure 4-21: Sample procurement bills for housekeeping and maintenance items .................. 46

Figure 4-22: Posters to conserve water ................................................................................ 47

Figure 5-1: Transformer unit Installed in the campus ........................................................... 49

Figure 5-2: Electrical panel Room ...................................................................................... 50

Figure 5-3: APFC panel ...................................................................................................... 50

Figure 5-4: Feeder Pillar near NSB block ............................................................................ 51

Figure 5-5: Electrical distribution panels in various blocks .................................................. 51

Figure 5-6: Diesel Generator (DG) sets ............................................................................... 52

Figure 5-7: Month wise Recorded Maximum Demand and Energy Consumption ................. 53

Figure 5-8: Solar rooftop PV system installed in SVP block................................................. 54

Figure 5-9: Solar rooftop PV system installed in NSB block ................................................ 54

Figure 5-10 Pressurized water cleaning for SRTPV systems ................................................ 55

Figure 5-11: Well-ventilated and day-light integrated rooms ................................................ 58

Figure 5-12: Well-ventilated and day-light integrated Staff room and class room .................. 58

Figure 5-13: Use of LED lights ........................................................................................... 59

Figure 5-14: VRV Air Conditioning Unit ............................................................................ 60

Figure 5-15: VRV Air Conditioning Unit – Purchase Invoice .............................................. 60

Figure 5-16: Use of Solar Water Heater ............................................................................... 63

Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

Figure 5-17: Use of LED monitors in the computer labs ...................................................... 64

Figure 5-18: Micro wind mill installed in SVP block .......................................................... 65

Figure 5-19: Micro wind – Purchase Order .......................................................................... 65

Figure 5-20: Sign boards to save energy .............................................................................. 66

Figure 5-21: Complaints and Maintenance Register ............................................................. 67

Figure 6-1: Image 1 of 2 – MoU for Dry -Waste management .............................................. 70

Figure 6-2: Image 2 of 2 – MoU for Dry - Waste management ............................................. 71

Figure 6-3: Image 1 of 2 – MoU for Wet - Waste management ............................................ 72

Figure 6-4: Image 2 of 2 – MoU for Wet - Waste management ............................................ 73

Figure 6-5: Bio – waste management ................................................................................... 74

Figure 6-6: Zero waste campus campaign poster.................................................................. 75

Figure 6-7: Dry and wet waste collection bins at different places ......................................... 76

Figure 6-8: Poster for waste collection bins ......................................................................... 76

Figure 6-9: Organic Waste Composting Machine ................................................................ 77

Figure 6-10: Posters – Single use Plastic Ban....................................................................... 78

Figure 6-11: Leaf composter available in campus ................................................................ 79

Figure 7-1: Sample photos of Trees around the campus ....................................................... 83

Figure 7-2: plantations around different blocks .................................................................... 84

Figure 7-3: plantations beside the compound walls .............................................................. 85

Figure 7-4: Sample Flower plantations ................................................................................ 86

Figure 7-5: Sample Flower plantations ................................................................................ 87

Figure 7-6: Shrub Plantations .............................................................................................. 87

Figure 7-7: lawns maintained inside the campus .................................................................. 88

Figure 7-8: Pot plantations in between the blocks ................................................................ 89

Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

Figure 7-9: Invoice for plantations and nurseries AMC ........................................................ 90

Figure 8-1: Environment Awareness Competition Poster displayed in notice board .............. 93

Figure 8-2: Students using Electric Bikes ............................................................................ 94

Figure 8-3: Waste Collection Bins ....................................................................................... 95

Figure 8-4: Poster for waste collection bins ......................................................................... 95

Figure 8-5: Posters for Plastic Ban....................................................................................... 96

Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

Table of Tables
Table 1-1: College Area.................................................................................................................... 4

Table 1-2: Internal Quality Audit Team........................................................................................... 5

Table 2-1: Audit Schedule ................................................................................................................ 8

Table 3-1: Consolidated list of Inventories .................................................................................... 17

Table 3-2: Tentative College Schedule........................................................................................... 18

Table 3-3: Number of staff and students ................................................................................19

Table 4-1: Details of sumps and location....................................................................................... 20

Table 4-2: Details of tanks, type and location................................................................................ 21

Table 4-3: Details of Solar heater systems ..................................................................................... 28

Table 4-4: Details of Electrical water heaters ................................................................................ 29

Table 4-5: Annual water and cost savings by installation of STP .................................................. 44

Table 4-6: Details of maintenance staffs ........................................................................................ 45

Table 5-1: Name plate details of transformer ................................................................................ 50

Table 5-2: DG set specifications .................................................................................................... 52

Table 5-3: Electricity Bill Parameters............................................................................................. 53

Table 5-4: Power parameters at main incomer panel room ........................................................... 55

Table 5-5: List of UPS and its rated capacity ................................................................................. 56

Table 5-6: Annual cost savings by installation of LED lights ........................................................ 59

Table 5-7: Annual cost savings by installation of LED lights ........................................................ 61

Table 5-8: Cost savings from SRTPV system ................................................................................ 62

Table 5-9: Annual cost savings by installation of LED lights ........................................................ 63

Table 6-1: Types of Waste Generated in the college ..................................................................... 69

Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

Table 6-2: Annual water and cost savings by installation of STP .......................................... 80

Table 9-1: NAAC grading’s Table ....................................................................................... 97

Table 9-2: Internal Quality Audit team ................................................................................ 97

Table 9-3: General information of the college ...................................................................... 98

Table 9-4: Detail Infrastructure of the college ...................................................................... 98

Table 9-5: Details of the departments .................................................................................. 99

Table 9-6: Details of the Staff.............................................................................................. 99

Table 9-7: Details of the Students ...................................................................................... 100

Table 9-8: Details of the departments ................................................................................ 100

Table 9-9: Water management details ................................................................................ 102

Table 9-10: Details of STP ................................................................................................ 102

Table 9-11: Details of RO Plant ......................................................................................... 102

Table 9-12: Details of Energy consumption ....................................................................... 103

Table 9-13: Details of Solar Energy ................................................................................... 103

Table 9-14: Details of Electrical Equipment ...................................................................... 105

Table 9-15: Basic details of waste management ................................................................. 106

Table 9-16: Types of waste generated ................................................................................ 106

Table 9-17: Segregation of waste....................................................................................... 107

Table 9-18: Waste Disposal methods ................................................................................. 107

Table 9-19: List of plantation details ................................................................................. 108

Table 9-20: List of plants/trees in campus .......................................................................... 108

Table 9-21: Details of Carbon footprint management ......................................................... 109

Table 9-22: List of photos ................................................................................................. 110

Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

1. A : Amperes
2. AC : Air Conditioner
3. APFC : Automatic Power Factor Controller
4. BBMP : Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike
5. BESCOM : Bangalore Electricity Supply Company
6. BWSSB : Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board
7. CC Camera : Closed Circuit Camera
8. DG : Diesel Generators
9. EE Fan : Energy Efficient Fan
10. E-Waste : Electronic Waste
11. etc. : Etcetera
12. FTL : Fluorescent Tube Light
13. GHG : Green House Gas
14. Hz : Hertz
15. HP : Horse Power
16. HT : High Tension
17. I : Current
18. ICT : Information and Communications Technology
19. IQAC : Internal Quality Assurance Cell
20. ISO : International Organization for Standardization
21. kgs : Kilograms
22. kL : Kilo Liters
23. kV : kilo volt
24. kVA : kilo volt ampere
25. kVAr : Reactive kilo volt ampere
26. kW : Kilo Watt
27. kWh : kilo Watt hour
28. kWp : kilo Watt peak
29. Lab : Laboratory
30. LCD : Liquid Crystal Display
31. LED : Light Emitting Diode
32. LT : Low Tension
33. mA : Milli Amperes
34. MoU : Memorandum of Understanding
35. NA : Not Applicable
36. NAAC : National Assessment and Accreditation Council
37. Nos. : Numbers
38. NSS : National Service Scheme
39. Prim/Sec : Primary/Secondary
40. PF : Power factor
Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru
41. PG : Post Graduate
42. Ph.D. : Doctor of Philosophy
43. PV : Photo Voltaic
44. Rs. : Rupees
45. RO : Reverse Osmosis
46. RR. No. : Revenue Register Number.
47. SMV : Sir. Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya
48. S. No. : Serial Number
49. Sq. Ft. : Square Feet
50. Sq.m. : Square Meter
51. SRTPV : Solar Roof Top Photo Voltaic
52. TL : Tube Light
53. TR : Ton of Refrigeration
54. TV : Television
55. UG : Under Graduate
56. USD : United States Dollar
57. V : Volts
58. W : Watts
59. Wi-Fi : Wireless Fidelity
60. Wp : Watt peak
61. # : Number

Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

Conducting Quality Audit covering areas such as water audit, energy audit, waste
management audit, green campus management audit and environment audit (carbon foot
print perspective only), in college helps to increase the awareness levels of stakeholders,
staffs and students, to understand its advantages towards impact on sustainable future.

The New Horizon College Campus is very well maintained, clean and neat, which
emphasis the resource allocation (man power, finance and support) by management and
importance given for clean and hygiene environment for students, staffs and

Considering the fact that the institution is Degree College, there is significant
environmental research both by faculty and students. The environmental awareness
initiatives are substantial. The installation of solar PV systems, solar hot water systems,
STP treated water for gardening purposes, and rain water harvesting system are

Besides, environmental awareness programmes initiated by the management and

administration shows how the campus is going green.

As part of Quality Audit of campus, we carried out campus monitoring, including

Illumination and Ventilation of the class room. It was observed that Illumination and
Ventilation is adequate considering natural light and fresh air circulation.

From the Quality Audit study, it was observed the college had taken various initiatives
and implemented best practices in conserving natural resources that include:

A. Best Practices Implemented for Water Conservation

 Water consumption monitoring

 Dual water piping systems for wash rooms
 Low flow taps
 Rain water harvesting
 Water less urinals
 Regular testing of water quality
 Sewage treatment plant
 Maintenance team
 Posters for creating awareness

1 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

B. Best Practices Implemented for Energy Conservation

 Day light integration in class rooms, staff rooms, hostels and common areas
 Use of LED lights
 Solar Roof Top Photo Voltaic (SRTPV) system for power generation
 Use of energy efficient air conditioning systems such as VRV and inverter AC
 Use of Solar water heaters for hot water generation
 Complaints and maintenance monitoring registers
 Use of LED/ LCD monitors
 Use of sign boards and posters for awareness creation

C. Best Practices Implemented for Waste Management

 Zero waste campus campaign

 Color code bins for waste collection
 Organic Waste Composting Machine
 Leaf composter
 Sewage Treatment Plant
 Posters on plastic ban

D. Best Practices Implemented for Green Campus Management

 Campaign on Plastic free campus

 Green landscaping
 Paperless office
 Gardening is maintained by separate team

E. Best Practices Implemented for Carbon Footprint Analysis

 Campaign on environment conservation

 Color Code Bins for waste segregation
 Posters on environment conservation
 Promoting use of electric vehicles

Quality Audit will be a valuable tool in the management and monitoring of

environmental and sustainable development programs of the college.

