Agile Product Lifecycle Management: Agile PLM Document Publishing Solution
Agile Product Lifecycle Management: Agile PLM Document Publishing Solution
Agile Product Lifecycle Management: Agile PLM Document Publishing Solution
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v9.3.1 iii
Agile PLM Document Publishing Solution
Results from Running the TemplateManagementPX .......................................................................................................28
Configuring SchemaGenerationPX ....................................................................................................29
Configuring Event Components for SchemaGenerationPX..............................................................................................29
Properties File Settings for SchemaGenerationPX ..........................................................................................................31
Results from Running the SchemaGenerationPX ............................................................................................................31
Generating Schema XSD and Data XML files ...................................................................................33
Configuring DataGenerationPX..........................................................................................................34
Configuring Event Components for DataGenerationPX ...................................................................................................34
Properties File Settings for DataGenerationPX................................................................................................................37
Modifying the DataGenerationPX Script...........................................................................................................................38
Results from Running the DataGenerationPX..................................................................................................................38
Building BI Publisher Templates ........................................................................................................39
Copying XSD and XML Files to the Local Drive...............................................................................................................41
Loading Schema XSD and Data XML Using BI Publisher Plugin.....................................................................................41
Selecting Agile PLM Data Fields and Formatting the Template.......................................................................................42
Inserting Agile PLM Data Fields in the Template ................................................................... 43
Inserting and Formatting Tables............................................................................................. 45
Inserting Images and Charts in Templates............................................................................. 45
Loading the Template into Agile PLM...............................................................................................................................47
Configuring DocumentGenerationPX.................................................................................................48
Configuring DocumentGenerationJavaPX........................................................................................................................48
Configuring Event Components for DocumentGenerationJava PX ....................................... 48
Properties File Settings for DocumentGenerationJavaPX ..................................................... 50
Results from Running the DocumentGenerationJavaPX ....................................................... 51
Configuring DocumentGenerationJavaOpen (URL PX) ...................................................................................................53
Properties File Settings for DocumentGenerationJavaOpen PX ........................................... 54
DocumentGenerationJavaPxOpen Output Sample - Keep or Remove? ............................... 54
Triggering DocumentGenerationPX .................................................................................................................................54
Modifying DocumentGenerationPX ..................................................................................................................................55
Triggering the Event and Creating the Output File.............................................................................55
No te To read the PDF files, you must use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader version 9.0 or later.
This program can be downloaded from the Adobe Web site
No te Before calling Oracle Support about a problem with an Agile PLM manual, please have
the full part number, which is located on the title page.
Any last-minute information about Agile PLM can be found in the Readme file on the Oracle
Technology Network (OTN) Web site
v9.3.1 v
Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation
Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The
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This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle
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No te This document is a supplement to the release Readme and other Agile manuals, for
example, the Capacity Planning Guide, PLM Administrator Guide, or the SDK Developer
Guide. The purpose of this document is to introduce Dynamic Document Publishing and
is not intended as a User or Developer Guide, and will be augmented with these
documents in the future.
Intended Audience
The primary users of the Dynamic Document Publishing solution are document authors who will use
its features to prepare and maintain documents with embedded PLM data, for example, product
data sheets, parts lists, or service manuals. In this process, they are supported by Agile PLM
administrators and, where applicable, SDK developers who create and manage the necessary
templates and Event subscriptions that automate document updating and generation.
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Agile PLM Document Publishing Solution
Cited References
The following Oracle Agile PLM and BI Publisher publications provide useful information to install
and configure the Dynamic Document Publishing components and generate the sample reports.
These Oracle Agile PLM documents are available at Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site:
Oracle BI Publisher
Oracle BI Publisher 10g
You can find these files in the Doc-Publishing folder, in The
folder which also contains the API HTML reference files and Sample applications, is maintained on
the Oracle Agile PLM 9.3.1 Event and Web Services Samples Web site at For more information and
procedures to access its contents, contact your system administrator, or refer to your Agile PLM
Installation Guide.
