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Software documentation Advant Controller 31


1SBC 0049 99 R1001

TCWIN_GB - 1SBC 0049 99 R1001 - 04.00


Before you read

Each reader of this manual can tailor the way its contents are read to his or
her own preferred way of learning.

If you want to get to know first all the functions the TC offers you and then
experiment by creating a project, you need simply follow the order of the

Alternatively, if you want to start creating a demonstration project immedi-

ately, analyzing the functions as they are met with, you need to proceed to
“Chapter 1 -> Installing TCWIN“ and then jump directly to “Chapter 4 ->
Using TCWIN“.

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Foreword The manual ................................................................... F-1

How can it help you?..................................................... F-1
Conventions .................................................................. F-1

Introduction What is TCWIN? ........................................................... I-1

Help on Line .................................................................. I-1
File architecture ............................................................ I-1
What is a project? ......................................................... I-2
Files generated by a project.......................................... I-2

Installing TCWIN Contents........................................................................ 1-1

HW requirements: minimum specifications ................... 1-2
HW requirements: ideal specifications .......................... 1-2
Installation procedure.................................................... 1-2

The functions in detail Contents........................................................................ 2-1

Field and Variable ......................................................... 2-2
Relationship between fields and variables .................... 2-2
Page.............................................................................. 2-3
Multilanguage label ....................................................... 2-3
Multilanguage text ......................................................... 2-4
Numerical field .............................................................. 2-5
ASCII field ..................................................................... 2-10
Dynamic Text Field ....................................................... 2-12
Variables ....................................................................... 2-15
Page sequences ........................................................... 2-18
Information Messages................................................... 2-21
Direct Commands ......................................................... 2-22
Text Lists....................................................................... 2-24

The menus in detail Contents........................................................................ 3-1

File ................................................................................ 3-2
Tools ............................................................................. 3-4
Object............................................................................ 3-4
Fields ............................................................................ 3-4
Edit ................................................................................ 3-4
Page.............................................................................. 3-5
Configure ...................................................................... 3-6
Windows ....................................................................... 3-15
TCWIN language .......................................................... 3-16
? .................................................................................... 3-16

Using TCWIN Contents........................................................................ 4-1

Terminology used ......................................................... 4-2
Forms assumed by the mouse pointer.......................... 4-2
Meaning of menu icons ................................................. 4-3

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Meaning of mask icons ................................................. 4-5

Creating a project with Contents........................................................................ 5-1

TCWIN Creating the project....................................................... 5-3
Project information ........................................................ 5-6
Setting project languages.............................................. 5-7
Project setup ................................................................. 5-10
Inserting variables ......................................................... 5-11
Inserting pages.............................................................. 5-13
Page sequence ............................................................. 5-23
Direct commands .......................................................... 5-24
Defining internal keys.................................................... 5-25
Data exchange area...................................................... 5-30
Information messages................................................... 5-33

Compiling and Contents........................................................................ 6-1

transferring a project Compiling a project ....................................................... 6-2
Transferring the project ................................................. 6-3

Creating and printing Contents........................................................................ 7-1

documentation Importance of documentation........................................ 7-2
Print the project ............................................................. 7-2

Creating a back-up of Contents........................................................................ 8-1

the project Importance of a Back-up ............................................... 8-2
How to create a Back-up............................................... 8-2

Defining the fonts Contents........................................................................ 9-1

Meaning of the icons used in the menus....................... 9-3
Personalizing a Font ..................................................... 9-4

Appendix A Contents........................................................................ AA-1

Variables ....................................................................... AA-2
List of pages.................................................................. AA-2
Screen sequence .......................................................... AA-2
Information messages................................................... AA-2
Direct commands .......................................................... AA-3
Translations................................................................... AA-3

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The manual The programming manual is the tool that allows the user to create his or her
own application packages for the VIDEO TERMINAL (TC) by using the
TCWIN programming package.

How can it The manual contains all the functions, instructions, concepts and examples
help you? necessary for the user to learn quickly and easily.

Conventions Below is a list of representational devices used in this manual together with
their respective meanings:

File > Open This style is used to indicate a menu option. It represents the
complete path necessary for reaching the option required.

Label This style is used to indicate a data input field.

[] The contents are appear on the display.

✤ Indicates that this input field must be used.

Identifies a key.

Identifies an option within a window.

Identifies a folder.

Draws attention to essential points.

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What is TCWIN is a program that allows the user to create the application package
TCWIN? required to work on the TC. It is easy to use and simple to understand.

TCWIN will only work in a Windows 95/98 or Windows NT environment.

Help on Line TCWIN contains a HoL that does not require any special programs for dis-
playing it.

File TCWIN, after it has been installed, creates a structure which we show
architecture below together with the contents of the various files.

Main directory.
Compiler files and PC <-> TC communication files.
Page images.
Files for converting programs related to versions of TCWIN.
Files needed to download a project.
Files needed to create fonts.
TC operating system and drive associating TC and device.
Contains the fonts supplied and those created by the user.
Contains HoL.
Contains the files needed for printing.
Contains the cover-page files for printing.
Contains the print configuration.
These are the files enabling TCWIN to function. The loss or removal
of one or more files makes it impossible to use the program.

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What is a A PROJECT may be defined as a set of screens (defined later as PAGES)

project? having the same dimensions as the display of the TC. All pages can be
freely configured by the user, so as to be able to contain texts and/or the dis-
play/setting of process variables. The various pages configured in this way
can be freely interconnected to create the best way for the user to navigate
between them. Finally, every project can enable the user to create appropri-
ate diagnostic comments in order to signal the occurrence of anomalous
events in the process.

To sum up: a PROJECT can be considered as a more or less complex sys-

tem of pages whose aim is to enable the handling and/or display of a pro-
ductive process.

Files Table 0.1 lists the extensions of the files generated by the project.
generated by a
project Table 0.1: Significance of the files.

Extension Location Significance

Single project file -- all the files needed for the project are obtained
.MDB from this file.
Loss of this file will cause the project to be lost.
Temporary file obtained by compiling the .mdb file containing the text
Project part of the project. This file is generated each time the project is com-
directory piled; it is present only for the time needed to transfer the .bin file and
is then incorporated in the project file.
File transferred to the TC. It is obtained following a command to
Main transfer the project from the PC to the TC. It groups together the
.BIN directory information contained in the .obj files. The file remains in existence
of TCWIN only for the time needed for the transfer and is then automatically
Temporary project file.
A numerical file may be found with this extension if TCWIN has been
.PRJ directory
closed incorrectly. The file can be removed once TCWIN has been
Temporary project file.
Main A numerical file may be found with this extension if TCWIN has been
.BMP directory closed incorrectly. The file can be removed once TCWIN has been
of TCWIN closed. (Before removing check that the file has not been cre-
ated on purpose by the user.)
Temporary file containing information on managing the database.
Project A numerical file may be found with this extension if TCWIN has been
directory closed incorrectly. The file can be removed once TCWIN has been

The removal of the .MDB file will cause an irrevocable loss of the

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Chapter 1 Installing TCWIN

Contents Page
HW requirements: minimum specifications 1-2
HW requirements: ideal specifications 1-2
Installation procedure 1-2
This chapter is made up of a total of 2 pages.

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1-2 Installing TCWIN

HW For TCWIN to work properly the machine must be configured as follows:

minimum • Processor: PENTIUM 16Mhz
specifications • Operative system: Windows 95 / 98 / NT 4.00
• RAM memory: 32 Mbytes

HW For TCWIN to work at its best the machine must be configured as follows
requirements: configured as follows:
specifications • Processor: PENTIUM 200Mhz or later
• Operative system: Windows 95 / 98 / NT 4.00
• RAM memory: 16 Mbytes

Installation Insert the Cd-Rom in its drive; if on the PC you activate the function “Auto
procedure insert notification”; the presentation of TCWIN is displayed automatically;
alternatively click on Start > Run…

Digit e:\setup.exe and confirm by pressing OK.

If the drive to be used is not “e:”, put in the appropriate letter.

Follow the instructions on screen.

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Chapter 2 The functions in detail

Contents Page
Field and Variable 2-2
Relationship between fields and variables 2-2
Page 2-3
Multilanguage label 2-3
Multilanguage text 2-4
Numerical field 2-5

ASCII field 2-10

Dynamic Text Field 2-12
Variables 2-15

Page sequences 2-18

Information Messages 2-21
Direct Commands 2-22

Text Lists 2-24

This chapter consists of a total of 24 pages.

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2-2 The functions in detail

Field and Before dealing with the programming functions available, it is essential that
Variable certain fundamental concepts be defined.
The programming packages often contain the terms FIELD and VARI-

We use the word FIELD to signify an area of the page that can
take on certain meanings. A field can be either STATIC or
DYNAMIC. By static field we mean a field that does not
change the display status in the page; by dynamic field we
mean a field that changes the display status in the page as a
function of the VARIABLE assigned to the device connected.


between fields
and variables



The VARIABLE enables the user to assign a data in the device connected
to a field.

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Page By Page we mean an ensemble of data and labels that make up the visual
aspect of the screen as defined by the user and displayed on the TC.

The maximum number of pages that can be created depends on the TC.
(See relevant Hardware manual).

Each page has the following Attributes:

• Page number
A progressive number identifying a page in the list.
• Name of page
A name indicating the function of a page so that it can be easily recog-
• Refresh time
This is the time which elapses between one read of the information by
the device and the next.
• Page help
Supplementary information of help to the user and visible on the TC.
• Edit mode
Allows the user to access automatic setting of the field following the
one currently being set.