2 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

New Horizon College is affiliated to Bangalore North University (BNU), It is accredited
by NAAC with ‘A’ grade. New Horizon College is located in the heart of the IT capital
of India, Bangalore. The college campus is situated in the IT corridor of Bangalore
surrounded by MNCs and ITgiants such as Intel, Accenture, Capgemini, ARM, Symphony,
Wipro, Nokia, JP Morgan and Cisco to name a few.

NHCM has a scenic and serene campus that provides an environment which is conducive
for personal and intellectual growth. The infrastructure acts as a facilitator for the
effective delivery of the curriculum. NHCM boasts of state-of-the-art facilities for its

They are given utmost encouragement in their areas of interest by providing hi-tech
facilities backed by faculty support. The institute places highest priority on innovative
programs that include both traditional classroom theory and professional skills training.
There is a strong impetus on overall personality development of the students with
emphasis on soft skills.

Students are supported through mentoring and counseling systems. The management
offers scholarships to meritorious students. At NHCM, we understand and respect our
role as educators and from the moment a student walks into the campus, he/she is well
guided to know his/her strengths and choose an area of functional specialization. This
enables students to concentrate their efforts and energies to gain the competitive edge.


To benchmark education services of highest quality so that our students can confidently
serve industry and society equally well here and abroad.


To edify students to uphold integrity, civility and honesty, to relentlessly pursue

excellence, to embrace diversity and inclusion, and to ignite creativity, inquiry and
scholarship. Our sole aim is to teach, learn, interact, nurture and equip them to be
responsible citizens.

3 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru


To impart student centric education and empower them to fulfill their academic and
professional passions in an environment that is diverse, vibrant, and inclusive.


The Mission of the college is to groom holistic individuals capable of critical and lateral
thinking, with the ability to preserve and transmit knowledge, wisdom and values that
will instill self-fulfillment and competitiveness.
Committee and Cells

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

To create quality, to maintain quality, to enhance quality in all spheres – that is the task of
the IQAC or the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the college. The IQAC is the central
quality- monitoring body of the institution. It functions under the Chairmanship of the
Principal and comprises senior faculty members, representative from the local
community and a student representative. Its aim is to develop and maintain a system to
promote academic and administrative excellence.

The IQAC functions with the belief that excellence and quality are not one-time goals
but continuous processes. To this end, the IQAC meets on a regular basis. New
programs, up gradation of infrastructure and increasing the effective functioning of all
systems are some of the major concerns of the IQAC.

Campus Area and Built-up area

The area of the campus (built up and total) is given in table 1-1.

S. No. Description Units Details

1 College Campus total area Acres 1.35
2 Built up area Sq.mts. 4401

Table 1-1: College Area

4 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Internal Quality Auditing Team – 2020 – 2021

The college management constitutes the internal Quality Auditing team including
students, staff, stakeholders, employees, and alumini’s every year. Table 1-2 gives the list
of internal Quality Auditing team for the year 2020 – 2021.

S. No. Name Designation Role

1 Dr. R Bodhisatvan Principal Chairman
2 Mr. Arun Raghu Babu HOD, Dept. of BBA IQAC coordinator
3 Ms. Prasanna Prakash HOD Member
Dept. of B.Com
4 Mr. Muniraja H Administrator Administrative official
5 Dr. Nagaraju Kilari Member
Dept. of BCA
6 Ms. Anjana S Murthy Assistant Professor Member and Criterion-1
Dept. of BCA incharge
7 Senior Assistant Professor Member and Criterion-2
Ms. Kampa Belliappa
Dept. of BBA incharge
8 Ms. Gnaneswari G Senior Assistant Professor Member and Criterion-3
Dept. of BCA incharge
9 Ms. Apoorva A Assistant Professor Member and Criterion-4
Dept. of BCA incharge
10 Senior Assistant Professor Member and Criterion-5
Ms. Nanditha S Matad
Dept. of BBA incharge
11 Ms. Ruchi Vohra Assistant Professor Member and Criterion-6
Dept. of B.Com incharge
12 Ms. Greeshma Francis Senior Assistant Professor Member and Criterion-7
Dept. of B.Com incharge
13 Mr. Surya Prakash H Registrar Member from Management
14 Prof. V Nanjundaiah Block Education Officer
Nominees from Local society
15 Mr. Venkateshwara
Industrial representative Industrial representative
Rao M G
16 Ms. Nikitha Sridhar Student Representative Student Representative
17 Mr. Ravi Choudhary Student Representative Student Representative

Ms. R Shirisha Alumni Alumni

19 Ms. Kalyani Raghu Parent Nominee from the stake holder

20 Mr. Raghu L P Parent Nominee from the stake holder

Table 1-2: Internal Quality Audit Team

5 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Facilities available for physical wellness3

The management has provided physical wellness equipment in the hostel, open (outdoor
gym) near NSB block, indoor gym in BSB, Indoor Arena in Sandeep Unnikrishnan
Block, playground and basketball court. Pictures of the playground, gym and open space
gym are given in figure 1.1.

Figure 1-1: Facilities inside the campus for physical wellness

Overview of Green Audit:

Green Audit helps college / facility to:

 Understand the usage of electricity, water and other natural resources

 Identify opportunities to conserve various natural resources
 Identify various technological improvements
 Evaluate the techno-commercial of identified conservative measures
 Create awareness among the students and staff
 Disseminate the commitment of management towards saving nature
 Develop a culture among students, staff and management to be socially

6 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

A pre-audit meeting is a prerequisite for the Audit; it helps to meet and discuss about the
schedule and documents required during the audit. The pre-audit meeting was
conducted at New Horizon College, Marathalli, Bengaluru in October 2021. During the
meeting, introduction of team members, scope and objectives of the audit were

Management Commitment

The Management of the college has shown significant commitment towards Quality
Auditing during the pre-audit meeting. They were ready to encourage all green activities.
It is decided to promote all activities that are environment friendly such as awareness
programmes on the environment, campus farming, planting more trees on the campus
etc., after the Quality Auditing.

College administration is vital to the process of realizing campus sustainability, and

college policy is an essential instrument for any substantial change in the campus

Scope and goals of Quality Auditing

A clean and healthy environment aids effective learning and provides a conducive
learning environment. There are various efforts around the world to address
environmental education issues. Quality Auditing is one among them for educational

Once a baseline is established, the data can serve as a point of departure for further
action in campus greening. Existing data will allow the college to compare its programs
and operations with those of peer institutions, identify areas in need of improvement,
and prioritize the implementation of future projects.

This data will also provide a basis for calculating the economic benefits of resource
conservation projects by establishing the current rates of resource use and their
associated costs. This audit initiative focused initially on educating colleges and
universities through workshops, guidebooks, fact sheets and ensuring compliance
through inspections and self-audits.

2.1. Audit Schedule

Quality Audit schedule includes the pre-audit phase, on-site / audit phase and post audit
phase. Table 2-1 details the complete Quality Audit schedule.

7 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

S. No Description Timeline
1. Pre-audit Phase 29 Sep 21 to 01 Oct 21
2. Onsite-audit Phase 04 Oct 21 to 09 Oct 21
3. Post-audit Phase 21 Oct 21 to 26 Oct 21
4. Presentation 29 Oct 21

Table 2-1: Audit Schedule

8 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

3.1. Scope / Target Areas of Quality Auditing
3.1.1. Water Audit

Water Audit addresses water consumption, water sources, appliances and fixtures.
Aquifer depletion and water contamination are taking place at unprecedented rates. It is
therefore essential that any environmentally responsible institution should examine its
water use practices.

3.1.2. Energy Audit

Energy Audit addresses energy consumption, energy sources, energy monitoring,

lighting, appliances, and vehicles. Energy use is clearly an important aspect of campus

3.1.3. Waste Management Audit

Waste Audit addresses waste production and disposal, plastic waste, paper waste, food
waste, and recycling. Municipal solid waste has a number of adverse environmental
impacts, most of which are well known and not in need of elaboration.

3.1.4. Green Campus Management Audit

Green campus initiatives are becoming an integral part of modern day's university
systems. Green campus Audit helps in maintaining the air and water clean. It regulates
the climatic conditions and provides a healthy and comfortable environment for living.

3.1.5. Environment Audit

Environment Audit addresses the usage of fossil fuels (coal, diesel, petrol and gas). The
mode of commute to and from college each day has an impact on the environment
through the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil

3.2. Audit Methodology and Approach

The methodology and approach adopted for the study involve various steps that include:

 Review of Document and records

 Review of Policies
 Review of MoU

9 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

 Review of various measures implemented
 Site Walkthrough
 Data Collection
 Interviews

3.2.1. Review of Document and Records

Electricity bills, Water bills, equipment register, list of appliances, office registers, internal
Quality Audit document, purchase document, were reviewed and relevant data and
inputs required for analysis have been collected.

3.2.2. Review of Policies

College has various policies that include safety policy, environment policy, and Anti-
ragging policy.

A. Safety Policy:

An organization's safety policy is a recognized, written statement of its commitment to

protect the health and safety of the students and employees, as well as the surrounding
community. The college has provided the safety wears to all in the laboratory and
wearing them has been made mandatory.

All the students, teaching and non-teaching staff, maintenance and house-keeping staff
have been given training to use fire extinguishers in emergency situations of fire and
explosion. Fire extinguishing cylinders have been installed in each floor and in laboratory
areas. Safety policy statements and use of fire extinguisher has been posted at each block
and the same is shown in the figure 3-1. Sample photos of fire extinguishers and fire
hydrant system are as shown in figure 3-2.