Overview.............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Solution Architecture............................................................................................................................................ 4
Operating Environment........................................................................................................................................ 4
Process Outline ................................................................................................................................................... 5
During the life of a product, Agile PLM acquires, processes, and maintains a wide range of data
related to the product. This data is used in many ways and for different requirements to expedite,
manage, and control product development activities. Dynamic Publishing of product information
enables publication of documents such as product data sheets, Parts List, or service manuals with
embedded PLM data.
To support this solution, Agile PLM 9.3.1 provides two new Web services APIs for XML publishing
(see Oracle Agile PLM on page 5). These APIs return an XML package with the object's schema
and another with the actual data.
These XML packages are used with a publishing tool such as Oracle's BI Publisher to generate any
type of document based on Agile PLM metadata.
The Dynamic Document Publishing of product information can be used by Industrial, Retail, Life
Sciences, Pharmaceutical, and High Tech industries to:
Create new structured document templates (Product Data sheets, Parts List, Service Manual)
Create documents in the native document publishing tool such as MS Word or Adobe
Browse and insert PLM metadata and file contents into documents
Create formatted reports from PLM objects, search results, and push selected rows to reporting
tools (compliance report, pricing model, quality report)
Push a selected object ID, or all search results to a report for formatting
Modify the content that is shared by other documents already stored in PLM
Update documents that reference content that was modified
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Solution Architecture
While the flexible architecture can support any authoring tool, for example, Adobe Framemaker, this
illustration summarizes the document and template formatting tasks by integrating Oracle Agile
PLM and BI Publisher. BI Publisher is a reporting and document management solution. BI Publisher
report formats are designed with MS Word and published in PDF, HTML, RTF, and Excel formats.
The flow of data from Agile PLM, output formats, and potential destinations are summarized in the
following illustration.
Figure 1: Document Publishing architecture
Operating Environment
Oracle's Dynamic Document Publishing is the integration of Oracle BI Publisher and Oracle Agile
PLM. PLM is Oracle's product lifecycle management solution and BI Publisher is a reporting and
document output management solution from Oracle.
Oracle BI Publisher
BI Publisher products and MS Word 2003/2007 serve as template builders. BI Publisher Enterprise
is the document generation engine. BI Publisher report formats are designed with Microsoft Word
and support creating reports from multiple data sources.
BI Publisher Desktop - This is a prerequisite to implement Dynamic Document Publishing
BI Publisher Enterprise (BI Publisher v10gR3 - The PLM Embedded version or a separate
server version)
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Process Outline
The following illustration is a streamlined view of the Document Publishing process. That is, a
"trigger" invokes a "handler" and then steps #1, 2, 3, and 4 happen automatically.
Figure 2: Dynamic Document Publishing Process and Steps
The process is triggered by various Event subscriptions that are constructed in Agile PLM's Event
Management framework. A user with Administrator privileges configures the Event subscriptions,
which are detailed further on in this document. Typical Event Triggers include Release an ECO,
Update Title Block for an Item, or any other user action that can generate a document in Agile PLM.
The Event subscription is used to call the Event Handler that performs the following sequence of
1. Collect Object XML – Object XML is dynamically retrieved from the object that is being processed
2. Collect Publishing Template – Template is a predefined BI Publisher RTF file stored in Agile PLM.
The PX checks a field in the Object to determine which attachment in Agile PLM contains the
BI Publisher Template
3. Combine XML and Template in BI Publisher to create output file – The sample PX passes the XML
package and Template to the BI Publisher program running with Agile PLM which generates an
output file and informs the PX of the file location
4. Attach output file – The sample PX uses Agile PLM SDK commands to attach the file to an Agile
PLM business object
This process is illustrated with the aid of the following example, which updates a Datasheet with
PLM data.
Because of recent business activities, there is a need to update some of these attributes, such as
Name or Address, and then publish the updated Datasheet. The next few paragraphs summarize
the Dynamic Document Publishing process to update and publish this document.
