CHAPTER 5 - Eastern Vs Western Views
CHAPTER 5 - Eastern Vs Western Views
CHAPTER 5 - Eastern Vs Western Views
Sidhartha Gautama:
Buddhism: Religion or Founder of Buddhism
People argue that it is a
religion since it has a lot of
systematic beliefs and a
very charismatic leader.
However, the teachings
are basically how to live a
good life based on the
observations and so-
called enlightened
understandings of
Sidhartha Gautama.
Eightfold Path
4th Noble Truth:
A. Training in Wisdom:
1.) Right Views
2.) Right Intentions
B. Training in Practical life and Ethics:
3.) Right Speech
4.) Right Action
5.) Right Livelihood
6.) Right Effort
C. Training in Meditation:
7.) Right Mindfulness
8.) Right Concentration
Nirvana Karma
The theory of karma is
Nirvana, according to the theory of cause and
the Buddha- "This is the effect, of action and
peace, the resolution reaction;
of all lying, the It is a natural law, which
relinquishment of all has nothing to do with
properties, the ending the idea of justice or
of craving; dispassion; reward and
cessation; Nirvana." punishment.
Theravada Buddhism
The oldest school of Buddhism.
The “Way of the Elders” or the “Small
Found in southeast Asia and Sri
Theravada Buddhism - centers
around monks, all others should work
to provide for priests in hopes of
achieving that status in the next life
Myths A strong belief in a supernatural power or
powers that control human destiny.
Myths have powerful effects on
An institution to express belief in a divine power.
individuals and cultures
A belief concerning the supernatural, sacred,
Stories that rationalize phenomenon or divine, and the practices and institutions
and unites civilization. associated with such belief.
The sum total of answers given to explain
Led the advent of paganism and
humankind’s relationship with the universe.
animism (
According to a recent
survey by Social Weather
Station (SWS) last April
2017, 8 out of 10 Filipinos
still believe that religion is
important. Also, an
average of 66 % across
religions attend Church
services weekly.
Extrinsic Way of
Religiosity Manifesting Religiosity
ExtrinsicOrientation. This is the
Allport and Ross (Budzar et al, manifestation of an individual’s religious
2014), believed that when activities that is centered on the
people profess a certain religion external outcomes of one’s religious
they manifest it either through practices such as having friends,
intrinsic orientation or extrinsic connections or getting comfort.
Prayerfulness Connectedness
Connectedness. This is the
This is the facet of aspect of spirituality that is
one’s spirituality that centered on an individual’s
focuses on the inner perception that he or she is
peace and wholeness a part of a larger human
brought by one’s reality and sense of
active engagement to relatedness to the memories
prayers and of people specially those
meditations. dead significant ones.
Universality on the other hand is an
individual’s belief that all things around are
connected to each other and correlated
to each other despite the apparent lack
empirical evidence.
A person considered to be a Universalist
may be seen manifesting tendencies that
shows unity among people and identifying
that despite overt differences among
people we are all considered as one.
Unitarian UNIVERASALIST Association