Nlandu Mamingi - The Impact of Regulation On Economic Growth in The Caribbean A Panel Data Investigation
Nlandu Mamingi - The Impact of Regulation On Economic Growth in The Caribbean A Panel Data Investigation
Nlandu Mamingi - The Impact of Regulation On Economic Growth in The Caribbean A Panel Data Investigation
*The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, P. O. Box 64,Bridgetown,
The paper uses a panel data fixed effects model based on a sample of 14 Caribbean
countries over the period 2004-2012 in order to investigate the impact of the
aggregated as well as disaggregated levels of business regulation on the economic
growth performance in the region. The panel data estimation results indicate that in
most cases a heavy regulatory burden is a drag on economies. This also holds for
the most part when the disaggregated measures of regulation are considered.
Indeed, there seems to be an inverse relationship between time taken to start a
business and economic growth. Similarly, a large tax burden negatively affects
output, and more regulations as it relates to trading across borders depress economic
growth. The study also reasserts that a positive relationship exists between good
governance and economic performance. A useful byproduct of the empirical
investigation is the index formulated from the World Bank Ease of Doing Business
index which allows for the disaggregated analysis of regulatory reform in the
such, it is important to identify and analyse those regulatory elements that are
ensure that regulatory objectives are reviewed in order to determine whether they
have been effectively met and have resulted in positive spillovers on growth.
citizens (Guasch and Hahn 1999). For example, negative externalities produced
during the course of market activity (e.g., pollution) can be abated by regulatory
investors via labour and property laws can be a major consideration for firms
(Tannenwald 1997).
This paper heavily borrows from Yearwood (2014). We acknowledge Simon
Naitram’s contribution and the comments made by the participants at the 34th
Annual Review Seminar of the Central Bank of Barbados on an earlier version of
the paper. We also thank the referees for their useful comments. All remaining
errors are our own.
Instead, regulation is seen as a tool used by regulatory bodies and incumbent firms
significant barriers to entry, those firms that can potentially add to the productive
capacity of the economy are restricted, and those that are able to enter the market
may not perform optimally due to resources being deviated to address regulatory
with bribery and corruption may discourage potential investors from considering
reform over the recent past, it does not appear to have had a substantial impact on
economic growth. This paper attempts to quantify and analyse the impact of
time series and challenges related to the differing levels of data availability for the
Contrary to the common belief, enlarging the number of countries is not necessary
a panacea.
specifically as it relates to the business environment, this paper uses data from the
World Bank Ease of Doing Business database. The subcomponents that we find
most pertinent to the policy environment include regulations that deal with starting
This paper makes two empirical contributions to the literature. First, this
study constructs a regulatory index which is specific and the first of this kind for
the Caribbean. Second, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that
the Caribbean.
paying taxes, and trading across borders significantly and negatively impact
economic growth (real GDP per capita). However, the analysis also highlights that
affects real GDP per capita. We also investigate whether government effectiveness
efficient productivity in the market and to temper any negative externalities that
may occur due to economic activities (Guasch and Hahn 1999). By removing
form of - regulation focuses on the business environment and the cost of doing
Gorgens et al. (2003), Swanson (2008), Dawson and Seater (2013), Frye
and Shleifer (1997), etc. found that regulation negatively impacts economic growth.
Gorgens et al. (2003), who investigated the functional form of the relationship
that countries with a higher level of regulation are more likely to have an adverse
macroeconomic construct of regulation that captured its level, growth rate and
output in the United States. The authors concluded that regulation reduced the
aggregate growth rate by about two percentage points over the sample period, 1949-
2005. Frye and Shleifer (1997) determined that the small businesses in Moscow,
Russia, were less productive due to the high level of regulation and corruption that
existed, which in turn translated to lower economic growth. Regulation in the form
of labour policies relating to the hiring and firing of persons can restrict investment
labour allocation that reduces productivity (Bassanini and Ernst 2002). Di Tella and
MacCulloch (2005) also noted that labour policies negatively impact employment
rates and hence growth. In contrast, in the Caribbean context, Downes et al. (2004)
Busse and Groizard (2008) observed that those countries that had high
amounts of regulation had less positive effects from foreign direct investment thus
barriers prevented useful productive foreign technology being assimilated into the
local economy. Mamingi et al. (2008), Dasgupta et al. (2006), Dasgupta et al.