Figure 3: Datasheet before it is loaded into Agile PLM
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Agile PLM Document Publishing Solution
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Agile PLM Document Publishing Solution
Overview.............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Installing BI Publisher Desktop ............................................................................................................................ 14
Agile PLM Administrator Configurations .............................................................................................................. 14
Agile PLM Server Configurations......................................................................................................................... 19
Setting up the environment to publish the sample, requires the following installations and Agile PLM
Installing BI Publisher Install to enable:
Inserting data fields into RTF templates
Inserting data driven tables and crosstabs
Inserting data driven charts
Previewing and Validating RTF templates with sample XML data
Browsing and updating content of form selected fields
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No te If you are installing Agile PLM 9.3.1, or using an installed copy, make sure File Manager
and SDK are selected or are already installed. For installation procedures, refer to
documents listed under "Install/Upgrade Guides" at
No te For complete documentation of the Event Management framework, refer to the Agile
PLM Administrator Guide.
No te This is a onetime configuration and provides a placeholder for all Template files.
3. In Class: Documents Class dialog, select the Subclasses tab and click New Subclass to open
the New Subclass dialog.
4. Create a new Documents Subclass called DocumentTemplate for Item.
Be sure to select Document Number for New Autonumber. For details, see file in Template Management Process Extensions. You can
find a copy in the Doc-Publishing folder described in SDK Samples Folder and Document
Publishing Examples.
Figure 9: Configuring the DocumentTemplate Subclass
5. Click OK.
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6. To continue, see Defining Page 2 Fields for the Object on page 17.
No te You can rename this subclass if you modify the configuration of the PX. For example,
changing the TEMPLATE_SUBCLASS_API_NAME=DocumentTemplate in file.
You can tailor these filters to return the minimum information to improve performance and minimize
waste during data transfer. An ACS filter is referred to by its API Name. As indicated earlier, these
are object-level configurations.
No te The selected fields provide flexibility for the sample and may not be necessary in a
production implementation.
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Important The Base ID values are used in the Java PXs Properties files and in the Script PX
text. If different fields are used, you must change the Java or Script PXs to reflect the
new Base ID values.
No te When defining a filter, use the API Name that was used for the object that you plan to
2. Select Admin > System Settings > Agile Content Service > Filters to open the Create Filter dialog.
No te Dynamic Document Generation does not support the Files option. Use only the Tabs
Only option and avoid the Tabs and Files option.
3. Create a new filter called Itemstabs with a minimum of Title Block, Page Two, Page Three, and
Attachments tabs.
4. Click OK and select the Filter tab to view the new filter.
5. Select the settings shown in the following figure, and then click Save.
Figure 14: ACS Filter configuration interface
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Deploying these components enable creating Templates and generating the schema and document
files. These configurations make use of PXs described in Using Oracle Supplied Document
Publishing Examples on page 21. For more information on Event components, refer to Agile PLM
SDK Developer Guide and Agile PLM Administrator Guide.
In Agile SDK environment, Event Management framework extends the PX framework to enable
developing and deploying event-driven applications. Events act as trigger points for generating an
automation action within the PLM application. Every Event is generated from a source within Agile
PLM applications. The source can be a business action triggered by a user, a UI action, or a system
initiated action. Agile PLM's Event framework supports developing extensions using the Java
programming language and Groovy Script.
For information to develop Java PXs/Script PXs and Events, refer to the latest release of the Agile
PLM SDK Developer Guide and Agile PLM Administrator Guide. You can find referential and
procedural information about PXs, Events, and Event triggers in these documents.
The Doc-Publishing folder contains the Java, Properties, and Resources files that you need to set
up and deploy the sample Java and Script PXs. You can find these PXs and other components in
the Doc-Publishing folder in See SDK Samples Folder and Document Publishing
Figure 15: Oracle-supplied PXs
Before using Java PXs, you must deploy them first. For procedures, see Working with Script PX
and Java PX Handlers on page 21. There is no need to deploy the Groovy equivalent Script PXs.
