Technical Drawing JSS1
Technical Drawing JSS1
Technical Drawing JSS1
1. All these are safety rules and regulations EXCEPT ____. (a) Handle tools correctly (b) Dress correctly(c)
fatigue (d) Be attentive always
2. _______ means protection from danger or injury. (a) Danger (b) Safety (c) Escape (d) Jumping
3. Which of the following cannot be recognized as a driving tool? (a) Mallet (b) hammer (c) nails (d)
screw driver
4. A drill bit is a metallic material used for ______. (a) punching holes (b) casting holes (c) boring holes(d)
digging holes
5. The bench vice is a/an _______ tool. (a) boring (b) cutting (c) driving (d) holding
6. The tool shown below is classified under ____ tool. (a) Boring (b) cutting (c)marking out (d) driving
7. The hand tool used for making holes in wood work is called. (a) boring machine (b) hand brace(c)
drilling brace (d) drilling machine
8. Which of the following is NOT used to cut metals? (a) chisel (b) hacksaw (c) bow saw (d)circular saw
9. The holding devices used for holding and drawing woods fightly together when gluing work isknown
as _______. (a) sash – clamp (b) G clamp (c) bench hook (d) bench stop
10. The following are example of boring toolsEXCEPT(a) ratchet brace (b) Gimlet (c) Bradawl (d)hammer
11. Woodwork holding devices are the tools used to_______ on the workbench. (a) Hold work piece(b)
cut work piece (c) mark work piece (d) making holes
12. A tool used for cutting metal into two or more pieces is called _____. (a) punch (b) file (c) hacksaw(d)
iron saw
13. Which of the following is a driving tool? (a) centre paunch (b) chisel (c) file (d) screw driver
14. The metal workers’ pen for drawing lines on the surface of a metal is the ______. (a) scribing
block(b) scriber (c) caliper (d) chisel
15. The hand tool used for fightening and loosening bolts and nuts is called ________. (a) Screw
driver(b) Spanner (c) Pliers (d) Hammer
16. The Maintenance that aims at restoring a broken equipment to its original operating condition is
_______ maintenance. (a) Preventive (b) corrective (c) predictive (d) daily
17. A straight Snip is a tool which is mainly used for ___________________. (a) bending sheet of
metal(b) cutting sheet metals (c) folding sheet metals (d) joining sheet metals
18. The following are cutting and pairing tools EXCEPT _____. (a) bench holdfast (b) chisel (c) jack
plane(d) Spoke shave
19. The condition of being protected against harm is called (a) safety (b) accident (c) workshop (d)
20. _________ are tools used to make holes in wooden materials (a) Boring tools (b) Holding tools (c)
Marking out tools (d) Driving tools
21. Tools such as chisels, saws and hammers are made from ________. (a) metals (b) wood (c) rubber(d)
22. Which of the tools below is used to fix nails into wooden materials? (a) Hammer (b) Screwdriver(c)
Plain (d) vice
23. The simplest measuring tool in a woodwork workshop is ________. (a) Metric Rule (b) Try Square(c)
Sliding bevel (d) Mitre square
24. The tool used to cut wood into two or more pieces in the workshop is called _________. (a) Saw(b)
axe (c) file (d) scissors
25. The tool used for taking out nails in wood work is called _. (a) Gauge (b) pincers (c) chisels (d) pliers
26. A tool used for measuring lengths ______. (a) Bradawl (b) caliper (c) plane (d) meter rule
27. There are how many types of maintenance? (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 5
28. ________ is the general care we give to our equipment, machines and tools so that they can serve us
well. (a) Maintenance (b) Upbringing (c) Adoption (d) Corrective
29. These are common materials needed in the maintenance of machines or tools except (a) oil (b)
water (c) paint (d) fire
30. Which of the following protects the eyes in the workshop? (a) Gloves (b) Shield (c) Helmet (d) Boot
3a. List (4) classifications of metal work hand tools and give one example of each.
b. State the uses of the following: (i) Surface plate (ii) Scriber