A list follows of the elements that can be inserted in a page:

• Multilanguage label
• Numeric field
• ASCII field
• Dynamic text field

These elements have been listed in the same order as they appear
in the TCWIN menu.

Multilanguage A Multilanguage label is a series of characters referred to as a String,

label whose definition together with the textual information contained in it is in
the language that has been selected.

The field Multilanguage label cannot be displayed with a transparent


The minimum resolution for positioning the label is 1 character.

The field Multilanguage Label can have assigned to it any of the fonts in
that language (see “Chapter 3 -> Project language“).

More simply, the Multilanguage label can be defined as a text that can be
displayed automatically in the language selected in the project.

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2-4 The functions in detail

When the F12 is pressed while in the edit phase a chart appears showing
the characters belonging to the font in use.

Multilanguage All textual information contained in a project has, for each language config-
text ured (see “Chapter 3 -> Project language“) a string of characters that
defines how such information should be represented.
From now on all textual information of this type is called a Multilanguage
text, while the string of characters is called the Translation.

For each Multilanguage text you have to define a number of Translations

equal to the number of languages configured using the project. (Below we
show how to introduce these translations).


In a page dedicated to plant pressure control a multilanguage label has been

defined that says what the page deals with and which functions as the title
of the page.

In Italian this label corresponds to the text “PRESSIONE”, while in English

it corresponds to the text “PRESSURE”.

Project language

Project language

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Numerical A Numerical Field is defined as one permitting the representation of a

field variable in a numerical format.

Numerical Fields are dynamic fields relating to a numerical variable.

Numerical Fields can be represented in binary, decimal, hexadecimal and

octal formats.

Numerical Field can be displayed with a transparent background.

The minimum resolution for positioning the field is 1 character.

Numerical fields have various parameters that have to be compiled; some

of these are obligatory (✤), while others depend on what the user needs to
have represented. The parameters are as follows:


Name defining the field. It is advisable to assign a name that helps

the programmer recognize it and its contents.


A comment can be assigned. If possible it should be the full explana-

tion of the function of the field and its contents, but it can also be an
alphanumeric character sequence.


The origin can be determined of a variable on the device or a data

memory variable or another kind of variable. (See Page 2-15 ->

Variable (✤):

This is the Leading zeros variable to which the field relates.

Leading zeros:

This parameter determines whether always to display the number of

digits defined or not to display the significant digits if their value is
equal to zero.


Number of digits set = 6, value of data 100.

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2-6 The functions in detail

✔ Leading zeros Display format: 000100

Leading zeros Display format: 100

Visible digits:

This is the number of digits to be displayed. Usually the number of

digits is chosen on the basis of the value that the variable can assume
the value.


If the variable reaches a value of up to 9999, just set the number of

digits visible at 4; if a lower number of characters (3) is set, the left-
most digit is not displayed.

Let us assume that the value is 2450; with the Visible digits parameter
set at 4, the number displayed will be 2450; if, on the other hand, the
Visible digits parameter is set at 3, the number displayed will be 450.

Numerical format:

You can determine whether to display the field in binary, decimal,

hexadecimal or octal.


The value of the data in binary format is 100011. The screen will show:

Binary -> 100011

Decimal -> 35
Hexadecimal -> 23
Octal -> 43

Truncated digits:

You can declare how many digits will not be displayed on the right
side of the field (less significant digits).


The value of the data in the device is 200. Depending on the number
of digits truncated, the screen will show:

0 truncated digits-> 200

1 truncated digit -> 20
2 truncated digits-> 2

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In the case of write data the comprehensive value of the

truncated digits is sent to the device.

Truncated digits: 1
Value set in TC: 30
Value transferred to device: 300


This defines the way a field is represented. One or more separating

characters can be inserted between the digits; all characters are
accepted but only one type of character for any given format.


The value of the data is 25467; the value displayed is as follows:

Format Display
##### 25467
###.## 254.67
#:##:## 2:54:67


Shows how the field will appear on the terminal.

Field Index:

For the sequence followed by the cursor positioning itself on the set-
table data. The positioning follows an ascending order, that is, from
the lowest index to the highest.
The key to the order is Index - Row - Column.


We enter 4 read/write data items from DATA 1 to DATA 4, and

assign indices as follows:

Data Index
1 0
2 1
3 0
4 2

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2-8 The functions in detail

Arrange data as in

The cursor positions will be in the following order:

Data 1-3 (Index 0)

Data 2 (Index 1)
Data 4 (Index 2)

Continuous read:

This parameter must be selected when you need to display the real
value of a given magnitude moment by moment.
When this option is chosen, the variable assigned to the field is con-
tinuously read and the field thereby continuously updated.

Remember that the continuous read mode means that the

TC is continuously engaged in sending requests to the
device attached.

The interval between one request and another depends on the value
set for the Refresh time (See Page 2-3 -> “Refresh time“) and is the
same for all the fields in the page.


You need to control a plant with magnitudes that vary continually:

temperature measurements, pressure measurements, numbers of
products, the position of a trolley etc. To have the information dis-
played correctly you need to select continuous read.

Instant Device Display TC

t0 123 123
t1 124 124
t2 125 125

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One-shot read:

This parameter must be chosen only when there is no need to show

the real value of a given measurement moment by moment.
When this option is chosen, the variable assigned to the field is read
only once; the read occurs when the page containing the field
assigned to this variable is displayed.


If a page contains fields that are not conditionable by the plant pro-
cess (see set-point settings, timer settings, etc.) the “One-shot read”
mode must be used.

Instant Device Display TC

t0 1123 1123
t1 2344 1123
t2 1266 1123

Where t0 is the moment the page is first displayed.

Modify field enabled:

This parameter determines whether the field should be read only or

read/write. With a read/write field a device variable can be set using
the TC.

Bit-wise protection:

This function is valid only for settable fields, that is, for read/write
fields. Using this parameter it can be established whether the field is
write-protected, that is, whether or not its value can be varied using
the TC. Usually this facility is used to protect important data in the
device connected from the risk of overwriting it with wrong values
introduced by unauthorized personnel, or to stop the value being
changed as a result of a particular situation within the production
process. The protection mechanism functions by setting the bit
assigned to the value 0 to make it possible to change the data and to
the value 1 if the data is to remain unmodifiable. It is the job of the
device connected to manage the protection bits using the command
area. (See “Chapter 3 -> Exchange area Terminal <-> Device“ and
Hardware manual).

Bit number:

It is possible to decide which bit will function as field protection.

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2-10 The functions in detail


Let us take 4 fields, for the sake of simplicity numbered from 1 to 4;

we assign protection bit number 0 to fields 1 and 2, bit number 1 to
field 3 and no protection to field 4.

Bit number Status of bit Field Setting First case:

Bit 0 1 1-2 not possible No field can be modi-
Bit 1 1 3 not possible fied
Bit n x x x

Bit number Status of bit Field Setting Second case:

Bit 0 0 1-2 possible Fields 1 and 2 can be
Bit 1 1 3 not possible modified, field 3 can-
Bit n x x x

Bit number Status of bit Field Setting Third case:

Bit 0 1 1-2 not possible Field 3 can be modi-
Bit 1 0 3 possible fied, fields 1 and 2
Bit n x x x

Field 4 is always modifiable as it is never subject to protection.

ASCII field An ASCII Field is defined as one permitting the representation of a vari-
able in alphanumeric format.

ASCII Fields are dynamic fields relating to a string variable.

ASCII Fields can be represented only in ASCII format.

An ASCII Field cannot be displayed with a transparent background.

The minimum resolution for positioning the label is 1 character.

The ASCII Field can have assigned to it any of the fonts in that language
(see “Chapter 3 -> Project language“).

ASCII Fields have various parameters that have to be compiled; some of

these are obligatory (✤), while others depend on the representation needs of
the user. The parameters are as follows.


See Numerical Field Page 2-5.

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See Numerical Field Page 2-5.


See Numerical Field Page 2-5.

Variable (✤):

See Numerical Field Page 2-5.


The length of the string or, more simply, the number of characters in
the field can be determined.


The format corresponding to the Length is shown in characters.


Length Format
10 $$$$$$$$$$

See Numerical Field Page 2-7.

Field Index:

See Numerical Field Page 2-7.

Continuous read:

See Numerical Field Page 2-8.

One-shot read:

See Numerical Field Page 2-9.

Modify field enabled:

See Numerical Field Page 2-9.

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2-12 The functions in detail

Bit-wise protection:

See Numerical Field Page 2-9.

Bit number:

See Numerical Field Page 2-9.

Dynamic Text A Dynamic Text Field is that field which permits the representation of
Field binary data in a text format.

A Dynamic Text Field is a dynamic field that relates to a numerical vari-

able. Text is displayed by interpreting the value of a variable or the state of
one or more of its bits corresponding to a text list. (See Page 2-24 -> “Text

The text list corresponding to the variable could contain more elements
than the variable itself can represent.

If the value of the variable corresponding to the text list does not identify a
valid text, a series of [ ! ] characters appears on the display.

A Dynamic Text Field cannot be displayed with a transparent background.

The minimum resolution for positioning the field is 1 character.