For information on deploying Script PXs, refer to Agile PLM Administrator Guide.
To deploy the Script PXs, refer to Agile PLM Administrator Guide. To deploy the Oracle supplied
Java PXs, you must first create the JAR files as shown below.
2. In px.deploy, specify the location the PXs will reside in your environment.
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3. Make sure you are running apache-ant-1.7.1 and specify the path for ANT_HOME.
4. Run build.bat or to create all JAR files for Windows and Unix environments respectively.
5. Make sure the JAR files are in "<AgileHomeDir>\integration\sdk\extensions" directory.
No te You can use these PXs to implement the Dynamic Document Publishing capabilities by
creating the Event Handler and Event Subscriber to trigger the Event. For details see
Template Management PX on page 24, Schema Generation PX on page 29, Data
Generation PXs on page 34, and Document Generation PXs on page 48. Alternatively,
you can use the information to develop your own Java Client and server configurations.
Task Sequence.................................................................................................................................................... 23
Configuring TemplateManagementStructureCreationPX .................................................................................... 24
Configuring SchemaGenerationPX...................................................................................................................... 29
Generating Schema XSD and Data XML files ..................................................................................................... 33
Configuring DataGenerationPX ........................................................................................................................... 34
Building BI Publisher Templates.......................................................................................................................... 39
Configuring DocumentGenerationPX .................................................................................................................. 48
Triggering the Event and Creating the Output File .............................................................................................. 55
Task Sequence
Publishing the Sample requires the completion of the following tasks:
1. Setting up, configuring, and running the TemplateManagementStructureCreation PX
2. Setting up, configuring, and running the SchemaGeneration PX
3. Setting up and configuring the DataGeneration PX
4. Downloading the schema (XSD) and data (XML) files to the local drive
5. Loading the schema file
6. Loading the data file
7. Laying out the BI Publisher Template and and saving the Word file in RTF format
8. Uploading the Template into Agile PLM
9. Triggering the Document Generation Event to create the output file
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Configuring TemplateManagementStructureCreationPX
The TemplateManagementStructureCreationPX creates a 3 level Bill of Material (BOM) for Base
Classes, Classes, and Subclasses defined in Configuring DocumentTemplate Subclass on page
15. This is a placeholder for all future .RTF template files.
No te This PX is run once only and is not necessary if the Schema Structure is not needed
You can find this Script or Java PX in SDK Samples Folder and Document Publishing Examples.
Depending on the Application Server (OAS, WLS) running in your installation, the path to the Script
PX and Java PX with its .JAR and Properties files are:
Script PX for WLS – 931_wls_sdk\samples\Doc-
3. In Events page, select the New button to open the Create Event dialog and define an Event
mask called CreateBomTemplate for Object Type Parts with the following settings:
Figure 18: Create Event mask for TemplateManagementStructureCreationPX
4. Click OK.
2. In Event Handlers pane, select the New button to open the Create Event Handler dialog.
3. Create a new Event Handler mask called CreateBomTemplate.
4. Set Enabled to Yes, and for Role, select the applicable roles. For example, Quality
Administrator, Quality Analyst, Quality Analytics User. For Event Handler Type, you have the
option to select Script PX, or Java PX. You can find the Oracle supplied Script and Java PX in
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2. In Event Subscribers pane, select the New button to open the Create Event Subscriber dialog.
3. Create a new Event Subscriber mask called CreateBomTemplate with the following settings:
Enabled to Yes,
Trigger Type to post
Execution Mode = Synchronous
Error Handling Rule = Stop
4. Click the drop-down arrow to select the Event and Event Handler you created earlier.
Figure 19: Template Management Event Subscriber
5. Click OK.
Values set in the Oracle supplied Properties file are shown in the shaded region. Make sure these
values conform to Java Client Admin settings for this PX.
