Nep 2020 Med Ug Syllabus17229441994354
Nep 2020 Med Ug Syllabus17229441994354
Nep 2020 Med Ug Syllabus17229441994354
Second Year
3rd Semester 4th Semester
SN Code Subject L T P Cr SN Code Subject L T P Cr
1 MA-203 Engineering Mathematics-III 3 0 0 3 1 ME-221 Kinematics of Machines 3 0 0 3
Third Year
Internal Combustion
1 ME-311 Machine Design-I 3 1 0 4 1 ME-321 3 0 0 3
Internal Combustion
4 ME-314 Kinematics & Dynamics Lab 0 0 2 1 4 ME-324 0 0 2 1
Engines Lab
Discipline Elective
6 ME-301/302/303/304 Open Elective 3 0 0 3 6 ME-341/342/343 3 0 0 3
Discipline Elective
7 ME-351/352/353 Discipline Elective (II) 3 0 0 3 7 ME-361/362/363 3 0 0 3
HSS Course (Non-Circuital
8 HS-311 2 0 0 2 8 ME-381/382/383/384 Stream Core -I 2 0 0 2
Total = 20 Total = 20
Stream Core-I
1. (ME-381) Additive Manufacturing
2. (ME-382) Computational Fluid Dynamics
3. (ME-383) Advanced Mechanics of Solids
4. (ME-384) Vibration & Noise Control
Fourth Year
*The students should undergo vocational training during summer vacations after sixth semester
Note: (i) Students opting for internship will complete the UG project and the remaining credit requirements will be fulfilled by opting Free Elective Courses,
(ii) In place of Stream Electives, student may opt Stream Elective offered by other Department/Engineering Course/Open Elective Course/Courses available
in other departments in the even semester/Free Electives/ /Institute Elective (Open Elective)/Open Platform Course of 6 credits.
Stream Elective-II
1. (ME-481) Design of Eletro-Mechanical Systems
2. (ME-482) Industrial Automation
3. (ME-483) Energy Conservation and Management
Types of
Courses 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Total
IC 20 20 0 0 2 0 0 2 44
IE 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 6* 4/10*
DC 0 0 20 16 12 12 13 0 73
DE 0 0 0 3 3 6 3 12 27
SC 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 6
SE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6* 6/0*
Total 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 160
Total 160
* Students are free to choose any combination out of Free Electives, IE, and SE for 6 credits
Course Objectives
• To introduce the fundamental concepts relevant to function of complex variable, numerical
differentiation and integration and numerical solution of linear, non-linear and system of equations.
• To have the idea of evaluation of real integrals using complex variable.
• To understand the concept of approximating & interpolating polynomials and finding values of function
at arbitrary point.
• To impart knowledge of various numerical technique to solve ODE.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand and analyze the concept of Numerical Solution of Linear and Non-Linear Equations,
Ordinary Differential Equations and Function of complex variable.
CO2: Identify an appropriate technique to solve the linear, non-linear equations, ordinary differential
CO3: Formulate the problems on related topics and solve analytically.
CO4: Apply the concepts of linear, non-linear equations, differential equations and complex analysis in
various engineering problems.
CO5: Demonstrate the concepts through examples and applications.
Recommended Books
1. Complex variables and Applications by R. V. Churchill, J. W. Brown & R. F. Verhey, McGraw Hill.
2. A first course in complex analysis with applications by Dennis G. Zill & P. D. Shanahan, Jones and
3. Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation by M. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyenger and R.
K. Jain, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.
4. Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists (2nd Ed.) by J D Hoffman, CRC Press.
5. Numerical Analysis Mathematics and Scientific computing (3rd ed.) by D. Kincaid and W. Cheney,
American Mathematical Society.
Course Objectives
• To impart concept of stress, strain, elastic constants, and Mohr’s Circle.
• To introduce the theory of shear force, bending moment, slope, and deflection of beams.
• To enable the students to learn the theory of columns, struts, and pressure vessels.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the concept of stress, strain, and relations between elastic constants.
Recommended Books
1. Strength of Materials by Timoshenko, Mc Graw Hill.
2. Mechanics of Materials by E.J. Hearn, Butterworth-Heinemann.
3. Mechanics of Materials by Beer & Johnston, Mcgraw Hill.
4. Advanced Mechanics of Solids by L.S. Srinath, Mcgraw Hill.
5. Engineering Mechanics of Solids by Egor P Popov, PHI.
Course Objectives
• To impart knowledge about the different manufacturing processes to produce products from raw
• To introduce the fundamental concepts of metal casting, plastic moulding, powder metallurgy, metal
forming and joining processes.
• To enable the students to understand about the different types of defects in casting, plastics moulding,
rolling, forging, drawing, extrusion, and welding processes.
Metal Casting Processes: Need and Classification; Expendable Green Sand Mould
Casting: Composition, Preparation, Properties and Testing of Green Sand; Materials,
Allowances and Types of Patterns; Cores, Core Prints and Chaplets; Moulding
UNIT-02 09
Methods; Gating Design; Cooling and Solidification-Mechanism and Rate; Riser
Design and Placement; Various Casting Techniques; Casting Defects and Inspection of
Metal And Sheet Metal Forming Processes: Introduction, Elastic and Plastic
Deformation, Yield Criterion, Hot Working and Cold Working; Rolling:
Classification, Process Geometry and Analysis Using Slab Method For Load and
Power; Rolling Mills and Roll Pass Design; Defects; Forging: Classification,
Process Geometry and Analysis of Strip and Disc Forging Using Slab Method For
UNIT-04 09
Load and Power; Defects; Drawing: Process Geometry and Analysis Using Slab
Method For Load and Power, Maximum Reduction, Defects; Extrusion:
Classification, Process Geometry and Analysis of Rod Extrusion Using Slab Method
For Load and Power, Maximum Reduction; Defects; Sheet Metal Forming: Need
and Classification; Blank Preparation by Sheet Cutting.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Identify the process requirements to manufacture a specific product by casting, plastic moulding,
powder metallurgy and metal forming processes.
CO2: Describe the effects of various parameters on the quality of the product produced.
CO3: Apply principles of solidification, sintering and yielding in the production of any product.
CO4: Assess the quality of joints made by different types of welding operations.
Recommended Books
1. Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials Processes and Systems by M. P. Groover, John
Wiley and Sons, New Delhi.
2. Manufacturing Science by Ghosh and Mallik, East West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Fundamentals of Metal Forming Processes by Juneja, New Age Inc. Publisher.
4. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology by Kalpakjian and Schmid, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi.
5. Welding Processes and Technology by R.S. Parmar, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
Course Objectives
• To gain practical knowledge about properties and testing of materials
• To acquire the knowledge and operating skills about different testing machines and setups.
• To learn the principles and methodology involved in testing of materials.
