CHAPTER 5 - Eastern Vs Western Views

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Eastern vs Western Eastern Views

view of the Self  These are perspectives which originates from Asia
especially in the Eastern part such as China,
(w/Spiritual Self) Japan and Korea.
 The following are some of the Philosophical
perspectives from the east which will be tackled
on this discussion:
 Buddhism
 Confucianism
 Taoism

Sidhartha Gautama:
Buddhism: Religion or Founder of Buddhism
 People argue that it is a
religion since it has a lot of
systematic beliefs and a
very charismatic leader.
 However, the teachings
are basically how to live a
good life based on the
observations and so-
called enlightened
understandings of
Sidhartha Gautama.

The Life of Gautama Caste System

•Prince Siddhartha Gautama was born

in Nepal between 624-560 BC.
• He was born into the Kshatriya
(warrior) caste.
•Siddhartha led a very comfort-filled life,
but the Four Passing Sights caught his
attention and changed his views about
the world.
•It was an old man, a diseased man, a
corpse, and a beggar.


Sidhartha become Buddha Dharma: Four Noble Truths

At the age of 35, meditating 1.) Life involves suffering.
under a Bodhi tree, Siddhartha 2.) Suffering is caused by
achieved Enlightenment, attachment and desire to material
awakening to the true nature of possessions.
reality. 3.) Suffering can be eliminated by
This lead him to become ending attachments and desires.
Buddha or the “Enlightened 4.) Following the “Eightfold Noble
one” Path.” will lead a person to achieve

Eightfold Path
 4th Noble Truth:
A. Training in Wisdom:
1.) Right Views
2.) Right Intentions
B. Training in Practical life and Ethics:
3.) Right Speech
4.) Right Action
5.) Right Livelihood
6.) Right Effort
C. Training in Meditation:
7.) Right Mindfulness
8.) Right Concentration

Nirvana Karma
 The theory of karma is
 Nirvana, according to the theory of cause and
the Buddha- "This is the effect, of action and
peace, the resolution reaction;
of all lying, the  It is a natural law, which
relinquishment of all has nothing to do with
properties, the ending the idea of justice or
of craving; dispassion; reward and
cessation; Nirvana." punishment.


Theravada Buddhism
The oldest school of Buddhism.
The “Way of the Elders” or the “Small
Found in southeast Asia and Sri
Theravada Buddhism - centers
around monks, all others should work
to provide for priests in hopes of
achieving that status in the next life

Mahayana Buddhism Confucianism

 The “Great Vehicle.”
• Way of life propagated
 Found in East Asia (China, Japan).
by Kong Fuzi in the 6th–
 Buddhism “for the masses.” 5th century BC
 Goal: Not just individual escape from the • Followed by the Chinese
wheel, but the salvation of all humanity. people for more than
-Zen: enlightenment through two millennia.
concentration and meditation (popular • Its influence has also
in the US) reached countries like,
-Tibetan: (Lamaism) monastic faith, Vietnam, Japan, and
“Dalai Lama” Korea.

Kong Fuzi (Confucius) Confucian Values

 “Master Philosopher Kong” Ren: kindness and

 Born in a poor but Noble family
benevolence; sense of
humanity, seeking the
 His father is a Military man
welfare of other
 Live in the
time wherein China people
has warring states.
Li: propriety, courtesy,
 He studied in the City and return
to his community to become a
doing the right thing at
teacher. the right time


Confucian Values Confucian Values

 Te: Moral Action; Union

Xiao: Proper treatment
of Power & Virtue
to your family both the
Leading people to live
living and the dead. exemplary lives.
Zhong: Loyalty  Wen: Arts of Peace;
especially between a Music, Poetry, Art.
ruler and minister. Fosters harmony, order,
excellence, beauty.

Five Basic Relationships

Understanding of the Self
1. Parents (kindness) to Children (filial according to Kong Fuzi
piety)  Self can be understood by looking first
2. Elder Sibling (gentility) to younger and foremost to the relationships the self
Sibling (respect) possess not on personal identity.
3. Husband (righteous behavior) to  It isthrough our relationships where we
Wife (obedience) can develop our own self identity.
4. Elder (humane consideration) to
 If Relationships is not properly kept,
Junior (deference)
sufferings will occur
5. Ruler (benevolence) to subject
(loyalty)  The Self should be educated.

Taoism (Daoism) Lao Tzu (Laozi)

 Taoism is one of the great
• Founder Of Taoism.
religions/philosophies of Ancient China
• Extremely ambiguous and very
along with Buddhism and Confucianism. little is known about his life.
 In 440 B.C. Taoism was adopted as a • Worked as a Historian to the
Royal Court.
state religion of China, with Lao Tzu so
• Perceived Confucius as arrogant
called founder of Taoism honored as a
• Left to go to West when he
deity. perceived that the Zhou dynasty
is in the verge of collapse.
 State support of Taoism ended in 1911
• Wrote a book called
with the end of the Ch'ing Dynasty and “Daodejing” which tells his views
much Taoist heritage was destroyed. about the “Tao”.


Taoism Self and Tao

 TheTao maintains the balance in the
 “There is a thing, formless yet
Universe and it even surrounds you.
complete, before heaven and
earth it existed. Without sound,  Universehas its own flow in accordance to
without substance, it stands alone the Tao, controlling it will be unnatural.
and unchanging. It is all-pervading  If you
will go against its nature you will suffer
and unfailing. We do not know its consequences.
name, but we call it Tao”  Each person must nurture the “Chi”
 Tao is often described as a force (Air/Breath) given to them by the Tao.
that flows through all life. A happy and virtuous life is one that is in
harmony with the Tao.