Figure 3-1: Safety Policy

10 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 3-2: Fire Extinguisher and Fire hydrant system

B. Environmental Policy:

The college is ISO certified for quality, environment, health and safety. The copy of the
ISO certification is given in Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3: ISO Certificate

C. Anti-Ragging policy:

Ragging in all its forms shall be totally banned in the entire institution, including its
departments, constituent units, all its premises (academic, hostel, sports, canteen, etc.)
11 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru
Whether located within the campus or outside and in all means of transportation of
students whether public or private. ‘Ragging is banned’ poster is placed in each block of
the campus and a sample photo is as shown in the figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4: Anti-ragging poster

12 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

D. Quality policy:

The Quality Assessment and Skill Development Center is established to increase the
effectiveness of each member in particular and the institution as a whole. Based on the
requirements of each institution, QASDC is offering varied training programs to all the
faculties, including the supporting staff to help them to better their performances and
to enhance their work skills.

The center is also focusing on developing various kinds of assessment tools for all the
staff members of The New Horizon College, Marathalli, in order to discover their
potential and skills. With this assurance, the center ensures that all the members of the
institution are availing of all help and support that is provided by QASDC, for
strengthening their capabilities, which in turn enables to empower the student fraternity.
The quality policy posters available in the college are shown in figure 3-5.

13 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 3-5: Quality policy

3.2.3. Review of various measures implemented

During the Green Audit study, it was observed the college has taken various initiatives in
conserving natural resources that include:

Green Audit team including Management, Staff and Students

Installation of Solar Roof Top Photo Voltaic (SRTPV) system for power
 Installation of pressurized water system for solar panel cleaning and maintenance
 Installation of LED tube lights to reduce electricity consumption
 Water flow meter to monitor the water consumption
 Dual water piping system for washrooms and toilets, to use STP treated water for
 Low flow taps for water conservation
14 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru
 Water less urinals for water conservation
 Sewage treatment and using the treated final water for toilet flushing, gardening
and cleaning purposes
 Rain water collection system and filters are available in all buildings. The
collected water is filtered and is stored in the sumps
 Regular testing of water quality parameters
 Installation of waste segregation bins at all the rooms to separate the dry and wet
 Installation of aerators in water taps to conserve water
 Installation of LCD/LED monitors for all the desktops to conserve electricity
 Switching OFF lights and fans whenever not in use to save electricity
 Food waste is collected separately and given to piggeries.
 The use of Sign boards in all the class-rooms, staff-rooms and library were
observed, to create awareness for energy conservation among the students and
 The use of sign boards in all the wash rooms were observed, to create awareness
for water conservation
 Training is conducted on regular basis regarding usage of fire extinguisher,
conservation of resources such as electricity, water, food and green campus.

15 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

3.2.4. Site Walk through

Site walk through was conducted with staff members, students and audit team members.
Staff and students have shown very keen interest in the data collection process and
methods to be followed in field data collection. The staff and students have given inputs
and suggestions for resource conservation as well.

College Infrastructure

New Horizon College, Marathalli has various departments. Eachfloor has state of the art
class rooms, staff rooms, laboratories libraries and many more. Details of infrastructure
are as follows:

 ATM – Indian Bank

 Outdoor Gym
 Indoor Gym
 Cafeteria/Canteen/Food Courts
 Courier/DTP
 Sports and Games
 Indoor and Outdoor Stadium
 Power Backup
 Recreation Centre
 First Aid Clinic
 24 Hrs. Ambulance Facility
 Facilities like lift, ramps and toilets for specially abled students
 Auditorium (800 Capacity)
 1 Smart Class room
 2 Seminar Halls (200 Capacity each)
 Conference Rooms
 Board Room
 RO Water Plants with Cooler
 Transport (20 Buses)
 Stationery & Reprography
 Safety Norms & Checks
 Sewage treatment plant
 Rain water harvesting
 Hostel (separately for girls & boys)
 Library
 Digital Library
 Staff Room
 Common Room for girls and boys

16 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

All the classrooms and staff rooms are well ventilated and the integration of day-light is
well utilized. This has helped in optimized usage of electricity for lights and fans during
day time.

3.2.5. Inventory Collection

To understand the types of appliances used, inventory collection was carried out by the
audit team members. The various types of appliances used are lights, fans, geysers, RO
water plants etc. The consolidated list of inventories is given in table 3-1.

S. No. Inventory Type Quantity

1 LED lamps 441
2 Ceiling Fan 182
3 RO Plant 3
5 Geysers 22

Table 3-1: Consolidated list of Inventories

3.2.6. Interviews

To collect the various data, information and operating patterns, interviews were
conducted with college staff (Principal, teaching staff, non-teaching staff) and students.
The consolidated information from the interviews is given in the following sub-sections. List of Holidays:

The lists of holidays were collected during the study and the same is given in
figure 3-7.

17 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 3-6: List of Holidays Tentative Schedule of College:

The tentative schedule of the college is 08.40 AM to 04:40 PM. The details of the sessions
are given in table 3.2.

S. No. Description Timings

1 Session – I 08.50 AM to 09:50 AM

2 Session – II 09:50 AM to 10.50 AM
3 Session – III 10.50 AM to 11.50 AM
4 Lunch 11.50 AM to 12.30 PM
5 Session – IV 12.30 PM to 01.30 PM
6 Session – V 01.30 PM to 02.30 PM
7 Session – VI 02.30 PM to 03.30 PM
8 Session – VII 03.30 PM to 04.30 PM

Table 3-2: Tentative College Schedule

18 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru Staff and Students of College:

The number of staff includes teaching, non-teaching, and house-keeping is given in the
table 3-3. The number of students includes both boys and girls.

S. No. Staff Students

1 51 1502

Table 3-3: Number of staff and students

19 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.1. Facility description
The water audit study involved carrying out various observations and analysis, to
realistically assess usage of water and potential for water conservation. BWSSB and Bore-
well are the sources of water, for facilitating the water supply requirement of the entire

BWSSB water received at main sump of 1000 kL near ground at gate no.3. From the
main sump, then the water further distributed to SVB block, CSB block, NSCB block,
SMV block and RC block sumps by hydro pneumatic pumps of 3 Nos. to maintain the
water level in the sumps.

The list of sumps and location details are given in table 4.1.

S. No. Location Sump Source of water

1 Near Ground (Gate- Main Sump From BWSSB
2 SVB Block Surface Sump - PVC From Main Sump
3 CSB Block UG Sump - RCC Tank From Main Sump
4 NSCB Block UG Sump - RCC Tank From Main Sump
5 SMV Block-Main UG Sump - RCC Tank From Main Sump
6 RC Block UG Sump - RCC Tank From Main Sump

Table 4-1: Details of sumps and location

The details of list of tanks installed in various blocks with capacity, type of tank and
installed location are given in table 4.2.

S. No. Block Name Location PVC Tank RCC Tank

1 SVB Block Terrace 5 kL x 2 No. for Raw Water -
5 kL x 2 No. for Hot water inlet
2 kL x 1 No. for Drinking Water -
This drinking water tank supplies
water for SVB block and Hemu Kalani
2 Hemu Kalani Terrace 2 kL x 3 No. for Raw Water

20 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

S. No. Block Name Location PVC Tank RCC Tank
3 CSB Block Terrace 2 kL x 1 No. Drinking Water - LHS Fire Water Tank - LHS - 2 No.
2 kL x 1 No. Drinking Water - RHS Raw Water Tank - LHS - 2 No.
Fire Water Tank - RHS - 2 No.
Raw Water Tank - RHS - 2 No.
4 NSCB Block Terrace 2 kL x 2 No. for Raw Water
2 kL x 1 No. for Drinking Water
Ground 2 kL x 1 No. Drinking Water - near
Floor open gym area
5 SBS Block Terrace 2 kL x 1 No. Drinking Water Fire Water Tank - 1 No.
Raw Water Tank - 1 No.
Ground 2 kL x 1 No. Drinking Water - behind
Floor the building
6 SMV Block Terrace 5 kL x 2 No. for Raw Water
2 kL x 1 No. for Hot water inlet
2 kL x 1 No. for Drinking Water
Ground 2 kL x 1 No. Drinking Water - in Main
Floor store area
7 RC Block Terrace 2 kL x 1 No. for Raw Water
2 kL x 1 No. for Hot water inlet
8 JKR Block Terrace 500 litre x 1 No. for Hot water inlet &
Raw water
2 kL x 1 No. for Drinking Water -
This drinking water tank supplies
water for RC block and JKR block

Table 4-2: Details of tanks, type and location

Based on the source, usage, type and recycling, water is classified as following types in
the college campus that include:

 Raw Water
 Drinking Water
 Hot Water
 Rain Water
 Sewage Water
 Treated Water (from Sewage Treatment Plant)
 RO Reject Water

Details of the various types of water usages are discussed in detail, in the following

21 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.1.1. Raw Water System

The raw water is consumed in the following areas:

 RO Input
 Hostel – Bathrooms
 Washrooms
 Cleaning
 Laboratories
 Garden

The schematic of overall raw water distribution system of the campus is given in figure 4-

Figure 4-1: Schematic of Overall Raw Water Distribution System

 The main water sump (BWSSB) capacity is 1000 kL, and it is located at the
entrance of gate No.3 (near playground area).
 BWSSB water flow meter is located at Gate 3. Figure 4.2 shows the BWSSB
water flow meter and main water sump located near Gate 3.
 From the main water tank, the water is transferred to the sump (SVB, CSB,
NSCB, SMV, RCB) by hydro pneumatic pumps. Three numbers of hydro-
22 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru
pneumatic pumps are available in the pump room near the main water sump.
From the main sump, the water is distributed to various sumps through under-
ground water pipe lines. Control and regulation valves are provided in the water
distribution system for better operation and control.
 From the sump tank, the water is pumped to the overhead tanks located in the
terrace by submersible pumps. The pictures of UG Sumps and Overhead tanks
are given in figure 4.2 and figure 4.3.

Figure 4-2: Sumps in the campus

Figure 4-3: Overhead tanks in the campus

23 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru
RC Block Sump:

The raw water from main sump is received in the RC block sump. Filtered rain water is
also connected to this sump. Two numbers of submersible pumps have been installed in
the sump, to pump the raw water from sump to overhead tanks.

One submersible pump transfers water from RC block sump to overhead tanks in RC
block terrace. From the overhead tank, water is supplied to meet the water needs of this

The other submersible pump transfers raw water from RC block sump to overhead tank
in JKR block terrace. From the overhead tank, water is supplied to meet the water needs
of this block.

SMV Block Sump:

The raw water from main sump is received in the SMV block (main store) sump. Filtered
rain water is also connected to this sump. Three numbers of submersible pumps have
been installed in the sump, to pump the raw water from sump to overhead tanks.