A Dynamic Text Field can be linked to a list in three different ways:

• Assigned to the numerical value of a given variable

• Assigned to a single bit of a given variable
• Assigned to a group of bits of a given variable

Assigned to the numerical value of a given variable:

The value (in binary or BCD) of the variable assigned to the text list
is used to determine which text to display. The value 0 is inadmissi-


Take a list of 8 texts (from Text 1 to Text 8). If the value of the vari-
able assigned to the list is 5, then Text 5 will appear on the display; if
the variable has a value of 8, then Text 8 will appear, while if the
variable has a value over 8 the display will show [!!!!!!!]. In the case
of a read/write Dynamic Text field, then setting Text 3 would write
the value 3 to the variable.

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Assigned to a single bit of a given variable:

Only one bit of the variable assigned to the text list is used to deter-
mine which text to display. If the field is settable, updating the bit
within the variable modifies also changes the state of the bits not

It is advisable to use different variables for each dynamic

text within the same page.


Take a list of 8 texts (from Text 1 to Text 8) and relate to it bit 0 of

the assigned variable; when the state of the bit is 0 the display shows
Text 1, when the state of the bit is 1 Text 2 is displayed. The texts
from Text 3 to Text 8 are not handled. In the case of a read/write
dynamic field, setting Text 1 would reset the bit assigned within the
variable; if Text 2 is set the bit assigned within the variable is set. All
the other non-involved bits are reset!!!

Assigned to the bit group of a given variable:

A group of bits of the variable assigned to the text is used to deter-

mine which text to display. The variable must have just one bit at 1
and all the others at 0 (with more than one bit at 1 the text assigned to
the highest bit is displayed; with all bits at 0 a series of characters
[ ! ] is displayed). With a settable dynamic field, the selection and
successive confirmation of a text causes the assigned bit to change
from status 0 to status 1 and the remaining bits of the variable to be
automatically reset. This type of dynamic field can be compared to a
rotating selector with a certain number of positions, where the num-
ber of positions is the number of bits selected.


Take a list of 8 texts (from Text 1 to Text 8) and assign to it the group
of bits from bit 4 to bit 11 of the variable assigned. When the status
of bit 4 is 1 Text 1 appears on the display, when the status of 5 is 1
Text 2 appears and so on for all the other bits of the group. If all the
bits are at 0 the display shows [!!!!!!!]. If, on the other hand, all the
bits are at 1, the text corresponding to the value of the highest bit
(Text 8) is displayed. In the case of a read/write dynamic field, the
selection of Text 1 causes bit 4 of the variable to pass to logical status
1, while the choice of Text 3 would cause bit 7 to be set. All other
bits not involved are set at 0!!!

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2-14 The functions in detail

A Dynamic Text field has assigned to it various parameters that have to be

compiled; some are mandatory (✤), others depend on the representation
needs of the user. The parameters are as follows.


See Numerical Field Page 2-5.


See Numerical Field Page 2-5.


See Numerical Field Page 2-5.


See Numerical Field Page 2-5.

Text lists (✤):

It is possible to select which text list to assign to a variable.


It is possible to choose the mode of assigning a dynamic text.

First bit (✤):

Indicates the first bit assigned to the list of texts in Bit Group of Sin-
gle Bit mode.

Last bit:

Indicates the last bit assigned to the text list in Bit Group mode.
Within the variable, this bit must be more significant than the First

Field Index:

See Numerical Field Page 2-7.

Continuous read:

See Numerical Field Page 2-8.

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One-shot read:

See Numerical Field Page 2-9.

Modify field enabled:

See Numerical Field Page 2-9.

Bit-wise protection:

See Numerical Field Page 2-9.

Bit number:

See Numerical Field Page 2-9.

Variables A Variable is an object allowing you to assign to a dynamic data contained

in the device connected.

There are two types of variable: one a string variable (generally used for
exchanging textual information with the device) and a numerical variable
(that can be of the type “fixed point” and is used for exchanging values).

String variables:

This type of variable allows the user to display a set of alphanumeric

Remember that an Ascii character occupies 8 bits (1 Byte) of a regis-
ter, so it is necessary to bear in mind the number of registers neces-
sary to display the number of characters set.


A string variable of 8 characters is defined.

Given that each character is composed of 8 bits, 64 bits (8 bits x 8

characters) will be needed. If the register in the device connected is
formed of only 16 bits, 4 registers will be necessary; if, on the other
hand, the device contains 32 bit registers, 2 registers will be neces-

TCWIN will not check for overlaps of the addresses of the

devices used for defining the variables.

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2-16 The functions in detail

Fixed Point or Entire Variables:

This type of variable, as its name implies, can be represented either

with the decimal point in a pre-fixed position or without a decimal
point, irrespective of the value displayed.


Let us suppose we want to insert a variable having the format of 2

digits before the decimal point and 2 digits after it: ##.##

The values are displayed as follows:

Value Displayed form

4567 45.67
23567 35.67
1000 10.00
53 00.53

The variable has assigned to it various parameters that must be compiled;

some are mandatory (✤), others depend on the representation needs of the
user. The parameters are listed below.


Name that defines the variable. It is wise to assign a name that helps
the programmer recognize it and identify its contents.


A comment can be assigned which, if possible, should be a complete

explanation of the function of the variable and its meaning, but it can
also be an alphanumeric character sequence.

The comment is not given in the duplication phase of the



This determines to which device to assign the variable.

Data Area:

This determines which area of the device is assigned to the variable

(e.g.: Bit, Word). The list of data areas depends on the type of device

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This selection determines the display mode of the data area: Bit,
Word, String. The display mode depends on the device selected.


This defines the number of characters making up the string and thus
determines the number of bytes of the variable

TCWIN does not check for congruence between the Length

of the field and the Length of the string.

With sign:

This parameter defines whether a minus sign will be shown for nega-
tive values in the display or not. Plus signs are not shown.


Four-digit variable with sign (5 digits in total): for the value 1234 the
display will show 1234; for the value -1234 it will show -1234.


Allows the content of the variable to be shown in BCD format.

Address (✤):

This field determines the address of the data chosen. The address
type depends on the type of device connected.


Data chosen -> Register

Address allowed by the device -> 0-100
Address chosen -> 25

Input limits:

Used to assign to the variable whether there will be an input limit or

not; in the affirmative case the value of the minimum and maximum
admissible limits must be defined.

Linear scaling:

Using this parameter a display value can be attributed that is different

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2-18 The functions in detail

from the value actually contained in the device.


Suppose we have a variable bearing the value of an analogical input

connected to a pressure transducer: the value possible run from -2048
to 2047. It is awkward to display this value because in reality the
pressure read by the manometer runs from 0 to 10Bars, making it
impossible for the user to establish the correct value without carrying
out conversion calculations. To avoid these calculations, just set the
required parameters.

In the example used the following settings have been made:

Minimum on terminal (on display) = 0

Maximum on terminal (on display) = 10
Minimum in device = -2048
Maximum in device = 2047

If these parameters are inserted the terminal can calculate a linear

interpolation between the values registered by the device and those to
be displayed on the terminal.

Device -2048 0 2047

Terminal 0 5 10

It follows from the diagram above that the value 0 registered by the
device will be displayed on the terminal as 5.
Linear scaling will be active in two directions if the “Input Enabled”
parameter has been selected. To set the value 2 using the terminal
means writing the value 819 to the device.
In addition, Linear scaling functions as a result of extrapolation: in
the example in question the value 4095 read from the device will be
displayed as 20 by terminal.

Page Video pages must be input in a sequence to be able to be used.

If the pages are not input in the right sequence the display must be
managed by the device connected, using the command area.

A Page Sequence is defined as one or more interrelated pages. The pages

are grouped logically; the purpose of sequences is to be able to display top-

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ics distributed over different pages by means of change page.

For a project to make sense there needs to be at least one page sequence
defined as Start-up Sequence.

There are three ways of calling up a sequence: by assigning the command

to a , by using a command from the device connected or, alternatively, as
a start-up sequence when the TC is switched on.

Page Sequences on video can be classified as Start/Stop and as Random


Start/Stop Sequences:

This type of sequence must have the Start and Stop Pages indicated.
The page number of the start page must be lower than that of the stop
page; not all the pages in the interval between start and stop need to
be present, but at least one must be for this type of sequence to make
sense. Entering the sequence, the first page displayed is that identi-
fied as the Start page, then, when a Change Page request is made, the
page displayed is the one with the nearest page number. The display
order is cyclical, that is, when the last page is reached it starts from
the first again and vice versa.


Imagine a Start/Stop Sequence 1-7, with pages 1 3 4 7 defined, and

assuming the currently displayed page to be 4, when the Change
Page request is made in one direction (up) page 7 will be displayed,
in the other direction (down) the page will be 3.

Random Sequences:

In this type of sequence pages can be put in any order. There must be
at least one page for this type of sequence to make sense. Entering
the sequence, the first page displayed is the first page in the list, irre-
spective of the value of the number. The page displayed when
Change Page is requested is the nearest in the page list. The display
order is cyclical, that is, when the last page is reached it starts from
the first again and vice versa.


Imagine a Random Sequence 9-1-5-4, and assuming the currently

displayed page to be 4, when the Page Up request is made page 5 will
be displayed; if the Page Dn request is made the page will be 9.

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2-20 The functions in detail

Page Sequences has assigned to it various parameters that must be com-

piled; some are mandatory (✤), others depend on the representation needs
of the user. The parameters are listed below.


This is the identifying number of the sequence.


Name that defines the sequence. It is wise to assign a name that helps
the programmer recognize it and identify its contents.


A comment can be assigned which, if possible, should be a complete

explanation of the function of the sequence and its meaning, but it
can also be an alphanumeric character sequence.