(2001), Lanoie et al. (1998), Konar and Cohen (1997), Pargal and Wheeler (1996)
that were operating at subpar levels before policy implementation while labour
regulation that provides incentives to workers through autonomy in the work place
and tenure can increase labour productivity and hence economic activity (Storm
development and sourcing from the World Bank Ease of Doing Business Index,
found that those countries with “less burdensome regulation” grew faster than those
with restrictive policies. In a related study, Messaoud and Teheni (2014) examined
growth using a sample of 162 countries over the period 2007-2011. The results
showed that most regulation indices are positively correlated to the average growth
rate. Haidar (2009) investigated the relationship between investor protection and
for more than 170 countries around the world. The author found that the level of
countries with strong protection tend to grow faster than those with poor investor
Estache and Wren-Lewis (2009), Gorgens et al. (2005) and Petreski (2014), is the
underlying assumption that the institutions in the developed world work the same
countries lack a sufficiently good environment for business as a result of their weak
institutions (IDB 2009). The latter IDB report indicates that in the Caribbean legal
systems are costly and outdated, regulation is burdensome and taxes are
to work within the regulatory sector (Downes and Husbands 2003). These
inefficiencies make it difficult for regulatory reform to have its intended impact.
Downes et al. (2004) underlined the importance of the labour market regulation for
economic growth and specially ascertained that it was imperative that the Caribbean
countries of Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago correct the inefficiencies
in the labour market system before they could benefit from the institutional reform
underlined as this limits the ability to capture static and dynamic effects of
studies use qualitative data often amalgamated from business surveys and other
indicators and composited into indices to reflect regulatory quality and stringency
(Nicoletti et al. 2000, etc.). Most of those data do not pass the scientific rigor test.
Not surprisingly, many studies have adopted the use of the World Bank Doing
Business indicators which are more objective (SAGPA 2010; Djankov et al. 2000
for studies including developing nations). At the very least, two lessons emerge
from the literature review. First, the impact of regulation on output is really an
a description of the data used for such an enterprise. A growth model is proposed
countries over the time period 2004 – 2012. The countries of interest are: Antigua
Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the
Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago. Panel data is useful as it boosts
the sample size and helps to offset the constraints of limited data. Separate growth
regressions were run in order to gauge not only the relationship between
disaggregated measures of regulation and growth, but also the overall regulatory
3.1 Data
Data used to compile the key regulatory variables were sourced from the
World Bank Ease of Doing Business index. This World Bank index ranks countries
based on 10 sub-indices. This databank was chosen in lieu of the many other
Additionally, finding a relevant regulatory proxy that provided sufficient data for
all 14 countries posed a challenge. Though the rankings provided by the index were
insufficient for panel data modelling (time span of 2 years for most Caribbean
territories), the underlying data used to construct the index seemed more promising
since it was available over a longer period. In light of this, an alternative index was
constructed, using information from the database for the relevant regulatory
Of the 10 sub-indices that comprise the World Bank Ease of Doing Business
index, the 6 that seemed the most relevant and simultaneously contained the most
registering property, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders and
enforcing contracts.
climate for new firms. This includes the number of procedures as well as the time
regulation can have either a positive or negative relationship with growth. If the
an investor to buy and transfer the property title from the seller (World Bank
2014e). The transfer of property rights is important for investor incentive since it
ensures that investment returns are allocated correctly. Elias (2012) noted that the
Doing Business report ranked Trinidad and Tobago almost last in this sub-category
while Holden and Holden (2005) asserted that Jamaica’s Torrens system was
expensive and slow, making the registering process unattainable by the average
requirements (securities regulations, civil procedures, etc.) are important for stock
The “Paying Taxes” proxy measures the tax contributions as well as the tax
burden that firms face. These include profit, property, labour taxes, etc. (World
Bank 2014b). Taxes can act as a disincentive for firms which minimize investment
and income (Djankov et al. 2008). An initial investigation into the tax environment
suggests that though the governments of the respective countries place some
emphasis on taxing firms, the tax administration burden is not high relative to other
small open economies, for example, Mauritius. Figure 1 depicts the percentage of
firms in the respective countries that views the tax rates and tax administration as a
major obstacle to the operation of their firms. It is clear that a larger percent of firms
find the tax rates to be burdensome. This is not surprising given the high tax to
Trading across borders captures the procedures, cost and time needed to
export and import a cargo of goods via ship (World Bank 2014c). Small open
economies like those found in the Caribbean, are heavily reliant on foreign
investment and technology to bolster their economies, and so, the level of
bureaucracy and stringency of the regulatory process can hamper the business
According to World Bank survey, firms in Jamaica and Suriname take the
longest to clear customs (13 days). Firms in Guyana also have a lengthy process
of an economy (World Bank 2014d). Court systems generally aim at ensuring fair
judgments by considering errors and possible corruption which can result in many
procedures. The World Bank survey indicates that less than 5% of firms in
Dominica describe the court system as presenting a major obstacle to the operation
of their business. An outlier to this result is Suriname where 44% of the firms
interviewed expressed that the court system was at least a major obstacle for
business. According to an IDB (2009) report, it takes the court on average three to
four years to deliver verdicts due largely to issues highlighted above as well as a
sense of ambiguity on the balance of power between the arms of the government.
