An Embedded Concept For Sustainable Buildin - 2023 - Materials Today Proceeding
An Embedded Concept For Sustainable Buildin - 2023 - Materials Today Proceeding
An Embedded Concept For Sustainable Buildin - 2023 - Materials Today Proceeding
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Urbanization and population growth contribute significantly to increasing buildings-energy consumption
Available online 30 August 2022 causing negative impact on the environment. This presents a real challenge to design sustainable build-
ings with the main purpose to improve human well-being. As a response to this challenge, this paper
Keywords: aims to propose, in addition to the different construction techniques for the implementation of
Sustainable building energy-efficient buildings, a new smart conceptual framework of sustainable building that generates
Energy efficiency wealth and improves the social, economic, and environmental aspects, In addition, various green and sus-
Green architecture
tainable building strategies, benefits and drivers related to successful implementation, based on vertical
Green roof
farms technologies such as a new type of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA). Green building
Renewable energy structures can reduce annual energy consumption for heating and cooling and water for non-potable pur-
poses loads by 7.48%-56%, and 4.5%-25%, respectively, by selecting the best available approaches accord-
ing to the aim application, especially in land and water management in the building, resources
optimization and management is another dimension considered in this paper. Furthermore, a state of
the art was drawing up on the different tools related to the new technology to simulate and evaluate
through indicators the sustainability and performance of buildings projects for long-term use from the
scratch to the post-construction phase.
Copyright Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Fifth edition of the
International Conference on Materials & Environmental Science.
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Fifth edition of the International Conference on Materials & Environmental Science.
Y. Soussi, H. Bahi, H. Mastouri et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 72 (2023) 3556–3563
targeted sector for minimizing energy consumption and carbon safety. People must be able to achieve their intended goals, such
emissions through the implementation of effective and sustainable as improving their energy and sustainability performance, through
maintenance strategies and approaches [9], The building’s basic the development of appropriate approaches in the building con-
sustainability as postulated by [11] aims to reduce energy con- struction sector [21], Sustainable Site Design [22,23]; Water Con-
sumption, protecting the environment, and improving occupant servation and Quality [18,19]; Energy and Environment [24,25];
wellbeing, and improving productivity. The manner of building Vertical farm [17]; and Conservation of Materials and Resources
and materials used to affect energy consumption and well-being [25–27] are the five fundamental ideas, strategies, and technology
of occupiers, such as what is applied in the pyramids of Egypt, that makes up the major elements of green building. This informa-
Architecture according to Egyptologists, combines several funda- tion supports the use of the Leadership in Energy and Environmen-
mental technological answers with an architect’s language of tal Design (LEED) in Green Building Rating System developed by
extraordinary richness and authority [12], which means that the the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) [28], and Fig. 1
old buildings give a comfortable effect and an opportunity of shows elements of green building design by autour USGBC.
well-being to the occupants in a given environment by using mate-
rials characterizing the local area or region without the need of
2.1. Green architecture and design
importation and with a high level of energy performance. Accord-
ing to certain authors [13,14], we should consider our historical
Green architecture, often known as green design, is a method of
experiences since traditional structures are an example of more
construction that has minimal negative consequences on human
sustainable construction, and they may play an essential role in
health and the environment [22]. As a result, the main goal of
the future of construction.
today’s architecture is advancing to a greener architecture [23],
To attain sustainability, it is necessary to respect the three
to achieve that, many design and construction researchers are
aspects of social, economic, and environmental completely and
working to create environmentally conscious buildings and com-
appropriately [15]. Sustainable building is often represented fairly,
fortable while respecting the green spaces.
both as ecology and as an opportunity to create new green jobs
The first step in the green building design process is to have a
ecofriendly; These jobs are being redefined by the green revolution
thorough understanding of the site and its related climate zone
(GR) and energy efficiency requirements, through the integration
classification. An ecological design method tries to integrate sys-
of low-energy building materials. Most of the jobs created through
tems with the current ecological processes on site [22] including,
green building practices are likely to occur from energy savings
orientation [29], light shelves [24], and window to wall ratio
and reinvestment [16]. Green buildings are designed as single
(WWR) [24].