Start/Stop Sequence:

Allows this type of sequence to be selected.

Random Sequence:

Allows this type of sequence to be selected.

Start Page (✤):

Active only if Start/Stop Sequence has been selected: allows the start
page of the sequence to be specified.

Stop Page (✤):

Active only if Start/Stop Sequence has been selected: allows the stop
page of the sequence to be specified.

Page Selected:

Active only if Random Sequence has been selected: allows the page
to be inserted in the sequence to be specified.

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Information Information Messages are texts displayed when the device registers an
Messages event and communicates it to the TC using the message input area (See
“Chapter 3 -> Message area:“). The TC prepares a display context appropri-
ate for messages.

Information Messages can be displayed using any of the project fonts.

The messages can be displayed in rotation automatically (See “Chapter 3 ->

Command area:“), otherwise the scrolling requires the appropriate (See
relevant Hardware Manual); the display order of the messages is chronolog-
ical, that is, in order of arrival.

Information Messages have assigned to them various parameters that

must be compiled; some are mandatory (✤), others depend on the represen-
tation needs of the user. The parameters are listed below.


Name defining the message. It is wise to assign a name that helps the
programmer recognize it and identify its contents.


A comment can be assigned which, if possible, should be a complete

explanation of the function of the sequence and its meaning, but it
can also be an alphanumeric character sequence.

Exchange area (✤):

Used to assign the data exchange area. (See “Chapter 3 -> Exchange
area Terminal <-> Device“).

Bit number (✤):

Indicates the bit to which the information message should be related.

(The message is activated when the bit specified is put at status 1).
(See “Chapter 3 -> Exchange area Terminal <-> Device“).

Message (✤):

The message to be displayed is edited.


Shows what the message will look like on the display of the TC.

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2-22 The functions in detail

Help Message:

Use this to edit the text of the help page.


Used to choose the font assigned to the language in which the text is


Shows what the help page will look like on the display of the TC.

Direct Using a Direct Command the value of a variable can be changed the
Commands moment the assigned to the direct command is pressed. A project can
have any number Direct Commands configured and these can be assigned
to a button.

A Direct Command is always assigned to a numerical variable.

Direct Commands are classifiable into Bit-structured Direct Commands

and Value-structured Direct Commands.

Bit-structured Direct Commands:

Bit-structured Direct Commands allow you to change a single bit of a

numerical variable.

Value-structured Direct Commands:

Value-structured commands allow you to change the value of a

numerical variable by means of forcing a constant or operating math-
ematical calculation. Value-structured direct commands affect the
entire value of the assigned numerical variable. The command that is
admissible is:

SET Command

When the is pressed the variable is overwritten with a pre-

fixed value.


Value of variable 120, value specified 45. After pressing the

the value 45 is transferred to the device.

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Direct commands have assigned to them various parameters that must be

compiled; some are mandatory (✤), others depend on the representation
needs of the user. The parameters are listed below.


Name defining the direct command. It is wise to assign a name that

helps the programmer recognize it and identify its contents.


A comment can be assigned which, if possible, should be a complete

explanation of the function of the direct command and its meaning,
but it can also be an alphanumeric character sequence.


Used to specify which device to assign direct commands to.

Variable (✤):

This is the variable on which the direct command operates.


If set, the direct command is bit-structured.

Bit number (✤):

Determines the bit number of the numerical variable specified on

which the direct command operates.


If set, the direct command is value-structured.


Defines the value-structured command desired.


The value of the operand is assigned.

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2-24 The functions in detail

Text Lists The Text Lists function is used in the project to make a symbolic text cor-
respond to the value of a numerical variable.

The text lists serve to construct the Dynamic Texts. (See Page 2-12 ->
“Dynamic Text Field“)

Each text list contains status texts that, in general, are used to indicate the
operational status of a plant or a component of a plant.
A text list must contain at least two texts. A text may be composed of a
series of spaces. A text may appear in any project font.

Lists of Texts have assigned to them various parameters that must be com-
piled; some are mandatory (✤), others depend on the representation needs
of the user. The parameters are listed below.


Name defining the text list. It is wise to assign a name that helps the
programmer recognize it and identify its contents.


A comment can be assigned which, if possible, should be a complete

explanation of the function of the text list and its meaning, but it can
also be an alphanumeric character sequence.


Shows the texts contained in the list.

List of texts selected (✤ ):

Used to edit the texts to be put on the list.

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Chapter 3 The menus in detail

Contents Page
File 3-2
Tools 3-4
Object 3-4
Fields 3-4
Edit 3-4
Page 3-5

Configure 3-6
Windows 3-15
TCWIN language 3-16
? 3-16
This chapter consists of a total of 16 pages.

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3-2 The menus in detail

File New…

Use this to create a new project. By choosing this you automatically open
the following mask:

1) A list appears of all

the TCs that can be
programmed. 1
By clicking on TC to be
used you can activate

Click on Add to call 3

up the mask below.
2) You are shown the
type of device that can
be connected to the
TC terminal.

3) You are shown the

device connected to
the TC terminal.

1) The name assigned

to the device
connected is
Click on Select to 2
call up the mask
below. 1
2) The type of device
connected appears.
3) The comment is
4) Shows the port on
the TC available for 5
connecting the device.

5) Displays any
network link-up.

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1) All the devices that 1 2

can be connected to
the selected operator
terminal are listed.

2) A list appears of the

models of the selected

Click on Ok.

Select TC Ports
parameters, then
select the port to
configure and enter the

Click on Ok.


Used to call up an existing project.


Used to abandon the project currently displayed.


Used to save the currently displayed configuration on disk.

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3-4 The menus in detail

Save as…

Used to save under a different name the configurations currently being

worked on.


Used to delete a given project from the archive.

The project is IRREVOCABLY deleted.


Used to abandon TCWIN.

Tools Print…

See “Chapter 7 -> Creating and printing documentation“.

Compile project

See “Chapter 6 -> Compiling and transferring a project“

Download project

See “Chapter 6 -> Compiling and transferring a project“

Font editor

See “Chapter 9 -> Defining the fonts“

Object The content of this menu is explained on “Chapter 4 -> Meaning of menu
icons“, where the corresponding TCWIN icons are also shown.

Fields The content of this menu is explained on “Chapter 4 -> Meaning of menu
icons“, where the corresponding TCWIN icons are also shown.

Edit Setting

Used to activate changes in the properties of a selected element.

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Multi-language definition

Used to edit the translations of a selected multi-language label.

Page Internal keys definition

Used to define the link between an F and a function, which will be valid
only for the page being displayed. This association has priority over a glo-
bal reconfiguration. To define the function double-click on the desired
displayed in the list or click directly on the of the page displayed in the
foreground of TCWIN.

Functions assignable to F keys:

The following functions are not assignable to any device variable but
perform predefined tasks.


No local function attributed, therefore use global configu-


Disable key:

Disables the .


Used to call up the assigned sequence.

Internal Command: PROJECT - Change language

Use this to change the current project language, substituting

one of those declared. The new language does not remain
active after a new start-up.

Internal Command: PROJECT - Display project information

This displays the project information page.

Internal Command: PROJECT - Display sequence directory

This displays a system page with a list of all the sequences

programmed. From this page can be selected the sequence to
be called up.

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3-6 The menus in detail

Internal Command: PROJECT - Quit project

Allows you to exit from project and then enter the service

Sets the bit in real time:

Puts the bit at 1 as long as the is pressed.

Inverts the value of the bit:

Inverts the status of a bit (from 1 -> 0 and vice versa) each
time the key is pressed.

Value-structured direct command:

Changes the value of a given variable.

Configure Pages data

Used to display the cross-reference between fields and pages. The type of
order can be chosen: by page or by data. While the first lists all the pages
and shows which variable is contained in them, the second lists all the vari-
ables and shows which page they are contained in.

Global keys definition

Used to define the association between F and function, that will be valid
for the entire project irrespective of the page being displayed. This corre-
spondence remains valid so long as the are not reconfigured locally
page by page, in which case the priority passes to the local reconfiguration.
To define the function double-click on the desired shown in the list.

Exchange area Terminal <-> Device

The device exchanges information with the TC by means of variables used

separately in different pages or by using the Exchange Areas.

The Exchange areas are structures containing information; which type of

information depends on TC and relate to the device connected.

These areas are exchanged periodically with the device. Conceptually these
areas can be divided into read areas and write areas. The read areas are
updated with the expiry of a time set by the programmer and are divided
into a Message Area and a Command Area.

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The write area updates the device connected only when there is a change of
status of area in the TC; this area is called the Status Area and is divided

• Terminal status area (exchanged every 3-5 seconds independently of the

variation in its status)
• Internal status area

Message area:

This area is used by the TC to acquire events occurring in the plant

and detected by the device (e.g. a photocell has been intercepted, a
thermal protection device has intervened).
The message area can be assigned directly either to the device’s input
area or its data area.
It is the message area that defines the registers for controlling the
Information (See “Chapter 2 -> Information Messages“); the length
in words of the areas depends on the TC.

Command area:

This area is used by the device connected to make the TC carry out
certain functions and/or commands.

This area is composed of 4 fixed words (numbered from 0 to 3).

Word 0 defines the command that the TC has to carry out, words 1 to
3 serve as parameter words. The functions and/or commands are con-
tained in the TC and are identified by a numerical code and by



To make the TC carry out an action, the device must first prepare the
parameters related to the action by writing them in the appropriate
word, then write the code for the action in the corresponding word.

