6N/EDQG0'06 5Dglr%Dvh6Wdwlrq: Commissioning Instructions Using SECO V3.2
6N/EDQG0'06 5Dglr%Dvh6Wdwlrq: Commissioning Instructions Using SECO V3.2
6N/EDQG0'06 5Dglr%Dvh6Wdwlrq: Commissioning Instructions Using SECO V3.2
Commissioning Instructions using SECO V3.2
AN00226427 (62.1017.310.60-A001)
Edition e, 05.2001
M a r c o n i C o m m u n ic a t i o n s G m b H
D -7 1 5 2 0 B a c k n a n g
T e l e f o n ( 0 7 1 9 1 ) 1 3 - 0 T e le f a x ( 0 7 1 9 1 ) 1 3 - 3 2 1 2
h t t p ://w w w .m a r c o n i.c o m
C o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 1 b y M a r c o n i C o m m u n i c a t i o n s G m b H ( h ie r i n b e z e i c h n e t a l s M a r c o n i )
Ä n d e r u n g e n v o r b e h a lt e n • G e d r u c k t i n D e u t s c h l a n d
M a r c o n i, M a r c o n i C o m m u n ic a t i o n s , d a s M a r c o n i L o g o , d a s g e s c h w u n g e n e 'M ',
S k y b a n d , M D R S , M D M S u n d S e r v i c e O n A c c e s s s i n d e i n g e t r a g e n e M a r k e n z e ic h e n
v o n M a r c o n i C o m m u n ic a t io n s G m b H .
W in d o w s i s t e i n e in g e t r a g e n e s M a r k e n z e i c h e n d e r M i c r o s o f t C o r p o r a t i o n , R e d m o n d .
M a r c o n i C o m m u n ic a t i o n s G m b H
D -7 1 5 2 0 B a c k n a n g
T e le p h o n e + 4 9 (7 1 9 1 ) 1 3 -0 T e le fa x + 4 9 (7 1 9 1 ) 1 3 -3 2 1 2
h t t p ://w w w .m a r c o n i.c o m
C o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 1 b y M a r c o n i C o m m u n i c a t i o n s G m b H ( h e r e i n r e f e r r e d t o a s M a r c o n i)
S p e c if i c a t i o n s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e • P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y
M a r c o n i, M a r c o n i C o m m u n ic a t i o n s , t h e M a r c o n i l o g o , t h e s w a s h 'M ',
S k y b a n d , M D R S , M D M S a n d S e r v ic e O n A c c e s s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f
M a r c o n i C o m m u n ic a t i o n s G m b H .
W in d o w s i s a t r a d e m a r k o f M i c r o s o f t C o r p o r a t i o n , R e d m o n d .
1 Introduction
1.1 Handling the equipment units .................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Service personnel ...................................................................................... 1-3
1.2.1 Safety precautions.................................................................................... 1-3
1.2.2 Exposure to microwave radiation ............................................................. 1-4
1.3 Information on intended use ...................................................................... 1-4
2 Preparation for commissioning
2.1 About this document .................................................................................. 2-1
2.1.1 Additional information on the equipment units and system ...................... 2-1
2.1.2 Additional tools and test equipment.......................................................... 2-1
2.2 Preparation ................................................................................................ 2-2
2.2.1 What you need to know in advance:......................................................... 2-2
2.2.2 Behavior of the RBS (Modem and RASCO) in case of a reset ................ 2-2
2.2.3 Check the following points:....................................................................... 2-3
2.2.4 Standard dip switch setting....................................................................... 2-4
2.3 Mounting the RASCO module ................................................................... 2-5
2.3.1 RASCO jumper setting ............................................................................. 2-5
2.3.2 Jumper settings on the RASCO module................................................... 2-6
2.3.3 New RASCO - P RS 485 ........................................................................ 2-10
3 Preparing system configuration
3.1 Connection to MDMS................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.1 RASCO type 172 ...................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 SECO operation......................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.1 Working with the SECO............................................................................ 3-3
3.3 Overview of redundant system addressing................................................ 3-5
3.4 RASCO directly in the NSÜ ....................................................................... 3-6
3.4.1 NSÜ workstation....................................................................................... 3-6
3.4.2 Configuring the network............................................................................ 3-6
3.4.3 Creating the network in the Dialog Manager ............................................ 3-7
3.4.4 MDMS-IDU configuration.......................................................................... 3-7
3.4.5 Configuring QD2 on the ’Master’ RASCO ................................................ 3-8
3.4.6 Configuring redundancy on the ’Slave’ RASCO ....................................... 3-9
3.4.7 Checking in the NSÜ ................................................................................ 3-9
3.5 Starting up a redundant system with only one RASCO ........................... 3-10
3.6 Commissioning sequence for a system with a redundant RASCO.......... 3-11
3.6.1 Installing the RASCO software ............................................................... 3-12
3.7 RASCO configuration .............................................................................. 3-14
3.7.1 RASCO configuration using the Hyper Terminal .................................... 3-14
3.7.2 RASCO alarm status .............................................................................. 3-17
3.7.3 Switch module LEDs .............................................................................. 3-18
3.7.4 Setting the RASCO RBS ID.................................................................... 3-19
62.1017.310.60-A001 -3-
-4- 62.1017.310.60-A001
62.1017.310.60-A001 -5-
-6- 62.1017.310.60-A001
Fig. 2-1 Position of the DIP switch in the Central Shelf .................................................... 2-4
Fig. 2-2 CAN bus interface board jumper settings ............................................................ 2-5
Fig. 2-3 Position of RASCO jumpers ................................................................................ 2-7
Fig. 2-4 RASCO status window ........................................................................................ 2-9
Fig. 2-5 New RASCO jumper settings ............................................................................ 2-10
Fig. 3-1 RASCO Type 172 serial connection .................................................................... 3-1
Fig. 3-2 SECO Main window ............................................................................................. 3-2