and integrated systems by architects and designers and must
The objectives for the design of a green building are to achieve
understand the various components involved in green building
thermal comfort inside the building and consume 50 % less electri-
[16]. Furthermore, Sustainable building should consider a prosper
cal energy than a conventional building with a comparable area; To
socio-economic system development; in this sense vertical farm-
achieve that, we can apply strategies such as a vertical patio and
ing remains an important technique and concept to achieve that,
implementing trees in indoor space in the main to increase aria
supermarkets, restaurants, and hotels are increasingly adopting
and air conditioners, Organic ground cover is used around the
vertical farming cabinets to grow in-house herbs, leafy vegetables,
house, instead of paved spaces to increase green space and choose
and berries [17]. House owners can also profit whit vertical farms
the orientation where that the front wall will catch the maximum
by selling the herbs or using them in their job to create a new
of radiation that is the north-east, on the contrary, the best orien-
entrepreneurial opportunity.
tation for solar protection is in the east–west direction [13].
Challenges affecting the availability of water resources include
The goal of sustainable building is reducing the environmental
population growth and climate change [18], beside an increasing
impact of buildings without losing the comfort and health of occu-
number of constructions, which must be considered by the devel-
pants. According to Victoria and Mahayuddin [30], in traditional
opment to face the need for water. Green building supporters are
longhouses, the bioclimatic design method was found to be applied
progressively recognizing the value of green site development
in the structural design, ventilation openings system, and daylight-
practices in ensuring the sustainability of urbanized areas [19], in
ing system, by including big openings on the roof and fixing tran-
addition to the department in charge of urban planning. The bene-
som in the high part of the wall to provide natural ventilation. The
fits of green rainwater treatment strategies are different and
standard roof was illuminated by a light tunnel and transparent
numerous, but there are cheaper and more eco-friendly
roof. Also, by having high roofs and a loft space. Austronesian
approaches [20], storing it on the roof and reusing it on vertical
house is a traditional longhouse that can be found throughout
farms or for cleaning.
Y. Soussi, H. Bahi, H. Mastouri et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 72 (2023) 3556–3563
the Austronesian region, research on the Minahasa house in Dayak, formulate geopolymer concrete, 30 % of metakaolin, 28 % of fine
found high ceilings with roof openings that provide daylighting aggregates, and 42 % of coarse aggregates are needed [34].
and providing natural ventilation, in Merian house found that the According to the study of Zabalza et al [32] about the selection
high roof offers great solar and heat protection for the longhouse of materials, ceramic tiles are recommended and would lead to a
inside. saving in primary energy and a reduction in emissions of CO2. Man-
In central Iran, which has a hot and arid climate, most 20th cen- ufacturing ceramic floor tiles from white-pigmented clay in coun-
tury buildings are now dependent on electro-mechanical cooling tries with red-pigmented one, such as Spain necessitates the
systems [14]. As a result of this condition, there is a significant importing of this material. Which increases primary energy
need for power to maintain reasonable indoor temperatures; To demand and emissions. Thus, the use of local clays provides bene-
face this need and minimize the energy requirement, according fits for manufacturers. Fig. 2 shows the relative contribution of the
to Foruzanmehr and Vellinga [14], in the hot and arid parts of cen- primary energy demand associated with a square meter of the var-
tral Iran, central courtyards, loggias, basements, thick walls, and ious building materials [32].
