RfC1A TG Unit Tests Answer Key

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C1 Advanced Unit Tests Answer key

10 might 6 disability
Unit 1
11 can’t 7 likelihood
Vocabulary 12 might 8 assurance
Challenge and
Adverbs of degree
achievement Reading and Use of
1 challenge
1 A English
2 D
2 failure
3 A Part 5 Multiple choice
3 chance
4 B 1 B
4 success
5 D 2 C
5 motivation
6 A 3 D
6 ambition
7 A 4 C
7 motivation
8 C 5 D
8 challenge
9 A 6 A
9 ambition
10 D
10 failure
Word formation
Spelling Part 1 Multiple choice
11 noticable noticeable Nouns
1 B
12 proggresion progression 1 rehearsal 2 C
13 conversacions 2 neighbourhood 3 B
conversations 3 variety 4 C
14 perfomance 4 annoyance 5 A
performance 5 originality 6 A
15 aproaches approaches 6 explanation
16 affectiveness 7 persistence
effectiveness 8 shortage
17 experence experience 9 pleasure Part 1 Essay
18 probabley probably 10 vacancy
Sample answer
11 enjoyment Exercise is key to a healthy
12 carelessness lifestyle, and often, it isn’t until
13 membership we get older that we
Modal verbs: Might, 14 commitment appreciate the value of
could, may and can 15 exposure keeping and staying fit. It

1 could Reading and Use of could be argued that

2 may English understanding the importance

3 can of exercise is best started at

4 may an early age. But, what is the

Part 3 Word formation
5 can best way of motivating young
1 accuracy people to look after their
6 might
2 location bodies?
7 can’t
3 closeness One way is to simply explain
8 could
4 evidence to young people why exercise
9 Can
5 similarities
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C1 Advanced Unit Tests Answer key

is beneficial. Most will be Unit 2 12 went

aware that it can make us Nouns in formal English
stronger and faster. However,
1 focus
exercise is also important for
Changes 1 2 embarrassment
our mental well-being.
1 made 3 disappointment
Although most young people
2 bring 4 responsibility
are unlikely to suffer seriously
3 converted 5 dissatisfaction
from stress, it can be
4 vary 6 independence
explained to them that
5 switching 7 improvement
exercise is a good way to stay
6 adjust 8 attention
cheerful and positive, and in
7 modify 9 employment
turn may help with issues of
8 transformed 10 application
Also, it is worth explaining
9 transferred Reading and Use of
that exercise need not be a
10 shift English
boring or solitary activity. For
Changes 2
example, a good way to get
Part 4 Key word
1 A
exercise without it feeling like transformation
2 C
a chore is to take part in 1 has been a downturn in
3 C
games or team sports or to 2 had been an
4 C
make activities, such as improvement
5 A
running more sociable by 3 made an adjustment to
6 B
doing it with friends. It is the height
7 C
worth stressing that not all 4 have been adding
8 A
exercise has to be competitive, variety to
9 A
but it can almost always be a 5 like to have gone
10 B
form of fun. 6 has brought about a
On balance, perhaps the most dramatic change
useful way to encourage
young people to exercise is to Part 8 Multiple matching
Talking about the past
remind them of the benefits 1 B
to them, personally. They 1 never used to like
2 A
should not see exercise as 2 have seen
3 C
something they have to do, or 3 had
4 D
something they feel guilty 4 had heard
5 C
about not doing. Instead, they 5 didn’t call
6 B
should be encouraged to see 6 were going to stay /
7 E
it as an essential part of their were staying
8 A
self-development. 7 hasn’t spoken
9 E
(259 words) 8 Having eaten
10 D
9 have watched
10 has been working / has
11 had visited

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Listening And so, David’s life worsens. 10 forward