Fig. 3-3 Link window ......................................................................................................... 3-3
Fig. 3-4 Overview of Redundant Base Station addressing ............................................... 3-5
Fig. 3-5 Process template QD 2 ....................................................................................... 3-6
Fig. 3-6 Network configuration .......................................................................................... 3-6
Fig. 3-7 QD2 networks ...................................................................................................... 3-7
Fig. 3-8 IDU configuration ................................................................................................. 3-8
Fig. 3-9 Configuring redundancy ...................................................................................... 3-9
Fig. 3-10 RASCO window showing the Parameter menu ................................................. 3-12
Fig. 3-11 RASCO software dialog ..................................................................................... 3-13
Fig. 3-12 Settings on the Hyper Terminal ......................................................................... 3-14
Fig. 3-13 Hyper Terminal - Modify mask ........................................................................... 3-15
Fig. 3-14 Startup Mode mask ........................................................................................... 3-16
Fig. 3-15 RASCO alarm window ....................................................................................... 3-17
Fig. 3-16 Switch Module in a redundant system ............................................................... 3-18
Fig. 3-17 RASCO RBS-Id dialog box ................................................................................ 3-19
Fig. 3-18 TCP/IP system address ..................................................................................... 3-20
Fig. 3-19 Entering the multiplexer TCP/IP address .......................................................... 3-21
Fig. 3-20 Example of an A&E and DBA license file .......................................................... 3-23
Fig. 3-21 A&E License dialog box ..................................................................................... 3-23
Fig. 3-22 Services window ................................................................................................ 3-25
Fig. 3-23 Enabling RF redundancy ................................................................................... 3-26
Fig. 3-24 Smart Card and holder ...................................................................................... 3-28
Fig. 3-25 Signal Path window ........................................................................................... 3-29
Fig. 3-26 Software installation sequence .......................................................................... 3-31
Fig. 3-27 Modem software ................................................................................................ 3-32
Fig. 3-28 BRC Modem dialog box ..................................................................................... 3-33
Fig. 3-29 RASCO - Software download ............................................................................ 3-35
Fig. 3-30 BST Software Download - Configuration ........................................................... 3-36
Fig. 3-31 CPE Modem Dialog window .............................................................................. 3-38
Fig. 3-32 Selecting the DBA configuration ........................................................................ 3-40
Fig. 3-33 Software upload ................................................................................................. 3-41
Fig. 3-34 RASCO - Configuration upload ......................................................................... 3-42
Fig. 3-35 Start software download .................................................................................... 3-42
Fig. 3-36 Software download ............................................................................................ 3-43
Fig. 3-37 RASCO file ........................................................................................................ 3-43
-7- 62.1017.310.60-A001
62.1017.310.60-A001 -8-
Table 2-1 26 GHz system checklist................................................................................ 2-3
Table 2-2 Dip switch settings ......................................................................................... 2-4
Table 3-1 Examples of RASCO application filenames ................................................. 3-13
Table 4-1 Broadcast frequencies ................................................................................. 4-11
Table 5-1 Time slots used in the FBA mode .................................................................. 5-4
Table 5-2 Power compensation factor setting ................................................................ 5-6
Table 5-3 RTPC values: FBA and DBA incoming ......................................................... 5-8
Table 5-4 RTPC values: FBA and DBA outgoing.......................................................... 5-8
Table 5-5 RTPC values: FBA and DBA outgoing (example)........................................ 5-17
Table 5-6 Incoming power levels for RNU2MxN using a standard Outdoor Unit ......... 5-18
Table 6-1 Serial cable (RS232): SECO PC to RASCO ............................................... 6-10
-9- 62.1017.310.60-A001
AGC AGC Automatic Gain Control
BCM Broadcast Modem
BER Bit Error Ratio
BRC Broadcast Carrier
BS Base Station
BSU Battery Supply Unit
CDN Central Distribution Node
CIU Customer Interface Unit
CRU Customer Radio Unit
CPE Customer Premises Equipment
CRS Central Radio Station
CS Central Shelf
DBA Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation
DMS Digital Multipoint System
EPG Equipment Protection Group
ES Extension Shelf
FBA Flexible Bandwidth Allocation
FG Frequency Group
IDU Indoor Unit
INCO Installation Controller
IF Intermediate Frequency
ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network
LMT Local Maintenance Terminal
LOS Line Of Sight
MOCO Modem Controller
MUX Multiplexer
NU Network Unit
ODU Outdoor Unit
PMP Point to Multipoint
POTS Plain Old Telephone System
PSU Power Supply Unit
RASCO Radio System Controller
RBS Radio Base Station
RCS Redundant Central Shelf
RF Radio Frequency
RNU Remote Network Unit
RRS Remote Radio Station
RTFC Remote Transmit Frequency Control
RTPC Remote Transmit Power Control
62.1017.310.60-A001 -11-
Rx Receive
SECO Service Controller
SNI Service Node Interface
TS Terminal Station
Tx Transmit
UNI User Network Interface
WGA Waveguide Attenuator
-12- 62.1017.310.60-A001
1 Introduction
1.1 Handling the equipment units
MOS modules
Please read the handling instructions.