The parameter words must be written first to ensure that

there are no losses of information.

Seeing that the TC is aware of having to carry out an action when it

finds a value other than 0 in word 0, writing the parameters after the
command you risk a situation where the TC reads the 4 words before

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3-8 The menus in detail

the device has read all the parameters. The consequence would be
that data is lost or a wrong action is carried out.

At this point, finding a value other than 0 in the command word, the
TC realizes that the device is making a request and so reads the 4
words, then it interprets the command, carries it out and sets the com-
mand word back to 0.
The device must interpret this resetting as meaning that another com-
mand can be sent.

The status area of the terminal is used to monitor what is happening

between the TC and the device.

An example.

The user wants to set the language of the TC as English (2). The first
thing that is required is to define which command to use using the list
of commands appearing in the Hardware Manual: in this case the
command is 07.


The command SET CURRENT LANGUAGE has 1 parameter

and produces the updating of the language being used by the
TC on the basis of the data sent by the device. The command
requires no response. The format of the command sent by the
device is as follows:


1 Language Identifier
2 Not used
3 Not used

Language identifier = number of the new language
(See Page 3-12 -> “Project language“)

First of all, the necessary parameters are set:


0 0
1 2
2 0
3 0

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After entering the parameters we write the command code:


0 7
1 2
2 0
3 0

The TC reads the words, executes the command and puts the
command word back to 0 to indicate to the device that the
operation has been completed.


7 0
2 -> Execution -> 2
0 0
0 0

Status area:

This area is used by the TC to inform the device of any change that
has occurred in the operational status of the TC. The TC writes each
area the moment there is any change in the information contained in

Status area of terminal:

This area consists of 4 fixed words (numbered 0 to 3). Word 0 is

coded in binary and defines the status of the TC; word 1 contains the
sequence number that appears on the display if the active context is
that of Project pages; word 2 contains the page number that appears
on the display if the active context is that of Project pages; word 3 is
in binary and contains the active context of the TC in the event that
Project pages is not active.




As in the previous case, the user wishes to set the language of the TC
as English (2). The first thing to do is to define which command to

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3-10 The menus in detail

use: in this case it is 07.

See Page 3-8 -> “COMMAND “07”: SET CURRENT LAN-


Let us suppose that the device writes the wrong command code (for
example 70) in the command word.


0 70
1 2
2 0
3 0

The TC reads the words, realizes that the command code is wrong
and sets the corresponding words in the status area in the following



70 0000000000010000
2 -> Execution -> N.U.
0 0
0 0000000000000001

Bit 4 of the STATUS WORD is put at 1 to indicate that the command

has not been carried out: the device, interpreting this diagnostic data,
must conclude that the previous command has not been successfully
executed and that the command must be repeated sending the correct

Keys status area:

This area is composed of 1 words. This words is in binary code and

define the status of the pressed. The entire area is exchanged with
the device when a is pressed.



If more than two keys are pressed simultaneously, the TC

no longer perceives the change of state and the area is thus
not updated.

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The keys status area is updated with the bit corresponding to the last
key pressed, while the functional keys status area is updated with
both bits.

Each Exchange area has associated to it several parameters that must be

compiled; some of them are mandatory (✤), others depend on the user’s
needs. They are as follows:


Displays which device is connected.


Displays the list of the exchange area registers and makes it possible
to edit and/or enter them.


Activates the data exchange. (Compiling the registers does not auto-
matically activate the data exchange).


The name is that which defines the area. It is advisable to assign a

name that makes it easier for the programmer to recognize and
understand its significance.

Type of data area:

Used to choose which area of the list is to be configured.

Start address:

Defines the address and the type of data area starting from which the
words to be exchanged are mapped. The types of data areas avail-
able, Registers, Inputs, Outputs etc. depend on the type of device

Word length:

Used to set the number of words to use for the areas to be configured.
(The words are 16 bits long, registers are 32 bits and use 2 Words.)
With some areas you cannot modify the number of words which is
fixed at 4.

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3-12 The menus in detail

Refresh time:

This determines the time that must elapse between one update of the
exchange information and another.

Project information

Used to input project-related information that can be printed and/or dis-

played on screen.

• Created on
• Modified on
• Date of last compilation
• Created using TCWIN version
• Version of firmware necessary

The listed below can be set by the user:

• Name of project
• Version of project
• Author
• Company
• Comment

Project language

As already mentioned, TCWIN makes it possible to create multilanguage

projects. This means that with an appropriate command the display of a
given project on screen will change in accordance with the language cho-
sen. The language change occurs provided that the user has defined the lan-
guages into which the project must be translated.
The first language in the list is taken as the mother tongue (M.-t.), that is the
language in which things are normally displayed. If the project languages
are not set, the project is treated as monolingual and it will not be possible
to assign any translation and the display will always be in the mother
tongue (M.-t.).
The various languages can be displayed using different fonts, that is with
different graphical attributes from the characters themselves.
TCWIN, depending on the TC, creates a list of fonts available with it. Up to
4 different fonts can be chosen that then become the active project fonts to
be used for editing texts in various languages. If no font is selected, the font
used is that set by the system.

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Let us suppose that our intention is to create a project in three languages

(Language 1 to Language 3) and that the TC in use allows you to use the 10
fonts listed in the table below (the fonts used in the example have no rela-
tion to those really in existence).

Table 3.1: Font.

Fonts available Display

System font ABCD abcd 1234

Font 1 ABCD abcd 1234
Font 2 ABCD abcd 1234
Font 3 ABCD abcd 1234
Font 4 ABCD abcd 1234
Font 5 ABCD abcd 1234
Font 6 ΑΒΧ∆ αβχδ 1234
Font 7 ABCD abcd 1234
Font 8 ABCD abcd 1234
Font 9 ΑΒΧ∆ αβχδ 1234
Font 10 ABCD abcd 1234

We now assign 4 project fonts

Fonts available Project fonts

Font 1 -> Font 1
Font 2
Font 3
Font 4
Font 5
Font 6 -> Font 6
Font 7 -> Font 7
Font 8
Font 9
Font 10 -> Font 10

We now assign project fonts to the various languages using a different

order each time:

Lang. 1 (M.-t.) Project font Language font

Font 1 Font 1
Font 6 -> Font 6
Font 7 Font 7
Font 10 Font 10

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3-14 The menus in detail

Language 2 Project font Language font

Font 1 Font 7
Font 6 -> Font 10
Font 7 Font 1
Font 10 Font 6

Language 3 Project font Language font

Font 1 Font 1
Font 6 -> Font 10
Font 7 Font 6
Font 10

Note that the order of the font varies with the language: this is very impor-
tant, because the association between the fonts and the various languages is
related to its position in the list.

1° Font Lang. 1 -> Font 1 Lang. 2 Lang. 3

ABCD abcd 1234 ABCD abcd 1234 ABCD abcd 1234

2° Font Lang. 1 -> Font 6 Lang. 2 Lang. 3

ΑΒΧ∆ αβχδ 1234 ABCD abcd 1234 ABCD abcd 1234

3° Font Lang. 1 -> Font 7 Lang. 2 Lang. 3

ABCD abcd 1234 ABCD abcd 1234 ΑΒΧ∆ αβχδ 1234

4° Font Lang. 1 -> Font 10 Lang. 2 Lang. 3

ABCD abcd 1234 ΑΒΧ∆ αβχδ 1234 ABCD abcd 1234 < System font

The mother tongue can be changed at any time by moving one of the lan-
guages to the head of the list.

Lang. (M.-t.) <- Lang. 1

Lang. 2
Lang. 3

Lang. (M.-t.) <- Lang. 3

Lang. 2
Lang. 1

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The languages have associated to them various parameters that must be

compiled (✤); some are mandatory, others depend on the user’s needs. The
parameters are those listed below.

List of languages (✤):

Displays the languages in which the project can be displayed. the first
on the list, as already mentioned, is considered to be the mother tongue.

Language selection (✤):

Used to insert a language in the list.


Used to assign the font to the language to be displayed.

Project settings

The general project settings listed below can be entered in this menu.

Edit-mode idle timeout:

This indicates the time the terminal will remain idle in edit-mode
before returning to display mode.

Start up sequence:

This indicates the first sequence to be displayed on switching on.


Used to change the type of TC being used, any related parameters and the
type of device connected to the TC. This operation can be carried out at any
stage of the project. (See Page 3-2 -> “New…“.)

Changing the type of TC or the type of device connected can lead

to a loss of data and graphical information.

Windows Horizontal arrangement

With this the active windows can be displayed horizontally.

Vertical arrangement

With this the active windows can be displayed vertically.

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3-16 The menus in detail

TCWIN Languages available

With this you see a mask containing the various languages in which
TCWIN can be displayed.

? Index

With this you can call up the index of all the topics dealt with in the Help on

Search for help on...

With this you can call up a mask for looking for a particular topic.

Information about TCWIN...

This allows you to get information on TCWIN installation.

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Chapter 4 Using TCWIN

Contents Page
Terminology used 4-2
Forms assumed by the mouse pointer 4-2
Meaning of menu icons 4-3
Meaning of mask icons 4-5
This chapter consists of a total of 6 pages.

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4-2 Using TCWIN

Terminology We offer below an explanation of the operational terms used in the docu-
used ment.

Click: Press a key of the mouse once and then release it.
(If not otherwise stated, this is the left key of the mouse.)

Double click: Press the left key of the mouse twice in rapid succession.
(If not otherwise stated, this is the left key of the mouse)

Select: Move the pointer of the mouse so that it is over an object

and click.