His working conditions are
Part 2 Sentence terrible, and he finds himself
Information and res
completion running from one disaster to earch 2
the next. However, what keeps 1 A
1 souvenirs
David going is his imagination. 2 C
2 car park / carpark
He writes down ideas that 3 A
3 housing estate
occur to him on scraps of 4 B
4 devastating impact
paper which he keeps in a 5 B
5 property developers
small box. As he grows older 6 C
6 urban history
and meets a large number of 7 A
7 (mediaeval/medieval)
richly drawn characters, the 8 B
ideas he keeps in his box
8 economic development
become more sophisticated
and take the form of a book. Present and future
The film shows us how David’s conditionals
Part 2 Review mind develops and grows, and
1 B
how the people he meets
Sample answer 2 C
inform his personal story. It
The Personal History of David 3 A
tells us that although bad
Copperfield is a compelling 4 A
things might happen to us,
film adaptation of the Charles 5 C
there are always ways in which
Dickens novel. Released in 6 B
we can slowly repair our lives
2020, it shows us the life of 7 A
and learn to tell our own
David Copperfield, from a 8 C
personal stories in the way we
young boy to a grown man.
The narrative begins by
want them to be told. Wish /if only and
(257 words)
showing us David’s early years, alternatives
set in the middle of the 19th 1 hadn’t used; wouldn’t
century. His father has died, have put
Unit 3
but his mother makes sure he 2 had started
has a happy, warm and safe
childhood despite having very
Vocabulary 3 to have stayed
4 have gone
little money. Information and 5 Had I known; would
All this changes dramatically research 1 have stopped
when Mrs Copperfield meets 6 hadn’t been; might
1 findings
and marries her new husband. never have met
2 hypothesis
This new addition to the 7 hadn’t told
3 misinformation
family treats David with great 8 spoke; wouldn’t have
4 privacy
cruelty. In fact, a decision is had
5 compiled
made to send young David to
6 determine
work in London in order to
7 proven
make money for the family.
8 sources
9 uncovered

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Word formation Writing Recommendations

Being able to talk to other
Adjectives Part 2 Report people freely about the
1 influential Sample answer pressures they are under could
2 mysterious The aim of this report is to be beneficial for most
3 chatty outline some of the reasons students. I would suggest a
4 contradictions students at university feel dedicated university
5 argumentative stress. It will then suggest counselling service which
6 unapproachable ways in which this problem students can contact either by
7 endless can be addressed. email, phone or in person, to
8 disappearance Pressure to achieve discuss their issues in
9 dramatic There are a number of factors complete confidence. Knowing
10 muddy which can lead to stress at that there is always someone
university. The main one, to listen to stress-related
Reading and Use of however, is the need every problems will be of comfort to
English student has to achieve a good many students.
grade. There is no doubt that (250 words)
Part 2 Open cloze stress levels increase in the
1 the period when students have
2 they exams. There is, of course, a Unit 4
3 in great deal of stress when Vocabulary
4 on students take their final
5 of exams. Point, use, purpose
6 keep Life away from home advantage
7 being Students can also feel under
1 useless
8 such pressure at the beginning of
2 use
their university life. For many
3 advantage
Part 7 Gapped text students, this is their first time
4 point
1 D away from their parents. It is a
5 pointless
2 F time when they have to learn
6 point
3 A how to live independently and
7 purpose
4 C manage their own finances.
8 disadvantage
5 E Social life
9 advantage
6 B For many students, being at
10 use
university is not only about
studying. It is a chance to Body and movement
Part 3 Multiple choice explore new relationships and
experience many things for
1 A 1 eye
the first time. Not all of these
2 C 2 back
experiences are positive,
3 C 3 in
meaning that students have to
4 B 4 have
cope with a variety of
5 D 5 down
emotional problems
6 A 6 kick