Components sensitive to electrostatic discharge.
Be sure to wear your grounding bracelet when working on the
system to protect the components from electrostatic discharge.
The grounding wire of the bracelet must be connected to the
grounding contact point.
62.1017.310.60-A001 1-1
Do not place any objects (folders, operating manuals, etc.) on the
subrack vent panels, otherwise this will impair or prevent
Take the unit into operation only after it has been grounded in
accordance with regulations. Grounding must comply with the
relevant national regulations.
Condensation on modules
If you transfer modules from a cold to a warmer atmosphere,
condensation may form on the modules as a result.
Do not start up modules if they are covered with condensation. Dry
them before switching them on.
EMC covers
Only operate the different subracks (Central Shelves and
Extension Shelves) with EMC covers mounted.
1-2 62.1017.310.60-A001
62.1017.310.60-A001 1-3
1-4 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparation for commissioning
The manual describes all the interfaces required for to put the
system into operation as they are required. For more detailed
information, please refer to the operating instructions.
Since the SECO is a very powerful tool, you should only use the
methods described in this manual.
62.1017.310.60-A001 2-1
Preparation for commissioning
2.2 Preparation
Before you start, make sure you have carried out all the
preparatory work (tools, measuring instruments and software
packages, SECO, MOCO and RASCO). Compare the
requirements described in Chapter 6.1.
Note: The SECO V. 3.0 does not always react immediately when
functions are selected by mouse click. In such cases, double-
click the corresponding item or shut down and restart the
corresponding window.
2-2 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparation for commissioning
• Ensure that the Central Shelf power supply is switched off (slide
switch on the front of the power supply module). Check whether
the dip switch is set correctly (Chapter 2.2.4 on page 2-4). Then
push the power supply module completely into the rack.
62.1017.310.60-A001 2-3
Preparation for commissioning
1 2 3 4
Dip switch
2-4 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparation for commissioning
62.1017.310.60-A001 2-5
Preparation for commissioning
The RASCO module is equipped with jumpers which you must set
to the correct position depending on how the module is used.
Fig. 2-3 shows these jumpers which are used as follows:
If you do not set these jumpers correctly, then the RASCO may not
function properly. See the next page for the correct positions of
these jumpers depending on the function required.
2-6 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparation for commissioning
Slot A
B – CAN Bus
A connector
Connect flat
cable from this
connector to
shelf backplane Slot B
(CAN/IN). CAN bus
trailer card
On board battery activated 1 2
3 4
Slot C 5 6
C - QD2 Cable
QD2 interface
D Connector
Connect the
flat cable from this trailer card
connector to
shelf backplane
(SER/IN). Slot D
J28 Operating
NOTE: mode
Jumper GPIO2 is always installed
Do not change GPIO2 to GPIO7!
62.1017.310.60-A001 2-7
Preparation for commissioning
Switch Board
IF Unit 1
IF Unit 2
The position of the RASCO jumpers can be checked using the
Service Controller. Click the RASCO field and highlight the linked
index. Then click ’Object’/’Status’. The information window (shown
overleaf) provides information on the jumper positions in the
’gen_purpose_inputs’ row, as follows:
2-8 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparation for commissioning
62.1017.310.60-A001 2-9
Preparation for commissioning
2-10 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
I.F. Combiner
Power Supply
Broadcast Modem
Rasco Serial
Port 2
IF Unit
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-1
Preparing system configuration
Ensure the power for the MDMS Central Shelf is switched on. The
green Power Supply LED must be lit. Now start up your computer.