Drag: Select an object, press the left key of the mouse, keep it
pressed down and move the object to the point desired, then
release the key.

Forms The pointer of the mouse assumes various forms which depend on the oper-
assumed by ation being carried out.
the mouse

Normal form of the pointer.

Pointer on “hold”: operation still being carried out.

Operation in background: more than one operation going on at the

same time.

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Meaning of The table lists all the icons of the menu together with their meanings.
menu icons
Some of the functions listed below only affect a field that has been selected.

Table 4.1: List of menu icons, respective pulldown menus and meanings (Part 1 of 2).
Tools Pulldown Selection
Bar Menu Required

File > New Creates a new project. --

File > Open Opens an existing project. --

File > Save Saves a project on disk. --

Edit > Print Prints the project. Yes

Saves a selection in the notes and

Edit > Cut deletes the object selected from the Yes

Edit > Copy Saves a selection in the notes. Yes

Inserts a selection from the notes into

Edit > Paste the page .

Deletes the object selected from the

Edit > Delete page.

Edit > Erase all Deletes all the objects in the page. No

Edit > Duplicate Duplicates the object selected. Yes

Edit > Build library Saves a selection in a file on disk. Yes

Object > library Inserts a library in the page. No

Each keystroke undoes the last action

Edit > Undo performed.

Each keystroke restores the action

Edit > Redo undone.

-- Option not valid for this menu

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4-4 Using TCWIN

Table 4.1: List of menu icons, respective pulldown menus and meanings (Part 2 of 2).
Tools Pulldown Selection
Bar Menu Required

Increases the degree of enlargement of

Edit > Zoom up the page displayed.

Decreases the degree of enlargement of

Edit > Zoom down the page displayed.

? > Index Calls up the Help on line. --

Activates the “search for help” function

? > Search for help on… of the help on line.

Object > None Puts the pointer in readiness mode. --

Allows the insertion of a multilanguage

Fields > Label label.

Fields > Numeric Allows the insertion of a numerical field. --

Fields > Ascii Allows the insertion of an ASCII field. --

Fields > Dynamic Allows the insertion of a dynamic field. --

-- Option not valid for this menu

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Meaning of The table lists all the icons of the mask together with their meanings.
mask icons
Table 4.2: List of mask icons and meanings.

Icons Action


Extended keyboard.

Move up.

Move down.

Move right.

Move left.

Deleting files.

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Chapter 5 Creating a project with TCWIN

Contents Page
Creating the project 5-3
Project information 5-6
Setting project languages 5-7
Project setup 5-10
Inserting variables 5-11
Inserting pages 5-13
Page sequence 5-23
Direct commands 5-24
Defining internal keys 5-25
Data exchange area 5-30

Information messages 5-33

This chapter contains a total of 36 pages.

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5-2 Creating a project with TCWIN

The first thing is to understand which functions the TC puts at the disposal
of the user. At this point it is not necessary to know in depth how this
works: it is enough to know that these function exist.

It is extremely important is to exploit the potential of the panel to the

utmost, trying to avoid using the device to manage what the panel manages
automatically (Information Messages, Start up sequence, etc.).

Although this seems obvious, often for a variety of reasons it is forgotten

and what happens is that the operation of the TC is adapted to the project to
be created, which is the worst thing that can happen.

A project must be structured and adapted to fit the TC.

This being clear, we can move on to creating the project. It is necessary to

establish the graphical structure of the project, by which we mean the look
of the pages and their contents, to know which variables to use and which
information messages, which data exchange area to use (if necessary). It is
necessary too to have defined the sequences and, in general, to have
thought of all the elements to be included in the project.

Let us imagine that we wish to create a supervisory project for a wine pro-
ducing plant. We will see now how to control the temperature in the bot-
tling plant. The plant will be monitored by means of messages.

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Creating the Click on File > New (See “Chapter 3 -> New…“) or click on

Select TC50, select

PLC and click on Add.

Click on Select.

Select the in the


Click on Ok.

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5-4 Creating a project with TCWIN

Set device address as


Click on Ok.

Browse the by
clicking on Terminal
port parameters.

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Set communication
parameters for serial
port of the TC.

These must be the

same as for the

Click on Ok.

The project has been opened.

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5-6 Creating a project with TCWIN

Project Click on Configure > Project information (See “Chapter 3 -> Project lan-
information guage“)

Compile the

Click on OK.

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Setting project Define the languages for displaying the project on the TC panel; in this case
languages the languages chosen are English (mother tongue) and Italian.

Click on Configure > Project languages (See “Chapter 3 -> Project lan-

Select the box

Language, and insert
the mother tongue of
the project; digit

Click on Add.

Insert the translation

language; digit Italian.

Click on Add.

At this point the fonts of the languages are set.

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5-8 Creating a project with TCWIN

Select English.

Click on Font...

ESA(ESA5X7) in the
Fonts available list.

Click on

ESA(ESA5X7) in the
Project fonts list.

Click on

Click on Ok.

Repeat the procedure selecting the ESA_1 (ESA5X7).

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To activate the
language settings,
click on Ok.

The project now contains information on the language. From now on all the
masks containing comments or editable texts will be requested in transla-

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5-10 Creating a project with TCWIN

Project setup Click on Configure > Project setup (See “Chapter 3 -> Project settings“)

Fix the Edit mode idle

timeout at 30 secs; the
Start up sequence will
be set at 1, but first it
must be generated, so
we will return later to
the subject of this box.

Compile as illustrated.

Click on Ok.

In this way all parts of the project are parameterized; now we can start to
insert the elements that make up the project.

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Inserting You can proceed in two ways, inserting all the elements like variables,
variables direct commands etc. and then inserting them in the pages, or inserting the
pages and step by step creating whatever is needed.
We will choose a mixed procedure (See “Chapter 2 -> Variables“).

Select the Variables.

Click on the Add.

Assign a name to the

variable so as to be
able to recognize it
easily in the list:
a comment to the
variable by clicking on

The comment should

be as exhaustive as

Click on OK, then

parametrize as

Click on Limits and

Linear scaling.

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5-12 Creating a project with TCWIN

Fix the input limits

relating to the TC, set
the linear scaling so as
to be able to display
the temperature
correctly, converting it
automatically from the
value actually read.

Click on Ok.

Repeat the operations described above to insert all the variables necessary
(See “Table A.1:, Appendix A -> Variables”).

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Inserting Select the Pages (See “Chapter 2 -> Page“).


Click on the Add.

Assign the number and

name to the page, and
set the Refresh delay.

Add a comment to the

page by clicking on

Once the comment has

been edited click on
Ok. (A comment only in
the mother tongue is

Given the simplicity of the function on this page no Help page exists, so all
data is accepted by clicking on OK.

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5-14 Creating a project with TCWIN

A blank page appears:

The various elements can be inserted at this point.

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PAGE 1 - Startup page

Table 5.1: Elements appearing in page no.1


This page is displayed when the TC is switched on; it enables the functions indicated on the
keys to be called up.

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5-16 Creating a project with TCWIN

To begin with we insert the multilanguage label (See “Chapter 2 -> Multilan-
guage label“). Click on and position the cursor on the page; edit the text
and confirm,

The text of the translation must be no longer than the mother-tongue text. If
the translation requires a greater number of characters, then blank spaces
must be added to the mother-tongue text to lengthen it.

When texts needing translation are inserted this should be taken into

Click on OK to accept the tranlation and return to the preceding mask.

Insert all texts and click on Ok to confirm.

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PAGE 2 -> Setting parameters 1

Table 5.2: Elements appearing in page no.2


This page is displayed by pressing + in page 1 (see “Chapter 5 -> PAGE 1 - Startup

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5-18 Creating a project with TCWIN

To insert the numeric field click on and, with the mouse, position the
pointer somewhere in the display area and click (See “Chapter 2 -> Numeri-
cal field“).

Compile as illustrated
and assign the

Browse the by
clicking on Mode.

Compile the fields as

illustrated to obtain a
continuous read data,
which is not settable
using the TC.

Click on OK.

Insert the remaining fields by repeating the operations already described


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PAGE 3 -> Setting parameters 2

Table 5.3: Elements appearing in page no.3


Help Info

This page is displayed by pressing or in page 2. You can return to the main page
from this page.

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5-20 Creating a project with TCWIN

PAGE 4 -> Ope 1

Table 5.4: Elements appearing in page no4

Temperature °C:

This page is displayed by pressing + in page 1 (see “Chapter 5 -> PAGE 1 - Startup

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PAGE 5 -> Ope 2

Table 5.5: Elements appearing in page no 5


Help Info

This page can be displayed by pressing or . From this page it is possible to return to
the main page or go to the commands page.

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5-22 Creating a project with TCWIN

PAGE 6 -> Commands

Table 5.6: Elements appearing in page no.6


This page can be displayed by pressing + . From this page it is possible to control the
temperature either automatically or manually.

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Page Select the Sequence of exchange pages (see “Chapter 2 -> Page
sequence sequences“).

Click on Add.

Assign a name to the

Compile as illustrated.

Click on OK.

Insert the rest of the page sequences (see “Table A.3:, Appendix A -> Screen

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5-24 Creating a project with TCWIN

Direct Select the Direct commands (see “Chapter 2 -> Direct Commands“).

Click on Add.

Set parameters as

Click on OK.

Insert the rest of the direct commands (see “Table A.5:, Appendix A ->
Direct commands”).