Figure 20: Properties file settings for Template Management PX
If there are no changes to the PX, you can use the JAR files described in Creating JAR Files and
Deploying PXs (Event Handlers). If you need to modify the Java or Script PX, do as follows:
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Configuring SchemaGenerationPX
The purpose of SchemaGenerationPX is to programmatically generate XML schema files using the
Agile Java API for a given object. Document templates and document generation PXs, using BI
Publisher Java API reside in Agile PLM.
It is necessary to run this PX for each Subclass generate the Schema XSD file. Alternately, you can
run the GlobalSchemaGeneration.jar Java PX from the Tools menu to generate a schema for ALL
subclasses in the system. The Schema XSD will be attached to the applicable object in the
Template (Schema) Management Structure'
The paths to the Script PX and Java PX with its .JAR and Properties files are:
Script PX – 931_wls_sdk\samples\Doc-
Script PX – 931_oas_sdk\samples\Doc-
Java PX – 931_wls_sdk\samples\Doc-
Java PX – 931_oas_sdk\samples\Doc-
2. Click OK.
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2. In Event Subscribers pane, select the New button to open the Create Event Subscriber dialog.
3. Create a new Event Subscriber called CreateSchema with settings shown in the following figure.
4. Click the drop-down arrow to select the Event and Event Handler you created earlier.
Figure 23: Create Event Subscriber for CreateSchema Event
5. Click OK.
If there are no changes to the PX, you can use the JAR files described in Creating JAR Files and
Deploying PXs (Event Handlers). If you need to modify the Java or Script PX, then do as follows:
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No te In this output, Document is the Class name and Documents is name of the Subclass of
No te For convenience and to facilitate search, in the Sample, names used for the PX Handlers
start with DP for Document Publishing. These names are shown in the following
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No te The PX does not rely on the Filter and generates the entire schema.
This generates attachments for the Schema XSD and Data XML for use in Word with BI Publisher.
Schema XSD is attached to a DocumentTemplate object, for example, "Assembly_2467572" where
Assembly is the Item Type and 2467572 is the internal ID of the subclass.
Configuring DataGenerationPX
The overall aim of the DataGenerationPX is to programmatically generate sample data using the
Agile Java API Get XML Schema for document authors to preview the outputs in the document
authoring tool. When run, the PX creates and loads the XML file into the authoring tool (MS Word)
to test the Template with BI Publisher.
As indicated in Creating JAR Files and Deploying PXs (Event Handlers) this PX requires creating
the Item – Part/Document and setting the respective Page Two attributes DocType, Filter and
No te This sample PX binds the Event to update the Title Block, which is not necessary
because the Action menu Event alone will generate the required XML. Therefore, binding
this PX to Create Items, leads to a recursive situation because this out of the box PX
creates a document and attaches the XML file to the document,
2. Click OK.
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In Create Event Handler, paste the contents of Data Generation Groovy Script file in the
dialog's Script box and then click OK. For more information, see Agile PLM Events and Event
Framework chapter in Agile PLM SDK Developer Guide. You can also find information on
configuring Script PXs in Agile PLM Administrator Guide. Following is an example of a Script
PX Handler.
Figure 29: Creating a Script PX Handler for DataGenerationPX
2. In Event Subscribers pane, select the New button to open the Create Event Subscriber dialog.
3. Create a new Event Subscriber called item creation with settings shown in the following figure.
4. Click the drop-down arrow to select the Event mask and Event Handler mask you created
Figure 30: Creating an Event Subscriber for DataGenerationPX
5. Click OK.
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If there are no changes to the PX, you can use the JAR files described in Creating JAR Files and
Deploying PXs (Event Handlers). If you need to modify the Java or Script PX, then do as follows:
To change this behavior, modify the script as shown in the bold font blow.
try {
String TEMPLATE_SUBCLASS_API_NAME="DocumentTemplate";
String DATA_FILE_NAME=" \"AgileData\" + \"_\"
ITable attachmentTable =null;
IAgileObject agileObject=null;
String msg="";
The output of the PX is an XML file. The naming convention for the Data XML file is
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5. When you complete the layout, save your Template as an RTF file in the local drive.