Start the SECO software. Under Windows 95, this is usually done
by double-clicking the SECO symbol or by using the ’RUN…’
option of the Start menu. As soon as the SECO is running, the
SECO Main window should appear as shown in Fig 3-2. The
default start is shown below. After start-up, ensure that the RASCO
mode is adjusted.
Note: The color code indicating the module status is not displayed if
the corresponding module has been selected. For this reason,
ensure that no selection has been made before calling up a
window. Only then the module status will be displayed.
3-2 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-3
Preparing system configuration
Some menus can be opened using ’Hot keys’. These are key
combinations such as Ctrl + W which can be used to open menu
options. To call up the corresponding menu, press ’Ctrl’ and ’W’
simultaneously on your keyboard. In this manual, such key
combinations are abbreviated as follows: (Ctrl + W).
You can open multiple windows in the SECO. For instance, if you
have the Link List window open, it is not necessary to close it to
open the BST List window, and so on.
3-4 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
CDN/Id: 172.16.1.y
MAU Either one of the two MAU
A RASCOs can be master A
1 2
Left card slot Right card slot
Protection Operation
TCP/IP: 172.16.3.x TCP/IP: 172.16.2.x
RBS/Id: x
Fig. 3-4 Overview of Redundant Base Station addressing
Fig. 3-4 also contains the terminology used when referring to the
system. Note that the terms ’local’ RASCO and ’remote’ RASCO
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-5
Preparing system configuration
may also appear, both in the text and in the SECO dialog. The
’local’ RASCO is always the RASCO to which the SECO is
connected. The ’remote’ RASCO is the unit to which the SECO is
not connected.
In the NSÜ workstation, first start up the SISA-I process in the QD2
group via the Process Manager.
The next step is to set up the network. To do this, enter the Conn.
No., the server name and the NE Conn No.
Note that the NE Conn. No. is the start number for the QD2
address list.
3-6 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
Wait until the arrow in the black line reaches ’Network’ showing
that the new network is now online. Then check the SISA- I
function under the QD2 address list.
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-7
Preparing system configuration
The ’Remote Port’ for the ’Peer Type’ QD2 is set to 41300 by
default. You must adjust this to the NE Conn. No. (here 41302).
The ’Remote IP Address’ is the IP address of the NSÜ Work-
station, the RASCO IP address must fit in with the IP structure of
the NSÜ.
3-8 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-9
Preparing system configuration
3-10 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-11
Preparing system configuration
Click the RASCO box in the schematic view of the SECO desktop.
The RASCO List window illustrated in Fig. 3-10 appears.
3-12 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
RASCO 172,
This file example is valid for all MDMS versions (3.5 GHz, 10.5
GHz and 26 GHz), software version 3.20 (in the filename indicated
with 03_20).
Path: ...\V2_1\xxxGHz\Modem\V03_20).
When the process is complete, the Status Line at the bottom of the
window displays the word ’Idle’ (see Fig. 3-11). Click the ’Close’
button on the RASCO dialog box to close it. You can also close the
RASCO window by clicking the top right-hand corner of the
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-13
Preparing system configuration
3-14 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
Now press the ’Enter’ key. Select the specified settings up to "This
board‘s LAN IP address“ and enter the RASCO IP address or
select the default setting if this address has already been
configured. Continue up to "Use a subnet mask for the LAN
Interface?" and enter ’y’. In the next position, i.e. "Subnet mask for
LAN (0 for none)?“, enter the Subnet mask of the RASCO IP
address in hexadecimal format. Continue up to "Should there be a
default gateway for packet routing?“ and enter ‘y’. You will then be
asked "What is its IP address?“. Enter the predefined IP address of
the Gateway connected to the TCP/IP interface of the RASCO.
Press the ’Enter’ key until the ’Startup Mode’ mask appears:
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-15
Preparing system configuration
Do you want a LAN interface? [Y]
Do you want to configure a multiprocessing pSOS+m system? [N]
Baud rate for serial channels [19200]
Bus address of this board’s dual-ported memory [1000000]
IP address of the TFTP Boot server to boot from? []
What is the name of the file to be loaded and started? [172rasco.hex]
How long (in seconds) should CPU delay before starting up? [3]
Run the RASCO M172 Bootloader
IP address on LAN is FKHFN 5DVFR,3DGUHVV
This board is currently configured as a single processor system
Serial channels will use a baud rate of 19200
This board’s memory will reside at 0x1000000 on the VME bus
Processor Type :: MC68LC060 operating at 32 Mhz
RAM configuration :: DRAM 8 Mb
:: SRAM 512 Kb
IP address of the TFTP host is
The file to download and start is 172rasco.hex
After board is reset, startup code will wait 3 seconds
(M)odify any of this or (C)ontinue? [M] & &RQWLQXH
3-16 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
1. From the RASCO list window, open the ’Object / Alarm Status’
Note: Note that if the system is non-redundant, the alarms for the
’remote’ RASCO are not defined. In addition, if the local
RASCO does not use all three CAN buses, then unused CAN
buses will also signal alarms.
