Botany 2019
Botany 2019
Botany 2019
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Research Article
Sohail1, Umme Amara1, Salma Shad2, Noshin Ilyas1, Abdul Manaf3, Naveed Iqbal Raja1, Zia-ur-Rehman
1Department of Botany, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi 46300, Pakistan
2Department of Chemistry, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan
3Department of Agronomy, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi 46300, Pakistan
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: With the progression of nanotechnology, the use of nanoparticles (NPs) in consumer products has increased
dramatically and green synthesis is one of the cheapest and eco-friendly methods to obtain non-hazardous NPs. In the current
research zinc (Zn) NPs synthesis was carried out by using the fresh and healthy leaves of Mentha arvensis L. followed by
characterisation through ultraviolet (UV)–visible spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
UV–visible spectroscopy confirmed the green synthesis of ZnNPs, while XRD confirmed the size of NPs, which was 30–70 nm.
SEM shows that the shape of ZnNPs was irregular. The effects of green synthesised NPs on two different varieties of Brassica
napus were evaluated. Exposure to ZnNPs (5, 15, and 25 mg/l−1) caused a significant increase in root and shoot length of B.
napus. The application of NPs significantly improved plant germination and triggered the production of secondary metabolite
and antioxidant enzymes. ZnNPs showed a significant increase in chlorophyll, superoxide dismutase, total flavonoid content
(TFC) and antioxidant enzymes while total phenolic content was decreased when TFC increased. Thus, it has been concluded
from the current study that ZnNPs may possibly trigger the production of antioxidant enzymes and various biochemical
2.3.1 Germination parameter: Germination percentage: SOD, μg/ml = absorbance of sample × K value
Germination percentage of seedling of B. napus was recorded after × dilution factor/weight of sample
7 days by using the method of Abdul-Baki and Anderson [20].
2.5 Statistical analysis
2.3.2 Shoot and root length: Root and shoot length of seedling
The whole experiment was performed in triplicate. Results are
was recorded from the date of germination in cm.
presented as mean ± SD. A significant difference (at P ≤ 0.05) and
means comparison were done using one-way analysis of variance.
2.3.3 Seedling vigour index (SVI): SVI was recorded by using Statistical analysis was carried out by using SPSS 20 software.
the method of Abdul-Baki and Anderson [20] and expressed in
terms of means and standard deviation (SD)
3 Result and discussion
SVI = root length + shoot length × germination percentage . UV–visible spectroscopy of green synthesised ZnNPs confirmed
the synthesis of ZnNPs and absorption spectra were 220–450 nm
2.4 Biochemical and physiological attributes already published in [27] (Fig. 1). The plant extract may contain
possible reducing compounds which triggered the synthesis of NPs
2.4.1 Determination of total chlorophyll content (TCC): The [28]. After confirmation by UV–visible spectroscopy, the NPs were
determination of the TCC was done by taking 0.2 g plant tissue that calcined and dried in the electric furnace at 500°C for 24 h to
was briefly ground in cold 80% acetone solution and the remove oxygen and pure ZnNPs were obtained in the form of fine
absorbance was measured at 652 nm using the method proposed by powder. ZnNPs were then subjected to XRD at the Department of
Arnon [21]. Chemistry, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. The
XRD pattern showed that ZnNPs are irregularly shaped and
2.4.2 Determination of total sugar content (TSC): For the crystalline in nature [29]. SEM of ZnNPs was carried out at the
determination of the TSC, the method proposed by Dubois et al. Institute of Space Technology Islamabad, Pakistan. Technology by
[22] was followed. About 0.2 g fresh leaves were ground in 80% using SIGMA model (MIRA3; TESCAN Brno). The SEM picture
ethanol solution. The mixture was kept in the water bath for 1 h at confirmed the size in the range of 30–70 nm and morphology of
80°C. About 0.5 ml of the mixture, followed by addition of 1 ml of the synthesised ZnNPs was non-spherical, irregular in shape
18% of phenolic solution and mixture was kept for one hour at previously reported by [30].
room temperature. After the addition of 2 ml of sulphuric acid, the
mixture was constantly shacked and absorbance was noted at 490 3.1 Germination percentage of B. napus seedlings
In the current study, germination percentage was recorded after 7
2.4.3 Determination of total phenolic content (TPC): The days of exposure to different concentrations of 5, 15 and 25 mg/l−1
determination of TPC was carried out following the protocol ZnNPs. Both the varieties showed significantly higher germination
proposed by Veilaogu et al. [23]; the folin–ciocalteu reagent was percentage than control variety as shown in Fig. 1. It can be
used for quantification. About 0.2 g powdered plant material was attributed that the maximum germination was recorded at 15 mg/l
crushed with 80% ethanol and then 100 μl plant extract was mixed −1 of ZnNPs in both V1 and V2 followed by 25 mg/l−1 of ZnNPs as
with 0.75 ml of folin–ciocalteu reagent followed by incubation at compared with control in a dose-dependent manner. Other
21°C for 10 min. The mixture was equipped with 0.75 ml of researchers have already reported that ZnNPs enhanced
sodium bicarbonate solution and kept for 90 min at 21°C followed germination percentage in wheat crop [31] (Fig. 2).
Fig. 3 Total chlorophyll and sugar content in B. napus varieties in Fig. 4 TPC and TFC in B. napus varieties in response to green synthesised
response to green synthesised ZnNPs ZnNPs at different days interval
harvesting the highest protein content was observed at 15 mg/l−1 of enhanced the SOD, POD and catalase production in B. napus L.
green synthesised ZnNPs (195 µg bovine serum albumin Differences in the pattern is due to the chemical nature, NPs
equivalent/mg FW) in V1(Faisal Canola) as compared with V2 surface and size. The enzymatic role of SOD and POD and the
(Shiralee), respectively. Both varieties showed a significant catalase activities of different medicinal plants are extensively
increase in its protein content as compared to control. This increase reported [45, 46] (Fig. 5).
could be due to the shape and medium-size of green synthesised
ZnNPs, which triggered the production of protein. The nutritional 4 Conclusion
profile of the canola protein would play a pivotal role in From the current experiment, it has been concluded that green
determining its suitability as a food ingredient [41]. As canola synthesised ZnNPs have the potential to improve the germination
proteins are almost exclusively used for animal feed, knowledge of and biochemical aspects of the B. napus L. plant. ZnNPs have also
their nutritional value to humans is quite limited [42]. In the been reported to play a vital role in the production of auxin and
current research, B. napus varieties treated with ZnNPs of 5, 15 many other hormones which are responsible for plant growth and
and 25 mg/l−1 showed increased SOD activity 0.49 µg/ml in V1 yield. The size and surface structure of NPs is of prime importance
and V2 as compared to control, respectively. This may be due to and play a key role in the production of antioxidant enzymes. Once
the chemical and metallic stress of green synthesised ZnNPs. Plant NPs enter the plant they play a vital role in triggering different
defensive secondary metabolites such as SOD, peroxidase, catalase defence mechanisms of the plant. Green synthesis of NPs is the
etc. are commercially and medicinally important as health- cheapest source of obtaining NPs but it is still a mystery and much
promoting compounds [43]. SOD is the first line defence against work is needed to explore which compounds of plant play a key
any ROS. They can convert superoxide anion O2 to low harmful role in the reducing and capping agent.
ROS [44]. However, the production of protein is in correlation to
SOD concentration. The application of ZnNPs in different forms