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Defining Display page 1. Click on Page > Internal keys definition (see “Chapter 3
internal keys -> Internal keys definition“).

Select as illustrated.

Click on Edit.

Set parameters as

Click on Ok.

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5-26 Creating a project with TCWIN

Select as illustrated.

Click on Edit.

Using the procedure illustrated set the F of all the pages.

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5-28 Creating a project with TCWIN

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5-30 Creating a project with TCWIN

Data exchange Given the need to define the information messages and the commands to be
area exchanged with the connected device, it is essential that this area is defined.

Click on Configure > Area for terminal <---> device exchange (See
“Chapter 3 -> Exchange area Terminal <-> Device“).

Click on Add.

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Set the parameters as


Click on OK.

Click on Add.

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5-32 Creating a project with TCWIN

Set the parameters as


Click on OK.

Click on OK to confirm.

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Information In the example the need arises to inform the operator who is to use the TC
messages that certain operations are not possible under certain conditions (See “Chap-
ter 2 -> Information Messages“).

Select the required.

Click on the Add.

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5-34 Creating a project with TCWIN

Insert the bit number to

which the message
must be assigned and
edit the text.

The comment is not

assigned, because
further information is
not needed to explain
the function of the

Then browse the by

clicking on Message

Click on Edit to
insert the help

Click on to insert the translation. Insert the text and click on OK to

accept; you will return to the previous mask, click again on OK.

Using the same procedure insert all the messages (See “Table A.4:, Appen-
dix A -> Information messages”).

The single TC project has now been completed; we must now compile it

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(see “Chapter 6 -> Compiling and transferring a project“); once compiled

without errors, the project must be saved.

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Chapter 6 Compiling and transferring a project

Contents Page
Compiling a project 6-2
Transferring the project 6-3
This chapter consists of a total of 4 pages.

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6-2 Compiling and transferring a project

Compiling a Compilation is a method of creating a file automatically in a format the TC

project panel can recognize.

During the compilation there is a control phase that makes it possible to

detect any errors introduced while the project was being built. If an error is
detected during compilation, it is highlighted by the text in the compilation
window being colored red and at the same time the errors being displayed.

To start compiling click on Tools > Project compilation.

Compilation can be configured as follows.

Stop at first error:

The compilation can be stopped at the first error encountered in the


No stop:

Even if an error is encountered, compilation will not stop but proceed

possibly finding other errors.

Stop after N. errors:

The user can decide the number of errors to detect before stopping
the compilation.

Display warnings:

The user can decide whether to display warnings too during compila-
tion. The warnings are not considered errors, so compilation pro-
ceeds, but they advise the operator that a part of the project has
omitted and/or not completely compiled.


Shows how the compilation is proceeding. The information dis-

played can be saved in a file by pressing the Save output.

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Transferring Once the project has been correctly compiled it must be transferred to the
the project operator terminal. To do this click on Tools > Project transfer. If the
project has not been compiled yet, the system automatically proposes the
compilation window with the above listed parameters; otherwise the trans-
fer window used for selecting the parameters for communication between
the PC and the TC comes up.

To prepare the TC for transferring the project, see the relevant Hardware

The parameters for transferring the project must be compiled; these are
listed below.

Communication port:

Use this to choose the communication port used by the PC.

Baud rate:

Use this to select the speed of data transfer.

Fw update:

Use this to specify whether, during the transfer, the TC Firmware is

also to be transferred.

It is used to force the loading of the firmware. If TCWIN recognizes

that the firmware contained in the panel is an old version, that firm-
ware is automatically reloaded. Normally this is not activated
because, for one thing, the transfer times become much longer. It can
be activated in the event that there be doubts as to whether the TC is
functioning correctly.

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Chapter 7 Creating and printing documentation

Contents Page
Importance of documentation 7-2
Print the project 7-2
This chapter consists of a total of 4 pages.

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7-2 Creating and printing documentation

Importance of The creation of documentation is an important phase in the development of

documenta- a project.
It is possible at any time to consult, re-elaborate or simply re-check what
has been created. At the termination of a project this assumes an even
greater importance where problems are detected after a period of time; not
least, in the event of data being lost, it is possible to get back to what was
originally elaborated.

The type of documentation created is settable by the user and makes it pos-
sible to prepare print patterns that can be used as the needs of the moment

Print the To print documentation the following steps must be followed. Click on
project Tools > Print...

The print program is activated with the following parameters to compile

and/or select.

The print program is activated; this contains a series of allowing the

definition of all the necessary print parameters, which are then compiled
and/or selected.

TCWIN simply uses the drivers of the printers that are selected,
without adding any particular control operation; print on file,
print front/back etc. depend, therefore, exclusively on the printer

Name of printer:

Used to specify which printer to choose from those available

(installed on the personal computer) to print the project. Click on

Printer Port:

Display the port or path of the printer selected.

Name of format:

Used to select which print format to use from those available.

Description of format:

Shows what is needed for the format displayed and/or chosen to be


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By clicking on Preview a special function is accessed allowing you

to see what is to be printed and how which will vary according to the
model selected. This contains in its turn two menus:


Allows you to browse the print preview.


Allows you to select the Layout (1 or 2 pages) of the print pre-



By clicking on Edit you call up a mask containing all the parame-

ters needed for the print pattern. This mask consists of several
described below.


Name of pattern in edit phase; aso the name can be edited.

Optional sections:

This allows the type of information to be changed that you intend to

print (e.g.. only pages or only variables or variables and pages etc.).
The order in which these items of information are to be printed can
also be modified. (Print order is the order in which the information is
inserted in the list.)

Sections available:

This is the list of items of information that can be printed.

Sections selected:

This is the list of items of information to be printed. By select-

ing the one at a time and clicking on Configure you
specify the elements to be printed from the in question.

If when the is selected, the Configure is not acti-

vated, this means that no customization is possible.
(E.g. when Variables is selected the is not activated, mean-

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7-4 Creating and printing documentation

ing that the variables will be printed in the mode as planned

and that in TCWIN they not modifiable by the user).

Global settings:

Used to make global settings for the various types of documents to be

printed (cover, index etc.).

Include cover:

Allows the user to define whether a cover is required or not. If

so, it can be chosen from the list, assuming that at least one
cover has been created. To do this click on New...


Define whether an index is required.

Project information:

Define whether to have project information.

Comments in all sections:

Defines whether to have comments in all sections.

Page settings:

Used to define the Layout of the page. (Applicable to all pages).


Used to define the page margins.


Allows the user to write a header line and decide whether to

print it or not.


Allows the user to write a footer line and decide whether to

print it or not.

Page numbers:

Determines where to put the page number.

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Chapter 8 Creating a back-up of the project

Contents Page
Importance of a Back-up 8-2
How to create a Back-up 8-2
This chapter consists of a total of 2 pages.

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8-2 Creating a back-up of the project

Importance of This operation that only takes a few seconds protects the user from any
a Back-up accidental losses of data.

It is a good habit every so often to make for reasons of safety a back-up

copy of what you have created and/or edited.

It is important to save the .MDB file; all the files necessary for the project
itself can be obtained from this file.

If you lose the source project (.MDB), the information contained

in it will be lost definitively; a possible recover from the TC panel
or the possession of the compiled files alone permit the project to be
transferred to another terminal comparable to the one for which the
project had been created, but it will not be possible to edit the project
in any way.

How to create To create a copy of the project, click on File > Save as... (see “Chapter 3 ->
a Back-up Save as…“). Use a support medium other than the hard disk and if possible
put it in a safe place.

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Chapter 9 Defining the fonts

Contents Page
Meaning of the icons used in the menus 9-3
Personalizing a Font 9-4
This chapter consists of a total of 6 pages.

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9-2 Defining the fonts

TCWIN contains a program allowing the character fonts to be edited and/or


7 characters (from 1 to 7) can be redefined. This is because the display used

contains a predefined non-modifiable set of characters. Different fonts can
be created, but for every font created there are always 7 characters (from 1
to 7) that can be modified.

To call up the program click on Tools > Font Editor; the main mask

1 2

1) Displays the fonts

currently operational.

2) Displays the
dimensions of the font
in operation.

3) Shows how the

character is displayed 3
in various

4) Shows the currently

active number of the
character in the table.
The image of the
mouse with the left
button is blue indicates
that the character is

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Meaning of the The table shows all the icons of the menus together with their meanings.
icons used in
the menus
Table 9.1: List of icons used in TCWIN Font Editor, menu attribution and meaning.
Pulldown menu Action

File > New Creates a new font.

File > Open font Opens an already existing font.

File > Save font Save a font on disk.

Grid > Clear Deletes the content of the grid.

Inverts the content of the grid. (White becomes black

Grid > Invert and vice versa).

Language Allows the language of the program to be selected.

? Calls up the Font Help.

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9-4 Defining the fonts

Personalizing Below is an example of personalizing a project font by generating a new

a Font one, the font CUST5X7.fon.

Click on File > Open font

Select the font as


Click on OK.

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Click on File > Save font

Assign a name as

Click on OK.

This operation saves the initial font which, in the event of some error, is not
ruined. After this operation the new font is automatically loaded.

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9-6 Defining the fonts

Set “Character
arbitrarily on 3.

Select a pixel at a time and click till the character desired is obtained.

Once the character

has been completed,
click on File > Save

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Appendix A

Contents Page
Variables AA-2
List of pages AA-2
Screen sequence AA-2
Information messages AA-2
Direct commands AA-3
Translations AA-3
This chapter consists of a total of 4 pages.