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-17
Preparing system configuration
left right
Alarm (red)
RASCO with
control function Active (green)
Switch Module
The ’active’ LEDs are green and show which RASCO is currently
’Master’. The ’alarm’ LEDs are red and display a defect or failure of
a component. They operate as shown below. If a component on
the active side fails and the automatic switching function is active,
the system will switch over as indicated by the green LEDs. The
red ’alarm’ LEDs indicate the failed component. .
3-18 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-19
Preparing system configuration
Note: The port numbers and remote IP addresses for the clients
RED-RASCO and RED-GENSS are also entered
automatically in this window. They have the same address
(last position) as the RBS ID entered as described above.
Do not change this unless you have explicit instructions
from the Marconi Network Planning Group.
2. For multiplexer installation, click the ’New’ button. The 'New
TCP/IP' dialog box shown in Fig. 3-19 appears.
3-20 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
3. Now enter ’Mux’ in the ’Peer Type’ box. The remote Port
address sets itself automatically to 8192 and the remote IP
address to 172.16.1.y. You should enter the correct CDN ID
value for ’y’ as supplied by the Marconi Network Planning
4. Set the timeout to 60 seconds (default value). Then click ’Apply’
to accept the data entered.
5. Repeat this multiplexer address installation if you are using
more than one multiplexer.
6. Then click on the ’Close’ button to close the dialog. After you
have entered the addresses, click ’Update’, so that the data
shown in the window are updated.
7. Check that the RASCO IP address 172.16.2.x is displayed. ’x’ is
the RBS ID.
8. The RED-RASCO and RED-GENSS should appear as UP
(right-hand column). If you have installed the multiplexer, it
should also show ’UP’. If not, then check that you have entered
the addresses correctly and that the Ethernet connection
between the MDMS and MSV5 is correctly installed.
9. Close the RASCO list window. This completes the TCP/IP
setting for a non-redundant system.
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-21
Preparing system configuration
A & E / DBA file An example of this file is shown below. (You can read it using the
Windows Notepad utility). It shows the factory ID of the RASCO to
which the numbers apply (950000000 in this example), the actual
license key number which you should enter (if you are doing this
manually), the number of connections to which it applies, and the
validity period of the license.
This example shows license numbers for both A&E and DBA:
there may be only one set depending on which licenses have been
3-22 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
2. Click ’Send License File’ and select the correct file. This file will
contain the necessary A&E or DBA numbers or both. The
SECO will send these to the RASCO.
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-23
Preparing system configuration
3-24 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-25
Preparing system configuration
3-26 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
When you start up the system for the first time, the RASCO
assigns the modems to a list in their slot order.
You must also enter the data of the CPE modems used in the
Terminal Stations in the Base Station.
You should not plug the Smart Card into the modem while the
power is on. You may install it before power is supplied to the
equipment. You may remove the modem from the shelf whilst the
power supply is still on.
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-27
Preparing system configuration
Please note that the Smart Card in the illustration is shown the
wrong way round. The contact points must face down in the holder.
Do not insert the Smart Card while the BRC modem is in operation.
3-28 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-29
Preparing system configuration
For new installations, Marconi will supply the modems with the
boot kernel software already installed. There is no guarantee that
this is the latest version. Check the existing version and if
necessary update it. This is described in Chapter 3.9.1.
Install the software in the BRC and BST modems by first ’dumping’
it into the RASCO. From there load it to the modem MOCO. Once
’dumped’ into the RASCO, you can load the software into multiple
modems. The diagram on the next page shows the steps involved.
3-30 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
End of Installation
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-31
Preparing system configuration
3-32 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
5. Please see Table 4-1 on page 4-11 for the transmit frequencies.
6. Enter the values for ’Tx Power Delta’ and the ’Power
Compensation Factor’ in accordance with the values supplied
by the Marconi Planning Group.
7. Ensure that the ’Carrier’ and ’Modulator’ boxes are not marked.
If they are check-marked as shown in the above figure, then
click the box to remove the check-mark.
8. Close the dialog box by clicking ’OK’.
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-33
Preparing system configuration
1. Open the Link window (see Fig. 3-3 on page 3-3). One of the
columns shows the Link State of each link. If it is displaying
’Active’, select the required link(s), then click the ’Deactivate’
button on the right of the window to ensure the selected links
are not active.
Please note, that up to 50 links can be selected at the same
2. Close the Link window.
3. Open the BST Modem List window and select the ’Views/
Software’ menu.
4. One of the columns in the window shows the version number of
the modem software installed. If this is an old version, then you
must first install the new version as described in Chapter 3.8.2.
5. Close the BST Modem window.
3-34 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-35
Preparing system configuration
Note: In the case of a 26-1 GHz Base Station or a 26-2 GHz Base
Station, both configuration files 2601_E1_0320_00_c.bin
and 2602_E1_0320_00_c.bin may be used independently of
the IF Unit / ODU.
