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Asthma Child

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Bronchial Asthma in children

Hassan Baroud
Family Medicine - Board eligible
• This powerpoint was prepared using Global
Initiative for Asthma (GINA),2021 report.

• The section (children 5 years and younger)

was targeted as, I saw appropriate for the
targeted topic in the available time.
Why we are addressing this topic in
antibiotic stewardship training ?
It is a core pulmonology topic!
• Asthma is the most common chronic disease
of childhood and the leading cause of
childhood morbidity from chronic disease as
measured by school absences, emergency
department visits and hospitalizations.
• Asthma often begins in early childhood; in up
to half of people with asthma, symptoms
commence during childhood.
• Onset of asthma is earlier in males than
• Atopy is present in the majority of children
with asthma who are over 3 years old,
What is the definition of
bronchial asthma?
• Asthma is a heterogeneous disease, usually
characterized by chronic airway
• It is defined by the history of respiratory
symptoms such as wheeze, shortness of
breath, chest tightness and cough that vary
over time and in intensity,
• together with variable expiratory airflow
These variations are often triggered by factors such as exercise, allergen or
irritant exposure, change in
weather, or viral respiratory infections.
Bronchial Asthma in children

Hassan Baroud
Family Medicine - Board eligible
• This powerpoint was prepared using Global
Initiative for Asthma (GINA),2021 report.

• The section (children 5 years and younger)

was targeted as, I saw appropriate for the
targeted topic in the available time.
Why we are addressing this topic in
antibiotic stewardship training ?
It is a core pulmonology topic!
• Asthma is the most common chronic disease
of childhood and the leading cause of
childhood morbidity from chronic disease as
measured by school absences, emergency
department visits and hospitalizations.
• Asthma often begins in early childhood; in up
to half of people with asthma, symptoms
commence during childhood.
• Onset of asthma is earlier in males than
• Atopy is present in the majority of children
with asthma who are over 3 years old,
What is the definition of
bronchial asthma?
• Asthma is a heterogeneous disease, usually
characterized by chronic airway
• It is defined by the history of respiratory
symptoms such as wheeze, shortness of
breath, chest tightness and cough that vary
over time and in intensity,
• together with variable expiratory airflow
These variations are often triggered by factors such as exercise, allergen or
irritant exposure, change in
weather, or viral respiratory infections.
Wheezing in child=child asthma?
Viral-induced wheezing

• Recurrent wheezing occurs in a large proportion of

children aged 5 years or younger. It is typically
associated with upper respiratory tract infections
(URTI), which occur in this age group around 6–8 times
per year.
• Some viral infections (respiratory syncytial virus and
rhinovirus) are associated with recurrent wheeze
throughout childhood.
• Wheezing in this age group is a highly heterogeneous
condition, and not all wheezing indicates asthma.
• .
Viral-induced wheezing

• A large proportion of wheezing episodes in

young children is virally induced whether the
child has asthma or not. Therefore, deciding
when wheezing with a respiratory infection is
truly an isolated event or represents a
recurrent clinical presentation of childhood
asthma may be difficult

• It may be challenging to make a confident

diagnosis of asthma in children 5 years and
younger, because:
• episodic respiratory symptoms such as wheezing
and cough are also common in children without
asthma, particularly in those 0–2 years old,
• and it is not possible to routinely assess airflow
limitation or bronchodilator responsiveness in
this age group.
• A probability-based approach, based on the
pattern of symptoms during and between viral
respiratory infections, may be helpful for
discussion with parents/carers
• Good control of asthma can be achieved in the
overwhelming majority of young children with a
pharmacological intervention strategy.
• This should be developed in a partnership between the
family/carer and the health care provider.
• As with older children and adults, medications comprise
only one component of asthma management in young
children; other key components include education, skills
training for inhaler devices and adherence,
• non-pharmacological strategies including environmental
control where appropriate, regular monitoring, and clinical
• Assessment at every visit should include asthma symptom control and risk
factors , and side-effects.
• The child’s height should be measured every year, or more often.
• Asthma-like symptoms remit in a substantial proportion of children of 5
years or younger, so the need for continued controller treatment should
be regularly assessed (e.g. every 3–6 months) (Evidence D).
• If therapy is stepped-down or discontinued, schedule a follow-up visit 3–6
weeks later to check whether symptoms have recurred, as therapy may
need to be stepped-up or reinstituted (Evidence D).
• Marked seasonal variations may be seen in symptoms and exacerbations
in this age-group. For children with seasonal symptoms whose daily long-
term controller treatment is to be discontinued (e.g. 4 weeks after their
season ends), the parent/carer should be provided with a written asthma
action plan detailing specific signs of worsening asthma, the medications
that should be initiated to treat it, and when and how to contact medical
flare-up or exacerbation
• A flare-up or exacerbation of asthma in
children 5 years and younger is defined as:
• an acute or sub-acute deterioration in
symptom control that is sufficient to cause
distress or risk to health, and necessitates a
visit to a health care provider or requires
treatment with systemic corticosteroids.
When to suspect an exacerbation?
• Early symptoms of an exacerbation may include
any of the following:
• An acute or sub-acute increase in wheeze and
shortness of breath
• An increase in coughing, especially while the child
is asleep
• Lethargy or reduced exercise tolerance
• Impairment of daily activities, including feeding
• A poor response to reliever medication.
• Upper respiratory symptoms frequently precede
the onset of an asthma exacerbation, indicating
the important role of viral URTI in precipitating
exacerbations in many, although not all, children
with asthma.
• In a randomized controlled trial of
acetaminophen versus ibuprofen, given for pain
or fever in children with mild persistent asthma,
there was no evidence of a difference in the
subsequent risk of flare-ups or poor symptom
• Initial management includes an action plan to:
• enable the child’s family members and carers
to recognize worsening asthma
• recognize when it is severe,
• initiate treatment,:Inhaled SABA via a mask or
spacer, and review response
• identify when urgent hospital treatment is
Need for urgent medical attention
• The child is acutely distressed
• The child’s symptoms are not relieved
promptly by inhaled bronchodilator
• The period of relief after doses of SABA
becomes progressively shorter
• A child younger than 1 year requires repeated
inhaled SABA over several hours.
Discharge and follow up after an
• Before discharge, the condition of the child
should be stable (e.g. he/she should be out of
bed and able to eat and drink without
• Prior to discharge from the emergency department or hospital, family/carers
should receive the following advice and information
• Instruction on recognition of signs of recurrence and worsening of asthma.
• The factors that precipitated the exacerbation should be identified, and strategies
for future avoidance of these factors implemented.
• A written, individualized action plan, including details of accessible emergency
• Further treatment advice explaining that:
o SABAs should be used on an as-needed basis, but the daily requirement should be
recorded to ensure it is being decreased over time to pre-exacerbation levels.
o ICS has been initiated where appropriate (at twice the low initial dose for the first
month after discharge, then adjusted as needed) or continued, for those
previously prescribed controller medication.
• A supply of SABA and, where applicable, the remainder of the course of oral
corticosteroid, ICS or LTRA
• A follow-up appointment within 1–2 days and another within 1–2 months,
depending on the clinical, social and practical context of the exacerbation
Any role for routine prescribing of
antibiotic in bronchial asthma
Surely, NO

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