One submersible pump transfers water from SMV block sump to overhead tanks in
SMV block terrace. From the overhead tank, water is supplied to meet the water
requirement of SMV block, Library block and Tango cafeteria.

The second submersible pump transfers raw water from SMV block sump to overhead
tank in SBS block terrace. From the overhead tank, water is supplied to meet the water
needs of SBS block, SVP block and Udupi Canteen.

The third submersible pump is used to transfer water from sump to hot water inlet tank

SVB Block Sump:

The raw water from main sump is received in the SVB block sump. Filtered rain water is
also connected to this sump. Two numbers of submersible pumps have been installed in
the sump, to pump the raw water from sump to overhead tanks.

One submersible pump transfers water from SVB block sump to overhead tanks in SVB
block terrace. From the overhead tank, water is supplied to meet the water needs of this

The other submersible pump transfers raw water from SVB block sump to overhead tank
in Hemu Kalani block terrace. From the overhead tank, water is supplied to meet the
water needs of this block.

24 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

CSB Block Sump:

The raw water from main sump is received in the CSB block sump. Filtered rain water is
also connected to this sump. One number of submersible pump is installed in the sump,
to pump the raw water from sump to overhead tanks. From the overhead tank, water is
supplied to meet the water needs of this block.

NSCB Block Sump:

The raw water from main sump is received in the NSCB block sump. Filtered rain water
is also connected to this sump. One number of submersible pump is installed in the
sump, to pump the raw water from sump to overhead tanks. From the overhead tank,
water is supplied to meet the water requirement of this block.

4.1.2. Drinking Water System

The drinking water requirement of the entire campus is met by RO water system installed
the campus. Three numbers of RO plant is available in the campus. Two numbers of RO
plants are installed in NSCB block and one number of RO plant is installed in SVB
block. The schematic of drinking water system is given in figure 4.4.

Figure 4-4: Schematic of drinking water system in the campus

25 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru NSCB Block RO Plant

 The input for the RO plant comes from the overhead tanks
 The output water from two numbers of RO plant in NSCB block is stored in the
overhead drinking water tank (2000 Litres x 1 No) available in NSCB block.
 The RO reject water is sent to sump
 The RO back wash water is collected and sent to STP for recycling
 From the overhead drinking water tank, plumbing lines are distributed to all the
blocks across the campus. For better control and maintenance purposes, water
tanks are kept at some of the blocks, the details are explained below
o NSCB block ground floor (near open gym area), one number of 2000
litres drinking water tank is available. The input supply to this tank is
from the main drinking water distribution header. From the ground floor
drinking water tank, water distribution line is given to CSB block terrace
drinking water tank of two numbers each 2000 litres capacity
o One number of 2000 litres capacity drinking water tank is available in
ground floor of main store (near SMV block). The input supply to this
tank is from the main drinking water distribution header. From the
ground floor drinking water tank, water is pumped to SMV block terrace
drinking water tank – 2000 litres capacity, one number. From this
drinking water tank, the drinking water is supplied to SMV block, Hemu
Kalani block, Library block and Tango cafeteria
o One number of 2000 litres capacity drinking water tank is available in
ground floor of SBS block (behind the building). The input supply to this
tank is from the main drinking water distribution header. From the
ground floor drinking water tank, water is pumped to SBS block terrace
drinking water tank – 2000 litres capacity, one number. From this tank,
the water is supplied to the SBS block. The picture of RO plant installed
in the campus is given in figure 4.5.

26 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 4-5: RO water treatment plant in the campus SVB Block RO Plant

 The input for the RO plant comes from the overhead tank
 The output water from RO plant in SVB block is stored in the overhead drinking
water tank (2000 Litres x 1 No) available in SVB block.
 The RO reject water is sent to sump
 The RO back wash water is collected and sent to STP for recycling
 From the overhead drinking water tank – one number of 2000 litres capacity, the
drinking water is supplied to SVB block and Sodexo canteen.

The drinking water coolers and water dispensers are available in each floor of all the
blocks. Sample photos of the water coolers and water dispensers are given in figure 4.6.

RO water is used for cooking in the hostel and canteens.

Figure 4-6: RO water treatment plant in the campus

27 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.1.3. Hot Water System

The hot water is mainly consumed in hostels for bathing purposes. The hot water
requirement for bathing is met by solar water heater systems and electrical heaters
(geysers) installed in the hostel bathrooms.

Apart from this, hot water for drinking purposes in canteen is supplied by water drums
(water is heated in cooking gas stoves and stored in a water drum). In few places water
dispenser with electrical heating option is also available for supplying drinking hot water.
Electrical kettles are also provided in some of the departments for drinking water

The details of solar water heater systems, capacity and installed location are given in
table 4.3. The pictures of solar water heater installed in the hostels are given in figure

S. No. Block Location SWH Capacity, Litres Total Capacity, Litres

1 SVB Terrace 2 500 1000
2 SMV Terrace 2 500 1000
3 SBS Terrace 2 500 1000
4 RC Terrace 2 500 1000
5 JKR Terrace 2 500 1000
Total 5000

Table 4-3: Details of Solar heater systems

28 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 4-7: Solar water heater installed in the campus

The details of electrical water heaters and installed location are given in table 4.4. The
pictures of electrical water heater installed in the hostels are given in figure 4.8.

S. No. Block Location Electrical Heaters

1 SVB Bathrooms 4
2 SMV Bathrooms 7
3 SBS Bathrooms 10
4 RC Bathrooms 3
5 JKR Bathrooms 8
Total 32

Table 4-4: Details of Electrical water heaters

29 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 4-8: Electrical water heaters installed in hostels

The hot water supplied in canteen for drinking purposes is shown in figure 4.9.

Figure 4-9: Hot water supplied in canteen

30 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

The hot water dispenser available in college for drinking purposes is shown in figure

Figure 4-10: Hot water dispenser available in college

31 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.1.4. Rain Water System

 The college campus has a well designed and engineered rain water harvesting
system in place for rain water harvesting.
 Ground water recharging is done with rainwater collected from the roof and
open space.
 Bore well recharge well is available for ground water recharge
 The rain water from terrace of each of blocks is brought to ground level through
pipes and rain water filters are connected. The filtered rain water is then
connected to the sumps available in each building respectively.
 There is provision of storing rain water in STP final treated water tank. Pipeline
interconnections are available to regulate the water towards STP final treated
water tank.
 During rainy seasons, the intake of water from BWSSB is reduced and maximum
utilization of rain water collected in the sumps are utilized to the maximum
possible extent.
 Figure 4-11 depicts the sample rain water filters installed in each blocks.

Figure 4-11: Rain water harvesting system in the campus

32 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.1.5. Sewage Water System

 The sources of waste water in the college campus of all blocks are as follows

o Washrooms
o Toilets
o Kitchen
o Hostel
o Labs
o Canteen

 Waste water from the above mentioned sources are collected and treated at
sewage treatment plant (STP). The capacity of STP is 200 kLPD (kilo Litres Per
 The plumbing system (waste water collection, waste water transfer to STP, STP
treated water storage and STP treated water to land scaping) is very well
designed, the pipes are laid underground, and access / chambers are provided to
regulate and control the flow of water.
 The treated water from the STP is distributed via underground pipes to the entire
campus for flushing, Cleaning and gardening purposes.
 All the blocks have dual water piping system to use STP treated final water for
flushing purposes
 The picture of STP facility is show in figure 4.12.

33 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 4-12: Sewage Treatment Plant

Figure 4.13 depicts the STP Schematic. Figure 4.14 depicts STP block diagram

Figure 4-13: STP Schematic

34 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Sewage Final Tank -
Hostel, Canteen, & cleaning
Plant Tank
Kitchen purposes

Figure 4-14: STP Block Diagram

35 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.2. Best Practices Implemented for Water Conservation
4.2.1. Water Flow Meter

One number of water flow meter is installed near gate# 3 to quantify the water used.
Regular monitoring of water consumption data and recording of data is being carried out.
The water flow meter is shown in figure 4-15.

Figure 4-15: Water flow meter installed in the campus

36 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.2.2. Dual water piping system for wash rooms

The toilets and rest rooms in all the blocks of the college campus have been provided
with dual water piping system. The dual water piping system consists of raw water piping
network and STP treated final water piping network.

The STP treated final water is used for flushing in the toilets.

This method of processing the sewage water to convert as treated water, and utilizing in
all possible areas would have resulted in substantial amount of water savings.

Figure 4-16: Dual water piping system installed in the campus

37 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.2.3. Low flow taps

Low flow taps perform better with less water usage when compared to regular taps.
These taps compensate the water pressure and give defined water flow rate, therefore
less water wastage & more savings on water bills. The advantages of low flow taps are as

 Saves water
 Reduced water bill
 Optimized flow rate
 Different flow patterns (shower/Foam)
 Annual Savings upto 10,000 litres/Year/tap

The picture of low flow taps used in the college is shown in figure 4.17.

Figure 4-17: Low flow taps installed in the college

38 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.2.4. Water less urinals

Traditional water based urinals are one of the major water consumer in any facility. Apart
from the water usage, the cost for handling raw water to the urinals is an added
expenditure. Also, maintaining the water taps and flushes for urinals will add to
maintenance cost aswell.

To overcome these challenges and as part of water conservation measure, the

management has initiated the water less urinals implementation in campus.

The advantages of water less urinals are as follows:

 Saves water
 Reduces water bill
 Reduces maintenance cost
 Reduces water handling cost (electricity cost for pumping raw water)
 Reduces usage of chemicals
 Improves overall bathroom hygiene

The poster of water less urinals is shown in figure 4.18.

Figure 4-18: Water less urinals installed in the college

39 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.2.5. Rain water harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is the simple process or technology used to conserve rainwater by

collecting, conveying, purifying and storing of rainwater for later use.

The benefits of rainwater harvesting system are listed below.

 Helps in reducing the water bill.

 Decreases the demand for water.
 Reduces the need of bore well water
 Promotes both water and energy conservation
 Improves the quality and quantity of groundwater
 It is an excellent source of water for landscape irrigation

The college campus has a fully integrated rain water harvesting system for each blocks
and inter-connections are available between blocks, STP and storm water chambers.

The purchase bills of the rain water harvesting system related procurement has been
verified during the study. Sample purchase invoice is given in figure 4.19.