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7 run 11 so
8 hand 12 such
Part 2 Formal email or
Phrasal verbs
Reading and Use of letter
1 let up English Sample answer
2 cut out
Dear Ms Scheffler,
3 talk; up Part 4 Key word
I am writing to express my
4 turned out transformation interest in the position of tour
5 talked; into
1 to your advantage to guide, as featured on your
6 paid; off
apply website.
7 started out
2 as bad as they were I am an enthusiastic 21-year-
8 comes down
3 such an impact on old student of history. I have
9 checked out
4 tendency to not go as been living here for three
10 cuts through
5 near as long as years now, and I have built up
11 catch; out
6 by far the most reliable not only a deep knowledge of
12 put; off
the place but also made a lot
Part 6 Cross-text
of friends in the area who
multiple matching have shared their experiences
1 D with me.
Gerunds and infinitives
2 B Although I am currently
1 to go studying, I have had a number
3 A
2 Arriving of part-time jobs. At the
4 B
3 to attend moment, I am working in a
4 disturbing
Listening café. I also have experience
5 to explain working as a shop assistant. A
6 to deal Part 2 Sentence positive and friendly attitude is
7 help a must in these jobs, as is a
8 feeling keen sense of customer
9 have 1 a professional footballer
satisfaction, and I can assure
10 not to take 2 Greek restaurant
you that you’ll receive both
11 having 3 long evenings
from me.
12 to inform 4 proud
In addition to this, I can speak
5 (defunct) lighthouse
Spanish at an advanced level,
Comparisons 6 scaffolding
which I believe will come in
1 close 7 passing trade
useful with visitors from
2 slightly 8 farms and fisherman
Spanish-speaking countries.
3 like
Working as a tour guide
4 much
would be a fantastic
5 long
opportunity for me to share
6 just
what I have learned about the
7 great
city with visitors. There are a
8 far
lot of attractions which spring
9 by
to mind, most notably the
10 near
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castle and the sports stadium, 6 B 5 D

both of which look very 7 B 6 B
impressive inside. However, 8 A 7 C
there are a large number of 9 B 8 A
specialist shops and cafés 10 B
which deserve attention, as 11 A
Part 8 Multiple matching
well as murals on buildings by 12 B 1 D
local artists, and the wonderful 2 B
walk through the Botanical 3 A
Gardens. With this in mind, I Reference, substitution 4 C
welcome the opportunity to 5 B
and ellipses
share with you a walking tour 6 D
of the city which I have
1 this 7 D
devised, connecting all these
2 such 8 A
3 then 9 C
Thank you in advance for your
4 ones 10 A
5 have
6 so
Regards, Listening
Martina Richards
7 Those

(264 words)
8 not Part 3 Multiple choice
9 could
1 D
10 do
2 A
Unit 5 3 C
Relative clauses
4 B
Vocabulary 1 which starts
5 D
2 which at
6 A
Verb + noun collocations 3 who/that apologised
1 sparks 4 of whom
5 which/that I
2 declared
3 fell 6 I set
Part 2 Proposal
4 move 7 which was
Sample answer
5 resolved 8 who has
6 build 9 I did
Recently, we have received
7 avoid 10 with which
complaints from clients about
8 found the level of politeness and
9 give Reading and Use of professionalism, especially in
10 make English relation to emails and phone
conversations with them. If
Relationships Part 1 Multiple-choice
allowed to continue, this could
1 B cloze have a negative effect on our
2 A 1 C reputation.
3 B 2 A Causes of the problem
4 B 3 B Lately, there have been
5 A 4 D changes at our workplace,
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meaning that some members become smoother, resulting in 10 must be informed

