925821-DDAL-EB-08 Parliament of Gears v2

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Designer: Ian Hawthorne

Campaign Story and Development: Will Doyle

Editing: Ashley Michaela “Navigator” Lawson

Art Direction and Layout: Stacey Allan
Artists: Milivoj Cernan, Adam Cook, Olga Drebas, Wayne England,
Aaron Hübrich, Daniel Landerman, Lee Moyer
Cover Illustrators: Vance Kelly, Adam Cook (inset illustration)
All art provided by Wizards of the Coast and used with permission

D&D Adventurers League Guildmaster: Chris Lindsay

D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Ari Levitch,
Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls
D&D Adventurers League Eberron Administrators: Will Doyle,
Amy Lynn Dzura, Shawn Merwin

Welcome to the Oracle of War campaign, presented by the
Adventurers League! You can play this adventure as part of
your own Eberron: Rising from the Last War campaign, or as
part of the Oracle of War organized play campaign. While
this campaign runs under the umbrella of the Adventurers
League, it utilizes different rules. You can familiarize yourself
with these unique campaign rules by checking out the Oracle
of War Player’s Guide and Oracle of War DM’s Guide, found in
the D&D Adventurers League Players Pack.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League,
all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses
are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork con-
tained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

©2019 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The
Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
his adventure is designed for three to seven 5th- characters have utilized any of these backgrounds and tie
to 10th-level characters and is optimized for five them into the adventure as best you can.
characters with an average party level (APL) Parliament of Gears makes special use of the following
of 8. Characters outside this level range can’t backgrounds:
participate in this adventure. • Resistance Leader
This adventure occurs in Eberron, on the edge of ruined • Brelish Deserter
Cyre. This fallen nation is known as the Mournland
across most of Eberron, but as the Gray to the residents Before beginning play, check to see if any of your
of Salvation. This is the first in a trilogy of adventures, the players have these backgrounds. Adventurers with these
Dogs of War storyline. Dogs of War is part of the Oracle of backgrounds have a shared history with either Clock
War Eberron campaign for the D&D Adventurers League. the warforged artificer or with Lieutenant Sundar (see
“Conclave Personnel” in part 3) and have advantage on any
Background dealings with them.
After learning that the verse of the DRACONIC Continuing the Story
PROPHECY spoken by the ORACLE OF WAR is starting If the characters played through DDAL-EB-07 Song of the
to come true, the adventures return to Salvation to find Sky, this adventure picks up after that adventure ends. The
that the floating fortress ARGONTH has arrived. adventurers have left Sharn and returned to Salvation by
CAPTAIN IR’RANEK tasks the adventurers with lightning rail, gaining the benefit of a long rest.
venturing into the MOURNLAND and rescuing captives
recently abducted by a warforged raiding party. In doing • Before the adventure begins, give the players handout 1:
so, they learn of a warforged army under the control of Dogs of War. This handout summarizes the objectives
the LORD OF BLADES, and his interest in a dwarven of the Dogs of War storyline and recaps the events of the
artificer and his craft . . . Oracle of War campaign.

Overview Legacy Events

The adventure’s story is spread over 3 parts and takes Before beginning play, ask the players to check their
approximately 4 hours to play: Adventure Records for any legacy events that affect this
adventure. Parliament of Gears incorporates the following
• Part 1: Floating Fortress (30 mins). legacy events from previous adventures in the Oracle of
The Brelish military hires the adventurers to rescue War series:
captives taken by a warforged raiding party. Still Alive. If Kalli Alran chose to remain in Salvation at
• Part 2: Into the Mournland (30 mins). the end of DDAL-EB-04 The Third Protocol, she’s become
The adventurers enter the Mournland and come face-to- a successful salvage broker. She provides the adventurers
face with living spells and elementals. with helpful gear for their quest during part 1.
• Part 3: Warforged Outpost (180 mins). Maker’s Mark. If the group invested cash to trace
The adventurers discover that the warforged have taken Sulring Mroranon’s family at the end of DDAL-EB-05 A
their captives to a refurbished House Cannith elemental Century of Ashes, they meet his nephew Tellarak Natharon
hover wagon, making the rescue more difficult than they in Salvation during part 1. He gives them something
ever imagined. belonging to his uncle which they can show him to prove
themselves as friends.
Adventure Hooks Wing and a Prayer or Mark of the Sphinx. If Sky Blue
In the Oracle of War campaign, the characters are came from Sharn with the group, she stays in Salvation at
scavengers working for salvage crews. Players should the end of part 1 to search for leads about her father.
invent their own reasons for undertaking such dangerous
work: dedication to a just cause, serving a specific patron,
spying for an organization, etc.
Players with access to the Oracle of War Player’s Guide
can use the backgrounds and patrons listed there. Many
serve as adventure hooks for this and later adventures in
the campaign. At the start of play, ask your players if their


Players who visit Salvation during this adventure can buy
anything from the Adventuring Gear, Armor, Equipment
Packs, Tools, or Weapons tables in chapter 5 of the
Player’s Handbook. Items can also be sold for half their
listed value, although players can gain no more than 20 gp
per adventure in sales.

Hero Points
In the Oracle of War campaign, adventurers are
supposed to be a cut above the rest. To reflect this, each
character in the party gains one hero point at the start
of this adventure. Players earn additional hero points
by completing story goals. The DM may not award hero
points except as specifically directed in the adventure. At
the end of the adventure, the players lose any hero points
they’ve accrued.

Hero Points
A player can spend a hero point whenever they make an at-
tack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw. The player can
spend the hero point after the roll is made but before they
know whether they’re successful or not. Spending the hero

point allows the player to roll a d6 and add it to the d20, pos-
sibly turning a failure into a success. A player can spend only
one hero point per roll. In addition, whenever a character fails
a death saving throw, the player can spend one hero point to
turn the failure into a success.


Estimated Duration: 30 minutes riding a strange contraption: a steam-powered bicycle
with spinning spokes of wooden feet instead of wheels.
The Brelish military hires the adventurers to rescue The dwarf screams for them to get out of his way before
captives taken by a warforged raiding party. colliding with a boulder.
Shaken but unharmed, he crawls from the wreckage and
Returning to Salvation introduces himself as Tellarak Natharon, an inventor and
When the players are ready, read the following boxed nephew of Sulring Mroranon. He explains that his uncle
text aloud: went missing in Cyre four years ago and hasn’t been seen
since. Before he left, Sulring was worrying about a top-
secret battlefield device he’d been commissioned to make
The Oracle of War has spoken the true words of the and was determined to “clarify its output.” Unfortunately,
Draconic Prophecy. Thrane’s intelligence service has this meant entering the front lines of the conflict in Cyre.
struck against Breland and the orphan Sky Blue has been Tellarak has no idea if his uncle is dead or captured, but
he implores the characters to find him if he’s still alive. To
identified, yet her role in world events remains unclear.
gain his uncle’s trust, Tellarak unwinds one of his beard
You’ve returned to the Mournland to hunt down Sulring braids and hands it over, saying “Give this to my uncle and
Mroranon: the artifact’s mysterious dwarven creator. tell him ‘Tell’n wants to borrow a wrench.’ ” Players who
agree to Tellerak’s request gain the Beard Braid legacy
Upon your return to Salvation, you discover the massive event. At the end of the adventure, ask the players to tick
floating fortress Argonth moored to the west of the outpost. this event on their Adventure Records.
A makeshift market has sprung up in its shadow, where
soldiers and salvagers rub shoulders, gathering supplies Players with the Still Alive legacy event can
reconnect with Kalli Alran at the salvage
and swapping stories.
market if she remained here at the end of
The citadel of Argonth looks to be a wondrous place. DDAL-EB-04 The Third Protocol. They find
her in charge of her own broker’s counter.
Unfortunately, few outside the Brelish military get to set
Kalli’s worried for the good folk of Salvation, as so many
foot inside the floating fortress. salvagers have gone missing inside “the Gray” recently.
She offers to aid the group by gifting each character their
Ask the players to describe their characters. When they’re choice of a potion of healing, a potion of comprehension
done, give everyone inspiration. (see handout 2: Consumables), a potion of resistance
(acid), or a potion of resistance (lightning).
Players with the Wing and a Prayer or Mark
Argonth is a huge floating fortress under the command of
of the Shinx legacy event arrive in Salvation
Captain Alain ir’Ranek. It was one of five created by House
Cannith during the last war, and one of only two remaining. with Sky Blue. The charismatic waif and her
The fortress now patrols the Brelish border at a slow-and- awakened seagull Earl are keen to question
steady pace. Magnificent and imposing though it is, cutbacks the salvage veterans about her father’s
in military spending following the Treaty of Thronehold have whereabouts. Sky remains in the outpost during this
left Argonth a shell of its former self. adventure. If your group is uncomfortable about leaving
her alone, a friendly ally can step forward to take her
under their wing: the salvage broker Belaluur, perhaps, or
Kalli Alran.
Legacy Events
Before the adventurers proceed further, check for the
following legacy events:
Players with the Maker’s Mark legacy event
have arranged to meet a member of Sulring’s
family in Salvation. On arriving at the outpost,
the adventurers are almost run over by a dwarf


