RfC1A TG Unit Tests Answer Key
RfC1A TG Unit Tests Answer Key
RfC1A TG Unit Tests Answer Key
10 might 6 disability
Unit 1
11 can’t 7 likelihood
Vocabulary 12 might 8 assurance
Challenge and
Adverbs of degree
achievement Reading and Use of
1 challenge
1 A English
2 D
2 failure
3 A Part 5 Multiple choice
3 chance
4 B 1 B
4 success
5 D 2 C
5 motivation
6 A 3 D
6 ambition
7 A 4 C
7 motivation
8 C 5 D
8 challenge
9 A 6 A
9 ambition
10 D
10 failure
Word formation
Spelling Part 1 Multiple choice
11 noticable noticeable Nouns
1 B
12 proggresion progression 1 rehearsal 2 C
13 conversacions 2 neighbourhood 3 B
conversations 3 variety 4 C
14 perfomance 4 annoyance 5 A
performance 5 originality 6 A
15 aproaches approaches 6 explanation
16 affectiveness 7 persistence
effectiveness 8 shortage
17 experence experience 9 pleasure Part 1 Essay
18 probabley probably 10 vacancy
Sample answer
11 enjoyment Exercise is key to a healthy
12 carelessness lifestyle, and often, it isn’t until
13 membership we get older that we
Modal verbs: Might, 14 commitment appreciate the value of
could, may and can 15 exposure keeping and staying fit. It
7 run 11 so
8 hand 12 such
Part 2 Formal email or
Phrasal verbs
Reading and Use of letter
1 let up English Sample answer
2 cut out
Dear Ms Scheffler,
3 talk; up Part 4 Key word
I am writing to express my
4 turned out transformation interest in the position of tour
5 talked; into
1 to your advantage to guide, as featured on your
6 paid; off
apply website.
7 started out
2 as bad as they were I am an enthusiastic 21-year-
8 comes down
3 such an impact on old student of history. I have
9 checked out
4 tendency to not go as been living here for three
10 cuts through
5 near as long as years now, and I have built up
11 catch; out
6 by far the most reliable not only a deep knowledge of
12 put; off
the place but also made a lot
Part 6 Cross-text
of friends in the area who
multiple matching have shared their experiences
1 D with me.
Gerunds and infinitives
2 B Although I am currently
1 to go studying, I have had a number
3 A
2 Arriving of part-time jobs. At the
4 B
3 to attend moment, I am working in a
4 disturbing
Listening café. I also have experience
5 to explain working as a shop assistant. A
6 to deal Part 2 Sentence positive and friendly attitude is
7 help a must in these jobs, as is a
8 feeling keen sense of customer
9 have 1 a professional footballer
satisfaction, and I can assure
10 not to take 2 Greek restaurant
you that you’ll receive both
11 having 3 long evenings
from me.
12 to inform 4 proud
In addition to this, I can speak
5 (defunct) lighthouse
Spanish at an advanced level,
Comparisons 6 scaffolding
which I believe will come in
1 close 7 passing trade
useful with visitors from
2 slightly 8 farms and fisherman
Spanish-speaking countries.
3 like
Working as a tour guide
4 much
would be a fantastic
5 long
opportunity for me to share
6 just
what I have learned about the
7 great
city with visitors. There are a
8 far
lot of attractions which spring
9 by
to mind, most notably the
10 near
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C1 Advanced Unit Tests Answer key
(264 words)
8 not Part 3 Multiple choice
9 could
1 D
10 do
2 A
Unit 5 3 C
Relative clauses
4 B
Vocabulary 1 which starts
5 D
2 which at
6 A
Verb + noun collocations 3 who/that apologised
1 sparks 4 of whom
5 which/that I
2 declared
3 fell 6 I set
Part 2 Proposal
4 move 7 which was
Sample answer
5 resolved 8 who has
6 build 9 I did
Recently, we have received
7 avoid 10 with which
complaints from clients about
8 found the level of politeness and
9 give Reading and Use of professionalism, especially in
10 make English relation to emails and phone
conversations with them. If
Relationships Part 1 Multiple-choice
allowed to continue, this could
1 B cloze have a negative effect on our
2 A 1 C reputation.
3 B 2 A Causes of the problem
4 B 3 B Lately, there have been
5 A 4 D changes at our workplace,
Ready for C1 Advanced
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C1 Advanced Unit Tests Answer key
Unit 9 3 All 3 C
4 It 4 A
Vocabulary 5 is 5 B
6 A
Describing adventure Word formation 7 D
8 C
1 out
Alternatives from the 9 D
2 in
same prompt word 10 D
3 into
4 off 1 a imaginary;
5 out b imaginative Listening
6 gruelling 2 a deceitful;
Part 3 Multiple choice
7 arid b deceptively
8 idyllic 3 a considerate; 1 C
9 through b considerable 2 A
10 intrepid 4 a inadvisable; 3 C
11 exquisite b adviser/advisor 4 B
12 swirling 5 a respectfully; 5 B
b respective 6 A
6 a identification;
1 argument b identifiable Writing
2 temper 7 a hardship;
3 seething b hardness
Part 1 Essay
4 tantrum 8 a supportive; Sample answer
5 berserk b supporters There are many advantages to
6 handle studying or holidaying in your
own country. It’s likely to be
7 cross Reading and Use of
easier and cheaper and with
8 irate
9 steam no language barrier to hinder
10 outburst Part 4 Key word you. Having said that, going
to experience another country
can offer a number of
1 wasn’t/was not until I
Creating emphasis 1 arrived
Although studying in a
1 that we went to 2 that I ran into
country which has a language
2 I spent most of my time 3 my mind (that) Sara will
different from your own is
doing win
hardly likely to be the easiest
3 I loved were the views 4 what I did was
experience, the rewards can
4 was the food that apologise
be huge. It is often said that
5 wasn’t until I went 5 none of us flew
the best way to become
6 I’d love to do is (to) 6 isn’t/ is not likely to lose
proficient in a language is to