List of Experiments
1. To find Young’s Modulus of a given bar (brass) using Deflection Beam Apparatus.
2. To find the value of Young’s Modulus of a given wire using Searle’s Apparatus.
3. To determine the Stiffness of Spring using Dead weight and elongation method.
7. Study of torsion testing machine and to perform test on a given specimen for determination of
Modulus of Rigidity
8. Study of Impact Testing Machine and to perform Izod Test to find the Impact strength of the given
9. Study of Brinell Hardness Testing Machine and to find out Brinell Hardness Number (HBN) of the
given specimen.
10. Study of Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine and to find out Rockwell Hardness Number (HR) of
the given specimen.
11. To measure the stress and strain using strain gauges mounted on cantilever beam.
12. To perform Bending Test on Cantilever Beam set up and calculate the Bending Stress.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the methodology of testing and measurements of different properties of materials.
CO2: Understand and analyze principles and techniques of testing.
CO3: Develop skills on different machines and instruments to measuring properties of materials.
Course Objectives
• To study the fundamentals and have practical exposure to basic manufacturing processes.
• To familiarize the students with the basics of machining, welding, fitting, smithy, carpentry, foundry
and sheet metal-related operations and handling/working of equipment and processes.
• To familiarize students with various handling/working of Soldering and Brazing processes.
List of Experiments
1. Preparation of job as per given drawing for T Joint using Arc and Gas Welding Setup, Soldering &
Brazing Job Practice (2T).
2. Preparation of job as per given drawing using Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding (1T).
3. Preparation of job as per given drawing using Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding (1T).
4. Preparation of Green Sand Mould using tools of the Foundry Shop by various methods (2T).
5. Measurement of sand particle size (grain fineness number) of a given sand sample using a mechanical
sieve shaker.
7. To estimate the permeability of a given green sand sample using a permeability tester and estimate
the compressive and shear strength of green sand using a sand strength tester.
8. Preparation of job as per drawing for cutting practice and Dovetail Joint in Carpentry Shop using
Carpentry Tool (2T).
10. Preparation of job as per given drawing (Chisel) using tools of Smithy Shop (2T).
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Learn the basics of metal machining, Welding, fitting, forging, carpentry, foundry, and sheet metal-
related operations.
Recommended Books
1. A Course in Workshop Technology by B.S. Raghuwanshi, Dhanpat Rai & Company(P) Limited.
2. Elements of Workshop Technology by Hajra Choudhary &Nirjhar Roy, Media Promoters and
Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Course Objectives
• To impart concept and terminology associated with mechanisms and introduction to computer aided
• To understand velocity and acceleration diagrams for different mechanisms.
• To discuss the theory and underlying principles for different friction devices.
• To understand the theory of cam, follower, gears, and gear trains.
Simple Mechanisms
Kinematic Links, Kinematic Pairs, Constrained Motions, Degree of Freedom 8
UNIT-01 Classification of Kinematic Pairs, Kinematic Chain, Mechanism, Planar
Mechanism, Grubler’s Criteria for Plane Mechanisms, Four Bar Chain, Inversion of
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Identify link, pair, chain, joints and inversions of mechanisms.
CO2: Construct the velocity and acceleration diagrams for different mechanisms.
CO3: Understand the underlying theory and principles for various friction devices and their applications.
CO4: Understand Cam profile generation and their applications.
CO5: Learn the concept of gear and gear train and various automotive transmissions.
Recommended Books
1. Theory of Machines by S.S Rattan, McGraw Hill.
2. The Theory of Machines by Thomas Bevan, CBS Publishers & Distributors.
3. Theory of Mechanisms and Machines by Jagdish Lal, Metropoliton Book Co. Pvt. Ltd.
4. Theory of Machines and Mechanism by J.J Uicker, Oxford International.
Course Objectives
• To impart basic concepts of fluid flow.
• To introduce the concepts of Euler’s and Navier Stokes Equation of motions and their applications.
• To provide the student with some specific knowledge regarding fluid-flow phenomena observed in
mechanical engineering systems, such as flow in a pipe, boundary-layer flows, drag, etc.
Fluid Properties and Fluid Statics: Definition of Fluid, Fluid as A Continuum, Types
of Fluid, Properties of Fluid, Viscosity, Compressibility, Surface Tension, Capillarity
UNIT-01 and Vapor Pressure, Pascal’s Law, Hydrostatic Law of Pressure, Total Pressure, 08
Centre of Pressure, Buoyancy, Metacentre, Condition of Equilibrium of Floating and
Submerged Bodies.
Viscous Flow: Equation of Motion for Laminar Flow through Pipes-Hagen Poiseuille
Formula, Flow Between Parallel Flat Plates, Couette Flow, Plane Poiseuille Flow,
UNIT-04 Flow Through Pipes, Minor and Major Losses, Transition from Laminar to Turbulent, 06
Reynolds Experiment, Eddy Viscosity, Mixing Length Concept and Velocity
Distribution in Turbulent Flow, Unsteady Motion of Flat Plates.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Possess a sound knowledge of fundamental properties of fluids and fluid continuum.
CO2: Analyse forces on partially or fully submerged bodies.
यांशिक अशियांशिकी शविाग, राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योशगकी संस्थान हमीरपुर
“राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीशि-2020” शिक्षण योजना एवं पाठ्यक्रम
Course Objectives
• To impart knowledge about the various metal removal and layer laminating processes.
• To introduce the fundamental concepts and mechanics of cutting machining, abrasive machining, and
erosive machining.
• To enable the students to understand the technology and science of layer lamination and surface coating
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Identify the requirements for the selection of different process parameters to perform any machining
CO2: Describe the effects of various forces acting during different machining processes.
CO3: Apply principles of advanced machining processes in the machining of difficult-to-machine materials.
CO4: Assess the quality of the surface produced after applying the layer additive processes.
Recommended Books
1. Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials Processes and Systems by M. P. Groover, John Wiley
and Sons.
2. Manufacturing Science by Ghosh and Mallik, East West Press.
3. Introduction to Machining Science by G. K. Lal, New Age International.
4. Advanced machining processes by V. K. Jain, Allied Publishers Private Limited.
5. Fundamentals of Machining Processes by Hassan El-Hofy, Taylor and Francis.
6. Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications by Rafiq Noorani, Wiley International.
Course Objectives
• To enable the students to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying
principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
• To impart an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
• To introduce the importance of various industrial functions such as forecasting, product design, inventory
control, sales, and quality, etc., in an organization.
Work System Design: Concept of Work Study, Techniques of Work Study, Scope &
Procedure of Method Study; Elements of Method Design; Flow Process Chart, Flow
UNIT-03 Diagram; String Diagram, Multiple Activity Charts; Work Sampling; Objectives of 5
Work Measurement, Basic Procedure of Time Study; Standard Time, Job Evaluation
and Merit Rating.
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Design, develop, implement, improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information
equipment & people.
CO2: Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
CO3: Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyse and interpret data.