• Captain ir’Ranek asks the characters to hunt down
A Summons to Argonth the warforged raiders and rescue the captives. No one
Visitors to Salvation usually end up in the Gray Beyond knows the Mournland around Salvation better than the
tavern. When the players enter here, read the following characters. They come highly recommended.
boxed text aloud:
On acceptance of the mission, Captain ir’Ranek produces
a small wooden box with a compass dial mounted on
The salvage board at the Gray Beyond tavern is unusually top: a direction box. He explains the arrow points to a
bare, much to the disappointment of the expectant work magical tracking device Big Bara was able to attach to
one of the warforged raiders. The range is short, so they
crews gathered nearby. A hopeful murmur passes through
mustn’t delay.
the crowd as a towering warforged dressed in Brelish Argonth can offer no further aid. Resources are tight at
military attire steps into the room and approaches the present, and the captain admits his work is cut out with
board. Taking a look around, her gaze settles on you. preparations for the war brewing with Thrane. He fears
Salvation is a prime target for the next warforged raid.

The warforged approaches the group and introduces

herself as Big Bara. She informs the adventurers their Alain ir’Ranek (AL-an eer RAN-ek)
presence is required by Captain Alain ir’Ranek of Argonth. Lawful good, male, human paladin
As soon as she delivers her message, she turns to leave, Alain is the charismatic, 47-year-old captain of Argonth. A
steadfast soldier, he joined the army as a Brelish Ranger 30
expecting the characters to follow.
years ago and progressed steadily through the ranks. A fair
and honest leader, his blue eyes sparkle with confidence and
Big Bara determination. His neat, close-cropped beard shows signs of
Neutral, warforged ranger gray, in contrast to his youthful crop of thick, chestnut curls.
Big Bara is a larger-than-normal warforged with an imposing Motivation: Dedication. Alain is military to the core.
presence. Her polished armor is dented and scratched, and Mannerisms: Alain stands with his shoulders drawn back
she wears Brelish military braids across her upper arm. and his hands clasped in the small of his back.
Motivation: Explore and serve. Pursue and neutralize. Quote: “Peace comes at a price, and that price is what we do
Mannerisms: Big Bara makes eye contact as she speaks and here today.”
locks gazes until she has the response she needs.
Quote: “I never take no for an answer when the answer I
want is yes.”

Entering Argonth
Entering the fortress, the adventurers are escorted under
military guard to the captain’s office. Read the following
boxed text aloud:

You enter a huge war room dominated by a brass table,

on which a scaled topographic map of Breland is laid out.
A middle-aged soldier in dress uniform stands before
a window overlooking Salvation and the gray fogbank
bordering the Mournland.

Captain ir’Ranek strides forward and greets the group

with firm handshakes and an apology for his abrupt
summons. Use the following information to guide the
• Captain ir’Ranek introduces Big Bara as his chief
military scout, head of “Bara’s Breakers,” an elite
military reconnaissance unit.
• He explains that the Mournland is home to organized
units of renegade warforged who follow their own
agendas. One of these groups has recently been raiding
outposts along the border and taking captives.
• Bara’s Breakers intervened in the latest raid, which

occurred at a homestead just south of Salvation. Despite

their best efforts, several salvagers were taken captive.
The warforged raiders are coordinated, organized, and
well equipped.


Estimated Duration: 30 minutes Mournland Effects
d20 Effect
The adventurers enter the Mournland and come face-to-
face with living spells and elementals. 1 Vampiric Touch. Crimson mist surrounds you. Until you
finish a long rest, whenever you regain hit points, allies
A Gray Mourning within 10 feet of you take necrotic damage. The damage
is equal to the hit points you regained, and is distributed
Ask the players to complete any last-minute purchases evenly between allies within range.
they may need. When the players are ready to enter the
2 Booming Blade. You step on a broken sword blade that
Mournland, read the following boxed text aloud:
snaps with a thunderous boom. Your next three melee
weapon attacks deal an extra 1d8 thunder damage. This
The direction box given to you by Captain ir’Ranek pulses benefit ends once you finish a long rest.
softly in your hand, its compass needle pointing directly 3 Lightning Lure. Your hair and the fibers in your clothes
tingle with static electricity. Until you finish a short
into the fog cloud surrounding the Mournland. As you
rest, you take 1d8 lightning damage whenever another
enter the mists, flashes of light sparkle in front of you, creature or object within 10 feet of you takes lightning
illuminating the ghostly forms of marching warforged that damage.
fade as quickly as they appear. 4 False Life. Undecayed corpses on the ground twitch as
you draw the last vestiges of life from them. Until you
Inside the blasted landscape of the Mournland, the finish a long rest, you gain 1d4 + 5 temporary hit points
direction box feels like it’s alive, the needle jumping at the start of every hour.
this way and that, as it seeks out its signal across the 5 Hold Person. A geyser of frigid air freezes you momen-
distorted wastes. tarily. Until you finish a long rest, whenever you score a
critical hit, you and your target are paralyzed until the
start of your next turn.
Unbeknownst to the adventurers, the arcane energies 6 Invisibility. As you stare at your reflection in a shard of
of the direction box act as a magnet for living spells. To crystalline rock, you begin to fade from view. Until you
successfully operate the device inside the Mournland, the finish a long rest, you can expend a Hit Die as a bonus
character using it must succeed on three DC 16 Wisdom action to turn invisible (as per the invisibility spell) for 1
(Survival) or Intelligence (Arcana) checks. minute.
• The first success grants the “Odd Shape” clue 7 Misty Step. A warm breeze caresses you and makes you

(see below). wish you were elsewhere. Until you finish a long rest,
• The second success grants the “Discard Pile” clue when you roll initiative, you teleport up to 30 feet in a
(see below). random direction to an unoccupied space you can see.
• For each failure, every character in the group rolls on the 8 Gaseous Form. You sit to rest for a moment and relax so
Mournland Effects table. much that you feel as if your molecules are drifting apart.
• After the third check, run the “Flash and Flame” Once before the end of your next long rest, you can use
encounter. your reaction in response to an attack to turn into a misty
cloud (as per the gaseous form spell) for up to 1 minute.
9 Feign Death. A corpse grasps your hand as you pass by,
and the life appears to drain from your body. Until you
finish a long rest, you appear dead to observers and you
gain immunity to disease and poison. The effect ends
early if damage reduces you to 0 hit points, at which
point you drop to 1 hit point instead.
10 Counterspell. You disturb a pile of silvery dust. The next
time you’re targeted by a spell, you automatically succeed
on your saving throw or the spell attack misses. This ben-
efit ends once you finish a long rest.
11+ No effect.