wind-catchers are the most common traditional passive cooling In recent years, several papers have addressed the necessity of
techniques. To the questionnaire survey’s results done by [14], free cooling and thermal comfort by using phase change material
basements, massive walls, and central courtyards were found in (PCM); in this regard, various problems have been debated and dis-
more than 90 % of the research respondents’ buildings, Loggias cussed among the researchers to determine to which degree the
were mentioned by 50 % of the respondents, and wind catchers use of PCM can be more energy efficient and can improve occupant
were mentioned by 40 %. thermal comfort [35]. According to Saffari et al [25], drywall, plas-
In buildings, solar shading devices are commonly used to pre- ter, insulation, and green roof have all been used to integrate the
vent overheating, and regulate glare from windows. A study [24] PCM passive system into the building envelope. These advanced
about optimizing an office in a tropics area in Sanya, China by construction elements have been installed in a variety of locations,
the depth of louver and window-to-wall ratio (WWR), was done including ceilings, exterior walls, and partition walls [25]. In all of
to achieve the goal of green energy-saving. Consequently, energy the case studies the results indicate the optimal thickness of PCM
consumption by cooling was reduced by 7.48–7.76 %, useful day- drywall as 4.0 cm [36]; As determined by [36] PCM drywalls
light illuminance was increased by 0.044–2.07 %, and the predicted installed in building envelopes evaluate heating and cooling energy
mean vote is reduced by 25.67–27.43 %. savings. Ideal melting peak temperature in tropical conditions is
measured between 22 and 26 °C where total energy savings related
to PCMs are between 46 % and 62 %, higher compared to a colder
2.2. Building metabolism climate where the total energy savings is between 24 % and 10 %
with ideal peak temperature is 18 to 24 °C, In terms of other cli-
2.2.1. Biomaterials and insulation materials mates PCM-drywalls could be utilized to minimize overall energy
In general building materials are materials used in the construc- consumption for heating and cooling between 33 % and 38 % [36].
tion sector such as building and public works, they can be natural
or artificial. Building materials cover now a wide range of products
ranging from conventional materiel to BioSource one [31] and have 2.2.2. Vertical farm
several uses in the construction and building industry. According Currently, urban areas consume the three-quarter of resources,
to Zabalza et al [32], the sector consumes around 24 % of global with this alarming population growth and fast urbanization that
natural materials. will reach 80 % within the next 50 years [37], a new approach for
Biomaterials are building materials that increase public com- ensuring local autonomy and adopting more efficient and sustain-
fort, health, energy efficiency, and sustainability across their full able urban food production solutions became crucial while consid-
life cycle, taking into account technical, social, economic, and envi- ering all aspects in terms of environmental, social and economic
ronmental issues [26]. Additionally, biomaterials allow for reduced dimensions. We can consider vertical farming as a fresh solution
maintenance and replacement costs during the lifecycle of the to promote sustainable living, and potentially beneficial in increas-
building [33]. Green building materials can be chosen based on ing local food production [37]. Different technologies have been
characteristics such as products with recycled content, zero or studied in the huge literature namely: Aeroponic [38], Hydroponic
low CO2 emissions, sustainably, recyclability, durability, local pro- [39], and Aquaponics systems [40] that we can applicate in
duction [33], and embodied energy that includes the energy of base buildings.
materials, design, production, transport, use and rejection or recy- Vertical farming is a promising solution for a sustainable and
cling, the smaller embodied energy of the material, the more it efficient food supply since it contributes to reducing the energy
respects the environment, for that it is preferable to use natural of delivering clean and fresh food to citizens [41]. Indeed, food
materials, especially local materials. Recycling of materials during crosses between 100 and 1500 km from the producer to the con-
a building’s demolition must also be regulated, to ensure that these sumer every day, accounting for 5 to 15 % of the energy consumed
materials are correctly managed and returned to their original con- just to get food to the table. Moreover, during the food supply
dition rather than being wasted, the recycling process should be chain, 40 to 50 % of fruits and vegetables are wasted or lost [41].
carefully planned and managed [26]. Adding insulating materials On the other hand, recycling the city’s water supplies can also
to new and existing buildings is a proven and relatively inexpen- be applicated by vertical farms not only producing food [42], Aero-
sive technique to increase energy efficiency. According to Howe ponics and hydroponics are two technologies of irrigation that
[33] insulation materials made of mineral, fiber, and cellulose- offer the best and most effective manner of water use in farming.
derived materials are currently accessible, also using double exter- When combined in closed loop systems, it can save up to 95 % of
nal walls can permit solar protection of indoor windows and patio the water utilized compared to traditional farming [37] and help
[13]. Refaie et al [34] used building insulating sandwich panels to eliminate farming wastewater; also, indoor urban vertical farm-
with Egyptian metakaolin based geopolymer concrete as a struc- ing (IUVF) is more efficient in comparison to the greenhouse (GH)
tural board, by replacing cement with metakaolin to reduce the as shown in Fig. 3 [41]. Many existing vertical farming projects,
cement industry’s CO2 emissions. Moreover, the insulating prop- such as Sky Greens Farms in Singapore, Nuveg plant factory in
erty of cast in place sandwich panels increases well-being and min- Japan, and Planned Vertical Farm in Sweden, use hydroponic and
imizes the requirement for cooling and heating over the years. To aeroponic technologies [37].