Recommended Books
1. Production Planning & Inventory Control by Narsimhan,PHI.
2. Production and Operations Management by Adam Ebert, Pearson.
3. Industrial Engineering and Management by Ravi Shankar,Galgotia Publication.
4. Modern Production/ Operation Management by Buffa, Wiley.
Course Objectives
• To gain knowledge about drawings of different machine components.
• To get familiarized with standards, conventions of machine drawing.
• To learn and visualize the assembly of different machine elements.
List of Experiments
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the concept of machine elements and their drawings.
CO2: Learn the standard conventions and notations for machine drawings.
CO3: Visualize different machine elements and draw their different views.
CO4: Learn basic concept of assembly drawing.
Course Objectives
• To gain practical knowledge by applying the experimental methods to correlate with theory.
• To learn the usage of instruments for various measurements.
• Apply analytical techniques and graphical analysis to experimental data.
List of Experiments
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Explain the effect of fluid properties on a flow system.
CO2: Select and analyse an appropriate turbine with reference to given situation in power plants.
CO3: Estimate performance parameters of a given Centrifugal and Reciprocating pump.
Course Objectives
• To gain practical knowledge of various machine tools.
• To learn the motion mechanism of different machine tools such as shaper, planer, slotter, etc.
• To learn the usage of milling machine to make the gears and slots.
• To develop the skills of using grinding machines to machine the prismatic and cylindrical workpieces.
List of Experiments
2. To measure the different components of cutting forces at various cutting speed, feed, and depth of
3. To study tool wear and tool life at various cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut.
4. To measure the cutting temperature at different cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut.
5. To study the construction and motion mechanism of shaper, planer, and slotter, and prepare the job
as per drawing using a Shaper machine.
6. To drill a hole of a given diameter using a radial drilling machine and make a hexagonal slot as per
drawing in this hole using the Slotting machine.
7. Study of Indexing mechanism for gear cutting and to cut gear on a gear blank using Indexing
mechanism on a horizontal milling machine.
8. To study Hobbing machines and cut a gear of a given number of teeth on Hobbing machines.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Provide practically the different tool angles on a given cuboid piece to make a single point cutting
CO2: Understand the measurement of cutting forces, tool wear and cutting temperature at various cutting
CO3: Understand the differences in motion mechanism and machining operations performed by shaper,
planner and slotter.
CO4: Select suitable machining processes for the specific object manufacturing.
Recommended Books
1. Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials Processes and Systems by M. P. Groover, John
Wiley and Sons.
2. A Course in Workshop Technology Volume 2 Machine Tools by B S Raghuwanshi.
Course Objectives
• To impart knowledge about the various advanced machining processes.
• To introduce the fundamental concepts of mechanical, chemical, electrochemical, and thermal-based
advanced machining processes.
• To enable the students to understand technology and mode of material removal in advanced machining
Mechanical Type AMPs: USM, AJM, WJM, AWJM Processes: Process Principle
UNIT-02 and Elements; Tool Design; Mechanism of Material Removal, Parametric Analysis; 7
Shape and Material Applications; Operational Characteristics; Limitations.
Thermal Type AMPs: EDM, LBM and EBM Processes: Working Principle; Power
UNIT-06 Circuits; Mechanism of Material Removal; Process Parameters and Characteristics; 7
Surface Finish and Accuracy: Shape and Materials Applications, Limitations.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Identify the requirements and needs of the advanced machining process.
CO2: Select a suitable non-conventional machining process as per the requirement.
CO3: Describe the effects of various process parameters in respective non-conventional machining
CO4: Apply principles of advanced machining processes in machining of difficult-to-machine materials.
Recommended Books
1. Advanced Machining Processes by V.K. Jain, Allied Publishers.
2. Modern Machining Processes by P.C. Pandey, H.S. Shan,Tata McGra Hill.
3. Non-traditional Manufacturing Processes: G.F. Benedict, CRC Press Inc.
4. Nonconventional Machining: P.K. Mishra, Narosa Publishing House.
5. Advance Method of Machining: J.A. McGeough, Ch'apman and Hall.
Course Objectives
• To apply the Thermodynamics principles to analyse vapour power cycles and their components.
• To understand and evaluate the perform of the major components and systems and their applications.
• To understand working principles of air compressors and steam nozzles.
Vapour Power Cycles: Vapor Power Cycles, Deviation of Actual Vapour Cycles
from Ideal Cycles, Rankine Cycle with Reheat, Regeneration, Bleeding of Steam,
UNIT-01 8
Binary Vapor Cycles, Internal and Stage Efficiencies, Reheat Factor, Steam Power
Plant, Introduction of Organic Rankine Cycle.
Steam Generators: Types and Classification, Water Tubes and Fire Tube Boilers,
UNIT-02 High Pressure Boilers, Mounting and Accessories, Natural and Forced Circulation, 4
Boiler Draught, Boiler Trial and Heat Balance.
Steam Nozzles: Steady Flow Energy Equation and its Application to Steam Nozzles,
Isentropic Expansion of Steam through Convergent and Divergent Nozzles, Critical
UNIT-05 Pressure, Condition for Maximum Discharge, Choking of Nozzles, Effect of Back 6
Pressure, Super Saturated Flow through Nozzles, Flow with Friction, Nozzle
Steam Turbines: Principle and Working of Impulse and Reaction Turbines, Pressure
and Velocity Compounding; Velocity Triangles for Various Types, Efficiency,
UNIT-06 Diagram Efficiency, Steam Speed to Blade Speed Ratio for Optimum Performance,
Losses in Steam Turbine, Performance and Governing of Steam Turbines.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Explain the working principle of various types of steam generator, components, and its performance.
CO2: Explain the working principle of steam nozzle problems.
CO3: Explain the working principles of steam turbines and their performance.
Course Objectives
• To impart knowledge about the different engineering materials.
• To introduce the fundamental concepts of crystal structure, crystal imperfection and phase equilibrium.
• To know about the different heat treatment processes and their applications.
• To find the causes and prevention of metallic corrosion.
Crystal Geometry and Crystal Imperfection: Unit Cell, Crystal Structure, Bravise
Lattice, Atomic Packing, Coordination Number, Crystal Structures of Metallic
Elements, Crystal Directions and Planes, Miller Indices, Polymorphism or Allotropy.
UNIT-02 9
Crystal Structure and Correlated Properties. Diffusion Processes; Crystallization:
Mechanism of Crystallization - Nucleation and Growth, Factors Influencing Nucleation
and Growth, Imperfections in Crystals, and their Effect on Properties.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Judge the Scope and limitations of different materials.
CO2: Describe the effects of crystal imperfection on the quality of the product produced.
CO3: Understand the principles of solidification and application of heat treatment on the product quality.
CO4: Prevent corrosion using the coating.