Clue 1: Odd Shape Aftermath
The warforged’s hands and feet have been removed and
The adventurers come upon a three-foot-high ridge of
a large cog has been riveted into its forehead, killing it
broken earth which stretches in a perfectly straight line. On
outright. Characters who search the area find the tracking
closer inspection, it forms one side of an octagonal patch
of cleared earth measuring roughly 150 feet in diameter. A device they’ve been following lying next to the body. The
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals ground nearby shows the same octagonal indentation as
that the earth was flattened as if by strong winds from above. found in Clue 1 and Clue 2.
The air elemental hovers over to the group if it’s still
Clue 2: Discard Pile alive. His name is Wooaaii (pronounced like sharply
expelling a breath of air). Award one hero point to
After several hours’ travel, the direction box leads the adven-
each player if they saved Wooaaii from the living spells.
turers toward another octagonal ridge system, much like
Wooaaii only understands Auran and speaks in a sibilant
that found in Clue 1. Characters who succeed on a DC 15
whisper. He has a childlike demeanor. Use the following
Intelligence (Investigation) or DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
check discover a pile of crystal shards off to one side of the flat- information to guide the conversation if the players can
tened earth. Anyone examining these can guess they’re geode communicate with him:
fragments, possibly spilled from Eberron dragonshards.
Treasure. Searching the discard pile uncovers a small “Poor metal friend dead. Very sad. Friend released me from
shard of iridescent, purple crystal, a Lamannian flint shard
metal machine, so I no longer serve metal army. But friend
(see handout 2: Consumables).
suffered for this. Metal boss killed him for joining secret
Lamannian Flint parliament.”
Lamannian flint is said to originate from the virgin forests
of the plane of Lamannia, perhaps from vitrified wood or
• The warforged was destroyed through a combination of
crystalized tree sap. It can be worked into an orb of shielding
that protects the wielder from lightning and thunder damage. dismantlement and mutilation. It was killed recently, and
The Day of Mourning devastated manifest zones across Cyre its hands and feet were roughly removed while it was
and scattered the land with shards of this magical glass. still alive. Raising it from the dead in this state would be
an unkindness.
• Wooaaii is one of the many air elementals that power
Encounter: Flash and Flame the propulsion system of the Conclave, a salvaged House
Cannith elemental hover wagon. This craft now serves
The deeper into the Mournland the adventurers travel, as the troop carrier for an enclave of warforged Blades
the steadier the direction box needle becomes. Read the loyal to the Lord of Blades.
following boxed text aloud:
• Wooaaii was freed from servitude by his warforged
friend Bunger, but they ran afoul of the “metal boss.”
Up ahead, a small, localized dust storm sparks with Wooaaii escaped, but the metal boss captured Bunger
lightning and flashes of flame. The broken body of a and mutilated him in front of the other warforged.
• Wooaaii knows his friend was part of a “secret parlia-
warforged is visible at the heart of the storm. A column of
ment” plotting to overthrow the metal boss.
raging wind coils above it, apparently defending the body
from dancing clouds of fire and lightning. If Wooaaii is still alive, he offers to lead the group to the
Conclave. If the adventurers don’t have Wooaaii with them,
they must rely on their own tracking skills to locate the
Characters who succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence Conclave. Ask each player to roll once on the Mournland
(Arcana) check identify this as an air elemental locked in Effects table, ignoring any effects that’ve been rolled
combat with some living spells: a unique and dangerous previously. After this, they arrive at the Conclave.
phenomenon of the Mournland.
• Four living burning hands and two living lightning The Blades
bolts are attacking the air elemental. The Blades are the zealous followers of the Lord of Blades,
a warforged who they revere as both a commander in chief
Unless the adventurers intervene, the living spells destroy
and a god. These warforged follow a rigid chain of military
the air elemental and then disperse. If the adventurers command to serve their master. Their goal is to create an
intervene, the living spells attack them instead, focusing independent nation for their own kind in the heart of the
their attacks on the character carrying the direction box. Mournland, free from the corrupting influence of other races.
Adventurers who played DDAL-EB-02 Voice in the Machine
Adjusting the Scene have encountered the Blades before, in the ruins of Kalazart.
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this scene:
• Very Weak: Remove two living burning hands and one
living lightning bolt.
• Weak: Remove one living lightning bolt.
• Strong: Add one living burning hands and one living
lightning bolt.
• Very Strong: Add four living burning hands and one living
lightning bolt.


Estimated Duration: 180 minutes have AC 19, 120 hit points, a damage threshold of 20, and
immunity to poison and psychic damage.
The adventurers discover that the warforged have taken Windows. Portholes are set with reinforced glass (AC
the captives to a refurbished House Cannith elemental 15, 20 hit points, a damage threshold of 10, vulnerability to
hover wagon, making the rescue more difficult than they bludgeoning, force, and thunder damage, and immunity to
ever imagined. poison and psychic damage).
Doors. Doors inside the craft are metal (AC 15, 25 hit
DM Tips points, a damage threshold of 15, and immunity to poison
This section is presented as a sandbox: there’s no right or and psychic damage). Locked doors can be opened with
wrong way to rescue the captives or uncover the information a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
held by the warforged. Allow players time to observe and Captain Reeve and Lieutenant Sundar carry keys to all
develop strategies, and be adaptable to their ideas to doors, except where noted.
maximize fun. Lighting. The craft is brightly lit throughout by
What follows is a description of the vessel, its crew, its integrated everbright lanterns which cease working
captives, and its operational routine. Finally, there’s a short if removed.
timetable of events you can use if you wish to advance the
Propulsion. The Conclave travels at a fixed speed of 4
story. It’s important you portray the warforged as organized
miles per hour (96 miles per day).
and intelligent. This should not be an easy rescue, nor should
it be an impossible one. Crew Capacity. The vessel has been adapted for
warforged use and can be operated with a minimum
crew of nine: one pilot, and eight operators. At present, it
has a crew roster of thirty-four warforged (see “Conclave
Arriving at the Conclave Personnel,” below).
Read the following boxed text aloud when the group Ballista. The vessel has two front- and two rear-
arrives at the Conclave: mounted, self-loading ballistae. When operated by
gunners, these weapons can perform the following ranged
weapon attack: +6 to hit, range 120/480 ft., one target. Hit:
You track your quarry over low-lying hills and blasted heath-
16 (3d10) piercing damage.
land, without once catching sight of the mysterious craft. Defense Configuration. The extendable perimeter fence
Its trail takes you into a rocky ravine before opening onto a is operated from the control panel in area L3 and draws
wide plane of farmland. Then, suddenly, there it is! power from the elemental matrix in area L4. Any artificer
or character with ties to House Cannith can see this is a
A gargantuan block of iron and steel drifts across the recent modification to the craft.
dead cornfields, hovering on a carpet of crackling electrical
sparks. As it slows to a stop, the flashes cease, and the
Conclave Personnel
bulky craft settles gently on the ground. Grinding loudly, it The Conclave is crewed by thirty-four warforged:
begins to transform, doubling in size as its hull unfolds to • Captain Reeve
form a perimeter fence. When the grinding stops, a shock • Lieutenant Sundar
of blue light flickers along the tops of its walls. A heavily • Artificer Clock
• 5 Blade sergeants
guarded warforged enclave now stands before you.
• 10 Blade corporals
• 16 Blade privates
Area Information
The Blades’ Conclave is a repurposed House Cannith ele-
Captain Reeve
mental hover wagon, which was formerly used to transport Reeve is captain of the 1st Mobile Division, directly
bulk goods (including warforged) to the front lines. The appointed by the Lord of Blades. His mission is to scour
maps in appendix A show the full layout of the craft. the Mournland for resources: particularly Khyber dragon-
Dimensions and Terrain. The Conclave is 100 feet shards for binding elementals, and Siberys dragonshards
by 80 feet but expands to 180 feet by 140 feet when in for crafting elemental vessels. His secondary orders are to
stationary defense configuration. Inside the craft, ceilings raid nearby outposts for supplies and to capture artificers
are a uniform 15 feet high. Walls throughout the craft and dragonmarked heirs.