Figure 4-19: Sample procurement bills for rain water harvesting system

40 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.2.6. Regular testing of water quality

Testing water quality on a regular basis is an important part of maintaining a safe and
reliable source. The test result allows to properly addressing the specific problems of a
water supply. This will help ensure that the water source is being properly protected from
potential contamination, and that appropriate treatment is selected and operating

It is important to test the suitability of water quality for its intended use, whether it be
livestock watering, chemical spraying, or drinking water. This will assist in making
informed decisions about your water and how you use it. The sample water test report is
given in figure 4.20. Water testing is done by college, on regular basis to ensure quality of
water used for drinking and other purposes.

Regular testing is important to :

 identify existing problems

 ensure water is suitable for the intended use, especially if used for drinking by
humans and animals
 track changes over time
 determine the effectiveness of a treatment system

41 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 4-20: Sample water testing report

42 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Useful tests are available to help determine the health and safety of a water supply, and
the performance of a water treatment system. Details of various tests are as follows:

 Basic water potability

Include tests for coliform bacteria, nitrates, pH, sodium, chloride, fluoride, sulphate, iron,
manganese, total dissolved solids, and hardness.

 Coliform bacteria
Indicate the presence of microorganisms in the water that are potentially harmful to
human health.

 Nitrate
A common contaminant found mainly in groundwater. High nitrate concentrations can
be particularly dangerous for babies under six months, since nitrate interferes with the
ability of blood to carry oxygen.

 Ions
Ions such as sodium, chloride, sulphate, iron, and manganese can impart objectionable
taste or odor to water.

 Sulfate
Excessive amounts of sulfate can have a laxative effect or cause gastrointestinal irritation.

 Fluoride
Fluoride is an essential micro-nutrient, but excessive amounts can cause dental problems.

 Total dissolved solids

Represent the amount of inorganic substances (i.e. sodium, chloride, sulphate) that are
dissolved in the water. High total dissolved solids (TDS) can reduce the palatability of

 Additional testing
Other tests may be appropriate if a particular contaminant is suspected in the water. For
instance, groundwater sources are sometimes tested for arsenic, selenium, and uranium.
Both surface and groundwater sources may also be tested for pesticide contamination.

43 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.2.7. Sewage Treatment Plant

The procedure for removing contaminants from the wastewater basically from the
household sewage is called sewage treatment. It has to undergo the chemical, physical
and biological procedure to remove these contaminants and give out an environmentally
safe treated effluent. A semi-solid slurry called the sewage sludge is the by-product of the
sewage treatment. This sludge is further processed before it is suitable for land

The institution has installed STP with capacity of 200 kLPD and the quantity of final
treated water is 75% of the total capacity, which is 150 kLPD.

The details of water savings and cost savings due to installation of STP is given in table

S. No. Description Unit Values

1 STP capacity kLPD 200
2 Quantity of final treated water from STP kLPD 150
3 Quantity of water reused @ 50% utilization kLPD 75
4 No. of working days per year days 250
5 Annual Quantity of water reused (saved) kLPD 18750
6 Average water cost Rs./Litre 0.086
7 Annual cost savings achieved Rs. lakh/year 16.125

Table 4-5: Annual water and cost savings by installation of STP

44 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.2.8. Maintenance Team

The college management has formed separate operations & maintenance team, house-
keeping team and security personnel’s for maintaining the cleanliness of various areas
inside the campus.

During the audit, walk through survey was carried out to observe the maintenance of the
electrical panels, water distribution system, housekeeping and log book/ records for
maintenance and housekeeping.

The entire campus is maintained clean and tidy. The electrical panels, panel rooms in
each block, sub-station, DG set area, water distribution system, STP area, terrace water
tanks, solar water heaters, SRTPV systems, class rooms, office rooms, hostels, kitchen
and dining area, canteen, auditorium, library, playground, corridors, walk ways, and
toilets & wash rooms, is found to be well maintained and cleaned on regular intervals.

The college campus has a dedicated team for maintenance of the campus. The breakup
of the maintenance team members are given in table 4.6. Sample bill copy of list of items
purchased for housekeeping and maintenance is given in figure 4.21.

S. No. Department No. of Staffs

1 Electrical 16
2 Maintenance 12
3 House Keeping 101
4 Security 63
5 Transport 18
Total 210

Table 4-6: Details of maintenance staffs

45 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 4-21: Sample procurement bills for housekeeping and maintenance items

46 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.2.9. Other measures implemented for water conservation

 Regular checking and maintenance of pipelines are done to control water wastage

 Water conservation awareness campaigns are organized, dedicated staff members

have been deputed for this activity and support of trust members is also extended

 Usage of sign boards in all the wash rooms are posted to create awareness for
water conservation, sample photos are taken during the audit and are shown in
figure 4-22.

Figure 4-22: Posters to conserve water

47 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

4.3. Recommendations for Water Audit
 Installation of water flow meters for individual blocks and monitoring the block
wise water consumption
 Regular checking of taps and valves to avoid leaks and water wastage
 Conduct seminars, workshops and exhibitions on water conservation

48 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

5.1. Facility Description
New Horizon College , Bellandur campus receives power supply from the state electricity
board (BESCOM – Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited) S7 Murgeshpalya at
HT 11 kV. NHCM has availed power supply, with connection – RR. No 6083066719
(S7HT7) with 1HT2C2 tariff.

Incoming power supply from BESCOM is received at the transformer yard inside the
college premises. The 11 kV rated HT power supply is stepped down to LT 433V, by
one number of 500 kVA rated transformer. Transformer unit installed inside college
premises is as shown in the figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1: Transformer unit Installed in the campus

The name plate details of transformer are given in table 4-1.

S. No. Description Units Details

1 Rated Capacity kVA 500
2 Rated Voltage Prim/Sec kV 11/0.433
3 Rated Current Prim/Sec A 2.6-24/6.66-64
4 Type of Cooling - ONAN
5 Frequency Hz 50
6 Impedance - 4.48%

49 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

S. No. Description Units Details
7 Phase - 3
8 Make - Kiran Power Rectification
Services (P) Ltd. (KPRS)

Table 5-1: Name plate details of transformer

The LT supply from the transformer is taken to the main distribution panel located
inside the Electrical panel room near the transformer yard. Electrical panel room is as
shown in the figure 5-2. One number of 400 kVAr rated capacitor bank have been
installed at the main incomer panel for power factor improvement.

Figure 5-2: Electrical panel Room

Figure 5-3: APFC panel

50 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Power supply cables from the electrical panel room is distributed to the various
distribution panels placed inside the blocks. From the main LT sub-station panel room,
power supply is catered to individual blocks. There is an feeder pillar installed near the
NSB block. From this feeder pillar the power is supplied to SVP block, NSB block, RC
block and JKR block. For all the other remaining blocks, the power is supplied directly
from the LT sub-station panel room. Figure 5.4 shows the feeder pillar near the NSB
block. The electrical panels located in various blocks sample pictures are given in figure

Figure 5-4: Feeder Pillar near NSB block

Figure 5-5: Electrical distribution panels in various blocks

51 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Two numbers of DG (Diesel Generator) sets are used for backup power supply, during
power failure from BESCOM. DG set installed at the college premises is shown in the
figure 5-6. The name plate specification rating of the DG set is shown in the table 5-2.

Figure 5-6: Diesel Generator (DG) sets

S. No. Description Unit DG # 1 DG # 2

1 Rated Capacity kVA 500 250
2 Rated voltage Volts 415 415
3 Rated current Ampere 696 347.8
4 Frequency Hz 50 50
5 Power factor - 0.80 0.80
6 Rated Demand kVA 500 250
7 Rated Power kW 400 200
8 Make - Caterpillar Leroy Somer

Table 5-2: DG set specifications

5.1.1. Tariff Structure

The sanctioned contract demand of the campus is 475 kVA at specified voltage of 11 kV.
Electricity supply from BESCOM is billed under 1HT2C2 schedule of tariffs. The tariff
includes demand charges of Rs. 240 per kVA, and energy charges of Rs.8.20 per kWh.

The kVA demand charges @ Rs. 240/kVA of maximum demand recorded during the
month or 85% of the contract demand, whichever is higher

52 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

5.1.2. Electricity Consumption Data

Details of electricity consumption for the last two years have been collected and Salient
features of electrical energy details are given in table 5-3.

S. No. Description Unit Details

1 Contract Demand kVA 475
2 Demand Charges Rs./kVA 240
3 Maximum Demand Recorded during last kVA 446
three years
4 Average Monthly Energy Consumption kWh 87057.53
during last three years
5 Average System Power Factor 0.987
6 Average Energy Charges considered for Rs./ kWh 9.73
savings calculations

Table 5-3: Electricity Bill Parameters

Figure 5-7 indicates the month wise recorded maximum demand and month wise energy
consumption of the college campus for the last three years (Dec 2018 to Oct 2021).

Figure 5-7: Month wise Recorded Maximum Demand and Energy Consumption

From the maximum demand curve, it was observed that maximum demand registered
during the month of March 2020 was found to be 446 kVA and is the peak demand
during the last three years of billing period. Average of registered maximum demand
during December 2018 to October 2021 is 349.33 kVA.

From the month wise energy consumption profile, it was observed maximum energy
consumption was registered during April 2019. Average monthly energy consumption is
10,66,751 kWh.

53 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

5.1.3. SRTPV (Solar Roof Top Photo Voltaic) system

SRTPV (Solar Roof Top Photo Voltaic) system was installed at the terrace of SVP
(Mechanical) block and in NSB block. The capacity of SRTPV installed in SVP block is
of 25 kWp rated and the capacity of SRTPV installed in NSB block is of 5 kWp rated.

The SRTPV is off-grid system type with battery backup. During the audit, photo of
SRTPV systems are collected and is shown in figure 5-8 and figure 5-9.

Figure 5-8: Solar rooftop PV system installed in SVP block

Figure 5-9: Solar rooftop PV system installed in NSB block

54 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

The solar power generated from 25 kWp system installed in the SVP block is consumed
by the electrical loads in the SVP block only. The 5 kWp system installed in NSB block
supplies power to NSB block lighting loads.

The SRTPV system panels are well maintained and cleaned on regular basis. To remove
the dust accumulated on the solar panel cells, pressurized water system is used for
cleaning. The picture of the pressurized water cleaning system is given in figure 5.10.

Figure 5-10 Pressurized water cleaning for SRTPV systems

5.2. Measurements & Observations

Main LT incomer of Campus

The power parameters were observed at main LT incoming panel. The parameters such
as incoming voltage, variation in load current, kW, kVA, kVAr, power factor and
frequency were monitored from the existing meter installed in the main incomer panel.
Summary of observed power parameters at the main LT incoming supply panel during
typical working day is given in table 5-4.