Recommended Books
1. Callister’s Material Science and Engineering by R. Balasubramaniam, Wiley India.
2. Elements of Material Science and Engineering by Lawrence H. Van Vlack, Pearson Education.
3.The Science and Engineering of Materials by Donald R. Askeland and Pradeep P. Phule, Cengage
4. Principles of Materials Science and Engineering by W F Smith, McGraw Hill.
5. Materials Science and Metallurgy by K. I. Parashivamurthy, Pearson Education.
6. Physical Metallurgy by Sydney H. Avner, Tata McGraw-Hill.
7. Practical Non-Destructive Testing by Baldev Raj, T. Jayakumar and M. Thavasimuthu, Narosa Pub.
8. Metallography and Microstructure by Ed. George F. Vander Voort, ASM International 2004.
Course Objectives
This course introduces the physics and applications of acoustics. Students should be able to express solutions
to the wave equation in one dimension (linear and spherical), be able to solve basic reflection and refraction
problems of wave incident on a planar interface, understand the function of the simple source as a method of
describing the field produced by a dipole or finite source, and be able to analyze simple resonant acoustical
systems. Students should appreciate the basic elements of psychological and architectural acoustics, and the
role of musical instruments as acoustical sources.
Acoustic Measurements: Sound Level Meters, Intensity Level Meters, Octave Band
UNIT-02 Filters, Acoustic Analyzers, Dosimeter, Measurement of Sound Power, Noise 5
Measurement Procedures.
Acoustic Criteria: The Human Ear, Hearing Loss, Industrial Noise Criteria, Speech
UNIT-04 Interference Level, Noise Criteria for interior spaces, Community Reaction to 5
Environmental Noise.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the basics of Acoustics.
CO2: Learn various acoustic measurement techniques and equipment.
CO3: Derive the wave equation and Helmholtz equation.
Recommended Books
1. Fundamentals of Acoustics by Kinsler and Frey.
2. Industrial Noise Control and Acoustics by Randall F. Barron.
Course Name: Machine Design-I
Course Code: ME-311
Course Type: Discipline Core
Course Objectives
• To impart fundamental knowledge of design principles in context of Mechanical Engineering.
• To introduce procedures of machine design and develop an ability to apply it.
• To capacitate, so as to identify formulate and solve problems based on design and analysis.
Design of Shafts and Couplings: Design of Solid and Hollow Shafts, Design of
Shafts for Strength and Deflection, Combined Loading due to Torsion and Bending
UNIT-02 of Shafts, Equivalent Bending Moment and Twisting Moment, Types of Shaft 8
Coupling, Design of Muff Coupling, Rigid Flange Coupling, Bushed Pin Flexible
Design of Joints: Keys, Splines, Knuckle Joint, Cotter Joint, Riveted Joints,
UNIT-03 6
Welded Joints.
Design of Springs: Closed and Open Coiled Springs, Strength and Stiffness,
UNIT-04 Optimum Design of Helical Springs, Helical Torsion Springs, Multi-leaf Springs, 7
and Helical Springs of Non-Circular Wires.
Design of I.C Engine Elements: I.C Engine Parts: Cylinder, Piston, Connecting
UNIT-05 7
Rod and Crankshaft, Mechanism of Valve Gear, and its Design.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Acquire expertise in designing various machine elements exposed to static, dynamic loads.
CO2: Acquire ability to design IC engine elements.
CO3: Develop skills for applying failure theories.
Recommended Books
1. Machine Design by Shigley, McGraw Hill.
2. Design of Machine Elements by V.B. Bhandari, McGraw Hill.
3. Machine Design by R.L Norton, Pearson Education.
4. Machine Design by Sharma & Aggarwal, Kataria and Sons.
5. Design data Book by Kalaikathir Achagam, PSG College Coimbatore.
Course Objectives
• To introduce the fundamentals of heat transfer mechanisms in fluids and solids and their applications in various
heat transfer equipment in process industries.
• To introduce the concept of convective, boiling, condensation and radiative heat transfer.
• To introduce the thermal analysis and sizing of heat exchangers.
Heat Conduction: General Heat Diffusion Equation Derivations, 1-D Steady State
Heat Conduction Equation for A Slab, Composite Slab, Boundary Conditions, Thermal
Resistance Concepts, Electrical Analogy, Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, 1-D Heat
Conduction Equation in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates, Composite Cylinders
UNIT-02 and Spheres, Critical Thickness of Insulation, Heat Generation Inside Slabs and Radial 09
Systems, Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces, Fin Performance, Unsteady
Conduction: Introduction, Lumped Capacitance Model, Derivation and Solution of
Lumped Capacitance Model, Biot and Fourier Numbers, Transient Heat Conduction in
Infinite and Semi-Infinite Slabs, Heisler Charts.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: To classify the heat transfer problems and apply the principles of steady state one dimensional heat
transfer extended surface, and unsteady state conduction for commonly encountered Mechanical Engineering
CO2: To identify the type of convection problems and to apply concepts of natural and forced convection for
related problems.
CO3: To practice LMTD and effectiveness-NTU method for simple heat exchange device.
Course Objectives
• To introduce the fundamentals of force analysis in mechanisms.
• To impart knowledge on balancing of machines.
• To enable the students to understand the need of flywheels and governors.
• To acquaint the students with the role of frictional devices in various applications.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Identify the problems associated with unbalance in machines.
CO2: Realize the requirement of frictional devices.
CO3: Identify the type of governors most suited for various applications.
Recommended Books
1. Theory of Machines by Thomas Bevan, CBS Publishers & Distributors.
Course Objectives
• To gain practical knowledge about kinematics of machine components.
• To acquire the operating skills and principles about different test setups.
• To learn the simulation methodology involved in virtual laboratory.
List of Experiments
2. To study inversion of Four Bar Mechanism, Single Slider Crank Chain Mechanism and Double
Slider Crank Chain Mechanism.
4. To plot follower displacement vs. cam rotation graph for various cam follower arrangement.
5. To study various types of Gears – Spur, Helical, Worm and Bevel Gear.
8. To determine performance characteristic curves of Porter and Hartnell governor and to find its
stability and sensitivity.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the methodology of measurements of various kinematic parameters of machine elements.
CO2: Understand, analyze and verify the principle involved in working of machine elements.
CO3: Develop skills on virtual lab for analysis of machine elements.
Course Objectives
• To gain practical knowledge by conducting experiments to correlate with the theory.
• To enable the student to apply conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer concepts to practical
List of Experiments
1. To determine the thermal conductivity of lagging material and plot the temperature distribution across
the lagged pipe.
2. To determine the thermal conductivity of guarded hot plate and verify the results.
3. To determine the thermal conductivity of insulating powder and verify the results.
4. To determine the convection heat transfer coefficient for a vertical tube losing heat by natural convection
and verify the results.
5. To determine the convection heat transfer coefficient for a pipe losing heat by forced convection to air
and plot the graph between Re and Nu. Verify the results.
6. To draw the temperature distribution plot along the length of a pin/fin in natural and forced convection
and find heat transfer coefficient and verify the result.
8. To determine the overall heat transfer coefficient & effectiveness for a tube type heat exchanger for
parallel & counter flow.