Y. Soussi, H. Bahi, H. Mastouri et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 72 (2023) 3556–3563
Fig. 2. Contribution of primary energy demand for the production of materials required for the construction of 1 m2 [32].
Fig. 3. Resource use efficiency for water in an indoor urban vertical farming (IUVF) and a greenhouse (GH) facility [41].
Vertical farming in buildings is one of the most latest trends in type also could significantly influence indoor daylight, the different
ecological design, as it could absorb CO2 and produce oxygen results of the worldwide research are presented in Table 1.
through plant photosynthesis, according to Shao et al [43] study The development of cooling energy consumption, daylighting,
in an enclosed office building (30 m2) with 1–3 occupants, that and thermal comfort are essential elements of green and energy-
is particularly adapted to integrate vertical farming due to their saving design for an ecological environment and sustainable devel-
spatial form. As a result, vertical farming vegetables have a higher opment. In a study by [24], window-to-wall ratio (WWR) and
photosynthetic activity, their CO2 absorption rate can be up to 9,2 depth of louver were used to optimize an office in a tropical envi-
times that of shade loving landscape plants, so the CO2 ronment in Sanya, China. The goal was realized, as indicated by the
concentration of 100 plants could be reduced by 25.7 % to 34.3 %, decrease in cooling energy consumption of 7,48–7,76 %, useable
resulting in a decrease in the ventilating energy consumption in daylight illuminance was increased by 0,44–2,07 %, and the
building by 12.7 % to 58.4 %. This result is based on the number expected mean vote was decreased by 25,67–27,43 %.
of occupants and status of vertical farming. Among vegetables’
higher capacity absorption lettuce, spinach, kale, and basil could 2.2.4. Natural ventilation
be found [37]. Applicate and adding passive cooling strategies in buildings is
necessary to ensure a comfortable, productive indoor climate and
2.2.3. Daylighting environmental quality; in this regard natural ventilation (NV)
People spend a large amount of their time indoors, which become an increasingly attractive approach, also for reducing
requires creating dynamic indoor environments by daylight energy consumption and costs [51], owing to the consumption of
design; we should control daylighting that changes during the 15 % of the total amount of electrical global production by classical
day, and it is different every day of the year, to have a good lighting air conditioning systems [52]. Then solar natural ventilation is pre-
level even in the deeper part of a space and to reduce cooling what dicted to provide the cooling need while saving between 10 % and
influence directly of the annual energy consumption for artificial 15 % of the annual power consumption [53], consistent with satis-
lighting and cooling, but in contrast, an over daylighting in the faction indoor air quality.
indoor environment could create visual discomfort, and intense In countries with hot climates, passive cooling solutions in
solar heat gain [44]. One of the most common shading techniques buildings are a major challenge. according to Maghrabie et al
used in buildings to increase daylight uniformity and lighting qual- [54], solar chimney (SC) is one of the favorite methods of natural
ity is the light-shelf [45], window-to-wall ratio (WWR) and glazing ventilation applicated in buildings and is considered as a natural
Y. Soussi, H. Bahi, H. Mastouri et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 72 (2023) 3556–3563
Table 1
The impact of daylighting on energy consumption.
draught passive way of increasing stack pressure by exploiting if the stored rainwater was intended for non-potable uses. In this
available solar energy. The major benefit of SC is its capacity to regard, Rainwater might save the equivalent of 25 % of the water
self-balance with weather. Proper SC configurations could create used for non-potable purposes.
acceptable interior conditions. [54]. There are a variety of design
and operating variables that have a significant impact on the SC’s 2.2.6. Green roof
performance and consequently on air change per hour (ACH), the According to the majority of studies analyzed, green roofs pro-
solar intensity is included because the ACH increases linearly with vide a variety of environmental and social benefits to urban resi-
increasing solar intensity[54]. Furthermore, air humidification con- dents [58] as well as less impact than conventional and white
tributes to increasing wind tower performance, which creates a roofs, such as absorption of CO2, and it assist to reduce energy con-
balance of indoor thermal comfort [55]. sumption. Moreover, green roof indicates as an excellent tool to
assist in the reduction of the urban heat island (UHI) effect [59].