3 Important Ying and Yang

Characteristics  Ying and Yang: balance is good,
 Taoist believe that you should live your life “proper harmony”
developing these three characteristics
because it will lead you to a better
 Compassion, Moderation and Humility.
 Compassion leads to Courage
 Moderation leads to Generosity
 Humility leads to Leadership

Western Perspectives Ancient Greeks

about the Self  Plato/Socrates
 Theseare beliefs about human nature Soul is a rational, emotional,
that originates and flourish to the Western ghostly entity that breathes life
parts of the world including the into the body
Mediterranean, Middle east and Departs at death then
European continent. reincarnated
 Ancient Greek Perspectives  Aristotle
 Judeo-Christian Perspectives Soul is activity of body, source of
 Western Materialism rationality.


Goal of Man according to Judeo-Christian Perspectives

Ancient Greeks  Perspective based on the Old Testament
(Tanakh) and the New Testament
Search for Truth/Enlightenment (Gospels & Epistles). (Bible)
 Man is created in God’s image (Genesis
through Education
Ignorance broods Evil,  This idea also led to the concept of
Destruction and Suffering Human Rights.
 This is the basis for the use of Capital
Punishment for heinous crimes (murder)
Genesis 9:6

Judeo-Christian Perspectives Judeo-Christian Perspectives

 Since God’s image is Triune (Father, Son & Holy Spirit),  Humans are the only one with souls.
man is also a triune of Body, Soul and Spirit. (I
Thessalonians 5:23). This idea also led to the concept of  Soul has no past, but persists after death in
Human Rights. heaven or hell (Roman Catholics believe in
 Body (Soma)-Made from the dust of the ground molded Purgatory)
by God.  Going to Heaven has variety of Perspectives
 Wills fleshly/earthly desires, source of our sinful wishes.  Judaism-It is the Law of Moses (613 laws)
(“Hatak ng Laman”)
 Catholics-Sacraments,Commandments of the
 Soul-Human psyche, rational thinking, feeling and our
eternal identity. Church (Catechism of the Catholic Church)
and Pious Life
 Decision making and the one who communicates.
 Spirit-Breath of God. Enable the existence of our lives.  Christians- Sola Gratia (Grace Alone) and Sola
Fide (Faith Alone) (Ephesians 2:8-9)
 Returns to God when we die. (“Pahiram na buhay”)

Western Materialism Key Figures in Western

 Man is the highest level of specie Materialism
(according to some we are still  Well known view of
evolving) Scientist such as
 X-Men is a movie that promotes that Christopher Hitchens,
idea. Richard Dawkins and
Stephen Hawking.
 Man should adapt to the sufferings of
this world in order to survive and  Most of them are
evolve Atheists.
 Personality, morality, intellect are an  Others are Agnostics
epiphenomenon of the brain & body.


Foundation of Western Blaise Pascal’s Philosophical

Materialism Argument
 Big-Bang Theory (George Lemaitre-Belgian Catholic
Priest; President of Pontifical Academy of Sciences)
 Singularity (Particle) that explodes and led to what we
have right now. However it takes billions and billions of
years to be what we have right now.
 Evolution through natural Selection (Charles Darwin-
British Biologist who traveled to Galapagos Island, Has
a degree in theology and considered himself as a Blaise Pascal
 Protists (Single-celled organism) led to Multiple-celled
Conclusion: Something out of Nothing

SPIRITUAL SELF Ways of Manifesting our

Spiritual Self
The Aspect of our self which Mythology
pertains to our way of
rationalizing life events and
understanding of who or what Spirituality
is the higher power. *We Filipinos tend to amalgamate
(fuse)these things in our daily practices

Myths  A strong belief in a supernatural power or
powers that control human destiny.
 Myths have powerful effects on
 An institution to express belief in a divine power.
individuals and cultures
 A belief concerning the supernatural, sacred,
 Stories that rationalize phenomenon or divine, and the practices and institutions
and unites civilization. associated with such belief.
 The sum total of answers given to explain
 Led the advent of paganism and
humankind’s relationship with the universe.
animism  (


Western Colonialism had

shaped Filipino Religiosity

Feast of the Black

Nazarene: Traslacion
FILIPINO Religiosity

According to a recent
survey by Social Weather
Station (SWS) last April
2017, 8 out of 10 Filipinos
still believe that religion is
important. Also, an
average of 66 % across
religions attend Church
services weekly.

Extrinsic Way of
Religiosity Manifesting Religiosity
 ExtrinsicOrientation. This is the
 Allport and Ross (Budzar et al, manifestation of an individual’s religious
2014), believed that when activities that is centered on the
people profess a certain religion external outcomes of one’s religious
they manifest it either through practices such as having friends,
intrinsic orientation or extrinsic connections or getting comfort.


Intrinsic Way of Spirituality

Manifesting Religiosity  Thispractice has the idea that we
 Intrinsic
Orientation. This is should focus on our own way of giving
the manifestation of an meaning to the things happening to
individual’s religious us without believing to a specific
activities that is centered higher power like religions claim.
on the importance of one’s  Piedmont (2004), identified three (3)
religious beliefs, having a aspects of spirituality. It is
personal relationship with prayerfulness, universality and
God and having an inner connectedness.

Prayerfulness Connectedness
Connectedness. This is the
This is the facet of aspect of spirituality that is
one’s spirituality that centered on an individual’s
focuses on the inner perception that he or she is
peace and wholeness a part of a larger human
brought by one’s reality and sense of
active engagement to relatedness to the memories
prayers and of people specially those
meditations. dead significant ones.

 Universality on the other hand is an
individual’s belief that all things around are
connected to each other and correlated
to each other despite the apparent lack
empirical evidence.
A person considered to be a Universalist
may be seen manifesting tendencies that
shows unity among people and identifying
that despite overt differences among
people we are all considered as one.
Unitarian UNIVERASALIST Association

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