9. To determine the heat transfer rate and effectiveness of Shell & tube heat exchanger in co-current mode.
10. To determine the heat transfer rate and effectiveness of Shell & tube heat exchanger in counter current
11. To determine the heat transfer rate and effectiveness of double pipe heat exchanger in co-current mode.
12. To determine the heat transfer rate and effectiveness of double pipe heat exchanger in counter current
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the basic laws of heat transfer.
CO2: Understand the fundamentals of convective heat transfer process.
CO3: Evaluate heat transfer coefficients for natural and forced convection.
CO4: Analyse heat exchanger performance by using the method of heat exchanger effectiveness.
Course Objectives
• To make student confident in their own abilities to produce a new product.
• To provide awareness about the role of various functions, such as marketing, finance, industrial design,
production, etc., in product development.
• To enable students to understand the basics of engineering and production in producing a new product.
• To enhance the ability to coordinate multiple, interdisciplinary tasks to achieve a common objective.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Distinguish different product development processes.
CO2: Distinguish associated engineering information with the product development processes.
CO3: Think about the sustainable design of a product and processes for competitive market.
CO4: Manage, construct, and defend product data and its supporting technologies for its development to
Course Objectives
• To impart knowledge and use of types of sensors and actuators.
• To introduce the fundamentals of Kinematics and Dynamics of Industrial Robots.
• To impart the knowledge of robotics, robotic programming, and robot vision.
• To use the Robots for various Industrial applications.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
यांशिक अशियांशिकी शविाग, राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योशगकी संस्थान हमीरपुर
“राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीशि-2020” शिक्षण योजना एवं पाठ्यक्रम
CO1: Could classify the various robot configurations to be used in various situations and be able to
frame specifications.
CO2: Select appropriate sensors, actuators and devise a system for collecting information for robot
CO3: Demonstrate the concepts of kinetics & dynamics of robot.
CO4: Identify applications of robots in manufacturing, Industries, and society.
Recommended Books
1. Robotics for Engineers -Yoram Koren, McGraw Hill International, 1st edition, 1985.
2. Robotics, control vision and intelligence-Fu, Lee and Gonzalez. McGraw Hill International, 2nd
edition, 2007.
3. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control by John.J. Crag Pearson/PHI Publication.
4. Robots manufacturing and application -Paul Afonh, John Wiley.
Course Objectives
• To understand the concept of Quality in Manufacturing and Service units.
• To understand the Implication of Quality in Business.
• To have exposure to challenges in Quality Improvement Programs.
Tools and Systems for Quality Management: Basic Tools: Cause & Effect
Diagram, Flow Diagrams, Trend Charts, Histogram, Scatter Diagram, Control
Chart, Advanced Tools: Affinity Diagram, Inter Relationship Diagram, Tree
Diagram, Matrix Diagram, Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC) and Matrix
UNIT-04 Data Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, Quality Function Deployment (QFD): 8
Definition and Phases in QFD, Taguchi Approach to Quality System Design, Six-
sigma: Definition & Implementation Steps, Just in Time Production System, Quality
Production through JIT and Kanban, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA):
Scope, Mode, Illustrative Example and Applications.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Identify the significance of quality in an organization.
CO2: Apply the tools of quality improvement programs in an organization.
CO3: Assess the benefits of implementing TQM Program in an organization.
Course Objectives
• To introduce the concept and methodology of Finite element method.
• To apply general FEM Methodology for solving Solid Mechanics and Heat Transfer problems.
• To develop algorithms based on general FEM methodology.
Elements and Shape Functions: Global, Local and Natural Coordinates, Shape
Functions and Their Properties, Lagrange Interpolation, One, Two and Three-
UNIT-03 5
Dimensional Elements, Serendipity Elements, H-P Elements, Isoperimetric
Elements, Higher Order Elements.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Learn the basic concepts and methodology of Finite Element Method.
CO2: Solve problems of Solid Mechanics and Heat Transfer using FEM.
CO3: Develop algorithms based on FEM methodology for a typical FEM problem.
Recommended Books
1. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering by Chandrupatla and Belegundu, Pearson.
2. Introduction to Finite Element Method by J.N. Reddy, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. The Finite Element Method in Engineering by S.S Rao, Butterworth Hienemann.
4. Finite Element Method by O.C Zienkiewicz, Dover Publications.
5. The Finite Element Method Using MATLAB by Kwon & Bang, CRC Press.
Course Objectives
• To acquaint the learners/students with the knowledge regarding conceptualization, design, and
development of a new product.
• The need for a new product, the product life cycle, the product design process, the application of Value
Engineering principles in product design, and various product design tools such as CAD, DFM, DFA
and DFMA with relevant and specific examples/ case studies.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Develop the product from ideas to reality.
CO2: Apply about the design for assembly and for economy, prototyping and analytical prototyping.
CO3: Use Internet for product development and product response.
Recommended Books
1. Production Design and Manufacturing by A.K. Chitale & A.K. Gupta, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Management Development by Alan Mumford, Jaico Publishing House.
3. Product design by Kevin Otto, Kristin Wood, Pearson.
Course Objectives
• To provide a framework to discuss different kinds of turbomachinery through a unified approach.
• To provide the Knowledge of Basic Principles, Governing Equations, and applications of Turbo Machines.
• To explain the working principle and evaluate the performance characteristics of Turbo Machines.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the thermodynamics analysis of turbomachines.
CO2: Analyse the energy transfers in Turbo machine with degree of reaction and utilization factor.
CO3: understand various type of hydraulic turbines, pump and compressors.
Course Name: Internal Combustion Engines
Course Code: ME-321
Course Type: Discipline Core
Contact Hours/Week: 3L Course Credits: 03
Course Objectives
• To impart knowledge about the S.I & C.I engines.
• To impart knowledge about combustion process in internal Combustion Engines.
• To introduce the fundamental concepts relevant to pollutant emissions.
• To enable the students to understand the factors that cause the emissions.
Unit Course Content Contact
Number Hours
Introduction: IC Engines and their Components, Comparison of Two Stroke & Four
Stroke Engines, Comparison Between SI & CI Engines, Valve, and Port Timing
UNIT-01 8
Diagram, Working Cycles-Otto, Diesel and Dual Cycle and Comparison, Fuel Air
Cycles, Actual Cycles, Conventional Fuels & Alternative Fuels.
Combustion in SI Engine: Homogeneous Mixture, Heterogeneous Mixture, Stages of
Combustion in SI Engines, Flame Front Propagation, Factors Influencing the Flame
UNIT-02 6
Speed, Abnormal Combustion in SI engine, Phenomenon of Knock in SI Engines, Effect
of Engine Variables on Knock, Combustion Chambers for SI engine.
Combustion in CI Engines: Stages of Combustion in CI Engines, Ignition Delay
Period, Factors Affecting the Delay Period, Direct and Indirect Injection Systems,
UNIT-03 6
Injection Timing, the Phenomenon of Knock in CI Engines, Comparison of Knock in SI
and CI Engines, Combustion Chambers for CI Engines.