well. The survey results indicate that in spite of the slow judicial process present in
most Commonwealth countries, the majority of firms are confident in the efficiency
and reliability of the legal system to render fair judgments. However, too many
protocols can be cumbersome and costly and so deter potential investors, causing a
and lengthy judicial procedures, it can be argued that the length of time can ensure
countries in relation to the world. In order to do this, the index is constructed using
the values for the subcomponent for each country for each year under study.
subcomponent for each respective year for the world are also used. The formula for
the index is presented below and ranges from 0 to 1 where values closer to one
indicate heavier regulatory burdens. The index is derived from the following
xij min[ X w ]
max[ X w ] min[ X w ]
max[ X w ] xij
max[ X w ] min[ X w ]
where higher values of X in formula (1) indicate larger regulatory burden; lower
values of X in formula (2) indicate larger regulatory burden; i stands for country
and j represents the year; x denotes the value of each subcomponent for each year
for the respective country; min[Xw] and max[Xw] represent the min and max value
of each subcomponent for all countries in the world for every respective year.
A simple average was then taken to create the aggregate index value
regulatory burden.
An initial look at the data reveals that the disaggregated indices discussed
above are closely comparable to the doing business rankings. Data was used for
2014 as it ranked all those countries chosen in our sample (see Table 1).
processes as well as the independence of the civil servants from political pressure
Real GDP per capita has been found suitable to capture economic growth
here rather than its growth counterpart singularly because regulation tends to
remain constant over long periods of time. In addition to the regulatory indicators,
GDP per capita is also dependent on various control variables included in the
net foreign direct investment inflows as a percentage of GDP, the investment ratio
were all sourced from the World Bank development indicators database in an
captured as a dummy variable with 1 if the event occurs in a particular year and 0
otherwise was also of interest. The variable was sourced from em.dat.
3.2 Methodology
where y is the dependent variable, i=1,2,3,…,N denotes the cross section index,
t=1,2,3,…,T represents the time index, α denotes the overall constant, X is the
the unobservable individual-specific effect and eit stands for the usual stochastic
disturbance term.
At the very least, two static models can be derived from model (3): fixed
effects (FE) model and random effects (RE) model. Indeed, if i is fixed or
correlated with all the variables in X, then model (3) qualifies as a fixed effects
where the overall constant has been eliminated. On the contrary if i is random
like the usual error term, that is, uncorrelated with all the variables in X, then model
y it X it vit (5)
where the new error term consists of two components: i and eit , that is,
Model (4) is estimated by pooled least squares methods. The fixed effects
model is called within model if it uses time-demeaned variables, in which case the
individual effects are eliminated. Model (5) is the random effects model or
The choice between the two types of models can be done at several levels
although the Hausman specification test seems to have the edge over other means
the unit specific effects and the explanatory variables, “fixed effects model is
almost always more convincing than random effects model for policy analysis using
The Hausman specification test is used to test the null hypothesis of random
The first set of models used in this paper deals with the aggregated measure
where LGDP is logged real GDP per capita, i is fixed country specific effects,
Model (7) is the aggregated form of our fixed effects model. The
where vit i eit is the composite error term and other variables are defined as
regulation. The first model that we call disaggregated fixed effects model is as
represents the regulation measure for registering property, PI stands for the
borders and GE captures government effectiveness. All other variables are defined
given by
where variables are defined as in model (9), and v denotes the composite error term
as above.
that wealthier countries have better institutions and more effective regulatory
significant correlation(s) between right hand side explanatory variable(s) and the
inconsistency of the ordinary least squares estimators. Most studies approach this
This is illustrated with model (7) for which the aggregate regulation
predetermined variables and retrieving the residuals from this auxiliary regression.
Residual1 here denotes the residuals from the auxiliary aggregate regulation
equation. In the second stage, model (7) augmented by residual1 is run. The t test
statistic related to the parameter associated to residual1 provides the test for
estimation such as 2SLS in fixed effects form should be used. Note that if there are
more than one right-hand side endogenous variable then an F-test is of interest to
decide on endogeneity.
The aggregated model gives insight on the overall effect regulation has on growth.
Note that here an aggregate regulatory measure constructed from the World Bank
Table 2 contains the results of the regression estimation of model (7) and
model (8). The Hausman test statistic reveals that the null hypothesis of random
effects is rejected in favor of fixed effects model at the 5% and 10% levels of
endogenous variable. Indeed, the value of the associated t statistic leads to the non
rejection of the null hypothesis (the associated parameter value is null). Thus, there
is no need for formal 2SLS. We consequently interpret the fixed effects results of
Table 2. The fixed effects model results reveal a significant negative relationship
between the aggregate regulatory measure and logged real GDP per capita.