Captain Reeve knows the Lord of Blades is crafting a
device that can decipher the Draconic Prophecy, aided
by a dwarf artificer he captured on the frontier several
years ago.
Players who defeat Captain Reeve gain the Bested
Captain Reeve legacy event. At the end of the
adventure, ask the players to tick this event on their
Adventure Records.

Captain Reeve
Lawful evil, warforged soldier
Tall and imposing, cruel and unforgiving, Captain Reeve is
never without a weapon in hand. His armor is heavily scarred
and dented, with several repair jobs visible.
Motivation: Reeve is committed to the formation of a
superior warforged nation under the banner of the Lords
of Blades. He knows this will never be achieved through
negotiation, only with military strength. He’s fiercely loyal to
his master and will hear no word against him.
Mannerisms: Reeve hates non-warforged and is very quick
to anger. He threatens to dismantle any warforged who
questions or defies his orders
Quote: “Obey or suffer.”

Lieutenant Sundar
Sundar is second-in-command of the 1st Mobile Division.
During the Last War, he grew sick of the cruelty and
deserted the Brelish Infantry. In contrast to Reeve, Sundar
is levelheaded and reasonable. He spends his time touring
the vessel, leading by example.
Characters with the Brelish Deserter background fled
the front lines alongside Sundar and have advantage on
Charisma checks when dealing with him.

Lieutenant Sundar
Lawful neutral, warforged soldier
Lean, polished, and attentive, Sundar is liked by all under
his command. As a veteran of many military campaigns, he
has the knowledge and authority to command respect, but
instead chooses to earn it. He’s tired of the needless death
caused by war and yearns for peace.
Motivation: Sundar wants to create an independent war-
forged nation, headed by the Lord of Blades.
Mannerisms: Straight-backed and of military bearing,
Sundar reminds the characters of Captain Alain ir’Ranek.
Quote: “Together we stand stronger than any individual.”

Clock stands a full foot shorter than most warforged. He
acts as company commissariat, though his skills and
duties go much further. Clock is the pilot of the Conclave.
Clock spends most of his time in the workshop (area
M3), where he stores and catalogs the resources salvaged
by his comrades. He’s fascinated by artificers and
their trade.
Clock escaped from his cruel Aundairian masters near
the end of the Last War. The Lord of Blades took him in,
but Clock has come to believe his new master’s methods
are as oppressive as his old ones’. He despises Captain
Reeve, whose cruel dismantlements drove Clock to join the
secretive Parliament of Gears.


Characters with the Resistance Leader background
played a role in helping Clock escape from Aundair
Outer Conclave Locations
and have advantage on Charisma checks when The following descriptions are keyed to locations on the
dealing with him. Outer Conclave Map in appendix A. These locations are
only present in perimeter defense configuration.
Clock E1. Perimeter Fence
Neutral good, warforged artificer The electrified perimeter fence is 15 feet tall and made
Clock is short and round for a warforged, with an integrated from crushed armor and metal containers lashed together.
silver mustache that twitches when he thinks. Jagged blades from swords, pikes, axes, and other
Motivation: Clock yearns for the formation of an
weapons are embedded into the tops of the walls. Anyone
independent warforged nation. He wants the Lord of Blades
to rule alongside a parliament of advisors taken from the very
who touches the fence or starts their turn within 5 feet of it
best of the warforged commonwealth. must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 15 (3d6
Mannerisms: Clock sometimes stops dead in the middle of + 5) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much
a sentence . . . as if he needs rewinding! damage on a successful one.
Quote: “Riveting! Absolutely riveting!” Ten-foot-wide sliding doors are embedded into the
port and starboard sections. These are hard to spot
when bolted shut, requiring a successful DC 15 Wisdom
(Perception) check to notice them.
Climbing the fence is relatively easy if it’s powered down,
Divit and his comrade Bunger were former assistants
but a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check is still
to Clock. After Bunger freed one of the Conclave’s air
required to avoid taking 5 (1d10) slashing damage from
elementals, Captain Reeve discovered him talking to
the embedded weapons.
Divit about the “Parliament of Gears” and had Bunger
dismantled (the players discovered Bunger’s corpse in E2. Hydraulic Beams
part 2). Divit is currently in the brig (area M5) awaiting The perimeter fence is connected to the vessel’s hull
interrogation and dismantling. Due to his knowledge of the by extendable steel rods. Each rod is 3 feet thick and
Conclave, he proves a valuable ally if freed. suspended 10 feet above ground level. A successful DC
12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check is required to traverse
Parliament of Gears the length of a rod. This check is made with disadvantage
due to the lubricating oils, unless travelling at half speed
Although most warforged in the Mournland support the Lord
of Blades’ presumed goals and objectives, a few deplore his
or slower.
methods. Rather than seeing him in the role of dictator or
god-king, they’d prefer he operated in a more presidential
E3. Inner Compound.
aspect and governed under the authority of an appointed While the perimeter fence is extended, this inner
parliament. The movement is still in its infancy, but interest compound surrounds the main vessel. All six iron
among the warforged grows daily. defenders from area L5 patrol the compound at night, but
Inside the Conclave, Clock and Divit are the only advocates it’s empty during the day.
of this parliament. Sundar is sympathetic to their cause
but remains unconvinced. Some infantry members are also Lower Deck Locations
supportive, but are reluctant to speak out following Bunger’s
dismantlement. The following descriptions are keyed to locations on the
Lower Deck Map in appendix A:

L1. Drill Hall

Troops This chamber serves as both a drill hall and parade
The 1st Mobile Division consists of five infantry units, each ground. Both exterior doors are bolted shut from the inside
comprised of six Blades (a Blade sergeant, two Blade unless being used.
corporals, and three Blade privates). A robust, metal mesh panel is set into the floor at the
center of the room. While the wagon is hovering, this panel
Adjusting the Scene can be slid aside to allow access to the ground beneath it.
Here are some suggestions for adjusting each unit to
your group:
L2. Punishment Block
• Very Weak: Replace two Blade corporals with two This 10-foot-by-5-foot steel block is riveted to the floor.
Blade privates. Extendable manacles are bolted to the four corners, which
• Weak: Replace one Blade corporal with one Blade private. can be used to restrain a Medium or Large creature to
• Strong: Add two Blade privates. the block.
• Very Strong: Add one Blade private and one Blade corporal. Several warforged fingers, a pair of warforged hands,
and a pair of warforged feet are displayed on a shelf
behind the slab. Under the hands and feet is a chalked
label “Parliament of Gears Sympathizer.” Under the
fingers are the chalked names “Clutch” and “Keeper.”