Different Components and Testing of IC Engines: Introduction of Carburation,
Limitation of Carburettors, Gasoline Injection, CI Injection Systems, Measurement of
UNIT-04 Indicated Power, Brake power, and Friction Power - Morse Test, Willan’s Line Method, 8
Motoring Test, Calculation of Brake Thermal Efficiency, Brake Power and Brake
Specific Fuel Consumption of IC Engines, Heat Balance Sheet of IC Engines.
Emission of IC Engines: Pollutants from SI and CI Engines, Generation and Controlling
the Formation of NOx, HC, CO, CO2, Smoke, Pollution Control Strategies, Emission
UNIT-05 6
Norms-EURO and Bharat Stage Norms, Introduction to Turbo Charging and
Supercharging, Catalytic Converters-EGR.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the underlying principles of operation of different I.C engines, components.
CO2: Understand combustion process of SI and CI Engines.
CO3: Provide knowledge on pollutant formation.
Books and References
1.Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals by J.B. Heywood, McGraw-Hill.
2. Internal Combustion Engines by Ganesan, V, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co.
3. Fundamental of Internal Combustion Engine by Z. Smith, Gill, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
4. Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engines by Willard W. Pulkrabek, Second Edition,
Pearson Prentice Hall.
6. To study the impact of unbalance on a shaft as MDoF system and to plot/monitor the vibration
levels of the bearings.
7. To study the influence of increase/decrease of distance from the source on the sound level of a
source (compressor/turbine/engine) and to plot the sound levels at 1/3 octave band frequencies.
8. To understand the dynamic vibration absorber system and study its characteristics for different
excitation frequency and amplitude using virtual lab.
Course Objectives
• To impart knowledge about the maximization of overall value generated through the connected network of
individuals, organizations, resources, activities, and technologies involved in manufacturing.
• To introduce cost reduction mechanisms while maintaining quality and timely management of different
operational activities.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Identify ways to fulfil customer demand through efficient resources.
CO2: Describe the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and
storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption.
CO3: Apply principles of effective distribution and optimization of pre & post-inventory levels.
यांशिक अशियांशिकी शविाग, राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योशगकी संस्थान हमीरपुर
“राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीशि-2020” शिक्षण योजना एवं पाठ्यक्रम
CO4: Assess the product demand by driving customer value, improving responsiveness, facilitating
financial success, and building a good network.
Course Objectives
• To understand the classifications and unique characteristics of composite materials.
• To understand the role of reinforcement on mechanical properties of composite materials.
• To understand the manufacturing methods of composite.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Knowledge of the crystal structures of a wide range of ceramic materials and glasses.
CO2: Able to explain how common fibers are produced and how the properties of the fibers are related
to the internal structure.
CO3: Able to select matrices for composite materials in different applications.
CO4: Able to describe key processing methods for fabricating composites.
Recommended Books
1. Composites, Engineered Materials Handbook, Vol. 1, ASM International, Ohio, 1988.
2. Structure and Properties of Composites, Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 13, VCH,
Weinheim, Germany, 1993.
3. Composite Materials: Engineering and Science, F.L. Matthews and R.D. Rawlings, Chapman & Hall,
London, 1994.
Course Objectives
• To impart knowledge about the surfaces and their related terminologies.
• To introduce the fundamental concepts of friction and wear mechanisms for metals, polymers, and
ceramics, including abrasive wear, erosive wear, wear of polymers and composites, and boundary
lubrication and solid-film lubrication.
• To enable the students to understand the factors that causes the wear and friction.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand different concepts related to friction, wear and lubrication.
CO2: Determine wear rate in different conditions.
CO3: Know about the various types of wear and their identification and estimation.
CO4: Understand the need and requirement of lubrication and mechanisms.
CO5: Understand various standard tribological tests.
Recommended Books
1. Engine Tribology by C M Taylor, Elsevier, 1993
2. Applied Tribology - Bearing Design and Lubrication by Michael M Khonsari, Wiley, 2001
3. Engineering Tribology by John William, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
4. Engineering Tribology by Stachowiak and Batchelor, Elsevier Limited, 1993
Course Objectives
• To understand the basic thermodynamics principles behind gas turbines.
• To analyse the basic operation of a gas turbine and its components.
• To understand the various classifications of gas turbine.
• To orient the students for understanding about the turbines and compressors.
Gas Turbines: Principle of Gas Turbine, Operational Parameters, Simple Open Gas
UNIT-02 Turbine Cycle, Ideal and Actual Theoretical Cycles, Regenerator, Reheater, 6
Intercooler, Open Cycle Gas Turbine, Closed Cycle Gas Turbine.
Axial Flow Turbines: Stage Performance, Degree of Reaction, H-S Diagram &
Efficiency, Vortex Theory, Overall Turbine Performance, Performance
UNIT-05 8
Characteristics, Blade Cooling, Prediction of Performance of Simple Gas Turbines,
Gas Turbine Blade Materials, Matching Procedure.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Discuss the basic energy equation and thermodynamics law behind the gas turbine.
CO2: Understand the improvements brought to gas turbine plants in terms of performance.
CO3: Explain the elementary theories for turbines and compressors.
Course Objectives
• To understand the basic concept of Computational fluid dynamics.
• To develop skills in computational fluid dynamics to address engineering problems.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand flow physics and mathematical model of governing equations.
CO2: Understand proper use of boundary conditions for the solution.
CO3: Analyze the CFD results. Compare with available data and discuss the findings.
Course Objectives
• To impart concept of state of stress, and Compatibility conditions.
• To introduce the concept of energy methods.
• Enable the students to learn bending of curved bars and unsymmetrical bending.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the concept of state of stress, strain, and significance of compatibility conditions.
CO2: Understand The concept of energy methods for solving problems.
CO3: Understand the theory of bending curved bars for solving problems.
CO4: Learn the underlying theory of unsymmetrical bending and concept of shear center.
Recommended Books:
1. Advanced Mechanics of Solids by L.S Srinath, Mcgraw Hill.
यांशिक अशियांशिकी शविाग, राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योशगकी संस्थान हमीरपुर
“राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीशि-2020” शिक्षण योजना एवं पाठ्यक्रम
Course Objectives
• To impart knowledge of different types of automation and the use of computers in manufacturing.
• To introduce the fundamentals of numerical control of machine tools and its CNC part programming.
• To impart knowledge of robotics and flexible manufacturing systems.
CNC Machine Tools and Programming: Basis and Need of CNC Machines: NC,
CNC and DNC Systems, Constructional Details of CNC Machines, CNC Machining
Centre, Tooling for CNC Machines: Tooling Requirements of CNC Machine, Pre-
Set and Qualified Tools, Work and Tool Holding Devices in CNC Machines,
Programming for 2 Axis Control Systems: Manual Part Programming for a CNC
UNIT-02 Lathe/Turning Centre, Using Tool Nose Radius Compensation, Do Loop, 9
Subroutines and Fixed Cycles; Programming for 3 Axis Control System: Manual
Part Programming for CNC Milling/CNC Machining Centre, Using Tool Radius
Compensation, Tool Offsets, Do Loop, Subroutines and Fixed Cycles, Computer-
Aided CNC Part Programming: Using APT Language, CAD/CAM Aided CNC Part
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand and do programming of CNC machines.