of staff have been asked to fewer complaints.
communicate directly with (245 words)
Passives 2
long-term customers, despite 1 is expected to make
having no prior experience. 2 is rumoured to win
Also, due to a recent Unit 6 3 was thought to be
reduction in staff numbers, we 4 alleged to have been
have been unable to keep up Vocabulary lying
with customer demand, 5 is reported to have been
Intelligence and ability caught
resulting in delays. This has
led to an increase in the 1 flair 6 laptop repaired
number of customer 2 gifted 7 had his nose broken
complaints. 3 hugely 8 get/have my photos
Ways to improve the situation 4 hopeless printed
I propose the introduction of 5 bright 9 is estimated that
a series of training sessions to 6 a gift 10 get/have my eyes
improve the staff’s ability to 7 a poor checked
deal directly with clients. Not 8 prodigy
every member of staff will 9 naturally Reading and Use of
need to take part. Indeed, we 10 extremely English
could nominate experienced
Phrases with thought Part 5 Multiple choice
members of the team to lead
the sessions. 1 counts
1 C
Unfortunately, it is not 2 Hold
2 D
possible to hire more staff at 3 second
3 B
the moment. However, I 4 much
4 A
suggest setting up a 5 lost
5 C
dedicated group of people to 6 give
6 A
deal exclusively with any 7 train
customer complaints, 8 schools Part 3 Word formation
especially the more serious 1 richness
ones. Again, we could draw 2 appearance
from the pool of more Passives 1 3 participation
experienced members of staff. 1 being told 4 inspiration
Conclusion 2 was given to me by 5 fashionable
The problems we are currently 3 was being watched 6 correspondence
facing are due to a certain 4 ought to have been 7 symbolic
level of inexperience in our informed 8 incomprehensible
team. This can be addressed 5 is regarded
by providing staff with 6 need to be checked
additional training. Hopefully, 7 being carried out
once the general level of 8 was sentenced
professionalism increases, 9 will be served
interaction with clients will

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Listening inspire them to study these 4 chipped

subjects further. If nothing 5 upset
Part 4 Multiple matching else, some of these names 6 seek
1 D deserve to be more familiar to 7 blocked
2 F young people than they 8 torn
3 B currently are. 9 swollen
4 G However, sparking an interest 10 bruise
5 C in science and maths is not
enough if students cannot
Risk and health 2
6 G
7 C realise their enthusiasm in the 1 dislocated
8 E classroom. Without up-to-date 2 tore
9 H equipment to give students 3 bruised
10 B hands-on experience of 4 chipped
conducting their own 5 sprain

Writing experiments, they will find it 6 blocked

difficult to learn much. For 7 limb
Part 1 Essay that reason, schools should 8 swollen

Sample answer dedicate resources to making

Not everyone is attracted to sure they are as fully equipped
maths or science. Some young as possible. Reported speech
people might see a clearer Although both of these 1 reminded me to email
pathway to a career if they approaches will do a lot to 2 refused to apologise
studied law or medicine. encourage the next generation 3 offered to help
However, there is no doubt of scientists and 4 urged me to exercise
that these subjects have long mathematicians, the most 5 warned me not to go
been vital to society, and beneficial would be to ignite 6 denied saying
continue to be so. The young people’s curiosity from 7 agreed (that) we should
question is how we can spark a young age, showing them take
young people’s interest in that science and maths are 8 persuade me to go
these important subjects. not only interesting and useful
One way is to engage in terms of a career, but also Verbs and dependent
students more in lessons. vital for the development of prepositions
There are many famous writers society and essential.
1 from
that teachers typically draw (267 words)
2 on
upon when teaching such 3 for
subjects as literature. However, 4 of
there are many people – from
Unit 7
5 to
Albert Einstein to Gladys West 6 against
– who could also be held up Vocabulary
as role models in the
Risk and health 1
classroom. When students
know more about the heroes 1 risk
of science and how they have 2 scared
shaped our world, it could 3 live

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Word formation 8 burst water pipe Bulldozing existing buildings

just to put in some trees
Verbs Writing would probably not be a good
1 modernise solution. Ideally, cities should
2 exemplified Part 2 Informal email develop with nature in mind,
3 ensure Sample answer and not – as has often been
4 saddens Hello Ryan, the case – prioritising cars and
5 familiarise Thanks for writing to me. It’s industry. I certainly hope this
6 misread interesting that you’ve written is how cities will develop in
7 overhearing to me about this. I’ve been the future.
8 outnumber thinking a lot about how I hope that addresses your
much green space there is in questions. Let me know how
Reading and Use of your project goes!
my area!
English My city is quite built-up. It can All the best,
feel like an urban jungle, but Katie
Part 1 Multiple-choice
that’s not to say that there (251 words)
aren’t green spaces. There are
1 B trees – not that you can enjoy
2 D them in the winter – and Unit 8
3 C children’s playgrounds
4 D everywhere. There’s also a Vocabulary
5 B huge park, but it’s some
6 A Cost and amount
distance from where I live.
7 D When I have time to drive or 1 discount
8 C take public transport out of 2 extra
the city, there are forests, so 3 fee
Part 6 Cross-text
accessing nature is easy 4 limit
multiple matching enough. 5 refund
1 A Having said that, the effect of 6 part
2 D not having nature on my 7 cost
3 C doorstep does sometimes 8 deal
4 D negatively affect my mood. It’s
Verb forms with up,
often dispiriting to see so
Listening much concrete around me. On down, over and under
the other hand, it makes me 1 up
Part 2 Sentence appreciate nature a lot more 2 down
completion than if it were always 3 up
1 individual plan constantly around me. 4 over
2 fitness machines Of course, it would be great 5 under
3 deep tissue to have more green spaces. 6 down
4 lifestyle coach But I’d have to sacrifice the