S. No. Description Phase V I kW kVA kVAr PF Hz

1 Main LT Incomer R 241.0 368.0 86.9 88.7 17.6 0.98 49.9
Y 244.0 371.0 89.6 90.5 12.8 0.99 49.9
B 243.6 382.0 92.1 93.1 13.1 0.99 50.0

Table 5-4: Power parameters at main incomer panel room

55 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

The UPS power is supplied to computers and server loads. Each block has separate UPS
system. Table 5.5 gives the list of UPS system available in each block and its rated

S. No. Block Capacity, kVA Quantity, Nos.

1 Sub-station 15 2
2 Sub-station 3 1
3 SHK Block 20 1
4 SHK Block 15 1
5 SHK Block 3 1
6 SHK Block 3 1
7 SV Block 3 1
8 SV Block 3 1
9 SV Block 3 1
10 Library 30 1
11 Library 10 1
12 NSC Block 30 1
13 NSC Block 30 1
14 NSC Block 30 1
15 NSC Block 30 1
16 NSC Block 15 1
17 NSC Block 12.5 1
18 NSC Block 10 1
19 NSC Block 10 1
20 NSC Block 10 1
21 NSC Block - Solar 5 1
22 Auditorium 3 1
23 SMV 3 1
24 SMV 3 1
25 SBC Block 15 1
26 SBS Block 3 1
27 RC Block 3 1
28 JKR Block 5 1
29 SVP Block 25 1
30 CSB Block 15 1
31 CSB Block 5 1
32 CSB Block 100 1
33 CSB Block 5 1
34 Main Gate 1 1
35 Main Gate 2 1

56 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

S. No. Block Capacity, kVA Quantity, Nos.
36 SVP Block 20 2
37 SVP Block - Solar 25 1
38 Store 1 1

Table 5-5: List of UPS and its rated capacity

Note: As part of regular practice the inverters and batteries are always kept in a
separate room and electrical panel rooms are separate.

57 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

5.3. Best Practices Implemented for Energy Conservation
During the study, observations were carried out on the usage of the inventories in the
college building premises. In the intension of saving the electricity, various measures
have been adopted in the college. Computers and AC units are used only during the
working hours, after completion of class hours – fans, lights, computers and AC units are
found to be turned OFF. This practice is followed across the college premises (class
rooms, labs, staff rooms, office rooms, library and auditoriums).

5.3.1. Day-light Integration:

During the audit phase classrooms, Staff-rooms, computer lab, seminar hall, UPS &
batteries room and library areas were surveyed for illumination levels and fresh air-
circulation. It was observed most of the rooms are well ventilated and day-light
integrated; sample photos are shown in figure 5-11 and figure 5-12.

Figure 5-11: Well-ventilated and day-light integrated rooms

Figure 5-12: Well-ventilated and day-light integrated Staff room and class room

58 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

5.3.2. Installation of LED lights

Many of the FTL in all the blocks of the campus are replaced with LED lights. LED
tube lights are used in the class rooms, staff-rooms, corridors, hostel, dining area,
building façade lighting and in the library area. Sample photo of LED lamp used in the
some of the location of the college area are shown in figure 5-13.

Figure 5-13: Use of LED lights

The cost savings by installation of LED lights are given in table 5-6.

S. No. Description Unit Values

1 Rated Wattage of LED lamps installed W 20
2 Quantity of LED lamps installed Nos 2513
3 Rated wattage of lamps used earlier W 40
4 Savings per lamp by installation of LED W
lamps 20
5 Total savings kW 50.26
6 Working hours per day hours 8
7 No. of working days per year days 250
8 Annual electricity savings kWh 100520
9 Average electricity cost Rs./kWh 9.73
10 Annual cost savings achieved per year Rs. lakh/year 9.78
11 CO2 mitigations per year Tons/year 85.44

Table 5-6: Annual cost savings by installation of LED lights

59 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

5.3.3. Installation of VRV and Inverter AC Systems

The conventional air cooled AC units are replaced with energy efficient VRV and
Inverter type AC units. Purchase bills of energy efficient AC units are reviewed during
the study and sample bill copy is given in figure 5-14 and figure 5-15.

Figure 5-14: VRV Air Conditioning Unit

Figure 5-15: VRV Air Conditioning Unit – Purchase Invoice

60 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

The cost savings by installation of energy efficient VRV and inverter-based AC Units are
given in table 5-7.

S. No. Description Unit Values

1 Rated Tonnage of AC units installed TR 50
2 SEC of VRV AC units kW/TR 1.2
3 SEC of Conventional air cooled AC units kW/TR 1.8
4 Difference in SEC kW/TR 0.6
5 Savings due to installation of VRV AC units kW 30
6 Realizable savings @60% kW 18
7 Working hours per day hours 2
8 No. of working days per year days 250
9 Annual electricity savings kWh 9000
10 Average electricity cost Rs./kWh 9.73
11 Annual cost savings achieved per year Rs. lakh/year 0.88
12 CO2 mitigations per year Tons/year 7.65

Table 5-7: Annual cost savings by installation of LED lights

61 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

5.3.4. Installation of SRTPV system

25 kWp rated SRTPV system was installed in the terrace of SVP block and 5 kWp
SRTPV system is installed in terrace of NSB Block. During the audit, photo of SRTPV
systems installed at terrace are collected and is shown in figure 5-8 and figure 5-9, in
section 5.1.3.

Energy generation and cost savings of 25 kWp and 5 kWp SRTPV system is estimated
and the same is given in the table 5-8.

S. No. Description Unit SVP NSB

Block Block
1 Rated Capacity of SRTPV system kWp 25 5
2 Average units generated per day kWh/day/kWp 3 3
3 No. of working hours per annum days 250 250
4 No. of years in operation years 2 2
5 Annual energy generation from SRTPV kWh/ annum 18,750 3,750
6 Average energy cost Rs./kWh 9.73 9.73
7 Annual cost savings due to installation of SRTPV - 2017- Rs. Lakh / 1.8 0.4
2018 annum
8 Annual cost savings due to installation of SRTPV - 2018- Rs. Lakh / 1.8 0.4
2019 annum
9 Annual cost savings due to installation of SRTPV - 2019- Rs. Lakh / 1.8 0.4
2020 annum
10 Annual cost savings due to installation of SRTPV - 2020- Rs. Lakh / 1.8 0.4
2021 annum
11 Annual cost savings due to installation of SRTPV - 2021-till Rs. Lakh / 1.4 0.3
date annum
12 Total cost savings due to installation of SRTPV Rs. Lakh 8.7 1.7

Table 5-8: Cost savings from SRTPV system

62 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

5.3.5. Installation of Solar Water Heater

Solar water heaters are installed in boys and girls hostel for generating hot water. Sample
photo of solar water heater used in the college area are shown in figure 5-16.

Figure 5-16: Use of Solar Water Heater

The cost savings by installation of solar water heater are given in table 5-9.

S. No. Description Unit Values

1 Solar water heater installed L 5000
2 Total amount of heat produced kCal/hr 150000
3 Electricity equivalent kWh 174.4186
4 No. of working days per year days 250
5 Annual electricity savings kWh 43604.65
6 Average electricity cost Rs./kWh 9.73
7 Annual cost savings achieved per year Rs. lakh/year 4.24
8 CO2 mitigations per year Tons/year 37.06

Table 5-9: Annual cost savings by installation of LED lights

63 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

5.3.6. Procurement of LED/LCD monitors

LED/LCD monitors are used for all the desktop computers in staff rooms and in
computer labs. Sample photos of the computer labs are as shown in the figure 5-17.

Figure 5-17: Use of LED monitors in the computer labs

64 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

5.3.7. Micro wind mill

Micro wind mill was installed in the terrace of SVP block which is of 1 kW. The power
generated from this wind mill is used for illuminating the lights in the class rooms and
two number of street lights during night time. Figure 5-18 shows the picture of wind mill
installed in SVP block. Purchase order of the wind mill is as shown in the figure 5-19.

Figure 5-18: Micro wind mill installed in SVP block

Figure 5-19: Micro wind – Purchase Order

65 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

5.3.8. Usage of Sign boards

There were Sign boards stating ‘Switch off the lights and fans when not in use’ and ‘Save
Energy’ posted in class rooms, staff-rooms, labs, libraries hostels and corridors. Sample
picture taken during walk through is shown in the figure 5-20.

Figure 5-20: Sign boards to save energy

66 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

5.3.9. Complaints and Maintenance Register

There is a systematic process is in place for complaints and maintenance monitoring. The
complaints are sent by email and recorded manually in the log register. Once the
complaint is attended and fixed, manual sign of completion is obtained from the person
raised the complaint and then the complaint gets closed in the register. The pictures of
the complaint and maintenance register are shown in figure 5.21.

Figure 5-21: Complaints and Maintenance Register

67 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

5.4. Recommendations for Energy Audit
 Conduct training and awareness programs on energy conservation
 Demand optimization
 Replacement of conventional FTL lamps with energy efficient LED lamps in
phased manner, as part of procurement practice
 Replacement of conventional fans with energy efficient fans in phased manner, as
part of procurement practice.
 Installation of SRTPV (Solar Roof Top Photo Voltaic) system

68 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

6.1. Facility Description
The study involved carrying out various analyses to realistically assess waste generation.

There are different types of waste generated in the college and is tabulated in table 6-1.

S. No. Description Yes / No Details

1 E-Waste Yes External Agency
2 Hazardous / Chemical Waste No NA
3 Solid Waste Yes External Agency
4 Dry Leaves Yes Compost Unit
5 Food Waste Yes Compost Unit
6 Waste Water Yes STP
7 Glass Waste No NA
8 Unused Materials No External Agency
10 Plastic Waste Yes External Agency

Table 6-1: Types of Waste Generated in the college

6.1.1. Dry Waste Management

Separate bins are used across the campus for waste collection. Each room (Staff, class
rooms, corridors, office, restrooms, and library) is provided with the separate dustbin to
segregate waste. MoU with VAH trucks is signed to manage dry waste in the campus
which is as shown in figure 6-1 and figure 6-2.

69 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 6-1: Image 1 of 2 – MoU for Dry -Waste management

70 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 6-2: Image 2 of 2 – MoU for Dry - Waste management

71 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

6.1.2. Wet Waste Management

To manage the wet waste produced in the college, which is produced from kitchens of
canteens in the campus, from the remains of the tiffin boxes brought by the students,
teachers, & staff of the college, the college management has signed MoU with external
agency; the copy of MoU is given in figure 6.3 and 6.4.