6. From the BI Publisher menus, select Preview Template > PDF (or any format) to see the Data
formatted in your Template.
2. Select the applicable Download method and then save the file to the local drive.
3. Repeat the process for the XML Data file.
Figure 35: Copying XML File to the Local Drive
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4. Select Load XML Data... and then Load XML load the files.
Word will display "Data loaded successfully" after each action.
Loading the files enables BI Publisher to access Agile PLM fields in the XML file that were defined
earlier for the Subclass. For example, for "Documents" subclass defined in Creating a Placeholder
for Template Files, you can use all features of Word with BI Publisher to create a template for the
data sheet.
4. Using Word features, customize the fonts and other formats of these inserted tags.
Figure 37: Building the BI Publisher Template
5. When you complete the layout, save your Template as an RTF file.
6. From the BI Publisher menus, select Preview Template > PDF (or any format) to preview the Data
formatted in your Template.
Figure 38: Viewing the Template
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3. Scroll through the list, or use Find Next to select fields, for example, CreateUser.
4. Using Word features, customize the fonts and other formats of these inserted tags.
Figure 39: Building the BI Publisher Template
5. When you complete the layout, save your Template as an RTF file.
6. From the BI Publisher menus, select Preview Template > PDF (or any format) to preview the Data
formatted in your Template.
Figure 40: Viewing the Template
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Similar to inserting images or charts in Word documents, you can simply insert or paste JPG, GIF,
or PNG images directly in the RTF Template.
3. In Alternative text box, type the URL pointing to the location of the image using this syntax:
url:{'http://<location_of_the_image>'}. For example,
3. In Add Files dialog, use Browse to locate the file on the local drive and then click the
Figure 45: Loading the Template into Agile PLM
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Configuring DocumentGenerationPX
Document Generation provides the following options to publish a document:
DocumentGenerationJavaPX – This PX generates a file based on a Template and using BI
DocumentGenerationJavaPxOpen – This PX opens the document instead of saving it as an
Configuring DocumentGenerationJavaPX
The purpose of the Oracle supplied Document Generation PX is to programmatically generate a file
based on a Template and a PLM object and use BI Publisher as the Document Publication engine
to publish the file/document.
As prerequisite, this PX requires an object number for the TemplateHolder attribute, for example,
P00001, or P00021.
2. Click OK.
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2. In Event Subscribers pane, select the New button to open the Create Event Subscriber dialog.
3. Create a new Event Subscriber called GenerateDocument with settings shown in the following
4. Click the drop-down arrow to select the Event and Event Handler you created earlier.
Figure 48: Creating an Event Subscriber for DataGenerationPX
5. Click OK.
Figure 49: Properties file settings for Document Generation Java and JavaOpen PX
No te The PX creates a separate document object and attaches the output file to this object.
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No te When creating Events, Event handlers and Event subscribers, you must enable the
Event by clicking on the enable button in Java Client to see the Events in their respective
actions. If Events are disabled, you cannot see the Events under their respective actions.
5. In Process Extension Library, select the New button to open and configure the Add Process
Extension dialog as shown in the following figure.
No te The Address field should point to the Filemanager. For example,
6. Click OK.
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Triggering DocumentGenerationPX
On releasing the trigger (for example, a change), this PX generates a report with the file extension
defined in DocType and attaches it to the object specified in TemplateHolder. As prerequisite, it
requires assigning an existing object number for the TemplateHolder attribute.
Modifying DocumentGenerationPX
Sample creates a Document object and then attaches the output file to the new document. Oracle
recommends attaching the output file to the source object, especially with processes such as
Problem Reports.
No te Be sure to specify the correct location of the Template because getting the Template
retrieves the first file from the specified object.
To modify the PX, for example, to change the name of the document from Document name, to
Document and Object name, modify the PX's Properties file as shown below.
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