CO2: Implementing of GT philosophy in Industries.
CO3: Design and analyse different manufacturing systems for industries.
CO4: Understand the design and implementation of material handling systems.
CO5: Understand various systems used in automated manufacturing.
Recommended Books
1. Koren, Y., Computer Control of Manufacturing systems, McGraw Hill (2009).
2. Suh Suk-Hwan, Kang Seong-Kyoon, Chung Dae-Hyuk, Stroud Ian., Theory and Design of CNC Systems,
2008, Springer-
Verlag London Limited.
3. Smith Peter, CNC programming handbook, 2nd edition, 2003, Industrial Press Inc.
4. Groover, M. P. and Zimmers, E. W., CAD/CAM: Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing, 2006,
Pearson Education India
5. Hood-Daniel P., and Kelly J.F., Build Your Own CNC Machine, 2009, Springer-Verlag New York.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: To use computers in mechanical component design.
CO2: To use mathematical concepts of curve, surface, and solid formulations in CAD.
CO3: To use design and analysis techniques and softwares in CAD.
Reference Books
1. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice by I. Zeid, McGraw Hill.
2. Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics by David Rogers and J Alan Adams, TMH Publication.
3. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering by Chandrupatla T A and Belegundu A D, PHI.
4. Principles of Optimum Design: Modeling and Computation by Paplambros P. Y., Wilde D. J., Cambridge
University Press, UK.
2. To Study the six-axis robot and make a pick and place program using teaching mode method.
3. To write the complete Program for turning and milling operation using CIM system.
5. Write a part program for the given billet, to be machined on the CNC turning center using manual
and BOX cycle.
6. Write a part program for the given billet, to be machined on the CNC Turning center using multiple
turning cycle.
1. To introduce the interface of 2D Drafting CAD Software and practice the basic commands of
AutoCAD Software.
2. To perform 2D drafting of CAD Models using AutoCAD Software.
3. To draw the Isometric views of CAD Models using AutoCAD Software.
4. To introduce the interface of 3D Modelling CAD Software.
5. To understand and practice the basic commands of CATIA Software.
6. To perform 3D modelling of CAD models using CATIA Software.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Learn basics of CNC programming
CO2: Learn Basics of AutoCAD
CO3: Work on 3D modeling in CATIA software
Course Objectives
• To impart knowledge on the basic design methodologies of heat exchanger.
• To understand the principles and design methodologies of double pipe, shell and tube and compact heat
• To introduce heat transfer enhancement technique and performance evaluation of heat exchangers.
Design Considerations: LMTD Method for Heat Exchanger Analysis for Parallel,
Counter, Multi-Pass and Cross Flow Heat Exchanger, Effectiveness-NTU Method for
UNIT-02 6
Heat Exchanger Analysis, Fouling, Rating and Sizing Problems, Heat Exchanger
Design Methodology.
Design of Double Pipe Heat Exchangers: Thermal and Hydraulic Design of Inner
UNIT-03 Tube and Annulus, Hairpin Heat Exchanger with Bare and Finned Inner Tube, Total 6
Pressure Drop, Performance and Design Calculations.
Design of Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers: Basic Components, Design Procedure of
UNIT-04 6
Heat Exchanger, J-Factors, Conventional Design Methods, Bell-Delaware Method.
Design of Compact Heat Exchangers: Heat Transfer Enhancement, Plate Fin Heat
UNIT-05 Exchanger, Tube Fin Heat Exchanger, Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop, Introduction 6
to Pinch Analysis.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the basic concept and design methodology of heat exchangers.
CO2: Determine general design requirements for different types of heat exchangers.
CO3: Able to apply the basic knowledge of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and material properties in design
Course Objectives
• To introduce the various systems of automobiles and their integration as a whole.
• To enable the students to learn the principle and working of various systems of Automobiles.
• To enable the students to learn the trouble shooting of various automotive components.
Front Axle and Steering: Front Axle, Wheel Geometry, Factors of Wheel
Alignment, Steering Geometry, Mechanisms, Cornering Force, Self- Righting
Torque, Understeer and Oversteer, Steering Gears and Ratio, Reversibility, Power 6
Steering, Steering Kinematics, Steering Trouble Shooting.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Identify different systems of automobiles.
CO2: Understand the interaction and working of different automotive systems.
CO3: Understand the parameters and ways for trouble shooting of automotive components.
Course Objectives
• To impart knowledge and use of types of sensors and actuators.
• To introduce the fundamentals of Kinematics and Dynamics of Industrial Robots
• To impart knowledge of robotics, robotic programming, and robot vision.
• To use the Robots for various Industrial applications.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
यांशिक अशियांशिकी शविाग, राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योशगकी संस्थान हमीरपुर
“राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीशि-2020” शिक्षण योजना एवं पाठ्यक्रम
CO1: Classify the various robot configurations to be used in various situations and able to frame
CO2: Select appropriate sensors, actuators and devise a system for collecting information for robot
CO3: Demonstrate the concepts of kinetics & amp; dynamics of robot.
CO4: Identify applications of robots in manufacturing, Industries and society.
Recommended Books
1. Robotics-control and programming by J. Srinivas, Narosa Publication.
2. Industrial Robotics by M.P. Groover, Mc Graw Hill Publication.
3. Fundamental of Robotics: Analysis and Control by Robert J Schilling, Person Publication Education.
4. Industrial Robotics by Ganesh S. Hegde, Laxmi Publication.
5. Robotics for Engineers -YoramKoren, McGraw Hill International, 1st edition, 1985.
6. Robotics, control vision and intelligence-Fu, Lee and Gonzalez. McGraw Hill International, 2nd edition,
7. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control by John.J. Crag Pearson/PHI Publication.
8. Robots manufacturing and application -Paul Afonh, John Wiley.
4. Mohammad S. Alam, Reji Pillai, Murugesan Navaneetha Krishnan, Developing Charging Infrastructure
and Technologies for Electric Vehicles, IGI Global.
5. Prof. Sunil R. Parwar, Electrical Vehicle Technology.: The Future Towards Eco-Friendly Technology...
Paperback–11 September 2021.
6. Iqbal Hussain, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Design Fundamentals 2nd Edition 2010 by Iqbal Husain,
Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Identify the requirements and needs of smart manufacturing.
CO2: Select a suitable automation strategy as per the requirement.
CO3: Identify areas of knowledge of additive manufacturing that can be applied through the theoretical
CO4: Apply the concept of machine learning and augmented reality in manufacturing.