(2006) which asserts that countries with higher regulatory burden do not perform
economically as well as those that do not. The result also matches the conclusion
by IDB (2009) that indicates that the regulatory burden in the Caribbean can be a
yields a 0.04% increase in real GDP per capita. The apparent counter-intuitive
result generated by the positive impact of natural disasters can be easily explained
At the outset we point out that since the disaggregated model has been
derived from the aggregated model, we do not redo all tests (e.g., endogeneity test).
That said, in lieu of aggregate regulatory index, Table 4 uses the following
paying taxes, enforcing contracts and trading across borders. The Hausman test
statistic indicates that the fixed effects model is statistically the appropriate one.
Elasticity is computed as X j where X j is the mean of the variable of interest.
For Log-log relationship, elasticity is rather straightforward. The marginal effect
is Y j where Y j is the mean of the dependent variable.
The model passes the overall chi-square test as the size of the p-value indicates.
as well as trading across borders were found to all significantly impact real GDP
per capita. As per a priori expectations, all disaggregated measurements with the
investor decisions. The negative correlation between starting a business and income
levels within the Caribbean context emphasizes this point. For most Caribbean
as much of a constraint when compared to the time and cost to complete these
procedures. It took 694 days to complete all the necessary requirements to start a
business in Suriname for the year 2013. This represents the worst scenario case in
the region and is way above the world minimum of 5 days. Holden and Holden
so much so that it has forced businessmen to operate within the informal economy,
The paying taxes measure indicates that the tax burden is also a constraint
Because of a strong negative relationship between the two variables registered
under random effects models, the lack of significance found in fixed effects is
in the tax burden is related to a 0.10% decrease in real GDP per capita. Note that as
seen above the tax burden is associated more so with the high tax rates
Excessive procedures and licenses can mean higher producer costs. This form of
macroeconomic performance in the Caribbean given the large coefficient and high
level of significance of the trading across borders proxy. In fact, when considering
a .21% decrease in income. This seems to be in keeping with Djankov et al. (2010)
who assert that delays in exports can deter trade and by extension income levels
across countries. The results match those from the enterprise survey. Indeed,
according to the latter, businessmen within the region identified customs and trade
real GDP per capita. This seems to confirm the opinion of most Caribbean
businessmen in that the court systems are fair and uncorrupted and so create a good
investment climate.
real GDP per capita, the results indicate that this regulatory measure is not
show up with fixed effects model but is present with random effects model. Because
of its strong presence in the aggregated regulatory model we fully acknowledge its
This paper examines the relationship between regulation and economic growth in
the Caribbean over the period 2004-2012. The paper derives the appropriate
The panel data estimation results indicate that in most cases a heavy
regulatory burden is a drag on the economies. This also holds for the most part
when the disaggregated measures of regulation are considered. Indeed, there seems
growth. Similarly, a large tax burden negatively affects output, and also more
regulations on trading across borders depress economic growth. The study also
reasserts that a positive relationship exists between good governance and economic
Care must be taken to not only address regulatory inefficiencies but also
positively affects growth, red tape and inefficiencies that deter a speedy and fair
trial may have adverse effects on viable investments and firms. Providing sufficient
encourage or can lead to quicker verdicts and perhaps a fairer distribution of access.
to make them more accessible. Additionally, online applications and processing can
reduce time and cost constraints (Holden and Holden 2005). As such, documents
As noted above, the tax burden is largely as a result of high tax rates and
addressing inefficiencies in the tax system rather than a direct cut in taxes as
Caribbean countries have limited fiscal space. Reducing taxes as well as revisiting
the economic agents that are taxed may be a better alternative. For example, many
Caribbean economies offer exorbitant concessions and act as tax havens for
exemption from corporate tax), while reducing the high tax rates of domestic firms
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Table 2: Panel data estimation results for aggregated regulatory model (7) and
C 8.992* .213
Notes: Fixed effects model (7) in within form and random effects model (8) are of
interest; *, **, *** mean statistically significant at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels,
respectively. Std stands for standard error. Hausman statistic tests for random
effects vs fixed effects. P-value of chi-squared tests for the overall fit of the fixed
effects model.
p-value of 20
Note: see Table 2. Residual1 represents the residuals from the regression of WB
aggregate on all exogenous or predetermined variables of the model, which are the
lagged aggregated regulatory measure and the five other explanatory variables of
model (7) plus a constant term. Std stands for standard error.
C 7.730* .306
2. *, **, and ***:significant at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.