’Dumping’ process
1. To dump the MOCO configuration file into the RASCO, click the
’Dump’ button on the Software dialog box. The RASCO SW
download window opens (Modem tab). Click ’Dump’. This
opens a file selection box. Select the configuration file you
need. (Path:..\V3_0\xxxGHZ\Modem\V03_20...).
2. Click OK on the File Selector to dump the configuration into the
RASCO. A status bar will tell you when the download is
complete. Wait approximately 90 seconds until the word ’Idle’
appears in the box at the bottom of the dialog before continuing.
3. Continue dumping the MOCO boot kernel if necessary and
repeat steps 4 and 5 replacing ’Configuration’ by ’Boot Kernel’.
The same file is used for all MDMS versions. The file name is:
4. Now continue with dumping the MOCO application file and
repeat steps 4 and 5 replacing ’Configuration’ by ’Application’.
For software versions 3.0 or higher, the same file is used for all
versions of the MDMS. The filename is
3-36 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
Loading process
You can now load the software into the modem(s) (BRC and BST)
from the RASCO as follows (existing links must be deactivated
during the download to the BST modems; this is only necessary if
this is not a first installation).
Click the ’Update All’ button on the right-hand side of the window.
Then look at the columns displaying the software version numbers.
If the incorrect version number is displayed, check the following:
If the installation fails again for the same modem, it is possible that
the modem is faulty.
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-37
Preparing system configuration
1. Open the ’CPE Modem List’ window and select the ’Object’ /
’New CPE Modem’ menu. The following CPE modem dialog
3-38 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-39
Preparing system configuration
3-40 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-41
Preparing system configuration
3-42 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-43
Preparing system configuration
Using the File Selector, select the required ’bin’ file. Open this file.
The following mask appears:
As soon as the progress bar in the bottom left section has reached
100%, the MIB download has been sucessfully completed.
3-44 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparing system configuration
62.1017.310.60-A001 3-45
Preparing system configuration
3-46 62.1017.310.60-A001
Setting instructions
4 Setting instructions
Chapter 4.1 only applies to the 3.5 GHz ODU. If you are commis-
sioning a 10.5 GHz or 26 GHz system, please see Chapter 4.1 on
page 4-1.
Remove the small cover plate from the rear side of the 3.5 GHz
Outdoor Unit (see below). (It covers a 9-pin Sub-D socket).
Connect this socket to the PC serial port using a 1:1 cable.
62.1017.310.60-A001 4-1
Setting instructions
When it starts, the HyperTerminal will ask you to enter a name for
the connection. Cancel this dialog box.
4-2 62.1017.310.60-A001
Setting instructions
Open the pulldown menu for ’Connect using’ and select the PC
serial port you wish to use (usually COM1 or COM2).
Click the ’OK’ button to return to the first dialog box. Click OK again
to return to the HyperTerminal main window.
There is a space between CHN and the channel number. The ODU
should send a status value between 0 and 255 back to the
There is no space between CHN and the ‘?’. The device should
first return a status value between 0 and 255 followed by the
channel number to which the unit is set. If it is not correct, try to set
it again. If it still fails, the Outdoor Unit is probably faulty.
When you have finished making this setting, disconnect the cable
to the computer and put the cover over the connector on the ODU.
62.1017.310.60-A001 4-3
Setting instructions
Open the BRC Modem window and select the Parameter / IF Unit /
Gains menu. Activate HPA by clicking the ’HPA Mode’ ’On’ box so
that a check mark is displayed. (This dialog box is illustrated in Fig.
4-1 page 4-1).
4-4 62.1017.310.60-A001
Setting instructions
62.1017.310.60-A001 4-5
Setting instructions
2. Open the BST Modem List window and select one BST modem.
It is important that the modem is not involved in a link. For an
initial installation, all other Base Station modems should be off
by default. If you suspect this may not be the case, then you
must check all the BST modems and ensure that the carrier of
all but one modem is switched off.
3. Open the ’Parameter’ / ’Modify’ menu. The box shown in
Fig. 4-6 opens.
Tx and Rx frequencies:
4-6 62.1017.310.60-A001
Setting instructions
6. Open the ’Signal Path’ List window (Fig. 4-8 on page 4-8.) This
should show two BRC modems.
62.1017.310.60-A001 4-7
Setting instructions
4-8 62.1017.310.60-A001
Setting instructions
12.Before finally closing the dialog shown in Fig. 4-9, ensure that
the ’Automatic’ option is selected. Click the ’OK’ button. This
ensures that the system switches to the protective path
automatically if an error occurs.
13.In the ’EPG Status’ field above the list in the Signal Path box,
click the box marked ’ON’, so that a check mark (√) appears in
it. This ensures that protection is active and that automatic
switchover will take place in case of a fault.