Figure 6-3: Image 1 of 2 – MoU for Wet - Waste management

72 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 6-4: Image 2 of 2 – MoU for Wet - Waste management

73 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

6.1.3. Bio- Waste Management

As part of maintaining hygienic environment for the girl’s, the management has provided
the sanitary napkin dispenser and sanitary napkin incinerator in the girl’s toilet. The
pictures of the same are given in figure 6-5.

Figure 6-5: Bio – waste management

74 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

6.2. Best Practices Implemented for Waste management
6.2.1. Zero Waste Campus Campaigns

Zero waste campus was one of the major initiatives taken to ban all one time use plastic
items. The awareness poster for zero waste campaign is given in figure 6-6.

Figure 6-6: Zero waste campus campaign poster

75 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

6.2.2. Color Code Bins

The garbage segregation is done and the garbage is given to external agencies /
municipal agencies from time to time in order to maintain the college premises clean &
hygiene. Figure 6-7 shows the waste segregation bins at each floor in the college

Figure 6-7: Dry and wet waste collection bins at different places

Waste collection bins of different colors Blue, Green and Red are kept in all the floors
in each block. The self-explanation poster helps the students/ staffs to dispose the waste
according to the category in the relevant waste collection bins. The waste collection
bins picture is shown in figure 6.7 and the self-explanation poster is show in figure 6.8

Figure 6-8: Poster for waste collection bins

76 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru
6.2.3. Installation of Organic Waste Composting Machine

Food waste management through organic waste composting machine. Any type of food
or organic waste which is biodegradable can be converted into soil amendment products
like compost. Food waste which has to be disposed of gets treated in the organic waste
composting machine which is available at campus. . Figure 6-9 depicts the organic waste
composting machine in the campus.

The environment as well as the economic benefits of organic waste composting machine
is as follows:

 Composting through a machine makes composting easier and hassle-free.

 Composting helps soil maintain fertility and accelerates plant growth.
 With the help of compost, soil can retain more water
 Composting serves as a natural fertilizer
 Composting helps to manage waste efficiently and reduce transportation costs.

Figure 6-9: Organic Waste Composting Machine

77 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

6.2.4. Posters on Plastic Ban

Different Posters on plastic ban has been placed inside the college. Photos are as shown
in the figure 6-10.

Figure 6-10: Posters – Single use Plastic Ban

Management has installed digital panels to reduce the marketing waste such as banners
and flexes.

78 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

6.2.5. Installation of leaf composter:

The dry leaves are collected manually and disposed in the leaf composter. The leaf
composter available in the campus is shown in figure 6-11.

Figure 6-11: Leaf composter available in campus

79 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

6.2.6. Sewage Treatment Plant for waste water recycling

The procedure for removing contaminants from the wastewater basically from the
household sewage is called sewage treatment. It has to undergo the chemical, physical
and biological procedure to remove these contaminants and give out an environmentally
safe treated effluent. A semi-solid slurry called the sewage sludge is the by-product of the
sewage treatment. This sludge is further processed before it is suitable for land

The institution has installed STP with capacity of 200 kLPD and the quantity of final
treated water is 75% of the total capacity, which is 150 kLPD.

The details of water savings and cost savings due to installation of STP is given in table

S. No. Description Unit Values

1 STP capacity kLPD 200
2 Quantity of final treated water from STP kLPD 150
3 Quantity of water reused @ 50% utilization kLPD 75
4 No. of working days per year days 250
5 Annual Quantity of water reused (saved) kLPD 18750
6 Average water cost Rs./Litre 0.086
7 Annual cost savings achieved Rs. lakh/year 16.125

Table 6-2: Annual water and cost savings by installation of STP

80 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

6.3. Recommendations on Waste Management Audit
 Conducting waste management (collection) drives

81 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

7.1. Facility Description
The institute is a green campus, lavish, serene atmosphere with more than 50 variety of
plants and trees. The inside garden area of the NHCM campus accounts to 1.5 acres. The
students and faculty are encouraged to adopt cleanliness, making the campus garbage and
plastic free zone. Tree plantation programs help in encouraging eco-friendly
environment, which provides pure oxygen within the institute.

The maintenance team takes care of the up-keeping of the environment and ensures to
keep the surroundings clean. They maintain all the plantations by employing the
cleanliness and watering regularly.

There are more than 80 trees and well-maintained landscaping of lawns. It was observed
different types of herbs, shrubs, species of vegetables & fruits and also, some medicinal
plantations in the garden area.

7.1.1. Plantations and Lawn

Photos taken during the audit are shown in the following figures 7.1 to 7.8.

82 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 7-1: Sample photos of Trees around the campus

83 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 7-2: plantations around different blocks

84 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 7-3: plantations beside the compound walls

85 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 7-4: Sample Flower plantations

86 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 7-5: Sample Flower plantations

Figure 7-6: Shrub Plantations

87 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 7-7: lawns maintained inside the campus

88 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

Figure 7-8: Pot plantations in between the blocks

89 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

7.2. Best Practices Implemented for Green Campus
The maintenance staff members do periodic checks and maintain records for the same.
Many initiatives are taken by the management to inculcate the eco-friendly culture among
the student community. The green campus provides the facilities such as rain water
harvesting, well grown plantations and lawn all around the campus.

 Plastic free campus

 Green landscaping with trees, plants like vegetable, fruits and medicinal plants; lawns
 Paperless office: All communication regarding academics and administration are sent
as e-mails and messages to faculty members and students that contributes paperless

 Apart from above, the maintenance of entire campus gardening and nurseries are
outsourced. The sample monthly invoice for the AMC of gardening and nurseries is
given in figure 7.9.

Figure 7-9: Invoice for plantations and nurseries AMC

90 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

7.3. Recommendations on Green Campus Management
 Encouraging students to recommend creative ideas for making campus more
 Conducting competition among departments to promote student’s ideas in
sustainability initiatives

91 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

8.1. Facility Description
The carbon footprint is "the total amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by
an organization, event or product". Global warming and climate change are the foremost
environmental challenges facing the world today. It is our responsibility to minimize the
consumption of energy and hence reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases.

To analysis the carbon footprint, transportation details of students and staff are collected
as below:

1. Whether college provides transport facility for staff and students (Yes/No)? Yes,

2. Number (or Percentage) of staff using transport services provided by college: 10%

3. Number (or Percentage) of students using transport services provided by college:


4. Number (or Percentage) of Staff using public transport: 40%

5. Number (or Percentage) of Staff using Bike: 40%

6. Number (or Percentage) of Staff using Car: 10%

7. Number (or Percentage) of students using public transport: 60%

8. Number (or Percentage) of students using Car: 2%

9. Number (or Percentage) of students using Bike: 33%

92 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

8.2. Best Practices Implemented for Environment
8.2.1. Awareness campaign on environment conservation

Management has taken steps to create awareness among students and staff regarding:

 Creating awareness campaigns on Environment Conservation

 Awareness campaigns on avoiding use of plastics

Environment awareness drawing competition is been conducted for the students. The
competition winner’s poster is displayed in the college notice board and recognized by
the management. Figure 8.1 depicts the environment awareness competition poster
displayed in notice board.

Figure 8-1: Environment Awareness Competition Poster displayed in notice board

93 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

8.2.2. Encouraging for usage of electric vehicles

The institution management is recommending and encouraging the staff and students to
use the public transport and electric vehicles, to reduce the carbon foot prints.

Some of the students coming to college are Electric bikes. During audit pictures of
electric bikes are taken and the same is given in figure 8-2.

Figure 8-2: Students using Electric Bikes

94 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

8.2.3. Color Code Bins

Waste collection bins of different colors Blue, Green and Red are kept in all the floors in
each block. The self-explanation poster helps the students/ staffs to dispose the waste
according to the category in the relevant waste collection bins. The waste collection bins
picture is shown in figure 8.3 and the self-explanation poster is show in figure 8.4

Figure 8-3: Waste Collection Bins

Figure 8-4: Poster for waste collection bins

95 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

8.2.4. Posters on Plastic Ban

Usage of single use plastic is banned inside the college premises and campus areas.
Posters are placed for ban of plastic; the same is given in figure 8.5.

Figure 8-5: Posters for Plastic Ban

Management have installed digital panels to reduce the marketing waste such as banners
and flexes.

96 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

8.3. Recommendations on Carbon Footprint Analysis
During the study, there was continuous interaction between the audit team, college
engineers and staff members to ensure that the suggestions made are realistic, practical
and implementable.

 Recommend staff to use car-pooling system

 Recommend students and staff to use public transport system
 Recommend students and staff to use bicycle
 Recommend staff and students to use electric vehicles
 Use of Display Boards to conserve fuel and the use of bicycle.

97 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College, Bengaluru

9.1. Data Collection Questionnaire
A questionnaire is a checklist used as the primary tool for the collection of data /
information in a systematic manner that enables to perform the audit.

9.1.1. General information of the college:

General information of the college needs to be collected to get an overview of the

campus for the walk-through purpose. It includes a set of questionnaires as given below.

1. Previous NAAC Grading’s:

Previous NAAC Grading’s of the college was collected from table 9-1.

S. No. Phase Grade CGPA/Percentage Year of Acc. Acc. Period

1 I A 3.11 2019 5

Table 9-1: NAAC grading’s Table

2. Internal Quality Audit Team : 2020 – 2021

Table 9-2 depicts the format for the collection of Internal Quality Audit team.

S. No. Name Designation Role


Table 9-2: Internal Quality Audit team

3. General Information of the college

General information of the college includes an address of college and head office,
contact person details, year of establishment etc., as given in table 9-3.

S. No. Description Details

1. Name of the
College and
98 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru
S. No. Description Details
1.a Head office
address :
2. Telephone/Fax
3. Co-ordinating Name:
officer: Mob:
4. Year of

5. Hostel
6. No. of Working
7. Brief description
of Campus

Table 9-3: General information of the college

4. College Infrastructure

Infrastructure details of the college were gathered from table 9-4.

S. No. Description Details

1 Block Name Class rooms
Staff rooms
Wash rooms

Table 9-4: Detail Infrastructure of the college

5. Details of Student clubs

6. Details of cells that support students
7. Tentative Schedule of a working day:

99 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

a. No. of working days per year:
b. List of holidays:

8. Total area of the campus

9. Details of List of Departments and Courses (Faculty wise)

The total number of department, laboratories, conference hall, Libraries, Auditorium,

and Cafeteria are obtained from table 9-5.