Punishment Regime L5. Defender Pens
The Lord of Blades requires total obedience, and so does These storage units have been adapted to hold iron
Captain Reeve. Warforged who disobey a direct order or fail defenders. There are six iron defenders in total, kept in
to live up to Captain Reeve’s high standards find themselves separate pens, three to each chamber. During the day, there
secured to the punishment block for “dismantling.” Although are four iron defenders here. At night, the pens are empty.
warforged are conditioned against pain, they have a deep fear A leather handler’s gauntlet hangs at the front of each
of being maimed and dismantled. Captain Reeve plays on cage, decorated with an arcane mark that matches a sigil
this fear by purposely removing body parts from offending carved onto the back of the iron defender held within.
When a warforged pulls on a glove, the iron defender
considers that warforged its master: following their orders,
L3. Conclave Control Panel defending them, and granting the benefits of the Telepathic
This control panel is used to switch the craft between Bond ability.
active running and perimeter defense configuration. If the
players investigate it, read the following boxed text aloud:
L6. Elemental Matrix Structure
These closed areas contain machinery essential to the
hover cart’s propulsion systems.
This control panel has four main switches marked Front,
Starboard, Aft and Port. Under each of these is a secondary
L7. Salvaged Goods Stores
These oil-stained chambers are normally used to hold
switch marked “Corner.” One further switch marked “Fence
salvage but are currently empty.
Live” can be set to an “On” or “Off” position. A speaking
cone is mounted on top of the panel, next to a whistle
hanging from a chain.

• Setting any of the main switches into the up position

extends one of the perimeter fences from the hull
of the craft. The secondary switches further extend
panels from these that complete the corners of the
perimeter fence.
• Setting the “Fence Live” switch to “On” electrifies the
perimeter fence.
• The speaking cone is a sound transmission tube that
connects to the bridge (area U2). One long blast of the
whistle means stand by, two short blasts mean the
operator is going to extend or retract the walls, three
short blasts is used for the corner extenders and a short-
long-short blast signifies the fence has been electrified.
This code isn’t written down anywhere, but is known to
everyone on the vessel.

L4. Containment Chamber

The containment chamber is the heart of the elemental
matrix that controls the vessel. A heavy iron chest stands
in the middle of the floor, with several iron pipes covered
in arcane inscriptions emerging from its body. The matrix
is surrounded by a mesh cage (AC 15, 20 hit points) which
is riveted to the floor and fitted with a locked access door.
The chest itself is mithral banded (AC 21, 25 hit
points) and protected by a glyph of warding spell whose
explosive runes deal thunder damage (save DC 15).
The glyph triggers if anyone who isn’t carrying either
Captain Reeves’s or Lieutenant Sundar’s keys touches the
chest (see “Area Information”). Inside are three Khyber
dragonshards (AC 12, 10 hit points), each of which holds
a bound air elemental. Shattering a crystal releases its
elemental and prevents the Conclave from moving. Any
elementals released from here try to fight their way to

freedom. If Wooaaii is with the group, he can persuade the

elementals to fight alongside the adventurers to overcome
the warforged.


belt to hold inactive warforged in position while the
Middle Deck Locations Conclave is moving. Beneath each chair is a possessions
The following descriptions are keyed to locations on the box containing small keepsakes and trinkets. While
Middle Deck Map in appendix A: off duty, the warforged are spread evenly between
these rooms.
M1. Landing
This large, open area connects to all rooms on the middle Upper Deck Locations
deck. Wall-mounted everbright lanterns illuminate
the room, but two portals in the aft wall provide some The following descriptions are keyed to locations on the
natural light. Upper Deck Map in appendix A:

M2. Armory U1. Operations Room

This area serves as a maintenance and storage area for Ornate, brass-framed floor-to-ceiling windows encircle
weapons. At least one of every melee weapon listed in the the Conclave’s operations room. A map of Cyre is laid over
Player’s Handbook is held here. an iron desk, covered with markers of different colors. A
successful DC 15 Intelligence (History or Investigation)
M3. Workshop check reveals that these are all sites of industrial interest.
A sign on the door to this chamber reads “Keep Out.
Danger!” The warforged pilot, Artificer Clock, can be
U2. Bridge
found here when he isn’t piloting the ship (see “Conclave Large windows curve into this chamber’s ceiling, granting
Personnel”). Adventurers who attempt to parley with Clock 180-degree visibility to the front of the vessel. A burgundy
could earn a useful ally if they play their cards right. padded leather armchair stands in the middle of the floor,
Alchemical alembics, mundane clockwork automata, and facing the windows. Its left armrest is covered in dials,
other unfathomable inventions fill the room. Haphazardly buttons, and switches, whereas its right has a single
arranged papers bearing notes and designs are heaped indentation for a hand.
over three large workbenches. Most items in the room are On the wall nearby is a speaking tube that connects to
either being built or mended. the control panel in area L3.
Treasure. The only completed item of value in here is an Any character with the Mark of Storm or the Mark of
orb of shielding (Lamannian flint). Passage can pilot the Conclave by sitting in the chair and
placing their right hand in the indentation to command the
M4. Guest Quarters craft’s bound elementals. Alternatively, a successful DC
This windowless storage room is used to hold captives. 20 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check cajoles or
They have rudimentary bedrolls made of discarded threatens the elementals into service for 1 hour. Warforged
clothes, a supply box containing waterskins and trail characters have advantage on these checks.
rations, a small oil-fired cooking stove, and a waste bucket
behind a screen. Two tiny, iron mesh ventilation holes
U3. Captain’s Room
open into the deck above. The place reeks of body odor The captain’s room is nothing more than a private practice
and fecal matter, and the only light source is a grimy, wall- room and gym. A clockwork sparring dummy stands in the
mounted everbright lantern. middle of the floor, and martial weapons of fine quality are
The Blades’ captives are held here when they’re not mounted on the walls.
engaged in tasks (see “Captives,” below). The cell door is A woven banner depicting a metal gauntlet with three
always kept locked, although the key dangles from a hook extended claws hangs against the back wall. Adventurers
outside the door. who succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
check recognize this as the symbol of the Lord of Blades.
M5. Brig A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
What were once containment pens for transporting live- that the tapestry hides the locked door to the captain’s
stock now double as cells for disobedient crew members. office (area U4). Lieutenant Sundar doesn’t carry a key for
Heavy steel bars and a locked steel door mark each cell’s this door.
boundary. The brig’s present occupant is a Blade private Treasure. A perfectly balanced +2 halberd hangs amidst
named Divit (see “Conclave Personnel,” above). the mounted weapons.

M6. Stores U4. Captain’s Office

This room holds all the supplies necessary for the smooth Inside this office is a desk with writing tools. Reeve’s
running of the Conclave, including ballista bolts, grease, private journal rests open on the desk, filled with
cabling, chain, ink, paper, oil, lanterns, and rations for fanatical warforged propaganda. The journal’s final
the captives. entries are reproduced on handout 4: Private Journal of
Treasure. A leather apothecary’s case contains one Captain Reeve.
potion of healing per adventurer as well as salvage worth
100 gp per adventurer.
U5. Lieutenant’s Room
This room is furnished with a suite of leather sofas, a
M7. Shelters large, glass-topped coffee table, and many book cabinets.
The warforged adapted these two storage areas to act as One cabinet is filled with military fiction, another with
“downtime rooms.” Twelve metal chairs are positioned Brelish Romantic poetry, and one even has a handful of
around the walls, each with a shoulder-high restraining


books on negotiation techniques. The walls are adorned
with paintings of idyllic rural scenes.
For several months, Captain Reeve has been raiding
U6. Lieutenant’s Office salvage outposts along the Brelish border, taking both
The crowded shelves of this office hold accounting ledgers material goods and captives. His warforged raiders have
that detail recent finds of dragonshards and Lamannian orders to secure weapons, armor, artifacts, and supply
flint, together with the amounts and location references. A goods (all of which are stored in the holding areas on the
successful DC 12 intelligence (Investigation) check reveals lower level).
that past finds were taken to a place called Razorcrag, Captives are taken indiscriminately. Those who show
although no information is given about its whereabouts. aptitude for magical and mechanical skills are given full
rations and light duties, with the goal of delivering them to
U7. Briefing Room the Lord of Blades at Razorcrag. Everyone else is worked
Captain Reeve uses this briefing room to instruct Sundar, hard and ruthlessly discarded when no longer of any
Clock, and his sergeants about operational matters. The physical use (i.e. ill, dead, or dying). There are currently
room is completely unadorned save for a four-foot-wide eight captives on board, who use the commoner stat block
wall plaque embossed with the symbol of the Lord of unless stated otherwise.
Blades (see area U3) and the words “Blades. 1st Mobile Players who successfully rescue any of the captives
Division.” gain the Eternal Gratitude legacy event. At the end of
the adventure, ask the players to tick this event on their
Adventure Records.