5 aerobics benefits of living in the city –

6 waterfall the shops, easy access to

7 book in advance public transport, and so on.

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Listening Robotics Review, the leading

peer-reviewed international
Determiners and Part 4 Multiple matching journal on the subject, would
pronouns 1 C no doubt prove invaluable to
2 E the ongoing development of
1 enough
3 H the Robotics department.
2 several
4 D Newspapers
3 All
5 B Students have noted that
4 Neither
6 B although there are a wide
5 few
7 F range of English-language
6 one
8 A newspapers available in the
7 both
9 H library, the same cannot be
8 every
10 C said for newspapers in other
Future forms languages. Although many

1 B Writing newspapers are accessible for

2 A free online, some major, high-

3 A Part 2 Proposal quality newspapers require

4 B Sample answer subscriptions. Having a

5 B Proposal for subscriptions for subscription for at least one

6 A the university library prominent newspaper in each

Introduction of the languages we currently
offer courses on would be
Reading and Use of Students appreciate having a
beneficial for students.
English range of publications to refer
to, especially for research Conclusion
Part 2 Open cloze reasons. Adding to the range Our university has a reputation
1 for of publications in our library for providing students with
2 come will have doubtless have the highest quality facilities,
3 despite benefits, and will ensure we and our library should not be
4 with maintain our reputation as excluded from this. Making
5 rather one of the region’s leading sure that we provide an
6 of centres of education. extensive range of research
7 that/which Journals materials for students will
8 The university is already well- benefit us all going forward.
equipped in terms of the (237 words)
Part 7 Gapped text
range of scientific literature
1 C that student have access to.
2 A However, since the expansion
3 F of the Engineering school to
4 B include a Robotics
5 G department, it has been noted
6 D that there is a lack of journals
and papers on this fast-
moving subject. Having a
subscription to International
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Unit 9 3 All 3 C
4 It 4 A

Vocabulary 5 is 5 B
6 A
Describing adventure Word formation 7 D
8 C
1 out
Alternatives from the 9 D
2 in
same prompt word 10 D
3 into
4 off 1 a imaginary;
5 out b imaginative Listening
6 gruelling 2 a deceitful;
Part 3 Multiple choice
7 arid b deceptively
8 idyllic 3 a considerate; 1 C
9 through b considerable 2 A
10 intrepid 4 a inadvisable; 3 C
11 exquisite b adviser/advisor 4 B
12 swirling 5 a respectfully; 5 B
b respective 6 A
6 a identification;
1 argument b identifiable Writing
2 temper 7 a hardship;
3 seething b hardness
Part 1 Essay
4 tantrum 8 a supportive; Sample answer
5 berserk b supporters There are many advantages to
6 handle studying or holidaying in your
own country. It’s likely to be
7 cross Reading and Use of
easier and cheaper and with
8 irate
9 steam no language barrier to hinder
10 outburst Part 4 Key word you. Having said that, going
to experience another country
can offer a number of
1 wasn’t/was not until I
Creating emphasis 1 arrived
Although studying in a
1 that we went to 2 that I ran into
country which has a language
2 I spent most of my time 3 my mind (that) Sara will
different from your own is
doing win
hardly likely to be the easiest
3 I loved were the views 4 what I did was
experience, the rewards can
4 was the food that apologise
be huge. It is often said that
5 wasn’t until I went 5 none of us flew
the best way to become
6 I’d love to do is (to) 6 isn’t/ is not likely to lose
proficient in a language is to