2.2.5. Rainwater harvesting and treatment However, it requires a greater number of materials than conven-
Water demand increases by fast urbanization, industrialization, tional roofs [58], including soil and vegetation layer as outermost
unconscious water consumption, and climate changes. In tradi- surface, drainage layer, root barrier, and waterproof membrane
tional architecture collecting rainwater in cisterns or water wells [60]. The cost of installing a green roof can consider the main dis-
was one of the most common solutions [56], and today using rain- advantage, although it increases environmental life by increasing
water harvesting technologies in buildings is important for sus- pollinators such as birds, bees, and butterflies [61]. In sense of a
tainable water resources and water savings, due to depletion and green roof, an extensive and an intensive one are existing, [60] suc-
pollution of freshwater resources. Countries are classified accord- culents, such as sedum, are often chosen for extensive green roofs
ing to their water reserves as countries with water availability of because they resist difficult conditions and minimize water loss, in
less than 1000 m3 per person are classified as ‘‘water-poor”, coun- an intensive one, larger vegetation is used, like shrubs and small
tries with water availability between 1,000–3,000 m3 per person trees [58]. To construct a green roof, [62] aimed to design a simple
are classified as ‘‘water scarce” and countries with water availabil- green roof, avoiding polymeric materials, and [63] evaluated a typ-
ity between 3,000–10,000 m3 are classified as ‘‘water-rich” [57]. ical modular green roof. In their work, filter, drainage, and roof bar-
Rainwater harvesting on buildings is directly related to water col- rier were not considered [63].
lection surfaces and building form [56], as factors that varies Concerning heat fluxes, the extensive type of green roof with
depending on local and climatic requirements. Rainwater collected bulbine frutescens vegetation layer is capable of changing heat
in a basic rainwater tank can be used to wash cars, fill swimming gain and heat loss in a positive way compared to ceramic and
pools, water gardens, and for other residential purposes. metallic roofs, in a temperate climate with average temperature
In a study of [56], the amount of rainwater collected using a ver- ranging from 15 to 18 ◦C during winter and from 24 to 26 ◦C dur-
tically developed public housing ‘‘100 with a pitched roof in Bursa ing summer, by replacing a roof of a single-family residence, as
with a temperate-humid climate and a horizontally developed shown in Fig. 4 [64].
public housing ‘‘2” with a flat roof in a hot-dry climate region of Green roofs are one such technique that can offer better build-
Diyarbakir were compared and evaluated. In this case, the amount ing thermal performance, Fleck et al [59] evaluated an Australian
of rainwater captured is influenced by roof surface, roof type, and green roof, their study [59] was conducted on two adjacent roofs
patio surface, as well as the annual water consumption of each recently constructed buildings in Barangaroo, characterized by
building is calculated. As result [56], the percentage of harvested warm summers and cool winters. The result suggests that Aus-
rainwater that meets the need for annual water consumption in tralian green roofs may reduce building heating during summer
toilet flushing and bathrooms is 4.5 % in Development ‘‘1” and conditions, because of reducing Rooftop surface temperatures to
8.5 % in Development ‘‘2”. 17 and 20 ◦C, as observed with thermography and temperature
Richards and al [18] have made a study in a school in the small sensors when ambient temperatures exceeded 40 °C, and heat flow
village of Berambadi in India. The study was based on an evalua- has been reduced by 55.54 %. Rooftop microclimate was signifi-
tion of roof top rainwater harvesting system (RWHS) installed as cantly impacted by the green roof, where ambient temperatures
part of a decentralized wastewater treatment system. The results were up to 56 % cooler than the conventional roof [59].
indicated that the collected water was in acceptable quality at
the time of collection, furthermore, microbial abundance increased 2.2.7. Renewable energy
after storage more than 30 days without treatment; in this case, a The buildings contribute about 40 % of total energy consump-
low-cost chlorination process was effective. The effect of chlorina- tion [65], to reduce it we need to applicate and add renewable
tion was maintained for 30–37 days for that suggesting multiple energy to buildings, also to reduce CO2 emissions, because of con-
application of chlorine was required, which may not be necessary tributing 36 % of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the world
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