Captive Name Role Background Duties

Breyten Bokk Neutral, male, human dragon- A House Orien heir, Breyten used to pilot the lightning Hard labor, half rations
d’Orien marked heir rail between Sharn and Wroat, until several strikes for
inebriation lost him his job.
Bunty Grismold Neutral good, female, halfling Bunty is getting weaker by the day and is struggling to Hard labor, half rations
seamstress cope. The warforged Clutch asked for her to be moved
to light duties and lost a finger for his concern.
Dabren Ty Chaotic good, nonbinary, Before Bunger was dismantled, Dabren linked minds Light labor, full rations
kalashtar salvager with him and learned about the Parliament of Gears.
Dabren also knows Jurian is being taken to Razorcrag
to join a dwarf artificer in his service.
Jurian Saal Neutral, female, human Petite, quick-witted, and nimble-fingered, young Jurian Light labor, full rations
artificer’s apprentice hopes to train as a battle smith with the Brelish Army,
but cutbacks in military funding have made it difficult
to find work.
Kronce Neutral, agender changeling Kronce has assumed the form of a frail, old man to Hard labor, half rations
posing as an elderly, male, appear harmless. In fact, Kronce is a capable Thranish
human salvager veteran.
Larten Neutral, male, human salvager Larten is a displaced Cyran farmer in his fifties. He Hard labor, half rations
knows a lot about the local geography.
Ralnon Lawful evil, female, tiefling An exile from the Venomous Demesne, Ralnon is Hard labor, half rations
salvager wanted for murder. She’s very protective of Jurian Saal,
and harbors secret desires for her.
Tormem Rool Neutral, male, shifter salvager Tormem is biding his time for when he can make a Hard labor, half rations
run for it. He knows the captives are being taken to
Razorcrag, the Lord of Blades’ enclave.


filling pannier baskets as they go. As the baskets are filled,
Conclave Routines the captives return them to the vessel for sorting. Scrap
The Blades assigned to the Conclave assume different metal is stored in area L7, while crystals are taken to
roles depending on the craft’s current operation. Use the Clock in the workshop (area M3).
following notes to help coordinate events:
Travel Routine If the adventurers observe the work parties, they see two
While on the move, the warforged use the captives, Larten and Ralnon, stage a mock fight to distract
following routine: their warforged guards while a third prisoner, Tormem
• Artificer Clock pilots the vessel from the bridge Rool, tries to escape. Award one hero point to any player
(area U2). who actively helps Tormem escape.
• Captain Reeve remains in his office (area U4), while
Lieutenant Sundar moves between his office (area U6) Living Spell Attack
and the operations room (area U1). Later, while the work party is scouring the surrounding
• One infantry unit (see “Troops”) patrols the upper deck land, they’re attacked by a pair of living lightning bolts.
and mans the ballistae, while the remaining warforged During the confusion, two prisoners, Kronce and Bunty,
stay in their shelters on the middle deck (area M7). try to escape. Award one hero point to any player who
actively helps Kronce or Bunty escape.
Stationary Routine
While stationary, the warforged have different routines for Punishment
day and night: At dusk, Captain Reeve decides to punish the warforged
Day Routine. Each day, the warforged use the private Divit by removing a finger from each of his hands.
following routine: Divit is escorted from the brig by two Blade sergeants and
secured on the punishment block (area L2).
• At dawn, the captives are released from the guest quarters
All warforged not on duty gather around to observe.
(area M4) and fed in the inner compound (area E3).
Captain Reeve addresses the warforged with a rousing,
• After breakfast, one infantry unit (see “Troops”) takes an
evangelical speech about the superiority of their kind and
iron defender and escorts the hard labor captives into
the leadership of the Lord of Blades. He commands the
the surrounding area to search for dragonshards (see
assembled warforged to chant the Lord of Blades’ name
“Events,” below). The light labor captives are secured in
while he carefully dismantles Divit’s fingers and places
the guest quarters.
them on the nearby shelf.
• During the day, a second infantry unit patrols the upper
When the chanting stops, Captain Reeve announces that
deck with an iron defender, while two more infantry
“this warforged failed us and so is made inferior by his
units patrol the middle deck and attend to weapons
actions. Through future undertakings may he prove his
maintenance in the armory (area M2). A fifth infantry
worth and once again be made whole.” After this, Clock
unit rests in the shelters (area M7).
retrieves Divit and takes him to the workshop to tend
• Artificer Clock is busy in the workshop (area M3), and
his wounds.
Captain Reeve and Lieutenant Sundar stay in the
operations room (area U1).
• At dusk, the captives return to the Conclave and are fed,
Using the Oracle of War
watered, and locked away. Players who observe the Conclave for at least a minute can
activate the Oracle of War to gain valuable insights to aid
Night Routine. At night, the warforged use the their assault. To gain these clues, the players must answer
following routine: the following four questions to the best of their knowledge:
• All six iron defenders patrol the inner compound • Define battlefield terrain.
(area E3). • Define enemy forces.
• One infantry unit (see “Troops”) patrols all three decks, • Define allied forces.
while the other warforged soldiers rest in the shelters • Define miscellaneous factors.
(area M7).
At your discretion, players who answer these questions
• Captain Reeve and Lieutenant Sundar remain in
accurately can gain any or all of the information listed
their rooms (areas U3 and U5). Artificer Clock works
on handout 3: Tactical Advice (this is in addition to the
through the night, moving between the workshop (area
benefits detailed on handout 1).
M3), the armory (area M2), and the stores (area M6).

Use the following events to spice up play as the
adventurers observe or infiltrate the Conclave:

Work Parties
The Conclave’s main duty is to gather material for the
Lord of Blades’ ongoing research, namely dragonshards,
Lamannian flint, and scrap metal.
Each day, the captives assigned to hard labor search the
area within one mile of the Conclave for items of interest,


Ending the Adventure
The return journey to Salvation occurs without mishap. If
the characters took possession of the Conclave, they steer
it triumphantly back to Salvation. Captain ir’Ranek gushes
with praise, but nevertheless requisitions the craft for use
by the Brelish Army.
If the characters return to Salvation alive, read the
following boxed text aloud (omitting any information the
adventurers didn’t learn):

Back in Argonth’s war room, Captain ir’Ranek beams with

excitement at your return.

“Congratulations, my friends. So, the Lord of Blades is

behind these raids! I had long suspected he wasn’t real. A
warforged bogeyman and nothing more. The truth is far
from ideal . . . another enemy on our doorstep.”

The captain walks over to the brass table map. “I wonder

how close to our borders this Razorcrag is? A worrying
development, for sure.” He looks up suddenly. “And who’s
this dwarven artificer he has working for him?”

Before you can answer, Big Bara appears in the doorway.

“Apologies for interrupting, Captain, but there’s been a
worrying development. General Tyresh has arrived early.”

The captain looks down at the table and sighs.

The arrival of General Tyresh draws this adventure to a

close. The story continues in DDAL-EB-08 Lord Bucket.