Creating emphasis 2 go to where it is spoken. Even

Part 8 Multiple matching
if you go to a place for a
1 what 1 C
short time on holiday, the
2 It 2 B
chance to pick up new words
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or hear the language as it is 8 B Reading and Use of

spoken can be a great chance 9 C English
to improve your language 10 A
knowledge. Part 1 Multiple choice
In the same way, going
Expressions with house cloze
abroad can offer the and home 1 D
opportunity to learn more 1 fire 2 A
about the culture there, which 2 on 3 D
can also support language 3 hit 4 B
learning. Seeing how people 4 brought 5 A
behave and interact in a new 5 make 6 C
environment can be an eye- 6 away 7 A
opening experience. It can 7 close 8 B
help you to understand your 8 house
own culture better by holding 9 house Part 6 Cross-text
up a mirror to it and giving 10 home multiple matching
you the chance to realise that
1 C
what you regard as ‘normal’
2 B
might not be elsewhere.
Participle clauses 3 A
In conclusion, perhaps the
1 Not being 4 C
greatest advantage of going
2 Going
abroad for travel or study is in
terms of experiencing another
3 Never having driven Listening
4 Located
culture and broadening your
5 Worried Part 2 Sentence
own mind. It may not always
6 Having decided completion
be the easiest or cheapest
7 Knowing 1 hustle and bustle
option, but it can be a truly
8 Not seen 2 tents
worthwhile experience and
9 Walking 3 (rubber) gloves
teach you a lot about yourself.
10 Having been 4 blisters
(249 words)
5 series of holes
Noun phrases
6 (torrential) downpour
Unit 10 1 cups of coffee
7 (curved) walls
2 internet connection
8 (woven) screens
Vocabulary 3 sense of relief
4 a day’s work
Describing places 5 today’s news
6 end of the day Part 2 Informal email
1 A
7 water bottle
2 C Sample answer
8 rush hour
3 A Hello Peter,
9 almond milk
4 B Thanks for your email. I’m
10 a source of pride
5 B really looking forward to your
6 B visit. It’ll be great to see you
7 A again.

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It’s good news that you’ll have Unit 11 5 back

some time to spend exploring 6 back
my city. There are certainly a
Vocabulary 7 out
lot of interesting places to see. 8
My particular neighbourhood Sight 9 down
doesn’t have any tourist 10 down
1 vision
attractions as such, but it’s
quite a nice place to walk
3 look Reading and Use of
around and just get a feel for
4 eye English
the city. There are a few small,
5 sights
edgy art galleries and some Part 3 Word formation
6 look
nice cafés to while away time. 1 historically
7 eyesight
If you really want to see the 2 existence
8 hidden
city at its best, though, I’d 3 scientific
9 visible
advise you to head for the 4 foresight
10 vision
centre. There, you’ll find some 5 underwent
of the country’s best 6 overcome
museums, if history is your 7 autobiographical
Inversion 1
thing. You can also visit the 8 inspiration
parliament building, which 1 did
offers tours. If I’m honest 2 do Part 7 Gapped text
though, the best thing for a 3 has
1 D
visitor to do is to simply 4 will
2 A
follow their nose and take a 5 had
3 G
long walk and soak up the 6 should
4 B
atmosphere. 5 E
Inversion 2
I’m a bit biased, so I’d say that 6 C
a single day is definitely not 1 will I trust James
2 did I learn
enough to see and do
3 should you look at your
everything here. I’ve been
living here for five years, and Part 1 Multiple choice
I’ve still barely scratched the 4 had the festival started
1 C
surface! But hopefully 5 do I (really) relax
2 B
spending a day looking 6 have I had a
3 C
around will whet your appetite conversation
4 A
and make you feel like you’d
5 A
like to come back for a longer Word formation 6 C
If you want to know anything
Nouns formed with in,
more, please let me know. out, up, down and back
All the best, 1 out
Johann 2 back
(233 words) 3 out
4 out
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Writing of alienation, and his 6 rightly