62.1017.310.60-A001 4-9
Setting instructions
• Carrier ’ON’
• Modulator ’ON’
• Frequency See Table 4-1 on page 4-11
• Tx Power Delta 10.0 dB
• Power Compensation Factor:
Note: With redundant CSs, the modem may only switch on the
carrier in the ’Up’ status.
4-10 62.1017.310.60-A001
Setting instructions
62.1017.310.60-A001 4-11
Setting instructions
4-12 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparations for link setup
Required values
are supplied by the
Marconi Planning
Before creating any links, you must enter details of the Base
Station modem and the associated Terminal modem for each link
in the Base Station database and the Base Station must transmit
the correct information via the BRC modem.
62.1017.310.60-A001 5-1
Preparations for link setup
Click the ’Link’ field in the main SECO window. The Link dialog
mask appears.
– Select the Object/New Radio Link menu. The Add Link dia-
log appears (Fig. 5-1).
– The CPE and BST modems are assigned automatically.
– The DBA mode is selected by default and displayed: If you
want to implement FBA, click the FBA selector. Click the
’Apply’ button when the entry is finished to save the informa-
tion. The Link information is shown in the Link window. The
’Link Status’ displays ’created’.
– If you do not wish to set up any more links, click OK.
– Note that you can only use the same modem(s) for one link.
If you try to use the modems for another link, you will get the
following error message: ’Resource in Use’.
– If you try to select modems which are assigned to another
sector, you will see the message ’Request error’.
– Correct your error and continue.
– Click ’OK’ when you have created all the links you want. If
you make an error and assign the incorrect modem to a link,
then you must remove the link to release the modems for use
in other links. Chapter 5.4.1 describes this procedure.
5-2 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparations for link setup
Click the Link field to open the Link window in the SECO main
window. Click in the Index column to select a link. Select the
Parameter / Modify menu. The following Link dialog mask appears:
62.1017.310.60-A001 5-3
Preparations for link setup
10.5 &
3.5 26-1 26-2 26h
Modulation 10.5a
QPSK1/2 1 to 32 1 to 32 1 to 32 1 to 32 1 to 32
QPSK3/4 1 to 32 1 to 32 1 to 32 1 to 32 1 to 32
QPSK7/8 4 to 32 4 to 32 4 to 32 4 to 32 4 to 32
8-TCM2/3 8 to 32 8 to 32 8 to 32 8 to 32 8 to 32
16-TCM3/4 12 to 32 8 to 32 30 to 32 14 to 32 14 to 32
5-4 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparations for link setup
If you wish any changes, these must be made via the window
shown above. If you select, for example, 8 PSK, the unit will
automatically activate 16 PSK since this is the optimum
modulation. For this reason, you must change the availability of
modulation by highlighting 16 PSK in the ’Selected’ box and
shifting it into the ’Available’ box. Then confirm this change by
means of the ’OK’ button. Now you can change the modulation and
the unit will accept your entry.
62.1017.310.60-A001 5-5
Preparations for link setup
Frequency PCF
5-6 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparations for link setup
Do not forget that once you have set the links in operation, this
value must be set to 20 dB, using the same method as described
1. Select the required Link from the Link List as described above.
Select the ’Parameter’ / ’RTPC’ / ’Modify’ menu. The Link dialog
mask appears (see Fig. 5-5 on page 5-9).
2. Click the appropriate box and enter the new values supplied by
the Network Planning Group. Then click the ’OK’ button to
close the dialog.
62.1017.310.60-A001 5-7
Preparations for link setup
Note that the values indicated in Table 5-4 are typical examples in
accordance with the power compensation factor settings specified
in Table 5-2. The actual values are supplied by the Planning
Group and depend on the power compensation factor.
5-8 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparations for link setup
62.1017.310.60-A001 5-9
Preparations for link setup
1. Select the link dialog box in the SECO main window. The Link
window is displayed (see Chapter 5.1 on page 5-2).
2. Select the link to be activated by clicking the Index column next
to it. The line should turn blue to show that you have selected it.
3. To activate the link, click the ’Activate’ button on the right side of
the Link window. The ’Link State’ entry in the window should
change to ’Activated’. As soon as you start up the Terminal, the
Link status changes to ’Up’. (You might need to select the ’View’
/ ’All’ option from the list box to see the correct display).
5-10 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparations for link setup
62.1017.310.60-A001 5-11
Preparations for link setup
You will need the Smart Card ID number for the sector. This is
printed on the Smart Card itself. You can also read this using the
SECO if you have already installed the card, as follows:
1. Select the CPE modem field in the SECO main window. Select
the modem by clicking in the Index column on the left-hand side
of the window. When the CPE modem window opens, select the
’Object’ / ’Status’ menu to open the Status Window, shown
highlighted in Fig. 5-6. You will need to scroll down the window
to see the numbers.