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The tables below show the contents of the DEMO project.

Table A.1: Variables

Setting TC scale Device scale
Name Comment Word Bit Sign BCD
Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.

TEMPERATURE Real Temperature 0 -- no no 0 50 0 50 0 1024

ALARM TEMPERATURE -- 1 -- no no 0 100 -- -- -- --

DIRECT COMMAND -- 2 -- no no -- -- -- -- -- --

dT -- 3 -- no no 0 10 -- -- -- --

SET POINT -- 4 -- no no 0 400 -- -- -- --

Table A.2: List of pages

Page Name Comment Refresh Help Help Text

1 Startup page First page with main menu 500mS no --

2 Setting parameters_1 -- 500mS no --

3 Setting parameters_2 -- 500mS no --

4 Ope_1 -- 500mS no --

5 Ope_2 -- 500mS no --

6 Command -- 500mS no --

Table A.3: Screen sequence

Sequences Name Comment Start/Stop Random Start Page Stop Page

1 MAIN -- yes no 1 1

2 SETTING -- yes no 2 3

3 OPE -- yes no 4 5

4 COMMAND -- yes no 6 6

Table A.4: Information messages

Name Message Bit N. Help Help Text

MESSAGE_1 Temperature too HIGH 0 yes CHECK SET POINT

MESSAGE_2 Motor failure Cooling 1 no --

MEGGASE_3 Motor failure Cooling 2 no --

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Table A.5: Direct commands

Name Variable Type N.



Table A.6: Translations

English Italian

Alarm T: All. dT :


Check set point Controlla Set-P

Check set point Controllare set point











Motor failure Cooling Termica Raffreddamento

Motor failure Heating Termica Riscaldamento


Set-P. : Set-P. :


T: dT:


Temperature too HIGH Temperatura elevata

Temperature °C : Temperatura °C :

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Symbols ASCII field, 2-11 dynamic text field, 2-14

dynamic text field, 2-14 Font, 3-15, 9-2
Control, 7-3 information messages, 2-22
?, 3-16
Creating and printing Font dimensions, 9-2
documentation, 7-1 Font editor, 3-4
A Creating the project, 5-3 Footer, 7-4
Currently active number, 9-2 Format, 2-7
ASCII field, 2-11
Forms assumed by the mouse
variable, 2-17 D pointer, 4-2
ASCII field, 2-10
Fw update, 6-3
Assigned to a single bit of a given Data area
variable, 2-13
variable, 2-16
Assigned to the bit group of a given
Data exchange area, 5-30
variable, 2-13 Defining internal keys, 5-25
Assigned to the numerical value of a
Defining the fonts, 9-1 Global keys definition, 3-6
given variable, 2-12
Delete..., 3-4 Global settings, 7-4
Description of format, 7-2
B Device, 3-15
exchange area Terminal
Device, 3-11
Baud rate, 6-3
Direct Commands, 2-22 Header, 7-4
BCD, 2-17 Help message
Direct commands, 5-24, AA-3
Bit, 2-23
Disable key, 3-5 information messages, 2-22
Bit number, 2-9
Display warnings, 6-2 Horizontal arrangement, 3-15
ASCII field, 2-12 How to create a Back-up, 8-2
Displayed, 9-2
direct command, 2-23
Download project, 3-4 HW requirements
dynamic text field, 2-15
Dynamic Text Field, 2-12 ideal specifications, 1-2
information messages, 2-21 minimum specifications, 1-2
Bit-structured Direct
Commands, 2-22 E
Bit-wise protection, 2-9 I
ASCII field, 2-12
Edit, 3-4, 7-3
dynamic text field, 2-15 Importance of a Back-up, 8-2
Edit mode, 2-3
Edit-mode idle timeout, 3-15 Importance of documentation, 7-2
C Enabled Include cover, 7-4
exchange area Terminal Index, 3-16, 7-4
Device, 3-11 Information about TCWIN..., 3-16
Close, 3-3
Exchange area Information Messages, 2-21, 5-33,
information messages, 2-21 AA-2
LANGUAGE, 3-8 Input limits
Exchange area Terminal
Command area, 3-7
Device, 3-6 variable, 2-17
Comment, 2-5
Exit, 3-4 Inserting pages, 5-13
ASCII field, 2-11 Inserting variables, 5-11
direct commands, 2-23
Installation procedure, 1-2
dynamic text field, 2-14 F Installing TCWIN, 1-1
information messages, 2-21 Internal Command
page sequences, 2-20
Field and Variable, 2-2 Change language, 3-5
text lists, 2-24
Field index, 2-7 Display project information, 3-5
variable, 2-16 ASCII field, 2-11 Display sequence directory, 3-5
Comments in all sections, 7-4
dynamic text field, 2-14 Quit project, 3-6
Communication port, 6-3
Fields, 3-4 Internal functions, 3-5
Compile project, 3-4 File, 3-2 Internal keys definition, 3-5
Compiling a project, 6-2
File > New, 4-3
Compiling and transferring a
File > Open, 4-3
project, 6-1 File > Save, 4-3
Configure, 3-6
First bit
Continuous read, 2-8

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K page sequences, 2-20 Sections selected, 7-3

Numerical field, 2-5 Sequence, 3-5
Numerical format, 2-6 SET Command, 2-22
Keys status area, 3-10
Setting, 3-4
Setting project languages, 5-7
L Settings
exchange area Terminal
Object, 3-4 Device, 3-11
Language selection, 3-15
One-shot read, 2-9 Significance of the files generated
Languages available, 3-16
ASCII field, 2-11 by a project, I-2
Last bit dynamic text field, 2-15 Source, 2-5
dynamic text field, 2-14
Open..., 3-3 ASCII field, 2-11
Leading zeros, 2-5
Operation direct command, 2-23
Length direct command, 2-23 dynamic text field, 2-14
ASCII field, 2-11
Optional sections, 7-3 variable, 2-16
variable, 2-17
Output, 6-2 Start address
Linear scaling
exchange area Terminal
variable, 2-17
Device, 3-11
List of languages, 3-15 P
Start Page
List of pages, AA-2
page sequences, 2-20
List of texts selected Page, 2-3, 3-5 Start up sequence, 3-15
text lists, 2-24 Page help, 2-3 Start/Stop Sequence
Page number, 2-3 page sequences, 2-20
M Page numbers, 7-4 Status area, 3-9
Page Selected Status area of terminal, 3-9
page sequences, 2-20 Stop after N. errors, 6-2
Margins, 7-4
Page sequence, 5-23 Stop at first error, 6-2
Meaning of mask icons, 4-5 Page sequences, 2-18
Meaning of menu icons, 4-3 Stop Page
Page settings, 7-4 page sequences, 2-20
Meaning of the icons used in the
PAGE 1 - Startup page, 5-15
menus, 9-3 Pages data, 3-6
Memory areas, 2-21
Personalizing a Font, 9-4 T
Preview, 2-7, 7-3
information messages, 2-21 ASCII field, 2-11 TCWIN language, 3-16
Message area, 3-7
information messages, 2-21, 2-22 Terminology used, 4-2
Modify field enabled, 2-9
Print the project, 7-2 Text list
ASCII field, 2-11 Print..., 3-4 dynamic text field, 2-14
dynamic text field, 2-15
Printer Port, 7-2 Text lists, 2-24
Multi-language definition, 3-5
Project information, 3-12, 5-6, 7-4 Texts
Multilanguage label, 2-3 Project language, 3-12 text lists, 2-24
Multilanguage text, 2-4
Project settings, 3-15 The menus in detail, 3-1
Project setup, 5-10 Tools, 3-4
N Translations, AA-3
Trasferring the project, 6-3
Truncated digits, 2-6
Name, 2-5, 7-3
ASCII field, 2-10 Type
Random Sequence dynamic text field, 2-14
direct commands, 2-23
page sequences, 2-20 variable, 2-17
dynamic text field, 2-14 Refresh time, 2-3
exchange area Terminal Type of data area
exchange area Terminal exchange area Terminal
Device, 3-11
Device, 3-12 Device, 3-11
information messages, 2-21 Relationship between fields and
page sequences, 2-20
variables, 2-2
text lists, 2-24 U
variabie, 2-16
Name of format, 7-2 S
Using TCWIN, 4-1
Name of page, 2-3
Name of printer, 7-2 Save, 3-3
New..., 3-2 Save as..., 3-4 V
No stop, 6-2 Screen sequence, AA-2
None, 3-5 Search for help on..., 3-16 Value
Number Sections available, 7-3 direct command, 2-23

TCWIN_GB - 1SBC 0049 99 R1001 - 04.00


Value-structured Direct
Commands, 2-22
Variable, 2-5
ASCII field, 2-11
direct command, 2-23
dynamic text field, 2-14
Variables, 2-15, AA-2
Vertical arrangement, 3-15
View, 7-3
Visible digits, 2-6

Windows, 3-15
With sign
variable, 2-17
Word length
exchange area Terminal
Device, 3-11

TCWIN_GB - 1SBC 0049 99 R1001 - 04.00

Printed in France (B 04.2000 L)
No: 1SBC004999R1001

As part of its on-going product improvement, ABB


reserves the right to modify the characteristics or the prod-

ucts described in this document. The information given is
not-contractual. For further details please contact the ABB
company marketing these products in your country.

ABB Control s.a.

10, rue Ampère Z.I. - B.P. 114
F-69685 Chassieu cedex / France
Telephone: +33 (0) 4 7222 1722
Telefax: +33 (0) 4 7222 1935


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