increasing sense of despair. 7 Predictably
Part 2 Review If you’re hoping to understand 8 Curiously
Sample answer more about Japan and its
Lost in Translation is an culture, this film is probably of
American film set completely limited value. It would be Conjunctions and linking
in the Japanese capital of much more useful to watch a
Tokyo. The main character is film made by Japanese artists
Bob Harris – a middle-aged for a Japanese audience. If you
1 by contrast
American actor who want insight, however, into
2 On account of this
reluctantly has to spend time American culture – particularly
3 Despite this
in Tokyo filming an advert for the life of an American man
4 In addition to this
a Japanese drink. experiencing a mid-life crisis,
5 In the meantime
The story unfolds from Bob’s then this may well be the
6 however
perspective. He is unable to movie for you.
7 Otherwise
understand Japanese people, (253 words)
8 whereas
or what is happening around 9 Although
him. It is shown as a 10 so that
completely alien world, with Unit 12
Modal verbs: ust, need,
Bob experiencing a range of
emotions from loneliness to Vocabulary should and ought to
complete bafflement. 1 didn’t need to pay
There is little attempt to Expressions and phrases 2 should’ve charged
translate or subtitle what the with work 3 ought to be
Japanese characters say, so 1 all 4 had to buy
unless you understand 2 around 5 mustn’t forget
Japanese, you would be as 3 off 6 should thank
lost as Bob is. But we see 4 on 7 needn’t have bothered
elements of Japanese culture, 5 up 8 must’ve been nice
including traditional flower 6 towards 9 don’t have to feed
arranging and a night out at a 7 around 10 needn’t come / don’t
karaoke bar, as well as 8 all need to come
depictions of hierarchies in 9 out
Japanese society. 10 through Reading and Use of
The extent to which this film 11 dirty English
accurately shows what life in 12 ethic
Japan is like is highly Part 4 Key word
debateable. There is little Adverbs expressing transformation
attempt to show Japan in a attitude or opinion 1 I happened to come
positive light, with the film
1 obviously 2 is nowhere near as
instead constantly highlighting
2 Miraculously expensive/pricey/dear as
the other-ness of Japan.
3 apparently 3 of turning down the job
Indeed, the audience is mostly
4 Disappointingly
invited to share Bob’s feelings
5 conveniently
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C1 Advanced Unit Tests Answer key

4 in the meantime we been proven to have a

ought detrimental effect on children
5 so much the and those already suffering
6 need to take part in from respiratory diseases.
Reducing the number of cars
Part 5 Multiple choice would significantly improve
1 C the environments that most of
2 B us live in.
3 D Some claim that meat
4 A consumption has a significant
5 B effect on the natural world
6 C due to the way the animals
are farmed. The rearing of
Listening cows, especially for meat,
takes up a great deal of land
Part 4 Multiple matching (sometimes in places where
1 H rainforests were dominant)
2 F and water. Even a small
3 E reduction in the amount we
4 G eat may lessen the harmful
5 B consequences of the meat
6 G industry.
7 E Our society is built upon the
8 C ability for vehicles to transport
9 H goods even if we don’t need a
10 A car for work or travelling to
school or shops. Therefore,

Writing reducing (not eliminating)

meat in our diets is therefore
Part 1 Essay a simpler choice to make. Of

Sample answer course, the responsibility for

For many who are worried harming the natural world
about our planet’s health, the ultimately rests with the meat
scale of the problem and the industry, but if enough
ability of individuals to make a individuals curb the amount of
difference may sometimes feel meat they eat, then it
overwhelming. However, there becomes more possible to
are some relatively small make a positive impact on the
changes which we can make world we all live in.
to our lives that could make a (243 words)
huge difference.
The growing number of cars
on our roads leads to more
toxins in our air, which have
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