Books and References
1. Fluid power with applications by Anthony Esposito, Pearson Education, 4th Edition.
2. Additive Manufacturing Technologies: 3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping, and Direct Digital
Manufacturing, by I. Gibson, D. Rosen and B. Stucker, Springer.
3. Industry 4.0- The Industrial Internet of Things by Gilchrist, Apress.
4. Machine Learning in Production: Developing and Optimizing Data Science Workflows and Applications
by Andrew Kelleher and Adam Kelleher, Addison-Wesley.
Course Objectives
• To understand the concept of Quality in Manufacturing and Service units.
• To understand the Implication of Quality in Business.
• To have exposure to challenges in Quality Improvement Programs.
Tools and Systems for Quality Management: Basic Tools: Cause & Effect
Diagram, Flow Diagrams, Trend Charts, Histogram, Scatter Diagram, Control
Chart, Advanced Tools: Affinity Diagram, Inter Relationship Diagram, Tree
Diagram, Matrix Diagram, Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC) and Matrix
UNIT-04 Data Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, Quality Function Deployment (QFD): 5
Definition and Phases in QFD, Taguchi Approach To Quality System Design,
Six-sigma: Definition & Implementation Steps, Just In Time Production
System, Quality Production through JIT and Kanban, Failure Mode and Effect
Analysis (FMEA): Scope, Mode, Illustrative Example and Applications.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Identify the significance of quality in an organization.
CO2: Apply the tools of quality improvement programs in an organization.
CO3: Assess the benefits of implementing TQM Program in an organization.
Course Objectives
• To impart knowledge about the bearings and their selection.
• To introduce the concepts of lubrication.
• To enable the students to select the appropriate type of bearing for machine applications.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Identify the type of lubrication to be employed for a particular application.
CO2: Design the fluid film bearings and identify Bearing Materials.
CO3: Apply principles of design consideration for fluid film bearings.
Recommended Books
1. Fundamentals of Tribology, Basu, Sengupta, and Ahuja, 2005.
2. Principles and Application of Tribology, Bharat Bhushan, 2013.
3. Fundamentals of Fluid Film Lubrication, Hamrock, Schmid, and Jacobson, 2004.
4. Basic Lubrication Theory, A Cameron, 1982.
यांशिक अशियांशिकी शविाग, राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योशगकी संस्थान हमीरपुर
“राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीशि-2020” शिक्षण योजना एवं पाठ्यक्रम
Course Objectives
• Analyze thermodynamics of an aircraft jet engine and calculate the performance measures, such as thrust
and specific fuel consumption in terms of design requirement.
• To estimate the best possible engine performance as a function of principal design parameters, such as
maximum engine temperature, pressure ratio, and flight speed.
• Analyze the internal mechanisms of gas turbine engine components and understand the factors that limit
the practical performance of inlets, combustion chambers, and nozzles.
• Understand the operating characteristics of compressors and turbines in terms of given blade shapes, angles,
and direction of rotation.
Inlets & Nozzles: Internal Flow and Stall in Subsonic Inlets, Boundary Layer
Separation, Major Features of External Flow Near A Subsonic Inlet, Relation
Between Minimum Area Ratio and Eternal Deceleration Ratio, Diffuser
Performance, Supersonic Inlets, Starting Problem in Supersonic Inlets, External
UNIT-03 5
Deceleration, Modes of Inlet Operation, Theory of Flow in Isentropic Nozzles,
Convergent Nozzles and Nozzle Choking, Nozzle Throat Conditions, Nozzle
Efficiency, Losses in Nozzle, Over Expanded and Under-Expanded Nozzles,
Ejector and Variable Area Nozzles, Thrust Reversal.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Calculate the thrust and specific fuel consumption in terms of design requirement.
CO2: Describe the fundamentals of combustion chamber, nozzle, ramjet and rocket propulsion.
CO3: Understand the broader context of aircraft propulsion technology, including the environmental and
economic issues.
Semester VIII
Course Objectives:
⚫ To classify materials based on their properties, structure, and applications.
⚫ To provide with a comprehensive understanding of materials and their role in mechanical design
⚫ To analyse case studies of successful and unsuccessful material selection in real-world applications.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Familiarise different classes of material and their potential applications.
CO2: Familiarise mechanical behaviour of different materials.
CO3: Select the materials considering the expected material behaviour.
CO4: Select suitable materials for an application based on the objective.
Recommended Books:
1. Materials Selection in Mechanical Design by Ashby M. F.
2. Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design by Ashby M. F., Shercliff H. and Cebon D.
3. Selection and Use of Engineering materials by Charles J. A.
4. Material Science and Engineering by Calister W. D. and Balasubramanian R.
Course Objectives
• Understand key elements of the Mechatronics system and representation in the block diagram.
• Understand principles of sensors and signal conditioning, its characteristics, interfacing with DAQ
• To impart the knowledge of mechanical, pneumatic, and hydraulic actuators.
Sensors and Signal Conditioning: Sensors and Transducers, Micro and Nano-
sensors, Signal conditioning, Digital Signal and Digital logic, Data Conversion
UNIT-02 6
Devices, Signal Processing Devices, Data Acquisition and Data Presentation,
PID Controller, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers and PLCs.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the concept of Mechatronics systems in automation of various products.
CO2: Select appropriate sensors and actuators and devise a system for collecting information about
CO3: Demonstrate the concepts of actuating systems to be used in Mechatronic systems products.
CO4: Develop mathematical model of the real-world problem in different industrial environments.
CO5: Generate conceptual design for Mechatronic products based on potential customer requirements
Course Objectives
• To introduce students to different aspects of power plant engineering.
• To familiarize the students to the working of power plants based on different fuels.
• To expose the students to the principles of safety and environmental issues.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Apply the principles of thermodynamics to analyse the performance of steam, gas, combined and
nuclear power plants.
CO2: Design and develop power plant components for optimum performance.
CO3: Select appropriate site and technology for power plants.
CO4: Evaluate economic and environmental implications on power plants.
Course Objectives:
• To impart knowledge about the electro-mechanical systems (EMS)
• To introduce the fundamental concepts relevant to fabrications process of EMS
• To enable the students to understand use of sensors, actuators, and controllers
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Model physical systems mathematically using transfer function method, block diagram reduction
technique and state space method.
CO2: Identify actuators & sensors for an EMS through case studies.
CO3: Select electrical drives and understand methodology for signal conditioning and data acquisition.
CO4: Design control strategies such as Proportional, Integral, Derivative and PID controllers for an EMS.
Recommended Books:
1. Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering by W. Bolton
2. Mechatronics by D.S. Necsulescu
Reference Books
1. Introduction to Industrial Automation by Stamatios Manesis and George Nikolakopoulos, CRC press.
2. Industrial Automation: Hands-On by Frank Lamb, McGraw Hill publisher.
3. Fluid power with applications by Anthony Esposito, Pearson Education, 4th Edition.
4. Mechatronics. W. Bolton, Pearson publishers, 4th Edition.