About the Author

Ian Hawthorne hails from England and actively organizes,
promotes, and runs organized play events in Manchester and
throughout the UK. When not rolling dice, he can often be
found with a cup of tea in one hand (preferably Assam) and
an interesting book in the other.


At the end of the adventure, everyone receives rewards
based upon their accomplishments.

Player Rewards
At the end of the adventure, each player fills out an
Adventure Record. Print out one copy of the Adventure
Record for every player in the group.
Players earn the following rewards for completing the

A character participating in this adventure gains one
level. Players must tick the box to show this reward has
been claimed.

Optional: Decline Advancement

A player may decline taking the level advancement. If so, they
can’t take any of the rewards listed on the Adventure Record,
but still earn legacy events as normal. If a legacy event would
provide the character with magic items, wealth, or another
type of benefit if they gain a level, the player declining
advancement doesn’t gain those benefits, although they still
earn the legacy event.

At the end of the adventure, each character in the party
earns the rewards listed on the Adventure Record. In
addition, each player ticks one of the listed bonus rewards.
Important: If the party failed to perform a listed task
or already consumed the reward, cross it out on their
Adventure Record so they can’t choose it.

Legacy Events
At the end of the adventure, each player should tick any
legacy events earned.
Important: Cross out any legacy events the character
didn’t earn.

Dungeon Master Rewards

For running this adventure, you earn the Adventure
Record for this adventure, which you may apply to one
of your Eberron characters. Apply the same rewards to
the Adventure Record as your group earned, including
legacy events. If a legacy event was awarded to a
specific character, you may tick that event for your own
character too.
You may complete DM Quests for running this
adventure. See the ALDMG (Adventurers League Dungeon
Master’s Guide) for more information about DM Quests.


Important Characters
The following NPCs feature prominently in this adventure:

Important Characters
Name Identity Details
Big Bara Neutral, warforged ranger Argonth’s chief military scout and leader of the elite unit Bara’s Breakers.
Captain Alain Lawful good, male, human pal- Argonth’s captain. Military through and through, Alain is known for his
ir’Ranek adin fairness and honesty.
Captain Reeve Lawful evil, warforged soldier Captain of the 1st Mobile Division, appointed by the Lord of Blades. Reeve is
tyrannical and cruel, even to those under his command.
Clock Neutral good, warforged artificer Warforged inventor and secret advocate of the Parliament of Gears. Clock is
also the pilot of the Conclave.
Divit Neutral good, warforged solider Loyal assistant to Clock and secret advocate of the Parliament of Gears.
Lieutenant Sundar Lawful neutral, warforged solider. Second-in-command of the 1st Mobile Division, serving under Captain
Tellarak Natharon Neutral good, male, dwarf artificer Inexperienced artificer and nephew of Sulring Mroranon, the creator of the
Oracle of War.


Creature Statistics

Air Elemental Artificer Clock

Large elemental, neutral Medium humanoid (warforged), neutral good

Armor Class 15 Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor)

Hit Points 90 (12d10 + 24) Hit Points 49 (9d8 + 9)
Speed 0 ft., fly 90 ft. (hover) Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 6 (−2) 10 (+0) 6 (−2) 9 (−1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)

Damage Resistances lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4
and slashing from nonmagical attacks Skills Arcana +6, History +6
Damage Immunities poison Senses passive Perception 11
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Orc
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Auran Spellcasting. Clock is a 9th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell
attacks). Clock has the following wizard spells prepared:
Air Form. The elemental can enter a hostile creature’s space
and stop there. It can move through a space as narrow as 1 Cantrips (at will): friends, mage hand, mending, message
1st level (4 slots): charm person,* mage armor, magic missile
inch wide without squeezing.
2nd level (3 slots): hold person,* invisibility, suggestion*
3rd level (3 slots): fireball, haste, tongues
4th level (3 slots): dominate beast,* stoneskin
Actions 5th level (2 slots): hold monster*
*Enchantment spell of 1st level or higher
Multiattack. The elemental makes two slam attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Warforged Resilience. Clock has advantage on saving throws
Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage. against being poisoned and is immune to disease. Magic can’t
put him to sleep.
Whirlwind (Recharge 4–6). Each creature in the elemental’s
space must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw. On a failure,
a target takes 15 (3d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage and is flung
up 20 feet away from the elemental in a random direction and Actions
knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes an object, such as a Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
wall or floor, the target takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage for target. Hit: 2 (1d6 − 1) bludgeoning damage, or 3 (1d8 − 1)
every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another bludgeoning damage if used two hands.
creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity sav-
ing throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone.
If the saving throw is successful, the target takes half the
Instinctive Charm (Recharges after Clock Casts an Enchant-
bludgeoning damage and isn’t flung away or knocked prone.
ment Spell of 1st Level or Higher). Clock tries to magically
divert an attack made against him, provided that the attacker is
within 30 feet of him and visible to him. Clock must decide to
do so before the attack hits or misses.
Clock must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed
save, the attacker targets the creature closest to it, other than
Clock or itself. If multiple creatures are closest, the attacker
chooses one to target.


Blade Corporal Blade Private
Medium humanoid (warforged), any alignment Medium humanoid (warforged), any alignment

Armor Class 17 (natural armor, shield) Armor Class 16 (natural armor, shield)
Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24) Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)

Skills Perception +2 Skills Athletics +5, Perception +4, Survival +4

Senses passive Perception 12 Damage Resistances poison
Languages Common Senses passive Perception 14
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Languages Common
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Mournland Devotion. Within the Mournland, the warrior
has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or
Warforged Resilience. The warforged has advantage on saving
throws against being poisoned and is immune to disease.
Pack Tactics. The warforged has advantage on an attack roll Magic can’t put it to sleep.
against a creature if at least one of the warforged’s allies is
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Warforged Resilience. The warforged has advantage on saving Actions
throws against being poisoned and is immune to disease. Multiattack. The warforged makes two armblade attacks.
Magic can’t put it to sleep.
Armblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar-
get. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Actions Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or

30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Multiattack. The warforged makes two melee attacks.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar- Reactions
get. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing
damage if used with two hands. Protection. When an attacker the warforged can see makes an
attack roll against a creature with 5 feet of the warforged, the
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or warforged can impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.


Blade Sergeant Captain Reeve
Medium humanoid (warforged), any alignment Medium humanoid (warforged), neutral evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Armor Class 17 (natural armor, shield)

Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27) Hit Points 127 (15d8 + 60)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)

Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2 Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +5, Con +7
Senses passive Perception 12 Skills Athletics +10, Intimidation +5
Languages Common Senses passive Perception 11
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Languages Common
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Warforged Resilience. The warforged has advantage on saving

throws against being poisoned and is immune to disease. Brave. Reeve has advantage on saving throws against being
Magic can’t put it to sleep. frightened.
Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when
Reeve hits with it (included in the attack).
Actions Warforged Resilience. Reeve has advantage on saving throws
Multiattack. The warforged makes two longsword attacks. If it against being poisoned and is immune to disease. Magic can’t
has a shortsword drawn, it can also make a shortsword attack. put him to sleep.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar-
get. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing
damage if used with two hands. Actions
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Multiattack. Reeve makes three melee attacks or two
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. ranged attacks.

Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. and
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 +1) piercing damage. range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage,
or 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage if used with two hands to make
a melee attack.
Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the target
is a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 15
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Parry. Reeve adds 3 to his AC against one melee attack that
would hit him. To do so, Reeve must see the attacker and be
wielding a melee weapon.


