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LP in English-3

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A. Bonifacio St.

, Ormoc City Leyte, Philippines

Nos.: (053) 561 – 5310 / 255 – 8549
College of Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education
Detailed lesson Plan in English - 3

Name: Kristiana N. Pepito

Date: April 1-2024
Course and Year: BEED- III

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the student’s will be able to;
Cognitive: Define what is verb.
Psychomotor: Identify and use verb in a sentence.
Affective: Appreciate the use of different action words.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Verb
Materials: Laptop, projector, speaker, white board marker, and flashcards
Values: Cooperating and collaborating with others.
III. Procedures:
A. Preliminary activities
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
a. Prayer
Let us all stand and let us pray. (The pupils are praying)

b. Greetings
good morning class! Good morning ma’am Kristiana!
How are you today? (the pupils answer’s in chorus)

c. Review
Do you still remember our lesson
yesterday? Yes ma’am!
What is it all about? It is all about noun.
Very good!
Again, what is noun? Noun is a name of person, place,
That’s right! things, ideas and events.
Who can give me an example of Mario is an example of noun.
Another one! The mother is cooking.
What is the noun in the sentence? Mother.

B. Developmental Activities
a. Drill
Who among of you has a pet? (the pupil’s answer’s in chorus)
That’s great! I have a pet too, two
dogs and two cats, they are all male.
I will show you some animals and Yes ma’am!
then tell me what they can do?
Is that clear? Yes ma’am!
First, what animal is this? Dog
What does a dog can do? Bark
Good job!
A dog can walk, bark and run.
Second picture, what animal is this? Cat
What does a cat can do? Run
Very good! A cat can run also, can Walk
walk and can yawn. Yawn
Does the dog can yawn also? Yes ma’am!
Show me how does the dog yawn. (the pupils are yawning)
Last picture, what is this? Kangaroo
What does a kangaroo can do? Hop
Okay, that’s right! A kangaroo can Jump
hop and can jump.
A kangaroo hop and jump like this
(the teacher hops and jumps)
Good job pupil’s I’m happy that you
know the different movement that an
animal can do.

b. Motivation
Do you want to sing and dance?
I will play a video, watch and observe
the video so that you will be able to
know how to sing and dance it.
Are you ready? Yes ma’am!
A90k19NM (the pupils are watching the video)

Okay please all stand and we will be Yes ma’am!

singing and dancing. Are you ready? (the pupils are starting to sing and
dance, they enthusiastically
performing well)

Good job class! You did it will!

c. Presentation of Lesson
what have you observed about the
song we sang and dance? Most of the words are action words
That right! Those words are action ma’am!
words. Just like what we did also lately
in our activity in determining what an
animal can do.
d. Discussion
Our lesson for today is all about
action words.
Action Word – is also known as
VERBS. This are verbs that specifically
express what a person is doing or has
done. Verb shows the action in a
Let me show some examples.
1.Jenny is dancing. Yes ma’am!
Since verb answers the questions what,
what Jenny is doing? Or what do you
think is the verb or action word in the
2. Nicole and Jay Ann are eating their
So, what is the Verb in the sentence?
Good job!
3. She is riding a horse. Dancing ma’am!
What is the verb in the sentence?
Great Job! The verb in the sentence is
riding. Eating ma’am!
• Always remember that, Verb
always answers the question WHAT.
Did you understand?
Again, always remember that verb Riding ma’am!
always answers the question WHAT.
Let me show some examples.

Now, here re other examples of verbs:


Aside from the given examples can

you give me other examples of verb? The bird is chirping.

My father is fixing the door.
Very good! All of your answers are fixing
Who can give me an example of action
word or verb in aa sentence?
Correct! So, what is the verb in the
Good job! Another example
What is the verb in the sentence?
Very good!
I am glad that you already know how
to use verb in a sentence.

e. Application Yes ma’am!

Let’s have some exercises. I will group
you into two groups and I want you to
use the following action words in a
sentence. After constructing a sentence
show you answers at the front by
posting it on the board. Are you ready?
You have 3 minutes only to finish the
Go to your group mates. Yes ma’am!
 Riding (the pupils are posting their works)
 Dancing
 Scrubbing
 Running (the pupils are enthusiastically
 Playing clapping)

Are you all done?

Good Job! You all did it correctly,
because of that give yourselves a good
job clap.

Yes ma’am!
(the pupils are enthusiastically
Fixing skills answering)
Let’s have another activity. I will give
each group an activity sheet, all you
have to do is to fill in the blanks with
the correct verb. You only have 3
minutes to answer. Are you ready?
Your time starts now.

Yes ma’am!

Are you done? All ma’am!

Okay let’s answer the activity.
1. eat
2. walk (the pupils are clapping
3. stood enthusiastically)
4. writes
5. stop
6. sang
Who got the perfect score? Verb is an action word. It always
That great! Give yourselves a kokak answers a question what.
f. Generalization
Again, what is Verb?
Verb ma’am!

Correct, verb is an action word it

always answers a question what.

What do we call to the words that

shows action?
Very good!

IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Select five action words
below and use it in a sentence.

V. Assignment:
Direction: Construct five (5) sentences
using verb. (Write it in your
assignment notebook)
VI. Reflection:
VII. Remarks:

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