5-12 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparations for link setup
1. Click the ’Link’ box in the main SECO window. The Link window
opens. Click the relevant link(s) in the Index column next to the
2. Select the ’Parameter’ / ’Authentication & Encryption’ menu. In
the submenu, select ’Set On’/’Off’ for the appropriate function.
Then click ’OK’. .
1. Click the ’Link’ field in the main SECO window. The Link window
appears. Click the relevant link(s) in the Index column next to
the modem.
2. Select the ’Parameter’ / ’Authentication & Encryption’ menu,
and then the option ’Start Authentication’. A dialog appears
which asks you if you are sure that you want to continue. Click
3. Select ’Status’ from the ’Parameter’ / ’Authentication &
Encryption’ menu. This will display the Link A&E Status window
shown in Fig. 5-8 on page 5-14.
62.1017.310.60-A001 5-13
Preparations for link setup
5-14 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparations for link setup
Parts of the procedure are the same as for the standard link
installation. The diagram below shows the sequence with
reference to the appropriate section of the manual.
Chapter 5.3
Activate all links
Chapter 5.2.2
Set Tx Power Delta to 20 dB
62.1017.310.60-A001 5-15
Preparations for link setup
5-16 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparations for link setup
The following tables show the recommended typical values for the
incoming and outgoing RTPC values for this type of installation
according to the power compensation factors indicated in
Table 5-2.
62.1017.310.60-A001 5-17
Preparations for link setup
5-18 62.1017.310.60-A001
Preparations for link setup
62.1017.310.60-A001 5-19
Preparations for link setup
5-20 62.1017.310.60-A001
Software and hardware tools
You should always use the SECO version belonging to the system
version when carrying out an installation. Earlier SECO versions
may not operate correctly with new versions of the system
62.1017.310.60-A001 6-1
Software and hardware tools
Load all the disks. You will be prompted to insert the next disk
when it is required. Note that the prompt which appears for each
disk refers to the disk just loaded. You will have to edit the prompt
to refer to the next disk before it can be loaded.
6-2 62.1017.310.60-A001
Software and hardware tools
62.1017.310.60-A001 6-3
Software and hardware tools
6-4 62.1017.310.60-A001
Software and hardware tools
The files are supplied on DOS 1.44 MB format floppy disks as self-
extracting packed files. The setup.exe file extracts the files and
places them in the correct directories.
If there is more than one disk, you need to load all of them. You will
be prompted to insert the next disk when it is required.
The program extracts the files and places them on the hard disk of
the computer.
Repeat this procedure with the RASCO disks to install the RASCO
software on your computer.
62.1017.310.60-A001 6-5
Software and hardware tools
Click the SECO icon using the right mouse button. A small menu
appears. Click ’Properties’ at the bottom of the menu using the left
mouse button. (Note: this also applies to the standard mouse
installation. With a mouse installation for left-handed people, the
mouse buttons are reversed.)
The ’Properties’ dialog box shown in Fig. 6-3 on the next page
appears. Click the link tab at the top.
• c:\marconi\ans_dms\DMS\V3_00\generic\SECO\V03_21\seco.ex
e -p=19200
sets the baud rate to 19200 or
• c:\marconi\ans_dms\DMS\V3_00\generic\SECO\V03_21\seco.ex
e -p=38400
sets the baud rate to 38400.
6-6 62.1017.310.60-A001
Software and hardware tools
You can now edit the contents of the ‘seco.ini’ file using the
Windows 95 Notepad. Be very careful and only change the
parameters shown below. It is advisable to make a backup copy of
the ‘seco.ini’ file before you make any changes.
Find the section marked [SerialPortConfig] in the ‘seco.ini’ file (see
Fig. 6-4 on page 6-8). It should contain the following entries,
although the values may not be the same. If you wish to change
any value entered, delete it, then type in the new value
(permissible values are shown below).
When you have completed your entry, save the file in the same
place under the name ‘seco.ini’ (the original is overwritten).
Note: The changes will be activated only when you restart the SECO soft-
ware, i.e. the program must be shut down and restarted to enable
your entries.
62.1017.310.60-A001 6-7
Software and hardware tools
6-8 62.1017.310.60-A001
Software and hardware tools
Open the RASCO window by clicking the RASCO field in the SECO
main window. Call up the ’Parameter’/ ’Software Management’
menu item.
62.1017.310.60-A001 6-9
Software and hardware tools
9-pin Sub-D,
2m 25-pin Sub-D, male
Pin Pin
2 3
3 2
5 7
6-10 62.1017.310.60-A001
Software and hardware tools
62.1017.310.60-A001 6-11
Software and hardware tools
6-12 62.1017.310.60-A001
Software download to a CPE modem
You can select one or several modems. Now select the ’Software’
option from the ’Parameter’ menu.
Click ’Dump’.
Click ’Dump’ and select the required files in the data folder which
Start the load process by clicking ’Load’. After about one minute,
the status bar appears and displays the current status of the load
process. Click ’Activate Software’. This opens the input window
with the list of available software in the CPE modem.