S. No. Description Details

1 Department

2 Laboratories

3 Conference Hall

4 Libraries

5 Auditorium

6 Cafeteria

Table 9-5: Details of the departments

10. Number of staff

Teaching, non-teaching, supporting staff with a male and female breakup is obtained
from table 9-6

Teaching Staff Non-teaching Support Staff (Security,

S. No. Staff House Keeping)
Male Female Male Female Male Female

Table 9-6: Details of the Staff

11. Number of Students

Number of students is collected from table 9-7.

S. No. Boys Girls

100 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

Table 9-7: Details of the Students

12. Additional infrastructure details have been collected from table 9-8.

S. No. Description Details

1. Number of blocks available for boys hostel Nos.

2. Number of rooms available for boys hostel Nos.
3. Number of blocks available for girls hostel Nos.
4. Number of rooms available for girls hostel Nos.
5. Whether Laundry is available in the hostel Yes / No
6. If Yes List the Electrical Equipment in
Laundry Section of the hostel (like Washing
machine, Dry Cleaning Machine, Iron )
7. Whether gym/ indoor sports hall is available Yes / No
in hostel
8. Whether Solar PV based Power Generation is Yes / No
available in campus (academic or hostel block)
9. Whether lifts available in academic block Yes / No
10. Whether Kitchen is available in the academic Yes / No
11. Whether any food counter (outside caterers) Yes / No
available in academic block
12. Whether any commercial shops available in Yes / No
academic block
13. Any more information or additional details of
academic block you would like to share –
kindly elaborate here

Table 9-8: Details of the departments

9.1.2. Water Audit details:

1. General information
General information required for water management analysis is collected from table 9-9.

S. No. Description Details

1 Source of water

101 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

2 Types of water

102 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

S. No. Description Details
3 No of Wells
4 No of motors used
5 No of bore wells
6 Rating of the motors in HP
7 Depth of each bore-well
8 Water level of bore well
9 Number of water tanks (overhead & underground tanks)
10 Capacity of overhead tank
11 Capacity of underground tank
12 Quantity of water pumped every day
13 Any water wastage of water /why?
14 Water usage for gardening
15 Waste water sources
16 Use of waste water
17 Faith of waste water from labs
18 Whether waste water from labs mixed with ground water?
19 Any treatment method available for lab water?
20 Whether any green chemistry method practiced in labs?
21 Total number of water coolers
22 Whether Rain water harvesting system available?
23 Whether Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is available?
24 List of equipment installed in STP (If S.No.23 is Yes)
25 Whether Solar Hot Water System is available in the campus
26 Number of units and amount of water harvested
27 Any leaky taps in the campus
28 Amount of water lost per day
29 Any water management plan used?
30 Any water-saving techniques followed?
31 Are there any signs reminding peoples to turn off the water?

103 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

32 No. of water flow meters available

104 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

S. No. Description Details
33 Method of water consumption monitoring
34 Breakup of daily water consumption
35 Attach Month wise water bill for last 2 years
36 Please attach recent water quality test reports for Bore well
water, Drinking Water and STP processed water.
37 What are the sources of hot water
38 What are the usage areas of hot water

Table 9-9: Water management details

2. STP information
STP details are collected from table 9-10

S. No. Description Details

1. Number of STP plants installed
2. Capacity of STP
3. Technology of STP
4. Year of Installation
5. Schematic / Layout of STP
6. Water flow meters installed
7. Quantity of Sludge
8. Disposal of Sludge

Table 9-10: Details of STP

3. RO Plant information
RO Plant details are obtained from table 9-11.

S. No. Location Quantity Capacity


Table 9-11: Details of RO Plant

105 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

9.1.3. Energy consumption details:

1. Energy consumption details:

The energy consumption details required for the audit is collected, the brief format of the
same is given in table 9-12.

S. No. Type Units Value Cost in Rs.

1 Electricity kWh 2019
2 LPG Cylinders
3 Diesel Litres (Month wise
consumption for
the last two years)
4 Others resources
(Please specify)
5 Total connected load kW
6 Contract demand kVA
7 Maximum demand kVA
8 Average power factor
9 Energy charges Rs./kWh
10 Demand charges Rs./kVA
* Attach Electricity Bill Copy of last 2 years

Table 9-12: Details of Energy consumption

2. Solar Energy details:

The solar energy details required are collected from table 9-13.

S. Building Solar water Heater Solar PV System

No. No./ Capacity Working Year of Capacity Working Year of
Name / Not Installation / Not Installation
working working

Table 9-13: Details of Solar Energy

3. Solar Street lights details:

106 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

a. Quantity -

107 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

b. Capacity -
c. Year of Installation –

4. Electrical Equipment details:

Electrical Equipment like transformers DGs UPS Capacitor Bank, AC, Computers, water
coolers, fans, exhaust fans are obtained from the table 9-14.

S. No. Description Details

1. Number of Transformers Installed Nos.
2. Number of Electrical Panels / Electrical Panel Nos.
3. Whether Diesel Generator Set Backup Power is Yes / No
4.. How many number of DG Sets available in the Nos.
campus (If S.No.3 is Yes)
5. Whether UPS is available for labs, computers Yes / No
and/or any equipment
6. Number of UPS installed with location and capacity Nos.
(If S.No.5 is Yes)
7. Whether Capacitor Banks is installed in the Yes / No
electrical panel rooms
8.. Whether Air Conditioning Units have been installed Yes / No
in the campus
9. Type of AC units (split, cassette or packaged) Nos.
available, capacity and installed location (If S.No.8 is
10. Total number of computers available in the campus Nos.
11. Type of computer monitors available (CRT, LCD, Nos.
12. Whether water coolers are installed in the academic Yes/No
13. Type of lamps (Fluorescent Tube Light, CFL, LED, Nos.
Incandescent, Sodium / Mercury lamps, etc.,)
installed in the campus
14. Type of fans (ceiling, wall mount, standing, exhaust, Nos.
etc.,) installed in the campus
15. Whether exhaust fans are installed in hostel / Yes /No
kitchen.(If Yes, share the quantity and installed

108 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

16. Any other electrical equipment’s in college

109 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

S. No. Description Details

Table 9-14: Details of Electrical Equipment

5. List of energy saving initiatives implemented

6. List of energy saving initiatives in plan for future

110 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

9.1.4. Waste management details:

Waste management includes the activities and actions required to manage waste from its
inception to its final disposal. The various data/ information required for the assessment
of waste management is as collected from the following set of questionnaires.

1. Basic information

Basic information for waste management is collected from table 9-15.

S. No. Description Yes/ No

1 Whether wet and dry garbage segregation is done inside the
2 Whether garbage is given to external agencies / municipal agencies?

Table 9-15: Basic details of waste management

2. Types of Waste generated

Types of waste generated in the college are obtained from table 9-16.

S. No. Description Yes / Remarks

1 E-Waste (Computers, electrical and electronic parts)
2 Hazardous / Chemical Waste
3 Solid Waste (Damaged furniture, paper waste, paper
4 Dry Leaves
5 Food Waste
6 Waste Water (Washing, urinals, bathrooms)
7 Glass Waste (Broken glass wares from the labs)
8 Unused Materials
9 Plastic Waste (Pen, Refill, Plastic water bottles and
other plastic containers, wrappers etc.)

Table 9-16: Types of waste generated

3. Segregation of waste

111 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

Segregation of waste information at different locations with quantity is gathered from
table 9-17.

S. Location Bio- Non- E-waste Quantity,

No. degradable Biodegradable kgs/month
1 Office
2 Labs
3 Cafeteria /
4 College

Table 9-17: Segregation of waste

4. Waste generation management

Waste generation management of the college was collected from table 9-18

S. No. Description Yes / No Remarks

1 Composting / Vermicomposting
2 Recycling
3 Reusing
4 Other ways

Table 9-18: Waste Disposal methods

9.1.5. Green campus management details:

1. Total number of plants and trees

The total number of plantations, garden area, and many more are collected as per the set
of questionnaires given in table 9-19

S. No Description Details
1 Total number of plant species identified
2 Total number of plants on the campus
3 Total number of Trees on the campus
4 Garden area inside the college –
5 Total number of medicinal plants /trees on the campus

112 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

6 Total number of vegetables and fruits plantation in the
7 Whether display boards are given to plants and trees for
8 Does Institute celebrate World environment day?
9 Does Institute celebrate World water day?
10 Does Institute celebrate World ozone day?
11 Does Institute celebrate World Earth day?
12 Total number of aquatic water plants

Table 9-19: List of plantation details

2. List of plants/ trees

List of plants/ trees with their scientific names obtained from table 9-20.

S. No. Common/Local Name Scientific name No. of Trees/Plants

Table 9-20: List of plants/trees in campus

113 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

9.1.6. Carbon footprint management details:

The carbon emission from various activities such as transport, diesel generator usage,
LPG consumption, and electricity consumption were collected, as per table 9-21.

S. No Description Details
1 Whether college provides transport facility for staff and
students ( Yes/No)
2 Number (or Percentage) of staff using transport services
provided by college
3 Number (or Percentage) of students using transport
services provided by college
4 Number (or Percentage) of Staff using public transport
5 Number (or Percentage) of Staff using Bike
6 Number (or Percentage) of Staff using Car
7 Number (or Percentage) of students using Public
8 Number (or Percentage) of students using Car
9 Number (or Percentage) of students using Bike
10 Number (or Percentage) of students using Bicycles
11 Average consumption of diesel per month
12 Average electricity consumption per month
13 Average LPG consumption per month

Table 9-21: Details of Carbon footprint management

9.1.7. Photos required for Audit:

1. General Photos

In various sections, different types of photos are required to validate the existence of
things, and hence they are collected from table 9-22.

S. No Description Details
1 Photos of student’s NSS activities
2 Photos of Safety policy
3 Photos of the training program on the use of fire extinguishers
4 Photos of environmental policies adopted by college
5 Photos of MoUs for Waste management

114 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

6 Photos of any other policies adopted by college
Drinking Water
STP processed water
of water
7 Bore-well water
Other water Sources (Like Tanker water and any
8 Photos of use of Energy efficient devices like fan, bulbs etc.
9 Photos of LCD/LED monitors used in Labs
10 Photos of dry and wet waste collection bins
11 Photos of celebrating World Environment Day
12 Photos of celebrating World Water Day
13 Photos of celebrating World Earth Day
14 Photos of celebrating World Ozone Day

Table 9-22: List of photos

115 Green Audit Report of New Horizon College , Bengaluru

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