Iron Defender Lieutenant Sundar
Medium construct, neutral Medium humanoid (warforged), lawful neutral

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 12) Hit Points 97 (13d8 + 39)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 8 (−1) 11 (+1) 7 (−2) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4 Saving Throws Dex +7, Int +3

Damage Immunities poison Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +3, Perception +3, Sleight of
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned Hand +7, Stealth +7
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 13 Senses passive Perception 13
Languages understands the language of its creator but can’t Languages Common, thieves’ cant
speak Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Cunning Action. On each of his turns, Sundar can use a bonus
action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Keen Senses. The defender has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks. Evasion. If Sundar is subjected to an effect that allows him to
make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, Sundar
Telepathic Bond. While the defender is on the same plane of
instead takes no damage if he succeeds on the saving throw,
existence as its master, it can magically convey what it senses
and only half damage if he fails.
to its master, and the two can communicate telepathically.
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Sundar deals an extra 14 (4d6) damage
when he hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage
on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally
Actions of Sundar that isn’t incapacitated and Sundar doesn’t have
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. disadvantage on the attack roll.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is a creature,
it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or take an Warforged Resilience. Sundar has advantage on saving throws
extra 3 (1d6) piercing damage and be grappled (escape DC 13). against being poisoned and is immune to disease. Magic can’t
The defender can have only one creature grappled in this way put him to sleep.
at a time.

Multiattack. Sundar makes three attacks with his shortsword.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 80/320
ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Uncanny Dodge. Sundar halves the damage that he takes from
an attack that hits him. Sundar must be able to see the attacker.


Living Burning Hands Living Lightning Bolt
Medium construct, unalignment Large construct, unalignment

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 15 (2d8 + 6) Hit Points 57 (6d10 + 24)
Speed 25 ft., fly 25 ft. (hover) Speed 25 ft., fly 25 ft. (hover)

10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 3 (−4) 6 (−2) 6 (−2) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 3 (−4) 10 (+0) 6 (−2)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical attacks nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities fire Damage Immunities lightning
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion,
frightened, grappled, poisoned, prone frightened, grappled, poisoned, prone
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages — Languages —
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Amorphous. The living spell can move through a space as nar- Amorphous. The living spell can move through a space as nar-
row as 1 inch wide without squeezing. row as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Magical Resistance. The living spell has advantage on saving Magical Resistance. The living spell has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects. throws against spells and other magical effects.

Actions Actions
Magical Strike. Melee Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Multiattack. The living spell makes two Magical Strike attacks.
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) fire damage.
Magical Strike. Melee Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Spell Mimicry (Recharge 5–6). The living spell unleashes a thin target. Hit: 21 (5d6 + 4) lightning damage.
sheet of flames in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area
Spell Mimicry (Recharge 5–6). The living spell unleashes a
must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6)
stroke of lightning in a line 100 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each
fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
creature in the line must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw,
successful one.
taking 28 (8d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.


Handout 1: Dogs of War

Dogs of War
Dogs of War is a three-part storyline for the Oracle of War campaign. In Dogs of War, you return to the Mournland to
locate the Oracle of War’s creator, but find yourselves dragged in a war you didn’t see coming.

The Story So Far

In the ruins of the Mournland, you recovered a strange device, the Oracle of War. This artifact had the power to
provide tactical advice, but soon malfunctioned and revealed a verse from the Draconic Prophecy:

“When dark lanterns flicker in the light of the silver torch, the King in Green rides north on a bolt of steel.
Two nations prepare for war, as all eyes turn to Sky Blue.”

In Sharn, you found allies to help unravel the history of the device. Aided by the sphinx Flamewind, you uncovered a
Thranish spy preparing to strike against the King’s Dark Lanterns. As war between the nations loomed, you located
an orphan thief named Sky Blue in the heights of Sharn. The prophecy is starting to come true—but what does
it foretell?

Your goals in Dogs of War are as follows:
1. Locate the Oracle of War’s creator.
2. Save Salvation from destruction.

The Oracle of War

The Oracle of War is a large, beautifully stained wood chest, set with cogs and gears. It’s three feet wide, two feet
deep, three and a half feet tall, and weighs 200 lb. Once per day, you can spend 1 minute feeding the device battlefield
information to make a DC 10 group Wisdom (Insight or Perception) check. On a success, the Oracle provides tactical
advice that can aid your party in combat. Each adventurer in your group chooses one of the following benefits, which
lasts for 1 hour or until used, and must be used within 500 feet of the spot where you activated the Oracle of War.

• You gain surprise at the start of your next combat. During that combat, you have advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks.
• You can turn one hit from a weapon attack into a critical hit.
• For 1 minute, you ignore any damage
resistances or immunities belonging to
a single creature.
• You gain 10 temporary hit points.



Handout 2: Consumables

Lamannian Flint Shard

If the flint is on your person when you take lightning or thunder damage, you can use your reaction to gain resistance to
the triggering damage type until the end of the turn and also gain 10 temporary hit points. If you do, the flint shatters and
becomes useless.

Potion of Comprehension
When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of a comprehend languages spell for 1 hour. This liquid is a clear concoction
with bits of salt and soot swirling in it.


Handout 3: Tactical Advice

Target is 1st Mobile Division with full complement of Blades comprising five
infantry units and two commanders.

Target is a repurposed House Cannith elemental hover cart. Highly modified with
additional defenses including mounted ballistae front and rear.

Three decks; eight captives held on lower deck.

Perimeter wall may be electrified. Avoid direct contact.

Vehicular glass is reinforced, but vulnerable to bludgeoning and sonic attacks.

Entrance located underneath hull, only accessible while moving.


Handout 4: Private Journal of Captain Reeve


Appendix A: Dungeon Master’s Maps


Appendix B: Adjusting This Adventure
To determine whether you should consider adjusting the
Dungeon Master Tips adventure, add up the characters’ levels and divide the
total by the number of characters (rounding .5 or greater
To run an adventure as DM, you must have 3 to 7 players— up; .4 or less down). This is the group’s average party
each with their own character within the adventure’s level level (APL). To approximate the party strength for the
range (see “Adventure Overview”). adventure, consult the table below.

Preparing the Adventure Determining Party Strength

Party Composition Party Strength
Before you start play, consider the following:
3–4 characters, APL less than Very weak
• Read through the adventure, taking notes of anything 3–4 characters, APL equivalent Weak
you’d like to highlight or remind yourself of while 3–4 characters, APL greater than Average
running the adventure, such as a way you’d like to 5 characters, APL less than Weak
portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like to use in a combat.
5 characters, APL equivalent Average
Familiarize yourself with the adventure’s appendices
5 characters, APL greater than Strong
and handouts.
6–7 characters, APL less than Average
• Gather any resources you’d like to use to aid you in
running this adventure—such as notecards, a DM 6–7 characters, APL equivalent Strong
screen, miniatures, and battlemaps. 6–7 characters, APL greater than Very strong
• Ask the players to provide you with relevant character
information, such as name, race, class, and level; passive
Wisdom (Perception) score, and anything specified as
notable by the adventure (such as backgrounds, legacy
events, etc.).
Players can play an adventure they previously played as a
player or Dungeon Master but may only play it once with
a given character. At the end of the session, give each
player an Adventure Record for this adventure, and take
one for yourself. The adventure information and your
information are added at the end of the session—whether
they completed the adventure or not.
Each player is responsible for maintaining their
Adventure Records, or some other logsheet with the
relevant information. If you have time, you can do a quick
scan of a player’s character sheet to ensure nothing looks
out of order. If you see magic items of very high rarities
or strange arrays of ability scores, you can ask players to
provide documentation for the irregularities. If they can’t,
feel free to restrict item use or ask them to use a standard
ability score array.
Point players to the Oracle of War Player’s Guide for
reference. Players should select their characters’ spells
and other daily options prior to the start of the adventure,
unless the adventure specifies otherwise. Feel free to
reread the adventure description to help give players hints
about what they might face.



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